Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,906. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1877.-TR1PLE SHEET. . TRICE 1 J)lKliCiOKY KOB ADVEKT1SEK8. AMUSE.MF.NTS?1st Pack?ftth eol. ASTROLOGY I.tii Pack?6th eoti BILLIARDS?Utii I'aok??4th col. BOARDERS WANTED?3d Paob-34mL BOAKD AM) LODGING WA.\TKD-2d Pago?!M *>1. BROOKLYN REAL KHTaTK. FOR ?ALE-2d PAC?? 1st col. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES?Oth PAck. BUSINESS NOTICES?7th Pabk-SiIi col. CITY REAL ESTATE FOR saLE-'Jk I'aok?Irt eol. CLERKS AND* SALESMEN' ?12th PAO?-a?h oel. CLOTHING?lltll Paok? 5thit* _ COACHMEN AND OAHDKNERS-12tii Pack?8th eol. COASIWI.SE STEAMSHIPS?-'n FaU??5tu col. CQPARTN EES HI PS?9ru Pack. _ t , COUNTRY HOARD?2d Paok-3d and 4?h col*. DANCING ACADEMIES?I Ith Pack?5tb col. DENTISTRY?11 tii Pack?">tli col. I??Y GOODS 1st Paok?4th col. ? DWbLUMl HOUSES TO LET. FURNTS3RBD AND UN FURNISHED?2d Pack?1?? and 2<1 col*. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?2d I'A?K-4th and. 5th eols. EUROPE?Is* 1'aok?5th col. ? EXCURSIONS?2d I'aok?Oth eol. FINa?CIAL-9th Pack. Vi)K sale?Utii I'aok?5*h eol. PUKNI8IILD KOOMS AND APABTMBNTR TO*LET-2n Pack?2d col. FURNITUBE-Hth Pack?fttli coL HELP WANTED? KEMALKK-12TH Pagb?5th cel. HELP WANTED?MALES?1 2th Pack??t It col. HORSES. CARRIAGES, Ac.?1st I'aok?2d. 3d nod 4th coin. H0TEL8-2D Pag*?3d col. HOUSES, KOOMS. 40., WANTED?3d Pag*-24 and 3d col*. INSTRUCTION?1st Pagk?8th col JERSEY CITY. HO BO KEN, HUDSON CITT AlfD BBR. GEN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE?2o Faus-Is* col. LEGAL NOTICB8?1?T Paok?5tb col. LOST AND FOUND?1st PAGK-lst col. ' MACHINERY?IiTti Pack-5th col. MARBLE MANTELS?2d Pack??Hh col. MATRIMONIAL?flTH Pack?5th col. MEDICAL?2d Pack?flth col. MILLINERY AND DIlBSSMAKlNO-lwr pAor?4th eol. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS??Orn Pack? Oth col. NEW PUBLICATIONS?7nt PAGK-Clh cot , FEHSONAL- 1st Pack?1st col. PIANOFORTE*. OKUANS. AC.-lsT PAG*r-?th col. FOOL BELLINOi-lsT Pack?2<l col. POST OFFICE NOTICE?1st Pack?5th ooL PROPOSALS? 11 tii PAGK-5th col. PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOB SALE OE TO RENT?up Paok-1st col. RBAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?2d Paoh-IsI eol. REAL ESTATE WANTED?2n Paok-1st col. REWARDS-1.?t Pack?lit mi. KALES AT AUCTION?1st Pace?4th *ud 5th cols. SITUATIONS WANTED? FEMALES-I Itii Pack??th col., and 12th PAGK-l?t. 2d, 3d, 4th nod 5th cols. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES-12tii P.wjR-ftth and Sth cols. SPECIAL NOTICKS-Ut PACtt-lst and 2d cols. SPORTING-DOGS. BIRD-. AC.-Ict PAG*-2d coL STORAGE? 11th I'aok?Ath col. SUMMER REsORTS?2d Paok?4th col. THE TKADES?IItii Fack?5th col. THE TURF-Ist Pack?2d col. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?2d PAOB-lst col. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE?2d Pack?5th add 6th cols. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2d Pack?2<t col. WANTED TO PURCHASB-Hth P*C*-5th coL WATCHER. JEWELRY. AC?IIth PA?at-.'>th eol. WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO LET?2d Paok?1st col. r WINES. LIQUORS. AC.-IIth PA0K-5th eol. YACHTS. STEAMBOATS. AC.-lOrn Pack?6th eol. - PERSOKAL. C*VrisTELLO. J*XMi?S~P"?ABBIv86"FROM^ONbON. JEncland. par Canada; registered at City Hotel, March BO. Please send his address to C. A. COHTELLO, 6 Great Jones st. /1 EORG14?BLANCHE IS CoFiTeCtTTHAVE SMORED VTthe Capndura, and it is all Havana filler. HULL. (1 EORGETaNSING OOLDSMITH?I WOULD LIKE Tto meet you at 10 West 4th st. on Thursday, 14th inst., between 12 and 2 F. M. CARROLL. H ENBY?AT 2:30 TO-DAY. INFORMATION WANTED OF WALTEE C. WHITE bead, formerly of Brldgevllle, Ala., by friends. Please communicate with box 2.030 Post office. New York city. INFORMATION WANTED OF FREDERICK 0. pTleSI In#. Hiippo-ed to be at either Ue;npstend, Bashwick, J? paica, or Foster1* Meadows. Long Island. Address JOHN THRALL, 40 Wall st.. N*w York city. JOKE M. CARltET Is DESIRED TO WRITE TO HIS mother. Addrcs- PONVEKT Jt CO., South ?t. "T OF LEXINGTON AV."?YOURS RECEIVED: JUcwritoto' A. L., box 112 Herald office. 8R PAUL NIC. D.TUBIH, FROM RUSSIA, WILL ple*?e call at the office of Messrs. GOSSLEK A CO., 134 Pearl St., New York, to receive a letter of importance addressed to him. BTng-ORANOE: WKLL; SHALL COMMUNICATE occasionally; none two months: write. s n. K.?PLEASE SEND ME YOUR AiDDKRSS AS .promised. MAD WEBB. SIXTH AY.. CANAL ST., AND AFTERWARD*GRAND street car.?If you are willing to renew Hoqualntance please address C, F. W., Herald Uptown Branch office. TO M.-EETURNBD FROM HUD^T1>CTORbR?12. ^ Am sick. Would like to bear from 3'on. Address Mi?s rpiM?EVERYTHING IS ALL KIOHTT-LET MB HEAR JL from yon at once. E. T. S. ?triCTORlA^TlfE DAILY GKA^HIC GIVES TO-DAY V a mnRniacdnt doablo page of portrait* or the royal family of Enitlarid. 67IC-SEND ADDRESS BY TELEGRAPH AND ?wait at teteicraph office for answer. H. C. R. -I WILL SEND PACKAGE"ea1<LY~TO^DAY; I MAIL this evening. PC<>. 4 LiOST AftJ? KUHND. T~Ta N ~EE?T~ W'ftirW A~\vATCinf A culled since: it la supposed he has forgotten the place. Any one who enn describe it and i>uy expense* will got It by applying at O'NBlLL A TIEKNAN'S Oyster House, corner 22 d at. and Otli a v. OUND? LAR0E~7)AM"E0 KINO, WITH INITIAL IX _ aide, also the flenrea 7H?. Owner can hare It by pror. Ini proporty and pay I nit expenses. PETER^I JMONAHAN, 36"> 3d ar. TvioUND-AT HMITU'S F AT l'KUN BAZAAR, A POCK KT f book containing a small amount of money. Owner can ?are by applying at 16 East 14th at. LOST-TUESDAY. "iat7f I.TST., COMING FROM 366 Washington ft. io the Cortlandt s tract ferry, a Pocket book. containing a mini ol money. The finder will be liber ally rewarded by returning tba nme to 16u 3d at., Jersey City. f ~OST?12TH. trio. BELONGING TO POOR LONE WO Ljtuan. Libcrul reward it' rotnrned to No. 215 Weal EOth st. I OST?ON WEDNESDAY, 13TH, ABOUT" NOON, " A Jcarriage female Dog, with a collar mid bell attached. Any perron returning her to 117 Want 37th it will be well rewarded. L~77sf^WKDNTTsDAY a FTKItNOON, JUNK 13. TWO Rings leach coutalned a dlainouu respectively one tarat and camt netting), on or o(T Fourth avenue car or Hmudway car ; a liberal reward will be givou. Addroaa Mr. V ULTE. Pom office box l? i. OWNER WaNIKIi-ToR IIALFoF "canal BOAT Agnaa, of New Brnnawlck. Can bo had by proving twnership an<l paying her billa. PKTRIE i TOWNSKND, toot nf .Stanton at.. K. K. New York, June 11, 1877. STKAYKn-ON THE EVENINO OK Fit 11?AY. JUNE K a Maltese Cat: imd on * Rnmla leather collar. A suit able rnward will be given to any one returning lier to No. J."> West 121 'tii st. iiSWAltiii). <3? 1 IWWi 'HtWAKD \VILr bK PAID VOK THK JPJ..VM'V/apprehension ol William Connera, charged Willi complicity in tlie robbery ol the Northampton .Na tional Bank, of Northampton, Mush., who escaped Irom Ludlow .street Jail, in New York Cltv. at 1 P. M. on Wednesday. June 13, 1*77. Conner* la about 32 years of age, & leet <?> inchea high ; well built, looks powerful; broad ?boulders, lull lace, lrcah complexion, short 11:llt brown hair; wore light lirown mustache and goatee, which may he ahaved off; no whiskers; very dark blue eyes, very ainnli and somewhat sunken; small leet and lias a gener ally genteel appearance ; bm a rod soot about ball an Inch In diameter under the tight cheek bone. IS BUNA It I) R BILLY, Sheriff. iP'iT /w wVliKWAKD-wru, UK paid" kii"k"tIik l#J.j.\/UUrocnvery ol tho Watches aim Jewelry stolen tmm&KI Canal st. on Sunday morning. June 1U. or a pro portionate amount for any pnrt thoreof. F. W. PaCiIT MANN ft BilO , l?3 Canal st.. Naw York. Sl'KtlAL ItOTlCBij. A r T1IK OR11AT F.VF.NT. NO POHTPONEMENT. KENTUCKY CASH iilSJlti IUITION COMPANY. To be drawn at Louisville, Ky.. 8ATU RDA Y, JUNE 3U. IS77, FARMERS AND DROVERS' BANK. LOUISVILLE. TKI'.ABURER. Mltunsi In prises. pVl.tMi FOR ONLY (10. Tickets, tfltli halves, ?.* . quarters, B2 ."Vk For tickets or Information nddresa or apply ?o O. W. BAItROW a CO., Ueueral Managers. Courier.lournal Build itf. Louisville, Ky., or THOMAS II HAYS A CO., Ueneral Eastern Agenta, (UI7 Broadway, New York. A -ROYAL HAVANA Di.AWlMi, JUNE 1ft, . at fM<), $20, $ 10, fii, S&. Kentucky Stat, . drawing .lime I Mrs! prise, lUt.ONl; wbola tickets, $1. TilEO. WH(.IIOCII, 23 l ark row. New York. "T TTKNTION TWENTY YEARS* PHI'SSIAN HOSPL J\ 1 al o.\perieiict'. Di?e>i?e of men and uetvooa system a specialty. Consultation free. I>r. JAOOBY. Ifll Bleeckcrat. AFFLICTED. BOTIOH-ALL COMPLAINTS TREAT ed . no fees unlesa cured successfully; consultation fre?; intensive London hospital practice, by Dr. WEST. 4."> Bieeeker ?t.. near It Iway. A" irPlCirKKEK.?OLD DOOTOKtTs AKE AND WillTF IIEAD. 2WHJrand st.. njar Bowery ; lie* discovery; all tiimplaints treated; leus moderate; hours 1 to .V ascertain ? ckk for headache, foNhTlPA Atlon. piles, atomach, liver or kidney dliasaes, wcnkneis. Sc. KRt'MIIIToN'S Invluorating syrup, 2,r?c. pur Imttle. Iniurabln caaei solicited and eured or mooev returned, ^amplo botila, circular and adrlcn Iree. 4n."i llroome at. '\ ll i'NI'Orti;natesconfideniiallv coNsciTr ^\.|?r, iIKINDLB. Sure cure, whatever ilia inatier. 14'J WeM 4*tti "a LL DlSEAKEfl ??F MKN. whatever THE CAl KB, /Vspeedily and permanently enren by Dr. DYER, 47 We t 13 th st. rj martinf./. a c??.. * Banker!, 10 W?ll ?t. (ba?ement), bay and sell Spanish Bonds, .-panlsh titlil ami Havana Bank Bills; Diaftsoli Havana i??ueil and negotiated. Lottery Ptites catlied. Next Drawing Juno l.r>, 1S77. C" M1ARUKH ONLY KOK MEDIC INK. - DKK. UOLLakD Janil CHANDLER. ?K'7 7tli av., iuterscctioo ol llroad _Krrvniis dlscniea, l*niale complaints, Ae?, speedily eritdieated. Hours, |o to 3; evening. V4 lo 0. v ivoRCEn-AKSOLC f E-SPEI- DIL V OKTA I N RO, I )wltli<?it publicity; desertion, Incompatibliltr, o;her I^..,?a' having unusual advantaces success assured; advice L' . ' ISAAC U. BOYCL, Lawy?r, W7 Broadway. SPECIAL .TOTH'&S. "A MErIcaX SOFT CAPSULE CO.'S PUR& "tJAfrRr". ./\.Uied Medlclur* pnt up in metallic bnxe*. All dra^ritt*. DIKBAHKS QK II fcN A SPKOU.LTYI IIENRV A. DAN IK 1,8, .VI. I>.. 144 Lexington av.. near 2t?th ?t. office hours from H to 3. FINK RYK WHISKK V?K')U It YK A ItS OLD ; 94 l'Elt gallon^ SI i>?r lor^o Imttle K VAN 88 Chambers it. SJIILDKK, JR., UNITED STATES CONSULAR OF. ?Ore for Bremerhuven-Urettemuiide. Shipowner nfld p Broker, General ('ummlstdoit .Merchant, Agent to Mrmri Vivian A Son's Yellow Metal Works, London. Ofllce, 107 Quayside. Hreintrliaren. KEAT BRITAIN AM)~IU EL AN I)7-PA RT t E 8 IN. Tterentrrl in heirship*. KeneaUvIci anil property, can Iiuvm service of competent gentleman returning ibither. terested in heirnhlp*, u'enr?lo/l*i anil property, can re servlee of competout gentleman rr Address AY.. 1.107 Soutli ?t.. I'liiUdrrlpltla. -official kkntpcky state" "drawi ngsT H. KKNTUl'BY ?IIT?( CLAM *0. 379?JO** 13. 1877. 4U, 21, ?. 2. 18. HI. 28. 3fl, 5tt, 24. 64. 13. 74. KKXtvcur?clj>m wo. 380?juwk 13. 1877. 53. 76. 7t>, 4I?. 54, 3, 11, 03. 74, 9. 33. 3, 57. HKXBT?KXTRA CLASS WO. 279?Jl'XB 13. 1877. 46, u, 70. 18, *. 24. 30, 12, 4a. 49. 53. 3, 51, 20. itKwnr-nt.Aiis wo. 280-jun* 13. 1877. 38. 31, 2. 08, 11. 39. 26. 42. tl!i 71 S2. 65. 63. SIMMONS A DICKINSON. Managers. Information vlren regarding the above drawings. Ap pl> toJ.CLl'TE >t CO..200 Broadway. H -KENTUCKY HUlili MUM BE Its DRAW .Inn* 1(1?Tickets, 91. Roynl Hnvan.i draw* June 13. Ticket-, $1 to <40. J. OlUTE A CO., 200 Broadway. I.V.IFOTION RIC0R1), SI. DELLUC A CO., 635 Broadway. ISLAND 6VVAD"BIRA.-CON8IU.\MKNTS JtKOKlVEd of corn. 5o?r. petroleum, cndh?li. ?tnve* Ac . ami Madeira wine* shipped tn order liv .IfHl'TCHIrtON. Merobunt anil United Statue Vlca Cotiiul *t Funclial, Madeira. M- f.tarni&cal rs ivk ksity-maisiTn db Smiter. (Brnuse ofj 11fultls).?Invalid* suffering from ivuv dUnaao and W'>" deslro a per fret anil permanent cure, \* ltl? tliwlr ineutal sad pbvideal faculties restored, will l>n received for board and treatment ai moderate price*. Semi 2"> renui to tbo<lJaive**it.v. 51 Bond *t., New York, for Mrs. M. O. Brown'* j>amuhtat of a2 pages, the moil valuable pamphlet In M -TjFmfiijL drawings"kentucky state. . KKNTUUKT?K.TTBA CI, ASS SO. 370 - JU>? 13, 1877. 40, 21, ti. 2, 1ft, 01. 23. 38. W, 34, ?4. I', 13. 74. KKKTUCKT-CbASS SO. 380-JOT.K 13. 1877. S3. 76. 70. 4p. 54, 3, II. 63, 71. 9. 32, 2, 57. JIBNRY-rKXIBA CLASS WO. 279? JUNK 13. 1877. 40, 11, 70. 18 ?, 24, 30, 12, 42. 40, 33, 3, 31, 20. HIWR*?CLAM wo. 280?JC.xii 13. 1877. 38, 51. 2, Mi 11. MB. 26. 42. fi?. 71, 50. 65, 63. SIMMONS A DICKINSON. Manager*. For InforoatU* In tU? above apply to KAliKS. EMERSON k CO., Bankars and Brokers, ISO Broadway, roam 4. ^itvv VcTu'k"?iu.i!pRxc:lL HOCIR'ti.-ckntenniXl Xl of the King (Jnue 14, 1877). The tocletr will bold a uneclal meetln.' at the Llbrnry on Thnraday evening, Juna 14. mi 8 o'clock. Major tieneral Schuyler Hamilton will an adilrewon Our National ring?It? HUtory In a deliver 1 Centnry.' NekVoks MfeDK'Af, ESSAY, coniprininB a aerto* lecture* delivered at Kahn'i M? bemu or AiiHtouia; New York, on tbecaune anil cure of pre inatnre docllue, Aawlnii IndUpiitabiy bow l??t health may be legalised; mHording a clear nynopirls of the inipedirneata to mnrrleun end the treatment of nervous nud physical de bility, being the retult of 20 yeur*' experience. Price 29 cent*. Adilrok* tfie aathor. Dr. L. J. KaIIN, olOce and rdtidencaSl Kant 10th ?t.. New York. rrrciAL drawings ueokoia btat? ~ (iKOIUIlA STATS *-XXTRA CLA5S 381? JO.VB 13, 1877. :t7, 44. 41. 28. 32. 24. 16. 14, 8. 28. 76. 67. 3!?. OOWBOUDAtro GKORGIA?KXTKA CtAi.1 211 ?J ONE 13, 1877. .65, 19, 68. 21, 36. 3. 15. 13, 4. 83. 77. 72. 58. AKOTtOIA STATB?CLiSa 382?J IT N K 13. 1877. 15. 47, 5, 52. 40, 8. 28, 63. 33. 77. 32. 18. COWIOLIBATin UIOROIA?C1.AM 212?JOWK 13. 1877. 26, I, 39, 47. 82, (ii, 58. 35. 211. 5. 33. 78. W. I. UAI1NEY, Commlaeloner. For Information apply to Hl'ENt'EK A CO.. 9 Ann it. ana 31 Hark row. room 3. Soalea Rlaka taken. THK I'RIVATK 1NQ1IRY OFFICE, EKTABLIRHED 1832 by C. K. Field, late Chief of the Metiopolltan De tective I'ollce, and C. Nicholli, discovered the Rngely mur ders, the Bmytbe lorrtrles, the Worcester forgeries, liorse poisoning*, incendiary Hree. frauds 011 railway and insnr aoce companies: the goTernment inquiry as to appropria* tioa of usod postage stamp*; .divorce end libel casr*;? Cmumlastonaire always In attendance to show V> travellers "the high and low" of London. Offlre 33 Essex It, Strand. TUB OAU"LEY KANAWHA OOAL"COMPAhY,~*LlV ITKD. In llqiiidatloo Notlee is hereby gtren that all creditor* and other person* having any claim or demand upon or against the Oauley Kanawha Coal Company, Limited, are hereby required to send In particular* of their debts, claim* or demand* to William Gimher (joodllffe, Esq. one of the Uqntdntor* of the said company, at his office. Nit. 140 Falmerston Build ings. Old Broad at.. In tbe city of London, on or before the 10th day of July next, after which date the llqnldators of the *ai J comoimy will p-oceed to distribute Its assets among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claim* of which tbe said liquidator* shall then have had notlco. Dated this 1st day ol June, 1877, W. O OOODLIKFE. ? ADAM STEW A RT, f Liquidator*. Tickets in all legalized drawings, kor Information apply at 153 Fulton st. fKJNESrl;LEOTR<i CHEMICAL BAT1IH?ADMIN * iitered by the discoverer; rheumatism, debility, nervous disorder*. 14 East 13th st. 4?/? ^Inii^^KNlUCKY STAIR. JUNE 16. <PU 1 .fJZdO. $1."?,000 for 91. Royal Havana draws June 15, at |4U. $*? ?IO. 95. 92 and $1. JACKSON A CO1., Bankers, 82 Nassau st.. New York. 1750 fMWl -ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY "UU? draws Jnne 15. Kentucky Stato Lottery draws June 10. Tickets $1. J. DUFF A Co., Bankers. 42 Na**nu st.. New York. 8POR.TIXG?DOGS, BlltDS, AC. CCricket match.' "" JH. George*. of N*w York, ?*. Yonng America. of Phil adelphia, Thursday, Juno 14. commencing 10:30 A. M., nt llonokcu Ground*. Admission J."> crntQ. ~ PoOOftLl no; ~ POOLS s6Ld'aT~7? UlfDRON HT.TTfdiltf KEIt, on Jerom* Raoes and other Brent*; a wire attached to th? room. W. l.OVKLL. attehsall'b turf aoencyT otto" COT. tage, Hoboken?Auction, French and Combination Pools. Ticket* SI each. ^ THE TfjRFI AM):kfOAN JCcKKf CLUB Preceding the races announced for Saturday, Jane 10, tbo following match will take place MATCH for M,000 a Bide, half forfeit, on* mil* and a quarter, between Mr. P. Lorillard's b. g. Raul. 3 jean, by Melbourne, Jr., dam Nellie Gray, by Lexington, and Mr, E. A. Clabauch'a ch. e. Cloverbrook. 9 year*, by Yanx liall. dam Mandlna. Thi* rnce will be rnn promptly nt 3 o'clock. In cane nf postponement thi* race will llkowlae be poat. poned and be run on the day the regular programme for Saturday l? ran. MERICAN JOCKEY CLCiP~sPhTN(7~MfcETllfG. Jerome I'ark. -d. .~>th, 7th. nth. 12th, 14th and POth Jnno. Races commence each day at 3 o'clock. Ladl**' ticket! half former prlcoty Holder* of quarter stretch badge* admitted to reserved ground* north of grand atnnd. t . \VnKATi.r. Secretary. A. BELMONT. I'resldeut. At' w kst-sFdk" DRtvikfj pa"kk^"jbrsky ciiyT? Friday, 15th, 2:50 and 2:34 claaaea; eight entries In ?at'li. Stages from hor?o cars to trauk. Admiaaion, Mk\ WILLIAM VAN KB II REN. JKROMK PARK COACHES UUTB TBS hflrrtlj Hrnnswick each rnce day nt 1 o'clock; oxcuralon tickets, 91. tor sale at the lintel Brunswick. NKW YORK AND IIA HI.KM RAILROAD IKROM E I'ark Kacc*. June 2,5,7. H. 12, 14 nnd 1(1; special train*, with reserved cart for ladies, will leave Grand < entrul depot on rnce days at 1:30and 'J P. M., returning alter the races. Fourth avenue cars run direct to depot Excursion ticket*. 4<? cents. C. M. lllSSELL. Kuperintcndent. HOKSKo, CAIlllIAIiKs, dfeC. AT AUG I ION, BY VAN TASSRLL A KEARNEY. AUCTIONEERS, At TilKlIt HOUSE AND CARRIAGE AUCTION MART, III), 112 East 13th al? uoar 4th av., TO-MORROW (FRIl)AY), JVKk 15, t nt 11 o'clock, T1IE WELL KNOWN TROTTING MARE LADY ANGIR, bred by PBTER I'KATT, Amenta. Dutclicss county, N. Y. LADY AN'GIK Is a rich brnwn. without white, 15V Hands high: foaled IS?M>. got U? MJKK UK KENT, he by IKON l>t"KE. out or LADY UKLDbN. by MaMIIKINO MESSENGER. Her dam was by ASHLAND. out of a thornnghlired mare; she Is a perfect roHdstor. sound nnd kind ill erery respmt; when In condition she can heat 2 :3() and trot 10 heats; she lias a record of 2:35. obtained on the WHITE PLAINS Track (hall mile;; she wa* only beaten by LADY WHITE a short neck in 2:28 on Fleet (wood Track; she la In better condition now for (mining than ever, and would no doubt trot cln*e to 2:20 before the closo of the season : aa a gentleman'a roadster *h i has few superi or*; she liaa n line, open gait, does not pull or lug and la afraid of nothing. Hor extended pedigree anil farther par ticular* Inquire at the MART, where she will be on exhi bition up to time of tale, or of COLONEL BRUCE, office of iheTUhf. FIELD AND FARM. ALSO THE 11AY TROTTING MARE. CARIUE, HRED ItY ALDEN GOLDSMITH, ESQ , got by Kill* Denton, Ijy Hambleioiiian, daiu bv Engineer, foaled I8(X!. I.Vj hand* high; can trot In 2:35; wis purchased by present owner ol A. II. P"*t, Esq . Go*hen, N. I, She is a first class roadster; has extr.i line stile and action, great bottom and ondnrance. and la warranted sound and kind. -J35H. CllEAI'KST ESTABLISHMENT EVER ? if!" red, consisting bla, k Mare, fl tear* "Id; all style; van trol last; ? arrumed Moind and kind and safe lor any child t" ride or drive; alao tup I'liaeton, fine Harness, Lap l!ol>*. Blanket. Whip. Ac I3K West *11 at st. AOKNH.KMAN BREAKING UP. MUST HEM, AT any offer his entire atock?cou*l?tlng Coach, tour seat extension l?'P I'll*etou. top I'ony Phaeton, t?i> l(..nd Wagon, elegant pair black Horses, 7 year* old. and warranted In every particular; fast Tr?tllB? Horse, liar Mare. (I year* old; lady or child ran drive ; children's Pou>,Miigl? and Double Harness, lllaiikets. Whips, Ao. 13:1 West 31*1 st. VERY KINK PAIR OK ROAD~ MARKR, BAY, Iooj mane* and lalli; 15>> bands, rt and 7 year*: can trot fast, single or double; warranted sound and kind; Hrewxter improved spring top Wagon ; Harness, ,lc.; also top Pony Phaeton; a[l but little n??d, at a bargain. Call fir two day*. 147 West MftM M. A NICK PONY il RNOi:T-HI.A< K >7)Nr~"T3V hands; very nentle for ladle*' or rhlldroli'* use; Basket I'liaeton and line llarnes*, t earlvnow; tJ-JO. l.W West 4nt h St. * A Kilts I-'CLASS FULL ii'lUKU iiRATHEK KUIP* lag top Wa*on, line Doutde and Single Harness; halt cost. 511 Kast 41st St. near Madison av. A?Track s. i.kii-.s. of all wrightS a>d in ? Biirnasseil quality HRmWHTKR A CO.. ol BrOoinc St., Mroadway, 47th I* 4wh it, A FIRST CLASS LIVERY AMI boarding stable JYlor sale. Inquire In oftlce, 17 P*rry St.. between III and ?J 1'. M. BARGAIN-IIANDHOMK 11 AMRLKTONIAN " IIA?Y ..ots 2 ;46; young. ?< nnd and kl,id; prompt er; }250. JOSitrlf HONNEAt , 174 Centre at., up Am1 Kiairs, T I1ALP VaLUB?HAT 'house.* young and sound; suit truck, express, farming, Ac. 370 Howery. fear. AT LEM THAN one"THIRD THEIR TALUK-AN elegant leather top Pony I'haeton. aiae bar top Wagon aud iliigl* llarnuss bent cH<- makers, In perl*nt ord*r. Frl vat* ttabl* 0 West 35tb at., first door from 5tb av. A. HOKSEH, CAUH1AGUH, -CHARLES XV. BARKER. AUCTIONEER. .ON SATURDAY, June 111. at U o clock, at BAftKK.R A bON'K Nsw York TatteiaaU's. corner ot Broadway and Sttth. will take pi-ice iir. U. M TAYLOR'S first OltK AT sale of fashionable high lircd Mmr< hiiiI Geldings, of the beat blood of KENTl'CK Y, thoroughly broken, and selected lor jrood disposition* and soundness. combined with .ncrl lenc* at fnriii. style and action, hSTinr I lie requisites for gentlemen's ROAD DRIVING, KA.MlLV and SADDLE uses, comprising SIXTEEN head. purchaaed PERSON ALLY In KENTUCKY. by Mr. TA^ LOR, whose reputa tion li WELL established In Philadelphia lor the past thirty-two rearo, having made many successful sAles at Messrs. A. M. Herkness <1 Co.'s, who can he referred lo. THE STOCK includes some FAST TROTTERS. on* or which can trot throe heals better than 2 :33. and show it on any track; apneerthat cati bent 2:23, una live others tliut can trot in irom thtee minutes down to J :50 The baisace are flue COUPE, T cart, aud nil united SADDLE MORSES, and two extraordinary PAlKS of elegant COACH IIORSkH. The Hock will NOT l.e sold on their neillgraes. but on tli'lr RELIABILITY. SHAPE and GOOD QUaI.I TIES. The pedigrees will he turntehed, however, if do ?Ired. Stock U now at the mart, where the nubile are luvlted to call and examine and RlDK and DRIVE any or them BEKORr. the sale. Catalogue* ready. Poelthrely no reserve or postponement. A--?A." S. FLANDRAU, ? '17 J aud 374 Broome st. (old stand or Brewster * Co.), Invites an Inspection or bis large and complete assortment orfinished CARRIAGES and ROAD WAGONS now at tbn w rue rooms. embracing all the popular styles now In nia, tastefully and elegantly finished. LANDAU-. LAN DA I'LETS, CABRIOLETS, VIS-A-VIS. BAROUCHES, BROUGHAMS. T C vRTS, PHYSICIANS' WAGONS, DEPOT WAGONS and KoCKAWAYS, ROAD WAGONS. We make a specialty ot Koad Wagons, aud offer to the public this season the beat riding waron possible aud at a price within the reaeh of all. These wagons embrace all tha new improvements used by Messrs. Brewster k (Jo., of Broome ?t , including 'THE RUBBER CUSHIONhD AXLE." pronounced the greatest linnrovemont ever made in wheeled vehicles In the ulrectloit ol safety, com tort and tconomy. HAKNISS. A superb stock of light aud heavy Harness oonatantly on hand. A. 8. FLANDRAU. A UC'flON HOUSE OK A ROM. JOHNSTON* 19, 31, 23 and 35 13th, St., ? ucar University place. THE OLDEST EST AH LISHED AND MOST RELI ABLE HOUSE IS THE OITY. SALES OP HOUSES AND CARRIAGES HELD EVERY TUESDAY AMU K1UIMY AT 10 O'CLOCK. ON EVERY HOI18E THAT IK WARRANTED B0U!?D FROM 24 HOURS TO THREE DAYS KOR TRIAL. GENTLEMEN HAVING HORSES OR CARRIAGES to sell, or tbosa wishing to buy. will And our bu-lnsas continued on precisely tlia same strictly honorable prin ciples whicii have alwayi governed our houae and won the respect and confidence of the entire community. ^ -CARRIAGE REPAIRS. Our repairing department offers unequalled advantages for giiod and prompt work. Alt carriages hen sett In eiaait looms and carefully protected from damage. Precisely th? anue quality of material ana labor employed as In new wrfHt, and all carriages finished with Valentine's rarnnb, which In brilliancy nud durability Is ?nperior to any ot lb>? elgn manufacture. Estimates furnished and carriages sent for and delivered by our own teams, !r>-e of charge. Carriages sent uow to be repaired will be retained until fall without charge lor storage. BREWSTER A CO.. ol Broome St., Broadway. 47th and 48th <te> A" ?KOR SALC-IS" FINE YOUNG MOUSES. JCST ?from 1 odliitia. suitable lor all purposes. 122 Norfolk st. At any ofter?elegant brewst'eh im r t*6fJlD Spring Top Wagon; stylish Top Pony Phaeton; II a r neas; almost n?w. also children's small pet Pony. Rots* mure stables, 247 West 41st st. STYLISH ROAN HORSE, 13}< HANUs, 8 YEARS: safe ana reliable lu every respect; price, $83. 37 Greenwich av.. grocery. SOUEEL liORHE, I5X HAN 1)8, ? YEARS; HT lor any una; sold only tor want of ward; price, SOS, 375 West 12th st. A GENTLEMAN LEAVING THE CITY OFFKRS ITIS xVetitlre Road Stock at abargaln; brown Mar;, trots 2;.14; gray Gelding, trots 2:30; two counfl Horses: hruwn Gelding, trota 2:30; two Hrewstirr Top Wagons; Phaeton; Dduble and Single Harness. 37 West 20th st. A:, BARGAlft?FINE TOP BREWSTER IMPROVED prlng Road Wsjj' n; also Single and Double Harness by acomb. Private stable 1 West 13th St.. near 3th av. A?A.-PHAETONS, EVERY STYLE. $100 UPWARD, ? Top Buggies, large nasortmeut. good work, from flldt Rockhwars. 9103; l)opot Wagons, f 113. Coupe hockaways. Jump-seat Wagons. Ac.. Ae.. Ac. Harnrsa, every doscriplloii. my maiiul'noture, $H up. Lap Hugs and Sheets, large variety. Irum 00 ccnta. JOHN MOORK. Warnrootus57 Warr arren it. A -20 BUSJN 8S WAGONS. $30 TO $125; NEW, ?second hand, tor express, grocer, butcher, baker, milk, depot, delivery. 226 spring st. SPLENDID-BAY HORSB?8 YEARS OLD; SOUND and kind in siugle anil double harness ;slred by Ilamhln> tonian; extra good road and family horse. Inquire ol WM. II. VAN CO IT. No. 114 West ?3th st. (Grand Central Stable). T CENTRAL CLUB "STABLE, ? EAST 41ST ST.? Bay Morse. l.">?4' lianas; perreet beauty; stands with out tying; afiuld of nothing; Kind and sound. Top Phae ton, latest style: huudsome Harness. Ac. ?CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP.?MUST tth SOLD, .the finest light ami styllth leather extension top Phaeton In this city; seats lour persons, lor one or two>, polo and vlinlts; Doable and single ilarnoss to match; two fine top Wagons, one splendid threo spring leather top Pony Phaston; the above not soiled; fISO will buy a trotting Roau Wagon and Dunscumb Harness; also bay Stallion, 13.S. sound nud kind, can beat 2.30 single or dnuble nil will show it; will sell cheap. Union Club stable, 127 JHth Weft St., near Hth av. BARGAIN-BREWSTER FULL SPRING TOP iVAUUX, Pole and Shafts; top Ponjr PliMlnn. Mile bar Top liugxy ; fine team of cho?tnut Coacli Horses, IB hands high, sound and kind, H And 10 yearn old; also heavy Couch and Coupe. Imported Harness and light tingle and double IIarnesa. 00 Woit 10th it. Bay HoksK?nUIT OOUPK, ANV BUSINESS, 9125; new groeory delivery Wagon, 9125; Depot Wagon. 1.19 7th nv. BIO BAY HOKSK, TWO WOltK HOK.SHS-AI.KO family Horse aud Harness. HENDRICKS, 16 Reade at. BEAUTIFUL TOP PONY PHABTON, $115; TOP Buggy, 9100: new Double llarncct. 950. 124 West l?th St. C CARRIAGES tVlT TlAV'B AN ASSORTMENT OF /Park and Pony Phaetons; also Depot and Itockaways, that we will sell low. Please call aud examine thein. J. I'OLYKK A CO., .">114 Broadway. tlO-tfPLhTB SACRIFICE-PEBFBGI PET BAY PONY, /top pony Phaeton, II arnesa, Robe, 9250; top Buggy, 5tH). No. 511 7th av. tftAHT PaOBK?OAN HP.AT 2:35~; SOUND AND KIND; 1? ninijlu neat lload Wagon, Harness, Ac. ; nearly new. Corner Broadway and 4<>th at. TjlOR SALK-A HaNILSOMK IRON OBAY MARK. 15 J hands, 5 years old: stylish driver; sound ann kind; will bo ?old cheap. l,iJ54 Atlantic ay., near Troy av., Brooklyn. jjvTii salk?no top irwo skat phaetoTT~< j oTFn r R. Lawrence, maker', nearly at goon a* new; sUo Double Harness (Campbell's). cost together if!**!, will be sold lor l2.'Xi ca?h. Inquire KotthRT MI.'IRHKaD. blue ?lone yard, Ut and Provost sta.. Jersey Cltjr. P~~ ORjlaur?k uARK BAY SADDLE HORSh; THOU" oughbred; suitable lor lady or gentleman: perfectly nound and gentle. Apply at Private stabler, 107 last Uitu H> FOR "SALE?TAKEN' FOR DKBT; WILL HELL clienp. I he choice or two good Work llorse*. feed (tore, two days. H7" Hudson at. Tjioif SALE?THREE tiOIMBH, Ml) IT A 8 LB FOB J tnrmnr, grocor. anv business; also Heavy Truck Horse; must sell; no work. WJ Wa-hinL'tou st. Li. iit 8 A LB-STIVER'S" MUOUr WAGON PRIUJi OK J der; also Singh) Harness, ny Wright. MARTIN'S stable, 4-?I 4tli av. ljMNE BLACK IIAM IILRTOnIan" " IIORSK FOR J? halo cheap, lOiind and kind, suitable for lady to drivo ; also Landaulet shilling glass Iront, used with two horses. Appiv to OWNER, 45U Itroadwny. jcioi sale?a pair or 11 o bse*1X11 avd^mlTii" r Jot hlack, perfectly sound and kind. Also a d.mble Harness, Victoria and Coupe Kockaway. all the property of the lam Or. C. A. Budd. Apply at Mutt Stables, -.'W St., near Uth av. FiOR SALK A KINE YOUNU HORSL ;" WARRANTED sound and kind; an all day traveller. THOMAS CAltlt, 442 West 13th st. TOOK ItALh?IIA M III ,KT< IN I A^IToRSE. S IK P.I) IIY r Miyjor Wmn-id; blood bay: Ave years old. hi hands high: sound, well broken; a rood stepper; will be sold cheap. 1 East.111 st. IpOtt hALK-OSK Or Tllk'VlSI"fsT BLACK HAW \ ' Mares In the country, 15>? hand* high, very handsome, sonnii, kind In all Harness, and without fnrtlt; sale for lady or gentleman and a fast trotter, live years old and Just from tho roontry. BILLS A COLEMAN, tWGrand st. IjlUR SALK CHEAP?BL TcK H<|}kHE7 10 HANnn7~7 rears; warranted; sold want nse; Truck and Harness and More. 142 ;-prlii( st. T.10R SALK CHRAI?~4 BUSINESS "WAOOXVC a. J SMITH, :W7 Last (With st. tpOR SALK VKHY CIIKaP-TWO tftlOD WORK 1/ Homes. Apply to II. B. si KL, 54 Lafayette place. flOOD LINEN itORNk HI!BETS KOIl 65 CENTS, AN 0 \T' Hier sailillery tioods equally low. can be liaa at JACOIIOUsKY A 11A It T. 11.x bambersst Ciooii Fasixrk ron lioiiHKs?siTrb, con I trai ted or qnnrter erarka: on low cround, plenty of shade and good water, ai reaaonable tnrint, will Klvn vet erinary ntteniion If ref|iilred, refortnres, II. N. Munn, :I7 Park row. or A. 7i. Tonros, Cotton Kxciianire, New York Addresa R. A L V D. KHEFHERD, Konno Itrook. N. J. IAME lIORShS. rilOM WllAlKVKIt CAHSK PRO. Jnonneed incurahle, treat-d without charm hi applying or wrltlnu to WILLIAM M tilLEH A tJO. Oilles* Lint ment Iodide Ammonia), 4.M Oth ar? New York. Hcml postal card for pamphlet containing full Information. MARSHAL'S SALR.-HICU A ? D it ALT Kits' sons. unctloneors, will *ell this day fThnrsday), at 10>i o'clock, at 27 Kast liroiidwnv, two llorsca, one Kir re I Truok Horse, one covered Wagon, ant of Harness. LOI'ls I.El BI'SUIIER, Marshal. MOUTOAOK RALfWOtlN A DUNX. AUCTIONEER, will Mil on Krida\. June 15, at II o'clock, at 1)15 l ast H5t0 ?!., neveti Work Ifor-os, two Trottera, two Trucks, one Express Wagon, Stelglis. two top Wagons, one Road Wagon. Harness. Ac. J Oil s II ALKY, dortgage,,. ?\rorlCR -l WILL SF.LL AT FUlUO AUCTION, At i.1 the pound, located on loth av. and l3Hth at., on Satur uay. June 10, at 10 o'clock A. ,M? the following properly, to wit; One sorrel Mare, 15 hands high. I'ANII.L CONWAY, Pnundmaster. 1* JONY. HAKNhsrt AND'PHAETON K()R SALK-TIIE most beanlllnl pony and complete establishment lor a lady In the city. To be sean at No 294 Kast '-*0th st. at ail hoars. _ '? ?? IToNY PHAETONa PONY PHAKTONh". Two and four passenner Phaetons In all styles; top. no top, mid canopy top l'ttnnl. Basket and with liiiuibla ; oiieo Phaetons. Irutn fltlo up; tops. 9115 np. WILLIAM II. UBA?? KlMWllB Wooster st. 4jll KTLA.M) I'tJN V". "WAQOK AND HABMBhM ro? 0?ai?. A. MONTOOJlBRT, 1 State New York. S" lACkirK'B-TOl' EXPRESS WA?.ON, #.-.0 ; NI.W ftp", "tlvery Wagon, f 1 -0; Horses to salt any bttslnaM, 980; arnesses. 3 7th av. HOUSES, CAIIKIAGKH, &C. T CARTS, FOI'R PaHSKNGER SI'KRi.Y WAVjOlflt Victoria*. t:abriolet?. light e:teu?ion (op Phaetons, 4 ?ml <> piuseimer Itockawajrs, I>rp<t Wagon*, with and with out tup*; Whlp?. Sheet*. Lap Duster*. .tc. WILLIAM II. GRAY. anil -.?? Woostor ??. w rF.RY STYLISH DAPPLE GBAY POXY. VALUE ?130, 11 tiade lor Diamond ritu I. 1J4 Wed 10th *t. ANTED -TWO-OR THREE YOU NO A N D SOUND Work Horses, about 1.100 weight. L. JONES. 181 Sooth ?t. WAGONS AM) HART*.?TWO si-.roN D HAND GBO. err*' Wagnu*. light aud heavy. patent wheels: two first clss* Coiu Own. By*ine?* Vmn factory, 73 lit ?r. WASTE D_ PARTY Ha VI DO OLD TtAX MORBHB, who will send tlirm ou farm to rec tilt Ire# for oceanion itl use; rtwnna given. Addrns* LYNN. Herald office. 6IIOl<SK>-Sl lT VBLI-: IOR ANY BISINKSS; ANY trial Kiven: warranted sound. 410 West :totli ?u _ Hit V (iOUUh. ECONOMY IN BOOTS AND SHOES, "f AT BBOOKS Ladle*' On* Button Bi>ot?. ?3, $?'! .V), $4 and Sf>. Mioses' and Children'* Button Boots, f - and #2 511. Gentlemen* fine Boom, shoes and Oniteri. $ TO upward. | Gentlemen'* low Shoos, tor ea'.e und comfort, of French I I kid aud calf, In great variety, at low prices. ! I. W? Broadway, corner 2ftth. LL PATTERNS IN RICH KANiT MATTi.NOS, t.'all and *ave moncr. Matting. 17c. 11 and 13 Weat Houston iu otock taking BEING NEAR AT HAND. WR WILL CLOSE OUT OUR ENTIRE STOCKS OF BLACK, COLORED AND FANCY DRESS SILKS, GRENADINES AND OROANDIB.H, AND POPULAR DRESS GOODS, DURING Till.-* MONTH. AT GREAT REDACTIONS l-O CLEAR STOCK. LORD A TAYLOR. t <t> <& Broadway and JOtli si.. Grand, Christie and Forsyth Its. gCIIEPPERS BiiOrt.1 Bootleg, For Ladies' Suits. Stripes and Plain. This beaittirul material Is now offered In the choicest ?hades at all tbe principal Dry Goods stores. To Judge from *?he present demand this novelty of the season will be In ; vogue at all our watering places and other fashionable summer resort*. Without any gum or artificial stiffening*, as is the esse vwlth the uxpeu*ive foreign grenadines, this licht, cool and elastic texture will neither crease nor damage by raiu or salt water. This article does uot only recommend Itself by cheapness, bat also by heanty and durability. Lovely ?uits are made from It, trimmed with fringes and riches of tha same material. w niTE GOODS. TO CLOSE BALANCE OF SPRING IMPORTATIONS WE OFFER A VERY DE-HRARLR ASSORTMENT OF FRENCH. ENGLISH ANd"sWISS CAMBUIi'S. JACONETS, MADAPOLAMS, PEKCALR8, OKOAN OIKS, TARLATANES, MAS ALIAS, FIGURED AND DOTTED HWI8S lawns, mulls, piqubs, ac? ac.. at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, ALSO A SPECIALLY DESIRABLE LINB OF LADIES' SACQUE8 AND JACKETS I* XMBROIDKRED 8W18S FRENCH LAWN ANIi PIQUE, fROX ?t SO PP. A. T. STEWART k CO., BROADWAY, 4TI1 AV? 8TH AND 10TH 8TS AT SMITH'S PATTERN BAZAAR, 16 EAhT 14TH ST.. new arrivals of latest Snnnner Fashions; grsnd display of the new, beautiful and fanciful Imported Paris Design*; come early and *?ti*iy your eye*; Patterns, with cloth models, of all tho new designs now roady. 16 Eftat 14tli St., Shady side. MILLINERY AND DKEMNMAKINO. A r M A l> II, I l LM aNN^S'(frROM'FXKI Sj. AGENT ANli linpoiter.?New, splendid assortment Pitri* Bonnets, at Paris I ,lcc*. WW av., tueiMi door below Mill st. T iwiTN'it pattern baiaar.j* bast uth'stT, new urrivala of latent Summer Fashion*; grand display of the new, beautiful and fanciful Imported Paris Design*; come early and satlstv your eyes; Pattern*, with cloth models, ol all the new designs now ready. 16 East 14th St., shady *ido. S ALIOS AT AUCTION. AUCTi6l?"~SALK OK M Mis I mUSi HOUSEHOLD Fvroll ure to be sold THIS (Thuriday) MORNING, commencing at I" o'clock, ut the private residence. NO. I*) WEST 23D ST.. NEAR ?TH AT. 3 brilliant tuned Pianofortes, Stein way tad Decker 3 superb Parlor Suits, in satin. 'J elegant rosewood Ktageres. 2T> choice brnnxe Kigures. 8U flue Oil Paintings. bod trtlitk 2Ti Brussels and ingrain Carpet*. 3 library ISookcases. 4 elegant Library 'I ubloa. 3 Kasy Chairs. Turkish strle. 12 elegant Ucdroom stilts, complete, la black walaut, 24 curled hair and sprittg Mattreisn 114 Pillows alid Hoist eis. 5 black walnut Lounges. 2 element black walnut Hnffeti. 3 superb Kxteusloii Tables. 2 China Dinner and Tea Sett, Silverware, Cutlery, 1c. Catalogue contains over 400 lots. I.I KIC KITZUERALD. Aoetloneer. A?TUNIS JOHNSON. AUCTIONEER, ? old >tand, :I7 Nasss u at. THIS DAY. AT IOS>" O'CLOCK. at oar salesroom. 37 Nassau St., HALE Or KINK HOUSEHOLD KURNITURE, Dining l(oo:n Suits, In Morocco leather. 2.'> very PINE PARLOR AND HEDROOM SUITS OK KvART description and style. Buffets, Bookcases. Library nnd Centre Tables, Extension Tables and Chairs, Standing and Sitting Desks. Revolving Chairs, Turkish Suits, Lounge* uinl tthsy Chair*. Ac., Ac. J^lTtT?SI'ECIaL" ~ Superb modern American ami Foreign Oil Paintings. the latest works of our best artists, consigned bv themselves, together with some very choice specimens of well known foreign artists never before exhibited. Including several works from the lute exhibitions ut the Brooklyn Academy and Acauctur of Design. now on -> lil bit I :>?? Ht the Bchenck Art (iallery. 1HI Liberty St., to be sold at auction on THIS DAY and TO-MOBIU) W. .1 uue 14 and 15, at 12,'> o'clock each dav. bDlYAKII SCIIK.NOK, Auctioneer. uction. -at pk i v ate kesidenobT * I'lll s iTIIt'KSIlftYi MOR.MNO. COMMENCING AT IOK O'CLOCK, THE ENTIRE ItOl'SKlloLD KI'RMTURE, HANDSOME AND USKI'Ui. OK POIR STORY IIOUSK 13D i AST I6TII ST., RhTWEEN 3D AV. AND IHVINO PLACE. Parlor Suits, in satin, eotlluc and reps; Turkish Sets, In tapestry, rosewooil 7^ octave Pianoforte, Ktageres, Catiinel bookcases. Desks. 0|l Paintings, llrunses, Cur tains, Clocks, velvet, Hrnssels and ingr.ilu Cnrdets. Inlaid Chamber Sets, Bedstead*, Dressing Cases, Washstand-, Sprlntf Ueds, hair Mattress*e. Beddlnir. Wardrobes, Muff* t, hxlensinn Table, Dining Chaiis. Silver I'lnteil Ware, Cut lery anil other good* mi l tfell-preservrd lloii-eholil lioods. ALBERT KUAhMEK. Auction, er. S. H,--Goods paeke i, shipped and removed: oltj or country. A UCTION SALE. PETI It BOvrli. AUCTION BP R, Will Sell 1 Ills DAY. at 11 oVIork. st the private residence. No. flti Clinton plre? (*th st,), a general assortment of 11 < useln-ld Kurnlltu o, eonslttlng of Parlor Suits, lse? Curtains, Mirrors, oil Paintings, block walnut Ilcd-teals. Hureaus, Mantle Ornaments, rose wood Piano, Tnrkisli Chairs, blaek walnut Sideboard. Extension Table Drawing i(?om <'hairs, liall Stands, Wardrobes, Ho k I tlair .Mattress.*, Hrnssels Caroecs, Heddiug, Kltrben Utensils, Refrigerator*. ,tc. A" ~LKHBD i.LOYD. ACCTIONEKlTi OPMCEM I3? Hroailwuy. <*111. this day. at I" prompt, sell the Pis tores anil stock in the l.uiuor store iItuneon northeast corner 28th st. atidf.ili a*.. comprising Preneli p ate Mirrors, lour pull Pump with 7-ioot mirror. Rais, (ilassware. Ac. ; also fine stock of Liquors, Ales. Ac.. Ac. hale positive Auction hale. tmxTfONi Auction sale THIS DAT. commencing at Iitv, n'i lock, at private tesldenee of Prederiek Kalil, K*i.. No. JtJtlITesI iitli st near7th st Vhi:?Elegant Stelmvav Plsnoforto, one do. upright. Parlor Suits in satin, cotelltm und reps, fine Hronre Kijurei, till Paintings. Lace ('nrtalns, Stiilnary. Marqnetetle and <<llt Table* Centre do., .lardutleres. Hookstands, Pedestals, Hntssels Carpels. Rookeases, Hedreont i urnltnrs. lied steads. Dressing t!a?es. Hureaus, Washstands, Wardrohes, rep Sutts, chairs, Koekrrs, Cioeks. Chrontoa, CngravlnKs, line enrled hair and spring Mattresses, Pillows, Holsters, lilankets. Aa, Diningfurniture, Extension Tables. Buffet Chair*, allver ni.nred are. Knives, Parks, Spoons, mantel and pier .tlirrors. Id Carpets, Ac. rt. 1L MARTIN, Auctioneer. A-AIIT 8ALR?TIIIH DAY. . CONT1N CATION SM.E, At RARKEK A CO. S. 47 and 4!) Liberty sL We will sell the balance of Oil Paintings from the Na tional Academy and studios of onr bott artists, this day, at 1U o'clock. OKO. 1. HANKS, Auctioneer. 1 ? K iLLEKN. "a ICTIO N IS K l7,~~S KLL?~ TO DAY jVs(Thursdayi, 10)4 o'cluak, at 1U Wasbington place, near Itroadway laoovo 4tHi, a general assiniment of Knrnitnre, Ineltidim: I'arlor ami Chamber Suits, Mattressos. Hedsteads, feather Pillows. Extension Tanles, Oil Palntiagi; also Kitchen Utensils. Dealers attend. t aucriwiiT- juni?-iip~NOT" rMviuuaLt' sold). at H A ItK KICS, rtnth st und Hrnadwar. Hay Mare Oaselle (eee Wnllaee, Vol i), in), nanus, toiled istil, bv a sou of Imp. (ilencoe. out m the dam of Itully l.ewls and Tempest; Is dam ol Lady K (record, 2 ! has herself trotted trial In 2 :24)<. Apply Tor particulars to P. C, KEL LcOO. llO.lolin st. AI CTION -?iEKM AN IWVoUTr.D 1)1 NO~MANCHB Halts, ISO hags, Krblav, 19 o'clock. Mlllcj t IVinWi stores. 271 Boath it. BUMDBTT A D?NNr% .S*c?eneetk MAL.KM AT AtCllO.\. TWRJlTiQIC a? pSTViri'.' 'ttESTTWRCK * J\. THIS (TH t'KRD AY) MOttMSn, commencing at l??o'cl<?ck. 8UPKKB HOUSEHOLD PL KNITL'RE, at the live storv brown stone mansion. NO. 47 WEST I ((Til ST., BhlWfcKN 5TII ANDtSTlI AVg., Meiit%\ny four round Tl4 >et*v? I'ianolorte, Cbickertni; Qprigiit ~K -clave Pianoforte, re*! Importer l)ron?^i wild Bisque Fl&ur#?, Paintings by rminom artists, satin Parl?r Suits, rosewood ritamber ^etts, Library anl IHitln* Furniture, K??y ?*hairs, TurkUh Suit*. Lounge*. Table-, Mirror*, Oloeks. Ho >k?*a?es. wild walnut He'*, l>rr*tinjr Cu*?s. iiareaus, Wa*h?t?nds, 117 hair anu spring MAtireuei, rep and plush Stilts, hxten* smn Table, Ifutfet, Chain. Sllvrrvurit. 23 Cirpili N. 11. ?Take sixth mvenue, Luiversitv place .*ars or Broad way stage to IT West 1 *?i U *t. Uoods packed if lesired. ROBbhr ?* CASH IN, Auctioneer. 4 -A. s DINOEE. AUCrToNEivK *\*By the New York Mutual Furniture Company, limited. It# and 21 Bam iuii *t.. between Jlroadway .md'?th ar< Lib* rnl itdvance* oil consignments. Kegular auction sule* every Tuesday ami Friday. FRID VY, Juno 15, at It o'clock, el<?j:a it Chamber Suite, Parlor Suite and other liotistihoid Gaud*. marble topanrt Kxtenxion Tables. Dnsks, lluokcases, Piauos. Crockery, Glass, China aud Sllverplated VVnre, Ac. I ail andexHtniuo 4 SCIiYV.vll, ACt-TlONKICK. 277 BOWhttV, SKLLS~ -?'V?11 o'clock, 4<)4 West 50th st., largo ^tocic. Fixtures, Ac., of first eiass ??rocerv ritoro~T.**s. Coffees, .-ugarn. Hoar, Spices, C?nuod Fruit, Bailor, larre slock soap, Coiniiers, Showcases, Shelving*. Awnings, llcrsos, Wagons, Ac., only in lots. i;hance for dealers. By "van tassklTT a k k a unF: y~ auction kkiu?, at tiielr AUCTION SALtirWoOMS. TJ UNION SOU ARK, 4TI1 A V, near 1 vril ST., rills DAY, THUHSDAY, at 11 OVLOfK Turkish suits. Parlor Suits in satin and silk reps. Suitf In brown reps, black walnut Bedroom Sails, wait French Dressing Cases; hair Maitresse* and Pillow*, Turkish Solas anil Knsy Chairs, rosewood Ktagcre, black walnut Sideboards, hlnck walnut Extension Tables, Cottage Suits, cine seat Dining Uoom Chair*, silver plated Castors, Knives, Fork*, Spoon-, Ac.; lot Glas^wuro: also. TWO LAfiiiK PUCK MlKKOKs, neurly new. with latest style frames, with cornices lu blark walnut uud gold, and UPRIOIIT PIANO, made by C1IICKERINO. B I SHELL, WBLLK8 A MlLLBT. AUCTIONEERS. KKIDAY. Join IS lit 10'? A. M.. lit our sslesronm No. l.'i Murr iv -t.. tare* idle of Hardware .nil Cutlery, lull linn Reeds, first niiKlliy Brick, Pointing uud riasirring Troaels, Mincing Knives. Box and Ship Scrapers, Ae. o.SOOdoren Table Knives nnrl Kith., i'ovkei Knives, Shears, Clocks, Ac. Large assortment of French tinned and enamelled Ware, Japanned Ware. Woodware. Ac.. Ac. Ip COLTON, AUCT.ONEKR, ? will *ell on Kriday, .Iun? l.*>. at II o'clock, at the sales room MNI Broadway, it very lance mi't icenoral aniortnieiit of HooKehold Ku-nltnrc. coiikImIiis ot rlcli black waluut Cham bar Suit*, black walnut and oak murblr ton llnfleta, black walnut Kxtennlon Tabl?*?, Krrucli plate I'ler and Mant"l Mirror*, be.t hair Mitllraiiia*, and a larce iiHsurtuirnt of irood plain Kurnitiire rosewood 1'ianolortu.; al?o about I'.'i velvet and Drupel* and Axniin*lcr Carpet*; China. Crock cry and ol.Mware, with which the sale will eomiuoiica. i ST WEINBEKGER. AUCTHiT. KEK-WILL SKLL L.this <1 y (Tliurndayi. Jun? li, at |o>^ o'clock, at >alc* room 73 Bowery, lor account ol whom It may concern, 7."> Clock": al*o Kurnitiire, t^rorkerv, lTii;ar. und Ceneral Mer chandise; alHO a large luvoice o( ailk and alpaca Umbrellas and I'arasols. JF. TSAfSS. A0Vn<lNB?.S. ? Will sell this day. at Id}; o'clock, nil the Kurnllure of three story private Kesidonee, No. 4 ) West Cith <t., near Utb av.. Parlor Suits. Hruskeln and other Carpets, Chromos, Plcturci, Mirint?. t icks, Ceutre Tables, walnut Hedsteiids, cottuue Suits, Dressing Bureaus. Tables. Chairs. .Mat tresses. Springs. Hlnnkots, Sheets. I'illows, Bolsters, Crockery, Oilcloths, Stoves, Extension Table, Dining Koom and Kitchen Kurnitiire, Ac. J~ own c. an o k rsonT"a rc y i in k an, still se&ti tills aay, at 10:311 A. M .at l'JH 3d av . a large assortment of Household Kurnitiire, Ac. J S WILLIAMS, AUliTIOSEEK, SELLS THIS (>A\^ ?at 2 o'clock, at IUO tireenwlch av,, Household Kurni, lure. Carpet*. Tables, Sofas, rare Pictures, Sowing Ma chlue, Ac. JAMBS CAUNEY, AUOIIONEKlC WW WE8T UTH ST." will sell the valuable Leasehold Property (Ast'>r), No. 17 little 12th st . near nth av., with Buildings thereon, on Monday, lsih in?t.; built expressly for stabling; new brick building. 10 stalls-, building covers the lot. PAWNBKOKER'8 SALE.?J AMES~A(lAK.AUCTION*. eer, will sell thisd iy. at 5n New Bowety. a large lot of Men'* and Women'* C otlilng, Beds. Booifing, Remnants, Boot*. ts|i?es, Ac. : also a lol of line lace Shawls. By order of Simpson. Sinners A Co., 27 Chatham su PAWNBROKER'S SALE. CLOTIIINii ANO JEWEL ry.-THOMAS J. M'HRaTII, Auctioneer, l.'?R Chatham St., comer Mulberry, will sell, this day. Dresses, Shawls, Remnant*, Bedding, Boots, Sluys. Ac.; also Coats, Pants and Vesta. Lot Harness, ,tc.; goid and silver Watches, gold Jewelry, Ao llv order Lovy, Grand *t. Sals of Jewelry will corumeuee 11 o'clock, sLarp Ri oil ard'w a LT K UR'SON sTa uc t k> nkers.?m o rt gsce sale this day (Thursday) at 'i o'clock P. M . at So. l'J rrlnc. St., Klxtares ot Wine aud Lager Beer Saloon, Counter, Shelving, Icebox, Olasses. Bottle*, Table* and Chairs. JOHN JOHNSON, Attorney for Mortgngea. 1CII ARI> Walt BUS' SONS, AUCTIuN K E kS Marshal's sale this day (Thursdayi at W)i o'clock sharp, at 27 Kast Broadway, a large Lot or Ueruian Macaroni, three llnrses. covered Wagou. Ac.; Lot lloii-eli ld Kurni ture, and altorwarit at 12 o'cluck. at 4<ll West 4 ith st.onn Air Engine, one Cutting and one Rolling Machine, Sliaftinc, Moves, Ac., subject to $jmi mortgage on said machinery. btil'IS LKUBUSCHKR. Martial. HERM AN,-APCVri ONER R. .Sp 'cUl sale of Wine*. Liquors, Chnmpacne, Cigars. Ac.. by order ol an initiorter and wholesale lii|uor dealer, KRIDAl, June ir>, at lO^, o'clock. No. 1Bowery, a eliolce asanrtnient of old Bourbou and Rye Whiskey, various bran<!s. vi*.?Bearirrass. Crow. Lee Valley, Tay lor's, Ashland. Karrell's, Daniel Boone, Ae.: nleo barrels of Jamaica and St. Croix Rum, Apple Jack, Otus, Brandies; 2'> barrels Krenclt and Cologne Spirits; aasks Port nnd Sherry Wines, Blackberry Brandy; also casus Rhine Wines, llrandle<. Clarets Klnimel, Bl.ters, Syrups, Cor dials. Schuapps. Champagnes, Ac.; also about I7.n0i> Cigars, Sales, OOlee Kurnitiire, Ac. Sale positive. Dealers Invited. rjllIE MESSRS. LEAVITT, AUCTIONEERS, *t Clinton Hall. Monday, June 18, and following days at 3 o'clock T. M.. each day. Now on exblbltioo, THE DRESSER COLLECTION ol JAPANESh CURIOS and Article* selected lor ** MESSRS. T1KKANT A OO. Alto CHOICE CAKVED JADE and CLOISONNE ENAMELS frurn (be FASOt'S KKAUD COLLECTION. THE WHOLE FORMINO A COMPREHENSIVE AND REPRESENTATIVE EXHHIBITION OP JAPANESE AUT AND INDUSTRY NEVER BEFORE EQUALLED. TO WHOM IT MAV CONCERN -VA* TAMELL k KEARNEY, Auctioneers, will ?ell on Tlnir?<l?y, .fun# 14, *t salesroom. No. T2 I nlon equara, "it 11 o'clock, one l 'i> rlcl't Cliickerlnjt Pianoforte, lr11 ?t .No, IS East 'iStli it. in 1S7I, and It nut called for buloio Thursday It will lie sold t? pay Ktoiajfn. Dated ,\fw York. Juno fl, 1*77. T~ OBACOO EXCiTaNUK SALESROOM, NO. Si BROAD St., (tKRAi'l) BETTS, Auctioneer. Tills LAY (Thursday), Jnna 14. at II o'clock. Tobacco; about '>"0 hints Western Tohaeoo. By order Tobacco Kxehaum. No. .If) Urond ft. Sales ernrr Monday and Tbnrndnr. POST OVKK'E JtiOTM'K. IfffiHTtfpKicR 'NOTic'IC " - Tlifl foreign n?ail* for tho wt?ek ending Saturday. June 1877, will dloeo at thin office on Tnt'rdu.v :ii rj V.. for Kuiope by uteumihlp Mont una, vbi Qneoiifttown, on Wcdum* day at 4 A. M lor Krance direct by ?l'*ani?liip Labrador, via Havre, and at I 1*. M. for Knrope bv ?ivAtiiMhip Stythla, via (Jupemitowii; on Thursday at 11 ;Ho A. M. lor Knrooe l?y KtOHiimtiip IIammonia, *4* Plymouth, Cherbourg ami limn bnr;; on Saturday at tt A. >1. for Knmpe by Meam?l>ip Jlritatinlc. via IJneenntown (corrcHpnn<lt*nce lor Germany, Scotland and .North of Irciand Intended lor denpatth by tlilN ?teamcr mu>t be upectfilly addreMcd), and at <i a. M. lor .Scotland and .North of Ireland lit ntcanmliip Bolivia via Movllle nnil <tl??ffow. and at 11 :f<> A. M. far K?roj?t by meuitiAhip Mwiel, via Southampton and Bremen. The ?iratn?liip? Montana. Seythla and llrltannlc do not take mall* for Dennuirk. Sweden and Nurwur, Tin? mall* for llayti and Kington, Ja., will leare New York .I nne 14. The maiU for I'orto lileo dirrrt will leave New Yora J tine 2fi. The mail* for China and Japan will leave San Ft am* i?co J ut.e 2(>. Tho mall* (or Anntralla, Jk c , will leave Han Kranclaco .1 line #>. T. I*. JAMKR, I'o*tnlatter. Nlv Yon*. J tine 1*77. LKGU4 NOTICKK. fif "fiTF ?hm nTv " oTiTTTu"(7f n.Ni\>i,VCTiTKfT, lb old en n% Hpaldins (F.njfl nndi. Tii ?ieortfe Burkitt. ol tlie United of America; JHnrkitt, ??t linnet tireen, (?r*nt county, Vl'l*. in tlin I'tiitod Mate* t?t America, and John llurnlit, of Una I Green, afoienald. Tixkfi notiro that a ptnlrtl tin* been entrred find a miid mon* I*mii?<i atralriMi Miuiietli .lurkwon. of l/ujtdrin# Kan* dikIn Hi#* county lit Lincoln, wMlow. mid you, in the nbovo fount,v Court, b\ Matthew 1'itririclsg*, Hecklturton. In the comity ol Lincoln, gardener, nnd William Morn*. of the name place, yeoman, do?h*ei of trim and inort pr?i;ed e.?trtim under the will of William l?aw ton, iaie ?>f tlrcWIn^ion aforeaaid, yeoman,decoded, praying that the </Oitrt will order payment to Ihevu ol ?l:*o<m<l nil interest due to them a* iho I?imI ropreientafive* ?>f John La*ion. deoeaaod, upon a certain n???rtve??* dttted the '2'Ml: ol November. IHil.'l, ol a enpyhold meaauaffe and two acrea of land (fflritiirlr li?loni;iiiir to /Tlioimiii Oiota), attuataii In t^uadring FaihIirc af??f*i*|ij. on wm" day to )>? mtmrd by I tin Court. and In default ol Mich |..k> tn#*nf til,I lli? exility nl redemption of ihe until inorM.-a?eii pre m I.e. itinv tip f. rn dieted n> that tli* .aid prenii.e? b* nolil ant the iimeicili Ap plied In And tnwaru pamriii nl the rntlil principal, interr-i ?nit retlii. And ?'i nrder ha? heen tnulp tlmi it .ruled copy el ihe Minnnmn, tnifether Willi ? rn|?* er tlin .aid i rrt r, transmitted ny pout In a registered letter addrea.eil im^ directed to the utnul nr hint known plai e ol ra.idcni e or bo.lncti. ef .I an.ei liurkttt anil John Hurkltl, two of the above na-ncd defendant., almoin ami being at It are) Hreen afnre?ald. nnil the tnitillrnMon of a notlre of tho entry nl inch plaint In the Time* and the hally Telegraph newapnpnri, pnhtKheil in Ixindon, mid In the New York Herald, piibllllied ill the raid l ulled State*, .hall lie deemed to lie nidli lent terrl- e upon .i.u. tbe .aid i<eorge Hurkltl. J aniea Burklit and John Rnrkltt The tmrnnmn. will ho heard at the Se'aiun, llon.e In Spalding, In the county of l/lnculn, on Wednesday. the Htli day nt AtiKiinl, 1H77, "t I- o'clock at noon, on which day you are required to n| Dear, and If yon do not appear III perton or by yuar aolicitor (t Die time unit place a'.mro mcatloiieO aucli oraar will be nutde am! praceatlinK* lakan a* the J mite niay think JtiH and expedient. Itated tlila 'JWtli dar el tlav. 1*77. CIU. K. BUNSKIl. KeifNtrar of the Court KCHOI'K. OIISKK- UKI'OT KOK KuRhlON CONsfuN VltNTs! Il>lf?r?. W. k s. FilKKM A.V pioprlalui* of AldrMir* *, nt Munln'l Imit.liift ?rnii|n<l villi Mr. W?rii>-r. tli? prt? priMor ol ID* Wmn llurp Imm. Uenrion. tienr Loudon, tor it *<-ri?* of unit* of lorrlgn i%nil Continental cim?l*nnirnt? of llorM* Ttir l?rm I* vnrjr r?n violently llttlfllftd within ? frw rnll?? of l,?niilon. 1 liar* I* ?iiipla *li.cK ?<romnioit? lion, with unllnilfil pnatiirn l?n<l Hint watnr. nml I? i'?pf cIkIIt ?<1nDtv<l tor lb* t*<*ptmti .it fnrrlpn ami < 'jdIIiifmaI (loft. brtog In direct communication with all th? nllwtrt to itnnrton ?t*tion tot lull particular* apply to May?r*. W A I*. FRKRM AN, Al<lri<tic*'it Hnr?a fVpn?|Vnrj, St Mar tin'* Inn*. l,o?rt?n. ArraagamaaM ?!<? Ht t'Milt *f bun** Am u; ?*i*. A ML MEM EXT*. CENTRAL T \Kti PARK HART'S GAKIir.N, | SliMMKR PARK I THEaTkB, OAK1IKN, | OAKllKN 7th *v and ?.?th st A OK 4 3 (> Ml 1,1, THIS EVENING. bO Mi .V) 30 ? 64 STAR ARTISTS A I'PEAR IN A LA 1**1 IIA lil.K OLIO OF KL'.V. S K RTMIKS COMICALITIES. t?'.iuoglino, ? 1 {aY spinning in. - Adml**lon, .Vie. No mlrt for Reserved .-eats. Balcony 1"?. C~Vj| AN It OPERA HOUSE TPOOI.E k DONNELLY U<m< and Managers lU.SF.HVRD HEATS .Vi CENTO. LAST PhRKORMANCKS Of MK john T. RAYMOND, Mil. joiin r. Raymond, Jilt JOHN T. RAYMOND, Iii liU ctahi eccentric creation. COL MULBERRY SELLERS. COL. MULhEUKY SELLERS. Iii Mark Twain ? American Drama. _ , "Th?re a M 1111 ? n? in |l." LAST ?rtKLLKUH" MATlNr.E ON SATURDAY. NOTICE.?On MONdT? N'EXT will be produced lb* great Union Square Sensation SMIKK. with Union Square TIi<???r?- c**t, Marston's splendid K<air; anil tlir tarnou* ?.* COACHING scknk, introducing a real English ntnu'o coach of the olden time. with foul spirited Ks.lisli horses, driver, guard ami passenger*. Last NIUUT8 OF JOII.V T. Raymond kvangbmne. K VA NO - LI VIC. EVaNGELiNB. KV A NOKLIN K. EVANGELINE. EVANGELINE. DALY'S 6TII AVENUE THEATRE" 1'ioprietpr and Mtnauir. .Mr. AUGU8TIN DA LI ENO liMol'S HIT OP THE EVANGELINE COMBINATION t Ureal success of Mis* ELiZA WETB hits BY an6 tlift :?.? star Artlita. NEW M UhlC and NEW LOCAL II ITS. every night, is EVANGELINE ! "Unquestionably a nil "?Herald. Molltest of productions "?Tribune. 'A dramatic mint Julep."?'Telegram. "A brighter. Jollier, or mora enJoyabU I bit of fouling it would he hard to In I agme; It keep* the audiere > In a eon I tiouoiu lit ol laughter ''?Sun. EVERY NIQHT AT *. MATINEK SATURDAY AT 2 T~ONY PASTER'S.- TONY PASTOR'S Wondrrlul Success and Re engagement ol THE DEVALLI SISTERS. Great Australian Ballet Troupe and LONDON FEMALE SKRhNADERS. THE FAMOUS DANCE OF THE DRUIDS. together with the mammoth company of Specialty Artist* matinee Tuesday and friday. Q.ILMORB'8 CONGr.RT HARDEN. THIS THURSDAY. JUNE 14. OPfcN AT 3 P. M. STRAWBERRY. ROSE AND FLORAL DESIGN, EXHIBITION. TIIIH (THURSDAY! EVENING, JUNE 14. 1. Overture. '?Raymond" Ambrolaa Thomas 2. Selection*. "Flying Dutchman." tlral time Warner ?. Scena, 'Diinse Macal re.*'Hrst time Sainttiaeni 4. Cornet Solo. "Ocean. Thou Mighty Monster," from "Olieron" ....Webet Mr. .M. \RRUCKLK. 5. Grande Marcho Triumphal*. "The Croaslngof the Danube" SI*. Brlgnoll ?. BrltidM. from "Lucretla Rorpla".. Donlaeltl SIONORINA ELISA OAL1MBERT1. 7. Rhapsodlo Hongroi*e, No. 2 LUtl S. Wetter grand I'lano Solo, "Mom in hrypl" Lltsl Ml? J I'LIA RIVE. 0. Nocturne Rietaei IU lleicrlptlve Aon);, "Wrecked and Saved" Cnowles Mr. WILLIAM HAMILTON. It. Ornnd Turklalt March. "Trlutnphaie" Kackea IJ. Concert Polka, "Echoe* of Ullmore'a Uar oeu" SlelnhauMr 13. Oalop Brilliant. "Thamea Tunnel" Knhntr SUNDAY EVENINUS SPECIAL PROGRAMME*. 6<> centa admleaion ; boxea, aeatln^ four, 1.1. ALLaCK'sT w ORATIPYING Hl'CCEHH of MISS LKTTIR ALLEN In the new Comedy Drama of WAVES. '"Wavet'wai often applauded and the principal actor* were called before the curtain. Mi** Led* Alias iiu ectraaa ol leelluc and Intelligence."?Herald. "Mia* Lettle Allen repreaented the unfortunate wife with emiaitlerable Inielllgeuce. Mr. WhlAeu. Mr*. Baker aad M i ?? lierinon afforded much amuacment."?Time*. "Mlaa Lettle Allen won a great deal of popular laror by ? pretty and exbroaaive f'aee and a prepo?>eaalnir demeanar. .She u a reHneu and pleasant actreaa. 'Wave*' ha* a very Unking acenlc efTerU"?Tribune. "Mlaa Allen never lor a moment failed la ber effort*. WorbL "Mia* Allen make* the heroine or 'Wawi' peculiarly lm* preailv* * ? * the audience afforded uumlatakable avl dercea of their favor. * * ? Mr. J. B. Atwater I* quite up. Impeachable in hla personation of Mr. Arthur Lealie. Ha abatnlna carefully I'mm rant and hi* 'make-ap* I* a* artlatta a* hi* acting."?Dally Graphic. WAVES ' BTERY EVRNINO AND SATURDAY M ATI NEB. TUE GREAT A MW York At/!'ARICil, Broadway and It'llh at. open daily from R A. M. till In P. M Coolest and mo*t at* tractive place In the cliy Livlnu White Whale, Trapleal Kiahe* anil Aneinonea of wonderful color and form. Kara Living Coral. South Ameilcuii LUarda three feet Ions. Sable Quintet of .Inbilee Sincera. Century Plant in Hud. Mlaa Sadie Lubln, sub-marine performances. Talking future* and Orclieatral Concert*. OWBKY" Tlfh ATltE. " " BVfcRY EVENING, the noimlar Actor, * Mr. CHAIILKS FOSTliR, In the highly ?orce**ful sensation Drama, SAVED AT Sr.VBX. Preceded by the amuilng Farce of UPS AND DOWN& grand matinek Saturday, at a. CCOLUMBIA OPERA HOUSE, CORNER WEST 12TI1 Vand Greenwich av.?Tlic only perlonnanoe of the kind la the city. All new and iplcy ?eii_aaU?u? till* week. *> GAYEST <a> Fascination, or the T SHOW ( Tb. ^ Spice of Life. ^ Ot'T. |J* The Pleasure* of rdln M abllle. r sy Female Bather* in real vater. Strange Sight* for fttran. gers. On the Sly. French Mlnoet. Poses Plastlqun. Even. In-^atS Matinees Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at X A IIOYLE ROOMS, AROY^B BOO MB A OTll ay. AND wrril ST. BRILLIANT terpsichokean BNTERTAINMBMC, ONLY PLA? E OF AMUSEMENT OF THE KIND IN THE CITY. OPEN KVERY NIGHT, COMMENCING AT l? O'CLOCK. entrance on ami st. ClARD.?PRIVATE LESSONS. PIANO. OROAN. VIO. Vim Guitar, .Hinting, Languages. I7NI VERHlfT IIII1LDINU, !t? Waverley place. Circular* mailed. WM. It. LEND RUM'S "ELFIN LOCOMOTIVE." RUN nlng on the eudle** railroad, tbe greatest wonder In the world, Is now on exhibition at tl!7 Broadway, from 10 A* M. to 12 M.. from :t tint I1. M.. from 7 to In P. M. Admission-Adult*, 2."> cents: children. Incenta. ABEULE'S TIVOLI TBBATBM. ???? 8th St.. lief ween 'Jit and 8d nv*. Ibe ctHileat Theatre in the City EVERY EVENING (SUNDAY INCLUSIVE) AND THURMUAY M ATI NO R"ScfrROMAN WItEsTLINo M ATCII~?MILLER va. CUriaiol, for at Terrace Garden, VUh St., be tween Lexington and Md av*., or. FRIOAY EVKNINO. l'>th. Ticket* for sale i,i Filth Avenue, Hoffman Mouse. Oil sey's and Wltid^'ir hotel*, ami Ruliuian'a, 111 Broadway. <?COOtBTY SOCIAIILKS " -SUMMER SEASON. TAM' Oiuatiy Hall, evety Saturday oveinng. t.ool and pleaa ant. Admission W cent*. Ladle* freo. IMANOKOUTKM, UliUAK!*, MC. A CHANCE.?SPLENDID NEW "ifpKltifff aSB ?|iiar? PiatKM to rent, and rent sllowed If purnhaeed: a | tew nearly new exceedlu ,'lr low; all new Piano* warranted (or Ave jear*. irreaieat reiiu.-tlon to ra*h customer* ever offered, at HAINES BROS,., lt.'> and 147 6th av., corner Jilt ?t. Old I'lano* taken in exchange. A?FOR RENT. UPRIGHT. SOUARK AND (1RANO ? I'lano* of nnr own make. al?o lor **le and rent, a num. I ber of Hue second hand I'iaiioa, In perfect order. WILLIAM ' KVABI'. .? CO. >1. llj.'xn av . above ltilii at. CHOICE STOCK OF NEW AND ShCOND IIAND Pi.tnoa and Organ* low lor cash, monthly payineuta or I for rent. SOUULBH. .'tl Fast 14th at. Assortment or second hand steinway Piauo*. aome nearly new, very low : alao Piano* of otlier maker,; Ixaare of bo;u? nlanoa palmed off aa gvaulne i Steinway make, at auction or in private house* STEIN I WAY A SONS, Steinway Hall. Mth si. New York. A PRIVATE FAMILY Wll.l. nRLL STBINWaY Pianoforte at aarrillre. a brilliant tuned lour round I rosewood case Piano, richly carved, every improvement, 7lt octav.i, lull igr life ; eoat at Centennial fl.'Jtm, will sell for an elegant 7 octave Piano. fl7.V M. B--Box 1 for shipping. Call orlvat* residence No. 47 We*t Itlib St., be tween .'nit and 'HIi ava. AflOOD~7 OCT AVP. PIANO. * I 'ri;-CHI C K B R ING'i, Stelnway's and other Piano* and t>rgan?, grands.sqtiara*, uprighi?. on luataitiieot* aud rent; Piano* stored. S X. KAI.I. A CO.. II Kast Itth st. A FlMII.Y I.P.AVINO TIIP, CITY WII.L HFXti 1 l.beantllul eftrvnl ro??-?no<l uvil octavo Weber PUoo| ? rlfi ?" fur r*?li. No. 2111 Knat .With ?t , near *v A FEW SHro.M) IIA.NI> WF.BKK PIANOS AT VKRT crom hitritiinv ?m? of them uaed but ? very abort tin* bv nnr brut muan'iane. ami rrall; almoitt aa t-o..<1 aa naw, full/ trarrmili'il in every rr^pri't. I'lraae eall at the WKltKR Waremoma, fttli av. an<( IKth ?!. BITROP.TT OIUlANS. r>AI,L ANl) KXAMINK. OE!?. eral Alienor. '-'1 Kntt Mill at. TpXTKAORD!N ART HAORIfl(IK. - MAfiNIFCrSlff fti..!.,-.!. elaborately rarveil Pianoforte. Htiail ftn4l'ovM| RiKI c?(h; coat $!!?*) laat Aplll; expert*, eaamliie. Real. d lire M Knat Hth. PI A M R AND OIIOANS "kXTRP.MRLT UOW FOB calk, on anirfll monthly or quarterly pa> menu, or to reel In riiv or I' Mintry lor * > unit upward. llOltACK WATER8 M SlJ >*, 4') Kn>t 11th *l. PIa.Mos-NKW a.NO KF.i ONU" HAND; LOWKI1 prlrca In Oie city ; oall before purrhaMnir RILMMiH A Co.. 31 P*?t 14th ?t. SPIjKNDID rfTKI.N W AY A rtONR PIAKO?MUtfT Bi aula at once, #lv?.1. or will exrliar.iro for Upright, aame make. Call 4<m 4th av.. urar 'J^tli it , one flight. TYik 'lip.MKiiK wood ohiianh. maunIficbStTTS atvle iiil l quality ; reaaoiianln price*. Wnreruomt, 4J Ka?t Mlh ai. 1 TI'RlilllT ASH ML'ARK PJA.NOR. S>7.'. TO fMOt B l_. ami f 10 monthly till imlil, <>r rem <n upward. BKTT8, 8 I'nlon -niiitte fllfi a*.), ne,ir 14th at. Kl.HUANT piajto; CAUVP.D l.hflS. OTKft. <P LV"/?trmiR b?M; box for *hl|ipin|{. Elegant Organ, J'm. Kro*ilw*y. corner ?t. 61(1(1 (ASH s|'liK!*l>Ii> piano, STOOL AND O I 'cover, Imsod for ?hipping UKOB?iK WOdli'l <iru*n rooim, 4L' Kn?l Mtli H. % i\ktki crion. fr'v nr< ?6 K k h* PI N, r A K! r irSWIOWTC J\ (nir, WrltniR: ?'l hnnm. pAffch'8 CoIIoup, ftt Buweryi uptown enlioico rimmul l*'7 IlrmtUray. iiUXikT AT SHASIOE \rANTH I.HNPPTaTSLY AO fnmpiipbifl t?i?ehrr; nigh iX*!"*"4 " *1'4oa "?u?*iui?au?* w mp