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THE STATE CAPITAL Passage of the Apportionment Bill in the Assembly. MORE CROTON WATER. Why the Street Repaving Scheme Was Opposed. IRON TELEGRAPH POLES. Another Attempt to "Conjure Up a New Civil Code." FREE CANALS DEBATE [BY TELECUAPU to thk hkbald. ] Aluast, April 10, 1878. Tbe disputes boiwoeu tho two democratic factions ?f New York city represented at Albany threaten to perplex the deliberations of this Legislature quit# as mucU aa those of former Legislatures were per verled by Ibetu. lammanv and anti-Tammany drive for tho mastery, lb* difference between lUa struggle now and lb* struggles lu fortnor your* being tbat eacb aide endeavors lo do tho mo't good Inatead of evil to the taxpayers, and (be Dioat good politically instead oi poouuurlly lor It. ?rI', each aide works bard to secure tbe alliance of repnblicuns and country democrat*. List week Mr. Fmh and Mr. Astor worn louud wiib Mr. Alvord, and Mr. I. 1. H.iyen lu coaipauy with Mr. Brooks, Mr. Ortdy and the Tiimm'iny members in tho voto on tbe P iblio Bur. dons bill, a bill which Mr. Flsb waa induced at tbe lust momout to substitute lor tbe origimi Halariea bill In bia charge. 1'bo Public Burden* bill bus alnco g?t a black eye. This week Mr. Fish, Mr. Aator and other republicans Hud thennelvos cordially Toting wtih Mr. Daly, Mr. Fitzgerald and other unil-iamrasny numbers lu favor ol the Croton W.iter bill, a measure advocated by tbe Commissioner ol Public Works an1 decidedly opposed by Mr. Kelly. Dr. Alvord at III sucks to Tammany, being diapoaed to ?dvocnte borne rule for New York as repre sented by tbu Board ol Estimate and Apportion ment. Mr Fish seems now inclined to dispel the notion tbat ho is afllliated with either luuto of tbe common political enemy. He took palna ;o-day lo explain himself lo this ellect, auu it ia pre turned tbat when th* amended Public Burdens bill re ;urns to the Assembly from the Senate, the Chairman ?i the Committee on Cities will not be unwilling lo lonstder it In a new guise. In a despatch last week which summarised and re. ra wed ibe moat important NewYoric billa paaaed or pending In tbe Aaaembiy and on their way to tbe Sen ato il was, intimated tliat all or most of Ihem would be subjected to Jealous scru tiny ana considerable amendment. Tbts view Is sustained by the activity of both tbe friends and opponents of these bills and by tbe ex. pressions of Senators and members of the lowor House. The Public Burdens bill, tbe Flusnoe bill, the Booded Indebtedness bill snd tbe Dock Department Sill have ail to run a gantlet of uncertainly, in which racb is likely to receive exoortations more or less ALVORD'B APPORTtOSMXXT BILL. Fairly driven to Day on the Apportionment bill Mr. Aivord wbon the bill carat up thia morning lor It* final reading promptly moved the previous question In order to abut off further debate upon It. Ue withdrew bla motion lor a momonl only, at tue rtqnoat ol Mr. BrOoks, wuo tbus got mi opportunity to movo that tbe bill be recommitted to the committee wbenon ttoame with In. struct Ions to report it book in tbe lorm or two bill*, B -paratibg tbe AsKombiy and Senate apportionments, at the name time taking one member ol tbe ABkembiy from Washington and one from Wayne county and (t'Ting the two to tbeeounty ol New York. Ibis mo tion was rejected by tbe following vote: ? Vus-Mixn. All-n, Baker. Bathe, Bergen. lierrlenn. Bouck. brooks, Rrowninit, Burns. Clancy. Cortnack. Cosad, Crawiord. Crowley, f'urran iJeiy, U?r. Doiwluss Kits yerald, Kloyd-Jmn. Kiyiiu. Kr?u?. Ualvlu, larany. 11*111 d?y, Hamilton, Havens, J. Ilayt-s. iienrr. Kee/au. Kel lo/g, Lan/ner, Levelsnd, Mapes, Md'onou/h. Meatl, Aioller, Meyenhor/, Nells in. Nelson, Nlven. Paiicngill, I'aiterson. C. t;. Peck. Piper. I'urdy, Koberts, Kearluit, kt-cbacher, Shsn ey. Ullter, struck, J. Taylor, Thaln,Thorn ton. tteruple and Wlllerd?57. Mars?>.eesrs. Abbott. Aivord. Andrews, A sloe. Barry, Brundage. Case. Cbaupeil. Chase. Claop, J M. Clark, Cranueli, Ileyoe. Duell, Fish, Foster, ollbert, Graham. Ontics, I. I. Hayes, Hepburn. Hobble, lloibmok, lloyt, liume, inird. Joues. Keator. Kern. Kin/, L nrltig, Mattl eoii. Mekeel, J. It. .Miller. H. V. K. Miner, Meoers Noitn, >uyee. I'aliner. i'arkar, Ua Witt C. Peck, P> ek. Tool, Pre* cult. Proper. Keynolds, Kowland. Ni.nuer, Sewell. -beard bbeldon. -kinnsr. :>tory. cullterUnd. tv Taylor, Terrv Vai entitle, \t ads worth, Waksljr, War-in*. Wheeler, Wilbor, \t liliams, Winl., Winch and Worth iWJ , Asituvr, Pairkd xxn Not Vatwo? Messrs. Beard, Con verse, llolahan. Towneley and the Sneaker?5, rassaai or run: ukasirk. The vote was tncL taken on tbe p is.snge of tbe bill. During tis progress Mr. Henra, one of tbo members n <miuaied t>y the labor ielorni*r*. used up tbe brief timo aiiorreii bim to explain his vote In iionoanciBg I tie bill nua Intimating bis contempt for both tbo rogn* l?r party organizations. ??You m>ycut U|. your uie. Iriet land* ah you please," and Mr. Beard, "but next tall we'll lake care ol tbe votes lor you. " Tbe bill IT'S at length pasted oy a vote ol M to 69, tbe repub licans all voting for it and the democrats and labor rdormer* ugaiusi it. XRW YORK BII.LB. Tie rest of ibe day In the Assembly was occupied In the discussion of measures rel itmg to tbo oity of New York. Two bills, one providing for the repave tiient ol street', th? other for an additional supply of Croton water In that city, provided a warm and en tertaining discussion between Tain many aud antl. Tammany democrats, in which somo ol tue most prom li.eot republicans, inuinuiug Mr. Alvord, Mr. Flan aud Mr. Astor were led to Join. *"RR CROTOR War?R FOR GOTHAM Tbe Croton Wuter bill repeals an act ol 18T8 which framed leave to tbe Commiselonrr of Public Works to expend an additional sum, not exceeding 9l,50U,(K*u, Willi an amendment providing thai in 'be expenditure of tuat sum he may consiror.1 u pump to supply water at nigher leveta in psrts ol tne city, snob as tue Nine teenth and Twenty-first wards, Wnere tbo water service lias hnberio been deficient. 1 list the bill may bn fully nnderstood tbe vital section (a rescript ol tne law ?>f 1976, with the amendment in italic*) Is given here with SatTiOS X?The Commissioner nf Public Works o< the elty si N*? York, when ther> unto autborls d by a ihree-iourtbs rots ol ail tbe members elected to tb- Common Coun II of Hid citr. to be a| proved by the Mayor n' said city. Is hereby authorised to expeud. lor materials and labor and other services, iu such maimer a* tbe said Ceni siissletier shall deem l?*r she best interests of said city, la levin/ pipes to extend and en lerge lb* olstrl ution ol Croton water thmmrh em the rltr of New Vork, Including the tw.. new?a is. end to luriiisli a sulflrlant nupply tbeteol to tne lustllu tlons In enerire nt tbe Uenariment el 1'itolle Cliarltle* and Correnien. located on Biavkwell's latuad, ??iu sI?I*imI sn i Kai d ?U'<> l.isad. and in I ?> in/ m ilna <s?<f *??> Urn/ nr mmatr*rH*y' utrwlurm -iiul it/tee is the said Com mle si"ner oi Public Works n.ay deem accessary t? deltter said Water at higher level* and In are iter quantities, an ?ddi lonai sum not exceeding $1 .V ti.lssi OHJKtTS OS TNB BILL?CAtirBBI.L's BXrI.ARATIOB. This bill and ita amendment wuu'd appear inno frni enough. Tbe object was explslned by Huperiu t< nucut CampbRil lest montn In a cviuinuuicatioa to tbe Mayor, tn this wise: ? Under tilts law the of IM7.~i) about feO 0 baa i>een eapeei e I, and a large amount of waie p i e| aid, nearl) all within lbs past two years, but np to tin. time kotblag ba? beeii done under the law tu rarry out >ee ol Ue most ini yoitaut Oijicta. ss s X|.resseil In its litis - vis . "to deliver wster at a lilsher elevation " Tbe .rsat ueceasity ill sunir proper works and aiipllanees f. r nils purpose w?? m?fe e-p-naiiy apparent dunug ths dmagbia el IN7h snd IM77. ?h*n many nuussi sltiaatee on elevated ground ware deprived ol water In tneir upper atones, and In s>>uie instance* even In the iisseoienta M i quarterly report, to you o?BlaiB trequent alinslone te tn. matter ol what Is technically eatled a "high aervtca supply ? Many 1 linens wliu are incomenl need by wsnt of sUBlrlsnt pressure at their premises bave in.ide earn. St appeaiS for wis * xtenslon ol the In.It service eater now pumped up uenr .danbett aville, but tbis water has already neei. distributed to the utmost capacity ol tun works al tn at point. Accordingly, early laet year I prepard an erdi n mi. - te ?e sir.milled to the Common Council satli rls lite tb* erection vl tbe necessary pnmplac es<in>a on the land wlilcb hail been espiresiy riserved ior inese Worse, DPtweeu Mueiy.setniini and Nin?ty-eigbtli streets, when tnet part of tue aqueduct was taken down; but apun submitting It to tne Coiporatlnn Counsel I was ad vised that the eutborlty under tne law te do more than lay pipes wee doiibtlel, and thai an amendment by tbe l^ .ls. f.ture would be sdviaanls. In order to provide lor tha diesrlnation ef Water et biaber elevation. Tbe words el the amendment were Inserted In the Corpora tlnn Counsel's office as fol nws"And erecting or coiistructlnir sesh structure* and Ii*tores as the inidCon, MlsMuB r ol Public <> .irks may deem nee.-esarr" to deliver said w?ter al hinlier levels. Ac. I'M* amenueJ bill was in trDelated IU tbe isaeiobly iaat session aitli sour approval. Buu, indeed, without dissent Irom any ?ue. It pa.sed toe Aseembly almoet an>nimeasly, and was only lost in tbe ftenais lor want ol time l bs amendment Is a proper oas and propeny worded. If tbe original linent of the law is to I ? e irrled out It Woaid be as mitieeeasary in aueh a law to descrine the rs Bee and pnmpa to ne erected as It wnaid to specify diameter ol pipes te be laid. This will Be dona iu iho stdlnaars* of the Common linn II (a three quarters vote t"lng noeessery). approved li? the Mayer, withunl Wolch to work ef anr kine auoer this law can lie unoertaken. |h* total expenditure I* still limited to fl..s*i'*<i. ol Wolch not exceeding fbiXi.OlSi eaa oe spent la aay one tear Tbe balance >et unexpended I* $7ix?.t*ft. Tne aoet I tbe Bumping engines aud aeccssary structures a 111 not ntirpi^M. <m<i coiiMirt?! ^ iJ5\ hv i. tlil? iBlindfd M pliabed. ...a llwl Vhr U- Of *t? .)Ju ?lt??J^22irw* tMl'llul* oufoTil.Sflij.UUO .UII.M.N4 .bould be da to .;?o. Mjm?; thii Notwiiueuudtnit ibn explnuniion the bill ?? ?? ,".a Comptroller Kelly ??<* other New ks -s^utst ?".w.J?r:L,lB: auv*. 0?.iv;r;u,. to add lo lb* patronage ol the JUppo?ed lie Works. Inasmuch M Mr. duapMI U lo act Independently ol 0| tbe other ??roe Scotchman whom 1fr- y 00 * bloc* dav ai MWAUllD2 lU lOUB^i ? UCW P wiui Ol scotch granite," 11 "".T/rdMU** where the tboebtil pinched h?rd.?L P1&8AUI OF THE BILL. Mr n*lT who introduced the bill. preserved m of Mr. Fi?b and Mr. A?lor, carneo ? ? ^ |polca even triumphant I) anpearance in ibe As for ibe aeeond time'?>".? h{! aPPi|0iple statement sembly, confined ft?!?", 10 ^,??ea the bill that be nad ?U?h"**l7 .xcellent and tiecca aud waa ooBTlncod l*al'' "Wtalcue,st.-r, also spone aarjr lueaaure. Mr. Moiler, oi a ^Deraily grew in ita lavor. The aapport tt r couutry out ol a leellus ol "" -xJi.auure only on members in a bill eutboriiln* J^autl ,be Mavor of ibe approval of the ?o?moo C > ed res?,iment SVb2\? ?5*? - *? ,nlerfer",C" oi Tammany member*. in the course of V&Sj'oKX m,V?#.rouberCamPb.aiOb. VuwTc On account of appro priations r?i?ed by $1,804,487 $1,492,681 taxation Oil ttCCUUDl Pi W**"*" mem lunils forstreet 2 322 137 4,295,862 imi-rovenieuM 6,448,4^ On account ol loaded debt lor improve tuout und e*teuaiou 1699,507 1,880.340 01 water supply, *0. 8 U'.40" ' _J "IST $1,703,951 On account of Hseesstnotii luuus 3,408,684 for street improvement*....... 4,68^,07- , On account ol luudoi debt lor RMM 1878. 1871. 1 0".^?by^.?V'oPnP^Pr!4U.00,?l,"V023 $1,818,088 "iXZ&tSZSZ&lT. 55,018,883 735,130 On account ol lunded debt lor water supply^ Vc:.?T.a. . 8M.390 737,697 _ $4,358,09* $3,U88,7tt3 KKFAVKKItST OK 8TKKETH A.SIJ AVKXPKS. Th? np*t oi.l to provide lor a uuilonn eystera lor the repllvumtnt of streets, avenues and public place, io the city ol Now York, read, ihus: orcTIO?( 1. Whenever the Coniml??louorof Fnblle works .r .kToH* 01 New Vork. shall certlly and report to the f^SSTlir ,?i/ B"?rU i. Aldermen shall ba*e the 1 i'o'rVthaJ^ u'a.byai.d uudur the direction ol tbe im part inent ?f Public a?*iT<ies or public The cost <> wilh lb, provisions of the abovo re qulrenient. ^allb.bornobv. ;:srrr s,;i.}? s:.n ,l,kiTlid0th!t tha aiounrto /pproprlat^d and raised shall mid streets^ avean p rln|o||l publlc Work., upon a ,p**lliea "ihr^ball'aisS'be^beowVer^'ot^Vo tb^rds'o^tbe ~ ^?^d a"Tcou"t?d ? rw^^tk^wlldgmeuts to be used in the Stat, of N"in*?pi?nati*n ol U1I1 bill Superintendent Cwnp hZZ\z pr-?'trlo'r:. -jsvutesf ss ll,V<r.rr:?.l'la^ipproprutod tar lb. Hoard of Ha ?"fAr-? ?"rk of reuavement bad til. c>.st thrraol waj Bsw.sea upon by tbe U ?? J'Ot lhrcdeeo.?.r made soma oontract. for sr^M>ecU' ? ^pSi^'-S&Sa&ws the '"'?^\D#LP?nl!S3S lor rapavonient b.vlmf been line, but ?? P M-. iH7it ih )lr reiioesta coutil not be m?le e tber 'ior 1873lo rep?0 tbelr complied with. ' J | ih? co?t to he ?en?as?d upon ,tre??suador the . j tUUwai not ?.tiulsslule, in, ir prope"*- "alert, tb-ro .aeioe.l to be ??. rein ^"?'uu'iv' aVi^ tU. co.t ?d npon their pr?p. ..._h m bill waa lntro<l?cen by the parties l? Accorlin?ly sue ((<77 bBl t0 p?.?. Tbe tere.tcd rt'ihl. Mwioo la au t x?ot transcript ol the bill introduced ibU ?e ?io Oi,j?cuooable claua?, a?i.ut printed bill ?, laat c<)UU?ctv doubtiea. relerred the contt.inai otj P oaeu entered Into lu K?od t? those contract! wnicn which ?oiue work baa !*ilb r.:VZ"u. ite'erXthat tbey were made in b? *n done bm? rc 1 Uhkuaic.j wa* tw? t?U?I IV rtlyj* t^.lKe Ttil objcct of the l*w? Mud not bcink'/^1^.! ltJ# rtn^Yemeni ?t -treet* br **? namely, toaotbwiethe pa lliereuu< ??,l ou ibe ?ppll ,."*!'1,""| the oilners ol two-tl.lrds o! auch lront-wa? '.I*,1. "k'.ii"..uL of tne >''ll ?? ^-u'^ilaena be authorised to The W?P^ quewUoiile. ? u 0(lvl|Itf for it thrnmrlvet If IU tbe ?an?e .* Uui ibla bill la also Birruunusly oppnaed by Comp troller Kelly, who eaya there is no linut lo tbo ex p<-udimrt>s winch uilgbi be incurred uudor ill provi eiuiie, and winch might and Wuaid, moat probable, itava m he paid ultimately by the oily to ro dceiu i lie u^BO-i>moui b<>uiU winch il wouiJ l.c otciraxary 10 m*ua to puv me coat ol tiie work!. No reliance wnatovor, say* the Comptroller, cuu bo placed upou tbo collodion ol BKaeaamenla lor autU repaving, il llie bill abould be come a law, lo pay the uimiiieiit ooihIh at maturity. Uu coucadca llul the appr priauou ol $;)Ob,uOU lor repaying ana $l.iu,ui>j lor repairing at route, tuaUe by toe Hoard "I Apportionment during ibe protein year, la ample lor tut- |iurpoa? uud m iitea any amendment lor lUa act for rep.ivtng tne atreeta quite uuneceaaary. LAID 03I Til* TAIILK Mr Brooka aod Mr. Urady advocated the (ame viewa aod objected, moreover, lo mat part ol Ibe ulll wbicb propvea to legalize not only every contract, "but every proceeding'1 ol wtinl kind tower that inuy liavo beeu etti red into or taken by any datmrifm ni of the city government prior to I lie year 1S77, relating 10 the rupavemem of aireela, avenue* aud public placet, anil unite* It man .atory on tbe n Ulcere ol ibe department to execuia and carry into effect any B<ich roniract or prutec-dina, carrying with it cor rv?pi*n*iiag obligation on tbo finance Department to prov de l?r tne whole oxpen-e ihat may be 'ncurred or involved. M r. I) ly a .dre-ami himself vigurouMy to ibe lark ol diaaipuiing ibe ohjeciione; bat, tbe hoar of llie 'l iliy reoeaa living near at baud, Ibe bill waa lor a time la d on tbe table. I li on tklkokahu polk* roit mv York. Mr. Am or'e ao-cailou Iron Telegraph 1'ole bill?lit erally euullrd "An act to provide agaioat ihe uae ol uneuilable and datigerou* telegraph pole* In the city ol New York' ?Wat paaeed lu ibe A?aembly to-day afler a brak debate. It waa at tbe aaggettlon ol I'reeiiK'nt Orion thai the bill wta m.ide lo apply lo N< W York alone, aud ilial tbe third arc.Inn waa eo worded aa 10 po?ipone tbe operation ol tna act nntil May 1 01 uexi year. 'Ibe bill la ol aulMcieat public intereat 10 be given entire:? -Bit ion I ? Whenever, In tbe ciiy of Mew York, II aliall hereaii.r Ita liiuinl necraaary or iteeiranle oy tbe auiborl ilea tbereot. ui <?} any tel-ijr.ipli company or naaorlaiiuu. or an> oilier |iere n or prr-on* authorl?*d In erect, aet or r tet and uae teieaiapli pnlea or po?t? for tlie tuppo. i el t,e graph wlret, In me atreeta veeaea, panel ur other pnbliu ?Ucra wl ??l>l ait/, t" erect, aet ur tract aaeli teleerapb p.ilea or p.iett, aueh ere tlou, aeitniK or retelling -ban aut he made or deee Wlbont Ihe written perntla-luu 01 Ihe Com mi-mi ner of I ubllc Workt ol aaiJ city; ami all audi p.ilea or poelt li. ret'tar to be erected. ant or r aet, aliaii >if Iron and mane a.cording to ancli ?perlfl, ali..n- at tudnnen t una. ?> i(ilil and < oiiitruclloit. aa ?hull he approved by aald ? niiaiiaaletier. nut m Iron pole pauin ad pilot to tlia pHiaa e ol Una Aet thai I i>e adopted. And It mail not he IkwIiiI lierealter lor any mnntcliial depart ment, hwanl or oilier inunictpnl olHi'er, or ai,y lelearapb company ur aaaoclallou, corpuraie or otherwite, ur any oilo-r p>nm ur ptrauua to erect, tet ur met any wouilen ?"!? graph puie or pott In the atreeta. avennet or publlfl plarea ol ? .Id elly, nor aay otber kind or description of lelexrapn pole or p.iet than mi eh aa are required and ap proved aa aluretal.i. ,lta?;. a.?It (ball he tbe duty of the aald t.ornmlttloner M eauaa to be made. at ulteu ?? be way deem proper, an 'n tpeetion of all the teleitreph poiet or pottt elected In aald eity lor ibe uae and .npo.n m tel*(iaph ie,r??, an J . me r tain and determine the condition ol the >ame at to -atrt). liability and aogmlneti.: and In all caart When audi oolea or poata ur any of tnein may be deem.'d bv the aald commlaalouer iiaaale, un tound ur intiruie Ibe perty or M i-tlea ooatlig or ntltig llie tame, oa notice from a.ild Oommiatloner. ahnll remoea the aama. and aub<tilute In pmea tnereol pole* aa told I oiuniltaloher ebail appruve. ana ir alter Ave da<t or audi lunger notice a. way i-mi , rop?r to aald Coniml-tioiier. aueli partr or partlaa aball neiilret ot rafuae 11 make tuih renoeei, tbe aaid Otftinil-*iuter may rein ve Ilia aaine at tlia > xpeuae ol tuch pirtror partita, who al all be ilahle ih relnr In a i acuuii lu he hiuu.lii he the city and whan aneh telegraph |nrlea : or poalt re to i>e removed ere ua .1 by any or other authority or ollicer o auin ill) li allail b? tlia doty of tarh <ieparnii>-Bi. a.nh rliy . r efllcer to re move llie taiat ou henia noiiflad aioreaaid Hv aald Com ?uiMiuuer, but In cete ol failute te do to tu<.b femoral tball he mad- by said Commissioner. It J* Hoard ?f estimate aud Apportloeinent at aatdI euv' vide lor Hi. i??) >u- nt of ?u. U expenditures a* shall b. Prop ?rly toeurred in earrvlB* out the provlsloBs at this act. ARANPOSaS-XT OF CH1LURMI. Mr iDiirtffi ha* introduced in tho Assembly ? bill which provides IBM wbenevera !??'??* "" or sbsll abandon an inlsul child, such parent shall be deemed to have forieited all claim that be or she would otberwi-e have, M to the cuetody 01 M?b Child or otherwiee, agaiust any person who baa adopted and assumed the maintenance ol euch cbUd, and In such case the person adopting, taking acd auaaime the maintenance of such child, may 25opt it ?nder the prov.sioas ef tbte act, will;.the same effect aa il the couseut ol such parents had boeu obtained. In all caaes of abandonment after this act takea effect tbe paraon adopting aball proceed under the provtsiona ol tnia act within one year alter be or abe baa assumed tbe maintenance ol aucb child; in aucb oaae ol abandonment the County Judge may make tbe order provided lor in tbta aot without the consent ol aucb parent or pareuts. THAT VgXATtODS OODE. TbU morning a hot passsge waa bad between the Preaident and Mr. Jacobs, ot Kinde. to which the gavol put an end ere it had time to lully develop. Senator Bdiot latroduood a concurrent resolution appointing a uew commission to rovlM tbe atatutea, aud oo one ol tbe moi>t Important amendment tnada to the reaolution Mr. Dorsheimer put the previous question with great basto, omitting in bis anxiety to aay, "la the Sonata ready lor tbe question?" Senator Jacobs aald tbat the question on tba amendment was not properly carried, tbat tba Chair should have mado tbe announcement quoted above. The Cbatr a aid tbat wheu H needed instructions it would send to tba Senator Irotu the Third. Mr. Jacobs responded tbat be very much re gretted tbat be lound it necesaary to instruct the Chair wbeu be waa not naked. The sharp wbnog of tbe gavel cut Mr. Jacobs short and buainoss pro ceeded with. The resolutions undor which this little tiff took piano and whiob are not dlsaatociatod with an alleged effort to coerce the Governor luto making certain nominations, read aa amended as lollows:? J-irti Kcaolved (If the Assembly concur).Thata Joint oommittee of the Legislature be appointed, three from the Senate (by the President thereof), three from tbe Assemble (by ihc Speaker thereof), to alt during the r c?-? to exam ine and review the Code "f Civil Procedure and also all hllla submitted at this session by the t.omuil?iiloner? to re vise the statute* uad to report tne result at the next seseiou ?^mlf? Ibat ? t he said committee be at liberty, if tbey thins uruper. to report a bill either amMding ilie Coie ot Civil Procedure or consisting ot a new Oodi of Civil t rot." du e or the Code ot l?4tt: ' Iso one or more bills eiubod> In" with such alteration* and amendments a* they think proper the additional Hills submitted by tha said Commissioners nt this session, and repeal tag I?? much or tbo present statutes ol the Mate a* aro obsolete or superseded thereby, and such temporary or supplemental bills a? may he necessary or proper, and auy other hills which they may Seem expedient, hVvtag lor Aelr ooject the revision, con Stdlistiun and siiuplillCHllou of the statutes. "jWrd-That eaeh bill so reported be reported in print. end a copy thereol be furoisued to each member of the Legislature, and thereupon that the said Mil be placed upon the celenoar of general orders In aaeh house, in Mke Banner aud with Use effect as it reported favorably by a etanulng committee of ?nch house, and be acted upon W >vl?rt*-lnstaroT? i^yiiVpose of carrying this resolution into effect tbe said Joint committee oe authorised toem pl y suc'i asnlstants, counsel ard clerks, and to incur such reasonable a. they think nroper for travelling office r-nt, books, priutlun. postage, stationery and other "neldeuial matters, but the whole expense not to exceed ? 13.0 0. BENT TO Till AB8EHBLY Tho rosolutlons gsve rise io considerable debate. Mr Marvin said tbat It waa an Inlumy farther to latnper with the ruloa ol practice. Tho Henuta now bad it in Its power to relievo ilie country ol oonlusion by abol in HI n if tho tlrst thirteen chapter* ol the new oodo, as tbe Governor ?UK?oaied, or to override tbe last nine chapters over the veto. Mr. Jacob* moved to table tbe resolution, which was voted down, 16 to 10. beua tors Harrla and McCarthy both spoke ag.lnst the r. soluiions, which were Anally carried and sent to the Assembly. wast it rkmalsd. A oommittee ol too New York IJar oouslstlng of ox Judge James 0. Upencer, ex-Judge E. L. Piinobor, Samuel O. Uonrtney, General Crooka and A. P. Spr*aue, ibe writer ou international codification, were here lo-dny to advocate tho repeal ol the new Code. They will bo grauted a hearing by the Judiciary Committee ol the House ou Tuesduy evening next. They atato that memorials asking lor the ropeal ol the new Oodo huve been signed by about two thousand lawyers, ani that it is rumored tbat a general convention of tbe legal profession of the State .will aoou be oalled to cousioer the question of repeal. . smcvmixo "fkkk Canal tra5?portatioK. Tbe Assembly occupied itacit aftet tbe ruueaa with a discuarlon of tbo caual measures, which were tnade the special order. Mr. I)e WittC. Peck, ol Oswego, Mr. Graham, of Orange; Mr. Noyea, ol O-yuga, aud others opposed the concurrent resolutions looking to a constitutional ameudment making thu cunuia ol tbe &tate free to oommeroe. Mr. Peck's line ot argu tneut may bo taken as a aampl". He opposed a proposition which tended to endanger tbo railroad interest, the conl Interest sod other vital in terest* deeply oonoerning tbo prosperity ol tbe whole State. The wbolo commercial problem had under eoue a chautto sluco the introduction ol tbo Boatcuier stoei. Beiero that wrought iron rails were too soft and weak to allow tho trausil ol heavy looomotives aud Ireigbt trains oror mountains. Now tho Alls shames, formerly the principal obstacles to railroad transit and traWc, were rondered passable by steel rails, sad furnished within their own bowels the fuel ueues>*ry t? oouble steam engines to cross them. By means or the railroads parts ot tho State were penetrated aud laid opeu for commerce wtiich ootlid never bo reached by canala. I bo cisaals and tne railroads were natural slile*, and although the canats compared with the railroads were pan*, they were important lectors in the general luioresta at the commonwealth. Ably managed the canals nod the mhrouds, which hsd bltberto operated to tbe inlury ol the agricultural districts, would serve to Increase their prosperity. But those dietricu ougot not be tsxed lor the maintenance ol either. Mr Peck was of the opltnon that it we were evor to have Iree canals It must be through some provision by the general government, and that so long aa tbe Stato showed au inclination to move in the matter the general government would retrain. PR, llAYKS MrkAICH A0AIV. Alter Mr Grauanihtd spoken Mr. Usyee made a general dcrouce ol the measure. Said net?The total exports oi grain from all United States ponv to all foreigu countries was. in 1871. iiO, 14.1,104 bushels, and in 1878, 1^5,969,801 bushels, beiug a gain ol 01)810 436 husbolt?sn increase equal to nearly PJa per conk ibis large increase In tue lorelgu sxport trauo lb vegetable loot certainly ought to have bad a perceptible beneficial influence in the trade ol this State; but Dow was ttT The total move ment in vegetable lood oy the trunk roads and canals connecting the West with the olty ol New York waa in 18J1 3 986,471 tons, and In 1870 3,H87,000 tons, an e< tual 'loss of 98,471 tons, and notwithstanding, a* 1 huve shown, there wa? a gain in expona equal to 1 lo per cent, the trade ol our own State actually left oO 7 per cent! For 1177 the result was far frotn flattering. Tbefo was a Kaln ol 1^6,687 tons in vegetable food, as coin pi red witb the previous year, but as comparod with 1N71 thero waa a gain or only a7.100 tons, or less than seven-tenths vt ob" per cent. Do not theie lacts prove that toe constitutional restrictions to rogard to our publio works are msldiousiv workinj in the interest ol our rivals, and are aeually retarding the growth of the litalr, and repelling trade which uuiuraily should flow io us f t ... II our nvale bad the power thev would close our Canals. We have not gone quite ao lat, but we have hedged theut in with restnotiona as il leariel tbuy tuigot damage our neighbors, or cause a greater Uow oi breadstuff* than actually ueeosmry lor our own wants. It II truo tbut wueu our can lis wore projected tbo people were issured thst ultimately tltey would pay the lull cost (It their coustruMtoii, and that they never would be a source ol taxation be yond their shinty to return, iboy have already ac complished all tbst was promised! tiruui tbat the no.inie have paid in mx>s, uisiribuied through a uertod ol u.iriy-iour years, ?35,iK)u,t)00 lor caual pur uoaea and that there is still a debt ol $U,U0o.owo out standing, hwl those sutus fctmpiy represent the lUter est paid, aud might have bouu realised irotu tho ou.l n?si ol the canals but lor a uisr. jiard ol the constitu tion. Sut if the oana.s have not OireCtiy paid their lull coat tbey have in ao indirect maimer more than redeemed every plunge tnaus lor iliotu. GtlST or TIIK CASALS I he Aedltor iniorms u? Hist tne c<?*t of construct mg an the canals umoubta to f7't,uou,000; mat tne rov ? uue has exceeded tbo coet ol operating the canals py $80 000 000. Showing that the |>rolUs ol operat il* are ft?,Out),000 iu exoeaa oi coat, exclusive ol ta le" eat. I bat the mdireci beuettt* which have seemed to lite btate are tbo sums real.led by tho carriers, the warehousemen and tbs commission merotiauia, Iron: tue business ol tbe cauais during the last forty yesrs; that these turns aggregate $^4tf.*<M,tNM, aud that there are other collal rai benehts whiun eanuot be estiiuated, I hat since IH^O ti.e aggregate valea tton ol the real and personal property io the .-.tato baa increased ?J,oOO,oOO,t00, aud that the population has increased nearly #,400,000. Woodenul as tueae re sults really are, and as mcredlble as tbey utsy appear, tu?y are as notbiug compared witn wnst msy be realised In the luturo II wa will exercise orumary Suuacity, bo true to our own interests sad ample/ to the beat'advaotage tbe means in our posssastoa. raoucuTio* or urai.i. It asy net generally oe snowo, out It is nerer tbe ees tree, tbat ol all tbe wheat, coru, o<U and rye proouoed in tne States sud isrritories o'tne L ai ted Htales more than sev?nt? j-er ceut is grown uorth ol tne Ohio Ittver. Pennsylvania produces thirty per cont mure grata tbau doea the State ul New York and consequently requires leas ol W? stern pro oueis lor her ewu conauraptiou than does the atato of New York. The 8 a es noroermg ou the lakes ol wuicb the Krie Canal is the outlet, not luoiudmg Pennsyl vania and New York, according to the sgriculierai bureau report ot t.reps lor ls7? (:l this is m>t tne latest published. It is tbe latest 1 cm obtain, and 1 un derstand the crop returns lor IN77 are evea larger than tor 18;6) trow 31.814,476 acres sowu tu wheat, corn, oata and rye, proomed 8it?,o?*,u00 bushels, while three other States, with direct rail couuecueu* with L.>ke Micoigau, irom 18.880 3s7 scree sown produced 47U.04u,0tiu bushels, or a grand total prod not iou oi M?8,075,000. All ol tbis vast product, Winch is only a uiiuiuiuin ol producing capaoity, save only wuat is required lor local consumption, would naturally How to tbe water route and thruugb one State if tbere wee a demand equal to the supply. I do not mink It needinl lor ma to -ay auytblng more in order te prove the correctness ol tbo propo sition with w blob (set out, that tue canals ol New York Stste Dave been tbe origin and continuance ol her weeith aud prosperity. I ought indeed, pemepe, to spologig* for Hsaumtug that any ouo in got sort euslv believe to tue contrary; and most assuredly 1 would nut, bad the Ides not beeu suggested upon tins floor thst certain portions ol the State, wm.e reneiving benelits Irom her treasury, were really intent upon diverting trade to the lorel-tu city ol Monireel It eanuot be denied, however, that certain counties have interests in some mesanre lore!an te tb< Stste. Tne Interests ol tome lie with p. nn" mania and her great raa.iulacturing centre, the greatest ou Hue continent (I'hils iripoia), winlo otnera li" with Osnada and the great eutppiug mart ol Moutrval. t? It not potsibie that we can unite upon tome middle ground and all Join band* tor lli? nlory of the Kmpire State' The counties that have UNI dim* proeperoua by lb* canals imme diately bar*, Indirectly, contributed 10 ibo proa portly ol tboao eouutie* lying remote from iborn. Yet arc they not all boaud together by a common tie, a common interest aud a common tmpulso, which it all ex^reaeed in the motto of tbo State, '?fc*oei?lor ?" HOW Kill RBCKIVSBS i?D BBTMSMf Mr. Dueil oOorad tbo following, which waa laid over:? Kexolved. That tba Clerk of tha county ot New York be and ha it hereby directed to report to tbU Home within tan day? the namee of all retereea aud receiver* appointed in any action or proceeding* In the supreme Court of ?aid county rr.ira the 1*1 dur ot May, ld77. to the date of bia re port, to.ether with tha name* of tha Jud.e> by whom ap pointed, the purpoae for wiiloh the appointment* were made, and. *n far aa be may be able, the compeotatiou received by lucb referent ana receiveri, AX ISQUIHT. Mr. nelson offered the following, which waa laid over:? Whereae It la alleged that the leaae of the pier and bulk head oppotlie Kulton Market, Kait Klr-r, between Keek man and Kulton eireeta, wan procured by iraud, bribery and corruption, and tin- treatury of the city ol riew York thereby defrauded of#IOO.t*JO; therefore, Retulved. That the Committee ?n General Lawa be and la hereby authorised to inveetiicate a* to the truth ol ?eid charge, and that they oe autboriaad to tend lur peraoaa, book* and paper* aud report the faou to tbi* House, STARTLING DEFALCATION. ? PALL BIYBB COBPORATION SWAMPED BX ITS TBKASUBEB ?A HALF MILLION OVEHI84UK? S. ANOIBB CHACE, THE ACTUAL MANAOEB OP THE UNION MILLS, A CBIM1NAL?FULL CONFESSION OP GUILT. tBT TKLEOBAPH TO THB HEBALO. ] Pall Riv*r, Mas*., April 10, 18T8. The city la id ? slate ol intense excitement over the discovery oft? henry defalcation on ttie Union Mill Corporation by the Treasurer, wblcb caused lb* sua pennon ol the company to-day. Mr S. Angler Cbace Is tbe treasurer and Is also President of tbe Second National Bank. Tbe Uuion Mill capital stands at $156,000, and tbe liabilities are said to be $1*2,000, including capital. Tbe paper is said to be beld largely by Boston banks. Tno most startling portion ol tbe reports current hero tins morning is that Treasurer Cbace Is a delnnlter to tbe amount ol $480,000. Tbe banks and other corpora tions are all secure as far as heard from. uisTom or fine mill. Tbe Uniou Mil 1 Company was Incorporated In 1959, with a paid in capital of $165,000?155 shares of $1,000 eacb. The company bus about 1,100 looms una about 45,000 spludlea, and employs about 500 nauds, producing some 12,000,000 yards ot print cloths aunually. The directors are as loltows: ? Jotin B. Antbony, President; Charles P. Drinr, Holder B. Durfeo, Poster H. Stafford, Elijah C. Kilouru, William Masoa and ?. Aogler Cbace, tbe latter being tbo defaulting treasurer. No. 1 mill was built lu 1J>69, No. 2 in 1885, and No. 8 Is now in process ol erection. Although tne par value ol the stock Is $1,000 per share, it bas sold within twelve months as blgb as $4,000. a Angler Cbace, tbe defaulting treas ure and President ol the Second National Bt nk ol Pall River, has been carrying lurge amount* u( nock ol a number ol Pall Riv<r corporations, and was supposed to have been somewhat Involved, but bus stood very bign in business circles for onaractor and ability up to the present development*. Of the opera lioua ol jobu B. Authoby, the uresldont of tbo com pany, very little is known. Charles P. Drlna Is of the firm ol Kilburn, Lincoiu & Co., machinist", ol Fall Kiver, and is considered i? mau ol considerable property. Bolder B. Durfeo ia president ol tbe Narraganseti Mills, and bus considerable mean*. Poster U. Stai lora la ol the Davoi Mills and Stafford & Co., and Is called worth over $200,000. William Mason Is tbe eolebrated loooinotive outlder ot Taunton, and Is said to be wortb over $500,00a Tne last returns sbowe i among tbe prouiiiiuut stockholders tho loilowiug-? John B. Antbony, Jatnes M. Anthouy, K. B. Anthony M. M. Cbuco, S. Augier Cbace, Charles P. Driug, wiilt laui Mason, George f. Hutbaway, Jume* Henry and S. H. Miller. According to the flgarea given above It will be seen (bat tbe liabilities ol tbe company are largely in ex cess ol their capital, which lact, accoruing to the lawa oi Massachusetts, renders tne officers and direc tors individually liable for the debts of tbe corpora tion, so that I lie cbanoes would seem to be thai the creditors or lae company are In litilo danger of sailer tug any loss lrom too defalcation of tbe treasurer, but ibat the principal loss will lull upou tho stock holders. Tbe lust quotations for tbe paper ot tbe company was five and a ball per oenl per aunum. U.NAUTltOKIZKD I SSL* I OF .MOTKS. The first intimation oi aaythiug wrong wsa obtained ? lew weeks ago wnen two notes oi the corporation went to protest In Boston. Inquiry was >uau? of liicbardson, Hill & Cu, a banking nouse where a good deal ol lb? tlnunoial ouslness was transacted, and tbe person wbo waa investigating, being one ai tbe directors, was told tnat such things happen to tbe best regulated companies. Tbe director was not satisfied with ibis explanation, and staled tnal more wus plenty of mouey to run tbo concern without isautug corporation paper, much less Is.ting It go to protest. An Investigation was set on foot and It led at iengin to a visit paid by this direetor to the treasurer ta this oity. Here Mr. Cbace mauo a lull and tree confession thai be bad made a large overissue ol the compauy'a notes. As tonished at this evidence ol irregularity in a mau wuo bad been so trusiod, ibe director at once culled upon bis associates in the board and told his atory. Asa result last evening the director. ne>d a Conierouce wblcb lasted all tbe night. A oursory examination ol Ibe treoaurer'a accounts was made, and this was sufficient lo show thui the Uulun Mill* promissory uotea hail been overissued to ao amouLl between $400,000 end $600,000. TKt7*TXD ASL> TKMI'TBD. The overlsauo ol uotes was mudo oy Mr. Chace In a very simple way. Trusted entirely, as he sua by tbe director*, he iiad lull liberty as to the method ol issu ing the no tee. Not ihe slightest check was put upon bim, aud bo coulu simply is*ue ihein "i?ay lo the order ol S. Aagior Cbace, I'reusurer," inJors* Hi. m aad dispose ot toein ne he saw III. It was nol neces sary thai the name ol even oue ol the directors should appear upon the note, ami so all couirol ol ihe Treas urer's doings was virtually nbaaiioued by the directors. Among iu my easiness mea this laxity ol eupervUion is sharply commeutod upon, and inu siocknoldera in tbe Uniou Milln leel very soru about ibe mailer. worthy or htatk rmson. In bis ooolessioo ol overissuing pa?jar be also stales Ibis mormug thai he bad lorgod tbo name of the cor poration. issuej hogu* ceriificaloa, used tbe mouey for hiaisell, lorged the directors uames on indorsed notes, and said, if ->*ot to .Mate Prisou, ll would be merited, and be did not care how soon be wsut. ihe directors being inJorsers on a large amount ol tbo eouoaru'a paper tuey will probanly ?scrilla<> every thing. i he mill was considered toe atrougest hero. FALSK riUOKHS. The laat exhibit oi me concern showed the follow ing finaueial condition:? Axneis?Houses and land $82 4 ju 04 MiliS, buildings ami machinery e0i',.j42 SO Cash arid dents receivable 4(1, >014 04 Manufactures, material and stock iu process 17#,wl7 43 Muccilsuvous (,'0(W 0i) Inabilities?capital stock liijooO uO l>ebl* 1127,311/ 911 LIST or BTOCKHOLBKKS. Following i? a list oi an ihu six.rvholders aud tbe number ol ah tres at thai time neid, ib<- p >r value vl ah ire? men being $1,000 am! the mincei prion $4,0o0:?John B. Anthony, H), , Kileu i>. P. Aiilbouy, i>\ i Jamei M. Anthouy, U,1, ; FicUui ic A. Amhouy, i J'tmes Uo<ige, 1; Junius C. Boomsr, Jr., 2? tlrs. K. M. U'ouier, 2; Mrs. A. M Bsr' nard, 1; Mr. A. it. Ball, 3: John J. Br.yton, 1; S. Angler Cbace, 41; M. M. Chace, 17; Kdnmud Chace, 2; Charier I*. Bring, 0; estate ol N ilhau Durlee, A; Holder K. Dunce, 8; Mary A. Kiske 8>?; Wimam U. liordou, 1; Jam s lleury, tj; Willisiu ?. Haines, 1; George 1'. Hathaway, 4, hi C. Kilburn 6 S. H. Miller, B; William Mason, 14; John C. Marvel' 1; rt. M. Poller, >; V O. Remington, 1; P. B. ."tailor i' 3; iram oiuilh, 1; Arisinaa Wiliard, 1; Thomas Wii. cox ft son, 1. w it teas Tin* rsria is mild. Tbe only Boston bauka known lo bold aav of tba quealiouaole p?p r are the National Bank >.| Redeinp. tloj, $20,000, Ihe UlacKatous Satioual, $7,500, and Ins Trciuonl Bank, wuose officers decliui- to n'am>' the a in eo at held uv tbeui It ia Said. Iiowiwr, to be auiali. Ihe National Bana ol Keu-iiuption, ilia Now England Irusi Company, the Weo-ter National, Stale National and First Nailonal bsugs have in tne past bsd Urge doaliag* with ibe mills, out they are short ol this psper at preseot. Til* riVK-ca.VT SANK ftOCNO. Rumor* bsvinc gained clicuianon aflectlng the sol vency ol the five Cents Baviuge Hank, ol wbub Augur cbace was presideui, the Bauk Commission, era to-'lat exsmlued ila ? flairs aud bavo issued a clr caiar assuring the puoiic ol It* solvency snd that Its aurplu* will amount to usarly $140,000. LX-GOVUi.NOU MO^ES. A large orowd sasemiiied in Supreme Conrt, tbsm bera, yeaierdsy lo liaten to tbe argumeut ia ibe babeaa eorpu* pr >oeeiinig? lasiiluled on behall ol ex Ouveruor Moses, ol South Carolina. Tbe argument, however, was postponed until Friday, to onaols ttis U.ivsrnor's counsel. Colonel Speucar, to prepare a Uaveree to tbe raiurn. FUNEKAL OF FATHEK COLTON. Hi Kiepben'a Church waa crowded, yesterday mora. Ins, to pay tbe laal tribute ol reepect to tba memory ol Ibe Rov. Pstber Coiten, pailsb priest ol St. Peter's Churon, New Brighton, 8. 1. Tbe efflre lor tne dead wua chanted by Fathers Keen and Hierdon, tba clergy reeponding, and me ieseone were recited by Pstbers FllBiiarrts, Mcl,?an and Vioar General guiuu. A ?OUUIU requiem mass was snug at the conclusion ol tne oliive, Father Hudson being tbe oelehrsuL At lb* oloee Oi toe mass a eulogy of the ueoeased waa pra nouneed by Rev. Dr. McOiynn. The body waa luan placed leui|>oraril|r ia the receiving vault bencelli the chuioli, near the altar. Among tne dlsiiaguisbed Clergy were ibe Right Rev. Bi?uep Lougblla, of Brook lyn; Dr. O'Reillv, Fatners MoCr>auy, H> aiy, Kuwarda, McLeary, Uearu*, Koger*, McDonald, Moriartr anu Connolly, ol Alltany; MeUinni*, ol llostou; ratoer Carrau and all the aailMaal prtaets of nt liiephsu's aud Faiber Moiibaue aud Mabor, of tbe Doiuinioan Bro therhood, wua aevarsi oi it* Jftaauiaaaa Broibeiuood aad tba society ol Jaauiis. They Hold a Mass Meeting at Cooper Institute. EXHAUSTIVE RESOLUTIONS. More Money for Public Works and Less for Salaries. A mass meeting was held lu*t night at lb* Mil of ? e imimfte* of to* city democracy. Thi*r wtra over, 2.600 persons present. Their enthusiasm w?* uu bouodod, ttia ball ringing ugalu aud agalu with ap plause at tba remark* 01 tb* apeakcra. a aeriea of resolutions were adopted advocating lb* roduo. "on of tb* aalarle* of city offlciata, tb* em ployment of tbe working people oo the public work*, the embelltabing *f tbe city, ao aa to attract people to li Instead ol driving tUeni away; tbe build ing ol bouae* on tbe Tacmt apota of the cliy ao as to render real eatate more valuubl* and suable it better to bear tbe burden* ol taxatiou, and, Unally, tbe localizing ol legi*Ution nflecilug tbe city to city offi cer* elected by the people, ao New *ork should be governed by ollicera ol it* own cbooaing instead o' beiug ruled by the Legislature at Albany. The speakers were John B. Haskin, Cbauaocy Shaffer, Simoou E. Cburcb and Jnmes D. McClelland. Tbe proceedings were enlivened witb music by a bras* band. Mr. John B. Haskln was elected chairman of tbe meetlpg, and said It was propoaed to alart an organ* Ization to redeem the city Irom misrule aud from oppressive taxation. Tbe people sbould riae to a seme ol Impending evils, and fore* upon tbe Legisla ture at Albany a reduction of salaries and retrench ment lu expense*. Tb* city debt was now over $M8,O.JO.OOO ana the taxation $30,000,000, over $10,000,000 of which was spent In tho payment ot salaries. When everything else was depreciating the siiurie* ot officials were kept at tb* Inflated amount* of tho old Rlug time*. A bill bud been sent to tb* Legislature asking lor tbo immo-Jlato reduction olcity salaries twenty percent. It was reported 10 the Assem bly, but subsequently another bill wag substituted lorlt giving the Boird ol Apportionment power to reduc* the appropriations lor labor $2,000,000. More labor was wanted?not less. (Appausp.) It seemed as though a cabal existed In tbe dlOurent parties to pro tect themselves In public plunder Irom tbe rights of the poopie. The city government sbould be con ducted on purely business principle*. Mr. Hasicln concluded by showing bow tbe debt of New York oitv had been expanded out ol all proportion with Its needs and lu a gieater ratio than lb* cxpenso* of tb* nation or ot many other large cities in tbe Union. THK VIC* PKKHIOKHTH. A list of vice presidents was then read, many of whom wero groeted with applause. Among tbo name* were tbe following:?Peter Cooper, William Cullen Bryant, Kdward Cooper, Homer Morgan, Congressman Nicholas Muiler, ex-Mayor Guulher, John Bigelow, John 11. Siicrwuod, WiUon O. Hunt. John J. Towns end, Amos R. Kuo, R. B Roosevelt, Henry Have uieyer, William H. Webb, ex-Judge Samuel Jones, Guslav >cbwao, Vauderbilt Allen, tioorge Law, Jr., John E. Burrtll, W. EL Dolan cey, C. C. Colgate, David Jone*. W. T. Helton, Lawrence Turuure, J?mes Fiuuerald, William Huri burt, R. II. Nooney, Jutnca Daley, Nicholas Houghton, JituesO'Briou t>nd ovor one huudred others. A list or about twemy-tiv* *eor?tsries was also read. The cblel secretary was Alfred T. Ackert. THK HKSOLUItO.XA. Alter tbes* officer* had been eiocted Mr. Robert B. Nooney read tbe following resolution*, winch wore uomimuiuly adopted t? The "city democracy" here Ionian meetiag assembled reaffirm and adopt tho address to them made ?y their Kx ecutive Centra:tie# ><n<lp??llshed In the .N*w York Usuald ol Sunday, the 17th day ol February Uat. The statement of facts and tl or ? therein contulne I a* well ns its conclusions aud raeuuim-ndations, are hereby approved, and wo request the Legislature to prsmptly pa/a tlip concurrent resolution propos d lor tlia app ilntiuent or a commission ol thirteen of oar lellnw cltlz.u. of acknowl edged honesty and capacity to report tortliwltn to their, tor their Infonuation ami action, ? proper bill to rednce salaries mu abolish sinecure office-., so that a real saviug of at least $1 .HOO.tHKI Irom these soarees alone may in fact lie ma .e in tho tax levy lor this rear ana more than $;i,UUu UtJU next year. ' uesolved. 'thai tbe I'ubllc Burdens >>111 recently ptssed In the Assembly is a sham measure of reform, and intended as a fraud upou our people. 'flint It delegates legislative power to Ihs Honru or Apportlomneut (believed to be an uucou stltutioual body not elected by (lie people, an emana tion ail.I ciration ol' the 1 weed Tammany King) which power Is inherent in the State Legislature Itself, and should bo effectively and promptly exercised by it. That Its provisio s are not mandatory, nor do tbey make It oompulsory to reduce any salaries save tbe Mayor in $2.<Oi, the Corporation Counsel and the City Cnamberlam from their present exorbitant amounts to glu.txsi each and a lew other salaries, amounting to over $?>,!>KJ per an num. to that sura. While unlimited power Is Oele^aed to the Board et Apportionmeat to uiuiiuish appropriations of the departments, pieventing legitimate Iniprov mem* and the otrployment ot labor to the extent of $J.() oms) lor the year l?7t). leaving tue present ysar and our taxi ay lug people to groan un ler the oppressive burdens of about tne same aggregate taxation of the last ye tr. We, thereiors, denou>iue this ill s? m the Interests or fraud and rorrupllou aud call upon the Senate and iiov ernor to defeat its passage lu Its present shape. Kesoived, That tho question ol th? constitutionality of th -law creating and conferring legislative power a?d >>f taxation upon the Board of Apnortlonment. being now ills p ted and In controversy in tue supreme Court (its constl mtlonsllty having rec. ntly been ably eonte-ted by Mr JmIiu J. Iownseud bcl >re Mr. Justiee Van Brunt) It tliareforo behooves the legislature Itself to act affirmatively upon th* admitted and pr nnunoed necessity lor retrenchment in our uiunicipai exp uses without evasion or attempting to deleirate their owu power 01 legislation and taxation to a political "Councilot Four" u?t eiect' d by the peop>e for that pu pose, and who. as re cent events have shown, have formeo an iiuhruy cokllil. u anicaoal to p. rpetuate their own power and defeat the people of their ri-rnt* ot retrenchment. i.eaoived. That we l?v?r a n.w eity charter similar tn Its wain leatures to the charter ?l ItUiJ. with leglstativ < and taxing power vesteil iu toe representatives ut our people in Common ? nuncil convened with the -ame executive power In I he Mayor eunfsrred by that charier and wuh spilnic e>*. tlons as r>>rnierlv existing, divested as mueh as possible lr?tu the oanrful effects 01 national and Slate po litical pauisanthlp aud influence. ? eaoired, That w* tavor a constitutional amendment prohibiting any lucrease ol our city de?l beyond Sl?ii,t?*j,iif>i without a direct vote or t >e people sanction l?n it, the State being now prohibited trom incurring dent to more than $1 (**> <?IU in any oue year without th* sanc tion ol tbe popular vote. Ite-olved. I hat we ?re in hrnr of the Improvement and freedom of the r.rie Canal, affording additional Ine.litiaa ror transport >tl ii so that employment mav he afforded to labor a>>u the > ommerciai and other interests or our oltv benefited thereby. That we are also In favor ol the early Completion of all nr ?nr municipal un finished public woras, and or tue earliest possible finish ing an<i ruuuiii.' ol all the elevated railroads tnrou / i,>m t Isaoumr. Die |I.op ? slis have strar-n s>?l liaen driven away into New Jei-ey and e>>ewiicre iu the vicinity or .his ni> tropoits uiUHt no indneed to c>>me back where tney nr>>p ?tly bel?a*. an l we, tlierelera, favor cheap as well aa r >pid transit. Ni> moie than live oeuti per passenuar up to r llty*ulnt>i street and ten ceuts per pa-sengir lor any oistauee above thare withlu the bnuudario* o? thi cit> should he p riultte > to be charged by the elevated or other steaiu toads on any ol tne l''Cai trams. wtCi ni^tit tiauis runnln. throush or out ol ibis city. The far*- of six cents per passenger to Har lem. c?aiye<i on the third Avenae it ore* nailmad with th>->i larjjo dividei da declared under till* rate ol charge, p oves that the rates uera in licate-l for elevated and other staam rue >s runniua local trams woeid be pmtltaoie and lull* reiuuuei alive upon tbe i.ouest capital invested in th m. Vt e a>so Isv ir a snfflelent appropriation, to be made at the preseut session ol Con^reaa. lor tje llarlen Hirer ira proveiiieiit conneetl.ta by a canal the lludsou with t a ? as KlVer. I-* o.ved. That we are opposed to the passage of toe bill *ow ?*MM the Legislature t? tax montages ar.d denuet sucli tax b> the owuer .if the tee irom the interest accruing then on. :>el> vine that such a law sr.mid cause capital to leave this state l r investment Wonlu prevent the loauln ? ol mon> y here upon bonds aud morigaaes, would tause the railing In" o tue principal ami payment ot nearly all Uiort a^es new line, would "slo,. the wheels ol progress" an,I ullttnaii lv lunsrupt the city. Theexc ptlon in this hill ol corp ration, iswind in , insurance c<?>npa*ies, savings panss a id ?m-r?< is on a pa.- with tliat i si.tliig eorreiit legislation wh.cli now exuiuuts liundre is o> million. >d cor poration prop-rty In this city an.i the State to the Injure 01 Its growth an>l prosperi*. aud tbe sreat detrim. nt orm iiifl'liifti <twii6rt mil i ?ptt * I in v s ; if# hImo oppunt tbo O nvici Labor hill, l^licvloff tlmi ii? ?nforc (ntrnt I* d irtra?nUJ |o public imeieSt anu de^radln* to our honest, hard-working nierhauics anu tradesmen! we a *. n, the passage ol tne hill intro iuced in the Assembly destroying the r>?r llttlis vote on appropriation, ol money by our t oiniuun t ounoil ano tbe substitution ol the two-tbnds vote In the place thereof this It a new prop? eti>>n of tne *cahal" In tne Interest ot the coalition ol political -digarehs aow controlling the gov(*rnm?*tii ?l till* flljr; ilio Hie |>??*Nge of (hi iliijunl /\|ipor|.otiui?iii nil! I?tpt?ruu uy \M?m IvujiiU 41 vom. I.y whirl Ibis city and Itrooklvn will be cheated eat of seven eduttl aai nieinners ol the Legislstuie to wulch tb? jr h ncaiiy entitlfil, *n<l we Invar the inline linto passage et a Just bill ?r epportioinnent: we also op lose tbe bill imrouuced ny .senator tlotfan. oeating * special com ra sslou?the M ? ror Comptroller. Agniiw, Van Sort in I Baraer-to pave Plnh avenue. I his looks like a Job No commission Is necessary fills avenue and others r q ilre p.irliu. their p>vin.- would tffee needed emplovment to labor; hnt this snoaid b.i doua under existina lew liy the proper di-wartment ol tho city soiernraeut beviug charge ol sue works Hesolveu. That Ihs taxpaysrs ol our city require tbe uee or tlielt monev taken in lases aud assessments applied in prootabl* expenditures on pebli* w*'ke. whien shall tend ?mona oiker things to give > inpioymeut to the tnrehknlcs end laboring poor wbe ere eexious end willing in work, hut prevented uy an* In the laterosta ot ei>rm?r*ut office hold ers Vt e insist on the Immediate reduction ol tbe e>ty pay rolls In el least twenly-uve per cent tr?m the enormous sal aries now being paid, and repeet, "Ibe expenses of tn* city g vernui> ot of New Yora weigh too heavily upon thousands of our peoplu is be loleral >t much longer l'h spectacle of neelass office->old*rs maintained >-nt or tb* public purs* to serve the poll leal ambition >it tb* bend 01 a p ditlcei club l? arousing a deep sad general ludignatlun, t."L' with everr Iresn revelatlou ul tbe spirit in whli h th affairs of See York clly are coudneted " ...solved, I hat the Immense debt ut this city?net nearly flil,KSi,i?si alter ueducting the aiuount now la the sink ing lend (Interest, howsver. being paid this yasr, calcu lated ei six per cent, ou over floO.UUU.iiUOf * tlrst ni.nt gege upon Ibe properii el svery taxpayer, about #l.;t ol debt lu pilai Ipai *pon ev.-ry man. woman and child of our population, and the anneal lex roll ot ab?*t $!*t.>rsi.umi, or ? tason the head et every man. woman and child living bere of about each, sbould be immediately redeced from I2.IXSV"1" to ?.?,<SS>.USi; so met tte property ol our eitl?ens may not lie conllsceted, ao thai r*ma may he reduced, so that the rommissariet ol Ih* oomlueni pe>ty organisations may ne curtailed of sdpnlies, by which uner?us and exorbitant party assessments of fl't.WIU sad ander for **cb eaneldate *eml**ted ?? he destroyed-, so that worth, henosty and rapacity nay he Nniom By tbe pmur wilt; m itil each d inocrat may bare a vatea ana a vote, mai?rrliaaa4 >uJ unpu'ch?;-eii<le. ? y which hit Inil'idua uy nut aaubno I may be rHiiiiuiiad ami felt. to ecc^rd-tace with tbe latter anil spirit of a true democratic g'Trnuieoi aud in uppoal lion 10 thu eiiktln: oligarch v oi ofbc*lto'<t*r* uu* ckb trolllng a so-called democratic oritanisauau la tbt* city, dictated to aud ruled by an auloerat With thea? principUg anil measure* In view, we call upnu overy ludeueatint cltl sen iliroutfuout iba citytoauroli ni>a>all in ibe different Aa?embly districts, at the primary raaatinira called lor tlia 17ib inst.. a< a member o> "The City Democracy," to re deem I11? lueuopaiis Iron the misrule. tba ixuayami and bad government under which It now icroana mar scar baamn ? aodbkss. Mr. Cbauncey rtb.fl?r was imroduod, and Mid:?. Fellow citizens and lellow sufferers?I and myself in a stranuo place talking politic*. I am not bars now lo quarrel with Tammauy Hall. lu (be government ol ihi? city there are e<>mo personally Uoueat men. Why m It tbat we look upon theui ?? oar enemlM? Tbo rea?on is that tftey eat up our sabatauro. No inun Died tell mo tbat New York re quires tbe dictation tliat la paralysing tbe um ol labor and bringing evidences ol decay upon our city. I berets something wrong all over, duwu and up, criss-cross and crosx-crisa I can re member when public men guaided public money, wben < conoicy in tbe administration ol our city gov ernment waa a virtue und not a mere thing to bo talked about, wben promises ol relorm ware mads to be kept and men in office were required to earn tbolr money. Tbis state ol tbiugs bad its origin In oue of tba worst cyclouea ol ovrraption tbat ever swept over ibis land. A combina tion waa formed, tbe centra of wbicn waa oue man born to a blgber destiny, a man wbo should not be wbere be now is though he Is wbere be ought to be. (Laughter ami applause.) As Mr. Tweed atepped out auother man stepped in. I bad great hopes then for tins city. Ha made a good abend? when he bung a man he did it Ilka a gentleman. Ha assumes tua uutrioruy to control tbe affaire or this city. He o-in't go through on that line. II Mr. Kelly were to make the offort to disengage himself from tba men tbat surround him an I are fattening on these aalarles be would iota his power. l'tiey must all bang together or some of them will hang s?iarutely. A man who wants to retain power must do right and let tbe people control uud curry out tbo will ol the people and the people will stick to biin. (Applause.) When strength was failing at home a necessity wis cre ated I* r more friends. We And some ol Mr. Kelly'* iriends doing what? Voting to sustain In office a man wbo has openly, flagrantly v.oUted the oxprtss stututes of tbo State and robbed the state of some $70,000, aud wa flod noma power de veloped iu Albany to sn-tain a republican in offl?o, surrendering their leader with ail bis influence to the tile long adversaries ol that leader. Tbe country de mocracy are inqulriug. Wbere u tba democratic party ol New York? Did it die when Its three representatives from Tammany Hall died, witb some sixleeu republicans on tbe floor of the capital? Who ever saw nineteen gravea dug to quickly without spades before T (Applause and laugnter). 1 Und another thing. A petition wont up fr?m tbia city lor relief irom the terrible burdon of taxatiou. We flnd Mr. 'Alvord treating tba petition ?a a ii?ht thing and saying that tbe Legislature did not want lo be bothered with it. Why did be aay ao? "Those gentlemen, whose atlarica ure lo l>* affected have saved us In saving oar repre sentative Irom expulsion Irom office, and we will carry out oar part of tbo bargain now and won't har den ourselvea with tbe New York taxpayara." lata alrald tbero baa bocu a bargain between tbe man (al iening in Tammany Hall and thone tattooing In Albany. OTHKH SPKKCHKS Mr. Simeon K. Ctiuroh next spoke. He waa op. posed to reducing expenses by stopping tbe public works and keeplug tbe salaries to tbeir bigb elaadard. It would bo like a larmer wbo aolu all bia implements 'and ruiuod bia larm lu order to pay off a mortgage with it. 11 property were improved by being built upon It would render real aetata more valuable and would leasen tne ratio of taxation ao that it would be easier for people to livo upon It. Mora people should be attracted to New York instead of driving tbem away. Mr. Charon especially advocated the paving ol tne uptown city distr.cts and tbe raising ol tue Uroton water level ao that tbe water could ue carried to the highest rooms in all the bouses. Tbiscoald bo done bv reducing tno aalaries, and the rata of taxation would ba one and a quarter par oeut instead of two and a nail as at present. A letter from Mr. Wnilam H. Morroll favoring tbo object ol tba meeting waa read and received with demonstrations ol approval. Mr. James D. McUlellao apoke briefly on tbe troubles at preaeut existing especially among tbo poorer classes, wno w?rj Inabsoiuto wunt Mr. Hal-kins announced tbat primaries will be held on ibe 17ib to elect delegates to choose a general com mittee. Tbe meeting then adjourned. NEW JEUSEY ELECTIONS. DEMOCRATIC VlCTOBItb IN JKBSEX CITT AMD HOBOKEN ?Til* SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES Ti>? complete returns ot Tuesday's charter else. Hons 10 Jersey City and Hoookea ware not reoolvcd uuiii nearly noon yr-sisrday. Tt?a total vote lor the candidates for Mayor gar* Hopper, 8,082; Seldlsr, 4,032; Hopper's majority, 3,150. Tb? vote tor Aldermen was aa follow*:?Firat die* trict?Matthew W. Kelly, democrat, 1,273; John Q. Berrlan, rapablloan, 014; Kelly'a majority, 8&A Second diairict?l'bomaa Kallly, democrat, 1,412; P. J. Mnrpby, independent demoorat, 0W; Jamea Grant, republican, 106; Keilly'a majority over both, 86a Third diatriot?Daniel K. soule, repubiloaa, 1,295; Wosley R. Hoffman, demoorat, 1,004; Sonlo'a m? jority, 201. Fourth dlatrtoi?W. F. Kern, demoorat, 1,201; William Laws, rupublioan, 081; Korn'a ma jority. 680. Film dlstrlot?John MoCoy, democrat, 810; Henry Newulrk, repnblioan, 060; Newkirk's ma jority, 160. Siitb diatriot?John E. Smith, demo crat, 1,100; John Meyer, republican, 1,012; Baaitb'a majority, 07 (demooratlo gain). For Director* ol Education the vol* waa at fol low* :?Firat dlatrict?D. O McNungbton, demoorat, 1,262; Gilbert Colli**, 000; McNanghton'a majority, 340. second district?Jeremlan F. U'Sullivan, damn erat, I* elected oyor John Dooriey, Independent demo crat, and William Morgan by a plurality ol 800. Third <1,strict?L'matead Weila, republican, 1,278; George Booion, tieoiocrai, 1,037; Welia' majority, ail. Fourtu diairici?K. 1'. Cringle, democrat, 1,226; U. ri. Steolo, republican, 717; Cringle's majority, 6u8. Filtb dis trict? W. K. Moore. repnblioan, 070; Aoraham Van Winkle, democrat, 816; Mooro'a ma|ority, 154. Sisth diairiot?John How a, demoorat, 1,038; F. Morris, republican, 1,032; BoweN majority, 0, For the Board ol 1'ublic Worlc* itie rot* waa a* fol low*:? First u.strict ? William Clarao, democrat, 1.203; W. H. SU ifler, republican, 817; K. McLaughlin, lade peudeut democrat, 234; Clarke'e plurality, 162 Seo onil <*istrict? (Jiirrett Halev, democrat, 1,618; M. O'Gready, independent democrat, ?51; J. Hlnbrand, republican, 64; Baiey's plurality. 606. lulrd diairict? Joun MoLaugblau, d> mocrat, 1,181; l'bomaa Edmoaa ton, republican, 1,086; McLudgblan'a majority, OA For Fire Coutiuieaiouor tn* votea were ** follow*:-r Firat diatriot?Jon* MoDonounb. democrat, 1,266; William Fiauar, republican, 801; Martin Delaney, in dependent democrat, 63. McDonough'a plurality, 31L Fourth diairict?Eaw.rd O'Doiiueli, democrat, 1,268; Allred Heritage, republican, 602. O Donnell's in*, joritv, 6t>6. Sixh dutrici?3. M. Ay are, republican, 1,112; Bernard Kelit, democrat, 1,010, Ayar*' ma (orny, 0.1 For Fohoe Couitniaalonera:?Saeoad dutrici? DjviJ C. Joyca, 1,254 ; Fame* Maloue, independent deuiocru, 1,'JM; Julie* Ltiniur, republican, 110 Jot ct 'a in?j nty, 16. Flltb diairict?J. Q Bird, r? publican, 1,^26, K. V. liurae, democrat, 7*0 Biru'i m-joritv, zsH. Sixtu district?Fred Wright, d'-mocrat, l,os7; W It. Maxoo, republican, l,n.1.J. Wright's ?ujjurlty. 64. The FreeUoidera elecied are:?Ftrai diairio ?June* Couroy. democrat, 203 uiajority ; J. F. W. M .ugel. democrat, 3J1 majority. Si-coud district? M i h.ioi Deaiuoud, democrat, 4'm ra. J >i Hjr ; Bernard McCarthy,, 402 majority. I hiru diatriot? H M. Eddy, repuolictu, 106 lu.ijoruy ; Horace Sober mcrnorii, lbt majority. Fourth district?Jamea Pal Iiater, 344 tnajuriljr; William Muiier, 266 majority. Fifth diairict?W. K. Meanden, republican, 82 major ity; William Front, republican, 124 ma|ority. H *tn dutrici?Jonn liuil, ueuiocrat, 46 majority; Auraiu Kapp, 60 iimjority. deteitih diairict?1 imotliy Foley, uemocrat, and Kaioou Cook, luaeoendeat democrat, aru eiected, auo iu tbe E ghib ulstriot 1'eter B <uck, democrat, and J .oieiG. M organ, democrat, are elected by over 1.200 majority. tbe didereiit niuuioipal board* will stand aa fol low*;?-Board ol AlUrrinen, d?tu>>*raia, 0; republican*, 3; Board ol Educition, democrat', H; republican*, 4; Board ol Woraa, 6 democrats; H ,ariol Police Com missioners, 6 oemoorata aud I republican; Board ol Fire CommiHaloiiera, 6 democrats and 1, County Board 01 Freeholder*, 12 demoorata, 4 repub lican* and 1 independent democrat. In Hoboaau K V. S. Be?*ou was elected Mayor With out opposition. The other officers elected wer*: ?K. B. Alberta, City ClerK; Augusta Beute, Treasarsr; John Doer ley, A*s?*-or; John McM hon. Collector: Tuoinas H Niven. C?uiioumau-ai-L*rg*. aad Samuel Webb, John Curun aad Uu?t*v Mreug to lb* Council. L l>. Kiuer wa? elected Tax Coinmw*l*n*r aud Bom bard Bayer commi*sioo*r ol Appeal*. A DIL.KMMA AT MARBIOON. Judg* of Election Edward Grae*, and InspMtora Fraud* McCue aad Tboma* Keegan, ol tba First wsrd ol Harrtaon, vialted N*wara yesterday ana aougbt legal adtric* in r*?ard to * dilemma la whion a lariou* row at tb* election on Tuesday pia?*j mem. Tn* content lor Aldertn tn la the ward was vary exulting. It waa alao very cloee Tbe rogular d*mocruti? num 1 i>en was I'ailip Cairns, his opponent being JoUu Sullivan, wbo ran ou "too Cittsen'i ticket." When ilia polls closod tb* |udgt*, liispectorj and a ?*l?ct uumber ol ciliaeni retire.! 10 a private ronm In the aaloou where in* eieetiou bad been beiu snJ Witnessnd tb* count. At tb* *lo*e, but oeiore the debit* and credit* had be*n counted up, Sullivan had tnree majority. Contrary to the request oi the election officer*. Mr. Mulligan, l're*iu*nt ol th* Town Council, loll th* room, leaviug the door open, aud anuounced toe reeult to tbe crowd. A Ulsgracelai scene loilowed. The crowd smashed Into the room, aMaulted III* election officers, seised tb* baliot bot, ballot and tally *biela mid doatroyed tnem. For hour* they n*pi up a regular rtoi, tn* officer* 01 tb* law being pow?ri*aa to compel ord*r. Finally tb* rowdt** exnau-ted tbemseiVea and then there a aa p**c*. Cairns claim* to nave beon eiect*<< by flv* maiortty, wntl* Hoinvan claim* th* ?lection oy three majority. Atwordtag to advioa of ooonael given y**t*rday tn* election effiner* will not certlly to the e|*cilou ol *lther, and a new election will bave to be ordered. Alia* from >b* disgraceful proceeding) aod the oatrage oa law nobody was nari, aad aa damage waa dene. Harrtaoa is provarblai lor OIOMIOK day aoriamagaa.;