THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 15,209. NEW FORK, SATURDAY. APRIL 13. 1878.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE THREE CENTS DIKECTOItf FOR ADVEUTISEKS. HERALD BRANCH OPPICR, 1.368 BROADWAY? OPEN 1)AY AMD NIGHT Foit RECBPTION UK AOVjittTlSBMENTd AND KALES OK PAPERS. AMUSEMENTS?2d Pacx-1* b?d 24 aoli. AhTROLOOY-2d Pack?Sib col BILLIAUDH-12TD P*U*-eth coL HOARDk KS WAS TBI)?2n I'AO^^h eoL bc?aki> AND LOQOXKO WANttq^rt BROOKLYN REAL ESTAlE FOR BALK?iu rAUM aa BUStNKBM OPPOKTUNITIBS-IIth Paox. avitj-a-L CLP.HKK AMD tALKMIKH-l*" P.U?-:i ??> "?? KCltNIsHED?12th Pack?3d and 4th coll. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS -12tu PAOX-otheoL ri'ROPK-7tll Pack?Oth eoL BYKS AND KAllS?2d PAOt-4lh rol. EXCURSIONS 12th PAO*-etU col. FINaNCIAL-Utn Pack. _ , FOR 8ALB-12TH PAUB-eth e?l- r FURSlsllBD ROOMS AND aPARTHENTS TO LET? 12th Paok?4lh eol. FURS ITU HE?2d Paok-5th eol. HELP WANTED?FEMALES?12tu PAW-Sd coL HKLP WaNTBD-MALES-12th Pack?2d aol. IIOhSSS, CakRIAOKS. AC.?1st Paok?4th and 5th coll. JIOTKLS?2d Paox?4th col. , . HOUSES. KOOMs. 40.. WANTED?2b Paox?4th eol. INSTRUCTION-llT I'AOK-tith col. LOST and FOUNI?-1st PACK-2d coL MACMINKRV-12rH Faok?i8th col. MAKBLK MANTELS?2d PAfix-5tb col. P.O. 6th cut. XUS1CAL-1R PA0B-3dcol. NEW PUBLICATIONS?7th Pack?6tb eoL personal-ln pAOt-liteol. PlANOPO't IBs. OltOANH, Ac.?2d Pack?2d eol. POST OPFICK NOTICE-l?T PAOK-titb eol. PROPOSALS?2d Pack?'>th eol. professional situations WANTED?FEMALES? 12th 1'auk?2d col. PBOPRKTY OUT OP TUB CITY KOR SALE OR TO KENT?2d Pack?3d and 4th coU. REAL E8TATK TO EXCIIANOK?2d Paox?4th col. URAL ESTATE WANTED 2u 1'ack?4tli coL RBLIOIOITS not ICRS?1st Pack lit and 24 eol*. UKMOVAL-1- 2d Pack?5th col. bew AKDS-ln Pack?2J col. BALES AT auction?1st Pack?5th and 6th col*. blTUATIONS WANTED?KEMALES-12TU PACX-llt and 2d coll IITUATIONS WANTBD?MALES-12m Paok?3d coL SPECIAL noticr8?1st l'ack-2d and 3d coll. 1'ORTtNO?DOOfi. KIKDS, AC.?1st PACS-4th eoL ?TALLIONS-1st Pack-4th cot. IToRAUR?2d Pack?5th col. tUMMRR Ki'.SOR'fS?2d Pack?4th col. THE TRADK.-?12th l'ACK-2deoL ThE TURF?In Pack?4th col. tO LIST POR 11US1.N RSS PURPOSES?12tr Paok?3d col. fKAVKLLKKS' UU1DK-12T1I 1'aox?tith coL UNFURNISHED KOOMS AND APAUTMENTS TO LET? 12th Paok?4tli mil 5tb col*. WANTED TO PUUUIIASK?2d PACB-5th eol. WATCHES. jewblky. *0.-2t> PACK-5th coL westchester COUNTY PROPRKTY.FOK SALB OB TO LET-2D Pack?3d col. YACHTS, HTBAMUOaTS, AC.?10th Pack?Oth col. PERSONAL. a obntlemaiTWisu es~t6~m k"i?r a fo'uSfo okb. J\ man lady who can walti wall; object. to practine Ger man and dancing. Addreu, In RuglUU. BONA FIDK, box 110 Herald office. LUB KYBS.?OK COU USE I FOItOIVK; LKT IT ie mutual; would ratbar not writ*; would Ilka to exll aftrr awhile. i a a. ?.-PLEASE ADDitESS HONESTY, HEB Aid Uptown office. F. CaRKIE-IT WAS VERY IMPRUDENT OK YOU TO *ctio; will moot 70a at oyiter place, to-night, at It?OON'T BE KOOLISII, COME HOME; IF YOU ? want money write lor It. MA. H-VOU PUZZLE AND DISTRESS MB. YOU* NOT ?aniwtriuir my laat convinced me of wnat I molt faarad. j?re youraoil and irlandi not tired ot this utnuiamont f You ouxht to he. MYSTERY. Infc7rmation~wanted ok jared viNiFaTVoK marly of MaiiachUMitU'. or of either of Uii >om, Jauiei Anitlu or Oeorire Henry Vlnlnx- Addrau LANMAN A KEMP, New YorV Madison avunuk htaok, 33d st., wall etreet ferry to liroolclyn, on Thuriday, April 11, be tween 12:3U aud 1:90 P. M.?Lady lu black, whita Jabot. The honor ol au ecqiialutanox li deilred. Atldreei, atatmic eircumntaneee to avoid mlataKe, RAIN STORM. Herald Uptown oflice. PLt'MBKR.? NO PROSKCUTluN; UlVB US AN IN t rvlewi aliiolutely oouitdentlal. SOUTH~FBKRY~l WILL HE AT TllB FIFTH AVB nue lady'i parlor at 4 o'clock to-morrow. LOVE. W- ILL edwaud layton, kokmerly of bkook lyn, eoaiuunleat* with B. A B... box 34 Bqnltablo Building. New York city ? HRLIOlUlllt NOTICES. "ATri:Es~?f kb ky ~*f,,T ireoisf "on uRcir"(iftfAB JvDalanceyi. Iter. U. W. WaodrulT, D. D,, paator.?Bar. J. S. Willii will ureaoh at 7 :30 I*. M. T Sl'KlNO MTRKbT PRESBYTERIAN CIlURCll, iter Alfred II. Moment.--Sabbat 11 nervlcei luornlue, IO JO. "Miking Brlcci Without straw." Etanluu, 7 :ao. "ilarid'i Dyluic Cnarse." A larmon to younu men. htratigan welcome. StIkrTno LECTUKE SUNDAY KVKNINU. 7X. AT Harvard llall. 0th av. aua 42d it., by Moiei Hull, on "Keiurraetlou ol Jeiui" and **St>lritualUin." Spiritual eoufareiiee at 'Jii P. M. T~W*sinNUTON syUAKR METHODIST episco pal Cburch, Iter. JaneiJI KIuk. D. D . paator Mora Inv lubjact "Love lor the Churci" Evenluc mbjeeti? "Tbrllt and UntbrlfL" AKAltKWELL MBETINO FOR BISHOP Hl'IIKHV (wlio lalli, D. V. 2Utb lnit!) will ba h.M ? Ob arch. 4th av.'and 21 u.l .torn urrow^SnnaalT avenlac at 7)^ o clock. 'Ihe blibop of the dloeeie will S? K.V*lir'm wP?ir# \i 6 ,Ad1rVtV m*y bc trom ibo #i i.T* * '* John Cotton Smith, ad4 II. C Pot ter. It li earueitly boned there will be a lull attendance af churchmi n upon ihli 'f eaiion of uuuiual lniereit. ATTKINITY MaPTIST CHURCII. 55TII ST.. NEAR Lexington av.. Dr. Sliuraona preachaa 11 forenoon 7W QTIniat;. ar.rl baptliei. Bible ichnol at 3 alteruoon. ' ALL SAINTS' CHUUCII, COKMUlt OK IIRMIY AND 7UKp#VU ^ ttu "unna"' ???' -*.?le.. ,vi4 ?nu 7^ r. Al. orery Sunday. A* WILLKTT BTKEKT METHODIST episcopal Church?I aitor Searlei prnathei Sunday l(i}-? hi. ai 7>i-on ,Tu* ?*?? >?'*. I'mtchliiif bj Ke*. Ctrloi Mirlta, on Hands/. At 10:30, "fellowshipat 7 -JMJ, "The Knowl edge or Ood." MKKICAN TEMPERANCE UNU,lt.-COOPER IK ?tltoto. butiday. 3 o'clock. A brilliant array of talent. Frolr. Talmad|re's College, will apeak. I'n-aentation i??tl Biotilal to Ho?. William ii. Affleck. LIuIk Amd ntamoii will recite "Creed of I he Bells." Kngllih and Leater. the evangelist ?ln/ei? will slnir "Ninety and Nine." Otlier ex errlset. JOHN MOBLK, President Ingeraoll Lnckwood, Vice President. J. B Conklin. Corresponding Secrnaiy. AMBIT UK AND UNION HALL,4?i"7tiTIOaAH S4T1I ?t.- Preaching by Rev. wm. l>'emp?tone. Subjects ? III* l. "llow to bo have*;" 7:30, "The Ten V"plns 'r '.'oa pel temparaace luoetlug, 3:?k Mlnglug by W. W. ilentlry and chorus. LA NIKON MfcTHODMT KPIsCOPAL Cil UKCII. Norfolk at., near Urand ?Preaching at 10:30 and 7:30 ky liar. Ilr. Oriwk. Mcminn subf-ct - "Search the Scrip ? teres" Evenlne?"A Proeperoua Cberrh ; How to Secure it." Young pxupln'a prayer maetinwr 6 -M) P. M. M KS. NK.LI.IK BIlKillAM LhCTUKKB rOR . Ktrat Society Spiiltoaiuts 7>? P. M.i subject, "Man the Creature af ClrcumataBce aud Circumstance the Crea ture et Man;" morning lecture, lOfc; aeata Iree; 50 Wen S3d; children'* lycettiu. J >4 P. M. fini7k tabk.itnai;lkm. k "oirifitoH. 34 m sr., Bbetween 7th and Hth avs. ? Oreetin/ aervlca to our i.ew pastor. lie*. W. N. .searlea, late of ilie Newark (.\. J.i Cjc? lereace. KI'JII A. H ?(iulija?l, "Word of I.lie." and aer. etc* af ions by the Sunday school. 7:30 P. M.?Kubject, 'Wliy Do We (la to Church?" Sunday school, "2 P. M. ; seats ,ree; all welcome A" T CHICK KRINU II ALL, 5TII AV.. I NTH (L-Ual'.n e?.si.el services. Re*. Samuel Culcnrd, (reaches at ?:H0, Sunday afternoon ; anbject,'The I'rucl sioa." Kinging by Charles I.. Uunn aud the (real choir. Beats free ; eeerybodr welcome. Brrban nirrilT chuhch-rkv. joiin q adamh pastor. Mervlces at 10H A. M. and 7S P. M. Bible '^H I* *? __ BWlKRCKKK STRKKT UNI VK KS A I.lltT CHURCH. I he pastor, He*. K 0. Hweetsi-r. will preucn to -morrow morning aad eeenlnx at 1'itj tud 7X o'clock ; tnoralntr aub jert, "'be Tomb;" evening suhject, "loucbliiK Cbrlat's Uararat" CTkNTRAL RAPTIsT CMUKOII. WRST 4JU MT. 1/PreselilaK In inornlnt bjr Rey. Van nllke. rvenlov by Me*. Dr. II err, pastor ; aer*icee I aesday and Friday even* la*a /1IIUHUH OK fllK HOLY TRINITV, Hoars el ser?leea, (>H, U'X A. M., and 7t< P. M, Rev. ftteubeit II. TytiK. Jr., will iire^ch. Topic for the evening? Treeeat SaWatloii." Uuilnallie Paaalon Week services tUl.j at II A. M. and 75? P. Memorial celebration ol tli? l.crd's Supper on Thursday eveuiuic. Conllrmatlon on Wood Friday pri-iun* CltNAL HfltKKT I'llltuB YTKRI AN CHIT ROM. IN I^Kreene St., ueai Ca.ial. ? He* Alex. McKelvey, I'aator tauro's Kuppur at 10)^ A. M. Sabhatli Sclio >1 Cooeert. with tddri-sssa. at 7 :V? I'. M. Lecture on Wednesday evening lt? P. It Lllll I.ell <7p TIIK HTKANDKKM, MKKCKKVl'., NRAK /VVaredey iilace. ? He*. Dr. II. A. Mutts, of Madison, N, J., will prracn to-morrow at lU^IO A. M. and 7 :3l> P. M. All the s-at? are free. CmrtUKTRAL-PRhHBVTMKlAN (,'HUltUll, Uiril htT. //near Broadway, lie*. J. It. Wilson, pao'clock P. M led by Mr. L. P. Ibateuer. sab batb ? h >ol at J :'Hl P. M. C" iIIUKi ll 'oF'fllK ll'JLY APosTLKS. C'kK.NKRoP /?h at and Ittn av.. Ite*. Brady h. Backna, rector ? >k"ohhivr. untii st.. nkar hhoad J/?*av. ? Re*. I). It. Van Rnaklrk preaches Kua'lav mora luj and evening. Illbla ulaas Tuesday evening, Cuuie. Madison av. and 4'Jd it. OJCUGIUUH NOTICES. EIGHTEENTH BTltEET Xt-f!IOUHT CHUKoHTWaB Sib av.? Morning. communion : Eventug Kev. ?lr. Hat field preaches; iukject. "The Marya at tuc Croai; or Scenes on Calvary." I7HKSI KEKOKMKD episcopal CHURCH, MaDI r wu av. Mini 55th at., Kev. Win. T Sabiue, notur. - Thursday. union communion service. 7:45 P. M.; addreaae* may b? expected from IU>. E. P Uu|tri. U l>.; Kev. 8. H. Virata ana He v. W. P. Abbot; lioad Friday, aervices and urniii, 11 A. M. iV'RKK HAPTIBT i'HDHCH, 'JUTU ?T.. WEST UTil F *v.?Rev. N. L. Rowuil will preach *1 tba usual boar*. Subjects?"The True Source of Success" and "The Only Foundation." Ha HI,KM i KESUVTEltl AN CI1UKCH, CORNER 120th Ik and Maoison ?v.-frawblnK by the pMtor, He*. J. M. Kaimav, io morrow, at 10)? A. M. and 7>? I*. M. biran-nra cordially invited. YBIO HALU. ?TH AV., NEAR 43D ST.?PKBACH lug on ' Tho Kt?l*?l Pretinratorv to Chi let's becoed Coming," Sunday evening, 7*, o'clock. No collection. Batli free. ADlnON AVENUE CHURCH OP TUB OlsCIPLRS. corner 45th it.?He*. (Jeorg.. II. llepworth. Moruinic? ??Oil Preach.1' livening-' Hearken. va Stout Hearted." Monday evening?Or. J. W Kanney will deli*ar a tree lecture ou "Tba Nervoa* Bjatam," Illustrated witb stereop tlcon. (JHKAY UILL PRESHYTKKIAN CHURCH. 4oTI( at.. east ol Laiifl|ton av?Services to-iuorrEV.~WM. P. CORBIT, Tllh. NEWLY APPOINT..D Xvpaator, will preaob in tba Uaekman Hill Methodist Eplacopal Chnreu. Kaat oOtli at., between lat and 2d avs.. to-morrow, at <0:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. All aaata tree and tiruugars cordially invited. EV. DR. NEWMaN wIlI- PHEAUll AT Hlh NEW appointment. Central Matbodlat Epiaaopal Church. 7th av.. betweon 13tb and 14th ata , ou bunday morning at KlSj o'clock and evomug ut 1%. Rev. hT w. knapp~will pkeajii in tub l.aiglit Street Baptiit Church, oorner Lalght aud Varlclt ata., at 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Heata tree. SEVENTH PkKSBYTRKI AN CHURCH. COKNER Itroouie and Ridi;e ata.?Prof. Chnrlea II. Oardner wUl preach. Mornlnir ?ervl<;e. 10^; aervlce ol boiik, 7>i P. M. T. l.l'Kll'.t MEI'HOOIST EP18COPAL CIIUKCH* 41 >t at. near fith^ av.?Preachlnij *_t IO^A.^1. by Rav* s mm M. 1V0 Crawford, D. D., ami at Tfi P. JC.Ly Rav. C. V Voaa. D. I?. All arn welcome. STAMON STKKKT HAl'TIHT CHURCH, S. J. K.NAPP. 'paator.?Mornlnir, I0i3O: aveniuit. 7:30: Snbbath acbool, Ut30 P. M.; lecture Tuetday avouing; prayer mealing, Fri day evening. Coma, everybody. ST. J AUKS' MhTHoLH8T EPISCOPAL CHLTKCH. corner Madlion av. and 13?th it.?Preachine to-iuorrow bv the paator. Rev. W. R Davli, morning aubject. "The Meaning of Cbrlat'i Sacrament witb Hit Church even Imr "An l/plllted Saviour the Centre of a World'* Faith " L"ctnre. Wedneadav, at 7:45 P. M, iuhjeet. "Chriatian Werkera." All are welcome. hTnOh UF~THK OItEAT WBKK. ?aT Til RE quett ot hia congregation Rev. Dr. Arinltaav will preach at tba Fifth Avenue Uaptiat Church (-Willi at., near fttli av.). the foilowlu^ aerie* of ?ernioni:-Sunday, April 14, 10^{ A. M. .on "Chrint'i Acquaintance With Grief:" at 7^ P. M.. ''Chrlat'i Ol?inity Proved by Hia Death;" Monday, K>th, at 7J? P. M., "Vinegar and (Jail;" Tiivaifay. lBth, at 7 VP. M., "The Seaaleaa Venture;" Wadneaday, 17th, at 72 P. M.. "The Kent Vail;" Thnraday, IStb. at 7? P. M.. "three Crueittxion Prollitiee;" Friday, 10th. at 7fi P M., ?"Ibe Soldier'i Spear;" Saturday. 20th, at 4U P. M , "The New Tomb;" Sunday. Uiat, at 10*i A. M? "CbaiatN Resur rection aa ? SciantlQu Faotat 7S P. M., "flie Character ol Hia Keeurreetion Hooy." Twenty^Fouit'tii stkrkt epiuco pal Church, near 9th av.. Rov. B. U. liareh. paator.? lO^JH, Communion; 7 :'?*), "Our Uod." Prayer and praise after aeriuon. Seats tree. The sixth avrnuk kefoumed church -kev. *iu. B. Merritt, paator; the service of the Lord'* Supper at 10:3O A. M.; paator will preacli at 7:311 P. M. Coma. rpABKRMAULE BAPIIbT CliURCil, UD AV.. RE Xtween loth and 11th sts.?Hev. Robert B. Hull, paster; morning, "Beantilul garments;" evening, "Encourage ment for the Fainting;" meotlnira on Weuneaday and Fri day evening*. Stranger* cordially welcomed. "mHB TRUE PROPITIATION."?LBCTURE BY THE X Kev. Jehu Cotton Hui>|i. D. D., Church ol the Aacen ?ion,corner 5th av. aud 10th it., Bunday. April 14, at 4. P. M. LOST AiV It KOUND. "fOiTC^XTOTk: DAT*tr *K^<>HLEA^r*h?BT Jjary 12, 1H78. No. 257, four monthi. payable to ourselves, for * 1.2H6 a5 ; has been loat or stolon; the public are oau tlonod auaiuat negotiating said note, aa payment ban been slopped at bank. A. LEHMAN N t CO. OST?ON UTil AV.. BETWKF.N 17TH AMOS1STST&? A Cameo i>oeket. If lelt at Eveuiug uBcu. 34 Park row. a liberal reward will be paid. Lost?on Wednesday evrmnu, in ooino from West 4Hth *k to nteinway Hall, a eai Kin*; dark slono witb monogram. The tlndor will roeeive it* value by roturnlng It to No. 73 West 4Uth at., or UELLONI A CO.. 43 Pine )t ost?pahoouet. witiT oold RINO O.N ITS LEO* The Under will be auitably rewarded, ltt Weat 3Uth st. L'oST-ON TUB EVENING OF TUb UTil, TUB Pendant to a Lilamoud Earring. A liberal reward will be paid to any one returnlug it to 400 5ih av. OST?S if ALL NICKEL C HaTE L A IN E WA1CII, marked j. T. II. M. Kinder will ba rewaided by leaving It witb CASWELL A MASSEY. I.I 17 Broadway. STOLEN-FROM M Is A ST U6TH si., ON TUESOaY. April 2, one old faahiened lady's void dia: Watch, M. J. Tonias k Co.. No. H.331. with Ion.' flno gold Chain, slide and Key; one IS carat red gold hunting caae Watch, an chor eacaproent, Ulytae Hrei'iig Loch, No. lti.924, marked S. A. K. on anleld; atem winder: alao a short uoid Chain, wlili dog pendant, and some other small articiea. A liberal reward will be pall lor the letnrn or aoy or all or the above. Information may be aoat to box 184, New York, or to the Chief of Police. 30U Mulberry sL hkWauo*. flj c Rkwaiid ?lost, a iiotD uiokkt, with ?P?Jiuo?u^rmii P. It. T. I'leaae return to 21ft Henry it. J? -n itKWAHO.-afoUfc.N KKOll NKW KOCUKLLK. Mron the night ul April 9. 1878, a dark brown llarse. 15 a hands blch, loag tall, two white liltnl tent; had on old baraeaa. KukIIsii collar: ilw light \ Wagon. II. D. WMlUllT. New Kocbelie. d?n kkWaud Fui inkohmatTon uivkn ^(JUtlwrt 1'. Ayen's, *J8 2d a v., ulailorm ?prion top wagon la, and no questions eaked. ok>"M)'nFTTTB .COMMON WKaLTII HHI ItlHiJTluN CO Ml'an >. ?r Kentucky, will tarn- piaau positively April So or ni.iiiey re lauded. "Ibe drawing wll bit under tlm supervision of Treasurer ol Mala K. C. Winteriniitb and other prowiueat cltlseus. Mat of prison. Capital prise fvi.iwi Hi prises, K.rww each I prise 2 prisea, ?iimi , h mu.imsi Tl. se. a, ?111. II al'es, ; Quarters. f2 "ill for tlrkets or inl.irtuaifcjii aildreaa COMMON WEALTH Dl.sT It III L'TION COJCTnI, Courier Journal lluildliifr, Luulavllle. Kjr .or II. II. PjRTKlt A CO., General kastcru Aitenti, .No. 1.227 llroadwty, .New York. l)Vitj hTkhK. ?NKIC>llU8 K.XIIaU.HTION AMU IM, potency, froui whateiar cause, speedily and perm a, uently Cured; all other cuaplalnl* safely an-i aalisfactorily treated; fees moderate Jr. MVTUN WHITEHEAD, 31ft Kast 46th at., near 3d a* A ?MURK CURB Ktit lbn? UISKAMBH. ROtiK. aCaudy and itve Wlilney; $4 par gallon ; tl per laru* buttle; Hock. Candy, ft poinds. If I ; imkIi delivered: tend poatal sard. I. VAN Hr.11.. 8? I hamliera at. rrK n Tl on.?t WKlTrf v k a km' I'HiisHi amhobpT tal experience; ?pe. tallea f guHkd in pour ?to eight Booths: t>'l?e moderate; twentv year*' ex perience. Ilr. wM. M AKMI. 1,128 Broadway, near 25th at, ALL kiikunaii.-* ponitivkLv" curkd-anY ataee of the dlaeaae. IUKoPKAN KIIKl MATlC HO 01 NTT. aor ? eat :Mlh st. -"Louisiana hiStk LoffhK'r conpanT. at i rand dlatrlbtitlon. Mar 14. at New Orleans. 1,857 iirts a, amountinif to fllf j) ; haires, one dollar till. Aildreaa M. A. lUUl'lllV, I'oat office box 0.>2. New ilrlMi, La., or II. L. PLUM, 317 Uruadway. New Vorll. AM. I?l!*KAHK8 OK tkn, WHATRVKR Tim CAt'8K. apeeally and permanintir cared. Dr., 47 Weat 18th at. All si'kciai. < oMrk w.NT.-., ?ki>I?;al or hukoI eal, safely. auecesalulH treated; advice free. I?r UltAIiKOMI). 1)12 K.ast 12th Si. 8ToU>I)lNi?i-Dr.PWlTt'ki In TMR 8ix"F?."nny Haringa Hank, of Nee t'ora, fhnald read the NhW YoHK h it A of to day. told at all news stands. Price 8 csnta. __ . D- tMRAStfl OK MEN a" 8PRCIALTT? HK.NKV A. UiMKW, M. 1) , 141 Lexinittoa a?., near awtn at Office hours treroll to a and tl to 7 D? N. RiCOHD'8 KnHKNOTl OP ClPK K8TORR-. MaN hood io thedebilltaieil In lonr weeks; failar^ Imposai ble; *'i per ?sa?. UriKRida anpulied Nolo sirwnt, Dr. J. JAVQCkn. 7 I.meer-lir I'aee. h?w Vorc. |\ivohch.n hpnkuii'V'ilM1 n1? -tkioiTTnUFkTT l-/lallv. ly reasonaiile ; <"?N81'I.TATION8 tree. KRK.D* MnICK I. HI Nil, l.awyct, tl 81. Mark's place, adjoining I,goner Institute. _J___ It. \V 11 IT till HAD, -'IS East 4fttli st., near ?d sr. D D-UX>K-THR Pf.w ail Alt l.i i- i. , Koysi lt?vi?ia Kxtraerdinary, ts bJ ?rawn nawr lar, April 13. 187* Capital pri?e.?l.l,?'MMl. only l.r.,(?i?i tickets Herond pris ? I lw. ISAAC U. UoVCK ex lisrieuced lawier. 2*iJ iif>?lway. 8PEC1AL, HUT1CHS. e^PfCiAL KENTCCl?V STATK* UrtAVSTifSfS ? KBN*CCBr-*STNA CLASH MO. 273-AraiL 13. 1878. 78, 7. 40. 8. M. 17. 23 ?, 0. fri, 73, 1U CKMTUCKT? CLAM MO. 274? A rill L lii, 1878. 83, II. 31, -10. 43, 7, S. 11 57, 70 S3. SIMMON8 A DICKINSON. Managers. CKOKUIA CTATS-KXTUA CLAM MO. 2tl3 AI'MIL 12. 1878. 55. 5, 80. 45, 37. 30. 42. 37. 70. 14, 1. 51. CKonuiA STATIC?CLASS NO. 294-APUL 12. 1878. 7 J. 77, 19. 58, 3. 54. 7. 35. 51. 01. 23. K. U. EDDY k CO.. Vwiiin. Information given regarding (ho hoot* ura? intra. Apply to J. I'l.UTK k CO.. Bankers. 300 Hriimliw. rear nffico. ?ROYAL IIA VAN A EXTBAOUDINAUY, DRAWING D April 13: oapital priM. $l,(JOOCOO in Spanish money; shares, #20U, *100, *00. $2.'>, *10, *5. Kentucky 8iu*le Number draws April 15; tickats. (I. ? J. CLUTB k CO.. Hankers, 20O Broadway, rear office. D B -KENTUCKY SINGL ?? NUMBER DISTRIBUTION. .Draw* April 15. Capital in u, (li.uu. Whole tick ets, 91. J. Cl.l'TE 41 CO.. Haulers, 300 Broadway, >aar <>tlica. LOOK I KENTUCKY STATE 8INULK NIMUBR. tu be drawu Monday. A aril 15, 1878. Capital prisr, 915,000. 1 prlae or $8,000 I 3 prises ol (each) 92,'>0O lpriseof 3.000 I 2 misa* of (each)...... 1,000 1.884 prises, amounting tu 987,03ft. U bole tickets only #1. Pri*cs paid la fall. Hale or tickets will stop on Mouuay. at US A. If. J. CLUTli * CO , Hankers. ?jO Broadway. E JgaTABLlSHBD SEVENTEEN YEARS. Medical Notice. Drs. JORDAN * DAvTkMJN. PropHeton ot the GREAT EUROPEAN MUSEUM. tho largest coileetloa la the world, 739 Chestnut ??.. Phila delphia, wish to Inform their pstients sad the publle that tlisy may be confidentially consulted as usual on all dls eases ol men, which tuejr have made a specialty for 17 years Their medical work. "Practical Observations'* oa differ ed dlseaaes. with an "Essay on Marriuxo." can ho bad oa rucclpt ot 25 cents, postage stamps. Address Drs. JORDAN k DaVIESON, 1,025 Gilbert ?t.. Philadelphia. No connection with any oilier tlrm la America LECI'RIC BEL IS. BUKli CURE KOR premature debility; tho only reliable. Send for circular. Dlt. KARR. 833 Broadway. E-LOOK I KKNTCCKV-hTATE SINGLE NUMBER, ? to ho drawn Moodav. April 15, 1878. Capital prise. 913 000. 1 prise et 98.000 I 2 pr ies ol (eaohl. 90,500 1 prise ol 5.0001 2 prises oi (each) 1,000 1,M?4 prises, amounting to 9fl7,tf2f>. whole tionets only 91. Prises paid In (Oil. Sale or tickets will stop ou Monday, at 11K A. M. PARKS, BMBBBON k CO., Bankers. 180 Broadway. E'LFCTKIC BELTS. KOit THE CUKE OK PREMATURE debility: the oulr geiiulue are sold by the PULVBB M AC UK II GALVANIC CO MP AN I. Depot 213 Broadway. Iruut HALK FINE BAY 8ADDLB HORSE, FOR 1 lady or gentleman; good Jumper; cheap. Private staiiie 118 West l?tli si. RAND BXfRAORDINABY DRAWING O* THE ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY, APRIL IS. 1878. CAPITAL PRIZE. l.uUO.OOO PESom. AMOUNT OK PRIZES, 2,!tS0,000 PBSOR oNLV 15,000 TICKET8. PRICES IN CURRENCY Whole, 9200.; Haires,9100; Quarters. $50; Tenths, 9SM)| Twentieths, 910; Kortietbs. 95. H. A. MaRTINEZ k CO., Bankers, 10 Wall it, Now fork. General kastkkn oppioe, sow bkoadwa*. KENTUCKY STATE LOTTERY. DRAWS MONDAY, APRIL 15. 1S7& 1 Prise 915.000 3 Prises, eaeh. $1,000 1 Prisa 8.000 10 Prises, each 300 1 Prise 5.0U0 SO Prlaee. each 100 3 Prison, each 3,500 lOO Pri?s. oaoh 50 I,727 other Prises, amounting to..... 923.825 1.894 Prises, distributing 87.93ft WHOLE TICKhTS. ONLY fi. WILLIAMSON k CO.. Geaeral Eastern Agents. 5?tt Broadway, corner Prince St.. New York. Williamsburg Branch office. No. 81 Broadway. No'l ICK.?For the accommodation at oar patroas wo will keep both our offices open until 9o'clock this (Saturday! eveiiin?. K~knt"ucky state lotteky draws april is. Capital prise, 9lft,U0a 1 prise or...- *8.000 1 prise of $5,000 2 prises ol (each)... 3.500 3 prises of (each)... l.O O 10 urlios ol (eacln ... 500 50 prises of leacb)... 100 1,827 prises, from *6 t? 950. W 11 OLE TlCKEiS. ONLY 91. JACKSON k CO., Ilaukers. 83 NaMaust.. near Paltoa. "La' M Important rasas, medical or surgical: Impairmoat of aay oricaulc lunetioa, hereditary or constitutional taint, aad diseases of the nervous system a specialty. HENRY A. DANIELS, 1L D.. 144 Lexlatton sr., near 39th st. Hours, 8 to 3 aad 8 to 7. More astounding revelations.-policy holders or tho Mutual Lite Insurance Company of New York should roau tha New York Era ot to-day. Sold at all aows staads. Pries 3 cants. KTMOPOL1TAN JOE PHINTING OPPICE, OK 28 ANN ST., IB THE cheapest AND BEST PINE BOOK. PAMPHLET. JOB ANO mercantile PRINTING OPKICK IN THE CITY. SMALL OltDEKH EXECUTED WITU THE SAME promptness AS LARGE ONE* KINB WOO!) engraving AND v COLORRD PRINTING A SPEC IAIV& METROPOLITAN JOB pkint1no OPPICB, ?Pi ASS ST. ORDBR8 BY MAIL, PROMPTLY ATTENDED lo AND wuuk HENT TO ANY PART OP THE ukitku STATES 0. O. D AhBLE MANTEI.k AND MONUMENT* chkaper ibkii erif. A. klahek, 134 Kail ifllli ik. Hit 3d ar. MMK. oe kuyther cukkh RHEUMATISM" nvrvodi debility. from whatever (UN, apeadlly by elio trie and inakuatlc treatment. im em I2IU at. oline til ERMO-blbcykiu IBA/ii ONLY ONE noliar: batur thanturklah ?r llunlea. 21 waal 27th it. M M 0 i" KICK OP THE NkW YORK UPR 1 NSURANCE company. An election for Bra trustee* ol ilia Brat elaaa and t? flit two vaciucloa; alio for thru inapeetora of thi null election will bo held at ilia odtoe ol tha company. un w ediieaday, apill 17, between tlia bonre of 2 and 3 o'clock P. M. WM. ii. bebltm. Vice i'reaideiit aad Actuary. Prop. I'al.s E, OWNER OP I'eaiiouy HOTEL. Philadelphia. euraa Cough* and Cold* with Oioua or CalarrU Vapor. Rheumatism in all htaokk-a oukk ouak .aired by tba EUROPEAN rheumal 10 socif.TY. Oftlee removed from 207 Wait 34tli at. to SO Waal 2ttth at. IXI'EftNY 9lvinos HANK derosl TORSI aritkb >iueated ta meat al Pirn imtrlct Court, corner Chan hen and Centr- at*., thia alteraeva al 3 "'clock, to baar ra pnri or cowmittaa. mokr1m P. dow ley. Chairman p?*? O. Hbili., Sacratary. The-NEW ELKUTRIO punoii-vbeph corrrct record of all aalaa. In dinerent paria of atoraa at nana time; ai>etul In barroom*, reatauranla or any reiail bual nee*. In oparatlau and lor aale at the pataaiaa'a. No. 250 lllti av., city. rileas W A l< it A N f K D PURK; 2H P??uh 50c7; i roaated Coffee, 10 pouuj* kl. SAMPLE tea COM pany. 2113 i'rarl rt. Yrkv best mTxrtttaikt. ready por use. (all ahail'T i'eky. ?pu i ?VmoiiiikAWI.viI, MoN1>AY. APRIL 15. caoital pil? #15,000 lor-only 91. 1 priia of u priia. of 9IOO. 1 prlla of $ft'*?l. h prilea of 97ft. 2 priaaa of *2 fl<*?. hoariaaeof tni, 2 prima of (1 i#?l. 2uu priaaa of ?2-y i" prl*<*a of $.V*l. mai priiaa ol $!'?. 0 priaaa of #1 >0. l.OUO pilar" ol 9 V SO vriaaa ol 9i'*> all paid In tall. l.mim priaaa. amonallap to 907,1*2-1. WHOLE iii: k KTs ONLY ONK DOLLAR. MULLARD a uo..H07 Broadway. New York. rial eniranoa above 20ih at. Por the accommodation of tha public our office will l?a eaea lo-aiciit until ii o'alaak. $ut7 -kbnyucky rtate, ai-ril i?. i Capital I'riie, 9>5.0na WHOLE TICKET* ONLY 91. JACKSON a (Ml., Hanker., *2 na*?au<*t., mar Full n. &k 7 -THIS AMOUNT WILL hk distrib vl) i ii'^oiulol In raali priini, trom 915,QUO down la 9ft. in the old reliable kanmekr iitata hiaalnr ol Anrll 15; 9l buy a you a wlioii Helot; icet It from the lacky office*. 1,227 Broadway, opan iraalu?*. or |h3 montatcui it., Ilr oklyn. B. ii. poutek A Oil.. Nortbarn aacnta. &') k)F"\l\ (wwt -EXTRAORDINARY DRAWING, ?p?ifct)v?wu''? Itorai Havana, April is. Capital I'riaa. tlnir to 92.2ftO.ia*). Whole kirkata. t'#*>; lialraa. fli*>; gnartar liokati, kv); el?li|lia, 9.15; twantiillia. #10; kortietha, 9ft. Kentucky State. April |ft wli..|e ticklta, 91. J DUFP .? CO., Hanker*, 42 Nana* at., aornar libeity, >a* York. . twaaliitba, 910; fortieth.. 95. JACKSON A CO.. banaar*. s2 Naatau at , near paltan. i)ky muodta A.? t< UK AT REDUCTION. Annual aale al (oiled Buota and Khoa* at HALK PRICE, at BROOKS'. i.ltat Broadway, corner 2Mb. A?CHOICE maitlnos. 2,1**1 I'lhces; lil'OS. a Mall, Moor Clot ha, i-hnper tban any ollur a tori; mat' tliiira, i1m up. ii Wlkt lluuaton at. LACK 91lk (krent:!!?, 20 mtihrll, $1 35; rraL Tbri'ail i.aci, wliti, 91 oanil'a llelr Shawl, 9<*>. chean for 9200, extra 1na rich vaivota ano ilaa wiaa hlkk. mlltas t COLEMAN, ISO tiraad at. ntklcaii. ' C6Kr.rxct5 slfliilsr wf?ii..stcp*ijwitaxtir Sunday in a Catholic cburab. 03 Columbia it.. N. y', SPORTING?iiUUS. Ill 11 OS. 4C. "A~QARI(PIsH and PLANTS. GOLD KI~H, AC ; Aslidt, Dom, te,: Sitttr, NiwIottDitUnd, i:?c?r Pups. Ac BAiiUI'. ai Kultun st CNENTKAL PaKK OAKDEN, TTH AV AND j?TH /at.?Tn-tlsli mid Kuasian IWths: Two Pedestrl m Truck a, ana til enclo.ed; also Dancing Hall, Cafo. tiardous. Ao-, to rent at indentto price. C- VJS4 HI v A UwNfTiN K.HaI.L hlOL TOU RN AMEMT /at Thoinaa' hxchaiige. a Barclay ?t. W. UlVKUU KVALMONS. 7 TCP "kklLowiiiiakt." I.mi. ? X t/2.Kaatent four mile record lu I lie world. In u race a-ainsl horses. will make the ?eu?on Kt Ormsby'e Hotel, Jerome nr., Nuw York, ut $5o. Application, outraging service, should be uddruwed RICHARD 1'ENlsTAM, Uu sey Huu?e, New York. THK Tl KC. Vf OUILOaCES. HT?Cl2TII. 13TU IN*T.'-fcN1jf8iBS IXLto-uigbt; return* and cntrlus each day at TATffcK BALL'S. 1,227 Hroadwav, corner 30th >1. __ _ 1IOKSKS. ClUUHtiKS., d>C. TT BAUKKR A SON'S JX CITY AUCTION MAliT AND NEW YORK TATTERSALLS. COKNKU OK BROADWAY AND 39TH ST. OllAKLHS W. BAKKKIt. AUCTION KKR. REUULAK bALES EVERY WEDNESDAY AMD SATL'K DAY. TWENTY.KOl/R hoars allowed lor trial. CaTaLouUE UF SALE THIS DAY, AT KL1-VBN O'CLOCK. MILK WAiiON, In good order. DOii CAKT. by Wood Bros. TliIRTYKoL'ic top. slue bar and lull spring Road Wa?on>; Depot. Expres* and Business W agous; top and Do lop Phaoiuiis -urrey Wngons, Carriages, Ac LauOE LOT Double and Single Harness. liorte Cloth ing, Saddle*. Bridles. Whips, ilaltors, Ac. SALE OK THOROUGHBREDS, TUB PROI'EilTY ot Churles lteed. aslollows: Ri.D COAT. eli. k.< & year* old, by Australian. out of ttallie (Kxparieuce Oak*' dam), by Lexington; a llao ?ad dler and well broken iu liarnoi*. J I DUE I'RYOR. b. it., 7 yean old, by Lightning. dam by Australian; a very superior saddler and well broken iu harness. KUBlCON (in training), br. g.. 0 yeara old, by Jack Malone. uain by Lexington ; Una Jumper uud saddle horse. L1CKN.-ED VK.Nl)Ml (in training), bik c., 3 yeara old, by Warmluster, out of Inversmall. BRIDGET ilu training), kiater to Mllner. ch. f., 3 years bid. by imp Leainiugtou, dam by Ijexingtou THE K.sTlRK vie it ant Koad Turnout ot a private uentle ?cLaRKSON. bay gelding, brod In Kentucky, I5)f high, foaled 1800; got by Clark Chiel, (lam by Light Heels, ton of Kyedyk'a llambletouiaii; la unaurpaaaed by any horao in Maw Vera for gentleman's road use ; cau trot Id 2 .40, and la warraatod sound uud kind. CAPTAIN HUTLKR, buy gelding, bred In Kentucky, I5>? high, Soaled 1SU0; not by Brown Chief, dam by Tem pest. son ol Snowstorm ; ao extraordinarily stylish driver; can t.ot lu 2;oO, and is warranted sound and kind. TOP blDE bar Koad Wagon, by Brewster, of Broome st.; Pole and Slialts: SINGLE SEAT side bar Trotting Wagon, by I'ray ; SKTot Double ilaroeas, by Turrell; TWO aata single llarnoae, LADY'S saddle, GENTLEMAN'S Saddle. Bridles, Whips. Oress and Stable Clotblog. Ac. BY OftOKH of II. K. Murphy and Joseph Applegata, assignees, the following described UNDERTAKER'S STOCK :-r NiNE MORSES, In good condition. TliREM CLARENCES. good order. TWO i^AC.IKS. good order. TWO LAKUK Hearses. TWO ClilLDItKN'S IIearses, o?e oeariy new. K1VK Hk'iS Double Llaruess, Ac.. Ac. MAONIrlCENT rich dapple bayUeidlag, believed to be one of thn ttnest ev. r bred lu Kentucky, hub. ?) years old; uf nnexaiupled appearancu, blgh kuee action aed great style; Can trot In :i.2U; warranted sound and klnd PRhMllIM t;i).UBl.NBL* brown Saddle and Harness Uetding. Ii?4 hlgb, 6 years old ; goes all iralts under sau dla^uneqeailod as a harness horse; warranted sound a ud ksUri!SV BAY Trottlnii Kllly. loV high, a years old; a free and easy driver; baa trotted lu 3 minutes; warranted sound ana kind. HANDnOMK BAY Trotting Ooldlns, 15% blgh. 0 years old ; a very stylish driver: cau trot lu 2 AO; warranted sound ?Ad kind. KXI'kAORDINARY speedy, flue large bay Trotting Mare, I&JK high, 7 years old; oue ol the games! drivers over hltnbed, nli'iar ilugle or to the pole ; cau beat 2 :IO; war ranted sonud and Klud BfcAUTIKUL BAY Ueldlog, IM4 high, 0 years old: was driven at Saisiota last seaaon by a child; eau trot lu tlime minutes; warranted sound and kind. TUKMM>DOUHLY laat dapple gray Trotting Mare, 15)f high, 7 yeara old; an agreeable aud sale driver; has a record of 2:35; warranted sound and klod. PUOMISIM. BAY Trotting Colt. 15^ hlxh, 5 yeara old; thoroughly woll broken; uau trot a full mile lu2:4'>; will trot close to 2 :3() tbls season ; warranted sound and kind DKSlltABLK HAY trotting Colt. I3J< high. & years old; machinery galted; baa bad ao handling lor apoud ; cau trot alone te i NO. warranted sound and kind. TIIE PAM0U.1 Trotting lielding, Oarryowen, 15)^ high, 8 years old; bas a record close to 2 &i; ho equal as a gou tleman's road borse: warranted kind. Bt.OWN UKI.D1MO 1high, s yeara old; Hue end styl ish driver; warranted klud. CHKBTkUT bOKR. L gelding, !SX high, e years old; proospt driver: pertrctly gentle; warranted eound and kind; also Top Phaeton, Uarness. Ao. ONbOKtlie lastast bay sons ol Backman's Messenger Duroc. 15^ tl(h, S years old; can trot heats better toan 2:30 without training; will beat 2:25 thlssaaaou; war ranted sound and kind. KOIlTY-NINK other lioraaa, suited to all pnrpoaea, rOLL DBSCKIPTION at sale HALKH ShVKK postpoord on aceonat ot weather. NOTICK. Kntries (or above aale received np to tlma of .eommea eiuent. A." ?THE BKUWSIEU WAOu D ft LIT*, aaiy Wagous, all aites; elliptic and platiorm aprlng Wagon*, far express, grocer, butcher, bakor, milk, depot. 2'Jti nprmg at. A" II ANlOUMK PON Y PH ANTON. IIUNiF ON I'LA f farnt sprlaua. with rumble nu>l huKllsli canopy, built to order. KD. MUHPIIV. 225 tireeue at. A" POft SAL!!. THKKK HuBSKsYsUIT P \ km I.N.J ?grocery, express, or trucking; meat be aold cheap; no work. inquire N Blaei-ker -t.. near Bowery,rear. A-POIt SALP.. PIVK CHUNKY HtlLr~IOHHR8. ? It for lermliiic or any buaineta ; to bo sold at ? sacrifice; trial trlven. IU7 tftb at., betweeu 3.1 and 4th art. A -PON ?Al.i, PIVR UORsK*. r I i a HI.' h,i. ? farmer, grocer, trurk er any bn?lness, at a sacrifice; trial tlv?n. Inquire 37oaitc .'.til at ? UAL|r yij7(J^__rwo CANADIAN CHUNKY Ifnrsee; ault truck, trxir, fnrmiug, any busiiae**. 4.1 Heater at ABAMOAIN.-POR SALe.. II AN DHO.MK TOP PONY rbaeton. with flue Harness; alao rloabla Hanieaa. cheap Apply to COACHMAN, I Wait I .'at la at., near 5th A? CAKKIAUKS AT A Ml. A Ul. IITKH. SCPKltlt .stock, .trictlv reliable wark, ?l Immense c lor ca-li, I'lin.. I'baetoua, Huutrie*. Ilockawaya, J||IU|I ant Waauna. Uuuim' llockawava, I'ark I'haetona, aecnun hand and nev. Irona ?7.~> to K?l CIIAul.h.t OKUltB, 3UO Canal at. A?woNDRK.* <7n"LY ~*m"tomr^ "XAT?i7Y~lrmr. aronipl te lady'l I urueut i Hn lloran. aoiilld. klnn and aafe: haud>omo Top I'ouy I'haeton, llarneaa, ll ank. t. Kobe ,Mnl, Whip, aud Itarae daya' 1.1*1. Club Stable, III Kaat llUla It. AHIIIPriNU LkA r II Kit KXfKN Ml ON TOP Pit AR ton, a?ata IWnr. w -lclit Slai; -Ingle and Doable llar neaa. Uiit<>(> Wleuicheap. I J7 rtcii 28th at ACOMPlaKTK 11' HN OUT--* Ult MB i>OLDt oWnS% learlaig town; extra liaiida?in < pra% Mare l.ady Starr, aired br American Marr, line trotted a mile In 2 :il; ? h any ? bnalna:s. at half value; warranted sonniL Stable No. Iu7 Mercer at., near It eeeXer. OMNTtaKMAN S IIOKSKM, CAKKpA^IIKS AND IIAK nasa, togetli?r nr separately; all year* old, amind. 1*1 hamla; kind atylieh; Hrewater l.audau. Park Phaeton | will be aolil elieap. Private itmale 142 West MNh at. \ ?POUB llOltShS; SUIT PAltMINO, TROCKINO, iVaKlpreas; any bnslue*a; mill sell, trial a I Van. 101 'I lioui|>a?a at. So /iT Nil Ha RUaINM l-NO OP pp. KMKKUK kFTi liaaianme extenetan lep four teat Phaetons, top lt?a unwaril. Lap ling*. Blankets. Sheets, Ac , cheap JOHN MOORK. 57 Warren it. Ii^XPNRMM WAOONN, TOP AND <>PKN TkADR J '* agon, Wat< rtown aprlng Wagiatia. Cortland Wanona; an atylee; lowest prioaa W M. II. OKAY, 20 aad 22 Vtaua. lersk _______________ Jj'OM ft A LB AT A MAChIPIUB-A TWO YRAN-OLD r stallion by Ylrv> llambletoelan. nam of IIamlaletonlan and Imported Mercer Idaoil two year* old and uniirnken; lie must be Colli or alter?di ,'1" 4am of the colt, -linte l to Virgo II ambleteniari. la alao for aale; eeal.lea the above there I* a year eld OeldiUK. by Edward Bvereit. breken, nut never laeen waarked. that friaiia liii line open nalt la lia ble, In tba hands ol a horsemen, te be aa laat as tne belt of the g. l oi Uia lilmtrloo* aire. Per particular* apply to JO KLLiOTl', Herald oSice. c UOitSK*, ( Altill AWiCS. ?C. For'sale?just" AKKivtD at ionQITMl ?l., from ulil. Apply at 54 Lalayetle place. Ip5S sale?ruoigham! MY HRMWmTKK. of Broome at.; Vicluria. by Wood Broe. Private atabU 2S Kalt 40th at. IpO R s a LE-A NICK. LIU HI' 3-8PK1 NU DELI V ERY 1 Wauon, but twice uaed; a bargain Her ald office. IpoR 8A1,K-A CIItCULAR FRONT COUPE HOC K away, city make, lu good order. bAUUV A M ANuAN, -H East 2Uth at. FOR 8A Lk?35 GOOD SOUND WORK HORSES auitablv for any btiainees; .-.out from contpapy In I'outr aylvauia; muat lie aula. Inquire lor Turn. 5-U .V. ?i Mtli >t" 1j*?K SALE-BROW.N HORSE, Iti HANDS. S It. AttJi; ' bay liorau. Mhandt; clieap J3S Spring ?t. filUS ?ALK OHKaP?75 OMH and RAILKOaD 1 lloraea, at the old Tblrd Avauue ltailruad aiable, OSili at. end 3d av. HARN!? 8* FOR TilK PARK, ROAO, TKACkTTahM uinl all other purposes required, at prlcua that pkaac everybody. C. M. MOSKMAN A BUO.. Manufacturera, 114 Cnatnbora at. ADIES' PHAETONS. "" " Leather Top, Lateat Cauopv Top, dreluua. Patent Canopy, Klneat Extension Top, Hnlin. Rumble and Lowest Platform 1'baetona pricea. anH Depot Matrons. Kepairaof RISLEY. IRVING * IUCKKR, Carriages Carrlare Huildera, a BROADWAY, CORNER 37TH 8T. .peel el ty. LANDAJ-l.N liUUU ORDER, AMD LAN: 'AULi- T. one Coupe, una Brett and one Park Phaeton, at IUI Eaat 13th at., near 4th a*. Ml >R IOAGK BALK BRuW.s MARK. ABOUT 111 lianda hign; souud, kind and veutie; .ale lor ? lady tu drive; elnild of noming-. au invaluable laialljr ur road mare; can trot In :i uunutoe. Alao lull spring tap We run ami Single Harneas. Tb-? above will t?? aold at auction Suiurday, April 13 at IO o'clock, at Wall'e el?i>!?. 4 aad 0 Eaet 44th at. JOHN McDONoUGII. Auctioneer H. D. KKROl'SON, Attorney lur Mortgagee MUSTBK SOLD?ONK Or 'THE IIA NIlaOHfcBT AND 11Klito-t tup Pony Phaatona In the cltt I alMi a atrllab llu'ht top Road Wa.ou, with all tba lateat Improvements; line Single and Doable llarneaa. Private Stable r.ath at., near -lit av. L?T SliLL-BliE\*& l*rROVl.l> S 1'KlNli TOP BuKiiy aud till?? llarneaa: top Pouy Phaeton; UotU nearly new. Stablo 50 eat UMh al. KW AND SiJl'tiilULY PIM.SI1KU DhalO.^rt VICTORIAP. CABRIOLKT.H AND T CaRTS, for Park and avenue driving. LIUIIT VEHICLES, FOR~TOWH AMD COUNTRY, in varied atylea. A. S. FLANDRAU A CO.. 372 and 874 Broome it. Private htaBLU to let?no. m eabt 13rti ar. Iuqulre at 106 Eaat 13th at., near 4th av. N R OCKAWaY W ANTED -MUsT Un UUMAP. AD tireMt, atatluK price, CA?II. box 110 ileralJ uOlce. Second hand carriage*.?a light landau, nearly new; 5 Clarencaa, 4 nlx-aent i'haetonii. 3 Coupee and Brou|(h>inia. 1 extenaion Top Phaeton, 2 doctora1 l'bae tuna, 3 Top BuKKies. at treat bargain to cloeetbain out; alao now, 5 irla?a Landaua, Berliuo, uamlauL ta. Coupet. Broughams. Coupe Rock aw aya and Uifht Wa^oua: neweat deaiuna; uuaurpuased lu every reapact. at r^duoed prlcua. D. B DUNII AM, Rabway, N. J. ACRIKICE?P aST PAGING HOBHBt CAN HHOW 1:40; top Wairon, llarneaa, $25'?: ladiea' Pony, Uarneea and Phaetun. Sltfl Sll 7th mr. Stable to let-3i grkat joneh sr.. 0V uaually flue bulldlugi 18 stall*. WIlLCOX A UlBBB, Bfvt Broadway. STABLRU TO LET.?KOUR NEW STABLE8, lllXUJUU each, and carriaira room ; No a. 57 and 5tf Tbompaaii at.; alao No. II St. John'a lane, *even Htalla. Apply to J. W. DIMICK.'JiIH Canal at. T OM THUMB'S CARRIAGE A leather top Landao. built to order, ta be uiod Id bit travela In Europe. Now on exhibition at A. 8. FLANDRAU A v.O'H., 372 and 374 Broome at. CART OK WAOONBTTB WAMTSa MjtMD LO# oat cash price and full partlenlara to CASH, Herald ullk-e. O LET-A TWO STORY BiilCIC 8TABLK, 4?X87 feet. HO aud H7 J ana at.; poaaeaaltu May I. t.LA B. T. BURN HAM. ISOM llud.on al. WANTKD-B HOUSE 7 OR 8 YEARS OLD; inual be nearly III hanie high and nf a abort, thiek aot build. Apnly at 20 Eaat 55th anr day at V A. M. 1|| SECOND IIAMD TOP DEPOT WAGONM AND xl'llicbt Rockawaya trom 970 up; four teat half top Phaeton 950. 20 and 22 Wooeter al. Q A *'E8T 24TU ST., NEAU BKOADWAY.-PRIVATE ? I TStalile: rent 9800. U J. CARPENTER, 20 3d av.. Bible liouae. di/i n 'OK MILE WAGON. IN GOOD ORDEUi "JPTcUiloree, 9UO: half value. 323 Weet 15th at. . SELECTED KENTUCKY MLLE8~4 TO 0 YE A lis _ 'old, all alaea. K. B. BISHOP'S SONS, coruar Grand aud Blabop at*.. Jeraey City, N. J. *77/\TooUBI.tTTlARNE8?T; , AT I0? OVLOCf, UKN I K L HOUMKIIOLD FUKNITUKK, at tli* private ia.l4(ie? 40 SOUTH WAnlllNOTON MJUAKK (WKHT 4TII HT.). Karticulara to-morrow. Auction *ai.b auction Noricit. TO UK MnLD Til IH DAV (kATUUDAT). AT PUBLIo AUCTION, TUB CONTENT* Of HKOWN MlWli M ?N8I0N 12U WKsT tID Mr.. NKAIl OTH aV? AT IU O'CLOCK. MTEINWAY A WISH' UlKl.ltlT 1*1 A NO, WINtMOK I'l ANOKOKTK. I'A KM'II MUITM, COVRKKO IN MATINS. MADE To OKUKK hV city makkk*, PAINTINOM. KAIKNCKM D'AKT. ac.. AO. PRAWINO IIOOM KUITit. covered la crlnieoa (alia, Willi >llnr piiflin.-e, 14 (iltcei, mat fl **?; raaiqnelry Caiilnni ?lid fablea, Ktai(i-rea, hncol' uurea, Caulra and Conaolr Fablea, I'lar aan Mantel Mirror*, real I .air Car tan,., Harrea aad ormolu Mantel Mala. tkiilay (.'luck mod em and aullque brooao Oioupa, Malnaa. Pilchrra, Vaao , a i?ru? collection of valuable Oil Paliilln>.-a, by ma.tar artlata; IJb-arv Secretary Hookcaae. I'wartcaae. Mlm-rel Cabiaata. Library Tablae, Hooka. Lwdy'e i.actlloir*. Writ lua Ueaki. Ac. ?:ilAMBfK KL'RMTURK ?'arved. In'aid and plain Urea. In* I'aaoa. Hrihtraila, Humana, ChMfoanlerwe Waahiiaada. Iialr ami eprln< Mat tr.aeca, Holataia. Plllowa, Hail Morn, Malta. In rape; Tnr* iah UigayM. riialra. Koekera. 1 ablaa, Favtl Macka, Mir rut a, Clocka, Bru> aria ami Ingrain Carpeu; alee furniture ol auraar* ami errcanta' apartment* III NI Nil IIOOM. KiifTet. Katenaloa Table. Ciiali*. mairil In lonther; HMr|l'*blea, Butlar'a Tra?. Merlin* and l'iala. Take .-lath. Honain avenae lara. or twenty third (tiaat ate*e to door. UCTION-AT PKlVATK KEMIUKMOK. Maear* KAN I'OI.I'll .? CO. WILL pkll fHIM isaTi KHAH mornino, III O'l'LOCK I'KONPI, at the Itvr atory brown (ton* inanaloa NO. 47 W Km I flAIKI.MII MlKf.LT. UKTWKK.1 Kirrn AND MXTII aVKMKM RICH CAHINKT IIOI.-KHOLU Kl KNITI KK. PHOPHhTV UK a HKNTi.P.MAN UOlRU aiikoAO. >TKIN W A V riANOPOHTh. 'Mlla?K. KKINO L'I'KIOIir I'lANO. PARLOR .t N 11 HKAWINo KOii vl MITT-* ynaan Anna and I.a Prlnceia alylaa. richly rarrad (renin In aatin. brneedr ami tepeatry; Tarilah haa? i:iialre, Inlaid and mari|urir)r and Kilt Centre and Cnnaole Tabira, ? am it at a. frtatk plata Mirror*, larn Curlalua. breme Kiirurca, vlairant liaportad Pr*h?h broaaa Vantal -ata. ? tatuary. brouso ami bla<|ua KUurra. roarwood Kta-ara. fnanlah Luanaaa. Palntihia br ainlnrnt artlata. all cliolea ?alactioua l.lltrarr and H?cr?ialra Kouieaaaa rtook*. raw alia Li brary fait. a?*an pireaa. Library Tablaa. Writing Haak. IIKIlKOOM !? UKNITUKK -< aatlaka and gyau Anna ?tjrlaa, eonalatln* Inlaid (III Badataa-ta, Drraamn i.'aaaa, Arnioira-a-Olaca. Hurraaa. w anlrobaa, Waahatanda. Minnitaa. Korknra, marbla top Tabiaa. Ml hair aad aa?rtn< Maitrraaat I'lllowa, lllankata. Tmlat Hal)I rap, piaah and haircloth Malta. Minora. IMiiIiiii Kurnltnta ? hilantlon Tabla, llnlfal, ( halra In laathar. Olnnrr and Tea MOta. Mlvarwara. futlary, alao llall Mtanda. Chalra Kltcli n farnlnira; :il < arpata. N. K.?Mala poaitlra llou'l lall to atland. Tali a Mil th avrniin. Omrrraltr pl?ea cart or f'lflh arena* ala** to Bio. 47 Wfat l'lih at II. H. WARIXlLrrf. AaaWoaWk N. II.?Oooda I,mad and ahlpnad: rltjr or eanatrr. Arraa??nianta m -da for alnriait i{aod* lr?o ol aharca. A" UCTION MALR THH (Mtru (HAVi M JKNINU commam lng al 10a'clwck tain or ahlna, at prlvatn icaldanca. :IM Kaal Htn at, bat wo-a llrnadway and 4lli a*. 2 brilliant toncil Plaaoa. Mtalnway and llardmaa. M rlava, t I'arlor Malta, aailu and rap. Kronaa Mantel Mat. Ilion** Klgaraa. taaortad. I'i Window Larn l.'artalna. IM Kruaaaia and Ingram CarpatC !."> alcatnl (III Talntinc*. 0 naaant llaiiroom Mata, tn black walaut. Klrcant Cablnala and Hookraaaa. Hair amlaprln/ Mattraaara, Wardr ibaa. 2 alaitanl linflata, Kitonalnii labial and Cbalm l?>t a?lli ol Kltaban aad Mairaata' Karnltnrc. N. M.?Ilroadwajr ataaat ar araan aara from Orand at farry 11 It. MAKTIN A CO. ABCttoii*ara..mra I.I.M Broadway. Alt BALK. KAKKP.R A CO.. Aa?tl?aaara. 47 and 41? Libert/ at. Tha aarllna aala ?f una and pr?..f K?urarln*a. Auli?. Opr., l-.trhlnKa Ac . will be mntlnaed lila da? (Halardaj). April 19, Coinni?n. ln.' al I o'clnat. At MnDiRAtM CIlAKORl?ACCTION BALKM AT prlaat.] rr?lil?n< ea or aloraa an Id tad Ll\ INuMTo.s A CO., Auctlaaaira. I.^W Broadway. at auction. "a uctio.v hai.k ?htf3~l>at A fills is ".ti'kk\y) MOBMNO. commencing at i? o'clock tne eullre toiitrntv of private realdaaaa 131 Wet 14th *t.. between iltli aud 7tti av*., . -- SATIN PARLOK SUITS iuisi woou plakojggtttil KINK oolle1jti"n b ON'zhh anli ka1m1nu4 chambi-h li 1ikaky AND lhxiku kuknitcrb. Ilaud.oine i a-tl??o Hail. in raw >1111. 1'arlor*?Elegant ucta>e kiannlerlo. two iuagnlllcen? Parlor h lit la iulatd frame., cuvcred in exp.u.lve aatia. liand.oiue marquotry Cabinet lua^ero, wiCj kreucb piaia irlaa. .nlaH.*. Bronxa ur.nip.. kuuraa nud siat ucUe'., expan.lvely fratr.ud Ol Painting*. uo. urtalw, 1'ier Mirrora Centra and ouuauw i able., valval Carpet*. chambere?Heavy mounted and lulaid ??i? ol redaiead*. It,u.aittif l aia. huruaua,, Wardrobe*. Chair*. k^r/urn'bad.. tur'lrd hair maur.?-a, I'll low. com pltu still* "n "?P? ,""1 imttrciulu; Lounge., Picture*. ha k'uir/ai:ddlnlns'."-turwub fief, in up.m, au? raw .Ilk . Secretaire and library k^kcawa. de.k^ lturmi Table*. ll.iok.iaud.. extenalou ruble*. una a ptl ar will patent .lide*; 'j4 imiilu.". hair., carved aud tuiaid Bullet, silver and i'latud War.-. Cutlery, Ula?.w*re. Two liuitd.bino haltaud*. Stair carpal, and o?m kuu well pre-erviU hou?ehom i*uniltur*. #cqm> ""???? *l lu "r0-1" ""lbtbt k "bmek, n. B.?Oood* packed. boxud aud *blopad if required; aaH delivery guaranteed. Sale rain or .bin*. ?r A' UCTION julk-NBW KUcNITURE. By MPETI1 a licoiiiliu. it thtlr tstukiuuiu, 171 t'mil it on SATl kuay April 13, at 1<>>, A. m . tlio eujlrii * of ii mamilucturrr. cou.l.lin* ot yueeu Anne and ru Mm i'arlor Suit.. louii e?. chamber Set*, marble nod .wad top; i llirary aud marble tu|i i able*. ul'ilug 0 litre, Mirror.. laricy Tible., liatont lloekan, Chiffonier*, warurooei, uuuk?ltttlv?i, hnokc??e?, ac. lieokue ii. COOK. Auctlonaar. us^t: pubnl rukk to bo aoid at aucllou ruksilay, Aritlfc 1?. at ii o'clock A. m . al the private raaldeaca No. alu we.t 3-itli ?t., near 7th av., conalitlng in part of ruaawoo* ?lid mahogany i'arlor uil?. black walnut and oak baton* itou Tables, line diiiiiig ro .in ailver Safe, black walnut aa? lualioiauy Bookca.o., hedatevd. and boreeo., ru*ew??oo tulrror baek ht?.-ere?. Velvet aud Bruuala Carpate.rep* end orocal.l citrtaina. ball Maltr.xet. keatuer aed oo*? Iteda Ac . alao an aekurtmurt 01 altelieu Furniture, l ata loirtiea at oik.-e ol auulan it. mullutt k StJ.>. auoil00 eer>. So. 7 i'lue at. 1 _geo ~w kkklek. AUCTION BBS. /\ sperial aale Silver I'lated Ware and Cutlery. to-D * Y. at 53 Liberty at. tiood. ol the merid.n BrltanaU Company, lloit.r* Broa. and d B. uncolu. a ttr ?this uaV. aT onk k'cluck A. AT MAI iikws' oallkhy. .'<1 LIBKBTY ht^ amkkican AND kobfcfuk haintinos. by uoted artiala. Sale poaltlvely wiiliout . . uan'L A. M atiii' 51 Liberty it. ucl'lu.n 1 AUCTION 1 iUCTIOMI fosltivk. kai.m oh buinr, ? THIS (satuhuay) ATll.KNOOM, cummbscino al l>i O'cujck i.habp. tiik kntike klfctlanr uoubkiiold pubnitubh AT Till'. I'KIVAI'k kksidknck ??*jo wkht 4 ll> ST.. nhaic ilitoadw A Y AND 7TI1 ay, ilr'awiuic kootu sulla in aatln. repa and velvet; l'ia .oforta, Carpet-, lace Uurtalna. Mirrora P.iiutinca. beavy biaut wkiuttl B( dale ad*. dreaatim catea. Wardrobe*, Bureau*, heir m*tir*aa??. sprinu h d?. pillowa, Bolalera. Lounge*. Koekera Tablea, buir -t. Table., auy quautlty ol Silverware Cutlery, lllam and China Ware, iiall aud mail Carpet*. Ac. kllsi'-si BOTH, Auctioneer. Tha k?o4? niuat be ramovod after the ?ale. ilo-iaa la let. -? uotiof su.K.-.i011n c. LYbT, auutiombbb iVwill a *li at the ka*l Sid i St"rai{?. hu ka?i m?lb Ik, al 2 o'clock 1*. m. to pav advauce*. Ac.. Ilia following prop, er 1 y ??ono tarua black walnut .hIooii Counier. one ioebo* for la?r beer ; alao ilia content* of a nou?*.con?l?tinz of >? taa tTialr*. Tablea. Mirrora. Bedroom kurnlture ol all kla-h l'urlor aiid' Kllcuon stovea. Crockery aud i;la**wara. *a, Ac By order ol the aatlguee. Uaulel m. O'Brien, Attar nay. A'UCTION SALE. pktklt BOWK. Auctioneer, *.,1*. thi* day. at 11 o'clock, at No I V) vartc. *t.. tba faa niture ol a tlirae alory bouae. o.>u>l?tiuie of Bruaaela and in crain 1 arpeia. bairclolli kurnliuro. Bed?toaa*. Bureau*, waabatauda, Table*. cualr*. Stovea. Ac. . lvkio-A bkac. tilm (8ATUB0av) aptbknoos. at 3 o'clock, at tha Art Boom*. 845 Broadway. tlt? beautllul item, ol the collocllon will b* *old thu alteruooii. t?Y JOHN A. uunn, auctionkiik.? SALE tllli ijdar. lou O'clock. .">111.real Jonea at., ''arlor aod ?.o? tuie Sulla Sola*. louiirfe*. Badal??da. Bureau*. uiolng Chair*, lu lealiter. rep. and bair cloiu: Stove*. Mirrora, China, Crockery, Plaled il are ; Bru.*?l?. iuxraiu and valval Carpel*. Maltre*?o?. Ac. i?e tier* in rued. By JfHl'.ptl B WBIOEKT. t uc llo> EER.?SELLd Monday. April 15. content* foor'atory private dwelling, luciudiiik ll> elegaul 1'ier aud Mautel minora; al*a lm chandelier*. B "ebanuel k CO., "auctiokkhrs. BELL tilli *' r ' . . >,.i .... 1/nrb turn. ij.dav at 2 o'clock. :> l av.. hoitetlvild kursltiwra. conalaling ..f iep ^nit*. Wardrobe.. Medalead*. ?lair, Bruaaela and initraln Carpet*; Oilcloth*. Stove*. ac., *l*o i**i clilua Plate*. In l"ta 1.MIAN?'IS kirzslmjto.NS. \"t c I lONEl k. okr ic? r 7ut>:td av.. will aell tbla dav. 11 o clock at fluu> jdla*., without roB?*rv ?. an h??ortinent ol llott^cliulo r uruuuftf.^^ B. uklit. k kum, auctioneers. sl'EClAL SOTICE. H Tha tale of Orlaatal Art. I'erdan und turklah Bug 1, cW pau. emi l. ry. orwcerlee. i i iii.ira and Cigarr Healer. Invited. iiaven. auctionkrh, . ?111 aell. SATI'RIiAY. April IS. at 7'JO P. m., at l.jsa Broadway, uear 34th at., ioo Oil i'aintliix*. <'hroiuo-. ea-ravinga. kt. J P. TrtAVKK, at'cri.?nkek. .will aell. ml* day. at u?s o'eloek. t? pay .ipraiw advauce* at iu. ?S and m 7th at.. id truck load* i arioft Chamber, dtnluir and Kitchen l-urnilura, t.arpata. ture* Mirror*. mattreaae*, Pillow*. blaakeia, t.iwck*, Stave*. c.i an teli?r? Kelt-dor*. >aio?u hxturea, Counter*. Table*. Chair.. 3n family aud laanttladarln- sewloer Ma rbin??a lt*l chair h?*tt, good llicnl top r' 4 "4*?i? llttruem, Jkt. - lmir it iibrttxbero. auctiilnbbk. SKLLk TO-uaY, low o'clock. iu Clinton place elegant h*lur*e el*j Stock^f Lager Beer and bl Hard Saloon ; waluui Bar Baek Bar marble lop Tahle., chairt. Icebox.., Mirror*. (ilaa? ware, l~o i'heiau Billiard Tabl.e Urinal and conaactwaai poailivaly in lot. Dealer* lavlted. ?wokllls ivii.KINS, tl trrionekr Hotel knrnltora an.i Fixture* at auction. milliard Table*. Ball*. cita., Back*. Ac.. Ac. E. H. LUl'L'iw A CO. wlB aell at aualton, commamlat on Mondav. April 1?. at ii o'clock, at the well known Me* chant*' Hotel 37. sm and 41 cmtiandt *t.. the anlire komi tore and kixtnre. to.eth.r wtili all lleddlng. Linen. China. (!la**w are. > 1 i verpl ated Ware. Ac., u.ually couialaed la* hotel of nearlyroom*. _ . Cat .logue* can ba had at hotel or olllea if aucileoeer*, ? plue at. * m^mokhis brtlkinr. At'Cfll'jkjl-iimotpw .ale of No. 15J Bleecker at. e ii. ll will a ll at auction, on Monday. Apr!' ?' 7" T"' .!* o'clock, al tha kmchange, 111 B load way (triaits ii ulidinvl, new Vol* .ale by order of John l hnihehaad, |>eieemoi >i maitha M. moarwe. bleerkar at. thg vaiuaole L >i, with the ibraa alory brie* iroot aid reaj Building* known a. No 15j Hleeek.r .1 . balwaau south 5?ii tv. null thotiip???n ?!. lot, - 199%, ^ id artin MMOM. accrlonkkk. tiiib OA* al at l<>w o'cl.**, tne vnwr. Woek and FUlnra* of atorf 47H Oranu *1., ewwwetfng ol f ?ncy ll??..d*. 1 o?*. Hardware, ?urni'nre, i'lnihiug. Ithowe.aa. connier oeaka. Hhawla, ie. Poaitlvely in lota. Kealer. eatwcially Invlia t. oawnhhoEEK's sal.h.-mpljon A MllLf"'N. id! i Hoaerv ro< or itelaneey ?t.. will aell on wedaeaday next Men', and women". Clothing. i?ry Hood*. Ac.. +>m prialng nil good, p edged orevl. u* i? ma'ch 1. hc77. ? icii Villi V. HAR>ETt. AUirrlOlillER. will .ell at auction. TU l> "l>al, Apr ii kl, at 12 o'eloek, at kv ban a ?afe.niem. ill Broadway i?*#?olor'? ?4l?). past uiver WtTER kkonf pkoperty, on 4th. .'.ihand Lewi, .la . with nil plan i l#ka The peonavleanla i'oai Company haam cupled ihl. i-rop-nv lor many yearn Tbla i. ?> . to obtain one ?l the tlne.l water irami U? lhe k .1 liner l.r-at iii*pill of wai r TITLK pkhtecf -ai.E ABNOl.t'TB. map*. Ac . at Ibe eucllonear'* obiee, III htomway. haa? ?mi Al P. OK I m PRIIVKII kk A i. i.s i A tk. TO CI.OdK All . l.atala ?Will i.e ao rt at public auction, on Trlday. aartl 1u I-7h. ni o'clock ii, by h. V. iiaithktt. Auction eer at Exchange halearoom. ill Broadway, tha three ? t..rv hi* h .loop brown .lona llmw and Lot No. *j rant i t?il i at. near %i h av, ol iblaclty; lot 17. iiw 11 ; hoaM it III xt'? title urrre.t; .ale aoaolute tor ?*eh 'VrSlI UK is7k Till cm AS B, fArPrn. trwini. - i"' new m AC iii N KM al ^auction, lu o'clock. Saturday. April id, at 3*1 Waal 3.'th ?t s, 8. i'limi (ippick mipricil. 1>oat o? pick notiob. ilia roreign Mail* lor the weak andlng Saturday. April l.t. 1*7*. Will clo.e at till, olllea ea lueedev. al i. A. M., ?** karope or eleantehip Wyoming, via yueanaiown; ea M .lor kurope, by .leamablp Both nmt iiRto?ro; on w a. *? 'of ku'op#, tnond, via quern.iown (eerieap in.ient-n lor i.or many aa? s.otian.1 to be lorwarded bv tin. -learner ron.t be epeciauy eddra.aed), and at 11 A M , lor Scotland ill reel by .leam ahip Anchorla, via ol?.goW. ar.d *1 ii A. b.. iwr oa^ many ae by ate email p Hermann, via -outhamptan and Bremen lcorr?.i.o?deace for Ureal mrtlaln and tba J antl nam to be lurwar led i.y tbla .learner mnet be apeetally n* dre.aedl lhe .i.ato.hip. \\ routing, Bothnia, Maltla and l'Ily ol lllehniend do not leka m ill. far Oenta.ra, swr?*a end Norway To. mall, lor aaplnwal and boat* I'aeIJa mm. leave New Y. rk April li The melt, for n .a.**, r. P.. leave New v?.r? Arri. ? The mall* lor thn We.t ndjee. ?la Bermuda and si h.nna., leave New York aartl ir Tha mail, for llaytl. savaiiilla Ae . laava New York A?rll 13. The uiail. lor cdina anu Japan leave Han franclh-a April ,,, i III) m AH I. J t vl rs, I'oetmeater. i*oat offki. Niw Yona. aprihl JiH7h i ? - i it t i Tioa nak.h'k kimaI.k skmihaky w ant? lilt PR r ilenced, .nceeoful gentleman prtnelpnl, eelnry liberal| re.pou.tbie p.?-iiiou. south, want. houthem lady of mrg* experience. rchowl* for a*le and rent ihroaghoat unltea Plate*. ftCH krmkkit? juk. ??baa* i4*k^ rpP.ti'HKBS i7p known CAI.IBRK AMI OH a mas 1. ler promttilr provided lor lami iji .choala. aolle.-ea s< lll'.hm' whukh, ?i Peat 14th. vtotsu ubhd AN i.AOY. f E aoii1 NO ORRBAR, 1 Krenrh,, .itaatlo'. a* <1 al It eeeW teacher be.t relarencea M.. iw? 127 Herald Uptown oBaa dumiilltl. "a'tirt '>t frrtli in til her iiollilr^xt mitmill j\.377 hth ??., on# ?liwf nbov# sum ?*.. oc al 1*ih W??it Hill ?i ; rabbfr, e#ilttlol