CITY HEAL EBTATB. >OH BALK. * ~ K KXTBA WELL BUILT AND HANDSOMKLY FIN ISH hit roUK STORY BROWN bTO> E ENGLISH ?AbEMBNT HOUSK FuR SALE UN MI'BKaY HILL, 0> SHfH ST., NtAK 5TH AV.; HOUSE 18 45 KEKT fHONT ANl> 7U FEET DKh.P; LOT KILL S1ZK. Tlilb 18 AN OFFORTVNIi* TO PROCURE AN i X TBAOBDINAKY AND ELEGANT hOU?R AT A VERY fA>W FIOCRE. APPLY TO OR ADDRESS W. H. IE.NRY. 33 EAST 74111 ST., OB E. 11. LUDLOW A CO.. a PINk 8T. A-BOTH ST. BKTWETN5TU AND MADIBOM AVB. ?modem 22 loot Dwelling at it If real bargain. V. K. STEVENSON, Jr.. 4 Pine or U3 Eaat 17th it. A KH? >RT M B NT C HOICK DW KLUNOS. ~44.~ 48. SO j[\.i7th. uaar Madlaun ; 18, 21, 25 feet Apply og preiuiiea. Owner*. DUOGIN ACKOSSMAN, Architecta. 03 kaat ^lat A KXrBBMB*AUKlPICK-48TU ST.. NEAR _f\.Broadway, three si.irjr 21-foot Owelllnu; $12.00tt V. K. STtVENSON, Jr.,4 1'iue, XiEut 17th It. and 001 5th ?v. Jit LEG A NT KtLL SlZK HOUSE, NBaR 5TH AV~ iiabove 42d it. (extremely cheap), with or without turnl tur?; UU..UI 5th av.. below 50tli *1. ; exchange iu part. W. I?. SEYMOUR. 171 Broadway. fjHJB SALE-TH AT ELEGANT. KULfc. 8IZKD FOUB r atory high atoop brown atone lloino 21 Kaai68thit, Uauox IItit- Apply room 23 Evening Poat Huildlug. ifcoB 8ALK AT PANIC "PBlOE-tLEOANTLY VKES coed loll aliud brown atone liouae, luruiabad or unrur> Dialled; 45lb at., uuar 5th av. MARTIN DUNN, 170 Broadway. TV?OH 8 ALE AT A BAItOAlN?9 WASHINGTON J. place, near Rroedwuy. Apply to GENIO C. SCO IT. 015 Broadway, or MOMEK BOKOaN. 2 Pin* at. KO. BBT madison AV.?ONLY ON It RI.MaININO unaold ol thoie tl?ely located, cabinet uniahed, lour atory brown itoue llouaea: >13,1*10. Ka?l Sltla?. Frontino on stuyvesvnt park, ovkrlook Ing tbu louutain, that beautifully located lour atory ?tuna Ueaideuee No. 2 Itutlierlurd plaoa; alia 20xtil?xlOO; cau be purcliaaed at a bargaiu. Apply to O. U. BENNE1'. Ill Broadway, loom H, or 311 I'ftit ->0tli at. I3f AV. CORNER STORK PBUPBRTY, NEAR 14T1I it-. lor a?lo at a bargaiu ; uava lourtaan par cant inter val: poaaeaatou. Apply" to 0. G. BENNET, 111 Broadway, room B, or 311 Eaal loth at ?JhTOBY BAN KB hNT HOl'HS (BRICK), 151 EAST Osotb at . for aale chaap; eonaltloa excellent. Apply lm Biadlataly. AV fat Mlda AT A OOOD ORDKR 21 Vaatry, naar liudaon ; modaru linprovolusnta. OWNER, ?i Waat 20th at. B- :vUOa"inT Vt^-KOUIt STORY ENGLISH BASK uivut llouao 2uili at..oppoalte coIIcku grounda: aplen ill-i location. MONTAuUE, Raal Bitate Accent, 8tli av., ?aar 21 at at. FOR Va~LE OB TO LET-a?TWB8T 4JD ST., A FOUR atory brown atona KnKll'h baaamant liouae: a Kood loca tion tor a phyalcian: will ba aold obaap or lat to ? tcood tenant. _App.y uu ureiuUaa. BROOKLYN PKOPEttTV FOR SALE OR TO LET. J"salTs^house": three sTok'llrXilfirBASE r munt brick llonaa No. 151 Kllloit pluca, Brooklyn; brier, *7,000: lormar price, #13,3 Atlantic ay., Brooklyn; ?r to thu owner, U. P. RO*VELL, 10 Spruce at.. New York. hno LET?FIRST CLASS TIIRBfc. 8TOKY BBOWN JL atona Houaa No. 13'i (ireene. near Clinton av. Apply tt next door, No. 128, otMr a. OAKLEY, oral D. II. 8T0NK, 1U2 Broadway, New YorlL WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE AND TO RENT. "~A "taAN8IO?~TO "LET?ON THE~TlUD^ONrEAS^ ^xtlde, 36 uiilea ; beautilnl vlnw of the rirer; with either 15 moiua or 45; auitnble for private Uiuilv or boarJlutf houaa. H. P. HE <8 Broadway. F"uRnTsHKD COTTACiK AT TARRYTOWN?BLEVEN rooina. L'ardon. atable, trnit; beautilul river vlewe: rent moatly In board of one peraoa or otUerwiae. at teuant'a op tion Addreaa J. K. ALLEN, Tarrytown, or apply to C. II. OLIVKK, It'-' Br iadwuy. TUROCU'S N KC'K.-TO LET RKA80NABLE, A LAKUE Manal?u. with ample erouudi, on the Sound; 10 mlii ?tea' walk Irom >teamboat landing, 15 minutea Irooi depot. Apply to J. B. STEVfcNB,67 all at. JERSEY CITY, IIOHOKJBIV. HUDSON AND DEHOEN REAL. ESTATE. "'To l.i'i or Leaae. TO LET-ELEGANT COUNTkY PLACE. IN JEBSEY Clty;larK0 double lJonae, barn, atable, Ac; abanaauc* of Iruit: larte Rardeu. D. M. ?HAW, 5U Liberty It. PROPERTY OUT OK TI1E CITY FOR SALE OR TO RENT. ABKT?HTno kob 'lI iTle moneY-a Careful teuaut wautcd tor one ot the moat deairable Country Beata in point of aceuia, health, bitch mountain ecenery, drivri. Ac . in the viclulty ot the cltv, beluu the well knowu "Drake mauaion," In the beautiful village of Weattleid, on thepoiiular New Jeraay Central Railroad; time 50 minutea; B5 dally traina : near depot; manaion over 20 rooiua; mod ern and iu t:<*od order; aeven acroa lawu. gariieu, Ac.; a Dominal runt will be accepted Irom a earelul and reapen ?ible party. Addren "MANSION," box 120 Herald odloa. LAUGE FARM "ITOUBE^ C 0~N rirAI NI NO NINE room*, lull lot, weat ot 3d av., only ^..VjO. JOHN A. LINSOoTT. 3d av.. n?ar 118th it. A AT 8TOCKBRIDGE, -M.\ss.-r,>, UOUBa FROM NEW York; two tbruu^h traina daily 1 a Una old Reaiuence, With extrnaive ^rounda; one ot the lineal localtoua 011 the luain atieet; containiui; aix ileapiUK apartmeuta, baaldei ?ervanti' quartera. and. If ueiired. au additional cottage for i?rvama' tamllioa: turma. #l,(iOl>, or with the cottaae, ? 1,100. Aduri*ai Foot ottifi- box 2 303 New York city, or ap^lv to W ll.Li W aLLaCII, No. 4 Beukman at T~mVlNGToN-To BE~LET FOB TUB SUMmBB, the turutilie'l liouae and Urounda of the iato John E. Wllllnma, at Irvlnatoiion the llndioii, at a low runt. The nee of horiea. carriairea aud alio ul 111 lie-; cowi will be in cluded in the leaae If deairvd. Inquire of Pr.AHOHY, BAKER A PEABODY, 110 Broadway, or of UUMEB MOR GAN, 2 1'lue It. AT FLUSHING-FINK COTTAGE, MODEH* CON ?enlcucua; belt locatiou. near depot: garden; frequent tritina ; rant moderate. 111N MAN, & I'liio ?t AT TENaFLY, N. J.?HOUSE, KIUIIT KOOMS. two Mtei, nuar duput; rent $3(H). OWNER. 2U7 Wait 38lh it. A BTORIA.?TURhB NKW AN1) BEAUTIFUL HOUME.H, JV turir atorlei, 11 roouia each: *11 modern Impruvamanus Pi?!% par month. U. Y. MOORK, S? Naaeau ?l. ~~I bargain.-rok ciieaiC okIjknt kok ?tx$37.'> to rltctit party. four >crr< aup.rlor Truck Land; aaparagua. tierrlea, trult*. Ac. ; botbeda. with p!anta: Houaa, lu rooui?; barn, wagaaa, tooia, room*; location unaurpaea.d, In (ireeiiwlch. Conn.; rentf?00. Fat further particulars inquire of K. NKUMUL LKK. 110 Naaaau it., or A UBOROB, Hreeriwteh, Conn. Pijfi S39~ OR to leT?at kokt habTlron7 Villa Houaea; fine ana view; ateam inoiori paa? uaar; tarma very low. Apply to BDWAKO aRMaTKONu, M Waiker at.. New Turk. t^Oit HALE OK TO KENT-AT BUUL1NUTOV, VT.. r (Jeorira Undcrwood'a Kaaidaina; bandaoioe grounda, four acre a of I an da, Sua viewa. 0. 11. liLODUKTT, Unardlau. Pok sale' or to kbnt?homkbtead or tur late Jaiuea 8. Hull, a large bouaa and outtage, partly fur Dialled, witli barua, carriage bouaoa , lea acre* of land ex tending tu tbe river, witn garden. all klnda of fruit and nevur talltnir apringa of water. Inquire ol 1'HKRK E. hi'IKS. <15 Jd at . New York. ? r bo* 20, Corn wall, on tba Hadaoo. whore property la Mliieted KKAT ?a KG AI N ??47lioo HOC Sr. KOU ZSoi IM T mediate po*?raaion: pnrtect gem ; 7 rooma.beat loea. tiin Elia?i>elh|rort. N. J.; fail lots extra ground If wantul. Kf.Ll.uoU. a Broadway, Naw York, 161 3d at., KlliaMllMt. GKANI> OPPoRTUMTY._N< ?ROTON. CONN., NEAR Stamtord; deep watar abore front: large, atyllih, aub> Itantlal dw Ilini; and oiitbulldlnga; HO aorra rhoie-at land; e;rra of pcitra.grapea. *i , uiaviiltlcent location; hall mila DM depot; for kale; will be Bold at auction without re larva, April 18. at J oV-loak . a flrat claaa realdence tor any ana; known a? v\ illlum A. Cuiominu'a Property; Inveati* (ate. HUM Baku Park row. -tamford. Conn. (It i.L - JO BOOMS: Kl'TII KKKl'HD, 36 MINUTES Ironi City Hall: aala. panie price OEOROE V*N UEWATRR. 1 Naw at. H 0 XJKW llAMRHKO. O.n IIUL??0N.-KK.ST Olt UaLK, 1.1 uu? of the tlni-at Manaiotia and placea on the river; faiakilla ami ltl?nUnda in view; every variety of hot Iimwi, wltb trulta and vruetablea of all deacrlptlona; !MJ ?i-rea Ksgliah laadaanp uardaulnr; near depot. houao fur ? laiird; tarma raaaounbla. Apply J. B. Mrr.VKNs, 07 Wallat._ i~ lT bHKASliA LANO POR HaLK? IO.OUO ACKKM IN 1 one tract, auliabla for a colony, near two rallroada; i..' pvrluct: Bulla, coanty, S,iM) tnbabltanta. fc. K UELitln. hub WKlnut. riilladrlphla. KANOB. N. 3 ?TWO UNfUKNIUBBB RMUMUlUBB to rant lnw. Addrraa OKoKOiv II. WU'liil. O* ItANoii, n. j ?new houHTr, ALL Fmpkove m'iica, Ka>;.. at auction, April Id, at o'clock, on Ilia oreinlara. ? itbuut reaerva. A bargain lor ?owe ouu. BetMr inveatiitate b*lore aala. II L'MhaHD, I'ark row, Stamford, Conn. OtAMFORI>7?MI" VKKAL KLKli ANTLY FCKNlSlIKD Ocauntry haata ai d Cm tm{?a lo let. III HIlAHlt, Park row, fltimfurd. ('nil, rpo LET - UO UK iT^-R0bR?. F RONT ' NkW YOKlC J Hay. Hayonna ; uo reasonahlo offer Nliaei Inqnlra at Mr*. SLNWORTH, Hayuana. or Paopia'a luauranre Com pany, I ma Hroadway. TO LKT.-A FUBNM1IBU 40VIK ro LBT AT (krmlrll, 1H mllea Imru New York, on Naw York and hew Jaraay Railroad ; only two ar three minataa' walk fr in tbf atatlon: rent can be paid by board; reterence* e?. clian^ad. Call or addreta J. fc. VAN ItKWATKit, Oradell, IT J. _____ TO LET?Iff HL(M)M Fl KLD, N. J.. HOVIK *0N Broad at., fronting tbe Park: vae and Inmate, larK? lot Iruit and abada trava , iua>a) RH MOBT117OOTTA(JB BRAl TirtLLY slTU yiil tlWaiad, Lake ltonkonkev at, _ _ VitVATB HOOIKll HURJBOT TO PI RUT MnltroAoR, rooted, la ? X' haniia tor oltv lota or land and >'-ah. JOHN A. MNbCQTT. Hd m? near imllt ?tlfAW rKD TO mMSZtutti&iKAWI4I LAMM III f? Tegaa far Stork of llrrOoorta, Clothin?, Boota, Shooa. Mr. Ae. l tltloa xaarantred by partiaa who are raapoaaibla. Adarta* bom a, Maaraa, Taaaat iikAii smn to UCIU10&. . i kjw\"BOL1 ITT r YWO HOCHKS 1* BKO0C ?U.'"'Ulru to aacheni* toi Farm. BlM lull particu lar., OWNER, 134 Jua?*b ' HEAL ESTATE WASTKb. TTfUOK STORY BBOWN 8T0.NE HOU?E WaNTED XI to pur?ha?v. below Central f ark ; price from 92.VMIU fci 935,00(1 JACuB V. D. WVCKOFF, So Plus *t.; 252 and 1,2?7 H roadway. t*ARM?WITHIN ONE HOU K O* BROOKLYN. SOUTH side, L. 1. : mu*t be a bargain; prater to r?ut lor one year wilh privilege. residence, Herald office. ___ WILL BU V A GO'D HOUSE FROM 98,000 TO $10,1*10 and pay coab: niuat be a bargain. Sead lull par lit ular* lo E. M. WOODWARD, box 1KS> BTT^ljYLDlfcQ. X) corner ol Kul B _ _J fulton. and Naaaau it*. Several olHoei Id tbu uuildiug to lat at greatly radooad rent*. Tba ?Uoa> will ba altered to auit leu ant*. Tba buildluir la heated by main, and aacb oOoa baa waibitaud and water in It. Two elevatora running. No astral. _ Apply to JOHN L. KNIGHT. at the building. salesroom ANU LARGE LOFTS ADVANTAGE oualy placed lor country trade, near Broadway, opposite Earle'i Merchant*' Hotel, Iruatlug on Canal, Klin aud Walker; divided to ault tenant* . northern light t teriua low; ateaui If required. J. 0. BECK. Jr.. 248 Canal at. BAKERY, WITI1 STOKE ANT> ROOMS ABOVE, 142 Elm at. Apply to Mr. PKINCHORN, next door. OWERVAND GRAND STREET SioTlBS. 40. "7?0 Grand at.. Store, 22x76 taet. with or without Up oar Part of Houaa; now occupied for military good*. ?MJ Bowerr. More. IUxUO teat. Bowery, U>, *tory Irout lloiie, with Store, and four ?tory raar. 13 Bowery, Baaemeut, Sub-Cellar and two Lolt*. L. C. SANDKOKD, 34U Broom* at. AKERY TO LET?ON TFllTV., OOKNEH OK 27TH at. ; baa been eatabliabed aaarly 30 year*. Kor particu lar* apply to SIMPSON, owner. No. 5 Beat 14th at. Aganta will not be dealt with. C~Sl5AB~sTORBOK ANT LIGHT BU-INESS; 8PLBN ,/dld aiaud; plata glaaa. 15U 3d av. Office, 130 Eaat 13tb. INK STORE TO KENT CHEAP. APPLY JOHN MO KAN. 255 10tb av. Handsome STOBE TO LET REASON ABLYi ESTaB lialted 20 year*. Inquire >o. 151 t'entre at. Large, well lighted lgkt?. with power and *team heat, at lt>0 aud 170 Fulton at., foor door* weat of Broadway; good opportunity for a Oral claaa primer ' lulu manufacturing. Apply to F. O. PlfcKCE ? CO.. 18 Ye*ey at. OPTS TO LET?WITH "oR WITHOUT STEAM power; the Second Ploor, 00x100, and the filth floor, lotixl(JO. of the new iron front building* No*. 108, 110, 112 aud 1 M Wooater it., between Spring and Prince at*.; well lighted! Oil*' patent elevator*, ateam beatera, water aad &?* throughout: will be rented very low. Inquire of KUNEK A MOORE, No*. 41 and 43 Weat 14tll it. 0*TS AN1> P1K?T FLO UR-I, large and shall, LIGHT. WITH GOOD POWER ANl? ELEYATOBa IN ROSE AND VANDKWATEit STS. REDUCED RENTS; IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. J. H. HaULENBERK. Time* Building. LOPT8 TO LLT? WITH STEAM POWER. AT LOW rate*. Apply to THE COMPANY. No. OS Ana it. F AJrate* Apply to THE NEW YORE siEaM POWER T. K.. 41 LOriS TO let?WITH Olt WITHOUT STEAM power; all modern Improvement*. ?45 Eaat 20th ?t. OmOE TO EENT-157 1_>EXFnUTON AV7; SUITABLE lor a deutlat or doator. ONE E.NTIKE FLOOR IN LAKGE building IN rear of 17, 10 and 21 John at., wiili ateam power. CKATTEBION TORE ON SOUTHWEST CORNER OF 2D av. aad 83d M. BOBEET I. BROWN, 20 Naaaau room 71 rilo LET?FIVE hTOKY STOKE NO. 357 WASHING X ton it., near Franklin; very itrongiy timbered; itocd cellar, with 10-foot headroom. ROBERT I. BB0WN.20 Naaaau it., room 72. TO LKT-FIKST FLOOR. GLASS FRONTS; ANY LIGHT builneis. 16But 15th it., near Tiffany'*, HE THIRD AND FOURTH "FLOORS OF THE HERALD BUILDING TO LET, suitable FOit LAW, BANKING, INSURANCE. OK ANY LIGHT BUSINESS PURPOSES. APPLY IN TUB counting ROOM OK TIIE HERALD. To let-l'arge' factory; steam power, good light ana yard room ; rent low ; will *ell, reynolds. 133 Otb it.. Wllllamabiirg. "> TO LET?KIM8T FLOOR "CORNER building, WITH er without Steam. Inquire 151 Coutre it. TIC"LET?IN WlLSOVS BUILDING, PULTON ST., coruar ol Gold, large or im*U Kouin*, wltn or without Dower. J. T. WILSON. 70 Kultou ?u TO LET-SIX STORY KAtTOKY. WITH STEAM BN. ulna. elevator; a good location ; rant moderate. NATI! AMEL KUh L?4 Varlck at TO LET?213 WEKT~ 501II ST.. M It Alt BliO*UW \Y, two atory brick Bulidtu*, 25x75; marble Iliad tfBee. Uvo bedrooiua, ahou.gaa anil watar, 15 alalia, aliod, Ac. WENDEL, 7tt Mulden Una. 0~LET?NO. 803 oril AV~; THREE STORY BKIOK liulldlnir, 25x05x100; extenaive alterutlona Juatmada; runt. 91 ,H feet deep; well lighted; alao ?om>- aniall Lofta. In addition to above. can be hail In tame bulldlnir, ut.oti very reaaonable term.. Inquire or f KTKB KKIIK * CO., 135 Maugin it, Dour llouaton ?tre?t ferry. O LrT?STORK AND BASEMENT, WITH COUN tart and KUturea. :uil Canal at. Inquire ol owner, orar the atora. from 0 to 3 o'clock. STlBT?THK HANK ISO BOOM OP BULL'S MEAD Hank, with fixture* complete; deaka, Bra and burvlar froof vaalta, Ac. ; alto Baaetnent Office, Apply at tha bank, ropartjr lor aala. TO LET?THBIBEsr LOCATEU HESTAUBVNT IX the elly of Brooklyn: three atory atoue front. 25x80, in complete jriler lur a Brut claaa cateror. Apply 8 Sanda at. TO LBaSE FOR BUSINES8 PURPOSES?Ti7e TA cant Lot on north aldo Canal it.. between Oreeuwlch and Waabingtaa Ma. ROBERT I. BROWS, 90 Naaaau at, roum 72. T- o RENT-ABOUT ONE-THIBD OK A DEhIRABLK. well lighted Store and Baiement, >0. 34 Reada at., up?o alia A. T. Stowart k Co.; capital location for inauufactar ?r'a depot; rent low. Inquire on tba premleei. $:?7 .-() PKK MONTH WILL HIRE A NIOB COR I , fKjawr Store, on 3d a*.. 13 lent wide and 45 deep; liai been occupied aa ten Mora. Appl/ to OWNBR, Mo. 5MS OWCLLUiO HOt'HES TO LEI. Kiirniahetfr * COSET THREE STOKY ANU II ^Xltoue, 17xj0, handaoiiiely furnlahnd and In perfect or COSET THREE STOKY AND BASEMENT BROWN tnely fu dar; rant moderate. No. 147 Ea BROWN bToNB HIOH STOOP HOUBB TD LKT. furnUbed, near Central Park, for aumiuar or tlx moutba, Applr 113 ha?t 78Ut al. ?UBKAT BAHGAl.NS IN PUKNlSHRii HOUSES. .V. K. SI EVEN.-ON. Jr . 4 Pin*. S3 Baat 17th it., or Ml Btb ay. A~~POUB STORY MOUSM. CAHINBT FINISHED AND furnUhed: filth hnuae north of 12?th it., on Oth av., llariem. H. P. I>E 0IIAAF. Bowery National Bank. a FULLY furnished HKST CLAIM HiOH STOOP ivhrown at joe liouaa to let, on 5th av<, near and below Central Park, waat ltd*; poaieaaion nay tin*. Aodreaa bos J.3U0 Po?l office. "7Tbahq~a7ns~west ibtii sr., near oth at.; ./Yrlounntly turulaned, 14 rootui. rent 92.UUU. nl*o 3, mo"Utl-Fitri7y pcrnisiikd or unpurnimhIiT 1 to private family full ailed four ?t?ry vlexantly fre?roed liouaa; anterior ligation Prlucipala only applv at pram l??.. 2:mi I 4*1 15th ?t , or 170 llroailwxy. room 32. O LET-A FULL* PURMSiIKO lltTl7>E. u"n~?a"l?T ?onav..n?ar 4id ?? . four atorlaa. Frenoh baaean-ut brown #f lie ; rant f'J.iani par annum, to aprlval* family. B. H. LUDLOW A CO., 8 Pfne at or 1.ISO Hroailway. TO LKT FURNISHED?A BROWN KTOMI HIOII atoop three alorv IIoum. well furnlahed, hart 73d at., between 4th and Lexington ava. lorumt year or an month, from May 11 rent very rcaeouabia to ? doalrabl* partys ??a* ethera need apply. H. S PAI'KAKD. _____. -| viat 4t?t Nf.-LAMtS Pol; k I TOBY iihhi I ? It'.toop Hou?e to let. (ally and eompletely rnmlahad| 2t) rooma, now lull erboarrtari; tmaiedlat* poaaeaalon. I ntarnliMM. AT ?l.aoo.-HOt'SK. 50TI1 ST.. NBAR BTH AY.; diuinj rnoui eitaatlon, iraa flxtitr*. and mirror*: alao ?aala 5?th at..*!.!'?? OWNKH's permita. 40 W*, NEt.t Madlaon aquara; rent, $;i,K?i. or will h-11 f,,r caa'i, and par annum till paid lor. TRUSiKE, liar aid otMre. A"~BOAiU)INtJ HOUSE ~TO LeT?31 RuOMS. IN quire on premlMl. 231 Baat 24th at A THREE STUKY HIOII STOOP llOUnB. 2>> FEET wide, trood arder. 4*>th at., nenr fark av.: rant Si MJU TIMJ'SiiN A i'hEI. i rO? Broadway, neor tit), at. ATIIBKK SroitY HI till HTODP SHOWN HTONB floitaa to lak tut BOth. near 2d av. Apply on the premltea. Ftitiii STORY BROWN1 STONE McUiw TO LMT at^iX' w OWNMR. t)4u tttb av. A ehonii 12*1 Waat Hiat at . Beat Ei*vaUd Railroad ata OWELUNO HOUSES TO UTT. VaAirBliktKli " A HKIL SLAUGHTER?*J0 CHOICEST DWELLINGS cent rally located; every reaaoaaole offer accepted Call MINZKBUKIMBK. UK. Kaat ?7tU at. A ?9l.5oO.-FOl'B STOBY HIGH STOOP BROWN ./\?atuui Hunt t IB rooma; modern liuprovomenta; perfect order. Owu.r, I. JjOOKR. UWU av.. lear jWtk al ADbSUi.ABLK rOUB BTOBT HOUlUt. SO aV., t'OB urr utb >i.. 91.000: poas -ealon; also tans four itory Houae. :?? Will it., 9720l ottieo oppoatto. A FIKST OL ABlT BOARDI >uliUUb bTYabtlT"rUH nlahed, 92.100, 24 room*, 28 Weet Mbit. OWNER, 84 W??t lOtb at. Til i.Eh. STOBY BBOW* MTUME MOUoB. jtt FEET wide; lOtt Woat45tbat.; rant reduced. TIMPBON t. A ninTh wTTTuTio1;Tb7iokoomb.uas. hbatebh. xVbath, Ac., #800: a floor retained If diilrad. 1IM Wafer 1?> place, four door* north ol 10th at. ?4TTU ST., J OUT 8 Air OrafH AV., AND NKAK ?tbo Windaor; alio 3Mh at., wait of 5th av.; tbaae dwell ing! aunerbly freieoed, Ac. ; to rant vary low by V. K. hTKVKN.iON, Jr.. 4 Una. 33 Bait l7tb at. aad tWl 6th av. A FULL SIZED If hub bTOBV HOUSED 18 KOOMS, Wait 23d at.: floe order; reut moderate. H. B. GOOUALE A OO., 5 Wait 23d It., Fifth Avenue Hotel. DECIDED BABUAlN. ? aM ELEGANT FULL siZB lour atory hlicb itoop HouM. 4Bth at.. atoaa to 5th av. 1 ?ow beluir placed In thorough ortlar; mirror* aud cltan dellera. McCAKFKBT* A CO.. 6505th ar, EAST 2UTH bT.. NEAR BAUISON AV ?A DKSIR able hk'li atoop llouae to rant, at 91 600 par annum. B. li. LUDLOW A UP.. 3 Pine it or 1,130 Broadway. "DENT* REDUCED."?Ttl BEE STORY llOUnEB. iviutb, 20th. 2lit, 22d, 24tb ill. MONTAGUE, Baal Eatata Atteut. Bth ay., uaar 21at it. KNTS K CK D.?110 U 8 E 8, ALL LOCATIONS, 'all and bo aulted. Printed Hit on application. MOKBIS B. 5 Eaat 12tb it.; 91,000, and Crotout 15 rooini; 3o6 Baal 20tli it.; 91,0U0, and Croton; 13 roou? 1 424 Waat 22d it.; 91,000, and Croton ; 14 rooma { 122 Eaat 10th at.; 91.2 0, and Croton; 14 roomi i 128 Eaat lotb it. ;91.200, and Croton; 14 rooinii 77 2d av,; 91,300, and Croton ; 18 roomi. For permit! and particular* apply to 11IBAM MERBITT, No. 53 3d av. mo LET? BBOWN STONE IIOU8K, 134 WEST 47rH X at. ; aplendld location ; rout low. Bf ? owoor, WILLIAM KENNhJ.LV, !>% 1'lue at. TO LET?I'HB BEAUTIFUL TilKUK BToBY lilOll atoop brick llouao No. 142 Wait 4th it., botwaon Mac douifal it. and 6th ay.. 22x50x1011. Apply to ISAAC KoNlti, 111 Broadway, rooiua G and H.baaouiant. To let? hahlkm.-io let. four story brown ?tone liouaea, bard wood flnl*n, all improvement*. 123d at., tith ana 7th an., at 9800. PORTER A CO., 173 Eaat 125til at. TO~LET^-FOUB ELEGANT FoUB BTOBY BHOW.N atoaa llouaai. cabinet flniab. all Improvement!, 20?65x 100. now, ou Budlaoii ay. and U3d it.: Immediate powei ilou. CI1AB1.KS L. COBN'ISH,5th ay. and 5Bth >t. r|>0 IvBT-THBEE Bl'OBY HIGH 3toOP HOU8K, X 34th iV. betweou 7tU aud 8th avi>,toaimall family; reut moderate; and Board for one, WM. M. THOMAS, No. 508 6th ay. O LET?DWELLINO HoUSK NO. 44 WEST 132D ST. BOHEKT I. BROWN. 20 Naaaan it., room 72. TO LET?HOUSE NO. 331 1ST AV.. 91.100 AND Croton: tenement with itore; Houa* No. 333 lit av., 91 ,100 and Croton ; tenement with itore; Home No. 33b lit av..?l. 100 and Croton; tenement with etore; Houio No. 81U Eaat 14tb It . 91,200 and Croton; 18 roomi. For per i?it? and particulars apply to HI BAM MBKK1TT, No. 53 3d av. TO LET?FOR ONE OB MORE YEARS, THE DB.SIRA. bie full width llouie 07 7th av., near Htb at. s bai every modern improvemeut; rent moderate. Apply to OWNEB, on the pratuiaai. T"0 LET?UOU8K NO. 7U 2D AV.; FOUB STOItY; all modern lmprovemunta; in good order. Inquire at No 78 2d av. rnu LET-AT A MODEUATE BENT, 8EVEBAL THREE X and lour itury llonaei. In aplendld location!. MABK LEVY, 707 8th ay. TO LET?8MALL HOUSE. 56 LEXINGTON AV., 12 roomi. all imall; 154 Bait 28tb it., 10 roomi. Office 130 Eait 12th it. TO LET-NO. 320 WB8T 42D BT.. TUBKE BTOBY hlxh itoop Hriek. rent #800; No. 235 Waat 40th it., three itorv lilich itoop llouao, rant (U00; aim llouao oa 34tb at., uear 7tb av., ram 9500. aud board for one. WILLIAM M. THOMAS, 508 6th av. mO LiET?47TH ST., NO. 70, BETWEEN 6TH AND Xoth ava.. aleifunt three a lory hitch Itoop brown itone; perfect order; beautifully Ireacoed; mantel mlrrora, pier Klaiaea anil chandoliera. Permit* at LOBD'B eleanlng aud dyelntc ofllcLi, No. 800 Broadway, corner I7tb it. or No. 701 Oth iv? corner 40th it. ipo BENT?UNFUEN1 SHED. A HANDSOME COUN X try Bei'dauee, oc the heiithta of the Undion, Twenty fourth ward ; 25 mlautei from Grand Ceatral Depot; car riage home, atablo. Cue vegetable icarden and pieuty ol fruit. Apply to 11 B. BLAU VEL.T, 294 Broadway. TO KENT?ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY UNFUB alihed Ilonaoi. la different loeatlona In tbe city, at reasonable rvnti; iultable for llrit claaa tenant!. Llat, publiabed dally, will bo mailed to any addreia. b. H. LUD LOW A CO.. 3 fine it. and 1.130 Broadway. TWO THREE KToRY MIQH STOOP*. 12TI1 KT.. BK tween (UU and 7tb av*..91.200 : 91.000; immediate poi ?e all on. H.J. MAN. 102 Welt 14th it. (>4} UNIVERSITY PLACE. 14 hAHTllTH, 11 CHARLES. Zi^59 and 61 Veil 12th. 48 Univanlty place. 5U Clinton place, 98110 up; and aa many more ai you can eonat. M. ~ DANIELS, 1U UniverVlty plu * Tuce. or 28 halt Bth. {)(< BAST SOTH BT.?FOUR BTOBY BROWN STONK. Aullrit claaa, to reaponilble, careful party will bo rented at reaaonaiiio rate, unluralibod, May 1, 1878, Apply to F. B. TILOIIMAN.5 Wall it. Cajl>.-NEAK 30 AV., ?75<>; LEXINGTON AV., 91.00(7; (JOelauaut four itory. 91.360: near Mailiion. 9l."0U boa larK* aaaurtment. FBOEIILICH'S. 788 3d av. 1 Jtl EAST 17TH ST., NBAITTrVISIO PLACE.? X'X?J l lirue itory hl|(h stoop, 12 rooma; Koodordei; Imme diate poaoeiilou. Apply on preiuliei or to OA.MEL CON NEL1.Y. 102 4th av. YEAIt?Til BEE .-Tt?RY BRICK HOUSE AND ?Pc)U"/baaoinint In Weat 43d it., between loth and lltb ava ; auitable lor any buaineai luqulr?5 Variolt at. FVRNISHED ROOMS AND AP VBTMEST8 TO LET, J\ nlihed Itoomi, with or without Board, to goatlemea only. A BEAUTIFUL FLUOR >OK liOUSEKEBPINGi 5 or 6 ro<>ai; perfect order: kandaomi brown Hone | lur nlihod. 735 7lb av., wltn owner. Uroaaway cara paai. LADY HAB KOOMB FOB GENTLEMAN and wile, board for lady ouly. In an elegant flat. Addraaa CAERE, Herald llptowa oOlco. AFmTsurr of fubnTsheu rooms, without board, for one or two iteatlamea. in fim claia boaie. 94 Weit 2-ith it. AFUUNlHlIKO SBOOND FLAT TO LBT?COKNHR 42d at. andtttb >1, oppoaite Reaerrolr 1'ara, 7 rooai ?II light: Immediate poaaoaaion. 8. KWHKRSON, 61 Waat4:ld at ADENlMrX OK PHYSICIANS OKFJCK To LBT? Furnlabed or mifuralahad. 08 Waal 37th. T?nu ru aouuhlx. __ A -BAI.L, pbivatb FAMILY WILL HB.nT TWO J\.nicely fumlalied Houma to gentlemen; terma moderate. Apply at Wo. I'M Baat statu at. BAOIIhLOR'B APABTMRNT8-TWO OH THBBB furnlabed or aafarnlrbed ltounia, with private bath, be low 3>'th-t, betwari 4th and Oth ava; no boarding bona*, htnta full partlcaian nud vary lowoat prlca par aauam or GO nollca taken. Po?t office b.i x ViVX FOiNMUCO BOOM?PBKRY 8T.. PKIVATK lluL'.SR, bath, for two gentlamea; S1U month. Inquire 17 Ablar don aquarc. F~UKNI8IIKD PL.BA8ANT FRONT KOOB.W; 11A1.LA, $1 50, ?:i. 15 Faat 10th at.; Heoeptlon and Bedroom. S3: Hall. $3 SO. 1CW Baal 15th at. ANLMtOMJtLY PUBM8H D LA BOB ABO MBALL Rooma to gootiaaaa, la Brat elaaa houao its Weat ttth at IN PKlVAtB FABILY^ FURNISIIKD llnUMs, ON second Door, to nenUeuieu, without board. 07 Weat 11th ai., Bear 5th a* ; refereneea. LA HUB BACK PARLOR. WITH PANTRIB8, PU KNISH ed. In prlvato ho??e ; ao moving May 1. 1*7 Baat Slat at , between 4th ?? i l.exlu ton ava. ? ** RATLY FUBN1 HIIRO PLOOB. FOIIB BOOM.4*, OAR and water lu hoaae. with owuer; *33 per aouth. 423 Weat 47th at. TtfTCBLY FUBNI8IIKD BOOBS-TO UBXTLKMSn. 23 Weat 20th at., soar Broadway; hoaae aeat and quel; termi moderate. lOBLY PURBUHBD ROOM*. HL'ITaHLK Km gentlemen or tamllv, wlthont hoard; references IS Baat U8th. between 5tli and Madlaon. PA BLOB AND 9BDBOOB; ALi>0 UaLL Koollfl bath, uaa. eloaeta ; wlthoat board; elegant private butae. ?JO Baal JXth at., neat 3th ar. Befwrenaea. ARLOH AND BROROOM; II ANDsoBuLY FtK alahed. In browa at one bouae : atrlotly private. A oily at -J4A Kaat Mill at. SBCOMO FLOOR "or 1* It IV A T B IH 1 i I. FT KM Jlf ad completely ler liouaeioeplng; ala<> Urge Iruut Ka?m, ?Mm lor gentleman N<>. Ml Waal 37th, UWNBH. TO U-T?A PHYHltllAN'tt OFF1CK (IN a CKNtJaL location), with Heilroom If needed. Addreaa TllllCV Pirril 81'BBBT, llaraid uAtoo. Ni T.: _ LKT-XkOOND AND Till BO PLOOB8. aid) a*., "M rouni; rant R SUOM M<>|>j| TO LKT-TO h.VALL FAMILY. KMX) Ml FLOpB, two larva rooma, and una on third floor: furnlahdl If wanted; BlOunffcriilahod.Uft furniahad: neighborhood Irat elaaa i rater*nee. H3.H Weat 56th at. oTEt-AN RLiOAMT kL'IT OF KOOMri. KlUf lloor, Iroat: ?altable lor a few guatlamen ol buahaaa. JHo. IS r.aet 14th at. TWO LvBUR, rLBAHANT OtlB?kOTIN?) BOOBbt ample aloaeta i real low; alngle Boom. tX 2X1 1*11: at., *>_ev. 1 t?T> AND I'PWARO. POIl OhNTLRMKN, WITIItt'T tTawheard, la modern hoaae. 1.3U3 Broadway, corocr ilk 4 d> 4 ri\ -MCELY FUBWlHHkO laRUK HM3K ? X e)"at:oom. aecond floori alao chaapor lUnlaa; linnaekeaplng allowed. So. HM r.aat I4th at t dtC -LAHuB. WKUL PUIINIKIIRD PtRLOK; lot $tl.and cold watrr, anltable lor alagla or married /aAle man; Hoard If dealrwd; f II far Iwa. ?>?. Il'i Kaal .llat >. I tlTH Ml., BKTWRBN 3D AMD .iU~AVH , aji.^-li JlTl X^eoiaaly farnlahod aqaare rtooai to goutloman ; alaelall K??oiu. ttu WMT MTH 9T.?HtVMLT PUBNtltHkT) HKiidit) iSOatory front and aingia B?I. to gMiitlomvn. ii/jflf BT . OP '0>ITB OILBOKR-1 OABDBB7 iffi MUapl'ii'Md apartmout for doetor'a ottlra . alao one Urge front Komii, to two gantloaian, wlthont board. Addret J. B., 5.47U I'oai ofllra. 1 QO~WBI>T I7TM If.?BOOMB, WITH 0000 lUJP. ? to fH; double Koom? pr iDorllnnatelf low. 1 ?lfi SaMT ^TH ?T, HfclWEKN BolrVRr Mp O'7Broadway.-Furnlahed Hoomi to lat, without BoMr1 refnrencaa required. 1 JtT iiSir "wkmt.-p'ablob and ?lDlw? TUrary dealrable, aecond floor, Iront; alao ilngle l"/."tirh fir, nkab bboadwaY.?hicrlv OUalahed Knoma, flrat elaaa coavaalaneea, fa apdtrdt ti-at qult'i lioiiae. ^ UNPUIVINIIKI) WWI All) APAW Mb'VTa Tl I t,K'l'. Tmi'n:wi kockinumam. wwiwmi wi J\ al. and llroadwajr. to rant I rum Bay 1; Ireo carieU; aeduotlou on rent. Anialr aaafkaiaal U. Bid UiriiHNIIHKO BOOM? *Jf? *??***? L MHNTS TO uW" "? *"?? V^ZgBwTK^L 1>WItW?g Af AWjigMTg.^'^y, -r uPLif K Di li ~VLaT, OOUfcUIIKU Olf *U?? A-s.riv'.ri1 rttMrcrsru? w? <* A.?*?ond dwalllu* Floor of boax Wo. a""^" * _??. -TTTkut floor, t? aooMH mi 8t?)o?iu o&bX As room*: ?1? Apartmanta. ? to 13 04 Want lUtta lie .. -.pat 4 APAHTMKNTSTa l^T-ri*"| A.Uoor and b?.u.?l., B ^lia^ta^ * &????. aud 4 room* ; wiur and iMnrata |M mowra. b?t*aan VarUH and Maad?U*?L _ T THIRD FIiOOH WITU OWM?? Arra.:a.T."y;"' A,"'",yuLP.?;R^N?^?TmB^??.nU; r^uaad ran*; tmwdUta mwnw - TTTBtikNTS. 4 TO H ROOM*. 108 BAST 14THBT., ?jC^lat?8KCOND FLOUR, fll j f mania; hou?a ttrai elaaat ??? "?*roiau ? Mth .t. Inqulra MttO. ??ry nittilM" ^UmSST-iTuT wV?ia;th at. Inqulra f FiSTuV.TO* ? M-"onVaouV its Aueut. ??-. """r 31ai at. ? 1BNOX. OORWKli y?H AV. WTH ST.^AETM*W Lfur fnmllt.a at irratlly raduced renl^?rlor;l*#aro m tut Dra.atn* Koa?, tor yawtlaman. at ?4W paryanr j-y.??u a.nn _TO L.KT, OONVENIK.nT Nthraa ?toa hou.a?6ae and 603 Waahtugton .V; *?* ualgbborbood; rraiouabla rant. V1MQ w TU wr. ^ss root $1H. Hour* 8 A. M- to 1? M. . _ - w^tWu .t; avrry liuprovmnant. ..._S banomeut rf ?iSfSpSSSSi IWlit; linmndlata al w??t 4Sd ?t. mo I.RT? dii? ?utt? oThkveij kooms in l?awlTrencb?atlM.?taa ???nd other J"''" ?M tha pram"**. rpTL^f^fLKMJlD Signet? 4? av?"; mMm. Jaultor on SjTBIOBT ROOMS. ? ?.? mo LBT?FLATS ivVWTAin#nv ? 0.jd ?? ??*.??>?. i?. Urcliard. >000; 103 C*u,$n,(f^jLAN aqaN, 153 Bowary. aT?1?UaNDSOMB 8KCONU KJUAT. IN BROWN f?S3?jk^iS!^? lnaulrt 114 W?it 89th ., 7?f> WK8T 3UlH st., BfcTWKKN STH AN1> 6TH 68?^-To lat a? rr?atly raducad ran?. Apply to ownar on prerot?i? ? ? " iiousifiH, rooms. ?. "a"".!!... >? >u? ??'"?" Jk? ^y* KOK? MnT?na ^j-Vi and 1.307 Broadway. ^?-V,y?^,! leu Herald DptoW omc. TiK ^?Um?tn*^^lALAddKrUVK^4. tx?133 ?7~r>71kTj-bv a puysician. ti?k lower paut W^BlK^^ilS^SSiSS WILnON. bauk bwlldlBH.>34 and Wit W. W) AVTKD-KUBNISIIHD BOOMS, HUITAltolNm II.Y. Ilarald nIBea. ?? HSio-A "NI0BLV KUHNI8HED ROOM. BV T^.nan and wlto' board for wifaonly: locatad ba /?" r." "Th .t:.'; p,l?? not to .xcad $1U An.war B. a. Ilarald f pt ?n olWo^ Vir 1 ntkd?TWO NICtLY KUKN18IIKU ROOM8 (AD. vyA.-.-.K?A'i-.^v'\n-fA-.'iaau; '"'? "? [dial* "raf*"? ??* axohanuVi' A-dra? UOMKLK-li. Ilarald Vplown otbc?. Vm tha Coantrjr. *-*r. vtkD?FOK the 8UMMKB. by A PBIVATR &SS5 .V..I^?U'-"--*? ^L{a at., aaaond laft, raw o?ca. ^?T-lSroi^rlTf10rand*^? utral ST^A-f i-::'""d.;.T.? law.?t tarma. A. t? , Marald Up???? ???* W?Jasa?i? /.-"iii" ail Wait 43d ?L_ B DANCING ACAOKIIUKk. HOOICP.V PANCINU ACAORMY, 3tJI hROOMiT&t^ All the laehionable dance* In one ooaree ol lcaaona. CAK'IIKK'8 OANCINU AOAOKMV, ? UNIOM HyUARK (4th av. tide).?Open all summer. Private leaaons any boar Glide and aoclety wellies specialties; new srslem. Lwl/ aeatsleutt. Fkbnando'8 daSoino acaurmy, urn ht., ao ?r. (Bank baildlnK).? Kecepllou every TUuredajr to Maj W); private lessons any hour. _ TUK LECTIHK KEAIOfkT twBKiou/ AiirHViRrisrirK. Ilesldsnce, IIH Kant .i"Hi at., aaar ,'id av. N AHriOKTMKNT UP SKCONU HAND HIKINWaY I'ianoa, ?ome nearly new, all In perfvet condition and fully warranted, at a bargain; alao the largest aelec^loa In the country of aecond haad llanos ol otbvr makers, rauging $!*> upward Beware ot bonus Instruments represented aa genuine Melaway Pianos at aactlon aad In private bouses. BTKINWAY A It ON a, Melnwey llall, New Vork. APhW HKUONU UAND WRHKH PIA>UH at vkh/ great bargains, some ol tliem used bnt a very sbart time by our best musicians and really almost as good as new; lully warranted In ever/ respect. Please rail at Weber Warorooms. Mb av. and loth at. T HOHMKlt A 00.'i, fiuTiAST MTll NT., PIANO Manufacturers? Plrst eiaas Pianos at eitremeiy lew priees for eaabt several good second banil Pianos, very lit tle uaod, at great bargain*; rant and Inetalments. HOIIMMK A CO.. I4M Kaat 14th at. A LADY OOINO TO MOVB WILL HBLL A BOHR. J\ woou Piano, fnA: e st U 3d av. A^m PKIVaTK PtMILY WILL. SAC HI KICK STKIMWAY H Pianoforte, e?et ftlJO. for $100; an elegant 7)< octave exquisitely carved eaee four round eoraared rosewood Wiadaor Pianoforte, eoat laat Anirnat fi.ikkj, for |1M. la eladlnir Ntoel. Cover, Music Cabinet, cost rlIwTI0N ANdWi-.KKl) ?IT IK A UUKBTIOM Aolt.n asSail how It Is that IIORACK WATKKS A SONS. ? i Kaat 14th (V, have attained tha front rank, while so rnauy other booses are at a ataadstlllT In aaswar to this we would sav that during our business experience of over 3ft years we have given our customer! In every Instance the vslae ol their money. Gall aud see as before purchasing a Piano or Organ. Am pkivatk family will hkll stkinway Pianoforte, $150; four round rosewood Inlaid marque trr ease Plaao, 7Jsj octave, purehased at Centennial, cost H.llJO. perlect parlor gam. a sacrifice; also cabinet grand nprlgbt Piano. *175; box lor shipping. Gall private red* denee Ne. 47 Weat IHth at., between "ith and nth ava Mre. C. L. van HKVhltR. A PomriVK H *KOAlN. ? KOSKWOi>11 pianopdktr, Abut little used, for tale, coat six mon''. ago lUO, for (171); >toul. Cover anil Music Maad, el ? nt cabinet ap rfgiit three stringed, brilliant toned Instrument, tor ane Tuarter original cost. Call at private residents 181 wait ?th St.. between llth and 7th ava. Hoses to ship. YJKAUTIHI. iiOSKWixiii 7 OCTvVK CABINKT UP Jjrliht Pianoforte, ensl ?"'*), celebrated city maker, laee thanflftO. Residence IfHI 3d av . nnsr I'ith BHAMOAIN TO-OAY?7?^ OcfiVK. SIliA; CARVIU legs, overetrnng haaa:anariy new; Instalments reeeived, or ranted G iHLr.'M. career Htk av. and 33d. BAK0AI>S-$^S? KL'LL KOtJNU KLABORATE ease Piano, $150; 7-octave, carved legs. $IUU; naw Organs, ?aA. $4-p>. ilORPON A 8<)N, 13 East Uth st. HAOKIPIGKNT It KVhN OCT AYR ROmKWOOU PIANO lorte, fUt; very cheap; Chlckerlng Pianos; rare bar ? ?lna I i( I KIM liVM, 1 ,7 Mleerker st. N' KW PIANOS. FROM iilva UP->ArTOKY fMlt.Mi catelogaes malleil Ir.e. MKNUKLaMOUN PIANO UUILPAM ? - At A act l^th at ,t|?j?wan* f. I Little Rosebud. ? I V. 0. koy. amvsejheirrk. tV^rtibsnanr agnraggwt? I M AHR1GAN k hakt pr??rteloee M. W. HaNLEY. .Manager harr1uan k HART la A celebrated uar1> CASE I'M uoomjr. i complimentary i k.ujr *?!??? Anna morgan. BENEFIT TO uatu k Davis | M. w. HaNLEY ^oa. Norton, i THURSDAY . , , John Wild, I AFTERNOON, i Willi* Pickert, Billy Gray. | APRIL u. i Jot.any >?w ITNION souahe tillkatek J jfroerlaw?....?:. .Vz. 'ikr "he RID AM, SHOOK aaager Mr. A. M. palmer 77TH to mtu periormasaa of tba mat bmotiunal i'ur. by the authors of tha Two Orphans," eniitied, A celebrated CASE. produced with a superb cast. including i koim Charles P. Cotfclaa. J aba parseile, J. h. stod Idart. P. ilardonbark, nalaoa Decker, H. W. Montgom ery. H. P. Dal*. v. H. Wilder, W. 8 qulifley. w. i iGoldthwalte. together with ak??* Booth, mi??a? Kara i ijewelt, Linda Beits. Lulu Jordan, Roberta Norwood, Margaret Cone. ii utile rhorne, Littla Eva knock. mm. i i o. tf. Gilbert a ad Era. 0. W. 1'oola. SATURDAY. at 1 *0, THIRTEENTH n OP A CELEBRATED CASE. BEATS SECURED TEN data in A MATIN EX ADVANCE. N IBLO'S UARDEN. Maura. GARDNER * bache ..Lessees and Manaaara A RESERVED SEAT POit SO CENTS. Received nigbtlr with thunderous auplause. Tba Intensely sensational and pathetic five net Drama, LkaH ! OB. TUB JEWISH MAIDEN'S WRONO. Act I?Arrival of Leah at tba Auatrtan village; ?t tba Mercy af tba nab. Aet 2?the meeting of Laah and ku delpk Act 3?The snare: Leah an outcait. Act 4-Wed ding chimss. Act 5-The wandering or Leah. _ THE jewish cur8k ON 11 hit UETRaYER. Mr. SAMUEL W. PIERCV...M .....Rudolph Mia* GUSSIE DE FORREST .as....... Leah MATINEE SATURDAY AT 4 Doors open at 7 P. M. Carriages at ii P. M. 5band opera house. poolk k DONNELLY Lessee* and Managers Reserved Seats (oruliestra clrcio and uulouuyj, 50c. BUBBN'S GRAND english OPERA COMPANY. THIS EVENING. BENEFIT OF MME. anna granokr dow. BENEFIT OF MME. ANNA GRANGER dow. TUB bohemian GIltL. WITH POUR PRIME UOftNE. mar1inez, UEBEK. kandaLL. UOvV. SATURDAY MATINEE, MARTHA. saturday evbn1ng, il, TROV\toub pkitsch. BLUM. WIEOAND and dow. MONDAY NEXT. Miss MAGGIE MOORE and J. o. WILLIAMSON in "btruuk Oil" aud "The Chinese (jues tion." SUNDAY EVENING, ORAND 25 CENT CONCERT. rpony PASTOR'S. TONY PASTOR'S. , HARBY and JOHN KERNELL, MATINEE WATSON AND EL 1.18, bogens AMI vickt'. ltj. TO-DAY BILLY BARRY, KITTY O'NKIL. BRYANT AND HOEY, ll \ RRY kknxiidy. BMERMON and CLARK, DALY BROTHERS. the fonta i N ble A US, O'CLOCK. JKNNIK MORGAN, tont pastor and the largest <>and BEST COMPANY IN thk WORLD. vufth AVENUE THEATRE. p Every Evening at 8. matinees SATURDAY AND wednesday AT 1 ;30. u U NN N co t, EEBB U unnnool b uunnno L E U U N N N 0 L EBB UUNNNC L E xjonnno ol E W n NN 00 lllit EEEB "BEST bimiing WE EVE ii HEARD" BAYS TUB HERALD. Very great tacceis of Mr. and Mr?. G. C. Howard] the Vlrvlula Jubilee mngera; tho geuuine Southern Speclal uos; the sensational effects of this most magnificent revival. "IT has AGAIN BKCOMB THE FASHION. TIMES. The Mall ears:?"One peculiarity Is the RELIGIOUS ELEMENT, many Ministers of the ILMORE's UARDEN. X Madison and 4th ava., 26th and 27th sts. Par surpaaslcg all other so^alled gieat shows. TR&MENDOUS AND UNPARALLELED suocbsst TMlltD WEEK OF tue GREAT l oo mn ? DUD OO NN N L oonnnd doonnn L OONNND DOONNN L OONNND doonnn h OONNND doonnn toonnnd doonnn LLL OO N nm DDD 00 N mn 00 II her cc u v SSS ioiir rc ou US 8 u R r 0 U U s ii ERR c U U 88s II R R C V V B oiir rc o UU 8 8 00 II R R CO UU 688 ?* SANORR'S FAMOUS and UNEQUALLED MEN AOERIE! EVBRY EVENING and tuesday, thursday and saturday MATINEES. 4 M me. DOt) Kit ILL, t JAM'S ROBINSON. " WILLIAM gokman. k t PAULINE LEE. { x with hundreds of otbora k Admission, 50 and 25 reuts. Reserved haats, 75 oenta, Children hall prioa. BrtUAUWAY THEATRE. POPULAR PRICES. 30th at. and Broadway. SIXTH Wi.EK. BKHT POPULAR Continued auoci-aa ot ORCilKSI*RA PRICK* TllE KXiLKs. Oil AlKS POPULAR Limited uerlornntncet. ONK PRICKS. TIIE EXILES. DOLLAR. ADMISSION Tho nxiet popular yerelon. Al'MISSIoX 50 CENTS. TIIK KXILES. 60 CENTS. Ma james c. uupk U pleaaed to announce that In oonaaquenoo of great ?uc can ha tiaa determined to rontlnne onttl further n tlco tbo ORIGINAL METROPOLITAN SUCCESS, the Now York Tcraion of tha KEEIi X A i I L KEKB SSS R XX II L B 8 8 B XX II L B N KBB X II L EEB SSS K XX II L B 8 G B XX II L B 88 BBBB X X II LLLfc BBBB SSS wllbltl mairnlBoant reelletic aoeuery and superb onet, thoroughly appropriate appnlntnu-nu and aecaaaorlea. POPULAR PKlCr.8. Admiaalon 35*., 5Qc- and >1, with reserved aeat B~owb"ry TIIRATKR. PRIDaY EVENING FAREWELL BENEUT OP MR. J. B STUDLEY. who will appear In two glorlnuj llraoai, BTAFP OP DIAMONDS and HICK OP THE WOODS. BTAPP OP DIAMONDS MATINEE TO-MORROW AT 3. kEMANIA THEATRE. AD. KhUEMDORPP... Director TO-NIOllT. DAS BTIKTUNOSPE8T. Comeay In tbreo acu. Box offlce open dally from S till 4 o'clock. PitiZK KLocurio.v contest. 30 COMPETITOR-*! 875 IN PRIZRKI Awarded by vote of tlie audience. Plra miuutea to each at'lecilnu. No t*<> alike. CHICKEHlNO HALL. PKIDAY and SATURDAY KVhMNOH, April 13 end 13. hutlre change of pro gramme m-cond uiglit. Bring a lend pouoll and card. Admiaalon, .'iO canta. No extra charge for reaerved aeata If secured tn advance. Ticket* aud programme! Pond'*, Union a.iuare. S. a VaLK, M imager. T oTKlNWAY IULL TllEODOKE THOMAS. ON BATUKDAY EVENING. April 18. at & TUEOlKiKK THOM VS' SIXTH AND LAST SYMPHONY CONCERT. Solo lata?Mra E.AOagood. Soprano; Mr. Max Pinner. Piano. THE tMAND ORCll ESTKA OK HO PEK KOltMhltS. Adnalaalon. $1! leaerred aeat, 81 extra. Meoond balcony admiaalon, 5() oenU: reaerved Beat, DO cantl extra Tlcketa can now bo had at tha box office or Stein way llail, and at the uaaai places. LYMPIC THKATRE, MS llroadway. B24 MR. UEOItGB C. BOMPACK. Til K SOLDI!K'A TRUST. Every ????lug and Wodasedny and Saturday matlaeea Tony pa?tor'a ton* i-asiuk'* Tha faahlonabl?A ??? ft The mo.t reeor V of TMATINEB TO-DAY T laughable New York, y ^entertainment. Secure your aeatl early and avoid the long line at the box. ALLACk'S W' BUMMER SKABON. Start or eomblnatlona requiring thla Theatre for tha ?ontht of July. Anguat ana Ural two waaka ol Sepiomber in ay apply tn TlihODOUl'. MUU, I'roaaurar. TO-NIOHT.-P It I /. K ELOCUTION COST KS r. UHICKEkING IIALL. The an cents. TONY PASTOR'S. DRAMA. vaudeville, OO.MKDY, BliELSSQUB, SPECIALTY, NBCKoMAMCY, GYMNASTICS, OPERA. Secure your aeata early A ROYLK ROOMS. ARUYLK ROOMS, A. Uih a*, and JOth at. "DANSANfRs" soiHKtS NIOHTLY. SOCIETY MoOIA HLKS EVERY SATURDAY EVEN iag. Tammany 11*11. All the lataat muale. Admiaalon aoewnta. ______ rpONY PASTOR'S. TONY PASTOR'S. The family ^ ? ? ? The pniillc'i moat Theatre of ^MATlNhR TO-DAY. J popular place <>l New York, y ?? ainuavioent Secure aeaia early tnlt .doming and aweld dlaaMpnlntni'-nt. THE UHRMORNR nuOIKI Y'S HuCI ABLhN~AKK DIN continued at preaent- (algantle Improvementa now be ing made, the reinauguratlun will lie duly announced mOBY PASTOR'A TONT PASTOR S llontei packed ' ? ? The Rhow that with money. | MATINEE TO-DAY.!e??rrh Aliiiit.aii.iiTa. ttb??br's w'oinKKs. rl MU It. near Kiflh Aveune llatal. KOUKRT HELLER, THB WONDEB WOKKSH. PRESTIDIGITATEUR aad LEGTUBIB. A really marvellous combination of NECROMaNTIC wonders and the story of BLUB BEARD Bvealag ?? *? Matiaees and Saturday at X oTTflfi THEATRE. ~ ~~ " KV'EKY EVhNINii AND SATURDAY MATIN EB. "A glorious triumph." loupklai ? HliPe EXILES. BXtLKH. BOOTH'S at 1-XII.ES. at BOOTH'S BOOTH'S at EXILKS, at BOOTH'S BOOTH'S at KXILhS, at BOOTH'S BOOTH'S at EXILES. at BOOTH'S BOOTH'S at I XII-KS. at BOOTH'S BOOTH'* at EXILES. at BOOTH'S EXILES. Prlees?25TS ONB DOLLAR Ar HHH A BBB UN HO t MM MMRIM R B AA B IXH lil U MM NM?? 8 $ R B AA B B N N N U V UNN M ? ? BBB A A RBB N N N U UM.NNM SSS B B AAA R BN NNU UMMMM ? R BA AB R N NNU U M NN M ?? BBB A A B B N MB UU M M M 8SS GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH. OfBN EVERY afternoon AND EVBNINQ "at" THB AMERICAN INSTITUTE. 8d ar. aad OSd Ik, FOB TWO "wEKKS ONLY. UNPBECKDENTED SUCCESS. A PBRPEOT l RlUMi'lL Every mcj received wLli LOUD SALVOS OF Al'i'LAUSH SIX THOUSAND Di-ilohted FKOPLB. CROWDS TURNED aWa? NIOHTLV. THE BOVAL TRAINED STALLIONS racolvu a |>url*ci ovalluu at each 1'erloriuaaca. CHARLES FIHII, the Cliampliin of the World. A (alary of $50,UUH a year will abuerlully bo paid for IM ?qual of this Krent art Int. 1UO GREAT ARTISTS, AN ENORMOUS MINAUERIB. A G1UAN I'lC MUSEUM. In order to arolil the IMMENSE CROWDS AT NIGHT all wlio cao conveniently should attend the daily afternoon exhibitions or RESERVE SEATS IN ADVANCB. Doors open at 1 and 7 1*. M. Aamlaalon 25 and 90 cant*. Reserved uati 25 cents extra. N. B.?The programme U cunstautly changed, aa It would be impossible to introduce all tbo GKr.AT AI tractions IN one performance. HE GREAT new YORK AQUARIUM. T _ Brand way and 85th it., can be vldtod during Lent with the utmoit propriety. POSITIVELY LAST WF.EK OF thk Broneho Horses. Rooky Mountain Goats, Educated Poga and Juckits-Chys Japanese Company of Jugglara, Acro> bats, Magicians and Athletes and their MARVELLOUS performance. Monsieur OSCAR in double tandem manef* act. The Riding and Tumbling Monkey. Curious Mechanlo, showing how circus riders are taaght. Matinees every day at 2 JO aad evenmga at S o'clock. Admiaiion .'>0 cents; Children half price. ~~ aiXaok-s] ~~ Proprietor and Manager Mr. LB8TBB WALLACE As tha DEMAND FOB SEATS to witness 1HB NtW PLAV is ALMOST UNPRECEDENTED the Mauaper resnvctlully ?un.tuts aa EARLY APl'LICAlION AT THB HOX OFFICE. EVERY EVENING AT 8 O'CLOCK and satubday MaTINKB AT 1:30 Will be pieseutad DIPLOMACY, w with entirely new BOBNEBY, COSTUM Kri and APPOINTMENTS. Tba cut will include Mr. LESTER WALLACE. Mr. II. J. MONTAGUE. Mr. PREDERIC ROBINSOK Mr. W. K. PLOYD. Mr. J. W. SHANNON, Mr W.J LKON .RD. Mr. C. K. EDWIN. Mi?? RoSK COG ULAN, Mint MAUDE GRANGER, Mm*, PONISI. HA HA STEYhNs, PEARL EYT1NGK. Mr, WALLACE will feel obliged If viillort to the theatre will be lu tbelr seat* l>y V o'clock, ** tbe lnuraat ot tba play begtna witb tbe rite ot tLe curtain. Carriagea may be ordered for It u'oioek. Box otto* open twe week* In advance. Standard theatbk. Broadway and ssd at. WM. II It ' DKR>ON Proprietor and Manage* POSITIVELY TWO MGHTS AND MATIN his ONLY, i will b* preaeuted tbe companion picture to YaNCIION, L1WLE M Alto IK L. ITT LB BAKEPOOL MITCHELL BABKPOOT. LITTLE a. l.ITILB BARP.KoOT. BAREKOOT. LITTLE LITTLR LITTLE BaKKPoOT. BaRKPOOT. BARbPoOT. E v* ry care and attention to detail, drtaaea, *c*n*ry. Me.. coinplat* eaat, Including Mr. WlLLlAM HARRIS a* WILLIAM. Maaara. Levis*. Uaaaatt. liotto, PuUar, Uolmaa, Scott; Mat**. Wella, Evelyn, Preacott. ONLY LITTLE BABKPOOT'MATINEE. SATURDAY, MONDAY, April IS. la*t wt*k of MAGGIE MITCHELL ana Aral time ef PEaIUj OP SAVOY. MONDAY, April 22. J. K. KMMETT la FRITZ. Baa office open 8 A. M. to 10 P. M. Popular Prioe*. PARK THKATRB. BHOADWAY. IIKNKY fc. ABBEY Leaa*e and Manage! oi'R aldermkn. ouk aldermkn. HUH Ai.Ur.RHKN. OUR ALDERMEN. OUK aldermkn. OUR ALDl.RMKN. OUK ALDRKMEN. OUR ALDEKMRN. OUK ALDKRMEN. OUR aldkrmen. OUR aldkrmen. OUK ALDRKMK.M. OUK ALDBKUE*. Ot'K ALDBRMKN. OUR aLoEKMEN. OUR ALDERMEK. Americanlaed by J. B RUNNION, fc'.a.. With im beautiful scenery and PINE CAST, Including Maatra. Lewi*, l.c Moyn*, Thorne, Rl*ga, Bailey, Magtnley, Seville, Poroerfand Cullington. end Meadmee Cuweil, Noble, Murdoek, Wvndbam, Bingham. Chapman aui Singletoa. EVERY EVENIMO AND 8ATURDAY * ATI NEK. SAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS. I OPERA HOUSE AN PRaNCIKCO MIvSTKELS I Broadway and 20tha*. THE FAMILY RESORT. Tba Beat aucceaatul entertainment in tba world. Received witn roara of laairhter. . THE FUNNY BAIIlKS. UNCLE TOM'S L.VIENT. THE TWO DROMlog. MR BOBBY NEWCOMBS "BLUR BELLE" DELIiillTPUL 801,0 AND PART SiNOINO. CROWDS TURNED AWAY NIOHTLY. SEATS SEC LI RED. MATINEE SATURDAY ATI 1FTBEN BALL pool TO'IrNAMkNT. at O'Connor'*, 00 aad 62 Eaat Htb at. Friday afternoon? Geo. Pray ra. A P. ltudolpbe, William Sexton v*. J. Dion. feveoiag?A Knight ra 0. Dloa, O. Wahlatrom va. (i. P. Sioaaon. , Admiaelon?Afteraoon, 2fic.; evening, 5?e. j reaerved aeata, Jix. extra. 5V" PASTOR'S. TONY pAHroK'i A world^of ? ^ ?_ ^ Patroniaed Vaudeville Novel tlea. MATINEE* | * "by"an" TODAY.] New York. Secure **ato *ariy tlil* inornlu*. qiO-NlUllT. CHIi'KhRINO HALL K _?R',!E. KLOCUTION CONTEST. "AU1* Re??rv*d Seat*. SO cunt. Doa't ml** It. ABKRLB'd TIVOLI THEATRE. Htb at., between 2d aad 8d avt, tiib bf.*t variety show in the citt. Pred P. Levantine. Ctiamplon Equlllbriat: tbe Davton* Tornicy eud Annie, notch Artlata; Mile. Prauilnl. Queea of tbe Hteyde; Crawford Brother*. lona Lang. Mile. De *lr*e, Pannr Davenport; fcecentrlo Pear, Le van Ion Broth* err. Turner end Iterard. The great Vienna Ballet Trouoe, the Bncet ami only Ballet In the city. Metinnea Thuraday and Saturday alteraooue s elan Sunday. midnight. "pONY_ PASTOR'i ~ TON Y"PASTObSJ Tbree hoar* ol rapid fun. Thv (treat shut ^ ? secure aeeie eariy. No free Hat. S~"uLTANblVAN. 241 BoWP.itY.-GitAMD BARMAID llaplay. Tne aiaeiublagn drawu bar* nU-htly I* without |ir?cl\M A, OLOVEit. T HIM BHOADWAY, OPPOSITE ~ PARK M TfC ford'a-ljoam negotiated, Diamnuda. Watchea, Ooll ? mi Suvor, India Shawl*, Silkn. 4c. J. TllOS. LYNCH. IJAROAIN* IN DIAMuSOm, WATCIIi s. JhWKLRY. i)t& OhO. C. ALLEN, I lmi Broadway, near2Wth at, D' YaMOND BA RRISoij-ViBY PINK SoUTAlRKSl #lik>; Diamond Stud. I hi carat, ?, Hlnga. ani Earrmga, ail alaa* aad quality. MILLS M COLRM AN, IMU Orand at. ONBT. DIAMONDS, WaTCIIKS, JBWBLHY AND Silverware liought, ?nd sold l>a ik at a very am all ad vance. OBO. O. ALLEN, I.1M0 Broadway. naar'Mh at. Va-J ?TH AV., bktwehn 34TH AND 3.'>rtl HI'S ftUOLIberal advancea made on lilamnnda, Watchea. Jewelry, sllka, Laeea and Shawla Same bonght at full value. I. BKK.N Alio. rupf BBOADWaY .DIAMONDS, WATChEd A^b t" ' I Jewelry bought and aold; loan* negotiated en ?anal pronaity ol every deacrlpllnn. JAMRS P. MATTHKWS. 1?l/?7 BROADWAY. OVER IIKHALD BRANCH. I l.adl<*>' private elllre; Dlamondi. Walehet, Jew airy, H, bouttht and *old. Braaeh, 1,3U7 Broadway LIN DO IfBOfl. K1KM AWU KVRs. JAMiJt.'DAVlS, INVENIofi AND 0*SLf"MAIfgTi ol tbe Improved Artldcial Itumaii Kye, aoknowledk'ed by the l*caltv to b* the only correct Imitation of nature !? tbe war Id. Ne, 1ft mil 13th at., batweea 8d and 4th ?ra Ori-KRIOK ARUKIClAl. HUMAN* I YKs MADK |T? Oefder at reaaonable rate. Dr. P. BAUCII M P. OOUHRIo M ANN, :*?t Blreeker ?t. We aupply moat of the hoapltala aad ether laatltatlosa. MAItltl.K MARTRU. " I VfxKRLR MANTELS and M-iNUMKNtS"^Tl'fSA'fJtlt JU-Kluaaavet A. JUjlBEB. LI4 Eaat lath gk. mm