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AHTIKHKim. ??6AbWl* ?ubj JD 30th It and Broadway. POPULAR Continued ?uee a* ut BKST PRICES. THE EXiLES OBC'IKSTRA THE KX1LES. CHAINS FOPDLAk Limited pt-rloruianoaa. ONE PRICES THE EXILES. DOLLAR. ADMISSION Tha nmi popular version. ADMISSION 60 CENT*. T1JE I. XI LEA. SO CENTS. The oeai cast tor THE EXILES. mr. james c duff b >Um?I to announce thai Id eouuqNin of rr?at sac ?on bj> has deterojiued to routiuua until lurtber utloe tbo popular play, ttia with lta magnificent reallsile scenery and superb Mat, thoroughly approprtatetapp' iutmenU and accessories. POPULAR PMC'S. Adwiaaloa 25a., 50a. and tl. with reserved seat. TH E A THE COMTqUkT 514 BROADWAY HAUR1UAN k Hart Proprietors M. W. 1IANLKY M4u.mur HA ItlMGAN A HART In A CELEBRATED HAKD CASK Pat Rooney. I COMPLIMENTARY 1 Kelly A Itrau Anna Morgan. BENEFIT TO Reynolds A Walling Uliaii i Iiarli M. HANLEY, I Little Kuuliad, tos. Norton, I THURSDAY I P 0. Foy. John Wild, AFTERNOON, WillU Plckert, Billy Uray. I APRIL 11. I Johnny Shay. TTNION SQUARE THKATRK. " U Proprietor Mr. SHERIDAN SHOOK Manager Mr. A. M. PALMER rrrii to 84th Hriomuoi of tha great Emotional Play, by tha author* ? of the 'Two Orphan*." eulitled, A CELEBRATED CAME, grodaaad with a auparb oaat, includlug ^ I Meuri Charles F. Cochlan, John Paraeila. J. H. Mod dart. F. Harden burg, Nelaon Decker. U. W. Montgoin I ery, H. F. Daly, W. H. Wilder. W. S Qniglry. W. j Ooldthwalte, together with Agues Booth. Mi??e? Sara iJuwatt, Linda Belli. Lniu Jordan, Roberta Norwood, Margaret Cone, Battle rhorne. Little Eva French, Mr*, O. H. Uiibert and Mr*. 0. W. Poole. N T SATURDAY, at 1:30, THIRTEENTH MATINEE OF A CELEBRATKD CASK. BEATS SECURED TEN DAYS IN ADVANCE. IBLO'S UArtDEN. Messrs. GAiiDN KB A B ACHE. ..Lessees and Manager* A RtSliRVED SEAT FOR 60 CENTS. Received nightly with thunderous applause. The Intensely sensational and Bathetic lire act drama. Li.AH: OR. THE JEWISH MAIDEN'S WRONO. Act 1?Arrival of Leah at tha Anatrian Tillage ; at the Mercy of the mob. Act a?The meeting of Leah and Ru dolph. Act 3?The *nare; Leah an outcast. Act 4 -Wed ding chime*. Act 5- The wandering of Leah. THE JEWISH CURSE ON HER BETRAYER. Mr. 8AMCEL W. PIERCY ..a* Rudolph Mil* OUS&IE DE FORREST..a*. Leah MATINEE SATURDAY AT 'A Door* open at 7 P. M. Carriages at 11 P. M. " ONY PASiOR'K. TONY PASTOR'S. GRAN D M ATINEE, FRIDAY, AT 2 O'CLOCK. HARRY AND "jOHN KERNBLL, WATSON AND ELI.1S, ROOKHS A is D VICKKR-. BILLY BARRY, KITTY O'NETL. BRYANT AND HOBY. H A RRT KEN NKDY, EMERSON AND CLARK. DALY BROTIIE S. TIIK FONTaINBLBAUS, JENNIE Montr AN, TONY PaSTOB AND THE ItAKQEHT AND BEST COMPANY IN THE WORLD. 1' jliFTH avenue" theatre. 1 Every Evening at 8. MATINEES SATURDAY AND WEDNESDAY AT 1:30. V tl NN N CO L EEEB UUNNNCOL K uunnng l ? U U N N N 0 L EES UUNNNC L E UU NNNOOL E UD N NN 00 LLLL EEEB Very great success of Mr. and Mr*. U. C. Howard: the ?Irrlnlit Jubilee Hngnra: the geuuinu Southern Special ties; the sensational effect* of thin moat inagniBccnt revival. IT'rr OO MM MM "? sss T O O MN NM "8 > T O 0 MNNM'S T O O M N N M BBS T O 0 M MM M 8 T O 0 M NN M 8 g T OO M M M 888 The Mall uti:?"One peculiarity ll the BRLIQIOU8 ELEMENT, ninny Minister* of the Gospel alternating tear* and laughter over the WORLD-FAMOUS DRAMA." SPECIAL I UF.KI.RAL ADMISSION. 50 CENTS. MATINEE RESKKVhD SEATS aO CENTS EXTRA. Saturday. I family circle. 25 cents. %? CHILDREN AND SCllOOuS HALF PHICE. RAND OPERA HOUSE. VJPOOLK A DONNELLY Lessee* and Manager* Reserved Seat* (OrcUedra Circle and Balcony), 51 Hj. B0BBNM GRAND ENGLISH OPERA COMPANY. TUIri EVENING, THE BOHEMIAN GIRL. THIS EVENING, THE BOHEMIAN GIRL 18ADORK MARTINEZ. ADELAIDE RANDALL, CLARKK, KETCH. nOGAN, BURTON, *0. i SATURDAY MaTINKE. IL TROVATORE. 188 FLORENCE B1Cfc-KNOX, 188 FLORENCE RICE-KNOX, CUB. FRlTCd, A. BLDM, H. W1EOAND. 8ATUBDAY EVENING, MARTHA. MONDAY NEXT. Miaa MAGGIE MOORB and J. 0. WILLIAMSON in "Struck OH" and "The Chlnaee Ques tion." SUNDAY EVENING, GRAND 35 CBNT CONCERT. AT 8TEINWAY HaLL TO-DAY THURSDAY AFTERNOON'. April 11, at U, THKODORfc. THOMAS' SIXTH AND LAST FULL PUBLIC BKHBARSAL Atmlulon. 75 cent*; raaerved *eat*. 25 oent* extra. SOLOISTS?Mr*. E. A. OSGOOD, Soprano (har 8r*t ap pearance in New Yora), Mr. MAX rINNER, Piano. THE 'i .AND ORCIIEsTKA OF S5 PERI OlUtERS. ON SATURDAY EVENING, April 13. at K SIXTH AND LAST SYMPHONY CONCERT. Adtaioion, $1: leaerved aeal, $1 extra. Second balcony adminalon, 50 cent*: re*erved *eat, 50 caat* extra. Ticket* ?an now be had at the b >x oQIce or Stalnway Hall, and at the uaoal plai "*. RAND NATIONAL FIFTr.EN-B kLL POOL TOUBNAMENT, at O'CONNOiI'S, no and HJ Eaat 14th ?t. CONTESTS TO-DAY. AFTE'iNOON?Geo. Krey v*. G. F. Sloceon; Wm. Sexton ?*. C. Wilson. EV KN1NU?A. P. Rudolphe v*. C. Dion; G. WahUtrom v*. J oa. Dton. ADM 1SSION?Alternoon, 35c.; evening. 60c.; reservod teats, 26c. extra. OWERY THEATRE. " MONDAY EVl.NlNO, April S, the popalar artist, MR. J. B. STUDLEY, who will appear a* IIANS MATH Is, in tha powerlul r*y rhologlesl Drama, the PoLl-'ll JKW. preceded by the Comedietta of the HAPPY PAIR. Grand Family Matinee Saturday, at 2. w ALL ACE'S SUMMER Sl.ASON. Start or combinations requiring tbli Theatre for the mouth* or Julr. August ana hrst two weak* ot September may apply tu f'HEOUOKi*. MOdS, Treasurer. ' OTfclNiVAY IIaT.L. THUim?A.V, APKIL 11. AT 8. O Mr 1-dward W (bar's t.rsnd Testimonial Concert, kindly "Minted bj Minn. Herman-Ilium. soprano. prim* doun* Irom the Herman Opera: Mr. Alas KucUoff, tenor ; Mr. A. Blum, baritone; Mr. K Dnlcken. piano; Mr. Illeli ard Arnold. violin; Mr.J K. Herginer, violoncello; Mr. U. Krank Inlly, oigan, and tbe Hcetlioven Mannerebor (Mr. C. Trsagar. conductor). Tloketa *1, Including reserved ??at. at rttbuliertb't luuale ?tore, 111 Union equara, and Meinwav Mall. HiZB i LOOUTION OONTKftl ' 20 COMPr.TlroIUI! $7r? IN PIJZEHt Awarded by voter otihe uudlenco. KlTe mlnutea to each ?election. No two alike. CIIICKEKINO liau PKIDAV and hatukday iVhMNi.8. April l^audlS. Entire chance of programme ?econd nignt. Itriiu a lead pencil anil card. Admission, 60 i-enta. No extra charge tor riMrrid ?e?la II **cur*>i in advance. Tickets and prograinmee I'oud's. 30 IInKin ?qiiam. __ J. 8 V A I.E. MHunger OCAL UNluN O* Nl. W YOI.K, LLOYD A?PI.nWALL. President. 8EC0M1' OUNOKitT. C1UCKER1NO IiAM?. I'll 18 (TIIL'KHDAY) EVENING. Ulepa, Madrigals and Tart bouvt. Ml as LELlh Dr. LUSSAN. 8oprano. Mr. TilKO TOr.DT, Teuor. Admission tickets, $1. For tale at 8cb!rini;r's. Kclinb-rl's. DItion's, William A. Fond A Co. 'i. Union square, and at the llall. THE TflD K O K HJU.nINh.88 " Ii UN the FLOOD, AND TUB EVENING tele'iKAM'8 CIRCULATION LA-.T WhEK WAHi? Maodar 4fl,4flO ADYKItTlnK AT *>0. A LINE Taesday .... 4ft,750 ADVERTISE AT 200. A LINE. Wednesday 40,000 A DVhllTISK at HOC. A LINE. Thartday . .. 47,000 ADYI-.IITISK AT 20<J. A LINE. Friday 47,(MX) ADVKHrlsE AT aw;. A LINE. haturday 44.7'H) advertise AT 20C. A LINE. Taial 278,^00 ADVERTISE AT A LINE. Dally averagn . 4?1.:*X1 advertise IN the evening tbleuram hlllE 8 P B A KIM* O phonograph KXII1 HI I KD J. dally, N". <i i at j:id at., Kurts lliiiidlner, at '^and M p M." SULTAN DIVAN. 211 HOW Ell Y. ?OR A * D HAKMAID dlli>lay. The aaaamhUgn drawn lierenljhtlyUwltii .nl precedent III tIiicity. All oid?rly signtneakera are invited. N\ l Ion aT aCADkMY Of DEslG.v 23D IT, corner of 4th a*.? The llltv-tblrd <>rand Annual Exlii billon of 1'atntin a end Si-nlpture. Now open. Day and evening. Admission 2*> cents. boyle ruois a Boyle koomh, ftih av. and :*Hh st. "DAlfSANTEN" KOlREnrt NIOIITLY. SOCIETY HOUIAMlBs BVBTiV HA 117 lib A V kYEN Ing. Tammany llall. All the latest mualc. Admission >o rente. ClOOPBH INHTITIITK~DTmK CONCERT To NIUItT ? /KIIAMv Oil.HER, lh? ureal I'; MAHIEK L B, tn? wonderful liill nlMGElt, and others uppuar. Admit tlnn, i>NE HIMK. * LADY WI8HH* TO>IND A tlKNTl.ltMAS TIIaT /V will as?lat her tn study lurtbrr for the stage. Address TaLBNTi D, lleralj ofllce. BUUMNUHAM I'ALAOK, ~ 27TH sT.. NK\R f?T?I AV. The Amerlirnn Jardln Mnbllle. Paris by night. Elite Portables nightly A congregation of beantv alio taalnon. The second gr nd Fancy Drraa llall will !>a :il?en on Thurs day April II, 1878. l-.ach lady will be prnented with a paraaol. also an elegant order of dancing Imported fur this ?J anion. *<;n \HLhM < 11K *(ill Map far TRISk OUNCEKT to night, cooFkii iN.^tiirlrTid J /.8 nl. COLK. aoprano; MAnTEK LdW K, tbe *re .teat Xylofshonlst; JaNE8 HHAKPuKY. ('.eneertlniat; T(?M H.?R. I.EMAN, baro-baffo, and other*appear. Admission, ONE DIM It, fjliE ir hen ANriKinm. _ THIatrk. b koa D w X*T HENRY ft. ABBEY .... Leasee aud Mwmr OL'B ALDBKMEN. OCR ALDEBMKN. OUK aLD.RUli.N. OUR ALDEUMKN. OU.t, A MEN. OUit A LI) KM kN. OUK ALDEKMLN. OUK aLuBkMKN. OUK ALDERMEN. OUK aLDKkMKN. oub alukiimkn. oi;k aldermen. OUK ' ALDERMEN. OUK aLHEKMKN. OUK ALDhKMKNf OUK ALDERMEN. Americanised by J. B RUNNION. Esq., Willi 118 HE AUTIPl'L SCENERY aud FINE OAST, luciudiiig Mauri. Lewie, l.c Moyn?, i hurne. iU.-kh, Bailey, Msglnley, t-avlilu, Perceylaud Culiinictou. and Meadiues ('uwell. Noble, Munlock, Wvudham, Bingham. Chapman and Singleton. BvBitY EVENING AND SATURDAY MATINEE. LYCEUM THEATRE. FRENCH COMEDY. To-ulght, Tharidity, Los Crochets du fara Martin ; drama in 3 acta, by Corinou and d'Knary, authors of tha Two Or pheus. Tula drama obtained tba Monthyon prise ol 3.U001. decerned by tba French Academy u> tba arama author. Saturday, (rand teal* night. for Iba drat time In America, L'Aml ferlte. Cuttiedv in a acta by Krckmaa-Cbatrl?n. Grand success of tlia French comedy. Thla place waa rep reaautad over 300 tlrn.-e in Parte In 1H76. ELLEK'SWO M> Kits! * 24th at., neikr fifth Avenue Hotel. KOHHKT HELLER, TUB WONDER WORKSH, l'R EST1DIGIT ATBUB aad LBOT0B1B. A really marvelloue combination of NECROMANTIC WONDERS and the story of . BLUE HEARD Evening at ft. Matiueea Wednesday and Batarday at 3. B OOTH'S THEATRE. THE EXILES. "A grand and triumphant success." EVERY EVENING AND SATURDAY MATINEE, Messrs. Tompkins A HiU'a EXILES. BOOTH'S at 1XILES. at BOOTH'8 MOUTH'S at EXILES. at BOOTH'S BOOTH'S at EXILES, at BOOTil'8 EXILES. Admiaaloa, 23c., 5<)c., $1 and $1 SO. Box ofllce now open. Ar MBK A KRR NN N U U MM MM"* 888 H B AA K BNNNU U M.V NM" 8 3 H B AA B BNNNU U M N N M ? 8 11BB A A KRR N S It II UMNNM 888 H B AA A It BNNNU U M MM M 8 B BA A B BNNNUUMNNM 8 8 BBB A A B B N NN UU M M If 888 _____ a UREATEST SHOW ON KABTU. OPEN EVERY AFTERNOON AND EVENING at" TUB AMERICAN* INSTITUTE. 3d ar. aud 63d at., FOB TWO "WEEKS ONLY. UNPRECEDENTED SUCCE88. A FKKPECT l R1UMPH. Every act received wiih LOUD SALVOS OK APl'LAUSK BIX THOUSAND DhllOnTEO PKOPLH. CROWDS TURNED AWAY NIGHTLY. THE ROYAL TRAINED STALLIONS receive a parleot ovation at each Periormaace. CHARLES PIsH. the Champion of the World. A aalary ol a year will cheerfully be paid for tha equal of tbia great artut. KiO GREAT ARTISTS. AN ENORMOUS MHNAOKRIB, A GIGANTIC MUSEUM. Ik order to avoid THE IMMENSE CROWDS AT NIOIIT ? all who cau conveniently should attend THE DaILY AFTERNOON EXHIBITIONS RKSERVK SEATS IN ADVANCE. Door* open at 1 aud 7 P. M. Admlaalon 25 and AO cents. Rcaerved eeata 35 cents extra. N. B.?The programme in constantly changed, ae It would be Impossible to introdace all tba URKAT ATTRACTIONS IN ONE PERFORMANOC. HBGREAT NEW YORK AQUARIUM, Broadway and 35th St., cab be visited during Lent with the utmost propriety. POSITIVELY LAST WEEK OF THE Broncho Horses. Rocky Mountain Geats, educated Dog* and Juckits-Chvs Japanese Company of Jugglers, Acro bats. Magicians and Athletes and their MARVELLOUS PEKKOKMANCE. Monnisur OSCAR in double tandem manege act. The Riding and Tumbling Moukey. Cnrlons Mechanic, showing bow circus riders are taught. Matineea every day at 2:30 aad evenings at 8 o'clock. Admlaalon f>0 cents; Children naif price. AlL AC k'B. Proprietor and Manager Mr. LESTER WALLACE As tha , DEMAND FOR SEATS to witness 1HE Ni-.W PLAY is ALMOST liNPBKCEDENTBD the Manager n-snecttully .suggests an EARLY APPLICATION AT THE BOX OFFICE. EVERY EVENING AT 8 O'CLOCK and 8ATUBDAY MaTINKE aTISCI will ba preaented DIPLOMACY, with entirely new 8CBNEBY, COSTUMES and APPOIimtBNTK. The caat will Include Mr. LE8TBB WALLACE. Mr. H. J. MONTAGUE, Mr. FREDERIC ROBINSON. Mr. W. R. FLOYD. Mr. J. W. SHANNON, Mr W. J LEON RD. Mr. O. E. EDWIN, Miss BortK OOGHLAN, Miaa MAUDS GKANOBR. Mine. PONISL 8AKA 8TEVbNS, PEARL EYTINOB. Mr, WALLACK will feel obliged If visitors to the theatre will bo iu their seats by 8 o'clock, as the Interest ol the play begina with the riae ot the curtain. Carriages may ba ordered for 11 o'clock. Box otlice open two weeks in advance. ? ? STANDARD THEATRE, BROADWAY AND 39t> 8T. WM. UE.vDKRmiN Proprietor and Manager THIS WEEK ONLY will be presented the companion picture to FANCHON, LITTLE M AGO IE LITTLE BAREFOOT. MITCHELL BAREFOOT. LITTLE as LITTLB BAIti'.KOOT. BARBVOOT. LITTLK LITTLE LITTLE BAKEFOOT. BARKFOOr. BARKPiiOT. Produced with every care and attention to detail dra?aes, scenery, Ac., complete cast. Including Mr. WILLIAM HARRIS aa WILLIAM, Messrs. Levies, Baasett. Hollo, Fuller, llolinea, Scott; Miues. Wells, Evelyn, Prescott. ONLY LITTLB BAREFOOT MATINEE, BATURDAY, 1SSO. MONDAY, April 13, last weak or MAGGIh MITCHELL and Urst time of I'EaIIL OF SAVOY. MONDAY, April 22. J. K. EMMETT la FRITZ. Box ollice upon M A. M. to 10 P. M. Popular fric. a. w 5JAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS. | OI'ERA HOUSE 5A.N FRANCISCO MOSI'RELS. I Broadway aud^Hhst THE FAMILY RESORT. The most surcesa/Hl entertainment In the world, lteccived wltn roars of laughter. THE FUNNY BAHIKS. UMCLE tom'S LAMENT. THE TWO DROMIuK. MR. BOBBY NEWOUMB'S "BLUB BELLA" DELIGHTFUL SOLO AM) PART SINGIN0. CROWDS TURNED AWAY NIGHTLY. BEATS BE01.RED. MATINEE SATURDAY AT a. 0~ IAMl'IC IIIKaTKIiT UTJ Broadway. 024 MR. OEOKGE C. BONIFACE. thk SOLDIER'S TRUST. Every evening and Wednaaday and Saturday matineea. M KRMANIA Til '? ATBH. IXAD. SEUENDORP/ .Director Tu-M'iH f, UNRUllluE ZKITEN. Comeuy in loui MM, by I'ubL Box office open dally from 8 till 4 o'clock. ABKRi,EM T1VOLI IHEaTKE, tub at., bttwtpn 3<t and 34 ava. THB RF>T VARIETV ?H??W IN THrt C1TT. Fred K. l<evaiitlno, Champion Equilibria!; Ilia ilaytotit. Tommy and Annie. Motch Artllta; Mile Kraut I nl. Queen of tUe lilcycle; Crawford Brotliera. Iona Lang. Mlla. De ilree, Kannv Davi-aport; hcceatrlc i our, Levanlnn Broth er!, Tururr and Gerard. Tha great Vienna Hallet Trouoe, the finnt and onl.v Itallet In tha elly, Mntlneoi 1'huraday and Natnrday alternooni; aim Snmlny. mldmjriit. OXiNU. Ki.MCING, SHOUT! NUACADltM Y. 610 6TU a*.?B 'llng tauyht iu 2* letaons; lend l?r circular. Colonel MONHTEItY. PlAVOrOBTM, 0K04IB, *0. ApiuVaTm. V\kiL Y~wiLV. liAckiyIok~?tkfifwAT Pianoforte, coat MKKJ. for $1U0; an elegant 7^ octave exqumteiy earred taan four round cornered nutwood Wimlaor rlaaofoite, cost lait Am-iiat for $ 150. in rinding Siool, Cover, Mailc Cabinet, con I IK). Call lo iln.r at private MWIN 12(1 We?t :J t'l at., near "Itn av. A' -ni unit, uruwr. mmjaie anif okand ? I'innoa of oar own make; alio lor aaie and rant, anum l>er ol line aecond hand flanoa, la perfect ordei. WILLIAM KMABi A Co., 112 ">th a*., above llltn at. A N ANriOliTMKH^ Of HBO'lNU HAND 8TRINWAT /Yl'lenoa, aoma nearly new, all In parOtt condition and tully ? ai ranted, at a bargain ; alio tbn largeat aelectlon In Hip country ol aecond hand Pianomi nth' r inakara, raniiing IfeiJO upward Beware ol b"?ua inatramenta represented aa kcnuinr ."teinway 1'ianoa at auction and In private home*. HTK1NW AV Jk SON*. teinway Mali, New I ork. Aladv .roiv.7 ro moVm W1 i~l~h7;li. A rose wood I'lano, $mS; c at ne rear ago *I7.\ W10 2d ar. vrry ritim amd old violin fob balk. " PETKK H. ALliERUP, 8W6th It. Ant ow* whhin.jto pirchahr an otto am or Plan ? cannot <lo 1>i?it?*r than call nnon IHiRACK WATI-.lis A 40 Uait 14th al..balora huvliig; ftI nioullily will liny a raw Piano and fa ninthly a new Organ; lully warranted; Imtrumeiitl to rant extremely low. A PRIVATE TAMIUV ffll.Ii BULL HTRIKWaY Planolorie. f I.*><?; lo<ir roand roauwooil iniai'l in*ri|iie irv ra-e Piano, 7!, octare, purcliaaed at Oanieunlal. coat fl,l<*>. perlect parlor gem, aiacriftce; alan cabinet grand npriulit I'lano. *175; bo* lor ablpplng. Call private rati* dene.' So. 47 Welt 10th at., betw.-en .??h and fltn an Mrt. C. L. VAN nl.VEHE. A HARK OIIANCf.? THE PI ANoaf tirtKD only for a lew weeki ilurinic the atajr ol the Italian Opera I'niiipany III New Vork by Mill Kellogtf. Maria Roto, Cary, M nia-uc, l-'rapoill. Ton Kari.Verill. Conl'-y, i*c., nnd ap-dally ie?-te t by tiiom lor their aympalliotlo rlcn ne-1 oi ton<>, will oe ao d at a very itraat li ir^am Thia i j a cliiiiine lolilom met Willi ; 'nilV warrmit <l for live yeara. Pleaan call at WKIIER WAH..KOO.VIS. ,ih av. and 10th It. *|.W MltCONU HaNU WhitRR PI A HM AT VKKlf irre it barvalna, aome ol iliem uaed but a rery abort tlino bvnurbe?t IB alclani ami reallv almoat aa irooil na new; li llv Warranted In efjw ferpeei, I'leaae call at Weber Wan-room<, .">th av. and loth ?l. POMiFl VK"SThoain. -"?<ISEWOoI) PIANUKiiK I K. bat little naad. lor aale, goat ?ix monlba .?u filKai, lor 7o; tool. Cover and Muale Mand, i-li-aant enbliiet up* rlirnt Ihrt-e atrlnited. brilliant toneil Inair iment, lor one quarter orlxlnai c"?t. Call at private reaidem e. Cll W ait Mm at.. betw< an Oth and 7th avi. Iloxea to ahln Bl'.ii usft.??a ^hNTHLf " wii7l buy a nkw Oruan, $tl a Piano; 7 1-8 oetave Piano, fll'J3; new Piano, .tl?J; Orgaai, $:t.*i; Maloda n. if S; low renii liORDO > .? HON, IS Kail Mtb at. KAUTIKLI. i OHRvV i ?T JUt OCf AVE Ca B IN KT U P r>.- lit Pianoiorta. co?i f'>' <0, celebrated clt> maker, leu thin $ I .HI. i?eai ieaca IIKI-Jd av., near I'Jtb it B1QR nALh CIIIaP OlTl RCII OR(?aN, 3 MANUALS, art atopa npritht Htelnwar I'lano. with ornan peiialaat taelieil, ami aapera Violin, not leal than Wi yean old. A4 drm t-< hall l?th tt., af call a to 7 afieraooa. ? \i mSUFOBTEK, ORUiHS. Ctic at bargains in pianos and SRoan8 at i.iHGTE A ERNESTS', 13 but 14th it, surSUn. Call and Me for veurnelvea. KKaNICII A BACH, 248 EAST 23l> ST.. N K AII 2D av. ,tave a beautiful aasoriiueiit of flu# Pianotortea. bulb mw and second band, wbich ikajr art offering very low Pianos lei aud Mid on instai meats. RIVATfc PARTY HAVING TWO rrauti?ul Piano*. and iquara. will tell uither una at Im mense tacrine -; tbev ?rn flrst class In every particular. Adores* llarald Uotowu office ISiSTKI CTIOH. ~rXaEBRXT'S<>0KS KE 1*1 NU'ARITTl'tfRTIC, SPELL ?XYiug. nimrtliaud, >V riling Lessons, ia luouthiy. PAINE'S Colleges. 62 Bowery and U">7 Broadway. * PARISIAN YOUNtJ LADY, COMi*KTKNT~TKACliKR XVuf French and muHlc, wishos to go to Europe a* gov arneaa or companion or to And here a situation in a lamily or school; hi^he?t reference#. Address TEACHER, box 162 Uerald Uptown office. tiTII AV.? FRENCH* U::8s7)NS*(iTvBV IN P<| 0? /Urate lamilie* or pmtesior'* rrsl enoe by Mr G\ real', tormerly magistrate. uieuioer of the University o( Franca. MIMICAL,. ~ IpnOftcrocirwraKK s" posrrroir~AsTmcx8 i\ in: will m.rUI with the music; moderate salary. Ad* drras, witb particular*. D. 0..3UJ Clinton av., Brooklyn. tf?0 E(| A MONTH-INSTRUCTION O.V PIANO ;EX UUperlnncnd teacher 38 University place. OANVINU ACAUE111KS. CIARTIER'8 DANCING AC AUK M Y, ? UNION SQUAWK J Utli *r. aiilo) ? ()? en nil summer. Private lessons any hour Ulldo and society value* specialties; now at stem. Lady assistants. IPERNANDO'S DANCING ACADEMY, 55TII ST., 8D av. (Bank Knllding).?Private lemons any hour urand calico masquerade reception Thnrsaai, April 11; music by Kauera' celebrated Filth Regiment Baud. THK LECTURE HEASOlk. ?1E6WaL TaCKm ? t6'^tnT(T"'MK!r"6i(Lf-*r 1VJ. prominent phyalcians, commencing to-morrow (Friday) evening. April 12, at 8 o'clock, in Association Hail, 23d St.. eornar 4th av. Topic ~"l'so ana Abuse nf the Eyes." Tuesday, April 10 ?"The Sain." Tickets upon application at association rooms free of char**. Members admitted on presentation of membership tickets. jp llEJlOVAIiS. lot. oy remoVal^ Messrs. WILLIAM a. PONI> A CO bex to announce to tbelr friends ami th* public that they bar* removed to tbe elrgant mid extensive establishment. No. 25 Union square (Broadway;, * running through to No. 20 East 15th St., where will ba iound "Everything In tbe Mnslcal line." ' Sheet Mu?ic, Musical Works, American and foreign (In cluding the chrap and elegant publications ol Boosev A Co.. of London, for which they are tbe sole acents), 'Musical Instrument* and Merchaudlso of a very descrip tion ; Plauolortes and Organs. WILLIAM A. POND A CO., 25 Union synare. Now York. lULlilAUDS. IT NEW WARE ROOMS (Sf'K'W. GOLtgNTFfclt f? xY Broadway, between Grace Church and Stewart's? Billiard Table*, new and second hand. In latast daMgna; best goods and lowo*t prices. MER1CAN STANDARD BILLIARD TABLES, NEW and socond ha Chalk. Cues. Ac. /Vand socond hand, at reduced prloes; Balls. Cloth, Tlpa, W. 11. GillFFITil A CO.. 4(1 Vesey st. AT L. DECKER A CO.'8. 720 BROADWAY. NEW and aceond hand Billiard Tables at a sacrifice. T~PUBLAN'M WARE ROOMS, 14 Vf.HKY ST.-SEC and hand Billiard Table* at low prices; 2??-luch Ivory Halls, #10 &0 per eat. Ii*Olt BALK-TWO FlitKT CLASH COLLKXDRIt BILL lard Table*, tjan bo teen at 8,400 3d a v. In-day. El ES AN1> KAIt.S. WM^^^Avisr^s^E.vim'A^ Di^iTTrnrKK Cl of the improved Artllieiel Human Eye, acknowledged by tbe lacultv to bo tba only correct Imitation of iiatorn lu the world. "No. 127 r.ast 15th St.. betwuen 3d and 4th av* Flft K A UTS. CR\ Y0Nr'I?(3Rf RAil'8 A>ID" ui crayon lessons at reasonable price. A MIOZZI, 1,11)3 Broadway, room 32. ~ ""ilAltBLE-S1ASTELS. AT PRICKS NEVi-.B APPROACH I D BRKORK. Slate aud marble Mantel*; largest assortment In tha City. PENRHYN 8LATE COMPANY, 60 Union square, 4th av. and 17th St.. New York, manufacturer* of all kind* oi data work. Ct RATES AND KKNDKRS.?WE WOULD CALL I"special attention to our large variety of opon Uro Place*, with Bras* Krarne*, Andiron* and Kendera ol au* tique deaign*, with Basket Grates for wood and coal: also the largest assortment ol Grates and Panders in the mar ket, with our patout Shaking and Dumping Grate. Whole sale and retail. J 8. CONOYER A CO.. 308 Canal *t.. Now York. iRBLE MANTELS ANI? M.fNUMKNTS UlIKAPr.K than ever. A. Kl.ABER, 134 Bast 18tli st.. near 3d nr. M fURNI t DUE. XWim^irrfr^ff^iNG^ ? hoOH^iiiWi ><1 X\wiil sacriflce llonasb'fld f urnitnrn la tot* to suit cash purchaser*- namely, macniQcant aatin Parlor Salt, but lit tle used, cost T&RJ. lor S2CK1; two handsome Suite. Ka.t lake style, covered in raw silk, coat (35U, for $126 and $1UU; Tables to match; alao handsome walnut Chamber Suit) Mattressee, Extension Table. Bnlfet, Caroeta. Ac.; oall and examine, no reaeouabie offer relnsod Private reMdence 131 Wo*t 14th at., between Otu nad 7th nv*. PRIVATE PaMILT WILL rthLL BLKOANT PAR lor Suits, 14 piocea, covered In satin, costftXW. tor $1V>; do.,9lHU; Suits in reps. f&O and $20; Chauitier Set*. Library and Dining Room Purnitnre, leas than half cost. At private realdence, 120 West 23<i at., near Otlt av. A L. bTum"aNN'S NKW PUHN1TUKR. CARPKT ?and Bedding Warebou*e, 512 and 614 8U av , near SOtb st.; tha largest eetablUbmnnt lu tha city; lowest eaah prices; weekly and monthly payments taken. AT GEO. A CLAUK?'s7747 BROADWAY, .-UPKKIOR Kunlture, Carpet*, Upholstery Goods, Aa, to^eeah or ou his special ajatem oi credit t T 0. O'PARRBLL'S OLD. RELIABLE IIOIJ8K, 410 8th av., near 31st st.; easy term* tor Pnrultore, Car pots, Ac. PltlVATE PAM1LY WILL SELL SATIN SUIT, eost $'<75. for $150; brocade Suit. $05; rap Suit, $2.*>; elegant Chamber Set, with Dreasing Casu. $75. do., $50, Library and Dining Puraitnre, Painting*. Brunsns. Bid ding: stelnway Pianoforte, $150. Call private residence No. 47 Weat 16th at., between 5th and Otb a vs. Mrs. 0. L VaN DRVERR. All KINDS KURNITURE, LOOKING k>LASSES, Mattresses, Spring Beds, at naif price. 348 Canal St., pboaite Earia'a Hotel. BAUMANN BKOTM ER8 ARE OPKKRI NO GREAT bargain* In Purnltura, CariMts aud Bedding at their ?tores 22H and 23o 11 u<i*on at., oorner Broome; weekly aua monthly paymenta takan. The tide op busTness IS ON THK FLOOD, AND TUR EVENING TKLEGRvM'S CIRCULATION LAST WEfcK WAS:? Monday 40 450 Tnesiiay 46,750 W-dnesday 40.0H0 'Inursday 47,".Vi Priday 47.IVSI Saturday. 44,750 Total 278 200 STUUAUK. r he rs< -sf&Kiae^WAit g. A.h?DM>. 232 Hud 334 Wait 47th aw. near Hroadwav; i^VHrtu too oil for furniture, (luw, Ac.; inspection so licited A-MOKRKLL'S KIK8T CLASH HTOHAUK WAItg ?bouse, built expresily tor the purpose, win. separate compartment*. efforniiiit every facility to persons leaving the city or otherwise tor tue (tor*** of their luruiturn, tronkn, cuti. plinoi, works of art Ac.; also r?afe Deposit Vaults lor articles ol e*tra value, with private Hates ul nil ?net, t.y month or yenr. Moving, perking and shipping promptly and reliably attended to. 4th a*, and 32d at. aT.UKK'M W'AI.KUOUhhH. HTll AV. YBOM JTT) to J4th at.?Storage lor turnllure. bagirnifi, good* and wirei of every description, In eeperete closed compart ments; always nceeislble. Otlice :#*> Weil 34th at. S~ TORAuiT KOK RURN1TUBK. CARKlAtVi.H AND general merchandise; low ratea, aaiety and abeolute responsibility. SMITH A SILL.1. 750 and 7.VJ 8th ar. and 247 Wea. 4"tli at. W ATC11KS. JKVVKMU, ov. fW IMiK'ic KB BST., IfBXEf II itOA O'wTCtC- MONbV advanced on Diamonds. Watches. Jewelry. Ac ; also Pawnbrokers' Tlecets bought of Dlamouda, VV atones, Ac. 77 Bmrtot ?t T 1,272 BitoADA Air. aMoVH S2D bT.-MONKY C')R I'm ml ? roperty; old Cold, Silver ''"Uxht. advances made; ladlee'office WIL1.1AM A. < A I HIM RHOADWAY, Ol'l'OHlTIi I'AIIK A TIL lord's- Loan 1 negotiated Dutoooda. Watches, (iold and Si ver, India Hhawis, Sitka. Ac. J. TIIOS. LYNCH. I*A IR T ..BY KINK 4S CaIRAT D1 A H Of5Tl77T, bought way It low market value, $MJU; lot American Watch.'*, $15 each, worth $-2. J Oil NH I O.N Jeweller. 1841 Howrry. corner llroome. Cash p t'd tor duplleate Wedding Presents. T? 1,288 BROADWAY -DIAMONDS, WATcTThfT. Jewelry, old Oold and Silver bought and sold hack. Loans negotiated IIK1 INKR'S. ABOAIMS 1N DIAMONDS, WATCH i.S. JhW?t.Ui~ Ao> QUO. O. ALLAN, > ISO Brendweyt.nonr Bit n, IABUND4UiwiBuk-TBBT ftNB S<iLtTAlRRS, 9100; Diamond Hltid, Icarat *40; n ball of lire. Also tlue Diamond Studs, Itlims. mid Karri nga, all sues aud quality. MII. l.M A COLKMAN, I HO (Irani at. / t OLD W ATl;lTE?7?ID TO i?UO; >ILVKB. $5 TO>JO; vlnold Veat Clialus. 14 carat, HI pmn> wig lit 1.1 N DO lilt' >H, 1.207 Ilrondwity. Ji Monk*, diamonds, waTouiis. jk..? and ^ilveiware bought, .nd sold be :k at a very am ill ad fWN, UKO. <!. ALLEN, I,1HD Broadway. near ^inh St. iDO flflT A v77 BBTWKB.N 24TH ANO ?T. III" HT ??.? X'/')LIMrtl advnneea made on Diamonds, Watches, JaWelry. Hllks, Laeoe and Sbawle. Sam? bought at lull value. L llF.lCNA Hll GMITHIItt. ? XT :ki?< ifif av m;ah 4TH~Hf.. payh ifiiiiih-ir value lor ca?t?otr Clothing, Aa Call or addraaa Br. or Mrs. ,N ATllAN, 3.'|lg Otli av. t MiNTTra, Bji^rTTAV.. ABovK ?irii hr? i.adi i h an.i Kcntlemen will lie ant'.nDhed at ar -at prires pal.l in caali tor l;aat ? If Ulothinx, Cnrpete, Jewelri, Hooks. Or ders nromptlv attended by Mr. or Mrs. MINI/. A first Hivr-tfl B UTMOST VAIs UB OBVAIB BO lor cas? offlJIollilnn. Jowelry, I'arpete, Itooaa. Cell or ?ddreesMr. or Mre. II >|IBIS. H| nth a?, ______ T IIA SHI ?>', 1,271 II It"' I AD VI AY." lihTWK KN M2D .mil sn., Hroadway prices paid for cast-ott clothing, Kooki, Ac , by ealllnn or addr 'S'lng II II A KRIS, l,2M. AT rliATTo's. BMltril av, MkaB ?rfiif"sr ?aS1'KR ient more than clsewhnre paid lor rast otl'Clolblag, Carp. tr, Jewelry. Addrost Mr. or Mrs. KI.aTiO. 1>I ISKIt, 2!I2 7TII AY., I'A.Y* CBBTAINLT lllOHKST prices lor ladi' a' and Henilcnieu's Wearing App irel, l'iao"s, l urnlture, Redding. Ladle* addreaa Inimodiately Mrs. t'KIHKIt rnilfc. lllOHKST CASH PlIlCKH Paid K'.R CA^T OtY 1 Clothing, O .rpets, Kurnlture, Ac. t.'nll on or address J. MASIiR, ?MI 7th av. ~ " ~ MMPIfcALT ~ DK. '\rfii?SH*iAD.-ADVIl!K Kit KM. 215 Kast t.'nh St., near .'Id av. Mrs, BR~iQo5i l(*l Kast 15th at,, near 4th nv. M K.I. LYON A 4o Last Will St., ktlV?H Broadway Md Uk sr. S4LKS AX ll'trrion. A (UVHSKNCR. A Messrs RANDOLPH A CO. WILL SELL THIS (THURSDAY! MORNIBQ, 10 O'CLOCK PROMPT. at lb* live atory browustoue Winston |ia 47 WbST blXTEEVIlI St Hi bT. BETWBBM FIFTH AND St X Til AVBM'bS. bich cabinet household furniture, PBOPEKTY UK A OENTLBMaN UOINU ABROAD. sTUlSffAV PlANOFoRTb. ihicki.king upright piano. PARLOR \NU DRAWING BOOM SU ITS, yuee?Anne ?ml La Princes* style*. richly earved lr>mn. In crimnon satin. brocade ana UMUrjri 1'urAlsh buay Chairs, inlaid ?ud uiarquutrr -nil gilt Centre and OomdIi TaWH, t^ani iieta. French plate Minora, lara Curtains. brouse Flu-urea, element imported French bronse Mama! set*, -tatu.iry. bruuau aud bisque Fuurea, roa<'Wood Btagero, cpenuh Louuko*. Painting* bv eminent artlat*. *0 8TL.ll ST. ANUbLO.'' BY CASSA. "WaTKINB GLEN." BV ANDREWS. "Dash FoB LIBERTY," BV MaYERS. "SUNaBT FALLS." BV HaRTWICK. Ana 27 other*, alt choice *el*ctt?n*. rich gilt frames. Llbrurr and Secretaire Bookcase*. Hook*. raw *ilk 14 brarr bun. htveo pieces: Library Tables* VTriim^ Desk. BEDROOM FURNITURE ? ' aatlake and Quean Anna style*, consisting Inlaid gilt Bodstean*. Dre**lug Uaae*, Ariaoira-a-lilaCB, Bureau*, Wardrobes. Waahatand*. Lounges. Rocker*, marble tup Tables, 31 hair and spring Mattresses Pillows, Blanket*, Toilet Set*; rap, plush and haircl Hi Suits. Minora Diniug I'uruiture ? bxtenalou labia, Buffet, Cbalra In leather. Dinner mid lea set*. silverware. Cutlery, alao Hall Btamta, Chatra Kitchn furniture; 31 Carpeie. N. B.?Hale positive. Don't tall to attaint. Take Sixth avenue University place cars or Fll'th avenue nag" I* No. 47 Went mill at. K. H. RANDOLPH. Auotionar. N. B.?Oood* bnxnil and shipped. city or country. Arr^iixi-inxnta m ida lor atoriitg gooda Iree ol cliarare. Auction sale?at private rekideNCa. uu west aui? st.. NEaR?TH aV., OS Till-. Da* mil RSDAY), COMMKNCI O AT 1U O'CLOCK. A PbRaMPrORY KALE OK M AON I KICKS I' Hi'UShiiOLD FUllNITURHL 2 1% octave Pianoforte*. stelu way aud Chiokering. ? 3 auuerli Parlor Suit*. In aatln. ? 35 pieces ram ana couly Bronse*. C 2 marquetry Cabinet*. 4 Inlaid aud Sienna marble top Table*. 20 1'ariau marble statuattea. 3 2 Sevres and ormolu Mantol Sett, V. 5 I'ler aud Mantel Mirror*. 15 window lace Curtain*. * SO choice Painting* by eminent artist*. < 2."> relvet anu Bru?*el* Carpet*. J? ti ele^Knt Llbraiy Bnokcaae*. .4 Library I utile* to match. so 8 LadleO Kacrltoira* and WorkboXMb ? 4 Turkiab Louuite* ana Chair*. ^ 800 rolumea ot choice Hooka. 3 aolid wuluut bxteaalou Table*. _ 3 elegantly carrod BulTeta. S 24 Olning Cbalra. covered in leather. 'i ebtua Dinner and Teu Seta. _ 40 piecea sterling and l'luti-d Ware. - 12 maunlllcent Beiirooui Suit*, gilt and plntn. ? 2n white and black curled hair Mattresie*. 24 Krencli l'lllow* aud Boiatera. P Alio Furniture ot kitchen and aervant*' apartment*. N. B.-Oood* packed and abipped. Ca*b deuoalt* re quired from all purchasers. LUKE 7ITZOBKALO. Auctioneer. ADCTXON SALK THH (1'HUttSDAY) MOKbInu, commencing at 10 o'clock, rain or ihlne, at private reaidence, 3H E*at 19th at., between Broadway and 4th ar. 3 brilliant toned Planoa, Stelnway aud ilardman. 8 eleunLt Parlor Salt*, satin and rep. Bronte Mantel Set. Bronte Ktgurea, anorted. 12 Window Lace Curtalna. 1H Brusaela aud Ini(rain Carpet*. 15 elegant Oil Painting*. tt eleiant Bedroom Seta, in blaok wain at. Elegant Cablneta and Booko**ee. llalr and aprlnac Mattreace*, Wardrobe*. 2 elegant BuOet*. Bxtenalon fable* and Chair* Lot *olld Silver and Plated Ware. Ixit of Kitchen and Servant*' Knrnttare. N. H.? Broadway atage*or^reen car* from Oranrtrt ferry B. K. MAlii IN A CO.. Auctioneer*, office 1,151 Broadway. ?TUNIS "JOHNSON, AUCTIONEER^ * (old *tand 37 Nasaau it) THIS DAY (THURSDAY),* FRIDAY AMD katukoaY JLPBIL IX, 12 AND 13, AT 10* O'CLOCK. the entire elTecte of the M ARL BOKO UOII HOUSE, 65ti, tioa AN u ouo uru AV, COMPKIKINO ALL THK FUHNITURR Of TTIR PAU LOKS, One moquet, Axmlnater ana EnglUb body Brnuel* Carpet*. PI KK ASD MANTEL MIRRORS, PIANOS, ? 11 the Cable Linen, Silverware, Copperware, Ac.; Office Furniture, tine double door llurclar and I' lreprool Safe, coat rl.joo; Newman A Capron Annunolator. Oai Chan deliera, netteea and Chaira lu mororco li-ather, togethor with all the other paraplierualla of the house. A ?TUB1S JOHNSON. AUCTIONEER, i (old stand 37 N aasau at.) THIS DAY, A r low 0,CLOCK, M our salesroom 37 Nauao at. BALK or OBNBRAL HOUSEHOLD PtJRNTTURB, lot* ol Carpet*. Bed'ling and Office Furniture; Bne Herring ?n4 Marvin Safe, Oilcloths, Cooking Stores, Itetrlgerator*, Ac., Ac. A ?1UNIS JOHNSON, AUCTIONKER. > (old itand 37 Na**au at.) TO-MORROW (FRIDAY)" AT 10W O'CLOCK* HANUdOMK HOUSEHOLD FLRN1TURE, at the private r">ldence 117 l cr 423 WEST 34TI1 ST., near ftth av COMPRIKINO CHICK I1. Ill G PIANO PINK PARLOR, Bedroom and Baaemant Furniture, curled hair mattreaae*, Km.'lt*h body Bru*a*l* Carpet*, lot ot Book*, Ac. Farther particnlara to-utorrew. T AU(rrIOX_ By VaN I'ASSKLL A KKARNRY. Anctloueera, at their aale*room,22 Union square, 4th av., near 15th at. THIS DAY (1 bur*dny), at4i o'eloek, elegant Parlor Suit* In aatln, pluah and velvet! black wat? ?at Bedroom Suit*, black walnut Bedeteatl*. Bureau*. Wardrobe*, bxtenalon Table*, lace Curtalna and Cornice*, Mautel aud Pier tilaaae*, lurklah baey Chair*, hair Mat tr*u and Pillow*. Sideboards. KetHieerator*, Croekery, Olas* ana Silver Ware; Sola*, cane *oat Diiitnv Clialra, satin Curtain*. 30 Bruaaela ana Ingrain Carpets, OU Paint lags, llaUtaod*. Quits, Blanket*, nbaeta, Ac. One Orand Arlon Piano; one 7 octave, by Hall; one T octave, by Bannon, oue by Rett*. Alao on* Parlor Orgaa, UCTION SALE THIS DAY THIS (TUURSDAY) MOR^INO. commencing at 10 o'clock, the entire eouient* of private re*l>ieuoe 131 We*t 14th at., , between tltb and 7th ava., PATIN PARLOR SUITS, ItOSi WOOD PI^NOrORTR. FINK COLLECTION OK BltON/.KS AND PAINTINOB CHAMBKR. LIBRARY AND DINlNU FURNITURE, llandaoiue i.*?tlake Suit, In raw silk. Parlor*?Elegaut octave l'ianolerte. two magnlAcent Parlor Salt* lnl*id trainee, covered In expenalve aatin, handkorae marquetry Cabinet Etacere, with Kreueli plate gl*M*, Inlaid; Pedestal*. Hronse Oroup?, fl.gren and Mat ?ette*. expensively framed Oil Paiutin**, Lace Curtains, Pier Mirror*, Ceatre and Conaoie Table*, velvet t'*rp?t?. Chamber*?Heavy niounled end Inlaid ?et* ot Bedatea'ls, I)rn?*lnK Caaea, Bureau*, Wa*hat*nd*. Wardrobe*. Cnair*, Kocker*. aprln.: Bed*, curled hair Matireaara, Pillow*.com plete Suita, in rep* and haircloth; Lonngea, Picture*, hu gravtnga, i:arnet*. Clock*. Ac Llbr*ry and Dining Koorn ?Turkish Set*. In tapeatrv and raw *tlk; Secretaire and l.tbrarv Bookcaan*. Deaka, l.thrarv Table*, Book*tand?, 2 Extenaion Table*, one a pillar, with patent alidea 24 Dining Chair*, carved and inlaid BulTet. Silver ana Plated Ware. Cutlerv, Olaaavitre. Two han<l*ome llautands. Stair Carpeta aud other good and weli preserved llouaehold Furniture. Sale will com menae at 10 prompt and conili.n<- until 3 o'clock. aLBKKT KKaKMEK. Auctioneer. N. B.?Good*packed, boxed ami ihlnoed If required; safe delivery guarnnteed. Sale rain or ahtne. A A?AKT 9ALK. NOW Off EXHIBITION, KLPKKB LINK AND flTEEL PROOF KNrtRAVTNOS. Valuable Autotypei of the rod maatera. Photographic Landeaapca and tninerout GuBTLY K I t;HIN tjS BaRKKk A <:0., 47 acd 4l? Libert? >1 , hivff now on view the mom inlereatlng end curiuuc dfaplay <if art work exhibited tbia Hiion. i cing the atnck of a lead ing art Importer. They will be .old on Kmtay and Satur day, April 12 mid in, eomniaDelncal 1*2 o'elook. AHT" ~ Tf ~ aICTIon" Extra tun ?al?. High elan Oil I'aintlnga. Tn pay advance* - Amorloan, Kiancli and ilnijlan arlioola. THIS RVKMilil, 7>i o'clock, tlaliory I,till Broadway, nem 2llih*t 0. B, II EN KV, Auctioneer A" ? iOKRla WILKI?s, A OCT ioM'.i.K. , KXi'CUTORVs SALK HANDSOME HOUSEHOLD FURNITITRB, ?OBEWOUD PlAMOFORIE, KINK CABPETiI, AC., at AUCTION. K. II. LUDLOW A CO will ?ell on Tlturaday, April II, at II o'clock t. M., at the private realdenre No 87 Wot fi'Jd ?t.. olegaat roaewnoil i'arlor -nit*. In aatln; black walnut Dlmn?i Itoom and Cliatnmr Haila. aatln and laco Cartalna. fine Carpeta, China. (Dataware. Ac HjAMBH M. IML?.Y~ ~(iTU> NK f. R.?H Y T. U ? RAYMOND A l!0.,atnre ?'MKI VV aablngtoii at. innreaerven ?air) Taaa, SOU balfchnata; Klah. J t barrel*. Rxleiaa, ISO b<>xe?j Currauta, Ml barrel"; ll?n>, IU0 t.a!??; Liquor*, HJUcaaaa; native Wlua*, SlU |illi?nl| Meat*. mlQ caana; alav large line ol general Iiierchaudl-c, Urr U"? i?. Cloth ing. Np<.iige?,|Tubaoco. I'ipet, tine uay (Thursday), April II, 11 o'clock. TThNTlON.?LA RUE 'HOUSEHOLD H RXITURK HaLK, THI? iTHliRBDAY) BORNINO, IIaIN or HllINK, AT KiW O'CLOCK. AT Til h La KU I. PRIVATE ,M A ' KION J'.tJ West 43d at.. near itroadway and 7lli a*. Over 1iai lota elegant lloaaeheld Furniture, 17 Sua Car iota. M Oil PalnMnga. I'-' pair I'urtnlna, Mirror*, Clock*. Vaaea. Tablea, maunlllceut latent attic l*artof r<oite. In aatln, hrnaadv. ?ila, note Hue, rep and lialr clotb; Hteluway Pianoforte, lledrnotti Halta, *t?l* oi I.oula XIV : aingle and doubla lledateoda. Ilareaa*, Dreaalnn Caaaa. Wa-hainnda. Wardrttbi*, U't hair and afirtng Maitro*?ea, H?iMI>|, l.oungra Library, Dining !? urnli nrt. Ulnae. China, r-llrar ware i Cutlery. 17 Hru?e?la, Ingritin an i <tair Carpeta. K. KOTII. Auctioneer. Kale poaltlv*. OMH l acked If da alred. All g oda maat be removed 14 hmirt alter tlm ?aln. Take Broadway. Haveutli ur Kigluh avaaue cars to 43d at. A" MOTION HaLBS Al 1*iti VATK R NI'dKNCBN IM)U cltad and nro'iiptl/ attended to by I.I VlNUKfON A < o , AtMNNN) i.UUM i;rna<lway. V*~Mtlt!.N Abb FoittllON !? A I> TI \ (1H > O W ON ex'iibltlun at M tthawa' nailery, 51 Liberty ?t.. to be aold without reaerva. tHaitinlir, April IB, at I o'clock. _ DA MKL A. NArilKWH, Aaotlnnaer. J JT BoiBKT BONBBVrLLb, 'aUCTIoWIH|"' ' rillH DA*, at l'?? ? 'cl Tk, AT 319 WERT ',7TH l?T., ALL Til K HIOII C.Rl'KTM. OUhTaIN* Kl) RNITUl.E, AC., UK Till - KI.BUAVr roUR STOKY I'ltlVATK DWELLINO MANO, PARLOR ANII I.IHRABY rtl.lTn, IN ?0SR. KIOU KO?EftOOD MAtlMtK, MIJHtO CAB INET. HEONZM MAMhL HKT.h. LACE ANi? BROCA. TEL CURTAINS, TABLE AMI I'lANO OOVKRi, KIN INO BOOM HUIT, IN rLUMIl -II?EI?oaKI?. kikk PROOF .-AKk. MKTS OK HlLVKIl PLaTH. FINE ORKMpKN CHINA, i'^NKfl ?M> BRKAEP > HT I 1" til. A H, Itl.AC K WAI.NCTi HAM EK HUlTS Ot'RLKK II \ll< M VI'lltK-HM, NKD.a A.M> HEDDINUf PINE W I L ToN HI AI It t:A It T? \ Nil ROOM. MANOLK, PINlt OOPPkS KIT).IIEN rTKNSll.M. OILCLOTH. AC. B" Y ilutlil At OONiT AUcrloNKBB, WMHMli ?ale thla d ir. l'i', ii cloak. W llreat .lotiea ?t.. ilm con tenia of two b ardluK h anna and a lari<e qiiantliy of ?torn((e Ii.i?de. Parlor and . oltaaa <*ulta, Hldi'boarda. Iluretua, lladataada, 411 Mattre*?e?., Velvet and Insraln Carpeta and other arili le? ton nunierom to ?ontliMI. Fi woLTon, auctioneer. ? Salt-aronm .MHI Rroauway. below llonaton at.. wUI call on Pilday, April la, at 11 o'clock, ai the private real ienee IIH I'oinpklna place, Brnoklyu, tba entire elegant Furniture. Q^BOHOh W. k'kEI R rT~aU0TI0^BBB. UlLVKRPLATF.D WAHH AMD OUTLERT. Tltoraday .to da?>. Krlder and Saturday, at li o'clock eaili dny, at Lltn'rly it., "Ill ?ell a larite <|nantltv of linn Hilverplated Ware and I'ntlerr. ?analaMfTed by Iba Bert ? en lliitauala Cvmpaajr, Kuk*iI Uroa, and Adam*, Hallo.k A IALEI AT ICCTIOM. Elt I ir*4 *4;' ZZjoC .->?>. c..' J ? prime Court ul toe Slate if New York.?T.iB FAR MERS' I.OaK aMi I RIST COMPANY, plaintiff, oiu.i TH K ERIK KAILWAY COM F AM Y aM>?I HKnS de?.o d*ut? ?Mr virtu* of <nd purnuaat la iJad|B>nl and decree ul foreclosure a .'I aaie rendered mid eol'-red at ? Special Term ul ihe ?*id Snprene I !ouri |u the above entitled actiua oti the aefentu day ol N'uv#tu?er. A. D . 1877, I, *<eoriie Tlcknor I'urlla. re'eree, appointed therein to tall all and ainicuiar the mort|{a?:eil pretintoa, franchises ?nl prop arty. both real. iiorsonal And mixed, mention*lu the complaint iu this action aud mentioned iu the aald Judgment and decree. balntc the ?aiue mortgaged or In' teu iail ao to be Iu iu* pUimlff, tU* Faruiere' Loan and Truel Company, bv a mort|{a<? hearing data ou th? fourth day ut Febrnarr. A. [).. 1H74, Jo hereby ri?a not iu* that oh the t weulr-tilth day of M ireli. In the year IS78, at ISo'clpc* u on. at the Merchant*' kathauKe Nal. trooui. No, 111 Broadway. in tlie city ol New York, by Bernard -myth. Auctioneer. 1 ehali pr uee'l te call ana ?hall t*eil ai public auction to ilie hlgnest bidder, for cash, the Inllowini; deacrtbrd property; All and aiuvular the Railwav* ol the aald company. Iron and luclulltitf Pier mom un the lludaon Rltar. to anil tuclndiUK the Una! ter minal ol the iint railway on Lake Krie, ami the railway, known aa the Newburg Branch. Iroio Neeburg to the malu llue: and alxo all that part ut the railway deals uated aa tlia Buffalo Hrancli ul the Krle railway, ex tendlujr iroiu lluiuellaviile to Attica, in thu State of New York; and alao all otlier Kailwaya belnunInK to the company in the State* of New Yuri. Fennayivanla aud Mew Jeraay, or any of tham, together with all the land*, tracka. linen, rail*. uridgea, way*, buiidiuga. pier*, wliarv**, atrueiure.. erections, fencea, wall*. fixtures, Irauchiaea. privilege* and ri^ht* ol th* aald compauv, and rtlao all the locomotive*, engluee, tendera. earn. car riauea, tool?. machinery. maiiulai tured nr unmanulac tured material*, coal, wood aud lupplte* ol every kind belonging or appertaining to the *<(d couipaur aud all tolla, income lasue* and prollts arlaing out ol aaid property, and all right* to receive or recover the name; alao all tlie eatate. right, title and lutereat. t-rius aud lemainder of terms, franchiaaa, privilege* and right* ot action ul what soever name <o name, in law nr lu equity. conveyed or aaaiKued unto the New York and Krie Kaiiroad Company, or uutu the krie Railway Company by trie Union Kaiiroad Company; liy (be Huffaio. New York and Krie Kaiiroad Com pany; by the Huffaio. Bradford and Pittabu'g Kaiiroad Company, by the Kucheater ami Oeueaee Valley Kaiiroad Cmupauy, aud by the Long Dock Company; alao all and lingular the chosea in action, atock*. bonda, book account*, bill* receivable and oilier evidence* of lodebledne**, lease hold eatate*. contract* and otber property in the ?aM Judg ment mentioned. Ulvtm under my hand at the city of New York, thi* -1st day of January. A l?. 1 "<78. ..EOKUli TIOKNOB CURTIS. Releree. TURNER. LEfc, * MoOLURh, 1'laintlfT* Attorney*, 20 Naaaau at.. Now York. The sale ol the above described Property heretofore Ad vertlaed to take place on tlie -let day uf January, 1H78, at 12 o clock noon, at the Merchant*' Exchange Salesroom, No, 111 Broadway. In ti>? city ol New York, waa then aud there adjourned to the 25th day oi March, 1878, at the lame hoar aud place. OKOBUK TICKNOR CURTIS, Referee. The aale of the above described Property I* hereby ad Jonrne.l to the J-4U; day ol April, 1U/8, at the lain* hour ajul ulare. lUUNKIt, LKK t MoCLURK, i'lalutifl'* Attorneyn. (1BORUE TICKNOR CURTIS, Releree. J^DWARO BCilBNCK, A UUTIONRKR. Contlnaatlon aale of excitant Cabinet Furniture TO-viOllltuW, April U. at Ne. Hi Maiden lane, at 11 o'clock. JJ B. UKKTS * CON, ALCTlUNhURML *RABB AND TALDABLK COLLECTION OF JAPANESE AND CHINRSB ART TRBABORBS, MAONIPICBNT CLOISONKR ENAMKLS, B1CU CAB INETS, EXyUlSITKI.Y DECORATED TABES, BLB CANT BUUNKKS. CII01CF.8T 8PKCIMI.NS OK KARB JAPANRRB AND CHINESE I'OKCEhAINS. CUlllOS, AC.. AC.. AC., PKRSONALLY SKLRiTBD BY KIN Ko-ZANU, OK rottlo, AND MBB8R& CHOEY-SUN AND LEC-CliiNS, OP CHINA. TO BB SOLD AT AUCTION, WITHOUT BBHBRVK. ON THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AFTER NOONS, APRIL 11. 12 AND 13, 1878, COMMKNCINO BACH DAY AT 3 P. M-, AT THE IIBRTS ~A~RT SALESROOMS, No. 12 WASHINGTON PLACE, NEAR THE NEW YORK HOIEU THB COLLECTION WILL KEMA1N ON EXHIBITIOB FREE UNTIL DAY OF SALE. MESnltS. HERTS A SON, AUCTIONKKRH H. B. HERTS A SON. AUCTIONEER*. ORIENTAL ABT. HIOHLY IMFOBTANT SPECIAL OP TURKISH AND PBKSIaN ABT. THE COLLECTION OK TUB CELEBRATED KAIt away moseb A CO.. OK CONSIANTINOPLE AND CAIRO, ON THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AFTER NOONS, APRIL 11, li AND 13, 1878, at a o'clock each day, AT THE NEW AND SPACIOUS SALESROOMS NO. 13 WASHINGTON PLACE. NbAR THE NEW YOKE HOTEL. Meeers. IIERT8 A HON beg to call the partiealar atten tion at connoisMurs to thi* nuporcaht uli. which >lli on bttw ? moiit tupero collection ol lureitti, Moor(*h Hod Persian Kn(i and Carpet*. rare Etobroideriee la Table Ciiahlun, Piano unit Furniture Cover*, Poitiers Cmtaina, ('oatuine*, Ac.; valuable Hronaea, Antlqaitlea, Pura Attar or Koaea, Ac. The Mia will be under the pamonel direction ol Mr. Kar Away Mown and positively without any reeerve. Good* ou exhibition, with cietcriittlve cataloitue, on Mon day, I'uesday ami Wednesday, from 10 till ft o'clock, bale will count nca on Thursday at 'i o'clock 1". M.. g B. HERl'S A SON, AUCTIONEER*. ASSIGNEE'S SALS OF OLAHSWARE. LamTh^ CHaNDBLIBBS. AC.. ALSO STORB FIXTURES' DESES, HAKE, AC., ON FRIDAY, APRIlTT.1. AT 10 O'CLOCK. AT NO. 63 MURRAY ST., comprising the entire Stock of Meatr* Vitrei A Rsrnoldt, to be Hid without reearve to cloae the estate. B; truer ot CHARLES B. RKYNOLUd, Atcigaeo. ?JMFOi.TANT SALE OK BRICA-BUAC, TUI8 (1 bandar) AFTRRSQON. at 3 o'clock, at the Art Room*, 8*3 Broadway. AIM, FRIDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, aa exceedingly aclect and beaatlful Collection. Ou axhioiUou daily until tine ol tala. Riperb Herrea and ['read*n. Horlln, Worceater Delfl. Old Satanma choice enamel, antique Kurnltare (fine), Arm* nnd Armor, hmbrniiieriee, antique Ruga, lira** Work. Hr?n*e*. I'orcrlalna nnd Pottery, and the whole very lntereatinti aud deairablo. To the Stationery Trade. Tbl* day, at the Trade Ssleirootaa. CIlDtoa Itall, Sta tionery, laucy and atapla; Aibnnu, W ritiag Paper. Ac., Ac., to tbe trade only. ? IS. WfclNHEROKR, AUCTIO>KhR. HELLS Tills .d.y (Thursday), April 11, at 1'o'clock, at No. 44 M>tiion, near Spring *U, tbe entire and larire atock of Gro J canea and nil the Fixture* of a Grocery More; aaie pual tivb, without auy nuterva & W. I.^BKhG R, AUCTION KhR, THIS DAY . (I linraday). tprilll.atV o'-lock aaleeroorn, 13 Howery, a larue and general ?.?aorltnem ol good Furni in'*. Iteda and HsdaiiiK, - Piano*. 1 rt?lod?on. 8 neata of Waahtuba, Dry Gooda. noora. Cutlery. Ac ; dealer* Intiled. AH WUfcMA* iiu5 THI* day. at as WXSSB at., at 11 o'clock, Crockery, In lata to salt. oititHr" ~WI t.KINS, AiOHOM KK.?EXECUTOR'S ?ale No. 1UH Weal ?"th at ?v.. II. LUDLOW A CO will *eli at auction, on Krtdar, April li, 1*7*. at 1o'clock, at th? Exchange Saleroom, 111 Broadway (Trinity Building), New York. Weat 4Mllt at?Tba *--ry dniram* four *t iry blub (loop brown atone liouae and leit No. 138 Writ 4"Htt at.. aotitn >tdo, b-tweeu <lth and 7th era.; tho hoiiM la l.'ix.'jj leet, In tiont! order, and conlaine all the conven ience*; poa*et*lon May 1; lot 10l).ftfeet. ??K HI a-VVIITk Fn *?. AUCTION S MR -NO. 118 W r.&T 4~d *t. at auction.-K II. Ladlow A Co. will Mil at auctftm on Krlday, tprll I'i, 187M. at li o'clock, at the K? changa .-aleeroom. Ill Broadway (Trinity HulMIng), Now York., Writ IJ<1 at., the handteme lour ttory high et?oi> blown atone llonaa anil Lot No. 110 We?t t.'d *t>. Jint weat oftltbav. ; houae la 1*8x86 li-et. Including extnnaiau; lit t'oo'i order, and iiumediata poeaoaaion will be Kiveu. Lot UK II foot MOR.I8 WILKlNH, AUCriONBKR. HANDSOME llon-ilioi'l ? iirnltiir?. Piar Mirror, Parlor Drcan, Ac., Ciiina and Hilverware, Ac. h II. Lt'Dl. W A CO. will aeli at auction, on i rldar. April I'i. at II o'clock A. M.. at the iiriraie realdeace No. 45 M>at i4tli at., all the llouarltolii /'urniture cuntain?o| therein. conaiatiiiK ol black walnut Parlor .Suit in *11k r?|>a. tianiuetnrle l abia, vlecant Pier >1 irror and Cornice* III nlack walnut and (lit frame*, bl.tck walnut H. ditrad*. hair Mattreaaea, leaihirr IMIIowa, ..rtia ael> Carpet*. Ac., and an assortment ol Kitchen and Lann> diy b'tenal.a, with which tho aalo will couiuieuce. Cata loiae* at No. H Plao at. _________ MARVITTrT:LAKK. AUCTIONBItR. 4 nIeW RKAliK ?t ?Cartlcalar attention paid to outalde *aie* of.Har eliandl*" and i ainitare. tiet my eatlmatea. P"~ AWNHROKEir"SALK.--R. i IKLD, GENERAL Auc tioneer. ?ale?rooin No. I3i Canal at . near B'lWary, will ?oil tlii* day at II o'clock 7<IU lot* men'* sad aomen'l Clothing, lirearea, shawl*, Remnanta, I 'nderclothlng, Oiillta, illankata, Meddlni(. Root*. Sltoea, Ac Ac. i al~i a. Pant* and Va*t*. Ily order K Nalaou, 270 DlTlalon IJaWNIIKuKKR'S NALlv? I'lilH DAt, JAKh.i Ai.Alt, .tuctlonear. will Mil at fill New Howery. 7?<? lot* -iiW Dreuoa, i.ace, t.'rape and Woollen bliawla Remnant* or hilk and Alpaca, labia Linen, IInderrlothlnic. Shoeta, ,-pr. adt. Blanket*, Vuilt*, lioota, sboea , ?lao Coat-, I'an talOon- and Ve>t*. Hy order of John J Lavy 4A NiK a* ]),v w niikoki'.h' > sa17eT"hTm psiTn. bom kbs a co will >eil on Ineaday, April IU, Men'a and vt maea'* Clothing, ottllt*, sheet*. Ac,, all good* pledged prerioo* to Kebinary, Ih77.' maul-watohbs and jewbl. JTiy -TIIOS J MCORaTii, An-tlooeer. Ohatham at .corner Vulherfy. will aell <>a Krlday. April 13. 7i?( lota Opll and Mlyer Watobc*. IMamonda and Hold Jewelry, Ounv Platol*. Ac., Ac. Ily urder T. Carroll. Soath >th a*., end P. Starr. Id ay. _ J~jAWNBRiiKKk'8 h'aLB.?TIIOs. J. MoOBATH. AlIO lloueer I5M i hatiiatn ?u. eo ner Mulherry, will tell this day, II O'clack. SKI lota Men'* and Wnn?i'i Clot nig. pteaae*. Shawl*. Momnaaia. (jnllta, Hlanketa, ItaddinK, Knoll, Shoe*. Ac. AI?o Coats, Paat* and Veal*. By order II. C. HERMAN, aUCTIOHEEM.SALBSBOOM UM aNU ? 17 Howery.?Trade tan ot imporied Wlnei, l.iquor*, t:hampagn*. Ac.?Krlday, April 13 at II o'cl. c?, r>s and 17 Howery, about 3I*I barrel* and caak* One Hrandifa, liin. Hum pori, sherrj '.nd Claret Wlnea, Honrboe end Rye Whiskeys, at Hear and Blue Or***, Aehlaad, Crow. Htevaoa and other choice i randa all In or xinai packattea; .<I-<? ahoat >iaica*e* Will. a. Ilraiiilie*. Cordial*, baaaeta ami ca-e- > nanu- gne Ac Halo in Iota tn tnit WILI.l i M HiBori, AUC > ION It K It HV VIKTIK ofachatte mortgaun I will tell on Krlday. at in', o'clock at taletrnoma, ltd Bl"acker at . one tollii rn?ew(oid Can< py Hi'dat ad. with French niate Mirror* attach. d, coat #1 men Armolra*. Ktagere*. *?lld walnut Cliembar Suit*, Imported Oil Painting, with Muaical Clock. Muaic Hoses with flntea and cci -Mat voire*, Iroto iso to tw lve air*, Ac, J H. K A Rltl NOTON. attorney lor Mortnagee. i LLlAM AHBiiiT. AUC'IONK R R, ?el-arm m* s''l Hlee< ker at., will cell on thl* day it l"l? o'clock anarp, the elegant Klx tarea ol liquor atora 2H'.I Weat tt.. corner H?a- h. walnut cabinet FUturce, with Kreneh plate Mirror*. *pieudld 4-pnll Ale Pump, later beer Icehnoae. wainet and aali; walnut Partition*, Cigar Cat*, Uiaeawara, Platablag rt erk. Ao. FOR RALE. A -MrflUtL. FlRa I' tr&Srt^GKfrWWBti /i ??Mt Mltieu. Hppiy (a Jo UN KciATlNit. t il. K. ThUtbe'i riK>if claim OoWskh a*"> tTiiT si "uk. wuh fli-.mi H?r, almmed at (?; Summit ii.Jikj Ctt) llri.lii> Appli:?iiun pera>n? lr or by 1 tier "a fiae kuksok ru*TH MUttOK fj* 5*15 -/\cli??p (iu TSgH; price $?-?). wurtu $JOu: tU*oea tut ilM.". 315 Urnn i at.. Williaioabiirg. A - Foit ~nYlB-FIBmT CLASS CORNER (IyU')l ?store uptoarn. tit tod ap. u?*r <l?put; .loud buniio-.. m> rili. e ; low rent; owner giving up uualnoaa. Apply WHITE, 013 Otb av. Boor" v.ND SllO?~ T<It E ; GOOD HI'81 NEH~-. ; CHEAT rem; prouiietor goini to !? urope Jo.VES 3riC*ntr?at AkEllY 12 TO 15 BAICR'.L* P r..: WiiU, ELiG bly locaud. i?ii oe purchased at low fi.'ur LLOVU'S. 4 Warren at. C11IKAP. HANDSOME NKW MARVIN SAKE, LABG1 /Hlaagisg Wire Siua, OOica Railing (jae Fixturoa. Hii MOVal.. Herald uIHco. LVHi HAa OOAL~~AN0~ WOOD OFP1CK; cubu J? rent: nlc* location for Kutineaa; value of fliturea $154 caah vv o Dh. il raid ? HI ?*. JjVJK SAl.E?Oil 1 LDKEN'S SliwB M AN UK AO TOKY. A r well eatahllalied uuainea., thoroughly oqulpped witu machinery. ftxtume, laata, dies, patterns, Ac. Adureaa A. R. M., Ileraltl offije. IpOit SALK?\ i IRitT CLASS HIIXI iRO AND POOI? r Ttlilii; bull- en ? and r.icas all complete; price $U?5i. Apply P. FaUKELL. corner Cherry and Juuiei sts tjlOltSALE?ON ACCOUNT OP itolflMi a CANDY " More. Imiulre at fix) M mt. li'ORHAI.E-PaUL M > BODY'S 25373 AMERICA I and other SooKa. MM B tilitu'i. Garden Hum and Kix? tiir.-?, i;>< Storea,Ac. Addreaa UKk.AKl.Sti CP, Uarald Brunch office Ipoii m Tlk?market siaNu. Fixru7uca and food will ill Porfc and I'rorliivii business. Apply at 7(1 Tumpktaa Market. I"H)K * A I. K?O K TRAl'B FOR HE Alt oTT P E SSoNAL Proportr. injlit luciative builooM, secured Apply la etore Ittl Wu inicloa >t L'">K 8AL.K-0VVICK KUaNITL'BK." SAKE, DJtai? J Me. BH Murray at.. ap >um. 11 to 3 o'clock. FV?R SALE?l.AUiih KAN.iB BY UOPaRq'JbT A Muneute. nearly new, end a Broiler. 18 Eaai 'JHtb ?t. I1?0K 8Al<K?MTUCK All'> KlXI UKIM orfiS oUS ett r>t>bli>linU 1?? and lirocery Store in South Brook lyn: ?rpuralai)' nr together. Applr. ior too iIhvi, at 2.'>< Smith at. Thin la a uu> d cliaaoe lor tUe rijjlit party. Stun to let. IVoR BALB-A H'Jl'IKR AND I.OQ MARKET; COOfi ?a?h iiticUborWoud; tvld on uceouui of uuuido Uu?l;i?a?; at 7H Oariuiue it. I?__ _ _ ku,_max^kll hotel, iri HI ark?r st; <io ruout* : doiiif kikkI buitnasai; loir real) occupied thru# vnr* pr<m?til ?wner. 1^1 Mi &A Jli CHK4F-A ULASd AND WOOD PAUTI X tion. (/Oilar ?t. New Yotk. F jlUTl RhS OK A LlOKNSilD HOTBU ?TH AV. 1 tit l.eaae . a irooil ataud . lurnlalieil Room all rem?4 to tli** tt . Ian Kami, with or witliuat Stuck. No aiieuta. Ad dreaa H. S., Urrald I ptow 11 olhce. I~iiuB HAbk-i'lUUUIi.Pl 1 A, ALI AMD VO*. ter Brewery ; capacity .?(?.(**.? barrela ; la complete run oinif order; < oio a tarvo aud prolit ible buaineaa; aulUcleut reasona kIvcii for ratlriuit. Addreat O. K.. herald ofltce RoOKKY.?CUKPLKT* AJNU HANDSOME OCTUT I of Kiaturea for aala; an iuimaua* barttalu, At 451 Onnal at. SaKK KOK SALK-WILUEk'S PATkNI1 aj INCUBd bltib by 21 inebna widx p< lee $30: coat $10(1 M. UUOIlWlN, loot Slat at,, RaatR leer. S~~IlOttTcASKs'-PRltihS l.oW!? B THAU KVER;UENli lor catalogau; ovxr 4?> on hitud. IIOFKM AN M tt-KriCB, 148 Chatham at. SODA KOUNTA1N POR HALE OHKAP?AT MB. io? IliXOI, OoflbtiloHr,82 Eaat )4that. 181 glass-Lot-or L! y U <> Rs A N D D18TILLKBY 1 Fixture* for aala cliaap. Api.ljr 828 1Mb at. <fc inn *"??' BU V STOCK.' FIXTURES'ulHFrifii ?)plU'/iuid Oyater Market; ko>i4 butineaa; cheap reut. t.o<) 3d ar dfoiTn WILL PURC1IA-K TIIK BI-.^T LOCaTKD %>mm1" "anil paylug Cigar Stand tu Brooklyn. 783 MyrtJa > MACII1MEKV. T~^m a c i i in K; Y i i E A uy u a it fE its,' L111 BfttV" s'l\ A.bacon HOISlING EMiiNB NO. S5 wbllm balance engine nos. n; amuhh BUCK 1.Yh ENUl.NB COMPANY NO 87 EMERY VVIII.K1.S and MACHINERY SUPPLIES.NO. ?1 h. A. WOOD'S MACHINE 1'uMPaNY NO. 01 RUMSBY'S PUMP AND Kl RE ENUINE MO.'M LIN DB It WOOD HOISTING ENOINBS NO. WI J. II. BLaISUELL Band and Scroti Saw* NO. In7 ROBERTS PORTABLE ENGINES NO. 1C/7 Vt.W A N O SECOND HAND ENGINES., NO. 107 KHAPLEY PORTABLE ENGINES > NO. KM C. B uOOBltS M CO. Wool) MACHINERY ...NO. 108 PHENIX pack1no AND RUBBER COMPANY. NO. 112 T. J. PALES. BAXTER SiEAM ENGINE NO 114 BAND SAW FOR SALE CllEAP.-UCl.LABU Mi CHINE COMPANY, 14 Day at. ClllEAP-ONE 10 HORSE ENGINft. ONE KO. S ) Woodward Pomp. Adilruaa PUMI', Herald offl.'a. Empire wood gpLirrBR8-BK8T in united Stataa for aplitting pine, oak and hickory. Send tor cir cular. WM. L. WILLIAMS, 154 Eaat 2Titb ?t. TUe tide ok business I> ON TI1E FLOOD, AND TIIK EVENING TELEORaM'S CIRCCLAI ION Last WEEK WAS:? Monday 46.400 ADVl.RTI.iE AT 20C. A LINE. Tneaday 45.750 ADVERTISE AT 20C. A LINE. Wedneaday - ... 46,000 ADVERTISE AT 200. A LINE. Thar ad ay 47,050 ADVERTISE AT 2UG. A LINE. Fridar - 47,000 ADVERTISE AT 20C. A LINE. Total 278,200 ADVERTISE AT 20C. A LINE. Daily . 4M.9M ADVERT IS . IN THE EVENING TELEORAM. WANTED BOILERS AND ENUINE, amoUT 40 horao power. In uoodornar; alao Shafting, Pullaya and Itangera. Addreaa MANUFACTURER, box 177 Ilerald office. WAftTKD TO PVRC li AM K. C'lYONKKR or WOlitKN^DfchK WANIEn-C11 ITa> ^lor oaeh; state alia, price and location. K., box 1.'j3 liaraid office. Tank (iiakr&l task ok oturu), op *kom oug U) l.ouo galluua capacity wanted K. H I MO K K, 22 Frankfort H. W- AS rM)~-OPPICE PAKIITIO*-, IIALP Uua H II'out 35 ftfet, cheap fur caah Addrsia. alalia* wuera tbej ran ba Man, I-- *?., 112 Herald office <J| IIKM* WANTKD-MALKli. warm???>wwnr i?sta kt*woi ?oar lin?lnt-aa. a (fnilrraan ?>( fair education ; need not neci-i-aarilv un<li>raiaiid Mia buaiueee. bui mail aumn well recommended I <r proaptneaa an?l accuracy. Addn-aa AUVi.NT, Herald ollice. AN OFPIOK boy W vNTHD. WHO IS IXTKLl/oKNT. aerueloim-d (a making c lle'jiloua and know* the riiy. Apply a't -r 12 to C III K K ITH A BY KSfc, 113 Laouard at, AOKirr* wastko?kykktwhkhk, ii rKA. uwp lee and antcea; bout plan offered. Apply t? the OKKAl AM K ill l! N I'fcPUHLlO IRA COMPAQ. Ml It a relay ?t. BAltKiTKPK It WANTRD.-AffLl AT NO. 420 Oraud at., Wllllamifmrg. OK NT* WARTKD.-WANTRD. A QA? VAbaRH. WHO hit- aoir.e aeaiialiitance among medical man. Addraaa bos :i,u37Now Ynrx Pout nfflce ANUF/.OTURINO- OoKPANY WASrH OKNKRAIa innta; large lerrltorlea; oailneee paya haadeaaaafy? no rlek; uuqueatlouabia referencoa aeeeaaary. 3M1 tit b >r, top flour. J" JUKI Tl'.Art.? AOKSTK WANTKO iI VKKY WilKliK n> >611 in tamlilaa. b.uela and large catieamara; l*rg-?t aiock n the country ; piality and i?rma tin- lie?u Country ?tori'karp t? alioulil call or writ* TUB WELljft TKA CUa PANT,-HI Knlton it TtlNKP."aO11VK. KburATKD MUM AM "SAl.KHMKbTJ knowladga of mualc preferred . $10 ealarr hHKfc Y. SB BuHayii rrKAs. of a rantp.p.i* rum., povnuh aou.t I roa-ted coir<9?, tu pounta 91. TEA OoMPAh Y, 2*i-l Pearl at Wantm>-at *;3 pV.ii mom rH, a kki7u?i7k~a.n d experlrocad man in oarli of the Ian-cilla? to intro duce a new n vol .uid ?t tple lino of yooda. Admaaa. gir lna cupcriance, J. II HlrtllOP, Wyandotto, Mich. Kipa rlepcad hk'uk ptanM notlea. W~ astro?a orS i iTrVas to tkavki., oapaIuTk ol takinc nril'T? (or adrertlalng me.iluiu , u-ine othera. hPKUlAl.TV, Ilrrald ofllea. \ir antT i>-^oTt s r* ami* travkllimu hai.k* ft men. at 24 liroadway, room w; near article; rapid aalea. . ..oil m<r?lna. W~"avtSd-a GOOD, HiiNKMT BOY IK a Ma ablMrf at?r?. AUUreta, atatiag w?*r? expected, C. A Co.. Ilernld uflioa. MTASTKD-IK A PKITATK PAMK.Y, A YOUSO N tM TT ?? waiter and wlio iinil?r?tand? drt?la?, to r.i to the mm,try; Ua maa or Kiiirloli preferred: ??f I *1U a muntb. Audreaa, arttb raleraaaaa, AOOIlMjN, UaraM office. W" ANTKD-a OKMTLIjtTs op ASfUirY AMI KN oritr to aollrit for aa eld n?tabllaba4 puulUblag hou a. Rl DKK. boa 111 Ilrrald nflloe. Uf aSTKD-^ATOt/T B<?V, Wllo'V51)~nMTARM llOK* ft ninir braiilmit itMrhinea and vlndlaa bobbnm. Apply lll'Ti lllsos. 21 Aim ?t. tl/ANTRb?A PAHRKR ASI) WIPK, <A ITH OCT OMIU II ilrert: Amerlcau. Htctcb or Kngllab Apply at ODI.l.L'S, IIW W. ?i tuh at. ii/artk0?a ?iaIit mar. to iTprs" oviflTni IT end >Ut at luurb r<miner. Apply at raalaaraut, Penn<yl<ama Kallroed lepot. Jaraay ? liy. WAX I fcll-A PltuHOS" KXI'KKT ON * THK TV I'M writlriK machine and vha la a rapid ?tenoirrephar. Ad dreae, with teraie an r?l?r?ne?, i>?a 2,<>7.> P??t oniae. N. Y. U' AITMI A UOOII STltOM. HoV. AWiiCT ?*. Hi A TT n l.k an l butter atara. AddraM MK..CIIAST, Herald t'piowa iifllca. ? 'I'llft 1 It A Dtii, ? Amiti atios is P ii o n k i it a I11 i<iA k i i wTa v ed. Iit a Drat rla?< nporator. ur aa aaleaiiian in r?r?nil<ia rnotii . fully anderatan la the |nialnea?; al l HO nut of Ilia city. A.l.ireaa, for Ibrre daya, PHOIOO aAPllKU, baa 171 Herald ufllra. k Ruble OoMP(iilTOK WAMTRO, AT M III AT. t' 1ARINRri AKKlui WARTKO.?APPLY TO 4. W. / M %HON ? 'I vlaillann at. ?*n0ImRkr wartro-to riHr ?ImiaI'i.r^ r;?"ui>"S iandnKae lilmiell ntliereHe taalal 1 aaod r?. "inin. n I ? tlmia required ; Ktaie ai!?. ahrre li>-rat"f.iTa etaflafi'd, w set etp i-i#C Atldreea hxil>HHit, I'oei utlea l">? 5.niu New Yora. fIV) nil oh R a NU P A<; tr RRRH -M ru A l lOiTW.%11K j I in a practical Mi-Kay mieratnr and (tack filter; Mfer anee*. d?lre?a OlVKATi <lt lleraldoffice ANTKO-T*B liloArt OAKkM" ON PlP.Uh ati^ a bojr used ?o atrlppliiic lanaco .. Apply 74 Naa ObKiniiera ?t. WANTRI>?*MORMAKKRS; THRKK SoOD WonK ill-II on Imlioa' Ana wnrk, ana . n la lea' ?lmpera; "B< flrti riaaa workman ou m?u ? Mil thira ??*i?n an? ?tllekara; extra wage a. Ii I I'uOOO, H.'O Broaiiway, eainai __________ KKKMCM AllV KRTINKn Wtl. %"tss*T?i?r.s'i8"nsic fk ifliftvr"<ri'*vhkr. V eaat ||K I'aria. dealra >!? > J??'?eai deua dea lata., pmaea. l.cilia a L M., Uaraid i