Newspaper Page Text
MEXICO. Capitulation of El Paso to tbe Partisans of Lerdo de Tejada. A General Lerdo Rising in Chihuahua. Washisotoh, D. C., Juno IS, 1877. The Collector of Customs at El Puo, Texas, In a letter to the Secretary ol tbe Treasury, dated Mar 29, in forma the aepartmeat of tbe capitulation of tbe city of ?1 Pato, Mexico, on tbe morning of tbe 28th of May, to tbe partisans of Lerdo do Tejada, under tbe Immediate command of P. 7.. Macboro, Colonel of the Second regiment Mexican In fantry, who la acting under tbe authority ana instruc tlons of General Escobedo. Tbe taking of the city was accomplished between the hours ol one and six o'elock A. M. All ol tbe principal city officials were taken prisoners, among tbem Rafael Varlos, Collector of Customs, and nearly all his subordinates; Joad Mamesa, Gefe Politico (Itayur), and others, fifteen In alL GENERAL UPRISING IX CHIHUAHUA. It appears mat the uprising is general throughout the State of Chihuahua, in ncoordanoe with a well matured plan sorno time since porfecicd, and of which this movement la only a part. KM lGKANTri OK RKVOLUTIOSIHTS. It la authoritatively stated that qulto a largo body of tceu will assemble at this point (El Paso, Texas) lor the ostensible purpose ol entering Mexico to devolop the minus, Jkc., bat really their object U altogether a illTeront one. At present, the CoUoctor writes, thoro is no undue demonstration, but at tho same time a feeling of great insecurity prevails because of tbe belief of an attempt st counter-revolutions, outrages And depredations consequent, on this frontier, under similar circumstances. akhkicaxs tbrkatbkkd. One G. Meramlo, whu was mado Mayor of tho city by Colouel Macboro, publicly declared that bo could drive every American out ol the place. If an attompt Is made to carry this threat Into execution trouble will insnei Tbe absence of troops here at th^ircseut tiino la greatly deplored. WHAT UNITED 6TATE8 CONSUL SCOTT HAS TO BAY ON THE MEXICAN QUESTION?"lIEALLT VERT SIMPLE," AND THE REASONS WHY. Mr. L. 11. Scott, tbe United States Consul nl Chi huahua, Mexico, is at present staying at the St. Denis Hotel. A reporter ol the IIkrai.u yesterday called ou him and asked his views iu relation to tbe Mexloan question. Mr. Scott replied at considerable length, giving a lull oxpositiuu of Hie subject. In tbe course of bia remarks ho said:?"Tho Mexican question is really a very sitnplo one, at least so tbe Americans who reside in Mexico think, although wo know that at Washington it is considered a very complicated matter. It all turns npon tbe status or tbo Americans In Moxico. Tbe* would like to bare one thing, and will nevor bo satisfied without it, and thut Is, Dot to have It in tho power of any one there, bo he of the gorernmout or revolutionist, to come into onr offices and say,'We want one, two or five thous and dollars, and will giro you ton houra in which to pay it.' When such demands are made upon us there is nothing to do but pay the money or ran tbe risk of death or imprisonment. The money taken in this way is never paid back again. We Ainorlcniis in Mexico feel that onr government ought to say to Mexico that if the present treaty does not protect us Irom these lorced loans, as tboy term tlicm, then thero must be a new treaty that will protect us. Thut U about *11 that we domaud Iroiu the government, and that, we think, we aro entitled to, and wo would like to have It in tht-^wer of the consuls to give that pro lection and give it in lull. Protection that is not k icked up by the powor of the government Is no pro motion at all. AKSKXATIOX 0KS1HSD. "All Americans in Mexico would like to see an acqui sition of territory by our government, for they consider It the only way in which this question can be anally settled. What they would liko to have is, that tbo Halted States rovornment establish a protectorate over Mexico, put a government into powor there and maintain it against all revolutionist!. The better class of Mexicans, too, would bo satisfied with such a pro tectorate, for they are tired of tbn continual wars and levoiutious there, und dcsiro a chauce to develop tne vesourcee ot the country. Ibis they are utterly un able 10 do at present, and should our government establish sucn a protectorate the result would bo to give peace to Moxico. Kevolution in Mexico is simply mother name tor plunder. At present tbe Diaz party Is in power, but there are continual revolutions against Diss. On the 2.1 of June last (1?78) General Triaa, a revolutionist, with twelve wen, took possession ?l the city ol Chihuahua, captured the Uovernor and made him n prisoner. Gcnoral Trias held the city un til tho 19th ol September. All the rabble who bad nothing to do Hooked to ins standard, lie levied ro cruits, and to support this body tbe merchants or the city were ooinpelted to contribute over $200,000, a very great majority ol wlilch came irom the lore liners, und cot a dollar ol which will over be repaid. Trias'first call was for $56,000. It was acknowledged to me that about $37,000 ol this wa> all that was collected, or * l. ' li $3i,OOA was collected liom tbo foreign residents ol the city. One Urm ol whicu I know rcluted to pay, and their safe was taken Irom their store and oarrled 10 the kacieniia. Tbe brni, in order to redeem their safe, were compolleil to pay the $5,000 demanded ol them. HOW TO HTor HKVOLOTIONS. "The only way to retneuy theso matters is to stop all lorced loans, and by so doing you at once slop all revolutions. That is a" tact that is as sell-evidoat as anything in the world, aud it is a truth that our gov ernment ought to bear In mind. The German gov ernment has takon steps to protect Its ciuzens, aud telegrams have been sent Irom the City ot Mexico to the Governors ol all tho dillereol States saying, 'Do not put any lorced contributions upon any citizens or the German Empire,'and tho result is that German residents ol Mexico aro Iroed Irom this robbery, for it ts nothing else. The fact that tho tierman Kinpire can protect Its citizens, while ours either caunot or will not. Is very galling to the American residents of Mwuco, lor they think that Ameri cana, if they bohave themselves and respect the laws or the country, are entitled to as much justice and protection at are citizens ol any other govoruuieut. r.ogland has no Minister at present in Mexico, and her citi/eua are undor tbo protection of tne American Minister, who gives them as much protection as ho a able, but when be is unnble to protoct his own coun trymen be cannot do much tor Kngltsbmau; but when Kngland bau a Minister in Mexico tbe Mexicans ouce pui sotno lorced loans upon tier citizuus, but they were repaid within four months Irom the fact that a little persuader in the shape of a gunboat steamed into the barber ol Vera Cruz und thruatuned to boiubard the city II the loans were not repaid Ibis geutle rerftinder ot the willingness and ability ol England to protect ber citizens residing abread had tbe desired etle't. Forced loans piu upon American citizens havo never been repaid, nor It there any likelihood that they ever will be Ouo Arm In Cblbuahua was asked (or a loan of $5,000. They re- | fuseu to pay it. That night one of the partners was i taken Irom his bed, without giving biui timo to dress, and taken to prison. Ibo uext pay tbe Qrtn paid the : money to reloase the gentleman. When tbe claim lor this was made bolore the roceut mixed commission, it | was thrown out because it was not properly proved, hut the commission allowed $500 damag e against the ' Mexican government for tbo outrage. About $300,000 was decreed against Mexico tor these lorced loan claims bv this commission, and tho money was raised I by that government by another series of lorced loans, the majority of which were again paid by Ameri cans, farming the basis for another series of claims to be settled, perhaps, by auotlier mixed commission. All we ask ot the United States govern ment Is to stop all this, sod ti think we are entitles to ask that II nothing more. Our government promise* us protection against discrimination as between Mem j run and American citiseus, saying that we must stand ' exactly the same as the Mexicans. Wo think that we aro entitled to such prmecllou us does not give the Mexican government a chance to discriminate agsiast us. Tbero Is discrimination against Americans, as every American in Mexico knows to bis sorrow, hut tbo difficulty is to ge\ sufllclsnt legal proof to convince an International ooramlssion. When tho forced loan claims were presented bolore the recent mixed com mission tbe Mextcon Commissioner held thut they were tho same as any other government debt, as bond*, Ac , aud only payable at the City ol Mexico, and his views wero sustained by the commission and tho claims throws out. Tbe treaty ol England und Mexico positively forbids any lorced loans being put on ling, fish subjects; our treaty only prohibits discrimination between Mexlosn and American citizens. now to Dsvsior tiis oolstsv. "Onco five protection and capital and labor will trans form those mountains of silver in Mexico into moun tain* ol wesltb, tungible lor commercial purposes There is more silver hi Mexico than in nil Nevada, hut there are none to work the mines, snd tlicy are lying Idle end wealth is thus locked up that migni be m* io available. There ure mmedor iron ol jroat richness, and there Is one iron mountain In tW Zaoeteess region that yield* eighty-five per cent pure iron. Iron la worm id Mexico Irom twenty-two to iwenty-tbree cent* lu silver a pound. In the whole Stat* ol Chihua hua, which is larger tluin the State of New York, there are at present only seven steam engine* lor all pur pose* and throe ol them have been put in witbln the laot two year*. '?There I* the finest climate there In all the world, and no healthier ouo to be I'ound ou the whole continent, bat *o long a* our (overument mamtaiua It* present position a* regard* tbu protection of lU citizen* ernl {ration and capital will not flow Into that country. Tbe luxicau people bare neither tbe induatry nor tne | uioney required to develop tbe rlcb mineral reaourco* , ana agricultural and manuiacturlng cbancea that aro | presented, and It only need* American industry and energy t? make Mexico tbe richect country in Ui? world. riKLUH ro* mtkhmim. "A print laotory or blaachery would be a magnificent and profitable enterprise there. Tbe duty on print* in Mex ico 1* eight and a half cenl* a yard. They cau ho bought here lor Uvo aud a hall conts a yard, and aell { there readily lor twenty to twenty-five cento a yarn. | II tome enterprising firm should establish a print lac- i tory there, and be guaranteed luiiuunity from loroed loan* a fortune would be made in a very abort time. I A railroad iroiu any poiut ou tbe Texas 1'atiUc Hail- I road eaat of El l'aso, through Cbihuahua to Onymu, would make tbe shortest hue to one of the best bar ber* ou tbo Pacific coast, Ban Kranclsco not ?x copied." 0n being asked aa to hla opinion upon the respective merits ol tbe tbreo claimant* for mc I'residency ol Mexico?Diux, Lerdo and lgleslaa?Mr. Scott replied that his official poaitiod would not permit bint to give any opinion. The Diaa government was not recog ni/ou by the United Slates, una I.*rdo was acknowl edged to be the rlgbtlul President; but beyond that he declined to say anything. Mr. Scott showed some specimen* of lilvar ore taken from the mines in Chihuahua, on* ot wnick L* affirmed wonid assay $i2,000 to the ton. NAVAL INTELLIGENCE. THE ATLANTIC SQUADRON COMING NORTH. IB* TELF.GKAPU TO THE HERALD. 1 Four Rotii., via BitAcroRT, S. C., I Juue 10, 1877. J The oorvetto Kstex, Commander \7. S. Schley, sailed this morning lor Norfolk, Vic, having Id loir lb* monitor Saugus, Lleutonant W. H. Webb. A* thft latter c;iu iuuica but little headway uuder sieaai the voyage north is likely to l>o somewhat protracted. Tho corvette Ossipce, Commander S. L. lireexe, Is exoocteri here to-morruw, I rum Norfolk, to couvoy the m?n tor Manhattan, Lieutenant Chftlsey, to the latter til*oft. The I'lymonth, Captain Burnett, and Swatara, Com* mandor Cooke, are dully looked lor to couvoy the Cataklll and Mahopac north. NAVAL ACADEMY EXAMINATIONS. [BX TKLBURAFH TO THE HXRALD.] A.NNArOLifi, Sid., Juue 10, 1877. Thorc wero no pructiuul eXeiciaftR at the Naval Academy to-day. On account of tho uopleaaaut weather the Board ot Visitors was mainly occupied In heunng tho oral examination ot students. CUapialu Koberi Hudson has been ordered to the United States practice ship Constellation at An ?apolla. BULLOCK OF GEORGIA. HE DEMANDS BIS TRIAL AND DENIES THAT HE EVER ABSCONDED. [BX TELEGRAPH TO TH? HEUALD.] Atlanta, Gj., June 16, 1877. Ex-Governor Bullock, who bus bceu before the Geor gia courts on the charge of cheating and swindling while Governor aud then absconding, aftor pressing for a trial during the weok und filling to get a day set before August, made a sworn statement to-day in open court in which he usscrted that ho had never ab s con (led; that thero wore no indictments against him when Be left the State, and that he Das been ever smce his departure In direct communication wttti the ofllcers of tho State, aud frequently inot them in New York to consult on State matter*, once meeting Governor Smith there by appoiutmeut. He astcried that lie has been ready to return at any time thai he could get a trial, aud thai after two attempts he has failed. Ho asked to be allowed to put bis demand for trial upon thft Court minutes, but the judgo lelused the request. Senator mil, la a speech to me court, said that be hud adviacd Blodgeit and Bullock not to roturn to Georgia until the excitement had died out. Noihing will be done-to bring these trials on beiore August. ISSUE OF SILVER COIN. THE FULL BUM FIFTY MILLIONS, ?DEDUCTING ONLY THE AMOUNT OP FRACTIONAL CUR RENCY ACTUALLY OUTSTANDING. Wamhingtox, June IB, 1877. The following was Isauod this afternoon: ? ThKASUBY IlKPAHTM KXT, I Wahhinutox, June 14, 1877. } To A. U. Wyman, Treasurer United States:? ism?It appear* troin the report of the Treasurer of thft I mmd States, the Comi l roller of th? Currescy ami the Chief ot the Bureau of Engraving and Prim Ing, dated the ttih Inst., that the amount of iraotioual currency lost or destroyed aud which, therefore, can not be presented for icdcmpiiou is 18,083,618 6a Thft Attorney General, In his opinion ot this duto, holds that in ascertaining the amount of fractional currency outslauding witnin the meaning of the third section of the joint resolation ot July 22, 187(1, there sbwiid bo deducted from tho amount ot such cur rency issued and not redeemed the amount lost and dctb'oyed. The amount Heuod and uot redeemed on Mar 31, 1877, was $:2l,.0H,t<30 33, und deducting tbe amoaul lost and destroyed, as above mated, will leave $13.US3,41ti 83 the amount ot fractional currency which, according to tho optoion ot the Attorney Gen eral, was then outstanding. You are, therefore, di rected to issue, according to law, from time lo time, an ninount of silver coin which, including tho amouut issued since the dale ot the Konumptiou act ot January 14, 1875, and the amount ot fractional currcncy out standing as thui ascortalned, will equal 160,000,000, Vory respectfully, JOHN SHERMAN, Secretary. DESPERATE CHIME. A HUSBAND KILLS HIS WIFE AND THEN TAKES HIS OWN LIFE. [BX TELEGRAPH TO THE HE&ALD.] Uloomincton, III., June 10, 1877. The most horrible tragedy ever enucted in Central Illinois occurred near Bloomington last night at ten o'clock. Fred. Hendricks, a wealthy farmer of Old town Township, nine miloa euat from bore, haa for years lived unhappily with his wife, aud she has, at dlfTcrem times, unsuccessfully brought suit lor di vorce. Soma years ago Hendricks, to satisfy her, made a deed of all his property, including 320 acres of finely Improved land, to hit wife. This and other matter* have rankled iu his mind until within the paat year he has become at least purilally deranged, and on several occasions attempted to take hi* own lite and that of hie wife. A5 K.tD or THR strips. I.ast night he returned home from Bloomington crazed by wiiiakey, ami in a tit of anger shot and killed fiis wile, lie tueu fled, but hu dcuu body was found i this mormuif lying beside u hay alack, his head pierced by iwo balls, and the same pistol that lie used In bis wife's murder ly ing discharged by his ?idft. Hendricks was aged illiy years and leaves ?k chil dren from two to twenty-one years ot age. He was born iu this oouniy aud was known generally la tue central part of Illinois. TIIE MOUNT VERNON MURDER. BURIAL OF TIIE VICTIM?NO FURTHER FEAR OF LYNCHING TUB OBDURATE ASSASSIN. (BT TELKOltAI'H TO THE IIF.RALD. 1 Moumt Vkrnon, Ohio, June 10, 1877. Tbe luuoralof the murdered muu McBrido leok place this morning at the Borgun House, after which tho re mains were escorted to tbe railroad depot by several civic societies of which tb? deceased was a member, a large concourse of people und tbe Mount Vernou nl ver cornet band play ing a dirge. Tbe body will be taken to Cadiz, Ohio, his former home, tor interment. a srouKriTioff or ltxch t.jtw. It was thought uecesssry, owing to tno high stato of excitement existing, to place n squad of militia around thojuii last night lo provent the lyncningoi Bergen. Howevor, there now seems no danger ol this kind, as the cxcitemeui Is subsiding. He expresses no repent ance for the horrible act he committed, bin persist* in tho idea that lie was right iu shooting his victim. BILLS SIGNED. Alhatt, N. Y., June 10, 1877. The Governor has signed tho following bills:? Kelativa lo a change of grades ol airftots and avenues tn tue Twenty.third aud Twenty-fourth wards, Now York. Amending tho Kevited Statutes relative to applica tions (or mouoys paid into the Stale Treasury by ad inlnthirators. Relative to repairing and Improving Fourth street from Din-ion avenue lo Grand street, Brooklyn. To enable ibo city ol Brooklyn to lorther improv* Prospect Park. Keiative lo salaries, lees, percentages and allow ances to officers ol tho City of Brooklyn. To provide lor payiug lor build lug certain sewara I u the city ol llrookiyn. Providing that the powers ol tba Harbor Mastor be conferred on i>olic.oinuii detailed to certain dock* and piers in Brooklyn. Amending tho Revised Statutes In relation to laying out public roads and adorations thereof Keiative lo assignments ol the e,tales of debtors for the b?uelll of creditor*. Amending the uct lor the incorporation of public and prlvaie cemeteries. Authorizing the trustees ol Incorporated rural remo- I terios to register the lots thereol aud lo Impose a l?x ii| on I lie lot owners ID said cu mounts lu Kingo and Mueftua common. BASEBALL. THE HABTFOBDS UZFKA.T TUB BT. LOtIB 6 TO 3. Notwithstanding the stormy, unpleasant weather of yeaterday, abuat twelve hundred spectator* aaseuiblod at tbe Union Ground to witness the Oral contest tn Brooklyn between tbe famou* St. Louu olab and the coming champions?tho flarttord* of Brooklyn. The game commerced at about lour o'clock, witU tbe Hart lord* at tbe bat. Holdaworth led off with a ground ball to Battln, wbo threw him out at first base. Start made a base hit, but was lorced out on sccaad by Burdook'a bit to third base, Burdook went to second on a pas* ball. Carey made a safe bit, and Ferguson followed with a pretty line bit. Bending both men in, scoring the ilrat two runs ol the game. York ended tbe Inning by forcing Ferguaoa oat at second base. Dorgan led off with a three baae felt for tbo St. Louis. Clapp bit to Ferguson and wo* thrown out at first. McGeary mado a safe bit, aending In Dorgaa and going to second on an error by Harbridgo. Bat tin made a safe bit, sending McGeary borne. Force struck a oall to Larkln, who threw Battln out at sec ond. Rem?en closed the inning by bitting to Forgu ?on, who threw bun out at first base. Both aides retired In the second and third Inmuiis without scoring, in tne fourth Inning the Hurtfords went out in oue, two, throe order. UaiUn, the tint striker ol tbe St Louis, bit a sharp ball to Burdock, who threw him out at first base. Force, Hornsea, Croti and Bloug each made pretty line hits and Force scored hla run on Bloug's hit At ibis stago the expect was discouraging lor the home team, witn one man out, three on ba.-,es und tbe score standing three to two iu faver ol St. Louis. Nichols, tbe next striker, bu a long line ball to HoUJawoith at contre Ucld, wbo caught It and threw iterason out at home baso, making a boautlful double play, and thus closing In triumph what seemed to bo a disastrous inning for the Hartford*. The filth iiiDinr wiis productive ol nothing to either side. In tbe etxib muiug "old reliable"?Jo* Start?led off With a beauiilul two-base hit over Dorgan's head in left fii'ld, umld tremendous cheering from the crowd, lie took thud base on an error by Clapp, where he ro maium while the next two striker* wore put nut. Ferguson coming to tne roscue with a sale base bit seat .Start homo, wbiob again tied tbe ?core and ellcucd hearty appiuuse Neither lid* scored iu tbe seventh inning. Iu the eigbtn inning Holdaworth led oil by hilling a ground ball to Force ul short atop, who throw bim out at lir*t hake. Mart unltriunat ;ly went out on a foul tip. Burdock and Carey each made salo ba*e hits, and Cap tain Ferguson a^aia cmue to the rettcue witb a ions line bit to the Held, which sent both men home and gavo tbo gaino lo the Haril'or Is, no more run* being made by either aide. Tbe following la the worn:? HAKTFOKlt. 8T. LOl'18. Player*. KIHO.A.K Plants. U.lli.O.A.E. Holdsw'ib,c.f 0 1'J 1 0 Dorgau, I. f.. 1 1 1 0 0 Start, 1st b.. 1 2 14 o 0 Clapp, o 0 1 2 0 2 Burdock, 2d b '.2 1 4 4 0 McGcar.v,2d b 1 1 3 2 0 Carey, t a... II U 0 2 0 Hutten, 3d b.. o 1 1 7 0 i'>r(!Ui'u,3d b 0 3 0 ti 0 Foroo, s. *.,. 1 1 4 7 1 York, L I o 0 6 0 0 Henisoti, c. 1. 0 2 0 0 0 Cu*sidy, r. I. 0 1 0 0 0 Croft, 1st b.. 0 1 16 0 0 Harbridge, c. 0 0 1 1 2 Blotiif, r. 1... 0 1 1 0 1 Larktns, p... 0 1 1 4 1 Nichols, p... 0 1 0 1 1 Totals 6 1127 18 3 Totals 3 10 27 17 5 Harilord 2 0000102 0-5 St. Louis 2 0010000 0?3 Umpire?Mr. Konney, of Iirooklya Huns earned?Hartlords, 3; St. Louis, 2. The Wltokas deflated the Mutuals at the Capltollne Grounds by tho following score:? Witoku 000 4 0201 2?9 Mutual 01040010 0?6 At Prospect Park tbe games resulted as follows:? Hudson 10010100 6?8 Nameless 000000100?1 Oaceola 0 1 1 0 0 0 3 0 0? 6 Winona. 00001111 0?4 Putnam 70020210 2?14 Lafayette ?. 11010100 0?4 Independent, 14; Prospect, 11. Athletic, 4; Mystic, 3. AMrich, 13; Horroineo, 8. Crescent, 10; Continen tal, ti. Osceola, No. 2, 7; Ontario, 6. Osceola, No. 3, 8; Oneida, 4 Cambridge. 20; Crescent, 17. Clermont, 23; Colorado, 8. Sencca, 7; Polytechuic, 0. S. M. David son ti Co., 22; Moses Bloom k Weil, 11. Other games played yesterday resulted as follows:? Chicago. 6; Boston, 7. Cincinnati, 4; Louisville, 8. Indianapolis, 3; Star, 6. Hornella, 16; Delaware*, 9. (JltlCKET. Last evening the following members of the Sl? Georges Club left this city lor Canada:?Messrs. Soul ier, Kearney, Moore, Wbeltham, Sotteriliwalto, Clark, Giles, Ketcbum, McDonald and Marfch. On Monday they whl play against the Montreal Club, nod on fin'Sday aud Wednesday against the Ottawa Club. At Ottawa tbe at. Georges will be received by the F.arl of DufTorln, U?#ornor General ot Canada. Tho New York visitors will be courteously entertainod by the Canadian*. On Saturday next the Siitien Island Club play tho Gorinaulown Club, ol Philadelphia, ai Stalen Island. LADIES' <JU i'DOOii BPOBTS. WHAT WAS DONE AT Till! STATEN ISLAND CBICKET CLUB OHOUNDS YESTSBDAY ?LA WN rrSNNIB, AHCIIKKY, AC. The second meeting oi (ha ladles wbo wish to en courago outdoor sports took placo yesterday on the cricket grounds o( the Staten Island oiub at old Camp Washington, Quarantine grounds, Notwithstanding the day wax cloudy and tho sward was damp, a largo assomblugo of lb* benux and belles ot S talon Island assembled to do honor to the occasion. The striped miirqude tents were pitched as usual, tho targets lor the (air archers were placcd. Aunt 8ally was in posi tion with the usual number of clay pipes stuck in ears, mouth, eyes and on bcr torhead, and tho usual num ber ol bad shots were made at her, striking more frequently her frilled cup thun her ladyship's nose. At about the hour ol live carriages commenced to drire up to the club grounds, and the committee or arrangements bad tbeir bunds lull to accord a titling reception to tbelr fair guests. Among those preseut were Mrs. K. II. Whittcmore, the Misses Kootievolt, Mies Muy Clark, the Misses Kysn, of the St. Mark's Hotel coterie, and Mrs. Searles. laiwn tenuis, croquet, buseouli, archery ana the minor spurts were Indulged in by the club and invited guobts, und although occasional showers sbould buve dampened tlie anlor ol the participants in tbe games it only seemed to wbet their uppolito lor contiuuancc. It wus m pretty sight from tbe bay to see tho lawn dotted wltb ligurcs in charming cos tumes moving to and Iro, but distance did not lend enchantment to the view, lor on close inspection the blondes and bruuettes ol la haule societf seemed to re ceive iresb graces Irom their exercises; color was deepened by the fresh air, eyes bad an sdded lustre Iroui the Mlk WSBt winds and lortus oocame sunple from tho practice ol games learned when Greece wus young. Mr. Kobbo, Mr. Whiiicmoro und otner gentle mon, members ol the cricket club, mude effectual ef forts to render the onterialnmeni pleasant to their guests, and It may bo said that the second meeting was u grand success. RIFLE MATCH AT HACK ETTS TOWN, N. J. At nuckettstown, yesterday, a shooting match tor $/)0 a side took place betwoeu B. A. Young, Col. C. H. Valentine and 11. H. McCracken on tho one side, and Jacob Young, K. W. Kennedy and J. T. Stewart on the other. Tbe distance was the same as laid down in Bogsrdus' rules for glass bail shooting, and the num* I>?t ol balls was fiOO. Some good shooting was done by D. A. Young, who bit --!60 bans, al o by Colonel Valen tine, who managed 10 break 1!X0. The .side beaded oy I). A, Young woo the moiioy alter an exciting and olose contest. J. Coolboch sprung the balls, Jacob Young scored tho couui and W. Kennedy was cnosen referee. A matnli between two Well known riflemen is under consideration, and Will probably come otr next week. STOKES" OIL WORKS AGAIN. A motion to sat astrio an Injunction recently ob tained by Jaberx A. Bosiwick & Co. to proveut Css sfus & Heed aud Mrs. Nancy Stokes, mother of Ed ward S. Stokes, from ejecting them from tbe promises known as tbe Newtown Creek Oil Works, was argued yesterday in tbe .Supremo Court, Kings county, before Justice I'ralt, wbo d?ui?d the uiotiou. Tho plaintiffs are lessees, occupants and operators of the works named. Mrs. Hioxes became embarrassed lu oir cumt-iuncc* a lew years ago and mortgaged tho property ol Cas?ius M. Heed, proprietor of the UolTman House. Tbe mortgage wss ?iiimoi|uoiilly loreclosed, aud was bought in by Mr. Heed lor S1JV,000. Messrs. Hostwick & Co. then brought action to bave the Judg ment of foreclosure sot ssido, on the sllogauon ol col lusion aud rraud on the part of Mrs. Stokes, (Coward S. Stokes std Mr. Heed. '1 boy allege tnst the propcity wu bought mi by Mr. Hoed, who only paid f TOO on the imrcbato Tbe property is ibe same in which James Visk and Kdwsril S. Mokes were interested, and about wbicu they lailod to agree. Tba deiendants have leave to renew tho motion to dissolve tbe injunction. QUACKS IN QLOD. An odd case of table-turning came up yesterday in tbe Newark Police Court. Last Monday thore went to board with Mr. Augustus R. Kuggles, or No. 84 John son street, a singular pair calling themselves doctors? u mule and leinslo. One Is Br. Charles A. Barnes, a mesmeric operator, and tbu other Mrs. Dr. t-arab Black. Ueiore the pair had long been la Urn place ilimr iimnoers excited tbe dis approbation ol Mr Kuggles, and ou Friday lie ordered them to leave, but Mrs. Kuggles said they sbould slay. t,ip liked loo pair, an 1 they proposed to stay, but on Kndsy night Mr. MVgjrles put his foot down und declared they must go. a row eusued, in which, it appears, Mrs. Muggins sided with the doctors, ana ncrsen put out. Yesterday tlio docior* appeared to complain about the alleged assault on till*. Il'jg?<l"s got in a counter tharge, and had the satisfaction of sreing Brs. names and Black locked up m 'lelauil ol ball. Mis. Kuggles was permitted to go homo. an AMERICAN TICHBORNE. an alleged bbotheb-in-law or stonewat.l jackhun baid to be A convict extraob DINABY TESTIMONY YOB AND AOAINST 1THO A remarkable cam ol disputed Identity, vividly re calling the great T.cbburce trial, has been the subiect or Judicial t?T?al?g*tton in tbo Klgbib Distriol our during lb. past Bve days, beior. crowded audiencM. The emphasis and positlveues. wUhwbieb witnesses of tha highost respectability taUIOed ta diametrically opposite lacts gradually worked up tbo Court and .pactator. to lever neat and made th? ques lion one ol intea.e Interest. Tbo caao originated by tbo testimony of one Oadwallader Kvans in ?n action lor ejectment hrou?ht by Mr. Gilbert, owner ol the ^emues No be weTAow^m" ^;.^.rerMr'.KvauSlC,uUo,tUat srwa: a Also the record showing Edwards' con vie S'lr, Recorder Hucketi ana hi. ? J*J in Sine Sins Staio I rlson in April, lnii, auu Ji^medthat Sauiuel Kd*ards was the sumo person as CadwJuader Kvaua. UUlcer Uilpia was produced and mom that be arre-tod mm lor the cunio. audthat Kvuns was the Kdwards who bud ueou so arrested, tried And convietcd. ? P0H1TIVH BKk'IAU Evans wu plsoed on the stand, and swore pMillTaly Tn USE* bU life UiU.Hbls or " b'k.iew nothing of any such check. and that At'the 't me ol this trial and conviction be was not in Nsw York, but wa* ou board ol the ship Ziugara as aooond mate And actually on u.e high suua, nu - lb? port of Now York In the early part ? thTvoar 1871. and that in April, 1871, h? was upon a voyaae to San k'rauoisco; that iroro S?n H-auclaco he ?aited lor 1'ugut Souud, thence to Antwerp; mere be ?oii. his vessel and went to Southampton, wbsnoe ho ii?ri lur N'ew York in the year 1*73, and that during yeirs most it 1873 ho was absent irorn N*MrYCharla8 Oelmoaico was called by the plalntlll to idontifv Kvauh hh iue same peraou wtio bad. under tbe - m. or Kdwards attempted to puss tbo forged check, Sr^ a^dtodiso Ai'Stost.llJd, in bl. opinion, he wal nat tha saine man. Tbe interest in the case at ilu* point became Intmiso, esuecmlly when the plain iiti'F oounricl ibeu proauccil uuothor indictment, ,01111^ !L?806 ugTinst Sno CAdwallader Kvans, cbur^di w uta harclRrtoutfiv breaking * room ?t iue WasmUKion burglariously sealing thertlrotn doming lotol in l guest at -aid hotel, Kvaus '"'"'IVhe Uu^ P^a^'d gu^ty "and h*dl b^en^en tonci^to ?m?i w?? the same person who had committed the Kvans) was tne ??.. ? HalAtead. who was one of crime in liflft- *fr. g ( ( 18#5 nd Mr VMf C T?Im" iT.'cu'"a'r'il?dftm? Gr?U(ler, rsrsSSM lu 186J IB Winchester, > . JucUBOll. thal a(lcr lh8 rel, the *l*ler Kaitimore aud Philadelphia - zy tJs s ftrss-if irii vearrt of nee, caliod Florence, ana who is now^liv in? with him iu tbiscitv; that alter his marriage he i ? L Sew-York "uiill the year 1808. whon ho QS&PBEk T*Km ,0Br"?ho?ias nBUUordJ#b1y^oaDl,lDtf^ tained a de ."ed'descr.Option ol the affair Mr. Mm Ol T?apbiarn Hnliter 1c Co.; Major lireen, ol Ha"" w^ob^ion^rshinV? oMiiu. /-VhVs"Cpryom,scrar,daUthiy aU l.n.xi/r Kvuns al the Jefferson Market roiice tyourt, on tbo charge ol tbe Washingion Hotel no^tdemi'yChi^a^'t"^tnaa*wba WMMmin'ttad 1 n S J" andhrlr^^urmu-^^ ^ 1RKK8TKI) FOR P1KKJCRY. , mu wuV^^'r'aDd1and* Xout0 fli% wmh." woJd reaSer Ju'dgmrt'lor^be piaintill, And as F vans was about to depart Irom the court room he was fa traordluary developments are oxpeoted to bo rnado. THE CENTKAL PARK. Notwithstanding the gloomy aspect of tbo weather Central Park yesterday afternoon was again ttio sc.-no ol eujoyment to thousands. Tbo band, under the leadership ot Messrs. Dodworth and Uralullu, played some ol tholr choicest pteccs, the children roinped, the boys dotted by hundreds the broad lawn wnicb tbe authorities have set apart for baseball play, tbe Ca routsol was thronged, belies uud bouus lound pleasure In tho promenade on the luulls, and paieriainillas, with tbe little (oik, took cotniort lu a sail on the lake. 'I he sun did not tairly actioo his intention* until neurly live o'c.ock, but bis ailveut thru, an lie peeped cheerily above the western clouds, wis tbe signal (or a large outpouring, and tne uptown can were filled with people anxious to exchange tue nultry beat lor tlio breezy surroundings, tbe i.ilia/e and flow ers ol tbe Park. Only tboso wlioltave burn con lined in tbe city bot houses, at the work benob ana oitloo desk, iu close rooms and ill veuiiUiud apurtuteuis can lonn au idea oi ibo glorious cltungu irottt these to toe liealtU-in?r>iring atmosphere that is always to be lound uinoug tlio rocks, trues and country sccuery ol "Uou's broad uoros" In our great public piay grounds. A large number of eiiuipaees auued to ilio llTe ol the occasion, and ttie abseuco of dust mude tbe drives unusually pleasant. Tne presence ol tbe great crowd tliut ibrongs tbe i'srk every Saturday and participates 111 the many pleasures that are afforded to eyo and ear attests uol only Die popularity of ibo spot but tlio good taste or tbone who spread the banquet. TiJE NAPHTHA EXPLOSION. Tho causes ot the oxploslon ot naphtha on board tho lighter Caution, on May ?-!?, were yesterday tbe sub Jcct ol Investigation at tbo Coroner's office. Wlilinm Smith, tb? captain; Cbarlea l.luk, the male, and a youth named Michael Kelly were tbe victims of thu disaster, find tbe Jury rendered a verdict that tho de ceased came to their deaths by tho effects of an explosion on tlio lighter Caution, loaiiod witu naphtha, si tbe foot ot Kllty-tirst street, North Hiver, iroin causes unknown, and ccnuure was pureed upon Lombard, Ayrcs .t Co. lor keeping in tiieir employ an babituul smoker such as Captain Wllliuin smith was proved to be, and more ctution was recommended lu discharging naplitlia iu tbe luturo by tbe Metropolitau (ins Company. As every oue on board tbe ves ol m tho time of tbe explosion perished, It was, of course, nnpos-llile to ascertain the immediate cause of it, uud so tho evidence ot tliu witnesses sum moned to testify was of a purely conjectural character and dealt maroly wlili tho uiiture ol the explosive material aud the methods of truut>purlihg and ducburg Ing it. A couple ol tbe possible causes of th& disaster were alluded to in tho course ol tbo inquest. One was tho habit C.iptaiu Smith huu ol smoking ou board the vessel, tne other the existence of Hide lights In the cabin which may have boon kept burning. BUSINESS TROUBLES. The following Insolvent assignments wero filed In tho office of the County Clerk yestorduySimon llenry to Jnlioa Jonas; John C. Green to Owen Murphy. A petition in bankruptcy has been fllou against Jamos U. Miller, ot this ctiy aud l'ougbkeepste. by Orlando P. Waliortniro and tho Farmers and Manufac turers' National Hank of Foughkrepsle. The lormer has a claim lor |l,0t>l 02, and the batik's claim umounta to 42. Miller, It is alleged, recently transferred a largo amount ot property to various persona, uud Judge Itlatcbiord has granted an Injunction to restrain them iroiu disposing of Ik llenry Taliinadgo Is a pre ferred creditor for 92,100. Register Little lias reoeivod a warrant In bankruptcy against Jamos K. Miller, ol No. 2JW Itroadway, who lias been adjudicated ou ibe petition ol it is creditors. trie ioiiowlug are ttie amounts ot tbe claims oi tbo peti tioning creditors:?Walter t?. Schuyler, $4,tills i?7j Kdwartl La Moutague, i>4;John I. Miller, <tt>uo; Junes V. Kcuenck, $2,vii 11, L)avid Ik Nosh, oOj A. H. Xracjr, $X<Ji Ui. RAPID TRANSIT. Significant Meeting of West Side Property Holders. EMPHATIC SPEECHES AND RESOLUTIONS. The Elevated Railway Asked to Extend Its Route. It would appear thai tho trlouds of rapid transit have organized an earnest cuinpuign in the lurihor anoc ol tboir favorite and needed measore. Thecoursa ol the last Lcgislsluro seeiu* 10 hive stirred up a more spirited intercut, and brought tbo projectors ol tbe great luoilliy to a flrtner dependence upon themselves Following upon tho recent largo uieotiuj: ut Chicker lug Hull there wna a gathering last evening ut the Liou Brewery of properly holders of ibo west side who uro interested in an extension ol tho present Ele vated road to Harlem River. I'romlceui among ibis assemblage were Daniel F. Ticraanu, Fornondo Wood, R. M. Water/, William Johnson, Lawaon N. Fuller, Dtvight U. Olmstosd, 'tobert Marshall, William F. Dickson, Andrew Blakely, Cyrus Clark, David H. Koapp, Stephen 0. Williams, John Brower, E. Rem bolwer, Geriuuin ritanchell, Simeon E. Chnrcb, Cieorgo Ruiid, Byron 8. Coates, Charles E. Slinms, Isaao A. Ltwronce, Dr. F. A. Otter aud others. iho moeilu; was called to order by Mr. Daniel F. Tleinunn. 3lr. David IL Knnpp was chosen probldout, Mr. Cvrus Clare secretary, wnh tbe following list of vico p.esuJenis:?Manuel Berubeimer, William 1'. Dixou, William VV. Brown, Joseph Morrltt, liyrou S. Coates, Charles E. Simmi, Rinaldo M. Waters, George Rudd, Isaac A. Lewreuoe, Andrew Bloakloy. The soc rotary read the succeeding resolutions, which were auopted with considerable fervor. KKflOLOTlOMS AOOI'TKl). Resulved, That It is the daijr ol all elilsiut singly and aaitadly to exhaust rvery menus to agitate the public mind upon tU? subject ot rapid transit, and tu this end we In lie till'111 vo assemble in public lucetInifit in eacli ward and *ssemnly district to demand that immediate an i sub stantial relief '10 granted : and we ask tne press, as tne ex ponent uf popular will and loaiing, to unceasiiicly demand tils removal of all obstacle* winch have delayed the attain ment of thin great bleu dug, and to attack and expose all persons and URineies which thwart the will ot llie people. h'esulved, That It is tho duty of all> at the comliiK election tu sudeavor by every weans to secure, in the repre sentatives scut froui this city to Albany, men u-ho will aid In the consummation ot thla great necessity. and tu that end we nuffeit tliat tbe Irlendsot Kapld franslt ortsaulio In each Assembly district for the purpose of securing such representatives as will be beyond the iutliience that has so long bren enabled to defeat this great work,.demanded by every consideration ol publlo health, economy and policy. Kesolved, Tnat the .New York Iflevnlod Kuilrosd Com pany, having beau luveited with a valtiaole franchise by the people, be required. In retnru lor such frxuchise. tu make sucli imm mate extension of their railroad as will meet the requirements of tbe public. Ke-oiied. That a committee ol live be appointed bv the President of tui* meeting to present tbeae resolu tions to tbe I'resident of said railroad company, and, while urging his urompt consideration of tliwin. express to him tbe eonOdence which this nest ing repns s in otie who has hitherto so successfully under taken aud completed great projects, and its gratlHcation that Into his hands has Keen intrusted the task of bringing rdiet to a burdened community. President Knapp thou Introdacod Mr. Fernando Wood, wbo spoke as loilowa:? HI-KHril or FEK.NAMDO WOOD. Gkntmsmkn?The immediate objoot of tbla meeting la to urgo the proprietors ol tbo Elevuted Railroad, which bus now lta terminus at Ninth avenue and Fiily-nintn street, to extend their track as lar upward a* the present condition of the avenuo will permit, and also to express the opinion of Uio citizens ot this part of the city us to tbe necessity ol more speedy means ot communication with the lower part of tho .city. At present the Elevated Railroad edors tho only*opportu nity wo have for speedy access to tho business com munity below. To tbe city the world this side of Coutral 1'ark is scarcely known?us advantages and inducements for a Orst-ciass residential population are as yet not born; circumstauccs have not favored Improvement, though na ture In its bounty baa been Invisn It its gilts and given us the mest lovely and beautiful por tion ol tbo city; and in no distant day the west aide ol Now York will, like tbe weal side ol l.ondon, be more sought tor, and will bo more valuable than any part of the metropolis. It is npoa thla narrow portion, bounded easterly by tbo Farlc and westerly by the river, south by Fifty-ninth street and north by Spuyten Duyvll, thai lies tho most valuable part of this great city. It is here that nature has bestowed lis chioleai handiwork, and we can, with but lliiie effort in tbe way of adornment of that which was orig inally so attractive, establish what shall be known hereafter ae the moat healthy, the moat enobanling, the most deslruble section ot this emporium. The speaker here gave several reasons to Justify his position regurding tho advantages ol tho west auto ruglon, acd continued:?"Now, to make this of prac tical utility we must have rapid transit, the quick means ot ingress and egress. Time to New Yorkers is a prlnio necessity. Wo cannot ullord to be long In getting to and troin our occupa tions, whatever they may be. We uro quick lu our thoughts, quiok In our motions, quick In our percepuona and in our conclusions. We appear to act hurriedlv, it Is true, but there is an Intelligent comprehension that governs ua and which leads 10 Important results and generally accomplishes all wo undertake. We want quick, cheap aud regular methods of communication. We want S'ime of tho recent facilities wblolt capital, gonitis and ouergy have Imparted to tbe Ioco moiiou of the world. Tuo Elovated ro id can give it to us; we ask it, though wo have a right to do tuuud Ik (Applause.) Nor du wo ask this because we think that capital will expend itsolf lor our benellt; lor we are quito sure that every dollar appropriated to Rominao ibis road upwurd will bo handsomely reim bursed by the large amount ot traltlc which will sorely lollow and to some extent bo produced by lu 1 buvo oilon boen surpribod that a portion ol the wuuderlul energy which Ha* boen displayed In tho creation of vast railroad enierprisoa acroaa aud throughout the Continent of Amorica haa not thought a liillo ot tne openiugs lor a more auro, speedy and advantageous roiurn which tho oily of New York itself otlored. This city has really and in faot a population ot 2,500.000 wbo daily transact their buamosa, and uro to all intents ami purposes doriving every advantage ol the taxation which we ourselves bear, and yot about one-hull ot them only aro voters and actual residents ot the city itself. There uiubi be some great fundamental cause lor ibis. It oannot be possible that any merchant, lawyer or profe.-sloual uioii, mechanic or tradesman would prefer crossing the rivers und going soino distance troin iheir im mediate interests tbuu to bo in the immediate viotnity of those interests and ttioir occupation und em ployment*. I attribute this condition ol things very much lo the want of rapid transit, and urn glad to toe iho people ol ihe oily generally awakoning to the neccs.->Hy of ti, and bopo that the lesult will be that not only the Elevated road, bat every other project of alike intelligent and enterpri-ing character, may be adorned and carried, so as to all'ord the parts ol the city above Filly-tnuih street ihe advantages which we ao much require ourselves upon ibis sldo." Mr. Wood s exposition ot the needs of the west side residents was loudly applauded, and after the Secre tary hud read me opinion of the Eualisn engineer. Gallon, upon the Elevated road (proviously published In the Hkkalii), tho Prosident introduced Mr. Dwlght II. Olmsuad. SPKKf'U OF DWH1I1T If. OLMBTKAD. Mr. Oltnsiuud said"Whenever, tor a few years past, tho pro| arty owners on the west side bnve do i nianded the completion ol tbe public Improvements tor which they have boen so heavily and inequitably usseswbu, they have been mot by ihe objection that no ? more houses were needed lor residences on this Island, and tbe long lines ol unocoapled boulevards and ' airoeis on the west side wore pointed to in proof of tbe truth ol the assertion. Vain was it to oppose to this statement tacts and figures to explain that 50,000 paoplo annually settled lu the suburbs of ins citv who would prelcr to live within lis limits, and that all whioh was needed to entice ibein here was rapid transit?it was all lu vain. Tlio vacant streets stood an unimpeachable witnesses ol mismanagement, corruotion aud prcmutare dec y ol the city. It wus insisted that til* city was practi cally dead. Assessment* had killed it. t'ntown im provenients*nnd municipal cxtravaguno* had killed ll Tweed had killed ll. It had died not the death of tbn righteous, but of the wicked, and broad was tbe way which led to Its dcatruclion. When Commodore Vunderbllt broke the eg* and oat camo iho chicken?rapid transit on tho Fourth av< nuo ?what was the result? Why,new houses have followed , the lino of that improvement like sparks from the locomotives of the road. Immediately, even in a time ol uuoxumpled businoas depression, great ao livlty In building has commenced. Up go blocks ol houses, over Lenox Hill, over Yorkvilla, along llarlem Flats, almost in a night, like exhalations; and within u year or two the whole dlsiai.oo Irom the Ff rty-second Hlruet Depot to Harlem River and bo youd wiii form a continuous etiy. Now, it la naked, why is thorc not the same activity In building on the wast aa thorn is on the east side of the city T The Fourth avenue Improvement has answered that question. It I* because thore is no rapid transit on the west side. This is tho sole and only reason. Would it not be right that tho whole city should | ay oiic-hiill the coal of n rapid transit road on the weKi aider Wby should tbe w*at side bo taxed for tho Fourth avenue road unless tho euat side la taxed for a like road litre f Gentlemen, h?H not the west sldo psld out enongb money lor ibo exclusive behcflioi downtown improved propurtv, and is It not about time the thing was aiopped ? You can aton li, tor you navo tbe matter pretty much In your own hands through your voire and inlluence. 1 advise every one of you io vote no longer lor partisan ends, hut lor Ibo protection el your selves from ibe gross injustice under whioh you have ao long siiflcrod The Now York Elevated Railroad haa done all that It could under the circumstances, and lor that wo are thanklul. ll Is uow in the control ol an able, tar sighted and encrvettc board ol directora. who will leave no stone unturned in insure lta anocesa. But 11, on ucconut ol opposition by tho horso railroads, or the deoisions or orders ol the courte, or thi inability or neglect ol tne company, ll shall fall io exieud its traok northward thla summer, iliaa 1, tor one, am lor u new departure and tor a combined movement among ourselves lo secure th? end desired, with or wi'.boat tne co-operation ol any existing cor poration, aa may It* best. W? ffii9 are dually mt?t asted In It bare too long left tbia business to otbera. Let u* organize here ibia very evening, tppolot com mittees, and if need bo ?ei aucb machinery lu motion as shall compel Hie authorities, Slut* and municipal to provide uk ai once with a rapid transit road wlilob shall bo salui iclory totbe public, tree tins hide-hou-ad city, and give it a new start in prosperity, growth aud power. (Applause.) MKKCIIfcs ??JT TIIOMAH a KCCLKSI.NIC AMD OTIIIRS. Upon bm introduction Mr. Ecctesine spoke u M lows:? Ki.i.i.uw Citizkxs?Speaking to yoa as residents ? thin diKirict it will bardly be necessary to elaboraM tbo now universally recognized laot that rapid transit II csacuilalto the continued growth and prosperity oi n>? city ol New York 1 desire, however, to reluto the theory that has beeu promulgated by the opponents or rapid transit, that it is merely a local matter, alfecUug Una up per cud or the district, and bringing no compensating advantages 10 the re?t ot tb? city ol New York. 1 suppose that It will ho admitted that anything thai mctu.ises the population and the lux valuttiou of ih? properly ol the city beuoBu tlna community. Now, what do wo llud existing to-day in New York? Tin most casual observer at any ol tha ferries tbat plj between ibis cuy and Brooklyn, or this cay au? New Jersey, cannot tail to notice at the close 01 every business day tbo number of business meg reluming to thoir (iomeg lu New Jersey, and lu vari ous parts ol Lou^t Island, aftar the business hours art over in New York. Every ona ot tbaae men earu then living here; they take so much sway troin the general lumi iliut should be the t-ourcu ol a lax mveiiue; they practically oarry away ?o much woiltb from tbia county tbat legitimately belongs to the county, and should luraisu it a source ol revenue. I hf legislation sought to be obtained In tbe last Legislature in lavor ol rapid transit was aimply this:? Thai betore any litigant could go into court ana obiail au ex parte injunction h? should Ule a bond in sufflciein umouut to indeiunily the company tor tho damages re sulting to tuem Iroin the injunction II at tbe end o the suit bo failed to maiutaln his alleged rights J here was nothing wonderlul In this leal urn. Many legal procedure.-, have this element attachod la them. You cannot obtain an order restralmug th? liberty ol a citizou without tiling a bond sulHclently ample to compensate him lor damages In caae tha ol arrest is afterward set aside; you can't touch proporty without liling a bond In double tb? amount ol tho property nought to bo attached, and it ceria.n.v seems reasouabio in a public enterprise of so vast an Importance lo tbe wollaroot the entire community as tho rapid transit enterprise suould be guarded by some such safeguard as this. For reasous that have already beuu explained that legislation tailed. Tbe remedy lie* with tho peoplo. If tho peoplo ol this State and couuty, recog nizing tbo importance of rapid transit, desire to attain it, they uaii do ao by olecung a Legisla ture that will be plodged to rupld transit. (Applause.) Tho people organized in their power some yean ago aud burled trom power tho men who were false to tbn iruats reposed in tbnm, and baaed as our govern ment is upon tbe sovereign will ol tho poople, when ever they take the trouble to express tbat sovereign will in the legitimate exercise ot the elactivo tranchiso, they will accomplish their otOoot and obtain irom tha Legislature any enactments they may require." Mr. Simeon & Church was next 'Introduced, and strongly urged upou tho voters of tbe west side tbo necessity of their sanding ouly rapid transit men to roproiont them In the Legislature. He said Uioy ought to bava representatives intelligent enough lo kuow what rapid transit means tor thia city, and laitblul enough to carry out lueir convlo tions. Other speeches were made by gentlemen praaent, Including Mr. D. F. Tietuann, who nariaiedsome intor a.'iling reminiscences ol the progress of rapid irauelk A committee wus then sppomtod to preseul ibo resolutions ot ihe meotiug to tbe President ol tbe Klevuied Hallway, as follows:?Messrs. D. 11. Knapp, Fernando Wood, Cyrus Clark, Will iam P. Dixon and John Krower. Messrs. Clark, Knapp aud Dixon were ulflo appointed acommit tee to obtain signatures to a petition lo the President ot tho Klevaiod itoad from property boldere on Nlntb avenun, asking an extension ol the line, alter which the meeting adjourned. It is understood tbat another rapid transit meeting will soon be held on the east side. MAUIA MONK'8 DAUGHTER MA&. ltLLD. A couple of carriages drove up to tha Komau Catho? lie Church ol the Epiphany, situated ou Second ave nue, at niue o'clock yesterday morning, aud out of Ihom alighted lb roe ladios and two gentlemen. Ona ot the ladies was drubbed in bridal attire. This was tbo widow Mrs. L. St. John Eckel, who is a daughter of ?'Maria Monk,''authoress ol a book, wbioh appeared in lSotl, entitled "Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk," which wus a tirsue ol calumnies against the inmates of tbe Hotel Dieu or Blaok Nunnery in Montreal. Tha falsity of the allegations wero conclusively proved by tlio lato Colonel W. L Stone, a Protestant, of tha Journal of Commerce, who personally investigated them. The bride looked happy, and chatted with animation while entering tha portals ol the sacred cdlllce. Her robo was of tbe richest and moai elogaul kind. Sue claims on her father's side to bo descended Irom Honry St. John, Lord Uolingbroko, ot Kngiand. She was accompanied by bar daughter, a beauti: u i girl ol some seventeen sum mere, named Mario Oausvleve Dominique Fernando l^onoro, lor wi om tho Prinooss Sulkowsku stood as godmother and Viscount Laterriere as godfather at her obristenlug id Paris. In company with the bride was ox-Judgo Tonaey, of Elizabeth, N. J., who was to givo bur away. Tho groom, a tall, gray headed man ot soma elxty summers, oroot as a soldier, was Mr. S. M. A. Harper, lato editor of tba New York TaHrt und a widower. 11a is a graduate of Oxlord, England, aud has boeu soma tbree years In this country. Ha la kuown In the metropolitan press of this oily as a bril liant theological writer. For elghioon years he was a minister ol the Churoli ol Eugland, aud at ono lime held a living under tho than Archdeacon Manning, now the Cardinal. Later on ho embraced tho Koman Catholic lauli and established u Human Catholic papar at Clasgow, In Scotland, called the Northern Standard, and another paper at Livorpool, both of which dial Til K MAKKIAUK CKBKMOST. The wedding ceremony waa portormed by the Rev. Father Uirdsull, the pastor of the church. At its con clusion the nawly married couple adjournod to a lash lonubio hotel, whero a reception was held. In tha evening they left tor South Amenia, in Dutchess county. A QUEER PROCEEDING. BXTBAOBDINABY STATUS UT THE PB08ECU TIOH IN TUB EDMONDS CASE AT MOUNT VEBNON. The proceedings, commenced sonio weeks ago, foi tbe removal from office ol Robert VV. Edmonds, a Jus tlco of the i>eace at Mount Vernon, Weatchostci county, on chargcs of alleged malfeasance la offico, have now descended almost Into a broad farce. Alter two DoslponemenU yesterday altor noon waa llxcd lor taking additional tcBtt mony, but when tbe appointed boar arrlvod II transpired that tbo meeting could not take plaoe, owing to the fact that both ol tbe prooecatinff coun sel?wco were also tbo prirno movers of tbe luvostigu tion? had witmlrawn Iroin the case. It appears that one ol tbe lawyers allu led to U the proprietor ot a newspaper In tbo village, and is also tbo delendant In a libel buit brought ny Justice Kdmonds s-rae months prior to tho commenccinent ol tbo proceedings in th? attempted removal case. .Since tbe last hearing bofors the referoo In the Edmonds case tho lawyei alluded to enterod Into a compact by which be agreed to pay Edmonds a certain sura ol money and In addition withdraw from tho prose< CUtion bo bad commenced, the condition on tbe othoi tide oeiog that the suit lor libel should be Uihcoimu uod. The money lu the case, or a portion of It, wal actually paid, but tbe lawyer, to the surprise ol tbi other side, In his apparont abandonment ot tbe pro oeeJinga against Edmonds, turned tne case over to liia partner. Yesterday afternoon Edmonds formally notified tbe lawyer that bo would at once rocominonco procoedinga In tbe llbol suit aaainst him. Tba associate counsel In the removal caso has apparently tukon the advice oflerea by tba referee al tbe laat meeting, aod has also withdraws from any further participation In tbe procoodtng, owing to a conflict of opinion as to wbo ia responsible for iLio ler? ol tbe refcroo and stenographer. Ilia cast now stands adjourned to tne 7th pros. A DASHING DOCTOR. On the 20th of April, 1871, James H. Duggan, a welN known young doctor, was raarrlod to Susan, the daughter of 1'atrlck Corrigan, Jr., of Na 68 East Eighty-seventh street, who at that time waa compara tively wealthy. Tbe raarrlod couple lived happily together until September, 1873, when tho doetoi abandoned hla wile, nnd since then baa (ailed to contribute anything toward bar support. On several occasions Mrs. Duggan heard reports that ber recreant husband waa leading a ilfo ol dush and lutttry, bat alio retrained from prosecuting him. Re cently, however, she yleldod to the solicitation of friends, and obtained a warrant for bia arrest lor abandonment. 'I ho Doctor was arraigned at the York vilio l'olico Court yesterday In tlio presence ol a lurga audience interested in the es?e. Tito examination was postponed itnd tbo prisoner reloascd on bail. A DELIBERATE SUICIDE. Christian Bauck, a Carman farmer of CaroDi.Ij. L, about Hovon o'clock on Friday morning noticed that his wile was very sick and Immediately sent lor Dr. Itohenhaiislor, who discovered evtdencM of poison, aud ou inquiry waa Inlormod by the sufloring woman that at live o'clock sbo had swallowed two spoonfuls of Curls green. A powerful emetic waa admlniatered, ut too lute to save tbe llle ol the woman, wbo died In great ngjny at oight o'clock t? tha evening. Baler* death she stated tliitt she took the poison with tba de liberate Intention of committing snlcido, and ex pressed surprise that doath did not comn sooner. A lew month* ago she inade an attompt to kill horsell by eating the phosphorus lrom a bunch of matche* Mm leaves two cbildron. T1IE HEADLESS BODY. A port mortoin examination of tho hcmdless and limb leas body of tbe fnualo found in tbe river on KrUay laat waa ui^do al the Brooklyn Morgue yeaterday by Dr. A \V. Sbepard. The Doctor la ol the opinion thai tbo tlituiemberineut is owing to decomposition aud gnawing ny the llsbea. An inquest wi.s held belore Coroner .Siinms and tbe u-ual verdict waa rendered, aitei which tho remains wot* interred IB roller*! Jfttid.