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nOAKDKK* WMTHU. _ ? BOAR L>.?K fcs P t iff A B flT PERSONS WifflBKG 10 -L.fcoootu .??? call at 12 Clinton place, ne*r Brajdviy. Jie*lv opeiicd f~KKiTo.N0 STORY FROST ALCOVE KOGM AND third story back, ?lib Drst clui Board; references ex changed. 49 West S7tn au 1?ELEGANT HOOKS ON PALLOR AND THIRD .Urn rs. with Uonrd;ball Room ; r ?lereuces. 1* West 40th at 1 SECOND STORY ROOM TO L.KT, WITH BOARD; terra* low. 4li7 lluiS'U ?t., ne.?r Harrow. CUT 2~.1KM LEMKN oR "clEsTLEM AN ANl> WIFE chii And a pleasant home with private iatully; S>4 60 ?null; u? movinit. SIM i.udson at. OK MOKK~ Ti'aN DsO HELY PtTkSiSH"k1> ROOMS, h. con.'t lluor, villi Hoard, to Jewish Umiiy. 320 Weal 66th at. *1 OR MORE BOOMS FO H SINGLE"UKNILEM EN. J.with Board, in Jewish family. Ji*> I- set 07th st. 1-PA i loTT Tia>ok7~rUREK ~r7)7>T|S: PRIVATE ?bathroom : thu Second Floor, wlt'i private table or alth ?nt bim?U: references. 38 East 2<>tb at. 1L vHUK FRONT ltOOM~FOB TWO; ONK HACK Parlor. handsomely lurnisind, with Board, (rota $6eaoli. 60 East 14th at., near Broadway. I' _LAUGEROOM 114 KAHT lOTHST. HANDSOMELY tarnished. first story, with lint class Board; also other >oms: u? May movlntf. -I'I.EASANT rooms.-WITU i<oard7 ALL CON ?venlenres; no movinir. 12 ha?t 42d st. 3 pleasant suit of rooms, suitable foi two or three nentlenieu. with Board. 30 K??t 23d st. f GENTLtMAN WILL FIND" PLEASANT OOmI Alortable home 2<> We?t 321 st. ; two liooiot. nloely fur Blsfied. fourth floor; good Board: at re dared prices; early breakfast: no innyin.-, larch: boom- sic. one small. $t, to ler, with Board. ft8 West 22d st. 18. S. 7 prospect PL*CK (kAST~-tl"sT "(ST.) -lr.X ? traordinary cheap Board; Rooms, furnished or uulur Mshed or en suite; locality retired; with Cue river view; reference. O pleasant FRONT ROOMS TO LET. WITH ^?Board, to (r?ntlem?n and wives or single uentl ?mon. at flu and$ir> pot week; nli cnnvenlenc ??. 317 2d av. O WEST ?19TH ST. ?0 EMIR ABLE ROOMS. >TN0LY ??or*n suite, to let. with Board. with or without private Mtble; single Knoms lor eentleinen; n-OrunccK ?>) BLBOANTLY lUHNISHED KoOMS.WTTUHOaRD, X to one. Iir party of i;< luli'mon will find thia an oppnrtU' nit.y aeldom uffered. 2()1 W cat 43d at., firs' house froin Broadway. 2"" CONNECTING ROOMS. RINOLR ANP JMMTlliB Rooms, for laillui and Kentlemen ; teruia moderate; uo noviii'.". tublo lii.ard 317 Weat :t'>tIt ?t. 2"~ D DOOR FROM 01LSKY lToUSi'. ?HKi'OND FL<M?R. handaomely furnished, with or without Board. 1J Wrat ?9th. ?> COTTAGE PLACET NEAR bT.EEOKEU.-NE4T ORooma; eoon ^ubhtuutlal table; small American lamilv; terras moderate: reler<-nr<- required. B- WKST 4?lTH~RT~? KOOMJ. WITH 0EW1TH0DT private tablo, releronces. 3LAltoi ROOMS I'd LKT - 1VITII BOARD; EVERY convenience. 1.4'Broadw.iy, between 4?'Id and 44th WtlL 6TII ay., 741. NKAIt CENTRAL PAKK.-ROOMS, with Board, for t'entli man and wile : terms moderate. 5" Til AY.. 33. CO KM 1: 10TH ST. ' HAND60MB KKONT >uite ; also one other Kootu; stip'-riur Board; summer prices. 6TH AV.. "803.-ONK SDIT ROOMS EACH. VlKST, second lloor: superior houae; B lard reduced;-ono single Boom. 5" Til A v.. 3lt) A N I) :t:rj Li (i A N r -UITS OK ItOOVts" bands, rnalv furnished, with privste table: references. 5" TH A v.. 34a - FRONT "i;i)oiW ITH SUPKRIOR Board, at mouerate priccs; also sitiKlo Rooms; reler JJ'e?. 51H AV.. 607.. NEAIt WINDsOR HoTEL^-LAROK airy and elepant Apurtmont*, with or without private table. CT1I AV., 386._HANDSO.MK THIRD FLOOR -C1T. ('private bath, nitli or wit^ut private table: I'ailor Flour from May 1 ; liberal arrangements will be made wltu parties by tike >ear reference*. 6~TH~AV~ Si7 K1RST DOOR HELOwTflTH ? HAND some Room* tmreiher or separately, with Board ; reli i ?iires: no moving. $5 CTH AV.. 127? hLi'.iMNTLY FI7RNISUBD FIRST AND OSerond Floors, with Hoard, to families or ventiemen ; rel ?r"nce. Ti 1 AV., NORTH I. AST Ot)RNE R <>F 41 ST Si -SEcT oni! story trout Room, with Hoard; term* modur <t?. 6" n AT., BETWEEN wikdsob and buceivuhax Hotels.?Kle^rant Apartments, en suite or single, with ?r without private tau>e; strictly first class. Particulars at No. 2f)l r>th av. - TO $7 IT WEEKT?BO \ RD, WITH I'OtiM ~15 tjNeilson place, c rner Clinton (Htli st ), near Broadway. ro S7.-FIRST CL^SS HO V RD AND RnOll.s FOR S'.initner, opposite Oollatre I'arK. 4lifl W est 2<>th st. "WEST 38TH ST.?T\VO FINK ROO MS K< >R trentl n>*n. with breakfast, reasonable: house and neli;h? korbood elegant. 7" "rEST-321? ST.-PARI.OR FLOOR AnIT bL'NXY Roi'itin on second floor, wit'" flr-t class Hoard. fj A 1: ? I' lliril S3 lTANnsTlMfc.LV t l-KNi'sifE!* 4 Floor to rent, with Board; also single Rooms; term* m ode rate. 7T1I AV.. NO. V>. HETAEfcN 13TI1 AND 14TII STs.l. Furnished Rooms, wltb or without Board; references. f" WEST WASIIINorON PI ACbT NEAR t.TII AV ? 4 A ru^pectaole laoy can Ai d a nice homo with or with out hoard, * ith a widow lady (no other boarders); also ball Itoom. or Parlor and lle lroom. to sluclo gentleman; pr>vate residence ; terms moderate. _ TTpwa rd?h aTdsow - lauTTe double 0 s Rooms, s perlor Board. 34th, H ost lies, four doors from I S vated ijs'-f Tine si>t)LK room f(Jr i!KNf77EMA>7w'rrH I .first class Hoard, in a Krnnc.'i : >? 1 I West J2d. 1 (t EAST 2*TH. KKTWi?"en" 5TH ~AND MADISON JLViivs. ? Furoisliod Rooms lor feulletnen. without Board; relerencea II KA>T 31 r._DhSIRAHLE RuOMS TO Lfc.T, WITH or without Bnard; references n" "Til stT i:.j "?~est~ kl.:oant i urnished Rooms, Board. Ri-utleiuen and wives or slnKle Kentle men. flTH Sr.. 17K WF.sT VERY DESIRABLE SEC JL Lord Floor to let, with Board; ail outtreulences; terms reasonable. 14/in sr., US WKAT.-CLKAUXT SKOOND STOBT ? Koom. will) Board; rtwniai: watar, ample clonals; taring reasonable. 1*~TytTTsr.. ??*?> -t rooms, with mmdBoar 1. at reasonable pricot i&lTJ-foi l I ii?T I LASS ilOAKIi h7k~tw? O 1 ?<fc.ie_-?nt K..01U. also uulnriiishnd 1'arlor. 2&0 West Mtli >t. ?).) ilir ISftfll ST.' IIAKU'ti I ,.(!? KOH ?i ?two K?U!lenieii, ur ifeii tleinmi and wife, in privato f T 1"o I'iKK w DKRIRABlJfi CaMI AMD kMALL ,?IRoqiii*. on Milte ur separately, Willi itoara; terms rea ??iiiiIda: references. I^J Til ST , Ml.) KAST -o\K olt I WO ROOMS TO I let. with Board, on parlor floor. furni.hed or unfur nished; aluo oua on fnurlh (lour. Til ST.. lft:i WEST, ?A KR WtlISSfTKKL PKOPLE c in b- acconimod?t<n with fl'St class table Hoard. 14 n l i i i Til nr.. 317 EAST?WITH IIIUKI). IIAL.L BOOMS on iproml and ihlrd Il>or?; term* moderate. TH IT., 90S WkHT ?iTaKilh *>i> CBAUi Bool! to let, with K?ard ; price* uio.ii rata. Til >T ..'21a W ' KT.-.fhWIsM HOABDINlTT TWO "tar,;* Koomv on ???aoud floor, t" rent, with Board | TH ?T., 317 w K T. IARUK ANO ?M aI.L KO-vM* t to rent with Board; home comfort*; American family. UTH aSo"~i IS M'hnT.? wTtTI Ho Kl). .mall Koom* for xeatltm.'ii; term* <7 per week; ac loiumodatiiiiu llr*t ela**. ST., 2."M~ AV K ?> I. II V MHlhi I: 1 i KN lvi t.u Koom for ceutisiu ?n and wire or party vl ?.eiiiictueii; very moderate. II H t Ko< 01 I Mikity pcbnisiieo boo.*, ?. I t .floor, tfuod Boaril for two. 121 Wot 18th at. No Irri! ST. 2<W BA>T,?TO KKNT. PLEASANT HALL ?.lKoome, with ur with ict Board. i Tin st . wFsr.-r? o ub k. sic ly rtrn. J ? /ntalie I Room*, with Hoard, to a party or young gentle mm. term* made vary reasonable. tT! MAm *t.n Ut C.MVKRslTY ri.ACR. J " Mtooia*. with Board, $."> to $)'?: labia board. .Vj; no ?o>'inic. 10 W KST 24TII ST .?PltKNCU KAMtLV; NICELY I nomi to let, with or without Hoard. "1 -7 'UN I < > N fl,*f,'. HT'I M I-MCKIA Y~ if. J 1 tilshed fr .nt It iiiik for tainilic* or iratitleioaii, with ?rat elan* 'able* also Koom* lor transient eue.t* I o KA?I inTII sr..-H AN l> MM I, Y Kl 1 Olront Koom*, for familia* or gentlemen, with dial cUu B' am ? r? Wr.'T 21 ST *T ?'J,K \-ANT, KITl:MS|fKI> Bourn to li:t. with or wifhnti: Board; reference*. 1<k wkst iK Tii nr.?to Li.t wirVi or wmT6T5'T ? ' li>ard, liatidioma forni?hed K<>'tn?, for wentlerien. *)l ) WKST 2|At'>t' K VHIM, PlkIsa .T, nic'rlv ?>' Turnianad I'.oou*, with or wltb iul Board, to i,aut:otii<'n ?nly. *yi\TII HT..W nr. N < I it2M ? I* IIA 8 \ N T, I, ?'t'B ' Munhad Bmmb-. witb H. ard, ?a?o?il and liiird floor*. ill MaOOOUoaL ->. i,\r i.i a - ..sri.Y K?*iT. fiJ.'ii-he?i boom*, with Hoard, lor Ratitlamen or lamtllax. ab.a lir?t ciaaa. iAKT 22l> nT.-RO<?*s ro LBT, wTfll KOAKD; inmmer prlcan; raferenea 21 fflsT HI I > ?' Tn .1.1 T W nil 1 , i:,i k". 4* III'? *en.nd Floor, newly furnixlied; . No hell Kooin*. from l*t May. raf*rane?* sT sT . i'<1 WKMf. ?Ftitsf CI.Ass BOARD AiH> newl> Inriii'he I donbla Koom ral?rani'e, e*rh*nki>{|. til \V i'vr ilsT -KL.KoANTL\ f I K J< I Si I K11 It-to MS. jL Lwlth aaeeliant Board, to afull |>artie* ra iuliin/ aiipa. fl >r accotuniodatioii*; rar ranee* r qui rait 2)1 SI VTE-I VaiiTII s Rti A< < o*"*o ri I dated imnia liaialy wllh goolMo:rd; hoiu.> com urt*; r:n* mo tar <t . ?jisi >r, i^7 WKsT. rKO.iT koom, sm .mi 1 ll'tor all ronvanlaiicit* : fmirth flour Room* for iraiitlc pian rararenoon, ____ SiltfT ST . 35l Wi'.RT.?DKRIBA MLK ROOMS, WITH >_ I Hmrd, to ?niul? Ke itlemcu or married couple*; term* (Mdtriile: rarereaoa*. Jvjir T., wnaWKHT. I. < RIIK COOL iiooMS. WITH dLl e*eallanl table, to raratlia* and ifintleman ; loiv ratal {or *,*1 iinjer. UllU Ri.. AVK-I. I'M SIC I 1-1 'I I. I ? III.II SI IT .0 in ?, ? II 'i fi r?? el a** II ir I 'i I labia ! ? r" 2" ..III sr. AA KST. .Hi FLKA-ANT IK OMS, WITH WK 'O* Ro ird , r*rerchc?* * *eltaii|ra i, n*>f? *r.. J*-J AY EST. - AT RXTBI Mf.Lr tow I'RICO, &?rptj dealra la Roonia; ?oud Board; lafurancaa a* Ma'iWML OOP RT., m WIThT.?IIANItSOMHI.r PI BNIHIIKD paillonni.. with flrit rlaa* <Joard; term* raaaouahlas raf arena** nNeiian jrad. ? 2i?P ST , 47 AYKST?IIAXI'SOMM.Y Pl'BBfRtlRD ^Ho.m?, wltli Hoird. from May I. to detlrabla pailte*. Ollll ST.. Nil. 4ft W. sr.-ONl. LA <?f. KOOM; Al.RO Xijnn? aintila Bona to lat, with Board; aueloaptlon* Su rafarweaa. KO \?1>F.KS W \ STKI1. OOD >' 41* WBST. OKi. I.AKUK UOOM7WITH ^jOarnpl" clonal room: al?o bail Rootu. with Bmrdi ref erence* exchanged. TkOS mFaKLOFA NO 8E0 *??? tvrii sr. ^<0oud floor, with H ? *rd. reasonable: n<> moviaff. .1 r., UK I. SO. 444 HANDSOMELY FUR ?>?JiiUhs'i lariro liooms. al*n ball aud oilier Kooin*, autta bio fir gt nlli men ; excellent tauie; releieuce*. * a7"l~sr., MO. 1211 MAST, NKAit Vt?I AV -TWO i?Olariio parlor Rooma, an *ulte or sluiclv ; also two lar?e ball Room*; sui/eriir lio.rd; lefereqyes; no luovlu iu May. IV) WK T aorH bT.? HALL KOOM, WITH BOARD; ^Onecond iltry Room* May I. (Yoi) ST ,164 WE*tT TO LBT. WITH FIRST CLASH ^OBoitril. beeond and TUIrtl floors, fioni, to families or gentlemen; tenia uiodarate; also day Hoard i)')D SFT 31 WK8T.?FRONT ROOMbT"I'll 1RD AXD ?jOlourth floor*, with superior Hoard; elegant second floor from May 1. (loi) Sr., BAST. lW.-TWO-OO.NNHCTIXU BOOM? ?jOon parlor (lour, with Ural eluaa Board; alao double l'o?m >u t'uurth Hour. tiOU, VM EAST.? LARoHAND SMALL BOOMS TO ^lOlet. with (ood Board; term* moderate. oo 7th av."to lbi\ with board, second wOmury front Room; all conveniences; ilso ball itoom. <>?JI) 8T., K AST104.?DOlfrtLK AND SINGLE KOoMS, ^lOwlth good Board; terms moderate; reference*: no moving. ST~WEST. NO. 3.'>4-A LAKGE SECOND ?^Oitorv trout Icove Koom. haudsomnly liimlabed and Ural cluaa Hoard lu private family : reference*. 23^ r, with board; hot and cold water; reference*; table hoarder*. O/j WEST 11T1I ST.. NEAR HKOADWaY.-KLB ? "Tnlaurd Room* to lot, with or wllbout Board, in a private fauiilv. at | Til ST.~Ta4tAST.-A LARGER HAND80MELY -j t luruiiheil trout Room, with superior Hoard; terms moderate; refrrenoea. 4J/JTI1 SfT VJ w bst.-kink" LaRUE iaOOMS. WITH ?uUauperior Hoard; terms, iltt to $-'0 per week, two per sons. *>f? CLINTON PLACE. NEAK II ToaDtfAY.?FROXf _') !!(.onih with Hoard. for two, 912 to $14; single Rooms, ftJ to $7; table Hoard. .'>0, a in "tot"38TU ST ?TO LET. WITH BOARD, A ?t I third float kali Know. QQTH ST., &K> VKST.?ITSBITHIMG XKW; LA BUB ^eOKoom*. every convenience, flrat class Hoard; terms in "derate. *JQT!I SI., 31? WEST. A HANDStiME PBON f AND ^Obaex Koom to let. with Board; houso pleaaaut; term* moaeraie <iwTii .-r,, ;io7 ellent hoard and *?OKooiu?. in private family, at *iitmuer price*; uo mov ing. *1(J EA-T 4flfH aT.. MAUlaON AV. IIAM?. ^<7*oiuely luruiabed Flour, with Board; alioothor Rooois, newly larnl?hi-d. Wft.-T HIST Sl'.-A K.tKNOII KAM1LY OKKEK8 ?mi '' unio lianua oiiely fiirnishod l ooma, with Board lor Keiitlriuan and wile or ciukIo icentlemeu: also au Oflice lor u pbyiioian. al(iTH ST.-MaV 1, KRONT HA 11 LOR AND BED ^it/roora, connoi'ted; buus* nod appointments Urat claa*. Inquire at No. 4 W eat ^UUi *t. ?}/\ tiltliAT- JONES~t<T., KBAK URAND CENTRAL OU Hotel. ? llondaumoly furnlabed Itooma to let, with Board ; table tlrat claai; tttrraa moderate : reierenre*. *J7"k east" 2'JIr ST.- HAM?S()MKiJy FURNISHED ?JVcoDnectiov Koom*, ??oond floor, auriuy exposure, with lirat cluaa Board; rrfernnce*. ?Tj WEf/r 18TH ST.?TWO HANDSOMELY I- L R OXuiabed Room*, on aecond floor, to let, with I oard: al?o Suit on tlnrd-tl >or an i single or double ooinn on fourth floor, tor Kentleiuru ; bou?e i1r*t claa*; nomovinir. rt'hSl W.tSHI.N(iTON s^l/'ARK. NiUt HOoM-, Oiwitlt Hoard, iu eleK*nt rviitleoco; Boom* ou lourth floor very rvaaonabio. WEST 17TI1 ST.?BOOMS. WITH GOOD BOARD, Jj.ftito$8; double Koom* pr>t>ortir>ti?tcly low. nVTc^T 15 l*H ST.?RUOilb TU RENT. WITH ?Jj Board. Call for one week. 4^i? sr . 41 west^-Larue second -torv back and Fourth trout, with Hoard; term* moderate. t? 32 32 32 KINO ST., NLAR M ACUOUtiAL.?SUIT OK tj*I Room* od third ; alio In nt hall Koom on second floor, witb Hoanl; term* reatunaole. 0?J WASlllN(i 1'oN t-QUAKB. WBST"-NICELY rtJR OOuiahed aiunle and uou'jle front Room*; good table ; relerence. Rrt *' ?)"Jon a >)l Til ST., las WESI.-HANDS0M LY FURNISHED UTRoom*, with auperlor Hoard; alio Koom* lor potitle uieo; relerence* exrl.aiiL'ed. ST i7fTi ST.?Hot'MS TO lbt. WITlTBOa'rdI aecond and third floor*; reference. ?JL! V\ E-T Mi III s7.~ NEAK NVINDSOiT llOI'hU *)')Unonn, aecond floor, $'J0, to family; table guarantead; llou*e flrat M <a>. ?7/J WEST lOTH _ST.?TWO iUAND80M E. LAKO", OUalao two small Booms, with Hoard; uo luovlnc; raf'er aoca. ?T7V w-iT^tIiTst st.-slpe:iIok Larue koom and OUaluicle ivooiui, with flrat claa* tat.le and atteadanoe, next to Orand Hotel. 31) EA.vr i.iu sr.-iiandsojie rooms, for fa.m. Ille* ur itenileoieu, with Board; dlnlntf room on par 3(1 38 EAST XJO BT.?KliKOANT APARTMENTS, WITU or wltiioul private table. ?j7? KahTsjU ST. ?SECON I) e-TORY, t.ARGE FR<~)NT dl)Room, with Hoard (furnished ur ui.fu nisheit) ? also ball Kdoiu, lourth floor; family private; owner's reterer.cj required. / "J? K tST IH StT! HfcTWEEN 4Til AV. AND O I Broadway.?Desirable Rooms, en untie ur Kingly, for uentlumeu. with Board if leaired. Cell all the week. 07TII ST.. 4.' WEVr.-ROOMB TO LET. Willi FIRST O ? class Board, suitable for families or (Inula gentlemen; reference!, >) - W F.SI J7TH ST.^TFsf^LABB B<)ARD Iff A O I handsomely turnlshej bona*; neighborhood the beat anil term* to null "WK.1T 3.VTII ST.?UOOMS. K.I SCITh OK HINOLY, ?itli beat Board. in private family; tnrina reasonable. A 1k KahF IITU BT.. NBArt BRoAUWAI.?IO LET, ^fcl'with Hoard, double and single Rooma; day boarders ucconunodatad. a77 KAST IllTll ST., BETWEEN HROADWAY AM) Trl/Ciilveridty placo ?Nicely furnished Rooms to let. with board, singly or en suite, for Keultemen: terms moderate. T-i wkst "Sefii sTv^two very iiepirablk T-L-uits May 1. together or -rp<r?t iy. wllb or without privet- tabe; vacated sooner if desired; bouse auJ ap pointments first elasa; referencea Jf i est 4?;rn ht'??>kcmNiTf 1.00h. t<MiK rilliu T" I or separately. wltli first class Hoar I, for t'entieiueu or uinmed couple: prlc reasonable: reference*. j"l W fc.Hr 1mTh"^tT.~ Koi'R irooi.B K SOV H'iOAl) 4 I ? T Handsomely furolsbcd Rooms, with or without Hourd; references 77 )f' HI' . liT NKA It IlKOAliW AV ?tl.EliANT TAKmims, villi superior Hoard, for Keutlemau and wife and gentlemen; releronces Tsl KA'i -II VT SI. -KIM." KOO.MH I'OLItT. Willi *1 aUBoaM. bv the year if n.slred. MM ISTU If-MAM) ?ItJtlWI WRIT MOK n second floor ; hall 1.00m. V>; ta"l<> hoarders. (I 31). whsrr j-iTU sr.?1iandhom el y fIkisiJuud nni to let, wltli Hoard. t s? wkbt"":?Th sr. near aim av-hooms, on 'I"?>s fond and third floors, with Board, snltable for geu tlent.<n and wile ; relerences. 43 43k,!!, 44 Wh-T larrn pT?FURNISHED ROOMS TO LRT, wltli Hoard, to -enrlemen: relarenees exchanged. i ifH IIT.. NO. WEST. LAHOE ROOM* CON *x T nertlnff: also single It o.. ins for gentlemen, well fur rlslied bouse and table first class. i t WK-T 3..T1I sr.-A BMONO kloor kooT. Tjlsouthern exposure. handsomely famished; excellent table; reference^ A ff WEBl"lITii"mT -HOA l>, Kl IiMSIIr.O llOOVIS, T < Jfor lamllv and sm^l? ventlemer ; refernnce. /"? RAitasTM st.7 Ptr;sr Tiot~k rnoM~mauihon TT? )s<|iiare. - fieasnni. well furnished Kminis. bnti double and s|iikle, wltli flrat r ass Jioard; nut sbown bandar: ref erences. \ /? wesr j7i H ?11 anus 1 i-. i'akuih and 'f? Ifourlii floor front rtooai?, sltb Hoard ; le.i-onabls lor the summer. 17 WK~T T>ril ST.-IIA~I>* MRLY FURSIHHMi I I Rooms on a -cond sn I tblrd Moors witb Hoard for the iui'iiner; relers to parties about vacation: relerem-a re quired 47 oRKRMrlo r"Tv.?mio?H to two, mtrn I Hoard, Irom M lo 91 each ! einile Rooms, $T> eaeh. "j (i K\-r J II -T AN 1.1. 11A N I' PAKI (Ht FLOOR, T *'furnished, wii h ever* o?-n venlence, helon^inu to e la ty rnlnc to Kurope. will l>e tented low, with or without Ho . rd. WK T ViTII f-T. ROOMH ON TII1R0 I LOOU In rent, with Hiiard ;^b?st referem-xa ? *0 Wfc ? .Mil SI T 1 RKNT 10 rW" 1. F. N'T IK vt h~S, ? )t>?<#rond stor* hack Room, with or without Hoerd; prl rate family; also third story hall Boom : term- mod-rate. fjI WfcJIt 9BTH nT.i NEAR BROADWAY.' FtTiTtC ?Jl?aut Ilooms. with Hoard, first and third floors; rerer t-nees a selinnueil. Pi> LKXlSoTON AV_NI<Kl.Y FUR.HI MED ROOMS ? ^ ?to let, with or without Board, flrtl and sec#nd floors: very modarala. ,-?> WKsr M.D HT ?<)NK LVRUKRnOM ANI) ONE ? )Oh.i|| Iliiom, me* jr lurnlahad, aoutharu exposure, wlta Hoard; refcren ea C'J EA.?T~44T,I BT B>LKNDID Lalt<? f'. l.oil'.IB "a r t)?Jtbe new Hotel Wilton; private fumlly reatauranti prices low. I V.TH AY? nFoVlT FHHN IsHhD HtiOMM, WITH ?J*XfO 'd Hoard, $10 and fl'J lor I wo. r~ WEST '.MTH.?MCELY Ft RNIBHED RIIOMS ? h h .1 let, wltn Hoard. ~\v. "s"r" aVTM B*f! RoT>^ to"T.EtI with 'oard : relerenees exrhanire'l WEST I'lT.r sf, HKTWkKV 5TH aND ATM avs. Nicely furnished Rooms, with Hoar.!: terms loir. 50r. r>c, 58 CQ CLINTON PLACE.-FI'RNIBHED HAt!K I'MtLOU ')i~and l.xtenslou io p?rtr of fretillL>me!i; alao other lltoma, with or wilbont Hnar<l. (ill I'EHRV >r n> LKI, WITH HOAR ' I'LK\H \NT 'IHKmem on flrat and second floors, mrely furnished; modern improvements; convenient to several line- of cariw iTT i; Linton ri. m>.. "nkah a fit a vT^~ Dirks b ' ' I nakers ?l.arfe Extension on parlor floor, with Hoar 1} attendant ? ?n door : parlor for waltlna room; all newly famished: fli ner week. Apnly day and evening t'.J WEST I? ? r? I -T IdRbTraBUfc'TBoFf HOlTTl, ' I I with Hoard. Ihlid floor, Rei.tlanian, wile, gentleman , reference; table Hoard. "K KHT Vll> BTT-rX ltMsllED HtiOMB. W lTTl toard . references rstpilred. 7 I maIiIbon a\.-ii > 1 mil.' hooTTFto LKT Tf) I 1 la'Ollli-s and ^entlem^n, with Hoard; hummer pricea; transients taken; references. 69, 7< V ? ANI? tullls N AV.-KH0M1 u.i fci i<sr AND Mecond floor*, with Hoard ; V li R R v st" ~ "7, A ltd E AMI sMALI. HO. IMS 10 'let, with or without Hoani; tsrma moder. te 77 niiRiBTOFHBB utT nF^"k 4Th.~Labor I > square arid side Rooms lo let, with Board. (i| KI ?? T11 t VENUE. ?HOtSC, rilOilOt'Ofll.V BE NO ? "I vita.I and Bhiler new manojramcnt; Rooms. *1111 Hoard, an (uitc or sttiirly ; terms moderate Ol CLINTON PLACE, NEAR sth AT.?EIOELT t/lfarniabaU Hwi, UaalU ot siugle, to lat, witb Board./ 114 BOAKDKRB WAITBD. firsr * it XBMbv aV.-? cirw re gsraigiraaaa* JlUt(o rent, oo pari or floor. with Board. ana 0110 uu third floor. i At; madnon a v.-ox b ~ iTa TcTir^Ku o i~ o.v lit a luUi.?il fti.or; also Kumun ud (hiril liuor, ? lib board. mKvgir WTH.-PK IV AT K FAMILY, TOREK adults, occupying owu hull*#, c.u accommodate (mail family or three (tBilamen, choice Booms ami Bourd. Hl7 WfcST~ MTU ffT uVsiRABLK ROOMS TO Al? I let, with hoard; ruterene?? required. 1(17 Wtaf 25TllVt~~UAN DSOMELY It.'KNIflHKD A' ' I Room* to lac, with use ol bathruom, with or without Board. i"/Tq WK<T 46TII ST.?AM BRIO AN F VMILY WILL J "/Olat elegantly furnished Rooms, with Board; refer ences exchanged. 11 || MAD WON AY ?A> ENTIRE sKC'ON D FLOOR Al"'to r?ut, with or without Private Table; alio other Booms; no moving* LiiXfxOTON AVT SEVBBAti PLKAdAMT Room* to lot, with Biard; term* mooerate. 11 -ITabt^u a rl-Mkh. rTu.-jbn k ins has okk AJLt'Snlt and one square lloom to rent, with Board; no moving. 11 e~WB8T I3TU ~sfT^lt7NDSOMBLY KUrt.NI8HKD llt)i<otim<. with Board, lor g?nt)em>in and wife; alio lor a (initio gentleman: first class no moving. - K A.ST 1|TH ,sT. ROOVs'tO LKT \T MODKR ?Jate prices; tritusleuti and table boarder* accommo dated. Q Ka.ST 2HTII ST.?BOOMS, WITH BOAKO KO? Ogentlemitn and wile or single gertlcmeu In American family ; possession iiamedlsti-ly or May 1. Q WEST 49TH 8T.-TO Let, WITH BOARD. Overy desirable Kooms on eeeond and third floors; no moving; t"im? moderate. 1 1(1 EAST 21ST Sir ((I It AM Kill Y P Altl\)7?DliSIflA J. Lt'ble Kooms, with flrat class Board; references ex changed. fon hast lani sr.-rooTs] second and A^iUfourth floors, with flrst class Board; also table Board, pleasant ioc itlen. next to Irving place. E \sr~t")Tii"~ktT-Ki RVlSIlKDKOOMW, WITH Board; molerate rata*, on or before May 1; rjfer 124 126 EAST 27TII HT.-SECOND aHD TUIRD ^l) Floors, finnlulled, ta lei. with Boaril; terms low. 132 141 mMACDO' UAL ST.-$T> W.'.l K ROOM AND Board; also back I'arlor for two men, with or without Board. ~ LKXINOTON AV.-KciOMS TO LEI, WITH Hoard, hi reasonable rates. 1 oj bast 4?th sr-H animomely fithnished IOtKoiiiih to let. with or without Board; all Improve ments; private American family. ]OQ BAST l.vFir~8T., NISAK UNION .-QUARK? A(jar.-e and small nicely riirnlshed lloum*, witn or without Boar i; table boarders taken no mnvimr. KAM 41 III 8T.?TWO LA ROE SQUARE BOOMS, furnished, to let. with or witlioat Board. T ^ i WAV Kit Li- Y PLAOE.^IiTw DsOMfcLY KUR 1 ?J'Inl?li. d Kooms, with superior Board, $5 and $6 por week. 1 r.C WEST 13TH 8T.?IIA>'DSn.MKLY FURNISH ED lt>?'large and small Room*, in (mail family, with Boaid; references. fFZT wavkkley PLAtik. HANDSOMELY KUR. At?')nlshoil Rooms, with excellent Board, for irantlemen and their wires or slntrle ^enilemen : $i> and upwara. 1 rrd-WKRT 20TH"8T.-A LaT)Y~HAVINQ A FIRST LtJOelass near 0th a v., newly furnli.hed, would let two connecting Bedrooms and Parlor to three or tour iten tiemwii with unsiirpaesad Board; inodcrata terms. Slug second H it bell. i-T.r "aisT.-wrFiT^"boabdT lakok front LUcJRooca, second storv; southern exposure, also Room, lourtli floor, lor two irentlemun ; rcferenieaf 176 207 W .ST lit I.-TWO LARGE ROOMSO.N SEOOKD floor, larjte Hall Room, or en suila. with Board, iwij j WhST" MTH 9I-.-1WO UOUBLE i?K>M8 TO ''/let. wlib Board, to married coapi?s or slnute gen tlemen : table boarders accommod itod at $3 50 pet week. k)i|A WhST 4TH ST.? CNKL'RNlSlJ KD FLtiO t TO ^Wl/let. with or without Board; Rooms, with Uoarl, S."> aud ffi. <T/n "WPST-4?Til ST.-A IiAROlf ALOuVK FRONT 'Aiiooiu, on secoad floor, faciut; south, with ample closi.'ta, to let, with Board, to a gentleman and wife, on or about May I. WEST 84TH ST.-TWO HANDftOMkLV KUR nlsh-d Rooms to let, with Board. tT/\Q EAST BKOADWAY NIDEI.Y FURNISHED ? ^UOfront Room, fbr irentlemsn and wlfb or two gentlo in? n. with Hoard; ?l>o a hall Bedroom- ^ OA (7 EAST 62D~ ST. - ELKUAN I LY KllliNl8|TkD m'/'/Rooms, with snDerior Board, for single iceutletnen or couplos. ' , *11M Hill ST.. WKST.-I.AIttiE AND SMALL PMBA8 mIi'mI Kooms, with Board; excellent table Board, without room. #11 50. 91 \ \ ~*K8T~ 44TH PT.. NEAR PKO ADWAV ?TWO ?1' 'bexiitiliil newly lurul'hed connecting front Kooms ou sec >nd floor, with or without Board, in a ttrst class bouse. Apply. OI Q h AST 12I1T11 ST. (Ii A KLBM I.?ROOMS, 1FUR Jj I ?/nlshed or uufnr> Ish d. with or without Konrd, fur tceiitloiuru. uear tbe liridirs and cars: term* moderate <Vl (.1 e.AST .->3U sr. -WITH HOAKJ>"Tn~TkIVArE ?? I ?7!amily, a lew nicely lurnished Booms, (inciy or (or two. tii asm sr - a p mvatk family will md l lei one or two Kooms, with or without Board. EAST soril nT~ u esi rTb lTTkoow-. on tlrst, second and mtrd floors; dinner at rt; references. OOQ KAKT ai T sT. WkSTsHED KOOMfl, \? INI flOOuc llent Bo ird, fro*n #0 to f 10 per we^k In a South ? merienn family: a good opportunltv for learnluK <sp mlsh. I '111 W.. I'd.lM'tt 22 D S'l. - KI'K N IS 11 K l*> ?i) T'arire front Room, with or without Board, for two gentlemen; private house. ito j \v sr "TihTh vtT^-kTck parmJk and ^O'XIarira Kxtenslon Room to rent dentist or doctor (y un ? men preferre ll, with a' without Hoard. ZJoR WEST 4181 8T. ?A VO i~N t > WIDOW 11 A"" AN ^OOelaRaot ba.-k Parlor, furnlsbad.ta rent, with or with out Rourd: also Roam on second floor. , <ToWEST 3STH ST. -TO LET. Willi BOARD. _?>?Jilooms, sn suite or singly; terms moderate; reler <ne?s sl??Q East 4UTII ST.-Ari AMERICAN FAMILY, ?i?)Ooccnp>Ing their house, will let second floor front Room, turuisbed or unnimlsbed with or without Board. 9||| WEST 2.VTH ST.??W1IMIW LADV WM.L LET <5"r' "handsom ly fnrnl?tieit Room, to centlaman and srife, with Board tor lady enly. O 111 WhST tTH sr?SL'PKKIOR HOAKD, IIvND uion e furnished Rooms and first cla>* accommoda tions in a Jewish family. 221 242 4 1 a (\ WMT UTII ST.-rlUniMS. WITH PIR8T OLAftS I WhuI 8 Mwhwi. . <? Aen WBBT 88TH BT.?TO LOT. .WITH BOAKD, TWO ^?jUpl.-iiant Knomis ternia moderate ojcH west ?rn St.?two' mankmTmklv FFr i'Im on* anfurnlnhed. to lot. with Ktntrai. in mmU (mH{; iw ?mint. ()P7 \VMT 15TH KT.-MROR ittONT ROOM, I with It ?r.l. bylim M*yi leritu wlinttA Or.QWBUT *TH ST.-BLROK.NTLV FIKNIHHKO ?d* )?.*K "' n? tor ifentleman ??d wile; Hoard for l?iljr (Tilljr. Sftfl WKrtl- ipHf to in, WITH HuakT), \ " "lar .<?. well lurulibed Hoixn. to a Keutleman mid wlfo or two tBtlf ?tt. ? ijoA IIKNKT HT., NKW TokK.-A OKM1.KMVN M "ami hl? w|io ?nn bo ?croinraodotad with plcaaant lii'uin ?ud looiI 14? .rd. WB?T 34TII HT.-A I(*kTvaTI5 FAVfii.Y WfUL ?UI "let ? vrtry ploaatr.l front Hoim. to nna or two geii tlnnon or to irentl -man and wile. with Hoard. QQa VaDIsON AV.. CORNER 4nfil ST. I, V!0E. aiOUintndmme Kwai. with or without Board, to irentli men: ?'?o oho htidwMr lull lor family, with or without prirato tah.o- torm? mod'rato: reference*. a*| w? ^ MT 31 S I vr ?Tvt (I KHONT KOOM-i TO lrt, M ) .1 Ith Hoard, for rentleinon and wlvea, 911 and fl I; ?lao hall Hoomv *101 WKRT 4STH ST.?TO I.BT. WITH BOARD. O^llariif Iront Boom on aocond floor; *l?o two front hull ooma. _ _ Q.Ij KANT 1BTH hi ?A Pi.ITaTE AMERICAN ? >_ f-lamllv lin accoromod ite a f?w whu >tf?lrc n Lood toli'o and pleavint home; term* moderate. ?T-?1 WKVl MO BT.-NICBLV PUBMrtHKD BOOBfk Ooi?Hli or without Board; vary r*itMinniil?; conven ience*: ief<-r*oi a wqttlrtI , #i gr :tr>TR riT.?fUBN JitH KllTS UNKtfB 'ni-hod Ko<>nta, with Hoard, ueatly Bulahed, at luw prleea drr??fM'Tii nr., HErwni? *rH and (fit 0*X l ir*.--Kari labeil Boon* with partial Board; ?l*o Doctor'* <)flu-: piano and bailie; comfort* ut a ll?lli ri nia moderate. _ ___ _ _ ?>("?)* V4 BUT 141'II MT.?HAN MSoMK sfir OK O x^thw Kwnt OB llr*' flout, with Hoar*!: allltnt'lo for pirt> iifiitaibinii or litioliyt al-o ? ntire Secmd floor, aluriv ur on .itile: torma re.i?onaUe; referentc*. Apply nu Wott lltfeat. __________ 57?1 Wtf l 4HTH ST.?TO LKT7 WITH BOAKD, O*x^jhon'i'>oraa bock Parlor; every ewotraolanco. ajViJTWBUT nb kablob ASnSJ, ? >1 UHMi, with tmllttl Hoard. .J i R aS'd ' M? afh av.-hand<o.mklv rim. O p)ti ihod Miit of Itoomt to rent, with or without prl> ?ate taldo. ?V -(\ WR T tIST l*T., BBAK KMC VAT KU DfcrO?.? ??>?)Ull?ii'!amnelr Inruiiliod Roomaj anperlor Hoard; torn* nint r.'te: r.'Mrenoea. o"l wiiFiTrTi nr.?to lbt. two 85585 Si ?>?' rfiitt Itoor. with Hoard. o -7 w fc.57 aiTTi *tT? plkasant" "66is." wTth ?>? ' I Hoar.l, for treotlemnii ami ?llo or iln^lo fi'iitlemeu ; term* moderate; n-> movlrnt, 1JF0 WBM* n? ~BT ?WITH ~ BOABO^ LABOB, ? ??/Oliaiiuniiiiiel? Inrnlahod Bonm;al>o B". rptlon Houni, aultablo lor phjalrian ; ti?'l(bu.>rhood iniexieutlon iMe, ID AV.. CORK KB a:ii? Hl.?THRhB OH f-oUB rf. litlem'II ean huru irood Hoard at r>". prr week. 7 w Ml' ililU ST. ?II *M. Holm, \V I r II Olt WITH out Hoitrd 't*e do >r. elevitiril riltro id. A ?>U nrrtT J9TH KT.-IN A~ FkfVATR IIOUHK, 'I fnrnlahrd Knom, hath; partial Botrd ll re nuire.t : ret reneo. /no lbxTmo r olTTv. - a piiivatr^kamilv haVB Olt/? lew ploaaart Itooma, wltb Board m rnodorM* prioi. _ C?.,)Q l.l N I MiT1 > V AT.: M B \fl ill II -1.Ill \ NI) t' ?0?om?ly fnroutied Kootn? to let, with IIrat clua Board, In p ivnte .lewlah fnmllr. f'7Q Li.XIMIloN aV.. (IoR.\KR '.liTll' fT~yVt> D I Onl?ha,l itoofn< with of wltliont Board . alto t ible B-.arl; lan.llj private. 0 i ?> UTII AT., BBAB OtNIBAf, I'AKK ?NJCB OTt^Jntnull l!o,iin, with eoaei; excellent Hoar I: *1 ntle man and wife, f?; aiB*le Wntli-men, 96 eaeh 1 111 A V.?PI'B il?!l l> B'lOMX To LBT, 1. ft I with Bo ir.I or without; every improvement and home e inform ? PaRTT II AVI HO Molt". ROOM THAI* TIIRT ?* i.V'|nlr? would let to a ?uifable p irly a larte, tiand'omo hark Parlor, iinfnrnlahod, ?rt?h Board, on mo erato termaj h .n?? flrnt eia??; n?i ;hhorhoo4 iinoaooptlotiMl*, AUdtosa A. CO Br OUT. HlllH U root offiM. 402 417 BOARDERS WIITHD. 1~'LA^Y,Ha VlNOf^ K.'jrXVl rs/ class "fiorsR JVin 81 ?i at., near tiranu Hotel. will be reaey fur board era A|<ril 2~>: choice of rooms may bo bad now by calling ut IK) West 3Mth ?t. LADY~CAN HAVI K1MK HOARD AMD KUR<ISG (luitnz confinement Inaptivate luinily by aiidressln,' EXPKBIBNCEO NUksk, aiaiion O. LADY LIVING BKTvTe IvK 4THAND LtiXINOION avs. wlU rent a nicely lurolshed Room boi nud cold water, I.mtli siiuo floor, to tf*ull*:uan and lady, Huaid t<* lady only. Address Mrs. A. B. CLARK. Herald Uptuwn office. A""WIDOW, GIVING /LONE, HAS HANDSOMELY furuiabtd Room to 1st to ^eutleuao aua wile, with food Hoanl for lady only. Addra?s TABLE, Herald Uptown Brunch olllci. T,TKI(.'rfiY PRIVATE KAMILY WOULD ACCOM mediae two irentlenien with a well furnished Koom, with or without Bo.ird. 117 Writ 13th ut.. bear 6th av. I'ttjVATE J K WISH FAMILY MILL KB NT. WITH Hour i, handsomely furnished Room; moderate terms. A. I'., Herald I ptown office. LADY CAN HAVE BUABD ANU NURSING DUR In -confinement; beat medical attention. Call at JUS ham 37th St Mr?. MoNEVINS. A~Smai,l private family havk-BuciMTTTo let. with Board, to gentleman or gentleman and vile. JOB Wtn 35th It. ? BO A It 1>. ?FRONT AND BACK BOOM TO LtsT< .with Board, at 84 Mactiouital at. A NICE QUIKT L vDY CAN HAVE BOAKD WITH A widow lady; no other boarders. Address CENTRAL LOCATION, Herald Uptown offlc?. LADr 0?CU?YINII HKr"~0WN "llOl'SE OF. lera a very elegant aecond itory Boom, with Bourd 434 A eat 33 at. ALAIjV Vfl-ITIXU A QUIET IToMK DURING 0ON flnement, with experienced iiurae. in a nrivat* fnml ly neiir Central Park. Address, for one week, EXPERIENCE, Herald Uptown office ?"BOARD AND ATTENDANO KOR A LADY ?duiluir ?ullii?m nt. In atriotly private family. Ad drena CONFIDENCE, station U. T r GRAND ONION MOTEL, 4IST KT. AND FARK xV-uv.. Kooma are renting vary low; remauraut prices moderate. DKrtiRAHl7" LAItUF. AND >M~ALL ROOMS TO LET? with Board ; reference required : uo moving la May. 103 Weat 44t i at . betwoeu tlth av. and Broad tray. F~ U RNISIIED BOOMS, "SECOND F MMlB. WITH Boaru ; house flut class ; refereucos required. 35ft W est 23d at. M~ ~KR. PITKIN. NO. 433 MADI0ON AV. OFFKRS ON or before May 1 deair this Koonn, with first clues Board, at price* to suit the times. PARTI H 8 T mTkTToF IIOTKL LIFb, AND DESIRING the rleganco and comfort of their own estahliahment, can secure such, with private table, In flrnt claaa house, two doors Iroin 5th av., uear Windsor. douglas. Herald olice. TO ~ LET-W iflf"BOARD," IN A PR IVATE JKWIrtil family, t'vo nice Rooms; lirat class location Address U. B., Horald?Uptown oflle*. TO LET. WITH BOARD-BY AN AMKKICAN KAM ily. at 211 East 17th it, one double and on* sinxl* Koom. TWO GENTLEMEN CAN BR ACCOM MODaTED WITH Board, In private family, 12">th st.; pleasant Booms and location; three millute?' walk from Harlom depot: oss venient to bo its; rrt>-r*nc* tilveu and required. Add^fts 11.. box 138 Herald Uptown Branch offlce. ? T" WO FRONT ROO.MN, NICELY KU'tNIKHED. WtfH Kood Board, in flrai class house In 116th st-, private fam ily, to L'entleman and wile, (IS Addross 8. M. L., station L. T'IRRK VIR* DB.MUVHLK, WliLL FURNISH KD l.'o uns to let, with or without Board, < n a first class flat near Central Parle. Address MODERATE TEEMS,?Herald Uptown office. BOARD AS D UUDGINU WANTEdT" ALiDY Who ISA sin^UtlOiTTmESKMAKiB (A first class Utter) wilt triv* part el her time in exchanKe for Board. Address box 222 Herald oftlco. X A~U t Dh-IBI'^r BOARD?B ".TWEKN 10TI1 AND 23d sts? 5tb and 7th avs. : Drat class reler*nc?s glveu and rranlred. Address E. L., 156 West 11th st. A GKN ILEMAN~vV ANTiT(FURNISHED OB UNKUR ^Inlkhedl Bed ?nd Hit ing Knoin and Board in prlvats latnll/ or small hoardini; house; slate lowest price ot rooms por year and table board per week and loll particulars, oiberwUa not noticed; references ?xchaagad. Address U.vKli, Herald Uptowu office. SI NOLK GNTLKM AN W LKll EsT L A KGB HOO>T with good Breikfast, In a family havlntr few or no beard'ors; 1<>c UU.n between 4th and 7th avs. Addres*, stat ing luil partleulars. K., hox 130 Herald ottt"*. VoTnTP m \ R'-.Tki) COUPLE ITkmTTk f e.KM V? nentlv.lrom M y I, furnished R >om, with Board; t< rius must not ex< eo<l 4^50 per month. Addruas, Willi full particu lar*. O, .VI. P.. Herald of!ic*. ARKFINED~YOUKG MAS' DESIRES BOARD IN pi ivist? firoily: piano laasons tiven in part pavmaut, or not, if otherwise suited. Addreaa MODEKaIE i tKMS, Herald office. YOUNG MAKRIKI)* COUPL . WAST~~IN OOOD local ion, private family, a I artre Inrniahed front Koom and Hoard at moderate prico; roferenc.** exobauKed. Address I1.. R. Herald office. hanusomeLy kuhmis ieu sITit of r ioms wanted, with or without Board, tor two ladles; loth to .'Vttli St. Addr' ss atatiuji terms, Ac., DURAND, box 184 Herald Uptown office. LADY, TEACHING KKENOil, ORKMAs AND Music, will Pxcbanite leaaons lor Board. REFINED, box 122 Herald Uptown otlica |)OAKD WANTKO -NiNTH WARD OR VICIMTY; Dt o Rooms on steond floor, unfurnished, in private family or few boarders, for father am daughter; terma must be moderato. Address, full particulars, f. B. B., 2V3 Weat Houston st. B<)ARD W \NTED?FOR A UEVTLE"MaN AND WIkE; dinner prrlerreil at 1 o'cloca; terms must be mdirat,-: In good location Addrasa. with foil particulars as la price, Ac . 1). E. F. 2CI0 llerald offlce. BO\R1j WA.NTiJD?BY YOUNG LADY; HALL room; private family preferred ; not below 14th st.; reference required end given. Address M. A. B., box 126 Herald Board wanted-for fouk adults. two children ami two nurtee, nt ee? ihore; bathing and good drivaa; "?>? hour from oily. Addreaa box 1,901 Volt odlce. New York cuj. B- OA SIT VaNTKD?FOR MAN AND WlFK; WlUL fnniiab owu rwini; veil aide, fruiu 4tbto23dat. Ad dreaa D., Herald Uptown Board #XStId^/koS m\y Tfor a faiily of adults. four uetilWnen and (wo ladtva. Addreaa, ?UtiDK turnia, which iuuiI he moderate, rolereucee, J. 0., Herald tTptown office B" hard WANTKD-FOR TIIKKK aDULTK. two children, nnfuriitahed front Room nu<I Bedroom, between :i7tli and .".Ht!i ata.,.:td and 7tb ava.. *7t> per mouth. Addrjaa II E. U . atattou V. OA!tD~ WANTKD-IN PRIVATE FAMILY, WIIO liavo partly furnished aeootid floor: *'?t 2Vit at ; price moderate if pcriuanout M box t.M13 l'oat ' Hire BlroRS 1-T MAY, BY TWO MAMtlKD OOCHH?, two Homia. with Heard: mutt be good neighborhood; pleaamii, well fhrnlshe4 moiiia: good tanle: prefer weal aide; no <?tli?r bSII'ltif ; i|100 a month lor ?nninter. per manent If iulud. Addret-, for one week, llOXK, room 2?. ?! Wa 1 at. B'TTakd" it kTTrsisiikd rihim wanteI>-by a la<1y employed during lh? day. between Hlli and loth aia., Itli ay and .">tl? ay,; not e??'cd M. Addroaa l*li ic, bu* 11 <i ileia'd Uptown office. By o'kntlkman and vvIVr. viTar cknTral I'.irk or In Harlem: terma not over $45 per niontli. YUUNO, llerald oWee. T/*U0M MAY 1, FAMILY Of G&NTI,KMaN. WIFK, " baby, girl ol thraa and nnr?e wlah Hoard wltn private family two or three rootna, one flight Irom parlor. Ad drea., at at lug moderate terma and parttoalan. M., bex 117 Herald office. KNTL B M aTa NI)" w I fT D KKI R K GOOD HOARD*. \T?nnny Itvoin ; plnaaanl neighborhood; noon dinner In dlapeaaable; mate terra*: reli-reiioea. Box 111 Herald office, Gi<ton bo\rYT Wantmj-in" Frit mk kamii.y, r or three aH.ilta and child; one Room anil t?o Bed rooma; al?o on.' Urge Mr three abulia; all muat he flr?t rla?a. '/. 'Ieraid a lire. IN ~k PR IV ~TK FAMILY?A PHYSICIAN W tNTS Hoard and office aecoramodetlona; location between SH'i an I U:<d ala. Ad lre?e, elating terma. Ac., Dr. LANUKOKi). Herald office. M_ . ^ J RY A t)R >Tl.*MA<. A KIATLY rVR. tiiahed an 1 woll ke,v Room, with Bre.iklaat only; HTM ah III 01 :t monthly B P., ISA Herald elMa. NlTBi>ARI>~WAsflCD- BY a vol s 11 DM. ttleman, III a private Jealaii family; large room and teitn? lint to ?13 pei moltl'i; iierinauent; between 1 lilt nnu :i4th at*, weal. AOdreai I'bllM A.NkNT 1JOMB, Heralil iiMn. TWO GE sTUhMI N. HOINli H0?fNK88 Iff" THE city, denlre Hoard with a pilrate family realdln . In Weal*'beater omiy. Term* moderate. Addre>a Ik, liox 117 Herald olflia. Two ViiI'.m: OBNTi.hMRM DHSiSS FlUr 0LAH8 Hoard : lo< ation central, l.elow :Miib at. Addroaa, etat Inir lerma, which mnat oo low, D O. B., box I Hi Herald office. mwo~fd*uiiltT oifsihkm?v. doino "h0hInrsr J. <lown low.i, wi ll two it .oiu?. wit i flr?l claaa Board, in a prtt ate lainily; will xiye beat refarencea. Addreaa, aliiting trimv I*. H , hox 1 7'j'j Poa| ufllce. rnwo PKItHONs IiI HIRK HOaUD. WO MOiTmh; (M) J per iiion. h RdOMi^i I;t7 ll.'ra'd 0" Ww .1) ii a UKNrH MAN. TWO ? I L, Flii:. uiahed Ito.on* In a private houae in koim! naiirlinarb'Hia, wllh or without Board Addreea H. It., hex W.I Kiwi iillee, tit a n't' n " HY " \ rHY^UN-T#0 RO'iMS (I > fy aai-on ) Bonr. wllh permanent Ho.irl lor aoif and wife, b> i^een llli ind 'hit ???.. i hi and lutli aU. Addreai ME1)> IClin, Herald I'piown oftlce. \V A NTi ii H V i. KN n R 7\">i t N It W IFK TtOOM a IN if a refined nrlvale family, wltn Hoard lor wife ; atate ail pa-tlcnlara Audreu it KM I'K!,'I A B I.K, box 11'J llnraM I p t wn ItraBcb ut \NThD-?tIARO A#D iaIIHllNti KOR TWO FRR ?on?, in a "trlei ortho.|ov (?raelttlab family. Ad lrea* I?, b >x HhI Herald I'titown Hr.neh oBI. e. iy A.vTKil-H T'YKf,!? K \ ?I' .Will AND Ml UTS." It Bo ird ?villi piivate family (no other) lor Onirle gentle man. Addreaa, reierenc ?, Ae M. It lleraM oltl??a. |ir ANTBD i* \M| \I, M ? ? R. KD f-H K LaRUK yf front Bonis, aimve |><rlor. with ItimrJ. wit > a prlvaie ,fewl>h family )?. ntloti from l'.''h ti> ".Mil at., betw. on .?tti and 'till av*. Addreaa .s A.. Herald onion. X\] tNfl D MTroUNU M i ?> ROOM IND ? oaKU yy In a am .II Jewlah f'imllj-, ea-1 aide. Addrt a, with teini*. N. i?., I'orald olllev., W\ H i BD?BOARI> 1 .R I *M~ILY or I till IT A DI'LTS, In private family ; loctilon 4Hth to OBth it. ; relerence* exe'iauged. Api ly t't-'l W- at .r<7tli at. WtNTKii?nkai: i rnthaL pakk, korTTkntlr man, wife nod child, two Rooint, with Board iprleaie table), not oTcr fl't a week, or Kloor ia private boute, tor lielit lionaekiteping. not over a month. Addreaa oLKRIOUs. Herald Uptown oiUce. V\' itoAHIt, WITH TWO ROOMA CONN EOT yf In j;. for penlleman, wife danifhter <? yenra), Inlant and Bnrae; ter na, inr'udint; fire and uaa, f VI per wee? { lu I deacripth n riiqulred. Addreat A. L. O . llera: I offi -e. \v aTFi;Tt -on"k TakT7~\nd onr ma'lX itiioM, yy nmmM an.I ?nfaralabad, with Bnar4, for three adnlia. In a icnod nalg'iborliood below 14th at.) private family preferred. Ad'lrata, with Mint, which muat be in d-rate, Y /.. t>oa I Oft lief aid ofBca. ttTAKTliD?IN AN hnr.tool*al "family. WHKRB TT there are no board*ra, a enmfnrtabla Room, with R i ird lor a lady: flatten, 2f>ih to .I7th ~t., 4lh to Htli ay ; liertminniit l( anlted. > inly yurtloa furnishing the htgheat reiereticea need addr t?. aiitt'ng terma, B., cure Hev. Dr. Hnnirhion. I Keat 'JtHh at ______ A.I I KD-BO tKD, FOB fHk U?K OF NKW, haanaome I omltnre end Carpet a; poaaeaalva at oace. AddreM ADULTR. Ueiald Uttewa i Wi HO A HI) aKD iiUDOHU WMT1U. WANTED?BoAKU.'IN' STAT N"IsLANL?, BY' A family of three adult*, three children una ?nrs?. lu ? flrat cltu Ger.oan fatally. where llieie are few o* no other bcarderu; need tliree laiue Komn* wuld *tuy Irom May 1 till full; tircu* moderate. Audroa* l'OPK, Herald "ttice. alalia* term*. locution and particular*, lielercuce* ox tliuggid. WANTKD 1MM DfATELY-BOAKD AM" HOOMTOR man and wife; w??t ? lie, b< low BAuceker at. Aildre-k PEaDODY. Harald office. il/ANTKO-A liANOSO.MK -E< OM? Fl.<><?P.. FKONT. Tl aitU Hoard, In a refined private family. Addre<? PKit MANh.ST. liarald Uptown oiSlea. Wantkd-ky ToiJr~adi;lts, BOaHDT.N A PBI" rate family: lecnid floor preferred; riiuniuK water* aLo.cloaet room, n:-cee*ary; permanent it *uited Addre??> with term* anu particular*. Ai(.M)|ji>, 112 Herald office 'ANTKD?KOhT~jTaK AMD WIFE, (JIIOD LOCA tlnn, ulcelv furnlahed Room . flrat cle<a Board lor Ia<ly only: term* not over .?'12 per week - *trictiv private luinily answer* ouly noticed, mi l tlioy will aecure aaiLnutory bnardsr lu every respect. Addrea* CLAYTON, Herald office. ANTED-BY A YCWNO MAN, IN A PhIvATK family, ball Room with, Breakfaat and light aup oar ; moderate term*; reference*. Addrea* II. D.. Ilerald Uptown offio. ?r A nTkuIIn" GERMAN J WIS i PFuIVaTK kam 11 lly, liall and Hedrotiiu, with Board, for lady un l gen tleman, at very uiodarat* term*; weal aide : brat releroucea required. Addrea* H X, box 112 ilerald Uptowu office. Young man hei KB boaroTn~a "private laoilly?Wth to 2"(1 afc. 4tli to UtU a v. Addrea*. atat Ingterm*. RKliUX. Harald office. HKOOJ<.L,Y.\ iiOAIUJ. D' Esf i< a bl"?t?o< .iter KorrrHN i cssr* srwnwri > ^ without Hoard, on Henry ?t., Brooklyn, within Hv niln ulu*' wmk of Hamilton Icrry. Adore aa A. O., box 210 lie aid office. HOTKLS. ~ a BSOLl 1 K bAKKTY' FituV kTrE^ST. ANDKeW'S .'V (II re eacape), 11 Wait Ulli at, Hroadwajr; ..ooiua, #2 waek unward. T~ N>7w l-.NGLAND HOTttU 5T~BOWEKY ?200 It em*: 1'iiditlii ? 3<>c.. 40e, Sfte.: w*eKly. $2 to f:t. CTEN IViAlTTlOl EL, 253 CANAL Sr., NEAR BRuAU / way.?Single front Room*. 50 cent* pur day; douole, for twu, SI to $2. F~MtANKKORT HOUSE. WILLI AM. COHNKR FRANK lort ht.?.New nianuremciU; relurnlahed throughout; special accommodation* lor I'amlliua. Opeu all nl>:lit. GRKaT WESTERN hotel. 97 and 09 bprlnsr at. Tliia now and well ventilated Hotel In cow open to tho nubile on the 1- uropoaa plan, and k pt Htrictlv flr*t claaa in every reaped; bedding and furniture of the Hneat quality, liu -in' K* men will find It to their* o to examine thl* hou*e before engaging rounia ??Isewhore. i'rio-a much lower than anv houao of It* claaa In New Vurk. Ilandaome It >oni* from SO cent*. G-"kTnt "house, i? nkw bT7weky ?Family Kooms, &iic., 75c., (1; aicicle Uooma. 2<*c , 2Tic. Alwaya open. Glb.vham hotel (hvnTla"n>. .'?th at., netween 21at an i 22d ata. ? Keotm, Klnicly and en aultf, t ' rent, at liberal rate*. HOWARIJ IIOL'Sf., M'.? C ATHU ST.?CLEANER, batter regulated; better ventilated, better claaa of gne>t* than any cheap lionae In city. 2l*c. and 2Ao. niKhlly. HuTEL Bit ANTING. MaDISJN aV. AN O iSTIi Si.? Amarlcm plan: neareat Ur?t <laa* hutol to Central Fark : no txfai lor heat, hatha or oorna -e M~ liROHAJ*TS' HOTH. (CORILVNOT Si.), tll.uSftD, will reopen May 1, by Mr. llll.Ll.NOS of ton SoutU^rn Hotel, It b-lni: newly fomliihed and renovated throughout. THB VVELLIN ( ITi > N, corner Madl?on av. und 42d at. Superior avcommodatlona Reatauranta, table d'hote and a 11 c.irte. Mocant dining room* lor cluh* and private partial. KRKNRII CAKE. THR BHI3TOL. 51. 53 WEST 11TH ST., NKAR Hroadway ami 5th av.~An axcluaively re?pecial lu lu-o liy Hotel: Koorn*, with Hoard: very moderate term*; ref erence ; Tabla Hoard, $5 per week; alngle iiical*. Dinner, 50 cent*: Lunch. 2^ centa; 25 cent*. A varied anil wi'll-ceokcd bill of tare loaaraa. InOHKBTTr HOTEU BROADWAY. COKNER 31ST Ht. (Kutoueun plan).?H?nd?onie y Inrnlshed Kooms, en aulte and alnglr, at moderate prlcea. GEO. W. HUNT, Proprietor. COVNTRY BOAllO. ~i-W?fR6ft?8rwfff1'-BOA'RI?rXT ' .-riftMONT. ON A.ha tluJ.on, ?d to #8; plain. H A RING. N kleuant~ma'ns!on. oviIrlookinu the Hudson, near P??n vlil be opener, for BuestH Mny 1. Apply ai 204 J'M Ht A (IKNTLI.MAN ANU WIKE OR TWO LAIMKM CAN j Lha accommodated at a luruierV residence, four mile* from Siaat>bitrg. Hudwui River Kailroud; termi $7. Ad dre*< FA I Mr. K, box I 13 Harald oflico. A GENTLEMAN AND~WIFE. TWO ClilLDKEN DN Aii?;i and nurne want Bo trd Irom May I within au hour ot New York; ?tate loweat term* m >utbiy. AddrutaJ. B. V., Herald L'ntown office GRAND vFltW OK OCEAN, WITIllX HALF HOUR on NewJerhey Central Railroad private family can ac cotumo lata two. Addreaa C.. box 140 Herald office a QhNTLKMAN aRD m!IKK. UCCCPTINO THLiB .'t own lenldenen, can accommo tut* a few pour lera nicely from May I ; room* large, newly furnmhed; ia>ui?, fH. Ad dreaaSAHOR, illinton Corner*, ! >nt"h?aa county, N. Y. PK1VATK" FAMTTy. ^IVTnG WITHIN V) NMN utea of < Ity 11 all ollar Board 11 alngla gentleman; ref erence*. W HKItjlll, Ilerald office. A'r UUUDKE LAKE. N. J.. <iOO > hoaho AT FARM hou?e . live minnira Irom depot ai:d lake, one hour from city; lawn, *hade, tiabliug, ?c. Adareaa V. W , t>7 Bread way. Pateianu, N. J OENTLKMAN. WIKh aNU TiVo R~MAI.L t:l?ItT oren dn> re Board lor the aunimer inuntlia at aotne farm hou*?, with a?i.y acre** to the clly; term* must be mod erate. Addre** CLhlU'K Herald office. CULT!V A I P.h~~rKB.VOH AMERICAN FAMILY, living 1" their own villa real ienoe lu Jeroey, near tho bar, 1??a than lialf bour from Cl'y itkii. Now Vork, will take two cutlemea boarder*. Addrraa UBASONABLH 'IKItMS, Ilerald oiftc-. T BI.RC.EN FOINT. N. J.. FIVE MINUlES FROM depot, on Newark Bay ahore. Addrea* Mre. KE.NN, Bergen Point, N. J. A" LADY II Fl A KEN A I A ROE OtfL'ULF. IIOL'SE on tiie aea elkvre : line batiiiu^: opane 15tli Ai>rll; will aka boarder* at reduced ratee Call or addrm No. 5 Car roll place, Bath. I- I. A'Tplv FOK FARTICULAIIS OK IIOAHDI.NO AC rommodationa In flrat rla a country bouaea at S ? NLH' Buuilln< bimMrr. 1.151 Hr mdway Aka m i Hy . o wTi .s7T fi I k ir own flack, near the city, will let, with excellent Board, two uicely fur nUlod Room*. tir*t claaa relrrencee given aud required. Addrea* K.. box IS7 Herald odii e. AM i 7s\i~ THE VIOUN r A INS. ON ONE OK THE healthlett localities, nnaurnaiaed lor beaniilul and picturesque *<enery, tint rla** Hoard mav be procured lor ?7 and .fH per week, children half priee, by applying at our* to Mr. WlLl.lAM (I. MIN iltll, lllfton (lieu, Ulster comity, N. Y.; relereuee* requireiL A FEW BO A It DE its W NTKD IN I'll I > ,Ti. FA \< lly; term* moderate; de?ir*lila: or will l.lre a House, ra'iJeo, Iriilt. Ac., lor tna auminer: term* 9400. Particu lai* given oil apulirailou St. Jame*, Sull'olk ounty, L i. At HrvHrORJt, CORK. -HOOD RoAKD; plraka.vt itixiiii* central poaition: *>v?n miunle*' walk nf depot; Carriage mill liable convenience*; or will let lurnlaliefl rnr tlif auininer | terra* renaonable. Addrea* bos ISO, .stuni li>ril, i onn A- (1KN ILK M A N llAVIXd A BKAUFrrUL noCxTKV residence n*ar the city with element uronnda all mod ern Improvement*, Including billiard* ,\o, will lake a family to Hoard lor the ?umim-r: the beat ol reterenee* re quired, Addre** It.. I) 'X 141 lleral I offlee A UKNTLhMAN DHsTrKh Ri.ARD IN~THK COI N Ixtry, within on- boor of the city. Addreaa J. W., box 1 7*? N'ew York I'oat o(Iie>'. AKKIVATK PAMlt.Y OA.V AOt'O MOUATK A FtW boardera from .Mny 1; aplendid loea'lon, on Hadeim ck Heltfhla, Lower II arkru<?ek j tour mluutea Iroiu d.'pol ; bamta me, eoel Room*; moderate term*. Addreaa T. W It., 2-">7 i roa.iw iy. VilhN I I.KM AN AND WIPK UaN KIND KiKST ll LA SS t iiniood itioiia lu a private family wit'i no other li'iarCera, reddlni; In a rery ileairnble p ? rt o< Oranira. near depot: teriua mod rate Ad r>-*a KoOKKS, Herald oOlre BoATl.xt. ?Ra~ raT.'un'u.'kIThTn<i. i >elh>7i7ft l I dries, -h id* I walha, (ir?i claaa Hoard and large, airy noma, #7 to fl'i, at Oyner li.ty north), Long laland: ex tremely he ilthliii; au ino*-iultoc*. P. P. f?.. Herald Up town llranrh oltl. e B~T\ iUXlk-KU' RltJOK A COt) MMOOATioRR -13 Acre*. ?I"Oin* in bay i Iar.e fruit orcharda . (bade ; tulik. vegetable*. In ablinilain'i' I bottling, tithing; minute* Iron) care and lovats. Mr*. V lout ?l Hay l.lilire ay. Boa l> Wan r'fcl> i iih ahvk ri Kh i? .mk-.s Hoar I for family of n* or perhau* eight persona, all ailnlta < ut ; ? oil, tabatantlal fare required, and ri'fer eucea tanst be nood. Addreaa atating termK (wlucb nuat he nioilaratol and accommodation*, A. P.. box Jt'l lleiald office. B'lAHO W NTKD-PoK I iIK .-I \IMI.Ii. Hilt OB I liemaii and wlie, at H -dlJtank or .-shrew-bury, directly on t ? water; atate tertaa. W. H. <1., boXiiUU Uerald l)p toM ? oltlce. H' OAltn A f 1't.lRT .1' IIMuNLi. ? I POB i KNTI.K I man end alia and ?ln.l? i. Mitlemaii In * private f'.mlly; term* mod-rale. Addreaa It. t;.. Herald o'lle. BHOARD W.oTrk7?-"|> r IK I OVRTKY, PUR a UbT iiili two children, aied N and Ift. within ea<y dlaianro at th'-clt?; p"rm?n?nt il "lilted ddre-a aiuinu tarina, which nniat oe low, b"X ?"?. W? ^i'W York l*'?at oittce. BSoaRU AT ORKR>'M Pak vis, t:t?M>i t;rH:i:r, ON ihi* itonnd. The ilailali IuI realdenee nt Mr. J. I., 1'HIPP* bityinu been rented liy Mia. K, I. Wheeler, will be ep ned lor auitimer u?nl>r. ea iy. Aptilli-atiou will <??? i ore choice of rooma. for partk-mara apply at I 111 Baal 2'M at. ijARO~#ARri.l? POR UKMI.R*a> A?i> WIPE I lour chlldr n and narae, in a faroi liouau wlmlii ea?j ac ri-? ol N'? Vorh. from Mav I. price n >t to exceed $iuO ii.t month. Addrean, aiatlnir locatl'Mi and lull particular*, Ul.iilL. Ileraid nSice. r.OAUD. VIRH M. h. PRNXOVuSrOK 8vY lltir, Witlihadir eouniv, Inlorni* tier frlenda and the public that ?be la now p'upared to giy i ^oo I Hoard at S7 a wont, trauaient. fl 5(1 per .lay: one hour Irom Kulmn alip no'AKUTuX-itl. OHTaV.N kT) r.N "iMiAIN, SdClAta I'amily, 'JI) inlnut"* Irom Porty aoc md Street Uepot, Ad dr 'aa O. U>, Treineat, R, Y. BHHOxHHKK* WaRI^D-IN LA It OR PARtl HOCiB | n til bauka ol the flelitwjra Hirer . teima to suit the tliiina Por parllcolara call on Mrs M AltY MAKON. 'AM nth ?y. (In alort). hefrronte, Joha V. Hloper, K eper City Halt. BHuARDKRt WANTRD-OOUMTRY; LaRUK (TWO B atory larmiionae; atry room*: pleaaant, hra.tby loca tion: line ol Central New Jeraoy; milk, entra, yeuetai.iea, at blliiiT. II. C , box :?? N'? w Market, Mliidleiex comity, N. J. B?Hoard rLAl?rtRi-D-AT Ronrox nouiah. Kith at.; fine Hooina and Honrdilaru" uronndM una hour from eliy. Addreaa Mrs, YOUMd. box ***7 I'I tinHwld. / iotsri:v Board waj?tkd.~two Larus ?*??>'? V^'iiectluii ltoom? . ud one amallrr one wanted lor Kon:le nian, wife, two ehlMrnn i?ldvat .1 yeara), iwu nur?i>. ma t be inland and accessible to .loctora. fttate full partiealara and term*, box l.ll *t I'oat otlica, !<?* York (?lOL'NTHY HOARD r?R A PARTY OP POUR H^adiilta: prefer where ih?re are mo other hoarder*\ aUo HC-ommodailoni for three horse* and carrla?e*. with m n; must he within one hour el Cliy Hull, New York; Hudson preferred. Addr?**,.*tatlnft terms, location, Ac., w.. Her ald olH>'e. ilOl NTRY ROAltD WANrKD-PHO* MAY 1 TO PKP V/teinber I, tor four adait*. An; pay In new Patellar* adore** UetaiA elke. nn-rnua ? ?" ? A ay one Wlablnate Ukepart e*e PURNliVBB Dl.AliKU, COIIITKV BOARD. .rhrBoIBir* v'iYIH^yfrrrnnu^ V^aud three clii dr n. reiiiiiiiu; two l,lr BMl(| tw? SIU?ii room*. Allure.* LOW .? T i Ell Ms. Herald office. /SoONTRV BU U1D--i'lltST OLA^S lloU.SE, SO MIL S ,jTJ5' "ni r*": M'1 b?tLI*#; plea* sat dtiv n. Apply m 10 West ltttb st. / lOUNTKY KoaKO W~ANTKD -1*Mm4aTKLY, WITH* V^in our Lour of itj by bout, on *ea>hore. for gentlem'U and wile: forms n;>t '.vor iSl'J per week. Address E.. 4.H5 ^tiWYork Post oltim, /^olNTUV^OAKirCAM BE HAD AT THK OLEJJ .V.,!'"""1 V,??{'n;i, ?ud b,athiiia. Cor uhotvjcruph and pur tirularai ciH 246 We?t 2Jth st. or address T. Lot'KW (KlD. ?sprimf Valley. l<o<;kl%ud county, S. Y. (V 11 *Tf'"A "r'WA.N I'l'D-WlTHlN 45 MINUT 8 y, tJr ?r, ,hrt? adults. from early part of Mar. Hrf.'kIrn*.N V*' CU * *nd l"i00' '? *? U" al h?^hlJ IN 1M<IVATE FAMll/Y, ONE i lloul from e>ty, two niiuutei f oiu cars end boat; healthy. picturesque. H. GASKH. Irvlngton on Uaoeou. 1 fef OI?A?K HOARD and aTCOMMOOA TIONs, I jriiu private trench family, Prote.tam, at Oraujre, f*.'Improvements; Uv.i minHtes' walk Irom Brisk t-hu ch station. Address, references, box H>4 Herald Up towu i nice. FL*8*! CLASH JJDAKD AT YO.SKEKH. ?.? MILE X riom deuoi, with * Christian family; borne comforts; lo* cation ; high. healthy and lively; use of liortiaa and ear WS?,"tMbllng; referouoe. Ad.lrem PrIN. LlPALft, Youkers Po.t "(tiro. Cjueenwich. oonn.-on tub souni); kxcki. * lent Board. with Rooma; salt water bathing; flva uiia k from depot; terms 810 lor two. Call or addresi -MaJ n est 24th it. GJLiiN (^VK-rHREK Ml NUT S> WALK ?RO\l 'steamboat* landing; delightlnl situation, Hoard foi >duu? from last ol April. Inquire at room 12, 84 Pine at. or address U. H , Glen Dure Lauding, L- I. HVUfc PaHK.~)irTHkTTuij*ON.?HOARD OA* BE ?iH'l at a iur^e farm lioiiaa. where there la plenty ol iruit of all kinds. mllK. hutier, ejjira. Ireah vei{et?bli-? In B 'undaBi'e: ibt< linuaa contalna all tbo modern Improvn. J"f,"t? rooma all l?ris? and airy: 10 acred ill la^na. liennli inlly laid nut in w.ilke, drlvaa and well xhbilad: croquet piiino. At. ; plenty ol carriage room and aceomuiodation for uoacniiian : Iviiin, *67 to $10. Kor furtllur partlculura ad drris biix !Wi Pnal ntSrs H'ltufhktspp.drt, N V. HOTKir van U V kIs. U.N .SJCAUK '' BIVKH, WILL Bti opened Mnv I for hoarder*, with flrat ciaaa ta: la and at. tendance : surf batiuna. bontlnir. flablnc; 10 minale*' rldn Ironi Ocean (irovu ataiion. Adnreaa, iu New-York 140 Chatham at., or Aaw Urvncii. N. J. Hl7i)SON KXV It TTlUSr CLASS IJOAUO; MAIi nincent realueucj ; pertectlf healthful; no innaqulioa: i-oatiug and ptctnreaque drlvaa. W (i? 119 Ka>t 23d at. Hioil lllllDUK UOAKD.-fcXOKLLKNT J'AMLK: iieallby locmtou: IS luiuutea Irom 42d at., eiicht inin ute. u-ala Irom depot; some lurniture would he taken iu uxebantee; terms roaaouaOle. Ad'.reas COMr OUT, Morrt Kania fost olflce. HBFsojs RlVHIt. AT WKST PAItK. ?Kf K -T CLA8A Accommodation oould be had I or a family of live or six ??*???? a private family. Addre.a W. WALTON, Eso HI/081 IN UIVEK?.SPLKNDID .SITUATION; 1110?! triouuufl, st.thle, i^nrdAii; 20 Diinule? out, 8 from depot: mniiw low. Address M.. Fort Wuittiiiiiftoii. 1NV ALIUS AN 1> ~Ch7LDKKN CAN UAVB GOOD Board and veur beat of care with Mrs. 1). a. BIDLAK.'. noMlord, OtNeH county. N Y. T-V H \ C K E X 8 A CIC?A (j K NTLkM A N ANI> WITEott . * "I* K*?t'*mau may obtttin excellent Board In a pri vate rauiilv; location very desirable; largj pounds; al)uii(J\uctt of fruit; five minutes from either depot. Ad qrtths J. M. R., iior>il(J oflice. LO.\(i HHANOfl. FtKsi' C-.ASH BOARD IN LARGE lirlvate bonne, seven mlnutea Irom uepot, beach and wiuriL-rV". "*1! ,0f ??rli"r; city referenw^a. Address WAKUhLL. box 10, hast Lonif llranch. N. J. L>DY OWNING HKK OWN i'LAOb, 19 AC.Cc.S, larife bouse, will take a lew boarders; terms moderate: n minutes to depot. 40 to city; One. shady location. Mrs. ->Al-iMl 111, t uir \ lew, per .Northern Kaiiroad ONE JloUR KUOM NEW YORK ON PENNSYLVANIA I.all road; ten minutes' walk irora depot: house flrat c-Usa: fas, haiah. Ac. ; location delightful and reraarkablv healthy; Ircsb iuiIk and veicrtal.ies: stnblini;, three lrr0r!. ? batliinif, boating and Bshiur. Adf'reaa ir?tf West 2.Id at. PitIVATE" FAMILY WILL TAKE ONE OK TWO laiiiilies duriiiK the coming season to Hoard; Uonae oi> Kcwiirk ltay ; iarfe, shady (f-ounds; bathing, hoatin){. flsh iiK. Iuquire at depot lor I'hilllpa' resl^ice, avenuo A north of 10ih at., Bemen I'olnt, N. J. PA I.TIES LOOKING KOR A COUNTRY HOME MaT hvar of everything desirable in a mott henutilul piaca V> I ?uf" 0t;uutj'' B,,?rd,*5 and SfO. Apply at 324 Woat PARK HOUSE. PLAI\FlKLD. N.J ?GREAT RKUUO tlons In tlia price of Board at this first clasa house ta lamillesor nentirmen who come early; 19 traius daily from foot of Liberty nt. T>OOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT BOAKO, AT I?aM. AVrapo; terms #.i to #5 per week, with Board. Address E K V.. lit raid oflice S 'UTII S1UE OP LONG fsL.WO -FIRST CLASH Wt?ard, ue?r the station at Buy Shore: Ijouh - and furni ture new throughout; baths nn<i nil modern improverneiits* re "?"oel1 ?*cbannHd. Knr particulars apply 241 5tii av. 0 k R A TOO A MP RI NG.n-VVILL ACCOM MOD All .TrviXd7 M-VIlSOn"111 lr?m ??y QARATOGA SPRI,NGS?BOARD AT THE ELEGANT ou Kranklin at., corner Franklin square, with 2U "adYs"0."*1"1* COD "OW b,J *u?*Ka<L Apply ^NU w'INTRK KK.mjRT hXOIIAVGK. " 1 7i Broadway. froprialora of suinmar lioiela and boardinu bnnsea should avail thimaeivas of Ibe facilltlea yll 'red theiu by this exebaiue, lor aecuriiiK guests. Com plete descriptions of each establiahinent gratuitously printed; phototfrapba exhibited . Ir.e to the public. Ciul or reqneat circular. II VSHRilUi.'K ,t f.AKK. crptRIoR ACCOMMOUATIONs'aT THE ANDREWS I7rlacc, on th 'lino of the Hudson River Railroad. ? rtand to C P., room 43. No. 301 Mott at., for Photograph. SUMMIT. N. J.?H(lUSK. FORMERLY bOCOPIKU BY 'lie late Mra. Hard, will be opened May I for auuiiuet Hoarders. Apply 249 Wast a?d ??. rrwo OENTLEMf N. WIrH flllskR WIVES. DSSJRi l Hoard rrom the lat of June, wlthiu an hour's dlatanco ol ' Ornuge preferred. Address, etntiuif terms, G. f., ai7 west st. TWO OR l'HRKE tt?N PLKMBN CAN OBTAIN BOARD. after the 1st o( May. with a Touiiff eonple, within 2.5 minutes oi New York; furt.iture new aud table first class:, reference. Address a S T Hersld l'piowt. Branch olH.-e. TWO OK THREE ROOMS CAN Bb IIaII Af s MOIN erate ch .rca with a strictly private 'airily; apicndld lo. cation, IJoth at., two bloc as Iroui llnrlein l.lver; lour inmates from boat or ateam oars; breakfiut or full Hoard given if desired Address box I IS Iferald Uptown ..fflce. WIIITk LAKE IIOUSI-, SULLIVAN COUNTY. N. T now open ; boatlnv, fishing. Ac. >eud for circular. * S. li. KIRK. 6HI Hroad st., Newark, .\. J, r^TANTKl) -ON ST AT e. N ISLAND. NEW BRlGilTO'r n preferred, or near the Iiudaon, not lurthertban Fort Washln.ton, two Rooms, wltn Board, for centleuian and Wife; private honsn preferred, or where there are lea ^"rcas. aitli reforeucoa, stating price M.. box .1.111 1'oat oHice. VVTANTc I> HOAKU IN THK COUNTRY KOlt THE TT snminer, by geutloman and wife: farm house preferrml wlo-re no other hoarders would li < faLeu: mast be within an h -or of New lork. Addreas, atatiug terms, Y., box 191 Herald Ipiown Hraucli office. Wr A NTElT-TWO COM KURT A BL^t ROOMS, Willi ?rood Haarl lor two ad?l;a, child ol S J?ars. habr and nuise, at $20 a week, within one hour efClty llall; aontb sliure of Lonit l-ilatia prafarred. Wlih full nartlculrfts aud relereocaa, adores. J. M . box 217 Herald olllea. V\rA, f JKII M MKR BOA lil>.~Glsl>TLEM AN, WIPE. ?? child and nurse, within two hours ol city. Addiaaa elating price, B J., Herald Uptowu oftlee. Wantkd-coontry boakd. ro* rivK adults' within 100 miies of city. Addreaa. with fnli partb u. lari snd terms. VfMDKX. Ilersld "IHee. A! SlUIMUll UKSOMlH. "*k lTnaros iioi sk. st\ m kuko, c'ijs v (<:"laRk'S one liiiur Irom ? Yoik; newly rmovaied; open lor the i^hmou. Aild<oaa G. U H [LSON, Proprietor. periilfci will qFkn i hk"ra~VImo* hoi-kl, ?at N?"W Brighton. ti I., May IS, |t7H ________ B~ OOu'8 lAlCi jiT"J.?WAONKR HOIJ8K OPKKB Mav 1; aituate I dlreetlr nn the lake; healthy location ; no mo>q?it?ea: terma tu tni( the time*. Call on or Ireaa M. WT..1.H Kaat *Hh at. ^JOLUMBI/TSPRl .HOft HOtl-ih. NKAR iiIDhoN, N. vl Oi.en May 1 ; enl tr?eil and refurnlihed ; accommodate 2or?t telritrapU. livery, blllta-d?. boating, inu?it\ ^ NA'II CloLHMAN HOU*R. A t BPRY~p7a RK. N Mf JKRKKIT? yiln'id- iiiij mC'-'MDiO iditiona at 11?i? deli ktfnl a>a.ide ?uinin r rtlu't cpu i?tw ue ?ni;aic?ii on favorable term*. Ad'rrtuft. L OOLR.MAN. I'wprlemf. _____ CI. UK llorSK. H V R. O.N TIIK NK.W IIAVKN ItAli, /road, ."m ininnt?? from (jrand Central depot, will open M n I,newly lurnlabiil: excellent IIMMXlrtl llj flue ?alt wner uatbtim. boatini: and flab In*. For particular) ?I p'y to J RWh Tr. .">1 tt'arr -u ?t. JjlLMhll nOUaK, CORN.V \ hi. (IN T iTl-T ~ii ru-oN J ?ill op"U May l.?. WM H. H.Ml-.R, 1'roprietor. bMIHVIKW HoUrfK, AT CHATHAM. N.I. will be opened ?? a llr?t cl?M mimuiT hotel Mar 1, IK7H; nawly rnrtilalD'd . (wo arret of l.iwn ; aplutidid old abade traaa ; one lioiir'a ride fnm Ilia city, via D< laware. Lackawanna and Wealern Kallrnad; e*?v walking dl?tanr? Irom il'pot; of the Mealihleat loeallilea In tile Mate. *o' particular! apoly tn L. D. i.OilHiN.7 Colleen place. New l'ora. p RAN iTilRNTKA I.IIIUTK L. par ROC lOW AY. lOll'l 1 Till m i, opetu Man 1 . tlnelr altuated. n> ar depet and heae'i; terma reaaonabl* lot tlie ?eaa?n. Addraa*. for par. ticulara and circular, R. ?ILV KIIMI Kii, W'< Htli ?v , \ V LA TUt'HKTTK i7oir*r., BK:iwh.\ fill I .?i iji, open Mar 1; 3>) tniuulea Iroin Liberty ?t. by boat or rail. J lit. W.MAN. Pr pil tor. T K HOY IIOUIIK, NKW ROOMKLLK, WILL RKOpKN I JMay 0. nnd-r new mun aire menu Apply :<tt Wt-at Waeh liiKton M|MN until xpril 33. Mvi.,.*?<>>> MA Lis pittbfirld! mash, tiih il" II it lit nl ?iimMPr resort aiming the llerkaltira hiMa, wi l op n May 1; lamlll a m >y make ileairthle iirranite menta lor the ?ea?on on application. ObORtiE W KI I'. TKI.LA, IS tiaat 3M at. Mount plka.sant iiocmr, un moRMan lakh, tor lanillloa, all) open on *aj 15: terma n?<darat?; two li iiri Irom >et Y' rk to tlio Ihiii??I boatinir and hn?itni( iree. Adilreaa MTALTRK It. JtlNKH, bos 2l*> I'oat otllci, Pavkaklil, N. X._ Mountain iiochk, cohnwall, on hvdson - I tiln lir>4 clam miiiiinor h uol will open .Inna I; favor able arramre menta mailt wtth partial dealrtiia to c one early t-or p:irtleulnra apply to H. T. arnold, 111 at.d 11H Kaat 14th at. MTLIiUKN t'ALL. QURRNB CO0NTT, L. I.. WILu lie open for boarder, on or about May 1 ; baa hoatlnc, bathlnr and ftatilns. aalt water. For Inrthar partlealart addruaa I IN Wcat 2Jd M. MONTCLAIK, N. J ?MOt'NfAIN AVRNUR IIOUHR, near Rioomflold ayonue, late Mra. Cnuerwood'a, open* Nay I lor Boarder*. Apply on premiaea. A. T. J ACK, Proprietor MOITO.V nul'HR, ON TIIF. HOl Nl>, AT ORKRw! wlcli. I'onn., H<i inllra from New York, via the Now liaven Railroad. ?Ibla flr.t claaa anmnocr hoi I will h< opened lor hnalneat .lnnol'2. Ita cloae prnxl nltv to ftvw York nfferi ?ap?rlor anvantairaa to bualue-a men wiahlnif t? go back and lorth each day. Yaehtlun, boatinx, llanliiK and Kooil drlvinc. and the houae km a fireproof tialna attached. Rlevantly ftynlalied room*, with ya? and running Valeria earh. For fnrtlier partlonlara apply on the pramiaej to 1. M MORTON. N'KlTirNK IIOPHK, NKW ROCIIRLLB, Ov TIIK .-<iiiii'.d. haylnu heen renntated and Improved will hp open for K?eata April 33: b> aliiitf. batinnii and flalilp>. {Tooilfc# a co Me* ^?.tclip,tpr wni;i? Uf| fti( fllf aOfKp