Newspaper Page Text
elestag price* o! the principal active stocU* to-day as ?ompared with those ol yesterday:? Auvistx-Rock Ulan J, %; St. Paul, %; Wnbseb, %; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, %; Morris and Kjmi, '4; liaonibat and St. Joseph preferred, Delaware and Hudson, %. Jitcuxif.--Western I'nwn, l'i; Pacific Mull. %;New York Centr:i|, \; Luke Sboro, Northwest, %; do. preferred, >,; si. Paul preferred, % ; Hannibal aud St. losepli, %. CLosixo phicsm?3 r. m. The closing price* ul three V. M were ai follow*:? Jtiil. A-l-l ft'1- A'Krd NY Central... irJV tr.!?, Illinois ('en.... I*6 Harlem HI 14:; I'nlim fueHtc.. (?% fcrie ? tttf C, OAlC ? J*? 1 ake Shore .. 47 47', ilan and hi J v. r.'H I t Wabash 1 S? l)? II and Ht .!<? pf. 38 Knrthweatern.. 2<ll4 at Olilo anil Miss.. 4X 4\ Northtraat p(.. 44k 44j, Pnnaiuii W? Ik. K'ck Inland ... UIV 1'1,'X \Ve?t Union ... ???"? fort Wayne.... Kk H" A', and I'ac Tel. lw% I"*, Mil K?d .-t I'aul l'."a' l'.?V Kacille Mall.... IU It"* Nil and ">t P (if. 4'?'^ 4?'i (JiilrKiilTpr 14 I I!, I'l'.tsl.nrir 7H-j w? t.iulck?llverpl . 'Jl*< L"?!l< Del. Land '.V.. 32?Z U'JK Ad.ini" Express !?:i H4 K J Central... U'Z 7 W?ll?-r?r*i>.... H* mm OpI and II Can. '11 27if Am Ki?ra<i..., 44 4">,? Morris auu hi.. ."i-'IV 54 United Slates.. 42 4J,'j Mich Central.. 3-.', .tx% rna itoNET market. The money market wit very easy, money on cill lending at 2 por cent auu at tbe cloxo at 1% a 2 pur cent. The following woro tho ratos of exchange on New York at tho undermentioned citlcs to-day:? Savannah, buying 3-1G, selling 5-10; Charleston easy, t-10 discount; Cincinnati llrm, buying par, selling 1-10; Now Orleans, commercial, par a % premium, bank, % premium; St. Louie, 1-10 promlnm, and Chicago, 50 premium. Foreign exchange is s toady aud ?ucbauged, with actual but mens at 4.h9%a487 tor banker*' sixty day*' sterling, and 4.89 a 4.89% tor de mand. mr. 001.n maukct. Gold opened at 105, declined to 114%, advanced to 1(5% and clored at 100',. This strength 11 attribut able mainly to throe causea; first, to tbc boltet thai the President ha* become a convert ot the bi-monetary Khool and intonUs that this country should *;nglo handod fijfht the civilized world; second, to tho decline In consols and rentes In London and Paris, and third, to the announcement that the Czar has ordered a new loan. Tho ratos paid for borrowisg woro 2'f, 2, 1% and 3 per cent per annnm, and 1-04 por cent por dietu. clkariku noose statement. Currency exchanges $01,780,278 Currency balances 3,043.023 Gold exchanges 8,fil4,429 Gold balances l,034,i;20 Gold clearings at the Xational Bank ot tbo Slate of Kow York :? Sold balances $1,485,202 Currency balances 1.f><10,401 Gross clearings 19,4811,000 COVKRWKKT BONDS. Government bonds, In sympathy with gold, wore Strong to-day, and they closed steady. There wore, however, Bales of $70,000 of the new 4% per conts at 106% & 106)4. "seller" 00, which was from 1% s 1\ below (he regular price. The following were the clos ing quotations:?United States curroucy sixes, 122>? a 122; do. da, 1S81, registered, 110.^ a 110,%; do. da, do., coupon, 114;'i a 1147^: do. do., 1865, new, regis icrod, 106*4 a 100'i; do. do., do., do., coupon, 100^ a 10<J^; do. do., 18(17, registered, 109>, a 1091*; do. do., do., coupon, 112all^V; do. do., 1868, registered, Il2>4; do. da, do., coupon, lift**; do. tsn-lorties, registered, 112a 112^; da do., coupon, 112^ a 112*4; do. flvos, 1881, registered, 110J/g a 111',; do. la, coupon, 110% a llltf;. do. 4K'*< 1891, regis Icrod, 107% a 107H ; do. da, do., conpon, 107% >107%. UNITED STATUS TKKAKURY. The revonne rcoelpts to-day wero (360,000; customs receipts, $470,000; bank notos, $100,000. TVIK VONKION XARKKT. The market In London opened weak for consols, the larliest quotation being 94% a 04% for both money snd iiccount, against 04% a 0.1 of yesterday evening. This weakness was attributed to war rumors, and It was further developed in the afternoon, when consols fell to 94% lor money and 94% a 94^ toraccouut To-day was "ticket day" ou tbo London Stock Exchange, and to-morrow tbo fortnightly settlement will take place, iraorlcan securities woro also afloclcd. the uew4*t 10r cents opening at 104% against 104% ysstcrday, tnd tho other bonds losing % per cent each. Illinois Jentral advanced 1 per rent. The closing prioea In tendon were:? Consols for money, 04'{; consols for ncount, 94% a 04%; now 4% per cent tonds, 104; live-twenty bonds of 1867, 109% a 100%; leu-forty bond*, 109% a 109 >4; now fives, 107% a 107%; Erie common shares, 6; Erlo preforrod shares, Id; New Yonc Central. H8\ ; Illinois Central, 50. Iho rate of discount In the open market for threo months bills was 2% per cent. The Hunk of England lost C85.000 in bullion on balance to-day. In Paris rentes fell Trom 104f. 80c , tho closing prices of yestorday, to 1041. 45c. Kxchunge on London was quoted at 25f. 20c. The Czar of Kussia hut ordered the issue ol a new for. Ilgn loan ol 375,000,0001. t-TATK BOSOM. State bonds at tho Baard war? higher for Georgia sevens, now, and steady lor Missouri long sixes, to winch dealings were confined District of Columbia 8,66's sold at "?<4?an advance of >?'. Tue loliowlng war* the latest bids:? AUbiimit .Va, l*n:i 40 Alabnn<a 5'?, lKSn. 40 .UnbaraaU'ii, 18*0 4<i Alitbamnf's. IfWH Mofl's, II.t St J iss.'W. It* Mi> O's. II A Kt .; lea.'87 ION Is V li'a. ii<il.I limn. 'HI 120 N Y 15 s, gold luan, 'U'J. 11! I N V' il'e.isoid ioau. 'MM. liiO N c ???, old. .1 a .i. Jv C ll's, old. A .V <>.... N r Pugdlajf Act.lHOi N C I'unding Art.iHii'i. ?\ (' new, i A ,1 N I! n **?. A \ O Oliiu li s. 1MM1 Hilt n.'i km; ?0'4 107 OiiloO'a, IMMti 114 I'.bode IkluDil O'k 1MI 8,i C*r non fund lid*. .. 1] Tenoesaee ti'a, old 4H Touiiesaefl UN, new.... 4u Tanni't It's, new aer. 4J Virginia b's, o'il Ml Virginia fl's, now, 'Wt.. Ill Virginia A'*, new. '((7.. HI Virt iiiiiHi's. conaol'd.. Virginl* H'a. ex-innt op Virginia ?*'? con 'M Virginia (i's, inferred.. 44 AIhIihmiH'i, isstj an Alabama H's, IH?:?..... '.!?? Arkiinm* fl'a. ftmdea .. i!.r> Ark 7'a 1. It A Kt H Us. 1 Ark 7's, Mara A I.ltRk. "J Ark 7'h, L it, I'll A N O J Ark 7'a. Mim.O AllRlv Aik 7'n, Ark <'en Kit... J Connectiont li s Ill DisolCol, l!lu'4. 7ii'i Georgia 7's. new lOH'i i. omnia 7'?. ?old bonds lii" Illinois c >n O's, 1M7H . lOH Illinois war loan 1 <Wi Kentucky ti s 1< Ixnitniann 7's, consol.. 8.">'^ Muliltau li'a, IH78-79.. 104 Minionrl U's. i?77. ... K*:?{ Miai-ouri K's, 1878 10!t funding bos. lfOI-.V . low l.onir bdk'8:! to'WO. Ini'l. ION Ho li's. Any or l ii, 'y_\ KAII.ftOAO UONHH. Kiilroad bonds were irregular, and tbe foMowiug were tho obauge.-i compared with last previous solos:? An advance ol }, in Milwaukee und St. I'uul (1. and M. divislou) and do. consolidated sinking lunus, ?? in Morris and Essex seven* of *71, Harlem fir.-:ts, sevens, coupon, and l'aoiflc Railroad of Missouri seconds, lucre was a decline of 1 per cont in C., 0. and I. C. firsts, >, in Chicago and N'orlhwcHteru consolidated gold Bovcns and *? in Union I'acli.o sinking funds and do. land grants. Tlie latest bids are annexed:? Alimnv A Mi?nu'n Int..Ill Mlrlt flout b 7 p c 2d.... 101 AI bun v A titiequ'alid.... l?4 Hd>. Hurt A Kite irtitr. S H. C ll A Minn l?l 7'e it. 4S Clips A Ohio It's I?t -I Chicago A Alton 1 Ht.... 11H1 ^ Utiicnco A Alton Inc'c. IO'?*j| Jot let A Chicago 1st... .11IJ? til L. J A <-!?ic lilt !??."? CIlL Hur .? V H p Ut . llr.';,' 4'Ilia. Hur A V con) 7s 111 t:iii. Bar A Q .Vh . 1 1*? 4 hi. It I A I'ar 1st 7'k .110* C.hl. KI t I'acn f i ?l's t ea'r it .V J lm now. . I< I.'antrul N.I l?t con.... IK Cfinrni N .1 convtrt.... .VJlj l.rli A M i>'r con k'iI.... '-'I Am |i. A Iran bilt 41 Mil A St I' 1 ?i8'rt I* [J. .1 IT S' MlKHtl' Vd 7U I0 I'D.. I?'? MIlAftl' T*$ b'.I III>... w?'4 MliAStP lm LaC IHr.. . I'M MiiAKi fani lu IIAI).. mi H.ilAKtl* Ul. CtH !Wi? MII.1MI' con. k f. K7^ Ili'AStT* 'i.l I?j ('liiANVV linking tuud .|ixit{ On t* mi- itolii ImukN I'iilAXW int bonila |H4 I hi A N W i on biinil* HlA t'blA.NW nvt-n'li lid- lirj i iilAN W lit 1117 t'iiiANWcp ?.d luls.... Ualirtia A <;bi ratend.. .10^^ frninsuU 1 **1 eon Iii*>k l?i>l. I< West 2<l Hsl'2 Del, L A H'??t7'?, imi\ Mi.rris * F?m-x I-i 11'i Mi>rrt? A Kwi M 1<r> Motrin A K??e* 7's, '7l. mi llnrrN A K?kex I?t con ir 75 Kria '^d. 7'?. 1**1 101 Km 4<b. 7'a. IKM<i |iiTi Bri# .Mil, 7's. Ihms 141ft H'iff.N ^ * li l"t. I*"7 ..Urj jlnd.NVAK new. lli|M.. Hr/l^ llaii A Mt Jo land g'ts. .IHO ll-ii A M convt H2l4 Cedar K'lisAMInn lrt.. Kn Mleli KonthAN I a 17 p e 1 |ii'4 Cli'T A Toledo s f Hi! t!lov A In niu n boud?.I"7.'a (Jlnv.P'ville A Aali old.. lUtl (/'lev.f'vlilo A Ahli new. Hi/ Bun-alo .? Krle. ne? .'..107 Kalamiirim A W l> Int.. trj I). M A l Int 7'?. nuai. losi, l.akn Sliora dividend . I"7 Ltki Hhora con i p 1st..I'm I.Kka siiorii con r? I at.. 1< IT l<iikn Shore en c ad.. . O.'l l.ake Hhore con r'id I'M Siii h C?n uon 7'n. Il<r2. ItKj'i Ind, Hloom AW 1st l'i Mich Can l?t.H'?, 111V > y I'anfl'a, inrtil iy:t'? N "v Ci'utiaiO'a, sab... 1'rj N ^ t'en Inn coupon. I Id1, N Y i!?li 1st m reg 110 Hurt It 7 a. Jd. s I 'Kf? ..IIS Harlem 1st, 7's, coup. I Ml II ir'ein lit. 7'a. r*ir ...lli| Nortli Miaioiirl 1st. .. 11 KI OMoA Mincon a I' HI Oliii'* Mil', i i eon 4ii I III ><*?< I'en P*e. s m .1 o>in Or Cen I'm. CelAUri lat. West I'arille bauds... Union Cue 1st .... Union i'nc I 4 " ? I'nlan I'hc sink fnnil.. Hue Kli of Ml. N1 ??l?is. Ki ? A Chl Jd.. I'ltis Kt rt * I III .?.l tiler A Pitts cimi si.. I lev A I'llisbnrg ?ill. Coi. < hi A Ind'iM i?i ' i I.mils A iron M i?t Ail-in M I llant" 1st . Alton a f Iliiute ?.l, inc *i7 To| IVo A W. Kll Hii To| A >V ?u Is;, ear li'J Tol A Wah ex cuaima . llrejit Want, axconp.. Ml West Cn bds, i'.'isi, ep. |if| West I'n bds. IP ?i r....l'iJ ? liriH |07?, |OI tuis .10 1 I Ift Ilia's .i mil . In7 110 1MXK KIIAHKN. The enlea of city bank nbarea w?r?:?America at IM, Crntral National nl 101 (ommtrco nt 118, Mechanics' at 130.IJ, Metropolitan at 129, and New York at nox. nA!l,?OA> BARKtJMIfl. Cross eornlnga ol tbo Uni.\cr uuii Illo r,r*nde Rail way lor lb* week ?ndln? Mny 31,1877. weru f lu.371 83; for the mouth eudiug May ol, 1S77, *66,4M iA. MI.KISU mi.* Kn.< The closli)| prices In >an Franclico were:? Alpha H.'j Kentuck 4^ Bolcbcf !>'t Leopard -j>, ilvftt It fteicbor 1H H?*ic.?n b Bullion 0 2S'<rrU?rn Hollo U\)i Cod. Virginia "A iTvorma# 17\ California tijililr Similar llavmonU Is Wy f>jj (jonlid*noc ft'4 Sil?#r Hill y Calrrtonn 3;* Mithjo jrown Point ft Hogr-gntod fialr.her.. tfo Kscuequer SIMra Nevada. 6>< ifcdJU <n.Cui7j bi% L'iiivn cousuliCaicU.. o;? Rate & Xorcrora 4** Yellow Jacket 7>i Julia coBSOliiUtcd.... S.'i Eureka consolidated. 10,?a Justice C\ The mIm ol minlrg abares Id New York officially reported were:? riaav board?11 o'clock a. w. 10" ?b* Kxn^equer..... 1' *> tioilld & tlurrjr ?D0 100 do. ... IOO llnir .% Xerci'nsM. IIS!< I6?j Itn ?ba Alpha ??*? loo d? 130 100 Belchsc I'm do l<m 100 Halt t B?lcb?r.?M<) ion dn .kMU kid Bullion *ho 1U? Hobtull b:io lilt) California alO lOOClerlind MluCn.. lOO <!o 1?M do alio I<<1C0111< I Virginia.?WJ 100 it.. I'*'Crown Point l'?> do K<0 do I'?i do lo<> Kseli?i|iier HKCOND BO A HI)?1:30 P. M. 1>?}< ?"4 ttu 4 ??! ,',1 100 dn loo do. loo Jnlit IOO 100 .luftttri'... too Leopard.. 100 do 11 h? Merrlmiu*.. 100 do 100 .!o !"><?) Moo?i. ?#?? do IK) ,b<0 ,b:t'i 4*2 ?so . .Ii30 8V 1?*S .V 100 Raymoud A I'.ly..c 7 100 ?ba Aloha loo do PK 100 d.i ?10 l."V loo Bait.% Halcher.sHO 1".H 1i*i do 'Ji' *?? rtoMall I V l*1*) t.'ulltornoi alO .'17 '* |f*? do loo Com Virginia 100 do 100 Crown 1'olnt.. :t7?i :v< JWl? a?(i IMaba Crown Pt.nlO Ifto do 11"> Male A Nor *80 lot) Lropnrd 100 do Wf) Mtmpbli ?*ii < i M ooji e uoo i!o c H*i do il.t I"! Kajrmoid it Ely.b3 100 !Hl Kavnjre B ?is 1 8*i l-BILiOtXI'tlU KTOCHS. Tbo closing prices ol Philadelphia stocks wore:? Hid. AtknL City atxoa, new lou'f 110 ('nlted Railroad* of Now Jersey 12<?* 1? l'ennaylvnnla Railroad ?JM,2 JB}< Readiti/ Railroad II\ II7, I.chigli Valley Kaiiruad \im,\ (JaUwUga Railroad, preferred 30 3'.! l'htladelpbta and Krie Railroad 71< N .Snhnylkill Narration, preferred.... 7 ?}{ Northern Ceutrnl Railroad 14 li I.ehigh Navigation 17 171; Pittsburg, Titusvllle and RuCaie Ol, Heatonrillo Railway i*j?f |?v Central Transportation 31 3-j' NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES gftOOO.H A E 1st eon... :M>00C t; MI 0, IOO nb? Del ? Hudson. 4 100 HtfJ 100 IU> 11 >0 n?? :hk> ?io.. do. do . do . do . do ? do. do . Wkdhmdat, June 13, 1877. RKFOKK CALL?10 A. M. 7 ft BOO aha D.I. Lick A W. HI *; 26 loo do. 31V 26 WOO do 81% 211% :$.? do ?>??1? Jim 2( V0'4 2B% 2i;% 20 im Pacific Mwii ?a io IOO Writern Union. .?3 61 61% 61.J do 61 Hi do 01 % do 61% do . 611* tlo ..........(5 61% tin ?:< 61% ?lo 01 % (In til.-* aixi 200 100 I on 11*10 anno 100 1?M? 1(**? 2000 1200 _ 7oo ilo *3 HI1* 100 Rock I.l.nd a. I Ml". 1.110 N Y (' A 400 700 170U ?"*) 000 Hon lf?> :<oj 100 1100 IflOO 1:100 1620 1000 loon io> 2301? a 11; Sis 82 32%' 93 ?iirc 81 !i 32 Ml Ji 31'J 31? du .30 :to% do 314 do a 31'J do ?3 61% 800 Mielilrnn Central. 8*% 3h% rim; roo 100 100 100 ;io,t II X? ftl*l 30 200 IIU 200 200 100 100 100 200 ilo . do.. do., do .. do do. ?ft ea*t ... <1 m,% ._b3n tu% c van WH e H2H Ii2;'i irJS 02 k m KS 112', ?2% lllO 100 do .3 fto l!bl A Alton pref.. UliAj loo IValmali K K.i'., t*. 1' '.'no Morrl* A Eupi ?3 iz:? do do. do , .3 02 do ?2% 000 Laka Hhora 4~% |(n*i do. r<to do. l(*i do. 100 100 do. 600 do. ftOO do. WOO do r>oo do. ion do. 100 do. loo Union I'acllle...b3 on 400 Del Luck * Wait.. 81H 200 11X10 HTi IOO 100 106 KM 1(11 loo looo 4O0 200 noo 400 200 AUO 20 400 do .4 47% ftOO 47g *1\ 87 >2 47)J 300 (IOO OKI 600 aoo 200 llo . do . do . do . do. du . do . do , do . do . do . do do . do , do . do . do. do . do . do . do . .<1 ft3? .viw 03 52V IW.'I ab'i? 53^ 8S 52 *J 52% .... 02!, " ft ???5 |?X do DO do 52 do 02 100 St. Paul 1PV IOO HI. preferr.d. 40s, 2f*l da 40% .... 41?% do. 10:15 AND 11:30 A. M. f10000 US IV., r. '81.... 1 to'i $10000 US 5'., '81.0... 110% ftno US O'k. Hi, 114% l'?">0 do 63 111 100JO US ft-20.c, 'ilO, u lOH'I 10000 UH4%%,r,'tU. jOiI WftV 2iM*> US.Va. 1O40. r.. 112K OIXIOO do iU> 106'. 10 OO Ut>6'., 10-40, C.. 112% loir*) do 1124 10UOO US 4^'t, c.'Ol. 10000 10000 .loo ooo KHIO loo 40 . 107>i FIRST 91000Ueorgla7'(. n... 10U 2(Kaj do lOS'i lOOO Moll'i, 1 li'ila.... 10? 2IUUD ofllol 34?'l.. 7Hl4 320U0 0. K 1 * t'ac T?. lUtfi 2300 :<C*iO M A Kt C. 1 ik M d 00 HOO 5000 M A St 1* H'a, lat 1IH 100 1< mo M k St I'.t: t M d 100 0OO IO.KJO M it Hi l?. con a f. M7^ ."HJO ItiOO.i (.' iV N W eon c K U H-'? 800 5000 do Ki?i 2la?J do..... bo Hl?t 3WJO M A ha 7'a, 1H7I 1>5 |o>ai do !?>'? 2000 Grio. Ill tn 112 noon Krle, .'(III m loo'i 1000 1000 0 Full, k Mia l.t HO 1100 ?UMOi:. IU*I'6'?, ?f. 104 400 W/JOC ri.l.0AObr. 1UX 3700 ?Viijo ll.rlrm lsi.7'a,c 117 ? l'A> 1 lO *> L'uiou 1'ac, > I... 3000 10i*J0 do hh^ :?)iO 4i?J0 L'nlon Pac. I'd t- 103 400 .-??<) Hhc Kttof .>lo lat lotlt^ MU OOilO Par Kit ol Mo 2il l*J -'"00 20-XJ C, 0 4 1 ('lat... 24 7l?.? 4*>?i K T, > a A Ua lit 111^ HnO H aha B'k Ani'rloa... 1:13 400 2T>U.a N.t'l ?'*. ... lolV loo 10 K?nk Conoii'-rce. 112 loOO I40 Mncbanlc. Iloak.. 13il>j 30U I ft Metropolitan Hank 120 ftOO .'hi u.nk >0W tork.. .. 81k) 2.r> Aiuerlcnii Kx. .bo c 41'. '.'00 2ft do 44'j S'lO 32 CAP ItK, K' 7?X 17*10 2ftO do no 20(1 Mlcli ('en III!., be 2*1 do JIH'i 2'KI Del & 11 nil l:.n..bc 2.'. . 106 ij do 107S do alKJ 106S, do . do. do. do . BOAIiTl?10:30 A. M 211X) .1). L S A Mo 8. ,a3 47',,' 2ft Panama Kit be IM> 00 1*. ft ft A C it' H8 16(10 Dal, LAW ItiC.bc 81%' ' .. .81^ .. 31% ?J 2'.i?, .. 3I'I :: s? :: tiu :: %% .. 81 ?i .. 31.!, .. 3I|>, .. 31 ? .. 31% .. 81% .. 8i?; 8ik 31% do . do . do... 31' 1000 'IHt 1200 do do do do do 31 32 32% sr 31J4 SJS 32% do do , f>?m jo Km* 2(10 J(NJ lmi 'M NI ..110 loo IO.I 2oo 400 Jvm HOO ?J" HI lO() 100 lo ? ?!?? . d . . ?l? . do . do . d.i . do . do . do . do . do do. do . do < do . do do . do 32% 32'. 32 111 31 V, c 2V. 20iiOhi A ilW pr.f..Lo 4) v; ... ^ 2-'S' 2*i KM? ;too :w?? "* ? 2??4 do do . do . r 'A% Mm!) Yl't *3 m:j r.(x? do H2% do .3 V'2 10 ? Hat lllO II 'I I IXI 700 I M.M I ilo . do. do. 40 On UK of S .i.,bc |(/i> do ft30 Wnb UK pc r'ts.Uu 33O0 West H T ..lo ?'l 02% H2% 02% IT* (t ;uio Kmi 41N J loi> 10U lo 4ooCbi A Kl t-J ."i.#0 do do Hio do ClOil Mi l?'?0 do IUI C, M.lcSt !? Kit.. 1.0 loot:, \l AMPp'f.bce :k*? do ftilil do .'a* i do Jikj do ?n I'?I Oh I A Alton Kit. lni Kin do IO 2t(iI 11 A St .lo liil .be I'll II St .1 o prof.. .be l'?i Morrn A I * 44 *? HIS 4(H) M HI .MKi 5*| IOO 100 r?<<) lo?j 400 2lMJ aoo ?J'H) 200 ?Jf HI I'OO r.o;? 100 MOL 8 A Mo 8 RK.beo 47-'# lofi ~ 400 U HI I'Kl 47If n | 47^ 4oo 47 J 7(?0 IV*a 47', :*'0 Si* I 7MI too r?? ? ;4vri ?JJKIO o;uo I.? o ;joo 700 7) I IOOO ;dio I f if) IJtiO do. ?U> do. do . do do a do . do . do . do , *1 HIS* c ?! ? A 00\ . ?:otiI . ooS . ?i . oi,Sf . 01 . ooTi 0"Su . ?*??? 1?% ??"?? lft 40% 40% IV* ij;t P no ?.'4o do riiv; do do I'D) r?oo !?**> 4?*o 41! ) :?ri loo ID I loo > 12'*) 24'O .h?i 47 ? 1 do, do. (to . do . do . i|?. ?lo. do. do. do 47 !? Will ilo 47% 10 do I7SJ do . do. do.. do .. do .. C. H .t (l UK do do .be li*)*, .... 10" ...e !)".% i X * *' Lou man a on. jlwnO L A IV K coo. Iftiliai do 2: 1IO1M U P lat in HlVJj Km" I' A P C?u a I Ii.t III Mm ah* Pai'lDc Mull j.'iOO Wn.u-ril U IKiO do 1IHK) uo r.i?i 2<?10 11**1 I7'?> 3i at tm:i iar?> 1:1*1 I2IXI 12l*? do., do., du.. do., ?to BRFOBR rATT -12:10 IV , Ho 10 aba 1 :.rilral of N J. 21 % 300 Koek 2'm do..... e J'KJ SI Paul pref I at ilo. Niin 100 I.aar Slior. 1 loo do ?4 2.VJI) llo k.l r>oO ilo in to% 41 fj do ?*' *100 do r>fi% I ill HI (in ,.n% r.?i?o 11*1 ?Hi liOO ?!!?!< It *) do on 20 1 Dal, I, AW ? >?%' *3 1,0% ... ?>?; ,.. On% M. !?'? 47 47 <' % 40 '4 40% 17 ?lo .. .0 47 do. 1.. .......3 Oat D.I A llcrt.on 4i 'I no :n Rt do |l>n llo...... .....a 21*' Mlcli ('wnir?l llf) lliliicl.t'.nt'al ... 11*1 >N Y U A II udaon . . :kh 2ftO 41*1 21' 1 31 <> do. ft'.iJi .*.?% 28 %' 20?i ?>% ftl.%' (12% ni S ?n , no. llo.. do., do.. do., du . do . do.. ?lo. 7oO lain IV O 2800 2:m0 ftno 1300 100 jilll Morrl. A i.*aax..,i 4 46% 3-'% 32 32 .12); 32% ft2% in 4 V2 2('% do. 2(at Nnr(ln*..t.rD., IUI do *' a I Oo ilo 2 Mi loo M'waat.ra pfd..,.8 44% 30n dt> 44'* If* 1 ("antral ol N J,... ((% do... 7oo 7i*l IOO 4UU Hiai do.;...,,., 21M do KiOOhloA Mian... .1 r, JillXtX) I, S (1'?, r, 1SHI 110? *10000 U S ?. 1HHI I.'hkio U S U'j.c, Ml. 114% SKi'ONb r.OAUO?I P. M. C'% 4% II. HI $unnj (j A > V> our b. ?? .Van II .t Ht.loH'. r . H2'? tw*'u> > Uiii il'i, W. IIM'i liaain X v C 1 in. r.. 11'.'% M (.1 Ohio A Mt.a e b. liAAj Ulilo 4t Jdua 2d 10 yon alt. N YC k II ml II.. 200 t bl, A > W prof i.e In iu I. H A MH be.aH A 46^. |O0 looO do . do . ir.'% 4<'a i,-4 47 .VXX) We it Pacific lidi HO lUTtt P H of Ml'diu.bc W 'JOUO Hi I. * 1 \? l?t . &UUO W U Tal. ?. 1HU MM lHlll.t W III III, K ii'MiNMo Ul to.. bo lti3 4 Km?h? I'??! Jt ii I' Wi Jim <to i!?? do W-\ .V*> (Id -J7 , Km do. Hit du . mm do Hint do l'JHO Mar L X M i;#<) Went U ir?ou 700 1.100 ITiA# 14O0 Ulju 17'M anu iroo ii<t. do , 3KVMX) lT S 5-20, r. HJ7. 1 4'H.Mi I' s f>-Jt?. c, '?17 l(X?0 f lluutc income. 100 nfi* .Mee<i?nic?' hk. 100 IlitiioiR Central.... tiuu Del A lltid?ou uoo IM) JIM 200 Mm no do do do... h'.\ do do ?;i U*i Northwe?ti*rn prof |0(tf Western Uliiufl.. MUD do M M I <|(j do % ?!?? R.'l itfOO '22**) Mill) 10(4) Uo. 120 A<!*m * Kxpreaa. 10 Hhi r act lie Mail *'.l I'.jO do. b:4 It A) X Y I! 4 Httdion.o INK) do ft? no 200 Michigan Central. 01 ? *rj 1WV iu?; ? IM lIMl'a 3i?: i - ? * jji, J7 44V ?>?', mil, ho>, ??'a OH W l!? g:; MS* .'HI i.jnn do (Ml do KM Chi A K I Hit . be Km tlo ?J?V rhl M A HI' n.lM ' l Km (I ? ?i.i Wab H Fur C ILI.0 rill ll> i k Hi J u fif. ,tc IKMI Del, Lack M. as OH 42 5|? s?S t? I ' do ?:i iki1; .TO lio HllJ, il<n (in bou ?JUOO do WlS .? Aintr Kxpreu . .lie 44 J4 Ailam. hxprvu bo l'3'i KI) Par Mall SH IS1, MIONVC A HudK...ic HI), UK J o.i Ul jZ .'nil do *3 91*2 aim do JipH 10 d.i WiC m >1 Vim ?Jim 1M4) Dill HM 7'H >U .>141 |U? tuut IV HI ?-1HW 7" ' liiUI Km UK) l.VJU do K".i HI it. Iro'i M X S.. ."Am Morrlii ,t Kwox. bo 10 ) 4 41 HI', eu; 40 40,'* r. Sri tUl.i do do do 400 200 I'M) 'A ?? %"Vli tMM) 200 yt 1<MK) ^<J0 K'S do tsno ro P. l'K)?!u Midi Centiul.. !?>"'? i.Ake Shuto....cii 1 J<"> ilu *.i 100 (lock Inland :j?ki do Del, k Wenl'ti 17??> 1 T? *? 1!?K) H Ml i:mk> IK H> ]00tJ It H I :?20d !><?? nd dn do. do. do., do.. do. ....13 :i00 Ht f** ul oruf WatiMHh It rev eipis Han .t Hi Jo turn MorrU k Kra?x 54 S Ji. a?'i JI-} >ij5 m x??, ?aC ?14, *?% W[? 3:?*J :i:( ul am UIK) 1 < >? > IIM :nxi ?j 1 >:j ?iio ?Jjt) dn. 4u do. do. d". . i3 1*2 fl4i, ?V4S .'?4 saw .'?nii f,:i ; ftHJJ 64 COMMERCIAL REPORT. COTTON ON THE SPOT BTEADY; FUTURES Cl-UbKD STEADY?FLOUR DILL?WHEAT DULL AKD NOMINAL?CORN FIRM?OATS FIRM? WH1SKEI I'IRMER?FORK DULL AND LOW 1,11? LAIID DULL?PETROLEUM HEAYY?SPIRITS TURPENTINE QUIET ? IIOBIN FIRM ? OILS STEADY?COFFEE STEADY?SUGAR DULL AND LOWER?FREIGHTS WEAKER. WBonitsi'Ar, June 13?c P. M. The markets remained without decided change at the rro'iuco Exchange. Flour dull ana la eonie CMC* lower. Wheat was dull and nominal. Corn cu firm, with a moderate movement. Oata wero firm. WUiilccy wa? firmer. Porn wm dull and lower. Lard wait dull. Freights were weaker. Cotton od the spot was steady; futures closed moody. CofTao was stead v. Sugar wan dull and lower. OiU geuerally steady. Petro leum closed W4nk. Kosln was Urm. .Spirits turpantloe was quiet. Oomta?There wan a little more doing in Hl?, aad the market ruled steady. the aiilra wore li.OJO baas, ex liernosaud, at lll^a. for good, and 1,041) sudHII bairo, ex Hermann Ladwig, ou private terms. The atock here to night ia 123.HTJ bugs. Mild coffee wan quiet. The sales during tl>e P*?t week were 5,'JUH bags Maraculbo, 1,343 do. Lagnayra, l.H7ft do. Costa Hlca, ?40 do. .lainalca, 037 do. tiavanllla and 24B do. 6t. Domingo, all aold lu lota for con sumption within the range; alto 2,976 bags St. Domingo In tranalt to Europe. The atock of mild coffee In Drat lianda la aa lollowsH.000 irraae mete Java, 24,3ft 7 do Singapore, U.4tKi bags Marucalbo, 22.*>7 do. Laguayra, 2,t?4H ilo. St. Domingo.6,021 do. Coata Rica, 2,750 do. Mexican, 1,600 do. Macassar, 200 do. Angistnra and 968 do. 8ava nllla. Total atock, 48,2<>H bags, 0,000 tnnta Java and 24, So" do. Singapore. We quote t-sOrdl nary eargoee, li">*?c. a IHJio ; fair da., lHl?r.; good do., lUJic.; prime do.,20e. a 20'?c.; extreme range for lota, 16}?e. a 22c.; fiantoa, fair to good, lH\c. a IU,'?e.. gold, 00 ditva; Jnva, government bags, 22c. a 2Hc.; do., graaa inata, 23c. a 24c.; Singapore, ltKs. a 201,e.; Ceylon, 19c. a 21c.; Maraculbo, IMc. a 20c.: Lugnayra, lite, a 20c.; Jamaica, 17,'aO. a l&Kc.'. 8t. Domingo, Itt.Sc. a I0\c.; Porto Rico, IHo. a 2Uc ; Costa Kica, l*c. a 21c.: Maxleen, lHke. a lt>)?c.; Macaasar. I We. a 2le,; Angostura, lP\c. a 20>ic.; Savanllla. lHc. a 20e.; Cnracoa. 17c. a like. I'otton on tke spot waa ateauv ut late prices. Liverpool came steady for spot cotton. Uplands quoted at tl3-ltS<i. and Orleans at ti^d. Sales 12,0ii0 bales. futures ? Buyer* oOVring l-,'t2d. more. Onr market for futures opened easy and 1 IOo. lower. The loss. however, wo* subsequently re covered, and tile market closed aieady at about yesterday's closing ligures l he closing pricea to-day. compared with Tuesday's, were aa follows:? l'urt'itlH, Junt 12. H's/nosday, Junr 13. June 11.<14 a ? June II.HO a II.(Ml July 11.71 a 11.72 July 117]* _ August 11.HI a ? August ll.HOell.Hl September .... 11.71 a 11.72 September 11.72 a 11.73 October .. ... H47aII.4H October 11.4*1n 11.47 i November II 34 a II..10 November 11.34 a 11.3.1 Decuuiher II.3H a 11.37 December 11 Mil a 11 :i|i January 11. >1 a 11.63 January Il.ill ? 11 .VI February ll.Uftall.H7 lebruary ll.iiHall.H7 March 11,HO a 11.H2 March II.HI all.HH - limitations are baaod on American standard of elaiainca, unit on cotton iu store running iu quality not more than halt a grado above or below the grade quoted : ? ll'atuU. AUUumu. iV. Or/enna. Two* Ordinarr )? U> ill n I.V1H lo l-ltl 10 1-10 .Strict ordinary..... loft-ltl 10.*.lit 107 Id 1o7-iH Good ordinary I0II-1U lull ID 1" 13-16 IOI3 IU hirictgoud irdiu'y. lnlo-10 111 I.''i-It) lll-Hi II l-ltl Low middling 11'4 II1* 11 <4 ll'? htiictlow midullng. 11% 11 a 11', 11 >Z .M Id 11 lug IIS IIS li,'4 UC Giiod middling..... 117? II', 1- 12 Strict KO"d luiddrg, 12S 12', 12' . lj?4 Miodllng lair l->, 12,'J l-S l?S lair 13'4 IMS I.Hj ?Staineu?Good ord.n.iry, fit Itlc.; (trict good oriilniiry, 10 iMHo.; low middling, lO^u.; mlililllng, tic. ripo). salii wer lnllow^:? To Ooy. /.'i 'i KfeniptL Total. Kxport UK - ? i t'onsuiiipi lou ?*!><? "<"> 7".'i I Speoulaiion 13 10 St | Total 772 DO Mi7 j ?Delivered ou contract 20O fnlaa Ifl'ure delivery the anies were ns ImI.ow- : Vcstordxy alter two I*. M ? fnne. rianit :?<*? at 1164, 2 io at ll.H-V. July, IHOat II i.rt. lift nt 11.07, IimiMt I l.tlH, 7(*l ;it 11.70, Hi I.> at 11.71; ah I gu?t. V<| at 11.7V VK) at II.7H. 3ixi at 11 7 i">oi?iit 11.7m, { 2.U00 Ht I I.HO. 4,-10'* at 11.HI ; !s?p:*niher, 400 nt 11 TO. 1 ? a> ut 11.72; October into at 11.47: Nov. tuber. Hat at 1 ? :<->; i Decumlier, .'Ion 11.37; January, 100 at 11.So. Total, 12,.v>? I Imiea to day up to two P. M. June, loo ut I ivki nt II.H2, |i*.i nt U.<r?, Iixi hi I 11.117c.. 400 at 11 'Ws.'.; Julv. 2<K?at ll.iWe.. 3. .i?> at 1 l.?7r.. ! 2(Kiat, 200at ll.mic., IC?I at ll.0?c., 2i*?at 11.71c., I 200 ut 11.72c., :t'?! Ht 11 73c.; Au :tift, I I'D ut 11.78c.. 4i?> I at 11.77c.. 1,700 at 11.Tile.. 2W> nt 11.7. 11.71m., I.TI*' at IIWIC., It") at ll.7l'c, 4<m at II.7>V.. ,M*? u. I II 77e..20 i \t II Hue., 2<?> at 11 Hie.; September, 20<l at I 11.1.7c.. :*?) Ut il.tifc.. 1?> at 11.71c.. kki at 11,70c.; October, 100 nt 11.4.V)., at II.44c.; Xnnrotmr. WKl nt I 11.34c.; Deeomber. H" at 11 :t c ; I'e'.ruarv. 2(*1 ut il.Uilc. Total, bniea. Orand total, Z< .*iOO bales. The receipt" nt the Jlort^ *"ie as follows lialveitou. tlH I biles; New Orleans, li'i; Mobile. 17; Savannah, 114; 1 i iiarlcaton, l."?; Wilntlnirton, lb; Norlolk, IOH; New Vurk, I 1 H'J; Huston. <sV.?; PhUndelphl i, in I., 1,427. This day laat week, 1.01H. iIns d?y ln?? year, 7HH. To:ul aince September I, 3,HIK.,3r?S l ales Cotton treiuhla cloeeil ua | t.iliov/s'To Havre, by atamn, .'.r., anmpraased. To dam I l.!irg. by Hleatn, \c , oonipresunn. To i'.romen, hv ate.iui. . O- !?<?.. coniprem.Mi. To Llverpoul, '.jd. a U 32.1. by kteam ; I hy bhiI. '^c., eompiea-ed. Market qulat. Fmiik ?.mi i.*ai?,?Keoaipta?Hour. ;.,n3l l.t.l* ; wheat, I ?_?."?.:!?eI linsheli; e irn toeal. 3tai and I V) bags; earn, (.it,:?*l buabeta; oata. 23. H*'d>>.; rye, h i recoipta; barley, ' 07,. Iiuahala; i nr'.ci malt. I I,1H.'> 4.>. Tlie tl.nir market was I i!ull. and s .me kinds were lower, f'lty mills war.) In rather ! better demand at about Km*, off. Tlie salea were 17.1am i I.bis . Including State. Wentara nu.t soulksrit, el the tin vexed qri.nations. Kyi 1onr w.ia steady, with sales of 4'<> I bill, at lull i.ricei, I'orn meal waa steady, with salea ol y.iajo l.bla, and b?i,'a at lull ntlces, Waquotu:? i Nu. 2 l?it 40 a $ > 00 .Mi(.rrflnd Slate r' -M) a H 2'> RxtraHtate H.Viu 7 0? | t hoke state 7<aia 7 7'. s iperflne Western. Via H 2"> I'.\tra ?>fstern A ""a 7 2 > tlinneaoia 7 2"i a l)W , lo op ohi>. alilppiiig brands H .Vi a 7 il'i i lli.nn'l lio.>p Obio. t in.le bruti'ls 7 7*> a H 75 Kamily... 7 7ft a 0 '-'ft ?st. i.euis. low extra H 7.*> a 7 7'. St. le.ilis, str.ilgl t. extra. 7 70 a ^ ." st. Louis. . bone double rxtro. h ,vi .i n ?st. l.ouia. choice family.. 0 7ft a IO iiO flour 4 r.'i a > 7ft Hunt I en. ???? 4 .1 '"i >"iitb?rn, an|wrfinc ft.aia (Mai Southern, extra 0 7ft a 0 <a) houtneri . fiiiutly H 7ft .* |ti ej t .Tii meal. We-tern 2 7ft a 3 <m Gcrn inral, .lerae.r 2 I'M a I lf> I Corn ', llratinywlne t 4fte ?'! ; Corn il. putiulicons lit 7ft a 17 iai . ?\S ii??i whs dull and nltoiat entirely nominal. Ti e anies , were 2'v hushela a' $1 ",'S for Amber Mlehliraa, ft HI < lor >o. 2 Chicago aprtiif and fl 1. 4 lor ie|octeil sprlnc. t in was linn but rot vcrr active. Hie <|ni aalns wero : 1 lO.OOt) bashala nt 51c. a.'H'je lor steamer n.ixe.l, .V.r a ?)lie. lor niiKradod. il2e. tor a bite .?southern and i*?r. lor Mo. ' 2 lor loraard delivery tie ,a!?s vere 34? >n<liela ?i?. mar Inns el ft7> c, ft7'je. and ft7t,e . Jt.tai'i do..... Jul} at e',e a .'i7c. and 20,t'"t' no. No 2 do. at i7c. lise was quiet .it iSc. a NK: lor Western mil Oftc. u and Pennsylvania Harlev was quiet; I0.<? si buah 'ls ' malt sold at 1*2'.f.. i'4.-b, foe old iw.'-roweil fttav* t.His fere tlriu, wltU aalea ol .ftiMnai bushels atleK; u ftti',c for No 2 mixed, ft4c :?r No 2 white and 18 :. lor No. White. Ileans were a little easier. We qnete:- Marrows, $J 7ft a ??; nieiiiuuiK, F~ Hft a P"'? lo ans ?n4 rea aidue.vk. | f: M i t.l. I'cas wera qttlet Wo quota C?na.iu field, la bond. #1: black en <1 Hmtthern, per two bushel batf. #2 7 > a *:i; green pea . s> i H-i a il 7.Y II: uf ami. It'TK.?liiet.iarket rauinlned very dull. Wo quote;?American dre-seil, <l'iftaalHj fur single, f2ln a t.l ? tor double and $1 ai ? #l.'?> lor uuilrewial; Itus-ia, clean. 920ft a $2M*, i.old ; Italian, F270 a ?-'7ft, gold; Jute. . 4Sc. a tie.. cniTeney; jute butts, u li 10c. a :iSo . currency, e -h.onspoi; Manila nemp, He ; Sisal do., ile , lale, iV>? ail i gold. MoLassi s.?lJomestli: was nominal In Mt<> ao?enea of itn'ant trim .si tInns. I lt<i sio?k is * ijiiU .b,. Was dull ami unsettled Tlie stock Is 2,H|:t bbls Cn'ta, lie' do. , I'orto itleo and 373 do. Kugliali Islauda. W a quota : un ?. I oantrlfn^al and miSed. IUo, a 44c.; ? layed. ti.c >e. ? .la , tau.covaiUo retinlag, 4Ha. a i grocery, 4i8e. a ftftc ; Porto Itico, a "c ii. ; Kni'llab Islands. 4'?! ?nJt ; New Orleans, I good. .MS'.; I rim", ">4c ; chi.toa. Wlc. .Nat ai. Skiiu e? apirtts toipentioa waa hulier; bbls. sold to arrli e el 31'jii. ; at tlio cose Itti oola on the allot j ware offered at 3v!,r. Hiain >"?is urin at ^1 .'ft. Isr and pitch were In sn ail) lobbing deinanu. *>c q..rit* . spirits m.peutloe., 32S ? Itosiu?1?. ..d strulnail. fl I'ltch, #2 2A. Tar. *2 2.. Advice* Ir.'tn W llnniiut.'U were aa follow* :-R..ln tirm ; strsiuud. fl 4f>; good do., (>l rat. lar .caree aad wauled. #1 '*?. Jt>ra?n line . hard. ^1 2ft; aott, #2 10) sirgin, ifl Hplrits sti aily ; J^Jse. UitSs?Vottoaaeedetl?Oamiaer ysiiew aaiaaiet. lOObbii, ? tollow*t?June. 9* HJK bid. MS *?bed Augnat. ** h (UV bin. ?? 8ft aaked. The * till 4?t "?'*1 c. fir Attgual de'irery. The bid and naked price* hi ihe i all wer-- ?i. Ii.lki-June. 4:",< b''j. aaked; .1 ill) 31c. bill, iJi'. aakeil. Augnat. "VJc. old. ?'?Sc. asked. f?ep tuinbar. bid ">:iV,c. a>.*ad; aeller year, 4TJ^c. bid, 4S;*c. u->Wo I. LIii>h<I oil waa Bin active and u little lirrier In tone. We mot* 7t?c. * 7'ie., larn. prime wlu ter.sftc. a We.; aperin. crude, 91 3') do.. blanched winter, (I 56; do., natural do.. $1 f>'): whale, erode Northern. 7 >c. ; do., Southern *>'?<?; bleached wiutef, 77e.; natural do., 74c. ? 7'n.: extra do., KOu.; winter bleached flah, 48c, aVc.; crude Hall. ."v. a tuc.. I'KTHOI.H t. R. ii'ir'i waa fairly active. with ?alaa of about IV'?<? bid a. it I3\c. fur June ami July delivery a?<l j.lkO bbiv at Philadelphia at 13%c fLt igtrtKl cIumI wenk at l.rt/o. At the Petroleum Kirlian.-e tb.- aalea wi re ft,i*?) lib i. regtilnr at *1 S'?J?, I^.ijU lab la. do. at 91 0". lO.OtlJ bbla. do. at Jl itl:4 It I,, mi bbla do. at J>l and !%,'**! bbla di. at $1 We qviteCrude, In bulk, 7)%c.; do , In bbla.. Iikt a KiV?e ; refined, iu bbla., MVi.; do., in c >?es, l"c. for June aim 17J,c. for July: naphtha. #Kc. ? 1*V. for ordinary, refilled at Philadelphia, IUS?-! no. at Haitimoie. 13!,c. rot'irav ?flie demand wat moderate for all Kind*, aud In *;>m* Itidancea price* were a ahad* lower W? quote ? Live fowls-8la-e *uij .leieey?11c. a 13 . per lb. ; Mat* And Weatern. !>c. * 13c. Turkeya?Mat* anil Jersey, He. a 13c.: Western, |(K% a 13c. t*?ea??.1 eraer, f 1 50 a 91 75 per pair; Woateru, $1 *91 25 par pair. l>uefc-~Jrraey, H7o. a #1 2ft teruair: Weetern, 7iie a "O*. pet pair l>re*Md poultry ? tirkeya ware quoted at 14c a We. foi goon to prime \Ve?t ?rn, and tin a I.V for (air t<> good do. Chicken*?spilng quoted *1 2t>c a 3 V. lor fair to nood Slate and Weatern. (?ana?Pigeon* were quoted at Si V) a #1 IW per doien fbr leathered nlgtit Squab*? Philadelphia quoted at VI % VI 37 pur doren. Snipe wan ?? llinir wltliin the folio winy rang* Y?llow lex. large. 93 a 93 2ft per doaea; plover. 93 25 a *?2 50; dowltrh, $1 7.'i a 92 , robin. CI SO; brant oirda, 3t)r. a IV ic ; am ill aiilpo. I V a Ji*. par do??n. I' Ke. elpti?I'ork, 7ft bbla.; lard. 'J7'J llercet. 3<?? aeir* au'i IJ omen cut tneate, 1.7.1ft parkairet; baoon. HJ tten e. and 1.311 bnxea; beer, 10 tlereea and j3 bMi. Pork w?? dull ann lower, and elnaed at the aecond rail at ?i:?rtii bid. jr. 75 naked lor July ?n>1 f 1 I 7ft bid. >13 K> anlied lor lui'iiL The aalet were l.UAO bhla at 913 s i inr Aiuuat mil bbla. apot meae on prlrate terui; quoted i.t $111 f*' a tt;i i?). Cut uieata were laaetlve, ft"1 looae plekle?! alinuldart told at 7r , aud 3> tleroia plrkled hama, li>S luf. avurane, at inc. Smoked haina were qaoted at 1 It), a II S'r-, and am.'ked ahoulnere at SlaC. Karon w ia uull at ~\t. loi elly lonn elaar and 7e. a 7l4e. ror Weatern Heel ? K'i bbla aolil within the raute. Vfe quote: H .rrnl, extra ineaa *13 fti.i a $14. plain tneea. 913 a 913 ftO: pa ket boef. $l4nH4ft<>;tie r?ed city, lib* (udl.i mena, J34 a #3ft. Href liania were q uel ai 931 a$il 3ft for eholra Weateru. l?rea<eil tioga were atrady l nt rather quiet at d.^c a HHr. for lienv.i to light city, and il^r for pica. |aard waa dull ai.d cloaed at the aecond rail a?'olio " ~' Kit aiked; ,1'ily. *'m u?) hid, 914 bid, $l" a?ked: aeller year. 9M aalra were S.iHK) tlercea at JH MO a 4H Uft lor July, und fS Ik). $s !?7K?. end $l> iR!,S for Aitruet. Spot aalea were luu tlnrcea city at stje.; 1 Cm? do. old W??tertt at Me., and '.'8 no. new do. at Kelined waa quiet at H\c. for Mootb America. bV1 for Oontluent, and 7^c. lor ('una Hiitter?Kecelpta, H.7H0 parkafe* 'I be market waa lalrly I actlvo nml steady at l')>: a 33e. for tioitimua to Hne suite ami Hie. to |M?r. fi.r conuuou to One W'eatem. Oherce?lie calpl*. It.HIS boxna Ihe market remained quiet at I lu. a UV- ,or State ar.d To. a H>c. lor Weateru. Kcta-Ke ceiptt, 1.63H bbla. I'nderafalr demand and ll?bt recelpn the market ruled llriner. We quota ? I.onc [(land. New Jeraoy aud nearby, 17c a IHc.: State and I'enuaylvanla, 1'lV'c a 17n ; Weaieru and Cenatla, choice, lftSo. a lrtc.; Southern, l.V.; duck. l ie. a 17c. Hick.?There wna a fuir movement In domeatla sad full prlt^a wore readily realla-d. We qmite Carolina, fair, tl^c. a HVfo.: food. rt^c. a ; prime, 8Hc- a ri^c.; Louisiana, talr to prime, rttio. a n>ic.: Patna. 7.!ij(c. a 7>Jc,. currency; Rangoon, 111 bond. 3'<c a 3Vic., ^old. Snn tit-- I bo market for raw wa? dull and t^r. per lb. lower. Saloa of t)ta> bbda Mtiacoraile were ttianr at a pit vate price, but aaid to be on the haala nt Of^o. a ID^e. lor fair to Rood rellnlug, tieOnod remained quiet. We quote:? Kalr relitting. 9J,r ; (fo ??! do., IU%c ; Cuba, grocery, (air to choice, l')>?c. a l<i\c.; do., centrifugal, lilids. and boxea. No N to No 13. Kl'tr. a I0t,^. ; do., moloaaea. hhda. ..lid boxea, 4<?a. a !>%c.; I orto Rico, reQulng. aatntnou to prime, llla(. a ll?|ii; no., groe^ry, (air to olioUe, KiHc. a I 'Vie.; relined. ?taiiilatd A. U ,vtc. a 1 l^c. ; off A. 1 l\e. a 11 ',u ; cruahed. 13)^c. a I'J^'e ; powdered. IJH'e ; granulated, ll'Wc. a TJUc.; cut l?ai, 13'nn. a I3ttje.; whlta extra C'a, |(J5?c. a ll'^c.; villow extra C'a. ll)\e. a lllKe.: oilier gradea. Including (l a, Kb', a lU^c. The lollowmg abowa the stutlstlcal pnaltlon ol raw sugar:? tlhiU. liaiei Dmj?. HrUuUi Stock ^ascertained by act ual count, including apec uUtiou), June 1. 1877... 63,906 14,JO? 18I.R&S 670 Receipt* aiuoe the lat of June 30.044 8,416 74.5M 1,37# Total*. 94 HftJ 17,(133 336,447 2,'ita Kalea atnee the tat of Tune. n.iKM 3,OftO SO,I Hi 070 Slock tbla day (Jane 13, 1877) 84.fl.Vj 14.373 146,137 1,379 Coninarlng with atock Jnne lft. 1876. 103,536 46,053 337,318 3,070 Comparing wltli atook June 17, 1875 141,133 41.36S Hi,041 10.3O1 Cotnnarlnir witb atock June lb. 1874. 141.610 lO'J.HfKJ 10ft 355 1,349 STKAKlSK. ?In tho abaenco of bualneaa the nmrket waa nominal at 10Vv a 10,'Jc. lor prima to choice city uud 10c. for print* Weateru. TalluW.?Heceipta, 64 likda., 64 ll*rcea and 41 bbla. The market waa quiet. The aalea war* 70,1*1) bbla. at fle. fur prime. Wiimkkt.?Receipt*, 294 bbla. The market wa* Arm; 5o bbla. aold at 91 13. KltkliiUTa. ?Hi* general market wa* quiet, and rate* ware weaker. Knyageraeuta?To Liverpool, per ateara, 40,<MO to 48,000 buahela gtaitt at 4d., ataudard; 33C>,<J0O box** clieear, Including 15,000 boxea In our laat, at 5ft*. To tilaagow, per ataam. 16,000 buahela grain, 5d. 60 lb*. Cbartera?A (iurmau ablp, bence to Bre meu, with 7,500 bol*. refined petroleum, at 3a. M., 16tb Juiy clearance ; a Brltlah ahip from Baltimore to Bremen, with 9,000 bbla. do. at 3a. Hd., 16th July elearance; u Brltleu bark, Iroa Philatlelphia to Ijotidon, with 3,ftOO bbla. naphtha at 4*. 3d.; an Italian > ark. Ueneu to Naples, with I,in 1 bbla. and 4,000caaea relined petroleum at 5a. 3d. and -6c.; an American bark, lience to Uorlu, I'atraa or I'lraeita, with lO.iaKj caaea reftued petroleum at J8c.; u Kuaalau ahlp, hence to Cronatadl. with (1,600 bbla, do, at 4a. tid.; a Norwegian brig, hence to Santander, with 1.0U0 bbla. and 4.00O rases relined petroleum at 5a. and 34c. 1 an Amarioati achoouer, bence to fill boa, with l,ft(X) bbla. and 4.IM) caaea do., at fta. and 34c.; a 8wedlab bark, hence to Gottenbarg. with 3,30'J bbl*. reflned petroleum, at 4a. 6d ; an American brig. 533 tons, bence to Gibraltar forordera to the MoJiterraueMn, with 3.0UI bblv. part caaea, do., ut 4a. 4/*d. aud -4c.. lOtliJuly clearauc ; an Amur lean bark, 333 toil*, bene* (ont and home at a lump sum) 10 Kllboa, with 3,tJtk)btila. rettned petroleum, at 5s.; an American brig (Adelaide), lienoe to Hrltlah Waat Indlea, 011 private terma; a bark, 400 tua*, from Wil mington to the Continent direct, with naval atorea at 4a. 6<l. and tia (Id.: a achoouer, 265 tons, irorn Point Wolfe to eaat coaat Ireland or direct Hriatel Chaunel, with deals at 7,la. -. achoouer, llti tona, hence to St. Kitta. at 75c. ; a Brlilab bark, 4HI tona, henco to Pernambnco mid llaliia, .rith hour at 91 III per bbl.; 111 American bark,453 ton*, hence to l'er nambitco. with flour und general cargo at 94,ftOti; an Ameri can barkentiue. 570 tona, hener 10 Cork lor order*, with ileal* at HO*.; a German brig. 344 ton*, lienoe to Port Natal with general cargo on private terina; a Hrltlah bark, 884 tona, iroui Penaacola tn United Kingdom direct, with buwn timber nt 50a. Notk The veaael In our laat, with petrolenm from Phil adelphia to a French port, i* to load j.'KXt bbl*. crude naph tha and reflned petrolenm al 5*. 3d. to llayonne. NEW YOKK CATTLE MARKETS. Wkdxmdat, Juue 13,1877. BBOKtrrt roit two run. Vr< U* .Shrill ami ana rnnh /W'", Ouirn. fulrm. ht ml*. Haf*. SiMioth ?treet l,:iH7 10 3,4?3 a.atiu ? fortieth .treat ? ? ? ? 4.7?'?<) Jeraey ^:uy 3,073 ? ? ft.48.1 3.K4I Totitlti 3,4(Ki IB 2.4H3 (t,OH3 7,.VI IlkKvKS.?Trade eteiidv nt ailranccd rate* of about ',o. P'T lb. ou >'111' i*at <jiiu:atioiln. 1'rtccs, !>;jc. H lit.'Jc. |xr lb. Waltfhta, l)r cwt. a 0 cwt. bales were elToeted lr?m .'> > Hit. a 38 lb?. net; roii emi allow met ib?. a OS lb?. net. The quality ol the herd. as above diluted ?u from poor l? eoi'd. At -Ixtletli ?tract yanlk T. 0 Kmtnmn t>oid lor ?cll 4H car* of horned cattle; ?.ilc? Hi follow* 130 '.c11>kr>e "tears ut I0)wc. per lb., weight r> c*t.; JW lllliii'li sterr* nt lie, jer lb., weight 7 c>ft.: IS Illinois, atecn at l'iijc. per lb, ?ol|rlit7'4 e*t.; I2B lllinuia ?li"i!rj nt lJJic. pnr lb., weight 7V cwt.; S-! tlllnoli >i?rrh ut 1' ,c. a I.Jo, per lb., weight 7), ewt.: i J4 HiiimU cieca at I3tti>. a l.ltjc. per lb., weight Tii cwt. ; fTJ lllliKili uteer* at I'-TVc. per lu., wolflit 7 cwt.: Ha llllnola ktffn at lifVo. par lb., ivrijjlit 7', cwt.; lo;l llllnola Bluer* *i l: ". a l!l!?c. per lb., wciirlil cwt. Vlery h t!ary?old lur *p|?c- !M Illinois neer. nt ll'4c. a ll^Je. per lb.; M IllfDoia *'.oir? at M'^c. a li'Jii# per lb.. weight 7'. cut.. :xj 1111 tenia tteerk at 1L'L jc. per lb., weight K cwt. j Illinoia ateers at I3;)?c. par ib , welghle 7'* iwt aV'^ewt. ; :i3 IIIIiioIk .terra at l.'.o. a IJVo. per lb . w?|;:ht 7,'. < w t : It lllinuia a'e.ra a. I3',e. per In, welyht H>, cwl. Sie.-cl .V JMeyer nold lor tel.ea it-* t lierokoe lie*re at luWt. pi.r lb., weight -Ma CWt. ; !M lllinuia atoiir* at lil.'jc. per lb., wer I (IS cwt.; 4r> I III atnara at IH.^C. per lb., welebt 81. cwt. At .loreejr Oitr vartli Uonry A MaPlnr sou null) lor Heckir & I.nnf ltt Kentucky ojen at iOe per I b.. weight 7'.. cwl. ; fur K. \lorria 7.'i 1111 nr>t? ateera at j ii I3)jc. per ib., weight 7 ; lor W. ii. Unmliav, 1ft Vlr ciim ateera at IIJ*e per lb., weluht fi'i cwl. M l.auter bacli tulii lur Waixni A Allerton 4.1 (teera at l'.%0. per lb., welaht* 5J* owt. a ewi.; m lllinuia meor ?t r.'V per lb., welttBtHWcwt. O. Newton ?owi I?Ohio ateere I u! Il^:c piir lb., ? weight <l'i cwt.; lit tihlo atenra at IVJgc pur lb. wci;;bt 7!4 cwt. if. OMIonnell ?ol<l for Vfnl'cl ,k .'.llertoii 60 Texaa atenri at Hi'?c. h lie per lb.. weiRlit. ftS. cwt. a r?>a cut.; 47 Mintuiarl aieor? Ht 13c. a 1-,'iU. per lb , ** a I it lit ?'i cwt.; .14 Ililnnia Hfcr* at 11 '4c. n l^c. pir lb., weight f.'4 cwt. i .'ft aitilled Illinois hlucra at par Ibk. welvnt &i? cwt. M. (ioldschmidt aold lor N. Morrik I0!i lllinuia atnura at I3t..c. per lb., with $1 on per head ou 1H brail, weifpta H'i cwl. a 7 cwt.; 14 lllitinia ?teeni at 13c a l.'tHc per lb.. weli;bt cwt.; 43 llllRoik sti-iir? in 11; "je. per ID , virictii cwt ; J lllliioii M?er* at I'l . per lb., wciirlit 7 cwt., lor II. Klopfer VH Tcxnti ?ic rr nt I'^i. per II... weltht 4 \ wt.; It Mlkiourl itcera .it ||. per lb., waifbt4)< cwt.; tii) Mlannurl ateere at ll)|C. a lJ'ju. per lb , weiuhtttV cwt | It3 Ml??uitrl rtucrk at l.ic. I "r Iwcljtln 7 i wt. I>. n al \el ?old Tor Walxri Jt Allerton 7- "ti lted Weetaru eteera hi i:i>-,r. per ib. Willi <1 on per hpnd ou 3H head, welghto 7l? Ctrl . kimit, to 7', ret ; VJ Mill fed W cnterti ftcera at I8\ji'. per lb., weight 7'? cwt (' Kalm MM for M. Knlin ti< ntixe'l Kenturey htveri ot.ti til I 1 jc. tt I 1'|c. p? lb., weight itts cwt ; |j Kentucky -teera at Mr. per lb., weight cwt. K. r J lirown 14 Ketitntky tteera at 13c. 1 lllc. per lb., weljjlit ?tcwl.; ill tiliaetl Kcntti- ky Hfcri nrii oif| nt 11'if h i l\c. per lb.. wr||fii| rt*., cwt. ^??r Kuliti Jt ?'?rxt M ttlllfrd Dm.1 Biwtirn .-it 11 \v. m 11 \t<. p#r ll>.% *rr1 (rlil cwl.} H' i millted Ohio l?uit*, live weight lbs.. ?t fw. .1 per !b Tuny .It K??ti9 ?<?ld Air N. Worri? ;.?? I'tieti ?i*?erii nt 1^4'c per lb., welvsh*. >'4 c >r%. W. K liiitlley ?nl?l for N. Mi.rrl^ VII lea mi *tft'*r? ?t IIp. a IIV- P*r . weliflit 5 cwt., Ptraiii K. Voifel i-eiu for V Morel* in HIiiiom #teer# nt Uc. 1% firT tU.. welgiit ?i ewk 1 mi *t&ll ft<l Illtuvlii ilttri ut rj^.'c. e i: <: prr Hi , ivelvlit cwt. H. W. Mheftimri isl'l for ^Veinel .* Al!**r(n|| Tdihq n( 10* jr. \t**t 0#., with $1 '?ff i rr lit*.1 <J, w?i*hfft rwt. i:WI J 4<? llllnrln ? ?t II 'ifl, ii- rli .. wri;'l?t* ewt. n y\ uwl.; 14 lillnoii Moet* ?t IL'11?*. pt?r lr? . wel/fit e ?t Mil* r.r *>I? I.? ? I rmle hi ?hi-ej? ?nd !?rab* Improv-d mi htulitlr n?lvot)r?i1 rite^. quftlUf tietter tUuti in a i? f#?itly lieitd. s ?l?l nt 4r. m Ukc. per ll?. Wually kIi fp <it IIV|e h (lV?e tier lb I hiiiIu ??t ?Vj?. e IU< per |t? Newton k lloimt <?r.!?1 f lllnol* nt-eep, wight ^ |h* j?<*r ntf4 40 f/i*r rwt.; II lltin >t? nhee|>. wiialit lt>- ppr Mead, ei V. per Ib.: 2*2 flllnolt <boen, weight H'? ihv per hen.l nt :<.? n?r ewt.: I fillitoi? ^he^p. welglit !i? il?? . -?i per t? .; 12?< Virginia ^lirop. weight M4 ll?*. per heed, ut 4lgr. per lb.; ItJl Virginia* uli^ep, weiglit Mllhh. urr bvAil, et *4 per cwl ; If** Virginia ntteop, weight 7n Hi?. per bend, nt per rwt,, lo Vlr* k'inU ??l?eep. welglit h7 Ibe. per h*n4. nt 6Ve. pnr lb.; ;<o vlrginln ?iitep. weight Hu ik,#?r hceu, nt'?'{.a per lb.; 'M Ohio p, weight lr>? per lie i?l, ti ?V: iirr 11>.; 2D Vir? i lMH Umi'S w?ilfflit v? Un per lieno. ?l e>W??>. per Ib. ; II \'lrglnln w#*ulit 50 lb*, per liend. i*t ^'^n. pri Ib., l JI V tr^ inlti irmhM. wrU'lit* 40 |?m. ?i .Vi |bn. per bend, nt H^c. p< r Id. K.i^ A ridcoek ?t?'d 15 Ohio ?he* p, "eight ) /n*i 10*. nt 4" per ib. ?i.t DUio niiftu., welghi ?), 170 lha, At 4 4?, per 10. ; 4Hf? llli'oah"?ep, welfrht el,.Wi lb* . nt ^'4r p?r lb. ; l?l't Vlr ^ inin ImuiiM, weight 1?>,h50 Ibn , nl 7}+'-. per Ib. U7 Virgtnin littrib*, wtdjjfftt 1 ..4K) lbs. at VSc. p?*r lb.; Vlr^inm l.irnhn, wei^nt li,tii01l)<i.,nl Mj<' p?tr Ib.Kentucky Intnbg, trel ,'bt 1? ."?TO lii? , ?t < p*r lb. ; hh KoiiHu ki !enib?, w L'lit r?.|tVi fbe. wt per lb,; :?41 Krn tiii'kv I?? inl?w>0:bf 10,o%?lb*.. at He. n<*r lb ; l??4 >lnry* iiilift lamb , wniictit ??.^4?> Ib* . nt u?*r lb.. .'It .lrr*?y Iiimb*, weight ^.tHMon , nt 10c. per ?b. .I?i<lu Jt Hnrttliig Umui ?*?>! * 7J Mw i^tin ebfieu. wetgbt 7.IH0 ibn., nt itc, p? r ll?. . Of? VficbleHii ?? ii **o, weight 1n,00Olb*., nt ??%?. p**r lb OmvIh A I Inueniiet.k wold 23 Mtnte wherp, weight *1 lbs \>rr bend, <ii f?^e. por II* ; JMl State nbeep. wel^tit s*i iu*. pur beed, nt per Ib. ; Ml k nie w<*lgiit ?*? lb?*, per he no, et $5 tKI moi* owt.; *i'i fcltvep. weight K7 lb*, pur bend, nt f?*?e. per Ib.; 111 Stiitu itbeep wcluht W Jbv prr bend, nt $?? 4u per cwi ; .'II trti'" ebrrp, wn /bt 107 Ibv fn#r bend, nt *?,Jt peril*.; ;U wo ^11V Stale nhcrp. wrl/.l \rj ib^. per huutl nl v? prr ib , .'??) woioij Hint# ?!?t?p. weight 01 lu? per bend, nt ?? *4? per 'b.; M Ktnte l*uib?. wel^l t lu?. per bend, nt 7 %c. a 7'ac. per lb; 7u Virglnln InVnbA. wight fto Ibn per bend, nt *c. per 1|?., 4i Vlrgtnln Utnt??, weight ?>?! !.??. per brid, nt jpn j > p?r cwt ; M Vir^iuin Inmbt, weight 96 lbs. per hend, ntfSiO t|Q*4b a f8 H2V; per e? t T KkIj? aold 404 M)ehig*n *heeo. w< igf;t iM lu>. i>*' Unit'!. at i a * ? .>*.1 per cat . 173 Wen- | tucgy lemua. weight Iba. p?-r head. be. per lb. Itumu, i hlliutt A l o iold 7f Kentucky aheer>. wai. u H?1 Iba per j need. at 41?e. per lb ; 71 kriituckv ?)>??!?. wui-ht !*' Iba j per head at be. per Ik.: I"* Kentucky aheap. walgfcla lb>. a 110 Iba. par bead. >1 d'4a par lb.. I-* kmim ay sheep. wal.'hl 138 lbs per l,e*d. at fl)a<" per I ' ; | 274 lUMwikr ebaep, weighta 1(4 Iba. a 147 lb. per j head, at H**i per lu.; 24" Kentuekj lamb*. weljhl HO Ibi par hea.t ai 7\o. per b. : ItM Kentucky lamb*. arltbl ' IXI ib*. par hand. at Mr. par lb. . I->? Kentucky leio"*, waiglil fll per hand. at *t<e per lb Cowa.? A fata tale* at f'JU a ftf 1 par head. ealeat 1 Included. Vkjls ?*t> Cii.vK-Trade elow. Buttermilk fed eal?e? . eold ?i 4>,e. a AWe par lb. i roaia? lueiiiy -ale*. at 4>,a I ari'^e pet |l). .V. smooth una It* veals to baud. Iln.i* 1M2 ()..|M ho<v aeeraci ll?a welg'il IAS I ha. (H?r , hea<i. **td at 43j? per lb. ; 134 Onie boa, average live ' wri^lit IM Iba. par nead. *old at 5^e. par lb. DOMESTIC MARKETS. <?* J una ID, 1U77 1 Cotton nominal; inldlling, 11 >0.; low middling. 1 >\>. , poo! urdlnarv. I"c ^et receipt*. ?'Hhales Kxpotta?To I (?real Britain. U.OM; w> Krance. 1.1US; co?at?le. 3a. stock. Nkw Orikioii, June IS, !"T? Cotton steady . middling, 11 V-? low middling. l"Ve. : good ordinary. l"e Net receipts. (t^bales grOfS, n.\ Lx pon.?To ib? Continent, l.Hlrti c >M?twise, 2,I?mo. Sale*. bUJ. litoek. 104.H4 1 Morn*, .'una I:t. 1*77 Omton l'? : middling. lie.: low middling, l"'je. , inod ordii *ry. lOo. Nat rvealpM, 17 baloa. >aln, iijO Alack, i?.sja SaviMKaa. Jua* II, tw77. Cotton lrr?;ular, mlrtdlins, 11V' a 11'ac , Ivw middling, U>4^p a 10<{c., ^i>od ordinary. I''^e. a Ifiye. Nei rretlpt*. bal*>: eroii, ItW. Kxporta c 14i. rialo<. r-*" Stuck. 5..')i7. C'BAm.KxTON, lima 1,1, l?77 t'utton Arm ; Bli'ldllD*. 1 l.?(c.; luar mtddllnic. lO'a'v a II'' ; go?d ordinary, tOU'c No rtcalpta, 1& ba)a? aaI* . 17A. , stock, 4.1'U7. 1 WlLMinatnii, N'. C . June 13. IP77. Hplrlli nf turpantlne atandv at 2'V rtoain ftrtn at f' 4.'> for atrained. Cruilf tiirpantlne atoady nt $1 J* for b ird, ; $'J ID for yellow dip. f'J .1 ' lor virgin. I'ar Arm at f I ??) Onrmo. J'tna i:i. li*T7. Klour ataadr and la fair demand: rale*. I Tim bnla at un changad prices ?v bt at dull .alee, '1 mm liu.liela No. U Mil waukeo clab at (I 70: car late do. at SI 71 ; No, I do i eld I at 91 M<k i:.>ru flrin : VVraiam imaad. &H.\ a due. f'orii I tnenl unchatund Mill f?ed uticlian^. d. Iiake rcclPV* ? l-miilier. 4 |h,0 tf) fort, t'anal ahliinienta?Lumber, Kwf,rijn feel. Klour slapped by rail. 1 ,rt'>? bbla Hi:? r*to. June 1", 1*77. I Klonr In fair demand : #?le? W*i bb!?: pr>ec? unrliauiiad. Wlieai In fall milling Inquiry. ??la< *?inin'iel?; ( club at $1 7ft; I ""J d?>. No 'J M I iwaukaa club at ?! HH I.WX> do at fl 7n Near* No 1 white vijelilcan ai J'J. 1 j car dn. at 11 117. t.'oru in good uiquiry , aalea ai call, ??,<?Kt bu?hel? No. -J, (ellai, Ji'ly. at .M5tc; 10 itOD do.. Annual, ?VJ'ai',4 ft.000do., do.. Mljir : oiitald* aalai, '.'..Vki do itlln ! dried at 41VS*-' ? 6,000do. N?. ? W.-?iem at ViV,-.. .Me ami | ftjlc . In leu; W.tKX) do nimple at 47o a 41V.; :t oarf Kanaea liigb tui.tail, on track, .'<4c. : 4,.'*V> d<>. No J. at fil'o. ; I.UHI d'i. auoipln at 30c.; light atoik oi atmlgbt N". 'J on hand, liataquiet;aalta l,U?i nuthala Wotreru on private laruit Hj'a aud burlev luuctiva. Malt iiuiet and uucliuiit:atl. Otlier aitlclaa unchanged Freighta nnrhaiigeil Hecelpta hy lake? Klour. 5.4J1 bbl* : corn, 41 M.HTiM biirbela. wheal. Illi.itbO do. t nail, Ill.tMll) do.; barley. fl'I.Uirj ?t *?. ; pork, 7u bbla, ; lard, I'm.OUO Iba.; by railroaii. fl<<ur. L',Jt>f bbla,: corn, 10.40O buaUeta; oata. 7.71)0 do.; barlav. do.; rya. l.HOOas. Shipiuoiita bv canal to tldawuter? Cmu, 4li,i?i7 luiahela; wliont, 1 IH.3M do.; pork, 40 bbN.; lard, Ibv : to Interciedlaia pnluta, nothing; bv ratiroidt, flour. 5.877 bbla.; corn. In,41m buabela; call, 7,71*' J 1.: bartoy, Kim do ; rr?, I.HODdii. Tolrpo, Juue |?, 1HT7. Klonr firm. Wheal firmer; No. I white Michigan, ft l?l ; extra do.. $1 Oft. amber Mlehl.-an apot. (I (K4; Juna. $1 80; No. a do.. 31 B;i; No a red winter, apot. 91 hii bil;.lun?, fl HO, July, $1 oO; Auxual, uew or old, (I 40, No. U red, ?P"t. $1 ??<. Jnue.yi tls. Corn firmer; high mixed, apot, M^e.. No. 2. loot, V)>f<\ ; Julv, M '4c.; Au^uat. re. Joetoil, 4?Kc . damaged, 4(V. Uata dull; No 2. W%c.; white, 4?l?ic. hid ; Michigan. 4'J^e. Ueoeluta??4.?? 1 bnali ela wli?at, 3rt.<Jim do toru. 1,400 dn oata. Shipment*, I,a?*> bifb' la wheat. 1H,OOI do. corn, ii.-Vm do. oat*. Marketi cloaed. ? Wheat dull, little doing: No. I while Michigan, fl UO bid atnber Mich man. June $1 RS. Corn dull, high mixed apot. offered at riO)?o.; No. 'J, apoi, V>c.; July, .VH{c. ; Auguat .'ia>,c. offered.'lMun. June 13. 1*77. Flour tleadr atld Higher; family, Jd7S?f:i Wheat In good ilemaud and higher; red $1 H>) it (I Wo. I'-?1 n: firm at 4Xc. a &0c. (lata In fair demand at !Mo. a 4;le. li ve oniI at 7.'ic. Barley nominally unchanged. I'ork unlet at $1U .'>0, uaKed. I.iird dull aud drooping; ateaia rendered, *\t.: kettle, f.'gc. a 10c. Hulk moata qnlot; ahouldera, 4)i,c , bid; 4J.|C., aikedi ahort rlbi, JU rt.S , abort clear, 7c. I'aron dull; aliouldem. .'i!Jc.; clear rib. 7><c.; aleur ?l1e*. 7J-jc a He. Wbiakey firm, at (1 07. Hotter atead.v and hrin nag? lu fnir demaua end lirm; flotninon. $It HO a $4 20; llulit, M 3-'> a $4 ?K?; packing, $44n a (4 itt: butcbera', |4 90a $4 7fi; receipt*, 1,440; *nlpincota, I,4n0. t'niCAilo, June la. 1877. floor firmer but not quotably higher. Wheat In fair de. niaud; No. 2 aprlng. $1 02U, eaali; 01 51. July; (I 32. A'iguat; No. '? do . fl '14. Corn active, a ihade higher, at 41c.. caah: 47e.. Julv; 4?c.. Aurnat; relected. 41 \e. una quiet and weak at 3#o.. eaan : 37>*c . July; rejected, 2H>^c. Hye dull and nominally tf7Se. Harley iteady and un changed. I'ork active but a shade lower; ?tlo* at $12 00, oasii or July ; 312 72)^a Vl'J 7A, Aoguat Lard in fair da tnitnd at SJ^c., eu?h; f? Aft, Jnly: fs ti7!J, Augiiat. Hulk meat* eatier al 4So . HKe. and d?,c. tor ahouldera, clear riba and clear aides. Whiskey ateady and uncltanse l. Kreighta?Corn, lo Buffalo. 2c Keeelpla-B.OiKt bids flour. 4,100 buahel* whan, HIM <?X.i do. corn. '*) do. oat*, I 40D do. lye,fl OtJOdo. harley. SUIpmeuta?H.otiobbl* Hour, 12,0tK> hitabo a wheat, 22fl 000 do corn, 4S.OOO do oata, 4(*t do. rye, 016 do. barley. Market* eloaed?Wheat unchanged. Corn Wc. a We. lower. Oat* unchanged, fork higher at f 12 lt7W a $12 70, July; >12 *0. August. Lard blghor at $8 to * tJl'Si. July; ft) 70 a CH 72)*, Aiignst. HAVANA ItABKET. fingar flat. Exeb^tga. adv.ucu.gVuiuioir* " 1,77 eueopean markets. COKMERGXAIm ,, Cotton Future* iUadJ'-'/on" I8-B f* M June and Julv delivery, it M.:i2d ""aUiT aatls' #* cIhu"* delivery^tf'^d"' lo* ^ A^uu ^d Vp't^be" I'roduoe?Tallow 44. . 4gi'uJ0.0"',,nn# :?*? P. M line. 25e. ?d. a 2S*.? 0,|. pflr wj '' r ewt HP'1U of tnrpe'q. Petroleum, *9f0 To, fln, p(l,, Am^T"n,.JU?e ^ ,WTT Linseed oil, ?28 per loa. Lo*"<"?. June 18-K?ening, financial. Exchange on London. 2Sf. 20o. lorlh^.u" " BRAZILIAN COFFEE MARKETS. Rio Jakviro, Jnne 13. 1877. Coffee market very qnlet; prlcaa nearly nutnloal. il?od flr?t?, 7,400 a 7,.ViO rei* per 10 kllaa. Ext'hanira 011 London. a:i5?. Averaza daily receipts of coffee during the past week. .T.kO bare; week's shipment* to the Chnnn~l ami North of Eu rope, 10.1*10. and 10 the United Ktnte>.; week'* anle? for Ilia Channel and North of Knrope, I 1,0110; fur the L'nlled state*. IS.iam. and lor Mediierra n'an porta. 2.000. tituck, ft' i-'reigot* per *all fur the Cliannol, :i7a Qd. h4*T<iR, June 13, 1*77 Coffee very qiilot and prices about or ntlual; inperlor Hantoa, 7,000 a 7.200 rait per 10 kilo* Avertore iiallj- receipt* nnrlng the pa?t week, son bars; week's aMipinrn'* to Knrupe ..UX); wrok'* atle* for Cu< rope, 2,01'' Stuck lr port, i..,UK>. FINANCIAL. AT'iUUHONABK KATRs'-UONKY ON Lti'K~A VI) , Endowment fnaiirance Pn!lela* end Hortffairea; mm* Insurance at i\ll t?m l? efl*et?d with heat Minim l niea. J.HABKIOR * CO.. I HI Bro?dw?., 4 t KBir^, m^Tzlma* Rt.??Tdc1r? ilhmifhi ami ?old in email Iota; eommlealiiite m*r i irl>10 1 per cant. IIOMAN I I'd. A rr,\V ( HOICK KIRK INrtL'llANCE STACKS poll a* In hy E. S? B \fLe.V. 66 wall al *1 SI"). iC rBfVILBOKH BOUGHT AT ri.O?bst I market rnti'a 1 operation* made arnliit aima: Sturka i otivhl on moderate inerertne. Explanatory nuniphii", free. i'lIMUKIDOi*. A I'O., llankara, Broken, 50 Bruart ?t. >? a dvaxcbb" (no bonun) mad:: on fcrxiturb, Jt\. pianos, At-., if stored ai advertiser'* W-irehn-ii %. Aililrera ilOltAG.-, Herald Uptown Mrusoh office. TNY&atOHS nAK~vl>D kirmtCbAfa rn ?' Monr. I at the office of johpc R. MURRAY, .1.% Broadway. ADT. RBIJUORB, W()TLo "wHH bomb kind Jneraoii tn loan liar 110) Tor bu'iueae by haturda UARMl.NttlTA, llernld offloe. Mining sronkx. We buy and tell Minlncr Stocks al tha American Mining and Stnrk ILxcliante, or ?k?#h?r? on rotutnl*alnn Our Mr A. II Nicolay la a member <>t Ilia Hoard. ALUBRT II. N U'OLAY ? t.'O , Riicbera, Brokers nnd Auctioneers, No .48 I'lue "t., N. Y. M ON BY TO LOAN?AT fl AND 7 I'KR OtC.NT; MCV York ami Brooklyn property. G. hTAKE, Ifirt Broadway, R\THI?ONK OIL *TO< K KOit SALK LOW ?MINING I Stocka l)oUt{l.t in I *<>11 lit MxchaiUfe A. TANIIhVK.NTtR, M Liberty at , room 23. \y *.ntk1)-aT7 i'KR^'kn i intp.ri>t" ?? ?? t '.'VOon clir tenement, worth ?i' (Km on ,fer?i-r City church, worth 6B0.0X), #2. ' "i on Now York elt, le ate hold. * I nil Joitey City liouae. f7,.V?lon Hr joklyn property W. II. WK.Rd, 7j:j B,oaJ?ay. V\rAv- fl?D-friiaioRf'liiouN A CHATTEL MORTGAGE rt of Kiirnlturn ot *o id aerurRv. Kor particular* m dm ? COBFlDKNGl.. Herald I'ptnwn oH\i?. 7 n AND 10 f\'H OF.NT I ?alrlcVT first cIhss i-Uy and ei unit HoVa. Itallrna.) Honda and ether rhon;a '?? -O'HIes, I'Aylnr 10 to 11 per cent, for f a'e at desirable price* ht albkrt If. MiroMY t CO., No. I'lne't . New Vi ri. N. H.?fnaeilnieni ^'ernrllle* <mi apacialt.v ?JU yrara (tAA rfwiHii on ~mkSF-*kcc:kitY--rttY V^?"""(fOpfft>, Red Ttituk. N. .i ? le *i Inirfat; mi ?i nn?; B" W >k?ra .'AMKH If. PAtlKKR. HI HI ru~ Si1-'"" i?f Gooo rtil.-a MoitTGAOB 0'/?OVfvoii . ny mill o.tute at <t per rent f?f !>i? \ eara "t I'Miger term. K. **?. HH Mveilf, Ol IWlll WAMKl?-ON l 1KHT MoltTOAGR ? i 1 ?M v "I ilor?< r ' It' I'mpa-'i ? . ? ('<1,11 ?|, no h'"'i'V HBRMAN RlvOKR, IflH linni? ,?/ New fork city. A?>je"||||ik ro m>an aV"5 I'i-.k cknT. on i VT " ly7pro\?d i uy I'roparty. Inquire ?rKXRi'l loll. :ia We at at (MWI r" liOAN."" AT i> I'KIt t'KM, ~Ko"h 'P^UUiUl/'/IIre irir? on Imnrived f" ip-rtv. r S. DRIm'OI.L, U 1'arn plare. <fc*/(WWHin yt h,x ,m" rkf,r kor i ivli V?rf' 'I'*' ' " to loan on luoruagr, In a imi to GR\NT. 1 l*i Hrna'lway. ???)-/? mill To LOAN ON tilT? l*R??l?ltT V- AVV ?n? iiI'MMIW minntii , rhnlaa faorlKauaa; n per vent I.AM VKK. bo a I.MIH I'oat oitira C:1 (Wkik IWIU toloab^at h:x an ^i-,*kn tPi.UuUtWUV'lur <H?t nil N,w v,,r|| BB,| Hr...,k || real r.i?ta J. U. MANALAlKli, 111 itroail way, room .1. t;i?l?A M. r.\ Klt*lii IV>. x*v\v*wjRK'.'5i,Ni"n:.,Vis7f. "**? ? 1.1 Th? er-iiarinf rahlp exlatltig under the ?'m namv ?f Hern benn A UaHle. in* Green ?t , ifc thla de* dlatol*,f<| b) muMiel ronaant; all ? laima ol th' n?te Prm arlil be "tueil h; >'r Meet!helm, Tho will eon'lnua UN lm-lnraa im.ier tli" naina ai .1 Hetnltalm l| I,II - RKk.NIIMM. J Lii<l CM KILI.b, V?HW YoitK. JI'SK Ij. H7T i ' Ir. .1 iiItu? iVellla <vl|| cn?ttnna the eame hualneat na<ler tea Aria aetna of Wailla A Mad<oila, So W e?i itnaelun ?h, Mtw??? Uttaoa ana VToaitai. ?' tall, on Hiet chi< City t'ruparty. II. f. COPARTHKRiniPK. A A N1>?ftCR.-rH> < "P\itT.M.RSfllr MRKETOPOUE ?slating Iitimmi lh ? anda'agoi-d undar tiie flrm n<u? of Usury Jean A t ? iilku U.iy di?a?l?ed by mutual e >u ?ML H*?>] Je.iti aloae will vt]*it In liquida-ica ?lid will tnn? ill# bitailt' ?< al ?!. i oil atxli t >o. *1* I'liU uv | .New \?rk ?ltv. hkkkv tknr,:. KK.Nxr d Dt>??*r?eir. nrKn?- (ipp(tnrt'MTiK?. \~ 'SKI, IMA! rlUNi'H VOR '?[.?fcvflTuli'lj AN.!-' ?."Vfae nrer ?A iWiumre Haciory on I .'.>*].< ? at villi couip.eie machinery, unisnias room*. ilMri for eiiMiiai miifri Iry kiln aud lumber yard, ?it?atod on# wile irxiu ili? Caart li'Uaa Olilcac... III. Tkl? in'iurv nc lat tbe Uii eleven year* wiih ;ra*t auccetf tt|> I ? dale. ?n<i I* frr rem nr I.. He ?alii io? * teaaonabl* nric# la .-oiifc*eueiH'* of '.a* pi ?p(i?iui,< iiiietitien 10 va to Ear. ne. llioaer- U'-ti.l n >1 4|>p.j AdSraaa I'CAN 1Suit E, b.? 17 a Her tin afflc* * M aOTIVK bl'CIXBSe MaV WITH r.AfitjkU, ? l wauled a? par tear in ? wmv aud liqu-'i kuaiueae A i. Ilaraldi.Uca PARTNRK WaVtBO-I* GIUAM "it'MfXKsVj ?Iwt on hand yBfai, raiail alona average# 4J6.I oar week; alar Olgar Sierra lor tale MaUiNK. N Day >1. X INTKKKwr IN AN tlf'.l* established Bt'Ul i f??i H.iVii rrurljr guaranteed lo Inveator. Apply tLOrU. tit Broadwav MURAL AJlfOOl iTK. Wl r'H fl">' TO 0BOa WITH three ^ther . tn * e?w?il hall and lecture room. to act aa l> ?* m*H. LKi "IT KE H, Ml J fcaat J.i : at. ctivk man. Inm mn, ai"iH4al ltqhi raaiiufaetuililt; ???' eaali weekly Apnly 7A Naaaau. room I. _____ __ A MAN \r 11018 NOT APR Attr tirllAKI) VO>i and hat hail .-e.eial yuan' experience In r.ianufariurl.i;j tni?1ii?<? and In lli? coal trade de.irea a altiianoii, wirl moderate ailary; will laau at furnish *J. ??i to M.ihv > to re apotjallile pnrtiea * lu? < au give aieadv employment niii ^i'...l ?rcni ltT A f. H., imi H,i*Q ftit itflva. Kt-* York. ? 'JI.N Ti.KM VN OK K.\l'i:i:lENi'i:, CAPABLE UK .A. managing bun*? and oMce beaineaa, will luveMaamul etnita:. with hi- aarvlce*. in the ri^lu Uilnir. I'liuciwui ?my adilieim, wltli parti. nU??. K. J.. Ilei alil I'utown e. A MAN VTANTKO-WlfU ?(> CASH, TU TAK1J di.irrf^ of place at seaside Wmi *Jf>tli tHok"kaLk-HAl.F INTKItKsr is A KRSTAritAVt r doluxaicodbiiHu.... Addreai A. H-, bo* SU Ueiakd oWi-e. ManUPAiifUlilnu~5c5inrIs' is utaflb r.uuni never out of fiiauion and wltli a srowliiK don.eatle and loiei^n tr nix am ma tne bt-tt .le*iar?. want* a partner, with from i?*i t" t-"?> i ??* i fo .. ti.i u<-1 a I depart ineut. Apply 1 I'AKLKTUX, W Hroa'iway. M.V $J CAPITAL RKQOIHBD TU KNUAUR IN A reipwiable and iurrulite bii>iue<> patented arlicie; ?file at >lglik liUlIN BUKHIAN. IHJ Hroatlwajr. PAKI N K . WaNTEU^-lN~AM" OLli. WBLL KmTaB" lialteii inaniilarluritis biimn'm ; S'i.OI'i to ||."i.(XJ0 ne>,e? ?arytotie wlio nuilnrrtjuda bookkeeplnc preferred. Addreaa B. ho* I 'M Her tld oflW* ATK.YC.^WILL DKVELcTp ASu"IN I'ltUUt'CE A am a 11 patent. Addreaa CAPITAL, box lt<0 Llerald olllee. W\STK1? IN A iPRUMPBROUi I' i'uNTRY rral eatate Uualiieaa? aeilmij farma. hocaU. lallla, Ac. - payiua Sill.'**) per faar; aaacti'e tautleiuan with 91,.V'l ra.-b can "bialu lialt inleri'it. nice liiinn. rent ft"#. Aa? dren box *.<t ?'antra. Bueka eo'intr. Pa P.vKI.NbK WITH ?l,o'.nu $1,5.111 WANTKO-IN <at.ibll?li"?t mercantile nuaineaa; wall known, rall.tbla and I.ra . prutlu I ir; atoek worth the money ; ?lao other opportunttlea with Inreatmeut affrnrad II A SKINS, as Meat 20th. ARTS Bit WASTht) KuR A HOTFl ON'tIIK KUi r.-peau plan, on Broadway, with l?rt" reataurant. by ?n experienced caterer and eona. Addreaa CATl.KBB. Ilarald ortice. _ B|7j(,Tg- K0K "uShkul IKVKNTIOSS e<l. Addreaa box l,0ia I'oal "llice. New York, with deacrlptlou and tenon PAKTy CAN COMMAND sT)Mk15AP!TAL~T0 PUT Into a ataple and practical bualneai. Addreaa J. K. II., B Kerry at. SU BR rURTUNSa-THB LARukiT SMTKRPRIRIC fOII ainall ciipltal ever known ; without ri?k . quick return*; #T>.l?N) capital required. Addreaa MUNUPOCV, lierald Lp town jflice. rpiiK VI'.BY KINKST-STAND IN BROOKLYN. KUR X aoda fountain, fruit, to.; over lUi.ivx peraoua paaa dally. Apply on at Mid, HI Kiilinn at , rirouKlyn. ANTKD.?aN KKTARLIIUKD ik^bRYtMU AMD cointnlaainu Uouae. un^a;mi In the South Anierlcmi and Mediterranean Irttde, wlaliea to uiret with a trooil party aa allent or active partner, wliu haa eaali to inveat, in order to increase the boalneaa; the bn*ln< aa wl.l pay from Ha.Uiai to $1 .'i.ikiu lir?t year, with conatant Increaaa. In veatiuent fully scuuied. and only tbuae with uiouey and in aaroeat nesd iiddraaa SOLID, Herald uHl.-c. &*4fWl I'VIUNER IN AN (iVr ICe. Hl'SINKSS <J)<Jv'/apaytoi{ well; a rare ulianca for an Induatrioui man. MoD'iNNliLL, liiatliani ata -a YuUNQ, ACTITK man can HRl? uHi 4Pc)vUaparttieriblp in a dealrabia bnalneaa on Bruad way. ; aallalaclory rnlereucca civen and required. J. MALUNU. 3 Day ai n"n/P-PAKTNy.R WANTKD. SI'APLK CASii viev 0 P lillll -PARTNER wanted, siaplk cas;i L.V/UUabii?itie?a. paying $lti,il(>J yearly. Kor inter V addreaa l.NCr.KI ri, bo<i I2M Herald Uptown olln ?? <21 (WW) wan ikd-KAIR "Vkct'iii i V and oood ?Pl.\JUUliouu? altered. Addreaa S. 11. L . lierald. ifchi | to *Uuo, IK tiib Hands "tiE* a" obn" 'TiiUvUtltman of good adilreaa. will aeeura one-half intaraet In a bueineaa piying Sil'J.Otm yearly. KRANCI.S, M Weat 2?th aU TO ikVKST IN AN V est A B U SHED lK 'icitlmate, paying bnalneaa. aoiue apecialty pre ferred. or aouietbliiK new that poaaranea potli value and merit; muat bear atrlctevt inveatIgatlon. Principal! mil?, with proper name and addreaa. clvinglull pa'tlcula-* addreea M., bos 1S4 tlnrald oltice. MINING STOCKr CONTIMTLATED CONSOLIDATION OF TUB AMER ICAN AND N t.W YOltX MlN'INU 1K>A RD Tha Comraittoe ol the Aiuorican Miuio^ and Sloclc Kscbango appuioti'd to oonl'cr with a ootnmlltM ol tba New York Mining .Stuck Kxcnau^e bavo tnot tne latter ami agretd to terua ujiuo wbicli lo form a Cootoliduieil Board. Among Hie pronaioua are ilia loliuwtog:? Tbo CoubolidaleU liutrU etiall be excluaively lor deul' luga iu ininiUK, manufacturing and ibsurancc aeuur Itiva. It.- mtfiubera may buioug to any other orguDixt tiob which dnra uot "call" mitting slock* (?xui-ptiug aa to tbo "Now York .Slock Exchange," lor aucb min ing muck* aa art" already mere). It is recom int'iideii ibat Mr. I. W. Badger bo up po ntcd chairman, J. Wymun Morria secretary, mid it. W. Oallulior asentant secretary. Tbe detJilK of II;o Qnaticisl coueolidatlon are It'll to bo equitably arruuyud by a apecial Jolul Couuuitlei'. All com m it lees ol both uxchauge-. are lo hand In their resigtirtlloua, and now oouiiualioua lo be ma-Jo by ibe Spccia. Joint Committee. l'lio.-o uouilnaiioua lo hold lor one year or until an adopted annual election period, and they abail be selected aa follows, viz. Omo hall of eacu coiutnlttro Irotn the Atnurluan Mium^ uud mock Exchange preacnl meuibera and ot<e-u.n( trnin Hit- No* York Mooing Slock Kxehnn^e present members; lint not more (ban uur-tblrd ol tbo mem bera of any cointnltiea so unmiuaicd shall be al?o m em bora oi any other one orgauuution. run following eoinniitiea (rorn the Americau Mining and Slock Ktctian^e approve ol tbia baals adopiod m |i<int (ouiereine ?Messrs. Oeorgo H Sitltrlee, Jamif (', Oodfrey, II Iluogeriord, W. M. ?lriw und W. hi. Bitrgoyne. It waa understood yoslerday aftern .on that this con solidation would tie mane effective at a Joint nicefng to be ue!d to-day. HI* SIN L6.1 i'UO UBLE8. A meeting of tbe crmiiiort- ol (lie Valentine At Botlei Safo and Luck Company, of No. 'i'M Broadway, wai b?tii y< merdav at tiic office ?i ilugiater Little. Ex governor Kngllsb, of Connecticut, one ol Ibe stock holders wn? examined as to ni* ludtvidusl claim of about ?lT,0 io, Hi<u ilia i'rosident, W illlaui H. Butler, wa.-t *imi examined. f&* eboiee ot uesisueo followed, una .v?- ttie vait-a ol cuualdorabla otcitenoui. Tbo ?lection resulted m lavur ol Mr. Charles 11. Kcllowj, ol No. 11 Ma.deu taut, Tbe creditor* ol Henry 8. Br?wn. munulaitorer, at Vi). -Ml \Vorfl Klevunib street, mat at tno oiU'-nnf Kugtater iJMright yisterd.iy, but laiio'i lo eleot ua ua?ij{ii>*e in bankrupts/, and Mr. John 11 I'l.itt *n arci>ruing:y appointed by tbo Register. Ine li.iblliiirs aoiount t<> ?bum $M iJ'nt At a muetiug ol tbo creditors of John J. iicimer, i!mler III woMwere, at No. :Jb)) W <m1iui^ton mieel, lima belore Register Dayton, tbe composition of Ultceu Cents ou tlie dollar wan uctepled 1'uo application ot Josbua P. Walton, the welt known turfman, lor lu? dle' liarue Irotu bankruptcy, ouuie 0^. lore Register hLeichuiu yesterday, .iuj a? ujne ol tnu creditors male ai.y opp xiin n it will l>a arautcd. la mo matter ai Adeie Louis, bankrupt, which is bsfo.-e KojjiMvr Kelchntn, the I'llguee tins made hii report, und a dividend, amounting probably to tweivo per tanl, will lie dcolsreo a week nance. A dividend o tea per caul has beeu deoured to Ilia creditors ol Item ?tein K Mnnilok, clothiers, who failed over nln* yours "go, and K*>gtsier Kittle tins ruceivel the bn>tl accounts ol Mr. Christian K. a. baainmaun, thu assignee in Ouukruptcy. fiia following assignment* were yesierd?y died la tlin County cork's dil ?Messrs. Miubanlm At Statins, pitss to Ji/ff' ph t-1r iuisii and Harriett 1? Uituieli to l.'.oa 8. Keller. CANAL TULL8. 1 be regular monthly meeiiu? ol tbe Directors ol ibe t'be.'p 1 rsnsporlalion Association wss held as two s'olusk yesiiirday, T. U. liinrber chairium Mr. 1 hurtu r l>rtelly Skairlied tbe history sad wor* of tba association on taking bla tent. Mr. A. B. Miller, of the l.' imnntira no Cs?s'*, Spoke ol a ? ontemptate t incroitan of iolia, and in r .ati?a to Ibe s.iuio oflerod too following: ? Wbcicai the luuvewent of tfrSiti in? tlie opening of the can ii lor lbs year Ih7 1 lias fur ??i I knuwu reason* o?en e V cttoiagly 11in t?<l ?? compared stub lb* uorieapoudlua pen* 1 if |t,mier irnr?. aid n fl. > r<1? n <? f.njin ?? Lt 11; i.a-1? 'or a all Bi at' llnf tlis '1>? if low mil? t'H tliat dMSSl tran>|iortatlui>. and wln raat tin; rsdai 'loii ul ?nll.. a? oftlnaliy annxuncnd and ?lii?i f> ii tilt* I i ' i us %lr? ? lv drawn threuali tba "an il an exlen<l*a WNI'ieSi In oianr earnmudiilas llsrat ii.,r? eoiMarat rely ul annan I > Mir <'sosl ana led to th* on. saatmuilou nt nnme I II c n;r*ei? ln>ed therann . devolved. Tt II III t'.a eptwlnn id thl> Huard na Increase of cmsi mil ni nils time weald n? unwarranted, unjim t > canal ii - tn it an t nl arrlous datrimrui in the comnsariie of (.Ill's eitjf and Mate. I'bo rrS'itutioii was sdnpted, and alter disposing ol ot>ni<idrr?t>le routine l>nanioss ibe assoctalion ad journed over until I'iMoner. uuleaa called tojetbet to tue niesntiino by tbennairmaa MEW YORK HUE IN'DKKWRITERS. The blenuisl rnvntinv of the Boam of Fire Under ?rite-? m n be d yesterdajr at the offlccsa lu Broadway. It uss lionded lo connuua the fire pniroi lor two vear* si .i con not vacedlns flft'i.'*>'.) for the two years counneuoin^ in July oast. Kv tbe terms oi tt.o charter a meeting must be called every i?u)e>is t? cnsider sad dedide apra the rMltti ?t Maitiaaiaa i tfce patr?l< 7*