Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 15,200. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, APRIL 4. 1878.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE THREE CENTS DIRECTOR! FOR ADVERTISERS. HERALD BRANCH OPFICR, 1,284 BROADWAY? OPEN DAY AND NIUhV POil RECEPTION OF AUVKKTiSEMMNTS AND SALES OP PAPER* AMUSEMENTS?Ota Pmi-4th, 5th ud 6th eoU. ASTEOi.OUY -12th Paob-BiIi eol. BILLIARDS?1st Pack?4tli coL BOARDERS WANTED?2d PAGB-Stb and 6th eols. HOARD aN'D LODGINO WANTKD?2d Paub?6th eol. BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE FOR BALE?2d Pa?? 1st col. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES?Srn Paob. BUSINESS NoriCES-7TH Paob-611: col. CITY REAL K8I ATK KUR SALE?2d Paob-Isi, eoL CLERKS and SALESMEN?12tu pAOB-2d And 8d cot CLOT III NO?12th PAUB-6th col. COACHMEN AND GARDENERS?12th PA0B-3d ool. COASTWISE SIEAMSHIPS?1st Paub?5th and 6th ools. COUNTRY BOARD-?2d PAOB~6tb eol. DANCING ACADEMIES?1st Piun-Oth ooL DKNTIsTKY ?9tii PAOB-6ihcoL DRY GOODS? 1st Paob- 4th col. DWELLING HOUSES TO LET, PURNISIIEO AMD UMKURNISHI- D?2o I'AOie-Sd and 4tli cols. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?l?t Pag*?5th coL F. U HOPR? 7tu I'aob?6lh tol. EXCHANGE-12tii PAOK-Oth col. EYES AND BARS?r.'Tit PAUK-eth cel. KXCURSIONS-Ist pao*~?th coL EINAVCUL-Sth Paob. Foil SALE?9th Pack?3d eol. _ FURNISHRD ROhMS AND APARTMENTS TO I.ET? ?Ji> Paob 4th and 3th cols. FURN1TU RE?1st PAOB-HthcoL HELP WANTED-PEM ALES?12th PAOB-2d eol. HELP WANTED-MALES?12tu I'aob?3H and 4th ools. HOUSES. CAKRIAUES, AC., 1st Pagb?2d. 3d and 4th cols. HOTELS-2d PA0B-6th cot _ _ . HOUSES, ROOMS. *<!.. WANTED?9rn Paob?6?b ool. INSTRUCTION?1ST PAGB-dthcol. LOST AND POUND- 1st Paob?1st col. MACHINERY?9th PAOB?ld col. MARBLE MANTEL8-1W PA?K-0tb coL MATRIMONIAL- 1st PA?ie-Bth coL MEDICAL?12th PACB-flth col. MISOKLLtNEouS ADVERTISEMENTS?lOt* Paob? nth coi. MCStt: aL'-Oth Paob?6th col. NI-.W PL' BLICATloSS?7th PAOB-Sth eol. PERSONAL?1st Pauk?lit col. PIANOFORTES, organs. AC.-ftril PAUB-6tb ?oL POST OFFICE NOTIOE-Isr PA(??-4th ool. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? 12th Pack?2d col. PROPERTY OUT OK THE CITY FOB SALE OK TO Rr.NT?3d Paob?1st mid id cols. REAL ESTAT". TO EXUHANUK?2d Pack?2d ool. KB AL ESTATE WANTED?2d PAOB-2d coL KEWaRDS-Ist Paob-Ut col. SALE* *T AUC'rIo?- 12th Paob?4tb, 5th end 6th eols. SITUATIONS WaNTED-FEMALES? Uth Paob. wd 12tu Paob?1st and 2d ools. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES-12th PA0B-2ae0L SPECIAL NOTICES?1st Paob - 1st and 2d eols. KPOHTIN'G?DOGS, BIRDS, *0.?1ST PAGB-2d eol. STALLIONS?1st Paob 2d col. ST<)RaUE-9tii I'aob 3d col. SUMMER RESORTS?-ill PAox-fith eol. THE LECTURE SEASON-9tii PAGB-6theol. THE TRADES?12th Page?4th col. TO LET FOR BUSINESS 1'L KFOSKS?2d PA0B-2d and 3d coin. TRAVELLERS' OUIDE-lsr PiOB-6th col. UNPUkNISIIKD ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET -2d Paok-5i1i eol. WANTI D TO PUUC114SE ? 2d Paob?6th col. WAT HEH, JEWELRY, A0.-?th PAGB-Otli coL WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE OB TO LE'C- 2d Paob?1st col. YACUTS, STEAMBOATS, AC.?IOtii PAOB-6tli col. fKRMONAL. ELLA PRiM*?-80KRV*HAVR RE PTYo UWa ifINO; vlsb to see you Friday night at 8. sum" corner whure spoke to ybu Hrst CHARLES PET***. FRED fTfoMFSON? BALL; SUPPER; 20TH ST., 2 A. M. Call. IRENE. fc>OR ADOPTION?A HKALTIIY FEMALE BAKE, ONE F week old. 140 Charles it., between Washington and Wort. OR ADOPTION?IN A JEWISH RESPECTABLE fx mil/, my boy, ag*d six week*. Addrass I., 307 Ilorald ?flic*. FOR ADOPTION?KIN R MALE IN F ANT. TWO w**ka old; rellned Amorican parentage; lull surrender. Inquire 132 East 12th at. HOUSBKEEPRil-WlLL UlVK REAL NAME AND address Tor interview. D. M. P.. station E, 34tb ?t. IK EMMA It ACIIEL ELLIS, NEB AYLESBURY, from Newfoundland, will communicato wltn Dr. Clurk, box 120 Herald ufflco. she will boar ot unexpected advan tageous news. J~ AMKSll. SWINDELL, FORMEIII.Y OF CAMDEN. N. J., will licar of something to hn advantage by ad dressing I'oat office draw?r 20. Hartford. Conn. JOHN M'KENNa. WHO KEPT A LAUNDRY AT 150 'I hum pa on. will pleaae send bla address to John N. \t elah, 271 Oresnwlcb. Any one (Irlux hll addreai will ha paid for hla trouble. MRS. KATE PaHLMANN-WKITE TO THE UKN. ?ral Pott otllee to me. DKV. MlSSlNU 81 NCR TUE>DAY MORNING. R. N. SEND word to National Hotel. Cortlandt at. MR. J. BROOR LYN?\lOVK HIUR8DAY: AM WOR ried; o%n do nothing until I eee yno. M ATTIR. 1 ltk st. a ?HERN ANXIOUS AND WORRIED; CRT ? well lor mu ; can go to ynu this Saturday or Saturday Week; write me aud tell me what I love to hear. L. Mama?send my clothes to a okrtain Ex press ofllce I am very poor. You need not tell ma where yon ore If you intend to keep them you are welcome to them. LEO. M. M^THERR MUST~BE A MISTAKE. I ItE ceived do letter. Addreae M. R. S. P., Herald Uptown vwce. U, C. Tl 1IRD AVENUE CAR TO CANAL HI',. 4:?i. V* EDNEft day.?Fair ladr, dressed dark, purple trimming*. red lowera In bat, addreaa I.I VINOS TON E, Herald i.ffl *e. W" ILL MRS. ANNA R. PARK, LATE OK Hill ST. uear 4th ar., send her presant addreaa to Mra. Holt, of Brooklyn, care box 107 Herald office f WIlL W. O. B.. THE OEN1LBMAN THAT OALI.KD on Sunday to ulve Information a'>out lace ecarf loet ?a Fourth avenue care, pleaae aend bla addreee aad oblige L. J. B., 34 East ItHh St.? ILLRVMA WIlMOT SEND IIRR ADDRESS TO Mr*. GREY. Herald Uptown office? s, w w ILLI AMS?CALL POK LETTER, Box IUU Herald office, fo-morrow torenoon. BKCK. LOST ' Ai\l> POllNb. f oW?TUESDAY EVEN'fNU," APRIL iCfiRTWP.EN XJM'i and 34th eta, and Sih av.,a Setter Dog. having largo br?? n spots over body and bead foerfectly brown); haa ousliy breast and long hair on the back of lore logs. A liberal reward will b? paid by returning tume Vo.'l.':! Kaat 14th at. EUiiENr. MEIlL. L">ST-A PARCEL CONTAINING PAPER* VALUaI ble only to the owner, ?lw.? name appeara on many of them. Pleaae return to THOMaS II. MtiOKA I'll, !IO New it.. New York, or 1,038 3d ??? Brooklyn. Suitable reward will be (fold. I nsr?april 3. Between MTfi and bond bth., JUIi av and Kroadwar a roll ot Bills, about 8IOO The lunar will receive.a satisfactory reward bv leaving it at No 101 East 14th at., bnaement. llfc.NRY RULER. L"osf?TUhHDAY, FANCY CIIA IN BRACELET, ON Broadway, 12th at. or 3d *r.; no value but to owner; Iberal reward. 2?JH haat Kith at. Lost-aprTl 2. 1 i "0u between cmicikekiko Hall aud 22d it., on 5th av,. a Hreaalpln. eet with pearl* tad onyx, with ? llonlton lac* Bow. A auitabi* rewnrd by waving It at No. D Weat 22d at. USr-TUhsl>AV, APitlL 2. LAKOK PAIR 0(fLl) Speetaclea in raae of E. <ioldha?^i>r. Sultaol* r*ward on 'eturn to Maaery, HUD Hth a*., corner SIPl at. L' OUT?xKY K TiUtlM RR, YESTE UIIAY MORN INIJ. near 54th at. and 7tli av.; ll|(lit h*ad, dark body, red ribixin; reward. t?7 Weat r>lat at. OBI?CHUCK NO. 237554 ON ASSISTANT UNITED Statea Traaaurv, N*w York. ror(l'l3 3:i Saltaole r* aurdlur return to HATFIELD k SONS, S32 Broadway. Paymknt haa b*en atopped. LOST-BETWEKN S AMU U A M, APRILS, OK L*xlai(ton av., between 2H||| and :iiltli ata.,aiadv'a liuld Watcb and Clialu; watch haa a small dial In case. The Under will b? suitably rewarded by returning It to U07 Broadway. Kl'-.W AJIOI. reward.?Lost, at the counEr of '47Tii St. and llroadway. an Italian Kreybound Pup: one of fr<'nt leita iniaslinp?>l. havlnc been broken, aao creoked $5 Call at 210 West 47th at. $2 r REWARD. ?LOST-ON WKDNBHDAT APTER Onoon, In iireene av., between Kuiton at. and Irank lin av., Brooklyn, a inoroceo Pocketbouk. containing S2I0 In blllai the entir* aavlaita of a poor ir 1 loi Ove years Tli* Ander will recalie tli* aludeat thanks In addition to tho abov* reward, 12s South Elliott plaoe. (|>rit RE.V ARO.-LOST. MONDAY AFTERNOON, tyij'J April I, Rlnir, solltare diamond, welcht In crown ?eltiuii, pi ??in gold baud. Any pcrxoii dcliverlua ?atue to J. B UAKl,I), Ueale llolel. will be paid aimve reward and no questions naked. Diamond dealers please preserve. IPKC1AL MOTlt'&t, ^3211,01 )U~iSASflPRIZES ?Till liI* ORAND ?drawlnR of the COM M9NW r.A LTII Pltl/.K Dl <TIII MC1 ION tfuMPAKY <>K KEKTU< KY, In the city of Lumselile, April:?), or money r?iun<i*d. The dia*lu? will be uuder the aupervlslon 01 1!. C. Wlnicrainitti, I'reaanrer, Kentucky; Oonerel llama. preaid*nt Metiran lrana|.or tatlon Company, aud other prominent citlaena ot the State. C3jti,iskl In c*h will ne distributed. Capital prlies. t20,UUJ. MO.IjOD, W.iasi. down lu ?IUI. Tickets, VIM; halves, ??'>, quarters, $2 Addreas orders to 1 OMMON Wr.AI/l ll Dlsi RIBC I I ON COMPANY. Courier-Journal HulldlnK, Louisvll e, K.y., or B. II. PoR Ti.ll A Co.. I aniert! ?rni. I.^J7 Hr?ailway. New \ ..rk. * SPLENDID opportunity TO WIN A FOR. iVtune, April V, at Now orleana.? i.rano diatrlbutlon Louisiana state l^oitery Company; I.H."i7 prUna, atoouul-* Iiik to tll'l.Kaj; capital prisea, #:w.O *> #l'i.'???. Ac.; Itsi.iaai tickota, two dollars i$2>; hal .es. one dollar l*li. Correaponiiinn auonls for ante or tickets at highly remunerative . ompeiisatlon wanfd at all points All our Urand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision sad mana(*in*nt of Ociurala O. T. Hsaurenard and Julial A. Early. Adureas M. A. DAUPIIIN, Poat office bOA *MU New orleana. Lb, or ll. L. PLUM. 317 Broadway, N. Y. ?4 a M-KOUR-YEAR-OLD RYE WHISKEY, f4 PP.R JY. (allontfl per largo buttle; line English ilreak hat lea, SO ceuts p?r pound; really hne Ciiiars, per kaadred. N. Va> BEIL, SM Chambers at. AFFI.1CTH.D-NRRVOU8 debility from what ever cause and all diseases of men; euros guaranteed: tdrlce tree. Dr. n EnT. medical office 4 > hle. cker St. Aovicr op MEN, NERVOUS deulllty from whatever ranee. sp"edily and perraa sently cured; leea moilerato. Dr. NEWTON WHITE HEAD. '11?"? East 4'ith at., near lid av. All rheumatism positively cured?any ?tare ol the disease EUHOPEAJI RHEUMATIC SO CiETY, 'Mfl West 34tb si. JTTENTION, PATIENTS. ALL DISEASES, RFCENT or old. Skin liinorders and Nervous Debility radically tared. Dr. PkOTIN urora Paris). 34 Byid si A -SURE Cl'RR FOIt I.UNO DISEASES, ROCK ? Candy and Rye Whiskey-; <4 tier gallon 91 per large bottle; Kock Caudy, 0 pounds, (1 ; gooi's delivered; aend peetaisard. h. VAN Bc.iL, sd Chambers su SPECIAL* HUTlCbS. A BOT1T?fln?fifl5M(~6aC~ANALYSES' ft<ffZv iliuwlc at low rutea ; correspondence solicited. KRAMCIS M. KUUBKS, Aualyt'.cal Cbewiai. UO Liberty at., Maw York city. T LL SPECIAL COMPLAINTS. MEDICAL OR 8UROI. .Xlcai, aalely, succeaaiutly treated; advice free. Dr. BltAUKOKD. 132 Em! 12th *t. All diseases ok men, whatever the cause. apeeuily and pertnaueutly cured. Dr. dyek, 47 Weal 13th at. TTEtfTlOH?TWuBTY YEARS* PRUSSIAN HOSPl tai experience t apecialtles diseasoa of men and uervoua eveteui: coiiauitetion tree. Dr. J ACOBY. 101 Bleeder at. RO U O HTON'S I N V IQOKATIHU BY HUP CORES stomach. liver, kidney diaeaaea. female weakueaaea, Ac.; alao ruWrea manhood: 25c.; advice Ireo. 496 Broome ?t. Brazilian coppeE. ?? PAULA COELUO A MOllLKELD'S Era til (an coffee depot, ? 751) tltb av.. between 42d au<l 43dau. Tbo superior Braallian Coffee, Kreen, roaatea, ground. Roaated and it round coffee a specialty. Diseases ok men a specialty. HENRY A. DANIELS, M. D , 144 Lcxiugtos nr., Dear 2Mtb at Office houra Iroin 8 to 3 and 0 m 7 Divorces speedily oktXined.-tekms slti-er' tatively reaaonabla; CONSULTATIONS Tree. PKED EKlCK I. KINO. Lawyer, 6 St. Mark'* place, adjoining Cooper Institute. DkTIUCOIUPs'eSSKNCE OK LIKE RESTORES MANl bood to tbe debilitated In tour weeke; I allure Iwuoaal ble; ?3 per caao. Druggist* aupplled. Sole agent. Dr. J. J Al.'^U I'.S, 7 University t>lace. New York. Drunkards vvTnted? tub tbmpekancb problem aoived by tcionce. A New York phtaiciau baa diarovered a biirinieaa remedy, enriug In a few daye tbe bablt of gettliiif Intoxicated. All applicant! In answer to tbla advertisement will be treated and cured Iree of charge. Address SALVATION, Herald Uptown office. E~ LKOTRIC BELTS, FOR THE OUKB OP PRKMATUKB debilitv; the only genuine lire auld by the PULVER MACIIfcR (? ALVA.\IC COMPANY. Depot 212 Broadway. LECTRIO BELTS, SURE cur POK premature debility; tbe only reliable. Send for circular. DR. karr, 832 Broadway. E Furs thoroughly renovated krom moths and dirt and carefully sealed NAPHTHA RBNOVAN INU Works, otlice JO East 14th at. Guano extraordinary op thb royal Havana l./itert, APRIL IS. 1878. CAPITAL PRIZE, 1,000,WO VESos. AMOUNT OK PRIZES, 2,250.000 PESOS. ONLY 15,000 TICKETS, PRICES IN CURRENCY: Whole, $20'); Ilalvea, * 100; Quarters, f50; Tentha. $20; Twentieths, $10; fortieths, $3. M. A. MARTINEZ A CO.. liankera. 10 Wall at.. New York. Louisiana state lottery, april a?tickets, $J ; Ilalvea. $1. Por Information apply 1.207 Broadway. Open nightly until tt. ISAACKS A CO. Louisiana state lottery.-ai'ril o! Capital prize. *30.0001 Whole ticketa. $2: halvea. St. Kentucky State April 15. Whole ticketa only SI. JACKSON A CO., Bunkers, 82 Naaaan at., near Pulton, J^BTBOPUUTAM JOB P1UNTINO OK KICK, OK 28 ANN ST., 18 TUB CHEAPEST AND BEST F1NB BOOK. PAMPIILKT, JOB AND PKINTINO OFFICE IN TUB CITT. SMALL ORDER8 EXECUTED WITH THIS SAUB promptness as labub ones. FINE WOOD I<:NUllA VINO AND COLORED FR1NTINu A specialty, metropolitan JOB 'HINTING OFFICE. 28 ANN sr. ORDERS BY MAIL PKoMPTLY ATTENDED TO AND WO UK SENT TO ANY PART OF THE UNITED STATES C. O. D. BLR MANTELS AND MONUMENTS ClIEAPEE than ever. A. K LAB Kit, 134 bait 18th it., uo*r 3d a*. M Mv.xkan unyx table top. inkstands, al\? S KLAIIKit A CO., Steam Muibie Wcrks, West 51*t il.. Uromlnr tud (Mh >?. Mantel*. Monuments, lloadatonua. at loweat pricea. iy?RN OK BUSINESS 1VI CAN UNDERSTAND THAT TUERE IS NO TIME To ADVERTISE LIKE TUB PRESENT. BUSINESS IS BRISK AND the circulation of the EVENING TELEGRAM for tho weak ending Saturday, March SO, 1878, ?at a* follow*: Mouday .". 42,000 ADVERTISING 20C A LINE. Tuoaday 44,060 ADVERTISING 300. A LINE. Wednesday. 43.430 ADVERTISING 200. A LINE. Tli arid ay 43,750 ADV?H USING 200. A LINE. Friday ...? 44,500 ADVERTISING 200. A LINE. Saturday.. 44,000 ADVERTISING 300. A LINE. Total.- 202,050 ADVERTISING 200. .a line. Dally average 43,775 PROKKSS()K PAIN E,oWN ER OK i'KAUODY lltT tel. Philadelphia, receivee and eures all opium aa.era witli uSone viiu t. ROYAL~UAVANA LOTTEItV EXTRAORDINARY. To bo Uniwu saiutduy, Aorll 13. Capital Prise, $l,uoo,ooo. ONLY 1S.OOO TICKETS. Ticket!. $200, $loo, $50. #25; twentieths, $10: fortieths, 85. JACKSON A CO., Bunker*. H2 Nasaau ?!., near Pulton. S? OFFICIAL KEN I'ul'KV 81'A IV lillAWlNON " . KKMTtlCKT?kXTRA I'LAS* >0. 257?IfllL 3, I87S. 17. 74, J J. 30. 5. 40, 52. 77. <12. '>8. 26, 54, 3a ?KkTCCKT?CLAU So. 258-APRIL 3. 1878. 64, 48. 12,52, SO, 26, SO, 24, 41. 40. 10, 44. 20,81. MMMOSh A DICKINSON. Manager*. ??OIICIA ITATK?KXTBA CLASH NU. 277 -ArUIL 3. 1878. 71, 14, 32. 2I>. 70. 07. :iH, 48. 55. 75, 5. 31. 4, UkOUUIA ITATK? CLAM Ml). 278? APRIL 3, 1878.1 55, 23, U, 4, 57. 70, 70. 37, 3. 74, IS, 5. 21. 53. K. D. EDDY A Co., Manager*. Inlormatlon given regarding the above drawing. Apply la J. CLI'TE A CO.. Hansen, 2UO Broadway, rear ollice. g ?ROYAL HAVANA EXTRAORDINARY DRAWING. April 13; caoitHl prise, $1.0t)0,(l00 la Spanish money ; share*, $200. $1<J0, $50 $25. $10. $5. kemuckr Single Number amwa April 15; lickuta. $1 Louisiana Maule Number drawa April V. ticket*. <2; halves, $1. J. C'LUTE A CO., Bankers. 2()ij Broadway. rear offlco. -LOUISIANA STATU DHAWS APRIL tt ?CAPli ?tal urine $30.l**J. Whole tlckeia, $2 ; halve*. $1, Ken tucky stalls numb r draws April 15. Capital prlsa, S 15,1 oa Whole ticket*. $1. J. CI,dtk A CO.. 200 Broadway, rear ollice. S ?i.ouk : uovAL Havana mctraukdinaby, to b*drawn Saturday, April 13. 1878. Capital Prise, $1 .OOO.OOC Onlv 15.0U0 ticket* Second l'rise $2(10.000 1 One Prlso $23,000 Tlilrd Prise lOHiOi One Prise 10,1**1 Fourth Prise 50.000 LOue Prlsa 5,000 2.307 otlii*r Prim* anTuiitihg 10 $1100,00 1. Whole Ticket*, $200; Halve*.$100; Hharek, Irom $5 to$50l Address PA Kit*. EMERSON A CO.. Agents, ISO Broadway. Taps" worm remov e d entirely a>d kf lectually In two hour*. Send your addreas to SANA* T1VE, llerald ollice. Want kd-torno* wTioark thb leg a l "Si. preventative* ot liaorga Allen, who. in 1863. we* a baker residlog 51 >ulliv?a ?t . N. Y. AddrossJ. TOWNS HE.ND, 1 onneit Bunding. N. Y. s z. -EXTRAORDINARY HaVaNa DRAWING. Aorll 13. 1878. Kentucky ntate Lottery. Loiil*iaii* State l.ottui/. Alan Kontuckr and Weorirle daily drawings. TIlr.oDoKK ZSGHOCO, 23 Park row. room 4 Cf;n BROADWAY, new YORK OF PICK OF Tl.E ?J*JOKentucky Slate Lottery. Next drawing April 15; 1.8U4 prlstfs, dlatrlbuilng $07 1*25. Wbolu ticket* only $1. Williaiueburg branch olDce, Mo. 01 Broadway. WILLIAMSON A CO. <2>l* 7 (lk?,~ -kem rUOKY NTaTE DIsTriTutION, ?5>'j I ??7aU'J?Monday. April 15 ?Wbole tieanta only $1. bull u:i> .* co.. 0>i7 Broadway, above sKMh ?t. At*7 Ql)(f K">TIICKY ' STlTK, "aI'RIL ' Y{1 V') 1 >'/wOi t.'aoital Prltx. $15.01*). Luck 1 ndicn. 1,227 Broadway, New * ?rk. or 183 Montague ?t . Brnnklyn. H. II. POKThlt A CO.. Northern Aneita. C>1 111 AIMI -BROOKLYN OPFICB FOB l*oui$7> ?P 1 LU.^U'/.mii* --tato Lot;ory. drawlag April U. Whole tkoketa, $_' haivoa.$l B. II. POK r. K A CO., Iwa Montague at S7yVIsi 1 Him -VTavanV lotteky.?ex tD4<MOU>U'/Oilranrdliur)i drnarlnir, April 13, 1878. Capital Prise. Si.'UUUOO. Only I5.U00 tlcketa. First Prlso n.UO.OOO feiunil Prlsa 21*1.000 Third l'rue Itjri.OUO 2, ?I7 other l'rise*. amounting to. UOO ouo Whole tlekets. $2o >. halve*. $H*>: 4th*. $50; 10th*. $20 : a0tlis,$10, 4(?li. t>5. Full lufnraatioii aeut tree. MONNKNHKKG A CO.. New lla?en. Conn. AWINO." Only 15,000 ticket*; one Prise to eoven tickets Capital prlsa $ 1,000,0)0 1 prUe .... 2t?i.')00 1 loo.uoo 2.308 prlso* SMLUOU Tloaeta. $2O0; Halve., $101': Quartxr*.$50. hlghtha. $2 >: Tweutletba. <10. Pnrtletha. $"> l'rl*?. cashed, f all Inlor matlon sent Iree. Kentucky State, April 15 Whole Tles eu.ll. Loalaiaaa State. AprllV. Tt?seta,$2; llalvaa, $1. J lil'FF A CO.. Sana-r.. 42 Nasaau St.. eornor Libertv. Now York. szz 1 v iPoiu'Hb?oook. maon, ac. Foil SALi:-TIIK M.'KSr KI NSIAN FCLL BLoOD houDd !? the Stave ot Now York; 14 mouth* old; weight 102 pound*: 11, feet hl?b. ^|ilt at 3.<8 llnnm* at t^oiTsALB-t NIC,.. F INK B La UK AMD TAN DOO. J 431 7th ae., Int Boor tHlR BAUTS8RAP-TKN*KXTltA FINK YOKksTilitE f Tarrler*. weight* from 5 pound* to 2X pound-; nerieet l.a uile*: alto alone full liloodeu Pint llov., at (lENHY KISTKMANN'S New Bird Mora, 335 Katt 34th at. Emir sale?TWO 'SETTERS AND TWO POlNTRKS, X* all thoroughly btokra; Newlonndland Doir*, of a main? moth breed, a?rt Pupa ol the **ioe stock; Hull Terrier*; oua pair of Skye*. very small and handsome. II. OARD NKR, 1,702 Broadway. <3i'? l)",|| iWlil ? p.xrAoRDiNAitY iin Roy.I Haeana. April 13 KTAIililONR. OnP' "??VKi,L<>wcKAF?T'? t/2aKast*?t four mile record In the world. In a raco ?u'aiuat boraea, will make tnn aeaaon at Oriuahy's lli tel. Jerome a*.. New \ork, at $.'i0. Appllcatleu, engaging Svrvli'e. shouln be addressed UICUAKD PKNIsTaN, Oli aoy Husk. New York. HOU4K*. lAKItl AOlta, AC. "XTAti? Brown"" Mare^." i?h handsC war /V runted *ound and kind, doubt* or *IukI*. $140. 101 Mulllvan >1. A-tiikke uiTunky buTlt H()K8EsTst;7f GRO. ? car, iiiiicbar, farming, any baslutse, >55, $85, ?lUO. S liairiawn Sh HOiUSKS. C&aitUKEb. ok/. 4 k KEARNRY, AUCTIONEERS, AT THKlit tlOK.SK AND CaKIUAGB AL'OTION ilAUT, 111). 11J ElUI lUili ?t., uear 4tU uv. T0-MOKKOW iPKIUAY), 5TU APRIL, at md o'clock. veby FINE BLOCKY HUIM' KXTRA STYLISH PAIR Bay HOK8KS. 151-i h.iuda ht|(h. 7 and 9 yeara old: ? Brat alata tau.lum toiiiu; pleaiant drivera: * lino te*ia for doi; cart; thoroughly *ruatwoiihy and aafa. ?nd warranted aound ?uJ kind- Alto Ml ailver mcmnteJ twixllah llameee. and WAGONKTI B, IN GoOD CONDITION, built by BVAfiB, ol Liverpool. England. A VICKY HaNUoOMK BAY COUPB HOUSE. 16K handa hitch, 10 jreari old: antylUh and pleaaant driver: baaii mad to ? family carriage; tlio aa wbieU r in ? tandem team : hat great endurance, and ie war ranted sound aud kind, aal hugUab Coup# llarne?a. aud LANDaULKT. WITH POLE AMD BHAKTS, In perfact order, oullt by Wood Hrotharv PAIR UL.Uttf.LY M ATCItl U it v Y MORGAN MAKES, full slater*. 15Ji nauda blub, 7 and 8 yeara old: have unexceptionable ityle aud notion: rapid travellari; very pleaaant, ea?y driver*; would make a splendid team lor a T cart or lamlly carriage: can travel all duv, aud ara warranted tound and kind. Set ailver mounted huxlUh Double Harneas, Whip and COUPE. I.N PINK ORDER, SATIN LINED, built by John G. Ilam. THE THOROUGHBRED browm HOR.SK PHEE BOOTEK, by Kentucky, 15^ handa bt^b, 6yeara old; very gentle aud a apiendid taddla horae. THE HttOWN THOKOUOHBKhD llOKSK HUOKLE KKiM'.Y, hy imp. Hurrah. I5)t handa tiltfh, 0 yeara old. CHESTNUT UtLDINU, BY imp. GLfcNELG. 15* handa hiith. 3 yeara old. ALSO A LAKGK NUMBER OK TROTTING. ROAD AND PaMILY Horaea; Carriage* and W'ajoui of all deacriptlous; Urge quantity of Double ana Hlngla llarueaa. etc. entries KOK THIS SALE atiould be made by 4 P. M.. THIS DaY, to Inanra a place on oui CATALOGUE rrrcomw: J\ by van tasseli A stable ok trotting and kamily uorsks AT PUBLIC AUCTION, THIS DAY (THURSDAY). APRIL 4. AT 11 O'CMiCK. AT THE PIUVATf. SrAllLE IN REAR OP PHIVAlb RESIDENCE 51 IRVING PLACE. ENTRANCE ON EAST 17TII tiT.. BY CHARLES C. DUPK A CO., A1101IONEKKS., Including Ilia bay trotter Troubler. record of 2:30; black Mare Lady Steele, record ot 2:31, cau trot In 2:25: ebo?tnut Mare Eva, can trot In 2:25, belt record 2:27>i; brown Trotter Young Kthan, cau beat 2:30; ala<> extra tine family or aaddle Home, well bred; last trotter; baa all known gait* under saddle: has been u??d by ladle*. The above horses are all warranted aound. kind and true: are<oung and lully a* represented: al?o eegxnt Park Pbnetun, Pole uud Shafts: Top Wagon, Open Wagon. Single and Double Harness. lilanketii, Holies, Ac. N R.?lb* aBi>ve mock will positively be Hold to highest bidder THIS DAY, IIA.IN OR S.UNE. AUCTION M0UsK~0P~AR0H. JOHN8TON, 10, 21. 23 uud 25 lSth it., near University place. TUB OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND MOST BBLIA> B i.K HOU8K IN THE CITY. SAL.ES OK HOUSES AND CARRIAGES IIEI.D EVERY TUESDAY AND PRIDAY, AT 10 O'CLOCK. ON EVERY HORSE THAT IS WARRANTED SOUND KKO.M 24 HOURS TO THREE DAYS POIl TRIAL.. GEKTLKMEN HAVING HORSES OB CARRIAGES to sell, or those wishing to buy. will Bnd our buainoaa continued on preclaely the aame itrlctly honorable prin ciple* which huve always governed wur bouie and won the respect and contideuce ?i tue entlro community. AT AUCTION, by VaTABSBLIi A KEARNEY. Auctioneer!, the onlire stock nf lionet. Oarrlngos, Landuua, CI are u obi. Coupe*, M'agon*. Benin Coaches, Harness, Koboa, Ac., Ac., of tlio Lexington Liverr stable*. corner 4!itli at. and Lexington sr., on WED.NKBI?aY. April 10. at 1(>){ o'clock. Full particular* under thla bead o i Snnday next. Cata logues to be bad at the office of Auctioneers. 110, 113 Eaat 13th it.. 22 Uulou square. at (table, on Saturday, April <1 Stock now on exhibition np to day ot sale. ^ ?sKCOND hand carriageb. " Lik'lit Landau, of our make and nearly new. Demi-Landau, lor 1 and 2 horaei. uaed but a few time*. Coupe, lor 1 and 2 boraei. our make, splendid ordafc T Cart, 1 and 2 horaei, our make and nearly new. City Wagon*, one a Windlor, our make. J. B BRHW-ThB A CO.. ot 25tb It. AN KLKGANT BKEWSTtitt CROSS hPUiNO TOP Wagon, liarne** (naed twice) : alio extemion top Ph?a tou (leati Pony Phaeton, coupe and road Uar> neaa; very cheap Ho**more aiable*, 247 Weil 41?t it.? -Kok SALi', TIlllER~HGRSEB; SUIT PAREINci", ?grocer, expresa or trucking: muit aell. cheap; no work, inquire at 147 felliabeth it., betweaa Broome and sprlnr*ti. ~A LAItGK ASSORTMENT OK HAM'S CIRCULAR iVglaia front coupe itock*way*at reduoed price*. Ladle* Phaetons a apecialtv. 0-><? Broadway. bTkOAIN.?KLEGANT leather top WAGON* alt lmproTsiuonl*; 120 pound Road Wagon, Single aM double liarne**, all good aa new. 127 Wtft 2Hth at. _?PUR SaLk; KIBE PONY BUILT IIOR8KS; ?suitable tor (arming, grocer or expre** purposes told at n sacrifice atrial given, inquire 3U Bleeeker ?t., iu the rear "a -KOR SALK. St-.VEN IIOllSKS. BU1T KaRMING, J\ .grocer, express or trucking, cheap. Inqniro 197 Mer cer sL, nrar Hleucker. Three day*' trial. HANDS* iMK LIGHT T CART?SET SILVKR mounted llarneaa; very cheap. Koeeuiore *tab)ue 247 Weat 41*t at. ?SROoND HANG LaNDaUS, CLAKHNCK0, Kretta and Pbaetou* at bargains; all new Coupe* and J. W. PITNEY, 460 3d av. A A. AlirNTL MAN LEAVING KOit EUROPE WILL ?ell hi* Coupe Rockaway. city built, almost new, at a very great bargain. luqulra ot J. K. GIPPORD. 44 Lib erty at.. Brooklyn. NY PERtfGN PUSHED Poll MONf.Y HAVING A nice Road Turnout, can find a pnrchaaer oy addreaalnir L<>\V, Herald Uptown office, tlorae muat !>? kind and ?ouud and able to ahow a mile in 3 minutes or better; or will buy Horse alone at a bargain TcTiNoCrr complktk; it a.ndsomk iiok-e, I.'i'j hands, aouiid, drlveu by children and ladiea j llar neas. Robe, Blankets. Ac. alio Bra water Improved Uarnm, all good a* uow; very cheap. Private atable. 59 Kait 41 at. SACKIKICE ?20 BUSINESS ANU DELIVERY Wa?ou*, all sixes. $3<l to $125; new. aecond band Wagon*, lor exnre**. grocer, butcher, baker, milk, depot, delivery, 22U Spring St. PEW QUITE NEWTWO AND POUR BEATS KaM lly Wagons Park Phaetons, Depot \\ agou, light top and no top lioau Wagons, Simile and Double coupe and Koad IIarnes* at pauic price*. Club Stable, 150 2Uth st . Bear ;ui .iv. A ?TlEGANT SPLIT 8KAT~V OABT~NEW; ONLY ? use t three timea; great sacrifice ; al*o Que Coupe & West IStli st. or0be. am oaNal. has a largk assort^ ?meat Park and Puny Pbaetons, Rockaway*. Coupe*, Huttgie* and other styles of bis own make, at mauulactur era' ptlcea. Liberal dlacouut to tin* tri?da. A" Ll I.AMK AND SICK HORSES OUKED KHEE or charge. ?tillea' Liniment lodi le of Ammonl* lyullow wrappera): spavin, aiillnta, ringbone, ahoul.ier lauiune**. hand postal caAl lor pamphlet. Dr. Of LES, 451 6th av,. New \ ork. T70, TOP pTjnS I'll A ETON. GOLD Ml)U>T ?In -s. and Harness to match, cost $535 three mouths F A _ ago; also top Huggy and Double Harness, nearly new. sold very low 1 rl vela >tai.le 144 A'est IHtb st All A KG A IN PGR CASII-TiiP EKEWnTivH 1M pro?e-l llu^gy ; also handsome top Pony Phaeton and tilt* harness, Ac. Private liable 1 M?*t loth It., one door Irom 5th at^ Am _KOIl SALE?*> OIIL'KKY BUILT HOUSKH, HUIT ? able lor farming or any bu^lnesi; sold at a aacrltlcu: trial glvenj lt>7 Uth it., between 3d and 4th avs. An kxtKTiiTNDsf"imiTsukiikY WAGON POIl POUR pei*on* very low also three superior strllsh top pony Phaetons; two very line top Hugules: lour tots rubber end gilt single llariie>s. very Hue: two set* double liarne**. Blanket'.. Rube* and Whin*. II price* to *uit the time*. 12 East IMtli -1. near Broedwar. ?husi' BK"siTr,TTrins day, oitbAT ii\Iigai>s. ?one Brewater atyl ? top Pony Pliaetnns; also one light shilling lop Hrewale Improved spring Koad IVajonv Mi ? gle and Double llarnass; all nearly new. Iuqnlre 2<M East ?JO. li at . near 3d av. NY^~BEASoNAUI.E~orfKIC?BRKWMTBIt RI'KINO top lluggr. tine H arnesa: top Poor Pbaetou: all little u*ed Bo?rdln< stabl , 'HI Weat Idtli at. A orn Canadian pony iioii^e 7 ye.ins. $?*?-; W 'gou and llarnea*. (50; also two lloree*, cullable for country. IV>2 Hud*on at. A*" I PRIVA1E SALi! AL'CI'ION PRICES.?Til E entire Stock of the Cealral Stable*, consisliug ol Lan daus. Laiidaulet*. Clarence*. Coupea, Sleighs. Ilorses, llsr neas. Ac., all in u'oad order: in ust be aold at your prteea. Broadway, nortbeast i of SUtli st. CCuuuaoih. ii XiiwmCtt ? a again*. ) Ton and no-Top Pony Phaetonl, Beiitlei, Rockawaya, J uinpseat. Depot \t a|vi*, la., guaranteed reliable work, (7.. upward. Ilarseaa. every ioncelv?ble style, luperb slock, f6 40 a p. Lap Rugs, Blanket- and sheets, tile up. JOli N MOORK. '.7 W arreu at OR SAI.K liEMILKMAN'!* COMPLETE AND BLR _ 4ant Tnrunut. a pair clo<ely niatcnen, llnely bred bay Mares, U year* old, I.> hand* c?n trot tog.-ther In 2>411; One Double llarnea*, aid* bar lluvgy, by Curler tuewi.wlth lliankete. Koiiea Ac. : alao t'larenee, by Wood Broa.: par-, feet order: a alylish. young, three-minute Mara tor road or cairlaue use. with two other flue llories for ordinary usa : the pronerty ot gentleman about leaving lor hurone. Ap ply la J IM r s. 11 li West tOlh st. . private stable to lev It tAli AT A KAKOAiH?ONE CHl'NKT HLILT llorse, HI nands waivhs over 1.200; one 4<?-ean Milk truck, one 16-cao Milk Wa.-on, three iati of llaruMs. Af aald's stable*. 14H M aat 2Uth at. LlOK nALK A cTbCULAR PMONT COUPH ROCK r away, elty make, In goodor.lar. BARMY A M aNOAM . 28 Heat 39th it. Fi?OK sALK?BBAUrlKtL ROAD TEAM, JET BLACK, 1 perfectly metrned, lull *i*ier*. theroughi.'ed*. alr.d by Nnpero, oat ot Bla<'k Hawk mare, vary styllah *oand and gentle, at oKlLLY A Mctf AllON's, Wo Hast 14th st. htUH llALK-lllAVY Ti A M TRI CK HORSES, ? AND 7 rears. also lour other Moraaa and young Mara In ealt. 521 w aalilagtoa M. F>Olt S.kLR^jl50; PAIR BAY HOBMES. 15IIA?dT| extra d'leera, atun i; ceparate or together. Twa day*, Peed Store :i7u Itudsan Ot HALS KXJbKDINGLY CHBap. OaB MAIL Pliaeton. Brewatar's make. Double llarneae and Livery; all new. At i.rivat- stable 2 :U West Slllh st "inOil HALK-lkAM uVlTOKHKs, TKUCK AND"WOKK. r on awoant of death l? family; will ae sold cheap. 2 Liberty st. CH)H SALI CHEAP- TIIKKK HOKSbh. PIT POM r bntrher. grocer or farming| alao **t el llariteaa aad baker'a Wagon. Inquire I?."> av, B, corner 12th at. t^OM SALK lili KAP- A ItlCn ItOCKAWAV, N K AHLY 1 new. Can be eaea at II. U Walt'a baardla( atable, 142 Weel :?nh at. FiOll hX( it ANGE-B AY MA IlK BY Oi.D II AMKLK Ionian, dam by Lou* laland Black Hawk; will aail low er give bar even Tor etyllah bona fit for *>a a. KX I'IIANoE. Poat odlce box i7t CtKKsH CO Wit KG it SALK.?ONK ALbfcRNEY A*l> r good one.t.baap. Apply l? 0. PONTAYNK, HO Piatt at . a:. <tai I a lvik mai R i iikaP?a Dr.Vor Wagon, in oooD F ordar. Call at l.'.H P.aat H2d at. h'ORHALn NO rl ETllER UHR, TEAM M A Y HOR-IS. H years, K>H liandi. anlt truok, lee wagon, farmlnc lor rel llorie, il years, IS baud*, good traveller; all warranted. No. M cbarla*. HOKSK3. CAHBUeai. <*c^ For 8\l?- a valuahlk, f~a2t tra velliKAl biu Mar*, lor 111* couuiry, Utile *ore; <55 No. 2Jaiae* ?tip. B^OR ilALE?WfilTBCIlAi'ELToP 510E MAR ROAD Wilson, II arucat. alrnoat uew. E. T.lOMAS, Weat Side Hotel, 15|h it , titu av. FORSALE-BEVEN HORHKa. SUITANV BUSINESS; alto bunda 'tut* match pair ot Graya 15 baud*; Warranted 113 Barrow at. IjlOR SALE?TWO HOUSES. ONI MARE. WITH foal, at halfvalue : thr?e day*' allowed. Apply ?l expre** stable, .So 67 Great Joua* ?t.. near Howry. IilOB SALE?A riIOBOUUHBR*f> HORSE, from Kentucky, (i vear* old; aound ?nd muJ. and ouu trot hi J nuntituH in harneaa; ? good trial can Ue given, (?labia 105 hunt 35th, Now York. ___ FOK SALE CH KAF?HOK>tiS, OA Ilia AND i'UUCKS, for want ol uae. at 245 Mulberry ut H1LBOKN. 115 CHAMHi-.KSftT.?llANU M *DE HAR oat*. $0 5(1; rubber Track llaiuiu, $-5. hvery variety Harneaa ami Huree Clothing. M~ ILK WAGONS.?MILK WAGONS KOR SALE NEW and aeoud hauit, at moat all price*; will be ?old low. New Wagon* mudu to order at reduced price*. Inquire ?t lHii Kaat 04tb it Painting and repairing dou.i at ahort notice C. I.AKK. AGNIFICBNT NO TOP I'll A KTON, BY GiiO. II. Cloae. fur aale at BARKER'S, 3l?th at., and Broadway. M MORTGAGE 8ALK.-GEOKGE OKOGHBOAN. AUC tlnneer, will *el', at 11 o'clock till* day. at 430Wc*t 37th at , 10 Kood work lloraea, 'J Bxpreaa Wagon*. I Top Ruegy, Hume**, Ac By order of J. 8. Biglau, Attorney lor Mortgagee. OPBJI ROAD WAOON, BY BliEWSTEK * CO.. $140; Brougham. by Hrew-ter A Oo.. In elegaut order. fiV*1; elx-aeat Burkaway. bv Miner A Steven*. 9250. Coupe Ke ck? away. $200: lame asaortuient of a>-coud hand larrlairea, of ?llatylea. at bottom price*. WM. IX OKAY, 22 Woo?ter*t. I.SLSY, IKVING A TUCKBK, Carriaee I nildera, make ? aprolalty of repair* of earrlac** and keep tame cov ered airaluat loaa by fire under, their owu pollclea of Inour ance, without expviiau to tllo owuera, time tnviuu' tbutu riak ..r aniioyanci'. A poatal card from partiea ileairing ?* tlinatea will receive pruusot aud carelul attention. factory, Broadway and 37th at. Canopy nod leather trp Phaeton* now in atoek. RiTan"iiobsk7 iiTTi txus iiiuu; drive single or double; Hue action: suitable tor coup ? or road uae. Can be xen until *??ld at No. 2 Maodongal alley. ROAD WAtiON. *55; PONY WAGON. 900; FINE GIB inn Double Phaeton Marneea, 940; Husiae** Uorae, $7i 511 7tb av. SECOND HANI) CAR RI AO KS. Breweter A Co.. Koad Wagon*, 2 curtain Coach**, 1 Lauilau. 3 Clarence*. S Coupe*, 1 gtaaa trout Ca'.ecli*. I Bronitlia'n. 3 Lund iiileta, 1 Victoria, 3 double auapenalou Victoria* 2 alxpa-aenger Kockuwaya. 8 coupe and curtain Rockaway*. 2 two wlieolod Doir Cart?, 1 lour wheeled D?iic Cart. 2 T Carta, I Surrey Cart 2 Stan liope Pliaetona. 2 top and 1 no top tui nout aoat Phaeton*, 2 ball-tup lour-paeMuiter Pbaeton*, 1 top Pony Phaetuu, 2 Depot Waicon*. Buyer* ate hereby notified that all the above named ve hicle* are lu thorough repair. A. H. h LtMlltAU A CO., 372 and 374 Broome at CACR1KICK?KAdTBItN lilKI-. TKUT BETTER THAN O2:30; One brood mare i Wa .'on an l H arne??. BOYMTON, 33i?titb ay.. 21et *t SKVKRAl7\oUNlJ.Tt>ifND AND PKOMI>1 Nt? ROAD llorte* for *a)e low at B vRKER'S. 39th at and Broad way.. CACKlFICE ?TWO TOP KOAD WAtiONK. ONK DE t^pot Wauou, three aet* llicht ilarneaa; ehoap. 207 Weat 10th. STABLE TO L.HT?MAV I-, C'.JUR STALLS, AMPLE carriage room; apartment* lor ooachtnan. 125 Meet 50tb *t. Stables, with sufficient cakuiack room. oonveuleut eoaclitnen'a room*, low rent*; 13t end i:>0 ^o*t 17th, and 144 Weat 5(>t'i at , between titti anil 7th av*. Apply to nraddreaa JAM KS KI'IKKM AN. 70 Wall at. 11KAM?O'JOD. SOUN l>7 $50, : NK W TOP tX preae Wukou, $UO; Grocery Wagou, <55; llarne**. No. 4 7th av. TtiRi'-E valuable fast pony built Mare*, tor the coontrr; little ?ore In leet; $55 each. KS New rhambor* at TRADE_WA(10NS POR LIGHT DKLI VERY, OR HUS inea* Waxon*: Cortland and SVatertowu Platform Wair ona to carry four and *lx, Kxpre** Wacou*. top ami open, all etylee. WM. II, GKAV, 20 VVootter at. ANTED-A PAIR OF MATCHED THOROUGH bieila, not over 15.3; alan T Cart, MrouKliam and double Marine*; Imported preferred. Addreae, with fnll pun Iculer*. U. L.. box 2.425 Poat otllce. TI/TnY D-HOItnE To tkot IN 2 :40 OR BETTER. II Isquire of VAIL, 17 Joue* at, alter 2 P.M., for two day*. W ANTED-A OOOU ItOAU II >|{S , HAKNhSi A N LI Waitou, in exetaiise lor sharea of tbn New York Bal ance Deck umpanv'* atock. Addre** box 2.52U I'oet oKlce. ANTK1) - A nKOONL> BAND POUT PHAITOli", bnaaet prelerr-d. Addreaa, etatlng loweat term* end where It can be seen, COU nTKY, Herald offioe. ANTED-A SECOND HAND COVERED T<7p Wairon, anil able for laundry; mutt be In good order anu cheap. Adurea* K. 0-, llerald olttce. AMYBD-BOUliD AND KIND HORrtK, ABOUT MX leubdo, for roekawny; or woulu Board horae for u>e. Addreae. with partlrulara. CITY. Ileiald Uptown ofllce. HOMI9?SUITABLE VOt ANT IOIIJIIUIi BOLD at eacrillce. 410 Weat :?lth at. 1 CI HIGH. H VEARS OLl?. B tY MAKK, BY vt IN J<)ttljn.p \lorrlll: perfectly aonnd. and one ot the greate-t ro idatera in exNtenei-; can trot heat* In 2:4t> or better. In hand* ol C. W. BARKER, UUtn at. and Broadway. For ?ale. to" SfKj. FriUK (;"6oi> HOKSES FOK ANT liu^lneaa. fall 2 D> Wnat 91*1 at all thl* week. 41 Ft ft oUT PONT. TOP (IDS > A R~WA GO N. 11 A it - Ipl I ?*a; kind tor lady or child to drive. 58 Weat 15th at -ETiIAN ALLEN MARK; SOUND AND U.kloU: c m beat 2 :40 or uo eale : Top Wagon, by A?h. of 25th (t, t Hue aet ot rub*>"r mounted Track Har riet". making aa One a road e*talill-hment a* goea the roail; alio elegant T Cart aud Double liarneaa. 138 Weat 31 at. 8 $r,o A' I)KY U(N)US. rjrjQisrs?eiibfciiv~* co.-a,? Broadway it nil lltb it., rich Black Dresa Silk*. A bath IwiiortiUai *f rich Dreae Sllkt, fiom SI lu t'J por ;trd. Tim iboTt roodt art manulaitureJ to oar tpaclal order by Ilia bant hand looina nl l.youa, PranC" A pualllro at aurance ou our purl ra*ardlmr tna Intrloalc uteri! and war retlttlag quantiea of ?ur "ataudard fuakee" black -Ilk, to celher with the Ind.iraemmit ol our uiany paimna tar a quarter ot ? ttnlory luiunt tba B?t latxptrltuctd oar chum from auy rlfk whaturtr. Wa MPKCIaL, NOIICK. Ta wholeaalt buyera of AID OLOVKS. Ureal Ki t tiler* aal* at HAKRIM BBOTHBRB*. 0.(MX) doten Lad lea' Tw* Hut tuna. Km quality, at <1 par dole a S.OUO doii-n<!iara' Tarn IIui lona, aaptnor ? Utility. at $."> p r iloian 0,000 dateu I.idu-a' Throe Hutloua. txtra Da* quality, at hi -Vt per doten, In new ami dealrable tprla* thadaa. AIM ear regular Importation* of llama' Seam lata. llama* (patent; Prevuat Side cat). Vioturla. Lauretta. I>ouna Maria, Peruaude, Cora, 4c., at reduced prlcea. la 3. 4, 0, H and lu liattont. tar ladle*. itoiilleiiiea tulaeea end children. Cetera aud qu-illtlea uu.aipioel IIA Kill? BKi' fll K ilea, <77 Hruadway, botweea IHtn and Iftli ata. POUT OK KICK (VO riCK. Po*Y~oppicb XoflcB " "" X Ibu foreign malla for tbn week cndtnir Saturday, April M. |l*7tt, *111 tluae at thil ofltoai ? Ou J I* d., for Kurupe. by ataamahlp Idaho, via i^iecudown; uu Wednesday, at 4 A for Pruiiet illr.n l, lijr ateamahlp I aaeda. via litvre, ami at 1 P M. fur P.uropv, by ale uuatnp Ab,n>iata, via t^aeenaluwn on IhuMdar, al 4 A. V , for lrelaud illrert. by ateaiuabip City ?I llmaaela, via (Jiieoiia town (turr?apmiduiice lor Ureal Britain anil ihe I'outluatii ?? Ivrwarued by thtt ateamer uiuat ofl apeclaliy ad ntteu). and at 13 M lor Europe, by ateaiuabip Krl?la, via Plymouth. Clierixiuiif aud Hamburg; on Saturday, at 4 A. k., lor haroix. by altiauiehlp ileiuianlc, via ijirmu town (eorreapoadtnee for i>*imauy and Scotland to be for warded by tbie aleauier iuu>l lie ?p?rtally audruaacd) and at 4 ^ 1 A. M. lor Hcnllaiid direct, hv aieauiehlp Uevonia, via Ola* ?>?. and al 11 ?.:?) A. M. or Kurope. by ttteniahip >.an tral Ward-r. via ^outKainpt n and Hrumea. The ?team ?hipe Idaho. AbvMlttla and Oeruiatilt do not take nulla lor Deamark, nwe.ien and N?>rwar Ihe malla lor lla^it and Klngatou, Ja , leave New York April 4. I lie mailt fur >*a eaa. N. P , leare >aw \urk \prll it. The mall* for Ilia * eel Indl ??, via M?. Tlioinat, alao Porto Kico and Veattu ata dtrrel, Itave Ntw York April 0. I be mail, for Ana tralla. At. laaro Kan Praacieao April IS. Tha mailt (or Chlaa aad Japan Itave Man Praneiec" April 11 T. I.. JAMI'.M, I'oetmaater. i*i>ar urnci, N?w Yobs. Marek IOTA iJKtfTUCC'riov A Li i ft IIK XTSw KK'hkl'tMl?; A KIT ll MhTlll. < :ouu raapoadanta. ap?lilni{, all boara ; wililnir. t.t umathly. I' i INK, tu iioam r , aptowa. 0UT BraadWdr. ?*PLT TO-t?AY ?LaDIKS fllOM II TO !>t TBN willlav laa?oaa. $J 6lj; parlora 15 Baat 14th at. UtiLOsMTH. BtWIIttPlliioi VKNMA.tltillir ABlfHikflO", rtbnrt II <nd. A*.. tauKht pr .ctUallr. day and arealaf, al IXtl.BK A K'H t oiumarrlal I ulK-iru I. I'l I Hroadway. BOOKKKBKIMO AND HUMINKsS AKKAlKii, 73*1 Broadway. A abort ronraa of praciloe fur adaltt Apply for circular* V. 0 M AK-II, Authnr. Ac. W*" ANTBO?PKMALK THAi'llKB OP rtOMK XI'KBl eat* la lake cbarct of lb* primary daparlmtnl af ? dlalrlet tchooi Apply, with re treuava, to CHAM. PIN Xr.LL, Mlatrlel Clerk, New Outturn, H.J. A hi taw aiu>*. . '* T BHW WARRROOM4 OP II. W. COM.KN0VK Broadway, bttwiun Orace Churcli aud stewart'a? Billiard lablea, new and >ecoad hand, ta lat*a* daaiKa*; kMigutd* aad luwaai prta**. AMBKIOAN (IT AN DA KD III1.I.1AKD TaBLRM. Nlff and teernid haad, al reduced priaet; Mailt, t loth, Tlpa. Chat*. Caaa, Ac. W. II. OlilPPlTil A CO , 4i> Veaey t?. JOHB iTbBaMAN.'ooiitiNKNTAL IIOTRt,, PIIII.A Itlphla, Kile aeent la I'antiaylvaula for lb* Stauilard iatrftta Billiard labita, maualaMartd *aly by U. W. Ml*?4*r. BCUUI'KAft (TiSAJMHlfik. __ HAMBl'RU AMERICAN PaCKET COMPANY'S ifSl lor Plymouth, Cbvroourit and llaiimurg. ? .iSIA. I'huradav. April 4 | L* S-1M>... Tluna., April >8 HOI..VU1A. i liUi* , April I I I A'It. I.A.N )J. .Thar*.. April 25 Hiki oi pMtk .^e lu P'yiuoutli. Loudon Currii' urif, nattt burn aud oil p?iiu? in Catitui!:->Hm Cabin. tl<*J, gold: Second Ctblb, 'IK). u 1.1 . litifrnie, ?'i'). currency. Kl XHAltliT A CO., C. I? .ICH AKD A HOAS . (ii'in-iiti Ageutft. General Puumner Amenta. 81 Broad at-. Now York. HI Broadway. V^rfc oar DIRECT AND ECONOMICAL ROUTE To HoL inn I, Belgium, itiu Ituine. ?um*erlaud. Ac., Ac . via Eotlerdu'u Cbe .neat route lu Pari*. Steamer CAl.\.N 0 . April 11 Steamer MJ? 111\I> V \l April -4 Thou beamiiul ?te?mera, carrying li t United MMrl mull tu the Netherlauda, am (rem iavorito* with the puu Ue. I rip* reicular. rata* low. coiuloit and living peifect. For freight, fur uiuam, punch. nam * co., l. w. mo.iris. 27 Soyth Willi.nil <t. 5i) Snauway iMorri*' i urope en aud Amurmau Exprua). CN REAT WEh 1'KUN "sTEAMa 11 ip~LINK r to Bristol (EN'gIjANU) diiiecr. ?ailing (rum pier 18 Uivor. aa follow*:? CO UN WALL April 4 I SOMEttttET April 18 Cabin paaiage, <50. jtMJ una i7o. Keiuru tickal* at fa vorable rate* ; prepaid Steerage Certlllcatea. $28. Ap|'l> Vo W D MORGAN, Agetu, 70 -Mtulli *L HIT* BTaK 1.1 .Vt t'uilail Maui and Royal Mall Steamer* fur (juoeu*towu and Liverpool. NO TICK.? I bo atuauiei* ul t 111 a lino uka the tana route* recommended by Lieutenant Maury, li. S. N.. on both the outward and homeward paaaagoa. Ui.UU tNIC Saturday, April 11,7 A. M. BALTIC Itiuriday, April 11. noon. ADRIATIC Thur.da*. April 18. I) A. M. from White star duck, pier .<2 .North Miver. Katea?saloon, fcSO ?nd fHK). In irnld. Return ticket* on r i. h Brin able Vc r Ul ft. Htaoragu, t'-'S. currency. Saloon*. itataroorna. aoioklng and batb room* are placed ainluaiilpa. where the not** and motion aro leant, affording a dugree of coiutort hitherto unattainable at aea. For iuapartloii of plana and other Information apply M the company1* ollico, Ii7 Uroadway. .Now Vork. K. J. CORTIS, A Kent. S-tatk line?io olasoow, li vinTpooi,. dua LIN, BELFAST, LONDONDERRY AND THE I'A 1(18 EXPOSITION, ?alllnir from pier iJ North Kivcr, loot of Canal at. STATli. Of NKVaUa Tliurftduy, April 11 STAIK OK V1 It'. IN IA Ilmr?day. April 18 STATE Of I.NDl V.N A Tliur?d?y. April Hr<i cabin. ?">."? and $7", acoordliii.' to accommodation*. Return tlckot* at r^ducod ratoa. Sot oud cabin, W) Mtoer age,lt>'.Jti Apply to AUSTIN KALI WIN * CO.. Atfeut*. Ti Uroadway STEElUiiK TICKETS AT' 45 RUOA0WAY A.NU AT TUK COMPANY'S I'IEK, KOOT OK CANAL ST., N. U. WILSON LINE -TO SOU I'llAHProN ANO ilULL. kaliiuu Iroiu Ea?'lu pier, llobokvn, aa lollow*:? OTHELLO March 301 LhPANTo April 21 HINDOO April 13 | Ol UAN'TO May 11 Kirat ca .ln. ?>0. curroucy. Kxcumion tioketn on very favorable tcrui*. Apply, lor fall particular*, tu CHARLES L. W Itllill 1' It CO , M South at. CvJoIi'S TOUltlST TICKETS FOR IRELAND. SCOT yiand, hnicllali Lake*. Purln. tlio Rhine, >wil*erland and Italy, at reduction* lroiu 10 to 4.?> fer cuut below ordinary rate*. PaaneiiKora looked by all Una* of ?le?ioer*. "(loo.'? Excunioniat," comminute lull particular*, by mail, lor ten cudii Adarea* COOK, SO> k JEN KINS, 281 I! rood way. Now York. American link kor livkkpool. 'I'bu only tranaailaiitlc line aallins nndor the American tiaic. Sailing every I huraday Irom I'lilladelphia. PENNSYLVANIA SAILS APRIL 8. 11 A. M. KEl> STAR LINE KOR a.NTWKKP, carrying the Heli;laii and United state* m^ll*, iiaillDg aaml monthly Irom Philadelphia and Now York. ACTON SAILS aPIIIL S. t> A. M. For rate* ot paaaage and other information apply to PETER Wi.iiilir <k >ONS. lii-neriil Atcentr. S(I7 Walnut ?t., l'hiladolphl.i :.'i2 Broadway, New York. JOHN MCDONALD. AKent.8 Kattory place. New York. UNITED STAT S MAIL LINK?STEAM TOOUEE.NS TOWN AND LIVERPOOL, aailitiK 011 Tueaduy Irom new pler4U NorUi lllver, foot o( Charle* at. WYOM.INti.Aprl! U. H?A. M. I NEVADA. ..April a?, 3 P. M. MONTAN A.Apill 2J, 10 A. M. | IDAHO May 7, lii. M. t.'attin, $?>?">, S7.'>. I^ho. currency; Intermediate. ?4>: Stoeraiio. $28. Pa**eni{or* booked to aud Irom Pari*. llHiuburn, Nor way. Sweden. Ac Dralt* ou Ireland, England and Scot laud at lowo?t ratea WILLIAMS A OU ion. 29 Broadway. IN MAN LINK. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS KOR OI'EENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL CITY OF RICHMOND .-aturdav. April 13 2 P. M. CITY OF NEW YORK Saturday April 20. 7 ::to A. M. CITY OF MONTREAL Thursday, April 23. noon. From pier 45 North River. CablD, $80and floO, told. Return tlckot* on favorable terui*. SleeruKe. $28. currency. Draft* at l >wo*t rate*. SalooM. itatorooin*, amokiuir and oatn room* amldthlp*. JOHN O. DALE. Atfeut. 15 and .'i-l Uroadway, New York. Philadelphia olHee. I"5 South 4th at. General transa 1 lXntTc company ~ BETWEEN NEW YtM(K and HAVRE. Company'* pier, 42 North River, loot of Morton it. PBRE1RI', Dauro Wedneaday, tprll 17, P. M. VILLE I'E PARIS, Duraiid.Wodnetilay, May 1. 4:to P. M. 81 LAURl'.NT. Lachoiiei....Wedneaday, Mays, 10 A. M. For fralicbt or |.a*?aj{0 apply to I.OL'IS DK MEBIaN, Aaunt. 55 llroadway. For freight aud paoaite ?t I'htUdwIoula. apply to ALO.NZO silo 1'WELL. 2 Cheatuut it. National link, pikrh 44 and :iu nortii kivbu, KOK LONDON (Victoria Dock). Itair.Tbara.,April 11,11 A.M. i Holland, NNoil Ap'l24.10A.M. POR L1YKB1MOL AND Ql r.KftbTuWN. Brio, K*l . April H. 7 A M. I Uelvetia.Hat..April 13, 1P.M. Cabin. #f>i> to$71). currency; eteerajru. #2fl. Drain from ?1 ui.ward leauttd at vury low r?i,>a. Company'. oMcit, ?S0 ?oil 7U liro ?,lwav. *? W. J. llUltsr. M.uaiier. C1UNARi> LINB?B. ANii N. A. K. M. S. 8. OO. ' j NOTICE. With a ttpw to diraiiiiali tliu cbancea of colllaioti the atoatiiera of ihia lino taau ? apoeltic couieu fur all eeaaoua ot tuu year. On tlio outward p?>iKir? Iroui (juoenatown to New York or IIAaloii, eioxliiil tlio meridian ol oU >|U latiiuilo. or netb lnk to tli? north ot 4:1. On Itte homeward paaaaue, croaalng t'm meridian of &0 at 42 latititdi-, or iiiitliinif to the north of 42. NKW YORK H) l.tV. KI'OO.. AND QUKKVHTIIWN IIOTIIN1 A... Wo i., April 10 | Rl 8 -1A Woil.. April ALU K lU A ...Wed., April IO| .-oYTHlA.. ..Wed., .uav t Cabin puaiawu nnil return tlckcta on lavor iblo terms. Hteeragi! tlcketa to and from nil parti ol Europe at very low rate*. Freight and pu??*^u oRI??, No. 4 Howiing lir.-t n. Oh \l(l,K> ?>. PEANl.'KLY.V Ageut. NtUIOItTlNu, UM ri-.U ^ IATKS WAIL TsTEAithilS". NEW VoRK AND OLAMJoW. DKVONl A... April 'I. 7 A M. I C A LI PORN I A, A pi.'JO,HA. M. aNuhokia, ap' ? ! Bolivia..April 27.2 p m. NEW Vi'ltK To London DIRECT. A.M. I A l.S ATI A. .April 24, nooa. Cabin. ? to i*t< b?eur?i"ii II, i.ata at re luced ratea. Second C-kbiu, $40 Steerage ^JS Company'* pirrn, Noa. '2i> and 31 Nona Klv.r, New York. HENDERSON HIIOn . AuetiK, 7 Itow'.lng Ureen. OBTM OBRMAN LI.ON D HteamaMp Una, between New Nork. Koathampton, London. Havre ami llremeii. Compaii)'a pi.-r toot of 2.1 at , llofcokea. I OP. N WERDBlt, Hat.. April il > MO-r.l. Mat., April 20 | HBhMA.VS " at.. Aim il IU Onl-.K.. sat., April 27 I Hales ol panac* Traa New York lo Southampton Lon don. Havre and :ireui n: Puat cabin, SI" koIo . aec >ml ca>>in. $tH. gold, ate a rage. S:u). currency. lieturn ticketa at lauuceU rata*, Prepaid altera.o certiBc ites &K>, Currency. Per Height or parage apply to OBLKlOlln A CO.. 2 Rowling Oraan. 0 CUAITWISK KTK V.U?1IU>?. LO OOBINION HTKaMsIIIP COKl'AN*, " ?ailing from pUr .>7 North Liver for HOitrOL*. t.'i'f Y rol ?T auil ItHnMON'D, T0E? OAYiS. TIIU iiMOAYm ANO >ATL.,DAY-< at ?r. M . eon lie.ling Willi tbe VirgiuiA and leune?ee Air Line, /ttlantio Caa?t Line, fi. o<ii ,t Air Lib*. UlirMfiake and Ohio llail ruad. H"?i>oard Air i.liie anil with the amipalf'l at-a in lloa to interior p?<rta in North Carolina an I Vli^lnla NhM 111',itN and WahiIINOTos. N. r. ivla Norfolk), avi ry TUhMl'AY, TIIUilnuAY and HaTOKDaY. Lt&Wf.H, I'el.. .UuNDAV anl Til U ItiOAY. at .1 P.M., connectiul' with tha M .rvlnnd an'l Uelaware railroadi. aad tar Iti'.lioitoI li itfcAi II and 04'KAN I'lT. l axcugC' acfomuioilatiiMia nuaiirpanod. Tbrouxh paaacnuar tlckcta and bill* ol iadlug to all pntntc at owe.t r.itea inaurance lur Norfbla. at M per cent. Kreiahta re<-eiveil ilaily at pier U7 North Klver. Oeneral olflee No. 1W7 Mrcenwlea at. N. L Mc< KKaDV. I'rniid' iit Bkkmi'Ua. Iwkti) Kli:o. *T. fli<'Mail w. I j LaOUAYRA. KUBBTO VKNKZUKLa. with coyne^tinua to ail part* of W I.Hf INOIH&and H"L I'll America. The Wu?i>e? and liall i'oita .HH Co. Liac aail aa under noted i?Kor HKKMt'Ul. I4.a, CANIM %, April II Kor KT. JOHN and fpNCK. HT 1IIOMAH. f.A tlCaYKA and PI hivTo UAIII LL'I. Hx liAOJl, April a Kor dracrlptive uan.piilela. Iraight ami paaaaa'C a .piy le A. fc_ oCTKKll Hi IX* K * Lo . Agent*. 2t? M oa.iway t; O. IiK ii Mt ?l Is \ 1)1 A, M.i Heaear at. O. 1,K ?' h. 271 Broadway T)ACIPIC MAIL STKAMHIIIP COMPANY'S LINK Pur CALIP 'RNIA. JAPAN, CHINA. OUNtRAL and HOI Tl? AM. HI' A. ?ANI>WI0H I^LAMOd. NKW 7.KA LAND, tCHI it 11,1 A, HKITIill roLL MHIA, WamII INOTON Tl KKIIOItY a-il oHKUON. Ac. aalliag Irom pltr foot ol Caiiitl at., ,N"rth River Kor the iHI'ilHL'ri of i'anaMA, eooaretlag for CEN THAI, and Mil.Hi A*hl<ICA: hteainaliip UHKHCKNf CITY Tn.-a.leT, April 0 iorfXN PKAKClHCO. ?i? InTIIMUS OF I'aNiMa: Htuaiuahlp CoLON fndat. April 10 iconnixtlue lor Central and .touth America) From -AN K K A NO I SCO to J A1* AN and 0 it I N a i ? ?teamehip CITY oK ToKlo WedMeriaf, M*t I Proiu BAN PKANCISI.O to LiLaN 1)H, AUHlTtALlA and Nr.W tKALANO; HlPamahtp /. K A LAN lil A Monday, April 14 Kor ireUht or paeaagc appl r at the oorapany'a ortlc II llowiln lire.'B, N.-w York. TKXAIA LINK PoK it AI.V KnToN. ToCCII I NO AT K KT WaM -Hieainur CITY tlW HaN ANTU.MO, Captain I'ennliicton. wl I (ail Haturday. April ?! at I P M. Irom pier JO Kaat Blvar Ihrttugh rataa ol ireful and idlla of lading given over ail railroada in the Mat*. Kor tri'lg >t and paeaai;a (having aupt-rlitr ac< ommodatiouO apply to 11. II. MAl.LOKY A Co.. I:?I daldeu lai,.-. COOK, HON A jkm.IN ? Hmadway, alea Mil tlcceta. NAHHAU. N. P.. HT. J ado, ANI) OIKNPCKOIH, Ouha. Ht. amalilp A) \ II" N DKLh I . April i, at .1 P M. NA.HSAt;. N P.. am llAVtNV elt HT AlJUUSflNB.? ?taamahlD HiN J A' IN"), from "?r<miah, Aurll W MUMltAY. K K K Ills A CHUB ^..iitli at. i or O. LKVK, ucnaral PataaHkCr Agent. 271 llruedway. NKW YORK AND CUBA MAIL H. H. LINK POB IIaVaNA. Ma mi 111 can i aeron. mndatitnC for paatangara. Hailing III l ltHU A YS, from pi r 17 Kan Hiver, at 3 P. M. MA li? TOO A fnaw>,2 J?"t lona, Snn.lberg, Thuratlay, April 4 NlAOAIlA (a?wi. 2.2)11 tone, ' urtia..... f urolay. April III JAMBH K. WaBU B CO . Na II/Wall at, XTKW YORK AVD HAVANA DIRIOT MAIL LIMB.? il Theac Itrat elaca ateamahlpa will aail at ;i P. M., fiitra pier 1.1 North ilivar, foot ol Cedar at. for Havana illract, aa loliowa ? CoLCMHC j Wednesday, April 1<> UKO. NY. CLTDR ....... laatarday, April JO Por fieliiht and paaaaae having anaarp ?aaad aer. mmo datlona appiv to W iLLI AM r t-LN DP. A CO., Na. 0 Bowiiav Oreea. Mr K KLLAII. LI I.INIi A CO., Agaata In llaeaaa. A TUB _M*ZlTu|H KOK WKxr INl)IBH AND HOIJTII AMKHIi A Kagalar M monthly aaillnge Irrnn pier 41 Nortk Rlvar. aa loliowa | - Por IIAYfl, COLOMRIA. IHTIIMIH OP PANAMA and HOCTII PACIPIO PoiTS (rla Aaplawall) i? ANDES .,?.uLU Marm ?) ALPS April 18 for KINORTON. Ja>,and IIAYTI: BTNA April 4 aTLaH ......April 28 Mr at elaac llritlah Dnllt Iron ttcanara. Haparwr Brat tlaaa pacacneci acaMnatodaNtpA _ _ MM. POMWOUU A CO.. General Agaeta. Ma. M Wall M. COAST WI?K STE VMS III t*8. Vftw okLtANti biisw.rfrirsmwsncr TTTi *s?9K': "MUt-KtK, i>Ulte, April 6, U 3 P, M.. plvr U North Klvor fhruuiftl tillU of lading ?'ivea to UublU and principal oollila on the MI;iui Kivur. for treiaht or suhh apply toCLAKK A S*i ( M AN, *0 Wi-it at, MORGAN'S link TO NEW OKLKAN* AND TKX AH ? TUe ateaiuora will >?n troiu pier U-l Norm Kiver a* fol? lo* a: ? NEW VOBK Saturday, April a. 187a hur New Orleiiu direct, iranaterrlu..- Texaa traUbt there to Moriran'a Louialaua Texa* Kailroad aud Murtfau'a ateai.iablpa to Texaa porta. Tbrouzh bill. uf ladlnv aigaeO lo all pi.iuta on tue Miaalaelppl Kiver. Moiillo. Oalvetloa, 1 ndiauoia, Corpua Ubrlni, Huckport. Itraaoa Santiago, liriiw Unvilia. and to all point* on Ilia lloutiun ami 1'aiaa i Futrel, Texaa i'aciBc, Iranat-imtloeutul and <lalveatoa. Harnaburi; and f?u Antonio railroad,, Katiaaa I'lty, K?rt sc It aud III bar pi.iuta oa Mi.aouri. K.iuaaa alia I'axaa Kail lo .U aim connection*. Kr?i.;Lla lor lit. Mary'? and Kulwn at ttouxport. J usurauce an bo enacted under open policy of the Una. To Now Orlean-, \ par cent; to !'?*?? pnluta, % uercent Kor I.eitfU: aud other information apply to BOUkKf M MOKGA.V kL'oult. nitloe olar 3tf .Sortli Kirer. o7~^Uus7iM MN CAN UNDERSTAND THAT MMM U NO TI1IK To ADVKItTI.SK 1.1 KK TliK PRESENT. ?l SIN ESS IS BKIsK AM) tlia circulation ol tha EVENING TELEGRAM lor the weekendinc laturday. March 3t). 187H, waa aa loliowa: ? Monday.,.. 42,900 ADVERTISING A>C. A LINK. Tuesday.... 44,050 ADVERTISING 20(\ A LINE. Wednaaday 43,490 ADVERTISING ?X3. A LINK. Thuraday 48.780 ADVERTISING 200. A LINE. Friday 44,500 am;, a line. Saturday 44.UMJ ADVERTISING 200. A LINE. Total JW2.<?0 ADVERTISING 20C. A LINE DaHy average 4J.77S YTTilAVAHA AND MEXICAN MAIL *. 0. LINE. ?M?Miu?trt lo.tvo tr ?iti (tier No. 3 North Ulv?r Kou M a Van a DI u JvCT. _ ^ OITV OK NEW Vu.;K. Do tken.'l ueatlay, April 18. SP *. CITY OK vVAcitli NiJ'tON, TimifidruiJfcu. .April IH. 10 A. M? CITY OK VI, It A >KlZ. Van cue. .Wed.. April 24.3 P. 3L you VKHA CKL'Z AND NKW OKL.KA.Na, via Havana. Procreao, Campeachy, Kroat-ra, CITY Of NKW YOKE. Deakon Tuo?day. April 10 CI I Y OK MKKIDA, Reynold* .. .Tuaiday, April 30 SteaiuTa will luavo NvwOrle tiis April 24 and Mar 10 for Vera Crux via Mataiuura*. Tn\pa.i aud Tamplco, making ciona eounoetion with ata imora lor Saw York aud all tlM abuva porta. y. ALEXAWDKIt A 80.N8.3l and 33 Broadway. Halikajc, n. a., and (Tr. joikns. n. r. CKOMWKI.L LINK. .itoamahlp aLH.V M II HA will le?v? plor 10 North Kiver, Kiiiiay. April 12. :i 1*. M. K?r Ireltfbt or paaaatta applr to OLAKK k sKaMAN. tM W??t ?t. S~AV V.n.NAII, rLOKIOA., NAHrtAU AND HAVANA ? OKBAT nOJTUKKN KKKUJHT AND l*\88KNOK? LINK. t'KN I It A I. KM1.KOAD OK OKOIUilA. ATLAN TIC AND UL'LK l(A1 LitOAD AND UBOK<iIA AND KLOIilDA INLAND STKAMHOAT COMPANY, t.Il'Y OK MACON, from pier 4tt N. R., Saturday. April & OKN. MAKNK8. Irum pier M K. K., Woduo?day. April 101 for Ireiglit ?.? pauaicu apply lo QKOKGK YONOK. A^eut S*tur<lay ateumara, 40U Broadway. Mokray. PARKLS A CO.. Airent Wedue?day? atouuvra, ti2 Boulb at. C. D. OWEN , OI.OKOK YONOK. Aiteut A. X O. K. It.. 315 B'way. A Kent O. R B.,4uHB'wy. LVLoKIDA DIKKOT.?BrKAMKlUI LKaVK PIKK I Batt Uiver. every Friday. at 3 P. M.. for Karnaudlnaj b la.. toucbliiK ?t Uruuawick and Port Knral. CITY OF DALLAS, Captain 111?>??. will fall April 5. Very lo* ratou uatuud to aavanuali. Tbrouub fralitbt and paeoag* rat**^ ifivnn to ail pwiuts In toe hwuili and Soutbwoat bv 0. 11. M ALLOK Y A CO.. Acenti, 15!i Maiden lane, and aold by COOK, SON A .jh.NUlNS. Ml Broadway. TltAVEUKRg' OU1UE. Albany boat." pkoplk'S line?onk "or uleuatit i.toaiii?ra DKAN ItlCllMOND or HT. JOHW will luavn pier 41, NortU Itlver, avury week day. M 0 P. M., ooniivetinie at Albany lor all p dot* -Nortb and Woet. Tlck ?.'t? f >r ?ale at principal hotela ?ud all of M'aateott'a Kxpreaf uttit-eii in New York and Hrooklyn. Brooklyn paaaan<ar? tranaferred Iroe by "Aunax" tmati. OAT FWirUTlBitTLL. 8TUYVK^ANT AN-D INTKB. modiato landlu^a will leuvu plor 34, llarrlaon at.. North Itlver, daily, tiundaya exceptad, at 8 P. M. BOSroN.-KAItK llKDUCKO VIA FALL RIVE# I.tue; $.1 to Uotton; excur.iob tloksta, 95; magniaeint atvaiuera NriWP.iltl" ami OLD COLONY leave pier 20 NortU Klver daily (Suudaya excepted) at 5 P. M.; fall night'' reat: llvu tmirniuic traiut from Kail Klror to Boatoo, l'icketal r aala at ail principal ticket oStcai. Brooklyn paawuxera traiialerrei (raa by MAnnox* boat* loavloK loot of Kultou at. at lil) P. M CITIZENS' LINK -TkOY Sli: i MEKS, CONNfcCTINd witb morniuj; tralna for all points NortU. Eaat and Weat. 1'eavu pier 41) Nmtb Klver, loot Leroy at., dally (except Ba4? urdayi at6 K. M. Ku.mia Ueuted witU atoain. Me.KC 11A NT?' KXPRKH8 LINK KOE ALBANY.^ stoamera WALVi.ll BltKTT aud NKW CliAMlTOI* will Roiumenea their reunlar tripa to Albany, Wadaeaday, /pril Hi, ieavinit l anal at . North ltlvur, d I*. M. dally, Saturilaya excepted, fur paaaeuicera and fralcbt. A. P. BLACK, Superintendent. Ki.uiiiJE.ii rAim: ??? to iiwwbi KXCl'RslON TIOKhT*, ?5. , UK OLD KKLIAUL.* BTONIBOTON LIMR FOR BOS. TON. Nut a lrl|> mlaacd iu ivvbr cousecutive jrears. Slcamri leave pier .ft K.. (out of Jut ?(., at S I". X. Mom in hum ?-\pru>s tram leaves Stonlnicton at A. ?, Providence lino ilreliflit only) atiemers from ptor 2w North Ulcer, toot of Warren at., at 5 P. M. KVLlllHIUmx. Exciiwiov " boaTb and uRovft?T^5?BXifIfSi (loocral --fdis-wnlt ami r'ort bar ices Caledonia. Ha putllc anil Anna: Rxcclelor I'arx, Oriental. Kerltau It each, fold h['nii_', liiu* laUud and Columbia <Jroves. B. H. lIKIUUri, :int Wt-i >t . uupo'ltii Christopher street ferry, lirooklyn uilico (lludsons HuildluK*), corner Fulton ?bJ York ma. IjlOK KXi;i7R5io\?-? tLOON HTRAMKR J B. ' Mill I YLKIt: rapacity people; uarges St. Nlcbo laa. liohorts and otheis: Occidental Grove, ou the Hudson, aad others. M A it'l l N * KA.SK.KLl* Mtt South M.; apam Sunday KtlKWl U1IK. .A. superior furniture. Carpet*. Upholstery Ouoal, Ac., in# cash or oil till autulu ul apeclal cradlt. A~~?POK~ ?A LK, AT P IU VATfcf11hsTdKBCR 120 WKdf .3:id ?t. Boar litli k? . I'arlor Suit., 11 piuraa, cuvsred In .aim, coal 9I.UUU, lor *I5U: one do.. f 123; I urkisk Mulls, *1*); rap and haircloth >ult? $ i.'? and $56; inlaid and |UI black walnut Itedsteada. Di vaaloir Ceaoa, Hureaus, Waah* stands. Wardrohea, hair and apring Mattresses, UlnlBf Kuriiiluro. hitviimon Table, lluitet. Chairs. A'. N. M.?As eleiaut roaewood Tour round Muinway A mio'? Plaaoforte, a Iniricalu . lUa^ulll. Aut imltar. ?*JU. eoat Imo. tall tbla ilar ? lor ad until May 15. M la SAtfllAgM'B BR# rURnITURR, CAtflf ?aad rfeddlnic WinhoMi, 31J and 514 Mth a*., ueaf 3?ith at ; tin- I truest establlauiiicni In the city; lowaMeM* prices; weekly and monthly payment* takaa. t dTo'kakkki.l'-. oldT rkliablr UOUKK.~?Ia Hill a*., oaar .il?l at.; aaajr Uriua tor Kuruitura, Car* pets, Ac. LI. Ki?DH UK Fi'HBlfUB. LOOKIBO OLABuR't. Mattresses, SprhiK Ho n selling at hall prlca. Ml Canal, opposite Kane's Hotel. AiiRJITLRMaB MaVIBU A qaANTITT OK aoofltf hold Kiirmiure will rani ?nnie tor Hoard of two gentl* man : no oiijacimn to country duriuv summer. Aiidrvs* M, box ?,7"7 I 0?l nlfli o OkhTLMlTN BKKARI>0 Ul* Hot'rtKBKPIRtt will aacrlllca llouaah od Kurultura In loll la aull c*ah |iur?lia>ara-uaiiielx. nairoitlrent natln Parlor Halt, bat III* lie uaad. c at $??<?>, lor WU; !*? handaoina Haltt, Raat Inke ul)la. covered In raw silk, rint KlMiJor fll.'i and SI<K)| TaUlat to match: alio bandaoiaa w ilnut t'haabar aalll Matiruaaaa, RKMaaMa Tahto. Huffat. I'arpeia. Me : call and aaamlnai no rra-onabla offer reluaed I'rlrata raal itoaca 131 Wait Hth at., aaar 0th a*., adjoluluit Um ar mory. _ ?lllill IIOUrtRHULO KURnITUKR. PAMT-" ?l?p, Ittoncaa. Ac. at auction, to-morra? (Fridari III,, clock. U?e atory krown aaona m analoD .No 47 Wast DHh St., b.'tweeii tlk .ud Mth ars. ~taluwar aad Cblckarintf I'lanoiortaa. X. II. dsn ba Mau to-day; prlrata satob Ilea ? opan 8 A. M. till t) I*. M. B~"AU? A*F"B KOlTiK RfT~ARK OrPK H ij*i> tl K EAT bargain a In Furaltam, Carp.ia and Meddtof at tbalf s tor as I'M and llaisoa St.. corner Broouia. waakly aud monthly payiurnts takah. (NIIKaI'-LakUR CURI.hll IIaIK ?ArTKRM| |H J ba aaan for tkrsi data. J West 10th. F1DWHT0KI WaNTRD?Pt?R DltdlHAHI.R, FSEI ami elaar Lots at Waodsida. L. I. 1 liWKRT, 171 Broad w ay. F~SoR^tAkiT^rciiNi i uith ANu dakrSthi <>k >m?3 aad and 1'ilrd Hoora and Hadioom Salt; thaap for cash | tau l>a s> an batwaau 11 A. M. and II P M. It llant at. f|t6 RCA Ml O nit, fti I alitV, AT CI.AHK. 'M. IS 1 Hroadaray I Parne'# r>aia It. d, erlmaon rap. fJI): t I'ayna'a Sola Bad. brown rap, ; I oak Pillar Ritrnslaa table. ?I5. L'.iK HALR?KURM l f RK AND UARCRfB OF UilCxi r In HrnoidfN; In tfmMl con niiuii L, H. M., wtlfw L?" iiNITURK. iTTrTKTB, MIKKUHmT BRDkoo3 r wis, Huraaus hprln. s, I'alntinra, r aiicy Uo.?ls, Ac. t prtaata aala 1.2HH Broadway. J. H ATKB, Aarttoaacr ?luR SAI.R-AT PttlVvrR 'KiMTuiiCR. Mo. 53 I1 Rait Btsl St.. oa account of hreaklair an boaaakaapiag, the enure I'ont nts of a fonr story honaa. ronsistlnf of alr.-aat I'arlor, chamber and lihnnf Kooin Kuriulurc, ralvet, llruaaala and Tapestry Cariiata. Oilctotbs, Ac, N 11, ?Mast ba aaald tbla e ack, as bouse Is lat I MM^NHK HKI?l!tmO? IB PRIORB or rUR>li rUSnC" iCarpeta, Ac., tor raah ?? easy pnytncaia COM't'ntt I Tit .V Al !*>. I.i and IA7 Chatham <1 **nd for lllaatratad prlca list WacklT or nionthO pavmePts e myi yarbm or carprtb I^aStrd " por 'raali: hl(hrct prleaa paid tor tkeai Partlcd wlalinii,' to dlspoaa o| thcin add rasa, Immadiaaaly, tL Ai(RAIlAMa,/7t 7th ar NAUUI.K J1AVTKU. AT I'ltlChH NKVl R APPROACH KO HP.rOKk. slate and marble Mentals; lar^eat aaeortiaeat lata* city. PK.NK.IV* nUTK CiUIPA.H, 6<i Union sqnaie. 4th a*, and 17th at , New Verk, Manufacturers ol all kiads nl elate wark. HAfkM AM" Pr-NDKHN-WK WOULD CALL atlentiM io our larce variety of opan fir? I'larea, eMk HBaC Kr?tn--. Andirons and kenders of Mb tliiue iiesiun a. a ith Basket Oratol to> wood and coal; alac Hie largest aaaairluienl of Urates hihI Kaader* la the ket, wnb our patent Mhaklad aad Duoiplac Urate. Whola ? *l?* ?litl ffllAtt* J ft co.NOVI'.K A CO.. 9tM t.'anal si.. New Tark. M~"Trblr mabtrIum abTTm .jjvMhmtb ohk~apTr than ever. A KcABI.R. 1?4 Rest lMih at., near 3d a% OAM IM. * CI tKTIRIt's DANCi.NU CMOB RQUA?t ) i4tb av aidei open ell anminer. Private leaaoos any lioui Illldo and so. lety waltses speclaltiae; sew syetCMa Lwly aaalsianls hNRRB A N HoYTi sRCINO ACADRMY, IV5TH ?T., so av. ibank i.alldina i. ? Itecautloa Iheraileys; rlaaeaa lormin(. hall auart?rs. ep'lnc term. Circular* at I'M BaM 57ih st. Private lesaous aay haw, Caitoa BmimiB Thursday, April ____________ M 4TliI>IO!VI Ala. <>r LtiHinnrMJiiii w sots iVrrspnn i alth a pretty autl ac>eeable y?ua> lady: etoV to tnstnaiouy. Ad Irese J. CLIKPoRD. Pact adtoa, Jk ,f