Newspaper Page Text
to, LET FOR BU8I2VBSI PCEP08KI. vjIkn it 11 Bmofsu ? JL> coraer of Kultoc and Kuih Ma Several ?Bcm in thla building to lev at vreatly radnoad mu The nBraa will be altered to eait teaiaU Tue bul>dlug U heated by steam, and each o flies hu ?a*batand and water In It, Two elevator* running. Mo extra* Apply to JOHN L. KNIOHT. ? at the building. ^ -butbaoiuhnaby chance. Te lat. Par* of a retail ianuy good* Store, With window diaplay, litnated on 6tb av., between 20th aad Slat ata., suitable tor millinery, India* (hoe*, Mlta, Ac. or Will **U Stoafc and Fixture* at a Kreat bargain. Addreea HERITAGE, Herald offlea. ATHKKE STORY SHOP B OA NSEVOOKT ST.: IN mediate poaaeaalou; Kf KJ per annum : also an old e*tah llabed Tailor Store, No. IB 8tb a*.; one to i-iislit Lot*. cor tier Weav and Horatio; Carpenter Shop, seeoud floor 172 7th a*.: Floor, 812 We.t 16th ?t., 25r7S: ho.tll9 Undsou at.. Mora and Basement, <25. E. U * B. T. BDUaUaH, BOB lluasoE ?t. SALKSnOOM~iNU LA KOK LOKTB. AHVASTaOE ously placed lor country trade near Broadway, opp<>?lta karle's Merchants' Hotel, fronting on Canal. Kim and Walkar; divided to *uit tenaute; northern light; terni* li?w : (team if required. J. U. Bt.CH. Jr., 24M Canal. "T hal.!' ok l<>vc, aau hkoaowat?splrn -fYdlu location, good light and In Are* rata condition. Ap ply on p reunite a. A OOOD CUANCE FOR RIGHT MAN?REsTAU JVrei:t and Lodglug clieaut rent $52 a month: wbole llonan, good location. Addroaa L. 0., 112 Herald ofllca. ?J KINK, LAlMSTsTOIllS ON 7T1I AV., NEAR 2TTH iiit, to let at low ront. Ul'l'B A UOUKNCAMP. 444 8th av. A' 0(MM> CilANCK?TtiKKB DOUBLE LOKTS, 52X lit!; plenty light, etuaui power and elevator; new baUBling. 14 and 16 Vaudewator at. .JENKINS A ADAMR. "I STOKE a Nl> UWBLUNG.tfi GRAND ST. (OIL Abvrt Railroad station) ; rent of whole, 946. Apply 42 >'e?t So at. BUTCHER'S STOKE?FINE LOCATION; OOOD custom. 235 49th at., near 3d a*. 4 OOOD CORN Kit, 2D AV., KOK GROCERY OR ?aVllquora. rent low: north 73d at. Apply 1 -''2 ad av. A DOUBLE STORE TO LhT, 510 EAST 14TII ST.: rent ?2.">; for any bualuuaa. STEPHEN TIlEKKY. A SMALL UOi BE. WIT1I SHOW WINDOW; IN .jt\.Wee*. 21 at St., near 6th av., auitable for any light buat ?V** lilXK A OI>AY. 1.205 Broailway. AN OLD BBTABLIHilhD GKOCHKY sToKE, WITH Flgturea and Apartment*, to lot. at 68 Jams* *t. Ap ply to A. .\lcOOY. second Hour. TaRvFTol'T tcTlkt?sou broadway-, pobsk* A. _~lston Immediately: well supplied with light and ven tilation, newly painted ami kalaouilned ; suitable for lull ltaerv or fancy (food* tu.ineas: rent moderate to a good teuant. Apply on preinlsaa, room 5. A" STORE ON 14I'll ST.. NEAR UN?iN SQUARE, to let cheap. II. CPU NIaT, 27 Eaat 14th at. ? A STOKE, 19TII ST. OPPOSITE LADII *' ENTRANCE Arnold A Constable'* and clo*o to Broadway, at very lan-ouablu rent; another noar St. James HouL C. 8. PECK, 8 Won 25th tt. ABTOItE, WILLIAM ST.?OOOD KOK CIOaR OR otlier bnainoa*: rent low. DOVLE A CO., 202 William. "a T aafl 3D AV.. NEaiT 27TU ST.-BTOKB, WITH Expiate ?laa* front, aultabi* lor flrtt claaa retail trada. Apply in olUce ??DKKK ROOM. NEAK K1 Ki ll AVKNUB HOTEL, to let, for any uBloe nnaiuaaa. C. a PECK. 8 Weat 23th at. "A. A?TO LET OK LEA.-E?THE "OUK STOltV BUILD ?Inc. 421 Enat 12tU ?t . now occupied aa a piauo manu teatory; else 25x1110: auitable lor any buainea* J. C. BAlLl'-Y, 50 fcaat 4th at., near Bowery. SDK81RABLB Kai:ToKY TO~LkT-27TH ST.. NBAR tli av.; 5Ux 100; Ove atory and haaemeut. Apply 257 I 34tU at. T>OV JJbm OWbitY ftTOKi'J TO LKT?SUITABLE Kolt ANY alueas: good lacatlon ; rant low ; p.M*?**lnn. No. 260. Barclay sr., no 47.?a kink nbw htobb. Office and Cellar: will let part if de?ired at lew rent M. KLR.NKN, 55 l iberty, room 9. i^lOBNKIt STOKE TO LKT?>OUTllWEST COUNEk V^ul ltd av. and 70tb at ; doairable location for flrtt claaa grocery, dry gooda or fancy good* boaineaa. M. DEL.VlAOK, 1,2023d av. CORNER 17TH ST. AND BKOADWAV?TilE PwCR -tory brkk Buildlux, with larg ? vaulia; will be Sniahed V>ault; rent low. 1I1NE A ORaY, 1,2<j5 Broadway. f!KST KLuOK ro* L. T IHD Si) AV.,~RKLOW 84I H at.; good location lor milliner or dreaamaker. Inquire a tor*. , MIKE HTORKsV NEAlt MkTiaDWaY, ON 12TH ST.; ^ also small ".'fllce, Hroaiiway, Irin.t WM. VAN ANTWERP. SO East 12th. (^OOD BUKINI *8 PLACE To LEASl. KOK A TERM Tef year? on Jvrome av. (formerly Central;. Apply at 114 > a at 124th at. CtKhENWi.iH ST.. SO 225. - A KINK DOI BLK WIN Tdow Store; alao No. t*i B'<rulay at., great thorougktara lor lerry trxvel, near Lioboken lorry: also No. IBS Obatn kan St.. uear Kavnnla ferry ; rent low. HOTK L F IK N t Mi hL>T~ EXCEL LENT CITY LOCa' tlon iloinu' it nd bualursa -to lease, reaponalble par tie* Address HOT..L, Uerald olllce. ARDWa Rl'. STORh TQ LETaEABON vBI.yTksTaB iaued 20 yeara. Inquire s". 151 Centre at. Lofts and pirkt kluobh, ~ l.AUOK AND SMALL. LIOIIT, WITH UOOD FoWKR AND ELEVATOKB, IN KO-K AND YANI'KWaTBK HTS. REDUCED RENT.-: IMMKDIATR KOSHEKSIO.V. i .1 II. IIAUi.ENHKf.K. Tlineo Building. H AKOE LOKT?nhCONU FLOOR, VkRY DESIRA ilile; for rent cheap. 121 Hast 1 lib at. 0 LOK1S TO LfcT?WITH OK WITHOUT STEAM powrr; all modern luipr?vemeiita. 345 hast -11th at. H or I TO LtT?WITH POWER. AND LOT ok WoUd AJWorklng ^lacb'lnery lor *ale. 53 Clirystle at. BE EniTkV F LOO It IN LAiOE building IN raar of 17, 1U and 21 John at., with uteeai power. 1 1: ATl'1 It 1 ? i.N A DODO, 10 John et. OFFICE oT Bl.OAD wTy" L HON r>. NE v K ABTOIt place?One-half ol a laria Office la a flae marble bulld lkg; can be divided; lent low. KLDDINO A CO.. 731 Broadway. PHOTOOKAPil OAI.LKKY TO rT.NT-ALL FUR niafee'i; fumniralnes only flr?t elaaa gallrry ta tbe p.ace Box 72.1 Mldd>el?wn, N. V. Parlor7look. no. is clinton place, it firat claaa ord r. Apply W. S. ORIsWOLD'H Heal Estate and General Hnaineao Aitency, Ma 744 Broadway. T>Ai<LOl; KLOOK KToRK, Ml 21 BAHT l'.Til ST.; A mltable fbr la.Mi-*' bualnrax Apply W. OKI-WOLD'S Real Eatate aad Ueneral linsinese Agency. No. 744 Broad way. a7 PltlVATb >TA lli.K. l.VI K A.- r *>TH >T^-i:oaCH iiiaii ? ?puiDinu: moderu lapmfciMnUi rut, $UUU Apply Crrnch'e Hotel. COlTscii HALL. 8TII Si., OPPOMTii .UEKCANTlLli Ot-lhrary. Si udl<?. i'IBeei. C.ub Rottiat, lor literary a? rUtl'iirtnli. fiiiuFJii. Hi. OWN. S- TEKH FOVV Kir CUKRRR BTOHKH. KOUXH aND Baaatnenta, larire and ?mail. Apply to OKOUUK* ?t. 0 fK *M I'D .7kU A.N 1) LAMUK LOFT*. WITH BLE ? ?t ir. Ill lacivry I U bMi Inth at., near 3d ay. TK\M P< > WKK ?To LET, LAKGE ROOMS; ALSO pl.ndlil light ground! high baaa-nent H'O Wfit 27th ?U S" TOBh AMD BAMEXKNT, 154 AND 186 KOJTH 5TH a v.. 00x781 aim l.efta; Store and Haaemeiit ISO Hoaih bill a*.. &%*73i Star* and BaeeniOnt 185 Kremlin It. 8)1x7.1; tor* and II?m uio'it t? LaltfUt at . 22iHO; Storn II Lel?ht >1, UUkttUi store 41 Mnrlnff St., 25x75; amail Store 1.U7U tirue/iwey. Kent* low. Apply to J. W. DIMICK. 2UU Cai.el it QTGitE AMU 11' > LI r~ K To LET OK TO LEA8K-NO. 01 ,5411 lid a* . northweat eorner of HOtb at. Apply to IaIkH <i J41 ha.t Hinh It STO K WITH ?LKOANT cT/a7r qlah* rKOEf, I..KHI 3d ?t . wnat alie now 78th at.. wltfe or witbwat flalalied Baaemeut; low root. JOHN 0. 1.417 3d av. CTOitK AND HAHKBKNT, 13 /KAJfKKOItT ?T.; Oram, fl.luu; will lat eeperetely. Apply et Krencli'i iiotal. enxtblp PLOOltS, 40X8; 8TKA* KfcATINO; lw power; aUralm; IM. 196 Want 19th at. C. J. HAltliV. C rKA?y htkam vow]km in abunoamjr? wtaTl Ol^Utad ll*om?. no drat and uppor (loon la ( antra nod Klin ita ; r*ata low. il f. HaM., 137 him it. c W ? LL uirrn. W1TII r<>W BR. AND lAIIMKkC AJartth roomy *?ulta under ilu>.*alk. ahaaB,a t H Head* at. ?VHfc TUIB it ANO (UUITH rUHJItl Uf TUK lilKKAI.O UULlHNi TO LKT, SUIT ABM KoU Law, bankinu. inhukanck oa any lioht fttiftWBart PVkP.WIIR APPLT III THE COUNTlRO ?hob or tiik ii. RAin. qio LET?L A HOB FACTORY; btbam KUWH*. OOOD 1 light an4 yaM ronm real low ; will aoll. BBYMOLdN. 13.1 Wh ft., WilllamabarB. CO Itf-Ml rtioMY KAl TOKT. WITH MIKaMBM glue, clevetor; a g*id location; root aaodaratr. NathaMHL ROB liHVaHokat. ni) Lk.T rtToitK MO. IS flTU AV., WITH Al'AM^ 1 mm t- It rriioira-l; naw occupied aa s loeor beer and In MB koloon Inqtilra at No. 17Bth a* rno LkT-JTH R llBTOBtU I MB HOTBi. BUILlilNU. I npp'.alto iir<od i'?ntral <l?|.ot: 7.t room*, all mo'lrrn tomiorU; Brat flour will !.* dtTiilad Into utorea to unit t?u aniat alao thraa of tho?a naw llouaoa juat flDlahad, on i%Uo It.. Uotwran Hrnadwar aid 7th a*, j I rat claaa Imi.roT* m -ota Apply oa proialaoa. Ifo 'ilr-rnii wkli, kji.iwT^tork. ixcluoinu X I'ollar, 21 * 1 i*V ixwupli"! lor tha pnat flva yrari liy Haxra. C. Ilotrhkna. Plal'1 A Co. lor the ?aia el wo?ob fthd nlaekaoiltba' m?t?rlal?, tollable for any large or heavy hu?ln???. rnnt low. Apply to WILLIAM U. CLAdMBB. Ko. 4A*> Wa?t HKh ??. To i.k f"a ookn kit Liyl mi "RobbT With yH tnro? and Apartni. nti to Ire lu on 10th a? , oi.p mlta depot. Apply to JOHJf kEVIHB, northweat oor. Bar '-nil et. aad Ba t*. rro LKT-rnk uoKj/flm ivtuitiio or rluitr ak& JL WWW et? , M*?'?<>; RMf -tory. miiahle lor maniifaetor. la* pitrt?n?..? 'ir aoy other hnilaeMi rant tWXi. Imjulra X22 Wanhiiigton at. E. MRYKK. LkT'-ittl-OdM WAKBlROrori Bf.. 6obn?r kits. f; .strong f.iur n. rr oiilulinic. Ki'*m<i, with ittaitm Tower; ?dapt.ul for laat-.ry or etoraga warehoaaa. Addreaa K. P. lOBIMA^lOfl Water Ik _ __ _ rnit"LhT HiuHk m V/i broauwav, rknt ii.avt, jl and corner Hroadwar and Warhinvrtna nUee. rent ?J.7 H), iiu'It Mew Turk Hotel. Apply to M. MOHtlAft'rf Wltllam <t. _ T' i LBT?TllK UANKINU WllB OK #l'LL,'H III4AU Hank, with fixture) eaiupletv; d-?ka. Are and harglar p,..of vaoi ta Ate. i alao Haaoment Offieea. Apply at the bank. ? ' eale T- O LhT-TIIK >PtiBHDH> LaiiOB OORNBB BTuBB and Baipment; plate glaaa Iront. enaranoe f^om l?ith glreetet northwoet ruraer of Sd a* and _?th ?t.; lire* eiane Swainae* And aOAM* A BoB. Iftt ?aa> OBfc ?*. To LRt?Hkvtt WabIrooM A.nTi" TTTbSk LAROl Lone. laqnlra af W. H. COitK, 139 Ubathaa it . oa fr?mle?a_ ^ 5Io LET ITORB AMO'BABrMRNT fTH llilifWfOll ,?t., wltbln ten of WaehlBfton Market, aleo of two rrrlei: le w<-U adapted far aay Miiaeea. Apply to gWWKR. /71. . ,r LET?IR WILBORM Brn.DIHO. KULTOW M., JL I'omer detd. fer maititfBetnrin < pvrpo-ea, priatlug, io.. Crce aad eaiall Boom to ealt i ?tra n pow?r and haat. ? i. 1. WO**)*, TB raMea afc . TO 14BT FOB BlSlXlCtSg PVBPOIEI. ^^Ki-BAliKllENT KO* ' BUtilNBBH fff&Sigrt iiiluiibbr* reetearaal; No. 132 I'riae. at. A>al? ki B. P. BEB'.IBN, 102 South 5ih a*. P* y TO LBT-KOB MaNUFaOTUBINO PUKP08B8 WITH ?Mam t.ower four Rooma 44*100; ?lw aev.ral wallet nouma; all newly fitted np. in flr.i elaaa order. Apitly uo tUa pr.nil*ee itf la 283 Witt 2Mb at Tl> LET?HKlih tuxtu CtOMTIHU ON Broadway 7th av. and 47ih .tT^ol.abla tor airiaV^ church or other paiyiaa. Apply on pramieea. T.?. L/L!z.T?*L7 HOLK oirpAttT or 140 EAST 41ST FOUlt "P.14* OWBUJSO AND 8TOBK i. * Jn?!y je'u.*L? eultable for aiat (lora, pal tiler, etc. , will b? pat In first elm order. HIKE A UKaY, 1.295 Broadway. TSif^k7?^8 ANV ?asbmkntTno. S CLlNToi place (sin at.), mvodiI door from Broadway; very low ?W Ojr^MiBLoW. 55 Wait 38?? TO LET?STORE, IIOU8B AND STABLE8 ITO KIT IngtoBat.. at luw rant. MITCHELL, T7 Cedar ??. T? 'uRJ!?liUU8K A-VD HT*JRK No. 379 OKAND ST.", ur r?'t of hou.e and flora; baat boelneii atrwet la the eity. Inquire or M. SCHWAB. 219 Church ?" T2JKTr.KO?* ?.Ti,By 'AOT??BV BlIIliOINO, 40X50. - i mJS'di"? Hfhi mtnafafittriif buaineee; real very ?uw. ftp. 330 KUlutftoii at. T?Lh?.T~"NO' T1 8TH AV. BETWEEN38TH ANU AlK J nAnn'i.^lHKSi deilrable location* on Otb av. 1 Apply to IQUDEUT BROTHBR8, *? and 70 William it. I TO OR bKAtLE_A nVl 8TOHV BBICK BUILD lDtf. 00x36. Noe. 20 and 22 Commerce ft., suitable lor * lactorjr. Apply to K. P. BBBBIEN. 102 South 5th ar. TO LEAS* FROM MAY l-A PIBB OK THK NORTH .1?*,*' w"" covered .had and depth of watar ,0, tb* 'T*?t vaaaala Add ram box 4.723 Poll office. Tu ^B* SE-OfT K A VOKABLE TK K M8. THE BNT1BB Building. No?. 807, 500. 511 Broadway, through to xercer it. cent .lining three .tore., each 25*200. and about ISOrooine abore; mutually built and arranged lor a hotel: ?' Rr.*i?nA ? PJ'lof St. Nicboiai Hotel. Apply to HOSAOK "? KLT. Wo. 22 rino at. T? LEASE-PLOT OF (, WHOLE FBONT on 13th av., between Weal 20th and 21 at its. lee office. Canal at TO LEA8K-MOST DKSIRaBLF. KOuMS. KoR MANU lecturing purpoaea. with abunaanea of .team power la the eligibly aituated buiialnga roruer of Weet and Bank low reuti. Apply to A. C. KINOSLAND A 80.N8. 55 Broad el., or 8. JACoBS, 4-'i8 We at at. ' TO KKVT-ABOUT ONE-THIBD 0k1TdEWBAbIj? wellllKluw Store and Ba.etuenl. No. 34 Kaade el udpoI alte A. T Stewart A Co ; capital loeatlou fo? m.SofMlu^ ar ? depot; rent lo*. Inquire on the premlMa. T??K stobb AND ADJOINING aP^BTMK.NT IN TIlK Clarmont," toirether or.eparateljr. at low reat. " NIXOW. Brnadwiiy, onrner Met ate I "Vh2i.Y ?KsIKAHXjK t<OOM. 44 KHONT. 22 1/BKI'" T llifht all round, one UUbtnp; pnwer. (team heal dla rator; alee lane, two fllgbti up. 206 Baet 2Sd at. IXP. AV - NO. 1.514.-ONE OK THE BE8T 8T0BE8 ON Oth^avenue for retail trade; reut low. Apply 25a Greeu La'*OB fRKNT BASEMENT, | *nd "??'?<?om. This U one of the beet 171b? avenuet reut low. OWhSK, 208 Baat 11)1."t-KRCKER st.-bTokb AND IIPI'TTk POR. DWEliUBiO ^??E?~TO " ParnlSlSiir " AT OREATLY JtKDUCED HENTaLS-WRBT lUTH . f" nJ'*r'Ijree .lory browu alone. 14 room* eu perbly furnl.hed, rent $2.OU0; Wv.t 18th *t., lour etory arowu .tona. 17 room., rant ?2.SOO; L-xlu?to? my!. 4r** etory brown (tone, 14 room.,-rent $2,400; Wr?i 55tb it , near Broadway, 14ro?m.. reat ?l,lW)VWe?l w ?. Vi'.V !SUT ?lurr *>rown atone. 14 room a, rent ri.OUO, Weat 47tb it., Deer tlth nr., four utory brown ?tone% 17 ronms. rent rj,7<J0: West 43d si. neer Kroedw*v .Zj^0h>i: near fttb ev , foar itory browu stone, 17 room*. 3 rootm* deeo. reut S3 000 A P'V''& ?'**> H?U. i ir7^L i? *,'>0oa OSkea 30 and 32 Pine ?!.. 252 and l..'B7 Broadway. JACOB V. D. WVCKOFF. H A > U80M JtLV KUBNIrtllhU BUOWN 81 ONE ci*liii<Ju,'V i . "Vv?*. ay? , to let; rent wuly $1.500 Apply to KELLOUU, 4 Warren, room X I A _BTORY III..11 STOOP BUOWN 8TONE, XLBaat .*th ?t., completely and richly iurtiUbed; oe owner. Addreee O., 110 Iloralu Uptown A KOUR 8TOBY HOUSE. CABINotTTsisHH;T>"aNO furnUbad: Bllh honae north of 126th ?t., on fltb a*.. nari.m. 11. P. DE UUAAP. Bowery National Bauk. A POUK SIOKY HKiH HTilOP HKOfffl STONE,^59 If V? Inrnlabed; al.o 55 u'aal ?oth at, partly furniehnd. M ?TTHEW B YEN 1.8. 142 Kaat 33d ?t. A PUliliY KURNiHHEO ?IKST CLASS H OK STOOP brown ali>n. Ilouaa to l.t, on 5th ay., near and below 3 SMPoet'oiu'oae* po*,e",'ol, "T ,lm*- Audreee bo* A r^!.H AJ MOtrsi. COMMLETELY~PtTHMSHb"d, .to let, prlyaw family only; (JOO per montb. Apply at A R?STOKY BROWN HTO^B AOwelllu* with extension dining room. ."kith at., near 5th ?T.. rurni.hed or nnfuml.bcd ; lew to reepon.lbla party A^ly^U. J. E. PALM EE. UJ2 Otb av. ' P " A -TO LET OK PO . SALE. POUR KTOK\ AND EX ?tenalon hlgb stoop Dorrtieater alons. 17 Kaat 47tn it m Matthew hYk .Ei. 142 E?.t aaa!,15 A ?8t -45? ht> madlson^avT, xl.$2.500; larce >?BNortinent o# otbere. ItAbm i.8 A, 171 5tb ay.. 7 Pine. ACHAHM1NO KUKNIHIII D HOUSE TO ltBNTlrO private party l?r ?lx monthi. and may be had for longer: 14 rooma and all conveniences: 19th ml n?nr lth ay.' rani only IIW ? m?uth. OODBN *' C La K k Broadway, corner of 17lli it vjjau*, A JHRKK HTOKY HOUSE, 102 WRS7r~iTH gr" I r'ui $wo: M ; AtiHM PuUK STORY 8TONE HOI 8K 45TU Sf" ,T-: fbrnlabod : aolla'.l. for a fam ?y; <1.?0. C. 8 PECk. 8 Weal 25th i" BBOWN STONE DWELI.INOM TO let weSt~op l.exlngton ay . below ?3d at.. $?oo. ffloo >1 000 .n(i ay.*eora?r"i"th^at.' *Qd UBKu"H * "IlLeb. 3d nr.EAP RENT-HANDSOMELY PURN18IIED ITOUsR v?U' le. flne frouuda. Irnlt; Doaton t?. and IfflHh at* DEHIIIABLE SMALL nol'SE, NEtH CfNTRAl Park, below 5?th it., between 5tb and Madlion ay^ ? yf-ry convenient to reatanrant ?f Buckingham Hotel wlrf be rented U> reapon.ibla partial till November lata Ma^ Bon able price. Addr.aa It |... |'Ml 0fl,e. box 5.7.M2. SLEUANT BROWN 8T>NK7M>yTEL MlRRORa fa 75th at . between ?th and MVdl?n ayt r Central Hark: r.nt ?1.20U aewloak Elegant four'storYbrown stone slpi- hb. 'f 'urtil.h.d, near 5th ay,; to earalul private f.niilv oalvj owner will board la part paymaat of L.l VImw BRIOOB. Ilerald olHre ^ Payaieat of reat. TKOW Foil TMK Ml MMER. LAUi.B. NIOK HOt'HK AT M>iitrnM, n-ar South Oranite X. J.: beautiful view ?nd healthy location ataMc, uardrn. horae and en*; abnut H icrM irrnund; 1U minntea from depot; 21 train* daily. For pirtldilui apply at W N. WRISWOLD'S Katate and Oeneral Hurineee Aweary, 744 Broadway, or . HOMdK XIIHIIAN. 2 Pin. at. I^URNIIIMBii AVD ? NKUKNIKIIhD HoUUKU r fram H.000 to 9.1.000 par annum. IIART'" Ka*i E>t>U Vure<u. Nu. 2 Ulha aqnare, corner Uit Hi n ah lU:BMHIIi l),-TO LhT, DKSIFtAHLB* !|f KT<rR_KO* F ?mall private family. irood ordar; 143 Laxinftoa nr.; ufl< a rauifid. Seen 11 Ull 3. F^rnirmbd and i^r~iuii?iiKu hoijmw byfhb ?cor* VtKJO up. X. B. DAN IBM. 19 Unlyenlty plnce and 3? Kaet 0th MaO M"fTcKNT LKX INGfOK ~AY~VaNhTON. 9100 monthly s perfect *?m.$125 5fi oiher baraeJaa. MlNZhHilRIMEIt. 100 beat iJlh at. (T1HBKK HTO Y A*D IIArthMBNT TO RKNT? 1 Nicely fnrulaliad : furniture lor aala eheap : between iHh and 1 iUi at*. Sib and ?lb ara. Addraaa M. Tl'lTUi. Ha ll uu D. TO A SMALL private KaMII-Y. A HANiJidlTELY laralabad llouaa In perfect ordar. Weal OOtb ai. naar r.lh ar.; a?aola naad But apply. Addraaa box No. 4.402 Peat oRira TO LET F crn Ii < IIE D -TO~A H MALL K^MlTV. 190 Wa.l 42d it. Apply batwaan 11 and 1. Taraia reaeoa abla. fo LKT?PARTLY FURNISH hD OR UXKCRNImURD, In private family full ilied feqr atury vie if an Uy fruacoed llnuaa; aupatlor location I'rinaipala only apply at pram la?>. V*> Kaal 1Mb at., or 1711 Broadway, roam 32. T" n LkT?<i.n oiiambTioy pZifk. a la r<jk, braU tllul llouaa. ferniahed or aoliiralalied, to a prlvata famllv, ?a rvaeoanble lama. Apply to B. B B . 132 But 3Mb it. No event. TO LET?WENT 47fH Hl\. NRaROTH AV? NOIttH ?Idn. handaoma brawn llouaa. furnlahad or unfor. nlah'd Apply to OW N BR. *>l Watt "Httb ft. TO LKT?FUKNIHrt RD Oil C.N FURNISHED, TUB four atory brown atoae llouaa 123 Weet Md at.; rant ?abed vary law For naimlta Apply to CllARLB* A. *OliBi<MKBIIOKN. 1.273 Broadway. TO LET?FURNISH ID OH UNFCBNI9HB0. LaKOB, l\r?trla?? 11nui- , only 92.00). No III I" Ml iOtli at. T~0 LfcT?X* 71 >T RT.. BETWEEN 7.hxfNOTON AND 4th ???., two lonr alary llouiei, ana furnlahad; reduced rani OWNKK, 134 bail 71 at H.. or 117 Boworv To lkt-nVatly rouMiiiKD liorHK. to 1 h!'. epnnalhlr party. *ft<t a month, ownar retaining one room. Inquire 142 Kaal 32d at. Thk buklin<;T<)5 1~:Tcrrn ht.I wEsr of ftTfl av. Ihi- naw and elegant Family Hotel wilt upen'auont May 1; ihe*Multei of Knoma will ba let Inrnlahad or unfhrnlatied t tlia Ha>taurani will ba conducted on tba Burnpeaa plan. Can bo eaen. between I And ft F. X., afl?r April 10. J \ MRS P. COTE. Oil BANT KITH ST.~.BL?.OANTLY FUR.NIHIIKO, 'rarlan hrdart 9I5,(?I0 worth u? painttM?a Knr II an I ara, M. R. DaMKLS, 1? Uulraraity placa, and 26 Baat l?th at. ? . BAlaT 121 II HT. NEAR HKoAOWAT -FIKST rlaaa llnuaa, partly larnlabod, to roapnnalhla party: Immadlaia pnaaaaaion; rant #700 and Board for two par Mac raiaraneaa a*ehan .'?d. ( ntnrnlthrn. Aronsr thrrb btory manmaro, all to youiaall, food ardar. Wait 30th, 947 .VI. OiiOMWBLL, 34 Llbarty. A THIlEK STORY BROWN tfVbNk Vbo">T DiVKLL Np. 2H.M kaal SSth at. ; Una ordar; rent low. Moan without permit. fihW ('Law d#bLLi *?t of 35" ro<Tm~-T nh * h Madiann agnara; rem. *.l,iil?l. nr will Mil fur (.VUI, ca?h. and 9ft.0t*J per aunum till paid lor. TRL'SI BE, liar aid nfflo*. T VKKY 1 jOW KKNT-A FOUR STORY HOIIHB ot 11 room*, on WaanlnKtou aqnare. Apply to OtiAM. 9IMPHt?1, 4S VT^at tlh (l. A -12? KASI H4TII KT . JVni~HAHT*OF F AllK AV. ? Kxqulalie medium ?Ir.?? <i four atory bl(h aloap hrewn at ua ; lo? rant. V. K. sTl'. VK SIti H , Jr., * Plna :Ui Ka> t 17lh at. and H>il 9th ay. AFflUlt HTOKY ItlOSE IIOUH' , 9111,000, NK AR Fifth Ayanae Hotel; completely tnrnlatii'd; rent taken porilr In baard. 0. ?. PKIJE, S Waat 'ibtb at. A UBslKAHLK FOUR HTOHV hToNK HOIJhH, I0TH J\ ai.. naar Mb ay., 9>.7uOi anntnar on 2let at , 91 2?*? C S I'ht'K, H Wo it 2Ath at. AIIF.nlRAHLR KOt'B SToKY BROWN hTONl'. IIoum to rent low. I2W Weit Olat lb naar BUyatad . Mail road. 0 W MB*. ?HB M ay. A. OWBULUIG HOUSES TO LET. " 't'ifarnUh nti..' * ? SMALL HOUSE (SINE ROOK.S), 844 9TH AT., IN .rood order. *11 Inpmrtunu, to I imU family. In quire 835 Weal 4Mb M.; rest W8U KINK THREE STORY IIKiH STOOP HOUSE. ALL improvement*. to rant low, or will feat all but third fltx*. aheap. 417 Bart 85th ?t. f AH LITTLB OhM TO RENT.-THKBB STORY HIGH stoop and baaeinent IIout*; contestant to boas and can: 228 East I liWh at ; aan >>a aeea aay time; $500. A KIN I H WaRU BKOWN STOHfc, PkONT, Wi l li ALL improvement*; raat low to good too act. K. J. WILL IAMS. 4? Charles it. APhW WfcLL LOCATED BROWN 8TONE HOUSES to real. from *800 to * 1.350. Tboao looking tor bar galas eail at pace. THOMAS McOUIRE, 844 3d ay. A^HPBIL UST.-22D &T7, $00U; 88D ttT., 91,100; large aaaoriinent othsrs. KAS1NE8 * POWRB. 171 SUt ay., 7 Plus. AM MUPbKB POUu. STORY BBO? N 810*E DWtLL in*. 18 rooms. Madison av., a?ar'41*t at, ?9 way. xXlair. 18 routna. Madison ay., uear41*t at.; root, partly twraWhed, |2.UUU| 3>*> other*; liat aout to any tldreu. JaOOB V. U. WYCKOPP, ?(. line at,2S2 and 1 ,287 Broad Awl A3 TWO STORY AND ATTIC HOUSE IN KEaB, 21 Vaat lUtb at.; rout $28: poaaoaaloa Immediately. T VERY LOW KENTs?THE Kin. ST CLAaS P0UB Lstory blph stoop browu stone Houses, 28 Wuat ttUt at., for #1 200; 41 East 50th *1, $1,400. and IS Bast4tttbst., 92.000; poaaoaaloa at once. lift and 117 Maasan at., rcorn 23. A PULL 8IZKD POUB 8T0RV BKOWN SToNK front Honao, In 48th at . near Alb ay., to raut vary low to a private family. McCAPPEBTY * CO.. 850 5th ay. A - BROWN STONE HOU-E TO BENT ON WEST ?46th it., wbare tha ownar would taka board In rent or would diapoaa ot part of tbs bona* to a email Uunliy. Call at drug nnre, ooruur 8th ay. and 28tb at. COSBY LITTLE 111011 STOOP HOU8K. WEST 27TH si, between 8th and Oth ava., nine roomi, near r.levated Railroad atatlou, Elirlith and Nlath avenue oar*; will bo put in order and rented lor $85 per mootii. Apply to owner, OEORUE W. VAN STCLKN.OO N eaten St. A -TWO MORE LEPT OP TUB THKEK THkEB ?story and baaemeat am all private lloueea northwest Ooruer 78th at. and 2d ay.; 10 rooma each: all improve ment* noa In aplen<ild order; rente reUueeii to $450 aud >530. Apply to J. C. WILSON, 1,417 3d ay., or on prem T S1.40O PER ANNUM?AN BXCfcLLBNT BKOWN none Uouee in 38th at. near Para ay. IliNE A OKAY. 1.205 Broadwav. A PINE POUR STORY HlOtl STOOP 1KOWN STONE house, cabinet fluUh. mirror aud cornice* in parlor. No. 128 hast 44iti kt., tblrd home from Lexliigtou av.; rent. $1,30U Apply to FONTAINE, loot ol 5th at.. East River. PINE POUR SloRY HOUSE IN 88D~ ST., NKaII Madison av.. In excellent oriler: to a deairable tenant, *1.200 pur annum. MINK A GRAY. 1,205 Broadway. A~ PINE 8 SIOKY HIOII STOOP HROW.N STONE, 18 roomi; alao 3 etory bigh ttoop brick: all Improvement*; prluct onier; oloitaut location; wektslae; reduced rents. Por particular* aud permit* eall ou OWNER, 332 Want 31*t at. ATHRKE MTOBY BKOWN STONE, 10X50. HI (ill st6op;all lmpruvemonta; in porfoci order. 105tn at., noar t>th av. A TTEN1ION.-43D ST., NEAB BROADWAY. $750, ii*l>25, $075; many otlier*. POT1ER BKQTHERS. 102 We*t 33d ?t. AT Jl.SdO-AN kleuantly pkemcoed poub atory private Dwelling, with Mlrrore; eanitary con dition pel loot. 80th St., west ot Leximrton ay. See H. tlTTEL. 1.02H 3d ay. PRIL HLACOHTKR?2UO CHOICEST dwellings, .centrally locatod. remarkably cheap; averv rea offer accupled. MI.n/E>UKIM >',R, 18o r.aat 57th. Ah ll or pakt op nice three stoITy HO USB to let. 425 Eaat 120th kt.; rent low. M HALE, ay. A, near 120th at. AT 310 WBsT 12TII ->>T.?HOUSE TO ItKNT TO OOOO tenant, contali.lnir 14 rooiue aud improvemeuta; rent $875 per year, or woold dlvldo It for two centeel lainlliea. Apply to IK H. B'flT.,8. 41 Mald|p lane. A 30 WEST 35TH ST., BETWEEN 51II AND 8TH ?av*. ?Thro* etory brow a ktone high atoop. A DESIRABLE HOUMR, 281> ST.. NEAR 8TH AV At vory law rent; other* low. C. S. PKCK, 8 Wait 2fitb at. A POUR ST<iry pull WIDTH HOUSE. 25TH ST.. near Broadway, aultable lor boardera or lodirera; rout muderato. C. 8. fhOK, 8 Wait 25tii at. POUK STOHY HIGH STOOP STONE PKONT, 358 Waal 23dI flue order) Immediate pxaaokaion : lour atory. Wekt 32d; ieur ktvry hl?b etuop, 200 Weat 80th ; three *t?ry liicb atoop brick, 407 'A?*i J8ih; ouly ?700; Woat 00th, $750, and others ; low rent*. HENKY V. MBAD, 422 8th ay. A FoUrf f'l'OKY ENiiLIUH BASEMENT IKjUhE. MO. 323 W?at 35tli at-, 18 rooma. In apleudid order, to let at tue low rent of $900. LIPPK A HOOKNOAMP. 444 8th av. Four stoky brown .stone house-unkuk. Dlabad or partly luruUlied, lu West 44tb St., uear Broad. ?a.v. Address A J. HAKE :. 181 Broadway. AKLEM. IIETW liEN MADIHuN AND 4TH A VS.? Throe story hlscb stoop, 20x50. brown stone Honaos; perfect order; $60<i POItl ER A CO.. 173 Fast 125ili St. HAKLKM.?PKaMK. BRICK AND BROWN SfONB lious. s to rent tor $2J, f25 $00. $38. $:? an<l $40. JOHN A. LINitCUTr, 3d ar . near 113th at. OUHBs TO KnNT-IN 18TH nT., NEAB HKO\D way; la l?ih St., near 2d av. Apply to O. W. POLnOM, 22 ay. A. HoUSI'.S AT Ri Dl'CKD KENTS. Wnet 35th. lour *tory Eni(li>b Uaeeuient, brick.. ..$700 Ea*t 3l*t, three atory high *to?p. biiok 850 Weal Hoiiiten, two atory anil baaemeat. brick 800 OKf.VlhR HKoTHEas. 124 Weat Broadway. 1KYIXO 1PLACE, CORNER 1 H7rH~ 1-.T. - 3)$ SIORY Hwelllntr. 2'Ix+ii. wltli two story eiteuaioo, 20x20. to lea*e upon very tavorable term* to a private family iiiviuir aatlelaoturv relerencea AiWroaa ESTATE, room US, Na 8 Broad *t? city. LI XINHTON A V.. NO. 177, COKNBR~P~SlKT ST ? A three >tory bruwn stoar, in eouipiete order, bclon newlv painted and papered la lite beat manner ; p->ase*?ion at any time aud owu?r will bs at the house to show it L~ KNOX HILlt-KOU K sTORT BKOWN SI OS B HIOH ?toop llouaa. 135 Last 7Iat St., rear Park av Apply at 131 or o? uar. PKANCIs KVEKOBI.L, 408 Broadway. Madison av., m.oou; 22D. $8.'ooo; 20TH, $1,1001 :i8d, $8110: S2u, $70 ); many othera. JAMBS D. RAY. 224 5th av. OMLY $?**> KENT?IIOUS . N&AK UNION SOUaKK. ?PKNCER C. DOTY, ittons^, Notary, Comauesloner for the States. 17 Unlou sqnare. La SANT AND ELROANTLY PURNISHltD BOOKS to lot, at 148 Woat 87th St.. soar Broadway ; terms very moderate. Kent eeoo-iN hablem pinbst thkkk stoby an 1 baaement browu stone front* uo town illSth street Boulevard), alao 2<>i4t> Apply JOHN WOOD. 224 Boat llHtn at The whole ok part op a bbown ^tonb rionae ay town, to real: ownar mlj(ht board with Ama?? lean laiully. Adilrea* O K . Ijox 11MI. TO LET House. NU IMKA.11' 13TH UT.; $000, AMU Crotnn; 11 room; _ 320 i:t'ii at.; fK*>. aud Croion; 11 roouaa. WT> Kant 12th ?(.; fl.OOvi. aao Crnton: lf> rooine; ?ilT> Kul iiOtti ?t.; tl ,UOU, an.i Crotou; 13 room*; 424 Weet 22d at ; hiiU Cretan ; 14 rooiae; 12*2 kul lot U at. : SI .2 0, Mto Croioa; 14 roume; IIHKhI lino at. ;$1.20H, and Crutun; 14 rooioas 77 3d : fl .3UO. an ii On.ion ; 1H roorua. For pormtta and particular* apply to HI HAH HK Kit ITT, No. 5.13d a*. rpo LET? lllii BKAl/UPUL I'll It K K nTuitY HlO.I i>HNip brtok llouee No. 142 W?n 4lh at.. between Mac tiouifl at. and fltli nr.. XUVulOtt Apply to ISAAC HoNI<< III Broadway, room a O aau H, baaowout. IO L r. T? H ABL K H. ? IO Lf.T. KU UK rtTOBY BBOWN _ a ton* Houaea, bard wood Buiau, all linprorementa, 1334 at., >Mli ana 7th ara., at toOU. POM f Kit A CO., 173 baM 125tb it TO LKT?HOU8B NO. #31 >?T AV? ?1 HO AMD Urotoa: tonrmeiit with store; Houee (to. 3X1 lal ar., $I,1UU and Crotoa ; tenement with Mora; lloaaa Na. 330 lit, nr.. *1.100 aa?l Crotoa; teneuiaat vlih atore ; Hooea No. 8111 Rait 14IU at . ft,200 ?l?d Grown; 18 ronma. Kor p?r mita aad partlealara apply to HI It AH HK&HITT, No. 53 34 ar. TO UtT-VOVI BfOET BBOWN 8 TON K HIGH atoop Honaa No. 442 Weet 23d at.. '.^sHT.xlOO fbot; la perfect ordor and aawly paiated throughout: poaataalon laiuirdlata; trrma maaonabU to good tounnt. Addreae, bus J.Ml l*oat ofliao. t; rpo LET?2M> WMT 4tM'H ST., NHAIt BKOALWAY. X lonr >tory mudarn brown atone. Apply on preuteee. Tlji tbT-H) EAtlT HttT'l ST.. OVERLOOKING CHlf tral Park. Apply to E H. TAILKK. 7 > Worth at 1>o Lh.r?onk or t.ik hosr i<EniKaBLk kk*i; dencwala II at lam. with four lota, handaoiae ir .rden, fruit traaa. irrepea. Ae. ; Irontod on aidrwalk with lar*e anade traaa; all Bret claaa; rent low to a good tenant; puoaraaiOB balara Hay. 8. B KtNYON. 3d a*., eorulr 121 at at. T0~LKT-26 1IANK ST , A~ THIIBR BTOHI BIUCK lloaaa. with all modara Iroi.rorementt; will ba pot la ?ood ordor; rant $H60. laqaira f>?8th a*. TO UIT^rtAKG r POUB 8T0UT A N I) B AH K H E NT Houao ; nod collar and yard, rant $700 and Crotuu ; 234 haat >4th A. Maao without prvmlt. , TO LkT-1B7 IahT hITH~iir.~ BKTWHr N LKlINUToN aau 3d ara.?A thr.a atory (Jutaaia, aavau room*; bath room. Bill callar, watar and gaa? *ood location; raM $30 par month TO LE'f?A ThHkK STOBV BHK'E HOU8B, NO. ? Oommarra at.; axaallant nolirhborhood; Bra minutra' walk trom thro# dapota: II room*, with nil modem Im provement*. Inqnfro urn. BOHKITER. ?rucar, 73U Broad It , oornor Uominaroe, Newark. N. J T"rKT:-TlfK lUBBR HnjBYliKTcK HWh LL.INO, 3311 Woat 23d at. Apply to OoL OBuT, and 70 Wllilam tt. rpo LhT-THk KOtlK HTOKY'K HWhLWNU, 1 ;tl4 Woat aotu at., at $8&0 per auuum. Apply to CoCT DKKT BBOI IIBBS, OS ami 70 William at. To t.i|T?THE rot;it HI'OltV BBOWN STONK HOUhE, 102 Watt !U*th at. s a daalrabla locatlou lor a plivaiclaa or dontlat. Apply 4* OOUOuBT BKOlUtllS, OH and 70 T O LET, lloaaa In 20th at . bataaaa 5th and $th art.. Houao IB 13th at., near 7to ar. BiiINELaNHRB F.atata, Ml Uraanwleh ML TO LKT -THE TWO sTOHY ANO MaNSABU BoOf Irani* OwaHla? No. 25 Kaet Willi at,, between 5th illlan No. M Waat 128th a?. ; $*100 tier anuuio. Apply to J. and Madleoa ara.; rant $42t) tier an a urn ; alto two atary and Haaaard root hrlck Dwelling inv lam improveaieiita ; rent $)HiO par annum MILTON WAT ItllollHK. No ITtCaaalat. r T.hT-tr\ N UHOMK ?'OUB BTi/ttT ANii " U sSlt mast brawn atoua ilouae. lUtli at , batwaan r>th ami Oth Addrata ii. II.. 110 Herald offlee. rivi A t mn . _ - X "tone, Laainifton ar.. naar *t>tli at. ; rent $000 to $e*xj. TIU)jI.->ON A HoN. 1,475 3d a?. rpo i.kt>o"irt'>'V)-iifoil sfoop uSffii*t hOOahe A Improremeota Apply $J6 MB OH at TO i,kT-A TH rtKE ITOItr liltijWN hTONR HIiJH >t4>op. 131 Weat 3<lth al Apply to OOILLB, HAKKM A Lk. PbLlkY. W Wn.t 27tl? at. _ TO_LET-fHH TMBKK uTOHT IIKill BIOOP BROWN none Hoii-o Na 70 Wett 47th It., batwoan Nth and Mb a?a_Appl> to E. LOlU), 701 Oth a?. To LET-TUB FINE II017RK, STABLE AND OBOUNDS kB"?n at "Woody Crrat. ' MeOamb'a l>aai Hr.dxa. ovi riooklim Oantrm or. ; feat low. Apply on tiia pramltaa. arMEr. liOKNISH. 'iwtli at aa.I Mb a*. T fU LkT?TlfltlK $ToBT AND BASEMENT EBItiE lloaaa, In XHli It near Lellnaton ar. B1UHWO0U A WalDboM. 1B$ &aat ?M*B * _ DWBLUBFO HOtSE? TO LET. linturultliftd, TO LBT-OORNER OF MaDISON AV. AND 54TH HT . Iks tour atury brown Koge IJouh, with niulug room Ex uaittfu; tldiullir bnUhwL Apply to UIWU MAY. M Mraad ?(. TO LET OK FOR SALg-REDUCED RENT?FOi R ?lory hlvb etoop Dwelling No. 24b Wax 25th ?!.; 18 rouini J AMES A. HILL. Administrator. 801 Mott at TO LET?THB KODK STORY ENOLISII HA-iEMENT Uouu 1 Vi West 14tb ?t: ran 91.200 par uoaa. Ap pljf to T. H. BAROWSKY. Wo. 14 Wall at. TOL.RTORPGR kAU-THH DESlhABLB THREE story high stoop House, So. Iu0 W??l 2M at.; Uaa order. UEOHOK A. MeKERMoTf. 220 Broadway. . TO LET-25 WEST WAJlilNOTON CLACK. 14 BOOMS, 315 Waat 57tb at., four story hrowi atona; low ranta. U. W. B A BLOW, 35 Waai 304 at. TO LKT?WITH STABLE ATTaCIIBI>. TUB FOUR atory brawn atona Uouia aoru' r or Lexington ar aujl 434 at. at law ml. Apply to OoULLBT BBOTHBhfl. 64 and 70 William at. TO LKT?W? W KKT :t8TTTsT.?FOUK STORY BKOWN I atone btirh etoop Nouaa; marble hall, mirror a. ch?u4a Her; partially oarpeted I*r. MciLVaINE. ownar. T" O LBT-FOUR NTOBY BR'iWN 8IONE HOUSE 208 24 M., naar lllk it. never belora rented ; prlaa low to K<>a4 tenant Apply on preaslaaa TO LfcT?THRKE bTOKV BltOWN STONE HOU*K. No, 132 Kant 45th at., noar Lexiugton ar. I mad I urn -lie; perfect order: floe location. Inquire on pramlMa, altar 11 o'clock, or No. 152 Herald oOoe, twa daya. ifio LKT?106 WEST 46TII ST.. A THREE 8TO T A brown atona House, with all uo4arn Improvement!; will be pot la voo4 urUar. Can ba seen front 1 until 5 o'clock. T? a responsible party will ba lat aheap. Inquire at houee or B aKCALOW'iI. 76 Ho wary. TO UENT TWO STORY BK1CK COTTAGE 806 WEST 48th at. Inquire at 309 Waat 4Stb at THkKK STORY HIOH STOOP BRIl'lf, 27TH ST.. near 4tb nr., 81,200; four atory hlvh utoop brick. 8th at, east 24 ar., newly painted, perfect ord -r. possession Imme diate. $780; lour atory hl^b aioop brown atona. extra width, 8th at. and 2d a*., nawly paiuted, perfeot order, *1,100: C. B. FIT I'. 405 4th ar. THBBK MAONIFIOKN r MODBKN THREE 8TOBY brown atone naw Houaaa remaining lor rant. 932 per mouth, located on lat at, >i>ora Ttli nr.. Brooklyn. Apply on tbe pre in Ilea, or to OEOROB W. EIDD, 21 Whitehall ?t.. New York. 11? ITIIIN~ THREE MIN UTE8' WALK Of ORAND it Opera House, a three atory and basement hlrh atoop, ISrootna; all Improremetits; w?ll suited for boarders; rent only $00 per mouth. WILLIAM M1! RPHY, 11*1 Liberie st. W" R 11A Vh A LAKOK ASSORTMENT OF THREE and four atory lurulsheil and unfurnlahed brick and brown atone llonaea, on waat aide, wulch muat ho rented at great reduction; three atury houaea Iruiu $600 to $1,000; four atory houaaa from $800 to $1,400. Uall and examine our llat, we can ault you at any price. ?Ai,TiS.< A LEVY, 3GS8th av. 0 STORY BROWN STOVE?IN FINEST OH ORE Othroughout; 12 rooua : ev ry improvement; rout $500; on 4th ar., near kHHU at. JOHN 0. WlLSoN, I 417 3d ar 6? EAST 42DT52 WEST 261'H; POSSESSION; ohKN 10 )io 12. J. W. aNDRKAS. Ill Broadway. 1 Q BY 95?4 S. B. 8., MADISON aT., BETWEEN jL041st and 42d ate., to leaea lor $2,100 uufurr.isLad, with uilrrora and k*aa fixtures: partly furniahed, $2. |iO. Apply to or addreaa W. W. NuBl'UUOP. Attorney. 178 Broadway. tifi east 3ui*u st.-kour story buown 7tonk. ijU first class, to roaponaible. careful partv will be rented at reaaonanle rate, unlurulahed. May 1,187SL Apply to F. B. TILOIIMAN, 5 Wall at. EaSi 241'H ST.. BETWEEN M\DISON AN? .4th are. -Tbe 4oalrable threu atory hl|ih atoop liouae lit the radnoed rent of $1,600 per year. Apply to Wit BEK KIAN. 70 Park plaoa. > r and LEXlNUI'ON_ aV^ SILVER. LINK!?. 314 5(5 i?.. $150; 5th av. aud 35th. $t.OCJO: 34th, $1,800: 224, $1,200; many others. JAAI r.S I). BAY. 224 5tli av^ I II ST.. NO. 115, NhA K 4T I A Vf ?THREE LOW er Floora ; parlora Ireacood: rent $750. ?} WI-.kT 33TII ? ST. ?ELhOANT FoCit STORY ? lbrown atone Houan. with mirrors, Ac., at roducod rent; seen Irotn 10 to 2 o'clock. For permit* and terms ad dress OWNr.R, box 3,358 Poet oOioe. /?U WEST 39TU ST.. BETWEK.V STII AND OTII U1 -avs ?I'o let, at greatly reduced rout. Apply to owner on premises. lift KA8T 02 O ST.-VOL'R STOltk II ICi 11 STOOP XiUbro#n stone House, In excellent order: handsomely deuoratod; $1,500. Apply on premises. Will exctiantca on tarorable terms. WKHT 27TI1 ST. IIOL.SE, 13 BoUMS, AND Stable, seven Italia; fnnt$l,U50. CII ItlSTALLEH, 17 Ahlnydoa square. 149 1 WEST 15ill ST.?TIIREfa. kTORY HIOH STOOP 1 ?J? lliriek House, tnooern improvements; rent modorata. Inquire E. MEYEB. 53 Warren at. 184 Wi'Sr HTU hT. to let?AI.L MODERN IM prorumeuta Inquire 58 OreonwlcU ar. i'ne WEST 10111 ST.. 12 1COOMS; 808 GRKKNWIOH i 12 roams; 84 Perry et.. V rooms 28 > West 12th st_ V rooms;32 Bertnae St.. 11 rooms: X>1 West 12th St., 14 rooms; poeeasalon May 1. E. L. A B. T. BUKNMAM. UOO Hudson at. ZT07?~Wrts1 IOTH HT -TO LKT OB LEASE, IN ZO I part ol whole, tor Resi4en?a, or will ba nttod up lor business purpose* to suit tenant. JAMES a. BLANOH AK1), 110 Broadway. -J-J7 WEST 50 TH ST. THREE STOitY BROWN OO I stone. $70; 303 West 50tn st , Uasoment, Parlura and three Rooms, third floor. $4^. EDWf N CLARK. 864 8th ar. dt .1 C|t FOR THREE 8TORV BROWN STONE HOL'SE; <S)'xUUall lmprovemeuts;lt)th at . wait or Park. JOHN W. .iTtVEN.s, Hr >adway. corner 52d at (t?-l?/\ TO $1,500- BRllWN -TONE HOUSES : $20 TO ?ff)?y\'\J$100, Flats; all Improrementa; near the Park and tnls o8l?i<: a good ninety. J. W. STEVENS, Broadway, curuer 52d at. -THREE STOEY HOUSE, 249~MaDISON, 10 roorne; all eonrenlences. Apply to oW.SElt. neitt door. $660, ? rooms; every Improvement. 406 Wo?t 60th eU Q7*t LEXINGTON AV.. METWi EN 70Til AN1> 71*T l/iUati ?I'o lat, three atory high stoop brown stone liouae; low rant; no agelta. H. B DILLINOiIaM, 351 $1 '?ta ?To lat, three ^torjr hiyb stoop brown stone ; low Broadway. iWWk -2?1 WEST 41D ST.?rilRhE SIORY ,Vl/V/ahl|[b aU'op i.rtwn atone, Irescood , la perleot -. U. TiluSPr-ON A SON, 1,484 Rroadwav. ?| ilOA ? t hANOSlMK FoUK SToRY AND ?pXa?jUUat?Heement hivb stoop brown stone lleuse to let. inquire 000 8th ar. II. BKLL FCltNINHUU ROOMS A*U APARTMENT! TO LET. X'hAJ^DSOJilSLf rUBNIWlll.O 'RECEPTION ANO ^Vtleepluir Room, to rant to doctor or siugla uentlemea. 17 East 44th ?t. A-TfUKNISIIEU KOOM. SU11 AHLo K)K Man AND ?wiles ll?bt houd-keeplnK. rent low. 3<>4 Weat 28th. ?H NDHOMhLY-FUTTtTlSllED HCXlMS. klNi.LY ?or en sutta, with bouaakaaulng prlrllecas If 4astra4> 351 4th ar. ACLll^AHT. NIOKLY furnished FKONT Room, foartll tWor; private t.rully; ?u Elevated depot. 140 Weat 42d. a LARUK kEcoWD HTOKY ttO' M?LARUR(Ji.O>RT Aiilubtil. oil mud?rn Improvemeuta. well calculated lor two gentumeu. 20 Kanh ?!? 7 P tKbUH AND BKDKOOM. Pl'R!fI*HIU> OK UN ^Xfaralabed: alae large trout tiwiiin. aaltable for ll^nt lieu?ekaeplug; rout low. liO boat 23d at., uear Uilantan ?v. AP W PLEASANT. NEAT. Y PURNIMUbS ROOM*, with or without Hoa^d, to geBtleuiea only, 'in Wa*i 31at at. _______________ FUltNlgHEl) ROOM. WITHOUT m?mUD. FOR gautlinian. or man and wlfo. Iti'J Woat 33d MCk-LY r UuMSllKl) iiOOR TO LhT FOK UKN Ltlaman. 81 VTut Utti it AKKCONU FLAT IN TUB -KENIMOkR." Wl'..-T ft7th H . near Elevated It all road; 8 light room a: poeaca tion Immediately. MATTHRW HYKRK8. 143 Raat 38d at. A RACK PAKLOIt NEATLY PURNlsHED: Al.SU two amaller Kouma to lot, to ireatlem tu only. 21<t but loth, IwlVfiu 3d bv. BOd Rutherford plaeo. A"1 FUitNISHED FLAT* 7 ROOMM, ALL LIU IIT. nortbeaat cornar of Oth a*., is 43d at. H. RMBKUaoM. 01 West ?d at. A WIDOW LADY, LIVING ENTIRELY AIONR. will raat rtahly Inrnlabad Irani Roots to refined party, Kirroall'Utlr or traaaleatly. Add rata WEST 34Tu HI., arald Uptown office PINB huit or fcrnimhrd hoomh, without board, tor oue or taro guntluinen. la flret alaaa bouaa. 84 Waal i3tn at. ? T ?3 VI"KMT 37TH ST.?A H AN OSi iR It L Y FUR ^\nlabad second etory aloove Kaon. gemlemea oaly ; braaklatl If deelred. OURFLKTELT fukmsukd and IIANDHOM, LY freeeoad Apartment In toe Hook Ingham" to let from May 1: taw to ? careful lea ant. Addrraa bos 3.901 New York Poet office. A" HLwOk KKtisi OOoPKR lN?r ITU lK.-T*0 Urge Koami, furnlaiied. fbr light housekeeping! 94 90 Bad ?& par weak; aseelleal loaatiuu. 131 3d av. DBhIrAHLB HALLBhDKOOM. OOMPJRIABLY ralahad; referaaoaa. 85 Eaat 104bat. A Ari; AX WKaT 42D >T. ?THKRK NEATLY FUUNIitHKD Rooms. far (aaUanen lodgera; every eou vealeaea ; ?atgaborbood reuoed. A NICELY KCKN1SHKD BACK PARLOR. .iUITABLK fur B phyalolae, at a great awerilcs. j;M Kaat 43d at. ' LaDY wT?l let, por a riw 11 ot'Rri daily, uae of I'arlor, with Plar.o, for puplia ar ladlea; Blao lur Dlelied It earn. 14 Waal 13th at. /VkTtralTareTHiru kt. a nd~HvDison \v~ V/ Very desirable Rooraa, haudauiuely lurnlabad, lor ??title man, In a nrlvate bmiae, without board. Addraaa LKNN >X, bog lOB llerald Uptewa Itrxuch ulUoe. BXTltA LAKWK FRONT KHOR Pl'UJilsUKl) PAR ior and Bedroom on Brat ttoar , amgta Uoum. 146 Raat lfttn. Elkuam fuunihmkd paiilor floor to lk7. ?without beard, to phyeiclau or party or xentleueu ; 30th at., naar &tb av. Bos llMt Uptowu tiereld oBIoe. E~ TruAmTfU kSis 111'.U ~iKboM rp./K URNTLKMKN only. 3 Naliaou place, betweaa Htu at. audWaearlay elaea. ELKOtflT THIRD FLAT, ? Roojlllt UH.1T, j?U; parties vacating will aell part of furniture, Carpeta, Ac. UALILKO. Herald ofllue. TjKNRLY PUHNimiRD moUaRR RtM>MH. $4. AND JP tlOt elegant Malta of connecting Ronaia, lia 4*1 Rett FURNISHKH ROOMH and HRDROOR por iiousr keapl^g, V4 per waek. 3.MI *e<i 4lat at 1^KNT?IIKT7"ltOOM(t, !llJt.lLY Oil R.K HllTK, FOK ' gentlemen only 4 Weat 3?t* at. l/tUitNUHKU kO(JMM TO LKT PuR~HOOaRKRRP JD lag, jrr Weat loth ?t. ?jTu its IdtlMU il .DUM) KlAitUr-FoirVuiir7KiI5-^ r lodging; euatral i rapid tranalt near. /tadreaa PHi VAT. , H?r*ld t ptuwu olllce URNtallRO PUaV, BROHOoM^ Him.<tO BOOM, ?i t i mere Iteoma if required; reieraaoaa. anl 3Vtn at.. enriier lioaae, Htli av L>RONT OK bVuiT PA ft I,Oil. rtJM.MgiiRU, KIJI 3D I av., near 4Mtn at. : prlvat* family, gtnil nalglitinrbood. OLkUU tITkk.>T-U >ND?l)RhLY Ft uMsklRU OR r nnfiii Iil'h II : fainll' srirata No. 7ft h a t ?lat at. AN D*ORIt i'AKLoR, FlRHf FL0om( LAUlBH OK attain?t aad wife; prlvllega kllaheu; Hoard lady, '?at Wd at. ANDHOMRLY FUHXIHHKP K<X>MIt, ALL IMPHOVK mania, very rdBtnnnble lor th<> auinmer; private family ; ahalee lacatloa. 303 Raat l?tb aB. N or; FURNISHED ROOMS AND APAHTMEJfTI TO IiET. men : relereuee-. 115 Eul 26lb *t. La it OR FROM rROOM, >Utf> 1HHKD; ALSO HALL Koum and Pirier floor; bntkfHi If dedrid 90 lrrtnj IiImw. .CKLY FURNISH kd lakoe front ROi>M for bou*okoeptu?: rent low. 402 id av.. corner 23d ?t. NEWLY fUHNUUKU FLOORS, SUITABLE 'OB boueokeeplnic or gentlemen; >11 Improvement*. No. 220 Win 37tt> It. NEW AND ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR rest no 23d it.. between 5th nod Oth ???.. to trinilemeu only; refereneea required. Add ran ROOMS, Herald Up tdwu office. 1). 0.1 BAKROW ST. NEWLY~FURNISHKD ROOMS, ?ln?lv or on anite; FFICi.-TO PHYSICIAN OR DENTIST, H\.\DmjMi1 ly farnlaliod: alao Studio; private bouiu; central looar Uuu. Addreai box 185 Herald Uptown office. PRIVATE FAMILY WILL LET A HANDSOMELY luraiabed Reception Roam *? a doctor'* offlee. MM WaM aatkat. _ PLEASANT FRONT ROOMS TO LET ? WITH OR WITH out Board; terma moderate. 220 Kail 31at it. QlTTINu ROOM AND TWO BEDROOMS \)R K.NTIRI OFloor, Without board. by two Keutleuien; vicinity ot Madiion iquare; bjr month or year. Replica muit itate 'price. R M. C., box 180 Hi raid office. TO LET-A LAKUE FURN 1SHKL1 FROJfT BOOK FOR ona dr two gentleman. 251 W iliUm at O LKT-14TI1 ST. AND 6TI1 AV., LAIUJE HALL Room, uewlr furnlibed, to ona or two Kontliinua with trood refcrencui, at 92 50 per weak for 00a or about $i for two. Addreu HANDY IIera!d office. T~7>?LET- PERSIAN RVfCY7~KKO.VI 1ST OF MA Y, lariro, handionfely furnished Roomi, without board. 28 Ea?t 20th ?t TO LKT-FUBMSHKI>, WITH fillVate TASLE. A Tblrd Floor (four rooma) ; alao Office lor phy?iclao or dentiit. 68 Wait 37th it. T~0 Li'.T?IN A FRKNCH PRIVATK FAMILY. FOR gentlemen onlr ami without b<i><rd. a handmmely fnr nlinud Flrit Floor, pirlor. b-drootu. hall oenroom ; plana and fardcu in frout. wl.h ihade treoi: alao a lar:e Bod room, with cloaeta; every inoaern Improvement. HH Wait 11 tli it., miar tiln av TO l.KT?KUil.NlNHED, A LAROE 8KCO>D STORY frout ooiu aud a tblrd atory rear Room, for gentlemen only, teriui moderate; lu piivate home. <11 Eait Utli at. T'o LET?Til KEK ELECJAvT PARLORS ON FIRST. i#con ' or ti.lrd Iloori, and ?lnvlo K001111, lurclihed or unluruiihea. wltb or without private table, to Keiitleiueu. Appli at iliujpwelrr itore, corner Broadway and 12th it,; French, Spanish and Er^llih ipoken. WO-vT.UUK8, TIIKKK AMD FlVr. ROOMS. FUR lihed or unfurnlihod; $'23 aud tail. 15 Cliarlei. TO K~KN~r~PAKT of house, consihtimu ok elybt Dlcly furulii)ie<! rooma. for houickeepintf: loca tion ct-iur?t : price CHOO orr auuuin; owner'* lamiir of three udulti o cupy reiuiiudor. Addreu PHOPRIr.TOH. box Itvt Moruld Uptown ofllcu. T"vv(7kowhshSuTiuoms, hk>t floor. iaa west 25th it. T"vT6 I1A>N OSOMEI.Y FOHNISHEO ROOMS FOR hounnkeepluK or ?"ntlum?n ; vlu-eU. vaH, but and owld water, bath. Ac. r private hon?e 201 7tb av., uoar22<!it. 5TH AVJ] 222. - O > E SI'LE.N DID SUIT, SECOND Hour front; larjce parlor, bedroom, bath, Ac.; poiiealion Mi.y 1. HI. MARK'S Pl7AOB._FURNlSIIKD ROOMS TO ICHiitleiuan; one mltable lor doclor'i ufficu; $2 to 97 weekly. 7""WEST WaHHINOTDSI PLACE.-A OOSKY FUR. ul-li.-d Parlor and Redronm to ueiitleruaii or married cnupl'?: alio hall Room : terma $2 and M pjr weak ; ail Con venlrunox; rcaid<-uce prlvati-; relcrencei I .rWE^lHwrH "ST . A FEW DOORS . KUM UELMUN" X*'Ico'a. Furuiihod Kooini, without board; Uteit reier> encn required. WE8T 2RTII ST.. CORNKK URr~Al>WAY.~FOUR elesantly furnlihed connectlOK Ri^mi. Brit door, en ?ulte or iluKly, without board: alio llootui, aec"tid and fourth Uoori-, turnlture new; Breaktait wbeu doilred; ref erence. WES I' 2-VI-H.-FURNISH;.L> kOOMH, C'ONREOT inte or i?parate. for centlemeu only. riiH 1 u 20 tl/?TH ST. OPPOSITE OILMOIt^'S GARDEN. ONK ^Usolendid apartment for doutor'i office; alio one l?rte frout Room, to two irentlcmen, without board. Addreu J. R., 5.47(1 i'oit office A A 7TII AY., NKaU HfTaT -LAKOl'. AND 8WU.L TT X Roomi to let, eieicuutlT iarnuhed, from 11 $10 p-r week; Iiouhb Qrtt ala?t; on I'.urope ni pl m; Knnrtoeutb atreat nnd Seventh avunuo can pan door; refereneoi. A ?J Vi ST 2irt> ST.?HE."tT LOCAM"fY7N fiTE CITY; T I levcral hanJaome luruiibed Floor*, en *ulta or di vided. from IIh) 1, to deilrabie partial. 47 Wl ST 2JTI1 sr.-TO LET. TWO NICELY FDR. nlihed Room*, to Kentlemen onlv; wrm* moderate.I *.? TlI. WKST, HOl.-NiOKLY FURNISHED Bl'NN* LJORooihi; all convenience*; moderate term*; referaucea axebanxed. 10 113 116 7 EAST 30TH ST FURNISH KD HOOM IN A I private houte; tea*, buth, Ao ; no movlnK lit of May. WEST Ui'll ST.?FURNISHED FRONT ROOM and Bodroom cheap; rtnx fourth bell. 2D AV.-HANDSOMlTFRtrNTPXRLORFOR ONE or tw>? |[?utlemen. 1 EAHT 25TH RT.-tlWK MRMIUM KIZKD HOOM, X*i?jvery well furaiilied, 50- private houie. lO'-l WF.HT lOTil nT.-PI.EASANT ROoM* ON sEO X'/Ooi.dor third floor, lornlabed. lor houaekeeplnic er ceutlemeu. _ UNFLUNISHEO ROOMS A WD APART MKMTS TO LET. A?? MODi-.KATK RE S TS, liue Apartmenti, Fliti; all ontiUa light rooma: near termluui Klevated read, oor ner OOtb *1. and 10th av. Can be *een ually. For term* apply to 0. A. SRARR, 7 Wurruu *1, from 12 to S o'clock. A "SECIIND AND PART OK THIRD FLOOK-AI.L ^Vlinprovrment*. With owner, 3a3 We*t 18th it, be tween Stli and Uih avi. " PAKTMKnTs OF SIX AND TEN ROOMS, IN ttood order; all eonveulenooi; pleaiaat loaatloo. Apply to Janitor. 318 Raat 7Utti *u A UaND <JJ4K fourth plook to lkt?wfrii ALL A Improvepienta: will be lei cheap to ? tamlly of adults. Inquire So. 84 Hedford >1, New York. *7 FIRST*FLAT, .M*NK LIGHT ROOM*; RVEKY IM XXprovemunt; D.-ar Central Park : 940. llfl Ktll 59th it. f TUK "FIRST CLASS PRIYATK 110088 NO. tOS P.ul 7xih at.?To 1*1, wttli owner, to a atnall fawlty of adutts. either the Second Floor alone or alio Fart of the 'third with It. \-To LKT, A Ft R>T FLOOR AND A TUIKD ? nuur, iipirtlt, tt XI3 VTut 41U it . In goi>a order, n?"der? linproveiuenta- rent $2j and $lrt per month. In qu ro o' Mrs MTICIIKLL. on lb* premises, or J. MUL LINf., 233 Wen 4Utli at. A. KKCONO AND THIltD FLOO KB, *KVEN ROOMS; .Weal 23d at.; alao Third Floor, 227 7th aT., near 23d. Apply coal yard, 113 n ett 24th. A~~ TTlI41> FLOORT~i7 JAMK nr., & BOOK"; OAS and water; $21 ; kept in good order. A~ partjiknt building 12a? fso kabt ??th?sr.? From May 1. unfuri.Ub-d Apartment* of 12 rooms; all llirbt; drainage and ventilation perfect; supplied with every coiiv nleuoe lor llrat class families doalrlu* well ar ranged and apauiooa accommodations. Can ho Man lre? 10 to 3. owner real dent. A llAltUK KRO.\T~UK nXALL BAClC BOOd, FUR* hi.bod; private family. 11 Harrow at. A ABKUoNf) F..OOR. ,->JX KUO.MS, BA.II. CLO-ET; UKj Weat 4&4u at., between Broadway and Oth av.; go<a order A" "FaKT OF A TURKi 8TO..Y IIfull STOOP llol'XK; aleo ? Floor to let( all Improvements; perfoet erdsri splendid location; reduced r-nt; one uloek from fc-levated Railroad station. Oall on OW ?c.R, 332 Weat 31 at at FIRST FLOOR* TO RBNT-NhAR TIIK SOTII HT. depot, hlevated Railroad, UiU: 0 rooma, water, naa. tuba and eloeet; in Baa order; $30 Apply at Hti7 *tli a*. Jt.ilN BRAMOAM. AIiaWDROMF LOWKK PaBT, PARLORS AND baeviuout, 9 larire rn<<ass, or the second Fluor, A largo room a: all Iraoroverneuts; painted throughout; rest low. Inquire el OW.n Kit. on pr.-mises, 4lH Weat filet at. A~y. a, *rru ro earn st.-flatb in iiandsojiis new brown atone block j all room*: ranges. hath, but ami cold water, water elnaete; healthy location; view ot bell Oate ; low renta. Apply a* above. SMaLL, FIRhT OLAftf FAMILT7 0B41ROUS OF aecurlair a very quiet and comfortable Flat or Halt of eliibi Rooma, beautilnlly fltted up, with all tbe Improve menu of the day, in a very pleaaaut, health* aud central location. In the fine brown atone front HI it Weet 14th at.; nay be aeon daily, from ll tod P.M. Fir at and Third to let. _________ t no babt 7th ar.-A mcb skuond floob to Llot for a (mail family. FLAT TO LRT^r7iin?LA?:k of Thb latb OB. I Moaea. SB$ Weat :Mtb at. Apply to the houaeheeper. ACIIOlOh OF* TWo" hXTRA OAFAClolV FLaJ?, near P<ra. In private street houte. J. R. HAT, 997 M* av., 2 to & 1*. M.. or ?2 Broadway. LAKU'E.^PLKABA NT k00<, AH PI X t'LOSKTS, modern Improvemeate; (mail Room. $2. 232 lHtn at., 2d av. i PLAT OF SBVBN UOflT ROOMS. PARK AV. AND J1.Still at.i rent. $45 and S4U ORhOOR M MILLER, Sd av.. corner 50th at. M I'PPBtt PABFSr fTrhi Obitt BKuWn BroNB houae 74 Baat HI at at. to let very low to (mail family ef a delta. A"~ FLi'OR OF fUUB ROOMI.ALL UOHT and pleaaant. to real, to (antlaman and wife, at MM Weat 23d at. >ABI.6r FLOOR and dAMKMMMT OF UIOB A. Latoop Uonae; elao iteeond Floor. 32H Kaat 13th at, A TIIIKD FI.OOR. FITK room*. TO lkt. WW fllT ?Mih at., near Wth av. t aeparata meter; rent tilt; aleo Third Floor, Hill ?th av., comer 24th at.; rent 9J\ f LPPKK A?0 LOWh,R PART" OF F<tU < HfOrtT LHouae, conalatlnaof 7 rooma eacn, to let! locatloa, 3Sth at . between Nth anil Hth avt. MPPK * IIOORNOAMP, 444 Kth av. AS FLOOR OF TlfRBB good MI|RO~LIOHT ROOMrt Ic three atory col tare ; nioe plaaae; larva yard; water; eeparate meter; rent reduced to 414. A37 Weal47th a. Am dk-irTblr floor in brown mt?7nb >kont No. 2 Hxekman p. tcet (ood neighborhood; flne river view ; PI" per month. ~ TRRY>TnT< FLAT, JW) WK?t 14TH. ?*0l FIRST a a Flat, 210Htb av al|(bt room*. S^IM; third Flat, tlO Waet 2TUi, $32. llBNRr V. MEAD, Wth or. PLBAHANT FLOOR OF FulIR BOOM* IN Pitt L vato bouae 213 Weat Mtli at, lor gentlbmaa and wife ooly; rent $20. FRW~bnOIOB FLaTs TO RK.1T?AT NO. 11H ? Weat 3IHh at.; 7 rootna and bathroom to each ; haila ainely laraiahed and heated I between (Uroadway and (Hh av. Janitor on pramlaea. nTck " liiico\ i> floor of tiirke" light I rooms In private house 22n Kaat A3d at. BkrTKR TlIvN A FLAF^A~('OdBY LllTLF llioil ?toop Uoase. 9 rooms, Wost 27th sL. between 8th sad IRU ava., near Klevated Itallroad at itloo . will he put In order and renten for $*ir> per month. Apply to owner, OROHOK W VaN 8ICLKN. Ill Nasaan at. CtAPlTOL - MO Wr.NT INTR Ht. KLKOANT FLAT, /sevoa rooms, all ll?btt orlvato ball; poaeeeaioa; rent *3.\ TJIxflRH Ai CONP FLOOB-KTBHT UONVB.ilKNCR rjt"?eth?t or aepaf 'tely; alto (ve Kooma on fourth Door; Parlor I'.stentlon or Haaement, anltable for doctor. 17 West llth at, near Broadway. i^LhOANr flat, Mght roomh. with all IN Jjp'ov?meiita: aleo Flrat floor, lurnlshod or anfaraished, aa suite er divided. W WJLBM. ItUM a tauA I'SFlIHiriSHKf) ROOMS AlflJ APAUT MUXT8 TO LET. . Exjnqktn^ntiikOOii, tflttt all InpronnifUli. U 467 4th av Iuquira fourth flat. U^0KMiMMKO~ FLAT TOltEMr?FlilST~KboO?, COB r uar hou?<?. 7 rooms; all li^ht .Apply 73 E??t 51lh d., 12 to 5 o'ciuck. L^LouRS OF SIX Ri'OMK, 5?Jti ANl> 970 3D aVTj r oioaeie. gaa, Uatb, <tc : poaaoeiluu now or Mar 1: ? law choioe >ulta of Aaartmeuta In tUa r'eulmare. Waal 67lh ak. Daw Klaiuk Kailmal; ana furniebad. MATTHEW BVKM.ri. 142 Baat 33a at. ?LAT OK 81* KOOtt." AM) RATHBOOd. WITU ALU modern Improvem-nta, la high atoop brow* alma houau, with uwuer; rent moderate, Inquire ?43 Waat 57th at., In tba baaameiit. _________ Flat to let-mbst klook and basemi.ntj all Improromaute. No 321 . aal lttth Ik luquira oa premise* or I. ROSENBERG, 31 Walker at^. li^LATH?<23 TO JwST^iTALL. AKFBfi'.D; TUBKS r aud a?or opener*. Janitor, 128 Waal Xlth ak, between Stti and tttb av>. lTt5~to LET-IN NEW HIUH STOOP BROWN atone Houaa, 25xt)5. Just completed. No !U!I Wrtt Tilal at., one block asora Elevated Railroad depot, tha aacornt. third and fourth atoriaa; olirht larva light rooma and bath room In each; pier mirror and corblcai. flrtproof atalreaaa at raar; elevator and ample aterag* In call-in all thu lateat impiovemeuta; reuta reapectivakv <75. 905 and 959. Apple to owuar, living on drat Iloer and liaaouuut. F~ LA?*" Tu~~LET^oFliiX ROOMS IN THE BltiiWJI atoue house on UUth it., uaar Lexington av,; hlick 6round; cheap raiita to dcalrabla to u an la. Inquire ot B. ULOOON, IBS Kaat OOtli at. LATS TO Li-.T-blX UuOilS. Xi-WLV PaINTEU Inquire No. 327 Waat 3ft|h at. F\ ! toor UKKT-aaD sr.. nbar btii av.. in private 5 lauilly. two l* Rooma: elegant freaooluir. hot and eold water. bath, closeta, Me. i good reference* given and ri-quired. Addreaa J O. B.. Herald olHce. F'TbST ttrOKY AND BASEMENT: OTHER APART, inauta; alao St.ible. wltn eix alalia; room for flTe car* rlatrea. 132 Woat llli n at. LMU.ST rLOOR AND BASEMENT TO LM' OK HIGH C aioop bouao No. 450 Waat 25th at : algbt large, airy roonia: ratiKO with hot and cold water, waaUtuba, oath* room, ; ?tuple oloaeta, dry aaliar and large garden in r?ar: rant, 940. IVh. KoTjMS OS Til lit I) FLOOR?HOT ANo 0OL0 water, gaa, Ac., to ireulleiuau and wifa only ; rant 920; ? small American family ocoapy retnaluder. SIS Waat 27tb at. HANI,SOME NEW BKOWN STONE I" L.VTS ? AlJi iluproveinonta. 418 VSuat 52d at. Reuta. 920 to 923. LOVVEK PART 3II? WhHT 2UTU, 945; ALSO LOrt'KB I'art, IF40; Second floor, 92 i. Inquire 26i) Waat 15th. NINK KINK, CONVKNIKn'T ROuMd, aLL LIGHT and airy, making eomplete dwalllnir. in brown atoua buua. 300 Enat 50tb at . owner (American) occupying r? nialnuer: l?ut 945; good nelghborlioud. ONE IIANUSOMK OPPliU OOKltliB KL tT IN Till hlgb atoop Drown atone honaa, 100 Kaat A4tb at., tor I aiuull reapouaiblu family. PlilVATl<"aPARTMI'.NT IIOUdK, NO. 3B4 Wr.ttT at. (Boorman terrace), tlx rooma, aeparata lauudry; neat, quiet aud comfortable private realdance front and raar: owner iu uonae; $35, 945. #5U SKCONO KLOOR OK KOUK OR KIVK KLKUANi rooina and cloaeta lor unlet family. 2 Xwliaon place, ba? twaeu tub at. and Waverley place. SECOND PLAT. IN KXCKLLUNT OKOEB, 151 EAST 3Uth at., eiiibt line rooma; rent 940 Iuqmra of owuar, William Hall, asm at., ooruur lit av. C ECO NO FLOOR. FIVE LAROK ROOMS WITH Oevery improvowoiit; can ba lean from 10 to 13; rani M5. 205 itaat 17tl. at. SECOND KLOOR OK THE kXTRa OKEP BROW If atoue private Imuae 10 LifareMe places auparior acoom modutlona for amall lamlly of adulta. mill Buckingham. ~ JL Broadway, corner 5.:tb at. Absolutely tiruprovf building. T? o choice Apart men ta ul acv rii aud eigbt light room*, from May 1. li??tod by steam; UiniuOlntc and veutllatioa pr'lcct: aewer gaa lmpoaalnle i;i the bullditiir: healtbiaal location iu tha city: elevator. Apply to J. O. BAMr., 8u periutendeut, on ureinl ea. Three -uni-uknimh u RtiOMB BASr or west) below 23a at. ; 915 to 91B; two adulti, KltANK, Herald olllaa. rpo LET-TlllKD KLOOt IN private HIUU STOOP A blown atoue houae. No. 30U Maat 52d at.; all the liu prove m--uta. aw let-PA LOit KLOOR AND BASEMENT, 7 , lo ima. 328 Eaat JOth at., noar tue Park. TiTlst-lowe 4 part and part ok iupper ot large liouae. 240 West 21at at..eiuht rooina; ownar'f faiullv other occupant. 8kow?2ti>5. Mlrrnra remain. TO let^-TO aol'ltb ONLV, SuCONlJ KLOOR. i lVE riHiuia. amnle cloaata; walla paintad; neighborhood Qua. Oall 317 West 31 at at T"~? L T->PLENOIO SUITS uK .-.IX BOOMS IN O. Kouutaln'a Kreuch flat, 113 I-.att 31st at., uear 4tb av. | l?3.'i to 945; atrlctiy liret claaa: email familiaa. Janitor oa tha premleca between 11 and 3. T~o~let?in new"Tuiloinus ON 4th AV. oob! ner of 32d at., one very daalrabln Klati every con venience ; rant low. Apply at olBca, 475 4tb av. T" O LET?SPLEN01 L> >UITS OF SEVEN BOOMS IN new French flat liouaei. 428 and 430 Waat 35tb at., naitr Utb av : bath, hot and cold water, dumb waiter; all other improvemante; rout, 920 to 42U. Janitor on the premlaaa. TO LET?OEstrXbLE KLlATS, WITH ALL MOOERM couvanieueea. in thorough order throughout aud ax. cellent nelgnborboo<l,i suitable for amall lauilliea and at low rent. Applv to UOUOKBT BBOT IKKH, OH and 70 William at., or to Janitor, on pramnca, 485 W-at 57th at TO LET-THE LOWER PA. T UK II0U8K 255 WBST 22d at.. oonaiatlng of parior floor, baieiuent. kltchan and two rooma on third floor; rant low to a amall lamlly. TO~UeT 18~WASHINOTON PLACK, WITH OWNEb! cuoioa of Third. >ecoud. Parlor Floor and Baaaiuanti hve large, light Rooma; fomplete order; water and gaa| nice yard; chlldreu no objaetion; fine location; refereucea exchanged; reut, +4). IIO LET-aia WK8T 330 ST., Sr.OONO FLOOR. TO small faulty ot adult*. OWNER. House rent 930. fPO LET?A Stsi ONO AND THIBO FLOOR, OOJ? 1 tainlng aix rooma eaoh, at 11 Waat 27th at. laquira UL HANFELO, 1.158 Broadway. T~~O LET TO A 8MALL KAMILV?SHOONO FLOOR and l<oom on third floor. If required. In brawn atone S31 Eaat 55th; baa all modern improvemante. Oaa ha eeaa h utility s. TO LRT?TO BM ALL FAMILY, UKCONO FLOOR, At* ruuui; modern liaproviiaoita; v*tli ptluMl la house No. 430 H ut 4?th at. Apply on p.^mlMl. g To Lkt?fiiut flooiTioi urn aV.. nkak ?ara ?u; >11 modaru iaipro*?BMU; Nit 4JO par month. Ap ply In store. T" LI LKT-4II7 WEHT 10TII HT.. FIRST DOOR FROM Bieeoker.?Parlor Floor and Buinint: all modern inr proven-no; very suitable tor * doctor or emalWamlty. TO LBtTH PB1VATK HKO W N RTONK MOUS8L with owner, Sreoud Floor. Urw rooms. flue order, to smell Umily ol eUalU only. 24a K??l 81H ?t T:> LRT-8*COND A>u THIitO FLOOR* OK Mo. ? viottit. Inquire ?n premhioe. TO LRT?A FLAT. MIX ROOMS AMl> BATH HOuX, with Furniture for lata; oomplote lor huua?koeplaift price R40U Apply to JOHN Oi'.KIdHT'J.N, 17^1 Hth av. TO LRU-PAULO it hNL) HAS^Mr-Ni FLO)i<8, TO family ol ad u lie. lift hast 24tli it.. near 4th ar. To-LET, 231"~WK8T 40TH ST.-sHUO >D FLOOR, with Part of third; all improvement!: private boiiee. rpo "L'kt?ToT a familv c6-fsi.vriHG of two or J. ihree. Apartmunte. euitable fir llgut housekeeping, with kitchen privilege, In Brit claea prlvme houie. Addreu OWNKR. box 11U Here!J Uptown offlca. TP* LKT rtlK YHIUU FLOUR OF nOL'Sh lli Variok at, cooiietiBir of 0 rooms, water aad naa. Ia quire on preinUee. _____ T" illM rUMK. ro R ROOMS, TO Mil ALL FAMILY ofadalte; all couvenlancdi. Apply on premUei, X>7 halt 4IHH at., to OWN, hit. Uppkr part of i-rivaTk houhm d .hikahlb location for email family; lour or els roorne. IU1 WeR 4?Hh it. Url'KIC PAKT OK A I'HIVAI k IIOl'HK, WITH IM proveuvnte; ecrrn rnomi: owner'! family occupy lower half; rant 940 to a desirable tenant. Apply 231 Kaat 3uth WM. J. LAN I ..La UPPKR PART OF PRIVATE DWKLLINU TO LKT. ? All ihe modern Improvements; rant raeionebla to r*> sponsible partial Apply to OWMF.R, H.T7 l.eit .">5lh St. UI'PKR~PARI OF MRbwjTrtToNB liOUUi., 387 R.\8f 5,nli at., to a email f unity; rant low. 29 PRi MOH rLAf-MIKK LIGHT KOOM8, IIARU wood fltllh; all tinprovemeale; eeweraire perfocL beaa front 1U to 12; poaieiaion Ha/ 1: rant $5U. No- ?.">w ttth ev., near 54th lw JAN*. NKAR 8TH AV.-FURXIMIP.D. TWO LARUl, pleasant Rooui. W to <5; Board if dealred. in LlllHT KOOM8; ALL iMPROVRhKMT*. APPLY lUon preinleee loathaast corner el 4ib av. aad 99th it. lO WK8I HTU irr. FoUi.TH "flat, POUR LAROtl IO.u<l ll*ht rooma; rent KM)per month. Apply to WM. UKRKIAN. 7B Park place. f)u nril AV.-AN KLKOA!?T FLOOU; IMPROVi ^Omenta', relit low. QWNKR, .<08 Kaat 17th at. -HA.NDSOMK~-AKLOR FLOOlt AhO 1IAHK ipOu<moiit la private dwelling 131) Maadoasal it Apply In baeeraent. AOQ -NICK HKOOMU' FLAT. UKLIUHTFULLIr v?JO.altuated, nvi-rlooklnir Central Park. Apply on premleea, 90 Kaet HiJih at., or of W. P. O'CONNOR, 57 line at ,17 WKftT tmi rt? >Bar srn a v.?i'nfub i I nlah?4 Parlor Flaori three beadaonie rooma, cloeata, hot and sold water ; privnte nouae. Apply 41 Weet lltb. io w?w ww ?t.-wWwi ?am of mtol xOavrry convenience. MAI'IHON aY.-A MOttT OMUfRARLR FLAT ON round ll >or to let for the aamuier, larnlahed or untor uiahed; ou raa<oiiablc terim. .iMf (M mh m| W itir Nrair., if 'tween Mmllaon and Park era , olOKant Flret Flaia, ?cveu rooma rack, rant ttf> car month. 7:t Reel Mm el . Fenrtli Flat, eight rootua, |9U par month. 01 Kaat Mth at., Fifth Flat. alRht raoini, S4U par mnnthi nil Halit rooma end In parfaat order. The above Bate are tlie only fmirldl of 29. Janltori on tho premises or to 6 G8J 69t WM. Hi KKIAN, 7? Pnrk plara. 69 1ST HT. ?PARLOR FLOOlt ANO HAOKMKNT. lermi moderate. "1 ?>?J KAHT 5HD HT.?A CHAKMINO SMALL FLAT, XiSiOlor a email family of adults. In a hl*h eteop private liouee ; rent, *25 i uu h hkv hT"-~holii) comfort in tuTTlowrk JLOOl'artor a anmntoilloni honaa with lew rent to a re epi'nslula family; plenty ofilosotk 1)1 j[ WMT 11TH sr.?RktiOAjP Floor: mi PAR. ajt*Tli)r Floor and baaempat, RVJ| brown atone 1 K*a, biMn, raaica, aietloiiary tulia, marlile muntell and iiasim. h?ater, parlors freieoed; all In perfect order; handy to all c?re. tlnr uvlichboi hood and vary deeirahle location. Roan 12 to 4 only. 9?i,i KARt ti-Jn ht.-lowkr pakt. kihiii AiOtrnota*. Improvanente; alio at UHJ Second Pl.K>r. Apply Momliiy 1 . ., . W. MT HHlli MT,?FIN R FLO OK UF SIX 'roi.mi, with nil Improvamenla; ront Wt'i, owner livee ia houea. KAST 1BTH HT., NKtH 2IJ AV?, PRIVaTB ') xOhiiu?a. ? Second or Third Flour to let, eeoh live larga roune (all H|(ht), natliroom. irei, lint en'l cold wat <r, pleaty cloaatl; laundry prlvlleirea. Apply at ft* let av., earaar Hill el. YRaRLY ItKNT OF COKNKR HRIOK HOU88 268, $? *i|/l YRARLY KKNTOF Cf)RNKR HRIOK HOl'SR )WW|a7 haei H7th et.| can be Ma* nn *ppll?xtlo?a Hire at 51 i.ael 7Wtu et.. after 0 P. M., for tonne. Aa, 11.quire at far Other To L.*? irtr?rtlM*?U Mi