OCR Interpretation

The New York herald. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1840-1920, April 05, 1878, Image 8

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030313/1878-04-05/ed-1/seq-8/

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Its Provisions, Bequests and Pre
sentation for Probate,
Un. tollman's Bibles and Diamonds Left
to Her Granddaughter.
The will ol Mrs. Lob man (Mine. Kestell) was pre
sented for probate yesterday at tbe Surrogute'solhce.
About noon Mr. and Mrs. Farrell, Mrt Carrie Shannon
and Mr. O.K. Purdy, relatives of tbo deceased, accorn
panted by their counsel, Mr. Orlando L. Stewart, de
livered a receipt for tbe will to Deputy Suriogate
Minor, who handed tbe will to tbe counsel. The pre
liminary papers necessary to admitting it to probate
were signed and tbe parties shortly aiterward retired.
Tbe main provisions of tbe will are ai stated in tbe
Bbr*ld of yesterday, namely?Mrs. Lob loan leaves
the bulk ot ber property, real and personal, to ber two
grandchildren and a small annuity to her daughter.
Iheae provisions cau only be luily understood when
I bey are taken in counectioa with tbe will of ber late
busbauu, Mr. Lobman. Tbe latter bequeathed his
properly (witb tbe excoptiou ol a lew minor bequests)
to bis wile and to bis granddaughter, Mrs. Shannon,
eacu receiving one-half. Mine. Ke.-tell und *Jrs hhun
Lon were to eujoy the income tbcrelroui. Now, by
ber last will and tcatumout, Mine. Keetoii translers
ber h 11 ol the esU.10 bequeathed to her by her hu?*
bund to ber Kraudson, Charles K. Purdy. 1 bus, tl
wtil bo seen, the fortune of the grundsou is rendered
equal to that ol the gruuduu&btar, sirico both Mr.
Furdy and Mrs. Shauoon are treated with the same
equality by the Madam's w.ll.
the will.
I, Ann Lobman. widow of CharTes iv. Lobman. deceased.
01 tU? city county and .State ui .Sew * org. do ju ik , pub
lish anj declare tuis my last wiii and testament in mauuer
lolh Wing, that is to say
P\r?t?l nominate, constitute and a>poiut my grand
Uau^utcr, Ciudine .Summers i'urdy, ana iuv ^ranusoii,
l h ?rics Uobert J*urtJy, or sticu one ot thorn as may survive
uto and take upon tnmsell or herself the execution ot tni*
Instrument, the executrix aou executor (Hereinafter called
use executors) ot this my last win aac testament, auii the
trustees ot the tru?l? hereby evented.
tu-tun'1?it la iuv \\i n tn.it all my Ju*t dents and my
tune; al ex tie tinea c ?>?i ? i a& soon after my decease as may
be uiscticaolc and convenient.
Third?** he re am. unoer and by virtue of the ia&t will and
testament ol uiy late husband, said ? uarics k. Lehman,
deceased, which beats date the l*>th day ot July, in tlie
Year IMiJ, una has lately beeu autuit^eu to probate by tli ?
rro^a-e ol the eouiity ot New lors, my said hunbaud
did devise and bequeath to me ail the pro.i
? riy, real and ners nal, of every kind and
description whatsoever, of which ho died seized and pos
ses-eu. subjcct to the couditious aud alter pmvidiug lor
tbe payments In his said lust will mentioned; .?nd whereas,
in aud by .-aid win he orieied aud ditecied that upon uiy
demise the interest ot one-half of ail his estate should i e
secured to the > euetit aud behoof ot my said granddaugh
ter, taioiine Summers t'urdy therein Called Carrie .>u tu
rner* I'urdy). during her natural hie, and at ner deuth ail
of the same stiouid accrue to her surviving child or chtl*
Ureu, sU.?re auu share ahae, but it she sueuin die witnout
Issue, then anu in that cas - all ol the Same should be de
vised, share aud snare aline, among iier surviviug br tilers
a.id sisters. Aow, in older tuat my Krauds'*u, I harles
i-oeeii I'urdy, may i.s nearly as oossible in ail things hare
?ltd enjoy ? quaiiy wit ? his said sister, Caroline Autumers
Purey, tue property and estate of iuy sal* bus and. i do
hereby uive, devise and bequeath uut" iuy said executors
and trustees ail aud singular the rrmaiuiiiK hail part ol tue i
property aud ? slat*:, late ol iuy nusoaud, in auu oy ins said* (
wt.l given aud devised to me, alter securing the ha f \
part theieut in and by ins snid wi*l directed
lo be secu ed to tne nenehl aud uehooi of uiy .*aiu yraiid
uau^liier. to iinve and to ho.u ihe said retuaiiiiug hail p ui
ol siid propeltv and estate to my said executors and trus
tees and tue survivor ol ihcui and their and In* heli n in
tru^t. oowever, to tski aud have possession of the same,
aud to receive the rents, interests and income tlieieol, and
pay anu appty the net rents, interest and income tuersol
ti> aud lor the use ot iuy ?uid grandson, Ci an. s Kobert
i'uruy, lor anu during lt.e lerm ol hit natural nte, and upon
bis u ath to divide the same and convey and , ay owr the
same in equal shares, out j)er etiroes auu not i?er capita to
end amoim lnslawtul issue uiui aud me surviving, aud iu
delau t ol such i-?ue to convey anu pay ovoi the same to
my hai l gramidau^hf r, - r it uhe b- t.u n deceased, to
divide tbe .-aiu? iu fe<iual share-, but per stirpes and iiot
per CHp.ia, tu and ao.oiitf Iter iuvslul issue then -nivivtng,
lo have aud to hold the same to theiu an l tneir respective
puk lota Hk<jUi M's.
fourth I give ana i 10 my said granddaughter,
Garoliue hummer* 1'umi, it she suivivo me. the loiiow 111.4
itaiiiifii articles ot jewelry, to wit:?Om< di.<iuuud necklace,
one diamond bracelet. one jmir ut oiauiond eurrlugs, mho
likiQuiiM breastpin, one diamond bonnet pin, twelve dia*
ut on a hugor uug* (oi illicit m\ are i?o* iii ner poseeMuou),
uuv rait gold bracelet with opal Iiuil diamond H-tim ?, duo
necklace couslstlng 01 three slilngh of peat Is and liatuomi
;la*p, muu neck, ate of live strings ol pearls mid diamond
Clasp, one ail oeari lucklace, one pearl hreastptu. one poarl
brace.et oiia p.?ir 01 prarl earrings. onu pearl rin_-, 01119
opal rich i|u; set iu thirteen diamonds: ami at so the parlor
organ u<d>i uy > cr. the grsnd action teinway oiauo used
? y her, and the I'ioies niiU hini? M(iuid, tob ivu ilm s.mu
Iui and during her natural life. ami 011 lier decease 1 give
nnd uequoath the asuie to li?r isaiie surviving in equal
ftlmti'l pur nllrpei; but if alio should die leaving no *u< U
Ih^uu, then upon liei death 1 give ami bequeath tile same
to tier brother said Charles KoOert i'urdy, II then It vine,
but II he Is then dec?-*sad tbuii tile smue shall go to his
lawful ts?uo in cqu ?l anaie-. but per aliroes.
tifth I gtve tiuu bequeath unto my s-iid grautklatiirhter,
i ai./iiue .?'Uniraeri i'ordy, it she ?urviv?k nue, aii my ward
rooeuuu uie?M" auu laces oi every kind, cousistiu 4 of
(among other things) bridal veil, binok tunic ?. ml 1 lack
I .?? sba * I. 1 ap- *, collars, luis ami?? her articles o( wearing
uppaici and ornament, ami also aii iu\ horsea. carriage*,
l.aruusscs, accoutrements, robes, b ankets and other stnnle
propert> to me Oelvugiug. but il tuv i ua urauddau^ntor
should die during my ?lloiinie, their I g.ve Mini bequeath
the name to iuy said grands n, * Il tries Uobert i urd.
Sixth All ot my inruiture, piiiiitin^i, sliver alio silver*
ware, and all other Household furniture and prop. ri\. ex
cept w at I i.ave tierembeiore given to my graudd tughter.
I do give au<i bequealb 10 iuy sani ^randdrtURuter, Caioiiuo
buiiiiuers i'urdy. and iuy ?aid tfrnudkuu, l'l??tle* Uotiirt
i'uray, equalu auU share HDd nbare alike; but 11 either ol
them lion d dio dur.u^ my life, louvln^ lawful issue, then
su.-ti I niul ih^qs suell tauj iu,t uortioo tbereol which the
parent.w uld have t-s nil then survivi.ig. but II either
ill during my Iile ieavl. 1 ic no i?sue, thi n the si rvivor nhall
t ike the whole
1?1 authorise, empower ami direct my s.ibl execu
tor* to uav over unto my duufitter Oaroliue (mother of my
#aitl ^lan idMU^nier, Carouue .>u:uuier? I'urdy, and ol iuy
Ma Id uramKon, Oharles Uibert Purdy) t fi?* smu of 0 it) per
year for *??d during the term 01 her natui e< lilr, tue hMiue
to commence Irom the time of my decease, >*ud 10 be pasd
In quertei yeany or ?eml annual pa* menu, an mv execu
tors may deem 0??t, wit 11 uo power ou her part to aiiliti
pate the ?aiue, ami to t?e palu entirely out 01 inv pem<?ti .1
property for lier sole and separate use, free Horn the con
troi of any liuittand, ?u?n p lyrnenta to bo made ouly 011 re
ceipt* tnereior ?l>.i ed by her; nod 1 hereby !v ? and be*
qneath to tier the said annuity for and durlutc her natural
tile, to be paiu by my w&ecutor? out of my por?oiiAl eat 4te
Eighth"AW the real, residue AitH renin ooier of tlie prop
ert> and estate, wnetner the aume be real or personal and
wherever tue name be, of whi< b at Hit time of my dei*#ase
1 nifty be aeised or po eessed or emit ed unto, I ^ire de*
? !*e and bequeath to my said executors and
trustees, to have ami to hold the same to them ami the
sin vivor oi tlicm nnd his heirs in trunt. hoaevor, to ta*e
And have po??< ?siou of the same and to divide the same
Into two equal hn.l parts, and to reeeive ths rents, interest
?mi iuoome 01 one oi said tqnni nail parts, and pay and ap
M> the n?l rebts. Interest and income of one of said equal
bail parti, a- the si.me may ?>e received, to and for tbe use
of my sai i k? 'imJdHuKhter, Caroline ^uiumera I'urdr. lor
and during the term of her natui ai lile, aad pus ami app.y
the net rents. Interest and Income of the otlier equal ualf
parts, as the Niue may b re? eieed. to aud lor tlie una of
my said Mr*m son. Charles Hubert fardy, lor and during
t tu term ?( his natural life; aud I torn and after tli- d?* tb
of either of said gram daughter or trrMttriftou. iee\Inir the
other surviving, but leaving 110 lawful Issue surviving, to
pay and a p y the net itntsi tniftreet and income of lo.th d
eaiu equai half parta, to aud tor tue use of the
said survivor tor and during (he balance ot the
term of his or hot natural lite; and uj?on the rictth
Of either said granddaughter or raodsou, *enving lawful
MN htm ee bariaviittai, th vi is b -it 10 olnuo,
eouvev. aud , ay over to aud among sucit ihw'ui isaue in
equal sharea. but per stirf?es, and not per capita, the said
fqimi part or port I n of my residuary estate to the net routs.
Interest and iuceu.e ot which dui tig life itie grand*
daughter or * rami miu so dying I eutit'eu under tins eighth
section of my will to hav and to hold ttie s?nto to ueli
usne ai t4 their heiis forever; hut If my ?a?d aran-ldauginer
or my said yrami*on sliould die uur>u?r my 11 te. leaving tne
Other me surviving mid le whig no lawful issue me aui viv
fng, then and In that ease my ?atd executors and trustees
shall pay ami apply to mid fo ?lie u-e of the one o survlv
ing the wno!e ??t said net >eut?, iutereat and Inc me ot my
said re iduarv estnte dnrlng tin term of ht* 01 her natural
Uie, and upon his or her death divide, convey a id pa, over
file said reslunafr estate in equal shares but par stirpes
mid not per capita, to and am .n# his or h r lawful asuo
then survlv.tig to have and to hold ilie same to such l**ue
mid their heirs forever but if my sam granddau hter
or nay said gtan is n sh mid die during rnv lltetime
Ioot ug lawfiillaaiie me surviving, then and in thm ca?e I
oive, Ueviae uiid beqilesth to such lawful Isaue. and I direct
hi v esveutors touivide, convey and pay orer to socli lawiul
litaue, io equni shares, however, that portion nf my property
sail esiMte of which their parent would have b?-come -11
titied to the rents, interest an i incouie during his or her
lite if ue or she had survived me.
Ainth 1 tiercby ami on/.e 1111 *aid executors anil trustees
to seii and couvny auy ami all of itly re il e t i e at such
times, lor such price*, upon such temia, and either at pub
Ik or prlvste sale, aa they may deetu for the best Interest
01 mv estate, aud until the aauie is sold, to rem or iea?e
the name in their sound discretion a* shall bo lor the best
Interests ol the estate.
Tmth ? 1 hereby authorise and empow. r m v saM executors
and trustees to make such investment* ot my per*, mil
property, and of the proceeds of any real estate wulcii they
w<y sell, aa are authorised by Inw. ami to call in the same
In their discretion and from time to time reinvest the
'"/I'/eeeurtk ? In every case In whlc?i sny minor shall become
lutitled to any of mv tiroperty utldfr this will, I direct that
my suid executors ami trustees hold ttie same lu ttuat lor
such minor until lie reacii the age ol tweiityone years, and
pay and appty the net im ome ol said i>r >pi rty to the main*
teuaiice, education and support ol the said in.Qor in the
Jitrljth -I do hereby declare that any he iujst or d - rite
liorein made for tbo he tie lit of any female is intended to be
lor bar owu eole and separate use, tree from the control of
*nj husband, and iu lo event to be subject to tils contracts,
debt'* or liabilities.
f/?<rb?n4A?liaving the fullest conhd. Dee in my said ex
eeot rs and truste' 0 1 liertoy waive all Oon*.s or other so
nority on their part nuJ request that iioue he required of
tH. ni la any court or proceeding.
/'oerfreaM I hereby revoke and make null and void any
00d every other will or testament by me at any time wade,
mi i ag?lu declare this to be mv ouiy aud last will aud tes
tament. ... .
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and
affixed my seal, at the elty of 5ew York (his .nth nay of
April. In tbe yenr of our txird one tnousumi elgnt hundred
Muu seventy seven.
Digueii, sealed, published and declared by the testatrix.
Ann isohman, as and lor her last will and testament, in
the preoeuce ot ui, wh , at her request, In her presence and
in the oreeence nl each other, being alt present d?rin the
Vkole tiioe, have bctsuuto sauurtbed oar names ae attOst
Ing witne?*?a the dar ?*i<l vsar la?t Mi?lnW"r? vrllltk,
ail I ein.'dull* lu triplicate
Witnesses?W. Niaelar and. >tal*n I?Uua. ? l>. Thi>m%?,
No. Xfti Saudford ?! em, Biaokiyu; rtllllaui l\ .Miauouu.
1B01U street, .New Vurh.
The Orsi bearing in the contest of the will of Mr.
Samuel Wood. who, It will be remembered, left a very
largji portion of hi* property lor iliu founding of tbe
??Samuel Wood Mustosl College," was bold yesterday
aliernoou before dorro|[it? Culvlu.
Mr. Abrum U'akeiuau appeared for tbe contes
tant, and presented an order irow the Supreme Court,
dated April 4, signed by Judge Donobuo, granting an
injunction restraining auy proceedings peudiug an
or ler to show cause. It is returnable against tbe ex
ecutors in the Suprenw Court on tbe iftib ol April.
General Cbuttlelu, who appeared tor tue executors,
said that be did not think that Judge Uonobue bad
auy ri^Qt to rc-str.iiu ibu Court.
11 r. Wake-man replied that tbera was no Intention
to restrslu Hie Court; oniy tbe partus in tbe suit
Tne Surrogate .-aid Hist be neid tbat the next ol
km bad u right to apply lor a collector, nud tbey
would be beard by biiu as though tbe Supreme Court
bad uo existence. liu bad lb* utmost respect lor tu*
Supreme Court, and all tbat be asked was that tbat
Court should bave some respect lor tbo surrogate's
Mr. Wake-man disclaimed auy iotoutlon to reflect
upou tbo Court and said tuat tuo proceedings wore di
rected aguiost tbe persons wbo were deiendauts in
tbe ucliou.
Usnerui Cbatfleld salu tbat be woull not take auy
responsibility ol appearing to act against tbo Supreme
'lbe Surrogate said be would adjourn tbe lurtticr
bearing until tbe 21st ol May. as init would enable
counsel to vet through wltb tbe Injuucliou proceedings.
Mr. \V ilceman stated as a cause for me u'-liy tbat
there were 116 deiendauts und n was (lilllcult to find
tlietn all to aerve tbe necessary p >por? upon.
Judge Kullerlou, wbo also appeurud lor tbe will,
said that tbe Court should not be restrained iroin up
polntiug u collector.
1 i.e surrogate said that be would appoint one when
ever application wus male.
A uov-l exhibition wits yesterday given by tbo
pupils ol tbo Wilson Industrial School and Mission, in
uvenuu A. "The Kltcbeu garden" is tbe name gi veu to
a new form of Instruction designed by tbo matron ol
tbe institution und which excited tbe admiration of a
very large audicuco invited to assist in celebrating tbe
l.veuty-flflh anniversary ol tbe mission. A number
ol tbo smaller girls, rangiug from eight to twoive
years old, wci o sealed at two long, low tables ana each
was suoplieu with a Utile box containing a set of
miniature table ware. A chord was struck, upou tbe
little piauo ami every liU.a maid opened ber box.
Alter u chorus expressive ol llioir ambition to enter tbe
service ol some good lady una take care ol spotless
table I.neu auu bright silverware tue gills spread tho
coin* ou liieir ti.bus, aud proceeded to set them
alter tbo most upproted method, reciting in uuisou
as tbey laid down ouch article ?ome rhymes di-scnp
tive ol Us proper position ou the table or its usu. i'Ue
table be.ntt tuny set, ti.e youLg bousew.ves named
every urticle in turn, touching u ?uu tue lorehnger.
Miuialure disbpaua uud otiioi hottrcuoid appliances
wore brought into p.ay, mid (he process ol wasliing
ilie service was tiiusirule-u, alter wnicb lllliputl. u
tlothiug was produced, sorted sklilully auu washod
in uuy tubs. I be wuolo ol this drill Mas interspersed
w im choruses aud Versus set to various uirs aud de
scribing me proper rnanuer ol perlormiug tbe opera
tions iu uauu.
Previous to this exorcise the pupils sang lor the
visitors, priz.a were uistribuied uud an addross to
littlu ouos was delivered by itev. l?r lievuu. The
cnildreu wore then perm tiled to retire, and carious ud
uresses were tuaue to Ibo company by Kov. Dr. Ur
nnslon una Ur. iiovuii, aud a Malory ol mu instl
tutiou was read by Hcv. 1 humus J. May. AuioLg
the visitors was Mr. lnuiiow Weed aud ltuV. Ur. Pol
ler, ul Grace Cnurcn. lbe tc.iool is supported en
tirely by VO Ultlary couirtoulions aud is tuauuged by
ladies, Mrs. Jonuibuu Sturgea bomg llrel directress.
Auoul two hundrou aud Ulty girls, rauging from hvo
to lourteen years old, attend lbe school daiiv aud are
taught housework, plu.u sewing, tbo eienii ut.iry
blanches aud are given some religious luslrucuoii. A.
warm dipner is lurnlsbed every day. A nignt rofuge
ullorus a comlortabie lodgiug and luea.s to uomoU-s*
girls; u mission cnurch furnishes cervices on Sabbaths
uuu 1 buraduy eveuiujt, uud a Suobalh school, i.uin
bui lug oiu sonolurs, is ullacbed to lbe luslilutiou.
Mothers' sowing meetuigaare bold every W. duosiiuy.
T.ie Motiieu c?w lor itiu luslitutioc uud receive aatuall
couipeus'ttiun and ruligtous instiuctlon.
I'uriog lb* monlB ol March last the importations ol
w tnea aud lii(uura into tbe port greutly exceeded those
ol the two prevloua mouibs. Iiunug tue month x-l
packages ol ale and hot r lu bulk and l,2.:i bottled
packages were Imported, ol wbtub Kugiund turnisbed
oJl bulk packages and 1,103 bullies and Germany 29ti
bUik packages and l'Jb b-illiod puckagcs. Ul braodios
tUcre were iinporteit'il.ZlU gnl.ous in wood uuu l,7Wi
cases, tii.iKiu^ a total ol 111,71)0 g.ilcjiiK. Ilorde,mx
luriiicbea 1 s,tib-t ganous; ilavre, b,b3o; Ureut Uriialu,
7.1&H, uud l.g'JO kulions caiuo Irom (iermuu ports.
Ui utiauipagne 5,u?7 baskets and case* were imported,
ol wutcn 6,a76 came Irom Ilavre, 11 Irom Kugiind ana
1 Iruuiliiiuiiiuy. in coruml* JtU cases were imported
liotu vaiious ports, in j:iu, lh* im|>orUllou reacued
a.'.tild i-alions, ol which 37,Ki7 gallons c?ut' Irom ilol
laud aud lie-igiu 111 *uu 1,773 gallons Iiom it-ugiauu. Ui
ruiu 1,120 gallou* were imported, ol which 4oti
came from Ureal Urilain, 4->u irotn Italy and
240 irout llie We>st iudies. Uf wlnskry, 1.40&
bullous weru imported irom Ureal Brit.in. I a
wiuce 22S, 000 gmloii* were imported, Bordeaux
luiutshtug 64,loo; Marseilles, 01.34s: Havre, 3,817;
Ureal Britain, 3o.V0H; Ueruiau ports, SS.tiOtt; it.l^iuui
uud Holland, lti.boj; Spain anu Portugal, 10,7j'J, and
I uly, 12,073 gallons. Comp red with the importa
tions in i e-bru .rv more is an iucr<-m? iu me ltn|>oiU
tiou oi gin ol 23,17o gallons, and o. w inec au lucreaite
ol l;tO,Ou7 g ilious. Tbe total Itnporialion* ol the
monthn of January, February unit March are?Al* ami
beer, o Vfitf packages; brandy. 128,3t& K'UoDs; cbani
pague-, 13,172 cases; cordials, 2.1'Jo case ; gin, 82,l>4tl
gallons; rillu. U.'JOo gallons; WhlskoV, 8,17') gallons,
and wines, 424.U04 guiioua.
Augustus Raymond, alms Arthur L. Harry, wlio
wax urrosted by luspcctor .Murray and acting Ser
gtant Mcukin (or beiug associated villi lingua In the
robbery ol tbe trunk ol Jewelry Iroui ibe railroad do.
pot at Worcester, Mans., was held ut tbe Central OHlee
till yesterday morning, when be was lakeu to court
?pain, as It mil ucce?ssry lo bave bim lormallv re
manded. Then word r^acued Inspector il array tbal
ii<'oino K. Stlckncy, the baggage mauler ol Worcester,
lor wlioin be telegraphed, Had readied tbe city, and
preparations were made to put Ka> uioud's identity to
the le?L Ho wan placed in a room among
a score or other people and dilcki.<ey wan c.iilod In.
Alter a careful survey be walked direcll) to lis) uiuud
and pointed biln out aa tlie inau who ua i gained ac
cess 10 tlie depot on May 12, 1877, and ban Cnaugcd
tUe checks upou tbo trunk ol Ailing \ Co. No doubt
uow being It-It iu 1 ntp'.cior Murray's mind as lo bis
having lu cualodr til* rub ier he had soughl no long,
be conducted bun to lha Ko*u<s' Gallery to have itliu
pholojirupued and then returned htm lo tils cell. Tins
morn iiig no Will tte take* to court agsia, and it u
thought tbal oltlcers Irotu MassscbusctlH will arrive in
thecuuiae ol ilie day with a icqnsiiiou to take bun to
Worcester. ____
An application lias been mad* by tbo Gilbert K'n
vated Railroad Company to ibe I)..partmcui ol Public
Works n*kitig lor uuthorlty lo construct an Inclined
piano on tbe east sidewalk ol New Church street In
tbe rt-sr of Trinity Cbuich, boar Rector street. This
plane la lo lie used fur tbe purpose of irunaferrng
their rolling stock to ibe elevated ?truoiure. I'eriuis
hion is also required lu lay a nuriacc railroad thtuii,.ii
Kuctor siret i Iroui Wast lo >o? Oliurch street, to bu
u?< d in ilio Ksuie way.
Mayor Kiy propo*es lo beur lurtber arguments rela
tive to tin- oidiuum e granting permission lot use ol
steam ou Ibe Hell Railroad be lore sibling hie signii
lure or velomn Ibe mtanure. .Several c.iriuioii and
Mr. George W. Qiiitttard, pretiueul ol a stn.iaisnlp
company, bave requested Mayor Kiy to veto the ordi
The sum of $4,004 bas beeu appropriated by tlie
Board oi 1'ollce Commissioner* to meet ilio salaries of
their olllulels lor forv.cea rendered during tbo ruenth
ol Marou.
riitt DEl'Aii 1 MEN* r.
Upon the recommend ition of the ( hlet of the De
partment, tbe Hoard ol Kiro i oin in Is-loners bave con
cluded to pane additional Ore hydrants in several
strien m i avennus, wh> re, it is stated, there Is an lu
aunieietii kupply at ibe present hm.
The sinking lund bas received Irora city Chamber
Ian. Tappan ibe sum ol (3,411 Uj as interest on city
deposits puid by the bsuks ior tbe nr.)nth of March.
The Department ol l'ubllc Works acknowledges tbe
receipt ol (10,b44 US Iraki uce ol Crotoh waier lor
shi|>|>iiiy purpoi-eH during tho paSi inontb.
Ilio Roman Catholic house ol the Hood Shepherd
was yesterday paid (3 MM ft'2 oy Coiuptrollor Kelly lor
commit me* ta to thai lusitiutiou during January,
February ana Uarcb.
PoKTLaxii, Conn., April 3, 1878.
To run Editor or tub IIkkald:?
Your ariiclo in to-day's paper on the appropriation
(or the opening ol Hell Gale i* all wry well, but bow
Is It ibat tbe mate ol New York allows the collecting
nl nail plioiage Irmn our coastm* vessels every tuna
we i>asrt there f 11 s? tins lo me tbe country ought iu
Me the bein at of tbese improvements wiinovn pay
ing l?ll> Yours, CUAdlftK. [
[Notb. ?Lattera Intended for tbia cola an roust bo
accompanied by tba writer's lull oame and address to
insure attention. Complainants who are unwilling to
comply wuli tiila rule simply waste lima lu writing.
Writ* only oa ona aide ol tbo pa par.?Kd. Ubralu.]
To tub Editor or tbb Hsuai.u:?
Will you kindly ask Mr. William J. Best, the re
ceiver ol tbe Mechanics aud Traders' Savin.'s Bank,
whou be U going to pay the depositors that promised
dividend? A UWUill OH.
To tub Editor or tbb Hskald:?
1'leuse call the attention of Captain McDonnell to
the "toafera" wbo bung around tbe ncigbliorbood ol
Churllou aud iiudson streets. It Is uusale to pass
there si uigbl iNKiUtilJUlt.
To tub Editor op tub Herald:?
Will you plvase call tbe attention of tbe Street
Cleaning Department to the Oltby condition of Thir
tieth atreoi, botweeu Tenth nnd Eleventh avenuos?
It bus not been cleaned iu nx mouths. here is uiud
aud liliu eight inches thick ou the street. It is
enough to create a plaguo in ibo nelghboruood.
E. O.
To tbb Editor or tiib HkraL!>:?
I, as one of tho depositors in tbo Sixpenny Savings |
Bank, lully agree witb your compiuinuul lu the j
Hkkald of tho 4th, who suggests a discount ol tlvo |
per ceul irom dcpollors lu order to save that intuitu- i
lion iroiu u "receiver" aud a heavy lo.-s. By all '
lacuna lei such a courts be adopted at once, eveu it it |
should be seveu to ten per ceut discount.
To thb Editor or tub Hkrald:?
What is tlie trouble with the men whose duly It is
to romovo tho usbes nnd garbage ? Since last Satur
day they have neglected to appear In the viciuiiy ol
Eighty sixth street and !*ccoud avenue. In lacl, the
usuvs Iroiu Eighty-sixth street aud avenue A to Third
avenue have not heeu removed lor lour days; conse
quently wo are ah <ui overrun, aud kuow not what to
do Willi the next lot. Ihis is a very disagreeable
nuisance ifnd sboula bo recilUud al once. CUNOER.
To thk Editor or this iIkraui:?
We ure troubled by a crowd ot small boys all day
long in Thirly-sovcuih street, between Eighth and
Ninth avenues. Near Ninth avenue they are continu
ally throwing stoues, breaking wmuows and riugn.g
bnlis. ihis is done when wo ure down town to our
work. WORKMAN,
'lo tub Editor or tiik Hkrald:?
i'lmme ask Cuplaiu Sauudeis to disperse the crowd
of ioalers who :ulest Washington and Vesey slreeia
and Insult tbe ladies lhat pass ihero. MARKET.
To tub Editor or thb Ukrald:?
Some yours ago there was nailed at the entrances to
all the parks tue notice, "No dogs allowed iu the
Park," aud persous accompanied by dogs wero uot
allowed to pass through. Now these signs no longer
appear, uiri me ordinance seems to be lurgotleh. In
Washington square a lew mornings ago 1 counted
lourlecu dogs, uvo ol which belonged lo one niau. if
Ibis condition oi iiflalrs la permitted to contluuo the
children wilt soon no driven Irom tho parks altogether.
To Tni i ditor or tub Ukrald:?
Is there uo remedy lo preveut tbo stealing of memen
toes Irom tbe graves ol cemeteries? Some lime since
1 plaood two valuable deaigna iu (lowers on the gravo
ol my child. Having occasion to vialt ibe grave next
day I louud theiu both missing. Ou making inquiry
1 found lUul il is u common occurrence 1 also
leumcd that ihey are stolen lor the purpose ol selling
lha wiro lorm on which the flowers are urrauged. 1
kuow not what others may Iiiiiik ol a traffic ol this
kind, but lor my part 1 consider it revolting, an.1
more bt for barburiaufe thau lor people who lay claim
to civilization, tho ceiuvlery ofUctuia aeuu> uiilior to
have an axe to grind or Ihey ure in a dormant stale anil
re<|U>r? wukiug 10 a sense ol their obligations.
A. A. IL
To tii* Editor of t?k Ukkalu;?
U seems lo me thai dog ordinance If just as one
sided an ullmr as the aHlf^iirrol provision, nu|>ut>iu?t only
restrictions and unties, but not atlordini; proteuiiou in
the ieuat dogree. There are so inauy collar thieves
around that oue risks tho same trouble and penally
whether tie pay ? license or not. Consequently one
bad better savo the license and other expoususand pay
eventually the penalty.
It is tbe name wuii ttao ns!i barrel clause. In order
to keep two moe niotal-lined asli and garbage buxo*
one ought 10 employ a workman ut about u week,
Diybt and day, a* even a clean, common barrel la
stolon almost as soon as soon a ? It is put out.
i had no less tban three collar* and numerous ash
ounels alotuu iu one year. HiUltKKKKi'EU.
To tbk Editor or tiir Ukkalu:?
Several thousand merchants who paid lsfc;o amounts
ol premiums during tbe war will receive u just return
if the insurance companies shall recover their proper
?bar* ot tbe Geneva award. Tbey are content to have
their legal an'd equitable rights in tbe matter purged
upou by a coinpetnut Judicial tribunal, liiu tbey are uot
content to bu shut out iroin a bearing before tne
courts aud to bavo their equal rights as citizens de
nied. Tbey claim that tbe Uenevaoourt ullowo i their
claims as preteniod liy the United Stairs, *n.l will leel
it au outrage to have the verdict in tbeir lavor turned
tu tb? beneDt of tbose ? hose cl iitiis were clearly and
explicitly decided ugainsL They insist that a sum
uwuruud in gtoss by a court which dearly detlrved the
rooaoua and principles ol its judgment should bo non
oslly p >ld in acvordnuce with tl.e Judginent. A largo
amount due to mutual companies would be promptly
distributed to those W ho paid Ibo premium* originally
Irom wbicb tbe war losses were paid, and who. but
lor the war losses, would have received the niiouul
In lucreaaed dividends. INbUKAMCK
To tbm Editor or tub Ukralo;?
lb response to tbe rosolutiou presented by Alderman
Lewis at a sesslou 01 tb* Board of Aldermen, bold on
tils ii&tb or 20tb ulL, bearing on street cur conductors
aud proponing that Ibo same shall be licensed, tho un
dersigned takes the liberty ol stating that II the honor
able gentleman could bave loreseen the evils urisiug
Irom ths passage ol such an sot he would bsvo ab
stained irom presenting the samei As a loundatlun
lor tho position I have taken In making tbe loregoiug
stsleuieni I wuuld sin ply call to mind III* diverse
characters oi which passengers ou city rnurouds are
compotej, and, as a natural result ol this diversity,
tne means which designing persons would make use
ol to injure a conductor against wnom tbey might
hsppeu to have a gruege. The responsibilities ulrcauy
aitucbel to cotiuUoturs 1 think are sufficient without
d ling thereto. 1'feo only elass ol people wh U .ve not
ttie privilege ol partaking oi the benctiis ol iheconvey
ance iu qeeelinn are tho-o In a siaie ot iuloxicailou.
With r<gard to the class covered by ibe nam resolu
tion 1 tousidur that tile duty ot dialing wilb them
prop rly belongs to th.- police. The thnuks ol all con
duilora aru uue to Alderuiau rshlel* |..i rustim his
voice In our belialC A CUMJUC.OK.
To th* Editor or thm Ukkalu.?
I'auuol eouie rem. dy be devisod to lighten the
he.ity burdens to wiitch ibo real estate of this me
tropolis is subjected f Would not an ainciidmeut lo
tbu present tsx taws, so far as relates to railroad cor
porations, be of bebdll? Wulie tbe lot owner ol Njw
York islorced to pay nearly three per cent on tbu actual
value of his lot it is as clear as the sun ihst railroads
are, because ol lax laws, almost entirely exempt irotn
luxation. 1 he lax laera ot tu.s Siaiu w>.ni into eft ct
belore Hie era of railroads. As JuJge llu .i, ol the
Cuitof Anpeais, remarked iu a i vcetit u.ice (ts N. Y.
K., 78)??"Whin tbe tsx la?s ol tins State wei o
pa-sed railroad corporation* were unkuowu to us. So
surli Mi liiutloua then existed In tne Male, .nil the
laws rvrpi cung tbu taxutiou ol real aud personal es
tates rout || till in only, aud quite awi.war.ly, through
lb* laws respecting corporations generally "
1 wou.il propose a la# M ttiia cRect:?That the Gov
ernor, M>cretary el Slate aud Comptroller shad consti
tute a Bond, whose duty it Shall bo 10 lix each ytW
tbe acta.il value ol tho raliroa is wilbln tne State, in
cluding their leal and personal property aud all Iran
vbiaes, sud that a lax ol ou* and a ba.t per ceut on
such valuatiou suali thereupon bo imposed us and for
the just share 01 tneae ranroads toward tne public
burdens, tisee corporations lo be exempt irnui nil
other taxation. ibis plan would bring $(i,U<Ki,t>lKI a
)ear int.) be public treasury. Ibis sum snould be
divided among all tne counties according iu tne
aoi-es^ed value ot their property. A Simple i,w
of this ctiai acler would bring to New York
a revenue ol over sfiUiiw.wo a jear instead ol
the fllkl,U0n or (17U,tlUU uow paid. 1 any divide this
tU,tMJU,liUU ae.'itig all tbe countie.% because the Char
it rs oi all railroans were granted by all tbn people of
tbe State, .Home sucii law as thia should be eimcted.
II it is lutr lor a lot owner In N?\? York to piy nearly
thrt e per oeut on the aciuai Va.u? o! bislwtcan it he
ut,lair to tax a railroad at about ball tins ratet Tbe
euactment ol auoh a law would brenk up the ring ol
attorneys alid politicians Wtio, conspiring Willi Ihe
local assefsors, enable tbe railroads lo an lit
the whole burden ol taxallou oi city lots
and farms. nouin people would argue, it
you lax railroads tbey would raiso their iralgbt
rules. But thia qtustlou ol treivhta is within the con
trol of tne repre>entaiivea of the people?so the su
preme Ceorl ol tbe I'utted States reoinlly decided.
('H I . 8. H.-ports, p. Ufttel Justice Wane tnus
speaks:?"itaiiroad com^auies are carrier* lor kire
F.u gaged la a public employment, affecting the public
interest, ihoy *r.-, unions protected by their cliarleit,
subject in legislative control a* to their r iti-s of tare
and freight." TaXPaYEK.
Tha Chamber of Commerce bald their regular
monthly meeting yesterday ulternoon, Mr. & T. Bab
cock to tbo chair.
Mr. Frank t. Hoi man wu proposed as a naw rnem
bor by Mr. F. Baser ana elected.
A resolution was passed notifying the public that
tne Hoard oj Trade GueUe anil Chamber <tf Commerce
Journal was in nowise conuectud with tbe Chamber
and that tbo uaa of its uauie was wholly unauthorized.
Messrs. Josiub M. fr'iske, t. W. Cor.us and Jauiaa
Talcotl were appointed a committee to nominate
olUoers of tbo Cnuuioer lor the next annual election
ou Muy t.
Mr. Gustuv Scuwab, ou behalt oi tlic Committee on
Forclgu Commerce and tbe lie Venue Laws, to whicu
was referred ul tbe latt meeting oi tbe Chamber tbe
resolution approving oi tbe bill pondiug m Congress
to irausfer tue Lile aavmg service to the coulrol ol
tut .Nuvy Department, reported tne following resolu
Resolved, Thai lu tlie opinion of tbis Chamber the trana
ler ui tlie tinted Lilo narlOg service imas the cud
trul ul me'Iruasui Department to tlie .Navy Liopartmeut.
;i? is proposed in (senator aai,.uut's bill auU its uiueud
mmili, wun d be lm xp dieui, an uot only tbe origin and
l.iatory ?t u a i.ile >*a v ? ti 4 ,-srvlce but >lso tbe general In
tere?is ol our |.oreruiL>eiii Justily aud duuiauu its suborai
uation to ilie treasury Department auu it* connection witb
me Kevsnue Marina twwK
Keaoiviiu. I bat ibis iJna.u./ei iscoiiuurud tbe passage of
tlie bin latrodue d tnioibe House n.v tne lion. Sr. lieb
et la. auil rceouiuieuded by tbe Coiaiuiiloe ou Cumuierus to
tout ood). n> tnu nfoV.lions of thai bill .re weii calculated
in increase- tbe i-Uicleiicy o. me idle naviug service uud r
its present oonli'ol.
I.esoivetl, tun. a copy of these resolutions lie attested
uud sent to uuii' bouses ol Congress by tlie secretary.
he same committee reported tLat thuy had dim
med tnu recommendations ol tbe Uouon liouid ol
Trade uu needed relorma in the luws 01 coinlneruo aud
uavigution auu concurred iu urging tiicui upon Con
JliUUliT MaCiliAll.NATIOJi.
Mr. C. T. Suiuu, ouaiixsau 01 tne apodal Committee
ou Kiillioad iraneporiatlou, reporteu
V our committee beg to inlorrn the Chamber that they
have cans u lo be tneseuleu in tue atui? aassmbiy by Mr.
i.raslus iiioous auu iu Hie Venule i>y Air. Uuutj b. iuraor
u lueiucrial eiubouyiug a concur.out resolution providing
lor tue nj-p <iiiliucui ill -> Joint legislative Go uuiiti.ee. with
an ine necessary poaers .u luka testimony iu tills vlt.v, uuu
inquire lute tbu alleged unuses ou tue purl oi railrouds
clinrlared iu luis .Mute, aud repnri wnai, ii auy, leKislatmu
is necesn.try to piocect auu uxteuu tbo unuiuioica ul tbis
City auu atate. lour couiuitiloe are bappy to say tliat tun
i.ierciiauts ol out eily auu tbe uiuuuipal aaib iriiiws
buvu uovy peiloiined ttieir *iuty. aud bate aranieu to (be
raiiroaiis etiutroing iu tills city tbe tei uiiuuT taeitllies lor
Hlncli tli ?y luivo as >i.l Your cuiutitilloe are ol tbe
npiuiou tu n our i auroads are uow ion wiiuoul tZcusu ior
tnu Ir. lgnt discriiniiiaLioui against ine couuueree of tlits
city, wiiu.i -'u u .UI1> set loim in tbe report ui.tda by
y ui? couimittce on ilie *'ebruary last, mid niauy o:
..iiicli Me ruurel to saj Usve not yel beeu reui.:Uieu. lour'
auiuunilee bale tile Cullvtctlou tuat wise issisntliou, ootn
. t?iO auu iialiuual, will be ol equai uuu dt and a?st tauo#
to ilie maus^ets ol tbu raureans auu to out eouimerve.
i ney tboreiu. e leei call U upon to ask tlie luttueuce au .
usaiaiaiicu oi evary uit-ui er ol Ibe t'bauioer lu procuring
luu passage by tbu Legislature at its present susstou ol tbu
concurrent resolution raierreu in.
lu v?uciu*ion. youi cuuiiuiltue beg leavo i-esnei.tluliy to
oflui tlie lolloping promuule aud rasolutiuus
>> bell-as tue cilisaus ol Naw Vura bare uetilloned tbe
Hoard ol Alduriucu to tsraut lo tbu railroaus teruuualina at
tlic port ol New kerli tlie teruiiuai la> nines wiucii me.
bave desired, aud wliicu, upon ibe evidence ol ibd i'rssi
dent ul tbu .ie* VorkCentr.il auu lluuson nlvur i.allioad,
win -ave to tlial railroad frnni seventy cants lo 4>1 per tea
ou irul,;ut handled iu ibis city , aad wlicreus tbu lioard of
alueiiiicu oi tuis city liave grained tois pciitioii, uuu linre
aceordeJ to tbe rallioau> ibe use ul tbo Halt uallroad lor
lraiabt pu:ui.isin, tUsrelore,
iiesnlved, i'bat iu tue opinion of th? Chamber of Cooi.
merce oi tna .ituta ol .>ea Yora ibe rra?in?ni ei ins .New
i ora Central .Old liud>uu mvor uailroad unn tbe receiver
of ilia fcrie ituiiroad should withdraw Iroiu auv eombiua
liou wblcb has ostablis.iod and maintain* higher iai.es ul
liei. hi lor .New 1 ork snippers to ana iroiu the West tbau
are itiveii either to Uostuu. l uitadeiphia or lialtiniora.
Kesolved, ibat u copy ol ibis resuiutlou ? e sent to the
President of the Mew V ork Ceutral aud lo the receiver of
tbe ii.ua itallroad.
coaaaitciAL tkkatv* with hu.vck.
M. Leon CuoiiuaU, oi tue i'aris Cnuuioea ol Com
merce, made some remarks advocuuus u > ruuco-Atiier
ii-.au congruas in i'aris ior tnu pieparutmu ol a treaty
ol coinuiercu between tbe Cuiteti aiales und i iuucc,
lo be aubiuitted lo tuvir reapuunvo governuieuts. Me
said:?''You are awure ibat your tnauuiaoturea aro
subject in France to the rather bard rtyuite of tuo
Tarn Central, ibat iaru biiineral nas not beeu iraint'd
in auy spii it ol iiosuiity toward your couutry; atiii it
Inlllois absolute prohibition to some uiuuulaciuros ol
tuone nations w no nave so lar declined to make ar*
luugeineius lor a couVuutioUai tarill'. l.oofc over ibe
list sii sucb nianulaotures and you will peruieTe mat
an immeuse outlet is cioaed in tuis way ior the Amsri
eau cotton uud wooiisu goods, your cast iron, your
wrought iron, your hardware, your ri-llned
sugar, your leather goods. Ate., Is that a nor
mal state oi tbing^r 1 do not think It is.
A tree trade a,ti.atiou mams itself Ich
turouguout the Union, but tbe proieoU'iuista bold
their owu oOuiiuaieiy. II tbo euuuent inch wno have
sent uie to you nad sent me uuaur tne banner ol irce
trade or uuuer tbe bauuer ol protectiou 1 woolu lot
low uow witb either oi tne adverse pat ties, one ol
ilmso two narailel ways mat ure not nkeiy to uieel
soon. Now, 1 am Ueru look:ui' ior imutudiate junc
tion, uud 1 hope 1 have a cbauce oi budiug in It aa
appeal tome patriotlsiu ol botn irea traders aud pro
teutlouista. 1 trust Uie National Ameriuau Ceuimiuce
tuat may be organised will accept the iu vilaliou oi
tue i'aris cotmulitee, aud will warrant tbo ou opera
ttou ol sucu good will aa deuiauds tbe iuture walura
ol tbe tiiaics. As lo tlie couuaasions wblcb you muy
desire lo obtain lruin Krauce, allow me, Mr. l'resideut
ami geulleti.cn, to assure you that you may led easy
on tne matter. 1 have come to pray tuat you will ac
cept ii public tilscuiBiou in I'aris.''
No action was taken ou tne subject, and tbe Cham
ber sojourned.
ilil? iiJOii TitADE SALE.
lue spring Look trade sale opened auspiciously ai
tbo Messrs. Lcavitls' Clinton Hull salesrooms yealtr
day. TUO bunk buyers? tbat la, the book rollers?of
llie Norm, bomb, Hunt and Weal wtro well repre
sented. Tbe auctioneers were Ibe asms aa iu years
gone by. Lacb ouo was wuriuiy welcomed aa no
mouuied tbe aland. 1 bo sale began at a little after
uiue o'clock la the morning and coanuued up to
Keren o'clock In tbu oveuing?an unusually ll^bt day'*
work, 'lue ebltro day waa devoted to tbe Involves of
Houghton, Osgood & Co., which occupied tblrty-oue
paitea ol tlie catalogue, I here waa little ornodunll
caiiiig, and ibe prices were conaldered very (air,
being about forty-live par ccnt below tbe regular
Ibe Rev. Joseph Cook's Boston Monday Leoturca
beaded tue list; of tbeao iOJ eacb ol tbe Orluo
UoX/, TriiiaceiiUeuiaiiam aoS Hui.ogy were told.
Ol Cbsrlos Dudley Warner's works 26 buck
Log Studies and 26 ol Ibe bummer in a Careen
were sold. Ol Hit iborne's bcaiict Letter, t.lua
irated by M?ry llallock i'oute, 60 copies were sold.
1'liere were also told iu cjpies ol Kiixibstti .Stuart
I'lieins' new novel I'ne Story ol Avis; 6o ol farina's
Fr-n? b l*urna?sus; 260 ol 'lennyson'a complete works
lb one Volume ; 36 ol ins Harold ; 16 ol the octavo illaa
trated LonglSllow ; 20 each ?l tbe Illustrated Library
1'oets; 20 sets ol tbe 1'oenis ol 1'lacss; 2-< aeta
ul tbe Little Clasric Hawthorne; 26 seia ol
ol tbe Little Classic Kmrrson; looeueu ol tae llous"
bold editions ol Louglellow, Lowell, Tenny on aud
Whltlier; -.">0 ol tne Diamond edliloos; 2> each of
the Hud L uo editions ol the I'oets, 100 Wbitiler'e
complete works, loo Looglellow'e complete works, 26
s?U ol t:i* Biographical series, 26 and 60 each ol
A.dricb'a 1'oeins and Poetry, 20 Bovesen's Guhnur, '20
ol bis Tales ol i Wo Hemispheres, 20 each ol lirysnt's
Iliad and Odyssey, 80 ol John Burroughs' work", f>H of
tue poetical works el Aiico auil Ph<c>>< Cary, bo Lewis
Carroll's Huaiibg ol tbo Shark, 20 sots ol Kred
enclr Cnueus' works, 25 copes of Miss
Cummins' Lainplgnier, wbioh u?ed to bead
tbo list iu eld times; 116 ul Kmerson's
works, 15 ol George hllm'a Pp<Dlsh t>ypav
and 15 oM.or Juhai ><ud oih r poems, 15 ol Goethe's
works. 2<A) oi Uret Harte'a ator.es and poems, 60 ol
Hawtlioiuo a works, nbriiry edition; 2b oi bis Juve
biles, 50 ol Jobu Ilat 'a prose Mid poems, 175 ol
Holmes' works, 30 seis Howell's work*, 76 ol Heory
Jituiua, Jr. s, works, 6o sets llossiier Johnson's Litlie
ClaaslOS, 20 ol Lathrop's Study ol Hawthorne* 360 oI
Longlsllow's works, 225 ol Lowell's works,
42 ol Harriet Murine.m's work", 217 ol
Uweu Mirldetb's poems, 70 of Carton's his
toric.I works, 200 ol Mrs. Phelps' works, 140 of
S.xo's works, 10 sns ol the Kiverstde edition of
Scott's novels. 175 ol I'ncle Tom's Cabin and 26
each of Mrs. stowe's other works, 370 or Tunny
son's poems. 174 ol Iboreiu'a works, 270 ol Mrs.
Whitney's works, 310 ol Whlttier's works and '25
Ho'ubson Crusoe* 1 he heaviest sale was ol tbe
p. ets. Ibe Hsiiutype art works ol this Arm sold teu
ol a set.
1 outlay's salo opens with J I) I. ppln-ntt Ac Co.'s In
V'tlce, ?Inch Is very nearly aa heavy as lisu^bton, 0?
good ?St Co.'a.
Tha Orst license* ol the season wara yesterday
granted at the Hermit Bureau In iho City Hall. Kive
call I ins?two Japanese spaniels, two Kngil?h pugs and
one Scotch terriei?were g.vua Ibe privileges ul the
city during good belmv.or.
IN 11 U.U.T.
TUe young men who receuilv Indulged In ibe sport
ol kitliog dogs laiiiacriimaauly In Bergen l'oini, Ceu
trevllle, I'amrapo and Greenville are likely to reap a
reward beyond tboir expectations. Light Witnesses
Irom llnyonno were among tbe group outside Hie
Grand Jury room iu tne Hudson County Court
lloitsa ut Jersey Cny yestordsy 10 com
plain ol i lie dog raloers. Two Jersey City
lawvers havo been engaged by tbe owners oi slaugh
tered dogs to prosecote tbo atouibvra ol tua Vimla js?
comm.Hue Ih .1 are known. Ureal indignation pre
vails against tba Comiuou Council ol Hayonne lor ita
ihdiiierencs la iba mutter, as it wss expected that a
reward woulu he oflired lor the arrest ol tbo raiders.
The rumor that Mr. tlcrgti wouol deliver an address to
the cointnen Codnoll iu its next meeting is not be
lieved m Jersey City, as ao luemoer ol the Hoard Who
was questioned by the U?.ralo ruporlur baa any Iu
lorinatiob ou tbo
John It. Cecil and George W. Cecil, composing Ibo
firm ol John K. Cecil & Co., bunkers auJ broker*, at
No. 70 Broadway, made an ussiguuicot yesterday for
the benefit ot their creditor* to William U. Van Dor
vouler. The firm began business lu Juuo, 1S76, (be
original partner* beiug John R. Cecil and John R.
Cecil, Jr., tue latter havlug *ince that date retired.
Tne senior partner was formerly of the firm of Cecil,
Sioat & 1'bayer, aud was originally lu the dry goods
business with Butlnr, Cecil, Kaw?on St Co. The Qrm
were estimated to be worth 9100,000, but recently they
have done a very amall basinets, partly on their own
account and partly ou orders. Mr. J. R. Cecil has been
sick for lour months ana unabio to atteud to business,
and creditors have boeu prorsiug them lor mouoy,
ooe who had a claim lor about $600 being the immediate
cuu.-e of the asaigiimeul. It is said that the llrui owo
nothing In the street. Mr. George W. Cecil, when
asked regarding tue cause ol their trouble*, said mat
a statement had been prepared by hi* lather, wbtcu ts
as loliows:?
Our suapeu-don Is similar to most others now occurring.
We have uealt unwisely ourselves Hild oar customers liavo
duue likewise. We owe ab at as uiueti 10 others aa others
owu to us. Th- money paid to us will bo repaid, toj;? tlier
witii auy deUciuncy whicu may exist when we can earn it
fairly. Tlicro ar ? only a mat a doaun persoua pecuniarily
interested in our ?flairs. who will soou be able to learn all
the details iu which taey are coucerued.
Mr. Cecil deciiued to stute the amount of liabilities,
and when asked If they would reaon $100,000 said they
would not be anywhere near tuat amount.
Mr. Jonn R. Cecil, the senior and invalid member of
the concern wus visited lust eveuiug by a HkiuLD
representative. He oald'-Wo owe very little money
to the Stock Uxchuuiio. lu eOect, our liabilities aro
very small, li we should usic a discharge to-morrow
such I* the good leonug toward us that it would be
extended without a quusOon. But with a calmer feel
ing we hope to adjust all our account*, aud 1 have no
doubt we shall coutinue busmen* with the confidence
oi all our customer* uuabtted."
FKK.MTI3.S A 09.
Prentiss At Co. sent in woru to ttie Stock Exchange
yesterday that they were unable to meet their engage*
uieLts, hut their Jossos were not supposed to be large.
Aa imporUat decision relative to composition cises
has been made by J udgo Benedict iu the matter ol Aion
sau li. Tlffi, trading uuder the name of TifTt Jc Howard,
gas stoves, at No. 12 Murray street. The caae has
beou peudiuc baloro R gister Winslow. Mr. l'ilft ut
tended and was examined (or several days by Mr.
Phelps, uttorucy lor an opposing creditor on proceed
ings lor composition. Mr. Albert c. Aubory, counsel
lor tiie bankrupt, oojoctod to uuy fufther examination
by Mr. Phelps until he hud paid or secured (he Regis
tor's icon for the examination conducted by him. The
Register sustained Mr. Aubery's objection, from
which Mr. l'tieips itppealoJ to Judge Beuedict, who has
just U ed his opiuiou on the subject. The Court
The rte^lster was entitled to require his lawful fees lor
conducting the inquiry Instituted uy the creditor and should
b? secure l or naid. I liu statute, aa well as lieneral order
29. Hire Ulin that ritfht; whether wuvu the proceeding in a
mealing oi creditors to eousldei a proposition lor coin position
and tlie niqiiirr Is instituted bv one ol creditor* the expense
ol audi inquiry should b? borne by tiie bankrupt, ur the
creditor may not be entirely clear. 1 incline to tile opinion
tiiat such lees are chargeable in the first Instance ti the
creditor propounding the luquiry. iu this case, therefore,
the Uegist'-r was ri?ht in dceiinlu^to continue the inquiry
unle-n liis lees *?r? paid or secured by the creditor.
In the matter ol the composition of Matthew Ko
hoo Si Son, wholesale liquor dcaleis at No. 30 Broad
way, feuding uolore Resistor 1)wight, counsel for the
bankrupts uud lor the cieultors lavoring the proposud
composition of ibiriy-tbreo and oue-third ceuts con
tend that Ma1 thew Kelioo is entitlod to have his part
nership deb a added to his individual debts in deter
mining whetiier the necessary proportion lu uumber
aud amouut ol his creditors baVo coullrmed the resolu
tions to make the composuion biudiu^ on bis Individ
ual creditors. Register Uwiglit uecidos ib.it, in hi*
opiuiou, tne resolutions, as regards tue individual iu
dubteoneas, were not confirmed by the signatures re
quired by the act, but he does uot find that the net al
lows the ilriu creditors to coutrol tne action ol the in
dividual creditors. He thiuk* it for tbe best interest
ol ilie firm creditors tiiul the resolution should ne re
corded, and ibo matior now goes to the Judge lor Una!
Application has bccu made to Register Dwight by
Alexander J. Mayer und Nathan Mayer, for their dis
charge from bankruptcy, and an order baa beeu issued
lor their creditors to show cuuso wiiy tneir pituion
should not be grauted, loiurnableou April 20. The ap
plicants formerly composed tue oiu llriu ol A J.
Mayer & Co., banker* uud brokers, ot Wall street,
who were adjudicated voluntary bankrupt* uy Register
Dwighl on Juue 'JO, 1803, with liabilities amounting
to over $300,000 aud no asset*. Jud-o Sedgwick was
appointed usxmuee; tue largest creditor was the
National Bank oi North America, $210,8o2 ti'J Only
two claims nave siuco boeu Iliad, br C. M. I'appati, of
Chicago. $i,208 OS, una by J?. B. Hart, of New York,
$2.WU 24
Ueitrge K. While, dealer In fertilizers, made applica
tion to Register Dayton lor bis discharge iro n bank
ruptcy. mere was opposition ou ihe part oi tne
creditor* and the uaual lime wa* allowed lu wbicn to
file specifications.
Tbe New York creditor* ol John S. Barnes & Co.,
hatter*, of Chicago, have received notice ol a meeting
ol creditor* lu bankruptcy ut -hicago on tne lith
iusu Tue indcbtedue** ol the firm ntnounts to about
$7'l,0OO, ot which tborc is due id New York city
$7,070 23, the loliowiu* being the principal New YorK
creditors?Wood rull, Morris & Co., $2,220 18; Milier,
Kolgut & Co., il.fl3 70; J W. Lester & -o., $IM);
iiaVtd CreenHeld, $670 6b; HolTiiiaU & l>o? $2".i.
A meeting ol the creditors of Moseiy k Moody, man
ufacturer* ol paper collar*, at No. 34 Uowaid street,
was held at the ofll e ol Kcgistor Dw.ght. Opposition
was in ide to confirm.ug the composition ol flitecn
corns on tbe dollar, and a lurther examination of the
baukrupts was ordered.
Schedules ol the estate of Ahi Peace, dealer iu
cloths ou Fuilon street, Brooklyn, wnu tailed on
Marcn 18, were filed yesterday in the olUce of the
Registrar ol Butikruucy. I he nominal usto * are
01; actual value, $1,201; liabilities, $2,968 38.
Judge Gilbert, Supremo Court, King:* county,
grained a temporary lojuaettou yeeterday upoo toe
complaint ot John Williamson Moors against Francis
W. Hunt, president of the Kendall Uiacuit Company,
and wtber ulUcera tlieruol, restraining theui from
ejecting or dispo???a?iug the company. I'Ue plaiutill,
* no Is a stocabolder in the company, allege* that in
October, 1877, Uw iriinteei named in ths complaint ex
ecuted und delivered a b"Ud or obligation ot Hie com
pany to JuDio* 8. Kendall, purportiug to bo gtveu lor
tbe aunt 01 |:i?t,OoO.
Nkw York, April 3, 1878.
To tub Koitob or Tni Hbbald:?
Your reference iu tuo paper ol tbla morning to tbe
decision Of tbe Home Committee uu I'ont OfTlces to
retain section 90 (not '*70"), and tbe reasons given lor
tbe came, do not at all give tbe facts necessary to an
understanding ol me matter. Knowing tbe willing
neaa of the Hkralo to abow tbo lacta in any caao I
submit tbe following:?
b.K ilon <><J, aa yon Will flea by copy herewith,
teiupols all muntnly publications Issued in New
York to pay one cent each n not woigtilug over two
ounces, or two ceuta il uvor two ounces tor delivery
lu Now York, l>ut allow* ihtse same papers to xo
ibrougb tbe malls auywiiara alaa at tbieo ceuta |.cr
lu oiber words, a llltlo paper published by n* pays
|1 to nave loo copies delivered in New York, but ilia
I'ust OMeS Oeparimuut will baul tnuse lOo papers to
Shu l-raucuco and tbeu deliver Ibeiu br loiter curriers
tin re lor nine cent-, or a tax iu New York ol nineiy
cents lor betug pebnaned uvre.
Again, tbia section W'.i compels tbe payment ol ooo
cut <"ich on circulars deposited bere lor delivery in
New York, but will carry them irom boro and deliver
tbeu anywhere aire ai oae cut par ouuee.
Uuo ca?e a ill show tbe beauty ol ibis. A
eoLtlemnu wished to send 1,000 ei veiopea, Wltb
four enclosures encn, in i lie city. instead or
paying $40, as per section UU. be put uu
ouu ceuiva u, or $10, and auui tbeui by a buy to an
offlce outside tho city. The government paid to have
them biUvlleJ tber?, hauled uuo ilie city, handled
a.ain, und distributed by carriers, and tbe man auved
$.iO. less car lare lor bia boy, thanks to tbe stupidity
ol section 001
Tue ie.r espreaaed ol ?Hivortoadiog carriers" ta vary
coualcal wbeu you remember that all weakly p.ipera
are now and have beeu lor tbroe years dtatributed at
two ceuu per pouim, ami also that ibe montbiy punll
caiiouabave m like Maimer been delivered nut at a
larger charge. 1 liavn u. ver an. u au **uverlua>led
|?tt?? carrier*'*wuiupua by a lot oi uewspaper*. H.iv <
yon? It Is not '-Hot-ton pubiisn? -r?'* m.iy wno aro
hgnting this steptu sectiua. bat all wbo aro la lavor
oi ubiiorniity anu justice.
ma I.AW,
Tha following is the section niludH ta, found In the
aci ol June 8. l*72(?vctiou it,872 oi Keviaed Matutes)i?
Suction IW ?That tbe *ate uf poMane an newspapers, ex
cepilua w?oalle?, periodicals nut eav-tdinir IW? nOncea in
weight, and alrcaiara, sum Ilia same are .lepixiisil in a
letter carrier lilllee Dst <l?ll*ery iijr tbe eSae or lit aarrtere,
mall he iiiiiIoibi at oae ceni eaetii uer??llcala walahlug
mers than tat.? Klines, uliall be aai4ecl to ? p?it iff of two
seats ?ash, and these ratea shall be prepaid uy .temps.
The loliowing contribution hits bocn recalled st tbis
J. W. I'stterson, lor chnrlty $5
Kkubkby?Milubbshukb ? Uu Wednesday, April 3,
1878, Oy me Kev. ur. .snabury, R William Kaaalbf
to Fi.<>n*Kf!B Adki.k, youngest daughter ol tua laie
John A. M-luaherger. No cards.
cons?HtA^ciiAKu?Uu tuu 2dtb ol March, at Trin
ity Cbureb, Uvorgotowu. O. U, by llli Urace tua
Arclibish"P of Baltimore, Jon* Francis Cotli, at
Wa?Ui?gion, a L., to Mrs. Mkoa Blancmajid, of K*W
PiuiUi's?Sa#p*>>? ?March JS, b? Rev. Mr. K.
Barry.?On Wednesday, April 3, of pneumonia,
Wii.lia* U. Barkt, id the 4I-?t year ol bis age.
Fuueri.l, from li'S lalo residence, 101st it., near 9ib
?v., on Fi iday. April ?, ?l buli-pasi twalvu o'clock
Remains lo be taken to Brouivi.ie.
Uicssv.?April a, Mr. Rknnv Bibmst, In (be 48th
your ol 1114 ago.
Kuuur.il services will be kept at the St. Vincent de
Paul Church, 23d kU, iroui ms residence, 131 Prluc?
bt.. at hall-past nine o'clO-k A. M? ou Saturday,
Bon.nkr ? lu ibis city, ou Tuesday cveuibg, Jasd,
Vila oi Robert Uonner, lu the 4tftii year ol ber ugo.
Relatives and Irieuds are invned to uttoud the fu
neral services, at Ilia filth Aveuuo Presbyterian
Church (Ri v. Dr. Hall's), oorner oi 66ib ?t.. this |Frl.
duy) moruiug, at ten o'clock. In accordance witu lbs
wiHiies oi me deceased, Irieuds are Kindly requested
to roiram Iroui sending flowers.
Clasuack.?Ou 3d lust., Dkboraii J., wife of Uaiilft
Funeral to-day, at two o'clock, from 50 Bank St.
Comb.?April 4. Jams A. cosbk.
Notice ol fuueral hreulter.
Cowan.?On Thursday, April 4, 1873, at ball-past
two a. M , oi inUiiuauiuou ol tbo stomach, David
Cowan, ol Belfast, Ireland, iu nls 35tn year.
Relatives aud irieuds, and members of Pacific Lodge
No. 203, F. and A. M., ar? reaped fully invited to at
tend luu mueral, Iroui ins lato reaidooce, 48 Newari
uv., Jersey City. Saturday, April 0, at two P. M. In
terment tu New York Bay Cemetery.
Belfast papers pleuso copy.
Dkvin.?April 4, at his rondenco, No. 210 East 49th
St.. General iiiOMAttC. Dkvim, U. S. A.
Fuueral services will he held ut the Church of St,
Francis Xavwr, In West lflih at, ou Saturday, tli?
bib last, at ten o'clock A. M. Members ol' the Sixth
New Y?rk Cavalry, olllcers ol Ariuy and Navy, mem
bers ol iue military order Loyal Lexion ""J otHuori
oi ibe National Guard, are reapedluliy invited lo at
tend. Friends are requested not to send flowers.
Fitzpatrick ?On ih.rsday, April 4, 1878, Ansa,
youngest daughter ol Edward 1. aud Mary E. Fit*
i'tic relntives aud Irieuds ol the lainlly aro respect
lully invueu to intend ibe luiicrat, from the resident
ol her patents, No. 23 Montgomery su, on Saturday,
April 6, IS78, Ht two o'clock P. M.
Garvky.?On Thursday, April 4. Mary, the biloved
wile oi Thomas Carrey, in the 31ih year ol her ay*.
Relatives and Irieuus are respectiully invited to at
tend her luneral, Iroui her late rusideuce. 1S4 Spring
at., ou Saturday, April 0, at one o'clock P. M.
Graham.?On Wcdiiu,uay, April 3, William V.
Gkaiiam, hi th>) 41si year of bis age.
Kei.itives and Irieuds ol the lamily; also the mem
hers ol l'ioueer l.ooge, 20, F. aud A. M., are respecl
lully invited lo miend ibe lunerai, from the residence
of tns brother, 874 Lexiugton uv., on Friday, tbo 5th
lust., at l.all past one Y. M.
Gn .k.n?t buraday moruiug, April 4, at two o'clock,
Funeral Saturday morning, at ten o'clock, from the
residence of her brother-in-law, Albert L. Mowry, b'U
6ih uv. Fricn Is ol trie family urn invited to uttenJ.
Hall.?Kowaku A. Hall, youugesl sou ol William
Hall, at two P. M. April 2, oi piieuinomu, ayed 2.J
j tins, 3 months and 1 dav, at bis laio residence, 186
Webster av.. Jorsoy uity Heignu.
The funeral will take plane, irom the First Presby.
teriuc Church, corner Hudson and bin bis., Uobokeu,
at mreu P. M.. tins (Friday!, April 5.
Hkadquartkrs Co. F. Oth HhOiiiic.iT, N.G.S.N.J , I
HoBdkkn, April 3,1878. j
This company Is hereby ordered to report in lull
dress uniform at their armory, Odd Fellows' Hall, at
half-past one P. M. Friday, April 5, tor the purpose ol
aiteudiug the luner.il of ihair luto member, Sergeant
Edward A. Hail. By order,
Official, F. P. Clifford, First Serneant.
Hakkinoton.?Weduesilay, 3d lust., Jauss W. Hak?
ki.nutox. ac'ed 21 years, youugesl Son ol Caibanuo
auu ibe late Jamos Harrington.
Helatlvis and I'rionds are requested to attend fu
neral, from resldeuoool his moiuer, 304 Moti St., this
(Friday) moruiug, at ten o'clock.
Havilaxu. ? In UrooKlyu, on Wednesday, April 3,
Hkniiy r. Havilaxu, aged 71 years.
Kulatives and irienda art invited to altond the lu
neral, Irom C'nriol Church, Hrooklyo, E. 0., ou Salur
duv ullernoou, al two o'clock.
Honnr.?Ai Bridgeport, on Wednesday, April 3, at
tbo i?sidono? of her sou-iu-law, H. G. Scolleld, Char
lottk H. Houbv, w.doW ol the lata E. B. Hobo/, tu
her US.b year.
Interment In Greenwood.
Houkhwk.?On WeduSxday, April 3, youngest son o|
F. and M. llugruwe, aged 2 years, 2 moulhi aud 18
Relatives aud friends arc invited to attend the fu
neral, Irom ibe residence, 308 West 87ih si, at eleven
A. M.. on Friday, 6ih ln?L
HoI'Pkk.?Ou April 4, 1878, Andrkw A. Uoppkr,
aged 54 years.
t uuural Irom his lats residence. No. 162 West 30lli
tsL, on Friday eveuiug, April 6, al hall-pasl seven
o'cloi k.
Lohok, No. 2:8, K. op H., ani? Sistkr Loimjks
You are hereby uoiiUcd lu appear al the lodge room, on
Friday evening, April 6, 1S78, at seven o'clock suarp,
to pay lbs la.it tribute ol respect to our late brother,
A. A. Hopper. By order ol
WILLI AM A. DAVIS, Dictator.
William C. I'cckkr, reporter.
Howkll.?Ou fuurihtuy, Aurli 4, Danihl Howsi.l, id
the f>0iu year oi uih age.
NkiiuqoI luuerul tiureaiter.
Lklanii ? lu this city, April 4, Exkkama Accilar,
wile oi Fraucii LelunJ, iu the UJd year of ner aite.
Roialivea aud Irtends are luvited to attend tbo lu
nerai services al ibo Cnuri.ii of mc Asceusiou, corner
6tli av. und loth sl, on Suuday, 7ih Inst., at nail-past
one o'clock.
Lynuii.?Oa tt ouuesday, April 3, Cuarlkh Lr?cii,
sgod 51 years.
Relatives aud friends 01 the family ar? respccttully
Invited to utteud the iuonrat, irom bis lato residence,
542 East 15ih sl,
Mkkiian.?Ou Wednesday, April S, of pnoumoom,
Maki.akut, the beloved wife of Patrick Mevbtu, la
the ujd year ol her age.
The Irieuds of ibe lumily are respectfully invited to
attend the inner.il, irom ber late residence, 344 East
tidlb sL, Friday, the Ath lust., it two VelocK.
McCalli m.?to Uro.itIvii, April 4, of uillumraalion
ol tbe brub. Alienik Karl, only sou of Arcaie and
K hi in 1 MrCal am.
Fuuer?i in tu nls late resldenco, 142 Douglass St.,
on Siituid.iV. al one P. M.
Wul'sbnro ( Hoga county, Ps.) pipors plosse copy.
NkWMAX.?OU ibu 4tu lust., WiLlJAX Niwsax, uged
88 years.
Keluives and fri'-uiii, also tbe members ol tbe Cen
tral 1'urk U-ipiui Church, uru invited 10 uiicui Iih !li
teral, from tlio Baptist Home, (Wtb ?t., near 4ib uv.,
00 Saturday, tflit lust , hi two I' M.
Nlltv. ?a, tiI a, IUkt Nultt, aged 03 ye?ra
Kunuiul takes j?l?o?; 'roin her lite residence, 69
North >loore at., April 5, at two P. M.
ULUVitLb?Un Wednesday, April a, Sarah Ambua,
wile ul Jubu I. llldlleid.
FuuerU aervicee will be bold at No. 223 Weal lotb
al? oo Fniiay Alter noon, at tnreie'oioeL iniermenl
at Auburn, a. y.
Qmioob.?Ai WUlswood plaotntloo. Dear New Or
le?na, La., on Friday, Maruu tf, Joski'H Oukmvilli
U Kkillt ?On Wedneaday, April 3, at the residence
01 bia nun, Ida Huntington *L, Brooklyn, DanikIi
U'Kmxr, a unlive ol eouuty Clare, irelaud, aged 71
Tbe remains will be taken to tbe Cimrab ol 81.
lliry (Star ol tbe .Son), at luu o'clock A. M., tbance to
tbe Cemetery ol the Holy Crooi, Fluibuaii, at two
O'clock P. M., on Saturday, April A.
O'Korkb.?At ins residence, 403 Bib av., Jambs
U'Hokkk, aged SO yoara
llo.au vea und lriend< ol tne lamlly are Invited to aw
tend bis lauoral, on Bun<layf tbe 7?b met., aione
I'oKrKR.-On Monday, April 1, ol pneumonia, at bia
late residence, Trcmout. Jambs M. Pqrtar.
Kelauvea and Iriende are reapociiuliy invited to at
tend lUe fuuerai, ai til. Paul's Kplacopul Church.
Washington a*., Coutral MorrisanU, on Friday, April
6, at ball-pout i*u Carriages will be at Central Mor.
riaauia nation to meet tin I:JO train Irom Hariein
dojiol. New York. No Q twera.
MKiLKNWKKr ?At Inlip, L> I., Jaxb Travir, eldest
Child ol Jobn M. Hl< lienwerl.
Funeral Friuay, 6th inal, at twelve o'clock. Kela
tiVet and IrMnda are mviied to attend.
Sto.m.r. ? At Jereoy City Heights, April 3, 1871,
CmiUia Baliiwi*. inlaat daughter ol Augumus and
Laura J. .Sioui r.
Intel tin ui in Greenwood, April IS, at nino A. M.
Sre-H ?1<? Timraday. April 4, 1878, Charlkr snitm,
aji'-n 43 reara
Ueijiivei, irienda and tbe Tammany Hall General
Committee are renpectlully luviled to rittend tbe fu
neral, to take pl?oe on Sunday. April 7, at two P. M.,
Irt m HoiIhoii at.
HIWrM-Ub Thursday, April 4, of diphtheria,
AkSiK, twiu daugoier ol huwin and Kama .Swindells,
aged V yeara ><du 1 in on in
Tito Uneral nervicee will take plane at tbe reeidonco *
ol tier parenir, No. 4 Jo'ne? at., Una day, at oue P M.,
thr-nce to WoimII ?a Cemetery, by the t:3t train iro u
Grand Ceuiral Depot. Frtenaa are reapeoliully in
Mancbesier (England) papers nleasa copy.
Tayi.bh -Weunesday, April 3. 1878, i.ankf. Alir,
only iiausbier ol Frank H. and Mary A. Tayler, In mo
3d voar o. ber aae.
Funeral io inki' place from ibe hoase, between S21
and ?>3il ata. and 11m nv., oa Friday, April 4, 1878, at
ibr> e e'a.uck P. M. Hole uvea and tMaude are reaped
laily invited.
Tii'iM ta.?Ttiuraday morn tne, nt two o'eloek, A.txia
Joorphixk, beloved ar.d only ohitd ul Walter and Mary
C. Itaonua, hhB'J a yearn, 1 mnnih and 1 days.
A bud ou uarili to liloora lu beevun.
Relatives and frl"n<M of tbe laraily aro respeetful'f
Invited to attend I lie lui eral, ou daturdav, ilie Gib
Inat.. nt t< ii A. M., Irom tue residenoe of Uor purenis,
2bU Weal 38tb si.
m n real papers plea<n? copy.
'Iori*.-? At Mount Vernon, N. Y., April 2, I8*S,
AoaKa louix, wile ol MioUaai lobln, ooru la Uladou,
county Cork. Ireland.
KofatiVel unit riendK are respoatrnlly Invited to at*
tend ibe lune al. on Friday, April 6. Carrtagea will
iw in wuiilug io. ibe 11 o'uock tram at Grand Central
Depot, New Y'-irk.
To*\by.?-O'j April 4, in Brooklyn, Brioqrt Tomnrt,
aged 7u years.
tfeiativo- and Irlenda are Invited to attend the fu
neral, I runt her lite realdrnoe, No. S-W Hicka street,
ul hall p*ai niue o'clock, on Haturday niormnv, to fit.
Peter a lilink, corner ttteka and Warren ata, Urook>
ly ii, tbeuce to Uaiv?r> Cemutery.
Tuvuhim) - At Paris, February 10, CnavtUA 'Hf
Wile ol George K. Towaaend, Kaq., ol Near York.
Tbe fanerai servicea were held on Feoruarv 13, al
the American 1 Uapel, Kue de Horl, Tans, France.
Tne remains will bo Interred In iha lamily v?uil
Oroenwood Kelativea art Invited to attend, irom mo
r?ai4ence of lier cousiu, Mrs Fuiior, 2V M, M >ik's
place. C.irrl ifce< Will he to waiting on Saturday mom
ma. April <L at baif-past ten o'clock.

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