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HARVARD?C0LDMBI1 Yesterday's Eight-Oared Shell Bace on the Connecticut, harvard the winners The Defeated Crew Not Dishonored. TIME, 21M. 3 7 S. [bt telegraph to the herald.] Sprinopirld, Mass., June 20. 1877. Columbia has boon defeated, unit the mugouta this evening Uies above the blue und white. That the Coiumbias palled a plucky race must everywhere be fc!milled. Kvery man or tier oight threw his wholo loul Into tho contost, nnd although her Ills trails in the dusi It must bo aitrlbutea, not to lack of honest, Conscientious eOort, bul ratnor to tho overwhelm Inn superiority ot the' Harvard*. In a lour-mtlo itraighl away raco muscle and endurance, triming lud long praetico in pulling together must loll, la these essentials Columbia was lamentably deficient. Her opponents have bad all tho benotils accruing from extended training and practice ia rowing us in eight, whlio the Colutublai wcro com paratively fresh Ju this respect, having never rowed togetner ns a crew until Thursday last. Bosldes this they failed to recolve their boat until Frl lay, and nail not boen over tho courso on "time" un til within twenty-tour hours of tho raco. Independent ot questions of mere physical superiority these things aro of telling ofleel upon a crew pitied against prac tised rivals. Columbia's captatu is ono of the best araatour oarsmen in America, as ' Well as ono of ttio best couches, but Dolther bis porsonal skill with tho oar nor his experi ence in handling men could lalrly bo expected to ac complish moch in the limited time before him. For these reasons, which I have hui briefly recited, the friends of Columbiu must extend their charity. Tho boys of the Kmpin Slate did their best to uphold Its honor They pulled a gallant race to itie very last Btroke aud lest it by a scarce three lengths?pretty close, sharp work tor a four-mile race, won hut by thirteen seconds. Tho friends ot the iiarvards assort that their favorite pulled Insido of themselves and could nave lowered iho tiinn materially. This Is prob ably true, for It was notlceablo that toward tho closo tho Harvard stroke dropped to thirty-three, having couiuienced at thirty-live, aud held at thirty-lour over tho greater part of the cou.sre. UXPLKASANT WKATIIKU Tho day was dark and ctioerloss, with loweriDg skies and muggy, disagreeable atmosphcro, dispiriting iu tho extreme. Whatever slight enthusiasm may'have licen manifested early in the lore noon lll^P'le'^e^? tho Uav advanced, aud tho occasional dashes ot ralu that loll toward noon bad a discouraging effect that was everywhere apparent In the hotel lobbies and pool rooms small knots gathered and discussed the piobnbiltties ol tho rare aud tbo turther probabilities ot It being rowed iu a pelting rain storm. HPHCULATIOS OK THE KKrtULT. The Inactivity In iho pool rooms was nottcesb e last Dltbi and but ouo or two salos More recorded, liarv n d bring tho favorite. This inornin* a similar inditfor eace prevailed on tho part of buyers, and '.be poo men talked themselves lioarso In vain eitorts toi soli lutlo sixteen-dollar pool??10 to In lavor ol tUo cam bridge crew, and wub even greater odds. " r NOT MANY STBAMCKRS. Tho early trains brought In lair load? ol vis tors onlv but later In tho day thoro was an apparent Im provement iu their numbers, but not to that extent. that had been prophesied and that reasonably ""j-'1'' have been oxpool<'d. Humors in circulation In tho surrounding country to tho effect that a post ponement had been ordered may havo had something to do with checking tho at-oudance, and the appearance ol tho skies certainly must havo given an iir ol truth to the rumors. Apprehensions ota still breezo wore, lortucately, not realized. The wind blew steadily Irom tho southward during the early part ol the day, and it was feared that It it in creased in velocity the result would be a roughness n tho vicinity ol I'ecowsic, at least, that would seriously allect the time. 1IKKOIIK TUB CONTEST. Columbia's crew kepi to their ?iuarters during tho day resttug for tho struggle beloro them, while tl.e Jlarvards indulged in no practice other than ? *hort ttnnrl about ton o'clock, not lar enough to latiguo them but only Just sutllcifrit to act as a preparation for uJe afternoon. They toil into an easy, elective stroke, that was graltiyiug to a low ol lheir backers congregated lu tho vicinity and cucouraging lor tho struggle close at hand. AKI.ANUK MKSTS Foil SRBI.NU. The arrangements lor the spectators were excellent. Hie grand stand at tho tiuish accommodated ml ly ouo thousand persons, and translation was all.?rdod l>> numerous excursion trains which lelt tho bPr,n^l|e'jf depot ?s olten as they coul I bo hlled ami halted <11 rect y at the stand. The steamer Kivor Belle, a stanch, last cralt, was provided lor the press, tho commituo and a lew others, tho number being to 160 persons. Her capacity was greater, out the ol). eel was to render her light, under a contract made by the owner to keep up with the crews. Other steamers enlivonod the scene. Iho judges .u {{J liexter, n stcrn-whecior irom Uirtiord, tho Vales' pretty sloam launch and a host ol nail boats and minor crafts that dotted tho river in every direction clour aloug the coasi Irom the startto tho lintsb, and all ol which were well tilled. tors who prolerred t.rra firma lonod abundant room along tuo lour miles stretching down ward to l.ongmeadow, though there was no poiut hi vantage lhal covered a good, clear view ol more than a mile or so. The height ol the bunks, however rave a slight advantage at several points. All aiong [he Spnngtield shore every place affording a view was throngedfthe bridges, with their commanding abut aicnts being stten in special demand. rkady. Four o'clock witnessed a temporary burst of sun shine, succeeded soon alterward with tho usual dull, leaden skies, but, happily, unaccompanied by rain. Tho breeze continued llghi, and at the starting P?'ut the surface was no more than prottily rippled. 1I? 1|* . .si lour was tbo hour llxed lor starting. It was sharp live whou the Colummas launched Their shell, and a lew n, nules alterward they cntno sweeping out Into position wlthun easy iiroke, lolloaod tlvn minutes alterward by tho Mar raids Irom their quorters Iurther up stream. Both Brews wore cheered as they snot oni into the river, aud tho ladles manifested their enthusiasm In ttio way with waving handkerchiefs and P"? ioIh showing tbo colors ol their respective lavorites. THK RA0K. At a lew minutes pastlivo o'flock tho two crews drow oo in position at the starting lino, lbey presented a widely dissimilar appearance as they sat in u.eir bonis. Jui Columbia mcu were very ragaed loukmgowg to the inequality of their height. Thoy dn uot lo k hard and trained, al.d one c,,u|d . , ' ?cn that tlicy were a crew that bad hot been long together. The llarvards, on the other bund, were the inosi magnificent sei of men that | ever saw in an eight. They were immensely muscu lar, round barrelled and broad w aisled, well ,,rowue>l, and ueing evenly mulched in Height, they looked Itko somany brothers Columbia wen the toss and took tho western side ol the river. A long delay then, ensued from tlio fact thai Baucroli imagined that. his niakeboat was too lar up stream. Iho mistake occurred Irom thoro being a gentle curve in tno river at this point, and us tho harvard boat was not poiut fug directly down stream it seemed as ?.ous.. s'crns ol the boats were unevenly plated. Ihty weio not however and by the time the matter was settled a SulVter o" an hour had elapsed. At precisely ob -Am. ?isthoword-tie' was given. Both crews caught the water together and without an y sp I ash 11 igs tarled away down tho course. Harvard began With 38. stro? ? to the minute. Columbia rowing At once commenced u splendid struggle ' ^ ' |ou? Harvard men pulled vigorously, but wItn mow ntroke Tho Columbias, on tho other hand, rowed quickly and nervously, slashing water Willi a wicked, vicious cut, which soon I i wet Us ellects by sending their boat hall a length to tho trout. This lead they ?? ^inod Iw " lf a mile. ab they approacued tho old bridge Harvaid, reaching out with a 'ongcr ?troko? * crept up, collared her opponents and thou k ahead. Both crows were pulling very coolly an I with the exception of a a occasional splush from tho ol b.a boat, the lorm w,k la.rlv good. At the end of # lirst mile tho no--.o ot Columbia's shell r.amo q ilte up to the Harvard stroke. On tho llrsl ?|.is ief ol ibe iccond mile tho iv%<? boats wore iu moat uau^ r ous proximity, harvard edgiuje uveMOAurd ^ cm shore and encroaching upon Columbia s Willi r. ??Harvard!" twice sang out tho re uree, and lor a moment people ..eld tndr breath, ^ '"U'. Harvard pulled away again, however, and then, reacn tug out and increasing the length oi their stroVo very ?lightly, drew easily away from tho other boat and ?thuuxi flour water between them. All this time both crows had carotully kept In Ibe middle ol tho stream so as to avoid dead *"lcr a'^ ??p what advantage there was to ho d.rtved from Li, It a corrtspondont latt >oar den-imiaotcd (lac.. it is supposed, -the mighty current ol tho Connecticut." ' hero is really but vorv little ourreni; lust enough to prevent dead water in the channel Lp to the ui'lo and a halt tho Columbia's coxswain h.,d l eered a beautifully P'fleet couiso, but hero ha made a serious error. Instead ol following tho cur* Jint he laid tho lieail ol tils boat straight ahead lor [he opposite shore, wlnlo Harvard, rowing on iho "curve passed across tho bows ot the other shell, worn thl Liu. began to widon, and at the end of tho i cond nfuo th? "rims, n led by a clear length AM thin time Harvard had pulled ,.f> strokes to ltn minute ?over more, nefer less. Columbia's stroke was I rs gu and then 38 At tbo end ol the second mile it had oone down io :i7. Her men wero working tre U"" ? "?two" and "six" throwing especial Cor into*tbo stroke, but tho pace was toiling ou tliem, snd ibe gallant fellow* were bexinBlug to loolc distressed. Tbo stroke, tliuu-'ti null rapid and spriug mi;, wdI clippoU uud bucketing btcume prevalent. The Harvard*, ou tbo other baud, were *till Ire h, and were workiu.: awuy as quietly as though in a practice pull. Prom this point it became evident that tbu race was all in tbelr lunds. Columbia might struggle alnuf asgrittlly as It pleased, but uo elloru tbat they could make could do unytliing against tbe weight, musclo and endurance iu tbo other bout. On the third mile tbe gap was widened to four lengths, Harvard rowing 34 and Columbia 87. Then Harvard suddenly eased up, and Columbia began to spurt. This closed Uio ?u|> by about a length, and this interval lasted till the tlmeli. i'rotn tbo beglnumg to tbe end Columbia rowed pluckily. They were outmatched, however, at overy point, in selection of men, in style and In practice. For a short ball mile she made u very brilliant race, struggling splendidly tor the lead, and then from that on she hud not a ciiunce. To her credit, be It said, tbat vhen she crossed the line every one ol her men were utterly worn out by the tremendous work tliey bad undergone. No man spared hitn^ell, and If pure pluck emild have wou tbe raco tbe blue and while would have been victorious. Harvard finished easily and without effort. She slackened ber stroke to thirty-three ou tbe lust bull ol the fourth mile uud crossed the line rowing well within themselves. Tbo time was 21m 37s.; Columbia's was 21ai. 60)?s. This tiuiu will probably be beaton on Friday In the great rune. The proof afforded this alternuou that Harvard hus a suporb crew will ouuse tbe ruce with Vale to bo looked torward to with more interest than ever. By the way, at the start, the word "Uo" was given before tho steumcr River Bell, which curried the press, had come (*own to tho line. Tbe hour was lute, however. Many delays bad occurred through no fuult ol the management, and when, after much toll, tbe ruforee succeeded in gottlng the boats luio line he guve tho word. No ouo who appreciates tho posi tion Mr Van Duser occupied and Uio splendid manner iu which be filled it will blauio nun lor his uctlou. The wonderlul little launch built by Mr. Herresbuff, of liristoi, It. 1., was tbe only boat that kept withtu hailing distance of the crews. Mr. H. Van Duser, Harvard, '75, was referee; Mr. L. J. Powers, prcsidum ol the Springfield Club, tho olllclal timekeeper. Tho judm b wen?for Harvard, H. J, llorwood, and Tor Columbia, C. Ue Rhmn Moore. Messrs. C. A. Nicholls and G. W. Hay, of the Citizens' Committee, were in charge Ol tho releroes' boat. The day was windy, aud on auy other course there would huvo been too much sea to admit ol shell racing. Ah it was the water was by no moans bad. The Columbia crow will probably remain In towa for tbu Yale-Hurvard race. the time as first announced was, for Harvard 22m. 37a, and for Columbia 22in. .'>0S,s. Subsequently H was discovered that, through a mistake in adding up tho uuio of each mile, luc above was one minute too alow. That deducted, it was then given us first noted. 'I bo time of the lour miles is suid to be?First, 4m. o?>s ; socoud, 6m. 20s. ; third, bin. 46s. ; fourth, I 5m. 37s. Total, 21m. 37->. YACHTING. tub William t. lee, w. it. brown and dare DEVIL IN A SWEBPSTAKSS RACE ON THE HUDSON. Tbe owners of tho sloop yachts Willlutn T. Lee, of Brooklyn; W. K. Brown, of Nowbunr, und Dare Devil, of Now Rochellc, have agreoJ to sail a swoop stakes race on the Hudson, off Sing Sing, to-morrow. Tho Lee uud Brown have tbe reputation of being very fast, aud the sumo point being especially claimed lor the Dure Devil, which Is uew, the oveut promises to be one of thu most spirited aquatic contests of tho season. It has been agreed by the owuors that working rigs, jib aud mainsail only, shall bo used, and that the cuuvarf ol each to he Within u foot iu all mews* uretneui*. I'lle course will bo twenty miles?live Hides to windward and return twico ovor. Shifting ballust ! will be allowed, und a margiu of livo baps may be lost. I Kuoh boat will be allowe ito carry u crcw of seven, und the owners are to sun U.eir respective craft, with the ussistuuco ol an amateur iu steering. The nuino of thu latter individual must bo announced und approved of before tho race. Mr. John M. Sawyer, ol the Brooklyn Yacht Club, bus been agreed upon as referee audstuke 1 holder. Tbe priza wnlbeacup of tbe value of the | slakes, $3U0. Tho Sailmg regulations of the Brooklyn j Yacht Club are to govern, except us above slated or hereafter agreed upon. The steam yacut Uceuii Com | will lollow me boats. YACHTING NOTES. The yacht Dreudnuugut, N.Y. Y.C., Mr, Oaborn, from tho eustward, passed Wtutustono, L. L, yesterday en route for this city. Tbe sloop Windsome, S.Y.C., Mr. J. H. Purdy, has been hauled out In mo slip at Whltestoue, und her bottom is being painted. NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION. MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS?THE COMING OF TBE IMPERIAL TEAM. Tho Board of Directors of the National Rifle Assocla tlou met yesterday afternoon, with Mr. N. P. Stanton, president, lu tho chair. Tbe matter ol outertaiuing tho visiting rillemcn from abroad, who are expected hero this lull, was taken up. After considerable de bate it w is resolved that a committee of live, consist* Ing of tho president and treasurer of tho association, | tho executive oillceia of tho matches uui iwo direc tors, to be named by the president, shall bo uppoluted, and siiall havo cburge ol tho lull meeting and the lu | lernational mulches, with lull power to mako such ar ; raugemcuis in reluliou thereto us they shull consider necessary to uiuko such matches succes^lul. A resolution was udoptod whereby tho members ol the National Guard, lu uuilorm, are to bo allowed, ou thu Fourth of July, the free use of thu Creedmoor rule ranges, exclusive of tho chargcs lor markers. A letter Irora Lieutenant Hollo wusread, in which ho complained that u lot ol luud wou by him iu the spring prize meeting of 1874 hus boon withheld f/orn bun by tho so-called "firm" thut oflered the lot to the Nationul I Killc Association to be shot for us u prize. Tbe uiut j ter wus relerred to the secretary, with power. Lieutenant Colonel Snulord introduced resolutions, winch were adopted, to the offset thut us tbo Inspector General of Rille Practice hud uulborizeil certain altera tions to be made in the signis of State riilep, tho Adjutant General ol the Stute should be uddrsssed by the Hoard ol Directors ol the association, requesting that ml the sights ou tlic military nlles ol tho National Guard ol tho Stulo should be altered to a standard position, and be olllcialiy adoptod by tho State au thorities. Mujor General Woodward, chairman of tho Kxocti tivo Committee, and Colonel Wiugute, with Cuptuln Casey, wuro appointed by President Stanton to act on the committee created by tho rosoititiou providing lor the enlurtuiriment ol tho forelgu rlflo teams, uud Cup tin ii Story was appointed statistical olllcor lor the lull meeting. Adjourned till the lirst Tuesday iu August. ROSSMORE RIFLEMEN. The Rossmoro Hi tin Association, of Staten Island, held thoir tliira mooting ut tUo range ou lieu noil's furra, Huguenot. yesterday. Tbo bring wan ut 200 vards. The following aro the best scores:? S. K. Kills 4 4 4 5 6?22 I. it. Lir lloy 4 4 4?20 H. Mason, Jr............ 4 6 4 IS 4?'ju C. C. Ellis 4 4 4 ^ u? THE SOHUTZENFEST. TUo New York SchQtzon Corps continued their prac tlco yesterday In tho pleasant SchiHzen I'ark, at Union Hill. The several targets woro well occupied, and Iroui ten o'clock A. M. until nearly sundown tbo crack ol tbo ritlo told ol ibe earnestness with wntoli tbo marksmen were striving to win. Among the many pood shots made were tboso ot Mr. William Hapcs, of Newark, who, with u llallurd ride, made a score of IS cou-ci utlvo tweive-inch hull's eyes, anssen one, and lollowed with :J3 consocutivo in the black ut a uibtunco of 200 yards. Tbo scoro inudo by .Mr. Kenning ol ' 08 out ol a possible 76 was not iieatun. In shooting at the oasis Mr. H. Knebalearned nwuy tho left ciuw, Mr. H. Wer sebe tbu sceptre, ilr. (>. Menckou tho apple and crown (ho was tho lust king), Mr. K. Wilms the riclu Ion, Mr. >V. llaim the leu leg, Mr. C. Minikiii tbu right tbigb, Mr. K. Faoer ilio leit thh'li, Mr. H. ituuso tin* ielt neck and Mr. U. Hochlo the light wing. Tbo attendance was Iarg>-, and tbo ladies espe cially niude mi appearance tbai showed appreciation of itiu manly sport. To-day, however, will bo presented tlie most Inter esting portion of tbn festival, and thousanda will doubtless gather to seo tho crowning ol the n?w king and the various festivities that mark the close ol tbu anniversary ol' tbo .Now York dcbOtzun Corps. TilE LATE DOG BHOW. WxsTiraraTiM Kk.nxki. Ctt:n, l >' KW *OKK, J UUU 20, is;".) To Tiiie Editor op tiik IIkii.w.u:? I but to encloso berowitli a letter addrocMd to mc, at chairman ol iho lteutb Show Committee ol Uio Westminster Kennel Club, by tbo Kev. J. Cumniing Mar.Uouu, judge ut Hie recent bench show in ibis city. Its publication may Interest many or your roadcrs. Yours truly, WILLIAM M. TILESION. 3U!t MACDOSA'fl LKTTKR. Cukadlk ltKCTOKT, tJHKsiniu:, June 12, 1077. Mr 1J k a it Tilisto*?Now that I have urrived tuck botne, after ono of the most delightful episodes of iuv existence, I write a line to you to express once more my most siucoru trunks to mo Weiiinin-ter Ki-nnel Club and, tnrough tuein, to the gnat American na tion, whoso sporting proclivities i hey so well repre sent, tor the generous hm,piuluy they so kindly ox teoded mo while tlieir gtie-t. I trust my stuy among you may adu another link to tne chain ot airee tion thut should hind in happy union two such chiv alrous iiaiiniiH, so Hounded in race ami fooling as Am> rica and Knglatid arc. Your Kind invitation has introduced mo to many geniui Iriends, for wnom 1 shall ever entertain a very high regard. My viciting America to judj,o at your wonderfully succe-tliil dog show has draw n down upon mo the adverse criticism and unkind romurks ol on Influential portion ol lint hngiiab press; hut this und a vest deal more i am con* ten to bnVO un<l hear, provided my dour and truthful Iriends the dogs ol this and your country are noneiliud and ihoir good owners pleased. VVub rt-speet ami ad miration lor you all, your noblo people an 1 grand country, 1 am ever yours, /. Cl'M MING MACDONA. FLEETWOOD PARK. S?C03D 8PUIXU TUOrT.NO ME?.TIN<1?i>4* 8MIIH WISH TllK TBX?TT-XIM Ft! UK. The second spring uieetiug at Fleetwood l'irk yesterday. There was but one trot, the other para* arranged (or Die day not bavins 0H? t. The event thai came off took five beats to decide which was iba be?t borie oi' the lot. Thore were aix starters, two ol whom were diatunoed tbe first beat. The puree was for horses that bvt never beaten 2:30. and the Brat brat was won In 2:23>jbya borae called Dan Smith. He Is a mugnlScent son ot Kysdyk'a Hambletoaian, out of a granddaughter of Imported Trustee. Kan hd size, Icnfitb, strength and speed in quantities to please tbe most fastidious lovers ol sueb qualities In tho borne; and with a little practice at tbe gamo bo playod yesterday afternoon will bo a valuable animal lu the tree lor all pursea. tie la nearly aixtocn bauds high, a bright bay, and Is so finely pro* portioned nnd put together that there la Do part of htm that coufd bo improved. Holwocti tbo heats Mr. W. 11. Vnudorbllt brought bis teutn of trotters ou the trsck and gave tbein a turn around the course and aeveral times In Iront of tbe grand nund. Tho horses showed speed of an extraor dinary quality, and the spectators were highly de lighted with the exhibition. It is very creditable 10 gentlemen like Mr. Yauderbilt, who have fast hor os, to give the people a specimen ol their >|ualily ou days when tu>')' are out to see lust trotting. Mr. Ysuder- ( bill's tenia is probably tbe fastest in iba cuuntrv, or may bo iu tho world at tbe present time. Me Laudlea tbein, too, llko an expert. Tbe following are the detulls ol tho trot that caiue ofl:? TUK TROT. Fxrtt ITrat?Dan Smith bail his liead In front when tho word was giveu lor a stun, Mary Lamb tecond, lisywood third, Yulcau fourth, fancy Ultb, The Mar* quis sixth. Dan Smith and Mary Lamb trotted i-lde and siue down to the quarter poie, a leugth in trout 01 Yulcau, lu :<l5,l4 seCouuh, Fancy fourth, Haywood tilth, The Murquis sixth. Dan Smith and Mary Lamb atuck cloao together around the lower turo, and at tho ball. mile poio Han Smith was a neck in front of tbo mure, the latter 0110 length anead ot Vnlcan, who was six lengths ahead of Faucy, Haywood and The M irquis a distunce behind. Time 1:12. Going up the bill ol the buckstrotch Vulcuu trotted past the others and led two lengths at tho three-quarter pole, l'bo race seemed his beyond a doubt lit tbls tnuo, and tbe easy aud complacent air that bis driver put ou as ho came up tbe homestretch led the spectators to ballevt that his horse had heaps to snare. To the driver's great surprise, bowevor, Dan Smith bogau to close on him. and nt last Uo had to resort to the whip. Seeing ibis Denton used bia whip on Dan Smith, and the horse responded uobly, and to tho amazement ol every one. Dun Smith won tbo heat by a head. Time, i! :UH 'a. Fancy was third, M:try Lamb fourth, Tbe Mar quis and Haywood dlatuneed. ;Second Heat.?Weeks then took charge ot Vulcan in place of Huner. Vulcan was away lirst, Dan smith second, Mary l.aiub third, Fancy lourtn. Vulcan took tho pole on the turn, and, dasblug away, led threo lengths at tho quarter polo In 3tl seconds, Dan Smith second, two length* in front 01 Fancy, M iry Lamb a length luribnr off. Vulcan kopt tbe gap open around the lower turu, passing that poiut three letigtb* atiead of Dan Smith, the latter two lengths ahead of Fancy, who was one longth In advance ol' Mary Lutub. Time, 1 :>2>i. Vttloau trotted steadily In Ironl up the hill and was lour lengths ahead ol Dsn Smith at tbe three-quarter pole. Tbo lutter, however, closed up the daylight gradually on tno botnesirotcb, but tnii seemed to be by sulleruuce, us thore wits every ovidotico that Yulcau could trot a good doal taster bud bo been compelled to do so. The time ot tbe heat was 2:30, Vulcan winning on a jog by a length, Dan smith second, six lengths ahead ot Mary Lamb, tbe latter u length In uuvauco of Fancy. Tuird llcat. ?Yulcau bad tho lead, Dan Smith sec ond. Mary Lumb third, Fancy fourth. The latter bruko up soon alter leaving tuu score, aud ueveruindoun ellort afterward to overtake tho others. Yulcau lod a length at the quarter pole lu M}Jt Mary Lamb second, Dan Smith third, Funcy far behind. At tbo hall-inilo polo Vulcan led two lengths In Mury Lamb sec oud, ten lengths in udvauce of Duu Stuuu, tuo lattor having beeu kept back for some reason not explained, Funcy fourth. Vulcan continued iu front to the eud, winning by three lengths ou a Jug, Dan Smith secoud, live lengths ahead ol Mary Lamb, tho latter eight lengths iu udvuuce ol Fancy, Time, 2:34. Fourth JltaU?Vulcuu wus first uway, Mary Lamb second, Duu Smith third, Funny fourth. Tbo latter broke up badly ou the first turn aud was novor uiter ward lu the race. Vulcau led a length at the quarter pole lu US seconds. Dun Smith second, two lengths in advance of Mary Latno, tbo latter ten lengths ahead ol Fancy. At tho hull-mile polo Vulcau leu half u length in l:13)g, Dan Smith second six leugtbs ahead ol Mary Lamb, the others tar behind. Dan Smith broke oh tho hill of tho backstrelcu and lost two lengths; but com ing agulu he, altor u Hue struggle, beat Vulcuu up tho homestretch und lauded u wiuner uy two lengths in 2:31>?. Vulcuu wus ton lengths ahead ol Mary Lamb, tho latter two loumbs in front of Fuucy. Fiftn. I feat.?Vulcan had the best ot tho aend-oll. Dan Smith second, Mary Lamb third, Faucy lourth. Going to the quarter pole Dan Smith broko up and \ ulcan led throe lengths at that point, Mary Lamb Remind, two lengths anead of Dan Spilth: Faucy lar behlno. Time. 37 seconds. At tho ball-mile pole Vul cuu ws8 two lengths in iront of Mury Lamb, the latter ubout tbe sumo dlstauoe ahead of Dan Siuilli. Time, l;14'j. Going up tbe hill of tbe. buckstrctch Dun Smith trotted gamely, and passing Mury Lamb cual louged Vulcan, and alter u very close struggle finally passed him and won the boat by halt a length in 'ii'MJi. Mary Lamb wus eight longtbs behind, Fancy distanced. The following Is a SmilAKT. Flkktwood Park?Sbcono Spkiko Mkutino.? First Dav, Tuesday, June 'JO ?i'urse $l,uUd, lor borsoa that have never bealeu 2:39; #.')U0 to the first, $2?>0 to the second, $ll>0 to the third and $100 to the fourth horso; mile heats, best three in live, in harness. Startrrt. Israel Denton's b. g. Dan Smith 12 2 11 G. M iner's b. g. Vulcau 2 112 2 W. E. Week's b. m. Mary Umb 4 3 3 3 3 G. W. Fitzwuter's b. iu. Funcy 3 4 4 4 dla K. II. Hull's b. a. The Marquis dm 11. C. Wooduut'sb. g. Haywood. dis Tim. Quarter. Half. Milr. First boat 3>M4 1:12 2;2S!^ Second beat 3ti 1:12^ 2:30 Third beat 'M!i 1:1'!>? 2:34 Fourth heat 38 1:13*S 2:31% Filth beat 37 1:U jf 2:3ti\ LONG BRANCH RACES. Ad extra raco of throe-quarters of a mile for all ages will be run on Saturday next at Monmouth Park, and oo tbo 4th ol July an extra race- or mile hosts over hurdles will be added to the regular programme. It. Q. Bruce, who Is to manage the ruces, arrived ou Monday from Kentucky, and he Is quite busy in got ting ready lor what seems a moat excellent meeting. There will be as many hursos at Monmouth Park as tnero Is stable room lor, und all tho fields will be large. THOROUGHBRED .SALES IN KEN TUCKY. A. KLENE EICHAIlDa' HORSES UNDEB TUB HAM MF.R. Lkxisutox, June 20, 1977. The flfth annual sale ol tho thoroughbred yearling colts and Ullles of A. Keeno Richards came off in Iront of Brown's livery stable, near the Photoix Hotel, this ufternoon. 1'. C. Kldd was tbo auctioneer. The attendance was large, but tbo priccs that tho yearlings wore knocked down lor wero less tban was expected, as the lot were very cbolco. The following Is a list ol thoso sold, with the buyers and tho prices fetched:? No. 1?A bay filly, louled May 8, 1870, by War Daucc, dam Kliza Davis; T. U. Mooro $182 No. 2?Chestnut coll, loaled April -4,1870, by War Dance, dam Sister ol Charity; I). Swigert 80 No. 3? liuy ntiy, loaled May 4, 1870, by WarDanco, uaiu Bertha; T. G. Moore 86 No. 4?Chostnut colt, louled April 20, 1870, by War Da000, dtim I'rniiNjIvauiu; E. A. Hlicbeock 220 Nu. 6?Chestnut mly, louled Maroii 26, 1870, by War Dance, :1am Hue Dougherty; R. A. Johnson. 216 No. 0?Chestnut colt, louled May 18, 1870, by War Dkuco, dam by Uncle Vic; Jobu Jc?*ou 00 No. 7?llay ftlly, louled May 18, lbitl, by War Dance, ilum Date l'reu;T tl. Moore 78 No. 8?Chestnut llily, loaled May 27, 1870, by War llauce, dam Bullet; Dnwen A" Co 200 No. V?Hay colt, louled May 2, 1870, by War Dance, dam Experiment; John Walsfe 660 No. lo? llay llily, loaled May 26, 1870, by Wur Dance, uain Neilson; James Perguson 300 No 11?Hay llily, fouled April 14, 1870, by War Danro, dam by Knlgbt of St. George; L. A. Hitchcock. 110 No. 12? llay colt, fouled June 10, by War Dance, dam Dewberry; James Nutter 100 No. 13?llay Oily, louie.) March 2.'!, by War Dauco, diun Alexandra; J. 11. Pickett 236 No. 14?Cbestnui llily, loaled April 11, 1870, by War Deuce, iiam Uo-ixtp; J. H. Pickett 305 No. 16?Day illy, loaioa March 27. 1870, by War Diiiiio. dam MlssUray; John Jackson ft Co.... 210 No. 10?Chestnut Uily, 2 years old, by Wur Dance, dum Wagonette; E. A. Hitchcock 100 No. 17?Hay coll, 2 years old, dum liy imported Knight a! St. <;?orge;J. W. Samuel 110 No. IS?Hay gold I ng, 2 years old, by War Dance, dam Ooulp; John llurdrsty lf,j No. J9?Bay llily, three years old, by Melbourne, Jr., dam i>y Incla Vie; O. D. Wilson 80 No. 20?Hay xddinK, ihreo years old, by War Dance, Main Mlssi?ray;J. H. Cooper 60 No. 21?Chestnut llily, lour years old, by War Dance, dam by Molfermo; J, T. Rodmoi 110 No. 22?May mare, loaled 1870. by I'bo Knight ol HL George, diiui by Alexander Churchill; Jumea Samuels 75 No, 2.1?Hay marc, lonlod 1808, by Tho Krngut ol St. Oeorge, duin Ks^lo; Charles Taylor 7t> A VACANT CADETSHIP. There la at pTesent a varant West Point cadctahip at the disposal of Hon. S. B. Chittenden, Congressman from tho Third district, bla appointee of a low months since having lulled to pass examination ut the academy. He will recoive'ipplieatlons from boys of the Ililrd district up to ine lOih day ol July. Mr. Chiiteudou is buying at Gmllord, Conn. PA L LO N i:. An ExhiiiUcn zl tr.a Italia: Gams cl Hall. - m THE WOODEN MiACELKT Strength and Agi ity of the Pay< Ho* TH<*y Bat ami Score. Tba 1*14 kMtlM by t ity-aliih IttntMl >t r**l?, r war Ik aat M?4i?w (mM, I a?iae4?y lha wrM af aa ric titi | <?? ?i p . ?*?. Th- l>4 K not ) ?t iwrlMM, bat hBmI M >?? 4*m t* jw lily ilia prjiaoiar* al (Ha |<a< ta ?? alaiiag a* eah.fct lieu, or ?'rekrwitl," aa m ?a? aai *4 ia Ifca raria af invitation t?-u?t ta Ue praea t*4 a taawt af laflwaklial attiaeaa and ? ??arai<l>*4 laraiga era. lb* aiuiliUaa gtraa y??iara*y?a a tea, though, according la aha ? i(n<4 ll. wa* B(H haida ??iy |'U>a-l -m -ati rat la ia*ara Ilia laaaaa* af lk? awa taaa, Al UM? ik? pay m munxaly ti(ilii| la playare >14 afaaetaiora al.ka, aa<l low aid then. when iw aararai an*N?iii? Uaia the ball wa* kiio. k. i l.<0 laai tram iaa tinker, uia at>{*u -a ol Iba nudicaca a u Mual eia??Ue*aa i ha | ayem ar. all bandao'na men and dlaplay a p?rl<?ei >a ul fky.toal drrtiwpratul Urot kri* i aa I ?a<liha ag tiiy tra nrco*?*ry la th? *a>vaee(iil player ot the game, and In both ibaae ret|ni>itea ilia aim aaea who j" >ad )?? Uiday art pr?-< ,u neat. th iai Tha following d<a/r?iu of the >--14 aa 1 the ar> t:i pnuyiug etpiaual.ou wnl aai ve l>> a.?a < iba ?? ? ip tlol ol Ibe (am* latniigiule la lb >aa ana here ><%?r wtiieaard ll:? D K L Tho diilance fron A lo II ia il l??'i aad Ihtl !i m C to D UO laac Tba liu C l? a.?.i?< ih*li"ii a bait, and on alibar wide ol wliieu Urn |m cn UiU'rr plnot-a an indicated by lb? letters lav player*. an >a uuniDor, aredtvi <-d laiolau |?iriia , r? l .u ; u ?*?*, ul a ?aa?'/iiri?n or pliciirr t* added, aiivae du y ?? to tlahvor llie bill lu Ibe rliiter. 1 lie -inker ?t*u la at A, mill liu run* toaard I, llie mm i-ia. Tlx- ?ml 14 deliveroil, uad be iutel? n u,nlw..r l?l?"??? in* poiula and -Ir.UJa wilb irtimn,. or * - i. n n. < olton seudiiii; ll lllly leel iu ll? air, in 1 ui ?? r.b { a bold unh and do.-cmdaig wiUiin a l?ar itwi of in? o|i|>oalta limit ritK HHA< ill nix Tbo bracciitlc iiilir.-ly c. ?? r? |li<- rig! I hand u.<l at taiidn tiireo or four lueln-a lUe wr ?'? A'i oval opeuiutl llirou^U lliu niiddla cuiblfn I In- (tUytr lo ia> 8iti hHlaM with mi and itruai>aeio ? > > * it ? u<|ju?iei| al ilia lowrr >Mid. Tbu ouImU* al Uia A w bri-vilc* wuii l<<>\.?ix..i ;?< iM.i ii.' ,.i i .? jv-u* ihoro uro m vuii alleri.aiuu rowa, a: o imp m-iru BMDt OoinplaiKt walgb< a'ioui iiveyjuul*. I lo <i.ia llvo UQil II 11*11 lliuliu* III duuialor, nt Hill U?M >>Ullll 1 It ia umieudud with compi o.-aed air, puuii?"| iu..n.r oucb inning. ar I 1'lay opens nud procoodi da lo low*:?Tba HrUtr al | A ruslH'H ailli nil the ajicc l bo ia > .i| ai?.? ol i? m<-at Ibe bull ios u'I toward mm bv 1. Ilu wnirlx I n nkui i urm with tno bran iule iii ou ll, air ki'* Ibe ball and ?cud* It iii it lirauiilul curve blfh abure an<i armna | Itiis lluo C It. Tbo pla.vora ou the oib?r aid'*, who uro armed with llie a imr lir# ?i?t aa tbo uiun nt A, meal nud hli tbn o?ll back, lor If ll Hirikua nud ruiia ou the ground lne Ml Hiilo ciuulM ouo. II tho ball Ix uuiIh but ouc? il ia kliownble to bill ll buck a^aln WUcure it caiuo It Iba Quldlut; parly Hbouid mauiiii to ki.ock ibe ball bu.-k buyoud ILe llui' m.irkui^ tho Hold ol Ilia biliat a Mda uud It full flftl Ud be nul IMimf Hi" Uoi.i crn count one. The belling party al A li?< ureal udvatilago in llio guuia, lor ll lie bi> *killul b? c.tu bal tlio ball in cloao to tbo lu?n deal wall tri lled; lue lino Kl., ho that hta oppouvnia are unable lo iial it back. To o<]Uiill/.o lliu advabla^ea tlio Ulut M an 1 roue alternate positions overy neron l 4r1.1i"- ?o 11 .1 h i decidcd benolll may bo reuped l>) cltber a.du oa *< ? count of location Kach tail ol ibo ball point for llie parly winch airurk 11 l.iat, and wban either aldo acorub lour poiuU a ?.anio u won. KINK I't.tYIMI. lb tlio sixth game yeaierduy ibe play iaua i iaiuitl couU Tho reda openod llio game wllb liuiMplNi t ipol linl at A, Kk'du U loalrelli ul 11 an I llaiii ,mj ,. !? 1 at U. Tho bluea wore iliairibuled aa lolluaa:?AuiaUea Jiuronl ul F, Comanlco Mart 1111 at K uud I>iovaiiui Vea I'Ii'ikimi at 11. iipollinl alruck Ibe bull a irciiiendou* blow and aeni It In I bo direction of V, where Huron! nu-t il beloio 11 1r 11. 1. 1! . 1 u<i and Rout ll buck in the direction ol l>, wbere Dalian Muoetrelll Klruck It on tbo lly and lent ll back a^aiii lo liaroul al K. Uuroni, tbinkiiu 'bat If he aenl the bail a^ain lo Dama^o at (> ll might be reiurnatl arut 11 aoar> 111 g in tbo direcllonol H, where Kgidio tlaeairelli, a broibor 10 Ouiu.iao, ninl uad rc.urhi'd it to Martini at K. Mart 1111 bulled it hack tor a Mrore, atid but lor Iba agility ol'Cipolilnl, wbo, ruxhiuit dowu bt iweun ?< and 11, struck It, It would have fallen Hat. Tliu luonieQtum ai iiuired In lue run, coupled with llie greul uruuKtli of Citiollmi'k arm. aetit 1I10 tnll bu.Miud rea< b and a point wok scored lor the red*. A lino piav by liaiom at K, who took a bail direct Irom the briunai< ol c.pol lint and aenl ll Into tho bi'ltl of iho rn<la, out of rcucn ot auv ol tbo pluyei*. scored ouo tor tho bluus. Taico aluesireili (Uaiuaw) at U drove tho ball beyond tho reach of the blues after they bad reluruao It lo ibelr Uebl, uhrura Clpollint bad sent it. Anolhor scorn 1 >r ibe bliiai and j the gamo stood:?tilao.i, 2; roils, a In the laai In ning ol Ihis game 11 tuagtiillcciil bat by Cipoliini, wbo knocked the ball into tbo un^le lorineJ 1 >y tho tloor ot tho Held nud tho trnre K (<, botwoen tbo poin t) C uud K, accurcd the kuiiiu 1 lor llio red.u. .Sixteen game* wero playod yesterday, ' und iho following is the .core: ? I Ked.'i. 1 1 1 11 11 1 U O 1 0 11 1 1 1 0 0?M I Bluea U001N110I loooi i?? tiwing to tbo approach of darkuon* tho dcctdmg i g:ime was uol played. BASEBALL. TUB HARiTOUDS UK AT TIX E BOSTONd AMD WIN FIRST POSITION. Tho Oral position lu the cod lost lor tbe league chain piouatilp had been hold by llio Boston club lro:n ttio ; owning ol the season up lo yesterday, when it was | liKmlbomely wrenched from their grasp by tbu Hart i fords, ol Urooklyu, In a cloenly contested game on the | Boston grounds. Following is ibo scoro of yuuicrduy s i game In Huston: ? Hartlord 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0?4 Boston 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0?2 At Chiojgo the chmipiou Clucagos defeated tho At. Louis club wltb apparent ease, winning by the follow ing scoro:? HI l.oulS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Chicago 0 0 4 2 1 0 2 2 0?11 In a tun inuiiiK came at l'ordhain tbo Ko*o IItlIs de feated Hie Wiiokii*, ol Brooklyn, by u s<:oro ol 10 lo Tbu Volunteers defeated tbo Washington*, of this | city, at I'ougiikeopsio by a scoro ol 12 to I. At Lock port th? Rochester*. of Rochester, fteleated ! tbo liuckeyes, ol Columbus, Ohio, by the scoro ot 7 { lo fi> To-day th? HarUords and I^oul?\ lllo.i play on tbo i Union Grounds, Urooklyu. O'LEAItY'S CHALLENGE. CANDIDATES WIM.ino TO ACCEPT Til E CON DITIONS OFFERED. Nkw \oiik, Juno 2(1, 1877. i To tiik EntTOB or tiik Hicham*:? Noticing in to-day's iIkuai.ii that 1'. 1.. Van Ness, ol No. 17U ((roadway, Iris accepted to undertako one pirt ol tbo walking match against O'l.osry, In his six days' walk, I am to Join him In III* under taking to compote lor the prize offered. Vours very truly, JACOli wood, No, 212 IJowcry. ANOTHER CANDIDATE. Nkw Vjrk, Juno 20, 1*77. To Tim Koitor oi- tiik Hkkai.o:? 1 shall bo pleased lo accept, In part, (ho ofTer ol Mr. O'I.eary, wherein bo agrees to give $600 to .my two men who will cover a greater dislancu than he will in six days, Respectfully, II. J. Bl.IN'X, No. 2l.'i llowery. A DEFUNCT BANK'S ASSETS. HOW A PART WERE RACRIFlCfD OS TIIE REAL ESTATE EXCBANOE AND A SPECULATOR IJENE rn KD. Thn sals on the Kxchnnge, April 13, byordorof William J. Host, receiver of the real estate of llio do lutiot Mechanics and Traders' Havings Hunk, has raised a nice question as to tho responsibilities ol receivers, as well as illustrated tbo bargains that obtained at the expense ol noor depositors by speculators who, foaruh ing lor improved proporty, "keep their weather eye open," and occasionally stutnblo upou "good tlnugs." . Tho building sold Is uear the corner ol tbo Uowory utrl ! Houston street, and was substantially built at a cost of j $,'>8,000. The property was anso^ed last year at I f 1*6,000. Real ratal n experts estimate tliat tho lot, I which is 20.10x70, is woitli nearly llio entire sum (V>/.. 427.000). at which building anil all was knocked ? down to Meyer Finn by | ubllo auction. Tlio suie surprlse'l every one on Hie Kxcbaugc, and ' when KmU applied lor bis ileod the recvivur, tu the in , ti-reul of tbo depositors, refused to period tuo title, ou ih? trrn m J tliat ta* rrice r^al'* <1 w*< n ruinnija sacrl ? > --i iii<- Kiaa look tii-i uiHiior to the cmiris, 41 . ninni a deai-i"U ol the supremo t'nuri iu Ills i v, i k . ,u ml ink- ??? 4 prop?r;v believed lo to ir It ' - ?i ly iIuhj <? wti -I ho paid for tt. an 1 hi mucb I ?' I ah II *<>ulJ u.ive r- a.,/.?,! ou prlvuu rfttle. 'I'llu? it ?<? >r?-n mat the uuinriuuaie depositors sutler Win.- II. a ?t-xulitior prvli- by their mlslorlubes, tMiuut u it ? n|aeiiy In watching cti inee* in tbe mar ket f,i?ft u no oiaiue lo be attached to Ibe receiver, ? ?? < ubiroied ili" nutter iu the intercut of the credi tor-wiiuut success. Till cue, boweror, illustrates tt.? in ,?f oi lor ee l sales hv order of Hie Court of ?mul insolvent cot pontoon*. TilK UUUlilLL TltAGEDY. ATtiMrn.o deiimil or thk husband b? hls ?TrXBO.N -MlttCUiBUI XXCCiK I OK CAU1INU roaTI AM ISMANK. WOMAN?BURIAL OK MOTItrR A Nf? CHILD. Tin* lai-at 4oiue?tle h irror is 0110 of those for which lb< it -rf laayei* utar primarily bo held responsible. Tt*a d troi- i ol Mr. liarr.ll Irooi bis wile wss oblaluuU in I tab under (be Poland act for tuootnpullbllily of teui| er and uieuial disease. No papers wero Nerved on Hi* ?!.<', and (he flr-t intimation she recelrcc that the law b -<t interfered with her marital relation was her liuafcanat'e -latvuienl that a divorce had been grai '.v i I lie lorou-r at Sinj Sing remarked to a ro I-n<-r thai la bis opin.on Mr. Barrill'* cruelty to his wile drove her to the inseuity during which Kho took ikeiite el bar d-ugliter and beraoll. Mr. Frederick Iturntl, the s:ej><<< a of the deceased lady, yeslorduy cMtradicMd Uat statement. a ? ? haiii.i: bKir.sis. H' **?4 tb it th>< r life waa ono of tho hip f -?i i?-<r tpl..0 uatil the lady gave birth to ii chll'L, 1 rum win 11 lime m>e ?avo symptoms ol mcutal de ft. ? u> ul Y-<u'ig Mr. Uurr.ll fcaVe several Instances ? .be aaior un-ij t-i/'t muue aciious, ouo ol which ?. 1. r br-ak.ii( t'iriiil'ire, culling up her silk *. 1-in:..- tbe na-rvabts, and In everyway l? > uiiiiti lii"-1 around ber uiiairable anil up l>r?u>-a?>ve ol pjr auai injury. At other times she < wou j Mi.aiu letribi) wutu lilted from the couch, uud 1 l. ? very u? \l iu i.ul* won o gel up without aasibluluo ? : ru?k i.uiic. i ?-b.? .-I tba hjut-e. itieso aud j wilter i.'SHAttuiia ul maauity became mi pronounced 1.1 1 ?r Wi.'ie, ih-i l?ini > ph) iioiau, advised Mr. ] ?Mil iu |'?,e her in an meant* a?ymui, and j ? ?i- -.r a tin.-- ColiUieO al Fiaibui-b. 1 . hi 1 a a e tt oai'k lo lier liouie aud tho ! iitraM >>?|iI?im feaypeared. F.nnly Mr. liurrill j i- u -i 1 eon 11 ~ sing, bui not ueii'g j oi.- un<.< d Iro-ii tin 1 e,? ris ol iht ?: luducl wbile lOuru ' I.- 4 |? wi> a o a oivorce a men 1 tl tkum. Olio i .(.I ii. 1 -?| 111 a* Kr- Iturrili eaine tu Urooklyu ' and a?Kf'd ber linnluu-l WU4I oe uieabi by auing lor a 1 u v. r r II . ul r< i>i a-d mat ibvre wa* uo uae iu ti 11.1 iryin, ti-lit ii t iui.mi any longer, but thai ha w >.l a .. varylii.u^ lor tier, au-ltheuyave Ik- f?o .itiii , "i\ lit 11 til s 1* gone, let me boar irom you ' Ait. || ri. l, a ir! aouie ronveraatloo, leit tin ,, ai 1 r-m i. 1 w.iii her ai-ier, Mra. Itiuuoipli, ou I aeilin nir<--l. unul la.1 Monday, wlieli an* returned !? MU| -lb*, and the Mil liliag that waa heard ol her Waa il-e >a e de ????! I hi- ?a? a yieal -ho;a iu W r II if rill, who di-c'-ir >d Hi ti not a to ii.dii lite uti?ery ul their married Hie Lc >1.1 .. veil Ilia ana, i l hi) Uebied thai Uu La I any IKia>: iu da wild li>-r laaaiiity. Inn i.nuiy ui-uy p>-a lively and stamp aa a ma I 1., as fal- I 11. a c a ir, ? mat Mr a. Ilurrnl w.ta oib?r than a |>ure miwdvu aai am h ail1i?i?4 a - man. rtunii la Mr. I 1 am ?? liarnu a maiennul ol tbo rataliuui baatween h.a latlier aau at> iiniatuar. 1 aaaai. or airiiku an.a haiuitii, 1 lie fan. rai i?i Mr % J-ii. h liur-ill and b-r daughter, A III. Maak.bS, I ?? pi a.a ye-terlay alleruooii, at I WO I'l at llaHB Ilia residence ul her lau.b-iu l, .No. 4o1 Nmin iir.-et, .-ouih Brooklyn. The ram ilnsol the uu luriuu -la iiiwiber and child were laid uul 111 handavuie M l.Ua in ine pafiora ul tna liuu e. A utreal prolusion 01 tiiwera an.rne I ike Mar au l Bile I the ptaee with lU-ir ad or. there was a Very uinarsns alteuuaoco, Cililp'iaaKi rhielly ol lulies ?tin bsd known tbe de uva-n'i Anion, lb->-e prereul w is the llllle -oil ol Mia lluriill aud Ilia decea-aed lady s sister. the sa-rv aea toi the Mao were r<i? isiisil br Iter. Judoa lialien, pai-l-if ol Ike Ituluriued i-bbrch. I Weliiu siieel, liuwanwa, the U>rmar | a?taar ol Mia llurr.IL Ai the c?s< Ii-i-is ul tbe aarvicea, wluen wa r t larlel aud ? imp e, the Imdiea were txirna lo iiroenwood Cemetery, I'll remi na * -re interred iu Ihe liurrill luniily plot, ba Kida- lb.- in" in 1 wineii de? sua lea Ike realm, puea ad Mr. Itu 1 r? U a ti'ai wile. Il W.1-. the re-|uaal ol tha dire.iM-l thai ?lie almnDt be bnrtad 1 f tbe tide ul ber ? aaai-ml hurlaind. tbe dabll't, Or. I l.oiuaa Haakll.S, bill Ibt brolb r ul Ike l.tii r aould but |?tiuii b tt t-odv lo be ibteried in that plot. WIIO KILLED 1MEUCK.S? HTbtNiiK AHKAVLT AMD l.'iblllltr or A GEfiMAM TAII/IM IM HCrroUl BTIIKtT. Kdward i?iertk. of No. 4ji ,at fifteenth ilml, di"d M IMIlVM Hnepual at bail pnat tiir I". M. ou Mond if He *4i brought tb? r*? at im minutes [mum , twelve P. M. ol Ibe name day from Ibe TttirieeulU 1 precinct, ?b?r? be bad been lurked op on the previous night. 1 be circumsian as ol ina arrvat and death aru of a vary su>|.iuluus character. Tba poa; mortem by lit. Ciaahuian yo?t r day revealed tbat bi* skull bad born frai-tured ?ml the injury bad dansnd lit* How bo ma tainrd It the polio*, ?bu lure been investigating tbo ?>att*r, were unable to dlaciver npUia lata boar last m{bl Indeed, tbey dul not ki.oo wbo ba wu until Jaoob Meyer, ul No. Ul KmI Sixth street, identultd tba boiy at tbe Voriuti yeaierday ttrfiiug. ra?. a is 11 am:* nt'sn. From Moyer'a atatement it a|>i>oara thai doceaaod and be ara tueniii.-r* of lb< U-ut?cbor Arbeiten liuud, a bi-OKVuiaut aociety, of which Mayor la presi dent and Iilereka w?- aacraury. Tboro ?re tome eight or ume lo.lye* of the Order in tin* c,ty, and a new 0110 aaa form d atid 'i?die?te.i on Sunday ilt.-rnoou 1a New Jeraoy. At three I'. M. ul that day Dv-rnk*, with M'-yer an I ?urai 'iib'-r brethren ol ma Order, ni'"t In /.. kioppmauu * later beer aatoon, No. * lirltn eev Kirent, ?ad proceeded 10 N.-w Jersey. They relumed aii'iut ntn* P. M., uad after a i>*ief ?o|tinru 0 the ligurlxer .iI.miii atarled lor koiao, Meyer a ul DWrcka gi>in< oat u fiber. iieiore loaviuir Di?reka laileil lor a drinlt, puled uul a handful ot bill* to pay lor the liquor llo altered Ins 111 nd, however, haying tbat be wanted the and w 'iihi Im. I Hi" anx-nnt, ninety two Mill, on 1 the following dajr to Mr kiuppmann. Meyer and de. ooaai-1 went u aaa Ihe aaioou lo tbo loraier'a house. ? >. j Kaet Sixm street, and tbe latlor rema uad tbero aoiitu lea or lllleon minute*. Neither Meyor nor Ma wile beard any mom 01 liiertki until hia atiasnoe rum hoiim was roporii d t > lu -m. 11 >iy |*oniiiv<tty aver Diercks wsa perfectly sober when ho lait lor home, uImhii etovsn 0 do. k or a iitie later, on Sunday night. The police l<>ok hnu Into tbo stuon I "Me lw< nty minute* afterward, <401 to inaninta. (MiUer kof j tlia 1 hirteeuib pr?cinot, louud hint Tlia BTHI Id IM Htl.lWAV. i It appear* from Ibe rtateiuaot of Mrt Moadowa, of N'o. 4n ^ulT ilk aire. t. tbat al io'lf?li e mlaaiaa p.?t { eleven uV lo. k ou Sunday ainbi >bo be rd noun .a ??i a ?IrUiSit'te in her balloay ai><! then a no.x- like ? iuie body kicking the 8'>or. Mie pol h? r bead out of ihe window and called the eftlcor, ?uu i,i?rrl tl. ? pu<-. 1 and found a man Kiretobe ' ou tha 1 o ir, a?>i>arei<iiy in 1 a drunxen atapor. lie <?rriea h.iu .n to I tho alalion buu-\ wii<*ro lie W?a enierod : ou the h otter a* afl unknown drub* u | man. I he we* earrieti into a i.-ril ano I -kej up Inr ti.e lie abowHl no atgna ol ratoromg 1 eoaarlouaneoi in iin> morniiin. wbfrri??ro ? ?pi* u ? ( op. 11111 I >ent lor I'olice ? irreon I'ltnm, VU rt I aiiiined tbo inin and re<'?mtnende<! tbat h- bo I leul to Ibe bddpltal i.t one". Tb> < t.>iiiU>ia I Hirral noapltnl ambalaaca waa -1 ;i?n?.i and , caine to ibe atatmu booee, hut tbe l <abo a<? r.ompantcd the vebirta did 1 <.t feel inriinel la lak* 11.e priaonor a he ?omul to bo merely -ufl>-nii( from lirui.kenuaa*. At noon 1 .plain ?'?i?l?nd hadtbaatill Insi'iiitible man con\ey<il to llellovae, wboto he : ul on Monday e?tnin? Kiiaaan on m Rimnan. | That bo mat with loul play ?? not .loui.t#^ by nm i on") ul lliin Html i? t* Hurt cwim Imni ibo u< t thai Hiervka ?j? known lo liavo had (Jk, a alitor watch and nold chain, two I buttone and w-t 1 tblrt atud* Willi ii 'Id * tl UJ, mi.ul. were not I oil lit* |"'i??n when l.e ? ariliel at 'lie station liou-e. UnterUy evening Hey?r aaao* to tbd Ontral "I'loe and rr ?led ihe : . 1 I; ' . atrenuoo'-iy de<- .ria ? alao tbat literals ?? .? < om Willi bin n* .?taihir. w t> a roiiei man babu . ? ?a I w?? not nmlcr tbo in:lu -nee ..1 1 q loron ? un a* ? (hi Captain Copoland and lletoctive Ii nut are w r? u^ uji the eaae. A $io,i)oo Captain Ilracket', Hiectal Tr?a?uiy Ag*Mt, ?? rod forty plecaa of alilc, naaatr.n; abool a*e I. a ad yard* each, anil valued at fi I per y*rd, 1a ibe e? proai atabla ol J. A. Duolip. il W at tort! *.?*:I| atrveu Tho ailk hot bo. n luk. n out ol tl.e it $ > ?> ' cn.-ira and packed into common potato or r-itt*..* barrel*, lined with WMotiroel ri'tn. Vera ..e.ra aUo atorou lu tbo aaato pla< % an I w#ro bf . .. ??t wiib ! t'10 1 arrel" lo ibo "'Hero 1 111 of t . l,?a >.1 I Hodae. lirackett r.. euiiy r ial a na>*i?-r [ ut boita of I'onaoa '.la. oh I. lie h< 1 wue<| I from an au. t on nou>? to ibe ?4r<" ? pun ha*-r mi tin* luaiani'e the *ei<ure ol the lorty pie Jen nad oi?o traccd I nun tranaart ona ol atiotbor autinna eatai ?a ?tent whero tbia auk ??*? to bare hewn a ?,? 1 no .' auent M .il not diritlgo tbe i. une of ike portlea who arn anapeotod ol ?n< .,k. .1,^ ta.a ana, aur the ahip UpOU nlmh tbo < ?iiir?b?i. l ? ? re porio.i. T.10 burreu, lie sa>a, a?eiie.i v?.r -ire. . * ol bilge Mater, and tba tin ioat inveau, at.? ? otre be in ^ made 10 bring tbe guilty |?rlioa to jint.te, COLLISION ON I1IL 111 DmjY Tho atoitmahlp City i'otnt ?a* return ng irom IM Klahlng Ilanka witb about p*?debK#ra jroatordof afternoon whan tbo ateatno it Maivaganeeti, of the I'riiVldencn Hue, camo out Iroiu pirr N.irth is ter und atrui k her on the atarhonrd rule b .> re c<e bou.-e Kor h wltile Ibor 11 wen a <r. ?? ol the * 1 1. <t coniuxion, wbn-ii waa only aetii.'.i by tbe couinea* of tbo oiiicera. I) .in iga to tlia City I'oiut f rohably dovd not cxccod |2,WU. PREVENTION OF CRIME. OBOAN1Z iTION AND PBOOBZM OF TH.: NEW HO CItTY-WUAT IT AIliH TO ACCOMPUHH ASP Will UK IT WILL EKOIN. Tbo formation ol a Society for the Prevention of Oime, which gives indications of formidable purpose and serious practical effort, must naturally prove of Interest to nil rlgbt winded citizons o( Now York. Anything of that sort, unprejudiced by fanatical or po litical motive*, and directed by men of good standing In ttie community, will receive respect and support. The now society, o( which tbe Jtov. Or. Howard Croaby la president, seems to be regarded in tbia light. In us communications with tbe Po lice and Kxclse boards an amount of energy and perspicuity has been displayed sufficient to com mend it to tho good wUbes of all reformers. Tbo 1'rosident, who is absent in Kuropo for tho summer months, has written u lotter in which he recommend* tbe society to bis friends and the pabllo, and asks their financial support, guaranteeing that the money wtll be used in onloromg the laws. Contributions may be soul to Mr. Benjamin Latham, treasurer, of No. 8S llockmau streut; or 10 Mr. William K. Mott, chairman ol the Kxooutive Cominiu.ce, of No. 83 Irving place. what is INTKNUKO. Tho last mentioned geutienian was visited by a rep resentative ol the Hkkalu, to whom he gave a general account ol tbo sooicty's progress thus far. He said that the idea ol such an organization hiul bean commu nicated to Dr. Crosby a tew weeks ago, and lostcred by him and his ussociates until the society now num bers llliy.two mem here. None but rep roi-eutative nu-n who would t-ivo the society uctivo support hud boeu addrcssod upon the subject, und notie others were desired. They desired the support ol all good citizens, and expected to gel it; iiiiu ttiose who could Ouvuie souio ol their time to ttio labors ol tho society would bo welcome to mem bership As yot, Mr. Molt said, no formal appeal hud been made to the public, because people do not under* stand it thoroughly, uud the organisation was stii! uiiliuishud. The Kxocutlve Committee hul appointed three sub-committees ou law, tluunco und information. These will soon make their reports, and thou luoro ol the plaus may he unfolded. The society has no agouti at present, and does not propose to begin Its campaign until completely equipped. Mr. Mott said the visit ol l>r. Crosoy to Kuropo was uol at ull in connection with this Hubji-ct, but that Ins ubsuuco might in a small de groe hinder the advancement of the association. Slnco tno inception ol this other aim kindred societies had been started In lirookiyu and Jersey Ciiy, while others yot were spoken of; all of which, Mr. Molt believed, would co operate more or less in future. They were nntlcl Iiatuig, lie sa d, some commniiicatloii from tbe Board ol Kxciso Commissioners which might assist in do lining tho character o' s'jine of their future action*. The now society was not a tcinporance leauuo, though it bau in View the promotion of temperance by regula tion of tho liquor trulllc. It did not mean to go to ex. trem"S in any reform, hut to be guided by iho advice and support ol liboral minded, well uieuning business men. '1'ne reason lor tho society's slow progress was uu over diligence to secure the assistance ol only that class ol uten to the oxclusiou of "stiCKs" und fanatical relorinera. Thoy would be glad ol any assistance Iroin temprrance societies, for their ends were to u certain extent the same. Tho socioty hud already been as sured ol the co-oporation of uutne of theiu. TilK KlttST I'OIXT Olf ATTACK. Mr. Molt said tho socioty ot course attributed th? greatest share ot ovii to drink, and looked upon the indiscriminate sale ol liquors as the most irultlut source oI crime. They deplored iho condition of that trntllc hi this city, and believed unions regulated it weald lead to very sorlous demoralization. statistics trout tho I-land prisons show, bo suid, that seventeen tweuliulhs ot the poverty und misery there witnossed Came fioin liquor. The aoolety bad no Cotter iu Its service. Inn it had asked the Hoard of Kxc.lso Commis i inn i s lor lists ol licensed liquor dealers, and proposed to begin tho luhl on the weakest point of tho liue? vi/.. ugtio*t those who were selling without any licenw whatever. TIk^o are hundreds ol ausb placet in .Seer Vurk, he said. Rid tbo society would tuko up thuir cares Ural bucauro thoy were entirely duietioelese. It was in such places that the very wortt sort of liquor wan sold, and sold at ratos porbups a tittle lower than tho liceusod trade. Mr. Molt said Uiat the society wished to eniorco u strict reading of tli-i I vci.o laws, aud believed this uccoinplisbiuonf would lead to grout bonehcial results. Thore was I sintiie.ul laxity lu tlieso regulations at present, la which the society intended to dovoto Its llrsi attention. A1 to uther and tuiuro movements lor the prevention ol t rime iu ibH city the policy of tbo society would be shaped as It progrossod. He thougtit thai before July li ilte matter uould lie In sucli a lorm as to render ex pe ii nt a meeiiug of tue public, to ?? ho in tho roal ch tricwr an i object* of tho new association might bo iuadc known. MILLIONS IN IT. MKEUNO OV H1K III:IHH AND CO-ULIH3 OF III HIEPMARI) ESTATE. Tbo glitter of ktold which b'm boeu brought before the mind'a c) o ui ibo Iuitk and co-bairn ol tbe alleged (lJ,ouu,<i(iu ul ibo Miepbard oniuio, in the Hunk of hugUtid, tbo details ol which claim huvo beau fully puUli*b<'d to the likuALU, bad the effect of attracting ft large uauUir of claimants to another moating last cvatiiug. Ilie meeting, which was callod by Mr U. \V. NorthrlJgo, who bun boon empowered to Niipcrinieud tho preliminary movement.* looking to me recovery ol tbe estate wai held at So. 68 Court street, llrooklyu Tbe assembl-i^e numbered about thirty peraons, among whom wore ultio or ten females ?nd three infant* In arnia. Tbo offloo In which they ?not win* amall, and the absence ol ventilation waa audi ai to make It a cau?e of congratulation, among tbe disinterested spectators at all events, wlion the proceeding*, wblcb wore drciuodly inlormal, wore brojjilii to a cloie. Mr. Nvrthridge, who ha* bocn Investigating tbo sub j<-ct. read a p iper to tho ellecl tliut Kldrtrd, John ami Hubert .ibepberd bad Ueposlmd $12,040,000 in the lUnk of Ktigiuud lor tboir heirs und mm ol kin. Ibo three Mteph irda n.mied lud a nephew, Thomas, who. abeut -ixiv years marrlod tt Mim Uaddan, ol Welles, bommersetaliire county, Kugland. Thomas and Alice iiud t* n children wno came to the I uitad Stan'* und tbo greater number ol tin iu married. Two-thirds ol the*o ten cbililrea >??<1 i??uo, m>kln? the total number ol heir# thirty. outiL I hiriy-uiie ol the heirs are now surviving, unit these have iwcutv-oae graudrbildron. Mr. Nortn t ,i<? *ai?i the linn or Thomas siiuphard are all right. Their claim la n warly nataidlrtied. run aaaouaoameut tial the ofl.ict of bringing ft ?I i iut l? 'kini; oi l lady, wbo hailed from Comae, Long late ad, to bei leet, and aha cried aloud:? "That's my law. r! That's my latbert I amall WfbL '* 1 .? oiber brira laughed at tho eicited and vsnerabld ii i'i, '.lei ol rbumaa sbnphard, wbo thereupon sub Htei I ue ?(U.'-tmn aio*r as to the propriety of permitting tbi r? portdi ? to be precent at tho mei-tings. Consider* i*ii - ii m >?> uvvvi<>t>ed a^aiu-t the presence o( tin ni n. ?'f< 'ii tint preaa. One gentleman Said bo I vi l o liri/'iklyu and bad been called out of bod in tbe middle ol the night to undergo an Interview by a re* 1 purier. Tte <i?i.d md daino I r ??: t CWMN said: ? '*1 ,'iev ale'I none ol theia, been down to see me yet, 1 take Hutu a " Mr No'tbrtdfe -al l now heiri ware now wanted for Whli*m luce Jv?b. .Into. M iry, Susannah, Itncbel and K </?." in MepuarJ. It is uscmaary that tbey It >ui4 all !?<? f o leather belore tbeir united claims lor it,e aetst' i:??M bt -eenrely estatilMhed. He urged *.. ii eleiMioat pf leant I" write utt a? tuily a* puatiUle I -li I'M ol 111* Of b?r |M iigree a Ml to hand it iu to t. iii II - ? ??? sues ?ted tu it ? little money mould lie mIwhIh1! todard b ring a hall. t retb< r n lap, uted mate h< ir thought they should k? ,'p iii* iu i. m re to t.icni>eivaa und uo persons ?bee*4 be admutrd wbleee tbvy ciiul I, aa ho put it, "l ."lit,'jr tbrrnai lv? Hi ' i,?-iiun aii. uraed, Sub|eet to tbe call ol Mr. NertbrMfs. A DUCtiUiST S FATAL MISTAKE. Am i'? r fatal nii?'akr on the part of a dragglst no e irr- S >e?i#r!ay la Jersey t ly. The Wile el Adolpb I ad, a baker, Itnag in Moaii<:slk> aveaue, with hor in* i.(?ii, thiMi w<*fcs eM, baviug buui be?u ill lor soma tiaya past were .tkii isd by l?r Vtara, wb'i prasoribad n...rji.iae j, ?c-r? ler tbe mot bar and a powder of a ? i.ipie c.,ar?>k. r |.>r the otitid 1 lie pr??criptioni wet? co p n 1 at the drug it.iro nl C. Maaklell, In tieii. ? ?v ie?. <><i M hi i if evi-a ng it waadeemed i'.* * t tu i uai uu- the ? Hue treat a , at lb lb* ea?.i el the talant, -a I tbe aar*? ?i< aeat to t:.e drug itort tu I ta tit ?^air pail. > repeated. Not kuowinf w h taa t. .i/jr a p * ? i'i cam* lu at flrsi thi ?M>a aeys atte lael '?iu <??>% a, ? I baa Jiag tbe iu tc t ? 'ir* ,?r? t. || r in |? p ii up tbe Mine kind o' Mnilbe r i 4 bad i,? a g>?an i?e|ora. The clerk, a t* r *? i i ui a ut it, ? if* kdiiSi, prepared tli? |n,ad ? ab >;h ? i ? ? n borne and one ol Ibetu ad niaMkrrS te II * liiil* ^ateat A law minute* altar *?il *ir *??? ii ? in-*.I r i>ba? ibte tbv boose end if aOf *>f tbe pawdar* bed W*? glee* to tbs t i - *ui ?a beta* *. mwci iu tft* amrmatira be ; h*>u'**4 a te tu* Mure at* returaed ia a >* n.inatea aa emrti., wbieti was t ve*. bi ? rer, e ib-, a .rail, lira Viar* and lor I Ml were Ik'* *p' ?-di | seat or aa I had ImMediatd r?< ?i ? I" ?i at a. , pamp aad ether meaas. but , tke al??td I ajarad t* afey aatii vaatardajr aauraing, i ? ite.i it aaiMted Tbe 4rug? at rtaiats tbat tbe aiie* Ui' ii' 111114 be rkac.. i in *dh?r bunaaif orbit r ie*k. *ad i-*r* thai ?aa aasae broaaat ?oly one bos ? ii, .t ? a a a* I a* * ? *?. tb anwpb na ?..?wd. r? vad b ia<a i*i>iba< a it ?t ?? re a> awg to the ator* and ;. a* tne ? ? r ??i... , n .? ?.g t. aa pet up, u ed* j tarred ta M?i tfea* ft a?.*U>fta Um4 baaa uiada. ik.tb i but ? war* i. -r ui, y,- - , k ra?ill yaater lay. aad I it < ?t? ? i.i tt? iru.g -t te n ikaa away wtea bd j lait the bueea oft Ueftd*; eveei*^ rUC OULX1UU ^TJItTLiE. Aftgftat 1 had, ? wall k?, w aad yaaapara?raaidsat at lksUM*iiiaf,atr^t MI?m| tity, plauod a ttVSifM la htt bead. ta? woeka *d?, aftd Used a balta* tkruu^k ki? rii(%t ear M* had?red i> * day te day aad aa . i.?r ra?,?rtM?d ti.^t ba a .* ??*<? te walk aaraad, but i iiaakft aa*a*d -at N' t l.f i??a'*| Ma had baaa aa* I tusieien tftraa *+t ? frstwua ta his ^tlh.