Newspaper Page Text
THE WAR Fall Details of tie Bombardment of Rustchuk. DESTRUCTION OF THE CONSULATES. Death in the Streets and Behind the Batteries. HAS THE RUSSIAN RIGHT CROSSED? Montenegro Drives Out the Last of Iler Invaders. BEFORE ERZEROUM AND EARS. Italy Awakening to the Opportuni ties of the Future. '[BY CABLE TO THB HE BALD. "| London, Jane 27, 1877. The bombardment of Rustchuk is watched With interest, not only by the Russians at Giurgevo, but also by every Cabinet Min ister in Europe. The Czar is at Giur gevo and evidently intends to Bee with his own eyes the efficiency of the Rus sian gunners. From Rustchuk direct it is next to impossible to despatch any intelli gence owing to the excitement existing there, but the following details of the bombardment of that town by the Russian batteries at and near Giurgevo are forwarded by the Hebald's special cor respondent, who dates his messago from Schumla, Monday night:? THE BOMBARDMENT. "The bombardment of Rustchuk has caused intense excitement among the Turk ish troops at Sliumla, and they display a remarkable eagerness to meet the Russians at the bayonet's point. OMINOUS PREPARATIONS. "During Friday and Saturday the lookouts posted on the roofs of the mosques and on the ridges behind the town, over which passes the main road to Hhumla, discov ered and reported an unusual activity on ihe part of the Russians at Giurgevo and its ricinity. Trains of small wagons were ob lerved to pass frequently between the bat teries on the river bank and the town, and there were groupings of men in the works that suggested preparations of an extraor dinary character. Fears were entertained in Rustchuk that the ominous signs meant % sudden crossing of the river under cover ftf a heavy fire from the Russian batteries. THE TURKS ON THE ALERT. "In view of this the Turkish commander ordered large bodies of troops that had been previously encamped behind the southern defences of the town to move out toward Maratin and along the Sistova road, in order to cover the railroad line and to guard Bgainst a flank attack on the westwurd. Supplies of artillery ammunition from the not over large magazines behind Rustchuk were sent to the batteries along the river front and to the field works recently erected eovering the railroad. As far as possible every precaution was taken to guard against I surprise. AKxroos nouns. ?'During Saturday evening and niglit a profound silence reigned over tho scene. The great muddy Danube rolled sullenly on between the belligerents, and scarcely reflected a light on either shore. .Groups of citizens and soldiers gathered in the streets and, in scarcely audible tones, discussed the probablo battlo of the morrow. Many ?f the more timid inhabitants fled during ihe day to the high ground behind the city, I but as night approached they began to itraggle back to their deserted homes, hoping that the hour of danger would pass in the darkness of the night. OPEMIXO 11KB. "The sun had scarcely risen on Sunday j morning ere the anxious watchers at Bust* j chuk discerned through the river mists horse- j men riding furiously back and forth from j Oiurgevo. As these horsemen were evi- j dently carrying messages between the bat teries and the town the suspense, among the people in Rustchuk becamo painful, for the belief was general that tho day would witness gome important event of tho war. Suddenly from one of tho Russian batteries a flash was seen in the eentro of a globe of grayish white smoke, ind a shell sped screaming over Bustchuk to explode on the slope of the hill crowned by Fort Hanamdji. It was the signal for tho bombardment. Immediately after it teemed as if every Russian gun was tired limultanoously, for the earth fairly trem bled with the roar of the artillery and the ?hells flew over tho doomed city with an awful and indescribable sound. XUK TURKS REPLY. "Although tho Roumanian shore, above, below and in front of Giurgcvo was Entirely obscured by the smoke from the Russian guns the Turkish batteries promptly opened ' an answering fire, and soon nothing could be seen on the river bonks bnt dense roll* ing volumes of smoke, through which, a! most every two seconds, flashes would dart like lightning through storm clouds. Boom, boom, went the Turkish guus, with an un interrupted regularity, although the Rus sian shells were falling in and around the works with a fatal precision. AT SHORT BANOE. "This extraordinary artillery duel was maintained at a range of not more than three thousand yards. The guns on both sides being heavy pieces the fire was direct and the trajectory of the missiles very fiat. Consequently every object hit in Rustchuk was rent and torn by penetration or demol ished by the explosion that followed. The effects of the Turkish fire could only be observed at intervals, when the smoke would clear a little ; but it is evident that considerable damage was inflictcd on the Russian batteries. 4 CITY BOUBABDED. "The terribly effective character of the Russian fire can scarcely be described. The gunners seem to have directed every shot at Rustohuk, without regard to the buildings liable to be injured. Shell after shell came crashing through the roots of the houses and burying themselves in the floors, where they exploded, demolishing the walls. The mosques seemed to be se lected as particular targets at times, lor two, three and often more shells would lall on and around them, tearing pinnacle and dome with fearful effect. EVEN THE HOSPITALS. "Not even the hospitals were spared by this awful rain of sliellc. Several of these buildings happened to be quite exposed, and, although surmounted by ilags indicat ing their character, they were involved in the storm and their inmates in many cases were killed in their beds. This has caused the utmost indignation among the Turks, and the authorities have requested the foreign consuls to testify to the occurrence, so that the Porte may make a formal pro test against what it deems to be uncivilized warfare. THE CONSULATES UNSPAKED. "Although the dags of England and other European Powers were displayed over their respective consulates, the Russian fire did not spare these buildings. The guns were aimed at Rustchuk and everything animate and inanimate within its limits. , Shells have no neutrality and do not discriminate between consulates, mosques and hospitals. KILLED IN THE BTBEETS. "Tho unfortunate inhabitants of Rust chuk suffered terribly during the bombard ment. Hid away in deep recesses or shel tered behind thick walls, the Russian shells found and destroyed them. As they darted through the streets toward places of greater security their bodies were scattered in frag ments by the explosion of these terrible missiles. Women flying from their burning or ruined homes were killed as they ran. Little children, clasped in the arms of their terrified parents, were struck dead by the fatal fragments. 1 he scene was one of un qualified horror throughout. DURING MONDAY. "The Russian fire continued during Mon day, and with still more terrible effect. Such of the people as could muster up courage to fly from their nooks of shelter have hurried away to the interior. The ruin of the town is almost complete, but the fortifications are practically intact and not much damaged." A FOTILE DEVICE. It is asserted at Constantinople that the English Consul at Rustchuk, who also acts for the United States, unavailingly endeav ored to avert the Russian fire by hoisting tho American flag. The consulates of France, Italy, Greece, Germany and Belgium have also been in jured by the Russian fire. fURTHEB DETAILS OF THE ACTION. The Ddily Xetc3 has the following from Rvistcbuk Monday:?"The entire pop ulation are flying into the neigh boring villuges. The Governor Gen eral of tho Provinco has declared that he holds the authorities reponsiblo for the lives of the tugitives, who are mostly Christians. Twelve shells have fallen upon the military hospitals, five upon the civil hospital and two npon the Orphun Asylum. The patients wore seized with a panic and have left their beds. HOW OIUBO&VO SLFvI.EtlJ. "The Turks in return partly destroyed Giurgevo. Seven hundred shells fell there yesterday and 800 to-day. One Russian battery has been dismounted. Tho Rus sians apparently meditate a serious attempt to capture the island of Pyrgos. ALJ. RESERVES COMING FORWARD. On the shore behind Pyrgos three Russian batterks are encamped, with two field battalions and large masses of cavalry. Ever since Wednesday last dense columns of troops belonging to the new Russian army corps from Kischeneflf have been passing through Jassy. Neat week tho St. Petersburg Guards are ex pected by the same route. Two complete urmy corps, the Fourteenth and JCiuvcuth, ure already in the Dobrudecha." A MOVKMEMl OF TDK I.CSSIAX ltfOIIT. It is reported from Bueliau'st tliat the R U S T C11U Iv BOMB A R D E D. 'giUrge. LOW LANDS TO THE DANUBE 1 uUSTSCHUK ^HAtY,lr>y?3 wm wig tali# Ms ! K?23S LUAOSCMlfLI TABIA 600 fftoo YARDS. Cossacks crossed the Danubo 011 Monday from Kalarasch, and, finding llaliova ovacu ated, occupied the town. They advanced on the place slowly, fearing a surprise. In the rear of the town they found several de serted camps, which they burned. This important report requires confirmation, as it indicates an advance by the right wing of the Russian army. MONTENEORO FREE ONCE MORE. The Vienna correspondent of the Herald telegraphs that it is reported in the Austrian capital that the Montenegrins have forced Suleiman Pacha and Ali Saib to retire into Albania, thus freeing the soil of Montenegro from every Turk. m the DOBiuTDscru. Tlio total number of the Russians already in the northern part of the Dobrudscha, ac cording to the Herald's Vienna correspon dent, is 30,(MX), and these are steadily ad vancing to effect a junction with the forces which will cross further up the river. Hirsova lias been evacuated by the Tuilcs, and the Russians occupicd it on Monday. BEFORE ERZEROUM. From Asia Minor the news is rather meagre. The Herald's representative at Erzeroum telegraphs that the Russian advance guard has reached Khorassan. The Turks are very reticent about the details of the fighting at Delibaba. At Erzeroum, a great victory is talked about, as a matter of course, but every attempt to gather facts meets with non-success. It has been ascer tained by the Herald'h correspondSnt that the fighting on Thursday last continued for thirteen hours, at tho end of which time each army retained its position. That the fighting continued on the '2"2d and 23d there is every reason to believe. NO HOPE FOR KABS. Kara is still closely invested. Thcro is a sufficiently large army before that city to prevent any reinforcements from entering it. The Russians have never for a single day abandoned the aggres sive, and however grout tho re ported Turkish victories as doled out through official sources the ultimate result is that the Turkish army of defence is found to have been driven further and further back, and that the Russians, with resolute persistency, arc closing in on this doomed city of Erzeroum. ITALY NOT ASLEEP. Italy is making active preparations for a crisis in European affairs. Large purchases of horses for cavalry and artillery use are ! being made, according to tho Herald's Vienna correspondent, by the Italian gov ernment. Other preparations on an exten sive scale are being carried on. All the am bassadors have returned to Rome. Al'SStA AND TUB OT8CR POWKK8. A St Petersburg despatch to the Bustilua Tele graphic Agency, contradicting recent pessimist | reports as to the relations of Russia with the other ' rowers, guys:?"It mutt be admitted that Russia ' before resolving upon war received neces j sary assurances from tbc Cabinets interested, uod as Russia will loyally keep her promises there can be no doubt that tbe Powers will miftl theirs. The peace of Europe, therefore, appears perfectly assured, and the results of the war, fur irom im perilling, can only consolidate it." MOKE TIUH'Ul.K AT CONSTANTINOPLE. ' In Constantinople thu limitation aguinst Kedlf ! ruclm, Minister ol War, and all t&e military author 5 Itles, is on the merease. The success In Monte I negro. so far from calming this excitement, has I rutlier Increased it. It being deemed downright | jui)\?almost treason?that In order to pain HiKccsses at a comparatively trilling point | the important theatre oi warm Asu should have been ho wofuHv neglocted. The nonilimtlon <>| Dervish I'uclia to a command in Asia has contnh uteil to this, lor alter the signal incapacity shown by the latter hi Bosnia it ml Albania, ills appoint meat is looked upon only as a Job. BLOWING IT THE SUEZ ('ANAI. A special despatch from Alexandria, F.gypt, pub lished in the second edition of the .Xtirx, says:? "The report recently published of the conspiracy to blow up ttio Suez Canal whs based on authentic lutormation, but the Khedive Is t.tking etfectlve measures to prevent such an attempt being mnde on land, while a sea police is being organized under the command or two Kngllsh ofllcers. IT WII.l. NOT IIK ASK Ml. The Standard publishes u paragraph In ofllclal form statin# that despite assertions to the con trary the government see no necessity as yet for asking the House to grant a supplementary vote. The assertion that it had bceu decided to adjouru and not prorogue Parliament In August Is equally speculative. * UOHTSCIIAKOFF AT UCCHAHEST. Prince (iortschakoii has arrived in Racharest, accompanied by the stiff of the Russian Chan cellery. THE W'ELDON FAMILY SLAUGHTER. DEVELOPMENTS OF THE CORONEJt's INQUEST. [BY TELEQBAPH TO THE It KHALI). 1 Laxcastiii, Ohio, Juno 20, 1S77. Tho Coroner's Inquest on iho bodies of the Woldon family, murdered by William C. Terrill, near the nam Ict of Gore, lost Friday evening, to-day disclosed tno fact that iho body of ? lie young girl, Nancy Hito, had been foully outraged before ncr murder Ti.oro aro still fours of lynching rife, aud the prisoners will bu brought bacK to this city mis ovenlng lor sale keeping. A JiASEBALL MURDER. [llT TELEGRAPH TO THE HEIIALD. 1 Erik, Pa., Juno 2ti, 1S77. At I.ockport, n few miles from Kris, to-day, Ham Guy and Fred HaUtoud, two bisebah players, ijuur relled. Hnlstoud struck Guy tin the bead with a ball bat, Iracturiug his skull and causing Ills (loath, Hal stead bus bceu arretted aud placed lu jail. ARREST8 FOR MURDER. Baltimore, Md., Juno 26, 1877. James Gardner aud J. W. Grove wore arretted on Friday lust at Sandy Htiok, Md., on suspicion of being tho murdorers of Hcv. J. M. Friday, late puator of tbo Lutheran Church at Harper's Ferry, W. Va, whose dead body w.ib found In the canal near that place on Juno 1. At the tmio the Coroner's Jury rendered a ver dict ot accidcntal drown.ns, but luriber developments nod examination ol iliu bodv led to the impression that Mr. Frlduy was knocked down and Ills body throwu into the canal. Gardner and Grove are In |ail at Hn goratown, and an investigation will take place 10 nior rnw before a Justtoe, It is suited ib it tlaruuer baa con. fessed to having witnessed tbo murder. HORSE THIEVES IN JAIL. A Hit EST OK MKMBKLg OP A DEiiPLUATE (1ANO. |I1* TELEU1UPU TO THE IIBIIALD. 1 Lawrknck. Ivan., Juno 2(1, lh77. A few days ago tbo Hkkai.d correspondent tele graphed the fict that a well organized uml powerful baud ot borso thieves and counterfeiter.) worn carr> Ing on operations throughout various localities in the Western States. It was supposed, sumo time ago, from what Inloruiatlon could b.i obtained oy dolcctlvcs, that lillly .Scott, a member of iho gang, waa some. where in the neighborhood of I.awrencu, liom which point tt was thought he directed all the movement, of the gang. 1 be detectives have been tocrelly ul work in this totality lor a week past, but hilled lo niako any arrests until Saturday uigut, the 2Ud tnsi., when n man auswerlng Scott's description und lour others were arrested while anting In a larm bousp three miles west ol Lawrence,|itnd owned by a man named i'olo Harri son, who. it is thought, is a member ot tbo orgaulza* tlon, out u?ed the cloak of u farmer's avocatio.i lo better Ills plans of operation as a counti-rlmt- r mid borne thief. Scott and the others denied oeing tbo persons answering to the names given by tho detec tives, or ovor having bein connected with any guug of horse thieves lu the West. Stveiai Iclteia, nowtver, ware found in Scoit's po i?e??iou which proved that be wis the leader, and had lor mouths f;ut txeu diret ting the entire uiovoiuonts of tbo luale.n oigan Isatloo. ARRESTED FOR FORGERY. Kusajiktii, N. J., June 21 William Drown Las bean arrested boio lor forging the name of Mr. William K. Seeiey, cashier of the First National Bank ol Bridgeport, Conn., to a check for 91,460 oo tho Importms and Traders' Bank of New York. Tbo chock was placed in a lluhway Hunk on dsnoslt, nod on Inquiry at Bridgeport wus pronounced genuine t*nb->eiju< ul presentation of the original chock tbero proved It to be a forgery. Brown has been committed. HIGHWAY ROilBKRY. Hat Ckkkk, Wy. T., Juno 28, 1S77. I.ast Bight tbe couch from Llaadwood was slop|>cd by two "road agents" near Cheyenne Hlvcr. Ttia Ove passengers were robbed of about II,.r>00 In uioney, watches, Ac. OeorgeCrystal, a "iroighier," lost #7'K> In cash und a valuablo gold watch. 1 lie treasure mix w is riveted lo tbil iron work of tho coach, and ?Iter working at It for over hull au hour the robbers tell without succeeding in opening or removing It. THE 11A YT IAN MISSION. Wahiiimitum, Juno 20, 1 bT7. President Hayes has tendered to John M. Lang'ton the ilaytlau mistloa. * MEXICO. I RETORTED INDIFFERENCE OF PRESIDENT DIAZ TO TUB LEBDU MOVEMENT. HiViii, June *.'0, 1877. Tli* steamor City of Havana arrived here from Vert Cm* llit* morning and brings tho following intelli gence:? Cit* o? Mexico. Jane IT, 1877. General Diaz la reported to be ill, but oot danger ously. Generals Vallojo and Johu B. Frisbie have ar med Irorn Cilltorma It la tupposod they are en gaged in an extensive railway scheme In Mexico. General Diaz urtects unconcern regarding I.erdo'a return. He says I.rrco will not bo molested. Airairs ure reported to bo very unsettled owing to dirunion among D'ax's follower* and the activity of Lerdo'a party, bat at present quiet apparently pre vails. i'UE PURPOSE OF TUB ADMINISTRATION TO | SEIZE THE SOUTHERN STATES DENIED. Sax Francisco, Cat, .Into 20, 1877. In refercneo to tho report an to a scheme by tho ad- j nunistratiou lor soizing the northern Slates ol Mexico. , 1-x-Senator William Stewart, who waa mentioned a* i having had an interview with Secretary Kv.irts ou tho ' subject, gave so (ar as ho is concerned a positive denial j to the whole story to-di.y to u I'oit reporter. lie said he had not seen Mr. Kvaits or any one else for tbe purpose alleged, and knew nothing whatever of any Internum on the part ol tho government to acquire by seizure or purchase uny portion of Mexican territory. ELECTION IN SONORa?A RAILWAY SUBVEN TION? APAt'HB KA1 DM. San Khan cisco, June '20, lt*77. A press despatch Iroiu San Diego gives the latest news I row Guayninas to tho lOih Inst, Tho election for Governor ot Sonora is slut uudcclded, but it is thought that Mariscil Is eloctcd. New* from the City ol Mexico Is lavorublo to a money subvention of the Souora and Arizona Kailwuy. No lands are u*Kod. l'liu present applicants, who uro Itos tou parties, are s.ild to bo ready to contract to build the roa.l from Guayania* lo lloriuoslllo imuiedlatoly. 1,10 c<, government approves tho concession which Is asked lor by residents ol Sonora. Apache raids are reported in Sonora. RAILROAD FliKIGHTS. A MEETING OF AGENTS TO BE HELD IN BOSTON. [BT TELiOIlAPH TO THE HERALD.] Boston, June 20, 1877. Tho general freight agents ol tho Western railroads, over u hundred in number, aro to hold an important business meeting in ihis city to-morrow. To-day, by nit nation ot the Uoosac. Tunnel line management, they made an excursion to Troy and return. On their way back there was a spontaneous demonstration In their honor at Kijchburg, where a speech.of welcome was tnudo by Mayor Remain and siiimblo rosohiti.ius were prepared and presented in respoiiBo. On Thurs day the visitors will bo treated lo a harbor excursion | ty the liostou uu<l Albany Kullroud Company. TIJE IDAHO INDIAM TROUBLES. COLONEL PERRY JOINS GENERAL HOWABD? LOOKING Full CHIEF JOSEPH. .San Francisco, Cal., Juno JO, H?77. A press despatch from Portland says:?"the lollow 'nK bus just been received from a special correspond ent at Fort Lapwal, dated June 24, via Walla Walla":? A courier has Just como through from Gouoral How ard, Colonel 1 erry, with his cominuud,?has Joined tho General at Norton's Stutlon, I,itile Cottonwood, about 1 elxty miles irotu here. Tlio troops hero will start to Jotn him to-morrow. General Howard inteniis to move to-uiorrow ou Chief Joseph, who Is reported to bo be I tween tho l.ittlo Salmon and Snuko rivers at llorso slioe Hond, about twouty-Ave miles south of Mount Idaho. HIE SHIP LABORERS' STRIKE. Montrkal. Juno 20, 1877. Tho ship laborers' strike has come to an Ignominious termination, the men having thotnselvos begged to be tukon back at the rodueeU rates. The ruiuost was accedod to and they returned to their work. A CRIPPLED INSURANCE COMPANY. Moxtkkai., Juno 20, 1S77. A meeting of tbe chairmen of the local boards of the Sludaconda Insurance Company is called lor Thursday next, to decide whether, under tho severe losses sustuiued by iho St. John, N. ft, lire, It is ud visuble to continue bu-duesi or go into liquidation Tbe loss of tho compauy is osttuuted at io.ooO. A MISSING MAN'S BODY FOUND. Montrkal, June 20, 1877. Tbe boJy of the late Mr. Gllinour, an exteosivo lum ber merchant, who mysteriously dlsappoared In Feb ruary last, was found lloatlng in the river opposite tho city to-day. FATAL BOlLEll EXPLOSION. Boston, Mass., Juno 20, 1877. The tug Herbert, belonging to Staples Ac Phillips, of Tuuntou, blow up at ten o'clock this morning, whllo coaling at Wolr Village, noar Taunton. All the upper works wore carried away and hut little was left savo the hull. \Vtillani Farrell, the ongiueer, und William Paull, dock haud, wore killed. Tno machiuerv ol tne tug was comparatively new, and tbo caviso ol'the ex plosion is uukiiowo. ELECTION IN SOUTH CAROLINA. vflARLVSTON, June 20, 1877. A special clcctlon for seventeen momhers of tbe Legislature to represent Charleston county occurred to-day, and was tho (juietost since tho war. Tho democratic ticket, containing tbo names of four teen white and three colorod citizens, was elected witboiU serious opposition, the republicans having | decided yosterdoy not to ruu any tlckot. KILLED BY LIGHTNING. lUurix, N. 3., Juuo 20, 1877. A houso In Trlnuy, Newfoundland, was struck by lightning. William <iuy was instuntly killed una bin wtlo rendered Insensible. MILLS CONSUMED. Kuinu, N. Y., June 20. 1877. Woyor's gristmill and Kv.iab' woollen mills und dwelling, rioar (tils city, wero burned to-day. Lost, $12,000; luiurunce, $2,(100. DROWNED. San Ksa* CISCO, June 20, ls>77. A v ictoria proas despatch suys Hubert Williams, 1 elite! (actor of tlio tludsou Day Company, who wan ou a tourol Inspection of tin; company'? posts on the north west toast, was drowned wliilo crossing (jui-en ('bur lotte'nflouod. In tt ennoo wiib Ova lndiuus, ono of wboin was saved. FAST TRAINS WITHDRAWN. PniLADKt.ritii, June 26, 1877. The fast trains ou tbo 1'ennsylvwnla will bo wltbdrawu on Monday noM, whoa tbu sebedulo ot Miy 1> Will bo couilnued. THREE BOYS DROWNED. I'll11.aiiki.rma, Juno 2'l, 1S77. A sad accident attended the excursion ul (bo Uer mau Reformed Church to Willow Oroci' to-d.iy. Two ! brother?, liurry und Jobu bpitiul, aged respectively j twelve and sixteen your*, aud Mun.uul W .itsuo, "f Camden, S. J., were drowned in a mill pond near the grovu win!'! bathing. CONFERENCE OF PRISON OFFICIALS. Haratoui, N. V., June 2#, 1S77. I he t'onterencs of Prison onictals bad two Ionsen ?Ions to-lay Superintendent 1'ilfbury and the ward ens, ehup.aius nnd pbyxielans Irom each of tho itireo State prison* wero present; ?lio (bo Miperlntendent of the lmune Asylum lor < riiniMlH und Juntos II. Titus, .Sinclair Tou* y, Dr. li irns, Mr. Duudalu aud Mr. Ullman, of tlio Prison Association. A lull agree ment was bi>d as to pi ins lor pris'io munaceinoni, aud satisfaction was expressed by the representatives of (he 1'nson Association at tbu impiovcmeuts luaue uuder the now inaonKcment. | DROWNED IN ONE FOOT OF WATER. ? ? Uioi>L>:ro?a, N. V., Juno 24, 1877, Mlnturo Roe, a gardener, agod forty-sevon fears, in a flt of apoplexy thia afternoon fell in a pond contain* inu ono loot of wutqr aud was drowned. ONLY CUNSURER I A coroner's Jury eonsarrd (ho proprietors of the ' perfumery iiianulactory at No, 12 Piutt street for cm ploying so young a lad a* William Davidnon to pump (spirits In the basement with an o\po?od light Young I Davidson died Irom injuries causea by an o\plo*ton on th<-4tl> lust., which occurred while be was thus en ga^ed. MUSICAL AND DBAMATIC NOrra. Miss Fanny D.ivunpori will soon call for Europe to mako a professional tour in England. Sue will return la August and will make a starring lour of tt?o United State*. Mr. E. a. Onoge, tbo Treasurer ot lb* Co ion Square Theatre, will receive a benefit this evening. Ha 1* una of the oldest member* of the profession, having been conceded with the box office department lor twenty* five years. The but is a brilliant one, Including threw comedies, all dealing with matrimonial subject*, and introducing fifty of lb* most prominent actors of our slugo, among whom are Hiss Kate Claxtou, Au gusta Dargon, May Nunez, John T. Raymond, Jaioo* Lowis, C. A. Sieptiea&un, James W. Collier and Mr. Charles It. Thorue, who will read "Sheridan'* Ride." CARVING KNIFE VERSUS PISTOL. Frederick Richards lives at No. 328 Hudson avenue, Brooklyn Allrcd Otter, who suspected Richards ol nav tng loo trieudly relations with his (Otter's) wlte, caine to No. 3*28 late last night with a largo knife In nla hand, ana vowing wugoanca. Richards, believing thut be was about to be curved, drew a pistol and shot Oner lu the sld*. Striking a rib, ibe ballot glanoed oil, indicting merely a slight lleah wound. Otter wai taken to the hospital, and Richards to the police at* tlon. UNFORTUNATE GODARD. Dr. Eugene Godard, a practising physician of Third avenue and 135ib streot, Morrisanla, is on term* of in* timucy with Dr. Joseph IL White, of llaxlem, and ott May 3 bo railed upon the latter. Alter be left Mrs, White missed a shawl valued at $60. She did not ilka to suspect Dr. Godard, and placed tbe matter In tba bauds ol Detective Clark. To bim Dr. Godard oon fe?t-o'J the then, staling that bo was driven to the act by waul, lie i'uvo the address ol tno pawnbroker with whom bo pledged ilio shawl, and youierduy he waa commuted by Justico lllxby In the Harlem Police Court. PROTECTING A FLEET AT NIGHT# [From tbo London Times' Naval Intelligence.] We have already alluded to tbo Importance ol light as a means of preventing the approach of torpedo trait toward a snip in tho night, and described an adaptation of what I* known as tbo Holraos dlstresa signal, in tho (orm ol a shot, for illuminating pur* pose*. Tbo sub)cct seems already to have attracted tho utlention ot numorous Inventors. One of tbe most simple and ingonluus contrivances for tho purpose of luvosting a lloet with a zone of light through which no undmy could puss without balng observed ban been devised by M. Kordinand Silas, of Vienna, wnose ex periments with lifebuoys at Portsmouth buve boeu re portod lu ibeso columns. M. Silas' Inextinguishable lighting shell Is similar to a common shell, can bo made to ill any gun, anil can, accordingly, be pro jected to uny distance. Tho projectile consists of ilino purls, one within the other. Witnin tbs shell proper is a lining of wet apouge, and wit 111 ii this Is a glass home which fills tbo whole cav ity, the bottom oi tbe shell unscrewing to admit of lis entrance. This bottle Is lilted r,'1th various charges ol pho.4pbldo, none ot which, however, Is to ho loss thuu ten pounds. A small channel is borod tnrough tho sharp point ol tho shell in order to allow tbe air to mix treely with the wet sponge and thero are a coupio of apertures lu the which are plugged with wuoden stoppers covered with leather. Through tbo movable bottom ol the shoe) u steel striker is inserted which ia titled with !l spring and communicates with the glass bottlo within. When the light shell Is llred this is what happens:?'The spring siriicer Is driven forward by tho explosion liko a gas check and so breaks tho bottle; the wulor contained in tne jacket of sponges thuu penetrates through the broken gluss and saturate* tho phosphide; phosphurotto-Jhydrogen ia immediately generuted In largo quantities by the pressure of which the stoppers aro forced out and two streams of Illuminating matter aro pourod upon tbo sea. Tho light burus wltu great brilliancy for a considerable lima aud is pertectly lucxilugutsbable. FIGHT BETWEEN SPINSTERS. |From tho Walorlown (Ala.) Democrat]. It wa? a hsnd-to-haud ougagotueut between Annlo Owens aud Sarah Jones, who could net, ovou under tho subduing Intiucuco of a soul-inspiring sermon, control their passious. The Ugbi occurred ou tba 20th ulL, during divine services in a church In lxouiu. The girl* entered Ibo church and unacoountubly both occupied the saino seat. While the rest of the emigre nation wero attentive listeners lo the sermon, Sarau Jones aroi-e Iroin her scut iuid raised a window near by lo gel a little fresh air. This uid not sun Miss Annie, who w is tested by her side, and she instantly got up IcuneU over her ouoiuy and spileiully pullod the win dow down, i his slight ludlguity led to u lew optlhuls, uud the window was again raised and us quickly pulled down. Then Saruh struck Aauie with a bnok over tho lett eye, und the ongugeiucnl tbroutenod to he ilorca and determined for u nine, but u few wouiou stopped It. A le r tbe services euro was taken aot to permit tho belligerent* to gel at it outside. They had ilio satisfaction though, ot shukiug their flsis at ?<tcb other. HOTEL ARRIVALS. ; John A. Kassou, of Iowa, is at tbe Brunswick. Pro. ! fossor Samuel I'orter, of Washington, and Sidney La nier, ol Georgia, are at the Westminster. I'ayrouster Henry l'rime, I'm Led State* Army, and Lieuienaut ' Commander Francis W. Kick ins, Uultod States Navy, are al Ibo Hodman. John Nowell, genorul manager ot ! the Lake Shore uud Michigan Soulheru Railway, and ex-Congressmau Josiah G. Abbott, of Roston, are al the Clarendon. Wlllard Johnson, of Fulton, N. Y? Is at the Metropolitan. R. R Brldgers, President of the Atlantic Coast Railway line, Is at tbe St. Nicholas. 4?aptain J. Danosl, of Italy, aud Georgo Hignoid are at tbe Eve roll. Bishop J. W. Wiley, or Cincinnati, Is at tho St. Denis. General Wulpole, of tbo British army. Is at tho Uucklnghum. MAILS FOR EUROPE. Th? steamship Algeria will leave this port oa Wednesday lor QuQcnstown and Liverpool. The malls for Europo will closo at the Post OJQoo at one o'clock 1'. M. Tiie N'kw York Huiau>? Edition lor Earopo?win be ready at hull-past el^ht o'clock in the morning. Singlo ooples, In wrappers lor inalllog, sis centsi FOR TRK TOILET AND THE 1UTH USE SCL. rut it It parlAea und beamine*. A |3 HAT,~$Tiori*EAKL~CASMMER?S AND Straw llal*. ?> i. I - ?l?? jiilci t. I ft >cw I liurch It, up nalra. K. A. NEWCLL'S MEN'S KUNN WRING GOODS.? Khlit* anil Collar*, white iluck Vent1!, I ndmahlrta, Pra'vera, Hull llo?e. Mock Uwr, Ac., in all uriulmt, at attractive price*. 7'J7 Broadway, cumer Wuv.rley place. FLAGS UK API. NATIONS. A lull Sri of I lai;? or All Natioks, .K3 In number, sIm by :,l'? I'KICK ft PEE SET. Sor.d adilrew to metropolitan J .JR OKPIOR. 3H Aim at.. New Yurie. FACTS FOB THOSE WHO HAVE KEEN DOSKQ, drugged and quacked. 11 <*l p lor weak and nervout miller eti Chronic ? 11 - > ? i??o ? effectnnlly c u roil. Pamphlet tree. 1'lLV QALVaMO Co . JU Broadway. N. f. have yolk jou printing done at the METROPOLITAN JoH~~PBINTINU OP NICE, !W Ann it. SODA WATER TpIUIUTUE "for MAKING ALU nvrtisd bevur*k??. JOHN M t rrilKWrt. lit av. and'Jfltb it, city. THE EKRALD OFFERS FOR SALE TWO SIM.I.E BCLLOCK KEKKECTlNii PUES3EE, capable ol printing U;Oi copina per hnur.< of an eight page paper, either tlx, (even or eight ointnaa. ALSO ALL TIIE KTKItKO'fYKK HACU1NEKY BB? LONtllNO TIIKKETO. I'KICK, flo.tma. Addren J. O BENMErr, Niw York nernl<l TRt'SSES, BANDAGES, AC.?"??EELEV'.S HARD lUiiaKit I'lit'siKH," light, fool,cleanly; uat'4 In battling; alway* reliable. Katabtlnh.meut, iih'J Broadway. oppumta Uraud Central Hotel. Correct adjustment a -(>? dally. .\KW PI IlliK ATIO^N. Bit 11 i III 'it. III All: TliS, IlKOPHlf, rAitAl.VblM, itfen, cotutlpatlou. pllei dlarrinea, travel, stuue, rheumatism. gout, catarrh, bronobltlt, Incontinence, pro* lup-iia, di*e,i???? of the liver, pr >?lale k'lanl.aklu mul blood. Bwiviiu* deMtltC. lire m ?t?r" print rail ill, Ac. wlii'h lii?i rcalated all uther treatment. are rurod t?jr the As.tllKh Mineral spring Water and Or. II I.A I'll Treatlne, I mi p.i:e?, jjratln. Hopol and otteea, 'i'HI Broadway, New York. |>LAUit dlr Al.L NATION* F A lull Set of Kl.igt ol Ail Natlooa, 3M In nnmber, alee U)4 by n??t. PRICK M PEE rtKT. Send a.liirti?. t? NETKijPOt.lT *N JOB OFFICE. 'Jh Ann at.. New Yum. 1^1. \StDE I.I l<K A It Y. UK si tNDAKD NOV ELM WITHIN TUB EEACII OK KVKIlV oNK. Buokt unually Sold Irani *1 to # l :lvon, uneliaoireti and un> ahrid^rd, tor In and JU tenia. Nd. ? Pile* I EAST LYNNS, by Mrt. Ilrnry Wood. (Double S umber. > Via ?i JOHN II tl.ll vx (IK.lTLiNAN, by Ml.a Unlock. (Double Nnmber.). ..'JUa 3.JAXK EYHE, by Ciiitrl'jtti) Bronte. (Duubie Nnm I ber I jna I A WON 11A I V*. It, t'Uarlea Header New Novel (Drunlf Ntiinbut.) J1 >o 3. llli.M K IMHI S, Jules Yome'a Last New Book. I iSln^lu Number.I lUfc , tk LAM DAYS 'IK I'OMPKll, by Kulwer Uytton iSingle ... life 1 7. aoaM BKDh, hy Oeor^e Kllot. (Douhie Nninberi Jile. I H llll. A III' > DEL Mono, liv Mar) Ceull iiay. Sin | fie Number) ... iiie. For aale by a<l bookat'liera and new.dealart, or tent post age prepaid, on recoipt ol price, b? UkOitilE NL'SkiX I PublLber, >H Jieettuaa it., er Ml, J'J, Ui Vaa4awatftsM 1 Mew Vorlh