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SALES AT AtmO1*. A. ? UNIQUE GALLERY OF PAINTINGS. THE COTTIER COLLECTION. The M?mm. LEAV1TT tgki great pleasure in announc ing In lu.) ?rl public the flrat e>: Ulblliim iu this country <4 a collection of Paintings composed exclusively ul the world of the GREAT MODERN CLASSIC PA INTERS, ilie school of colorist* ul this ?-,u. Single picture* Iroin the h.tuds ul these departed spirits, VILLI-, r, CO HOT, DELACROIX, DIAZ. TROYON, MICIlr.L, DAL BltiNY ?ntl otiteni, have been from llmo to titue shown to our people, but never before bM an exhi bition been made wh- r? several ol each ol tbeso great m:??? ter?' production* could be seen togethor, affording cultl vatea collector* a rare opportunity ol procuriair master works by tb- master minus ol our uuie. There la hardlv a canvas in the collection but trill d<> lienor to almost any formed gallery, certainly not impoverish it. SPECIAL. Messrs. COTTIKP. A <70., ol No 141 ">th av., intending to Jiscomiuue this branuli of tlieir bueinss, nave requested Mr. S. P. aVERY to undertake the maiia?otnoiit ol a clos ing out auction sale ol tlit?ir entire collecti-'u ?>! Oil Paint ings and W ater Color Drawings. wuo will receive at ins At' dooms. No. SO 5th .iv., orders to purchase, lorarara ?atislogue*. Ac. These fine Work* of \rt ar? now on Ire* exiiibitiou at the LKAV1TT Art Rooms. nil Mroauway. day and .veiling, until Art Rooms. ?17 Broadway. day an.I . veiling, until time ol sale, April 23 und 24. at Association timli, S GEO. A. LEAVlTl A C? ? it. SoMlUtVILLh. At'C 1 ION EE It. BY PK1VATIS LIBRABY, TU K PROPERTY nf A WELL KNOWS COLi.ECTuit. NOW UN exhibition AT CLINTON' Hall UVIIL DAY OK hALE, APRIL 17 AND is. AUc7lON ~SA LE To.'M OKKOW (.HON DAY), AT PRIVATE RESIDENCE NO. 131 WK-.T 23D ST., N All OTII AV., i O.M M E sCI N*? A1 10 O'CJ.OtiK. STEIN W V i SO s'S I PUD. 11T PI A NOFORTE, WINDSOR 7'.. IM'TAV, PIANO. PARLOR bUITS, COVEKED I.N .nAIIN. PaIN'TINOs, BRONZES. SIaTUARY. JN 1.AIL) AND PLAI.n CHAMBER SETS. LIBRARY AND DINING ROOM I UKNITUBE. t UltTHER PsRriClHRS. VIONDAY KiiALD. LUKE FITZGERALD. i I'CMo.N KKR. Y -OKU. W KEKLERi AUCTION LEU. I INK RUSSIAN LEATHER (JOOl)S. FANS. AC., a 1 hue goods, will he sold without reserve ai ART GALLE..Y. LIKERTY ST., Tl E8DAY, April lli, at 12 o'clmk. t TTKNTIo.N!?LARGE HOUSEHOLD Fl'RNI fURE ,i\ shIi- ou Monday morning, at ID o'cloek at private man simi 232 ild>l (3d st , near l;n,'n!.>ny and 7th ?i., o\rer 4'*) lot* ?leg iiit Parlor, Library, Dining Furniture i'urpei>,, Glass. China, Silver Ware: Cutlery, I'? Brussels, ingrain i and other Carpels, Ac. Cut this out. See M.ilnlai's Herald H7~K7Li7KEN. AI CTIo.NEER. WILL 8 LL ? Monday. lJth inst., th- entire Contents ol private Dwelling 4.?1 ad av., between 2.'>tn and 2Uth sts.. compris ing 20 Carpel*. Bedsteads, Wardrobes, tables, ?'hairs, W a.i sta.ius. Curtains, Cornic. ?. iitrror* uud Kitchen anil Dinini: Furniture. Dealers attend. ? ! i rioN SAL r&ofioS NOTICE.?TO HORRoW jV (.tlnnday commencing ai ll)t^ o'clock, at* rewi cence No. OH East l!?th ?t. between broaowav and 1th nr.? vix , elRLant ros wood Stelnway Pianolnrte, also oue Cani* net t uritiht. Parlor Suits in raw silk, satm and reps: ele Sil inlaid Maiquetry Kedronm >uits hair and sprint; Mat t, Pillows, MieetUlKs, Chillonniors, nookeases, iti iinK.-S, mantel and pier >ln rnrs, ce'i ,ri' and librnr. I allies. Oil Paintings by Willis, Cngliioua, '. \\'illtr ana otlieks; UinlnK Furniture, Extension fables Bullet, i hairs 111 cane -ind leather, .-silverware, Cutlery, i hlna and Furniture of servants' dep irtiueuts. H It. MAkTIN, Auctioneer, oflico I,l.'?l Hioadway. >ee .Monday's lieraid. \UCTIOK SALE At PRIVATE RESIDEKO*. Ilousehn! I 1 urniture. TO-VORi Ott tMoriJnyi, 10 o'clock., at live story bri wn stone mansion, NO. 47 WES'I mril sr.. between Otli anil tith at?., RICH HOUSEHOLD FLRsl'lURE, INLAID WALT I H iMUKK M.lS. DECK It BRO\ 7>i OCfAVi. PlANOFOl.TK. ClilCKI'. RIMti UPIGUT PIANO. Parlor and Dinliii; lioom Suits. Kr.stlake and <jueen Anne styles, lu erltusou, tun aud yold briu ade ; sutin Tapestries anil raw Slus, nn;iorted rironr?s, oil Paiutniicti, Library and Dining Furnl. lire, broc-nle and rop Suita. tine hair and spriug Beds, Carpets, Ac l ull particulars Monday's Heruld. '1 like Sixth aveuur or I'uiversiiy place cars or Broadway stage to 47 West ltiib st. House open K A. M. I.ICIIAKD ii. lt.V.'s DoliPII. Auctioneer. B~Y KOKERI' ~O.Hi RVIL1.E. AI ClIoNEER.?ON 1 il L' It.- DAY. AT 21 WA VERLF.Y PLACE. A LL TH K ELEGANT Fl RNllCltE, CAKPEIS. CUR i AINis A.N D FIVE EXCELLENT PARLOR B -DS. P.AlVS PaTi.NI'. 7?T i-Oi.Ei.i' SOME It VILLI'.~ ifi t;i - III' .IJmorrow at 2 P M.. at 74 University piace. Carp-l?' urtains. t'lilna. Glass. I'aiutimrs. Engr.vines, i iano" irgau, pt"r and inautin Mirrors, t'ntta:re Suits, S. fa Bndt; '7ori ices, .Matlre-ses. Be. dln?c, a moire- i-Glace, Bnokca-es" A irdroiies. Parlor and i>liiing Lonm Suits. .Mangle, he 'rigeriitors, Mahogany Furniture, Paper Hangings, Ac. r>Y JubEPil E. WEIGKkT, AUCTHi'NEEkT" 11 olfire (IHi Broadway. tells TO MOKI.OW (Monday), 10X o'clock, haiid<ome Household Furniture. 129 West ?lst St.. between !?th and 10th avs., elegant Pier and Mantel Mirrors, (Jbandellers, Piano, Car jietParlor, Clram'jer and Dining Koom Suits; Cabinets, Buffet. Book, ases. Refrigerator, Ac. Li K. ROLLINS. AU< n 11Ni: I- it.-kollInTa MAL r ? I'll A >. aaiearootu 2U5 .'ij a v., will sell on Thursday, -A|.r11 IS. the Contents of the private Residence, 3L< East 23.1 st. Particulars ou day ol sale,. Storage received at lo est rates. /NI14ARD llirrs, AUCTIO.N'KER, VT office No. 150 Broa iway and 71 Liberty st. OBtdoor sales; also Household Furniture at privste resl d#in es .in the most reasonable terms; Rual Estate at pri vate and public sale 2J' a. ItEllTS A son. AUCTIONEERS. household FURNITURE SALES. ON -MONDAY, APRIL 15, AT lot; O't LOCK, AT NO. 62 WEST 50TH ST., handsome , household FURNITURE. MIR B >RS, tC., comprising the entire content* of fonr story house. ON TUESDAY. APRIL lfl, AT 10>< O'CLOCK, AT NO. HI7 WEsT 47 Til ST.. EXECUTORS' SALE household FURNITURE. CARPETS, MIKP.ors, AC., Tmbrneintr all the Furniture Mini KlTcct* of ihti very fully lari*Uhed houne, together with nil the Bed and Tabic Lin-u. Hiier W irt. Hurirlar I'ruof rl*te ?fcc.% &c. Bjr order of DAVID FuKCIIi IMBt; ami#.. ? . BaRNEV U K(i1,OMOX, ? Kxoeutora. ILSO ON TUESDaY, APRIL 16, AT 10* OCL >CK. AT NO. 3.'.7 WKST MTU ST., ranted Household Furniture, I'urpfH, Chin a, (jlasaware, Kitclien Utrualla. Ac.. Ac- Catalo^uea at aalo. ON WEDNESDAY, AP1UI. 17. AT 1 <?!.' OCLOCK, AT NO. no EAST 61HT ST.. ELEUANT FURNITURE. MIEtNWAY PIANO, Ml It ItOllS. AC. A I.SO ON WEDNESDAY. APRIL 17, AT 10>< O'CLOCK, AT NO. 330 |:aST 15TII 8T, EXECUTOtt'M S alk ELEUANT HOUSEHOLD . FUKNITUEE, carpets, BRONXKrt, AC. FULL DETAILS 11KHEAFTER. On TUKBDaY, April 23. aa 300 Km! 15tli St.. haadaome Furniture, Carpcta, Mirror*. Stelnway I'iano, Ac. Alao oil MONDAY, April 2!?, at 100 hast 7lHh at. entire Furniture auil I*. fleet* of the houae. JOHN. U. DKAPBIt. AtTTIOvEKIt ?????? Hr JOHN H. DKaPKK A CO.. on TUl sit V V. aprll ID. at 12 oVIock noon, within their .tore, 112 Pearl at., by order ul tit? It ?????Ivor. 2 arlill* Marble Mantel . JAMES caoNKV, AUCTION K It AN l> ItEAL EftTATK ull <- and nalearooin :?Kl We?t I4th ?t. MONDAY, April I J*. at |u>, >? lock, at private reiidercs. 4.">3 \Yi at 220 at. Entire furniture ol abov* five s|.>ry rindintr, cnn'lalltiK of ?l? ant I'iano I'ler Mir.ors. elegant Capets Parlor hint*, Chamber Snita. tine Redding, Olulnit ami kitchen Furniture. Ac. Cata>o|ruea lit . >. U All uij >alcs are peremptory. CA<.NP.Y A i'I I.'.s .torn.e man-: u i-es, rb M, JHS We?l 14th at (li>*! leel iltepl, adjoining tlie bank . Inspection tnvttad. Cash advanced. Iv IIaYEK. AUCTION* KR. ShLL* Ti I.*DAY, i.April I ? at II o'elock, and r.intlnn until .ill the I ui nittire iu the Mai-vall lloiel, 174. 170. 17* Hleeaker at. la disponed of, 11" I it dm if Carpels ?ii*l Hi ddtn-.. i tllelnlhs. I'arlor and bedroom Suit. Pianalore. tiffet, Tier hnd other Mirrors. Move*, lierlstaaila. Iba*slii;i ? Wash* Mai'ila, ? autre Tables mi ai dlesa variety of FVaiher, W'da, Fill >wa, llair tlattreaaea. Mod a-i i rrUlc Llnan, i-.tatf-ra*, Crockery. C.Uas and I'latcdwara, lias Fix tare*. a lot of it tic I al mad Ha also a domestic Hre Estin auNlier. Ac. Catnln*aae < n hand at hotel, 2t Fark pl"C". room 4 WOlUlrt Vi II.KINS, AUCTIONEER ll"tel Furniture an Fixture* at auction. I'lilirirU TaMea. Hall*, Rack', Ac., Ac. X. 11. LUDLOW A i O, Will aeli et auction. commencing en Mondav, April 15, al II nc.oik. at the w?ll known V^r cliunts' Hotel :n ;?-I and 41 Unrtl null ?!., tli? enllr.- 1'iiriii lure and Mstnr*i to- othi'r with all 14. drtliiit. Liih-ii, (.'liiua. Olao.arare. >llvarpUted W are, Ac., umi*IIj contained in a fcntal of nearl. 2<ai nmtna. ? 'at liigjeacan he had at liot"l or office of auctioneer!,;i flH H. IJOKKh WtLKINM. At cr|.j>ERR. Ktl'.t: rolt ; i?I ?al.' of No. IV: II>crk r at. K II I.I lU.nW A i n. will a?ll at ?siacilxii. on Monday, April l.'i, H?M. ?t IU e'clock, at the 1 xclian.-o saiaaraoin. III Hn.rt.|?,?v iTnnlt.r Buildinu), New Vnrk,*aleb) order of .loli.i la. SoWi rlauii, K-q , exceaioi ol M^itlia M >1 on roe, lllqf'ker -.i , tli" vam i le Ld, with ll.a I>????? alory hriak front and rear Hulldint:* kn *>i *> No t.r>2 Ui#>*rker at . in lween Houtli 5tli s? and Thnmpaon at. l,ot, 2 >*I'Jo leet "? | ullltl - \\ I I K I \ i ? I l<iM I I A I i I I'l - i>I,.l? of Noa i y -ind 71 Mottst.?li II. LI l?MiW A CO. Will sail at auction, on Tuesday, An li Hi. I"7,a, m |j o'cloca, at tlie Kxi i anfe ? ? learn mi .III Broadway ' l rii.itt BulldiiiK). Na* Vork ^al* oy ordarol li Mn'inn, Fioj.. I.rerntor ol William *t>r; an. da?ea?ed, > "ti at ? Tlae valnaiile piol ol Urnuud. toKather with llie three olid Imir atniy in Irk Hoildiura kn wn >a ,\o?. ill' md 71 Molt at iM-twaen Kayaru and ? ta ilata ; alto IPs.7 feat from, 3 ? li icat rear, ny I'll feel dealt, ferin- al sale Marvin r. cia^KK. alotionkmi?oi>ice no. i ! haada ?U aai*?ieea' ?aiea and talc* ol Furniliire par* ileniariy sniialted J)AWN RRoKKKS' SAl. s IJ) lll'is. J. McURATII, Anctlniil IfiH Chaihai'i at., corner Mal> ll>? Chaihani aL, corucr Wul' erry. Monday?7W lota Mau'a ami iVumen's Ciutluin, by order Solmnoa Kt^m Weat 27th *t. Tuesday?^70>J lot? M?u'a ati'i Woimin'a i lothlri. by ordat U. u.domon, atb ay. M SALRK AT urc-Ticn. ORtUAiifc -ALE. MUMMY, \i 10 30, AT TA?f. art'* stori e Wureh"W,i?, 5iJ?'i Hudson t>t., spiel* ;id S'X pail vie I'uiap. Bars. Glassware, Ac., with All tbu Fitting# ot t.rst cUm B trrocm ; uo rowrva. A. LLOYD, Auctl'ueer. 1)AWNHi<OKERV BALE 4? BY j,\MEs A< iAH, AUC tioueer, at ?<alesroom 59 Xe w Bowery and f> Oliver St. I Mouday April 1-V?-7UO lot* of Men's nuil Women's Cloth ing. By ordi-r of M. Cook, ?'l 3d *t. Tuesday. April lt???'7<*> lots ot Men's and Women's Clith fi.g By oid?r of hiimnoH, Som#ri A 27 ChilUiinMt. \Vedoe.sday, April 17?7WMot? Men's aud \V\dneu's Cleth inc. By order of John J Martin, 52 Mulberry it. J. Agar will remove to U4 Bowery on May 1. pAVUBEOKBftl' 8aE55 ii? i <.hNKluL Auctioneer, salesrooms No. 152 I'anal at.# near Bowery. Monday. April 15, by ord?'r Hugh McAleeuan, 587 2d av., 7'H> lots clothing. also Household Furniture. Tuesday, .April IB, by orderThome* (ireou, 171 Bowery, 70u lota Watches, Diamonds and Jewelrv Wednesuay. April 17. by order simpson A Sbelton, 181 Bowery, 7CH.i lot* Clothing Friday. April 10, by order liugh Freel. til Rose St., 700 loin Clothing. 1)'. aAllD \. HAKKl IT. M 1 pONEER, t w.ll Mel 1 at auction, TUESDAY. April HI, at 1*2 o'clock, at Exchange Salesroom. No. Ill Broadway, (executor's &ae), EAST RIVER WATER FiiONT Propertv on 4th, 5th anl Lewis >tH. with 40 upland lots. Ti?e Pennsylvania Coal Company has occupied tliis property for many year*. Thin U a rare chance to obtain on of the liuest water fronts on the East River; great oepth ot water. i itle pertucw; sale absolute. Maps. Ac., at auctioneer'sollice, 111 Broadway,basement Kick a kd v. iiak.n ett, auctioneer wi 1 sell at auction. TH U !? SUA V, April 18, ? at No. in LI East 23d st , elegant Furniture, c nsistiuu of Parlor, Bedroom. Dining Boom Suits. Wardrobes, Centre Tables, Lace Curtains, French Bedste ids. Kitchen Utensil*, Brussels Carpets, Mirrors, Shades, Ac __________ Kg II vRD V. H VRNK'fT. AUCTIONEEH. will sell at auction WEDNESD Y. April 17, at 12o'clock. at I xcliange Salesrooms. Ill Broadway, i ?*sidence of late Jaiues Kershaw (1 wenty-third ward). 157th St., near Washington av.; good Dwelling, outbuild ings ami about 6 lots. Sale absolute. Mans Ac., at Auctioneer's orticc, 111 Broadway, basement. icuahd v. Harnett, auctioneer will soil at auction, MONDAY, April 15, at 12 o'clock, at Exchange .Salesrooms, 111 Broadway, under direction Richard M Bent, Esq., Receiver of New Amsterdam Savings BiauK, 05th St., south side, *J<m_i icet east of 11th av., valuablo full Lot with frame Buildings. Maps, Ac., at Auctioneer's oflfico. Ill Broadway, basement. JftlOHABD W SLtk5E5? SONS. AUCT10N?Ki:?," .V Salesroom 27 East Broadway. Branch ofllee. 137 East 78th st., < ?ruer Lexington av. }\T?onal attention given to auction Hales of Household Furniture at owner's residence or at salesroom ; mortgage, as-ifcueo and legul srfles attended to; promptness and #at I-(action guaranteed ; e?tabliMhed 25 yearn. ( > I CM A HD W A LTI'. iiS' SON S~ AUCTION KKKd. ? JtMarsiial's sale?Will nell Monday, at 10^ o'clock, at salesroom 27 hast Broad way. 18 box<'s Cueese. 2 I??ks bean Coffee, 4 Reus Mustard. 25boxes >tarch. stove INdisli, Jb; also an assortment of Household Furniture, Carpets, Icehous Ac. i lCHAKD C. WALSH. Marshal. pARfi chance Ft) 91 Y&H81?ABS iLUTB SALE at auction of six new Houses on Saturday, April 20, at 4 P. M., at Commercial Exchange, No. 389 Fulton St., oppo site City. Hall, Brooklyn, J. COLE, Auctioneer. The House corner ht. Mark's and Rogers avs. and fie five adjoining Houses will a tual y be sold to the highest bid der. No reservation nor preierence ot any kind whatever Tlieso bouses (10.Bx4n) are uow flmsbiuir and pot?.v.-SMon may bo had before Mav 1. They ar# erected for the im provement of adjacent property, and are thoroujrhiy and substantially built Irom Inundation to roof five brown stone fronts, httttk st'W)r?s, three stoiies and basements, sub cellar; ail modern improvement; carefully finished; 5>4,t>UOof purchase money on moutKai:e. if desired. IJ. B CLAFLI.V. ^ HERMAN, AUCTIONEER. O* Auetion sale <?l Car|>ets, Oilcloths. ?fcc., MONDAY, PHIL 15. AI 11 O'CLOCK, 15} a AND 17 BOWERY. About 300 pieces Brussels, Will on, tape-try, three-ply, ingrain, stair and hall Carpets; 5u pieces, bull, floor nd stair Oilcloth; aiso 120 pieces Carpet, slightly damaged bv water, sale positive. Dealers and others invited. TO binders, printers snd publishers. To be sold at auction, on WEDNESD v Y, April 17, 1878. at 11 o'clock, by JOHN II. DRAPER Jc C )., 172 Mercer st., x ew York, Machinery,Tools and Fix'nresofa Bookbindery; Emboss ing Presses. Cutting Machines, tundiuja Press. Matbino lor rawing Books, Board Cutter au<i fools useirin a bind ery, Fixtures, Ac., Ac. ; also a large Fly Wheel au Frame I r driving presses or any kindj)t' machinery. Can be seen at auv time before the sa e. rp . WHOM IT MAY cuNCi.KN. -NOTfCh 18 HEREBY X given that 1, the undersigned, will expose at public auc tion, to p.iy expense-*, Ac, on goods left at my nlaie for storage by Mrs. Mathews, by Mr. Post, by Miss ii. Huff and otb<-rs. J. HAVEN', Auctioneer. D. CCNN lN<iil AM, Marshall, 1,288 Broadway; Mouday, April 10, 1878, at 11 o'clock. \7"aLUABLK 5T1! AV. PRO PERTY AT AUCTION.?A. J. BLEKCKEK A CO. will sell, on Friday, April *rt. at 12 o'clock noon, at liie Exchange Salesroom. No. Ill Broadway, the ele .ant four story brown stone Dwelling liouse No. 127 5th av., between lUtli ami I'Uth its.; lot 22 ft-et t? inches bv about l<iu let-t. Y ALL ABLE CO I NTHY Sc.AT AT AlJt/TluN ?W. II. BARD X SON. Auctioneers, will sell, on Weduesday, April 24, 1478, at 1 o'clock P. M.. oil ti e premises, the large brick Dwelling and Grounds now owned by .Mrs. Sarali J. Zai'Hskie, at Chester 1111 , M unt Vernon, Westchester county, >. Y. For particulars anply at ofllee ol the auction eers, 4th av., Mount Vernon, or ot Messrs. VAN WINKLE, CAN DLi.K A J AY. 48 Wail st. WILLIAM ABBOT I'. AUCTIONBKR "SALESROOMS HH Bie?*cUer at., one bio. k west of Broaaway, gives bis personal attention to aales of Household Furniture, either ?l the realdrnee* of partit-a reliiK|iiUhiiig houaek-e|> ng or at Ina nalenrooms, and having a lar.'e and geiK ral experi ence as a furniture man be feels coufident of giving satis I act i di. For Other Advertisenieiifs I'ntler Title Heading See Directory* LOST AM) KOIIAIi. \.NY PAWXllKOKKK" UM'MVIMl A 1'AIK OP mo'Wor of pearl Opera CilattfeA, v.Iiii three pieces ot pearl oat, tliii week, utll be liberally rewarded by nddres* tu<illi,KTS, 144 Met aid Uptown office. L.i i h riifc Vvknim?* ok Tiik Iiru rai i Si?* tent to a Diamond barring A libera! regard will bo paid to any one returning il to 4'*? ">tli av. J OAT ON I KlDAl . v MV,. rpftlE S I n liom Klftti Avenue II?tel t 42d it, a black lace >earf. A linerai reward will be paid lor returning It t > Mo. 1 >MI 67th n. Loht gold i vi. oTTaS bh~ with imriALi i 1). S," in 7'.?th ht.. between 2d and JJd av*. A Iniud ?uiue reward will hi* *nVrli at 3IH rant 7t*tli St. L?>- ! CAUBi >...!.>? . i.i PIN, VALUkU U rAM y Jewel. Kinder will Im; rewarded by returning lo C. k. OltAl.iB f' XclianK" place. OaT?rKOW ?tl Ul.-T J' '111 ST., O.N i WUaVTa am nil ?- k y.* Timor, in waring to tiio name ol "spider. ?' ? flu tai r. w ard f. ?r In* recover* I ost K~OM MV 51A I! I K. S3 I ..-I 11 Til ST., Ij Vurll 4 * larite lil.ick Watch Don. with whlti-Uet and bri'aal; "tiawera to name ol O.ikcy a liberal reward w 111 lie iml'l f r In* return. K. I>. M itMl'IIKl). 0S-.11V 11.. EVKnTnU ok lill'. 11 in. BK tw. elt Blsecker and IMtb ?ta , a I'ockctbBok. contain ing a Diaiu gold rlliwith initial* 11 llie tinder will kin :ly return it to 22 Went 10,li at. lie 1(111 lie liberally rewarded. Iost?small fTu'KKLi oilatTiTaTmk wviciT, Jmarkcd J. >. II. >1. 't'ne tin ter will rewarded by ItHvliu It with Caawell A Va-aey, 1,11V Hioadway. . | o>l -i i.O LH H A It HKh\SII'i:.. ? 3 A MI I LhP 1 Jwith birda and flower*. I he tinder will be liberally re w ?flle<( b . Ie.i\ .III- il I! No. :?.! it oat '.till -t. I~77.stZkkoii '?<> Cakavkitk i'Ui:TfiTvx lJ. tid Tan Dog. ainw. ru to tho name ol 'M.< p" and boar lux license 7."7J. A milianlo reward will be paid lor hl? return to the abova add real T OHT on ihOAUWAy; IIMi.Y hVKNINll v red Terrier A liberal reward will be paid by re luiniD.' to more 1 .tfalden lane S"~ToLhS?i'KOM .'"J fcAMT 2ATH KT.. UN TOhl*l>Alf, April-', one old faahioned lady'a told dU: Watch, M. ?I. 1 omaa A 1No. 8,831. with Ion.' line gold Chain, -llda and Key: one IS carat red iro d ban till, cane Watch, an Clior .'-caplnent, l'ly**o Irel'nj Loch, .No IW,!IU-4 mniked H. A on nlileldl Ktem winder; alio a short soid < bain, a I'h it ok pendant, and * me other aniall artic e- \ || er?i reward will be paU lor the mum ol any or all ? I the nbi.V '. Inlormetion m ly be aent t? bo* 1?4, ,n? York, or to tne Cluef of Police. :??? Mo 1 berry ?t. OTOLKX A IIK.WV 1*1. A IM SCARF s.MIiK. t5repre?' ntlnn a aerpent aini In ahan* ?pir il. t?o dlari. d I off llu'.tor*. ?et In on X, if'dd b icka; the diamond art In irolil: onya cuipin-d oil una hntton. .suitable reward lor llielr retain Ileralil I'ptoWl! ofii.e. liln \\ AliUS. '.1 - I, 1: W tlili. I.i 1-T AI*till. I. RlNiC SOI.I L* I' Mail" iliain md rarat., lb crown ?eitiu.. i.laln ,f .iu band. I'ein 11 'lehvetin: .aiun 111 J. H. 1,' thh, nr |iio. prietor. Kt. Ii^nla llolel w II be itald ebnre recant aBd no ? I le.tlon^ aaked It preferred tinder can airatme by wrltliiK /Tl?i Tiilt I. W A K U C?lVt.> roll I I' K Kl.TURM OK \ \ I > uuiif lOd Iriih Si' ter llitcht bl ick m-.*e nn 1 'newerinit niiine Doe. M. tV l.^li&l'.D. Ull vt llluw at , lloiiultcn, .V J, KK ?tt' \ A I.M, JJ*OllCr. OK UK.K'iVvL. Me??r?. WI I.I.I t M I'llMI A ( > beir In attnouni 1 to their friend* and t!i* punltc lliat they bate 1 .Inured tu tb.' el.'i; int and estenaPre e-taidDbment, Nn. 51 "? I'll! ill m|u ii? (llr.'H'J*ay;, ranninK thToouh to Ho 'J~> f.a.,t 15th at., where will be "Kreryth n { lb the Mualcal Una." !?h-et Mii?lc, Muaieal iVoita, Arnailcan a id foreign iln cni llnt.' the ch * 11 ami elegant piilillcatlon* of Moo A ? .. .1 LondoU. f^r vliiih thi.y aie ti? ? ?o.e a ent ), lneiiunien'? anil tle^chan<11 ?? of erery dtwrfp tlon , I'ianolorlcn auJ Orifana. \\ 11.I.I At; A. 1*0X0 A CO . 'J.i I'nlon tqnare, Now \ nrk fCKHAKUti. MKitt:TiAN'Di>K ru i:\cha>o . i iiaVk kou ,?al? ?-Ji">,11"? worth ol Btnple Merchandise, all whole ? II.' a lock and in prime (inter; will ?? 11 In lota of IfiiH #.i,in i| to $..i 'Oii, and recelv- In payment one third ca.Mf balance ?ood ileal Katate the oijeot in tlew IB 10 reduce -||,??. and t I I'lii-ral aaaorf mailt of kou i? will be iilven in .. n tra -. I'hi tl a who have thB HeBna V' act pmiiii.tiy till)* to III ?-? anah ?B ?tchaii/n will ra. eire nil ne c-aaa jr IniormatloB In r.'itard to the n ioda .1% 'iddtBealiij, with ;u.l dcaerti>tion of property and price, 1vKHtJtlA.N1, but IIM lie.a'.1 .fH-e. Nim Vnrk. IV' I Li I. KXOliANiiK 4KWl'.I.H\ A D KANCV HOODS Tt lor neai v? linproyad Ilea l-.Mate, uneinaiuBBfed. AU die-.a LAirl.SE. Iter ild miles. KKKTAbKAVrK. I IVK AMD I.KT I.I V I.. min,tllA \V a'sH H'I.T ? N I J 1 Oj'tct". "y???ra, Oyatara. Ladle.'and jrentiemen * oynter and dlnlnit ro.nn<. . In* r. anil Midi Si.'ilC.a .a a upe'-lalty, all tin' delii-aei ol ihe aeaaon cnnatBiitiy on bund - (I'KM'RK, Caterer. KIM A .V I) KAIt*. a I. I If ICIAl. Ml V|A> k\ .S Ol- A .-I ri.nToit J?i|iiailit in id.' to order ut reatonalue rates Dr. I hai 1 il A I'. OOI 1 ? I-.I. 1 AH y, :tii Hieei-ker ?i Waanp. plr iiio?t ol llie hospital* and oilier In oitatl 1111 I UMi-.H I DA V Is. IN VKN Mill AND UM,I ,M Kill 11! the Imprnvi 1 ANIlirtal liitman I- ye, acknowled . >i I'j the In 111 ly IB h? the uniy oorrect unit.Hon ot untiir* iu the world. No. Ui l ull at., batwetn JU aua lib a?a ElttftPEAN KTEAJMHIHs. C1U.VAUU LINK. AN l' N V K. M. S. H. C >. ) NOTICE. With a view to dimiiiish lli? chances of aolllslou the steamers of this line take a specific course lor ail w???ni of theycai. ? ? . On ihe outward passage from (Jneenstown to New York or Boston, the weiidlau ot 50 hi 4a latitude. or noth ing to ihn north of 43. O11 the liuiu> wsid pasaage, cturtlnjr the weridlau of 50 at 42 I allude, or uotbluic W the north ol142. ? >KV lOltK TU LIVERPOOL AM) EBNSTOWN. Al.i>ERlA....tted.,*prll I7|$CYTII1A Wed., May 1 ?RUSSIA .Wed.. April 24 | ABYsSlMA ..Wed., May H i a bin passage and return ticket* on favorub.e terms. Steerage ticket* to ml from all parts of Europe at very low rules Kreigut aiul passage otflcd, No. 4 Bowling <Jre.ui CHARLES U. FKANOKLVK, Agent^ STATIC LINB TO OLARUOW. LIVERPOOL. HL'BLIX, BELKAST.-LiiNlHi.VtlKKlty AND Til K F a HIS EXPOSIT1QH, hui I in >r from pier 42 North River, toot of Canal st. STATE ' >K VIRGINIA Thursday, April 18 MATE oK IKDIaXa . ... Thursday, April 34 sTA'i'K OK Ol oKOlA Ihurtday. vtay 2 Kirst canlu. JOO to fl'i, uccordiul' to accommodation*. Return tickets at reduced rates. Second cabin, 4S45. .steer age at lowest mica. Apply to AG-TIN Bai.L'VVIN A i'O., Agents. 72 Broadway. STEbRAOE TICKETS AT 45 BROADWAY AND AT THE CO.MPANV'tf, KOOI OK C \N AL SI.. X. It. CVkEat westeun STRaMSIII 1' CINK. r TO llllisTOI, iKNULa.NIO DIRECT, ?ai1iti{? Iroui pi r IS Knit River, ts follows: - SOMI IJSET tpri! 30 I aRRAUON May ? Cabin passage, $5 >, Iftio and $7u Return tickets at fa vorable rates: prepaid .steerage i ertiiieaies, iti-'O. Apply to \V. D. ViOMlAN, Agent. 70 ,>outU si. H~M rt I RiT A ME ItlCAN HA( :ltET i.'O.V HAN Y'S LINE lx>r 1*1 vmouth. Cherbourg and llnmhuig LEASING..Tlitirs, April IB I SI'EVIa Thursday, May 2 Wll'.l.AMI, I'hurs . April 2ft | POMMKRANlA. ihr.. May J Kates of paMniii to Plymouth, London. Cherbou g, Ham burg and all points In Kugl.uid :?First Cabin. $IO>, |{uld; Second Cabin. $<>o, cold: Steerage, $30. currency. Kl'MiAKDT A Co., C. H. RICHLY :Ui BOAS. liei.Dral Agents General Passen .er Agent*. I'l Hroad St.. New York. Wl Broadway, New York. NITEi> STATES WAlb UNE-S I'KaM TO y U EivNsI TOWN AND LIVERPOOL. nailing on luesiluy from pier 46 North Kivor, foot of Charles ut. MONTANA. April 2.1. 10 t. .VI. I NEVADA May 7, ? A. M. WISCONSIN.Ap'l 30.3P. M. | WYOMING. May 14,3 1'. M. Cabin, SCWi. $75. $SO. currency. Intermediate, Steerage, $211. Vatsonicers hooked to and from Paris, Hamburg, Nor way, Sweden, Ac. Drafts on Ireland, Englai'd and Scot land at lowusl rates. WILMAMS A OUION, 29 Ilroadtrny. Ol'fE STAR 17l"SiC. United Mates and Royal Mall Steamers for yuoeustown and Llveri>ool. NOTICK.-?T'm steamers ol this line taae the lane routes recommended by l.ieutenant Maury, U, ti. N., on both the outward and homewaid passages. Ai'KIaTIC Thursday. April is. 0 A. 41. Bit 1 I ANNIO Saiurday, April 27. - P. M. KtPlBLIC ? Thursday, May J, 4 P. M. Krom White Star dock, pier 32 North itlver. Kates?Saloon. fSii i.nd $IU). in fild. heturn tickets on reason aide terms Steerave. $2S, currency Saloon-, staterooms, smokinv ami ath rooms are nla< ed amUiships. where the noise aiul motion are least, alfor liiic a life"'.) of coinlorl hitherto unitttaiuaiile at sea. Kor Inspection ol plans and other itilorm.ttiuu apply at the company's olU<:?. 37 Broadway, New York. k. J. CURTIS, Atent. ST DIKE' T ANii KCONllMli Al. UOUTK IO i"L land, Belgium, tho Itliiuu, witiorlauu, Ac., Ac., via Kolierdam. Chenpest route to Paris. Steamer piC'' Ie.D A VI April 21 Stu .m<-r ROTTI.RUA ?l ...? ..May 1 These beautiful steamers, carrying tho United tales mall to the Netherlands, are great favorites with the puli lie. Trips regular, raleb low, comfort and living perfect. For Irelnht, For Dv-suge. FUNCII. EUYE It CO., L,. W. MOKRIS, 27 Souih William st. .Hi Broadway. (Morris' European and American Express ) ncTToITlink TTiTkd~sta r7 s viTilTFeam7."ks Nh.iV YOKE AND ULAStiOW. . CaLIFOKNIA. Apl 20,S A. >1 I E I il IOIM A.. May 4. 0 A. M. BOLIVIA... April J7, 2 I* .VI. I V1CTO ;!A. ..May 11.Noon. NEW iOKK TO LoXDuN DlltECT ALSATlA April 24, Noon | E..YSIA May 1.3 P. M. Cabin, $<i.r> to $Si!. I'.xc'ursion tickets at reduced rates. Second Cabin, #4u. Steerace. Company's piers, N> s. 2H and 21 North River, New York. HENDERSON BEOS., Ag. nt*. 7 Bowling llr.-en. 1"nman Link. "koyaL" mail" stkamer's KOR yUEEXSTOWN AMI LI VKKPOOI,. \ CITY OK NE.v YORK Saturday April 20, 7;3i? A. M. (!ITV OK MOX1 REAL Thursday, April 2f>. noon CITY OK BEhLlX .. Saturdar, May 4, 3 1'. M. From pier 45 North Uiver. Cabin, $S0 and Slim. gold. Kelurn tiekets on favorable tonus Steerage, IJ2S, currency. Drults at lowest r .tcs. Saloons, staterooms, smoking and hatu rooms ainids.iips. JOHN ti. DALE, Aueut. l."> and 33 Broadway, New York. Philadelphia ollice. 105 Soiitli itli st. "i iRTH (11.KMAN Ll.OVD Stuamsliip Liino, between New York, S*)iilhaiupton, Lomton. Havre and Bremen. Company's jiier, foot of 2d -t., Iloookcn. MOSEL Sat., /\pril 201 DO.VAU sat. May 4 OliEK Sat., April 27 | WKMKK >at., May II Rates of pnssuge from N'aw York to Southampton, Lon don, Havre and Bremen Fust caj^p, $100. gold second cabin, $00. gold; steerage, ?3o rurr.<Bey ii< turn tickets al reduced rates. Prepaid steerage certificates. 43ii, currency. > ? Kor freight or i.aasn^e apply to <<ELKICI<S A CO., 2 Howling Oreen. atiokal lTn i-., i ? 11 it s 4?a a o 3< ?"nok^rTTlti vkk, K.'K LONDON iVictoila Docki. Holland.Thurs Ap'l lS.d P.M. | Canada. ?Ved .Mar 1, 3 P.M. KOR LI V Kit POOL AND tjUEENU I'OWN, llelveli#, SU.,Ap'l 13.1 P.M. | r.gypt. Sal.,Ap\2?.7:30P,M. Ca iu. #50 to f7o currency : steerage, >2<J. Drafts from ?1 upward Issued at very low rates. Company's ofhees, U'J and 73 Hioadway. K. VV. J. IIUKST. Manager. AMKitlCAN LINK Folt LIVERPOOL. Th# oni> transatlantic Hint sa Hug under th > Ameri can flag. Sailln every I'liursday fr..m Philadelphia. OHIO sails A pi 11 IS. tl A. VI. RED sTAIl LINE Koit AKIWtCRP. carrying the Bel iaii and United Stales mails, lallln; sciui-iu..ntlily from Philadelphia and New York. VADEItLAND sslis April 23 II A M. Kor rales ol psss.tge nnd othor intormation apply to PETER WKKIH I .t SONS (Sep. ral Au.-'n,s. 807 Waitlist St . Philadelphia ; 52 Broadway, New Vork. .lulls MCDONALD, Agsst,8 Bsttsr) place, .\ w Yortt. \\J ILSON LINE lO >ol Til AM PT N AN"|T ii l I.J,, r? sailiuw from Eagle pier, lloboken. as follows:? LKPANTO Apjil 27 I O I'll h LL< >, May 25 OTKANTU May II | HINIXiO Im.n ? first cibln. currency Exclusion tickets on very fav.TaVe terms. Apply fo full particulars, to CHARLES L. WKIOUTa CO....? so .th st. / 1 ENe.KAl. IRANS .'ILA s'i'It; COMP.tNV Li BKTWKh.N NEW YOKE ANO HAVRK. I'nmpaie 'a pl.-r. 42 North Itieer. lo. t of Morton st PEKEIKiC, Dime... Wednesdsy. April 17.5 P. M. VILI.K DK PA it IS. Dorand. W .dne-dav. May I. 4 P. .VI. ST. LAUBEnT, Lailiesnes .. VVei.nes.lay, VI jy s lo A. M. PKICi'. OK PvSsAiii'. IN lillLU ilneliidiug ainei: To II .vre l?t cabin, Hoo: 2d cabin. ,I<| eabiu. <35. Steerage. #-<>. in eluding wiun, Oeildiu. and utensil-. UK 1 L i N l i. KElrt I KEOLCKD K < I'l'.s. I.OL'IS OK H'? III AN, Agent, 55 Broadway. Kor Ireli ht and passage nt Phlladnlpliia aptdy to LoNZii Midi ? i.i.l, 2 Cnestnnt st. i/l.'Koi'KAN Tl. A V .? bl.Hi.s A lil. i'l.NI) ritt/NKM 1jfor staterooms and Continental' travel. Ctialm, I.u.s. Ac , for t..? s'eaiuers, at Joll N C.VTI .NAOIl'S 730 Broad way. near A??or. CilVtl's TOUKMI riOKETs FOIt IKK I. A.ID lOOT /iand. English Lake*. Paris, the Itiiine. Swlti-r and and Italy, at reunctlons from 10 lo 4.) per cent below ordinary rat s Passengers tlook-d i.y ail lines of steam'rs. Next personally conducted party leaves May IU, per City of Mon treal. for France, Italy, rswiu rl md. Ijermanv, the Rhine, Holland. Ac.. W days, incimling all necessary expen-es, jum, told "Cook's Exi nrsionist" lor April, containing fall pirtleular^ ??y mail for 10 cents. Ad'lre .s COOK, >oN A .11'. N KI NS.Till Broadway. New York. CI. MHO. Klli-T < I.A.vs CAatlX I \ - X ?. i In M. /erpool and leturn; price fii??. Address EUROPE, l.erald COAST WISK HTK.V.n?mif??. TJACIKIC M tlL .ViKAMSlill' OOMl'ANVn LINK , r. r OAWKOKMA, J WAN. Oil I* A. CKNTRAL <n<l Mil r 11 aMI.KIca, MA.MiVV'lCII Ini.aNIiH, M l-.W *KA I.ANU, Al mUALIA. HKITIHII i'iiLI .Villi a. M AMI INtiToN iKftHli'lKT Mild OUKiiON. Ac , Mllltll Iruui Her toot o* at.. North Klfer. Kor A N l"KAS< ItltiO, VI* IMIIWI'SOF PANAMA:? BWamalilp OIILIIS,. Saturday, April JO |i iibbii ll? ' for tVntial and South Anifti hi. From Kn A MM CO to JAPAN mi.i CHIN \ I ? HleamaMlp < I I V OK lOKlO WadfilMf, May 1 From S \ N FIIVM Im'?> to "ANDWlMl IM.ANU. A' STRALIAaad \KW XK ALANDi? M<?oi-litp Zi.ALA.SllI \ Morid**. April 15 For Origin or p illitft appis at tli? coinpaP*'? olBi r H HMlliiL'Uwa Nf* Vork. 1)RliKUt>A, HoKro RICO, it. I'tloM .1*. W. I. ( jlamcayka. caiikllh. vkkkkUkla, wi ui ronnreti"ii? to nil part* of IA KST I Nl * I f. ? .nut S'jUi 11 vMK.ill< >. TU? (Jaatiac and OmiI rurt* SS. I.'o. I.itie' ill m Ult I. r n >tc-i: for HKRMl'DA, ? >. >K ?? J'. It.* 1, M U>i:? tnr' Irt ?or SI, JOHN m ii' i l">.MK SI', t MOM ' s, LaOC'ATR< ami IM'KRTli C UU.i.L'>. S*. HKRMUDA. April X7. M 4??<irlMlv>' (mnyhlMn, freight ??d tinasatf.i appir to A. K. <>( i I. BRIU..K A ?<>, nt- l"< ro*d* c d Ui-. UAKM i-.NUI A, :i . riroadhrftjr. O LK\ I*, 271 Hroadw tjr It v., Havana a?u mkXh:as maiL n. l.i>k ls| . t it nt? lea** lr?t? pier >o. I s? ? >t'? nlvar ins HAT \ s A lillii i I MTV <>?' NKW VOrtK. Kenkra. i tt??d?y, April IH. i IV M. tU'l'V OKWAMIIMI 'is ri iii inarm a ii .April IN, 111A.M. rirrnKVi.l. i' in/.. Van Mre .W.d., \ irii J I, i P. M. KOR VRM v t lit iS OI> NK V OllLbA.vt. Tlniinvan> Pr-wreao Campt-airfc/, Front- r?, M IV i) Nh\\ VII r. K. I ikt-u Tu.'vdajr. A|i' il I" I V OK .VI Kill DA. Ilfvrit'ld* .... 1 >'.? i.. v,? pril ?'! ' sic>iiti->r* will I' *t? R'-w nrlatiia April ;4 m l Mar l'? l?r Tar* t rtit rlir M xtaniora?, Tn \mt i hii I rampicu, makl ? >c cluna i on licet lull with itONtnori foi ?vr V> k :in 1 <?! I til* al#ur? pori? r. Al<RXA!tr>RK A SONS.MI and XI Hm itwar. N- ""*KW XO~iXm> ItAVaKA I?lUl'CI~MAlT, uT.Ni..? rh?-?? llr?t pln?< ?t?*m#hl|r? *ii| -ail al :i I', M., If*in | plat lit North lil>i*r, (o il I Oadaf rt>, lor llatninn direct, nn |t?l|i'w? : ? S AN I I AliO IrK Cl'MK SM'irilay. April *? i rub1 MHI s Wt<UMa<ay, May I l or Irdvibt and |iMM(?, liavlnc utiaiirpaaitwd Mi'Mw* i dutlon- "W1* wii.l.i t \t l'. I'liVD!'. A ???>., No tl Howling llr*e?. McKkLUAn^L<(iUl>(i * I'll,, Vg' ilta tn larnna. Vjloi; V I- RA CHI/. -$7>i KOK |Tr.-?i ?:L C?5 HAIIn Atll| r lijf ?taaiii"lii|' >1aOAK >, aallliiir rUCKSltAT. IHTII ! I V? !'.. Inr IIAVA N \ rotiMMInii ?llh at. amn'Jp r.nru, Itof J V.'rn t.'rna J 1 MK" 1'^ V\ illli A I'D , |l:{ Wall at. ' \TfcW Yi^ItK AM? i UHA WAIL H. rt. I,,NK, KOii ] i\ Ii WAV t min tlT M:iKnlHi'*nl a. runitniMlat' on lor nat^enmm. I KalllnR nil k-D\Ti?. tr<ta?i*r 17 Kant k ? r, nl 3P. M , M AI i A R V inrw , tons I'tW... I hirai'ar, tpril IN j HARaTIMU (tini-1 ,'J,. *<' tona. Snuilh> rt|.'l liuradn* Aprll'i? liKUl'l.'KI) HaTi.HoI paaaaga lor \hi<A OKI/. i?u?l I Whi*T INDIA IkIjANUH, h% through llctiati rla Kn^ltati i ami Frxnch ateainahlp Itn - fmm tlarana .1 A *i lift R. W V Kl> ,t i 0? 11* Wall >t. TTTas MAIL I.INK^ An?? isniis ami ?orin aminrca. K.'gul ir i l-itimiililv aalllngi Irutn pier r.t >?vth Rl?er ?? follows: - I or 11A VTI, t'OLU M Bl A, ISTHUllSOP PANAMA and noL'rll lACIKIO I'Hltis ivla taplnwall). Al.l'S .. April lii | All.AS April W? ' (? ,i KIN .MO.V Ja.. mid IIATiI: a I UAH April 'jr. : I .TN A Mar 10 Kirsl c ?s? llrltlsh ipiult iron atfarni-ra. superior llrat cl*M paaaaii^'"r co.imn. 'jailpiis I IM, FUHwOt'D A CO.,t.?ii*ral Akok". No C?*t ?\ all at. cavannam. ruiflbs: lilt* or RATA Ml AH, tr m pl?f It N. R., Saturday, April I.'t. II. LI VINOS ToN, Irom 11 r 1(1 K. K., Wedneadar, April 17. OKi I Rot VOROK, Acnt Satnrilnv at'-amrr, P It Hroatiunr. M I. HRAV, KhKRIs A I'll . At fiit Wadlaadav iteaa r.i! ? (htnth at. c. n iiffi? ns okoiioi. ronih, ' Again A. A U. R. It.. UI6 U'wair. Aitaut 0. R. It.. 4tW U'wiY. roi?TWisii ?rajivinim> fiol "'elfoS'ff fcte.iin.shlt. Ul'DSON", Saturday. April 20, at ??? M.t P'?r b S r .li Hirer. iiii Through bills ot Udiuj* civen to Mobile ana principal points o? tb?? M Kiver For freight or passage ap* j>lv to 01 vHK <k &KAMAN, 86 V??l st. . Halifax, n. a. and st.jom ^ s. f. CRo.V will link. ' (1<0!fTfcK will leave pUr 10 Xofih Kiver. 9 r. Si, Friday, April 'JO. ??'?*? Ireight or passage apply to OLAKK ? SHAM AN, W-|t ?t M" TTkOaN'S !LINE TO NEW ulitk tNS AND T. X iS.? Tha atmtiutr will sail Irum pier 36 North Kiver us lo ? Mok'gaN OITV.... Satnrday. April IIO. ItW For New orieaus direct, transferring Texas irei^lit thern to Morgan's Louisiana and Texas Kailroad and Viorgaii * steamships to Inxa.i port*. Through bill* of lading s?gneu to alt point* on the Mi sUsippi Kiver, Mobile, Galveston, lndiau?da, Corpus < bristi. Koelcport, Bras >? ?SMn,,l,lrt*"* 1$i'uwus villo, and to all points on tUe Houston and lex** Cuutral, Texas i'aclilc, Transcontinental anil Galve*t??n, Harri?i?ury and riau Antonio railroads, kun?a* * Ity. rori bcott and other points on UUsouri, Kansas and 1 i' ? roau and connection*. Freight* for fct. Mary a and rulton landed at Kockpoit . ,, Insurance can ?,e effected ?in?ier opeu policy ?I in* line, 'lo New Orleans, per cent; to lex a* points, a per MUj For freight and ott er information apply ttf bU'Jbiv! *. MUKUA \, Agents, oflice pier 30 North Kiver. _ fpUXAH 1.1*8 FOB UAliVBSTON? tOOUIII >g AT I Key We.-t. -Steamer I lu UKaNDB. Captain will nail Suturday. April l'U. ut 8 I*. M . from pier . fcu-t Klv r. rin.iu'h rates ut Iretght and bl-ls .'I lading l'**0 over nil In tho Statu Ki.r Ireigllt (having superior acc ,tpmodations) apply to C. II. MAt* LORY a i.O . 15a Maiuen lime. urOWOlk, Sllfl KINS, 2(51 ISrondwuy. OlVANAAIi," FLO KIDA !I. LIVINtiSTON, frota "pier" 1? E. R., Wednesday. April 17. CITY OK MACON, from pier 43 X. R., Saturday. April 20. GKO,.CE VO>Oil. Airent Saturday steamer, -iO!? Broadway. MUrtltAV. FEBK1B * CO.. A tic ii t Wednesday steamer, 62 South at* O. D. OWENS. (tEOKllE VOMiiv A Rent A. A G. li. K , :<15 B'way. Agout C. t<. u . 4Q'.i B ??y j^LD DOMINION STEaMSUIF COMPAN*. lalUMi; from pier S7 North UWer. lor NORFOLK. UU'V POINT and Kli.nMOND TUKf DAYS, TUUKSDAYS AN1> SATIII.DAYS at .< 1*. M c.u nectini; with the Virginia and Tennessee Air Line. Atlantio Cuaat Line, l'i< dra. i.t Air l.lne. Oheaapeako and Obtu Knil ro:id. S aboard Air l.inT) and with the cmiipany't luam line tu interior p<>rt.K in North Carolina and VirKlnl*. NKUHKKN and WASHINGTON. N. C. (via NorPolk), every TUKSUAl. TIIUKSuAY lUid SATURDAY. L&WHS I 111.. MONDAY and THURSDAY, at 1 . M.. cooiiocllnif with the Maryland and Uolaware railroadn. and fur lthllOROI'll BKACH and OCEAN J11 Y. l'a??eiiK" accomiuodaiion? uumirpassed. Through pwii.enifer tifknts and bills ot tadliiK tu ah point? at luweit nitOH. insurance lor Norfolk, A h( '4 poi cunt. Kreiulim received daily ?t pier.'17 NortU tUve/. General olHce Nu. 1U7 (iroenwlca St. N L. McCKKaUV. PreeMent L^LOkIOA DIRECT. ?vfiiAME'ts i.BAVK flE ? II Ba?t R ver, every Kridav, at a P. >L. lor Feruandlna, h'la.. touchiu^ ut l;run<wlclt aud Port Itoy .L steamur CITY OF DALLAS, ?,ap am Ilinoi. will sail April l.?. Through IreiulitH and ti?.stii;e rate?.Blven to all Point*.in the Sniitb ami Soutliwest by 0. II SIALUJK^ A CO., Atf.'ntx, l^:i Mal'ien lane, and tickets sold uy OOOk, SON 4 / ..NKINS, 261 Bruwlway. UTrTbD S't AIKSA>.I> RRaZTl M UL Si KAMSIIU* LINK.?Fur i io ilo Janeiro, toadiing at St. llioinas. purs, Pernanibuco and Baiila, to land malls Hiid paasi'n lcis The new lir*: class Iron lieamtliip < ITN '> 1' Kl>? In- JANKIK'i (3,r.00 tou?). will sail lor tli? abive porta on 5 itardny, May 4,at 3 I'. M. I reltfl't at low rati s taken tor tho above ports. I'rel?lit roceiv d at nil tliius u Koberis duuJc. Brooklyn. Fu' Ireiirht en . acenients. or pasruce. bav in : elcx?nt accominottatioim, Mppiy to 0, H. MALL')icV ?* CO; A it-ruts. 158 Maiden lane. Th ? new iron steamship ?I1 the *ilh of Jim-. The CITY OF RIO DK JANEIRO will touch oil her flr?i voy?|C" at Barbados, t;>>inB and coining. XT aSSAU." N." P.. ?T. AND ClUNFUKOOft 1> > u Ste.imsbip CAHONIIKLBT. Saturday. May 11, at a 1*. M. MUltit \Y, . hltRlS jt Co.. South St.. or U. L'.VE. Ocnernl P?Menirer Ajjent 271 Broadway. iEAYr!"""f UPiD*. "^^OltKA r affcDUCTIO.N OF KAKK" . by the PKOPLK'S EVfcNINU Lt.VF, STEAMERS lor Albany connecting with kxi'KiiSS 'lit\lNS 1 ? ?r SAR ATOI.A LAKIi ..fcOKOl-., MONT,,, A I. and QUEBbC, and all'points NoKTll by Delaware and lludsou, ?ud V\ KST bv Now York Central railroads. FIRST CLASS KAttfc. #1 ; DECK, 500. EXCUR ION 'I lOKI'.TS To ALHasY AND RETURN, SI 50. LEAVE I'lER 41. foot ot Canal St., at 6 P. M. DAILY, "f 11 ?.V()v(i*! 1'V*CKK l'S sold and iiau-ttaice chocked at Wcst cott 1' XDruss offlcus, 3 Park place, 7s:. a,id 1142 Broailwsy. N. w s ork ? :?:i W aslilnirtou st. Brooklyn : 107 Momitomery st Jer>ev City: 7U Fourth St., Willlttmsburg ut etlice ot the Brooklyn Annex. Jew.lPs Wharf aojoiunur J nlton lerrv Urookivn; at Cook's Tourist office, 261 Br-odwaJ; New York; at all the priucipal hotels and ticket offices; at .1,,, ou pier 41 North Kiver. aud on board steamers. passenger* from and to Brooklyn trans PERKeS FKKB BY THE BOATS OF TliE BROOKLYN ANNE^. A LB ANY BOiTB UIKECT-MBRCII ANTS' EXPRESS A Line-El.????.? at,-am,-rs WALTER BRETT or NEW CHAMPION will leave daily. Sa unlays excepted, tor AU nauv. lor na?.en^ers and Ir litht. which will be lower thau by nnv other line. Iroin Canal St., North Kiver, at u r. M., makiUK olo?? connection with al trains north iin l wust. MeaisOOceuts. A. P. BLA('K. Superintendent. A LBANY AND-THoY.?SUNDAY EVENl.Ni. BOA'I* iVmacmtttent steamer SA lirtTtit.A. Irom pier 49 North Elver tent l.eroy st . at ii P. M. sure connections with niurniu traius lor all points ,>orth. East and West, liroat re taction in fare; *1 Urst class; excursion. $1 50; duck, 60 cents. UOAT fob caisKii.l, and inter Jjmedlate landings will leave pier 84. Ilarrlsou st.. North Kiver. daily, Sundays excepted, mU P. M. MTIZKN*' LINE IKUY WBAM ..i.S.llE \ I BKDU0 'tlrni in Um. Kirit O HM,*. I'.xciir.lon, ijii 50. l>eck. ccut^. Sure connections with morninic trains tor all point. North. Ea.t umi West. MaxnllU'ent si eatue sSAR.v II).iA aitu CITY OF TKO>' I' tivs dally, except Saturday, Ut H P. M. from pier 4U North Kiver. loot Leroy st imuli N iT^V aTk TnD "d aN B CBY D A I KY. P Ste tmer AMEIUCl' leaves Broonlrn (Jewell's Dook) 2:3'i P. M- Pier No. 87 East Kiver, 2:15 P. M. and 33d st., 3 P M:, eoniiectinii witii Danbnry and New Haven Kail roads. I4ed,iced fare, 35 cents. EXCU. slO.> I'll KKI'n, 5Q Ol'.NTH. IjlOK ALBANY blltl tVr.-T'J'S EVENING TIIE ElK ^ 'ant steamer NEW CHAMPION, Irom Canal si.. North Kiver. at II o'clock. P.,re lower than by any other Hue. .Veals, .VI cents. <>~rON FAR* Ri DUCKD VIA FALL RIVER i.lne $'1 to Boston: excursion tick. ts. macuHieeiit earners HKISTOL and PKOVI HENCE leave pl.-r 2H Nortn Kiver daily (Sundays ?xcopted), June 2S to .-eptom ber S, at 5 IV M. ; lull nifht's rest: DTi- morninic train- I on l ail River to Boston, tickets lor sale at all principal ticket offices. Br. ofclyn paasenicars transferred Ir e by "Annex" boats, lcav:n r loot of Knlton st. at 4::ln P. M. Reduced fauei $s to ho-ton ; EXi.t'RilON TICKETS, #"? Hi. OLD RE I. A HI. . SfOMNGTON LINK FOR BOS TO > Not i trip ints-iXl in sevon aunsecntive ye ir. Steamers leave pier i43 .N K.. loot of Jav St.. at 5 P. M. steamboat ,'Xpre.s train leave, stotiiuxto ? at 4::Mi A. M. Pruvlden e I ifrelk'ht only) steamers troui pier 2tt North Itlvcr, loot of W <iren at., at 5 P, M. GXC'UKSKMS. xv (' RStON BOATS AND GROVBS.?i'fb.VM BRi liiieneral sedgwick and r'ort Lee, barges Caiodo ila, Ku p 1.1,11c and Anna; Excelsior Park. Oriental. Uaritau Ho.i^h, Cold S|irlH^, l. na Island and l/'ntiiiubla Grove, N. S. liRiOiirf, :W4 VV,-?t ?t. oppoaiio i;hrtstopner stroat terry. Brooklyn olUce piudsoiK llnildiiiKS), corner Fulton an 1 ^ ork stfc . I^AMILY EXCKSION TO 1'AKIS-IJjO. c First class pa*Na?e irotn iN?w York to l'*rls himI return, one month'* lull ISonrd at tlie titie*t hotel in VIkIu Id tb? curio.illlc*, tnonniurnts. paia^ee and at the hyjMHiiiloH, Departure Irani .New Yoik: May 15, June 12, July 17, Anvcu"l ahct iteptcmber. \ l*KUAivl>. Vi Purls n1?cf, N. Y..and 138 lienry ?t., Brooklyn. where pr.'Sp?-cttu? and references obtained. II. \ i KrtTf VxS ^ LoTTx STK \ M I : J J; >( UlYLhU: < apscfty 2.0 *? people; uarires At. Nivh ? Ihm. Hoberts tkS others; occidental tlrovo. on the iluiKon, hih! other*. JIAKTi.N A lit* South at,; open Sunday Lull 1 ? ? \ * ? ? X \ I KM ? ? > Tlie y excursion ?tcatucr < Ol.t >1 HI A ha* a few choice days f 11 Juno stilt open. ppl* to II. ?J. Vk III rK, 116 ?outh at. V 0 .1 I'M', w>AM VA.vLKY \n.? Stl aD? I itfe. fin*!* \> av? 4' n il *t Sandfly* an ; dully ?t in A. M '2 nndft:l ? l' M.. landing lOtiiinuve* Inter niJtth *t. Rui iKIP.ftCIXU ^?r.\lil''r? , X I Mi'.AviH ?>!', I'mUI'M,' ' n :h tu.ii liaise* alw.?ys ??n hand .v clierfm Mi hviMii. tbl rate? Boats and accomin td ttioii* superior to any In t e iititiiK ?? Steamboat* i??r xmntl pitriie* a ?pei*lattr. I opulur ifruren an IiuvIkuii Itiver. l*?tt$c Island Hitii Mated l-lw??*t sound*. fw! Jul parti- nlar* apply at of* lire, pie* M .North K1 % ? r. '-??hutii t ?? an<l li-y it?, fpHJI TlllihK HOI MU> fllH IS niH * AMKHf \> I \lt ? " T*nt K\f'ir?|on* lor Invalid* mid nth. ?. Kor circulars, M. I> . l*f?ntlt??*?ilal Hotel, Hto:?dway wtpt 2 ?th ?*t. \\ i'H'IIKft, - / . Vv I SLR Y ? .vv . 1 T 1.27- At. ABoVh Ull hi. -MD.NhY K ?It 1'era n I reperty; oH Utiul, Hllvcr ImibhtIiI; advance? uiiidi1; liiillcii' oilict. ^ iiilil VM A. iiLOVl'i i, ? ? ' , , 1 I 8ILVKK WAT' ll ft $M, flO, |iu ru /Y $'?*>. boil ht at it H-u rltire, selling below manufacture r*a c?'?t; illv(*r Tea Met. t <*?"?, co*t t7?o; p<tlrHeara$ I'iamoniiit, gH.? ?. tla*h t *?d for W^rttilnu Krenente* .1. It. Juli.NfHtiS, l.*?<> 11 wtrj, corner ilr??oiue \KVli?7\I->1 K HlllfH tTTTittiN ?MI .J K, \K rattled, UKu, i). ALbl N, 1,11M Broadway, near ^v?iti ?t. Am (i K > N K > A \ i ? .1 \M' Til Khh IHAMONU ,^ltt?;e tor aale at one quarter roH. lil'J I'ark av. 4 ?? \ I t.tUAMN DA <)Li> I NI>I A M I NK \lT\M US\j* j\ ?n I irrln r l??r Sfl ,? (*? valuvfl palra <>1 dewdnip purity, trotn $\75 to 11,(109, of extraordinary brllllant y and tlieafit.ea*?; Itlnica. iUo**e*. Ac. Loan* e free tea on l>m tuoiidn, ^ atcttea, Yaioat?fea, or ptl rc ha sail. Katabll^bod ls..o. J H. Ha KlilN' 1KK, ?t5 Union squaro \i ' ? 1 BKOAI'WAY, Ol'I'OMIT K PAHK A Tit l.-r'tN l*o *os neKt>tiated, Miamonds, W?*rcMeR, Uoid tiii Stiver, India $h*#l?, Hilks. Ac. J. THU8. LY*VCII. tfA< ICIKh'h-JHAMO.M> CIMS.s, KAIlltlMuH \S|> camt Pa hair Hhawl. V. K. II, box I.VI ilorald offleo. LI K Will I K lU tMOVli, VhHY HKllJ.lAN I. \\ :arat?, fllVi. MILLh A UOt.fc dA.*, I(Irand nt. v.. . %IN ' IN l>| \ M IND8, ?.(>..II u AH III.-, haint, Ac. OKO. C aLLKN, l.lim Broadway, noar l*l?t li *L _ iIamViKoi vvAn;nkm ani> .i" \\ ki>Kv boi *h r d: i) t h:mI sold oack, II ?lcnlr?Mi, at m oniall ttdvanee; old <lold 11J . liver boil hi, H. lUMIt, UHlliraud, between Mor f./lk and MnffnU ?ta. I \ iu , , i i \ It 1 WI' ? v K U - | ? IN redeemed loan. Mli.ljS A COLKMAlt. IW Grand ft 1 |i i'.iii.vh-, WAtoiiilOT Whultif mTuuTn a?d i / .ma > ?ck ?i ??(?Ml Mftucv: olil lioirt (ml Sliver liouxlit. IrftiMM n0B0?l*t?fl. Il I-.IT.n fcili'.-. 1 2HS tlrniil?*f I.UK-ri I.A%S 1H C*KAI JhWKliHT I'll hXCII V.XJK " lnt M if\il(irp?. II , liernhi cifflc?. . /niLU iSiVriux. im o.mui^ii i?w in ,Vi i?wrl VJT Mll.l.f A COLRMAW. Htf Urmul ,t. JlAV.NtJ MIMH KINK OiAMONUM. NT KM WIJtOlKO I 1 SVnl?h ami other line .leweiri In pledge, will Mil ilc->em *er> ?he?p KV KttTS. Iu>* I2V> IIcikIiI ultic . SIMM) IIROH,, 1,1 N OO BIIO.4.. 1.1II DO HKO*. ilinve 11 le'ire nnil eleiinnl ??.nvlmetit nt IKnmnn l?. ? ?t?het. Itlliu". Mr., .Imnyi oil liitnil kiiJ *hleli will be m d lit i"W li :nv??, tlie nine bought. LlisDO UKU.H., I,s?*7 bio?a?*>. \v WATCHKS, JWWKLBY, AC. MH.\ V \\ DliMu.Mii, V\ At'Cn s. j'e. VV K1.UV.' slC nrw?r?. *c . boniiht, and neld back at a v?r.y small *?* vunce. liEO. O. ALl.i' N. I,UK) Broadway. near 29th *t S- ?UTJi>i a Mi>m> ea t: uix55 not Ol4kOav Iim'O. #25, *i fl'LLKKTOS'i. 3? W1.1 4t!i -t f'XX T K D?GOOD OA >~EL'S uTlh Slli\VL, CHEAP. Address ONLY Cash. box 12:i Herald Uptown office. i)|| fcAfcfTirtr~8T ?CU'SINU OUT SALE oi A mv'11:iu assortment of .Music liu.tes; must be sold be for# May 1 on account of reumval : oua d ?en Music Ifoxes, without tMn. i!i- hp. ICAUliEK A CO., Manufacturers, Teulentliul i>wl;frljrnli. A I1TSFh AV#,It KTYVKEN 24TH ~A?D 25TH 8TB? X < )Lii>eral advances mode ou Diamonds. Watchee, J welry, Silks, Lau.?? anil Shawls Same bonrht at lull value. L. B E tt N A RD (W|7 MKCUDWaT.-DIAMOND*, WATCHES AND ?/'/ I Jewelry bd||hl and sold ; loans niifotlatvd en t>er sonai propelty ol every description. J AMES p. MATTHEWS. 1 ?W!7 HKOADWaV. oVIliTITKBALD BRANCH.? J . ?' | Ludl.s' private ofliia ; Diamond*. Watches. Jew 'city, Ac., bought and aold. ltr.ucb, 1,207 Broadway. LINDu HHPS. WAITED TO PlIUCUASK. Al'l'l.h ION'S CYCLOPEDIA vv aNTED?UI <?Hi'8T price paid. Stuu style of L>iudinir and price, COliN WALLIS, box 175 Herald. APPLBTON'S USCVCLOP.EOI \ PICTURESQUE Interna; Books, Pilntlnjrs, Antlane Furniture, old C .iua. Ac., bought. LaWLEK'a, 4 University place, near Btii si. A" N OUT OK TOWN MRM WILL. MAK B LIBERAL and immediate cash advances on all kiud* of suialilo merchandise In larye <>r small lots, or purui.ase same lor cash or part cash; balance In jrood real estate tree and clear Iroin oncuinbianie. Addiesa A. (?. SAXKOBUi Stevens House, 27 Broadway, ClOAL YARD, SCALi'. AND CART. ADDRESS^, WITH ? /lowest cash price, M. A. L , box 111 Horald office. HOU.SK HaTk SVANThJD-Sh(;6*5U~HANL); WALNUT rtiiinti preferred; tin*proof, corobinnticni 1 -ck ?i?<i jru?d orcit-r. Address, with price ami detcrlption, HOUSE SAKE. 'Herald fptown o.lico. MEKCTl VNTS AND ST(Uti.KKhIM.HS IN THE TITV or couutry de^iroutt ot dispo?iii?r either their whole or burplus stock in trade ol whatever kind curt (hid a cauli pur chaser by addres>inic I*. H., 110 Herald office. 0.'PiclTDKsks, paktiTions and'kurmtiuk wunted. for banking office. Address, statinjr prlc?. hith lull pnttitulars, lu writing, KLKUS HATCH CO., 17 Htoitd st. W ANTED-301.>011 BUOMBUOUESS NO. 1 SQUaB injf slioars. 8UBAKS, llerald ollice. \\>r A N FeoZoF KICI. PAUriTION AN I) OI'KIOl. FL'R TT niture. A<ldro?a, Willi lowust cauli price. lilLLINOS A CO.. 21 Euit 14th Mt. \\r v.NTEi? TO PUKOHASE?ARTIFICIAL FLOWER II in.i .erb' cutt iu/ dies. tdji e?? box 2,755 Pojt oOico. A.STKD-A PaKuoK BED, CHEAP KOIi CASH. Addrox T. H., Ilorald o 111 en VirooDCU'rsI BO iK i'LATKS, L \KOU BUI I'TtTxS TT ol Bonk* anil Picture* an.l general I'ublUhln _? Mateijul bousht uii.i aold. SHOPPf.LL'S PubliAers' Warehouse, 1^7 Mill at, WaNTED-TgOOii SI. CO Mi H AN U DALLM KVhK's wide itigle rectlUnHar view Long. Address ilUUD, atatiiiK price. Herald ollice. N I I>?AX I ? V ALIU'S~sTd WHl-.l L t HaIK. A idre is. statini; ;iri' e, O, W. S? llerald nftieo. WTNTBiT_OHBtP FOB CA-.I1, SECOND HAND, A larsin Turklah Ho.-' and ? irood, tuli macd loldinK Bed. Ailaren* T. P M.. Horald ptowu ollice. "tirANTEO?A NO. 1 P \KICElt OKj STILES. PUNCH VV inir Press Addreta NEW VOiiK OPTICAL COMPA NY, 178 Centre at., -ew York. Wanted to m v?jhb lkase_o> a .-tmTIi., ok to rent. Iti a aood bu?inei"8 locality, lor a wine, laver beer and tuncli rooui. Address d. 8., '.ox 150 llerald ottico. "anted?job lots in si atioxbkT add'kebs Hl'ATlONl'.K, box 225 Herald otlice. WANTEI)?SECOND"HaTd" D-.IXKISO FOUNTAIN for mail and beast; also ancond Uaud Statuary, by ISAAC BEaLB, 251 Pearl st. w w \\rAXTBU?ABOUT TWB.XTY MAIiBI.. TOP TABLES. M suitablAfor ice cream garden, cli ap tor cash. AN OELO. Ilenwd. gr]g,wgpApER8 All TiksT^HIas' JuWrnt kesSutb" advertise in the 111)M . JOUKn'AL. 25 cents |>?r Hue. ID linen, throe months. t!!6 in ailvanco. MOKK18 PHILLIPS A CO., 3 1'nrk place, Ntw Y'orlc. UESTI8TU1. AJ SET of T 2th IN TMKEB HOUIIS, AT^hiTIIEK 377 Otli a*., one door alio*. 2Jd St., or 128Weat 34th at.; terras to suit. NEWBltOUOIl A .sEWBKOUlill. UTIFIC1AL tSKTii A SPECIALTY RUBBER Sets, $5 upward; 81ni(lo Teeth. $1 upward; substantially mKile; csrefully fitted: satisfaction kuarautced. J. C. KENNEDY. 53 Bond at. AINLE8S EXTRACTION; ALSO ARTIFICIAL Teeth; terms to suit. EIUIITII AVENUE DENTAL ASSOCIATION. 370 Mill ar., one door below 29th St. SITI A'I'lOVS WA?TKI)-PEJHALKS. t'oobti, <U'. ?>?7 WEST 13TII ST. ?A RESPECTABLE GIRL AS O I cook ; can aiao w sh and Iron ; five years' reference. (IOO W "si llSI' ST. ? A_COLOItED WOMAN AS ?iO' "cook by the week or to do washiiik: and ironing by the day ; ood city references. .??).! WB8I' 17'f?l ST., SECOND KLOO ;.-A WOMAN OOOiis first class cook: restaurant or boarding house; good reference. Address M. I). CliaiuTx'rutulds, &c. no WEST 15T1I ST., NEAR Ut'.i AV.. TOP FLOOR ? ?JOa youuic English y in as ebniuliormatd aud seaiuatreas; wlilliiB and olilii{IU4. Call ou Monday. IJii- EAST* uru siT?kbsi-kiTTabLr oTrl as ?U/cliiiiiibcrmiild; would do waiting or iilaln sewing; no objection to country for the summer; best city re er ence. No cards. 1 lUir; 2 AV. ? A YOIJNU oiltL AS C1IAMBKK ? U(7clmaid and seamstress Call two days, lUto 12. Or?M?mukerM and Seumsiresse*. ff 5TI4 ST., HOBOKEN.-FRENCH SE4M8TRRH8; llTii) by day for 75 cents; also French lessons by Pari sian lady. qq ei ii \vT?a French dressmaker wishes t/Oomuloymetit by the day: perfectly competent; refer ence. n ,j t) bast mTst kt.-a first cuss dress. X X^Jnraker and operator on Whe.ler A Wilson miicnlne wishes en?:Aircment by ibe ua> or Week. Call oil or address DRESSMAKER. 270 *>11 I K.IST !wirH * I'RKSSM AKKlt WISHKS w' '"I a tew mora en ?? .emeuta l>v the 'lay; can do all lamity kcsriim: term* niiMterata. -tdoreas. AKTBST CL\-> l)KK-hMAk'I.K; HILL tiOOl TaT if'i per week*. re fore nee*. Addre** .M., Herald L'ptown branch oflice. liencrnl liminewnrk. Air. nn LI'OIOW sr.?A ltKMrBCl'ABLK COLORED I I nirl to <l? (roiii-ral liuuaawork and plain cooking; good city rclerence. I,'all for m > days. V - t ~%s i sum s1.?vol ND tiiRL roK uknkral lc)*X housework tu prlrata family; trood city refeience. Call Monday. llnaDrkri'itrrii. Ar. 4>7 SOCTII VIII AV.. HACK HA->h.MtNT.?YOUNG w I willow, without eiicttrubrauce, uiuilcal, Intellectual, houaoki eper for elderly tentlaina i. WK8T 381 :l I A TOUNO WIDoW AS housekeeper in a widower's laiully. 4 VOL Nil LaDV Of ItKflNfcirISM l'. IN HhDUCI'.O renin-tit 'oes. as Hum keeper: a widower's :?mi.y pre leiieil; will accept any rioaitluu not menial Ad.lrass Mr*. L. Lit I NUS ION, box 12ft Iterant L'pt-wn ofllce. ? IIOL'SI Khl I'KU I.N A PHIVA'I'K kamily OR hotel: city or country; beat reference. Address B. II.. Iiul 1 III* Herald I'pt.wu it ranch iftico. \ M RICAX UIKLoF 1?\'KAR>, FLKAHIMiI A>D HE /\ lined, at present .'ia<i:i?a??'l, a? companion or hoitac. keeper. Adlraaa TBl'MrWOK'fllV. lleruiil UiMjh oSm. iuTM-KCTAHLB"WlDOW, AilK|V 34. AH Hot"*s 1{. keeper lur * wIdowar. Aildreat LU.Xk.Lt', Herald Up town. IjO'lTKM MANTKU BY LADY, THUMOOORltT competent. a* hnu-ekeepor or to attenJ an Invalid; H i objieiiiiii tu inaviuir city : ? eat relermcos. Addreat Nk. W Al(K. I ptowo Herald ottke. \TrT> i E i i^Ti rUati o ^ a- Wokkinu hotsbT ?1 keeper. Iiy widow lady. Addreas C, B? i.ox 11)7 Herald L'ptown oRica. LdUlKlmnp*. Ar, WT.HT -7111 -T.-V iIuLuitAD LVOV AS atiBdreea ir dn dar ?nr?. , \,i.-i :i.HI - I. ? M It . \i lOHR WoV Ll> LMfB 'Umihiii' er KfnilnmnnS waahliiK at ^*>4. ? dozon. A 106, 21i in It KVHI :IUTII -T. rilllBh H.I'IHTS Ul'. KKO.Vt ? ) J -w -> ra*pactatile w~m an tu |{o out washing and Ironing by tlie day : itoad re'erawaa. j OT 7' II AV.-A RLM'l.CrAHLK CoLOUhD UIRL "J O I aalanndrems bent city reterenca. Call fur two d ays. "in- .111 \V. i?n Ki.i'iMH ri'-i'HOTA 'r Jlile el l neil w.itnun would like to yet a lew fceutla nieu'a washing. Xiir?M, iV. r ' WitsT I ".TIT 81.. NKAIIUIII AV., Ti)I? FLOOR ? ?) A vuiik Kiulish Irl a? nurse ant ?eaninren^, 1^ very lord ol rliiidr ii. and la wlillnx to make uarnall teueraliy utelnl, t ail MHildar / WKsfirn I XT. -A Ith-KKOI I BLK ANU OON I ) I |n tent \r,ierl??n clrl a< nur,.e and aaatn?traa? lo irri w In chilli: wlllin. t > aa?i?t w ih lltflit eliaiu> eiwork. In private I'iml.y ; city or country; three yaara' exparieuce. Cail Moiiilav. 111(1 KAHI 2S1? -r (I'KK KSl I Ml'LOTBiTM i -t'OM 1" ' ?/pelent w -man aa nuriij; cin tana charge of yuuiiK b<hy \ good refereiiio. 1 -i? WBNT liTfll <1 \ > !? m I.. I KM WOMAN X' '* 'a? Inlant'i uiirna: ran take full charge ; aewt nicely; in any yenm' city releretica. 7}.',- ? K I' Vi 1 1 I \ wiliiiw" V> IsMK? A t'lllLO ^^?ilotaka c ire of ai Iter uwu home; raleranca *iTeo. lii'in re tor Mra. O'M.ILL ilTuj !.->! 'II,. -I I* 'I Ktii I'.Ki.L), A t:o>n>R. t*. ?;*)leiit yomiK Kni'll?h woman a?nur<e; wlflian to ico to Knrupe. ij7|Q k\-T .'III NT \ knPKCTAIII.B <;IK|j TO ?>U ? fluke care id children and do urntnlra work; fr?t c'.aaa city reterenca. Call on Mmirt >y, from iMo 1'2 o'clock. | t li/WK 1 . 11' 1 .. i 1 . < . . 1:;. I-. V'Tm 1 . TMOmnrHrd woman ia wet nuraa. wall reeomnaandad. &7i7 TTfrAvT-A woman ok i xi'ishu jciT ^ fl'x | competent nnrao will wait on lai y or arowlBit cliti nren; aaeuatomad ?o tr ?ral i doai nut gut nealok; no oii Jet tion to K<it? Kttropa; beat city refcrattca Ad'lreaa L. .a. a" AV. -AS M'Bsk KO a.n LNVALlOi CAX I 0 I take care of a ba j Irmp 1.I1til; lie-t city and doc* tuf'a reference. ______________ on>> 'ill AV. A KK.SI'Ktr Mil, V -it Nil '.I I - I" O' '? rtake care ol children ; wiilliiit and otllKini:; heat city reterenca. (J | IhT AV.. KIR-T FLOOR, KRONI'.-A liK O X'/apeetahle plrl aa nurae; willing to make hcr?elf liaetnK _______________ AN aMKRH AN '11 Ki. \K Nl'R K To CIIILORfcN? la a good atwar; country preferred Address M. D., station O. AI'KurKMitlON tL NUKH -,. MIOUI.K AliBI), wonld #a?ist with children or cnra lor Invalid; beat rai erenr-es; cty or country. Addieaa Mr*. IX, Herald Uptown oftiie. \'OL'NU KNOI.ISH rROTKKTANT TO TAKKCaKK 1 of a child and do chatnli -rwoia: heat cltr reference. Adtlicis L. J., Aiirtrliseuiaut odice. Sit 3d ar. glTUATIOSS WAXTEU? FE.tIAt.E8. AliM'nilitiii'UUk. *)d 1 VV Kh'f 3tt*" ST.?A YoUNO CURL AS LADY'J Jh~X Xniaid : firm rlun <lr?Mli ike r and operator and uu derstHiida ti.tlrdrotahijs; will be lound unilui inly dllUouti ho objection tu i lie couutry ; best reference. Aauresa only VVhsT J7TH ST., SECOND FLOOR. -A WOMAN for housecleaultiir ?r any otuer worn. Address M. 0 T"s "laUV'S MauT; THOKOtOMILV COMPKTENTt halrJreaslni: and dreismakm*; willing to travel. Address, outt weak, WILAlOTT. iloralii Uptown Eriiuli ottlao. ArOUNU FRENCH WOMAN, SPEAKINti OEitMAN. to |f? to Europe with a family; no objection to one or two children; reieronce. Address J. II., Dux 105 Herald Uptown ottioe. __ PROFESSION A I. SUTUATIQIS WAXTBDa KKMAJiES. "a" VouNtTwiiMAS uiisjKols.<>K Ki ir'rnT\? .m'eW j\leine wctild like it position In any tup .city wlih a physician; $5 rauutlily satisfactory. Audre.s A.NXiOu.s, lierald Uptown olHra. , HELP WASTED- FEMALES. Ai _..l prepare and tin.'stv Oua tbat lias lilled a similar nosi* tlon wlil find a permanent idace at M. CONKOY'S, loj w o .t ^stii st. A" LITTLE UlitC TO TAKE CARE 0? A HAHV ANIJ sleep home at nlitllt. wa^es, (?> n month. Call Mouday, u'tir 11 o'clock, at joO 4tk a v. Klngflfst btM. PIHHT CLASS TRIMMER VTaNTED AI' TUB Union Kaxasr, :t43 Otli av. .None other* no.d apply. boob Tiii m ii kT{ a\d > illiner wanted? Apply at K WaRRKN'S, 690 3d av. A- T M M E." _LA I bile A OE'sT r.l7,vfTl"A v. ?W A.N I E n, A tew voiinjr laillrs to attend to the parlor. Nona but tliose liuVini; first elkh relnroncns noed aptilv. Kl KST tSYsS"MlI l.l~Eit WANTED. APPLY At r>;sii bth av., uear Utith at., city. "alt .VI AN A CO. A A b: kIiUUIRE AT ONCE SEVERAL FIRST CLASS SALES. LAI.IK- FOR Til! SUIT DK 1' A It f .MEN i. Call personally or apply by letter. 0 B." ALTMAN tc CO., liltli st. and <>tl, .iv. MPET XT DUES MAKERS ' WANTED?AT 117 West 84th at., basement iloor. DTuSSmTk Kits' WAnTED-Ohod" WaIsT TltlM mors and liuisliurs only. 158 West 11th St., basement door. .M. UK CO.(DOHA WANTS A FOREWOMAN :o take charge of the work room; she must liaro refer, envoi. Irom houses wliero siio bin occupied such position satisfactorily ('all at "J > i.ast iSIMli at. qalesladiks wan no. scTbRAL rhtKT ola<4 U?ai!?: dlos wanted Tor our railiinerv and How r depart litem. Onlv those who are Inu ; expeiieucou ue>a apply at l'H7 c ,rand it TRI.MMErtS WANT. IJ?SEVEKaL FIRST ?:LA.sS trimmers waiitud. Onlv those that can make their oatt UeilKUB uced apply at UH7 liraiid st. yy AN I'EU ? A COMPilTENT lTE)Y t'j act A3 AS ?istunt forewoman in the auit department; alto saienladios oftlioreu^'b experience in the ault dopartinout will receive very liberal salaries at !? II kIcUS'. 8th av. and D*th st. "IVAN TED-A U(JOI) CO >K. WaSUEk. lltoNER lO <r jio abort illstauje in ttio country. Call i' way. t:. iloS'T. W AVIKD-A DltRSS IAKER WHO UNUKKS'l \Nu1 her trade tboroimlily; milat ;;Ivm leterenepH from fiiit class droas:n\ktii({; rreiicb Drei'erred. tilt Eakt 2 .tii w w vvr AN 1 > D-FIKST CLAS-l DliE-S?AKiillS, TO HV. fV lull fine work. Nona but thoM thoroughly competent need apply at 140 5th av., side dour, bal'ore U A. SI. and alter 6 1*. M. aNTKD - A KB^V RECOMMENDED (ilRLrt FOR A uu turner hotel. Call. Mon ay morntni;, X>4 4th av. A> Ti'.D?A TaTu7 ~TO DO UENEKAL Flbus E~ work. Apply at 57 Bank at. % W~AN I Ef) A~N KKR VND OIUL aNU HKSI CL4>3 dreaamaker. ''all Monday and Tuesday, between 7 an4 8 A M.. y;tl 4th av. A sTED? FIRsT CLASS SAI,KSi. A. I)Y FOR MIL linery ; those accustomed to beat city trade. Apply No -DT'j litb a?. iy ANTEI)?DRE^SMAKKit's" apprentices. ONLY TT ^eod sewers, with reterences. need apply to Mme, I'.ROWN. tiraiuorcy Anarimuuts, 150 West 20tli St., secund flat. Yoino cieuman"TTr amkrTcan OIUL, TIIATCAS apnreciate uood home, to take euro two children. C, K. MoKttlS. Southeast comer 141 at St., Orand llonlevard. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES. Pak.y t at will ' PROCURE ME a Pr.R manunt peaitlon lor drivinir a li?ht wanon or anvtbtnif ?Iniilarwill be rewarded accordingly. Address D1SCKE TION. Herald olHce. ________________ A~N Al"BaRKTkEPER IS OPEN FOR A SITUATION I four years in last place. Address O. W. T, Herald Un* town odice. n lb ii I watchman vsi.-siir.h to <?. t v siiia I tlon; ? t?os moderate Rood reTerence. 102 Woat iitith st. BOY Ol-' iirUVINO WITH BIS PARENT Wisln's a sltu ktion; writes a lair hand; best ol reter ence. Call or address. UCt East 27th at. T>(>V~WISHES sfl U A l ION IN bKFll'E Oil \MKu7e _l aaie liou e; cau furnish reierences. F. VV. O., llerul< olTice. 1T OTKI ..-TIIE M AN A OEM EKT O K A CO U N TR Y II' >. Xitel, by man and wile: bjst reiereuces. CULINARY, llerald Uptow n otltee. WANTEI'?>11 UA I ION. HY A YOUNO MAN. Vt KLL 'ducateu; beat rel'ercnco; salary small. Addrese sander-. 1.12o !id av. CL.EKKS A\l> SALESMEN. \HIWT CLASS BooK KKKfbu AND COKltH spoudent w?nIt a situation; salary $12 per wetki sneaks iiiut writes Italian; beat roforenco. Adnrcal WORKER, Herald Cutowu office. A- l'HO.MMJKAl'ilkU. EXPERIENCED AND FIRtTI cl?s? penman, uble and vorsed iu office and busuieal unties, lollcita >i position now or In the near future ; itltrj $11. Address I'KHMPT, Herald office. SMART. K.NKK' ?B I 10 YOU NO MAS WvNTEH ? Only one that Is well acquainted with the retail uiiill nery business need apply at 2*7 Uraud at. K~KIDLEY A >ONS~WAST TWO EXPERIENCED ?men tor cloak* and suit*: also one first class roan lor dies* (food* department. Apply, alter 10 A. Al.. office, third floor. ri kidi.ey"a sons want tiikkk voumi mem JSjaMtftlllM ill auliio.- paraaols. Apply timm! and Alien stu . third floor. S~ 1 iXaT It I> vV A NTEIl IN THE L(jM B eTTbTTsI S K bv a msu that ha* bad seven years' experience, a* clerk and bo'kkeeprr. Addres* LUMBER. Hernia Uptown ?.Dice. WaNTKII?A YOUNO MAN, ABOUT 17 YKAKM Of a_'?. with experience ai bookkeeper and ollice duties; in ii-1 be qklck MM correct al figures; one who re?iue- with his parents. Address, witl. reference and salary expectcd, A J. C., liar ? Id otiico. WANThO-SAi.K-MAN KuR RIBBONS: MISr BR Tt thoroughly acquainted with tbo stock: none other* nued appy. JAMKS A. IIKARN A SON. 773 Broadway. tiTA.vruD?a mvnaoer run Oi/'H mimJnkky tt and fancy goods; one who has fllled the position in this eity ; salary no object. K* Mil'. IIS A I >RR BROS., ll?. 1H5, 187 Sth a*. COACHMEN AMD OAHOESEHI. VTliSSuEB N AMI i;.Vi:l')hMKi;- t Yi)L'>11 .man; Jt\liH years; un leriauds ills business well; is sober, honest and Indus'rioji; good relerence. Address l>. II., Herald Uptown office. SI TO ATI O .\ WAN TED 11Y A RK sftTl, \ K? COACH man (color Ml). Call at No. l.VI West 24th st. A 811 CATION WANTKD-HY MAN AND WIKK, wlihout encumbrance ; mm as coachman and plain tsr> dener; wile is cook mid louu Ire-*. or would take e?re ?>( lists: first class reference Address I. 8., Ilerald Uptowl office. IIKIjI* u astkd-jial.k?. KEKE H II RRrt II CC II 11 883 K II II K II II C 0 II H 8 8 r. II II H K II 0 II II S EK Hllll II 1IRR II C 11II1I If 8S3 K II H K R II 0 H II 8 ? II II K R II O C 11 II S 8 ., EEEE U U B B II CO U U SStf , 2i*7 TO *? -*Til AV., ? want a thoroughly experienced floor walker; Erst class sat ary to a first class man. AI?o a thoroughly experienced saiosman, for the shoo depart" A?, a first class shipping elerk. for the city delivery. I I\TKLl.l'.KNf YOU Til AC! fUhTO M B D TO kueping lac* stock. JOSEPH KhAI.NKY, 4 JI vv J ANTE ' Til KKf HKLt.l-.ll. TRAVKI.MNf! HHOWf deposit of &">0 required. II AT ? Kt>, .Vj:f We?t With st. VtTAMTKD?OANVA J i. - TOT v KB sr useRIPT10X1 tt lor a mercantile agency ; llvernl co ntnlsainn tn experi enced or bu?lnc?s men Address \V \ I SON, Itsrald office TIIM Tit A OK*. V""" PtiACTtCAL AMI THKOHr.TI"!Al. kWAMkLXkTI on Iron ian hear ol a good opportunity b> addressing II V box I 1 1 ' I I IT ?ol Otlii-B. BOY WANTI.D IS to 15 YKAKS Of AUK, IN A ? Olographic nesK'iiinif room; taste for drnwluir ludlt |.en-a^le. UiliMsUlllil, lex 100 Herald office. / 1 t#OVi* Cl'TiKK AND KmUKMaN WaNTKII?A RK \Tliable man, tiioronrlil] coniDeti-nl to rut line kid and ? ail ul'>> cs, anirort;anise la< tory, ran find nood position, by addressing KMThltl'BISK. Herald offio^. rp<? BUMS i'KINTERH.-A Y<lU.N<? MAN. WITH TH ItKIJ X vears' experience in a Jo'? office, desires a situation, al moderate waire*. In an office wnere he ctn attain a thorough knowledxn ol the business; koi?I references, Aii drcs-.l. VV., 42 Joralemon at., Brooklyn. WENTY OOOD KELT MAT MAKltliH. AI'I'I.Y Af ti. H. Ul/RNlvY, iti-'i West lOtli st. W ANThO-A CLufH FINlsItKBi A MAN WHO UN. tt derstanda the business In all its branches; refereneei rninirod. Address WOOLIsKN MAfti fAUTUKKR, Herald rnwEf J olire IVA>"KI?-A flHST CI, I'KOOK HEAD, ti AT TT moderste wattes. Addiess box 21' N. V. Post uffi ?. \ \r ANTc.D?IM M EDlA IKl.Y, KXl'EKIKNUfcD CAR TT put and oilcloth layer, alio also nniler-tanits shades work; st-ady place to good man. Addre.a, with refernnces, II., station O r'HKKCH AUVKKTISBMBirrS, f " >K . E ?' .M r. DK CIIAMBitK FllANi' AI8K, SAi'll ANI I bl?n tr ir ?liler, demande une place dan* nne bonna la inlllc ; bonnos references do In rilio. n'adressvr a A L. ISS West IHtli ??. DKKhsMAKKII 'I VS A SUNNY IKfOM, KIBMSIImT K7 monvu. 1.7 West inili st. top floor. Kor Othrr Wjini Ailvfrllu>mrnti S.-? DlrMtoryi