Newspaper Page Text
THE WAR. The Sultan Decides to Order a Levy Ea Masse. ALARM IN CONSTANTINOPLE. Abdul-Hamed Endeavoring to Con ciliate the Greeks. A TURKISH SUCCESS AT ABAZLI. Montenegro's Struggle for Life?Shall the BoKl Mountaineers Be Crushed? JllKHTAR PASIIA'S CRITICAL POSITION. Count Schouvaloff s Mission?Egypt and the Route to India. [BX CABLE TO THE HEBAXJX] London, June 14, 1877. The Hebald correspondent in Constan tinople telegraphs that there is great excite ment in that city. The Saltan has issued an irude which literally inaugurates drafting for military service in its worst form. All Turkish subjects of whatever creed, living within the domains of the empire, are informed that His Majesty may need all males capable of bearing arms to resist the enemy and preserve the Ottoman institutions a I'outrunce. They are there fore called upon to prepare immediately for the field. TUB TCBKISH CABINET A1ABMED. The Sultun's Cabinet consider the situa tion very critical. Affairs in Asia are evi dently unsatisfactory, partly because Mukhtar Pacha has failed to make arrange ments to let the government know what is being done. An extra military council was held yesterday, at which it was decided to press the war tax and enforce the irade for more men and material. The real truth is probably that the heads of the Wnr Depart ment were called together and asked if they could not improve their fighting power. This may be a preliminary to peace, be cause poor is the best military talent so far shown. COAXING TUB OBEEK FA.TBIA.fcCH. A significant it<?m is reported from >be palace. On Tuesday the Patriarch of the Greeks was invited to visit the Saltan. After lunch it seems a long conversation was held in the private divan, during which the Patri arch promised to use his good offioes to dissuade the Greeks from any offensive demonstrations. THE SULTAN DECORATES THE PATRIABCH. His Majesty referred to the recent at tempts at insurrection, and expressed the opinion that it "was evidently the work of bad men of other nationalities. Before the Patriarch left he was decorated with the Order of Osman the First, which was per sonally conferred by the Sultan. TURKISH BUCCBSS AT ABAZLI. The Hebald correspondent at Constanti nople telegraphed last night that Parmley Pacha gained a most important victory on Sunday last at Abazli, a small village near Soukoum Kaleh. The character of the fight is not mentioned. A BATTLE RAOINO AT KAJIS. A telegram dated Constantinople, Wednes day evening, says:?"The Sultan is stay ing at the Ministry of War, awaiting news from Kars, where a great battle is progress ing." MUKHTAR pacha's POSITION CRITICAL. Mukhtar is evidently in a most critical position at Erzeroum, and unless the Russians are drawn off by some strategy it seems impossible that the Turkish forces there can avoid a surrender en masse. TURKISH COMMUNICATIONS CUT OFF. The fortress and town of Van are simi larly situated. The great difficulty is that the communications arc cut off, as the Rus sians are guarding every puss and road. Thus intelligence is not to bo obtained of what is being done in the different places, inch as Van, Erzeroum, Ar/.etoum and Ba touin. ? Several efforts have been made to restore the the telegraph lines, but all have failed. THE SITUATION AT KATOUM. A Hut on m despatch states that the Rus sians are pushing the siege works. Rein forcements are greatly needod; without relief the Turkish troops there will become tired out. The Turkish officers are despon dent. TORPEDOES FOB THB BOSPHOBUS. On Tuesday Mastar, general of artillery, went to the mouth of the Bosphorus, and issued instructions to commanders of forts to notify all vessels, whether carrying troops or provisions, and all naval com manders, that a complete network of tor pedoes would bo placed at onoo at the en trance of the Black Soa, and that the utmost expedition must be used to get clear of the channel. The torpedo system there will probably be in charge of German officers, many of whom have been employed by the Ottoman government in constructing them and in perfecting tbeir destructive power. TUBKS AND MONTi.NKr.KJN3. The Hkrald correspondent at Cetteinje telegraphs that the Turks advanced along the Duga Puss on Tuesday night. The Turkish and Montenegrin armies con fronted each other at Dnbntschka, but up to eight o'clock yesterday morning the fight had not been renewed. SHALL MOKTKNEURO UE CRUSHED? A Vienna correspondent telegraphs that for some days past an impression has been growing in Rus sian circles that the Montenegrin* are not able to continue to resist the overwhelmingly superior forces of the Turks, anil the Austrian government was sounded as to how far it might be disposed to do something to prevent their being crushed. N ICS ICS AGAIN. A special from Vienna, Wednesday, says:?"Sulei man Pacha started yesterday to re victual Xicsics fur a year." A DOUBTFUL RETORT. An official telegram received in Constantinople dated June 13. says:?Suileman Pacha has forced the entrance of the Duga Pas* after a sanguinary battle and is advancing on Nlcsics. The Montenegrins are in lull retreat. Suleiman's junction with two other Turkish corps is expected immediately. LITTLE HOl'E FOR PRINCE MILAN. Prince Milan has never been a great tevorlte at the Russian Court, and even among his own subjects many influential men are to be found who dream of a Sclavonic kingdom, with the Prince of Montenegro at its head. The weak young Prince of Servla's ambition to wear a crown evidently has bnt a faint chance of being gratified. A Vienna correspondent sends the fol lowing:?"Just at the moment when Prince Milan has received permission to go to Ploejesti iulormation comes that Russia has intimated far more positively than ever before that it is her will that Servla should keep aloof from the present war, which cannot but lead to the supno sltion that what Anally Induced the Czar to accept the visit may be the wish to remove any doubts of Servla about what was expected ol her. ROUMAN1A RISING IX RUSSIAN FAVOR. The German Prince who riilus Itounianla has a better prospect than his brother of Servla. A Paris cormspondent says, according to news from Ploe jesti, Prince Charles, of Koumanla, lias oirered the co-operation of the Roumanian army on conditions which seem Hi priLclple acceptable to the Russian ?tair. THREATEN I NO THE Hl'SSIAN COMMUNICATIONS. A despatch irom Vienna sa.vs:?"A Turkish do tachmcnt, which has entered the Russian district of Achalzlch, is threatening Russian communica tion with Ardahan." Ml'KHTAR'S flying columns. The XeitP Frele rreatu of Vienna has a special despatch irom Er/.eroum which says:?"On the approach of the three flying columns sent by Mukhtar Pacha against the Russian right wing the Russians not only evacuated Oltl bnt Pennek, at the foot of the pass over the ICanly range lead ing to Ardahan. Both Olti and Pennek were re occupied by the Turks, who also went In pursuit ol the Russians." WHAT DOES THE RUSSIAN RETREAT MEAN? A Vienna correspondent, referring to the above despatch, says:?"As this information does not come froin the ffnmedlute scene of operations it is difficult to form an opinion as to its accuracy, if the Russians really retired beyond Penuek without resistance this would seem to show that there was only a small force there, aud that the bulk of the Russian column in still on the Ardahan side of the Kaniy range. Possibly, alter ali, the Russians, be fore advancing on K.rzeroutn, will make an eifbrt to bombard and rednce Kara so as to leave their rear quite free."'' THE PAY FOR CROSSING THE DAN L I! K. A Vienna despatch has the following:?"Cer tain signs point to Thursday or Friday next as the date fur crossing the Danube. Just before that operation takes place It ts expected the Czar will Issue a maaltesta It is again rumored that Safvet Pacha has re quested the Sultan to Intrust him with a peace mission to Ploejesti." ANOTHER VERSION. The Berlin National Zeitung says it has received private intelligence that the Russians intend to cross the Danube on June J3. "SWAPPING HOUSES WHILE CROSSING A STREAM. " quite a number of changes arc being made in the various Turkish commands. It is announced from Constantinople that Moustapha Tewflc Pacha has been appointed commandant of Kars. A NEW COMMANDER FOR BATOUM. Dervish Pacha has arrived In Constantinople from Salonlca, to take commaud oi the liatouiii division of the Turkish army. WAS UK A TURKISH Hl'Y ? A despatch from llerlln says:?A gentleman call ing himself Huron Knuit, a Hessian nobleman, was arrested a few days ajro at I'loejestl by tile Rus sians, and It Is stated that after a short trial the prisoner was shot 8ION8 OV LIl'K IN CRkTE. Some days ago It was announced that the Cre tans, despairing ot obtaining justice at the hands of the I'orte, hud determined on another appeal to arm*. A Constantinople despatch now states that a vessel which was about to discharge a cargo of lfio barrels of gunpowder at Crete has been cap tured by Turkish war vessels. KOKKtliN KKS IN TIIK RUSSIAN SERVICE. Two of the captains of the Russian torpedo boats recently sunk at the Sulina mouth of the Danube, one an Kug.lshman and the other an American, have been placed on a Turkish vessel at IsmallUand were expected yesterday at Constantinople. COt'NT SCHOCTAI-OFK'S INSTRUCTIONS. A letter from St. Petersburg tithe Vienna Po litical rurrcsponflencc states that Count Schouva loir took to St. Petersburg n specification ot British interests as contained in Mr. Cross' speech in the ltritisli Parliament. Count Schouvaliifs Instruc tions on his return to London empowered him to declare that ltussia had no designs against the Suez Canal or Kgypt. Ills instructions restricted him to this declaration. KAltl. DKltllY'S NOTE TOO CURT. Nothing is known in M. Petersburg of any seml ofllclul uote to I .old Derby. Lord Derby's reply to l'rince GortsehakofTs circular has up to thepiescnt received no answer, as the Russian Cabinet con siders it couched in curt and unusual terms. There Is still, however, a possibility that Husslu will, ou the occasion of the immediately impending passage of the Danube, again set iorth her views. Ht'SSIA TO KKSmY TIIK ROUTE TO INDIA. A despatch to the Uussiau Telegraphic Airency states that Russia Is disposed to respect the route to India, and consequently the neutrality ol the Suez canal and Egypt. The rest depends on mili tary eventualities. A NKW RUSSIAN I/)AN. An Imperial ukase, dated Pioejestl, June 7, was promulgated yesterday In St. Petersburg, empower Inn the Finance Minister to Issue a foreign five per cent loan of $70,oou,ooo( in bonds of $100 each, para* hie to bearer, and redeemable by aunual drawings, at the rate of one per cent ol the nominal capital, for which a special fund will be provided. NAVIGATION ON THE DANUBE. PROHIBITION BT TIIK ROUMANIAN AUTHORI TIES?-XOTK FBOJI THE FOltEIliN OFFICE TO THE FOREIGN CONSUI.S IS BUC1IABEST. Washimuton, Judo IS, 1877. Tbo Sccroisry of State tins today received from our ennialar agency at Bucharest a copy of the following oote, addressed by the Foreign OfTlco of Roumama 10 all tba foreign con?ul? In thut city : ? You know thnt tho Sublime Porte on tbo 2Vib ol April Inst proclaimed tbai tho rules concoruioti tlio trmie or neutrals on the *ea caunot ?pnly to the Dan ube, und tbul therefore the commander of the military forces at lib?rtjr to taka ?uco meaaurea aa be will aretu proper for miltury opera tion* While regretting t b in acltou, which, lit our opinion, n contrary to free trade on the Danube, con hoc rated by international instrument*, we cuunot, however, tn view of tbe state ol war wbicti Turkey bail forced upou KouwuBia by tbo bombaru men! or our towns aud liy tbe roUure of our vesscla. and tnelr cargoes, but make use of tbe right of defence and prevent tbo proridibg with victuals of Turkish town* by vessels sailing under neutral ll<gs. 1 have, therefore, the honor to Inlorui you that navigatlou ta prohibited on the Danube Irom th? vil lage of Orula, and that, consequently, the Roumanian goveruinent will Id no case bo responsible tor any loss wbicb may he Incurred by shippers, shipowners and others ou aocount ol their being prevented by tbe Koumaniau military lorces from their voyage on tbo Danube. Tne consuls aro accordingly requested to inform snippers of their respective nationalities of the danger which might occur by a disregard of the inlorinatiou contain* d In tbo above notlcc. MORMONISM UNEASY. DBEAD OF TUB HER tLT)'s EXPOSURE AMONG THE SAINTS-?EFFORTS TO INFLUENCE PUBLIC SENTIMENT ?ORGANIZATION FOR RESISTANCE PROCEEDING?THE U ENTILES PROJEC1INO A MASS MEETING. iBT TELEGRAPH TO THE HERALD. 1 Salt Lakk, Juno 13, 1877. MormonUm la so abokan lu lis vary bones by tbe powar given to IIr. Howard'a elbow at Washington and by tba partial Intimations ol the evldenca in bis possession in rogard to the priesthood that tbo luttar ara kapt very busy at tbo Lion ilouse. HKCUkT I'BUI'A 11A1 llJXX. Several aacret mootin0s bavo been bold tbaia during tba past faw day a, and many uposllea and Oeutlloa ara convinced that tho organization lor future resistance to probable arrests, which baa bean ao much tcoutod by auboruod or Ignorant newspapers, Is proceeding wltb greater onergy, aa well as secrecy, than belore. Indeed, an minute ol tbe Lion House positively asserts this to b? tbo fact. VOUKSTALUXU PCBL1C SKXTIMKNT. Mormon cmlsaarles are on tholr way East aud Weal, and Mormon miaalonarlaa already established in tbe East have received lnatruct:ons to uae overy moans to counteract tbe efl'eet of the Hkualu's revelations. The resort to abuse and attempted assassination having failed a bureau of correspondence In the Mormon in tareat Is to bo eatabliahed with Kastern journata whoso editors can be caught by chair. DUKAD OP TIIK IlKKALD. So greatly Is the Herai.d dreuded hero that a Mor mon remarked yesterday that he would rather light the devil, a high member ol the priesthood statos that It la now nip and tuck between Brlgham Young and tbo New York Herald. MASS MEETI.NO OK ufciTlLKH. A mosa meeting is talked ol to-duy ay merchants, bankers and others to sustain the Hbiiald's course and that of District Attorney Howard. j THE COUNSEL OF JOHN D. LEE ON MORMON AFFAIRS?BRIGHAM YOUNG'S COURHH PBE SAOED?HOW LEE CAME TO BE CONVICTED? BITTER FEELING AMONG THE GENTILES. Saj? FKAjiriHco, June 13, 1877. Tba Virginia City Chronicle publishes an Interview on tbo Mormon question with W. YV. Ilisbop, who defouded John D. loc. Mr. Bishop states that Irom an tntimato personal knowledgo of Mormon affairs, II Brigbam Young thinks ho can aland a trial and get clear thoro ?rill ba no reslatano*, but If bo approhonds conviction be will unquestionably light. His followers will stand by bim to th? last man. Hlgbee, Haigbt and Stewart can only be taken-By the superior force ol the United States troops. , IMPOSMIIILK TO CONVICT. Under tho present Jury aystem It la simply Impos sible to convict In Utah any of tbe other parties Im plicated In tbe Moantain Meadows massacre. Leu was convicted only because District Attorney Howard sue WM la making. Young believo tbat If wus con victed Utah would be admitted into tba Union as a State. leb's conviction ordkred. Young acoordlugly ordered hia conviction, ior tbe good of tbo Church. Diatrlct Attorney Howard, ba saya, ta an honeat and etllcieui ofllcor in every respect. The storiea about bia keeping back a portion of Lee'a confession la lalae. Some parta ol tbo confossion were left out to further tbe ends of Justice by an agreement between Howard and Biabop. FEELIMO AMOXU TUB DBNTILIS. Tbe feeling among tbe Qentllea in Utah la vary bit ter. Thoao in Salt Luke feel accure, but In tba small Interior towns much approhansion la felt, should hostilities begin moat of the flgbting would be done in those amall towns. YOL'XO'S ORDKRS. Young buagivon orders to bis poopla to cloae all com mercial intercourse with the Gontllea in Southern Utah and Raatern Nevada, but the ordor bos not boon strictly oboyod. REARREST OF A CLERGYMAN. St. Joii.nhiil-ky, Vt., June 13, 1877. Tbe Rev. K. D. Hopkins was to-day rearrested on flvo Indictmonts found against him by tho Grand Jury. Two ol the indictments nro lor forgory and three for the appropriation of moueys. It la alleged tbat part of lliia prosecution la inlluenced by partios having a peraonal apito and Interasta inimical to tba accuaed. AMERICAN FRESH MEAT. EFFECT O* THE IMPORTATION IN SCOTLAND. Washington, June 13, 1877. The ChtofoT the Bureau of Statistics has received Information trom Glasgow stating that the importation o( American fresh meat Into that city hns greatly chocked the provious stcauy Increase in the slaughter ol cuttle. Last year 57,021 oxen, 176,0<t(> slioop. 4.1,ol5 lambs nod 1,741 calves wcro slaughtered, being a de crease of sbout l,.r>00 cattle, 23,U0U ubeep and tf,000 lambs, as contrasted with 1875. A REVEREND WIFE POISONER. CONVICTION OF A PASTOR FOR PROCfltINO THE DEATH OF HIS WIFE. Dixox, 111, June 13, 1877. The Jury, In the case of Kov. 8. H. Mouboe, who, lor the past tel. days bus been on trial charged with poisoning bis wile, rendered a verdict this morning ol guilty, bnt flxod the penalty at tho lowest period of imprisonment allowed by luw?fourteen your* Mc (iheo wai pastor of the Christiun Church at Anhton. His motlvo tor tbe crime whs suppoMtd to bo a da*iro to marry a young lady parishioner. CAR BUILDERS' CONVENTION. (B* TELEGRAPH TO THE HERALD,] Ci.ivii.Ann, Ohio, June 13, 1877. At the annual meeting ol the Car Building Assocls. tlon. In their sessions ol this morning and this even ing, the discussion* wero confined to tho prncticnoility ol irou oars mid train bnkes, largely favoring tho latter and strongly condemning tho lormcr. Tills afternoon tbe aosocistion visited tbe I'niou Screw Works. This evening they adjourned to bold lurtber sessions to-morrow. T1IE liRA.SSHOPl'EUS. Omaha, Neb., Juuo 13, 1877. Professor Cyrus Tborons, ol tbe United Statos En tomological Commission, uccouipunled by Professor Aughtroy, of this Slate, arrived here ti-day, uftor quito an extensive examination of Nebraska in reler ouca to the grasshoppers. Tbuy state that, although there arc some in the eastern tier ol counties, they are Haiikrte<l tlie danger is about over in Nebraska, and tnut tho loss will bo vory small, even in tho lew conn ties whore they yet remain. Scarcely a damaged held can be seen anywhere In a day's travel. THE FISHERY QUESTION. Halifax, June 13, 1877. Hon. ?. 11. Kollogg, United State* Fishery Commis sioner; Mr. Curtis, Ins .^ecrctsry; lion. Dwigbl foster, of Boston and Sir A. T. Mslt, arrived here to night. CHOPS IX ALABAMA. ? Moxtuomkuy, June 13, 1877. Tno rains hitvo been vory general In Aluhatna, and hnvo been of great good to the crops. Oats aro com paratively a failure. Tho wheat is the best crop ever made. Tho coru and cotton arc clean aud doing wull.| TELEGRAPHIC HEWS From All Part3 of the World. DEPOSED GERMAN BISHOPS. An Appeal for tlie Oppressed Jews iu Roumania. GRANT AT SOUTHAMPTON. Revised List of Dinner?, Receptions and Amusements. TIIE CITY OF BERLIN SAFE. Threatened Trouble Between Mac Mahon and the Left. ffiT CABLE TO TDK HERALD. 1 London, June 14, 1877. The Herald correspondent at Berlin states that the Central Committee ol the Jewish Alliance have resolved to petition the German government pro testing against the oppression of their brethren in Koumanla. A similar movement was made some time ago, but it does not seem to have had much etfect, probably owing to the influence Prince Charles has enjoyed at the Foreign oilice. ANOTHER BISHOP DEPOSED. The Eccloslastlcal Court or Berlin has deposed the Bishop of Llmburg. With this deposition there now remain but lour of the twelve Prussian oisnops who were or.ginally concerned in the Church conflict. Six in ail have been deprived of their livings and dioceses and exiled, ami two have died. Bishop Umburg wus not considered as a leader in the revolt, but the Court refused to over look. the tact that, In obedience to what he termed higher authority, he preached against the supreme power of the government. RESIGNATION OF BANCROFT DAVIS, Mr. Bancroft Davis has resigned his position as Amcricun Minister to German}, and Is now making preparations to leave this city (Berlin) early In the au in inn. GENERAL GRANT GONE TO SOUTHAMPTON. General Grant has now gone ou a visit to Mr. and Mrs. sartorls, at Southampton, where he will spend three days. He is accompanied by Mrs. Grant and his son Jesse. The municipality of Southampton have formally invited htm, but he will not receive the hospitalities of thut great seaport In the shape of a lunch and au uddrcss of welcome at present. Owing to previous engagements ho has had to de cline. A REVISED PROGRAMME. The latest programme appears to be as lollows: Friday morning?Receive the freedom of the city ot London. Friday afternoon?Atteud the rote at the Crystal Palace. Saturday?General and Mrs. Grant dine with the Marquis of Lome and the Princess Louise at Ken sington Palace. Monday morning?Breuk'fcst with George w. Snialiey. Monday evening?Dine at the Keform Club, Lord Granville presiding. Tuesday?Attend a rote at Alexandra Palace. Wednesday?Dine with Lord ltlpon. Thursday.?Meet the Prince ol Wales at a dinner given at the American Embassy. Friday Morning.?He takes lip his residence with Consul General Badeau. Friday Evening.?Attends the state performance at the opera and subsequently the (queen's ball given at Buckingham Palace. VLYMES NOT AT OXFORD. General Grant was not present at the Oxford commemoration, as was reported by the fall Mall Gazelle. The students, while waiting for the reci tation or various prize poems ana other portions ol the programme, have a custom or cheering and hissing the names or public i-haracturs. All the paners this morning remark the peculiarly hearty reception evoked by General Uraut's name, which was one ol the first proposed. SAFETY OF TilK CITY OP BERLIN. The Inman steamship City of lluiliu was .sighted oil C'rookhaveu. Ireland, at about six o'clock yes terday morning, being In tow o( the National steamer Spain. At cl^ht o'clock ou Friday morning last she broke her shall, when about one hundred miles west of Kastnet l.ighu On Sunday evening she was taken In tow by the Spain and brought here. She left for Liverpool in tow of three power ful stearutugs. All the passengers arc well. FKAXCt's POLITICAL niFPICLLNIiS. A special despatch Horn Paris says It li staled tbo government will declaro lis readluess Id discuss tbo Interpellation to be brought forward by M. ttumbetta at tbo reopening ol the Cbarubor. Tbo I.ell, however have decided thai republican Senators shall abstain lroni votlug on tbo <(uoxiion ol dissolution, so as to leave tbo cutiru responsibility to tbo Itighi nnd (bo government. TIIK I.KFT FILLY OKUAMIZKD. Relative to the report mat tuo government tuoan to prevent tbo plenary meeting ol ibo suctions of tbo J.clt bclorc Ibe reassembling of lOu Chambers, n is stated Ibat M. (Sambeila ban relinquished Ibe nlru ot calling sucb meeting, the Lelt being suOlciontly agreed upon a lino ol action to dispense with preliminary dis cussion. n AttO O.V Til K STCDBXTM. Tbo Minister ol lusiruutlou has decided that any student participating In a political nianilcslalloo snsll bo immediately expelled Irom college. THK PoFB'S PC LSI, Tbo Timrt' Koine special reports that a porsonage of high position uax directly inquired ol mo Holy tie* bow it would look upon a li"iiaparuxt movement in franco, on il* reply a luoro or le.s energetic system ol agllallou would dopend, but tbo Vaticau has mado no sigiL WILL AI'PKAL It I* *ald MM. lionnei and Duvcrdlor will appeal against tbeir sonteuces. SPAl* AM* II Ml RSPl'BLICAX AOITATORH. A despatch Iroiu liilbua, ."pain, under dale of yes terday, says ibe government have released tbo per sons who woro recently arrested, prov metal deputa tions becoming security lor iboir good behavior. Several republicans have been arrested in dlflerent parts ol tiulpuzcon. LIBERAL TRICMPII IX HOLLAND, A despnicb Irom Amsterdam says the biennial eloclion of ball ol the members ol lliu Second Dutch Chamber, to replace those relirlug by roution, has resulted in the return ol all liberals. A PI Allt'M OF LOCTST* A telegram Irom Malta says:?''Accounts Irom Tripoli sud Barbary staio that an area ol a hundred miles has been devastated bv locusts. The crt^s Me eulirel/ destroyed and famine Is believed to bo Inamluent. 8o- I vere distress already prevails." Til* dirk'T t'ahi.S COMKASV. Au extraordinary meeting of tho Direct Un'ted Slates Cable Company will be held on Tuc?day, the Mtb of June, when rc*oluliou? windiug up tbe compauy, kr., will be presented. II tbe resolutions arc adopted tbey wl'.l beconurmed at a second extraordinary wealing, nou rinio im loxdox. Tbe Emperor and Empress of Brazil bar* arrived back iu l.ondon. TIIK INTKItS ATiOXAL COTTON CONVKVUO*. Tho American Chamber of Commerce al Liverpool bas decided to give a banquet to lb'1 de.ogule* 10 tbe International Cotton Convention, which meets in Mr* erpuul July 11. UINKIIM KKTl'KSKD TO WOttK. Nearly all tbe miners in tbo Northumberland col lories resumed work ye-terduy. tilt I'mtiu ktatis stkamkr ra.nukk. Tne United Statos steamer Hanger has arrived at 1 Port Said, on her way 10 Join tbo Asiatic squadron i l-KATII OK tcdwio ml, ORAM! UfKK of iikssk uaiim ht.i l)T. A despatch from Darmstadt announces tbe death of Ludwijf III., Grand Duko of Uesao Darmstadt CUBA. THE INTERNATIONAL FOKTAL TREATY TO BE POT IN FOBOE. Havana, June 13, 1877. The provisions of tbo international postal treaty of Berne will bo put Into lorco here on tbe 16tb of June. A SOLDIERS* HOME. A GREAT OATHEU1NO AT BATH OF TBE GliAKD AUM V OF THE BEPCBLIC?PROGRAMME FOB LAYINO THE CORNER STONE?THE.NEW BCILD Batii, N. Y., Juno 13, 1877. Tbe laying of tbe corner stone of tbo Soldiers' Home, which is t? be built In the lovely Cenlroolon Vulloy, about two miles Irom this pluco, by tbo Grand Aruiv of tbo Republic, will bo an ovont of slgnill cunco to-duy. Tbo arrival aud encampment of the members ol tbe Urand Army at noon yesterday was a tnoal Interesting preliminary to tbo ceremony wblcli Is to take place to-day. The Urst duly in ordor was to repart to tbo Clilel Magistrate of tbo natlou, and tbo following despatch was sent to Prosidoul Hayes:? Tbo Grand Army of tho llupubllc, Department of New Yoru, in soml-annuil cncampmont ossembled, at Batb, N. Y., on the occasion ol layiug ihe corner stono ol our New York State Soldier*' Home, soiids fraternal greetings to Uiolr cotnradu of olden times, who now so completely tills tbo olllco of I'rosldent ol the United Stntox, and Wish him all possible success in all his public and private relations. JAMES TANNKK, Dopurtmont Commander. Gko. B. Shirks. Assistant Adjutant General. TIIK OKOKU OK kxkik'IHKM. Tho next thiug was to detormlno upon tho pro gramme, and this was decidod on:? Music. Invocation by Kev. Thomas Furrell, of New Yojk city. | Introduction of lion. Shoriuau S. Rogers, ol Uull'alo, us presiding oillcer, by i oinrado E. 0. I'arkitifou, president of Board of Trustees. M usic. Oration by Kev. Henry Ward Iioecher, of Brooklyn. Music. Announcement ol articles deposited 'n corner stono by Comrade J. A. Lewis, Secretary ol Hoard ol Trustees. Laying ol cornor stone by Comrade James Tanner, Department Commander. Beneoiciiou. Al the conclusion or the ceremonies a national salute will be IIred by tho hallery. Comrades John K. I'erley, A. K. Ba\tor and J. Y. I l'urkliurst are announced a- Aids to the Mar.hal, aud will be obeyod and re spected accordingly. Invited guest* will assemble at the Court House ut two o'clock I' M.. and will luko carriages under tbo direction ol Comrado Baxter. WM. V. ROGERS, Marshal. TIIK XKW HUMC. Tbe alto sctec'.ed for tbo borne Is a charming spot, ll Is almost Impossible to picture tho lovely landscape, Ibe richly covered bills and the tableau as presented when looking across tbe ra.lroad in the directum of Batb The work on the buildings Is woll advanced. Tba foundations ol tbe barrasks and dining ball are alreudy tlnisbed. Ibe design ol tbo architect m tbul ?t>e dining ball, tho principal untrauoe to which faces the south, shall bo to between the two \ barrack*, the latter being 12a tool long with a Irotil | ago of lorty-two leut tnrea stories high. There will ho no doi miiorler, and tbeslcepiug rooms will have a Ireo i range of about 100 teoi. Tbe coiling is to be 14 fool high. Tho diuiug lull will bo 146 loot long, fid root wldo and three atorlos high. l'Uo dining room proper is to be 84 leut bv j# leel, and the ceiling i!8 lout from the lloor. Tbo waler supply Will be iroiu tbe hills bryund. This borne is erei-toa upon a farm ol mo acres In extent, which was proseutod by luo city ol Bi?lh?a larm laid out and Improved ty un English gcnlio mau named Mat Kay, who has long beon dead. His old larmbouse nuill somewhat after the style of tho Napoleonic Houso al Malinaison, Is *1111 stunding, sod will be used probubly as the remdonce ol tho superin tendent of the Home, ituo ol tho richest legacies leri behind him is a lauo through the olu Isrtn ol a miio In length, to the ea*t of tne Homo buildings, lined by sbapcly maple irees ol largo growth. A WAR* RfcCKI'TIO*. The people ol B?th bavo thrown open ihelr doors with great hospitality to tlio viailbrs. Amoug those here are Commander James Tan ner Csplaltl Lewis, Messrs. William H Id ley 1'arkinson, Brodle, Tato, Urunntnghaunen, Cor telyou Jaschke. and Emil, Walter imu John KisselL Governor Robiuson and many other* will probably ar rivo this morning. Tbete will bo au excursion on ibe lake this afternoon und a banquet al Agricultural llall tonight. A KENTUCKY SENSATION. an alleged lad* speculator bhe draws FOBTT THOUSAND DOLLABS IBUH 11EB MOTI1EB UNUF.B PBETKNCES?FOBOINO THE NAM IS OF NOTED MEN. [BY TKI.KGBAPH TO THE HERALD. ] I-oiisviu.k, June 13, 1877. A startling seusation him |ust buou sprung la Louis ville. Mrs. T. T. Hawkins, daughter ol the Inte Colo. iic 1 Weir, of I.exuigton, and of Mrs. 0 W. Merrl weather, whoso second husband was bcloro bis death a prominent banker ot thia city, is implicated in heavy forgeries ol tlio names or ex United Stolen Senutor Sievenson, lion. <?eorgo H. 1'eudletou, ol Ohio; Colonel James Taylor, and Henry Timberiake, ol Newport, Ky. During tho last lew years Mrs. Hawkins at various tiine-i obtained money Irorn her mother, aggregating tome $40,000, lor Ibe purpose, ait she said, ol engaging la tobacco speculations with some guntlemeu. Mho promised I ho profits would be enormously large. IIKI KlVOU IIKK Ml'Til Kit. Ln?t winter Mrs. Mernweather demanded her sliaro of the proceeds. Mrs. Hi* kins said the book keener ol the syndicate had absconded with the money, but his lather, who Was a wealthy lio* ion merchant would reimburso it. Uy this ru?e stio succeeded In gaining a lew days' tunu. Mrs. Mcri iwrutlier who was growing Anxious, out not suspicious, per sisted iu her desire to roalizo on tho Investment. Iter dau;liter produced two note* ol $1)0,000 eacli and two ol {'^U,0<iO eaoh, apparently made by .lames Taylor in bchall ol the syndicate?Mrs. H iwklos, accompanied her mother to the l.ouisvnto Savings llnuk. TIIK rOIIUKD JkiTK*. Wuon the notes were presented the cashier, ilr. llohrer, perceived they wore irregular and decliued to dikCouut tliotn. Hobrer at once made an investigation and ascertalnej that Stevenson and others bud no knowledge whatever o( Mrs. Hawkins' tobacco specu lations. rue records ol tbe Adams hxpress Company wero examined, but no traco ot Mrs. Merriwoal tier's $J?.uuo was di .covered and it was not known v? Iter daughter did with the money. It b?a sidco beeu developed that Mrs. llawIctus last summer obtainod Irom tho l.ouiavillo I;.inking Coin* | pany $6oo on a postal card ordor from Senator I Stevenson. The bank sunt tlio drait on tor collrc- | lion, but It caiuo back proiestt<l, Stevenson saying Mrs. Huwklus ha l no authority to use h s name. TKU.I.M. TilK I Itt*III t'XIiKK A THHBAT. On a threat ol arrest lor obtaining money under lalse pretences, Mrs. Huwklus revealed tbeso iact?, wbicn aio learned Irani officers ol tho bank and otheis In position to know:?Mrs. Hawkins' hiiiUaud Is Colonel I'. T. Hawkins, au invalid, at one time promu neut in Kentucky politico TM family is highly re aped) d throughout the State. Mrs. Merriweallo r is ?aid to be ruined lln i'jciali .v bv her daugtiier. Mem bers Of the family say that Mrs. HawKlU* ?? mentally impaired, insanity naving been known in her I be .? Hair has produced great exciieniont in l.ouis Villa. STATE Sl'OlliSMEN'S ASSOCIATION. SvhaltsS, N. Y., June 1&. 1H77. The Slate fpor linen's Association have already H.uoo pii;eou? lor the State Convenllon, June l\ uiiil as?ur mice* thai Uoublu that nuiolxr wil, lie ootalned, thus making lti? CoLVeuiiui. at, insured success. FIGHT WITH THE COMANCHIS. INDIANS BILLED AND HyUAW8 AMD STOCK CAT" isaia CntcAUO. 111. Jane IS, 18T7. Captain Loo, of tbe Tooth cavalry, has lorwarded t? GenCra! Sheridan from Fort GrilUn. Texts, an account ol his engagement wiib a baud of Comaucbe Indiana near i.ukc yu' iu ijo. rbo skirmish occurred on lb# 4ttiofMuy. Four Indian-were killed and six squaws and tilty-six bead or ihuIoj und horses captured, and Qltaen lodges, with n lar-.-e supply of powder, lead, dried uikuiw 4c., destroyed. First Sergeant Cbarlos Butler wua killed. THE PONCA INDIANS. UIKIVAL OF THE TU1BE IK INDIA* TEBBITOBT. Wakhixotuv, D. C. June 13. 1877. The Indian Office la advised by Inspector Kuuible ol the arrival of tus l'oucu Indiana at their new ro?crva in.u in lcdiun Territory after a bard march Iron) Nebralkn. The Indiaus are apparently satisfied WHO tbeir new country. MIDNIGHT WEATHEI~ UEPORT. WlK DkI'ABTMBXT, ) IIK ClIIKK SulNAL OrriCCR, > MOTOIf, June 14?1 A. M. ) Owen or rm Washington, indication*. For .Vow England, falling Imroinoter, stationary or blgtier temperature, aouihweaterly wind*, parti? cloudy woaiber and possibly rain areas. ?* FortheMiddlo Atluntlc States, lower pressure, sta tionary or higher temperature, southerly wludf, partly cloudy weather and possibly rain areas. For tbo South Atlantic Mates, stationary. prouure, higher temperature, southeasterly winds, partly cloudy woatbor and ralu areas. For the Gulf States. stationary pressure ana temper ature, winds mostly from tho south und eust, partly cloudy ami cloudy woitbcr, with rain aroas. For Tennessee nnd tbe Ohio Valley, stationary pressure, higher tomperature, soutliorly winds, clear or partly cloudy weather, and poanbl v rain areas. For tho Upper Mississippi und I.owor Missouri vjI lovr, noarly stationary followed by tailing barometer, stationary or higher temperature, partly cloudy weather, with rain areas and winds mostly from tbo southeast. For tlio luke region, neaily stationary barometer, stationary or rising temperature, uartly cloudy weather, arous or light ram uud southerly winds. Tho Missouri und Lower Mississippi rlvors will rli* slowly. THU WEATI1EB YE8TEBDAY. The following record will show tbo cbangos In tha temperature lor the past twenty-lour hours, In com purison with the corresponding date of last year, as Indicated by tbo iheriroiuutor at lluunut's pharmacy, IIkuai.d Building:? 1870. 1877. 1878. 1877. 3 A. M OS 61 3:30 P. M 78 80 (I A. M 07 02 0 i*. M 7:1 72 U A. M 74 08 U P. M. . 70 07 12 II 77 73 12 M 08 07 Average temperature yesterday OS}*' Average temporuture lor corresponding date la it yoar 71*J ? HOTEL ARRIVALS. Kredorlck Broughton, general manager of tbo Great Western Railway of Oanudt, nnd J. f>. Layng, general manugor ol ttio Pittsburg, Fort Wayno and Cbicago Railroad, arc at tho Windsor. Ex-Governor 8. G. Arnold, of Ithodo Inland, is at tbe New York. I'ay Inspector W. W. Williams, United Slates Navy, and William Bliss, general manager of tbo Boston and Al buny Railroad, aro at tho llrunawiok. Captain Cook, ol tbo steamship Russia, is at the llrevoort. O en oral K. F. Bui lard, ol Saratoga, and ex-Congressman B. T. Biggs, ol Delaware, aro at the Graud Central. Ex Congrov?mau Stephen W. Kellogg, of Connecticut, and Goueral Elijah Ward are nt the Fifth Avenue. L'euteu >iit Commandor Charles F. Schtnllz, United States Navv, is at tho Mutropohtun. Ror. Canon Tliorold, ol London, is at tho Clarendon. THE WEEKLY llEHALD. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR?POSTAGE FREE. TUB CHEAPEST AND BEST NEWSPAPEB IN THB WOBLD?NOW ItEADY. Tbe Wkskly Hkiialu for this week contains tole graphic news irom >11 parts of tho world; Political Intelligence; Washington Correspondence; Geueral Grant's Reception in Knglatid; tbo Manhattan Club Rcccption to Messrs. Tilden and Hendricks, Governor Robinson and Lieutenant Governor Dorsbuimur; Sweeny's Compromise; Terrible Accident In England; lull account ol the Terrible Earthquake and Tidal Wave in South Amortca: Tbe Gallows; A Stolon Child; Great Fire In Galvoston ; The Cicada; Mr. W. U. Van derbilt's Return Irom Europe, and What lie Says of His Objects Abroad; Girls m Silk vs. GirU iu Muslin; a ?tory, entitled "Laura's Love," and a sermon by Henry Ward Beecner. It also contains editorial ar ticles ou tho prominent topics ol tbe day; Personal Intelligence; Amusements; Literary and Sea Notos; Reviews of tbo Dry Goods, llnrse and Cattle Markets: Finaucial and Commercial Reports; Agricultural anil , Sporting Matters; tnstructlvo articles lor the ladies, and tbo m<mt important events ol tho week. Tkiims?Onu dollar per year, pnstago paid; singlo copies, throo ceuis. An extra copy will bo sont to every club of ten or more. TI1K FAIR FASHIONABLE* OF OUR BEST circlo? give the palm to tiLKMV* Sti.riirn Soar. ALL WHO SUFFKR CURED HI EE* Of CHARGE. Oll.n' I.IMIMKKT IoDII>x AaaOSIA. HweliuJ limit*. >?rlc>?.? veins, old guru*. neuralgia, nlntclio. and pimple*. Apply 4">l ?lib av. A <3 BAT, ft Ml?PKARL Oa35!xBKB8 and SrnAW Har*; wli"l?iale |.rico? i.'i New Clinrch ?t.. up nans. ASTHMA CURED. IlAM.oca, Illinois. H. V. Pi*lieK M I). : ? Dkak Sin ?I had been atllnted with the asthma m*vi?q VHitr* l?N?i tpriliff I look ttv?- bottle* of your Dhcovkht and I lied no return of tUo imtbuin durhit.' the luinmer. lit the full it returiiHd hii I I eoinineticed Inking >our DUcov irv, Mid * a? auofi entirely retlifid %mih I hav ? Ntitvl of oilier* b?ni.' cur?cl of tHtfiitm by ntlnjr your piiouvery, and vet you are *1 It*ni about th? medicine nettiff ico<'d 'or tin# diaea?e. I know that nothing ?*Ue could liave effected tbo cure, for I took no otbet medicine. \ our# uulv, I'. W. t'KADY HRSr VAIXK IS FKKSCtt CHA MI'AOXR*. *o!d bjr I'AKK A TlLfOliD and At'KKli. Mid lift ALU Loui* iiuvfiu'a Kstra Drr. |l5ptrc?ii Bt'VIOAUDXKK\S Old Virginia Mountain hand Hindis Kyk WhiiKKT, By bottle, u&IImii or barrel. II. B. KII1K Al !*?#., iM? Fulton it mid 7i*i? Broadway. "BETHKSDA MINIUM, HPRINQ WATER," 00 lotitf u. Wn??wledgod to be ? *ure specific for nil Kidney and liver duetto*, mn be hud trc*??t? Irotn the apriii# by applying to ll K. liAMASrhK. I Antral Agent. 107 West i.'d ?i. Send tor tevliiuouml*. GOOD, SolXD ci.akrt wixei at $4. #4 *??', to W?i |wr <m*o, Iroiri the be?t fthlppers if) Horde At IX II. It. KIl.K I CO.. Fulton *t. and 7WI Broadway. METROPOLITAN JOII I'KIN TlNo'oFKlCli, Ketrioved to jh Ann ?l. KINK HOOK AND JOB Plll.NTINO. THEATRICAL IMHI'hKH. P HOOK A M MEM end ftOICETi LWV WORK, S i h AM BOAT AND KaIlROAD WORK nn4 FIX ?. WOOD KNOKAVIXiiM Speeti!ti"?. rtr*t clft** work ?t tow prloe*. At the MKTKoPOMTA.n JOR I'KI > II V? OFFICE, Ann ?t. For the convenience oj tin* uptown public w? bave op'*no<t u branch of?i?e for receipt or otfer# at lK ? ."itb av., corner Bruitdway .ni l*t Si?reoptiCan Building). MALTHOI'fOX IQi'K WILL KKCRl'fT YOUR Mrengtti.? N'tirRlnx mot liom, dl*rafd ah* and p<?rt#r forth * *tteii;-lh mi?iHirtlinf. milk-developing bevcra ?. your^r cvr and dru^4i?t keep It. ?. l\ II t/Vi(D A CO., IVJJ t'liattlbem ?t. SODA VTATKIt AlM'AltAI l'? ?Oil MAKING Al.U acerafcd beveraiev foil.N MAI TIIKWH, 1*1 a*. and itHh il. oitr, SIMM Ml !<Hc?KA~" wdwrlrni, r?.r witli ?!) !<? and low pries cum bn ft! hL'UKNK I-I'.ltKIn A Ml N?.??U ,t.. w??| ?><J? _ _____ VKW "l'i uT7lt/i'l'H?.\?. lJKlUH l >, i'lAHhTKi, UltUi'ai l'.?ivaLi TVuIT I Jjfiiiiii. con 11 on. |iil?>. >llitirhiu?, uravi'l, iioui*, rinfuitmtuiii v??l. vitluirii, Uft?n? uili*. Invuiitliivuo*. |?m* U| ? * of l .? ll??r, protlnt. .'Imi'l, ?kn> and blou t, utrxiiii lifbiillt nr?m?mr" p'uiiralliiii, *? whtrii hn?? rc*l?t?u nil oilier ire??ii??ul, 4re cured by tli*A>AIIKL Mtiieiul Hprliu M'nter mid l)f. MKATil Trcntlee, I'M pairet, sIMO* Dtpol Hid nllli'i i, '1-'I Itr imlwn*. New ?nr?. 1MMKXXK OK r>IK \MV UAWM UAMti "Ve*lll?," * ?re?l Impr'ivemeol I'nlroii lied \>y ?lie ellle ? i l i>r all luat rla>* liouk mid ?latiuiierjr (tore*. I I. Il< ?K.">M AN. Mmiufatfliirei. and William ?i . Sam Voi k -end ?tnm?a lor iltMcriptive price Del. SKA MIX'. 1. 11< K \ K V SI.N?jl,K M MHKK. I(L hit * HhM s<OVKU U \ST I? AVM OK I'OMI'f II. out >alnrd ijr, Jnie Ifl. and lor ?<ile by all u *; prioi* lOeeilia .No I. r.A>l' I.VNNK Uuuble uunil<pr; price '.iicentc \ j JOHN IMLIKAX. UeirtliM). i?ulilo tinmUer; pro'o J*1 o?*iilt. ,N. J. J \?K KYRK. Moiiblf iinniber ; price !>? cent. >0.4. S Willi S.N II A I Kit I barlim Ueode ? new Du\el). lion le ntuiiher. pi ice lUc-nti UriTfl l II K I.'I.NIIIIN uHACMIO." OUT To. OA r. 1* pre?ei>t*id mi evtra Uoiibl?< .Supplement, containing portian^ ol .hi meiiilien > ( the Horal tamllt. Mlnvle cwlei. ik, riiK smllsikk x koiii:u> *kws cumi-anv. ti hn'imill! ?t . .New VorK A^'OU. lu Ainrrica for "IIIu%. tr'itei. l.i'Biliin New*, Nlmphlc" and ?1'uneli." ">'i?e. teenth Century." 'Vuoiii l.adte. Journal, ' Ac. Ac. sai>. Her ptlun? raooead for every newspaper of periodical puii. It?l ad ii. iirent Hrltuin uinl Ireland, lluuka luipwrtad lib nu.ii.ut> ar k> itugla vulu.ue.