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THE COURTS. Legal Inquisition in a Mixed Up Mortgage Case. HEALTH OFFICER'S IMMUNITY Important Decision as Affecting Hotels ana Boarding Houses. Before Judge Speir, la the Superior Court. there was commenced yesterday the trial of a aait brought by Benjamin P. Fairchild, the old bondsman ot William M. Tweed, against Iberesa Lynch, the facts ol which are somewhat luieresitug. Tbe action la brought by the plaiutiff to recover $5,000 alleged deficiency on a mortgage wbicb be claim* she ossumod. Accord ing to the showing or the defendant It would seem that In 1873 Faircbild, a man uamud Loontrd and u real esiMio broker got up a schcme to rnaice a mortgage for $19,000 on a bouse ol ill repute la Twenty-seventh street nod get it ussumcd by tame party other tban Fairchild. Ou February 8 Faircbild entered Into a contract wlin Leonard to aall the latter the house lor $21,600, payable $1,000 in caab, $5,600 In Brooklyn lots, heavily mortgaged, and Leonard to assume the payment of a mortgage lor $16,000, which, aa alleged, i airchild represented as being tben upon hia property. Faircbild at the time did not own the properly and tbero was no raortgago whatever on It. Falrohild Mien made u trade with ono barber, lb* owner ol the house, and nine days alter Fairunlld had represented the bouse aa his ana bad agreod to sail it he got tbe title to it by conveyance Irom darner. On the next day Fiarchild made a mortgage lor $16,000 on tne house aud lot to a Iriend ol hia n itued Luyater though he received notliiug lor the mortgage. As soon as Faircbild and Leonard had made between themselves this contract to *buy aud sell ttio house Fair ehiid's broKor called upon Mrs. Lynch and lulurmed Uer that a Calilornla gentleman had ? bou.e in Twenty-seveuth street, which was suhlcct to a mortgage ot $11,000; that the equity over aud above the mortgage was worth $11,000, and that the Calilornia gentleman would be wiiliug to trade hia equity in the house aud take his pay In diamonds / Vti mm?a Lj,ncl1 " ,u? *ould not givo mm $11,000 in diamonds over and aoove the mortgage the replied 11 me equity waa worm it alio would, lua rroker then asked her husoaud to go aud look at the house. Shortly alter Fatrchiid's broker called again ou Mr* Lynch and lutroduced a line looking gentle mau as Air. Leonard, the owner ol the house turn, he had spoken to her about. Loouard smd ne Waa about leaving lor Calilornia and wanted l<> hoi some line diamonds, aud would liko to aeli his tquity lu this noute lor $11,000 in diamonds, provided tuey could agree uhout Uie price ot the diamonds. He selected ihe ulamouua to tne amount of $11 000 ana he agreed to cuuvey to her the bouse, suojeot to the mortgage, lor the uiamonda. Not u word was said about her asauining payment ol the mortgage, but ?bu simply gave the $11,000 lor hia equity. In alow uays Leonard informed her that he waa ready to cou Voy the bouao to her, and If sUs would aeud tbe diamonds to a certain oiiice named by mm tne deod would be ready. Accord 1 mi y . lh# package was Kent down to that ouico by a buy, aud he came back and reported mat he had delivered tbo diamonds, and that ihey bad bald they would put the dead on record. Leonard took the $11,000 worili ol diamonds, paid Fall child tue $1,000 iu mouey, and got a Iriend ol hia to cou ve> two lots iu Uroukiyu to Faircbild, aud tbo latter executed a deed o! tbo house aud lot iu Twouty ?eventu street, stating tbe consideration to be uoi f-1.600, at his contruct wltn Leonard called lor, but $2t?,ub0, and making the deed not to Leonard, as his coutiuct required, but to Mrs. Lynob, and Inserting in the deetl tftat Mrs. Lynch assumed me payment Ol tbo $15,000 mortgage. Mr*. Lynch was lulormod at> an excuse lor ilie deed not being sbowu to her that It had oeen sent to the Kegisler's ofUoe lor record. She has never secu this doed, although It was re corded. In a lew days she learned that iho house this so-called Calilornia gentleman had sold her was a place ol 111 repute, aud she seut lor tho broker, not knowiug that ho bad anylhiug to do with Faircbild, aud accused him ol wilfully deceiv ing her aa to tue character ot the house, and oruered him to have it sold at once lor whatever ho couid net. Ho soou secured a puroUamr and the houae was sold, sliu losiug the whole $11,000. As soon as faircbild had disposed of the uouse his mortgage to Luyster :or $lo,UUo waaassigued back to him auu ho assigned it to souio oue else. Tbe mort gage was lorociosed three years ago and tbe bouse ouiy brought aoout two-mirds ol tue uionguge, and iaircuild, as the mortgagor aud bondsman, was com pelled to pay tbo dellcieucy, auu by hie suit agaiust lira. Lynch she discovered that tbo tiouso waa Dot conveyed to her by Leonard at all, out by Faircuild, In tho manner aet lorth Move. He now sues hor, under ibis alleged afsamp tlou of the morigagn m the dood made to her. to re cover the $5,000 dcllciency. She sets up aa a delence thai the wno.e thing waa a Iraud upon her. Mr. Fuir Cbdd claims that, as the deed to her was pdt upon record, ahe thereby accepted all its conditions, one or which was the assumption ol ihe mortgage. Ho Chums further thai bo did not know Mrs. Lynch in me transaction at all, but only made ibo deed to her by Leonard's direction. The trial will prooablv occupy a day or two. Mr. Cowdrey appears lor the plaiuull and Mr. Dexter a. Hawkins for the defendant. PKOSECUTING A HEALTH OFFICEil. Thomas Slowoy, a milk dealer, sued J. lilnke White ?D inspector of the Health Board, for $2,000 damages lor causiug his arrest upon tbe ebarge of selling adulterated milk. Tbe case waa tried yesterday, lu tbe Marine Court, beloro Judpo McAdam. Upon the trial It appeared that Slowoy nud been arrested upou a warrant issued at Wiulo'a instance, and was held lor trial, which was ban at tho bpeoial .Ses.-ions, where Klowey waa honor ably acquitted. Upou ihe conclusion ol tbe trial In the Marine Court Judge McAdam dismissed the complaint, upon tho ground that the deiendant'a ollleial position jusi illeu him in m.iklng ibe complaint II he believed it to oe true, aud that iho actiou toeing lor malicious prosecution malice could uol bo inferred liorn liiu mere want ol urobable cause, and there bemg no evidence ol express malice or corrupt motivo liter* could bu no recovery. HOTliL AND IIO Alt DING HOUSE LIENS. In tbe case ol Gondon against Hart man, Judge She*, lo tho Marlue Court, yestorday rendered a decision el much importance to keepora ol botels and boarding bouses. ins delendant retained m security lor tue pay luent ol a board bill property ol plaintiff, including not only lug personal baggage, but ulao a piano and otuer lumiture, and (be question was wboiner me lien ol tbo deiemlani count extend to tbe pUuo and lumuure ua well aa tbe baggage- 'ilia Judge held l but II did noi. he ways that tint law ol lhoO does not alter tbe right ?! hotel keep era, not tliut *uch right remains an at aotumon law. Tuo statute merely give* l>oardlug house keeper* a lien upon tbo and effects ol tho boarder, and such lieu doe* not extend to pianos or otber article* ol housobold furniture. Tbia distmoilon, be says, in recognized by tbo Kngltsli courts, aud it* sous* is coroiueuuuhiH. li uuuld not be the policy ol tha tlatate ol IdOO to revive in lavor ol botcl aua board log House keeper* u privilege winch tbe poller ol tba law ha* long domed 10 laudioid* distraining lor ram. SHOO UNO IN A SYNAGOGUE. A largo assemblage thronged Part 1 of tbo Court of General Sessions yomerday to hear ihe detail* ol a cm* of leionioua assault, In the result ol which tba Congregation Tilero* Israel, N? 70 KuM Broadway, Waa about equally dinded. Louis l\ Davis, a mem ber ol wboso family had been boon run over by a railroad car, being too poor to employ counael to proso cute a HUH lor daaafM, hi* Irioud, Henry liernstetn, lurniahed tbe lamia on condition i bat be should receive ball the aroouut recovered. I be suit resulted In a recovery ol $U00 damage*. When Bernstein claimed ball that muin a dispute arose a* to bow the lawyer*' lee* and other expenses should be delrayed. Davia Die lUliino retained tbo money. 1MFI* stela tneeilug Duvi* in tne syuagwguu said:? "You Won't give mo my money/ New I'll kill you." A* tliesu word* escapnu him hu die* ? plsiol aud llred at Davis, wounnlng him lit ti.? breast, llernstoin tried to escape, but was captured, the aflair causing great excitement. Ihe defence, which la conducted by ex-Judge Curtis, will be that ol accidental (booting, and the further uearing ol the aaae will be resuuud to-day. SUHMABY of law casks. lo the cmr of Hlriohlleld & Stern against Collector Barnoy, in which tho formor sue lor ailoged ezeeaa ol dutlea, tho Jury In the United titatea Circuit Court, Judge Wallace presiding, brought lu a Verdict yester day Tor the government. Jnnn Newell, a burglar, who was caught In tbe sot ol carrying oil a bundle of clothing valued at 9114 Irom the room of Frederick a. C'lmntock, pleaded guilty yesterday In l'art 1 ol the Court ol General Ses ?lone, and Judge .Sutherland lentonoed him to (our years lu the State l'rison. A lad named Konert Mhnw was oonvlctod yesterday, In tbe Court ol General gestionis Part 2, of snatching a pocKoihook containing $30 from Mrs. Mary tlcCoin ber, as she was alighting lion, a crosstown c>r. Judge Giidersleeve sent him to the House ol Kefuge. in tho suit ol William Armttroog afainst the ex* Cforsol III" 1*10 A. T. Stewart, to recover fi . hiKJ m ich hail b?en paid over to another Willumi Arm sliong, a ih fault taken a lew nays allien was yesterday i.| eiici on motion ol Itr, H. V. Avorill, counsel lor ihe plaintiff. An ex-convict named Arthur Hlrsch and John B.ikvr, who stole Jewelry and ulothing value.i m $^0 from Ilia apartments ol ll.trMra Livingston, Jsnitri ss n the tenement hon?o No. tfJ4 amnion atreet, aero arraigned ior trial /osterdaj In th? Court ol Utatral Sessions. Baker wus Bent by Judge Sutherland to lb* State Prison fur two years. Uir?cn ueuianded a trial, and vii convicted uud sentenced to tour yearn im prisonment. John Ilaici). a boy of thirteen, pleaded guilty yes terday tu tbe ooasion* ol snatching a |OckPt. book Irom a lady'* liana. ?nd was sent to tne House of Keluge. Otto Oswoid. who pieuded guilty to euticiug tliu uoy to commit me crime, wm seut to ibe State Prison lor two year* A peremptory writ of mandamus win Issued yester day sgainst tbe Ancient Order ol Hibernians uuder the order ol the *>uprt mo Court on application made by Matthew P. Breen, counsel lor John J. McDurmott, formerly naiiuual socretury of tne association, com mauding it to forthwith reinitiate McDeruiult, who was expelled on tbo 4lb ol Januury last. Tlio affidavits ol three physicians showed tiiut MuDermou became sick aud disabled from spinal meningitis. M> untune be Was receiving weekly beneiits. He was expelled because be was lound absent from borne in tlio evou iuk in violation of a bylaw. Tbe mandamusdireois l?s restoration as a member in good standing. Mark Hagerly, lute police roundsman, who was dis missed Irom tbe department, as alleged, upon tbe test!irony of Captuiu Siebert, obtained a writ of certiorari, and then, upon suggestion of Junge Lawrence, submitted afUdavus 10 tue Police Cunimis sioners asking, upou tUo lucis therein stated, bis rein siuteiuent. A* ttie Commissioners took no action In tbe mailer, be obtalncJ a supplemental writ ol eer tlorari directing tbe Comiuissiouers to submit to tbe Court those affidavits, ana their proceeding* upon them. No atieution boing paid to tbis latter writ, Mr. Lewis K. Grant yesterday obtained Irom Judge Daniels an order 10 show oause why tbey should not be punished lor couiempt. Tbe order was made re turnable to-day. Mr. Charles Weeks brought an sction against tbe fentlemcn composing the well known legal firm of ownsend, Dyelt & Goldsmith, alleging that they bad doceived mm luto st illing a suit and as to tho smount tliey had received ou tho settlement. The deleuaants denied ail the al.eguiions of decoit, and charge thut Weeks Knew precisely what tuey bad collected. On the trial of the cu&e yesterday bo.oro Judge McAdam, the proof failed to show any deceit or improper conduct ou the part ol tlio defendants and the complaint was dismissed. Mr. 11. 11. Moran^o appeared lor Weeks and ex-Judge Cardoso lor the de le u dan ts. Mr. Zekisl R. Thompson, lessee or property on Forty-seventh street, oiuained au award 0( $40,000 ou tho widening ol Broadway. A portion ol ibis claitn he assigned to Abraham V. Davis, wno In turu assigned the same to Josepu and William 0. bp oars. Mr. Thompson also assigned a portion of his claim to Jobn Matthews. A lengthy litigation grew out ol the ease, alter whloh all tne proceeding* were *41 aside and a second award made. This second uward en tailed lurther litigation, i tie tmrd trial of tbe suit was commenced yuoterday before Judge Van Vorst, holding Supreme Court, special Term, anu promises to occupy several days. In tno suit brought by tbe D< partment <>l Buildings James C. Dun, to prevent his allowing the aisles una passage ways of booth's Tbeatro to bo tilled with spectator*, the hearing rut down lor yesterday before Judge Daniels, in Supremo Court, Chambers, instead ol evolving long expected argument was cut short by an umicnliie adjustment of tbe mailer. Mr. Beojamlu F. Russell, counsel lor Mr. Duflf stated that the lease of tlii tueatro taken by tbe latter expired to-morrow evening, aud he stipu* luted that at the remaining operatiu perlormances no spectators would be allowod seals In the aisles or pas sageways. Mr. John A. Foley, tbe opposing couusel, consented to drop the proceeding* with the under standing that in case of laiiure to carry out this stipulation they would be reuewed. COURT OP OYER AND TERMINER. THE 'LONGSHOREMEN'S STBIKE?ACQUITTAL 0* THREE I'lilBONEKS CHAKGED WITH KILLING JEHEMIAH LAME. Before Judge Daniels. ? On the9th dav of October last Jeremiah Lane was lound in Wushinctun street with hi* skull smushed In, a deep hole In hi* bead and his eyes and lace totally disfigured, Irom the eflects ol which ho uied. Tbe police dilligently inquired Into the circumstances ol Laue's death, and ascertained that witnesses had seen Domlntclc Baunon, Edward McGuire aud Martin Dieskeer, who were then ou tbe 'longshore meu's strike, perpetrate tbe assault. Because the deceased refused to participate in tbo then pendiug strike, ol which it ws* alleged the prisoners were the organisers, it wu? alleged that they baa kiaued aud beaten him to death. 1 lie trial of the priaoners look place tu the Oyer and Toruiiner yesterday before J udge Daniels, iho court room being crowded. Dis trict Attorney Herring open* d the case lor the peopie aud first exiled Mrs. Mary Lane, the widow of tue de ceased, a very respectuole looking woman, who was draped in deep black, and who testified that tho deceased was brought to her house on tbe day tu question lu tne condition above described, aud that be shortly alterward died. Bella Murphy testilied ihut sue t>aw the brutal as sault ou Luue and saw Bunnou kicking the deceased tour or five times about tbe nead while tho latter was lying ou me floor of tho prisoner Dieskoer's saloon, at No. 41 Wasninglou street, aud Ibul McGuire was eu couragiuu Bauuon un.l urging him to continue the as sault. Mr. William F. Howe, who appeared for tbe prisouors, cross-exam mod mis witness und elicited Irom ner that many mouths elapsed belore sue told auy ouo of what i-bo had seeu aua also that fron; tbo position in wnlcb she stood it was im possible lor her to have ssen the occurrence. Mr. Uerriug ibeu read the Deputy Coroner's evidence showing tue leuriul nature ol tbe injuries to the de ceassd. Mr. Howe stated lo the jury tnul bis clients wero men ol good character aud gave an emphatic de nial to tho accusation, and Mr. Howe insisted tnat tbe evlucuce of the girl Murphy was unreliable aud that tue prisoners should ue set lrce. Mr. Uorriug slated that in lairucss lo the accused, Irom tno unsatisfactory nature of the eviuonce, he did uol leel Justified in asking lor a convicnou. Judge Daniels directed tho Jury to acquit the ao cused ami ibo jury immediately rondereu their ver dict of "Not guilty," and tha prisoners were then dis charged und left the court ronm, showering tnur tiiauss and congratulations upou Mr. lluwe auu being in return congratulated by a host ol friends wuo were iu aiteuduuce. OUUi.iT CALENDAHS?THIS DAY. Hufkkmk Court?Ciiamhkkm?liela by Juuge Dan. tel?.?No*. 25, 4?. 53. 6\ 88, m?, 102, 121, 126, 126, 128, 140, 162, 166, if4, 1 UN, 204, 200, 260, 202, 271, 274, 270, 277, 278, 2ttl, 282 286. hUPKhMK COURT?OBNKKAL TBRM.?Adjourned Until April 26. Court?.-ruciAL Tkrm.?Held by Judge V.m Vorat?Demurrer, No. H. Uw unu Fuel?No*. 460, 316, l.ltf, 2W, 308, 323, 366, 366, 361, 360, 300, 361, 370, 370, 378. 07. airHKMM Court?Circuit?Part 1?Heid by Judge Van Brum.?abori cuu?e? ? Noh. 172. .132, 3221, 3638, 8126, 2.1 <*. 3.120, 3311, 3200, 3200, 80(12, 3222, 2784, 3320, 100), 3280, 224<i, 3122, 3206 furl 2?Held by Juutto Uouobuo ? Buori uauxea?No*. 2777, 2700, 2020, 2624, 3170, 3<i;s7, 8030, 2?:i7, 2824, 3118, 3181, 2*40, 2707, 8381, 8.1)2, 330\ 32?8, 2000. I'ri 3?Heiu b? Juiijju tiwrniu v?abort outtMi?Non. 1066, 2626, 262'), 2627, 2870, 0247, 1776. 3142. 3144, 8140, 2o31, 3062, 21G1, 3068. 8040, 3140, 320 ), 327L MJfKuioH Court?utNt.KAL Tkrm.?Adjourned tine die. sctkrio* Cocrt?Spkcui Tkrm?Hold bjr Jud^e Sedgwick.?No*. 8, 46, 60, ?3. atfRRloR Court?Trial liu?Put 1?Held by Judge Kre#dm?0.?>0#. 409, 262, 0i8, 640, 647, 648, 317, 1265, 810, 821, 822, ?8*1, 061, 66*J. 763. Pari 2? Held by Juiiye apeir.?Nok 612, 066, I0U2. 1003, 08u^, 676, M0, *68, 621, 741, 804, 80s, 870. 871. Part?? Held by Jud^o Curtia?Caae on, No. 461. No d>> cil. andar*. common Plkas? Ubnkral Tkrm.? Adjourned for Mia term. Common Plrar?Ciiamrkkb?Held by Chief Juattco & V. I>?ly.?Nut. 4, 0. Common Pi.kas?Iqi itt Tkrm?Held by Judge Larre muri'. ? No:-. 10, 23, 2, U> 14. Common Plkah?1 rial. TkmM? Part 1?Hold by Jadgo J. I". Dal).? 1 o 011?No. 1060; iioday calendar. Pert 2? Held by Judgn Van Hoi ?e ,No*. ItHO, 1361, 1200, 2004, 1422, ott'i, 840, 730, 1440, 1448, 132U, 1146, 1460, 1461, 1462. Makink Court?Trial Tkrm?Part 1? Held by Judge Slierirtnu.?suorl c?Ut?s?M?. 2773, 4178, 4o?7, .;2"4, 42110,9436, 3l?>4. 6726, 4370, 4182, 4414. 460J. 4104, 4?B7, 3017. Part 2?Held by Judge McAdam.? Snort cuU'ua?No*. 4277. 3172. 4156, 424-1, 4<r.6, 4207, 4100, 4084, 4261, 4346, 4363, 4606, 442<i, 4.114, 4J07, 407H, 41ft-*, 4381. Part 3?llfld by Judtie alien.?No*. 4211, 4JU0, 4828, 4nuu 4320, 8807, 4101, 4162, 4201, 4362, 460.1, 4606, 4882, 41(47, 465d. Court or Ornrral hRRRinsR?Part 1?Held by Judge buiutriauiL ? I be People T >. Henry Ucruataiu, lelouioui aeaauit and t>ati< ry ; Kame v*. Henry Win lame, Kuuben KoOeria, J0I111 l.o.'tu* and !? Jick ?on, and Charles Drcylus*, burglary; Mania Ta. Henry ttcliebe, pent larceny; .Same ??. Kdw.ird Murray, con cealed weupone. 1'art 2?Held by Judno Uildar* aleeTP. ? l'be People v*. Jnlin Wnlah; 8ame Ta. Jamci Uallagber, rubbery; Maniu ?*. lbuuwui 1 aylor, leloiu. oua aaaault ami buttery; 8?nu> re. I'liomaa Madden ano Jainea Hudson, M'inie ??. Joseph Waiers nud Jolin Nngle; Same ts. Hugh Me.Nniiy, H*me T?. Jobn Mur. ray, l'uter Ku.luu uuu Jauiaa Murray, burglary; mm T*. Ctinriea laindera, grand larn-uy ; a line ??. Will, lam Aokeraon, Hi.iuu v*. Iteraard liouuelly, bauie va. Kobort tlurne, laroiny In m me pnraon. Corar or oykh ano irrminkm?Held by Judge Dauioli. ? llie People Ta. l'Uillu Kngle, uianaiaugliur. COUHT OF APPEALS. Albany, N. Y., April 4,1178. In tba Court of Appeals Tburaday, April4:? No. 181. Klorunih Ward Su nm Dank ra. Hay.? Aixum< ni ri.aumed and concluded. No. 185. Uiluernlcern va, Laixion.?Argued by R. K. Anderaou lor appellant and Joun Caaiuan lor ru ?pondent. No. 161. Out*t t?. City of Brooklyn.?Arguod by Joiiu J. iownaend lor appellant; re?poudeut to lab* mil. No 1 nil Odell Ta. tlovL?Argued by R. W. Vanpelt for appellant; re?|H>udent to auiumt. No 180. Uoodwin v*. Manx.iciiUHutta Mutual Inaur ance Company. ? Argued liy UeornoUlim lor appollant and Ocorga K. Uaniortb aud P. M. Crandaii lor re ?pouuent. N?. 15A l.yncb t*. MrNaliy.? Argued by Malcolm Campbell lor appulleut aud >'rauk J. Duplgnao lor re* pondent. CAUWDAR. The following 1* the day ealaBdar for Friday. April 6:?Nos. i:i8. 146, 170,180, 100,102,105, l.<7. UNITED BTAJE8 HllJ.EWE COtJKT WAainRdTON, Aprll8, 1878. Tbo follow I nr eane w*a heard to-duy !? No. 26. Mlnllabar T?. Rol>ln*en?Appeal from the Cirealt Ooari lor the i*iern limrini of New Yurk.? lit 1 a Wag a bill iu t<tuitjr lor a diaguTtry and M a?* counting. Tbe allegation was that the father or Shll labar vu lhe owm r ul certain lends id llliools which he sold to the defendant lor 127,000 una was to une ct-ruiu property in Kings and ?*?? x oouutles, $800 es*h ami a roottgige on tho |>roi>?rtV of defendant In Kings couoty lu payment: tbu subsequently the defendant commenced proceedings iu the Chaucery Court of Illinois to cu force a specioo perlormunue of Una contract, pending which the father ol compiniuu diea anil i he complain aut was ab.-ent froiu the Slate aua knew hoiliiiu of the case uoltl after me uocree; the lauds lu Illi nois were Dot conveyed to Kobiimuh in accordance with the decree in that suit, hut that Robinson subae quently aold tho same ihr ugh a Iruudu.eut agree ment with other parties, anil lie was culled upon to uc couut for the money received lor them. The Court in tbla case lound tho equities lu luvor ol the defendant, and It ii here urged that it was a mistake as to tho inerita. M. U. Cardoza lor appellant; liergtn it CrooK for appellee. MRS. TOM It I JON COMMITTED. Mrs. Tom Rl Jon, the curiously attired young woman wbo sells papers iu tbo neighborhood of St. Paul's CUurcli, waa yesterday committed hy Judgo Blxby, at tbe Tombs, In delault oi f.'ioo ball, on the charge of assuuit. Tbe complainant waa a young man named Frederic U. Lyon. lie stated to tbn Court that be merely spoke to her by -w?y of pleasantry, when she bit him on tho shoulder Witb her caue. The prisoner asserted that he oauie up to her as she stood ou Broadway, near Pultou street, and blew In her laco, making ut the satuo umo u cbuckiiug noiso. Also that lie placed his bund on ber laco. She rerouted his uiieuiioiu by tapping blm ou tho hjiouiaur, when tho ? llicer cuine up nU'1 arrested iheui both. Not linvinu bail Mrs. lum Kl Jon was obliged to tako up her re*Mca< o in the City Prison 10 await trial at the Court of ?Special Sessions. CORNING AND HiS .RAZOR. Charles Coming a gentleman ol color, sooio tlmo since renteu apartments iu No. 142 West Sixteenth street Iroin Joseph H. Polkiohum, Mho residoi next door. There be lived with bis dusky spouse, who It seems, Is a lady ol playlul mood, but souiowliat irasci ble temper, and who yesterday uioruiug was guilty of a misdemeanor which tho owner of the premises deomed sulllclent to warrant cxpul.-iou trow them. He accordingly sought Mrs. Corning and with beoomtUK dignity and a show of legal autnoriza tiou ordered bur to depart from the place. The lady, however, was not at ail disposed to do so, and when tbe landlord pressed bis demand alio raised auoti a disturbance that be was compelled to drive ber out by force. Iu u rage, Mrs. Corning sought hor husband Charles and tolu mm ol the Indignity alio had bueu subjected la So lie produced a formidable razor an.i souabt an Interview with Polkinbam. That gentle man, however, declined, and Ouruln;;, outside tnu bouse, assured tho lamily that bo wouid "stay dar lu' ue nccs six testis and nevab let dat Polkliinam go oil alibe." Officer Mackey, ol the Twenty-mum precinct, however, took Corning to the Jellonou Market Police CourL and Judge Kilbiettt sent man ana razor to prison tor six mourns. CARELESS BLASTING. A gang of workmen wore engaged on Wednesday afternoon in blasting rock, iu West Seventy-eighth street, in order to dear the way tor the exicusion ol that street to tho Harlem River. At the sameinuo Mrs. Catharine Polk was btanding in her doorway, on Seventy-ninih street, fully ?0U feet distant. Sud denly an exploslou was hoard and immediately there alter fragments of rock, weighing from live to flity i pounds eaco, were seen ilylug in every direction, one ol them weighing ten pouuds struck Mrs. Polk and felled ner souaeiess to the ground besides traciunug her ielt shoulder blade and brcukiug several ribs. OlUcer WiUser, of tlie Thirty-first precinct, was tlio llrst to reach tnu injured woman, and alter seeing her cared tor arrested loomaa Kiug, the loreiuan, out could not tlud Patrick Call.mau, th? blaster. King was arraigned yesterday belore Judge Wauueil, lu tne Harlem Police Court, and committed lor examination, lu tne aiteruoun Mr. M uliiollaud, tlie contractor em ployed to superintend tbo work, appeared in tho Court accompanied by Callahan. Judge Wnridell thereupon discharged Kiug aud held Callahan to await the result ol Mrs. Folk's injuries. 1 be accused offered no defence, but appeared overcome at the result oi bis supposed careiessuesa. UNDEli HE It CLOAK. Samuel Ryan, a salesman lor Richard Moares & Co., Sixth avenue, was engaged in conversation yesterday by a young woman with an ampin closx, who under cover ol it was adroitly conveying u number el ludics' dross shields to her pocket when detected. At tho JeO'ersou Market Police Court sue wus held in (300. IIOL'SUS HOP .US, At., W AN'l'KU. In till* City ?n?< Brooklyn. AFAItT OK A PKIVATK House. WaNTKD-BT A family of t4) fuur adult*. Adilre**, with lull particular*, J., box 114 Herald Uptown Hraneli. T FAItTY W1TM GOOD"5?Vt.ItKNTTh DKKIUKS A Alrit clami turulMieil Houae, between 30th un<i Sotli at*., wl?re a portion i>l rrin unfed bo taken m Hoard, with privilege ol boarder*. Addioaa O. S. T, Herald Uptown office. By a" widow <a"mkkio\N)"andFTjickh auui.t mot. Apartment* between ."itli and USth at*., oait tide; root moderate. yuiivr. Herald office, tvt a.nteo- hv a sm \ 1,1, rZU 1 u, a klat op six VV oraevcu room*: location uiu-t be pluaaiint; term* mod ?rate. Addre**, wltli*, 0. 8. A., Ilerald ollice. amtko? by ~a~ukntlkman and wiri, two or tlirue likely fit rut all?U rinunia on fli?t floor lur IlKlit huurfekcepluic, In tho vicnitv ol Waahiiiictoti aquaro. Ad dict*. atHthic term*. II. 11., I. i !?> liroadway. Wantkh hv a wk.ntliman. room, without boiird. between Mtli and i!3d at*. mid I'd and 0th eva, Addre**, with term*, H.. bos I HI Herald ollice. AVIKD?BA->KMbN 1', WITH ONE UK TWO MJrf-t, with -team Power. Apply to K. WoLKl-', 14tl Kradn at. w Vl,' AN I ftl)?H Y A ISMAIL K.tM 1LY, TiiKl.oiVIK VT part ir Second Kloor, ol a llr-i c a*0 houae . rent muu be mod'-rato. Addroaa. with particular*. IIUMK, ileiald office. \\i AsrZb Fm.ui'.diatkly?'Witi.i> kuknTshko m lloate Inr boai'ilnx piirpo*'1^, ^'>th ti 84th at, itli to 7th av. : male price: M>t b<i low. Ad irea* 11., atati >n C. .tNTKir iiv If \mTLy ok~7Tkkk " nui.iH, a Kloor or Klai, with all modern Improvement*, iiaiweeu ltd amt 7th atra.. not above 4<)lli at, Aildreaa, alaliiiK loweat term*. I, A., 11*1 A'all at., rooin 4 AMT&D-TKNANT iToUhk; RIOIITS~OB NINTH ward preferred : w<>nld repair aud Icaae ; at low rent. Adilre*?J. It., HUO Herald. ANTK.IJ-A WKCiTnO FLOOR, WITH 3 OB | room*, between lull and 35th at*., 3d and Mill ava. Addre?* KOOMtt. Herald office. \if"antiTiT-Tiy'a ??iaiTiTTamii,y. a'loTvTT; oft V? aeeond Kloor, lor bouaekei'tiinir, near Central Park, In a private family where th re are no amall clnl dreu. AdarenaO., box 1 lU I nrald office. WANTKIH?OB nTLB MAN AN I? ? IHi I IKS I li I T A (i or three Koima fur hnnaekcapinR. wliera (hero nro no other hoarder* preferred j lunation between '_'d ana 5lh at ., and 15tb and &ld *ta : r. terenuea exchanged. Adtlroa, aiatlnR terina, J U. 330 4th av HTll)-ir A elHiiLU UKHTI.KMAN, a WKi.I, lurnlaliet Itooin with a private family, above .'41th at., between l.exlntftoii aud 7th av*. Adilrea* '/... Herald I p town office. "tlTASTKR?TWO UNKtJR.sI Ml IK II KOC i Ms. IN KK TV apeialile location; fx per month; gentleman and wife. IJU HllKl/l<. Herald Uptown office. VITANTItD-l'UKNWHM) MUUHK, WHKKK FtKllliI If would board rent or part, with privilege ol ether boarder*. Aoawer, with partleulara. A. P. Ilerild olticr W AMTbil BY AN AMklUOAN KAmFiIy U? IiTum-; admta, thi l.ower I'art ol a private houae. Addre*-, With full particular*. I>. II., at.itlon O. W?_______ _ OK.NTLKMa'N-A Kl'B.MMIKI) Konm and Uedr"<im on the auniijr ride ol in i.<in?it. with coffi'e, at not exte. dluu iflO per week; loeatlon l e tween Kith and Until 41a. end Lexln ton etui nth ?va,: a private houee preierred. Addre** K. A. M., No. 43 J.a^t 3"Hi at. ____ In thi> Country, TV ANTBD-WirHIN IIA1.K AN lim it s RlDK FROM ft New York, fiiraleheil' It. at.lem e with (t?"'ea; rent not over per mouth. Addre** la, bax 17'J OOYald office. 8 UfANTID ro HI NT OR UIAMK-AM ATTlMt'llTl . M ah tdr place at n li>w annre. within tlilrtjr miiiatea oi eltf; twel?? rooma or m.irn and at?ble re<|aired; heal nt oaie Liiaratite'd. Ailtreae. altn lull partlcelar*, lAliih 1)1 A I I-.. derail l.'iitown ollice. I.N!?TUtCTtO.\. NTsoUNCRMKN r -La vr uri'ili.T 1,'NITy; At'fl.Y to-day; ladle! (ro.-i 11 to S; ten wrltlns.- lee.un*. #- 50j parlor* 15 i a*t Mill at. liOI.DSMITII. Booek/bpino, ~ FiutifuriTiifv ~aritiimktu: Short (I??ml. Ac , tanxht. pr irti adi. ila> and evening, at i>01.HHAH'S t'oriirnercial i elleire. i,l.?t llro tdway. f^KKNITS CONVB (MATIONAIj l.h -mi.s.h iiv A Parisian ladv dlploinee ; t*rii> uioder it.-. Mile. Vl.lil l,. l.^H7 Hroadway ro -an 33. kl-. TO III NO~ KhUM N A'FT~RK~1 N? l"i;f ( I lo.V TO 'riaaa. K. KoKll l.h It, Hroadway. room 'ANtSTi an i.mrAi i o ami.Kit;, s womTn. not iinder 35, to take cha'ire al a child ol ft, a? i.t in ?eolnK ami make li r elf generally uteful. Addre.a, niatittK nmillllc "tlon* and term*, Mr*. L. II,, bet SW Cod office, .New York. WAftTRD TO Pt'HCIIAttK. L"XtfUt& liAiit ooo'uh "Wan tku-nmalL ?h'n .ota; a'ao nuprepared llair. A<idre*e (JAMI, box 170 ll' raid office. l'KI ?S AN II sTA>il7 UO?7u or <er, cheap Addrea* box 31IJ I'mt office. tvrhii to pOhoii tco-.. at a ma ho a In, a roi r Tv !f"JS<??i wort Hoota and Mhoel, Adtrt>* HtMfl's, lterald I'ptown nfflcn MAKBlai M WTI,liH, /TRATI.H AND n-.NUhi s,-Wh WSVf.lfTaXG IT-Iieclal att 'iitlnn to our lar;e variety Ol 'ipan Klrt flMOe, with nra.a Fr?raet, Andirons and I end''r. of an> tique rteelitn*, wit Ii naaket 'Irate* lor (rood and coal; al*o tno laiiceai aa-ortinent nl (Iratea and Kendera In Hi" tn ir* ket. With o?r patent rthakln anil Itumt-iiiK Orate. Whole ?ale aud retail, J. I*. CONOVKlt A t.O., 311^ i.aiial[ai,, >, V. M\"UHI.K MANTKI.n a.XIi M ixfii"hXTti i ll'.Al'Zil than ever. A. Kl.AHl.Ji, 1.14 Baat IMh at., near 31 av w ttlUIAAMi A T NK1T WABRRoOMit oK U. W. COLi.Kmii.R. 7*4 ^'Vtlroailway, between Oraon Ohurcli and rtiowart'* - Milliard lalilei, new and aeeond ban l. In latett ile-li(nf| beat K<ioda and toweat prlre?. AMhlUlA.N MA.NMaKU UILI.IAIIU f A HI. kit, NKtf an.i aeeond baod. al reduced price*, Bail", i.intb. Tipt, CUati, Cue*. Ac. ft. li. UulKt ITU A CO , 4U Voey it. _ IMliSKIBlTS. fiWERY THEATRE.' ' IrXiyUfSVftlX LEONaRu GKOVBR. Emj.'?. Romantic Drama or l\?FZt New acenery. appninttneut* novel cffecte and ? frand eaat. Miat rraacea Keiulila Virginia Buuhauan. Minnie Gray. Gallic Kiial'iii'K. UM Mean*. t ititfural 1, Byron, Kan Uall, Keicnuiu ami \\ li. i,yi?iti. " WEDNESDAY.ana SATURDAY at 1 The uitilf new VuttK AguAttii'M, Broa iway and Sftlh it., can lie viaitvd during l.?ui uitb In* ununat propriety. Saw uud iuiiuaunu pro^rutuwe ; lineal eiuenaiument In tbe city. hanui ttoapa ol ten iraiuutl Broncho 11or ,ea, tioata and Dog*. < uri?u* mei haute hIiuwiiik bow circua rider* ara tanght. Tno JaakituChv*, celebrated .1 apaueaeemnpaay. htart. liii;r aiut pbt'iimnuual parlbffwiaucr*; *crob?i*, Juirirlera. A lilekoa. Ma* id ana iuiUTlly Fauuiug, Mikado Flower i'ot. Triple La-aer Act. Ac . Ac. Auuiitaiun ."iOc nia, cUtldriti half price. A living Chtui|ianzt'e on eeparata exhibition, noaraat lo the human apociet of any known. Aumtaaiou 15 cent* extra, Children 10 cout*. GILMORE'S GwtDKN. Ma'iiaou and 4th av*., 2<jth and 27th ata. Complete triumph of tbe grandest abow ever exhibited In Mew V ork, the fttat Li? XDON OIKOUa SANGER'S ROY.VL BRiTlBU MENAGERIR. DOcKidi.L's IMPERIAL PARISIAN TROCPla ALL THE GLORIOUS FEATURES, CHANGE OF PKQilU AM MB. Mm*. ELlhK OOCKKILL, Air .1 A .il-.S ROBIN -l)N, WILLIAM GORMAN, Miaa I'Al'LtN E LBb, anri 1IJU other* equally renowned. TUP, FIVE PKKMiKMlMi elephants. The tli uauud reat attraction* ol the lueuaiceri*. Nniiiiug like il ever aoen in tUla couutry. EVERY EVENING AND TUESDAY, TUUB*OAY AND Saturday matinees. Ailiulninn, Tnio aud 25 c. Clilldroii hall p'lce. REMEMBER THE SPECIAL DAYS. rpliEATRh COMKjiK 5U BROADWaY. J HikRIgAN .k IIaRi* Prourietura M. W.IIa.NLI Y Manager HAKIUGAN and IIaKT in Edward II *rrii:aii'a liurlcaque, A CELEBRATED UAIIU CASE. Foley and >lieflbr, | Mntincea I I h? Kuroa. Molliu Wilaoii, i Wniurailav | Jamea Meiaenger, The Sprlniiurs, I und Saturday, William* ami Sullivan, 'Mm Kozera. I ai 2. I Carroll Family. Will .Morton, John Wild, llilly Gray, Johnny ohay. I">A l< K TIIBATRR, BROTdWaYT , HENRY K. ABHhT.h* ?.liHe and Manager Last Till:K8 LASI' THREE LAsT TIIltEK L.Viir TIIUEK t'erforinancoa of OIK HA(/'IIKLOIlS, OUR liAl'IIKLORrt. Farewell benefit to-nijiht ul Memra. IMH-DN a.NI> i'KANK. HO it SO .V AND I'RAN'K. Last Matinee to-morrow nt 2 o clock. Poalttvelr tin. liiai in rtoimanco of Hi It liAi 111'.LOUn. .Saturday ercuing at 8 o'clock. Mr. CltA.N E ?liii;h liln i'KLEBKATED KTEW PAN SO.VO. Mr. ROBSON warhl.. "MY LEh'T LUN'O IB ENTIRELY OONE." Maura. ROH80.N and OK INK wilt umtn In "I KNOW A It.iNK" (not earlnita). MONDAY AND TUK8DAY l.VEMMiH, April 8 and ?, I'll vMI'AOMK AND OYSTKKrt. WEDNESDAY EVKNINd. APRIL 10, "OUR ALDKR-aBN." PARK T H K A'l' Rll?Ik XT i( A. "OUR BACHELORS." TO-Nli.Hi iPRIDAY) ROBSON'S AND CKAtnU'd BENEFIT. Tliwy will aiiilc : - THE KTKW I'A.N JSONO, GOOD HY AT I HE CORK. I KNOW A HANK WIIEUEON TUK lit'LI. KOAKS. EILKEN ALLaNN \. 0P TIIR II1L1. |>N A BRIGHT SUNNY MORN, Till 1R LAST KIUUT BUT ONE. Til EI It LAST NIGHT BUT ONE. LASI' MaTINER TO-MORROW AT 2. LAST MATi.NKK TO-MORROIT AT a. ROBSON'S ami CRANK'S Farewell To-morrow Nlirht. fin-Til a yen u k theatre Hroadwav aud 28th at. EVERY NIGHT A'l' 8. OARR1A0M AT 11. MA I'lNEES. TO-MORROW (SATURDAY) and WEDNESDAY, at 1 JO. MAITaKK 1-HlCIS. GENERAL ADMISSION, 00 CENTS. Ri-..-l' S ATS 50 CENTS EXTRA. family circle, -jj cents. CHILDREN HALF PRICE TO MATINEES. BRILLIANT AND POSITIVE SUCCESS of the crrut .Moral and R IIkIoui IT ay, I MM K. IOM S CAH1N, UNCLE TOM'S CABIN, UNCLE TOM'S CABIN, wltlf 111 wealth of licnutUiil acruury and maehaaleal efTucis, tin- at l?-11(JI?i Company, Includlug .Mra. li. U. liOWARD, Mr*, li ?J. HOWARD. in bar irrcat orlKiual cbararter. TOP?Y. played by bar o\er 3..'>1.11 lima-. Tbu ORIGINAL VIRGINIA .MH11, K K SINGERS AND THE OLD DOMINION ?jUAR"*T, ?elected from colored clioira of Kiclimoiid. Va., In their woira anil bonntilul ruU'leriiii; of the Cabin .-.onus op hie touiu. -BEST SINuING WE EVER I1KARD."?Herald. Anonr the "iitiri'ty new pli'tnrecqiis ?rene? ares? 1. A WIN I fcR's NIGHT IN K .NTt i'Kk'. 2. THE OHIO RIVER I.N MIDWINTER 3. THE ESCAPE ON THE FLOATING ICE. 4. SLAVE AUCTION A I' NI'.W o.,LEANS. THE RED RIVi R ItV MooNLIOf!!'. Showing the cotton Held in full lil iom. tlm hiitorle ateam ( ra.-e betwuen the L?h an.I Natchcx, tbe Mlwilaalppl UatUoat with tlm Coni;.i Moloillata, GKNUINK COLORED COMEDIANS, ?. IN T.iE OKI .A f PLANTATION SCENE. The moat reallatio rrproai-ntatien of southern <llfa aver placed upon the ataue. Noali'a Timet aay*:?"It cl?e? a bolter ldt<* of neuro cu? tonilthao can be leai uad from tbo moat graphic bUturlan." ?'Oue pei'OilarUr la tho RELIGIOUS ELEMENT, many minuter* ol the Goanei alternating teara aud lauiiUter over the WORLD-FAMOUS DRAM A."?Mail. TIIR OHKaT ROCTI1BHN SPECIALTY TROUPE, enmpoaud of onthnrn Fraanmen, iiicludlnir ti.a irreat PRIM HOSE KEI.LY. native of >outli Carolina, the be*t GR TESOUE DANCER in the world: Mr. HENRY Dl NO A.N, tho faiuona CAM I* MEETING SHOUT SINGER, Iron LyLc^huri; Va.; JaSPER GREEN, tho oi letiratr.l "Coon Uancar," from Danville, Va.; LITTLE Saw Nl'.Y, the unrivalled boy iiancer, from Cliiiton. N. 0. ; GEORGE WASHINGTON sLAUGHTRR. til . <>nl.vJaw Imne player, from Pcterahur^, Va . and WARREN GRIF FIN, tlm Cbamplnu of all Itunjo I'layora, from Mllledir* ville. Gil , lu tho plantation SCENES. "Large audience* lavlab of applauie-"?Tlm**. e.?Th* BOX OFFICE* will be OPEN ALL day. TO PREVENT CROWDING PLEASE SECURE SEATS. Hie AEDNEkDAV ami SATURDAY MATINEES will CONCLUDE IN' TIME FOR ALL SUBURBAN TRAINS. r> r BARNUM'S own and only ore ATI'ST SHOW ON EARTH will ohkn orj SATURDAY aPTKUNOON, APttIL 6. anil rontiuue EVERY AFTERNOON \njj EVENING, for TWO Wi K.KS ONI.V, at thi* biilluiiiit nf the AMERICAN lNsTI rUTE, Mil av. and << id at, thoroughly REoKGAN i /,Ki> Vastly imphovkd. IMMENnE ADDITIONS. 9ISO.OOO WORTH OK NEW ATTRACTIONS have liriau inmln in III vnrloua dopartimint*, lucludlnc TWENTY ROYAL TRAINED MALISONS, fllE MAMMOTH oltlE-rvL MU8RUM, THE WOR1.D REPRI' >EN IING MENAGERIK. M A R V RLLOUB AUIOMET. MAGIFICENT OOHfUSKM AND appointments and au IMMENSE FOKEIGN AND NATIVE Cl.GUS. TWENTY trained RoYAL STALLION*. A llosT OF IN COM l'A IIA HLE ARTISIS, laeiatliiK CHARLEm PIsII. the clianmion rider ol tlie world. W M. mo ij \N, the lii;htulnc hnrdla rider. CHARLES It KI if. Mil*. ADELE. Misa COOKE, Miaa J E N.N IE W AT-ON, .-lO.NOKA M 1 iCO. THE OKI il MlACO iiuother', THE WONDERFUL LEoTARDS, and ahoat of ACBOBa l'-?, AThI.1 I K*. II MHLERS, Aa FIVE FUNNV CI.iiWNS, A NOVEL AND VARIED I'ltOGRAMMR of ?iirpaN*ii'cr . %i-ellnnca. withers* Famous new youk band admission as and ao cents RESERVED SEATS M CENTS EXTRA DOORH OP N AT 1 AND 7 P. M. A GRAND S I BERT I'AmE ANT, (aneh at Barmini alone rat iiive) will irliea on FRIDAY AFll-.ii.Noo,. APltIL leaving tlm Amrrlran luaiituie nt e'lan. and paaelnf t it roil rh the followln * atr.-eta: D?#n 2d a V, in .'t*i at , in Rower/, to Uanai. te liroadway, to &tli av., lo 42d at., to 3d av., to |.lace of etarilnc. LrCRt'M Till-: \tkk. ?ATUiIUaY rybnino. api:il a. r> nravi'utiiilnn lor th# Itcni'flt "I the Kifaeb Itaaipralent Soelrt?. I>K M kllKI' t N 1?K - KBKA.nTs, |.*r ? ?l. Aula?t >n<l BnaiR ola. and .NIAINr. On hi. r UMiH. BOOTH'S Till'.\TltK Til K KXILKN. Vi??ara? tomi'KIN- A III l.f?.... ? nii'i M?n?u?r? lAlao urapriatuta ol llin Ha?ton Tlieaoa.) WEDNEnDAY KVeHtXO, AM1L 10, OPKNIMU Mil II r OK Til K URANt) ash U M' aIHU.M.I II RKOHUOTIO* ok hartlnu, >u? and I'rniw l.uiMirmir???'? ?irlKinKl and JMAiiMKIt'h.KI Ht'KC I lUUltAK UlUMA. adapted by L. It. Micwall, h>n., ul Ilia tifwvrn's AT mil), li s BOOTH'S 1IOOT IPS 1!U<iI'II'4 at muotu'b booth'S inn >i II rt AT limil il'.t nmiTirs itoniir.i at UU'lUl'H BOOTH'S B<n "Til'S booth'S BOOTH'-4 II- lOTIlM booth's BOOTH'S II' >OT II'K boh riis BOOTH'S not n ii *s at WWIU'? Hnx olllc* npan Monday, at Knoth'a Thaatra. fjp?>ntr t'Aiti)M'a ~ iii.<Ty~ famTum'm. X ft lh < iioml and I'm haanllfal rant" In a iiuiiiptiiout nrchimira chair at tua Matlnaa t?-<lay. \Jh* OK BUSIMKaU " *~ M i'AM I'ndr ht\bd that I H/.UK IB MO TI.MK TO A l> V kKTISK I.IK I. TK I'HESKNT. BI'SINj.ns Is BUIMK AM) tlii> iir>'ilatl?n m tIto BYKMNO T' I.EHRAM for tha wirk 'iidlnn H itnr?lajr, Hmcli ;n, 1*7#, a a? ?? f?lloi??: Monday .... 4i.f)KI AUVi-.KTIhIMO UOlJ. A I.I Ml'.. Tiiaiilaf 44.ntW) AllVhIUTSI.NU U'H). A I.I sr.. WrdnCiday... 43,4."') ALlYJUlUxlRU WO. A J.I.NB. Thurnlaf.... . ??? 43.7M) All V I'. K11 ->l .Nii JIUO. A I.i NR. Krlila? 44.r><*) AI)VK Tl iHI Ni? itfHJ. A I.I N k. hntur'lajr 44.WKJ ADVHBT1B1BO **3. A LINK. Total WJ.? H? ADVfcHTI.?t.VO :? ? . A I.INK. J>ali? avamv 41,771 fliuiit fAiruR'ii ~~ J m.xtini K To-IMf. B- f7.U \ b nn^Toit a n d rliilif?ioi at Moii limn.' bllllnid fnom?, hf lli* IdlwtltiJ pl*T?r?t?I tin n? a Ian H jrtan, Uarnlar. K<i i > pn. D?l> -clMrl?r, Mlmaon. I' ana J. I)n,n tli<? Friday areata*, 1 b? axptrt gauia ?IU ba pla;?d tut |ba Out lliua. AMUSBJII51TS. ? mo nT" p asto K1 -v tow * famous. CELLINI'S ..HAND ITALIAN BAU.KTJKUUPtt. <?> MATIN KB TO-DAY AT :i O'CLOCK. 111R ti HE A T I S I Mill W EVER U1VKM. bbVtib w?mlmumu, the pwrltD PubIm* I UKLUlAMi\\cTO^U^ JKN *nib UUUHBM. ham UKAKIN. CONWAY AND KEKItlOAN, TONY PASTOll ?n<l hl? zreat troupe I" * mtntllwi pri'crenime^ BXU4M Mr J. C. DUFF roprietor ana ??????: .?????? &M to Sttth l">rlorm^i>pJ. % KYKKY EYK'-INO AT H. MATINEE AT I .<*A Tlie grand, picturee-iue and dremA, ? milieu the TJROADWAY thkatre. J) :??lU ?U. Uroadway Proprietor and M fiElib -X J K XX fiKE xxx K XX EEEB X X KEEK a*?? K H A K H KEB ?Mg !?; 8 * ix LLLL KKEB S3f tlie ropre?c'iituii?>n? which **"* hmiteu, with iu NEW AND HRAl'TirUb rti'KNKIIV, SUPeUB ^^^'iu'ATK SURROUNDINGS, and en Act by an I'Sr XOh I.I.Kit CAST. TIFTTI EXILES dAllNEK SATURDAY AT 1.30. POPU I.AU mlCE* CENTS ANI) <1. ? ins BQUaBB THEAIRK. SI,K|{U>A;? RHOOK Proprietor ,r- mr a m paLMBU Muu^Bor "*? jjf.l;, fjs "l'lio.j 1' i LY Af * C.rrU?" ?"?> ""vHitt'l.K,Ml SO Sl'CCKsS THE (1 RE AT EMOT ONAL r lay, oy ilitt autuora ol Vliv " I wo Orphan*, untitled A CELEBRATED CASK. THE HOUSE !?*> CROWDED AT EVERY PERFORMANCE. u 7(1 ru To 77 I'll PERFORMANCE OK A _ CELEBR AT I'D C.lsE. <S> FANCIION, FANUHON . 1 Till* GREAT WOKK IS I'BODUCED WITH T * A slTPKRU 0 a ST. Iiic.ii.lmir I IL Ulli.erl nuJ Mrs. C. W. Poole- ^ SATURDAY NEXl. AT I-30, oA8R. TWELFTH MAHNKK OK the hour. ofS;*{: ff.^10 pUrU?.??? N DAYS IN aDVa.N CK_ cvtamdXI II tS I atbb. broadway AND 88D KT Sttli hKN lit- lt >uN . Lewoe Hni1 M Every Evenln* and setjjrdiiy MaU^e. Til IKIt WEEK. OF the SUOCLSSFUJj .nr.ce.ueul of <Aa?IS( MlTtM,BLL. In her graphic *ud faultle8icr?^,ni FANCUON, fancuon, fancuon, ,aNCUON. pre.ented with ^ BBA|mruIl SCENERY. PICTURESQUE DRESSES. 8l,pERB ACCIS8B0RIKS wd portrayed by. STEBT.INQ EXCELLENCE. Bos 0(He? ??u?p ?r?m H A. M. itU 10 t. W Proprietor end M>n?|{er ...Mr. LESTER WALLACE EVKRY EVENINO AT 8 O'CLOCK, SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30, THE PRESENT*'oRKAT LONDON SUCCESS. DIPLOMACY. with entire1 y outb ?CENBRY. COSTUME,^^AIPOINTMBNW. M, II. J. >1 U?"h<>rfc.'coullKTK.'vA^l'Ka'iU'^K^r'l^'^E belliim witii tlio rl?e o! tlie cnrtHlf . CurriHuee may lie ordered tor 1'?'? CitrriHUiia may ue oruern.i im Box .ifttce opoii two wweke in Ady??ce. frrn'olV ^DOSNeJ.U14'. De,.e., and M.n^er. SiU;i.d;.ateD(Ord^Ou Circle And BA'con,,. 50 cent.. Ilriiliiiut triumph of RUBr.Nfj ORVND ENUiis opkra company. (!Di VII I NlililiSli 01 KlvA tU.'U I. rreeteu ulrfUtly with . iithu.Uetio ?ppUu?o iu Belle * (rud ?p?ct?ciil?r Oper? ol TIIK BOIIKMIAN O KL TIIK HiiIIBMIaN Ol HL .. Ml" 1HADURK MABTINKK. Mr A. E KSdSISS: MU> creVtlnlt * iuiIne Miror. In'the prluc.pAl role.. UeculUceut Oroli 'xtrit end t.horns. Splendid Scenery Ao,nUrtefc The MINZI-.LL1 SISTERS. Mile. PAOLlEKt?, in ch?r?cterUtle I)?ne??. The mo.t eulotMile ent..rt?inn,ent In the city. HAilNKKS W Ki>N ^ ANi> nAIUtvl AI. ?mJLLKR'K"KLLER'S WONDBlW HELLER'S HELLER'S ilfcLUK K'S HELLER'S liKKKER'S HKLI.KK'S's ?J4th et ne*t Klltb Aeenne u lit el. AN fcNTlkkLY NEW PKOtlKAMME, PART I?NECROMANTIO. I(??el. the French Clown. Hlrtti end Death. Kvory Hullot has Hi The i{reet llet TrlcK, J lie Oryet?l Cneket. An Uue*p?cted ArrlTAU WONDERS WON DB i CM WONDERS WONDERS WONDERS WONDERS WONDERS PART 'J A STRaNUE STORY b*lne?'?". ?,,1e '''VrUKREAUD, III* Adeentnret, MUfonunee end R?ee?linefc Alsoth . Ute ol jPaTjMA (wlll| cuU)> related T.rbally. *nrJ ".^LI.E t_ Ereniutf at m. Mmluee We Ine^aay and Satnrdey ?t * ClIILItRKN IIAI.F I'ltlCE ro MATINKEH. /Tan FRANCISCO M INSTRI L-. I ol'E.tA UoUSR. bi5 ^AKCJCO OREAT Sl'CCKSS OF BOBHY NEWCOMB. Rprival of the roerinit piece. Tllli FUNNY KaHII-.s, THE FUNNY BABIES. TUB TWO DROMIOS. ALABAMA HOMB. tlTit.H CHERRY BDl'-MlM. OLOKIUUW SOL<? AND PARI' SlNCINO. Keat? "ecuriMl Matiuee Saturday at J. Ni hi.o's iniiiiKS. A HI BKHVKD SKAT FOR KIKTY CBNT8. Second wmik ol the tiirtllinu Irlali Melodrama, riiK t: i: a I ?? a Diiot I, Til K AI'I'AllllIO.N of ll,. Ill V III A DIIOUU ORAM* llxl.l.. Ill HYsihltloCs <IA8K. TDK CKAIUA IHIoll, CONPIUINtS H1H KORN. To commence wlili tne roaring force. UoCsIN JOK. Doora uu?u *t 7 I*. M. t'nrrlagea at 11 P. M. MaIMNKK S ATt'K DAY. Al 2. MONDAY, Mth limt. ? Itevival ot the patlietle melodrama ?r i.K .11; Oil, TDK JhWlslI M iIIIi.N." STRIM W At iiTf.l, MaTINKH, APKIL 0. MAX PINNER'S PIANO KP.OITaL. aanan-d iiy Ml** Anna UrnMil and Mr. K. Dalrken 8AI U llD A Y April 0, al 2 o'uluck. Prugrawuiu. 1. Toccata an<l Fugim ............Bach Tanalx 2. Sonata, op. .'>7 (eppaaaloaatal .................Beolhoven uu I'lnnor. 8. "Bod Dn?n Tblnx Rar. Oh" ??...B.tlliitel MIm Anna Draadll. 4, a. Nomina, op. 87, No. 1 i b. Mamurlii, op. 24, No, I Chopin I'oloiiala', op. r.:i. 4. a. Kiwli M OtiKiit r i.?. b. Tarentello?tontine Nnjioil M?* Pinner. 0. Soup, "On I ting ?n Melneiu Kluif*r" ... Sell u maun * la* Anna Dtaadil. 7. Hungarian Oyvay Atr? lanalg M?\ Pin nor. Ailnnatlnn tl.ket, Including r. ? rr?rt ae?t, SI. For ailn at llilatir llall, at u. Hohmner'a. 701 Broadway; Kdw. SrhuiM.rtli A Co.,'i'l t'ulon aquaro ; Marten* Mrothera. I.ltit Broadwar. A'ca dkmfor m itsiiT an' m SkaSoSI PIIII.tlAUdONIt; MOCIKTY OF >BW YoKIC. i n I'fcii KOIt M Kits. TMEODORB TlloM \s Conductor I.Asr CONCKHT, SATURDAY fc.VhW.Nti. APRlU ?. LtHT it KIIB A Its A I, PKIHAY AKIKKNO"i> AI'Klb ?. MM K EUUK.MK I'APPhNllfclM. Ilhhl IIOTi .N Uuaic to 'i?.?tlio a Igiaont. ? fill tsiI IN Oc ? . II S) lUplnjB/, WAoNHK. tlntte i donimerunir. Nle ?Iri.tii a II alb Kicala. Ho* nfllaa open tbla morning al tba endemr. fpilli* PAs'l OH'M. TONY PAH Toll's 1. Ili" fill'I linlutn Ballet. At, the! lairirawith "rani wing* I'ri-tiy little iilrla with ?ng?l*' arnica. All boaad 'round wllli itlngnam at i Intra MATIN hi TO-DAY A f 3 ONiUNSC RMYLK HOOds, - ? ? , It1 # v 1,1-. KOOMB, ilih a*, and WKh at. DAMMANTBK" flolRRWt NIGHTLY. A V'YPftAN II ALU mill -I AND H A*, M>MB J Jtlilitir ti*w at laat I'll* rich, aptcy Prenr'i Mnaatmn. 'I empt itjon, with netr MMC. war4r?'i? and ?o?nery, Itll In. inillnllr farmed young lall*a. 11m FmtNdl Minuet. Tha J?rdln tfablll* i>ai < ?'r* N*W el* ant Dlaao *inn Statu- a br tlie moat lieantllai m" ila la Au>>rla? tlrand Amna Ia .Mmcliea. i.ein*ioin i, tbla la llie only Uiai naa? a?iia?li<iu.,l theatre Ii th* t 'linitv. l-.?er *?euii.', at " it a Till hi s IUF.m'AY*. TH KS.iaYB AND HaICRDAIS, AV & I'ON Y PACtOB'E * ION V I" antorh Tue mil. Mailnae (Iran la Saw Vari. io <ta>. yKitVIC-H 1 oMMi N' K ?T 3 O't I Ol tf. U*^7T.HT~Sil>B lile. al'KB. t'llKNKA VP W$Hf 13fil ?t. and ilr?enaien ??.. MlhVBNM A HYAN, Man avara. - hv*rjr ereata^. M .tlneaa Madu*?il*? and Saiuf. o >v .t x MagnlHc nt r??nai of "linci.t lom'a Catrta.'* Thirty l.eorul. Jnlillea ^honte^? Kaaerir^d aaata, .VJe fiiTi" hk'iTXim'TTacb likb ton y TasTiik'* MATf 1 IKK, Merura ?a*ta aarljr. Tun great frogramm* will b.' r?p*?l*d to daj. rtlHB N h W A MB HI I AN Ml Si CM, X Bowery and tiraaa at. IIORNKD KSAKIH i A new wonder. ll OIIN I II r-oAKK'. On.y .tie. 1.1 thlt l?i II.N D UN AKKH | cuntrr. Pantomime. HP.O IIIDIMI HO'ili. J. WltlsroN. Main-nat NKW KK \Tf K1 rtI IlKW ri'KIOSlTIKBI Op"n dallf. Ironv I" A. M. to I'l P M 1.MMI.K ANT.iKMS AND !? as I hit CAHilla^ IN Ji rent variety, lit Tbrtnaa, llaim. limn. I'l ira ., An drawa, l.loyd. i hain ie. iloniiol, aalllfaa. loyolla. toura. liarnhv Ac. .to. .1 u?t pan l-li"d, len i a*ter i ? oia," uy llow ird, 2tl ciita "Kaaier HelN,'' lirenaler .'ne mi, llftalW A t'O . 711 end MCI Broa iway. rfioF v JLoRT PAPTOR's 'I i i N Y PAHTOR'.d MA^IVKR TONY I-A fOK's M ATI N K I'. TO I ON J PAsTi u:'S MAIINKR To DAT. tony r\.-rous MAflNKK i<>. T11N Y P t?1Uli'? M A 11 .M. n TONf l,A.-'loit'? AMUSEJIKW. BOOTIi'K TH ' ATKE. Miss KEl.LOGG'S BKNEKIT* aud Maaaaer Hi. J. 0. DUPIF l'? uiveljr U?t ultrltt of ih? GK.%NU IT a Li A S or hit A. MAX UTl'.AKOsi' II Mnm THIS (KKUAV) KV^MSU, April 5. BENKlTi OK MMs KEI.LOt.O OH AND u \Ij a NIGH r Kiral sot Tit AVI ATA, MW* KELLOGG asYIOLRTTA TOU KaKL, LANCASTER. BamILA. MAKSERr.a second act MIUNOM. >li?, KELLOGG as MiOMON. Kim CAUV, Pi 1? Kit ICO. Mi.. MONT At.CE as*IL1NA. TOVI liAiv!,. GoTTH.H ALK Kourth art III i.l'.Mili, VaLENTiN ? . Mil*. M AKIB ROi?... KAOl'L l>K NaNoIS. lUtfBor KRAPO I.1*1. IL Con TH Oi. NKVhltS, Muuur VEULl. IL wM'e Ul ST. HR18. Mr COT I SI'II u.K 1st Muiir i Jwii<Ul> assumed for luu hm> i Mr. draff. 12m Moakt mm m or.ier to strou ;tb<sL > vlr. Caiiffiniiua. 3*1 Monk r tin* cnl l \lr. Cim f. Mad >e.'iio in HAMLET. Misa KKI.I.Oijii ?? OJ'IIELIA. To-MO.i.KO\V (> A I 1 I? \V?. April 6. GALA MAT1.SKL AM) KAKKW r. l.L PKufrCKMAKCE. IL TKOY'AiORE. Mil*. MUUE ROSE as LEONORA kmc. UfHiOOTTl ?? AZIJCEi?A ukaFk oaPPkmakn, man.i. i. ncvst-.k. POPULAK PJtlCKS Vie fl, ,?| .((and Monday Kvaiiuip, Ap II H. Ho?t 'ii Theatre. T>\ 2N'1 V-l.l'ONU INK I NT It Y, N.U.S N.T. SECOND r.R\ND cnsi EHT \.%D RKOEKTION. t'ULl. UUt.S.-, PARADE AsD ilEVIEW liy IV iii'l Rnduot 0. Ward aud ntuff. * coiumaiidiu* l*l|tf4U'.rd reijliueiit. of llrooklyu. >i [no Irmory, 14til st. and i?ib av.. KK1UAV EVi.MNii April 5, 187S. at a 'I1-* CILMOKK'rt lull Twenty-Monad ileaimvut BAMI and uraud ORCHESTRA. PROG I: AM M K. DRESS PARADE AM) KEYIEW. Assembly Oram Corp* Kirut Si r . .lilt's Cull Drum Corps A'iJuiuui'k i mi. Maicti, "Tin! Glory ?f Brasll" ?tr*u*i Gtliuore's I ? euty-secmil Ki ^l^u lll Hand. Troop UjiicLi, "'Iwvutji'iecuiid Hi'Kimoul" Ullmon ? iilmiru's I w. uty-v i oud Kvulnixnt Bund. Passage In Krvi"w "Mtlulc to New York" Gil mors lillaiirt'i r? cnty-?eeotid Ret;liueut Hand. March to l^uArters, "Mildler'b Katiiru'* Gllmort Giluior'. Twenty Mu-un l IteKimeul Band. PKiiMEMADE COEEX. 1. Ovariurn, ">!n uniollu" Aabei 'J. Selealloa. "Mnritm" Floloa yi Corucl : olo. 'I- iiit isi* tlrllliante" Arbai Mr waltbb emerson. <lll? flrnt appaarnncn in cnuiieaMan with liilmara'aTwanty* taeoad K-t-lmoul Uuiid.) A Qtmrtct. from "Kiuolntto" Verdi f>. i.rund March, "inituiiurnllou" Gilmura ORDER OK X)ANCX*0. I. Litticicr* "Unlijaa." ?. W?li* **Courequ?nton." a. i ? ?' *? ?niitira.* A !..meters "Our l'i?rtT?* 6. Mails ,-!Sl. Entarsburic." ?. tialnii "far Korea." 7. lers "iiullti ol tlia EvanlDK " K W?li? "In Joron? Mood." II. Union ?'CUrmiicles." Conductor si. clLMORI Tick -is. udmittliu lady and ireuilxm^u, $1. Extra ladr's ticsul, 5<>c. GUANO OOMi'IiIME.NTABr HALL to Mr. P. Si. UlLMOKE by Urn l.?i;iuieut at tba Acsdamj or Music, EASThR MONUAV. April S3. rpoN V FasTuit 5 to>v i-ASTOR'a X si cura aeals aarly till. mornlni; for tlie Urilllsat MATINEE TO l)AY. AHEKLE'S II VOL I TIIKaTME, Hth at., batwaau -U and 3d ars, Uitbmoud fistors, C?iup>i;n Soiik and Danca ArtlttA JOHN O. GitlKrTN. Iristi roiiinill'in. i'HAKI.IK HaNKS Kthioplan Corardlaa. J.jiu-H and Kuliny. Ida Morris, ilari j Cousiantliia. J. Pieroa ami Lottlo Arobar, Knuny liarunport. Lnvantun Hrotbrrc Turner and Ulrard. Eccentric 4, ti e '.ireal Vienna Uallat troupe, the only ballot in ibwcliy Mmlnees I bursday anil rinluruay Alteruoons. Also Mindty Mnlmiibt. nio.NV FahFok'h " 1 M ATI NEK TO-DAY. Banjo, kiino a.m> oa<CE, Jig ami dano> iui( J. EOGaA. HAI Ea>t liouslou St., naai Bowery. ANTED?AN ACfltKMl, TO TRAVEL A?&EADIMtf iady. AU reus UltAMAl'K/, Uurald olli o. vv rpo.M PAalOtt'8. TON V PAflTOR'H. 1 MATINER TO-DAY. "Cll|i|ier Ails." T Ii - purtn-al bit ol tbe senson. Tna author cki iinuil on a |iorou? plaster, lions to meet tba bweel 81nver or Michl^aflL BUCWSulU? PALACE, " 27T1I ?r.. NEAR OTII AY, Amerlean Juriline Alabilla Elite Sociable* nightly. Opera KoiiITm nmslo Turee Grand Parlor*. Couxru^atioa of tteauty and Kaahlon. rro.w T*a>Tijit's. tony 1'a"v (Tips! L The irroat event of tha ????oti. the icr>tnd Krid?[ j* tit tie*, where all the Imuous artists can bo aeeu in lb *r %ou di rlul perlorinanor*. ?\T ATlONAL AOAMIY or OEsTgK. "iiO Xl i nriier of 4lh ay.?The llltv-thlrd urand Annual Ealik biikMk ?f Paintlfta* ami tv ulpiuie. Now open. Day and evi nln^. Adtuiaiion 25 aantm rronv~~pastok's] "ionv pa*toh's Al beladirs' uraml snriual "prlne display ot lasblonabU lieail^oar at the Mallneu to-day. RRMaMIA TIi EA i re. Tad. NEl'ENDOKKI- Director TO-MGUT. HASKMAhN'i TOECHTER, Com-ily 'n fonr srts. Iiv f.'Arri.u^e. Bos oflice opeu dally lr in M till 4 o'clock. TO.nV" PAfifo'iJ'S. ~ TONY pastor^K -li'iulil you ile?ire to air your consumptioii go to TONY PArTuH's Matinee to-iUy "Kor Johuuy Morgan on tea orgun plars uer many a tuna." o Pi\*oKourK!s, ouuws. &t. A?V. iR itKNl; i putuiit. "Aii/akk" a^iT cikan o ? 1'iauna "I oar own make: alaiafnr **ta and rent, anutn her ul line aeeond hand I'iauo*. In p?rK?t urUei. WILLIaM KNA1K tUO., lUHk *v . hImxto Itiin at. N KLfe.UA.VI ril hiVWAY PI ANO AT 1.K.-H Til V M hair toit; alio a Itinitnlftceat lariirlle Wimiwir Plano faffta, 71 j oclavoa. till ininiuru Impnin-meat*. made in orU--r, coal t1 ,ikk>, lur ? I'm; Kukii, Car?, C ih?H t'atf M pri vate rneldMieo I3"i Waal 23U ?( . n? it tilli ?*. A' ?riAJtd* TO KKKT, m F*M MONTH; KOSB awnod llano and Stool, #5U. HOKUM.UiTH'ii, Jt lileucker at , near Unworv A' 7>jf octa v kVj a no, auraVkk, nrakEv nkw, :fl-'.>; t priarhta, Hi*'; new Plano?, #1 ?!) exult, or in aialiiianla $11). ram. $4, new Hr;au. ft t.'i, two hunk pedal Oitfaoi, & -U ; low runt*. UoUUoM A (tO.V, U ??al lllb at. FEW MOOSWWIWB A'Kit Kit PI A MM AT V K lT7" great bartrania, aoioi ol thaiii uand hat ? vary a'lort Una by our in at iimaiciaua .and rotilr aliaon. a* koikI at now; lullv warranted in avarr reaped. Plaaaa call at Wataar Witrero ?ma. .Mil a*. and tilth *t PKI VaTK KAMI Li- ~ VVILl" MKUlf HThlN WAV Pi a union*, fI '?<?; Tour rovn i n> .ewooil lulalii e*aa Plana, 7** octave, purclinaed at Cani-nnlal. nut $1,1")?a ?aerl lie ; t'atiinei I prl(lit I'linn, $I7.'?: Un* for uliipplnit ('all private raaldenca No. 47 Weil lUth at., botwacu 5ih aad Utb a art AKOrtK.V?Ot, 7 ?"k?TAVK PI ASOFOK l>, OK1.K braird niattar, < o>t 94V), leaa than ttU". Kealuenca .'Id Kaal IH'tli -I , M?r .'Id ar, A lady WII.L Sao it i r"iT: k~a Ifiukirli'; knt Tji oet.iT" I'launforta, *lt i all modern impruvementa. pat ent a-tralT" nrornirtinf hmi, Inur large hmad camera, c?r<t4 lega Nd eaM, euat laat Rovatn mr f I ,3UU, lor 8 loot, Own r aad Mualc IHl.ttid, caiat -fl'J ?; boaail tor ahin* plac; a rare rlmnca In bay a InM eU>' i nalmoNl lor lilt la money tall bofuro purciiuamic al*awu?r* *i private r?al dance 131 Wrat I4tli at.. bntwa -u 'tin and 7ih ?*? tllMCKK IMi IIOMKWOOU 7 OCTaVK PIANO* /lorta $135; lour mm4 enrn?r*| parlaot .rder; taodara liuprovenianla. liealdence lUU'Jd ar., aear 131b. KKA.Mi II I HA'-II, 34.1 KAMT 3?? XT.. MKAR 30 av., baara a baMutlful aaaortniaal ail Baa Plamaliartaa, Itutli u>? and aaoond h >nd. wdlclt tltey ara aidaria^ warj low Plana* let and ao'd aaaa hotal menia. M\?KiWiTF.tff hkvk?"Tm:i a/k' ko-kwood rC anolarta. t > >; Cblt-karlai; Flamn, little n?od; rara bar gai.aa. tHiKUuM 4, l.?7 Htaatfcar -t. 'UlA.Nft, $:*). f4<?. AVI. *111. $7u, ???>*.. Iiuu AMD upward, all ttr^t dlaaa inatruinnnta. warraatad. VINTOM. Mil liroadway. PHIVaTiT?AMtliY WIKL. rtr.Lu ATlMMR.NMK H \0 riS"? baaii'ilul ro>awoo<t uprl.-lil Piano, avarjr raapact Iral rlaaa. U41 Kaal :i4tli al> miTfc'WAI'KHM PIANO.4 AMD OIttTAN?< AltK TUB J. bin ?t In the world, mul -old mi aa?r miaiithl* pat mania to anil Ilia tlmaa IIUK v> K WATKUS A >t?Na in e.aa( Mtli at. . laiau Uaaarat Agent* f.>r Kbomtiicar'a onle bra tad Orraaa. \ir as tbii io ri MciiAMC-A rim?r~uJ7a?i?~*uF ff rlilil l lano. 7% or 7X <n.'ta>a: muat na ctieao. A4 dre?a, atatinit p triii nlara an'l *H*a, PI iMIl, llerald office. ff71~"rflCT cL tiailairw Tii ?t #|? - AT Vlti.V I. KKaT a M M,ar.aln?; -eraial >aoa>nd hand 'or poalliaraly ona-lbtrd Ibelr rej| ra'a-. I'ha tri la aupriied. >T*M?\Kt? AM BKH'AN I'IaNO M AM'K.vOTL KIN J OO WPAN*. 03 Waal I till. CI 1 lai'i.K > oi it "ir4t:v77rrIHMkffUUD 7 <M Vri'l.tare Piano, aaaratran|r; orlRinal coal M.iOj at Wi at 3"lli at. ________________ = . HCnKaL A7a KN-al.lMl tIK ? 11.KM a>" l?K?lKhs PoffTfloN aaoriranlai. town or cuttniry: !? pi?r?pal or Pra?ai>t?. nan: referanre* A<!draa* U (! II , llarail I ptowa ?lnae. it A NCI N t? ACAOK tllK*. BitoOKKh' l?A>?'lNS At AlinMY. ?U HH ?< Mk ?T. ri>* I tat looanaa ftrtvalaly and no aairacliarga. Kht hl'TION IKlthKK Kn III A Y fiVK \ INlJ. APRIb ft (lAHTIKK'h UlMilNtl ACAllKMV.M C~N|ON Mi?'AK? J 4'b"? atMat. <ipan all aammer I'rteate laaa<>n* any I tallda an I *.>? leiy wallao* apoclaltlaai now lyataa. Lady aaalatanta L^RK* A>l?OH iMNI'fvO AOADKIMV. MTH H T.. 3fl I nr. ibank lialldlna).- Itarentlon Iharadayat alaaaa* Inrmiin. hall '|i*ari*ra. aprlnt term. Clrenlai* at ISH Kaal f>7th a'. Prlarate lea?ma any boar. Calleia Maa^uarada Ti era lay. April II. Mm. thi NOK'-a ?UAUkM* ?r i?aN?:im?, bk<iaiC war aa.| l.d at . will enntinua OPKM to J U.s K. tHAt> I n.l.Vl ItulHlIk* arery trlday arantng to MAY. UATCIIKM. JKWKMtl, <wv. ' * T 77 Ml 1 I ' K K It f 1 , M i \i ItltUAIIVS AY. aONi-.l? j'Xnlra'ir OI l?1*iti.'ii I*, Wa|i-lie?. Jawe.rr kr ; alto Pawn ii.dara' I Kaal* Uaatfht of lliamoi.da, H ate.iaa, I*. 77 It.eeeker at. i Tatf HwiAiiiAY, a hoy k fcu? ?t. n'uNir t Pert?u*l Property; old tioid, Veareama ia Mr<' alRra At ihm i kuadw m.~th>. oi.itKitr kutahunEko afli lt l. iana neKiailai* I un lliamnnda. Wotthaa, .??#. alrj. Hika, India fthawla. A*. i. Til'Id tf? bl NO II Ar i'au uowK.:r, thiKNR i hro6mk-ptIR iiLfi nilan 4 carnl llralllaii'", rary fln'a aad wlilla. f.Vaii c i-li ii ilil I >r ul l OoM aaad -?*!Iw r . W an hea iiv Inata niema. .1 II JOIlNialQR. "at ijM RROAI'W A V. - WaTOHR*C IllAMUNUS, lawi iry. nl't till and Mirer boua'ii ana amd t inan* no (nil at ad. M Kl rNMt'a ; III \ M i IN 11 HAKitlN'lf. MOtai I'AtHM^ t 1-14 aarat. rary Dna and brilllanl, ?i ? ? Mil.KM .% I ill,KM A N, 1*4*1 Grand at \ . 1 ?. HI I*.'- ?' All.-llraH AMI .IK? Irr I II vlaLK.N. 1,1 ? I lint adaav. near 3 Hh at. A B I I |,K- Jl kOKHsKS, sTI. > WIM?Kl| t liOti.Slt AM, (J 1, .amad ?toin-wliiii*r* 14? urMtid at. Mi?Sh\. 7l! AM ON l? a, WATI' IKS JKWKI.KY AND Mlyarwara i>. n^ni aad mid liaok at a varr am ill a.I. aane- i;m> i'. Abl.Ka, I,I'M RiaMaay. near 3Wih a|* I .)/'7 i;KUA'i'VaY" '?vkk Tii. i vi.TT hkiNOii.-T l._"M Ladi-.' itrltaie .iffl.a ; Plamoiii)*, Watashoa, Jew airy, Ac., bva<bl aud auld. Ilr*neh, t,3l)7 Hr.iadwar 1,1 Nln i liHfK Uft.VMll'K*. -?n t af.T 'IK fkUTll IN I'llltKh l'<>I'T,M ",%T**&iWlII 4\ i77 itili a* . one door ahnre ?td *t., or ai IJM weat latk at . raaoet, aaatnioM l*ld, plaMH an I ail .1 M>r m ehaol. ca, Mailalry wiia daav aicn . barm* to **l| ta* '.nil a UMULUli A > t. A UtlJb'UUa