Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 15,201. NEW FORK, FRIDAY, APRIL 5. 1878.?TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE THREE CENTS DIttBCTOlty FOR AUVKUTISE11S. HERALD BRANCH omCK, XJM* open Day and wight fo><. bbcrphon of advertisements AND SALES OK PAPKRII. AMUBEME!tT8-llTH PA0K-4th, 6th uil eth sols. pTROL.OGY-2D Pack -Oih col. BILLIARDS?UTB I'ACK-adoL BOARDERS WaNTED-2d PAOB-4th eoL board and w an IFf ?"l^p!a?_ brooklyn REAL ESTATE IOR SALB?2d Paob 1U8IN ESS'oPPORTUNITIES??TH Paob. IUSIN EbS NoriOEH-7TB KA?B-6tJ! coL CITY REAL ESTATE KOR SALE?2d Pa?B?1st eoL Di.fc.RKii AND SALESilbN?12TB PAG*-4th ana 5th col". ? . , CLOTHING ?12th Pack?flth col. COACHMEN AN D GARDENER*?12rn Paok?5th ooL COASTWISB STEAMSHIP*? 1st i'AO it?5th ana 6th eels. COPaRTN EHSHIPS?9th Paob. COUM'il V BOARD?2d Pack?4th and 5th eols. DANCING ACaDKIIIKS-IIth l'AUK-0th col. eENTlSTRY?11th Hack??th col. BY GOODS? 1st Pack-4th eol. .w_ DWELLING llol'SES TO LET, FUBWI8HED ABO UNFURNISHED?2t> Pack -2d And 3d coll. II'BOPEAN STEAMSHIPS?1st Pacb?4th cel. ft'ROPiv"Til PAGK-BtbCOl. (YES AND EARS?12TH PsGK-6th COL ?XOURSIONS-l*r PACK-6th ooL Financial?btk Pagk. FOR BALE?l-TU PAGK-athcol. ___ FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2d Pack-3d and 4th cols. FURNITURE-Ist PACK-fcth cot FRENCH ADVERTIShMENTS?12th Paob?9th ooL *KLf WANTED?FEMALE*?12th PaGB?4th col. LLP WANTf.D?MALES?12th Pack?5th and tlth cols. ORSF.S. carriages. AC.?1*1 Paob?3d, 4th and 3th cols. HOTELS?2d PA6B-4th eol. HOUSES, ROOMS, AC., WANTED?lltH Pack?3d col. instruction?llTB Pack?3d col. JERSEY CITY. HOBOKf.N. HUDSOM CITY AND BER GEN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE?2d Pacb?l?t col. LOST AND FOUND?1st Paob?lit col. Machinery?12th p*cK-6ihcoi. ? AKBLK MANTliLS?11th Pack?3d col. bEDICAL? 12tii PACK-Oth ool. ? miscellaneous ADVERTISEMENTS? lOtB paoi? 6th col. KI8CELLANE0 US-Is* PA0B-6th col. UslCAL?11th Pack?6th coL MEW PUBLICATIONS?7th I'aob?6th eoL PATTERNS?1st Paok?4tU col. PERSON AL?1st Pack?l*t eol. a'IaNoKoKTKs, GROANS, AO.?11th Paob?6th ooL. lr dOKESSi ON A L situations WANTED?FEMALES? 12TB I'ack-4ui eoL PROl'EHI Y <>UT OK the CITY FOR SALE OB TO KE>T?2d P/ok?l?t and 2d cols. Real estate to exchange-2d Pacb?2dcou EAL EsTaTE WANTED?2d Paob?3d eol. REWARDS -1st Pack?1st col. Iai.KS AT AUCTION? 2d Pack?Sth and 6th eol*. IITUaTIONS WaNTKD-PEMALKS-12th Paob?1st, 2d. 3d and 4tli cols. IITUATIONS WAXTED-MALES--12TH Pack?4th ooL IPEClAL notices?1st Pace?1st. 2a and 3d cola IPoRTINO?DOOM, BIRDS. AC.?1st Pack?3a col. (TALLIONS-lar PACK?3d cot. BI'ORAGE?I2th PAUK-6th col. BUMMER RhSORT.i?2d I agk?Vh eoL ?HE TRADE.? 12th I'ACK-llth rol. O LET KOR UUSl.Nfc.oS PURPOSES?2d Paob?3d eoL travellers' GUIDE?1st Pack tith col. UN'KURN'ISilED ROOMS AND apartments TO LET? 2d Pack - 4tu e >1. WAN I ED TO PURCHASE?IlTH Pagk-SJ eol. WAl'CllhS, JEWELRY. AC. 11Tit Pack-6tti eol. WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY KOR SALB OB ru LET?2d Pack?1st col. TACHTs, SI RAM BOATS, ACL?IOth PAKB-6th col. PERSONAL. A ?WANTKI)TtH E'~HEtu's r<'>'#f^ja^?^AMANDA Lewis ?nil the other grandchildren ot Giueuii Lewis, tua children of Ezra, Abner, 1.3*111t11 mid Klora Lewis, will ?tense cominunlcate immediately with the undersigned. Newspapers published In the states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Delaware, and the town of Northn 111 Deri and, rarato 11* county. N. Y., please copy. Kor torrect intorina lion reUtlnc thereto liberal compensation win be awarded. SIDNEY J. CoWEN, Attorn ay-at-Law. 25 Chambers nt.. New York city. Allie, lath ok east 12T11 at.-please SEND your addresi, to I. S. H., Philadelphia Post office. I RlUM?SEND LK'TTER TO NEWPORT, BOX 104 Herald Uptown office Affil ADOPTION.-A SPLENDID ROY, FOUR WEEKS old: Amerleaa; lull snrrouder, Addresa W. U. !'., iter nu office. riORNER SEAT SlXTli'AYKNUE CAR TO 23D ST., \JThuriday morning: lady with green ?elL? Gentleman tpooalte, with papers, ueslres aoquaiutanco. Address DIS CREET. Herald oflico. C1UR1ST0PHER STREET BOAT. 3 r. M.. WEDNES" J Any \ then Sth av. ?Pretty blonde address, ctTinr par ticulars, COAT, Humid office. D_ ID MISS B. R N SEE HERALD. MARCH 28? Where ean I meet brown rlore agulnT Address K. M.. box 127 Herald office. De kalb avenue car. Brooklyn, 7:is p. M. from Kulwon leiry?Oeutleman more cbarmea than ever ? Ith Miss Florence. Will ?lio not contlnuo the acquaint* ?Hue so abruptly brokon off f Old address. No. 172. Ella pkin**-sorry have Ki"FfYT)u waitino; ??ish to see yon Friday night at S. sain" corner ?rhere ipoke to you flrst. (illARLhB pfcT***. ISAAC L. b!-writr ORTELKORAPH ME IMMBDI ately where I can see or communicate with yon ; Import ant 107 Mcdonough si. JUDGE-YOURS OK APRIL 4 RECEIVED; YOU ean get my address from Trow's City Directory. AMELIA S M. M.-RBOEJYJtD YOUR LETTER-YESTERDAY; ?left city same day; will be baek Saturday evening. C. C. JpilE TWO BLONDE GENTLEMEN WHO GOT OFF X at Warren sk wish to make the acquaintance of the (wo brueetta ladle* met on Elevated Railroad yesterday, e about 12'30 o'clock P. M. ll agreeable pleaee grant iu rrisw and addresa L. M. N.. 127 Herald office. s liONT A.\ 1J JTOUMD. riopjfirri^ciftTu^/Kr^Tii^ r money. Owner please call 2X) East Jlttn ll., third lloor. Mr*. CAK1.80N, tjloU.N'D ?WKDN KHUAY AKTKKMlOJi, IN MADISON F avenue itajce. Pockethook, containing railroad Tlckat M Klisebetb Hid noit Money. The owuer can haveimne by proving properly und paying expense of advertiseuiout, l; iiIiUuiIiiii ft.. Post ofbee uni 1.1 (IU New York. iIjsf?HLa(:icT: at] with whitk breast and iJleet. Reward paid 11 returned to 135 McDonooch at., Iroeklya. LO.-T-4U0 KI.WAUD AND NO (JCRSTlUNM ASKED for the relnrn ol a setter slnt, wit < license tac No. 11 lur I87H: lust or stolen on the evruinit of April 2, ou 5tb av.. between 33d and 3tih ?t*. ; iia? 1 or._? hair on lop ol bead and bread, aim ou hack ol loreleita; lias brown rpots over bedy, orowII brail: auswnra to the iisrae ol "Lla." Die above reward will be iciven by returning aania to ECUKKK Ml.ML, aj;i bant Mill st. LO>T -HKTWKhN 13TH AND IBTH NTS., BLACK Kus>la leather Porfinoonale. The tinder will be suitably reworded by leavin the saino at l>lrt llroadway. f~~0*T -OS KVT/I'O N H I .7 YKsfKKDAY AKTHKNOON, XJ* lady's irold W tcb and I'in. Will th-? itaiitleuian who asacd tbe lady i sh- had lost aiiytliiuK pleaae send bia ad trees la .'>3 M. John's place. Brooklyn ' L' oST?IN tlTII AV . m: rwiiKN isnf AND 40TI1 S IS., a nniali scotch Terrier Doi ; dark blue-grav body, lltfht tutTbead and paws, ears and tail aiieut; aniwern to the tame ol "Ijoolile;" strap collar, with name "Da Caao" in bras* olate. Kinder will lie rewarded by orlnsiac tbe loir to !liA 6th nr.. .econd floor LOHT-APKYITa. \ BIJNOli OK KKYS WITil SaKK key attached, No. >'M,.'ilU. A reward will he paid by re uruiiif tbeiu to K. K. MKDlNUhK, IIS Hruad at , New fork. r ost-on broadwaT. on apkil a. i?7*, a dih Licbarae from Ninth regiment N. V. 8. M.. toJolIN .Mr. LUlllllLliN. dated May, IKW The Under will be rewarded ky returning It to owner, at iluaaell A krwin Manufactur ing Co.. 41 Chambers st L* TisT?A~ FOUKfcTBOOK, WiTD A CHUCK DKAWN by Mciilanis Brothers A Fearing and sundry meiuoran luin*. Ine Under la welcome to the currency tt be will ?nd the book .i ?! other content* to box S^BOPost olllce. L- 0*T?fro il IIV STABLE*. SOW BaBi' HIM 5FT? largo* Waieh Doe. while f.>e| amt breast, aniwert t nam# "Oakey." Lllieral reward on returning Inm to fcove addr??. B. D. HAIWUiil). ItKWARm. ~~ * Ko hf.itaRfx?L<i?T, Last hi'ndav niuiit, a pOnhorl. tblck >ft lllack and Tan Hog. named Toko. Ke arn to 177 Macdouiral st. H II RK* A"I? ?rt IOLKN. ON TIIR mokninu Of P^UMarrh 29. Irt7? bay Trottlne Mare : bi-en clipped, A'* handa, wnlie liiml anklea, II year* and blind. Iron ftllilain Hobbina, corner (irand and Lavraure ?t?., Hrnok ?n, k. ti., N. t. Above reward will be paiu lor return of Mid mare, feeik rbwakd- l<ihTT" mosd\y avtkmooi(, )'J April I, Kinir. ?olu iri- dianionil, wU-bt J',, in crown rltlne. plain cold band. Any |.er?on deliverln. annir in B. t<'AsK. Hi. Drill* Hotel, will be paid above reward ind no quretloni aiked. ken BRWAKb.?L<T?tT Vl-vT in KOLI.. CONTAIN? Pc/V/inn al? twenty, three leu and one lire dollar bllle. fhe above reward II returnnu to No. Tdl LexinRton af. ?PKCUii N?rri<-ft.?. A --*3.1 t: A - 11 I > I Itl/.l- -I lllltll' i.KAMI .drawlac of the COMMON WKaUTII I'KIZK DIkTKI it i! 11?JN C.IMI'ANY ok KKMTU- KY. In tbe city of Umiiaville. April :*?, or money reiunded The drawlnit will ke under the ?npervialnu ol IE. C. Winteraniitli, t reasurer, Kectacky; tienvral Karri*. I'realrtknt Mexican Irani, or tatlon Company, and other iirniuinriil etlnent ol lue Itate. t.'I'Jii.i?*) In enali will 11> diatrilniieil. Capital ?ritef, ???,<?*?. WO.WIU. fltl.lOl, {a.Of*l, rfnwn to HtKi. hck-lP, *10; halves. , quarters, S"_> fto. Adnre<i? orders ruMMONWhAi.TII DIHI itlMU'l ION COMPsNY, I onrler Journal lluildiuit, l^iuisvlllu, Ky., or H. II. I'OK TBK A CO.. haatern aeenis. l.Sll Itroadway. New York. ?? a D?KOl'K-Y t A It-i>l.ll BYK WHlNKi-.Y. M I'RR Ai E?H"iii ?1 P"r Itrirrt b utie?. line KnicHab Hreak fa>i lea, Htl cents per pound; really line (Tuara, f?l per biiu r.d. N. VaB BillL,WCliHiuberaal. riVlCB niBB.?D^BAni.H OK ~MKB, BkKYuOH debility from whatever rauae, spn-iiilr and perma nentlr cured i lees mo.lernte. Dr. NKWTON WlllTh ill-. AH, JI ft Ksst 4il h el., near 3d av, A" I.I. ill M'MMI.-M Cil.l I I Vi'.I.Y t7 i'KKD?A > Y ?taceol Hie disease. BUKOPKaB KIIKl'MATIC Hf>. iir.n, lit >7 \*i st Mttri. 1TKNT10N, PAiTh^Ti*. AUI? liniBAHKil, KrCBNT or old. Skin l>i?nrd?rs andNerrou. Dolillity radically lured Dr. I'hOTIN (irnni Paris), 34 Hon I st. A- .-l K. CIJHB Pt?it i.UNO IlisKAMBn, ItOCK ? and I'.te Wlilakey; #4 per gallon $1 per larif? kotile; Koe* Candy, 5 pounds, ft , foods delivered: vend postaleard. N.VaN Hr.l b, Chambers si, till nFkOIAI* OOMiiM.AiNTM. VKDIC A I. OK SI KOI. 7\ial, snielr. suceesslully treated; advice free. Dr. BKAi>Kt?KD. 13-i l.aat I2.h st. "t iTli IH-I-.\.-l.- Ol- Ml ,\. W H AI E V K lt~T 11K CA I SR. iV?i eeuily and perman-niiy cored. Dr. DYKit, 47 West IMih (t ______ "irTTKBTION - TW NTV Yi.AHB' I'KIHSIaN llosi l. J\tal ekjierleuce 1 tpeclaltles disease* of men and nerreii* ?1 stem : cin-snltation tree. Dr. J ACOH Y . IHI Bleecker st. 75ItOUOHT<?>|\\ lii >1 A . iN.J SYKI P 'TrltM JJsleiiietli liver, kidney disease*, female weaknesae*, *e.; also restores ms 11 boot!; 2.>c., adrlea tree. 404 Broome SPECIAL* HOT1CK8. ?LfTf ~N OT "ITRg RBF~FOLLOW' DBXXTr' THE LOUISlAN \ BTaTK LOTl'EKY. IT N h VRR SCALXb. IT NEVER POSTPONES. The Ml* of the limited number of ticket* untuned to this eitr will cIom at 9 o'clock nnxt I ueiilijr morning Tne de mand uiusily exceeds the supply. Tne office of the New York Agency. 317 Broadway, will keep open Miurdu ?Tan in.- until U o'c.ork. FOURTH UKAND DISTRIBUTION, 1878, AT NEW ORLEAN8. TUESDAY. APRIL b. Louisiana statb lottery company. Tbii institution wan rtitularir incorporated by th? Legis lature of the State for educational and charitable purposes In 1868, with a capital of $l.uUO.UOU. to which It ban since added a reaerve Innd of $3jO,u00. ITS GRAND SlNiiLE NUMBER DISTRIBUTION will lake place monthly on the aecond Tuesday. It nerer scale* or poatponea. Look at the lollowinz dlitrlbution: ? CAPITAL PRIZB. *30,000. 100.000 TICKETS AT TWO DOLLARS EACH. half tu'K?t% one dollar. LIST OP PRIZES. I Capital Priie $80,000 1 Capital Prise..., 10.000 1 Capital Priie.. 5.000 2 Priie* ot $2,'><? 5,000 5 Prises of 1.U00 5.000 20 Priieool 500 10.000 100 Prim of IOO 1U.0O0 200 Priirt of 50 10.000 500 1'me* of 20 10.000 UUOO Prise* of 10 10.000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. ? Approximation Prise* ol $300. $2,700 8 Approximation Priae* of 200 l.ttoO 9 Approximation Prise* ol 100 UOO 1,807 Prise*. amounting to $110,400 Responsible corresponding anenu wanted at all promi nent point*, to whom a liberal compensation will be paid. Application for rate* to dab* (houla only be made to the home otfico In New Orlean*. Write, ciearly atating full address, for farther informa tion ; or *eaa order* to M. A. DAUPHIN, box 682 Pool offlea. New Orlean*. La.; or to H. L. PLUM. 817 liroadway. Now York. All oar Orand Extraordinary Drawing* are under the luperrlilou and management of General* Q. T. UEaUKE HARD and JIB.VL A. i.AHLY. Drunkards wanted.?the temperance problem *oived by ecieuce. A New York phvelclau bae discovered a b?rinle*s remedy, caring In a few day* tne babli ot getting Intoxicated. All applicant* In anawer to tbl* advertisement will be treated and cured tree of charge. Addreaa SALVATION, Herald Uptown oftice. ISKAHKS OP MEN a SPECIAL!'*. HENRY A. DAN IELS, M. D , 144 Lexington a*., near 2Mid at. Office boara Irom 8 to 3 and 6 tu 7. H. RlCUKD'S ES.iJfc.NCL OK LIFf. REStOKES MAN hood to the debilitated In four weeka; lallare imooeai bio; $3 per cane. Druggist* aapplled. Solo agent. Dr. J. jACQUl.K. 7 Uttivereity place. New York. Divorces spbbdily obtained.?terms super latively reasonable ; CONSULTATIONS treo. FRED ERICK I. IK IN CI, Lawyer, 9 St. Mark's place, adjoining Cooper Institute. Divorce causes attended to promptly, ? ithout publlcitv ; advice free. ISAAC O. BOYCK.ex nerienced lawyer. 267 Broadway. E'lectric BELTS, FOR THE CURE OP PKKMAl'URB debility; the ooiy genuine are cold by the PULVER MaCHKR i>aLVaMC COMPANY. Depot 21'1 Broadway. LECTRIC BELTS. SURE CURk FOR PREMATURE deoliltr; the only reliable- Send for oircnlar. DR. KAKK, 832 Broadway. D E Grand kxtraordinarv dhawinu op the ROVAL HAVANA LOTTERY, APRIL 13. 1878. CAPITAL PRIZE, 1.000,000 PBSOx AMOUNT OK PRIZES, 2.250.000 PESOS. ONLY 15,000 TICKETS, PRICES IN CURRENCY: Whole. $200; Halve*, tlOO: Qaarten, <50; Tenths. $20: Twentieth*, $10; Fortieth*. $5. M. A. MAKTINEZ A CO.. Barters. 10 Wall St.. New York. H. ?OFFICIAL KKM-cCKY nl'ATf. DKAWINtis. j XKXTCCXT?XXTRA CLAM MO. 250?APRIL 4, 187a 40, 44. 8, 4. 50, 45, CI. 78, 28. 60. 51. 62. H XXMTUCXV ?CLASS MO. 260-APKIL 4. 187K. 29, 49. 64. 17. 25. 74, 62. 24. 43, 15. 32. 39. alMMONS * DICKINSON. Manager*. CBORUA STATU? BXTIIA CLASS MO. 279 - APRIL 4. 1H7K. 57, 13. SO, 26, 10. m?. 44, 38, 37, 72, 61, 7U axUROIA STATIC?CLANS MO. 280?APRIL 4, 1878. 66, 3, 3f, 2, 67, 4'.?, 78, 37. 74. 03 , 48. 48. K. D. EDDY A CO., Manager*. Information given regarding the above nrawinga. Apply to J. t.LUTE A CO.. Banker*. 2O0 Broadway, rear office. ?ROYAL HAVANA EX TRAORDINAR^DRAWING*. April 13; capital prise, $1,000,000 In Spanish money; ?bares, $200. $100, $50, $U5. $10, $T>. Kentucky Single Number draws April 15: ticket*. $1. Loniaiaua Single Number draws April 0; tickets, #2; halves, $1. J. CLUTfc A CO., Bankers, 200 Broadway, rear office. -LOUISIANA STATK DRAWS APRIL 9 ?C API ?tal prise. $10,000. Whole ticket*, $2; halves, $1. Ken tucky single number draws April 15. Capital prise. $13,fo0. Whole ticket*,H. J. CLUTE A CO., 200 Broadway, roar office. ?LOOk7~ROYAL HAVANA EXTRAORDINARY, ? to be drawn Saturday. April 13, 1S7H. Capital Prise, $1 Only 15,000 tickets. Second Priso. $200.0001 One Prise $25,000 Third Prise 1O0 00 > One Prise lO.ixiO Fourth Prise 50,000 | One Prlso 5.000 2.307 other Prise* amounting to $1100,00' 1. Whole Ticket*, $200: Halves, $100; Snare*. Irom $5 to$5(1 PARK*. EMERSON Jt Co.. Aicents, 18o Broadway. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY.?APRlL 9. Capital prise. $30,000. Whole ticket*. $2: halves, $1. JACKSON A CO.. Bitnkera. 82 Nassau at., noar Patten. OUISIANA STATE LOTTERY. APRIL B-TICKhrS, $2: Halves, $1: last three days. 1.267 Broadway. Oveu rightly until 0. ./l lSAACKS A CO. metropolitan job~FkTxto.o~'oppTcb; ' OF 28 ANN ST.. IS THE CHEAPEST AND BEST riNB BOOK. PAMPHLET, JOB AND MERCANTILE PRINTING OFFICE IN TOR CITY. 8XALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH THE BAME PROMPTNESS AS LABUE ONES. PINK WOOD ENORAY1NO AND COLORED PR1NTINU A SPECIALTY, METROPOLITAN JOS PRINTING OFFICE, <28 a S N rt f 0BDER8 BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AND WORK SENT TO ANY PART ??P THE UNITED STATES 0. O. D. Mexican onyx table top, inkstands, ao. S KLAUBR A CO., Steam Marble Worka, Weat 51at St. between Broadway and Sth av. .Mantels, Monaments. lleaditones, at lowest price*. ~'ahblk mantkITs and monuments oheapbr than ever. A. KLABER, 134 East 18th at., near 3d av. KN OP bTsINK.-S CAN 1'NDKRnTAND THAT THERE IS NO TIME To ADVRKTISE LIKE THE PRESENT. BUSINESS IS II It IS K AND the circulation of tho EVENING TBLEORAM for the week ending Matarday, Maren 30, 1m78, wai aa follow* : ? Monday 42.900 ADVERTISING 20C, A LINE. Tuesday 44.0AO ADYERTIStNU 20C. A LINE. Wednesday 43,450 AliVEKTIMNO 20C. A LINE. Thursday 43,750 ADVERTISING 20C. A LINE. Friday 44,500 AKVERTISINO 20C. A LINE. ?atardar... 44.000 ADVERTISING 20C. A LINE. Total 262,S>'Hi ADVERTISING 20C. A LINE. Daily average 43,775 M M importantraios, medical or aurgiral: Impairment of any organic lunation, hereditary or cnnatltutioual taint, sad diseases of the nervous *y*tem a specialty. HENUY A. DANIELS, A. D.. 144 Lexington av., near 20th st, lloars, 8 to 8 and 6 to 7. Nh>.xt or kim. mkihs at law, lroatkkk, aw?a Kejrlater containing the name* of all Pfrwin. who liar* btrn idtiniitt for to claim pnf^rljr nine* 17<)U; p ??! fr??, 0 DOL'I.Al, A ' <>., 22.1 Mrana. London. i miAWAMyi ?CtrfcV^who le* alk. n."~ BaKMM. ?KViut *l. Sey York. RoTal Havana lottery i.x i kaokui.nakv. Tc i>e drawn ^ntflidiv, April IX Capital I'rU*. CI ONLT I5.<M> TliKKTN, Ticket*, fjon, Slim, $.'>0. *25; twentieth*. $10; fortieth*, W. JACKHON A CO.. Banker*. A2 Nafl*an ?i., near Fulton. Z-iixruAonui.NAKY iiTvana Dmwi.No! . April 13. IH7H. Ktntuckr Ktata Lottery. Loiiltiaoa Htata Lottery. Alan Kentm-kv anil lieurirla daily drawing*. Til miiihhK ZSCHOCH, 23 I'ark row. room 1 569i iiK'iaii?ay nrvv youk office iik r,iK '(?Mai ky tuu UttMf Next (liawmi! April lit I.M 4 I'rlia*. di.trlhiitinir #07 .'.)2.'>. W bola flcktli ?nlf (1. W llliaiutburic brano.i eitic*. No. <11 Broadway wii-liamhom a <:o. C>i;7 -kkjvtcckt *tatk dihtrinurion, ?U 4 t*jid?J. Monday. April 15.?Whole llitrli mil? 91. HI L.L \ Kl) A i o.. '.> >7 Broadway, alioTi- illili ?t. <5/17 KKNTUCKY HTATR. APRIL 15.? i[M I | Capital Prlii". fl-VOO.|j officea. 1.227 Broadway, New York, or IK) Montacn* at ^Mpoklyn. II. II. porter A CO.. NoitherJflHenv*. ?<i7 (1' ?KBNTL'OKT HTATR. APRIL v') I Whole ticket* only #1 JAiKMI.n .< 00 . Hanker*. *2 Naaaan It, near Fulton lT- I li> I fi|| -LOVINIANA HTATF. I.OTTEBT. JpJLA''?TrUl'a NY hole ticket*. $2; luiltra. fl. JACKrtoK A CO.. Ranker*, *2 Na*?ati *t., naa? Pulton. qi in ijjii ?hrooiTlyjTurrTirR for lo uhT wiiU^TWUiant M?ta Lotrery, drawing April IK Whol* lit ket*. $2; liaire-. 41 , M. II. POKTKR A CO., 1*3 Montagitekt. w'Mlil mill -LOI IMT.Nx sTa II, I N..LK Mim". JpOUU." 'l/.b r lottery ttraW* April 9, Whole Tl?k? e?*. *2; Capital. |30.<im K?-ti?ii< kx Mate Hippie Number draw* April 15; Cepilnl, fl.l.lOi; MViole Ticket*. $1. he iled play* taken In all lolterlo*. Fall information glten ?i I > iTIf AN'ft. IHI Broadway. <b7?~? i - < i Mill) -Havana i.TvrrKKY.^KT .V/'/'/.ira >rdlnar/ drawing, April IS, 1H7H. Capital Prue. H.UfMiUiJ. Only IS.UUU tick at* rim Prlre..... ?1.000,(100 Hemnd frlaa i'oo.iiu) Tiiird Pri*e n*vom 2.:il'7 other Prlte*. amounting to.... 900 (**> \\ hole tlck*t?. f2 W; kalraa. f |fj?); 4th*. $.O 10th*. #*): *>tni. f I0i *<ha, *.'> Full Inform allot. aent fraa. HONNKNRRKO A t-'O h New lUven. Conn. UV> 'I'll (Will ? r. A f l4AOK0l.> AKY II A V \ ha, *pnl la Capital Prua. *1 i??i (??i. 1 ieketa, $21*1, ?Ilk), $r?i, $25; Twentletna, CIO; Fortieth*, to JACKHON A 0O? Haoktra, 83 Naa*a? it., hit Fallon. SPECIAL. NOTICES. I (W^ V-KXTIt>ORDINAHTT>TTXWl.Nar ?P^.^(?JU.UUU. Royal Havana, April 13. Only 10,01*1 tlekaii; sua i'nio to uvta tickets. Capital prise $1,000,000 1 prise 2U0.14*) 1 prise 10(1,000 2,39* prises 850.IJ00 Tickets.$200; Halvea, $100; Quarters.*50; Eighths. $20: Twentieths. #10; Fortieth'. $?">. Prises cashed. r ail inlur mntlou ?em tree. Kentucky State. April 15. Whole Tick ? Louisiana State. April 9. Tickets, $2; Halves, $1. J. DIKK A CO.. bankers. 42 Nassau St., corner Liberty, Now York. BPORTINb?iJOUS. mum. ?*C. fSXACK AND TANS. BKYE~TE;j.RIER BUEf?Dfi?Q JDsinta and I'upples (lurported stock) for sal* at FRED ERICK BACON'S. 477 3a a*. IjV.R * W.h~A WATrii DuG; SUPERIOR BREED Andreas II. W. H.. Herald ottico. \\TANrKD?A TOUNG IHOROI'GHBRED SKYK Tr,K ? v rier, suitable lor bonae. Address. staling lowest cash price, I'Ei.RIEK. Herald Uptown office. ST A 1,1-lOM-i. il ?' F EL LOWCHaWE" 7.19}{. Kattest four mile record lu the world. In a race airatuat borsea, will make tbe season at Ormshy's Hotel, Jerome a*.. New >nrk. at $.">0. Application, suicaging service. shonlu be addressed RICHARD PENISTaN. (ill sey liouae. New York. HOUSES, CAKK1VOKS. <fcC. Amotion 8"8i'a*?~6KVTS tAssBCCTk'ixttSY 110 AND 112 BAST 13TH oT? N.tAll 4TU AT. REGULAR SALES OP HO USES AND CARRIAOES, BVEKY TUESDAY aND FRIDaY. On ?v?rj homo that la warranted sound or kind and true in harness, irom one to three nays Is slven to test warrantees. CATALOGUE OP THIS DAY'S (FRIDAY) SALE, AT 10 O'CLOCK. VERT FINE BLOCKY BUILT EXTRA STYLISH PAIR Bay HORSES. ir,S hands hinh, 7 and 9 years old ; a llrat elaaa tandem team . pleaaant drivers; a fine team tor doic carl: thoroughly trustworthy and safe, and warranted kind mid true in all harnasa. Also set stiver mounted English Harness ano WAGO.MST1 E, IN GOoD CONDITION, built by EVANS, _ of Liverpool, England. A TERY HANDSOMis MaV COUPE HOUSE, 1?X hands high, 10years old; a stylish and pleasant drivar; ban been useu to a family carriage ; also as wheeler in a tanucui team; has treat rndnrauee. and Is warranted kma and true In all harness. Set English Coupe Harness, and LANDaULEI' WITH POLE AND SHAFTS, lu perfeot order, built by Wood Bros. pair clos&ly matched bay morgan mares, full slaters, l.r>)j hand* high, 7 and 8 years old ; have unexceptionable style and action; rapid travellers: very pleasant, easy drivers; would make a splendid team lor a T cart or lamily carriage ; can travel all day. and are warranted sound and Kltid. Set silver mounted English Double Harness, Whip and COUPE IN FINE uRDKh, SAllN LINED, built by John C. Ilam. THB THOROUGHBRED BROWN HORSE FREE BOOTEK, by Kentucky, l.'>K hands high, 0 years old; very gentle and splendid saddle horse. THE BROWN THOKOUiillUREU HOUSE, HUCKLE BERRY, by Imp. Hurrah. 15>i hands high. 6 years old. OHEM'NUT UELufsu, BY IMP. GLbNELU, 10* bauds hitch 3 year-, eid. UA.SitSOMK BROWN COB. 15* HANDS ill'lH, 8 yearn old: a very stylish driver; line, high knee ac tion; aale and reliable every way; warranted kind and truu in all harness. CHKS'I Nt"l MARK, SIkELi BY JUPITER ABDALLAII, 10% bunds high,7 years old; a free, spirited driver of great endurance; can trot in 3 minutes; with a little handling will trot tunt; trood polo mare; warranted kind an1 true In all harness. STYLISH BLACK GELDING. 10* HANDS HIGH, 8 years old; prompt, easy driver; Brat class family liorse; can > e driven by a lady; warranted kiud and true In all harness. HANDSOME BAY iEAM, HORSE AND MARK. 15* Hands hitch, H and 7 years old; drivo like one horse ; have Una knee action; fast travellers; both well broaen to saddle; warranted sound and kind, trouble Harness and VICTOi.lA I.N PhKFRCT ORDEK, bnllt by Demareat. VEKY STYLISH AND HANDSOME BAY GELDING, 10 hanila lugn. 8 years old; a spirited and handy driver; doos not shy or pull; a first olass coupe horse, and warranted sound and kind. IRON GRAY HORSE. 14% HANDS HIGH, 18 years old; a good driver, extra worker; has been used to a gro car.Y wagou ; sold only lor want ot use and warranted kind and true In all harness. BAT Holtf?l'., 10H IIaNDS II 1(JH. 7 years old ; a prompt name driver, does not shy or pml; safe and reliable every way; au eleicant horse lor a lady's phaeton; warranted sound and kind. BROWN HOUSE SIRED BY SICKLES' UAMBLETON IaN. 1H hands high, 0 years old lu June; a very handy, free driver; was broken to narneaa in Decem ber last; Is finely gaited and le warranted sound and kind. BAT TkOnlNG NORSB CRAB APPLE, 10% hands high; a handy driver, not afraid of anything; can trot la 2:00; stands without tying, safe for ladies' uao, and warranted kind and true in all bamosa. Set single Hariwas by Dunacoiabo, Robe, side Saddle and NO TOP ROAD A AGON hy Hrewster A Co., o. Bioome rt. GRAY PACING IIORnE BELV1 UEi.E. foaled 1H7U. l'.?i hands hlich; a pleasant driver; haa paced a mi.a driven by her present owner in 2:23; la last now a* ever: baa no record; warranted kind and true In all harness. GROKn MAlClIED TRAM. WHITE AND CHESTNUT, 15K linnda hl?1>, 8 and 9 years old; Rood drivers, sin gle or double ; Hue lamily team: warranted klud and true in alt harness; set uouole Harness and PARK I'll A ETON, IN GOOD oKDElt. THE TWO FOLLOWING HORSl S are eold to close the eatataof ilie late Dr. COLLYlill THE CELEBRATED BLACK TROTTING MARE CLRRE MAl'RICK, 7 year* old; bas a rcord of 2 iM: trottwl 12 races last season (see Spirit of the Times); kind and true In all harness. CUES I NUT CULT FOALED MAY 10, 1876. sired by Mes senger Duroc out ol Carrie Allen, bred by tbe lata Commodore Dodge, of Brooklyn; tioagbt at his aale for MIO. BAT TRUCK MAKE, Hi'i HANDS HIGH, 7 years old; warranted aound and kind ALSO KfURri-.h.S uTHEu FAMILY AND BUSINESS HOKSivS. TWO ROCKaWaYS, TOP SIDEBAR, BY BRBWSTER: Top Sldeoar, by htlvera; gla<a quarter Coaeh. lour wheeled Dog Cart; thirty top ana xldebsr Road Wat ona. three Pbaetons. top Business Wagon, double and single Harness, At. BALK COMMENCES AT I EN O'CLOCK. -ROAD WAJONH. PEBFBCTBD AT LASTIII NO MOBK vibrating, trrmmons or **wabblln*" wheel*. The lightest insde are now Ireed from these bKUlOUH OB JECTIONS by ibe uh ot BUBBEK CUSHIONED AXI..ES. Thle APPROVED INVENTION invee IIORSB POWER by nerreaitnif traction. rconemliei WEAK and TP. Alt by leiseninir Jarring. Jolting and pounding; and while adiilnx largely to SAKKTV by reducing tb? chance*of nreaking to a minimum, assures an EAwY ami STKADY MOTION ob tained by NO 0111K It METHOD. May b? had from hToCK at the wareroome of HuhWal'hU A Co. tot Brooms it.), Broadway and 47th It. W. KRANK DCSP.MBURT, 133 and 137ChrystU U. R. M. STIVER* 144 to lf>2 hunt 31st M. OKAY, NOAKKS A CO.. Broadway anil 39th It. A. S- KLANDKAU k CO.. 37a and 374 Broome it. ?$170. "TO P Po MY P11A ETON, HO LD M o U > rl ,lnc< and Harness to match, cost f.Vtft three months ago; alio top Bacgy and Donbl? Harness, nearly civ, sold very low. Private stable 144 Meat IHth at. Sac ri pick -B tt< 7Uuii am "a n d Tahiuolkt, by Brewster, ol Broome st.; Doable and Mngle llarnfs*. by Wood <ilns..n; light Top Wagon and Single Harness by Dunicomb: ail ti-arly new . finest pair of cob built licrt'l Id tbU city. Want' J. iil?e? fur coachman, with llvgry. Private liable, 2* Kait 3Hth it . rear. PA1K HNK HA* HORSES. I? II AN OK. <U Kc.Kf.l) cheap, together or ilagly. Apply liable 8, U? East WMti Aston is ii i mi haiuiainmi-no oppkr rekuskd: baii'uome extension tup four-seat Pliaetoni. tup Koad * iroui, tup 1'ony Pbaetom. line Koad and Coape Har ness. all nearly new. .-table*. 1117 West 41st it. OLdMUUKCB. HiXltaOMB AXD IN VOKHNTI ovdtr. for iale cheap. Apply at itable 124 Kan linb ?t . New York. HOll?E AND TOP OHOCKKY Waoon. OOOD order: will tell separately; at 9 Maednugel it. OP.NTI.E MAN 'H IIOItM K ~ ( AKHI AUhS A M) Karons. together or icparatu ; slg years old ; sound, IU handv kind, ityllib ; Brew?t?r Land?n, Park Phaetou. will be sold cheap. Private stable 141 West .VHh it. -FOR HALK. KiVK HOKSRN, ttl'ITABLB PO* ? farmer, grocer or express Inquire at bU Sleeker, In the rear. AbakoaIk?pob CA">n. Tor brkwstkr im proved Baggy, Una Harness and beautiful top I'.niy Pliae'un. cheap. Apply to <>OACIIMAN, 1 West loth it., near .'Uh -roK ?alb-;> iTHi:nky~iiUILT iionsitsT strif. .able lor farming or any business; >old at a s.icilUce; trial given, 107 0th it., betwreti 3d and 4th avs. Tii EXTRA HaNDSOMKHURRRrWAOi?N"POKPoi-R ./Ypetmni very low also three superior stylish top pnny Plus# tans| |wi. vrry line fop Bugirles lour sets rubber and gilt single llarnesi, very fine two sat* double Harness, itlunkets. Holms and Whipi, at prices to lult the time*. 12 East IfUli St.. near Broanway. ?POK HAL , 'I'MitKR HOKMtNt ?l/'IT Pa KMlMI, ?grocar, express or trmkiny: must sril. chesp; no work lininlre at 147 hlliaboth it., between Mroume and Spring sta. OKI niCS*T0 \ N *L, H Alt A I.AKOK ASMlHt ?mant Par* and Pony Pnaetoni, Hockawaya. (Tonrias, Rairglas and othnr ityles ol his own man, at inaiiuiarinr ers' prlcea. Liberal dliconnt to tan trsae. A MAY lIORHh, 7 YEARS. 13 11 AN DM, PRr.K, STYI. Ish driver; two own r llorsei, lult farming, any busi ness, $55, fO-V, C0O. s Harrison it. "a WHlTK~!l??RSk. "sSilW" Pl<AKE"?TRoIM a dfTj Alas trottln ; t'nlts, ft and 'I yasri nlri ; two llna. itrmig Work llor es and Conpe Mono; also Innsrly now) Dnuiiln Hi-t of lian?rouilie'i llarneis for iale very cheap. 1 ;>:> ? est I nth er At* Ma* cTiibfto M oppbbr i>7?two com FThT b I iimouti, very handsome and nyllsli, at panic [mm; handsome unr horse, 7 years, l.">t< habdn lound and kln i: baantl'ul top I'ony Phanton, with Harness to match; also tni' siyllsb <iipt>i* giay Horse, i.dward s., 1'.% hand*, n years, troll In JlMO; sound end kind, with lianiimtnr ton Koad Waaon and linen to match i alio (Inn set ol doable llHiness . will sell irparaMljr. t an be seeu at stable if >H Enet i"th it . near a?> ?v. AB\Ril\1N - F.IjKoANT r.lATIIKIt TOP WAUON; all Inip'ovenients ; I'J i pound i.oad W tgnn. -Ingle and Doable llarnesi: all ?o d as new. 127 West Mth it. sitvoND Hand La^D^C'Sj (iuAltKNCRd, sHretti an I Phaetons, at nsrgalns; also nnw <'.,ui.?i ?nil fJtndaulfts. J, W. t'll'NhY, 4tM)3dav. A?SAPRTY por LA II iks AND O ?l 11, f >Tt kIT" >11 >nds ma Hone, 16', liatnla. and sound: Leather Top Phaetoe. Ilarneis. Ko'ie. hinnketi, Ac . vrry chrap ; also Brewster irepr.tvrd Top Wagon, stanle, M hast 41st. poFtT^pinh ioRiTtruTI blac k maTrk^ is hands hitli. tt years o,d. vnry lt?l|sn ; ran trot la 2 :.Vl; wairanled . alio fin* top Wa.'on and llarneii. S.I.V). No. 5 w ist i ,nh it. RY KEaSO <ABi.h IIPPKR.-lKmV.HTBU s|'RInTI lop Buxer, (In- llarngsi. ton I'ony I'hartoo: all little aied. Boarding liable No. S>> West loth st Pt?it"iAALK~P1T? HOHNEM, MITIiaNLB POR .farming, grocery, eanree*or trn< alng; to be iol<t (heap: no work. Inquire |M Mereer ii, near Mmktr st. HOUSES. CAK.UIA.eKS. OiV. CCTION II0l'SE~ oh' AliOII. Johnston, A 1U, U, 23 aud 2ii nth >t., near lintrersity place. THE OLDK8T ESTABLISHED AND MOST RELIABLE ^ HOUSE IV Til K CITY. ^ iSalet 01 Homes f At 10 T Held KT-nr I and Carriages. [o'clock. JTuesday end Friday.^ ON EVERY HORSr. THAT I" WARRANTED SOUND FROM 21 HOURS TO THIiEK DAYS FOR JRlAl* Tlilb DaY (FRIDAY). AT 10 O'CLOCK FAMILY ESTABLISHMENT. _ TEAM OF FINE BAY HOKsES. 1?X HANDS high. 8 anil 7 years old. kind and true la an hnrnoss, free from (rice, do ooi ?hjr or poll, not afraid of any thing. travel togrthsr an one home, are tree and ttyl Ub driven, In ewry respect a thoroughly fvllable car riaite or laiuily team, lur an; uau, and warranted sound GLASS QUARTER COACH BY WOOD BROS., IN good order, and douole tUrneu uj Stillinics. BREWSTER, OF BROU.MiS ST., FULL. 8PRIXO top Waiiuu. COUI'E ESTABLISHMENT. ELEuaNT DaKK HAY COUPE IIORSK. WELL bred, 15J? handa high, M yenrt ol I. kind and true In ail huruets. very Hvliili aud tho? y driver. blf;l> knee ae. tion. very uplrlted, but perfectly gentle : not a'raid of anything, needs uo whip, doe*not ?by or pull, and war ranted tunnd. COUPE. MKD SaTIN LINED. BC1LT BY STIVERS. ML' 1.lis?ML'LES?MULES?TI.AM DAFI'LE OKAY Ml'LKS, |5)$ bandit, 0 ana 7 yo>ir?; thoroughly well broken and perfectly reliable tor nnv use; can trot toyetiier In 4 nilniuca. and warranted sound. ELEGANT DOCTOR'S PHAETO.\. BUILT TO OR DER BY H. M STIVERS. HOAD ESTABLISHMENT. HANDSOME BltOWN TROT'lINti HOUSE, 15J< litndi. S ys.irs; kind, gentle and true In all harness, but very spirited and itylUb ; cnu trot a mite to-day In 2 :IO; verv tine aetton and an excellent road home ; set Harness and TOP .-IDE BAR HAUO.V, liy Brewster, ofliOil. ill COU P.'- establishment?horse, vtauon ANI> HARNESS, l)e>crlptlon at time ornate. Very fine truck or express Home, Hi hand* high. 7 yean; kind aud truu la all harness, and warranted sound. TUP WAGON, BY BREWSTER, OF BROOME ST. SIX SEAT PARK PIIAETON, EXTENSION TOP, IN OOOI) OilUKU. TWENTY OTHER ROAli. BUSINE88 AND FAM ILY HOUSES. SEE OaTALOi.UK. TWO OTIIEK TEAMS. Dc-BCKIPTION AT TIME OF SAI B. top and no top . errla " " sciiptlon. ;<ee catalogue at sale. T?p an i no top Pony Phaetons, top and no I Wagona. Cabriolete and other Carriage* ol every do A NICE PACKAGE WAUON FOIC sAL... BUT little mod, at a iiargaln. Box 185 Herald ofHco YBRY HANDSOME SET OF ENGLISH COtfPE Slnele liarnets; Him light net of double Koad Harnett. Clnb ttable. 158 Ka?t 20tb at. s u?KKiou "park make for sale-blood bay. 14H haudi. 5 year*, long tall: uted to all harne a aud taadle: can bo uied by ladlet or children ; il aound and kind. Ai No. 150 Jane at., near Weit. ^20 Hi sI.Nc.S5i ANU IjeIj V EK Y WAGONS, $M0 ?to <125; elliptic and platform spring Wagons, all, tor expreas, grocer, bntchor. baker, milk, depot, delivery. 226 .-prlng St. ORB AT BaKUaIN-?STYLISH SOUNL)~AM) KIND younir Hone, city made top Huifffy and llarnaia, nearly new; aiao two teat Park Phaeton. Central Boarding 8ta>>le, 147 Went 35tb et. AKOAINS I BAROAI Nrt l-TH E FAST T KOTTI N O black Hnrso Brertn, 6 years old, aiiout 15^ hands; sound and kind; can be driven by a lady with satety; he is v.-ry handtome; don't pnll nor interfere : trots inside of 3 minutes; alto top Pony Phaoton, livbt I'ark fbaeton; seats lour perxons ; one lull spring Road W asou ; all tuutt be told immediately. Call aud oxainine. Stable, 156 East litHli St., between Lexington and 3d avs. /1 AKKlAOht), \J BROWN A PRAY offer for sale, at greatly reduced pricet, the entire stock of elegant Carriages manufactured by the late firm of Wood Brothers, tor lets than the cost ol construetion, to ciost the estate. THE BTOCK CONSISTS OF LANDAUS, PAKE D It At i 8, LANDaULETS, COACHES, VICTORIAS, Hl'OUOtlAMS, OKAND VI t TORI AS, COUPES, CABRIOLETS, sTaMIoPE PHAETONS, VIS A.VIS, T CARTS, COUPELBTS, TANDEM CART8, LADIES' I'llAETONS, STANItOPh OIUS, PONY PHAETONS. TAX CARTS. WAG0.Nt.TTE8. ItOAD WAGONS. BROWN A PitAY (Saeeesnom to \> ond Krothers), Carriage Builders, 84 5th av.. corner 14th Ik (1 W. BARKER, AUCTIONEER. WILL BE OPFKK y?#d to-morruo, at 11 o'clock, at BARKER A SON'S New York l atterKsU's, corner of Broadway and 3!>th St.. Pair cbentnut Carriage Horses, 15.3. 8 ai.d lOyears old; tine, stylish driven and great roadaters: warranted kind; also. BieM. by Brewster A Co., of hroomest.; set Double Har ue>s. Ac. iTyOU WANT TO BUY A HOAD HO.tSE, A FAM I ILT HOUSE. A BUSINESS HOttSR. A CARRI MiK ; TEAM OK ANYTHING IN THE HORSE LINE ? BR SI.'RE AND ATTEND THE KaLK AT AKOII. | JOHNSTON'S MART, 13T1I ST., NEAR UNIVEBSI1Y I PLACE, THIS MORNING, AT 10 O'CLOCK. YOU I ALWAYS KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU AtiE hUY I 1NG AT THE SALES OF THIS OLD, RELIABLE | HOUSE. D III ?SPECIALTY IN PONY PHAETONS. 1 ? Howell and Oneen stylet. with Canopy and Leather Tops. for cltv orcouutrv ate. A, S. FLANDRAU A CO.. 372 and 874 Brooma st. I IjlOU i?ALI<?HKAUTIKl'L ItOAli TEAM, JKT ilLACK, perfectly matched. lull (inert. ihoronichhrada. aired by Huperb, out ol llla-k llawk mare, very ityllah. aound and lientle, at liKILLV ? MaMAHuN**, 60 Kut 14tb M. ok saLK?nkw and i?boo.nd hand truokb, cheap; *1*i a lecond Sprinkler Truck. 177 I'rlnce at. F?ormaXe?a VTi.iani.k fast tkavtjuEiiSrT* Bio Mare, for the country; 11 ill* ton; $59. Ka ?Hp. <75 HaLK?rifcVKN HOUSES, SUITABLE Foil 1 truck, Ice wagon. farmer. urocer. expreat, any uuslneta; inuat aell: warranted. .VJI Waahinirton at. fjVMl sTlST?IIOK>B AND OOil CART; HOUSE 1 aound nnd ityllah; cart In irood order, very 1 lartit. built by Wood Broa.; fine braat mounted Harneaa. Addroaa li. U. IIUUIIHH, nam 6, 61 mom at. F >h sale AT a BakoaTn-kiiiht IIiiuU WOKK lioraea, aiillablo lor any biuln <a?; muat be told. Apply at 82 Lalayette pin e. FV}K MALfc OlIhAl*?TUllKK HoKShfi. KIT KOK butcher. irrocer or farmlnz; alto mi or llarneea ana baker't Wagon. Inquire !?."> av. H. corner I2lb at. 1/OK -AhMJITKAl*?KOIJK OOO0 WORK llOKahs'; L want of ute. Apply until told 34:1 Wtal 52d at. LKiK HAL."."HXCERDINOLY CllKAP. OM MAIL i Phaeton. Brew?ter'a niaae. Pontile Harneaa and Livery; all new. At prtvato at able 22".) Weal 3?ith at TTuit SAI.K-I WM 1 iidiiOl (IIUIKKO MaUDI.R r Hornet, well broken, it a bargain. Apply 1S9 ban 32d at., two daya. y*oiT SAbh?TH'O YOllNO, HCJUNO IIOKSKS; ALiii I? t*a light ioi> Expreat Wagona; Harneaa. 2I1S Spriiigit I" jV>K SALK?DKPoTHTAll K 7b KA KuY NfaW. ilM'LTf ' to II. CUNNINGHAM. j:>l> Bowery. LIOR SALB-A BKACflPCL PLollInA I'ONY, 13 1? hand* hlrL, 4 yeara old; perfect under the aailille: will drive in barneaa; warranted lonnd and alnd; alro (;art and hetof llan.eaa to go with bar; price fur whole, *1 JO. Call at 2ft Eati 44th * t. S?ok aalb-kor $ioo. nNK pamilt horse. 16 r hand, high (bay): a lady ran drive him; very llithl; one Mare; Hrewater lio?d Wacoo. altnoet hew, pole audahafla, (IAS. 2u?i Kaat 4<>tli at. C^KKAT BAKOA1N,-XKARLY NKW. sINOLK SEaT J i 1Kb top Phaeton lor IIU. C. W , 241 Broiulwar H" ILBORN. lift III AMHi-.KtTTf! ? II ANDM DE IIAIt ne?a, fd .Vt; rubber Track Harneaa, $2.1. Every variety Harneaa and llorae Olothlnr. II ARM'.HS ?TIIK I'ROI'itlKIOROK TllE UHKAflt.iT II harneaa ttore In >ew Vork wnnld In'orm hl< frl nia and I h" public that lie It offering 'ila aloek of llarneaa, Hlanket*, liAn., at rediire 1 prlcea preyiuut to rriuovaU I'lraao cat 1 aad examine l'<r youraelvea. RICIIAKO KlSllKi:, 71 Harrlarat.. New Vork. HAND?oiMK LITmIT T CAKT. KiLlYW AKKANTkD: ai?-> I'baeton. aldebar Top W*?on. ynlleman'e fhaetca. Ac., at very low Bicaraa. blluWN A HATKMAN, 142 haat 41 at at. John M<?<7kk! OH U AnlttN nT. I'miy I'buetona. lateat deaicnt, top or n'i top. .liugflee, Ki'Ckaw^ya, jump aeul. fluKlnena, Depot WagOBI, Ac ; iiutabl*, neatly linlalied work, warranted, at prlcet which aiiaolutely defy competition. IIAHNKHK. an imnienee atnek. hand ma<le. every atvle. ft 40 up, Lap llBKa, Hlankeia and fiheeta f om <V>r. mTw lioh r kx I*iTkh.i wauo>. iroF w too.s P777c e^preae or groccr'a uae; Concord ttyle; aiuit ba tolu. inqalri 4tM Bail 77ib it. Oi'ltx ItOAD WAOON, HV H,lI?.?l>l-hil A > ?? . *14" ; irontbani, by llrewler A Co.. In rl>'cam "rder, ftu ?>] llx->eat ilnrkaway. hv Miner A >leven?. $239; Coupe llock awar e.M*>: lame a?aortmet l of i*con<l hnnd i arrtaire<, of all ?tylea. at bottom price* WM. 11. OKAV, 22 Wmxter it. SI'bCIALTV IN KUCKaWaY.h, ' for Tonr and ?lt pa?aenrert. ? ? A. 8. PLANDkAU A till.. 372 and :?74 Broome at. CKBLRTON Waoor WaNtkr-statk nami, ok 1'iuaker, how Ion* In uae, io? eat price. HK.Ei.BTON, box DU3 Putt office. New Vork SACT<IHCB-MNK "loV~fl?r. BAR 7rITY MADR Koad WaKon, aet rubber mounted llarn -tt nearly new. tllX Coal yard, .*>21) Weal 2 lib. Tom 'thFm B'h" caiikI aTTk, a leather ion Landao, bulll t? order, to be uted durinic bia travela In Europe Now on exhibition at A. It. h LAN DKA C A CO.'H, 372 and 374 Broome it. rpilOMAK RhILLT, AU'M lONKRR-HELLH ON KUT. 1 day. .'nb ln>t.. nt I'ar Kelt Cumpany'a Klalilea, III') to ml Weal aftth at., at II e'clrh k. ^!V line worklnir anil IiiiiIikm llofwa, <01111110 far any bualnena. truckt, carta, Ac. To be peremptorily told to tno hlsheat blw'r rpWO fALUAHLK PART TKAVki LINO MARKS KOH 1 the country, little lore In foei, 4>V> eacli. Hs New I'bam heia at. rjpRADB WAlH>NH~POrt I.TWh f lir.LIVKRV. OH HI'S Jl inaaa Wa tuna; Cortland and Wntertown I'laiforra Waif otn to carry four ?ad tlx, KxpriHM M avone. ton an>l open, all alylea. I*. II.OBAY.? Wooetar at. TKl ?:Kl? POk t>alk.?oTb pFhkitUrk. I'mILBLH, and (onr alnicla Truck*; Milk and Ifallvery W ajon. 2(I1 *\ eat Isth at. WlNTkli-rOR CAMII, MOKMK THAT CAN TRUf " lu :i minute*. Acidreai, with fall particular*. K.. box I IT Herald Ala*. WAN IKH-A~TTi>itSK Koif HIM K KKf rOH lelOllt work on a country place, hy a leepontlhle party. Ad dree* f*. JONKH, care Cbepln A Oreeity, corner 144th at. and .11 av. V\fANTED- TWKNT* mXiiks Wil li POAL, AND Tr 40 lioraea with tender Teot, for count rr ; at air lull par tlculari, for three iiaya HThCULATcR. Herat# office. WANTKD-UKNTLR. KOI'NU, HINULc. oi; I'OLB IT Hone, about l.'i.l.anl double aei Duuacunib Harneaa; nearly new. Addreta, with particular*, CAHIi, box 2*>4 Herald olllca. Wantkd-a Com hoksr, i?i hanks mull, or a pair of Carriage lioraea. Addreae UAMil, lleraid Braach affiao, with fall parncalara. HO Its KM, CARKIMiri. ?v. C? IIORSKS, 81UTA0LK Ko.s ANY ?l's|SK8S; "*oLD )at a aacriBc*; three diys'tiial viven. 41" West 3 :h st. OH HOKttBA?ftUI r FARMKK. UKOCER. MILK MAN ; w" '4 larae young Mules. team ?rn II Mulas; half value. Milk Company's stable. 522 West 24th. C>l||f| FOR GOOD TEAM HAV .iORSfcis *Ou>U* tPJLUUsouud, kind: top Kiprtu tVacon, $60 4 7th ?f $~>or:~F>vT) hEATKU r???? park i*haeton ?j a-i U.l'uilt by Wood Brothers: coil 91.280 two rear* ago: Id perfect order. Private stable 144 West Imti ?t. I-mat 1)K? UUOUD. TT TaYl CI it SrKlNU OPENING. BOY.V READY MADE CLOTH IN >) ?> IOKKaTLV REDUCED PltlcRS KI'.OM FORMER| 1 SEASONS. I * A COMPLETE STOCK ok BOYS' CAS8IMKRR SUITS.... 94 to ?12 ROYS' DRK'.s SU1 I S, 'J piece* M to 12 BOYS' DREHS SUITS. It ?i.,ces ? to IS HOYS' KILT 8U1IR. 2 pieces S to 12 BUYS' KILT SUITS, J pieces 8 to 10 <S> <S> Sl'ltlNO OVKRCO \TH. ? <$ aiilBT WAISTS IN COLOMBO CAMBRIC, MUSLIN AND LIN KN, 50c to $3 50. HEW SHAPES IN 11 ATS AND CAPS. BROADWAY TnD 20TII ST. /IaMKl'S 11A1K SHaWLH. VERY KIKE; CAMEL'S V^llalr shawl, upon centre, also others. MILLS A COUMAN, lS'J Orand at. "If* OK.NTH, GOOU WHITE AND K. O. MATTING. TO JLOcash buyers; aliebtly atalned white. I2.Li crnu; rich fancy. 25 cauta: 2.0U0 rolla : closing. 11 Went Houston at jS>ATTEhW. XkLTabLr^fTTioftTI-i? the new ?n l beautiful de?ij;nii tor the aprintr and mm* mcf lnshioui now "re>%d.y; ''What to W?-?r" mni "Portfolio of !? ftsltiotis," 15 cenm, poet free. 17 E?at 14th ?t.. New York ; 5 Kuo .vcril?e. i'aris; 11 Bouecrle it., Fleet ft.. Lon don. and nceocies eT*rvwher?< in Kuroue nnd Amenct. KtllOPEVRl HTEAHSHlPJi. Bffr'lJlRfcCT ANI) ECONOMICAL ROUTE To H<>X? ian<l. Belgium, tbo Rhine, .*>wiiierLand. Ac.. Jrc., rU Rntterda-a. Cbenpoat route to Parla. Ste.imor CALA.NI> April 11 Staamar sCrilEDAM April 'J 4 Thaaa beautiful ate*ra?rs, carrying the United Stat?s mall to tba Netherlands, ara great favorites with tbe pub lic. I'rlps regular, rates low. comfort and living perleot. For Irelght, For passage, FUNCII, ED VK A CO., L. W. MORRIS. 27 Soutb William at. 50 Itroaowey (Morris' i urapean and American K>|nca ). iflTh STAR LINE Waited -tates nnd Koyal Mall Staamara for Queenstown and Liverpool. NOTICE.?'I he atuamet* ol tbia line take tha lane routes recommended by Lieutenant Maury, U. S. N., on botb the outward and homawiard passages. OC.K MANIC Saturday, April H. 7 A. M. BALTIC Ihursday, April 11. noon. ADRIATIC Thursday, April IS. 0 A. M. from White Star dock, pier 02 .North Mver. Rates?Mtlnou, <H0 nod $!<*), in irold. Return ticket* on reaaonable terms. Stacrajf?, currency. Saloons, stateroom*, amoklnic ami bath rooms are placed amidships, where the noise and motion are least, affording a decree ol comlort hitherto unattainable ai sea. Kor inspection of plans and other Inlormatiou apply at the 0ompany'a office, U7 Broadway, New York. K. J. OOKTIS, Aimnt STAT a LINK?TO ULaSOOW, LTvhKPuoL. DUB LIN, BELKAST, LONIMiNHKltity AND TIIL PARIS EXPOSITION, sailing from pier 42 North River, toot of Canal st. STAT IS OK NEVADA Thursday. April 11 sTA'I'h OK Vllt'.jlNIA 'Iburaday, April IS STATE OK INI)) IN'A ..Tiiuraduy. April 23 Hrat c.ibin, and $7<), accordinit to accommodation*. Return tickeia at reduced rates. Second cabin, $40 nteer Apply to AUSTIN BALI'WIN A CO.. Aconts. 72 Broadway VTEERAUB TICKETS AT 45 BROADWAY AND AT THE COMPANY'S PIER, FOOT OK CANAL ST., N. R. W"ILSON JLJN'E?TU SOUTHAMPTON AND HULL. ?allinic from Eacle pier, llolioKnn, as lolluws: ? OTIIELI.O March HOI LKPANTt) April 27 HINDOO April 13 | UTRANTO May 11 First ca'iin, 950. currency. Excursion tickets on very favorable terms. Appiy, lor full particular*, to CHARLES L. WRIGHT A CO.. 5ti South st. ClOOKM TOURIST "TICKETS FOR IRELAND, SCOT Vlaud, I nitllsh Lakes. Parla. the Khlne. >wlt*erlan'l and Ita'y, at reductions Ironi 10 to 4:> per cent below ordinary rates. Paaseucera Rooked i.y all lines of steamers "Coo.'a Excursionist." containing lull particular*, by mail, lor ten cents. Adaresa COOK, SO < A JENKINS, 2(11 Broadway, >?w York, Am Em can link roR uvitruuL The only transatlantic line snlllitK under the Amcrlaui lla^. Sailin.'every l hursdar from Phlladalphla. PENnSVI.VaMA SAILS, U A. M. RED SI AR LINE FOR AMWE .P, earrytne the Beliclan ana United States malls, saillcg semi moutlily Irom Philadelphia and New York. ACTON SAlLn APRIL H, U A. M. For rates ol passage and other Information apply to I'RTKR WllIGH f A -ONS, General Aicents. H07 Walnut st., Philadelphia:52 Broadway, New York. JOHN Mcl'U.NALD. Aicent.H Mattery place. New York. National link. piers 44 and 3? north kive.i, KOK I.ON DON (Victoria Dock.), ltaly.Thnri.,April 11,11 A. M. i Holland, \Yod. Ap'l 24,10A.M. KOK LIVERPOOL AND (J II liKNsTo W N. Erin, Hat, April fl. 7 A M.I Helvetia.Hat.. April 13. 1P.M. Cabin. #.V) toS70, currency; steerage, #2fl. Draft* from ?1 upward Issued si very li>w rilM. Company'* offices. 69 ?nd 73 Broadway. K. W. J. HUltsr, Mnptitr CI UN A KD LI NK A .N 11 N. A. It M. K 8. CO. " I NOTICE. With a view to dlmioieb the chanco* of collision the steamer* of this lino tag* a specific coarse for all kuui ol tlie year. On the outward passage Imm Qneenstown to New York or Boston. crossing the meridian ol at 43 latitude, or noth ln? to tha north ot 43. On the homeward passage. crossing (he meridian of SO al 42 latitude, or nothing to the north of 42. NKW VOKK TO LIVERPOOL. AND QUKKSHTOWN. BOTHNIA... Wed., April lO i ?BUS-*! A Wed., April 24 ALOKKI A...Wed.. April 17ISCYTII1A Wed, Mar 1 Cabin passage and return tickets on favorable terms. Steerage tickets to and from all parts ol Europe at very low rates. Freight and passage office. No. 4 Mow lux Omen. CliARLEs O. KRANCKLYN. Agent. NITED sTaT s MaIL LINK?HTKAM lo vjUEENS. TOWN AND LIVERPOOL, ?ailing on Tuaeday from new pier 4<l North Hlver. foot o( Charles at. WYOMINit. April M lo A. M. I N LVADA.-April ?i. 3 P. M. MONTANA. April 23, 10 A.M. | IDAHO May 7,0 A M. Cabin, #05, $75. $>*1. currency : Intermediate. #4": steerage, #20. Passengere booked to and Irom Paris, llmnborg, Nor way, Sweden, to Dralta on Ireland, England aud hcot land at lowest ratos. WILLIAMS A OCION. 29 Broadway. OPECIAL NOTICE.?TilE HPLKNUiU MAIL MhAH k>bip WYOMtN'i, (Captain Jones, from pier No 441, loot of Chariot at., lor tfuecistown am* Liverpool, on Tuesday, April U. at 10 r. M. precisely. Superior accommodations for caliln. intermediate and steerage p.ttse'i g?r* at lowest rates. Apply to WILLIAM8 A UUION. 2.i Broadway. Inm"an TTne ' ItoYAL M All. SIKAMK1H KOK QI'EENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL i.ITY OK RICHMOND Saturday. April 13 2 P. M. CITY OK NKW YORK Hatur.iey April 20, 7:??<) A. M. CITY OK MO.NTKKAL Thursday. April 25, noon. Krom pier 4.% North Klver. Cabin, f**>and fl'*?, void. Heturn tickets on favorable terms. Siaerage, $28. currency. Drafu at lowest rate*. Saloons, siaterooius, amokinic mid t.atn room* amidships. JOHN O DALE. Agent, 15 and IVJ Broadway, New York* Philadelphia office, 105 Mouth 4th it CI KNI.RAL TRaSsA~ I .ANTIC Company " r BETWEEN NKW YOKE AND HAVRE. Company's pier, 42 North River, foot of Morton it. PKREIHE, Danre Wednesday, April 17.5 P, M. VILLI-. I>K P AKIS, Durand. Wednesday, May I. 4 :'?) P. M, K'l LaURi-.NT. Laeh-snes....Wednesday. May 8, 10 A M. Kor freight or pas-age apply to I Oi ls DP. IlKHlA*. Agent. M Broad Kor freight and pseaage at Philadelphia, apply ALoN/,0 SHOTWELL 2 Che ay. heitnut at. Anchor link iniikd si-aies mail sieamerh. NEW YollK AND (ILAMI'iW. DEYOXIA... April f?,7 A M. | CALIKORN1 A,Apl.20,8A.M. a.nchori a, Ap'i 13.2 p. >1 I Bolivia .Apm 27.2 p. m. nkw Yoitk to London direct. AUK!RALlA.April K'.ll A.M. | ALSATIA..April 24. noon. Cabin. $?>.'> tn I. Kxpursmn tickets at reduce.] ratea. Second Cabin, $40. Steerage, f28. Company's piera, Nna. jii and 21 Norib River. New York. HENDERSON HROn , Agonta,7 Howling Oreen. A M HI! ItO AMERICAN PACKi.1 COMPANY'S L.I. lor Plymouth, Cherbourg and Hamburg. - W ik III iLHATI A, 1 hura., April II I W (it LAN D, I ho re.. April 2.1 LKsMNO ..Thura . April 1H | HI.' K VIA 1 liura,, M ?y 2 Bates ot paixa^e tn Plymouth, London, Cherbourg. II im burg ?nd all points In England : Klrst Canin, 9100, goinj Seeond Tallin. gold; steerage currency. KLiN IIA KDT tOO., C It BICH \KD A MOA-t, deneral Agenta. Oeneral Pa?aenger Agents, til iiiea<l at.. New York. Ul Broadway. New York. C1RKAT WESTERN STEAMSHIP LINK X TO BRISTOL (KNOLAND) DIitECT, ?ailing from pier In East .'Over a? toiiuws : ? SoM KR.>K I April IS I AHRAOON Mav 0 Cabin p iaaage. f-V) r<m aim 470. Return llekettatfa Torable rates; prepaid Steerage <'ortlAeatea, f2U. Apply to W. D MuRO A N , Agent, 70 South at. N""~ortm okrman llT?T1) Htearashlp Line, between Now York, Southampton, London, flavre and Bremen. Company's pier, foot ol 2d at . liobokon. OR*. WhRDER. sat.. April 0 | MO?<hL Hat.. April 20 IIKl.M AN N Sat . April 13 i ODER sat.. April 27 Kates ot pasaa'.-o Irom Now York lo Hoathamptoa. I.on don, Havre and Hrotnrnt? Klrat Cabin. IIOI, golil. eeeond rabln. >V?, gold , steerage, fW), currancv. Hetarn Air sis at ronuced ratea. Prepaid tleera e cerliBcalea, MR| ncy. Kor Ireight or p*s?ag^^^. tljtl. j,'. il ?> A CO.. 3 COANT\Vl'?K HTHfAiUHI Bowling Oreen. MM 111 Pita = LO DOMINION KTE tMSIIIP COMPANY, sailing from pier H7 North Ulver. lor NORKOLE. ' I TV POINT and Rli'uMOND. TUKft DAYS. Til t'liSDAY s AND sATL i.DaTS at 3 P. M . eon net ting with the Virginia and Tenneeaee Air Line, Atlantle Coast Line, IV dm<>nt Air Line, i!besapeake aim Oblo Rail road. S. aboard Air Line and with the llna to Interior ports in North Carolina an<l Virginia. NKttHKKN end WasiiINOTON. N. C. (via Norfolk) ?very TUKHDAY, TIU'ltSUAY end HaTI'KDAY LKWhS, Del . MONDAY an I Til L RsDAY. at S P.M. connecting with ihe Maryland and Delaware railroads and lo: RhHOHOrtl BKaCII and OCR AN 'J ITT. I'aasenge' aceoinmodattons una:irpe?aed. Through pasaenger tickets and hliii ol ladlag to all point* at lowest ratea Insurant-* lor Norfola. At., at V per ceat. Krelghts reeeivod dally at pier M7 North River. Oanoral office No. IH7 Oreenwlcli et. N. L. Mci'REaHY. PinMiM BHgBRMUpA. PORTO RICO. HT. IH. Mas, W. i.t LaiIUAYRA, PUERTO CABKLLO. TUNBZUELa! with conne<!tioo* to ell parte of WKST IN OIKS and SOI'Til America. The (Jaebee ami ilntf Pane SS Co. Line sail as under Boteds ? Kor HKRML'OA, )?.a, CAMMt, April 11. r'or HT. JOHN and PONCE. ST. rHo.MAS LA. III'aTHA and Pl'KiiTO CAIIK.LLO. Ms. HADJI, April a for descriptive pamphlets, freight and pes.age atipiy to A. E. OUTERIIH1DOK A tlO Agent* 'ill Bmadwey. C O. I)E OAK MENDIA, 86 Voaror (fc U. LIiM.271 iiroadway. coast w ikk 8TEAABHIPI. uaclfic mail bli.AM.MltV company's lin E. Kor CALIFORNIA, Jai'an, CHINA. CENTRAL tad SOI Til AM itlva. SANDWICH i-LANDS. new Z F.A LAND. auhtealia, ulutisil columllla, WASll IMiTuN ti-.rltllory and OREGON. Ac., siillui from pier foot ot t'auul 11., north River Kor tha ISTHMUS ok PANAMA, connecting tor CEN TRAL and SOUTH auklth'A: stearoahip ckksceni' CIT\ Tneaday, April 9 i or sam kranoibco, ru istllmus OK PaNaMa: stoamaliip COLON Krtdar. April 19 (connectlu - lor i'sutral and South America) fmnj SAN !? rancisi'O io J aj'A.n and cilin a s? Steamship CITY tik toklo weiinesilay, mar i Krom saN KRANCISCO to SANDWICH island*, australia and nl.W ZEALAND ?teaina!il.j A Monday, April is Kor irei^bl or passage apply at the company's oiflre ?i Howlin.' Green, New York. mux \a unk kok galveiston. touchiso at kky 1 meit?S.earner CITY OK .*i\N ANTONIO, Captain l'?iiiiiii_'ton. wl.l sail Saturday. April h. at 3 P.M.. from pier 20 la-1 River through rale* ?l Ireubt and Mils at iad.tii; triveti ovor all rallioada in the Slat*. Kor treltf'it and |ia??hk? (liaviuu auprrlur ac. ominndationa) apply to 0. ii. maLLOmy a ?!?>., lb* Maiden una. COOK, HON a J en KIN.i, 261 i; road way, alto a-11 ticket a. xt A sstaot" x. P.. ST. j AGO, AND ciemptfegoi IN i ui.?.-Steam?lilp i'akumthlhr, April !?. at 3 P m. NASSAU. n p an,? HAVANA, rta ST. A U(1 l'STIN B.? eteamahip san jacin i o, froin Savannah. April ? MURRAY. ferris A CO.. 02 south at.; or O. LRVE. ".eneral passetiuor Atent. 271 Broadway. vtlw YORK AND bavama diuot MAIL uwu. xi l li-ae drei elms steamships will aall at 3 i*. M? frmn pier 1.1 Nurtli River, loot of Cedar n. for Havana direct, iia lollowa :? CoLU M litis ; Wednesday, April 10 GEO. W. t'ltdr Saturday, April'JO Kor height and paasaue. having unsurpassed aeconimo da'.iona. apply to w it. i.i AM p CLY dk a CO.. No. B Bowline Green. McKELLAR. I, M.i.N it A CO.. A icon ta in Havana vi'.w oblbanr dlrktrr.?Till CROMWELL LIMM al it'-nui-lup k n it'k i. llliut.k fc k, Saturday, April 8, al .1 1'. M.. pit r '.i North lliver lhroui;h bill* <>l lading jriven to Mobile and principal Dolnia ou the mlasisalppl Kivor. Kor ireight or passage appu to i'ltkk A SKA MAN, SO W rat at. Moruawh lime to n kw orleans and m?u The steamers will aall from pitr 30 North Kivar aa fot l..^a: NEW YORK Saturday, April 8. dtw Kor New Orleans direct, tranalerrlnit Texas trelkbt tharo to VIorgan's l.oiilaiana auu 1m*h* kai.rouil and Morgan's steamship* to Texta port*. Thro'.iirli blllaof ladltik signed to all point* on tue mui^nppi IWvsr. Mobile, Halve-too, inuianolr., Corpus Chrlstl, Kockport. itraioa saultako, krownaville. an.i io all ponita on tue liou-tonand tasao i untral, Texaa Pacific, Tranacontinental and i.alvoaton. hitrriaburi; and San A.itonlo railroad*. Kanaua t'lty, Por< Scott and in her point* on m colour i. kauana and texaa Kait> rnud anil connaetiona, Krei.:hta for St. mary'a and Kulto* lauded at i.(import. inmirauce can bo edectad undor open policy of the lino To New Orlean-, j* per ccul; to luxaa p ilnts. % perconi Kor lielitht and otner inlormaiion imply to hooekt 4 MOltOAN, \khuta, office olar sb North iiiver NT., HAVANA AND mexican tlallst a. LINK. ?>t amera it-nve Irmn pier .No. ii Nortb liivor Kott Havana uii;i-.?:t CITY OF NEW yoi! K, do tkm. i ueailay. April ib. 8 P. M. CITY OK *vattlllnoi'ON, rimmeruikn..April is. 10 K. M. CITY OK yeka I kl Z. Van sue .Wed.. April 24.3 k. M. KOIl vkka cill'Z and new OltL.EA.Nn. via Havana. krouroao. t.'ainp<'acby, Kront"ra, CITY ol- new yoitK. ovakon Tueaday. April 16 CITY OF MKRIDA, lleyiiuiila Tuea lay, April 80 st?amsra will leavi- New Orleans April 24 and May 19 for Vera Crua via Malum.iraa. tnxoa i and tainpico, maklofl cloao connection with atoamera for Now York and all im above porta. f. alexandre A SONS,31 and tci Itroadway. Halikaxtsrs., and kt.johnstn. k. CKOMWKLL LINK ? icamthlp A lll A m kita will leavn pier 10 Nortb Uiver, KrMav. April 12. :t P. M. f .r IreWbt or pasaaice apply to CLARK A SEAMAN. mwaat at. New yokk and cuka mail a. a line kojr Havana. maralhcont accommodatlona for paaaoiiror*. saillns i HUKSDAYS, from pier 17 Eaat Itiver, at 3 P. M. N I At. AKA (new*. 2.2?l*> tone, Curtia..... l'liur?day, April is SA R atouatnewi. 2.2S"i toua, sun>iberK.Tburaday.April 39 JAMES E. iiaki) * CO.. No. ii:t Wall at._ Savannah, kloriijat Nassau and Havana? gllkat SOU rilkitn FREIGHT and PASSENGER LINE. cenlral. haILKOAU OK GEORGIA. ATLAN TIC AND til! LK itall :iiaD AMI lirllkuia AND FLOKIDA INI,AND steam ItO AT COMPANY. CITY OK M ACJoN. pier 43 N. it.. Saturday. April(v GEN. MA NES, ironi pier li> E R., Wedno>day. April ml For ireitftil or paaaaica apply to gp.ORGR YONGI4. Apont Saturday atenmrr*. 400 hroadway. MUSK AY. Kr.RUls A co . Agent Weducadava ateam^ra, h2 South at. 0. D. OWEN -, GKOUGE YONtlE. Acmt A. a o. r<. R., 815 It'wav i gent 0. i> It.. 4<ifi H'way. Fftlorlda DIltKCT.?si EaM l lts LEAVE piem 30, Eaat i.iror. every Friday at 3 i'. M., tor Kornandlna, Kla., loue'iinK at Itrunawlck and Port Royal. CITY or DALLAS, Captain 11 ini*a. Mill aall April ? Thronch Irelrht and paaaaei' ratea given to all points in the Smith and snulhwe-t hy 0. ii. MAI.LoRY A CO., Airaota, 153 Maiden lane, and tickets sold by COOK, SON A JENKINS, 281 Broadway. Men of ftuain. ss " CAN iindkhstand THAT 1 ill'.rk IS MO TIM k to advkrtihe 1-1ke THE PRESENT. bl'sinp-sh I* BRISK AND the cln illation nt the EVENING tklkgram for tha woek tndlng natnrdsy, March 30, 187s, was as lollows: Mouday 42,900 advertising 20C. A LINE. Tuesday..... 44,030 advrrtistng 20t3. A LINE, Wednesday 43,490 ADVERTISING 200. A LINE. Thursday 48.780 advertising 2ih\ A dinr. Friday. . ..... 44,500 advi'.rllsing 2<xj. A LINE. Saturday 41,000 ADVERTISING 300. A LINB. Total 302.850 advertising 300. A LINE. Dally areragx .. 43.779 TltAVKliLKUS' UU1UB. A" lb any moat, pkoplkm "line ? osk or thk elegant iliiigiTi DEAN RICHMOND or RT. JOUIV will leavu pier 41. North Klver. evrry weak day, at 6 P. M., connr-ciing *t Albany lor nil pint* sortli and Weal. Tlek el* t ir *ale at principal hotels uud all of Wastcott's Express ?i(1i ci In ??? Vurk hii I llrooklyn. Brooklyn passengers tranaferred Iron by "Annex" boat*. Boat koit cahucill, stuy ve->an r and intkr. mediate landings will leave plar 34. Haril son it. North Klvur. dally, Sundays excepted, at 6 P M. B6hTON.~FA.KR RSDUOBD V X A FALL KITS ft i.lne; f.1 in Huston; exenraiob tickets. $rt; ma*ol(lo?nl steamera NKVVPultT and oLIl COLONY leave pier 2i North Kiver dally (.Sundry* exeeptedl at 5 I*. M ; fall night's real; fl*e moroinic tr.tin* Fruiu Kail Hirer to Boston. Ticket*l<*r mil* at all principal ticket ufflea* l.riMiklro paaaeugera tranalrrreJ Iron bv "Annex" bo ate leaving tool ol I ulton at at 4 :3 > I*. M CITIZENS' LINK.?THOr hTe t MBKM, OONNKOTINO with morning tralne for all point* Nort'i. Kail and West, leave pier 4ii Not 111 Hirer, loot Leroy at , dally (except fiat Ordayj at II I*. M. Room* bealed with alenra. M~ I KCH ANTn' KXI'Kh?M LiNk M)It ALBANY. Steamers WAl.ThK BRETT and XKiV CHAMI'ION will minnienee their r*i;nlar tripe to Albany, Wednoaday, * liril In. laawi iik ('anal at. North lllver. " I* .4. daily, naturdaya excepted, for passengers and freight. A. P. BI.ACK, Superintendent. RiTuuc mj fa kkT to bottom " EXCURSION TICKKTs, fR. . UK OLD RELIABLE. STONINOTON LINF FOR BO* TO V Not a trip inlaaed in seven oonaecntiva years htaami-re leave pier 31 N. K.. loot if Jar at.. at 5 P. X. Steamboat expreae train leave* Slonlnglon at 4 A. M. Provldem e line ilrebubt only) atcamers from plar 2$ North Rlwr, font of Warren at., at 5 M. KXCVKMIons. ii"\< i n-imn boath ani? eisfiir=vrixivai liiianerai Aadfwirk ami fort Me. barges Caledonia. IU puLilc and Anna; Bxcnlator I'ara, Oriental. Karltan Uaach. Cold Spriiiir, lone Island an<l Columbia drove* N. S. illtlOOH, 3S4 Wini at . oppoaita Christopher atraet ferry. Brooklyn oflloe (iladsons liaildlngsj, corner ha I ton anl I orb at*. {"'UK I XCU RSIORM-H A LOON STEAMER 7 ? M ill YLKtt: rapacity J.<k*i people; l arr-aHt. Nieho laa. Kiiliorta and others: occidental drove. on tha Hudson, and "there. MAHT1N A KA.skh.Lu, 111* South si; a pa a Sunday KUHSI / Ult K. t F lir.uiiiih" *.'~ uTiAttEVTSr _ ./Ysun-rlnr Furnltnrft. Carpets, Uphnlatary Uood, la. lor cash or on hi* svstem at apodal credit. FOR SA LB? AT P III V ATE Khrt iT^^nT'kTj' > W KHT ? 'J l'1 at., near Wth ?* . Parlor Sulla, 14 plera*. eoverr4 In >atin, rost (I.isjii, lor #100; one do.. >123; I nrkiab Malta, 190; rap anil haircloth nulla, ?~> and f.'u, inlaid and Kilt black ar tlnul Itadsleads, Uimlan < aaea. Burraas, Waab aianda, Wknlroiies, hair and aprinic Matlreaaes, Olaln( raruiture, Kxteiiaum Table, Hullat Chun .1 N H -Aa ela/aut roaewimd foar roumt Stelnway A non'* Pianulorta, ?ji?i. a haraam. taafiiillrent indsor. 98UU. cost SWIIX l;all tht* day tinoos atoreil MWM Mf l'>. A* k BALMANN'.H ,NRW FURVITIJKR, OARPBT ?and itadiline Wareh as?, M.' and SI4 ?th a?., ileal Sttiu at ; the larireat aatabltaiiment In tha nity; lowest ?aM price*; weekly and monthly payment* taken. At d. o'fahkkll's old, hi liable hoithe. ?io >Hh ae., near Jlst st. i easy terras lor Farnltura, Car pal*, Ac. AlUXTLKMAI BItKAKI >U UP lloCHKBhPINO will aacrlnrn llouaeb 'd Fnrallnra In lot* lo *ait cask pnrahaMr* ?namely, mairmflcenl aatln I'arlor Hnlt, bat llt tla aaed. aosl ?.?i, lor <'J??I, two hanilaoma Salts. Kaat lake atyla, aoterad la raw aiik. coat #;i.ei, lor fl'lit aadSllKt; Ta.ilea to matrb; alao liandatmie w ilnat Chamber saitt, Katenaion labia. Hnlfet, C*n*la, An ; call and enamlna: no reaaanatila a(T?r relased I'rlvaia real danea 131 Weet 14th il, near tit It ar., a'ljolnlaa tba at mory. ALL Kl?im OF Fl'HNITLK. MMlKINtl ULAASEH, Mattresaea, Hprlnu Ba.ia eolitnc at halt prlca. 34M Canal, nppaall? Kar.a'a Hotel, Baumamn bMtrrn*i^ jrKK~trkrkiiiu ohkat tiartaln* In Knrnltura, Carpel* ami Hed tui? at tbalf store* J'JH and 230 lln laon St., corner Broom*; weekly aad monthly payments taken FjictiNiTiJitE. cakckih. mFrkokhI bookoahSb. I lappra. 1 ablea, HreaaioK Caan*, As . at private sale. 1.2W Broadway. J. IIAVK.N, Auctioneer, iMMKNHK KKIHIirriON IN I'KICKH OF FuT^TTUHB, XCarpeia, Ac., lor ?aali or eaa? payments. COWPr.R. Til Vt' Al I'S. 155 and 147 Chatham at, Menu for Ilia*tralad prina |i*v Vt'erkiT or monthlv paymepts. R1 A MM UNAtfj g r?il|" liouiiliif IN 11 I"? a RTT i:oing abr.iad rl"*lrea aellln^c Ho i?eiiold K(Te?t? ef two flours, eompi*te for housekeeping. 3IH Kaat 'Jtltb at. R" ITBMKRaTuitiC ICE oilK?TR, CPBIUUTS, i.rkim ?'liaapeat and heat: Kelrliieraiurs repaired. LBSLBT. 371 Dth av. Icepick Ire* $10 00(1 w,,Kr? or oari'ktb. f'-kmitcrb, ?P I t '.l/l M/wanted Immediately. the highest prlea* will b? Bald. AX HALT'S. 178 7th av. lUliaUiAIVROVIe TT6TtWA>rkt)Fr cAPst/i.Ks,nFf>~^ol*iTTncrt *'1 ''y^ Clrenlajs fr^m y At'tlBH A I KTMlh, 1 Hi Iteede St., B, If. Avoid fsaey Raises snd prlea* n POCNU8 ?AMPLR TKA. il. WORTH ' double t/'ha money; satlslaetlon irnaranteed ?r money rataraad I he CANTOR tea OVurAMV, I4A ChMbVn a?I fel twees OaUage plaoe aad Ureeaslek at.