Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD WHOLE NO. 14,919. NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1877.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE THREE CENTS DIHECTOHY- FOU ADVISKTISEKS, HERAT,d BRANCH OFriCE. OPRN DAV AND night FOR r*obj"nom_or advert1se.mjsnt8 AND SALES OK PAPERS. AMUSEMENTS?1st pag* -6t!i col ASTROLOGY?2d Pagk-oui col BILLIARDS- 11th Page?Bth coL BOARDERS WANTED 2d l'A<:i?-2d and 3d eolfc BOARD AND LODGING wantkd?2d pao*?sdoou BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE KOR SALE?2? PAGE-lit col. bu8ine88 opportunities?frra Pace. BUSINESS NOTICES-7th l'AOE-flth col. CITY REAL ESTATE KOR SAl,e-in PAO?-lst coL CLERKS AND salesmi.N?12*h PA0E-6tb coL clothing-2n Pack - Bth cul. . COACHMEN AND ()aRDE.NERS-12th t>AGS-?lhjo1. coastwise 8TE AM sll I PS?2d FAG?-5th aod oth col*. copartnerships??? Page. COUNTRY BOARD?2i> PAOK-3d and 4th cols. DANCING ACADEMIES-iitii PAGE-Uth col. DENTISTRY?11th PAGE-4tli coL DRY GOODS?1st Page?'hth col. DWELLING HOUSES TO LET. FURNISHED AND UN furnished- 2n PAGE-2d col. EUROPEAN steamships?2d PACB-5lb col. excursions ?1st Page?5th col. FINANCIAL?ftrii Park. FOR BALE?uth Page?flth col. furni8hrd ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LBT? 2d Page?2d col. furniture-ist Park?4tta col. HELP WANTED? FEMALE4?12tii Pack?5th coL HELP WANTED MALES 12tii PAun-rtth col. hor8bs, carriages. AO.?1st Page?3d and 4th coll. HOTELS?2n Page?3d col. HOUSES. ROOMS. AC , WANTED?1st fao??4tb ool. instruction?1st PAGB?tth col. JERSEY CITY. HOBOKEN. HUD80N CITY AND BERGEN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE-2d Pag*? 1st ool. LEGAL NOTICES-lsr pAG?-2d col. LOST AND FOUND?istpagk?1st coL MACHINERY?11th Page 6th eol. SIEDICAL-2D PAOK-fith col. [ILLINERY AND DRESSM aking?1st paon-eth col. iiscellaneou8 advertisements?iotb Pao*? 6th col. fSICAL-llTH Pack?4th col W publications?7th PAG?-6th eoL RSONAI.?1st page? 1 it Col. ikofortes, ORGANS, ac.-ist Paob?8th col. FOOL SELLING ?1st Page-3d col. POST ol-fice notice?1st Page-2<1 col. PROPOSALS?2n PAGK-6th col. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? 12TII Paox?5tb col. PROPERTY OUT OK T1IE CITY FOR SALE OB TO RENT?2d Page?lit col. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?2d PAGE-lst eel. KEAL ESTATE WANTED?2d Page-Ik col. religious NOTICES?1st PAGE-istcol RESTAURANTS?1st PAG*-6th col. REWARDS?1st Page?-lit ool. salem at AUCTION?11th Page?5th and 6th cols. SITUATIONS wanted?females?12Tn Page?1st, 2d, 3d. 4th ?nd .r>th cole. SITUATIONS WANTED-male8-13m Page?5th and 6th cols. SPECI AL NOTICES-ist PAOE-2d col. (PORTING DOGS, BIRD-l, ac.-1ST PAGE-3d col. STORAGE?11th PAGE-ttthcol. HUMMER RESORTS?2d PAG?:-4th col. the TRADES?12th pack?6ih col. THE TURK-ist Page-3d col. TO let kor BU8INES8 PURPOSES?2d Pacts-1st and 2d cols. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE-2d PAO*-6th eol. UNFURNISHED ROOMS and APARTMENTS TO LET? 2d Pace?2d col. WANTED TO purchase uth PAOE-flth col. WATCHES. JEWELRY. AC.-llth pagk-Oth col. WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY for SALE OR TO LfcT?2d Paok?1st col. WINES. LIQUORS. AO.?11th Pack-boi eol. YACHTS, STEAMBOATS, ac.-lorit pAOK-6th cel. PERSONAL.. _ ?a*?a ?WRITE ME AT~ONCE TO OFFICE. tell ?me everything. A. A. A. ?? A ????*?MIB8ED the BOAT: WILL EXPLAIN "Soiree Dansante," argvio roomi, to-night, rain or ?bine. MAUD. Brother curdy-doctok~creamkr says we>t ?er's celebrated milk punch will cure consumption; ?bow your milk of human kindness liy taking me on me milkv whey to his garden, 273 West 3Hth ku SISTER MILIKAN. CROMWELL?at B. to-DAT. OPERA HOUSE. Flags of all nations. a lull Set ot Flags of All Nations, 86 In number, slse 2K by 3* ieet. PRICE $4 PER SET. Send address to metropolitan JOB OFFICE. 28 Ann St.. New York. jpj-ENRY-AT 1:30 TO-DAY. L" ADY IN BROWN SILK, WHO CALLED AT ERA office, about Junn 1. is requested to send ber address to THE COLONEL, Herald office. Louise, come home. ROBERT. MRS. ANN MARIA BUTLER. formerly WOOD i'lease communicate with Mrs. i'bebe Moilord, through PETER BENTLEY. Jersey Citv, N. J. HALL, 8d AV. AND ROTH st , FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1877. 8 O'CLOCK P. M.-Doo't Tail to at tend meeting at above time and niace In favor of rapid transit. ? SllALL PASS YOUR PLACE AT TWELVE TO-DAY." KIJOU. THE TWO BEAUTIFUL YOUNG LADIES, SMOKING drlicious Tit-Bit cigarettes, higb stoop house. Address TIT-BIT, Herald pbs". RELIGIOUS NOTICES. gffewart mEMORIaL"cathedrac" GARDEN CITY, LONG ISLAND. The imposing ceremony of laying the corner stone of this ?dlflce, now far advanced In building, will take piace at 12 o'clock M.. thursday, JUN E 28. onder tbe direction of the Right itev. A. N. littlejohn, Bishop of the Diocese ol Long Island, assisted by bixhops ot the Eplacopal Church from nthe? aloceses, and by tbe clergy and representatives from the laity of tbe diocese. 1 lie Sunday schools will be represented bv several thous and children. The music will be rendered l>y a trained choir of two hundred voices, supported by conterno's Hand of twenty-live pieces. The Cathedral is located upon elevated ground, giving full view to tbe many thousand- of spectators who will take this opportunity ot witnessing tbe interesting ceremony of laying the corner stone of the tlrst Protestant Cathedral erected in this country. Special curs will be attached to the trains of ibe Island Railroad, with fares at groatly reduced rates for both adults and children. Trains will leave Brooklyn, Klatbush nr., via the new ?team route, at 0, 9;15 unit H A. >1. From Busbwlck nr. atS:t!>and 10:04 A. M. From Kut New York Ht 8:50 and 10:04 A. M. From Ionic Inland City at 7 :4U. 0 X)J, 1) :20 and 11 J03 A. M. Returning at I, 3, 4 anil 0:30 P. M. A special train leaves Whltestone at 10:10 A. M., via College l'oint, Flushing, Hridjje it. and Central statiou, In addition to regular trains. From Locust Valley at 0:10 and 10:40 A. M. From Port Jefferson at 9:31 A.M.. Greenpolnt S :45 and 7:33 A. M., >aK llarbor 0:311 and 7 :05 A. M. From Patcbogue, via Valley Stream and Hempstead, at I OB A. M. From Far Roekaway, via Valley Stream and Hempstead, it 9:33 A. M. Fare rrom Brooklyn and Long Iiland City to Garden City and return:?For adult*, *30cent*: children, :?i cents. J. OIUTTfcNDEN. General Passenger Agent, Long Island Railroad. LAOS OF ALL NATIONS. A lull Pet of Flat;* ot All Nations, 96 in number, rise 2% ?y 3)i I'eet. PRICE $4 PER SKT. Send address to METROPOLITAN JOB OFFICE, 28 Ann St., New York. M)MT AMI KUUNU. fs" ok aLl fiAfloSfC A lull Met of Flags of All Nations, 30 In number, site '??t ?y 3K feet. PRICE $4 PER SKT. fend address to METROPOLITAN JOB OFFICE, 28 Ann >t,. New York. T OST-HONDAt NIGHT. FROM H0R8K CARS FROM XjConey Island, ?n or near Stlt nv., BrookUti. a double face biaek Silk Parasol, silver plating mounted. Under Will be suitably rewarded by leaving at 80 Tlminai St., N. V. o5t^|FnkTo.LADVS GOLD WATCH. OLU FAME loned, medium sise. case somewhat brui.ed; lost between Breenwich and New Kochelle, on 0:05 I' M. train, or (in Premium Point Road, or on 8 :4k P M. train into New Yoik and Orand Union Hotel. SlOroward upon restoration to Mrs. C. I.. 1'., Hamilton House, Stamford, Conu. T OBT?ON SATURDAY EVEN INO, PROM 100 BART XjHTith St., a black and tan Dog; bad on nickel chain col. far, with license nnmber attached, finder will bo suitably rewarded by returning as above T OST?A BOOK LKFT IN FIFTH aVKNI'E 8TAGli_ A. Ajllberal reward will be given by PETERS k CALHOUN CO.. 510 Broadway. Oil*?BANK BOOK NO. 111,809 OF TbK EMI<7raNT Industrial Havings Bank. Tim Under will be rewarded ?n leaving it at the Hank. No. .r>l Chamber* st. MICUaKL MRUA.N, Depositor. OST-^^>i^ XnD~BLACK-fr^NA ME L LOCKET, WITH porcelain Photograph. A liberal reward will fee given ?v returning It to GEORGE 8. McKIKBIN. ."a; Walt at. LOffT?A UftRXN PARHUt) ONLY ~VrALU e!r 117 being in the family 4<) yesrs. Any one finding her will please rein; n her to 4<t West 11 th st., uear University place, and receive thanks and reward. ]OsT JUNE 23?A GO lib WATCH K KY, WITH STONE Jin the end, with letter A cut in it. Kit I table reward paid It returned to offlcn of tho Angell A l>in?e Mauulac ttiring Company. 304 Greene St.. New Yor* city. L~OST-f<AST THURSDAY, 0V TIIB sT. M. TRAIN Ironi I'atarson, a coral Necklace. Any person returning It to GKoEOh PAllKKll, 44J Wost 4'Jth St., will be re warded. I" OUT?AN EAIUINn, BETWEEN 19T.T AND 5?TH >ts Return it to 118 West '.Oth St. A reward will bo paid. J. M. STOLEN.?CUT PAINTERS "and 8T<ILKnT "FROM moorings, off the Herald Teleuranh .-tation, at Whita slone, L 1., nltint of 21st lust., between II I'. M. and .'I A. a donble-oared Boat. 1"> leet lon?, painted blue Inside, blue gunwale, red body aim Conner colored water line. tli? word "llerald." painted In white letters, appears on either side of bow; she contained mm pair can, branded on thu blade "New York Herald:" a sail, rnider ana lour sets row locks. Pilots and captains of vessels are respectfully re quested ta keep a simru look out lor her. and colli muni cat* with THOMAS ROBINSON, Superintendent Ship News De partment New Y'ork Herald, pier 1 East River. " KEW Altlisi ~ " <j? I /t r'Eward'lost on junLetter. Jp.LUdlrecten to Oliver Wells, I'ottvtown. Pa., cut,taming |bM4 OH, Mntual LUe Insurance Coini>?n>'s cbcca. Pay. rnent ot cback lias be -ll st ipne'l. WINhTKAD WELLS, 111 Broadway. ^ 1 it reward.?lost, on Saturday LASf; in JJpll'Wall, ?V ill I jam or Pine si. lady s Wsllet. contain. |tn anoin t--" ; owner's name inside. iJednct ruwai d ami return toJollN F. DOY l?h, 02 Wall at. A11 w 1 "hEWAKU-FOK Till. KKTURN TiF OO ID Jjpl.UWPens. Ac. Ac. taken from 3H7 Broadway, and positively no questions a?ked t^LAoS OF ALL NaTIuNH. J a mil Set of Flage of All Nations. 30 In nnmber, site 2}? b? .'IS leet. ' PRICK ?4 PKR SET. Hand address to METROPOLITAN JOB OFFICE. 28 Ann st., New York. _ spkciajj AOTICIkS. 'a'TTKNTION.-TWENTY YEARS' PRUSSIAN HOSPl". Alii experience. dimm ?( nto Md utrvoaa ?yitim t epeclalty. Consultation tree. Dr. JACOBY. llll Ilieeckerst. A -THE RUSSIAN VAPOR BATHS, NO. 2ft EAST .4tb at . removr the poisons and sards ot dMease Irmn th ? blood, aid digestion. induce sound aleep and strengthen ftrnl "brace op'' the whole organlain. Anna e. pahi. :m7 0., cubkkall dtskases, cDronlc or acuta, by electricity ; no shock ; consultation free. Ileierenccs at 145 hast Stli >t , between Broad* war and 4tti av., next door to tbe church. 'I hose residing out of the city adilreia aa above. A." THREE DAYS LEFT! T1IRKU DAYS LKKTIl Til it t, IS DAYS LEFT 111 KENTUCKY CASH DISTRIBUTION COMPANY, NEW ORGANIZATION. NEW MANAGEMENT. DRAWS positively IN LOUISVILLE, KY., ON 30TII INST. THE FARMERS AND DltTivKBS' BANK IS TREAS URER. THE PRIZES AMOUNT TO $310,000. THEY WILL BK PAID WITHOUT discount AT THIS OmCE ON PRESENTATION Ml Tbe pnbllc 1* notified that Una (rand Drawing will posi tively o?<ur NEXT SATURDAY. Tue price nr tickets la only $10. aula in halves and quarters. A competency may ba acquired by tljo Investments ot thaae aimili amounts. Certain auma realised from these distributions are paid lu the city of Frankfort tor the aupport ol tbe city school. The charter under which the company drawl won recently ana tained by the courte. henco. THE MEANS ARE LAWFUL AND THfc OBJECT A OOOD ONE. S3 io.iioo. S310,OIK). F310,000. NEXT SATURDAY. NEXT S\TUKDAY. ? CHANCE POR ALL IN THREE DAYS. S10 MAY DRAW $?K),000. ?5 MAY DR\W $30,000. $2 SO MAY DRAW $15,000. LAST NOTICES. LAST NOTICES. Til OS. H. HAYS A CO.. General Eastern Agent a. 6U7 Broadway, Now York. AFFLICTED.-ALL complaints TREATED: NO fo?s unleaa onred successfully; consultation free ; exton alve Lundou hospital experience. Dr. WEST, 45 Bleecker St.. between Broauway and Howery. A LL unfortunates SHOULD CONSULT dri ./xGrindle; immediate relief to tha anxious. No. 142 West 48ll. at. COSTA CIGAR?WARRANTED HAVANA FILLED; a 10 cent cU nr for 5 cents. Sold by druggists, giocera and ciirar dealers. Wholeaalo depot, M. i KANKEL, 98 Chambers st. ? ItOYAL HAVANA DRAWING, J ULY 2.?AT $40, ?$20, $10, $5 $2. Kentucky State Drawing, Jnne 30. At 810. $5. #2 50. $1 25. THEO. Z SO HOC II. 23 Park row. New York. American son- capsule co.'s puke capsu lated Medicine* put up In metallle boxes All druggists. B. MARTINEZ * CO., Banker*, 10 Wall at. (basement), bay and sail Spanish Bonds, spanish Gold and Havana Bank Billa; Diaftsoa Havana laaued and negotiated. Lottery Prises cashed. Next Drawing July 2, 1877. IHEASES OF MEN A SPECIALT Y. HENRY A. DANIELS, M. D.. 144 Lexington ar? near 2Uth at. Office hours from 8 to 3. DHL RICORD'H ESSENCE OF LIF~E RESTORES manhood to tbe debilitated in four weeks; failure im possible ; $8 per caae, or tour quantities in oau, $t?. Sole agent. Dr. JACQUES 7 University place. New York. DIVO RCBS- ABSOLUi ? BPE EDILY OBTAINED, without publicity; desertion. incompatibility, other causus; having unusual advantages, success assured; advica free. ISAAC O. BOYCr.. Lawyer, 2117 Broadway. -KENTUCKY-CLASS .NO. 40otjune 25. 187T .45, 41. 46. 35. 14. 61, 27. 15. 55, 37. 0, 8. 77. H*KKY?CLASS XO. 300? JUKK 25, 1877. 32, 37, 28, 18, 21. 61, 8, 52. 72, 33, 78. 5, 11 E? OFFICIAL KENTUCKY STATe. DRAWINGS. . KaKTUUKT?KXTKA CLASS SO. 401?JII.NIC 26, 1877. 63. 60, 11. 28. 53, 77. 41. 16, 21, 05. 2>. 18, 6. KSNTUCgv?CLAMS KO. 402?JUNK 26, 1877. 31. 53. 36, 63, 76. 19, 37. 17. 54. 9, 73, 34. HUSH*? KXTRA CLASS NO. 301-JITMC 20, 1877. 39, 54, -13. 22, 26. 21. 37. 51. 36. 67. 6. 56, 12. Mkniir-OLASS mo. 302?junk 26, 1877. 09, 70, 43, 52. 12 ?, 5HL 20. 25. 8, 58. 55. SIMMONS A DICKINSON. Managers. Information riven regarding the above drawings. Apply to J. CLUTE A CO., 200 Broadway. E. ?KENTUCKY SlNi.LE NUMBER Draw* Jnne 30. SI 25 to $10. Distributing 8300,000. Royal Havaua d aws July 2. $1 to $40. J. CLUTE A CO., 300 Broad way. F F INE BYE WHISKEY, FOUR YEAR8 OLD. $4 PEE gallon; $1 per large bottle. N. VAN BEIL, 88 Chambers st. Flash or ALL NATIONS. A full Set of Fiajs of All Nations, 96 la namber, slse 2% by 3j{ feet. PRICE S4 PER set. Send address t? KKTUoPOLlTA N JOB OFFICE. 2S Aun at., Now York. OK INFORMATION IN the ABOVE and Kentucky single Number, to be drawn June 30, 1877, Koval Havana, to be drawn July 2. 1877, apply to PARKS. EMERSON A CO., Bankers, 180 Broadway. GJHLDEK, JR.. UNITED STATES CONSULAR OF ".flee for Breraerbaven-Geestemunde. Shipowner and biwp Broker. General Commission Merchant, Agent to Messrs Vivian A Son's Yellow Metal Works, London. Office, 107 Quayside Hremerhaven. INJECTION- HI CORD,- $f DELLUC A CO.. 635 Broadway. Ladies-old dr. whitehead has returned; office 266 Grand at., near Howcry. All females safely treated: fees moderate ; consultation free. Officii hours 2 to 5. Louisiana state l company. incorporated 1808 for educational ami charitable pur poses. Capital, $1,000,000: additional reserve fund, $350,000; total, $1,350,000. Never scales or postpones. Next drawing July 2. Cauital prise. $20,000; 1,?S37 prises, amounting to $62,650. Tickets. $1. Genera.s Jubai hariy and I'. G. T. iieaaregard. Commissioners. Address all In quiries or orders to M. A. DARPHIN, New Orleans, La. Montgomery and eufaula railroad com pany.?A meeting 01 the holders ot first mortgage bouds of this corauany will bo held at 11*1 Broadway, room 7, on Wednesday, June 27, at 2 P. M., to consider a plan for the purchaae of the road aud the reorganisation of the com pany. Nervous exhaustion?a medical essay, comprising a series lectures delivered ?t Kahn's Mu ?cim of Anatomy, New York, on tiie cause nnd cure of pro mature decline. showing Indisputably how lost health may be retained; affording a clear synopsis of the impediments to marriage and the treatment ol nervous and physical de bility, being tbe result of 'JO ream' experience. I'rice 25 aenti. Addries the author. l>r. L. J. KAIIN, office and residence M Kant 10th at. New i urk. OFFICE OP THE COMMISSIONERS OK QUA ItANTINE, No. 3 Ezumaxok Court. New York. June 25. 1877. Tbe compensation for expenses and services ot the Health Officer "necessary lor the care and purifica tion of vessels, merchandise. luggu o. dunnage. Ac., in quarantine," ha. been fixed anil determined by the Commissionera. by authority of law, an follow! For the lumigsiion ot steamships, $8. For tne fumigation of ships, $7. For the fumigation of barks For tile tuinigatiou of brigs, t~>. Kor tbe lumigstinn of schooners, S3. No more than two fumigitlon lees lor each voyage ahull be charged any veasel, uuleaa contagious dlsesae existed during tuo vnvage. and no greater tum than $25 abali be exacted for fumigation In any ease By order of the Commissioners of Quarantine. JAMKs MoQDAPE, President. OFFICIAL DRAWINO GEORGIA STATE, UtOIHiM STATK ? KXTItA CLASS 403 iVXK 20, I"77 81, HH, 56. 13, 50. HP, 14, 411. Hi, a?, Ii2, * GKOKUIA-KITRA CLASS 283-JCS* 2H, 1S77. 58, 4?i. a. 24, *t. 17, ;i:i, 80, 88, 72. us, M.OIKitA STATK?CLASS 401-JL'NB 26. 1H77. 32. AO. 15, 7, 70. 37, 7.">, H, 72, 12, :??. 24 17. CONSOLIDATICI) UKORUA CLASS 234-J?Mt 38, 1S77. 40. 17, 3M, 2*. tK), 12. 51, 31. 30, 53, 50, 20. 73. W. 1. IjaB.N I.y. Commissioner. For information apply to HPENCEIl A CO., 9 Ann st aud 31 Park row, rnorn 3. OYAL HAVANA ORAftfO DRAWH STORY 15 days: prises cashed, orders Oiled, lulorination lurnishcd, blithest rates pill for t?pauish liuuk bills. governments, Ac., Ac. TAYLOR A CO.. Bankers, No. 11 Wail at. S. Y, TaMaR INDIEN -a LAXATIVE FRUIT LOMNOBt agreealle to lake; (penile. remedy for constipation and its consequences. F. OKILLoN. 27 i.un Kainbnti au, Paris. Depot, CAgWKliL, HAlARD A Co., New York. POST OFFICE NOTICE. " PoS?~ 6 FV icE "n b r i c k. " The foreign martls lor the week ending Saturday, June 3u, 1S77, will close at this office on Wednesday, at 4 A. M , for l r nice direct, by steamship I'ereire, via Havre, and at. 1 P. M. lor Europe, hy steanuliip Algeria, via Qaeenstown; on Thursday, at II 3'> A >1, for f urop?. ov steamship Wle laud, via I'lvmouth, Cherbourg and Hamburg; on Saturday, at 5 A. M., for Euro ?>>, by steamahip Hernia,Jc, via Queens town tc?rre>pou<lenco for Germany, Scotland lad Nortb ot Ireland,?o bo forwarded bv thh itoainer must be specially sddru.-sedi. and at 5 A.M. for Si Jtlaml sud North ol Ire land, by steamship Ancliortn. via Mobile >n-l Glasgow, aud at 11:30A. M. for Kmvpe, by ateatnslup Klicln. via Soutliampton anil Bremen. I hn steamship* Algeria and Oermamcdo not take mails for Denmark, Swodon and Nor way. The malls lor tbe West Inoins, via Havana, will leave New York Jnne.'IO. I ho malls lor china and Japan will leave San Francisco July 3. The mails for Australia, Ac., will leate San >'r?nr.lsco July is. T. L. JAMES, Postmaster. New Ynnit. Jnne 2.1. 1S77. B1LAOH OK ALL NATIONS. A lull Set ol Kiags of Ail Nations, 30 In nrm'>er, siie 2j, by 8X leet. PRICK ?4 PER SET. Send address to METROPOLITAN IOU OKKICK, 2s Ann St.. New York. LEGAL NOTICES. Irrmm -nr*" ot-;ciif;vr <?>'tiicery Dlvisioi: of the III ill Court of Jnstlre, made in n cause, Kord vs. Havuall. 1h7.">, F., No. 103. Arthur Beevor Kurd, ?on of the Rev, Willlnm Kord, former.y ol Tyild, St. (lilos, in the coiiuly of Cambridge aud l.ane Kud parsoiiace. In tho county of InfWd. anJ late ol the Vlrarave I'sghnni, near Chichester, in i lie county ol Sussex, clerk in holy or d r- and Juliana Maria, Ills wile, both deceased, who lelt England in or about the roar and for some time prac t se as a surgeon at ttufi'aln, M. Paul, Minn., and in New N erk and other cities in tne United St a sa, und who was last heard of hy nia relations In hnglau I as at New York In the year 1S5B, If living on or niter t c 1st day ni April, 1 s7.r>, his legal p rao:ial representative, or If dead previously to Mich date t><e person or pei sons claiming to be the issue ot ihe said Arthur Heevor rorn, la or lire iiv his or tlieir so licitors, on or Mfore ilie 2?th day nf Jii y, 1^77, to cone in and prove Ma or tholr Claims at tho <? umbers of tli ? Vice Chancellor. Sir Charles Mail, at fin I I i linncery lane, Mid dleset. or in delimit w: ereol they will he porotnpMrliy ? x eluded from the linnelltoi the said decree. Thursday, the Wth day ol July, 1H77, at 1:30of t!ie .tlo k in the alternoon, at thu said cliamhers, Is appointed for heiiiiitfe and siljudlca'.liiu upon tlie claims. Dated this 7tn dav ol .fune. IH77. WILLIAM IIINNS SMITH, Chief Clerk. HENRY TYRRI'.LL, 14 (Jray's Inn square. London, Eog land, plaiutlfl's solicitor. SPORTING?BIRDS, pooS, SiC. Flaoh of alt wa'ffojflt A lu:l sei of kla.-i of All Nation*. 36 In number, *l*e 2x by 3 J* lent. PRIOR 94 per SET Send addre** to metropolitan job OFFICK. 2? Ann New York. hk P ALMO, A 8klf 8upportino 8U nbhao e. lor ?portsmrn aud workmen; invaluable; price, $1 so; sent by mail in the United States nil receipt of prior. Ad drew the PALMO hUNSHADE COMPANY. 23? Breed way, Neir York. <5 "uynn jfi for only slo ip'JU.u'lu Kentucky Stele. June sf>. 5,880 prliei, amounting to $300,000. Whole*. $10; Halves, *6 : Quarter*, ?2 50; Kightha. si xv. Havana draws July 'J, Tickets, $40, $20. f 10, 0 end $1. J ii KSON A CO.. Banker.. 8'J Nassau at., near Kulton. POOL selling. P'"itaotnations.~~ A lull Set of Flag* of All Nation*. 30 in nnmber, rise 2)? by 3)4 feet. PRIOR $4 per set Send addre** to METROPOLITAN JOB OFFICE. 28 Ann ?t.. New York. Pools SOLD ON PLP.ETWO'ou TKOTS TO-DaY. kklly <k bliss. 68 Hnd.on *?.. Iloboken. Pools BOLD AT 70 iiudbon 8t? HOROKBX. N. J., on tba trot* at Fleetwood and calakill: direct wires to room. W. LOVKLL. k)OL8 SOLO at KKLLY A BLISS' TURF EX change, h obofcen. this afternoon, Rartfcrd n loilwil* THUS TURF. A-flkhtwood Paak, #.Y.~ wbdsbsoattjcnss ?27. 2 :3i 1. S. ii jactann enteral), a. uaorn. 2. Henry betslnger riitera b. c. Harry b. 3. Charles S. (Ireen enters b. it. Kefnrm. 4. Israel Denton enlert br. ?. chutnpion, Jr. 3. T. B. klnglrr enter* b. i; Don. 6. h. C. Woodnnt rater* b. k. lierbat. 7. W. H. doble, Jr., entor* k. m. Mominr, 8. Alonxo B. Petlit enter* *. g. hempstead Boy. 2 :'Jft CTaa*. 1. M. ooodio enter* it. it. drey Chief. 2. W. 12. Week* enters br. in. liua pieton. 8. John .Murphy enter* *. ir. Richard. 4. Dan miicu enter* g. g. Royal George. ?'>. J. o. Smith enters h. a. Yonn.- >entlnel. The great free for all will be trotted ?n Thnnday. admission^. oate8 ii. baunakd, President. At wsaf lira driving park. jkisIt citt, 4th July entries close to night, 11 P. M., for 2:2tiand 2 :45 claw. Taylor'* Hotel, J*r*ey City. WM. VAN rkurkk. CLIFTON idrivino PARK.?FIRST BUMMER MEET ing, Wednesday. 1 hnrtday and Friday. Jnly 4. 8 und 0, 1877. Firnt day, Wednesday. July 4?no. I, 2:40 clam: premium $150; $si0 S40 leoond. $21) third. No, 2, 2 :2fl class; premium .fHOO; $180 Brut, $80 second, S40 thiid. Second day, Thursday, jnlr 5? No. 3, 2 ill cla*a; premium $-"00; #120 first, $50 second. $.'!0 third. No. 4, 3 -.30 elas?; iirinium s10d; $<10 Brat. sj.r> second, $1^ third. Third day, Friday, July 0-no. S, 2 :38 class: premium sim; $90 first, S40 aei'oud, $20 third. No. 6, S:50cla?s; premium $100; $tf<> flr*t, j2f? second. $15 third. entriea venae June 2m. JAMES MOFFKT, bos 100, Clifton paa.alc county, N. J. bu,A0S"0F ALL NATIONB. 17 A lull Bet of Flag* at All natloas, 36 la number, ilae 2>j by % feet. PRICE $4 PKR 8KT. Send mi?rea* to metropolitan JOB OFFICE. 28 Ann *t.. New tork. HOUSE*, CARRIAGES, diC. A f 'B ARK K It ' jTTfit) n ' S~~ ' A CITY AUCTION MART AND NEW YORK TAT TERS ALL'S. CORNER OP Broadway and rituh at. (CHARLES W. BAKKKK. AUCTIONEER), REGULAR SALES of Horse*. Carriages, Ac., EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. TWENTY-FOUR hours allowed for trial. THE ONLY Driving Ring In tbo State. CATALOGUE OK SALE THIS DAY AT U O'CLOCK. FOR ACCOUNT 01 former purchaser, a (op side bar Road WairoD and net Sincle Harness. AN EXTRAORDINARY promising richly bred beautiful andfripeedy sorrel Trotting Gelding, 15,V? Llfrlt. Syears o d cut br learnou ht t2;23>?), dam an imported Orion mare, with a 2:28 record: pedigree strictly warranted: a superb driver; lias had 110 training to develop speed ; with handling will be very fast; oust 91,823 as a yearling, and is warranted sound and kind. SUPERIOR M thorough bred brown saddle Gelding, raised in Kentucky. 1S?? high, 9 rears old: very stylish and handsome; eiegaut under the saddle; goea all iraltv; has run I11 1.51; a splendid hurdler, and warranted sound. FAST DARK bay Trottiug Gelding. 15>i high, 7 years old : a game and very pleasant driver ;ean beat 2:40; one of the most perfect borsos ever hitched, either single or to the pule; warranted sound and kind. MACNlFIGENf BAY saddle and harness Gelding, 1BJ? high, 7 years olf; a premium horse at the Kentucky lairs; unequalled by any under the saddle; superior harness an imal; warranted souud and kind. ELEGANT HAY Trottiug Gelding, lOltf high, 7 years old; a prompt and extra stylMi driver; has trotted in 2:58. and la warranted sound and kind. BEAUTIFUL COUPE or match Horse. 1?K high, 7 years old: of unexampled appearauce and style; haa trotted in 3:05: warranted sound and kind. EXTRA FINE bay Gelding, 10^ high, 6 years old; tree, easy driver: sharp traveller: warranted sound and kind. I-.XTHAORDIN I.Y STYLISH and handsome dark dap ple gray Coupe Horse, 18,'J high, 7 rears old; an elegant driver; splendid action: warranted kind. . PAIR OF cloaely matched bay Carriage Horses, 15^ high, H years old; prompt, bandy and stylish drivers; sharp travellers, and warranted souud and kind. T CART, bv BROOME STREET Brewster. Pole and Shafts: light Barouche, by J. B Brewster; two top side bar Hoad Wagons, t>v Brewster, ot Broome at.; Basket Wagon, by George H. Clone; Rooaaway, by Terrlll; tup lull spring Road Wagon aud top Pouy Phaeton, by Vundngaw: light extension lop I'aqfc Phaeton, Pole and Shafts; no top plat form spring Express Wagon, Ac.. Ac., and Aity others of all styles. LARGE LOT ot Double and single Harness. LARGE NUMBER of other Horses. FULL DESCRIPTIONS at sale. BALES NEVER postponed on acoount of weather, UCTION.?JOHN A. DUNN. AUCTIONEER. WILL sell. Thursday. June 28.11 o'clock sharp, at 57 Great Jones st.. two doors from Bowery. H excellent Horses, Har ness aud Trucks, the property of a firm on West St.; the horses are sold for no other reason than a dissolution of partnership. N. It -Buyers and dealers invited to inspect the stock at the aiiovo number. Sale commences punctually at 11 o'clock. ?MUST BP. SOLD THIS WEEK IF POSSIBLE, ?bay Stallion, 15.3. sound and kind, stands without ty lug anywhere, can beat 2:30 single or double and will show it: the finest leather extension ton Phaeton in this city, seats lour nersons, pole and shafts; fine three-spring leather top Pony Pnaeton; fine set ot double Harness aud smglo set, not soiled, best City makers: all clicsp lor casli. Union Club Stable, 1J7 Veil -*ih st. near tith ar. GENTLEMAN GOING ABROAD WILL Sf.LL 1118 Road Turnout for one-third value: beautiful brown Horse, 7 years old. 15^ hands; record 2:42: warranted sound and kind; been driven by a lady; with first class pony Phaeton ana Harness: wood as new; would sell separately. Seen atOSBORN X Ri'.U W PLEIto'S boardlug stable. Ml and 33 Oakland av., near Court House, Jersey City lleighta. A LARGE"BLACK HORSE. 8 YEARS OLD; SOUND and kind in <11 harness; saita .lo for any heavy work; for sale, 714 Water st. A -$250 FOR EXTENSION TOP PHAETON, POLE ? and Shafts: cost <750lu February ; $130 tor Top Rug?v ; cost S400. Single and Double Harness at great sacrifice. 128 hast 10th st. fwO-HORSE TRUCK, SUITABLE FOR HEAVY a ork, almost good as new. for sale cheap. Inquire of WILLIAM Hi.NRY SMITH A CO., 59 Leonard st. AfBOO 8 THAR OLD BAT HORSE, 16 HANDsT"for $2i*>; sound and kind and a good road horse. Grand Central stables, 1IB West 4t5lb st. -LADIES' PHAETONS, LANDAU, T OAIIT, ?made by it am, at ball price; ladles' Pnaetons a spe cialty ; large assortment; satisfactory prices HAM. <> ?<> Broadway. i ?HORSE 8HKETS, ROBES, WHIPS. AC.: FLY ? Nets. Enrlins. Harness, Dnsters, Ac. 'Ibe biggest bargains in ihe city it TUNIS JOHNSON'S. 58 Llbertr st. BARGAIN?flBT>; FINK TOP BREWSTER ~IM proved spring Hoad Wapon, Harness, Lap robe. Blank-1. Wnlp, Ac.; also beautllul Top Pony I'baeton and 8?r Maro; sold on account of sickness. Private stable. 1 West 15th st., near 5th av. N Ingush pony, fast and kindThaddle or harness, witu two lii;ht Wagons and Harness; I11 want of money, will sell cheap. Addaess J. C. M..*taiioa F, New York city. -3 GOOD WORK HORSES; SOUND. CHEAP; NO ? reasonable offer refused. 57 Great Jones tt A BARGAIN -TOP WAGON. TOP PONY PHAETON, jingle and dotiblo Harness, all nearly new; handsumu, yusng, sound, klud. gentle llorse. 59 East 41st st. SPLENDID YOUNG ALDhKNEY COWl FlRHT :t grin, 1150. L. Dr.' KKI{, T2<1 Broadway, A AT ANY FAIR OFFER IF SOLD TO-DAY ELEGANT Brewstor improved spring top Wagon. st>liaii top Pony Phaeton. two sets line l.oad Harness one glit muuutiugs; all nearly new RMMMMV stanles, 247 >\ est 41st st. ? T HALF VALUE-BAY TRUCK HORSE, TWO PONY Jxbullt liorse? ; suit any business. 370 Bowery, rear. AmmThandsom7.~kentUuky saddleoit 11 arnkss Mara ; thorough y broken t? both; can be used by a lady. 7 rears old, 15$$ hand* high; warrnoted sound aad isntlo; will bo sold lor half value. Cnn be se?n at 130 West 24th st. * -NICK TURNOUT?HANDSOME BAY HOUSE. JV?soiiii.i, kind; used by doctor; also Wagon and Harnosa; price, fH3S; bin* Pet* Pony, 9100. stable, 18tt ksM Aid St. -FOUR SUPERIOR WORK POHSEM CAN BE J)tused tor heavy or light work. HENDRICKS, IB Rnsde, Beautiful''new'top pony phaeton,si ia-. new single Harness, S2-~>: Double, $f*i. 124 West I >tb st. C1AKKIAOBS.?OkEAT REDUCTION IN PRICES? ,/GRL BE, 300 Canal st., lias a large stock four and six seal Rockaways. Depot Wagons, Park and Puny Phaeton*. Iliig.'tus lid other stvlea, all of his own make, at mannfae lurer s prices and warranted: buy ot the maker; save all dealers' profit and get what yen bargain tor. C- VYRRIAOES. HARNESS. LAP DUSTERS. SHEETS, )<*c.; elegant Pony Phaetons (three spring, cauopr. mlnus ture, Ac j Irorn $ICO; leather u.p llnggies. 'ide bar end full soring, Irom (110; lioc'aaways, line assortment, from $105; Depot Wagons, $11.'1; Dusenbury Road Wagon, S't-t; Har ness, immesae assortment. upward: Lap Dusters, latest patterns, MOc.; Horse nheeta. 5Se. up. JOHN MOORE. 57 Warren st. Depot wagon, two .neath. little used, new ly painted, for sain cheap. ANDERSON, carriage maker, Yonkent miNE CARRIAGE^ ' ?t reduced prfcea. Landaus. Landau lata. Coaches, Brougham*. Coupes. Road Waaoni. Howell Phaetons, Doctors' Wagons and i'baeton*. A full and large stock of Harness. A. S. FLANDRAIJ. 372 and 374 Broome St. (old stand nt Brswstsr A Co). t" Milt SALE-ONE <!LA ItE> 1 I- , ~IN GOOD ORDRit, set ot double Harness, $125 . or one three quarter Clar ence lor $t?i. At No. 4 Bast .'Wih st. Jilt I It 8ALR-A BAY MARE, 1?K HANDS HIGH, 1 sound and kind; warranted to pull 30 cwt. Re, 45 Frauktin it.. Gr?eaDotnk Lona islsoA, HOltHKs, CAUUAHS, JUJ. Ir?oR 4 a LB?ha i:k bay Mar ? yeah- 7>li?" 1 sound hi,a kind In all harness: suitable for a carriage or a lady to drive ; yood traveller and afraid ol nothing. Apply at 1H3 Yarick St., Cleary's it F~or~sale-s,vi,iilk iiorseT S YEARS OLI>; *01111 d. without a lault; broke to nil gaits: stylish, Ac.; price $5(s> Apply si lihJ Washingtoii at., New York. or at ?table, Flutb'.isli av, and Pacific si.. Brooklyn. IRORRALB-A BTTL1BH BUfll HORSE. RDITAlU 1 for physician < r road wanon; I.">>4 bauds high. Apply to JOHN OIIAY, 334 Enrt -'7th st. HLAU8 ill-' ALL, NATIONS. r A lull Set of KiagsofAll Nations. 30 la number, ilnl)i by 'J)i leet. PHICR M PER SET. Sand address to METROPOLITAN JOB OFFICE, ?JH Ann ak. New 1 ork. OK SALE-A STYLEM BAT 1CAKB, 1AM MAKM. H years old; warranted aound and uentia ; broken to har ness and aaudle. Apply at TOLLMAN'S Itllilli, SM tl., between Boulev ird and 9tb aT. F~m "SALE- STIVERS'HO AO Wa'ooN' USED on - aenaon : In perfect condition, Shalts and I'ole ; also mt Double Harness. Wooddibaon'a make, and ?et Slnirle Ham as. with Summer Biatiketa, liner. Iiuatera. l.ap Kobe and Whips Address C.. ? anhaitan Club. No. Wl .'?tli ??. OR~ SAI.K-A IIANDSOMr, BROWN M * KB, I ">'4 bands sound. kind and fast, with top sidebar <agon, city bunt: also Stivers full aprinx top Wagon, at llathum's ?table, 137 Wett 37th at., Iroiu 12 to 4 o'clo k. PjlTJTt SALE - BKt 7\V N OK LDlNli. 15 '4 'Tl AMIS, 9 1 year? old llila soring; cm trot cloie to 1! iin; to trotting mare Molaey ; haa uo record : It aniind ami ailid. Apply to 11. CA&LY, Fleetwood Park, or 110 and 11- West 80th at. For"sale one" of the" vniKsr "and finest Road 'Turnout! in tiie eitr : the horse is IV j hands high. 7 years old: warrant id aound and kind lu every way; Brewster Waguu and Dtinicoinb's liarueaa. No dealer). A lair trial giteu. Apply 724 7th av. ffio R VaLK?a Toplil DE HA ir'KOADW AOON .AND J? singlo set of llMrnuaa: lor ailn cheat). Iui|uire ol J. J At;K.->. Ltlavelte place, or EDWIN DEW, OBI Wvtdv^f. f|K)H SALE?FINE TEAM UOBSIOC WOOD BROS. T 'Cart. lJuiiscomb ilargeM; alao l.adlts' Turnout-.lorsn. Top Phaeioli and llarnuss, will evcliango lor Diamonds. Private stable 235 Eaet i'-'tll at. t~i>E OOI'I'E Olt" KAM1LY IIUBSK. !#? "TTan"uC? years old, bright bay; good pole and saddle borse; alraid of nothing never allies, kind gentle and aale every wav; Is 11 free, bandy driver, and can trol iu ihren luin ntea. Oau be seen at 24 uoratlo at., coiner Kth av . balore 10 A. M. ?ud ulier j I*. M. (i 1. II AM Ll N , 3-14 Bioadw.ty. nol SALE?BAY M \RB"15TIANDs HIOM. 1 YHAIM r old; aouud and kind; good stepper; Ut for coupe or family. 317 Eaat ? ?' 111 at. I.10k"sale- 11 lack house, "in hands. * years 1 rid, fit lor auy use. warranted; pony built Mare, U>!? liauda, li years, little sorelorward; (old at bargain. 110 Chrlatopner at. ?i*or sale only fob wanYok usk-pony built ilorse, |.">>j hands, 8 years; price $90. 37 Ureeu wloh av. (store). For s"alk~X~klLl blood "uuernsky fretTh Milch Cow: 12 pounds butter a week. 5Id hast l'ltli at. F" OR ^ALI:--A Ni.\\ Ml TOP KUt.L s'l'lUNtTilUoTiT Wagon, built by L. C. Miuer, lt)7 Nevlna at., Brooklyn; will be sold bulow cost, aa the owner has no use lor it. Oau be eeen nntll aold at J. II. ARNOLD'S atable. No. 14S Weat 2Utb at.. New York. AR.HKnS STORK FOR SALE.-518 11TU AV., NEW York city. OKSK, T [ for $100. worth $2.'iO; will lie sold snnurutcly or lo ll HOUSE, TRUCK ANU HARNESS Full SALE for $100. worth $2.'iO; will lie Hold snpurittely i Cither. Apply to .loll N GRAY, 334 East 27th at. L"aDY'S CUMPMCTK TURNo IJ T?UOIiSlC-!! AND. aome. gentle and fast; perfectly broken for driving; uiid saddle; I'haetou, mado l>y KUnrtrau, with rumble; ml or K1J>. Apply to CHAilLES MILLS, Ileal Entitle oilier. 1,212 Broadway. INKN HOKslTisTlKET S,~flo~CENTS ; FLY NETS, 75 cents JaCOBOWSKY ,t HART, 115 Chambers at. Landau let-very!i andsom k turnout tolet, monthly. BU ItTON, 141 Kant 23d At. MORTGAGE s A l,K.?GEO RUB GKOliUEU AN, AUC lloiieer, by virtue of chattel mortgage, sells Tbursday, June 28, II o'clock, 57H Greenwich at., 14 good work Horses, 7 Trucks. Wagons, Harness. Sale positive. By order ol Mortgagee. M~ U8T SELL?BEAUTIFUL TOP pony PHAETON lull spring l op Buggy and Double Harness; nearly new SO West 10th at. NO HUMBUG.?A GENTLEMAN'S COMPLETE ROAD Turnout for leaa thun one-thlid value; bay Mare. 7 years, l.ri), hands; warranted sound aud kind; extra styl lali aud last driver!. Brewster improved sprlnir Top Wagon and Hartieita; hut little used. Blanxet, Whip, Robe. Ac. IIA rilOUN'S Stable. 1:17 West 37th it. NE LIGHT SIX HEAT PHAE'I'ON. NKW ToP, IN complete order; one 11 lit Clarence. brown clotli liniag, new ? neels, new lumps; good as uew. I1ENRY BURR, 237 Mercer at. SADDLK IIOK.HK FOR BALK?RIDDEN BY A YOUNG lady lor the last six inontha. I."1V, high. very stylish, perfectly aound and klud in single and double harness; aiao aside bar top Buggy, In gonl order, built bv W. Frank Duseubary. Please ask for WALTi.K, at stable 114 West ?tilth at., near 6th av., or call at ownir'i residence, t) West 4Mb *t. (it \ LI.S-FROM 1 TtT-15. TO LET VERY REASON Oabie; llnest sutnraor stable, bar none; horses on ttrst Hoar; near Glla'iy House. STaLL.8, Herald Uptown Branch. rp~i;ahts, both new and second uanD-vic X torias. Conors. Brou.harns, Landaulets. Coaches. Lan daus, 4 passenger i-urrey Wagons, Dog Carts, Harouehoa, H seat Phaetons. tup and open Depot Wagons. Coupe Rocua waya, extension top I'haotona. cut under 4 passenger Rock awaya. n seat Roekaways, top ami open Koad Wagona. side ?prime Wagona, top anu open Exproas Wagons, both new and second bund Harness, .-beets, Whips, Nats, Ear Tips, Ac., at low trices, to r iluce stock. WM. H. UKAY, 20 and 22 Wooster st. ANTED?A CL08E-MaTOHKD TEAM GRAY OR bay Horses, good action, 1M? to 16 handa high, not over eight years old. Address I. L. V. LEWIS, 24 South st ANTED A RESPONSIBLE PARTY WANTS A good Saddle Horse for use In the country, near New York, during the summer; must be fair alse. sound, kind and an easy rider; best of euro guaranteed; references ex changed. S. t., Herald office. W~ ANTED TO E~XCHANGi?A BREWSTER "ijiftTH st.) side nar Wagon (been run about a year) lor a Brew-tor Phaeton: must I10 in good condition. Address BBBWSTBK PHAETON, Herald Uptown Branch. WANTED?FOR SHIPMENT TO ENGLAND. BAYS imil brown harness Horses. 15!J to in hands, 4 to (1 years old: soundness aud hlgli action Indispensable; speed not required. R. CAMPBBLL comer 12.>tli St., 8th av. PASSICNGE R PLATFORM CUTUmJIr" OPE S Depot Wagon, with lead liars, light. In line order, by A. T. Ocmarcst; platform rumliln top I'barton, in fine order by Handrau : li,lit open Quarter Coach, by Miner A Stevens; elegant eight spring Landau, by Wood Brothers; Mauhopo I'haeton. by Wood Brothers; Mail Phaeton, by Bradley, Pray A Co.. good as new; two sots English Donole Harness, all offered at low prices, W. H. GRAT. 30 and 22 Woosterst.V ? WILL BUY TOP SIDE# BA~R WAGON AND Harness; good order. 240 West 41st at EACH-MUSTBE HOLD,_THrtEE BEAl'11 new top Delivery Wagons. Seen 124 West 19th $7o $125 (VI C/\ FOR A DOCTOK'S WAGON?PHAETONS' ?PI' " 'side bar Wagons, Laodan. Clarence, Coup*, Ac. 210 West lHtli st. 2?> C HOKSK FOR SaLB.-BAY. 6 YEARS OLD. 15)< ? O'yhands high; warranted sound and kind; Is pnra galled; tine looker, and one of the beat pole horsos to be found. Gentlemen in search of n cennine trotter should call and see this horse at 110 and 112 West 50tn St. ftoea for a Miner a htbvbnb top waoon, sJp^j'M/tlorse and Harness; can trot In three minutes; must sell. Private stable 6 University place. Ask for DAN. FVRMTURl.. T^infirw SliLD THIS WI'.EK, ifn-OSSfBLE. J\.entire Household Furniture (whole or in part) ; ricli Parlor nulls, one In satin, cost $7 hi. lor $175 , rep Suit, ??'111; Library and Dining furniture. Bedroom Set,, with Dressing Cases, single Beilsteads, due Bending, Paintlu s. Bronzes. Ac.; a positive ehance ; tmnilv leaving cily. Pri vate residence, 47 West Ititli at., between Oth and titli avs. BA UM A N N B ROT I IK it's, 228 AND 380 II u17s()n" ST., torner Drooine, la the in'>st reliable and clinapost house in New York to liuy l-urnlture. Carpets and Badding, lor cash or luatalineut. Ban k i<i;pr kt'>ck 8klling for less thai? ball price; Kurnitnro, Carpets, Crockery. Mattresses, spring Ueda. Plated Ware, Ac. 244 Canal, oppoalto Earle'a 11 o Ai I. , 1,1 IMINITUKK.~CAKPhTS, MIRRORhTPIANOsT PAR . lor Suits, Bedroom Sets. Bedding, BulTets, Armours, H ardrobes. Desk.-, I.ounces. Tables Cbalra, Ac., at pilvate sale at auction prices at 3D East 13th, F^LAUS OF ALl,NAIIONH. a loll Set of Flags ol All Nations, 31 In number, sis* by 3>4 feet. PRICK $4 PKIl SET. Send address to METROPOLITAN JOB OrPlCR. 28 ABB St., New York. T-ABOKST~STOCK AND GREAT REl>UOTION~~IN J Jprlces for Purnlium aud Carpets for caab or liberal terms in payment at CuWI'EltTH WAIT'S, IVi and 157 Chatham st. 13 large warerenms. O'nk parlor and rwTT bedko7>i~simts, with Carpets, lor sale, by a private I am 11 y. Call or address 410 West 47ih st. not;mew, noonn, waxtko. Xn til la tily and lirookljn. " VLADV WIHIIKS TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS on bathroom Uoflr, east side ot Broadway; rent not to exceed $12 or $14. Address J. N., Herald Uptown offioe. 1~i1LAOH OF ALL NATIONS. A lull Set ef Flags ot All Nation*, 30 in number, rise 2*< by .'l,S leet PRICE M PEP. BET. Brad address te METROPOLITAN JOB OFFICE. 28 Ann at. New York. I FAMILY leaving FOR THE COUNTRY. WISHING their neatly furnished house well superintended during their absence, will meet with tl>e rtuht party, ?'jo will lur n all good referenoos and security, by addressing bvx 3,6;t0 Poat office. ANTED?A CONFECTIONERY 8TORR, III mil vicinitv of Putnam av.. Brtxiklyn. Address, stating terms, box nil Nyack Post office. WaITthd-by a youniT (jenileman, k. nicely furnished K00111. with use ol bath, west ol Madlanu av., between 23d and :14th ate.; terms moderate. Address BACHELOR. Ilaruld otllce. lNMTIll CTIOW. Al.*!.NTChM'AN"\t I LI ?<0 V K FlthNt-fpAND OER man lessons dnrlu^ summer In exchange for Board. COUNTRY, Kerala Uptown Branch office. A Position Thoo v k kn e ss for ciii 1. nit en, or JVwilling to take ? position as teaeber and orgonirt in some country cliarch. Addieas 2IH hast 4th at. I.1 IjAtiS iTf all nations. I A lull Set of Flags of All Natioee, 3d la unmber, sine 2>? by 3)t leet. PRICE $4 PER SET. Send address to M. TROPOL1TAN .IOB OFFICE. 1W Ana St., New Ynrk. I)K1 VA'IE KRe.NCH I.KtfSONH GIVEN HY A FRENCH J. '-?eutiernan, with the blgUeet testimonials. Address PROFhHSOR. ir>4 West 1Mb St. WANTED-BY A YOUNO LADY FROM BtTsTOJI, who speaks fmir languages and te a gned musician, a position as eamnanlon or anvemsss. Address K. M. r Herald Uatown BranaU ottlce. EXCURSIONS. - C-t> nXr liOC K A ?? A Y BE AOffeTfOt RVfoNlC ? four ocean cxeuraiona daily, bv the popular ateatuers AMKKICUS AS") NK\'i'. lt?f.\K. WITH CONTEltNO'S .'3D REOIMKNT BAND anh CO LI MI-1A OLEE I'U'M. SIXTY MILE* WAIL KOK KIKTY CENTS. AMKlliOl'S LEAVES EVERY IUY A.Nf> SUNDAY. 24th Ht., North Hirer 8 ;to \. |J. and 1 :I5 P. M. loth it.t Nanll Ktvfr,,..., H |t> a. M. and t .26 1* M. Pitr27, Nartu River 8:60 a M. and I rM.? I'. M. Pier 2. North River ?!00 A M and I 45 I'. M. Jewell's Dock, Brooklyn H .20 A. M. nod :<?' P. >1. hi KA.MI'.K NEVERSINK KIMM *AST U1VKK EVERY DAY. Leave* r?Ul st , Ku?t River S:13 A. M. and 12 :6S I'. M. South Intnl.. Williainaburg.... M :30 A. M. and I :IO I'. M. Grand at., New York.. 8:16 A. M. and I I*. M. Jewell's Dock. Brooklyn .. H:<KI A. M. and 1 :30 P. .V, Steamers l??v? Ruck away ... II A. M ,4 Mianrt 5 I'. M. EXCURSION flOKKTM 60 CHNT?. A. ?A.?LONOSTRBET'S DAILY EXCURSIONS TO KOCKAWAY BEACH, commencing Sunday, June 17. aa followsSteamer 1W1L1U1JI', Captain John Holme*. 1 -uvea 130th (I., Har lem, at ?:46; duck, M:60; 118th ?t.. !?; Hltli at., 8:16; 33d at., 9 :30; Grand ?t.. 0:46; ,le*eir* duck. Brook lyn, 10:16. makim; all Undin^a at Rock iway; reluming, leave ili? bench ai 3:JU I'. M. KAKE, 36 CENTS. hXCl'KSlON TICKB I S. 60 CENTS. Good music and refreshments o i board. ?THE ONLY" BOATS LANDING AT COMiV ? 1SLa.N1> HI .aCII. ?Tlir Hue steamers IDLLWILD and Att.wBNlA will nin to CONEY ISLAND BEACH EVERY day. the IDLKWILD leaving Went 24th ?U?U A .\l . 12 >1, and 3 P. >1. West luih at. ?'J :1U A. M. 12 :|o and M :I0 P. M. Kianklln ?t., N. it. >.i :2o A. M . 13:20 .md 3 30 P. M. Pier No. J. N. K.-9:3o A. M., 12:30 and 3:30 P. M. The AKMKNIA will leave West 24th ?t.- iti .3i> A. M.. I :-?l and 4 :'K> P. M. Wert 10th 10:40 A. I .P)and t :40 P. M. Kianklln at.. N H.?10:60 A. I .H) aud 4:60 P. M. Pier Nik 3. N. R -11 A. M . 3 nn.l 6 P. M. AN HOURLY' EXCURSION TO THE NORTH SHORE Stutrn ItUnd. Kitra 10 rent*. Hunt* lo.n?? Whitehall at tho foot of Browdway for New Brighton. Sailor*' Siiiik Harbor, Wort Brighton, Purl Hicb nionil and Elm Park. Kii%t Imatli :W A M., aflor that hourly from 8 A. M. to 7 P. M. Smiilaya every hour trom A. M. to rt P M. The r.levated Railioail reeaiven and delivers paaeengert at the lerrv overv ninht inlnutra. ITroFEXCURSlONS? vriiA.MEK TIIO.H. POWELL ?eapaclty 3.600; barKt'H OUicaKe. Haltiniore, Durum; t-rufci open Suniiay. martin a kaskell. im somiirt. ~KIHHINO~BANKS. EVUKY DAY, SATURDAYS ? excepted, ocean at< amtr SKI II LOW. leaviuit llarrl ?on ?l.. N. R.,ll:30: 8th rt.. E. K . 7; pier 27. K. It. 7:16; 10th ?t., N. R? 7 :40: pier 6 N. K . S A.M. iJenu,76a;la diea, 60c. AL. li. KOsTKII, Manager. Daily kockaway beach" EXCURSION. Steamer WILLIAM COOK. Captain C. Adami, Leave loot of4llt at., lloboaen 8:10 a, M. Leave north aide Kri? lerry, Jer?ey City I) :I6 A. M. L";ive 2.'td rt . North River, new dock 10:30 A. M. Leave lOtli ?t.. North Kiver l'>:46 A. M. Leave pier 13, Cedar at 11 O > A. M. Leave Martin a duck Kulton ferry. Brooklyn.. .11 :20 A. M. steamer lexving Kockaway at 4 :;<0 I'. M. EXCURSION riCKKTS, 60 CENTS. Mua u liv the William Conk Marine Ba-id. A Hue Uloe Cluo and other attractive muilcal entertain in ent. Fort lee." pleasant valley and shady side! Hteamboata leave Canal it., SUNDAY, at U A. M. I 2 P M. | 10 A. M. I 3 P. M. Landins DAILY and SUNDAY 11 A.M. j 4 P. M. I at 34m at. and 34th at. 10 minutei ?___ later. 12 M. 0 1\ M. | li I P. M. | 7 P. M. | Leave DAILY at ?:46, .v. ..10 A. M.; 2. 6 KV> and 7 P. M. ROUND TRIP. 26 CENTS. XCURSION BOATS AND GROVE8.?8TKAMER tieneral SedewicK. Barges Harvtat Oueen, Republic, <;aietl >nin. Auna ami Bit dwin ; ala > ExeeUior Park, Kari tan Beach. Cold Spring and Oriental (iroven. N. S. RRIiitiS, 3S-| West at., oppoaite Chriitupber atreet lerry. Open eveninga. IlLAtiS OP ALL NATIONS. A full Set of Fiaga of All Naiioni, 30 in number, alie 2,'sJ by 3\ leet, PRICE !M PER SET. bend addreaa to METROPOLIT \N JOB 0KI''ICE, US Ann at.. New York. n rand dailyT;xt:ursTonTto kisiiino banks. \TKitra 60ceuta. The commodious ocean steamer CI I Y POINT, 60atate rooms mid every family accommodation (Saturdays excepted), leaving the foot of N?rth Sth at., Brooklyn. E. D., 7 A. M.; Stli at , E. <<., New York. 7:16 A. M.; Sonlh lat at.. Brooklyn, K. D.. 7:30 A. M.. Kulton lerry, Brooklyn. 8 A. M . eat 23d St., N. li.. New York. S:3UA. M.: Weat IOth at.. N. R.,H:43; uier 2. N. K.. t) A. M. Schiebel'a llrna* and >trin* Baud acromuauies each ex ?araioii. Klsh dinner UKpecialty. Klahing tackle aud bait on board. G1RAND CAMI' MEETING AT SEA CLIP*, f under tha supervision ul Mm. MaUUIK VAN OOTT. The aiegunt steamboat Thomas I'owull will run iu San Cliff dally Sunday* excepted, commencing Julia XI, until July -1. leering Leroy at. HA. VI.; Jewt.-11'a dock, Brooklyn, A.M.: llritnd *t.. New York, h :4."> A. M.; 33d it., hunt Klvar, 9 A. M. Returning. leave Sea Cliff 4:3<i P. M. No honorou the bout or ground" Splen did boating, ba'hlug and ttshlng. Ticket*, 40 cents; excur sion tickets, HO cents. j HARRY HILL'S aOATTAi TO-MORROW MORNINO a Filiating Hay. ntart inmi 1)10 Baflltll Botsl at IU:.tU. Any boat can enter on die morning at iho time of starting. Harry >1 ill's private yacht, tiie Araton. will accompany the regatta for tlie acc?mniudatl in of reporters and oiner gueata. Boxing. Devonshire anil (iricco. Roman Wrestling In ihe open field during the regatta. Pri??a? Mirer pitcher (made by Kaed k ilarton) to the flrst boat In aud *iirer cup* to the beat wrestler* und boxer*. New route to " " CONEY ISLAND and LOCUST (5KOVB. On and aftar JUNK 21, the steamboat ARROWSMIIH will leave A. M. P. M. P. M. Wdft 33d at 101 :<KI 4 *10 Leroy *t 10:10 1:10 4:10 Pranklin at 10?20 1:20 4 .??) Pier 13 North River 10:30 1:30 4 :?? Jewell'* Wharf, Brooklyn 10:4."> 1 :4"i 4:46 Humming at ll:;tOA. M.. 2 :30 f. M.. 7 P. M. Steamboat Ml.NNIK K. < IIILDS leave* Wait 22d it H :45 A. M. 11 :4<> A. M. 3:00 P. M. Loroy at H:>5 *. M. II AO A.M. 3: III P, M, Kranklln at 0 OS A. M. 12 *l<> M. 3 :X) P. M. Pier 13. N. B 9:15 A. M. 1J;10 I*. M. 3:30 P M. Returning at 10:30 A. M. I ;3U P. M. 6:30 P. M. PARE. 25 CENTS. EXCURSION TICKET, 4o CENTS. Conneotlng with railroad for Cablo'a and Mlddlo lalaud hotela aud Bath Park. PLYMOUTH ROCK. MOONLIGHT TRIP. THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENINii. JUNE 37. MOONLIGHT ON THE HUDSON. This will prore a moat romantic aall: the moon, then at It* lull, allver tipping the nnpllng water* oi the lovely river while the aweot muaic of the band and bMI* coax subdued ecboe* trom the wild Highland* of the Hudson. JABRETT k PALMER'S beautitnl palace steamer, PLYMOUTH RUCK, decorated and Iliuminatad, will leave pier 1 North Rlrer at 8 o'clock P. M., and the foot of 22d at., Nurth Hirer, at B .30o'elock. W ill retarn before midnight. V DANCING on tha main deck. NEYER'S FULL COlILLION HAND aipecially engaged. PARE FIPTT CENTS. A SPLENDID CONCERT IN THE ORaND SALOON liua boen arranged for the hi.i, marine hand. THE MADRIOAI. BoYs. MoX.AU r OLF.E CLUB. AUTHUR RENT, tha renowned Cornel. pLYMOUTH HOCK. HOCKaWAY, marine itwo times evert day. BAND. I I .1 ARK KIT A PALMER'S superb palace MADUMAL steamer PLY.MOU III HOCK, with all ber BOYS. grem uiuaical nttructlnna, n w make* two I tripe daily to HOCKAWAY BEACH. (?LEE I 01.UB. *?* Learn* loot of 22d at., Nerth Rlrer, at!> | A. M and 2 P. M. und pier I North Rlrer CHURCH I (Battery) atU!3fi A. M. and 2130 P. M. CHIMES. I PARK, round trip FIFTY CENTS, | Single trtp ticket* 35 cent a TEaMBoaT RESTLESS TO CHARTER FOR EXCUR ?iou*; #30 to $00 per day. Apply at 33 Coantlee slip, cor aer South *t. I'l\.\OKOKTEM, URQANS, AC. A" " ""CH A NCR. - SP LEnDI i> fc EW "~U PIUOHT AN D square I'ianoato rent, and rant allowed if purrhaned; a lew nearly new exceedingly low; all uew I'tano* warranted lor live ynnrn: greater rednctlM to raah. customers ever offered, at ll.vlNl.s IIROH . 14'iand 147 .1th ar., earner JI at ?t. Old Pluiio* taken in exchange ?p<?u rentT upiti<iht,syuakITand crand ? rianos el nur own m <k? ; alto for aale ami rent, a auiu ol line aecond hand I'ianoa. iu peifcrt order. WILLIAM KnaBI. k Co., No. lli 5th a*., abwe IBtb at. Assortment "op second hand steinway I'ianea. a mn ne*rlr new very low ; 4lao Danoa of oth>'r inakera; beware of bogu* Pluno* palmed off aa genuine Steinway make, al au< i|otior id private b jnaea. SfEl.N WAY A SONS. Stniaway Hall, 14th at.. New iferk. A FINE 7 OCTAVE PIANO, *IX.; STKINWAYs" Clilekerinx'*, Crciold and other I'l mo* and Organ* at bargain* lor eaali, instalment* and rent: pianos *|ored. .-. x. hall a co.. ii i *?t nth *t. At soiimkk a~co.'s, ho bast htii ?t..*:Id ar., plana m*nuf4Cturer*.- Klr*t <-ia~* i'lanoa at ex tremal}' low prices; tew und tesond band Piano* to rent and on Inualinent*. SOU MKR A CO.. 143 Eaat 14th at. AFlKhT CLASS UPRIOHT PIANO. MADE HY Steedman :ir aold this week no reaaonabla offer will be relnaed SU0RHIMM> APRITATK KtMILIr WUA Mill HTKINWAY Planoiorta at sacrldca, a brllliaat toned four round roaewowi <???? Piano, richly carved, every Improrement, 7!j octaro lull agralTi:eo*t $1,2<? >, for Cnlckerlng 7 octare Upright I'lano. f!7.*>. N. It. ?Box for ahipplnir. Cnll prlrate rs?i<lenee 47 We*t 10th ?(., between r>th and ilth ar*. \ PAMIoY I.KAVINO TOWN WILL DIbPOHE OF u\.au upright 7 octare Piano, coat fr'iOO. for fl'M): alio a Ore octave Melodcon for (25. liW 2d ar.. near 12th at. Akkw second Hand WBIER pianos at vkry great burgaina. *eme of them uaed but a very abort time hy oar be*t nitiairiana. and really almoat aa geod a* new; fully warranted In everr respect. Pleaaecall at the WEUEK Warerooms, 5th ar. ami inth at. Ai BEAUTIFUL CARVED ROSEWOOD 7 OCTAVE LPlHuolorte, #75; etoel and Corer. 21(1 East .'Kith at., near :td ar, BAE<?aINS.-N?W~?I LL R(>UND PIANO. CARTED lega.f 175; 7 net era vquare $144 : Upright. $75; reuta f4 ; Organ (Maaou A Hamllh),f35; Mnlodeon, $2<> _ OOKDOW k ?ON. 13 Kaat 14th St. BAItiiAlN, 171?ROSRWOtlD 7X ? CTAVE PI a no; Instalmenta received; rent $4. CARLE. U>7 U e.t '.'.''d at Ij'X r.tAoKIIIN AltY SAC>iTpiCK.-.llAl?.Mr ICnN r liPiane nrte, i o*er and Steoi, $20?; cost la?t April. Residence .Vi i .aat uth. "LI LA OS OK M.L "NATIONS. r A lull S#t of Plaga of All Nation*. In number, tise 2'^ l>y 3>, feet. PRICE $4 PEIt SET. Send addreaa to METROPOLITAN J OR OPPD'R. ^ 2H Aan at , New Yorfc. TTprIohi ano~sqC'akr pia>os. motqIwiii $> U and fill motithl* till paid, or rent $!> ape ard. flltl, ? Colon itaatt i4th a*.), naar 14th tt. AMlSKllKm. TONY PAfcTOK'S, BROADWAY. TOUT PASTOR-C 1 he great FORBIDDEN PLEASURE ComblaatiM, Willi Mine. COKKP.LLI's Parisian Status Troup*. Ir. h Htfriet of ? ieifAUt D18SOLVINO LIT JVC PICTURES. of the FINES* FORMED YOUNG La 1)1 KiS IN THE WORLD. Tin1 en*ation of _ TI1K AG.-.. This Evening at 8. Matinee* Tuesday* aad Friday*. (2 RAND OPKRA HOUSE. 8MIKK. ^. "ON N ELLY Sole [.mat* and Managera BESEliWCD >K\T-\ Oft :he?tra Chcle, 'U OENTb. Tin-. coolest holme in town. Matinee To-day i M1 KK. Maiines To-day SMIKE. Matinee To day. | TDK OHE \T MJCnKSR. Matinee To-day i THE ORE \T SUCCESS. Mat I nee To-dav I UNION" SQUARE TIIEkTRK oast. .Matinee To-day. I |'|IE OltAND Mmmee To-day | STAGE COACH SCBNK. IIatineo To day. I A real Eaglish ?tai;e coach of tha eldea Aiaunee Todnv. | time anil luur spirited English horses. Maituee To-<lay. | A .MAGNIFICENT EN I ERTAINME.NT. vv ALl.ACK'S. THIRD WEEK of the aueceatful engagement ol tlio talented and cbaraing young artiste, Mi?n LBTTIE ALLEN. EVERY EVENING duriug the week will ba presented a play of powerful interest. by Henry Morford. Esq.. entitled CRABBED AGE. HELENE YOLMIEB, J their i Mian i.ETTIK ALLEN RENE LATBOBE, [ ordinal ] Mr. J. B. ATWATER i characters.' In active preparation tor speedy production, an original romantic and picturesque drama. ?*rititled "WOODLBIQH." U" k i o"n" squabe t heatkbT" THIS (WEDNESDAY! evening. Jobs 37, BENEFIT OK MR. E H. GOUGE. THE HAY AfTEiT"THR WEDDING. Serenade Schot MY NEIGHBOR'S wife. SHERIDAN'S hide THE SPECTRE BKIDEG ROOM. A great t ill and great run. Box olWco open all day. CMLMOKE'H CONCERT tiAKDEN. J III IK (WEDNESDAY) EVEN I NO. JUNK 27. OILMOKB'S GREAT MILITARY BAND. 1, OTertnro. "Uoriolatiut" Heethovai -. Solo fur saxophone. "Swiss \ 1 r Varie,".... Savarl 3. Come t walit, "Corps iiaii Tanse," Gungl 4. Cornet nolo, "Alexis Fantasie," Hartmaun Mr. M A It BUCKLE. 5. Song, "The Flower Girl." Berignanl >IIm SALLIE REBEIl. 6. Grind opera selection Meyeroeer 7. .Morceitu ile Faust Gounid Slxitorina ELtSA OaLIMBEKTI 8. "The Crossing of the Danube'" dig. Rrtgnoll B. Song, "11 I wero a Knight " Oumuerl Mr WILLIAM HAMILTON. 1(1. Overture, "Tlio Uoldru Dremu."... Kerrsei II. Flute nolo. "Air and Variation*," Itrvl.l 13. Wedding March Mendelssohn SUNDAY EVENINGS. SPECIAL programmes. Fifty cents admission. Boxes, se itlnc four. $3. THE (iREAT NEW YORK AQUARIUM. Broadway and :C>th st. Open daily Iroin 1? A. M. till 14 P. M. Heauti nl Tropical Fishes and Anemones. Monstei living White Whale. 12 Seals, Sea Linns, 15 Sharks. 40 lllow Fishes, A HslJ Benders. Delightful Vocal Concerts by the celebrated Quartette nl Operatic Singer* Delicious Orchestral Concert*. Miss Sadli Lubin. the Aqiutnaut. Talking figures; teodtug the aulmalf and li<hek ami other entertainineuts. Cotiav Island .kquarlitiu now open for the aumtner, lBLO'S (IARDEN. EVERY EVENING >1?D SATPRDAY MATINEE. What our lathers thought a great drama. CROSS AND CRESCENT: OR, THE IvN 1UII IS OF SI. JOHN, with its iirand scenic elTecta. Look our for the THREE GUARDSMEN. N Central park harden AND 11 RT'S SUMMER TIIEATR:. Immense attractions thh week. ENTIRR NEW PROGRAMME FOR JUNE 25. Frank A. Gilibons, fe ^1'he entire Company the Ari:il Kin.;, SEVEN | In new Acts. >ongs, In ills great Sanaa- 7 >katcho>. Farce*, aatlon, a NEW STARS. Ac., every evening. SLIDE FOR LIFE.<g at 8 o'clock. NEW STARS and OLD FAVOR TES APPEAR NIGHTLY. Admission, ftOc. Ilalrony, 25c. DALY'S FIFTH TvkN I!h TI1KATBB " AN ENORMOUS HIT!! FOURTH WEEK! | EVERY NIGHT AT 8. RIO '8 *3> i TRAVAGANZA COMBINATION in I EVANGELINE. I The Jolllest Porforruauce la town!! EVANGELINE! I NEW LOCAL HITS AND NEW I VANtJKLlNE! I SONG8 every evening EVaNUELINEI I ??* Friday, l.ixile Webster's BeneflL I *?* Saturday, ilarry Joseph's Benefit, j Extra Bill lor buth nliclita. matinee Saturday at 2. ?.?Eixtra Metin?e Fourth of July, n : "It la uni|iie>lioaably a hit.*' The HERALD nay. The Lone Fisherman a whole comedy in blmaelt ! B OWEKY THEATRE EVERY KVENIVG. Mr. JOHN A. >TKVKNH and Miss EMILY DELMAB In a now and beautilal Romaatlc Drama. UNKNOWN. Preceded each evening by the amusing farce, TURN III M OUT. Family Matinee SATURDAY at 2. IpLAOH OF A lilt NjfcTtOKS. 1 A lull Bet ol Flag* of All Natioas, 3B la aamber, alse 3W by il)i leek PRICE ?4 PF.R SET. Send address to METROPOLITAN JOB OFfluB, 28 Ann St., New York. ABERLEM TIVOliI THEATRE. 8th St.. between 2d and 3d avi. America's aammer Garden and Variety Theatre. Every evening and Thursday Matinee. Variety, ballet, pantomime, gymnastics; 3(1 young ladies la tue grand bal let; 50 specialty artists. Admiinion, 25c. A AKGYLE ROOMS. tITH AV AND 30TH ST.? SOIREF.f Mondav, Wednesday aad Saturday nigbts, commencing at M o'clock. POLLONH. GRAND OPENING THURSDAY, JUNI 28. at 5 P. M. LADY ACCUSTOMED TO APPEAR IN BOYS' parts send adilre-s to TRAVELLER, Herald oDIcs. THE GREAT GR.ECOKOMAN WRESTLING MATOn for S400, gate money and the ehampionahip of the world, between Professor William Miller and Tlieba'td Baaer, takes place at the Empire Rink. :id av. and H3d St., on SATURDAY evening. Jane 3U. Tickets for sale at Rullman'a, 111 Broadway. Astor Hoaea, Filth Ave' lie. Windsor. Iloflnian House, Giisey, Grand Cea? trsl and St. Nicholas Hotels. Doors open at 7 P. M. TO THEATRICAL MANAGERS.-THH THhATRK known as Wood's Museum. Uth and Arch ?ts.. I'blladel pliia, will be rented on a percentage ol Its receipts. Parties with flr?t rate rcco.nniendatlon may apply to JOHN O'HYRNR. 514 Walnut. I'lillaUelphla. DIIY GINIDK. A. Gentlemen's Ixiw Shoes, French Kid and Calf. In great variety, at $4 50 and upward, at BROOKS', 1.IBU Broauwav, corner 3910 st. C CHEAPEST WHITE, CHECK ANI? FANCY MATTIN4 Jlti ilio cllr. Ingrain Carpet*, Oromh Cloths. Ac. ANDREW LESTER A CO.. II and 13 Writ Houston*. Flags ok all ~N A HON8. A fnll Ret of KI*k* of All Nations, 30 In Dombst, alio 2U by 3)* foot. PKICK ft PER 8KT. S?nd eddremto METROPOLITAN JOB OPriCR. "JH Ann sk. New York. FLAii*. FLAUS ? LAROE, 8E' ONI) UAMD PLAOS, ot different nation*, for decorating, sign ale, Ar_, very cheap. 11 ana 13 *Ve?t Houston St. TJinTAUAD hkaltifyino bazaar. I, S888 M H A W A W L K 8 11 It AA W W W I, 8 II II A A W WW W L HShS III! II II A A WWWW I, 8 II II AAAA WV VW __ L 8 8 II II A A W W ^ LLLLI,d> 8888 II II A A V V 04 WEST 14T1I ST.. near Oth nr.. New York, only linnet THREE DOOK8 FROM M ACY'.*t The largest stock ?f HUMAN 11AI It UOOlM retailed at wliole*ale prior*. 11IK MARIE ANTOINETTE SWITCH (Trade Mark). Remarkable, wonderTnl success of our new MARIE A!*. TOINhTTE SWITCH, ootnblnlng elegance wltn dnrsbility, and lorms Coiffure lor front and back. A more elegant and useful nrnament coald nut ha unnKlued. and will ha readily appreciated alter examination. A 8witch at 910, equal to ou? hi of the old iiyle. The NEW I.N VI SI it LE FRONT for young and old ladle*, improving the looks of entry one; more beautiful, ssd at lower price* than anr oilier house. Cl'RLS. warranted naturally curly. In large variety, froa 91 upward. OKAY II At R A HPECIALTY, lower titan any other limine in the country. 11AIII TAKEN IN EXt IIANiiK. COMBINES ma le up In the most approved nister. war ranted to give satisfaction. A lull assortment of tba choicest BEaUTIFYINO CwsMETlCS, warranted te be absolutely harmless, on head. CltEMrt BLANCHE. the great magic beautitter lor Ui? complextea, a spealaity, S'l per hoi. Also an elegant assortment of perfumery, amouir thrm now and delicious extracts Tbe MEDICATED OKIKNTH, HKAUTtrYINO MASK for me complexion will nmori TAN, FRECKLES and all eruptions of tbe SKIN. WONDERFUL NEW DISCOVERY, AM 17 LA, the (treat TAN AM) FRECKLK LOTION, will remove t*a la T:> minutes No more gray hair. I*. SIIA w n ndorleia I'BHSI AN KHENNA 'Trade Mark) will change gray hair INSTANTANEOUSLY to Ma aatural color, the use ol Lead, Lac Sulphur or Nitrate of i Silver, or any other poisonous Ingredient*. to a beautiful hrown or black Recommended hy tbe most prominent physicians and chemists. Testimonials at the atore. 91 and 91 ??> per box. Applied at the (tore. If desired, free ol ?barge. ,M I I.I.I % Kit. Y ASM IIREHWMAKIW6. L^lauh oV ALfi Sat ids 8. r A lull Set ot Flag* ol All Nation*, .**1 in number, alio 3)4 b> 3'. feet. PRK'K 94 PER SET. send address to METROPOLITAN JOB OPFICB, an Ann ?t., New York. OTltKKT COSTUMES.-OYER"l AKMKNTh AND EYE Onlng Dres?a* made In elegant strlea; abort notice; Buutbera trade invited Mme 1IKPPARD, 101 14th it., corner 0th av. It KMT A lilt A."VTM. IM.AOS OF At.L NATIONS. ' " A lull Set ot Flag* of All Nation*, .16 In namber, slae hy ;i>, fret. ^ PRICE 94 I'Kit SET. Head address to Mr.TRoPOLl f AN JoB OPPICK. U* Ann st.. New York. JACQUES* RKSTAl'B* NT rHANCAI8, IV* WBST 1ITM st.. ha twee* Ualveraltf tl m end Ain av - Mraakfk.* Ir?m T A M. to 9 P. ?i u0?. \ labia t int dlaaet hm 4 to a,9li*itb a*