Newspaper Page Text
cm MEAL mnTurrm roa ialb. IfalraL A* EXTRA WELL BUILT AND HaNDhoRKLY PIN. I8IIKU FOUR STORY BRoWN ft TONE english RABEmENT HOUSE Pl.K BALK ON MURRAY 11IL.L, ?ITsarb ST.. NEAR STI1 AV\; HOUSE IS 35 FBBT FRONT AND 72 r'EET DEEP; LOT PI IX S1ZK. THIh IB AN OPPORTUNITY TO PROCURE AN l-X TRAORDINAKY ami ELEG \.NT hou.-k at a very Low PIUUBE. APPLY TO OB ADDRESS w. h. HENRY, S3 EAST 74IH ST., OB E. H. LUDLoW A CO.. B PINE ST. A"" -4M WEBT 47TH ST., BETWEEN ftTH AND t.TH ?av?. superb tour story finely ditiiruM Dwelling; AIM 3 West 51st ?(., adjalaliiK f?th ??., magnificent lour Mary Residence ; both lor sal* very low. l>y order Julius wobl. ??)., ulklH Smri NeU.r k Co. Apply to V. K. MThV ENhuN. Jr., 4 Pina, 33 EmI 17th St.. audObl "I ttSORT*B*T CHOICE DWELLINii*. 44. 46. 50 .A. 57 111. Ifjr Madia >u ; 18. 21, 35 feet. Apply on orrmmi. Owner*. UUIHilN A CROSS MAN. Architect!. 83 Esat 41st "I BAICOaIN THIS WtBK-ttT madison AV.; haill by KUpatilck; axtra plumbing; four story brown J. H. Moll Kin. 79 I- ul ton at., or <JH But 61st. A SPLENDID MAHUKAUTUKlNa PROPERTY town; lis nary brick, 75*300 feet; steam onions, 130 horse power; now let for SlU.OOl): possession can ba had: vttrrn wanted; price. $16(1.000. JACOB D. WTCROPP. 30 Pine St., 353 ani 1.387 Broadway. AN BL.BU VNT POUR STORY BBOWN 8TONE Uwalllnit, 30*75x1110. East 8*tli St.. uear Madison ay.; ?rice. tiHim JACOB V. O. WY'UKOKP. 30 Pino St.. ?SB and 1.267 Broadway. A DECIDED BARGAIK.?49TH ST.. NEAR BROAD An; aaplendid tBiee story House In perfect order; vbaaualltrs ami Mirrors; six* of kssM. 17.9x45; lot, 1<X>; terns to ?uit purchaser. B. W. WILLIAMS. *37 'Hh *v. MOB STORY HiiDiiit, BJM, ?ti ??.. NEAR Broadway, handsomely frescoed una In Boo order, for lata at a very low figura. C. li. PECK, H VN est 35tU ?t. AMAAlN-rULL SIZKl)~~K<>UBidR1 BKOWN ?tone House, elegantly fri-scoed; sell tumishod or on stslied; 4-">th St., uear 5tb a*. MARTIN Dl/NN, 170 broad way. TTttlR SALE AT A BARGAIN?9 WASHINGTON f place, uear Broadway. Appiy to QENIO C. bCOTT, ?15 Broadway. For sale, to close an estate ?EIOHT lot ; on M.idison sv., between llltti und 112tb eta.; terms ?aay. Apply at No. 13 Uwrtlaadt st. Fen op business _ CAN UNDERSTAND TMAT 111 ERE IS NO TIME TO ADVERTISE LIKE l'HE PRESENT. BUSINESS 18 BRISK AND the circnUtion oftho EVKNINtl TELRGRAM for tho week auding Saturday, March 30, 1878, was at follows:? Monday 43,900 advertising 20C. A LINE. Tnaaday 44,000 ADVERTISING 20C. A LINK. Wednesday... 43,450 advertising 30C. A LINE. Ihsradu ?????? 43,750 ADVERTISING 30C. A LINE. .Friday 44,500 advertising 20C. A LINE. Aatarday 44,000 ADVERTISlNO 2oC. A line. Total ADVERTISING 2O0. A LINE. Dally average ? 43.775 East Aide. Bargain.?three story basement brick. 151 30th st.. 3d aud Laxin ton ays.; desirable luvett nient; terms easy. VOK SALE?TWO EoL'R STORV SINGLE LEASE J Hoa?es; 53 years' lamia; will exchange lor t od first mortKuK". Apply an premises. No. 1.HO 3(1 uy , between 64th and 05th st*. OR SALK-A THREE STORY HKOVVN STONE Honne und Lot, at a nseriliue. No. 1.9 East 50th su ADply to A. M. HANMNG, 1.081 HroK.iw.iy. Hami.>oiiEnT,^hksFTTliLT, cheapest. PIK8T elan tliree ?tury brown itona liwellltiif: eyery improva* Biaut; cabinet ticUh, ez imtue. iso K??t 04th ?t. K11.1'A TRICK. A SON. W <*at Mult* A THREE 8TORY high SToOP BRICK HOUSE. A* to Ray Ii^OR SALE?MOUSES SiT. 403 AND 424 WEST 2JD 1 st. Aildreas OWNER. 424 W??t 23d Will excUanse. with all improvements, 20x45x'.H: Vsu >??? place; let Jay I. IH79. E. U Jt B. T. HI KNII AM, tH.W Hudson st. ?>OR sale. A I' A 1'RIOK TO SUIT the TIRES, the tfiren story and biiaeuK'nt brick Huiih, with modern iprovematitH. in ttood ordor. No. 311 West 4th st In ?air< at No. 3.~>3 Washlauton st. aSH OR THKR.% LOTS? KI/LL~TzE. NO KoCK. south slda 121st st . adlo ulnic Madison ay. tit Mount V orris nqu'ire ; ?tre>'t curbco and Uagyed; no commisstous. Owner, 182 East 82d st rpHKKK STORY H fuH STOOP, good ORDER; A fine rear: 911,50 ?; inoit^a^e $7,U0U Tbird door west ?f Broa l way. .">Otb st. C-'J I mmT^OliEAl'EST HOUSE EVER OPPERKD; iPO.U V/V.20 fuel aidn ; 101st st . close to Urutrai l'ark; laprovemcnis, water, xewer; only jw.'xi required POTTER BKOillklln. 1U2 West 33d. BBOOKLYM propehtv for balk OK TO LET. ?* 6PI.EN blb^OrtNEK tn.LVE T7fT fVLfiiTZr. JT\.I!iooklya to let, lur lluuor or irro -ery buxiness; real Bl.Oisi. MITCH ELL, 77 Cellar st. T7*OR SALE?ELEOANT THREE ?Tt>RV BASEMENT J? brown stone Hou>? 5U3tireeu? a v., fronting Tompkins F*rk. on the bill: rrlrlucrator: all Improvement*; prlco BB.OUO. $4.i> "J mortgages at 0 per cent. K. K. W. PHILLIPS. 353 UlllglW >fc,|NtWl| OBCUABBB WANTED -KoR WBLL LOtJATEDLOT iu Ureenwuoi O i?'i?rj, No. 1P.976, rontainini; 18'J squiri' feet; price *300. Address URi.tNWoOU LOT, Herald otliee. FImT LET-ALL OlT PART iTFT THREE STORY A brlrk lions', all improy?ments; convenient to lerrins in BrooKlyn; will be lot furaixhnd if dasired. Apply at 213 Jtmadway, room tl TO LET?955(.i PER Year. THE NEW BROVVM atone tuiaa story anil b isemant House 701 Union St., Broakltn: must ou ?n?a to be appreciated. Inquire of R. A. M. KINNV.OS Broadway. New York. TO LET?Nun TilkEi*. sTOkV HIGH SToOP 30 loot nrown stone House. 54H Kranklln ay., opposite Bre yoort place, Brooklyn : treaonrd tiirouirhout; rent $700 or for siil" at a tiarxain Apply on preinlsas or to J. D. LYNOii, Baaaaa ?t . New York. WKSTC'IIESTBR COC.VTY PUOPKRT* roU HALE A.\L) TO fUK.Vr. Y VosKKK-i >PI.KNDII> COrTAOK, WINK rooma; all iuiproveiuei:tit. pleaaant location ; rant lo*. VOUHaK'H, A.rut, Yonkera. |2?0i HAUt?aT hThiIngH, on HUOHON. A OOT J tag*. wllh 10 rootiia. In irony order: nearly an arra of protimi, gn<>d vttur. Fruit and Harden; 10 minute*' waik to ?eno4. A<l4rni OW.tLK, box M Hasting*, on lladaou. )*.ira $3.IM) FL'ltNIMHKb GOTTAU8 AT TA R K V TO W ,N ? KLfc.VHN rooma. warden. etablr, Irntt: beautiful river rlewa: reut njoitljr In b iaru ol one prraon or otlierwlae. at tenaul'a up tn>a. Adilre** .1. K. il.LI.A, Tarrytuwn, or app>y to G. il. ULlYKK. 162 Broadway. TAKKY IOV? N.-TO- Lf.T, UoL'hK. 15 ROOMSS HIGH trroiind. eery beailhy; Trult al'iinuitnl: li'ie river view; ?erring* hoove, Ac. i riDtlfjU Inquire J (J H.N' WfcHBhR, lit! Boaery. Tarry fow>. KKi.i7hviu.K add kaiTway.? l ountry Keaiden e to mit lijr the aeaaon or year, at Wrry low rant. Apply to owner, G. F. PaKI'RIUUK. U9 (mail ?t. To urr at tarkytown, kant iloi ok k ho a d way, aerond llouoe north ol McKlel nr., handaoinely faratabed a<> convenience* ; ataiilr. kr.. low rent. Apply Ml tlte pi are or to r? K >1III. IISU.N, U1 Weat t.'il at. TO LKT- A Kl KMSIIKD fOTrAUK", WITH sTAIILK. at Pelham. IVnictie-ler oaiily; the hoaae eontaine all Modern cainvenianrea, In near the Hoan<l. witlilu a few mo menta' w.ilk of I'elham Manor elation, aud la In all reapeste a deeirabl* auinmir or wlnu r realuence. Apply to U. n. KM Mr. I. No. oj Wall it. mo LKT-IN TO.NKBRft, ABOUT 'I K N~ "ilMTTKlP X walk from depot, a Gattara, (table end rarrla^e hoa**? ; garden (plrnty ol froltl and ahoat live arrea ?l meadow laa?. Call on or addreae JOHN A. Ki.MI', 14M Weal Xitb at.. rltv. f|*> LKT Oil KOK oALK AT A HaKGAIN-A Kl.NK X Keaidenre, caavealeut to Monnt Vernon depot, on New )i avert road ; 14 room Irowee. barn, lanndry, two walla ol ?print wai<-r ?i "i? and Irult treeai all jtood laml; irood ?alghtnirhood; fcell low II applied lor at once. Inquire aortlieaet corner Broadway, ;nin it,, In oltfar Mora, lor Qva <?71 _______ JKIIhM V CITY, 1IOIIOK.KK, IK DSON AND IIBI1UKBI KKAli KMTATK. For Mule. To Let or lieaac, TO LET-A LA KOK -loNK HoUar., WITH ALL IM provrturnla. mitairla lor Hoarding or het'l; aparlon* (ariian wllh irrea. good lor IcefTrain, Ac. t term* reason able. po.eeaatou Immediately; lira minute* Irani lerry. Apply 177 I' avonla ar., Jeraey Glty. PKOPKICTY OIT OK T1IK CITY KOU BA1.K Oil TO HKM. STTaWn.hwo' >i> ?fit Oit. aTEkY SKflTVCi lon?e, l.'l ro in- . I ". nnnnlr- from Irrrl. ? l>v li.?rw ran. Ira of J. II. HOI*KIN>. Havana wood, or ;<?.'> Ilroadwny, r AMM Offkui mi TO 4ft AGKfcM (TO rtUI FTmTk Mia at Paraaklli; ?plaadl'i l>nlUliii*? I one ol the flu-m aiaraa in Iln? >tat.-, rlrer new. Alaa one of 4.'? aciea at fall'* Gale. i>, mil' a aonth of N?? bur t. BUK.N II v >1, llud*?a ?t., Ke v Yor*. a t MGt'riI TmianoTI."*~~ /-0i7nroRTAhZh J\ Dwallina III room a, or br uaed lor atore; horaa car* |a><; rani VIS. J. KlvHAKU, W W?tl Ilth at. i rAllll.Y, WHO iihsllik IO TbAVKL KOK FITk Aaammrr will let. to a private family, their plica ol L<>n^ laiand. :/:> m 11 r a from the rlty s pi lea, fl.lMi. The h"oaa, which la new, tontauia 17 roona, haaldeaatora fwaina, pianirlaa Ae : about :!,i) '? aquara feet of plana*, and modern Improvem-aia; flnlahr-d In bard eood. with p<>lieh?d Koora. aid tally lurnlabed wllh ?-w f urnlture; Ineauon nod ?lew anenrpaaai d : rnaiiaat and i atli honaa wllh tha wl ire. A<ldre?? |*aaai ultire ho v >ew Voi k i Itv ~it/a"~TRV ro i.i r ok kok - *4,1. -atTTa""!^ _>iB?rldt?. ftomera-t ronnty, >. J . in u?i>'| roiidlilon; |4 roona: Irait and abada treaa ; lumlahed if required, alao Itnall lloaaa, ? rot. Ill - ; nlao farm of IMt acrea lor anie : aim Itlatr within one ban mile Ironi railroad and r'.llajai prira m?urimg %o tb? 4liaoa. Imiaira of A. T. ALlIKO, ;i.H ??w aif. I* r?XTi. AOKUl N AKY HAKOAIN.??I.*?l IIOI >k k k lire loom-. haa<iaoin? i?nm ; n. ?r depot, Klu.i ketnport, N J. ; teriua Moiicardi . tula par eat KKLLOOU, u ? Hrvadway. n<?rnlni(*. b "1(JK MAI.fc-HALtF Of A LOT IN GYI'i:t.rtS HILL Oemetery. AddrraaJ. A. II.. Ilrrald "filer. I EOK HAl.K AT a HAMOAJN or TO f.XGIlANGK KOK aGlrar Mara, Hoardlat; llnuaa or othei well paymx >'na M, three Lo4>, paeaiait tlirrmcb Imni ati<et to avenaa, pad flonaa cet.taihiBK rl( <1 rooma. bathriram ami kltrhen, g(,aatao aa 17tk at , H itoklyii, near inrae city rallioada ? Graaiiwood. I'mapoei I'ara and three blorka rum tlia new Caoer lalaod Halimad nepot Kor partlraiart addreaa R. KaOH >NN. ??" 17?i. at.. Kraoklya. _ _ ,OK ?ALK_VKKV GlirAK-A UOOU KAKM OK*) aerea In New Jeraer, with i.alldloea and alovkiprlr* 1,000. Apply to owner. 64 Lalayatte plana. 1ilK HaLk ok LKAUK I" AGKK1, IIOI SK HAMS, ' trail, a-ar atatlon, one hour from eity, H.^H; ovily I i prniUi v [iImqs. Oil > T. ili'ilihliL, owner, 07 Jiul Ilth at., Srw Vara. P^uiiTiiLit oR~ro R. nt at roar Hamilton, Villa ll?a<4li taa Ma rtaar: (laam m 'tora paaaaear; ? ira very low. Apply M KUWaKU AoMHTHoNU, U4 Walker a*.. Haw Tart. xJoKiiLk OR IO RUNT?OR TOUT HILL, MATKN f j,land a Baa Hnuaa and 4.H aerea or Land ; II aold balor* r*>tk of April can be had at a remarkable bargain Addreaa i?a?l? Orea*e. N. J palatad aad papered. KKbNWIVK ?VlLLAfl, GoTTAUKh. KAHMm AJiO UktalMia Troparty . fnraltbed lloaaaa lar aammer. U K. 4. ? iUUUr, uroawtab, Uea% , ? fBOPlBTY OUT OF TUB CITY FOR KALK On TO UKNT. tfoHSSTTTTiK coUNfKV^FBfii"uhiifaAt iihW llJtru; Urnl Improvement Company bar* dwlriblt Houses (v let at various place! on 111* line ol the Uentral Railroad of New Jeriey. Apply to A. U. HOPE, 11U Lib erty st . New York Lw.S., HR.XII.-IO K K > I', KI'LlV AND IIaND noraely turnlsbsd new Coita**, ?tab:* and 7 acres ot la.ul; rent asoa V i o y to K. H. 1,UUU)? A CO., 3 Md? M. 0~:aN?BB. ?. J.-REAL ?HTATk UPECIALTY;BAR Kliu; sale S7.300 handaome Residence. 12 rooms; mod ern conveniences: stable. carriage hen**. oue-Qall acre; southern exposure; near depot. EDW. K. H AMI LTUN, 30 Pin*. New I ork. Rot:IIHUThk' N. Y.?TMTO HTOKKH TO (IKNT; ONE ? ?ccumed as dry good* store lor tan yaara. the other a* a ?hue "tore : all shelved aa>l countered. First class alorae and in beet locality. Rant 92,000 each. Address JOHN CORNWALL, No. 12 Chestuut it, l<ocha?ter, It. Y. SIHiRI' HILLS. UK AN life. 5o UNTAlN. - F<) R MALB or t? let. nun liou?* within Ova minutes' walk of depot and one hour from New York: modern Improvement*; loroty view. E. HAMILTON, 30 fine et SO O KTK N l I K H I K h D A N U KB LOOM BBA LIMft?THE handsomest suburban Homes at the lowest prlcos. con plat* and sold by Instalments OILBI'.KT MMim * CO., Ml Broadway. STAMFOICU COTTAUK*. Fl- R N IS11ED AND UK laruisuad ; a specially . Ireo circulars. IIUHHAKI), Park Bo*, Stamford. CIAMKORL) FARMS KOK SALE?ALL SIZE:*: BEND Olor my caMloni*. llVHBARD. Park roar, Stanford. Cn-n. STaTKN ISLAN I) HOC S 88 To LET aKD KOlt sal*?New Brighton. .*?tapl*lon. (liflon. O. R. lUT011Cpi:K.63 Broadway. The atontios or capitalist* jiTcalleo to lb* ?ale nl the finest Water Power In the United States; property located nt Manchester, Ya a inap of It may be ?et> ever? day this week at room 105 Karle's Hotel, from 1- A. M. to 4 J?. X. ; sale will be mane privately. L. R. OHILfcS, Agent. TO LET-KKO.M JUNK 1 TO OCTOHKR 1. IK Wllliam-itown. Main., a furnished Cottage. In one of the pleaxanteiit locutiou? in town, within two minutes' walk of principal hotels. Kor particulars address M. B. O., llerald Uptown olhce. Top~or okanok mountain imilhuun. n. j.i? Elegant Country float, 76 acres; magnificent views; residence If'rooms, larulsb*d; large dining room, billiard room: splendid water; lurge stables; sale low; ronlj w n (no boardlug honse). Apply EDWARl) P. HAMILTON, Pine at. TO RBNT, FURNISHED? ELEGANT SUMMHR RRSI ?leucei, superbly furnished at Englewood, Perth Are boy Orange Vulley, Kld^ewood. N. J., and at White Pinins. Mount Washin-'ton, Saratoga. N. Y.; other places; rents low. {Summer and Winter K#i*rl Exchange, 736 llroodway. ? VALUABLE. NEWPORT LOTS, on <lli>bn nr.. neir the Bathing Beaeb. line view ot the ocean and valley. Each 10" by 200 feet. Price*) each. Apolr to K. B. WHELEN. ;tui) Walnut st.. Philadelphia $10 A MONTH.??'OTT A' ;B ON LAKE ItONKON. komn, fifty tulles out; wonderfully I'ealtbv. J. H. FORI), 27 Park place. REAL ESTATE TO KXt'HANOh. Akive story brick ten em k .st"h ousTTTS YnrkTille. $ti,500 mortgage, will exchange for Harlem Private llonse, with reasonable mortgage. Pott oRiee box 4,'X?i. Offers only with full description. VIRuTnIa FARM W ANTEn INK.TCHANDE KfTri Properly la Jersey City. LIVINOST?N k CO., 1,296 11 toad war. _ ~ ixOTTanok. sale <Tr~iENr vkry lo^"? warD'8 EJ liiotel. Prospect Park: fro* and clear: just outside Hrooklyn; Sinitu street car* from Fulton ferry come to door: splendid location lor music garden. f>~AKMM~IN MASSACTlU^Ki-TS?To RXvlHANOfc. FOR r Property in city or vicinity. Merchandise, Furnltnr* of a good house or Bu?lno?s. Address B., ilerald otUce. L^ok TsXT.k on to kxi3hanok?an PTleoant r Villa. 14 rooms, stiible and uarn attached, all improve ments, in St. Cloud. Orange. N. J.; title and possession at otiee. Apply to JOHN BAUR, Pin* st. tnOBHALh OlR EXCH vNliK?THE DWEL1.INU NO. r 44 Went 13'Jd ?t. ROliEKT I. BROWN. 20 Naiaiu st.. room 72. TjU>R sale?HOUSE. OR fcXCHA.%OK. SOUTHEAST J? eorner Clinton and Oreene avs., Brooklyn; on* of the nio?i de?irai I* corner properties; hou-n and uDout seven Lots; splendid opportunity for a builder or person desirous ol acquiring a residence on this beautiful avenue. MAC CKEr.riY. 102 Hrnadwajr, room 8, New York. yoit .^AI.E-OR WILL KXCII aNOE FOR HaRLEM f Improved Properly, a three story brown stone high stoop IIonse. all tnprnvemeuts, in South Brooklyn : 35 minutes from Trinity Church. Address L. O.. box 120 llerald oWce. \\/ANTEO-A FARM IN KOUIIIERN NEWJKKSKY tt or the eastern shore of Maryland for unencumbered Brooklyn Property. A. RAPELYK, 100 Fulton it,, from 12 to 2. m REAL ESTATE WASTED. ANTE!) TO*">lfRCH ASE FOlt ilAil H, flfOKE Property, ou 3d, Urh or Sth an. T. OLIVER CARTER, 39 Nassau, room 11. TO LET FOIL Jstmift KS8 Pl'llPOSEB. fYgSS K if ~fe V11 tjTSor~~~ " J) corner ol Cniton and Nninau ill. Hovoral "(tinea In tlila puildlng to let at greatly rodoeod rents. The "Alcoa will tie aiterod to suit leusnt*. The building i? Imaiod by steam, and each offlcs hu w??h?t?NU #ri.i water in It. rwu elevatori runuing. No extra*. Apply to JuIlN U KSIOIIT, at tbe building. ? thiTkk >TOKY AMI HA.^KMKNT KKAKMUlLD 2\iug, with Knglns and boiler; rent ?**> per annnm. K. L it H. T. ilLKNII A M. Win llnU.ou at. A DKHK KOOlTfir LET-IN YRoMINENT MUIl.D XVing. rent $K> monthly; rsfsrsncsa required. Address 11 fUn, Herald offloa. N ELlllIHLK CORNER FOR DROO BTOitK. NEAR Union aquars; rent low. W. H. FALCONER k HON, 1004th it. A B4rtH.MK.VT. EXTRA DRY. LIUI1T. l.AROK; UOOD hu.lnea* atand lor uphoUtoror, trunsg, lookamltb, awn lng?. 42H lib a*., near 39th CHiRNKR CIOAH -TORE-TO LET REASONABLE_ ^K?tabll"hu<i X> rear* ; Lofta, connecting, for maaulae luilng. Inquire I.M and 174 Centre ?i. D" EMI ft A Ell E JPIEKPRoor OFFICES iN CONflNKN lal National H*nk building, singly or lo salts. Apply la tha bank. 7 N'aoaaa at. FAOTOKY TO LET?TIIk WHOLh OR PART. WITH uae ?f boiler* Apulv on prsuilaoa, 31* Want 37 lb, and rear ol 313 A eat 38t0, or 0. K. I'AKTUIUiiK. 131) BruaiL fjlOLR UEaUTIFUL PLooRX, EACH 30X4?7To LET. f with utoatn power, suitable lor *oy manufacturing bual. noes. EilKllAItU, IIAGhN k CO.. 140 and 131 Baxter at . near Urand. OFTS TO LET?WITH POWER, CHEAP, AT 177 Prince *t. OFTH TO l?ET?WITH OR WITHOUT nTUaM J I'll w I r, well lighted; all modern improvements. 340 had .'Hth st. MEN OF BC81NE88 CAN UNDHKhTAND THAT THERE 18 SO TIME TO A I) V KIIT18E LI K K THi'; PREHRNT. III7.SINKBS 18 ItKl.-K. AND the cirrulntlon of tbe ETKNINO TKLEURAM for tha week ending baturi ?y, March W). IH7M. waa aa follow*: - jMoutiay 43.U00 ADVEKTI81KO 3O0. A LINE. Tuesday 44.050 ADVERTISING 300. A LINE. Wedneaday - 43.430 ADVERTISING 300. A LINE Thursday 48.750 ADVKRTIHINO 30C. A LINK Friday 44, (MX) ADVERTI8INO 30C. A LINE IUtarda? 44,000 ADVERTISING 30C. A LINE Total ADVKRTI8ING 300. A LINE. Daily avoraae 43.773 UTi.AH PoWMt.?DKHIK A BLK FACTORY PROP Oarty and Lofta, with power, to lot. on l.lth at., between 3<l iuiii 4in ar*. liii|iura of F. UKOTE k CO., 114 East 14th at. Vi tram power-will lighted corner OStorea, IComna, Hu?amnnt?; all aisea. GKoRGE U. Walker. IWOCaatw H. UPLE.NoTu FLOO>lV, ~4uXH; 8TEAM HKATINo") ijpdwr; iterator 134. 1.V1 W??i llnh at. I'.J. IIAKIIY. SPLt M? 11? iOcaTION ; 8OCTHWR8T COHITkR I H II at. and 4 th a*.; Mtoud Floor a and Hnaemanta: iitbt, airy (1TORE?73 FKET DEEP. WITH TIIKEK LOFTS, JK7 IJIID'Im'i at. ; line location for buatnraa: aleo 4'tl Orei-n* wlrh >t : treat liaritaina. H. B. Ml- RKlLl.. (Iluttih a?. ORh TO liET?39XWJ, IN OOOIJ LOCATION; ot.U ?tabliahed carpel atand; raodorate rent. 377 llud. STf U?< rpiif. 1111itn anii koukt 1 llhUALH HI' ILOI NO TO LAW. IUNKIMI, 1N 8 U R A > TO l)KRriH4 ?EhRi'.?TO LET. FIKhT FLoOil OF 418 Itli B?. KOIIKUI J. IlKDH V I'll at., room 7-'. STEAM POWER, Will! OMR OE THRER LaROE l.'ilta ami elavaior. la factory IM Kaat IHth at. "FOURTH FLOOU 8 OF 1IIE LET, .-1'ITARI E Foil ffiff-. 1 INSURANCE OR ANT LIOIIT HLMM H-* Pi RI'OSEi APPLI IN THE <;oUNTINl? ROOM OK THE HERALD. TO LET IN~WII.?ON'.< HU I LO I Ml, IUI.ION 8i) ?orner uf Hold, larira or amall I noma, with rtr without power. J I WILrtOli, 7V Fnitoa M. Tmr LKT?STORK ANU HArtKMENT. 37)1 i.KI K.V wlch. nature* no with More - on* ol iho neat atanda for l>*kery and lanch room or cigar store In the city. Apply lo 271. Tm o I.KT OHKAP?l.AROK NEW HTOKEM ON BI<UaK> way. aotti at. and Otb ??. Jil>l All JEX, 1,383 Rroatf ? *ay_ rno I.KT-THE PROMINRNI bToilK OOKNKR :?ITII .1 at. and (Hh ??. Inquire of E. CONNEl.Y, No. 4UI Waal MlHIi at. fpo Lrf WITH 8TEAM Po*cH, a LAROE LOFT. A lor m*nn!?iM nrlnx purpoa?a. 1.1'i foot I run I by 4"? leot 4i*ap:woil llahlod. al*? onii' anjall Lolta, In addition to aiinre, caa b" li? i in >tm> Imlldmir, up>m *? rr reaaonahla leim* Inqulie ol I'hTKR KlullK k OO., IJITi Manila at., near flonaton atraet ferrr. ?Kir-uounK no. us i rn a v. (orconlti a. V, Me? nrl 4 Co,'a: I uoud buainea* location; lultahlo for inoat any biialneal; plate glaaa front. A. A It r-NT, 33 Maiden lane, op Main. f|" ? I.KT -M\ K rt l'? iKiFitTORE NO 837*" WA>IIINO i ton at.. ne>?r Franklin; rery stronvlr tlnilioroii. good cel lar. with laii-lnot ne*dro?m. ItOHERT 1. MRoWN, 311 Naaaau at . ro'Hn 7X ifo Lr.l?TORE MN~rtfiTlTllWlfcrtT 'OOKNhK OF 3D 1 IT and KORKIlT I. llltoWN. 30 Naaaan at , room 73 npo~i,iTT-?HirEirrLootw~?ER t*u iiroTvuW i n*ar Ualnn aqnme; liaia been oncuplad lor tha paal ten yara .* ? milline r eatanliabinnnl Apply lo WILLIAM II. J ACKnON A CO., 31 Kaat I Tih at, TO L-T-riff. VnUH HInKY AND RaAEVRKT llulldlng >". '7 Weat l.llh it., part or wholo, lor aay light manufacturing bnalnna*. mo LEI (INK OF THK FINRrtf LoCATIoKrt FOR i. any kind of Unalue.a. the Fir.t and M-cnnd I'loora, aei ? araie er together ?t In offlrea. *t i.U ronth at., enraar of I'I no at. I'loiae *?k fur Mr LYONH. fjvi LEAI4E -THE VM ANT LUT NORTH IIDl OF X Canal at. between Oreenwloh and Washington *ta. KOBI K I 1. MROWM. J < Naaaen at ro?m 7? bWklil.lMl mil NK1 TO IjK'I . ~ 1r*r*f?hmd. ' Am BEAUTIFULLY FtKNtMllhl) AND DICORATRD amall Engnah Haaoment; East Rftth at, near l.oxlng. tun a*.; In eacolleut ordor: rant Ik* to a good Mnauk K. rpo 1 M< ?aril n w. , in ?" -?* vwi ?*??* , a w raw iu w ?? ? CUUIEsUANE k CU^#8 8rosU*q? K UWKLURO HOU?E? TO UET. Furnlalwd. A-33D f.T.-KXI'KA LARGE. magnificently ?furuiahed private Dwelling; low reut. V. K STBVBNSON. Jr. POUR STOUT BR^iWN STONE K LEGANTLY furnialted iimim. hard wo.fl; Ireaoued; Brut elaaa; It. brary, 1 <?*> volumes; ?I20 lo private family; Elevated hailroad convenient. 449 West 47ib. EUliiiANTLY FERN 1 SHED*10U?R AND ?r AII LP, '***11 iiiiit) i lor Uaruiii, for *200 mouth. POOLY A H V AT r. 171 5th *v. i^ifth av.. ws ijiikAK 4(jr? kt.j-ocgufants oo. r iiu to Europe -Elegant luar ?tory Illicit stoop brown Mono, newly, eompletlv and elegautly luruiahed. Item an.J silver; ram reasonable. Call. T^L'KNIiMhU hou^kt ^('1II ST.. OPPOSITE TlIBO~ J? iotieal Seminary; possession May 1. BUHNiiaM, floe lludioa *t. DKibbRD HttUhK TO lkt-Nk. Jill WEST ZiD ?t.; i ?ut *100 par month. Apnly trom In to * P. M, VJEATLY kcmnisiied HOUSE, OPPOSITE KESEB J.1 voir Park, occupied bjr owner; rant low to r9*p?ii?lbli Moaut; also luruiahed /lata, Immediate poiMaaioo. A. i-All.l-.Y. CtHS tint av. I.NT OK SEEL-KUK.MSIIeD OK L'.S PURSISllEU, 14J Kaat :<Htb >t.; de?lrable home loramall family. TO* LET?OOMPLBTELY" FURNislIED, AN ELEGANT lull aio- Houae on ism *t., near 6th av*: low rant to ?eairable private family. MORDBCA1 A BELLAMY. ft Pine M. I'niuritialttM*. A-CHB\P BENT iWUl-TIIKK ?. STORY BROWN ??tone lilg<< stoop. 19x50: all Improvement!; |cai fix turen and Itiroaoe. I05tii at., sear Dili av tthMBE THREE-sTOKY .AND BASEMENTM1AU ? private llouaea. northweat corner 78th at. and 2d .tv. ; 10 room a earb: all Improvement* and In splenoid order; renin reduut d to Si:*) and *55>). Apply to J. C. WILSON, 1,417 3d av. or ob tli?* preniiae* A" ">OUH STo7<Y BROWN"*I ON E ENOEISIl BASE meat lloaae, 334 Weal L"2d at, at low rant. JOHN SHIRLEY. SI Cedar*t. A?431) ST. NEAP. BROADWAY. *80<i. *?50. *1,000; ? many other*. BKO III EKS, 102 Wait 33d. FoUK STOIIY BROWN STONfc HoU>E AND LOT on 21*t at., between Broadway and 4th av , to lot; *lx? 25xoii.\>? block; In One order. G. A. iUSb\M, 5}{ Plue ?t. A?163 WEST 23D ST.?EXTRA LARGE DWELL ?Ing: vorv low rent. V. K. sTEVisNboN, Jr. Athkbe ?ttky highstoop brown Stone lloaae. all improvement*. 441 We?t 71st at., near Boulevard; rent tow. ROBEUT FEKGUsON, 51 Mercerat. BKAtflVUl, IIOI'SE ON PARK AV.. VERY handsomely fnrniohed, to rent to a am all private fnmily. Apply to h. 11. LCOLOW A CO., 3 1'lne at. and 1.130 Un>?1way. At a baroain?dwkllinu, uood Veatry, near lludaou; modern improveiuanta. OWNER, 40 rt ei.t until at. A T ?1,400-HOUSE, BOTH ST., NEAR ?TH AV. i ^VdlninK room extension, itaa Bxtures and mlrrora: alao one 111 IiUtli at.. $l,'JOU. oWNKIl'ri periuita, tO Weal 20tli. LItfT 900 ELBUAMT DWrituN(7? tall, rentals and prices reduced, W Yi.'KoKP'S, 30 Pine at.. 252 and 1.267 Broadway. A" NUilBEU OP PI EST CLASH IIOU8ES TO LET B. W. WILLIAMS, t#37 Sib nr. CKNTKAL MANSION, *1.40(1; KRLSCOEO, *1.700; UN, exceptionable block, fl,2nn; assortio^nt 100 other llonaea. HiNZESH hIMEK. 160 Kaat 57tn at. IilOR PBlVAiB dwelling^. KL.VTS a.nij Paktsop 1 private tiweliluK-. sea iny primed liat tui? mornlnjr. SAMUfcL KIl.PATlUCK, 34Q3d av. A RLEM.?OHOICB SELECTION OP HOUSES, brat locations, *50J and UDWard. PORTER A CO., 173 Eait 125tb at. NLV $--..().-34I'll ST.. NEAR rlevateu ROAD, three and four atory tiouaea; others. Oall for printed liat. NOER1S B. B.VEIt A CO.. 72 West 34th St. PARTY liOINU ABROAD tVIsHKS TO KENT HOUSE and anil Furniture, three atory. 14 roomi; Brat claas central location: furnished with everything to make a eomlortable house. Addraaa, fur week. M. A. L, box 177 llorald Uptown office. KIVAIR HOUSES TO LET-AT KATES TO SUIT Ibo times: from S to 17 rooms: all conveniences: desir able neighborhood. Office I Pottage place, from 10. 3. TO LET-desirable private HOUSES, KKOM *.')0<> to *1*J(J rent. Particular! 1,102 3d ?v., between 07th and 68th. Cut this out. TO LET?AT uaKM AN8VILLK, A NEAT TWO story and baaement House In ir>6th St.. near 10th av.; 5 nnrinti'S Irotn the depot; *301) per year: lias W rooiua; nil in Brat cliiaa order; Croton water In the bouse. Apply to Air. OAKLEY, 155th at. and 10th av. LKT?HOUftE 11 WAnillNiiTO.N PLACE, 98 LEX lugtuu av. T. W. THOMPSON, 20 Beaver at. IktlET-AN old fashioned COUNTRY HOUSE, with a larice garden, corner 5th ar. and 133d it. Apply 2H'> 5th ?v. T(tlkt?HARLEM.?TO let. POUR STORY BKOWN stone Honses, bard wood Uniati, all improvements, 123d St.. Hth ana 7th av*., at *800. PORTER A CO., 173 Eait 125 th St. TO LEI? A BOAKDINO HOUsE-31 ROOMS. IN* quire at 331 Baat 24th st. T~ O lbt-1UB POUR 8TORI BKOWN stone HOUSE 15 Park av. Apply to U. D. MILDEBi.BUER A son, SO Carmine st. rW? "let-thkbk story high stoop housb, 33 X Charles st.; modem improvement*. For permit inquire 74 beach at. IVo let-a four story bnulish hasembnt . llouae, one door from fttb av. For particular* inquire ef E. tl. PURDY A CO.. 44 to 48 West 13th St. TO LET?TUE tii KKE STORY IllUli STOOP HHOWN ?tone llouu 224 East 30th *1.; 13 room*; rent *90U. Apply at 1,216 Broadway. LET?HOUShtnO. 9 EAST 330 ST.: LABUB lour atory hlich stoop brown liiue bouie. in good condl tion with mirrors and itaa Bxtnrei. Fur particular* apply" W. N. UlllnWUiiii'li i.eai Estate and Oeneral llualneai Atelier, 744 Broadway. rpo X 10 TO LET?THREE STORY IIIUll STOOP, SOTH ?t., third door west of Broadway ; beautiful rear; $1 .It*). T* O LET ClliAP?TVVO FbUit- sroKY HKOWN stone llunaes, 137 and 1 -9 West 61it it. Apply S, Q. IIVAIT, 1,675 Broadwav or 649 6th av. TO RENT- neaR BKOauway. hbovt.i STONB private House, three stories, bigh stoop, all Imnrove menta. perltict order. Apply to owner, 3.M West 49th at. ?J sTORY. LEXINGTON AV.,' WITH POSSESSION, ? Jfl.Kai; four story, * 1,3,r>0; I ur atory, 00th ?t.,fl,3i?i; three story stoop. 57tb St., *660; also two story frame, *6(MJ, and a lour story near 5th av.. *1.(100; otLer* very low. P. crawi'OKD, U5fl 34 av. "wesi :wru st ?Koi'K story high .vroop To let. Apply to DR. HOYT, 19 West S'.Hii it. lDti WEST"i2Tirsi.-Fh17ee"sio.lY BIUCX; FlNB 1Ua-iblock ; partially lurnl?ned If ditired; poe*e**lon May or belore ; (1,111X1 17 C/;|U| ?to l.KT, A Kt.W OK TI1O8R NKW AND $U\*U.eleicaai brown atone llouaea on iiib av . between laiat and IM'Jd ?la. io I.O.W HKojv, corner ol 34 av. xnd &,r>ih at., and i!07 Hrimdiar. or en the preiulara. Q711 Li XIN'iTON AV7_Hf.TWKh.N 7UTII AMI 71ST t/ I UiU -Tii let. Ibrea aturjr l.lgli Umip Drown si ma liunaa ; low rant. No agenta. li. K. DilaLINOHAM, 301 Breed way. __________________ FUltNIBHKD BOOMS A1*D ACAUT31EMTS IO LET. PHYSICIAN DESIRI.NO To"OIVK* UK'TlOUSF,. ./Ykenpinic will let ilia greater perl (H Kooina) of 111 a fur ni.hrd honaa ; rant 9*JO. or Hoard lor three adult*. Addreaa UWNKK, box tSJ Harald Uptown oflica. -LAROK. l-'OMKOKTAltlii . CdNNKOriNU KOUMH | .?iuKla Room. f'J locution good; modem improve* niouu. SM lHth at.. I'd a*. LAllOh HALL," BKD UOOM" P U KM * It K D, TO LET, wiiboal board, to genllotueB only. Appljr et 117 Beat ZHtli at. NEATLY PURNISHKD Sl'IT. K1VK KOOMH, I ON neeiln*. a-cond Ooori anting, dining, allebea, two bad room a. 3IK Weal .VJd eL. wilhOWNKK. |FaMOHOM KLIT "FOKWlillKfT ItOOM. without board, lor tranUemau or man and wife. KM Wo-t 2:i<i at. IJ I<n7s |TkD~iU>OM * Ko B LIU IIT HOt'-S BK IK PIS 6 f and for two gentleman: tenn? modulate irj ilth ?v. A" KINK ~l IT HI' KIKN/SIIKD KOOM.S, WITHOUT board, for one or two geullainua, in firat claaa bouae 34 Waal iftth at. N BLBOAMT HUIT OP HOOMS. ALSO SINOLB. lor gontlemsn only ; newly lerulaiied. 40 Wait U4tb. Mo hoard. -LAROK and ELKOANTLY PURNIflHRD PROMT .llootna and hall l edroom. with bath on #,at Door, lor one or two gentlemen, wltbont board. Apply at b'J Waal 14lb at "T"fTrcaiiT kokmi?iTbd pkort hall room oh j \ ? floor. >0, IIW Woat lillh at., n*ar IHh av, \? purmihTihd kront iooalj second plooa, ? 1,147 Broadway; mantel mirror, not and cold water, batb. ?a, $a, ??. Ar m iHTtNo Flack. ~a lakok. wkll pilau Btaheil fr'.at Knom, twe cloteta; quiet location; verr low terme. ? J V.l.ti 'NT..*- I t'lINIHIIi.U ROOMS. NEAR UlApfc a<|B >r>-, for perm *u>-nl ornanalent partiaa. Kk CLl'.-K. nan 1W Untown Herald ofllee, LMRNlHIikD ROOMS To LKT-TO UR.ITLBMkH r only. eln<rlV or In aalt*. 4 Woel'JHlb ?t. FMHXlSliKD MjtARP. AND HAiaL KOOM?T" ALMO Parlor floors new Inrultnre. 14 Kelt lftth at., near Tlfaay'a. ti'BONT HOOMm OK ItBUONO PT,OOK."KUBMsHKD, r lor uentl'-man; alao I'arlor floor; breakfaal If dealred. Ml Irrlna piare. L^flO>T ROOM. NICKLT CORN IPH Kl?; ALMO IIaLL P ilooiu on third floor; houaa private 1 location rantrel. IM Weal mh at. HandsoSTkLi piiknishkd lakok and kmalL Koorn*. wltboui board. In Orel riaaa h >aaa. .13 Waal 2 >ib at. H> Mlil*OM K RI'IT. NKWI.y PURWImiBO, BAUM?a lor'a ap iriment?, 2"< W<-at .'illU at., na ir Hrondr ay and Mi'll^on ?'|ii.rr ; t-rma raaaonaiil*. ANDnoMTl.t KUi nTsIikD Ml'CO Ml KL?K)K POK hon?a?erplnir or aentlrmen, all Improvvmanta. $40. 2nl 7tb av. naar 2Jd at. nANDSOMKLV rUK.M-.llBD KKONT PAHl.OK, wltb piano; Imnarki'nplnn ehanp: hall Konma, $1 Soap; ladl?a or Kantlamfa, H<| W?at Mat IN pbTvatk SkconTj PLOoK, POR iiUhml, wllliont board ; U7 VV eat Ilth >1., near Alii av., rof aienm. \V NKit II AS I Wll LA. OK ROOMS, NlCKLT PI'K hed. to lei, ? u an lie or aiDKlo, to nentleni'in and ?lfa 0 . or K^ntleineii: r hoard j referenrea (Iran and re qulrad. HUH W#M Olat at. mo LRT-PoM DOCTOn OR DKNTlrtT.VuitNlMUBD 1 I'arlor Ploor t'4 pariora) In tli^ private hoiiae 27 kaat 4tb ?I., batwoaa llr?a?way and Howery. rp<) I.KT-P! RNIKIIED KRONT KOOM~ll4 MOXD ~8T. A (plaaae rleg boll aigni. BlHOH, ? KH'l ID "I NKMt HIIOADWAT-A S3! rlorlablv furulahed hall Koom to let; lerma fj Mi. M BHT M' AR 5111 av nut oKMTI.KMRN only tnroiahra Hooma, aiBRly ar en anite. 4lf? CABMINB NT.?TWO PURNlMHkD lino MS TO ZaJiel, aaitabia lor a aiairvoyant bnalneaa already aaleb llahed. . KAST 4TH ST., HKTWKKN BOWKBV ARD 'Broadway Knrnlabed Hooma to let, wltbuat board) roioranc"* reqnlrad. "I 1 ?! WRIT *TH ?T^RUI'KRIOK HOOltd, OR T11R Ji ?^Br?t and aeeond lloara, newly fBrniabedi tonne very Biodcrate 1i)t> KAST iftTII ST. IW11 NIOKI.V 1 I ft x I - III 0 ? la^ltooina, one laree IroBl, wllh bap window, private 20 39i rrRNrisHMD boom ahd amrtkenti TO LET. nt?ir jfrxrrrrssarfi a ratfnmfinvftftiH e 6 aOOKuuuii to 1st, on the aecona floor, lo gentlemen, without board. A I'NVIKMSHKD ROOMS AMD APART MEVT* TO LKT. "T"k80u?TiTTEat ok sevk:Trooi? WlWuZEC ?/xliirlu and v?ry pleaaani. <11 Waal 39th at. ?aT.J AMES ~KLATS. ~ . Hlli st. and 57th ?t. ; modem Improvement*: rental a, fSO to Mtt <J. A. KI8SA.M. 5J4 Pin- at . or Janitor. 95* 8th ay. -i.bxi.wion plats, .Sua. 103 >o lti.'. Eh?i 4Ulli M.. sear Lexington av.; ?is to liiit* rooma; rentnla. f lo friu. O. A. ICISSAM, office of tbe -^Lexington." 185 Kant 4ttlh at X1CEKROJiT BA8KM K.NT. 16 a"e ES P K CT A B LB tenant; Mil convenience*: cheap. 21V Eit*l 10th >k, near 2d >t. ?. VERY CHOICE FLAT IN TUB RENSSELAER. 1.271 Broadway. Inquire In the bank. A8hCOM7"FLOOR. POUR MOc. LAIliiE l>Oo?:S, eloa-?t, bath, front Raeement. large pantry, waaliroom, (eparata gaa meter; po>(e*(l6n Immediately. 114 Ea?l 11th at.. ue?r 4th *v. _____ AT LOW KENT!.?NICK FLATS. DELIGHTFULLY (I turn oil. overlooking Central Park. Apply on nrem laea, 5ii Baal HiHU au,or of W. P. O'CONNQli, 57 l'lue at. A CORKER PLAT IN TI1K "LEXINGTON" TO Lr.T? Firal or Second; 9 room*, every one with a wirdow; bulla heated with atearo. O. A. K1SSAM, office ol tbe I<exinglou, 1(13 Eaat 4Uth at. handsome LOW Kit PART IN FULL RIZB brown *lon? private honae to let: oontatna nine larue room*-, all mo'leru Improvement*; Maimed llimuffiiout. Ap ply to OWN HR, on preiniaea. 418 Weal Slat at. DESIRABLE PLAT, WITH OAKPETS, TO LET, IN Roeainghura, Irom May 1; reduction. Apply to Jaint?r BROADWA~Y~AND BOTH sr.? CHOICE FLATS aT' reoaoed rental*; mu*l be *eea. JOSIAU J EX, 1.235 Broadway. B All MO li i' '?*?, NO. 39<> 5TI1 AV? *OUTll WEST l!UH tier of 30th it.?Oue large and one (mall Suit of Room* to let. CIIIOlt.'E apartments 2ti3 W E8T 26TH ^Kff, /compact, elegant mantel*. if a* flxturoa; play ground; luxuriant Kurili-u; moderate. FMRsf FLOOIt- rivE KIN E ROOMS; WasH'TUBS. I.?7? 3d Av. $10. Alao Third Floor. (H. F LOO.; OK FOUR ROOMS, IN PRIVATE HOUSE, to gentleman ana wife. 221 Weat 1Mb at. tjlRONT apartments?IN NEW FLAT 302 EAST 1 2ttih -t, deal ruble lor a permanent family; rant $10. ENoX. CORNER &TiI AV.. 1311k ST. - aPAKTMENTS Ivr lainilie* at greatly reduced renta; Parlor, Bedroom and lireaaiux Room lor gentlemen at MUO per year. Ninth waki?.-to lki, oonvkniknt fi.ooh.s III tlireo atory honaea i>8B audOU2 WaablnKtoD *1. : good iielirhbor'iood; moderate rent*. Mr. KlNU, owner, 07 7th *v. T~ o LET-TO A >MaLL, QUIhT FAMILiV, 8Et-'OND Floor in a nleo private boiiao en 4Utli at., between 2d and 3d ava.; rent low. Apply at 21 Howard at. TOILET-ADULTS ONLY. SEOONO FLOOR. COT tage, Ea*t 27th *L Inquire in tbe wood yard 334 Eaat 28lb at. TO LK T?A FLOOR, IN A private HOUSE. APPLY lf>3 hv. B. T"o LEI?TO A GENTLEMAN AND HIS WIFE. A .Second Floor, conalatiug ol four roomi, pautrlea, bath, hot and cold water, Ac. A. W. M U It RAY. Bible Honae. Aalnr place. 18T AND 20 FLOOK FLATS TO LET, 7 ROOMS, ALL improvement*, at 110 Ba*l 46th It., near Lexington >v. 2"FLOORS OF NO. 33 WEdT i:iTU ST., suitable lor two famllioi, or will let together. 1 ')() EAST 67TII ST.. NEAR PARE AV.-FINB X^l/Kooma; loulhera expoaure; private family; refer ence* required. boaruern wamtko. l.sou place, corner Oi'lntou place, near Uroayway. 1KUIT OK ROOMS AN1> mIMILK ROOM. PRITATE table if dealred, moderate prloea; al*o unlurnl*bed Rooma. No nmvli ir. 4-4J Madlaon av. I- doubli-7, also hall rooms. or together; good Board; term* raaaouabie. 35 Weal 12tb at. 4 and 6 washington PLACE (ST. JULIEN>. Elegaui Suite ol Kooma on aecond floor; honae raped ally adaptad for lamllie* : flrat claa* French table ; French, Spanish and (Jerman apoken. 5TII A V.. 741. NEAR" central PARK.?ROOMS with Hoaru, for geutl?man and wifa; ternia moderuli-* 5Th AV~ NoT 127 -ELttiAN tlv t ORNISH ED Kooma. with Ur*l olaaa Board, to famillaa or gontlamau; alao Parlor Floor; refcrencea. if ast 42CTsT.?'10 lt?NT. may 1, TIIIKD SToBVs If taker by vear reduction mada; will *eparate. "1 f' EAST iwTTFsf.-TO let, WITH BOARD. ROOMS J.Uon tha aecond floor; touthern expoaure; aingle Rouma; rafereucca exchanged. , Oli AND 24_ BLEKCEEIt ST.? fc.LEOA.NTLY KUR. Xl^dlulahed Parlora, with Board; gaa. Are and attendance lor latiiee; terma #12. ? U ST.. 241" WEST.?two PLEASANT, SUNNY Kooin?. with goou Board, at extremely low prlcea. O'Jl) ^T.NO. lid kTsT.^NEAR 4TH AV?TWO ^jOlHrgfl parlor Rooma: alao two ball Room*: anperior Hoard; relerencaa; term* reasonable; no moviug In May. 0?jb~8T., I5tl WI.8T.-A 11 ANDS'.lMl'. ROOM, flHRT ^Ollitor. lo lat, with Board; raferencea; taula boarder*. i)L- "olinton plai;b7neaOroTdway.-fronT ^iiURooma, $lo to f 14, with Board, for two; tingle, $0 to $7; truiiaienta tuken. 15, 23 2b Ml cat :II8T Nr.?DESIRABLE SUITS AND SINGLE Kooma, with Board : alao labia Board ; reference. <)/? WB.iT 4rtTII ST., NEAR windsor HOTEL.? OUTwo floor* togalher or eonarala: #2'> and (20 to fauil Ilea; alau largo Room on fourth floor, $12; labia, beat Id city. 3U 45 48 49 ?J5 kasi aau hr.-HROK aiky anu klkua.nt Apartment*. wtib or without prirate table. ?JQ"iA?T lOTtf HTr HALK A HLOOK PROM Oi/Br. adway.? Nicely loruUhad Koom*, with flr*t ci*?* Hoard; moderate price WKrtf lrflThT. ?HiiABO: KUkNIBHBI* ROOM* lor taratly anil single gentlemen : large clonet. WBUT aoril 8T.?ONi. LAKtnriccuND HTOKT Room, two nn flrat lloor, with Moard: reference*. wSSfli.mi Kiv-uuiTHtiriioojis. io $i4; ?Inxle, Ml ?u<l $7. wltli excellent Hoard. 7TII AV.~lTU uHlnllEL) UK UN K U UN 18II fc D Kooin*. with Hoard f ji 1 KAST 33l> HI.? PI.KAHANT ROOMS TO. KKNT' J. V/ xwiih irood Hoard, for gentlemen or tcantleman and wtte; no uorluic m Mar; reference. wkhT"iftr?l sr.7T5a k~IvrTi av."-iiani* >?</umol; furnished Keoma, with Hoard; no nioviur Ma* I. i *j"ff?wbi<T :?rH.?boa*i.? kok two ukntlb. 1 ?)?imeu ; lioum homelike and table Bret class; leriue, $7; references required. VffTi "kasT ISUTIl' rtT. <OK/T*KKiTy~ PLAOK).? J.tJwWrll lurnlMied Kooiu?; first clw* Board; saliabla lor one or twu, BAMt" 12HTH MT.-ri.KAKA NT RC HtMd IN llarleiu to let, with Hoard. In private family. WMT~03D t?T ? II AN DsOM Kl. Y KIKNIHIIEO Inm to lei, wltli Hoard; relereuce* roqutred. WKKT 33 U HT.?TO LhT7 Wl7li ~ HuAitl)' larue and p.ea*Hutly *ltuatad Room* ;l>-rm*lnw. 2o;i "228 260 tlQl 5TII AV.-flNh. HANl>SOMELV Kl'KMMIP.D _ >7 1.1 oom*. on arcond fioo.. with private tanle. htriotlt pkivatb kamTly. rkmdinu on Mnrrar lllll, between Lexington and 3d a**., would let with Hoard, the entire Kecond and large Room oa third floor, to a part; of adult*, willing to pay liberally. and glre and require unexceptionable reference*. Address O. 1*. Ilarald I ptown "flier. TToXkI'Kks WaNTBD. ?DB*IRAHLB KaMII.Y AND JJaliitrle Uoonii; transient ratev $?! VI, 93 and f.1 !W)i.?r day: ttoom*, Kyrouean plan, $1 nor day. LKLANIJ'H MllllVIII BMM, Hroa1w..r and lilhli *t. OWNBH or LABMB HKOw7?T~* fUSB HOI HK ON Hurray Hill will lit Parlor and Ite'iroo n connecting, front au<i tunny, to party adult*; tienlilile-t part clly; per. fact drainage. Refined party kcekiuu a flint elai* (elect home with superior Hoard, cau apply 34H Lexington a?., near Ufltn *t WK AllP. RK.NTIXO ROOMS VBRY LOW ATORAND Union Motel. 4l?t *t. Hid Park a*. | reatanrnnt prices reduced. Cull ?ml ?OAMP AMi Cuuuu? WANTSO. frr^rrxxfrnnr^rai^^ n-t a A Second Kloor. with bath, with or wlthoat Hoard, with qalet partial, b. W. M.. Herald offlee. Wantbd-boaru r?R i,ai?v and okntlbman Iii a quiet and refined family ; Hoard tor lady oalr; no ntlier boarder* prelerredi term* tiU weakly. C. M. J., Herald Uptown office. 11/1 LI. R KINKD LADT, LiriBtt ALONK, takk TT reflnefi clilld to board T Addre** ANXlKTT, Uptown eflce \V ABTBD-TH RBB StJUARR HOOdH, WITH BOARD, TT fo>' three Kentlrmeii and two .aille*; ma?t not oi ject to mueie; loeallon between 3d ai.d <Hli a?i., 14th end Jith at*. Adore**, with term*, wlileb inuat be moderate, KOLIP*!1., Herald Uptown offlee. HOTBLh. TTxfoTiTLTst) im rhrC"TkrT?T7WKTffrr3uo J\ li orn> I udirlo * !>?>?.. 4<ie . ; we?*ly. $2 to #!l. / m.M ini. iioTIm. i \>v. mi., nk >r hi(oaI7 \ 'war, sitiitl* Iront Room*, .'He. per day; double Room* jar two. $1 Wit _________ COt NTHY BOAHD. -T~fmX*k Va XIi.r.' HAVISu~TS SWTJuPKffrt ^VlioU'e. with modern Improrenient*, newly and wail fur* m*hed, deaire eiirtu bnnrdera, who am wllilnic to pay uoud prieo* tor ttne accommodation* Till* hon*e I* *ltualed on the north ?liore ot I,uog laland, af> mile* from Mew Yor* City, ecceaeible by railroad and ileaiuboei. and ha* aquare teet ot plataaa, from which may ba Men Long Inland Hound, We??eUe*ter conniy. and in the diatancn ilm l'alliade* on tha Hadaau. r'ltie nnatlng. b ithlnK and fl<h Inu. The a-e of yacht, rowboal* and bath bouee without eftlra cbarue. Adnreaa t o* JUK Port office, .New York city, Apply roit PARTK ui*am or ROAMHRS to. coninro ationa In At*t cl?*? country hna*ee at SAlfDri' Honrdinic Directory, |,1M Hroirtwity BOARK WANTBI) AT TUB IIKAKOK M( >U >T \ IJM? For three afluit*; Til,, one double end one wliiarin Room ; priue, (|H per week. AddrexJ. r.. II.. Herald offlc. MO.MTfLAlR. N. J. ?MOUK ''A I M AVHflllB HOUNB open* Mar 1 for hoarder*. Mend or call for particular*, ll'j halt JJ'I *1, MBK or BOHINBM CAN UXDKRBTAND THAT T'lKBR Ifl NO TlMK TO ADVKuTlHi'. 1.1 KK TIIB PRBSBN'T. BU-INPWH 1A II ft I s K AND t'ie airculatloa ol tha KVKNMU TBI.KilltAM lor tha weakeii iln^ rtatarda.r, March Ik). INTH, wn* aa follow*:? Monday 4J,l?XI Al? W'.U I l.-IXi *K). A LI.NB. Taeadar 44,(150 ADV KK TIKI >U aUO. A LINK. Wedi?a*day 4S.4.V) ADVKKTIhlNU 300. A L1NIU Thur*dar 48.7SO Al)YKIlTl>INU 300. A LINK. Friday 44,6011 ADV KKT1.-LSU 200. A /.INK. halurday 44.000 Tetal ADVKUTIMl.NU sou a limb. Dal'y arcing" 43,774, COUNTRY BOARD. PTfonrrnrszTrcyf n h ieu/ 8 ri:-o*B *+ kifuWoc Vitui In ilia prid at Board ?i this lirst class bouse for laiuiliea or |t#u|lemtin uh.i tome early TWO SIHQLK GENTLEMEN KlIRNISII ING A HOUSK for their own occupancy uu Orange Muouuiu woulu ac commodate lew ".elect boarders; superior table guaranteed; experienced housekeeper aud seivanls will iu?ure proper attention; stabliog il dt?irvd; iUi? elevation, wtfloatiu AO miles, I? supremely healthful: blfhest whwneei ?lwi aud positively required. Address 0-, box UU) lleiaul office. W~ ~ANTED?SUMMER-BOAKOIM MK: MX OB eight ladles and gentlemen, along the Hudson; not m re than oue hour's ride irom C?nal su i him preferable. Address S. S.. bus JOU iterai.l olhce IsAIHIE BOOMS TO LET. WITH HOARD, SINOLY or en suite: lir-l rlui nelgl.lx rhood; tbiee minutes front Erie Depot. Apply to Mr?. EYANS, HI Madisou ?l., Paterson, N >1. 8CMMK11 KBKOKTk. S~TJjTSfl!R AND v* I NTfc ?"ufcSoRT kXtUUFo'C 735 Broailwav. New York City beeaquarlers, where proprietors and patrons may meet. Free to the puhlio Kail deicriptioqs ol luimuer resorts. Photographs exhibited. Uupllcate descriptions from oar records rretuitously printed end distributed. Proprietors of summer ho els suit boat ding bouses should become members. Call or request circular. IIAsBKOUCK A LAKE. SAbEt AT ?VtCTlOl. A ASD PfcitK?lWoKYa#ALh. THIs'daY L>A"Ul' (FRIUAYl MOIiNlNG. COMMENCING lOO'CLOCK. at tiik shown Stone mansion 12U WEST Mil) ST., NEAR UTH AV., PKIVAIK RKnlDBJiUE li. GAY. E*g . magnificent HOCShllOLB Fl'RNITU KB, BARB AMI COSTLY WORKS of ART. AO.. AO. catalogue comprising ovek 400 lots UBEFUL AND ORNAMENTAL HOUSEHOLD i.OODS. MAOE TO OKDEil KV CI IY MAKbRS. AND WILL HE positively HOLI> TO HIGHEST BIDDERS, RliGAHDLESB OK COST, AS ALL GOOD* ilUBT HE SOLI), ANU DKLIVEKED IMMEDIATELY AFTaR SALE. drawing Rooms contain two brilliant toned oetave rosewood Pianofortes, magnillcent Steinway A Son and elegant Bradbury mak ers, used six months, cost #1,01*>?acli; tour eunaru Draw ing lio-iin Suits, covered in crimson, blue anddiaband silver satins; rosewood Etugeres Piute lilass, real lace Curtains, magnificent Inlaid Cabinets and I'eoles to mnrrtt imported Jardinieres. Flower Stands aad rmil Bronte Figures on pedestals; Bisque and Parian Figures; 3U real OM Paintings, by well known and eminent artist*; 1,ttdy's Writing Desk and Secretary, Bookcases. over SllO vnlnmn> of choice Books, velvet and moquet parlor Car pets, used four months: Chandelier und Gas Bracket*. Easy Chairs, Oriental Rockers, lurkisb Suita, Mnsle Cabi nets. Imported Music Boxes, cost 8300; also tine prool Jin gravities. BEDROOMS CONTAIN-NAMELY. solid rosewood una Muck walnut inlaid Bedroom Suits, with Jircsslng Cares, Washstands, Commodes, Wardrobes, Armolre-a-Glace, 2D line white curled hair and sprint: Mattresses, leather Pillows, Bolslera, 50 linen Sheets, Quilts, Blankets. Cbalrs, ifockers, Btussels Car pets, Louti^es, lables, alnclu and double Bedsteads, Bu reaus, Washxtands. Curtains, Clock. Ac.. Ac. dining ROOM COST INS?NAMELY. Hchlyearved black walnut Buffet, Inlaid, cost $250; one liMoet l-.xteuslon Table, bla. k waluut: one do., 10 fool; Chairs, eov?red iu leather; Suits to inatoh; also larva as ?ortiuent of French China inner and lea Sets; Sheffield Cutlery and nicxsl-plated Ware, Ca?tors, Urns, Pitchers, Porks, Knives, Spoons, Ac.; line crystal cut Glassware; also larue lot of library, basement and servants' Furni ture, all new eluhl months ago. Sale positive, regardless of weather. LUKE fitzgerald, Auctioneer. NOTICE.?Competent tnen in uttendanoe to pack, cart or ship goods, elty or country, stored 11 required. DltlAN H. MUlTl.KR, AUCTIONEER. Psrcraplnry sale by order of the executors ol Charles M. Connolly, deeeassd, ol the Improved i'mpertr No. W Water st. No. 129 West 40th st. Unimproved Property. Five Lots, southeast o >ruer of Broadway and 5lith st.. oppoxite Central Park; eight Lots, with the improvements, ou the easterly (Ida of lltb av. Boulevard, comprising the entire trout between 129th and 130th att., and Lot* on 0th and lOth a vs., 311th, 212th. 813th. 214tb. 215tb and 216th ata., and Water Fronts ou Harlem River, oa TUESDAY, April 0, at 12 o'clock, at the Exchange Salesroom, 111 Broadway. Title to all this property Is perfect. Sixty-live per cent on boud and mortgage at six per oent. Book maps at office ot ADRIAN U. MULLER A SON, Auctioneers, No. 7 Plna st. ?TUNIS* JOHNSON. auctioneer. ? old stand. 37 Nassau st. * A THIS DAT (FRIDAY), TO-MORROW (SATURDAY) and MONDAY. April 5, t> and S, at 10>a o'clock each day. CONTINUATION SALE OFTHK ELEGANT FURNITURE contained in the three private dwellings, Nos. 127, 120, 131 Kast 27th St., near Lexington av. The entlta superb parlor, bedroom and basement Furni ture. Pier and Mantel Mirrors, fine Carpets, Oil Painiiugs, China. Glassware. Kitchen Utensils, curled bair Mattresses, Feather Pillows, Bolsters, Ac. P. 8.?This dav's sain will comprise the entire Furniture of boase .No. 127. JOHN McKf-ON, Attorney lor Mortgage*. OK SATURDAY, APRIL 0, AT 10* O'CLOCK, at our salesroom, 87 Nassau st., HOUSEUOLU FURSITURK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION from several storage warehouses. Any quantltv of Bedding and Carpets. AUCTION?AT PKiVaTB KBHIDENOB. Meaira HANliOLPII it CO. WILL BELL I'll IS (FRIDAY) WORNINO, It) O'CLOCK PROMPT. at tbr live atory brown done mansion KO. 47 WKMT ,-UIIiKMII Blid-.hT. BETWEEN kiftii and sixth avem'ks. rich CABINET UOUsBIIOLD PUBHITDRK, PBOPEUTY OK A gAkTLBMaN GOING ABROAD. hTBINWaY PlANoKOBTfc.. OHIOKKIiING UPRIGHT PIANO. PAKLOK AND DRAWING HOOM SUITS, (jueen Anne ? ml Lh Princes* style*. richly curved Inline* in crlmanu utin. brocadn and tnpr-try; lurslah haay Chair*, Inlaid ?lid uierquotry and tflll Ceutre an<l (on-ole labia*. I'abl net". French plato Mirrors, lace Curtatna, brwnxe Figure*, elegant Imported French broute Man ml i-eu, Maiuary. bronae aad bisque I'lgurea, ro-ewood Etagera, ?>piiui?b Lounge*, I' iIiiiiii.? b* milIncut ?rt1*1*. "LAKK OI'.NKVA." HY MILROSB. "WaIKINS tiLEN,,' MY ANDm.WS. "IN I'HB ALPS," BT OONDI. -amktkhham." iiy mismimkii. Ado 37 other*. all choice selections. rich gilt frame*. Library and Secretaire Booscasu*. Honk*, raw alia LI br.irv sail. ?er?n piteeas Library Table*. Work* uf Art, Writing l>e*k BKOROOM FURNITURE?I- a*t lake and Queen Ann* ?tyla*, constating Imalil Kilt Hedatnad*. Dressing t.'aao*, Armoire-a-Gluce. Bureaus, t\ ardrohes, Waahstanil*, Lounges. Rockers, marble top Table*, .'11 hair and anrlnc Maitre*?c* Pillow*. Klankels, Iollet Set*; rep, |ilu-li and haircl th Sulla, Minora. Dining Furniture ? hxlenaion Table, Buffet, Chair* in leather. Dinner and Tea Sat* Silverware, Cutlery, al-o Hall Manila. Chalra, Kitchen Furniture?Bru*?eU, Ingram Car ?w'ta. Oilcloth , A'. N. It.?hale positive. Dou'l fail to attend. Take Sixth arruue or University place car* sr Fifth avennu stage ta Kith at. K. II. UANDoLPH. Auction*!. .V li.?Oood* boxod ami shipped: city or country. Arrange menta m ale lot storing good* Iree ot charge. UCTlON SALE. P?;rVm~ BBSIDKNCB. Large miction anle, positively Tllld (Friday i MOR>lNU. commencing at 10 a'eloek at the large lour -lory rmdenco 131 We*t Mth at., near Btli ?? IIOD8B CONTAINS 2 M At.N I H ICKNT PI \NOKORTBR, KLKOANT DRAWING HOOM SUITS. CIlAMBKIt SETS. LIHBAKY ANIi UlNINO Pl ltNITt BE CIi.MI'LEFB, KINK COLLECTION OP BllONZKH, CliOiCB PAINTING*. CARPETS. Parlora:?Single ana double Drawing Koom Sen, with earveil and inlaid frame*, covered m crlmion, blue and sil ver *atina, cotelalue. raw ailk and wool reoa; Cicauua mar ble Tanlea to match | tuariuetrr Cabinet, with broate ?poll ill I UK'; Etagcres. ebony and ffllt Pedeatila, Console fa'lea, F.aaela, I nrkiali Chair*. Lounge*: Hronie croupe, Figure* and Statuette*; Oil Painting* by eminent artlau. In handsome gold Iraiues. lace Curtain*. I'ier Mirror*. MAGNIPICKNT -TEINW <Y UI'KIUIIT PIANO: ALSO GBAND SQI'AI1K 7>? OCTAVr. PIANOKOIITB. ?mbrolnered (.'over. Stool, Music Cabinet, Mautal Set*, Mora Tabie*. Uarpet*. M?ta. Kng*. .ke. Chamber* : - Ko?ewood end walnut Chainbar Set* of Hed, ateada, Oreaelnif Canea, Hnreana, W aalmtaud*, Coiumod** Chairs, llockera. curled hair and other Mattreaaea, Hiring Bed*. I* tlher Pillow*. Wardrobe* Ea*y Oliairs Bed I.Ktingaa. room* Carpet*. Snita In rep. Ac. Inning Koom aad Libraryi-B?"keaae*. l>eak*. Table*, with blue ami allrer aa.ln cloth Sulla in tapeatry, Ae.; two Exienaion I able*. Bullet, IHniag Cbalra, hliverand Plated Wnre. Knlrea and Korks. Spoons, Caatora. Ice Pitcher*, lea seta. Kitcban War* and Serraut*' Furniture. Ac. ALHBRT KBABMKit. Auctioneer. N B.? Oood* parsed, i nxed andiblpped ; city or country. Uoods stored until Mayl free. ^TTBNTIONI-LABiiB BOU8BIIOLD FUllNlTUKB Tn*lS' (KBIDaT) AKTEBXOON. AT m O'CLOCK, AT TIJB LAKIIK PMYATK MaNsIoN zn WKsT 4:?1? ST., >KaR BKOAIiWAY ANU 7TH AV. Over MX) Iota elegant Hoa*ohold Furniture, 17 tine Car peta. .15 Oil Paiatin all pair I'ltrtaina, Mirror*, Cloaka, Va*es. Table*, mairnincent latest ?tyie Parlor Sulla, m *atin. bro.-de.aila coiclainn. ron aud Ualrrimti: Hlcmway l*i inoiorte. Hedroom -nlta. *tj le of l.oiil* XIV. : alngle and double Bet|*teaua, Burr iu?, lire**lng ? a<e<, W a*l>*t*inla, Wardrwhei JS nalr aad *prlng Matire?ae?, lltalM, Loangea. Library. Dlnin x f nmltnra. Ulaaa, i hlna. silver Ware, Cutlery. 17 Brnaaei*, Ingrain and Malr Carp l*. K. RiiTII, Auctioneer, dale positive. Uomtnenrlng nt 1,'j o'clock sharp. A-OBO. w. KKRLBR, AUCTIONBKB. a Mortgage a*le ol bigli ia-a KCllJUfi BK. . A..PKTS, *0., MONO \ V. April s. ai It e'elovc, ?I sale room M Libertj at. Mr. Kaelar glvea hi* personal atteail n ta aale* of fur niture, Ac., -liber ai r*?ldenre* or ai his aalesrooms which are aennn?l?dit*d lo be in iha li*-t loiation for iliia pur po*? of any In the city, and th > reputation of the house it in-i claa*. A?MORRIS WILKIN*. AL'< TION'KKIt. a HANIISOMi'. IioVhRIIOLC H UNtTURR. OIL PAlNTlNUH, MiiONXB MA NIK I. SKTS, *0. R. Al.CUUiW A Co will *all at auction on Krldar, April^Ht 11 o'clock A. M , at to. 4l 'i Ke-t Kid at., h >nd some^Hick walaut l arlor Miita, Hanroom and IMnlng Boom riirniturn. Pier Mirror, Cartaina and Cornlre*, Itrnnie* and Mantel Set, Una Coap-ta, Ac.; al*o all Kitchen ami Lanadry Furnltitre. l ooking UteoMia. Ac. AL< l'i< in Svl7B-Tl~BKOWN s I ONh MAMtlOlt No. ilH ba*t I in h. between llrnadwar and 4th nr., Illlfl (Fill li A Y i MOKMMi. m 1'io'clock. oniee No l.l >l Broadway. To be aoln In lots. VI*., Stelnway A Son* elegant roa.'wn ol I'lannj al?o ah?an tilul Upright ; Par or Snlta, In raw atlk, satin haircloth and repa; element Imported llroiisea and Matn rj. lace Curtain*, Clocks, .lar ili.ii rn tniida, trllt Tables. Imported Centre Tahl>*. Mlrior*, Moohcaaes. Cabinet*, Ped?*tala, Turklah Ijounge*. Ji ele ant I'arp. t*. Ac. Painting* by *nperb arll*i?. Court of M .lame*, br |l? Wallor. Klliabeth and Xary. (jnann el H:ot*, ky Caahlona. Farm Yard Scene by Willi*, and a few others Iiv jmnd artist-. Hedrooma contain Med stead*. Bureau*, ^'**lt*landa, CotTitnode*, CliifTonntoia , ?pring and curled hair M aur?**eii, I'll Iowa, rtoi*. era, lied Lin n and .->uit* In rena, Toil. t Set* Ac Olnliiff Koom containa Kxtenaiou faide. Buffet, Chair*, in cane unit leather. ? ilbce lleaka, China, .-Mlaerware mil tilaaaware, l.'ullery, Turkish Suit. Mantel Mirror*, Cent e Table, choice i.ngraving*. Parlor Store, upright rosewood Piano. H. B. M A BTIN, Auclloneer. N. II.- Take any of the Broadway line ol ?tagea or green cars from Oraud at., or llroadway car* from Alter lloti*e. Oood* packed and *ht|ii>ed. A" OHBivNWALH, AUCTIONBB'I, 8KLLS 10 ?e'eioek. Stock and Klxtnre* of Uininii Saloon aiU 1st ?v. I Chair*. TabU*. Crockery, Ae. | la lot*. Dealer* *p? (tally Invited. ? AUKS AT AVCTIOK. A I t t ANOTIIEB I I ! BXTBAORDINARY EXHIBITIOB of FIK8T CLA8H PAIVTIVM I I I THREE COLLSOTIOIK IN ONE t I I At lb* Leavitl Art Boom*. S17 Broadway, day and evening, <r?e uutil tluie ul m Tuesday and Waduesday eveninga. April ? and 10, M Cuickeiing nail .No reaerved seat* ou nights of ?ale. The Matnual P. A very col taction, with China and valu able addition* front two private collectors ia .New keck aud Baltimore. GEO. A. LEAVITT A CO. H. So?l ERV1LLE, Aactlanaar. A mm sciiwab. auctioneer, 277 bowk by. hklls. ? KlJi o'clock. No. 4(1 Broadway. elegantly fitted op Mar. Hliiiaril nnd Dining Saloon; splendid Mar, B?ek Ear, (is Boo 1'liolaa milliard Table* (complete). Mirror*, thr<-e plated Showcase*. icebox, Tables, Chair*, Glaaa aud Crockery Ware, An.; In lot*. D alers iuvllsd. A UT " UaLK A now on ? xbibltlon at IIAKKi- K AMI 0?.??. 47 and 4tt Liberty at. We will toll the balance of fln? Oil Pamtlnin, THIS OAT, commencing at one o'clock. A UT.-TilIS KVENI"Sg. 7Ji O'CLOCK. aoo VAL0 able Oil Paintings. at gaiierv 1.1U1 Broadway, Mar ?l?tU at.; extraordinary cbauoo tor purchasers. O. It ItENKV. Anctionaa*. \ t'aUOTION.-K. HV.UMaWr~ACOTionekk, will ./Yaell this day (Krl.layl. Aurll .1. at 10)$ o'clock, 15K liowury. ahnui 4ti demijohns. ? caaea, 42 barret* and caans ot varlou* Wtnet, Liquora, to pay advance, for may concern. t ii this day. old pour okkice, Nassau st ? -tuck flow Country Store?Coata. Pants. Vaata, Cloaks, Calicoea, Mualin: alto tioiiaeboid Furniture. Ac. WM, TttlST ii tILKY, Auctioneer. B~ MaNDKl, A UU, AUCI'lO.NKKKS. 8KI1I. TO .'lav, at 2 o'clock, at 3:12 lid a v., Iloiiaehold Furniture, consisting ot fine Parlor >uita, Brussels and ingrain Carpeta. Wardrobes, marble top Wa*b?t?nd*, hair and other Mat trenaea. Stoves, Kltrhon Utenalla, Ac. (~SZl7l'K~T.S. DKKSHInITc AS EsT BEUHTKAl)8. WASH ? ./stand*. Library Table*, hail Mattreaaea. Ktaueres. t.'fclf tonicra, Ac.; private *ale ; auction pricoa. 1,322 Broadway, nuar 4ltli at. BOWaRD L. LEWIS, AUCTION BKK. By WOOUROW A LKWIH. Salesroom H4 Pearl at., near Ilunoyer square. this day (Friday). Aurll 5. at 12 o'clock, at :MH Itroadway, the ftocfc of Trunks. Travelling Hags, Satchel*, kit., of William O. Iteadliiy A Son. constating of all kind* of Haratoga. tine, naiuple, pvckiuu and tor Trunk*, gentleman'* Travelling Ran* aiul ladies' Satchels. In ureal variety; all to be sold without reserve lor the benetlt of the tire underwrit*ra, hanoif been sllrrhtljr damaged by water ouly at the lata Sra. Catalogues at ante. F* COLTON. ZuCTIONEKR-SPECIAL CAKPE1 ?sale.?Thia day (Krldayi, April 5, at 2 o'clock, over 100 Carpets, lu good order; el?uant Axalnster. Royal Wilton, Velvet, Attbuson, Body Hruaael*. Tapeatrv, 3-ply aud In grain, at the aalearoum 590 Broadway, below Houston at. N. R. Remember the hoar. 2 P. M. JgDWARD riCHh?ckTTU(J'IIONEBB L Mortgage aale of elegant Drat claaa Cabinet Kurniture. The largeit and rlcheit stock ever offered at amotion, THia DAY. April 8, at 11 ('clock, at No. 10 Maiden lane, emulating of elegant Parlor and Chamber SniU of tb? Ou?*t quality. al-o Buffeti, Centre Table*, Mali Slanda Uookcaaea. l.ouitirea. Kaay Chaira. Armolre a Ulnce, an* every variety of style oi Kurniture. VXhOUTOU'lt HALE. ' PETER F. MEYER, Auctioneer. will sell on Friday, 5th Inst., at 10 A. M.. at No. >10 Weal 2'Jd st.. Due Household Furniture, conalating of Pariot Kuita, walnut Redroud Suits. Bru**el* and Ingrain Carpets, feather Bed?, bair Mattreaaes, Ac. KOKNIUSBKKO, aUOTIO.NEKR, SALESROOM VT?and storage bouae. 2''0 ltd ??., nelis this day, 10^ o'clock. Parlor, Oliiing Room and Kitchen Kurniture. at private dwelling 140 west '.'7th st. Special attention given outdoor aalex. Dealer* Invited. ~B. HERTS A SON, AUCTIONEERS. LLEOANT CABINET Kl KNITURB, UPIIOLSTBBT, AC. POSITIVELY LAST A.VD CLOB1NQ SALS ON FRIDAY, APRIL N AT 1(>X O'CLOCK, AT NO. 12 washington PLACE. BETWEEN MERCER and GREENE STREETS, NEAR the NEW YORK HOTEL. ENTIRE BALANCE OK STOCK OK A WKU KNOW* MANUFACTURER NOW REilRINO FBOM BUSINESS. Me**rs. I1KRTS A HON wilt clot* oat >a above, positively without ;?oy reservation winterer, lbs entlr* reat. residue and remainder of tbt* really eleiraut Mock of strictly Brit cUm Furultnrc, which need only be *een ?? be appreciated, offering n line opnortu nlty to purchasers- Oood* now open tor liiapectloo ?t wnrcoom*. 12 W.nlilmton place. JOSEPH SilONOOOD. AUCTIONEER, OFFICE 240 East 4 >th ?t . *ells tlila day, 1 <o'clock. 707 3d a*., i- ufnitnre ut private family, declining hoasekeeping, a (all assortment; also VYIioulnr A Wilton Sewing Machine, Brussels Carpet. in Iota. Dealers Invited. HAVEN, lua I ioiEKR. ?will aell. Saturday evening, at 7>? o'clock, at 1.381 liruaowny, near 83U at.. ItW t'aTullnue and Engravings; muat be aula to pay advance*. Alto large furniture a-le on 42d at., on nest Tuosday. Particulars in Sunday'* Herald. JAMbS~M. KOilD. ^UCTloNKER. 192 3D aV.-J oilock ti e Furniture ol several families declining house keeping. alao entire elegant Furniture ot U-room French Hat, owner leaving the country, embracing elegant I'arlot Suits; alao Itedruam >ulta. Beds. Mattresses, Bolsters, Pillows, Carpets. Curtain*, Cutlery, Hliarer, Store shade*, Ac. Men ok business CAN U>D"RRTA1*D THAI 'I'iiEUB IS NO TIME TO ADVERTISE LIKii I UK PRESENT. BUSINESS IS BRISK AND the circulation of th* EYES1NO TELEORAM for the week tiuuini: Saturday, March 30. 1878, wa* a* follow*:? Monday 42,800 A DVEETlSlKO 200. A Ll.aK. '1 ue?day 44,050 ADVI'.RTIHINO' *>u a link. Wedneaday 43.4S0 ADVEIlTIhl.NO 200. A LINE. Thursday .. 43.790 ADTI.RTI8ING 201). A LIMB. Friday 44,500 ADVEKTISl NO 200. A LINK. Saturday 44.000 ADVEKlI-INO 20C. A LINE. Total 242.t?Q advekiisino auu, a link. Dally average 43,771 MOKTOAOK SALE -MYEIt KLsas AUCTION KKitL tin- day, 12 u'nock, at No. 2'>* Howerv. all the Fl*> turea ol a llr?l cla?* Coffee *nd Lunch Konm, consisting ol 'I allies. Cbnir*. Kansas, Counters, Cigar nbow Caas, Crock err, Silverware. Ac. By order ot Joseph t. Kewourger, At* torney for Mortgages. oktuaue salILT mTnu^bauii, auctioneer. 2'?l Bowery, sells tlila day, 2 o'clock. 1 111 (ireanwlctl nr.. Ftxti res ot lirst diss Harbor Shoii: Patent Cbaira, Cap cases, Mirror*. W isbstiiiids, Ac. Dealer* Invited. By order of attorney tor mortgagee. TiltriiAi7k sai.k. p. dailev. auction i^bb, will *ell a large quantity ef due Household t'urnltarc, consisting ul Dr ?*lng Bureau*, walnnt Bedstead*. Mirror* Carneta. Curtains, i'laiio, Ac., M III A. >1.. thla day. Hall plac- and ?th at.: in Iota. good* removed immediately. By or. el I'.ilwaid Oettinger. Aiteruev lor mortga ;.-e. AWNrtltoKEIt's 8 -TlTiT-DAT~AWBS AIIAK, auctioneer, will tell at 54 New Hownrr, 700 lot* Dresses, Sliawia. Iteninanta. Tattle Linen*, Underclothing, Hheeta, Spread*. Pillow*, Shoes. Alio, at II o'eloca, flint*. Panta loon* and Ve*U. Ity order of Pearlsteiii. No. 7 Bliecker it, 1>AWN BROKER'S SAl,K W A Tc 11KS, J E W KIK V AND Diamond*. ?H. IIELD, tieneral Anctlcneer. aaleiroom No 152 Canal at., near Sowerr. will eeli thi* day. at 11 o'cteeh. 7WI l,ou gold and *llrnr Watch-*, diamond ant fold Jewelry, Fir.*. Klu.ra. Rnrrintr*, .?et*, I.noKet*. Scan In* and King*, cold. Ouard, Foh and Veat Cualn*, As., A a. My onierol a loan broker, ?? Broadway. PAWNBROKER'* SALE WATCHES aND JEWELRY. ? It. F1KI.D, IJeneral Auctioneer, a*le<room >0. l.'>2 Canal ?t., near Bowery, will *ell on Tuesday, April H, at 11 o'clock, all tlood* pledcd prerloua to tlar.'b, IS77, conaiating ol 71") lou gold and lilver Watchaa, diamond and gold Jew e'ry. gold Chain* Silverware, Opera Olae>e*. Unas, 1'lHeia, A' . ML III oriler It. siniiiaoii A Co , IMP Bowery. 1)A WN It ROKERS' S.tLR?M. FIRUSkl. OENKRAIr Ancloneer, 422 Fulton *t.. Brooklyn, wilt aell this day, April ii, 700 lot* Wood* pledged prevlou* to March Ifi. IUTT roiiaiatiug H'l atik, alpaca merino and other l>r**ie*J broehe. woollen and other Shawl*; Remnant* Ladle*' I IV derwear. Reodlng*. Hoot*. Sno**, Ae. At 2 o'cl-e*. 2V) iota line Coat*, f'iiitalooiii Ve?t*, Ae. Hy order II. A II. M? Aieonan, <1 Sand* at Tnl* being the line.t >ale of the eea ?on, deaier* and other* are re*poctinlly Invited. Richard 7. Ti CiTneiTT aiTtionekk, will aell at auction FRIDAY, AI'iilL at 12 o'clock, at Exchange Salesroom. Ill Breadwy. Supreme Court loreciosar* sale, 7ns Broadway, opposite W aablugton place, valuable Let Willi brick llniloliiif, 2." T. WILBUR HUltD, Eaaj., I'laintllT? Attorney. IIENIIV J. CULLe. v Jr.. Keq , RehiM. Map*. Ac., at anctlouoer'* oIDce, 111 Broadway,I M ' IIEBMAN. AlCII'i.NKKR Asal. nee'a anl* of H in<-*, i.l'iu >r*. Champagne, Ae., 11I1S DaY (Kridayi. tprll S, at 11 o'eTock, l.'if, aud 17 llowery. The balauce *tnck ol a dealer, vl*. t -Mh bhl*. choice Rear bon and i v" WbUnev, 4.S caaka Brandlec. ttm, oum.19 bbla. i rencb Snliit*. HO ci>*ka I'ort and Sherry Wine*, !>00 caae* luip*irted Wlno*, llrandie*. Cordial, tUaret, f'bam paiine | Saf?, Faruitor*, Ae , In lot* le eult dealer*, without reeerre. rpilOMAH KETWORTH, AUCTIONEER, WILL 8KLL 1 thUdav. at los o'clock, Wi 3d ear,. ? omenta of 0>*t?t Saloon: Tables, chaira, Counter. Water Cooler*, Ul**e> war. A*., Ac.) alao llutcher'* Meat Bench, Sugar Bin, Ae , An. \\f 1LLIA.M W I IT lilts, AITCf loNKKR. HRLLR TIII8 YY dar, >'t 2 o'eloea. at 4'><i-?.^J Canal *t , a large aaaort Tnont of Ho?;*a*botd Faarnitare, I'ailor hulls Hedetead*, II-d> lug, t arpeta. Oilcloths, lace and other Curtain*, Wardrobe*, Crocker*. Ae. \. B. Ce*li advanced en eon (Ignnent*. Dealer* invited IiZlAM Al<R*l)TTTaUCTItINKKIt. ~ . . salesroom* !>!1 Bleecker at., ?U| *ell on till a ilny. at M', o'eloik.tlie entire Pnraltnr^ Carpet*. ,?c , c <ntained In tbe Mohawk Hotel, at No. 8:ti Kyrlng St., corner ol Washington at. ? fine Brnasels Carpet*, welinii lie isteads and Wardrobes, Dressing Mnreaua, But curled hair Mnttrea*rs ; leather Heale, Flllow* and Uol*ter*| onelotl le I'iano, Extension Taoles, line Lagar Hear lej lleaee, Kan .e C pi-er Boiler, Ac It' I LI AM N AtlKi , AUOtioNRK't. SlLLM AT 10 Ir o'clock. 170 Wooeter st.. Fixture* of Oy*ter and Dining Saloon, Counter. Table*. Cliati*. Ac., In lota ASTKOLOU1. " " AWo'NDRItFbL CHILI) tTlkTK'5'lffmflltlWu ?Ignt, tel a everything witboat queatlonlng. I'M East 4<>lb M., near Leg|ni;toii ae. SI MO LOO EH LISTRK, IMM WKST JltU 8T.?THK only one In the city. Send stamp lor circular. \^NO IMI'OSlt'tON -i.Ill Cl.AlltVoYANT.-. ? Mra. Ko.aTEK tells everithlug; nainrs, nim.sra sat i at act i on or no pay. HAj Last I lib *t., n*ar 4tb ay. 2je.. So*., (1. w A