Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. I WHOLE NO. 15,202. NEW YORK, SATURDAY. APRIL 6, 1878.-WITII SUPPLEMENT. PRICE THREE CENTS DlHECTOKf FPU ADVRUHSEU8. HERA I.i) BRANCH OFFICE. 1.jw5 BROADWAY OPEN DAY ani* NIGHT fo* RECEPTION if advertisemenTS And_?>ALEa OF PA1 llth. amusementr-2D pa?*-i?t, 3d ?4 * eols. ASTROLOGY-2d PAO*-!Meol. B1LL1ARDS-2b l'ao?-ftth om. . boarders wanted BOARD AND LODGING w>nted-to pa?k-Sth co!. rkikiK'I.VN hkal K8TATE *or sal^e?7tb I agk-ut BROOKLYN kbal. ESTATE b?oth Pag*. ict-?tll col. -1st eol. BUSINESS opportunities-oni Pag*. BUSINESS NOTICES?5tm ' f ... CITY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE?7th w??1st CLERKS an i' SALESMEN?7w i aok-6*h col. coagu^en" and*u"a"udeneiis?7tii pa?-?Ueol. coaslw 1sh STEAMSHIPS?1st Pacs?5th andsth col*. COUNTRY BOARD-8d FA0?-5thcoT DANCING ACADEMIES? l*T i'AGK-flth eel. dentistry?2d PAG*-3d rol. Bwe?I^gs~!oijsk8 to" LET. FURNISHED AND 1'nfi'RNISHED-7th Pack?3d ool. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?1 IT Pao??oth col europe?5rn Pack flth eol. EYES AND barm?2d paok-mu eol. excursions-ist Pack?6th coL FINANCIAL??rii pag*. FOR saLE-7th *'agk-4th col. furnished ROOMS AND apartments TO LET? 7th Pag*- 3d col. fubniturk-2D PAG?-3d coL FRENCH ADVERTISEMENT*?'7*h PAO?-60i eol. HELP WANTKD-KEM ALES?ttii PAO?-6?h col. HELP WANTED?males?7th PA?*-4th cot. horses. CARRIAGES. *t;? iht pag*?3d and 4th ool*. HOTELS-2d Pagk-sw ?ol- _ ,, ... . uol'shs, ROOMS. AC., WANTED?7m pa0*-4th col. INSTRUCTION?1st pa??-0th eou iek8ey CITY. HOBOkEN. HUDSON CITY AND BERGEN KEaL ESTATE FOR SALE?7m pifii? lit col. _ . LOST AND FOUND?1st Pag*?2d coi. machinery?7th pig*-4th col. marble mantel?-2d pac*-4th col MEDICAL-2d Pack?4th col miscellaneous advertibembnm-10** FAG*? ft! ll COl. MUSICAL?1st PAG*-6th col. HEW publications?oth PAGE-6th coL PEK?oNAL-1st Pack?1st eol, pianokortes. ORGANS. ac.-2d PAG*-3d eoU POST OFFICE NOTICE?1?t Pao*??tu ool PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALBS? 7th Pag* ?6th coL PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO RENT-7tu Pack?1st and 2d col*. REAL ESTATE TO exciianue?7tii ?*aca-ad eoL religious notices?1st Pagb? Ut and 2d cols. RESTAO RANTS?2d Fag* -3d eol. kewards-ut Pag*?2a eol. SALh.? AT AL'CT10N-2o Pai;*?4th ool. SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES -7tii PAGC-5th and 6tH cols. situations WANTED-MALBS?7th pag*??th col SPECIAL NOTICED?1st pack?2d and 3d col*. SPORTING?DOGS, BIRDS, AC.?1st pao*?34 col. STALLIONS?1st Pa?ib?3d coL BTORAGE?2d Tag*?3d col. BUMMER RESORTS?2d Pag*?5th coL the TKADEs?7th Pagk?8th eol. TO let FOR BUSINESS PURPoSES-7th PAoa-sd and 3d coli. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE? l?T PA?*-4*h col. unfurnished ROOMS AND apartments TO lbt? 7th Pack?3d *nd 4ui eol*. WANTED TO PURCHASE?2d PAG*-5th coL w atches, jewklrv. ac.?2d pagk-oikeoi. WESTCHESTER CODNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO LBT?7tii i'aok-1st eol. YACHTS. (>te AM BOATS, AC.-10th PAGK-fitb eol. pekiional. A friTnd fo see mr." k. reed. who lived lu Grand st.. Jersey City, seven year* ago. Ad drr?* w., box 126 Herald office. C- tarrle-i HAVE important i FORMATION W /you can ulve me your addrea* before the 2utb ol April. s n j It by any ot the usual channel* except M. etann. Fourth avenue'car. friday. 2 p. m.?will handsome youiik lady who cot off at Stewart's send her address, If agreeable, to DISCREET u., Herald Uptown ofllceT tarom 6TH av. artuwd HOXE NEXT EVMNING TO f meet 3<l av. anil 49th at., S o'clock.?"Nothing will hap pen;" was greatly disappointed. Would you like to con tinue acquaintance t aduresi FRIEND INDEED, Herald Uptown. EUHGE?come OVER TO-DAY OR iVRrTR. " V i HAMILTON. Information OF JOSEPH HUNTER, OF QUEENS county. Ireland, last from Peterson, n. J. FRANCIS hunter, 2,256 Oermantown road. Philadelphia. JOHN ORLBBAM APLIN, WHO LEFT ENGLAND lor America la or about January. 1865. and has net sine* been heard of, is requested, if alive, to communicate forth - Willi with Messrs. f. A H. R. Gill, Solicitor*, (13 Ludisate Hill, London. He is. if allte, entitled to a sum nf money now standing In tli? uame ol the Pa< maetor Gonoral In the Chuocery diwkion of tbe fitch Court of juailce la eniriand. Any peraon able to afford information relative to the naid J. o. Apliu ii requested at once to commuoicate with Mesirs. GILL, or with WILLIAM II. MORRISON. coaiisellor at Uaw. m William at, New York elty. mhe gentleman WH<~YESTB RD A Y ~( Kill DAY) x aftirnoou opeued a window in a .madlaon avenue etaee tor the En*ll*h lady weartuc *eal Jaeket and black *llk di?*a, and who earrted a bnach of violets, wnnld verv muoli like to nutke her auquiiintauee. M av He expect a reply to h. A., box 155 Herald Brunch ofllceT ILL MRS. Taylor. WHO cabled last wlal In ?3d *%., ewme lumediavely to 51V West 23<i at.f U. tomnsend. w rkligiois mrrice!). f wtlxe ft stftt-tef 'm ifxtei (i d ls r' '<5ttdr(Jit*? J\-- unday, preaeblng. 11ilev. J. V. Saander*; 7v4, Hcv. Veo Tnylor: reuulon love least 3 P.M. Old member* cor llally Invited. At TIIIRTY-FOURTH STR1.ET rkformed (thureh. wert ot stli av.?prrachlnft by i'ev. Carlos Mar tyn, Sunday, at 10:30, on "Suffertn* With Christ," and ?veiling, at 7 :30. "A L?s*on From tbe Lake of GaWlee." 'a T HARVARD hall! 6TH av. AND~42d"rit.^sun artny nvi-nlni;. 7v, Mosei Hull lectures on 'Remrreetlon ?t Christ and Spiritism." At 3)4 P. M. Spiritual Conference ** u*uul. "i i GRAND UNION iiallt ^7tli~av.,~aiiove ^\34tli st,-Sunday nr^achlni:. 1(>:3i) liy Mr. Geo. Thomp ton and, 7:30 R.-v. win 11 unifistone. Subject?"New llraven and New Earth." Tvntp>-raiire meelluic, 3::io. Praise meeting every Saturday, 7s30. sinirtnk In all tbeie lervice* uy A. w, bentley and chorus oboir. t SPRING "STREET" PRESBYTKRI *N CHURCH ? Rev. Alfred II. Moment. Sabbath services ?moruln*, itllw, "Tbe Platrue* of Ecypt " Evening, 7 ::to, "A dj celtlul Bow." stranuers welcome AT WArtlll.NUION wyUABK MKTIIODIST KPIhCO pal ('hurrh ? Preaching A. M. bv Chaplain Mn'tut. P. M., Rev. ilM. K. H??d, of Hanson rim Church, Broog lyn. AT TKIN1TT BAPTI.HT CHURCH, MTU ST.. NKAR l.exington ??.?Or. Simmon*. II A. It hvenlng, th-oa redeemed liekrlawt will ibow bow Carlit only tare* drunkards. AMKKICAN (BLUE KIBKOK) TKMI'EKANCK UNION, Tiimtnany Building.?Sunday. a o'clock, great talent; A. P. burbank, reaownod elocutionist: alto Murply and Tirfer, Kev. Wra. B. Affleck, Rot, W. C. Steele and otber B?t?l>les. J. B. Coaguas. Secretary. JOHN NOBLE, Preeldoat. AT PI frit A VfcMOB. MAPI 1ST CHLRcTf. 4?Vril sC, /\ l>r. Armlt ago. pastor.?Rornlng. subject. "The l'se and I,null of Temptation," evening, 7 .;ri, "Ligut keartvdnoaa." ?HUB." r. O. HTM KK, INSPIRATIONAL SPKAK .er, lectures 10)? *? R-. P. R ? 'or first Society t-pirituailMs,!Ki Mot .Tld it. Meats free. Children'* l.y cram. 2.S. MKkYoaN KKKR Cttl'HCM, UMTBRHtTY BUILD Ing, W inblojto'i naoeri?.?Kev. Cbarle - McCarthy at 11 - "t narartor " ? ,.Pi? lheRoatell Tragedy : It* Lotions." Dime coa-ert Tiie-day. Brilliant programme. A- rkrioan 1rRii PRRARCR UNION, COOPKK I>vfT tuto,?tiunduy,3 o'clock, P. T. iiariium will address tile meeting. Mies Maggie Urummnncl win ?lnn. desert. Mryan and Wyllle will sing "The Ktw of heaven's Mine." A cbott <?f children alao ting. Collection cents at the door. W. II. MINDY, President. II hNHY C. PAHKH, b.cri-tury. L L ?AINT?' CHURCH, CORNKit br HKNRT ANO Srammei s??.. Her. Win. N. Lltinnell, rector.?Services |i"> A R. and P. M rvety ftunday I CMICKKKImT HALL, 5IH AV? COlt.NKR IITii *t.?Union doeaal service*. Kev Samuel Coicoril preaches at 3:3U Sunday aiternoin Suiijeat?"The .-e cret of Happiness" hinging bf Charles L. Uttnn m>l I lie gtoatebolr. .Heat* free. Everybody welcome. T <TrTnd~ CONCERT WILL BK~UIVRN ?y THR J\ famous Iitiu-hlson Uratlv In tee West ittlli si. I'liltod Presbyterian Church, between t'tli and 7th an., on Tne?ilay ?toiling, April 0. koi rices on Sabbath at !(>}( and 7J,. Tlie pastor. Iter. J Klrknatrlck. will resntne bU niormug lev tares on tlie Sabbath school Ijoaeon. "at r?as tahrrraolrrktiiodiht rpmSmPSi ,/lCburrli. 34th st., iietween 7th au<i Mli ats. ? I'reaeblng at |fl:SO A. M. by Itov. D II. Ilanannrgh. and 7:.t<> P. XT Iter (J. II. ;<mllb. Sunday school at J P. M. Bhrkan~raprist' chukoii,~cohrkk rsoroitd and Downing at*.. Kev. John yulncy Adaiua pastor ? preaching at ln:30 and 7 :-.0 P. M. B"~ RouKLYS MI.'NDAT~SiluuL UNIUR?MONTHLY tnoetiiiu Monda* evening next, llanion Place Metlunlist CUnrch. subject, "lllnle i lasses," l>y Koasiter W. Kay nimid. I'roloa.ot .1 ae >h?on and otli rs. *|11.KK<>KKtrStkKHT UKITKRMALtXT tiTTl KimT^ XJiiiepaator. Rev. r.. C. Swe>-tsor, will pieach to morrow ntorning at luJt ftaniert -"The i'ros?. ' Key Almnn >.uri ???on.ol llrooklin. trill proaoh in the evening at 7^. liltne entertainment in tbacbarclt Wadaoeday evening, April 10, at_*. tfilURtlll or THR llOLT TlUNTfr, RAOlMON Af. /nun 4Jd at.-Honr* of Servieoa, I?:.?IA. M.. Ill :*l A. VI. ti.d 7 ?. P. M. Kev. Stepken II. Tynt. Jr. II.D.. will Iteacb. Kvenlng topic?"PI?ding Christ and Being Kbund ?f I'tirist-*' C" 1 kU? it A l-iArrisT CUCRC11. \vERT ialinT.?RfcV. /1 sr. Ilerr will preach niorumg and evening; >aliiiatli tchool at 3 P. R. #? rangers HeU omed t>iiiTiu:Ti ok iiik iic?7TV apiJjtfirKs. cornkr or /attli at andUthav., Iter. Ilratly H. Backus, rector ? Nio'iiinn prayer, !':lfi; lltanv, noly Coninjiinion, tonflrtiiatlon by tlie Klglit Rev the HLhnp ?f i he <!l<teese. Kvenlng service, 7 Wednesday evening ae> viee, 7 4">; sermon by the Rev. William 1>. Walker, ol Calvatir free Chapel. CTAfTiL NTRRRT P ^E^itY TIIkTa N tfHURCH7~fi* /tireena St., near Canal. Kev. Alex. RrKalvey. psater ? Rahbatb serrlcas at l'?S A. M. and 4 P. M. TCbJact of moraine sermutt, 't'brlst's Proclaaistion afternoon ser* ?on, ti<e eerond In tho series on representative seenes In Old Testament history, subject, "Tlie Heroism of faith." C" 1K NT It AL PRRRB YTKKI AN~ c7l UM Cll,~ JMTH ^near Broadway. Kev. .I. I) Wilson, pastor.? Mervlee at iifS* i A.M. Kvenlau service In the ne*- chanel on "i7tb tt.. ?t 7 .'lOo'cloek. rlioio will be >? sorviee of nacied aong Iroin 7 to 72i0 o'eloek P. M? led by Mi. L. i", Tliatclier. h.ihhntb school at 2::k> P. M. CIHL'RCil or T1IR .iTKA.\ilh 1^, ? KitCKR HT.. >kAR /Waterley place Rav I ?r. II. v. Unit a, .,r Radlson, S. .1 rill preneh Sunday at 10:311 A. M., 7 ;!i<i P. M. All the se?is Vee. Di.mTiplls b"r OjiitiSt, writ "irTl xrar rroa'd* <tt ? i er. D. P. Van Bitsklrk pftMhes Sunday morn iii^ uud evenliia; Bible flats 'fuesuty avenlng. aI! wel finte: ?Tmi rRKNTII -.TKtRl MKIilOOlar tlH^KO^, Pin-ar Mm av.? Morning, preaehlngby dev. fleorge Clarke, i ? nlpg. i>y Kev, J. li. Uaughnrii, both of the New lork OwMrnn IIKL.1UIUU* KOTfCK*. P1B*T REFORM KD EPiSCiilM I, ofll'R<?lT.~MA(> Uon iit. uiil ft.'itb it.. Rev. Win T. Sablue pastor.?i)I Tin* ntrviCM 11 A. M. and 7:45 P. M. REE ' B A PTI ST~ CI I u SclT 20TI1 ST.. WtsT ?HI ay.?Re*. N. L. ftowoll will preach at 10 JO A. M. Re*. William R. Affleck. o( Knelaiid. will Breach ?t 7 id P. M. HARLEM I'KESHVTl-.IU AN CHURO'lf, COUNBR 1201b tt. and Madlaon ay.?Prearbinir by the pastor, fcev. J. S. Ramsay. to morrow at JO>^ A. M. and 7)? P. M. Stranjsre cordial It invited. M" \Dt?QM AVImJI OUCRCHoFtH* AUUtrUUP, cornar 46th at. ? Rev. George If. Hepworth. Morning, "Drawing Near to Hod;'* evenini:, "About Heaven." Dr. J. W Ranner will deliver a Iran lecture on "Pood and Di gestion." illustrsted with stereopticon. MADISON AVENUE HAPi IS? CHURCH. OORNBK of Jilt at ? Pr%aeliinu by the pastor, Re*. C. I>. W. Mrldcman. I*. 1> , on Bandar, April 7. services at 11 A. M. and 7:30 F. Hi. Prater meettni; Wednesday evening at 7 :4.V MURRA* II11,1. PRESHYTI'TrI aN CHUHOTfT 40TH ?t.. eaat of Lexington a* ?Serrlcee to-morrow at 10:30 A. M. and 7:4ft P. M.; preach!nc; by the pantor. Hev. George S. Chambers. Subject lor the evenlUk'?"Tho Law of Hatred." Strangera welcome. AUISON AVENUE BKFORNBb QdVNI. COB ner 57m at ?Kev M. S. Ilotton. ?). D., will preach at II A. M., and Her. Marvin R. Vinceut at 7 :30 P. M. Sab bath school at 3 P. M. NfcW YORK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, IITnsT.. near Hth ar.. Iter. William Paire. paator.?Service* to morrow morning and evening; medal meetings Thursday evenings for all. New dihcovekY-rhermo~~motob kobok?bv John Aylwln Bovan, M. Onv's and Ifollevue Hoe tltala; thousands arc dying all round Irotnwantof thii nowledge; thousands that may yet save ilirir own lives and those desreat to them bv atteudinc the tree Sunday morning pwpniar readlmra thereon et .Science Ilall, 8th at., oppoaita Mercantile Library, at eleven. Pll E AC HINQ OB " K E A hO KB KOtt HO PI NO Til AT Cbriit's Second Appearing l? Near," Lyric Ilall. 6th av., Dear 42U at.. Sunday, 7}% P. M. Nn collection. PILGRIM HAPTIMT OIV tJBCII.83 D ST., NEAR STh ?v.?The paitor. Hev. K M. Van Slyke, will preaeh morn ins ana eveuing. Services at and 7:30. Strangers welcomed. RKV. WJt B. MBRRtTT, PASTOR OP T1IE SIXTH Avenue Reformed Cbcrch, will preach 10:30 A.M. and 7 :30 P. M. A welcome to all. Come. REV. WILLIAM LLOYD WILL, PKBACH AT THE Madiaon Avenue Freahvterlan Church, corner of Mad iaon av. and ?7tlt at; morning. at 11 o'clock. Subject, "father, forgive Them." Evening, at 7 ;46. Subject. "The Temptation of Chriat a Reality, a symbol, a Tri nmph." Lecture and prayer meetiuc every Wedncaday evening. Strangera cordially welcomed. RKV.1T. W. KNAPP. D.D..WILL PREACH If THE Lalght Street Baptist Church, corner Laight and Varlek sis.. at 1U 30 A M. and 7:80 P. M. UT (JhOROE'S CHURCH.UTOYVESANT SQUARE.? OSunday. April 7, Doming aervice, li o'clock. Sermon by Rev. Dr. Tjrnir, 8r. Evening prayer, 3:30 o'clock. Sermon by Rev. Dr. M llliama. S" OUTH RKKOItMED CHCR<'H, 5TH~AV. AND 21ST at.?Serrioea at 11 and 4 o'clock-. Rev. Dr. Roger* will deliver the tenth eermon in the courae on ''Heaven" to morrow atternoon; aubject, "The Oaiea of Pearl." ST. LUKE'S METHODIST EPIHCOPAL CHUBCIt, 41st at , near 6tti av.?Key. W. P. Abbott, paator. Ser victs at 10)^ A. M. and 7^ 1*. M. All are welcom TANTON STREET BAPTIST CH' i.CH - 8. J. Knapp, paitor. Morning. H>:SOt ever t: 7:30. Lec ture Tuesday evening; prayer meeting nda/ evening; Sunday school 2 :30 P. M. Come everybod/. EVENTH PBBflBYTBBIAN fTil Ul c M-H i. OMR and Kidga ata.; I0>g A. M.; service of ?oi>g 7', 1 M.; the pastor wiB preacti TA_B*EKhAOIiE BAPTIST CIFOFhChV "D aV.'. between UHh and 11th sta.? Rev. Robert II< H, pas tor. Morning. "Jov and Strength." Evening, "1 be Law ol Recompense." Baptising after tbe evening aermon. Meeting oa Wednesday and Erlday evenings. Strangera cordially w?loomed. THE QCB^TION"br RETniBtTtlON APTER D^ATH.? Lecture l>y the Rev. John t:otton smith, D. D? In the coarse on "Modern Cnlture and the Old Theology," in tbe Cburch of th? Aaeonaion, corner 5th av. and loth at., Sun day, April 7, at 4 P. M. s Qy| Til ST. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, ^rfcnear Mb av.?B. H. Burch, pastor; preaching at 10:30 A M. by Dr. Kerria jEvenlngaerviee at 7:3<). LOUT AM? KOV1KD. o(jVo^SQhir7jmr>riXiC~ 'tiiE own ffS~(TiN r have saose by proving property. Address TRBNTON, bo* 204 Herald office. _____ L08T-TW0 THEATRICAL TICKETS. NEW YORK to Cincinnati, via Erie road. Liboral reward paid at 175 llowery. it d OST-OB THUE8DAY EVENING. A SMALL GOLD Watch. The hnder will be liberally rewarded by leav ing the saiae at the offlceot JANuS M. BATES, No. 1U Broadway. OST?BETWBEN 7 AND 9 pTm.ToN APRIL 4,~OOINO from 9<l av. and 40th at. to (Hh av. and 40th St., a lady's cold Watch and Cbaln. wltli the Initials".!. E. V." The Hnder will be suitably rewarded by retnrnlng it to 148k East 40th St. KKWAILDft. AC BKWaIiD.?LOST, SKYk TERRIER,"JjENTRaL ?P?JPafk; light head, crapped ears and tali; red ribbon. Return A7 West Slat st. AC BKWARD ?BTRATKtT~KBOM 38 WB AV., "a Jr?Jhlo? Terrier **M. *ny porws retnrniug her to the above snnter will receive the above reward. d?fn~BKWARD.-TAKEN KRO* TUB PIFTII AVE <pi.Unue Presbyterian Church, corner of ftfttn at., on Kn* day. April !V, two Coats, containing papers and books of no value except to the owner. The above reward will be paid aud no questions aaked on returning them to WILL IAM UUYLEK, Sexton, 231 Thompson st. REWARD.?LOST OR sTOLKN. APRIL 3. jpOuURIni,'. solitaire diamond, weight 2"-, 1-3J, in crown setting, plain gold band. Any party bnngtDK tliia diamond and peraon hereafter offering aaine for sale to J. B. CASK, St Denis lietel. will receive fall value of diamond and 8100 additional Preserve this doocrlptlou. 8PKCIAL NUT1CKA. 3" ?Let" not fctfuitkr jn>lCoW~j>ela V. L. TUE LOliISIANV KTaTE LOTTERY. IT NKVRR SCALES. IT NEVER POSTPONES. The Mile of the limited number of ticket* assigned to this city will close at U o'clock next Tuesday morning Tue de mand usually exceeds tbe hupplv. Tne office ?>f the New York Agency, :I17 Broadway. will ke?p open Saturday ?ren in n no til U o'ciock. rOUUTH OKAND MSTBIBUTlON, JR78, AT NEW OBLEaNR. TUESDAY. APRIL (?. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY company. Tbie institution m reaularlr incorporates! by the Legis lature of the SIU? fur educational and charitable purposes In 1H68. with a capital of 91 .OUT).000. to wltich It bus since added a reserve lund of fit">,i?*). ITS OKANI> SIXilLK NUMBER DISTRIBUTION will take place inoutblr on the second Tuesday. It uerer scales or postpone*. Look at tbe Mloelni distribution capital prize. loo.noo. 100.000 TICKETS AT TWO DOLLAKH EACH. IIALP TICKETS, ONE DOLLAR. LIST OK PRIZES. 1 Capital I "rise $30,000 1 Capital Prise... lO.UOO 1 Capital Prise ,'>,<s*i Si Pmes ol 92,.'iOO ,'i.iWO ?'? i'rtaee of 1,101) 30 Prises ot .'iOO JO.uOO 1<*? Prises of l?*l ill. ISO anu Prises or .10 loi*?> SUO Prises of ao ... iii.issi 1,000 l'ritas of 10. 10.000 APPROXIMATION PUI7.ES. tt Approximation of fano 92,700 H Approximation Prises <>f a<?? I.* *> 0 Approxlmati >u Prises ol 100 ooo l,*f>7 Prises, amounting to.. 9tH>,4oO Responsible Corresponding agent* wanted ?t all prnmi neni points, to whom a liberal compensation will he paid. Application for rates to clubs ebuuid ouly be made to tb* borne (lice in New Orleans. Write, clearly etating fall address, for farther Informa tion ; or send orders to M. A. D \UPIIIN, box ftl?2 Post ofllea. New Orleans. La.: or to II. L. PLUM, 317 itrnadwsy, New York. All oar Grand Extraordinary Drawing* nre under the supervision ami management of Ueacrals O. f. MEAUHK OA Hi) ami WILY. J I "UK IS. DELICIOUS CuFFEE. Every person who ha* been In Rio or In Paris knows that Co flee in any ol these allies is a havneaga superior to that we liera drtnk. Realtor Coalho, an Intelligent an-l wealthy Hrsmlian coffee plunter, who raina lately to travel In this conntry, inquired Into the reasons of that Inferiority, and Inuud it 10 bo due to Improper roistlnir. Ila devisod a new kind of roasting machine, by which the process Is thor oughly done, and then Imports his own selected ooffee. .mil the result Is ?? A ROASTED BRAZILIAN COFFEE. sttp> rlor to any In Amrrlean marked, which ha how offer* to tlia public la bis Just opsn store. 7.'>o tilll AV.. nt lower prices than getierullv asked fnr. A* the coffee Is pure * much le**er quantity ol powder will be found suf ficient than with other codecs, the ecoanmy resulting there lr?tu helm considerable. I lie hniilliau coffee <a . q.ial to the best drank In Paris or Rto. Lei hotels, iioarilng houses and hoe *e holds try it onca and no other will lie ever boiiirht. Packages to suit purchssers lelivreil liv our wagons. Pxl'bo COhLilO A Moil Lr Ki.O, 7'"Otltli ite. A?LOOK ! ioTAls "llAYAMA ISTftAMPlV AMY ? to bearawn Sattirdar, April 18, H7* Capital I'rlse, fl,i*>ii?Ki Onlv l.'i.KmtIckata. .Second I'rlsa 9v*i,tsri i One I'rlr.e $35,000 Third Prts* |t*i (O > One l'rl>e |o,"*u Fourth I'rlse. .VM.Ots) | Owe Prlsa ft.twi >< other Prims iiainnntlng to (?00,00'I. Whole Tickets, f JO": Halve*. JltiO; Shsret. Iroto 95 toJ-VI. I'AUK.-. KM E ItM IN A Co.. Agents. I" Ulrosdway. A?OFFICIAL KKMTtfCKY S r AT K DRAW! NUB. s g*?Tt Clir-litTgA < I IS* Ml. ilt|_*r?ll. ... I*7"t Ml, ?1. IK. 71, 22. dn, IKi, 75. 44. AH Ti 4U ? exTt rxv- ct.*ss no. jrtj ?rsii,r>. M7H. 7<y 7, JT, 71. 14. 1H. US, 4. do. 41. MIMMONB A Dlf KIVSON. Msmurers. r.roxr.iA STAtr?xxrns class mo. 2A1 Arx11. |M7rt. 53, Rl. .14, lO, *0. M, to. Ml, *it, .17, 74, SkuMU stATr?ci.?ss So SR.?areti. ft, 1*7*. 2?. II. M, 42, J. T2. M, ,Vi. M, -i4, 41. K. b. KODY A CO., Managers. In lor inatlan given regarding Ibe ahove orawliii?s. Apply to J. CLPTR A CO., Ranxars, 9KI llro.tdws;*. rear office. "^ "-IttlYAL HAVANA EX fitaoRDINAItY IMIAWI.NO April 13; canltsl arise, 91,000,1*10 in Spanish money; shares, 93X1, 910^, 9.1i? fa.',. 910, j.-,. .Keniucky Single Number draws April I.V, ticket*, 9l Louisiana Stable Number draws April l?; tickets, linlves, ?|. J, CLUTR A CO,, Rankers, 200 Rruadway, rear ofllea. A" -Lot'lsl ANA sTaTk" MtAWs" APRlTT CAPf ?tsl ansa,fSO.OOO. Whole tickets, 9^ ; h;ilres, 91. Ken tin sr single nnmber drewa April 10. Cepltal prise, Ili.lXKX Whole ticket!, 91. , .1. CLITK A CO.. '2CB) Broadway, tear office. *t k ??FOUR-YEAR-OLD RYB WMMK.KY. 94 PP.R As irallou: fl per l?i<e bottle: line Knpilsh Itr'ak fast lea. HO cents par ponnd; reelly line Cigar*, fn per honilred. N VaN Bfci L, ws Chamber* st TwfiiTir^iieir-hiMiARh.s of "*ik>. shRViTrs j\ debility from niisteerr suse. sp-emly and pornis neiiily cttre'l. lens mo.leflMe Or. NEWTON \VIIIT. ? III-. AH, J15 Mast 4*>th St.. uesr Id nv. fflu:tki? -T1,(V ohk tsks o?; STrn!! t5TS XVblood, or herediiitf.v, ami nervous dtbllltt, from whatever ciimo, pnrtiianeutl/ oared. Ot. WESI's Medical UOica, 40 Blest scr si. SPKCIAL, HUT1CKS. * '-iM-jo.dr>i on aprii.* write commonwealth .fl (Distribution Company of Kentucky. Third aucresatul dr.n?in- will lake place on April SO. So prims li-a* then ?100: largeat WWl The whole drawing under tho su pervision of iho Treasurer of State, ilou. it. C, Wlnn*r mutli. and other prominaut cltiiena. Tn? last drawing ofioli coinpsi.y *?> not poMoo od. Ill third drawing wili lake place likewise wlthi ui poatnanemrut or money win be returned on application. He in time lor the Or anil Drawing of April 30. Ileknto only $10; Itulvea. $5: quar ter*, fa.V). Sand for explanatory circular immedlairly. Llat ol drawing nent trer to all I-or ti?k*la adilreas OOM MONWEALTII DISTRIBUTION Company, courier. Journal, of Louisville. Ky.. or R. H. PORTER A CO., Oeneml Eastern Ai;ent?, 1,227 Broadway, New York. A?LOOK !?LOUISIANA STATE I>i.>rKllUrriON~ . To lie drawn TUESDAY. April 0, IH7M. Capital Prlie, $30.<X? >...... Prises paid in full 1,847 Prison, aiuouiuinu to $110,400 Whole ricker*. $J; Itnlf Tii-aeti. $1. I'AHKS. EM KKSON A CO.. Bankers. 1.8111 Broadwuy. AU "rheumatism POSHIVKLY CURED?ANY Hereof the dlaeaae EUROPEAN rheumatic SO ClJSTY, 207 Weat 34th at. -SURE CURE FOR LUNG~ DISEASES. ROCK ?Candy and Kve Whiskey; $4 per gallon : $I per larire battle; Roclt Candy, 5 pounda, # 1 ; good* delivered; aend poatalcard. N. VaN Br.lL, mh Chamheraat. ll special complaintsTmedi?mluk suitor. cal, aalely, aucceaafnlly treated; advice free. I?r. BRAOKOKD. 132 East 12th at. ALL DISEASES OK "MEM, WHATEVER THE CAUSE, apoeally and permanently cured. Dr. DYER, 47 Weit 13th at. ATTENTION.-TWKNTY YEA US' PRUSSIAN HOSfl tal experience ; specialties diseaaea of men and nttrvout Rvatera ; conaultatton free. Dr. JACOBY. IH1 Blrerker at. RO UliHTON'S INV lOORAIINO KYRUP CORKS atomach. liver. kidney diaeeaea. weakneaa, Ac.; 23c. Advise free. 4flft Broome at. IaEASE* OP MEN A SPECIAL!*. MENRY A. DANIELS.M. D. 144 Lexington ??., near 2!?tn a?. OAce boars from 8 to 3 and l> to 7 K. KICORD'S ESSENCE OK"LIKE "RESTORES MAM hood to the debilitated In four weeks; failure Imnoaal ble; $3 per caae. Druggltta anpplled. Sola agent, Dr. J. JACyUES, 7 Ualveraity place. New York. Drunk ards wanted.? the tkm perance problem solved by aclence. A New York physician has discovered a harinlesa remedy, curing In a few days the babll or getting Intoxicated. AU applicants In answer to tbia advertiaement will be treated and enred iree of charge. AUdreaa SALVATION, Herald Uptown office. DTvOBCR* SPEEDILY (iBT AI N E U?TRKMB SUPER latively reasonable; consultations freo. KRED ER1CK I. (KINO, Lawyer. A St. Mark's placo, adjoining Cooper Institute. Electric belts, kor the cure ok premature debility; the only genuine are aold by the PULVER MACHER uaLVaMC COMPANY. Depot 21J Broadway. Grand extraordinary drawing ok the ROYAL HAVANA LwTTEKT. APRIL It. 1878. CAPITAL PRIZE, 1,00(1,000 PESOS. AMOUNT OK PRIZES, 3.3.1(1.000 I'F.KOS. ONLY 15,000 TICKETS, PRICES IN CURRl-.NCY : - Whole, $200; Halves. *100; Quartor.. $50; Tenths. $20; Twenti'tba, $10; Kortletha, $.%. M. A. MARTINEZ A CO.. Hankers. 10 Wall St.. New York. Ha nkTnSos?5 steam carpet cl E anTS o Works ?I beg to announce that i atlll carry on my well known Carpet Cleaning Establishment, and am prepared to nil all orders, by mall or otherwise, promptly and with despatch. O. A. HANKINSON, Proprietor, 247 and 240 Weal 47th ak, near Broadway. CAUTION.?No connection with nay other establishment. OUISIANA STATE iLOTrERV -APRlL 0. " Capital prlte, $.*1.00(Jl Whole tickets, $2; halves, $1. JACKSON A CO.. Hunkers, 82 Nasaau at., near Fulton. OUISIANA STATE LOTTERY?AUTHOl{ 17,ED UP Jtown Agency: laat two <1ays to secure tickets Open evealnga till 10 o'clock; 1.287 Broadway. ISAACKS A CO. Metropolitan job ^hinting~ office. or' 28 ANN ST.. IS the cheapest and best FINE book. PAMPHLET, job AND MERCANTILE PKINTINO OKKICE IN the CITY. SMALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH THE SAME promptness AS LARGE ONES. PINE wood ENGRAVING and COLORED PRINTINu A specialty. METROPOLITAN job PRINTING OFKICE. 2g aNN riT ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO and WORK SENT TO ANY PART OF the UMTED STATES C. O. D. Ah RLE MANTELS AND MONUMENTS CHEAPER than ever. A. K 134 East 18th at., near 3d av. M Na" ? Important rates, medical or surgical; Impairment of any oTKunlc function, hereditary or conatltnftwnal taint, and dltestes of the nervous system a specialty. IlENRY A. DANIELS, M. D.. 144 Lexington av., near 30th at. Hourt, 8 to 3 and 6 to 7. Prop, paine, owner ok ivahody hotel, re velvet and rurea all eaaea of dyapepsia with Royal iiavani lottery extkaordinary". To be drawn *atuiday. April l.'t Capllnl I'rise, iUUJO.UW. ONLY ia.000 TICKETS. Tickets. $200. f Urn, $60. $25; twentieths. $10; fortieths, $5. jackson A CO., Bankers. 12 Nasaau at., near Kulton. "V";i ? eon TONIC"?A CKKTAIN AND faFrEOTUAL euro for nervous debility. Send lor circular. MOUM * MACK, 31 l'ark row. YOUNO MKN'S OilKIHTlAN A88OOI ATIOh.?MKDI i ?l Talks to Young Men in Association Hail by I'mmi ueut l'liyticinns, commtiijcliig Friday ernnlnir, April 1J. Admission liv ticket, to bo had on nppllratlou at the aetos elation rooms, free of charga. Members admitted on pres entation of iiierai>orabi|i tickets at the door. -tXTKAOlUHN aKY HAVANA LOTTBR *7 e drawing April 13. 1H7H; capital prlre, 91.1 *U,OUO, Spanish. Lcnleiann State Lottery, drawing Apill H, IB7S. Kent may State letter/, driiwinc April 15, IH78 Also Kentucky and lieorgla dttlly drawings. THEODORE Z^CIIOOtl. 23 i'? 1 rk row, room 4. C|?q H no a if way-m? tork opncb or the l*UKentucky State Lottery. Next drawing April 15. 1.1V4 1'rlses, distributing tUTp2\ Whole firkels only (I. Vl ilUamsbur^ brancu eSiee, So. 01 Broadway WILLlAUBQW A CO. d;/;7 ?KENTUCKY STaTk DIBTRIhUTIOB, ?J)v) I ? i/a^rJ.Monday, April 15 ?Whole tickets onlv $1. m'Ui.lKI) k CO.. WU7 Broadway, above :S>th it. $2.2.311.(100. rventneky State, April l?; ? ?(?7 (JOC KKNTl'CK Y STATK. APRIL IV? IP') | Capital Prire. 915.(4)0. Leeky offices. 1,337 Broadway, New Vork, or 1*3 Montague St . Brooklyn. H. II. PORTER A CO.. Borthorn Agaats. -KENTUCKY sTATK, APRIL 15. $1) I ? Whole tickets only (I JACKSON .k CO.. Bankers, KJ Nassau St., Mar Fnltoo. ?1111 I All ? BROOKLYN OrriCK FOR Lol.'ISI t(> LXvr. X */v/.ana stain Lot.ary. drawloic April IK Wbvlt tickets, 9- : halve,. 91 B. II. FORTF.R k CO,, 1*3 Montague si. CTlTl I HI I - LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY. $ I l"iTVt note ticket*. 9'.J. halve*.91. JACKSON k CO., BankC", *;.? Nns?*ti ?t., BMT Fulton. to or,ii iinn -Havana "lottery.'?ef r'/.tranrdlnary ilrawlnir, April 13, 1S7H. Capital Prise. 91,<*?>."?*>. Only I5.i**i tickets First Trim,... .fl.noo.UOO Second frtsa 2i?i,i?st Tlilrd Prize |i?i i*?> 3,.'tli7 other I'rlaes, amounting to.... <??> On Whole tickets. 920J; halves. tli?f: 4ths. 9-VI. I'ttlta, 9-M; 2'iths. #111, 4Mli?. #"? Knit Information tmrit tree. HONNRKRRRO a CO.. New Haven. Conn. ? RUIN A It* DRAWINtl Havana, tprll 13. I-V whole tickets, (1. Louisiana State, April II; tickets, 92 , halve*. #|. J DUFF k CO , Bankers, 4i Nassau at , New York. Si) o'n nun ?exritaordinaky Havana, IJw.i')' '? Ai rll 13; I apital Prise, 9l,f**l.ort), Itrkrts, flOO. 9-???. f J.'t: twei tletbs. 910; fortieths, t\ JACKSON k CO , Hankers, s*J Nassau St., near Ful ton. HPOUTISO?OOUS. Ill II OS. ,WC. \4rANTkD?AN IRISH SRTTRR, COLOR KF.H TIIOH ?? r>si?liI? trained Address, statin; price. If. K. II., Herald Uptown nlTlen. v I \ v. 7J(|I ' ~*"l'BLM^Wl!RAl^fr'' TClYt'C .1 ?/'J.K?i.t?Kl foiif mile record In tb? world. In a ra. n a-.'siusi hors*?. will make lit* so^on at Ormshr's Hotel, Jerome a* , New tork, at 9-Mi A Dpi I rat Ion, enraging r?rvl<e. sbmiio tie mldre^nd (UCIlAItU l'liNI.*>T VN, On iey House, New Vork. IIOIiRKft. CAKRIABRh, AC. A- t ai crioN, BV YAN TAHSELI. a KF.ARNF.Y, AI'rTIONKERS. ON WRDMMUAV. APRIL 10. AT 1'>M O'CLOCK. TIIB F.NTIKh LITBIlY STOCK OF TIIR LRXIMITON LIVBRV ami BOAHOINO STABLR3, COHM.R KAHf 4IITII ST ANll LKXIMOTOR AV. 20 Horses, Herl'n f'oach??, l.andatis, Cnapes Clarences, *1* seat I'ark I'lisetetis, Watons, Harness, Cobcs, Bl*n kets. Ac . Ac. Btnrknowon exhibition, Oatslofrnes will ih? ready on Moti'la.r, to be lied at the Aactlmiee's' offices, 1IO. 112 I fi*t 13th >t . 22 I'nlon square and at tlie "fltee of stalilo. All labf. sick morsrb cuhed fmek or charte.*? Klles' Liniment Iodide of Ammotiis (yellow wrappers) : spaeht, splints, rlnghone, shonloer lameness. Send postal card tor pamphlet. Dr. Of LRU, 4.M llth a?., .New Tork. ADVEUTIhER WOULD PCRCHASR A COMPLETE Farnout tor fstnlly use If off-red lnw, sr.d gi?e ??tls turtory Imslness paper al four sionlht. C. C., bvt I7B IleraiU office. AORRTLRMAir WILL SF.LL VEIIY CHEAP?TIIRI R liorse\ Hrougbam, I Csrt, extension top four seat Pliaetmi. top lluijiy, Tonr I'lisetnn, t:oap? and Itnnd llar nnis, sph ndld oriler. Komnore Htanles. 247 West 41st st. -#ToS: rilK Oh RATE ST B a ROaT N BYRR OF ? fered ; Top Bn^gy and Harness, wirb nla' k tienr llona, est 95S-*> latt DMMri also flue Ooulilo Harness, very low. I'rlrate stable I 44 West Iklli St. FINK PONV BUILT tl5V HARM* HHOWR Hoi.e, <"nnd and kind. s<ittslii? tor any lutslness, lor oti' half hit riliiv 2*11 hltsstfeth St. V 'PBIV V I sVaUMi Tif ilst. Apilyat It>? hast 13th A ORBT L K MAN *B HOBBRs."- CAHIUaOBS AHf J\Harnrss. together or sepnrats ; sis rosrs old ? sonnd. Iti liaud?, kind, stylish; Brewster l.sndsn, I'nrk I'h seton; will be told cheap. TrivaM stable 143 West OOtb tt. IIOK8K8. 1-AtHUAQKft, <tC. At haiiuhit * son's ' ClTY AUCTION .mart ano new york TAT. TKRSaLI.'S, eOHNF.B or liUOADWAY AND 30TI1 ST., i w. harkkh, auCTIONKER KEUt'l. W{ SAI.P.S every Wednesday and Saturday. TWENTY POUR hours allowed for trial. t'A TALOtlUh OK -ALE THIH HAY ? _ AT 11 O'CLOCK . MAGNIFICENT no top I'hMtut, by George H. ClOM, SET OK Harness, by Dunsi'omb. used one*. THIKTY-KIVE top ?lde ha rand end spring Road Wagons. Depot, Express mm Business W,mulls, I' h lie tons. Car ri*i:*?. Mr.. LAKGE lot of Double end Single Harness, llorse Boots, Blankets. Lap Holies, Whip*, Buddies, bridle*. Ac.. Ac I'aIR uf curstiiut Oirrim^a lhir?ik. 15)^ blch, ^ nud 10 years old; Hue stylish drivers mid great roadsters; war ranted kind. Also Jlrett, I?jr Biewster, of Broome ?t.. lluriiess Ar. THE promising brown Trotting Filly GROTON GIRL. !Vt hiuh, years olti; gut by I'litl r-herldan; trolled last tall in 2 thoroughly wall broken and warranted souud and kind. llANHSOME bay lauilly Gelding, 15}{ high. 0 years old ; ono of tlie best itnd safest drivers ever put In a pair ot shall*; can trot in three minutee; warranted sound and kind. TIIK extraordinarily beautiful bay Trotting Msra f >N. CIION, I5t4 high, tt venrs old; a game driver; has trotted in 2 :45; warranted sound and kind. 1>ES|Ra 11LK bay Trotting Colt. 15l{ hlsh, 5 yeara old: a flno, easy uriv r. machinery galled; untrained ; can trot iu 3|St'j warranted sound and kind. HI'KKOY and very promising sorrel Trotting Geldluir, 1V? high,H years old ; it stylisti driver; can trot close to 2:4o; warranted sound and Kind. ONE of the most admired ot all small horses at Newport last season, a hay, 14 high, 7 years old; very stylish and ?afe; eau trot lu J ;I0: perfect lor lady's use, and warranted uund and kind. TIIK famous drown Trotting Geldlne LACROSSE, l.'>}? hluh. 8 years old; one of the most agreeable and salesi drivers yet known of; lias a record of 2:33; warranted ammt and kind. II 11*11 H/tED and very fast bay Trotting Mare, 15J? high, 7 yeara old; an extraordinarily stylish and game driver; can beat 2 -tOsmgie or double , warranted sound and kind. FAST bay Trotting l olt, 15^ high, 5 years eld. got by Rett's Mambrino i'ilot. dam by Ethan Allen; Just brokeu and can trot In ;i minutes, and Is warranted eound and kind. MAGN1FICKN combined mahogany bay Saddle and Harness llorse, l?>\ lilirh, 7 years old. got by.) ohn Olllard; goes all known gaits; can trot in 2 :3U; a premium horse at the Kentucky fairs ; warranted sound and kind. The celebrated aud grandly handsome chestnut Trotting Mure itOXHL'KY HKLl.E, 154, high. 7years old, got by Oaniel Lambert, dain by Taggart'a Abdullah, believed to or tbe mon perieci harness hi urn In America; baa a record of 2 V? ; warranted sound and kind. li AMi.-UM I1. brown Trolling Colt, 1.">J? high, 5 year* old. cot bv Klying Katon ; very promising; Can trot In 2:45; warranted sound and kind TilK well known gray Trotting Mare FANNY WILBUR, 1">H high, 7 ye?ss old. got by Godfrey's Patcbeu; lias no record better than 2 : to, anil Is an any and every day 2 :;i5 trotter to road wagon : it trained this season will beat 2 UK); warranted sound and kind. BEAUllKUL hay Trotting Colt, 1S>? high, 5 years old. got by Tippou; a splendid harness horse; cau already trot trot in 2 45; raited to go In 2;3?) if trained, and warranted sound and kind. TUlKl V-l llKEE other Hon** suited to all parDOsss, FULL description at sale. KALES never postponed on account of weather. NOTICE.?Next Thursday sale ot the entire Livery Stock of Messrs F. Agremonts k Co.'s Central Htablea, northeast corner ot Broadway and 3#th at. ?TfiE WINKSuK WAGON? ? with vertical steel plates In axle. Lightness, durability, salety. No wabble to the wheels. Made only by BREWSTER, of 25th (t. A?$1?5. FIRST CLASS TOP BUGGY, WITH FINE ? ' arnnss, Wblp. Ac.; cost six months ago $4!).*>; beauti ful ti.p pony i'liaeton cheap. Apply to COACHMAN, t West 16th st , near 5tli av. Hi h ave. wItTiout exception, tub finbst, ?handsomest, tvliabi* and cheapest lady's Turnoot. complete, lu >ew York; chestnut Mare Hell. !.*? Hi bands. 7 years old; sonnd. kind, safe and fearess; trot sure In 3 minutes; Fhsetun, Harness, Mat, Blaukets, Kobe, Whip. 12 hast isth St.. near 5tb av. A~ VERY KINK TURNOUT? BLACK MARX, 15 hands high, ityears old; very stylish ; can trot in 2 :SO; warranted ; also flno lop Wagon and Harness, S350. No. 5 West 1 St h st. A -FOR SALE. FOUR HOIUJBS. BU1TABLK ft III ? any business; will sell at a sacrifice. Inquire 3!? Hleecxer st., rear. ATRlirriNii MARK. ETHAN ALLKN STOCK, HaY. 8 years old: warranted In every way and to trot better than 2:40; side bar top Wagon, by Ash; llaruess and Blankets, us good as new. Mutual Club stable, 138 West 31st st. All for $T)iK). A?90 BUSINESS AN1> UkLTveRT WAGONS, ALL ? slses, #:to to $l<kt; new and second hand Wagons for express, procer, hatcher, baknr. milk, depot. 23d Spring st. Any reasonable okfkk.- hkewster sfrino Top Hsifty, line Harness, Tup i'ony Fhaeton ; ail nearly new. Hoarding stable. 50 West 10th st. Attention? huuheuknl-JAULtMiT" of nbw York State Horses just arrived. McUONALU'S Sta bles, 148 hast 41et st. A bay PONY BU1LT~ HOR8E ; ANOTilEFfTlORSE, lit hands, suit truck, butcher, family uee; $55, $"*J. Harrison st. A?TWO CHUNKY BCIL.T HOK*Ka; SUIT TKUOK. agrccer, linker, f-brining, Av.; $0A, $HKJ. 41 Hauler it. p ATvate" turbout row mai,b-would let by month : new l.andaulet. How. Hantaan, being on i of ilia liaudaotneet Id cKy : kino T Cart, eeme at n. w, Mvad icy i'ruy'i mika. luqulre coachman. Thome*. I4H West ?HHh at. ABKoOME _HT] BBEWhTBR TOT WaGO* A*b 11 itrnakH cheap: In good order. 1.T7 Weat .17 th at. A-KOK WALK. KlVi. HOKNEfl. HUII'aBI.K FOB ? fnrtalni;. grocery, e*prce*or truce I a a; to be aola cheap; uo work. impure lit? Mercer *u. near Hleecker at. K()B 8AI.~TIIKKK IIORSKM; sUIT PARMlNtV A. .crocor, express or trucking; mutt tall, cheap; no ?"tk Inquire al 147 hlliabeth it., between Broome and Spring ata. ZroR baLb^a tillc.nkv built iiOftSM, suir .able lor farming or any bualnoan; told i>t a aacrltlce; trial given. 107 IHh at., between 3d and 4th itv ItKKWSTKIl [MPBOYBD Tl)t> WAUON. I1AND wni? top l'ony ntfton, both earn* maker; alao ?nund, emtio, young lloree ; nil very cheap. Ml Knit 41?t at. A" t~ CAKT, DOIHlVfc AXD BUMUI HAKNksS. While Cbapol top Wagnn. all In *uperb order; nil la wauling It an offer. IXI Went .Hat at. BABOAINS.-1'UK ?'A iuT IMM K n IATM b v" A I (AMI aorae ba? lloran. 8 yeara old. I."?)f handa. trota ID three minute*, witb Pbaeloii and llarneaa to match; al*o a beau illal dapple gray Horae, ? year*. l.">*< handa trota In 3 ,Vi, with, lateat atyle shifting top Hoad Wagon and llarneaa; h .th lloraea are warranted aonnd and kind; wilt sell aeparate. Stable. JW 3<Hh at, near :id av. ti ABRIAGBB AND II tBNBAB AT A SLAUGHTER. ) Nnperb ttor*. atrictly reliable work, AT IMMhN'KK I NDl'O r.MKNTs rOB OAIB. l'ony Phaeton*. Bnt'iriea Kocxaway* Jump-Mat Wagon*. Coupe Kockawaya. Park ruaetone, Ac., second hand and now, from ?7."> to F-tJfl. llarneaa, Inrgat variety In New York. Iro n ft; flop. Spring hap Kobe*, Blanket* ami Sheet* from Wte. JOIIS MuORB, A7 Warn*at. f3i|lt hALiB -A *PLB.Njj|b KliXb IIOItriK. lAltf r handa, bav, by Meaannror Onroc . ran trot In J:M>; fine driver. I.>yt hand* blgli, H year* old; aery atyllah: pore r*.t ?i II. SWKMIl, IMrnadwav S"oit kaI-K-a HKKWSTMl HIHu WAOON, III pound*. and llarneaa. 14A Weat I7tli at. L1MH KAltB TTlfKAl'-TIIBRK UOKHfcS, PIT KOR r hntrher, grocer or farming; alao aai at llarneaa ant baker'* Wagon. luqulra li?!i av H, corner I Jib at. 1IK)H KALk-OkfOT BTAttB, MfeABi/Y SKW. 4PPLY T io II. UUWHiWUMAM, ? Unwary. fiiuH SALE??JXK KIDE HAH Mil l I S(, TOP BUfiHY (httvera, maker), elieap. f7.'>i one good Bualneaa Waynu, ???.'>. !>?? ii ??? gvoil aa new At atove tture 1,511 3d nr., near Wtli at. J.J*. IIATEK tlKK VauE-IAH HAN I'M II10II IIiThbK. wab C ranted to travei I - milea per lionr ?; ten valuable Maiea, little tore in feet. $45 ?arb MM >ew 4'liatnbera at. 1"7?ok HAI.K (; IIP.AP rt boou IKiEAEK, rttrITARI>B lor any bualneaa, inuat be told. Apply at .*>J l.aluy. tto place. L^?? K S A I.I5 AT" X HACKI PICE-A t omi'LETE PsT. J? Vain laniily turnout; it nill Kri'waier l.andau, two line liur-ea and llarneaa and alt e>|iiM>menti. Iti>|re Tor Jnniea, at Urennln'a rttablea, corner .'17th "I. and 7tli av. Hm.hokn. ii;> tuuMEhNi .->t.?hanu ?i .rik hab nea*. JB f>0; rttl-ber Track llarneaa. 92X Kvery variety llarneaa mid llorae (ilothlng. F II'WP MKAT BI.UIIY WAMTKII-IN HO<>l? . ?ta'e loweat caali prl-e; would etcbance Phaeton If tirelernhle. Call on or aidreai bKAMAN, corner Myrtle and llea'ord av*., Brooklyn I'lVKHT RTABI.E POB HAI.K?CRM TB At,' I.OTA ? lji ion ; excellent hnarder* and good backlntf etock. A l dreet K , Uptown llera d ofllce. Mi;kt hp. closed not at" p?mn rniOEi^A iieanllful young llorae. IMia-ir.u ??d llarneaa, llfhteg tenalon top I'hacwin (a?ata four), top Koad Wacoti a Hplit no top one man ? atoii, linudantn* aet of I'onpe llarneaa, ekira line a?t ol M .-lit Itmhle Knwil llarne*a,wlth K t'ulUra. Club ata'ile |,'Ht |',a?t 'JiltIi at., near 3d av. Mist BE *OI?D?BBRWMTBR IMPROVED BPEINQ Tup Hu?ify. city made, m l hae-laome llarneaa; al>o two aeat Park Phaeton 147 Meet llAtii at. M" I'HT BE nol.U AT AXY IMtlfte. Entire ?tt'?clt of Ci-ntral Stablea, ruiialitlnir of I.^Miduna. l.an4aoli't*, ? larencea, Conpea, Hleii; ia, llorae*, llarnraa.Ae .all In good order. Uroadway, nnrtlieaat corner :<IHb at. Ne A. H. Kl,\M?HAI a ?;o? <"arrla?e Manufactnrera, Ii7i and .174 llrootne al. VIOTOBlAB AXD ?'A!?*|i>i,i:TH. P\BIS HTVf.ES, l.andaua, i.amUuleie, Brnugbani*, T OaBTB, tioupea, I'mtrbee, Pbaetem. Ilnad W a?otia, in all weight*, all fitted with Hubber t ualitiiiied Atlea MWEtT rBi(!ks Pt#B PBIIMPT t;ash. 01*K.N HOAO WAUOX. BY HKKWriTRK A t'O . $140 ; llrouchani, by Hrew?ter A tio.. In eleeMt order, ait-aeat Hnrkaway.hv Miner A Mevena. BtaO, loupe Kirk nwav. larre naanrimert ol arennd band < arrlnte*. of all ?t*lea. nt iiuttom prlcea WH. II UHAY, 'A Wiaxter at 0" *7, l.kJlbAI^ ONB laABUAULBf, 1Mb i.'fll'pM, <me Itarouclie, one Park I'ltneton and one Top ^ a?on, all iu good or ler, at !fn. |t)H p.aat I'tth at VV'IM" "P BOLD TII1M l?AY tNATCBDAk) AT II ?Y e'.l, ek. at HARBP.H A HOfB Jaew Y>.ra Tatter.aila. corner of llrotdwav and Sith at., ti e hey trotting 'Jeldina ' Klnah." lA^a hl;l>, 7 jre*r? old; go' hy i.arihaldl Ml thernuirhlired Mare: etlia atyllah driverl can altow 2;4'i i-eit; wllh handling will bent 2:4H; warranted aound and klnu. "\V A.NTI.D-AiiHOli PAMII.V ilUBHR IN EXOh ANlTi Yf for a valuAble I'atent. Addr. at ho* 7W New York Poet oftine. H'ANTliU ME# CUUI'P. HOt KAWaY. I.N KX Ch in/e for elegant Pianoforte, lew, worth S7<m. Ad dreaa t?W (till t. Herald nltlce. W ANTED-A YOU NO, NOUND AND TBa"M IT ol lloraea, atiHnhle l?r T rart or breu? liam ; itiml lie goo*! driver*, am netomed to car* and about IVI hand* Ad iirn-e. with |?irtlrniai*. iirlce *nd where tobeeeen.UUB NINOIIaM, Ilerald I'ptoai? oittfle. an rpn rn pDitcitanB <;iip,ap pob cAnil. onp. IT or twolnll ?l*e Kngilab mad? Htdlt<g Caddie*, in per fect order. Addieaa ?. II h? bo* 127 Herald Uptown Hraneh ofllce ?JJt YOLKO-M |) I f 75 fi? $Jt? PA I til M UOOD Work lluieor, bolt vaine. ATi Wee4 i(tb it. DfiY WN)I?. A1 K K OO Gt> II R 888 KKOOOOll H " 8 * K K O O 0 II II ? 8 KK O O 0 IIIIII li 8Sg K K O O V II II S K K O 0 0 O II H 8 8 K K OO CO II U ssa BTU AV.. CORN nil BOTH hT.. BEGINNING MONDAY, APRIL 8, special sal* ul T-sTLks-* ud DUES GOODS, T when we will offer tlie most attractive production* of fori'ls" ?r.ii domestic looms at prior* that aro ABSO l.UTELY ABSOLUTELY ABSOLUTELY STARTLING. ST A III LING. STARTLINO. Our friends and the public will plcaio take notice that thisl> a SPECIAL SALE ol black and colored Silks nnd Dress Hood* which have born piirrlinifld far below tni'lr value; that the prices marked upon them will Insure their speed* ?*le ana ilist tbo?e wlio rail early daring the week will have the large*! assortment to srleut from. II. C. F. KOCII, 6th av. and 20lh st. Anew dky goods stork Tubt opened?new goods, fitlr prices; bargain* In Dress Goods, Hosiery, Talne Linen Ac., Ac WILLIAM MAfUfcW*. Jr., 7S2 ?lh a*., oeiwren 44th and 4Mh sts. __ i ECROPEAJf tiTEAMHIIIPh. MOST DIRECT AM) ECONOMICAL Sot'Tf/TiiHiifc land, Belgium, tb? Rhine, Swttserland. Ac., Ac., via Rotterdam. Che iprat route to Pari*. Steamer CALAND ......April 11 Steanirr SCilIKD VM .April 24 Theae beauttfnl steamer*. carrying tne Uuit?d Statrg mall t<> thn Netherlands, aro great favorites with the pub lic. t rip* regular, rales low, comfort and living perfect. For freight. For p**?ei:e, FUN OB. EDVE ft CO., L. W. MO (Rl?. 27 South William at. 30 Hroaaway tMorrla' huropoan and Amrriran KxpresO. STATE LINK?TO OLASI)OW, LlVEKFooU~lilTE LIN, BELFAST, LONDONDERRY AND THL I'AlllS EXPOSITION, sailing from pier 42 North lltver, toot of Canal St. STATU OF NEVADA Thnr*day, April 11 STATE OF VIRGINIA Thursday. April 18 STATE OK INDIANA Thursday. Aprli 23 Ural cabin. fV> and S7<>, according to accommodation*. Rrtorn tickets at reduced rntea. Second cabin, #!'? nteer age.f-'H Apply to AUSTIN HA LI WIN A CO.. Agents. 72 Broadway. STEERAGE TICKETS AT 4* BROADWAY AND AT THE COMPANY'S PIER. F< ?OT OK CAN A I. ST.. N. R. ClookTS T^riiK18T TICKKTS Foil IRELAND, ftCoT /land, Knglish Lakes. Pari*, the Rhine, fwltseriand and Ita'y, at reduction* from 10 to 4;> per cont below ordinary ratea. Passengers booked i?y all line* of steamers. "Cook'* Excursionist," containing lull particulars, by mall, for ten cents. Adarcsa COOK, SON ft JEN KIN'S, Uttl Broadway, >ew York. mKRi(Tan line for liv^rpool" The only transatlantic line sailing under ilia American flag. Sailing every lliureday from Philadelphia. PENNSYLVANIA SA1I.S APRIL ti.ll A. M. RED STAR LINK FOR ANTWERP, carrying the Belgian and United State* malls, sailing semi monthly Irom Philadelphia and New York. ACTON SAILS APRIL H. It A. M For rates of passage and other Information apply to PETER WltlcHT ft .-ON'S, General Agent*. 307 Walnut st.. Philadelphia;.^ Broadway, New York. JOHN McDoNALD. Agent. S Hattery place. New York. C~VUNARD L1NE-B. AM' N. A.~K. M. S. s. cJT * J NOTICE. With a view to dimlniah the chances of collision the steamers of this line take a specific course for all seasoos of tbe year. On tbe outward passage from Qneenatown to New York or Botton. crossing the meridian Ot M at 43 latltode, or nettl ing to th? north of 43. On the homeward passage, crossing tne meridian of 50 at 43 latitude, or nothing to tho north of 42. NEW YORK IO LiVKRPOOr. AND QU KEN STOW*. BOTHNIA... We.i., April 10i UUIHSIA Wed., April 24 ALGKUlA ..Wed.. April 17ISCYIIIIA Wed.Mav 1 Cabin passage and return Mekets en favorable terms. Steerage tickets to and from all parts ol Europe at very low rates. Freight and uassago office. No. 4 Bowling Green. CliARLE* O PRANCKLYN. Agent. UNITED ST AT r s MaIi. LINK-STEaM iovlUEE.Nn TOWS AND L1VKRPOOL. sailing on Tuesday irom new pier 4ti North lltver, foot ot Charles s*. WYOMI Nt>.Aptil ?. I" A. M. I NEVADA. ..April 3H.3 P. M. MONTANA.Apt 112:i. 10 A.M. | IDAHO May 7,0 A. M. Cabin, f7.*i. $HO. currency ; Intermediate. t*>: steerage. Passengers booked to and Irom Paris, ll ambarg. Nor way, Sweden. Ac. Draft* ou Irelsnu, England ana Scot land at lowest ratea WILLIAM* ft Ol'fON. W Broadwav. SPECIAL NOTICr.?'THE Sl'LKNDlO MAIL SlIlAM ahlp WYOMING, Captain Jones, from pier No 4A, loot of Charles St.. tor Vnernstnwn and Liverpool, on Tuenday, April M, at 10 A. M. preclaely. Superior arenmmodatlons for cabin, Intermertlatr and steerage pa?seng^rs at lowest rates. Apply to WILLIAMS ft (lOlON, 2!* Broadway. WHITE STA R LINK. United Mate* and Royal Mail Steamers lor Ooesn?t"wn and Liverpool. NOTICE.?Tho utenmers of this line take the lane motes recotaninuiled by Lieutenant Maury, U. H. N., on both the outward and homeward paasagea. B \LT1C Thursday, April II. noon. ADRIATIC Thttrwlay, April |m. tl A. M. Bill TANNIC Saturday Aprtl /7.2 P.M. From White Star dors, plrr .*>2 North Hirer. Kates?Saloon, (h i and (list. In gold. Return tickets on reasonable term*, steerage, #2H, currency ,?slooua, Htatrrooins, smoking and baih roocs sre placed amtdohip*. where the noiar and motion are les*t, afTordlnir a degree ol comfort hitherto unattainable st hca. For Inspection ol plan* and other in'ormstlon apply at the company's otllee, .'17 Broadway, New York. R. J. OORTIS. Agent. I' NMAN LINK. BOYaL MAIL stk"aMER5 FOR UUEKNHTOWN AND LIVERPOOL CITY OF IlICIIMoND i>stordav. April irt 2 P. M. CI I V OF NEW YORK Saturday. April 20. 7 :T<J A. M. CITY OF MONTREAL Thursday, Apnl 2'i, noon From pier 4"> North lliver Cabin, and Sits), cold, lieturn tieketi on favrwsble terms. Steerage, l.ft, currency. Drafts at Itwest rates, Salvuns. slaterooius, smoking and oatn rooms atnldahlps. JOHN U DA LB. Agent. ir> and :U Broadway, New York. Philadelphia office. IIA Aonth 4th (L Gknkrai, transatlantic company HKTWKKN NhW YoKK A NI> IIAVRK. Company'a pl?r. 41 North Hirer, loot of Morton ?l. PKUEIKK, Danre Wrdneaday. April 17. P. M. VJLLK UK PARIS, Dnraod. Wedaeedav, May 1.4 JO P M. 8T I.APKKNT, Leelnene*. ... Vt ednoaday, May R. ?" A. M. Kor freight or |>????in> aiipljr to I.OU III |)K HKHIaN. Agrnt. Rrnadway. For freight and peaaag* ?t PluladMpi la. apply t" AI.ONZO Htlor'AKI.L 31'liaatnnt ?t. Anchor7/ink i nivkd statr*mail straw rum. NKW YoKk AND liLAMinW. DM yon I A.. .April fl.7 A M. | CAMKoK.NU.Apl 2i>?a.M. ?NCllORI A. Apt IR.3 I*. M. I BOLIVIA April 37, J P M. SKW YORK TO LONDON DlitK'T. A.M. I ALRATl A.. April 34. noon. Cabin. (Kk'i to (tl Kxetiralou tlrkata at r?4in?.l ralna. Racoad rrtm, $?#?. ."leera**. Companr'a pi'ra, .Sm. ' ???! 21 North IU??r. New *orfc. IIKMIKIImiN HllOh . Agrnt*. 7 Hmtlli't iir>rn. \1MLSoN LINK fO liortTl aMITON AND THFlEC T? 'ailing from llaicla plnr. II .Imam, <?? follow* t ? HINDOO April I:t | OIKA> TO. ...May II LRI'aNTO April XI ( O I IIKM.O May*> Klrat ratiln, fSO. enrr-n'r Kmuraton ticket* mi ??ry famralile irrma Apply, for full particulars, to CIlARLKM J, Willi.IIT A l O,>. Smith at. HtWIIUIKi a MR It 10 AN PACKItt I'd* l'AN Y'S LINK fm I'lrmoatli, ? lierlMinrg an<1 Hamburg. II* iLH ATI A, 111 ora., April 11 | W Ir.l.tND. Ihora., April 3* LKsMNO ..Tlnir* . *artl Id| RUKVIA Thura.. May J Rate* ofpa*e?gat" rlytnoatli, I?end?ti. Chertiearir, tfarn hiirg and all polnta In hagtand: Kirn Caoln. #|iat, golds MPiiriil Uakll, W), dm: Marragr. I, cnrrrnry. Kl'NII AKDT A I/O., C. M. Ii!i II Mill A IIUAS, dunernl Agent*. i.rnrrnl I'aaaangur Agi-nte, ? >l lirnM at., New York <11 Broadway, New York. ItKAT #f>TKRN STK A HJU111' LINK f 10 RRMTOL 1 KROIja!to) DtttBOf, sailing from pier l? K*et .lirrr. a* follows ROMRRSBI April |H| AHKAHOr May 0 Cnhm pnasage, |KV> ?iii ?n<i #70 Kriurn tleMts at I*, mr ihle ratra ; prrpald Sin-ran* 1 'ertlHrate*. $_'H Aipiyto W. D MuROAN, ApiM, 70 >oatli ?t. JOKTII OK KM A N 1.1,otli * Ht? aiaalilp I Inr. Iietwaan Now Vork, s iitliampton, l,nmlon, llavrn aii't Hramtn. Cnmpaaj'a pl?r. loot ot sld , lloliokra. OR*. WKIIDEK. Sat.. April II1 HOShL Hal., April 30 HRKMANN.... ??at.. April l.i I ODRIl h?t? April U1 ltat?a ol paaaa::* from Now York to Southampton l.oa don. Il>i*rn an<1 Mratn*Bt Kirat raliln. Clit'. itolu , %*<? >o<l ral'ln. RH i. tni l; atraraga, f*), rurrai'ry. Haoirn (lrl<?ia at rauuied rate*. Prepaid ateara^a rartirr u#?. R-'lil. eurranrjr. Kor frrlcht or paaaaira npplr to OM.KIi ll> A CO.. 3 Howling liraan. N 0 GOAITWIH HtRAMIIIIIPh. Lb DOMINION RTCtMRIIIP COMPANY, railing from ptar ;t7 North Rlrar. lor NOKI OLK. 1 m l'OI>T *I..I RU liMOND, TI'RR DAT*. Til I'll *DAYx AND *ATl'MDAYi* at 1 I' M . eon itaciinc arltli the Virginia an<l Ttnnaa?r? Air l.ln?, ACanila I'oa.l I,ma. PI. tin Air l.lh*. I'l raa|ieakr nml 1 llaia It?II raad. f'al.oaril A'r l.lna and with tha r n ipanr a ataam Una to Inlarliir porta In .North iraroMim anO Virginia NKrtBKHM and WAftlUROTON, N, tS (via Norfolk), tlrrrr TLKSDAT, rill'ilM'AV and HaTI'RDAY LKWKH, Dal.. MUN04t an I Till 3 P.M., fmiiaetlttK with iha Mnrrlaml nn I Driawar? railroad* and fo- KKIIUHOTII HKA? II nn.l OCRaN :ITY. I'aaaangar ar 'minol?i ona iinmrpa^ad Throng* pi?rnt?f ilrkala and l?ltt? nl lading to all potnta at lowrM rali-a. InavrMca lur >orfol?. 11 ?, rrm. Kr?,uli?? ra'alvrd dull* at pior :t7 Norih Ktvar. lirn.-ral olTio No. 107 Oreenwlr'i ?t. s. L McckKaDV. Praaldwt Bkrmi lit. poitin Rim/, kt. Tioimak h. u I.AOIaVIIA, PC I.RIO CABKLMl. VI NRZl ri.a, wlih ronnr, tn.n ? to all i>.1 rta ut ? h *T INDIKS ind SOUTli AMRKiCA Thr '/iiah.-r ano liull l'ort? "8 Civ I.tnr tall aa iimlar notad lM M .'.KM I' It A. SK. CA NI * A. April 11. Kor SI JOHN and I'OM'R, ?t. HIoMa-,; aVKA and PI'KHIo t; . IIKLl.O. SR. iIaII.II. April 11 Kor dr arilptUr pamp'.ilat?. Iralght and pa??^r> ?pnlr ?" a. K. Ol? I K It Hill Di. K A CO., Atranta. ?'i Kmidaar. CO III OAHMKNDlA. RftBMVtfM. O. LKVR. 371 Hroadwar. N'KW ORLKANS HlHH I -THR ? HllHWKLL MNP. ?taimahlp K s ICR l,K HOCK HR, Aa'urda*. April", at B I' M. plar !i NoriH Rlrar I'hri<n? 1 WIU -tf lading giro 1 |o Mnliila and prlnelpal point* on Hi* Ml??iaaippt IIHar. I'or Iralrlu or paaaaga applr to c|, tkK A SK A MAN. *1 Watt at. H ALIKaX.N K. AND SI JOHNS. N. V CRiiMMRLI. LINK. MaMHhlp AlallAM RRA will laafa pMf ft Rorth lllvar, Fildar. April lii.R P M K..r 'raiubt ir paaaaga apply to CLAltK U ouaMAN, M We>; au COASTVVISK S IK, A MM II11*3. J>ACIKIC hail .si'i.ammiii' i: i.iip.i.n\?.-> For CALIFORNIA, JAPAN, CHINA, CfcKTrtAL an# ftll'TII AMi.RIi'A sandwich |.|,AVD> nkwzev LAND. .USIUM.IV, UKITl7.ll tiiltMBlA Wa-.II INUTON TitKHITllKV "?>?1 OKKOOX. *c aiilln* tn.iu pier foot nf Canal it,, -North Hiv?-r. Kor the ISTIIMl OK i v N v M V, connecting litr CEN TltAl. una Mil III AMKIUi'A: Steiurthip ? ItfSCKXr cm Taea.l-iy. ? prill) k.tsa.n kkancimio, >i . inTiiM irr> <>i' Steamship COLON Krtdav. April 19 truun -i'Iiuk I'll t'ei<ir?l hikI South Amrr,i a ) Fr-m SAN H( AN'I'ISI O lo J tP AN and C 11 N . Steamship CITV i'l I t (Kid v\nunsi'liiy Ma* 1 Kriini sAS FRAXCtSCO to SANDWICH ISLANuS. AI'sTKALIA ?n?l N I' W ZKALAND: Ktcaiii Aliti* /.h AI<A N l>I A Monl iy. April 13 for freight or pass-ge applv m Ihc companr't o'Rce (I ItaiH-iln : tirern, New Vork. Texas LI N IrijhnaLvkkton. touchim* at kky W. St ? K,earner CITV OK ti \N ANTONIO, I **unIii?t-id, will sail Saturday. April ti ?t .1 P. M Iron, pier 2>i hunt Kivcr through ratei "I Irai^ht and ollls of lading iclven titer all railroads in the State. Kor Irelir t mid passaga (having superior ucroiiiiiiodaliotis) aiiptt t.. II. MaI.U)KV A CO., IM Maiden lane. COOK. SON .* JENKINS, Jtfl Broadway, also *t|l tieiteia. Nassau." n. r.. ht. jaoo, axu ciExFuKiTwT Cuba.?Steamship C I RON DELE f. April 0, at 3 P M. Nassau. N.i*. auii Havana. via sr. auui'STINb ? Steamship S\N JAi'IN IO. from Savannah. Aiiril ft MURRAY. KKKKIS A t O .'12 couth st.; or O. LEVE, iienoral 1' Airunt. 271 Broadway NEW YORK AM) HAVANA DIRECT"MAIL UNK - These first class steamships will sail at 3 1*. M.. from pier 13 North Hlvar, foot of Cedar at. for Havana direct, hi follows COLUMBUS Wednesday, April l'l OEO. W. CLYDE Saturday, April -1 Kor freight and passage. having unsurpassed aecoramo. da: i una, apply to WILLIAM P CLYDE A CO.. No. <? Bowlln.- Oreeu. McKKLLAU. ill Ll.Nii .1 CO . AirentK In Havana MORGAN'S LINK TO NKW ORLEANS AND TEXAS - The steamers will aall from pier 9H North River aa fo|. lows: ? NEW YORK Snturdar. April 0. 1H7? Kor New Ortoiios direct, irsnstorrloif Toxss freight thara to Morgan's Louisiana iiid Tmu Kailrond and Murgau'a ?teamahlps to Taxat portn. Thrnuirli bllia of laillnn aluned to all pruill* mi tno MUalaalppI River. Molille, (ialva-tna. Imliannla, Corpua Clirlatl, Kockport. Itratna Santiaso, llrnwDivlllo. nod to nil puint? on tlie II,m.ton and Texaa Central. Texaa i'aeille. Transcontinental mid lialvaatna. Ilarriiburit and San Antonio railroad*. Kanaaa City, Fort Scott and hi lirr point* on MKiourl, K innaiaiid 1'axaa Rail ami connectliiiii. Freight* for St. Mary'? and Fulton landed at Hocaport. Inanranco can bo effected nnder open policy of the line To New Orleans, tier cent; to Texaa points. T? pereeuk For Ireluh: and oibcr Information apply to BuOKHf A MOKOaN. A(;i>nta. offloe pier .W North Itiver. _ NY., HAVANA AND MhXICAN MAIL S. 8. LINE. .Steamers le^ve Ir irn pier No. 3 Nortli Klver KOR HAVANA DIRKCT. CITV OK NEW YORK. ileakcn.1ue.Uay, April IB. 3 P.M. CITV OK WASHI N(i roN, Ttraraarman. .April 1?. 10 A. JC. CITY OK VERA CKCZ. Van sice ..Wed.. April -'4.3 P. M. for vera ?;tu;% anu new orl.ea.hs. via Havana. l'r,i|;reao, Campeacliy, Krontira, CITY OK NEW YORK. Keakrn Tueaday. April \9 CITV OK MKRI UA. Reynolds Tueaday, April 30 Steamers will leave Near Orleans April 21 und May 15 for Vera Cm* via Matamnras, Tuxua i aud Tmnplo<i, maliiu( clone connoction with ateamera for New York and all tb? abov* porta. F. IlWAHPM A SO.NS.:il andM3_Broadway. N_EW VORK anu CL'Ba MAIL H. S. "lINB^FOR Havana. Magnificent accommodation! for pastan^nra. Salllnc Til I' RSUA VS, from pier 17 Ea?l Rivor, at S P. M. NIAOARA (now). J.Jii'i tona. Curtin.....Tlinrnday, April 14 SAIt aTOOA (new). 2.2M5tons, Snnilberg, Thursday,April 21 JAMES K. WAilIi A CO.. No. 113 Wall st. S- avannaii, klorida. Nassau ani? Havana ORE AT southern KRKIOHT AMI PAS8ENOKR LINE. CKNIKAb RAILROAD OK <iEOK?iI\. ATLAN TIC and OI'LK KAILHOAD ANU OEOKliU AND KI^ORIDA INLAND STKAMHOAT COMPANY. CITV OK MACON. Irani pier 48 N. R-. Saturday. April fll oen. BAIfXKS, from pi"r HI E. li., Wcdnaaday. April 101 For treicbt or pasaacu apply lo OEOKCF. Y0III1K. Acant Saturday ateamara, 4W Broadway. M(JRItAV, FEKRIS A CO. Acant Wednesdays steamers, H2 South St. C. D. OWEJT-. UKOROK YONOB. Acent A. A O. ii. h.. 315 B'way. Agent C. R H.tlit B'way. ATLAjT MAll LINK, KOR WEST INDIhS AND SOUTH AMERICA. Reuular bimonthly salllnBS troiu pier 51 North Klver as follows Kor I1AYTI. COLOMBIA, ISJIIMUH OK PANAMA and BOUTIl PAC1KIC PORTS {Via Asplnwall) ALPS pr11 13 | Al I.-A April 30 For KINOSTON, Ja.. ami IIAY1I: ATI, \s April 2". | ETNA May 18 Klrst class iliitlxh omit iron steamers. Superior first class passeUKcr accommodations. " CO..O?L _ .no. 56 Wall St. LOR!Da DlREtIT ?STEaNIKRS LEAVK FIKK 30, _ hast River, every Krlday. at 3 P. M., for Fernaiidma, Ha., touching at ltrnnswick and Port Royal. Stoaroer ?'|i\ OK AUSTIN, Captain Chester, will sail April 12. Through freight and pas.aKe rates ulven to all potats In th? South and Southwest by C. 11. MALLORV A CO., Agenta, l' l Maiden Inn,', and tickets >ol4 oy COOK, SON A JEN KINS. 201 Broadway. F THAVKLLK1U' UlllOB. A" LB A NY HO AT. 'PLuPLK'H lIXI^oKli'oP fflli ilrtut il??nifn DKAN RICHMOND or ST. JOIIN ?til leave pi it 41, North ttlvar, every week day, it S I'.M., connecting at Albany lor ell ? .lute .North and Wo*t. Tick el* f ir kitlo at principal hotel* ?ml nil of Weotoult Kxpreaf oINcee In sum York nnii Brooklyn. Brooklyn paatengorg transferred I roe by "Anne*" boat*. Boat kok cTrsicTlu m ru yVksa nt ano inter? mediate landing* will leave pl?r 14. ll*rrl*on at , MtfUk Klrrr. daily, Sunday* excepted, at <1 P M. BOXTON.-PAItl'. RKUIJCKD VIA FaLCT RIVER Line; #.< in li'Mion : excursion ticket* R,V. magnlOoont ulntiMn NEWPORT ond Ulit> COLONY leave pier M North River daily (Sunday* excepted) at ."> P. M ; foil right'* reat; live mornim: train* from fall Hirer to Boa ton. TiekrtM.r aala nl all principal ticket oflleo* Itrooklrn pawnpor? tronnlerrad (run by "Annas" boat* leaving loot of Pulton at at 4 :.H I'. M (1ITI7,R.\S? LIMv ?TrtO Y MKtMKRH, CONN l-.CTI N,? Jwiih morning train* for all point* \nrtli, Kaat and Went, lea** pier 40 Nm lb Hirer, loot l-eror at.. d illy (except Sat urday) ati' I' M. Itooiui heated witU ateatn. M~ mTcIIAVTs' hXPItKss" LINK KOK ALBANY - Steamer* WAI.TKK BRETT and NKW tMAMPtOM will commence their regular trip* io Albany. Wedne*dar, April 10, leaving <'aual at., .North River. it P. M. dally, satnrdava excepted, for paaaenger* and freight. A. r. Bl. ACK, HaftiwMMM New jkksky"and new your railway.-*!)n day train Tor Carina It, llarkanaack Nannei. Sprliif \allcv, llavcr?traw. ItMy I'oint an.I all wnj MawM leave* New i ork, via I'avonla Irrrlea, at H:4A A.M.; rw mrrlne, leave* stony Point at 4:15 P. M? arriving M >?? \ ork at 11 :V> P. M. Ki nirop.D fare ? n to bo?tonY EXCURSION TICKETS, $S I IIK OLD RELIABLE KTONfftUTON LINK FOR BOA. TON. Not atrip mlaand in aeven e Mimenlive yeara Hteanvr* leave pier :t I N It., fmtt of .far at., at .*? P. M steamboat rxpret* iraln leave. St mingto i at 4 :JK) A. M. Providence line (freight only) *i earner* from oler Jf North Elver, foot of Warren *t.. at ft I', M K\? IIMMMI. _ IpXCtJERlON BoaTs AND t>ROVEs -STEAMER* jiieneral Sedgwick and Kort, bargee Caledonia. 14a putllc ami Anna. Bxcsltior Para,Oriental. Ilarttan llaaeu. Cold Itnrlng, lone laland and Columbia Orove* V n, BRllitiS, ;tH4 Weat at . appoalto Clirlctopber *troot forrv. Ilronklyn office (llu'laoot Bulldlnga>, eornur Pulton an 1 York atfc IJOR EXCURSION*?MA LOON Tl.tMI.K J ? 'SCHUYLER; capacity 2,i**> people; i.argea St Niche l*a, Hobori* ?nd other* occidental 11 rove, nn the llud-oti, and other*. MA'tflM A KAUKKLL, III) south at.; o|M-a lanndar MINT OrriCK IIOTlCfe. post' OPPICE NOTICE. X 1 he for?i ;vi mall* for tin week ending Saturday, April *, I*<'h. will olneo at thle oflice ; ? On I ueulay at 2 P d., for hurope, by kteam^hlp Sdalit, via l^HiHiNituva; i?u Wndnealar, at 4 A St.. for Kranre direct, hy <t*aoi<hig t an Ida vl? llavre. and at I P M. for Pur.ipo, ?? aleanmiip Aiit a.inla, vln ivo-n?town , on lhur?lar, at 4 A.M. lor Ireland illrwet, breteamahlp I'Ity "i Rfitateh. viatjoeena. (own (rorrfapondnnee lor Oreat lirltnln and ilie ? ontln?'i( to in lorwariiid oy thl* at amer MlIIat a* upetia iy ad rcaae-l), and at !2 M lor t aropci, by aleainahlp Krl-I? v a I'lvinoiith, Cherboarg and Moinhorg. on Hamr<lay. *t 4 A. M,( tor Kurope, hy ?t-amahip lininanlr, via ijn em. h en fcotreapainienee lor i;?rtuany aii'l Hcotlaiid to be lor. warded hy iht* atennier inn>t t>* aperlally aodreiaedi and at 4 A. M. for .?c.itl*nd dieaet, bv ateamahlp llev-mia, via ill*a/o*r. and at 11 ;!ki A. >1. im Europe, by iteaniahlp or* erai Wetd?r. via nuthanip* n an-l llr-nien. I"he ?le . u ahipa Idaho, Ahraalnla and (itrnianle do not take maita lor Heninark, Sweden and Norway I lie mail* for llayll .ml Klng-tou, .la . ie we New York April 4. I he mall* for Jtaa. aau. N. P lanvo New ^ ork at.rll ?l. Tlie mail* for tit* Meat Indira, via Ht. Thotna*. alio Porto Klco and Yenetu ei.? direct, leave New \ ork April 0 The mailt for Ana trail.t, Ac , leave .San Kraon-c i April IA the mail* for t'bin i and J an an leave Nan Pranriaco April in T. I. .1A M KB, Pnatmatt- r I'nat Orrii't. N>W S oe* Mtr li 3<i. M7M. I.WI KI iTIUK. ALMlY OP l-.\PKKll- N< K AMI! ABILllY. MlWtlO ini* In one >?! i>i? fir --t citlea on the Mudemi, wou'd like to give a plea-iint home and Bno ed>icattnnal edvantavea la two or three children wh" need kind care mid atirntl><n terma ttv ilcrate Addrea* .Mae K. HoRTON, all na 1< irean. C> I'diom aituare \ouide io ooou in iioolb, row parkntr Iree peraotially , mail-.I lor atamp MlIIERMEIIIIORN. *l Eaat 14th. BIKlKKNEPtNO. PRNM ANBIIIiV tKITIIVhtlfl Sliort li iid. Ae , taught practically, day and ?venlor, at lloLKhAR'H t oiom-rclal t'oliene l.liM Broadway. 1 Al)Y TEA0I1KR OP ELOCUTION HKHRKS PLACE I J II ennntrjr wliern rlaa<e< can tie formed ler ?p'liu and ? iiiamer Addrea* III? h A A N URK ? s. 7M7 Broadway. RkTCMINa* PIIOM NAfi RE INi%TrIcfi0~fi~T0 'ciaaa. H KOkllLKR. i?ei Broadway, rooan 3. StMIOOLN POR SAl.K ANI1 RENT BROOKLYN, New York, New Ri.uiand. Maryland. Oanrisia. YlrginU, Teiaa and tlir Bglnoit \t i-irrn -t*tc?, tearhe'a wanting autumn engagement* ahoald applj now *t'II MlM KRiloK V anEaM I tth. SEVEKAL TEACH Its WaNTM>->OR sufKM net; teacher* ol claaiicv natural <ci?ac"a, ni'idain Ian gua?ea. iaa?ic *nd art; ailarie. ho?l, apply early. I'IM K NET'S Aiteney. 'l'i rnton a?|n ?!*. N.iw York T"~l AlMlhH* OK hNOWN A MI LI T> \N|> OII\KtU tor promptly proVld?n 'or lamillea, rciioola, coll-,--a BCIIKEMt KIMIKN, ?l Ka.t l?tb Nl EICAI*. Aiifci'flEMaN. ?.rem i xri.iilKNfk, (jiVkr in atrorti ?n |ihtnofo-te, orgM, harmony, pupil'* re.| deuce, f? per i|u?rt*r: heat releranea. INafKCUfION. box I jo, llerald Uatewn olflre Aha"S, wit* pihst yi AblTv Voice, wantkp lor a i i>r eheif; only II *t rl?? iala*it oee l appiv, Ad draa* BASS. c*ro Mgreamllo Safe I' Company DAICnu A< AUR1IIKS. / t ARTIE RVs MNiilHu acaiii- MI. s UNION -orAKB \/(ttb ?V. *trte'. ilp.'n all eimmei, I'-lv >te l**Mffla rf S?mr. i.I da and *wi.<tf w?lt*< * ?rerlaltlea, nea av?ien, ladt **??.tanta Re-ption Miitidaya.f L'KR.nanhii s iMM'ivi, aiTaiiRMY, .Wfll nf.. gj I av ilrank nnlidlnici. Reception ihoradaxa. cla-a** joimnig. halt I|nartt-ra aprlmi term. Circular- ai I'ili c a-i f-7?It *?. Private leaaoua any uour. Aaitco Mai ( i* . .a Tlmrtday, Apnl II. s