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CITY ftKAli EIT&T& tntn. SALE. Central. A ? HTBA WX?b Bl ILT AMD HAHDBORKLY FIN Al|UKU FOl/R STOKY BROWN kTUNE |NULI?H BAbBMENT HOUSE F<R SALE ON MURRaT HILL. Of. Mru ST., NEAR ATU AV i HOUbR IB 25 KKKT [HOST A>D 72 KKKT DKEF: LOT FI LL S1ZK. THlb IB AN OI'l'OKTLINlTY TO PROCUMt AN i t TKAORD1NAKY ANO ELEOANT liOU>K A I' A VERY LOW KlUl'KK. APPLY TO OR ADDRESr) W. II. liENRT. 33 EABT 74IU *T.K OR E. U. LUDLOW A CO , 3 PINE bT. A OR AO RD LOT l.N~1l5TU SrTBKTWkY.SOTH AND 1X7 lb a?a. $5.5uU V. K. STEVENSON, Jr.. 4 Pineal. ASSORTMENT CHOirK UWELLINUS. 44. 46. SO 57th. near Mudla .u. is, 31, 25 feet. Apply on nremlaea. Jwurn, DL'OOIX A CROSSM AN. Architect*. S3 K?n41at Kll( ST CLASH IIWBLL1NO, 23 KOORS. ALL couveaiencea, mu Madlaon aquare. only S5.i*X>, tun, bad $5 000 per uuun ; rant* tor N,IXJO. fBl'HTht, liar bid offlca. T WT.SHO?FOUB STORY BROWN STONE, FIRST 5th tr., Murray Hill. B. U. OOODALE, 5 Wait Mdrt. Aft/m -55TI1 ST.. HI TWEKN 5111 ANU MADISON AVB., L?moderu 22 loot Dwelling at a eraat bargain. V. K. STEVENSON. Jr.. 4 Pine or 33 Kwi I7th ??. LIORNKR OK MURRAY HILL. BETWEEN PABK ,/and Lexington ava.?Three atory brown atone llouae, in tarteet order, lor aale ; SI 1.50U. sMYTHE A BARNES. S55 4th a*. Ci^OR 8ALE-5HTII ST., BfciWEiN MADISON AND r 4th ???.. tour npieiidI I cabinet flnlahed lour atory brown itooa Houaea, Noa. -0. 33, 37, 3d; price, #-*>.(KXJ. K. h. Pl'HDY. Truatee, 4-' t ? 4* Wnii 13th at. froB SA1.K-TIIE ~? HEAl'hSI Kl'LL SIZE FOUB r atory atone llouae on Murray Hill, with extra lot and itable; will aril to h prompt bpyer at $45,000. E. H. LUDLOW A CO., 3 fine at. and 1,130 Broadway. LH)B SALK-VEI;Y LOW TO CLOSE AN ESTATE, f Noa. 40 and 51 Weat 57th at. the floeat block In tha citr, two mairn ill rent lloitaea; 25 leet front, 83 feet deep, tluaat cabinet flui?h, 111 I r r Lire, real bronie hardware, Ac.; plumbing and drainage perfect; built In moat aubatantlal manuar under aupqjiuioudeiH'e oi D. A J. Jardlne, arehl* tacti. Apply on preiniaea. Open on Suudar*. lSoE SALE * AT A B A Kil AlN~-i? WASHINGTON J? place, near Hrnndway. Apply to (JENIO C. SCO'IT, 615 Broadway, or HOMhK MOUHaS, 1 Pia* at. F" OR SALK OHI'.AP-TllE ONLV TWO LOTS LEFT on block between i'ark and Lexlugton ava., on 57th at. | all bulldlUKa drat i-Uaa ireatrlcted). Apply 1.S4U 3d av. Sacrifice to glorb ax ebtatr, ?rrtt sr. near 5th av. Klegant full alin Mauaion: treacoed throughout; no brokei*. EXECUTOk, Herald Uptown olflce. ? 'molTciLl?EKS^KOU SALK, H LOTS ON 114TII 8T., JL hatwean Lexington and 4th nra , Including comer; price low; terma accommodating. Appl> to J. HE WLETT. 1,000 THE TIDE OF BUSINESS IS O.N THE FLOOD. AND TUB * EVENING TKI.I OKiM'8 CIRCULATION LAST WEEK WAS:? NMday 46,45<J ADVERTISE AT 200. A LINE. Tneadny 43,750 ADVERTISE AT 20C. A LINE. Wedneeday 46,600 ADVERTISE AT 20C. A LINE. Thuraday ..... 47,060 ADVEKT1SE AT 20 C. A LINE. Friday 47,600 ADVERTISE AT 200. A LINE. Saturday 44,750 ADVEllTISE AT 20C. A LlNii. Total 278,200 ADVERTISE AT 200. A LINE. Dally avartiifrt . 46,866 ADVEKTi.SE IN THE EVEfflNO TRLEQRAM. Kbit Mld?. A HANDSOME TWO STOHY AND BASEMENT llou?e No. 210 K?it 112tb at., on larorablo tarma, or will rant to good tenant. Apply on premlaaa. FiUlR SALE OR REKT-THRKK STORY BROWN atone llouaa 317 Eaat 41 at at., between 2dav. and Froe pect place; irood neighborhood. OWNER, on premlaee. rart lurnlahed. jjtoli SALE?ItEAL ESTATE.?TO CAPITALISTS AND 1? property ownora.?That aplendtd tenement Propetty, coaalatinK of fourteen new fire story brick double tenement llouaea. at the northeaat.corner o (ioerck and Delancer ata.. New York, cimcedeu lo the bert prupertr of Ua kind In the city, will be aold or exchanged; a atnall amount of caah only required; balance In exchange: equity about J50.IKM). AdaienaOM Ni-.K. Iiox2,6o4 sew York I'oat ofttce. SY "I A iTTl-?E LKGANT BROWN SI ON I.. 2I> AV.' JIH.UvUicuruer, near 58th at.; chance never offered belore. FROEULICH, 788 3d bT. w e*t Ma*. At a baboain?dwkllino, oood order. 21 Vestry, near lludaou ; modern Improvement*. OWNER, M Wait 20tli at. AN ATTRACTIVE Til KB IS proRY 20-POOT HOUSK for rntla, in 12th at.. batwaen Bih nn<i 7th ava.. lu good srder, prio# ?I1,Vjii; lot 1UM ?. E. U. Ll ULOVV A CO., 1Pine it. and 1,130 Broadway. 6th av.-a pull lux, 20x100. on west bidb ok avenue, below tbe Park, at a lar^ain; aiao a (our story Brown stuns tioate, 22x70, near 52d tk JAM 8 B. WAiBuLOW. 881 Uth BROOKLYN PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO LET. k TBufiTnKKr? JlHruolili n, f iOp>r mmUii 14 rooms. J. A. RUTH VEN, 24 Perk place. New Yard. AKUAIN8 IN BROOKLYN.?ON LEXINGTON AV., Two i.rick I> vollinta. with improvements; priee each caab. ?700; alio a good corner House, tame price and term*. EUGENE CHEVALLIEK, 106 Bleecker at. F~loR~BALB-HoUeB: THREE BToRY AND BABB ment hrick Home No. 151 Kllloit place, Brooklyn; prior. #7,000, iormer price, JLt/JOU. Apply to H. O. A J. jr. JONES, ileal Estate Agents, BB3 Atlantic ??., Brooklyn; or to tht* owner, U. P. BOWBLL, 10 Spruce at.. New Vurk. I10K~ SALE IN ORi BKWOuD?HALK LOT. WITH Iron Ponce. Apply to J AME8 WEIR, Jr., 25th at., Bouth Brooklyn. To LET?K1R.-T CLAMS Bi'.OWN 8TONK HOUSE, ON Park drive. 136 Bedford a*.; three-quarter* mile to Roosevelt and Orand (treat ferries. TO LBT?PIRST CLAH.4 Til UK h 8TOKY BROWN stone Honse >o. 1?> Ureene, near Clinton a*. Apply ?t next door, No. 128, or Mrs. OAKLEY, or ol D. H. STONE, lm Broadwa.r, New York. ?>/*/Wl RKNT.-KIRST OLABB BROWN BTONB ap')UUHou?e hard wood finish, 186 Kodeey it., Wlll lam.liiirE. Apply to S. COCECROPT. lHiJn Uodney at. WEHTCHEHTER COIISTY PROPERTY FOR SALE AND TO RENT. A* ?"T0NKBRH.-POR".RALE ok" EXCHANGE Po ll i City noun-, two verv neat Houses lightly mortgaged; aiao a number of tarnished end untarnished Houses to let cheap. YoUMANH, A vent, Yonuers. AUKilK STONE VILLA', KULLY POkNIBHBD, on Daveonert Neck, New Eocbelle, to rent lor one or Ro yean or the se*sou. Apply to W. W. BVANB, US no at. f-V>R BALK?IN A KINK A.?iU HEALTHY NEIOll I'orhood. a two story and basement tratne llonxo. 32 feet veranda; lot llrtxl75 fret: larire barn; plenty fruit and iuwera, fcartiett plaeted; easy terms. Applr P. PBTBB* BEN. I'nwn av. and Wall St., Morrlaanle. N. Y. LI'Mt OH TO KENT. K URN IB 11 Bit?A VBRT 1; i.eaultful Country rtesMeace. aiteated on the sound, la the town ol Itye, Westchester county, N. V Kor tome ad drew H. box 1U Herald ?IHee. T ONLY fciOUO. MAI.P cash, KOR A NBAT. lOsKOOM. 3-etnry Home. ('ail Kriday cad Katurdey, corner lOuth ?t. and Roaton a*.. Memaaiiia. JHTTeT-AT YuNKMlh. A BRICK HOU8B, TEN rooms; hot and culd water,; atable. three ?crea;on Mali i?r -uiH, garden, irnlt and abode tree* Ap plr IIIORNK. CaRKOLL A 00 ,68 White at.. New York. mo LET-aT hyp, M<ck, ~ov7klooeTnu""the A Sonnrt, rentlemaii a fniiy fnrntahed Realdence. IS rooma, hot Hnd tfold water. Aa.; flower and kitchen careen pro rared ; two eowa. horae, rarriaiea, Ar. ; orrupied i y owner, nrther particulars, jABhn HlRCIlhTT, lli Wall ik. room IK. Water roa-> k to lbt-laboe buili>ino and Roomv with ' xcelleat Water Powar. at Yunkcra, N. Y., HI niilea Iroin city by boat or rail. Iaquire of J. COP* Cl/IT.Mu WMsmtiicton at . ?r at Youkera. lEItHRY CITY. IIOllOKEBI, HUDSON AMD BERUEN REAL ESTATE. Kor Sale. COTTAOB AT MARION (JhRKEY OITT) KOR BALE or to lot J A. K A B I'INtt, 7u Cedar au PROPERTV OUT OK THE CITY KOR SALE OR TO RENT. "i t NKW HKlUltro.N ' "> I ,|;>,? ITtl Vdlil'.ltN J\. Improvements; lawn., aardena, ilrivea, nn<i convenient te boat landiUK- J a BE.-. M. TAYLOK, i^l'iLOSt, A T OOLU hPKIBO I>B ""tmB I|1:17m(iN TO Le.T, /Vtnllv and nicely luroi.bed, a grntieman a RaeitfcBce: 10 acres in tardea and lawn, line fruit asd ?haae : sewon >r year. Pull particulars with .1. E? Bi. kmon . Ul Weal Ud at. _ A Vine oountkT kekiu nck, hi acheh"lanh, (iae huilulo?a. Mi si nil ainrta. for .ale, to let or ex lhanae lor New York city Property ; one hoar OS Maw York and New H*ven Railroad. Kor lurthcr eartiealers call ou the owner, 3li Wait 91et et. AT ?TOCEBIUIHir.. M VHS.S^ IIOCRk PROd NEW York . two throu . h traina "tally; a tine eld Resident*, villi extensive Krouudat one ei the flne-t lo. atl .na on tlia "treet; routaiuinac ?lx sloepInK apartments, be.l.l^s servsnta 'insrtera. ami, if <iealred. au adnitlonal cottaKO for servants' families: terms. fl,U*>, or with the coitaas, ll.likl. Aduress Po.t offlfe box 2 ;?3 New York eltf. or apply to *li.L< WALL a (HI. No. 4 Beekman at 4PIMT CLABB RhSIHENCK ' IN ~nbw BKUN.^ wiea it, arr-a. tilled with Irnlt, lo rent, lurnlaheo, or Ixci'KnKea, aiao l'?-?cre Karm, near the citv. with irood Ciiiidinica, only fA.OOO; !t>7 Acres, .plendid buildiiiKa. inly r,t4JU J H KKKtil'BON. XI New Chureh. "I B aRO a IN -la A CRhw. HOU?B. ?AB|I, K>jjlf. A"*" "an... j n?a hi. we from city; 94,(M?j; only ff><ki d..wo ; k"'"I poultry place. 0 1 IB f. Br.OBLL, 07 East l?>th at . >ew York. *4 T IMVrHiITiIN -1.")"BW LET PUB THE hUMNBB, /Vthe lurai?h?.i House and Orounds of the lata John K. Wtiitams. at Irvlnirton on tlia II udson at a low rent The use of horses, carriages and aiao ol mile cows will be In cluded in the leuse It ua^irec Inquire el PbABODY,' MAKER k PKABOUY, llo Broadway, or of HOMER Molt OAN. 2P|peat. _ A T ?TATBN INLAND?CiltiiCE ABBORTMRNT OP A Hon as. Aa, to let. KECTOEN BKOThIRB, Mi Flienaae at. taUlAIITH, N. i ?TO RENT~H^lUiiEr BLKVEN Jjj rooms I all improvmeuts; flvs naluntee' walk Irom de pot; near Booth Bread St.; rent MB I, M. HAVEN PORT, 145 Hrosdway. UMAKT AI?M PROMT COUNTRY bbat, mix acres; lari.e buildings; fruit, shade ; 40 miuntes Irum , llall; sale panic price. UhOBUE VaNUEWATEII. I New at. Took balk?h u7p pkicr. klpoant coi;ntkt JP Reaidenca on Cnelton Hills wit# 4U acres of lead; two bosri Ifeis New Yera by new line. R. J, 1IOBB1NB, LaAger Uutldiug, Pkl a<lelphla. CwTsa ? r a M ACNIUI. -1 a Mhol'.li. . ' ? - ? . I; land, liwelliiix ouibuli'iiniis, Iruit. Ae-tV**); else BO acres B4.000. betn very cheap. HULMBttT PB< K, 9M West -*4i h at. filiiK ?ALB-A ORB AT CHAllOli POH A LIVE M AN ? f Koad House, Hall-mile Traek and Karm |B7 acres), tits. Med en oae of the best tnrnpisea lu the mat*. JH miles from New Brunswick ; one Hour Irom New York; houae do flftw a food baslnees; a?? and InArmitr eause for seilniR; terms easy; Stock and Crena If oeaired; a creel bsrgala. Addreee P. B. TK ACT, hei HUJ. Maw BrnasWW, M J tv>7l BALBOB TO ?B,T~?0?^BAU OK THE f late B. Hull, a larire house and cottage, parlir far ttehefl with hares, earriage bouses; tea arrea of laaa ex Mediae te ike river, with garden, all klnda el frelt end ?ever Fatllag sartege ?t weter. inquire et PMBBM E jil'lRA 2d st , New York. ?>r box Jo, Lcrawali, aa the Hudson where properl# ?? situated. PROPERTY OUT OP T1ZZ. TFT FOR SALE OR TO RKIVT. wan iiiLiuA'f()T??^rTrxiretoM r IS rooma ; location unaurpaaa <i, in littutich. Conn.; renl #7<?>. Par fertrter particulars Inquire uTP. NKl'NVL LER, 110 Nihu Ik, or A GEOKGB. Greenwich, i'tua. CVrekNWIOH. KIVr.ksidk - AT T^aOT IV K OO I'N JTtry lloinos sale. rent. e xcuatijfs ; there front rropertlea. J. W. AIWaTER. 14.*> Rroauwar. IGHLaNDS. N. J.. ON YH SHREWSBURY K1VBR, nil <?t the fluent locetloiie ?To rent lor the luniraer to a rirIV ?t?? family, ? ll -i?< ol 17 looiua. furnished; modern tnpioveaieats, ga?. Ac ; line etoble and outbuildings, ice h?u?e filled, vegetables. fruit a gardi ner ton witb tbe filace two bottle, cohI a::d wood; poeaeaeion May 1 or aooner I desired. Addresi OWNER, box 172 Herald office HOTEL-30 KOOMS, BUTIlTutPUHD, SO MINI'TES City Hail, saie; panic price. GEORGE VANDEW.V. Tfc.8, 1 New it. OK A KG E. ?KENT Ok POR HALE. B*sY TE It W 8. Dwelling; location auturpaaaed: fu. water, atitble, fruit. Ai*dreee bus 652. Orange. N. J. 0_ RANGE. N. J. <*ONTHOSB? RIrXiK). - RUNT, UN iurnisiied. two larva, handsome Residences; modern conveniences; several acre*, stable*; very high. command ing extrueive views; excellent neighborhood : near Moun tain Matin kiuvaiuip. iiamilion. 30 Pine On jimit orri huohw. seven minute*' walk Irom Jackson avenue station, on Newark and New Vork Railroad, a private family will let, with Hoard, a largo loom. with alcove, on aecotid floor, and a large square Room on third floor; reference! exchanged. Addiesa I. V. D? Herald office. New Vork. SaCKIPICE.-SPLKND1|> KARM. 52 ACRK8. WITH cropa. atock. Ac., in Uucka cuunty, the garden of I'oun aylvanln; laud rich aa a cardan: no atonea; lour acre* woodland: running stream; plenty trait: handaome frame liouaa, 11 reoma; flue barn, 40x70; atone (tabling. spring house: wagon. hog and poultry liottaea; beautiful location, on edge of village, two mile* Irom large town and railroad station; one hour from Philadelphia; oath market; very healthy; price, including two One horse*. tan cow*, bog*, poultry, carriage, waiina. macbiuea, toola, Ac., only ?>7,5<JO; half cash, balance veiy eaay. Addreaa Mr. WAUKKM, u:w >prlng Garden at., Philadelphia. SPLEN7>Ilf8U BUl^AlTtSnjlvNt; k pob sale or to let?Very lance Mansion, with all moiiern improve ?nenti and completely lurnlahed; several aorea ol beautiful ground*, with garden. fruit, atoek, , Ac. ; beautiful and healthy location. Addreaa L. X.. box 110 Herald office. O Lf.TlJ. BLOOM Kil'.L II. N. J.. HOUSE ON Broad at., fronting ihe Park; ga* and furnace; larire lot: fruit and abade treea; poaseaaion immediately. Inquire of A. T. MORRIS. Bloomfleld, N. J. ?* TO LET?TO PBIVATE PAMILY, COUNTRY RErtl deuce, with croimda, atablea. Ac., on Manbaaset Bay, L. 1.: short diatance front Great Neek depot ana eteaniboat landing. Photograph at office. B A O. MYERS, ltt Beetman it. TO LET.?A FUKnTsH KD_HOUSE TO LET AT Oradell, 18 miles Irom New York, on New York and New Jersey Railroad; only two or three mllea' walk from tbe atation: rent can be paid by hoard; reference* ex* changed. Call or addreaa J. E. VANDEWATIilt, Oradeli, N. J. rpo LET-A LAKOE HOUSE, PARTIALLY KUR J. niahrd. with 20 rooma; suitable for larire boarding h?u-e or small hotel, and 10 acre* of land aituated at Pompton Junction, 12 mllea tbia aide of oreenwnod Lake; rent, tVlO. Apply to gU-TaVOS BaYLIEs, 2U2 Broadway. TO LET?AT KICHPIELD SPRINGS, AN BLl GANT, newly furnished large alaed Kesldence: One ground*, barn, (table. Ac.; near hotel and spring*; very low. V. h. STEVhNSON. Jr.. 4 Pine at. T[> LEASE?ThE STRICKLAND MOUSE. NEW .trltaiu. Coon. Apply to A B. STRICKLAND, 410 Main al. riVo RbNT AT A SAC RIPICB?HOTEL AND BOARD 1 Ine bouse, bar and flxturea complete; rooma neatly fur nished ; on Main et., cltr Mlddletown, Conn.: well adapted tor Germaa boarding bonae. Apply to J. O. OALLAGII aN, 20ft State at., Hartiord, Cona.; poaaeaaion given luimedl aiely. TO RENT-AT CATS KILL. POR SEASON. SPACIOUS Jtanalou. furnished; One aituatlon, extenalve grounds; or on aame place, a large Cottage. 13 rooma: term* mod erate Apply to TilEo. A COLE. Catikili, N. Y.,or J. M. XALCONEis 13 Murray it. New York. 0 RBNT-AN ELEGANT RKHIDENCB at ELI2A beth, N J., turnlshed. witb five acre* ground; fruit of all kinds; atatile. Ac., complete; will be rented low, aa tue owner It In Europe. CHARLES r. 8UMNBR. a South William *t. Those now paying $400 annual bent can aoon own ahandaiftne suburban Home by tbe imtaiinent plan G1LB..RT SMITH A CO.. 201 Broadway. Valuable brewery pkoperti at kichmond. Vm., for ealo. ?All that large Brewery Bnluling, with the appurtenance* thereto beioaidnii, together with about acres of land, at Richmond, Va., known aa the "Jama* hiver Steam Brewery,". with capacity of brewing 20O barrel* per day; valuable water front of 200 feet on Jamei hiver; tbe machinery and baildlnga are all In flret claie order; will be (old at a very low price and on favorable term*. Apply to D. G. YUENGLINO. Jr.. 10th av. and 128th *t.. Mew York city; t. G. Yi BNGL1NG. PotUvlllo. Ph.: JOHN K. Br. IZ. New Market and Callowlilil (ta.; K. K. WOMKaTH. No. 710 Arch at., Philadelphia, Pa., or GEOKGJC W. ROBINSON, en tbe premlaea. BBNi KOR A NEW AND tLEoANT BRICK $500 , O. HOV llooae, every Improvement, half hour tram city. k'T A kON. 171 Broadway. REAL ESTATE TO BXCHARUE. PoUK STORY ENGLISH BASK VtENT HOUSB^ll? ABrooklyn. near the lerriea, to exchange far Pl?ce in tha eountry or email Parm not too lar Irom New,York city. Addree* W. HaBRIS. 25S West 88tn st. EXCHANGK-TWo HOUSES. JKRSEY CITY. POR part cash and Parn eae boar irom city, or will eel! one ler cash at a sacrifice. COLE. 38 John at. LUNK RESIDENCE, WITH GKOUMDg. 75X200, ON r Clinton av.. Brooklyn, to exohanga tor Impruved Prop arty and Pltat Mortgairaa. J. E. B.. box 2yBll, Poet office. For exchangb-t.uoo a?;bes, morgan coumt', Kentncky, Caal Land*, tin per acre; abetract. taxea paid, Ac.; no commiaalona. 673 Broadway. A. K. MoMUBRAY. IjlOR HALE OR EXCHANOE?PARM ACRES, IN 1 Plainfleid, N. J.| healthy and beautifully (Hueied lor country reeiaence; ail neceaaary bulitnogs. In Ant claaa order. Sea owner. P. CASEY, or box (MS, Plaindald, N. J., ?r M. 8. CASEY, 443 6th av. For salb ob exchanok-poub story browr stone lleaae, oatweea 3tb and Madieoa evs., below 30th et., lor aa naeacambered Karm or Coaatry Plaoe; Con necticut preferred. IKYING, Herald. ANTED TO bxchangb?DBSIKAHUE LANDS IN Texas far Stock of Dry Mooda. Clothing, Boote, Shoe*, Ac.. Ac.: title* ruaranteed by partlaa who are reapoaaibla. Addreaa box S. Hearae, Texas. ANTED TO exchange-CASH AND REAL B8 tale for e stock ot Groceriea or any eatable Merohan diae. Addreaa JACKSON. Herald office. * I r niwT CASH ANijTf^XJ OOO EQUITY IN BROAD. 1 UeUUUway Property, eubject to $5,000, for Goeria, at a bargain; no areata; no oommUslou(. TBaDE IMiL L'.R8, Herald office. w A HEAL KMT ATE WANTED. F il l; STOKY BROWN 8TONfc~flOU.SE wV^Tfeft lo pnretiftM, below l'et tr*i Park ; price from $23.0U> tu JaCuB Y. I). WVCKOKF. 80 Pin# at.; 2i2 and 1,2?I7 H roadway. WIIOL.K OK PART OF A LOT AT OHKENWOiiD or i.ypreee III1U Ciiutltrr. Aildim, with foil partlc nlara, It. box 1X1 atatioii A. ABTED-A LOT, 26X100, BETWEEN 85TH AMD irjd ata . nearHlh ??. Addreaa ti. M . b*t 1,119 Jaew York I'uet ofBee, stating location and loweat cash price. TO LKT KOIt Ill Sl .N KSS HU11POHE8. 11 eornar ol Gallon and Naesaa IU. Koiral uffiMi In this baildlng to let at (really reduced ranta. Tbe officii will ho altered to salt tenants. Tne i.alMInc Is heated bjr steam, and each oBeo baa withstand and water in It. Two elevators running. Mo extra*. Apply to JOHN L KNIGHT, at tbe balldiBg. haekky, witii htdkk and room* abuVE, 142 Kin at. Apply to Mr. PBInOHORN, next door. hi ok k With i>w~Ki,n ^ 0-4.1 ukano htT, Ullbert Kailroad station; aow aeed aa clothlur atore; aiao Nik 41; rent IM, Mu. Apply 42 Weal 3d at. rWELL LIOHTED OPPluK. 1H ANN ST.. NEAR iVlierald Ilalldlnv, aaltable for ll|bt bualneaa; rout "nly $12 per month. inquire on tbe premise*. DEBIK tELE 8CORE, i*Tll_ HT., OPPOBI1E ladies' entrance Arnold A Oont labia's, at reasonable rest: alao large More 1,12V Broadway. it. H. I'KJE, 8 Weet 26tb at. A-HTORi , POK A MILLINER. ON 14TH XT.. NEAR ? Union aquare, to let cueap. Apply to H. COONIAT. 27 K*st 14th at. AUORN8K LIQUOR BTOBK TO LBf?WlTll MX lure", and Apartaeata to live la. oa loth ar . oop > - alte railroad depot Appir to J. DEV1Nh, nortbweat cor ner tvttti at. and Ud Be. At sua *0 av? nbar,27Tii bt ?tobk. .with plate glaaa troat, aaltable for Brat claae retail trade. Apply la ofltce. MOOD COMiTkR, 2D A V? KOK i.KOC'ERY OR llqdora. root lew: aortb 73d at. Apply 1.252 3d ae. IMN K BTORE AM D BAiiKM KN T, WITH APAKT inenta abore. Applroa i>remleaa No. tlttlnth a*. Alao large .Htere la Pearl at.; low rental. Partiea deal ring IStorea or Oflteea apply to A. IIAlLBY. IKM "th ??. BlOl H BK~TUTIPUlT Pl.ooBii. KA0H~?i<iX4?t. IO LKT, with ateam power, aaltable lor eay aeanuleetorlnr heal neae. Ell KHAKI), IIAGKN M CO., 140 aad 161 Baxter at., near Orand j7> 7kl? AND UNPUl<NI*HKII KOOmTtO Ll'.l ? r Together or .ep*r?tely, fur baalaeaa or dwelling. I 1(12 Broadway, aear2>th ?t. CI KklTi 1011 fll- NO -3ft ?A KINk DOUBLh WI riov Hto-e; alao No. W Hare ay at, rreat thoroiirhfare for lerry truvel, near Hoboken ferrri aiao Mo. 1W3 I'beot bora at.. Bear Petunia ferry ; rent low. Lokts kfKtiploorm, _______ l.?> ItliK AND HuALL, LIGHT. WITH OOOII I'iiW KK ANI* KLEVATORH. IB BOSK AND VANDEIf ATE it 8TB, REDUCED BENT*; IMMRDIaTB POBBKHrflOft. J. H. HaULEBBKHE. Tlioee Betiding. LOrm TO LET-WITH ATE AM POWEK, AT LOW rates Apply to HIE NEW YORE ?iRaM POWKH COMPANY. No Ml Ana at. 1-OriB to" LBT-WITH OK WITHOUT HTKaM ^powers all moo era Improeeatenta. M4> Kast Ut*t It ?t. IaKUK LOrr??BOOMD FWH>K. VItEY FlWIRA 2ble ; fir real cheap. 121 Kaet lllhat. LTiTI TO LfcAMK IM IBTUTWANuT 81 MILE OH IB plot*, at Tary low rate a. JOHN D. ("KIMMINH. I . (el PETKR A. LAI OK. I'-"87 0 KFICR TO RRJTT 1S7 LEXIBOIOB A?.| SUITABLE lor a denllat or doctor. t* rKA M POW BB ANI> LAROK LOrTB W ITII ELB Orator, la faetory IM Raet l*th at near a?. SIKAM row r K IN ABUNDAMck ANL BTEADYt llimmt wall llyblod. rarlnaa aiaea, oa Aral and iipp r flonra. ia Oenire aad film ata. ; reata low. O. P. MALL, Si l:i7 Kim at ^riiHhVra Hi.t-.M KKrt HT?! 7rt PEr/F DEKP. Imiaire-in prewleea. ^Le'n uTL ~FLOOitr>, 4oXt; MKAM" Hl^ ATIMJ i i. pow.r, elevator i .t IVI W-.t Iftth at. I'. J. HAItllY, Ul IT BLK MiK ANY UuHT il/aiNEBi?Tli Li r, Orteronrt floor ol 411 4th ae. ROHBKI L BEOWN. 20 Naaaau at . room 72. rpur. III1 itl? AMI POUMril PLOOltN i?P 11IK 1 II KK ALI* hi II.UIMi TO LKT, .-L'lTABI E POK LAW. HANK1N0. IMMURaBOR. OK ANY LlilllT BUMIBBBH Pi ItrOKK-t APPLY IB fHK COUNTING ROOM OP TIIE HERALD. fpilE fKOXT PAKT OP a ^TOiiE 10 LrT-WIlH 1 fix tares, aaltable lor a candy and toy store, eery elieaa. laqalre *t No 7 (V>rnel|a at. '|'o LKf~IB ~WILno.VH KClLlJlBO, PHLTdN ?T., I corner ol Oold, large or sai II ooma, wita or withoat J?owe(. i. T. WlLoUN. 7? Kultoa a*. TO LBT FOB BVS1HBBI rC?FOSK(l. f" 6 tit inonbt . cAr. Tier ?f N?*??u, Arti Boor; rani vary low. Inquire A Beek man it.. room tt. T"0TET^64a-54B WASHINGTON ST.. CORNER KINO. ?Iron: lour ttory Building. 80xM<>. wlih Stsam l-ower; ad?i>te<i for factory or ilor?;t warehouse. Address K. P. HOBlNH. HA W?tor st. _ TO LET?ROOMS. WITH PoWl H LIGHT, PERFECT; rent low. 128 and 125 w M; -Hi h iL f- O 1.K I' - W~1fir 8 rt A M HuWhlt, A LARUE LOKT, lor manufacturing purposes: I t'? froi front bv 40 feet darp: well liclusd; alio tome email Lofts. in aijdltiun to above, can be b?'l lo *?tne bulldmir, upon very reasonable term*, Inquire of rETKli KEHR A CO., 136 Muiuiu mar Houston streat ferry. fO LBT?;*IORE <'N SOUTHWEST COKNKit OK 2D av and 3Jd St. ROBERT I. BKOWN, 30 Naaaau ?t? room 72. alti LET?PIVB 8T0KT STOKB NO. BB7 WABHINO toast., near Franklin; very airan-iy timber d: good cellar with 10-ioot headroom. ROBKKT 1. BROWN. 20 ?t., room 72. ' TO LET-THK FOUR 8TOHY AND BASEMENT Bulling No. Welt 13th ?>. ; part or whole. TO LET CHEaP-FOR StAkaGE OR M NUIACTUK Inar iiurpoaes, two light airy Lolta, 3SxrtO; large WJ light, Iiolstway. water clo?rt and other Improvements; rentB2(Xi per year. 312 Went lttth at.. rpo LET-TDK BANKINiJ ROOM OK BULL'8 HEAD J. Bank, with fixture* complet ? 1 desks, Ore and burulur proof vaults, Ac. j also Base weut Office. Appiy *a the bank. Property for sale. TO LEASE?ON FAVORABLE TRKMS. THE ENTIKK Rui'dlng, Noa. ">U7, fiOO. 511 Broadway, tbroucb to Merocr *t . containing three stores, each 26x200, and about ISO roouii above; originally built and arranged for a hotel: at present apart of St. Nicholas Hotel. Apply to HORACE S. r.LY. No. 22 Pine St. TO LEASE FOR BUSINESS PURPOSE8-TIIH VA cant Lot on north side Canal at., between Greenwich and Washington sts. ROBERT L BROWN, 30 Nassau ?t? room 73. __ OU AV., NO. 1.514?ONE OK TUB BEST STORES ON Othe avenue for retail trado j rent low. Apply 353 Green wich at. DWELLING HOISKS TO LE'l. . - Parniihe<l. A ' OOSET THREE STOltV AND HASEMRNT BROWN J\stone. 17x50, handsomely furnished and in perfect or der; rent moderate. No. 147 Ka?t 55th at. FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET?GOOD LOCALITY: fruit, a good garden; terms moderate. Box 42 Mouut Klsco, Y. ATHHEK STORY HliiH STOOP BRICK HOUBB, neatly lumisbed; good location. Harlem; #700. JOHN CoSTELLO. 2.158 3d av. N ELEGANT MOHERAl'E .>12 L> HOUSE, ON 52U ?t., between 5th and 0th avs.. with elogant furniture, billiard table, Ac., to rent to a -mall lamily at moderate rant Apply to K. 11 LUDLOW A CO.. 3 Ptnost. or 1,130 Broadway, or H. R. DRi W A CO., 8 Want ^3d st. A?GREAT BAi GUNS IN KUKNISHBu HOUSES. ?Y. K. STEVEN.-ON. Jr , 4 l'ine, 33 East 17th St., or tKSl 5th av. SUPERB POUR STORY HOUSE, 45TH ST.. NhAR 5ih av., completely tarnished tlirou -bout, sttitabla for private family. gl.WUO. 0. ?? PECK. 8 West 25th st. COMPLETELY FURNISHED HOUSE TO PRIVATE family, 10 Wast 9th st.; Immediate possession; mnat be lei. Call for permit. M. E. DANIELS, 19 Unlvei>|ty placa PUKNlnHi.U HOUHE TO RENT, 10 ftOOMS; SIT. nation liigh and healthy: 3 aorta, barn, fruit and absde. BaRaII II. MKaD. Post office mmc 192 Greenwich, Conn. Elegantly finished i-our htory high stoop brown stone House; 22xl<0 and extenalon; lot 30x100; lor sale; With St., near MadUou av.; a bargain. -MVTHE 4 BARNES. 855 4th av. Till) li.MSHKn HOU."<E IN CENTRAL LOCATION; 17 X* r >oms: part rent in board; boarders now in will remain. Address WYMAN. Herald Uptown ortloa. O LfcT? I'KSIRaULK KURKIBHED IIOUBK POK small lamily ; good order. 143 Lexington av. Been II till 3. TO LhT-HOUHK NO. 130 EABT 57TH ST., KOK SIX months, or longer 11 desired; furnished; first claaa par ties only. o RENT-TO A PRIVATE KAMILY ONLY, A VERT destralile Hen?e,*ln 4fHh st.. near 5th av.; recently and eleirantiy Inrni-hed and in complete order; rent moderate. Address box 2,874 Post office. New York. ( nturnisheo. AT $1.2oa-HOU8K. 30TH ST., NEAR 5TH AY.j dininr room extension, gas flxtnrei and mirrors: also one In 59tb St..*1.100. OWNER*s permit*. 40 Wert 20th. -OREAT BARUAINS I.N UNKURNISrtl.D HOUSES. .V K STEVENttuN. Jr.. 4 Pine, 33 East 17th st, or 601 rith av. A?48l> BT.. NhAlt BKOADWAY; BHOO, 8950, $1,000; ?many others. POT! EH BKOTI1ERS. 102 West 3ad. THRKE STORY HOUSe7T?2 WEST 4TH ST., KI'ONT Ingtllh av. ?Ian rooms; rant$050; all aaaossaryirepaln will ? a dona, BOARDING HOUSE 10 LET-^31 ROOMS. IN quirs ou promises, 331 Eaat 34tli st. HANDSOME FOUR STORY BROWN STONE House to let. near Central Part, rant low, with mir rors and cornices thronghout; in perfect order: plumMug in sauitary condition ; occupied by owner ; possesalou when desired; parlor carpets nearly new; lor sale eheap. Apply on the premises 13t East 6utb st. -TWO ELEOANT BKOWN 8TONB HOUSES, ONE ..fumlnhed and one nafurnlsbed. Hast 71st st. near Normal Coliega; must be rented Immediately to close es tate: great reduction made ; owner uolng abroad. THUS. D. CROWE k CO.. Oriental Bank %ild!og, room 4, 122 Bowery. A, A. Athrke SIORY HIGH STOOP HOUSK NO. 222 WnI )6(k it.; Will bs let tor on* jrni for 9 1,200; man tel Kill! alar g^aas; all* 25x45x80. Apply to I8AAC SMITH, 4t? tireene at. tTTrBIs STORY UIOH STOOP BROWN STONBt at no >br*? story tilth atooo brisk, all ioiDrevemsats, part pet oeder; Ana location; vo blocn from Elevated n all road atatioa; rent low. For turtbar particulate call on owner, 332 Wrat Slat at. - TIIRBB BTOHT" HIGH STOOP 8TONB UOU?B< No. 142 Eaat 5Sa it.; poaaeaaion 23d UNDERWOOD, SIS 3d BT. FOUR 8TORY MOUSE,, 20 llY 90, 849 WK8T 32D; fine order; gaod aeiglit orhood; Immediate poaaeaaion; $1,100. IIKN RY Y. M K AD. 422 8th bt. FIRST CLAHH^OUR 8TOBY IIIOH STOOP 8TO>B front. 328 Weat 28tli it. ; good order; Imrae tlate ueaaea ilou ; 91.2-jO. HENRY Y. M r. AD, 422 8th aT. HKBTCLAHS FOUR STORY I1IUH STOiP SToNE Iront, 356 Weat 23d; Immediate poaaeaaion ; One order; reasonable rent to responalble private family; otbera $t*JO to $800. IIKNUY Y. MKaD, 422 8th aT. \ dksTrabLe ruiLtfiDTii four story iiousr, 1\.25th at., uear Broadway. suitable lor boarding or lode las purpoeee. 0. 8. PBGk. 8 Wtil 25th ?t. ran WKST 35TH ST.. HETWHKN 5NI AND 6TH .???., three atory brown atone. at it moderate rent. A" 94-BOOM BOARDING HOUSE. 33 WEST 9TH 8TM partly furulalted. 8.1,10"., Ii4 Wo?t 10th at. _fl ,.v <i -TO Utt, FOl' R H rOBY B l<?H STOOP ?brown atone llonae. eontalua I* rooina; perfect order. J. II. MONAHaK. corner 4th av aad 2Rth st. 0 BOAKDI.NO HOU8K.-KKN I' 91. WO. WITH r'URNI Iare 91,800; honae and furniture In Hue condition : con taina 24 rooina . owner will board out farnltare ; 2" board era In hoeae I two yearn' leaae; Kiren up on acoeaat oI III health. ADply at 111 Mih ar. FOR Ma LB OK TO l,KT-2lii WK8I' 42D 8T.. A FOUR atorr brown atone KatMlaii busemeat diotisa ; a good lo catloa for a pliyaielan ; will lie aold cheap or let to a good tenant Apply an premiana. GRKAT RBDUOTIOM IN KEN T8. ?HOUSK8 IN geod locations. WV. 0. IIKBDIUOKSON A CO.. Ne. It Eait 14th at. AKLEM. "5 BT W K K N MA DI Ho ND 4TII A VS.? I dree atorv high sloop, 2"x50, brown atone Honaes: perfect enter; 9000. POllTRR A CO., 173 i-.aat I25ib su t House's to rant-in ihth -t.. nkar hroad way; la ItHh at., aear 3d ar. Apply to U. W. KOLaOH, 22 ae. A. VLY ?34TH ST.. NKAHKiTeVATRO ROaD three and four atory Hoaaea otbera nil lecatlona MORHI* BL i< A Kit A Co.. 72 Weal ?4th it. MTBiOlAMB IHfOVI MTOBT BftoWM STOBft. ON I7tn at., HtuyTeaaat Park, exsellsat neighborhood, 9l,2?iO net; three utorr blub stoop brown atone, MOtli at., near 3d ar., 'town to 9M5<>; lw<< hatideoina medium three atory Mirh atohp >ro ? n atone private Dweillujra oil r>Ath it, near Park ?? . *n??'e#eli; Lexington arH corner 2flth at., fl.uio. aad othera at Utaer prieea. KIUKATRIOK. 840 8d aT. <'l) MH RBI?UOhD."-THR.K * TORY HOU8K8. IVDHh, 19th, 20tb 2lit. and 24th ate. HOKTAOUR, Re >l I- state Agent, *ih ?v . near 2lat at. KDt;ci O. n?TH hf?);"391) ST., |IMftU; 24TK at.. 91.100 and $1.4<jn; 82d St., 92,?IU0| 04th at, aear 9th aT., Al.*"1 Prlute I llota on apolleatloB. MORRln H HAkR A < o? 72 Weat R4th St rp?t LKT?FOJU it 5rORV K -OKIrtjl MAnR MKNT J. brown (tons House 234 Weal 22d at.. In perlect order. JOHN hHIRLKY, Ml radar st TO LKT?'13 WK9T 3Hril MT.. K1 K U ANT FOUR atory i.rown atone llouas. with mirrors, Ac., at rsdacr>d rent; se-n from 10 to 2 "'slock. For vsrintta and term a ad dresa OWN Kit. ta> 9.JM Poat offlee. T""o l.K.I Hr.AI!Tl7uirK>TT;isH BA->R1IKNT HOUSE 256 West 6Jd at. \ perlect order; ??>0. J. A. KaMIMNO, 79 Cadar at. fpo LKT-NkAH HlOHBIlllKiK. 0*N ANKKKSOB AY.. 1 House, 11 rowna, Bve oilnutea to esra oi boat; 10 lots ground and barn; all la Orat claaa order; rent moderate. Ani'ir >'? pretelaea or hy letter. O. li. UOl.l). MorrlaanU ?tatlen. Alao, aiaall family, Hall House, lira ruoma; good garden ao l fruit ToTbT-H ANMOMB COTTAWB, 890 ST.. NBAB 4TH BT., rent 930. ta imall lamily. Apply on premlaea, 112 fcast 83d >t. * To lkt onh or rim riNKHT nouiii in mn Nlnstssath ward, oa Lssin^ua st. ; rulendid order; l"> rooina; rent low; with poaaeasloa. tOHN ODKMAN. 1,430 lO LEI-DWRLLINO llolISK NO. 44 WkHT 1321) 8T. HOI R .T I. HrtOWN. 20 it. ream 79. rilo l.K 1 Til it V. 8IORT UOl'HK, ALL IMPIloYB X inenta, 79 Msrton at , $!Mi. EDMUND H. MARTINS. IJRT Broadway. mo bit or" roB~HALE HRDI'liKU VkNT-F()( R 1 atory high ?t?op Dwelling No. 24<? Weat 25th st; 10 room* .IAMF.S A. HILL. Admlmatrator. tM Molt at. To"LKT IM WRkT 44TII ST., UNFCRNI8UEO_o|k furnlahsd, st a reasonable lent Apply to OLCOTT A M K>'l Rk, .15 Broadway. TO LKT OHSAP-THRP.E STORT AND B VHRMK.NT brick lloaaa. nr> Morten, asar llndaoa at.; modern tin provemetits and ahaudallers. Inquire M. LaWHON* 447 Hadaoa at. rilo hBnt cii rap-^pT.kn7>TiT four htory iTufn JL atoop brswa atone lisaae llf> Wav-rley plaoe; owner at bwuae from I to 3. aleo J45 Weal Pun at. KELLY BBo 1IIKMS, 189 Braadwar. T- >11 RKNI-A nkat. PKIVaTK BROW if SIiinS llou>e. ibrss atory 11lt.i1 atoop . all latest ImprOTemsnts; In iiopd order. Apply at iin Wr at 41HH at. , fpilKKK iVMf liloM jfooi* H9BBI tQi LET, US X f'irnialied. 52d St, aear l.exington ST., $Ht? 1 otliera. 9MVIIIK A B itNI-.H, :KVft 4th bt^ ItrVRMHH!.I> fil KBK 8TORY" lloUBi, BEAR Central Park ; Hoard el owner In exchange lor rskt. Ad oresa bo* 2.018 Past of9s? (1t7| WARD.-TO LKT?THRRK 8T0RY MtOH ffCMH* tjH one. 22 Obsrlea st. I modern improvement*, laqalra 74 Hank at I>4- K *ST i?rH 8T.-KOUR" ifoiF"BHOWK MTONK. Jit')Aral claaa, to reaponailiie, careful party will be rented at rsaeonania rate, uninruiahod, May 1, I878L Apply ta F. B TIMIIIMAN, ft wall St. 4i?lliMTiNI ?r . nrab iryin<? pl\ce Att L) I hrae atory hl(fh -itoon, 12 room*; good oidet ; li?ms dlsts p iaaeaalnn. Apply an prrulsss ar to DANIEL OOn HtLLX. IU2 4th Alb DWKUIRO HOCSKS TO LET. tuturn lulled. ~\A C WEST 43D 8T.-A POIB STUB* HIGH STOOP lTWre?n (ton* limit*, ib perleet orftr. will be let to, a private ^uiily tor ?1,500. Apply to the OWNER, on the premiae*. _____ dtT ' 0 YISAR?183 BAST 48TB ST., THBBE ITORT f i- V/and l.i?eini-nt brtck : ? rjomi. Ojt?SM Vl.L~T 11R E & It TOBY BB1C K H O U > E; CO^i/ali liupruveuieuti. aeeu 1 lo 5. 371 36th (L, 4tQOH -?B?T urn ST.. BETWKK.NtJTH AND7TH ?JP?/v/ \ f.ava., brlek. Apply 102 ttm 14th it.. ne?r t>th av. <{> r Ofi/| ? HANDSOMS Tbi<fcB STORY HOUftK; improvement!; imietpliunil location; aeeu 1 lo 4. law We*t 46th It. . FV1CN181IEUHOOMH A VD APAUTMENT8 TO LET. IIa'SDSUMBLY FURNISHED hOOlT'tO'EhT?TO ?I 142 ?Inula ifoatlrman. In a private Preach family, no ooard. Watt 34ill at. * PB1VATE PaMILY HAVE TWO N1UBLY Pl'B /\ uulied Rouiu* Mlat to uullimtii, without board. 232 Wait 24lli it A Lady HAM A NBAT PURNI8HBD BOOM TO let to a irentleman I.544 Broadway. near 45th ?t. B ACK K A It OH ALSO of HER 'BOOMS, PRO N T; ?oulbern exposure; privata family; no moving. 120 Eait 57th >t. PINE SUIT OP PLKIUSIIED ROOMs, WIlHOU* board, fnr one or two gentlemen, In flrlt olaii houaa 34 Wait 25th it. PLoOB?TWO LARGE CONNECTING F URN 18H. ed riHimt, iant"d together or mparately. 120 Lexing ton av., carnar 2Mtb it.' COUPLE OP NEATLY FURNISHED KOOM.\ Hunt bouiakaeplug; water, (?>. 20*1 Writ 24th. A-PLI-.ASANT ROOMS, KUKNI8HED. IIOUSB ?kenplugur gentlemen, $4 to $0; good location. 364 Wait illHb it. A -TO LKT, A~HALK OP A BKOW< STONE HOUSE, ?hamlmmaly furnUhed; o. would rent It all to a taiuily who would boaru the owner. Ap^ly at 404 Want 47th it. -Til i'. P! kuT FLAT IN 45 OLINTO\ PLACE, ?eornar of Uiilvernti- plac". to let, elegantly fiirnUlit-d, for $86, or nnfurnUhed. $70: alx rooina, *11 open on itreet; everything Brut olau. To ba aeeu from 10 A. X. to 12 M. PR!VAT1-.KAM1LY WILL LET- HlkfiLY OB EN unite, two Bedronina anil Parlor, haudioiuely luruliliad; terma niod rate Apply at 14 Irving place. 11ANDSOMfcLV FL'KNIhHi-.D PABLO II FLOOR, three rooma daip. together or aeparatelv. prime houia 140 Kant 27th ??,, between Lexington and 3d avs.. to party ol reflneiueut only; furniture, carpet*, Mlrrora entirely new. A- ~ Fl?~KAHT V8TirKT., BETWEEN 5TU AND MAD l-on av*. ?Mccly furnished Rooina; reference! required. 1~poB TIe.NTL i-.MBN. -HAN D80MEL* kOrNIsHI'.D 1 Suit, every way deilrable; alio ball lloom; private bouae. SI Went lOtn lb URN ISM ED PUONT AND BACK BOOMS, ALSO hall Room*; alio Parlor. 14 Eaat 16th it., near Tiffany F ANDSOMELY FURNISH D LARGE AND SMALL Boom* to gentlemen, in first ciau house 33 West 26th HNDSOMELY rtBNISHKD BOOM8-TO ONE OB two K*utlemen; private lamlly; reference* exchanged. Hi Wait 12th. ANU-OMELY KUBNlSHEtl PLOOB POH HOUSE keeping, water, gaa, bath ou lame floor: would let lep erately to gentlaineu. 21)1 7th av., near 22d at. LAKOK AND SMALL BOOMS, SINOLK AND CON uectlnK, htdidaomely furnlaiied, to let togemlemeu; term reaaonable. 13H Kant ltjtb it. !<IVATE PAMILY WILL LET A SUIT OP NEW and nicely lurnlahed front Itoomi: alio Parlor. 201 Woit 22d it. TO A SMALL PAMILY OP ADULTS. PAltT OP A handaomelf furuUlied hiiuxe. Including kitchen and dining room. In exouilent netghborhe<xi: terin?, $100 per montu. Addruia J AMESON, Herald Uptown oflice. TO LKT KltOM M AY 1. aN ELEOANTLY PUB nlahed Parlor, especially flt for a doctor'* office, having been naod fur that purpoae for lOyear*; break tail If wanted. Apply 226 I'.ait 3Uth it. rp*0 LET?A POBNISHED BEDBOOM, *6 FFb I month. 97 7th av, fPOLBT?71 "WEST 44TH ST.?A LaBOE NICELY J. furnlibed Koora on *eeond floor. rp? Ki'.NT?TWO NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS TO JL two gentlemen or gentleman and wile. 200 Ba*t 18th it., corner 3d av. O RKNT-PART OF HOUSE, CON?ISTINO OP eight nicely lurnlibed room*, lor houaekeening; lueation central; price $800 per anuuin; owner'* lamlly of three adulta occupy remainder. Addre** PROPRIETOR, box lf*4 Herald Lptown offlea. TWO NICELY KUKMSIIBD CONNECTING BOOMS on levond floor; bath, cloeel*. 31 Eait 20th at. ^11 - BROADWAY KKONT BOOMS, KUB <J)?l ?JU.nUued, $2 60 per week. Mr. MOKRIS, 1,216 Broadway. 1 t> EAST 2STII ST., HE'lWl'.BN 6TH AND MaDI lAwn av*.?Purnlihed Reomi lor gentlemen; breaklait If Ueilred. |7 WEST 20TH ST.. OPPOSITE ST. JaMKS.-IN A JL I private lamlly. elegant Roomi to gentlemen, (ingly and en anlte; relerencea il^TH ST, OPPO"1TB U1 LMORB'S GAKDtN. ONE ^Uaplendtd apartment for duclor'a oflice ; elao one large front Room, to two gentlemen, wltbonl board. Addre a* J. R., 6.47H Poat office. ?77k~ IRVING PLACE.?LAR<;E A.> D SM ALL ROOMS OUto let, to gentlemen; alio ball Boom; beakfaat It de- ' ?I red. WEST WaSHIKUTON PLACE,- PUEasaN F. PUB nnhed Boom*, without board; gaa, bath; rent mod erate. OQ BAST 4TH ST. BETWEEN BOWERY AND Ot/Broadway.?Purniebed Room* to let, without Board; reference* required. CQ ? H8T ?TU ST.?KCKN1SIIED BOO.M8 TO LET. Ut/wltb all the modern Improvement*, *uliable for one er two gentlemen. 31. PKRRY 8T.-A LaROB ALCOVli ROOM, SlllTA I Uole for three itoUtuio; kIw a imaU Koom; tanai moderate. H A MaCDOUOaL BT.?PORNIBHBD rooms, with XJLUconvenience lor amell faintly buuaekrepiog; hooie returulihed and changed handi. J~E v.-T aiST ST., NEAR 31 > aV?A FURNISH KD front Parlor: alio ? ball Room If wanted 306 A U( | WRST U2D 81.-THKKK ROOMS. FUKNIbUKD, OU front, lettable tor boueekeeplng; divided if ra qnlrad; lermi moderate. VNKVHNlHliKI) ROOJIS AHD APART MKNTS TO LET. ./V. brown a ton r Honee. 8 rooma, b??h. Ac., complete or der, $4<>; al.o a Pleoi, JOO DURAND. B53 Wait J lb ??. I'AKLOK and MA8BMBNT FLOOR"1 TO LBT, III ?the seat brown (tone I loose H07 Bast -lit it. Apply IO.J McDKRMOIT? I I'rlncc M. D0LT8 ONLY.?A BOON!) PLOOR. FOUR Ro >M8. alio bathroom in private boaae, with owner; referencre rxebanged. I'M Kiel UOth at., Mai Lexington a*. Reut, tm HANDS ORE LOWKR PART. PARUlriH AND baaeiunat. ? large rootni.or the Second Floor,<J large rooiuiiali Improvement!; painted throughout; rent low. Inquire of owner, on premiere. ?1H Weal 6fai it. PART OK A THHRK HTOKT HIGH STOOP UOUHfc; improvement!; good order ; flne location; alio Kloor to let; root low. Uait on ewner,)i'M We?i 31et it. k N hLBOANl SUIT OP KIOliT~ROoM>, IN TIIB ildoe brown itene bonne 316 Wen 14th it.; they are titled np In the be?t (trie; will be rented euly to a imall family Call and ire tliera from 11 to 4 dally. PArl<7r~ FLOOr"kd b'ahT MKNT OK IIKill etoop bone* to let; *l?o Second Pioor. 228 Bait lStb at. LO WBRPAUT OP a M OCUB?PROMT A Nil BACK aarlori and bedroom, front and back baieruent; bath, atationarr tuba, gai tlxturea, fcot and oold water; 936 par moult. 130 RnKtblat it., near Lexington a*. A" rfTTlTWfBR ~PABT "or FlIiTBROWN 8TOMB ?borne No. 3<>.? Wen 5<>th at. to let. In the belt ol order eonalitlng ol 7 wai; rent 930O uer year. Por partionlara' apply t<> OWNKB. 321 Wait 4Atlt it. -Til K LOWhR TaRT~0P I H K MUOWN HTONK ? h<uae No 9IU Weat !WHh it to let. In the baat of oroer. coital all ntr of 7 rooma; rent 9600 per year. Per particulate apply to OWN) K. ail Weal 4Mth at. RP.AUllPUL FLUOR IOR iiOUSKKKRi'lNO: 5 or 0 rooma; perfect order: handiotne brown none ; lur nlabed. 736 7th ??.. wltn owner. Broadway rani pan. r :w7 nu av.. nkak airii hi ? pivr rooms, watrrcloiet. gaa. Ac^s ail paiatedt Ibree fligbte; *2(1. (tea bouarkerper rSLiOANTTKT OP PLA '? (AND~PLOORm." WITH all modem Improvement!; lis and elgbl light rooma; rent.inoderate. It'iH Writ 2t*th it FIR-T PoOOR, DINK "BOOM8, 938; M?UOM> Floor, ninr rootni; alio other Apartment*. OW.Ni-.R, 04 Wait 10th at. APUMT CL.A8H PUT OF BIO III APABTMBlftl, with al: modern Improvement!. in new high itoop brown itoar 220 Went 4 2d it.; rent SOU per month, inquire on prefblaea. ' plat op sbvbn apaki mbnt*. all i.iJTTt rooma. In new brewa atone 614 Writ jlit it.; rem $20; ?II liaprovraente. CIORNKkTLaT, FIK^T PLOOH, MAV WINDOW; ALL /improTrmeuta; H light ronmi, $3%. 4th a?. and ft Id ?t Ij^LKOANT SALOON PL*TK. ? BOoM.4, ALL FT" Jpravrmenta. within one block ol Waililuirton aqunre" Inquire of Janitor. 177 Macdongat it., near Ollnton pi to h' 'LOOit ~f?? LBT?? BOOMa, \WITH ALL IMPItOVh mentat rent $3U Owaar rendei in home. UU8 Writ 3Sth it. lji L AT TO LliT?S ROC MM. ALL AND KVKBT r Improvement, In Urtt elaie brown atonr bourn; 321 14th it., near M ar,, rent $>KJk O. N AOLK. 1411 4th av. l/fLATS To LbT ON r?ril HT~NKAB 7TII AV\ r Hronmi: very deeirable; all the modern Improvement!; real Irom 940 t? 94A per mouth; Immediate ppaaeaaion ( r?nt Irom May I. O. NAliLK, 14SI 4th av. Flats to lkt-on linr op klkvatkd rail rond; modern Imprevemrnti; rent! 913 to 920; alio Plata and Ploori. from 9-> to <13. Apply to P. UllRIKTIh, .VII ^ Weil 4lHli at. LUiouR, PIVR LABOR ROOMS, ALL PAINTHD and r cleaned, at 406 Oth av. Apply oa tbe premliea, top ??ot. 01 KRSTON II0U8K, I? BAITT SRITH R.-UMI KLt TitnuKwiiii i neweit ranees French kdhvao >r optneri, apeaklag iui?ea, dumb waiter, back atairca?e, Waali tuba; bulla and atalra cartotod, al aant ormolu cbandelieri; to Oral claia iruanta. 1~~WI0X, COHNBR MB AV. l^il HI.?A>Alll M KN I X Jfor lamlllei at greatly redueed rente. Parlor, lledruom and Drawing Konm, lor gaiitirmaii at ?40O per year. Madison >yi abb. a pkw dksibaiii.ii APAitf mmta la tbe balldlngi i ? r>th av. and 1,1'JS ang 1,1.10 Hroadwar in ri'iit; Snlta of two, three and foar ronmi ai defircd; bath nltb earh aalt; a I modern convenience) eligible alngie Kmimi oa third and lourth iloori: rent* low. K. II. LUDLOW A 00.,a I'lne at and I.I3H llioadwuv 0~?P. lUNDSiiMP. iPIM4B~OORNltB PLAT. SkVIN rooma. In the nigh tioop br-.wn none borne, 100 liait 64tb ?%. ; tor a email reaponilble lamlly. Pa ART OF PrtlVA IB IIUUrK. CHKaP, TO A SMALL reaponeible lamily. Apply 7H3 Lexington av., corner 67tb ilk ? TR N T P. K D B>, Mi WHIT I H.?AT I HAC1IVK Apartmenia. moderala; play groond; gardea; lammer boaae. Bae location; orlrl wladowi. TO LRT?rAKLOK P LOO it AND HASKMKNT, 3H1S rnemi. 32S Km 10th at., near the perk. 1"! LBT-an KAST HOT I HT.."1 N PBIVaTK PAMlLY, ? Second storr and two Kooioi oa third Boer| all Improve iaeati, rial *W a month. imvvangHBD noons a wo apakt ME.VTS TO LET. Tu^rrrrinfK^'0T?TR(7ri6ir4tti av.. *}bx uorol aid it., on* very ???>rabla KIM; lance; rant low. Apply ?l office. 475 4ih nr. ? TO LET-TWO FLOORS. So. 25 WKST 18TH ST.. 811 rooma each, suitable lor two families, or will 1*1 to ll9i her. VKRV KLSOA NT FIRST OLASM rLAT IN THE Rensaalnor. 1 271 Broaiwav. ingulf lu the b.*uk. 51b AV. WxirTKLKOANI PAKLOK AND BEDROOM, connecting, und oua Suite Rooma, reduced prioea la auperior hocae. ooo i3Tii st.-parlor and basement ?I ?, with aa many ruoma aa required on third floor. In perfect order, recently doua up; modern Improvc lunula; rant moderate. OOO East OlST sr.-WITH OWNBRTtHREE HAM) connecting Itooina. with clonals. in brown stone houao : locatlou At; nicely arranged tor housekeap In.'; rent low to the right partlea. Inquire from 1 until 6 o'clock J*. M. 0*JU KA8T 520 .ST tthCOND FLOOR; ALL LIGHT ttOOrounu; Improvements. Also, at 234, Lower fart: rent. Ma KaSI IrtTIl SI.-TO I.Kl, FIRST 0LA88 'Flat#; all luouern improvements. Can be aaea dally from 12 to 5 P. M 308. HOUSES, KO?ni?(, otc.. W A WTBD. In thU City and Brooklyn. AFURNI-IIKii Oil UNFUItNISli EU HOU8E WANT. >d: rent frnin $2,1**1 to $3.5'*). JACOB V. D. Wyi'SOFK. 30 I'lne ai.,232 ?nd 1.207 Broadway. LAKO K. i'lsj CLASS. F I'LLV _ PIUKNISHKD house, where partlaa would remain and board. Address bTAVTON. Herald Uptown office. PllYSICIaN?TWO UNFU iNISHFD CONNROTINCk Kooma. between 4tU and Otli uvs., 10th and 34th sta. Addreaa Or. M? box 100 llerata L'ptown Brauch office. ' A~" Lu BUYERS SHOULD KNOW l MAT Til h LAROKBT and cheapaat Canton Mattings are at 11 and 13 Waal liouatou St. . MALI. BKDROOM. FURNISHED, BETWEEN 5TH and 6th are. and Slat and 36tn ma. Addreaa L. t,. Her- ? aid Uptown offioe. , SMALL UNFURNISHED IIOUSB WANTED, inlet and respectable neighborhood. from 14th tn 36th at., and 4tb to Oth av.; good references; rant, ttfOO to $1,200. \ddrena Y. 55., ilerald Uptowu Branch offiee. SMALL FA MI l Y DKSIKI n G LOWER PART 1)P hnuas wlshea to meet another ?m*ll family of adults d siring Upper Part; rsleraneea exchanged. Inquire 103 Kant ">9tti at. KNTIST'8 OFFICE WAffTED-BETWBEN 14TH~AND 42d ata., 4tli and 8th avs.. unfurnished. Addreaa, with prise. CBN I'RAL. tierald Uptown office. IiAUltNl.s'HKD KO??M WAN'l ED?BKTW KKN 50I'll AND 57th ata., Lexinirton and Oth avs.; American family; terms $12 per month.. Addreaa, for three days, AUTHOR, Herald Uptown office. GTntLkman and wife dksikb two unf~ur nlahed Keoina; not exceed $12 per month. ALIXB, Herald Uptown office. S~mallTresponsIblk FAMILY WANT NEAT UN furnished Apartmenta In flat or private honae. In ?ood neighborhood, by May 1; terma not to sxcs?d$20 monthly. "Z0ZIMU8." Herald office. TWO UNFURN1S IhD ROOM8 WANTED. POLL particulars to BROOKLYN', box IM Herald office. ANTfcD FOUR UNFUKNISH ED ROOM* FOR Kentleman and wife, not above 20th at. nor above $20 monthly. J. O.. box 110 Herald offioe. ANTKD-A FLAT '>p FOUli ROOMS OR A FLOOIt In private honae, moderate price, family very amall, between 45th und 04th at a., 3d and 7th are. Addreaa, at it lag every p?rticu'ar, Mra. tJ aNThON IKR. 197 fcaat 63d at. W~ ANIKu UNFi KM8IIED ItOOM, ?'R WITH Bhl? room. Particular*, with prlee, to BROOKS, ilerald Uptown offiee. WANTBD-A MBKTINO ROOM, UK LOW 23D 8T., for a literary aoeiety. Addreaa, at at In* full particulars C. M., Herald Uptown offioe. AMTBD^PURNISHBD PliONT AND HALL ROOMS; roat not to exceed $22 per mouth, iucluUinR gas; or unfurnlabud. $15; 4th to 7th av., lHtti to 38th at M. 0.. Herald Uotown office. ANTBD TliitBh ROOMS ON FIRST'OR StCOND floor suitable lor dreaamakinKi rent not to exceed $30. Addreaa N. F.. 838 Broadway. VV4NTI-.D-X FOUR STORY HIGH STOOP IIOUSB. TT completely furnlahed. for the nuinmer or by the year; location, 24th to 40th at.. Oth and 4th ava.; rent moderate. Addreaa M? 50 Kaat 25th au WANTED?A HTOKK. 8UITAHLK FOR A BUTOHBIt, with or without flxtares. Addreaa, lor two daya, J. W L., 437 8tb av., flrat bell. *W/ ANTfcD IM.MKD1 ATELY?BETWBBIT 14TH AND n 26th ata., Laxlnfton and 5th ava., a small House, fur nlahed or untarnished. In good order; rent ?suet be low. APRIL, herald Uptown office. In tbu Country. A FAMILY tFOUR ADULTS AND THREE CHIL dreu) wish to reut for the summer mcnths a pleasant, lurnlebed Cottage: aeaalde, with adjacent woods preferred; the aarae muat bo oaaily accesalble from the city: would alao accept Board In private family whore no other board era are taken. Addreaa Post office box 50 New York city. ANTBO-FOUR OR FIVi'. ROOM*. FURNISHED plain, for light booaekeeplnx; in country farm houae preferred not more than one and a half houra from city. Addreaa, ginug rent, Ac., for thnte daya, E. V. N., Herald office. WANTED-SUMMER BOARDING HOUSE 0N_ THE i . , TRY, box 163 Herald Uptowu office. sea ?h >re, with privilege ot buying. Addreaa COUN raid Up WANTKO?A COUNTRY HOUSE IN NEW JERSEY; the place must be not moie than an hour's ride from New York, convenient to churohes, schools and railway atatiou and tree from malaria; price nut above 9300 net annum. Addreaa T. A. B., Herald office, elty. < El'HOPEAN ttTBAniilllPb. VffiWTiirkct and'economicalTRoUtHlTTBoC JYiiand, Belgium, the Itblna, Swltaerland, Ac., Aa., via Rotterdam. Cheapest route to Paria. Kteumer CALAN 0 - April It Steamer SUtllF.DAM ...... April J4 Theee beautiful steamers, carrying the Uolted States mall tu the Netherlanda, are great favorites with the p?l?-. lie. Trips regnlar, rates low. comfort and Uvlng partest. For freight. For paaaau-s, PUNCH. BDTB A CO., L. W. MOttRlO, 27 South William at. SO Broadway (Morris' i uropsaa and American Kxpresi). C^cnakd link.?b, anii n. a. r. m. a. & co. J NOTICK. With > view to diminish lb* ohances of collision lk? steamers of Ibis Una take t a pec Wo ooursa tor ill Hindi of the y?M. On the outward passage from Qneenrtown to New York or Boston, crnMliiK the maiidian ot 50 at 43 latitude, or Mik ing to the north of 43. On the homeward passage, erosalng the meridian of 50 at 43 latitude, or nothing to the north ol 4J. NEW VOKK TO LIVERPOOL AM 0 QUERN8TOWH. ALtiKBIA....Wed., April I7I8CYTII1A Wad., May 1 ?RUSSIA.. .Wed.. April 24 | ABYSSINIA ..Wed.. Mar 8 Cal>in paesage and return ticket! on favorable lerros. Steerage tloketa to an<i frmn all part* of Mnropa at very low rataa. Kreigut and uni?aK? oBee, No. 4 Bowling lireou. CHARLES O. KllANCKLYN, Agent. AMERICAN LINE~POR LIVERPOOL. The ml; transatlantic line aalllngandar tha Americas (lag. Sailing every I htiraday from Philadelphia. FKN > SY LY AN 1A SAILS APRIL H.ll A. M. RBI) STAB LINK KOR ANTWKilP, rarrrinir the Haitian and United States malls, sailing Mml monthly Irom Philadelphia and New York. ACTON SAILS APRIL H. 0 A. M Kor rataa ot passage and other information apply to fhThB WnlilHT A ->ONS, Oeneral Agent*. 31 >7 Walnut *(., Philadelphia :52 Broadway, New York. JOHN McOuNALD, Agent 8 Battery plaoe. New York. VVHITll STAR LINE. (T United >tates and Royal Mall Stoamera lor Queonatowa and Liverpool. NOTIOR.?The (learners of tale line take tha lane rentes reroir.iueiiclcd by Lieutenant Maury, U. 8. N., oa both the outward and homeward passage*. K il.Tii: Thursday, April II, Dtsi. ADRIATIC, April 18, 6 A. M. BRITANNIC Saturday April 27, J P. M, From White Star doca, pier 02 North Kiver. Katea?Saloon, |8> and f ino. In gold. Return tlcketa oa reasonable terms. Steerage, fjt), eurreney. saloons, staterooms, smoking end bath rooms are plaeed amidships, where the noiee and motlou are least, affording a degree ot comfort hitherto nnattalnakle at sea. Kor Inspection ol plans and athar information apply** the company's office, 37 Broadway, New York. K. J. COBTIR, Agent. NMAN lInK ROYAL MAIL HTRaMRRM I _ KOR QUEKNsTOWN AND Liverpool. CITY OK RICHMOND xatarday. April IS. 2 f. M. CITY OK NEW YORK Saturday April JO, 7:.10 A. M. CITY OP MONTREAL Thuredar, April 25, noon. Kroin pier North River. Cabin, f*)and flot), sold. Katurn tlakata on favorable terms. Steorag*, t-'JH, currency. Drafta at luwaat rataa. halooas. staterooms, smoking and oatn rooms amidships. Jill!N U DaLK. Agent. 16 and :13 Broadway. New York. Philadelphia office. 106 Heath 4th A fcNKRAL TKaNSA I LANTIO OoMI'aNY " BETWKKN Nf.W YOiiK .AMD HA> BE. Company's pier, 42 North Bieer, foot of Mertoa at, PKRB1RI., Danre Wedtieeday. April 17,5 P. M. VII.Lh HE P A Ills. Durand. M ednenday. May 1, 4:10 P. M. 81 LaURkNT. Luch-ane* Wednesday. May 8, 10 A. M. Kor freight or passage apply to I Ol'IS DK HKHlAN, Agent, 65 Broadway. Kor freight and passage at I'bllndalphln, apply l* ALoNZO 81IOTWKLL. 2 Chs>tnnt st. ILSON LINE TO SOUTHaMPTON AND HULL, ? filing from Kagle pier. Iloboaes, as follow*I? HINDOO April 181 OTKANTO May 11 LEKaNTO...... ... April 27 | OIHKLLO May 25 Klist cabin, >50. currency. Excursion tickets on vary favorable terms Apply, for toll particulars, to CHARLES L. WRMHT A CO.. 1*1 Snath at. HAMBURG AMKklCAN PACKKT COMPANY'S LINB lor Plymoath, Cherbourg and Hamburg. HoLSATl A, 1 hnrv, April II I WlhLAND, Ibur*.. April 36 LEHxlNU ?Thur?, Ajiril 1?| 8UKVI U ... .Tlnira., May 3 Bates otpassaua to Plymoath, London, Cherbourg, Ham burg and all points In hngiand : Klrnt Canto, >100, gold| Herond t;abla, gold; ntaarage, $:iO, currency. KUNIIARDT A CO., C. H ItlCllABD A BOAH, oeneral Agents. Oenersl Passenger Agnnta, til Hroa4i st . New York. Ill Broadway. New York. C1BBAT WBHTKBN MTE AM4IIIP LINK. J TO BKlsTOL ir.NULa ND) DIRECT, sailing Irom pier 18 Kait Itlrer, <s lollawa: ? BOMKIiSKT April 20 I AKRAOON May ? Cabin passage. W ?. fifiaud f7i? Itatnrn tickets at fa Arable rales; prepaid Me^rage i ert Iflcatxs. $20. Apply to W. D. MOtlOAN. A cent 7?? South sk N; Ki ll OKIIMAN LLOYD Steamship Line, b twnen New York, Boathanpto?, l<oad?n. Havre and Bremen. Company's pier, toot of 2d St., Iloboeeo. HERMANN...Sat., April |:l I ODBK, Sat., April 27 MOSEL sat. April 2" | DAOAll Sat., May 4 Kates of nasaave >rom .tew York to Soathampton, Lott* don, Havre and Bremen Klrst rahln. JIO i, gold: second rabln, ???. gold; Meerag*. $30. eurrannv. Iiein n tickets at rsilaeed rater. Prepaid steerage eertlflcate*. Alu. currency, Kor freight or patia^e apply to O." I-KICIIS A CO . 3 Bowling ilreen. State l m io iiLAMiow. uvkbpool iu blin? Bi-.lkast, Londoniik ry and the i'a Bin KxrosirioN, sailing from pi-'r 42 North Klrer, fo>it ol Caaal st. STATI. O? NI.VaDA Thursday, April 11 STaTK OK VI HOI N I A ......Thnreday, April 18 MTATK OK INDIANA Tliaraday, April 26 Klmt cantn. fixi to tT<. according to accommodation*. Retain tickets at reduced rate*. Second cable. 946. steer age at lowest rates. Apply lo AUSTIN BALDWIN A CO.. Agents 72 Broadway. SThKBAOB TICKETS AT A'V BBoADWaY sND AT Til K COMPANY'S PlKlt. KOOT OK CA N AO HT.. N. It. NlATioHAL LINK. PIBKM 44 AND ?? NORTH RlVKR, rOK LONDON lVictorla Dock). Italy,Tliurs.,April II.11A.M. I llollaml. Wed.Ap'l 24,10A.M. KoR LIVKKI'OOL AND QUE; NsrtlWN. Ilelretla, at., Apl 13.1 P M. I ?.gfpt. 8at., Aal 20, 7 :H0 A. M. CrhiB, fc'Hi to f7o currenar; steerage, WOl Drafts from ?1 npward lasned at vary low rate* Ooiiib??j'i ofHr*s, OW aud 7d IDuadway. t. W. J, DtttBT, Mau*a?r, 0S1t?d ? 1 'HOP KAN rTBAMSHlW. 'Mi'tKK MAlC"UNK-?ihA* iflTOTSW. Town and Liverpool. aailinic ou l uM'mjr from pier 46 North River, f?oi of Charlee M. MONTAN A. April 2X 1U 4. M. I N h V \ L? A May 7, 0 A X. WISCONSIN. Ap'l 3U.8P. >1 I WYOMING Cabin, $65. $75, $W|, curreucy. Imermrdiaie. W>>. Steeraue, ?M. FtiKnfiri booked vo mil from H?rli, llimbgri. Nor way, Sweden. 4c. Dratta on Ireland, England aad Scot land at lowed rate*. WILLIAMS A UUIO.N. 20 liroadway. N01JOB LINE UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMER* NEW V'lKK ANO GLASGOW. ANCHORIA . vprt' 13.21* M. i BO LI VI A., April 27.2 P. M. CALIFOKN1 AAul 2".8A. M. I KTHIOPla..May 4.6 A. M. nkw vokk to London direct. ALSATIA ...April 24. Noon. | EL* SI A May 1,8 P.M. Cabin, $0.r' to #SO. Excursion ticaeta at ran need rate*. . Second Cabin. #*> Steerage, $2H. . Company's piera. No*.*20 and 21 North Klwr. New York. HENDERSON HRds.. Agent a. 7 Howling Oreea. ClOOK'S TOURIST TICKETS KOR IKE LAND, SCOT y land, English Lakes Paris, the Rhine, Swlts-riand and Italy, al reduction* from 10 to 4> per cant below ordinary rates Passenger* b.'ok'd i>y all lines of ?teain?r?. Next ptT.on.illy conducted party ieitw May 3'), per City of Mon treal. lor Kraui'O, Italy, Switserl >nd. Oermauv, the Rhine. Holland. Ac.. ?5 day*. including all necessary expenses, $600, gold. "Cook's Excurslonlnt." containing lull pxrtie uUr?, by mall for 10 cants. Address COOK, SON & JEN KINS, 261 H road way, New Vork. UNlTEOgSTATKS PASSPORT BUREAU. ? OFFICIAL Pas.ports of the Department of Mute tssuod at Post OlHce Building, fourth atory. 1 ake elevator at northwaat coiner. COAST WIS 10 STEAMSHIPS. Halifax, n. s.. anu sr. joiins n. iK7~~* ~ OKOMWELL LI..K. steamship ALHAMHKA will leave pier ID North River, Kridsy .April 12. 3 P. M. Fur ireUbt or passage apply to CLAKK A SI-.AMAN.Mg We.t at. pAClPIC M vIL STKAMSHIP COMPANY'S LINK. Kor CAlilKORN1A, J APAN. CHINA, CENTRAL and SOUTH AMERICA. SANDWICH IsI.aNIiS. NEW ZBa LAND, AUSTRALIA. HK1T1SH COLUMBIA. WASH INtJTON TERRITORY and OREGON, Ac . sailing from pier loot ol Canal at., North lllver. Kor AN KRAMlSCO, via ISTHMUS OK PANAMA: Steainabip COLON Saturday, April 20 (connecting for Central and South America). Krorn SAN FilANOI-CO to JAPAN ana CHINA: ? Steamship CITY OK TOKIO Wednesday, May 1 From SAN KRANCIsCO io SANDWICH ISLANDS, AUSTRALIA and NEW ZI5ALAND: Steauisbip ZEaLAN 1 >IA Monday. April 13 Kor freight or passage apply at the company'* office. 6 IIowIiul Gret-n New York. FLORIDA DIRKCT.-STEaMBKS LEAVE PIEK 20, East Rivor, every Friday. nl 3 f. M., for Fernandiua, Ha., touching at Srunswlclt and Port Royal, .^(earner CI i Y OF AUSTIN. Captain Chester, will aall April 12. Through freight and passage rates given to all point* la the South and Southwest by C. II. .MALLORY A CO., Agents, 153 Mi.ldon I ami. aud tickets ?oid by COOK, SON A JEN KINS, 201 Broadway. VTEW ORLEANS D1KI.CT.?TUK OROM WELL LINK ll steamship .SEW ORLEANS, Saturday, April 13, at 3 P. M., pier 9 North ltivrr. Through bill* ot lading iclven to Mobile and principal point* Oh tb.> Mississippi Hivi'r. For frtii(;ht or passage ap ply to OL \ 1:K A S.-.a M aN, Sri Want at t^AVAN N A HTK LOHITiZ OEN. HARNhS, from pier 16 E. R . Wodneaday. A|>rll 10. CITY OF SAVANNAH. Iroin pier 43 N. R.. Saturday, April 13. OEOBOK YONOH, Agent Saturd ?v steam ir. 40U Broadway. MURRAY. FERRIS A CO.. Airent Weduesday steam r, 02 South ak C. D. OWENS. OEOROK YOSOB, Aram A A O. R R . 315 B'wav. Axent C. It. R. 4O0 H'way o LU DOMINION S'l'B.tAlSHIP COMPANY, saillni; from nier 37 North Kiver. lor NORFOLK, CITY POINT and RICiiMOND, TUEN. DAYS, THURSDAYS AND SATURDAY'S at 3 P. M . con. nectiiiK with the Virginia and Taiiueinten Air Line. Atlantis Coaat Line, PI' dramit Air Lii.r, Chesapeake and Onio KaiW road. S- aboard Air Liue and with the company'! at.- a in Una to interior port* lu North Carolina an l Virginia. NEWHEKN and WASHINGTON. N. C. (via Norfolk), every TUESDAY, THURSDAY and S.vTUiiDAY. LEWKS, Del.. MONDAY an I TIIUKSDAY. at 3 P. M connecting with the Maryland and Dolawara railroads, ao? for RKIIOHO I'll BEACH and OCEAN JITY. i'aaaeuiter aei'omnindatlons numirpasned. Through paweuger ticket* anil bill* ot lading to all points at lowunt r?tr?. Innura'icn lor Norfolk. A?., at per cent. Freights received daily at pier 37 North Itiver. General office No. 1117 Wrernwica at. N. L. Moi'KEaDY, President OKliAN's LINE IO Ni.W ORLEANS AND TEXAS.? The steamers will sail from pier 36 North River as fol low*:? ALGIERS Saturday, April 13,1878 Kor New Orleans direct, transterrlng Texas Jrelght thers to Morgan'* Louisiana aud Texan Railroad and Morgaa'a ateamsblp* to Texas port?. Through blli* of lading signed to alt points on the MNslaaippi River. Mobile, Galveston, Indianola, Corpua Christl, Koekport, liraios Santiago, Brownsville, and to all points ou tha Hou'ton aud Texas (;eatral. Tex us PaciHc, Transcontinental and Ualveitoo, Harrlsburg and San Antonio railroad*. Kansas City, Port Seott and other points oa MUsourl. Kansas aud Taxaa Kail road and connection*. Krelgbta for St. Mary's and Fulton landed at Koekport. Insurance can bo effected under open polley of the Una Te New Orleans, \ per cent; to Texas p ilots, % percent. For freight aud other Information apply to BOGERT A MORGAN, Agonta. office nier 36 North Itiver New yoke and Havana dikbot mail link? T?es? first class sieauiahips will sail at 3 P. M.. troin pier 13 North River, foot ol Cedar St., for Havana direct, aa follows:? llEu. W. CLYDE Saturday. April 20 OOLUMBi S Wednesday, May 1 Far freight and passage, having mnsurpaasod accommo datlon*. apply to WI1.LI A *1 P. CLYDE A CO.. Mo. 6 Mewling Oraes. MoKBLLAR. LULING A CO.. Agentain Havana. NY., HAVANA AND MEXICAN MAIL ?. *. LINE. ? St* amera leave from pier No. 3 North Kivar FOK HAVANA DIRECT. CITY OK NEW YORK. Deakrn.1 ueaduy, ApHl 16, S P. M. CITY OK WASHINGTON, Timmerman..April 18. 10 A M. CITY OF VERA CRUZ. Van Sice. ..Wed.. April 24,3 P.M. FOR VERA CKUZ AND NEW ORLEANS, via Havana. Progreea. Campeacby, Froatnra, CITY or NKW YORK. Deakeu Tueaday. April IS CI'IY OF MERIDA, Kaynolda Tuesday, April 30 Steamera will leave New Orleana April 24 and May IS tor Vera Crux via Matamoraa, Tuxna.i and Tampioo, making eloaa connection with aleatners tor New York and all the above porta -- .i rriwnui; a urtvn 91 .nil M Smdnr ATLAS MAIL. LIMB, JlKUM WEST INDIfcS AND SOUTH AMERICA. Regular bl-woatblv ulllop from pier 31 North Blur M '"j&TuaYTI. COLOMBIA, ISTHMUS OK PANAMA Ut flOUTU PACIFIC PORTS (via Asplnwall) ALPS April 13 | AIIimA. April 80 For KINGSTON, J a.. end IIA M I ATLAS April 25 | KTN a. May 18 First clans British built Iron steamers. Superior first dtH passenger accommodations. P1M. KOllWOOD A CO.. General Areata, , No. 56 Wallet KXAS LINE FOR GALVESTON TOUCHING AT KB* Went.CITY OF HOUSTON, Captain Kldrldge, wll. tall Saturd >y, April 13, at 3 P. M , iroru pier 20 K?>i River. Thrjunb rates of trelxht nnd bills ot lading Riven ovor all railroads In the Stale. For freight and panaaj.e ibaviiig superior nccom modal Ions) upplt to C. II. MAL Loll Y A CO.. 153 Maiden lane, or COOK. BON A JEN KINS, 2111 Hroadway. BKRMI'Da, POHTO lilCO ST. THOMAS, W L| LAGUAYRA. PUKRTo CABKI.LO, VKNl-ZU Rl. A, with connections to ail iiansoi ft'I-HT 1NDIK.S and MMTB AMERICA. Ihe Quebec and Gul( Ports Ss. Co. Lino tall ae under noted :~Fur hKKMUDA. nf. caNI.MA, April 11. ForST. JOHN aud POME. ?T. TUOMAa. LAul/AYRA ' and PUERTO CAHhLLO, ?8 BRUM UU V. April 27. For descriptive pamphlets. frolubt and pnssage apply to A. E. OUTEttBKlDOk. A CO.. Agents. 2? Rruadway. C G. OB (? a K M i nI<Ia, 8.Y Beaver at. O LI.VR, 271 Broadway. New york~aj?d~ciFba mail s. fob HAVANA DIRK. T. Magnificent accommodation lor Daaeengara. Saillag TIIUK-DaVH, from pier 17 Kgst River, at 3 P. M. NIAOARA taewj, 2,l'ii:> tons, Cartls . TUuradny, April 19 SARAI'OOA (new), 2.2S6 tons,Sundberg. Thursday. April 35 Heuuced r imoI p>i?-a^e lor Vera Crus and wot India laianos. by through tickets via English and Krancb steam* ablp lines from Havana. JAMKrt E. WARD A CO.. 113 Wall at. F" m rm o?gt.-tfo foe mm ttmSSi by steamship Nia(nra. sailing I'liursday. ISth Inst. for Havana, oouaecting wltu steamship Kbrn, tor Vera Crus. JAMKS K. WARD A CO.. 113 Wall at. N" aSSAU. N. P., ST. JAt 10 AND C1KNFVKGOS. t'n.ia.?Stoimship CAKOMlKLET, Saturday. May 11, at 3 I'. M. MURRAY, : KKRIS A Co.. ?a South St., or O. Li VK, General i'ass'-ngi-r Agent, 271 Broadway. THAVEIiLEltK' UlilDE. 4 LB ANY"boat, PK'iPlJ.'h"LINK'-ONE OF TIIM Xielexani steamers DKAX RICHMOND or ST. JOHN will leave pier 41, North Klver, every week day, at 0 F. M., ?nnaocting at Allmuy lor <11 od'its vurtli and Whl lick eta l r sale at principal hotels nd all of Westoott Express ofllras In M? York ani Kronklyn. Brooklyn passenger* transferred Iran by "Annex" boats. LB ANY' BOVfS IjIRKCT?MERCHANTS' BXPBEHf Line-Kl^aiii steamers WALTKR HRKTT ..r NEW CII AM 1'ION will leave daily, Sa urdays excepted, tor Al* oanv, for nassengers and fr Ilii. which will be lower than by anv other line, irom Canal at., Norm lUver, at U I*. ,\L, making clone connection with ai irmns north and weft. Meats Sit eents. A. P. BI.ACK. nuporlntendeat. Boat for cathkh.l, stuyvksant and inter mediate Isndiugs will leave pier 34, Harrison el. North Elvrr. dally, Sundays excepted, at R P M. B""65ton7*-faiik RKitrcBD via fall" rivkhT Llae; if-1 to Boston; cacur.loa tlcketa, tA; tnaffnlllatnl steamers NawPOET and oLl) COLONY leave pier M North Itlvnr dally (Snnd'tvs exceptedi at 5 P. M ; fall night's rest; S<e mornluK tralnn frmn f all River to Boston. Ticketst'T axle at all prlnclpnl tioket unices Brooklyn pitsarnifern trunalrrrei free bv "Annex" boat* leavlni loot ol Kultonst. nt 4 :!*> I*. >1 CIT^lIxV LINK.?fjtof S I K I M KIIM, C()NN I.ctTni? with mornlnK trains for all pel a Is North Kant and Went, leave plrr 4'.) Ninth Klver, loot l.nrov n., d illy (eaeapt Sat* ardayi ? t'i P. M. Rooms heated witli strain. .?ClOR NdRWALK AND DANBURY DAILY, r Steamer AMF.Illl'l lenves BrooKlvn (Jewsll's Dock) ? Sifu P. M.; Pier Ne. *7 Baat River, 3:44 P. M. and :uid st., HP M., connect inn with Dun.iury and New IJaveu itall roails. lied need fare, .'fi cents. EXCUliSlO.M Til KKT*. M > OK NTH. RKDUCKD PARK! ?S TO MO ton I EXCURSION TICK. T.s. ?. IBB OLD RRLlABLi'. srOMlNUTON LiNR FC?R BOS TOM. Not a trip missed In sevea consecotlve yenr*. Steamers leave plnr 33 N H , tool ..f .lav St.. at ft P. M. Mesmliont express train leav is StonltlRton at 4:30 K. M. Provlden e line (freight i n y) steatnere from pier 29 North lllv.'r, loot uf Warren st.. at 5 I', M. ?xcuiiHiom. Excursion boats and GiiofEs.?sTEAiiEn-f Oeaeral >edi(wirk Hint Kurt l^e, barffes Caledonia, Re Butile ami Anna; Exrelsior Par*. Oriental, llarltan lieaoh, old Sprlnir, (una IsUinl anl Cotumlila Groves N. H. BRIQGd, lis| W"?t st . oiii>"slti't'lirisioplier street ferry. Brooklyn offlci (ilndions Buildlnuai. corner Fulton aai York stt. * Dillt KXCUMlO NB?T<OON STEAM KR J. M. riCHI'TURi ispaclty a.auo people; arces St. Nleh t las. Huberts nbdothuis; Oci ld' iHal Grove, on the lladson, sail others. MARTIN A KASKhLU. >18 South st.; opes Sunday ,. <?__ FW.t ESSM s r k A HER J. B. Schayler. eanajlty J Olio people; Barges St. Nieba* las, Roberta and others: Oo ldrntal Urove, en the lladson, and Others. MARTIN A EASKELL, IIP South st , open Sunday. ______ DKSTISTRI. 'T~*^TfiinilKTii TToill aT ItVAkK ^1L377 ttth a?., one doer atiove J:ld St., or at 12H West 34tb (t.; rubber, celluloid, gold, pi itlna and all other meebant eat dentistry with Ue?natrii; terms to suit the time*. NhWBKOi Oil A NKWRkoUOII. DHAUT1FUL RETS AUIIKiCIAI. TKBTM. tii iVum" J)?h warranted. New York Dental l;.-ms .'?J Hta ay. .LstabiisUed irt-.L Dr. MEADER.