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AMPIEMETK. ?TN10N~ SqUaSX THfcATBE. U Proprietor Mr. SliEBIDAN SHOOK Manager Mr. A. M PAL.IEK 77TH TO H4TU panormuce of the irreat Emotional 1*1 ?r. by the authors of the "Two Orphan*." entitled, A CELEBRATE 1> CASK, I irodaoed with a auperb oast. including ? Meura Charles K. Corhlaa, John Parse lie. J. 11. stod dart. K. 11 arde liberie, Nelson Dacker. U. M. MontKom-1 ery. H. P. Daly. W. H. Wilder. W. S Qulgley. W. I Goidthwalte. together with Agnea Booth. Mi>?e? Sara Jewett. Llmla Delta. Lulu Jordan. Roberta Norwood, Margaret Con*, liattie Thorue, Little Eva Kreucb, Urn. I O. H. Gilbert and Mr*. C. W. t'uole. -<8> SATURD.aY. at 1 THIRTEENTH MATINhE OK A CELEBRATED OA tit.. SB ATS SECURED TEN DAYS IN ADVANCE. HIBLO'S GARDEN. Me..r?. GAl'.DN I R k BACHE ..Lexaeea and Managers A RhSI-.RVED SEAT KOR 5o CENTS Reeelved nightly with tliunderous atiplau?e. The Intensely sensational and o itliotlc Ave net Drama. Li.AH : OK. THE JEWISH MAIDEN'S WRONO. Aet 1-Arrival of Leah at the Auatrian Tllla.e ; at the (terey of the mob. Act 'j?The meeting of Leah and Ru dolph. Act 9?'l he snare ; Le?h an outcaat. Act 4-Wed ding chimes. Act ft The wandering of Leah. THE JEWISH CURSE ON HER BETRAYER. Br. SAMUEL W. PIERCY Rudolph Kiss GUSSIB DE Loah MATINEE TO-DAT AT 2. Doors open at 7 P. M. Carriages at 11 P. ML Grand-opera "iTousb POOLE A DONNELLY I-easee* and Managers Reserved Suats (Orchestra Clrelo and Balcony), 3"c. GALA MATINEE TO-DaY Al 2. gala matinee today at s. FLOTOW'S OPEKA MARTHA. ?BE. ANNA GRANGER DOW. RANDALL, CLARKE, KELLOGG. KELCH. *0. THIS EVENING, FAREWELL PERFORMANCE. ITALIAN OPERA. IL TKOVATOHb. ITALIAN OPERA, IL TROVATOBE. Last appearance of the eminent artlat?, Mr. CHR. FRITBCH, Mr jL BLUM, Ml&s Isadore Marlines, Adelaide Randall, H. Wle*aud, Ac. MONDAY EVENING, Mlsa M AGGTE MOORE and J. 0. WILLIAMSON In "Struck Oil" aud "The Chinese Ques tion." SUNDAY EVENING, 25 CENT CONCERT by DOWN INO'S Ninth Regiment Band and many popular artists. rpoNY PASTOR'S. TO> Y 1'ASroiPZ HARRY AND JOHN K Kit SELL, WATSON AND ELl.lS, ROGEHS AM> VICKc-R-L U1LLY HARRY. KITTY O'NEIL. BRYANT AND IIOEY, HaRBY KENNEDY, EMERSON AND CLARK, DALY BROTHERS. TilK FONTaINBLEAUS, JENNIE MORGAN, TONY Pastor AND THE LARGEST <S>AND BEST COMPANY IN THE WORLD. jMKTU A VS.SUE THEATRE. " Every hvonum'?t 8. MATINBB TO-DAY. MATINEE TODAY AT 1 :30 U V NN N CO L KEKE I "BEST U U NN N 0 0 L K I BINDING U U N N N 0 L K I WK U U N N N C L EEE I EVE It U N N N C L E j HEARD." U N NN 0 0 L E I SAYS T1IK ff N NN 00 LLLIa EEEB I HERALD. Very great success of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Howard: tho Virginia J ublloe singer*: the genuine Southern >peclal tles; the sensational effects of this most magnificent revival. (Saturday) BIGHT, THE MAMMOTH SHOW. OO MM MM'" SS8 | "IT T 0 O MN NM " 8 8 | HAS T OO MNNM'B I AGAIM T O O M N N M SS8 | BECOME T 0 0 M MM M 8 1 Till-. T 0 0 M NN M S ? FASHION'."? * OO M M M SUB I TIMES. Tli* Mall save:?"One peculiarity Is tbe RELIGIOUS ELEMENT, many Ministers of the Gospel alternating tears and laughter over the WORLD-FAMOUS DRAMA." CO A BBB II NN B V C AA H B II N N N U A A H B II N N N C A A 1IBB II N N N C AAA B B II K NN O O A A B B II N NM CO A A BBB II M NN "CABIN AND Camp MEETING SONGS WEIRD, CHARMING." SPECIAL | GKNKRAL ADMISSION. 50 CENTS. matinee beservkd seats :*> cents i xtra. TODAY. I FAMILY CIRCLE. 25 CENTS. V CHILDREN AND SCHOOLS HALE PiJCE. ?,? C* >ILMORE'S GARDEN. J Madison and 4th avs.,26th and 27th sts. Far aurpassitg all other so-called great shows. TREMENDOUS AND UNPARALLELED SU0CB88! THIRD WEEK OK THE GREAT la OO >N 1? DDD OO NN N 1> O O NN h D D O O NN N L O O N N N D D O O N N N 1< OONNND DOONNN L OONNND DOONNN L OONNND DOONNN 1XLL OO N NM DDD OO N NM CC II KRK CC J I' SfcS C OUR R C OU US S O II K R C U U 3 C H ICRR C U U SSS C II R R C U U S ooiiHKccuus s 00 II R R CC UU SSS + BANGER'S KABUL'S and UNEQUALLED ME \ AG ERIE! KVRUY EVEMNt. aud TUK>DAY. THURSDAY and j Saturday matinees. ri B Mine. DO?;KRiLI., u M JAM S ROBINfON, - . WILLIAM UOKMAN. 1 PAULINE LEK. ? K with huudredf of othera jg Admission, ftO and 2T> ceuts. Reserved Seats, 75 eenti. Children halt price. ROADWAY tiikatke. popular prices. aoth st. and Broadway. MATINhE ro-IMY. BKST POPULAR Continued aiirr.-es ot ORCuESTRA PRICKS THE KXlLBM. CIIA1US POPULAR Limited pcrlorniaiieea. ONE PRICKS THE EXILES. DOLLAR. ADMISSION The Mi"at popular Version. ADMISSION CU CENTS. THE EXILES. 50 CENTS. MR. JAMES C DUFK la pleased to announce that In con*?i| uence of irrnat sue eeas he haa determined to continue until lurther n tice tbe ORIGINAL METROPOLITAN SUCCESS, tbe Kiw York version of the fcEEB X 11 L EKEB SSS K X X II L E H S K XX II L E s EES X II L EEE SSS K XX II L E S E XX II L E 8 S EEEB X X II 1.LLL- EEEB IBS ?run its tnairnlflr nit realistic scenery end <up?rb eaet, thoroughly appropriate app Intmcnts and aecesaorlae. POPULAR PKlCi 8. SOWi.iiY IIIKaTKK. Tills KVKMNO, LAST NIGHT OK M It J. H. ?TI IlLKY. who will ~pp<'?r in two rl?ri?uj UnnHi ?TaKK OK DIAMOND* and NICK OK TiJK WOODS. 8TAKK OF DUMONUH MATINHK TO-DAY AT a. TllhAlKK COMiQCB. b 14 HKOADWAY IIAKKIOAN <k HaRT Proprietor* BW. IUM.KV M?nair..r AKKIOA.N * IIAltT In A OKLK K KATE l> HAKIM ASK rat Kuonay. ICOMPLIMKMTAKY I Kelly A Ryan Anna M -.-an. I HK.NKKIIin Reynold* ,t Walling jiui< A Jj?v!? i M. *. II ^NLKV, | Littlo KoM'liUit, Jew. Norton. i IIIUKSDAY I I*. 0. hiy. John Wild, AKTKRNOOH, I Willi* J*?ck*-rt, Hilly Oray. I Al'KIL 11 | Joliuny slier. rtciuF Til KATKt rREMCU OOHKdC i Orand gala night thi* craning. La*t performance of tba icaaoa. Koi ilie Drat lima in America, , L'aMI flilTX, Coated) In three acta, uy Kckniau ('liatrlnn. Orand *nc ta>> of the Kri-nch aoraedv. Jlila piece *?< repretented ?T. r mil lime* In Karl*. In IH7H Tlia performance will commence by l.K TAILLBL'R fOUtt i \ w i VHiiduvllla In min wot. l>y A. I'orlo-it. ToTh 1NWAY HaLL ~ TO-NIUUt. THIS (SaTi iCIiaY) KVKNINO, April 13. at a riihoiuui. riioM\h< NIXTIt AXI) LAST KYKfiOHf OONI'F.RT. Rololit* ? Mra. E. A-<>?goo<l. Soprano. Mr. Max Planer. Plana THK ?ll<AMD OlU'iih.VTKA OK Hf, tKIOORU hHS. Ailmla?i?n. (1: laeerred acat, (I aura second haloony edtaiaeloit, .'rflcent. re*erre<l *eat, rant* extra Ticket* ?ao no* In liail at ika b x ultcii ur steliiway Hall, and at the uaaal place*. hit* A.N I A FiI hA I KK. \XaD. NBUKNUOitrr Director Ti>-.MOII I . ItKN KKIT <iK IlMN'HlCH K aDM.HI Ku. Am'llhNHROKHKL. comedy In acta, by llenedlx. Box offlca opan Many Irum h tlli 4 o'clock. /1 KA ? U M1 LIT^RY-ANulTl Vl i: RBCMTIOM. VJT TWBNTY-Khi OND KKOlMr.NT. N.O.H.N Y. ACADlMt OK MI.'HIU. BAKTKR MONDAY BVBNINI). aP.:IL 2'i. W ALLAC ? L'MMBK SKASOK. Stan or combination* rrqulrlnir thl* Theatre for tha Month* or July, Auumi ano lirai two week* ol September may apply to TllBODORh MOSS, Traaaurar. TdaY AT S. IIKLi.KIt MATINKB. THK^ MaiVF.LLOUR UaT TBIOB. A ROYLR BOOMS. ARWYLK KO?iMHI. Xm. Ath nr and :iOtti m ??DANSANTKs" SUlKKl.S NIGHTLY*. Ts T1IKKK A 11 kUL f JL lBK*r?"l r Ii??w?rt'l. lion. .InllN II. K< >X will dallvrr bi? LK<" TU l<K at C II14' k K Kl NO II \ LI. TO-MOUliUW (Sunday) KVBNINO. Admlilon Me.; raacrvcd *rat*. Vftc. Tie?fit? lor aala at Ociiahnrtli a niu>DAY AT ST~ BollBMT MBLLBM. r 1AMD? I'ltlVAlB I.RiMlNS. PIANO. OHOAN, VIO /lln, Oaltar. nliiKlnu. I nlvarvllr :?>l Wa<arli-y placn. rcmar* malli?L Ad>1raaa l)NI V KoHlTt. u. U' IN Li Mil.lTtKt AN It i-lVli; RKOKPTION. Tv?KNr* SKOUNU RBOlMKMT. N.U.B.N.Y. A<: A11KM Y OK Ml ?IC. KASTKK MMNDAY KVfcfciNU. APRIL Zi. goHE OBBHT UkLLBM. To DAY AT 2. CKVBMTH ItkOlMBNT KKOKPilOM. DtMB sKVfcNIII KKOlMl.N I' A.M> VKTKRAN AHHO OlATION'H MBCBI'TION. Ill AID or THK NhW AKMOi.Y KL'ND, at Oia Ac ?drnir Muaic, WKIIN Khl?A > hTKMNO. April #4. IM7H, Baxa* ana Orkat* may ba ?a> ur. il on application to W M. 6POND A CO., No. HA t'alon M|iiar. Iickat* may al?o nbtalnao ol tha o(Hcar? anl im la bar* >1 botb urnaoi**. tlvna Pflco M. alnala admlaaion. rpo DAY AT X HRLLhM'a WoNDKIIS. A LL TUB LATiMT MUrtlC AT bO( IkiY SoCI tBLBS nr; Saturday acanln*. Tammany Hall. Lnatar'aOr ?nactra BUCKIKUHAtt KALATK. 37th at.. naar Wit ay. Am?rlcaa Jardin Mablilr. Pari* by nlirht Kilt* Sociable* Klicluly. </|Mra bouffn Malic. Tnraa .rand parlor*. Iloa toil raaort oI ttaaaty an , la.ui n i-MKrhKN HALL PouL IOf KNAMKNT?AT O'CON P ,NON*H. 80 and ?tl Baat I4tli *t., satmday aitarnoon; II W il*"i> ?*. J. Dlau. 0. OIoh vi. Si aiMU. Kraniaa?S. Kalabt >?. U. Kray, wablatraua at. W aiula. Aornl*al<'ii -Afi- raooa, SIAa: craning, AOs, Rcacrvcd l>ata JTm altra. rtlO DAY aH 7 - . Tt).MUHT Af a X IIKLLBK'N WONDhBH. %S?kRY RaTI kUA* KVIlNINO si.i n. rv S?M IAHLKR, JCiTammaiif llall. All tha lataat Mnalc. Laatat'* Or MHlra doTlKTr iovtABLB BfBNY BAIUKOAY kvrnino. OTxrumany Uall.?All tbc lataat Mu*ia. Luaiat * Or AMUSkWltfTV. evekt EVENING AND SATURDAY MATINEE. "A glorious triumph." Tompkins A Hill's EXILES. exile S. booth'S st 1 XiLKs. St BOOTIl'B H mill's st EXILES, at booth'S booth'S st EXILES, ut booth'S BooTH'8 ?t EXILES, st booth'S BOOTH'S st I XILES, st booth'S BOOTU'S st EXILES. st BOOTH'S EXILES. EXILES. Prices-25r., aoc.. $1 sod 91 SO. THIS (8ATUEDA Y) AT 1 :.'i0. O.iAND EXILES MATINEE grand exiles matinee. GRAND EXILES MATINEE. liKAND EXILES MATINEE. GUANO EXILES MATIN EE. 8F.CURBD SEATS ONB DOLLAR 1)K?.Sk CIRCLE FIFTY CENTS F \XIL,V CIRCLE TWENTY-FIVE OENl'8 Ar BBB A HRR NN N U L MM MM"' HH8 B B AA R R N.N N U I' MS NM" 8 S B B AA R R N N N IT D MS NM1 ? BBB A A ERE N N N U U M N N M 8SS X BAAAR RNNNU U M MM M _ 8 B BA A R E N NN U U M NN M 8 8 EBB A AEBNNNUUMMM S8S GREATEST Show ON EARTH. OPEN EVERY AFTERNOON AND BVENING "at" TUB AMERICAN INSTITUTE, 3d **. sua 63d st?, FOE TWO WEEKS ONLY. UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS. A PERFECT iRlUMPli Evory sci received with LOL'lJ SALVOS OK APPLAUSE SIX thousand DlllGHTED PEOPLE. CKOWOS TURNED aWAY NIOHTLY. THE ROYAL TRAINED STALLIONS recoivu s perlect ovation st eseli Periormance. CHARLES PIsU. the Cbsniplon of the World. A salary <>l $r>o.utx> s year will cheerfully be psld for the eqasi ot Hits ttrest srtlaL 1U0 GRBtT ARTISTS. AN ENORhOUS Ml- N AUK RIB. A GIGANTIC MUsEUM. In order to avoid TilE IMMENSE CROWDS AT NIOQT sll who cso conveniently should stteud the daily afternoon exhibitions RESERVE seats' IN ADVANCE. Doors opes st 1 ssd 7 P. M. Admission 23 sad 90 eenta. Reserved sests 23 cenu ixtrs. N. B.?The programme I* constantly changed, sa It would be impossible to uitroduee sll tile UKIOAT AI tractions IN ONE PERFORMANCE. THB~OREAr NEW YORK AQUARIUM. Broadwsy sud 33th st.. usn be visited during Lent with the utmost propriety. positively LAST WEEK OF THE Broncho Horses. Rocky Mountain Oosts. Educated Dost sud JucklU-Chys Jspsusae Compsny of Juirtclsrs, Aoro buts, Magicians snd Athlete* sud their marvellous PERFORMANCE. Monslsur OSCAR in donhle tsndem manege set. The Rloing snd Tumbling Monkey. Curious Mechsnlc. showing bow circus riders ar* taught. Mutiuees every day SI 2 :30 snd evenings st S o'clock. Admiaalou 30 cents; Children Bslf price 7 ALLACIt'S. Proprietor snd Msnsger Mr. LBSTEE WALLACE w EVERY EVENING AT 8 O'CLOCK snd 8ATUBDAY MATINEE, AT 1*0. DIPLOMACY. BOX BOOK OPEN FOUR WEEKS IN ADVANCE. Standard theatre. maggie mitcuell. Only "Little Bareloot" Mstinse to-dsy st 1)?. Reserved Sests. $1. Admission. 30c. Standard theatee. broadway and Sd st. WM. henderson Proprietor snd Manager Fsrewell perforuasnces of BAREFOOT. This afternoon, 1>?. Evening, 8, positively only times MAGGIE mitchell LITTLE BAREFOOT. MONDAY. April 13. Inst week of MAGGIE MI'ICHKLL snd production of PEARL OF SAVOY. MONDAY. April 22. J. E. EMMETT ss FRITZ POPULAR PRICES. POPULAR PRICES. Bo* oltice oprn 8 A. M. to 10 P. M. P- ARK THEATRE, broadway. HENRY f. ABBEY Lessee snd Manager Ol'R aldekmen. OUE ALDERMEN. OUR A LDi.RM E.N. OUR ALDEKMEN. OUK aldermen. OUR ALDiRMhN. OUR aldermen. OUR ALDERMEN. OUK alijkrm EN, OUR ALDEKMEN. OUR aldekmen. OUR ALDERMEN. OUK ALDERMEN. OUR ALDBBMEN. Americanised by J. B RUNNION, Esq., wrru its beautiful scenery snd FINB CAST, including Messrs. Lewie. l.e Moyn?, Thome, Kl*gs, Bsllsy, Msglnlev, t-sville. Puroeyjsnd Culiinutou. and Musdiues Cvwell. Noble, Murdoek, Wvndhsm, Bingham. Chapmen snd hlngieton. EVERY EVENING AND saturday MATINEE. SAN FRANCISCO MINSTRF.LH. J OPERa HOUSE, AN FKaNCISCO MINsTK tls. J Broedw'y and 2tfth st. the family kb-okt. MATINEE TODAY FOR THE LITTLE ONES. LAST TIME OF THE 'FUNNY BABIES, THE two DROMIOS. UNCLE tom'S LAMENT. NEWCOMB'S CHEICRY BELLS. ALL SORTS OF FUNNY THINGS. RECEIVED WITH ROARS OF laughter. BRING the LIITLR ONES. , Rests si-cured. MATINEE IODAY. Evening, st & Ui.LLiSK'.- WONDEUH. 24th >U. Hour fifth Avenue liotel. I.MHKHT IIEI.LEK, THE WONDER WOK k a It. prestidioitateur ?ad LECTURER, A really marvellous combination of NBCROMa.NTIC WONDERS and the story of BLUR HEARD Evening at 8. Matlueea Wednesday ud Saturday at X UhRLE'S TIVOLI THEATRE. 8th it., between 2d and 34 are. the best variety huuw in tuk city Kred P. Levautlno, Champion Equilibrist; the Utrtoni. Tomicy auU Annie Ssetch Artists; Mile. Prauslnl Queen ol the Bicycle . Crawford Brothers. lona Lang, Mile. D? airee, Kannt Davenport: hccentrtc I'onr, Levenien Broth ers, Turner end (ierard. The great Vienna Hallet Troune, the Hnest and on It Hallet In the city. Matlm-ee Thursday and Saturday atterouone; ale<> Sunday, midnight. ? To-data* i BLUB beabd IIKLL.hR MATlNEK. To-niuht. cii hall. PKIZE ELECUTION CONTENT. Inimenae succeaa! Secoud contest to-night t A delightful entertainment. Don't mlaa It. 20 COMPETITORS! $75 IN PllUkH! Awarded by a vote ol the audience. Klve minutee to each selection. No two allae. Bring pencil and nerd Admission 90 cenU. No extra charge for reeerved seals if secured In advance Tlckete and programmee Pond's, 39 Union qu .re. J. 8. VALE, M*unicer. ~ ~ELLfcB matinkz TO-DAY at X H SULTAN DIVAN. 241 Y.-ORAND HA It M All) iiieolay. The assemblage drawn hare aUbtly la without precedent In tkle city. All orderly eigntaoekera are Invited 1 \O.VI POROKT SOCIETY HOCIABLh EVHKV HAT J "unlay evening, Tainmanr HalL Klegant Baalo. Lus. ter'a < ireheetra. TO-DAY AT A the" PUNNY CLOWN. IIKLLBR MATINEE. DON'T PoKOEl Til K DIME CONChKTll, llnatltute. every THUKHDAY and SUNDAY evening. Admission i nly ONK 1)1 MR. fy BAN t? MILITARY and CIVIC BBCBPTloh. U- TWBNIY SECOND KBOIMENT, N.U.S.K.Y. ACADEMY OP music. RASTER MONDAY KVBN1NO. APRIL U3 J^ftLLERS WONDhRS. TO-DAY AT 3. A5 PMIOrOBTKS, OKOARt, fcC. AH ^ Ml VaT k K * M 1 la V wicl a A i ItlMCh M'EINtV W | I'iauoforte. eoel for flUl); an elegsut 7^ octave exquisitely carved caee four rouud eora'red rosewoud Windsor Pianoforte, ooet laet Aairuet $1 (JUU, for $1.*M). In eluding Stool. Cover, Music Cabinet, cost rl 1X1 Call to day at private residence 1'JO West J'ld st. near 6tn sv. A mm -r? )B kbnt, upright, mucarb and grand ? Pianos of oar ewn make; alenror sale and rant, a num ber nt Dae second hand t'lanoa. la perfect ordei. WILLIAM KNAUi A CO., I l*J 5th av., above IHtu st. N AHHOI(TM"ENT OP SECOND HAND STEIN WAY ft I'lanos, soine nearly new, all In parfvat condition and hilly ?airanted, at a bargain: also the largest selection In the eountrr of eaconil hand Pianos ol other makers, ranking f:|i> upward Heware ol kM instruments reprassnled as Keuuinn Melnwajr 1'ianoa at auctieu and In private houses. STEIN WAY A SONS, -tslnway Hall, New \ ork. PRIVATE FAMILY WILL SELL ?tbibway I'ianoiorte. $I3<?; lour round rosewood inlaid marque trr case 1'iano 71, octave, purchased at Ceatennlal, coat H.I'O. perl lt)?M gem. a sacrilice; also cabinet (rend upright Piano, $175: boa lor shipping Call private resi de nc No. 47 West Irtth St., between 5tn and )Un ava Mrs. 0. U VAN DEVBML A few skcon"ii hand wehek piano* at very L-reat bargains aome ol tham used hut a very short time by our best m slelans and really almost as irood as new; lully warranted In every respect. Please rail at Weber W erornoms, 5th av. and Iflth at. ? ?A*I OH ARC K. ??TU B _ WEHr.R PlAN<lS, US II) only for a lew weeks during the stay of the Italian opera I'ompany In New York by Miss KrllogK, Merle Rose, Carv, Mwiteuuc. Krapolll, l?m Kan. Verdi. I.'onlr, Ac., end specially selected by tham lor their sympathetic rich ne a ot t ine. Will 'ie sold at a very great bargain. This is a ciiance seldom mat with ; lally warranted for hve years. Pleeee call at WEHRK WARkROOMS. 5th av. and l^lth at. Aol AI'OSlI I VK H .roain. -HOSKWOOD PIaNOPmrie. hut little used, for sale, oust six months ago fftnai, lor fl7l>; .-tool, Covsr and Music Man.I, elegaat cabinet ap three stringed, brilliant toned instrument, lor one uunrter original cost. Call at privats rssidsm e 131 West I4IM St.. between Oth end 7tli nvs Hoses to ship. CHli;KEitl>il KOSKWOOD PIANOfORTK, COiT #4!V), for iim Jperleet order, llm 2 i av , near lath St. 1> AKOAINS.-C3 MONTHLY WILL Bl.'V A NEW ok i>gsn ; #?! a I'iano; 7% .irtave Piano, tluS; new llano, ?150' Organ, $;?.'?: Melodeon. W5, low rents liOKHOls A >ON, l i Kaat 14th st hoMACl WATERS A BONN, Of ?) EA-T I4TM uT., invite the attention of dealers In musical instruments t.1 the wldair est ablished claims of their Organs and Pianos; prleee varying from |4?) upward Catalogues mailed. kanich a maoh, m;\ r.Asi -i.. m-.^k ^d AVav,, tave a lienntlful assorimsut ol Has I'laaotwrtaa, tx'th new and aeeund hand. wMoh Ibay are offertog eery |..w Pianos let anil sold en inatalmeuta Mi >ii ii k > r 7 in rwh komt.Woud" lorte, only $55, rara bargain ; Parlor Organ theap. OOKUON'S. Iftf UleeekTr si. WHHKK PI anoVoi.te EVERY I MPKoVKMBNT. graat bargain . beautiful rosewood Plsnori>rta. tHW. J BIDDLR, IS A'everley place, near Broadway. fuimo a skim).ni? hand pat.lor orand it Piano, mention muker and lowest prlea. Adursss P. A, I'uat oMee box 4^MUs New York. ! CITY HEAL ESTATE. KUK 4AL.K. C?nlr?l. " "" APBOBTMENT CHOICE ItWELLIITOS, 44. 46. V) 57th. near Madia >u ; 1H. 21. 25 fast. Apply on premises. Owacri. DUUUIN A CKUSsMaN. Architect*. B3 hast 41st KIM ST CLASH DWELLING, 22 KOOMS, Al.L conveniences, aear Madison auuara, only U.i'Jt), casu, and fS.OUU per anuurn; rentelor Ki.OU#. IKLhThE, tier ?Id oAce. ' OK 8ALB?WTH HT T BETWEH N "iTADUiOir A ND 4th avs.. lour splendid cabinet finished lour story brown Kuh 11 umet. NOk. 29. S3, 37. 39; price. (25.000. h H. PL' KDY. Trustee, 42 to 48 West 13th st. no? SALE?Vfc.l<Y LOW TO CLOSE AN K8TATE, r No*. 49 nod 51 Wait 57tb iL the fineat block la the citv, two inaunlflrent lloa?e?; 25 loot front, 93 fact deep, finest cabinet flniah, mirrore, real brouie hardware. Ac.; ; plumbing and drainage parted; balll In moot aubetantlel manner under superintendence ol IX* J. Jardlue, archi tects Apply on premier*, Open on duudav*. L^OK 8 ALE-ON 56I'H ST., BtTWBhN STU AND UTH JT avs.. a medium ilia Houaa. finished throughout iu bard wood aud lu perfect ordart price (22.000. Apply to E. U. LUDLuW A CO. ,3 i'iue it. and 1.130 Broadway. IjM>B UALJt AT~ A MAKOAlhl?9 WA8UINUTON r place, near llro?dway. Apply to GBNIO 0. SCOlT, 015 Broadway, or HOMEU hOKUaN, 2 Pin ? ?t. F~OR SALE AT A MAOHIKIOB-A HANDSOME browu (toua Dwelling on Lenox Hill, near Central Parle. KHAil. CRAWFORD, 95<i 3d ?v. For bale ob ro let?house anu lot 30 usu ?t.. between 4th. Madlaon and 5th an.; bigheet loait . tion on the ialaud; built on aolid rock; brown Aona front, lour *tori*a and Llgh basement and cellar, with all Im provements; built lu the boat poasible rnaanar; no batter built hou*a in Madlaon ar. ; uninterrupted view fllty mile* all around; Brat cla** rammer resort. Inqura within, or at 22.' Utu av . up stelra. ^ UJJT UE SOLD?K1R8T CLASS HOUSE IN CIIOICK locality ; a periect, elegant home; aaa it and make au offer, Principals only addraaa or eall W. U. EKTELL. Puttier A tityuiu, Lexington av. 42d at. Kaal Sk?l?. A -FOR 8ALB. SEPARATELY OB TOOKTRER. ONE ?or five of those elegant lour atory Houaaa on 3d av., 12tith at., at a aacrifice; itorea aud llat* all leased to irat ciaaa partlea, aso one private Uouae; poaaeaaion May 1., 201 East 12>itli it. ALAKOE FRAME HOUSE. CONTAINING NINE rooms. full lot, weat of 3d av.. only $3,500. JOHN A. LINHOoTT, 3d av? near 113th it, EAST 27TH ST., NKAK 4TII AV.-KOB KALE,* A very dealrable and attractive three atory Dwelling. 20* ?>6 leet, and contains all the modern conveniencea. Apply to E. II. LUDLOiV A 0O., 3 fin* at. and 1,130 Broadway. \\ eat Sld? FOB SALE AT GREAT SaCUiKICE-A KINE Con ner Property ou 7th av.. four atory brlok, in One order. Inquire JOHN 8TEW.UU. 98 7tn av. I" [10B BALEOit TO LKT-260 WEHT 42D 8i., A KOUlt 1 atory browu Mone English baaanient ilouae . a good loca tion lor a pnyalciau; will be aold oheap or let to a good teuant. App.y ou uremia*a. 9TH WAItU?KOB~liALa. A THREE STORY HIGH atoop private Houaa. lu good order; poaaeaiion May 1; will lacrilice to a prompt buyer. A. HUYL UE MOTTE. 489 Hudson it. Hlwella ueoua. Mp.DIUM SIZED HHICB dwelling IN NEW York ; near depot*; vary little mouay required. M. J. LEi'VVlTll. 4S Oliver at., Newaik. BROOKLYN PliOPEHTY KOll HALE OR TO LKT. iTSou?KT"TMESi" ??i(r^nrANTr5 ahe; _ ment lirtck Houaa No. 131 Elliott place, Brooklyn; 5rice, HS7.000; lormar price, (13.00U Apply to H. O. A J. . JONES, Kaal Batata Ageuta,3tU Atlantic nr.. Brooklyn; or to the ownrr, U. P. UOvV'Kl.L, 10 SDruce at.. New Vork. IjlOR SALE-A VEBV LABUB KACIOKV. APPLY AT f Klrat Natloual llank, Brooklyn, N. Y. BtOU SALE OR TO LBI'-THoMB BhAUTUUL NEW two atory brown (lono ilouiei oa 'ith at., aear Proipect Para; 10 rootu*; all modarn improrementa; IS minutea trom Hamilton ferry; areat bargalna. Houaa* of all alnd* to let. J. W. (ilLDKB, corner 9th it. aaa 5th av. Brooklyu. House to let in division av., hext to corner 3d at.: a*? two story hrick: nlae location, all improvement*; Ave minatas' walk to Orand ar Roo**v*lt st. terries; rent ?3i. WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE AMD TO REHT. f Y6NKE"Ra-KOR~?A"EJB O.. EXCliANUE Wfi A City ilouae, two very next Hon*** lightly mortgaged; alao a number of Inrnished aud untarnished Houses to let A LARUE STONE VILLA, KULLY KUKNIHIIKD, an Davenoort Neck, Nsw Rochalla, to rent tor one or two year* or the seusun. Apply to W. W. BVAN8, O'J I'iue st. I YONKKK8?UIX ACBBd IN A RICH VALLEY; buildings aud location sultabia tor hotel: Irait; luuning water; suade; abaaa; easy terms; miubt axchauae lor Harlem Hausa. OWNER, .',030 lid av.. Naw Yora. Three new cottages to rent ai ji.romk Park station, thirty mluutes Irom Urand Central Depot. Apply at thu datiou. ATER i'OA r.R TO LET?LAROK BUILDING and Room*, with rseallant Walar Power, at Yonkara, N. Y., 1U mile* Irom elty by boat or rail. Inqnlra of J. CoP CU1T.440 Waabingtou at . or at Yonkar*. OlTk E R8. ?T fc nTioOM _b BIC K CO IT AO R TO LET; gas, c 'verad piaaaa*. fin* view; rent <20. H>. box 2,559 Poit olfioe. PROPERTY OUT OP TIIK CITY FOR HALE OR TO RENT. ^doeTm aSK^JTWotni^ YKoiTne W York; two through train* aailyiafina old Raaideoce, with ext. naive grouudi; one ol the finest location! ou the alreet; containing six sleeping apartments, boaldes Servants' quarters, and. it ueaired. an adultloual oottage for servauts' lamiliee; terms, (1,000, or with tba celtane, ? 1.10U Aduress Poat oflloo box 2.393 New York city, or apply to Wli.Lt WaLLaCH, No. 4 liecktuau at A" ~F T B NA kITy."ST jT^ HOU8E, ElO 11 f~ROOM8. TWO acres, near depot; rant $300, OWNER, 21/7 West 38tu st. AT LONO H R INCH.* MR A B RIO IIT. AC.-TO LET, elouaut Cottages, Inrnished, at reduced prices. Apply to WM LANE. East Long Brancn. VERY IIEUIRaBLK KiThNISHED I10U8B? WITH groanaa, carriage hoase, eow, poultry, A a., at Ovster Bay, n riu shoro. Long Island; no malaria; beautiful vil lage, with pleasant drives aad walks; b minutes to atores and Poatodice; rent $4(iO to private lamily, wltb good ref erences. Address AatlMOKB, 789 Broad st , Newark. T NE^T BRlLilTrON?ONE BRICK UoUoE, KUB nished, and oua small Cottage, to lat. aear tsrry; also iioitaa aud atable, with 15 acre*. A r I4ENTICK. 'JWJ Hroadwav. AfcKW TWO STOKY COTTAUR rOR ?l,3U0. FKU and clear, at Wood.lde, L. L ; pleasant and bealtby 10 miuutus ride to 34th at. larrv. Last Kiver, .New V. rk Au. ply at leir.r gate or by mall. PAl.NThK. a T RUlHKRKORD-TWO SEW UOU31S8; OHOIUK Alocatlou. lots 5ux 140, $U 5UO; rout$j50 T. B. IVIhoN. 138 Qrand it At xtack, on thb hciison?to lkt oe rou Mia. a Uduu. known a* the tell. Houm, with all mod [T aru improvements, 2>i meres, coach houao, barn with lour XVj. W-fVr'iS mlu "oui de"ut- ,n AhTOUHmMO BAK0AW8 IN JBKSljy FARiiZiS XI. acre a. tiood buildiugs and fruit. $6,000 ; 40 acres uuaii bui.dtnga. wall frultod. #4.000. 1<? aeres. good buildiW lina larm, 93,000; lu7 ac-ree. bouse M rooms, well fruited' ? 7,000. J. B. kkruu.oT, aaA.wCh.rS.t ' TBkrIHLK SACKIKll K-MAuNlrlCl^Tn^Auir ? lie acraa, near Htroudsborg: ?) clear, baianco good t cbaatuut Uuibor; ainall house; choice fruit: large boniu* springs: a,uOO feat above aea level. overlooking Delaware Water (Jap ; ?r?od aits tor ?unmer uoardinic houaa ? ?imor, diu grown tienery unsurpaa-ed: undoubtedly the Awn sirland of America: uo lever. ague or m?<.ogitos excellent trout tlsblnx; eoll rich black loam I raises Ho bushuls corn per were, other crooa proportionately ; prion only ?1 ixxi bu'r?" hT" ""b- "" t>KI Katt Huo^I. tfAOTOB? PROPRBTY FOR BALK CHBaP-aT P ileilevtlie. IS J., about 12 Lota ol Uud, with a double Irani.- Hiiuaa and a brick Shop. Immediately on the Morris Canal, lor *2..jOO. Inquire J. liOCKlMn, No. u weal *?n n&.? ^low York. IpOK BALK ? a " WKLiL HTOCK KD VA KM OK 'Nhi acraa, with gentleman's Keaidanea. Inquire i'3M Htb av _ r. MOKKTTK. FI>K 8ALK-UALK PRICK, klboant oouxmr on Ciielton II,II. Wilh 4U i?? of la,?? boars Irom .New York by new Una. H. J. DOBBINS Ledger Building, Philadelphia. ' r yiMliad, H. J, j 17 icrti; good houao, wltlt tunou;*; choice shade trees and abrubbary; large baru ; three poui try; 1.01M bearing pear trees; also apple, ueaclr auiiiia berries; large vineyard. evergreen hedue Am. a.i dress OW.Nr.K, box 7il5 1'oat office. Vin'lai.d N j. ? I>oK~nALK.-$3,5U0 WILL PURCoAHh A COTIAOK of 10 rooms among the hills ol rornwall. one and a Half ^.er?*:^.f.?rUan^,0'"J"? ,ort ?prlagwaler; abaolutely free lyotn chills, 8wia> scenery, acceaatble bv steamboat ar nmr* IIOMKK MOKUaN, J l-ine st. "amooat or oara. Fv/m W n ru L.Kr?AT kokt Hamilton. ?illK Houses; line sea view ; steam njoiors nasi near' W^'.rlZ'ii'w *?kPl)f 10 l?lJWAKU AHM.vAoNtl.'34 W m-OMTUHWll UOUNTKY "i' l *.n<1 ?<??"?. fumiaUed aud unluralshed. one hour iron 4Jd st. JAHI'KR K C-RNlNd fwHB IH. >?>4 Hroadway. Lono bkancii?to lkt ia hakuaimi?5TTS Windsor Cottagea. $H0i) earb ; well located and talMly luralshed. Apply to T. W CwOrhu. Lon< Branch MAlllftON, N. ?ARM, 70 ACKi ?7ToH HALK aw miles from depot: fruit, water, timber, high land go. MlT-H."'^W??"llUst' ^1 P"" *4>i0U rATMANlK KW BilIUllTO.N.-f UKXIrtUKO IfTii u7Tk77r. Dished, i.oautllul Cottars, Mansions; Ven^. gn, s??haag>. >. A. cDl.Ll.Vx 2ti fin. ? ' ORtKUK?KENT OR fOK HALK. Dwelling; loeation unsurpassed; gaa. water, stable ft Ult. AOdrt'ft* bol 05'i, Uihii^d, N. J. * ORANtlK N J. (tfONTROMC RIIMJE).-RKNT. IN. lurniabed, two large, hiimlaome Hoaidencoa; tuodera cnaeiilencas; several acraa. st.bleai ?ery high, command, inu exteiisire views; excellent neighborhood ; near Moun> ?***??* ?UWAKUf. H AM 11, nIN. SiVin. / yumiB oorfAUR kor *ajk or to UT oooo ^anur'MtuMaei'"""' * bM??" 0S*5U* -Flwtt ?*fcw oottaobh (HwWmrLB). Ho?ntalB: folly furnished: views ? Iiy miles; nnsarpassed; spleiiditt location: perfect ftee. A RAH AM?MaAowri imL brl.*h,: pIlc" 10 Wall at BALDWIN, I4A Broadway; W. o. 0AYLK.1, UHAKilK UK VRaR?i.BNTLhMAN'8 KfACIOlM dUB? porban resldeuca, finely Inrnislied; over ten aeres of trait; fine garden. Photon,aoi. 4.1 l ine ?., room I T'.: "'J r !" j.. iiouSk?on I 1r""J "V' ,h# I'kfk; gas and furnace; large lot Rro;n,;;;.d,:r7 lmn,"'JiHial> ^ Tfo LfcT?TO I'RlVATB riMlLY, COUNTrTTBhT. deuce, with groands. stables to., on Bay h"k d?'? a MYKR*. 10 st T.??,.\k,t-'our toTs, with brick bCTlwno ? Siiitable for manufacturing purposes, in Nowark f? J Audiea* W , box 107 Herald ofhc.v ' "? l>wilhTrA'r ""'BURN, N. j., A NICK COUNTRY hie m hwu"# u',? '?* In good condition . g.^id sta ***?'*'?? garuen. plenty ?>l frnlt; very lar?a extra aroandai r 2 Ti*1 Pr'?? to a responalble party Addre.a HftitM W. CKulkKLIN, Ml Broadway. ' AdUraai To LKT?foknTuhbu, a uiiitirTmlbTHvmiIit Resilience of U rooms, siirroonded by >hade trees? Vtanu c-rrl.g. hon? 4 ground ; grape, .'n^rto^ 0/ other ihoice fruit In abundance, at Itahwav !* J n?. 5*r.5.?"/,W r#rk- *44 ?oet offiea. Rah* PBOPBRVV OUT OF TH* CITY FOB IALK OR TO KBIT. _ . Wo L T?At "SOW {SEVILLE, N J . Sflnm BONTMS lor longer. i furuiihed Houae. eight room*; frail end ?had* treea: wall and cistern water. Address A. Q., ho* 170 Herald office. mo LET UK KoR LB A UK UN hASYTERMS iA LONG 1 lease tn?y ba had or a larva portion of puicbase money can remain on bund and mortgage), a Oentleman'a Country Boat; larva h?uaa, wub iu auU water; atabie, garaeuer's lod_-e; 12 acre* of ground, well laid out; Bne view of Had* ?tea River: wlibiu So mile* at New Y?rk, on lludsou Hirer Railroad. Inquire of UOME . MORGAN, 4 Pine at. T~U LET AT ELIZAHETtf-HOUSK, lu ROOMS, water and gas; near ibe depot; nawly papered and painted; rent ti2. DAVENPORT, 1*5 It roadway, room 13w TO LET AT ruXABlfu. *. J.-AW ELEGANT Place on North Broad at.: three acre*, plenty fruit, via ble: alio tmallar Placet at low price*. CRANE A GL tSBY, opposite tha depot. O LEASB-TUE STRICKLAND HOUSE. UK# Hritain, Conn. Apply tu A. H. STRICKLAND, 410 Main at. TO KENT?AT CATsKILL. KOB SEASON. SPACIOUS Mansion. furniebed; Sua situation, extensive grounds; or on same place, a large Cottage. 13 rooms; term* mod erate Apply to TitEO. A. CiU.K. Cataklll, N. Y.,or J. M. FALCONE .. 18 Murray et . New Vorfc REAL BSTA.TR~TO EXCHANOB. i'T KUTtlHkrUKb PARK. 8' MILKS FROM NEW York?A Cottage, outbuilding*. 8 lot*, for Brooklyn or Long laland Property. Addraa* L. K.. box 3'J1 Poat office. New York. A CONVENIENT HOUSE Ox GOOD LOTS IN ABrooklyn, in exchange lor caeb and Cottage, outeulld lnir, * corner lot*, at liutberlurd Park, K. J. Address L K , bo* Sol Poat office, New York. IpolTSALE. OR EXCHANGE FOR IMPHuVEU. UN EX 1 cumbered city property?The country teat ol tlia lata De >'oreat Mauloe, Que* us county. Long laland. of 35 acrea, 14 uulae Irom New York and one mile from Queen* aad Creed in jor atatioa*; comprising a large dwelllu. Iiouaa ol gotbia atyle. large and fully a tucked greenhouaes, graperies, peacb an i other glass bouae*. carriage house* aid atabla*. a large Icehouse with ralrigeratlng room*, a gaitiener'a cottage, ciiuice evergreen* ?nd ahrub* ol full growth, hlgb and choice hedges, fruit tre >a or the best varieties and lull vrowtb. and large flower and kitchen garden*. All the bullalnga and grouuda are lolly auppliru with witter. Moat ol the liouae furniture and greeubouae plaut* will alao ue aold. Apply to W. D. P. MANICE, Executor, 46 Pme at.. Mew York. > EXCHANGE FOR PROPERTY IN HEW YOr"k or Brooklyn?A Hotel, daiug a good busiue**. kituated in New Turk. For lurther particular* addre* W. T.. Herald office. ANTED?A KAK.YI ON E \ STERN SHORE OF siaryiaud Tor unencumbered lot* In Brooklyn. A. RKPKLVh. 11)0 Fnlton et.. New York BOAKU1I.US WANTEU. V^BoXfta-'uKiri'ECiABttf fcsi&oiAt itiUtiftkoio _L,economise call at 13 Clinton place, near Broadway. Newlr opened. LAKtiE KOOM-hECOND FLOOR. WITH BOABii; all convenience*; no moving; moderate prico*. 2*7 Weat 23th et. 4th *t.. m east.-a large room, with or without Board. AND a W ASHI.SGTON PLACE (*T. JULIKNl.-EL egant bulla of itooma on secoud Hoar; also tingle Room*; Urat claw French taole. Kreueb, German and SpauLh apoken. <jf/T AH I>KU WEEKT?EXCELLENT BOARD AND Vx UUllght Kooma. Partlea wishing home corolorts apply at 08 Madison *t. d?- TO *7~A WEEK.?H0\ HD, WITH t\Ot?M. 15 yoMailm place, corner Clinton (Hth at-). near Broadway. 1 A WAVEKLKY FLACE. NEAR BR<>aDW AY. - F.tON r J.UKooma. $1J $10 tor two, with Board; aingie, $8; tran aieut. $1 5U a day; table Beard, Wk EAST 38U aT.?SLIT OK ROOMS ON THIRD, also Room* on fourth, to lei, with Hoard. 10, 1(1 WEST aOTll bT.?H ANDHOMEL V FURNISH hl> Xt/Boom* for gentlemen, with or without Board; also hall Rooms. til WEST 80TH ST.?LARGE BOOM AND TWO ^*zslde Rooms, separately or together, with Board; terms reasonable. l)UTil Sr.. 42 WEST.?FIRST LaRUK ROOMS, WITH ^Osuperior Beard; term* <10 to 921) per week, two par eon*. ? mWKST 30TII ST. -O *K KINK SUlT AND MNULK Rooma, with Drat claa* Board, to tauillie* and gentle men: references oxcltanged. fwkst rrrn bt.?rooma to lc.t, with board, on aecond and third floor*; refsreace. 30 A u WKSI 20I'll 81-?HANDSOME, LlRUh >ECOND ^rOitory Room; other Rooms, for gentlemen, with Board; refrrencus. EAST 21ST HT.-DRSIBaBLE SUIlS OK ROOMS, with or without private table; alau aiuule Rooms. 49 iQ W 81 lOTH ST.?HANDnciMfcLY FURNISHED TEt/Rooma, with excellent Board; single, $0 and fT; no moving. HT. MARK'S PLACE.? PU RNIStl KD ROOMS, with or without Board at reaaonable terma. Madison AV.-TMiuirVLouR front rooms; one eu fourth floor, with Board. 55 sar Xo^furnlahed Rooms, aultable for oue or two;' first class Hoard. t) i rr WKST 1STH ST.?A PLKASANT ROOM RENT. Zi I I furnlabed, exeeliaat Board, two parsons, SlOweek: sinirle Room, C5. ()/.(! WEST 40TH ST.?A KK? GENTLEMEN AND ^OUladles cau bare good Board and pleasant Rooms; 3so table boarder*. No moving. 4 LADY CAN HAVE FINE HOARD AND NUICSINO JVdurlng conlliiement In a private taally by addreaeing EXPr.KIKNCKD NllRSE. *tatlon 1>. STANDS' BOARDING DIUECTOItY. 1.151 HKUAD wav.? No charge to partiea wanting iulormatlou of first claas boardlug aecommodationa. W~T^TRKNTlnTTrOOMS Vf.UY LuW AT t? It iND Union Hotel. 41at at. and Parkav.; r. ataurant price* reduced. t!all and examine. 1IO AUU ANO UIUU1HU UWTKI). tTK> I L^? AN lJtSlR7S Ttuu>r. \vTflt HOA Hl?.~l N rYorkvllle. 15 minutes from Astoria lurry; private fam ily or boardlog bouae. Addreaa, stating terma, L. G., Herald Uptown offlce. WO OuNTLKMr.N WANT FURNISH hD ROuM, with Board, In a private Jewish family ; state pile*. O., 2U5 Herald office. ANTED?ROOMS, WITH OH WITHOUT BOABD, for three gentlemen, between 14th and S4th ata. and 4th and Uth ava. Addre-a. stating location of Room* and terms, R.. box 2.240 Post oltice. anted?married oouple want hy the .. seaeon front sunuy Room over parlor; exceptionally good table at low prloe; central location. Addreaa, *tatlng teriaa. Ac.. K. P.. Herald office. W; HOTiikk. A*~^TTfi^nKJ5EA/irir" HuHkk ao SJvfkkY^-wo IUoiiu; l,od|(ta.i. 30e., 40e , 5<ia : weekly. $2 to $& UdOLUTK 8AFBTY PROM F1RK ANDRKW'8 (Are oecape) Hotel, 11 Wort lltk it-, Broadway; Uooiu* $2 week upward. * C^BNTKaL IIOThL. 2ftS CAN AL Sr., M K A It llKtiA u Jwmy.?Single front Room*. 50coat* pur day; double, for two. *l_t? ^ (~7rr HOTEL, UNDER NK* MANAGEMENT; KX ^celleut Board at the lowe*t tt.-uroa; Hounu, 50c. por d?y aud upward. Hth at and Broadway. RBVBkK HOVSu?itS KUOI'KaN PLAN, i*Tl Hroadway.?MorIo Kooma, 73 eeuta and fl; double l.ooma. lor two. 91 SO and $J per day. JNO H MBTp. H IIOTBL. BROADW AY. CO K N K It 31S T It. (Kuieuean plan).?llandMimoiy turnl-hed Kutinia. en aaltc and alaglv, at moderate prlcea. OKU. W. 1IU.NT, Proprietor. COUNTRY HOARD. TloAKIT'.-ir T> iwiiNA mom!?rh iTTnoTT Jjlanil*?W?U thaded ground* to the river: location per fectly bealthy. Addreaa 17U Columbia ll?l>;ht?. Hrooklwi. BOARD, WITH TI1KKK KOOM8, WANTKD-ON A farm near city, Irom J una to October, lor toar aUolta aud a e.iild: price not to exeeed $0U per uiuatli. Adore** X , box I li Heralil office. COUNTRY HOAuU-KKaK TI1K .SALT WATKR. within two boura ol the city; farmhoaae preferred; tnm iiy of twn adulta. Tuur cliliitreu and nuraa. Amlreea. alal ia* terint eud full paitlculare, W. A. M., 57 I'hryatlo at, >ew York. SUMMER AMU WINTER RESOllT KXCIIANOK, 735 Broadway, headquarter* where proprietor* and f,atron* may meet. Full uescrlptlon* o< Suuunor Keaort* rum our reconla gratuitituai y printed and distributed; photograph* exhibited tree to lb* public ; primrlator* of hniel< and auiiinier boarding Uouaen may avail themaelvea ol tlila o?cti?i>Ke wltli aliuoat a moral certainty <?f eucceaa. Call or requeat circular. HASIIItol'CK A LaKK. SKA SlIjK BOARDKKS-Fllt.->T CLASS BOARD AND pleaaant Ronnie on Cequot a?,, Uong Inland Hound, near New London, loan.; houae right nn tbo beach; prloea moderate. Addraaa Mra. MAKMLE, W lllliiiantlc. Conn. Wanted?hoard at lono branch, by okn tlemea. wife, mother, three nuall children and mine. Adi'reio, with term* aud particular*, DlvNNY, Uerald office. WANTKD ON HTATKN ISLAND, NKW BRIUHTOM aide [inferred, or Bear the lludaon. not lurtliertbnn Fort Waauiaaton. two Room*. with Board, tor geaileuian aud wile; private houau prelerrod, or where there are lew bnaniera. Addreaa, with reference*, alating price, M., box 1,111 Fat o?oo. ?CMMKK KK?OHTI>. \Jou"f?TTLkahaVi" n i?>/ilaoAN Ha ICR, JYlior taimliea, alll open on May 15; term* mxlnrate; two hour* Irom New York to the hotue; boating and bowling free. Adureee WALTER R. JoNEK, boa :M0 Peat olHco, I'eekaklll. ITT. HOlKlCl WHIM*, VVA.VIKU. la tiki* City *?(< Brooklyn. AOKNTLBMa* WI8MB8 A NICELY FURNISHED Koum, in private lamily, on writ aide. A'ldreia. atat lag teiun per.noath, I'EkMAN E.NT, box 170 lloraiu office. A FAMILY OF FOUR ADULTS WOULD i,IKK lO litre Uponr Fart of a houaa In reaperlahle m-lnhbor li od. Audre**, atallng particular*. BIltD, Wa*t IHth AOKNTLKMAN DK8IRKH LUtilK WKLL Ft'R nlaiied Romio. without hoard or broakfaat only, on or near 5tli av , and below 4Ud It. Addre**. with term*, B., 107 Kaet 55th at. WANTRD?IN A privatr FAMILY. MICRLY FUR nlihod Kooma, for tentleman and wtte ; Board t'nr ladr ?niy. Addraaa 1.KMKDIATK, boa 1117 Herald Uptown ?lit, WANTED?BY A OENTLRMAN AND HIS WIFM. A Hodrooa aud nHtla* ltoum, with eloaot. itatlonary Waaliatand and bathroom, or uao of cjntluooua bathroom ; viplnlty ot Union nqaare prelerrad: relerene?a. Ad4t*a*. elating particular*. IV. W A., box 22.1 Herald oOleo. In the Country. A FAMILY (FOUR aDI'LI's and l'HRRE CHIL ilrnu; wlali to reut for the auinmer incntUa a pleaaai t, ? urulaheil CvttaKu; **nal<le, with ailjiuent wood* preferred; the *aiue miiet ha eaelly aoceoiole l'?m the city: would alao accept lioaru In private family where ao other bourd on are taaau. Adilreaa I'oat ottlce bo* 56 New York ally. R% Rt AND KARA. TlflfllSb hOmajT k Y hif OK A SUI'TuTTok jt\ i|tiailiy made to order at reaaonable rate*. Dr. F. BAUCri k r. UOUOKLti AN>, 311 Hleecker at. We (ap ply moat ot tna hoapltala and olhur Inatitutlonl. J"~ AMK If Mmjj V KN TOR AM D ONLY "* \ KK R of the Improveii Artldclal human Km, acknowli'iUril by the facaitv io be the only correct Imitation of nature laita vettti ?*.U1 hut Utk tv.k*te*ea U Md M a?a FURNIIURE. "a?"smrsrAiai d ^ iA..aud Heddlug Warehouse, f>12 and 514 liU? ??.. o?M 3ttih at.11bo lut<u in the city; ioweat cMb prices; weakly and monthly ptymaiiu taken. At gbu a. olakkk'h. 747 iTb oXdwa v. >upkbiob runilure, Carpels. Uplioiatery (loods, Ac . tor cash or 011 bla special s< stem ul credit A f D. O'lf AUBBLL'S OLD, BKLIaULE HOUSE. 410 ?iVStb ay., MM JiM u.; IUJ larua lor Kuruiture. C?l pets, Ac. LaDY. I'WNINIJ heb OWN HOUSE. WOULD like im of farnliure lor iioruo And um ot room. In quire 14U Wwt 2Ulh at. * GKMLr.MAN BRKAKINO UP HOUSIiKBEPINO xYwili sacrifice Hous<U->id f urniture in lota to auit cash purcbaaera?namely. magnificent satin Parlor Suit, but lit tle uaed. coot tCnJi). lor iJUO; two bandaome Sulla. K art lake atrle. oovered in raw .ilk coat #330. for $125 aud $1U0: Tables to match; alao liaudaoiue walnut Chamber Suit; Mallresaes. i-.xloiisloQ Table. Hutfet.CaroeM.Ae.: call mid reasonable offer reluaed Private residence 131 Woat 14th at., oetweeu ttta aud 7th eva. Balmann BttotuEBs ark okpeking ubkat bargains In Parultur*. Carpet* aud Hediiinft at tbalr stores 22* and 230 Hudson at . corner Broome; weekly and monthly payments taken. CIAHI'ETS?10.000 Y A RD8; 8L10HTLV DAVAGK~D ./by Urn ; groat bargains offered at 2UM aud 270 C?nai at., juit east of Broadway. J. W. 1)1 MICK. For sale?sidkboahu, bi-dboum suTr, set ok Mirror*. Cornicaa aud auudry otliar articoa; null fee aold belore Mouday at 13 o'clock. 82 Weal 12th at. TMMENaillEDUCTIOJI IN PRIOBM OKPUBNITUBB. J. Carpets. Ac., for caah or oa*y payment*. COWPiiB Til WAIT'S. 150 and 157 Chatham at. Send for illuatratai prioe list. Weekly or monthly payment*. 18*' PATENT FOLDING BB0.??MOgT U.-BFUL article* tor dwelling or bntlne** In tablea, bureau*, desks. Ac ; require vary am all (pace; have no apprarmieo ol bed; all bedding placed In, besides have utefui drawer*, bookeaaa, Ac. Mauafaeturer. E. KISS, 152 Priucu *t. dllll [Win WO :TH O? 0 UtPKTS. KU51ITUBK ijPXVJ.l/Uls wanted Immediately; the highest price* will be paid. aNH tLT'S, 178 7th ay. WANTED TO PVRCHASB. TTOuSfi save waWEd-SScond H A ND; "WalM/T Jlrtniali preferred; fireproof, combination l<>ck and good order. Address. with price and description, HOUSE SAKE. Herald Uptown office. fO BTKRI'.OTi I'EUS. WANTED, A COMPLHTh OUT Ui tor a stereotype foundry. Address l'oat olBce bo* 21, New York city. ANTED-PIIOTOGBAPHIC INSIBUMENTS. BUK nlsher ana poiing chair. REYNOLDS, 4o:iilraud at., Williamsburg. N. Y. w PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS FOB MESSAGE ENVELOPES. The Western Uuiou telegraph Company Invite* propo ?ais uutil 12 o'clock noon. Monday, April 22. 1878, lor six uiillioii* No. 5 Manila envelopea. orlnied, with privilege ol taklii- six millions more at tliii aiiue price. Spocillciitioim and full particular* will be found In the "Journal ol Telegraph" ol' April 19, Inst., or can be had by applying to the underslgii?d. WM. IIUtTBK, Superintendent Supplier Nxw York. April ?. 1878. QKALKli"PROPOSALS .v ILL BE BBCB1VED BY TUB ^Congregation Bodopb Sholaiu for the grading <>f ceme tery lands lu Newtown. Queens eouuty, ou or before the 22d day of April, 1878, at the oflc* of thu (eerotary. PHILIP MICHaEL>ON, No. tW a* C. New York, where maps of the land can be seen and Information itlven. N HEMOVALS. OTlCh OI??KbMuVaX. Messrs. WILLIAM a. POND A CO beg to announce to their frianda and the puolle that they have removed to the elegant aud extensive establishment. No. 25 Union sqnare (Broadway;, running through to No. 25 bast 15th at., where will be louud "Everything in the Musical line." Sheet Mo*le, Musical Works, American aud foreign (in cluding the cheap and elegant publications of Hnosey A Co., of London. ftfr which they are the sole ai-ents), Musical Insiiuiuen'.s aud Merchandise of every deacrlp tlou ; Pianoforte* and Urgana. WILLIAM A. POND A CO.. 25 Union square, New York. DANCING ACAUE'lIlEh. CARTIEit'S DANC1NO ACADEMY, S UNIOn'sqPaBB Hill av. side). ?Ouou all luiumi-r, Private iesaoua any hour, lilide aud society walisoa spacialliea; new avalem. Lady aasiatant*. IhbBNANDO'S DANCING ACADEMY, 55TH ST., 8D 1 av. (Bauk bnlldlug).-Re.rptloa every Tlinreday to May ao; private leasons any hour. WATCHKh. JKWKLUV, ?v. A""T 77 BLKECKBBSf.; 'liitXit BBOAUWA^.'-MONEY advanced on Dlamouds, Watciies. Jewelry, Ac.; also Pawnbrokers' Tioceta bought ot Dlamouds, Wateues, Ac. 77 Bieecker st. ___________ T>AL>* AV, ABOV& ?2D t>T.? MONbY KOU Pers.iii.4l Property; old Gold. Silver bongbt: advances made; ladle*' oflice. WILLIAM A. GLOVE it. AUtlUb LOT ELEGANI SILVER BBIDaL PB8S en la, ?5 to $20. coat double: cash paid for duplicate Weddlug Preaenia; Watches below wholesale cost uy lu atalmenta. JOHNSTON, jeweller, 150 Bowery, eorner Hioorae. ABGAIN8 IN DIAMONDS, WATCIlc.S. JEWELBY, Ac. GEO. C. ALLEN. 1 1H0 Broadway. near2mh st. 1AMONDS. iWATCHEB AND Jr WELKY BOUGHT aud sold oack, if desired, at a small advance; old Gold and Mlver bought. 8. ItOnlt, 383% Oraud, between Nor folk aud suffola sta. Diamond itiNo, brilliant, nbab two cakats, #58: two lhamond Muds, X carat. CIS. very brilliant; luaguitli'eni Diamond Collar untion, 928; alao Canu-I's llalr Shawl. worth *2JU MILLS A COLEMAN, 180 Grand st. OB SALE-A PINK GOLD STr.M WINDING WAI'OH tor $40; cost #75. II.iRD TIMES. Herald offloe. ONEY, DIAMONDS. WATCHES. JBwKLRV AND Mlverware bought, and sold baik at a very small ad GEO. C. ALLEN. 1.1H0 Broadway. uear2?ih st. AT?Tr?TII AV., BETWEEN 24TU AND 2ftTH SI'S.? T: 17Liberal advance* made on IMamnnds. Watehea, Jewelry, Silk*. Laee* and Shawla. Same bought at fall value. 1*. BEHNaRD. BB<) ADW A Y.?DIAMONDS, WATCMES aND t/U | Jewelry bought aud aold; loan* negotiated on n?r ?onal propeity ol evory deacriptlon. JAMES P. MATTHEWS. oi?7 HBOADWaY. oVEH II KB alii BBaNCH ? ,^U i Ladles' private ofllca; Diamond*. Watches. Jew elry. Ac., bought aud aold. Branch. 1,207 Broadway. LIN DO BKOS. STORAGE. x -kiTiftjaITT" BRdTnEEs' ^TORAG*~TimfR il.housos. 232 and 331 Wast 47th it, near Broadway; separate rooms for Inrolture. pianos, An.; inapeotlon ao Ucited F M A-MOKBKLL'S PIK8T GLASS NTOKAUB WAKB ?bouna, built expreasly for the purpose, with separate coiupartmenta. affording mrjr facility to puraona leaving the city ?r otberwlae lor the storage of their lurmture, trunkease*, plaiioa, worka of art. Ae.; alao nafa Oepoait Vaulta for article* ol Htra ralu, with private Mafea ol all mm. by month or year. Moving, pace lug and ahipping promptly and raliabljr attended to. 4tb ??. and 32d at. AT roBTlNUTON*. 542 Ul'liSON ST. STuKAOK IN arparate rooina; low ratoa ; elevator, 23 yaar> lu lurni ture buahieaa. HAKOEK'S~~WAKB IIOUHKS, MTir~AV.. PBOM 33D to 34tb at.? Storage lor furalture. baggage, good* and waraa of every deacrlptlon, li aeparat* cloaed compart ments; always accoadble. Olliee '.km Vt aat 3<ith at. DToilai Poll nrulrvui CABKlAOfca AND Ogeneral merchandise; low 'atos, aaiety and ubaolute roapouslhlllty. KJMITll A HILLS, 750 and 752 8th air. and 247 Won 40tb at I M'J WBST 3311 ST. (KiULK STOIUUK WaBB Av'0bons??>.? Scrupulously clean: moderate charges; Improved elevator; cash aeouOBBOdaUuas II ilo?lroil N ARBLK M ANT KL?. t T 1'IUCKS NKVhK Al'I'IMMCIIKII IIKPOItK. iV>lato and marolo Mautela; largeit aa.ortment In tba city. PhNBIlVf SLATK COM PANV, SO Ualua aquare. 4tu a/, and I7tb ik, N-w \ark. maiiurnctiiraraol all kiuda of alate work. A it II I. KM A \ T KLd AttOMONUMttNTH CHKAPKK man ever. A. KLAltkK, 1)4 Bait ISih at, near 3d ar M _ AITKOiOU %. * A-sol m pohi no.N?ii iti Atks'r OuICTkVo ? Mra. PosTBM talla evsrvtiiug; naiuca, numoera: aat lalaction or no pay. 100 Bnat 13th at., near 4th av. 2.V . 50c., <1. CIOAllMAKEltS ON STIilKfc. Tbo Spanish aud Cuban agarmakers In the employ Of Mcaars. Groennall, Pohlikl k Co., Warren street, to the number of about stvouty, are on strike for higher wage*. Tln-y demaid a bigbor rata tban baa baon paid by tba Arm lor tto paat two years. Tbaaa workman are otnployod ciciisively in the Spanish de partment ol tba factory, Pom wbiab all otbera are excluded, h la dated that tie atrlka in tbla ahop baa baan luatlgatad by olber minolaeturora who are pay lug mora wages on oertalt classes ol manufactured cigara; atill tba Warren strortDrm aiairu that they pay aa huh ai any other on otbir particular brand*. Tba wages al competent and aletdy workmen range Irom $10, f'.'O. $&>. $3 J to >3A A steady hand oau work up 1,000 per week, wbie othora do not realise aa muub. liauds in 8punisb ehopa, who ara at work, aubacrlbo dlty centa oaeh pa week for the aupport ol the Warren atreet striken,who, aa a general thiug, wrra conteut with the wagei they received, ltoiag em ployed ateadlly all aloug. Wtb regular pay, but were compelled by ouuide preaatre to yield to tbodemaada ol workmen in other shop). The Orm aay they will atanu out aa loug a* their iaun, and a* yat there ep paara to be no ctaaace ol an knmealaia compromise^ VfcHDICT FOfc 8LANDE11. Tba oaia ol James It. Brlgitmsn againat John D. R. O'Drlan, for slander and mtlleiona prosecution, wus ooncladed la the Queans Cotnty Cirouit Court baiora Judge Barnard yesterday. Tie partlaa realde at Book villa Centra, Long Island, ani O'Brien charged Brigbt oaD with arson, attempting, as alleged, to auboru witnessea to testily againit bim, and committing other sots calculated to aeiiroy the plaintiff's good charaoter. The Jury brouibt lu a vardial againat O'Urian, aaaaaslog the dama^ea at $700. MUNICIPAL NOiES. Mayor Ely, Comptroller lolly and Commissioner Campbell met aa a gas comnisaloa yastarday aad ap proved a for in of son ir acta !?r luruiehing gaa to the city lor oue year, commenetag on Hay 1, In aocord anue with taws recently ptsaed npon tba auiK-ct, Proposals will be opened on April 34 Comptroller Kelly yesterday paid $7,004 32 to tha Hebrew llenovoient Society sua $1,830 00 lo the New York Magdulsn Society. The Mayor ha* signed th? rasolallon ol tha Com mon Council permuting atrwit preecliera to exarciea their calling, provided nutiority la previously ob tamed Irom the Supariniaoteat ol Poliae or oaa ol ka ?Ideimea. I REAL ESTATE. The following aalee war* mad* on lb* Real EataU Exchange yeatenUys ?r b. r. mum. Superior Court foreclosure sale?J. Uraet Sinclair, returee?ot iha tnree story bjiek dwallliu. with lot 15x100.10, No. 222 Ea?t llBih ?t., a. a, 290 0. a. of 8<i av., to plaintiO W.000 ar JAMBS M. KILLKB. Supreme Court foreclosure sale?K. H. Dakin, ret area?of tba three story and basement brie* bouse with lot 20x9S 9, No 22 East 24th St.. S. a.. 100 It. w. ol 4th a*., to plalutltr 12.000 BT D> > lltlill Supreme Court foraoloaura sals?Elliott Band fort, referee?of oua lot, lixoua-bilf block, on Eaat 103d St.. a. s.. 95 ft. e. ol 4tli a*., to plaintiff...... 4,100 BY WILLIAM BKHNKLLY. buprama Court foreclosure sale?J. tiraat Sinclair, reieree?of tbroa luts, aach aj*100.11. on West 120th ?t.. s. a, 125 It. ?r. ol 8th a*., to piaiaUft ... 1,500 OFFICIAL BBALi ESTATE TRA**?KB8. The lollowlng itaietneut, showing the real eatato trunaaclloaa raoorded 1b the Beglater'a ofllee, April 12, 1878, la ootaiuea from Augaaiu T. Doeharty, Deputy Regie tar:? 50ib St.. a a. 15(1 ft. w. oflOtb av., 25x100.5; Robert Tagirart and wife to Kllau Powers...... eS.OOO Horatio at, s. a. 101 ft. w. ol Greenwich sr.. l&8x 163; h. Short and wile to Mary A. Taggart........ 8,480 ICingsbrldge no?d (24th ward) j Robert Coddingtoa and wile to Thomas W. Strong ???? tfiOU 125th at., n ?., 355 ft. e. or 5th ar.. 16 8x99.11; A. B. Vanduseu aud wi/e to Anule Cocbrau .. 19,500 44th st., n. a. 23 ft. w. ot Madison a*., 17.10x85.5; Webster Wagner end wife to N. L. Wagner....... Moat. Valentine av., e. a (24th ward). George A. Weeks and wife to Mary J. Ryer .... "'"i/v." ?uo* Canal st.. No. 5oS, F. Wilder, executor, to Philip B Iky OF . eaea eeeeee essettttiete e .? e 6,i3fl Birecxer St.. e. s.. 4>).U ft. a of Christopher st.. 19.8x 76.3; PraucU Wild';r. executor, to K. A. Walton.. 9.200 2d ar., e. s.. 60.11 It. u. ol 124th St., 20x80; B. Uoodheart to Win. U. Perrls ??#3? lootn St.. U. a. 425 ft. e. or 10th ar.. 25x98: T. Wilder, executor, to I 'oruaiius Donovan 1.550 luth st., n. a. W , >e. 181; John R. Taylor and wife to Sarah K. Taylor 200 133d St., n. a. 375 It. e. 8th a*., 40x9U.ll; Luoretia h. Smith to Oharles A. Brown 2.501 51st st., u. s.. 220 It. a. or 3d av., 20x118; same to ?ttme .????? Nook 78m st , n. a, 358 ft. e. of 4th ar., 10.8x102.2; A. Mowbray and wife to Peter Jacason....... .... 8.290 18th st.. u. 140 it. w. ol ar. A. 25x92; Uertrnde Kites to Caiollnv Kats........... Nom. Cherry st., n. s., 1(14.3 it. a. of Caibarine, 25x103.6; Ueorge Relchardt and wire to Ueorge L Hal helmer 25,001 3d uv., w. a.. 75ft. n. ol 120th St.. 50*100: al?ol2oth ?t.. u. s.,20 It. e. of .Sj Iran place. 2l>xlOO; H. B. Fbilbrook and wire to Hit* *?. fhilbrook 10,000 Bowery. Nos 214 and 214)i; himly M. Mowbray to O. .Mowbray 10ft Same property; Oliver Mowbray and Wllb to Emily >i. Mownray 100 124th St.. s. a, 198.4 rt. e. of 4th av..; John Monagnan to Richard Neville 2,000 123d st.. a s , 200.8 <t. w. or 1st ar.. Itt.8xl00.ll; _ Wilium McOratu. Jr.. to Johu Sherman Hem, 3d av., w. a, 51.10 ft. n. ol 81st St.. 25x93; P. W. Loow (ruieree) toUustave A. Klach 13,900 36th St., a s.. 425 ft. e. of llth av , 25x08.9; U. Uan schel (releree) to Joseph P Hale 1/100 137tii St., a. e. corner oi .southern boulevard. 115.6x irregular (23d ward); M. Uaverty (executor) to Charles P. iiowne 8.100 Dey St. (.No 41), 25x85; Hugh Uaine and wire to Benjamin Stepuens (deed dated 1796).... ....... ?80D Ltuaai. Broadway (No. 271), (15 y??rs from 1881); B. Clark, trustee, to shoo aud leather Rank $8,400 Union square No. 4 (part oO, (5 years, ; b. Kellin ger. to a. Heller 2,000 Av. A, No. 13 ipart or), (2 years); P. Ropy to Ueorge bschier 720 HOKTGAOXS. Armstrong, Harriet 0. and husband, to Julia Hant, No. 104 Houry st.; 3 years 83.000 Same to Jane ii. Satte rlea, n. s. of Madison, a. or Flaest ; also e. a oi Oliver, a ol Henry; 3 years.. 8,500 Balhemer, Ueorge L.. to Ueorge Beichardt.. a. a of Cneriy St.. e. oi Catheiine sk ; U yeara 14,000 Bowne, Charles P., to M. H. Uagerty texeontor), a. e. corner Southern Bouleverd and 137th st. (23d ward), 3 yean 2,000 Bruggumauu, Christian P. and wife, to 0. B. Uusson heimer, w. a 3d av., n. <>i 74th st.; 5 years 1,000 Same to Mary A Uunaenhelmer, w. s. 3d ar.. n. et ' 71th st.; 5 years 5,000 Same to Cherles H. Llouaman (committee), w. a 3d ar., u. ol 74th sk ; 5 yeara 8,500 Same to same. u. a 74th sk, w. or 3d av.; 5 years... 3,800 Same to J K. bockman (trustee), n. w. corner 3d uv and 74th st.; 5 years 8,000 Conway, Jane H. aud husband, to Bowery Saving* Bank, s. s. 29tu St., w. ol 4th av.; 1 year 10,000 Cox, Uanry K., to U. Kohn, a a 35th St., a. ol 7th av,; 1 year 3,000 Decker, Clara and husband, to Haunab B. Pares worth, a. a of Cliff St., w.efJaekson av.; 2 years. 1,800 bams ta same, n. e. vomer of Cliff st. and J aekson av. (23d ward); 2 years 2,400 Same to same, o. a or Cliff at., w. or J aekson av. ? 03d ward) ; 2 yesrs 1,808 Piack. Uustave a.,to Charles J. Pagan, w. a of 3d av., w. oi 8lst st; 5 years 11,00V Hardy, P. J., to Emigrant Industrial Barings Bank, s. a of 119tb st.. e. ol 7tU av.; 1 /ear 2,500 Lawrence, Annie T., to W. U. Nathan, n. a of Book man et., w. or Water St.: 1 year 5,000 Levy. Mayer and wile, to M. Eblers. a a of 2d St., e. of latav. ; 3 years.. 10,000 Murray. Matthew, to John Murtha, a. a. of 54th at., w. ol 5th av.: 1 year 2,500 Paddock, Prances M. and bnaband. to D. H. Oirn stead, a. a of Madlsoa ar., n. of 124th sa ; demand. 1.T20 Bubeu.tein, Israel and wife, to N. Cowen, No. 83 Hayard st.; 1 year 4,500 Same to same. No. 83 Bayara st.; 1 year 1.0UO Same to B. Parmly, No. 83 Bayard sa : 5 years 8,000 Seme to Jacob Rubeuateln, No. 83 Bagrard si; 10 tTTf 6,000 Jensen, Kudoiph, to Simon llursaan, u. s. ot lllin sk, w. or av. A.; 4 months 800 Stone. Jeannette and buaband, to Cornnoopla Lodge, No. 195 C?nai St.; 3years 2.000 Teggart, Robert and wile, to Thomas Page, a k of Ootb st., w. or 10th ar; 1 year 1,000 Tobiaa, Augusta, to H. H. Nathan, a a or53d sa, e, or Madison av.; 3 yoars 10,000 Wbeatley. Jennie, to John B. i'Unten. a, s. or 43d St., W. ol 6th nr.: 3 5,000 ASatOMBBSTM Or ?OBTOAGKS. Beit, William J. ireoeiver), to Ueorge ?tone 92,800 Brown, J. il., to Annie h, Brown 2,000 Leb?nuu Wtdnw aud Orphan Hociety to B'Nai Moritb Beneflt Society V 5,000 Martin. Mary, to w, bchellhaunnor <500 BUSINESS TUOURLE8. SUSPENSION or A JKWELBT IIBM?MKSTUtOfl Of CBBDITOBS OF BANKRUPT riBMS. Tbe Jewelry trad* wu surprised yesterday at tbo annouucemsni ol lb* suspension ol tbe Arm of fellows, Koroier ft Co., Importers and dealers In wstobes at No. XI Maldeu laoc. Tbe bouse baa been In exislsnoo forty years, bad oxoelleut credit and waa eattmated to be wortb $160,000. Their suspension waa principally the remit of tbe general financial depression and Uto loss ol trade. Tba firm was formerly Cooper, Pel. lowea 4k Co., and u is said tbat tbe withdrawal of Mr. Cooper oousiderabiy weakened thorn. Their liabilities amount to $130,000 and tbe nominal aaaeta art plaoed at $160,000, consisting mainly ol atock and book a* count*, a portion ol tbe atock baring been carried for years. A complete statement will be prcaented to tbo creditors next week, and it la expected mat a satis factory aettlomunt will be made, aa the creditors aro kludly disposed toward tba Arm. Charles Lederer aud Slgmund Flsbal, comprising tbe arm of Lederer It fisho!, dealers In tobaooo at No. SIS Pearl street, mado an assignment yesterday lor tbe bencAi of their creditors to Rudolph Lsdsrer. The llrra have beeu In business since J ana, 1873, and bad accumulated a capital ol aoout $30,000; they bad good credit and an excellent reputation. The Ilabill ties are estimated at aoout $36,ooo. Tho assignment was Hied in tbe Couuty Clerk's oUlce. A meeting ol the uroditors ol UrIIBth Row*, for* merly a wealthy merchant, was bold yesterday At tbe olllce oi Register Little. A list or tbe creditors waa presented, together wiiu tue amounta ol their claims, nbuwiuK a total ladebtedueas ol $372,460. Tbo principal creditors are J. W. Smith, exeoutor, |60,000, secured; Thomas M. Wheeler, $37,129 63 j Uuiou Dime savings luatitutlou, $36,two, secured; New York Lilo lusurauoo Company, *33,432 80; eatate ol O. Vau Valkenburgb, $20,000; Mantiatiaa Llle la suruueo Company, $10,060 04; B. a Cains, $16,614 M; J. H. Liviugstou, $11,686 01; Baring Bothers ft oa, t",Oil 6a; Oriental Savings Bank, $0,816 27; New York Llle Insurance aud Trust Compauy, >12,0*2 48; Mutual Li lo Insurance Company, $7,206 241 L'uiou National Bank, $3,040 M0; first National Bank. $2,814 6L Tuomaa M. Wbeeler, the New York Llls Insurauu* Company, the Manliailau Lit* Insurauce Company, Baring <> rot tiers ft C). and Isnao Houlg proved their claim., aggrusaiiog $06,107 07, and Daulel W. Oilleit was olected uasi*n?e in uaukruplsy. Mr. Howe's unsocial troubles are tue reeult ef toe a* preciation in rent estate. An loiormai mtetiug ol a number of tbe largest creditors in this ciiy of Jo*oph Vouike's Sons, ship* ping uud commission merchants, at No. 26 Beaver street, waa held at tue olUoe ol the Arm lor cousull* tlon and advice. A rough statement ol the liabilities ana assets waa presented, sbowiug aggregate lisblliliss 01 about $460.0o0, ol wt.iou #36o,ooo waa due m tb? West luuies. The assets were SSIIUated wortb $.00,000, couslstlug mainly of book scoouuts. A oost in moo waa appointed, wnioU includes Messrs. Dalitsa aud Abbott, to make an examination ol the books and assets ol the Urrn aud report to the creditors by sir* oulaf. Uouxalvo OoCordova, commission merchant, at Nfc 02 William street, who failed lo August laat with lis. bullies smounting lo $30,u00, insde application to ltogisur Km h yesterday lor his discharge from bank rupicy, which will be granted, there being no oppeei tlou ou the part ol the creditors. The investigation luto the aflairs ol John f. Henry, Currau ft Co. was continued yesterday, before Regis ter Little; sndC'haile* A. Ulilies, one ol tbe partners, waa exsmtned by ex-Judge Hull, who endeavored to ascoriaiu wual property tbe bankrupt had apphcablo to tbe payment oi tbv ilrm's debts. Tne witness lea ilOi'd he iiad sold a trademark lor $100,000 belore be entered tbe Arm, and aiuce Its failure he bad not mads any iransiera ol property to any one, aud no prop erly waa held in trust lor him. He was also examined relative to hla Wall street speculation* and to ihs U?e posni ol a numiier ol bonds ol Western railroads. Tbe achedules In the mniier ol tbe sasignmrnt ol Cbsrles Tottou, dealer Id bouse inrnisbing goods, to Cbsrles Van ltipur, were $lcd vesterdsy in ins Court oi Common Pioa?. The liabilities are stated st $4,959 4(1, nominal asaets at $7,177 39 and real assets at $2,110 33. STOCK . MALES. By order ol Mr. Cbamberiain, assignee of Orsenlost Norris ft Co., Nloolay ft Co. yesterday sold stock of tbe 1st* Arm, including $600 of the Reman and Dels ware Bay HMIroad Company, at llparessti $>,000 Indianapolis, Cinclnnsti and Lalayotts Rsiiroad Com pauy equipment bonds, at 26)4 per cent, and 6o0 ebarss ol tn? common stock ol tbs asm*oompaay. Ml ?M*. *6 ftM l?r ths tok