Newspaper Page Text
CITY KEAIi E8TATE TOK HAIifc. Crntral. a ?the cheapest couskr iiouhe in sew f\..York. lot 25x100 leet. with stable attached; Madison av.. near Madison square; tba whole fur sal* at about the preaeut Talue ol tha lot. V. K. STEVENSON, Jr., 4 Pine, er XI 1' ait 17lh it. ^LAgST OF ALL nations. r A full Sat ol Elate* of All Nation*. 361a number, viae 2\ w as r??t. PRICE 94 PER SET. 6ead addrtta to MKTROPOLITAN JOB OFFIOB, Ana >(., New York. Eait widr \ FRAME COTTAGE DOUSE AND TWO LOTS FOR !\aale. on tba east tide; bom# contains seven rooms. tba erond lot haa stable tor two horses. wagou room, haylelt, <c.; aitu-ted near tha Eastern boulevard ; will be told al tha very loweat terma. For lull particulars address OVt NF'R. bo* 2H3 Herald office, or apply to Mr. JAMES KOVt'fc, !U7 3?. av., Saw York. VERY flNE t'OKSKK STORK Ix THE TWENTIES on 2d av.: new and one of the very beat on tba avenue; cheap to drngglst. aeveial on 3d av. KILPATRD K. corner 2Sth at and 3d a*. W eat Mid#. JANE ST.. WITH LOAN TO BUILDER: ALSO 4 Lota Eaat Houston at. FINN. 33U Broadway. Agent* 24 North SlUe. T^ORDHAM?EXECl'TOR'S 8ALE.-I4 CHOICE BUST " neaa Lota adjoining depot iThamu avenue, Welch and Depot atr<eta). part John Cornell estate, at unreserved auction! Jane 27, 3 o'clock on premises. Take 2 30 traiu. Haw with JAMES L. WELLS. Auolioncer. 153 btoauway. Mlnrellanrona. A GREAT BARGAIN IK SOLI) AT ONCE-FOUR ?tory brown atona Houae. near St. Thomas' Chinch. EDDY. 14.'i Broadway, room 17. BROOKLYN PROPERTY FOR SALE. AND TO LET. fcjVLAOs of aXl nations". r A full Set of Flag* of All Natlona, 36 la another, alia 2.1* by B)? ten. PRICE ?? PER SET. fend addreaa to METROPOLITAN JOB OFFICE. 28 Ann at.. New York. rpo LET OK~roK SALE CHfcAl;-A THREE STORY luqu We?tC HJCSTKII (OI\T> PROPERTK l''OK SALE ABO TO KENT. Air rELH AM.?Til REE ELEGANT COTTAGE.-^ beantilully located on the Sound ; line Ashing. boating, bathing. Ac.: will bo rented very low lor the season or year; ran he reached bv Pelbaiu coach or curs; also -everal beau lihtl Cottages to 1*4, at low rent, at New Brighten, Staten lalano. W. N. t?RISWOLl>. 744 Broadway. tulAOS of" all NATIoNS. r A lull S?t ot Flag* of All Nation*, 36 In nnmber. site 2)i by 8* leet. PRJCB S4 PER SET. Sono addreu to METROPOLITAN JOB OFFICE, US Ann at.. New York. Factory, on Hope *>t,, Brooklyn, K. O., with engiue, Ac. iqniie It. YOUNG, 38 Sciiermerhoru it.. Brooklyn. JERSEY CITY, UOBOKEN, HIDSON AND BERGEN HEAL ESTATE. "Fur Salt< FOR SALE?TWO Lot* IN BERGEN POINT, N. J.; very low. Apply 1.082 De Kalb av., Brooklyn. IILAGS OF ~a7.L NATIONS v lull Set of Flag* ot All Nations, 36 In number, ilie -! j by 3S leet. PRICE $4 PER SET. Send addreaa to METROPOLITAN JOB OFFICE. 28 Ann st.. New York. PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO RENT. A" -FOR SALE, HotfSK AND LOT IN I'LaTn FIELD, ? X. J.: 10 miuute*' walk from depot: splendid location ; price 94,0011; $2 000 cash renin red; balauce can remain. Address C. R., 178 Herald office. T A LAKox i.o.Nii Lsi.AN D-FARM HOUSE. 10 rooms; barn, wood, horaea. Ac ; $75 the season, ?150 per year. Address APPLEToX, hox lil'.t Herald office. NICE IIOl'-E 'IO LET, FURNISHED. AT OYSTER Hay. L. I.; 13 ro ?m?: good water, ahado. Iro't, Ac. ; haa carriage houae ami stable; ten minutes to water and steam boat lauding: every way cotnlortable and complete. Ad diesa W. A. TOOKER, 78ti Broad St., Newark. CIHEAPEST FARM IN NEW YORK-STOCK. CKoPS. /Implements. Household Furniture. over> thing; loo acres. well watered; two orchards; large, handaotue build Ingk, complete ; adjoining county town ; only $7,500; easy lerrn?; wonderful bargain. STANLEY FeROUSON, 170 Broadway. CIO L'NTRY BOARD I Nt7~l lOI'SE, 30 MINOTES FROM /city, now paying $400 raontiily. to rent; Furniture lor sale: will sell at sacriUce, as owner is leaving city. 28 West 21?tli at I^LI.UANTLY FURNISHED VILLA-ONE MILK OF XjMorrtaiowu. to let for the season or year, very low, J ilE.NRY JOHNSON, Morrlatowu, X. J. IjlLAOg OF AiiL NATIONS. " f A lull Set of flags ot All Nations, % In number, slse by 3<i leet. PRICE *4 P R SET. Send address to METROPOLITAN JOB OKKICK. 28 Aon st., New Yutk. F" OR SALE ?C11 OlCE COUNTRY SEAT NEAR TARRY town ; of tlie moat deatrable places on the Htiuson River: high ground and healthy. Apply to W. L BliUVV'tlt, 1 70 VVllllaui at. ti^OR*SALE-FARm7liOTKI. AND DRIVING PARK, U ail nated on the New Brunswick and Cranoerry tiirnpika. 2'j nnle? from New Brunswick, one hour from New \ork : H7 HCrea of Improved land a anperior haif nnle truck, iioiel noing a good business; other buildiugs in good repair; lertna easy: would trade lorn good farm. Address K. S. TRaCY, box 322 New Brunswick, N. .1 LIOR SALE-TWO HOCUS FROM 421> ST.. A FINK U Farm of )?i acres, with hanrlsom- new lour gahle sia'e rool hotino. built by dav'swork, in bust manner: nir^e barn, Ac.; the Mill River runs through the farm. crnp?, stock. Implements all first cUu; abstract of title lor loo years: !ree and clear; pi ice wholu, 810.IK O; terms to suit. Address II. HUTCHINSON, North Stsiniord. Conn. For sale at a bakoaix-a colntuy home, having all th? conveuicuces ol a city eaiablishnient, together with the adv^utaves of One lawns, pii'liirtsque views and fine drives; one hour Irum rho city, nml In a very healthy locality. MARTIN DL'NX, I 70 Broadway, T^OU sale CHEAP?a nice COUNTRY HOME; r five acres of laud; good houae. I I rooms . with stock and ir.ips; price S-t, W *'. Applj to B, B. SI MR. lMI1. Canal at. MOKT LOVELT country SEAT IN state for snle -On a lake up the lludaoti; fishing, boating, sail ing, shooting and perfect health: will accept Mortgage for whole. I'Ot;ley A < YAiT, 171 .rito av. \k! EST NEW BRIGHTON. STATEN ISLAND.?TO vi let, first class lluuan. on Berzun av.; all modern lin proremetits. within 4m feet of the water nnd Richmond terrace and 3 minutes of ferry landing. 3o minutes from New\ork: very desirable lor both summer and winter; farg" garden : bathing. GEO. H. WOOSTER, owner, l>?4 Church at.. New York. *> UNFURNISHED ROOMS~-$? MONTHLY FOR SI M Omar; 2:i mlnntes 01. Jersey Cent.-al; boating, bathing. Address PLEASANT, I'amrupo, N, J. d;(in per ai r - Farm fob sale, at poplar ??)t/URldge, Cavnga county. New York, containing 100 acres ol choice wheat and corn land, all level and no wasto, with the crops, stock and (arming utensils, the Utter in-lng new 1 his apriug , possession immediately. Address WM. B. SKI DMOkK. A REAL. KMT AT K TO KXCII \ WOI<.. VhM E WVE STdlty BI OK 15 f*BoPBBTY; W'lL'L tak* amall country tilac " n? purl pit) ment. 8AM Ul L Ml L LI K I.N. Broker, 960 Wont 34th It. C" MNTISN \TI OUT CITY LIMITS, 40 At7REM. ./large Home, value $tfi,<KXt; encumbrance $7,500; ex rtiance for other Property. OHIO, iierald. IflLAUK OP~ALL NATIOllE "" A full .-at of t*'l Air*> of All Nation), 116 in number, bit* 2^ by :t'3 feet. PBU1K ? PER SKT .'?end addre?? to METROPOLITAN JOB OK PICK. 2H Ann ?t., New York. TAAKM?ROOKi.ANO COUNTY," HLbUANTLY" L.T?. r catod. 100 acres, crop*, w.-ll *mck?d. tnr productive Property KEXDA LL. 4'il Broadway. TjioUR STORY STORK AM) TK?E?IBWf, 25X72X102; r 4*1b M.; only$P.rtKi mortiragc , equity for a auburlmn place; no tiuker.n? permitted. Kli.PATRICK, corner 2Mb at. and :td av. pOOff FNENCI'~MWEtt'BD BROOKLYN PROPERTY VJto exchange for unencumbered Farm In this State; tine xHrHtoK* Place lor city or Brooklvn Hume. MARTIN DUNN, 17K Hrondwar. CM'aLT Lo r dry goo ds to exchange for re Kl Otntate. wodlrt like Brooklyn llouie ALEXANDER, lierald office. S* PLENDiti PAYING DWlLLINtiH AND STORKS KOR Country Property and cn?h. JACOB V. D. WYOKOFP, !W Cine H TO EXCHANGE 2tt5~A15Rfc.lT OK OOOli UNO L'f/ri valed Land, with Wood. for a Karm nuiinr cultivation, near Potomac Hirer preferred. Apply to r. CARI'.KaU, Real Entato Broker. 410', Grand at. fZnrXoBKS KINK 11 UBKIl LAN I >. N KAIl ST PALL, 1 Ol/for Equity in atnall ecuntry I'lace <>r ?? ? ty Tenement; cheap at $12 per acre. KILPATlUCK, 23th ?i. and ltd av. ItKAIi ESTATE WANTED. Flags ok alL'Sationh. A full Set of Flag* of All Nationi, :MJ in number, aite 2' j by US let;i. PRICK $4 PI R SKT. Send addreaa to METROPOLITAN JOB OFFICE, 2S Ann at.. New York. WANTED-A~ SMALL~CITY Oil to. \TRY I'TiO?. TT erty and cash In exchange for mi eatahlKhed bmlqe*i j etock. fixtures ami everything in perfect order. Adilrrn STORE, box 12ft Herald office. WANTED FOR cXHil-A""llOU8B~"WoBTB $13.nor* tn$|M,CIU0, on Hie ?-e?i i-ide nt the pity In a uooii neigh borhood. harvky It vKKK. 151 ltioadwav. TO LET FOR RIM\F,MM PI RI'IISH*. BI-.NMiVr" BUILDING " i-1 reproof, Located on NaMaii, Ann and Fulton ?ti. Klrat Ploor to let; auitabie ;nr banker*', Itunranrn olTlnna rr lawyer*; will be let together or ID parti I be altered ta tint tenants tl aealred ; ?d.i|t''1 lor ofbetl or (torea. KoHtonablt. rent* Alro ?oir.e eligible Law ClfMcei ti let. apply on TUB PRhMlsKA Take the elevator; Inquire Inrjanltor. A WHOLE?PARLOR KLUOit TO LhTKOR Bril" f\ne?? ptirpotea ; rent vary low. atS Kant lloniton ?t . near Jroaby. AT 21 EAST HOUBTON ST.-COltNEB BASKMKNT to let. very aiiltabla lor frocery bii-ines* or barker. rent D?'. Apply to Uou-akeep r, ou premise*. DEKK room TO LET?AT 104 DUANB ST.. RuOMS 4 and 6; $Vi |er v??r. fiHiAGS "or AU, "nations: ' A foil Set of Pla a ol All Nationa, JU in number, ?iae 2y, 1 3S feet. * n PRICK $4 PER BET Mnd atfdreaa to M K I BOPOLITA N JOB OKKICE. 2K Ann ?k. New Yurk. IjlUBNISHED DESK ROOM : ALso counters, ' sbelvinn, Ac.. If Uealred. rent low C'huntnut at., tecond Boor, front. Philadelphia. Hotel, to hoomm, pukNIsued; rk.nt reduci i? fmra ?o a month. Apply < Ity Motel oOice, Broadway ikud 8th at? N'0 I ICE.--TO Ll ASi . IOK A 1 El!M OP Y' All-, new. Wtonei I'itr I, North Ulver (453 le- tlmig, Wl leet aide), and aujaienthulk.head. Kor terrua hhiJ ftirtber Inh.rni"tion apply at office of the Department of lincka, 117 and IP' limine at., wbrra plan of prenil??a can lie ?en and anainined. gtEAM ruwiE-Mtiiorou ? an ktkam poweic ^Uulidlnv". XoS ?, 11 and til Haxter at., l.olu ol all ilaea; tiAikdY bower, wull lignieH, ?ol i.uiftly locnl??i. >tffiaUY wowir, wo ^ ^ UHIHSS'OLIK 744 llrundw?j. fo LEI-IN UNION SgUAKB. AN OU> ESTAB. tlrtiK CnfTee nr..J l ake Htore. Apply at Office C2 ha?t j44k it., near ilreadvajr. 14 O TO LET FOR Bl'SINKHS PrRPORa.*. To LET-HAM ME^T STORE. WITH WELL LIGHTED Apartments. only 98L Apply 1.300 34 av. Tm" let?part op-the desirable store 34 Keaoe st.. opposite A. T. >10wart A apace to uiU; rent exceedingly low. Apply on premises _ TO LET-A LaUM) V. WITH PlxTCEElL APPLY to l>r. II. GOMEZ, J4."i W?*t 2!S?h it. qv> LET-WITH FIXTURES, TliK El,l f,ANT S A LOOM 1 connected with hotel. Broad * ay arid I2lh It.; liertnan preferred. fPO LET?LOFTS, with STEAM POWER; ABOUT0,000 i Teet of room; wall arranged, commodious and wall lighted; staaui elevator: enhances on Pearl and Cliff sts. Apply at 323 Pearl at., adjoining Harper's. VALENTINE A CO. 7 EAST 21ST~ST. -AM OI- KICK TO LET FOR A I doctor or dentist, with recaption Room if required. DWEU.IM6 HOUSES TO LET. Kurulahrd. T^LAGS OK ALL NATIONS. r A lull Set of rlaraol All N ationa, 38 in nnmbar, ilia 2H by 3)* feet PRICE to PER SET. Sand addrata to METROPOLITAN JOB OFFICE. 28 Ami st., Naw York. \ MURRAY HILL?CHOICE KOI K STORY BROWN ?tone liouse, fully lurniabeil, for private family onlr. OEo. II. PETRIE, 164 Broadway. I' ii t urn iiiliru. A? I 'HARLEM ST.. PINKLY LOCATED, NEAT THREE ?story high union medium sized Dwelling, only $7*i0 ? year V. K. .VfEVEShON. Jr., 4 Pine or 33 East 17th at. At"a sacrikj??k'-'kuOh*"story" HFoil""stoop ?tone House, perfect order: Immediate possession; op posite Coleman ilotise. Address OWNER, box 4,4o2 Post oDice. No agents. A HOUmI to iLKr-No7~ioT varIok ~bt.. near J\ Bio >me ; all Improvements; repaired and painted throughout; in complete order. |5oi i?NT-Till-: THREE STORY BRICK KRONT F lilch stoop House No. .17 West Ulst St., in ijood repair, with beater, water an.l van throughout. Apply to HOMER MORI1AN. Nil Pine at. JS I . STORY ENGLISH KASEMKNT. REPLETE with improvements. 'I at., near 3d a*., very low to re sponsible teuant; other*. KlLI'ATitiCK. corner 2flth ?t., 3d av. KtRVlSlllKD ROOMS A\D APARTMENTS TO LET. | t private family will rent, to firstclass I Jlt:eiilieuieu only, very desirable Rooms, en unite or I singly; bathroom, Ac., on each door; one dour from 6th j bt., near the clubs. 5 Ka?t 16th St. A private family will let to gentlemen only verv desirable luruislieii Rooms, en suite or tiu?ly. i 140 West -Ith - I \Ieuovd fLooi (C(jttahe). Larue \ u<r>. front, with shade, 3 or 4 larije, licrht Rooms, lurnlshed | lor housekeeping, cheap. 135 West 43d St. A Coke lady, raving a pbett?"uWle fir.-t class liuiue, in embarrussnd circum.-fareas, will share I her li 'iuo with lientloinan or lady; terms to plonse; i.e.>i 4th nv., 29th st. For three days, WIDOW \ll-. LLNOT, { Herald ?. ptown office. a v.iuow lady. living "alone! HAS RLE | j.\ cantly furnished Rooms for ono or two gentlemen Ad uress Fiti.EDOM, Herald Uptown office. A -NEATLY KEPT ROOMS FOR GENTLEMEN*; .priVHti- bouse; moderate terms. 138 West 36th, seventh house Iroiu Broadway. PRIVATE FAMILY WILL LET. FURNISH ED~KOR housekeeping, two Rooms; prlvato bath and closol. 408 West ?4th at. "7 HANDMIMELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM; /Vhsli Room connoctinK: also other Rooms; convenient for housexeeplnv.; terms moderate. 241 West 34th. LARGE. PLEASANT FUON'l~K(JOm7 WKLI, FUR uished. for housekeeping or light business; rent 96 per week: splendid location. 1,2<J9 Broauwny, next to tha Aquarium. CIOUNTRY HOME?THREE FURNISHED ROOMS, ?'near by. for housekeeping. Address bos 3.096 Post ollica E-IlaGS op ALL RATION". A full Set of Plaits of All .Nations, 36 iu number, site 2'i by 3% feet. Pit ICE $4 TER SET. Send uddr as to METROPOLITAN JOB OFFICE, 2S Ann st.. New York. 1" ilURNISIIEI) ~RO()Ma TO LET?TO GENTLI-.M K.N, without Board; terms moderate. 14 West Washington place. L^UilNISllhD ROOMS AND APARTMENTS_ATlMOD P erate prices HI West "J4th St. 6KSlsTiKD~IIOOMS TO LET- WITH GOOD"aOCOM modations. Please call at 2<>2 Enst 'Jtttl: at. LH'KMSIIKD KO()MS~.MODER?TTMPKOVBXNMR, TO P eentlt-iiien or married partios; private family; refor eucos. lMH'-j West 10th at. LI OR HOUSE KE 'PI NiT-'JOMPLETELY KURlTlHH ED r Rooms. Beilroona. ?3 .V) to $4 ; prlvato house 31U East 13tn st.: wnnbinfr prlTiloira. BfURNISHEU ROuM aNU BEDROOM TO LET.?NEW carpets and lurnitnre ; water and |[as. 687 6th av., first Door. / i KNTLK >t KN LO() KI NO I- OR PIN E. COM PORTA RLE ' JTRooiris please call at No. 1.13J Broadway, law doora a'jove Madison Park; breakfast If dsslred. Handsomely fi knishi-j> parlor floor for Physician or dentist; hall Rooms, with Board, rery cheap. 1'.'2 East 'J4th st , near Ashlaud Hotel. Handsomely furnished kooms. en suite or slnyly : irentlemen or (rmtleman and wife; all Improve in-ills; terms moderate 3">B34th, near Elevated. F NICKLY Fl'RM.lHEl) FRONT PARLOR AND BED ro una cheap to neat peopie. 06 East flth it., near Broadway. fPO 1 K 1M) Dl-.N riSTS.?AJi ELhGANTLY PUKNISIIED BACK Parlor to let. for peruianency, to a dontlat or physician. ?IK Wi-st 37tb st. rpo LET FU RN Is II ED?A P A RLOIt" FLOOH, TO GEN J. Hem in and wife; Board for lady; no other boarders; w ould let for housekeeping. -7- We?t .'ISJlli st. O LKT?3t( ELEGANTLY FUKNIsilED ROOMS, hl.V Kiy or en suite; for two $12 per week. C. IIRODT. ?n?eth av. TTEUY CENTRAL COOL, PLEASANT ROOMS, WITH V ba h. lartre closet*; Atnerloan lainily; summer prices. 1UH Clinton pi ice. r.Tli AV . NO. 164 - FURNISHED ROOMS, FRONT sjand rear, with haths on eacli Boor; reference reqnired. Si WE KLY PLEASANT RECEPTION ROOM ; SUIT 'doctor or sleeping; alao several others. 144 West l.'ith ?t. in EAST 8D ST.. REAR the" BOWERY.-A few ?Ll/irentleraen can ba accommodated with neatly furnished Rooms. $>m OR fi'. -NICE FLOOR, FOUR ROOMS, PAR -?V'tially furnished or nnfurnished, in private lami'yi references reunired. -J2I East lil'il st. ')(! KA-T 4III SI'.. BETWEEN BOWERT ARD ? 'Broadway. ?Fnmlshed Rooms to lot, without board; refercme rei|iilred. A it UNION SQUARE. ? PLEASANT ROOMS. "Xwnlecly lurnished, to let permanently or transiently; references <-xchan|i;d. ,-rT~WEST J2D ST.-ELECIANTLY F1JR NIBBED ?J~TRooms, without board, tu Hentlenien only; references exchantreik Kith st, near broadWay."?nigely fur 'JTulslied Tlilrd Floor; moderate rent; location fine ; prl vate family. S. G. IIYA IT, Broadway and '>2d. Ts> WIST I'jTll ST.-NICELY furnish i- iT~rooms. 0?111)out Hoard, for Kcniiemon only; also Parlor, fo - busl tie?a. 7QWR8T 1! T11 ST.?URUK and small rooms I 'Jto lot. without board, to gentlemen only. I'JO macdouu'al si ?large airy parlor ?>?/(!? or. fiiclng Park; greatly reduced reut. Kays in the ha?einnni. U7 waverlkv place. nk\r htii" av'.?"SF.wlv I furnLhrd. cool atd delightful Mourns; inoderu lm provrmnts atul low rent. 1 17 P.AHTaiHT st7-IIAn'D8uMbLY purnished Li: I Parlor lloor to let; reference* required. iTiTj 21) A v.. NEA It I3TH ST. ?PI'RMS II hl> ROOM 1 */Uto rent, suitable lor gentltmiMi, without hoard; $4 per week ; neighborhood unexceptionable. t?o < WEST 4Tli ST^ROOMR TO LET, PttEiriSHKD. ?dU'lw]i]i the use ol tho kitchen, on very reasonable term*. I?rn HI'.. NBA it WD A V.?LARGE, COOL, wairv Room. auitfle Room, 82: hnlh. tKFiainsiiED rooms a:?i) apart* MKIVTH TO LET. A.n'UPPETTPaRT~OP A~Pit!VATE HROWN 8TONK house. containing eight rooms, with nil improvement!, far a small f.imliy, rent #:?i. at No. 4.1? Ka^l .VJd. ANIMBEK OK FLOORS TO LET IN PRIVATE house* at reduced rentK. Apply fo JOSEPH WHIT FIELD. Kent Estate House Agent, ?'l 7th et., between 1st and 2d avs. AP1K-T CLASS sECOND"FLOOR TO LET TO~A family. Sern at M40 East Isth ?t. FLOOR TO LET?RENf LOW. To SMALL-family. Privuto brown ?tone bouse :tUiI I a-t *>7lli nt. <)'V) M. ? A V PLAT TO LET?ON PIRHT FLOOR. APPLY 334 West .14th St.. near Sth av APLOOROP VIVf. ROOMS TO LET-TO A PAM Itjr ill adults. Private house 234 East 2:id si. \ FIRST CLASS KLAT-hit?HT LIOHT ROOMS*: ,'\ reni fH'i. ?*!?.< one furnished. W. TJ4 H'??t 4Htli it. "T UMIR A HLK APARTMENT TO~ "LET-PI R8T il-Ploor ?n l Ita-ament. con<lstlnir of seven rooms, with (ran arid wsirr: also otuer smaller Apartments. Apply on premises, HI Kinust L^I.AOS OF ALL nations. I A full Set of Plags of All Natioaa. 'Ki In nntnbor. lis* 2'4 by 3'. leet. PRICE $4 HER SET. Send address to METROPOLITAN JOH OFFICE. 'Jfi Ann St. New York. irilath-fivk roomh-ii7?^t"Tit ii ht., near r )Hh av.; s?me month; all improvement*. LM. v rs."-4R:i WhST MTH HT., nkar~5lbtated II ru?d, six rooms. <Mi): R.V4 (Uh ?v.. near th at., $1* MORRIS II H AI It A CO . ~i SV est Htth It. H'AND*OME AM) RBPLEffc, FIRST PLAT, 2'JI) 8T * est of :I4 .?v., for nice folk*, only fK?; see It; alio her" on 1 Floor in private house. Mist st,. lire room?. $.C>: others. Kl LP A i* it It K, 2.'.tii st., 'Id av. | jomv.s to LET ' a i' _'7:i liRhENWlCH ,sT. APPLY 1 Mo JOHN H. WELSH, m premises. UDl'CKD RENTs. ?FIRST CI.VSH PLATS , Al.l, J M provements; nine light roomst rem very low. Apply to Janitor. 1*17 4th av., corner ."i5lh st. mo LET-IN PRIVATE llooif SECOND FLOOR, IN J i/ooa order ; bs?rm?nl range. gas and bsth; rent A'Ui. .? Kldrldtfe st. TII LET?A PbOOK OVEll STORE CORNER tiflTTv. Land 1 Dth st.; lour roouis; reut |3S month. Apply lo RICHARD AlKAKhlt. rj^WO HANDNOMK PLOOR8 To I.K I -SEPARATE OR 1 together. In privets hous<i No. 1IK) West 41st st. Apply un tho premises, or to JOHN C. llli'KIE, lf>* Hroadway, room l;i. I ? N I l RNIMHKD MOOM OR ROOMS. TllIKD PLOOR; U Mlso ell-taut front Parlor; furnlsued ; verv low rent. 2'M West :i"th. rt7J?T?Ml COND Fl.oolt; pTvil R'Kjy.s. piTuRTH ?r ^?).KInor?, ?l?), ?'J|); others HON TAOLK, Ileal Estat* Agent. 2U38th av. 7 wril AV.-PRENCII PLATnt EVERY IM I provement; rent very low. riesn Irom .'!::?) to .r 00 IIft:tl. 74 Murray at. BOARDBllM lirrao. ni.ui k prom hkoaOw ay Nn Kr.V v I ic nl?h?d Rooms, with Board, at f \ upward, l.u Ka>t 121b i ?? 1 otllce. Bh"U'ir' ???TAV.rsftr.n.n.,,,.,.,, Fa W|8B??t Of FU*? JflTl1 Nations, :iO In numbor. ?Ue 2X Wesl 0:?J kU ~ board an? liODCOWO w a\tko. ( iHi'iVHOO* PAKTLY" KURNIhUKU. WITH i'rSSSHSS pay bo* 114 U?r?M Uptown offlc#. ? vnPKO gentleman desires reliably good Bo? 14t.T ?nd 3?tb .L.. ??t or w?.t; i.n?. $7. iddreM ALPHA, Ht?M Uptown office. -?%<?%*i-n WANTfcD fok A YOUNG lady, EM EOltAt'HY, HemlU utUi'#. tplaoa OK A III. NATIONS. " A lull Set of Plans of All Nations, 36 id number, slr.e 2 uy :t'a lent. PRICK $4 PER HKT. Send address to METROPOLITAN JOH ofkic'c, 28 Ann ft. New York. rmrosk wisiiin.i to skodrk hoarders or kent 1 Room* shonld call at 221 5lli nr. and reenter In Filth Arena* boirdlnc Directory. no charire for roicistorlni'. rpwo gentlemen WANT TWO MEDIUM ROOMS j. within fio it# i ii at oh nf Mullen lane; sithst.inllal table, cm-loess. rowmir. batbinir. Oniv hitch, statin? tortus, lull parti ulare. need address mojqiiit<ileks, iloruhi nflicn. xyanted-BY a GENTLEMAN, A NICELY vtrx IT nmhed Room, with breakfast or lull Bonrd, In a private family, where home comlorts can ho had; locution between 14tli and 2md sts. Address bachelor, box .vui l'ost otllce. hoteiir. AT new ENGLAND HOrEt^ A spbi, clsitv, 'J'f) Rooms. meant*, for frentlemeii only. corner Iluwery and Bayard st. CUTY HOTEL. 'BROADWAY AND Hill .vr.- FINK ) hooins, with excellent Hoard, $11} weekly for two; Room*, weekly, fioc. h day. jjiLAt.S OF all NATION^" J? A lull Set ol Flans of All Nations, ,'m In nuniber, sine 3', by 8l? leet. PRICK 54 PER SET. Send address to metropolitan- .iob OFFICE. 2* Ann st.. new York. qo*> AND M24 BROADWAY.?ii AND.homei.y F(i|{1 t'^.ynlshed Rooms, singly or en suite; tint class parties; COL'.\T 111 boaltu. ALL ttik comfoktli of A home and GOOD care itlvpu to children ; Hue sea air and health)' location. Address Oox 147 Harbor, L. 1. A MONO Till. mountains?FIRST CI,ASS ACCOM laudations tor lirst clans parlies, au hour from city. MOUNTAINOUS, Herald office. Board among iiie cat?kii,ls.-partii-.s de. sirinir Rood Hoard, at reusniiahle rates, excellent hunt, iuje. n?>1111.k. bmmnir and drivin/. cnti obtain same by ?d dressing o. F. PAYNE, Kin Hollow, ii.cene county, n. Y., or calling at hrandrevb House Thursday or Friday. BotrD FOR ADULT* in A private FAMILY at ^tapleton, Statcn Island; accommodations mrntciaas; terms moderate. Address D . iloriltl ofllce. Boaru |V\ til HUDSON, AMONG Till-. hluil lantls ?Beautifully RbHtled (troundi t.- the water, with n few minutes ol depot Address 17!) Columbia Helghm, Brooklyn. Board can be hao at oceanic, hhrkwhhurY lOver, N. J. ? Bathing, boating and fishlnc. adtlrttt LI (i i b R, Board wanted-in a 'private fa.mii.v ,n<? other hoarders) lor a gentleman, wife ami shtei, Irmn brii'k Church station t<. b.iuth Orange: r?a>onahle terms; for three months. Address i. D. C . room 4. Ilank, 138Bowery. Board at fak.m iioi -k i r tiii. iiih oh looa lion mountainous; lmiitin(. Hellion; large, well iur di-hed Rooms, price. #.'> lo *s. Particulars .ill ttost :?<.1 li ?t. Board in a farm house, near Washington \ iila, orauye county: larce ronn>, sli'idv (.'rounds For reference'- inquire of ii. ii. Van Dvck,'jl:t Clinton uv , Brooklyn, or k. A. wyckolt. hi" Clin ; , inew ^irk. ail mens box Washington Villa. orange county, N. y. BOARD AT A FARM HOUSE NEW! M i DDI.KTOW n, orange county, N. Y.; moiinlain air ; terui? itfrt per week. \ddress ail the week it., care W. D. .t a S. Nlcnols, 73 Hudson st., city. Board at roseiiill mansion, shady hide, v i.. ave niiit'ites iroiu landing. !h> to $1'. Come and see tne place or atldress Mrs. basspori), Herald ollite. Board wantkd-by gentleman and wife, at farm house orbr seaside; terms not to exceed (S'i?t per nioiitli. Address SKASI de, hersld ofllce Board on tub hiu. - iui urnSh e a v.. near Carlton, Brooklyn, N. Y., two blocks ironi waili i'urk, i" minutes Irom Prospect Park, 4<l irum Coney island; laryu. nlepant roomsi iar^e closets. Ac ; location, table una appointments llrst class ; prices lor the summer positively lu"orrate. Cluli) mpr1nu vottaok, in ttlk oatf? k i i.i.s /New house. C> miles Irom l airklll .Mountain House; piesmmtly locstrd; aliy rooms; terms moderate. Apply it. mclindhn. Proprietor, taunersrllie, Greene comity, S.Y. Cio UN TRY' HOARD-ADULI-. ihi REFKRENCtf AND ^photograph of place, Dr. kkknky, IUJ W-st l.'tb st tujuniry boaild, at i) A nhi k v. < ON N -P i.E ts /ant rouius; beautilul drives, pleuty ol shade, and ?ood tabic. addrewi ueohgk D. nPKNCER, box 2iu Danbury, Conn C1oU N i'ry BOARD AT si j i e rn <. call A l SI m Aner kesnrt ho. m?, -4. H road way, this day, ii to 3, | m< photograph and proprietor. COUNTRY BOA?U>. C<ou n tat Jo a tfo?a%~amit v v i lCHTCoSSTsCa SB"; Ja private family, baviug a lar*e. handsome h'luse. t.rounds, lawn, croquet ground, earriaga bins* and barn; arge, pleasant Rooms. en suite or singly. will let. with nr?t ciasa Board, for the aeknon, at a moderate r?te, to one or two families. Parties having their own carriage and horse cmu b? accotnmaociaien i house and lurroumlinc* are all that can l>e desired lor comfort and health. It U within t?n minutes' walk of the station and threa-qnarters of a mile iroiu the beach: good tishlnir. boating and bathing; Infer ences exchanged. Apply either to E.C. DOWNEY, Amity vilie, Long Island, or W. S. BRoWV.. IBS Montagu* st., where photograph of home and grounds can be seen. COUNTRY"BOARD?AT A PAKM HOUSE; GOOD /table; well shaded grounds. high and healthy location; one mile from elation and Pott office; two dally mail*; WJ miles from New Vork city; at per week: lare paid one way. Address JAMJtb W. CUDNEY, Homoroack, huiliran county, N. Y. /ibUNTRY BOARD.?AT A FIRST CLASS FABM V^h'usa; reference, J. A. Kemp. 41 Vesay et. Address bo* 123 Washingtoiivllle. Orange county. X. V. (^OUMTrITbOARD-ON LONG ISLAND SOUND; 2* Smiles; elegaut boating, bathing and fishing on premises. For circulars apply 8. H., 35 Fulton at., Urooklyo. COUNTRY BOARD CAN BFroBTALNED. WITH 8UR? and still water bathing, fishing, boatiug. Ac., at Bridge liampton, L I.; convenient to depot. post ofllcc, stores and churches. Apply to J A.MBS M. H aL-SEY, Bridgehampton. L. 1 Iteferences-Dr. George M. Beard, 46 West 2!>th St., New York city, or Mitchell A Co.. I?1 Washington St., Brooklyn. CIOUNTKY MOAKD?AT KVh, \v i STCT1K8TE R OOUN )ty. one hour from New York; bominir aim fisbinic on Sound; accommodations for 75 people; to $10 per week. Apply on promise*, Rye Seminary. ? CIOBNTBI IOAlD-30 MINI TES from FOOT OK ./Liberty St.; lirst cl??s accouimodatio's for (gentleman and wlle'or single gentleman. Address box 80, Greenville, N. J. tlOKN W ALL, OH TUB" HUDSON.-ACCOMMODA /lions for a few boarders; also horse* and carriages; price moderate. Address W. T W,. Cornwall. N. Y. riATBKILL MOIN rAlNK.-BOARD IN FARM HOUSE; vVtrood table; Just the place for ladies and children to fiicnil the Mimmer. Mrs. H ATFIELD Grlrtlu'a Corners, Delaware county, N. Y. Circular and reference at Miller's, comer 224 st and flth sr. DK L1G11TiTi7l7 RE SiDK NHBAUTIFUL GBOi1N DS. in miles from city; ample shiide ; large, airv rooms: cood 1.1 I. piano, .fcc.; terms ruo lerat J. address JiO CHILLS, box 223 Herald offlce. HXChI,I.ENT' BOAED ON TUB SOUND-81'PERU R .relocation; lar?e. cool room*; ten minutes Irom depot. Address KENT, box IKS Greenwich. Conn. FM.AUA oVa/.LN ATIONH.~ v liillsitol Fiags of All Nations, 3ft in number, size by 8W leet. PRIOR $4 PER SBT. Scud address to METROPOLITAN JOB O' FICB. 2ft Aun st.. New York. TjIAXILIER H KB KINO MOUNTAIN-AIlC PEBFEOTbY L In' iltli.v laeatlou, extensive, well sltndoil grounds,cano i* tain Board ou moderate terms iu Uru rid view Honso. 1 j min utes from Morrlstown Depot. Particulars at 4r? .">th ?v. GIOOD COUNTRY BOARD?FOR ONB FAMILY CAN Tbe had on a farm unur White Plains; pleasant location; tlirt'c rnnnectiug Rooms. App v Dr. TO i 'I). M East 'JHtli st C-TOOD BOARD AND ALL TUB*COMFORTS OF A Tli 'ine can b? h?<| at Midicgan Lake, tive miles Irom I'duksklll Depot, HIKI leet above the Hudson; Episcopal Church iu front of tlie houso. The party can lie seeu ihis day at raipet store ol'Sheppard Knapp, 1H.> 6th av.. Ir m IDA. M. to 4 P. M , or address E. CRAWKOiiD, box 3rt0 Peekskill Post offlce. MOD BOARD AMD PRIVATE BOOXSTtO OBRMAN family: Staten Island. 8 minutes tro.n StHpleton land iii^r; Van Deusor st., opposite Elisabeth. Mrs. LEMON. Hitill FALLS, CaWiLLs"BOARD' "aT A NEW farm housfl : rooms extra lart'e ; lino table, best boatinc, bathing and scenery: terms,*7 to 810 week: throe milei from tlio iludson River. C. K. SMITH, Smith's Landing, Ureene county, N. Y. HUDSON~RIVKR-^-SPLKNDID "s'lTUATION, HItlH grounds, fraits. vereta'ile*. milk. ezg>: 20 minutes out; 10 from denot. Canicular*. II. ViMNti'S, 130 Pearl St. Address COUNTRY, Kort Washington. IN fiTe_ROMANTIC RA\iAPO VALLEY.?SPLENDID nio'iutain scenery, on Pompton Lake, three miles long. Call Thursday. June '2S. at 1H2 Broadw iy. room 25. Address VaN HOUTEN, Onklaud. Bergen County, N. J. L~ONQ B it A N i) 11?SUPERIOR B OAK7>7~FIVr, Miff, utesfrom depot and beach; (10 to $15. Apply at 209 West 43d st. Lono branch, -board, gkebn'h coTtageT Ocean av.. nsar Howland's and West Etd; plenty of lawn: summer house and Imth houso on beneb. ON E HOUR FROM NEW Y0R K~ONP H |7< A~DELP111A Kailroad; house Urstclass; very healthy location ; fine views; fresh milk and vegetables; sea bathing. Address 45 South Washiugton square. PALISADES.?FfiItHT CLASS BOARDT^"TbRFECTI.Y healthful; grand views; good boating, bathini; and drives; very accessible and moderate fare. ti. W., 119 East st. FLKA8ANT ROOMS AND BOARD CAN BE OB tained five miuutes' drive from tho river. Apply to JOHN CKOSBV, Milton. Ulster county, N. Y. ROOIIELLE PARK, N. J.r MIDLAND RAILROAD.? Farm house, large rooms; one hour from city, near de pot; bathing. Usbiuir, stabling; easy terms. Apply to O., 332 West 31st at. Seaside board on long island, at por Qiiomie, 75 miles from the city; a cool and desirable place for famlles: surf and still water bathing, boating, tailing, snipe shooting; terms very low. Proprietor seen to-uay, from 0 to 2 o'clock, at ? 151 Broadway, second floor. SUMM R BOAR?T~amT?NC> THE CATBKILLS, ONE mile from Catskill: flue views, pure air. delightful scenery, high ground; terms fii per week. Address DAVID BLOOM, Catskill. SUMMER BOARD" ON THE MOUNTAINS IN Western Massachusetts; large larm house, on high grounds; beautiful views, good stabling, touting and Ush iuir; terms m> derate. Address AT'W&TER O. MOOKE, Koa>gcm<ry. Mass. Three la RUB, airy booms, well furnishbd, and first class Boanl may be ootalned In private family on reasonable term*; rooms commanding fine views ot Now York Bav and surroundings; house 4 minutes' walk Irom depot anil 25 from l.iberty st.. New Yitrk, ou Central Rail road of New Jerioy. Address E. P.. Bayontie. Iludson county, N.J. rpwo FAMILIES, CONSISTING OK TWO UENTl.iT 1 men, their wives, funr children und two nurses, desire Country Hoard at some farm house (inlandl at moderate Crices, within one hour Irom the city. Address COMPORT, ox 103Uptown Herald ofllcc. UP""fTilT"lfilDSON-IN THE SUBURBS OK KIM1S ton, largo private resioence; healthy location; well shaded grouud*. iiionntalu air; liberal table; terms to If". Address box I,H71 Post offlce. New York. ANTED-BOARD~.Or.A* FARM IMJC.sK. WITHIN ab jut ono hunr ol tMty Hall. New York, for goutleiuan, wife, child, baby and nurae; salt walor bathing. Address C. A. U., Herald ofllce. WANTED-BOARD aT a~f7rM HCHJ8E, FOR FOUB adults and two children, in healthy part of New Jersey, not over .no hour Irom city; terms must be law. Address, giving full pnrtuulars, box Iftrt Herald ofTlco. WAN I ED-SEVERAL GOOD ROOMS AND BOARD lor a small family, at or near Montclair, N. J. Addicsa P., 2it'J West IWlli st. f)\ TERSONS CAN BR ACCOMMODATED WITH +j> )Board In llaverstraw, Rockland County; H*o miuntrs' walk from Thlels Station. New Jersey and .New Yora Rail road. For re erenoe and terms apply to DEGROFFA SON, 47 Harrison st. Mrs. O. WOOD. StMMICil KF.SOIlTJs. ASTOKlA, LO.NO I^I-AS 1? -TilJkBI/KN TiOtfSfc. :io .III inn tea from city by Harlem hunts ; udulls. 48. shade, lawn, An.; ne * nianitcuiicnt. ,4 VKBY'8," KaTONAH.?AMONG MOUNTAINS; >1 A Xvliopac, Lroton Lake scenes; first class Hoard; splen did home and grounds; photograph. JJr. PAitiUall, 'J.W Hast I'.'tli. BAitMAKH HOUSE. KArtATOOA KPBINUS.- MMK. HAliN AKD, Ironi New York. has rented the elegant nnit commodious tesldence No. 631 Broadway (property <>l M. Lilluiithal). and offers to milien and single persons rooms with nil the modern conveniences mid bent tallica at vciy moderate prices / 1ATKKILI. MOUNTAINS."?MKKHI IT'S OK AND VIKW V/iiouse, t'airo. ilreeoo county, .V. Y., K.imo loethlffli; trralid scenerv; first class Hoard: torins mid *12 por week, Itoiercuces S ittiuel D. linrinnti. No. 21 Spruce ?t.; Mr. Kimball*, corner ftth av. and 'Uli st., llrooklyn. tiyl'INo'x IHH -K. MANrifisTKU, V I.-NOW OPEN*; J<l<itck 1 rnnxit: Hudson Ulver ltallroad via Troy: nielli bout* connect at Troy. P. II. ORVli*. 1.1L AOS Or ALL NATIONS. . A full *etof Plain ol All Nntl ms, flfi In number, slr.e 2}x by :t'4 leet. PRICK *1 PER SET. Ketid address to METROPOLITAN JOB OK'ICE. -'H Ann St.. Now York. 17a"k HOCK A \V.% Y. h. tiOOD IIOAiiU an I) PLEAS 1 nnt homo; private cotuco ; lawn, swlnn iind piano; one block from tlio water. .M. K CON N I'.l.l.Y, 1/ ' ,M I LIES VIslTINli t:Tt U'.AVIM, IHKCli'Y w'ilX r Hud it c nveniem by kto^pin^ at tlto Craiul Union Hotel, opposite lirund Central Depot. Da.nae delivered to and fiom tins hotel to this depot Iroe. Jtust and cheapest ro.tau raut lu tlio city. AN D UNION UOTEL:~ Saratoga Springs, N. Y. The IiABOKST and MOST ELKOANTLY APPOINTED SUM ML llOTr I, III the WOKLU. 18 NOW OPEN lor lil'.l KriJD.N ..I I.I l.>T.> / "TtoituK TuTFeT.7 black bock beach, on the vT .-sound, Imiles Crura Bridgeport, two hours bv New Haven i ailriMd, al-o hy boat; accommodation* lor Itmi: bathiuu. Billing. sa.liuir, stabling. Una drives; t.o mosuul toes Aiso two CottHKMi. MILLER A WELLS, Proprlc tors. Ni Wopen. Send lor circular. | KNOX II-H l.. OBEENWIi ll. CONN -Tills wkLt, Liiiui>*ii summer hotel is now open for hn?lnc*s; It is buauiliillly situated In the cetur> ol the village, with a com maudlnif view of Loo? Isiaud Sound, and can b ? roached in hour via the New llavtin Railroad, 'llHiani In in N.'* \ ora UH miles; lirM class stalling. For lurtli* r pauicuiars apply oi ilie premises to S. S. MORTO N. Manaicer. J"~ K.K .sTui'. H'OtsK nUMMhit ItOAKDINO IIOl'hE, Jal Orauiic Lake, six miles west i f Ncwlmr*; boatlOH, fishuiK. Ac.; clrciilart sent: rnterenees i;ivon. Address s. II. VliKI'.M AN, box W Newburir, N. V. I a rOURBri'R Hoi'sK, iiKi<(ii:.N l'OINT. N. J.?.10 Jinlniites from f.lherly St., by boat or rail. Clirl tlant omy entertained. .1. HOWMAN. Proprietor. Moo nt a in tiouiii, Koufii oraxobT n. j.-tiiis liupolar resort, situated In the ploasantest pai t ol the tiranp* Monnlalns. is now open; terms. fJ 50 per day; si.roa. rates to fain I lies and lorstavn. Apply as above or at Kltsell House, M West 14th at., city. KITKKbl. A SON, Proprietor*. TTuiknt point HOUSE. OIHENT POINT. L I. V 'Pleasantly situated on the extreme end of I.oiik Island, frontlUK tlis Soond snd Itav; only a inomeiit's wsik to tlie water; sea DattilDtf, sallln/ and bsUnir. f-eml lor c.rcu ar. M. H. PARSON8. Si.MPWI.NN S HOliSh.~BAbVI.ON. L. I ? IO OPEN lor boardors at prices to stilt the time*; sailing, Il-Iiinn and ifoo.l shade, C. T. PUBTBA. f|MIOMP>ON'S CUTTAOi'., LONO H II AN t :||. ? PHI V ATE 1 lioatdiiiir. one mile I rum seashore, three minutes liuiu Central and Southern Kaliroad stations; rhady cruve. boat Inn. batlilnif, Ac, j stabling lor horses. J. I THOMPSON, liranelipoit, N. .1. *p|>iy, lor inlormatlon, to R. iJullliiKer. |u Barclay st., top II. or. UNION PLACE IlOTKL, New York. Messra. T. BYAN A SON would respectfully betr leave to Inform their Iriends and patrons that tUey will open their uaw place, the "West End Pavilion," at Coney Island. on Thursday. June 28. They will endeavor to ilestrre the f 'ud will ol Ihelr friends and the pu?llc hr fiirnhhinit everyt&iuic pertaining to a llr<t Class seaside resort In tlie best style. An Old Isshl ned Kin ds Island Clambake will ba served on this occasion. Urst class bathing dresjen, coinmodiom bainlnn houses, Ao. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS. fHB AMERICAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY or PHILADELPHIA. . . PHILADELPHIA AND L1TEBPOOL LHM. The only Transatlantic Lin* sailing under the AMERI CAN PLAO. 8tailing every THURSDAY from Philadelphia and WEDNESDAY Irom Uvorpool THE BED STAR LINE 8TEAMSHIP8. Carrying the Belgian anl United States Mailt. Sailing every twelve days alternately from Philadelphia and New York. Direct and ou vq ANTWgBp Por r?te? of dmum and oilier iulurmallon apply to l'ETEK WRIGHT A SONS. General Agents. 907 Wain at at. Pbiladeiohia. ?'?3 Broa'way. Now York. BEAT WESTERN HTKAM^SII IP LINE. TO BBISTOL (ENGLAND! DIRECT, Sailing from pier 18 East Kiver, a* follows:? CORNWALL, >tamper. Thursday, June 38 SOMERShT, Weste ?> Thursday. July 13 Cabin passage, $70; intermediate. $4fl; steerage, $30 currency: excursion tickets, $120; prepaid steerage certifi cate*. $26. Apply to W. D. MORGAN, Agent. 70 South at. WHITE ST Art LINE. FOB QUEENS I OWN AND LIVERPOOL. cabrying THE UNITED STATES MAIL. The ateamrre of this line take the laue routes recom menced by Lieutenant Maury. U. 8. .V. golug south of tba Bank a on the nassage to Queenatown all the rear round. (1KBMANIC June .H?. 8 A. M. AliRIAilC July 14. S A. M. BBITANNIO Inly 21. 2:30 P. M. From White Star dockn. pier 53 North Hirer. Bates? Saloon. (ISO and $100. In gold. Beturn tickets on reasonable terms. Steerage, $28. Saloon staterooms, smokiug and bath rooroa ara placed amidships, where the noi.e and motion are least, affording a deer e of comfort hitherto unattainable at sea. Kor inspection of plan and other iutnrmaliou apply at tba company s office. 37 Broadway, New York. K. J. CORT1S. A pent. lags OP "all"''nations.' " A lull Set of Klaus of All Nations, 36 la number, size 2>a by leet. ? PRICE IN PEB SET. Send -address to METROPOLITAN JOB OFFtCK. W Ana St.. New York. WILsON llne-FOIt SOUTHAMPTON AND HULL* ??tiling from Kagle pier. Iloboken. ai follows; YEDDO Juua 30 | OTHELLO Inly 14 First call in. $70, cnrroncy; second cabin, S45. currency. Excursion tickets on very favorable terms. Through tickets Issued to Continental and Kultic ports. Apply lor full par ticulars to Cll IKLKB L WRIGHT A UO., 08 South M, CH'NaLD LINK?B. AND >i. A. itTSrs. H, Co. ) NOTICE. With a view to diminish tiie clianoos of collision the steamers of tliis lino take a specific course for all seasons of tlio >ear. On the outward passive Irom yueenstown fo New York or Boston crossing tiie meridian of M at 43 latitude, or njtbin to the north ol 411. i >u the homeward pasxage crossing the meridian of 50 At 42 latitude, or nothing to llie north ot 42. NEW lOBK TO LIVERPOOL AND QUEhNsTOWN. AL.I.I.1UA Wed., Juue 27 i AUYSSIN1A... Woo.. July 11 BOTuNIA Wed.. July 4 I SCYTHIA Wed.. July 18 Meamera marked (*) do not carry steerage passengers. Cabin passage $80. .fit") and $130, cold, according to ?<? cominodation. Return tickets on lavorabla terms. Steerage tickets to and from ail parts of Europe at very low rates. Frcli'btapd passage office, No. 4 Bo.rlluir Green. CHaKLES G. PRaNCKLYN. Agent PASSENGERS PEB STEAM.-lUP ALlii.BIA EMBAttK from tiie CunarJ wharf. loot of Urmd st.. Jersey City, ut 4 P. M., on Weduesday, June 27. 1H77. CHARLES G. FRANCKLYN, 4 HowIIiik (iieen. New York. U- 'NITKD STATES MUL LI ti-.-STE.sM TO QUEENSTOWN AND L1VKBPOOL. S .iling on TUESDAY. from pier 53 North lilver (loot of Charles St.). WYOMING .July 3, lo A. M. I .MONTANA. ..July 31, 0 A. M. WISCONSIN. July 17,10 A. M | WYOMING. .Aug. 14, HA. M. Cabin, $55, $05 aud $75, cnrroncy. InlermedlHto, $40; Steerage. $20. Passengers booked to and from Paris, Hamburg, Norway, Hwoden. Ac. Drafts on Irelaud, England, France and Ger SFECIAL NOTICE.?THE SPLENDID MAIL SIEAM ship WYOMING, Captain Jo?e<. sails from pier 53 Norm Kiver, loot of t'haries at., tor (jneenstown and Liverpool, on Tuesday, July 3. at 10 A. M. proci'-ely. Superior asiommo. diitiou* lor cabin, second cabin and -teerage passengers, at lowest rates. App'y to WiLl.IA MS A (iUION, 2U Broadway OBTII GERMAN LLOYI5 SlEAMSiilP LINK BETWEEN NEW YOBK, SOUTH AMPTON AND BKE.MEN. Company's pier, foot of Second st., Iloboken. BHEIN. ..Saturday, June 30 I MAIN Saturday, July 14 NECKAB .Saturday July 7| DON AU... .Saturday. J uly 21 Bates of pas>ai:e from New York to Southampton. Havre or Hramen: -First Cabiu $100, void; Second Cabin, $<i'J, void: Steerage. $30, currency. Keturn tickets at raduced -?*?"*' fifaaruna ('.nrlKlnottta mirrilli'V. rates. Prepaid Steerage Certilleates, $30, currency, Kor freight or passaxe apply to OELBICllS A CO., 2 Bowling Green. ANCIIOil LINK UNITED STaTKS MAIL STEAMEUS. NEW YOBK AND GLASGOW. ANCHOBI A. J uue30,8 A.M. I BTUIOPIA, July 14,8 A. M. CALIFOKNIA.July7 2 P.M. I VICTORIA, July 21. 2 P. M. TO GLASiiOW, LIVERPOOL Oh. DKBKY. Cabin. to $so, according to accomniodatious. intermediate, $35; Steerage, $2S. NEW YOi>K TO SOUTHAMPTON AND L.0ND0N. ALSATIA, July 7. 2 P. M. | 1-.LYSIA. July 21, 2 P. M. Cabiu, $53 to $70; Steerage. $!'*. Cabin Excursion Tickets at rednced r ites. Draits Issued for any amount nt current rate*. Company's piers, No? 20 and 21 North Biver. New York. lll'.NDEBSON BltoS.. Agents, 7 Bowling Green. G~ENKBAL~TBANSATLANTIC COMPANY " THE MAIL STEAMEBS OF THIS COMPANY. BK TWEKN NEW YOBK AND HAVRE. CALLING AT PLYMOUTH lO B.). for the landing of passenger*, will sail frotn pior 42 North River, foot of Morton st-, every Weduesday : ? ?PKBElKE. Duure. Wedne?day, Jnne 27, 0:30 A. M. CANADA, I'rangeti Wadnesday, July 4. 11 A. M. ?ST. LAURENT, Lachemer.. ..Wednesday, July 11,6 A. M. Prico ofpas.suice, iu gold. Including wine :? To Havre?First cabin, $100; second cabin, $U5, tMtd cabin, $35. Steerage, $20, including wine, bedding and uteusils. To l'i>inouih, Londou or iiuy railway station in Eng land?First cabin, $05 to *loo. according to accommoda tion: second cabin, $05: third calm, $35; steerage, $27, including everything as above. Keturn tickets at vary reduced rates, available through England aud France. Steamers marked thus * do not carry steerage passen gers. LOL'IS DE BEBIAN. Acsut, 55 Broadway. OST DIRECT AND ECONOMIC ROUTE TO '||o? LAND. BELGIUM, THE RHINE, SWITZERLAND, At!.. AC.. VIA ROTTERDAM. Steamer CA1.AND ....July ft Steamer BoTTKRDAM Inly 19 'these b -Hiitil'ul steamers, carrying the I'nlied Mate* mail to the Netherlands, are great lavorites with the public. Trips regular, rates low. cutnl?ri and living ported. For freight. For pas?aite, PUNCH, EDVE A CO. L. W. MORB18, 27 South William si. 50 Hro.idwuy, tMorris' European Kxprese.) AMBUBG AMERICAN PACKET COMPANY'S LINE Tor riyrooutb. Cherbourg and Hamburg. Wli LAND June 2* I POMMP.RANIA ....Jnly 13 FRIB1A luly ? I GILLEKT lu.y 1? Rates ol passage to Plvmouth, London, Cherbonr-'. Ilam burg and all points in Enuland:?Fir?t Cabiu $100, gold; Second Cabin, (On. gold; Steerage, }3 >. eurrencv, EI NHABDT A CO., C. B. RICH \BD A BOAS, General Agents, General Pai-senger Agents, 61 Broad at., N. Y. 81 Broadway, N. Y. ]NMAN IilNE. MAIL ?I KA.MLUS FOR queenstown AND LIVERPOOL city OK BRUsSKLS Iuly 7, J P. M. CITY OK OHESTER I uly 14. 8 A. M. CiTV OK KICUMONO ..July 7 A. Jl. From pi?r45 North River. Cabin. 8?0 nii<l $ll*i, gold. Return Ticket* on lavorahie term". Steerage, $28, currency. DrAHs at lowest rates. Saloons, staterooms, smoking mh<1 bathrooms amidships. john O. DAl.E. Akiont, 15 ad J U3 Broadway, New ^ork. U""Sited states "passport" bii rkaiT-oFr i vu? Puiporti at Ilie Department of State issuod at Post Ol llee Building, lourth Story, room 18. Take elevator at DurikWMl corner. STATE LINK.-" .NEW YOKK TO (JLASUOW, LIVERPOOL, DUBLIN, BELFAST AND LONDONDERRY. from pier 4a .North Rivet (loot of Canal st.) ait follow* 81'ATE Ol' VIRGINIA Tlmrs iny, June "2* state OK INDIANA Thursd.i jr. J uly 12 gl'ATE OKOEOROlA Thnrsdiiy, July 19 STATE OK PEN SVLV AN IA ..Thursday. Jnly a? First cabin. $60 and #7o. according to accommodation*; return li kets ut reduced rates. Hecnnd oauiu, W3; return ticket* at reduced rates, steerage at lowest rates. Appiv toAI'SIIN. BALDWIN A CO., Annus, No. 7a Broad way. Now York. feTEEHAOE TICKETS AT 4."> BROADWAY AND AT THE COMPANY'S PIER. KOOT <>F CANAL ST.. N. It TVTATfoNAL LTNE~?PIEHS NOST44~ AND "&T nT~R. 1> FOR LONDON. DENMARK Thursday, Juno a P. M. Kill QEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL ENtJLAND.Juiy 7. 1 :!#)P.M. I ERIN Iuly2l,2 P. M. SPAIN. ..July 14, H::?) A. >1. | KUYl'T Inly as. 8 A. M. Cabin nui stccrairu pnasinio and drafts Iroin ?1 upward Issued hi very low rates. Company's olli<'e. 68 Hrosdway, K. v\. J, uUHST, Manager. CUAMTW1KE STKAMSIIIPs. PACIFIC >1 Alii AND PANAMA Tit A.N hi I' STbAM SllIP LINES. Kor CALIFORNIA, J WAN, CHINA, AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND. BRlHisH COM MHIA. OKEOON. AC., intuitu; ftoni I'lCf foot Canal St., North River. Kor SAN I'KAM'IM'O, via 1STLIMIS OF PA A MA. Steamship COLON Saturday, June no connecting lor Central America and South Pacific poris. i run SAN KKANOWOO 10 JAPAN AND CHINA. Steamship AI.AsKA Saturday, July 14 From HAN FRANCISCO IO AUSTRALIA A.iD NEW XKALAND. Steamship AtT.-TRAUA .Wednesday, July 18 For freight or p*s?age apply to WM. lliiYOK itl O.,or II. J. Ht'Ll. VY. Superintendent, tl RowiIng Ultfn. nit-r fo'it C.inal st.. North Hirer. T.1LA0S oK ?LL NATIONS. |" v lull sot of Flags of Ail Nations, .Kl in number, sis* t}? liy a'. lert. PRICK ?4 PER sKT. Send addrers to Mi.TROPOi.ITAN JOB OFFICE, i'H Ann St., New York, I7*OR NASSAU,*. I'T 8T. JAiiii AM) I'iK.VKL'I'.lUIS^ 1 Cnba. ?He ulir nia'l *teaiushin CLEOPATRA will leu\a New York Thursday, duly la. at 0 A. M. MURRAY, F Elf It IS A CO., 63 South st. HALIKAX. N S., and ST. JOUJUS, N. P. CROMWELL LIKE. Steamship CORTES will leave plor in North River, Friday, June 29, at it P. M. For passage or freight upply to CI.ARK A sKAMAN, West ft, MO BOAS'* LINK TO N K W I ill LEANS AMI TKT AH~? The steamers will sail Irom pier .'b. Norili River a* fol* low. ? NEW YOKK snturday, June :M"I For Now Orleans direct, tran?lerring Texas freight thero to Morgan's Louisiana and Texan Hallroad lor Morgan city, inence per Mortrsu steamships to Texas porta. Through bills ol lading signed to all points on the Missis sippi Hirer. Mobile, i.a.vestou, Inill.inula Corpus Christ], Korf.povt, Bratos santlano, Hro*n?\nip and to all points mi I Ins Houston and le\as Central. Intel national and Orrai Western. Tesns I'acllic and Transcontinental rail roads. Freight for HI. Mary's and Fulton landed at Rock port. San Antoiiln freight taken via Cnero at rfduced rates. Insurance can ln> effected under open policy of the line, lo New Orleans, per cent j to Texas ports, J, per cent. Kor Ireluht or fnrtlier Inlormutioti appiy to BOUEKT A MOUOAN. Agents, office pier :I8 North Ulver. 0 LD DOMINION BTBAMsHIP COMPANY, sailing from pier 37 North River, road, and with tl.o company's steam line to Interior points in North t aroiluaami Virginia. NKWBERNB and WASHINGTON, N. 0. 'via Norfolk), every TUESDAY. THURSDAY and SATURDAY. LEWES, i<6i , MONDAY. wednesday and KR1DAY, at 3 P. M . connecting with Murylaud and Delaware rail, romls and for REHOHiiTti ilKACII. I'a^sengi r accommodations un<urpassod. Throngh passenger tickets and bills ot lading to all points at lowest rates. Insnrance to Norfolk, Ac., at per cent. Freights received dallv at pier H7 North Rlvei. Oeaeral oOlce No. 107 UroenwicU it. N. L. McCUEADY, TrMldent. Vfsw yokk and h a v a urns r "govs xr.'. ltshb." j.1 These first class steamships will sail at 8 P. M. from piet IS North Kiver. loot o( Cedar st., tor 11mu? diroct, as fol low*: - CLYDE S?ort?y, June.V COLl'MBUS Wednesday, July II For freight sad pHUt?, having unsurpassed aceommode tioUS. ADD'y tO ivu. P. CLYDE A CO.. No. 6 Bowling Greet. McKELLAR. LULING k CO, Agents m Havana. New Orleans oi rectT?the chomwkl,l line ?loamsliip HUDSON. Saturday, June 30, at 3 o'clock P. M.. from pier 0 North Rlvsr. Through bill* of lading given to Mobile and principal points on the Mississippi Kiver. For freight or passagi apply lo CLARK A HKaMAN. W6 Wait H. NY., HAVANA AND MEXICAN MAIL 88. LInST ? Steamers leave pier No. 3 North Hirer at 3 P. M. KOR HAVANA DIRECT. CITY OP VERA CRCI Wednesday, J use 21 CITY Of NEW YORK Thnradav, July ( CITY OK HAVANA ;;.v8itort?'v.jBl* POR VERA CKUSS AND NEW 0"LEANtt via Havana. Progreso, Cumcaacbr. Tuxpan and Tannico, CITY OP HAVANA Saturday. July M Steamers leave New Orleans J fly 1 and JWj 24 for Vers Crus and nil the above ports. Kor freight or passage apply to P. ALEXANDRE A SONS. SI and H3 Broadway WEEKLY LINE POK PORT ROYAL, K. C.; BRUNfv wick, Ga., and Kernanrtina, Ha., sailing svery Friday from plor -<? Ksst River, at 3 P. X. Steamer CITY OK DALLAS. rapt Hlnes. Jone 31 Tickets to all points In Florida. . Apply, lor Information and ticket*, to C. H. MALLORT k CO.. 133 .Maiden lano. F~OU HAVaN'aT?THE MAIL STEAM ICR CARONDB. LET, Captain Kalrcloth. will sail from pier 30 East River, on Thursday, June 28, at H o'clock: baa bo* acoom ?nidations for passengers. Apply to JAMES E. WAIlD A CO.,113 Wall at. TEX AS LINK POR UALVh8Tl)N7TOUCHlN?i AT key West, carrying tlio limed States mail?The steamer CJTl <)K SAN ANTONIO, Captain Penuiu'rtou, will aail on Saturday, June :>0, at 3 I'. M.. from pier 20 East River. Through l>ill? ol lading kKJ >? to all points on the Houston aou Tex is. t'entrnl InternlUlnnal and Ureat Northern, Oal. veston. Houston and llrutlerson, and the Oalvoston, liar ri - hurt; and Sau Antonio railroads. Krelxhts and Insurance ?l lowest niton. Kor freight una passage ihaviiic superior accommodations) apply to C. II. MALLORY A CO., 153 Mui'leii lane. tpOR PORTLANDi ME. ~~ r .Maino Steamship Line. Karo reduced, with Urst clan accommodate-_ Steamer El.EANO It A (new) Monday, 4 o'clock f. Si Steamer PRANCONIA Thursday, 4o'clock i. M. from pier 38 East Hirer. connecting with (Irand Trnnk Railroad lor Canada, P. ant O. Railroad I >r White Mountains. International Steamship Company I'oi Eastport, Calais, Me., and St. John, N. H., and ste itners fur Mount Desett. Me. Kor .Martha's Vineyard, Mass . direct, arriving there early on Tuesday and Krlday mornings. Por further information apply to J. P. AMES. Agent, pier 38 East River. TRAVELLEUS' UU1UE. * a LUANY AND I Itlif BY D.l Y BOATS.?C." VIBBAftD Auuil UAN'IKIi DREW, leave Vestry street pier. North River, at 8:35, and 2*th St., at It A. .M., landing at Nyeck lerry, West I'oint. Newbury, Poughkeepsle, Bbinebeck, Huuuurties, Catskiil and Hudson. Close connection with New York ('antral Railroad for the West. To West Point and Newburg, returning sanm day. $1, Tickets or coupons good on Hudson Rivor Railroad are receivod on board for passage, A LBANY BOAT. PKOPLE'H LINE. "* J\Ono nl tlie elegant steamers DREW or ST. JOHN will leave pier 41 North River every weekday at U P. M., conA tiectintr at Albany lor Saratoga, Lake George and all favo. rite summer resorts North and West; fare only tl 50. Big boro by lerry. will leavo^pier 89, N. R. (Vestry St.), daily. A?1877,-LLOTD'S DOCK. OYSTER BAY, LAO ? reiton. Jones' Dock (Cold Sarins), L. I. The new and last steamer J. B. SCHUYLER Captain Jai L. Clark, will leave New York daily (Sunday's excepted] for tno above places. ?roin pier 10 East River, foot ot Wall St., at 3:15 1'. M.; loot of :13d St.. East River, at 4 P. X. Stages will connect at Deed's Dock for Huntington. Tlokets to ail landings 60 cents. Excursion tickets. 91. / lATSk ILLAND 8TUYVESAN f BOATS LEAVE DAIL? \ ,'lroni pier 42 foot of Canal St., nt 0 1'. M., tor passengerr and freight. Fare 91. Berths free. CYlTIZKNfT'L, INE OK "sTEAM ERS_P()R TROY AND yssratoga, connecting with all railroad Hues north, east and west. Pare lower than by any other route. Ths en tlrely new and tnagnifi?ont steamers CITY OP TROY and SARATOGA leave daily (Saturdays excepted' at 6 P. M. from pier No. 40 N. It., loot oT Leroy st. ihrongh ticket! sold and baggage cbecked'to all point*. JOS. PH CORNh.LL, Superintendent. Flags op all NTnoica A lull Set of Plags of All Nations, 36 in number, slse 2Jf by 3^ feet. PRICE $4 PER SET. Send sddress to METROPOLITAN JOB OFFICE, 28 Ann St., New York. "L^ALL RIVER LINET'OR ROSTOV AND ALLPOINTS r Eant.-The mammoth palace steamers BRISTOL and PROVIDENCE Isavo pier 28, North River, dally (SunUavs, July 1 to September 2, inclusive), at 5 P. M. Tickets for sale st all principal ticket oQioes. ino 1(7OltWAt K AN 171DANBUKY"DATLY. r The steamor ADI'LPHl leaves Brooklyn (Jewell's Dock) 2:30 P. M.. pier ,'17 East Klver 2:40 P. M. aud 33d St. at 3 P. M., connectimr with Danbury and New Haven railroadr Reducod fare. 35c. Excursion tickets, 50o. T/IOR CATS KILL, sFlJV'VhSANT AND INTERMED? J? ate landings?steamer ESCORT leaves foot Franklin St., North River, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at o P. M., for freight aud passengers. t" jlOR YONKKRsT dOBB'S KERRY, TARRY fOWN. NY acK. Slug Sing und Ilavnrstraw, steamer O. T. Olypbant, Ironi loot iiarrison St., evsry morning at H :15 o'clock. Marion, kor hockawav daily '(Saturday' excepted, from loot of Krankiln st., at 8:45 A. M- a? . 1:45 P.M. Pare 35c. Excursion tickets. 50a NEW-HAVEN, MERIDEN. HARTFORD, 8PR1NG Ueid, White Mouutains and intermediate points; steam, ers leave Peck slip E. H., at 3 ani 11 P. M., eonneetlng at New Haven with special trains. Particulars at pier. I ONO BRANCH AND PHILADELPHIA, J via New Jersey Southern Railroad. Commencing June 18, 1877, steamers leave New York, pier 8 North River, foot Rector St., eonnecting at Sandy llnok with trains for Long Branch?6:20, 9:30, 10:40 A. M.; 3:45, S, 6:15 P M. 'Philadelphia and Toms River-6:20.0.30 A. M.; 3:45 P. M. Sea side Park, Barnegat and Beach Haven?6:20 A. M.: 3:43 P. M. Vinsland, Brldgeton, Atlantic CUy and Capo May?9 'VJ A. M. sundays. for Long Branch?0510 A. M. WM. S RNEDEN, General Manager. mo~PHiLADSLPUIA, ' PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. THE OLD ESTABLISHED ROUTE AND SHORT LINB BETWEEN NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA. 13 Through Trains each waydsllv; 3 Depot* In Philadel phia. 2 in New York. Donble track, the most improved equipment and the flutest time consistent with absolute safety. On and after June 2^, 1877, Express Trains leave New York, via Desbrosses aa?l Court* I ami t streets le ties ?? follow*:? 7:3" 8:20,9 (H:30 United). 10:30 A. M? 1. 4. .'>.6, 7 and 8 30 P. M. Sunday, 0 A. M? ft, 0. 7 and 8 P. M. Returning, truiua leavo Plijiade:pliia 3 ?.%'>. K, 7:30, 8, 8:3ft mid 11 A. M. (Limited Express, 1 P. M ). 2. 4. 8;30, 7 and 7 AS P. M. and 12 Midnight. On Sutnlay, 3:3.">, 8, 8.:&) A. M., 4, 7 :3ft P. M. nnd 1- Midnight. 'I irket Office*. ft2H and l?44 Broadway. No. 1 Aster House and loot ut llesbroascs nnd t'ourtlaailt sta.; No, 4 Cmri St., Brooklyn: N?a. 114, 118 and 118 llndsnn ut.. Ilobnken; IJeiiot, Jersey City. Emigrant TIcKet Onice. No. 8 Mattery plan*. KK \HK THOMSON, Ueneral Munngor. L. P. KAliM r K, llenpral PMWIgir A|Nf. Tax KIW PROVIDENCE' LINE TO BOSTON, via Providence direct. A WHOLE NTrtllT'8 BEST. UNLY 42 MILES Of RAIL. TIME. 00 MINUTE* The magnificent new meamers MASSAOHU0BTT8 and RHODE ISLAND. from pier 28 Nortli River, foot of Warren at., at 0 P. M. THE OLD RELIABLE BTONINOTON LINE to Bom on ami nil point* East. dully iexrept Sundays), at 61'. M.. trotu pur 33 North River, foot of Jay at. fllOPOSALS. f lau-. "or all Nations; I" A full Set ol' Klaga of All Nations, 3(3 in nnmbor, due 2,'? by 8}i feet. PRICE $4 PKIt SET. bond address to METRO POUT A ft JOB OFFICE, 28 Ann at., New York, ANTED?TO PUT THE BEST APPROVED LA<I? tfiuit on a steam boiler. JUAA O Itl HON, 144 1st at , Jeriey City. CLOTHING. w A I B. M1NTZM NEvV ESTABLISH Mi.NT. 821 6fH AV.. n?ur :t*itli at.l-l/tmoat value paid In cash for Indie*' and gentlemen's uad-ofT Clothing. Jnwelry. Booka. Order* by mail promptly attended to by Mr. or Mra. Ml.NTZ. ifFLAI'TO'S rproWN ESTABLISHMENT, 810 8TH Jxav., near I'lth at.. astonishing Ui. Ii price* paid l?r Caat* <IT Clothing, Carpets, Jewelry. Address Mr. or Mr* FLATTo. A T HARRIS', 81 8III AV..~" NKAIt WAYERLEY it place.?The utinoat value obtained lor Cast-off Clothing, Juvrmrv. Carputa, Book*. Ac. t ail or address Mr. or Mrs. IIA Hit IS. A T NATUAN'H, 33)f 8TH AV., NEAR 4TH ST., THH ./i.blglin?t value obtnlned for i ff Clothing. Ae. Call 011 or address Mr. or Mra. N \ I HAN. AT HARK!*'. 1,274 H ROAD WAY. BETWEhN~33D AND 33d ata.. Broadway prices paid for Caat Off Clothing, Ac., by tailing or addreeainf B. HARRIS, 1,274. Filaos or all* NATIONS. A lull set ol * lairs of All Nations, 38 in Dumber, tiae 3tf by :i>, teet. PRICE ** PER SET. Send add rest, to METROPOLITAN JOB OFFICit, 28 Ann at. New York. HAKIIISONS PAY HIOHKHT PRICES FOB 1 ant off Clothing, Ac.. Ac. 248 7th ar., cor nor 24:h at., West, soccewvr to lioaenbergs. XBTItOMm*.' Wo.NOEltKUI. CHILD. UIKTED Willi SFOoNlJ ?lglit. tolls everything wltlwjiit questioning. 123 W am 4nth St.. near Brondway. _____ AYRILLA. Oiri KD CHILD, TKLLS !?: VKIt YTH IN^ flntJ'a frlendu, recovers loaara, brings separated together. 144 West 2,1th st. EilLAOi OF ALL NATIONS. 1 A full -^ct of Kl??a of All Nations, 38 In nomber.slM 3)# by 3k feet. ___ PRICK $4 PER SKT. Send addreat to METROPOLITAN JOB OFFICII, 38 Ann st.. Naw YorV ME. COLLIN8?A Btlal ABlaS AN I) TltCS rWORTlIT ('lalrvoyant; inaunetio treatment. 152 West 4Utli si. A M A MEllICAL. -DR. AND M ME. O It IN D LE.?K K8l OEX C R AND ?ortirn. No. 14J West 4Mih at., between tith and 7th ays. -1)H.~A.N U M mV.. "m 1 LT( IN, ? ? ollioe No. 47 West 13th st. near 8tli aT. ?MMB. BEKTRLL.'mIDWirM; IN PRACfloiilMOl ,1810. om. e, I haat ft2<l st . Ilrat MWBWI ,>th av. ?DH AN9 M MB. MILTON, , olfice No 47 West 13tli rt., near Oth av. I/LVWS OF ALL NATION^ r A lull Set of KlaifS of All Nations, 36 In namber, else 2!f by 3' 1 teet. PRICE. f4 PER HKT. Send Address to METROPOLITAN JOB OFFIOB, 28 Ann St., New York, MUS LYONS, KO. 40 EAST 30TU BT., BKTWEE* Btoadtray and 11U ar