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NEW YOHK HERALD BROADWAY AND ANN STREET. JAMES GORDON BENNETT. PROPRIETOR. THE DAILY 11F. It A !.D. /.mUi'.W 'trry -i-tu in th? y*ar. TUi?v eanls |<?r copy iKuuday excluded). Ten dolim* per ?*ui , ur ?t rate ut olie dollar per month lor aj.y period le?? Until !.i\ mouth*. or live dollar* lor tlx month*. suuday edition included. Wee ol po?la?e. .ill bu?lne*?. iitw> letter* or telegraphic d*iputchei must be mldre?*ed N? w Vokk lltiuui. Letter* mill paekave* *hntilit he properly waled. liejtctfd comii.uiiliatlotu will uoi be returned. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE-NO. 11-' SOUTH SIXTH stkefct. LONDON OFFICE OK THE NEW YORK HERALD? NO. 4?; FLEET STREET. fAkl.s OFFICE?AVENUE DE L'OPEItA. NAPLES OFFICE?HO 7 STKADA PACE Subkcriptlon* und ad?erti?euieut* wilt bo received aud forwarded on me nmue term* a* in New York. VOLUME XJ.II AMUSEMENTS TO-NIGHT. BOWEP.Y THEATRE?Sav?p at Sis tux OK AND OPERA HOUSE?Colomu. skllirs. WALLACE'S THEATRE-W~aT*Z FIFTH AVENUE TUEA/UE?EvaXuclixc. T1V0LT T11EATRK?Vmutr. TON Y PAHTOlt'S?ViRJkTtr. COLUMniA OPERA IIOlfsK-VAitlKTT. CENTRAL PARK OARDEN?Vaunt nr. CilLMOItL'S CONCERT OARUEN?SuMxsa CoattUT. NEW YORK AQUARIUM?IjUktlt Fuau. TRIPLE SHEET. NI.H YORK, THURSDAY, JUNE 14. IN77. fYoui our report* thin morning the probabilities are tintt the neathrr in Xrw York to-day trill be warm and hu:y or partly cloudy. Squalls may be trpee ted in the JjOtrer Hay. Wall Street Yesterday.?The stock mar ket was very active aii?l there was a good deal of irregularity in the closing prices compared with thoseof Tuesday. Western Union suffered a heavy decline, while the eoal stocks advanced slightly, Government bunds were steady ami I railroads irregular. Gold opened at J 05, fell to 104 uml closed at 10.r?l#. Money on call lent easily at 1L^ a U per cent. W 'anted?Keepers to keep the keepers in the city prisons. Governor Hendricks sailed away for Europe yesterday. lie aud General Grant will have a chance to discuss Tildeu aud Hayes quietly in London. Will they lead their respective parties iu 18?0 I New York Had Ninety-three Vires last Fourth of July, all from tire works. Fourth of July celebrations have cost more than the whole Hevolutiouury War. The Prices obtained at the sale of eoal yes terday were, somewhat lower thau those of last month. Let us see whether it will make any di lie re nee to the consumer. Kocmania Notifies nil whom it may concern that neutral vessels with supplies lor Turkey will not be safe in her portion of the Danube. Tluit river is now pretty effectually closed to navigation. Mr. Hlaine, before leaving West Point yester day, took the colored cadet, Flipper, aside and told him he would be his friend iu Congress. What a godsend uu outrage on Flipper would be to Mr. Hlaine ! It is a Cl'riocs Commentary on the adminis tration of law iu this city that of tbe places whore liquor is sold one-seventh have no author ity whatever to do so. What is the uso of a Hoard of Excise NO. ICO Mit.> is still in trouble about Lin income tax. The 1'uitcd St a ten District Attorney yes terday tiled his complaint. charging that Mr. Til den uwei $150,001) to the government. The answer will be awaited with some interest. Mu. Joiin I). Tow nsend made Home pungent remarks yesterday in reference to Attorney General Fairchild and the Tweed ease. It in to he hoped he will take, ax he promises, the public into his eontidence and let lis know all alniut it. Tut Great Event in college regattas this year will be the race between Harvard and Columbia 011 the 120th inst. The sympathy of Kew York will, of course, be with its favorite college, anil nil the more so because it is the chalk-liking party. Tim Necessity for some general law regulat ing city contracts is shown in a ease which was decided yesterday by Judge Van Brunt. The plaintiff was non-suited upon his own testimony, and yet. under the laws as they have been ad ministered. he thought he had a good claim. As the Judge remarked, the whole trouble lies in the crude legislation at Albany. The Jckv in the Wiixiaus Cask have found that the deceased died from injuries inflicted by the policeman Doyle, who, they further say, overstepped his duty in following Williams into his house. The brutality of New York police officers is so notorious that public sentiment de mands an end of such outrages. The force sadly needs to be taught the lesson that its duty is to prevent crime, not to commit it. Tub Weatheu.?A general rise of tempera tiu'e was experienced yesterday throughout the country, except in the upper lake region and over Long Island Sound. The heat area of TO degrees embraced L'pper and Ixwer Canada, the lower lakes and the Upper Mississippi Val ley as tar as St. l'aul, but excluded New York and New London, New llrmiswick and Nova Scotia and westward id' <>v?aba. The isotherm ot .">0 degrees followed the eastern slopes id' the Allcghuiiics to Ilurlingtoii, Yt., and thence curved south westw ard to St. Louis. excluding Ibilfalo, Toledo and Chicago, but including Oswego, Roches ter and Cleveland. The depression now central in the L'pper Mississippi Valley, and ex tending westward to the Kocky Mountains and eastward to the mouth of the St. Lawrence, presents an area in which the winds are varia ble and light rains have fallen. Although very extended the depression at no point shows a Tcry low barometer. Approaching the coast, how ever, it may contract into a storm area, with heavy rains. In the Gulf and Southwest the pressure is falling. Yesterday forenoon heavy rains l'ell ou the South Atlantic coast, :uid the shore winds have been chieily easterly. '1 ho depression inducing these is well to the southward, Iwing held, as it were, by the II ran of high barometer now oil" the Middle Atlantic coast. There arc strong indications of the probable develop ment of a tornado in the vicinity of St. Louis, possibly attended by violent rains or hail. Any psrt of the region between Chicago and Cairo, Cincinnati and Omaha nuiy be visited uy these destructive meteors, from present indications. The weather on the Pacific coast is threatening, the pressure having fallen there unusually low, with strong winds. In New "York to-day it will he warm and hazy or partly floudy. probably with mi afternoon threatening cloudiness, with rain. The wind in New York Buy will Ik< generally from the southwest throughout the day, bilt yachts should not carry too much canvas, as sudden gusts of wind may bo expected. Politic* V?t?u? Prair. The objurgatory speeches made at the Manhattan Club reception would have be- j come almost any other mouths better thnn > those of the disappointed democratic cundi- ' dates. These defeated gentlemen seemed conscious of the indelicacy of appearing be fore the public to parade their grievances and complain that they do not hold the two highest oittoes of the government. They at tempted to parry the criticism which con duct so extraordinary wouid naturally elicit | by profuse and reiterated disclaimers that they were speaking in their own behalf. Oh no! they came forward only as tho champions of the four millions or more of American citizens whoso rights had been trampled upon by the inauguration of Hayes and Wheeler. What a disinterested regard tor the sacredness of the popular will ! Mr. Tilden and Mr. Hendricks unite in declaring that they have 110 more interest in this question than any other two citizens of the country. As wo have their word for it we suppose we are bound to believe them. Mr. Tilden professes to think that com plaints of the kind he makes are unexam pled. He said in his speech "This is tho tirst time in American history that anybody ' has ever pretended that the government of I this groat country was handed over to any set of men through fraud." Instead of being the lirst time it is the third. After the election of 1844 it was a general screech of denunciation in tho whole whig press that Mr. Clay had been de feated by fraud. In tho "Whig Almanac" of tho next year Mr. Greeley maintained by an elaborate exhibition of proofs and statistics "that systematic, onormous, atro Icious frauds were perpetrated in our late election, and that James K. Polk is chosen President by virtue of those frauds." On the title page of the almanac for the follow ing year there was a staring exhibition of the same thing in display type, the recital closing with the statement, "By virtue of such frauds Polk is now President." Clay's principal biographer, Mr Colton, said:? "It is evident from the facts disclosed in this chapter that the frauds in each of these States were considerably, and in two or three of them largely, in excess of Polk's majorities. It is therefore undoubtedly true that, by legal right, the electoral voto of tho States of New York, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Louisiana belonged to Henry Clay, in addition to the vole actually re turned for him, and that he was legally | elected President of the United States by an electoral majority of 183 against 92; but it is not true that the forms of law have so operated as to declare it." The other instance in which Mr. Tilden's statement contradicts history is the defeat of General Jackson in 1825. Jackson had 155,872 popular votes against 105,321 for John Quincy Adams, and 99 electoral votes against 84 for Adams, and yet Adams was made President. It is notorious that this result was persis- 1 tently denounced by democratic politicans and journals as a monstrous fraud. "Par gain and corruption" was a leading party cry for the ensuing four years. It was in dustriously charged that the will of the people was defeated and that Adams wa? made President by a corrupt trade between him and Clay. It i? not true, as Mr. Tilden declares, that this is the first time in our history that u defeated political party has ascribed its disappointment to fraud. But there is one thing which is quite unexampled. Until Mr. Tilden made his singular speech at the Manhattan Club there was never an instance of a defeated candidate for the Presidency coming voluntarily before the public to parade his own disappointment. Clay did nothing of*the kind, although his whole party believed that he had been defeated by enormous and atrocious election frauds, and if General Jackson was exhibited in this complaining and denunciatory attitude it was only by a guest in his house repeat ing his private conversation in a newspaper. He afterward said in explication:?"The origin, the beginning of this matter, was at my own house nnd fireside, where surely u freeman muy be permitted to speak on public topics without having ascribed to him improper designs. I have not gone into tlie highways and market places to pro claim my opinions. Who has heard me com plain? No one." Jackson felt and Clay felt that however deeply they might have been wronged by frauds in the elections or corruption in declaring the result, it would ill befit the dignity of a citizen who had .been the candidate of u great party for the first office to stand up before the public and rail at those who had caused his defeat. If the people feel wronged they hold in their hands the means of redress, and it is an un dignified proceeding for disappointed can didates to strip the bandages from their political wounds and expose them to the public. Even if these speeches hud been made by other gentlemen than the rejected claimants it would be impossible to commend their substance and spirit, although in that case they might be less objectionable in point of taste. The logieul effect of such speeches would bo an attempt to oust President llayes Iroin office. We do not suppose that there is uny sueh design, for no party would dare to plnngo the country in the civil con vulsion that would attend such an attempt. Hut one of the echoes of the disap pointed candidates made a suggestion which looked in that direction. Lieu tenant Governor Dorslieiiner said he had been told by a democratic member of Con gress that Mr. Haves' title would bo over hauled and investigated at the next session. What has the next Congress to do with the subject? Why should necessary legislation be interrupted and the country be disturbed and unsettled by a movement which can have no practical object, if that object bo not to depose tho President and Vice Presi dent and install Tilden and Hendricks in their places? The Lieutenant Governor did nol tell the name of this marvellous member of Congress. It cannot be David i Dudley Field, for although lie may acho to j have sumo democratic member resign there is no disposition to accommodate him. Field being out of the question it has been surmised that Sunset Cox (to whom the Lieutenant Governor significantly nodded at this point of his speech) is that enterprise ing individual. We fear the handsome Mr. Ltorsheimer is the victim of one of the irisky Mr. Cox's practical jokes, aud we can imag ine how the jovial Cox enjoyed the success ful "soil." A pretty leader Sunset Cox would make in impeaching the title of the Presi dent, to whom he wrote that gushing letter of recommendation in favor of General Butler's scapegrace nephew. If the hand some and solemn Mr. Dorsheimer were gifted to see the ridiculous side of things he would not have marched with such high statcliness into the trap set for him by Cox'k practical joke. But Cox's sprightly chuffiug and Dorshei mer's solemn use of it are not more absurd than the speeches of the disappointed can didates. The question who arc President and Vice President for the present term is pretty well settled, and the question who will be their successors remains to be de cided in 1880. Messrs. Tilden and Hen dricks cannot get the places of their late com petitors, and other people than themselves will have something to say about the next Presidential election. Mr. Hendricks, with a grave pomposity which would do no dis credit to Mr. Dorshciuur, announces that "he who is elected President must be inau gurated," and adds that "until that is set tled and made sure no democrat can be seduced from his devotion and ullegiunce in anyway." If this applies to the pust it is nonsense. If, as is to be presumed, it upplies only to the future, it is an admission that the next Presidential election may be close and doubtful. But if the people are as wronged and indignant as the disappointed claim ants would have us think the next Presi dent will bo elected by a majority so over whelming that no question can arise as to his inauguration. What sense is there in making the inauguration of an elected Presi dent the paramount issue in our politics if the democrats are going to sweep the coun try in tho way they expect in 1880? The parade of their disappointment by tho defeated candidates is indelicate, un dignified, unmanly, unusual and regard less of the tranquillity and business in terests of the country. It is a recklcss at tempt to reopen a settled question. If these sore gentlemen feel called to denounce any body they should denounce their own sup porters in the late Congress. The Electoral Commission could never have been carried without strong democratic help. Every democratic .Senator voted for it with a single exception, and a large majority of the democrats of the House. Alter agreeing to the commission they were bound to accept its decision. When Sen ator Thurman, the ablest democrat in either House, was asked how he thought the com mission would decide, he replied, in a tone of rebuke, that he had 110 opinion, and that if he had had an opinion he would not have voted for the commission. This was his emphatic way of saying that democratic honor and good faith were bound to accept the result, whatever it might be. Messrs. Tilden and Hendricks have mis timed their energetic protests. Their indignant remonstrances should have been made when the Electoral Commission was proposed. Having been silent then they should' forever afterward have held their peace. If they have reason to blame anybody it is their own political friends in Congress. When their own party had con sented to refer tho question to the commis sion its honor, sincerity, good faith and manliness were pledged to abide the result. The unseemly scolding and whining of the defeated candidates are an imputation on the democratic Sena tors and Representatives who spoke and voted for the Electoral Commission. With out active democratic support the commis sion would have been impossible. The democratic candidates dishonor themselves by rebelling at this late day against a settle ment in which their own supporters in Con gress participated and to which they con sented by their silenco. I'rojjrt'n* of the War. Even in Constantinople it uppeavs to be admitted that Mukhtar Pacha is in a critical position. All the parts of tbe forctf be commands are isolated. They are, therefore, no longer mutu ally self-supporting, and it would be impossible to concentrate them for a su preme effort in case he saw his way to a buttle that might otherwise have any promise in it. Unless some calamity, the possibility of which is not yet apparent, shall suddenly overtake the .Russians, Mukh tur's divisions will surrender >iu detail, one after the other. Some extravagant sympa thizers with the Ottoman causo pretend to see the likelihood of this calamity for the Russians in the operations in the Caucasus, where certain wretched urnl barbarous successes have bocu gained ; bat it needs a marvellous power of distor tion to discover in these events any military promise. They apparently do not regard them as of much vulnc in Constantinople, for there they are convinced that the for tunes of the Empire are in a dospcratc way. The preparations to torpedo the Bospliorus, the Sultan's civilities and honors to the Greek l'atriarch in the first months of a holy war, and the holding of a great military council?a sort of grand inquost on the pos sibilities of more effective resistance?all these indicate that tho Ottoman government does not stolidly contemplate the great and sudden successes of the Russians in Armenia, and apprchonds that they will advuncc as rapidly in Bulgaria when tho river fails sufficiently to permit thoir passage. Al though the preparation of the Bosphorus and tho irado declaring every Ottoman sub joct liable to military duty huvo u somewhat desperate aspect the advice of the great Military Council is likely to be less extreme. Councils of war never tight, and a council called to advise in this criticul occasion can scarcely l'uil to tell the Sultan tliut the only hope of his Empire lies in accepting such a peace as bis enouiy is prepared to accord. P?ri?rnllnf tlm Snlnta. A clergyman was arrested yosterday at St. .Johnsbury, Vt., to nnswer live indictments for forgery and misappropriation of money. Of course the reverend gentleman is entitled to a fair trial, and, like every other man charged with crime, may properly claim to bo considered innocent until his guilt has I been established by proof. But the tele grum which brings the news of this arrest mltls that the prosecution is alleged to be influenced l>y persons having u spite against and interests 'inimical to the accused. It has become the practice nowadays, when over a charge is brought against a minister ot the Gospel, to interpose the plea that the alleged offender is a victim to the persecu tion of wicked and vindictive enemies. Whether the accusations are of a felonious nature, as in the present case, or only cover those tender peccadilloes from which the surplice scarcely seems to be a certain safe guard, the defeuce is the same. What is yet more singular, some members of the sup posed backslider's congregation aro gener ally found ready to take up the cudgels on his behalf and prepared to regard him as a saintly martyr. The fact cannot be encour ag'ng to those who find themselves saddled with the unpleasant duty of exposing and punishing the evil deeds of a reverend sin ner. Hut how is it that clergymen, whoso pure and simplo lives ought to disarm en mity and whose mission is peace and good will to all men, happen to be so frequently troubled with enemies bitter and unscrupu lous enough to make grave and sometimes criminal charges against them ? Wh.t Is Local Self-Government J Wo have heard a great deal recently about local self-government. Governor Robinson has stoutly and honestly advocated the right ot the peoplo of New York to manage their own affairs. The orators who figured in the recent ovation to the Governor have declared themselves very emphatically in favor of the principle. If their words mean anything, however, it is that the whole people of a city like New York shall have a controlling voice in the choice of their rulers, without dictation from any outside party, whether a State Legislature or a po litical oligarchy. To bo compelled to accept only such candidates for municipul offices as a single domineering leader or a clique of leaders may dictate is certainly not self government. To have a Mayor, who is elected by the people and clothed by the law with tho responsibility of select ing heads of municipal departments as vacancies occur, "bull-dozed"' into ap [ pointing only such persons as a subordinate in tho city government holding his own | office by appointment may choose to dic I tate, is anything but "self-government." j Tho Tammany leaders make the mistake of confounding local "solf-government" with the government of the city by an organiza tion which, while pluming itself upon hav ing the stamp ot "regularity" in a political party, really represents a minority of the peoplo and is suspected and mistrusted by the majority. Two years ago, , jtvhen the Tammany leader who is now endeavoring to coerce Mayor Lly into obedience to his demands in regard to the Police and Park Department vacancies, strove to force an honest and fearless Recorder from the Bench and to place the criminal courts and tho District Attorney's office in the hands of his own tools, qp democrat could have been found more emphatically opposed to sucli a programme than Lucius Robinson. The people emphatically re bukod that attempt, as they now rebuke the effort of the same overbearing dictator to compel Mayor Ely to place Tammany partisans in tho Police and Park depart ments. Governor Robinson, as an honest democrat, standing by the sovereignty of the people, cannot fox a moment lend him self to Mr. John Kelly's arbitrary and dicta torial policy. The Mayor is elected by the I people of tho whole city. He, more than I any other public officer, represents the popu- ' lar will. Governor Robinson appreciates this fact, and hence the ill-judged attempt of Mr. Kelly to bring the influence of tho Governor to bear on the Mayor in the mat ter of the Police and Park Commission vacancies has proved a decided failure.* J run Jat'<iiiv? Routnenu. It has been well said that there is but ono step from the sublime to the ridiculous, and we have ut present to chronicle an instance of its truth. Alter our own glorious centen nial, wherein we celebrated the hundredth anniversary of the foundation of the greatest Republic the world ever saw, and proved our capacity for self-government, and shown a growth of power, wealth and influence une qualled, numerous other centennial demon strations ure proposed in ether places and for other objects. We now hear that forty eight members of the Municipal Council of Paris propose to celebrate in 187H the cento nary of Rousseau's death. We cannot see in what way Rousseau is entitled to tiny such distinction. Certainly Frenchmen have many heroes more worthy of honor than one whose wholo life, from youth to old age, was a weak, vicious and immoral one. When young he abjured Cal vinism and embraced ltoman Catholicism to forward his own worldly views, and again in due time, to be reinstated as u citizen of Gen eva, again abjured Catholicism. Rousseau was lalsc and ungrateful in his domestic rela tions, quarrelled with all those who had befriended him?with Quinn, Voltaire, Diderot,' Ilume, and his lirst and great benefactress, Mine, de Warens. He lived the greater part of his life with the Levasseur, one of the most ordinary of women, and, without one touch of shame or one throb of parental uflection, sent to the Foundling Hospital the successive children of their union. His celebrated works, "Emilo" and "Con fessions," tilled with meretricious senti ment, liavo now fallen into well deserved negloct, and even at the time of publication "Emile" was anathematized by the Arch bishop of Paris, and by arret of Parliament burnt by the hands of tho common hangman. His "Social Contract," which gave a power ful impulse to the French Revolution, is now regarded as a work full of paradoxes, and possibly only then attracted attention by the novelty of the doctrines propounded of tho equal rights of men?a doctrine not derived from reason or religion, but from his theory of man's equality in a state of nature. This unhappy man is supposed (although on no positive evidence) to have committed suicide, and ho recoived the very doubtful compliment of tho Constituent Assembly voting hlin a statue. We really do not see on what grounds such a celebration can j be nmde. There is not one bright spot j in his career except, perhaps, that he was suiuewhat instrumental in sowing the seeds of republican ideas, mixed, however, with the tares of Communism. ' His French admirers should place on tho pedestal of the statue proposed to be erected to him Byron's epitaph His life wm one loug war with Mir-?ought foe*. Tl?i? Tarlitlng Neuion. The yachting season begins with all the advantages of fair weather and a complete organization oi the leading clubs which have for years mado the waters of our Bay and the Sound famous for aquatic contests. The shadow that last year rested upon the bright waters of Staten Island, when a noble vessel with her noble crew suddenly van ished irom the sight of man, has been re moved, and if the lesson of the Mo hawk is remembered as it should be no similar accident will darken the record of this year. Bailing in tho adjacent waters of New York is as safe an amusement as any which we have, if the vessels are properly ballasted and under skilful control, and must remain one of tho most popular so long as seas are blue and winds are fresh and tho gallant bark sur mounts the opposing waves. The season hero has begun already by some of our clubs, but to-day will be grandly inaugu rated by the annual regatta of the New York Yacht Club ?an event which is antici pated with eagerness by all lovers of aquatic sports. Although several famous yachts will bo absent from this raco quite enough good sailers will participate in tho contest. The race will be bailed over tho usual course, and there are eleven entries, among which are such yachts as tho liumbler, Wanderer, Peerless, Comet, Vision and Active. The weather to-day will probably be fine, with southerly or southwesterly winds, and the regatta will be enjoyed not only by the ladies and gen tlemen on board of the yachts, but by the thousands of excursionists who will attend them down the Bay. Temperance Apontltx ut Fault. During the legislative session we urged upon tho temperance advooates and the representatives of the people the expediency of enacting a license law which, while per mitting the sale of liquor to be drunk on the premises, should place such restrictions and obligations on the venders as would be likely to best protect the public against any abuse of the privilege. Nothing was done at Albany in the matter, and we are now in the position the Hbbald fore saw. There is virtually no license law in existence so far as a city like New York is concerned. Liquor will be | sold just as froely as ever, for it would re quire quadruple our present police force and courts to prevent it; but very few peo ple will take out licenses. Those who do will notoriously evade and cheat the law by | making a flimsy pretence of keeping "three beds for strangers," which tho Excise Com missioners themselves will know to be a sham. The city will lose & great portion of the money realized from licenses, and which went to? support our pablio charities, but rum selling will be as free as ever, even if the opportunity of selling without a licenso fee does not lurgely increase the traflic. The Excise Commissioners announce their intention to grant three'lrinds of licenses one to the keepers of inns, another to shop keepers who sell by measure and a third to : ale and beer dealers, to whom they claim their right to is:->ue licenses under a separate act of the Legislature passed in 1861. Now, it is very certain that all saloon licenses granted to the proprietors as "innkeepers" will be a sort of official fraud. Evory Excise Commissioner will know that the "three beds" for travellers are mythical, and we shall, therefore, have the mortifying spoctacle of a public department winking at a flagrant evasion of the law. This will bo more demoralizing than the open and de Hunt sale of liquor without any license, for it is calculated to bring all laws into con tempt. The truth is that the temperance fanatics, by opposing the euactmcnt of a stringent license law, have opened the door to a free trullic in rum in the city and have entailed upon us a serious loss of money which is needed by our charitable institu tions, and a great amount of trouble and litigation. Litt Vu Iluve a. Fall Balmic* Slie?t. The settlement of the Sweeny suit revives tho inquiry into the actual condition of the debtor and creditor account between tho city and the King prosecutions. Tho Comptroller reported to the Legislature, in March last, that the payments into the city treasury had been just upon six hundred and ninety-one thousand dollars, made up of three items?namely, one hundred thou sand dollars on account of Woodward; a small amount, under five hundred dollars, interest from tho Union Trust Company, and the balance from the Watson estate. The disbursements to lawyers had been a little over a quarter of a million, of which Mr. Wheeler H. Peckham had rccoived sixty thousand dollars. liut tho Comptroller's statement can scarcely embrace all the rccoipts. When the King robberies were first detected, and the most timid of the thieves stood with slinking knees before the outraged people, Keyscr made an assignment of a largo amount of property to Mr. Jackson H. Uchultz, for the benefit of the city, to reimburse the public treasury for any money unjustly taken from it through any act of tho assigner. As Koyscr had raised his bills for the purpose of robbing the city the property in Mr. Sohultz's bunds was public property. What became of it'( Where is tho money, if any, realized from the assignments? In those suits every dollar received from any source is the property of tho city, and should be paid into the city treasury, while eveiy dollar expended is a public expenditure and cannot be properly paid except on a regular city warrant. As there seems to bo a disposition now to mako a money settle ment all round, it is proper and just that the peoplo should know of every single dollar that lius been received and of every single dollar that husbeon paid out in theso suits. We have no doubt that the explana tion will bo satisfactory, but Mr. Schultz should furnish ? statement of what wa? done with the trust money placed in his hands lor the city by one of the Ring con. spirators. "Obt Whm Was Roderick Th.n1" Mr John Kelly, the Tammany dictator.. alter taking upon himself the management of the reception tendered to Governor Rob inson in this city, thought proper to absent himself from the final and crowning jubila tion at the Manhattan Club. His absence has naturally given rise to a variety o ru mors as to its cause, and we give a few of these for what they are worth. Some declare that Mr. Kelly was led to believe that Governor Robinson, highly ^censed against the republican State Legislature for having .ejected We end refused to.paee en apportionmentiUIm prepared to denounce the policy of appoint. L , republican Police Commissioner- in i i fikVAi* war to tbc kniw this city, and to favor war against that party. Others assert that he cot Governor Robinson to New and cast around him the Tammany shackles in the expectation of being enabled to privately enlist the Gover on his side in the vacant commissioner ships fight, and to induce him to renlo? strate with Mayor Ely on his opposition to Tammany dictation. But Governor Robin son's speech did not come up to Kelly s ex. pectation, and when the Governor visited the institutions on the islands in company with Mayor Ely and a carefully selected Tammany party, he paid special attention to the Mayor as the head of the city govern ment and very little to the rest of the party. Of course Mr. Kelly's absence was of no particular moment in a company sue a* assembled at the Manhattan Club on Tjies day evening. He was not as essential ther as at a wigwam council. Still his presence would have been welcome and useful, and many a sinking Tammany heart whis pered, "Where is our Boss? It wou no doubt have gratified him to wi - ness the warm reception accorded to Tilden. He would have led and inten sified the enthusiasm. When cheers went up for the St. Louis nominee, and lamen n tions filled the air over his failure to a^ure the Presidency, one blast upon the Tam many chieftain's bugle horn would have been worth the voices of ten thousand his faithlul henchmen. But K?11* sick-sick of the Governor, sick of tuo Mayor, sick of his reception experiment. Sic transit I PERSONAL INTELLIGENCE. General Banks is on his why home. BUhoD Kip. ol California, Is coming ~ast. Joseph Medlll, of the Chicago Tribune, 16 in Washing. 10 A lady writer say. that Mrs. Hayes w.U not talk "Senator J. Donald Cameron, of Pennsylvania. 1. a. ^UoTs^lf there will he a republican break when CUSrBl.8cechTsl silver Beu Butler must have resumed "'ItSTl'w.s recently held In New Jersey and the Bergen fellows licked the other tellows who ^Scnalor^onkliag will sail for Europe on Saturday. He has not, during hi. visit In Washington, called ! ^/dyTo^va pageants are held In the old city o, Coventry; hut whether the lady appears a la Pompadour ?TAa\lem?ouTom Thumb growing up with the coud try should have been credited to the Daubury Though lost to slgnt to memory dear. TboQulecy (lilt I??">" ?>?' "" """ | p.,,,... Joern.llam I. Wcrtl. ll 'ence Is, of course, another thing. "French lady art students .n Paris do not join^ classes ol meu where studies arc made from nude life, bu Amer.can girl students of art In that city do. Mr William J. Ehrlch. or the well known honso of Fhrlch & Co.. leaves to-day by tbe steamer H.mmonla, o^hl Hamburg line, tor a three mont^ropean Pl Oswego10"' Indian lor "Osh-wa-kee. Osh-wah-ka >' ? being interpreted means. "I we everywhere In,; 1 see nowhere " It was originated by Zach Chan filar oarlv odo morning* . .. wt.n b.d Huller l~'? ? .a ordm?rr ir.n me Hera or ".?n .r. like the e.ble ?? ?'? ?'??*: """ when ho looks at a nowspaper man they are like a Turkish war map struck with Walt Whitman's poetry. When the crier of a Russian court takes a hundred Russian names out of a jury box and call* them It takesntmtwowookstncrythonioir. and then ho goos home and has nlmselt kicked In the jaw by a mole as a counter-irritant The Central Pacific Railroad, which throws its con trolling Interest in California politics on whichsoever side it pleases, has a president, I.eland Stanford, who declines to be a candidate for Unltsd States Senator. Once ho was Governor. To eat a pineapple. Do not peeL Cat off tho bottom. Insert a fork over one of tho lower "eyes," press downward and thus pull of a little cone. The cones gradually torn oil'aro much softer than slices of tho pine bitten across tne gram. One day in the loug ago a boy catno out of an or* chard with a little hatchet In his hands. Said tie, "Father, It was not I who cut down your cherry tree." "Come to my knees, ray son," said the father, as ho took oir his slipper. That boy was Jimmy tiarflold. "Dear Farmer Cousin Wo are very sorry to hear that you are afllictod with potato bugs, locusts, cut worms, aphides, drought. Sic., ic. We, Including all the children, send our love to you and your poor tlrod wife. Wo shall bo alotfg to make you a long visit about tho 1st of July. Just polish up your gun for me." A good glass of beer costs flvo cents and a poor glasa of milk or colTeo costs ten cents. If you order whiskey you may take all you wish from a generous bottle; If you order soda a bottlo holds half a glassful. Wo do not argue for beer and whtskoy, but wish to show that practically, temperance drinks In Now York aro weak frauds. Secretary of the Navy Richard W. Thompson, ac companied by Commodore Daniel Ammen, Pay Dl* rector J. H. Watmough, Englneer-ln-Chicf William H. Shock and Naval Constructor J. W. Kasby, United States Navy, and Lieutenant Colonel C. O. McCawloy, of theUmtod States Marino corps, arrived at tho St, Nicholas Hoisl last evening from Philadelphia THE TELEPHONE. Dr. nsnry Morton, president of tho Stevens Institute ?f Technology, at Hoboken, last night delivered an interesting and Instructive Icclnro on the subject of tho Telephone. The various experiments with the in strument havo already boon ra.tdo familiar to tho readors or tho Hkhald, and no facts woro developod in tho conrso of tho lecturo that havo not been illustrated before. Tho Professor, however, by roason of superior apparatus, was happy in domonstratiug to toe audionco tho ofTtfCt of sound wavos, and made many soiontiflc experiments bearing on tho telephone question. The first part of his lecturo was puroly explanatory and theoretic. Tho latter Durt was illustrative, communication being established bctwoen the hail and sotnn of his students three-quarters of a mile away, who sang songs and communicated by voicu with tho audience. It must lie confessed, however, th it tho results woro not a? sharply dcilnod as souio which havo herotoioro boon described In tlieso columns. Protestor Morton, like his coadjutors, acknowledges the fact that the discovery, although yot In its infancy, promises to becomo one of tho astonishing events ol Christendom. We are, ho said, at the mere beginning of a great work which, in tho course of tune, will be romo of vast public uso. Tho capabilities of t?e tele phone aro thus far unmeasured. The theory of Its use is comparatively familiar, bat as regards Its practical value time iilouo can prove to what extent the discov ery may bo mado available.