Newspaper Page Text
The Stock Market Les3 Dull, but Weaker. GOLD WEAK AT 105 3-8 A 105 1-8. Government and Railroad Bonds Lower. MONEY EASY AT 1 A 2 PER CENT. ,, ? Wall SrKJtrr, i Tcksoat, June 20?6 P. M. j Shares and shirts are not unlike each other Id the property of losing tbeir stiffness when the tberniome lor registers DO degrees in ihe shade. It so happened '?o-day, the weakness ot tho market being intensified ty an extreme dulness. Nevertheless transactions ran tip to 88,000 shares, wblch was doublo yesterday's tniouut, and, ir equally divided, would furnish the handsome complement or oighty-four bhares lor each member's day's work. Tbo market, as a whole, wits Irregular, tho strong aiid weak poluts being severally Hannibal and St. Joseph and Michigan Central Tho first named was treated to a sharp rise, which grow out of a report that the property In dispute between the State o: Missouri and the company, amounting, H Is salt), to about $4,000,000, had been decided In lavor or the railroad. The despatch carao front Boston, but at the company's oflioe in Ihiscity they professed to know nothing about the mailer. Michigan Central fell oil from 41% to 38%, closing nt 39 bid. This was a rather curious sequel to the election,"winch bad resulted, without opposition, in lavor of tho old or Taylor-Sloan party. So, alter all the prognostications of the lcarlul storm which was to blow from tho tbreo points ol tho compass, domi nated by the threo contending parties, the affair has turned out to be simply a tempest lu a tenpoL Tho Uould proxies and tho VuudcrbtU proxies seem to have been surrendered at discretion, and the road will be run lor anotner year in its old rut. Tbo following bits of Information were reported to tho meeting. The toial earnings for the year wore {8,48:1,000; expenses, $4,400,000; taxes, $207,000. In comparison with the previous year tho gross earnings show a Calling oil of (308,000, while there was i saving in operating cxpenaos of about $200,000 and a reduction of the floating debt to $-00,OOU. Tho Wab-ish purchasing committee's re ceipts, representing tho old stock, on which $4 assess ments have been paid up, sold down to $1 per share. A threatened lurther assessment of $2 Is said to bo the cause of tho decline. A fresh imputation upon tuch credit as remains to mo bankrupt Central Rail road of New Jersey was developed this morning In lha lower prices of the Lehigh nnd Wtiko.ibarro mortgage, which Is guuranteod by tho Jersey company, the quo tation falliug Irorn 21 to 19, and closing at the latter flgnre. Kalher bettor prlccs wero obtained In final dealings for the antivo speculatives, and tno market closed rathor firm, but utterly without significance. TI4K SALES TO-DAY. The .vales of uclivo stocks at tho Board to-day aggro t'ut.'U 88,119 shares, which were distributed as lol lows:?Now York Central, 7,400; Erie, 1,300; Lake Bboro, 11,500; Wabash, 2,61)0; Northwestern, 100; Northwestern prelerred, 00); Hock Island, 1,800; Mil waukee and SL l'aul, 600; do. preferred, 4,300; Dela ware, Lackawanna und Western, 17,030; New Jersey L'cutral, 500; Dciaw&re and Hudson Canal, 3,640; Morris and Essex, 3,709; Michigan Central, 8,100; Illinois Central, 1,170; C., C. audi, a, 200; Hannibal and St. Joseph, 0,200; Ohio and Mississippi, 2,100; do. preferred, 3,400; Western Union, 10,600; Pacific Mali, 350; Wolls, Fargo & Co., 100. HItitlKST AND LOWEST. The following wero the highest and lowest prices of Stocks to-day:? liigheit. LouxjL Cnlcngo and Northwest preferred 46,'*' 46% Chicago, Hock lsiaud and Pacific. 91 % 91% Delaware, Lackawanna and Western... 3tf% ;}J ?, Delaware and Hudson Canal 30% 29 Krie .'>% 6% Haunllial and St. Joseph 14% 13 Hun tubal mid SL Joseph prelerred 27 2.? Illinois Central 61>^ 60% Lake Shore 47?, 47% At iclilgan CcntruL 41', 38*-, Morris and Essex &?>% 6!% Milwaukee and St. Paul 19 ls% MIIwaukoe und .->L Paul prelerieil 60% 4u% /.ew York Central 89% 8s New Jersey Central 7 6% it mound Mississippi 3 2-*c roledo, Wabash and Western 2% 2% tteaiern Union Telegraph 67% 6(j% AllVANCS A?n DKCMNK. Tho iollowing shows tho advance and declino in the Dlosing prices ol tho principal active stocks to-day us compiled with those ol yeetorday :? Aj>va.nck. ? Lackawanna, 3*: Morris and Essex, %; Haunibal and St. Joseph, 1/,; do. prolorred, .3; Bur lington and (julncy, ,%. Western Union, %; New York Central, % ; Erie, % : Lake Sboro, % ; Xorthuest preferred, % ; New .Jersey Central, % ; Hoik Island, ,%; St. Paul, % ; Wabash, %; Obion, %; Delaware una Hudson, Michigan Central, 2%. CLOSUiQ QUOTATIONS?3 P. M. The closing quotations at throe 1'. M. were:? lii'L Aik'd, flirt. AakrA. N Y Central ?8j; rttt Illinois Central.. 51V .',1 llarli-m t'tV^ 138k Union I'iu-iUc.... 6.'*', 1)4 Krle 5?, r.j; C, CAIC l'-i 1?4 Lxke Mjore 47 47 \ iinnAStJo 14,% 14;. Wuliaali. 1H 1,'i lluu it StJo pi.. 2(1', 27 Nortli w<*st, 2H1, ici', Ohio <fc Mini 23J Nurliiwi'jii pi' ... 4'?1 n 4.Vj Panama HI 00 Rock Island Hi ?? fl.1- West union 57 !i7ii KoriWuyne S4 H4L At A Hoc Tel.... :V> -ji Mil A at 1'aul.... lis1, 1HV Pacific Mail. . 10V 19ft M A St Caul pi 51)', 50J-J ynjciiMlver 13*2 14 Pittsburg. 71 75 C,'uicnsitvor pf... 21 Dei, 1. A. West.. 3:il4 A dam a Kx 1>4 BSK Is J Central. <il, J|"? Welis-Kar^o Kx. H.V 1 H7 Del k MMl Canal 2:M> Sn}? An'erlcan Rx.... 44,'a 4*5 Mord.* * J aiox.. 65>. United Skates Ex 44 45 Micb Central.... 3U 3!) MOXKV RAKKKT. Money on call was easy at 1 u 2 per cent and. closod very easy at 1 a 1^ per cent. Tlio lollowlug were tho rates ol exchange ou New York at the undermentioned cities to-day:?Savannah, buying 3-16, selling 5 10; Charleston steadier, }, u ,'A proiuiuui; Cincinnati Heady, buying par, selling 1-10; St. Louis, 75 pre mium; New Oilcans commercial pur, bank X; Chi cago, 60 to 80 premium, foreign exchange wus quiet at 4.87 a 4.87 >4 for bankers' sixty days' sterling bill* snd4.89>? a4.SU>,; for demand. TltK GOLD MAKKET. Gold opened al 106\ and closed at 105the two extremes of tho day. The borrowing rates were 3, 2, l!i and 1 per cent and flat. Tho specie engagements tor Kuropo to-morrow amount thus fur to $700,000 gold. ci.eatuho norsis rtatkhkmt Curroncy exchanges $4'!, 187,800 Currency bilances 8,500,234 (?old exchanges ft, 149,315 tiold balances 095,114 j Gold clcurmys at tlio National Bank of the State ol I New York:? Gold balances $1,(06.700 { Currency balances 1.576.885 Gross clearance* 18,2*3,000 (iOTIKNXKXT B'iNDS. , Government bonds were lower lo-d.iy In sympathy With the decline in gold, but closcd steady at the fol lowing quotations:? Hid. A'krd. United Stales currency sixes. l--?a United states sixes, 1MI, registered.. llo ?? 1I0T^ Lulled Slates sixes, ism, coupon 114 , 114% I lilted States SlXei-, lM>6, uew, teg.. 1"<j , 10t>>, United .States sixes, 1805, coupon.... J(?'.? ? A In", l ulled rttales sutea, 1801, r?gi*tercd.. 1091,' 1U0>^ flitted Siates antes, 18t?7, coupon Hi, ll'-i/i I nited Males sixes, 1808, registered.. Ill;, ' United States sixes, 1808, coupon.... 116 Untied States loo-lorties, registered. JU United Slates ten.iorties, Ooupon..., 1I2'4 U'nUeil Slates lirea, 1881, registered.' i)u'{ 11IX 111 Si His i 108* United Slates live*, 1881, coupon Ill)': Un ted Mutes 4','a, 1801, registered.. ]im . United States 4 >UV, 1891, coupon..., JOS1, t'.NITKO STAIK3 TKKARL'HY. The rercno* receipts to-diy were $260,000- custom receipts, I4uu,0t0; bank notes, $A00,0o0 The Treas ury bniai.ces wereCurrency, $0.260, ooo ? coin (107,400,000; toss eolu certificates, $43,44u,oou. PKOOUCK KtrOKTS. Tho exports of domestic produce from thia port for Iho week ending to-uay were $5,711 020, against $0,074,604 lor tho corresponding woek la t year, aod $5,'.'18,063 In 1876. Tho total exports since January 1, this year, were |l!tl,795,002, sgalnsl 1186,903 408 (or Uie sdlno period laat year and $1-1, T.r)l,U06 iii 1875. tiik rot max markkt*. The London advtres report consols strong at an ad* fince of H * M per cent, as compared wltb yesior* day's closing figures. United Stales bonds advanced X ? % t*er Cl'ul lor flvo UDl1 ,uur a ,lu!l rer ceIlts. but tbc former afterward lo?t the improvement. Kn? aod New York Central arc unchanuud. Illinois Ceulral declined to 49 V The earn of ?77,001) balltou went into tbe Bank or England on balance to-day. The specie m tbo B title of Germany increased 1,000,000 m irks durum the past week. Har ellvor was quoted at 53 0-181. per ounce. The closing prices In London were:?Consols lor money aud account, 04% a 94>, ; live-twenty bouds ol 1SB.\ old, 104S ? 104%; do. Uo. ol 1807. 108V* ; ten lorty bonds, 100), a now llvos, 107^ a 107%; Kno common shares, 5%; do. preforred shares, 18; New York Central, 87)*; Illinois Central, 50. In ParU rentes advinoed to 100i. 20c. STATE HON DM. Stale bonds at the Board were dull and 3teady, with sales confined to Missouri Iour sixes. District ol Co lumbia 3.06s sold at 78, a decline ol %. In New Orleans Louisiana consols sold at 82% a 82%. railroad bobuh. Railroad bonds were generally lower aua the follow ing were changes compared with last previous riles:? An advunco ol >{ In Union Pacific firsts and a decline of 8 per cent In Ohio and Mississippi secouds, 2 per cent lu Lcblgb and tf llk'-sbarre consuls, % In Chicago and Northwest consolidated gold sevens and Pacific Uatlroad ol Missouri seconds, % In Morris and Essex seconds and X In Michigan Central sevens and West ern PuclQc bonds. BANK SHARKS. Thoonly sale of city bunk shares was 10 Continental at 70. Tho North River Savings Bank has declared ? dlvldond ot 6 per cent por annum. rniLAOKl.PHlA STOCKS. Tho closing prices of Philadelphia stocks were:? Bui A tk*d. City sixes, now 110% Hi United Railroads of New Jersey 128 128^ Pennsylvania Railroad 2H4i' 2'.'1 Reading Uatlroad in* II ? Lehigh Valley Railroad 30 30.^ Catawissa Railroad preferred 30 32 Philadelphia and Krio Railroad 7'$ 8 Schuylkill Navigation prolerred 7 8 Northern Central Railroad 13 14 Lehigh Navigation 18!? 18l? Pittsburg, TuubVillo and Buflulo 0 o \ Hestonville Railway 11% 12 Central Transportation...? 31% 32 MIXING SHARKS. Tho following wore the opening quotations for min ing stocks at San Francisco to-day:? (iould & Curry, 13; Suvago, (1; Choilar Polosl, 34; Ophtr.lO; Halo & Norcross, A>4; Crown Point, 4'., Yollow Jacket, 12; Belcher, S; Imperial, 1; Virginia Consolidated, 33; California, 33; Overman, 14; Ray inond \l Kly, 7>&; Eureka O. V., 3; Best k Bclchor, 2214; Keniuck, 6; Uuiou Consolidated, <j; Alpha, 13; Moadow Valley, 1%; Sierra Nevada, ft; Mexican, 10; Caledonia, 4; Silver Hill, 3; Eureka Consolidated, 10; Justice, 7; Julia Consolidated, 3. Tho closing prices In Sun Francisco were:? Alpha 13% Justice 8 Belcher 5 !<? Keniuck b Beta ii Beichor 24^ Leopard 1^ Bullion 7 Mexican 12 Con. Virginia 34 Northorn Belle 10 California. 34>f Ovennau 10 Choilar ol.'i Ophlr 17% Confidence ft1,, Raymond & Ely 7;, Caledonia 4 Silver Hill 2 Crown Point 4>? Savugo 7^4 Exchequer 0 Segregated Holchor.. 21 Could X Curry. 151? Sierra Nevada. 5 Hale Norcross fS\? Union consolidated.. 0 Imperial 1 Yellow Jacket. Llj^ Julia consolidated.... 2% Eureka consolidated. 10 Tho sales of mining shares in New York, as ofllcially reported, were:? FlItST HOARD?11 A. X. 200 shi Best A BoL.slO 28?i 100 alia Utile & Nor..U3 SO Calilornla 37 ]U)Julla 100 Crown Point 5 llX) do blO !i*J 10) do b3 5>f 100Justice 0 8 1<K> Cleveland 8 100 Leopard 100 do 8 100 do 2tJ 100 do b3 8U' 300 Moose ?:i 4'. lOOQoald h Currv .alO 1(1 2<X> do 4jJ 100 do ..blO ltW 100 Ovennau 17 100 llnklll s3 3?, 100 do 17 100 Hale & Norcross . 0 BKCOsn hoard?1 ;.'J0 P. M. 100 ihs Cleveland 8 too shs Leopard o 2'a 1UO do 8>f 100 .10 2V. Jimi Bullion 6/1 100 Merrtiuiie ti'i 101 do *3 lit, 100 do 100 Ohollar Potosl 37'< loo do ti-i 100 do ?3 87% 1 < M > do ?|" 1UJ CrowD Point. bx 100 do HW 1(XI do blO 5 < ItM) do loo Eureka 20?{ 300 Moese a3 4' 1O0 do.... 20% 200 do 100 Iiakill s3 3^ 100 Keaton 1% BA1.K8 AKTKK CALL. 100 shs Moot* s3 4\ 100 aha llnklll >3 3<JO do e 4% HRMOKANDA. Tbe Ontario Sliver Mining Company report that the earnings for the mouth of Juno will nmount to nearly $200,000. An extra dividend of $1, gold, por sharo has been declarod, payable out of June earnings on aud after July 2. The regular quarterly dividend ol three per cent ot the Morse Mining Company will bo paid at the New York oOlcc, 57 Broadway, oit September 1. Tlio mine manager reports that tho earnings of tho mine will lustily Increased div.dends at that tlmo. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES $10000 Ohio A Miss 2d 5000 LAW B cun.... 100 aha Del A Had... c 40 do nil tOlt do loo du e 300 Weal-ru Union.... TpEsn*y, June 'JO. 1877. BKFOttK ( ALL?111 A. .M. 35 10'1 alia l.ukn Shore..(3 47 500 0 10 lia) li X) aoo 1400 4'J0 4(a) do? do. .Hti L'l :?% ISO', aoj, 30C 57 57 V r>7 ?*> .?..1.3 *v? , "X , H.1 57 (III ? do do du a3 n<i?-? do My. no P?cltle Mull 10 1(a) do lHVa OOON Y C A II Hit... *9?i 100 do 83 Hu1. 100 do ?5 8?s 700 do 50 Plttaburg lilt... .*3 3t 0 Mich IVu UK 41.',' H #<.<>2 2ia> 31*) 100 100 (Oil 300 ?<*i 700 do. do. 41 40V 40'* 411; ' ?In 8!l*{ 3?S 3!)V t*JO do 1100 du 47* 100 ilu ail 47 'i 1700 St Pit ill PI nit tiO'4 200 do :xi'4 100 Rock Uluud HI ? 200 du ?:i or.4 I 10O Northwi-ateru...,?3 2'". BOO Dol, I. A W uncru.. :);t 200 du. c 33 hoo d< uj7; 100 111 Central. ... *:t .1 100 do 5i? 100 no 70 d> 5oV IOO du 0 i,L. loo do .*3 no'i 100 VVttb U receipt*.... 2'? (MX) du 2 400MnrrlaA Kasux ni?? 200 Ohio A ilia.- :t 200 do It1, IOO 2*1 12O0 1I0 i,3 3oo do 3iJO do s3 10:15 AND Ib'lO A. M. ftOOOOU SB'a '81,r.... UOfc $20000 IT S5-20c,'05n 100^' HOOU do ..bell"1:, WJUOO U 8 5-30 c. *87. . 112*, 10 (JO U S H'l '81, c H i t 30000 U S.i-20r, O 7 .. 11?. '4 80000 U 80-20r,' Hhi>a .'iOU If S 5-2<Jo. 't>8 am 11.? F1KSI' $4000 Motl'a. Ions b... IOO 0000 L>n id Col 3-0 <*?. 78 3000 Alb A WU? 3d.C.. 11*10 Mil A St r. (J>V M 100 lnoo du b3 I'K^I .'iiajo Mil & St P cull,at >*T)i ftlKJO 0 A N W con cub 86 iii hi; 1 ilo HIJi :iiKX)Chl A N W con.. lo7 4000 Mlcb ('on lol>? 3JO0 >ortli Mo lat.... KM lira) \\Vat Piic biU UM lmai do 1C2J? H*a)C?n I'hc itld bila. 11 1*4 2000 U 1* lilt lat 111.... loisu 41aa) U P?c at. 07 4(*)0 1'hc Hit of Mo 2d ?'-! wa*i l it W 1 nl 01 x c. 01 1000 T A W 1-t. Ht L. 74 liaajO lirrUt Wnat 2d .. 03 li*<0 Vtor* I'.aaex 2d. 104?. 2ia> 10 alia Cor.t ltnuk. .bis 70 200 100 Out fcilver .VI111111?. 2'i?4 200 do 21 lOOMdConl Co lie 'JI4I 17 Pit CohI Co be 1 " IM?AUI?? IWM A. (IOO alia Mich Cun lilt., aoo do too do 200 III Ceil Kit.. be.*3 300 L a A M So KU .bc 1000 do I'll do ?4 71 ? J do 11*1 du ao 12O0 do not) do .,. ......a ) 1 'it a I do...... ..... UOO do 5 Chi A N W ItK...lie IOO Cm A NW (it....lie loo M 3m?: 1<M> Chi it HI... UOO ilo uo .'?(?) ilo do..... ? Uo. ?i, ?us, in 2 ') Del A 11 u.l. 10 1 loo ] (WI HX? 100 100 du. ? be do... ilu... 2 JO West U.i Tol..bc.a3 4(a) <<o ritiTt. ?*) do... Oo... do... do. 100 1100 iiat nt 10 .v a) no It* I ilo 200 I'an Mull ss Co..lie i> Erie Itailvray bo riii) do 21 a) do c 100 do ?:? ft Adnma . 2o< 1 N V C A IOO IOO Mil A M r Kit .bo 200 1I1 1 % 2i*l do I ?*) Mil A St P | .Vi i 4"') do no 30 40') do 4V/i a:I 2 iJi 100 ilo ?i bli 3o liaj 1I.1 ?a jo 2;i,% 1100 Mot A lia 54V 3li?* <>:) ilo 54, 100 Uo a3 .'||', 2.*J do n?-, loo Chi A Alt KK.I<c.a3 7l> IO ItWAC Kid.bc.ojin 84W IOO W P t: roc l|ila. lie I 400 I'4 d .... l.\ do l.'i ...,?3 ,...?3 sl liat lmiO no I'n 11.: Vi 115 HHVi 811 do. ino 300 100 llo 2'HI do h3 2 "i Del. I. A W ItK.tie 'JO) M \Wi ? c :vj% it. " do do do b3 8!) <lo -4 no . .. ,..a3 hMjj do 700 2iai WIU do 200 Mich Cen Kit. 200 300 1100 100 400 du do do., >10.. do.. KH? HI 1 " :i?X 3 3.1?, 39(2 300 du.. IftoO do,. 1COO do . UlHXj do I ||?) do a,l 22 'g tun do :i2 ? 200 Ilo M2 , III sr. N II A II .lie a I 1 ? ? 70 Ili-fia A ItK. .. !*i lOOChl, B .. y ltn..bc 07^ 2'a |i?i do -a 2'4 lial do bit It*) 200 do 100 d.i loOO A M Kit BhtUl'iK CALI -12:JO 1'. !U. 78 a3 .. a*?Vk 8.1 2li - 21) '"H $l40ty> Dlat Col 3-fl.V?. |i*aai II A st J 8'a cou. iio IOO aba liel A llnd 1(*) 300 do l<a> do. fa a) do 100 Weaturn Union 4<<0 N V C A llud UK. 200 lo all W? liai Lake 8hor* It It..all ?j a) do I11O do bH 47',' ' P. .M. $10000 UH r. JO r.'on, a ions ?'<**?' IWO '? ? ShCONl' |M?Alt|H-1 p. M. $IOr? Dtat Col 3-05'i.. 78 |o(l the VV P Com r't?.. l?i JdUUtieb A W15 sob.. IOO aha I ,nke Short..*3 47',' 3> 0 >ilelt t>n Kit ?I'4',. li?) Con of ,S J 1 |(*t do 7 52 I'lltaioirK 7o 100 St I * it 111 1k?4 liai A Kb Kit r reipt.,. I ^ lia) liel, L A W Kit.. ,c 32 \ 10-*) do i\: \ uo *3 32'1 do . Ilk) ?1 *) 47 , 300 Ohl'i A MUi KK. IOO IK IOU do.... do 32 V .3 2 1.4 5000 Jl mAStJo ???,? K4% WVi Del 4x*j Uo i'*? lit iohC ao> 3O0O l'n I*?C 7%. I g.. 102% SOX) I'ac o! Mo 1st... 1(11 C looot hi\Ki.?r?o 7'? ni'I II<>> CI k Tol n bds. 10w% ,hwmi.> *."? 32*5; 171?? do 82't ?wo :i-j7, ll*? do 33 IQtttf ft?Ti (*MM)hlo A Miss I'd.. 36 WW Hun k St Jo pi. .be 25 It**Hi X.l Urn 1st, 58 500 2-1 l'*i ?h? DelAHCan. .be 20 IX) do s3 20 - do 20% 1U) do b3 27 IX' do s3 20 SIXJ do 20 2<*< Weil Hn Tol be M\ 2xi Hau .1 St b3 13 M"'1 do fiH'J 2tK) do II l-X) do b3 57 10 > do 13V 7xi do 57 200 do 13', lx? do ?5 ,ri7 Jiki do i' j' 00O do b3 57Ji 2X1 do 13 g 6iio do 57% 500 do ii in W?ll?-F?rgo Ex... 80% loo do 13': do be 8tl? UK) 13V .< SU IX) di lit*. 301) Erie... bo :>)i IliO do b3 M -<i i * do r.t, mo do 13V -xi Mieli 38'fc 100 do 14 .'>"0 do 3!i 1X1 do >3 14 W) do 3M% IthJ do 14W lxi (Jbl k N\V 45>J loo do 14-! "O 45 3nO d I 14 "> 100. do 45% IX) do 14V 4 KJ LS A Midi bo.bctt.t 47'i KM) do 14% ?''XI do *3 47', lOO do 14% '.'X) do.... 47% It <0 H-; 1001) do b3 47% 100 14% ??"'O 47 C 3K) do 13>? lxi III Central.. .be.>3 50;i 300 14 ?% lxi KJ Central be U'2 U(x) do 14% 20 ) <|o tt% 38 Alb k Su*. .be opg f?H 4' * I Chi.M .1 !*tr pf bo 50% ft do *3 ong 00 100 Wab f Com r"ts be is| 2:!i0 TO 3 P. M. >?) Dlst Col H.tfVs.. 77% 100 ah* .Northwestpf.s3 45% do 77% 1th) do 45 ? .VXXICANW e e n bds S4'. 3*J0 St I'aui pf M) '<?>1*1 do,. 84iJ 400 Del, 1. k Western. 33 31*10 Leh A Wli con.. Ill Soil do 100alia Del A Had s3 2v?i ;iii do 1X1 <|,. 2?% tKK> do 50 Atl A I'ac Tol 20 200 0, C k I C 100 Western I'niou.... 57W 2K) llun A St Jo. s3 80 do 07)i lx) do. ft'*) oo ?3 57 l'i*) do .... liio NY C A IIiidaou... 81) 1X1 do I'll do s.'t H-iJi 21*) do .bS 4X) Midi Central.. 80 li n> linn Jc St .lo pf.... 100 do 1,3 8?X 2H) do 7 100 do a3 3D loo Morn* A K.<ao? ... li 0 III Central .... 51 K (Km <io IX) do k3 51 MX) do 20U Lake Shore. a3 47)? 400 do COMM?RClAL REPORT. COTTON ON THK SPOT STRONG; FUTUP.ES Cr.ORF.D BARELY STEADY?FLOUR STEADY?WHEAT FIRMER?CORN FIRM?OATS STEADIER?WH1S KKY 1'lRll?1'ORK DULL AND NOMINAL?LARD UNCHANOKD?PETROLEUM CLOStD WEAK? SPIRITS TURPENTINE STEADY?RObIN FI1CM OILS STEADY?COtFEE FIRM?SUGAR NOMI NAL FREIGHTS FAIRLY ACTIVE. Tvxhdat, Juno 2t)?6 H. M. niiBlucsa was a little tnoro brisk to-iliiy, uutl In some ot thu leiiJing articlos tlecitlotlly mora actlvo. Dry ?noii8 wore In mortoriiie riquast and stoatly. Hardware dull. GrocerloM quiet. Putroleuui Orm. Cotton dull. At the Produce KxcUange business) was Arm. Flour was Bteady, but quiet. Wheat Urtnnr. but qmou Coru was firm. Oais were steadier. Wlilssey was llrm. Pork wuh dull and nonilnaL Lard wus without tleclded ohiin^o. Frelglits wcro fulriy active. Cotton on tho ?pot was quiet. Futures cloned steady. t.ollVe wus llrm nnd su/ar nnminaL. l)li? wrre steady. Petroleum olosod weak. Uo>lii llrm. Hplrlts turpentiuo uteady. Asiiks were selling in a Jobbing war at 4J?c. a Sc. for pots nndtS^u. a 7e. for pearls. Antihojit.?A fair business was in progress at 12)^c. for refill us. IIKHSWAI waa quiot at 30e. a 30ijc. far Western and Southern. lilt.Kim Cokm wusuuiet and nomlual at 3,'{e. a be. (or red tipped, 5c. a Uo. for medium and Oe. a 7c. ior clioico s-reen. Corriti'. - Rio remained Brut. The sales were 1,3158 bu?< ex Tyebo Bribe, 351 ex Souvenir (old sale). 3,Bi)0 bags ex Voyauer and 1,4!MI batfs ex ilertnauu Ludwin. The stoelc of Kio Itnre te-ak'ht la U4.0JS bu^s. Miiil*conno was quiet. We quutoOrdinary cargoes, 17c. u 17}4c.; fair do., ll???e.; ttood do., -0>4e. ; prime do., 20^c. a 20)40.; extreme range for lots. 17c. a 22i4c.; Santos, fair lo Rood, ls)>jo. a 20c., B"id, 00 days', Java, government bags, 22e. a 23c.; do., uruss m.iti, 23c. a 24c.; Singapore, 10c. a 20>j,'c.; Ceylon, lUe. a 21c.; Maracalbo, lHo. a 2(lUc.; La Ciiuyra. l!*e. a 20c.; Jamaica, 17iic. a H)>jc.; St. DomiiiRo, lti%c. a 1?5fc.; I'orto Rico. lRc. a 20c.: Gosta Rica. 18c. a 21c.; Mexican, I8>ac. a lUj-jo,; .Macai>sar, lOe. a 21c.; An gostura, 18i?c. a 2i)>jjc.; Suvanilia, 18c. a 20c.; Uuracoa. 17c. a lOu t.'ooPkiiACK Stock was uuict. Wo quo. eMolasses sliooks. 32-ln.b, with beads. #1 70 a $2; nugar sbooks. witli heads. :iS luch. #2 10 a #2 30: do., do.. :UI-incli, fl ,'di ait-': box sliooks. 70c. a 75c.: rum do.. $4: pipe do., CO a StMi 50; empty iiogsbeads. S2 50; hoops, 14 lect ordinary to prime. *33 a $35: 00.. 12 fuet. do.. $28 a $30 per M. Cojtuh - The market was very quiot at 10>?'c. u lOVc. for lake. Coiiuaur was dull but uiicbitneed. Wo quoteManila, large and small sl?e, per lb.. llj;4'e. a 14.%c. : do. cordage, bolt rope yarns, ltlo. a 17c.; tarred Manila. He ; Sisal rope, U%c. a lO.'^o.; New Zealand, ll'a'c. a 12}jC.; Russia hemp, tarred, 14o.; American do., 14c.; Russia bolt rope. 17c. Corros on tlie spot wv -ry strong, bnt not quotnhly higher, although some 1 . .1 re made at '<?. a )^e. anove the limited range. Future di- ortos were quite active und decidedly iiiuh'r, closing steady nt nn advance for the day of Irom 1'to It! points. The closing prices to-day compared with Monday's wero as follows.? Monitiy, June 25. J'tnr 2f(. June II 02 ? 11.63 Jnne II.77.ill.70 July 11.05 a 11.Otl July 11.80 a 11.81 August 11.78 a ? August U.91all.!i2 September.... 11.72 a 11.73 September..,.. 11 83 a 11.81 October 11 30 u 11. |o October. 11.40 a ? November 1l.22all.23 November 1133a ? December. .. 11.24 a ? December 11.34 a 11.35 January ll.3sall.40 January II .|i ? II .">< J February 11.53 a II 54 l-ebrnary 11.03 a 11.04 .March 11.07 a 11.08 Maech 1170a II 18 t/m.tations are based ou American stanqaril 'I cUsslllca IIon. and on cotton In store running 111 ouallty not uiore than halt \ grade above or below ilt-.> grade quoted. tinliivdn. Al'ibtitna, A'. OrlftiHH, Tcjoa. Ordinary. ID 510 111 6-10 III 7-10 10 7 10 Strict ordinary loll 11) in 11 HI lo 13-10 10 13-10 Good ordinary 1015 10 10 15-10 II 110 II 1 11; Strict good ordtn'y. 11 3-10 II 3-10 II 5-10 II 5-ltj Low middling IP, II, 11% 111 Htrict low middling li 0*10 II 11.16 11 11-10 II 11 10 .Middling..... llji IIV II', II? (loud middling..... 12 12 l-"ii |2)? Strict good mid'g... 12% 12% 12 . I2a. .Middling lair 12% U% 12 ', Fair 13J? 13% l:0a l.'ljj ? Stained?Good ordinary, 0 15 lik!.; strict good ordinary. lOO-IOc.; low middling, 10\u.; middling, 1H4c. spjt sales were us follows 7" Oil/. Ln.i' Kncniu'l. Tnlal. t onsiimiition 510 H2 OOH Speculation ? loo |iii Total ftlO 252 7? h ? Delivered on contract 000 hales. For future delivery the sale# wcro 'is follows:-Yesterdav, aft* r two P. >!.? June, 300 at 11 .68c ; JiiIt, 1,8*i0 Ht 11.06c., 400 at 1 l.?ir?e.: Au Kii?t 1,700 at 11 7*c .: September, *00 at 11.73c.. HUO ?t 11.72c.; (>c*obert ll*> at 11.3Hc.. .'!(r? at 11.40c., 1011 at II.Mic.; November. 4'*) at 11.24c., 2<KI at ll.l'Hc.; March, 1<H) at 11.67c. total. 11.000 bales. To-dav no t?? two I\ >1. ? July. 500 at 11.71c., 1.400 at 11.72c., 1?M> at 11.00c., 2.500 at 1 1.70c. 0 *)at 11 73c.,0'io at 11.71c.. 2*10 at 11.72c.,*) 11.75c., 300 at 11.76c., 100 at II.7HC. 300 ?t II ire.. ?"?;mi at 1177c., 800 at 11.78e . An tint. 3,1 UK) it ll.V4c.. 2,300 at 11.85c., 2JU00 at 11.83c., 2,00> at 11.80c.. 200 at 11 8.V.. -4<>*? at ll.HOc., 70" it 1.87c. 1.701 at 11 84c., to) at ll.H;?c.. 200 at 11 HOc., at 11.01 c., 2,10') at 111HK\, 3*io at 11.40-.; Septcm her, I,OOo at 11.77c., 600 at 11.74c.. 300 at 11 70c., 1.4IIU at I 1.80c.,000 at 11.7?c., 100 St 11.70c.. 300 St 11.HOc. 7?*i at II.H1C-, ;n*i at 11.42c.. 80U at 11 H3c.; Octobor. 3*?0 at 11.44c., 4oo at 11.18c.. 100 at 11.50c.; Novem ber, 2*H) st 11.27c.. 400 at ll.2Sc., 30 i at ll.2!?c.. r?u? at 11.32c, 201 at 11.31c.: December, 1,2**0 at 11.HOc., 1,0*10 at 11.32c.: ?farm try, 1,500 at 11.17c. Total. 3 ? 200 bale*. (irand total. 4H,w**) bates. The rece.pts at the porte_wer<? hs followss?<?alve"ton. 137 bales; New Orleans, 265; >1 o>?i!??, 5; >a varnish, 155; Charleston. 10; Wilmington, ft; Norfolk, 02; New Yor ... 57; Boston, 274; I'hllauelnhia. 125. Total, 1,125. litis day Iast week, 1.04*1. Tills day i 'St year, 2,OUO. Total sin e .September 1, 3,910,317 bales to last uinht. Cot ton freights closed a* follows: To Havre, by steam, ffrc., compressed. To llarnburtr, by steam, &C., compressed lo Bremen. l?y steam, iMtk*., com pressed, lo Liverpool, by steam, jtfd. a 0-32 t,; by sail, **c., compressed. M'ltaet qtne'w I?n it an, &C.?Opium remained quiet at 9137<?f gold. in bond; $7 IjO. currency for powdered, and $5 75, d ? . for Job bing; lot*. Hiailucs were unchanged ami quiet at 25c. lor I>. *\ Miid 24 c. for V. 8. *i., both currency. Quinine un changed; helu at $ I 25. nine vitriol was quoted at Hp. a h'4c. lor prime. Moroliltie was quiet at .t4 5*i. Seeds were quiet, but unchanged. We quote:?Mustard?Brown Cali fornia, H/jc.: brown Trieste, 7f^<\: yellow Knglisii, ?>?.,c. Canary?1'rime Dutch. $2 2?>; Smyrna, 92 12JS: Sicily, $2 75. Hemp, ?1 6flt Caraway, 12^c. Corimder, 7'^c. Seneca root ?Quoted at 65c and steady, Citm* blior was steady ut 32e. for refined iu hhls .. on split Cream tartar was quiet at 28c., gold, lor American; 33c K'dd, for French; 31<* lor powdered in bbla.. and 32e. for Uo. in boxes. Alcoholics? Chloroform and etiier were quiet at 05c. lor the former and 55c. a 05c. lor the latter. Ilor-'X wa quiet; quoted at 10c. a lo^e. I'or inllned city and O'1^" for do. California. Balaam tolu wa* qule? nt 51 .Via #1 *?.?. Huru'indy pitch was quoted at 5'^c. a 5 ?e. Oua* r.ina wan quoted ut r'J '-?? a -W?. Marina was quiet at 3 ?o. fur small. ic. f yr isr^e and 25c a 3<>c. lor sort1*. Catch was quiet at 6'v,r. a7c.,?jfold. I'russlate potanii was quiet at 24c. a ?J'm'., hs to i|uailty. Hlchromate uotaslt was quiot it I3'4e. i lO/^c. .sal ammoniac was dull al MM^o. a l'l'^t ., j;old Oauiblti' Wr*? quiet at5c.? Sumac whs dull >if. *1 i ? a If I 2*). Oentiau root was qui t at 5c. a ?^c. Cassia intdi wero quotC'l at .'18e ali'^;. * Colombo root was quoted ?t *??? for whole and 14c. for powdered. Uiim |<edda mi quiet at 1 lc. a 12c. ; do. Ta llo a ll^'e. Juniper berries v*ere dnll at 2c. a 3' ac., and ordinary Italian at 3c. a 33$c, Oram* p?f;i was (juftft at 7c a'.?c. Venice turpentine \\ as quoted at-18c. a 2Uc. oastile Soap?Conti white wis qttot?'d at ll'^e a l??c, 5 Mar?eilies pure mottled at lOj sc. ? lie., ifold. add do ronitnon at H*gc.. currency. liocbelle Milts were steady at 3l,'ae. fur Obis, and 3.Mae fur boxes, lo line wax steady. l>ut quiet, at $4 ;nj u If I -r i. lo di.e pot'sh whs quoted at *3 2.? a 3 ? Alum - Muii|i wiik quoted at 2Se. ally. I bloiate poiasli qui t at 21c, ifold; do. powdered, 23c.. urobl. Tartaric aeld was quiet at 4l'?c., ttold. lor crystal, and ? ic a 4.'4..c., currerio>. lorpowuertd. *3tric aclil was iield at 70?'. a 77c. | Id? riee root was quiet at fr mi 7e. to 1 ~u\, currency, ior se- j lectcd. lilcorice baste * ilabria at 3?>r ; ^panisli soliil at I 2.?C. a 2H?J., yold; ('innateIII at 3' K?.; small Uusa'ina at a 3'V;. ;|arir" "iilxalina a 3lc. a 34e ; 1*. A .4. stnall at 20^,e. | h iM)c.; Oeri^liano at 4Jc. Cuttlclisti bones with quiet ?- [ 27c. a 3*1?' JiaUain Copaiba w#i quoted at 4'..,<'. a I h\ ' Satlrou was steady at 22c. lor American and a j $3 50 for Hpanisb. *raliuivfal root was held at from lie. h l;?c. .Nqullls were quiet a? n*-. a *.KJ. * ?d liver oil wh* in lair demand at ^l 7.? :<?r Ni-wloundland aud $'J a $2 25 for Norweirlau. Khubarb quiet at price* ratig'UfT t rom 0*M. to M 15. aloes wcrnquo'e.l ut 13c a lie. lor * 'ape. (tinker was steady ut in'^c. a lH?.jc. for lamaica Ideuclied. Krgot was quiet at (KJNr. a 05c. l^ulcksdvei was quoted at 47e.. y:0ld, lu re, and 41f^c, old. in *'alifornla. Camomile flowers w re quiet at 2 ?c. a #l5c. lor dermau aud 4*ic. for old and $1 2-? f-?r new domau. olycarlne wasit* lair , U iriHrid at 25c. Haeet marjoram was quiet at l.*#c a Me. i 'J ouca beans were quoted at $1 2-? a fl .a? lor Anit(? tit a. j V uteri an root wan qnot'd at 22c. a 25c. lor Knifiiih au?i 15c. a 10c. for (jerman. Haraaparllla wasqulet. Wequote; llan- I duras, cornmon, at 32c.; do. do., for export. 35c a 37c., ^<?ld; Mexican, 13e. * 15c. damp was quoted at 22c., gold. i?um dauiar was quiet at 10c. a 14e. (iambogo I w'S q-.otfd at *i7c. Asaafirtlda wa; steady at 15c. a ; 17o. * urbonate ammonia was quoted at I31,'-,. fold. I I lie mark- t lor kitKltsb ciieniicais was but quiet. | The saics were 3ft t??ne soda sh a' .1 '.Ki, 2 ? do sai^ola j at $1 3 >, 25 do. cailstif soda at * I .*"? 25 do. bl 9acbin.* po# j ?ler at tl .<?*?, i ll void I'.ee ntial oils were quiet ami j steady. We quote: Oil ber^amof. Sande? son's, J* I. oil j lemon. Hantler^m's,f3, lhrnsen s finest oil rose, H7 5ii; ??;i i anise, fl 45; oil caasia, Of?C., all trold. oil caraway. $1 40 ' a *2 50; oil croti'D, $2 15; oil rltroneiia. a 0.?e. ; oil lartuitor. 70c. ? do. do. iMitclinui/. #14; oil elor,*. fn ,7'!:oil sa.salra. Inclusive. 4 V., l???tu ? >???'. ft... ml cur r ... v. ai . ,u"'ii?iry ,""el,m "r'm? K*""? ""U (Irln-'kiTi :rUir*.B'i,i 1,"1"1' "'J?.0*'1 In fair demand aud i !' i'l , v" v at ** New iuac*orei_i>,?i libit. ?li (v<?iil-i vr .i'" i ? 5:7 'ur medluut No. :t, un,| #7 5o a lor large Mo. .I. |i?x herruiir were scarce and llrtu und were ,t ,.1C )or v> | ."a .117?' >1.1 .""'V'Codtteh ?tleorge's B.tuk, $1 50 ?m . Ji 1 1 I V "''"re. No. '? *,M * n? 2, ,l!, ill ! ' I a SK 50; bay. No. t. $12 a $11; do., fso. ilo., Urtve No. .'I, new, $5* a JFld Bo* h?r rinjr from ?toro-Scala?l inc. h ; V, I |!c ' llrtpy.V.Y VKA,s--!:'" eip???K'.Mir, 7.:ivi i,bl?.; wheat, .12'Im W:: c"r" "w"1- and - I'.' bairn; corn lutul"! 1 u j "M'I'da; rye. 4<M ii<>. ; barley. wir ../ ?iv' ?l ry d0- ri'? Hour market was steady. li e ales. including State, \\ ostein nnij live HmJr' mT? ,'!U'' ,lb'*4 *l 'be annexed quotation.. Kye Hour wit. quiet tin -teuilv, with sale, of iiiHJ bbl. b.kifi within u.a"r? ^''We -'00? bt,? 1-Xlfll t Ji 141 ?????..,. .... . It *7 I M I Choice Mate S.^? ? Superijue Wot turn J Jl* ii ?!? Lxtra Western Minuu.ota 7 m Round hoop ('bio. .hipping brand. u 7r, a 7 ?>, "until* P ' t""Je br,M",? 7 75 a it 00 city iii.".v.*. ? Is! ? it! St. Louis, low extra ,j 7-, J J Hi Loul., straight extra 7 7lta s 'Vt ^ l'ou'?. eltoice Uotiblu extra * " h Mi * !?t. Lonlii. choice tMmily (, ... Kve ttour ; ; ' " *; Suitiliern, No. 2 , .. f 14 ? ^ ' goutuein. ^loHiino . ?u ;i ij-j Kouiliern, e*tr? a ? !JJ houliicru, family ' r. " 'V ?-orit wal. U o?ti-rn ... .7 <>oru taeal, .lerner ii l \ Coru icxal. J'ranuywine.. i'?i? Corn tneiil, uunrheoti. * ~ qntot"*'d'eltVnd ihlTea "rf"? *"T' k,"a* >"? a 2c. Ul#h?r. but at f 1 Mi or unoV i .'' y tt'lv'"'u<>- ati.tmii bo.liel. ?l tW lor Kh? . Jvpr??A ,;i) for ?u,t hiieboyg.ut and lit* iiulxt ?. *??! a- ICMir?? wits uotttinall.y $1 tin. "tate lia lA J " 6 '?/ W????rn and 74c. a 7.'.o. for ?leidy t un .T? H,,r,''y *?" ?!<>>?? ''01 duini'n'd for u?- tn,f. p#"? *'er# 'lul" but mead. , with a linn ?h n l 20? til, "rTr- U'"- win. .pot .ale, ol 56H.0 a title lor nil ?l i.'c- " ^ lor tteatuer utixed; were 'mix tm !" forward dellrery the ??lo* S7K0 ?' H(?? ?"""? *t0*",'er for July, at do a'learner at . an.i h.(?x? M ch ;T?^'n,ber'. ,lt A* tl1" 3:'*> I' ' eo.lOK prlc.. ttttil kales were it. fut Ntitfttnlr w'lth^iii No. j tU'c. bid. (tin. a.ked Oau were itii. ?'r,,l l'IK>l hu.ltel. within 'hu rau?e of 44' J to ?? !"r -V' '!??. 4Mc. fur Nofik, l l l - V !? ?.,> c. " for I'.xir.i mixad. .He. lor No. for'rri^JS: "'r >U" -? ;lMr' " '"r ?N?- ? ?"> ? ?? ' nruJ?.ITuT,ooreii{U <irie<l **' wl,h 1,18 exoeption of ?. 1 'l'"t'? active and firm. Wo quote : -New ralsini?Layer. #| ti?? box; Muscatel, fj ?.!' pVr box London layer*, fl utl; Vaien. la. tj ,c. 11.,,^ por j), . Sitl Ktlis' layi'rs' "oWa f5rr"}.U' ; L"Kt",rQ <"'?"? ?7'?o. ki? nr no ? I'tT? 1 . *'.0"j,-'^u' Mru*(l ?1" '. 4??0. I ur old ?c 'new Ha a l-M '?ri,,,w- ^reiu lt primes. ' bn,M |.'i H\ l, " '-ft. ."idordiiiif to tlte. Sariiu.s, ijttc ' huxci. lil>,c. biieiled almonds, in bu^s, w1'!0 n,Hrk8' was fairly u-ttve and steady :ar^ouuat,^b,,,i:rp!on^"f;iH-'c ,or ? renJVcash" J 1 b"'0? j"V ,,ul,? ?"1" at Ht,c . cur d?tv ? . V."'!V 'I'""1- -'7 hales .Sisal M.,d yeslet Aii' !i, Wlckerttou. on private terms. W?.,uotf : Am ran dres.ed .rl <:? *1x1.1 |,,r m?ki? .fjiii a t^l5 s Vf?a -"ii't V' ?,3{i 'or_ undressed, Itussia, clean, 5-U. a c-lit. nold. itiilian, $'J7ltu^275, Kold; jute I'aC inot'? MaX? ; ""kc11 :^c- currency, Sc.; 'nil "old * h'?Cl! s,i?' <Jo.. tic. a tl'jc.; i.lle, H11 *~uT2*?u 1 wna Miles were fl.jUXi mon 1 lis? 't'lt \i^ kips, part at IUc . ?old, lour ' Motticvideo seeorids iiom Knropo .it i>t>c.. Loltt. a? tlttii run; Montevideo at '-'.'I'-.c uolil fur III ?iVm "'"Peachy Mt I >ittc ^old ; J .'IKi Oorrlenfe., si 1 .1 .. . 'oo'ifu - mouths, and on private term* !?*) arrival 1 tTJi V*'' * Hlo Uiainle, l,.*i*? dry California tlo durlT H,;,I 7!v"n" 1UJ ,lry Luh\ 17M,lrv' "?"?? it?. tT I . 1'B'itral We unotf. J..IC. It -.l>ac. , Moutev r?ii, id'. t? o- ibs , -:)c, ? n -Ic a Kill tira:ide Jil }!' "-lc.; Ol iiioco, lil to 211 Iba., UlUe. a 22c ? ll.t^l*' "" V.'.l ""l1 -lc : Cetitial American 211 to oj it * f 2'2 to 2.'? Ibs. Irte a ll)c ? VcrACru/.. 18 to 1*# llm., lilc. a 17c., all gold. *Hlt>cted: dry t'o 'Ut l, ,1".! Ib?- lU?.'il7),..; do. soutltern. A i"'! L Vi f 11 tyk I oly "'aiiahtcr. ox. ti. i to H.i ib, , ?el cted. 5 cow> *" l" 00 lb'- a Uc.. ail curieucy. .ini-' t^o11? m?rket Wii" q11101 b"t "toady. The s lnm-tits ?Ince Hatuiday Uit we.e about 7t?) h.ueit. Wo iiuote: w ? ,.i!Ir i-c w' '"'c* u t'ouunoD to prime, 8i. a I.e.; K astern, Hc.a 12c.; Wisconsin. Mc. a 12c.: year^ ll?K*. t?t" a loe.;, all iirowths. ?c a Oc.; t.alilorula (iiotulnal10c. a 15c.; OreKUU moiuluulj. 10o. a 15u lltON. ?lite dnlnes, continued In American plu. Q iota smo'.. Vn?vrr' W.*r" 1<X> l""? I'TK? .Old at ?IU ->.100 tons crane and 2uo ton. Alleutown on private term.,Mte l ater said to hu at #1M 50. Scotch pur was wo ik ? di*) tons of Inst week'. Importation was sent to Canada. !c??4H wv?r0 Scrap was uiih and rioinlinil at .t'Jtf .? T-;L w?'luote:?Atntrican nl^. No. 1. JS18 f><) a No f V-n ,i)4?' to,ru"- *Ul a *17- ^"icb-OolineMw, No.' i. ?t -? OU a *->*'. ol?*titf:irnock. No. 1, $'j;, :?o a KWli; Liilia ton. No. 1. $21 50 a $24 75. Kt.fd** oMv'-cl-'u J' "l ?C ' c'urr#,u''? for 'loinestlc. and 014c.. LKATtiKit?'There wn? a Kond demand for beraioclt nolo and prices were steady. We quote;-llomlock l.ight Bueuo. Ayreit 2J0; ?, JH>gc.: do. California, 22c. a 22,Sc.; do. cm molt title. 21 jC a 22c.; middle Huenus Avres. 21;,c. a 211c ; do. ( alllnrtiiii. 2..'jC. a 24a.; do. conituon hide, 2;ie. a 24:' ? heavy Htnmos Ayres, 25c. a 20c.; do. California. 2.1'.c a O, ll'',e- -?c-,a24c.; k.h.cI damatfed lluenos Ayrty, ? *.s?*. a ?c ; do. l aiitoruia, Jlc. a *JI jic.; do. com lti>ile '11 "Ic": Uau"t-l"d common hlue, 17c. a JlilWttli-Tlu-re was no change In domestic. Korel_-n wasqolot. M,e quote :-Cuba, centrllusal and mixed, M2c. a .vtc., clayed. 4 ic. a l.?c.; do. muscovado rellniiiK, 42e. a 4 "0.; itiocery. I_e. u 50c.; I'orto ltico, 45c. a .i.ic. ; choice"'.-^0' * Orleans, itood. ..Oc.: prime. 54c.; H^^^L.'STiOUKia?~Kpi^.w ''"?penttne wa. qniet and steady. Kosiu remained firm; .luouin,,, nood itrained sold at $1 !'.? ?e quo.e: .spirits turpentine, tiiorciiat,table order, ale. grained, $1 l*t; no..d da, $1 95 a $2. Pitch i ?'*' J T *: 2 '- Ad,vice? Irom Wilmington wero as rol V ?trul"uJ. f ? ?: Roo.t do., .fl 47'3 Tur Rtoady, $1 ?0. lurpeutlue unchanged; hard, $1 25; .oil if. 10; vlrnin,?2 .Hi. St.lrlts strung,2a'..c I'li.s.-Cottonseed oil? loo bbls. July ??ld tit 51c. The following were the bidding and luiklni; prlcec al the call: ? ?June. oOc. bid, o2e. asked; July, .'.0Cc. bid. 51 kc a?Lr-.i August, .'I Kc. bid, 52 asked ; September, 52c. ntd 52'jc' asaed; .oiler year 47',e. bid 4-'V,c. asked.'oil was in lair Job inn demand anu ?t?ady. Other oil. wore steady. ?0 quoteLinseed, Ulc. a tWc.; lard prime winter, Kie. a OOc.{ tipertn. crude. $1 .'10; do.' bloac.ieu Winter, $1 55; da. do, ifl 5o; whale crude Northern, 7'V.; do. Southern, t!5.-.: winter 77c '? 0.UhU4?L a'Jfc . * <,? ' winter bleached Ii?h, 4?c. a .Hie.; < rune llsli. a 4l>c. r^noi.Kt'*.?Kehnedclos' d weak and lower, .ales wero iars ill ism'i i i"rt ' , |' h".1 we are without lull purtlcu lara. ltl.tusi bul?. reported .old early on'Cltan/e at |:i'.,c Aline i etr.ileum hxclt intfe the sales wero i,bl? . f 7"J?; 4'>,000do. from $1 77'- down to J1 70% ; J.OOO do. at $l iO, aud then selling from i^l 70'. e n.. ^ ll"- ehatmlnjt hands wiuiiu that Vi e |uote:-( rude, in tiulk, ii' c.; do. in hnis n'.c u i'laC. ; ,efined, Itibnls.. Cl^c. a I I' ,c ; do., in ca .ei ',itc." i t!, -' ?."?'(?'I1"?- u lororuinary; r.?fined, at Philadelphia. . tlo. at Jiaitimoro. 1iic I'out.ritv. ?Market rather quiet und barely .temly. Wo quote S-Livo fowls State and Jeroev, Itlc a 12c per III ? liH'tM|!u '-c; , 1 ??ey? Mate aud .lent;] 11c. a; Western. 10c. a 12c. tiee.e -Jersey. ?| 25 a J|"r P*T;. *8"t"rn- $l ? *l P" P?lr. I'ucks- Jer ^. ' / - -J per pair; Uestetn, 7<ic. a HOc. per puir. Uien.od poultry? iurkeys were quoted at 14c. a Hie lor K'kmI to prime itesf ru. und Hie. a 15c. lor lair to icood do > lllck?iis?Sprttitf quoted at 2Mc a 2.'ln. for fair to cood ? eft ?!j estern. (iamo? I'iifeotis were qnoted at *1 ..O f i i . per dozen tor leathered Hit-lit. Miuab.- 1'blladoL phla quoted at .H ^.? a if-l t)2 t?er doxen. .? i"?!!V.",!'S ""I".: lard. 1.4411 tierce, K 4V1"- : en meats, I,It,2 pack i^es; bacon, t#l5 boxes; r"T t',,,:e,,r ^?? bb'?- "|id IM4 cas??. I'ork wa. dull and j ' Jj. j C1l,'h'u? 1,1 *"8 "ecetld call a. follows ?1? O.I Old. * 7?) iiNKifd: July, ?1>14 *20 bfd irl4 .'Jo su'ii M?k'"Vi ,*'4 b,d; asked; 5, , ., i,1, ?'?*-* askod. lite saie. wire 1,(ski pots at $14 .1.1 a$14 40 lor July, and *1 I .at lor September , Lai bbl?. mo., .old at SI?cash; 25 bbls. Western prime sold at 41.1 .at. Itt meat.. Wero quiet. The ?aUs were t,(Jot) lbs. PjCfclod hollies, lJIb. averuue, at 7 ; ...mpickled hams at He., and about 1,000do. shoulders at 7'?c. a /'.c. Smoked hams were qitoiodat lie. a U.'^.j. ; sntoao 1 shoulder.atH'.c. Bacon wa. quiet at 7',c. lor city l?nK clear and 7c. Tor m was <|Uiet. We understand that the contract for jOO bbls. lu.vy beel was closed .tt$IH In He I liattts were quoied at $21 lor cbolee Western l)re??. (i lioir. were Oriti at tl>jc. a 7>,c. lor heavy to liKht arid 7',e. i..r pists. Lartl was fair himii.iii.L The clo.ini; call nrices wore as fo "Wsj-Ju y $!? 2 ? hid. *0 22', asked; August, ^ j ^? * ? "?"?'ll September, Sit ;t7' bid. l-J-j as..?d; November. $;? In i,j(i HV ll,kcUi h8ller $0 "21, bid. ?!? 07'; a-ked' I h? .ale* were It , i i tlcJOe. at #l> 2n a fli 22'., lor Julv and $0 JO a $l? .'I2)< I ir Autrint. The .pot ,al. s ?ero 1st nerei s eity at He. (solos sales report d at O'.e.l. :ii Ml t erre. new Western at $".l 17.',. and 25 ti.ree. "l? at ??? I ? Kefl tied was quiet; Itn lioices lJuba at 7',e., anil'JH do choice at !>',?. South America was quoted atHVt and ( ontlBeitt at !i jc. n i iluitar?iiecei|Hs, 11.047 pack ti(;cs. I he market remained quiet, aud price, wete uto.e 1.r less nominal. We quote ; -Comtnoii to lino State al I 'e a 22c.; conttuoit to fitnj Western at |Oc. a He. tlliee.e - Ijec.-tpts. 22,t',|S l,oxe? I lie re wa. no Improvement in tho demand tor cheean. the demand belti< very moderate anil prices nonnnal. Mate wa. quoted at He. a I'le and W estern at .ic. - He. HUl(, Ueceipts. 1,751 |,?|,. Tit. ket w.M quiet. We quote i-L?ng Island, New Jersey ?U1 near by. llle. It 2'?e. ; Mate mid I'etiliM Ivattla Irte a I'le ? W *Mi to and Canada choice. 17c. a 17 ; Southern, llle. "' l'['>'. ? Imarket wa. .trm ger and about t,.n iilcher. Jobbing sa es wore loo rask. Carolina and list 1,1,is toll una at lb- advanced r ite., rt - quote : -1 arolit.a fair H'*e ? Il',,c. ; good, ?i,o. a ? ; prliue. il?,c. a II',e i.oji'smna lairt . prime, il'jc. ?0>?C.J I'atna. 7',c. u V',c., currencv?' Kaiiicooti. Ill bond, :i\ 1 H?i?c.,irnii, Mos r?. i>a-i I al' nil.",' S sons ,t 1 o., t luirleslon, telegraph compariioiis of crop movement, equal date, past three years irtva iH?a IK77. Receipts. tierces.. 4o.Ha*J 4'>,rj| 4I,H<K> tieroiit 40,144 4U. ?I7 Cleaned stock ?HS V.l \ 44 I New York price*, lair to prime.. 7% aM 0^ h 7"4* f\\ n '< t'ha. .est on market firiioi and without miles. Price* ad vanced I till thr***'*, tflitljn ; r ?ui{h *to? k *>n coast k**n than 4.' o ? tierce*. Ijlllloit 14>.lHI :iM year. hri.i.TKH. The positlou wis about the nanifl reported in our last. Round .din ot dome-tic could be i? uielit Hi O^o. rnrri'iiC.r, but jolihiox lotft c mill uot bo had under O ,o. Foreign wan quirt at o V. gold. Tf?f? ntili /t dull aihI norn'nnl market lor raw; yitj hHK* Mixicau sold on pri\atc terms. We quote: I air rotiniii^; iroou do., 9*\v.; Ouba, grocery, fnir to cbeiee. 1 * I'-n? ? iii' jjO. ; d<? centi Units!, hlid*. mid l?f?J|?s, No. M to No JU, KlVtC. Rll^c.ido , moia??es, Iilidw. mnil boxes, *'??*. a'?'ac.; Porto Klco. rclliiinif. common toprime, IK' a I Op. ;tlo., grot cry. lair to choic, lof^e. .* iO*gc.; r?*(In? d, ?tnti(Urd A, I i ^c. ii i l/iic : nil A, 111 r.<s. n 11'ge.; crushed, I Je n 12 y.c. ; powdoreu, ll%c u Ili?*.; criminated, II V,?. ti ll%e?; cm loal, 12'%e.; u-In t?* rum < ?, lO'?e u H>*gc.t vejiow i-xirit C'?, 10 . * K/fiC.; other tfrtides i n o I til i n ^ i'i, ? V- ii 9%c. .vr*. a ft ink ? Receipts?f>o tierces. 'ihs market whs dull and nominal ut I "nc. n P^c. lor elt? and JOe. lor Western. I a w. Kecmpts?1U bli'ln , If * obli. mid 17 cim r. i n?i market whh riioady. The Mien weto about 140,OO'J lbs. ut He. Ipr eit.v prime Tifr.? I'ltf tin whs steady at tbo rerhed quotatstlons. Plait s wi* e tmrhv netlva and steady Vv? quote; ? Hanca, iHe.; Strait*. Id \,e. a li.Ur.; Knir1l*h, inc.; no., rrlined, IMse., all i;old, 1'iaten (sharcoiii. fit ??0 a .t*'?7 ?; tenia, I7 ? a frO; cuke, 75 * **J; cjo., teme. *.'? 50 a $.? 7ft. Iouacto. Kentucky was quiet. The private sales wrro 200 hbtift. at unchanged pri?*os. At Moud iy's anetioti miio 4? hbds were offered, ;i'<2 bhdn. of wlilrli w?^r?; rejected Ibe price- nmued Irom 2v to 1'r'^c. Soedloat wa. quiet, but steady. I be sal ?-i wore l?Hi c ?f?ep .Sundries at fie. a 1 *c ; KM eases .New Knjrland crip 1^7 ? at luc.. lfie. and 'JOc.; leases I'ennnyivania crop lH/.? at. 2'2v., 2?V. nod -MJe. , ?u cases do. crop IM74 hi lite ; end 01 cane Ohio crop 1H74 mid IH7;? at ^c., l"c.( lie mid lJe,. "Jihj bales liavmii nil in hoc a $1 l.?. Will* hi * - Receipts 171 bb'v Whiskey was quiet, but firm Ui #1 l-i.'-i, I'Johl* sold Ht r>| l i f Id n.HTS. ? in the way ol petroleum dm tern trade con tinued ?{oo?J, but apart Iroui that iitt>e of luterost trans pired, and rate* wore ta?ne for cmirterlitK tonnaire, wnlle berth room was held quite steady. Kurfagemente5?''ffo iarerpool, per steam, a.OUJ Diuuvi? wlitaw to Uii," at &0. -K lO/A) boxen chats*, 50s. T'? London, by Mil. 8.210 bbU roMU Ht 2v . ?nd. p.ip st^ani, 10.00tbutlirli grain. ?'d. ; 4."" * boki*^ c'!it*e^e( vi i .Southampton. tlOs.; &X) baits hops. 7-161. To tiUs^ow, per stasia, 24,<?;m btisUols grain, .">?!-; I.MM boxes cbo?*?c, HI1 ?-?* To K-i*tol, p*r ?te?ttu, i.OKJ boxes cb*e<M*, :?:?H : ID.UO) bu*i>?l* irrslu l%*t ?? veiling at tid. Ohnrt?r?:-A British bark, hence to Newcastle, with LV'h") quarter* grain ? n o*n<r'? account ; an Italian nark. ht*uce to the l.arant, witn lO.Oitfj i'K(ti>R rctinel |>#tioletiiu at 32c.; a Hriti-l. berk, hcuco to Alexandria, with 12,<MJ caso* do at H?>c., .1 ttlr 111 clearance; it Norwegian burls, hence to Kottordsm with 3..?OObbiK do. ut 4s.; h liriti?h bark, !i? noi* to L aitcd Iv tliar - doin direct recently, with 2,rj00 bids. do. ut 4s.: a Britih berk, hence to I'mied Kinirdum direct, with 2.4V) bble. do. Ht 4*. : an Italian t>riK? bunco to (iibraltar tor order* with 12.000 case* do at 24c.. and 2 >c. M odltorranaau and Adriatic respectively, July 10 cit?aruuce ; a ttrllish bark. Ueuce to Kn-t 0uunt of Injiauii, with 'J,I") bbls. do. ut 4*., lay dav<; a Hritish bark, from I'hiladalpbia, tor ?ittn? 'oyay;*, with J.'HMi obis. do. at 4s. ; a Norwegian b>rk. Iicnce to Amsterdam, with 9,ooo bbU refined petroleum ut 3*. Jo1 .d.; a British berk f>H7 tone, from Charleston to Conti nent dl nut, with naval "tores at 4s. and ; un Italian bark, ?">73 tons, front Philadelphia, to tienot. with herd residuum ut 2?>? per ton : a Nor lOglan ha- k. 570 tons, tro o C-udU t" Boston, with mill on private tarta*; it schooner, 203 tons, frotu Jacksonville to 1'orto Oabello, with Inn.ber at r 11. go.d, per \\. .Notk.? American brig Concord, now tn port, 'M5 tons, wilt eoid ou Norwegian account; particulars private. DOMESTIC MARKETS. U At.rKMTOfC. Juao-6. 1*77. Cotton easier; middling, 11?;,; low middling, lo7pc.; pood ordinary, 10>{c. Net receipts, 137 bales. Kxports cO iStwise, 18. Salei, !W7. Stock. 14.233. Nkw dhi.mnh, June 20, I*77. Cotton auiet; middling. 11V . low mlddllug, lo'^c ; jfood ordinary, Iu'^c. .Net receipts. 2??.'? bales; gross. ?*?07. r.x? I ports?To ?irout Britain, 2 l.ti ; to thw Continent, l,4Ui. Sales, 1.731). Stock, 0H,7'.W. Savannah. June 20. 1877. Cotton dull; middling, 1 H^c.; low utiddliu^, 10*ic.; good ordinary, l'>Ve. Net receipts, Kj.*> bales; grons, l^tT. Sales, 134. Mock, 3,050, Oil iKLKiTOV, Juno *Jil. 1S77. Cotton nominal; middling, llVac,; low middling, 1 Ic.; good ordinary, 10,'gC. Net receipts, ID bales. Stock, 2.&01, OsWMio, J uue 2*1, 1S77. Kiour steady; sales 1,7<*0 bbls ?t uuchiugoo prices W he fit llrni lor white . ?ai<jh 4,< hui nush?*l? lair white Lamola at $2 (15, car lota ot No. I white Michigan ut $2 20; 1,'mhi No 2 Milwauk e club at $1*55. Coru uucbatmoii; suits 1,000 bushels hlrtb mixed ut 58c; No. 2 held at 50c. <'i?rti rucul uuch tilled. MllHeod >liortn, $K>u.flO; sha>Mtuff?, rt ! > a ?t?21; iin idlin^e #2 i a ^21 nor ion Can d frci<hiH uuchun?od. i.aUe receipts-Wheat, is.iss) busiiels 1 mil - ber, iWH.OOO lent. Klour snipped by rail, l.?tOO i?bln. <iraln on cai'Ul Irotn IJufful i uud U?woi;o for tidewater venterday noon - Wheat, ?.?? mi bushels; corn, M14.000 do.; o?it?, 250,000 do.; bur.o^. 2<',t*>ido. Ui!Kl ALO, June 20, 1H77. Flour-Only lair demand ut uuchaiifc'ad priceo and Uriu; sales of 4.V) bhl* V\ heat firm ; anles one car \o. 2 SI It w m kee club at 4)1 0O; 1.0'MJ busb? l8 white Michigan at ^2 -0; l,.?00do. ut private tertua t^oru in tulr reqnvat; ''.4i .. .. No. 2 Weateru at 52c.; H,3(SJ do. lil^li mixed To. lotlo at 53c,: ?'? curs bv huiiioIo at 41 ?c. a 51'pe^ Dais?One car Oltio on truck at 17c. Kyo and barley itc?-' lected. Malt in lair trade inquiry; uticUuniced. tuber urticles uuciian^etl. Kailroad Ireiuhtr. unchanged. Canal trei^tus tliut and higher ou corn; charters at 4Lac. to New Vork. tnii, included. I<nk.? roceipts?-Flour, 2,4<X) t> *ls. ; wheat, 23,000 bushels; corn. 20il,tVH2 do.; out*. 32,000 do.; rye. 522 do. Kailr old receipts Mour. 1.7IH) bbls.; wheat, 3,2<KJ bushels; corn. H 4<H) do.; oat?, 4,'NK) do.; buriey. l,ttts) do.; rye. 4*Hido. Shipments by cuual to tidewater Wheat, .lit?T bushtla; oorn. 4(1,067 do.; outs, 12,041 do ; lard, li s. . pork, ti 12 bbls. Ituiiroad riupuients Flour, 3,3<M) bis. ; wlic it 3,20*) busbols; coru, 02.221 do.; oats, 4,1K.>U dt?,; barley, l,0ut)?lo.; rye, 4*K)do. roi.Kiw). .1 uue 20. IH77. Wheat ilrui; No. 1 white Michigan, 17 bid; extra do., $2 20; amber Micbi^au, sput, 4>2<)2; Juue, 4(2; No. 2 red winter, *t>ot, $2; Julv, $1 4'.); August, ^l 30*,; No. 3 red, Si 70; rejected lake -hore,$l 3<i. t'orn ea-ler; High mixed, spot, >)Ja., No 2. spot, 5o^c.. July, 51c.; Au gust, o3o ; September, ; No. 2 while, o2^c ; rcjeclol, 4t,l^c.; d imaged, 43lle. Outs dull; No. 2, 3t#v\ ; white held ut 50c.; rcjecteil, 34^c. Ke celpts- Flotir. bt?ls.; wneat. H?,UX) busheis; coru, 20,(KKJ do.. oats, ??.'? * ? do. .shipments Wheat, 1. 4'Si bushels; corn, 27,<*Ml no. (?ra n in store Wheat. 7'.>,'XJ0 butihols; coru. l,lD3,00i) du . ??ats, ."0,0"0 do. Markeis closed--Wheat easier; extra white Michigan held ut $2 JO; uinbor Xlchl gau, June, sold at *2. N??. 2 do,, $1 7t>; No. 1 white Michl Kun. $2 17; \??. 2 r d ember, *pot, til OS; July, $1 40; au irust, ?1 t orn easier; No. 2, July, 50>l4c.; August, 32^c.; September, 54x'ac. I'lllCAQO, J uue 20, KH77. Flour steady aud unchnn^ed. Wh**ui aciive but lower; No. 2 Chic i^'o spring, $1 44 a i>\ 4!>\. cash: $1 42lJ, July; SI 20^ u $1 2tiJ?, Ahgu.sU Com tairiy uctive audashade higher; 47'4c.. o ?sh or J uly ; 4^ '^e., Auguit; rejected, 42.l^c. a 4ilc. Oats easier; 3o*j?e? u3.?^c.. cash; 3.>ljC. a 3o)#c.. Juiy ; 32jkc., August; rej cte I, 20c. a 2 7c. it>e .steady and iiucnuuged. Hurley nteudy and unchanged. Portt I'uiriy active and a shade higher; $13 17^ a $13 20, cash or July; 313 .to a 13 32,'3. August; $13 35, September. I.ard fuir.y active and a sliuue higoor; $vS ;io, car-h or July; $0 o2>a a tfO 05, August; tfsi 12*4 a$0 lo, September Oula meats llriuer; should ers 5c.; short ribs, 7\c.; short clear, 7c Whiskey quiet, but steady, al $1 OS. iteccipts?Flour, 0,50tl bbls. ; wheat. 10,0J0 bushels; coru, It A),50 > do. ; outs, 52,0(H) do.; ryo, 3,o0i) do. ; buriey, 3,300 do >bipraeuta?Flour, k.(isi bbls.; wheat. 23,oo ) bushels; corn, s o >?tin. ; oats, 5J,oot); rye, 1,?VK) do. At the afternoon call ot the Honrd :?A heat un settled uud lowt-r; $1 12S, a $1 42^. July; $1 20 Ati|ru"?t. Coru lower; 40%c. a 47c . J uly ; "ts^c.. August Oais un* chaugi'd, Fork easier; $13 17^, August; $13 35, beptoui bor. Lard dull; $0 02.^, August bid. ED ROPE AN MARKETS. COMMERCIAL. Lonpoi*. .1 una 'Jtl. IB77. Tlia Murk Law Ejcpiw, lit it. uaunt woekly ro.lew ?l tlie grHin ti ihIp. ??y? : 'Kxrcptlni; 1 w?riu .bower, ilia wrnthcr durin* tUu week li t* bt-en tirllli.nt mid tli. >kr iiioxt cUiuiIle.H. UrowiUK crup. Uara ui.ii. u ??tU.'uctorv mtvanva (?witr>l mi.nirity, except In the dl.lrlct. wlier. (tie druuitlil hut b?*eii .o nrvere un iu ehrck |cr?wtlL i'ha hltfh tempurittui'e nod Mrjr iitmo.plier. h?ve beeu tnrur. in.ii. tor the ilnrelopincut 01 tbe wheat rar anil tli.i cutting of meadow liay. In heavy toil the wheat i. nom. what late, hut ou ili;ht lmul. th^ ear. are pleuilful. liarley mill out* have improved In apprarau.e, hut the ?ir<" t< oi a wet ieed time mid tlie .nlireijueiit until period will mom prohnbly t.r* triteenhle at the harvent. Haym ikui* ha. vommeiiciid, and the cuttini; or ^-raa. ami clover t? .at ialai tnry 1'lie deprextou wnlrli bran experlnnced lu th? wheat tr.idn is in a i;reat nmamira due tn ilia couiiuiia tinn .'I heavy iinpoit. Into I.nmlo:i uud the (,'nlt"i| Kiu,:dnin generally. Ihn arrival, up to Krlday were ni.arly 7U.0HO<|uariar.. uud .elrltiit to any extent Im. breu <|iilte Impractlcuble. Tho weekly reluru ha. b* en nwelled by th" arrival ol shipment. Irmu "oiiihern Kiiwian port', 1 l.e lar^e outward movement from lieruiany ba> pmvi'd the exi.teuL). ol a iniicli heavier .ur|du. tor export than wai uuticlpnlod The action of thin country, Nortli Ku?*ia and India ha. lia n no hlKnlliciiat that f'e lalliiiK off ol Amerlrar. xupplh*. ha. count to be regarded i? a matter of ?nt'ondury importance. At the ilo?e of the wank them ii|> peaiatl to he .ymiitoiu. ol' returnInir limine**. Dunnic the part week the llnatinic cari;u trnde tor wheat ruled du.I. Hu?lne?. wa. limited hy the .mail aaleatlon off ena.t; hut ou Siitnrrt ly Inrtlier arrival, wero reported, and the tone wa? (inner Main* Improved in value early in th* Wllk, hut urrival. aluca havo daprai.ed the market. Barley hat been quiet." I.ITKRPOtff.. June ? I'.venins. Cotton?upland*, low mlddllni; elaiiM, June and.Inly da livery, tl It-lfld ; upland*, low luiddiiiiK clanxa, new crop, ? hipped Oitolier unit Nuvemlier, *all. tl&'ltkl. I rule liepnrt?Tlie market lor >am* and fabric, at Man chester in dull uud uithei lower Tur all article. i'lovUion..?I.ard, -lis. per cwt fur American. LO.NOON, .Juii.'Jrt-!i I*. M. I'rnduce?Kellued petroleum, 10\il per gallon; nplrlt. of turpentiuo,t* per cwt. NKW YOIIK I'ttODUCK rxrilANIIK KfcPOMT. Lirraroot.. June 20, 1H77. I'ork?Kantarn ilnll nt 7<l? : Western dull ut Ilucon ? ('umtierlaud cut dull at ; nborl rib dull at :iiia.; lonii clear dull at IMn.; short clear dull at :ctn. Ilanit j.unx cut dull at 111*. Miotildurn dull nt 27.. lie.!? India in?n. dull at ^.'in.; extra iin'-n dull ut INK ; prime iiib.s dull ut Kh l.nrd?Crime Western dull at 4Aa .'(.I Tal low -I'rime rlty llriner ut 4<l*. Turpentiiie Siiiilt* dull ut 211s. liu. 1.ii',In Ciunmou dull at As. .'hi,; line dull at 1<>*. (Id. Ohaeiio?Atu rlcau clmiee ?te uly al ,'i7* ltd. I.ard oil dull ut 47.. I'loiir?Extra State nti'mtv at 2I*. When I?No. I .prui'.' steady at l'J?.; No. 2 npriiiK .teadv al II*. 7d. , winter eoutharn, mme iu the market; winter We.tern, uono 11. the market. Corn?Mixed ?olt dull at 24., FINANCIAf*. I.ONHON, June 26?4 P. M. The amount nfbnlllnn none Into the HatiK of Kni;lnnd on balance In-day I. i,77,<miJ. IrtMPO.x. June X 4:1I*. V. United state, four and a halt per cent tmnd* M'4?a; new live., urix l.owmifi. June KMiilO I*. M. Silver In quateil to-dav nt A.l it-Pel. per on nee. I.OXDOI), June 20-5 1*. M. I'arln advice, quote Dvu per cent reuie. ItKit. 2Uc. tor the account* Hkhlim, June 2?>. 1H77. The weakly .tateinent of tbe Imperial Hank ol (ierm.ny ?hown a decraa a ol I.HtXI.'kXl mar*. F!\AJMI\U At "uk'asmn vmk katkm m?>ni;y* os LmTTtSTn Kudo* merit (nmritbe# Policies and Murtacatr**; *arrie 1>??nktit; Insurance of ali kind* ?? .'I'with be?t compa file*. J, J. llAHKlOil A CO?, ill) Hru??lwiiy. VKTZONA. M'.W MI'.XICO AMI! roi.OKAlH) TWO getitlomen of financial mid lorinl ^tandinp: intend * caiupinir tour tor recreation Mod to prmuiMliy see* <i?*iritMa luventmoru* in minora! *nj colonisation land* and would lUo to In* joined hi l! <nr expedition i.y others of similar po* cltiou and Inclln ition : inur month* U the <*>nremf>Uted du ration of the trip, from about 1 : ab*olut** safety nod comfort guaranteed. For interview add rem b??x i'oH office, AT NKW KXt'll A Nidi'., 2.'? WILLIAM X r. -STOCKS J\bought and sold iu small lot*; eoniml*?i"n?, m ir Kin* t per cent. 11 OMAN & 0(1. \ T I,OWfsHT UATKS?K.S I AT'-. M'NltS TO LOAiN OS Imoroved City Property;'S'i'i'i.UUO ut alx per cent. Ji? Broadway, room 10. A I.Ka. F IU >T III N f 111A M fi CO., B A \ K K B ?< AND J*\ BtoRrrK, 1*2 Wall St.?Dealers in flrai etas-* Pot* and t'.ill*. I?ny mid carry a* long n? i!? ?ir?d on to r^in ??1 H to.'i pcrcnt. Si nd for explain* ory circular and weekly reports, free. t)) NT!'. A L OF IOW A LSO NKW YORK AND OS /wego Midland Uiilroad HmuH d. O W. M V flK i A v|, UN! Broadway. li^lAiK MOM'.^ TO U.MS OS BOS I) WUMof'.T I i ;a^*?' on city mid Brooklyn imp roved property. Ad ire** box Po?t office. LM!:sr $3,<jm mT/kTo \ ,k. MUi : I Ni; IrtTH, ON " *'arms, 2o;t acre*, lino (own, Sulhv in county. New York, for sal?* i owner need* inonev imm'Hihitely. offering liberal discount A *o .fl'MyHJ I w Mited on Hrt<l ^iort^,i*<? on wll known profitable Manufactory in Peiin?yh*nia. coating t.Mtfi.uoo. HAMUKl It. MA? LKA.s, lianker, \*i Hroad way, New York. OK ALL NATIONS I A full *et of K a, * of All .Nation*. 'Ut in numbar, slue 21, bt M', feet. J'RICK *4 PRK S T. Bend address to M KT HO POL IT A N JOB OKPICK. 2* Ann *t . New York. j^oitsAii*. Fiair moktuaT.k, &\ucjb. on uoof> I. tenement Property In li arluni. WILLIAM*. bo* ll?i Herald oftlc#. I M POUT A NT roltli I.TvflON.Tf f| ii PAUAONAPH 1 lira'.e?l. "Abraham liodt??on. provl*ton dealer, Llverp ml,*' vlilcn appeared III l tie ??tirooer" of the I'ttli hint, pageO'.'t, is ?'otir? i.v liioorifi't. ami lias tiei-n coiif>?nnded with ;? ?rnall t? Inre of Ailwrt llodiraon. of $? v- r?on, near IJverjioid. who is not In nn> way coiineetsd witli the firms of \h ?m 11oil?>? aoti Hrotlters, of No. 14 H ilton nt , l?|v??r|.oo!. and Mr Mrs. Abraham Hodgson A Mini, New York and Mon treal. HI ;ne I. K. M ACK \ImM. Pntdlsbar of tli? orocer, 175 Btrand, London. J UNI 1H, 1S77 I \iiWAVH II AVK v|i?M;, To Loan on Mi#KT'TaOI'; I \? w York city Property; Oil/ Ballroad ."flunks end Honda lion ;lit and sol.U II L. (h; NT. 1 i?r -^d# | VV \ N i A OHAiTril# M >K li? A.I. o f|:tA ON oji?i. 1 c-'flrm; good iruy. Hi ;mt cent pal-l A1dr??? .*'K t It 11 V, fox l*ai 11 a ram oiler, fro loan?^mioo on nrv PKoi*Kur\. hkTt 1 inertgege. Address, staling partlvmars, toe* ioi l'osi F'KASnAli. MINiNii STOt k.v We iiur and nil Mining Stoek* *1 the Ain-ricatt Mining B<> >r.l ?!!?; Stock K .cb.? i :o or elvwhere ou c?:nmi**ioB Our Mr A H. > riittj it a tu?rnber ol the B" ir 1 We al*o execute uMiri d lly ?i the >an Krancltco Stock II inril Mini New t'ork m. I.irlnn je. our WHIM fur muiv veer*. iUWM II MlMll.iV .V iO? Bank era. Broken mid litetlMMri, No. 45 Pine ?!., S. V K<uWiiM J?> .tetr*. ManTia-han saVinus i nktitu riTisT No*. 041 iiittl (I4H Hro idw ly. &rw Vnitk. fuue27, 1877. Klfrv third eeml Dividend, 'I he trn?feet ui Hits uiti ituimn bare d.-elnred the fllty thfru dividend at the rat'* >1 nix per cut |Hff miiiiiiin on tuui? uf #.VW aal under. mm bve per ???at on all mum over * >'i i reni'tinlua on deposit during the three or ri\ tnoniht ending Jul* I. in aceordonra with llu provi sion* ot tlx bylaws* puyublc on and alter Monday. the lSilt of Hie iiii nlU. K J lill i\V N. President. EDWARD SCHhl.1.., Treasurer. O. f. ALVORD, Secretary. moil oinruK ontario hilybr miimTcoS CANY. .11 Broad >t.. .lone JH, I?T7. TWO EXTRA DIYIDBBDS tNOfi. ft AND 6) Or KIKTT CENTS, (fOUD, K.U'H per shsru. upon tbe capital stork of this company have lieeu dec ared frt.ra the earnitws for i mm p iyal>ie at the etlioe of the Transfer Ageut. Well*, Kargo <t Co., on and alter July 2. Transfer book* cio?j J iino 28 aud reopen Ju y 8, H B. PAKRONS, Assistant secretary. milK CHATHAM NATIONAL BANKUm BKOAOWA J New York, .Jitue -'.l. I ->77 43d dividend.?A tern i-m uiial dividend of fnur per cent, fr< e oi tux. ha-. been this dat declared, payable to tn.< stockholder- i.u ami alter tha aecoud day ot July next. The tratisier book will remain closed from tills date utitll July tl. M. IIA l(l>. Cashier O THE STOCKHOLDER* OK THE WABA811 RAH o T way Company I'lln foreclosure ?ults recently brought by a fitrof the holder* of lir.t mortgage ootids on the Wabash Hallway have beau amicably aljustod and withdrawn and the cou pon* of tba bond* represented are uuder till* arrangement to lie In tided. U bile t111' iiunlniM* or tlio ruad hit*, like all railway* la the country, soltured from the general >tHirn*tlon, the de cre??o iti tliu voliuna ol tradiu lta> been le-? than in that of tmrat of tbe Western road*, aud meantime e\t?n?l7? eeonontle* Ita ?- been introduced in the working ext>ea>e? of the line In reducing tlie uuniber ol eniployei. amount of H.ilarifK wane*. Ac. Mr. A. L. Ilopkin*. the new manatfer. under whoae direction tbe*e elianico* have been comm?nc*>l, expre*i>aii (treat couliJanre in the future pro-perity Ol tha road. The are* of crop planted 1* mu.-h la ner till* year than UMial, and (be pronpect* are favorable for a mora abundant liar\?*t than ha> neen ?ecured at the Went for several year* Me**ure? hare alio been introduced to ob tain lor tlie Waha?!i r iu it? inaitltuate iihare ol bu?tn?*t of a purtol the trunk lino .<y>toiu. V T. M. ADAMS. O. Ii ASH l KY. K IC. UOODNOW. 1'urchaitinc Comnilttae Wabaib Hallway Company. JUv Vohk. J'ju* i'l. IH77. IJSITlio" HTATth ^ ' 4 PKfl CENT LOAM. UNDER AUTHORITY of a contract with tbo SECRETARY OK THE THUA8UHV THE UNDKRKKIN KD hereby vlre notice that from thU date, aud uutll July HI, at iff. M? flioy will receive *nb. nerlutlotu for the 4 PKH CENT KCNDlil) Loan OK Till? UKlTKO STAT. H In deiiouilnatluD* a* mated below, AT PAU AXD ACCiU'KD INItUKslVIN UuLlJ COIN. run BONDS are redeemable after thirty year* from July 1, 1877. and carry lnterot from that datr, payable quarteily, and are exempt Irom tbe payment of laxe* or dutiea to tbe United State*, a* well it* Trom taxation iu any lorui by or uuder Statu, municipal or local authority. TIIK INTEREST on the REUIKTERED STOCK will be paid by check, iiau>*d by the TKK\SUKEIt OK Till? I NI Tk D STATES, to the order ol the bolder, and mailed to hi" audrena. The check lnp?yabli) ou presentation, properly Indorsed, at the olllcei ol tlio Treasurer aud Assistant Treas urer* ol'the United -late*. TIIF. HUBSORII'TIONS will be for COUPON BONDS of S.V) and $ 11)0, and KKtllSTKItKO .STOCK la detiouilnHtlou* or$'.l>, flint. #?*>, fl.tnio, f ..CKKI aud *l'),UtK). 'rli!?: BONDS, both COUPON and REGISTERED, will ha ready for delivery July - 1877 FORMS OK tl'l'LlCATION trill be nirnlsbed by tho Treasurer at W lallill^ton tlui Asristanl Treasurers at Hal tlinore, Boston, Chlcagw. Cincinnati, New Orleans, Ne?r York. Phiiauelphlii. St l<onU aud >an Kranelteo and hy tha National H ink* and bankers tC'Derally. The application* must upeclfy the amount and denomliiatluns required, and, for registerttd?took. the lull name and pott oSlce addrea* of the pertou to whom the uonustliall bo made payable. TWO Plilt OKNTofthe pureha?e money mnat a-company the H'thserlption. The remainder may be paid at tlu pleasure of the purchase!, either ul time of subscription Ol at auy tiiue prior to Octoner IU. 1877, witU interest added at four per cent to data uf payment. TDK PAYMENTS may lie made In gold coin to tha Treasurer of the United States at Washington, or Assla tant Treasurer* at Baltimore. Itoston, Chicago, Cincinnati, New Orlcan* and St. I.oui*. and to the Assistant Treasurer ul San Kruncisco, with exchange on >ew Vurk, or to either ol the uudertlgned. TO PROMOTE THE CONTKNIENCE OK SUR3CRIB EUS TUB I'NDERSKlNKD will *l*o reoeive. In lieu of coin. United States note* or diaft* on New York, at ineir ceiu value on the day ofReceipt In the dty of New York. AUGUST BELMONT, A CO.. New Tort DREXF.Ii, MORGAN k CO.. New York. J. A W. SEIilGMA.V A CO.. New York. MORTON. BLISS A CO.. Now York. KlllST NATIONAL. BANK. OK TMB CITY OK nT.\Y~YORK. New York. DREXF.L A CD . Philadelnbla. Jom? U. 1?77. Cl nitll A N I* 57.1XKI TO L 'J vfor Brooklyn Properly. \\f ANTKU IO I'ORCIIArtK.?WILL PAY DASH POIt II abuiit $Hn,'K>0 of ilreene County, Alabama,* ltouds (riven tu MoinpliU .m l Seiina llallruail. For terni?, Ac., id tlreca its nt l it iw. Greene couuty. Ala. U. II. taylor A OO. LOAN?ON NISW YORK ATLAND, 160 I'u I ton 47 c nnn TRP8T A/MM TO MIAN.?NO ROXVC V I ' ecood unit lea-eliold Mort(,-a;e? bought. Addrexn SOLI t'Mo li, llahtld olllco. dj I >>?> (Hill ESTAtK POKJM TO LOAN. 9 I*KB O 1 ??>.U' M ?. eut; l.>?i nn ituildiun* In ouurm of erec ttou. AT It ?lt N I. V. >lmi>a I). I "Wklk Ml Ilk K' AT a AKO 7 fll CBM i tJliOl/UiVUUon Now Voik Hiid lirooklyn Real K?. tute. J. M. HTANaLAKO, 111 Broadway, room J. Q') /win 1 1 n 1 \ T(i~ L<>AN_>IVK TBAR8, rix VAtl/UutUVvpu cent; Urge Lobm. mx-cimtv. Jacob \. d. wyckoi*r, :w riu? *t. , ? 1 : 1 3 COPAttTI ERipW. D'~ iitHo'?Cf?ToV WtJorXifrTi a RXftrp.?bkH* s'i it * S,-ott.?The copartnership herotaloro exiattnir batwaen the undersigned, iiimI t tli" Itrm imin" nt liencko A 8eoU, li mm been ili,.?.ilvo'l li v limit itlon and mn:n?l oonaaot. It* liencke Is alone aiitliori?> 0 tu mjja IB linindnlion herman HBITKR. HaKHIIAW HOOTT. Nkw You*. June '.T>, 1H77. II. Hrn>k? Tne Kouaral llfhoKritphlnx hoklnetii lirra* toloro carried o;i by tlm hDjit lirin will oa couUnued by th* underlined alone, nt No. 1SJ7 I-niton ?t . New York III',IIHA.V BENOKE. Kkw Yohk, Juno 'J\ IH77. L/1LA<.> OK AIL NATION#. r A lull Sot ol PUic* "f All Nation*. 3(1 in namber, ?l*e 2\\ by yk !rot. prick F4 PKR SI.T. Kend a.Id rim lo METROPOLITAN JOB OFFICE, "JH Ann Ik. >ow York. BUMINKMM OI'I'MUTI MTIKs. A -AtlDJTld.N AL t'APIl aL PROtWhKl) FOR V KFt .chuilh. mrinittartiirera and otliaea: R?hI Mutate ox* clutngod lor Bu.-iiuert; Mining liitnroktu, Ac . ?cic?ual*d; |Mir(un> with capital aeekinK bo?llia?? itdtiwd without eiiarirr* ol approv d oppori Bullion Keterenee*: ? llouter, Wnttou A 0v., I'rwduro Commiwiun, H>4 Cliainoero nt , tl. H, Llvriim. K?| . IIhIh Ac. 4l'-< llroadwuy, nud ntli^rn, (tRIlid < A OAULK'ION, Financial and Bumnrnn Uroailwuy. I N OlM'OKTrSITY (it'K.N TO A MAN IN A ^Vlintlneiti nayinc Inrge nrolita. LLo^O, 'Jll Hroadway. Ali(lOI? l* 11A CK F ?lt I jfV KsTM V.> T. -WASTKD, ?&,UUU or #0,o Ml on Urxt bond aii'l loortfraico at it pM rout, lor 11 term ol vptiri. AdilrtMi JOHN L. OONYltS, box 18.1 KinKmon. in>t*r Bounty, N V. A PARTNER IN A Ri ckntly KX. ? laUliHlifd munnfai'tni Inv buiinoM wuh noout :f I? ( Mpltal; I In' artlrlnn lia?i* been (uvcraafnlly intrmlncr-ii and nnli ri'iiiiir'"*''*plt?l to lnsiir<* a very remniinratlvi< return I for the luvoeirnnnt'. .>11 nrii?a or iilnnt oartner will b? ao 1 rrptil Ki<r nifrviow a'ldreu K. M. co., box 4.4IH Po?| | ofber. Now York. Atiu'hty man, 11 vvrn<i ri'm cash. wantki? to >'h . (?? of 11 KathliiK I'Ktablldhiuottt, itnintnar rotiort. I as w??t 21 it 11 ?t. 1 4 MMlDLR.AOkD III'MNKSS ^INiJJ.I-:'M AS WISHES JYto ini-i t a lady with mini<1 cn[itUI to lttT**?t in 11 flrnl ; clae* lurr?4tir? ouvti r>"\ milwen will bo icivvn to p'irtlri I'i my lull nam* and adilrro. Aildrrxe I*. It. B., H?r?liJ ' oOicn. I A N KM \HLIHHKD LAWYKII WILf. LRT PART Ol I iii.n I (Boo ..1 DbhIi Konii nod uli.iro f#n? on bukitirni 1 broim'.it or influenci-d Addroite It, P., offlco. VN <?L1? RSTAKLMIIRD, WKLI4P V VINii LAUND tl fomal* chonn; t xrellonl locality. 1'artleulam adilren | M ILbON. Herald ofllco. IjlLAl >S Or' ALL SAII0N8. v lull -<et of of All Nati'inii, 88 In number, ilia 1JT : li* 3'i feet. PRICK *4 PKB 8RT. i Kami nd lroM to MKTROPOI.ITAS JOB OrriCTR. 2H Ann ?t., N?w Vork* IN Vi NTiO.XS INTKODIT?C?; i'ATK * I NYoiITg I *l<1; R?'nl -?l I or ?Jrcul?r. MASAI* ?i CO., 7-J.? Hun. ; Rutu I'UilAilrlpfit% OSh i AM INTKIU-.Sr A VAIJTABIJC requiring *mi*U cuptrtl; no cum petition. MlhLKK. ' llar t i ufflcd. i> \ I. I'N K WAM'kT* Willi STiiri," tVlfo rNI?Kl? RlNiiilt fti< pHlonl N i fcht romml'ilnn HliRlnnM; it I ?? <" 1 fiu Iflnl* wiitilod Oil t Nrtiffluti in, l.Ki'i A CM., HI tt. rpiii; WKi/. s\ <% 1 Koi'o lit an stkam ii/uli 1 ricking I H'*(ury. 1:1 JLmi" r Rl., will bf? ??IU ni 'Miction on I .J mil- 'JM, nt 11 a. M . i?? tti# wUhuttt rvK!rv?, In' ii?l!iiic '*lt tin* Miicliifinry, hlm'tln^, lii-Uiii^, Ac, |? vviil ii?'i<l Will. Ixirrn* netcnah up ?n Uny of *?!?. rnwo i? \ IM Ks, who ahk mu Nii m mvi. on % I Siuitliffn ^imi(?ti<)ii, deirtre a thlnl Intiv b?yiiiK fl.'JtiU I omh to llrf with them ; b**t r??frr#uron rrqulr?d. AUUto i I A. M. it, ll?rel?t liptnwn office* \y an li". \ ??r a KT n k it,w it ri iT.iwi CAiiil ill a If V? nntubil^iicil piofi'Hbio tni8tiie?n. UUy prrferrnd. Cell ' Kh, 114' *nil ?t. \t'.\N!'KI? I'a .INKI; WITH f ! ?i TO* AllVTUtTiSft >? l>n I.u-in.-w; prolitu, Vl.oiU per HuW> ARI?. He Bill < 'li... \ NTK II?A Hum CLAH,-. PaRTY, Willi $.0,1*0 M to *7 1,0" 1 rnpil a) of ?ee?rltle?, to JMB me in p ircim. I In. tti I iirnllore no 1 leaalns 4 lir,t elaan llotBl intblicitr Apply bo\ 4<?i liraml I'niou ilotoi. (<?; \j I WILL ski;I HK AN INTRRKHTIN an KaTAl Om*'/VWl?hed bniin?H; ?nr?; itbarnl Income. Box 141 lleiald olltee. a? ".I | 1 "R am k-ii ahlishrd puopiuktirI ?P I ? #' ' , it , Iricitimut", pr.tStabte ait* . I > U|. !| wi 'Hi,' or.i?r;IHfBiti|(*tion noil! ired Adore? I HI. i| 1 I. 1, llei W| offlee. w| MUi KUK VamTarlk patknt For riIipj ?p L?'' ? 'and iteamen' eqiuiiinent: aaitablo lor a Ne* V> k oofrpriee; a inBdel fernle.i?4. A4vr??( II, U> ** M|L ^ Mi Sutttu IkBlaw it., tiuumon, ~