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COCKING IN NORTH CAROLINA. TWELVE FIGHTS BETWEEN SOUTH C ABO LI* A. AKD OEOBGIi BIBD8?QBOBQIA TUB WIN ***? - _ 1 l,B* IILIOBUB TO THE HIBUiP.] Charlotte, April 10, 1878. Although tbe Interstate cocking main wasyester- ( day broken up by Georgia's withdrawal twelve inter ratine backs warn fought to-day by tbe cocks ol the two Sine*. Tbe day waa bright and sunshiny, and by hall-pa?t nloo A. M. a large erowd bad gathered at the pit clamorous tor sport. rtKST FIGHT. Two cook* were mitcbed aud tbe loo commenced at half-past Un. North Carolina inatobed a dark gray Sim Jenklna, 6 Iba. 8 oz*. against a dark red Stoue Irish, 6 lb*. 7 ozs. 0 Hood erect an instant, tben daabed together Uko a flash, the Jeokias receiving ? cut IB the back on tbo *btrd buckle. On tbe fourth buck to, second delivery, tbe Stone Irish wss aevorly cut under tbe left wing, but not disable.. Numerous body wounds were received by Doth lor Of teen minute., when both sank down re' nowlnc tbe struggle again and again with like result, until the Jenkins t>y superior enduranoe tired his antagonist down and finally brained bim. Time, A&ai. 22s. tiooiio fight. George entered a dark red .bawl neck. 6 lbs. 4 oz. against a blue gray Sim Jeokias, 6 lb.. 4 oi. Botb cock, were ihutllers and quick lighters, Georgia celling .everely cut under wing on lourtb buckle. RataiiatinK with a back wound on third buckle sec KU hut ou ibe lourth delivery was badly cat ?n bead uuU nook. North Carolina break on 1Mb delivery, gottinghome ?u the*nd neck, keeling Georgia over dead. Time, 4m. ?a. ? tuird kiout. North Carollua was uexi represented by a black . 5 lbs 4 oz.. aguln.t a red sliawl ucT* lW?4ox. Xbe sbawl ne*ck was a high flyer, anumade a quick break at the black, going clean over h?m The black met mm Halt way ou the re f.Trn ulllctlna slight wound under wing, aleo on Zra buckle ol second delivery but rrrnock now*badM0My time, ending the light by ? cut throat. Time. 3ni. 28*. foukth fight. Georgia matched a br.gbt r?i ?bawl neek, 6 lbs. 8 or, against ? deep red.on Tbe Jenk;U- ^ce.r.?t a eut break" at bis antagonist, inllioung unmerou. body break ?' """j" J wuh a severe thrust under th?eUnght wiop, disabling the shawl neck, and alter a ew more buckle, brained him. Time, 6m.. 16s. fifth fiuht. This tight wn. one ol tlie prettiest of tbe day. Norm Carolina pitted a dark-gray Sim Jenkins, 5 lb . I oz.. ngsln.l a red py'e .bawl oeck, 6 Ibfc 4 oz. " lhev touch tbo ground bclore each broke (or tbe other, flyiug blgb and buhc^'^f No: tb Carolina flirting over uoad on the OUh buckle lrom a cut throat. Time, lm. JOa, sixth riouT. Georgia next mulched a dark-red stone Irish. 5 ttjfc a OT anainst a cripple touey-^ray, 5 lb.. 4 oz. Uoih blood straight and flow high, breaking quickly. The cruy got In a gocd tbrust under the wing, Jrc#tl h,"'1' Lw and hung again iu neck. North Carolina cbeer. loud" and Georgia oilers to draw, without success, lue gray energetically loliowed up bis advantage, glv ?.t!t h" op?.?uout the coup de grace on the second buckiu ol Hie third delivery with ? home thrust uu Uor tho lelt wing. Time, 3in. 30s. BKVKXTH FIGHT. The scvonlh hack commenccd in a spirited maonor. North Carolina pitting a white pylo Jenkins, 6 lbs. 8 a Stone lri.b, 0 lbs. 11 oz. rno cocks were siiulller* 'Jul broke at each other like lightening, striking rapidly without ubutemenl. Georgia getting Sul la o"k and body on second delivery, got a Dill hold on North Carolina, Indicting a severe cut under the lelt wing, weakening him greatly, and pressing slendIIy cut him In ibe neck, driving bis guft clean through tne brain on the flfib buckle ol tho lourth de livery. killing as game a cock as ever fluttered, lime, 8m. 3d. eighth fioht. Georgia next matoued a dark-red sbawl necked 4 ,.nfi * wblio llaxey eyo, 4 lbs. 14 oz. A rauid llerctfOghl ensued. Tho "shawl neck 'gained The advantnee in the go oil, sending home a dangerous Infusl m the back ol the llaxey eye. bit the latter, not tbo least iiiscouragod, mado repeated breaks at him, going clear over lime and again. The red was too mich lor bim, though, Inflicting naraerous cuts in the back bides aud breasi, until tbo poor bird sank down alm^t immovable, bis persecntor giving b.rn no chance to recuperate, rending tbo cruel steel rop^at wly through his head, aud fln.lly braining bin. Time, li>n?. Iba. niictii fight. Worth C.rollna jubilantly tutored lor the next con. teal au imported lrisn red, 6 lb.. 13 ox., ?gain?t an lrl.h mid .bawl neck crow, & lbs. 11 oz. Conlldent of Viotwy, Georgia bad tbo advantage iu tbo oil giving North Carollua a serore bacit l??"> ol,0 a thrust in the side In the second delivery Tbl* was too good to last, for North Care lhi ? retaliated with a severe cut 10 ihe thigh ou toe nexi d^ very, lollowod by a telling thrust un !? iau i-tt wing. Georgia now ^emed too _.,,t to uiuch longer aud would have hmtn pusiif whipped; but North Curolm* wn# so coficbicd by the Ural woaoaa inat h# coald uol iiret* the llsbt. allowiog Georgia a rest, *i>"u UeTgia'. bickers offered to draw, but were relused. Norm cjroiina roooverlrg, now made a break at Georala when toe lailtr. by a lucky scratch, adminl. Itrod a cut ibroat, keeliug North Carolina over deud. ".TeuCtiog rousing cheers lrom the Georgians. Time, 11m. 26s. tm^tb f,obt. A Georgia stone lrlsu (4 ibe. 12 ox.) la next oon. taxtant akalnal a jStoue touce black (t Ibr. 13 oz.) bird 1 bey eyo each other a moment, iben mako a rauid br'-uk, buokliug rapidiy, the Stone Kenc? re ?e!viog a b>ck wouuu on the lifth buckle; out soon proved him sell tbe ben cook by eottlug and torn lot {bo Irtah over repeatedly, nitlvcuuu a killing t irosl Iu tb<' iie?ri in the Uiih bueale ol ?he lourtb delivery, kiliioff bitu. iline. ?im. ^l? RLKVKXTU KIOBT. lbi?nvht was slior., Georgia plttiog a roJ shswl neck.i lbs. 3 ex., aguinst a graiback Jenkins, 6 lbs. " oz lloth cocks were blsh flyers, and wrnt together like lightning. Georgia pulling in iho liri-t thrust in the back and ou ibo tbird bucklo luoy made uquMk jreac toaeiher, buokllng rapidly, Gooraia administcr Ink a cut throat ou the lifth buckle, fourth delivery. ? Ld nailing bis oppuuent tbrougn ibe head Tour limes alteruately, kililug bim in 2u?. .0*. TWKT.PTIl AKD LAHT FIOHT. This IK slM? a ?hori O^hl, North Carol<oa pitting a sadumback Mm Joukms lb. 8 o?. cock against a light rod **>ba?l neck," 5 iba 10 oz. This waa tb? prettiest tleht oi ibe da?, l?tb cock* bolng hiKh flyors and boesek-cd ol One sctlan. Without un lo Hiaut'. hesitation each broko lor toe other, leepin* over each other's head alternately. The flr.t lour ita.ii'S ihey nuckled rapiuly with terrible lor?*. Georgia giving the ur.t wound. North Carolina freed blniMif, when like a flash Georxia era. in him. rbeutbere ?M a ^saw of cuu and gashes h?ui rock, striving nobly lor victory, wheo the ligbt wiw ended by Goorgla sh>vlng in a toil ng lhru.t nnuer ibe left wing, plnoins tbo heart ol hi? nutngouisu Time, 2m. 2a. 4,?orE>a wi. JublUul ovor her victory, having won a?rven til the twelve flubi.o' tbe duy, there belugas inucii Interost manifesied in the ultimate result of tne "baek'' tlgbis as there would have been on the msln. Large sums changed hands oi each light, and lively ipfcrt is expected to-morrow. PEDE8 TH1ANI8M. DOWN* ? TASK?HE CONTINUES BIS WALK AT THE CENTKAL PARE CACDIN?HE lll.HTB AFTER THE NIN1TT-HECOKD Mil E. L'P to * I?l? hour last evening James i,. Downy man atiil endeavoring 10 accomplish the feat o( walk, lug 400 rnilea In 100 lioara al the Ceutral Park Oar lan, although bis woaned appearance at that time area aoeh as lo warrant tba belief tbst be woald not looplcle mora than ona-foarih of tba taak before (reeking down. Tba lower portion ol the iraok being expos-" to tbo open nir, Dowdjt wan nt tba mercy of tbo rain yeaterlay, and to Ibie bla friend* mainly at trihttie<i hi* euervaied condition. He walked iweuty (our m'.!o? live lapa in 6 boar*. On tbo aixm lap ol the 29th imle lit- slopped I'm. 30a. He plopped 34 sec ond* on ibe .'.6ia mile lor a drink. On Ihe loartb lap ?I tbe40ib inila be stoppod 20 seconds lor a driuk, ? nd on Hie seventh hp ol the 48lh mile be *lnp|>eu 10 seconos. On ilie .'>0th mile be slopped 60m. 30*. to Ibnuise bis shoes ?nd ?ock*. At tne expirstion of 12 Sour* be bad mede .'>6?. ml led On (be Hub lap of the K?ih mile he Mopped :ij minuiee, and on ibe Inat lap ol the 71st nille ho paused 1% aeeondt for a drink. At Ibe completion ol the 7Jiu mile lio reeled 2n. 3Tm. b*f., and eie?<<n laps mrther no be io?t 4". eeconds In arranging bis dree*. on me HStl mile he toek a re?t oi 10 seconds, and on tba third lap of tba Mtb mile be reeled 3u. 40m. Toward ibe cose of Downy's effort George I,aw, the amateur, walked elf lit mi lee wiih htm. Ilr Oood win, of tbt American A meteor Athletic Cluli, xito went ronud tbo track wiib for over two boura to en courage him In ble pioekjr nllempt lo hold out. At tweniy-iwo minute* paat mue and alter walking Ihe thirteenth lap ou the niuety second mile u >wny Hopped, and, bnvilig taken a oold fbower bath, ley down in a iliori.nibly exliaufted condition. It wa? considered extremely doubtiul whether be woold un dertake to on the tra'k again. The following table *bo?a the time ooouptod in making eaob *ucco*at*e five milea ainoe ibe mart up to ume o'clock last ivening:? JtUc. //? M X Mile*. U M. X. rive 0 40 41 Fifty 10 0110 Ten 1 3t AS Kiftf-fi vo. ...... 11 64 07 Fifteen 2 35 60 fixtf 13 27 41 Tweutv..... 3 34 'H Buiy-Ove....... 11 30 60 Teren'yDtb 6 07 60 Seventy 1*> 20 61 Ibirty # 07 11 ?eventy-Uve .... 10 33 03 Thirty-Ore 7 04 40 Kirhty 20 II <6 Forty H 03 64 KIgbly Ove 24 61 61 Forty Ore W Oil 31 Ninety 2i 6". 38 WAbKfNO MATCH nrrw*r.N w. ?. hardino and CHftlSTOPH&R RICE ? HAUIHNO WINE. RuTI.Ain, Vt., April 10, 1878. A walking match name off hero to day between Christopher Rwe, of R?H?ad, nod William R Usrdlog, o, Hew York, ?t the Town ?250a.lrte tor fifty u> *" lort,.0r.i mile, ? Harding, Kice giving up on. *? ^ ^ liUle o*or a q?arl*r resting 7 m. 6?-, m .do tbe mi* n,llM,2 ,lmB at) iSm 181. Hard uiaking too acta el w*,kin*. . ?8m 35s. TUo Aral i*? lug's l*?t m?? *"4 b'* 111 ,u ^ ' ? mile* ??> made ?>y mm >d lb ? ? TH? LONG DISTANCE CHAMPIONSHIP OF TH* WOULD. To TBI EO-TOH Of TU* Sfuktino L'?b in relcreuc* to tbe vnrieu. cbailergen during id. past few day. to your Journal permit mo to ?vTha I nm prepared to det?nd my utle to tbo belt, and Will, therefore, be happy J? ?#et "ioS'wttb desirous ot making Li/e, betwe.n tbe me at tbe ofllce ot the alternoon ot boura ot one and lw? ? ?!??* k0 p,m0e to the city Mooday ?e?t S?ia waiter aSr?ed upon; ot cbioaao, at a time to oe ^ Yourn, said lime to be witbin tbe p yANlEL O'LBAttV. ^'uwnos, March 39, 1878. "mobile BACES. MAGNOLIA COOJ1B1S?riBBT ?**? MomL., Auril 10, 1878. Tbe Mobile Jockey Club race, com^nc^ io^ay the Oral bora. fl*. **?'>od *15' ,h r(X ,l .Starters. ???,? K. Shea's r. h. Kl.k, by ft.voiver^ireu, fl year. ^ old.. ..???? 'I Burueysione- g i.uoy *, 5 .......0^2 receive $75, second W. Cottrlll's eb. I. Adventure, by DbbIoI Boone ^ ^ j V. 2 Downing, ag?d .....? 2 a Mr. Caldwell's nrwsrw? $10 lo'tbe ibird. ^w,rt> ^ ^ & E. Hebeo III!".!" ill Fred Tyler a 2 3 Cloud Uambnno 4 3 4 Wade Hampton o 5 2 "!!!!.. dl?. Dan Burke No time taken. .. Darknesa oomtng on beiore tae race was finished It was poi^poBCd unill io-morrow. ? MABYLAND jockey club. WKIOBTtt ANNOONCXD KOli TDK PEYTON AND BANCOCU8 HANDICAP 8TAKKB. Tb. bandiouppcr bas uunounced tbo lollowlng weight, " t^borse. in tbo Peyton and Huncocas handicap. suk.s, to be run at Pim.ico during tbe coming races at that place, declaration, to be ma on or before May 8TAKJ!a mmmrna Uu\ yi rL' a^er W lbs,; B.ondelie, 9a 94 lbs? j ill? Urttr ivl lb? ? Simoon, ^2 lbs. , | lbs.; Indian, H: jr. , r# bT Uicken., 90 Suuiinanoa 91 lb?. , cbeainui j mud, 2^85;!? ncMuinaUons lbs band,- ; cap will be ' "" f? jy n ?ono "tl Mo?rte11, and ouly I iarasssfti'sub?; ^,*w *>?? and i 100 lor tbe second. One mile iio?ib and ?tw u iia*i)1Cap "take.-, ? M >0,..... " nominations. 11 '* '" ?h.lf ,orfeit anu ouly $10 trde M.s, toy,bo secoud oTared out, HU.idamttuibus, 110 "'"?j liorto. Parole, 1^ 'fon 11o lb., ? Vlo<*roy, 108 Viator, 110 IM. | l"'P'r? 00' toncri 100 lbs.; Zo?, iT M oT' oTkU 10V lbs.; ??ft! i?1 : J.CrUBeftb^W IWt.; Minuon, W lbs.; :?^e'r IbJ ; ? Indian Boy. - -i. k 80 lbs.; Joe Aiiston, 89 St I S !?; 1-. i LorllUid'a Bertiia, 80 lo^ ; Kinnie h... 80 lbs., Belma man, 86 lb.. ; Bayaro, 85 lbs. I BROOKLYN YACHT CLUB. Tbo Brooklyn *uoht Ciub bold tboirr.gulir monthly meeting U?t nigui at tboir room., oorner ot Court aud I B. H. Huntley, ot tbe Nmnllc, wa. elected Bear Com modore, to Hit ?bo vacancy otouloned by ??>. deatb ot jotin B. Norr... Mr. H. H. Lamport, Vice President o( tbo Continental Iusnranoe Company, wa. elected ? . ot .il0 club. E*-Commodoro O. T. Maigbt -TST ??..?>? ?>< ??? 1T~"" - unimportant cbaracter, tbe clal> a.ijourned. A CA1AMAUAN liACE. A took place on fuesdsy alternoon from a point ffllie Erie Uas.n, Soutti Brooklyn, to aud around Fort L.layett.i snl return. The contesting vee^eta ?S?ja-firaKr^-ssrss6 Tbe ruB occupied only toriy tlve m.nuui. WEE8TLING. COABLES MTJBFHT, OF NEW TOBK, AND CHARLES COBNJEB, OF VKBMOHT, MATCH KD. Mr. Charles Marpby, o( New York, and Charles Conner, ol Vertaont, both well knowu aa cbumpion wrestlers, met at the Clipper nfflee iu tbie city yester day lo tbe prT>s>uoeof a number ol sporting mou lo tucke a mntcb at collar and elbow wrestling. Tbey were nol Ions settling their buslnoss aa tboy agreed to wrestle on Wednesday, April 24, lor $310 a rldo the best two in three, lair buck lulls, uccordtog to K.a James' rule*. Tbev each pat up $100 forfeit, ana tho filial $150 undo Dili be put up two diya before tbe maicu takes place, and tho winner to take ibe pro ceeds alter paying tbo expenses. Tlio juuaes uud reieree to be chosen tbe night ol the affair. PLIiA OF A CO LOU HU TK1GEDIAN. Nrw Yosk, April 0,187a To tns Bditob or twb Hkrai.u:? Your article In this rooming paper beaded "Rich ard III lu Coffee Color*' you criticlza eoverely those wbo were uufortuuuto enough to be the willing tools ol A white uisu who atylee himself F. L Yernneo lato or Forda Opora House Batimoro Md. wbo held out all manner of fluttering promisee to myself k other If we would play In what turned out to be tho Uurle??iue ol Richard 111. lam night when the cur tain rose we wero lelt to our own resourtea with know Prompter no stnge mnnuger Ac nothing to help or give im k Id? ol what we should do while our inauager Mo??d in ibe Irout ol the House collecting tickets and money lor what he knew lo he A Iriiud and an insult to tntehgent people tt A stigma upon those who wore lo take part In that farce now Dear rMr 1 make no proteose to bcigo an Actor nor do 1 a-pire to hlstrontc lame I am only what you are pleased lo cell a Chesndt Mullnto with A locg head k A close cropped wool k in murdering lilchird last night 1 was only earring out tho managers instruc tional to tbe vert letter while I knew that 1 should nave done hotter with svm light pin*, but men ol in diligence At ?Tcat Intelei.t men w hu h'ire hud nil the advantage* in Hie have made great (allures In that powerlull At sublime Character ol Mhukeapoare, A whst more you expect ol tne Cnesnut Mnilstto BK.NJ4MIN J. KORD. OCEAN ttlEAMLUa. Iiattie? It air-him I' Calmd........ llnUatl*. a Mate of Nevada. Clt y if klrhmond llalretla.... ..... Hermann ANftrl* pemra.. Leaning Mete "i Vlrsint Adrlatle Bgrpt Meeet .,. Olty of New York Montana Ku-?t *etiledem I lollnnU t'itT nt Montreal ft lei and Hi ate ?t Indl tna Oder .... ? W liH'onaln...,... Aevada *1 l.niirent. f< Vlile de Paris... flnevla J'nnan .......... Wyoming 111 Mverneot., 11 Vondon. ? ? ? II Unlit rditm II 11 am liar.*.. II iMMNTSw. ? ? I It Liverpool.. in uvetp?ot. I :t[ llretnen. .. 17' i.iverpiHi'.. 171 ilatrr* IMlilnnitinrp.. 1- I ? ?i a?tov? .. 17 Broaiiwav. (W K roadway HJ Broadway ill liroadway Vi Hnadway I.. iiroauway I Broadway "i Howling tireen > Howling tireen ?"> Itroadwny til Hreadway <*'.! Broadway 17 Broadway M Hroiidwar : Mowhnrf Oraea I ft limed* ay At llroadway t Fiewthis i.ieen ?'l Itroadwny llroadway " "i ItroinWny ill Broadway 7/ Hroadwny i7 Broadway i it-wIlii k ureen J ' Hroacway ;tt Mr il l* iiy ? j'i t'roadway I Howling Ureen Vi HCiMMlwny .I Broadway i it "wiiinr wreen U Broadway ALMANAC FOE NEW YORK?THIS DAY. SOU AMD MOOM. I HIGH WATKR. Sunriewi 6 27 I Sandy Uook..morn 153 ?uu uu 6 36 I Gov Inland... .mora 2 38 Mood soli moru 2 20 | lie) I Gate mora 4 23 HERALD YACHT WEATHER OBSER VATIONS. April 10. Horseshoe. Bur Hcotlund 1/tihlp .Noon ? I'M S I'M Jktr. | Th-r Jltrh. 30.111 30.00 Uty. 4S Slut' ./ Veolkrr. Cloudy Kogglr ? loiidy bandy Hoos |12FMt30.0ul 471 8?K|Cloudy WESTERN UNION TIME BALL. Nkw York. April 10-Noon. The Wsitcra Union tina ball >u dropped correctly to-day. port of new yoiik, apiol 10, isrs. ARRIVALS. RKrOKTID BT THR IIKKAI.D NTKAM TACtlTH AXD HERALD WIIITISSTO.NK TJCLKUKlfS LIMI. Steamer Algeria ilirl. Wataon, Liverpool March 30 and fcU;.vTD ?,UV *i,h ?? E?w5 ?o cn,t ?Tr.j/i?- "'"derate weather all the passaae- April ,?lo". Sj.paaatU au laiaau steamer bouu.1 K; Li v'e r t?ooTfor*New Yor kf* U?0k' *hlP " 8 _ H.morN.uot Virginia (Br). Mooale. Glasgow March 'vr ?' md""tnd I'H,aengors t? Au.lln Jial.lwtu .t Co. Hi.t part or pas.age hud stroug N ?V Winds ; hitler part niolertite und variable; .April S I?t 47 Ion 43. pa.s -d steamer Victoria tlir). hence Tor liia.irnw Wh. I-* ?IO?. lou aU 3U. a hark (leering W. allowing ?ig.' nal. .H I M; ?..:no day. lat 41 ."Hi. Ion Go 33, bar* Ohig uecto (Hr), Irom Antwerp lor .Sew Voric Steamer Periere (Kr), Uaure, Havre March 30. with md.e and 17H paiscnger* to Louis de Keblan Stoamer City of Washington Tim merman. Havana 3 day*. 13 hour., with mdae and 75 nat..eiiger* to !?'. Alex andre A ?on*. April 0, lat 86 20, fon 74 24. alguallod an American hark bouud N, sliowin^ .l^nal. JGHH Sieanier .Niagara. Cnriia, Havana April ?. with mdae and i pa?*i*nicer, to Jas K H ard ?k Co. April 7. Camfort lik'nlliminfl be?rinr weat, named achr Edward Jolui.on from I'ascuuuuli for .New York. ' Steamer Alimuiarle. Uibbs, Lewos, Uel. with mdae and passengers to tlio Old Dominion Steamship Co Ship tureka (of Uiubmon.l Me), VV.n.lworth, Liveroool 2Ji dura, with aalt to Woo ruff A Uobinaon; vessel to J vV r.iwell A Co. Had southerly nnd northerly wlnda to til* liank.; afterward cnnngeable weather. March 23 lat 4ti li>. Ion la 20. .poke .hip Pattern (Mr), Itouno K: istli lat 411 20, len 33. bark "Asker." from lor Loudon Ship Alert (Nor), Jona.en, i^ndon IMiduys, In balla-t to Funch, Kilye .k Co. Hod line weatuer. ?Ship Wellington (of Wuidior, NS), O'Brien, Plymouth 53 days. in b iUaat. to J IV Klweil A Co. ship Annie Club, Callao 100 days. with iruanoto Vates A Pm terflcld. J'<ia>ed Cape Horn Jan 21 and ero.sed the Equator March ?, In Ion 38; off Hotter*, had a heavy ?NW Kuio. in wbicU loit and anllt Mailt. ?nd ahlppad great qiiantitiea of water: March 4. lat 7 2"> S, Ion 30, .poke baric Aik.liaw .Br), from Loudon lor Auckland. .N2, 4-j dav. out Hbip Klla S Thayer (ol Buth). Pultun, Savauuah O d.v>* wltli navul store. t > J W Klweil A Co. " Bark Aphrpdltn lot St .loliu, NB). Theakatona liver pool duyv via T.t'beo, in biiilnst to Seaiumell Broa Bark loloioeo (Au?>. Coaulii t. IAverpool 47 day. iu bal last, to J U Seager. Had moderate weather. ' bark Ak.Ihisuiuo (ltnl). Slano, lioolo UO days with coal to order; vc.rl to l.auro Storey A Co. ' JUrk Seaward (oi et .John. SB) Mactjegor, Limerick ?ei. 8, in biiilnst. to order. ? a. in day. off tue In.ii coa.t ? I cam" the northern pa-sago and hail con.taiu wentorly gaiee' Bark Hlovannina (ital), (Jargullu, lielfaat 29 day. In ball I la?t, to Latiro, Storey A Co ' Bark Bravo (.Nor) soreosen, Antwerp Sfldaya. In ballast, to frui.cb.Kdye A oo. Had heavy weather moat of the iiaaxage. Burg Daphne (Xor). Bartli, Antwerp 37 days. In ballast to <; Tobias A Co. Wai 1) day. .N of rlatteras, with strong northerly and westerly gales; sellt sails. Bar* ti S 1'enery (Br), Penary. Bromen Keb 13, in ballast to order. Anchored In Uravcsend Buy for orders ' Bark I'arijero (of lireenocfc). M. tilrr, i'etiambnco 29 da\s, witii anvar to llowlett A Torrance. Crossed the l-quator March 10, l? Ion 40; had line<'r up to Cane liatteras; thence four duys witii stroug .N\V galea and hoav.v seas: sma.hod two boats and anstained other dam. age. about tho decks. Bark Hornet, Hopkins, 1'orto Cahello IS days, with .toffee to Uallett Boulton A Co. W'a. 8 daya N oi Uatteras, with fctr-mg NW tfales. Barg Catelle (of Naw Haven), McDonald, Antigua 17 days, with sugar to II Trowbridge's Son*. Aoril 2 lat |M1I0. Ion 71 41). took a heavy SK gale, veering to NK Wowing a hurricane for several huura, then veering to An, inatlng (I days. Brig Kanger Jot Jnrsor), Lo Grand. Bio Janeiro 57 day* with coffee to F Bui toy. '? | Brig Dan (Bwe). Haibnrg, Pernambuco 33 days, with i sugar to Senliam A Brig Tl.iimalda (Daal, I'otoraen. Porto Cabello 20 dava I with coffee to Dallett. Bon,ton A Co. Was it days N of hat ??raa. with strong uortheriy and westerly gaies; anchored at Sandy liouk lor orders. Brig Alice (ofBeliso. Hon). Uoatspme*?. Tntxillo, Hon, Im i'-I"* w uKggers A lielnlein. Krom Cape ?iW? 11 l,.',d ",ron,r ".hence 4 day. with N. NK and N W galea, April &. lat 3<i 40 lou 73 4() spoke bark Hell (Br), bound W. ' ,ou ' < Hrt.A-Wt? (Br). Vale. Havana 16 daya, with supsr ; Ht hr Comat (of Port Jefferson*, Haylea. Tamplco via Pro. I jrreso ?0 .lays with fu.tle and hemp to A Dayton A Co. After passing liatteras had heavy N W galea tor three dars. ? . .m"i,0U* htl,?"on lof Cloucoster). Sloman. 81. Pierre, Mart. Ill days with sugar and motaeeea to II Trowbridge's .Ti*".? . ^ * ,:o- Wt"17 ''ays N oi Hatteraa with strong u-rtherlv end woaterlv gales ; April 7. during a he?vj gain from h W lost deck load, consisting at iVJ hhds inoia.seji; Sth, let *1. ton 7'( at, passed an automatic buoy, painted black with white stripes. Sebr Nellie K .-lawyer (of i'ortland). Bunker. Cardenaa 12 days, with .agar to order; vessel to K P B lick A C?. Had stion^ .V and NW winds. Schr Aon K Valentine. Pother. Charleaton 5 days, w 1 th lumber to order; vessel to J A Van Rrtint. fehr My Hover, Brown. Charleston 5 davs, with railroad ties to J K Lasher; veaanl to Kvant, Bail A Co. sehr Kranela, M ttheaan, (ieoruetowu, HC, 8 day*, with naral "tores to WovObou.o A Kudd. wirhhB\r.r:,^lr^^ivxii!#to,,n'rio-s<u^ lU-borrMVA*5piSr'lh- l0rt ? ?'?" 2?.br fi.r**dn"U?ht, Oriflin, liicbnrond. Ta. Helir Wellington. Phltllpa, KenneW ,|Uver 7 day*, with ice to the Newark Ice Co; veaaol to KP Buck A Co. *?" ^b,P (Nor), from I'lymoiith, which was anchoreti la the lower bay. ennto npto the city 10th AM PAS&Ef? THROUGH UULL GATB. BOUWD SOUTH. Steamer Kraaconla. Bratrg. Portland for New York with md?e and passengers to K Ames. ' Meamer City of Clfchlmrg Kills New Bedford lor New *<"k, with in.i?e aad pa>sen.>ers to Hsrllng A Uavl* Steamer Albatross. Williams. Kail Hlverlor New York Steamer Dorl?. Shirley, Provldonce fir New Vora with rads* and passenger, to Isaac Udell. Schr W II Wotherspoon (Br). Petti*. Wentworth. N8 for New V ork. ' ' | Yerk' , hl,n,p'on ,Br'" N<"reomb. St John, KB, for New Schr Mary Haws, Howell, Kockland 'or New York Schr Billow, Haskell, ironkland for New Vork Schr Thomas Potter. Ilardy. New Hedfori for New York Schr I lain bow, Darcey, Now lt?drord for New York Schr James ? Btiylee. Dlckrrman. New llodlord (or Bal tiro ore, ^ for New York. Schr Mand A KIIIj, Harris, t>loucester. Mass, lor New York. 1 Sclir Fleet wing. Bsglev, Gloucester on a llshtnir c-nlsa (*ehri)eorsre A I'lerre. Baker. :-alem for New Vork tehr A lienton. fhinney. I'roviiienee f<)r y,irk Sclir A Tirrell. Phtnney, Providence ror N-w Vork Schr Isabella Tlvmpson, llnll. Providence for NewVneW st^aw' l'0t,*r * Hu,^J'e,? Bradbury, Providence lor Haver'. four Chrlstlsna, lingers. Montana lor New York. Im hr Amot. Rogers, Montane lor .New Vork ectir Kseort. flra'tani. llrldgi port for New Vork Sclir lli'iiriatta Linden. Portland. Cl, h.r New York Schr Mary Ann Predtnore, Uteh, Coaneetlent Kiver for Schr John A Ohaffee. Bnell, New Haven ler New Vork Sclir Jeseph Allen, Allan, New Haven tor New York " Schr tilenwo-i.'. IHckenv.n, Now flsven for Amboy.' Schr Bachelor, Woou, live lor New York BOUND East. Schr i'arlns Rddy, Groen, New Vork for Bancsr Schr Dnvi.l Klil?, Torry. New York lor llangor ^chr Kate M Hilton, Adams. New York for Hath helir Tunis ilodlae, fdlvle, New Vork tor Kostou ' SchrT l? Mal.ew. Mahew, New Voik for New He.lfnrd Schr Slack-tone. Wlekson, New Vork lor Provldm.... i-chr S S Smith Know. New Vork for Providence Srtir K H Whll.lln. Cerrl., Ifoboken for Warren HI fclir <? I. Ifaiioll. Karkett, New Vork for Moniauk * Senr Mary Tice, Dunham. New Vora tor New ll??. Sc ,r Dan. Toms. New Vork for Httaford. "*ven Brig Jnila K Carney Colilo*, llobokon for Boston (and anchored iu 1 lushiug Bay). * BELOW. Bnrk Antoinette (S?e>. Ilanaen, from Bremen Feb aft CLEARED. Steamer Battle (Bt), PuraeU, Liverpool via Queemtown? It?1r fBr), Slrunwn. L-milon?F W .T Hnrnt, Htemner t'olumHn. Iteed Havana-Win I' Clyde A Co. itiMi'r Ken Barnea, Olieesiuan, hmriinnuh?Murray, 'Vt'eaiuoV'ialf KWretn, Ingram. Charl<i?ton-J W Qnln '"trmnor A 0 Btlmera, Warren, Philadelphia?Jamea Hm4 . ....... Htenmer Pranconla. Braica, Portland ?.1 f Am?i Milp Ue*<teniiind? (tier), Lamkn, l/ondon--Tlieo Kngor. clil|i'rtiuni'M Uana, lilneou, Han rraoclieo? Nlmonaon A "lUrk ItownWa (Nor). Johiiunexeo, Newcastle, E ? Fundi, Kdya A Hfirk ?'???* Maritlro* (ttal), Caatollo, Uioueeeter, E? H-n ti a iii A Boye*?n. Jterk llBlttti Oiori. Thoraen, tjoernetown or Filmouth for oHcti-A jtark .Irnuie Armstrong (Ur), MrNntt, Cette (Prune*). Bark InveetllMtor, Oofrrr.uentMi, Ae?Carver A lUrnef. H irk Urean IVarl, Henley Haalea I] K Meteait A Co. ilork Kniella (t?al>, D*wtliMM, I<*thurn?Lanro, storey A Scarpatl. .... ? H irk itloonoiceote (Hal), Beaaann, Oporto? Fundi, Kdye * Bfiir A (J Jewell, Been. Manietllra?Jdmoi Hon-jr. Itru <*??' Prtwo (Hill), t afli-ro, florileani?Hmham k B"Te?t'n. Itrt* PrDtelion- dial), Mano. Oette?Knueh, Kdre A Co. Hrlg John Moyd <l?r), Crowell, Pern irabiioo?Paul K Uer '"itrt* Prince** Beatrlee (Br), Slmmom, Point a-Pltro?II A Vulelile A Hon. . Hrlic Adeialdu. Htorer, Mora^nei, PH-L WAP Arm Hrli Aretae (Br), Roberta, Wlndaor, Nrt?J K Whitney A lift* Dim a /.nfla (Her), Kehaetit, Philadelphia-Fnach, Euvo A <'o. , Ndir Sllrer hpraf, Raeaell, Onruimno?Iianc R Htaple*. .-ehr Adda uimnd, Biekeraon, Baraeoa-B J VVentier^A Co. Brbr Melt, Kyan, Haraena -B J Wenberf A Co. Hi'hr WtldBre, Hearae, Book !*onnd i hlauthera)?B <1 hMir Charlie II Dow. Ctlllda, Mobile?8 D flurli.tit A Co* H-hr A cjtiodnian. Ilearn. HielimoM< Va?I II Wa^or. S.'hr rt S .iinltk, Hnuw, rrovldonoe-Cbua I ?lii|f. SAILED. Hteamere Bothnia (Br), fur Liverpool; Anitralia (Br), Londont Vlndnlana (Br). Antwerp! Haiti iBr), Porto c.t.oiii, Ae; < ar?nd"lnt. it .laKO, Ae| Oea Marnee, Koran ban , Unlf dtraaoi. Gbarieeteo. MARITIME MISCELLANY. Capt W Watson, oi lb* Cau .rU steamer Algeria, from Liverpool, cud Capt H Vo*s. ul tho Utrnitn steamer Let ting. from llamhurg, have our thanka 'or rpeclal uipteoro logical observations uiado la connection with the Herald Wc?ih?r .Strvio-J. The purser of tbe steamer City of Washington from lit vans, hot our thanks for (trati, Sutl* P R 'rom New York for Ban Krioctw, ashore in Port Wollast llarbor. Oops Horn. Inva In smooth waier. with seven fathoms forward and eighteen alt. Oupt llorriman telegraphs that the ship and ergo him t e raised. There Is Inturance on cargo at Sau Krauoltco to the amount of $Sk>,OOU Bark Klixor Vkrkos, Capt Coop, on tier laat voyage Ironi New York (Veb 17) lor Dubliu made tbe ruu from Sandy Hook to Cape Clear In 14 dijri. Hark Concordia.?A *nrvey on the buk Concordia (Nor). Olaeu. from Liverpool wlili *alt, arrived at Wilming ton, Nl". April - with Ion* of *para, Ac., found her foremast broken below tbe bouuda. foretopmaat nud furelopital.nut mast gone, foresail. torotnpsall and royal tall* lost, anil other *ails hadljr chafod and spilt. Cargo all right, Khe wae ordered to relit. Hark Stonkwaix Jackiom, Arbeeam, at Rnalon. rrom Havre. reports Feb 13. lat 4iM N. Inn 18 30 W, duriug a heavy SW gale, Muuniug I.IU, ?? a natlro ol Scot'* Bay, NB, full Irom the topmast y. r<i to the dock, fracturing bit tkull; he died tame day and wa> burled at *ea. Krom the lou of Ifl W to til W nad a continued succession of bard weaterlt rales, duriutr which split sail* arid ch.iicd fore aud aft start badly. March 2, barometer 28.-11, experienced a severe gale, coratueiciug at aud veering to si W, W , > W und X.VK, back to >? NW, biowiug with hurricane lorce and tremendous cross sea running, tea breaking nil over tbe ?hip, nlowii g the anrty a* high as the forayurd. thip lying to uuder leo cluw of lower rasln topsail, which at times wat becalmed When rolling la tbe trough ol the srt. .March 31, 13."> mile* K ot Cape Cod, had a hard N >V gale, daring which hlew nway inner Jib loretopmaat and iniwen stay rails, and split loretail aud was blowu off to the northern edge 01 the Oulf Stream. During the passage the barome ter ha* ranged the highest and lowe*t Capt Arbecain had ever seen it in the Atlantic, ranging frotu 28.41 to III.21. and during 2H years' experience at tea bad severer weuther thit pussa.e than ever liatore. Having a poor, Incoiups tent crew, not one being able to perform the dutica ol' a sesman. taitin with not a change 01 clothing, and tao only ot twelve that could aleer, hat been llio whuie cause of in jury to tallt and rig;ing. ,-c'tiuI. AM K.towxK*. Era?ry, which arrived at Para Keb 27. Iroin Boston. lia ? a v?rv rough vovago. >he left Boston Jan 22. and on 2* I. I'M, tliu second mate nt the wheel, and first mute standlnir on th<> tallrail behind, a heavy sea struck Iter under toe atarhoar 1 ijuarter, mid at the ?atue lime a tnow M|iiall at me k her a little on tie port quarter, causing her t? Jn>e instoiitlv, pittiinu the main .sli. et and liaiyardt, breaking malnbootn l.r> leet Irom the jawt, parting lore sheet and carrying uway foretopinnst back may; net ill to tnow heavily, (meting an It fell. Alter three hoar* hard wort made everything sun*. but waa un able to tare northing outboard. The mainsail, wliieh wat neaily'uew, wen. Itko brown paper at toon at the water g,.t li.nd of it, and only a taw cloths were loll 011 the head aud inacli. Both mate* bad a narrow escape from deatu. but having their evet on the anil waeti it ktnrted Instinctively threw thomseivea on the neek. I he second mate carri ?*<! with him :i spoke ul the wtieel, which ho atltl held in hi* hand when ile picked bimaell up. Aa toe main hootii came over it tore from the talfrail tho solid oak cbiKk through wbti-u tit) "beet waa rove, which would have brained tho mate but fur hit presence ol mind. Dur um thorcit ol the uight It waa almost lmt?>*aible to retain looting on d;ck. and in the mornlug Had 7 iuebe* ol ice 01. the liow<: X-'ith, ?pllt Inreaiiil nud irot It down to mend; aent main guff loiitail down and bent in place of malnaail. Krom 2'>th to 2Utu hud faarlul galea, during which carried awiy moat of luuvitrd* id (orerlgvlng parted furetopniaat back tta.v twii o aud broke chain plate*. All liaum. Butv rrpiiiruig until alt'Tiioen ot Keb 1, when tremendous *oa prevented work: Keb ??. h avy aea and lighi wind, veaael roiling and slutting horribly ; tore new lore ^all topsail: re paired it aud act an old to^aail and Jib, but *pht topsail into rage in a few hour*: l-eb 5 und t<, li-ad winds iueroa* iug to gales, carried away Jlbaj aueh pitching and rolling tlapt E aaya he never experlencea: Keb 7. fore rigging badly started In thi night; repaired and ahook reef out of foresail, wind being light, but aea running high as ever; 4 I'M. head of loretail gave way and while ropairing tem porary mainsail started; K. b 8, calm, but rolling so heavily that work wat *u*pende.l: 2*>lu, entered port of .Satinat, havlnir boen 30 da. * without .1 mainsail or boom, and had botn new to 1:0 iuto port with. As the cargo was much dam igeil by *alt water would dUchnrgo at Turn anil anil cur .0 thero, which would compel tho abandonment ot the design of aaovcuing the Amaiox hciiR Hostok, 112 07 ton*. .11 year* old, of Cotnlt Port, has been told to Altred Hull, of lioeton, lor ?100. Sen* M C Moski.kt. at Baltimore 10th from Cardenna, report* encountered heavy weather; loat foresail, deck load ot m"lnii*et and sustained other damage. St.oor Ida, 10.07 ton*, of Knimcmth. hat been (old to John W lllll, ot Wilmington, NC, tor $100. (iKORr.KTOWN, DC. April 0?Two dredvet commenced work here yesterday on the ehannol aud It will be completed In about 20 days. It will be dug out to lo leet of water. The canal opeot to-morrow. ?Halifax. NB, April 10 -The bark Wyre, which arrived to-dav from Liverpool, reports that she passed a large ice berg 3(1 milea east oi the 5fcwfouudIaud Banks. Sa* Krakoisco, April 3?They have not tucceedod In r'lsiug the sunken sclir Santa itosa, bnt two tchoonert were at work yesterday, who succeeded In moving the wreck ronildentoly in thore, where there It lest tide. The new acliooner for the Alatkfi Couimeriial Company wat sncce?*lully launcliod yetterday from Captain Tumor's yard, near Lo?ig Bridge. DtsAtrktis ron Kkbritart?The direction of the Bureau Ver'tat lias pubiitliod tho following statistics ot muntime disaster*, reported during the inrmth of Keornary, 187H, concerning all flags;?Sailing ves sel* reported lost?28 American, 2N Knglisii. 14 freneh, 8 Norwegian, 7 Italian, 5 Herman, & Auttiiun. 8 tiroes. 2 Danish, 2 Spanish, 2 Swedish, 1 .N'lc acat-usii. 1 Irutch, 2 ot which the nationality It noknowii. Total, 1<I8. In thl* number are Included 0 vessels reported missing. Steamers reported lost-11 Kngllah, I American, 1 Uraitilian, 1 Swedish, 1 of which the nationality I* un known. Total. 13. in thi* number li Included 1 steamer reported misting. Ovrrpcr?Btirk Assyrian (402 tons, nt Georgetown, PRI1, Murchison, sailed Irom .New York Keh 6 for Queens town. with 28,000 busbeie barley, and hoe not sine* been heard Irom SnimuiuuiK]-Messrs H Trowhrldge'e 80ns, ofXewlla veu. Ct. are huildlnir a brig of abont SV) tons at Madison, Ct. She will beootaploted this summer. LavNCSKD?At Newburjrport Aorll 8 tbe new schooner recently built by William McKay. Sb? It to be called the Minerra, commanded by Captain Cbarlot W Thurlow, aad is to engaue In the lobtter catch. At Kennebunkport, Me, Charlet Ward lanncbed a schooner of 40 tons, April 3, and Charlet Thompson wae to launch one ot 4.5 tons on the 8th. Work Is about to be Commenced on a acliooner of 000 ton*. NOTICE TO MABINEB8. Tlie Illuminating apparntut ui tlio lleht on Sandy Ncck li th be adapted to the use of knrosqne oil. The Weit Dennis Light wua put oa a kerosene limn lut woch. WHALEMEN. Arrlvd et New Bedford, April 10, brig* A J Rot*. Hyatt, from A'Uotic Ocenn, Bermuda Mitrcu j.\ wild 210 buls whale oil and 24.*) Il>? hone. Report* 4t!i ol April expe rienced a hutricane, epllt malnaiayaail and tor* ? bolt near tlie jrlieel out ii( tliorieCK; vtiircU 10. split foretopiiill. B-irk Llanlcl Webster, Borden, Nil, >it off and ou at Ber diiiiIii Marcii 2 t. with ubnut 4U0 bbla oil, all told, and aailed nextdar. Sailed Irotn Seychelles Feb 20. harks Cull no, Foliar, NB, to cruise; Man-eil*. Tripp, and-i'latina, Howland, do do; 23d. Andrew Hick*. Brown, of A'estport. do; Mareu 4, Min nesota, Allen, NB, do. Schr Petrel, recently condemned and sold, it at Fernan dtna. Kin. lint i.een repaired. and la to b<) fitted tor a what In.- vuyaire irora that port, under command ot Capt Owen Kiilior, ol Now Bodford. SPOKEN. Rhlp MltreJale (Br). Brown, from San Francisco for Qneenstown. Jan S, on tho hauator In the Paclfl-; r?blp Knreka, Wood worth. troin Liverpool lor New York. March 2 ?. lat 4*27. Ion 1(103 ship X Rim; (of St John. NB), frotu Cardiff for Rio Ja neiro, .11 arch 4, off itlo Janeiro A aliip, ehnwini: PKKH Ci. Irotn Calcutta tor New York, Jan l *>, l?t to 10 it. Ion 21 3t> I'. Hark (leorae Klnnmnn, Howes, froin Cadit, and pro ceeded to Ty 'tn April 7. off Charleston ttar. |tnr.. (Iloaniln tlir), from l.otidon for Philadelphia. April n. no lat. Jke (hr briir A J Knit, at New Bedford. Inth Inst). Mark W K Putnam (Hri. Pltla. f-om Calcutta tor Fal mouth. F.. M ?rch 2<?. lat 41 X. Ion 24 \V. Hark Ooolh" itler), Kuh'man, Irirm New York fur lire men. March 2.*l. lat 4.?, Ion .'14 Hark l.ltiia Irfdale (llri. Ma??ot. from Glasgow for Ma nlU. March 14. lat 40 III X. ion I I:?) W. Sehr ' (icor*H M?wart" (American :i masted), from Po'.t >i>, itourlng aouthward, March 7, lat 41 2 N, loa 17 W. OUIt CAULE SHIPPING N1W3. AffWRRr, April 10-Ball-d, ship Andrew Lnvitt (Br), Allen. New York; bark Alice Roy <l?r), MoKentle, do. Bklvast, April ? - Hailed, ?blp Iiydla (Br). Henry. United State*. IIallima, April 3?Arrived, bark Krona (Sw), Larson, Baltimore. Ilnairx, April 10?Arrived. bar* liesiuer (Oar). Cbrlt toffert. Now Turk. hailed lltti, alilp Xatie Hledenberx ((>er), Strieker. Now York. CAROirv, April 10?Sailed, iteaner Hlicol* (Br), Allen, New I ork. Ciiki?tiama. to April lO?Sailed, bark Mart (Nor), for America. CoMftTAHTisort.*, April H ?Arrived, iteamer Remut (Br), Thlrkell. New Haven. I)?*, April 10-Arrlred. bark Klavlo dial), Maretea, New York. DvrniKX'M, April ??I'awod, bark ftperansa (Nor), Olern, (r-'tn New York lor Kiilnoru. Fat-UOOTti. April ??Arrived, bark Hvadilfare (Nor), Fun nenmatk. Darien for ttotterdam. Off the Uiard 5th, tteaniert .Stag (Br). Willie. from West Hartlepool for New York; loth, Vnglla (Br), Young, from New York for London. UitAiToi. April l>? Arrived, bark Oeflon (Rut), Rarlen, peneaeola. lin t. April 10?Arrived, iteamer Egbert (Br), Yoitng, Boston. lUaatrna, April 0? Sal'ed, brie Euroclydon (Br), Hi it elair, Baltimore lUrna. April 7?Sailed, bark Hakon Jarl (Nor). Fuger atrom, United rttatat; nth. thiot Jacob A Htamler. Cryttall, New York ; loth, John Watt, Oethon, Mouth wen Pa?e. J.iVKurooi., April ?-Arrived, bark Banclntna (Br), Hiir fine, Astoria. Hailed lOtb. ateamer Bulgarian (Br), Treat, Boeton ; thlp City of Montreal, Mudgett. New York. Lionnoa. April ll>?Cleared, thlp Sir Robert Peel, L>arra> bef. New York ; brig Alaska (Br), Hale.row, Rmithville, NO. l.iaK.Rim. April f>?Arrived, bark Volpinl (Hal). Uneto Philadelphia. Hailed lutb, btrk Perolucov (Aut), Radlmlr, United State*. LusnommtiRY, April O-Hailed, bark Scotia (Br), Ilinee, United Htatee. Lawo. April 0 Failed, iteamer fltnt* of Indiana (Br), Hmlth (from (Jlasgow), Now York. MoTii.tjc. April 10-Arrived, ateamer Nova Heotlan (Br) Ritchie, Baltimore via Halifax for Liverpool (and pro ceeded.) Mai.ta. Mtroli 1?Arrived, btlg Kavorlt (.Nor). Btclbert. New York. (4iiKr.!?tTowK, April 10?Arrived, ettamer The Qtteen (Br). Alltrea, New York for Liverpool (and proceeded). Hailed I'Hh, ateamer Clt/ of Meatraal (Br), Brveat (fro* Liverpool), New York. ItoTTMMMK, April 0 -SuiteJ, slip MaeanUy. Bennett. Unliert State*. Kio ?)?*?*??, to April 0?Arrived. tark Wlnnlfr*4 (Pr). builth. H*li Soi'tiiamito*, April lO? Arrived. Bleamer Douau (Ger), Bus>ius, New York lor Bremen (and proceeded). Hugo. April 8?fall .d, bark Ufctterlna Aecamo (Ital), Marlino. I'luted States ttr?Tri*. April 7? Arrive J, brig Soil deo Gloria (G*), Wagner, Philadelphia.*. April 10?Bark Wlraburn (Br). llalllday. from Hull lor Savannah, before reported ashore on the rocki off Ihe coast of Cornwall, ha* been floated and towed to Pal* mouth. WEATHER REPORT. Hot.? bap, April 10. I'M?Wind K, moderate gale: baron et-r -ifl.WW. Plymouth, April 10, PM-Wind XK, moderate: barometer 20.72. FOREIGN PORTS. Anr.w, March 12?Arrived. bark Csaeo. Pennr. Reunion. Ai.kxakdkia. K. Marco 21?In port, ???Ur Jano hmson, Pearca. Ir.nn Salnnlc?, arrived 2?Jth. ajijkr. J ail 7?i'aised, >bip Criterion, Lull, from Manila for New York. w ? Habaxquilla. March 16-In port. ?chr Addle K Miow, Haskell. lor Boston. Idg Hatabano. April 1? Arrived, schr A A Booth. Bayies, (Honduras). and sailed 3d to r turn. CitOUrM, March 8?In port, ?hip? Robert Kerr (Br). Finn ling, lor Boston ; Idoiuen# (Bri. Kelly; Arethusa (Br). Steven, and Star of Al'doa (Br), Huxhee. for New York; Garibaldi, Thatcher, lor Bombay el-Arail 7th); Fannie Tucker, Roberts, for do ; Daniel 1 Teniu-y, Wtleon; .Susan tlilnioro, Uarvar: Reporter, Sprint, an I Willie tteed. Yale-, uiic: Peruvian (Bri, llerrv. for Falmouth, e; Couipt" (Br>, Hart.unc; Chlpman (Br), Lewis, do; Erlu a tieni (Br). Ilall. do. >aiiod from Saugor March 5, abipa Lvra (Br), Mosher, Boston: ittii. llludoatan (Br), lor Trinidail. VimrunilM, Mareh 2S?Arrived, aclir i**na K Hlo-er, S-jarnv. Falmouth ; 3tHh, bri?a Emily R tymoud (Bri. Htar ret. tlnadeloupe; Slat. 0?mo (Br), looker, Mart'lllo*: ?ehr Blink Bonnie rB-). Sa-.ilne, Kin??t-n. Ja; April 2, barks Idaho. Kve. New York; Sam Sheplwrd (Br), Dnrf?e, do: liriita Uuaco (Bri, .Morehouse, .?owanaea; Alida A Smith (Bri, Smith. Aionteuo Bay : achr* C W Mav, DavIb, 1'hiladelphla: Alex Harding. Mellrlde. New York; Jenuie Kosalene, Tooker. do Mill-d March 28, aclira Henry Wlthinrton. Ohnae, Charleston: 2fltb, I'hoa W IIold*.-, Hideout, Savaoilla; SOtli, Kille iBr). Burton. Halifax: Albert L Butler. Raton, ISosiou: \pril 3, brix l:alliax (l)r), Powot*, Halifax; >chr Ne lie. I*erry, New Yor't. Caiipknas, March SI? Arrived. acbr* Emma F llart. Hart, Havana; fame M Richardson. Richardson, Phila delphia; Grace W ebater. Yo tug, Bt Thorn**. Salle I MarnhSI. bri** Oaorge !'. Pal* Plercs. N of llat teras: Mariposa. Milton, do: ?e(ir James Slafsr, tlawklna, do: April I. bri.: Joseph Clark, Stalll. do schra Henrlefa. Hill. So: l' A Krene, Keene. do; Nelllo Sawyer, Bunker, do: Magirie Hailing, (latin*. do. . , ? Hata.ia. March 31?Arrived, brlir Jeremiah, fori, >o? York; Milir >hl?o Wing. Phnlan, Shleldatiorough: April 1, barka Antonla hala. Iiiee, New York: K It Daraey. ,Iac? aon. Liverpool; Mllo (Bri. Holiln*. do; 2d. brig- C.?xat? le. nparka. South AmUoy. NJ : (Ma, Holland, i'lilladal Dhia: Albertl. MeOanlder, I'arJilT; 34. '? W W akefurd (Br), viurciilaon do; Kllen 11 Kleh, I'aiae. do; 4th, bark Crown (Hr). Wandleea, Liverpool; 5tb, ateamcr Fiber (Br,, Rlctt ardaou. Vera Crui. . Sailed Mareli 31. bri* Klorenoa (Br), Maraden, Balti irore: April I. bark Blidatow (Br), W'illlama. Oalveaion; brig Antonia Llaaat(Sp), Borotan. Savannah: Jd, bark* M (1 iSp), Cnerra. Wilmington; .luiiana iSp). Iiaraa..r.ta, do; orig Ortolan. Dorp, Phlladelnhla: 3d, barka Joiiath iit (/ha*e, Curti*. New York; Auxinta hlaa iSp). Uartela. *Vll miuxtoii; brig It W Meaier, Hewitt. Matanaa* and Ihlla delpliia. . ? ? Cle t ed Mireu.30 *ehr Willie 8 Shepherd. Reeve'. New York: April 2. barka Chriatln* (Sw). Lundgreu. Mobile; A K Botaford (Br), Atkln*on, Penaaeola; brig Jo?l* C llaa-l tlne. Wood, rtavauuah; acur John F Krani. Howe*. I lula* ?lelphla via Matanr.aa; 3d. bark (llenllTer (Br) t/iimmlnir, Baltuuoru; brig Acadia (Bri, Horn. New York via t ar denaa; ?chr? .itepliou Hartilmr, Hardline, Bultlin"re; Leon urd A Uurnhain. Brtgiia, Penaacola; Kate I'arlton (Br), Thorndike, Carienaa; 4ih. brlga Pedio Turn It (>p). Maa, Baltimore; Uloria* del Maanon (spi. Millet. Chirleron llALtrAZ, NS. April 0?Cleared, brig Minnie Butler (?rt. MeKaehern, lieiiierara; Dth, ateainer Scandinavian (Br), Biciiar<l*on (from Liverpool), Baltimore. Arrived lOtn, hark W.vre (Hr), Mlnner, Liverpool. Matagukx. Pii, March 'ii-Salled, brig I^ird DnOerln (Br), Ne* York, >ith molaatea. In port March 2.3 barn Manlton, Sclirievo, for Baltimore; brie* Lulan iBri, Day, for New Haven; (Br), Frellch, lor Delawan Breakwater; nehrs Annlo L*wl?, Lewis, for d ?: Wm Wllaon. Ward, dl*g; Aldlno, Dennlaun, utic: Ln^ano. McKowan, do. M ATANZAS. Mi.r;h Arrived,bark Minnlo Hunter.M'nnd man. Dublin; brl?a Antelope, Kav, t'ardonaa; Morclng fit ?r (Hn. Klrhy, li-vnna, (andaalled April ."> for N of Ilatteraa) ; Km ma, Buckman, Havana; Harriet fpham (Br), Put nam, Barbado*; achra Lahalna. Ilouuhton, Havana: Clytl', I Laugbten. do: Slat, bark Rachel. Wall*, Barbadoa; brlii Ilolen t) Pninney, Sylvester. Havana; April 1, brijr Alice Lea, Foater, New York; achr V L> Hickman, Konney, Philadelphia; 2d, brlga Ageuora, Crickett, Portland; 3d, R W Meaaer. Ilewttt, Havana Sailed March 31, bar** Coreeten (Nor), llallegren, N ol Ilatteraa; Fiery tJroaa (Br),Taylor, do; Enchnntrea* (Br), McCarthy. Kt John. NB: April 2, brig Liberty. Dcverenx. N of Ilatteraa; achr Abbot Devereux, liaaknll. do; 3d, barka Sandy Hook. Nichot* do; Nortnu Stover. Sherman, do; Sacadahoc, Power*, do; *clir* Mary J Coo*. Cook, da; Chaa F Never. Poland, do: K It Balrd. Mar hew. do; Mb. I bark Yllg (Nor). Oeruldeen. do; H J Ltbby, Baokman, do; J 11 Chawiok. How, du. I OroKTo, March 1?Arrived, brix Gloria (Ital), Vaaile, New York; 3d, bark* Oermauia (Port), Pelllca, do; Marja rlda (Port), Sllva, Baltimore. SoUitABATA, Fob 14?Mailed, bark Margaret Knight (Br), Beahrooxe, Pa<iang. _ i bt Oixkis, March 2?In port, brig Marr Celeate, Tot 1 hill. fr>Mn' Vaurltlii*. to *all March 4 lor Ma<iaaa*citr. I Sat.UA. Marcn 30?Arrived, bri.* Trankoe (Br). Kir palrlca. St Thomaa; :11st. Renahaw, Sylvaater, Havana: Hagna, Monday. Philadelphia; aonr M A Folaom, Dodge, | M nchlaa; April 4, brig Sullivan, Katon, Calharlon. Balled March 3U. ?chr ti Curtla, t'artl*. Delaware Break water; April 2, bark Florenee Patera, Mvuntford, l\?rt land. siirLBL-BK*. KB, April A?Arrived, thlp Lannie BnrrlU (Br), itobertnon. Havre: bark Onwii Jewel (Br). Prlli, Liverpool (ordered t? St John, NB). Tkikidad, March 28?Arrived, bark C B McNeil, Crowell. Bt Jugo. [Pk? Stkamkb A rentia.] Bkhtol, March 2d?Arrived, Ontario, Coalfleet, New York. In Klngroitd 28th, Alfarln, Sorenaen. from N^wOriean*. Bakokioma, March 27?Arrived, Henrlko, lloatmann. Now York Batatia. Peh IB?Arrived, Canine. A very. Cardiff. Sailed Feb I">, Akbar. Lattiaon. SouraOaya. Cock. March 27-Arrived. Ruth Palmer, Smith, Balti more. CorxNHAGEK, March 25?Arrived, Hubra, Ot tor beck, New York. Duet.ik. Mareh 27?Sailed, Rlcbara. for St John. NB. Dukukxics!!, March 2S? faaaed W, King Cwirle. of 8t John. Nil. Pkcamp. March 26?Arrived, Emllle, Blraomen, Balti more. Glasgow, March 20?Arrived, Ralph B Peake, llolten. Lobo*. Guritjrocg, March 28?Arrived, Henry, Morteuten, Pen** cola. Sailed 2^th, Arlington, Palmeraton. Sandy Hook: Hope, Cnniinln.'. (Quebec Crgiin*. Ber?, New York; Caatalia ta), Crlncle, Me uterraneati. (liuiuA. March 2S? Arrivod, Columbia (*), McKay, Glas gow. Ac. Sailed 2(1th, C<mce*lnne Immaealata, stinea. New York. IIabti.kphoIh March 2H-8*iied. Kioto. Ling. Genoa. II atiik, Mareh 27 - Arrived In the road*, Benniore (*), Smith, New Orleana lor Rounu. Mall.-d 2^lh, Medtmr Jenaen, and Xellte May, Rlalr. New York; Scioto. Mitchell. New t'rleana; Commerce. Nlckeraon. D-laware Breakwater; Job* Clark, Roaa, Sandy Ilook ; Matilda C Smith, Smith, St John, NB; Belle, Bar'abr, Cardiff. LirKltrnni., Mareh 2H?Arrived. Earl Granville, Uadwln. Aalorla; ?Hh. Str*thearn, Andornoo. do. (iff 20th, Dartmouth, Raymond from Baltimore for Bar row. Sailed 2Hth. Servian. McDonald, Cbarioltetown; Jftth. Cl>tle, Talt, ynehee; 30th, Federleo (??, Aberaaturi. Ila-, vana; Powhatan (at. Sewtii?ton, I'alermo via Cardiff; Re volving Light, Coonan, St John. NB. Cleared 2Hth. J S Crowe I, Sandv Hook: Morden Dronnlnir. Ilerrlcliacn. ijueheo; Brilliant. Ilarton. Mlraml chl; 20th, Larnnia (*>, Carl. New Orleana: Induatria. Sehlantno, New York: Wealmlnater, Morrl*. Qnehee Irfinnox. Mareh 2l??Arrived, I'rlmo. Barblere. Now York. Cleared 3D?h, Holland ill. Ileelv. New York Kntrred out 2ftth, Plrmonih Roek, Birmingham, Now York; 30th. K*te Howe McNelly, Rio Jnriaini. Lvg.v, March 20?In the road*. Mexican, Griffith*, from (It Mnrya; Pater, Medeirlietta, Baltimore. I.irARP. March 27?Off, apatk (achr), faom Philadelphia for !<ond<>n. Lmrn. March 20?trrived. Harmony. Dlnamoro, New York : Spanker, from do; R*an, Coijovlch, do. Sailed 2*th. J J Stroaamcjrer. Mitkln. Sew York. MAMPti.t."*. Wareh 27 -eall?d, liaffaelo, Lavarcie, New York ; Arbntua Illegal, Montreal. M ai.aoa, M ?reli 21 Hailed, Daniel Draper, Sedgby, Del aware Breakwater. Madhitios, l-eb 1-Balled, Mary Teieite. Tnthlll. Bnnlon; rtlli, Eagl? Win Ill vke, Adelaide; F. Miller, lllll. Johan na: l.*>th. Alex Yeate*, Dunham. Bombay; 23d, Adela 8 III-la. Jenkina. Aili lalda,, March SB -Cleared. Malblt (llol), for Sotira baya and Columbia River; 20th. Conciliator (of ShielJa), for (Juabec. VswroKT. March 20?Cleared. Ilalden, .Tneobien. Quebec. Nawnr. March 26?Arrived, Garigllano. Savareae, New York. Nari.e*. March 25?Arrived, Caledonia (*), Allison. Glaa gow, Ac (and sailed 2tlth tor Meaalna>. OnManvtn. Mareh 2H Off, Shelhurne, Murphy, from Liv erpool for Da aware Breakwater. I'oaragoi th. Maicn T*? Put In 201 h, Connaugbt Ranger, l!an?terd. Now York for l-onoon, I'itmoitk. March 28-Off. Fras Ttinrpa, Buck. Portland ..r ilavra: lleetanooga, Joknun. Loudon lor Delaware Breakwater. pA?sABint?"??, J*n 2S?Arrived. Spartan, Cro**ley. Pro bollngo. gtiKyv'Towji, March 28-Sailed, Tilda Flglla, Panslnl, Flfotwood: tibllo. Trucco, fllonceatar; Konx Carl, llanaeu, Dublin; Amalthe*. s*lver?en. Gloneeateri Clilttagong. J arris, do: 20th. City of Ma'raa, (Iranyar, Bristol. Horn*. March 27?Cleared, Andrea* Klia, Salvesen, Hew York. Hi vogBtAwm Mareh 2*-Arrived, Iflgenla, Bacbleh. New for*. snirf ns. Mareh SO-Arrived. Maria, Ruat'll, Penaaeola. St ('AWismi'li PnmT. Mareh 28-Off, Consolation (?), from Leltli for Savon*. sr Na*aib?, Mareh Sn-Balled, Albertlne, Schltte, Mlra mlchl. isntmsti. Feb 2S- Hailed, John F Roberteon, MeMlll*n, Phlladelpbla. Snima, Fab 10?Arrived. Ada Wlasrell, Wlswell, Hong Kong. Sailed Feb 24. Moee* B Tower, Hallatt. Batavta. STasrra or Stl^nt, Fab 13?Paaaed. Chase*. Waahbnrn, from C?i?n for Liverpool: Jnr<?o, Wrnit, from lion* Konir lor Sew Turk (fit I itb, Marlon, llowei, lr?m do for do. St I'Arf. pb Loaspa. Feb A?Mailed, Adttle M Chadwlek, Collainore, Boston VAi.evriA, M?rsh 2?>? failed, Arab (?). Brown, Phlladel b'iIh ; 21*1, (ilady* (*), Brlttalu, New York (and Bailed from Olbrallar 23d). llBiarot (Pllli, Mar?h 2f^-The Norwegian bark Alfaeln. Rorensen, from New Or!eana, parted both esblee la King road Oils morning, and was towed to Bristol. The Norwegian hark AJax. Apena*, from New York, drove from her anchor In Kingroad tbla morning. OltArraKKn, Mareh 20?Ihe bark Mlaalat'ppl, for Mire mlctil, ha* ynt back with lose of anchor* and windlass dam aged. AMERICAN PORTS. APPONAUG. April 7?Arrived, achr* Susan B Franklin, Grlllln, Philadelphia; Holen, Searle. lloboken. BimrtiN. April O-Cleared, steamer William Crane, Uowe*. Baltimore via Norfolk ; schrsJ II DeWolle I'aaer, Kennebec, to load for Alexandria: Knoa R Phillip*, Baker, Norfolk, Va. via Kennebec Itivari Luln, Snow, Baltimore via Kennebee Rirer. loth?Arrived, steamers Marathon (Br), Oarnett, Liver pool; Gen Whitney. Wlllett, New York: bark Joaeph Baknr. Ryiler. liuantanamo: brlir Bditn. Clerfu*xn?| *chr> A M' Vlak. Kelly, Cietilnegoa: Ben| Oliver. Raymond. Ylrginla: Nellie H Jewltt, Jewltt. Baltimore; Ellen M Uol'len. Hodgdoti, do; James II Moore, Dnane: John it Wright, Lee; Wm A Crooner, Kelly; K Van Duaen, God , frey; J W vfelilogton, Klce; Joseph Baymore, Bardie; I Vno, Stockley; Twenty-one Friend*. Jeffer*, and A P I Bowe l, Lank, Phila4ei?Me| Tbonae W Haven, Carey, ( Weehawken. rteirtd-^lemntri Semlnolf. n?ll#tt, Savannah; irin, WbJIdm. rhil ..IdptiU: Neptune, Berry, Naur Yofk; *curf Norman, 4?t?nfa?*u'?>t; Kthet 4 Merritt. Kltitriton. HAliTIXOKh, Apr! 10?4 rrtred, eteani??rii Itoronda (BrK Kn"U. Iilrer^'H; mry O, So^Men N'oiUwuy Hirer; r <Jadwnlii-1er, i-larli. New Vorfc; barkft Colonist (Brt, ltoi?it? n. Bremen. i??iuputtrro iHr), Collier. Kio Janeiro 1 It K*lf.i?t; biijf 'ieur^o K 1'iorco, Ko'SN.ddalen. (It.ll. Fernando l.on duairry-brig Allred. Gauiaue. Rio Janeiro; .cUr. Ea.tou |i k r \btco* ll A lab??r. tfei?*on, New Bedford; Julia 43 Hton? 2?mh.MH.I-1: Helm. Perry New.York; K 0 Lvoii Jeffrey do; 0 II Booth, Bennett, do; i rtrel, Web mi!tr hiMion * kute K Mich. Duu-'hty. do . Ktornnona. Ttiomp. Bli.., Il.1u.0n. *"Uih Xorwulk; A M Le*. William.New ark; Twilight, Robersou, New Uftven. JSlla* Moore, Lowis, Wiillaut?mirtf. ? _ Suited?Steamer Bur.well (Br>. . a_i.K b. ??- ? BaTII April S?Sailed. ?obr Uampdeu, Smith, for Bo*. d0U?h-8aUedO,l.0h?.r F.o'uc^I Lockwood Si John, to load Holme., Ryder. Frankfort, to 'T-VjaJM "ksToN,' April 10?Arrived. sebr Mattle E Tabor, ^(Jff p.Vt?Sohr A W Anderson, from Baltimore ; Kate 0 Robin-on. from Philadelphia. . K.W.on Stestners Santiago do Cuba. for New *ork, and Kalcoo, for Baltimore. are detalued by heavy weather. D-LaWaKK i.'ITV. April 10?Arrived. ?Ur Jam*. M Bayle. from Bath. Me. via Delaware Breakwater. KDOAKTOWN. April 0 -Arrived. .chrs Eurek*. Of'*?0 New York for Salem: It S Mill-r, Jar?g, do lor Boston. Walter B Young. Davi. do lor Ellewerth. In port-Scbrs 8 J Llnd.ey, Kennedy, from Kew Yorfc fw Round I'linri. Me: J??eph Haymore, Bnrdge. fro in I hlliv delphla (or Milton: John (1 Wright, Law. from ao for B ??. ton- lames Henry. Snow. New York lor Button: Robert Poster, ttoblnton, io lor sit John, NB j John Balcb, Hannah, d Am?Ted. .chr. Daniel Krltlaln. Som-ri, New York tor Gardiner; 8 1' llall. Smith. Philadelphia for Round 1 Sth'-Ar'rived, sehr* Mary Brewer. Tolman. NewYorkfoi Clark'. Islands Pennsylvania. .-savage, do for Dover. Nil I \lni>m ?k. t'lark, do fordo; ?teamtu>? James Hitler, Joun* son W is Inaton, t>0, for Ken ???berk Hirer. _ . , Also arrlvd. brltr Ann KllxtUeth, l>ean. Now York for notion: sch.Vl.ola. Smith, do for Newl.urvport: horto Klco Armstrong New York for iortlant, Win Butman, S irowl do lor saco: Harbinger. Hatch. Now tork for Ne* burrpo'rt; 11 J ilantbltii, Onapman, do do. . Fo\tVl?HKri^l{oNRu8. April 10?Arrived, .hio Oakland, Purlnk. Point <le Lobos. *"eklng; bark Anna (Br). lie Phall. lnvergjrdeu (Scotland), for orders. Passed in for Baltimore?Bark Ooorije Peabody, Wil.on, fr""as"'" 'ln0*or? Norfolk-Ship Oeo Peabody. Clark, from ^r'/tlVliR. April 8?Sailed, steamer Fanlta, Smltb, PhlUdelptila. ... ?? oun Mth-Arrived, 9t*amar Ashland, llowm. PhftMtlplli** s<-hr? Jesso Mordoek, llolden, au 1 R II Congdon, Mtlllken, Baltimore. ? , Sailed -Sohr Nev. Buker. Now York. OLot' Mai*. April 0 Arrived. aehr. Mary El lsn Bullock. Kockport, Ste, for New Y irk ; Watchml. Gill, from Hallowell tor Albany. ...... ., . tlOHILK. April 10-Arrlved, bark Llberta. (An.), BIMYsTUJ*A?rll H_Arrlv?d. ?cUr? W W Bralnad. Payne. Ilobokou; Eva Lewi., Lewi., and E M Well., Bishop, New ORI.KAX8. April ?1?Arrived, bark. Cm (Nor). Lorentren, Kouen, via st Thoma.: l.el)lld (Nor), Rvooem, Skinii. .Norway: Chrirtina (Nor). Uldrichaan. Kouen. t:U*arrd?Schrt Wa.Dlnctoii, Jordan, (ialve.ton; Geo B Yomiir Marshall, Pcn.iicoja. 10th?Cleared, .teamer lludaon. l>a?er. New York. , Paikkn, April in-Arrived, ihlpi jalnnie II Gerow (Br), Oerow, Liverpool: Rupoiioder. Grooker, Havre. . palled?Steamer Morj;nn City. NOKKOiiK, April rt-Arrived, .hip Nonantnm Foiler, Liverpool; .chr. John, Khoadc*. New York; Warden X Evan?. I'runroa),-Sow ^ ork. ,. ! NK^Bt'KYPi) T. April ?-Arrived, eteamer Hcrculea, Hwa.ey. Philadelphia. Hailed -Srhr Coinmeree, Janvrln We.t Indie*. ?KW BEDFORD, April 8-Arrived, .chr Daniel Web iter. Wln.low, Port Jolineon. , Sailed?Sellr. Jamo. K, Haylo.. Dickinson. New York. t<J ioid for Cuba; Rainbow, lor New York. Arrived?Schr John II 1'erry, Wood.. Philadelphia. 3.Ilod?*chr? riva Bird. Gott. New York; Rachel Jan* Burdirk. and Saratoga. Nleker.on. do NEWPOIt'r. April ?. PM-Arrived. U S steamer Cactns, 1 Latham. Now London, with Lieut Meld on board. Inspect In* llichta and buoy.:. *ehr lloueat Abe, Duncan, Port Johnson for Woo<l'. Iloie. . .. Oth?Sailed, sehr 0 P Schtiltli. Youn#. Elixabethport for ^NliA^LONDON. Aorll 9?Arrived, schrs Charles Carroll, Amber for Norwich; A ilnrney, do lor do; Silas WrUht, Hoboken; K H Miller, do; Keseuo. do for Pmvidenco; M U Varnvy. do for Fall Klver; Ancler, New Yom for Ware ham ; Harvest, do fur Uncasville; X A K IlenderMD, BaltL mor>- tor Ailyn'. foint. Sailed?Sclir Mnr>* Weaver, Philadelphia. N r.w IIAVbN, April 8 -Arrived, bri* T Towner, Perklna, 8t Croix; .chr Alice Searle., Mills. Perth Amboy. POKT MADISO.H, April 2? Sailed, .hip Coquimbo, Arer, Ban Franclioo. PASCAGOULA, April 0?Airived bark Wlndebrand (Ger). Andreeen, St Tbomes; sebr W L Bradley, CUa.e, Havana. Cleared-Rchr Eocene, Bunker. Philadelphia. CENhAOi>LA, April B?Cleared, ?cbr James A Potter, O/ler. B iston. PORT ROYAL, 8C. April 10-Salled, brig Fanny (Br). Thomas. Lynn, E. rlULADr.LPHIA, April ft?Arrived, sohrs Ther.*sa A Koene. Keene. Cardenas; Annie M Allen, Conalln. Ken* nebeo; W P Davis, Miller. North Carolina; Fannie Han mi*r. Brooks. New London (not Nantucket). cleared?Schr. Seth U Todd, Norwood. St John, MB: Vrale, Sharp. Boston ; J H Hud-tell, Jr, Sharp, do; Malr k Craamer, Coombs, Portland. li it It Artlved, steamers Kqnator, Ulnrslev, Charleston; Beverly, Wallace, New York; schrs Mary A Holt. St*u wood .sew York; J aw W Starr. Burton, Gardiner, Hattle 8 Collins, Bralnard. Lynn; M H Read, Benson, New Bed ford Also arrived, steamers Panther, Miller, Provldenco: shin Bolivia (Br). Ulucay, Liverpool, via Bandy Hook: bark Kevtewor (Bt>, Brown. L ndon, via New York; ?obr? D'lsey E Parkhutlt. Hooper, Trinidad: Ada H Allen, Du*>?|r. WliMaev, MM; laaae I. Clark, i>ake Prnvldancet Mac?le Cnmmlos. Smith Ouhaasett; w P Cox, Simpson, Yatidemerc, NO; 8 Y W Simmons. Campbell, Savannah. Cleared?Steamers Lord t/llve (Br), Urqubart, liver pool: Crest (Br), Darling, yo? ship Hanna <Nor), Lutkin, (Uaeflow: bark Candeor (Nor), Neiisen, Conenhaicea; briK Battle (Br), Briuton, Havre; Mbrt Zinira. Reed. Huvaaa; WL Ab ott. Ludlam, Port.mnntb, Nil; John Slusman, MeCall, Boston: L A A Babcouk, Smith, dt; J K Manning. Candy, do; Index, Scull, Salem; liucv May, Freeman. Haverhill; Trade Wim1, Lloyd, Soi? ervt: Julia A Garrison, S:nltli, do. Also oie ?red. steamers Saxon. Snow, Boston : Catharine Wbltins, llaidius. Providenoe; Fault*. Smith. Fall River (and all sailed); Ann Klisa. Warren. New York; barkt Marv K. Goodwin (Bri, Robertson, Genoa; schrs Joseph Muxllcld, WlliUms. Gardner; Malr A Oranmer, Coombs, Portland: S A HofT.iiau. I'asliley. l'ortsmoutl.; J J Little, G.m'y, Hmeiiam: Allen Green, Nlckersoii. Boston; Mar. th> Innls. Newcoinb, l.rnn: M II Head, Benson, New Bed ford; llatlle Perry, Chase, do; Hattle S Collin., Bralnard. Newtlaven ; L A Danenho?er, Pedriek, Georcetown. DC) Loi tie k Annie, Met"ready, Wasbinirton. Lfwx., De>, April tt-Arrivod. brig Mariposa, Milton, Cardenas. 10th?Arrived, bark Cbae Diokens (Nor), Erlckieu. Oal W*^issed up?Steamer Lir1 E.llnirton (Br), Blair, from Lisbon: schr Irvine Berry, from Trinidad (Cuba). PORTLAND, Me. April 0?Arrived, schr C W l*wl?. Da rlon for Ynrmonlb. Also arrived, sehr Belle Brovn, Hunt. Rockland, to loa* for Martlnlae. I'leared?Schr I L Howard, New York. 10th?Arrived, steamer Lake Meitantle (Br), Battersby, Liverpool; schr S 0 Hart. Wllminicton, NC. Cleared?Brl( Blta Wnlttemore, Wricbt. DrogLeda (Ira land). POrtTSMOL'TH, April 8?Arrived, sehr Perklomen, Al* b*rtson, I'hlladelphla. PROvIDKXcB. April 0?Arrived, stesm-r Doris, YonnK, New York:s.Tbrs Neille Snow, Snow; II W Plero<-, Pierce; John W 14*11, Cabwni, and Marr Matbeson, Barnard, Vir? vlnla: Crls le Wright. Clark, Baltimore: Belle R llntl. Brash, Port Jobsaon ; Tlllle E, ilasaell. and Aothony Bur ton. Johnson, Perth Amboy; Henrietta, Sprague. Wood, brldre NJ Sailed?fiteamer Panther, Miller, rhiladeinhla; sehrs Ilerschel. Chamber., Baltimore; Lottie. Souiers, do: Sham rock. Troy. Ilaverstraw; Maria L?et, do; Sarah Hrn?n, Read; Laara S Hatch. Kelsey; Kveryreen, Turner: VeLus, Clark: Nathaniel llulm'S. Dow, and Damon, Carver, New York. PAWTUCKET, April 9?Arrived, sehrs Emma O Kd wsrds. Bryant, Philadelphia: Rva Dlverty. Gandy, Ho. bu.en: A G L-wson, MehrhnlT. Haeknnsvk RICHMOND, April ft-Arrived, schrs Jacob Kensat, Beeves, New York; Annie V Bergon. Thompson, do. Salted?sehrs Frank Walter. Crosby, New York; A V Beriren. Tnomrnon, do; Jsoob Klontle, Reese, do; J 0 Uralts, Hock land. S.vN FRANCISCO. April 'J?Cleared, ship Germania, Kahler. Nanalnio. P B Cornwall; bark Pondicherry (Br), Tlianarau, Antwerp. Sail -d -Ship ilsrmanla, Kahler, Naaaimo; barks Courlar (llaw), Stan wood. Molbonrne; I'ortiaud, Gage, Portland. SAVANNAH, April lO?Arrived, br-( Antonia Llaaat (Mp). Havana. Cleared?Barks Flld (Nor), Salvasen, Bremen : Sandvek (Swi llog.trom, do. Sailed-steamer Herman Livingston, Daggett, New York; l-ark Kortuna (Nor), Cronsiadt. sATI I,LA KIVKR. April 4 Sal.ed. schr Btta M Barter Barter,, Me. ? STOSlXUrON, April 8?Arrived, sebr Lltsie, Taylor, Perth Ambnv. In mirt, sehrs Pennsylvania. Arev, and J It Bnrnett, Ra?mnsa?n. loadlnir atone for New York. YlNhYARD HAYEN. April U?arrived, sehrs Frolic. IHIIiaghaa. Woodbrldve, NJ. for Boston: Marttarrt, Clark, South ambov for Gardiner, Me; Benjamin, New York for Pembroke: Hannibal. Pendlrtun, Providence for Ban got or Calais; Samuel Oilman, Kelley, Boston lor Baltimore, schr F.lysta A iBr). did not sail on the Mth as reported. 8alled-?^?kr* Koret, lUvai. Ilyne. Oregon. Psrcr, Mail, Pointer. I'ant I* Keller. Charleston. Nellie Doe. L vt Stront. Vicksbnrg. E J Munsell. Annie Cotter (Br), Benlamln. and Plseataqaa. in port?Barks New England, Mary McKee, Lissle M<-rvy ; brig Flora (Bri; schr* David Fmst, J P Wrman. II 8 Bllilms, James Young, R P Hart, Lulu t miner man, Gsmms, Elva K Pattingill. J N Uamewell, George Amy. Chattanooga. G C Murris. Mary ?? Collins, S J Glimore, Oeorge Calhoun iBr), Mary l.ymburner, Klrsla A (Br), Marv K Uraham, Setacsma. Vanme Traeey, Wm ii Bartlett, Little D Small, Marv Thrall (Br), Ulalume (Br), Jaila Globe, Mendors, Brainhall, M K Van cleat. Pacific, Melville, Ida k Annie, r.mpress, Anate Iceland, A Mo Nlrhoi, A O o'MuHeh. Cor* Ktta. Nellie Belle. A it Perry. Nellie F, Kranronls^volant, Morellght. F A Pike, Cham plon, William I* Carglll, William Tiee, A Hammond, Na ilah, Lucy K Cogswell. Robert Ripley, Gviotlie, Island Belle. Harry Persy. Jo? Carlton, Alpha, Ida Hudson, G W Baldwin. IIaanlhal.Frolic, Margaret. Samuel Oilman. WIl.MINGTUN, Cal, April I?Arrived, bark Rival, Adam., Port Blakeiy WILMINOTMN, NC, April 8? Arrived, sehr Ben| t Brlggs, Vent, Kappanannwek Klver, Va Hth?Arrived, bark Theodore Voss, St Thomas. WAKBilAM. April 8? trrlved, schrs Oeo Nevtmgsr, Smith. Philadelphia; Wm II Hopkins, ilopklas, do: Idaho. Peck, New York. Sailed-Schrs Ellen Merrlman, New York; George Al bert, do. WOOD'S HOLE. Aprils (not 4;h)?Arrlvad, eelir LAO Flsk. Baker. Bull Hirer, SC. Sailed?.-enr John Maniove, llalloek. New York. WKSTEKLY, April 0-8*lled, schr R M Clark, Rowland. New York. Y A Ultra, ft TI& A MHO AT*, Ac. rRLL KNOWS FAST HOHOOMI YACHT JOfllJ " In perfect order; foal WKLL KNOWN FAST SCHOONRIt phlne, t>>x'Jlx7H. eoppered. In perf? Bridge St.. Brooklyn: will U^old low.^^ 221 Month st. "\1TANTKD TO cilARTKR -MKOIi M SIZB StD.'r W wheel Steamer, from SO to KM feet long ; must ae( draw over 4 |t*et of water. Addreik. with full descrlptlotk lx>rk box Ml. Attlfboro. Mass. IHtHCRliLANEOim. it'k B." HYATT'S DOUBLE STRENGTH LIFE BAtr A.SAM has been tested sod proven during V) year. ?0 yeai- publicly), and by It. great and Innumerable cures o| rheumatism, soroinla. neuralgia, gout old ulcers, as well *? diseases arLIn* trom Imparity at the nam* ot "Medical bonder" Prlve fl **. HTAIT k HYATT, 246 urand St., New York, and ?>rltieuton. iluduut, liege man and drngglsts generally. EST WOluT MRDiclSR KNOWN?BRflW.N'g Vfcft mlfoge CosaBt* et Worm LOMIftk 25e. ft bra. B