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Important Measures Affect ing New York City. FOUR LEADING BILLS. Finance, Salaries, City Debt and the Dock Department. BANK RECEIVERS. Rapid Discussion of the Supply Bill. Bad air-bad temper. [dt telegraph to the hc.rvld. 1 Albany, April 4, 1S78. The Just complaints ol menlnri resulting Irom the intolerably bad utmospnere of the Assembly Cliarn ber, and ilia usual decline of health and sp.ritB among those who are now compelled to sustain tbe ordeal o! two dally sessions, Induced the Sposker tine mormon to sumiuou toe Serge-iut-at-Arms In front 01 toe desk una Instruct blm on several points. First, to suppress smoklLg; second, to remove double win dows wuicli liuva pioleoted tbu Hou,o during tlio winter; third, to removo tbo partition be tweou the Ouamberana the southern lobby; fourth, lo open wiae all windows lor a thorough purlilcution of lite interior between morning and alteruoon session*, 'ibe carrying out of lines Instructions uld not avail to prevent a demonstration towurd night, which snowed tbo tension to wbioa some of tbe member*' nerves bud been wrcutfht by utmospbeno or other inilueoce*. Hie Assotubly was, in :aot, sum moned to u audaen adjouruioeut, in constquunoe of a loss ol temper, whtoli threatened a dissgreable, in deed a beiUgeroui, scene. MKW YORK BILLS. It is now toierabiy cluar that the compreboosive scheme introduced by Dr. Hayes as far bac* as Jsun arv 2, iu the form ol a bill "io secure better public administration iti the local government ol tbe city of New York," Is destined In (be main lo receive tbe approval ol bolb nrancbes of the Legislature. A better understanding between leading republicans and democrats Is more and more manliest as toe session advances,- and there Is now a real prospect of Legislative relief lor tbe metropolis preparatory to Its rc-onaowiuent with the right to govern Itsell and l<v>- us own taxos. The bill originally introduced by Dr. Hayes, consisting of eigbly-flve sections, which occupy fifty pages ol a printed pamphlet, has sinco boou iiioil.flod imJ subdivided Into tour separate bills, Vow technically know n as lollows:? 1. The Hoard of Apportionment or Salaries bill. 'J. I he Finance bill. 3. The Ifonded ludebtednoss bill. 4. I'lio Depurtuieut ol Docks bill. HAXaaisd uili The S.tlurios bill, wmcb increases tbe powers while prescribing tue duties ol tbo B >ard ol Kslitnate and Apportionment, expressly provides lor a reduction ol ki leaid < ol city taxes next year. Ibis bill baa passed tbe Assembly and goue lo lh? Senate. Tins will aid in a pretty fair presentment of tbo important New York measures as tboy stand. Tbe recou-t section ol the bill is ooposed by the irlends ol the Department of Public Works uud uou Tammany oittciuls, on the ground lb*t tbo language ol tue concluding portion ol tbe Motion, published In yealurday's Hkkalu, author Igos the reduction by tbe Hoard ol Estimate and Ap portionment ol the number of all offlo -rs, employes and outers concerned in municipal administration. Tins is suid to imply au utterly different exercise ol power irom anytmug contemplated by ibe laws constituting boards ol upporllonmsnt or covered by the receul opinion of the Attorney Gen eral, the point being that to apportion appropriations is not to abolish officers. Upon this and similar grounds tne >euate Committer on Citle<, which met at lour o'clock ?o-dny lu executive session, postponed further consideration ol tbe Dill uutil 1'uesusy even ing next. niCAHCS BILL. 1 be Finance bill will leuve scarcely a vestige of tbe present system ol muuiClpiI administration. It makes ine Mayor, who Is to be elected lor two years, respon sible lor tliu government ol the city. He is to appoint, without confirmation bv the llonrd ol Aldermen, al! heads of thn ?ev eral dt>|>amneui?, wbo go into oUce with In in und go out wjiu mm. All tbe department* aro made single headed, except the Department ol follcu, is which two nom must oners are provided lor, tlio reason being that tbe Klectlon lioieau Is lue.tided In that department, and II is thought necessary to make it u iioU-purimaa lioard. or rather a board con- ? sisting ol on>' republican ana one democrat, lure apsci to lUe L"gtri?iiv? Department ol tue city guv entdint a iwo-tlnrds vote is required to pa s snr lln.iii' ial ini-a-urs ano s foor-Mtn* vote is neces sary to override the kisyoi's veto. The hill, m tbo cuurso ol more tnau Hurt* sections, throws new and c.relul Huleguards around assessment-. cou tracts and every various Mitin e ol municipal expenditure, and is Hi as tnteud^d to cut short bv millions ibe Waste and robbery which characterised the methods ol former feift. Ibis bill was considered al icugih in Com mmeeof tbe Wnole ol tbo Assembly last even.tig, and is a.uiost ready for its third reading. CITY DKUT HILL. 'Ibe Hooded Indebtededness bin provides for tbe grudusl extinction ol tbe city deot without much lur tner resort to direct taxation. 1'he bonded debt ol Ibe oily at tbe begins lug ol this ysar was:? Funded debt, paysole Irom taxation and the sinking lund $121,440,1311 16 Deuucl bonds airesd.v purchased uud now held by tlio Commissioners of the Sinking kund 31.080,007 64 N'et pcrir mi out debt til ! ioniiiumry debt, p.iyuolo * bully ur iu part Irom aex-sementa 21,339,600 00 i lievenue bouila, ai'Oial.......... <Mi7,'.'X4 ].iv< nun hoods, 187# 4/u.uOo yo k vcuuti Uouda, 1877 ft.M3.600 00 I olul... $117,741,060 OO 'Ill's biil.provmoj lor li.u paytnuul ol iba entire lundvd Ui bl i ud Ilia aaaetiaineoi uouda. Cba revenue bonds are not toucned or eoualilcrail becauae tbey urn am-ady lull? providud lor by uncollected lugrs, iu en tlclp-iiiou ol whioti liny ware Uauod. Tbere It now taiuKlug fund, witb l?rj(e revouuer, already accu mulated in n aurplua ol nearly $10,00 ),<*<><> aliovo Iba amount of stocks and oouua lur ?wbicU it u pledged as provided by ! law. It is tboretore propoa.-d in the bill to continue ' the sinking lund aud pioride fur :tin payment oI ilio ' vliole lundetl dubt ol tba city irom it, resorting to j luxation ouiy wui-n actually ncceassry to provide fur > detlcteut moults In the sinking luud, and invar (or j an amount ol mora thuu fl,uOO,uuO in any uu? ; year. I nder tba provisions of Ilia bill j Ilio t oiu|>troller thinks tiia urcaem city t'In will tia extinguished by a gradual redaction vurougn lue operation ?i tba unking luud, mu* fa- . Iievtng tiia taxpayers ol tba iuuiituse burden they I Irould b?ve to bear II iho bouds aiid slot k-t sboOld l>? | pud at inniurity by direti: wxntiuii aa now provided ! }y taw This bill baa bean paa?ed to Ita tbird reading. i DiriiTi^T or docks bill. Tbc I)epnrtni?ui ol Dock* bill, wbicn ia approved 1 by i in- Coinplroll'-r and I) IbtONSllr ol CmnuiervO, is iiueuucu to a.inplily Ibu wbola w a nag'Haunt oi tbat j uep iriinciii, and place It, iu respect to ita expendi ture*, upon au (-quality witti ti!<< other departments ! ?I the city govern moot. i bo bill uoes not interiors , witb tlie prvai-iii huausol ilie doparlinont, w> ? are to serve out tbo term lor wtucb tliev were ?irtgluslly appointed. " provide*, however, tor Incoming new beads ol iba depsr want alter tne expiration ol thai teriu ai ri oncud salaries, At present u.i? uoi-arinmnt alone baa independent power unn-r the law ol 1S70 to Inuo boi da to any silent, to taku po>soaaioh of labd ikinr wnier lor ita parpoaoe without ebeok or bindiauce, and to oloraUM several titer almost ?<>voroi?n inaction*. Tba pi pa int bill subjects tba purchases and tlio laaua ol tbo boude ol tbo department to the ooatrol of tba Coinintaaiouers ol tuo .Sinking } uud, b-geuural iu todinij of ilia city'a property Tbla bill n w.riniy opposed b> tba present Utmitnlaeloaera oi Docks, and hi. Unninotk, who arrived m Albany yesterday, spiut ueuny tbiee bourt lout evening in au endeavor lo secure tbo alteration ol noma ol ita eoctions. It is claimed thst thee* lour bills, tbo m.uti pf? riaions ol which bare bean Ibu* auooiuotly aketcUi d. fill, II pusaed and signed ny the Wovernor, re*itlt :n an iiiuni-rilutn annual a^ivliiK ol ffl,000,fl0u. A ?!o<er anrotlny of tbia claim and of ibu inertia ol all iba bills named uiay bo expucied la tba fcoaeto Ibau boa liucn giveu tln-m by tba I<owar liou c, and It Will not bo surprising il tiia .-euaia Shall In atat on iwons uiodt Meat ions to meet boh coostttoilonal aiiu political <?i.J?atioue lo certain aeu lions aa litoy now ataod. Tbey will all have st last lo run tlio gauntlet ol tba Oovernor'a rtforou* and un sparing orufcisaa, ibo nuiieipatlou of wnlab may woll Induce bulb cbjiininra to U*? IB IbOir pcrlaotlou a nico and diaoriimnaikug cure. Utbarwiar, tbougb sanctloneu by lbs Leglslalnre. Iboy will certainly fail to bacoinO laws, DiHccnsixo >?! at rpur bill. Ilia Supply bill waa lu'ly oonaioerad and ordartd lo % tbird reading during tbia mornlu*'a sea ? ion of tbe Assembly. Two propositions pro voked considerable dob ate. lue Urst, by Ur. Pro t coil, to aid a n tppro|irlinou ol $90,WW lor a new band og tor the Central Ni? York Institution lor Deal Mutes ?i Houie; ih? eooud, by VI r. Kish, to strike oai I ho item ol $50,000 for lb* support and maioiesaace ol juveoile delinquents at the Now York Camoiia Protectory. Mr. Prescolt (ought bard, but was overcome by the combined argu ments of Mr. Alvotd an4 Mr. Brooks, both ot wboni bela that the appropriation of 8taio money to build a private asylum would bo unconstitutional, tbe former arguing, too, that the builnmg proposed was not strictly uecekaary. Ttiu Catholic Protectory appropriation baa be<a regu larly opposed and deleuded year after year with tbreadb .re arguments. The onmo "Catho:lc" has been helo to taiol ibe appropriation as oae lor sec tarian purpose#. But Mr. Brooks allowed rather happily to-day tbat ovary institution under State con trol was luuirectly under sectariau influence, tuoaily Protestant, and tbat the soctarlan argument to this particular was very flimsy inoeed. Mr. Purdy, in whose district the Protectory is aituated, explained at length its discipline and Ita good work, show ing tbat It eujoycd the approval ol the Judges ot the highest criminal courts In New York city, of tne Board ol Kducation, of the Society lor the Prevention 01 Cruelty to Children, and of the State Board ol Chanties. Mr. Seebacner also spoke id tavor ol the appropriation, wbich was anally adopted. DISC1FLIXB FOR BANK KIOBIVKM. Mr. McDouough has introduced a bill, aud a very important oue, compelling bunk receivers boroalter to ttie wltb tbe Secretary ol State every three months u complete and exact statement of tbe condition ol tbe Instituiioua in their cdargo?tbe amount ol prop erty oo bund, the disbursements made, the dlvideuds (if any) declared, kc. rt)OD FOB TUB BKAK Wmle tbo discussion ol' the Salaries bill was going on this morning, Mr. Hobble, of Monroe, happened to pique Mr. Alvoru by his opposition to .i clause con cernlni', the State fisheries. Mr. Hobble admitted "mat u<b was good food lor tbe brain," whareupon Mr. Alvord sa d tbut evidently the "gentiemau froin Monroe hadn't lately eaten any Use." This was re garded as a rather spicy impromptu. ATLANTIC MCrDAL IKaCBANCS OOVFANT. Several genuemeu who have oeen severely criti cised inr their action in the Mnyihe trial had so op portunity to explain tbeir views on tbe ethic* ol llle Insurance when lu commute* ol the who.e Senator hoo in is moved to strke out (he enactlutr clause ol a bill Introduced by Senator Harris providing lor tbe reorganization ol the Atlantic Mutual l.if? Insurance Comimuy, at preseut in the hands ol a reooiver. Tbe I company, it will be retneuib-red, became mvolvad I through the failure ol on* ol its directors, a barker j here, to whom it had lent $170,000 on $40,0u0 worth ol collateral. Tbe debute pioceeded on the inotieu of Senator Loomls to strike out tbeenactingclause, sen ator YYagsl'iQ said ho hoped the motion would not prevail, us the bi'i wus in Hie interests ol tbe policy holders. Sou itor Sessions culle t atteu tioh to tbe fuel seciiou 1 ol mc Lull provided tliat the gentlemen who put in tills $50,000 were to get preUrred stock lor their money, una that ibis pralerred stock carried with it ihe follow ing remarkable privilegesThat no dividend should i>e piid upou tbo louiiiiod stock until alter full dividend?, at the late ol seven por cent per annum, h id been puld upou said preferred .-lock and a surplus to the lull amount of such preierred slnCK shall hnve been accumulated by tbo company and the preferred stock retired by payipg tbe same out ol such accumulation. Ihe previous question being put and ourrled the bill was killed. KtiPAVINU riVTB ATI.MCB. A bill providing lor We improving ol Fifth avenue, from Wuverley place to Nineteenth street, was pre sented by Seuator Hogan. It provides that the Mayor, Comptroller, K Aguew. Uuorge Van Norl, and Kordyce Barker be consttluted a commi. slon to awurd tho work to the lowest responsible bidder, who snail give bunds .'or keeping in repair, lor three years, tbe puvemeut between the points named without out to the city. 1 he Comptroller is to Issue bonds to pay lor tbo work st a rate ol interest not to exceed lour and * one-half percent perauntun. BLOOM INU OA LB ASYLUM. A report promises to make a stir was pre sented this morning to tne senate for Ur. Ordronuux. State commissioner on lunacy. Tbe report treats of tbe management ol the Blootuingdnlc Asylum and tbe claims ol the county ol N.w York to the enjoy ment of its use, the institution having been erected with moneys grunted by the Statu for the benefit ol tbe citizeus ol New York, and the Ui .augers heiejl buviii? faiied to Carry out tho intention ol the State us implied in th>- annual glita made to the Institution for charitable uses. The doctor reviews tbo history ol the mutilation and shows bow it wus perverted Irotn its origu-al uses, and suggests that the opiuiou of the Attornoy General ho asked as to what legislation is needed, in order tbat tbe Commis sioners ot Charities uud corrections, who, at proa out, are unable to accommodate tlio indigent insane com mitted to tueir cafe, may be admitted to tbe beuoiltsol Its use. TBB asw UABBOk MAST KB. Senator Davenport, ol the committee on Commerce and Navigation, this morning reported favorably the nomination ol Jobu McUrourty as Harbor Master, aud tbo report concurred lu. astub's stksst clbanjbo bill. 01 tho numerous prescription or the cleaning of New York city streets, Mr. Astor's street cleaning bill was tuvorably reported to-day Ironi tne Assembly Committee on Cities. This bid, Which Was druwn up by the Monioipai Reform Association, makea tbe Mayor, tbe President ol the Police Dcpal Uncut, tbo Commissioner ol Puolic Works una the President ol tbo Board el Health a commission lor tbe purpose, and oiotbus thom with tho amplest authority. It provides lor the letting of the work by couiraci, and limits the expeuso to $j00,u00 a year. This is $100.00U less than itiu expenditure authorized by the bill mtroduced by Mr. Brooks yesterday, and $ J Ob, 000 less than the curroul rats. BBOtlKLVN Hit!DOB. Mr. Tbala, ol New York, was bcloro lbs Committee on Cities this aiieruoou urging action upou uis bill for the repeal or tbe laws authorizing and requiring tho city of Nsw York to contributo to the cost ot I be Brooklyn bridge. Mr. Tbatn claims that under tliu ruling or tbe Supreme Court in the Wuetliug bridge ouse ibe Brooklyu bridge must eventually be removed; that it Inlerleres with the Ires navigation ot lue H ist Klver, aud is to that extent den imonial to the commercial interest ot tho port of New Yoik. I lio bridge has cost New York about $.!. 100,000, and will neiore its completion cost $,ooo inure. TbtS sum, eMOrdlBg to Mr. Tbala, if eip. Htd m rapid transit, would construct two lines iroin one ! end ol this city to the other. Tbe iutetesi on ibis money would luruish 75,000,000 ol passen ger*, nc.riy one-naif of the whole num tor travelling on tbe ruilroads ol the city, with tree transportation. The bridge, be bolus, leuds to dtp apuute Now York at the cXp nso of th>-city It selL The cost ot the bridge put at Interest would double the lerrv accommodations between me two cities and m k? them lr<o lorever. Mr. /bun's argu ment Is uot likely to p,eVHil. IKON TKMUKAfR Tbe discuesiou of Mr. Aatur's Iron Telegraph Poia bill occupied tiiv Aa?ciubiy uuiitig u ?oo.i pari 01 tlio ? lUrOuOU SOtlelOQ in Committee of iheWlnilu. !'?? ?ml cruotal amendments were nBerod and adopted, among iiioui one which struck out the Ural section, thus tUrcelunlug 10 ufiuiLulatc tbo meaeurr. Ai the "nitik of lline" Mr. Anlor used liia parliamentary privilege, and moved 10 order the bill to u third rruuiuy. Such wan tbe C'usideratiuu felt by ibe Housi- lor this JOUBg and popular MBMT thai hi* motion prevailed, cancelling the amendments and leaving Ilia wbole question open until the Baal vote. It la unlikely that the otll will tnen become a IV. KKHATOR OAKtKT'l noill MIX In the executive suasions ol tue senate Committee on Cities ibis uticrtioon Hen itor Oakiey's Kxcteu bill, very similar to Hoialiau'a Assembly bin, waa moved for lavorable report, beuator* Jacobs una Onebel voted lu tlio affirmative. The balance ol Ibe commit tee voted in the u< gaiive, on Ibe grooud tbal the auu ji c. waa in the bauds ol tbo Aaavuioty, and Identical meitsitrea could ant b? parsed in tbe Senate with pro priety | eudiiig tbe action ol the Lower House. THE CANAL BOARD. A COMMUNICATION KliCiM tHI JTTOENEY OH t RAt< ?THE QURMTION OT APPOl NTMENTH B* THE ftOPEBlSTENDENT OP I'UIlLIC WoKES. Ai.haxt, April 4, 1378. At tbe maotlng ol tbe Canal Board to-day Mr. nors helmer pronenltd a petition ol Ibe Buffalo City Rail way Company, aaking permtaaion to construct certain brttifna over tbe canal mil to construct a single track on tbn berme bank ol me canal from Cburcti stroet lo l'orier avenue. Tbe matter was referred to the fttsie Knglneer. Mr. R. W. I'ockhatn appeared aad asked the Board to Ox a day lor ibe bearing ol the Burton claims. On motion the matter was set down lor Fri day, the lUth inst., at elevpo A. M. rfuperimenUtoi of Public Works Clark reported adversely to Ibe oiaitn ol 1). C. Frederick lo be reim bursed lor certain expenses incurred In defending suits, on the ground that the matter should properly come i)rlore tbe Bonrd ol Audit. The report was agreed to. Huperiiitendent Clark also reported In favor ol the claim ol MJa 3. IJitoa, superintendent ol section 7 of the Erie Canal, for tttra services In tutting obarge ol aeution 1 A*iced to. Mr. Beacb reported In lavor of abandoning certain canal lands at Unotieaier to tbe Commtsaionvra ol the Laud Offlee 1 he report wss Hgreed to. Attorney General (tchoontnakor reported as foliowa with reioieuce to canal mat er? referred to him at the lust appo'uliuents raeetlug:? Stats or Nsw York, i Omca or rn* ATtimur iintnti.. > Alba**. April 3. lWi'rt. ) To ti* lln*on?si.r Tin Caiai. isoakd: i ii* Ait'?r??') ueueral, lo wnom waa rrfevred certain In qniilea auhiailied by tlie Auditor ol the t;anal PepartMsiil dn the 2# nl Auell ln?t , mspecttulty r.pnrt > ? ?Tn *1 lie haa nut li id lelbetent tine iu naamiue the ?taeetlona auhmitted with the ciite required fur final opltilnii. In* therefore only make* a prurmli/ repoil, r.?urTlliir tlie prirlleg" to modify hi* con null u upuu inure mature consideration and further examination. I,la pri.eni cnnoia.luini are a? fol lvW? ! ? /ira/ -The C'inal Huard aliall determine the number of anperliite'iienta lo be e>tip<<yed unit alao II* ihe rauipenaa tiou ol inch >upeilnieiid?eu. M'Tti I? I he clerk* ol the collectors of eanal tolls ars lo be appolnind by tbe collector* aa heretofore and now oro v d'O by law, ana tbe cumber ol eecb clerks Is to he denin iiiited and the ralarlea tlaed li> tbe Canal Hoard 1 lie iten erai reaa<m lor tula ia that Hie cenetitetlona: amendments relating to Hie : uoerliiten.leiit ol Publiu iV^o erioeiitlv iiinteiiipiatea tbe oeuarntina of the colleetloti ol the r>-Te line, u* the raaala hen their a are end management <<y Hm luperlntendeut. fMril-TM poeer to appoint weleh masters and their aaeNtaata and the inei>e< tors, wbo, though uotetrletir eeaaected with tbe nianairement ol the canal hut m >rs prepe'ly with lh? ??liert(en of tbe reveeuee. eeema oy the eonatltutloaai ameadment, to be dean to the Hnpern tsndeat ol Public Wo'lie by the clsaae re qnlrtritf that oflleer to anpolnt ail persans employed In tue cate and m m i?mii?nt nl the f?nela, ence^i cmleetora of lolls and tboM In the Oenarttnsat ef tbe mate Euaiaeer and Surveyor. The exception! enpreaeil define tba xeneral saupe ul tUa powai Lonft rr. U and Indicate what in Intended by tba phrsne. ' the ear* aud msumfeiasul of the canals " They inurt lie held lo exclude all tbe appointments that wers not ioteuded to be made l?jr tba baperiuteodeni, tt anjr rate, uciil piurlaiuu be maue bjr law, tnia it tba safer conatruetioh to to be applied. Respectfully submitted. A. KCUOONMAKBB, Jr., Attar Mr Ueaeral. Toe report wm accepted. Mr. Seymour reported favorably oo the petition or K. W. Williams, *nU moved that ttie securities tiled liy him ou liia contract lor building a vertical wull, &c., at Clyde, be returned to turn on releasing the State Irom ail liability. Adopted. Mr. Dorsbcuuer presented a petition signed by all tbe democrat* and democratic officials ol Monroe county asking lor tbe appointment of Natbaulel Thompson aa Collector of '1'olU at Hocheiter, with William W. Keiliy aa Ural clerk and K C. ire* aa sec ond clerk. Mr. Oorabeimer, to explain tbasenve of the Board, moved tba reconsideration ol tbe vol* at the last mtetiug appointing P. C. fee Collector, at tbe same time expressing hie intention ol voting agalust tbe motion. The matter was discussed at coins leugtb by Messrs. Dorabeiuivr, Beach, Schoou maker and Uicott, and bousior Kuinoa wua heard in favor of tho new appoint, mom. He represented that it waa aaked lor by the democratic orgauixatioos ol tbe county ol Monroe and the euv ol Kocbeater. Tho motion to reconsider was eventually lost by a voto ol 4 lo & Auditor Scnuyicr called attention to the lact that two clerks bad beeu provided lor tbe collector's oiticu at Geneva, and said that ono clerk would be sufficient to do all the work. He tuovod the number be re duced to oue. Soma conversation was had regarding the toll sheet for 1378 but no action was taken, tho underalauding being that it bad beuu adopted and was now in force. Major It. Taylor waa beard relative to bis system ol locks and look sates. Tbe new system proposes to substitute a siugio gate lor tho cumbrous double gates, and in tbe couvernatfon that ensued It waa esti mated that ilie old lucks could be changed to tbe new system al aboul $112,001) per lock, making lor tho 144 locks on tho canuia about $1,7<<o,ijOO. No uonou wua taken lu iho matter, and the Uoard adjourueJ to ibe 12th insL at eleven A. M. OAi'iiALi. lKSNTOS, April 4, 1878. Through an orror of tbe telegraph n w .s reported In to-day's Uikalo thai lb* report of the State Prison Investigating Committee exonerating General Molt waa sunalned by a vote ol 2'J to 5. The correct vole was 33 to -?i In lavor ol tba report, Ave members be ing absent. POLITICAL SHAKP PHAUTIL'S. Another ltvoly scene occurrcd lu Hie Housto this forenoon over the consideration of a bill lutroducod by Mr. ltobiuaon relative to libel. It is almost a rc euactmeut of the New York law on the same aubjoct. Tbe gist ol it is "uml lu all casta where a libel has been or may bo litireuller priutod and published iu any newspaper iu tu.s State ugatuat any persou not u resi dent thereof the accused shall be indicted, and the trial ol such Indictment shall be heard in the county 1 where the said libel Was or may hereafter be primed and published." Mr. Do Witt <*sid it waa deficient, Impraoticabie and unconailtutlonal. Mr. Kooiueou, iu advocacy ol Ibe bill, Salu uuuer tbe present Libel law a uiiu could be puuiahed iu every county In tue State lor tne same vrimu. Me could not uudersianu bow any man couid vole to connuuo ibe preseut outrageous law?a disgrace to ibe stuiute books. Messrs. Harris, Jackson and Deacou spoke in isvor of the bill aud Mr. Salmon opposed it. The Speaker u?tlarod it lost by a vote ol 2i lo VS. Messrs. Kobiuson and Jackaou called for the absentees before tue result waa announced, but the Speaker deoiiued to bavo tbein called, saying ibat he had done so twice. Aa this waa cuusidttied aroiirury ruliug, Messrs. Jackaou aud Kobiusou askeu mat the lollop ing protest be entered ou tna minutes.? We hereby protest airainxt the arbitrary ruling ol the Cbair on the Dual passage ol Aoseuibly bin No. 3?I7 by re fusing lo have the soscutoos called, as we believe be should havo done, when requested. Meters. Mathews aud l>e Witt objected to tne pro test aud lbs speaker declared it laid ou Ibe taoie. Un other measures the speuker has beeu lu the habit ol ordering the uauiea ol tbe absentees called iroui lour to six or seveu limes. A PLBAHAMT SVK.XT. Seuator Hendrlckaou, ol Moumouih county, has served nine years iu Ibe Senate (three terms), aud is tue oldest muuioer by ago aud meiuoeranip in that body. To-ua., while lu executive ao-tsiou, Senator Sowell, ou benall ol tho Seuate, agreeably surprised him by prcneutiux uiiu with a massive gold hoaued ebony uuo. Uuueral Scwcil maue an appropriate speech auu tho recipient lueliugiy responded. USURY KILLS. Tbore are three sovwn per oeut bills now before tbo Legislature. Two have beeu daleated. iho auli-six per cuut men during this session received three sigual deieais, aud in spite of tbia they are now organising their lorces agaiu lor another U^liL Speaker Kgau is Ibsir leader aud Mr. Biotisetl marshals the six per cent uieu. Both parties are keepiug a close watch over UHCh other, and me six per com men I ear tbui at the last hours ol the sessiou a bill may bo rushed through lu the interest of tue other siue. Lively liuius are expect* l lu morrow night. l'UK ViakLANO l.NSUJtlATk ASYLUM, In the Senate, General oeweii's bill reorganizing anil establishing a State Inebriate asylum at Viueiaud ooaimg up, ibalgeutiemuu presumed petitions iu lavor ol tbe bill Iroiu the merchants una business uieu of Tren on, irom bank presideuta audoittxeusoi Newark, liotu the hotel keepers auu wine and liquor dealers in Jersey City, iroui Ibe New Jersey Methodist Kpiscopal Conlereuco, iioui the Baptist Association ol the Slam, Hud uespilo all tuis the bill was defeated by a vote of !> lo IX OBSTIIUC LING 1U*, MAIL. Mil, BKKOH AND UI4 OKFICKlid OK TAIL A MAIL WAGON KN HOUiK To THK POST Of HUE. yiuie an exalting ?cono occurred on Wednesday atleruoou, between three tod lour o'clock, in Iroul of ibe prtmiHi ol the Society lor ibe Prevention oi Cru elly to Animate, ou the corner of iourut avenue lua Twouly-second si reel. ll ap pesrs I but oue ol tbo two-horse luail wagoua usually sent to Um Urand Ouiral Depot lo transfer the Washington aaJ boulhoro mall arriv ing Irom Hoaton by the quarter to four P. M. train bad a bora* attached to ll, wbicb, Mr. Hergh'a oincors claimed, waa lame, Wheu the vau arrived oppoallo the t<ocii-iy'* ofllc* Mr. liailioid, the auiierinteudent, ruahed out, mopped the driver, Alexander Merrill, and ordered oue ol tbe horses to be taken from tbe wagon and aeut to tba etablo. Murritt reasoned with Mr. UittUald and reminded bim of tba penally ol atopptug tba United State* mail. Me lurtbar propoatd that, aa ba must pasa tba stable of ine con tractor, ou W oostcr aireet, on bia way to tbe Pout Office, oue of the officers ol ttia society shouid ride dowu with bim .mo ?ee that tba borae waa rhatigeL, TUia Mr. Matbeid relu*ed to do, but instated upon the driver acndiug lor cumber home. Mr. Hcrgh arrived at tbla lima and Merritt ?n aeavorei to convince him ol lha responaiti lily in curred by lutn in obatrucuog the mail. Mr. iiirgti re plied ''that lie cared nothing tor the Uuiied slates mail or the governlueut, and propoeed to atop the us* ol criptted anltuai*." Th?! nors- aeut for aooa arrived, and after being barneaaed tbe >ociety'a officers refused to allow tb<; wagon to move on, and insisted upon tne drivor ?cod ing lor anotber borae in tbe place oi tba retaatutug ono ol the otiglnal team. by tbe time tbe aeroua boree put In an appearance nearly lour boura' time had bo*u loat, and whan the Wagon arrived at the I'o i office it waa ten minute* to seven o'clock, and ttie uno earns ol mall In tbe wagon, which ahuold have been lorwarded by the six O'clock train, Were left behind. fmosKGl'Tio.n Mr. George K Otis, the eoutracior lor carrying the mall* through the tuy to and Irom the depot* to the I'o* Uflia?, waa Indignant al Ibe course pur-und by Mr. Bergli and bla <.Ulcers, ano staied thai bu would apare uo expense In pro?oculin^- them. lie claimed that I hf l^fnt horse ordered to Im l.iken Irom the w.igon waa a aound animal, aud thought Hint it* lauia ti?N luuat huVe been o?< asioneJ by a peuole gnu mg between the hoof and the shoe. Tlid veterinary idr geon ol the contractor's slabma cut d not nnd any ailment in tbe horne wbea u waa brought home. Tbe people In the I'oei UUlee regard tbe MOppige ol Ilia mall a* a groat violutiou ol tua la*; but an thit contractor I* responsible lor Ibe delivery ol tbe null at the Foot Olttos they onuuol undertake to deal with tne Bla tier. Mr. OtMl ulvi expressed lua deiurmiua iton to lay ibe lacia belore the United mule* District Aitoruuy, witit whom be cousmted ou tbn subject. I'll to tne cloaing of the oRlces in tbe I'niled Slate* Cuuris nothing bad teen done, aliimusn It waa re ported la*i evening that wurrutiia fur tho arrc-t of Mr. Hergu anil Mr. liitflxid bad been Issued i?y oue ol tbe United Suie* Commiteiuior*. THIt HiK'IKTV'M VKHSIO*. To learn what Mr. liergh had |e a >V on hi* aide oi the atoiy a reporter wa* aent |o iho oBlco wi luo so ciety for tbe I'ri'Ventiou ol Cruelly t<> Animas, but Mr. liergh had lelt and lua whereabout* were un Known, Superintendent llitfleld waa sl?o absent, but tbe reporter loutid aome ol me auhordmate oitloer* wlin are latniltar with the laou. Said oue, "Both bomr* attached to tbn mall wagon were lame, ana tba cruelly ol driving ib tit waa uii<jue?i on*ble. Ono ol the borne* provxd to be tlm mime which an <1(11 car ol Hi* aocietv noticed le be lame a tew daya be lore at Klghiy-lourlh alieei and I bird avenue. At that tune i t chIk d 111 e dnv< r'? Httention to the fast attd lliai poraoL prouilaed lo have the animal taken em immediately. Wheu tbe uiiitl wagon wan slopped on Wedoeaday alternoolt Superintendent llatlield nilereil to place another tt ain nl hor*e* al tbe driver'* di? poral, but the driver went **?y ufler the atoppago, oarryini tue harnaaa with line." rt i> b releronce to tbe conflict with the Unllod Slate* atitborttiea in atopping the mail, another ol the ollicer* aatd ?"Mr. liergh will talk to you ou that point, but there I* nn uonbt a* to tbn right of thv *0 elclytoaot. The atatute luakea cruelty to vnimaW a miademeatior and empower* ibe ngent* ol lb* toneiy to arreet. Tlio driver of a inatl w.igon la ju*t a* liable lor a crime or iatedem?aii?r aa any body erne. Would anyiiod/ contend that it would be nnlawiul lor ? polle-man to atop a mall wigou lor Ibu uarpoaa ol arroetlsg a orimiual who wa< riding on I: T The right of tne voeieiy to act in caaea ol lb?* ?i?rt fta-> been doterBtned. There ia no ((ueeiioo about it. We dl4 not ueeire to inconven lence the Po?t offloo author it lee, hot mere Waa no al ternative. Tba iioraea were lame aud uulii to be driven. The society onlf did ittdd'y nuder tbe law in matMing tbat other ammaia abomd bo hwraooaod to Ue vehicle. IE ELEVATED ROADS. Report of tlie Railroad Committee of the Assembly. A COMPLETE SURVEY. When the Roads Are To Be Completed. FARES AND REGULATIONS. "Commission" and Night Trains Demanded. Revival of the Rapid Tran sit Commission. [BY TCLKUBAPU TO THE IIKlUT.n. 1 Albany. April 4,1S78. The resolution* of Inquiry rec mly introduced by Mr. Tbaln -uJ adopted by the Assembly Instructing the Railroad Committee ot that chamber to inquire into the proposed action or tbe New Yurie elevator rail* road companies bore fruit to-iluy in ttiu follow mi; lucid report. Tins documont, briier than any other which has been published since ulther ol tho two companies now operating received tboir chatters, explains the whys and mbereiorvs of tbelr or.giu, their operations and their delay*. It will bo ob served that the committee who innko tills report tlo not share In tho public apprehensions ro Hpecuug the companies which have 1> on late y ex preyed, and advise that th'j whole subject and super vision u 1 rapid transit m New York city shall be rele gated to tho urigiual coininis-ioii appoiuteJ in 1S75 TUB KkPORT. Aliu.vt, April 3, 1878. To thk LROMUTaita:? Your Committee on Kallroads. to whom wart referred tn<' resolution intro'iuced by Mr. Tbuiu uuder date of Feoruary 0, l?Tb, report as follows:? Keaolved, That the Committee on Kaiiroads be and tli?y hereby are dlrwlnl to inquire into Hnd report. >>y bill or otlieiwise. within thirty days, ?ueb legislation, if any. .is uiay ne nenrsi-ary in cuuipol tb? Now Vork Klevated Railroad Company and the iltlbvrt Mevat"d Kail road Company to proceed with the completion ol tlieir respective rsilway* above Kilt* ninth atreet. in Hie city ol New York, and otherwise in that respect ami in respect to the tiineol runuiug their train* and rale, of tare, mid railways shall to sotne extent be operated in the iutereitt of the people. Your comtnllteu would respectfully report thereto as follows:? l-'irtt?As to vncti legislation as may bo necessary to compci tbe elevated railways to proceed with the completion ot tbeir Hues above Kilty-oiutb street. By the provisions of chaptor 8<>fl of tho Laws of 1870 the Mayor ol the city ol New York appoiuted a com mtmoii to carry out the Intentions of that uct, as lar as the same were applicable to tho county of New York. rows us or thk con mi agin*. Tbe Commissioners were ototbed uuder tbe act wtih lull powur to lay out routes, to tlx una determiue the time within whioh such railways were to be con structed, tbe rates ol tare to be paid and tbe hours dur iniS which speciul cars or tr.iina shall be run at r.< ducou rates of lare. In ileterinlnluit tbe iluiil ol timo lor tbe corupletiou of the lines in tbeciseol the ro nis the Commissiouors made the loilowini; reserva tion _ Hut these condition* and requirement* shall not be deemed to limit nr e'irldire ?ny', privilege .>r exeir.p. Hon conferred upon aitid c unpaiiy by oither ol the special act* of the Legislature heretviore .'naeted tor >alil company. 'Ihis, then, brings ns to examine ail tbe special sets lor euch of said company and to determine what limits of time they provided lor. UKkkNWIUH HTIiKKT KUAtf? WKrtT SIDE Of fOWB Tho Went Sine anil Youkers Talent lt'llway Com pany. an organisation existing under and by Virtue ol the General Railway laws passed April 'i, lsjO, se cured in 18d7 au act authorising the con struction ?i an experimental line in tbe counties ol New Yorlt and WcBtcbcster. This organization beoatue, by purchase under foreclosure, too pr?p?riy ol what is now Ituowu as tho Now York Klevnted Railroad Compuuy. In IS75, by ch ipter j'Ji ol the Laws ol that year, we Hod tbe lollowing sec liou SlCTIoif % ?Tlie *a!d New Vork F.lnvsted Railroad t'om Dany la hereby authorised ami required to vousti net and complete al lea?t one iraek, with turnouts an 1 .ids track*, ai any time within live years niter tna passaxe ui tlila act (nnira* oelayeil by leiral proceedings or some authority beyond the control of the Company) The line ol such road extends Irom Greenwich street, at the Battery, to and along (Ireenwicli street uli I the Niuili aVeuue to the Marleu) Kiver. I Ins provides lor the route on the west side. As lor tlio route on the east sido, by a reaolutlnu adopted hy tbe Kapid Transit Commission, on Sep tember 2, 1875, they were required to complete the road irom the corner ol tbo Uattery and Greenwich street io tho corner ol i'hira avenue and Kilty ninth street by or before Sepiemoer 1, 1070. witn a further graut ol eight munilis' itmo by a sub equem resoldttou a'toptid t>y the Rapid Transit Commissioners ot ocioher 4,1876. Tilling into consideration tbu delays clusou by legal proceedintis, the time to commeuc* operation* and Iruui which the limit ol time to complete sections ol the road should commence. Is Gctuber 1, 18.7. This as a basis. WIIBX TIIB KOAD MUST IIK rlJISHI'U. We And that the section from tlie Battery to the ? corner o| Kifty-niutu street nod Tltin avenue must bo completed on or heiore June 1, Is.U lue next i section, being along I bird avenue io ? connection ut the Harlem Kivor with the I'ortcheater nranch ol ihn New York all t New itav.n Kanroad, is to ba coin- ! pleted witbm Dlti en nioutbs therealter. I he kapid transit Corntulssiouers did not see lli to tusist upon any limit ot time tor the ronsirucliou of the lines on the west side otner than thai provi led lor by the special acta ol tue Legis lature, although in their proceedings they dt i mate a ' Hunt. I bo reservation before quoted, however, sets | such limit ai-lila. TUB ROAD OS TMPC BAMT HI UK. On tbg tut nil" ih? hum ai io time mentioned Alio?! It >< Ilia iineiilut to-du), iricl the New York fclefated lUilroad < ompauy m hound l>y the mime. At tho timo of tho deoiaion of the Court of Appeals on tli* question ol toe oon-iituitouaiuy 01 triu itapl i Truuait act, menu ahtui Si ptaiun.r 18, 1S77, ltip Now Yolk Ku-vaio.i K.tiiro m Company bud in operation ou the wait side lira niius oi aiug a truck au 1 three luileaol ai<tiiik; amca winch lima inay hatra nuoiranted lor aud nearly comji 1*1 d a duuola track irotu the UMiary io riixt) ur*l si root. The line ou that aulu m located io lloiu urttl, aud your coininillae aru lu ! tor wed thai coutrac.a have tauii ??warOr I lor i ilia completion ol u double trie* nannwaru m Ki gbty tlral airuel. On the vail blue tliuy are Uuw iiuiuluif live inilei ol double track, Iroin Wliii*?li ill to Sixty, llr?t aircet, wiiicn is to be completed about May 1 ol Una year. Your committee are tuloruiod Jiy the , nflloer* ol tba comnany thai it l? ibair intern ion to go on aud complete tbe wnolo Hue w.tiiout delay. TIIK OII.B' KT MOAII. As for the Oilbert MnVatM Kailway Company, tliu roa<t wa? incorporated or act ui the legislature, chap ter 8">4 ol the Lit! of 1 t>7U. Hy an ui, chapter 176 ol tbe Laws ol I87&, the limit ol linir mr ? unipleimg nocuous was jiroacribed a? loilows:?Twoy*ar? to c<m, ? struct to Kurty-accood sUVwt, ol* inoailm in a nlmon to Kiity-uiutb atreet, one ye ir lu audition to highly k.xiu etraet ami alx moutliH in addition io Harlem H e or, with tba following proviso ib tho act:? And the onii'xluu to roaa:ruet any pt.rUua a iall work Ifeffettaie to tbta irancltlae in reapeei to any ?eetlna >f aitld luhaia way* aud raliwaya win h III*) ha?? been eefa Bioac-4 or complete*!. auu thai delays noai le. *1 pro | leading* altall But ue counted a* part* or tliya lu wulen to complete tne lection* ol the r ad timb ron can tamo*. Computing from UctoOcr 1, 1577, ?? tba time, all , or oil er delays are net nsid". I'ho actions ol ! low roail on inr weal aula aro to lie eompletsit aa tol low : ?I > Port)-second itreet i>y October 1, 1*I7V; , to Kilty unit u at reel hy April 1. H*l; to higlity>iiiin sirsei u? April 1, 1M1; to llariaiu Mivor uy Oituker i, i 1 h->1. fbi condition ol th.n^i at present shows thai 1 tlita road is ne.riy complied to KiHr-aiuib atreet, au l baa emered Into ?. contract lor the exteiiaiuu ol i the a mir in ki*hiy flr?i strust. This com nan y since October 1, IaT7, have uearly ? oiupieied Ove aud one h ill iiiiloa of double truce. OX TMB KAdT SIPS. An regards the couairuuiiou ol their road on tho mat aliir wn quote von a portion of a resolution adopted by the Kipld l raiialt Commissioners ou it* 4ih of October, niH .Vmwl -The iilibert KlevaM4 Railroad Oompanr, Ita snr ceaaora or a*-d<aeas, ah til complete ami foesirset aat<l rail way and rail >n> upon tba ruM* or route* son IB ihu loea MOaa au aa atoraaaul det*railnad uptia. within iha tune and lit the iiiannar, anu all all eunatrnCi aud ? Muiilete lh? *ra>' ral puiUmi or ?eciinua et aald raliwiy or rail way*, ? acli within the lime <n<i In tha man ner, ?.y this Hoird ol Cemuiiaaiuaera h?ret?tern requireu, and ny aald company agreed io. aa tl a rMMderativa an l coniliilona moid whi-h ?.ill emuctdam roeta waa n? trrmlned upuu. ami la expreta <J in a certain piaamhU hiui raaulan ?? heretvf re, aou en or ai>?at the M nay ?f haptr m jar. Ih7.'i, adupied hy the .aaxl i uniuany hy Ita Hiiaro el lilraet- ra, helug tha aaeie i raam' |e an l re*<> Inttwna ot a?id compaui raentl<iuO<l and releriad to In the aalil preamble an<t ra-n ml n- a.i ?a afnaaald hy tliN Hoard ul Cuamlwl uiar?. on the ad day ol utl??r, adopted. CturhM, laeitM, III <1 ll the aaiil eunipaajr, Ita aai i.eaaora or aaauui ahall elect to c<o> ?tru -i and eetaplela ihe railway lor not tea* ti a^i three ???ilea ?n tha weaieriy aide ni me ot*. ro iinua aoum hum Wen Kortf-a> conn ureet, w.t'iln ten in ? > tit ti w troui the let day or Oetoher, ih<*> lie jeai only to the provlao and re?*iaathm* i?y ??ld eviapaal' re*ei*rtd ><n I lirerlded lu aald raaolaiiooa ul tne rnmpanr of fepiambei i, Itt/A. aa to lima o. complatloni. th?re. aail In tnai eaaa the tnoe for eoaaltecliua ao mu> h ot aanl railway aa I* to he ai>on that portion ol tha toeta, ahien amend* troia Ho* line I.raea. along rertale pr-aeilhad te K ral aie una; thei.ra aiony Kint aei-niie to Kaat la?n|< third airaat, then- , along Kaat IW"Utt-lMini et'eet tn Me ond aaeaaa. theaee alwua .tetuad ataaue to llarieiu inter aui tn?ar* aionn l'lv?r str?et to Third ??????. > uo until lb* saturation ol en. T*? ?,t?r t^ri<t.t <>T ib>. Hoard or ComuilMioUttr* eouler.ed upon tlM Mnvutra i;aiiro.d i>"iiii>eny, ?H" u? conlerreo or tois lfciii a wt Coiuml-sluner. upou the couipaiijI L? d?r?anl?.d by this Hoard of Cob.mi??;J?.???*?/' l??ii provisions ol chWMl WW, V"*** L* . ,i'Plll. construct a rsllway Bf railwsyi over. through end a^ Jt 'I Biro ???boo. sha.l have rsui?iusd unexercised ens have expired OBTTINU AUEAb Or TIM?. It wi'.l l?o sceu by tux section tb.t the wiioert tie vuted Railroad Company U nut required to eonmauM operation* ou the east aide unili "one year at tor the right to emixtruci a ra.laay or railway* over, through ami uiouk luird uveuue shall !>**? reiuaiuod unexercised uul shall buve expired. Net tiler ol the eleested railroad* MlllMnci^ ao tlve oiieraltous until a do'islou ol the Court of Appeal* lu 8?| teuibor, 1877, w?? rendered, uudslnoe that time they have bolb displaye i a corn nieudabie energy to push lorward the completion of their lines in order tint the p?Opfr ? New York city might reap tbo great benefits to accrue to thcin fruiu a rapid moan* of couiuiuuica tiou Irom ooe euu ol tliat oitv to the oilier. Your committed lurlber be I lev* tliat the nenllemau connected with Iheae corporation* are public spiritod citizen*, who, bav>ug the very boat in terest* ol lliaicuy atbearl, and lamely Interested in tta commercial proapertiy aud material growth, In toud to do uverytiiiug in their power to complete tbo system ol rapid irauvit for that oitv. HKUl* LATINO THK SKIiVICK. Second In respect 10 tbo tun* ol running trains. The Rapid Transit Commissioner* ouly prescribed tne hour* duriug which what are to be kuowu as "com mission trains" w. r? to be run. These train* are provided lor tbe people ol moderate uiean*, auu are to be run at ball Hie usual faro Irom tbe hour ol halt-past Ave o'cloou A. M. until hail-poet seven o'clock A. 41., and irom Uv* o'clock P. M. to seven o'clock P. M. tJiuer tbau thi* designation nothing was to be doue. That there i* a great need ol train* duriug the evening up to about midnight i* a lact ad mitted by the mmsReuient ol botu tue elevaieu rail road* aud your couimuteo are assuroJ tnut Ju?t ?e toon us the luuble track ol these road* is completed iimule accommodation for nlgbt travel will be pro vided Your committee are ol the decided opiuion li,at the oleV ited railroad- should be required to have attracned to eaoh train during the d..y, at leaat ouo ol tbe care designated "Cou.n?l*?lou" car for ibe ac C'lniiuo'lauon ol ibat sUwol pataenger* lor wboee eonv. noncc ibey are contemplato J, tbe power to d ? winch i# now invested in ibo ltapid Tranbli Com IUi**iolier*. , . _, Everything lu connection will) the mmageineut or llie elevated railroad* *houd "? oo"? lor I ho aocoiu in datlou ol the Uiecliauio uud working cla.BJ* 10 eu courage them io leave the noxious atmosi here ol the teueuieut house lor tbu pure air ol t Ii * Country, where lliey euu Uud in Hie ee.'liision ol thoir own lioiii" that | haj p'ues* aud peace thai m-ike* ?*oooieuiiueut better i than wealth." Marts Of HARK. Third?lu roipect to rates ol lare. Hv the. pri via lous ol ^ecilou 0 ol the Hipld I ruiisit >ut tlio com minsioners w -re given lull power io Ux mid detei i iiiilo ine "maximum rain io be paid lor tiausporta ; lion and conveyaucc over iinth railway or railways, ' and in coueid rai.ou ol that I ict wo quote io yon i li.e.r actlou roni i couimuuioitiou to Major Wu k ! iK,ru dated .-epUmucr <5, ISio:? | Hieraio. or lare Ux?d ar* as follows:?On the Ka*t *lde ol tb- ci'., Io any dl?t >uee aetweeu the Uaitery aud K l.y ! ninth stru t, uat io exceed teneouts', lor any ol.ta .?o u t I t-' cee ilu.'Ilvo mil ? not to exceed leu eeiils, and not to KSceed two cuius additi.?nal lor every audiuotial mile or Iractluii ol a mne in exes-s ol a mile out no lam lor the entire Ulsianue (or any part ol III. Irom or betweeu Hie Uanerv and toe llarleiu lliver, ?nal, exeee.i ' flfteeii teuts. and uo lar- for the entire distance lor auy ! uart ol it) Irom and butween the battery and tiUb I ?rid"?* iikiill eicetil ktfvoulofcu c?ni*. 1l?ro* on ? commission" traius aod ears, l.ein* kpecisi iraus to b? run on the eaul side or tbe city tiom halt-past live A. M. to and uuill hall-past to*** A. M. anil Irom 'IVIt I*, ^l. to mil l until seveu I . M. at halt ttie abi.v." ralen are to lie uot lo exceed live cents, >even cents and eialit ce.ita lei llio above aiaio l disiancea, re?o?etivel>. imi lUe west sloe ol i?.e eit, tbe lar are to be as followsFor any distance Iroui aud batwcBii the flattery and t'lttv utmb street not io i steed ion eenis, lor any distance not exceeding live miles lint i i exced ten coins and not to sxeeed two cents addi tional lor every additional tulle oi iractiou ol a ini?e in ox cess ol .1 lulls |aii<l lor ? eoninilssloii" ir-lu., or esrs to be ruu OB ihu west side ol'tlio cliy Irom ball past live to uuti. ball .,a*i A? .Vt. and Irom live to and uiiUi seveu r. M., tne Ures are to be at one-bail' tbe above rales. Tbeso rate* ol lare cover both ib<? New York Elo ?aiu<i Railroad Compauv and Ibo Uilborl fcn vat> d Hallway Company. WuetUi r ihc rate* so *pec,fled by Vho Commissioner* to bo charged are excessive or not in a mailer lor the luiure l.erealter to ueurui uc, a* the reeUll ol operating tbo same snail demouriralo completed. Ibe very able Commission upon w hoae consideration and decision tbe w hoie uiai lor ana Imposed had belter inform illon upon the subject, and a better xnowledgo ol ibe JUsl and oqultibio ro iiuirements ol tne case than your committee csn nave, uud until the rai.waye are put into opciailou aud the rule* ol lare, u* esiaolishod by the commissioners, aro or jvoJ to bo exorbitant ex ictions by reason ol Ibe actual uniouut ol capital invested, then, *ud not till Ihuu would it, in the oplniou ol your coiumuiee, be advisable lo cbuu;;e the aaiuo geuersliy bjr legi*Utiou. HACK to Til hi OOMMIMHIKX. Cosci.phion?Alter a caroiul consideration ol the flntiro subject, your committee uavo louciudod that the whole question ol rapid naneil should bo referred I bit. k to tbo very able commission that located IDo ' two lines. Tbe people ol thai city, through su luteiii iceut Hoard oi Commissioners, cun certainly accoui nu.ter re.ulta iu a lar more muuuer than they can Ibrouitb auy special iei{i*Ullve action, in the bill your conimuteo recommend* we emend tbe koneral Rapid Transit act oy providiug lor tne runnniK of trains irom ball pint Ave A. M., uuil! twelve o' lock miduiabt, ihu* accommodating a cias* ol peo p e Who have need ol much iruiiaiiormlioii. We aiao aineud the law by tbe transit Com* niisslooers iu olUce u> tberoiu prov.ued lor until the i ??o -inpletlou ol the railways ana connections.' That sucU a commission is ueeeaaaiy la patent lo all who aro laminar witu tbe subject. All ol wuich is ro?|ieci lully submitted. C. D. PHESOOTT, O. WUKKIsKH, A/.IIU C11 a K, J. W I'ECK, JAMES Cll API'KI.L, EDWARD WKUI'LE, Wll.1,1 A M K. UOI.UEB, David L. utKKR, Committee on Baiiroa?.s ol ibo Assembly. TIIK qcS*TION or IIOMIS A*D Oalll*ATIO>. Haviuu rendered tui* testimouy the lt.illr?ad Com mittee have vet lo cousider the resolulluus oB.-rod bv Mr Nelson, 01 Rocklsnd, hOUsequeut lo inose ollered by Mr. rnaiu: also the auxiliary resoluuous souinltted lu tbo Aasemoiy oy Mr. Nelson and adopted to-day. Mr Nelson recently introduced a resoluuon wbicb msirucied the Assembly Railroad Coiinuiiteo lo n.qulre mio a reported combination ol the New York tluvated railway turn pan lea lor llie purpose ol diacouunuinK paits ol their tracks alul e-labliablng a monopoly luintlcal lo the iiuolic inter, sts l?r-*enied an additional reso ullon lo-day which wae adopted. It directs the railroad committee to luqulre and ascertain what amount ol bonds and stock* has been is?u?d by tne companies and by whom such bonus aod stocks are now held; also what con tracts the companies bave entered loto, with whom aud ler what amounts. Mr. Nelson understands that the original estimate ol ID" C"St ol tbe foads waa shout Ii 2U0.MW. aud ho mentions a rumor ol an is sue ol Block reaching to $^0,000,u00. OlilTUAliY. OKXtHAL IHOMiH C. UI VIN, C. 8. A. General Thomas C. Devlu dleJ yesiorday al bit real drnco in thU city. Tbe General tarred with dl*li?> lion tbrou/b the whole oinl war. Ha entered lb* Hire* months' aorvire aa lieutenant colouol ol tba F ru regiment ol cavalry el ibis sute. On bla return be waa coiuinisaioued colonel o( the Sixth New Yurk cavalry, which wiu recruited al l?aip -coll. Kialeu Ion nil. When the cuvalry corps of the Army of the 1' wna forned he wae placed In comma'd of tba ncoond brlgaue. Pirai divuiou which participated in nil tba li.?ii?? ul ilia Army ol tbe 1'uluinac alter ttepMinbor 4, 1991 lu llie tiatlle of Cedar Kan, rtnsiiauuoiiti Valley, In llie lall ol 1H<?4, the necond tn|Mt captured twenty piece* of caun?n aad a large uumber of pri*. oner- Aii-T tine the General waa made a full brljintler, and wih planed in command ol the Klrnl | division ol llie < M*airy rnrp*. lie aiitrward distin guished bunas.1 hy tlie rupture of Kive Korku, tbe ' diviaion receiving a bailie 0*g iroio iho uao<l ol Uen> eril Sheridan aa ?n ui prectation ol the r service*. Al His cloae ol the he *<? commissioned Itsulensnt colonel ol llie Kubtb c*v.ilry, With which lie nerved In Aril'H a and Tetaa until lbs auiumer of 1*77, when he ?m teannisoMMMi co'onel ol tbe Third United Miatrs dSVa.rf, siulioned al Kort Laranne, where lie wna attacked with be llitits* that resulted in iita d.- 11. l-unvril service* ovsr lbs reiualna will like pl>c? to morrow (Sal?*dav) morning at ten o'clock, at the 1 Church ol -I. limns Xavier, on Weal s.x'eentb . eircet, Ueiwe.u Kiftb and aiAlb avenuee. ? DAWIl L o'ftKTLl.T. II>niel O'Reilly died at the residence of his son, Daniel O'Keilly, Alderman ol ibe Twelfth ?ard, lirauslyu, In llunuugloii street, near Court, um W i dneeday u if hi isal I he decuneed, who waa ssv. uty seven years ol age, wss a nsti ve of the County Clare, IftttMd, an I rain < to this couutry twenty-two years mi l, H" had eliitd in l.imerteK when qum a young in n., and during the irtati rvbelllos iu 1?im loo* an pirl in the movement, being a prominent mem ber ul the Sar.tieni Ciuti <ji tba latter cny. Ul* lu* nr.11 wilt Ink" pi o>> rrnnt tne Church of Si. Mary HI if ol the ilea, Court aire. t. ou tfaturdsy net*. HUNK UN VAIlKRV. Franklin Varney Jietl at Qoshso, Orange county, >f. T., on lbs 2?lh ol March, to the sixty.third year of his age. Horn at Ausierlits, Columbia county, N. Y., h nhroary 1, 1*19, he . iuigrated to Kaslen, I'm., in lM4i, |0(Mt 10 Ostiaae, Waj m cuuuiy, l'a., in 1141), where ho entered into mercantile bunneaa. In IBiVJ lis re moved lo Uoalien, purchasing a auiall but well loomed and lemle Urm, shout tsu mnos tmrn the village. He succeeded In tii*lllug It one ol tue bust dairy farms IB tbe county. viiLiiM o. mtrrcRMnN, u. l. c. A dn-pai?li from Htlilai, N. S., reports tbst tbs Hon. W tlt??in O. Ueflerititn, a mem ier of tba Cs Indian Lwgialstivn Council, died uu Wednssdsy night agsd aiguty-iwo years. INlEai'JD MY 'I IIILVES. Tfc eves are Infesting the I'lsnk road, Nowwrk, S.J. Thoy woik in range sod ateal Irom pa?>ing waguas. ti iita dr vsr resists thsm ha is sssny overujsersu. BAYARD TAYLOR. BANQUET AT DKLMONXOc/u I* HONOR OF MM NtWi-I APPOIXIKD MlKIaT?ll TO BKBUM BrKECHES BY WILLIAM C. BR* A NT, MAYOR KLY *MJ OIUKKS. a complimentary dinner ?u given last evening to Mr. iijy?ra Taylor, ice newly appointed Minister la Germany, ut IMmonicu'*, by it number of lit* irien-ls, buiiueu by a commutes couipoaed ol A. S. Sullivan, K. C Sled man aud others. flie l&r^o dining room of Doiiuouico'a wan bnudaoniciy ducorutod And toonea with American and Uerman 11 tgs. Mr. Taylor aui between W. C. Bryant and ex-Miuiai?r Klwarda Pierreponi, and among other* present were ex-Mima tera U. tt. Boker and August Ucimont, Mayor Ely, Paler Copper and Joseph seligin an. wilua* ci'LLt..\ mrtit. At ubout ball-ptal uiuu me loriuul proceedings wart openod by William Col.en Bryant, who, alter .peaking ol the uuuuiuiity ol approv .1, which bad lollowed Mr. Tuylor'a appointment, disposed ol Ibe oojecllou tbat be was a "poet," in tbia wi*a:? "It la * niialoriuue, 1 admit, to be a poet, but doei U quite diaqualiiy a muu irotn uctiug in a diplomail< capacity t Let u* try the queation by referring t? examples. ??Tbors la tbo caao of Mallbew Prior?Oan Prior, Pope called bun?wbo was lor your* employed In a diplomatic capacity and very uaelully. Yot Prior was tno poet irom wboae gracelul aborter pooma luo Iri.h poet Jlooro learned tue . ri ol vera Qcaliou. llnreii the care ol' Carjiuul Polignac, eiuiueul a* a negotiator aud no leaa euiluout ?a ibe autuot ul tue I.allu poem out; Uuu 'Anti-Lucruliua,' iu wuicu bd claimed to uav* leluteu tue doctnue Ol the Hoiuuu alliei.l Lucretius. Voltaire **>* ol uuu iLiat bo united iu uia piraou iuu pt.m auvl puilueopnur, Virgil una J'lato, ?ud tiial be ? ?* Heuv*u'? avenger sua ibe Vanquisher ol Lucre II Ua ? ? \ suceur du eiel at vaimjurur da Lucrece. "bat i pae* by tbeae uame* Iu oruor to coma 1 ? ? uioio iliuatrtoua example, that ol Hugo Uroude. Tni< gr. at in iu, while in. couutrymeu, tbe aaVenturer* lioiu Holland, *' ro engaged in p.anting tue uttie vuiouy ban mi pnucipji mar', ol tlie iVe*teru World, wa> writing ?h lauioua work oo tno <kLi.w ol War uuu i'uace," wb cu uu neou trans lutou iuio every iau*uwgo ol tue civilised worid uuu la yet au uuthority in in? mscunkiou ol international law. ii waa au attucUe ol tbu Outcu Kmbaaay to tbe Court oi Pr^uce ai u.tucu yearn ol u,e, aua a uovtor of lawn bofoM bo wan aevontceu. Yet no waa a poet and a ooru pout, lot he wrote good Lai in Vereea at Uia aae ol eignt jruara." Ml.. TAYLOK 8 UBafoMsK Mr. Taylor reapouuvd m <do.iiy tout lie tbould try IU viaiu to o, ruan uia Kenuga "uu belug tuua uu cuu oa aa a oji inu. r oi mat iilu^trioua Onmpauy, wbicu begiua witb Uuiuur aua couuti liryaut am.iug It* uoule Uiaatt-ra.1' Mr. .aylor luaultvu bi* fellow cltt. zeua liearmy ior lite coiupmueut uonierrvJ upon uim, aud coutiuued:?' It in a Uii.taku tu *uppo?e tbat a 4t:ulster u merely a political rcpreeeuiauve, wuo.te dutiea ceuHe wueU liu baa uegoiiaied a treaty ol CDiumt'KC or ueleuued tbo ttcuuical rigbta ol bia countrymen. Our age require* ol buu larger aur Ticea tuau tbo.e. He ougUt alao to be a per manent ageut lor me miorcuauge ol reciprocal aud benetlclunl kuo?lodge, uiakiug uuilona aud race* better acquaiuiud wuu cacb otner?an uaber, to pre* oeut tbe luteiligeiice, tliu luveuliou, tbu progreaaive eut-rgy ol oacu iand to the oilier? tlwaya ou nand to correct mistaken viewe, to aoiten prejudices and to knit uuw bouua ol vympatuy. Pmaiiy, aa a gueai, privileged by me tiovernmuui whicn receive* bun, bu cuuau cuoaeu oy tbat ? uiuu *coda uuu, Ue mum never lorgel tbat every ouo ol bia lellow citizen* i* honored or diabonoreu, ju.tiy or uujuany juuged, by tue actiou ol Uiin who roproaeuU tUo country I ll you tbluk my couceptiou ol tue poaillon a worthy oue, you iignieu couiewuai ibe burd u ol my gratiiudu lo you; lor 1 aball do my utuioai to mage tuul coucep tiou a reality. Let me al*o believe luul Ibere la a real airt-ngth couieried l>j Irieud.bii>, that there U help iu coiigialuuiion aud good uui. u in good will I Yon have giveu tue a lareweii cup, brimming over wan uumiu*led cheer and apurkle. l he only bitter drop in it toiuu* from my own regret at parliug, lor a lima, Irom ao uiuuy truu aud uoui?-iieartod lrieudA" MAYOM KLY'H MI'KKi U. Muvor Kly, who wa.-> received wuu loud app au?e, Wiu timru uy Mark i'wuiu uud mauy otuere preaeut lu view ol Ui* receut letter iu luvor ol Uve iniuulo alter dinner *|'eecuu% Hia fci>e' CU, .lowly douvered, occu pied exactly lour minute* aud lllly nine eecouda. He said''it ta only natural mat we New YorKere auouid bo gratilled uuu gr.uclul to tun 1'romdeut ol tuo Uuiiod atatea lur having .-elected Iroiu our luidat ao uiaitu guubed a .New Yoiiter a* B.iyaid laylor to repreneul ua iu Uerniauy. Appoiutmeuta to aucli pukinon* are u.uaii> m .uu to coiuphmeut lue puce oi ibe nativity or icHidrnce ol tno g> uihiiuju xeiected or to grainy tue party or proiea.iou to winch ue ta ullucbeu. Tn? tppoiutmeul ul tlayard i'ayior la cxcepliuuable. ll a compiuuout to tno uatlou aa much aa to tbu tilaie or 1'enuaykvaiuu or the city of Mew Yum, and ta b.i eutm-ly aati?liictory to botu oig tnrxalioUH and io t.oople ol all uvoca noua ao it la tu tnu repuniieau party ur to tbe prolea klttn ol letter* and jiiuruali.un .?u additional ctu>?u lur connratulatiou I. that, winie lue appuiuiiucot ol Mr. i'ayior give* *'uch uuiverati granucaiiou to me people ol Ibi* country, we learu irom luu lone ul tue tici inau preaa tual ll la equally aaliklaciury to In* nation lo which he la accieoued 1 predict that ha will be a great diplomatic lUcceee. 1 tinuk that hia |Hsraou, Ul* mauuoia, uia liuautatic uud otuor arcum pliahuient* uud Iih habit ul thuugut particularly adapt Ulin lo the tieruiau *yuiputhiu.; and I thine that eucii oi ua wuo muy vi*it U?riuuuy duriu. mi term ul oOlce will Uud luut ll baa lucreatuu the vail maliou iu wmcU Americaua are ueld by tuw Uuriuau people, aud lUal they have accepted Uia appointment aa u cumplluiebtlo tUeiuaelVua, and that it uaa proved to litem mat iu our diplomatic aerv ce we are orgia uiiiK tu be governed by pructicul common eenae." Kx-Miuikier 1'irrrepout protiucod a little poem by Bu>ard I'ayior, wbicu luel Juailce Ualy bad read to L11iu uuuer a iree twuuly-twi> year* ugo, ?i-Miuia>er Uoker aud 1'ieaideui liubcock, ul tbo Cbaiubur ol Couituer. e, made some nrlei remar.n, aiiar which Mr. Klitot 0. cuwuiu read laitcra or regret Irom decrutary ul male Kv.trt*, Ueury W. Longieliuw, John U. Whltlier, Oliver We-udell liuiinu*, b. 1*. Wuip. pie and oiuera. Tne apeecb:tying men waa coutiuued iu tne name terse *t>i<- by Judge Oavia, Mara 1'waiu, Samuel U. itugaiea and o.her*. 1HK at.KkMAIIk. Aft?r the banquet Mr. Tijlor *aa aeranadod by tba Abi Schuler Siugtug Society. He reapoadetl iu u?r Ul ill ; ? My Ukrmav Kbllow aball I think you lor coming to cro? u ao liuuiilulljr IIiii io uieevet iik iuoi able i-teumjir k'ur an in the true crown ul OiV uu.tiiuu, and >our luiit* Ura illiu upou iua ilk* * brae/.a Irolu Ibo Ueruiaa wooua. 1 tit.Ill u 111 ? par III ular lioouf tbat you have takau part in Wiia lealival. Now all I be eiementa are uuiu-o which 1 u.u-i reprtiacbl aoroad ao lar aa 1 bava tbe power to do iL You nave endeavored, m 1 bava, to touiprebtiud tba tile, the latiiu, too iui portubCe iu tba wurld'a Uiatorf ol tba two treat ba tioua?I through repeated reaideuce aud ilia atadieaof yeara Iu tour ttrai boiua, you through tlia ciruum alauca that you bavo loaud iu iu u" a aucood hotuti. I uiay aaaumu tbat we havo ro.ctied tbe aaiue ooavlo HW-MWlf, UlM the retCOOOO MH loriuualely du VCO thrvagb Mtul xymp.illiy and aa aiMilatiou ol (be gi.od wblcb belongs io aacb. I be Oar man Km pi re and Hie Aiutirloan Ka,ia'ilic bave tnucu to gatu, aud to to?e, by couiinuod relatione ol incauenip. Ouce more, uiy n??riy tbankal Long llvo Ueruiaa eoug ..nd Ueruiau aril CUNIKMl'T OF 1 HE MINISTRY. At tbe BieilDii of tba Newark I'reobyiery yaater day Kev. Or. Poor, or tbe Preabyierlao Hoard ?l Kdu cation, reiorred to tba obMacloa met by tba Hoard, and aald tbat ona ol tbe prominent dlineolila* waa lb* (rowing ooatctiipl lor tbe nnmairy in edocatiooal in atitotiona. Tha causa ol tbia, Dr. Four bald, waa IU treatment receiv-d at tbe banda ?( tba pob* iMbara ol reltgloua pap? rs wbo bare ilurred tba miuiatry, calling tbem a paupar tliaa, aubalatuig <>h clmrrti cburity, an<l to renuma ol tba aame tenor rtapectmg tttoaa cn,:>ged lb tba educational lutereat*. 11>u npoaker <ieuimi mat uiiliialara were atteudii.g ibfl adoc ttional tualiiutlouo there aa aandiuatae lor Hie uiiuiatrii to atippiy tka Church needa. Ibo apntker regretted tba habit wliiau prevailed aiuong tha iiiini?ier? to try to aacura koo<1 cii?r*e? tbat bocoma vacant in onina inataucoo, ka haiu, there bad L>< eu a perlect aWartu ol appucatita. TALMAt.E'S TuUMi.KS. Tha breege ol excitement over tba retention ol Mr. Moigaa aa organiat ol tba Brooklyn Tabernacle, and tba raaigaatiou ol tbe truaieea Iu coanetiuenoe, la leak dying out. Major U. R. Corwla, una ul tbo atdara oC Hi* cburcb. In 'peaking ol tbat portion ol ibo lottor ol tba iruiMOra wlilcti gave tbe Idea tbat tbo aiao member* had reaiebed In a body on aocoaot Of tbe Morgan in itter, aaid yesterday tbot It waa lame, the iblereoto mat tba Morgan matter bad intdti tbrm all leave at onea w*i incorrect. H. U Ifuoio ead B K. Cogawell lie aaid bad never algnod tbO letter, i he farmer waa abeam Irniu tbe city at tlm lima, and the lattor atated tbat ho bad hot re?ign?d ol ali. Tile Mi.Jor **id further that Jobn V. lalmagr and Robert I*. Ilubbo ware not truaieea aud bad not been lor tnoutba. SEVENTH UEGiMEUr UECEPTION. The Seventh regiment reception IB aid of tha No* Armory land will like place at the Academy of Ma?ie, on Wedneoday, April V4 Already a largo number of tlokata batro boon auld and moat ol tho botoa bava been dlipweed ol. ibo Now Armorjr load ataoaata at preaani to $17U^OOO, aoti Kliould the naauclal reaulto of ibe rt'Cflpliou bo aucb ai are anticipated tho Muild* in? Commiileo will tio able to ? ncloao the entire armory (adminiatratioo and drill room bulldli>g't) during ib> prt-aeut year la uidiimn io tbo Acudemy ol Mtiitin, Nilaaun and Irviog haiia have oeen engugfO. Among the Invited iiur*t4 are tbe frttiilftt, tbo WoVfc oraor aud tuo Mayor ol tbe city. HEKD OYH'i'EMat A largo number ol coaatlog acboonera aro now ?n gaged la Iroigbting arod oyatoia irom Virginia aatf planting tbrm in Prioco'a Hoy lor tho lall market hod lor gbit<m?at to Korope.