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SITUATIONS WAglTBP-rEMAJJiS. ""' 1 Coolta. A r. ~ ?irv WB8T 17TI1 ST. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S).? A 11 'mpKUbli young ironu m cook ami to uilit with IM wut>ln(. CARMINE ST.. BETWEEN OTU AV. AMD HUD J Deo it A young woman aa road cook; splendid bakars food washer ana ironer: good ratarence. KAaT 21ST ST.-A RESECTABLE WOMAN* A3 cook: wlabaa to bave her dangbter with bar; city re'er aoea. ??^WEsFlTril ST.. KKAH.?A YOONG '.VOMAN AS good cook and laundress; ban city reference. 20 58. W 6 OQ1 WEST WASHINGTON SyUAHE.-A COMPETENT _i ? ''.'woman a* cook In a restaurant. boarding house or hotel , city or country ; good ritr MNM a>rt~HV.ST 44TU ST.?A YOUNO WOMA> AS EXCBU Orient cook ; understands ail iu branches ; beat city refer* rnee from laat place. *Ta~WEST M9TII SI. "PRESENT KMF'OYER'Si.? A tVirreapeelable English woman aa feat clam cook, city ar reentry. A tl WBST J2X>_?T.?BY TWO COMPETENT OlFlTs"; t ?/ >oe aa cook and to assist with waalifnir; ths other as waitress ar wsitren and :betnbenniLld; ift.v >r country. ?nl city preferred; wall recommended by present an? >J?yer. Q EA8T81RT ST.-TWO SISTERS. TOGETn HR ; Of PI _ aa cook, waahor and Ironer: the oiliar t.? mind a baby ?r du apat air* work ; na objection to the country; two year*' lity ralaranoe. Oall or address for two days. /? KA8T S4TI1 ST.?A LvDY~WIs5hS A~SIT CATION ' Ifor her cook, ?r aa 'tmrutvri.'ja d ami taka lare of rhlidren; elty or country; gewd reference. ?7 oakmine st.. top kloorT-a respect a blb I I woman as good plain cook In a prfvate family; city reforenea. TO WEST 8STH ST. ?A YOCNO WOM AN AS'COOK ? Jand to aasiat with washing and Ironing it' required. T~ '.VKST HO-ill r.T ? V PROTK ST A XT WOMAN TO ?Jeook and aaaiit in arasbiag and ironing. Call lor two lava. fA7 wEST 818r ST?a COMPETBNT WOMAN AS J \J*Tgo?d cook and aaaUt with tba waabing; excellent lity reference. n ftVismii st. a wumax "kirstIclass L I ' Jcimk in a private family: good city reference. no" WEST 33D ST.. NE < R BTII AV.. REAK.-AS iA &&nt class cook: una inlands bar business thoroughly; boning and larding and all kinda of dessert: country pre ferred: city reference. lTf A WK8T 331J ST.. ~BASliMKNT. BACK ROOM.? iJTA eompeteut woman aa eook. waanar and irouer; city er country ; city rnfarenea. It) A WEST "So ST.?A YOUNG ENGLISH WOMAN as first class eook; will assist with waabing: city or country: beat city reference. 1k)l? WEST 35TII rtT.TlX STORE.?A BRSPECTABLE wUwoman na cook or lanndreas in ? private lauuly; country preferred: good reference from laat place. l'nQ K AST 12TU "StTTpRfcSEST EMPLOYE"R'sT^ i^CA respectablo woman aa geod rook, waahar and ironer In a private family. "f11(J WE8T loTH ST.^Ta COMPETENT COOK. LZi ?/eitr or country; wonld da plain washing; h??t rafer mce from laat place. Addreaa. 1 57j" WEST 19TH ST.?A WOMAN TO COOK. WASH iOv'and iron; no objection to th? country; rei?eri-nce>. I WEST 19TI1 Sir?A RESPECTABLE WOUANXh JLOUraatanraat cook, nigbt or day: goaa oat ?a work by tbe day. 1 [ /? EAST "Sf>TH~8r.-A RESPECTABLE WOMAN* ItUm good cook and to aaaiat with the waahing: good reference. lly EAST 43D ST.?A NEAT, lWILLING AND ATcUoWiging girl aa good plain rook nod excellent watbar and Irnnar; Lest reference ; us ob^ectlona to tha country. i^oWTst 27th > t.?;Tre sr Ecrable wo m an to X?Jt7eook. waah and Iron In private fauiily: ta un excel lent eook and good baker; willing to make lieraeli' uaelnl; beat city reference. Call or addreis for oan day. fi'H WKSI r,J II ST.-AS OOOD T?LAlN_COOK ; is'i XUUgood waaber and Ironer; no objection to the country. 9(1] WEST I8T1I ST.?AS COOK AND KlUttT CLA?S ajU Ilnnodrepj; ?lx years' city refi-rence. WEST 24TI1 ST.. TOP I'LOOR.? A GERMAN reman as oook. washer and ironer in a small family. 201 223, ()I\A EAST IHTII ST.-TWO fllRLS; ONE AS t'OOK. ^'"TTwasher and Ironer: the other as chambermaid ana waitress; good eity reference. O/Tq EAST 59TH ST.?A "RESPECTABLE YOCNO ^l/Ovumin at cook and tlrst class lanudieas : best city references; undemtauds ber buaiaesa; willing and ohligtag; elty or country. <T"I 1 WEST"29TH ST.?"a YOUNG WOMAjTtO COOK, ^J.iwa?n and iron ; a ahort distance In the country pre ferred: will come well recommended. <791 east~2ist_ST., boom iiT?as aooD Pi.AfN lcouk und to do generai Housework in a am ail family; good reference. lint) WEST 77TH ST.?A COMPETENT WOMAN AS rat class famny cook ; understaoda tne care of milk and hotter; elty or country: refereuco. EAKT 29TI1 ST.?A WOMA* TO OOOK. WABH 'and iron ; city or country; good re/ereuoe. (lOi WEST 17TH 8T-COOK AND CHAMBER^ ^^Tmaid, by a mother and daughter, who desire to do the work of a family between them : conk thoroughly under ?tandn Iter business; chambermaid it ueat, tidy and a good waitress; best rcferenco. east 4?rnf stZ-~aTbespeotable WOMAN aa cook, wither and Ironer; best city reference. RABT 20TirST^A-fOU^G~WOMAN AS GOOD cook, washer and ironer; K"?d city reforence. nno west iern st.?as competent cook; un ^OOderstatsds coolciug in alt its braucboa, city or coun try ; best reference. nin west" 47rn st-A wm> as "good cook a^and to assist with the washing; eitr or country; best city reference. f) A Q 7TH AV.-AF'riRST CLASS COOK AND BA aiT ?7kar; pastry and deasert* ; city er country ; good ref ? ranee. 2r.Q WEht'xiD St7."iN~s't6uK. ?A KKSj'KC'rA BLK ?JOeemau at Irat riasa rook: no objection to private boarding neuae: g^od city reference. (101 ?TH AV.?A GIRL TO DO BOCSEWOKKt OOOD ^OLcook, wasber and Ironer; city or eouutry; good ref erence. 230 236 ()/< < R1V1NGTON hi'.?TWO ENGLISH PROTES ^UrCtanta; unr as c>ok. the otlaer as cbazihermaid and waifreaa; would not object to go a ahnrt diatauce in the country. Call or addreaa. 57'(??? WEST 34TB ST.?AM ENOLISH COOK IN A. ^OObuardiug bouae; city or country ; willing and oblig ing; reference. ej/Ws EAsT 24TII ST.. TOP KLOOR. Kr.0.VT_R0b.vT? OV/Da respectable Prnteatant ronnir wmuun aa good pla n conk, w taher and ironer; ao objection to tbe country; best reference. ? >/1/* E VST 115TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL AS 0"'0cook, washer aud Ironer er aa chambermaid and haundrers BAST 39TI1 ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN AS good cook and laundreaa; first class city reference. EAST 12TI1 ST.. KIR8T K LOO it, BACK ^room.?To cook, waah and iron. Ql g STH ST.. SECOND FLOOR,?TWO PROTES. Ol.*_)tant girls; one as first ela? cook, washer and Ironer; tlte other aa chainnermaid and waitress aud will assist with ti e washing aud Ironing; w.iut to go tocntber: good city reference. ejl/a WEST 14TH ST. ?A G!HI, AS COOK, WA8BBB OXOand Ironer: city or eonntry: three yearn' city refer ence from last pla<'e. 310 312 OOU WEST 17TH ST.-A YOUNO WOMAN AH KlRsT O^Oclnim CO' K ; under'tand* cooking In nil Its braarhee; is ii good baker; bo ohji-ctlon to the otunlrf ; good refer ence. DO I EAST 24TH ST.-A RESPE CTABLE UIKL AH ilwlctiik, wuu>er and ironer; couutr.r preferred; good nlerenee*. ?)'}(] WEST 2.-1 D ST (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S).? OiJvTwo goon nrirln; one aa cook, wimhrr und ironer; the ?the* as chamborwald and wait rem; would Ilka to go together. Call for two days. OQC BAST "l.rrH SI '.?AM \WELL Kxl'hTdKROSS OOUcnnk : uniierntnnii* general rule of cooking; no on lection to the conntry. Call or itddrei*. KA-T 11 I'll .sT . BETWEEN 1ST AN1> ?itt'avi^z. Iab Engliih I'rntentant ?a flrat clasn cook ; country boarilinir hnuie; city r?rereuce. 007 IAIT MTH nt.?A* NMt CUM OOOC; UK. OO I demands meale, paltry and bread; country pre ferred; beit relerence. OTO~EA8T *rf 11 ST.-A *ESPEC: T ABLE WOMAN AS OrtOcook, waeher and ironer or to do gouerai housework; good city reli-rence. Call for two dnj s. u BAIT BOTH 55 GOOD COOK AND EX ?J*I'Jcrllrnt baker ; can take charge of milk nud hotter aad do walking aud ironing; conntry preferred; city refer, ?nea. EAST 2AT11 s'i\-?A N A M E KICaN WOMAN AS cook or chambermaid; reference if required 405 417 a A - 141H 81'. ?AS KillS I' CLASS cook AND TO TT v/? 'eaiiit with waihing and Ironing; city or country; belt cii.r or conntry reference. Gall tor two day*. a 1 ft OTfTAV.?A COMPETENT WOMAN AS GOOD xlUcdiik; ctty or conntry. or prlrate boarding hnure; tail reference. j l O WEST r.TTH ST.?TWO (HRI.S; ONE'IsTpIRST T I?iclaae cook HBii to aiiiu * ilh the m aihlng; the othor M flrii claei waitreii nnd chambermaid; city <>r country. wasr .wtii stT?as riiixj class cook'; is a good baker; wnnld auiit in waaliiug. ?D' AV.-AK Till 1 KOt I'AMILY oookf; TrtJUwllling to aiaiil with couno waiting; belt city ref erence. 4*~7jf~i? MAD I SON'l; J - ', I iiMPLliYKR'S) ?AS X Wflnt claaa uook or laiiimreu; no obj><*noa to tl.? Country, good city reference. 'iwi WkiT 29TI1 ST. -A W o M \ N TO COOK. W ASH t/Uane iron; would da housework la a imall Uinlly; aia yean' reference. a~l kSlil A V (PRESK-. I EM PI IYER'S!.?A Eg. ffcvvripeetable woman a* Bm' .<?.,? no objection to tun country; belt city reference a ri WEST mFhTAK KlltVl ? La- , cook";~AN Tt/iiK?ll?nt baker and a good wmlur and ironer; city reference*. a~?*?t"wBSTwrin ht.-a re'spectable>rotk"< 'X OOtant woman ai Unit >'la*? coo* in a hoarding houae Id the conntry ; irood reference i?Q 6TH a?\7"between J?ni \sT> 30th sts.. <tOOlop floor ?A reipeclable woman ai 000k In a board ing hoane or private family; would ro a ibori dMiana* la Ilia eunntry. TTTrt 6TH AV , ROOM ft.-AS OOOD PLAIN COOK. 'fxrt/Uwaeher and ironar, or would do general boaaework s ?lty or conntrr; city reference. sll\A EAHT17TH ST.?A RESPECTABLR UIRL Afl OUTtgood cook and excellent Uiiodreiii, or to do general ?mile work : no objection to the couuwy; good ally re for ?nce. CnC WEST 33D KT.-A VOUNO (JlRl. AS COOK AND D''Oto aaatat witb tbe waefiiug; city oreounlry; city rat I re nee. ? r-i\- irKfrr ssd ST., first rlooil-a rkspkcta OUOble yonag woman aa good plain look, wa-h?r ind ironer; ae ebjecwwa U tbo emvmUj : g"9d citf reference. Cell b> two dayi. cm SD at.-respkotablr toun? WOMAN AS 0(/l??ed plain eeok. wajiier end Ironer: wilUag aad ebliging; eity refereoee. , ... (? ( O |A*T WTH ST., 2D AT.-A YOUNG UIEL U'tJWW e?ek. wuher ecd ironer; fity reference ; ae eb prim* to tbe c^mmuy. O/l6~*r* av2 BETWEEN 4STII AND 46TH SW.-A oUtHwvng w??aa aa rock, washer aad Iroaer, willing; geed retarenie. BITT ATIOIf 8 WASTED?ITMALF-H. 882, Cooks, die. 3D AY ? AS COOK AND TO ASSIST WITH *?a>the washing; ?"T or country; good city reference. 11 1 (\ 3D AV., UOKXER eslTTsT.-A RESPECTA ? 1 L V/Me girl M COM, vuh and iron In a private lam II r; no otjMtln to tbe country; city reference. 1 1 0[| 3D A vT NE AKlttTII ST. - A rt EXPECTABLE L.l_^'yonng (Irl m good plain rook. washer and ironer ?lu a private familr; It a food bread and biscuit maker ; wining ai.d obliging; city or country: beat city reference Train laat place. N* card* noticed T iJ77 bkoadwavTroi' floor!-first "class ? _j I I colored rook in a private lainlly or bearding L.290, 10. 34 34 BROADWAY.? A PHOTKSTANT WOMAN AS 'Oral clean took; no objection to a boarding honaa or to aaattl with washing: city reference. IrjO 3D AV.-A TO UNO OIKL TO DO OOOKINO, rOwaahing and Ironing in a private family; beat city reference. \ NORWEGIAN GIRL TO CobK,"~WA8H AND IRON: beat city reference. Addreaa KATK. bos 101 ilsrald Uptown Branch office. FLAGS ~OK ALIENATIONS. a mil Sat at Klaci of all Natioas. 96 In number, alia 3% by leet. PRICE M PhR SET. tKf.d addreaa u> METROPOLITAN JOB OrFICE, 2S Ann ?t, New York. Chambrriuanlii. <KC. 0WE8T S8TH .VT.-A RESPECTABLE YOUNO OIRL an chambermaid and waitreaa; is willing to assist with the washlnir and ironing. W K ST30T H~~sfT (>lTK^ENT"~EStpLoYR^S)"^l 'Protestant dH e? chambermaid aad seamstress, er nurse and seamstress; city or country. fn~VEST ~46T1I 3T?A~YOUNO OIRL if FIRST J.relate chambermaid and waitreaa or chambermaid and to asakat with the washing la a private family: has beat reference. *>/I .TANK ST.. SECOND KLOOR. BACK ROOM.-A .iUneai. tidy, houeat and industrious girl aa cbaraber tnaid and waitreaa in a private family: or would do the down stair* work of a ?inall family; is a good plaiu cook; kind and obliging; willing to g? a sbort finance la lb* country: city relerenee. Call al! tbe week. ~ WEST lOTll ST. (PRKSENT EMPLOYER'S).^* respectable Welah Protestant girl a* chambermaid. WEST 39TH HIT. (PRBBKNT BMPLOTKB'B).?A reapectaole Welsh Proiestant girl as chambermaid. ?>7 WEST 47T7|~ StT (PRRSKNT EMPLOYEK'S)!?A ') I competent girl aa chambermaid aad seausatceae; er would do fine washing. fail to-cay. ?> A WBS-FisTH ST.-A LADY~LRAVINO THE CITY" 0 r wishrs to ?et a sltualton for an excellent chambermaid or waitress and cook; would go together or separate. r-| WI-BT 8TII ST.-TWO RESPECTABLE GIRLS, ?) I lately lanrieil, as chambermaid* and waitresses; no ob jection to the city oi conn try or private hotel. Ua be aeaa at their last place. Will answer no cards. -7 WKST ?torlF~sf~(P iVkSK~NT EMPLOYER'S).?A ?y I chambermaid and waitress will aeslst with fine wash ing and ironing: city or country. Apply before 12 o'clock. 7?? KFXG ST.-A. YOU.SOTWOMAN AS CHAMBER Omaid and laundress or as laaadress atone: Is a good plain cook : best city reference. 7Q~~iiliOOME ST.-A "GOOD OIRL AN CllAMBER 1 Omaid; ?ood rafereuoes. Call for three -lays. u7c 11 kisTopiIerhtTTpoor plightsup. promt.? 0 I A respe table irirl to do upstairs work and mind chil dren. in a private family; three years' citv relerenc*. CHRISTOPHER ST., BOOM 17?YOUNG~OIKL 'to do apatatrs work; city or country. Call for twe days CHRISTOPHER sr.?A IlKSPECTABLB YOUNO Jglrl to do light cbamberwork and take care et growing children; reference. Call or address. CARM IN I-. ST.?A GERMAN GIKL AS CHAM bermald and waitress; best reference. 1 Ii7 WKST 1?TH ST.. TOP KLOOB.-A YOUNO WO i 17 I man aa chambermaid anu waitress and to assist in the laundry li required : ne objection 10 a bearding house; good relerenee. rWc.ST 123D ST."(PRESENT EMPLOYER'S).?AN Jhonost girl as chambermaid or to do general upstair* n ork; good raferencen. Address or apply. Call tor twe days. ') EASTTlST ST. (PRKSENT EMPLOYER'S).?A Oyoung girl a* chambermaid aad seamstress; city or country. J~BAST 16TII ST.?A YOUNO WOMAN AS CHAM Ibennald and seamstress or waitress; best reference from her present employer; city or coautry. i 1 /? W K S T~ 19TII ST. (RING FIRST BELL).?AN 1 LUEnglish Protestant person as chambermaid and a?am stress, or wuuld take care ct growing children. Apply for two days. 89v yo. 100 123 EAST J6TH ST. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S).?A !glri as chambermaid and waitress. m WEHT~43TH ST.?a LADY WOULD LIKE~TO And a plaoc lor a girl a* chambermaid and waitreaa at moderate waves; well recommended. m aRKENWICH AY.?A~N~AMERICAN OIRL AS chambermaid and waitress or to do gsaeral boose work in a private family. 1 UVs WI'-ST 43TH ~XT?IaTr ESPE'cTA B LE GIRLA8 J-OOchambermaid uad waitress and to as.<ist In washing; city or ronntry. 1 Y7V west"sist"stT?a youno woman ah ciiam It V'bermaid or chambermaid and waitress; do objection to ibe conntry ; good reference. 1 lT WK'"'T MTU oT.-A YOUNU WO >1 AN AS CHAM A't" J beimalci and seamstress, or would go as waitress; willing to leave tbe city ; gooJ references. 1 Cf~W1SST~83D ST. TrInO "FOURTH BELL).?A J.dXyonng woman to do ntMtairs work and saw, or to take care of a baby: best reference. 1 X A WEST 28TU sr. IN THE STORE.?A8 l*ROT" J.'JTre?imnt chambermaid and waitress or to do house* work; city or country. 1 -l" WEST 28L) ST. (PRESENT EMPLOTER'B).?A XtJUynanB girl a* chambermaid and waltreM or to assist In washing. Call lor two days. 1 l!l* EAST 82D~ST.?A YOUNG AMERICAN GIRL IUOm eh tmbermald and to taka earn of children; will lug and obliging: bent city reference. Call for two days. O/Vl WEST 1ST H ST. ?<51R L To DO CH AMB KKW OR K Zj\J\-and niina children; city reference. i)[\'J EAST aajjTsT. ?A YOUNO amekican iurl ?t\Jtj\n do upstair* work and plaiu sewing. nj||C~KAST 1RTH ST.-~A~ YOUNO GIRL AS CHAM ZiUUheruiald and waltrew or nurse and to do sewing; city or eouutr7; three yeari' city reference froui last plaoe. 0115 W ii r SI7TH ST.?A TOUNO HOOTOtfa Bbil ^UOchambermatd: no objection to go In the country. oi io east 4sth sr.-a young girl as first ?jv/Oelaw chambermaid and waitreaa in a private family; beat city reference from her liaat place. 4 )i |J KA8T 44TH ST.. FLR8T VLOOE.?AS CHAM ^jUOberiuald and waitress or rbnmbermald and to asaiat with waahlng and Ironing; no objection to the country. II1Q SULLIVAN ST~ REAR.-A RKSt'ECTABLE ? Li/glrl as chambermaid or seamstress or te take care or children; no objection to the country : best city reference. t>| >) EAST 28TH ST. ? A YOUNO WOMa'rTaS CHAM XaJbermald und waitress aud to assist with wailiinx itnii ironing in a private family; best city reference from last employer. ?)l"jr WEST .17 TH 8T.^a""YoUNO OIRL TO 1DO ^?.Lt_)ehamberworK and waiting; good city reference. It | c ikasr 2?"rii sr.?a 01 iiL as cuamblrmaid AJlcland tu <io floe washing In a prlrate family; city rei erauoe. i) I 7 VARIOK "ST.-AS CHAMBERMAID AND _il | wsltresi m a private lantiiy; beat reference. Call for two day a. 2>) I E A ST asm sr.. REAR ?AN AMK RIC A >T~PEO -d J.ieatant as chambermaid and waitress; understanda all kinds or saisds; city or countty; good city reference. ???*0"7TH AT. (KINO SECOND HELL).?A YOUMO ?jv) t/.'lri. lately landed, to do upatalra work nad take care of children ; city or country. ?Vor EAST SMITH sr.-A YOUNG GIRL AS CllAM 4^0'Jbennaid aud waitreai; uo objection to aaalat with washing; good city reference. if ')7 I.AST SltTH ST.?A YOUNG OIRL AH CHAM 4?lO I bermaid and aeainstress; ceuptry preferred; city reference. - ?) WEST-SJrii ST.. IN STORE.?A kbspbcta! ?J'J-^ble I'roteslaul girl as chambermaid and waitress, or would assist wltli washing, or do aewing; ia thoroughly competent at*t reliable; willing and obliging; good city reference. Call lor two days. Of'i urn avT^Xrespectablb~uirl as chak wD I bermaid and waltreM and to aaalat with the waahing; willing and obliging; city or country; good reference. \>( V I EAST 37TH "sr. FIRST FLOOK.?A YOUNO OWxAmertcan woman aa chambermaid and to assist In taking cure ot children or In light waahing and ironing; ia willing and obliging; highest testimonials aa to eharaeter and capacity. Of \A WKST~2i!)T ST.? A~roFjfi? COLORED OIRL OVrto do light ehamberwork. Inualre lor MAKTIlA. '.)/ \ 7 EAST SWTH s L?A NEAT.-FlU V YOUNU WO OU I man to do ehamberwork and waiting or as tlrat olaaa laimdreas. Can be seen fur two days. ?J 1 I 71'h A V.-A YOUNO GIRI, A S _C IIA M B7 KM AID OLland waitress; bo objection to a prlv.itw bearding bou-e; city or couatry; good relerenee. ?) 1 O EAST M7TH ST.?A TOL'.Nil GIRL AS CHAM O l.'/l<emaid aud waitress In a private taaiilyi geod ilvy rslurence. oTw\ ffhiT 8NTH ST., REAR.?A GERMAN OIRI, O^Ufor ehamberwork. waaklag aud Irealng ana waiting; city ?r wastry. M isr4t> ?) ?>Q LEXINGTON AV. (PRESENT KMP1X1YKK'8).? ?) respectable yonng wants si ehambarniaid and waltraas. I)i 11 WIUIT 41 RT~ST. ?A RhHPKCTABLK t.IRL AS ? IT" ^Jchambermaid andwaltreaa. n<> oi-Jection to hotel or country . uood releronce. Gail er addreaa lor two daya. A I WEST 321> ST.-A KfcSIT'i;TA K 1,1; YOUNO IT l*'g'rl to do chambnrwork or waiting or la asaiat wit h the waahing and ironing or take care ef children; willing an<l obliging; boat city relerenca Cry 7TH ay.T < ornkk ml ST.?A OOHPKTBXT ? )?JOyoung girl as cnamb?riaa*d and waltreaa; city or country: be?l i-efernnee Iroin !??' place. ,-70 7TH AV. ?RESI'EG I AKLE COLOKEH OIKL AS *) I ?"cha-uh. rraai'1 aud waitreaa or laundrest; will take gentlemen'k or family washing liome; city reference ; city erriiuntry. _________ f<OQ tiTH A V.?A RESPECTABLE PROTESTANT U? JOglri can be recommended by her present employer; can do cliamberwoik aud plain sewing. Apply on Wednes day, between 10 and 4 o'clock. /?QO 6TII AV.?AS EXCELLENT CHAMBERMAID U?7?Vind waitreaa; willing to asald ia waafiiag; long city reference. A COLORED OIRI. AS Oil AM BERMAID. WII.MNO to take care ef children; country preferred. Addraaa HaKAH. Herald Uptown office llrrianiakeri and leitmilreairs. 0?J DO Ml NICK ST. -A Oil' L TO Do FINEST HAND <us/emhreidery and family sewiux Id a respectable fam ily'. or will do ebainberworit arid waitlnr /' 4 OKOVE HT.-A RESPECTABLE YOUNO WOMAN. O'fa Brat class dreasuiaker. aa lady's maid er seamatrea In tbe country; terms moderate. Call oa er addreas H. K. CGOPk.lL 1?J/J WF.8T OCTTH ST.?AS COM PI5TKNT SEAMSTJthbS j[tl'/aud to take care ef growing children or wait on a Isily; would do rnauiberworki best references; city or couatry. a 1 r- WEST 33D ST.. THIRD FLOOR.-A COMPETENT A* )t.Jdrea?msker to go nut by tbe day ; cjty reference. lj-1 WFST J7TH RT.-A ( OMPKTKNT PROTESTANT X')i.>eamstress, or to dn cbsmberwork and sawing, city er ooaatry; city reference. 161. 201. SITTATIOITS WAWTKIP?FES WALKS. Dnumakert and S?i?m?trc ttM. 401U ?T., BETWEEN an AND 3D AVs.?A J.MimiirMi M to in tha country ; understands dresa rnakinc and operating on machines and will assist with chamberwotk ; would work by ths week or month. LEX I V. TON AV " THIRD KLOOK.-AS SKA* Lstress by t he day or weak; understands dressmsk ing: can cut atid (It; beat city relerenae. nnc west 0OTH ST aw PERMANENTTHOROUGH ^U>Jdr<i>nitur in p/irtu famllj ; nuderataad* ail kiwi* 01 sawing; citr or country. 4vf(TE 'ST ?7TH MT., BETWEEN 2D AND 3D AY8.? MlMAretpMiitbla young girl iu plain sesaiatreaa and nurse In a private family; bo objwtlnj M the country; city reference. _____ ill 1~ EAST IffTH Sl\ (PRKKKNT KM PI/ lYBR'B). - Jj'TlA lad.v. leaving the city, wtahaa to find a roaitloa for an excellent seaiuatreas; understands dressmaking end all kiuds o< lamily sewing. fifZQ EAST" 33 D~ ST. - NO KWKOIA N GIRLAS (iOOD JOseamatreas: operate* Wboelcr A Wllsou'S machine; ?llling to do ebamberwork: good reference. >J()r E asf'Twr h st\^a" KB8 pectahle yo u no OaJl'Protestant irirl a? seamstress or chambermaid: un ?crstands dressmaking, Wheeler A Wilson machine; wlU assist wltii growing "-hlldren, or any other work. Hall o? address. QO7 EAST 33D ST.-A COMPETENT DRESSMAKER OO I wishes a lew engagement* by tha day or weak : I* a food cutler ?nd Utter. C ill or addres*. A 1 WEST~36T7r'?t7,~ r IR.ST FLOO R.~ A RK t! ^Jupeciable young North German girl as seamstress and chambermaid or nuria. a /??> jrj av. i okskr _??th htT^aokntkkl TrOOyoiiiig (rirl who bat lived oat. seamstress or ledy'i maid, or to make horaelf uaeftil. Call ?r addreaa for twa daya. A KG*? Af.?A COMPETENT DUKHRMAKER BT ^tQ?/tbe <iav or work home; perfect Utter; raleranae, Addreia b. B. A HO I.EXINdTON" AV.-Xlil^rECTA?LK~rfRL AS I i Qchumliarmaid and waltrou; city or country; beat city reference. An enolibh "protectant desires /Tposition aa aeamatress, wiiiton an invalid lady or norse toachild. at Young Woanaa'a Christian Association, 7 Etut Apply ISih at An experienced French dressmaker de airea eugageniAota by the dav er week ; understands h'-r business thoroughly. Addreaa u. II., Herald Uptown ortlce. A~ COMPETENT UKESNM \KER AND"OPEKATOR ON Wheeler A Wilson'* machine wiahea a few more cns tomrr* by the day or waek; no otriecllon to tha eoantry. Addreaa Di.KSSM AKBR. Herald Uptown office. A DRESSMAKER TO OO TO THE 00UNTR7 WITH sonielady as tuald, or would take charge of frown chil dren for moderate aompauaation. Addreaa S. M.. lierald Uptown office. Dressmaker?gop.s orrr by'the dayT would like to ga la the eooatry with alamily forthe gammer; olty refaranea. Addreaa C. K., has 116 Herald Uptown ItawMth ofkca. General Haaaevrork. ?fce in LITTLE JONF9 ST.?AN AMERICAN WOMAN. X^competent to do general boaaework; U naat, willing aud obliging: ao objection to the country. No postal csrds. lO MONTGOMERY ST.?A RESPECTABLE OlRlTTO J.Ode general housework; la (mart and active; belt refer ence. 2& WEST 36TH ST. (PRESENT EMPLOTEH*SV o do general housework in nmall American family. 42, AV. B, SECOND FLOOR.?A RESPECTABLE girl to do houaawork in a uraatl private family. A 4)" IIENKY ST., BOO* SO. lT.?A RESPECTABLE rr^glrltodo general boueework; city or country; beat reference. ZaT~WEsT 4 2D ST.?A R EXPECT ABLE GIRL TO DO U Agenernl housework In a private family; beet city refer ence. Call or addrras. QniAffoiNBY ST., FIRST FIjOOR.?A RESPECT OUj able girl for general honaework in a am all tauily; would go a abort distance in the country. nil EAST 28TH ST?A~COMPETENT GIRL TO DO XiUgeneral houaewnrk in a private family: la a goad washer and ironer; city or eoantry ; good reference^ WEST 19TII ST. ?A WOMAN TO DO HOUSE work In a small family: bait reference. l |)j\ WKST_10TII Sr., REAR. SECOND 1KLOOB.-A XOUrrap?.ctable girl to do genornl housework; city or country; good reference. OKUvR ST -A YOUN(1 WOMAN TO DO OEN eral housework; no objectiona to go in the rmintry. WEST 19TH ST.?A MIDDLK AUED WOMAN to do general housework; best city reference. 124 137 138 150 154 200 214 221, 11 /| WEST 1PTH ST.?A RESPECTABLE OIRJ. TO iTTV/do general Uonsevork in a small private family: good plain cook, wnaber and irnner; city reference. WEST 28TH~ST.-A SMAKT, ACT!VE (IIKL TO do housework ; city or country: best city reference. WEST 28T1I ST.-A (COMPETENT WOMAN TO do general housework; goo! city reference. l"C7_EA8T 52D ST.. SECOND"fLOOE.-a" YOUNG X?) I girl to du general housnwork: is a coud cook and laundress; city or country; lour years' city reference. 1 CO BLEECKKiT ST.?A RESPECTABLE~WOMAN l?JOtodo general housework in a amall private tamily; good cook, waaher and Ironer; no objection to the country. 17Q CLINTON ST., NEW YORK" TIIIKD FLOOR.? X I OA young girl to do general housework la a small pri vate family; no objection to the country. nnn e^st; v.tii st.-a"young gikl. lately wl/ VrlaudeU. to do general housework, or woulddo cham berwork. f EAS-F49TH ST.?A RKKPF.CTABLB WOMAN to do general housework or cook, wash and Iron. WERT MTIl ST.?A COMPETENT PKRSON TO do housework, or cook, waih and iron; city reference. i)cV(Y ELIZABETH' ?T. I STORE)".-A RESPECTABLE ^j^iVJgirl to do general housework In a small private fam ily: beat city referenoe. Q01~EAST ^78TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE AND WELL ^Mlrccunimended girl to do general hoaeework ; is a good cook, washer and ironer. 091 mott stT?a youno woman ro do gen ^^leral honvework or ss plain cook, washer and ironer in a private lamily; city or country. East 218T ST.?A YOUNG GIRL TO DO OEN eral housework; city or conntry: best reference. not) EAST 20Tir ST.?A GIRL TO DO GENERAL Ai^iObnusework in ? private family; city ar country; bast city reference. OOd-EAHTmH ST.. BETWEEN 2D AND 3D ^ZiTavi.? A respectable American Protestant girl te do geaeral housework; tood city reference. OOC EAST 29TH ST.-A YOU NO GIRL TO DO ij^Ubonsevork; Is a good waaher and Ironer; city rafer nnn WEST ISTII ST.-GItlL, LATELY LANDED, TO j?l?Odo general housework lu a small private family; city or country. QOI WEST 27TH ST^ FIRST FLOOR, FRONT /Uirl room.?A respeetaMo young girl te do geaeral house work in a private tamily; good cook, washer andlrooer; best city reference. (1.? Q WEST COTII ST., FIRST FLOOIL?A YOUNG iuOOwoman to do general bouncwork in a private tamily; city reference. 234 EAST :i6TU ST.?A YOUNO GIRL TO DO GEN eral homework; pood cook ud Itulnii; cllj rel Q I O WKST M5TH ST.?A STEADY GIRL TO DO ^'xOhomework i food cook and ttrst eluu lauiidreM; good city reference. ?)/?!? 1ST AV., BETWEEN lr.TH AND IttTH STS.?A *?0\/respeetable woman to do geueral housework; (rood refers lie. OOQ Dhl.ANCEV BT.,' FIRST 1'"i/cror] re aR.?K E - ^i?70ipectalile womeu to do general housework} city or country; belt referouce. Q/\{-fkAST~50TU BT.?^A R K SPEC TABLR~0!KL TO O'r^do housework In a small private family; do objection to the couniry: giod retnronco. ?JftQ WBST 31 ST BT.-RKSPECr ARLE GIRL TO e~JUOdo general housework or plain oookllK. washing and ironing; willing and obliginK ; best city reference. KAST CUD ST. (I*RESENT EMPLOYER'S}.?? yonnK vrnmui to do hoticowork. 308 317 EAST 50TH ST.?AN AMERICAN GIRL TO DO general homework la a ainail family; gooi refer 318 EAST 24TH ST.?A YOUNG WOMAN TO DO housework In a email family; wanes ao object; ref ?J.I-I 7TI1 AV.?A YOUNG PROTESTANT GIRL TO O _ lilo general bousewora In a private lamily; good city reference. QOQ1ST AY.?A YOUNG lilKL TO DO GENERAL OOOhounework and cook, wash end Iron; good city ref ? 1,1 A WEST 37TII ST.?A YOUNG GIRL TO DO 0"tTcg"'Beral homework in a small family; good city ref erence. C.ill tor two dajs. ? ?i pr EAST~~30TU hT?A KESl'EOTABLE PBOT OT'lulMii " nmmi te do housework; would go In the eou utrj; good relereitce. ?itXI O I TTnp housekeeping wishes to ohtalu a situation for an American woman who has been in her employ many ye?ri; understand* all kinds ot housework end Is very neat with a needle; an excellent opportunity tor n lady who does not wish to be troubled with dloaureealile servants. A 1 I WEST 15tH~ST.?A RhSPKOTABLE YOUNO TrXJglrl. lately landed, to do general housework in ? small |. rivals family or take care of children. Call for two dnys. WK8T 2HTI1 ST."?A YOUNG GIRL TO DO GEN eral housework ; cltr "r count ry 1 city refernnct). BAIT NTH 8T.?A YOUNG GlKL TO "W housework or chnmberwerk. ('all for two days. C EAST IBTH ST.?A RFHPRCTABT7k~"TOUNO girl to do general housework; city or country; refer 411 417 425 4.>7 east hi h ST.?a respectable pkotkst Si I aut Klrl to do general housework in a private lata Ily ; good relrrenee. A I W 1 ST 2BTH IT??A YOUK0 OIRL TO DO 1 rt J?jgen#rai housework; good plain rook, washer and , lrensr; good i itr reference. 4r t > WEST 62 D ST.-A YOUNOUIRL T(>1)0 OEK ? J^eral housework ; city or ooentry ; wnifes no object. A on 7TII aVT?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN TO DO T:0?/Kei?eral housework in a small private family; live years' reference from lest employer. ena WKif r>?rn st.-a HnncfAiLi woman ? rin K<mer?l housework; is a good English cook ; city or country; city reference. r A - BAST 16TII ST. (STOKE).?A RESPECTABLE ? IT ?/woman to do general home work In a small nrlvate family, or as cm! weaker and Ironer; city or country; good city re le ranee. WEST **TH ST.-A C.IRL TO DO LIGHT (housework or irhsioberwoTk and waltiag; good elty referee**. r/*7 nn AV.?A SMART YOlINGt WOMAN TO DO <)U 4 housework; willlnn and obliging; c?od city refer ence. ? I'Uf ITU AV.-AN ENULISH WOMAN TO DO UOUhousewnrk , city or country; goed reference. Can be seen Iroru 111 AM to U P. M. /?(in 8TH AV- between <:id ani> MTtf sis., OvvOrst floor. ?A Gerinae gtrl to do general housewoik; city or country ; reference. TTII AV.-a respectable GERMAN (iirl f> do general homework In a small private family. 1ST AV., TOP 'loor.-TOUNU AMERICAN >girl te dn general heueeeork; ne ekjection te tfc* conn try; gsed reference. ! 546b 809 94 Lcewl 3, SITUATIONS WASTED?FEMALES.^ Grnariiii lioanrwork. A>c. ]ne/< 8D AV. FII18T KLOOR.-A SMART INTEL ? U?'"rligeat ffirl tu do general housework la e small larnilv ; understands hor business : keal referitnrn. T~OU? 3U AY.. NEAR MTU ST A YOUNG OIRL l(l/>7Ut<i d? iimnl h?un>ork to a small family; city reference. 11 <? 3D~AVT~N EAR~BVTH ST.--A ~~R E S P K C T A - . I JjUbie Touor trirl to o? (tnaral housework in a pri vate rurally: la a good plain cook, excellent washer and Iruuar; beat city reference from Ust pla<o. HouaeUeeperi. ote. ?JO BLKECKEU ST.-A YOUNG FRENCH LADY AS OOhoasekeeper. lXi WEST *52D ST.. QROO.fl> FLOOR. BAOE. iuTA young lady aa housekeeper la a widower's lamlly. Mlaa BUCKIIOF. 1<41 2CTU ST.?A LaDY HAS~~BBEN SUC iU lcesefnl in koeoin^ boarder* and lodgers. having a bnsiueaa mot ability, honorable, active, a^re^able, re Hard, should Ilka to auparintand a fnrulstied bom* 30TaV.7nea~R2-JD ST.?A YOUNU WIDOW AS housekeeper or oompaaion; call U to n only. Mrs. SCOTT. 7 BOWERY, TOP FLOOR.?A YOUNU LADT AS I b'oua.-keeper, or would do copying at boma. 279 2?_ A FRENCH LADT, LATELY FROM PARIS, WELL jfYedncated, cood ratialclan. ae touaekeeeer. Addreaa M.. box -'12 Herald otBoe RUS8IaN"~LADY AS HOUSEKEEPER: REFER erces givea if required Addraaa Mra. HULOFF. liar aid ofttoa. Laamlreaaea. dir. 1Q WEST SIST ST.-A YOU NO LADY. TRAVKLMNO. lOwlsliee tu urocure a situation for a competent ?irl aa first class laundress aad chain barmaid; no objection to the eountry. f' A CHARLES ST.. TillKD " FLOOR, ~FRONT.?A U x worn an to ko out by the dav to da beuaecleaning or waali and Iron ; ?rood reference. 67 "west 44th IstT^a youno woman as I laundrosa or chambermaid, private family, hotel or boarding bouae: jroo I reference. ~~WASHINGTON ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN aa laundress ; uo objection to the connlry. east 16 rii"*r?as oooircooiTAND laun". dreaa; best reference from present employer. EA.sf!wD-8T.?A RESrKCTABLE W(>MAN A8 laundress; uo objee tloa to tbe country: best city ret 87 116 151 244 1 EAST 109TH ST.-A YODNO OIRL AS FIRST LO xcntse laundress and chambermaid; thoroughly un derstands her business; would dv Housework In a small family; best eltv relereuce. Ol O"WEST 17TH 8T.~A RESPECTABLE WOMAN MlJLOto do eoarse washing and ironing in a private board ing bouae; good rolereace. no/' HAST 29T11 ST.-A TO UN (J WOMAN AS FIRST a?OUclass laundreaa; aa objection to the oouutry; good city reference. EAST 35TI1 ST., TOP I'LOOR.-A COMPETENT laundreaa wishes ladlea* or gentlemen's washing. OT'(\ 1ST AV.TilETWKKN 1'iTIl ASV 16TH* STS.-A v/respectable woman to go oat washing, ironing or bonaecleaaing by the day or week. mi AV.. WKST20TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE sr days. Q/m EAST 40TH ST.?EXPERIENCED LAUNDRES8 OvUto work out by the day; can do French fluting, puff lag and polishing shirts equal to new. 0|U EA8T 41HT ST.-A PROTESTANT YOUNG ul'Twoman aa first clase laundress: no objection t* a short distance in the coantry ; beat referenoe. 0??_iKAST 8Tn~8T., FIRST Fi.OOR.?A liESPECTA ?)0 Tble young woman as lauadre*e In a prints family t best city reference from I ant place. QQi 7TH AV.. WEST 'JOT 11 8T.-A RESPECTABLE ?ii0Tyoung I- nglish woman to go oat by the dav or week t? wash. Iron or eleau noaae t beat referenee. Call for two 422 3D AV.. OVER THE HAT STORK* 'clans laundress to go oat by I be day. 619 WEST 80TII ST.," REAR A RESPECTABLE TtOUwoman to work out by tbe day to <to washing and Ironing or boueecleaning. 5TI1 AV.?AN ENGLISH PROTESTANT GIRL Oat laundrosa Call four day*. QQQWT^TbETWKEN'mI) AND MTH STR. fRINO OOO,bird bell).?A respectable English woman to do washing and Ironing or houaocleaalng; ten years' e.lty refer ence. COLORED OIRL AS LAUNDRESS: WOULD make herself general it neeful; country preferred. Ad drcsa KBTKLLE, llarald Uptown oSca. Wanes. d?' OOTTAOB PLACE.-A HE8PE0TABLB YODNO roman. with a fresh breast ol milk, aa wet nnrae. 17 t)i? East 55TH Sr.-A OIRL AH NURSE: bust ^Oreferenee from present employer. Apply aatil Thnrm dit) noon. WEHT 15TH ST.?AS NURSBt CfTT OR OODN VtTT. Call for Ida. DESBROSSBS ST., KOOlf 7.-AS WET NURSE, with fresh breast of milk. 29 34 a>/? WEST 48T11 ST.?A LADY WISHES TO KIND A OUsltnation for lier nurse, who lea flrstclass seamstress; can do all kluds of family aewlng; country preferred; best eity reference. WKST 47TH ST. (PRESENT EMPLOTEll'S).?A O I competent girl as nurse and seamstress; Ore year'* reference. Call to-day, ?>Q WKST~TiTH ST. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S).?A Oc7g1ri as nnrae: willing to >'0 in thecaoatry; good city reference. Call after 10 A. M. for two days. fi7 WEST 44TH~ST.-A YOUNG WOMAN AS NL'RSK O I to go In tbe couatry or would do chamJberwork aad waiting: exeellent city reference. /jfT~ WKST 44TII ST.?A YOUNO OIRL AS NURSE; I) I could bring a baby up Irom birth: or would do cham berwork and waiting: excellent reference; eity or country. 1'ARK AV.?A RESPECTABLE YO~UNO MAR rlea woman aa wet anrse. Call en or address WET NURSE. 1 6TH AT.?A FRENCH OIRL, 15 YEARS OLD, TO Utake care of children. Address J. KAHN. QQ 3D AV.^a"YOUNO"DaN18H WOMAN AS NURSE ?7 <7lor Invalid or ehlld, or to take full aharga of aa Iniaut from its birth. "I HA WEST 81ST ST.-A COMPETENT WOMAN AS il/Tmlant's nurre: understands the eare ef aa Infant from its birth; excellent eity relerenoe. "1 1 OTwEST 15TH ST.?A TOO NO WOMAN AS NURSE llOund seamstress: can operate on Wheeler Jk Wilson machine; city or country : good reference. 69r 89: 118 127 EAST 11TH ST.-YOUNO SWEDISH OIRL TO Omlnd growing ehild and do plain aewlng. 1 ()/? LEONARD HtT?YOUNG FRENCH LADY~TO X^Otake care of rhlldron; good reference. 1 Oi* LEONAKD sT ?a" YOUNG FRKNOH LADY TO J JjOtake care ol children or to do general housework; good reference. EAST 7TII ST., ONE FLIGHT UP.?A GERMAN woman as uurae to a slek person ; best reference. 1?)Q 0 LINTON PL AC E. - A YO UNO WO M AN aS JL^Owet nurse; baby to be eeen. mWESr 20TII ST.?A youno 01RL TO TAKE cure of children, or to do rhatuberwork and waiting; no objection to the country; good city reference. "1 An WEST 41ST ST.?A KEMP EOT A HL K ~ YOUNG IT I girl to take cure of children or to do sewing, In the c nintry ; understand* putting and fitting children's clothe*; reference. 1Xtl KAST 38TII ST.?A PROTESTANT KURSETO J_T?7take entire charge of a baby and bring It ap by the bottle if required; good city references. TOO BAST BOTH ST.-A RESFKCTABL8 OBRMAlf .1 O?igirl. nged 16. to mind children and make heraelf use ful. ('all or address lor two days. "I W! ST 1?TII ST.?A CAPABLE. TRUSTWORTHY ll)? >wotnm as nurse mad seaniHtrese; willing to go to tha country; oity reference. WEST 25TH ST.-A YOUNO FRENCH OI HL to take care of a child. "TTTTaV.. NEAR 20TH ST., SECOND FLOOR.? A French girl as nurse; good city reference. {l/W' ffKST 27TH ST.?AN KXI'ERIKNC'ED FRENCH jjUOnurse to take care of children ; country preferred; good reference. niin west L'fni st.-ambrican oikl~as nurse; jLJjiUwill do chamberwork; sews neatly; beet city refer ences. oq7 west aorir st.-a rkspeotable"youno ZiZi I woman as first class Infant nn>l growlni; children's nurse; willing ami obliging: no objection to the country: sewn years'best city reference; Is a neat sewer. Call for two nays. 166 1G7 249 t?.J7 EAST 24TII sT.-A YOUNO ENGLISH OIRL Zid i as nurse and seamstress: la willing and obliging; city or country; best city reference. k"flTH AV. A FRENCH QIItL AS NURSE IN A private family; best relerence. west :);id Yt.?a obkm ajToikl aschTlu's nurse nr to do lit'ht housework. 2)En WE8T10TH ST.-A iTehPKCTARl.K^YOlTjTo irirl as nnrse ami to take rare of children; no objec tieu to the country ; willing anil obliging. oHyj W EST 83 D ST. (t N"T11 E~8TO KE).?A YOUNO J'Tglrl as norse, or chambermaid and waitress Call for two days. (ICQ WKST tBTH ST.?A &KSPIOTAJLC WOXAN ^?JO*s wet nurse. * ??7Q WEST 191H ST. (PRRSBRT eFploYKR'H). Zi I OA yoeng colored girl as nnrse; Is willing, obliging nod fond of children. ? WEST 25TH fST.?(loMPETfiNT WOMAN AS ?)^?>iiursn and chambermaid, nine years' reference from Ust place. iJO'J KAfiT OOTK ?tT, FIRST FLOOR.?A DXlfet, ifJjOnicr young girl at ehlHron'r nurse: wlllini to help with "ther work ; good reference. No earns answered. r; EAST 4HTII ST.-A TOUNU AMKKICAN woman to wet nurse a child st her own home. It A ADR I.I NH MAYER. 335 /111 WEST 44TH ST.-A OIRL, AOKIJ 13. A> NURSE T"Xlaiid plain sewer; willing to go to the country; city referenco. i H? WSST ITTH ST.?A YOU HQ (31 ills. 14TBAJU 4:0 I old, to take earn of children or assist. WKST MtT ST.?A itBS V K< IT A RLE (It RIS 17 r U,rears old, lately landed, as nurse and to make her self useful. r|| wesi~jbth"ht.?a uTrl as"nUrse AND AwtarmiM; nine years' relerence. A tit) 8TII AV.. "flRsT FLOOR. A RE-PEOTABLE *Tf)^Nnrtli Oertnan girl as children's nurse; willing te make herself uselul , best eity relerence, r'tir WEsT 2?rT! ST.?A YOUNO WOMAN A8 Ow'Jchlld's nurse or chambermaid. Call or address.! tyF" WEST JgtH.Hf;?UbALTHT WOMAN"AB~WkT 450 ence Call for two days. ;:u aV.-a" KI.iU'kCTaBLE YOUNO OIRL TO take cure of children ana make herself useful. /'A f) BTH AV? NEAR SttfH ST.?A KKSPI CTABLE U'l *Jglrl as nurse and seamstreee; best city relerences 566 VIMjjglrl as nurse and seami aid no objections to the county. /?/?7 HTH AV. ( TOP BELL).?A RESPECT UU I able girl as nnise; English; wiling to assist with light cliainbcrwork; city or country; best city reference, t'aii or addrees. 7~?? mil aV.-a youno OIRL to take OARE OP I | Ochlldren and assist In housework; good reference. 7U1 7T1I AV.?A YOUNO OIRL TO TAKB CARE OK I O.Luhtldren, or would do chamberwork; city or country ; tity relenn?? Cnll lor two daya. ' 1ST AV., RKTWREN .'.2D A NO WtD STR . TOP )lloor. front. ? Keipectable married woman a baby te wet nana at ku lertdence. 948a glTTATIOBTS WAHTED-rBWALEg. \nni?i ?ve AYOl'NO WOMAN WA.VTrt A SITUATION AS WBT dutm. Apply at Cn?tle Garden GIRL TO TAKE CARE OK A GUILD; GOOD reference. Addreaa prvient employer'*, Newptyt Huuae. 52d It., 7th av. and Dro.tdway. NOKTU UKRMaN AS*gURSKAND SEAMSTRESS ; would like tu go travelling: beat city reference. A4 drea* NCJBSE, Herald office Wailrrxet. lie. Ol BAST 10TH 8T.-A i.AUY HltKAKINO 0P rtOtTSK Olkeeping wishes to place Ii?r waitreaa. eraa chamber. maid; no objection to the country. o<? east 20 i n sr. (Present employer's)??is OUlni clan* waitress in a private family; ae objection to the coontry. 7J4 W~h?T 86TH ST.?AM COmTeTK.^T WAITRESS; I Ucan take entire charge of dining room, fa ; reference from last employer*. "1117 MADISON AV.-A LADT WISHES A SITUA .LU I ti?n tor her waitress and chambermaid, whom ah* can highly recommend. Apply at preent employer'*. ?j l O EaBT 218T ST. (PRESENT EMPLOYKtt'd)?A JLJLOyoung rirl aa wait real; city or country. U - WENT S8D BT.-A.N AMERICAN oTrl"a8 JLL? 'competent waitreaa or aa chambermaid: good refer ence*. 1 Oi; KAST JBTH HT.?AS WAITRESS; CAN TAKE AO' 'entire charge of a dining room in a hoarding Uouhe; city or cnnutry; beat city reference. 001 EAST 35TH ST.. (RING SECOND BELL.)?AS JjZi Lflrat claa* waitreaa iu a private family : beat eity ref erence. Call or addreai. 0T0 KAST29IH ST.?A YOUNG OIRL AS FIRST Oola>n waitreaa; can tale entire charge of a dining room ; no objection to city or country; be*l city reference*. OOt? BAMT 3BTR "S1\-AS COMPETENT WAITRESS; OO^would assist with ihamherwerk: bolt ciity relarenee tiiwn Laat employer. IHIirellitueoaii. 2 FRONT ST.-A PROTESTANT WOMAN. ABOUT TO return to Europe, would give her *er\ioe* with children or otherwise for her paaaaire. Address M. W. JENNER. MANOIN ST.. "CITY - a 1 ,ADV"o V ItiTf IN EM KNT a? companion or to travel with a lady; would aasiat In the care und infraction ot children or make herself generally Useful Addreaa Miss C. L>. r" [I WKsT SOTII ST. " A.WMERICA N~~OIUL TO GO *7in the country; capable to do anything exeepl conking or wailiing; ia neat and ouligin*. 97 UNION square^frknch maid, first"class Zj I hairdrener and dressmaker in a Draa ciaaa family; Hunont hair atore. 7 (V 3D AV. (I* RESTAUR A NT).-A YOUNG OIUL AS I t'lndy'a maid, or to tak>- care ol one ehild and do family sewing; good reference*. Call, all thla week, Irom 2 to a. QQ CHRISTOPHER H'I\, BOOM 17.?A YOtMi GIRL 0?7ti? do light boUaework; eity or coontry. Call fur two day* MADISON ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMaN wishes employment in a restaurant or to clean office*. "I 97 *\' 1HT1I ST. AS LAi>V'S MaIU AND \ tLj i seamstress; tnlly competent in every resooct; cuu and fits; i* a thorongh hairdresser; boat city reference. WEST SWT 8T.1a OIRL, AGED 15. TO 90 light house work and take rare of a child. noi "WEST "aOTH ST. (SECOND BELL).?A~YOUNQ ^O^tlady wiihe* copying to da at home ; private letter* written. MIm DREW. tVl n EAST 47TH ST.?A GIRL, 15 TEAKS OLD, TO ^ iU?ni"t in chaiuberwork and waiting; vm objection to take care of children. i)~/T\ WEST 18TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE TO UNO ^j'xJ.glrl to do lijtht homework; beat city reference. OA A WEST 80TH ST.? j YODBO OIRL TO DO Zs tctllight honavwork or to cook, waah and iron; city or torn. try. nyl lBLDRlOE ST.-A GERMAN GIRL AS TRAVEL ^OX'JIIng companion or aa nana and waitreaa: beet raP eranca. luijuire lor Mrs. MURl'ilV. oj-jy EAST .Hf.TH ST.. OMB STAIR HIGH?A O'/Uyoniiir girl to do llicht homework ar to take care ef children; well recommended. WEST aTrffi ST.?A VOUNG GIRL TO AK8IBT In bouiewo'k or mind a baby. 103 157,J 318 c??Q 21) AV., IN THE STORE.?A OIRL TO DO fJOOlight houaework ar chainlaarworte and waiting; good reference. l~KvT2D aV-?A RESPECTABLE GERMAN GIRL, I t'Uwho speaki good German and citn ia* good, la an American family. (A A IsT AV.. TOP~ KLOORV?A YOUNG GIRL. 10 r/70yrnra of age, of German parentage, lu an Aiserlcnn family; retereaca. A" YOUNG^LADY WISHES A POSITION AS OOVf.R neis for *mall children, or williug to taka a aeliool or organ. Call or addresa 21S Eaat lat at. YOUNG IENGLISH PERSON AS COMPANION OR aa-datant honaekeener to an aved couple, or ai neamatreaa In a hotel; ia ueat und wiUlne to he uselul; oountry pre ferred; raiaraueea A. L. S., 7stb it, tith a*. (Ring ball 78th at). IjiMPLOYMBNT WANTED?BY A YO0BG LADY, WHO Uli a good aad rapid writer: rafaranca. Addrai* H., ata tlun K. PROFESSION Al, SITU ATIONS VV ANTKD? FEMALES. A^-~r~EDUb"ATED LADY, SPEAKING FBEifon, A goad pianiat and vocallal. desire* an nngag mc-nt; will take auy position of trnat: aalary no object; reference*. Ad drea* S. Y., box 179 Uerald Uptown odlce. F" LAOS OP ALL' NATIONS A lull Set af Vlag* of All Nations, 80 In namber, die "M by a* feet. PRIOR $4 PER SKT. Sand addreai to METROPOLITAN JOB 0PF1CE, _28 Ann it.. New York. HELP W ANTED?FEMALES. V MBkosf~tfCfNi,eVv>s wfloOcsALTr"JaTaN aNI) xV Jivm Tea *ud Cnffee Co. - Jowa not excluded. Extraor. dlnary bargains offered. Sample Tea. ^reen, black, mixed, Japan, all kiada, 38c. lb. iippartment ot Japanese good* ud atalra. Tea atore decoration*, bamboo Watch Chains; 800 OCX) Lanterns; Magic Kan* and Fans of all deicrlptioua; Cuff*. Fishing Itoili. Sunshades. Call or send for price Hat. 20* Water, corner Fulton it., N. Y Tea and Coffee and Japanese Goods sold in any quantity required. We lull everybody. Agenti wanted, mala and female. COMPETENT GIRL FOB GENERAL HOUSE* work; uuail family; cii.y refarenoa raqairad. 185 Eaat 73d ?t. A~" NGELL'S BATHS, 01 LEXINGTON AV . WANT AN Ameriean, Engliib or Swin girl, under 23, to learn to give bathi to ladiei. A' RES PEC r AB LE UlKL, OK 18 OiTmORE AND living with bsr pirenta. Is wanted by an Importing houae lor work that la clean and will be tangbt; relerencei regarding reapeetability required; wages Please ad dren A. Jr., box 103 Herald oCHce. ?A A-WANTED 100 FIRST-ClTIsS IKONER8 ?at 3 Hriiadway, two o'clock sharp. A" ~ FIRST CLASS SALESLADY ON JTODDAR'TS "New Bertee" mnslc; references; salary, 910. SHEBHY, 33 Barclay it. SM AIST EKRAND GIKlTvaNTED" IMMEDIATELY. Mme. JUG LA, 170 West 23d at. RESSM A KER8 W A S TED?NO. 7 CLINTON PLACE Apply belore 0 o'clock. IpLAGs " OF A LL NATIONS. ' A tnll Set of Flags of All Nations, 38 In simbir, slss 3)? by feet. PRICE *4 PER SET. Bead addreas te METROPOLITAN JOB OFPICE, 28 Ann |L, New York. D w w w w XTURSE WANTED.?A GERMAN OB KWKIHSH ?0 IN man capable of taking the entire charge ol en infant; good references required. Call at 20 &tli av., between 10 and 2. \,\fA N'T E D?A ( TlRI. A8 COOK ASI) LAONDKB?B| V> wlille or colored ; Protestant preferred; eity roiorenca. 359 Wen 57th st. WA N'TKD?PKOTESTANT OI KL FOK OR N RR A t, housework. Apply, with reference. 10S West 57th st. WA N'TKD?A RK8P RCTA BLK CATHOLIC LADY, widow preferred, a* hou-ekceper In ? widower'* family. Address HOUSEKEEPER, station K. WA NT ED-A 1'RiTt EST a nT W O MAN AS COO K; also Protestant irlrl of '22 to assist In the work down stairs Call ut 21 Knit 24th su. after 10 o'clock. fANThD-A 8oltEK. ST ADY (1IUL FOR HOU8R work. Call at 43Q WW MM at. ANTED?A OIUL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK and attending table t good city reference*. 41 East 6*>tli 81. "ANT.-D?A GlKL FOR GENERAL housework. Apply, from in to 1 o'clock, at f>4 Lispensrd st. Wanted?kIkst class s k a ms thes" ks for VV plec ? work In the dressmaking department, (nan I re oi superintendent, t'.p floor, before 10 A. M. J. k C. JOHNSTUN, Broadway. Sth av. and 2-d at. WANTBD -A OOKrKTBNT OilL ><? B 7< ?ENBRAL M housework; private family. Apply 171 Weft 12tii it, basement dorr. ANTE D?T W U OI RL8 TO DO THE WORK OF A family. Call, with reference. at 230 Wert 54th St. W\NTkU~-A KBsl*BCTABTTk qTrL KOlTOETBilAli Vr hi nsework; must come well recommended. Inquire at 70 East Bint st. WANTED?A FRENCH"MAID AND HKAMRTRKR8 to lake care of a clilltl 7 >oars old. Kono bti' those having tl'ist class city reference need apply at 107 Madi son av. WaBTBD-AN Ol'BBATOR UK WUEBL&B A wil, IT sou's machine. Inquire In store 1.540 2d av. J AKTED?yi'l("k anIj (:DMI'KTBNT MBAMHTBJMS and ratter. Flat No. 4, over Union Dim - WANTBD-IN A KAMILToK BUT MODRBATB CIR. tl en instances. a younc pursuit with a fresh breast of mil*, a< wet uursn. Apply 1S2 Sackel at.. Brooklyn. 4> GIRLS. SILK WEAVERS, WANTED-IO OO A <??liort distance in the country. Address, by letter, B., 04 West M'lth st. dfc - MOBTH?OIRI* ABOUT 13 YPARsTTlD.TAKI JJptJcare baby and able to sing. Address christian, lleraul ofiot. gllTATlOXS W< HTEP-MALEH. "i YOUNG J (jritneym AN (J ARPbNTKR DESIRES ?/Yen.ploymerit at his trade or In any rapacity w lieru he can earn a niodesi reconipense; flrst class reference. Ad ' dress J. B., tioX 1J "> lleraKi office. A YOUNG MaN, A(.hl) It, WISHB8 BBPLOT. 1 ment ol hot kind ; needs work ; good reference. Address 1 CHARLEY, Hot West 25th st. YOUNG MAN (AMERICAN) WANTS A FLAOB IN a hotel or boarding house in tlie kitchen or dining room ; ' c tv or country; wages. $<i per month ; references. Adnren HENRY. Herald otllco. A" YOUNG COLORKD MAN WI AH BR A SITUATION walfin 1 on d. otor and to make himself ns*ful in house- I work; city reference. Call at 35it rtent 47th st. A MAN AS COoK ; BOTi-.L OR RKSTA I' HA N T; U N ? der*unds his business ttiorougniy; good reloreuce. 151 West 24th st, A CHRISTIAN MAN WITH A LARGE FAMILY. WHO recently tailed tn Business, earnestly solicit* Immediate employment. Address UKATEFl'L. Iloruid I'ptown office. Avouno frenchman as cook I.N A private family or boarding house ot res aurant; uiMerftau.1? making Ice cream and piisiry; 'jo.t reteience. Ariuresi K., box l?7 ll rnld L'ptown oflli-e. t \ouno Cui.okkd man would like a >iti a- j 7\iliin In a lsmuy or boarding house: no objection to ?mall wages. Apply or nridress, VV. >V., 21 It Wen 2Mli su tlUM Ol>' ALL NATION^ l' A full Set of Flags of All Nations, J13 In nomber, slso 2>i by 3,'j feet. PRICK M I'KR SET. Bend addross to METRuPOLlT * N JOB OPFlt'E, 28 AM ik. Now York. ?1TTTATXOS8 lVAATRIV.KAl.Bft. Oman. raised ou a farm, on a am all place to do light farm worn; U bandy with tools. Address FLO HID > Herald office. W'AVTBD-BY A FIRKT CLASS BARTENDER, A ?? sluatloa. elty or oountry. Addreae JU y, MaSON, IS Henry at., Brooklyn. TXTiirikd-bv "a young colored ma* aS ?? welter; city reference; fourrnnat the last D|u< Call at 1M West J4lh at. for two daya. AMU SAliKSMKV. A BET Aft DRY"(fboD.S~ CLERK WAtfTBD? can dress wludowa and be naefu): wages fvj weeklv and board, State references. A8TOH, Herald office. A YOUNQ MAN, 8hXaKI.N0 AND WKITINO GBR. ^Xman and English equiilly wall and having extenalve knowledge ?f Kreacli. desires a position aa correspondent) sine tlirao years with large importing honaee. Addreea EN'KBIiV, box 184 Herald Lptown office. A TRUSTWOItf 11V MAN-GOOD SALESMAN. OOU lector and bookkeeper, wanta a plaoe; $12 week- 11 jwars'experience ;^eity. HENRY COLLINS, Herald office. YOUNG MAN W11 rTcav~(jTvkTjood ciWbkT: Leronee ami aecnrlty won Id like a position aa aaleaman cashier, collector or In any light oapaclly; salary so obi eel' AddressJ. J. C.. 16S 9th a*. J A WILLEDUCATED MARRIED TOUNO OERMaN" who ttieaka and writee Kngliah ?nd German. wiahea a situation In an office. Address L., box 108 Herald office "* SALESMAN w"ANTEi? BY A LaCE 00<>DB AND ./training manufacturer. Only thoae acquainted with the Westeia jobbing trade need apply under A. B.. 110 liarald office. EmpXoym"knF wanted-by a rkliable. mid .lie-aged. active business man; has been tngagrd il market, provision and grocery stoma the lau 30 yeara; Is I good booxkeenor; can irlve aatiifactory reference. AddreM (1KOKQK fiLHCO, 47 Christopher st. IriLAOS OF ALL NATIONS. A full Sot of Flags of Ail Natleua. 218 Id nuiaber, alee 2U by ilH test. PRICK $4 l*KR SET. ?end address to MKTUOPOHTAN JOB OFFICE, Ann it.. New York. Resident buy!:'.k~n""ex perienced man in lac-a, millinery guods, 111 minings. Ac., wants a position us Oliver for Western or Southern house: highest reference*. Address It., box 4,4T>7 I'ost office. Salesman wanteT)-a younu man thoroC\ih, ly familiar wltb the custom and ready made clothln| business; the liest of relersacs will be required. AdilreiSi stating about what salary Is expected. H.. box 1.77 Herald office. ITUATIO.\" WANTED?BY A YOUNG MAN IN A wholesale or commission house : six years' experience In bookkeeping; willing to make np In iiuantity what he lack* In ijuaiity; security girea if necessary. Address J. B.. Jr.. l.&STi Broedway. Qa?E8MEN"ok"CJOOD ADDRESS?THOSE HAVINd Oexperience In embossing stamp*. check protectors, 4c prelerroi; liberal commission. K-AJiDaLL. TENNmY J ca. 180 Broadway. New York. TK A YELLING SALESMAN. ACQUAINTED WITH notion and stationery trade, wanted, to add a good specialty; liberal commission; state where travelling; ra? ernnce necoseary. Address J. M O., Ilcrald office. WanYkd-a travelling salesman thob. oughly acqnalnted with the notion and stittionerv job bing trade in the Eastern States and Canada. Address, with references and salary expected. HILTON, Herat* office. WANTEdTa CLASSICAL "ENGLISH AND GERMA* scholar, for translation from the Herman to the I'.ngt llsli. Address, with reference aa to capability, SCHOLAR, Herald otlice. WANTED^A "good 811OBTH AND" WRITER; MURl be a good general eorreapomlent and have a knowledgi of the grocery business. Address, stating references aui salary wauted, COMMISSION, Herald office. WANTED-OKNTLEMKN" COFYISTS; PEKMAWBN1 work; llbfral terms; reference absotntely required. Address E. K. O.. Herald Uptown office. \\T ANTED?DRUtl CLERK; A 8IN0LK" MAN. WITH TT experience In retail. Apply to PATTEBSON M PURi>Y, wholesale druggists, 158 William St. WANTED-A SITUATION AS BOOKKEEPER, COB. respondeut or stenographer by a German. 40 years of age, * it h 30 years' experience In this elty. principally with importers; is a thorough double entry bookkeeper, posted in foreign exchanges and baa considerable scientific Knowl edge in chemistry ana natural philosophy; speaks and writes French Queailj. Adereas BOOKKEEPER, box 134 Herald office. fir A N TED?AN EXI'EBIHNCED RETAIL OKOCRBf TV clerk ; must know how to drive and take oare of horse. Apply 3 President St., South Brooklyn. WANTKD-A SALESMAN WHO TKAVEL8 WEi? and South, to take along a line of combs and Jewalrr for a manufacturing tlrm. SV., Herald office. WANTED-BY A YOUNG MAN (I'.IOHT YEABS* business experience) a position as collector, secretary, salesman or assistant bookkeeper; unexceptionable refer, ences and security if necaiuuury. Addroaa i.LEKK, Herald Uptown office. w ANTED-AN HONEST. PRACTICAL MAN. A3 drug clerk. Apply, with reference, at 45 Spring St. "VOUMO "MAN (DANISH) WI8HES A SITUATION | J. good penman ; understands bookkeeping; Ai relerences| low salary._ JENSEN. 'S2Si Wait lutli at. COACHME.V AN U GAHDKMERb. Agekman Wants a sifl)Afiofr~i?s CoACif? man or driver; can also do garden work. Address A. H., box 110 Herald office. A-" S COACHMAN and GARDENER?SITUATION wanted; highly respectable young German single)| coinpeteut, careful driver; take charge of a gentleman's place in conutry ; very bandy in every respect on geatla man's place; highest recommendations from last placa. Address, for two days, M. P., box 141 Herald office. YCUNG MAN"WANTS- a SITUATION AS COACH, man or groom with a private Tamily, wo aid preier tka CuUiitry. Address 817 1st av., room 14. Ayo'uno""man~want? a situTtion AS COACH* man; thoroughly aoderstands his business; good city and country relsre .ee. Address D.. Herald Uptown offloe. CIOACHMAN?BY A FIRST-CLASS MAN; WILUNO Sto be nseiul. Address A. M., box 102 Herald office. CCOMPETENT YlJUNCi MAN* WANT8 A SITU ATI oj} >aa coachtuan and i;ronm; thoroughly endera.aad* the care and treatment of horses; is willing to make himself generally iisbIuI ; lias good eity referanee. Address A J? C.. box 120 Herald office. ("IOACITmAN AND CABe.FUL~ DUIVERt UNDER y'stands bis business thoroughly; willing and obliglnrt or country . twe years' reference. Address D. D.. boa 230 lierald IOACiJma.V, GABDEN EK?t.ERMAN; UNDEB. _ tands the care ot boraes; first class driver nod groom( nlna years' relerence. Apply at U6U loth av. /loTcHMAN'S SITUATION WANi'ED?BY A TH0B V^oughly competent, trust wort by man In every reapectj best cltv reference from last place. Call or address U c LILACS OK ALL NATION*. " A full Set of Klaga el All Nations, 36 In oaab?r, da* 3K by 3)i f?t PRICE, $4 PKR SET. Bead xkbrn to METROPOLITAN JOB OrPIO*. 28 Ana it., New York. IRST CLASS OERMAN QaTiDENER. SPEAKINd Kngllah and desirous to do every wort, want* a place, Inquire K. SAlT'Z, 236 halt f>4tb ft., first floor. GARDENER'S SITUATION WANTED?SINOLH. thoroughly understands his business in all lti braa'heef greenhouse. cnpetiws, Iruita, reetable* and all required t# *i.' done on a place; beat of reTeraoee. Address H., bos 12* Herald office. SITUATION WANTED?AS COACHMtN, BY A CO*. Opetent man. Apply at No. 1.17 Waat 24th it., first floor. ANTED-KARM Kit AND UARUKNBRi WHO thoroughly understands ears or horses and cows, M> work on a gentlenuua'a plaoa In Addreaa L & W., Hernia office. ri/ANTED-A COLORED COACHMAN, SINGLE MAXf TT innst hare goou references. Apply THOMAd MORTON. 05 Klliabeth *t. HELP UANTED-JIALBI. w"antnd^at i^-mo^tERST: OR NTS ARE- MAKINU MONhY SKLLINO TU* A Paragon Lamp Store, price 85e. Abbott Manufacturing Coin|)?uy, 101 H?ekm/?u ?t.. Now Yorlt. A N ACTIVE MAM, WITH KIXTCASH, KOR LEGITL ?/Vmnte erery d <j business In Western olty; position earn ami prodt *hle. Call, a/tar 9, 46 Bond at., between Bleed way and Bowery. \ -WANTKD.A TH OROUO HL Y COM PETE NT MA* take ebsrge or a cloak factory. Addreaa H. W. J., Herald office. An "unmarried-man, not over 40. expe. 1 Iroced In ho-pltal nursing. la wanted as night nurse at St l.ute'a ; must be Protestant. Apply, bringing testimonials aa to character and efficiency, at 11 kbit mora* tag. aNVASSKiIs WANTED?FOR A NEW AND RAPUf telling article. 881 Cih ??,, lopHoor. IPive c<)'l<)iticD waiti.lis wanted-at thom? son's Hotel, Coney 1*1 and. PUBK TEAS.?AUENT8 WANTED BVbBTWHBRB Td ?ell to fnmfllea. hotela and large eonamuers; hirgeat do k In the country; quality and terraa the baat. Conntr| ttorekaeptfrt diouid call or write TUE WELLS TEA COw 201 Fnltoo at. AN TED?A VOUN UMAN TO COOK AND OPE! c oysters. Apply at UM' Hd a v. at 9 o'eloek A II. w VVTANTEL>?OfcNI.KaL AGENTS AND 8AI,E8MKl ?T everywhere; new patent. Just ont; noreltyi India pensable JOilN UK11 n I AN, Id Broadway. WANTED?MAN~~A.NI> WIKE (SOT lW18H)TO cure of house. Addre? box 4.1K"i New York Post ofTlea WANTED?GEN rI.KM AN OK LITERARY ABILlfl to intr oduce a work of raro merit. WaI.T| M, 15 Dey at.^ \V * NTED?A~YOUNG MAN WHO~i' N DIII I A N D1 " the groccry business. Apply at 51V 2d ??.. eorne* C9th sL \X7 ANTE! i?A MAN FOR OKN EliAL FARM WORl? M who understands tho care of borsea aad can milk. Ap ply at 144 Pulton st. I'll K TRADES. \ "dKirrfAX A<7KVM,r,intk8f-Kt?rmnrmnfEr. -."t Jnat irutn hngtand. desires a sHnatlon at hi* trade (sad diori er would do anything; chy nr cotiutry. Addreaa Uk ZOK>CII, cure of Mrs, liassinR.211 Kaat Houston at. CO M Pfc TKNI'KNCilVE E R W ThTT Es "a BfBA 51 A, ? sltUHiInu aa dncineer or to take charge ol a machine at ?team ripe fitting shop In city or country; beat reference Address EMllNIU R, imx 200 Herald office. AhnauB drummer, aged 17. wants a steadt sltnation as a Drummer, or wotilrt like to learn the ma chinist trade or any respeotaiile trade ; good reference. A4> dreas M. KI.VNN. 51 Sullivan at.. New York. Tj*N VBLOPK CUTTER WA NTED?TO TAKE CHAROB JLol mannlaeturlnK Hno wedding gooda; ata'e place where last empliyed ui.d wage* wanted. Addreaa box 214 Herald ? fflce. IP Laos ok all nations. r A ftii 1 Set of 1'lnga of All Nations, 86 in number, die 2Jf brleet PRICK M PKR SET. Send addreaa to METROPOLITAN .IOB OPPIOK, 28 Ann si.. New YaW. VVANTED-A BOSS HARDENi R IN A FELTINO TT mill: one thoroi.gblr competent; none others need *!>? pljr, Aedreos, with reb-rencea, A. t>.. Herald ortiee. "IXTANTRD?A OOOD CUTTER. AI'I'I.Y AT 130 \V Union iiv., Oreenpulnt. WANTED-A Finsr f:LASS CLOAK CUTTKR AND designer; ateady work. Addreas tx. Herald Uptew* efflce. WANTED?A OOOD KINK TUNER TO WORK I* factory*. FISCHER'S, 425 Weet 28tk ai.