Newspaper Page Text
r TELEGRAPHIC NEWS From All Parte of the World NEW EASTERN COMPLICATIONS. Roumania Chafing Under the Yoke of Russia. ENGLAND'S LATEST MOVE. Many Liberals Array Themselves on the Side of the Government. CONDITION OF BRITAIN'S FINANCES. Four More Men Arrested for the Leitrim Murder. 1ST cable to THE BBBAXJ). ] London, April 5, 1878. The Dally Telegraph has the tallowing irorn Vienna :?"Advices from Cettlnje state thut Russia baa requested Montenegro to prepare for a renewal Df hostilities. 1'rinco Nikltu Is taking measures iccordmgly. I hear from llrst rate authority that I rupture between the Russians and Roumanians is exceedingly probable. The latter In spite of their numerical mlenority are determined to resist any attack, believing that the excitement In tiun gary would compel Austria to interfere." ANOTHKK HATCH OF h'AHTKHN CORRESPONDENCE. Additional Eastern correspondence is publlsned. Lord ()do Russell, the British Ambassador at Berlin, telegraphs on March 13 that Prince Bis marck has requested him to state that Germany would not participate in a conference wlthont England, and that he (Bismarck) cannot under nand how a congress for the revision of European rights could bo held when England, one of the chief contractors, was absent. ROIMANUK Ul'NCOMBB. M. Cogalmceanes, the Roumanian Minister of Foreigu Affairs, writes to the Roumanian Agent at Vienna, March i?, that 1'rlnce OortschaKoir had de clared to Prince Ghika, the Roumanian Agent at St. Petersburg, that, notwithstanding Roumania n clamoring, Russia's decision in regurd to Bessar abia was Irrevocable. Russia would not bring the question before the Congress nor consent to an other Power doing so, as it would be an offence to the Emperor. ir she could not make Roumania rive in she would take Bessarabia by lorce, and irmed resistance would oe latal lor Itoumanla. The despatch concludes:?"Notwithstanding these threats we persist in our relnsai to yield." A CAPTION TO HOLMANIA. The Roumanian Agent at Vienna communicates to sir II. G. Elliot, April 3, a despatch from the Agent at St. Petersburg recounting a conversation with Prince Gortschakoff, who said:?"la it true tbat your government Intends to protest against the article of the treaty which provides for the communication of the army in Bulgaria with Russia through Roumania? The Kmperor has ordered ine toinJorm>ou that if you have Much an intention lie will order tne occupation of Roumania and the disarmament oi the Roumanian urrny." The Agent replied that Russia should have treated with Roumania, not with Turkey, concerning the passage of the army. A 8KVBKB REBl'EK. Prince Gortscnakoff rejoined:?*?We do not choose to have anything more to do with you on accaunt oi your conduct. It is important that you should know that we Insist upon a free passage through your country and that you should inform your gov ernment oi the Emperor's declaration. Vour gov ernment must plainly state their decision." SWALI.OW TlllC DOSE ! , A despatch from Bucharest saya It Is becoming extremely Improbable that a protest oi the Rouma uiau chambers against the treaty will be sent to Bl Petersburg. PRINCE UIARLES WITH RUSpU. The unintelligible rumora recently current of a Cabinet crisis in Bucharest are explained by a letter irom that cliy, dated April 1, telegraphed liere from Vienna It teems that while the people and Legislature are unanimously opposed to Ru*. sla there la u strong suspicion that Priuce Charles und his Cabinet are prepared to cousent to the cession or Bessarabia, and had really agreed with General Igoatietl in this sense, but lound the feel ing in opposition so strong that they feared a revo lution if they proceeded with the scheme. A.NTI-Al-yrillAN SENTIMENT. ??The pro-Russian party," continues the letter, "are, oi course, anti-Austrian, and circumstances must determine whether the Cabinet will carry out tho will ol the nation or throw themselves Into the arms ol Russia." This explanation I* partially continued by the lact that Bucharest telegrams are very uudecided in tone. One published in London yesterday, said:?"The government is seeking to allay the unnecessary and Impolitic excitement o?er the licssarabiau question." MR. GLADSTONE WANTS TO ENOW. In the House of Commons yesterday afternoon, Mr. Gladstone asked:?first, li it was the Inten tion ol the government in the recent communica tions reirardlng the Congress to reserve to Itself the lil>erty to withdraw irom the Congress upon the proposal to discuss any matter discussion ol which rt did 'net thluk admissible; and, second, why England reluscd a preliminary Conlereuce. A.N KXPLAKATION. Mr Stafford Nortlirote, Chancellor or the Ex chequer, replied, IIml, that all Knglsnd wauted at the Congreas was the discussion of ever/ article of the treaty, and second, that Lord Iierhy's despatch gave the reattou lor declining the prelim* luury conference. UIOliLT l'NSATISPACTOKY. Mr Gladstone thereupon gave notice that he woHld raise discussion to-day because of Sir ?taf ford Koithcote'a unsatisfactory reply. I'dLICY OF Til* omMIIJON. Notwithstanding the speeches of Lords Granville and llurtlngton to the deputation ol the National literal federation at the Westminster Palace Ilotei on Wednesday, It ia not l>elle\ed that the opiKiHition will take any strong line against the government'* policy. Mr. Gladstone and his lol lowers may endeavor to force the party leaders Into active antagonism, and Independent member* may introduce resolutions disapproving the call in,; out ol the reserves, but there will lie strong counter influences which the party leaders are not likely to disregard. KivisioN a mono the Librium A movement has already received the adhesion of sixty or seventy liberal members having fur Its object to prevent the party from trammeling the government's roreign policy. The Tim ft, in Us leading editorial article, strongly condemns the objects of the deputation, and aharply criticises the apeecnes ol Lords Gran wile and llartlngton. It says:? MO KHJHT TO BPKAI AS HKI'MBMEKTATIYKS. ??The deputation themselves are bound to admit that they did not in all cases represent majorities In the constituencies and there are no means of knowing how lar their constituencies share the aetiUmetit* expressed- If the government's views are fallacious It is tbe duty 01 the opposition to en deavor to restrain the government and enlighten trie country. If no sucli attempt Is made, or if it taiw. it can only be concluded that the deliberate judgment of the country It la favor of the general policy of the government Lord Granville U haMly fair, therefore, in uwlgulDg to the govern* meat undivided responsibility in such a crista ONLY FRANKNESS Aargn "It cannot be too often reiterated that we only ask Russia to enter Into the Congress without re serve, and listen before she takes any Anal decision to what the other I owers may have to say respect ing the preliminary treaty she has made with Tur key. a more moderate request could hardly l>e made, and to designate it, as was done yesterday by the deputation, as a warlike policy, is unjust and misleading.? CHANGE OK TONS, The Manchester Uuardum (a liberal journal) strongly condemns the sort ol pressure this depu tation intended to put on the liberal leaders, as well as their assumption that the government's policy is warlike. "The Ministers," it says, "are not to be held responsible if peace is threatened or broken, because ihey oppose aims which, though unavowed and Illegitimate, *re clearly within the scope of the Russian policy." NOTHING ARUlTloCsj AUOl'T HER. 1 he Journal tie si. I'eiertMjoitr'j says Lord Salis bury's circular shows an absence of conciliatory views by gratuitously attributing ambitious motives to the Russian pro[>o*ais. TlIK St'l.TAN AH A |{( SS1AN CONVERT. A special despatch to the Vienna Political Corre spondence from Constantinople says:?-The con version ol the Sultan to pro-Russian Ideas is immi nent." NO t'SK OK A COXOKKHS. The Berlin correspondent of the rimes says that Prince Gortschakotf is expected shortly to inform the Cowers that alter Lord Salisbury's circular the Congress, were it tp meet Immediately, would uo longer be likely to solve the questions at issue. Tim SAI.ISBIRY CIRCULAR. Although the full text of Lord Salisbury's circu lar had not readied St Petersburg or Vienna up to Wednesday evening, judgments on teicgruphlcjsuin maries thereof show that its tenor Is very well un derstood. At St. Petersburg It Is regarded us proof that the Congress could not have succeeded If It had met iu the spirit of this circular. At \ lenna the effect is so satisfactory as to almost compensate for the failure ol the Congress nego tiations. a" pleasant sntpRisB. This effect Is said to be heightened by the fact that the public mind was wholly unprepured for such broad views on the part of England. Though the Cabinets inay have understood each other, the Austrian people believed that Kngland would only Ject to such speciUc articles of the treaty us affect ed the interests she reserved at the outset, leaving Austria to take care ol her own I?nl Salisbury's objections to the treaty fully embrace those of Austria and establish community of interest which has long been felt to exist, hut which is only now brought clearly before the public. Austria now awaits the effect ol the Kngflsh und her own com munication at St Petersburg. VIENNA TIlROrUH ENGLISH SPECTACLAR At Vienna it is said thero is every disposi tion to facilitate the transformation of the treaty In a European sense and to show every consideration tor Russia. But tne government a? St. Petersburg must know by this time that to satisfy Austria the transfor mation must be real, not apparent Prom Berlin there are two voices. The Kuasiau party reiterate that the possibility of a bargain between Russia and Austria is still open, and that General Iguatieff Is not dissatisfied with the results of his mission to Vienna, though it is admitted from St. Petersburg that this satisfaction Is not shared by his colleagues. U L ES S ISO KOR UEKHANY. On the other hand, the Berlin l'osVs sharp anti Russian article on W ednesduy adopting Lord Salis bury's criticisms of the treaty and sa.vlng Kngland will hardly remain alone in the opinion that the Treaty of Pans, until amended, Is the law of Kurope, Ac. (which cannot have been published without Prince Bismarck's consent), is regarded as another evidence of the tatter's desire either to humiliate or embroil Russia IS IT GERMAN OriXION ? The special correspondent of the Daily Kewu at Berlin, however, expresses the opinion that the PotVs article does not Indicate any change in Ger many'4 policy on the main question, but is only a ! rebuke of Russia for the indifference and neglect lately shown the German Chancellery. "A similar I reminder," says the correspondent, "produced reparation juat before Prluce Bismarck's speech in Parliament" MORE VIENNA OPINIONS. The .Veir Free lies* ol Vienna says:??-a re newal or bloodshed Will be Russia's lauli Eng land is championing International right*" The Vienna tremOenOlaCi says:?"if Russia mitigates the treaty stipulations in consideration ol a Turk ish alliance she will thereby deprive the treaty oI any binding force." PERV1A PREPARING AGAIN. A Belgrade special despatcll announces that flf teen battalions of Servian troops have been ordered to march to the l>rma and Have. THE B1UTISH UlIHitT. Sir Stailord Northcote. in explaining the budget in the House or Commons last night, staked that the revenue lor 1H77-187M had been and expenditure ?7*,903.4U4. The surplus lor the past year was, consequently, ?*&o,su:i. of the six million vote threo i>nd a hair millions had been actually expended and some further liabilities In. curred. The surplus was thus converted into a deficit ol <2,640,000. To meet this deficit and rur tlier liabilities the government had applied ?750,000 of the surplus revenue ami issued exchequer bonus for ?*i,7M>,ooo, running lor one year only, ihey thus commenced the year with a temporary debt of ?A7j0,uou. The estimated deficit lor Iti7*-is7i? was ?i,JUi,ooo. EXPENSE OF CAI.UNG OCT THE Rl S: EVES. This docs not Inciude any provision tor the re deiupiion of treasury bonds or lor farther liabid ties, &>oo,uoo ol which had been incurred lor the urmy and ? ror the navy, which would have to be met by supplementary estimates. They fur ther estimated the expense of calling out the re serves at ?40n,0U), which allowed lor their being under arms tnree months. They estimated the ex peusc which would have to be incurred ror new dockyards and extra labor at ?400.r.ou, thus raising the supplementary estimates to or ?l/.oo,oiio. All ol these e.\|>cnsea combined showed a total deficit of ?.~i,:?oo,ouo or ?.'>,*?,oou WI LI. TI1IY STII.L WAStT WAR.' They pro|Mj??<l to meet during the present year the ?tetl?it on ordinary expenditure, the supplemen tary estimate* ami some portion of the outatuiid* lug debt and lor the treasury honds. For this pur pose they proposed to increase the income tux two ou the pound, which 1 hey estimated would produce C\.i <;0,U0u; to Increase the tobacco duty lour peuce per pound. which they estimated would produce, and to Incrcuse thudog tax tu a manuer estimated to produce tlW.oott ALXOWAttCXa AMP IXCEIttOM. llut they proponed to make aome allowance in tlie as.-eHsment of the income tax for deprecation In the value of mnchlnerr, and to grant numc ex emption irom house tux Id particular circumstance!. These reductions would cause a Ions of ?*0,000 'j litis about XI..">6o,ooo of a deficit would t>c lcitovcr to next year. T?ie Chancellor irusted that the House and country would rtcetvc this atatcinent In the name miigulflccnt manner in which the ute calls ol the government had been responded to. ((/beers.) K*CI.AM>'? I'HKPAUATION'S. The troop ships Crocodile and Euphrates, at Portsmouth, were yesterday ordered to be ready for sea in lOity-eiglit hou's. The House ol Commons passed the resolution tn favor of the increase ol the tobacco duty and in come tax. Kt SKlA'rf f HKI'AHATIONrl. A special despatcn from Herlln report* that mo bilization has been ordered in the lour remaining UuHSiim military districts t A telegram Irom St. Petersburg denies that the landwehr has been called out. ab a lookbr ox. A despatch Irom Bsrila ssys the German iroa-elsd 0?ei will proceed to tna Ksst in the begianleg of May. TRincr* TO tn AMSRIOAV BISISTBH. The Usbalp a special correspondst M Athens tele graphs that General J. Meredith Heed, toned Stales Minuter to Greece, hss recoiti d the thanks of hie ?ofernmsnt tor bta prompt and efficient sroiectiea of Atnericaa eiliaeaa daring tb? dangeron* arUla Hurl ?a February. RCSSIA AND TH? PAPACY. A apodal d**patcb iron Route m)i:-uKuuh offer* to uod au MilMWiidar to the Vatican at one* oo tbe fop*'* accepting iti* present condition of the Church iu tba Russian umpire." TH* MIKDKR or LORD LkiTRIM. Four more persons have been urrunted for com plicity m ib? murder of l.ord Leitriui. Mulaggarl bu been released (or laok of evidence. A UUAVK MlBTAkk. The Chairman of tbe Hireot Cable, in hts remark* at the mectlug of that company bare on tbe 2'2d of March, said:?Wero a cable worked lo It* very otmoat extent and fullest carry tug capacity and only a mod erate expense of working allowed lor, at a one shilling tariff it would only give a return of abouttwa percent per annum, not "twenty per cent," as erroneously re ported by cable to the United States. A FLKAPAMT DAT The weather yesterday wat lib* and warm. RACING IN ENGLAND. THB HEREFORD OllAND NATIONAL BUNT STEEPLECHASE WON BX IXLBEBT. London. April 4, 1878. The Grand National Hunt Steeplechase was run at Hereford to-day. There \*ore eight starter* ol the tweuty nominations. Mr. K. C. Friend's buy gelding filbert, by Nutbourne, data Mademoiselle, by Stu dent, aged, wa* tbe winner, with Mr. W. K. H. Vow oII'b choutuut gelding Sougster, by Christmas Carol, dam Alarum, aged, second, and Mr. Brown's l'he Maie, by Young Oulstou, dam by Mnus, aged, third. Tbe last betting was 7 to 2 against Filbert, 10 to 1 against Songster and 8 to 1 agnlust Tbe Mase. Tbe lollowms is a ? summary. Tub Qraxi> National Hu>t Stskplbohasb of 10 Bova. each, 6 forleit, and 3 ouly for subscribers who do uot uainu, lo go to the Uraud National Huut Fund, with USD sova. iu specie added, lor bona JlUe hunters that at tlie time of aturtiug navo never wou any stueplrcbaae, hurdle raco or flat ruco of the value of '20 sovs , not includlug tli? winner's own stake, and tout tiave uever started iu a baudiuap stevplocbuso or hurdle race up lo tuo time ol starting ; lour years old, 10 BL 10 lb. ; Uvo, 12 kU 1 lb. ; klX uud aged, 12 at. 10 lb., to be riddeu by qualified gentlemen, farmers or farmer*' sona wtio have never ridden lor lure; tbo second lo receive 60 ?ovs. and the third '20 sovs. out of the stakes; about lour miles (20 su ?). Mr. C. K. Friend's b. p. Filbert, by Nulboucuo, dam Mademoiselle, by Student, oged 1 Mr. W. It U. Powell's cl). g. Sop^ator, by Christ tun* Cirol, dain Alarum 2 Mr. G. Brown's The Maau, by Young Oulaton, dam by Niuu.-, aged 3 LUMBEIi TBADE SUSPENSION. AN EASTERN FIRM CRIPPLID FOB TBS CBOOE EUNESS OF ITS EASTERN AGENT. Boston, Mass., April 4, 1S78. Tbe firm of Holt & Bugbce, lumber dealers, ol this city, suspended payment yesterday, with llabiltles of $160,000 to $175,000, due for the most part to Boston crodltorB. Tbe falluro of tbe arm. It is stated, is caused by tba fraudulent actlou of Mr. Uugbee, brother of tbo Junior partner, who bus lor several yeara acted as buying agent lor tho Arm at Indian apolis, where he holds the office ol alderman and Is otherwise a prominent citizen, he has bean largely engaged in speculations In the Weal, and to cover his loaaea has drawn agalnat the firm, uaing as collatora| notes of psrttes In tba West, whoso signatures are now admitted to be forgeries. Bucbce confesses to issuing $112,000 ol tboso notes, which are largely In tbe banda ol Bostoo banks, I at are mad* payable in Indianapolis, bo that no proceeding can be taken in Massachusetts courts. It Is believed that upart irom tbe lorgvnes tbe Ha m la solvent, and will bo able to rcaumo business. ai'cnts'a confession. Boston tanks hold notes given on account of Halt 4 Butoe* to the amount of $220,003 64, which W divided about as loUows:?Exchange Bank, $03,008 87; Bank of Commerce, $34,71108; Blurkstone Bank, $73,206 V8: Metropolitan Bauk, $38,178 71; Kicbardson, Hill kVix, $10,208 30. Ol this aggregate it is known that $134 7*.!0 02 Is represeuud by notes lurgid by J. W. Bugbee. Bugbec's tranaactloba wore first made known to hi* principals by a Louisville couCero who had received notice of a forged bote tailing duo. Aa soon as Bug bee found hia transaction* ware discovered ha made a lull couuaalon to A. 1 Lyon, of Indianapolis, who at once came hero and exposed tbe Iraads. Bugbeo's method was to make all tba noira payable in la dlsuapolt*, wtiero he took car* to have tbeui paid from time to time, the proved* of bis drafts ou the concern enabling blm to meet tbem. Tbeae iruusac* Uoua extend over a period of two yoars. It Is now atated that Holt & Bugboo ar* completely ruined by the lorgariea ana will go into bankruptoy. The amount ol forged paper issued Is auld to amount lo $160,000, and in addiliou to tbi* Bugu*a has drawn largely on the llrm up to as Ut? a date aa Marcb 30. Among a?m* of tbe forged signature* are:?M. Cloat. man, Cincinnati, $13,000; O Henshaw & Soo, Cluulu nau, $20,000; Hatch, Hoibrook Si Co., Chiongo, $0,000; J. UrlUllh & Soil, Cincinnati, $0,000; Marcl brothers i. Co., l'luladelpLis, $10,000; T. W. Harvey, Cbioago, $20,000; Holtnos & Co.. Chicago, $10,u00. FAILURE OF COTTON DEALERS. New Oklbaxm, La., April 4, 1871 A despatch from Vicksburg, Viml, unnouucca the failure of >1oks it Martin, coitou buyora. Their llabm Hits are $100,000; uo assets. INVOLUNTAUtf BANKltUPICJf. [BI TEX.EOBAFU TO THE HEBAU>. 1 CncimUTt, April 4, Ihts. Salt was sotercd In Ihe United amies Court to Jay aguinst I tie flrtn of Lockwood & stnowden, wholonaie doulors to hats nod lurn, to tbrow tbam into bank ruptcy. the creditors aru all lu New York and repre sent olalma to somcthlog over $20,000. EXECUTION DEFERBED. [BT TELBOBAt'H TO THE HEBALD.] liiHiuMii HO, Pa., April 4, 1878. Governor Hartranlt baa uccided lo grant a respite of thirty days to Oenuls J)oanelly, a Schuylkill couuty Molly Mogulre, iron the lSlb mat., the Uma desig nated lor bia rxicutlon, and ibat of Jack Kelioe. 'the main reaaon lor tba extension of (be Uuia la thu lact thai the Governor liatted tbe doiih warrant after the *u ' preme Couri had granted a writ In hla ease. Mataibon tbe Court baa affirmed the Judgtneul ul death, bat in order ibat no wrong may be dona tba condemned by tba action ol tuv Governor ha lie determined io sua peiKi tb? execution ol lila warrant uno monib. On Thursday oexi tba Board ol Pardon* will liuar the case ol Jack Kebou. There appears lo bo no hope lor tne murderer, but ibe Governor uiuy p ??sibiv extend bia leaon of Hie thirty da) a, in order lo have bo.b murderer* executed ou tba natno day. a missing Farmkb. IBT TKLBOUAPU TO 111M BEBALD. J Pottutow*, Pa., April 4, 1878. Ibe neighboring townsmp ol Frederick, several miles norm ol tbia place, la cooaiderably agitated over tbe unoonncement tint Michael Alderfer, a well knv?n farmer of that locality, bad abounded on Tuesday, the JOtb ult. Alderler lalt bia home to attend | market in Pniladelphia and never relumed. A day or two alter he wrote to hla wile from Alien'.own, asking ' her io ?ellle up In* aflairs, as be would never roium a^ain. Since w.nt iim? Ihere haveb eu i.o tidings ol lr,a ina?uu' man. Financial trouble* are bulluved lo bare I bt-en ibe uauae ol Alderfer's leavin* lor parts uu knowo, as bia liabilities amount l.. JIM,Ouo. whliu hia aa-eu will not exceed lUVUA Alderler ta a tnriuber oI an axeellent Umlly auii wai lorniufly engaged in lonr-abUl* businean. and bad always borne an ex cellent reputation in tba coiouiuuiiy in which be lealded JUDICIAL MALFEASANCE. [BT TkLEOBAX'U JO THB IIEIUL.U.) Lo?o nitsacii, April 4,1178. Now that Squire Piicber'e eaaa ladiapoaadof an other Juatice ol tbla place is oomplained of by tba person who bad Miohacl Derrig arrested * abort tlioo ; ago for keeping a disorderly bouse. Your reporter i vlstied tbe oomplalnant to-day and waa informed the ratorda in the County Clom a otllee at Freehold bad been examined, ana by aald examination it w? dis covored tbo ball given lor Oerrig was straw bail, aixl { Ibat Judge" had accepted aailt ball wtiboul bav- ! lug tbe partSM giving lbe ball aworn. Prominent cm sena aru looking out for other uregularlitoa ol said J uatlua. RHODE ISLAND ELECTIONS PnoriDK.tex, April 4. 1878. { The complete returns of yoaterday's Stele eieotlon give, for Governor?Van Zandt (rep.), 11.436; Lau . runes (dam. 1, 7,Ml; Foster (greenback), 683; scatter- t tug, 31. The senate elanda?'iC republieana. 8 demo crats, 2 no choice; and tba House? AO republicans, 10 democrats, 2 no oboloe. GHEE SBACK CONVENTION. 8a* Kbaici^co, April 4, 1178. Tbe Oregon Gruonbaeii Statu Convention nset in SelotK yesterday and organised A Statu ticket will probably be nominal ad to-dax. UNQUIET RUSSIA. General Ijnatieff on tie Result of O His Visit to Vienna. THE SITUATION CLEARER. Count Andra88y Says Distinctly What Austria Wants. G0RTSCM0FF8 COMING NCK1E. (roim _ , Austria To Be Satisfied?An Ulti matum for England. TCHERNA1EFF GOING TO INDIA. [B1 CABT U TO THE UIIULD. 1 St. Petkbsuubg, April 5, 1878. Iiiave just bod an interview with General Ignatieff. He is satisfied with the result of his mission to Vienna, inasmuch aq it enables Russia to see more clearly what is necessary to be done. Count Andrassy told him distinctly what Austria required, and the situation, as between Russia and Aus tria, bus therefore become clearly defined. Each knows what the other wants, and should the Congress ever meet the pro gramme which each would support is already settled. As this is much more than could be said before the Russian diploma tist's visit to Count Andrassy, General Ig natieff considers that Bomc progress has been made. AN ULTIMATUM FOB ENGLAND. Prince Gortschakoff is engaged preparing a diplomatio note in reply to Lord Salis bury's circular which will have a twofold object. It will satisfy Count Andrassy and will conclude with an ultimatum for Eng land. This note of the Russian Chancellor is expected from hour to hour, and much curiosity is manifested to ascertain its ac tual contents. It is expected that it will precipitate a genuine crisis and force Eng land to declare distinctly what she wants. wab most come. General Ignatieff has less hope than ever of the Congress meeting, and, even if it should meet, it will not settle anything satisfactorily. Considering everything, General Ignatieff thinks the Congress would only lead to war. There are conflicting in terests at Btake in thi^Eastern question whioh can only be settled by war, and no Congress could reconcile them. OOBTSCBAKiry IN A WABLIEE MOOD. Prince Gortsohakoff appears to have made up his mind for war, and, in fact, to prefer it aa a means of arriving at a definite solu tion of the difficulty. He if, therefore, shaping his diplomacy with a view to that end, and events will be influenced in such a way as to precipitate the struggle under circumstances most favorable to Russia. Everything here points to war and the pub lic mind is lully prepared for it. TCMEBNAIIFV OOISO TO WOBK. General Tchernaieff Las been appointed to the commund of a Hpecial corps of loMrrurs destined to penetrate rapidly into the heart of Central Awia in the countries where the Russian armies have already been on several expeditions. This special corps will bo composed of Cossacks and liorse ar tillery and will be augmented on the march by such recruits as the general commanding may see fit to take. Thero aro many volun teers for such work as the column would havo to undertake to bo fouud among the hardy nomad tribes of Central Asia, and the General will havo no difficulty in enlisting their services. TO FOLLOW OODBKO'S TACTICS. General Tchernaieff, who is an old cam paigner in Central Asia, will act with the greatest promptitude and celerity of move ment, adopting the tactics followed by Gourko alter the pasHage of the Danube. As he is familiar with tho ground uud has gr?-at experience in doaling with Asiatics, it is considered here that no better selection could have been made. It is not yot know n wiiat the strength of his oommand will be ; j but it is asserted that the greatest euro has been taken in selecting tho men and tho subordinate chiefs. BECK1VED DT 1BR (EAR. Tchernaieff onme to ML Fetersbnrg some | weeks ago for the purpose of receiving his instructions with regard to the rout* to be followed and conferring with the military authorities on the preparations for the ex pedition, He was received by the Czar on Hunday, March 24, and afterward had sev eral consultations with the heads of tho army. i IXOik HIS OBJECTIVE rotNT. Immediately alter these interviews Gen eral Tchernaieff departed frciu Ht. Peters burg and set out tor his destination. Ho is now travelling by rapid stages and may be heard from soon. Thero j is now no donbt that the objective point of his expedition is British India. Ho certain do the authorities here feel of a war with Eng land that the preparations have been thus early begun, so that no time may bo lost altar hostilities commence. VIRGINIA'S DEBT. IMPORTANT JUDICIAL DECIBIOJI?THE CO*?OL COL'PONS MUST BE BECKIVED lOU ALL TAXES, DEBTM AND DEKA^DD WE TBE STATE AND Altli HOT SUBJECT iO TAXATION?BEPCDIA TION KILLED. (.Br 1 LLtt-GltAPU TO TUB BXBALO. ) Hieuuuxu, April 4, 1878. The Supreme Court or Apptals to day rendered a most important decision. which effectually precludes any lurUier ducuasiuu ot ibe tUcorics oi lorcibla re adjustment ul ibo public debt as a legal proposition. The toli:eiueul ol Ibo dolit ol Virg.uia uudar tbe Kuudiog bill ul 1S71 cousisied of issuing new bonds for two thirds of lLa old debt. To tba uaw bonds wore atucliod coupons "leceivabe lor uil taxes, debts aud demands due iho slate." Under this act $'AJ,UUU,U'JO ol boutla woro Issued, eouiuiouly kuowti as Virginia console. 1 bo next Legislature repealed the iundiug act uud prohibited coupoua Iroui being received lor tuxes, debts or Uemanda ouo Ilia Statu. 1 be Supreme Court, lu tlie case ol Autoui va. Wright, decided tbia lepcaliug statute lo bo unconstitutional as to bonus lst-u^d beloru its pasuage, on tbu giound itiui mo cou sol bonds cjusliluUd a contract between tba auto ami tba bondholder; tbat bin coupons should bo re coivo', aud that any law impairing thai contrael was void, because contrary lo tbo coutillutlou ot tba I'ulted States. That decision was subsequently cou Uruied by lUo Court iu iwo oilier cases, an<i lor a lime sallied tne agitations against the Kuudiiig bilL KKI'LUIATIO.N l.\ UISIHISK Lual sutuuier, however, it oroko out again with ro ue wed lory uuuitr the nuuio ol readjustment. Ibo authors and cuunorieis ol ibo policy ol lotciug tbo creditors ol tuo Stale lo accept sucb torn.a as Iba tagislaiuro should doluiuilue was iquilabia based Iboir whole theory ou tbe proposition luat lliey oould avoid luu operation oi tbu Ktindtug bill una tbo de cision ol Abtoui vs. Wright uy declaring that a ?er laiu part ol ibe taxes should bo dedicated lo tbo support of the government aud another pari to ibo n,aiuleui>i.ce ul public schools, aud lliat tuose taxes sbouia bo oollectud ouly la tuouey, tbus piovenluig coupobs lroiu being recoivod; impairing or uearly destroy lug ibuir value uua driving tue creditors lino such tortus as tnighi bo proposed. Uy ibe couatliu llob lluss wero ?pecilicall> dedicated lu sclioola. II luuds aet apart by Ibal tuslruiueut lor special pur poxes weie payable ouly tu earth, then Unas would also bo only soivao'.o in like luaum r. Utt tbu con I irary, II bucs wntcu woro tpuctully d.siguuted iu tbo cousiliutlou io oe applied lo school puip^scs could bo puld lu coupon?, thou all laxus, whether lor school or goverutuuut, were likewise pay able iu coupons. Tbu theory ul lorcoi taaejuaiineut reeled ou tbu proposi tion. A TKST CASK. A case was brought belure UieCeurt by Mr. Willlaui L. Koyiill, who has labored oo it wtui gieal ability aud luduairy. au<l who brought ibe direct ooiui beiora the Court. A person uurned chirk, coullncd lo jail lor non payment ol Unes, uuder ilr. Koyall's advue taudared coupons at Ibeir face value lu puj luent of ibe uuioiiul due by httn. Ibo City sergeant refused lo receive tbu coupons, under the advice of tbu Attorney Uon eral, ou the grounds?llrai, because coupons wero uot receivable lor Uuea; and, aecoud, II tbey wero so receivable that he would uot re ceive them ul tnvlr luce value becauso tlie Slate law requited tba Stale tax, aiuounliug to nearly lour per cebl ol the coupon, to lo neouoted Iroin It- Upon Una Ko>an moved ibe Supreme Court ol Appeals lor a writ ol habeua corpus, ou the ground that bis client, having tendered coupons at their laco value djuai to iho amount ol tba One, was equivalent to a tender in tbat caau of ao inuuu gold, and, there lore, he was illegally cocllnod. DK( lslU.N or 111* COl'KT. TL? Court to-d y ao ueld. Tbo opibion being de livered by Judgo Christian, aud concurred in by Judge* Anderson and Harks; Jauge staples duncm ing, and Judge Moucure, present, not sitting, becauso ho bolds sonio bonds. It is understood that be luily indorses tbo Judgineut of ibe Court. Judge Cbriatian decided that ihequcsttou oi tbo con Hlttuiioualii/ ol the Funding bill was uo longer an open question. Tbat act constituted a contract be iweou the Slate aud the bondholder wbtou no aubae qu? ul action ol the Stalo could impair. Tbo coupon uuder tbat contract represented so much gold as tar us llio state was concerned, and must ua received lor its lacs valua lor all luxes, debta and demands dua the State; thai Ones were demands dua tbo siat? , tbat all inoneya com tug to tha state, or tuxes, deb la, duaaor ticmanua, must be payublo in coupons, no matter Whether dedicated by tbe constitution to Ibe sohool lundornot. The puolic dobi was prior to ibe consti tution, abu no provlstoua of that instrument could impair ibe obligaikou to pay iL Tba State, like iudi Viduuls, must be just bolore slio is genorous. Ua hold tbe pruvlsioaa oi tbe conaliiuuon dedicating certain reveuuaa to lha public schooia moau ibut au ainouul equal lo tbu amount of such revenues should be raised ami upplied lo tbo schools, and ibal It waa the duty ol the Legislature to raise luvenuo sullluieut both lo pay liio lulervsl ou the debt uud lo support the schools, uud tbat it could not be presumed tbat that body would tail to do lis duty. The Courl, therefore, ordered tha peli liouer lo bo uitdiargcu. arrsur or tiu btcimox The offoot ol the decision will be wldasprcal. It will oxaaparaia the reaojuaters aud tuieusily their attacks ou lha Court; but it will operate greatly on the sober acoiimeui oi the State and rouaa a positive aud aggroaslve oppnalllon to ropudlatiuu. It would seem as If tba campaign ol readjuoliiicol was ended lor iho present lo be rcvlvod alter a while in new l>auer, which ara not, however, uow very clearly to ba discerned. KITTING BULL. UK IB IXPECTED TO OJ ON TBE WABPATH WUKN TBE GRABS 18 CP. Oi'Tawa, April 4, 187H. Ll?u>?nant Colon;1 Smltb, Deputy Adjutant Cen tral ol Manitoba, has arrived here, aud says there la no doubt that Silting Bull haa a large uumber ol In dians with him, and as soon ai bis pontes are in proper condition he Is likely to awoop down ou ibo Amorican territory couvenloul to hia whereabouts lor tho purpose of raiding uud ot annoying the I tilled Slates government. Tbo mounted polio, although a vory efllcionl body, yet sre not numerous cuough aud are too luucb vcallorcd to preveut tbo Intended tuovemtuta of Sitting ltill and his followers. A l? w horses may be stolen Irom Canadians, but fur ther annoyance ba doos not anticipate to the Caaadiau authorities. LEFT TIIEIIC 1? LSE U V AT ION. Wa?I|I.i<ito.\, April 4, IsTH. informatloa boa been received ui tbe Indian OUice that Mventy lodges of the Ponra* have left ttiotr reeervatiou against the oruor-t of their agent*. Con gress dolavs appropriation money to reinovo the Indiana to their promised reservation, and ttiev go away lo dlagu/it from tboir preaont unaatislactory quarters. Hiucunn tirooly proviaiou for their removal baa b?en made the government must feed them tor tbe whole year. It 4a believed that tboy have gooe to iiiq Kaw r'easrvaueo. MIDNIGHT WEATHEK REPORT. W?u UkrABrMKXT. ? Orrica or ma Cuikk fmkal OrricKB. J WAi-u.X'jr April ft?1 A. M ) i> liC'tllt 'M. For New Kaglai >1. cloudy weather, with rain or anow, colder north tat to northwest wiud-aud falling, followed by at-iti 'o-ry ar rulug barometer. Kor the Midale Atlantic M iter, cloarine weather, j preceded near tbe roast by rain area*, oortbweaicrly wlnda, stationary temperature anJ rtstoy, preceded in , noriheant DoilKtaa by falling barometer. Kor Tnnneaaoe. tbe Onto Valley, South Atlantic and I Kast Gulf States, el<>ar or paitly cloudy weather, light Dortuwsst wind*, atattonary or bigber presauro and temperature. Kor the Wtai Oult snui. warmer. ctenr or partir cloudy weather, variable wiuds shilling ton uiherly, ' and rising, followed by staronnry ot falling luibme wr. ? lor the lower lake region, olear or partly cloudy weather, variable wlnda mo-tly from tfee north, it ?? tioBHry temperature and stationary or falllog barom eter. lor tba upper late region, partly cloudy weather, poaaibly tain area*, warm southeasterly vwriiii to colder north wo it winds, ao<l f tiling fallowed by riMhg baroim ler. I'or tbe Upper MiaalMippl and t/>wor \lnsoun val leya. eloar or partly cloudy weather, poaaibly ooca atonal light Ml, variable wtadr, moaily Irvin the { northweat, tatiouary or lower temperature, with higher pressure. Tho rtvera will alowly tail. Cautionary a una!* continue at Cape Ltokonl, Cape it,Mora*, Kitty Haw*, Capo Henry, Noriolk, Haiti, more, Lew.s, Ca|>e Miy, Atlantic City, Barnegat, sandy ttooa, New York, New Haven, New l.oodou, Newport, Wvod'a Hole, Boston, Tbatchcr a laland, Portland and Kaatuori. TIIK TKH IKUDAT. The lolloWiDK record will show the changes la tbe tampwtaiure for the paat iwouij four hours. In com parlaoa with tbe correxponding date ol last yoar, aa indieated by tbe thermometer at Hudnat'a pharmacy, No. aiS Broadway isn. is;*. 1**7. ii7ii. a A. M 41 4ft 3:30 r. M.... 44 60 I ? A. M 4'/ 42 M'.H 4? 41# V A. M .43 47 (CM 40 ? 12 M 4.> ftO l'i I*. M M 44 Averayn toinperalura yesterday.. ... 46 \ Average toRipeivture for eorraapoodiug dale leal 42 DEAD ON THE HA IT A (BY TKUORIVH TO TBK HKBALD. 1 >iuum, W?at Vx, April 4. 18TSL Tbls morning the body of a boy about fifteen fear* old (u found on Uia track of tbu Baltimore and Ohio IUilrowl at Simpson's i.aion lha lege and one arm worn cut on uml iba bead cru-ihe<l into a pulp, ilia supposed be triad to Kti ou u train and let! between tbu cart. There la no claw to tii.-t Ideality. PURCHASE OF SILVER BULLION. Sax yjuxcisco, April 4, 1878. It la reported ibat tbo government bas recently pur chaaad In tbia city a quantity ol Uou silver to aiart tbu Miul ou tbe now dollar*. Tbo prlco la auid to be equivalent to !>4%j in London. About 80.000 ounce* worn obtained from the Selby Smaltln; Work* aod 1'JO.000 ouueta from tbe Uruod l'riae Bluing Coin !'*"/? ERIE RAILWAY LITIGATION. I'uiLauicLriiiA. April 4. 187& To-day Meaara. Dougherty At storm applied for aa lujuucllou la tbo Supremo Court in boball ol Jauies Mcilouory uud oiuer bondboldera of tba Krio Hallway under tbo tirst consolidated mortgage, to raatrain tbe execution of an order ol the Court of Common I'le*", ol Pike county, by tb? Krio Kuilroatl uod tuo Farmar'* Loan, trusteed uadei tbe Orat *nd aecond consolidated monitor. Tbo latter waa authorizsd to proccod to loioclose under tue nrut unii socoud mortgagee, and procoedod only under the second, tbua fixing a liability of (4,000.000 of receiver's eertittcuua iiboad of tbo llr?t coimollduud raortga^o. Tbo object la to Uiivu tbe Qrht consolidated murttraj,'* de claied a lion abend of tbe laitor boforo iba ftalo undor tbe derislou lu 1'iko county la hud. Tbo Court bald tbe mutter uudor udviscment. RAILROAD ELECTION. Hosto*. April 4, 18781 At a mooting or the dlrectora of tba Cbieugo, Bur lluglon and (Julncy Kailroad tbe following olllceri were elected.?I'rctidcni, Robert Uarrla; vice pruai dent und i;cn?ral manager, I. K l'erkinn; treaauror, Amos T. Hail; ua*i?tant treaaurer, J. N. Dcnmaou; huditor, George Tyaon. EMPLOYMENT DEMANDED. lias.riaoka, Md., April 4, 1878. A largely attended meeting of unemployed work. Inatueu waa held to-night at Maryland Institute Ad* dresios wore tuajo by R. T. Joyce, Slate Senator) Joaepu Thompson, lata workingmea'a candidate lai Mayor, i.ud otbera, advocating tba prosoculloa ol needed tmprovameuiH by the city in order to give em ployment to tbo auHoriug unemployed. Hesolutiuui were uilopted r<-i(uerttiug tbe Ctly Council to act Im mediately with tula viow. Tbe meeting waa very orderly. FUNERAL OF THE LATE FATHER WHITE. CEBBMONIES OP THE OCCASION? SERMON B1 ABCBUISHOP O IB BON 8. Wa*uiS0T0.i, April 4, 18"8. Tba funoral of tho lata Kev. Fatuer White, pa*lor ol St. Matihew'a Church, look placo from that cburca tbls morning and waa altoaded by au Iminecae con course of people. Tbo aujolning aireeta war* crowded aad bundreda were unublo to gala udtnltlaooa to the cburch. Tua aaavicaa. A solemn requiem mass waa celebrated by Fatbat McNally, ot St. sicpheu'a Cnurcb, lormcrly uaalatanl to father White, apaialed by Irathera Waidron aa4 Mackltn, of Baltimore, aa dcacoa and sub deacon, with Father Barrotie aa raastei ol ceremouiea. Archhiabop Uibbona preached tbe lancrul sermon, aud Moxut'a grand requiem mane waa aung by a choir of tweoty six voicaa. At Iba close ot the sermon the Arcbuiahap, unlisted by Father Lymau, of Uovauaiowu, Md., and Father Kuauo, Bishop of Richmond, porlormed lha office for the dead. All the Catheiio clergy of tba dlatrlct aod a large number from Baltimore and ihu surrounding country were present. Tbe funeral waa aaa of in a largest Uial aver took pluca here. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Judga William V. Allan, vt tba N?w York Coorl ot Appoala; ox Governor Marccllua L. Siearne, ol Flor ida-, Walbridge A. Field, of ISoalou; i. li. B ruaby. ol l'rovldcnco; Judge II. 1). ltice, of Maine, aod Will lam J. Florence are at lha Fillb Avenue. Albert Keep, I'roaidunt of the Cblrngo auJ Northwestern Railway Compauy, la at tho Wludtor. l'rofsasor O. C. Marab, of Yalo College, and Colonel K. ri. oils. United Staiaa Army, are at tbe Buckingham. Acting Hank Super intaudeat Haary L Lamb, of Albany, la at tbe WetU minster. Samuel L. Clcuieaa, ol llartlord, la at tbo tillaay. Prolesaor Kdward II. tirllUu, of Willisms' Collego; Audrow Allan, of Montreal, and llaury R Pieraon, ol Albany, are at the Kverett. Kx-Mayor l>. M. Uaibert, ol Binghamlou, la at lha St Nicholas. TIIE WEEKLY HERALD. ONE DOLLAR PEK YEAH?POSTAGE FEES. TUB CllEA.Pr.HT AMD BlihT KEW3PAPKO IN Till WORLD?MOW UKADY. The Wkkklt Ui.kalo I or tbl< w oat oortltlat tola graputc dowj Iroin nil pern of the worl J ; tbe KMtora ((utatlon; Spicitl l/orreepoodenca Iroin 81 l'uture burg; Wueliuifcton Cono?|.oaJ<rin;c; Untpbic Arcoaul ol tbe Death ol tamo, lloatoil audit Mutch of Uof Llle; Capltnl I'aolahmeni In PoDUtylviiBla aad Teo ne-itco, Wtil Virginia Lynching; eciotary shirnian bi-lorc llio Houee Comniitioo on Iimki; Agr.iriaa Vengeance In Iri-land; Anotbor Roy Mururror. Death in a Doiitlat'e Chair; a UtiHliaud'e Roeenge; the lea Crop; a Sorinon bf lie* Or. ArmtUea and a eeli-ct ?lory, aotUlod "Cleniout'a Love." ll alao cootame editorial article* on tba prominent lopioe of tne <j.?y; Paraunai lntuilmonco; Roiigiou*, Literary and Si-a NoIm; lUrlawiollbi Dry Uoode, Horao, Cauls and Produo* llarkMi; financial aud Commercial P.eporu; Agricultural and Sponiuj Maitnrt; I netrue livo aruoia* lor ih? ladiea aud the moil important ovaoti ol the weais. T*a**?OBe doll if pjr trair. p >uage ptld; aioila coplea, three ceuu Ao ultra copy Will be aaal M ?vary club of ten or nor*. COLD WINDS ROUOlKN AND CHAP TIIK SKIN. Uum'i ittkraim Hinr ?>ll?ui an ? r> unlin u. Trjr it TilK SOUTH INDORhEh NORTHERN OPINIONS. "lliem ? powrrlul u ??.! iblnj? lor ilia haer," ta what a lit > via taniin -*y? ?f OK. I'laaca ? I'D him 1'iMi.iiiva I'UUtt, Hold by all druvKlat'. A ?SPP.IXO HTYLKB OK.VII.KMhVS H ATB ready; elyie and feature uuiurpH>??<l. line >1111 ' I at 05. HI' KKfc, 214 Mroadway. A.?MOODIK'A Ml I.I'llUtt TAK HOAP WILL KK move Ir-.hlra plmp'ei and ruuguiivae at eklu Itii4?l ta Maicli wlniia LARUK SOI.irAIKK DIAMOND KvllRlNOS, DI.L ? wliiie. ?oei#?>K MILLS A I OLkV AM, IHI# ' Irand al. HL'Pri'RK CURED ?HiRl V YEAR >' EXPKRt enre. ?Ltr MAKMII -? trvaimvnt me ?ul> ea'e ami vlWiaai ? ure ? Oil* "tflet* J Veeey lAMur llon.e), uppwelle Paul'a< iiereli. 1UK IIKRALD OIKER* KOKsJALiT TWO AIXULK III l.LOl K Pit EI MTTtXa PRKflHES, capable of mlatltiir 14 ' '?> cople* per hour ?f an eitfbi t?a?a pap?r, elliter >lt, aarea >r elabt eilamM ALSO ALL Till-: ?TI HltoT VI*K MAClllNt.HV UB LO.N'il NO t lIKIt KTO. Pul? K. ?iu.iaM AdUiva* J U. BXXXKTT, firm Turk lleralA TI!K THIRD A*D KOfRIII "tMIOIW or IIIK IIKKaLIi HtlLOi.'SO Ml LET. ?? II 4BI.K Knit LAW, HtBKlBO. IN.^I tANi K 'Ol A > V I.I' HIT HI -I X K-i PtHPu-Kx Al'PL* IN TUB COU.VTIMO KO'?* Of 1 ill. II hit A I.D U-K HVArT'- l.ll K MAMAM.??LKAMBi; YOt'R h'.owl: ?.arify yoji ?)?ioin if all impniilv :??n?*i curd Hold <>y an uiiualo* D pat, J t" uraai at . >a* V..rk. KIROHK. /loUMLX IIAIK-kou tin. s At klol!>k ?uo. \ 1 tlaeea. >?> ur three ap?tii atloa?, ilia i/aautl.'ul gol lra iijiat an m i ?*' -ft it I. unnretly lixrmlra. ; 10 be bad ut all apuibeearlra end lati? y iroa<U <l?alarik Hole ageula, M. Itov 1. n oK> A ihjS. Lomloa. Baglaad. >f. V% PLHL.ICATION*. V, UlUOIlT'H lllABIv(l\ OltOI'HV, PAMALfSlC ,j??el. ateae, ai<lue? aad bUilder diera.ea rlioiir.iatuia anil rfuui are incaraliie altlioui iho /I ? ill el natural Mln.rtl hurl .4 ator. It aii|iera?de< e?or; thlan elae Inr theia 4la e^ier Per barrel. atkeanM italloo. Oonaullallnii, ttrlnnry ?nal>?n anil pampl let' wltb lull dlreetiona anil te?<imo nlall fr<e by the plitnletan at tba depot, i 'l Breaaway. Me* lark. (imoUJuVi-it j?*riiii-. in wuii 11 thTmubI Fiiahi. arnl liuiabue* tl the prenrat day are tlioiouicuia I vutllatew. nald t>> all io<nhaeilor> aaU newauaalera. TraUa a HH?II"1 by tba America* Coni[iaoy. New York, -end .9 nnn to Poat oBU'w bo* 1HIII, I'hlladrlobia. lor eatuttla ?wpT. NhUVnlH hXllALItriO> -A M iOIC AL KaTTt* a.'Uiprlilan a aerlea of leana. delivered at K\ll>s ttuaeum ol Anal nay >11 tlm cauaa and cura of t>rematuie dNHN, atowla* lelltiiol *>>ly h .? i.iat Draitli may*- re itained. aH..i<ti 11 me a ateai aynopaia vl Irapedlineiita to mar 1 laae aad tlia treatment of nerroua aad nbyalcal deollltr, llw raault of i" year.' eip -rlnnc j ?r mall i^*.. chtreney or noataice ataiapa. Aildraae Meretary kaba'i I Maaaiu*. OM Bioadwef NewYm*.