Newspaper Page Text
The Disgraced Clergyman Again Sen tenced to Death. MALEDICTIONS FROM THE DOCK'. The Prisoner Abuses the Judge, the Lawyers and Prosecutors. REMARKABLE SCENES IN COURT. fmiabjarui.t, April 13, 11?78. Everything in conncotlon wuli tho case of Blasiua I'iatorius, the disgraced priest wtio murdered Isaac Jucquette, see ins to purlake of a dramatic nature. Tho Ukhilu described tho unusual scene In court last Saluru iv, wfccn the prisoner, in ? vioienl and abuslvo harangue, denounced the public prosecutors, the judges and even bis own couusel. To-day bis case cnnte lor the lust time before the Judges in Oyer and Terminer, Judge Mitchell having mated that no would announce hia decision ui>on the .motion in arrrot of judgment nnd lor a new trial made by counsel lor 1'istoriu*. The ex priest was therefore onco more in the dock upon tho opening ol court tlii* morning with his hard, slnlater lace tlxod with intensity upon the Bench. ? .NKW TRIAL UKM 1.1). Judge Mitchcll recited the decision of the Court, which was that the motion lor arrest of Judgment and a uew triul must be overruled, and tho conviction for nuruer In the first degree must stand coi.llrmod. The txceptions taken on the part of too defendant to tho change of venue and on tho grotiud of his failure to plead in this county the Judgo overruled, saying that on a change ol venue no roarraigumenl or repleading Is nectseury. Then, continuing, His Honor said:? ThU cas* emtio to this Court after a trial and a verdict of murueir In the lirsi decree ly a Jury i>l Montgomery county. It waa alle.ed by I ho |>rii>oner that that verdict was the result of popular excitement. and thn 1-nrued I'resi lent JuUgo ol thai uoanty, thinking that tiiero was a p.^sliiii Ity of some leelliig to tlio disadvantage of tho prisoner, allowed a chance of veuae to this city Under these circumstancca ibejury was select*)! hero with special euro as to Us linpartlsllly. ivery juror wan questioned as to his knowledge or leelin* about tho ia?u. aril no one who had oven ao impression about it waa allowed to remain on tho panel, .ho prisoner'* couus-l, astute and loaloua as they wore, found ao little to ie*r that they u?eu only our -evontb oi Ilia ies?l right of challenge, Tho |ury ilitis selected, kno>. int nothing of iWj prisoner, of tho ueceaaed. or of tho ?ircuuiituli r.i of tlw Killing wore as Impartial as human meana can provide, thov wore of mi. Usual liucllli/rieo and tuey a most patient. attentive and conscientious consideration ol tho caso Irom boeimiin ? to eud. A Jt'ST VSRDICT. To thin Jury the ease was presented with every possible regard to the pii.oner's rights. .So it m ol evidence uflored K^-aiiist him to wlilcn he made objection wan admit tod, and "one which ha ollered in his own luvor waa oxcludod. ' Ills eouns. 1 defended in in with ;reat ability and. f fool bonud to a ay, with the luoat uutirliiL- In elity. notwithstanding Ltiu uujutt Ku?pii tun Mticl diMiru.'it which he occii?ioi)-iliy muni tented toward them its well as toward others, during the progruaa of the case. twick roLHu uuu.rr. I wo Huccesnlve vordicts ol this kind?tho last ouo Kiven under circuuistauces as fair ami a? favorable aa auy pris oner van ever hope for balore any biiniuo tribunal?ought not to bo disregarded except upon tno clearest conviction ol thoir urror and Injustice. Hut, ao lai irom that, my own views coincided with tlio Jurj ? ut tho tune, und tlio subseijueut argument and cousldration has only continued ami strciurthenel that conviction. It would bo and paiiuul to ?o luio a detailed ex amination ol tlio evidence and oi tne points iirumi lor a uew triai. Of the lattor ll la sufficient to *?y that they ure narrow anJ microscopic in the extreme, and more notable lor what they do not do than what they do. KVPHJtTIC OPINIO* KKUM HIS HONOR. 1 be rcKutt ol the alioie case la the clear and unavoida ble conclusion tbat tlio nriaoner is a vindictive and danger* ?us man, reckless of the aauctity of bum in life : that lit* soiidition ol in In I win forcibly expressed In it is throat ol lhe previous day to the boy Harry Munich, th it he "would alio a the cow. or .1 acquotte, he tiidn' care which," and in his answer to tha appeal ol the cripple, Pollock, alter tho shootiiiu', to come an.i help ifet tlio wouudjd man out ol tha creek lino tnu shade. "No, let him lay tneru and die;" and that lhe kill ing was not In sell deleuue or even in sudden passl.iu. but waa In cunseiiuence of such mature ?i kodac?? oi nourt and sueb pt^viou* coutemnlatiun and tiroparaiion as to demoustrate all the elements ol niur ier in the first degree. Tho motion for a u ? trial must tlieref^re be rolused. Mr. Siepbeu S. Kemart*, ol couusol for tlio con demued, beggoa leave to havo Uis llonor make a note of au exception to his docimou, as ho (thecouuscl) desired to carry the cmo o the Supremo Court. PISTORI t)a I1RKAKS OCT. 1'iKtnrius had oeeu growing more and more rostlvo duriug tnu Judge's remarks. Several times lie tnoved uueamly, us though about to rise in tho dock, llo ut length Diaoo no lurtiier effort to coutrol Ins paasiou. Just alter his couusel hid iirleily sniored his cxcejitlou, r.rnl :is tno District 4ltor:iey was auout to move lor Judgment, tho man m the uock rose, with ji wild, aogrf face, und In im liassiotied tones he r pi ateil ills denunciation ol his lawyers and declared that iliey weri sell ng his .ilo. **As lor the Judge,'* exc aimed he, ihrcatouingiy, '?II be will not grant me a now trial i will tel I him to hl? luso that he h a murderer ol Justice auo thut God will show it to him. Thai's all I've got to say." Distrct Attorney Hajari theu rose quietly and alfcr referring lo the fact that the Judge had reiu-ed the condemned a ui-w trial, ?.ml:?"It becomes my duty and 1 do now move tho Court t > proiiouucu the ju ;g. lueut ol tho law upou the verdict rendered ugainsi tbe prisoner." l he prisoner was then asked tho usual formal ques lions, il he had auytning lo ray wny aunleuco of death should uot be pronounced against hnu. NKXTWICKb TO PKATII. I Ins, of course, w .s the signal lor abothor violent outbreak on the part of l'mtoiuis. He gun ro?c in tlie dock and excileJiy denounc.d bu triers. I'lio Juugc could not sentence bun, ne declared. I bu Court had no right to cousuier tho matter liclorc a proper Invcrtigatiun was nad iu the muiinor directed by him. lie had witnesses lo provo th it his counsel aaked him lo plead guilty lo maualaiiguter and he Und reiused. II tlio judge would not hourhim bo wouid again n,y tbat ue Waa a murderer oi Justice and so ou. He * as allowed lo proceed, and when he sat down His Honor brielly sentenced him lo be hanged by tno notk nnii 1 dead, at ibe County Prison. The uate ie lo be nxud by tno Uovcruor, as is tbe custom In I'enu tyiVauia. the camden muud^u. ACCUMULATING ClltCt MHlAMCt S IlLACKKNI.NO T11E CABS AlUINMT HUNT1 K. (UlIMM, X. J., April 13, 1878. Juitilca Severn la the iuit( btlore whom Mr. Epp made a tworu retraction of lit* | rcTiuai depoai liou astabliahlug >11 alibi lor Hunter on Uiu date ol ilia murder ol Ariualroug. Tlr.i ufllJavn, wu cb toe* over kit iliu pu;iit- ol Kpp'a Icattftiony ai tl.o inqutiil and expltiua away iliu disputed poiuu ou the gruuud ol a Diiatako In Ilia dale, wu-t ui.uo ou < <In> *day last. HUMTrK NXASGIALI.Y CMll^KAMKO. Tbo protucuuon iwt? lliai a uiorougii examination into ilia prisoner's huautial condition ui lb* tune ol lb* luuruur 1? nlairuvd lo nava rsvealad the luct that h* ?aa not in any mumi Round, nut to any a tnun ol wealth. Un tb* contrary liu ?m be.viy in volved, ?iili ii ibti.m - m tluring Juki at that tunc wlncli be cjuPI uoi put nil. lite real eataio was only vaMMd at Jl.'i.lioi, with cecutn bruuceaol about lliren.liv. altar Ilia mur :er, January ?H, no bail lo pay, an iruaiuf, $.1,000, and uii addition <1 $1,200 a lea daya later, wmle early 111 Marcb in* quarterly premium uiuiurad ou tbo pone lea bo bad aeourud ou Arinalronti'a it;a. TiutaAis MMMT AK* <TaONu. Addad lo tbeae imporiahl lacta lb* prosecution will ofler documentary proofs, now bvld by a pity*.clan ot lb in city, exhibiting peculiarities iu Munivr'a bum lieaa iraUiMtlNt witb Armalroug and threat* inado by ibe loriner agaiuat Uie rourderol 111 m. liU8TIIib KEbaKLNH, The following la an extract Irirn a latter which w.ia recently received by a geutlemnu ol Una city Irom hi* aon, who la aa ofleer ol the rtmh United .stales lulantry, atalloned at Knri llulord, Dakota territory. Tua writer liaa nerved on tbo IrontiT f..r ton years, and in all that tin* racelved but on* la.ivo ol ab seoao:? ? Fomr H?jri>RD, !?. r., March 30, ISH. Smco my return I bavu culerad ?xcc?mayiy with rheumatism ntid mH 1.1.e<l *ym, ao that wnut litno writing I have hi en able to do ha* lia-n ol a purely nfllcl.'l naluie. I had an eMaedlngiy piea??tit trip 10 Kurt Pock, making uie march i?i l-.> 111 ilea in hjviti daya rim wealhercouiliiuitd very ple:taiul UlWTbWl day, March 7, when wo were met (011 Iliu return inurch) by u lurioua aioim ol wind and ?im* Iroin ilio north east. Wo pushed on, however, uuul noon ol l<alurd..y, tbo Urn, Wbeu, mating an unoccupied "raoabe, ' or "aback,1 aa tliey term it in tli.a aeciloti country, within inirty-two imiaa ol here, I baitod, iliidina abet ter for my men, aud by lormiug Una of my ?ev*u w.igoiu ou the norib .>1110 ol tba ballding f made a p rital alitiir lor tlie anlluala ilitViUK aebt a courier llirough to Mulord oa loot lor additional auppllea ol tuliaHteuca and forage I resumed my Jllfli j on Mouday, tbe lltn, meeting my rcliei m noon flay, I bare never iu all my lilc bean exposed 10 Melt fierce wind and suow a* we Ita. ou Miiiurday, tbo 9tb, dunug wlncli 1 bad my aeveu wa^oiia Iooiohs a Stream known aa Hi. Muddy ' renk, a task which con aanied three hours, duribK whicb 1 me at verai ol my ?tea and all tba aiiimnts w?r? llioruu^luy wot alio chilled. Hud w< not louno abetter ai the ranch ), only 800 yaroa from ilia creak, Horn* of the men ?light bnv* perubed irom the coin. Wa rancnad b?me, however, without simioip- nctndulii, oD Uie niormny vl the 13tb, niter enduring live daya ol ai moat 11< roan at anow and wtad. While out on my irip, having patted the Ynnkl< D niiiK Agency at Won I'oiui, I a-ceri.itned thai there aro now cn.ieuleii, 10 lb* kefllt ol Ilia bound, ry Inn', troiu taalva to aa van teen bundiod lodges ol iitutilo Sioux and Vox PerctS Indians, who a re iBansfmost starving couditiou, subsiding chiefly un hor?< llesb ; Silling bull, Willi tonic* lodges of liis own Immediate family, L ad lull lt><- main camp utd gone to me Cypress Hills. There iconn to be no doubt tbal au ?!1<>ri la bmug made among lli -se peo ple to loriu un ofl u-.iv<- alliance wttb the l'Uguus, Crowe. Upper Axsloiboines, Oros Ventre* ol the Pruine, N?z J-vrcda uud Crees, wilb a view to commit ting depredations ou the settlements or a general war agaiui-t our gov.ruuieul and people, .^bould auub au alliance be lorrned it would prove the most formidable Indiau outbreak tbe government bus bud lo deal with lor years. 1 be lime garrison at Fori feck, consisting now ol three olllcers uud eiguly enlisted tuen, may be placed In great Jeopardy a lew week* hence. particu larly M tbey now have iwo ludiau prisoners there, wbo, without knowing where tbey were, stumbled upou Kck, lu broad day light; a tbird muu ol ibo party mude hi* escape ourlug tbe llrsi meat or liia c. ptivity Tbe purly 01 seventy lodges to which these three mou belonged was travelling from Spotted Tail Agency to join Silting Bui! auu seemed lo know iKilbing of ibe country lu which they were. The ice leu the Missouri ltiver Uero last week as quietly aa 11 formed last November. No rlae in the nver of any consequence tins occurred yet, Our sieuuibnals from below will be none ibe earlier tor mla early break up, unless a rise ahould crnne toon, hul uoi expected till ibe auow melia ou the "Kuckios." liAPID 1KANSIT. lilt OXLBKKT X1-EYaT?D ltOAD AND TUB TELEOBArH W'lttKS?MEN bElKlNU Ell* VLOXMKNX. Tbe elevated railways have encountered cous'.dor uble dittlculty wltu tbe telegraph poloa lOat have stood lu their way. To prosecute their work hun dreds ol thcae poles had lo bo removed. Mr. William Orion, i'roaldeul of ibe Western Union Telegraph. Coin puny, wheu questioned yesterday In rcforence to lh? subject, said thai an arruugemcut had been uiude between tbe Wcttcru L'uiou and llie elevated railways by which the lulter were to move the poles om of their w?y at tboir owu ex pense. "We have mil ilio option," Mr. Oriou said, "after ibe elevatod railways ure completed to put buck our poios underneath tho struciuie and so us not to inierlere with ibo elevaiod roads," Mr. Orion remarked thai while upon the west side the removals ol poles wero not material oil tlie Third AVonue lino the poles would have to be transplanted to a considerable extern. In answer to me query why the poles were not placed under tlie structure now Mr. Orion replied thui the road* were uol yel huill uud, by wuy ol illusir illou, added luis lulle story :?"You remember ibere was u board ol Aldermen in a curiam towu wbo resolved, Ursl, to buiida new couri hoise; secoud, that ibe maleriuls of the old court liouso siiouid be used in building the new, and tnou, lliird, mat Ihey would occupy ine old court house uulil the uew uuu was ready." Mr. Orion was asked wueluer ll would not be better 10 pul the poles under tbe ground, us was largely being done in Germany now, but replied that the company were contempluliug c > cnuuges ol Ibis character. Al Ihe ollioes ol the eieVaied railways ll was ulso learned ibai Ibe agreemeui spoke ol by Mr. Orion, bad already been mude. Tue two coin pun ios win liuvc lo spend iroui $16,000 to jjo.udu belore all Ibe poles tu their way shall uuve beou removed. KLKVATKb Tkl.KUltAl'H WIB? CAULKS. Au important pioj ci wuicli bus been broached bo tween thu Western Uulon uud Ibo elevuiud railways is me proposition thai all poles, aro to gen erally regarded as eyesores, sunll be dial etised with altogether, and that the wires shall be carried in cables alongside the elevuted railway tracks, either above the projecting crossl'.es or between the upper uud lower chords ol ibe girders resting upon the beads ol Ibe columns. Au official ol the New York Eievated Railway staled yesterday that tbey had sulllcieul room on their siructuio lor curry leg live buudred wires lu cables. This arrangement, ho remarked, would obviate the necessity ol lologruph poles uud remove ihuso grout eye ores Iroiu ino aireels. Ho believed the time would com* when tbe Western Union would have to dispose ol their com' brous uud ungainly telcgruph poles olthur in this or in bomo other way. There uppeurs * to be excellent reason for stating llial travel upou elevuied railroads is continually in creasing in popularity, lu March, 1877, the New York Elevated Kaiiw >y, carrying people lor lue sauie disluuce una providing precisely ine Ine same accom modations as now, had -47,o^4 passengers. Last month ll Carried 310,473, snowing au increase of tj~,U54 pu.-sengers iu one mouth or over ?i,0'J0 per duy, and Allien, the accommodations in both years being the same, may be solely asCrioed to a giauuul cliaune iu public opinion m favor ol elevate I railway travel. Kl'SII roK KHPLOYMKNT. liolh e.cvateu railwuy ure just sow bo siugid bv an army ol applicants lor employment. As the New York Elevaled Company already has a woik lug staff the greatest rush Is directed inward the Gilbert Company. Mr. Marnu Van Urocklin, for merly in charge ol Ibe Eugeinoor Company's worn, i>as b?en appointed superintendent ol tbe Gilbert K evaled Railway, l'he miuor appointments, such a a ol conductors, brakcsiueu uud station ajjeuu will uol be made uulil a lew days before tue opening ol the road. Willie tlii Third aveuun structure has alreudy pro grusseu to Twenty-third street upon ine avenue active * ol k Is ut iusl being douo lu lioisilug the girders lo 4'roul street, where the cant side roud connects wtin ibe west side. For a. short instance here mere are three trucks instoad ol iwo in oruer lo give room for switching oil c.>rs, and ihe girders ure now oeiug raised lu Counties' sup. tivro uud alt through Pearl s reel up lo ine liojsery the coiumns bave beeu standing lor the lust tv^or three mouths, and Irotn some uwkwuid hitch lue girders uuvu uol been ready Uulil now. Mr. David tiows, one ol tuo largest shareholders of the New York Kuvatud Knlwuy, yesiui'day conbimed Mr. Cyrus W. field's statement thai the 1 bird Avenue Elevated Uoad would uo opened lo the nver during ibe coming i-umuinr. lie uuly qualllieu ll a little by saying that "certainly belore the next Irosi set In" tno people wouiu hjjvo rapid transit ou l'nird uvouuo up lo the Harlem Kiver FOK FASoE^GEBS' SAFETY. Tlio ufltdluU ol tli? Uifloirnt ferry Hue* plying bo. twc-eu Now Y irk ami Jrr.-ey City have been in cou nt unioalioo during tbo past week In icgurd to ttio safest eaurse to be pursued during logs, l'Ue result of tbo communications Is that a committee shall be ap pointed tu oouTin.u die in iuucr lu which siguuis auali be given uui nig lot-t. Additional legislation la roguid to tue rig hi <>t way wll! also b? arked lor. WEDi>E1> AT MIDNIGHT. A singular scone wan witnessed In Judgo Klllott's court loom, Williamsburg, shortly bulore twelve o'clock last night, in wincu tlio Judge, IteT. ri. Miller HHgeujau aud a young comlo were tne promluent uoiors. George Swariliaul, * handsome young man, who nad been arrested in Vesuy street during the ouy und sent to Jail tor breach ol |.routine by Judge Elliott, becoming ulsgusled wltu Hie quarters asaiuiiod hint lu tue | in, netted fur quarter mi the hands ol the lair complainant, M.k- Wiuiired l.ewis. Tno latter relented und seul word tu tlio JuJge, who racu'lod tne prisoner and opened court at eleven o ulock. ? A little inter >w .rthuut was brought in, Iookm, very crostlalluu; but h_- orighleued u|> lu u lew minutes, und, after a whispefdconvers-iitou with the lady, itn nouuco.i hia wiliiugne-s to marry tier. The cerontouy was speedily perloi ma t by Mr. H^emuu, the Judge relea? d tlic bridegroom irum custody aud tneu tbo p:?rty went on tbeir way rejoicing. S'lUANUE JD.I8APPBAHAN0E. Frank Nsglo, a young tnnu residing in Brooklyn, leit bis houiu last Saturday uvuniug to buy a pair of boots In this city. Ho had with him about (50. Ho Jolnu l a drinking party, aud alter making tne circuit ol ? evernl saloons was seen uboul ou? o'clock Monday moruiug in the company ol Jmnn Kalon aud I'uriCk t.eo. He earned ;t banula, suoposed to nelbe boots lie bail bought. About hull one Lee euieruii a liquor store ou the corner ol Water street and Jkiiius slip and inlt the Irtiuule there. At lour o'clock he relume d .mil said he had seen Naglu Palely houie, hut diu not ssk lor the boot*. Kalou Wnl not *i-cii alter one o'< lock. Last Mouuay the barkeeper, who win acquainted witu Nagie, took the booi* to the Istlor's resident*) in iSinoalyu, an.I tlmie learned lor tin Ural l.ine that Nugle bud not returned home. I'ahM and Lee were arrested on suspicion and taken lieioro Judge Marray at the Tombs v<sterday morn tug, who rcuiauded ilum until Monday. NUT KEsrONSlBLi:. Louts Wa!b*tm?r, ol No. M North Eighth street, Wiii.mnburt', <>n toircti 13, -old his horse at the m*r get iu Rant sweety fourth street to a man Lit mod Tnoiii.H smith, who was introduced to (? tan as a ri sponsible man. Thomas .Smitii gave Mr. Wulbelm r $l.i In ra?h und a note payable one day alter data lor sluo. Neither Pnouiai nmitfe nor the horse was seen by Walhelliier aftoi ward till smith was arrested yes terday by Oflwr Parke, ol iho Court squad, i he prisoner waa commuted by J jdgo Smith in $I,OtJO b ill to answer. J "HOTEL, TaY 1 liN Ull INN." The Kings County Charity Commissioners bsve In Itieir possession the names ol several ilrooklyn liquor dealers whom they intend to prosecute lor not dis* flaying in irum ol their plan. * ol business proper siyim ol "hoiel," ''tiveru" ur ''iiiu." 1111. m l EL WAS. Judge Dykmnn, holding a Special Term ol the Su premo court at Wintu Plains, yesterday I the wins ol certiorari nnd h.i'ien s car) us, winch Imd been sued out i>y the t t?;o Pi 11 I waterman ug inst tno Bib ged i ysier thl> ves and remanded tne pi isouara to too custody ol th< Host ill. KUCKaWAY BE.VCIL The usual busy scons* upon Kockawny Bench Itml dent to the appro ell ol the warm weather bsve al ready be? uu. Most ol the houses des'roved by tbo January ?torm hiv MNS rebuilt ind eilaasiva ailar atious aad itiioroVetuelila Inane to vtbotih FINE ARTS. THK OOTTKB PICTUH1*. The ?private view"' of lil# collection at plcturea belonging to Cottier H Co.. which are to bo aold next week, drew together at the Leavitt Art Room* last evening a large number of arnsta, critic, dealerr, well anown picture buyers and lovers ol art. The collection ol 1#3 paintings contains many works ol unusual merl., ana there is a remarkably high average ol artistic excellence. There are One palnt? logs ol the men who have died within the lust twenty years, aud ol the men who are still living, who will be known as masters by posterity, and some ol whom are now regarded as such. Hero we see examples of the poet painters, ol the school of Impressionists, of the historians ol the lorost lives and ol the mon who arrested a thought or. Impression and bequeathed it to the world, lhere Is a calm, serious, tbougntlui gravity and almost religious feeling about the works of somo ol these men which harmonizes admirably wlih cer tsln moods ol man's nature. A low paintings of this class give solidity and value to a collection, though it must bo coulessod that the ofloct of a collection made up entirely of them Is rather depressing. Many of tne examples are "artist picture."?piotures wuich an enthusiast would prize highly?und the majority are worthy of rauoh study aud capable of imparting much information. \ A nuuibor of the paintings were described in tbe IisKALD One arts column on Jauuary (J in a review of tlie paintings, then on exhibition at the Messrs. Cottier's art rooms. , Of the landscapes Corot's "L'Aube," or '-Orpheus, Irom the collection of the late Prince DemidolT. is certainly the most important, Irom Its large tizo, the author's lame and Irom tho mugnillconce of the ex ample itself. It is Corot in his !>est and most com preheoaible mood. It is the very pootry ol the dawn ol day, which tbo "Father of Songs" hails und wel comes with his lyre, charming the rocks aud trees aud all living things to silence, as ho sings to the morn. The sky is iutenseiy real, tho loliage and the foreground have that indistinctness of mass and lorm uml brilliaucy ol light points which lie so sue ccsslullv reproduced?the Urst lulluence ol the cool U'Uireetfy'oppo'"to will huux George Bellenger?? lllo size uui'e liturc, "D.anu," not yet out of the Custom House, iu tha uuudlo ol the west wall lb Anton Muuve's broad aud efl.cuvely hanuled large canvas, "The Forester's Team?frosty Morning Holland. Troyon is seeu to bcter advuutugo than lu Hie Latham collection in his little picuue ol a coal black donkey standing bv and out against a brown aud white cow, both in the 'nil sunlight, crisp aud strong?a dim uli motive succi ssluily treatod. Hisa s "Interior ol tbo Forest ol Fonlaiue'jleau" is a real gem. It is strong in lorm, as nob iu lorn.- as an old pi too of mahogany, uud a caroluI study oi tue hpot, dclicious lu its modu lutlon ol iii?nt and siindo. 1'roUably ono ol the iluest pictures In the gallery, eminently poetic ??"? ,u" tt delicious sentiment^ Minted like a piece ol old tapestry, and a canvas winch grows upon you, is Mutbiaa Maris L)a> OreSms." A oiiurmiug young girl ol ten or is sealed by a roadside, distaff in baud, and has bait d in her work as she hears ? sound. Hy her are ??oat aud kid. The sweet lace is very admirable and tne picture steals its way insensibly to your heart almost aaainst your reasouiug, lor you rebel somewhut 11L tbe allocution ol the style. Corot is aaain seen lu a rock study (107), and near tbls canvas is KIDot's strong, deep toned and very ex cellent Vcudean peasant boy under arms, shore is a uood attuospnore, a strong leoling ol wet, oxcellent perspective and natural Ugures iu A. Mauve's "Ueturn iro u the Fair." Iboophilode Bock's "lha Stream," a liollundish canal hcouo iu the country, is very pleas luir There is an admirable distauce, good water, and, as usual m tho piotures Irom tbl> country, au excel tent pmpecuw. W. Mans is -ecu iu "Ut.klug i .me. a very masterly example ol tho poet-paiutcr-peasant Millet is "Alter the Saih"?a peasant girl drying her bell It is like a little "old master"?rich undbrilliaut "u color, siigntiy exaggerated iu drawing but modelled iu u most admirable manner. It is real flesu, ono ol the best il not tho bust piece ol painting In tho gallery, his almost unpleasantly true, as the coarse peasant woman's body is iioCvorv lair to look upon, lue pa*o is uuuiirable aud the toue Is,deep auu fluo. His. "Ouarriers," above, Is a bold sketchy treulinent, aud the figures are lull ol 111* aud motion ua they struggle witu lue stone. I ho action ol despair is lluely giveu iu h.s study, "Hagar aud Ishmaei." His "Sawpsou and Delilab." already noted at lougth in these col umns Is a Quo piece ol work. Thero ureaiso"lbo Wavlarer" and "Cardiug Wool" by the suiue baud. Koyboi's Velasquez-like "Ratum Irom tho Chase IS a bold aud etfccuve work, though laulty tu drawing as regards the borsus. lJupre's "French Co:isi? Cowing Storm" will bo noted. A solidly painted, carolul, yet boldly treated picture is L. Mottling s "l'ne Sorvaut. " The plcturo is lull of light, the lace it excellent, tbough tbe eyos seem ralber too bright, und the accessories?notably a Kites and dish on a t ible?are line. Jacques Marls'"filler of the Soil is a strong picture. The Ugnres or tha plougbuiau aud are good, and the ground is oxoeliently clvou. "I'ho Seaweed U-itUorors." by the sutue, has much breadth, aud la very luminous. S. Bou viu's "Ihe llousewlle'' is well drawu, good in char acter auu true In color. Moutlcelll*. "Fountain ol Youth'1 Is eminently suguesilve. Nft 4'i is a bold rock study, with a uuo sky, by iboodoro Kous seuu. 1'uero is a ItiUo sheep picture by Charles Jaiouos. Uuchatei's ??Dutch Canal" has much real ism aud some good paiuliug. Several landscapes by C F tlill ol l'aris, have much strength aud uru di-cidodiy original lu troatniool. A litiie dguro piece very lumiuous and flue in color, though very Ku benslike in tha dimensions ol tho woiuau's liguro, Is Uiaz'. "Love's Whisper." "A Recollection oi Rem braudt" is a boldly treated hoad by Mettllug. the same artist's "llrltlauy Interior" is carelul uud solid. '??'be Meadow," by M. Uoka, has a morning sky and a finely reudered stretch ol ground. Honnuuiui sons has two tune pictures, the motives in both ol wmcti are trees rilloctad in pools. Tliey are really masterly in treatment Iho color Is mid ou with a vigorous. d'-'Cided touch, the true Tor nis are good uud tbo ri tlecliouaareTery Ono. W. do Uegerleldt's 1'urue resoue "sunset In Holland," will attra.1 atteiition. A vista through tho Funlembk-au woods (7d) is a mas t, rly Rousaeau. Tbere is excellent wuter iu Jau Mai is "Ibu Mouse." A. Boulard's "Fejualo Head," lor ineriy owned by Coioi, is a tenderly yot .trongly treated aiuoy. rich tu color and liuely modolled. Michel tsaecu m a good exauiplo, "Stormy Weatber." There are s< Versl suiall Corots ol Varying cxoelleuce. Hi* "Augels ol Destrocuon-' is interetiing ua being a IIgjre piece. "ITio .surpriaa" is a Monticulll, more uecidcu tu lorm than usual. Jules Les.ore's largo painting. "1 ho Linpira City, la a curious study with aouio uoid work in 11. Phil ippe ltouaaeau la ?eon In a couple of hie masterly sill, lives. There uru Uuo qualities iu A. Mauve a ??Uutob Pasture." P. van ue Voiaa'i "lh<* MihNlou ol Mercy bas a strong snow eflect and a bold hgure. Uood suuiigui snd caielul drawiug are seou In KlinKenborg's "Old Monastery in UtfechU" Mohtl mill's "i ha lemple ol Joy" is rich iu . olor and wiiu uianv fiaurea uosbooni is represented hy the "Cathedral at Haar.eiu." A couple oi Urn marines are by Meradag, "Uniting Ashoro,'' aud "A Calm." i he latter 14 good. 1 here are wxamplos iu Water color ol llarplghios, Siaeuuel, isrsel and other* Among the reuiainiua nam's represented are Allot, Art?, Ue la M ir, N.u beuvs Tor Meuletf, llock, Vollou, Meluors, Daubiguy, Aras, 11 anion, U.iacroix aud Artou. Musirs Cottier 4 Co., ns already published, atate that tho aale is made tu close out tnoir stoca ol pic tures as they intend discontinuing that orauch ortoeir business hare. The saie will bo mads by Kobert Koiner villa lor Ueurge A. LeaVht \ Co., under the dTsction oi Mr .Samuol P. Avery, aud will tali, placc ?i A>w cialion Hall, on the evenings ol the ?<l and a4th iu.l I lie exuibitioo to tuo public opens at tno Lcavtll Art Rooms to-morrow. DUM.STIO 81IUFE. Mr*. Thereaa Broner, ol No. 2,163 Heron 1] avenue, appeared yeateraay, wltb bar chliureu, In 1U? liar .em l'ulice Court to prefer a charge o( abandonment agonal bar husband Charles, n butcher, doln^ busl ne* < both la Harlorn and Washington M irk. i. alio accused bar better half ol having lelt har 10 order to live wild a younger woman. Mr. Bruner denied the allegation, a"1' alleged that bi? wile's temper bsd driven liirn from noine. Jud^e WjuJed conducted Ilia examination in private, and it Ilia close >ui pended Judgment, on a mutual promise til lorhearance and reconciliation. <41J All HE 1.80 Al tw NUOHDOliS. Mm Mary lladomeyor and Mr* Mary S%ler reside In the ana* bouce in Weal Mity-elgbtb a treat, neiir tbo I it lularard, and havo Irequeut disputes una generally aaree 10 disagree. On Friday night Mr*. sHIer, pro voaed at b?r neighbor's obsttn icy, seized a (torn lid < una it.ll cted a BeVere wound on Mrs. Ksdemey er'i bead, r or line act she *?< committed y<i*t<rday by Judge W.iiineil to answer at ilia liiinvriii niiMons, 1 Ulllcer 1- liitaii'-, who mnde tbe arrest. ulao produced in c<'urt two oli tin rim beiougiiiu to the pri-oner, one au??u and ilia oilier iwo years old, wlio, n? said, hail been neglected by the mother ami were ooi^umiy cryniK l"r '"Oil. Ju<Va Wendell sent tbo little one* to Hie Home lor tbe Friendless. TuO rUONACIuUS. John I.yncn, lorrnoriy a coroner ol Hudaou county, N. J., yeeteroay anterei upon bla seventh term ol im prisonment lor petty olTonej* si nee lie ceased to bo a county oflctdi On Friday night, in company with one William toalouae, Da annulled \ir. Hhiiini Hamilton in . 1 saloon at no. Mi Orovu str-ei. Jersey City, and was apprehended wmle in the net ol breaking a waiar pitcner upou the uead ol lile molluur.ive victim. Juuga Davis scut hi 111 to the i'unHerniary lor three months. MEM. HUTCHMBON'tt, DIAMONDS. John smith, tbe negro, who was arrcated on Friday afternoon lor Mealing a diamond bri'mtpln and Bur ring*. valued at $1,W0, from Mrs. flutetiinaon, ol No. 7'2? St. Mark's avenue. Hr?'?*lyn, whi'n taken beiore Justice Walsh yesterday acknowledged I>is glilt, and *?? committed to K<ymond street Jail to await the action 01 tue Uritnu J ury. GUR COMPLAINT BOOK. [Notk.? Letters intended for ibis column must be acconiouued by the writer's lull name un i address to ittKure attention. Complainants who ere unwilling to comply wlili lilts rule mill ply waste time In writlug. Write only ou one side oi tbe paper.?Eo. Ukkalu. ] MILITIA DRILL. To thk Editor of tub Hkualu:? Why Ik tbe National Guard compelled to drill two and turee hours overy night, wbon tbe Code culls for only ouo hour ?nd a bull? I think ibis la not right. Ibe bylaws cull for one bour and u bull, instead of two and three bours. 'iUK TWELFTH. WHAT ARE THET DOING? To TUB Editoii or TUB H Kit ALU:? As u depositor in tbo Sixpenny Sayings Bank I would like to know wbut tbe committee that repre sent* tbo depositors is doing ? Why uot cull a meet ing ol the depositors and udopt some plan, so tb it thoy may get u portion ot their bard eurnsd money f BlXrUXSY HANK. A DANGEROUS STREET. To tub Editor ot- tub Hbualo:? I'leuse cull the attention of tbe Department of Public Works to ibe condition of Thirty-sixth street, botween Eighth and Ninth avenues. There are severul lurge holes there, wbicu rnako ft duugerous for cur rlagos ami wagon.". H. C. THE CHIMES OF TRINITY. To tux Editor or tub Hbrald:? 11 the vestrymun ol Trinity Church must have tbe clumos rung twice uud sometimes ofioucr during tbo day why do tbey uot get somo person to ring thein who understands Ins business? The horriblo discord that uie present ringer manages to produce is an in tolerable nuisance to tbe bu-luess men of the neigh borhood. AFFLICTED. NASSAU SIR EE I' AS A FARM. To rut Eoitok or tuk Hkkald:? i'leasc remiud the Street Cleaning Department that Nassau slreet is siIII in existence. A broom er dust cart never visits It between Fulton and John, and but for the rain and wind it would be roady lor (ho plough share. I am a storekeeper ihore, and I am ?o filing up with iiusl that 1 am likely to he turned into that material belore my appoiuied time. W. K. HASUBALL IS THE STREETS. To.tiik Edi ion or tub IIkrald:? 1 wish to call attention to the crowd ol boys living in tbe vicinity ol Desbrosaes street wbo play ball every : morning. Crowd*ol'people coining m irom the trains are in daugcr ol buying an eye kuocked out or being injured in other ways by iho dangerous sport ol ihuse young boys. 1 hope our police will see to this uud break up ibe pracuco. F. C. TOO MUCH bTEAM. To tuk EiiiTun or tub IIkrai.u:? Having scon In your "Complaint Hook" tbe inquiry referring to the Morrisania boat Shady Stdo 1 would like to call tbe attontiou of the inspectors to the fact that It is very evident she is noi in running order, a* it takes as long to go to Harlem ou ber us it does to go to Nyuck ou the North ltiver hosts. II it Is ouly salo to carry iwenty-live pound* ot steam ou ber it is noi sulo to run her with any, us the recent accident on the Mu^ciua occurrod with tb..t amount ol stcuit). COLLEGE. ART CUITICISMB IN PHILADELPHIA. To TDK iCDlTOK OK TUK illiUALD :? Will ilie it skald give PblludolpbUiig a little art criticism? Oq April !22 the auuual exhibition of llio l'onnsy Ivunia Academy ol Fiuo Arts will opeu to tbe public, varnishing day being ibe lSih. Although we havo a handsome, spacious and well appointed academy, yet wo huve uo Herald nor any paper capable ol criticism equal lo that wbicb u given Ita readers. Tberolore, knowing tlie enterprising Man lier iu wbicb tbe Ukkalp supplies news lor all iuou, and considering bow largely Fbiladclphtans -depend upon it (or ibeir tews, we tbink tbat we in >y renson auly make tbis request AN AKf LOVKK. kei'airino kitxh avisnuk. To tqk Kditou or tiin Hkkalu:? 1 notice tbat you advocato macadamizing Fllib avonuo throughout its outire length. Wbile 1 ng.oe with you in all tbat can bo said In lavor ol muc adawiziup roads in places wbero they cau be con stantly sprinkled, as m I.ondon, 1 cannot disregard tbe luct tbat sprinkling cannot bo done in New York in most years during tno so .sou between November aud Apr<l, and Hint, Iberelore, wliat is ibe best kind ol road lor Loudon would not oo good lor Now York. Ou account of tbe pulverizing ol tbe surlace, es pecially uicidunt lo tbe Uaotulaiu road, tbe dust duriug ibe tour cold aioulbs of tbe year would be ex tensive, aud, it appears to me, unavoidable. As 1 am directly interested in having the host kind ol road lur Filth avenue ut any oost I should be sorry that through jour widely circulatcd paper a plan should grow in favor which If adopted wouid be sure to bruiK dit-eoinlort and uuuoyauce to every pedestrian and resident of FIFTH AVKNl'E. CREDITORS' RIGHTS. Motion was made In the Hupreme Court, King* county, bciore Judge Pratt, by bondholders ol the Nes silicon Steel Comp>ny, who claim io be Inter ested in (hat concern to the extent of $150,000, to allow them to prove their claims. .Some timo ago John It. ltichardson, as creditor, brought salt lor an accounting against John Draper aud James B. Hulse, asigness ol KiImom P. Wheeler. The relerec, lo whom the case was sent, ftuds there are assets to >bo amount of $53,454 iu ibe Court ol Common Pious tbero was Clod yes tcruny tbe schodulo in tue mailer ol tbo urrawuuieut ol Charles H. Schmieder, florist lo lienry K. Hoeder. The luibiliiica appear to be $t>3,070 00. but. In re ality, are $.:u,0o0, owiug lo account taken ol mort gages; the atsois are given at $4 670 50 Among the crednors mentioned is E in Schmiodor, lor $27,031 55, ol whioh amount $15,031 55 is secured by bouu aud mortg ige. Oilier lar*? oreuitora are secured in tbo same way. In the United .-tales District Court Judge lilatcbford yAterdny banded down a decision In the mutter ol Motes S. Herman and Stuiou M. Hsrmau, bankrupts Tbe Uual order hi composinou was made ou the 01b ol December, 187ft- The terms ol tbe composition were forty emu on tbe uoliar in money, p.yable in three, six and nine months, respectively, irom the duo of tbo final order, sbd lor wbicb Indorseu no'os were glveu. All the nei?s have been paid excopt the Dot. s lor A. T. Stewart A Co On tbo 2d of Jaituarv, lsia, a luoliou wss made, nuking thai the prayer ol a peutl in be granted asklug for an inquiry into the troth of certain allegaiiona made against the I)tukrupis, and that the c:>mpo-iilon lie set aside. Judge Hoitchlord reiuses ibe petition aud orders the costs to ov paid uy ibe petitioners. sedge wlck and Cur lis lor the petitioners; A lliuiuonslcil lor the bankrupts. NEW DOMINICAN CONVENT. A large building Is being erected oo First street, Jorscy City, adjoining the Church ol St. lionuuce ((iertnati), to be occupied by the .Sisters ol SU Dom inic as ti convent. ''he building will comprise schools and a chapeI mid Will Oost $4 j 000. FA 1 A L? IMPATIENCE. Htmoon Conger, an ago.i, > ccoutrlc charsctcr, who lor many past has llvod in a small shanty in Meluctieu, N. J., with au old dog ss his only com* pan ion, met Willi an accident alow data ago which severely bruised one of his toes, la tue aossnce of proper care the bruised toe did not lieitl rapAlty enough, and luo ol.l iri ? n, In a lit ol niljialieuce, took a hammer and ctilsel an i cut off the member, imping thereby lo obtain ro tef Irom ilin excruciating pain with wmcb he had suffered. Di n looilsb act caused n.orliiination to set iu, and on Friday uight lite old man died. liURNED WITH VIllllOL. Jorome Olaosky, a newsboy, aged ten years, waa selling papers yesterday, wben an express wagon passing down Park row collided with another wagon nnd a Jug of vitriol was thrown to the ground, the Coutelits tailing ou llio Shoeless letl ol tbe BeWsDOj. several oiner person who were passing at tlio time were slightly injured, out Utsosky was so severely burlied that he ?us removed lo Cliainoers Streel Hoe pual. ? ? HHUTALLY Rh-Al EN. Alexander McKlliern, the proprietor ol a saloon on the corner ol KjkI* street and Manhattan avenue, Oreenpoint, was eallsd out on the sidswalk In iront of Ilia premises about slgnl o'clock last evening and brutally ueaien by three brutuers, uamed Patrick, Juhu and Peter Leonard, wiiu reside at No. 1H1 Uixena street. McMhern's injuries include several severs cuts on the lie id. INDICTED FUR AR-ON. Mr. John O. Davisou, who resides In Paterson, N. J., wss arraigned belore Judge Moore, in tbe Kings County Court of Sersmns, yesterday, on an Indict ment for arson, In which It Is charged that hs set fire to hi* skirt taciory, lit the rear ol No. ?6 Atlantic avenue, lliookiyn, #o..ut two moiilbs ago. Tbe irial wan set dowu lor .iexi iuesnay. ? INCENDIARISM. A building on I.nfayetie avenue, New Brighton, 3. I., used as a private scliooihouse, was twice est on lire yesterday aliernoon slier school hours. Ibe builuiug suUoieu lulls damago> DOCTORS DIFFER. James Hope, aged forty-live, of No. t>5 Varlck streot, died yesterday morning in tbe reception room Of Ue'levue Hasp Hal. In connection with this death U is charged by the Bellevue authorities that the de ceased wus transierred Jrom the Cuambers Street Hospital whiio from pneumonia, and tnat tbe exposure to the air consequent upon the uansler hastened bis death. They ulso charge that many cisos are transierred from the chambers Street Hospital when the pAients are kuo#u to be dying in order to keep the death record of the Cbamoers Street Hospital as small as uo aibie. These chariot, however, ure contradicted by Or. Ueorgx D. Clilt, bouse surgeon ol the Cham bers Street Hospital, who stute* most emphatically that ali casus sent 10 that hosuital which can possibly be attended to or which tbe hospital can uccommo. date are willlugiy reoived and tr-utol In tbe case ol Jaiues Hope Or. Cltlt states that the de ceased was not u patient In tho Chambers street Hospital; but that ha was taken directly from No. 40 Leonard streot, where be had lodged tbo provious uiubt to iieilevue. Hope was suffering Irmu chrome U right's dUoase ol the kidney* and died, as such ) ergons otieu do, very suddenly lrom lailureol heart power. Or. CiUt ulso stated that tbe Chambers Street Hospital was a very small oue, and when crowde I, us it wss yesterday morning, It wus customury lor the ho uio surgeon to direct tho ambu lance surgeon, on leaving to attend a call, to lake suoh eases as that ol'Hopo to socue other hospital. l\STOL PRACTICE. George Styles, four years ot age, whose parents re side at No. 261 Putnam avenue, Brooklyn, while play lug in tho street near bis residence yesterday lound a loadod pistol. He handed It lo a p.uymiie of bout the same age as himiell, who oWcbar^od its cements into the lace of young Styles. Inflirtiiu' a slight wound. LAUNCELOT C. i'OOAlii I'sj BURIAL. Tho body ot LauaceljtC. Fognrty, tho murderer and suicide, was yesterday removed Iroui tbp Morgue and buried in Evergreens Couiou-ry. Tbe expenses or the burial were delrayed by H. K. l'hurber it Co. THli RIVER'S DEAD. the body ol an unk'iowu man wus lound in tho river at the loot ol West Thirtieth streot yesterday. Tno deceased bad on a dark o>>at, pantaioons and vest; a cotton undersbirt, red tiannil overshlrt, check over alls and congress gaiter*. He was about ihirty-llve ye ns of a^c, had dark hair and chili whisker and was about live leot seven inches in height. Capuuu Joseph Parker, of the steamer Edward Clark, fouud ysierduy tiie body of a ma floating iu the b.iy oil uidloe's l.-laiyd. Later in the day the Uo<Jy was (denuded as that ol William Nitsctike, tweoty oulit years ol awe, ol No. 2d Sixth street, UoboKee. Deceased hud becu in lb* employ of his brother iu Fuilou street, una has been missing tinco the 24ih uli. STUANOE DEATHS. Eliza Trainer, sixty years ot age, died suddenly yes terday at ber residence, No. 614 East Fifteenth street. An uukuowu man, supposed to bo an Italian, was lound dead yestorduy at "No. 124 Orecoe street. MAURI AG IS AND DEATHS. ENGAGFD. Kculaxk?IJaujiuauthx.?Abuau Sciilaxk to Rk gina, youngest daughter ot Uiouaoi Uaumgurteu, all ol this city. Nooirds. MArtrtlEO. Hallock?Field.?On Thursday, April 11, at tbo residence ol tbu bride's parents, John it. Hallock to 1'ukhk C., (laujtiter ot Klias H. Fluid, ali ol this ony. Klask?Smith.?On Thursday, Novemoer 1, 1877, at Church ol Holy Communion, by the itev. Or. Law rence, Hk.nky 1'. Klakk, ol Miltord, l'a.^to Emily L , only daughter of tho late Alden A. Smith, ol this city. DIED. .Aitkkn ?Ou Saturday, April 13, Ellkji Conlon (foruioriv 01 Koaiay, Fermanagh couutv, lreiund), wile ol Phillip L. Aitken, ol ibis City. ... The irieuds ol the lamily aro invited to aitend liar funeral, Irom ber latt rmultDOP, No. 00 Waal 18th st., ou Monday, April 15, at two o'clock P. *. Allk.v?Ou Saturday. April 13. 1878, Edwin Will iam allkn, ouly sou ol William E. autL Ellou Aliou, in 4tb year oi his age. Funeral Iroin Ilia laie rotlaenco, 64i Greeuwicb st., at nine o'clock. Boland ?On Friday, April 12. at tho residence or bis undo, Uoorgo Mundorf, 815 Olh av., Tuhooohk Bo lam), aged 20 years. Relatives aou Irieuds are respccifully Invited to at tend lbs,, Iroin .-?t Poior's Church, corner 46lh at. and Lexington av., on Monday, April 16, ai bull part oue P. M. liKAL'Tiuam.?April 12, alter a severe illness, Elha Mahik, daughter ol Alain uud Mario Brauliguin. Uyknk. Sodd-july, ou Thursday, April 11, Axni? jjvkmi, ouly uuuguicr ol Fatriok and Knaliaua Byrne, aueti l'yosr and ll duy*. The relaiivoa and iricnds ol the family are rcspect lutue.i lo attend tuo funeral. iroui ber lato resi dence, 334 Kast 12tb at, on Suuday, 14ib Inst, at oue o'cIock P. M, Camimox.?On Thursday, April 11, Richard Jamrh. son ol Geor^ 8. and Heiirloiu Cuin|fk>u, aged lji y?HrTalivo8 and friends are rospocifuily invited to at'oud tbo luneral, irom tuo reMuonco ol bis parents, Wo. 734ili at., Brooklyn, E. U, on Sunday, April 14 #1Ca>t?ll.-Ou Friday, April 12, 1878, Mr. Edward Caktkll, aged 69 years and 4 montba. 'l'be reiaiivea and iricudfc aro Invited to attend tho funeral Iroui the residence ol bis ton, No. 24 Dana voixo place, Brooklyn, ou Sunday ultcriioon, at two o'('iock< Clancy. ?Saturday, April 13, An* Ci.anct. relict ol Ibe lulu Patrick, at bur residence, 1,000 3d av. Nonce ol lunurnl tierealier. Cromka ?On Saturday, April 13, 1878, Sarau Ann Ckomku, widow o< tho Ul? Natbaniei Cromur aud mother of ilie lato John Cromer, in ibe 81at year or drives and friends aro respectfully invited to at tend tbe luueril, on Tuesday, tbe lUib lust., atone |? M., from 78 av. P. Brkw. Waltku Dkkw, at I.os Angeloa, C*1, Sun day March 17, in tuo 42u your of bis age. Eastman.?April 12, 1878, Mrs. iiksikk Eastman, In tbo 84lb year of bor ago, a native ol London, ling '"" be luneral will take placo Irom the resideuco or her dau,. liter, Mrs. Thomas McSpudon. No. 182 Eaat "3d *L Sew York City. Relatives uud Iricnds ol tuo lam i lies'aro luvitad to be present, on Suuday, April 14, at '"kmskhi *. Oo Thursday, April 11, Marv Ann, rollet ol the late Joseph Emerson, lu tue 07tii year of ber ""nelatives and irlonos ol tbe lawlly are respectfully t Invited lo attend tbe luneral, Irom her lalo resilience, 212 Kullodge at., Brooklyn, E. U . ou Suudav, April 1 14 lusl., at two o'clock. Friends aro kindly re uu'esied to relraiu from sending ilowers. Fauan ?Oii Thursday, April 11, alter a abort lll Deaa J' U.\ FaOAJIi M. 0. Fiiner .1 irom in* Into rosidonco, 275 Kivlngtou st., on Suud -y. April 14, at ou| c'ciock P M., tlitncu to the l.liurch ol .-?t Koao ol Lima, Cauuon at. Frieuds ara InVI tod lo attend. Fakhki.l. Saturday, 13th, Owkn, at tho residence of bis brothers, John and James Farrell, 243 Kaal 4Uu "^Friends and relatives are respectlally invite! to aU 1*F?moah Ou Friday rooming. April 12, at the rssl detneol hor son in-law. Joliu J. Harrison, 20U Madi son si., A LICK Finiuan, relict ol Ibe late Matthew Fungau, iu mc 77ili year of hur ?nc. Hui.ilivea aud lileuda are respeclinlly Invited to at icud the luneral, Irom el. Teresa's Uiurcu, corner of Ritluers ..lid Henry sis., ou Monday inoruiug. April 16 at nine o'cloek, where a i-ol'-niu ina.s ol r.q iiem wi'll bo tillered up lor the' reposo ol her Suui; tbeuco lo Calvary OeinulerV. Flaai k? ?Ou the lltb m?t., Harah It, wir# ol John F f laatke mid dnii^uter oi tue lute Uaic i' L ok IIMII. at No. 1,113 Kaal Uraud St., EnsaOetn, New *Keiailvea and friends are respecifuliv invited lo attend itie luneral serviaes, at .'t. Jonn's Cburcn, Ki z lOetl). Moud.iy, loth mat., at one 1*. M. Carriages Will meet tue 11:30 and 11:44 A. M. train* ol the New Jersey Cenirui Kallw?y irom New York. Inieiinent lu lireenwooo. Fox.?April 12, Mart, beloved wife of Corneiiaa Fox, aged u2 y? ar^. itelatives end Irinuds am reapoctiully invited to at teu<l the luneral, at twoo'clock P. M. nu Suud <y, April lft, irom Cliuich of the TiausUgurutiou, Molt, corner l'nrk ?t Fiiankk. ? Friday morning, April 12, Nkli.iR, eldest dauguier ol tbe laie Koward aud comellu M. Frauk*. Friends ?r lUVIied to aliuud tlm luneral, iroin ber laie res.deuce, 162 Eust 46lh St., on Mou.lay, April 15, at three I*. M. (iiatm ?At Koche>.tiir, N. Y., on the lltb mst., Lawia U. Uiuim, aged 2U years, loriuerly of New York (iKirfiTim?On April 12, 1878. Hannah M. KowtnTi, wile 01 Cliarle* Oriflilha, lu the i2d year oi her ago. Kelutivu" and frientia ol llie lamiiy are invited lo at leud tbe luner I on Muuday, at one 1*. M., at tbo resi dence ol Iter motn?r, Ioini>kin?viile, Stuien Island. MatiiAWAt.?On Thursday, April 11. CoRAtit, ?ldoW ol An.KI Halbawuy, aged OJ years. Kelatives anil Iriends are rospeotlully Inviieu to atieiid imr funeral' services, on i ue?U?y, April 1?. ia ir o'clock 1*. m., ai linr laie rcaideuoe, Nu. 42V j!,S!VNViiiirka ?On Thursday, April 11, Aaron V. IUhDRICKB, Hi the 83d year of hia age. Funeral services st Ins laie resuance, 204 Honry si., on Monday, April 1ft, at one P. M. New Brunswick (N. J.) p pars please copy. Hoi.mks.?In Bronkiyn, ou Saturday, April 13, AD dik K., wife ol John H. Holmes and dnugbtor ol Mary a. and ibe lata Michael 'I rappall, Jr. The relativos and Iriend- ol the lamlly are lnvitea to attend the funersl, Irom Nostraml Avenua M. r Chnruh, on Monday, iho Iftth lusl., at half-paat two ? iiitfii. ock.?On Friday, April 12, Colonel Jamm Hoo??v*i.t Hucbcoc*. age?l 87 yeara. u URKKSWKill I.OiMlk, NO. 4?i, >. AND A. Vou are herehy tiunimoued 10 roeet at in |?UMe room, Masonic lemple. 23u si. snd Olb a*.,, on M-ndav, "be Ift.h at tf:.W A. M. -harp, to pay the ast tribute ol retpeel to our lato hrolber, J'>eies Boos, veil HIIcIicoqk. CMAKI.K8 II. V ANOKDKN, Maataf. Ascii.M Accariku auwtxMu Hitr?lua members ol Tempi >r Lodge of Perfection, Tenaolar Council of Prii.ces ol Jerusalem aud Tcuipluf Chapter ol Rosa < roix are liercuy requeued to assemble Id purple mourn in/ at Ma-ouic lemple, llouday, at ball-past ume A. U., to attend ibe luuerul creiuouiae of our late brother, Juuie? K. Hitchcock. IStb. By oraer, C. T. MOCLENACHAN. 33d. JO-EPH M. LEVEV, 82d. EDWaRD M. L EHLERS, 324. William S. Patkkso*, U2d, Grand Secietury. HkadwCaktkr* Ninth KKUiKfcNT, N.G.,3.N.Y?NmW York. Atiill 1 2. 18T8 ? Order* Xo. 3. I. ?It is with leelmg? of tbo deepest orrosr and re gret that the Lieutenant Colonel announces iho Uoutli ol Coiouel James Roosevelt Hitchcock, ol this com mand. II.?This rouiraont will assemble at tbe armory, la full dress un lorm (white gloves), on Monday, the 15th toil., to pay tbo last tribute oi reaped to the do ceased. Koll call of companlea at ten A. M. sbarp. Field and stud (dismounted) will report to the Leu tenant Colonel commanding, and tho uou-uoin ini?.sloned stair, bund und Held music to tbo Adjutant at the same time and place. HI.?The coiuuiauduot of eacb company will make a detail of onu sergeant to report to the LieuteniiLf Colonel at above tunc. By order M. P. L. MONTGOMERY. Lieutenant Colonel Commanding. Clifpokd a. II Bartlktt, Adjutant. Hokuklt.?On Saturday, April 13, or consumption, Grohob W. Uukbki.t, iu tbo 28ih year ol bis age. The luneral will tuke place on Mouday, April 15, ai one o'clock P. XI., from tbo residence ol bis brother, Marrus Iiorbult, No. 9 Dominlclc at. Interment in Calvary Cemetery. Kau.v.?Aprh 13, 1878, at the age of 49 years and 10 months, Ei.ias Kaun. Notice ol Iun**ruI iu to-morrow's Hkralk. Lloyd ? 1'hursday, April 11, ol consumption, Jobkpu Lloyd, of Pembrokeshire, Wales, a^'id 47 year*. It datives and Iriuuds, aiso mumbors of St. David's Be no tit aud Ancient Britain's societies, nro rospect fully mvlica to attend th'.' luneral, Irom his late resi dence, 124 East 32 d st, Sunday, April 14, at one o'clock. Lowkrrk.?On Saturday, Apt II 13, Randolps Loivkhrk, aniHl 79 years and 2 months. Rei itivcs and Irietiils of the tamily nro invited to nttend the luneral service, Irom ins late resideuco, 301 Wesi 12ih sL, Tuesday, April 16, at thrco 1'. M. Millkr.? Ou Friday, April 12. Akrietta Banckkk, relict ol Hugh Miller, ayed 83 years. Relatives and frieuds uro Invited to attend tbo la. nural, at tho bouao ol her son-in-law, James U Thomas, Pluinflold, N't J.. Mouday, 16iu lust., at too o'clock sharp. Remains will be taken to Cemetery ol [ the Evjrgruuus. Carriages will meet the 8 aud 8:43 A. M.. traius by Central Railjnud o( New Jersey, lrotu loot ol Liberty at. Mookk.?On Friday, April 12, John K. Muork, la the 23 i your ol his ace, son ol J. K. Mooro. His relanvos and Irleuds are respooUaily invited to atteud tue luneral, lr -in hu into residence, No. 81 CurmiD'! St., at nno o'clock, on this .Sun lav. Nolan.?Ou Tnhrsday, April 11, 1'HoMAa Nolan, bus1>i>? i i oi Jiuie Not in, in u.u 02d yo ir ol bis age. Relatives and mon^s ol this laimly are respectlully invited to attend the luneral, Irom bis late residence, 201>g Warren st., Jersey City, ou Sunday, 14tb tost., at one P. M. sharp. O'Connor.? On Snturdav, April 13, Bridoki O'Connor, in tho 33d yvtir ol her ago. Relatives aud Irietius are rrkpoctlully invited to at tond the luueral, from tho residence ol her mother, Mary Hourke, 337 East 0th sL,ou Monday, April 15, hall-past one P. M. , Qui.nlan.?On Thursday, tbo 11th Inst., Joii.n W. Quinlan, iu tho 1 Stli year or his ago. Relatives and friends ol ibe laiutly are respectfully invited to ttttond the fuuerui, iroin tbo resideuce ol bis mother, id St., this (Sunday) afternoon, at one o'clock. ItociiK.?On Friday, April 12, a'tor a abort illness, I'lULir Rocuk, In the 23d year ol ills a^e. Friends ol tbo family are Invited to attend bla luuorul, to-day (Sunday), at two o'clock, Irom bis lata resideuce, 307 Mauison st., New York, without lurtbur notice. Saxk.? U No. 2,334 2d av., on tbo 13tb lust., Jos Mr ii Saxk. Tue relatives and friends are respoctrally Invited tu atteud tlio luneral, irom the Methodist < hureh, cur lier ll'Jin st. aud 2dav., ou Mouday, the loth iust., at eleveu o'clock. Smith.?Iu Tollaud, Coun., April 12, of pneumonia, Johki'h Smith, o! Now York, years. Tue relatives and frionda ol the family uro respect lully invited to uttend the luneral, from the residence 01 his brollier-in-iaw, G. W. Smnb, No. 1,031 Broad way, Brooklyn, ou Monday, April 1ft, at two 1'. M. Hknhy Clay Loduk. No. 277.?Bmeruitkn?You arc bereuy suiuuioued to moot at tno Lod^e Rooms, 40i Grand at., ou Mouday, ball-past one o'clock P. M., lor the purpose ol attending the luneral ol our lata worthy orotbor, Joseph Smith. Membors ot aistei lodges are cordially invited to attend. By order E. J. F?Ritr, Secretary. C. S. GREEN, Master. Smith.?On tae 11th mat., Margakkt, relict ot thf late Peter Smilb, ot New York, iu the 50tb year ih be.- uge. Tbo lelatives und Iriemja are rospoctfuliy invited id the luneral, Irom her la'le rosldeuce. 447 West 60lb at., ou Sunday, the 14tli lust., at ouo P. M. STYGKitAN.?At Port Richmond, 8. L, April 13,1873, Emma, daughter ol Richard -4. aud Mary J. Styckmuu, uged 2 years, 5 mouths, 11 days. Funeral Monday, Aitii Id. TooPkit.?Friday, April 12, 1S78, Franoks Gk.\x? yikvk, daughter ot Mortimer G. aud Etta l'ooper, a^id 1 year, 3 months and 8 days. interment at Fishk.H. Tkkoaskis.?Ou Friday, April 12, Maky Emma Ro^iK.i beloved wile oi Herbert Treguskut. Futifral Irom her lalo resideuce, No. 134 Weat28tn sL, in is day, at one P. M. Von DM Li ktil ?Ou Anril 13, Hklbnb J W., daughloi ol Eide und Muthilde \ oudarlietb, aged 7 years und 2d day*. Notice ot luneral horottier. IIKLIUIUKS \OillKN, "? T ukaSd ' m'mn ' iiXuuribi i rn" a v.. n "TAif Siri - l'machln* by Kev. Win. lluio pi tone. Subject*? 111;*!, "ilmy to be saved 7 :30, "Tlia Tell \ .'gine " ? .in put tomporancu incatuiK. Sinning by W. W. Bentley and cboru*. AH f H ON aTk UoTUAL Cllt'RCH. 4*TI I BT., WKSl nt Oth MV.-T.ia ilov. A. II Carter, D. D.. will pre?cb al IU)|J A M. The It v. Frederick Courtney will preach at 1. tfyen t(onic at ~'4 i* M. \ STlUKlN'i LfcCTUKh sUXOaV bVKNINti. IK. Vf JYlliirvi.iii Ilall.tfth av. ami l.'d ?t., by .Humi liuil un *'lti ..iiretlimi ol Je?u?" and "SDlrllualUm." Spiritual conference at 21, I'. M. ? r. hT CI CUB SUNDAY, AL.?0 TUKsOAY AM) ? Ihurtdty. at 8 t*. M , 310 4m av. LlZ'iltL NKA'lLL Medium. A" I TiIiVm.VN J KWlldAli'MOHLIKOti. ON S>TH ST., en?t ot -tHi U'arki nr.. tlio lie*, (ilivur Oyer will prructi Iroui Joiin xlv., 10, J'l, on "title wlilc'i I'ilate I'ut on Hie t'ru?? in llabraw, Urot ami Latin." Visitor* cordially welcomed. Service* .it tl A M. MiOtlC AN TbSpBlUNOK UNION.? COOt'ltR IN illtnte Sunday, 3 o'clock. A br.lliant array ol taient. frotelaor titan*. till' eloquent loader ol tnp it. iorm l'lulia| A. S. Draper, h?n.. tbe aol j advocate ot total pr.ihloltl. n; !%??. C. s. liiackweil. ol ilrooklrn. and other* will apeak. MUe Druinraoiid and tlie choir will >Iiik Collection, ft at lilt. at ih? door. ' W. II. MUN0Y, I'reei taut. iik.xHr U I'lau, Secretary. HlKliiy l.nport?nt uniiouneement concerning Krancit Marvliy, the ureal t rap Tauce reformer Come mid h 1 ar it l xKiTlt!^"kT.Fk,; A .\ (J r. U.sluN. (iKA.MII OVA /\t:ou Tammany )>.? ildlnir. ?! o'clock To.iini iul u pro ?riiuit.on to Kev William H. A llleck by Kmuia (late* C ma lm. ejito* I'ailaJiuiu. fepeakiir* -i.*r. Robert Crook. LL D.. l'rote?enr luwlni; e.iitor Chuich t'alaii, ami Mr, AlUec*. tbe I .tier two will *taK. "nay .Not" i.agHell and Letter, "Niitvt/ and .Hue." itecitalioii, "Creed of thii I,ell.," by Liitla Auld stan t on. JOHN NOHI.K, I'real dent, lnueraoll l.ockwood. Vice Kreaideiit. J. H. U xkliu. Secretary At 222 \vk t ??".rnst.. sund7\\ i i:ksd ?v, Thur* lay an I SitBMay, 7SMP. M , Uri L'ul?u \Ve?t brook, spirit Talking. Iniei"prct .tion and Taat Median, A t 0111 CKhM Fm O IlAlX, "??Tll A v.. Coii ,N lilt ikiiI JVat.?Uai .ii narvlco. Rev. Sun>tu>l Ooiconl, prsarbek at S:HU, sniidny afternoon; >uijpct, *Tbn Cruel Lxioa.'' Slutti'iif l>y Cbarlen l<. Uanu ami the ureal choir, seat* ftee ; everybody welcome. A-Mimr.N " Kiik: ST i a mTkctukhs k?k must ?Society Spiritual tat* f. M ; *a'.Ject, "Man tl>? t'roatare of CircumUaac 1" *>id 'ClroutHaiaiica the Crea t<ir?ol Man." Morntiilecture. In1, Meats iree. No. 54 W . *1 S3d at. < hllil ?u'? l.\ceum, 'J', I'. M C1IIUUCH OK TilK IIKAVi.M.i K.-.sT. Oil. HOW* yian i, II A. >1 II v I) ?evm >ar. I I'. M. Thumlay, s l'. M.. Holy Commutilon, eermon ny |)r Cottoa ? mltti ('iilt'RON or fun n??la* rAVIik K (HAWK'S X > ym. riali, U.r>tn ?t., near Madixin a*.?lUtituiar nervice*. Insui ?. M.i 7:1 I I*. M.. "Eteroal I'anlaUaeat." Kricn.t* ol ihii cliiircii and lli >*n wiil n.* to vlu their crowu by wyrk especially invited, -rait :i ttttiji^li Of TilK aTO??II#NT. iiulmi.) a v.. ) Mt'i it. Siriii'"* at 1 I A. K. | 7 :i"i I* M Kiel or. Her. V. C Till any. will officiate. ? CltiUMOII Of TUB MKSHIAil, MTtl Mi. AM) PAllK 1 av.? Wm. It. A lifer, II A M. Snujoct?"Hope, Ita I'.aee ami Office ?? Htiman .Nature." hveutuic. 7 :t3-"riio ?. II kill L?if an I It* Motive*," CYTfuitcli o. ,<!ilili""kaviuuu (Sixm i.mvi-. s viZ /i*t -oclotyl. ?Iilli-t.. <orner ntli av -llev. II l-av wilt preach at II A. M. and ;??. S. ll Caran al 7.45 1'. .M. tHIUBCIi OK Till DIVIMK PATiVitNlTV. :.ii A V. /corner 15th t.?Kev. K II. Chiipm, O l>.. prearhe* II A. .4. bxletnporaueoa* adiirea* and nualeai v??uar? H v ? (fnOBCM or ~thk holv iritir. stth ?t.. .m a t /Kara av.?film Sund iy. Hev. \ir. tlnihiert, S an i 10:t J A. M.; Kev. Dr .n, 7.. i I' M /I iACh CllAKlsl?KKV. WtLl.lAM T. hOHbHT fA^ ?t 11 A. M. mi?i 7:ilU 1*. M. <??rfnun li> Ki? ? Or. Moimin. HKLLi-BV si't. IAU It MMMaT ^ JUtIN ll! Kox will reply to <'..i*nel Innei*oil, at Chiokann^ Hall, till* ev.intn* .-evor?l eailnnut cleriivmen will occupy tent* ou tllo platlorm an i ttra Itav. Il. nry Wan! Ueoclier will pr ulde. Lyric iiali., srii w., s,-. t? 4.d r -.o, ? Itift on "Tha itavival I'renaraiorv to ClnUt't .--aeorid < omlNff," Sunday n.veiiiiiK, 7o'clock. No collection. Seat* fiee. "*"Lhan's i/iiUitOiiV i.AHr 4m ii -.r,-iiii. ki-.vT t^i: W Morrill, rector; ralia suinlav nervic * 7. |lt;l.\ lit: 15 A. M ; 4 M Ho rt Krldny. ?, lut.ln a M , 12: in ? "Ihe -even Word*," H I'. M. Riwnar Kven, Klrnt Veepern.B o'cltiefc. ^OCIBTV ,tlK llTjlllANlT*, HCIR.IOB HAi.l~?rTi tjst., near' tlroailway. I?i>i.iur*e tnU afternoon ;x^ o'cl iik, by Mri. < lara Neymaiin. subject?"M'omau'a *ork '' ST. IO>aTIUI' UMMMUM, ill'II sr., HKfivITk> -?r,c ami litii av*.. Dr. K.tar, rector, nllkiatliii;. ?Service*, 7, H, tOW eiiornl rei. liratl. ii, 71, MaaMf Tliur*ilaT, 7 A. .cliorul cell'ligation. Good Krluay. 7, private ilevo tlnn*( 0. matin*, with ?eriuon; 1'?,?*. Ittanyi il. reproacha* and pro-an.iphom; 12, the three Mil' .iKony aermon. ST. MARK'S. 2D AV. AND KlTII SI'.-MKY. DR. KY i tnee will ineael'. at II o'clock, and Itav. Or. Vtllllaraa, ? ut i?eorrf?'? I'liurcii. at 7:45 rflllK rROKLK'S hKRVICB 1!? TUB CIlUltCH OK X ihe Holy Trinity. Madi-on ar. and 42d *t. -Sunday even. at 7 :.m o'clock. Itav Stephen II. T|tuk, It., will ore ith. Topla?"Preaenl Salvation." ?'|inR Tltl K KROPITIATtpN.,,--LKCTUB!s BY Tllll J. Itar. John ("ott'in Snilili D. I)., Hhitreli ot the Ax on *iou, cornar inli ar. aud loili it., Sunday, Aim il 14, at 4 f.