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THE COURTS. The Property of Ex-Comptroller Haws' Sister-m-Law. HARD WON AND EASY LOST. A Father Obtains Possession of flit Illegally Indentured Child. a SPECIMEN JURY. In Iba Conn o! Common Fleas, Trial Term. Part 3, Jaitlce Daly presiding, the suit ot Mrs. Adelaide Decker, aa administratrix of ber cousin's (Mrs. Eliza Baker) property, against i?r. Wellington B. searles, ex ecutor of tbe deceased lady's last will and testament, was called. Mrs. Decker, in ber complaint, demands the return o( a large amount of properly and tbe nonejr realised on a certain llle insurance policy. Tbe Doctor, wbile not denying tbe rocelpt ot the money, iets up a counter claim for professional services. Ills 'tory, as narrutcd to the Court and Jury yesterday af ternoon by bis lawyer, M. J. A. McCaffrey. exposes the itate ol aflairs wbicb have existed In tbe Baker family, ?he controversy and talk over wbicb has interested ind excited tho residouts ot Harlem for some months. In May, 1874, tbo sisier-in law of ex-Comp troller Haws died, leaving her property to her rotative, Mrs. Eliza Baker, who bad received a largo amount of properly from her lather. Dr. Wellington It. Searles, tlio family physician of tbo ex-Comptroller s leg atee, whs the executor of the will made in Mrs. Baker's favor. This woman resided with tbo deceased on 128th street. Alter the death ol ber rolutive sbo contiuued to occupy tbe premises. Her relatives ig nored ber; nouo ol tbem desired lo have ber in tboir house, because, as alleged?and tho reason was made known to tbe public?sbo Was addicted to the exces ?ive use ol strong liquors. While debuting among themselves wbat disposition should be made ol' ber, Mr. Decker, the husband of the plaintiff la this suit, i cousin 01 Mrs. linker, suggested thut she take up ber 'esidouce with tbo Doctor. She did so, and at her leutb, some mouths alter, she made the Doctor the ?xecutor ol her last will and tesUmoot. This will, shicb tbe Doctor propounded for probate, wus ro tated by Surrogate Uutchings on tbe last day of bis ?fllcial career. Mrs. Decker then applied as an admin istratrix, as If no will baa been made. In tne argu Dent before tbe Surrogate tbo bablts of Mrs. Baker tore gone into In deiaiL One ol tbe witnesses, also > relative, swore that she frequently bad seen the aead woman drink lour or flvo quarts m beer a day and top off with a quart of brandy or whiskey. Tbe property which the Doctor held aa executor of tbe will made by tbe ex-Coinptroller'a sis ter-in-law be disposed ol and accounted lor. Mrs. Decker claims that in ibis disposition woro included a large amount ot property belonging to Mrs. Baker be fore she was made boir. It is lor ibis amount that sne lues. A copy of a letter written by Mrs. Decker to tbe relative who bad seen tbe immeuae quauliiios of beer and whiskey cousumed by Mrs. Baker was read. The letter recited thai she (Mrs. Docker) will give her 1500 if sbo succeeds in ber suit agaiusi the Doctor. A largo number ot tbe more respectaole residents of Har lem were present as witnesses. The actuary and jashler ol the Harlem Hank, with a small library of 'arge abd small account books, were also present. For the plaintiff mere appeared M. Cantino and tcr de fendant M. J. A. McCaflrey. Tbe case is still on and "omisea to occupy two or three more days. THE ITALIAN'S GOLD. As Detective Dunn, of tho Central Office, was walk ?g through Bleecker street on Monday afternoon be ^countered Andrew Brossani, a notorious contldence ?pernor, whose aotlons aroused tbe officer's suspl (tons. On taking the prisoner Into custody quite a tcuffle ensued, during which Bressant threw away tho |old watoh and cbalu be was wearlbg. Detective Dunn succeeded iu getting his prisoner to Police Head (uarters, where the accused was recognized ms being ?ne of tbe perpetrators of tbe robbery of $4,930 in gold from an Oregon cattle douier named Nicolas Maccol In April last. It appears that Maccoi bud accumulated tbe money during sixteen years' labor, and was com ing to New York to return to Europe, uud while bore was accosted by three strangera, of wbom Bressant Is tnspeciod to bu one, who ingratiated themselves Into his confidence and thus induced Maccoi to Intrust ?is hard-earned wealth with one ol tho trio, who decamped with it, followed by his companions. Poor Maccoi wus then toned to return to Orcgou to kegin work anew, and be is now iu tbut section ot the country. Imincdluiely following Uressant's arrest Mr. William F. Howo applied lor and socured a writ ?f habeas corpus, returnable yesterday. Tbe prisoner was arraigned in supreme Court, Chambers, yesterday on this process, but Judge Donobtie adjonraed the bearing until to-duy, giving directions that meantime a telegram be sent to Maccoi, in Washington Territory, Inlormtng blm ol tbe facts ot tbo case, and asking bun if be wished tbo prlsouer prosecuted, with tbo further irder that il no reply is received to the telegram to *7 the prisoner suould be discharged. A FATHER AND HIS CHILD. In October, 1872, Margaret Cunningham, then nbout two years of age, wus Uvlug with ber father, James Cunningham, at Flsbkll! Landing, where ha kept a liquor saloon. Upon a charge ol keeping a disorderly house be was arrested by the town authorities, and, meantime, his child Margaret was Indentured by Mr. Wodell, Superintendent or the Poor In Dutchess eounty, to Mrs. Hansoo, wire ol tbe Constablo of Fish kill, the cbt'd, under such articles of Indenture, to remain with Mrs. Huaaon until sbo was of age. Mr. Unnniagnaui, upon ti:s release, came to this citv und is bow employed in tho works ol tbe Manbaitun Has tompauy. Having discovered tbo whereabouts or bis sbild a writ nt babeas corpus was obtained by Mr. William F. Howo, hia counsel, aud under ?uch writ tho case was referred to Williuin Sinclair, Dierk ol Supreme Court, Chambers, who mnde his report yesterday tbal, in hts opinion, tbo father was rniltlcd to tbe custody of tlio child. Upon ibis report /udga Dooohua gave his deolsion embodying ihe sumo in tbo following brier opinion:?"The relator In tnis case is ad milled to bo the father of the miaul. Ibo respondent claims to bold the cbild bv virtue of an indeoture mado by a Superintendent of tbe Poorof Dul< boss county. There Is nollho leant legal evidence of iha facts on which tbe respondent's right to make the indentures would exist. Ihe Indaolura, there lore, is without authority und ol no otTeci, and the in fant must, thereiorc, be restored to us lathor. NO PASS BOUKS NO MONEY. Arend H. Kuper, by Guatavu* A. Wehrtens, his tuardlan, brought a suit against William I'laatjo undor the following circumstances, as set lortb m the com plaint. Plaintiff was a napbow of Arend Blanckl, wiio died In January, 187B, and who, be says, deposited 15,000 1b tho Seamen s uud Irving Savings banks In trust (or htm. Blanckl in ms lifetime received pass looks Iroin the respective bunks, and during his Itfo Jme did nol revoke the gills to Lh*? plaintiff, who was intitled to reoeive the deposits on ihe 6tb of Septem ber, 1870, bni upon demand tue banks rolused to nay tie money until the bank books were produced, hiit iba deleudaut baa ibe pass books aud retnaes to give tbem up, claiming tbal they iro a purl ot the estate ol tbe doceascd, vhoae execoiof tho deiendant claim> to bo; thai the ?ooks belong to the piuiaiilt and the possoesion of Jiom is necessary to establish bis lll>e lo the doposits, >nd without thorn be cannol obtain ihe rnouuy justly lelongmg to him. The answer slates ihut ihe gilt was wotted by Ibe last will of Ibe deceased and the bunk looks ware given to tbe delendanl as executor In Ihe presence ol ihe plainulf, staling that thai was ihe proptriy be wanted io bavo divided amoag ine par ions named in Ibe will. Ilo says luo plaintiff con tested tho will aud thai llie contest Is yel undecided by the (Surrogate. He claim* that the plaintiff has no rlghi to the puss books, but thai ibey b'jlor.g lo him lor Ibe uses und purposes mentioned in the will. Judge T;?o Itiuat, in au opinion rendered yesterday, ruvb udgneiu lor ibe deiendant, holding lilul there i? no ivideuce of au absolute tru.-u A NOL' OVEU BRIGHT JUJIV. A suit was coiumouceda few days since before Judge treedmsn. In the Superior Court, in which ihepluinliff, R'ldolph Wyman, sought to recover Irom Louis Biuin jarl, Felix May man aud Mux Hecaelbergtr tome $4,000 on a promissory note. Tbe defendants. Blumgarl und H-wseibcrgsr, pleaded usury, ??d tbal ibo money #a* loaned to Haymsn aionc, and a separate deience was pai i|i by Haymin. The case w?8 ,?ut (0 tbo Jury oigul belore U?l, and .ludgo Kreodmau ordered a sealed Verdict to be del vercd yesierdsy morning. Judge Prehuman was aomewha'. surprised l0 i?#r? u,m i|j0 iury ha.l quietly wendsd iheir way homeward leaving s little memorial behind ihetn in the *bape ,,i a sealed verdict in luvor ol Kliitnijart and licftwoibni-ger, with out soy allusion whatever lo the dofenciuni Hu'ym iu. Judge Frcedtnau gave the jury a severe lecturi' and Mid he could not see how ibey induced tlio Cour'l oill ;er Irfcharge to re|???o when they had aotngreid opoa a Verdict. He thou ordered that iliey show cause u ten A. M. to-morrow, why they .should n<>t be pun ished lor contempt of Court in getting discharged under those circiimsiancss. Ibe Court will hotu au Investigation, and tbo Court officer mid all concern0,| nre to be examined. The possibility ol a lively time 'or the offondiog jurors is somewhat strengthened by die statement ibal the scleral counsel will all nd nth affidavits. MOUE CITY SUITS. In tbe snlt of Jamai Murray ngalnai the Mayor, Ac., fit plati)tIII sued lo rocovi-r salary ns attendant ip.nll'e "npi sine Cnlirl from November 14, 1HT1, lo fay 1. Plaintiff was duly appointed by tbo ummI resolution. an I en November 14 was discharged by Andre* a. tir?;n, then Deputy Comptrollur. On the trial plaintiff claimed that this was do legal discharge, and offered to prove servlco. Judge Freedom a, how over, related to entertain such an offer, under the circumstances, and dismissed the cosapluint. Elliot Sandford appeared lor the plaintiff and Corporation l uuocul William C. Whitney, D. J. De*n and Charloa 1*. Miller lor ibe city. Sarali M. Norman brought suit against the city tore cover $10,001) lor injuries stuiaibed Irom a (all on tho ice in Iroat ol No. t'/M Third avenuo ou the evening ol January 6, 1877. The Ice was lormed by water which flowed trorn a leader at the junction ol Nos. 62U and 031 Third avenuo across the sidewalk and troze into an Icy ridge some three Inches high. Upon the close of tbe plaintiff's case a motiou for non-null wis* made, ou the ground that no nrgligence on tbe part ol the city had been shown, and that if there was any uogligonco at all in the case it was that ol tlia piaiuliff. Judgo K reed man accordingly dismissed tbe complaint. Messrs. Baker and Sperry appeared lor tbe plaintiff, and Cor poration Counsel William C. Whitney, Charles P. Miller and K. H. Lacombe Tor tbe city. THE DANCER WILL CONTEST. Tbe matter of tbe contest of tbe will ol Miss Mary M. Dancer was again Bp yesterday before Surrogate Calvin. Counsel for the contestants asked tbe Burro gate to name a time when be would hear argument on the validity of tbe provisions of tbe will to which ob jections might be made. The Surrogate replied that lie supposed it was tbe intention or the contestants to offer proofs as to the validity ol tbe will in advance of argument beiug bad. Counsel said be had uol ret completed the preparation of his documentary evi deucc. The Surrogate thought that after the proofs of the contestants bad beau submitted, tbe proponents should bo given au opportunity to produce lurtber tes timony il they desired it, bolore dual argument was had. t}ountel ou both sides acquiesced lu iliis view. 11 wits theu arranged thai the objections ol the contest ants should bo filed ou or belore the i!d day ol July next, and thai tbey bo specific as to what provisions aro objected to and on wuat grounds. Mr. Pyett, coun sel (pr Mr. Jeremiab, tbe executor and propoucnt ol the will, asked Hint the will be Immediately admitted to probate and letters testamentary be Issued. He said tbero was no good reasou why this should not bo done and tbe provisions ot the will be aiterward construed. There worn legacies ol (5,000 each to aunts ol MUs Dancer, which ought to be paid as boon as possible, there being no contest as to ttieir validity, and II pro bate ol the will was delayed they might never got their mor.ey, as they woro already nour seventy years old each. Alter a sharp bout between couusel the caso was again adjourned to the tub prox. TROUBLES OP LEGATEES. Another strange contest to a will has Just been com menced ID tbe Surrogate's Court. Patrick Fennclly, formerly a liquor dealer In this city died a short time ago, leaving an estate valued at $70,000 to his widow, Mary, and four children by his marriage with her, which will was duly admitted to probate, Now, one Michael Fennelly, claiming to be the brother of tbe decoased, seeks to have tbe probate ot the will opened and come in and contest on tbe grounds that he was not cited to appear when probate of tho will was sought, and tbat tho lustrumeut was obtained by undue tniluence on the part of tho widow while tho testator was In an unoonsclous condition. Tbe contestant also alleges that at tbe time the testator married Mary, the womun claiming to be the widow, bo bad another wife and two children living In Ireland, but all or whom, ne slates, are now dead. Tne case came on lor heariug yesterday belore Surrogate Caiviu. Alier a lengthy discussion between counsel tbe further bearing ot the case was adjourned to October next, ex-Surrogate Tucker, the alleged brother's counsel, undertaking in the meantime to procure evidence ol tho first mar riage from Ireland. A STRANGE CHARGE OF FORGERY. A rather unusual case? so far as but very rarely a similar case comes belore the United States courts? was before United States Commissioner Osborn yester day. Flemong W. Juckson, a colored cook at the Stevens House, charged his wife, Mary Josephine Jackvon (also colored), ol bright and Intelligent appear ance, with forging his namo to a money order, on which, as he alleged, she drew $S0 forwarded to him from Richmond, Va. From tbe testimony taken In the case It appears tbat Jackson and his wile came to this city a lew months ago Irom Kicbmoad with the Intention ol residing here. That alter a little time, Irom some cause not very clearly developed, Jackson grew suddenly jonlous ol his wile, and alter some little domestic differences arising iherelrotn she lett him. Tbey had, during their sojourn in Kiclnnoud, lived very comfortably and happily, und among some cffucis which (hey left behind thorn at Richmond was a piano ou which several puyinenis bad been made. After bis wile Intt him be wroto to a Iriend In Richmond to have tbe piano sold and the amount in excess ol tho amount due on It up to dato to be sent to him in a money order. This was dono, and a letter containing a money order lor $60 to Jackson's order was ad dressed to mm irom ltieuroond. This order was paid to somo man other than complainant on nn applica tion which, be allegos, was iorged by bis wile in his name. The delondant's counsel, Mr. Kobort N. W utie, on presenting ms client's case to the Court, contended that her husband himselthad got tbeporson wbo drew the money to personatu hint, bad signed the application blmrelt, and bad ooucocied the wbole plot lor the purpose of Involving tbe wile in a very serious charge through u leeiing of unjusiillablo jealousy and revenge. He claimed ibai Mrs. Jackson was entiroly innocent of the charge, and moved that the complaint be dismissed. Alter u lull bearing, how ever, Commissioner Osborn doctded to hold Mrs. Jackson in default of $1,000 bail, whioh she was un able to turntsb, and, In consequence, was removed to Ludlow Street JaiL SUMMARY OF LAW CASES. Jade* Blatcbford, of tbe Untied Slates District Court, gooa to Newport on Monday next, and will re turn on tbe 10th pros., to sit a lew days, to dispoao of some pressing business. Tbere was commenced yesterday, before Judge Sedg wick, In the Superior Court, tbe trial of a suit brought by (iaorgo B. Kingsbury snd another against Michael Kirwan, to recover $1,'JOO, growing out of certain cot ton speculations entered into two years ago, which amount tbe jury gave them. In oor report ol tbo suit of Jacob R. Sblpberd against Cbnrles C. Cokefair It wag erroneously stated | tbat tbe parlies were partners, and that tbe defendant I baa control ol ibe mortgage forming tbe basis of the suit I ana bus threatened to bavo it foreclosed. Tbe delend 1 ani Mates iliat uo sucb control exists, nor buve any j sucb threats been made, and moreover the value ol Wio entire property mortgaged is but $13,800 In the cano ol the lawyer Frederick A. Botty, charge^ by Judge Dlnkel, ol the fount) DlHtrict Court, with contempt ol court, tbe Tacts of which have been published m tbo Hi.halo, ex-Judgo Joacli lmseu yesterday submitted |>oiois ou bebalt of Judge Pinkel. belore Judge Donobue, In Supreme Court, Chamber), claiming that the writ of habeas corpus should be dismissed. Mr. William F. Kinizmg, couti s'-l for Itotty, aino submitted yesterday bis poiuts. A decision is expected to-day. In the raid made by Captain Foley on Saturday night lad on disorderly bouses in Ins precinct umong thoso arrested were Jobn Brown and Lizzie Junes, they each being charged with keeping a disorderly Itouse tn Canal street. Judgo Murray lixcd their hull respectively at 000 nud $1,000, and it is alleged that hu reluted to accept responsible bonds men. A writ ol habeas corpus was sued out by Mr. Robert H. Rucey, counsel lor tbu prisoner*, and on this writ a hearing wus bad yesterday be:ore Judge Donobue, the object of tbe writ being to compel ac ceptance ot ihs bond pflered. Alter hearing Mr. Mai Niic, ol the District Attorney's office in opposition, I Judge Donobue took the paper*. Clara Weriuiea. who wan married to Matbias Wcr mies some eleven years ago, In now seeking a limited divorce npon tbo ground ot alleged cruel und Inhuman treatment. She charges in her ooiuplaint mat her husband abandoned her some two years since, and that she did not hear Irom him lor a year, when she learned ilia; he whs living with one Bertha Middledori, in Wiliett street. She nays, lurlber, that she is without | any means of support, and that he has an Income ol $l,ftl)0 a year. Upon an application lor alimony the i case oatne up (or a hearing yesterday belore .Htdge . Donobue, Mr. Mepheti Phiel appearing ior thu plaiutiir and Mr. William F.Howe lor the defendant. After ' bearing tbe farts of the case n drrreo ol ?eparat)ou was ordered snd the matter of alimony reserved for itnaro adjudication. DECISIONS. SCFBKME COURT?CHAMBERS. By Judge Donobne. Phillips vs. Becbia, Hancock vs. Babcock; Dillon vs. Dillon; Hazard V?. Klrbardson; Ward vs. Ackerman; in the matter of Cebailos; Towntieud vs. Flberlh; Spies ?a. Central Saving* Ban*.- -limited. Leventnal vs. Heitner.? Motion rranted for October. HrPRKME CO0BT?SPICIAIi term. By Judge DonoOne. Bodtne vs. Mooeypenney ?t al?Findings and decree siened. Joseph vs. a berle.?Decree must be handed In before Audins* will be signid. Waixou v<> Keuvin aud other*.?Decree mu?t be handed in bofore hndiugM will be signed. By Juue Vao Brunt. Williams et aL. Ate., vs. Dubbs el al.?Findings set tied. Bush vs. Scoilcld.?Findings settled and signed. OOIIUOS T'LliA'4??P?CI\t TEBM. By Judge J. T. Duly. Smith vs. Smith at al.?Seo opiuiou. IkinK vs. MoCann.?Judgment ior plaintiff. Findings { to be sullied on two days' notics. Hue opinion. Vandervtlle vs. Callarsn.?Motion granted. (Kay vt. I O'Neil, 3tt N. V., 1; Duden vs. Waitxielder, Supreme I Court, Harnett, J., May, 1871.) N'.> costs. By Judge Vac Jloesen. Muivey vs. Krrwtn.?Seo memorandum. Johnson vs. Johnson.?Uelernnce ordered. .Hei^'r vs. Thompson.?Motion granted. StrsusH vs Tbe Nortn Otrman Lloyd.?Motion granted, wituout costs. By Judge Van Brum. Schott vs. Wright,?Hule 39 oi ilio Supreme Court requires this motion to be made at special Term. It is, therefore, not properly brought before mo. Kuprr Vf. Plaaiaa, Judgment lor tho defendant, witii costs. Soo opinon. ttOPRXME COUItl -Ctf.CUIT?PAWS 1. By Judge Donohue, tmil i vs. Loujiran, Jr.? Judgmeut lor plaintiff j ScbMldor, etaL, ra. Corly.?Caae and exceptions not prepared according to rale. SUPBEMK COURT?CIHrrm?PART 2. By Judge Van Brunt. Gam vs. Kearney, &c.?3eo memorandum. 8UPBRME COUBT?CIRCUIT?PART 3. ByJudeeYan Brunt. Jackson vs. Burns.?Case settled. MARINE COURT CHAMBERS. By Judge Goepp. Peters vs. Dunn?Decision ot June 7, 1877, must stand. Kleisbauer vs. Levy.?Motion granted, with $10 costs, unless terras are coin piled with. Levy vs. Sebwartii? Motion dented, as per decision filed. Kelly vs. Kitchena?Motion granted. UufTuey vs. Oaly.?Motion lor leave to serve ease, Ac., granted. Andrews vs. Lyon.?Motion to dismiss complaint, Ac., granted. Theil vs. Martaugb- Frank vs. Egao; Crocker vs. Fogg; Zemaofky vs. Churchill; Molougbnay vs. Dunu; Osnusur vs. Mondelson; Jamoson vs. Skinner; Carr vs. Goldstein; Nortou vs. The Mayor, ic. ; Judge vs. Same; Munn vs. Same; Kellly vs. Same; Nagle vs. .Same; Irwin vs. Samo; Jlerd vs. Same.? Orders granted. By Judge Sheridan. Faber vs. Solomon.?Case settled and filed. GENERAL SESSIONS?PART 1. Helore Judge Sutherland. THE M'UONALD HOMICIDE. The trial of James Blake, charged with the killing ol John McDonald, at the corner of Domlnlck and Varlck streets, on the evening ol last New Year's Day, was continued yesterday. Tbo prisoner, who Is a young man of respectable appoaranco, was surrounded by bis psrents ana a largo number o: bis relative*. Mrs. Mc Donald, the widow of the deceased, with bor Infant, occupied a seat In the witness box Mr. Sponccr, with whom was associated Mr. Poter Mitchell, summed up on behalf ol tho prisoner. He referred to the excellent cbaractor tbe prisoner bad previously borne, and con tended that be oould not naturally bave committed so grave an oflccco as that charged. He submitted that tho prisoner was In the clutches of a powerful foe, and that It was only when he lolt tho Ongers of the de ceased slowly killing bim by strangulation that he pulled bis pistol and llrotl In self-doleuco. In conclu sion, he argued that the prisoner wax Justified in re torting to any violence which would bavo tbo effect of saving his own lilo, and asked tho jury to acquit the prUouer. Assistant District Attorney Bollins replied on tho part ol the prosecution. While expressing sympathy lor tho position ol toe accused, he submitted "that tbo pity should be divided; that there should be some ex tended to tho widow whose busoaud was struck down without warning. Ho contended that it the prisoner weut form unwhipped ol justice similar acts would be repealed by othera. The learned couusul, in the course ol a very powerful and ellixtive address, drew a vivid picture ol the murder on New Year's Day; how tho pri^ouer, without provocation and wbou he could readily bave got away, deliberately drew bis pistol aud sent his companion luto eierimy. Ho said tbo pris oner belonged to a class of young men who aimed themselves with weapons on New Year's Day aud on the f ourth of July in anticipation of soino tort of dis turbance?a class ol young men who. after they bavo takon a lew drinks, feel disposed to quarrel aud shoot tne first mau they come across Mr. Koilins severely criticised the conduct ol tho prisonor on tho witness stand, whoso cool doportment clearly evl aenced his ontlro absence ol regret lor the terrible crlmo ho had committed. In concluding bis exhaus tive address tbo prosecuting counsel warnod tno jury to be mindiul ol their duty and not to allow the youth of the prisonor to ailed their Judgment In a case where justice londly called for adequate punishment. Judge Sutherland then charged the jury, pointing nut the law bearing on the offence as charged in the indict ment. Alter an ubsenoe of about two hours the Jury returned a vet diet ot murder In the second degree. Messrs. Spencer and Mitchell mado strenuous efforts to bavo the senteuce postponed on motions lor a new trial and In arrest ot Judgment Juige Sutherland, however, deniod theso applications, observing at the same time that he lully concurred in tho verdict ren dered by tbe Jury. He then formally sentenced Bloke to imprisonment lor Hie in Sing Sing Prison. KIU.ED WITH AN UMBUKLLii. Richard O'Keole, a bricklayer, residing at Ma 445 West Forty-first street, was arraigned for trial by Assistant District Attorney ilolllns charged with the killing ol John Fltzsimmona. It'was alleged that on tbe night ot November 6, last, the prisonor, with two other bricklayors?the deceased and Jeremiah Dytuin? met in McCormuck's liquor saloon, Forty.Urst street and tiighili aveuue. Thoy all drunk very iroelv and finally a dispute aroso a- to some trade matters. In the course ol the ultercation O'Keofc struck Dynuu with au umbrella which be carried In bis baud. Fttz simmons rushed to his frlond's assistance, whereupon O'Keole mado a luuge nt bim with tbo umbrella and struck lum In the eye. Fltzsimmona shouted unmedi aioiy thai bo bad lost bis aye, and Dynuu attempted to bold O'Keefc, but tho latter escaped. He was aubse queutiy arrested bnt denied the charge. Fltsaimmons was conveyed to Uellevue Hospital aud died tbe follow ing day. Dynuu was exuminod hy Mr. Itolllnsasto the affair, and tho above fucts wore disclosed, Mr. Iiowo, who defended tbe prisoner, bud not concluded bin cross-examination of that witness when tbo Court adjourned until this morning. GENE1UL SESSIONS-FART 2. Before Judge l! Ilduralouvo. STEALING KltOM A FELLOW WOHEMAN. A blacksmith named William Burnett, of First avo nuo and Filty-al.Xlb street, on the 16th Inst, stole a gold watch n-om a lellow workman . named William Flyun, of Na 268 Nlulh avenue, and on being arraigned tor trial yasterday by Assistant District Attorney Rus sell pleaded fuilty to the charge and was sent to mo Stale Prison lor tbo term of two years and six mourn*. Mary Kelly, a well known thief, of No. 14 Roosevelt street, wus nrra'pned on iwo charges of petit larceny, having stolen $23 from John Dor.-ey, of No. 45 Jamus street, and a watch aud chain from Margaret Cleury, of No. 3d Kast Broadway. Tho prisoner pleaded guilty aud un one charge was sentenced to six months' Im prisonment aud on the other to four months. James A McFeeley, wliu waa convicted on the charge of embezzling flft from Kfirich A: Co., of Ktghtb aveuuo, was, on tho motion of Mr. Spencer, gran tod a now trial. James Clark, who was convicted ou Monday of re ceiving stolon goods, the properly el Mary Murray, of No, H Jones street, wna yesterday sentenced to four years aud six mouths' Imprisonment. William Saunders, ol No. 6U3 West street, on tho lath > us i. snatchtd a silver wufcu from Aaron Mclntyre, of No, 30 Forsyth street, while fin was staodliig at tbo corner of Chatham and Pearl streets. I he prisoner pleaded guilty aud waa sent to tho State I'rison for tho term of two years and six months. COURT CALENDARS-THIS DAY. Suprkmr Court?I.'hamrkrn?Held by Judge Dono hue ? Nos. 44, 60, 02, 04. 07. Ill, 129, 130, 137, 168, 204, 206, 207. 222, 200, 281, 214, 288, 287. huprkmr COtiBT?Uknkiial. Tkrm.?Adjourned until July 0, 1877. Suprkmh Court?Spkoiai. Tkhm- Hold by Judgo Oouofiue.?Nos. 201.601,407, S37, 377, 2311,228, 304, 305, 647, 446, 408, 400. ScraKMK CoUET?Circuit?I'art 1?Held by Judgo Barrett.?Case on, No. 1857. l'urt 2?lleld t>v Junge potter.?Nos. 338, ^'88, -J384, 241)0. 13;I8, 11)44, 48ti0, 2402, 2160, 4"!I8, IllSfl, 'J078, .1210, 1744, 2146, 10,i4, 2102, 1032, l<V40. Part 3?ilelu oy .ludge Van liriint.?No day calendar. Superior Covrt?CKStHAt Tkrm.?Adjourned tine die. Superior Cookt?SriectAi. Tkrm?Hold by Judgo Sanlord.?No day calendur. t-tirsiuok Court?Trial Tkrm?Part 1?Held by Judgo Btdgwlck.-Cau on. No. 102!). No day calen dar. Part 2.?Adjourned until to-morrow, i'art 3? Held bv Judi_0 Froedtuau.?Nos. 334, 1005, 1108, 1181, 1034, 1026, 86'J, 11(.?, 220. 420, 300 518, 007, 003, 1267, 1018, 1246, 1247. 1285, 1C79, 1:114, l.'tfB, 12011, 130U, 1301, 1302, 1307, 1308, 1810, l.tll, 1313, 1280, 1315, 1317, 1318, 1310, 1321, 13 "2, 1323, 1325, 1320, 1328, 1320, 1330, 1342. (Jomkox Plrab?Uiskbal Tkrjl?Adjourned line die. uimxo.v Pi.kar? KquiTT Tskm?Held by Judge Van Huoseii.?C'asn on, Nos. 14, 14',, 30, 13, 10, 40, 6,27. Demurrer, No. 00. 'Common Pi.Kas?Trial Tkrm?Part 1.?Adjournod lor the torm. Part 2.?Adjourned lor tnw turiu. Part 3?Held by Judae J. F. Daly.?Nos, 730, 1080, 1832, 2004, 1202, 1221, 1020. Marikk Couh*? Trial Tkrk?Part 1.?Adjourned for ihe term. Part 2?Held by Judgo Sheridan.? Nos. 8272, W427, 2002, 0010, 734, 6006, 0085, 01,35, 7538, 4687, 80111. 837., 0074, 6083, 0380, 6331, 8125, 8120, 0056, 7079, 6215, 017, 018, 6737, 0004, 8426. Part 3?lluld by Judge SmuolL?Nos. 4170, 4177, 2471, 4060, 8200, 0323, 4404, 7214, 03?S, 0443, 6130. Court ot fi k.nkral Session Purl 1 Held by Judge Sutherland.? 1'Uo People v . Thomas Kyan, homicide; Saino v*. John smith and William ilroMn, robbery; Same vs. James (jilleu anu tieorge W. \Sat *>u, burglary; Same vs. James Kennedy, burglary; Same vs. 1'ianR Lushirau, grand larceny; Dunn v. Joseph Benson, grand larceny; Hainu vs. Jamus H. 1'aiiuer, grand larceny; Same vs. Thomas Wbrppie, grand larctny ; Barn* vs. John J. Cook, grand lar. < ny , Same vs. Jol.u O'Keofe, grund larceny ; Maine vs. Na than li. I.eulicim. forgery; Same vs. (ioorgu Kyun, for gery; Same vs. Julia i\ Calhoun, forgery ; name vs. I.ouis (lontcalou, larceuy Irom tho person; Saino vs. Thomas Nicholson, larceny from tho person; Same vs. Coorgo W iKou, gambling. Part 2?Held by Judgo CJilderileeve. ? Tho Peopie vs. .fames Kiug, Patrick Fallon ami Patrick Mriiili, robbery; Samo vs. Thomas K. White, robbery; Samo va baptist Scow irzler, felonious assault and battery ; same vs. Bernard Gondwiu, lelonious ussuult aud battery; Ssine v.". Ilonnnico Noinori, Irioniom assault and battery; Same vs. Francis I'orso and 1- rails Buhsio, lelonious as sault and battery; Sam* vs. Johu (illien, buislary; Same v*. Jobn J llra.lluy, burglary; Same vs. Hubert A. Muuday, burglary; Samo vs. Patrick McCain, ourglury ; Same vs. burglary; Sumo vs. David Milstein and issac Goldstein, burglary; Same vs. Kugeiio Sumner, grand larceny; Same vs. James l.eo, grand laicuny; Same vs. Jolin liibson, graud larceny; Same vs. A1011/.0 Lufrann, grand lar ceny; Samo vs. Annie Goldberg, grand larceny; Samo vs. PatricK Uougb, grund larceny; Sauiu vs. Patrick Hays and C'ornolius M.honey, grand larceny ; Same vs. Willium (J. Hay, grand larceny; Same va. Ed ward Hums aud (ieorgo llyer, graiid larceny; Samo vs. Kdward Htniieii, lorgery ;Same vs. Frank O'llrieo, larceuy from ihe persoo; Snrno vs. Mary Martin, lar ceny Irom tho person; Same va It ichel Shaw, larceny Irom ihe person; Samo va. Itoberi Hill and Jano lliii. assault and battel). COULD NOT BEAR DISGRACE. A SOUTHERN C.ENTLIMAM ATTEMPTS SUICIDE OS BEINO OOMJJITTKD FOB DRUXKENNEH8. Among the prisoners arraigned before Judge W fin dell yesterday afternoon was a Tory respectable look ing, well dresaed in.m, wao aald be waa Alfonso llapl tau, ol Norfolk, Va. He was arrested on Sixth ave nne by Officer Kelly, ol the Twenty-ninth precinct, early in tne day, while m an almost belplesa state of intoxication. Kapitan was recognised by theJudgeaaa man whom be bad commuted in ttie letter part ot laat week, on a similar cbargo and fined $10. Yesterday be bad no money, and be was placcd in tbe box preparatory to oeiug removed to tbe Tombs. While lu the pen bo euterrd tbe oloset adjoining nod after tome timo made bii appearance anum among tbe prisonors with a deep wound two Inches long by one deep under biB right our, irum wbicb the blood tlowed profusely. Officer Van Dusen, who has cbirge ol tbo male pcu, noticing bis condition, sent lo tlm New York Hospital at once for a surgeon. Kapllau on being questioned admitted tbul be bad out blms'.-ll, and said be wlsned to end bis ex istence lie tnlormed the officers that bo came to Now York about two weeks ago and put up at the Hotel St. Omer. Beiug asked whether he waa married be answered:? "Yen, and that Is tbo whole cause of tbe trouble. My wilo came lroui Norfolk with me, and ran away Iroin uie last Saturday lor no cause that 1 can think ol. Since tbeu 1 have been wandering around, and have beeu dnuklng Ireely, but when 1 fuuud myself to-day in a prlbou pen 1 could uoi staud tbe disgrace." The surgeon ures-.od Mr. Kapitau's wound, aud bad liltn removed to ibo hospital iu West Fifteenth street. Riipitan is said to be a iiuib ol conaidernolo nieau.s, aud own* a large amount or property in Wilmington, N. (J. ANOTHER CLERK RUINED. Fast living and a too eiasiio conscience brought to the bar ol tbe Tombs Police Court yesterday George H. Whitney, a well educated and respectable looking young olork, charged with embezzlement. Ho bad been in tbe employ of Sgobel & Day, merchants, ot No. 26 Beaver street, and was frequently Intrusted with large sums ol money with which lo pay customs duties, Somo mouths ago bia employers, receiving Information that he was leadlug a last lile and spend ing money profusely, watched him and traced to him tbo sum of $7&i, unaccounted lor ou tbe books. Tbo cam was platol lu the bunds ol Cap tain Catlrey, of tlio First precinct, who detailed Detective Uogan to liud the youug man, be having in tbe meantimo resigned bis poaitiou. The detective succeeded iu llnding him tu Stateu Island, where bis parents, highly respcctnble people, reside On being takon into custody, Wnitney confessed that bis em bezzlement would uKKroKaie H-l.LOU. justice Smith re manded him until to-day. BETRAYED BY A CONVICT. Acting npon Information given by Lewis F. Nephew, alias Charles Nllsou, now an Inmato ot the Ulackwell's Island Penitentiary, tbe poltoe yoeterday arrested Edward E. Burnett, on tbo charge ol bavlng roceived $146 worth ol pens, stolen from the storo of Henry Hoe, No. 01 John street, some months ago. Justice Smith, at the Tombs, yesterday remuudod him lor ex> animation. FEMALE JAILBIRD CAGED. Annlo Riley, alias Kate Connelly, alias Cmrna Thomas, alias Kmtnu Jones, arrested by Dotectivo Kerns, ot tbe Central Offioe, on Monday, charged with robbing a number ol persons by whom sbo had been employed aa a servant, was arraigned at Jefferson Market Court yesterday. Though the prisoner has been operating for a long time, and aa many as ton dlfleront complaints wore made against her at Police Headquarters, Mr. Joseph J. Homburg, of No. 128 Kant Sixty-fifth street, and Mrs. Theresa Kostca, of Ninth avenue and Forty-sixth street, were the only oues who appeared lo press charges. Tbe prisoner was In Mrs. hostka's omuloy only one day, wbeu she In It, taking a watch and chain and other articles, valued in all at $UU, From Mr. Uoinburg's house she took a clock valued at $75. Wbeu arrested thirteen pawn tickets were lound In lier possession, aud it Is thought dopredalions lor the past low mouths would aggregate $o,uOO. she was committed under the uatno ol Kate Williams In $0,000 bail to answer. Sbo has been arrested and convicted aeveral times for similar offences and baa twice escaped Irom Slug Sing. A DASTARDLY assault. Mary Pagans, a poor colored woman, was walking through Thompson street Saturday night on bor way home holding In her band $9, her week's wages. Noar Houston street she met a colored man named John Buckner, who deliberately struck ber a violent blow In tbo siomuctit threw her Into a borse trough, snatched tbe money and escaped. Tbo trough was lull oi water, and between the blow and tbe ducking Mary was complntely overcome and waa unable to make any outcry. Sbo re me moored Bock nor'* lace, however, aud bo was arrested Monday ntgut by Officer Bonze, ol tbe Klghtb precinct. Justico Waudeli committed him yesterday In delault of $2,000 ball to answor. A PLATE GLASS BREAKER. The domand of Wendell Lummerwlck for money having been refused by C. Q. Keicbort, la bis saloon, No. 1,061 Third avonue, on Mondaj evening. Lumracr> wick broke plate nl.iss worth $20U. Yesterday morn lug, on complaint of Mr. Rvichurt, ho was commuted id the Kifiy-seventU street Court. REAL ESTATE. But three foreclosures were sold in the Exchange yesterday Lotili Mo-1 r sold, nnder fnpremo Court foreclosure, l.'harlea II. fheln*. ruferoe, a lot. 25*63, on Kail 57th at. , ?. :>?? It. w. of Ut av., to Mary A. Ilnlmcn, plaintiff . $9,975 ?lumen M. M ellon *o!d, under Supreme Court fore closure, Monmouth (>. Hurt, referee, it houne with lot, IK.4x67. on Lexlnxtou ?v , e. a.. Ml ft, o. of 5l?t at., to Anntnda tlimalnv: .... 12,523 Tlii> namu auctloueer sold, mirier motion of .1. Keocb, relere*. the interest ol John Hnanintt In 58Jf acres ot Intnl. known nn the IVmr llueaini; luriu. on the line ol t'le New Vork und Harlem Itatlroad adjoin ing the Willluinabrldir?|ilepot, to I'oter V. Huxninic. 40,000 V. K. Stevennnn. .Ir., Hipoioil at private aala ot the lour atory Kii?|Mi basement brick bonne, No. '?17 Kaat 34th at.. ?lr:i'>>li, to Mrs. Elisabeth Howell, of Ulcnbam Motel, fur 8,500 Total aales for the day $71,100 TttAKsraas. Ill av.. w. * ,30 ft. s. of 32d at., Ill 4x65; R. Jsnsen in M. Dully Nom. Kim av.. n. n filth ward) . Kate Kayter (executrix) to Jolm \\ llaon 2:?> 82H t.. n. 337 ft. ?. of 2d hv.. 17xH: T. Wan doll (executor) to S. .-thwarti . 6,000 tioiilevurd. a. e. corner ol 152d at.. 74.1 IxlOO; J. 11. Murria (executor) to II. A. Montgomery 10,5(10 H(u<ton, a. e. corr.erof Cannon at., 80x7$; Jaiuea (Iretrory and wile to C. O. Dean 12,000 With ?t.. I. a.. 159 It. w of 3d av.. 19x102; N. A. McCool lo K. J. AlOhooa 8,7*10 (Jrovo Hill place, e. of av. O, 23x50 ward) ; Claru Deckor and liusliaml lo C. Dulinar..,.. 1,500 Gnttvernt-ur at., a. a,. 1IJ7.B It. e. of Territee place, 50x118; J. II. 11II dre lli Hlid wllo to M ary 11. Si bill ing Nom. Gonvernenr at., n. a.. 107.11 It. e. of Terrace place. 50 x 118; J. II Schllliut; ami wife to J. II. 11 ildreth. Nom. latav.e. a, 25 It. w. ol (Mat at., 25x?5; Michaol K. Hurke anil wife to Itcorge W. I'.;irers 1,700 115th ??.. a. 95 It. e. of lnt nv.. 37.fixl00.10; ,l*a. Klley und wile to C. C. Dosclier.. Nora. Gnuvorucur nt . a.*., 107. '? It. e. 01 Terriico place, 18.5x50, 123d ward); U Kuoape and wile to Jolm H Schilling 1,500 Greenwich at.. U. o. comer ot Adiji at; B. A. 1'laraon "toll. K. Dleklnnon 000 ll?tli at., a. a.. 125 It. w. ol lnt ay., ^.ixlUO.IO; J as. Itlley ami wife to 0. C. Doac.lier Nora. 15th at . u. a.,220.6 ft. w. ol nr. H, |(i0xlU3.3; W, L. Kindlev, referee, to David .Tonea 25,100 M0llTI.4i.K1 ?Tone*. ]>!\vld. to Mnnhuttun I.lie Insurance Com pany. n. n. l.'ith at., w. ol a v. H; I year . 15.000 tfyms. William J. and wile, to Mutual Lite Inanrance Company, n. e. corner llonter and Cnristle-. I yuar 15,000 Hoc. Kirharil M. and wile, to New Vork l,lle Inaur ance Company. w. a. Iloltl at . Moa. 2M ami 31 ..... 25,000 Van Vieck. I inina I) , I nited Staten Life Insurance I oiiipuny, n a. 3otli at.. w. ot (Uli av.; 2 year*.... 8,500 Oenioreat. Klia* M. and huabaoij, to Meat Side haylogn Hunk, a a. Harrow at I year . ... 200 HrinkerliolT, 1 liiMHloaia .1. and hnahand, to William > Bantu, a. n, llooMon tt , w. ol i iri i'iie nt.; 1 yenr 1,000 Jolinaton, 1'eter nml wile, to Cliurlea Hcbwnrlt, Kliu av (2:id ward); 2 yean moo Lowenlftla. i m nuel. to Wllliitui H. Ait, n. ??. 123d at. w. ol 4lb hv. , 3 jeura 5,000 Docker. (Mara and liuahaml, to Kllia J. Hrailley, a. a. ol lirove Hill plaox ii3il ward); years 1,0(10 llartman. laaao nml wlI", to l.mlwiK Haninan, a. a. Of lirand at., o. ot Clinton nt. ; 1 ?ear 2,500 Hume to same, a. a. of i<rand at., e. of Clinton at.; I year.,., 2,500 Kimili-y. Andrew, ta.lolin II. Dyckman. n. a. of ltHth ?t . w, of ay. A ; 3 v ar* 7,j<Kl Bennot, K., to Sinltu M. Huaaell, w. a. ol' 1 lioinp?eu at., a. of .iprinK nt ; 4 Veurn 2,'<fKl Bgitara. Oeorfn W. mm wilu, to J. II. Mmonia, e. ?. of lnt av. n oli'.latat.; 2yeurs 5.UO 8amn to Kllxa Wienur, e. a. ol 1 at ay., n ul Hlit it ; 2 yeara 9,0(JO Nihivnrtu, 8ie(rmnn<l, lo .l ine L>. Satterlee. n. a. of U.'O at., e. Ol 2d uv.; .'lyeara 4 CIO niRK'Ali. t.^i,.\(;s Ttr'xiXr naMuns. P A full Met of Klaxl ol All Nations, .16 In number, aire 2U liy .1 Si led. PRICK 14 IT.K MKT. Send addre.n* to METROPOLITAN IDB OTPICK. 28 Ann at.. New Vork. ML'810 1iKS40N8 (iIVKN, MHJAI. OK INSTItU .menial.? CoMpoti.iit teacher; f > a quarter. Aildruas Mrs. WKItll ;sw Rait Htli at. IJIANOS ami iiKHANS I VI'ltl.M l.l.v" Low. i ok . cuah, in amall nonthly or i|iinrterly parBianta. or to rent. In city or country, Imui $4 upward, ltORACK WatI'.RC A >ON8, 10 hnat mil at. ' ,\NTKl> IK KXCIlANdl. PIANO I.K8SON8 JKf)S I- re null. Addrean PA KtS, Herald Uptown olfir* UEIti'ISTUT. A'8ir (VP TPfchTil I.V i lIKKh M(>uK*~ ,N I-. v\" IlKOUO 11 S, No. 377 litii av., one door above 294 at . oppoalto \l iinonlc laiuple, ruoiier, col ololil ifolil. pin tina. 3tc., mid everything lu mechanical ilentlHry, with d?. SpHtch ; nltroaa oxlile Kan. No. 377 tltti av. BKaUwul: Dl. it BLK ARTIFICIAL TRKTII. limn. f". ainicle. ?1 . warrntited. .New York lim tal Room*, 2*12 6th ny. I..uitili.|ied IM5I. Dr..UKaOKR, L'll.AtiS 0^, all NATioKa! r ^ 'ul: Sot of Kiaga ol All Nations. 3H In numher. alite 2K by It1, leet. PRICK ?4 1*1 It 8fcT. Hend nddreas to Nl.TitoPol.l f A N .lull OPPICR, 20 Ana si.k New Kerk. w 9AL.KS AT AUCTIOW. A&CIION. ?AT" P KIVaTK "RhSIDi.NOfe, ????? THIS ' WhDN EkD AYi MOBNIHO. AT 10U O'CLOCK. TUB ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD FIRMTUBH, HANDSOME AND USEFUL. OF FOUR STOKY HOUSE 13f) EAST 1HTI1 IT.. BETWEEN 3D AV. AND IRVINO PLACE. Parlor Suits, la satin. rotalins and reps; Turkish Krti. In lafsslry; rosewool octave i'lauolorte, Etagarrs. Cabinet Bookcases. Desks. Oil PaintiUL'a, Hroniea, Our* tains. Clocks. velvet. Hruasala aud Ingrain Carpets; Inlaid Chamber Sen. Bedsteads. Dressing iimi, HubiMn<u, Kurt hi; Beds h?lr Mattresses. Bedding, Wardrobes. Buffet, Extension Table, Dining Chain, Silver Plated Wars, Cut lery and other goods aud well presorved Household Goods. ALBERT KRA'.MElt, Auctioneer. N. B.?Ooods packed, (hipped and remoreil; city or country. A?TUNIS JOHNSON. AUCTIONEER. ? Old stand. 37 Nassau at. TO MORROW (Thursday i, June 28, al 10}? o'clock. Halt of One Household Furniture, removed from liouae iu tbe country. Full particular* to morrow. \TTENTIoN.?LABC.E WALK OK HOUSEHOLD Kurillilire, Carpels, I'lauolorte. Paintings, THIS (Meduesdayl MOttXIXti, commandos al 10}? clock. N/i. 2'>rt Went 2-ith su, near 7th av 17 fine Carpets. 23 <HI Paintings. Mlrror?, Curtain*, two Piauolorto-, one Sleinwav; ?atlu, brocade Parlor Hulls; Sccrelar) aud Library Bookcase*, Tables. Desks, Uedrooiu Suits, Hudsteads, Bureaus, Dressing Cases, Wasbstauds, Wardrubas. hair and spring Maitre-?es. Bedding. Holsters, '"lllows. sideboards, Extension Tables, Dining Chairs. China. Knives. Forks, spoons, Hall Maud, Ac. 11. K. .MARTIN. Auctioneer, Auction hack at private residence! TIIIK (Wednesday) MOKN'INCI. at 10 o'clock, five story brown atone Mansion, NO 47 WERT HU H hi'., Uf.TWfc.KN 5TI1 AMI 6TII AV8? FURNITURE. WORKS OK ART. HRON/.KH. STEINWAY 7>? OCTLVK PI ANOKoRTE. CHICKEB1NO UPRKSHT PIANO. PARLOR AND DHAWINO ROOM SUITS, In erlmaon. tan, brocade satin and cotelaine; Turk lull aud spauisn lounges. Kaay Chairs, Centre Tables. htaxerei. Mirrors, Curtains, French Mantel Sets. Clocks. Library aud Secre taire Bookcases. Library Table*. I itrklilt Suit, Writlug Dealt. HEDKOOM PUR.II'nJRR?Elaborate and plain Hou room Kels, Inlaid gilt Bedsteads, Dressing Cases, Huieaus. Wash stands. Single and Duublu Bedsteads, 33 hair and spring Mattresses, Pillows, rep und plush uitn. marble tun Tabloa. U1MNO FUltNlTL RE? Extension Talilea, Sideboard, Chairs lu leather. Silverware. Crockery, two llall Stands. X. B ?The greater pari of above furniture, broutes and paintings purchased al Centsnuial. aud are all of auperlor quality. Arrangements maae for packing or shipping II de sired. Take sixth aveiiuo or University place cars, or Broadway altifro in -17 Weal Miih st. MICIIARU H. KABDOLPH, Auctioneer. A hchwab, Auctioneek, 277 bowery. sells ? II o'clock, A14 West 27th at.. Stock and Fixtures of iquor Store, Kara, Hack Bar, Ale Pumps, Mirror, Tables, baira, Keculator, Ac. Dealers Invited. TTENTJON! HOt'SKKE.-.PEKs' UR~ THOSE " V furnishing city or country residences. Auction sale tbis (WEDNESDAY) morning, commencing at 10)j o'clock, at private residence No. l.V.i West Kith at , between flth and 7tli are.. Ul Brtisacis, Ingrain,Carpets, S Parlor Suits In satin, brooade. rep and haircloth; 2 rosewood Pianofortes, 1 Steinwav, 3."i Oil P.ilnllugs. Curtains, Mirrors, Vases, Clocks, Tables, Bookcases, Desks, Hodsteuds, Dre-sing Cases, Baroaus, Wa>h*tand4. hair and spring Maitrr?acs, Hed'liui:, .lc. ; Libra)]r, Dining Furniture. Dim, 1'nnui, Silverware, sideboard. Extension Tables, llall and Stair Carpets, Ac. UHXHKT ROTH. Auctioneer. AT AUCTION^ VAN TASSF.LL A KEARNEY, Anctloneern. will aell tills day, al II o'clock at salesroom. No. J- Union squaro. a large lot of eloganl Household Kuruiture,consist ing of Parlur Knits, black waluut Ht-ilroom Suita, Cottau-e Suila.lledstrads, Hatraeks, Wardrolies.Sidelioards. Kiageren. Chandeliers, Carpels, llaine'.' I'lano, hair Mattresses, lltd uing feather Pillows, I'.xteusiou Tables, silvcrplaiod Ware, Crockery, Ulassware, Ac. BYP.DAiLEyTautITIONKEB. ?MOBTOAOK RALE. 1 will ofler for sale tbis day. commencing at 10 o'clock, sliaip. all the Kixtures, Kurnltuie. Ae.. oi tlie Stacy House, No. 700 Hroaiway. connistiiit, of elegant French plate Plor and Manial Mirrors, fine black walnut caue seat Chairs, Silvurware, raarbic Counters, Ueneoict'a Rigulatora, hand aome crystal Cbaudeliers, elegant Hired Lamps, marble too sideboard, one Marvin sale. 14 patent Hal Hacks, Tables, ('rockery, cookin-- utensils, patent Tea and Cotlen Urns. Awnlnirs, Mangle, Flatirons, Wringers, Kanu'es, two large steatn Hollers and connections, two Hot Water Holl ers, Steam Pump, Hotel Annunciator, Settees, <41 eateri. Pipes, Signs. Ac.. Ac. I he goods will be sold in lots and must be removed immediately attar tha sale Huyers will take notice that no mistakes will be rectified, 'terms of sale. cash. By order P. Dalley, Attorney for Mortgagee. BY JOHN A. DI NS, AI'CTIo.NBl'.R.--SALK tiiTs 101^ o'clock, at salesroom .'iU Croat Jonea at., a large variety of Walnut Kurniture, Kedateada, Hureaus ana Wash stands, both new and aecond hand; also a Ilankrupt Stock of tllasa and Silver Ware, Tumiilert, Preserve liislias, silvcrplated Knives, Forks and Spoous, one 10 foot Cro cer's Icebox, Refrigerators, Ac.; oue parlor Satin Suit, ?even pieces, together wltb 1R Brussels and Ingrain Car pets. D?aleri invited, N. B?Regular aale days, Wednes day and Saturday. By p.^daTlky, autionkmc?moktgaue bale.? 1 will sell the Fixtnroa and Furniture of the Lager Beer saloon and Restaurant No 431 East 14th St.. In flits, this day. at 'J :30 P. M. Sala positive. Ooods removed at once. By order E. UASSI'.Y. Attorney for Mortgagee. BY JOHN II DRAPER A CO., At'CTlOSEEKk-TilE Delaware, Lackawanna and Wostern Kallruad Company wll! sell 125,UOO tons Scrauton Coal, at public auction, on Wednesday, Juue 27, at 12 o'clock noon, al 20 Exchange place. SAMUEL SLOAN, President. L> Y J. COOKI5, AUCTIONEER?Til UBSDAV\ JUNE J#^H, at 10>. o'clock, at salesroom 212 East 125ib st, en tire Stock of assorted Dry tioods. Notions, Ladies' and Cm lleiuuu's KirsbklM (iootls. Hosiery, Kaucy Articlrs, lllb lions; goods In roud order; sale absolute. Dealers invited. IP "TOLTON," AUCTI(> N E R R. .Largo sale of Household Kurniture, Pianos, French plats Mirror, 20 or 3o good Carpels, Hooks. Ac. ; this day (Wednesiiayi, June 27, st the auction room* MNl Broadway, above Metropolitan Hotel, commeue<ng at 11 o'clock, av?ry large amount of good and niedlum <? u ? 1 it>- Parlor, Dining Room, Bedrooat and Ha<smsut Ooods, Carpets, Ac.; also all the Kurniture of au uptown club house, Musical Instru ments, elo.:ant Furniture, OH Paintings, Statuary, Works uf Art. valuable Books, Faucy Uoods, Ac. Catalogues early this moriiing. 1/LAOs" OF ALL NATIONS" A full Rat of Flam of All Nations, 30 Id number, site 2}j by 3U leet. PRICK *4 PER SET. Send address to METROPOLITAN JOB OFFICE. '-'S Ann sl. New Yurk. C^ BOROE J SMITllT iTuCTIONEEH, 11 CIUVHEIIS JTsi. ? By virtue of a chattel mortgage I will expost lor aaie at public vendue, on Wednesday, tbe 27tU day ail June, 1*77 at II o'clock ill the lorenoon, at No. 73 Maiden lane, I ho Fixtures of a Hookbindery. consisting of Presses, Cut ting Machines, Wilding Hoards, brass Hand Tools ibruas Figures, Kheflden Hacking Machine, Embossing Presses, maple and cherry I'rasa Boards. Ac. OKoltOE J. SMITH, Attorney for Mortgagee. jn ERA lib B E t'T S. AITCT loN EE It, ~ " VX salesroom 7 Old slip, will sell this day (Wednesday). June 27, at 11 o'clock, 1R Hogsheads Western Leaf Tobacco, Hl),(KJO domestic Cigars, favorite brands aalso 12.\UUD "Acme" brand all tobacco Clvarettes (" < EOBOR IdiI.HIti miK, \ I'i'TIoNHER?WILL 81-.LI. Tlbis day. 2 o'clock. 43rt Canal r.t., general aisortnient llouseliold Kurniture, Sewing Machines. Ac. JOHN A. VAN DKIl VEER, AUCTIONEER, WILL sell at mictlou on Thursday. June 2S. at 11 o'clock A. M.. on the premises at ."licenhssad Hay. to close tbe estate of John I' mmers. deceased, 3'*) Lou of valuable real esialn. Tills Property Is dire tly opposite to (lie depot of tbe New York snd Manhattan Beach and the Now York, Hay Klilge and Jamaica Steam railroads, at 4h?r|ish*nd Hay, and offers rare opportunities to purchase valuable Plots for suburban and villa residences; only 4."i mi otitis from New York city. For maps Au.. apply to A. A J. U. LOTT, Counsellors-at-Law, No. I.'l VVIiioughby at . or at tho oltlcu of the auctioneer. No. 377 Fulton at.. Hrooklyn. JOHN <r J. l.lssNEB, AlJC'I IONICKH, HELLS. lo o'clock. 12 Aiiu St., Fixtures. Ac., of Dining Saloon, In one or more lots. JOHN J. MSKNHK. ArCTIONKP.R. 8KIXH. 10 o'olock. Hi't Mill nr.. large stock ol Jewelry. In lot* MORTUAUB SALU-PKTKIl BOWK] AUCTIONEER*. ?(?Ha tbii day. ?t 11 o'clock A. M . m Not. i4 t nod M3', titli hv? the l.eaae, Stock Hint Fixture* ol' flrat claa* liar room nmt Cigar Stand, with Hbudie Board Alley attached, una in running order. I* A. CUHKY, Attorney for Mortgagee. llAVKN. AUCTIONKKR, . will ??!! Til UBS DAY, June 2?, *t 11 A. M, ut 407 41ii hi , n?iir !ll?t at.. entire content* ol Kr-m h flat, consisting ol Parlor, Olnlnc roiitn, Bedroom mid Kitchen Furniture i'aiutiiii;?, Picture*, Clocks. (irneineuta. Ac ; 2:> Canary Itirds. Ac. Mnchsbaitm, auctioneer, sai howkbt, .?('lit llil? dHy, at Vt'i o'clock. Sth av., Stock ami Pivtnre* of Confectionery; i*r,e atncK of Caudle*, Jars, ThIiIc". Dock. Counter*. Ac.; poaltlvely In lot*. Vf NUMBaUmT ai ?/l IKM.KU. 3BI ioWKRT. iVLasell* tliln day. at 2 o'clock. 14 South .'?lh av., Urea Stock nml Fixtures <f firm elm Uroeery Store. Denier* Invited. AKHI1 aX'S SALE. J SKKBACHF.R. Auctioneer, will *ell 1111( liny, at ?tore No. O UI v I if tun *t., at I' o'clock, a large stock ol tlrocerlo*. conflating ol Te*?. Coffee, Mimr, Soap, Caudle*, Canned Fruit, French Mustard, l'epper Sauce. Ac. Til OS. CUhMNUM AM, M arahat. Alio four marble Tomb Stonca, two amall Monument* and two oval. I TIIOS CUNNIMIIIAM, Marahal. MoKTOAUK SAI.K -Van TASSKM, A KKAKNKY, Auction era. will aell on Thnriday. ut 11 o'clock, at No. | lull Canal at., tbo content* of an ilyatar lloiiii and Ke?- ! tan rant, con?lftliiir ol Mar and Hack liar, Oy*t?r Counter, Cbalr*, Tablet, lilanwaro, Crockery, ilauge. Lamp.*, (iaa Klxlmea, Ac. l(y order of P. (1 CATiK, Attorney lor Mortgagee. NOTICP. MOKKIK WILKIN'S. Auctioneer, will eell at puhllo mi e. at Hie Exchange Naleamoina, .No. Ill Hrond*ay,cn Jliuraday. iHili Juno, H77. at I.' o'clock >1 , !>y oroerof ilia l)A|>artnieiit ol Oocka. the Steaming Alert. 2 Dredi'lng Machine*, 3 Steam I'ila llrlver* and l(l llredgliig Machine MuiIKciiwi. Kor lull information see tlie City Kocurd, lor tale at No. 2 City Hall. i)AW.NBKOKh B'S SAI.K?IAMKS AIIAIt, Al'CTION eer, will aell tlila day. at .VI New Bowery, !ii<l Inta ol ailk and other OreMe*; crape la< e anil other Miaw la: Keninanta of ailk am M'rentulne, I ndori'lotUlnir, aSatta, Nr>r? ad?. Ta ble, Shoe*. l)alter>, alik L'tnbrcliae and Paraaol*; al*o Coat*, Pantaloon* aud Veat* Iheade will coihiim ore with the Underclothing, at I o'clock aharp. Bj order of John J. Levy. 4.* Utti av. VAWNHKOK' Its' 8ALK.-H. S KIKU'KI. tiFNKKAL Auctioneer. 422 K'lillon ?t.. Brooklyn, *ella till* day. at 12o'rloek. Men'* and W omen'* Clothing. Orenea, Ac. , al*?> *t 'J o'clock. Uold and Hl??r Watchaa, Silverware, Ac. By order of T. Newman and A. J lleaney. ?pAWNHItdKKIl'H SALK OK WATCIIB.H, JRWEI.Kt I i?n<t clothing ? K. KIKIjD. <len>rai Auctioneer, sale* room- No. I rj I anal at., near Boweiy, will aell. tbla day. ut 1<>% o clock, ? lot* of gold and silver Wakhr%, Oianioiida. gol J Jewelry, gold Chain*, Blnga, Cuna, Platola, Ac . Ac. ; alio Imiiie.ilaieir alter, V??|ota vtona' and Woman'* Cloth Ing, lireaar*. Shawl*. Itemnanla, l'n<ierclotlniig Qulll?, Boot*. Shog*. Ac., Ac. . alao Coat*, I'auts, aud Veal* liy order II. Itrlckwedcl, 400 I It h av. N. It. Tin* a e will commence with Watchet and Jew elry, at 10'j o'clock aharp. pKKPU dKBV. OILH, A' .. AT A'CTION.?BUBDBTT i A OKN N I> will aidl, at auction, on Wcdneaday, June 27. 1H77, at I o'clock, at No. 7tl tirand *t. to cl.,ae the bnm neaa. tl.e cnllre atock 1'erlutnery, Oil*, Klxtare*. Ac., con tained in the above preiniae*. HI(>II A Kl> V. IIABNBTT. AlICTIONKF.R, WIIXSKLI, /at anctlon. Saturday, June Ill *'cl?4t, ' Itico K urn I ? tore of American Popular I.lie iuauian e Company, Bioad way anil Canal ?t K. /.' liAL'ltKNi K, Kei elver. CliKKIK PS SAI.P. V\N i \SS I I I. A K I Ui si V rj^lierilT* Anelioneere, wlli*ei| thl* day. at 11 o'clock at salesroom. No, 22 tliioo *f|iiara. on account ol forinei pur cbaaer, 7S tona of Bar Iron and <Vi ma. II,n .? nhota. MKIINaKO KBIMiY, sheriff, TuolAa Cai.lauua.s. ileuuu. HALK1 AT ACCTIO!*. rj^'iffi~lIfeVt;u8r~XE aVi f*;i'uc?rd.vf.i.H:C * Peremptory uli to tbe trade and olhm M tears Tiffany A Co,'* lir{< stock ?f Japanese Ml?cellaneous Good*. comprising over 2,500 pi?ew assorted porrelaia lid Bank* Teaoou, Cabineta, porcelain Saki Saucers and Cup*. Uiari War* Bowl*, aid iron Water and Saki Kettles; also a larca quantity af Lacquered Ooods, poreaialn Plaequea, Basketa, Ac., Ac., comprising tbe balance of the collection (elected for Iba owners by Dr. Druur, iu Iota to auit purchasers. Now on exhibition at the Clioton Hall Salesrooms. to kS aolil Friday aiternoon, June 2U, commencing at 3 o'clock. fJHJB BtoBSRS. LKAVirr. AL'CT1 ON EEIts. " SALE OK A HUIVaTE Lib HART, comprising a valuable Collection of Standard and lrl.NE ART WORKS. To be aold Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, June "ft and 2S, l omiuenc ug at (our o'clock. Book* ou exhibition. Catalogues ready, qui OH. J M'OK AT II. AUCTION EEIL WILL tiELL A this day. \<)' . o'clock, at salesroom 158 Chatham H,. cur. tier Mnibi-rry, toe entire Contents of a It >ardiug House, re mired for coDTauleuoa of sale, consisting of thi usual assortment of H urniture, Carpels. Oilcloth*. Feather Beda Mattresses. Bedillog. Stoves. Kitchen I'teusils, Ac. WmTwITTEKB, auctioneer (BV S KI.NHTLErT sells. tliia day, at 2 o'clock, at 4."iO and 4.VJ Canal at., I>] virtue of a chattel mortgage; 15 bair Mattresses, 2 Bureatta 4 marble top Tubles, One Ko:td Wugon, One Iron Truck and ? general assortment of Hotel and other Hnrnltnre, whicb rnuat be positively sold. Alio lO Hewing SI at blues, Ac. W~ ILLIAM AllUTT, AVOiPIONEER.?BY VIBTUB af chattel room-age, soils 10 o'clock. Kixturesof Lagei Hier Saloon, Uus tltii at., Mirrora, Tables, Chairs, Oia*a< ware, Ac. \V. ABBOTT. Jr.. Attorney for Mortgagee. FOR, HALE. ALL~STYLeHM VrBLK 3oDaWaT?S amiWALtitfT Hoot beer Apparatus at coat. *_ WHITFIELD'S. 20- Water St. ? "liquor stork ojTwIir bt? pacing ?oub ivnf the principal steamship lines; low reut and long leuse: cheap for cash, us owner leaving tbe city. Inquire 132 Cherry it.. In store. A KINK CORNER TEA HTOUE KOlt HaLE CHEAP) also Hue Cigar Stores. M ITCHKLL, 77 Cedar tta T splhndId BEHTAUKANT, DOINU GOOD BiraT. JViicm, for sale; also Confectioneries, Bakeries, Krult Stores. MITCHELL. 77 Cedar it A?for sa leTr ehFco kne it LIQUOB hjoueh in atbis City; also (Corner Orocery Stores MITCHELL, 77 Cedar st. A LADY WILL BELL NEARLY NEW *75 WIIKELBB A Wilson Hewing Muohlno fur 415. 04 East 3d at. ?ICE 0REAM AND C <)N K ICC 11 ON E It V~ STOKE ?J'ulton St., llrooklvn, si; also Restaurants, Uotela, Cigar Stores IIaLONB, 8 !>??)? st. '4 KAltE OIIANCkT'OR A bUhINE^M MAN -A KINH yvWine and Liquor Store, near Jersey City ferry; tht Lease and Furniture of the wh le house will be sold cheap, for c?ah only. Apply to WILLI vM MASSEY A CO., No. 87 New Church st.. New York city. SPLENDID LAOfcK BBKK AND LIQUOR STORK for sale or to ront, furnished. Apply at No SO Went rv>i h DOWN TOWN LAO P. it BEEH HAUUON A.SO Liquor Store lor sale cheap. WILLIAM ABBOTT. 3 Chambers st. IpLAOH OK ALL NATIONS. A lull Set of Kla?a of All .Nations, 30 in number, size 2)/ by 'l,\i feet. PRICIJ W P.".R SET. Bend address to AI li 1 BO HO LIT AN .'OB OPPICE. 28 Ann at.. New York. I- not HALE?A WELiL HAYINO OEOOhET Istok e] ' cheap to a ca?b buyer. 14 South r>tii av , iu the store. fjioa bale?at nyack, baebby, ooMrutni price. 4Hi.t). Address box IKI Nyack. I10B SALE?IN JNEWARK, N. J., A GOOD OEOCBRY store; for sale cheap; good rensoa given tor selliug. Apply at 253 Hunk at , Newark, N.J. I10R BALB?A OROOBBY STORE: KtOCK. irix tures, llorae and Wagon; will b" sold cheap as the owuer is leaving tbe city. Inquire at 3U0 llicka at., Brook lyn. IflOtt HALE AT A BAROAJN-A PIKHT ctTass KE 1 tall tirocery in uu oxceilaut hualneas vicinity in Yon* kers; owuer outlined to resign on account of ill health; r sood opportunity lor one Just sturtiuit. Address F. 1'., L'p town Herald odico IpOB balb-A FUOTOORAPU GALLBKT OV XAKl years' stan Ing ; a groat bargain. Inaulre at 414 Oram (t., city, up stalra. IilOK HALE-AT I HO .AY. H. BETWEEN 11TH and 12th its., stationery. Newspaper aud Cigar Store, doing a food cash business ; reasons lor selling on account or other business to attend to. F Ipou HALE -BEST LOCATED HAMHLK ANI? HIU 1 Hard Room In Now York; inuit be sold imiueulately Those meaning busiuess apply to CAItSl'AlKs A Mi CALL 38 llroadway. [lOR HALK ?K1IIHT c7I\SS IIEBRINO'tl SAFE. Apply 4'?J .'Id av.. near 28th st. l'rlce, $.'i0 cash. BIORIuLK OHKAH a OKOCEIl\" AND VAJOBTf Stors; thoroiiirhiy furnisheil; locality good; no agenta Apply Immediately 224 W ?>t IMHb st. XjioiTi a LE CHKA P-CIt jar S rOEB, DOIBG lmtSi r class huslnuss. 1.245 Broadway. 11RB BTOOK, KIXTUREH and alb .FU*P Of A grocery store wilt be sold cneap; reut low; owuor coiri| Into other business. Inunira belore Friday No. .<12 West 3*th ?U rniiE small stoce and fixtukeh ok an old X e <lauli>lied Oronerv mu?t he sold on account of. sieknesi In the family. 2.*>4 West 3 Id at. 10TU AY, NEW YOJIK CI I V,-F?>tt nAi.rt tJ^Ucigar Store, neatly fitted up, with Ottawa beei Fountain, Showcases. Ac.; everythm; necessary to th? busiui.'s<; also auitablu for newspaper stand. MACIIIIIER\. IiEStiinSf ALt 'N ATIONS. a lull Set of Klaga of All Natloni, 36 In nnmber, tl*a 2)| by 3,'. feat. HRICR $4 HkR SBT. Send address to METROPOLITAN JOB OKKICR, JX Ana st.. New York. ANTED TO pi7?c!jA*B - A lOOUtt' ul IcS Folding Machine; also ? Smsshlng Machine, In kood order and chirap for c?slt. Address box :t,401 I'oat uOce. 7 ANTED?A~ SECOND HAND AH PIN WALL CBN", trif'ibnl Machine. Address O.. Herald offioe. w WANTKD TO I'Ciu H/viK. ? H of ALU NAliONS." \ full Met of Klagi of AU .Nation*. 80 In number, nlu?V by 'J,'i feat. PltlCE S4 PER KKT. Hend eildreaa to METROPOLITAN JOB OfriCR. KBAun It. Nc? York. AWTBD TO BUT?THE UTOCkT and FIXTURES of a<!||tar Store, haviui: nn retnMUhad Iridt. In a fa vorable locution. Addreaa CIUAIt riToKK. 11 r- r.ilci olflro. WANTED-A HBHT Cl.ARs ALE AND LAOER brewer. Fur particular. apply u> J AMKh OLWlil.I. A CO., IHI Wait at., N?? York. 0ANCINO ACADBHIKS. A"?cartikr'h d'anciNu acadkmY. ? "0KiT)?i ?ii|uar? ? Open all lutntnor; Private Ltawna auy hour; Ollde epeclalty. IjH.aoh ok Aia. naikTnr a tall Mat of Kla^a of All Nationa, 36 in narnber. ilia 2,^ by o.1-, feet. PRICK ? PKH SET. l-end addre** to METROPOLITAN JOB OKKTCE, J* Ann it., New York. A BILLIARDS, AT,<fT OP^Kft'oNIl H AND Mil.U vitf> TAHLKS I* pprt*i:t order, equal tn new, at very low price*. II. W. COLLKNDKIt. I.ih llroadway. MKKICAN M A MIAltl) It . V hi, III 1.1.1 A Kll fABLEf with Delaney'a wiru cuablona, imjorcil by all leading pro|e?>>innal players; extra iuilnceinenta now olleri'ili ??Ci'nd linml Tab I ft at great bargain*. W. U. OM1/K1TH A CO., 40 Veney at. T.H.A?iS Ol- AM. NA rillNs. I v lull Set ol I' I*'??? of All Nation*, 38 In nambar, alia 2i? by 3't led. PRICE fl PER SRT. Send *ddrc?* to METROPOLlTAN JOB orrtrn, '?!" Ann at., New Y.rk. u TMTMUAL RAROAIMB IN N|JW AND SK.f'OND IIAN'O 1 lll llnr I I able* I,. KfcCKlilt A CO . Broadway. WI.1ES, lilUlOltH, ?(., V HifSfyki; n i. c i. > n r i v", ?<* 11 atka'i' lai7a6osh? 1 itlie larortla I'iaret an orl viual raae of Mi quart* ablppo4 to miy addiem on receipt nl +Jt. VICTOR iv. MAUOEK. 1M> Meade "t. >1LAtiH OK AM. NATION#. A lull Set of Klai:* ol All Nation*. KB In nambar. ilia 2f by -lit '*at. PRICR #4 PER SKT. Kend addreaa to MKTKOPOLITAN JOB OKH0B. Anu at.. New * or*. XTOK ll?K. ' ~..momY?aS~I It iti ?r H If B (Tit A?f ? WaTCUL ? houae*. Hroadway and 17th ??.; separate roorna for lurnliure. plamni, liautfaite, Jr. Inspection aollrltnii. F1UUI or ALL NATIONS. ??????? A lull Set of Klaiu ol All Nation*, 3* In number, lite by 3,1-, fort. PRTi'K $1 PER BUT. .-i*na eddrem to METROPOLITAN .K?B OKKlCK, JH Ann at , New York. SrOBAOE Klin KIMtNlTCKK. CAB Ml AO BB an5 .eueral merchandise; acparate room* 8.VITU 4 Sllil.s, Proprietor*, 7 ?(> anil 7 >2 Hth av., and 217 Weal ?Vlli at. WATCH KB,' .f %, At. \ ?AT HI7 MBOA WAV, lOK.IKR I-JTII HI ,'bli J\ ?m' iid?. Watcliea, Jtwalry. Hllka and Peraouai !'r"pni) ul every deaerlptlou Louuiii and auld. Loam no, ntlaipil. IH*AC BABR. At '.'m biuiadway, nkar ai->r ht.?lhansMJ (fin Bleu mi iJlaraoBda, Walchra, Jf?? ry. .?ll??rwara Ar . ladlea'private ptnor. (.Kt?. M. LYNCH, An bxi.'KI*ri'1 nai? haroain-paTk uh uaba! Itrllllnnta, 4 i*i,aller and larger ualr* awajr below maiknt rate* pain for duplicate Hi'ddlni; i'reavnta, Jewelry, l" 11v?* ?> Ulamonda JOII N STON. Jeweller. ISO Bowery. AT AI.LRN'll, 1147 BROADWAY?Lua.Vh Nhi.lJ. tlated on Illamomla, Wati'lma, Jewelry, Prraooal Ptop. eri), A<'. . private olllc* for ladle*. N B.?I'artiea waitee on at their i>-iidence*. A nil PAID FOB DIAMoNDB. WATCIIEH.JKWK.irit? \Jvahi tblaa, Al\ Loaoa ed ' teil; rxtraordluary barualni In I ilainon, il<\Vatclici, Ac, l.atabliahed I HOC. J. II. RaK. KINOKK, 31 I moil aquara. CTl.Aiirf OK AI.L, NATIONS. r v tnll Het of Klaga ol all Nation*. 3fl In nambar. lite 2ld by fret. ( PRICR |? PER HIT. He-id addreia to METROPOLITAN JoR OPKM?K, -H vnu *t.. New York. Money on dia~^o>dh~pukh, "au. . iTiamondh, Vtairhea, Jewrlay, Hllvrrware, H.-ai Hacque*, rainr-l'a li.ilr Hhawla. >llk. ,|c liuiinlit and a<il?l liaek at a very mnalt artvanre (iEOB'iU C. ALLKN, Jeirollar, 1.10U Bre*4?W. L uaat *