Newspaper Page Text
A FASHIONABLE WEDDING. [by telegraph to thk herald.] NcwroKT, K. 1., June 13, XS77. A very ooUblo weddiug took place In this city ml? afternoon, the bridegroom being I'rosldeut D. C. UU uian, ol the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, anj the brido Mis# Lillle Woolsoy, uieco ol ex-President Woolsey, ol Vale College, aud sister of Susun Cooiidge, ibe well Known nnthoress. It wus a private aflair, but iixty invitations being issued. Among the guests were ix-1'resident Woolsey, ot Yale Collego; Hon. Hovordy lobnson, ol Baltimore; Jobn Laiarge, tbo artist, and family; Edwin L. Godkin, editor of tbe Xatinn; Colonel T. W. Uiggicson, Colonel G. K. War ing, Jr., and olber literary gentlemen, besides aoveral aumnier residents of this place. Tbe bride, who 1* an accomplished young lady and whose figure is tall and elegant, was dressed in wblte silk, with veil uud wreatb ol orango blossoms. Tbo bridegroom and guests assembled in ibe reception room ol tbe ele gaut residence ol tne bride aud awaited tier appearance. M)o soon descended tbe stairway, procedod by several children, her nieces aud nephews, each ol whom car ried a bouquet. Tbe bridegroom then escorted nor to tbe parlor, whero the Episcopal marringo ceremouy wax performed by Kev. George J. Maglli, of Trinity Church. A reception lollowed, alter which tbe bappy couple look the alternoou train lor Boston, and m ill sail lor Europe in a few days. The bridal presents, wbicb were numerous and costly, were deposited lu tbe third storv el tbe bouse, where the lavored gueds got a glimpse ol them. President Gilraan will not re. bum# bis dune* at tbo University before fall. INSURANCE FAILURE. [by telegraph to the herald. 3 St. Locis, Mo., June 13, IS77. There Is inuch indignation upon the stockholders ol tbe Commercial Eire Insurance Company, which mudo an assignment yesterday, aud anumoerol them boldly express the opinion that there bas been something very rotten In tbe management ot its aflalrs. Joseph Bogy, sou of United Slates Mcnutor Bogy, was presi dent ol tbe company and Us active manager. Senator Iiogy was the heaviest stockholder, uud he states that lie is a loser to the extent ol $100.o00 in cash, and that the disaster will ruin him financially if his creditors are not indulgent. Joseph bogy loses $00,000, Including a lull mortgage on his residence and all his properly. Tbe Hogys have always stood high in St. Louis, and their names were taken as guarantees ol the sounduess of tbo insurance company. There are eighteen other stockholders, all St. l.oulsiaus. There will l>e ?ssets enough to reinsure the policies, ag gregating $40,000, but there does not seem lo be uny probability that tbo stockholders will realize ativtlnnx beyond nu Inslgnitlcuut percentage. Homo ol tne stock tins boon paid lor at par within the last one or two years; it is staled now that tbe com pany has been seriously crippled over since the great Chicago lire uud that it hus been doing a dospciute business ever since. Joseph Bogy was also president of tbe Exchange Bank ot this city and to-day resigned that position. His friend* represent that bo Is completely crusbod. THE F0IN1 OF ROCKS DISASTER. [BY TELEGRAPH TO THE HERALD. 1 Krkdekick, Mil, June 13, 1877. Tbe funerals of the live victims ot the I'oiniot Hocks Baltimore andOblo Railroad disaster of yesterday took place into afternoon, between the hours of four and six b'clock. Tbe entire city is in mourning, while tbo bells bave beon tolling all day. si'ith auaixst tiik compact. Suits will be entered at once against the company for (mounts aggregating to $'_'00,000. WOOXUKI1 KNCOYKKIXG. All tho nineteen wounded are improving, except one, Mr Greon, who will probably die of his injuries. No positive causo has been astigued by tne company for tbe accident, hut a thorough investigation will take place on Friday next. NAVAL INTELLIGENCE. SEAR ADMIRAL MURRAY'S REPORT OF TBE LOSS or THIS SAN FRANCISCO?A HIGH TRIBUTE TO CAPTAIN WADDELL AND THE OFFICERS AND CBEW OF THE GUNBOAT MEXICO. Washixotox, June 13, 1877. Rear Admiral A. Murray, id command of the North Pacific station, in a despatch to the N'ivy Department, dated Mazutlan, May 24, reports the particulars ot the loss of thostoamur Jity ot San Francisco on the 16th ot May, heretofore published, and says owing to tho pood rannagnmcnl of Captain Waddoll. of that vossel, aud I lie perfout discipline of the ship, no lives were lust out ol total ul 'Mil j>ermint, many ol Uiom women, dlil dr n un<l infants. Admiral Murray says It givos him pleasure to rnako tlila statement, hs Captain WadUell was formerly u lieuteuant in the navy, llu also speaks in the highest tortus ot the humane, i-elt-sacriiluiug and galluut conduct ol tho captain, oiTiccro and crew of the little Mcxlcan gunboat Mexico in transporting thu wrecked passengers ana crew to Aca pufco, a i, a gavs it titer i is some recognition from our government. In conclusion, he says the passenperi all concur in tbe testimony that C.ipiain Waddclt did everything that skill and couruco <ould do lor tbciu and lor his xblp, which ho was the last to loave. Indeed tho officers, crew and passengers seemed to have conducted themselves bravely and heroically. THE ESSEX AT PORT ROYAL. Pokt Koyai., S. C., June 18, 1877. Tbo United States steamer Essex, Commander Bcbley, from Norfolk, Va., arrived here to-day. SECRETARY THOMPSON. INSPECTION OF THE LEAGUE ISLAND NAVT YARD. Piiii.aoki.fiua, June 13, 1877. Secretary Thompson, accompanied by Congressmen Kolley, O'Neil, Kreoman and Mariner and a number of naval officers, to-day paid a visit to the League Island Navy Yard. The party thoroughly Inspected the yard and the iron-clads now stattoned there. Tho .Socretary expressed himself as being very favorably Impressed with tbe location of the yard and with its availability as a rendezvous lor monitors and other men-ol-war. Tho Secretary aud party loll tor New York ibis after noon. DEATH FROM STARVATION. [BY TELEGRAPH TO THE HERALD.] Karkisduko, Pa., June 13, 1877. Ezra Newcomer, aged twenty-four years, died tn tbe York County Hospital last evening from starva tion, having partaken of no food for fifty-three days. Newcomer became insane through domestic troubles. Soon after being married he bad difficulty with his wife, and they agrerrt lo separate and divide tho household ellects. Afterward she sued for mainte nance. lie was imprisoned, and Insanity followed. TWO MEN KILLED. f REE FIGHT IN A PARTY OF TRAMPS WITn DEADLY RESULTS. 1'ltlLADKLTHIA, Jlllie 13, 1877. The Evening 7V/<\<7/vy</< this altornoon publishes tho following special -? Fairvucw, Pa., June 13, 1877. A terrible tragedy was enacted In tho mountains near here last night. For a long time the squads of tramps through thu region have made tho place a ro ?ori. Yesterday afternoon four or five ol thero out' easts stopped there. In the evemns they wero joined by quite a number of others. 8on?o of the party were well supplied with liquor. The whole gang indulged pretty Iroely, the carousal beiug kept up till a late hour. About midnight two of them became engaged In an allegation about a woman, one of tho party. The quarrel terminated id a general fight, nearly ail of the tramps participating in il. Two ol them, known ns '?The ftranger" and Uill Ctrr, were so severely ?tabbed that they died shortly alter the end of the Ight. Tho rest of the party scattered In various direc tions, and as Do ? lew has Dcun discovered of their winTeaboiits It is thought they hav>- managed to eg* cape. One of tbe tramps told an old man here the ati.rv of the tragedy, but be was not detained. The affair is being investigated. This is tho second tragedy of the kind that has occurred m this vicinity, and naturallv enough some alarm has been occasioned among tbe lew people living about bore. A FRIENDLY VISIT. COMPANY D, NINTH BEOIMLNT NATIONAL GUARD, AT NEW HAVEN. Nkw Havk.v, June 13, 1877. Company D, Ninth regiment, N. Y.8.N.G., ol New York city, under Captain Auid, with Downing s band of? twenty pieces, arrived in this city this morning They were escorted to tbe Union Armory by tbe Na tional Blues. Company D, Second regiment, C.N.G., Captain Phillips, where they were formally welcom d to the city by Lieutenant-Colonel J. N. llucon, of thu Second regiment. A Her visiting tho public buildups u.d piaeoa of interest, tbey reassembled, and, in company with tbeir escort marched through some of the princi pal streets ol the city to the City Hall, where Mayor i shelton reviewed them aa tbey passed. A dres* pi ra'de In tho pnbllc square was witnessed by a larne number ol spectntori and the visitors wore often ap pla tided lor their fine field movetnenis and drill. The officers ol the Second regiment, C. N. ??., entertsined the officers and Invited guests of the visiting company, sod a fine collation was spread In the armory lor the i men. They will leave lo-filght for homo by the New Y?rk boat. MILL EXTENSION. Kali. KtrteK, Mas*., Jane 13, 1S77. The directors of tho Wampanoag Mill, in view of tho turpi aa ob hand, yotetl today to bnild anothor mill. A STARTLING TRAGEDY. AN ASPIKANT rotl A WIDOW'S BAND KILLED BY HIS RIVAL. 1st TELEGHAPH TO THK HERALD.] Hjktvohd. Conn., June 13, 1877. A terrible tragedy, growing out of tbo love of two mm for Mr*. Bissell, n well-to-do widow, ol West Hartford, occurred lu tbat town at a lata buur last night. Mrs. Biaaell'i busbnud died mysteriously last winter, and atoriea of poisoning on account of ber in timacy with an employ^ on ber husband's form were freely circulated, but were sol at rest by the rerults of a post mortem examination. Some time after tho death of Mr. Uissoll, the employe, John McGuire, who had continued lu the service of the widow, became disagreeable to ber. and was finally discharged In April, Mrs. Bissell paying birn, according to her story, seven months' pay In advance? $140. In bis place sne eu gaged one Kilsha M. lvt'S, who bccamu quite a favorite. McGuire was not satisfied with tho settlement ninde with him, and demanded oue-third of thu estate. The firm refusal of Mrs. Bisfell to uegollnte for bis parift cation on any such terms enracod the man, and ho threatened one more visit, at which she must accedo to his demauds. Ives appears to have been apprised of tbis, and to have prepared himself. SHOT DBAt). f.ast night McGuIre came to Mrs Bissell's house, and, accosting ber ss she was sitting at a window, ex claimed, "Aren't you irolug to give me that money?" To which Mrs. Bissell replied, "Not a dollar." An In stant later the report ol a gun was beard, and MoGuiro foil dead, ptorced by fourteou buck .shot, tired by Ives, who was concealed behind a lilac bush at tho comer of ihe building. After flrlug he coolly walked into tbo kitcnen, put tho instrument of death in us usual place rind calmly awaiteu the arrival of the officers or tho law, to whom be delivered himself without any attempt at resistance. X'Ul'lKK'g isjvwr.6. McGutre's wounds were lerriblo; three buckshot en tered his neck (severing the windpipe), three into the breast immediately over tho lungs, and the others were scattered ovor the chest. Ivies' DF.KKXCK. A briof bearing w<\s held bolore a magistrate to-day, and the case was continued to next Monday to await tho presenco ol importaut witnesses. Ives is remark ably tool and sell-possessed about the affair. He claims that he was justified in his act, on the ground thai McUuire bad threatened Ills life, nnd whs known to carry a revolver. He also statos that McGuire bad choked aud abusod Mrs. Bissell, and thrown stones through tho windows lu bis Joalous wrath, and com mitted other offensive acts to such an extent tbat tho Bisselis and their neighbors were afraid of bnu. Ives nas been lodged in jail in Hartford to await fur ther examination. Mrs. Ui.-soll was much affected by the affair, and whon Ivo.s was led away to jail wept bitterly. She has made public a singular letter received from McGuiro a few days ago, wlnnli gives a cluo to his motives for pursuing her. The loading points of the wretchedly written missive tire us follows:? u'ouirb'b urmaxds. 1 have waited long enough to see you, and I want to know if you aro going to give me what you promised to give me whon you got the title on the pluco, and that was only a tnird ol what you promised to do, and that as soou as you got tho deod of your place. I never will ask you again. You know It was you that brought me Into everything, aud r. was not my fault. I never will trouble you nor never be seen In this towu afterward. If you do not agree to tbat I will wait until 1 gel what I am lookiug for, if it was to be live yoars, and that Is you, ana tbon I will go when 1 have you with me. You know wben I was tliore you pressed me to do so, and you have not done it No longer than last week it was you that brought me to tins. Last winter you olVered mo more pay and 1 would not take it. You know you damned ray soul, and I will put the rest whoro It be longs. GEORGIA'S CONVENTION ELECTION. Atlanta, Juno 13,1377. Special despatches to the Daily Constitution from sixty-six counties give 2,000 majority for the Conven tion. There are counties, oil the line of rullroad, to bear from. It will probably require the ofllcial count to determine the result Acoista, Judo 13, 1877. Itetuma from flfty-tbreo counties glvo 2,946 majority for the Convention. Returns come in slowly. It will take sorcrai days to dociue the icsult. REFORMED CHURCH SYNOD. MISSIONARY ENTHUSIASM?Fli'TS-FIVE HUNDRED DULL A US SUBSCRIBED BT DELEGATES. The enthusiasm creutcd in tlic Synod, on Tuesday, by the report on Foreign Missions, and by tbe ad dresses ol tbe returned missionaries In tbe evening, van continued yesterday, when tbo delegates to mo Synod subscribed, in tbelr own bebult or la tbo name of their churches and Sabbath schools, tbo sum o( $.r>,0oo toward a reduction ot the debtor $.".0,000 which is now pressing the mission work down and discourag ing the missionaries. lioric COLLKOR, MICHIGAN. Mr. Benrdslce presented the report or the Special Committee ol'synod ou llope College, Holland, MlcD. This college, as well ns tbe town In whlcn tl U located, was inunded oy tbo late Dr. Van Unite, who was at its head lor more than a quarter ol a ceniury. The Kev. Dr. 1'lK-lps, its present president ana tlnanclal ageut, lus been connected with It lor olghteen years. It has ninety students, and during the past year thirty of theso became Cbris tians. In tho academic department there Is not ono unconverted student. Tho endowment lund ol the Institution consists o( properly ol various kinds valued at $S;'),000, but $20, duo ol tins sum ure set apart lor Incidental oxpeusee, leaving $0.r>,000 10 be devoted to education. But ol tbis only $:i5,000 is really productive, and the revenue tberclrntn amounts to $2,62.% wnile the expenses of collecting tbo same are so that tbe actual revenue tor college pur poses is only $1,191. At the alteruoon session an addition o! $42o Tor the mission treasury was made to tho $6,000 raised in tho morning. Or. C. D. Ilurtrunll was elected Vodder lec turer for 187'J by 102 nut of 127 votes. The result was made unanimous. Tho Synod also elected a Hoard ol Education, with Dr. Hutton, or this city, chuirmnn, und a Board ol Domestic Missions, with Dr. Ormlston chairman, and a Board or Foreign Missions, headed by Kev. Mr. Cobb, and a Bourd of Publication, with Dr. (iordon chairman. A Bourd or direction to answer the place ol an executive commit tee was also chosen. Fraternal detonates wero nUo nppeinted to tho General Assembly ol tbe 1'resbyterinn Cnurch, Norib, and also to tbe .south, and to tbe United und Hulorintd Presbyterian bodies; also to tbo Pres byterian Church in Canada, the Kclormed Episcopal Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church or the United Sta>es. Tbo most eminent men were chosen to bil all these positions. Tbo Synod expects to adjourn today. OBITUARY. JOHN CANAVA N. Jobn Canavan, formerly a meinbor or the firm of Canavau Brothers, pharmacists, ol this city, died at the Alexian Brothers' hospital, in Chicago, ol quick consumption, on the tllb lust. Deceased was born In Bullymtla, county Antrim, Ireland. During Ma H? uence in this city lie held prominent position! In tbo Pharmaceutical Society ol New York, and was lor some years Vice President of tno Collego ul Phurmacy. Ills iilu was devoted to his pfotcssion, :n which he at tained the highest place, acquiring the especial esteem of tho medical and druggist fraternity. The remains wcro sont to this city lor interment. ELEAZUR K. FOSTER. Judge Kleazur K. Poster, a prominent citizen or Now Huven, died of heart dlsoaso, at bis rosidenco, in that city, yesterday. Hn liad held various Important and Has a rival lor the republican nomination lor (iovernor over Mr. Iluckindism, In 185$. STARVING CHILDREN. Mury Campbell, the mother ol tbree children, two boys and ono gtrl, wis arrested Inst night at her rest dene*, No. >'U7 Kist Eleventh street, ou the complaint ol tbo officers ut tho Society lor tho Prevention or Cruelly 10 Chillren. It appears that some months ago Mr. Campbell abaudoued 01* wile : n 1 loll town, it was siatcd, with anothor woma . His wile began drinking and lias not cured lor Iter children ol laie. and the neighbors nave complained about her conduct to the society. When ihcoflliers went to nor apartments in a dingy rear t>'ii<-mm.t ihe.v found Mrs. Campbell very inuch Intoxicated and her children, Josepn, aged eight years; Edward, aged live years, md Mary, aged six mouths, almost dying from starvation. The children were taken to Police llond qu irlers, whero they were pliced in tho charge ol Mairou tVebb. CAP4IZED 13 Y A COLLISION. The steamer oaseo ran into sn oyster sloop at the loot ol Delancay street, yesterday evening, and cap siji'.'d it. Tbe msster and Ills son, ?ho had been thrown Into tbe water, wore picked up by deck bands of llie Osseo. SUICIDE OF A BARTENDER. .John llatligar, a bartender, lately out or employ, mcnt, committed suicide last evening at No. 13 Kidgo street by shooting himself Ilirough the head. I wo we. before he bad attempted to end bis lile with a razor. A SPECULATOR'S SUICIDE. In hi* room, at No. S3 West Tblrty-Cblrd street, Aiireu F. I.iudtnboin whs found yesterday afternoon lying dead upon bis bed besmeared with blood, und with his band still clutching Die pistol irom which Iho bullet h id been discharged. Ho was a c iiiou speculator who li id coni'< Irom the South, in vested ills money und lost a part oi II. He had lived in Dcninson, Texas, for a long time, having como there Irom Franee, in llie capital of which hi* rurally are still living, lie came to New York about live montb! ago. MEDICO-LEO AL SOCIETY. BEPoRT ON THE SANITABY CONDITION OF THE PCBLIC SCHOOLS?PBOFUBftoB BAT ON "TES" TAMENTARY CAPACITY." A meeting of the Medico-Legal Society was hold last evening at tbe Academy of Modlcins, No. 12 Went Thirty-Ural street, Professor Frank H. Hamilton, pres ident, in tbe chair. Tho committee having charge oi legislative meas ures In promotion ol tho aanllory condition of the public scboola of tbia city reported partially, tbrough Mr. 1). 8. Kiddle, aa follow*:? The intention vii to present tn the society at this meet ing * synopsis ol the labors of the committee lor tlie pint year mid n half, Out circumstftuces intervened to prevent till*, and the full report is necessarily postponed until tbe society resumes its session* utter the vacation. It in?) uot be out ol place, however, to allude briefly to tlie bids introduced in tlie lull* Legislature at ilio instance ol jour committee to promote toe health of school children. Tlie nii'inbers of tIf society are aware tlint there were two bill introduced?vit... one fixing the minimum age of ndinlssion nt six years, nnd liiuitiug tlie attendance to one aesth n a day of children under eight years of nge ; nnother for tlie Hppoiutiuent ol an assistant superintendent of schools lor medical supervision. With regard to tbe tlrst mentioned bill the benefits to be derived Ironi it are incalculable. Of eliilureii under the im? ol six yearn there are upward of 17,n *> now attending the lower grades in our public seliools. who could not fail to be greatly benefited by the passage of such a law. tbe ad vantages ot which are clearly siio-vn In n eommu-iiration from a principal In one ni the public schools, published in our second report, Irom which we quote the following ex tract bearing nil this point : ? 'The children return to school in the afternoon after par taking ol a hearty dinner (which i think you will concede Is hot conducive to increased mental effort), niton fatigued by play, and during tlie warm months overheated, so that the afternoon session i? a tax on the vitality of both teacn ?rs and scholars, without any corresponding menial benellt." TI.O'O Interested In the health of school cliillren may satisfy themselves us to the correctness of these suite menu by observing the little ones ou these swelteriug days returning to kIiooI after the noon recess exposed to the burning rays ol the midday lun, wmle in the school to lie Cooped uu in crowded ro< m< during the entile afternoon, without any recess, in constrained position-, cramuied lor tbe annual examinations, tortured hy drill exercises (or exhibitions (the usual programme at the close ol the school y aarl in order to gratify the vanity of school officers, who ?eem determined to mil these schools regard less of the physical well-being of tbe pupils and tlie re quirements of sunitary laws. As it all this were not enough, the Introduction of cor poral punishment is now inor ted nnd this question Is now bofuro thel.-chool Board for its action. The second bill ill relation to sanitary supervision of schools has attracted a great deal ol attention and has re coived tho unanimous indorsement of the medical profes sion Further particulars are deferred until the report al ready alluded to is made lu conclusion, your committee cannot refrain from ex pressing their gratification at tlie approval by (be public of the efTorts of tnis society to promote the health ol school children. Tills has been evinced hy the th inks ol parents, the favorable conimonts ol tlie press and the prompt nasi ago by tlie Senate of this State ol the School Health bill. Proloseor Isaac Riiy, ol Pbil&dolpbis, read au In structive paper ou ''Tefctamenlury Capacity." Alter tho meeting ?u.s over tho members ol the souicty adjourned to tho residenco of Profesor Frunic 11 llumillou. No. West Thirty-second street, whero a reception held, at which Professor Kay was introduced formally to inc guests. SHIPPING NEWS OCEAN STEAMERS. DATES OF DKi'AHTI'KF. FKOM NEW YORK FOR THE MONTHS OF JI NK ANI? Jl'I.Y. Stateot I'enn'a... I.ltine 11 ammonia. iJune Britannic i June June J une June June I uue .1 une June June June J ii in June Kgvpt Kolivla Mosel...... ....... Idaho Russia ... France State of Nevada... >1 aas Herder City of Richmond. Italy Ainerinue Utopia ifevonia Oder Algeria State of Virginia. Klieln Anclioria Wlclnnii Germanic Wyoming Kothuia,. rrlsia ..... l-lutie J nne Juio June June June June ?luiie June J uue July July July | D'ttination j Offtnt. I Glasgow.... 172 Broadway llliimburg . Itil Broadway .'Liverpool. iS7 Broadway P C ni and JJnly July July July July Inly July City of Berlin... Alsatla......... California Necksr Mate of Indians Adriatic City of Chester...lJuly Wisconsin I July Liverpool Glasgow.. Bremen... Liverpool., Liverpool.. Havre Glasgow... Rotterdam liamhur?.. Liverpool.. Liverpool.. Havre London.... Glasgow... Bremen.... Liverpool.. Glasgow... Hrerr.en.., Glasgow... Hamburg.. Liverpool.. LI verpool.. Liverpool.. Hamburg.. Rotterdam. Liverpool. London ... Glasgow.. . Itreraen ... Gluagow till liroad s*ay 7 Rowling Green 2 KowIIiiptireou 29 Broadway 4 Howling (>reen 55 Broadway 72 Hroudwuy .'>(1 Broadway 81 Broadway 15 Broadway BW Broadway 55 Brondwny 7 Bowling Ureen 7 Bowling (ireeu 2 Bowling Green 4 Bowling Green 72 Broauwi y 2 Bowling (ireen 7 Bowling iireeu 61 Broadway H7 Broadway 31 ? Broadway 4 Howling tireen 61 Broadway 5ti Broartwav 15 Broadway 7 Howling Green 7 Bowling Gie?n 2 Bowl'n: Gieen '2 Broadway ILIvernool. ,|.T7 Broad wu. ILiverpool..115 Broadway I Liverpool.. 130 Brondwny ALMANAC FOR NEW YORK?THIS DAY BUM AKD SOUS. I HtOU WATIH. Sun rise! 4 28 | Roy. Inland oyn 11 08 Son sots...... 7 32 j Sandy-Ho'tlc evo 1U 23 Moon sets cto 10 35 | Hell Gato morn 1 63 PORT OF NEW YORK, JUNE 13, 1877. ARRIVALS. REPORTER BY THE I1KKAI.1) STEAM YACHTS AND HERALD WHITEBTOS'E TKLEOBAPH IJNE. Steamer Russia (Rr), Conk, Liverpool June 2 and 0'inenstown :id. with mdse mii<1 passengers to C G I'rauck lyn. Steamer Ilerdar (Or), Brandt, Hamburg May 30 nnd Havre Jnne "J. with incrclianitlse and J?III passengers to Kunliardt A i!o. Was detained nelow 4 hour* bv fit,: : hod wsterly wlndm up to the Banks. tlienie southerly winds with To* nnd rain; June t', lat 43 44. Ion 4!*, panned an Ice. berg. Steamer Franco (Kri. Trndelle. Havre Jnne 2 via Plym outh 3d. with mils* und passengers to Louis ite Beblau. Steamer Columbus, Reed. Havana June (?. with mdse and pat-Bangers to Win 1" Clvde A Co. Was detained out side Sandv look hour* by fog. Steamer Knickerbocker. Kcmhlc. New Orleans ft days, with mdse and passengers to Clark A Seaman Steamer Richmond, Kelly. Lewes, Del. with mdso to the Old Dominion Steamship Oo. Steamer Niagara mew. Jl<m tons), Curtis. Chester, Pa, In ballast. to J-s K Ward A Co. Bark Cora Green (of Bangor), Collins, Demerara 20 days, with sugar to II Trowbridge's Son*; vessel to K II Smith. Bark Kerrar > Terio (Ital), Cuomo, Trieste and Gihraltur 43 ilavs. with empty barrels to Kuneh. TCdye A Co Bark Lir.rle Ireilale lof Liverpool), Mnssop, St Vincent 10 davs, with sugar to ord?r; vessel to master Bark Leonora (Kr), Mahr, Havana 11 days, with sugar to S A W Welsh; vessel t-> master Brig l>ai?y McCarthy Messina March 5 and Gibraltar April 13, with Irult to Baring Bros; vessel to Swan A Son. Sehr Leon*, Codfrey, Corpus Chrlstl 21 days, with bones to J H Brown A Co. PASSED THROUGH 1IKLL GATE. BOUND SOUTH. Steamer City el Pllchburg. Spii igje. New Bedford for New York. schr Marshall Perrine, Heckwlth, Boston for New York. Sclir Ouward. Gorham. Nantucket for New Vork. Scbr Kstellu. Rogers, Wood's Hole tor New York. Srhr Ida, Hearing, Taunton fur New York. Schr Meoiator, Mavis, Kail lliver for New York Schr K II Lnngall. l!rown. Providence for New York. Schr K Meiwln, Burc- . Provldance for N?w York Sclir Henry Globs. t'ofQu, Coliasset for New York. Schr Texas. Smith, New Loo 'oil tor New Y'ork Sehr II T Potter, Anderson. N w London for New York Sctir llcnry Fr- ncli. Bunnell, New Loudon for New York. Sclir Addle P Avery, Thompson, New London for Baltt more. Schr Joseph Marsh, Brown. New London for New York. Srhr A'nn Amelia. (fWt. Tfnrnci for New York Schr l.amaitluc. Smith, Now Haven tor Nee- York. Selir.l B Carringtoii, Parker, New Haven lor Baltimore. Schr Annie t'lia?e. Gibson, New Haven lor New York. Sclir Reading Rll No 43, Adams llurtford lor Now York. Scbr Hattle Lou, Wright. Hartford for New York. Standi!!. Tryon I'or'lanu, ft. for New Yorlt. Schr Robe t Smith, Smith, Portland, Ct. for New York. Scbr Kanntn J Russell, liankln, Portland. Ct, for New Tork. Scbr Merlin", nail, Bridgeport lor New York. Sehr A A K Baker, Brown, Bridgeport for Sew York. schr Mary A Bice, Dee. Bridgeport for New York. Schr Joseph K Polls, Rowland, l'orl JelTerson for New York. Sclir llane, McNnuiee. Groeuwich for New Tork. BOUND KAHT. Steamer Tlllle. Lwing, New York for New London and Norwich. scbr Pacific. Pease, New York lor Rockland, *chr Pointer. Dill, New York for Providi nee. Schr Win White lead. f tns. New Yotk lor Boston. ??rlir T W Spencer Tronser, e? Vrk for New London. Schr Kate Churcn, Weeks, New York for New London. Schr (?corgia, ilrcutt, sew b'ora lor Boston. Sclir Abide *? R'ysnt, Bryant. New York lor Providence. Schr Kaniiie Bntier. Slienn >n. Sew York for Boston. Sclir --rah llabcock, Sidney, New York for Bridgeport. Sclir H Itieker, Bicker, New i nrk lor Bridgeport. scbr Arlamia iBr>. i-.<er-it V- Yotk for SlJotin, N B. Sclir Klor:i \ Sawyer, Nutter, Hoboken lor Boston. Schr Saliso Palmer, tor Portsmouth, Nil. Schr Belle, Simpson, Hoboken lor Newport. -?elir M W Grilling, Stockton, Hoboken lor Maldon. Sehr 1-lya.snr. Kiios. \mh >y| or Providence, Si In i willftht. Reed, Rondout for B ioihhay. Schr Senator. Granr, Itmidom tor Portsmouth, Ml. Sclir Oiiiekatep, IIiilclilnson, Rondout for Haverhill. Schr I'anthea. Nickerson, Konilout forClisrlostown, Mass Sclir Loiii>ik. Healer, Newburg lor Providence, Sclir Julia Baker. Baker, N'eabnrg for Providcneo. Sclir.i C Harris, smith llaverstraw f??r ? tonrnrooK. Srhr Shamrock Lynch. IIaverstraw lor Providence sclir II A Denilng, Boartlinan, l-.iltahethiiurt lor Hart lord. Schr Ann Klira. Bobbins, port Johnson for New Bedford. Scln Maeuie Bell, Hall, Port Johnson lor Rockland. Schr J II B?rtl?tt. Kellr. Port Johnson for ? oston. sclir Marv II Siockham. Reed. Port Johnson for Boston Sclir Mary E Hayles. W nsson. Port Johnson for Bridge port. Sclir Kll*a A Hebecca, Stoddard, Atnbov for Providence, m' lir Carrie L III*. 111 x, Port Johns'n lor Koothhay. M-lir Helen Hoaell, Nickerson, Amhoy for Boston. Sch Wm T hlmer, Trlbble. Amhoy for N>-w London. S oO(. Centennial. H ?ynor. Ne? S'ork lor Greetiport. 1>ELUW. Ship liter f) Walleit (of Yarmotllb. MS), lla'Aeld, fi?m Calcutta Feb J?, to Boyd A (thicken. CLEARED. Steamer Scythia iBr), Haines, Liverpool vlaQueenstown? C G Francklvn. steamer The Queen (Br), Bragg. London via South amptoii?t W .1 11 ii rat. Steamer Hindoo (lift, Mitchell, Hull, K?Clias L Wright A Steamer State of Pennsylvania (Br), Stewart, Glasgow? Ail-tin llnldivin A Co. Steamer Clarlbel (Br), Kerguson, Kingston, and Au* Caves? 1'ltn, l''or?nod A Co. SteamerCity ol New York, Tlmmertnan, Havana?K Alex, andre A Sons. . ? Steamer tien Barnes, cneesman. Savannah?Murray, Ker fl si* ariier Gulf Stream, Crowe 11, Charleston?J W Qulntard AOo. Steamer Anthracite. Grumlev. Philadelphia?Ja* Him. Hlilp UhIk (Nun, Bull. Havre-Flinch. Kdye A Co rturk AmalQ (Iiul), Ku?so. Penarth Koad* (or order*? JoUn C "out;er. Bark Christina (Br), Andrew*. Cork or Falmouth for or ders?Scammeil Bro?. Bark Tilde (Am), Tuulaieb, Cork or Kslaiouth tor order* ? Slncnvlch A Co. Kurk Klll.if i.Nor), llmi.-e. Queenstowu, Falmouth or Plymouth fur orders ? Benham k Boyesen. imrk Prindseste \isxaiidra (Dan). Davis. Cbristlanstadt (St <;roix> via Norfolk?Roche Bros k (Jo. ifri^tto (Qkr). Jackmaon. Alton* for order*?Punch, Kdv? Jrt'o. Brig Favorite, Woodward, Polnt-a-I'ltre, Guad ?II Trow bridge's Suns. Brit; Hunita (Br). Dunn. Harbor Urace. NF?R P Cnrrie. Sclir Jacob h Ridveway, Townsend. I'ara?Kurdett A Pond. Scbr Euitna L C Wlnsor, At wood. Baracoa?B J Wenberg k Co. Sclir Edwin Janet (Br), Koberts, Harbor Island, Bah? Win Douglass. Sclir 11 L gangster (Br), O'llara, St John*. NF?Dovale k Cu. Sehr Rate Clark (Br), Guptlll. St Andrew*. NB? Jed Frve A Cu. Sclir De Mory Gray. Brewster, Charleston?Mlaght A Petty. Scbr Eva May, Andrew*. Portland, Me?Miller A Hough ton. Sclir I'olnter. Dill. Boston?Clias Twlng. Sclir J M Bralnard. Hall, Huntington?II W Jackson A Bon. Sitirldii Palmer, I'almer, Bridgeport?Htamt(.rd Manu inrturiiK.' Co. Sloop G A Jam*, Jarvi* South Am boy, NJ?Wei.ver A Story. Sloop Fred Brown, Hull, Pruvldenco?Frank Pidgeon, Jr k Co. SAILED. Steamers Soytlila (Br), for Liverpool i The Queen (Br>, London; Hindoo (Br), Hull; Labrador (Fr), Mavro; City ul' New York, Havana; (l?n B.irne*. Savannih; Gulf Stream. Charleston ; Kichmoud. Lewes, Del: barn* Nave sink. Shanghai ; Mills >u, Yokohama; Potropolls (Nor1, Stockholm; Northuiubria iKr), North Shields; Martha Relcl (Hr), Belfast ; briirs Mary Jane Wilbur (Br , Goole; OlhfKvrre (Nori. Plymouth; Homely (Br', Pasoeblae; Di rlu-o ll-llast. sclir* Mary S Lunt, Polnt-aPitre; Speedwell, Governor's Harbor; Tam O'Sbanier, Port Howe (Cat Island); Acadia illr), i'uhit-a 1'ltro: l)e Mory Gray, ChatIcaton; Sunny South. Wilmin^tou, NC. MARITIME MISCELLANY. Slur Fi,orkw(?k Tiikat, from Mauritius (or Glasgow with sugar. ran aground May 2ft at the tall of the bank, but wit* towed off by twa tug* and arrived at Glasgow 30th. Bark Katk Auhks (not Mary Anne* of and Irotn St John, NH, for Newport, K, was ashore June 12 on Mild Inland, but would probably lie ^ot off. Bark Canada (Ger), from Darlen. grounded in the river at Berwick June 1, but would probably float after discharg ing lior deck load. Bark Athkxa (fieri, from Now York for Bremen, which put back to New York May 2ft leaky, lias discharged, been placed on the sectional dock, her bottom repaired and re. calked, and on June 12 alie was being retreenalled In her uppor works. Schr J Kir.iki.k, aabore at Block Island, la full of water ami last breaking up. A portion of (lie coal may lie saved If the weather proves favorable; also theaals, riggln;. chains, anchors. Ac. Four of the cr-w arrived at Newport Monday night In the achr II B Anthony: the cap tain and mate remain on the Island to look after what may be saved from the wreck. The Block Island Wrecking Company receive 50percent on all savod from the vessel and 00 per cent on the car;;o. Soir Maky Pattk.v. of Bangor, Me. provlnn*!y reported abandoned, was again passed lu lat 32 N. Ion 7."> 14 W, waterlogged. ileen lit the wat r. torenmat standing, main mast gone. about a fee; above tho deck; hull considered (lanceroua to vessels ou that track. Sciut Ma?ki. F Staples (of Harringtoni, from New York June s for Polut a I'ltre, put back to New \ork June 10 full of wnter. liming sfoveu her bow port, supposed by striking a spar or piece of timber. A Viskki. bottom up, of about 250 to 300 tons, was passed May 30, in lat 40 N, Ion 34 \V. The expense* on *hlp Caatlne. from llatavia at Falmouth while at St Thomas amounted to $X,!?I9. Liv**poOL, May 31?Two bates of upland cotton allghtly damaged by fire, marka 8 C X. anit B I' L. were picked n'p in Itt 50 40 N, Ion 11 W, by the Herbert Beech, at this port from St John, N B. Norfolk. June 12?Tim achr Joseph W Allen, from Rich mond for Wilmington, Del. which lost her malnmaat In James Klver a few day* aso, left the Navy Yard yesterday niomitiK, having hud the broken maat scarfed. NKwroitT, June 12?The contract to remove the wreck of sehr E F Meany from Saybrook B<rwas awarded by (Jen Warren to-day to George W Thompson, of Boston, for fiMJO, Ills beincc the lowest bid, Dutch Island II auhor, June 12?Scbr Wm Connors, Win ford, from Ilohoken for Boston, anchored on returnlnic I'M 11th. but soon after lilted anchor to change position mot fouled with sclir Challenge, of St Geotiro, Me. Irom Fall ltlver for New York. The Connor* drifted across the bow< ol the ('lialletiK'. the hitter's Jlbhoom went thronuh the mainaall of and hnne the Connor* by the maiuboom topplnr litt; the latter then iwunir round with tho current, had boat stove, alio curried away port cathead, Jibboom. jib and flying Jih iruya of the Challonge. The vessels then cleared, the (Jonnnrs agaln iinchorlnc; In a mora suitable position. Sa\FiiAKi'tsro, June 5?The latest news from Honolulu in reenrd to bark Brontes is that sh- is literally falling to pieces. Her timber* have been dropping out one by one, and her stem had to be lashed together. She will be sold and her boats and outfit brought tn tlila port. Vkssf.i.s Sold-Steamer Kaloluh has been purchased re cently hv Mr Gcorgehan and other parties at Baltimore for the Choptaok ltlver trade. Ship Anna Decatur. 1.210 tons, built at Portsmouth. Nil, in IR'iil, yellow metalled in 1H73. has been sold for $23,000, to go under the German flair. Ship Asia. *4<) tons, halllni; from Bremen, baa been sold at Amatordnm. ririg Wiley Smith, 12ft tuna, built at Pugwash, NR. In IRAK, haa been sold to M??rs rltirlalr k Love 11, ot New York, tor f3.V >. to be used by stevedore*' raea am a boarding pUc in Vpper Quarantine. New Vork. Sclir Aurelia. 4<*> ton*, of rioston, lia? been purchased by Cyrus II Flauder* and other*, of N*w Bedford SiitPRtJiLDiwo-The llnrlan A Hollfnjsworth Co, of WII niitigton, l>et, have just laid tno keel of another large coasting atenmor for the Morgan line of New York and New Orleans steamers. When completed she will make the fifth now scre.v steamer built for that line In the past two years. Pnaey, Jones A Co. also of Wilmington, are building two revenue cutter steamers tor the government of the United Status of Colombia, to tie used tint tbe Atlantic coast. T l ev have two steamers In course of construction for tue Soutti American river trade, besides considerable other work. At Pliipsburg. Me, Capt C D Rogers has laid a keel for a schooner in the Bowker yard. Mr Minott Is abont to send two vessels to Florida to bring a frame for ? large ship to he built in his rard. WHALEMEN. Arrived fit New Bedford Jim* 12. bark Cieoriro A Susan, fleyer, So':til Atlantic Ocean. St Helena April 23. with 1 tf I bbls up and 7'fl do wh oil. Sent liome on the rojm^o 1150 libis sp and 4rt<( * h oil. Has on freight 8883 ^u]h up and wh ol'and .VKI lbs bone from bark Desdemona. 14,874 gals up oil Ironi bnrk Kithle?n, SSfll do do and 11.833 do wh from bark llnpa On. unit 25 bdls bone from bark Rousseau. Sailed from do 12th, bark Itelndeer, Baker. lor Atlantic Ocean At Talrahuano May 2, barks Morning Star, Lewis. NB, having taken .Vi<) bills in oil this reason; Abro Marker. TImrher. do. 35(> do <1o: Falcon, Ilerenilen, do, 2<lOdodn| John A Winthrnp, Shiverick. do. oil a* beforo reported; John Oarvur, Collin, do do, refitting. SPOKEN. Ship John De Costa, Htisans, from Philadelphia for San Francisco. May Kl. lat 27 N. Ion 41 VV. Ship t?a<hl -r (Br). Trefry, from Musqnash. NB. for Liver, pool. May 22, lal 4J. Ion ">4. Uark St Oeorge (Br), .Moore, from Cardiff lor Anler, April 25. lat 3 N, Ion 2ti W, : Bark llenry Norwell. Burgess, trom Oporto for Arcban. 1 gel. May 21. fat 41* 3m, Ion Irt <?H. Bark Kate Hnrrill (Br) Morrill, from Dublin, bonnd W, w?* seen May 2<*, lat 50 34, Ion 31 (M, Brig Chance (Br), from Boiton for Curacoa, Mar 27. lat 2H, Ion .">!). OUR CABLE SHIPPING NEWS. Alcoa Bat, May 12 ? Sailed, brig Lucy W Snow, Hall, Braton. A.tiwunp, June 13?Sailed, steamer Rowland, for New York. Biiistoi., Jnne 13?Arrived, ahip Rolf (Ger), Andersen, New Vork. Bri-*gf?, June 13?Arrlvod. ship McDougall (Br). Davis, New Vork. Sailed 12tli. ships Sophie (Oer), Cbrlstnir.T, Amorlca; riiland (fieri, Janssen. Baltimore. CorFNMAom, June 8?Arrived, bark Chas Tottln (Swe), Neilsen, riilladelphla. Cam/., June 8?Arrived, bark Emma (Ital), Contango, New Orleaos. Dunkirk. June 12?Hailed, bark Liixlo bright ?Br), Wright, New Vork. DK(HiMKt>A, June 13?Arrived, bark Proirresi (Nor). Nell sen. Baltimore. Daistxic, to Jnne 13?Arrived, bark Skjoldmaen (Nor), Lund, Baltimore; brig Trenmore (Nor), Christmsen, New York. Oi.asson Dock, June 12?Arrived, bark 8ntaraa (Rus), Fllnkenburg, Darion. Kavkk. June 12?Arrived, ship Crnsader (Br), Durkee, New Vork; bark Sokoto (Br), Ooudr, do. Ilit.t., June 13?Sailed, bark llerllia (Nor), Oaaru, New York. Hamburg, June 12?Sailed, bark Europa, Modley, Bos. ton. Sailed Oth (not 11th). brig Clto ( Dan), Jansen. Wilming ton, NC. lN.ttsitowkM IIk.ap, Juue 13?Sailed, berk Noel (Br), Knowltou (from I ondfinderry), Baltimore. KostusiKRU. to Juue 13?Arrived, hark Lady ofthe Lake (Ur), MeKensle, I'hiiedelphie. Ltv> Rroot, June 13?Arrived, steamers Leon (Kp), Urrl ola, Baltimore; Minnesota (Br), Burwrll, Boston Sailed J3tli. steamer Ohio, Morrison. Philadelphia Also sailetl 13th, hark Valkyrla (Br), McCJname. Penia cola. I.oxno*. June 13?Cleared, bark Olale (Ital), Digoiifndo, United States. Nkwcasti.k, Jun} 13?Arrived, bark Gylfe (Nor), Korn ?trom. IVnsaeola. 1't.rMiiDTii, Jnne 12?Arrived, ship Cnrl Linck (Her), Ka gel, rhiliidelphla for Hamburg. Qc*KKrrowjl, June 13?Arrived, steamer Spain (Br), Orace, New V irk for Liverpool. with steamer Oily of Her. I in (Br), Konnedy, from do for do, disabled In machinery, 111 tow. STKTTIX. to June 13?Arrived, hark Norrten (Swe). Nor man, Xewirk. NJ. WnsroRD, June 8? Vrrived, bark Hemisphere. Consldine, Quebec. WI.ATHEti REPORT. Holyhkad, June 13. PM-Wlnd KNK, lUht. FOREIGN PORTS. An.'kk, April 13?Passed, Vark Korser (Dun). Grove, Hong Kong ',,r Ne? York., NS, June 4?Arrived, brlf Jlary (Mr). Dodge, Now Vork. _ Bombay, Mny 14?In port, stilus Prince h rederlck tHr), Clogite. for l.lverimol; Oily of Boston, Crosby, lor llaire; Algonquin (Br). Dogter, toi do ; Oen Domvllle (llr). Stan ton, fordo; Wra Douglnas (Mr), Dourlasi, fordo: Alex Yeats (Br), Dunbar, une. Bahia. May I2-ln port, barks Osborne (Br). Jemee. for New York; Lujnl Sam (Mr). RalM, lor <to; Petrel <Bri? Job... for do; Jon hjcrfln (Sw>. a'*?*t0{*'r joftka (Daii) . MelUi, for tlo; Gil (Port), bark U?a (Br,. Maiw.ll, Campb.ll; Viscount (Br). ^ (BM. llfiUecock. f?r New Virk; Lnc b ?????' 7)r;?.?.,?d Oltaua (Br), lor ?lo; Arrlo (Bus), lor ? s?n Kr*n (III), tor do; I anon ?*"'??" (H?:Jiuu,"' Sarah lllnneU. Cisco; Han Jauquln, Walt.. for Manrltlu } j ucr s Willi, Klddar. from arrived 7lto. linc^ tf,rk- i;eiU, pritchitrd. unc; burku Kalnbow (Br), for *cw Col?, for Hoitoti. . luhn K liolbrook. Thomas; 7th, barks H ? Bills, Pt.jff. |r|n|, Barbour, rena P Smith, \*arr.o, I'nrtUod; H.or*a ???> ??. Klnlav, N ?? Mutter**; schrs llel. n Mart*. Atwo(Vi ao; ui? D?liio?. Duli n?. do; Reboot* I <"? Mattl. B Russell. 7th. bark Masonic, Kite. U?; Sth. brtir Athertou. do. ...,..,1 hark DH Bills, St CaiiiaiukK, .lotio 4? Arrived, bar* u Tbom*? (and sailed lor Oardena*). ,. | . Harden**; r>*.led 'Jd. brliss KllO.. il M??r*V K?; , P'p.noVr ll.n Snri.r Hloom (Br), Lamon. N*w York, 4th. lt Vvill ?>y Matanza*; Ann (Br). Jamleson. do; ??h. not.r '?KStn. 5?Sailed brl* Joaqm?. (Br). O.rd "?'h*tiu""nb''June 8-Cleared. *hlp AlBom. (Br?. Gr,r^^r:y.ri ll-Hailed. brt? K I M.rryman, N AWrrtverd-Jun. 10. bark St Lawrence (Br,. Do.. B.ltl "lUTA-A 8?Arrived, steamer LU.Ie ll.nderMn; Miller. K?y We.t; brl* ft"?,,T^ue";on? H*rti,md; brl? nhla; tltli. bark John J Marsu, rattersou, *aa tgawsyfo sgas for N ol llatt?ra?; ytU. ateamer ?. ty ? Howes. Sagua Progreto ami \nriiCrui, sclir I<> rus I.?*sred'IuV,?b arK (ie.or.a \?*.t (Br). Hm ita*. Juue 13?Arrived. bark Mary J ???" bTr?lV.d'!io"h. sclir S U Irwin (Br,. Orlffln. New York; 11th brl- 11 B J?iiw (Br). Uolllt?% Liverpool. s Mar Cleared Otll, hrltt 0 II Halls (Br). Bennett (from St Mar caret's Bay,, lll!{nbrldr>. <>B. |.hiui..? Philadelphia Sail'id 11 tU steamer Mercedlta, t>bau? y. ? > andNew York (..?taHby.K?riipo'?ed) d (Br) 4S?&B&&ae**~ '"silled 8tli, bark Klorencj I. Ue?u>*ar. tarns- oris O.orire llnrnharo. Staples, oo. Potter. Walls, do: Minnie U Ijond. H?It d<^. , f(ir N,w In port nth. IUp, bark* Kllaa "" lior,|?n (Br>. ^r5^0dT^a^r^.f^ O^?? do; sohr, Nellie I'owrrs. Stac It pole, N'rk ?at . Kro-'?r. Sydney. \1 ontiik a I., if nno ?*-" Arrivou, outk ft* * ,i i*. iu>rkr Cl?- 1 Uh;Vteamer St.Wlo (Br). Irrlne, Newcstle. l?.l>?rk MSSStia=i? M?. PVt?^rj?n. 0?Cleared, ship Coronet (Br). Artl.ur.en. "ffl1: .'uue n;Vhi~rart:A.a^rreSvcnl?n, 'Uverpool; Ue. ?.U.l^X N>pt uoe." NordhI.?S: Water ford; TwII.Rl.t. TK?S?rA%27-B..l.d, bark I.ollna (Br). Gilbert. brlss Kudorus, Prince, do for do, L<ora inri,. ?'*> '?S?Ued 6th. barks Misle Carney. Bostwi; Selota (BrK fH^a??aS^2assrs "fsi"tIo"\ NB. June 12-Arrlved. barks Byron (Nor). OhrlstensVn, Chiwnte via Halifax; ^ ,n,1l"?irl(BrsLrreu, Newport F.\ 1 ?tli, brln Emily Raymond tBr), Starrett. ?a? ?&?:;? ? br^'o^nw'(br>l*MoreUe?d?^Bi'ly*hannon; 11th. .hip Tyro port, brls Conrad ,Oer>. for New n^AV'rt^Cy S?In port, bark Hose. Klch. unc. STKAMI'-n KtlSStA.! May 111?sallfd, Constantla. Kafn, America. ALMKBM. May 35?Sailed, Flschettl, Catorls. Oarthaiiena an|?Rmo,Y]PMl?. June I?Arrived, M A Nelson, Oorsw.U. HtBKkwicNic?M?y31-ArrlT.d. Perssrerante. Bmio. BaltU mBrKW<:KN, May 24?Cl.ared, Berirenseron. Mortensen, BORDKAP*. May 2P-Procr.(I "C J f Quebec. ehK^B^A.^la?'J7? SJ.JL.V \lav 13-trrlvrd. iValla, Vance. Calcutta. CAPMiVr, May 31-Arrlved. Nuova Battler. La Oomraaro. ^Cleared?>th. Saponin., Conifdon. Singapore (tnd sailed New fJVjirtH(T*June 1. B.rti. Blpelow. FerK.j*?, f-ondon lor N1^?"lk'l?. Nederland (s). Uandlc, Antw.rp tor New Kn,?sT??'Mar TH-Arrlred. Xenla. W^rrfWds. Calcuttn. DLH ts May 31-Snllrd. Or.we K Cann for St John NB; BSSSiCV ?,raMV New < I,0K?^rn?BTa^J?:ra M CtuM. ?TmootuWe^-*7rlved. 01?a, Mathon. DaHen f, r K?s"ue'd 1st. (s), Stephenson* (from N.w York), "offthe Llr.ard May 31, New World. Hammond. London f0p?*esedVt?be I.le of Wl*ht 31st. Oxo. Dahl, from Lynn for Baltimore Ar?i?ad Assvrlan. Conlon. New York. Salted May 31 Kol.t Porter.'Oood.ll, Klo Janeiro; June 1. Peter Crar. Munroe. Baltl mS:A^uAM:^^0-^-!l:tA?^U (*). Knox. Menton. Arrived, Olympla (*). B?lt. (?asSow. *Uai.l?] May 8?Airlvad, Mary WlKrln*. Dext.r, Cap. T*HoLr..KAP, May 31-Sailed. A?nes Oswald. Mitchell. V'joiie 1-Arrived. Prinr. Resent, Horwig, Darlen. "i^wTci?: lMi>U3i-S??r<J. AspotoR.n, MrKensle. New Y?irN?.SHOWltK Hkad. June ?J-Arrlved. Ahkera. Astrom. i YlL|krIt?roXi?- 1-Arrived. Woowng., Portland. ,??%,w^srh^?wX"rB. Barnes. Svdne>. < ? . ll? x. liansan, H()mb(| . c s B?vll?. Russell. Wuebec; nnmhlj-n, Sandy llook ; Mary A Marshall PhllllP?. Cardiff and I'ornnmbueo; Juno f, t leared May 31, Bl rn Wm|dw||r(L Hon.bav; Revolving nuadiiiA>: ?lune 1, . . ? vu* Wnvlnrer. 'fhurber, do; VtriiS Rlch'Ibnct'o; ftoviewer. Brown.lflydncy.CB Off the ^:.liees Hist. North American. Tucker. Llv.rpoil r?LoSpo??rjune 2-Arrived. Canada (.), Snmner. N.w NKitrlusTwf"*"? 'mversVJnn- l^BraVll. Roach.' dpohMRUSit, Mky 30-Hailed. Maid of L1anBoHen. for St J?p";.vNu"'o. May 2S?Arrived, Dorian (s), Sotttbwlck, Kndl (and ??"?d'5;Xn.U5-A?riT.'d, Mallevlll.. Harlow. Ran QUKKNSTOWW, Jtliie - '? ??"sailed **ay ?',.?^'^(PJl8^^'oVl^,llrtnit':,'l*elvisrt^?r MvTn^ouo. Hansen, Hull; Alma. Wox Yarmouth. . ?ryn. lt?cW. New York. liinvi ns* May 31 ?nailed, Berk.ley Ca'tle. Tor Q,,e^e^; 8oMirat-A?B. M?y 31-Arrived. S.t.ceso, Simpson. Bo* ^STAVAltc'it. May 23?trrlved. Mlmer. Foren,.n. New YSwi*K?ttT!<D?. May 2t?Arrived. Alma, tlraob.. WilmlnK '"stki?!* May 37?Arrtv.d. BJornst.rne Blomsen. Neil Beform. B.ntsen.Ht John. NB- ... ??>?Arrived. Beatrice, ltnwlby, N.w Yor*. ^ne'l-ArnvcIir'sybU Wynn? Bnchard. N.w York. AMERICAN PORTS. ALEXANDRIA. June ll!?Ariived, ?cbr? Lvdiit Middle ton, l'lill?d?lplii?; Kllni Moor*, Providence (itnd millml lor licoriretown). Snilrd?Schm rtenrnvllle. Ronton: Abbott Devcreux, do; Uaiijr K l'i?tkliiir?t. Alljn'ii I'ulnl. Ww M??oti. I'rovlUenie. I'lissrd ilon n - Scliro John T Mnn?on. Kinily II Navlor, from itMirfffhwil. IllIHTON", June 13?Arrived, steiuner Centipede, Alo*?tl, riiiliKlclni'.lii. Oil New Bedford; bnrlm K?I?ik. Ilrown, Cud!*: Knnny Lewis iBr). Kdwnrde. (Jenon. t.'ommo'iore i)upunt. Nleholi. Cedlr.. Krimcl? H F?y. Hollhi., Ji?v?; llernltl. Meyer. Mack River. J A. eclim .M*rv linker. Thump ?on. A*un: lieorne K Voulif, Marshall, I'"?iai*oiiIa ; ,1 Paine, Bangor, Million!. Mhaw. itoerKetowii, III!; A M Aoker, I)AitRoti, South Amboy ; Ttiornun Wolfe, Champion, l'hil?il?lplil? Helow-Schrs John Sliummi, Irom Savannah; Ool H W Rnxeu, Irom Mlraitoane Cleared, it'^'uern Aries, Whelden, "hliad. Iphia ; lien Whit ney, llMlielt. \?* York : whr* M Uotk, Cuok, Klrhniond, Vh: Kll*n Usui, Hnynes, Kicliinond, Va: c K Hllison, Kniery, llAltlmore : I. A llose. Kose, Alexandria; While Swan, Tlirfttfiie M 1'ierre. Mart. HALTIMOKK. June 13?Arrived, steamers John* Mop kin", IfnlleiI, Boston: lloopei. Savannah. J W Oarrett, New Vorlc; hark Edwin (Nori. Ilerloseti, lilnee Hnjr. CB;sehrs Clias K Morrison, Smith, Ronton; Jtlin K Shitw, Co*. New York: lien Borland. Hpi-iirliin, Chtrleiton. At nuarantlne?BrlR Robert C Wrlcht, Clerk. from Rio Jnneiro. Cleared? Barki Reformer (Mr), Ilrown. London; Kin IrAclit (Uer). Mtmwlleh, KUInort; aehrs MArj-Jane hii<1 Kllmiheth, Mcl'hersoii, San Salvador; John II Krnm, llowen, llo?ton. Sailed?llnrk Carplone: aclir Lewl? Klirinen. Bhtl'KOKT, St.', June II?Arrived, briic M?ni{le (llr?. Hush. Dakar, tt'C.i. 7Ui?Cleared, bnrkt Otto (Ur), Dariner, Brake; Albion (Nor), Krederleksen, Cardiff. BKLKasT. Jiiin; 10?Arrived, ecbr Orion, l'ltttemon. New York and Seeraport. I Jtli?Helled. ?clir Mery, M?fee. Roekport, to load lee for Wilmington, NO. BATH, J tin* II?Arrived. .rhr. Dlone, McDonald. WIU mlacton; <?*" Oushlnir. HantllUW. New Tork. Sailed?Sehr. Isaac Rich. Studley, Philadelphia; Geo K ''cVi'aIt*Mv S'tI)N, Juno IH?Arrived, steamer Equator. Hinckley. Philadelphia; schr. Hell* Ru?*oll. Smith, do. Albert Nla?on, Baltimore; TUu? K Plll.bury, Pitcher, Bath. t aXVAKE CITY. June 13? Arrived, ?ohr Arthur Bur ton cl?bI. M?rbl.b.oa (and .ailed 13th f.r Porta DUTCH IKHNI) HARBOR. JuneB?Sailed. achrt Cyn ,1,1,, Jane, Gardner. Providence for .New \ora; Helen. Sciirle Kmt (ireuiiwlcli for do _ , loth-Arrived, achr Allda. Latnbort. Rondout for Haver '"ai-n Hannah K Brown. Sackett. Wareham for Mew Y^rk C L Uverhfg Sear" K.ill KW-r for do; XV II, luSir A.rUobn "ii "t Boatoo: XV N (jailer. Rgbert. Sew York lor do: ?> 1- llti.ue, tJleu lenlng. Iloboken for do- Julia : ? . Heiill Kali River lor Pl.lladelnhln; Atno. Kalaen . ' u "PV. Bristol lor ilo; Muskee. Cullen, Providence lor New v,irK tor Deuol.port; Uainnia, Robin Lowell. Port John.ou fo, Salem (and alUulled AM). w ||oU d,.1hj., 8l J?Un. ?l:,r iJhM UnliU' D ? R Kellev, Kllla, 1'rovldence fo? NB. for Philadelphia: u x n . i*imileii*i! \?r do t V7m;?;w-?!!SrKnwrtd MM*.iVh/llon" wood. Hall River for ? ^ York lor Lynn; Krance. ?S1&B&as*n&c* Pltti. V* llllanison. XX'arren lor ^ir rthV.rp* Be.too lor'New Vnrk ; Storm, Stabb, do for do; Scud. Allen. War ''itASTPt"RT* Jmi e 0-Arrived, brig Sultan, ftom Calal. '"u'tb'-Arrlved, brl r Dal.ev Boyutou. silled?Bark Eleanor Vernon, Copp. Sackvllle. NB. to 10KDGAUTmVN.,'julrn-Arrlvod. achr F Nel.on. Uol eri-on. ?ie<ircot"wn Norfolk. Ford, and ilerculea, Kwaie^ l hfladnlphlV; Mhra?Rlchard Law. Hawkln., an, Jun^-X^ed! .teamer State of Tex a* SOMMJ?V.ST*R?Ji?e. 12-Arrived. .chr Paragon. Mo r*KirYfflt June'V-Put In. bark Jo.o II Lopo*. Mo Donald, AWnrado lor llavre. mahogany laden, short of pro. ''lUBBO, Jnne 7-Salled, achr Paragon. Morang. Nen YLYNN. Juno 7?Arrived, achr J J Little. Gandv. Phil* dS?h-Arrived, a.-l.r. Mary A Trutoor, Olson. Philadelphia. BW?W ORLEANS. June II ?Arrived, steamer Mayaguei (S^ii?r;ed?-ftte?merRWm (MIe'we? Morgan. I *w"u?; icbi U Booth, NKXV1IK OPO RD* J one 11-Arrlved achrs Angler, Hard Ing. XVareham for Sew York; Lady Antrim. Carter, do fo, db!LeiXnW.dC1,r;C' JhB'^.on^'Perkln. PhUadeV pbla: M K Itlley, Iron, do; Andrew Neblnger, Smith dZuld-kteamer Centipede. Mowatt (fto.n Pblladelphlal, Sailed *? r#.,airad boiler; *chra VXaudorer. Nye, KtiVlda; AteU ^BnUer, New York: Garland. Llbbey, dO|UM.?theDb?0v-sih?Abel XV Parker. Dean, PhlladeL P'liVrwPO,RThJ?oe 12?Arrived, scbr* E L naboll Fall Rlvr for Phlfn?l?*lphla; Hmillc Belle, vl?Vrtpk? V?iiaM II Tripp. Nickenon. OUiitbam fordo: S Now \ork, {JWJ' ? white. N?w lle?ltord for V J jone*'Pblnupy Port .Johnson lor Bonton: Kletwf U?Mrd? Port John?on; Kate Kallabau. Horton. Providenre via l)utcb lalund for J?ew \ork. Th e enTt'e r "bou n d v e??l?? a lied and re^"J?ey.-. wlht *ji,u* LONDON, Juno 12?Arrived, NcbrN Silas Wrignt HnbiikeHarriet Lew!., do for Newport; John A Law, A'sailed?Schr< Orion. Harrl.. New York; Ilalilo V KeUie, Alexandria; J P K"?* (Iron. Baltimore.. Tauuton: Oregoi v;.? York) Ronton: K M Baxter (from ?), do NEXX' IIAX'EN-'.lane IS?Arrived, schr John Brooki, fo*, KioRThUl5feoVKRY. June 5-Arr,ved. .hip War Hawk, DPIuEaD^KLIMIIA* June 12?Arrived, brig Abbjr Tbaxter. _ liriwtiaild* ?ehr? K Hamner, XVlruma. Nantucket; L?8l!?VeHng?Cor*en, Providence; B B XVheaton, Jarvi.. ateamera Norfolk. Ford, Fall River; Bev Thark^ObUo dial). Trueco UnU; fUreo*?r. Smith, Sun^iw: A ? Hsfford. ? Loudem; II N Squire. Crowell. (??lre?ton. Vl?o TrrivTu. -?ean"ra Ilor"ule,. Swa.ey. Kali River; wiit irtriit ViCreerv New York; bfls Herbert II Ray* Klll?Knl?bl,*?treery..>e - till.lor, l?,M1d'^SonWUe- Maggie Capron. 11 anklm. Maurice Ri've1!^'Alice Karrcll. Hone. <lo: Nancy Smith. Hadgkln*on, New York; Clara. Llpplneott, do; J 41 Managan, Klchard? ' *?cie"re r-SteomeraJuniata, Catharine, Savanna!.; Harrla. v>iyi? o ii )nn. U|.xon Snow, doi Tonnwftndrt, Shot* i"'- IVoVldeS^: Ann RH*a. Wcbardi, New York land all ?t i. . ?ciivri A Airne* (Br). ?i?noon, Bremen: Re Sorter ilyder Kn?t Booth bay; acbrn Nellie Starr. Poland, porter, li>u^r, r. Wallace, do; Oeergo Fallane, Anama ion ? N Aqntre. Crnweli. (Ilonce.ter; L B Ive., Anaraa. an.. m Boston; liiorgo Nevenger, < rT,\. PheUea Fannv Hanmer XVlg.-ln?. Nantucket; Salllt Ch.rre-?own S L Simmon.. Gandy Kail lilver, , Bate ? . \pwiove Lvnu: Reading RR No .!.* MeD^lltt Nyack"; M S Scull. Barrett. Charleaton; Mell vlllr. Robert!. Newbernj M K (Jrabam, smith. Boaton, R<>S?o Vleared atoiuner ?1Hunb? Shackford, Liverpool ; wbrt crnti11CSK x. VSrtJii: Trowant. Saon . Nathan lyUnorn^ B .aton; Jamea K'Sr./.n K V.rd.l d " Van (iiider. Van tillder, ? T?Ne. Bedford: K Magee.Magee. d?? Y 'I "0, T'| niekman llerlng. Savannah; Martin 8 Sm iTliSm* t b^BeiTe rly * * A He ii OreeS". Nickeraon. Boston, M,T,^,V)eWri8-7.Xd,|.. bark Geo M Barnard, BV.r;V.lIr0H.VkTv!oTe't (Br), lor M..eqn..h; /a. Mnlr (Br), for St Johu. NB: Inverarr (Br), (or Naple.: ColonUt (Br), Y,i?ORTLASD. Me. Juno 13?Arrived, achr Island Cltf, ^Cleared 12th. .chr Klva E Pettenglll. York, New York o. Pnrovl'DKNCE. June 12-Arrlved, achr S II Burrow., Sniu0ili.'-sVbnt,P|>"sawyer. Cumminga; N Holme., Dow; Mln<(iias. Pl.llllpa;.Nightingale, Xoung, and Annlo B Ja C?PAWTlTCKKT. June 12?Arrived, ?clir Kate k Mary, ''sS-SctrsAnnS Cannon. Norberry. Philadelphia; J ? RI*riI MO*!?*I1 June*12 -Sued, bark KongOacarll (Nor), rhrlitlanaou. Aiken'. Landing to finish loading oil for EHr\fi*FRXNCISCO, Juno 5-Cleared, .teamer City ol IStiT?cVenrrd, bar"^ Belle of Oregon, Merrlman, Cork Til PSCAnVA,NNAli. Jnne 13-Arrivco. brig "8 Thiago," Li* b#12tb?Arrived, stearaera America. Blllup., Baltimore! sun Salv* i?r, Nickor?on. Now York. ? Sdilc?l-Sl6iimor Herman liirinp"*ton, M^Uory, New SALI- M. .1 une 11-Arrived, Bteamer LnucnUor, Mllli, -Schr KArragnnselt, Shaw, Phllndelohiik S^rnUS, Jnne 5-Arrivetl, nchr J M Hronmil, Douglas, Ps'>lroKitSF.T. June 11-Arrived, .chr Mary Kreeland, rll'ltn?' ir'l Ilirf1'1 ' ll-Atrtvo<l. Hbn Mappahannork, ,7vil.?r? frmn I? Johnson; John Metier. .New York r 1\>wm.rt' XV... Xlavo, Troy for Providence; Zacb Taylor, New YorkVor do" Camper Lawson, Branford for do; W 11 .|V. Tr.ninn lor do and about 12 other schra. all hound R, all giuf.'g "micr weigh at 11 AM, 12th, with a light sW *VI\BYAI?D IIAX'KN. June 12-Arrivnd. bark S.n;pris?, \verlll Medina for Philadelphia; achr. Ll".le Young, vinai Philadelphia tor Boston; Richard Peterson. Eiii |U?h do w do : Alice B -rd., Taylor. Georgetown. DC lo, . \ - ,n.. r. linker Huker. do for do ; lannh?u*er Ken ?edv Baltimore for do; R il Shannon. Wllsou. I'lilladelph. for tjyun; Lottie K Krieud. Collins, do for Gloucester: J B Atkioaon. Kndsor, do for Portland; Owen P Hinds Clen denin, Wnot?awken fordo: ()uw?rd, Lowell, Port Jolinmu lor saieiut Rowena Arabella, Smith. New X ork for Pror Incetown: Catherine Royal (Br). Boudrot. do for Charlotte town. PHI. Southern Cro.. (Br). Patterson, Shulee, NS, Passed bv?Schr South Shore, XX'hltmore, from Rockport, Ms'a!"erd-?B8rki David Babeock. and Surprlae : schrs Corvo. Siorlu Petrel. Wm H Durrea (Br). 1 5 Trafton Ev.jyn, vlexandrla. Pearl. Mary Brewer. Minnesota I ac.flc, ? on ro\ "c ite-d, Lucy Ames. P C Selln!l?, J O Roger., J C Ndflh. Whitney li'>ntp, A M Acken, h^cort (Br), Hwn,ii A ''pitIllumed. ?cbrs Louisa Blrdsall. Steelman, Philadel _I,,_ |_r Huston ? Joshua S Bragdon. Jones, Port Johnson for do Kalie Collins Kattala. Thliadeh.bla lor Salem : Al Imrt w smith Lorlng. Baltimore for Portland; Georgia B MeKarl Tnd lUrrYngton. Philadelphia for Bath ; Nellie Carr. Dorruy. Perth Aiul.oy lor Saudy Pelnt. Me. . _ Smiled?All veMfl* herore reporter except ?cnr? Treat orer, Lake, Llir.le J Clark and Southern Croa* (Br). VV A HE 11A M, dune II?Hailed, *clir* Joneph llay, Butter, riilliitlelpliin; Thorn** Burden, Cliurliuck. do; S S Smtin. Snow; Lady Antrim. Carter, and Unifier, Harding, New York. YACHT*, RTRAMIIOA'lrt, 4tC. \ BARGAIN fX BOATS UK aLi\ KINDS ORDER* received by 'f. UESMOND, lleitt Builder, 37 I'eck tlip, city. ________ AI11QH FRBMUlUt KTKAX TOU KOR SALS TO close mi e?t?te ; letuili. A'2 lest; beam. 14 feet, deptli hold. <> feet; ill ult. rimnlnp. carrying coal mid water, 7leeti term* eauh. Addre** N. I\ T.. box i4<> Herald nfllie. IilOR SALE ?II AN USOM K SLOOP TACHT, JO Nil long: fait and able; iu perfect order; or ran be char I.Ted. W. T. COLE. Verier*!. CTRAM 0CUOONEH Y.\CH I T ItlWNT KOll SALE. Osii >et Ioiib. I druilirht. Compound engine*; economical. li??i . nerfeet order; lnindwilMlr ontllttM, Apply aboard, t?at -Mtli ?t., Ilrnoklyn. It' anted - S I I*.A.Vl \ ACn r, t.'AP.tMi.ii Ut' OAitKt - vf hi: from 20 to :Ki prnt-erwrn fi<r pleamire; Will l>*f I rum *><*) to *XOl). Addree* M A88A0H 17SETTS, Herald office. WANTED roR CASH-TUO OR PROl'ELLh,K, 5) TO 3il ?|ii.ire or liirg?r , goort running order tdrnui(llt eight feet /wldren* DaWsOn, bo* 2.H79 I'oit office. New Vork rtly. _ micBLi.AaiKovs. AMEKh AN STaNDAiU) -IIOT iiF rtUI'KhlOlt KIN Ith, tKo l.e,\.; I'ine in? Sheet Lead. COLW I,I.I. I.K AO < ()., tCI t'entr n and 1,3l'J Broadwsv. Divorces olirtCy.? any' siaik;- "Fa* wiib.v divorced. AMERICAN LAW AGENCY, removed o|> opptlte City 11*11, ?!'<?! Hr.>*dw?y. DIVOItCKS (LEOAl> EVERYWHERE) HPEKDILT 0M? tamed without publicity. No advance payment*. FKEOKRIOE KINti, Lawyer, U St. Mark's ?!??*