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NEW YOKK MEDICAL COLLEGE. ITS ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT? TWENH-BEVEN LADIES RECEIVE THE DEOREE OF DOCTOR Of MEDICINE Tb? couiMDMMSt exerotaes of the New York Med |?al College for Women took pl?co at sieinway Hall laat evening. There ?u a large attendance, priuetpail/ ladies, all of wbom aeemed to leel a personal in tereet In tome one ol the twenty-ptven graduatea The front ol tbe platform waa decked with a profusion ?r natural flower*, and la the flr.t two row* of seals in the centre ol tbo ball were seated tlie ladles who were aboat to reoeive their diplomas as doctors o.' medi cine. Tbey ware all draaaed tasletully In black silk kr black silk trimmed with velvet, and each ?f Ibetn wore In ber bosom a camel la, a blnsh rose on a sprig ol mignonette. Tbe color of the riboone worn in ibeir bair or on their sleeves was In moat oasrs a light blue, tbougb a lew essayed a ?rt?b' ri?rry to add lustre to the charms 01 their brnnetto complexion aiad dark eyer. All these ladies seemed to be id perlect health, and not a few ol them bad decided claims to beauty ot lorm, figure and lea tare. Ibe proceeding opened with choice selections of music by Orafulla's Bind, "Poet end reasant," "Ob, Beauttlul May," and uiarcb "Class 78." Rev. Mr. Hurling delivered tue praror, and then, after the "Swan Song irom Lohengrin," Assistant DIs trict Attorney Herring, in place of ex lieutenant Governor bit wart 1,. Woodford, wbo waa anavoidnlily absent, addressed the aradualM. Alter expressing his happlnoss at the Donor conferred onbim, he congratulated tbo ladle* out be great honor* tliey were uboutto receive. He S*id that conquering the conventionalities and other ?bstacies that stood in their way tbey had won a vic tory not only for themselves hot for all who were likely to come after them. The prejudice agaiast women In tbe professions waa la tbe progress of the age, fortunately, dying out, and I# did not see from wbat bo had already uotod of tbo intellectual genius ol tbe wornsn or the present day, wbjr tbey could not range tbcmsclvos along side man la diving lau> iho deep aid bidden mysteries of tbe medl a! profeesion. Certaiuly their hearts wero as sympathetic and their bands as delicate ol touch, and Irom wbat be bad learned ol lady medical students be knew that tbey were the equuls always of their malo rivals in ?<>lut ol application and hard study. In conclusion be called upon tbem to keep on at tbey had began, ?ad let progress be always tueir motto. TUK OKAPrATKH. Mrs. Sackett, the President ol tbe Board ot Trus tees, after tbe Hippocratic oath bad been duly admin istered by Hroiessor Samuel Llllenthal, conferred toe degree .of Doctor ol Mediciue on the following gru F ranees Cunningham Burnes, Aura Ceetlla McCabey and Alice Way, oi Pennsylvania; Ella Albertine Jen Ding-, o> Cunada; Kale Suuds Stanton, of Rhode Islaud; Martha May Howolls uDd Cordelia Williams, ?I Ohio; Isadora L. Murray, ol Connecticut; Hau nah Mucmeslou, of England; Laora Maxwell l'ortor, of Maaeaohosotts: CatDariae Vtocoria Cochran, ol Persia, ?no Caroline Lucretra Mlactt, May Lueretia Douglas. >.l za Dunham, Heieo Campbell Graham, Sally A. ilarris, Emnte H. Jones, Klsiu Dexter Letter, jenmo de la Moulagute Lozier. Adelaide E. Merritt, Mary Miller, Maigaret A. Uoatwlck-Mount, Annlo ljvinla Bnyder, Alice Artamtxaa Stoddard, Kate E. Taylor and Burnett N. Watson, ol New York. Prolesaor Lilientbal also addressed the class on tbe general course of their studies and the duties tboy bad to perform iu future. Dr. C 8. Holden, ol the Homtcopalhlc ward, Black well's Island Hospital, alter giving due prulse m tlio Indies for tbe peraovornuco and industry they had di< played Inagtendlngciinlcaevcry week, presented toonou el them a certiucato of hospital attendance. Toe laiiles wilh their diplomas and cortillcates and one sets of elegant flowers iu iboir bands then retired to ' their aeats. Tbe bonediciton was pronoutiued by Kov. Mr. Marling, and tbo annual commencement ol the New York Medical College lor Wonjen tor tbe year 1878 was over. OPHTHALMIC INSTITUTE. In tbe New York Opbtbalmio and Aural Institute, East Twellth street, during tbe laat tbree month*, 980 dcw patients were treated for eyo diseases, and 276 lor ear diseases, while 88 operations were performed. FATHEK O'FAKIIELLS VISITOR. A THIEF OAIN8 ADMISSION TO THE PASTORAL RESIDENCE IN THE NAME OT CHARITY? DETECTED, HE SHOOTS HIM8ELK IN TOE H KID. As Fathor O'Farroll, pastor of St. Teresa's Church, In Henry rtreet, and his assistant, Father Farrell, were about leaving tbe church last evening a man biuabed burrledly past tbem and passed through a side door into tbe presbytery. Ho ,was met by a servant, wbo stopped Dim aud demanded bis business. Ho replied that bo was in search ol Father Martlnelli. No prtest of that name was attached to the church, but tbe sorvar.t thought ootfc utf ?< tbta. as abe coocluuod It waa a Biii>take, and the man was permitted to lake a seat In lUu parior. Meantime, Father O'Farrell bad entered his own residence Irom tbo street, and as be was about |oing up stairs nis attention was attracted to tbe urease looktuc man in tbe parlor, wbo was acting in l -uspicloua niHUoer. The priest asked him bin bust oess. Ho replied that bo wanted to see Falhur Mar tlnelli, an ltauaa priest, lue pastor was convinced that he recognised iu the man boiore biiu a notorious cnuracter wbo bad played abarp prac tices on several ol the Catholto clergy of tbta city witbin tbe laat lew months. So be de luiued him while lie despatched the servant for Father Fryu, ot I'ort Jervis, alio Father Farrell, wbo were up tuna. I nose gentlemen quickly descended, aud were in time to collar ibe unwelcome visitor, wbo was trying to make bin escape by the ball door, hut could aot open the coinbiuaton lock. aiiOT aixasur is tub ubad. Father l'eter Farroii seised him by the shoolder, ohjreupoii tbo latter mrued round and exclaimed:? "Let me to, or l'llsboot you or mysoll;" but Father Farrell held blui aud called on tnoeo present to go lor a policomau. Tbe man mode a suddoa movement, Siew a revolver irom bis pocket and shot himself in tbe Dead. At first it waa tnought that he waa mortally wounded, as no bled proiuaeiv Irom the tight ear end lay t>a the floor In an apparently uncouacious , Coudinoo. An atnbulanco surgeon arrived and the woonded mau waa convayed to the Chambers Street Hospital, where it waa ascertained that the ball bad not cuterod tbo brain, but baa la icon a apirai course sod lodged iu tbe drum ol tbe ear. Ibe wound is, tberolore, considered uot dangerous. Father o'Farreil saoseqanntl/ explained to a re Nfttr that about three weeks ago a man eailed at bis Donea aad represented hiiasoil aa u Frenchman who wanted employment. He waa told to call around ?gala. aad it anytning could bo done lor him bo aoaMt be informed of it. A lew days alter tbie <on ,rersation Father u'Farreli waa notiiied that a (iratiso maa, repreeentiug himself to be a Frenebiuaa, waa eoiteiiiog rellei aad omployinent ut the Varlooa Catholic onurones of the city, aud watte waiting in I bo parlor lor au audience haw etolen aereral portable irticlea Irom the room end hat rack. It was a>cer la mud that in this mauner be had robbed Father Mn Ateer aud Fatnor Montgomery of St. Colomba'a Church, in West Tweuly-Ollb street; Kov. Dr. Burt Mil, ol tbe cnurch el the Eplphauy, aad Fattier Aaoril, ol St. Vincent de 1'ani. From tuo description Of tbe mau which had readied Father O'Farreil lie readi.r reooguized him when be aaw bim seated in Uie parlor. At the boapilal h* gave hla nam a as Emtllo Cap nralii, tveaiy.tbrao years of age, a bar keeper at No. Baxter scr?eu tea aad in b? iwaacaeisn $1 75, two meerschuuni pipes, a card wita the ia?orij*lon, "Forasndo |T<fr1?tjL ?<?W York Medical College." He Said thai be had 6dt A BDo(t time pasvioutly pur cuaaed the pistol wilh which be.aaot biuiseil. he la a well ureaaod, respectsble looking fellow, and tsiks like a aaa ol eductiioo. Inquiries at No. 33 Baxter Street revealed tbo lact ibat no sucb man was known there, nor one anawering lo his deacripitoa. He will he arraigned in oourt aa soon ss bis injuries will per mit. TAMMANY'S ELOCUTIONAUY CLASS. Tbere waa a large ataouiblage last evening at the T.imtnany Ilall GcDoral Committee meit'ng. lhe va. rioua diatricia were represented by their lenders ' ini)ii( ttioae present worn Comptroller Kelly, ax Judge Spencer, Park CorarolaaioDcr Cooover, Sheriff Reilly, Joel O. Hteveoa, Park Comtnisaioner Lane, Aldermen Blevin, Lewis, Sbiela and Kobrrta; Corpora Hoi Aituro*; lioyd, Commi-aluner liunlap, Colonel eiluo, Fire Coramlaaioner Uortnan, Auguatua Hebeli, Job* T. Aanew, Aeeeublyuisii Urady, J'olko Comiui*. ?10iter N ictioia end other* Mr. Hoary L Ciuhoii called lb* meeting to order at fcslUpaat eight o'clock. , HesOlallOka ID respect to the memory ol the lataez County Clork Walsh were adopted. Alderman Waehoer then addreeecd the committee ?u llio political laouoa ol the 'jay. tie denounced Hie attempt ol what he called ibo "rag, t?u aad b?ut>ttl reformers" to decry the administration ol T.m iiiiny Hall. He called aitention to the reiolu lioiia pnaaed at ibe Us I Meeting of the Kverett Houae Cooper Thompson party. He oeatgiiated llie-e reaolu tlona aa "iel? twaddle," and claimed ibat Inmmnnv Mall waa the reel repreeentative uemocratio organize tiou of ibe city. Alter a tpeecn by John F. Fitzgerald on maobood ?uHrago tb? cointnitloe adjourned. A MLSKINU HE* CAPTAIN. Fencb, Kdye A Co, bankera, of foutb Willinra ?treat, thia oity, Informed the Brooklyn poilou yea. terdar that And era Marcuaaen, a Norwegian, wiiu wbom ibey hsve ao aecouni, waa misato/. lie 1a a M? captain, about ibirty years ol age, tire Iret alx Inehea id height, florid complexion, small muatacbo Md goatee, und blue eyea. Hia vessel n freighted and VMMtl to Mil. INCONSTANCY'S VICTIM. In tbo mmoI l<out?a Dougherty, the Nawark do mestic who attempted antcide by swallowing oxalic Kid ou Wednesday night. It la now stated that aba *ne tired of lite bec,t>i<e ol the inconstancy ol ? ?vuag mau. one ii iu a fair way to recover. MONMOUTH PARK. the TBACK ASD OBOVNM to BE SOLD BI auction today. F? X ... celebr.t.d race horse. .0 Ib.counvr, bav. ?? lime. made appearance lb?r?- " have boon loit at Monmouth l'urk tUe t oinor place., and for lb. lMt low rac. m iuas hav. uoi bo.u at well aiienucd a* formerly. those aii'l olbor cause, the Mouu.outb ^'E AM^ tion gradually beoai... .uibi.rrua.eU, and, >? quonc. ol lb. d.procmtlon lu lb. value o - I tie properly mil b. sold in ?b. Int.rot ol Tb^'mouth Park Auction was organised I early iu 1670, ana ibe pr.a.nt properly was pur wiib^Tle. o makings mile running irsok. Y.n? but ae lb. int...*t iu ibal ?po? was on tb. ?au. in pr.pne.or. willingly ?o,d oui to ih. n.w John Chamber!!.. * ,Do construction ol aud gave bw personal altsnuon 10 iu ruury 1*70. The track, wb.cb wa? roniimtn<?d '? J*"?/; ?ou. luo properly was bougbi up ^ ub0ui iW acres. various owuer. anil comPrl .i1(< .-rouudi", bul Tbero waa a grout (lotl to be iloi ncir|y competed, in uboul three !ind oneol ibo beat Tuo irack ,u a larto amount ol ??ouey in ibu Lulled *h F^rk Association iu lb. was fpent by lb. Monmootb Parw a?bdU oib#r construction ol ibe 'lng tbe ueUhbor bu.^.?^^r'^nraiS "S??" " on#-f X boo?l ol fltiO.OOO. iu? a k. d |D ||je country. II bantltomesi ilrucl?r?*d hB- ?catinff accommodation ? 366 I eel to l.ngtb ./ornament*. wi?b I lor about 7,000 people. which a luaunlOceul I several lower., t couniry wn be had. lb. view .1 lb. ?urroundiug couniirJ<???o.atl.. ?? stabling u Tory so?d.? old fliriu uous. on tb. uboul -00 horses. Ib.r. . an lb. Rrouuua, in which Mr. tMu.benw ^ f|j ?ummer for a good many y romor meeiiug ol the inally op.n.d *',b ,b,^auon on Saturday, July 30. Muuiuoiuli rurk '?8 iar?? attendance, aud old , 1870. Tbero wa. ? ,uo day o. inai on which r.mb"iunwWon tb* i/onmouth Mak.a., G.enclg "^u.nTunu".mood that Long Br.n.h will prived ol lis roce.m.e*^loA ".{/^eina purcUaBeo by ?lr. ib*r. i. a P'^.b...ty ot ^ Am.rte.u M libera auu .i?. otber m.m . h a jock.y Club, projmed '?do<^b^0lonDr',": property prioe. ' f; a?ouig$*7o!oM,dHUd^b,o Ml. la expecl.d to realise .1 least that amount YACHTING NOTliB. At tb. r.gular D..t>ug to 0. held on tb. lOih ?.?. tb. Brooklyn Yacht Clob will OH the vacancy cau^d by tb. death ol Ke.f Commodor. John B. Norr & Several candidal., are in lh? Oold. The Union Regatta ol the Manhattan will be held ou Tbur.d.y Jun.? ^ Steer^ Tho aloop yuobt Alic?, iJ. ??v.t ? Prov'dence.V 1.. hu. b^n hued witb a new hard wood cabin at lb. yard ol Mc.r.. smith & Terry | Gr.enport, U L Th. cabin w.U b. el.gantly upb.l "C.choonor Sea Witch, D Y.C. Mr. Frank S 8t.? now lying ut Greonpori, U L, will .o.n b. pUced In commlMion lor lb. MaMn. lh4 A n.w racing rig 1. being mad. ^ Sawyer lor tb P1uck and Luck, now owned In New Orloa... D?T.d Kirby ol Kye, N V., .hipped for tho same owners on f XrTot I has boon |.arily vcu'a'n overnangin* Mr. D.utQl Tue schooner lidal Wave, w.i. 1 * j.t .-.ujavol ternal llliing. ol lb. TbW W.w, ? ? w,? ]T?l ^nr^mtr ?"r Th. w^dwork w.ll be ol ri r .p" in. celling being prolu.ely 0?M^rft?d w*itf pal* ling, on wood Tb. .Id. w.?. ol ?si".,, vj^r'irv" sux'S..... bS"--0r'"u.,"^s. "Si blU piH0.J ' torwa?'fo|U lb."TiarboTrd* arr.ny.d ibal uoi or cjo.u^ w||| pruT|Md wllh ,i.?p " Tbero will bo a nand.oino iuaul.1, a 8'*1* lo' " ?"nJ a D.ano a bookoaao aud alao an .l.ganl d?.K f'in"auo and bookca.. lo match ttte ?1 .??^rk Til. cabin will tM< upholstered in lape.try, SStt r.":rr.ui? r Ma'u1;w stoop yacht called Growler Is Ming Oni.bed .p..,., ?,r.. ag?A5y ^ied for th. S o g yoar -CommSdor., Charle. .I.ct.d for tn._ y 1C> Commodoro, CbarlM Lamb; H. liODg i (><trander; Troaaurer, William Pol ?erCrjrUr5caaurcr CbarlM u'aker. Hoard .1 l>ir.ctor?? r^.?p"rXcb? JollB S'*0cy' J,m" Colweli and B. F. Osirand.r. li.VSL.BALL N0TE8. Tbe Harvard University Mm have loit Leeds, Saw yer, Dow and Power, of the '77 nine. Captain Thayer baa exchanged third base for abort stop's position aud Latham comes irom leil Odd to second baso. Tbe now seen are Holden, '80, wall ksown ass Holder in tbe He aeon i ol previous years sad captain oi the Fresb man nine last year; Tborp, '70, oentre Held, lormerly loit field on Busbs ismous Harvard toain; Fossonder, '80, rlgbt Held, and Howe, '81, ibird bane, tbe lormer having played on tbe Freshman nino, and tbo latter on Ui? Ml. Mark'j. .Sonmboro, loam. The substitutes aroNunu. '7w, lormeriy abort atop of ibe Hi aeons and tluru base ol bla class nine, and Hooper, lor nierly pitcher of tbe Harvsrds nod Beacon*. Mr. Mhiliuio, i? mauager o( me club tbla year and Mr. H. ?>. Leroy, '7V, acorer. Tlu-y played tbelropouing game, In tlio presence of about una thousand specta tors, on ?<sli>rd*y last at Cambridge witn Una Huvcon club, detesting ibeiu bv a rcoro si 7 to 6. Tbo Live Oak Club, ol Lyuu, Mass., has Joined lbs International Association and envoi ed tor tbo obam pioiiehip. Uoatracts have been tiled with iho secretary ol tbe In terns Itosnl' Association between tbo Buffalo Ciub aBd David Kigler; fctnr Clob, oi Svracuae, an.i Ueorue A'Mbih; Kovliesters and John V?. tilennj Auburn* and C: A'Wilson; Maifchdfclere un? ffdwaru* Tnylur; Alle ghenieaand Charles Jerome; Haymaker*, of Troy, sfi<1 Joseph Butler, William Diack, Fred A. Itbhgan. Andrew Flynn, J. I. Cowsor, James Taylor, Matbow Law ler and Morria Foloy. THE LECTUUE SEASON. BIT. JOSEPH COOK OS CEBTAINTIIS IV BE LIOIOV. Rev. Dr. R. S. Storrs presided st the Rev. Joseph Cook's lecture st tho Brooklyn Academy of Music last svenlng. Tbe subject wa* "Certainties In Rellgloo." Tbo lecturer tald tbe certainties wero Ibst we aro going hence, that wo wialt tiP go bence In peace, and that we leave S record behind us. He said organisation did not begin life nor did ?itaorguuisitiou end It. Moral law la part ol tbe nature ol thing*. Tbe eternal some what ta au eternal some one. The nature of thing* is that eternal aotne one's nature. There la similarity between us and Him. We muat work lor righteous ness out oi pure and abeolute lovs lor Him, While memory exists conacience muoi laoo it. A do?erier shoold l*>e treated as sneb even though he reform and sin t*tit once, lint Ood >ut>siltuloa Himself and re ceives the punleliuteui. The cross is tbe siaa ol lor. girenese. i'lie red right hand ol I,sdy Macbeth could be wsaiied omy tbrough such means. ? Science grope* along, bnif seeing triiih. From Plalo uown to 1 ngor aoll not one ol these men ruuld l oiter tbo world. Un. divided Cnrtstiaoity was the safeguard. TnE FAlt XAIST. Rev. J V. Nowmau, ei chaplain of tbe United Mister Sen lie, delivered, lor tne first time In New York, his ccture ou "ine Far K ist," at tbe Iteii-irJ Street Methodist Kpl*copsl Church. Ho spoke at consi Jer able length on tho discoveries ol Layard, Smith and tbo othef K-glish explorers who lisve uneartbed Irom iho mounds in tbo Kuphrntes Valley tho lableta containing tbe history of the early Ori ental monarchies. He described theapptaranrs of Ibe Country at the pre ent day, the manners nl Its inhab itants, rums wiib wuich It is covered, und tho many inscribed taUlets and oilier works of ,iri winch have heen found among them. Ho laid particular stress upon Ibe last tnat all tho mod ern discoveries ol bis-rencls and statues, n? well as uli the Cuneiform Inicriptiona which hsve been translated, tend in a remarkable manner to authenticate ibo scripture narrative, even In its minutest detail', and lo prove the Incpirsuon ol the hooks ol prophecies. In conclusion he said that, as civilisation sgalu bads its Way to these countries. more Important discoveries may be made which will coolule all doubters ol iho Bible, aou 11> a I the spade will ultimately bo found more powerlul than the sword or tlio pea in establishing tbe truth o( Chris tianity. "iHE OTTOMAN AND THE MUSCOVITE." An Invltutlou w,a recently addressed to the Her. Or. Storrs to repeal In this city In the Academy of Music the two lectures delivered by him lately In Brooklyn and Now York, entitled "The Ottoman and tbe Muscovite; Their Long Duel." This tnrltatlou was signed by upward ol two tiuudred ol our loading citizens, Iu u letter bis inability owing to his engagements te scceie to the request mnde, Or. Morrs says:? "It ioo'ks now as if tbe mo?t startling combinations and events in ibis long struggio (or tlio control ol Southeastern Europo were closc tit hand, tfbe whirl ing currents 01 the present amutiou In England and 011 tbe Continent surpass all cOorts to measure their loroe or predict their effects. Hut tbe lacts ol tbe past are bej oud dispute; and 1 cannot but ? binIc thai Time, tlio great Interpreter, will vindicate tbe justness ol mat expectation whtcb looks to seo a Cbristian mate or aones ol Stales llrmly established between the Black soa sua the Adriatic." KINGS COUNTY SUPERVISORS. A regular session of the Kiugs County Board ol Su perrisoM was held yesterday afternoon, Supervisor st Large Outbrle to tho chair. A resolution was adopted recommending tbo enactment by the Stele Legislature ol the bill introduced by Assemblyman Bergen to prohibit the msuulacture of hats by con victs in any ol the State priaons of tho State. A motion was mado culling upon Superintendent of Buildings Jauiei Naugbton to rauke a detailed state ment ol the buildings under hts supervision. Super intendent Sexton condemned tbe manner In wbich Mr. Xaughton bad conducted tbe ofDce, aad a com mittee ol live was appointed to ascertain if the Super intendent lia<l properly discharged the duties devolv ing npon Dim. A committee was sppointed to go to Albany and oppose the bill now pending beiore tho Legislature to purchase certain turnpike irancbises. The bill, If parsed, it was stated, would entail an expense of $100,(XX) on Kiags county. DIVOUCED. A decree of absolute dlvoroe was granted by Judge Reynolds, ot tlio Brooklyn City Court, yesterday in tbe case ot Clarenou E. .-limb against Mary Smith on recommendation of tlio releree. SHIPPING NEWS OCEAN STEAMERS. DATIS or DEPARTrRK FROM NKW YORK FOB TBE BOOTHS Of AFRIT. ASP MAY. Stmmrr. Krln tlernislc ? lien Warder. Wyoming Bothnia Baltic .... Italy 1' Ciilaud llolKiiila Mate ot Nerudn.. City of Ilichmonu. Helvetia Hermann Aleeria i'ereire I esaini; Htate "I Vlriilnlu.. Adriatic Btrypt Moaei CiiY ol New York. Montana..... Buasla henlrdsm City ol Montreal.. Wleland Htate ot Indians.. Oiler Nevada iApril Suevia IM ay Idaho I May Ojflr*. t>0 Broadway ?ft Bmadwity 2 Bowl in it Green ?if* Broadway 4 Bowline (ireen .'17 Broadway ?9 Broadway S'l Broadway fil Broadway 72 Broadway 15 Br. adway tW BrOMdwny 2 Bowling lireen 4 Bowline Grean V, B roan war til Broadway 72 Broadway :I7 Broad-ay (ill Broadway 2 Bowlinir Green 15 Broadway 21) Bro.idway 4 Bowline (Ireen .VI Broadway 15 Broadway HI Broadway 72 Broadway 2 Bowling (ireen 120 Broadway HI Broadway 20 Broadway ALMANAC FOR NEW YORK?THIS DAY. SCX AX? DOOM. San rises 5 37 Bun sets 6 Jfl Moon sets....morn 9 37 nrcB WATER. Sandy Book....eve 9 21 Gov Island eve 10 06 Hell Oslo eve 11 51 HERALD YACHT WEATHER OBSER VATIONS. April 4. Iloraeslioe Bar Scotland l.'Uhlp Bandy Hoot., /lor. fnrh. >n m 2f> 55 29.5(1 Noon 4 PM 8 I'M 12 1*M]99.40t 44 j Thrr. n*q. Wi^L I Ftntr of tfimrtT. ElClondy F. lOloudy CalmlCloiidr W|Cloudy PORT OF NEW YOHK, APRIL 4, 1878. ARRIVALS. mcrORTBD BT TMR IKKAt.D OTKAM YACIIT1 All) HERALD WOITUITOM TKLgOkAIH U?K. Steamer J B K ilkar (Mr), Dunacotnb. Uriktol March 'JO. in ballad. to Arkell, Tuft* k Co. Anchored In Hravetead Bay for order*. steemer Prior (Br), Brown. Newcastle IB day*. with eoat to (? A A K Yoyer. March 24, no lat, Ac, had a heavy HW Rale, lam In ft l'< b?nr*. In whtcn waalied d?ck* and parted ?tetirlng soar; ?Jlh. lat 43 Ion 54, *poke bark J H Donne (B?), Ironi Havre lor Now York; April 1, lat 41 !kl. Ion til. steamer I'orga (Hr>. boaud h.; 3d. n? lat, Ae. an American bark (bowing sit nam .IKUS. buvnd w. steamer wld Dominion, Walker. Klchraond. City Point, and Norfolk, with mdea and paseengerttothe old Dominion steamehlp I ompany. Shin Ureal Weitern, Slmmona, T.lrerpool Pub 16, with rue In* ti 0 II Marshall A Co. Had stroiiK westerly gales the out I re |.aasa?o; March in, eo lat. Ac. e\i h.itmed *ig ualk with a bark allowing letter* J LDP. Irom Dublin for New Vork. Ship l.eey A Nlikeli (of Seareport), NlckeW. Liverpool 4m day a, with salt to niaater. Had ctroug weaterly gale* the autira paaiage Ship Se Plat l !tra. Botden, Ijondon and lala of Wight 43 days. with mdae to urlnnell. Minlura A Co. Ilad variable weatlior : Marel: -!H. lat 41 -VI. Ion il'J 2<i, ?nnke Ip Kdgar, from Dublin. lor Baltimore; April 2, lat 30. Ion HO 411, brig Thatla. hence for Port hlleabeth. Slilp (.. Ismpo Kinila (Ital), Corcarello. Dublin 43 daya, Ic ballast, t" l?atiro, Htorr A Co. Came the northern peaaage end bail strong weaterly galea. Ship Kerorlta (tier). Petereon, Bremen M day*. In bal laat, to Tbeo Kmer. Caine the northern paaaava and bad heavy weiterlj galea. In which laat and split eaila; was ?* daya W ot lt>e Banna; Feb 18, lat SO, ton Hi bad a barrleene from SK to RRW, lasting 7 hour*, In which loet three lower toMalta. Ship llallgerda (of Ploton, NS). MeKaaale, Tt'eiell March 4. In ballaat to Jana< hdmiaton. Hark E?se*. Peterson, itangibar Dee 14. via Pert Bllta beth r?b 4. with nid ' to Arnold, lllnea A Co. P?iied Cape el Wood Hob* Keb It st Helena 2 lat and uveeed fcqaeter March 7. In Ton S3 W : bad freak MR trade* la flonth Allan tic, troth SB trade* la the North Atlantic, which were loet lu Ut L*> N. Ion tX> W ; Ihenee to llattern* had variable winda and weatbett from hatter** to tlita port bad strong and llrfht breraea, varying from WSW to RNW. Keb 10. lat 17 .'i.'l S. Ion 3 IH W, *poke ahlp t.nrd Kant (Br). Irom Calcutta fur Dvndee. >17 days oat; March V lat 3 <A S. Ion ?JH Ml vV, bark Yorkshire (Mr), from London for Melbourne, .'HI dav* out. with M p ^aongera on board, all well: April I, lat 37 (A R, Ion 7 J 'JU W, aclir Julia A Ward, Irom Rockland for .New t/nean*. Hark Kobert A Chapman (of Dorcheater. Nil), llntber ford. London Peb 10, In nail net. to P I Nevlus k Son a. Anchored In (Iraveaend Bay for order*. Hark Argonaut (tier). Bremer. Brom*n A3 day*, with mdae. to II Koop A Co. Came tbe middle passage and had aoma strong weaterly galea. Bark Henry (tier). Haastnop, Bremen (13 day*, with mrtao te II Koop A Co. Ila<l strong weaterly gale* the en tire passage; Keo 7. during a heavy tale, auIoo (iuoti, teaman, lell overboard and waa drow:ied. Hark William (Br), (larding, Havre, Keb .*?, \ la Tybee March 20, In ttallawt, to eriler. Bark .N'orpen iJinr), Olaett. Berdeau* 45 day*, la bailee!, to order. C*m<> the soatliern piiaeagn and bwl line weather to llattera*; tlienee 1(1 daya with Yw caie* aadra>ni* llark Maetlannlna ,t|aletvl? (Ital), Maneino, Algiers .M* daya. with enlee to Knneh. fcdye k < *. Paaaeil Gibraltar Pebie. Bar* Bene'letto iltaD.Caflero, Cagllarl Jan .in. In ballaat, to Lauro Story A Co. Bark Hratilera (Sort . TTjom*a?n, Pernamhucn 31 day*, with sugar to order: vessel In i'unch, tiitya k Co. Croaaed I he K'juator March H. In Ion :MI W. llara t:erl*ande ioI i>reeiiocft). Thotna, Pernamlnaeo TJ daya. with sugar lo order; Vi *sel to Hewlett A Torranre Crossed the Kr|uator Marrh 8. Ion .Vi, Off t ape llattera* had a violent hurrienne, lasting lour hours Brig .nhIIIcIio (Ital', LongoberOo. l.libun 40 day*, with cork. t<> Kunch, Kdye A Cm Itrlj Mar.? K Tennell, Ketoo, Malaga Jan III, via Car hanrra- a'd Carlhageua Keb It, with imiae to order St iir Ch *? K W aalitimtnn io' Well fleet i. Hollimnk. Port Ant 'nlo, Ja, 13 d?y?, wnb Ouli to M J Wenb?rg A Co. ??clir Lulu Amm-rman. l eirson, Mrnn-wlek. tie, via Hampton Ko*>ta III data, with lumber lo master. Had atrong northerly and easterly gaie*; apllt aallt and lost boat, la bound lo iti aion : put lu lor a harbor Selir hleauora, H<|Hlrti, lieorgetown, SC. A deya, wltb aaval atore* to Dolloer, t'otier A Co; vteael te E u llerl burt A Co. eehr A H llaodman, Hern. Richmond , Va. Si hi Napoleon, liaedy, Vlrglt ta. sclir Jessie A hliiahnllt. Weaver, Baltlrtere. Sehr II H Dlverly, Wilkineon, Baltimore. Hchr Pernh llobert, leiuiln, Baltimore. selir c 1. Slinpaon, Houtpley, Baltimore for Boitoa. Pat In for a hurbor. Scur Loitle, Tayler. Baltimore for Boston. Put In for a harbor. Selir s POoHlfty, Yatet, Baltlmeri lor Saco, Me. Put In foi a harbor. 8rhr Maggie Rllnn, Llitlejolin. Oardlner, Me. for Wash Inglea, '? I'm la ler a harbor. PASKED TtlR(?t'(?H HRLL GATt. IIODND HOfTH. Steamer Alhami re (Br). Mefcihlnrey, ft John*, RF Mar.-li an, t'owhai. (Ili. Wih.snd llalifa*. .Vs, April !? for .Sew Vork. with ladee and pasaencert to t'lark and Sea man. March tf>. off t:ea* Mace, spoke brig Ae?dian (Br), from Mew Vork for 8t John*. .Vr'i April :t. tIPK.on .lae lu'ket Shoals, passed steami r I'orte*. (rem .New Vork lor Ifellla*. Steimier Neptune, Berrj, Boatou for .New Vork, with nulse end I assenger*to II K Dlmoc*. Meanier t'ltr ol Kltehbar^, (Springer, V?w Redfbril for Rew 1 oik. with md>e and passengers to Barling A I'avla Steaiuor 'llllle, hwln^, .New london and .Norwich for Nww Vork. Selir Laurel. Krve, Oe..rge* Bank* lor New Vork. with 3.1M> halll'Ut. nelir t? r Hathaway (Br) llogan. Alma, NB, for New York Selir A B Baxter (Br), Batter. Cnrnwa'IK, SB, for New York, with notat'iea to Duryea A Co. bclir Annie II (Hr>, Hecord, Cannlns, R8. |nr New Vork. Selir Jeisie W Slarf, Allen, Keunebee Ktver for Sew V nrt. sehr L A Burlinganie, Burllugame, Hellowell, Me, for Wmhinglun, IK). 8' lir iillre KiDabeth. f.lndsley, llelh for New Vork. .?ehr N II skinner, Thraaeher, Bath i?r Sew Vork. 8elir Snbao. Palmer, Mnvhlaa lor Sew Vork. si tir Odell. VI Ins ow. Portland, Mo. lor New Vork. fclir 'lelertaph, Tbofndlk*. Ihwmaaion fur Sew Vork. s< hr Flnl nnerloau l.indsiey, Hr.iBtforil for New Vork. Selir John D tirifliug, Oould. Olouce*ter, Ma*s, for New York. 8i?r Ittna A lliggln*. lll^gla*, rrovincetown lor Rew York. Sthr Samuel li Crocker, Thraaher, UvM<<> "?* York. sclir Daniel Webster, Wiustow, New Bedford, for Now York. Scbr Hyena, Oardmer. Vinal Haven for Now Ynrlt. Schr K II Atwooti. A:wo<xJ, Plymouth for New York. Schr Id* Delaiorr#, Cha-e. Providence for New York. Schr-Joseph Porter. looker, Provide ce for Ne? York, fchr Bells H Hull. Hrueb, Providence for New t'*k. Schr Milton. 11 all. Providence for New York. Schr L A Brookings. Hall. Providence for Virginia. Kihr 1 booiii* li Wiilia'ns. Williams. Pr ivldeuco tor ll?? erst row. >clir 'Thristisn*. Doilue, Moatauk for New York. II Jluwlltoii, Steelinan, Orient, Li, for New York, Schr V\ iu \Y Wood, llayden, Connecticut River for New York. Sclir John P Landrail, Robinson. Naw Have a for New York. Schr Excelsior Hlydenhurg. New Haven for ^'ew Y*>rk. Sclir K M Heed, liaskell, New Haven for Baltimore Schr A A E Raker, Murray. Bridgeport for .Haw York. Sclir Belle Seaman, St eel man. Hrld eport for New York. Schr Henry Keniien. Collin. Bridgeport lor New York. Schr Ixion, Wakl?y, Nor walk for New York. Sclir .--alllM Burton. Hurley, Stamford fur New York. Schr Ida Palmar. I'aliuer, Stamford for New York. Schr .Union Bacon. VYIIiiama, Northport for New York. Returned and anchored In the road* abova. on aeocunt of heail wind*?Barka Yilora II Jlopkina, for llarre; Orcbilla. for Corunna: Brunswick, for llarre; brig Jobaoua Lenox, tor Marseilles. BOUND EAST. Steamer Pritnconli, Hrasir, New York for Portland. St'Hmcr iiiuucua. Hearse, New York for Boiton. Bark Illimidon <Br). Potter, New York lor Rouen (and anchortd in Kluiblui; liay.) Sclir Morriijlu, Al'ea, New fork tor Boston. Sclir Albert Jameson. Candaca, New York for Pall River. Schr Maria, ilralh, iiavarstraw for Providence. Schr I'escedale, Caswell. Ilohokcu for Narrarauaett Pier. Sclir Liberty. Bennett, Port Johnson for Norwich. Schr Jeaaie vV Knight. Lawrence, Philadelphia for Salam. Sclir E R Birdball. Blrdsall, Phlliwielphia tor New liiiven Schr Henry Croaaoy. Hrackeit. Baltimore for Bridcepirt. Schr Joe Carieton, Mckerson. i'altimore lor Bridgeport. Sclir 11 B Ho?ard, Howard, Virginia for Hempstead Har bor. Schr M W (trifling, HronKinirs, Virginia for New Haven. f-chrOvefta. Ilarvey, Virginia for New Haven. FcUr Anna Myrtck. lllgglns, Virginia for New Haven. Schr Iniogene Diverty, (Jaudy. Kicbtnotid, Va, for Hart ford. Schr John McDonnell, Andrews, Richmond, Va, tor Naw Haven. ______ CLEAR SD, Steamer Othello (Br), Mitchell, Hull via Southampton? Chaa Ij Wright * Co. steamer Cornwall (Br). Williams. Bristol, B?W O Mor can Steamer Prlaia (Car), Merer, Hamburg via Plymouth ana Cherbourg? Kunhardt A Co. >teamer Saratoga. Sundberg, Havana?J R WarJ A Co. Steamer Iaaac H -II l awrence, Norfolk, City Point and Richmond?1 'Id Dominion Stcnmsliip Co. St.-nmer K C Biddla, Davis, Philadelphia?Jamea Hand. Steamer Kranconia, Hragg, Portland. Me?J P Ames Steamer illaucns, Hearse. Hoston. Mass?II P Dimock. Ship Uallnctimyle iBr), London, Liverpool?Jas W Klwell A Co. Bark Venns (Br). Ritchie, Birkenhead, E-J P Whitney A Co. Bark Balder (Swe).Wulff, lixmcmth, E? Punch, Edye A Co. Hnr* Marwanopoll dial), Cro ello, Cork for orders?Ban ham 6 Boyesen. Hark Artiare (Ana), Tnchtan, Cork or Palmouth for or der? sloeovtch A Co. Bark Zuletma (Norl, Arntaen, Hl?a? Punch. Edya A Co. Bark tivithlod (Sw), Wlehoiann, Elslnore-Punch, Edya A Co. ? Bark Tanadls (Nor), Petersen. Rotterdam?C Tobias A Co. Bark Moralag Star (Br). Slssoa, St /ago and Ouaataa ?rao? Wavdell <1 Co. Rrlc Mary C Mariner, Prince, Newark, NJ-J U Win cheater k Co. Schr Ti' tor. Sharrett, Port Maria, Ja, and a market? Moaes A Coben. Sclir Hnitia K Smith, Lee. Naaaau, NP? B J Wenbere A Co. Schr Harold (Br), Hansen, rt Johns. NP?P I Nevlus A Son. r-clir Ella Matthews. Heed, Jacksonville. Pla?Geo H Fqnlres. schr Thos O Ronton, Miller, Richmond via City Point, Va?Evans, Ball A Co, Schr Henry Hemsen, Allen, Providence. RI?U W Jack son. febr Harvest, Corwia, Uncssvtlle. Ct?Chaa Twtng. SAILED. rusaeis (Br), nwatl (Br). B Antwerp ; Etna (Br), Kiaastnn. Ja; Saratoga, Havana; Isaac Ball. Richmond, Ac; schr Nellie Treat, Port Spain. Steamers City of Brussels (Br), for Liverpool: Prlaia fOer).-Hamburg; Cornwall (Br). Brlatol; Mercator (Br), MARITIME MISCELLANY. Capt Johu W Sadler, of the steamer State of Nevada, from Glasgow, lia? unr thank* for ipeciil meteorological observations made lu connection with the IIebald tVeatber Service. Sti'amki Iuntil was totally destroyed by Bra at Pentaeola night of Mnrt h 31. Stkamkr Lr.trxtc (tier). Hoffman, from Bremen for Balti more. ban put lute Hampton Koads under sail. Smr Start**, ashore east of Klre Inland, was righted on an even keel yesterday and steam pumps were workinu. Prospects are favorable lor saving tbe ship if good weatber e?n tin ties. *ark Johh MirnuKs (Br), before reported wreaked on CayoCulr. Padre, near Cardenas, whs owned by Capt David A Roberts. of Salem, Mass, and was not Insured, either on freigbt or o?rgo. Hi? trWAiin J a was, O'Brien, from Portland, Oregon, for ilonnlulu, before reported ovtraue. arrived safely at her dcsilmtllin March 11. She had a very rough passage and lost several sails and some of her spars. Kaic Sophia Cook (Br). Dana, Iron New York lor Qeelf, which put into Pnliadolphia mi 1 nesday last for repair*, mport*:?Passed Sandy Hook March I'M, at 3:3n PM with light southed* breese and (Uncharted oilot. after which we filled away and stood sea; at 0 PM toek la light sstle; at 19 PM It was very dara. hlowiav- fresh, with tblflk fog: at 2 AM -l?b wind moderate^ with a war* r?Muth a*a rsssinir, and took ia tUe mainsail; at 5 AM the wind healed sud denly to NB and ireabened Into a stormy gale, with u he ivy sea raaning from oB; at 4 I'M kept off sK by U; there was a sharp sea rannlng at that time, ar.d we shipped utea which broke and started water cask* adrift, but succeeded in securing them; at 4 .30 I'M puiope were tried fer ??> minutes and did not set a mioW ; eonneeted the second pump and pumped stead ily uu;ll ?! PM, when we sounded the well and found 5 feot of water ia the hold; rt:?i PM foun.i 0 It 4 in. with both pumps working, and at 7 PM 7 feet of water; short, ened eanvss and wore sblp. heading her westward, pumps going steady: at H I'M sounded well and found 7 nil ia. and at 10 PM 7 ft 4 in: lound we could keep ber free II the sea became smooth; alter 12 AM :tutt> the wind moder ated, sad. the sea becoming smoother, sunaded well and lunnd that by working both pumps we wore ualalnc on tbe leak; at H AM found I feet, wind N. line, clear weather, one watch making sail, wblle the ether worked steadily at pumpa: course W hy N ; at 9 AM fonnd 3 ftH in, and could not tret a suck, the maa leeomln.- exhausted; 3ist. tbe weather became calm and sea smooth, aad the leak was reduced to 4 Inches au hour; April I, made the land, came in hy Cape llenlopen, took a pilot and was towed to Phila delphia. Brio Sa?d*l Mr lit (Br), Wilmington. NU. fer Liverpool, at St. Thomas it. distress, cannot sake forward tbe cargo, and ia trying to ehartar a veeeei to take the same te lls destination. The cargo of sehr Tbe Star (Br), from Mays goes tor New Haven, before reported condemned at Ht Thoioaa. will be forwsrded In Britten brig Una. Hanuor. Ma. April a?The Peaobecot River It now open to navigation alter ti3 days of lee The steamer Cambridge Irotn Boeteti irrived yesterday alternoon. Uboffnarraa. Maes. April 3?The sehr Andrew Lelgbten. arrived this morning from l^aero baa*. reports tbe loe* ef two ol the crew. John frureon and Ausutwi Petersen, wno were drewned March J2 by tbe oapeislng of a oory while they were attendlmr trawls. They were natlvo* ef Sweden, and about 2<i year* of age. baa faaaeneeo, March SB Tbe sehr D W Tlattrea parted bar mooring* at Stewast't Point, yesterday, and became a total lose. St Thomas, March 83?Capt Kenaey, of th? Abbte C Tltcomu, leaves lor New Vera la tbe lja4Jt. He went bec< to Anessda. bnt onuld Had no trace ol tbe wreck at all. and, as far as he could learn, nothing nad be?u waetied eshoro except a part ef tlie bonse. As he bad lost bis masts bemra striking on Aneiada aud blowu away m<iel of his sails, there wa> little worth having. I He British sehr Peter Mit'liell, Cept Deyton. which vee eei went down to ttuu thn wreck ol tlie i?an I'edro. has ar rived hem. l.apt Ueyton report* that titer employe i the verv be*t pilots aud dredged lor six week? and never an.4 anything. It I* said thai the last wrecking party blew 11,1 the remainder of the vess-'l and tiif p.ind has prooahiy covered over all 4bcr? was left. The expodltton Is a com - uiete 1 allure. WHALEMEN. Arrived at kti**eii (Bay of Islands). March I, bark Alaska, Klehec, ol New Bedford, w|th V><i bsb fp oil aud 140 wb do aud tt,9UV lie 7>4nc since letting Rasseifc Imi June. At Pitt's Ulead. Chatham, la Jaanary. bark Taitea, Keith.ef New Itedferd, with I.Vthble lor the season. At laleahusno Keb 21, bsrx Kalrda, Hsndy llato lleren deen). with 4W> bbr* sp oil taken this season. uept Iteaily wa< 10 return home an 1 the Kalceu was Id charge of t;apt James A I rusrell, of New Bedford. Sailed from llussell (Kay of Islam!*). March I, (hip James Arnold, Wilson, ef .New Bedford Hark I onise. Millaro, ol New Bedford, arrived at St Helena Keb 'J > clean, and would salt lor home direct. ltafk KlWmetb. n| M Helena, recently so snci-e*slnlly commanded hy ('apt Wick*, lias i.een condemned, and will by an-ther vsksi-I. I'apt Wick* tailed for home by the steamer which left St Helena Marrh 2. A latter from ? apt Peakas. ol bark I'raco. ol NB. dated at sea, nolat. .Ic, Keb au, rays, lisdfil hide sp, l,2.V>do wit oil and l,2>si Ins none, all told. Keports Jau <?, lat 34 n, Jon 11 *. b-srn liar Head, Jen tier, NB. with bois sp oil, all telfl Heard irom.lan 1H. harks Mabel. Iloran, Nit, with 3 right wualee; Hope On. Maker, do, wit 11 3 do do, and 7A bbls spoil; lies-lemon*. Vincent, da, with 4 right whales, maklnc >.*) bble oil. raw.Ian 10 harks Petrel, Norton, NB, With 4" Obis sp ml j Ocean, Holmes, do, with IHiiospand 2*11I0 wh oil, this season, itp to Pee HI, ship Tonng Phm nit, rtlfford, NH. had taken aothiag; tin to l>ee *>. uark .tea Itaager, Ki*nders. do, had t*k?n 1 whale; Loalsa. Mil lard. and nnussosn, Alm> do, net nln*: up to Jau I, barka Bart l?o*nola. uohlnsnn. do. h*d taken 3 right whale*; Mary r raster. Dexter, hdgartowa, 1 whale, aad <ien Scott, ttobulas. ot > b, nothing. Another letter from t)*pt Pi-akes of bar* Draee, ef NB, reports her off Ascension Island, reh with (Vi bbls sp oil, 2 right whale* and 1.ti? lbs unae, taken sine* leaving St Helena. A letter Trem ('apt Clisca. ol ship Jlieh Perry, of NB. resorts ber at Talcahu-ino Peo 24, witu iJ bbls sp oil tak< n last cruise; all well. Was ready lot sea and would sail next day. a letter from ('epteiti Tlnkham. of bark Charles W Mor gan. of NB. reports bet off Asten-i'-a Keb .2, witli IM bbls spoil taken tins seasnn. Keports stoke same day harks Koniieani, tllfford. NH. with a.Vi bbls sn oil taken this *oa soii ; Attleboro, Howl and, Nil, with KUld > sp oil. A letter fMru (.'apt ? nark Kllraheto, at St Helena, repmt* at sea Keb I berks l'r> silent, t'ease, NH, clean; Keb 3, Oeorge A Mary, Cltaee, do, 32N bnis sp all tolds Oen Scett, Bobbins, do, ia:? bbls sp sine* leaving St Helena. BROKEN. Shlo Korntosa. Reynold, from New Tork for Shanghae, Keb "JB 4h S, Ion 3 i ill W. ?? bip (Jii-beo, irom Philadelphia for l.iverpool, April S, lat 37 Ion 74. Sehr >larela. Reynolds, from Porto Cabollo for New York, April a, lat 34 4M, l.-n 7a_;t? OUK CABLE BHlPPntO NEWS. At.tONt, April 4?Arrived, steemer Larllne (Br), Grelg, ltaltimore. AasTKgpAg, March 29?Sailed, bark Alma (Nor), An dr***cn, L'nlted States. AKTwrar. April 4?sailed, bare Joseph Illekman (Br), Bishop. Philadelphia. Hftkat*. April 4?\rrlved. brig Or Laicar CJer), De Boer, Wllmlngtntt, N(!. Aleo *rrlr:d <th. the Aigo. Schntte, ? (brig Argo (fler), SeliBite, lre? Wilmington, NC, arrleei at Leaden Match 4i. Rakcbloka. March 30?Arrived. bark* Kelo (Sp). Lam nelio. Savannah: Saivatore tltal). Jacearioo, Baltimore; April 1, britf Attalayadn i5p), Ulbbernan, New Orleans; 2d, bora Mafia (Spj, ha an, Charleston. Dublin, April S?\rrived. bark Aliea (Br). Bernler, Da rioa. Falmouth. April 4?Arrived, ship George M Adams, Mor rison. Uuaiilllot; bark Hilda (Swe). Wulff. New Orleans (iwoenTin, April 3?Arrived, bark Veritas (Kna), Rosen berg. Pensacola. (lr.i?oi, April I? Arrived, bark Evanell, Ooleord, New York. IliTH, April 4?Arrived, sbips Otor;* Washington (Uar). Probst, and Tlmour (Br), Ltthgon, New Orleans: barks Bridgeport. Morgan, do; Othare (Hr), Wtlaou. Savannah. IiIVkhpool. April 3? Arrived, bark* John Shenard, Bur pass, tlalvesto ?: Will W Case. Dermot. Bristol, Me; Walla (Nor), forensen. Galveston; 4th, ships China, Baker, Not Orleans: Sterling. Ilaker. San Francleee; bark Coustanoa (Br), Kerr, Heatifort, SC. Also arrived 4th, itoamer* Donatl (Br). Gregory, New York; Lake Neplzen (Br), 8cott, Portland; Teutonla (Br), Fllnti, Sew Orlaan*. Sailed 3d, steamers Iberian (Br), Horne. Boston; 4th, Hooper (Br). Murell. do: hark* Maasimo d'Aaegllo (Tlal). Dodero, J'hlladelphla; Indastria (Ital), RchlaiBno. Now York: l.uce (Ital), Kelago, Delaware Breakwater (last two not pr<vlou*ly). Lokdo*. April 4-Arrived. sbips Bedford (Br). Congdan, New York; Casllda. Pike, New York via St Thomas; bark Marte (Ana), Domini, New York; brig Anna (Nor), Patter son, Wi'raincton. NC. I canon*. March 31?Arrived, bark Christina (Br), An drews, New York. Quf.KKirmwif, April 3?Arrived, ship* Cl?y ot Vienna (Br), Pindar, San Prancheo; 4th, Ceylon (Br), Colter, Baltimore; Livingstone (Nor), Hansen, Philadelphia: Sll verbow (Br), Dougall. Sua Francisco; Blengfell (Br), Me Culloeli, Astoria, O; barks Aurora (8w), Albrecbtsen. New York via Bermuda: Light Brigade (Br), MeDonald, Balti more; Bottermere (Br). Ogleby. Astoria. Passed Crookiiaven 4th. steamer Bavarian (Br), Qas solo, Irorn Boston for Liverpool. ROTTKitnAM, April 4?Arrived, barks Alma (Nor), Lob meyer, Astoria, O; Constance (Dateh), Nannlnga, Balti more. KotTF*. April 4?Arrived steamer Nympban 'Br), Adams, New Orleans. Kio Jakkiro. April 3?Arrived previomly, brif Chowan, Clements, Baltimore; 3d, ablp David Stewart (Arg), Forbes, do. Sailed April 3, bark Dom Pedro II, lindens. Baltimore. In port April 3, steamer Memllng (Br) lor New York, Idg 1S.OOO bags coffee. BiiAnrKRrs, April 3?Arrived, chip Stelnvora (Br), Main toab, Darien. St Catiikkiib's Poirr. April 4?Off, steamer Nederland (Bel?), Handle, from New York for Antwerp; bark Marco Polo (Uar). Schnltz, from Charleeton for Bremen. Wirrnronn, April 4-Sailed, bark Sen Crest (Br), Ben nstt. New York. IFKsTroBT. April 1-Sailed, bark Bluebird (Br), Mltcb ene?. New York. Arrived at a United Kingdom fort April 3. bark Yan wath (Br), Yoas, Ball River. Lowrox. April 4?All the cargo of the bark Frnacl* H11 yard (Br). Conn, from New York, ashore at Havre, will ba saved in a damaged condition. Bark Adventure (Br), from Pentacela for Hartlepool, ashore on Moose Sand. Is a complete wreck. WBATBBB BEPOBT. Pi.tbooth, April 3?Wind SW, moderate! barometer 2ft *X FOREIGN PORTS. AcCki.and, NZ, Feb 21?ballad, bark Oeorglette, Small Now York. Adklaidr, Feb 1?Arrived, bark W H Diet*. Eadloott Burr aril Iulet: Swallow (Hr). Ilentr, Hoston (ar.d laltmi 22d for Hydney): 20U> (not 15th), Brier Holme (Br), John eon, Port Towneend. hailed Jan 2?, barks Cavalier (Br), Mnrchlson, London; Feb 7. Jas A Borland. Kent, do; 12th, F B Pay, Rollins. Newcastle; 13tb, Kurlk (Kus), Bsrgland, Ncwcastlo and Ban Francisco. Antigua, April 3-In port, ichr Sarah L Davi*. Cottretl. for New York. Idtr. Dkvkrara. March 3f>? Arrived. eehr Parana, Packard New York; April 4. brig Potomac (Br). Wllaon. Baltimore! In port April 4, brig Chesapeake (Br), Wmte. fer Balti more. to (ail name 'lay. Foornow. Feb (i?In port, bark B Aymar, Lapham, from Manila, arrived Jan 31. Uknoa. March .'II? Arrived, barki En tell a (Ital), Kaneag llato. New York: Odd (Nor). Mortessn, Baltimore; Uug llelmo D (An*). Druecovlch. Philadelphia. OtaHAi.TAR, March 2?-Arrived, brig Ta?eo (Hal), Da Gennaro, New York; ecbrlho* J L>anraiter, Hauler. do. Mono Kofto, P?b 3-Hallcd, b?rk Ada Wlswell. Wis well, Saigon. In port Feb 14, sblps Alice M Mlnott. Whltmore, for Lon doo; City of tia>itax (Br), Km*, for Portland, O; Charter, Hailett; freeman Clark, Dwiglit; <?atborar, Thompson; Or est Admiral. Thompson: Haroer. Milleri Hn malra. Clough: Titan. Merry, and Wlldwood, Harrlroan, uac; bark* Amle Florence, Johnson, for New York; B F Watson, llawkln*. tor dan Francisco; Alden Bess*. Noyes, and Herbert Black, Troat, for Portland, O; Lady Bowen ibri, toz. for do; Aanle Lorway (Br), dale*; Ceylon, Lelley. and Quickstep. Barnaby, unc; sehr Coeraa, Viu cent, do; and otner* bofore reported. llOMOMiMT, March 11?Arriv d. bark* Edward James, O'llrien. Portland; 12th. Jamee Cbe*ton. Hamilton, Port "amble; IMh. Rentier.; IMh. snhrs W H Ueyar. Brown, Han Frsudaeo; Hera, Miller, do. hailed Ikk, al.lp Portland Llayd*. Chase, I lowland's Island: bark Uslen W Ali.iy. Freeman, itan Fraoetaoo; 14th, ship France Cherrle (Fr), Wulgnon, Panning'* Island. Havana, April 3?stalled, stesmsr Oracle (Sp), Eretuma, Baltimore, to load for Liverpool. Ltttutoh >Z, Feb 28?In port, bark Lore* Doone (Br). Lyeil, from New Vork via llobart Town. Lisbon, March IS?la port, prig Virginia, Devoreaax, for St Thomas to sail same day. Mni.nonnNB. r'eb 11 ?nailed, ship Hudson (Br), Oolvllle Onam ; 19th, ship Panar. Bray. Ilolle; 13th, sotar Sadie F Caller. Webber. (Jusra ; 27th, ship Oen Bntlor, Kydsr, Han Prenntsro via Newcsstle In port Feb 20, ship The Brace (Br), Sontbeott. Irom Bur rard Inlet, arrived Fab II; Hondoller (Br), Anderson, from (Jniiber. urrlveil Jan 21); harks Arkwright, Bears, uno; ilal ton Castle (Br), Angel, Irrnn Burrard Inlet, arrived Feb 4. MAnsriLLrs, April 1?Atrlvsd. brig Don Quixote, York New York. MAVActrM. PR, March 21?sailed, scbr R E Yates, Hop kln*. New York. ? MwrASTta. N8W. Jan 31?Sailed, barks Stella (Gert, Mayer, sen rranetsro; Feb 2, 8 K Lymau. Plnkham; Ma nila; IIto. Manegan, Lace, Yokohama; 17th, ship Ariel (Mor). Kelleon, Man Francisco: 2<lih, itajsh (Br), Jenkins do; 21st, bark Hanvle (Pn, Chertrsi. do. In port !? eb 28, skips Borneo, bbaw, for Home Kong: Eskdale (Br). Cnrrlor. for baa Francisco: bark* Newark (Br), Boyd; Atheietan (Br), Baylev. aad Serena (Br). Vena*, for do; H (J Johneoa. Colby, for Hong Kent; No roid, Mckerson. for Yokohama?all Idg. Orofiro. March 33?Arrived, brig Red Rose (Br), Wlltia, New York. Poar .TAIN, April 3-la port, brig Starlight, Tucker, for Now York, Idg. I'ORTO Cabbli.?. Match lA-Ia port, bark Borwet, Hop kins, for New lorki hrlir Noma Dean (Br?. Scbolts.lor do; schrs Winnie Lawry, 6pear, lot do; Marion Cage, nhaldoa, ? Irom Philadelphia via Lagnayra. arrivsd Imh, for Now Yerk; IdaM Kldrldge. Fletcher, for Philadelphia. Po.xCR. I'M, Marcn H)?Arrived, nebr Winner. Nash. Now York land sailed 2 th for liamaeoe); llth. Or Ik Rnhy, Rleo, TriaKod; 13th. scbr data .Sewman. Kewtaa?.*i taem** 18th, br?? Pedro. Monlton, St John*. PR; *Hk. scbr O W Whltfore. Bryant. Barbados; 21st, M| Ellon Maria, Hoi- i brook, Arroyo, PR. Halted 9Xn, brlge Aimwell (Br), for Boston : Lai an (Br), Day Vew Haven: sehr C D Allen, Ne woo tab, Barecoa. - Banowai. Feb H?In pert, ship Belle Morse, Hatchlas, not; l>ar? a Navstiik. Iiarstow. irom Nagasaki; Alaiaua Bleneliard. and Uoonell. >ranch, one; Koeetla McNeil Brown, and \eata, I'erey, do. Btdncv. NbW, Feb II-Arrived, bark Oakhlll. Hallivaa Pujol -outld. ' Hailed roe 2. steamer City of Hsntlaco (Br). Darke Lon don . I4(h, bark Mebol. Ileerlng. Let-lpede Islands and Europe; l.Hb, ships Klrkwood Br), Lamont. Ran Franei* Oo; lath, Lan.-dale (Itri, Joiiklnson. do. In port Feb JH, shlpa Herald of the Moraine, Towne and David Brown. Cuicurd. for Callao; AiartmrK (Br) Arm etronc. lor Han Francisco; Poterboraw*h (Rr), Oardaer fordo; California, liore (fVimi Auekload, arrived I3tti) fur do; Cordillera (Brl. McAlllatcr drum Victoria, arrived 7th). for do: Weltlncton (Bo ), Wllleatren. and Lltsle Mar shsll Datnor fordo; Kmmai: Real. ?a4 ley, for Java; ?rt? Sea Waif. Maaaoa, fer Haa Franciaro. ?SWATOW. Fsb 0?la port, hark Mt Labaaaa <MiK HatL from Chefi-o. arrived lat #T Tifowsa. March *)-Arrived, bark Hat(le II (Br) I<?ekpart, Dankirk: brigs Wanco (Bri, Poeipr. 'ioeoa. Jlae f^Sl1* *Who.U; fhM (?ampl.ali (Br), Marshal. Trinldsd; aensa Mary W l?ra?v Oats. ?luadal..?iie;l'eti-r MltehV ll (Bri. Dayum Lagnarra 2lat. Iiaybreek. Mackay. t arapaiia; 22e, Yoiiag Teaier Pse-aire. Martinique; 2.1d. brigs llsttle H Blshott, Bishop (?nada>nupe; Florence May (Brl, Uallsier, Peraambuco?' ?elir Florence Abbott (Brl. Cadsll. Martlnlqne. nailed MarrJi 21), brine -ami Capel (Brl. Hpqrr. Bear River: Alario (Be). Hnnuder-, Liverpool. NH; sehrs llraoe Webster, Youag, Cardenee: Jessie lloyt (Hr). .Nutter Port ? Itleo; K M aleh (Ur), tHlcll, Hear Hirer: 21st hile* R inoa (llr). Kdoett, New Vork: Iranhoe (Hn. Kirk pstrick lyhee; echr, AlorthaiBr) Moltae. HI John NB Curtl* Tllten. Shaph-r4, I'orto Rloo; Annie Lewis' Al. drieli, do; 2id. hark Ana Mis?aeth. McDentt. f^uba-'srhr Ellsabetli 1>e llart, Uwe, Ports Kico. ' In P 'tt Mareli 2;t. barka Imperadnr (Br). Rossnor. from Philadelphia for Ancona. car>ro ail In. lias askad f..r S'i ?rjj> on bottomry; Mar* M Bird, I'aekard. from Batarta for Huston, on ranlklng and remetslilng; brig* Vme |s_aa tltall, hae aekeil for a loan on buitorary: Haml Molr (Br). IIIrks, trom Mrilmington, NC, for Uverpool no dia poettioa rot made of her cargo of :ar; scbr The Htar (?r) eoBdrnriMl. ? hr .Icmiiv.v /'R, M?rch 72 - Arrived, tclirt Aonlt fiavli Alar,eh, Ht Thomas: 24?h. M.ibel, liengor ' Helled Iflth. brig* F W lienors,y (Bri. for Boston; IHth Tssads (Br), do. ' called prior lo Jrttli brig flaglet (Br), Davis, Mow York. Hant s Msrch 2H_|n port, barks Jo.s h Mere. Carlisle, for New lork; Florence rotors, Mi.nntlort, snd Ueo f Kemp (Br), Tsylsr. lor N ol llatteras; brigs Harry Ht?w ? rt. l.arruboet Clara Jenkins. Dodge ; L K Motiaoii iluns ley, and Arthar tRrt, for do; Mary K KowlanT Lawtei for lla tlmare: schrs Kusai eth M Coo*, Cook fo? do- Car? D Lothroo. Trott; Ad* Harker, Dobbin; U L'Curtls' llart lett, and Mabel F itlxples, Palnam, tor N of llatteras-all Ida; and otl.ers. Vt( rnaiA, Msrch 2fl?Arrived, bark Whistler. Hmlih Han Pranelara. Wki unoton, N* F b 23?In port, barh Lorinda Borttoll, Borstcli, Iroiu Now York. AMEBIC AN PORTS. ALEXANDRIA, AprilS? Arrivsd, sehr Aneroid, Havsa nah for lieoritetown. Balled-'Hthr Woi Layton, Stamford, Con.i. BOHTON, April 4?Arrived, steamer Wm Lawrence llowes. Haiti in oro ? hsrks ?rtgga (Dan), Mnlier. llenoa ; Norway, Wood Hsterla; brl* sparkling Wator, IIUhlHirn. "?.'.'f M * M,i- l"l^?^"?^ >ew Orleans; Anna Hall, tlritlln. Mlragoane : W m iiayes, Kaiming Oien'ae gos; AMsn* lloge*. Ithode*. Hsltlmore; l.oitln K Friend Collins, do; Usury Dsvsy, Kin*, end II M BneP, Ireland^ Pbilsdelphia. Cleared?chr Vosemhe. Chase, St Kilt* and Barbados .?ailed-Hteainor Pembroke, tor Liverpool. ? BaLTIMUKB, April 3?Cleared, echr .Moi ii At-1 i >i11nr., April .1?Cleared, echr Montesama, Msk ner. Boeton via New York. C,eared-Hisamers Raitimore Helile. Bremen; Wni Crane, Kein. Bo.ton, OaJeaisd r, Clark. > ?w York; berk h D Hlgelow. Ilnllburton, l.oiidonderry Also cieare.l. barks M Louisa (Ital). -umlden. Dublin; Edwin (Norl. Ilerlotaen, Copenhagen; Carmelina (Ital), Cafferena, Antwerp; Dnlssoppe Masaone iltsii, Murlllo! Urssuors. 1; brig K I! Wright. Clark*. Ulo Janeiro: schrs Fve Atoll, Ellli, Port Spain: Porest Oak, rerk*r, !(?? H ?TIB. *alled-Steemer? Baltimore And Eurl of Lonsdale; ship Protector; barks Pederlco L Suevo and r*a*?erl. A!*? ?rkrWTd' * *T.hroll (Br). Tucker, Liver pool: Ch.rie.kabl (Oer)Mofcu. Boston. Is; Christopher Coiutrtbnt (Nor), Knurl en. London. BKLKASr. March 27-Arelve.l. *cbr* Haseltlne. ??rtl.n B??'?n & "Delr; *hh. ? A Hoffman. Smith. Norfolk, \ a ; JOtu, Ella, Pendleton, Bath, to load lor Wa>h* lairtoa. 31?t~8ail?4 ?<thr? A "?vlord. ttlcker, Jacksonville. flat M ?r?. iUcbmoud, Va; Sen Flower. iioblnton Isle au If Ant. ' April .'I? Cleared, ?cbr H V Heaburjr, TYIiam. St John VR BATH. April 2?Arrived. schr Harriot 8 Brtok* Har mon's Harbor f?r iiowdoinham. to loud i,,r New'York ? Kmuia tireen, Tibbeta. lor Richmond, to load Alice Horda, Taylor, Portland, to load lee for . ' Sailed?sohr tien I toward. Reed. Now Vork. 3d -Mailed, ?ehr Alice lielle. Oammou, Washington. BRISTOL, April 3?Sailed, wbr Hamilton, Fletcher New York. CHARLESTON, April 2 -Sailed, shiD< Andrew Jeckson Rerllctt. Liverpool; Sylvanns BUnehard. Oaken, Nevtl' bark* Mctillvery. Hatfield, Rotterdam: Hone (Nor). Bauita! Hamburg - erl* Carl (luatav (Roe). Landirren, Hull. B. 4lli ? Cleared, hark (leorgu Peanody (Brl, Hilton Nor. lolk; schr* A K Valentin*, Mew York; Wllllo Luce Rock, port. ' Sailed Sleamor sea Oull, Marahmitn. Baltimore; Gulf Scr-ain. Ingram. New York rachra 11 at tin Kelaey, Randall Mntmiaas: ileorge Washington, Rolf, ?V?at India*. CALAIS, April 1?Cleared. aeiir J K Carver. Wall, New ? of k, OARIRN, <Ja. March 24?Arrived, barki Sunbeam (Br) Davis, Barrow: 2ftlh. Pebr Brake (Km). laaksaen, Bristol; ?'K'tb. Morlu (Rni), Nenmitn. Liverpool; Tlirer (Uer), Kru car, Cartxgena; Minna (<?er). Bon*, Lilvorpool; brlit llpo tar (Hue). J'aevole. Liverpool; April 1. barka Der Nordtiol iQer), Scbnlt, Plymouth; Mathilda (Br), 1'elletien, Bruna wlrk; Lnia A Martinet. Brittin. Savannah. Cleared Mareb 28. bark Vantaa (Oar), Voelt*. Wet* liar tlesool; achr Nattle Lausaon, Collin-i. St John, NB; 2f?tb berk* Pris* Priedrltli Con (Iter), Granxord, Montrose; Honaflde (Nor), r.lleaaen, Dover; brif Nancy (Br). Kearon. I.itnerick. KIKIABTOWN. April 2?Arrived. *ehr Olive Avery, Tu? per. New York for II vnnnla. Ill port-Bolir* ? L Kenney. Parr, from New York for Rockland; (tilde. Uurnet. Irom do for PIjniouth ? Now Keijnlo*. Rafford. from Stony Brook for JJoothbaj j'Mmj linnfrdon. Mullen, from Vow York for Bonion; Kuth Ilod* don, rorrfjr. from Warehara lor New York. Sailed? achr Annie Bell, brlfHn, (from Miragoane) Boi ?ehr, "V April 3-Sailed, ateamer Vindicator. Rocei*. Philadel pkla. OEORORTOW*, SC. April 1-Cleared, iclir A K Olover Podter, New York. QaKDINKR. Me. Mareli 2S -Sailed, achra .lease W Starr Barton, end H T Hedge*. Smith. Philadelphia; S C Tryon Matthew*, and Royal Arch. Crvwell. Baltimore; Magirlr Filets Littlejolin, iind Serali C Smith, Bank*. WaaHngtoa; U A Barliairsine. Burlingame. Albany; 30th, Alice BelL UaoiKon and Stephen Morgan, t b.aebro, Waablnstoni Ihereta Wolf. Champion, Baltimore ; 31at. John t San lord, ?"!??. Wm. D Marvel, O'lCeefe. Philadelphia; April I. Watebful. dill. Albany; id, ijoo W Jewett. BNIr, Brunaw ck. <ia; Wm II Whltaker. Cnrll, and Annie M Allen. Lenklln, Philadelphia; 3d. Mawio J Uhadwlck, Nor rla. Baltimore; Jennie M Carter, Carter, Philadelphia; Lo. retio. Kie'i, Savannah. r y J AC C SO N' VIL L.E, March 2fl?Cleared, ?ehr Robert Mr han. Donne Uayti. Huth?Sailed, *ohra R W Huddetl, Deputy, Baltimore! Alabama. Hon*, liemorara. April 4 -Cleared. ir S W Perry. Look. New York. NKW OKLRaNA, March Sli?Arrived, Hteamer Nortk CtnTa. Havana; aebr Jonnle Wood. Plsattl. April 4?Cleared, atenmer ThaoaUa (Br). Thom*on. Llv ?rpool; bark Veteran. (Sage, Keval; brljr Lena Tharlow. Oorbeit. Cork. ' Ataoeleared. ateamer Ariel (Br). Holll*. Liverpool; barka Vl,nr*n. (t?er). Meyer, Cork; rteuy Oude (Nor), Dae, do. Pasbw. March SO-Arrived, bark Mlatletoe (Br), Delap, Mai ansaa. KOHroLK. April I?Arrived, *chr Richmond. Thomp. ?on. Now York (with low of both anchor*). NKW IHDroRD, Aprils?Arrived, brig Itabella. Nei London, to fit for wliallnir. NEWPORT. April 2. PM-Arrived. sebra Wm Voorhla Ooliumith, Provlilaiice for llaveratraw; s J Llndiav, Ke? nody. New York lor Round Point (and both *alled 3d). Sailed?Sehr Sarah L Tliompaou, Uoll. New Yora foi Providence (ater discharglnK part of carco at Kori Adam*). AM?Arrived. *ehr* Yreka, Driieo. Perth Am^oy fo> Salem; II Meana. tlawklna, do for Pall River; Vefanv Mureh. do for Melem (and all aalled). Sailed Kchr Blackatone, Keller, New York. PM-Arrived. *cbr Hampton, Klotdier. BrUtol for New York. In port?Schre Pearl (of Biddeford, Mo), Rmery, for New York; T P Abell, llogan, for do, both about reedy to *alt ! after wintering here. f n&yi1!' AP;IL1-A:rl'(,d- ?ehr, Althen, New York; (I W Wbiatler, Hoboken for Norwich. PORT MADISON, Marah 27?Arrived, bark Wm H Oaw. ley, McOnire, San Kranoi*co. PRN8ACOLA. April 1?Arrived, bark Uortonear (Dnteli), Dutelna, Schiodam; achr Ariadne. Dyer, Havana Cleared-Bark Waiama (Ru*). Byatrom. Aberdeen; Verl {?JylM. Ro'enbor*, (.ardiff; achr Lettle Well*. A ah lord, PORT ROYAL, 8C. April 4-Sailed, achr E A Ilaya, Smith, New \or*. ?.ELPHM?o Ap'2! ?A'1,1*'*!, *chr* Jennie N Huddell, Cranmer, Boothbay; Sallle W Kay. Donthty New Yorkt Lucy May, Freeman, and L Q C Wiahart. OatC low, Botion. 4? h-Arrtved. ateamer AC 8tlmera. Warren. New Torkt barka Johanua (Oer). Knepcke. London; Antoinette (Itai), \?0T? M?rln? (Ital). Krall, Cette; aclin Addle It Warner. Uwis Port Antonio; Jnlia A Oarriion. Smith, New Haven; Saille W K?y. Doughty. New York AI*o arrived, aliip Pactoln*, Cofcord. Liverpool; uark Re former. Rrown, Havre , achr* Seth M Todd. Norwood. Oar> denaa; Taylor A Mat hi a. Clieeaemao. Clonfneuo*; Nellla Bower*, ntaekpole, Cardenaa; John Hloaman. Call, Small K?'"11'. ? Cnllon, Andereon, Kennebec; Joalab Whltehouie, Porman. Wood'* {lole; Lucy May Preemao. Boaton; W Wller. Warren, do; Ji! lien Nelaon, Hewea. New Bedford; I H Perrr. ?*>; American Kagle. Newlove. P.wtucketl PL Oodlrey, (Jodlrey. Somonet; .1 Hurley, Nortnrup. Providence: Eli*a A Andereon. Butler. Portland. Ct: Prar.ce* Snubert. Cranmer. (few York; MAR Coraon. Cor ?on. Denol* Creek; W L Hikin*, Lndlam, do; W L Abbot, Ludlam, do; W P ()rr, Holland. Lewee; Dart, Callowny 5?fK?i',,Wlln?L*4W ' Weher. Vatirhn, Wa.hlngto? >>C; Index. Hcull Charleston: Marv B Kemerlck. Rlekarda, Dohoy; Fennr K Sh*?, Italian*, Peneacota. Cleared?Steemer MayHower. Davtdton, New York; hart Aker (Nor), Orum, Ltoboa;* Charles Mori or.I. Person*. Matensat; Abbie O Dow, Corson. Boston; Rachel Seaman He am an. de. * Alee elenrod, steamer* Berk*. Pendleton, Rett Cam bridge; Centipede, Hmitb. Button; ship Magnolia. (Br). Sutton, BrUtol, fc barka Melbourne* Br). Dunham. Queen* town; Aimonla (Ital). Kerro. lienoa; hriir J W l*a.keri Kane, Port Kll**beth. COH; arhra Kenny W Cutler, Saoo; Daniel Oifford, (*ubb. Boston* Oale Kilnv New Haven; Etta B. Boyle. MlUvRle; J H Perry*'Woo^I New Bedford. Sailed?-teamers PotUvllle. Berk* and Centipede. Lrwif, Del. April .3? I'eaaed out, ship Qnebec (Br) Rood Pmladelphlalo' Llverpool; bark Kvcnin< star Nor). Nat via. do for Gibraltar. ' 4th-Arrived, echr Wm II Keeney. Beers. Rio Janeiro. M^r';o?:^::^d^l:;^^om?n,?.Bh,o,,?from DuoMn: &ri? '*"r* "?"?one (An*), from Hull, ha* been ordered t? iii 11 aooixi n I a. PQHTLaN P| April 3-Cleared, schrs ?llen Morrison Orne. and Alaska. Thorn kike. New York. HMlrd?Brl* Troiena. 4th-Arrived, steamer Dominion (Br), Roberta. Liver pool; *?hr Wm B .-<t?eUnao, New York. ?!?2??w?iTi??*rA!LV,nJ0 iBr)./nderwm. Liverpool. PORTSMOl, TH, April 3?Remaining in lower harpoc JTV",''- JUn5*T00i fro,B R?ekland; Herald, P? laod. t aiei* for New Y.wk; John Stroue, Hurat Kennebet for do. PROV'INCETOWN. April 3-Arrived, eelir Ida C Ballard, Small. New Orleaae for tlrfle, Sweden, with a cargo of cob l'AWTUCKRT, April 3?Arrived, achr* Ella* Roe*. Lew la end J O Pell. Shropihire. Port Johnien. ^ W PROVIDBNCB, April 3-Arrived. *chre Kate and Mary e?cg*well, Newhurg; C P Slpatck*o>. Bll**.rd; J O Ke'' Shropshire, and RHae Ron, Lewi*. Port Johnson fer Paw! tucket; Chancellor. Kergu*on. New York; Sarah L Thotnp. ?on. Hull, Now York. ^ Sailed?nteenter* Tonawanda, Sherman, and lfer-nle. Swaaey, Philadelphia: arhi* Alvln Lombard. Lombard end h ? Irwie, Jobuaoa, Vlrninla; Hertha. Couover. Perth Ambov; Cornelia. L/o?. Port Johneon; Shamruea. Troy. Haventraw; BraM*. Tryon. Mow York; i'oehaeeot,It act ett, Orteat. SAN PRANCISOO, Merch 27?Sailed, barka Frerno Leech, Port Oambie; Sto Adrewe (Pr). Le Koy, BurrarJ Inlet. ?'rmrw SKATTLfc, March 26?flailed, berk J B Bell, Fox. Sea Pranclaro SAVANNAH. April 4-C1eered. ship Caravan Waefilaor Liverpool; bark Condor (Br). Mockler. do; *chr M Muivoy Pounlaln. Providence. *' Sailed?ship. Theobald. Adam*, Liverpool; hlla ? Thever, Mluott, New York: barka Commodora Dupont, Nlchol*. Montevideo; Aphrodite (Br), ilieakatone, >le3 ' ,,ro"?t*dt; eclira DAB Keir-Ell'* New \ork; Jona* Smith, ?t?o<ll?h. do; Boaale 5 "????<">? Dlckeraon. Betn ; Carrie Bell. Seavey. do- g V W Mmtnon*. Catmpheil, Phlladtlpbie. Iiiin rT'A|r"i"A't'TH'"cbr Ann K",?,Do,r?M- Por?* Sd-S?iled britc K?uhdln (from Hath). Norfolk, and ? part of the fleet which baa been wind hound aeferal ,l.? PMIadeSpnie. ^r" Sailed->ehrt Jane* Bnglleh, Barker, New Tork via SMor ell **? **r*h *'-***'*? ?h,?? Mat hi Id* (C R). Jonea t < 'i?l!.?T??' J^l 3?Arrived, ateamer Rn#u. w'aKKHa'U TnTtf'V TrV I ' S^rvHCh.CakeP8ay - ,,0?P J<n,e, TttSSk Aorll;,"Arr""'-*ebr ,"ry " *'??. An W/Bir" 3-Arrt'Bd- ?hr w?A Sailed >rlir Annie HHsa.forniarteslnn.SC. YACHT!*. HTKA. AlllO.V'i's. ACi JM CAN UNDERSTAND Til AT TUBUS IS NO TIME TO ADV KKTIHK I.I K R Til K PRESENT. BUSINESS in BRIMK AM) tha elrei?l?tlaa of tha BTKMXO TKLKOKAM far tha week audiiig ?'ttturdujr. Marclt ill), 1H78, was ?? follow Monday... .......... 4J.H00 AUVEKIISINU JUG. A LINK. Tnaaday ?? MOJO ADVERTISING JUO. A LINK. W?4"?<Hy ADV RhTI?li*0 200. 'A LlkE. "" 48,430 Th?r?d?y... j n,Y ' 'jgy.' * A jj? 43 7W rriUf 44MC ADVERTISING *>(\ A LINK. Saturday 44.00Q ADVERTISING *10. A LINE. Total ... A OVERTIMING 200. A LINK. Dally *v?r*ga 41.773 TEAM TAOUT ro? HAL.K DH Oil ARTEr??4* Yp.r.T km|'. earrla*4Ui mniieli, lait and a *ood ?a? boat. ebmery rntlroly naw lait ?'?ixon. .Vudron ?i. IBWiKUS, b"\ 31 l'i>at iifllcB, Boston. Mmi __________ WANTiJ^aTaCUT. ABolIT 4?>>Ki,r STii AI,L; mimt l>a Mnnd. In ijoud ordar mid w?ll found. Addrat* bo* 4.IH3 haw Yor* i'ont oflic?, giving full partlenlar* and nrlea. WaVtKD-HY AN KXPKitlh.sO&U PTmJT, a. tloa od a utaam yiebt: Urat rlau reforaacaa. AddroM PILOT. I on olllea box *1, rttamtord. conn \l" AN'FkO-A SECOND MAN^HBAUOimi BfEAMHH, ?T about 0"( fact lone; lo burn noi orar I,Sj toua o-ial p*r day. AJdraa*. with full particular*. K. N. T., car# John 0. Hnbinli), Ift5 Mitl l?a i*na. _________ WANTED-roOR OLD I!ANAL If >*rn. bU>v{! elcntly ttroni 10 oarry a load of lumbar *$****?> statin* tonnarfa, prloa and wbern Men, W. A. fcNUKMAH, No .Ti7 WaihuiKton *t , II rook I rn. ffllSCBIiliANBOVk. MOTHER* ~~ IIOThtRl ! 510X1115148 J l4n-ri.llV proenra Mr?. tTiMLOTO BOOTflfSlj nV Hi; P lor all dl*aa?-? of t*?thl?.? In pinl'lron i It rallaraa the child from pnln. rtirfi# Wlnil colic, ili? an-l by riving relief and baaltb to tba elillil <tl?a? rent tf tba mother. P-Sif. paink, uwmh or ri*wW hotki^ Ihludclphu, raealrca ?nd euraa all luug dlioa.ct wltb V/MW*. TO MAKE THE tJtJMH MAKU AMt UKaLTH? .... HROW.VS OA?rUOBATbO SAPONACEOUS Uji?nmv,Ki tM.