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THE COLLEGES. Exercises and Pleasures of Commencement Week. CLASS DAY AND MEMORIAL SERVICES. Alumni, Enjoying Reminiscences of Student Life. A GALA DAY AT VASSAR. COLLEGE OF THE CITY OF NEW YOliK. FB12E SVKAKISO AT BOOTH'S THEATRE BY TBS SUCCESSFUL CONTESTANTS FOB COLLEGIATE HONORS. The aunual prlxa speaking ot tlie students of the Collide of the City of Now York took place last uight at Booth's Theatre. Alter the overturn prayer was ollereJ by Dr. Kortell. TUo reading ot the Biggs prize essays followed. The succcsslul contestants l<-r these prizes were Lewis S. Burcbard, ol tlie senior class, and Eugene Fisbcl, of tho junior class. Mr. Burchard real bin essay ou "I'lio Cholco ol a Profession Alter tiraduation." It was lull ol ilrong ideas expressed lu graceful English. He argued that every young man on starting out in life should devote himself to some ono proiossiou. aud that tho one lor which he toll bimsell tho most lilted. The best professions were those which aimed to leavo mankind belter than they fouud it, such as theology, lenchiug, law and journalism. Six young rneu chosen Irom tho sonior, junior and sophomore classes next contested for tho prize lor prose doclumatlnus oflered by Commissioner Wood. As judge* ol tlie contest Mr. Wood selvvied Messrs. lticharu o'Goimau, General Foster and Genoral Thomas 1). Johns. J. Si. McWlll lain, ol tho sophomore class, was the tlrsl speaker. Ue ciiose the balllo piece, "How Saratoga Was Won,"' Dy Charles Sheppard. His voice, gestures and manner were excellent. Ernest l'crrin, ol thu sophomoro diss, loltowed with the spoecli of Hoberl Emmet ou icing condemned lor high treason. His articulation ras accurate aud his gestures graceful, bul his ras tiaidly so loud us thai ot his predecessor. Thomas V. Double, ol tho junior clusx, recited a ;ioce by Thomas Corwin upou "I'njust Nauoual Acquisitions." His manner was more salm ibau thu others, but tho stylo of the speech did not admit of mucn display ol passion. Authony T. Horn, ot too junior class, ?poko H on,mil 1'Ulllips' oranon, '-Toussutif 1'ouverture." Ills voice was excellent, but his manner was slightly labored, mo he emphasize! loo muuy words in eucn sentence. Ue was interrupted several tunes by the ..puiauso ol the audleuce. David M. Hunter, ol' the senior cluts, Iclivcred an extract from Daniol Webstor's speech on .he President's protest. Ho proved bimsell to bo in incipient orator of tho lirst order. Ber nard Lotli, ol lliu senior class, delivered Wendell Phillips' oration on "Tho Last Great Protect." tils manner aud gestures were very good, hut in tlie parts requiring greater emphasis I us voice wag hardly voluminous enough. This closed tlie contest lor tlie prose declamations. Thu r<'su>l will bu iiiuounccd by the judges una the medal awarded ul the exhibition next Thursday night. A similar contest was neUjAutcred luto lor the prizo lor poetry declamations, oir^eii by G. H. Lockwood. 1'nero was ouly one contestant iroui each ol llio three clmses. Theodore C. Ivos, of tho sophomore class, recited Lougfellow's ''King Robert ol Slcuy," a very (iillicult piece, out one to wuich tho young luan did full justice, lie wus lollowed by Alexander Uerusteih, who tecited "The Black Regiment," by George H. bokor. His voice wus loo weak and pitched on loo high a key, so thai it was not uu easy matter to follow the speaker. CharlosC. l'rothcroo, ot the senior class, spoke Bret Banc's poem, "John Burns, ot Got tysburg." His toue was raihor conversational than oratorical anil Tailed to ilo lull juslicp to tne piece. Tho result of this contest will be announced at the com mencement. Tho exercises were over by ten o'clock. Among the prominent persons present were Commis sioner Wood, ex-Commissioner Krennau, Kcv. Dr. Kortell, G. K. Lock wood, M. Christcru, iiev. Dr. liurchard and President Webb. SACKED HEAIiT ACADEMY. Yesterday was a gala a ay lor pupils and teachers at the >acred Heart Academy, at Munhaltuiivillo. About two hundred und Ufty littlo girls, misses and young ladies arrayed iu pure white, with not a thread of color to mar tbo c fleet, tormod the three bides of a hollow rq iare in tho .study hull, where u varied programme gave denght to about forty or Ibe most dis tinguished clergy or this dioce.-c, the Cardinal being among the number. Tho decorations ot the hell consisted cbieliy of green box formed imp medallions ?nd lo?toous around the wulls, while pillurs, disposed it intervals, relieved tho vivid green with their burden ol rare Dowers. .Small stands were arranged to lorin a mosaic pattern on the lloor, box lestooDcd, tho pedestnls and pots of tho choicest flowers added brilliancy and fragrance to tho scene. Three rows of seats fortnod us minv tiers on all sides ol tho hall, while at one end a bower of box and flowers almost conceuled ttio statue of a patron saint. Whoa ibe pupils wero all se'ited three ol ineir number be gan ttic overture "I'oet and I'easant," while the Cardinal and atteiiduul clergy walked in and took tholr seats at one end of the null. Tbo ( animal wore bis home dress, u block ca-sock with cardinal cording* and the Karloia or cardinal cloak over his shoulders. When all the clergy woro sealeir a young lady made a snort address ol wc conic, and then followed soios and duets,*v<>cul an I Ihsiiumen tui. Among those most warmly applauded was a piano porloriuauce of RoMni'r ?yins est Homo." Five little girls represented respective!) Joy, Kegret. Gratitude, Hope und i'urdou; and us cucn one ex pressed ttie sentiment of her purt an echo ol it was beard without ibe lialL This effect was produced by having u piano stationed outside, which was soitly played wfulo a sweet voice sang the relraiu "Joy, Joy," or -'Regret, regret;" hutilopuat lust entered all bearls by the inoiigm ol "Meet Again." * A little girl of aooulseven years gave a most bu Biorous description, "Wliy Doggie's Nose is Always Com," und began away back in tbo history ol the world by stating that once upon u timo a big rain toil, kim a man built u bouse, in which he und a lot of ani mals, with his lanilly, look refuge. The luithlul doggie bad helped his master nrivo all the 11111 tint Is into the ark, but when lie tried to enter he could only get hull way in, to that lroin having his head out in the ruin lor U00 days his tiose goi to cold it has never been able to gel ?arm mice Tho wbole story was so cuuningly recited that it "brought down the houre" when the little barrator tnatlo her bow and told her uudienco that tho inan was "N-o-u-li." Tho graduates? Hiss M. 'lone, 1* Jouur, J. Muhou, 1. Sum mers, M. Summers, M. J. Muiluny, K. Murphy, A. Smith and K. Sinilli then knelt bol?re ilio Cardinal wnllo he placed thu laurel crowns upon their bonds and gave each one a gold medal with a white ribbon, due ol their number then, In web-choseu language, delivered the larewoll address, to which the Cardinal replied in his iinuai benign and happy manner, itu said ho did not know now to reply to such beautiful sentiments unless bo could Und the spring at whion ibe pupils hud imbibed such pure Ideas or noble desires. Whether the spring were situated In the convent walls or in their own young hearts ho did not know, but would udvise theui, when they thiis:ed, to return lo tho lounlain Irnm whence such high aspirations emanated. After congratulating both pupils und teachers, he bie.-ucd and dismissed them to un evening ol enjoy menu GRAMMAR SCHOOL NO. 18. The blushing misses of Grammar School No. 18 held their graduating exercises yesterday aflernoou at the school building on FifiytUrst street, near Lexington avenue Willi the thermometer at 100 degrees the schoolroom was packed to ilie limit of uncomfortable Bess. Kager young men ana maidens crowded against one another and stood on lipluc lo see the favorites Step grucelully up the aisle lor their diplomas. Most of the young ladies were iitltred In cool while dresses, and wore ineir hslr la noetic ringlets over their shoulders. Tho programme?which was vigorously applauded by an many as could lilt their arms froui their sides for iliut purpose?waa as follows:? H?mu. "None LlkeOnd"... Homlul t'lioru-. "If o i th? Moadu Humbert ftecllailon, "Kallad ol the War" Ameli . Ituui Bolo, "Whip I'our Will's Morig" i Mlllaid L'luitj I iiylor. (iedlcht. "Krlk'inlg' Neva liced Jiiict and chorus, "Beware" Motilt<>n Keeltatlob, "The I'ate of Vlrgiaia". Adele J. Itoienibul Bolo, "M?ii e V?r'\ .Mattel Ll/xin lieatli. L'lionin, "L'AinicinU"... .. .. llintgos hccitaUou, "Searching Ainocg tbe Slain" Juliette Wesiliritiirr Chorus, "O'er ilie Mountain" . Ilulaur Composition, "Domestic Kionomy" Set in a Ko?mi an Presentation ol diploma.) and prise*. Address* to graduates. 'Jr. Henry Kiddle, (Tly Superin tendent. The graduates were Misses Addle lieckwitb, (iussio Unci], Kmma Curroil. <>i ace Bonioit, Bella Davidson. Kaiin\ Klkau, Maggie (Josbon, Minnio Hunnelly, Hen rietta* Herman, Katio Hagau, llurtcnse j, Igclstorm, Annie ft Kccle, Klla Konigsberg, liorit.a Meyer, hoima Kossttiati, Neva Keed, Adelu Hosenliial, Holla bcliw.iri/. and Juiioito Westhc imer. Toe valedictory a as delivered by Miss Audle lieckwitb. GRAMMAR SCHOOL NO. 69. The first nnnuol commencement ol the Icmalo do purt men t of Uraramar School No. ?), Kllty-fourlh Street, near Sixth avenue, look placo yeslorday alter noon under the direction of Miss Amiio M. lioOmsn, principal. Oolooel Joel W, Mabon, chairman ol tbe of tioliool TrasUc? of tbo Twenty-second ward, presided. The exhibition was not very well attended, but the exercises, which consisted of choroses. rod tat lorn, dialogues, solos and ducts ou the piano passed o!T very creditably. Maggie Barton read an address of welcome Char lotte Blumentbal gave a recitation ou "Tho Wind utd Moon,''and, although A bad cold rendered her voico rather hoarse, ?b? exhibited good elocutionary power*. Miss Jennie Sterhberser, in a composition on "Satur day Night," gave a very truo description ol tl.o bustling scenes of tbo busiest night ol the week. The dialogue "Blue Gloss," written by Mi"s Wuterbury, vice principal ot the school, was reudered by lliiecu little girls, who played tneir purts excellently. The pieca was divided Into two scenos, tlia first rep resenting children's talk In a schoolroom, tho sec ond a conventional visit, in which persons of ton exchanged courtesios arid kindnesses when together, and slandered each other afterward. Millard:s song "Waiting" was tluely sung hy Addle Do Laveleiic. who, to judge from her ugv, will have to be "walling" lor some years yei. One ol the best recitatlous of me day wa< delivered by little Nellie Seddon, wlio spoke n piece culled "Aunt Tabilba." Maggie Hunter displayed Hue elocution in the recitation, "JouhlliH's Daughter." Tbo diulouuo "Country Cousins" was loudly appluuded. It repre sented a rural mother ami daughter coming to soe their city cousins, the former vulgar und boisterous, tUe latter rendered vain und conceitcd by UHUperllciul education. M i.-sos Susie Drew, Dora Mlllor, F. Louisa Miiton and Orcilla Krskui took part lu the play. "Cousin Jcdodiub," a solo und leui-chorus, lakcu part in by ten little girls conducted by Miss Klla Mastertou, produced much incrrnucnt. Tho "Miaereru" Irwn "II Trovatoro" was sung by MisnOH Liz/iu M. Martin, Annie Woodward. Klla Masleitou and Miry ilyan. Another ol Millard's beautiful tuelodies, "When the Tide Comes lu," wax sung by Miss Inez Sanchez. TlIK (UtADl'AThS. At tho conclusion of tueso exercises Judge Flnmmer presented iho diplum s to the following graduate)'::? Klla Clock, .Mupgic liuricn, Uluncho Beniieluri, Kllio O'llrien, Auuie Degg, L xno M. Martin, Lulu Scbreynr, Alinio Woodward, Carrie O'Douuoll, Kmtuu Albro, Jenuio Sieruboiger, Josie ScuelUer, Maggie Corey, Annie Adie. Mury Lludou. Josio llassell, Klia Master - lou, .lauel Sperling. Tho valedictory uddress was read by Miss Klla Clock. SLio was presouted with a small temple of flowers by brr fellow grauuales. Waller Carter, one ol the scnool tru-tees ol the Twenly-.-econu ward, deliv ered the nduress. Ho coiupiuuentcd tho gruduuios very highly ou llio success ol the first your s work ot Gruuimur Sctiool No. til). Mr. tluuter, or the Normal College, ulso uddressed the uudlcuce. Ue sai l liiui out of S-4 cuudidules Irom all tbo schools ol the city Nn. til) liud carrlcd oil the highest Honors. Miss Kliu Clock had received tbo highest uveruge ol these 824 candi- I dales, ihus muuifcstlng great talents lor study and great moral powers ol application. DE LA SALLE INSTITUTE. Cliickoring Hall was well filled last evening, on tho occasion ot tbo annual commencement of De La Hallo ; Institute. Vlcur Gcnerul Quinn presided, assisted by a I lurgo number of clergy. The exercises of tho evening, which were exceedingly interesting, consisted of ua essay on "Character" by K J. Stand; recitation, "How He Saved St. Michaul's," by Voter J. Muuluguu; essay, "Napoleon," by U. C. Cuniilon; recitation, ?'l'he Haven," by Josepn II. McMuhon; the "Ilivais," by Thomas K. Dorsum and Goorgo II. McUinnis; reel tullon, "I'urrhasius," by Tboinas <W. Kean, and an essay, "The Church und li?e Fine Arts," by 1'. F. Mulruy. Iho Hev. M. J. O'Karrell made tho uddross to tbo graduates, who comprised toe fol lowing:?I'etor Montague, Kinile F. Stand, l'atrnk K. Mulruy, F. K. llannlgaii and W. K. McKenua, all ot wliom received diplomas. (?old medals were awarded to tho senior class, thoso lor |iroQ;leney b>'ing given to 1'eierJ. Montague and Joliu S. McCorinlck. Other medals were awarded as follows:?Classics, Krnile J. Stand; Kng hsh composition, Ferdinand II. Klseu; general prohcienuy, Hudolph M. Stehle; literature, l'atrick t\ Henry; mathematics, Goorgo 1'. Ahern; general proficiency, Joseph KMcMabon; application, George if. McGimus; mathematics, William J. Mc Gloiti and Francis Schreink. Prizes were also awarded to Thomas W. Kean, JoBoph II. McM.ihon, Daniel C. Cuuulon and Thomas F. Burgain. ST. JOSEPH'S ACADEMY, BROOKLYN. The annual commencement of St Josopb's Academy, In Dean street, near Vanderbilt avenue, Brooklyn, look i pluce last evening. Tho academy is under the control 1 of the Frunclscan Brothers and is in charge of Brother ; Ignatius. Tho scholarship at present numbers aid. 1 Tho exercises last evening consisted of singing, ad ' dresses, essays, dramatic performuuees and u military | drill by a number ol the pupils. Kleguntly bound : volumes ol "Tho l.ives of the Irish Saints" were pro i seutod to J. J. Gruco, Thomas Dorsey, Johu Hogan, Koberi Milde and Kdward tiuiuu, ol tn'o lirst class? senior division?lor having gained the highest honors ol Iho Heboid lor gentlemanly deportment and ad vancement in the diQereut studies, especially in Eng lish literature. THE FLUSHING ACADEMY. The sixteenth annual coromoucemeul ol' St. Joseph's Academy. Flushing, L. I., takes place to-day at hulf past three F. M. None but luvlted guests will bo nd? milted. CLASS DAY AT VASSAR COLLEGE. ForaiiKKKPsiK, N. Y., June 28, 1877. Tho class day exercises ut Vassar were held in a tent on the grounds. Miss G. E. Bliss, presideut ol tho class, presided. The oration was delivered hy Miss Suephard and the class odo by M Its Gardner. Papers were read by Miss Sloycll ou blsturv and by Miss Daua ou prupbecy. Miss A. H. Johnson was mtrshai ot itie day. there was a very largo attendance ol visitors and numerous arrivals lo-Uight to uueud commencement to-morrow. UNION COLLEGE. SCBCXkCTADT, N. V., June 26, 1S77. At a mooting of the Alumni of Union College hero to-dayt presided ovor by Judgo Karlo, of tho Court of Appeals, Hojert II. McCiellao, of Troy, was oiectcd trustee. Howard I'otlor, of New York, wus elected President of the Alumni Association lor the ensuing your. I ho Alumni indorsed a movotnent inaugurated 'jy tho trusleus to .secure endowments lor throe profes sorships, to ne named the I'uylcr Lewis, Isaac Jackson and Johu Forster prolossorslups. YALE UNIVERSITY. ANNIVERSARY REUNION?PRIZES AWARDED FOE PROFICIENCY?-CLASS DAY EXERCISES. Nkw Havkm, Conn., Juue at), 1877. This foronoon there was a reunion ot tbo graduates ol the Sbellluld Scientific .School ol the university, llio occasion being tho twenty.liltli anniversary of con lerriug degrees ttiore. Addresses wore m ide by pro fessors of tbe school and professors of sotoucj from otlior colleges. It was announced that 1'rolessor Augustus J. Dubois had been appointed prolessor of dynamical cnuinuoriug in placo ol 1'rofcssor W. 1*. Trowbridge, who has roslgnod and taken a position in New York. This forenoon, in liethel Chapel, tho class oration of the academic department was delivered by K. U. Gugcr, ol Scotland, Conn., on 4,Tho Inlluunce of Civil Wat on American Politics," and a poom by J. (>. I'yle, ol Urick M voting House. Md., oa "The Voices ol Lilo," both of which wore very good. I'KIZKS AWAUDKl). Tbo president tbeu awarded prizes aslollows:?Tho Douglas icllowship lor tho cotuiug year to K. 1,. lloU loin, of Norwich. cliihs ol 'iti The Earned scholarship lor the class ol '77 to A. M. Wilcox, ol Ilaltimore. Iho Clark .scholarship to the salne gentleman. Tho W. W. Deforest scholarship for iho coming >ear tor cxcel loucy lu French to J. S. Tbacbor. Iho senior mathe matical prizes aud medal to O. T. Sherman, ol Newburg, N. Y. Tho Winthrop prize lor knowlodgo ol tho Orcck and Ealiu poets to juniors as to,lows:?First, W. R Waters, ol Cincin nati; second, ,S. Hood, ol Nuw irk, N. J. .Scott prizes to juniors?For oxcellouco iu French to It. Wurtz, of New Haven ; ror oxcellonce in Herman to G. H. Curtis, ol Cunuuduigtia, N. Y., and C H. Kulsoy, ot ltndg? . port, Conn, Tho WooUev scholarship in wie trestim .n class to \V. XI. Hull, ol New Haven; second to D. W. Richards, of Litchfield; third lo A. K. Walradt, ol | Chester, Mass. A number of other prizes wire awarded as follows:? First prlzo for the solution ot matui-uiuttcal problems in llio trcsniuan cJiisk to F. W, flupkUis, of t. For declamation in the soph iiuore class, llrst prizes lo II fi Keator, of Koxbury, N. Y., and W. W. l'arker, ol New Haven. Frizes In English composition in the Sophomore class, llrsts to Messrs. Burpee, flathcway, Swinburne and I'tgliu; firsts (or rutnn in senior class to Messrs. Atwaler, lleuch, Camp, Gagor, T. Goodoll, I'yie, 1 hachcr, F'ptoo and Wilcox. This afternoon class day exercises occurred on the college catnpua. Class oxorrm-s wero re mI b> J. K. lleuch, ol .Now Hnvin; J. 11. Chandler, ol West llraitlo boro, VI; C. F. ChaplU, ol South Hadluy Fails. Mans., and C. H. Strong, ol Kric. Pipes were smoked and oitl SOUBS sting. the pudience was largo and the day pleasant. Afterward Hie class V s ted all the coif ge buildings, and planted their ivy, sinning au odo writt? n by .1. 1'. Davenport, of Hrookiyn, N. Y. In tho evening the senior promenade concert in Alutntii Hall was u brilliant iitfalr. I his afternoon Claronce King, the welt known geolo gist and explorer, delivered a very abiu address in North dhclllald Hall on "Catastrophism and Kvolutlon ot Environment." IJATE8 COLLEGE. Lkwimd.x, June 'JO, 18:7. Tbo trustees of Bates C'ol'ego at their anuual moot ing this morning tilled vacancies by electing Mr. C. II. Latham, ot l.owoll; Kov. A. 1., Hoiiuhton, of Lawrence, and ex-Governor Cheney to tho Fellows, nnd Hov, C. 8. Perkins, of 1'orllanU; G. W. Howo, of Lowell, uud Georgo D. Ytltuin, ol New York, to the Overseers. A communication was received trorn Iho members of tho griuiuuilng class stating that they nave subscribed )i,i:<JU lo louud a scholarship. Commencement Day will bo on Thursdays attor tho present year. I'he re port of Llio Committee on Consolidating and Revising Iho College Enws was adopted. Tbo treasurer's report showed that the current expenses were jO.uuO more than the receipts the pnat your. President Cheney'<? report wm referred to the Kmmco Committee. DARTMOUTH COLLEGE. CLAfcS DAY EXEltCUiKsi, [U* TELLURAPII TO THE HJtftALD. 1 IIanovkk, N. H., June 20, 1ST7. To-day was class day. and the loliowiug had bepu ar ranged us the programme:? KXKItOM.S I* TIIK CHUttCIt, Introducory Address?Cnaries Kuger, Manchester. Ormiou?I* P. ltosenlhul, New York city. Pooui?(icur.'n Atkinson, Hudson, Mass. Address to tbe Class?Georgo A. lirown, Plymouth. AiidrosH to tbe President?Angus A. Robertson, Halilux, United States. KXKKCI8KK IX PKRSHMAN (1 ALLOWS. Chronicler?\V. K. Noxon, Groat Harrington, Mass. Propheoier?Phillip Carpenter, Math, X. H. Class Tree Address?Benson H. Roberts. Aduress at (be Old Pino?i< red il. i'.irnsworlb, Mil ford. Ma*!'.; Hllbert ISalch, TopsliolJ, Mass. The lowering clouds anil drlzzllt-g ruiu this mornitijj brought disappoiutiucui to many a heart, hut a brighter Bky soon brought brighter hours. The class formed in Iront of Keea Hall at two J'. M., und were escorted Into tb'1 college church by the Boston Cndol baud. The oration by L. P. Rosenthal. of Now York ciiy. was thu lealure ol tbe d?y. ifu subject was ''Young Jrteu as Promoters ol Progress." Ills oration showed great rocearch and scholarly learning. His delivery was ex cellent. All the oilier speakers dm themselves credit. After tho exercises were finished In the church the class inarobed to the Frtsliuiiu Hallows, go called be cause in days of yoro It is suld that u freshman win there hanged. The chronicles and usual provoked long and repealed roars of laughter. Tho mo-t allocltug pari ol elass day exorcises is ti.o ad dress to the old pine, around which tor almost a coutury tho graduating class havo smoked their farewell pipe, and where lor the Ian tltno the clrclo Is formed and broken In the centre of the college campus. Alumni lu town and members ol tbe faculty think ibis in be one of tho finest cla-s days iu the history of the oullogo. TUo day was (hushed oy an informal hop in Conant Hull. AMHERST COLLEGE. CLASS DAY EXERCISES?MEMOB1AL SERVICES? CLASS BKUHIOKS. [BY XSLEGRAI'H TO TIIK HERALD. ] AsiL', Mass., Juue2U, lb"7. "It nlwayB ruins class day," has become proverbial in Amherst, and so Old Prob. brought us a brisk shower about uoon, which, however, coutrury to precedent, ccasod before the senior class gath ered in College Hall to celobrato the day ol all days of c?mmcnr.ement week. Owing to a delayed train the Mendels-ohu Quintet failed to furnish tho expected music, but by tho kindness ol Mrs. Dent and the colloge i'loo club tho large audience were well enter tained. After prayer was ollerod by President Secl eye, the prosldenl of tho day, in a happy Rpeech, introduced tho class orator, H. D. Moxson, of Do Ruyter, N^Y. His themo was, '?Tho Attitude ol the Scholar in Religious Inquiry." An easy and grncelul speaker, ho did lull credit to the class which thus honored him. He is valedictorian, and would also have coutosted for tho Hydo prize hud his tioalth permitted. The poem by S. L. LootnIs. of Bedford, wns entitled "College Pictures," and was a breezy skotcn of some of the memorable events in the history ol '77. CNDKK TilK I'lXES College Grovo was next nought, alter '79 had sung thu lurewell ode to '77. The old piues rang with laughter wnliu G. L. Fowler, of New York, delivered the grove oral ion. The miscellaneous exercises con sisted ol supplying the Ireshmen with milk, tho sophomores with Cigars aud thu juniors with lemonade. Tho uttempt of tho "iresh" to oiituin 'tho cigars raised a breeze immediately to be quelled only bv their expulsion from the sacrod ring by sophomoric muscle. Long calumets were furni.-hud to tho seniors, aud alter these wore tilled, some with tobacco for tho smokers and some with tea lor tho anti-tobacconists, tho grad uating class sat uhout iu a circle and snug college songs, with tha Amherst cheer for sundry individuals, tho sovcrul classes, aud ail extra loud oue lor Old Amherst. CONCKET. Tho cluss duy concert this evening was a decided suc cess. Tho singing by tho College Gloe Club was a new feature, and was found to be a very popmur one wr.h those who rarely listen to coliego songs. Tho singing by Mrs. Georgie Bent was very lino, uud ol the Men uelssohn Club loo much cannot be said. Thus closed the class day of '77, by Ibo verdict ol all a most enjoy able ouo. MEMORIAL MMtVICKH. The memorial address ot Professor Tyler this morn ing was u Utting tribute to one of Amherst's best and in oat succcbiiui presidents, and was ilsleucd to by a large audience in the codego church. CLASS KKUNIOHS. To-night tbe class ol '57 licid their vigentenial re union at l'roiessor Mather's. A largo and Jollv crowd was present. The classes of '5U, '07, '72 and '74 ulso hold reutfions tins week. At the Alumni mooting to-morrow forenoon Henry M. Spofford ('40), Senator-elect from Louisiana, is expected to preside. Professor testy ('00), aud Dr. Poor (';17), will deliver addresses In memory ol the lute Prolessor .Suell. TUo tru-tees held a mooting this morning, but only routine business was transacted, Roswoll 1). Hitch cock, ol New Yew York, presides at tho lnangurutiou ol Profossor stoelyo to-morrow afternoon. UASK11ALI- COMTKST. Al Hartford, lu tli ulleruoou, Iho University nine play the rubber game with Y'ale. Tho studonts are en thusiastic over the prospect of winniug, tor li Y'ale Is d(.touted Amherst stand* second in thn list Thursday occurs the regular exercises ol comuiencoincni duy. HE OPENING OF TRINITY. Trinity Cburcb will be renpenod on Friday next (St. Peter's Day), at eieven A. M. The services will bo as follows:? Opening voluntary on llio Brand orgtn, Second Sonata, Mir Lei; Processional; l'salms 46, 132; Litany; dedication service; Hymn 282; Ola Hundred; anldoro, "1 Was Glad," C. H. Horsley; Kyriu, Sanclus unj Gloria, Schubcrt, in F; closing voluntary, overture in C, Mcudclssobu. The services on Saturday and Sunday will be as fol low. Saturday?Opening voluntary, sonata. Fink ; Te Douna ami Jubilate, CUkla; uniUoui, *'I Will Maguliy, "Gosss; oil rtory, "O Uo Joyiul," Lachncr; Sauctus and Gloria, .Mozart's llrst muss; closing voluntary, lautasio in 0 minor, Kerens. Sunday?10:30 A. M Opening voluntary, ronata, Van Kuk.n; To Deuiu and Jubilate, Men Jelssobn ; au '.bem, "Sing wo Merrily," Crotcb; o Her lory, "O, Uo Joyful," l.acbner; Sanctus aud Gloria, Schubert, in F; closing voluntary, llnulo in K, Schumann. Altcruoori, at lour.?Voluntary, ovorturu to "Fall of liabylon," Spobr; Gantate ami Decs, Ouseley; anlliciii, "I Was Glad,*' Horseiey; closing voluntary, Symphony from ?'Lob^csang," Mendelssohn. Mr. Messiter will preside at the chancel organ and Mr. Honry Carter at the grand organ. UA.LDEN CITY CATIlEDliAL. CEKEMONIES ATTENDING THE LAYING OF THE CORNER STONE TO-MORBOW. Arrangements lor the ceromony of laying the corner ?tono ol the Fpiucopal Cathedral of Cardan City, Loug lslami, are now mily completed. It Is expected thai tlio attend.mco will be exceedingly large, and prepa ration has been made lo' tno iou of the different delegations which arc to take part in tbo pro cession. An address will be tnade by the lliglit Rev. Dr. Littlejobn, lllsliop ol tbc diocese, wlio will be fol lowed by the Itev. Dr. Suively, ol the Missionary Com mittee; Dr. Hall, ol the Standing Committee; Dr. Hcheuck, of the Deputy Geueral Convention, and by Mr. L. Bradford Prince, on bohall of llio laity, ihe procession will lorin in Iront ol the tiarden City Hotel as follows:? Contcrno's Hand, twentyAve pieces. M sirnli.ila <>t tils ilitv. Chorister*, iu surplice*. Sunday schools, with banners, led by tltu Sui.erlatenriiiuts and Teachers. Vestries of the various parisliss or tho Dlocrsc. Deaconesses. Clergy ol the Kloci'sn, in surullces. Deputies and l'ruvlsiuual Deputies to llio ilcnvral Conreu lion. Missionary Committee of the Diocese. Standing Committee of the Ii.o uau. ('< rpoiutors nl the Catlnidrnl. Visiting Klshops, In their rubes. The Bishops. When the procession reaches the mum entrance of the Cathedral it will lorm in two linns to allow the bishops to pass between. With it.o bishops at the bonii It will then relorm, anil, lollowetl by tno olmristcrs, will pass entirely around tho tiuiidiiig, chanting a pro cessional. l'lic <tone will then placed in position. Tit K Ml SIT A I. PROOHAMSIK. The chorus will consist oi 200 voices, Iroin various Episcopal choirs, assisted by ttie Ilempsteid (>loe anil Madrigal Society, and accompanied by Conterno's lland. Tbc musical programme will be under the di rection ol Mr. J. M. Sttrry, organist ol St. James, aud is as Iwllnwo:? Processional liynin. No. 2trj, "The elmrclios our fu.imla tion" Hiev Psalm No. I .'J OllHIlt Tenth Helectiou .... Trinity Psalter "I.' neuiu. ' unison la D Knrnby IIyam .No. 27?"? Old Hundred !?.*<?.iiiti iivmii. No. 12HU. ?'I'liri.L is lit<i<10 tltu snrti foundation." LUNCH OH NO LL'KCB. Tho bucollo roeidonts ol tho country for mllea around the silo ol the new Cutheilrsi have been circu lating stories ol a fabulous l>an<|Uet to be sprrud by Mrs. Stowart lor the delcctution ol all wnosh.iP attend the ceremony. It Is stated by these people that lunch lor 6,000 persons has been ordered, aud uo doubt tbcro will he as many persons as that proieDt. FUNERAL OF A VISCOUNTESS. The funeral services ol tho late Viscountess do Her? mingham, nte Miss Loulso Marie, of this city, woro conducted yesterday at the Church ol St. Francis \avier by Itev. Fathers Durtbalcr, Merrick and Camp b.'ll. A largo nuuiner ol friends aftorward accom panied the remains to tho fatally vault at Calvary Cem utery. OUR COMPLAINT BOOK. [Notk.?Letters intended for this column tnusi be accompanied by the writer's lull nauie and address 10 ill: i;re attention. Complainants who are unwilling to ciinply with this rule simply waste time lu writ inn. Write on ouly one side of tbo paper.?Ed. Hkra i.d.J A question FOR THE LA.WTEBS. To run Kiutor or tiik Hkkald:? II u person u bitten by a street cur or bit property burned up from the use of fireworks Is not tlic city liable lor damages to tlio injured owiug to wiilul ne glect iii enforcing the law t M. J. D. A PETTJT TIBANT. To tjik Editor or tiik Hkrald:? Has OUlcer Uogan, ol the Fourteenth precinct, a right to lu-ult and chiso decent people away from their doors* The weather in so warm wo cannot may in our houses aud if we do u<>t no away be will arrest us. CONSTANT UKADEKS. A DANUEBOUa 1'IEK. To TilK EbiroK OI' TIIK IIkIUI.D:?. I wirh to call attention to ilie dangerous condition of pier 22, K?Ht itlver, the lauding placo of tho Mor risanla ?tcumiio its. If it Is not uttended to un acci dent will have to bo chronicled by the papers one of these days. SALVO. TWENTY-FOrittH HTBMCT BLOCKAUEU. To tiii: Editor of tiik Hkkald:? I wish to cull the attention of tho Street Department to the condition ol Twcniy-fourtli street, irom Lexing ton nvcnuo to Second avenue. I have occasion to go to tho curs, both Third and Second avenue lines. The sidewalks are not flagged, as tho laws or tlio city direct. A low Hags are Intermixed with rohbio and Belgian pavement, mukiuu it very disagreoablo wuik ing. lint thai is not uii, Yesterday 1 counted UHy M'Vea olu wagons aud I'arts ttuuding on the .street and sidewalk, Irotu Loxingtou avenue to l'hird uvonue. J. si. s. THE THIRTEENTH 8TBEET BTAJJUiS. To TIIK EDITOR 01- TIIK II Kit ALU: ? I wish to call your attention to tho sale and veterin ary stables situated in Thirteenth street, between Third and Fourth avenues. The proprietors race their horses all hours of the day lo the utter recklessness ol what Injury they rauy do. This afternoon as the children wore returning irom school a horse, whose points ihey were showing off, run away trom careless urlvirg, mill such a scuru among us woinon aud chil dren 1 never with to see again. These irights havo happened very oiten, and it is about time complaint should be niauo with a view of putting a stop io such proceedings in tho future. A MOTHER. HINTS TO THE EOAKD OP HEAL'XH. To tiik Editor or tuk Hkkald:? For several ilays past there huve been lyirg In tho street opposite No, 40 Fast Forty-Ulth street, between Second anil Third avenues, one or two dead cats. Tho pavonicnt, (Hitters and sidewalks ot this Forty-filth street, between Secoud aud Third avenues, are not in u good slate, having sunk in patches, which causes loul water. .Va, to collect in pools and tnako a slouch, in stead of hawing off into llio soweis. Again, un lionesi inspectt<>u ol the water clo^otsnt tuchod to houses iu said block will positively show that nt least some of them oiuit pestilential gases. The people have great patience with those who are culpable In matters, tor wheoever the day is hoi or uioinl or whenever llio wind blows up through tho sewers u person is sickened by this (outness. K. J. To thk Editor or tub Hkhald:? Last Friday week a man brought a dead dog and threw it on sumo paving stoues near Uiiinorc'a Garden, on Twenty-seventh street. Saturday morning a police man waB told of it, but lour days have now passed aud it ia still thorn. M. A. I'. POLICE CLUBBINO. To the Editor ov tuk Herald:? Your "Complaint Uook" has done so much good thus far that I think it is the duty ol all citizens to enter in 1 It every just complaint. Vosterd.iy, In tho neighbor hood of Eighth a von no ami Thirty-snventh street, a pmlally drunken rowdy of a policeman arretted a young man for what nobody then knew and cluobed hltu unmercifully und gave a sickening exhibition of what a cowardly member of tho boil police in tue world can da A CITIZEN. WORK FOB TUB POLICE. To tub Editor ok tiik IIerai.d:? Would it not be wise lor Captain Kennedy to look alter the loalers who have their own rendezvous lu Christopher street, between Hudson end lilccckcr si roc in. vtbn insult passers by and .sometimes even throw stoues in them ? NINTH WAKDElt. To tiik Editor ok tuk Hkrald:? Wiillo passli.g aloug Chatham street on Saturday night, accompanied by my wile, I was Insulted by a crowd ol loaiors who congrcguto on tbo corner ol l'earl and Chatham streets. I call tho attention ol llio police to ibis, as It Is not the llrst tiino I havo boon Insulted on that corner. Tho reason I make this com plaint i% that in Sunday's Issue ol the Hkrald 1 no ticed a complaint of one ol the residents, signed "C. W.," and on tbo lollowing day one siguilii.' himself "l. C.," tries to comradict tho charge by saying they are hurdworkiug \onng men aud calling ou the police io testify to It. Well, now, that is not saying much. Tbo police ftalionoJ on thai corner seem to bo ol l ho . same party. "T. C." says they will court tne fullest investigation. Well. wo shall see. I have already learned tho names of thrco ol iho principal actors, und the next liiuo I am insulted on that corncr 1 will have warrants issued lor tueir arrest. A HEADER. To thk Editor ok thk Hkrald:? Why does not Caplatu Cborry, of tbo Eleventh pre cinct, see that tho loafers who congregate around the candy store, situated ut No. 702 Filln street, are driven Irom the neighborhood t U. M. AN APPK.II> TO T1IE LADIES. To tub Editor ok the Hkkald:? Will vou allow me to make an appeal to tho ladles of New York in betuill ol it movement now ou loot lor tJjo curly closing ot dry goous stores on Saturday alter noons duriuir tho next two moa'.bs ? Two ol the lead ing IJroaaway stores havo advortisel tboir Intentions to at ono o'clock. Othors would wtllinyly lollow bin arc gill led by too mistaken Idea that they would Inconvenience their castoinors. LadMs ol New York, thoso stores are kept open by you. Will you assure tlio proprietors that you can without Inconvenience to yourselves do your shopping on other days < f tho week and that yon will pure huso anything indispeu sable oariy ou Saturday r Will you by uu act ot tho moat trilllttf bclf-donlul allow hundreds ol your owu sex abd i.undreds ol deserving men to eujoy a nall-holidiy once a wiek during tlie oppressed haul of summer T I understand the ladior ot liiook;yn have tukon the matter .lu hand in that city, und a deputation hus already waited on the manager ol one ol the largo store;. Are the lad us ol New York leas generous than iliclr Urookl} u sis* tors? re they l> :.*-s sucrltlcmg 1 lets sensible to the drmuuds ol tueif icllow creutures c 1 think not. There are kind, generous hearted ladles In Xow York over reu ly. by act mid liillufuce, to lurther any n>od. In tins matter they urc all powerful. The store ki-epois will close at their request, aud they will not only earn the gratitude ol all employes, but will also havo a higher reward in the con.-ciouaoc-s of having done ao act by which hundreds ol haru working peo ple w.UtUrivu a real benoliu EARNEST, ANSWEllS. A MAUUIOLU CHA1.GE. To thk Editor or run 1Ukau>:? lu tho Hvralo ol the 2oth Inst, there appeared a communication denouncing "a gang ol rowdies" wtio ineut ou Thirty -filth street, between Tenth and Muvcnth avenues. Wo acsiro to hay that we uro not towdivM, and that the letter was inspired by malice. KKSrKOTAHT.K CITIZENS. THE DANXKL DEEW. To tiik Koiroii ok tiii: IlKiiAi.n:? Tho olllcuts ol the steamer Daniel Drew comtilain ol the untruth contained In the article signed "A. U." aud published In Sunday's Hkrai.d. Thoy are pre pared to prove tuat the writer was Intoxicated?that lie paid only the regular ratos for faro und at the table, that n<j charge was made lor washing, as alleged, und ll he paid lor Ouggagc, when is doubled, It wui volun tary, us no charge is permuted. The colored iiooibiack, under a raised cane and threatened punishment, uttered some strong language, which was promptly chocked by the ciork. OAY LINE. TUB THIRTY-SEVENTH STRKKT BATH. To tiik Enirou or tiik Hkiiai.d:? The complaint ol *'A Sulleror," which appeared In your columus uu .Saturday lust, In rcguru to tho litvoritlsm at the baths, Is simply iiutrno In every respect, and was probably indited by hoiuo disap pointed olllcc-seeker or somo one discharged last season lor Dou-uttcntiou to duty. Tho hath at loot ol Thirty sevetith Htroet, Kast liivor, Is open overy dHy, by reg ulation, Irotn Ave A. M. to nine P. M., and no charge Is made tor oi.trunco whatcvor, at any hour. II "A MHlerer" will use his fertile capacity lor misrepre sentation in devising some plun to hotter control the physical torce and Impotuosity that concentrates at tho head of tho gangway to the bath in the shape ol two or throe thousand sturdy unwashed citizens, nu will be nioro honorably cmployau than in mungiiing a public olllcer umier a uum dr. plumr, when ucccss to tho Superintendent of Kepa>r? and Supplies is so ready at thu City Hnil. Respectiully, JAMES k. KYAN, SupcrlutocdonU THE CITY'S HEALTH. THE BOAKP CF HEALTH'S rEEP tBATIONS FOB TUB bUMMKB CAMPAIGN?THE GABBAOE QUESTION?THE FILL1NO-1M MATEBIAL DSED BY THE DOC'K D PARTMENT. With the approach of tho heuted term the minil ol the thoughtlul oitizen naturally turn* to precautions taken by tbo city authorities to prevent or at least lo calize the discuses whose inception and spread are favored by high temperature. Moro eapcomlly ure 11,030 dwelling in tho poorer und more thickly popu lated part# of the city liablo, and, above ull, their young Children. In view of the above a Hkkald represent!* tive eallcd on Professor Chundlor, President ol the Board of Health, to ascertain what preparations the Board was making for the lonj summer light a^alust the agents ol disease and death. W1IAT THK IIOAUU IS UOINU. Dr. Chandlor stated that everything that could bo done with tho means at the Hoard's disposal was beiii# done; that the sanitary inspectors und ihelr assistants wore hurd at work, as well us tlio dislufocl ing corps?tho miter disinfecting in tho districts wnere It wan most neoded, ttio privy sinks, cellurs, yards, garbage boxes and street gutters. Thodlsin lociant used for tho privies was a solution of copperas nud deud oil, and for the street gutters und yards cop- J perus und esrbollo acid* A mixture of zinc and iron j cblorid s, a refuse product ol tlio dctimung process, liua been formerly used, but was not now procurable, as ihut business had beconio unprofitable. The Hoard bad no money to pay lor fruit and meat Inspectors, und consequently no inspection was going on with tlio exception of that performed by a voluutoor inspector, who was clerk 111 one ol tlie markets. Til li UOUHB TO JlllUsK VISI I'ATIOM. In response to the question us to whether tho from i bouse to house visilaiioua by doctors which were j on last summer and wore productive of so i uiu'h good were lo Do made this your Dr. Chandler j said tbo Uourd was very anxious lo continue this prac tice, but that tills item bad becu cut out of tlio esti- | males. Tho Uourd had passed a resolution ut lis Insl meeting requesting the board ol Ultimate and Ap portionment lo transfer lo tho Hoard ol Health Iroirt iho unexpended balance of lust year $6,000 lor carry lug on the work this season. LAST YUAIt'S WOKK. From these ro?oluiions it Is seen that the Hoard Is authorized to ultord suun medical relief to tne poor us tuo protection of the public heulth muy require. Tint tlio deaths Iroin diarrhuial diseases lor tbo lust six veurs weio mitnu 24,000, of which uuwbor 21,000 wire children under live years ol age, una thai on ac count ot mo visitations performed lusi your lower deaths from this class 01 disease look place itiau dur ing either ol the hot suinm< rs of ls68, ls7J und 1872, unu mis notwitiistandiug the great averuge heat und the increase ol population. The numbor 01 physicians employed lust year, and which the Hoard wish lo em ploy tins yoar, amounted to Ulty, wbovislied the luiin lies In tho tenement bouses, prescribing und giving medicine lor the young children und purents wbo had no puvsician. iho Houid was ulded greatly lu us work iiy Su John's Guild and by many uruj/giais, who vo unieered to pui up tho proscriptions at or tree ol COdl. Til K CAKIlAl* K qUKSTlOM. When asked what he thought ol the tilling In by the Dock Deiiurtineui ol the space behind the stono buik beaeis ut tuo loot of King street Wttn iho uslios und streel sweepiugs collected by the Street Cleaning bureau, Dr. Chandler said that a complaint had boeu received on thai subject shortly be.'oro tho writer's vi-lt, and tlmt ho had sent to investigate tho matter, li mo more ollousivo p.iris 01 the garbage wcro removed Irom the dirt und ashes tne llllitig su wiili bticli material iu places where thore wort to be no dwellings erectoo, or winch were not too near iho lino ol dwellings, was nol objectionable, provided tho mate rial was woli covered with clean ashes or eartn. Iho board hud ulreauy, in one or two places which were not near dwellings, given permission for tilliug iu wiih ibis material. SKI'AKATIO.V OF UAKUAI1K AT HUl'SKS. As regards compelling the citizens lo keep tho nshes aud rubbish sepurute from the giubage, so thai tho loriuur could bo usod without objection lor lino pur poses, tho lleaitn Buara had essayed to enforce th>s provision of tne sanitary codo; nui, as the parties ollenulhg ollen replied that there was no Jse ot thoir kuepiug tliern separate when they were dumped to gether into the same curt by iho employes ut the titreut Cleaning Hureau, ib".v baa stopped tnreutoulng the ollenders with prosecution. T11B UK ATI! ItATK. Dr. Day, Sanllury .Superintendent, stated. In response to a query, tbultne city was at present very heullhy. the d-iaiu rate lor last week having been ouly 410. TUB STKKKT CLKANIXO FOItCK. On inquiring of Captain Uuuner us lo tbo operations of tho Street Cleaning Bureau, of which he is In charge, that olllcial snld that the bureau hud some Giu men und 630 carls employed. They commence to move tho ashes und gurbigo ut live o'clock in tho afternoon aud got through at tbroa o'clock in iho morning. Broadway anu tlio uveuues uro swept ut night, us are Iho wurds which form tho business part of iho town, tho upper wards being swopl in tlio day time. KacU ward bus a street sweeping machinc. In stead ol oeiug increased the force is rocuoeu iu sum mer, as tho amount ol reluso is much smaller inun in the spring, whou iho uccutnulaiod din coliectou dur lug n o winter inonms hud to bo removed, uecsslluting tne employment ol a lurgo iorce of men. AT TUB FOOT OF KINO STKKKT. Desirous ol personally investigating the chaructcr of the lilling-lu material wliiuto the Poiico Depirtin nt were furnishing the Department ol Docks, the writer bunt his steps rivcrwurds to tbo looi ol King street. Behind the stone buikbe a and the concrete louuda tiou aud backing which rest ou spiles a riprap ol gravel and b ast rock slope landwards, and lu tho spaco bo tweeu ih.s aud tbo street ibe illiiug-ln materiul usod is H,e us lies, uirt und garbage collected by the Street Cleaning liurrau. It wus ascertained tuat tho matorlnl used in ull the docks so lar obstructed was iho reluse col ected during ibo cooler months, uud lliut al Ki.ig street the summer material had been used lor llie Ur.t time. The curis have been dumping at ibis point lor only a few ulghts, and ou one night us muuy as 480 cartloads were dumped. THK OAKUAdK NOT SKI'AKATKO. This bad uppareu 11 v been dumped in as colloctcd, without ny attempt at separating any of tho garbage. The mixture, H ough not very ollousivo us to smell, was rather unsavory In uppearance?a mixture ol uslios dirt, si raw, tin caub, paper, oi l boots and an occasion ii dead cat or dog. When this has seliled a layer ol dirt or clean aslios is put on to tho depth, II is fctuted, ol fcoverul foct, und the eugineers ill charge Foem to think that no evil effects will come ol it. This is problematical, and the subject menls serious investigation beiore w>- llud ourselves surrounded by what may prove a pesticnco breeding deposit. VITAL STATISTICS. The following Is a synopsis of tho weekly report ot Dr. John T. Nuglo, Deputy Register ol Uocords, to the Bonrl ol Health:? During tho week endiug Saturday, Juuo 23, 422 deaths wore reported to have occurred lu this city, which is an increase ol 8 as compared with iho num bi r reported lor the preceding week and 21 less than wi re reported during tbo corresponding week ol 187ti, iuo loss iliau 1876, -3 mure than 1874, 62 loss than 1K73 -IS less ibun 1872. The actual mortality lor tbo vv', ek endiug June 10 was 411, which is 815.2 below tho averugn number ol deaths lor tn.j corresponding week ol tbo past tivo years, und represents an annual death rate ol 1?. 86 per 1,000 ol the population, which is estimated at 1,070,018. Dii.rrnu al diseaees c.uisod 10 deaths during tho week ending June 2: 2:1 deaths during tho week ending Juuo 0- 27 dealbs during the week ending Juuo 10, und 60 ilenlis duritti! the week ending Juue 23, ol which 66 w. r < under live year-, winch Is an increase ol 34 deaths Irom ilieso diseases in children uuder this age, coin pared with the number reported tho preceding week. JOY TO TIIE BOYS. ALDEBUAKIO PKBMIBSlOH TO MAIM AND KILL CII1ZKNS AND llUi'N BUiLDiNQH ON TUB oLoaxota Foviiin?thk hbeworks aipxuj miAtlOM. A resolution was yesterday introduced In the Briard ol Aldermen by Mr. Cole which call* upon the different city departments to consent to irunsler sninclont moneys from their appropriations io defray 1U0 ex penses Ol i? celebration ol iho Fourth of July. Mr. Morns olfored nil amendment that the moneys go transferred be appropriated to iho sufltrers by tho M. John and Marblehead tires. Messrs. Cole tin J l'urroy luggcsted that tho Board of A|ipi>ruun:n< nt had uot authority. Aidorraau Molly said thero was no limit to this ap propriation under tho resolution. It doo<* not stato m ii'.'ihar $10,000 or $100,000 bo expended. Mr. Morris Contended that tho Hoard ol Apportion ment could tcceiV" the conical ol the dI(Icrent depart ments to tti.ike such i trumfer. Mr Uowmg remarked that charity otii/ht to com nn nrc at homo. Wo bad a nuMc.cni number of poor BiilkriT* In tiurown city who should bo looked after. i no resolution ol' Mr. Uolo was dually paisud by a vote of lv! to ti. 1'IIU.WOIIKK ORMJUXCB. Mr. 1'inckney called up tho proposed amendmcntH to the ordinance prohibiting the dmonargo ol hrcworks in Hi - city of Now Voik on tno :id auu 4th of July, nnd which provides thai those days be excepted Irotn tho opcrniiouH ol the law. in order to make the ordinance satisluciory to tho Hoard of Hro Under*riters Mr. l'ltickucy Htignt' iUeii thut suction 7 ol tho ordinunuo should read as follows:? No per>on ?hull tire, discharge, or set off In the city of Jtc.w Y ilk any rocket, cracker torpedo, wiuih, balloon or on er fireworks or thin# coutuiulti,' any subsiatiee in a dt.ii.' ut? combustion except en tlie lid ?nii 4th day of July, 1H77, undBr penalty (ff'i for tnch oltonoe. Mr. Cowing objected to the passage of this atnonj. | ment. it there wan a reason why the law Hbould uot bo enforced in 1877 there wore also reasons why it should not be cniorceu at other per ods. The original ordinance bad been passed in 1MM, and thero were un doubtedly sound arguments why such a law should bo placed up in tho statute bonks, li was u protection to lito, iimu and property, if any body should bo maimed or iiny properly liuruodou noxlFourth ol July through III* practice of exploding llreworks, lie (Mr. Oowing) would I Ml personally responsible lor sucn accident it ho lavorid tnc proposod amendment. Mr. I'inckuey's amendment was passed by a vote of 12 to 0, bo tbat *11 the boys will bare a fair chanoe, at u*ual, to Are off tho objectionable tiiccrackcr on nexl Wednesday. Brooklyn's FI MS work ordinance. Messrs. Heege & KiUo. ot No. 318 Fulton street, and F. Coghlll, ot No. 284 Fultun straet, Urooklyn, wero yesterday arruslod for disobeying the law ot tbst city, wblcb prohibits tbo storage and sale of fireworks. Tbef were r.rraigned before Justice Walsh, when their casea worn adiourued till to-morrow. It Is stated tbat Mr. Coghlll intends sueing oat an iuinnctioii restruinmg the city from interfering with his tius'Dona. William hcepu wloh'-x to make this a lost casi. Ho Buys ha purchased his llroworks buioro tlie ordinance was | u-: oj, and paid duty to the United Statos goverumeut on them. MARRIAGES AXD DEATHS. MARRIED. Skwakd?Straxo.?in Peoksklil, June 13, at the Ho? loru.e't Church, by tlie Hev. Isaac U Kip, Edwakh 0. Sicwakd, oi Guilford, Conn., una Sakaii, daughter ot tho lato Joseph Strung, of tho termer pluco. No curds. DIED. Asa.?On Sunday, 24th Inst., Jobs Lawrbncb, eld* est Min of Joliu W. und Anna A. Ash. 'I lie Inonds ol tlio laiimy, also thoio of bis ;;rand parents, John Ash uutl Liwronco K. Kerr, are respect fully Invited to utteud the luuerul services, on Wediiesiluv evening, at dlirbt o'clock, ut the residouce ol ills parent^, *240 Maet 50i h st. the remains will bo taken, Thursday, teu A. M., to Flushing for luter 111 CD I. Ukx.nktt. ? AiiTiit'lt TlKNNKrr, at his resilience, 928 Carpi uier at., Pulladclpliiu, on June 20, aged 55 years. lteluiives and iriouds will moot tho truio thut arnvea in Jersey City at 0;0S Thursday morning, Juuo 28. Iu. icriueut at New York Buy Cometery. Bkll.?Uu Tuesday, June 20, William J. Bkll, for* merly of Albany. Relatives and lrieuds are respectfully Invited to at tend tlie iuneral, ou Tnursduy next ut two o'clock, from 33 Kast 2od si. iioL'KM;.?At Greenpnint, ott Monday, Juno 20, ullot a long and puiniul illness, Mary Jams, widow of C. S. lioumo, aged dl years. lteluiives und mouds aro respoctfully Invltod to at* tend the Iuneral, Irom Ascension Church, KuntsL, Ureoupoiut, on Friday, Juno 2U, ut two l\ M. Cakky.?On SuD'luy, J uno 24, Jamusj 1*. Casby, In tho 20tb year ot his uge. Huiutives and lrieuds aro invited to attend th^- Iu neral, tins (Wednesday) uioruinj: at ten A. Si., iroia his late residence, No. 237 West 30th St., to tho i hureli o.f tuo llol.y lnuocenu. luonneut hi Calvary Cemetery. Cohi'klyou. ?At New Brunswick, N. J., June no, Lk;.iuan V. Coutulyou, widow ol the lato .Simon Cortel* you, ot Flatbush, L. I., in 1:10 84tii year ot her age. ltelatives una lrieuds aro invited to attend the tumoral services, at tlio residence of her son, Gorrit Cortelyou, New Brunswick, N.J., on Tr.ursduy, June 26 ut tnreo P. M. Carriages will bo at depot, in New Brunswick, to meet 12:55 train Irani New York. Davidson?Ju Mouday, 25th lust., Koiibrt, son of John und Anne Davidson, in the 23d yeur ol Ins age. Ills irietuis und those of the family aio rospootiully Invited to utteud tho lunerul, tram tuo residence of liis broiiior, John !S. Davidson, No. -40 West 45th St., ou Tuursday, 28th Inst., aitlnou o'clocK. UtiXM.?Oil Sunday morulug, June 21, Adbma M., wile ol Clurksou 1.. Duuu and daughter Ol Ogden Muudy, iu the 34th >eur ol her age, Fauiik.nuol/.?On Tuesday, Juno 26, 1877, In Jersey City, ot pneumoniu, Ehtkr, beloved wile of H. H. Futiiouhol/., Jr. Kelutives aud irionds are respoctfully invited to tho Iuneral, ou Thursday, J uno 2sl, ut throo 1'. M., Irom St. Matthew's Church, 5th st., botwoen Jersey av. ana Krie St. Fran*.?In lirooklyn, Juno 24, 187", of paralysis, Fkkokiuck Fkaxz, in tuo 70th yoar 01 bis uge. The relatives and liicuds, and mombors 01 Gertunnia IjO.ige, 182 F. una A. 4L. also members of Steu'iou iiodo, 188 1. O. O. F., ore Invited soiutenu tbo lunerul, on \vednosday, Juuo 27, at lute residence, 13 lloeruin place, opposite City Court House, nt two P. M. Flli.kk.?(iu Ihursduy, Juuo 20, at Wood bridge, New Jersey, Waltuk Fullkk, in the Osth yeur of 11m ?g>>. .Nonce of funoral boreal tor. Uhack. ?Ou Tuesday, Juuo 20, Roiiert V., only sou of Kouoi l K. aud Elizabeth Grace, ugod 8 mouths. Fiinerul will luko place iroiu the residence ol I113 parents, No. 03 .Marion street, on '1 liursduy, the 28tU lust., :it ono o'clock P. M. Uuuoh.?.--uildeuiy, ou tlio 24th lust., Jaubs A., eldest ton ol Patrick aud Jauo Cough, ano I 22 yoar-. 1 lie relatives uud lrieuds and members of tho St. Francis Xuvior Alumni .Sodality are respectfully invited tottio lunerul, from his lato residence, ao.'i Wast 43d St., 011 Weduosday, the 27th 111st., at 0110 P. iL Gould.?At Newport, It. L, Juuo 10, 1877, Isaao Got lii, iu tuo 36lb year ol his age. Ham.m.?l)u Sunduy, June 24. ultcr a short Illness, Adam 11amm. ugod 51 yours, 2 mouths and 0 d.iys. I'ho relatives und irioini3 ol tbo lauuly, also Troop A, Third regiment cavalry, Captain Fisher, aud Ger man Oak l.odge. No. 82, I. O. O. F., and New York city Subutzen Cor|)S, Cuptain J. F. Corder, aro respect fully luviicd to attend tlio funeral, from tho restdenaa No. 3u Wiilottst. to tliu Geruuu Pre?byteilnn Churcii, corner Mudisou and Montgomery sis., Wednesday, Juuo 27, lh77, atone o'oiocu. Hkauty.?In Brooklyn. 011 Monday, June 25, amki.ia M., yuungest child o; Irwin auu auu Juuo lleusty, a^e<t 1 your, 2 months "lid l'J days. Fuueral Irotn the residence o. her parents, 314 Madi son hU, ou Wednesday, June 27. 1M77, at tnro'i P. M. HarviciiXAX.?Ou Monday. Juao 25, Mauharim' Hkf vkkxan, widow ol Patrick Uiilcruau, coauty Tippo rury, irolund, In the 47th year ol her age. llor Iriendd are ro-poctlu 1/ invnod to attend the fuueral, Irom her late residence, 3-ti Pourl St., Wednes day, June 27. at two o'clock 1*. M. Hii.l.?Alkxanleii Hill, uged ^8 yours. Nofoe ol iuneral to-morrow. Kki.i.y.?Suuduy evenit'K, Juuo 24, 1877, William H. Kklly, son ut tbo luto Ouvld Kelly, u^ea yours. 7 luoutns and 11 days. Kelutives and Iricmlg are Invited toutleud his tuneral, from the I'trsl Methodist Kpiscopal Church Willi.i uv. aud 141st st., North Now Vurk, ou Wednesday, 27tU lust., ut two P. M. Tint ATait'AL Mschanical Association.?Members will meet at meeilug rooji.>, Wednesday, Juno 27, ut 12 M., to atteud the lunoral of the late Brother, Wm. 11. Kklly. By order ol JOHN M UNKO, President. JioUKKT J. OitK, Recording Secretary. Kklly.?On Tuesday, Juno 20, Mahoarkt CKOMlilK, tlie beloved wile ol Win. Kellv, m the 5lst year ot her ago. Tuo relatives and lrieuds of the family aro respoct fully invited to attend In r lunerul, Irom tier late rest d aco. 487 Grecuwich St., ou Thur=duy, J uno 28, at ono P. M. aiacv.?Iu Pails, March 20, Rowland H. Macy, ot Now York city, a^ed '>5 years. Relatives and triendsoi Hie 1 unily aro respectfully Invited to attend the luuorui, at the Church of 1110 Holy Trinity (Dr. Tyng, Jr.'sj, Madison av. und 42*1 St., Friday, Juuo 21), 1S77, at ball-pust two o'clock P. M. Boston, Haverhill (Mass.) and Nantucket papers please copy. Manx.?On Tuesday. Juno 20, Edward, thcbjlovod son of Jucob und Kllou Munn, ugod 4 mouths and 11 days. Relatives and friends of tho lumily aro respoctfully Invited to attend tbo lunerul, from tlio residence of Ins parent*, 84 Cbrystio st., at ono o'ciouK P. M., on Wednesday, 27th Inst. Maiitin.?Ou Mouday, Jane 25, Clk.vmib Walton Makti.n, wile ol J. Kln^-ley Murtiu und duughtur of tho late Tuouius W. Allun, iu tho 37tb year ol bur | age. Tbo frionds of tho family nro respectfully invited to attoud tho lunerul, ou WcdnoMtay, Juuo 27, at lour P. M.. from Ctyist church, New Brighton, .stutuii Isiuud. Take ihruo o'clock bout irom loot ol Whitehall st. Boston aud Albany papers please copy. MATIHWOK.?On Monday, Juue2/>, Mrs. Hklkx Matiik Bon, u native ot Scotland, in the 77th yeur 01 her a^e. Kunerul from her late riuidence, 200 Wost :>oth st., on Tuuisday, the 28th iust., ut two o'clock P. M. McC'ori.oniii.?Suddenly, 011 Tuesday, Juno 20, Jamks McCoulocob, oldest son ot Born ird und Ann McCoiilough, uged 32. Fuueral irom his mother's roMdcnce, 23 Unrrow St., on Thursday, June 2S, ut 2 P. M. Hi lutives and Irluuds ot tho latniiy uio respectfully invited touttend. Mi-gaiiy.?In Brooklyn. June 2d. Joun N. McOaiit, aged 02 years. Funeral Troui his lato residouco, 409 I'uion St., nt two o'clock 1*. M., Thursday, Juuo 28. Friends uro invltod. McMahon.?In Brooklyn, ou Monday, Juno 2ft, Matiikw McMahos, hi iliu 78th year oI In* ugo, a native ot the parish o( Cuppa, county of 1,1 iin ri<;.v, Ire land. tho rolativrs ami friends oI tlio family, also thoao of his sous, , John, MicOacI, Thomas und James, aro re quested 10 attend uis luuerui, irom Ills laio residence, Jo7 Bridge ul., ou I'hursday, Juno 2S, at 9 A. M., lo St. Jallies' Cathedral, wiiuro u polenta requiem uiu*s wl?i b i oilerud lor the repose oi lnu soul, und thonco to ilia Ceaiutery ol the Holy (Jross. I'om.u.?At UorriB.mla, X. Y., on Monday, .Inno 2o, Hamky Ai.i.k.n, second sou ol T. J. and K. J. Potter, m tlio lltti yofli ol bin u?o. Funeral on Wednesday, at ono o'clock. Ricakt?On Tuesday, Juno 20, Joa.nna, tho beloved Wlio ol Antonio K cart, #god ;il your.-. Tlio relatives and friends ol tlio lainily, and tlio numbers of tlio .Spanish Society l.a National, are ro< rpecttuily inviiod to attend tlio lunorul, lroiu hor lata rt-lduncf, .ill feast 12th ?t., ou Thursday afternoon, at t ah o'i'lo k. Ki-mmkv ?On tho 25th lu-t.. Hkxuy C. Iti'MaaY. for* nierly ol Oraiiga county, id tho 47tn year ol Ins a*?\ Hih remains will Oo tukou to Orange county lor in* Interment. Hai.mox.-Ub Monday, Juno 2ft, John Sai.mox, parish ol Orauard, county l.onitloid, Ireland, at'ed 01 1 ho funeral will take placo from his iato residence, Jul hist 14th si., on Woduesday, June 27, at ball-past one P. M. Stcaiit.?On Tuesday, Juno 20, 1877, Jons Masox SrtiAUT, second son of Catherine and tho late John M. Stuart. It"lutivc8 and friends ol iho family are respectfully Invited to attend thu luuerul, on Thursday, tho 2tttb, ui half patil live P. M., at his lata residence, corner ol W.tshin^on and Wildy sis , lurrytown. Train leaved Urand Central Depot at 4:16 H, M., returns ut 6 :u6 I*. M. I ayi.oii.?Ou Mouday, Juno 2ft, A. iayi.ok, wile ol I,owls Tuyior, ol South Adams, Mast., aud daughter ol Jobu and Marijory Gary, Funeral un Wednesday, June 27, it ono o'clock 1'. M., from hor father's residence, 242 West 20th it. Vandkkhii.t.? Jauu 20, Cor.nkliis Vaxukrbilt, la the 70th your ol his aym. Kuuoral services from his Into residence, 3<)S West 11th St., on I'liursduy at ton A. M. Imoiuiuuiat Nyack, on tho Hiiusoli. Wasiiiiuhn ? At Sinn Kinp, N. Y., on fuoaday, Jan# 20, Ki.iah 11. Wamiiiu r.n, iu tho O'nli year of Ins uho. Kolutivoa alid Irionds aro invito 1 to attend the fu neral at the S|irii>u Street Methodist Kpiiaopal Church, Sing ding, ou Thursday, Juue 2d, at two u'cloo*. i\ *