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?I'ru ATU>!?? V/ A STWU-l*KMA LKlH. " 'oilka. ?r. VfKN or BUMIBEU M OAK UND BRWTAND TBAT f*TBBS IS HO TIME TO ADVBitTlbB 1.1KB TUB PRESENT* BUSINESS 18 BRI8K AND the circulation of the EVENING TK/.EGRAM lor tb? week cuding Saturday. March SO, 187S, fu u loilows : ? Monday. - 4*,ttOO ADVERTISING aOC. A LINE. TmMv - ? 44,050 advertising 20C. A LINK. WlillMly 43,450 ADVERTISING 30C. A LINfc. Ikiiridi^ 43,750 ADX ERTISING 30C. A LINK. Fllitv .. 44,600 advertising 30C. A LINE. >Mir4ij... ? 44.000 ADVERTISING 30C. A 1.1 KB. Total .. "ai7.(jao AD VERTI81NG HOC. A LINK. Dally average 43,775 O BA.TERY~J'LaCB.-a YOUNG UIKL TO COOK, Owash and iron; citr retironcn. t)() WBST 40TH li t'.?TWO GlKLH WOULD LI Kb TO together lu a private lainiiy: one an eo>d cook; the other as tLr?c clas* laiuidreis; best city reference Irom lul employer; no objectieu to tue cuunery. ___ O A. WEST lUTlf hi'., KhAK HOUfcE.?A RESPECT. O'Tatle Protestant woman aa axcallont plain cook, good rasher and irenar ; gooa place prelerred to way a*: clijr or ooantry; 1:001 reference. A i\ WK>T 131'il ?T , KKAh.?AS WJOD PLAIN lUcook and 10 aaaiat with *uUan It a private faulty; food city reterence. Q7 WEST ill.^jf ST. iPltKHKNT EMPLOYER'S).?A & I first clata co.?k ; understands soups, ornate and game: ? aa'excelient ; would aaaiat with the waablug. Call )or two d?y? In/7 WBBT ISfll -*t., TIlIKD fc LOOK. ? american XU I glri aa mod rook and fine laundronin aomall pri vate tamily; city reference. \l\n >?hST~lSTH ?>!., SECOND PLOOK.?AS GOUD J.U I cook ana Uue launalresc; city or country; goad ref erence*. ?f/vQl WKVI' 151*11 ft. ?A RESPECTAJtLK WOMAN JLUt/Ja* first class cook; no objection to a private uoard luir houae; 11 ood city relei^nce. WBST 16TH ST.?A.s GOOD PUAlN OOOK, waaher and itoners jrooa baker. no mWuSTaaU ST.?AN I.XPKKIENCKD WOMAN as good cook in a boarding honao; beat city rcler> race. 11 Q WEST 30TU ST^?TWO OOMFETlvNT (URLS xXOtojjether; rooit and lanndre*?; chambermaid and waitress; both unrtuntaad their bu*li.e**; five year*' ref ? nee; laity to be *e?u. 1 1 Q si) A v., ^U'VVKL I. V .Vl'OKfc.-AS i'LAlN COOK; liOwilllnc to a*aAt In washing and Ironing. Call tor two oays. 1 |U WK-T 19T11 ST.?A YuUNG WO*A N AS EX 1.1 Ocellent coolt in a private family: no objection to aa aiai with washing; city or country; bast city reterence. 1 ?>/| 7T1I AV.-A lliv-l'KUIABl.KlilliL AS COOK Uaud laaudrasa; city or country. Addree*. 1 t) | W KMI 31 sT~ST. - *7t iLOKK I) WOMAN AM COOK X^lin private family only or flr?t clas? boar-din u- houae. 1 * >*> west lvrn st.?a middLk AuihD woman l^Oia profeanftU 000k. beet city reference. | TTa WEST 1UTH ST., i;KA K.- A COmJ'ETENT X^tfcwomau aacook and MMaaiat In waahitif; la a fir 11 baaer; city rederence. 1 f)(J \V KSI' ill IB ST?A HKSI'kcTAhLK WOBaN uood cook . trilling ui aaaUt in waatikug and iron. |n?i: throe year*' city reUtmce. i??|\ \7est ltt.'ii srT?aT young woman as kx AOUcellent cook; t>'?od laundreaa; wonUl do honaeworks city reference. 1 *-ttt WESTTorH ST.. IN LAUNDRY^?KIKRT CLAf>8 XOOcook In all branuhoo; Kood baker; city or country; irood city reference. 1 OQ WEST 2HTH ST., KKAJt.?AN F1UST CLASS JLO?/cook in a boarding hint** and do coarie wa*hing t city ro'erencc. 7\A~0 ? hsr mi tl ?T.? A REH11SCT A B L14 WOMAN XlOto cook, vaili and Iron in a iniall private family; *oat city reierence. l"i~7 bast JUD ST.-as KIKST CLASH COOK IN |_*X I all branclM*; excellent bakar; ?ood waiher and Ironer; city releronca*. ia n wfcTf";wrli~sr.?a young woman as kihst JL X I clai>a cook and luundreaa, would do cooking alone; In ?inall American laanlly : *00i city rerorence. 1C/I WhoTMl'II ST.-A UKsl*KCTaBLB PnOTJiS lUl'tant woman a* excellent cook analauadrea*. in a amall private family; beat reterence. 153 HAST HaO ST.?AS good COOK. WASUKK and noncr; city reference. 1 Kl WEST XiD ST.?A 1Iti'.sPKOTABLK UIKl. AS It) I good cook, laundreaa, or would aaaiat with waahlng; good city reierence. irc'? e> r asTH 8T_ koom e.?a young woman UOw cock, waalior and ironer or to do-homework; beat retereucc. 1 /'M \\EST illTH SI'.. Ha"sK*KNT. -A KKSI'EOT XUOablo girl tu d<> plain cooking, waahing and Ironing; tlty relerouoca. Call ier two daya. Ot\A WEST 3i!D oT-yOuNG WOMAN AS good duU Xreatauraat or boarding houae cook; eity or country, lor two day*. l?1^| IlLNKKKSoN ST., .IKKhKV CITY.?A MUST tilxraipeiuble girl aa cook; good bread and biacult tnker. aleo Jellie* ofall'kiude; willing and obliging; three cook ; good bread and hlaciiit ____ . ?of?li'kli?' ;car*' reteranco. 2.?| BAST SOT It ST.. Kl KST"I'l6ok.-a Oil KM a n tU 1. wo man aa first clan* cook and baker in private inly. ?,0 WBST40I II ST.?AOBKMAN GIRL AS f 1 KsT claaa conk | city refnrvKcee 222 atiiit WKSI iUTIi ST.. IN THE STOKK A RK pectable young girl a* cook and lauaoreu; goad bread -nd iiiacntt mater; no objection to the eouutry. ti???? WK>T aSTH fT . RKAR.-A Yolng WOMAN A^Uaa uood cook and excellent waaher and Ironer; city re tare nee. *>.)/? i-.ast auru st.. Ufc.Ait.-A comcktent J*Zd U woman aa cook; under at aa da bar bunine**; bolt ?ity referetice*. ?l.l,; 7ill AV.?A.^ COOK; TllOKOUUilLY jUtbAJatand* her bueineaa; three year*' city reference Iron her laat rmployem; also a young girt aa cbaaiboruiaid and waitreaa: be?t reterence. inou WKsTlSTir^r.. KKAH COOK and laun ^usuOdrena: good baker; would do hintMererfc; citv or country. good reference. ClktO Vt r.ST JOrll ST.. second PLOOK. BACK ?A ^^Orespeutable colored woman as cook and to assist with washing, or to do general houiowork in .small family; boat retarences. OOO WhHT 1UTU HT?A PKOTRsTAJiT WOMAN AS ^OOcouk Id a iiouOlii booae; will aaalat with the wash ing ; city reference. QOU KAriT MTH~ST^-A Ri-SPKCTaBLK (URL AS MUt/;>nd cook, vubutad troiiri tho good b?>ir; bent reference*. i)A i \ KahT 2HTII sT -Tn KXCkUJWT OOOK a?1> AlUtiter; woa<<l Mailt with the waahlnx of ? prlrate family; n>ore tbau two 7*an' ban any relerence from last ylaee. ?lzj"lJ"H'KSr ?iTII ST.?AS UOO0 COOK: WAttlifcll ^tOanil Irenar; i>eat city refereacn. *)A U "WB-'T :tOTH hT.-AflUOOD OuOK, WAbHKK 6tO?i1 Ironar: bait city reference. tiAi rru av.-a kijuTTi las? kkaach woman cook ; clty relerence. *171 WhSl' :OD, CUKNI K MTII AV.. TOP /LOOK. Z I Aback room.?A trnaiwortby and reliable young woman aa good cook and to aaelat with waahlng and Iron Ins: mii excellent bread and blacait baker; or woald gu aa laandreaa; ami obliging: good cilr reference. 7I'M AV.. IN BO! CHKR'K^A8^1K8T1Jl7sS Ol/rSeoek In all braacbae; so objection to boarding hann'-. city relerea#'. 0T|7 ?-.AHl llTM hT, NMAR 2D AV.?AS MRdT tj\r t eiaaa cook In a botal or boarding heaaa. no objao lliin to tlia country; first claaa rafaraaca. oTj KAnr jantu stT7 hkt w kkiTI st and jd a vs.? OaLa? irood plain cook, waabar and Ironar; good city reference Ironi last place. ?J07 ISAdT 1itii stT[ NkTk ~20 a v.?two OiJ I alatere, ona aa flrit clau coo*, the other aa Cham bermaid bod lanndreaa; ttrM alaaa reference*. 007 J-. A ST 751' 11 ST. ?A RKSPl-.l.TAHLK WOMAN Oa? I aa cook. wa*h?r and Ironar or ta do geaeral houao work ?? a amail family; (nod reference. ?jliA wfcsr aotif~s r."shco> o klooH. ?a kb OUXapectable yonng girl aa (toon rook, waabor and Ironrr. or aa t bambermaid aad waitraaa ; beat reference. 7l 7 WWT SaD ST.?A COLOItKD VmiMAN AS TCA I ca?k. Apply 'or tbraa day* A 17 fcAUT IIOTH ST. ?RKHPBCTABLK U1M, AS Tl I good plain cook, waabar aad Iraaer; boat city rafar aaca. ?? VTkmt"mu ST.-A UXRX. AM riRhT CLASS TATwok la a private family. i OQ Kami isrS~htT-aiTTTkVt~cLams (X>okTx TtOi/a private family. thoroughly uiiderat?ad? ner bual ?aa-. excellent baaar; city ar country, brat eliy refer ence. Tio mauihon av. (r*ti*A?r kupLorhR's^ZL TT^Aa auoa; woald aaalat la Ilia waahla* . la an excei laat aook. A Ait A V- ** MOMfc.?RKHKKL-I'AKLK WOMAN *K*xOaa aseallaat ooak ouil aaaiat with waahiag: elty or ?vantry ; good cllr rali-raaca. iCil WUI IIIM sr.?<?IRli AH UOOU i>LAl!t TKl/^eaok; la wllllnr ta aaalat la tba waahiar and Imn h?t. ar wanI'l do lannnrywork . no.xl city ral?rano<>. A Q.? 7TII A V.. Kh AM. ? \M KI K.iT C.l7?* COOK I> Tr & iia prlrat" luntll* : andaratunda aaoktag and baklac la all ita brancliaa . baat rrlaranra. RllT MOOHD ftiOOR. KKONT.-A Ov I woaaan la n>?k,wa?b aad Iron, or ta do gaaaral kaaaawurk ; a aad r?iar?nra. 7TH AT.?A TorjaO OlKL AS KIKSf clash uOUmwI aan ta aaalal wltk waaiilag. ally ar rauntry ; haat elty rafrraara. ltl\A WKST drril ST.?A stitono rROTRHTANT O" *fl'l a? caek, waabor and Ironar. ar to do gnnaral kaaaawara : willing and oollffln* . Hty r?f?r*nca?. OtA A ?th av.-a ithspmrrAMLE woman as OtTwK and *a?|at wltk w^alilag and Ironing: baal ral iranea lra? bar laat place. mil) IHT AV., TWO HTAIKS CP.?A HKSPRi'TA HLK t O^Jwoman aa eaok, waabar aad Iraaar; good cliy rrlar. QIJO aim AV. (RIJ.O Tlliku KKLL).?A iutSFfcCT. DOOabla young woman as cook la prlrata famllri beal Illy raiaraa?a. _ _ SO AT. (RiNU rOCRTII lfiLL).-A TOUNU i)??wnmmn aa rook to aaalat with waalilng and ironing; b??t city rrteranaa; al>? y>na( woman aa chambaraiald ami walireaa; iiait city referainfc 2' -\~~r~5o~A vT^a vou><? eiiL as plain cook. CX*'jc waaber ami Ironar. or to do uaneral bonaawara . -nt?n privata family; gaad cliy rrtarangaa. .no VuTvTiKT^KN 77TH AX U 7STII sTS.? ,t?U?/Raapeclabia girl to cook, waab and iron; elty rei ?rebee "T VOUNO WoMAft TO COOK AND ANslsT WITH Jkwaahlnr and Irnnlng: olty relaraacaa rtqalred. Call, from I" In It ?;< ? eat 4?Hh at. CW hUlHH WOMA/I AS PlKMT CLASS i.OOK IN I'KI* Oral# lemlly MWMDB, bo* 1PI Herald I ptown ?mro. I'lian.brrmaKla. M* ? ()r JONKS sr -A RKSI'ICOrAMLB VODNO Olflli All ^5?Jeh?iiiberi iairt ann watUMIl beat elty refaranee aa*T if. MARK'S PI.AOfc.~A tOUNli OIRL AS Zt I rhambarmuld In a betel. Addraea Klla M. 40, 106. 109a SITU ATlOft ? WAIITEU-PEnAUBS. * Chainbrrmaidi. <?e. WE8T 1STII ST.. KKAK.?A RESPECTABLE 'r?uiK (Irl u chuilxniild, or to tiki care of chil drcu ; best reference. Ty\~WKST 13TH ST.-A YOUMU UlRL AS CHAM Tvwriiaid nod to assist with waiting iu a private board lag home ; city reference. l /u EAHTISmi-*t7?a respkctablk youwo X'/*X?riri as chambermaid and waitrees; beet oily refer ence. I'm be aeeii at present eraployer'a. OTtTsT- AS CHA MBKHM All); THOROUGHLY luuderetanda hrr bttiuu; can do sswlng; or aa waitress; city reference. 11 KAbT HTH ST.?A RKSPKCTaBLK^OI l<L AS /JchamiiermaiU and waitraaa; boat city reference from last employer. I 'tin 7TII~AV. ? A KtSPKOTABLK YOUNO GIRL TO i uUJn ebamliirwork aid aiilnl with washing and Iron ing: iio objection to Krnaral house* era; two year*' city teferenco front laat employer. Wkar sort! sr.-as chambermaid and I wsitress ; beat city reference. mWE.STlftTH ST.?AS KIRKT CLASH CH A M RER raald ana to assist aa waitress; no objsctioa ta a boarding house ; ref.<renccs. "I oof KAST JJftTlI .ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOCSG lt)Ow?man to do ehamherwork and waiting or rliaraber ?or? and sowing in a nrlvat- family; eeven years'refer ance. Call from 10 to 1 o'clock. 1 J.M WE si' 3" I'M ST.. KING 11KLL TWICE.?A -I-T'/yonng Amartcan girl aa chambormaid and waitraaa; Is wlllin: nnd obliging; good city reference*. 121 151 EAHT 320 i-T.-AS Cll A>l B HUM AID AND TO assist with washing and Ironing. ??U WE8T~321> ST.-A KE>Pt.GTABLIt OIRL A8 +?)' '"iTcnsmbermaid and waitraas In a private family; city reference. o/lu f.A-T 4ATII ST.. TOP KLOIIH, FRONT.?A RK JJVJi apectabla girl as chambermaid and lauudraaa; bast city ralerenee. i)TO ffiiiiT 1KTII ST.?A COMPETENT YOt'NG WO <&10man as chambermaid nnd waitress or laundress; best fity reference from laat employer. 9jft EAST ~ 7t:fll " Sr.-A tt K S PECTABLKWO* A N jU J. Use cliamberm-ld : ijnod plain sewer; no objection to aae to children ; cood city reference. 991 I'. v81 2I8T~KT., ROOM 8.-A KKSl'cCTAHlk sj&ijronni; Knulisli jrlri (I'roteit ?nt) a* chambermaid and waitress in it small family; mod reference. oiv3"eastT^tu sr.?a girl as chambermaid /and waitress; city reference. 0<)yT KAST :i7TM T.-YOUNO GIRL Ar? riRBT rclati chambermaid nr chambermaid aod waitress; excellent elty reference. 9'Jf" KaiflioTh" ST.. THIRD Tl-OOK.- A YOU NO ijOWwiimsn as chanr.hermald and wallreaa; no objection to a respectable boarding house ; pood city reference. OA1 '"bAMT~2!ffH ~ST.-A KBSPKCTaBIjB yodno r Lglrl as chambermaid and waitress; would do houso work; best city reference; can see the lady. OJO HAST 44111 ST.?A IIBSPfcCTABLE YOUNO iiT'lfirl as chambermaid and waitress; Is willing and obliging; best city reference. OTfTWi^sr-30THST?A protestant"GIRL AS 'chambermaid and waitiess in a private family; good reference. orn WEST 38TI1 8T.-A RURPFCTAUIsE SCOTCH ^cM'girl aa chambermaid or parlormaid in aprivato fam ily. Call for two daya o7Tj_ KaST~3.->TH ST.?A YOUNG AMERICAN OIKL ?Ja'Trto do cha'iiherwort: and waiting In a private fam ily ; willing to assist iu anything necessary; a good homo preferred. OACf past :mtii st?a young american pkot OvUntant girl to do chamberwork and assist wltn Wait lug; iio objection to a short distance In the eonnfry. 01 /\ wksi 42Dsr.. nbaksTiTaVvFa*o KLIOiTts VP Olv/fring necond boll).?A lespectahlo riri to do np stalrs work and waiting ?r ireneral homework ta a small private family; best city reference If required. "vest 4181' ST.?A YOUNO PROTESTANT girl as chambermaid or to mind olilldren. 09Q ~EASTT6TH 8t7?A YOUNO tilRL AS rHAM ?J?Jt/bermald an 1 to do flno washing; good city refer ences. 312 ?>?^7 Ka8T SOrll ST.?A YOUNO WOMAN TO DO O*) 4 chamherwork and waiting and asaiat In the kitchen; city or routitry; city reference. 344 EAST BOTH ST.-YOU.NO OIHL TO DO CIIAM berwork or take eare of children; references. 'JC1 3D AV.?A YOUWOMAN AS CHAMBHR t'Mlmaid and to aasiat iu tho washing; first olasa elty referaiico. 'Ji"7~EAST ShTli ST.. THIRD KLOOR. A RRSfECT Oll I able younc girl to do chamberwork and aaalal with washing and ironing; heat city reference. OOQ flTIi Avr "(KINO liKLL THREK TIMES).?A8 OOOehanibormaid and waltreaa; thoroughly capable; good city rnference. Tl /\ WKST "2ftTII ST.?A KKSI'KCTABLK YOUNO rXUgirl aa chambermaid and waitress, or would do wait ing and tat* care of table linen: one year city references. a_1 Mtiifini sr.?A respkctXble i*kotkh TTXUtant girl us chambermaid and waitress, or as nurse to an Invalid or for growiug children ; city or country: city reference. Ne cards. XT/\ WKST 31ST NT.-A RI-.SPKCTAbLK YOUNO ? TCV/glrl aa chambermaid and waitress in a private fam ily ; Dest city reference from laat place. AAQ WEsflflrTTST?A YC)UNO OIRL AS CIIAM sT i Obermaid and waitress, or cltambermuld and to t?ko eare of a baby; city reference. A~fT') w KST 1 iVni l-T ? tOUNO OIRL a8 oqam jTt/a^bormald and waitress, or would do general bouao work. In a private farrlly; two yaara' city roferenee K/\|| WEST ft") I'll ST.-A Y<?t N(i OIBL AK OIIAM* tjvfV/oermoid and waltreaa; understanda aowing;good referonces. CltO KAST I4TH ST.?TWO 01RU8;0NE AS U> ?)' "Ostairs girl and one aa eook ; best etty reference. WTII AvHa Y(TU.Mi Olft77As (TlTAMBKHMAID nd waltreaa; three tears' retarenee. 5 T 1?' 71Q 7TH A v.. IN RaKRRY.-A YOUNO WOMAH I li'at chambermaid and waitress or to do bosaework ; city or country ; rood city reference. I 1 A"* AV ? BKTWKBjTOOTH AND WIST STK? 1. I xa JReapecta'.le vouug girl as chambermaid and waltreaa or to aasist with washing and Ironing; city refer ence. 2~~-| 77 3D Ay.?A KBSI'ECTABLE YOUNO WoM *N ?1 ( 4 aa cbambormaid, uood reference. Call er ad <ire?s. 2t7f 9 2D aV7. IIAKI.RM.-A RKSfKt'TAHLK ? ^"Xe^glrl aa chambermaid and waltreaa: no objection to co a abort dlsvauce in the country. Can bo aeen for two daya Drtssmaken and iteamitreMea. Q?J WEST 28TII ST.?A DKEsSMaKEB WOULD OOliko tba work of a few more famlllaa; expert on Wheeler k Wliaon's machine; will work in ootols or board ing houses; meals no objict. /?7 20 -av.?A YOUNO WOMAN AS KIR8T CLASS 0 I ae am stress la a private fitmlly; wIIIIdk to assist la fhamberwork; no objection to the country. Miaa M. McCL'B. ?1 CO EAST 42d 8T.-A YOUNO PER BOB AS SEAM A'JUstresa, aad to mind children; speaks Ereotb and ' ngllsh 91 " EAiaT 29TH ST.. ROOM S.-A KESPF.CTABLK ^lt)(1rl as seod seamstress; understanda dressmaking and operating; no objection lo children, boat elty refer ence atfjr 1st AV.. IOP KiaOOH.?AS DKEsSMaKEB; OUaJent. fit aud trim ladies' and children'a dreaaes; la well experienced In all klnda of family sewing; best city references. Call or address. 79ft Hf 11 AT -A? FIRST CLASS 8KAM8TRISS: 1 a->Oenta and fits ladles ana children; dues nil sorts of family sewing; oi'Oratea on Wbseler A VVllsa>n'a machine; relereaea. AV.?A COMPKTKNT YOUNO WOMAN ? \?a/0(Kngllsh) aa seamstress aod wait on lady or ?* elst with chamberwork ; has bar own machine; can cnt and it; good city reference. fTi^D AY?A YOUNO WOMAN To DO CHAM l.UoTbarwork and waiting. FROTHS I ANT ~ OIRL AM (TeAMBTRBSS aKD dreaainaker; eaa cat and fit ladlea' nnd children's dreasos; will ae>lat with chamberwork or srowlng rhll dren eitv or enantry; good referoncu. Addresa UK. 1>, llerald Uptown office. Ah FIRST sF.AM>TH'.SH; WOULO LIKE TO go to the country for the summer; truuld acal?t with children nr ebatnberwork. Address A. R It., Herald Up town office. , IEVXPBRIBBOBD DI(KS>.\| aKI'.B and operator !ion Wheeler A Wilaen'e machine wishes a few more cos t< mers. by the dav or week; understands her business tberougblv. Addreae DRKnnMAKF.R, oox IJH Herald Uptown office. ?i????T?I ilonitrwiirk. Ac. 7 CORNELIA >T., RRCONU FLOOR. -A WTKADT, eomp-tciil Klrl t i <I? IHHlWi Ui<4lrtW tMH ill! W KHI fAaillXOru.> I'LACK. Hif H.onfc.-v UUyoitnit woman for i.ouaawnrk; ?? xrallrat wuhtr and Ironar; city or vuontrr ; city rrlaranra. b*i LBXINOToN AV.?A WOMAN-T?~DO dl'N. O'raral hmiwwork In a prlTitta family; Rood city refer, rncr (r?m lot plW. ____ Qtl' flMUTlO ST., Hr.TWhXN WAMIIIMUTON AND ?/?j<Jrornwicii ?!?.?A raaudVtaMa woman to do general lioti?awnrk or take nara ul children. Addreaa. 1 (17 au"AT-^"l0U?0 OKRMAN OIKL TO DO 1U 1 bnuM*?ri In >n Am?ricin ainlly, or aa chamber mailt ami uur?? . *?<>d rity nflNM*. l~t n WKltT 47 r M T. - WAN T K D. A N AMERICAN. l'l UGerman. or Ha>l?li woman, between 25 and .'15 yaare. to ilo lUr work for two In famllr. lilibrat rrlereucea re quired. Call at b^eeraent dour brtvarn IK and 2. 1 A LI Wk?T worr.. THIH I) ruiok-A M* LI A BLR J.'X OAm?rican woman tu do buutework lor a >n>ll famllr 1CU WhltT iNrll ST., KKAR, ROOM 7.?A KKSFROT t/Oabla woman to do iiMral houaework; baal city raf erfnce o7i(l rai?t wrii It.-a rm?;m7ta~i?7?e young ^UUgtrt ta do ueneral boaaewark: won hi go a abort dla tance la ilia rou ntry. QllC WK8T WITH !?T.-rW? OlrtLf. OSR BOOTCIt Z''t/>nd ilia other Rntllali, 10 oa Ilia wark ol a email tirlaat" lamliy; beat city raiereiieee. KAHT JWT ft A ( OMIKKI) OIRL TU DO cannrtl It it a ae work or ad chambermaid. RA*T 3RTII Ma FRONT RAMMIENT.-Vnl NO (rlrl la do general hoaaework; good retaramo KAHT aOTlI ST A RTKONO YOUNU Iliril. TO Odo general honaeirnrk ; thoroughly tinderatanda her nm; 00a waaher add IMHr: my (WarMM. )it I r.AKt WITH ST. ? A TOVNO (It RL KOR URN j^'raral hoa^wnfk city or roniiiry. yood reference. 208 21 i 223 Qoa Rtkrt mrM ht.?toijnu avikrican ciirl ZdmJUlo do general hmaawork; wllllnu and obliging, ref erence. 21ui KA .vr~ j?nTrt.. tii 1110 r loo a.?a vovno ? >v)woman to do liaiiaework; good waaliar and Iruiiert boat rlty raiereace O/i'-l KART 44TII NT. ?A RKflFKCTAHLfc >OITNO ?4 r ?>??!r 1 for r<'ueral housework In a amall Umliy ; refer ence Iro n laat |>laC". iTeZrWEST 4lrtT~"HT7?A KltMrKCTAMLli GlKL TO AatsUdo gaaeral liauaawork In a a man Inmiiy; Kod city rrlaranaa. 0|| I WRitlHwrM NT.?A KRornRTANI WOMAN To O'.* l d(?lli<- homework of a ainall family ?r adult*, i:oad r ok and baMfl rvraltam ahlrt lr?aar( ulll go a auurt <lta tanc In tlm exiiatry: ratrranca. ? li ?? liA.if aifil " HT. - A " V ?> tTNO "I'BOTRRTANT OUUaomtn t" d.> ranarai honaatrork ; goad waabar and iroaari Wa>ra? modarata; city or auaatry. 316 SITUATIONS WAKTED-PEMALES. OencriU~lloaaework. 4?. EAST (Mfl'll ST -A KESPkLTABLE YOUNG Irtrl to da general bi>OM*urk : best reference. ?J]7 EAST asm ST.. FIRST KUtOU, FRONT?A oil young girl far general houwwork lit n ?mall private family ; two y?ira' city relerenca front lam place. ?>?T<)~hAsT aeYii st. ? a rexpectable young d*?a?glit to <1* bouururii In a small private family; or to do chamber work end take ear* of cMldria. Ot)Q KAST 46T1I ST.?A YOUNG GIllL TO DO OtJ?/|(iirral houaework; plain cook; good waabar and ironer; willing and obliging. Ml I 11II II il I I I ACTIVK YOUNG Ulitli TO do general boaaawork; bait city relerencc. 331 339 WEST 17TII ST.?A COMPETENT WOMAN TO do general bouaawork; but city ralaranca. 345k 437 ?J A i KAST 231? ST.?A KESPKCTABLE GIRL TO Ox J. do itanaral Boaaawork; ia a good waaliar and ironer. Can ho aai n tor t?r.< daya. S EAST SOTM ST.?A~RK?PhCTABLfcTYOUNG v.ngllah girl to do general bonaowork. *7e/\~rtvsr~mn dr.-a youS<t Woman 10 do OuUiiaaral houaework; willing and obliging; city ref eraiu'o. Too" WEST 46TH ST.?AN AMERICAN WOMAN Tr?y?7fo do goneaal boaaawork la a amall lamity. Call for two daya. EAST ~0Tll 8T.-AYOUNG WDMA N TO DO Itntral boaaawork; a good placa pralarrad to high wage*; reference*. TffA~ W EST r,-2l> ST.?A COMPETENT GIRL TO OO 1 Othouaawork; ia agaodcook and excellent launlreaa; ralarauca. XXA WEST 22D ST.?A RESPECTABLE GiKL TO j UTio nanaral boaaawork or cook, waaii and Iron, city reference. A ~n 3D AT., TOP FLOOK.-YOUNG PROTECTANT T*) I woman far houaaworg In a amall private family: llr?t rata waabar and Ironer; baat city ralaranca. 4" ' n ?? 31) A V. r~N~AK 821) ST." f 111KD FLOOR. I Oback. ?A reaprclahle girl to do houaework In a amall private family; plain cook, wnaber and Ironar; city refer once. n n.U 2D AV.-A YOUNG GII<l"To 1)0 GENEKAL I ?JOhonaawork; good plain cook; beat city roferencoa. Addreaa. 8TH AV.-GIKL TO DO GENERAL IIOUSE work in ? private lamity; goodcitr reference. 978 Il/?7 2D AV.. SECOND PLOOK.?A GIRL TO DO >1U I general bouavwurk. 2D AV.?A YOUNU WOMAN TO Dl> UEN* J .UOTeral boaaawork. Clf > LORE iTTi I !< L TcTdo GENERAL HOUSEWORK Jiti it -mall family; good reference. O., 1M Herald Up town office. HoueeKrcuTM. Me. 97 SOUTH STH AT.. BACK. BA8EM ENT.?A LADY. ? I educated, good moalUan. corre?|>ondent, aa linuso keeper for gentleman; reference. CKaM I'TO.N. VVKST HHTll ST.?A YOUNO FRENCH LADTeAS honapkeeper. Call from in A.M. Mile. EUGENIE 101 221 223 WEST -wril sr.-A YOUNG LADY AS HOUrfE keeper In a wldowar'a family. EAST STH ST.. ROOM 2.?A YOUNG GERMAN :irl aa liouaekeeper. M. T. 258; OT11 AT., FIRST FLOOR, BACK PARLOR.?A 'young lady aa honaekeeper. A YOUNG WIDOW OK REFINEMENT IN A GEN tleman'a family aa houaekeeper; reference exchanged. Mr*. A. HANSON, atatlon C. New York. TTTANIED?HI A YOUNG AMERICAN LADY A Yf poaltlon aa honaeKeoper or ladiea' companion. Addreaa A. W., care U. F. Woglom 122 Nmaan at. liHiuiiiraaa?k, ivic. Q EAST 38TTI ST. (PRKhKNT EMPLOYEE'S).?AS ?Jflrat claaa laundreaa; three yeara' refereneea from laat place. __ 7*0 WEST 50TH ST.?A YOUNG GIRL AS COMPE UOtent laundroai; private family. 1 l\A vi'EST 1?TH ST.?A KKSPKCTABLE PROTES IvTImI woman to go out by the day waablng and clean lur private houaea or ofHcaa; at rung and willing; reler encea WEST 4ttfH ST.?A YOUNG WOMAN AS LAUN 138d 213 )drea? and to aaaiat In cnamberwork; five year*' city reference. 1 KU WEST 28TH ST.. REAR. NEAR 7TH AT.?AS J.?JOBrat cU?a laundreaa In a boarding bouae or private family; city or country. T?{~i WiisT "?2D ST.. IN LAUNDRY.?AS ?IRST lO+rUaj lanndrea* In ? private family ; flrat claaa city reference. "I QEaST TilOTIl 8T.-A_RHSPECTABLE YOUNG lOxwomtn aa drat clasa lanndrnaa and cbambaimuid; brat city reference from laat employer. ami sr.-A kespkctaule woman m laundreaa; beat reference. a)l Q-w KsT 18TII ST~RKAR.?A nts.SPE<:TABLE Zd J.Owoman to go out by tba day waabing or ironing. Mra GK?)GHaN. *JitA EAST J6TH ST.?AS PlR?r CLASS LAUN. ^i^ttrdrraa and good plain cook in a amall private family; goo 1 c.ty relerence. i.AST ft3th"sT.-A UESPECTAIH.E GIRL AS ^_iOxTlaundreaa and to aaaiat with cbamberwora; ilx yeara' reference. aJAA~WEST 1STH ST., TOP KLOOR.-A Rl-.SPKI.'T able woman to go out by the day waabln t and iron ing; beat city reference. Mra. KANE. t)r?i east aiST sr ?as class oook and ^clOlauodreaa in private fatrily; city or country: four yeara' relerence. Tj |U 7TH AT.-A RESPECTABLE WOMAN Art rtUOflrat claaa laundreaa, to go out by the day; under atanda flntlnu and pollahing: good reference. J'Jll EAST lerii ST., F(>UKTll FLOOR, BACK TOijroum.?A reapectabla girl at laundreaa; beat city reference. 7TI1 AV?A RKSI'KCIAHLK COLiJrED GIRL a? lanndreat; city refarancea. 487 AQH a,H AV-? "'-sT I-LOOK. FRONT ROOM.?AS rtUUflrat claaa Unndreaa or good plain cook in a private iamllv; alty ar country; l>aat city relereuce. 707 2D aY.-A IIKSPKcTaBLE WIDOW WOMAN* I O I to go out by tba day or weak to do waahing and ironing or houieeleanlng. beat citv reference. OOC~8D AT.^A HUP EOT ABLE VOUNG WOMAN 00?J?a ft rat claaa laundreaa; willing to aaaiat witb chain berwork; beat city reference. 858, 3D AV?AS FIRST CLASS LAUNDRESS; CITY or conntry; good refereneea. .ID AV.-A RESPECTABLE WOMAN AS lanndreaa and to aaaiat witb chambarwork; good reference*. 968., ilurav*. iVr n SULLIVAN RT.-AS CHILD'S NURSR OR CHAM bermald; cut or country: beat reference. 1 SOUTH VTH AV.?A YOUN(7>KF.NOH GIRL 7aa culldrea'a nunc and to do aewlng. Aodreaa. 2&! EAST HOUSTON mT.?A RESPECTABLE YOUSO Daygirl ?? nnrae or to aealat with chamberwork; U a ntco ixi.rr and Ironer. Call on M. MULLKM. ~~ 54tTT~?TT HA*i memtT?A VOUNU OUtL a* name ; good reference. 102 I j\?) KAKT 4.10 ST.?A RESPECTABLE COLORED H'Oglrl ungrn and to da plain M?lac, and chamber maid and leunureae. HUDSON ST., Of STAIRS.?AN AUK!) ORIL man woman to take care af children and make her ?elf generally aaefal. | Ar WK?T:?D ST.. FRONT IIoTtse.-a RKSPECT LTlfible colored girl a? flrat clan* narae and aeamatreae or chomberaieid; reed relerence. VfKST 53U ST~? A VO 0 ftO T>71tL TO TAKE eare of children and do aewlnt*; beat reference*. 149 ltsa EAST 3IST ST.?A RhM'ECTABLK Oh KM AN clrl aa nnrae; city or country. Addreaa NUKSE. "1 /? I WKrti 2IM II sT.-TWO mux.. (11RLS. A'JTrlatety landed : ?ood city conneetioim ; one to lake rare of children; the oilier to do aewlnu.can cut and fit and do mlillnary. Call tor two dava. ?77*7 WMbT-JHTH 81.-A.N hNULISii I'Rt<TKSTANT ?Aj I woman to take rar? of bai.y . dona ?tlk and cotton embroidery; good plain aower city relerencr. al I | i# AST ill I'II mT aTT AMERICAN OIRL AS m1 I nnroe, thoroughly uoderatanaa tlie care ot children; no objection to the e?nntrv ; be?t reference. ? all twu daya. lltll KAHT Jl^T wr~KO<iM a A Kllirll i wtl.K ?i-jlT?qnT girl aa tinraa and chambermaid; three yeara' drat ciaaaeity reference. KtaT 13TH KT., NEAR 31* AT., BAHhMRNT, a?a'??r tpr'aent placet. -A well edncated iloiman girl aa eaperteiicad nuraa ; uaderatandi pialn aa arias. ii'Jfi EAiT jnril" ST.r TIIIkD PMiOK?\ ^Ou >nieruan (tlrt aa narae and clmmboraiaid; wiliinc and obliging: neat city raierence. *)?! 7 lAiT MTK ftT.-A VOUIIO UlRL An NURmE Zd'ti anil aeniiiatreai; city or country; two yeara' llr?t cieaa citr reference. nj | KA.HT 4?JI'll HI'. ?A YliUMI Ultll, A* CHILD'S Zi'zlniirH ami aeam?tre?a: nnderatnnda dreaaniaklai;; will make haraelf irrnerally n?eiu. '/IT * ^Br -7floor i.m ,:,~a <^T I French perann. lately arrived, aa narae and ?aam atre-a in a private lannly. Addre?a, ?Ji|l KANT *li? ST. ?A Tnt'NU OIIIL As .NURSR tlUlaai plain aawer . aetirn the maihlne ; ur would do chambirwnrk and walling; beat iflty relereure. Oji I KA.vr r 11 >T A r ?( Mi, SMAKI OIRL AS ? >U'Jtnurae lor growing children t would da plain aewlng; wlliia* aim obit inn ?? Hi w7isT~i ii iT7r:_X ooRKKTiTNTlroMAK am a J 1 Unor?e and Mainatreaa or to no llcht chamberwerk i operate' on ?rwim machine; *..od reference. a*I(I (As in ST., THIRD fL>i>R.?A YOUMU OlVglrl aa eblld'a nurae or to do chambcra nrk and wait ? "B; >? inin ? (o In lb? country. Call for twn daye. ?ji n an a v. ickkhknt IMI*LOYBh'a.)-a tku st ? >l?)worth? frnteatant girl aa narae; country preferred: bea; city reh reace O'JI East 4ilJ ST.?OOt?D ^i.OllKil^NIIRSK; CAN OOltakr charge af child from nine moiitbt to two yeara; city relerenca. ?I r 1 :iTr A V. - A CIIM r*K'lh>T YOUNO WoMaR AN tit 11 nnrae, to lake entire cner^-e frou birth; aatlafactory referaneea Irom flrat rlaaa tamlllea. i ISTII aV. ItlNc. KkUUND RRLLK?AM ERIC AN *X Iglrl aa nurae ; eewa neatly and la neat ; city refer ence. WEST 4BTI1 *T.-A*KltlCANVlUlTwisllES ? e/Olew botira' work by the dee or waltoa invalid; ref erence" RAO EAST (VTH ST., BACK HASK.VENT.-A YOUNO a fUOmarrled woman, with fit11 breaatu ef freah Bilk tliar ini( leat her hahy). to go out aa wet iiuran. CU'J to Xv7--a fiTli.Nt? ?Tfl<L, WHO BKVEK cl?70ll>e<i out. t? take care of urowtnr children ami de aewiiik or a? cuambermald and waltreaa In a ainall private family. Clil STH AV., OuRNRR iirf ST -RKSPKOTANLR Utt ? I'roteatant girl to teke care of . hildreu nnd do ehaMberwork. /?~i Q torn a v., hktwkL.n 4.%tm and -turn sts. - l) l Oa raapeetabla young Krencb girl aa nurae; refer ences. 7 111 3D AV.. top KLOOH-A It KnPr.C I'A HI.R I L'/ynnng girl lo take eare ol cuildrea anil make heraelf uealnl : u uutry relerence. 7<?r 7TII AV. A UK. H P K CT A hT.K Y( IU N O UlRL I *J!>?? Iinnie; can take rktrce uf infant from birth; good reference H lST AV.. second FLOOR. A MSI, (ADKD 111) aa nnrae and to do plain aawlng. iuVno, healthy woman a* wit numnl l Addreee LOST CHILD, Herald olBoa. 870 SITUATIONS WANTED- rS.iNAL.KS. \uraea. <wi A respectable PROTESTANT woman AS ehlld'a unraa. or would make herself generally uieinl. E. il.,be> l!i! Ilemld office. SWKDIKU UIKL Art Nt'Rrth AND TO DO PLAIN *i-wlng; city reference. Addreaa II. II., Uirtld Up town office WANTED?BY A COMPETENT PKHSON, A 8ITUA M linn u anrae and aeamatreaa; '-an taka the loll charge i f a baby: city reference. Adilrmi J. K. L, herald Uptown Branch ??(lice. "117ANTKD?BY AN AMERICAN GIRL, A SlTUAIIoN TT to taka cere of children; references famished. Addreaa COLUMBIA. Herald office. Wallreuea. dM. TO WBbT 44TI1 bT.-AS CHaMBRRMaID AND ?lOwaltre** In a private laiully ; beat city reference. C)i\ WEST 13rII AT.?A RESPECTAdLh PKOTK8 wl/tunt i:ir I a a Brat claaa waltreaa in a private lamllr; would do t'hamiiarwork ani waiting in a amail private lamtly: (rood city reference, or country. Hero t?e d.ij? "I .?u WEST 19TH ST.?a RESi'ECTAELK UIKL AS iwl waltre?* or chambermaid In a hotel or i oarding lion?e ; beat city reference. WEST I7TIJ hT.-A RESPECTABLE YOUNG girl aa waitre** or cliambeimaid. OT p7" fcA 8T 44TH" ST. - AS KIR8TCLA88 WAITRESS; I nnuerttaii.ia making all kinda ol salad*. e?re of all ?ar; ulna years' city reiereace ; country for aunimer. I) A O E AST"28TU ST? TWO PLIGHTS UP-A COM .tOpaient trirl a? waitress and cuain'iermeia; baat ref erences ; city nr country. 'JO'J KASr aisf ST.?AS KIKST CLAM WAlTRKMH OOuor chambermaid in boarding house; city reference. A I OWKSV 23D ST. <PRKSB.NT EMPLOYEK'.-). -A8 TiOtru claaa waitress and chambermaid m a piivate faintly. Can be aean from 12 to 3. 201 A4fi sin av.. near 32d *t.-a young girl as T lU waitress and wilii.tar to do chamberwork; two years' brat city reference, ('all lor two day*. ?(lO 7TH AV.. X COND I LOOK, KKOMT.?A ztOjiiyanuu girl aa waitre** or to do cliamherwurk and waitlist;In a private family; boat city refereuce. 77TT~aD~aV.?A KESPhl'TABLE YOUNG GlKL AH I U JTwailre.i and chambermaid; wlllln* and onligiog; will aiaist with washing and ironing; b-*t eitv reference. T YOL'NU A M KK1(7a!n OTSI. AS Ki u.-T CLASS A wmtre**; good city reference. Addreaa U.K., Herald Uptown office. NlKellaneoah mWF.ST4IST ST.?AS LADY'S MAID AND 8RAM ?tre**; Oermati: competent ilrrsamaker; cult, flu ana operatea on machine*; dreaaca hair w?ll; city reler anca. I7| 10~KAST 4 ITU ST.-A YOUNO OlttL, LaTI'.LY .-"/Olanne.l, wlahc* a nituatlon; willing and obliging; waiit* no object; reference*. i}0|| V\ K.vr J7TM hT.. UOUM 1.?A PKNSON TO ij^iUwork by the day ; la capable of doin^ aoy kind of work; relereucea. 300, HAST 20fH ST.?A PliUTRSTANT UIKL AS Mady'a maid; an excellent halnreaaer and oeam auaaa; runs Wlieeler A Wilaun'i machina; beat city refer ei'ce. 329 K 1ST 30TII ST-A YoltNO GIRL AS PaKLOiI innid and waltreaa; Aral claaa city reference. A O/^WkFf~47 rii ST. - A f7 AMERICAN GIKL TO T3T?ll'attend ? bakery or confectionerv; good reference. CJ-11 or addreaa lor two daya. AYOU.NG WlUuW LA>'Y. KUUOaTED I.N r.UKOPK, dealroa it ponitloii ??. trnvellln|{ companion or nraann en?l? to a leaf : hiulicat testimonial* and relereucea. Au ari-as >ir?. J.. Pnat oflice i<ox S47. .Montreal. Cunada. A YOUNG LAOY WANTS A POSITION |.N TELE granli ofHce? city or country. Addreaa TELEGRAPH, lieralu Uptown oRice. A LADY OK KAllt EDUCATION AND GOOD AD dreaa to iliow en^raTiiiKa to ladle*; permanent aitua tion ; wuekly. MAC DAVITT'S Wareroonia, SOth at.. 2d ar. entrance. FK.NcTl LADY. HIGHLY RRl!OM MEN Dhl?. apeakinx Enzliah llurntly. wialie* to chaparono ladle* lor the Pari* Exhibition. A. It., 30 iiarley *t.< Cavendiah tqnare, London, England. ? PHll.ADRLPU IA DRESHXa 1vk.iv WISHES TO ?travel a* lad.'a maid; bt-at of reference Addro**, tor one week, M. M..004 Sout!: l.'itli at.. Philadelphia. \\] anteLT^a >TTuation iTy a competent TT lady'* maid; 1* a tnoroauli hulrdreuer and dra>*? maker; l>e*t city reference Addreu. till Monday, LADY'S M All), box 114 Herald Uptown olTtoe. \1T A NTKD?A -SlfC'A riUXHY AX AMERICAN WO - TT man to |o to Auatralia. Addreaa M. P., box 107 Her ald office. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTKD? FEMALES. ~LAUY~tfistlE8 A SlftuflolTAS COPYlsf. AD ^Tl.dre*a M. II , Herald Uptown odlce. ~ UK IIIU.nL SI'.-A YOUNG LADY IN A STOKE, " or will apprentice heraell lo a trade. L. B. 55 HELP WANTED?FEMALES. 'a Ri.LlABuTT" PKOfKS'l ANT~ <Hiit'L, AHOlff 25. Au cook, waaher and irouer. Call, alter 1U, 224 Eaet 7Sih at. II. MACY \ CO. CAN GIVE STBAUY EMPLOY .mem and boat pay In the city to lOO ttr*t claaa opera tor a on ladi'a' andeiwear, luo Irtt claaa operator* on Ren tlemon'* thlrta. 5o ilial cleaa operator* onjeau drawer*, AO flrKt clan* thirl flnithera; tlio*e who Intend working only ?na day naeii not apply, a* we don't want to be bothered, but to dr?t rlii?* naoda really wanting ateady work wa can Kive a iiood place. Apply at Supurtntendent'a do*k. 14th ?t. and tfth a v. rpWo PROiESTANT GIRLS~WaNTED-ASCOI>K AND J. chambermaid; to do waohing between them ; to go flvo mile* from city. 80 llroauway, room .'W WAaTBD?A YOUNG UIRlTKUOM 14 To 17 YfcARB ol ane, to taka care of a child aad make heraelf uaeful. Apply 73 Stb av. \VrANTFo?A GIRL TO DO GI'.NhRaL IIOU8I.WORK t T In a *mail family. Call at Kairmaunt Klat B, liltu floor, 475 We?t ,'>7th >t. /A.NTED-A GIRL TO DO GE.nEKAL liOUsR wora. Apply at 1UO W#t 33d at., after H<.? o'clock. AN T RI)?I UP BO VERS" FO R~l> R h S S * AIC1N U. 08 Wait 10th *t. \v w WASTED?A YOUNG WOMAN To DO GENERAL hou*rwork In a *mall private family; none bnt tho*e airutlomed to wait at table need apply. Call at 123 Ea?t 31Hh at., Friday mominic. ANTED?K1HST CLASH OPEUATOKON H HEELER k Wllaon maehlna. Apply in baaement 123 We*t 10m at. belora 9 A. M. w, ANTED-A GOOD WOMAN COOK, WHITE. AP ply at 114 Wait 2tUh at, at once. In reataurant. AlfANTED-KOK i.KNKRAL IIOU8KWORK, A BH TT ipectable irirl. either colored or whlta. Call, with good city referanca*. at AS Wait 37th *t. WANTKD?UIKLtf To LKAK.N OKKHSCUITINO; none bnt good newer* naad apply; cnttiiir and ba*tlr " at 4SS rtth av. J. K. W1NOATK., W ANTED-A NEAT AND TIDY UEKMAN GIRL FOR Kineral lioiue'V.*k; na?l be a rood wa*her and Ironar. Appiv at 3U1 V\e*t22d*t., *eeond flit, between 10 and 2 o'clock. ANTED?HOOD DREnS.tlAKhUS; ALnO f.KKANO Kirl. 5H Ea*t 9th *t. w WANTED IMMEDIATKLY?(?Ui>D DRESSMAKERS; alto ynnnc girl to aaalat ia hoiueworB. 1(J0 Weil 27th at.. Brat floor. \yanted-a Lady t?? do writing and to at TT tend to office dutie*, Irom 8 A. M. to 0 F. M.; atate acre an'i anlar> axpectad. in own Handwriting. Ad dreaa uKKIi'E, ile. aid Uptown nlllee. ANT kd-a GOOD ?.rK it MA n cook I.N A PRIVaTR laiully: city reference Apply at 74i> l^xlnirton av. WAN Tr.D l'R< >T r.STANT GI KLTolt TiotbEWuKK in private family Appiy at 117 Eaat 23d at.. Iron 9 to 12o\iiock. Krlduy. rl fttll AV.-W a NTEO,"a NdKTII-UKKM AN OIHL ? J 1 lor general bonaework. Apply, with relerenaaa, be tween S aau lo o'clock, Krldav morninc. Hi) JaNiv ht.-HAMkit" A UEKMAN UlitL KOR I A^ireiieral hon?ewnrk. Call for Iwo day? Irom loto 4 ttk?T 14T1I fi'.D. A UIKL FOR kitchen work. Call uatwern 9 and II. 245 A m i l: ATION .* W A \TKI>-MAIiK!i. "i voC'no ma.Oj teaks' Obb. wiHirr-rx siFt ?iYaliini ; l? mr iily and not alraid nl worn. Addreae J. 8., box IIH llerald I otown ortlco yocko MAJi" irUkTxu ritkNun. ukumTn Mid hacHalt fluently, de?i'e? a >liu irton hi Interpreter and K'lide t? ?ay party iColug to Kram ? or liermany. r or furtlior part mar* matirtu* J. 8 .Jr., 7?>? 4th ?r. Cioo K.?'IT UatTiTn W A SiiirStT *Rfc.M.H*AN: y.m j rtn' ?xprrnMne . fit/ or < ount'y i Ul .beet reference. AMlnw I*. H., iieralu I pinwn oflke. I^AKMKRAM) i.ABUBWfcU'SSlTt ATIOS WANTKI>? Ky a learned man: fully roinpc l?m In III* al'ove branchre. nr?t clan* nfirtnct frjui former tail lut ?? plojrir^ Adiirjn A.. M7ti Hrowl*?*, SITUATION WANTKH-BY A I'AKMMt AND gardener; InBc * xperir net-; wile flr>t rl?n dairymaid ; Ujtin'tllyreiiniiM. AmlrM **'. E, Mi'urilMMlit Situation wantLd-an iit?Fvkk ubat-any ihlnn ; age 1N- Addre*? J. II. K., In * I'.ltt llerald office. w oIII.ATION Ha.NI'KII - HI I \oljNH MA>. WILU Oi'i.' la "? anything: good rrl?r?nc?i; ??rurlly If reqelred Anar? Mrs. IiH!K1 HMoA, !1IU lienry <1. gUTtJATION wVvrKD-AH~ MAMTKN uhH. HY UNK )win> uiitiernlnucU tu* buitticM Addreet f. W., 176 hwl JHih at. WANTKD rOHlTloM AH J A.N ITOK CHAMOK or re?l mint* or boiiwkeeper i g tod reference. t?. II.. H Ureeawtcli ?t. J a.NTED-HI I UA1H?N HY A YOUMO MA.N; MAH ln>d irrrrtl veare' experience In thu boot and alio* trade: would lake ? lm? of lampiea lor a maunfactory on e?fnini?alou. Acltlrm y.. box l?V7 Herald office. AMM-IT A VdlliNli MAS,0<? MIR r. 1 >. A ?1TI!. ation h waiiif; ho understand* hte bmlnrea. Apply, for ihioo d?T<. ?l 2 >.' vteM JMlll at Jirn HflNUW KOHl'OHTiuK nr CONDUCTOR OS V*" 'fit* horae cure or Bieeated Railway. Addreae J. H., box I.'>7 Herald olUf*. ?!.??) kasF7v?rTi *t.?a -tkanv hohkh man ^th)w?nii aattnallon; uaderatanda nil kind* of farming work Iiior> uglily; can Inralih beet reieroncn. Dell lor two Myth < l/Kltlv 'i Alio HA liKKMKK> -r'MinbLk a? u~ Hwfi??, Xu.?r RMirf?Kirrij* J\ Pranre, expericneeil bookkeeper and eorreapendent In French. Wurman and Knxllah. ?le?trea an adeqaale poaltlnn where atrlct attention to duty wtlllrntnmand a lair (alary; would nal object tu travel or to make lilmaalf itoffnl at tlie Parle I'.xiilblUon ; A So. 1 clly rvfereiirea. Addrraa B. W., lterald offire A' HlTUATlUlf WA?TKU-HY AM kSuUBII .vTaN, :'0 yrara of iter, aa elark or travellmc agont. Addreen II. tl.. Herald ofllee. AHAL??Ma?, Hhl.LtlNU A HPKU1 AliTT To TIlK near by Rrorary trano In Nrw Jeraey and along the Nortn Klver, llkr to aell on commiaalon for a valfoa ami ap'co, KttiTrj or |iroTl>li>n liotino ; been over the route two yearh Addreaa it. MAtKTT, WlO Wayne kt., Jersey Clly. N. _ . A" YOU?a MAN, WITH riVK YKAM' BUSIhluM experlrm e, wante aaltnatlon aa eoDvcinr, ealeamau or aaelataut In ofllee; A No. 1 retereuar. J. J. A., 157 doutb fltli Ik. Hrooklya, h. If. HUtioiirr tikadoatk OkHiiikh a hTtiTatio*?. heat rlty refor?uee. Addreea M. Y. Z., llrrald ollk'^ DttflWMt. Of M1NO MPkalllWI, Wl?lKB ro Had an enrairrmenli liaa l>arn In hoalnoae for hlmaelt AaMrr-o M MJItiUf. aok I'JN llerald UM'gi>IKNi:ml UAI.I, oi.KRK- WA,1T?sl> in A Jllianey (oeda bene* , ale* aa aalry elera. Ad4reee, with retereaoee, NOllUNH, bos 1MB Herald r D cufihkg AifU ?alikgmk!>. "f ack ?5g^rtr^l>^l7vu^*o.?a yiiciiiii Has". jjwith a knowledge of the business, lo mil the aouve goods in the city, Brooklyn and tlirou<h the State; small guarantee and oimuirsion. addroas m. l G., Herald office. MEN OF BUSINESS ~ " _ CAN understand THAT h.ERB IB NO TIME TO ADVERTISE LI KB tiik PRESENT. business is bkihk AND the circulation or the EVKNlNO telegkam far the week endlait Saturday. March 30, 1078. wax us follow*: - Monday U.WJO ADVERTISING 20c. A line. Tuesday 44.030 advertising 30C. A LINE. Wednesday 43,450 30C. A LINE. Thursday 48,750 ADVERTISING 20J. A LINE. Friday .. 44.500 advertising 2uo. A LIN*. Saturday 44.000 aoc. A LINE. Total 3uu.tl50 advertising HOC. A LINK. Daily average . 43,173 H~. MAC* A CO. WAN# YOUNO Man. NOI OVER ?30 years, ait under salesman In black silk department; ?uu?t hare oue year'* immediate experience with first cluat city bouses: tbU i* bu place for an old silk man. Apply at Superintendent's desk, I4ili ei. and Hth a*. Salesman.?wantbd. a salebman kob oov ereu. Ivory au<i pearl button*: icuat bo acquainted with the city and Western Jobbtug trauu. Address MUTTON, Herald office, giving reference* and salary required. S'lTOATION WANTED?b\ A VoUNG MAN. 10: good writer, correct at b|ur<i; coed relerence. Addroas J. .V., Herald office. Salbsman- wanted?ax enbrgstio voun<i man, experienced in drumralnu anon* city retail deal era: small salary and e'liumlsaion. notions, lleiald office W-ANTED hv A~SINGLE MAN. AOI.D 22, r-ITUA tl?n at bookkeeper or clerk; fl?e yeats' experience; A No. 1 rrterencea; resides with Ills pareuis; boiieit, so ber nad industrious. Address BUSINESS, box 156 Herald office. WANTED-A PoMifoN AS tit A VELl,1m? saLES roan by a man "f education, addross snd energy; liaa bad ten ynars'business experience. Address salesman, llernld office. WANTED?my A YOUNG MAN. A SITUATION ah clerk; would deposit cash security if required. Address HONi.s'l", Herald Uptown ollico. WANTKD-int "a j^NTLEMAN DISENGAGED alter 0 i*. M., work on book*, accounts or correapond eiien : small remuneration; blithest reieronoes. Ad trees bvenimi. Herald office. \\r~ANT D-A ~ bookk8epblt. WELL RECOM* 1r mended, for ? Chicago dry goods commission home; salnry al first mouerate. with rood chance ol advauuement. Audreas S., box 184 Herald office. "sr ANTED-a isalesm an travelling tilkotoii tt New y' rk State nnd the Meat wbo baa other lines nf goods and wiio would take, in additiou, a line of lace goods and ruffiings lor first, class trade. Address L. G. 4 R., ilurald office. ANTED?a situation. BY A BOOKKEEPER OF experience, ability *nd character; bo will sell goods, write letters nnd aettle hilla it required; satisfactory refer ences gl.en. Address KIDt'-LlT\, eare bos 715, Hartford, Conn. WTmTKD-A SITUATION, 11t A YOUNG m\N, 19 jears of ace, iu a mercantile house, to learn the busi ness understands something of bookkep'.ng; writes a good band, salary not necemurily an object. Address Dr. k., box 148 Herald Uptown ottine. Waited "oooI) ralesmen. TO BELL THE bonte lurnlshlitg and grooery trade. 36 cortlnndt St., fourth Huor. "llf ANTED?a GOOD PENMAN AND ooruk8pon it dent, wbo also writea sin rthand. for office work: salary $10 per ween ; must have undoubted refeieuces. Address X. u. 130 Herald office. anted-a good carpet and furniture salesman ; liberal salary. Apo ly No. t bowery. w ciatldk.V kh>. t^?u x?niir#a2pknrairooa cuiotcgxudbif J\ er mid generally useful man; single; best reference. Ad.reii 0. M.. box 123 Herald office. younltima n wish IB A bftuatlom am CO*oh man or groom ; best city referenee. Address h. R-. box i:r? Hernld office. A^m COACHMAN! OR GUOOM'.- .SITUATION WANTED by a ainirle younj; man; beat city re le re nee. Address J. ii.. 113 ast uiid st co AC! h~m A N AND GROOM*S 81TUAI ION WANT ed, by ? yount; man; first class city ref -rences. Call on or address J. W? private stable 142 West 18tb st, r- in OLE m A N~de8irkr si TUATION a8 OOACH inaii and itardener: can milk, and eoino highly recom mended. J. B , 121 Herald office. A^m SINGLE MAN WI8HI-.h t situation AS ASSI8T ant rardener and be usefal about a centloman's place. Address 8AMUEL DONEl^-un. Herald office. A mm situation a8 coachman <flt assistant cardener; Ore year*' reference. HENRY KELLY. 23 Barrow al. (COACHMAN'S SITUATION WANTED-BY A COM ^petent man. Call or address COACHMAN, at present employer's, 119 Kast 34th st. CtOACUMAN AND GROOM?by~ A 8ixgle YoUNG >mau: beat city reference. Address D., 7 West 13th it. Cioachman AND~PLA1N gakdenklus'situation /wanted?Married man, no family; tbor?n?hly under stands his business: can milk; country preferred: will bo lonud willing and obliging; best rolsronces. Call or addrass 461 7th ar., third bell. CIOACHMAN.?YOUNG MAN. GOOD DRIVER; UN ,/ilerstands his business; can make himself ntefnl; no ob jection to the eountry; best reference trom present em ployer. Address X.. llerald Uptown braneh office. (ioacuman.-a lady leaving kor ei kope Jueflres to nroeura a sltuntion for a first class coachman, who haa lived with her for the laat twelve yenra. lie can be xeea at bit present employer's, 360 Barrow St., Jersey cltjn Gardener.?a gentleman wants a situa tlou for his uardeaer. married; no fatally; practical man. ii.. 112 Waahlnuten at. akdknbit AND iiaNDV man-BY A YOUNG man, aged 2il; can milk aod take care of horses; good refer ence. WILLIAM J0HN80N, 106 Greene it., second floor. l l KRMAN ijardenkr, SINGLE. WISHES 8ITUA VTtion : best references. Addresa ANDREW. 29 Stanton at. SITUATION WANTED BY AN am URIC AN YOUNO man sa coachman or lor general work on a rentleman'i place in the country; reference. Address W. M., Herald Uptown office. SITUATION WANTKD?AK COACIIMAN ; 18 A GOOD plain gardener: can Itirtilth flmt daaa reference. Ad drat* M. II.. bo* JW* Herald olUce, lor two day*. SITUATION WAN I El> - BY A ORRMaN (MARRIED) ; jjno encumbrance: man a* coachman and plain gardener; wile aa cook or to do geoeral boutework. Call on or ad dreat HKNRY, 18-4 Liberty ?t. , hhKUL MAN, VKOKTABLK OR A^IrtTANT. gardener, by a Protestant yuan* man; nnderataudt the care of hornet; cuiclul nrlver; Al recreate. Addreat DIXON, box 100 Herald office. SKrUU MAN WANTS A SITUATION ON A UBNTLH man't place; It a Bret claaa Kroeni and earelnl driver; ean milk ; city reference. Art a re ?a D. P., Uerald office. A NT f.D?^ltTiATION ON OKNTLKMAN'TPLaOK by alnnle man, 30; good n-ge table irardener and care Inl driver; 1? month*' good character from last employer. Call 130 <>rdar at. ANMD-A SITUATION AH ri?W1 CLAds OAK unner and Burial; flrtt olat* reference. Addr-?a P. KIOIIThK, care of A. blew. Oft Bearer at., till Monday, Bib Inat. ANTKD BY A hTnOLE MAN. A MUTATION A.I loacbraaa and plali gtrdener; alx year* good refer ence. Addres* 8AaffOaw, llersld office. WANTKif-A~OARDkNK?"oP KXPKKIKNOB AKD thoroughly practical to lake a position In an aojacent Hiate; applleania muat atato nationality and age. id dreal KLoKI*?T. box 140 Herald office. ANThD?AN KXPtlTTiKNChH ORKr.NHOt'HK OAK dener, tingle man, togohoath: waires moderate; po Billon perm in.nt. Addreta K. II. K-, box 4,443, giving rel erence and term*. XJL' a In VhD?A COACHMAN, WHITE Oil COLORED; 11 cur relerence wanted. Addreta A. B. O., Herald Up town oiBee. HELP WANTED-NALUH. ITU 1 KTiLi-lo ATffi Ylf "7,KT. fi (. i.f11; S Of. XVCall, brincintc retereucea, between 0 and 12, 22 Park plaee. ?TEMi'oIiaRILY IN A ITRLIaHINO okFIOR, ?a cent amen <>r liberal ci ncaiinn . ateaiheror prr> le?aion*l man preleired If party amt* position will be permanent. Auorem H \LA.?X, ilerald oftie*. ?o%Tp*d*h i?7Tn"iinfcR'H~orpick; must write well; out t, aidlnut In Twenty-Ant ward preferred; ?n2ci*-;l |Jt,Mi I7D Herald eWet. iANTKMUTBiTjUMTr ?TOIlK. WIIO UN. Irrsi inda lite lint Mete av . II til 11 A- M. C1AXVAH*BRI WaNTkO-ARR a n ok mInt* ~MADK /with e.xpr-lauceu men only; liberal tor ma. Office Pout ing Metallic .-prlng ||?d Manufactory, Oi riowtry, northwest corner ('una' at, L' I kmt CLAnH RKHTAUKANT W A 1TKR-.M U.-T V tivep oat; wanetVlU per month. ('all, belore 10,111 4th BVcr M I'.NKItAL A0KNT WANTED IN KACII OK TUB UTsoutliern and Weattrn rttatea, Nc? J.rae.vand Penn t iVitma, lor a popular iiiiblicatwti <ii ran- merit. Addrcaa MJHLK'ATION. llorafd Philadelphia Hrnach. MA> wanthd AT MUM M BR Kh*Oitr; SAI.aKV fill monttily; must dep...It *jOO. DUDLEY, Broad way, room \ M\ n o ^A?jTir*iNt* com pan ir wanH ouiuSL **ant?; largi ti rrlmri.-n; hualneaa pays hand-nrnely j kanw; Uiniuettlonable relarencet tieceiaary, HM1 tttli a*., top (loor. Furk tkah.?aokntk waxtkd rvkrtwhkkr, ta aell if families, hntela aad lartre cnnaitmnr* largest atnek In the ronntry; quality and lermi the i ett. Coantry Itorekeeprra ahould call on or write TilIv TKA COMPANY, 2nl KnltoB al. Kll. MAt.Y * 1(1, WANT A PIitrfT 1,'LASH MAN ? tn take eoaritc oi th-lr atablea; only tach men a* It >re had eharna ??' <ars:e eltr aiablea and cm brtuc hrat elaae relnrencea lor aourlr-ty nnd character need apply at Mnper ItiienOeuiS doak, I4ln it and Htn ar. fpKAH,~OUA KA^TKliD Pt'Rn, ~7U POUNDM, ?iJ"; A roasted I'off'e, 10 poandt, fl. n.,MPLK TEA COM PANY, J<i:i Pnafl at. fliUKKlttH AND MUNNIAN HATIIM, 7!H'., CKNTHa L A I'ara Harden, AOth It. and 7th a?.??V anten Immedi ately, vouitu athletic men. fine fnrmt, cleer iklnt, no rleet, educated and ilnale, at tbamponeri. \|' A .NT Ml" A viM'Nli MAN, WITH HOMK KNnWL II etliie nf the dry guiHla bnainess. Apply to A. J. DKX TKR. !(lfl Oolnmbla ?t.. corner of Carroll. WANTKD?TWOIfoTTno"jTBN TiTkTuL PllitlffoNH of tm-tt ealarr #l'i weekly: enclose stamp for nn ?war. Addreaa LKh Jk (7U., box .'1,1110 Poat oftlca, New York' \Y ANTRD-aN KXMRIRNohD I'At'RftRs ONB A0? "f cuatomed to packlnir fragile Koodi and uaed to earp?-n ter'a work preiarred; steady work to tlte rliciil parly w lib reiereneea. Atldreas be* r?,4l:i Peat office. "aNTKD-LIrK~INMUKA -OK AOKNTB TO OAN v??? experienced partlea only with good referei.ort. Add re.a boa 3,41V. IV* ANTKU?OPPICK BUY, BKTWKKN 14 A NO 17 YY yeara uf aue. Address, In handwriting, box MO Pott office. New Yora W' aNiEU?YOUNU MAN KoltllAHY TiiUliftWOKK; only gentlemen in the heat*. Htete i.ddreat, wagea expected, to O. A., Ilerald I ptown MM \\l ANTKD-HOI.ID MAN IO RKNT RKHTAUBANT wL/'l" 0t 8*>0un' Ba,vrM i cheap real. 15 HELP WANTKD-HALBI. vT mill gentleman ; territory (lftn. Call, alMr 9 o'clock. 318 Oram! it. Wa>ted-a man ok man and w ike to take charge ot ?mall place lu country Address. with rerer eucea and wages. D. C., box 2iil iierald office. \irANTKD-Kf.R ?OUNO MEN. AMATEU&8, FOB M Uncle Tom, to leave Monday. Apply Tarn Hall, 10 o'clock A. M>, Hrt and Hn Eaat 4th at. \I r ANTliU-A sM AIIT. ACTIVE HOY, WHO BESIDES IT with his parents and can turiilab reference. to maka hlmaali generally uaclul In a atora. Addresa NEEDLES, box IIS lit raid otttcn AfTlED?A COMPKTfcNT- IIBAD WAlTKIt AND two alrlctlr lirat class waiter*; alas nal! boy. The WELLINGTON. corner Madison ar. and 42d iL WANT.,D - SlNUl.h MIDDLE AOKD MAN, To DO plain -ardoning mid lake car* of bora* and cow; wages mud be io?. Office 9"i6 M ay. THK Tit A IIEt, Ajj FIK?frCLASH VIB'tfNA H.t KEB?KtfCLffNDKit atand- making Vienna l aud rolls wltlt compressed ynast; waut? a situation In a hotel or Hr?t claas bakerv; ilr?t claa? relerence. Ad'rata A. BUUhKFilLU, 107)^ East Wth at. Gahfittkr'h situation wanted by a yousa man. Address W. N. U. OAKEN KULL. 124 Boos*. v*lt at. A SON Wanted -FOB TIE COUNTRY; STEADf work; SIS H month; board and washing. Addreaa C. i, M.. Iiarald office. PiiOIO-ENliHAVt.K, THOBOfGULY EFFICIENT, dralrea iltnatlon, or vould teach process. Addreaa PHOTO. Herald uUioe. fpo TAKE CHARGE OK GREEN HOUSBS OB GBK J. tieiuau's place by n young American (aluglo): ll a thor ough, practical florist; can give drat claas references from tormsr employers; wage* reaaonaole; atrlctly temperate. Addreaa L. U. T., Weal (tide Ureenliouaea, Glenn's Kails, K. Y. WANTKD-A KIBST GLASS WOOD ENGRAVER TO go oat ol tbe city; mint be oapabl* ot doing any kind ot commercial work. Addreaa J. W. b? cara of A. Kolkai A 8?n>, 44 l>*v at., giving (ample ol work, relerence, wa^ea espei ted and where to be aeen to-day ana to-morrow. W- ANTBiTXn^PBENtIoK HOY, M HO HAS A knowledge Soldorln*; a plumber preferred. Apply, between Hand II tUla day, Nowiora Valve aad Kancat t.'omnany, lu7 He kman at. \\[ A> f.'.D?AN ASSISTANT ENGl.Nl.Ell Koii~A TV hotel; one uaod to hotel business. Addreaa HOTEL, ?tali' II D. H ANTED-A PLUMHKK; A GOOD WOUKHAl only. EARLY. 7M P*rk place. |L PBKNCH ADVEKTISEMEMTh. J7TiT^Tjr^nTNir~BT>Nififnfo'AS^ Violliici an enfant do aiz ana. S'adresaor an n. oM 5me a*. A a N OLD ESTABLISHED D'tT OOOD8 sroKK FOB .Asale. eheap. on aceonnt of alcknea*. at West Hoboken. Kor partieulara apply to J. W. ViOKBMAN,&8 Barclay at. WOIl SALE. TnciOT.v.i ? stbBKrw '.?rs,T A Dwelling and Stables, to lease for ten years at low rent, MITCi1 ElL, 77 Cedar <t. CORNER LI(jUOK STORK. BEST IN THIS CITY, for tale cheap; also Kastaurant*. MITCH ELL, 77 Oder at. A -KOK SALE, BAKERIES, CONKEUTIO N B RIE& ?Grocories, Meat .Marketa, KUh Market*. Cigar htnraa, MI ri!H RIjL. 77 Cedar at. K1NE ? Rh.NCH fL.Wh MIKKOB Kutt aALI cheap?Mie l!2x7A 815 Grand at., WIlllaraabarK. ~BE^rAHK tM'l AND BAK NEAB t>OBT OFriCB', ?good breakfast, dinner and aupper trade, for inl?; re a* tunable terina. LLOYD'S, 4 Warren. BOi'KK OALOItlO ENG1NK AND JEWKLLEBfl Tools: alae Offlce Kurnltnre. ftafe, Ac. 8. J. HMJTH.4 Maiden lane. N-OLD ESTABLISllEl) U iY OOOD8 HTOBB FOB Lsale, cho r particul New Vork. CI(> A ft BUSINESS FOB 8ALK?IN ONh oP THE beat hotels In the city. Address, for particular*, beg 6.M7U 1'ott offioe. No agents. sTToe stoke fok salb.-the location is ?ery desirable, beln; on Ihi corner of one ef oar best arenaes. entrance Irom two streets, with large plate glaaa fronts; the store is aot large, but anltable tor a party ot mouerate means, having a good basement to store; tb* above uualneaa haa been kept by ths present owner for the past seven years, who is soon to open another store on ? more extensive plan, and will o'Jcr the above at a oargaln for cash. Address MKKl'rtANT, Herald office. L'TTEB AND~EGG STORK FOIt SALE, 232 WEST 3<)lb St.; established Ave years; rent low. Dining saloon and bab fob sale on ibial? S500 cash, or partner taken; rent $30 389 8th ar. No agmt* apply. * LlOlt SALE?THE OLDK3I- ESTAULISIIED HaBO> J? ware Houaelurniablng, Flumblng and GasAttlng Basi* nrssln Brooklyn, E. D.. at cxceedlnglr low prioe; must be aold at once. Address or iniuire Ik KKSbEt>, 183 Broad way. llriMiklyn. K. D PO* SALE-A VEliY Lvlti.ii FACTO BY. Al'PLl t First National Bang. Brooklyn. V JftOR SALE?FIRST CLASS FIXTUKKS OF A TEA ' and Grocory Store for sale; very cheap. 902 3d av. (OB 8ALK?IN A THRIVING VILLAO& NKAB NB\? F _ York, llnware and Hunsefurnisbinr Bnsinese; own# retiring. Call on oc address Vtr. M. DLNMAN, JO# Bros4 way, Jlew York. FOR SALE-GOOD ShCOND HAND TIMBERS; VEB1 cheap. 110 Beekman st. FOR SALE?MY rATENT AIB DRILL OR FLUOGER, for oentUts, Jewellers, Ac. 1'ATENTfcE, 2'J New Chard at., room 12. TjlolTsALE?A BABE CHANCE KOR SMALL OA PI. J tel. Lager Beer, Wine Room, near <th ar. and 30th, cbeitp Call 'J6 West 4th at ioOR SALB-A K1K8TC"LASS BILUABD BOOM, SIT r uat'd In a good paying neighborhood. Kor fall parties lsrs applv at ?(l* Blescker St. satisfactory reasons glTei for No agants. yiDK SAI.E OB EXOIIANGK?THE STOCK AND FIX r turea of a flrst olasa Drug store. 531 Jersey av., Jerse) ?'lty. GBOOKBY STORK KOB SALB-IIANDSOME and complete Fixtures, comprising everything needfni, ai one third the orlgiuiU cost. Apply or address DAVIDSON, 4-iII Canal at. LAW LIBRARY FOR SALE. ? A FIBST CLASS working Library, of abont 500 volumes. Addreaa B. N. II., box 1.U Herald offico^ Men ok-buTinTss CAN CNDBBRTAND that THERE IS NO TIME TO ADVKBIIKE LIKE THE PBESBKT. BUSINESS IS BRISK AND tba clrenlation ol the EVENING TELEGBAM for the week ending Saturday, March 30. 1B7H, was as follows: - Monday 42,900 ADVERTISING 2UC A LINE. Tuesday 44,050 ADVERTISING 200. A LINE. Wednesday. 43.430 ADVERTISING 200. A LINE. Thursday 43,750 ADVEBIISINO 20C. A LINE. Friday 44.600 ADVERTISING 20C. A LINE. 8 at or cay 44,000 ADVEKTIslNG 200. A LINE. Total 262,654 ADVERTISING 200. A LINK. Dally 43,771 M-bai, fish amd otsteb mabket for sale? Established two years; satisfactory reasons given for selling:. Apply at 302 Bedford av., Brooklyn, OTOCK AND FIXTURE'S OK^iToLD ESTABLISHED OHoot and Shoe Store, and Good Will ot the lata Joseph Mllimott. No. 7 Manhattan av., Oroonpolnt. Sake?lTllie'h chilled^ iron, hrk and burglar proof, combination lock; excollent oroer; cheap. Address B.. 120 llerald oBioe. jTCft Bt'VS PAWN rTCKr.TS KOB THRi.E lilA JP?j"/m.?nd rings, diamond pin and watch worth $400. Address NECESSITY, Herald office. MACIU.VEBI. ~A RsoB'i,MENf"6F iirk/T ti'ILTTSSTCKKs. ojLglnes, Pumps and Iron Tanks for salo, at LESLIE'S, 1'esrl, near Greene St., Jer-ev City. FOR SaLE?2<iX4M IIOBiXONTAL Cl/T-OKF EN gine. Jiix.'fl aprlght cut-off Engine nnd 3n borso pow? Portable. 1.1x24 tlewes A Phlllipps' r.ngiue, ttO-horaepowei Loeomotlve Seller; alee Kumpa. Shafting, Pnlloys, Ac., al lowest prices. 27H Water et . New York. NK.W AND "fTh iTils D IIA N D ENUIN K.M, HOlLKRSi t'ampa and general Machinery, great variety; loweM prices. Improved Yarbt I nginasand Hollers. WIl.MIN A kOAKR, Front and Dover ata. SOCI .tS SOOIAB'|7es EVkKT SATUKDAT even' lag. Tammany MalL All the latest muala. Luster's On ?aestra. Wanted?a second hand steam vcloanizkr. Address, with site and price, box 1,710 New York Poet office. 'ANTED - <1 A III HOnSE POWER ENlilNB. SKO nnd hand, go.ol as now. Addrnna L. S., I7H Duano st. VV MTUttAttBt ? -*ohk*m/s rf.iHt OLA^M?r^oit~^rAK?. jM.houv. built axpraaaly lor the parpoae, with KptftM ronip>ti tmetita. affm ulu* erprtr facility t., pemuna leaving the city n? otliarwiaa tor the atnraga of their larmtara, triml... etui, planoa, work* af art. Ac.; hUo .>ale Oepoalt Vaulta tur Article* ul extra rain ?. with private Sale* ol all ?Ilea, i t month ur year. Moving, pacftlnit and shipping promptly and reliably attended to. 4th nr. and U'Jd at. A-Moroa.m a rf .orimus' htoraub wars ?hon?ca, 4JXJ and 2*1 Wa?t 47th aw, m ar Mroadwajr.? Sepnrata rooma for Itrallira. piano., Ao. innpectloa aa> llclied. ?SI OK AUK KOR r'O RN ITU KB, pTa.NOS. BA<? icatja. Ac.: lowest ratea; el?rator: watchman; ea? arat- room* W I 1.1.1AM |, Midi ALKri, !W aad 43 A. arat ....... ............. . Commerce ?u, near Bleroiiar. HAhtiBK'B WAKKIIOUSBH, 8fU AV.. FRO* H3D to Jltti ?t.?Moraue for furnltare, baggage, gooda and w?i'? af ?*?ry rtp*frl;>tlon, In M-naratn cl?aad compart ?"?"<? WMlMh Oltlco :**) Want :t4th it. STOHAUE KOK KORNITURB, CAHKIAOKR AND ?atiei al merchandise; low rata*, aaiety and abeai?M reaponaihillty. SMITH A nlbMt, 7.K) and 7.12 Kih ar. and "J47 Weat 4?>tli ai iCtKH AND KAHM. TOTTHfAW l.SVI.MOK ASU fflTCTMin nfthn Improved Artificial llornnn Kye, acknowledged bf tin' la Uity to bp ttie only i-orreet imitation ?f natttra la th? world. No. l'J7 I'. tat l.'itn at., between Md ami 4tu ava. CliOTilliiO. Ar && <iin Av.. .nkAk 4tu mt.rwri(nawiift v line lor caM-olf Uloihlng, Ao. Call or addreie Mr. ar Mra. NATHAM. a:o, nth a*. At mintz s, u2i tiTir at., bbtwkrn wvrn and a7th ?ta.? Iildieat prloea paid far ladlaa' and gaatla inrn'a i:?ii-oIT O.nttilnK. Jowelry. Boolca. Order, pramptly attended l>y Mr. or Mra. Mint*. At iiakri-i', i,afr~BKnAiiWA?. SSFW515 p3 ?nd a.ld eta , Hm?lway prlaaa paid for tail-off Clothing, Book*, Ac , hy salilnz or nddri-enlng B HA KHIM, 1,374. At ri/ATrTj^'Td hTii a v.. nkar 4uih ht.-oo pat cent mora ih in elaewhere paid lor pan-off Clothing, Oaf pete, .Jewelry Addfacw Mr. f Mft KI.AT fiK T~I7B7IH AV,, KBaR *SfM ?T.-TH* H1UHKHT prlcet paid lor cant-on Olotliltig, Uarpeta, Booaa, A a. Call on or adJreaa Mr ar Mra. AN H.vl.T. A. D M HIKMICAL. DR. AND llWBlSOj AN 4 office No. Hi \V?*t 4rtih at., batwe* M Bth ?nd 7th era. fc~ milTBU BAD.^bvToBT* SkbT ???? air. Baat 43th at.. near 9d av. RH. LVONR. _ 40 baat 301k at>, betwata Broadway and 4th at.