OCR Interpretation

The New York herald. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1840-1920, April 11, 1878, Image 7

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From All Parts of the
Considered in London as Paoifio
and Argumentative.
Massing Troops in Roumania and Oc
cupying Strategic Positions.
Bismarck's Home Policy?The Univer
sity Boat Race.
London, April 11, 1878.
The pacific and argumentative tone of the Rub
elan reply to Lord Salisbury's circular la recog
nized witti satisfaction by the London morning pa
pers as Indicating the purpose and giving the hope
ol finding an arrangement by negotiation.
The Daily TelwapMa Vienna despatch says
Austria seems to consider Prince CortschakoiTa
answer satisfactory, and thinks England can exact
no further assurance than therein contained pre
vious to the Congress.
The Time*, while doing Justice to the spirit by
Which It presumes Prince Gortschakoil's argument*
arc dictated, maintains that, whatever their value,
a Congress of the Powers aloue is competent to
determlue their validity. It says:?"It Is not for
this country nor Austria to decide the matter from
Its own point or view, and still less is tills the
province ol Russia. Probably every Power could
make out a strong caso for its own interests, but
no Power is adequate to Judge of the manner in
which other lnteiests are anected, and we claim
that both Lord Salisbury's and Prince Gortscha
kou's circular oliould be submitted to the Judgment
ol En rope."
The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Times
telegraphs as follows"The horizon Is again
overcast Tlie change is attributed to the
seeches made in the British Parliament, to
the consequent alteration In the attitude of the
Austrtau Cabinet and the apparent hesitation of
Germany to act as mediator. It is believed in offi
cial circles that some of Lord Salisbury's remarks
on Monday indicate an Intention of going to war."
The Aye nee Ilvxse states that a chort circular ac
companying Prince Gortacliakoirs reply Invites
England to formulate her proposals. Tho Times'
Vienna correspondent remarks that this seems to
point to an Intention oi trying to come to a sep
arate understanding with England, aa was at
tempted with Austria.
The Berlin correspondent of the Timet says the
attempts at mediation seem to have made it prob
sbie that the l'owers will only consent to partici
pate in the revision of ihe Treaty of San stefano on
the same condition as demanded by England.
The Berlin Post says Austrian agent) have In
formed their government that Russia has promised
Rosnla to Scrvla in the event of the renewal of
hostilities. This news has produced a bud lmpres
aion at Vienna.
The Vienna PrvmdenUaU says:?'?Peace can
only be maintained by Itussia modifying the Treaty
of San stclano in conjunction with the otner
Powers." The I'reiwe, of the same city, considers
that England has already gained a moral victory
Though It Is generally considered In London that
the debate In Parliament on the address thanking
the guecn lor calling out the reserves has placed
the government's policy In a clearer light, Lord
Derby's statement concerning the secret de
terminations ot too Cabinet, which led him to
resign, Is the subject or much anxious curiosity.
It Is reported in the dubs that they are connected
with orders already sent to Admiral Hornby, which
arc contingent on Russian movements near Con
A Berlin special to the ?tCJ says, In spite ol de
nluls, four ol the tlnest steamers of the Hamburg
American Pucket Line have been engaged by the
British aovernmcnt.
Russian oitlclals of rank at Bucharest declare
that ihey lully expect the Kngllsh fleet to succeed
In lorcmg its way Into the lilaek .Sea in the event
of war. Hence their cflorts to lucrease the facili
ties lor land transiwrt over lines not accessible to
interruption irom the ilect, and as far distant as
possible from the Austrian irontler. They have
tukeu measures lor constructing a military railroad
between Bolgrad. on the newly completed Hender
anil Galat/. line, and Ismail, und also a short lino
connecting lteue with the wharves on the Danube.
A special des|>atch from Bucharest to the I'ohtical
Vorrt*powU*nc* of Vienna reports that on Monday
the advnnce guard* 01 the Seventh and Kleventh
lliisslitu Army corps began to cross irom Rustcliuk
to Oiurgevo, In order to occupy the line irom utur
gevoto Uucharest :hc Iloumanlan government,
in oMer to avoid alarming the public, dcules that
the occupation has commenced, but It nevertheless
Is au undoubted facL
Russian troops, especially artillery, havo ar
lived at various places on the Itoumanlan bank of
the Danulte. 'I hey have entered 1 ratesu and com
mand the rullway station at filurgevo. They 1 ave
also occupied uiiportaut positions oa the NyasLiov
A special despatch to the Vioun-i Pot I Ileal Conr?
sjHMKlrncr lr?m Constautlnople states that Mr
Lsysrrt has succeeded In paralyzing lor the pres
ident Russia's endeavors to obtain the friendship of
the Porte, in view ol tho hourly increasing ten
sion ot Anglo-Russian relations the greatest im
portance Is attached to a long interview Mr.
Layard had on Monday with Rcouf Pacha and
Osmati Pacha, who are paramount In 'ulliUry
affairs. ?
A special despatch dated Constantinople,
Wednesday, states that the (irand Duke Nicholas
continues to demand the forts on the t'pper Hos
phorus General Nelidotr will have an Intorvlew
with the Sultan on the subject to day. The Grand
Duke has also demauded the Immediate evacuation
of Ratonm In accordance with the treaty, indicat
ing that in tho event of uoo-cotupuauce complica
tions may arise.
A special despatch to the Dally AYirs from Con
stantinople sajs it is untrue that the Russians havo
demanded Knvak and Rujukdere.
A despatch Irom Pent states that u.uw Russians
aro sick from San Stefano to Adrianople, nearly
fe'alf of them with typhus, so that the Russian ofll
cers regard their position as very ussatislactory.
The Tiiium sajs that It csnuot bnt share Lord
Hartlngtou's regret thst sir Wilfrid I^wson was
contain with the debate in Parliament with
out going to a divMon od his amendment. '-The
whole discussion," it ??tya, "lias materially tended
to clear up the obscurities or a perilous situation
and it has certainly brought the prospect of peace
Dearer thau belore. But no practical 1 Mere nee
can be drawn from the fact that sixty-tour members
of the House of Commons think that the present
Juncture is uot a great emergency, while It Is pos
sible a good many erroneous and mischievous con
clusions will be drawn lrom it both at homo and
The debate has not had the same reassuring ef
fect abroad, though the judgment founded on the
telegraphic summaries thereof may he reversed on
the receipt ol the full text of the speeches.
The speeches of Lords Beaconsileld and Salisbury
are thought at Vienna to point to the probability of
war and to hold out small hope of a congress, which
is there believed to be the only possible way of
reaching a pacific solution. This supposed attitude
of England is not approved at Vienna, because the
Austrian government has made no provision lor the
eventuality of a Until failure of the Congress project.
It is said, however, that when the necessity of de
ciding is forced on Count Andrassy lie will un
doubtedly resist Russia's demands and make an
alliance with England, provided he can carry the
Court party with liim.
With this contingency in view Uussiahas taken a
firm grip on Koumanht, and should the govern
ment attempt to resist her will the country would
nnd itself in a most embarrassing position. 1 here
fore, It is by no means certain that the final policy
ol Iloumauia will coincide fully with the present
manifestations of popular feeling. Should the war
be confined to England and Russia Koumunla can
manage to escapc serious consequences, but should
Austria enter into action the principality cannot
avoid being crushed almost irreparably between
the contending forces, no matter which belligerent
she chooses as an ally.
The Roumanian government otllclally reattlrms
the correctness of Prince Qliika's reports ol his in
terviews with Prince Oortsclmkolf when the latter
used threatening language.
In consequence of the urgent demands of Russia
M. Cogalniceauo, Roumanian Minister or Foruign
Atfulrs, has asked I'rince Charles to recall M. Hait
euauo, the Roumanian Representative at Vienna.
In the Seuate yesterday Minister Cogalniceano
refused to state what course the government
would take If Russsia demanded the conclusion of
a convention to secure the passage or her troops
M. Stourdza complained that the nbseuce of M.
liratiano, the l'remlcr, prevented the government
iroiu acting, although Russia was commencing her
throatened occupation.
Apropos of the rumored orders sent to Admiral
Hornby, a St. Petersburg letter in Tuesday's Berlin
A"orcMfutuc/ie Zeilung, likely to come from an
authorized source, says"Turkey cannot be per
mitted to remain neutral in an Anglo-Russian war.
If she allies herself with Russia she will have to
give up Constantinople as a pledge of her fidelity ;
ll she sides with England Constantinople, Gallipoli,
Bayukdere and the European shores of the Bos
phorus and the Dardanelles will be occupied by
Russian troops at any risk. Tlie Russian fortifica
tions around Constantinople render the conquest of
the city certain, and Rusvlan torpedoes will soon
teach the English vessels to keep ut a distance, lest
a return to Besika Bay siionld be cut oil" This
letter possibly was the foundation lor the rumors
circulating in the lobDies of the House of Commons
last night that the Russians had made a formal de
mand to occupy Constantinople.
According to a despatch from Constantinople the
Khedive of Egypt will visit that city in two weeks
to pay his respects to the Sultan.
The health of Ahmed Vefyk EiTondi, President of
the Turkish Council of Ministers, lis a been re-estab
It ie annoanced that a review of 20,000 Turkish
troops will be held near Constantinople on Thurs
It Is stated that Hobart Pacna has obtained a
short leave of absence for the pnrpose of visiting
The soml-odlciMl 1'ronncial Corrttpondcncr, of Bsr
lln, publishes au inspired article, declaring thai
Prlnco Blimarck la convinced ol ibe benefits of a policy
ol reciprocity, I evolving moderate protection o(
native industry, and bopea to gain a firm malority In
tbe Reichstag tberofor.
Tbe Standard s?y? Mr. Bail baa announced ibat be
cannot manage tbe bouie rule parly while In Dublin,
and aa be la unable to devote bia wbole
lime to rarllament be muat beg lo
be relieved from tbe responsibility of tbe
loaderehlp. It la underatood that bla reaiennllon la
due to tbe revival of tbe obetraotloniat tactic*. Tbe
llome Rule Parliamentary Committee Is eodeavoring
to Induce Mr. Bull to reeonaider bla Ueloi initiation.
Be la expected in London to>day aad bla dednlte de
cision, tberelore, will not be delayed.
Tbe Karl of Leltrim waa bur'od In Hi Mlchan'e
Cburcb, at Bubllu, yeaterday. A crowd or about
lb roe hundred hissed, boo tod and cbeored outside of
tbo cburcb.
The Lord Lieutenant of Ireland baa proclaimed tbo
dlairlol comprising Lord Leltrtm's Bonegal estates
antler tbo Peace Preservation mi.
Cardinal Manning arrived In London last night. He
rocelved a deputation, and In reaponae to their greet
ing denied tbe vurloua aenaauonal raporta eonaoruing
bia doings lo Rome, and satd ho had alwaya boon
united with tbe majority of tbe Sacred College
rcmok or BAXAJsa'a obath.
An onconflrmed rumor la enrreot In Parts that ex
Marahal Basalae la dead.
okxeeal Bonn, awd rna left.
Tba Paris ,tfoiriffN>-acknowledges that Osneral Bora),
Minister ol War. cocooniars so moeh opposition from
Ibe Left that lie may obliged lo resign.
Tbo bolting on tbo wier-t nivorslty boat race,
wbiob takea place on SntoMay next, la 10 to 3 on Ox
ford. Tbeaa odda are taken freely.
A despatch to Renter's Telegram Company from
Shanghai reporta thai tbe lamina In tba n'orlbarn
provlocoa of China la inereaalng.
Losuox, April 10,18711.
The race lor tbo Croat Northamptonshire (stakes
took plaeo at Northampton, to-day, and a field ol ten
atartera came to tbe pool. Tbo race was won by Mr.
W. I. Crawfurd'a bay horse PrlaooGeorge, Mr. Actoo'a
chestnut colt Play lair second, Mr. Matthew Dawson's
bay oolt 11 Gladlaloro third. Tbe lateat betting waa
lout to one against Prince Ueorgc, aix lo oue agalnat
Pisyfair, and twelve lo oao agalnat II 6ladlator?
Tba following la a
The Great NoRTnAHPTo*miiKB Stakes of 800 kovo.
added to n Handicap Sweopetakea of 80 sovn. each, 15
lorfsli: entrance, a sovn, to be tlie only liability II
lorfeltoe declared by boon on Tuesday. February 6;
tbe winner of a handicap, value UOU asfl. alter the
declaration ol the weifrme (January SI. at noon), 6
lbs; twice or one ol 4txi svvt. 10 lb*, extra) abuui
two miles (04 substitutes, 30 ol whom declared lor
fell. >
Mr. W. 8, cravfurd's b. b. l'rlnco George, by
Tnxophollte, oat of Royal George'o Hum, by
Y. Melbourne, 6 rears, 7 si 13 Ibe 1
Mr. Anion's eb. c. Piayialr, by Lecturer, dam by
King Com, grandatii t>y Hisne. out of Letltia,
by Mir Hercules. 4 years, 0 at 8 lbs 8
Mr. M. Da arson's b. c. II Gisniatore, by Oladlatour,
out ol Scottish Queea, 4 yesra, T at. 8 lbs 8
manor* ranroNaAVca of the wimskr.
Prince Oeorga made lua Orsl appearance aa a three
year-old In 1800, and ran seven races, ecorlog ono
victory. He began at tbe Newmarket I'ira* Spring
Meeting In tbe Prlnoo of Walea' Stakea (handicap),
one mile aud aeventeon yards, which waa won by Karl
?f Dartrey by ball a length, Qeryon aeoond, Tarune
tilled, Prince George fourth. Three daya aiterward,
nt the Batne place, Prlnoe George again ran lourtb for
Ibe Second Welter Handiesp Plate. At Bath, May 33,
be ran in the Beaufort Handicap with 78 Ibr. up, abd
waa last In n Bold of tel. lias next appearance waa at
th* Chwurt-" cup, whan agsin, with
s. In (be saddle. be landed (11th at tbe duiab, Coo
ma...*, Monaco, Wall.end ,D<1 JiaIhalu b?0tf ,
hue nineteen others w.ro behind bin. .1 tb0 flD(,h.
?L?*r,*r\S*P,,!m,>0r 1S? l'"iuo* ??ur"
tona J aJ ' LlUy '?
?.na Handicap, ?u. mlle> uu uest ap
?' *""r* an uest >p
fhT*? "" " 8hM???"?ry, November 17, for
m 'e. wTb^h ?UP {h""-U"?0< about two
Muirt UP' WD#U be b,at M,*? Lu*le. Lady
Uiro?-yo?r Qjd'*V8n OUi"r" Go?r** ?""??
iXrwL vrM'Ug, b/ rUDn',"f
at Warwick, November U. tor tue Oroat Midland
OouutitM Handicap ol ?486. lwo mile*. There were
r?n?"ourhIIl(l Llm' A* " 'our*v"r-?l(1 l'"nce George
AZaI r ' W,na,D* ?"C0- Ue Or.t at
Ascot J0ne la for Koya| Hnni Cop (hM<J o(
i at,111' f ""' an'1 **? third lo Crusade and
| Sutton, nineteen being behind hint On Tuesday
Aug urn i, Goodwood, he won tho Goodwood Stakes
(handicap), X9J0, two mile. aU(1 tt hal,
Gloocostor, Ky intone and nine otbera, but two daya
altorward bo did cot get a place in the Che.terUold
Cup one mile and a quarter, Mousqueta.ro, Harbin
ger, Dalham and Hesper boing in iront ol him. I'rince
George closed the year at tbo .Newmarket Second
October in tbo Ccsarewitch Stake, (handicap). There
"Z n "?0t n,uol'on ??"??"? ?>"? ?t the
in hi.' f.J ^ g'V0D Rb0T8 W#* h" 0r" aPPo?rance
n h.a flve-yoar-old lorm, and ho commenced tbo year
by making ? win ol it
| a fuxnch Canadian's strange me i hod or
fcXHlUlTlNO affection BY MUHDKII.
, Biddkfokm. We., April 10, 1878.
Is morning Savage, the murdorer of itosa Vio
3*01* WM brou"bl bo,or? Ohaae'd Court, ,u
Saco, and wac fully commuted to Jull to await trial.
He was very much oxcitod and 8hod tears very
copiously. '
""" h" C0nf8ssl0n last night h.
called 0flloer Grant ono aide and asked what the
taiT 'n lh'S S,a'? '?r such u murder. Whon
ot 3e ?nr0t l0f m? he ?l ?nC0 tnrnod t0 c"'?'
ol loice I>c.r.?? and aaid, "Well, 1 know
her; I take bor down bottom boat and
dca,b- *? both been drinking
.orne, kill ber c.u.e mo ,ovo her too much "
It It believed by tho oIDcera that Savage drugged the
liquor bo gave the woman. Savage married hi* Hr.t
wile ib Canada, audit is >ald she died Iromhl.cru
elty. Kofio Vioceot. the murdered wnm?? ?. - .
?ona in Metliueu, Haft.., who buvo boou ieiegr?i,heS
to come aud lake charge of tbo body wbiota
at the Ulddoford rolico atutiou reinaina
f?HI810RV op r"? *A* asd um VIOTIM
Iho following aro beiloveU to ijv the rAinf(l
to the aequaiutane* ol ibe murdrrer and mi vS ?o ?
V?n,J',,U"K,rCj W?,Uan Wa" Roho M??naiu
ss?i?.ra ?rr k ""f,:
work In variou" ""c,"/ but un^VXvT
worked lor u French family at South Lawrenca* ain!!^
wnluh ilmo she had uot boon aoeu here Mrs v'i ??
had a husband and lour youugXidrln 'if*"1
IUvcm, Canada, and h.Awo old^^^yi ^f.'^u^
tavuH. worked respect Ivoly In tbe M?h^n Aim
ard lonnoy a hat bhop, and aro seventeen and nliiu
teen yeurs 01 ?ce. Tbe U'lmoa of tha nine
Tbree Hi vera ure Mary, Ciaru, Kddio and Arthur'""ni
husband came to Motnuen lor his family two v.,n
ago and went twny witb .bo loor snull.r ??lld?^
tho woman promiaiag to roilow hut .h,, ii
afterward ?a>d she did not e.n to d0" ,8 '?
son Gustavo*, said there was no trouble between
his lather and mother, tbe latter remaining heroT.nTS
oearn money, but tho woman had a b.?| raoutatmn I
throughout the town. The murderer's nuaJiJyM
crick Savon, or In Engl,ah, Savage. Ho has a .f.^ I
Wra. Clarissa Kaymoud, liviug lu Lougee's blcclc*
Methnen, who tolls tbo loii..wi..V '
I about him. She says Frederick first came to Methueu
two year* ago, and (or a low weeks worked in th?
weav.ngrooino/iheMethiien mill* Heisa widower
to her friends of her mteniionr. Sa'vsge^a wife d!!!d
money many bunk in Lawrence, and was a?erv no^I
ttonttu, worKUc icritualJ whl'ai fh4,k *erf poor
I for tbo purpose of putting ber out ?!
I ?>?!? Uiotlier m. .
bad woman and ropoaledly asken, "Whon vi\l tiZl
hang him." Mrs. Vincent's sons J ?
agiu:ed over tbe matter. ?uch
Vmitoi, D. T., April 10, 187s.
c?:P7T:V-<*^ relurn*u K>-day from the
Crow Croek Indian Agency, whero he was sent to
serve rsulevln papers lor lbs release of tbe property
JlTV.r SU?"v:i ";p?*
Irom nerlortning l>u duty n 1. ,,r?h^l'J*v?nied
Oeneral Hammond and Lieutenant Dougherty [hi
latter ol whom ih acting agont at Crow t>*Il ' .?
be arrexiod and broaght l>e|or. the 1 erZH,!?. /? ""1
at Yankton, where tho matter will bo luliy voi tilulnl1
Lieutenant Dougherty ba*eeh!a nctmn ...
tion that civil law
that, thorelore, officer, ol iho court have M r ibis ^
Indian country, a condition ol affairs similar^ fi ^
?t Crow Crovk exist, at tho Lower 5?ui . "d ch'veon.
Hlver ageuciaa the civil agenta there h?.r,n^K
Ottawa, Onl, April 10,187a
In lb* donate to-day Hon. Mr. Scott, roiarriug to
ths thr''St?oed Indtao trouble# lu the Northwest,
stated that tbs law prohibiting tbo killing of buffalo
by ball breeds bad been relaxed, and ball breeds were
now put on an equaliiy witb Indians and can kill
buflalo when they requlru to do so. Tbo government
wero in coustsnt communication Willi llio mounUvl
police, and tbors was not tbo Inast possible Cause tur
approhandiog a hostile iiilianoo between tbs 11 lack lost
sad bio us.
St. Paci., II inn., April 10, lt?78.
? heavy storm la raging along tbo lioo ol the
Dakota division of tbo Nortboru Paoillo It inroad.
Tbo cute ato drilled roll ot anow, ami traias bavo
been delayed (or a hall a day. Telegraph linos sro
down sad news Is meagre. Tins fa tho Arm interrup
tion ol travel on th? road this winter. The sturiu.
winch Is composed ol snow, rain sod wind, Is moviog
War Um-artxkst, J
OfFICR OF Tit* C'llIKF KMisal (irrirsn, J
Wa?hi?um)i, April 11?1 A. M. )
For New England, wsrmsr, cloudy rainy weather,
southerly winds and tailing barometer.
For tho Middle Atlantic Stales, eloudv and rainy,
followed by clearing westlier from the southward,
southerly winds, stationary or lower temperature,
falling, followed by stationary or rising barometer.
For the Mouth Atlantic Mutes, clear or partly
cloudy westbsr, lUht southerly winds, ststlonsry
temperature and hlsher pressure.
For tbo West Gull States, clear or partly cloudy
weather, light northerly winds veorlnp to warmer
southeasterly, stationary followed by falling barom
For Tennesson and the Ob to Valley, clesr or partly
steady weather, westerly winds, stationary or bigbsr
pressors snd temperaturo.
For tbo lower lake region, partly clouJy wrsiher,
with occasion si rain arras, followed by clearing
weather, stationary and lower temperature, falling,
lollowsd by rising bsrorastsr.
For tbs upper Isko region and Upper Mississippi
Vslley, closrlng weather, preceded in nortbern por
tions by rain areas, southwest to northwest winds,
stationary or higher pressure and temperature.
For the Lower Missouri Valley, clearer partlv cloudy
woatber, warmer winds, mostly from northwest te
southwest, and hlghsr pressure.
Tbo Ohio Hirer will generally rise.
Caatlousry signals coutluus at Oaiutli, Marquette,
F.icsnaiia, Chicago, Grand Haven, Ladlngton, MO*
waukee and Section 1.
The following record will show the change* In tbs
Isutparaturs lor the past twenty-lour hours. In com
psrlson with tbo corresponding deto ol iaat year, as
Indlsateii by the thermometer at lludnui'S pharmacy,
Hsrald Uuiiding, No. ill Broadway:?
1H77. IBIS. 1M7. 1878.
3 A. M 44 8:Su P. M.... M !>2
0 A. M 41) 44 0 1>. M M 6i
0 A. M 44 47 ? P. M 4?l M>
1? M.... 61 00 13 P. M 48 60
Average temperature yesterday 48H
Average temperature lor corresponding Sain urn
year 4ois
baltimore AND OHIO.
st itu nun?a consebvativb folic* to
Baltimork, Md., April 10. 1878.
Tho uctlon of the Board ui Director* ol the Balti
more ana ohio Railroad to-duy 10 substituting stork
lor tbo usual ?ush dividend has created coniiderublo
surprise, and the actiou ul tbo board was tbe subject
ol commont among banker* aud business men gen
eraily. Tho board ruliUed the settlement of the mat*
debt, according to tho recent action ol tho Legislature,
by oonsenting to tbe payment ol tba sum named la
tbo act, $w60,0u0.
Tbo Finance Commute, wbicb has bad under con
sideration the subject of tbo dividend, reported tbe lol>
lowing resolution, wbich was unanimously adoptod:?
Resolved, Llmt M dividend of luur per eout be declared i>a
tbe capital stuck ul the main stem fitr (lie Unit year ublcb
ended 31st Murch ultimo. pavnl.lj In tlio >toc.c ut the cum
uauy ou and ult. r the 13tli ?f May proximo.
In oxplumtlou of tbe resolution, tu connection with
tbo reconnnondation of tlio Finance Comrnltteo to
declare a dividond la stock, President Ourrett ro
marked thut altnough durlug the preseut administra
tion, which had coutinued for twenty years, tbo
dividends bud been uniiormly made In cash,
even during tbe groat war, at six, eight,
nine Hint ten por cent per year, vol
tbe form proposed by tlio committee was not at all
novel in the history ol the Bulumoro und Onio coin,
puny. At various periods prior to ISM, when the
company ncedod money, rumor ibau press
sales ol its bonds und securities it adopted
tbe consei vative plan ol uslu;; a portion
of its earnings by borrowing the turn I'rom the block
holder* and issuing tsiitlor its stocu. A Urge
amount ol the coil of tbo road between Cumberland
and tue Ohio Ktver was supplied under this system.
In ordor to uid ibo 1'itubnrg und Couuelisviile,
tbo Marietta und Clucinnuti, tbe Virginia Midland,
and to construct the Chicsgo, tbo llultiinorc short
line, tlio Cincinnati und Baltimore roads and otber
enterprises associated with its interests uud develop
ment, the Baltimore und Oblo Company created a
lloutiug debt winch it Is tbe policy ol tne company to
llqulduto rapidly.
Tbe couipauy owns large atnoums of tne slocks and
securities ol its counociiog lines, seme of which it
will bo desiruole to noid lor Hie purpose ut maintain
ing our luU-rist and influence in regard to the
poiloles und co-opcruiive relations ol those compa
nies. But largu amounts ol tho bonds ol thoso
companies cow held oan properly be fold when
suQIcieotly udvuutageons rates can be obtained lor
ttieni. The company bus pursued to conservative a
policy that it bus Heretofore paid from Its net earn
ings through the action of Its sinking tunc!*, and
by payments la cash from us net oarmngs
$11,061,219 67 of mortgage indebtedness; and the
annual earnings upon tho present Investments in us
sinking funds und appropriations for the payment ol
Its mortgage indebtedness amount to $i>8'J,UUO an
In pursuance ol this conservative policy the com
mlttea bos recommended mat u portion ol the earn
ings realized within ino last six muutht?viz., lour
pur cent, bjlng $525,768, be used lor the payment of
the flouting debt, and that slock bo Issued therelor.
It will be noted that this dividend will bo payub e in
the common stocK of the company. This sum is thus
udded to tbocupituJ, on which no Interest will be paid,
hut only sucb dividends us may be declared from tbo
net earnings >t the discretion of the directors Irom
tnuo to timo on tbe c.ipual stock. While the floating
debt has already been raaterlal'y decreased yet this
action will insure its moro rawd reduction.
Alter the i'rostaent's remarks the resolution ol the
Committee of Finance lor the declaration ot the divi
dond was unanimously adoruod. liio earnings tor
March on the main stem una bruncuus were
$1,137,413 U4, being $44,419 95 mora than lor the
tamo month of tbe precedlug year.
Kasto.y, Pa., April 10, 1878.
The passenger car attached to tbe emigrant and ex
press freight train leaving bore for the West ut half-; ust
one A. M. via LuWigU Valley aud Kast Pennsylvania
ruilrouda was totally destroyed by IIro ibis morning, at
Cham Dam, about una milo liotn this pluce. The cur
belonged to tbe Philadelphia uud Ueadiug road, and
caught flrj from tho iieutlug uppurutus uudcr tbe car,
Tbcro were but few passengers in tho cur, all of whom
escaped uninjured.
Newport, it. I , April 10, 1878.
General Ilancock has instiucted Gunorsi Vogdes,
at Fort Adains, to allow Colonel Shepherd to procood
to New York with bis lamiiy. lie c??? remain away
one week, by order ot General H iunock, II accessary, to
settle bis family. At tbe expiraiiou ol thut term lie
will return hero aud serve cut bis sonteoeoiof one
yo.tr's coiiflnemebt In Fort Adams. Colonel .shepherd
accordingly went to New York wltb bis family to
greenback convention.
1)hd Moimku, Iowa, April 10, 1878.
Tbe Greenback national hum Convention wus hold
bar* to-day. Only about one-third ol Ilia couutle* In
iba Stau war* represented. K. N. UaMa waa ap
pointed Chairman. The platform adopted demand*
ttio unconditional ieuo*l ol tbo Ueauinp
tlon act, the rouionetixatton of sliver,
making It a lull legal louder; lliat tbe coinage ol sil
ver be placou on the same lout, j, witb gold, nod tail
Cougruaa atiall not auiboruu ibo n-fcuauoe 01 Inttreal
beatnig bonda ol any kind. Hie following uckot wan
uomiuuivdKor Hioreury ol Siate. M. F.trn?*ortli;
lor Treaaurer, M. I.. Duvtu, and for Attorney General,
C. II. Jackson.
Bkxvkk, Col., April 10. 1878.
It la pabllely announced bora tbat 11. A. Mclntira,
preeldentat tb? Kirat National Bank of Like City and
vioe-presidoni ol tbe Firat National Bauk of Colorado
bpriugs, baa abaconded wltb (70,000. Tbo drat dla
closure* wero made qti'to recently, anu showed
tliut Mclutirv bad lu tbo interim lollowiug tlie do.ilb or
the late preaidcir. ol Iba b-nk at Colorado Springs, and
before tna vacancy w.m supplied, seaared Hum the
doporlla ol tula bank betwecu |JO,OOU and (40,WW. In
addition to tbta lie baa hypothecated stock ol tbo two
banks wltb which bo wea com.Tied amounting to
S2ft,00<i. It lis tearad tbat tne i fieri upon tbe Lake
City Bank will Uo irreparable, una that lurtbar diaeie
turoa will awell IUj cattiuate .ilroady made.
Mr. Wbltalaw Hold g?vo a farewell dinner to Ba}
ard Ta) lor lain evening at tbe Union League Club.
The |Uonta included Mayor Ely, sx-Uovornor Samuel
J. i'llden, Macrotary Sherman. ex Secretary Kish, ex
secretary Mcculloch. Juuge i'n rropont. luto >1 mister
to tbe Cuurt of M. Jauaa; WHIihiii Cullon Urvuni,
General Hancock, Peter Cooper, John J. A.-tor, Ko>ui
I'belpa, 1'rvaideiiUltarn/ird, John lime low, Wxyno Mac
Veagli, William Walter l'baipa, Cbaiiea llu.iioy War
ner, Willi iiu U. llooclli, Kicueritk K. Cburob, Mural
lialsMad and other*.
Tbe (acta Of a mysterious slabblog affray hare Jnsl
leaked out In Newark. According to a autament maue
to a reporter laat night by Mr. James U. Van llouten,
reaidttig at No. KM Bank etreei, tbat gcmlttuan waa
on bia way botes trorn Pythagoras Lodge, X. and A.
M .. on Monday bight wlien bo was met by
UtO ltrai|Wl In Proapcd street, near Hie corner oi
! Elm (tbe lodge rooru !??? iBfC in tbu neighborhood).
; u<i? ol tna two gruaiel Mr. Van liouleu by tne hand
i and gave hiui a Muk.mic grip. 'Iba other ?iai>l>ed bun
In ttio ueik, and li ll.cted a teop but not uen.erous
! wound. Tbe two tb<n fled, and Mr. Van llouten
| tu.ida bia way back to the lodgo room
and Irom tbence waa ukeu to bia home und a pny
1 ?iclsn called in. Tbo wound waslound to be oio.e to
| a vital part?Juat (raxing it. Mr. Van Booieti has
I no idea who bia annailani* ware. lie aaya
' be baa bad some trouble with a irollitr
Mason, who baa brought elisrgca of un
I in i ion in conduct agnnsi him in i'ythsg.ims
| Lodge, but roiuaea to ix-neve that any manoti would
away tbe rd/c ol an attuuipteu aoaoatnti. lie baa
' alto bad liottble witb bia lamilord, t olobel
I Uuiroukbt On Moaday morning Mr. Van llouten
' aaya be r<?eived an auonyiuotix aula warning him not
to avteud tne l?Mlge tbat night, lie baa tnado no emu
plaint to tbe autiiotitlea bvcauao of ln? luaoility to
givti any luiorinutiob aa to toe Identity of bia aakail
! auta.
Tbe trustees of the Tabfrcncle Bapliat Cburcb,
Brooklyn, yeaUrday reoelred pertuiaiion from Judge
Gilbert, In tbe Supreme Couitol Kinge county, to eel I
ci-ttaln of tbe propurty at tna oorner ol Clintou ? treat
?m l Second plaae.
Mary Summer*, ol Ma S10 Water street, appeared
before Juatico Marray, at tbe l'oiub*, yesterday, and
Charged William Power* with Invlng a?s*u!Ud bar
witb an axa Mo waa beld In (1,000 bail to anawer.
James Mehnn, a former railroad empioyO, yesterday
morultig unlockod a number of switobee la tbe Mor
ria and Kaaex ltatlroad yard at Mobokeo, and tba
switcliuii'ii called Officer Bammoan. who arrested
him. At the police atation yrateroay It waa leaiaed
that tbe man waa a luuatia
*'Ted" Almonte. the clown, wboso autiea In the
itwiluii ol tbe circus aud upoa lb* i(i|< have made
him familiar to ttio public lor yoiri. died iaat even
liv. Tiuototlio instiucia of hta luc-lsving nature,
"Wi* last word* wire u Je?t. Wlih a heroism
common in bis calling Almonte refused to succumb
to dlsoase. uud, in spite or the complication ol
ailments that wer? slowly eating Lis life away, he
declined to cast aside his motley, and da.f
alto* day ottered his jests in tha ring.
On Tuesdsy afternoon t<> appeared at the
mutinuo ul Barn urn's, but no one ol tliohe who
smiled at bis antics luncie l lor u motueui tbe> were
looking upou a luun wud w.iw *oout to sink into me
giuvo. VuMtomuy Alinoute was couiiuod to bit bed
ut bis iesidci.ce, No. 1^1 Third avenue, through tbo
(lay, although he scented to suffer little, and eagagod
in friendly ouuvorsatlon with kucIi of his acquaint
ances ^s culled upon hliu. Late in tbo aiiei noon no
tell into u dfcp sleep, and awaking suddeuly, passe.!
away without u atruggle.
hdwia Mlddleloti Almonte was born in Knjrlaud,
uud a' tlin tiuio ol his death wai tnirty-Uvc years of
!>t-'e. When a youill bo developed quite a taste lor tho
profession he later on udoptod. llo a as first engaged
by ifre'l Jsuotio, uud soon alter travelled with Ben
jamin llonu's Hussian Ctrous. Ha was then three
seasons with Sangei :s Circus, uud uiter thai was eu
gigodby Howe At Cuibi.ig. With ihem he Camo to
tbo Uultod States, where he passed two seasons, re
turning then to Knglaud, where he was employed by
Heugler. Ho kouu came buoK to the United states,
and Joined Jobu 11. Murray's Circus, aud aiteruuru
Joe! K. Warren's Great Pacific Circus S.nco that
he bus been with Cushlmg te Cole aud Juck
Hudson. He weut to .South America with Cbaiuie,
uud It is beliovod that ho caught sumo of tlio malurial
bffoctious there. Of lute he has been iruvelling with
liarnurn's circus, aud this so. son ho opened witu ll
ut the Kink aud appearod lit re up to the time ol his
doutb. Almonte died of a combination ol disease*,
uiuoug whtcn were ?nlargciuent of the heart utid
liver and oouaumpttou. lie was Vice 1'resident of tho
Kqueatrian iiouevoient Society, which organixttiou
will conduct Ins funerul on Sunday next at two
o'clock. He loaves behind him a w ho and two chil
Tbo latost mail advices from Eugland report tlia
death ol' Captaiu \V\ u. Cooper, one of the best known
patrons of coaching In England. The deceased gen
tleman was identillod with sporting pursuits vary
early in liio, as be bunted with tho Old Surrey as a
buy and figured among tho burd riding undergradu
ates at Oxlord in the days of Mr. Drulce nnd Jeiq
liills. A strong taste lor drlvlug also marked hlin out
at the University, and thlsobaraclcriaud him through
out his lite, as, although bo occasionally owued a low
race horse*, he would rather drlvo dowu **iho alter
noon Dorking" than go ton miles to see thom run. la
conjunction with the late Mr. Cbaodos 1'ole Captain
Cooper hoi sod and drove the Brighton coach in 187*2;
but siuco than "Cooper's coach," i<* it was called, uid
tho DorKIng road, and the blurt from Hatchott's with
such an artist us Captain Cooper on tbo box has bean
one of the Loodou soason sights. List year an acci
dent bo tell the couch by an overturn, owing to the polo
breaking, and Capluiu Cooper sustained lit juries
wtncli, although at the ttuio uot considered serious,
wero ultimately the cuuso of death. Cuptalu Cooper,
who was liked and respoeted by all who know bim,
was iu bis Ully-uiuiti year.
Joseph N. Cuuinagbatn, tbo woll known civil
engineer, dlod at his res.deuce iu East i'rovldouce,
H. I, on Tuesday evening. Ho commenced bis pro*
tesslon as assistant civil englueor on tho Baltimore
and uhlo Kallroud. He was also cmp:oy?d on the
Boston, l'rovidonce and Stoningiou ruilrotds. Ho
was cbiel ougiuear on tho ruilroad leading trom
Hridgewater, Mars., to Full River, and be was also
chiet ougiuocr of tho Tauutou aud Mansfield, Norfolk
couuty, Newburyport uud several other branches ol
dillereut rouds. lie was about sixty-eight years ol
age, aud bad boon ill lor some time.
Tha death is aunounced by mail Irotu Loudon, lb
the fifly-aixth year of his age, of George C. StanOnld,
the landscapo punier. Tho doceai>oi artist was tba
eldest sou ol Clarkson Stanlleld, tbe world ronownod
marine painter, who died lu 1807. He was born about
IS'J^ana studied with biti father, ills first appearance
on the walls of tbe ltoyul Academy was in lt>50, when
bo exhibited a "Sceue to Valais. 1 Ills landscapes
wore bright In color, aud arc stated to havo boon
rather meagre in acutiuicut.
Mr. John L. Bunco, President of tbo Pheaiix
National Bault, lu Uurtlord, Coun., died yoitirday at
tho ago ol ?evanty.alx years. He was cashier ol tbo
bank tweuty-threo years aud president eighteen
years. He was ouo of the tuo?l highly ertecined
cluxens and one ol tho host Known bankers in Con
Oa Tuesday oveulng tha Uev. William II. Klnner
diod at bis rcsidanco In Westerly, It. 1. He waa
about thirty year# of ai<c. Tbo greuter part of his
work has been In Cuuada Kaai. He was u native of
M itiapoiaolt, Mass., where his rema.us have been
Tba Very Kev. Katlior Basil Keating, C. P., rector
of St. Mary's ltelreat, Dunkirk, N. Y., di< d jos
torduy at SI. Michael's Mouaatary, Weal llobokeu,
N. J. He was In bis thirty-ninth year ut tho time of
his demise.
MAJOlt r. WKL H.
Major E. Wclcb, formerly [ oat trader *1 fort
Mui'lnraua aud Camp febcridau, Nob., and Utely una
01 Hi") in'iVMbt propcriy owner* in ttt? lilac k illila,
died iil baud wood ou I ueaduy.
MARTIN CIS H till ft ?11 A.
A cable despatch Iroin Madrid announces that
Peuor Marua da ilerrora, formerly Mlulator of Jua
lie*, la dead.
Tho laaoral ol Mr. Jobu U. Farrlngtoo, ono of tbc
oldeft reaidont* ol llnrletii, took piano yealerday after
noon, from St. Andrew'* Epucopal Cliarcb, at Koanh
uvenue utiil K'7th etrcot. >ir. larrlngton a as born in
WuaichcKter county la l'SJi, but came to ilarlam lu
IHIU aud obtained a position In a grocury alorc. iio
hail kept a atoro la the Twolitb wara lor over ?lxty
Willinm M. Twoed la vary aielc ut Ludlow .Street
Jul, coullucd <o til* bed, and I* aaid to be Mtllclo-1
vr.tb iltight'a diacaao ol the kldueya. Dr. f amoeban,
lua pbyeiclau, wa* Willi film at a let* hour laat mgnt,
uud r< itarda Mr. i weed1* condition oa likely to lead 10
fatal reaulia, uoloaa llicro i? au linprovumoul very
Dridgeton, N. J., boaata oi a negro Inhabitant named
Jeremtab Welle*, wuo la 112 y omra olo. iio waa born
in 170*), in tb? old levern kitcben nt Cai.lweli'n
ilrldge, on ibe Appoquluiimak Cro? k, in St. George'*
lluodreda, Newcaatle county, Ool., and when a mere
babe w ib boIj a* a alave by bla father t<> (lie proprie
tor ol ibe Uvaro. At ibo ago ol nine be waa sold to a
Mr. Abvy Cole, with whom bo lived m bondage lor
tweuiy-aix yrair. lie remi-m'xr* the break tug out el
Ibo war ol the Revolution, auu han a pari en rccoueo
tlon ol many occurruncea of tboee alining time*.
Durum hi* BUvery <iaya with Cole be married and
rumen four children, tlireo ol whom are living uow.
lu l*:n? be married a Mia* ewain*k Huek. he being
acveuty-tliree onii ahe oignieeu year a of age. by wbom
ho iiuu oue daugiitor. \> itu tui* daughter, wbo la
Ihlriv-Uv" yearn ol age, li? now livea. i be old negro
allow* the murk* ol hia great age in hia
Bhrivelled akin and attenuated body. Although
ho ha* drunk wltiakey ami uaea tobacco all
hi* nfo be tio-a not betray any itiarka
of (llanlpatlon. Ho haa a deep cheat, alnuwy lirni a and
a atrong. clear Votoe, while the granp of bia band i* aa
11 rm and ax aieady aa ll waa ball a ouutury ago. Hia
eyesight, ho* aver, I* very poor. Iweivw yearn ago,
the one hundredth annivera.,ry ol III* birth, be waa
made a oilueu ol the United Htulee.
Rose I la WoroeBtcr, a "lemalo phyaiclan," waa ar
roated luat algbt by Captain Wtillauia, ol tbe
Tweuty-ninih precinct, at bar reiidenoe, No.
141* C'harle* etreei, upon n charge ol mal
practice. Mr*. Wweeeter was Ukcn to
tb'i Thirtieth atrect aiation bonne, wbcrc
a >e gave ber age aa aixty-twn yeora and uer occupa
Hon na Unit of a mldwilo, and Irotn thence to tbc New
York iioapltal to be identified by her alleged vioum.
Tbe young woman wan n unit tod to the Now York
Hoepital a low diiya ago tulTeitng from prrilou itla, and
yeetoruay, oa ahe waa in a dying condition, lite Corn
liar waa notlBed and look hor ante uioriem aiMciuoui,
upon wbi ;h tbc arreai waa mad a.
Tbc tranalcr of cbionlo inianc patlouta belonging
to (juccna county?heretofore taken care ol In State
Inatiiuuona at tbc county'* expeoae?to the new
County Aaylcm at North H?mp*t?ad baa lieuun under
the approval of the Hlile iloaro ol CUaritlc*. Ye*lor
day tlnrieea ol tltMe unlortunatoe, twelve women and
one nmn, were broegbt down irnm I'ocghkeepaie and
placed la Ibcir lie* quarter*, lite tr.m.iui w?a inaue
uuderth* paraonal direction ol lit* three Coumv
perintenitcnia ol the 1'oor, aaaialed by Conatublo J. C.
Ayr**, ol Mlea i ovo, ami aenmnpanlad by .nupervieori
Lawrence aud Cl?rk. There are between twenty and
thirtv other paiiem* at UVhi aud elaewbere to be dm
MrU Uauaiariwl
At the rejular weekly meoiing ol th* Board of l'nb.
lie Docks yeelerday, Proatdcnt Westerealt id th*
chair, ? ouuimunicitlioa W?* rocelved from Captain S.
a Luce, couiinjndiiu offlejr of ihe United Staiea
training ship Mltiueaoli, UOUlyOg the B >ard of lit*
Intention to anchor tb* Minnesota for tho summer
lb Uio North River, olf Twenty-third ntrr?t, un?l
utkmg turn it .unable landing for snip* ooata ue
conatrucle l at or uear the l?oi of ihai ,l'tro,'?
Ciptaiu l.ure alatea thai the ship's old poallloo of!
Cattle Garden ih objectionaule iu miuy roiipecM. It
ik dangerous 10 ruu attiali bouH tlircu^'li ?ucti a "eot
ol iu>:s as are couttuuuliy paining lh.it pltco. Ihe
landing la uusulttble Willi i? siron* v?init blowing
Ipun any pmut between south ?b'l nortbwoat, uiid ??*
i?ct maiiv dsys u i* laiponiioio io use n, n ma water
wusbi'" over U. fc'oreisn man-of-war wou d, iu ilia
opinion ol Captain Luce, be much bow-Oied by and
would aourooialo aucb a laudinn ad li?* reiiueels. 1 ho
lio.ir I uraulcd tho request uod aulborixed the Eu
giueor iu do ibo work ul a coal uoi excofJiuj ^liai.
Alior a loug ailliug iu executive seatiou luo Hoard
I'ho receipts by the Bru tk>yu Park Cotuiu'sslou lot
tUo luoutU o! Jlarch wel'j $0,777 07. Ihissum, with tin
buluuoo ulroiuiy III Iho irca?ury, utcounted tc.
*11,371 29. Tho expenditure* for the same period
amuuutea to *7.881 72. Iho appropriation for iho
mainteuuuco of iho p irka was cut down ibia your
from >126 000 lo f lou.ooo. Him ha* neeossiwiod u ro
ductiou ol the wjg-iti of iho purk laborer* and ol put
ling the park ponce ou half time.
[From the Frenpori (IU.) Now?, April U.[
i'ho Naw Yoiik limuiii le, lha world over, ?
synonym lor news, ouierprigo and Intelligence. Tu?
WkKkLY likKauu la the boat and cheapest paper pub
lished lu tho country.
Assistant iPustmaiter General JumeaN. lyncr, Gov*
ornor Alexander II. Kico, ol Massacnu^etts; Neil <>!!?
uiour, New York State Superintendent of 1'ubllc
Instruction; William T. Wright, Culled Statu. Consul
?l Santo a, Bruzll; James F. Joy, 1'renldcnt of tho
Detroit, Lansing and Norihorn Railroad Company; It.
S. sieveuk, geueral maua^er ol thu Hanuihal uud St.
Joseph iUtlroad; William L. Bostwlck, ol Ithuca, and
CougresMiiih Benjamin A. Willi* ?ro at the Filth Av
euue. Major General Joseph Hooker, United Stales
Army, and John C. New, ol IndUoapolif, aro at lha
MatropaliUO. W?y?e MucVeagb, or Paanaylv miu, It
M lha Albauiarl*. Coagrpantnio Glluerl C. Walker, ol
Virglola, and Rev. Dr. K. X. Wentuger. oi Cincinnati,
are at the St. Xichola*. Surnual L>. Claiueus, ol Hurt
lord, la at the Uilaey. Willlant D. UiaUap, l'reaidout
ot iho New York, Now Haven and Hartford Kulroad
Coinuany is at the Hi. Jamea. Dr. S. I', luckcrmau,
of Boatou, i* at the Windaor. W K Uulr. Keneral
manager of the Canrdu southern Hallway, u ul tie
Human. Kx-Mayor C. W. Hulchmbon, ol Ctica, la al
the New York.
Th* Wrbklt HititALu lor this w?o>c coittini tele
graphic newa from all oaru of iho worl4 ; tba Easlera
Question; Waahlnglon Correapondence; Uoorgo Tick*
nor Curtis on Conailiutloual Iliatory; Fncbtful Aeci
denl ou tho Lehigh Valley lUilroad ; Deatmciiou ol
an luaano Aaylum . Terriblo Kuulugol a Variety l'er
lorinauce at l'awiuckot, It l.j a Mldmabt Coiliaicnj
a Flgbt belwoen a i?.onax!i and a Bull In I'exa.-i, Hoy
ally In America; a Ohoal alory from Hoaton; In th?
Jawaol Death, Lovod and Deiaeuted; a lljraterleiu
Crime; a l'byaicuu'a Challenge lo 41r. Bergh; Arreal
ol ex-Uovcruor Uoaoa, ol South Carolina, lor Forgery;
Matrimonial lnlelicitioa of Mr. and Mra. Roaa; a Ser
mon by liar. l''alhor Brady, and a aelecl Story entitled
"Loe, th* Heller Man." ll ul?o contain* Editorial
articles on tho prominout topioa ot tnediy; l'araiual
lnlelliKenco; Amusemeuia; Religious, Literary and
Sea Notea; Reytows of the Dry Goods, llorae. Caitle
and Produce Markets: Financial and Commercial
lie porta: Agrioullural aul dporilug Mailera; lustruo.
live articles lor tho ladies and the iniai important
events or lh* week.
Taaaa?One dollar per yair, pMlaga paid; aiag'*
copies, thre* cent* An oxira oopy will be aeut to
evory dob of ten or utore.
Eradicate thoin ??tth (Itana'S hyLI?nUM_So*P.
quality it > Ulract U> Hie manufacturer. KSi'EN-SlJaJhiU
tin .Naaiau ??.
pno*ritirica.?Aphonia or l?u ol velee. la rvnimMed In ?
uliuil tltne. no mullei- wUalliar ia? c?u?? b? trinii liitUiniua
tuin ol tno llulog nio.-Bbraiie, troio cold or from nervous ile
Apiil 1<) ?In ?'ia f'Mirili grand ili?tiibuiti>n, ixrw, uf
the l.oul-liin* staia Lottury 1'omr.aajr. tnad- ai
Orlaana. on the Uth ln?t . Uckel No. 4) ?-.|d In Virginia,
uriiff the Ural ca|?ilal p*lt?. li?U?l No. i7.1-1, u?lil in Ni'#
Orieana ilr? ? tne aecoud capital pri*<-; tlekel a
Milil 111 New York, drew the thud capital prUe. . Ul nuio
I,nr. rnillug with '.".l ar? entltl^'l !<? ?IO. All uun.beri from
ar>.0l 1 to .l&.i/J I are ealiUed lo
>i a DAUfiii.n. i'..Mt..nt.
Hats IS Sew Charch at . apslali*. _ _
ealea a velvety ?oltnesa lo tue skin, prraervea It* wliilcuo.A
pcr[>eiuaut? beauty.
readv: altle and teature eneiirpa???d; line ?llli liar W.
7 ' M I II K K. JI I llroadway.
Dii-iiij and Piinlin.- hrtabllebmeut, Mtalen IiJhii.I OilU-na
'WKuan. it ~:>i Broadway. OUI *?th ??., N?w York; id*
Plerrepont at.. Brooklyn. KstaftlUhad tfl veara
Maiden lai>v, era the ??'le iuaniilacluri?r? of kkuuimh As
Paints. Booriao. sttiinn *?o Hoitau Cuvi.u.
laus, Ac. _______
K. BARNUM.4M Veeey ai.,N?w Vork
Rt.PrURK ? SPRING TRI S-'KS FROM $4 T?) ttt.
FLJITII- T?l ISM from P ?l le W ; rorrajs to.'ht.
AUJUVTaHLK I'll S-UHH TRI_W? < llr..?l?>y
Tl!K THlRfT and I'o'uiu il I l.')| I It-5 OF Ills
rfFKvLl/Bi ll.^?lS%^ ro LET; ii vhi.i. I'm; law.
m"'NkN?? INM- .AM.K OH Gf I.M'II !?' -inu
Til K II I'.IIA LD _
Alt I. UJ<1 7ih av. *vnd for circular
/'<n&DKtf' HAfH. ? HOM litK'M AtKMlUSK ?"
\X?lne?a. by two or (bra* apiitWatloaa. ih? ha?iitiiiil gotdaa
???lor x> null adntlrad: It I* t'?rn*et'j lurulo. to bm M
?I all apuiUaaart.a sad fmttcf ic<hm|* daalara. aula Hduuta,
li UOvikML*l?> A HUN, LiM<t'>n, KiirflauiL
licit!'? oomriSvi kxr.<a"it or *KAT~rT5i5i
aaM cnaapaat maal Savoring Itaei l .r aoaoa. mvia
dtaliaa ai l laum
ikhui~compaiyr?i VxtkaoFor~*b vt *~I
?uiNm find Uoon for whlrb oalloaa alf.ml I ferf
itaiilgl " Haa Mad leal Pttaa, Lancat. Hrltuk
MtdM Journal, Ar.
iflEfuu ~*SoJ?r\M~YrT^ kxTi7act~T7k mk ai. ?caU.
XJ tlon.? i Mmiilaa only with tao atmlla <>f Haroaa Ma
hl('? ai*iiaiur<>. In blua Ink. auro*> l|>al r.oi
?tun :?! Ion In Kugiand Incraaaud tanf >1.1 In u-a
LiKUia C'uii'anvh'i.x nt.virr or mi.TT FTPiir
ha>l of nil groaatl aad afcaaitata Knit
am-nta for ilia I niia<l Mala* 'wliul.al. nnlyi, 0.
I/AVII> A UU., til Muk lana. Lmilin Kn.Uml
tbr honor of a alult lr<>ra la?in<? and iri-utlam?n viaitlri
tna llrtiUh matropoiu laloapatal ? ??rlM) ul alii
ilaaMati. fanalan Manklr*. artlatln Vlilliiiary. lUta uif
a??ry vail<-ty IB Ureas. apniially aalocluO a f'aiII from il.?
l*a?l ariuva and rap/aaaailnd tha tiimM faafcluM of Mad
araiun>. Tha following aXraat Iranian *marl??n |>auar la
a plaaauiif taatlmony In tl.?? -yatxm nl l>aaln<-a< a<t"i.l?l .1
Itii- bona* I W? vlallcn tfwrlnif ? nr aoj urn In ImtiWa laat
ifir Ilia warrhouna nf M'tira Jay. Ik> ruo?t notad rat ah
llahnirnt of vl*a klud In Ilia world. In la>ofcla? ti.rn.ili l*a
nuiaaroua ilcpai iiaonta aa aura abla to apprcrlaia Ilia tin*
c ?na? of lh? iU>llni(ulahad aueovaa w tilth lia* atl ? n ird i na
?alai>IUIiDK-iit lor many y*ar?. M'aaia J.> rart Ita lar.a
?uppllaa of I'iniumx an.'. Hilil' ar) ?!Ir , i fatal tha flrai
li?ua*? In Parla, and th-y ara aad'l at mwh mora nmdarxta
I rnoa than ladiaa can procura lliaui <>u ilia OMtlaaat Ma
tak? ulaaaiira in UlrretliiK tha atWHM ol "nr fair rca.l-ia
lo tula lima Iioiioiati laUkblUbaatat ahara *a ara aura thajr
Win l*a Uoaaally ami ld)ally -l.*alt with " llla k
hMlUI A ' r a La for llonnal'a Mldt k laifk ? ill. Ill <147, 4IH,
MI aud 33:i Hrgaal al, Londoa. tV
?l'.W >l|V 1.1.
rai.iial n*-? hn* la I :.o?. l, {hi lah^.l tbla I.
I'rlea. II. vaoar covata ?,* Alao a uaw ajitlan of Vli ui
llusu'a Iil.h alMkRAiUm
II ??. CAKIJltOR A ?'n . PnblHhara.
/k LL HIfli) KtiK ''MkrilKtlUA THI'B Wlr.XKfiiv
yValth "tratloioiilala" of wondarlul i arra wftHdOfl and
|i?fr dlaaaaaa tiat wstar ft.?ah (Vorri a|>r>o.' ot II. K t.*N
UAbTKM, -III* A?-anf. ra.olaara l?7 Waai-'-4??. Hawan
of aparloaa atalar anld aa " Hat naaita."
I ?T?i?iHTA BIAlifSir DiioWt. rAHA I.V."I -t
_/V*'a??l. atoua, kldiiny and hiaoilar diaaaaor. rltruniali.il
?Ml h'out ara Ineurablc wlthunl tha \iaticl Xaiaral Umura
Mpilnrf VVmar, it aur>ara*<laa aaarythlnr ?>*" lor l ira- ilia
eaa*a far harral 25 cam* gallon, t^ouaultatlun, mnarj
aualyala and (lamphlatfl, villi Ml HfMlfcll >M lailln.a
?ilala. fri-a by Ilia nlijaialaa a' tha tlafwl, Kill Hroadaav,
.Saw Vwrl
ij? " KXIlAL?llu.\ -A Mr luuTt mwT*
I uraprialiid a lamia or la. turoa ?l?lt>ar-.| al Kali' ?
Nawnmor Anatomy o* tha caitM and vara f pranialnrd
itoclln*. ahoarlnv lndlaoata>'lv how loat liaa tM may ? n r?
KaiiMol alfordlnif a elaar arnopaia of Im|>?.inoani- ? . our
rtaira and lha traalnaal o> nwtana aad phtairal l..l.ihtr,
balnd tba raaalt ul invwaia' UltriaMI. My mail, ,
tarri aay ar p< Itaua (iampa. Addraa< Haaraldry Kaha'j
Maaauin. VW Ui"ad?*jr, >a?r York.

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