OCR Interpretation

The New York herald. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1840-1920, November 14, 1877, Image 14

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Delving Deeper Into the Mysteries
of Silk Smuggling.
Comparative Nullity of the Statute Fix
ing Referees' Fees.
The trial of the Bilk ?muggllna conspiracy csso was
continued yoBterday In the criminal -brunch of the
tatted 8tales Bismol Court before Jo-ge Benedict
and a jury. Assistant District Attorneys Fodier aud
Herrick appeared lor the prosecution, and ?-Judg?. A.
T. Dttlenboeler, Frederick A. Lane an oius
lor Graff aud Owen, the accused parties.
Mr. John ncott was recalled, and was lurmcr rigor
ousiy cross examined by cx-Jodge DHtoahosier. A.
to the letters ol mdomnity received by U.m he stated
mat he received oue on the Oih of August, th.a year,
and anothor on the -1st ol Au^u*1'
dressed a telegram between the Otli aud 2ist from
Toronto to M^(or Theodore Price, No. Barclay street,
New York; the letter offered !u cvideute was
audressod to Hajor Hough, No. .3 Njsouu s're*
New York; those leilors he received about the
21st Irorn Major Price at loronto; he could not
say what hotel he stopped at whou he was in Crescent,
he walked there iroiu iroy; it was about two or three
miles distant irom Iroy; he did not g t uuy hid at me
hotel while he was there, aud did not know the name
ol the hotel; ho Sold silks received in the same Way as
those received irom T. C. Owen to Aiken, -on & Co. ;
George Matthew.; Leo, Tweedle & Co.; Juincs Mc
Creory and John Atwiil. (Wiiuiss declined to answer
furtl.er without roiereuce to hi. books. 1 he Uooks wore
lueu a-vcu to mui loexuutinu oy Mr. D.tieuUoc-ier.)
Previous to Marco, 1874, tnsr were Hurt u exoup
tious in Which he sola .Mb lo olU'T par es li u
Wi.iueruiug 4t Hoguet; ue sola silks prior m 1&.4 to
Field, Morris at kenui-r, Jouu At*III, a. at u.
riEiu, Mbii is t? * ? " - - t " ' ,
Ailkou At itulei suU l.ee, > weed it at o. ; ue ?olu isces to
J. o. J ?h.>-ton, to Mo .i eery at Co. t be g.ve the ue'-gill
hill produce io ttn.m to -et the goods Iroiu wu.ie
the. were; White t- t? toe city; ow.u toiu wiiucss to
seud -or tlio kaigs lo tire ?..u.p.e office at ttie custom
Hou-e; those keg. coutaiued uaimeui.
Air Diileuhider Was ubout to cross-oxtinine the
witness ou Hie . Oiileuls ot the live barrels produced,
when too District Attorney suul ihat he couaeuteu
that all testimony in relation lo me con.euis of the
live barrels m. i kud lor idonuUcatiou oe strickc-u oub
Wlines- resumed? the urst irausuclion wtluesa hud
with Wells ultd Uwreu was lu September, 18.3 (Let
ters produced received Irom Weils.) Couid uot say
what tno date was wneu hu received theai. (Hie loi
ters wero dated alarclt a ad May, 1874.) iuey were de
livered ny a letter carrier; ue received luem at ed?
Broome siroot, aud bad not tbo envelopes; uo saw mo
letters in ibe bands ol Captain brucketl about August
ot this veur; tbo date ot tue urst trauauelion butweeu
Woda and oweu, accorjiug to a uoos kept uy wiiucss,
was February 17, 1874; be had sum Hiiks in
Philadelphia two or tureo Wilis at auction, aud
tod incut inrougb au auction bouse In
Pulladelpuia, hut could not remember n he
had sold uuy in rough privuto houses, though ho
might huVe none so; seveu pieces ol siik ol tho joint
iruunaoiion oi Woiis and uweu, iu the invoice ol i-eUru
ary 1874, weio sold to private parties; two different
remittances Wdre seut to Weils auu Owen?one Ol
?1 ajo, mm tbo other ol $l,?Od. aouut LeJd; lie could
hut suy wuicn was reunited le Owen uuu which lo
Wells' the lael sliipiueut rccolVed Irom Owen w.?s
April 16, 1877; me makes ol s.lks received by wit
hess irom 187k to 1877 were gros grain, draw do vanad
uuu cashmere Victoria; lue bran ds were all taken oil
Bilks in 1876, but lucre was nothing special lu those
brands u\ which witness cou.d lueuiily them irom all
other silas having Ibe same Uruud; he received about
HX shipments a year Hum Oweu, aud usver received
euy shipment at tne dock or irom tno ship; Hie urst
he saw ol uuy ahipiueul coiuiug Iroui Oweu was
either at Variok stieet, Broome street, Noel's
or the express office; no weut w.th Jack
eon to tno storehouse ol the Custom
House in Suptemi.er ol this year, and saw
there a numoor ol boxes; ttioro was uothiug
peculiar in tnetr appesrancu, and mere was uo j.ritato
mark upon meui that ho hud put uo ; no did uot re
member when and whero the njreoiuent was mado
between Oweu aud Wells, or tno lime or placo, or
making an v ag re e I neb t witu James Wel.s. or talking
wltu Uapiain Biiickett aoout tins case since the trial;
he had spoken to Oapiatu Bruckutt every day, nut
couid uot remein nor auy particular duy thai he bad
talked with him since no nad been ou the witness
H1 it it .1' Tie jpnil uot talked with 1- ostor, Herrick or
BrackVtt about his testimony since be had been on
tne w iiue?s stand, hut talked with theui about the
events ol tne day; .be oasr had been reierreu to Uy
ttjttiu to Liiii, but tin tliti uot r?coilcci wbut p.trt ot u,
lie eoUid uot *iv? tuo atibslauii:* ol anything ibodo
gentlemen bald to turn or anytuiug In their reply.
Ite- Jirect by Mr. Foster?I be drat I produced Is a
remittance io i nomas C. Owen oi au iu voice ol goods
sold tor mm; there were invoices iu tne book oi Feb
ruary and March, 1874, of goods sold lor i. 0. Oweu;
tue barrels were Sometimes culled ??lrieuda in llie
letters; tho note produced was written by witness,
Sua be couid not swear Whether It was sent to Owen
Or to Graff. A,
The deienco objected lo its admission on the ground
that the witness would not swear to whom he scut it
Xbe uolo was ruled out.
Wituess, resuming, stated that ho remitted in May,
1877, the proceeds oi twenty-uu# nieces ol s.ik to 1'. C.
Owen - the brauu tual Was upon th.s silk was marked
uuiero Victorias." and Hi s mark was removed
beiore tney were off rec lor sale to WHtueruiug &
Hoguet; two ship manliest* produced wero iu the
luuinwritiug ol Mr. I 0. Owen.
He-oross-examinatiou by Judge Illtienhooter?It was
lmposBinle lor nun lo g.vo ibe uuy ol the luoutbol the
Shipments sent by T. C. Owen; lie re hit-moored opeu
Ing toe case that Caoni iu September, 1873, hut bad
110 sp.-clal recollection of the sn.pm.ut iu February,
1874, or how luuiiy barrels or now m uy cases mere
were - he had no recollection ol llie suipiuuui ol Murch,
1874,' iii.iepeudeut ol his books; Ue did not know
whether it came in barrels or cases; the same ati-wer
Was applicable to me shipment ol August. 1874; lie
Old not know that the tweuly-ouo pieces ol silk re
ferred to evef hud a nraud on theiu ; wnen lit ffrst s .w
them they had uo braud; he did not kuuw thai thay
were tue sumo pieces ol silk that were seat to the
express ottlco; ho was uot sum that It wus ?360 tic
remitted to order; it was ?'J.>b or ?.0U; uo con.a not
recollect whether lie put it into tue Pont Office hiin
neli or not; oigbteeu pieces oI silk were gem-ialty in
s barrel, Which was ubout the sixu ol an ordinary Hour
ibis concluded the testimony of the witness Scott,
snd tho Court then udjourui-u until this morning.
l-or thirteen years there has been pending iu llie
Common Fleas Court a suit brought by Cuaries D> vim,
as assignee ol tho cluiin mace against the city niulor i
the old Hackloy street clauiiiog contract. Ifaewboio )
amount involved Is some $46U,000. Alter huving been
carried twice lo llie Court ol Appeals Hie matter was !
finally relcrred lo ex-Judge Leonard. Arising out ol ;
such releiunco atiuthur important bitch naa unseu j
and itvolvnig a questtou ol great interest in relerence i
cases. At the opening ol his Urst sitting the referee 1
Rave notice that his usual charge wus *6 au hour. Mr. |
William Burtleti, who appeared lor the city, slated !
that ho was not instructed on the mailer ol lets by
the Corporation Counsel, hut lUuthe would be respon- j
Bibie, out ol his own pocket, lor lue lees lor iff it sit- j
ting. At the next sitting Mr BurUctt uri d iced a let
ter uddrei-sed to htm by the Corporation Counsel, re
fusing, on bobull ol the city, lo j ay more than the
Statutory lee, $4 a day. I he re;ere<* said lie could not
try the case lor that, rue plaint.II e attorneys, Me sr*.
T. C. Cronib and J. J. M irvin, oil re i on oeliail of inu
liia.ut.O md tne Uuleu an <? i<er than toe cay to
ngrve lo p y ?? ..n hour and tor cv. ry aujoarntiisht. ;
'J no re lore" ssij Ii- would try lUe eu. i a mi em. ige me
fstomary Ices, r-' an liour ami $.j or very aj ?t.ru
ent, woich he sunui i expect the pr. a ung part; o
pay, and inul he would coosi ler I.Ill ".i untitled lo
hold bis report as security uu.il it w .? pai l, nii.iss
the Court ordered U.in to ueiiVi r it w iliiotit mm j..,.
iH.-ut; wbereupou lue counsel lor ihv uy r- luseil to
proceed aud w.tndruw'. Lpen these lacg uioi 'll 10
remove UP) refer-, e add v.citu tlio oro. i oi ri- c-r. uco
w is made Uelore Judge J. F. Daly, w ho dctite i inn
Si on, and Iroui .his oe l.-.P u ajipeal w iukc-u to lue
Goip-ril I erm Where llie ease w .s argued J e ? c-rdsy
b lore CUiei Ju-itice Diiy aud J ddaes Laireiuure a^d ;
Xtobii.sou. |
jir. B.rilett, who opened the argument, contended ,
that tne r?ler<-e could unt .oganjf cu.tr o uv.-r a day .
uuic-es noiii parties agreed to it Ho gave uoiicu that
L? couid not ?ci lor .ual 0u?- party . run.isod to , .,y |
bnu more it m?-y prevaned. foe otn-ir pa. y reiusc . .
1 urn the reisres oider--d uie rolereuc- io proceed, s iy
lug Ue would cuarge inof mau tile I gal ,i en .<n> Way ^
and ..old bis report lor securi.y uu ????> ordered I. tne
Court to d. liver it up. It ?'* j> .i.u tnut ills reh-...c
?,jly proceeded iu colli' <|iiein ? oi I m oiler oi "iiu |
party to pay more tnau Uu law-nil too-, and ins own
lauguaga at ma outacl -hues mat he w uld I
lot otnerwiae have heard the c c-e, lor In
said "I Could net But ?s roleret) at .J..1 a
Billing." Ms aecen i p--l fit wii n?'l the rclvree,
i.nuer tne circain-lanees, ha- no power to m l lurtin'r
In th l cult. I he provision- lor reterc-uo.a ire w rm ly
? isiu ory Under me sutu'o a reieme m y set ioi
n day, or lor more I Uoiii i??rt ?* ngrea. I in- reii-rce
i.aa given notice lu .t in- ceo.d uot act lor 43 ? .ley,
nod IhO parties havo not agreed oo a big not rate o I
.. - ... .1.1. U. .1 ... .1
auv i"g?i previaidus lor a reference, and con?- tjueiu.y
Le cannot cx-rc.-e m? p.wrois and lune
t una el a re.eree. Be oma. I compel tno ailendaucc
oi parties or win a or oruer a delault or
a.ve JS'limi iit lue third p<> nt raised wn? that by
Ute ttevtaca otatut a it ib mado a uusuouio .uoi , puu
i .erolors ne o- ? not come w.iuiu
Rhable by fine or Imprisonment, or both ror a Pel*??
in rr*( eve any gratuity or gilt what-ver irom si y
party to any *o?l lhe lrl*' of wh'ch ,u p,rt??
shall have foaen apiwiated a referee ho, even Hi be
cuv were to go on, ue tue releree evidently
Ho" U without Vousent.ug to pay ??re tUwu tne
statutory lee o $3 per diem, the releree would com
nut ? crime H he reported in lavor of the
and took Iroui him more than that,? ?"l"un;
lor ho would thus be receiv.ng a gilt ?r
gratuity o mrwy to this provision of the Ke
t,s.d Stamen. A fourth point we* that the
Court below erred In taylug that no act or the
rnaree warrants or aupiiorts the application!*
removal. The transaction betweeu him and thei c? uu
ael lor the p.aiui.ff lu.Dlled ail the conultmu* reqnUtM
to constitute a contract There was a ?*?tiug ol
m ud.?an offer on tueir part to pay him mora
ii.an mo city dclenduut would pay uud an accepiuuco
ol that oHcr by him. The Court below 1* y I ? ^
"The referee cou d not possibly prevent such an
offer ociB, made." This is true, but lie could have
refrained Irom accepting an offer made by only one
side, having previously relusort to go on
unless more thao |3 was to be paid A? n
U tn point it was insisted that thta offer was a proiniso
to pay the referee more .1 ue decided in lavoro1 the
plain lilt than ue would be paid it lie decided in tuvor
ol tue city, deieuuaut. He ciacled this promise, lor
uutP it was mane he reiused to proceed. Tne case is
analogous to ,bat of intended rewards to jurors, oou
detuned by Hawkins in bis "Pleas o, the Crowa.
Counsel also ced tbe oplutou of Judge Wallace, in
tue case ol the Emma Mtoiug Company vs. I afk, and
tnsu urged lu coucluaiou tha. ultuough the high repu
tation ol tne rslerce asserted by tue Court below is
not d s; tiled, uo u.su'a reputation is so blah that ho
cau aci a.) judge or referee under ttie protnseof higher
Pay li no decides lor one party than Ue is to re
ceive II be decides lor tho other, without destroying
bis reputation, as witm as tue example ot the i,lus
trums Lord Bacon. Upon these grounds he ma'-ted
that the order of the Cuurl below should be reversed,
Willi costs, aud tho motion thereby deuied granted ,
Mr Warviu, In opposition, contends that without i
stipulation only $3 u day could be charged by tho I
r-ieree; that the relereo under hi. announcement
could get but tue statutory lee; lliut the Court to which
be was suojcct would compel him to deliver his re
port lor the statute charge, aud that his lion ,u* '?J,
upon the report was ouly to tne cxtout ol his statule
He when tue parties declino to enter into the bti; u
la'un authorized by the old code. In con
ou-iou, as ground tor tho affirmance ol the
order was cued the oplutou ol Judge Daly,
holding mat the releree cannot prevent one
iiwriy ?ugg eting iu his presence that a higher rale ol
compel,.at on sliouid be allowed, nor prevent an oiler
being thus publicly mad-by one party to pay such
limber rate or to pay whatever tbe reieroo may ue.
cl.re to be n,s usiaf charge, whether the other party
con euts i hereto or uol. ? . h
At the close ol the argument tho Court took tho
pupers, reserving lis decision.
A IIUmBAND'.i liability.
Arnold, Cuustahle & Co. brought suit agalual Ira A.
Alien, ol this City, tor u bill ol dry goo-s purchased by
diary E. Allen, the wile ol the delenduni, who has,
however, sin e brought suit against nor husband aud
obtained uu au-olute divorce from bun in Hie Htute of
Coun-CHCUi. Tue dolendant roiu.-ed to pay the bill,
on tho ground that it was contracted without his
knowledge or consent; mat the good, were not
necessary for Uis wile; mat no had given Uis wile sut
tlcleut n.ouey and had pal J Dil.s enough tor all neces
saries; that ho and his who at the time of the pur
chase of the goods wore living separate; that be was
then paymg bar an allowauce lor her support, ibut tno
goods were.sold on the credit of thewife andnoton
ins credit. I he case wa- tried yesterday be ore Juago
\iker ol the Marine Court. Mrs. Allen testitiou that at
the lime ol the purebaae ol the goods they were not
11v ug separate; that her husband neglected to prop
erly provuie for ner support and maintenance; lb.it
tue goods were necessary lor her use uuu were all used
bv her: that ner busbaud bad knowledge that the
giods Uud been obtained, and that he in.du no par
ticular objection; she also tesiitkd that the delendaut
w ,s ? man or means and doing a prosperous business.
Xne Court held mat the delendant was liable for nocos
aartes furnished lor ihe proper support ol his wilo,
suiiablo to their con utiou iu lite, but it was ror the
jury to say what were such necessaries. 1 bo jury
brought in a verdict in lavor ol the plaintiffs tor
*7u7 02, with costs, to which an extra allowauce was
added ny tho Court. Mr. A. H. Nou-s and ex-Judge
Clark appeared lor plamtilTs and Mesars. Cooper &
Koe tor deieudnuts.
Robert H. Shannon, a lormor United Stales Com
missioner or the olairlct of Louisiana, and who was
mdicted In New Orleans charged with dolraudtng the
United .-tatesof $40,000 in a case In the Court of
Claims at Washington,, was brought yesterday before
United States Commissioner Deuel It appeared irom
tbo statements made beiore the Commissioner that
Harriet A. Mill was the owner ol 100 bales of cotton
stored at Chntou, La., In Auguat, 1804, which wag
taken pogscsslon ot by tho United States military
authorities aud tUon turned over to the United States
treasury. Shuunuu, who was Untied StateB Com
missioner id New Orleans look testimouy in the cute
lor tbe sui port ol the claim, huh he thou certiUcd that
he w s uot interested In the matter. It t? alleged by
the prosecution that be had a large pecuniary interest
Iu the claim. Suanuou, in reply to this, stated that
bo had uo more luterest in the mutter then the tuking
ol the testimouy and securing uia lees. I bat be was
indicted in April, 1870. aud that he gave hail in $500
to be tried ut tue uext term ol the Court, Mianuon
was urre.-ted yesterday on a capias, tl having been
found that he was m New York. When biought be
lore Commi-aioner Deuel he waived an examination
aim was committed on a warrant ol removal issued by
Judge UlaicJiiord. Shannon was alter ward admitted
to bail in $1,500 to appear lor trial on the indictment.
There was a lengthy argument yesterday before
Judge Donobuo, In Supreme Court, Chambers, on the
motioti to make permanent tho injunction in the suit
br ugbtbyMri. Isabella B. Noe against William F.
Noo restraining tne defendant from disposing ol cer
tain real estate transferred by her to him shortly alter
their marriage. General Sanlord appears! lor the
mot on and Mr. John D. Townaeud In opposition. All
th. peculiar facts connected with this peculiar litiga
tion as ncrotolore published in tno Hkralu were re
cit-d ut length, together Willi copious citations ol
author! tea on both aides lor und aituiusl the motion,
-evciai new affidavits were road, but tho only material
new iacta they contaiued wore tho statements ol Mrs.
Noo denying the extravugauee imputed to ner
bv her husband and ol Mrs. Noe's mother
disclaiming uuy ugoncy iu br'n,,?* _ '
present buiL At the closo of his argnmei ?
Mr Townsend proposed thai, masniueh as this suit
w is lor oniv n separation and maintenance, with uo
cnargi ol uilultery or cruelty on tho pari ol the hU3
band ttiSt the belter wuy of dnspoatiig ol tbe wbole
cus- would he an iimuubie acjuatnivut between tbe
liiirtie-, and ho, therclore, was willing, in open court,
to m:iso hitch proposittoa He stated mat tbese par
tie- w-iit to l.urope witU iho purpose of retronclilng
their expenses, having lived beyoua their income;
that during tuo la-l eight mouths ol their married
lile they lived happily together; lhat she wrote him
a kind and lovng letter immediately on her return to
l,vr mother'- bouse, and directly alter Instituted the
nr-soul prneemiiugs. lie lurtUor stated that 51 r. Noe
oOerod to giv- her a botne with him at the Everett
House. Alter tbut Judge Don ,hue took the papers,
reserving docisiou.
Judge Lawrence, ow.iig to the death ol his niolhor,
did not hold court yesterday, hut Judge Donohue took
bis p.ace iu Supremo Court, Chambers.
Catherine Kioe, aged uiuotoeu, charges Louis Kauch
with seduction under promise ol marriage. Her
mother, Mrs. Maraarol Kice, was yesterday appointed
by Judge Donohue her guardian ad litem.
judge DoU'ibuo yaieruay d-nied the motion to ro
move to Wistcheeter countv the suit brought hy
Jut,us Quinri against R. N. Van Felt, a lawyer. The
plaintiff charg a him with having, uiier ireing retained
by ner acied lor the interest of adverse jiurties, und
upon ibis Rogation ah- asks $gO,?H)0 daiimges. A
ui t.on wusmnio io transler tno suit to W-siclioater
county on tb? ground or involving tue title ol real
estate in this county.
/mlge i.awrenc- gave a decision yesterday on the
a,('p I- ,tion made by >lr J. C. quinn to disclim go from
th- House ol ltd luge ih- boy .-auiuel J. Cmiroy, com
n H ltd by Justice 5turriy to this liieiuution on com
pl nut of uis in itlier, ohergiiig linn w. n being die
uuniinni I he ground ol commitment wu * prool of
th- boy'e vugian y .luugt Lawrence grai.lud th- ap
plH utiuu, holding that tl e (act ol a on hung incur
n ml- was liot I'lool that he wail a vug rant, and
th-r lor- ln.it his comiuliment w .? illegal.
Ainaii ia II. Most,, ud, who wasmirried to Nicholas
W .\u-ir Mil "I brought a ami uguinsl her nun
bui.il lot iiiiiiiid divorce, Hid in 1872 ?n order wae
LT int-.l dir-otl ; th- deleniUut to pay $IuOcouu?e lee
and $.0 a w--K I'tnony. It isata'edibat the coun
, |-r w;.s li ml, hit. tnai thore I n w due yd,041 4,
al,H,,?i a,r Nostr mil in his answ-r alleges that
ho is wining to iipportuer, hut has tcliiacd to pay the
ai.uiont I?hi e -no persists iu leiainiug rnr position
ii I,? ijn. llv a., Uouj-autper lor a goull-mau Up
>i wn won I- i V" g a ari in? in hia w le. A motion was
n u',e vusi-rdsy b lore Judge Donohue to strike out
the answer <>n the acomtil ol the non-parmenl or
aiiinony, and Judge Donohue look the papers.
Ai.nwsv, N. V., Nov. 1J, 1S77.
Judgment nlliriiicd, wituout co ts io unli-r | ariy ne
a'viinsi tno otuoi hi iliis i ourt.?Lodor vs. Hu licuL
J nilgni. lil reversed ami oaiv trial grained, COS.H 10
nt, 4 , vein.?Wmi- v Wl-r; Nash vs. Mitchell;
li^ur vs. Erie Railway Company.
dr ier rev r -d and application denied, with co-ts.?
Pu.tnet vs Foley.
.lud.ineui ..llirmod, with r.oeta,?Wlsner vs. Oconi
pann; Fier.ov -. 1'ieroa; Matauloy vs. Pottur, I'ar
r.it vs. Colby; Kii.su v< ilihiwiu; Clirlstie vs. Oage;
l'.n ue Vs. Hodge, H .rkloyv*. K-nsselnai* and .-.aratoga
Kiiilroiu Company; Mumoy vs Jackson.
Judgment revursud ana relicuriug ordorod.? Pollock
v.-. Pollock.
Order affirmed, wtih costs.? Cro-ker v?. M liltney; in
re. Na io, .il Hank oi Genesee vs. Ho iwiek; People ex
rel. isliviii vs. Wo.id 11; Jones vs. Welweod; Thump
sou vs. lail r; in re. I nompson, a ciodiior.
Jijdgiiiem ol General lenn reve-s-u and Judgmeni
ot '.iiiity Court affirmed, with coaia. ? Mynard vs.
isyracuae, Uingliamton, Ait, Railroad.
Appeal dismissed, who co ts.?People ex rol. Rich
ardson va. bounty Court ot at. Lawrence county; in re.
Pecunty Lift Insurance Company, oa application of
Miller vs. Wlckbatu.
Order afUrmed aud Jadgment absolute for plaintiff on
?npuialion, with coma?Ouiitanlc vs. Lake Shore. ko..
Order affirmed and judgment absolute lor defendant
on stipulation, witit costa?Kulpb va. Brooklyn City
Railroad Company.
Halloo It vs. Hominy woiiuu lor rrargument submit
ted. Jones v*. Anderson, motion to open default; J
P. Saraers lor motion, Jumes Kerguson opposed. Pack
vs. Collins, motion to compel return of remittitur; A
D Wales lor rnoiiou, M. M. Watora opposed. Mcll
vaiue vs. Erie Usilroad Company, motion to open de
fault lu commi-sion of uppeale aud restore oauae in
tuia Court; C. K. Lockwood lor motion, Samuel Hand
opposed, lu tba matter of i olurabia Law School, no
tion to ameud the rules ol tn s Court as to admission ol
students at law; Theodore Dw,*bl for mMiou.
vs. James, motion to d.-miss appeal; \>. H. Hulberl
for tuouou, E. H. Bouu opposed. In re. G. W. Van
Neat BUumiued by G. W. Vau -Nest In person. ?
No. 372 lu ro. Hoy.?Argued by .4. Hand for ap
pelluut and U. J. D#hu for respondents.
No 5(!8 lu re. Striker.?Argued by H. J. Doan tor
SDneilaut slid E. P. Sbepord tor reapoudonl.
No 370 Ddtervs. .-cxtou.-Argued by George P.
Andrews lor appebaut and Osborne E. Bright for ro
aim-sal DtsxisasD.
No 378. Derujitr vs. Lombard.?Argued by
Cburics H. Tweed lor appellant and William B. Mar
tin lor ruspoudeot.
GItNKnAL calkxdar.
No. 108. Waitncli vs. Freedmau.?Argument re
sumed uud oouuiuded.
The following fs the day calendar for Wednesday,
Novcmbur 14, 1877:?Nos. 155, 197, 120, 179, 0?>w.
202, 198.
By Judgo Lawrence.
Masson vs. Welsh ; Docket vs. Weisb; Hoyt vs. Hoyt;
Hsruu vs. Noll man u.?Grunted.
Quiuti vs. Vau Pell; Same vs. Same; Benedict et
al. Manufacturing Company vs. Thayer; Masson vs.
Welsu ; Docker vs. Welsh. ?Order* grunted.
Finbcr6 vs. Congregation Fiterotb Israel Newsiaut
Shmindt; Kurd va lirower?Explanation required.
lit the matter oi Couroy.?The prmouer Is eullilod to
bis discharge. Opiuiou . .
McCunvtile v.-. ii lner.?Order vacated on the de
lendaut's marrying the plaintiff in open court.
Kauiraauu vs. Ueiue.? Ibis ..onou beiug lor the ro
cov. ry oi tbe goods epecilicully uo order o urrest cau
be tir.ib.nl. (>ee Coda ol Civil Procouure. section 5o0,
subdivision 3 ) .
Auiiiouy vs. Kibop.?Motion granted on payment ol
cos is ol motion. . ? . .
Witt) it. Witty.?1 ain not entirely satisfied with
ttie prool oi service in this case. It cau bo mudt- moro j
positive tban it is. und the positive prool snould be
luriusbed. . . ... |
liuc-snor vs Hoessner.?1 wish to see tbo attorneys
win. pr soul the or Jor lu mis caso
No trait<J Vi*. Noatraucl.?Mouoo grunted. (be<s I
Bru.kuy vs. Urinkiey, 47, N. V., 4".I
Vincent vs Viuroui. ?Mo.ion grunted.
Met. I wee vs. McElwec?Kef-rrod to Jerome buck to
aRcortaiii wliil sum snuulu be allowed to tbo plaiulifl
for her support .luring tbo poudoucy ol this action, ,
and for a counsel leo to enable uer to prosecute this ,
By Judge Douoliun.
Andrews vs. N. Y. L. B. Co.?Order must stand as
entered; insert tbo pupors used tu motion.
By Judge BurreuL
Equitable Life Assurauco Society vs. Hocbt.?Mo
tion grautod. Receiver appointed.
Mutual Lilo lus.uratice Company vs. Schlessingor
and oiuers. Actions ol ibis importance and with such
a defence were uol ecu lump luted by iho rulo. Tbe oe
fcucu is not trivial nor interposed lor delay. A serious
contest is evidently luieudod. Motion domed.
By Judge Van VorsL
Morgan vs. Frauklyu aud others.?Order settled and
Jones vs. Jonos.? Findings spued.
By Judge Vau Bruut.
Ftscbcrmann vs. Gauter. ?Cane settled.
By Chief Justice Curtis.
Legrand vs. Mat.battau Mercautlle Association.?
Proposed caso aud amendmeuu settled.
By Judge Robinson. .
Balmer vs. Bnlmer.?Decree signed.
By Judge J. F. Daly.
Bchnltzor vs Frollcb, Scbruun, Jr., vs. Sullivan;
Scbaal vs. O'Brieu. ?Motion granted.
lu tno m itter ol Rogers.?Two sureties must Justify
to double me ainouul ol bouu.
Coiley vs. Maltby.?Application denied.
Clurk vs. Collins.?Motion deuied, with $5 costs to
C bicus vs. Monroe.?Borne evidence other than
hearsay that tbe accounts arc worthless.
Marine court?chambers.
By Judge McAdam.
Lord vs. French; Morris vs. Kosoubcrg; Bamter vs.
Hiolau.?Motions grained.
Ferris vs. Eolomou.?Motion granted, with 910
costs io abide eveul.
Storms vs. Curtis: Levy vs. WiIbod; Upbam vs.
Leouard;'Portor vs. Koeuuu?Juiigmeuta
Csringuola vs Doudero.?Complaintdismissed.
Kusscbuu vs. llolion John G. Boyd appointed re
ceiver. . , .
The Produce Bank vs. WalL?Motion denied, with
Jib costs.
BryLteln vs. Coughbn.?Motion granted, unless
wlibiu teu days plaiutlll llle note of Issue aud pay $10
cost 4. I
Jolms vs. Cbnpin; Steinberg vs. Finelite; Duffy va
Oierac?See indorsement ou papers.
Copcut v?. Van Horn.?Mo iou granted.
Lerus vs. White; Buugeri vs. Colea?Defaults.
Ausbucb va Lenis.?sureties uppruved
Bbaw vs Dougau ; Ureene vs. Same.?William Llnd
say appointed receiver.
Robertson vs. suitings.?Five per cent allowance
Hi inze ve. Solomon.?Arrest vaeated.
Buddcndicli vs. Stubr.?Motion denied. Dofendant
must serve bis an*wor on the lotb inst.; $10 costs to
plaintiff to abide event. (39 71. Y. Sup. Ol., 482.)
Dclore Judge Sutherland.
Neptune Bowdon, alleged to havo been in the bablt
of gotug "straw" bail, was some timo ago convicted of
perjury, tbe charge being thai be sVore to tue owner
ship of property he did uol possess, and was sen
tenced to a torm of Imprisonment. The case was ap
uealod to the General lerm ol the Supremo Court und
a new trial was ordered. 1'he uccused wan accordingly
taken Irom Clinton PrUou aud irausiorrod to the cus
tody ol the Dis.rlct Attorney. He was yesterday
taken beloru Judgo Sutherland und committed to tbe
lomba to await trial.
In the case of Luring M. Block, who pleaded guilty
to tbo charge of keeping a gambling house, and who
! wm sunteuccd to six mouths' imprisonment in the
| Penitentiary and to pay a fine ol $250, Mr. John O.
j Moll, bis counsel, sued out a writ ol habeas corpus
I for the production ol toe prisoner, with a view to ob
I tal tug uls release. The wfit is returnable belore
judge Douobue. Aaslslaul District Attorney Herring,
| who conducted tbe proseoutiou, contends that iltus
I much as iho itidiciuioui was perfect, ana tue prisoner
on his own coufenmoQ ackuowdedgod Uis guilt, lucre
I exist no leg.il ground.- lur tbe release ol mo accused.
I l no Court oi Oy?r aud Teriniuor b. lug imw in session,
; ine writ wul prouubly bo made returuublo belore
Cbiel JuslliO ll.iV #.
LdliHt o'llUlEN AT THE BAR.
Libby O'Brien, ugod mirteon, whose exploits lu
tho suesk tbteviiig Hue have gained Tor her such
notoriety, w is yo lerduy arraigned lor trial. It ts
s.ild ibni her stealings within the past year amounted
I to soiuetutug I ko gU.bOb. Tue spectUo charge ou
which *ue wai cubed up wus that ol bloating two sets
ol coini jawcls, a pair ol gold earrings aud a wateb,
Hie piwpvrty ol Mrs. Auuio D. Norma, So. lbl West
Forty-eighth street. The young cuipr.l, wuu is ra.uer
prepo- osBliig, seemeu to bo quite pcuileut, and her
coun.-o , Jlr. WiluHiu llowo, made an earnest nppi al
iu her oi uuli. Amisuut Di.triot Attorney Bell ro
! uiaVKid mat the girl uad not stoleu Horn want, having
1 all her necessities piuvtueil lor by Iter luotm r. Bbo
Lad a main i -or stealing, ami utioor ibo cirouuisiaiiors
bo suggested ihal sue oe s< ul to the Catholic I'ro
i lectin v. Judgo etumerlaiid dryly ousoi vcu that bo
mi. nut D-beVe in Hie ui tluiuuu ul mania i.s an oXeU.e
1 inr si. aling, .ui t in iaci no would tise to si c tue lerin
set oriu In l ome new dietiouury. He would, how
ever, send tho girllu too CaiUotic P oiectory. Libny,
tue picture <d repoutauco, wa<^muu rumovod.
A \ ( LD '1 RICK.
Ou the 14th of Beptombor William J. Van Amringh,
who said bo was a clerk, went to the residence ol
Thomas A. Kenuctl, Nit UU E st Eighiocutb street,
slating mat lie bud been soul lor a coal, Vest aud a
got w itch, with instructions to bring tueiu to Wis
Lotos Club! li waa a bogus order ou witicu tue Una!
0. lamau the properly uesud lor, una bo w?? soon
piuoeu iu custody. On oeiug urrmiguea lor trial be
pie dod guilty and wus soul to tbe Btate Prison lor
one year and six mourns.
James Mullen aud James Warren broke into tbe
Inger beer saloon ol August Weber, Na S3 Spring
street, ou the 4tu iusL, und curried off some property.
Both pleaded guilty and were tonicuucd ouch fur the
term of two yours and mix iiioniitsin tbe State Prison.
as Doteotivo Murpuy, oi the E'gbtu precinct, wus
casting bis oaglo cyu urounu in search of advsuture
ins g?Zi' wus 1 a.cued on Jobu Kolly, ol No. 71 Molt
street, w.io Wis doing his best to break oi?en a saow
case u'elougiug io William B. Fleiuiug, No. 4,.4 Urooiuo
street aud wbiou Was illleJ wltu vsit.aoui inr .. Kelly
wa p'roiaplly taseii lino custody, aud ou toeing ar
raigui'd bor trial plesdb.l guiby aud was sent to tb?
btate Prtaou lor oua year.
btrpRKMK Cocnr?CUASUKUS?Held by Judjio Dono
hue.- Notice? Du and alter the 14th inst. and until
lurinor uotiue tue Chambers calendar will be called al
tnrce o'clock P. M. ; ex parte bustuesa will be at
tended U> by Judge Donahue hi Part 3. Now 49, (Ml,
141 131, 194, 198, 199, 204, 226, 234, 244, 243, 247, 263.
288, 287. 298, 2*9, 812, 817, 341, 808, 605, 619. 627, 631, I
516, 283. 527, 559, 6X9, 063. *165. 553, 461, 492, 483, 484, j
485, 456, 487. 488, 474. 407, 562. 560, 692, 503, 504, 690,
603, 60S. 620.
Sufrimk Co cut?Circuit?Fart 1?Held by Judge
Doaohue.?No*. 203H. 1811, 069, 1150. 497, 805, 841,
03, 1701. 1976, 833, 1161, 1148, 1368. 028, 1222, 1792, 814,
1418, 490. 663, 6-4, 1428. 1164. Pert 2.? No day caiin
diir. Part 3? Held t>v Judge Douohue.? Nos. 85, 884,
069, 990. 1026. 1116. 11U. 1122, 37>. 364. 980, 1052, 503,
1220, 1318. 1329, 934, 144S, 191. 1140, 1178. 829. 30. 316,
701, 23. 1711. 775, 20: 9. 2040, 2041,2042, 2043. 2044, 141,
326. -031. 1143, 793. 1366, 1066. 2523, 2639, 2640, 2645.
1708 >? 1182, 863, 606 >4. 1402. 1142. 365.
NUKKRh'R Cockt?Oknbral Irrm?Held by Chlof
Juetice Curllf end Judges senford end Froedman.?
Mo* 20, 28, 32, 33, 37. 38, 40, 43. 0
Speir.?Nog 62. 84, 62, 89, 42, 20, 63, 57, 70, 80. 78.
Sukkrior Court?Trial Tkkr? Part 1?Hold by
Judge Sedgwick.? Nor 420*. 21. 114, 179, 361, 272,
761. 690, 731, 340, 287, 267. 268, 430. 627, 369, 432.
Parle 2 and 3?Adjourned for Ihe term.
Common Plrah?Gk.nkkal I\,rr?Hold byCbtofJui
lire C. P. Duly and Judges J. T. Daly and Van
Hoesen.?Cage on, No. 72. Noe. 60, 8d, 90, 91, 94, 8,
98, 112. 115, 122, 17. 41, 61. C8, 10, 82, 86, 89, 92, 96. M
Common I'lkas?Ful'itt'IRita?Held by Judge Lar
re more.?Nos. 29, 28. 30, 13, 14, 22, 25, 31, 10, 11, 13,
23. 53. Demurrers?Nos. 6. 7.
Common Plrab?Trial Ixaa?Part 1?Held by Judge
Robinson.?No#. 807, 1953, 907, 1C87. 1105, 438. 1946,
339, 926, 777, 1172, 480 Parts 2 and 3?Adjourned lor
tlie term.
Mari.xk Cocrt?Trial Terr?Part 1?Held by Judge
Sheridit .? Nos. 1975. 1930, 0047, 2266. 2260, 164514,
1927, 2220. 1640, 2207, 2268, 22u9. 2270, 2211. 2271
Part 2?Hold by Judgd AlKer.?Not. 2:>32, 1806. 1703.
16b.<, 2221, 2228. 1658. 1224. 1570, 1016, 3671. 2018,
2619, 1385. 1121. P-trl 3?Held by Cbicl Justice
Mica. ?Nog. 1659 2179, 81<i, 1869, 2185, 990X, 3650,
2051, 1603, 1885s 3729, 2162. 3571. 2652, 1138
coi'rt or Urnkkal skshions?Hold by Judge Suth
erland?Pert J Tiiu People ve. Dennis Murphy, rob
bery; Smile ve. Arthur McKeou, leionloua easeuit;
Seine vs. Kugeue I). Augcll, felonious aaa.iuit; Same
vs. John Lcddy, leiouioua aeeuult; Seme va Moaea
Singer, rape; Saina ve. John Bigclow, burglary; Saruo
va William Green, burg ary; Sauic va John Sweeney,
burglury; S-iiue vs. Hicbard Harmon, burglary; Same
va William Vmcont, burglury; S.iinu va. llluucbe Mor
roll, gruud larceny; Same va. James Johusuu and
Cioorge Johnson, grand larceny; Same vs. Caro
line Appcll. grand larcony; Sumo vs. Edward
Bri-nnen. ussuuit and battery; Same vs.
Joseph O'Br.cii, assault aim buttery; Same
vs Delimit F. Murpny, robbery; Sumo vs. Nalbuu
BrasBiu.in, adullerutiug milk; Same vs. James .turns,
sailors' hoarding bouse; Seme vs. Jumna Curloy, -elo
ui ue tiKsiU'l and baitcrv; Same va Kate Wbeien,
felonious a suull nuu battery; Mine vs. Al erl Will
iams, burglary; S.iiue va John H Mul iu, burgl ry;
same vs. J .linen CuuuiUe, burglary; Same vs. cuurles
Ba es, burglary; Sumo vs. diaries Wilson, burg
lary; S.itUf vs MiVeuua Suydor, grun-1 I*r
ceuy; Same vs. Margaret llusard, grand lar
ceny; Sain o v-. Eiiiiiih French, ifrnnd larceny;
same ve. Henry B. Hipp, grand Marc ny; same vs.
Mic act Dillon, gr .ml larceny; Same va. Jobu ljuffgu,
grand lero< uy; a*m? Va Henry P .udin, urceny Iroin
the perron; Suuie vs. Enwurd Sullivan, larceny irom
the person; same v?. James Burns, I roeuy Iroui the
person; Same va Samuel A. B.nley, lalsc pretences,
Seine V- T'liomue Dubu, lal-c pri-ieiiCes; Same Vs.
Junius Ooheriy, iclon oue ussiuli; Same ve, Alexander
Murray and William Birch, burglury.
Court ok Oykr and Tkkrimkk?Held by Judgo
Davis.?The Pcopie vs. Edward U. (Jus, homicido;
same vs. Hubert L. Case, perjury (continued).
Washington, Nov. 13, 1877.
In the Supreme Court of tbo United States to-day,
on motion ol Mr. David Davis, Mr. Charles W. Thomas,
of Bullcvillo, IlL, was auuiltted to practice as an at
torney and counsellor of this court On motion of
Mr. It. P. Lowe, Mr. E. J. Monlaguo, ofCartbagn, Me.,
was admitted to practice us an attorney and counsel
lor ol this court.
No. 87. Eln-ha Morrow, pluintill in error, vs. E. S.
Whitney etuL ? i he ?re umont of this cuusowas.on
tinueu ny Mr. 'I. O'Uure, ol couusul lor plaint ITin
error, una by Mr. M. H. Carpenter tor the delendent lu
error, and concluded by Mr. 1. O'Uare lor the plalntld
in error.
No. 90. T. Given and C. S. Hilton, xecutors, 4a, el
al., appellants, vs. John K. Billon, el ai.?The argu
ment oi this c.iuso was commenced by Mr. W. F. Wat
tiugly, ol counsel lor tne uppoilants, and continued
by Mr. J J. Jotinsou and Mr. W. S. Cox lor the ap
pellees, and by Mr. 11. T. Merrick lor the appellants.
Adjourned until to-morrow.
On Monday George, the Count Joannes, entered the
Filiy-seveiitb street Police Court with a wolghty
bundle of papers, which, with a kindly bow ot recog
nition io ihu presiding magistrate, he handed ovor to
thai gentleman, exp aming that It was an affidavit
ui on the strength ol which ho hoped to have a sura
mons issued for tlio uriest of E. A. Sotbcrn, the
"1 shall examine this document, Count," said Judgo
Wandell, "wltn cure, and to-morrow you may learn
what action 1 have determined on."
The affidavit contains tne usual egbtislicsl trash, and
rclaics that great bus been the physical and the mental
distress caused by Mr. Sotneru't Do Lacy Fnsalia
mont, the Crushed. It claims that this Impersonation
reddt-rs Mr Sotbern guilty ol libel, and makes it a
mooted questlou woollier or not a breach 01 peace will
toltow each per orui .uco.
lite Count exchanged a few civilities with Judgo
Wundell and then letl.
Yesterday, about ten o'clock, the well known form
and lace ot tne Count reappeuro i. He w.ui recognised
by many, and his cutry was a sort ol mock triumphal
march. Judgo Wandell, kitting on tbo Bench, had
Just sent below some aggravated case ol drunkeuness,
when hie oyo caught ibui of the Couni, anu a nod ot
recognition and ol mutual respect passed between
them. Judge Wandell motioned the Couui to ad
vunce, which that well known gentleman did.
Judge Wundell said bo had caroluliy perused the
affidavit, but thought the Count should seek u Civil
remedy oeioro resorting to the Police Court llu sug
gested that the Count ece tho District Attorney and
have Hie mult> r brought before the Grand Jury.
but tins bceu thought ol, sir," said the count.
''A lew days ago 1 saw District Attorney Mussed as
rogurds this uutragu, but be aaid to me, 'Couut
Joannes, uiodet-iy becomes you, uud Fdty seventh
hired Court will suit you, with Its quiet, lar more
lhau tho General Sessions, with Its uoi.-e and busilo.'
I come to you, sir, acting on Mr. Kasscll's suggestion.
Now you send mo buck. Is this proper? Ant I the
kbutliecock ol tbo battledore ol Justice to be knocked
about iu this matter?"
Judge Wanoxll (anxiously)?Curtainly not; cor
tamly not.
Count Joannes (appeased)?Sir, I do not know this
Mr. Sotiicrii. Your liouur, siiuula Mr. Sotucrn so
choose, Uu'd show you Judge Wundell uu ihu slitgo,
und there would bo imitations ot every movement ot
your face and every tnno of jour voice. Would thai
he picasant lorynu to wltneis? Well, so It is with mo.
I euro not lor nights and nights to uu represented us a
drunkard, stagguring about lor the amusement of
crowds o! people wbo recognize the car-caturo and ap
plaud while tue actor clears ?-is hundreds.
causukli AGAIN.
There wits noirimg to bo doue by Judge Wnndnll ex
Copt to repcut that tic hud no Jurisdiction. The Couut
lelt the court as quietly as he ouiua
NEIGHBOUR OF Ills vioiimh?tihuiblk
(From the St. Loais Times, Nov. 11.]
The nrutul murder, r ol Ucury and Anna Goctz was
'I'Btcrday taken by a crowd, at Co'umtnu, 1IL, and
lunged to u limb of a tree not lar Irora Wliero no shed
he blood ol hie Innocent und umuspvcilug vlcttma
'ruin u gentleman who came up on tne train from
ioluinb a last night, uud wuo claims to bare been an
yo witness of moat of the tragic event, a Timet re
lurier learned tho particulars of tho banging. The
tory, as told by ibis witness, Is substantially as lot
The news that Curl strubl hud been arrested In 84.
via-a, logcther with the I acts coutiocted *uh ins sale
>1 Goctz'm property, reachod Columbia Friday alter
iuon, and tne excitement in llio village tvaa mtei no.
JucupRlious ol nil kinds caused, aid tbo population,
ibuuioue hundrou soais, tu.ilo und lemala, gathered iu
groups in discuss the criino and express their indigna
tion. So I lite line was tho llidigliallou lllut even tho
moat conn, i vmIivo noldiy proclaimed themseivvs in
lavor ol lynching the murderer. Nothing snort ol
twill punish men i would kalinl y the populace tor un
act so orut.it ana so uujusiill ibn*. Jiiscusmou
ol Hie cr.me und the murdurer'a subsequent
nuuet oulj lidded >uei to rnrca iy uurnjug lUiue
jn?i UClr nillj jl UliCU IUVI ? V m
I itiutgiiHiiuu sud -tuger, autl the late ol Str.ihi, lu
lie l,e leli into tho huudn ol ttiono people could easily
e predicted. Oue giotlemsn endeavored to allay tho
hgry pussioiiN aruu-ed by lbs healed discussions, hut
lie ucterannation oi tne majority was not to be
UCtermination Ol Hi# majority waa uin.? ?
tiukeu. Finally news that the murderer was. en
liukcn. I* in any new. m>.
mlt to Columbia reached the town, uud then ?uuh ol
uu citizens el opposed meb violence bestirred tuem
niVua io prevent u resort to i-ucii nioaiia Tb.shiid
lie cllect, to sumo extent, ol slopping tho open
areata oi lynoiniig. but subucqoi ut events proved
I.at while tne advo.ulos oi muting out to 9 trad I
round iminI.-limeul grow uinre quiet they were none
ho iffas active.
"IIANU Ilia I HANG niMl"
The prisoner, iu charge of two coiiHlables, reachod
he towu lu the evening and wua aoou suirouudotl uy
I moat the entire population. 1 no excitement reached
ever heal and cries of "Hang Inml hang him I''
re.e frequently heard, but t io officers, aloed by some
il ibe uuileus, succeeded lu preventing ny overt dc
uousliation, and lie bloody-huuded murderer, quak
ng wuli lear, was given quarters lor the night aud
mreiully guarded. Tne ?purpose of the officers was to
.ike Stranl to the piece ol ilie murder and nave him
joint out the spot where he had concealed the body
if Henry Uoetz.
One of the main argument** used to deler those who
lemandod the Immediate exoevtton ol the murderer
was that he might be innocent, nntwItdMandlnc tho
multiplied evidence of guilt tbat surroundel him.
But during tbe forenoon of yesterday iiirabl deelroyed
tbie argument una removed all doubt by oonlcsalug
bla guilt and telling where he bad coi eeuled Goelr'i
body. He atated lliut be abol Goeti dead aud left blin
where be tell, throwing eorno leave* and traali over
tbe body,
Along proceeelon. comprielug many ol tbe villagor*
aud ueigbboriug larroera, beaded by iho murderer, iu
charge ot tbe couatablea, proceeded to tbe spot denig
naied by Sirahl as tbe resting pUce of Ooetx's re
mains; but upon reaching tlio ground it was learned
tbat bia body bad been discovered aud removed by one
Ot ibe parties d-lullcd to aeaich lor It. Tne procveaiou
atarti-d on its return, and*wbvn within about two tulles
01 the towu thu cry ol "Hung bun" was raised, This
was all (but was needed to mono Ibe angry crowd to
tho deed, uuu iu a very short linio u ropo was ouu
gliugly Listened around the murderer's ne k aud
IhruwQ over a limb, -trudg auu willing bauds drew
tbe doomed man up before be could otter resistance or
beg lor meray. tbe limn bent beueHth Us load, und
tbe loot ol tbe guilty wreicb touched tbe ground while
bis eyes protruded from their sockois. Tbe crowd
moved into mwu, leaving tbo murderer dangling Irom
tbe troe not very lar Irom the place whore be had
commuted tbe biondy act. in towu tbo lyi.cnors ad
mitted that Strain was bung, but tnnt he nuug blm
?eli, tout belug tbo story agr-ed upou. Some lew re
inaiucd at tbo spot notil lilo was oxliuct, aud floa.ly
Homebody n bone name could not be ascertained cut
tbe body down. It was imou when Strabl was drawn
up to the limb and It is u&llmatcd tbat iuily twenty
mnutie must bare vlupsed boloro lile was extinct.
Wbeu bo made bis confession Strabl said bo was ready
tojbo and ought to die.
Tbo failure ot Louis Wollstein, manufacturer of
ladies' skirts, at No 338 Hroudwuy, Is auuounceu, and
much surprise bus been manilasted in the trade, as bis
business was considered very extens ve and be bad
good credit, having bocu In tbe uiauutaciuriug line lor
more than ton yours; The main causes ol tbo lull
ure ure depreciation In tbo vuluo of articles and heavy
lo-ses by bud debts. A meeting of tbe creditors wua
held at tbo store yesterday alternoun, when a partial
statement was submitted to the eflucl that tbo liabili
ties would not exceed $75,000, while ibo value ol tbo
assets was placed at about $53,000. A com in a too of
lour, cons'stiug ot tbe prlncipul creditors, was ap
pointed to inuke uU inVeslig.itldU mto tbo assets and
accounts und report to the creditor* at .in early dale
Mo.uuiou flyman At Bun, dry goods Jobbors ul No.
4b Lispuoard ?tri ei, lunea ye.sioruny, a.id the announce
lu ul Caused unite u lluuer iu tbo nude, as it ??? un
expected. Heavy lo-s s during ibe nasi season, Com
bined with u depreciation in tueir stock ol goon* on
buuu, tne tne mum reasons attributed or ih ir luitu e.
toe ttrm had expected assistance Irom irieuis w ho bad
been lu ibe Uauit ol iiiakiiiy advances, and ueing ulia
ble to obtain ibe ueces.-urv aid yes erd.iy ilie.V were
Jorcod to suspt ud. Later in lie day Inoy uiuno a -eu
eral assignment ol ail tueir propeny lor the bo lien t of
their creditors to Mr. itapuaui Mory. tueir liiiuiidus
ure placed ul about jtiU.OUO ui.d tueir umuioul assets are
said to I'Xceeu those u^u e-; ill ir real assets are, bow
ever, estimated at about $36.not)
Composition pioueeuings have been couiiueuced oe
lore Hegister Little, bv John V*. Sob.ielvr, inauuiuc
turer ol luru'iurc ut No. 13 Last Twenty-seventh
street, who tailed ill August, to settle with nis credi
tors at twoniy-uve cents uu lb? dollar, cash.
John it. liolirle.b, dealer in produce lm mi rly?m No.
92 Barclay street, has hied a voluntary petition in
bankruptcy boloro Keglstcr Kelcnum to relieve bail
sell ol uld debts. His liabllllie-. amount to $31,318 70,
aud Uu bus no assets. Thu lollowliig are tbe largest
claims entered on tbe schedules:?Xoiih Kivcr Bank,
$3,907 17: (1. Goldsmith. $3,DUO; Auuia M. Latbrop,
$3,050; Howell lloppock, $3,350; Seumeyor At Co.,
A petition la bahkruptcy bus been tltod bolore Reg
ister Uwi.bl by Edmund Sydney Luut, ilcu.cr in
cloti s ut No. 99 Chambers street. Amour tbo princi
pal creditors are the following:?llary J. Luut, $0,000;
lleujamiu !?'. Aulbouv, $4503 8s; ilarnl A: Co.,
$4,475 69; Whitman, Krtiffi At Co., $3,392 83; .s. A.
Murliu At Co., $2,308 43 Ibe tutui amount 01 bis
liabilities is $35,13k 89, aud be bus uo assets.
George H. ferine, dentist, formerly ul No. 60 West
Thtity-liliu si met, has gone into voluntary bank
ruptcy. His liabilities aggiv gale $8,379 07, Uisiriuuicd
uiiioiir iwenty-six creditor.-, among whom arc Kulus
Hutcn, $1,000; K. H. Patten, $2,85<J; Gbarles Suil.h,
$3,007. UiSHSseta are merely uuminul.
Henry W. Luck wood and Edward ibompson, leather
dealers in the rtwutup, made uppliculiou to Keg aler
Dwigiit yesierJ iy lor thoir discnuige irotu bankruptcy,
una us thore wus uo oppostiiuii on ibo part ol lUe cred
itors lliuir pennon will be gruuted.
Tbe failure of John 11. Anderson, dealer Id dry goods
ut No. 701 Bros iway, was auuounced yesterday aud
was followed by an assign incut lor tbo benefit of Ins
creditors to llr Piuuk K. Pendleton. Missis. Cnani
berluiu, Carter At Katun, attorneys tor Mr. Auderson,
are making up ? stuteuieut for sunmission lo tuecied
itors. The liabilities smuuut lo about $35,UU0, while
tbe value oftue assets uro not kuowu; lliey consist of
u general stoik of dry goods aud u tew book accounts.
1 be indebtedness is couUned solely to tbo dry goods
jobbers. This is bis third lailure during the past tew
A despatch was received yesterday by Messrs. Cham
berlain, Carter & Kalou staling lout loo committee of
New York creditors of M. llolsloiu At Co., dry goods
dealers, ol Cincinnati, who went there, baa Ul d u pe
tition in bankruptcy agaiasl the Oriu.
in ibe County Clerk's olbco tuerc were bled yester
day thu usslgniiicuis ot Aiaiyiou If Hriggs to Jobu
BUiflen; of Soiomon Hoy man ft .Son lo Kapbuel May;
of Joseph Herkel to Samuel Kothscbild, ana ol Jonu
H. Audersouao Prank K. Pcod.otuu.
Tbo following parcels were sold yesterday on tbe
nr D. M. SKAMAN,
Executor's sale (tocloe estate ot Margaret Mar
soal decease,), ol three stort brick store and dwell
ing with lot 19.3x75. No. 42(1 Greeuwlcb et.. to
Jacob Weeks $8,500
Foreclosure sale?William H. Ia -n? d, reteree-et a
plot of laud 290x21 I, on w. s. l-'raiikhn ?v.. 413 It.
n. of 109th at.; ulso a plot of laud llKix2bt, <>B
Fulton nv., known as tot No. 94 on map of llur
rieaiua, to plaintiff 5,000
HY LOCIS Mk41Y.lt.
Foreclosure saic-J"bu J. Townseud, referee of tbo
It ur storv br. wn stoue liou-o. with lot I>x77, m>.
I,ir35 Madison av , s., 22.2lt. n. of 79th St..
to pi alii till' with Interest) 17,000
George L. In grab um. reteree?ol tlio ilirou story
ami basement brow u stone Iront bou-e, with lot
20x1011. It, No 393 I *?t 124th St.. 250 I't. o. ol 2it
av . to plaintiff (wiih Interest) 9.000
Foreclosure sale?John A. tioodlett, releree?of tho
three lour it .ry orlck stores and dwelling houses,
plot of land 74 3x74 8*30.10x81, >os. 88. 7i
with pic.
end 74 Varlck et., e. e. corner ot Canal et . to 9. U.
Kellogg 34,435
Also, similar sale?William G. McCroa, relcroe?of
the four tmry nrick dwuiong, with lot 25*10.1, No.
558 West 4'Jth St., s. ?.. 123 ft. e. of lllli av., to
John l'etre 4,000
nv neon n. cami*.
Foreclosure sale?Willi.,m P. Uixon. reloreo -ot a
p ot of land, 15r.x2.30, on the w. e. of Tllitou av.,
ho It s. of 149th St.. to p.uintiff 100
Joseph S. Bosworth. relereo?partition sxlo of land
underwater. IBS.11x381.$1104.7, on hast Illvcr,
opposite Long Island ? liy. to A. It. ntevens 4,000
iloueo ami groir d on Brood et.. r.li.nbeth, N. J.,
with wi oral adjacent luts, to plaintiff 12,000
Total sales lor tbe day $94,035
2d av.. w. a of 711 7 ft. *. uf7t,h St., 25 0x100;
U. 9. lllllier (referee) to P. Fisher $8,500
Ouk St., u s. 15.1 ft e. nl James, .30x153. A. S.
ilauier.ley ireler.rc) to P. Brown 17,100
29tli si., ii. a, 25x118.9, h. P. Nhepard (relereo) to
V. His ell 5,000
Mint st, ros 108 and 110; vV. P. Uixon (reicree) to
II M. hauler * 45,000
4lh av., .*. -si. 5 I't. u. ol 1)3.1 st,. 25x75; J. J.
TUmiiassun (referee) to A T Dili, uder H,2(X>
4th uv., w. i., 25.J It. e. of (!4ib St., 25x75) same to
4th sr., ii. w. coruor nf H3d et, 25.5x75; same to
sauio ... .... ,.iui)
4tU av., a w. cornor of HI id st.. 25.5x75;'sains to
sales 7.800
4th uv , w. e , 25.5 ft. u of 93d el., 25*75; same te
seme 8,2'X)
4ib av., w a, 50.5 It. a ot 84tb st , 25x75; time to
tamo (1,4 O
4t . av.,w. a, 100.5 ft. t. nl <)4t!i st., 25x75; same to
tenia 8,4(XJ
4'b av., w. a, 75.5 ft a of tilth st.. 25x75. s .mo to
same (i.41 X)
124lh St.. w ?.. 302 ft. w. ol 5lh av., 37.8x100.11:
M. Dorsum r neliiren to G. IS nf n.... 10IXX)
77th s. - . 1(K) It ? ol |">II| uv . 2i?x:' '2 2 : W. W.
hadii (raferaei to J. II. Unison...^ Nom.
etav i.no. Or7)t L. Vuu Mi yon tirwii orge Woll
lst. -
msr . Num.
antii St., n. a. .an it. e. of 9th uv., 23x99 0; J. S,
>clnienlelii and wife to L. A. Mugnor Mom.
;t.) b st II S..3IMII. a ol 8th av., 2 1X98.9; I,. A
uglier to Miui . cli" ttfeld Nora.
11 us ?v. o e . 87 I It. u. ot 42d-t, 16.8x80.9 ;C. Wall
an,I wile to I' Marboctl U, 150
40th sL. S. s., 18) 9 it. o ol 3d av.. 14.2 *7 j; J. P.
Uaiu to A. Kwcosst ... 7,0110
let uv , e. s . 7 ..3 It. s. ol 71st si. 25.1x113; 0. S.
It ilsun and wife to J. It I eon 5,000
Willis, iv.. w ., HXlll. s ol l?4ihit, 25s KM (23d
ward) ; P II s?eillop;i and wile to J. liiiusch 1.300
Mutt st, o. B. 74 It. s. of iluyard st , 23x19, a so
.dolt St., e. s., 51/ It. S. ol ll.it a. d st.. 23x48; J.
Dannett and wile lo J. K. towuri t.C.X)
3d av.. n. v. currier KAiili si., "ih.7x110; It P. Dixon
<r< f. ree) to Mutual idle lasiir-mvu itoinpauy. . 7,500
115m si., s. s., 194,4 ft. e. nf l.iversine uv., 75*
lixi.ll J. I'. Cud.nth irolcreei to ihmu.s 11.
O'Connor lP.ono
5tilli si ?. s., 200 ft. tv. of 7l!i av., 25.*l0i>.5; J. J.
lu tl. P harm ,, , 3H.ISX)
Jbomaeeon ire ar #; to It. P Kerle . .to.ixx)
0,1, hV., w *., >2 ft. n ul lrilli St.. 2 1.5x100; M. Die
isnnorf ir. lerou to J. If Hiiiiatiiino 15,075
Muss, liulph, to Kmtgr.ini ludnstrlul .Savings Rank,
s. s. of 70ih st, w. of 3a nv. ; 1 year 10,000
(Iyer, Aliirg.iret, lo J. U. Uveruaugli, mail fan lug
frmn Yonkars ;24tli wa.di; lasVulinents 2,277.
McCarthy, William II., to J. (1. Payntar, s. e. cor
uor ul Kexingt n av and 73th St. ; I rear., J5,(X)0
I'.aylev, Josc|di, to St. Mi haul's Church, s. s. of
Chain .ors si ; 3 years 8,000
McAUmity. .llary and hatband, lo tl. Clark, s. e. of
137tu s , w. ol Home av ,23d w .rj) ; 2 years Ooo
Fltxuiiti Ick Ji.lin, lo J C. Lai tinier, e s ol 3d av.,
w. ol 211th -t. : 3 ye is 15,000
Rrndcriek, Jeremiah and wife, to A. Helm, Union
av. (23d wari); I your 200
Bln.rbani, Loan ler h. und wilo. to A. Bussing, (J.ir
duu ?t. (23d ward); 3 years....? 8,0u0
A decision wm rendered yoatarday by Jastlca Pratt,
Supremo Court, Kings county, continuing tbe Injunc
tion recently obtained by Luciano Conlerno, restrain
ing tlio Musical Protective Union from expelling Cou
tertio irom muraborxhip of tbe ergamzaiion. The de
fendants look uuiion Hgainst the plaiutiff, alleging llial
bo had redur.yil the wages ot cerium musicians id bla
einp ny below the sobcdulo prices. Ibe case was
argued on Its morns bolore tne Court soveral weeks ago.
To the Editor or tss Hiirai.d;?
A recent report published by tbe Department of
State at Washington as to the condition ot Liberia
h .s been mitdo the basis by some of our leading jour
nals ot a goueral disparagement ol tbe oondition and
lutureof this couutry. In editorials Joco-e .nj eawr
leal I ho Colonization Society has been held ttp to rldi
cule and the African Republ'o represented km tbe realm
of "lever and poverty and Idleness" Exactly what
the information Is, how lull end by whom furnished,
9n which thoso editors proceed to make merry over
"this would-oo Edon" ol blluded enthusiasts tbe
Washington report doas not Mute. Tbe gist of tbe
communication given to tho pre?3 is that on the coast
the climate is laiaily malarious to foreigners, that
horses, mules and donkeys cmuuot endure it, and that
buthtilo civilizuliou and very little agricultural enter,
prise nrc to bo tound.tu Liberia. Wnethor this Is
news furnished to chock tho emigration schomns of
the Ircedmcn in tho South or U the report o( some
prejudiced observer no do not Icaow; but that III > tu
over colored und One-sided report the facts given tno
public recently Iroin many sources crtainly indicate.
It may be true Unit ou the other hand tho condition
and prospects of Liberia have been 100 glowingly pio
lured. The truth ol tho caso lies doubtless somewhere
between these two extremes. It is nut an exhibit ol
111 tompor and of shori-slghtod wisdom to naricaturi
this African State. It nas a peculiar claim upon lbs
symputby und usslslanco ol tho Amerioan people, and
though lis progress has not been us rapid as mauy
hoped ana even predicted, yot Liboriuns havo mani
fested thus lara putlonco, un appreciation of liberty, a
respect lor order aud lor their new rights and obliga.
tlous, which entities them to our highest commenda
tion. When we think ol what outer Christian nations
huvo done to strengthen and develop their Airicin
colonial possessions, and witness the oarnost efforts
now botng made to o;>eu a'Negliimnto trade tlirough
them with this rich continent, it may well suggest to
our statesmen aud merchants tuo policy of en
couraging the n^gro Repubilo wo buvo boon
Instrumental iu lormiug lu We-torn Alrica.
Both Licuo nam Cameron and Mr. tSiuuiey igreo in
representing tho Alr.enn ?r ale ?s one lull of proin su
ntnl 111c -iy to develop soon to large proportions. Al
ready, under English auspices, has aiiint.rniiinn.il
exh.union at Cape I own. in > ?utll Africa, been pro
ject.-n, m bn o.ened next April. .Sir Kuriic Erf-re,
the Gov. roor ol tne colony, who has done so much
lor tho suppression ol the dom -sue slave trade uud
to interest the Curistian world n tne oivlliz itton of
Alrica, is at the head of this effort, and Is a sulllcilil
guarantee lor Us - uccess. I'hiS exhibition Is to em
brace an agricultural department organized 0:1 a iar^e
seme. Diplomas ol honor, and gold, silver and brouzo
medals will bo awarded Every laclllty will bo given
lor Hie sale ol articles exhibited as well us lor taking
oiders in the buildiug. It will bo divided Into clu-scs,
which Include loods, drinks, chemical.*. pcrfnrnnry,
lurimuro. fabrics, sowing machines, domestic uppli
nuces, watches, Jewelry, hardwire, edge tuo:s, cut
lery, metuls, ugriculiurul luiplemeuts, maohlucry, &c,
Rut now as to sum.- tacts about Liberia. It has al
way., bepu kuowu that too cluntlo of the coast waj
extremely uubeshhy, perilous to all but natives; but
tlie s .1110 is truo of Slorra Leone and tno wnolv west
coast 01 lue Ooutinenu Al the same tiuie the luiogior
is prououii- ed healthy, productive und accessible. At
Boporo, seventy-hve miles inland, I)r. Blyden, an ac
cuini-liBhed negro scnolar 01 international lame aud
tho acknowledged authority on Liberiuu affairs, says
the couutry is oovaio ., the clun ue luvig.-ratlug aud
the soil such us grows cotton, coru und poiutoes abun
dantly. Among the settlers here 13 u ioriner Irejdtnau,
whocumu out lu 18011, aud is now tbe thriving owner
ot a Plantation 01 y.hoo 00H e trees. Bishop liavou
predicts that in live year, the Liberian Con fere uoe will
meet at this place. 1 ho development of ugricultur*
witu the occupation of furiiis will crouto u demautl lol
tho implements needed. Already has a boginning iu
innauiuciuriug been made. Mills lor 1110 extraction
ol puiiu oil uud lor toe making ol pului soap are to ha
found at one or two point.-, ulso lor the m.iuuluciurf
o. sugar. 1 he exhibit of Liberian products at the
Gi-nt 1.nlal whs suillciont to set beyond all quo.ip.11 tno
ricbhoss of tliu country and the returns If makes to
average tudustry.
mere is u good school system in Liberia, only ncodlng,
lu order 10 become ol vast useluluoss, coinnetanl
teachers. The government sustaiug the primary
schools, while tlie live Higher schools ure manure.1 by
missionary societies, and tno co.lcge is by no meant
inefficient, In tne latter the study ol Arabc has been
Introuucod, wuicd is tho language 0/ the larger and
best porilun ol Africa's poi u.utiou, and the nuiunor
ot student* uud course of instruction aro ail that could
be expected in a Bute to young and with so much to
embarrass its material and educational growth, lbs
war wnich hud been rugiug between Liberia and tho
natives al Gape Faunas, aud which threatened to he so
disastrous, lias terminated, and, through the efforts of
Captain A. a. Betnmes, ol the United Slates steamer
Alaska, u satisfactory troaiy litis oeen agreed upon
which r moves all cause ol ulleiico lor ibo lulura
This treaty was signed last Marc 11 by Mr. Payne, then
Fresiitfiil ol ibo Liberian Republic. Tne religious
progress ol tne couutry is certainly crodi.u To,
aid indicates a belter state 01 ih ngs tnau tin
Washington report intimates. The Methodist church
ha- a 10-id. nt b shop, 44 io.uI preachers, 48 churchui
with 2.00U c?. in in u mean Is, 0 p .r.ouages, 08 .Sunday
; schools and l,s3l scholars, i he Episcopal Church bnl
j a lines.unary Id.bop, somewhat more tnau 10 churches
1 and Id clergymen, and is just now orgauizmg anew
; mission al (Jape Mount, lorty miles n>rtnwe*t rom
i Monrovia, who It I- *.n extensively used highway to
| the Interior. Tho ItapiiM aud PieBoyieriau deuouilna
t ous are also represented iu Libc-riu, tho lormer sus
taining a school lor teachers und preacher*. Adipose
Chiis. nu; bodies ure pushing quito vigorously mission
work among lb*aboriginal iniiuuit.iuuo. the Republic.
As to the emigration movement, which has developed
to such u 11 uuiooked lor extent among our iroodinen,
11 Should bo said tout it is too giowih ol tlicso more
reeeiu years. It is not political in its origin, nor, if
the letters received Irom those in It are rrnui ions'to
Judge bv, is it lostcrcd by politicians. The indlscriin
1 mtto emigration to Liberia is .0 ne deprecated for inany
reasons, but u wisely srrang. d emigration to Alrioa ol
soinu ol tuo cmoruu peoplo wouid^e u good tiling (or
Ihem. It would bo helpiui to UiAiberiun Republic,
aud woul . ludirectly result In augmenting American
trude with tbe same. "Eiliy days from the swamps
ol Booth Curolum," suvs Dr. Blyden, "would pluce
those willing anil prepared to go in tho lieurt of a
country 'where evoiy prospect pleases,' where health
may be enjoyod aud trsn-inilted 10 their children and
where the slightest industry would bring comfort if
not wealth, lint they must ne men whose strong
arms are accustomed 10 wield the uxe aud lioe."
"1 he natives, boll, pagan ami Mohammedan, aro aux
lous," writes tbe same authority, n into as July of
tills year, ' to havo Christ.an set tiers occupy the
hea 11111ui hills aud lertile plains in their neighbor
A townsman of rniue his u specimen 01 Iron Sound
In Liberia, which is prool ol tho existence nl that
metal within its domain, whilo 11 Is kuowu that Ed
ward Morris .t Co., ol I'biludelplnu, owu a uofloo
piauiatinii there, the yield ot which is sold in that
city. So groat is Kuclisli interest in the progress of
| Liberia thai in 1871 a loan wus obtained by tne gov
cr.,mental $;'.00,n00 in London, aud alroudy has l-.iig
laud's trade with Western Africa become so extensive
inula .learner runs efe-ry mix days between it and
Comtnodoro R. W. Shuleldt, of tho United Stales
N .vy. with a view of bunding up a- la.t as po sitae
American coniliterclai imeri 3ls with West Alrica,
suggested recently, lu a public address, the ru nmg
, ol small uiiv .i vessels between tno United Males and
I.Iberia Ih a short lime merchantmen would follow
I these and the in. reaslng trade I Liberi . b ? se
cured by this country. Through this Republic
I acce-s tan ho h oi to Central Alrica and a iu. rutivo
commerce be carried ou. Ilisiiup Haven, when there,
was shown the point on St, Paul's River, some distun e
Inland irum Monrovia, wh. re 1111 opeuod travelled p.lh
led direct to Cairo ,u Egypt. All aiuug its 4,000 miles
w re recurring Villages wh cli tno hiia-P.iiury and tuo
agent 01 a legitimate trade cool 1 sifely enter.
We re-pe tiuily suionit mat 11 would be a wiser
poiu.y cii the part 01 our government to lake more m
terest in Liberian affairs and en u'age truffle with
Inal country. Reports Irom Monrovia represent tho
export ol coff e as largely on the incru i-o and that
foreign Capitalists aru iua Jug laud on the SL Paul's
liivcr 101 its culture.
The interest your Journal his uk-n in Alrlo.m uffairi,
togeiber ?i>h Hie kuowl,.dg? .( what bas been done br
Mr. Stanley, > out represontailve, iu open ng it to com
mtroe auo tauri-.li 'imy, en- ouraged hie to send to y.-U
thl- repiluder to iho iinperieol aud onc-aloed report of
our Stale D. jniritiinnt. A grn rnl exodus to Lineria of
the colored pcop.o of the Boulu need n<>t he appro
lieiided. hut h in anything hut commercially wiso or
politically j ust to disparage me Condition or sneak
derisively o, tne prospects ol tno Ainc.ui Republic.
M. M. u. Dana, d D.
Norwich. Conn., Nov. 12, is77.
Two young Englishmen named Waiter Roebuck and
W. H. Jouuer, temporarily sojourning at a downtown
hotel, weut ou a lark on Monday night aud fell Into
the hands 01 the Philistines, rneir principal trouble
arose through a contlict tyiih a backmun, who wanted
tochargo thein $4 lor driving ibein around tho block.
I heir British s?n*e*ot Justice rebelled and they
r. lured to pay. At this tune incy wore very
inn li under tlio Influence of wine. During tno
parley there came smug two thieves, who dragged
Roebuck aside and divested blm ol his gold watch and
chaiu aud a ring. In ail valued at AIM. Then, turning
, 1 in he loll luto the banns of the police. HtS
friend, Honing burntoH ulano, yielded lo the terms of
the haokinnu and weut lu search ol the missiug Roo
buck; but, enlortueaiely, ho also tell a v.ctim to
police vigiiuuce. Yesterday the police arretted Wiliiatn
Mci.ee ou Hu.piciuu 01 being implicated in the roo
hri y ; nut the eviuence waa too alight to warrant the
mag.stra e coinmitting linn. Ho was, however, re
niandi'ii lor lurthor avid-'uco. the EngDshmen are
ler Irom entbusiaatio on the :-ub)roi 01 Atuericau ie
siitiiiion*, esjieoiaily those that prevail in the iourtA
Ward altar dark.

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