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nous mmiiciu Programme of Services To-Day. Ministerial Movements Chat by the Way. SYNAGOGUE WORSHIP Bit. o. W. Wood raff will preoch tble moralBg ??< Rot. J. & Willi* IB tl?o ovoeiog at Alio? Street Moth edict Episcopal Cburch. ??Making Bricks without Straw" eod "David ? Dy tag Charge" will bo coneldered to-day by Bo*. A. H. Moment la Spring 8troet Preebyteriaa Cborcb. At Harvard Boll Iblo evening Moeee Boll will le? tcro oa the "Reaurrecuon of Jesas aed Spiritual torn." At Waabiagtoa Square Methodlat Episcopal Church tff-ior Dr. J. M. King will spoalt about "Love for tlto Church" eod about "Thrift and Ub thrill." This OTOBlBg la Calvsry hrotootaat Episcopal Church Bishop Schoroooheweky wUl bid farewell to hla brotbroa aad to Amerloa. Ho salts for China oo the SOtb. Bishop Potior will preeide at tbo mooting and Dra. Morgan, Smlih, Potter and otbere wlU da. Hfer itfdroMfli Or. J. B. Simmons proaoboo at tbo usual hours to day at Trinity Baptist Church. la All balms' Protoatant Episcopal Cburoh tbo Bo*. W. N. OobboII will minister to-day as usual. "The Special Providence of Goo" will oo enlarged apoa to-day by Bar. J. E. Bear lee, wbo trill also preach an anniversary aermoB u> Wlllott Street Metho dist Episcopal Churen. u . ... "Purity" will be discussed by Bev. C. P jinCaruiy this morning, aaa '-Tee Hebrew Leader oa PoalUve tsm yclept l ho Religion of Bamanlty," will bo re viewed this evening in tho American Free Cborcb. "Fellowship" and "The Knowledge of God" will oo cupy tbo attenttoB ol Be*. C Martya and Thirty fburth Street Beformod Cbarcb to-day. Professor Evans, A. S. Draper and Bev. C. & Black wolt will addroaa tbo Amerloan Temporanoe Ualoa in Cooper Institute this afternoon. The Bine Ribbon Temporanoe Union la Tammaay Hall tbla alternooa will bo addreeoed by Profesaor fburlag, of Brooklyo, and tbo Bo*. W. B. Affleck, ol Bagland. At Grand Union Mall tbo Bot. W. Burapatone wUl preach tbla morning oa "How To Be Saved," oad tbla evening on ?TboTea Virgins." Dr. Crook will tell tbo AlaaaoB Method let Epiaoopal Church thla moralng bow to "Search the Sorlptoroc," and la tho evening "How to Sooaro a Prosperous Church." Mrs. Nellie Brlgham wiU lecture lor tho Spiritual leu to-day oa "Man tbo Creature or Clrcuuislssnaa, and Circumataaoea the Creatures ot Man." The Bev. W. N. Soarloa, ot tao Newark Coafereooe, Will preach la the Free Taberoaole Methodist Episco pal Church tbla morning oa "The Word ol Lite," and to tbo ovoBlag bo wUl answer the query, "Why Do Wo Go to Churob t" At CbicJtering Hall thla atteraooa tbo Bev. & CoU aord will speak oa "The Crucifixion." In the same place this evening John H. Fo*, of Loadon. will reply to Colonel logoraoll'o tirades against religion. Bev. J. Q. Adams will prsosh at tbo noool boars to day 1b the Berean Baptlat Cburoh. la Bleeckor Street Univeraaliat Church this mora lng tbo Bev. E. C. Swoetoer will preach oa "The Tomb," and la tbo evealag aa "Toocblag Christ's Oar moot." Tho Bev. F. M. Van Siyke la tbo mora lag and tbo Bev. J. D. Herr la the evealag will occupy tbo pulpit ?1 tbo Ceatrai Bapust Cburoh. la the Church of the Holy Trtaity this evealag Dr. I 4k H. Tyng, Jr., will preach on ??Preceat Salvation.?? During the week dally morning and evening services will be held. Tho Lord's Sapper will be administered Thursday evealag aad the rite of ooaftrmatloa oa Fri day evening. Bev. A. McKelvey will preach this moralar la Caaal .Street Preebyteriao Cburoh. la tbo evealag tbo Sab hath school ooooert will bo hold, at wbieb addresses will be delivered. Professor Butts, of Drew Bemtaary, will preoch this ?wralng aad evenlag la the Cbarcb of tho Strangers. Bev. J. D. Wilson will preach la tho Ceatrai Pre^ hytertaa Church this morniag; worshipping la tho aew chapel tn the evealag. la tbeuhorcb ol the Holy Apostles the Bev. B. S. luck a ? will preoch this moralag aad eveaiofc aaa oa Wed Deed ay eveatag Dr. Beoeh, ct St. Pater's Church, will preoch. | 1b tho Cbarcb of tho Dlsstplcs of Christ the Bev. D R. Tea Baaktrk will mlaistor to-day aa aaaaL "The Marys at the Cross; or, mobos at Calvary, wlU bo reviewed thla evealag la tho fflghteeath Street Methodist Epiaoopal Cburoh by Rev. W-F. Hatflold. Servloee la tbo Flrat Beiormed Epiaoopal Cbarcb, at the usual hoars to-dsy, Bev. W. T. Sabine, rector. Oa Taarsday evealag a aatoa oommualoa aervwo win he bold, at which Dr. Roc art (Beformod), Bev. S. H. Ytrgin (Congregational) aad Bev. W. P. Abbott (Moth odiot) wiU deliver addresaea. lho "True Souroea of Saoosss" will be polatod oat Uia moralag by Bev. N. I* BoweU, aad "The Oaly Feeodatloo" be made ssaallsot this evealag la tho Free Baptist Cborcb. Id Harlem Preohytsrlaa Church Bev. J. 8. Banssajr Will preach at the usual boars to-day. "The Revivol Preparatory to Chriot's seeeed Coaa l?g" wiU bo Indicated to-day la Lytic BaU by aa Ad fiiUlit la the Cbarcb of tbo Dlsoiptss this moralag Bev. George H. Hepworth wlU spook oa the apeetolle com mieetoo, "Go Preoch," aad la the ovealBg oa tho text, "Hearken, To Stoat Hearted.'* Dr. J. W. Baa aer will deliver aa l Host rated tree lectare aa "The hervous System" to-morrow evealag. la Marray Hill PraebyUriaa Cbaroh this moralag the Lord's supper will be oom mem orated, aad la tho eveeiag Rev. George 8. Chambers will preach oa "The Coudeooeaeioa ot Jeeae Christ - Dr. T. W. Chambers will preoob tbia moralag and Dr. A. D. L. Jewett this ovobiag la tho Madlooa Aveaoo Relormed Cbarcb. Dr. Bridgemee will preoch meralBgaad evealag la Madioob Aveaoo Baptist Uhureh. Rev. J. D. Herr, D. a, wlU preach la tho Pilgrim Baptiat Cbarcb this aieraiag, aad Bev. F. M- Vaa Sly ke la the evealag. Rev. W. P. Corbttt will bogia his ministry with tbo Bookman Bill Methodist Epiaoopal Cbaroh to-day, preoch lag moralag aad eveatofr Dr. J. P. Newman wUl aiao begla his pastorate with the Coetral Methodist Eptsoopal Cbaroh aad wUl preach meralBg aad evealag. lo tbo Lolgbt Street Baptiet Cbarcb tho Rev. A. W. Baapp, D. D., wlU preach at tbo ususl boors to-day. la the Seventh Preebytertaa Cbaroh the Rev. fro feseor Gardaor will preach tbte moralag aad evealag. Ure. Crawiord aad Fern wiU occupy tbo pulpit at It. Loke's Methodist Eplscopel Cbaroh M-day. Rev. S. J. Baepp will mlaiater to Staotoa Street Boptist Chorea at the usaal boors ta-doy. "lbs Meaning Ol Cbrtat's Sacrament with Bis Cbaroh" will bo givoa this morning by Rev. W. B Do vie la St. J a moo* Method tot Epieoopal Cborcb, Harlem. "Aa Uplifted Sovlour tao Ceatre ol the Worhi'e Faith" wUl bo preosated la the evealag. Chnotlaa workers are leviled to tho Weduaeday evea tag leetora Dr. Armitage will preooh a seriee of sermoas this week, beginning to-day. oa '?things ol the Greet Week" la Fifth Aveaoo Baptiet Co arch. The flret thing to-day la "Christ's Aequaiotanoe wltb Oriel," ?d the aooend "Christ's Divialty Proved by His Pfllh ** Commoatoa oervloe la TweaW-ioarth Street Moth let Epiaoopal Chorea thla morula* -Our God" wiU bo preeeotod tbie eveolag by Bee. M. H. Boroa. Bev. W. B. Berrltt wlU miolator ot tho usual boors tt -it io the Sixth Aveaoo Relormed Cbaroh. "BoeoUlol Gormoote" will be exhibited by He v. B. B. HoU thie morn lug, aad ??Enoooragement lor the Fainting" be siveo this eveaiug to the Taberoaole Baptiet Cboroii. ??The True Propltiatlea" will be set forth tbls alter noon by Dr. I. Coitoa Smith la the Uhorob of tho Asceaeiva. Da B. r. Be#ere preaches this eveatag ta Bight#. fourth Slreet Presbyterian Church. Tba morpiag ??rvioe la ?uppl>*<l by ? Her W. C. Steele will ?lk ?b*?l William M. Tweed ? death this morning and about the death of Christians this ereaing in South Third Street Methodist Kpi.oo nel Obwech, Broeklya, B. D. Tbla church baa been crow dad Sabbath evenlnga of late, wbtla Mr. Steele baa preached a aarlaa ot sermons oa "Immortality. lloly Week will ba observed in SU Ann's Protestant Episoopal Cbureb with servlees dally end aariuoaa every evening during tba week by Drs. Kreae, Wean baroa, Saya>?or, Sieciuund, ttallaudai and Cooke a tba order named, beginning this eveniag. Tbara wm ba five aerrleee to-day and four ?t bar daya, except Saturday, whaa tba erenlng aarmou will ba omitted Tba Bar. Profosaor Adler will laatara belore Etbleuiturists tbla morning on "Tba Use and Abuse ''u^wMMlabratad yeeterday la tba Churah of tba Immaculate Conception, of tbia city, lor t a Father Collon. Fathere Kdwarde. O'Flyon took part In tba eervlces. '#l ,T bald hla first mtation In tbla cbureb. Tba Ha*. A. B. Cartar aad tba Ba*. Frederick Court nay will occupy tba pulpit ol tha Antbon memorial Cbarcb at tba uaual houra to-day. In tba Swedenborglaa Churob tbla morning ? Olirer Dyar will .peak ol "Tba Tula which Pilate Put oa tba Croaa In Bebraw, Ure.k tad Tba Bar Mr. Gullbert tbla morning anl tba Bar ur. 8. O-.good tbla aranmg will min.ater lor tba Church ol UTha?Bar? C. 0. Tlflany will offlciate and preach ia tba Church of tha Atonamaat at tba aanal touis ""Hope: ItaPaaca and Offloa In Human N^ura," will ba oonaidarad tbla morning by Bar. W.. ?? ? ?Tba Work or Life and Its Metirea" will ba dlacuaaad Una ovenlng In tha Church of tba Measlab. Dra. Howlaud and Seymour will minlaterto tha Cbureb of tba Hearanly Ra.t tbla morning and altar ST Dr. J. Cotton Smith will preach oa Thuraday **Tnora will ba four aarrloaa to-day ?a St. Ignatloe* Protaataat Episcopal Cbureb, at which Dr. EwerwlU officiate. Services alao oa Thuraday, Friday and Sat urday. Midolght aarrico aad aarmoa oa Satuiday. CHAT BY THE WAY. It la a graat deal la theaa daya to borrow trouble than to borrow moaey. la rlaw of tba apread of Cbrtatlaatty It la aaggeated tt-.i tha wholo heathen world la Pagan out. Butlattoa prove that adltora are the moat moral maa la tba eommuaity?they alwaya do write. Tba bump of beaeroieaca la aaid to ba better pro by a thick eoverlog of boaa tuan aay otbar or gaa. Paaa tha oootrtbuUon box around aad you will Had that tbla atatamaat la true. Tbeealira ol tha mad dog la pertectly Innocuous, aad wa are ready ?? proro una aasertloa by haviag the axponmaot triad oa aay oaa except oursslres. It la rary laabionable, of courae, and rery proper to keep Leas bat to keep It with a aigb al lihoa^t^ot lb. portlaa aad other good Umea you might bare il it war* only orar la not quite ao meritorious. It la aald "Maa propoaea and"?tba lady aeoepta or not aa aba ahoosea Tba daya ot aprlaf eleaalag, the aaddeet ol the rear, are el oaa at band. It ia tba time when Tba heuaakeepar glreth eebeerfalI bop, And we bear tbe mualeal flipporty flop 01 tbe moiaty, mtaty. maduealog mop, aad whaa tha breakfaat la almoat aa uacerUla aa tba temper of tha whole family. It requtrea a great deal or Cbrtatlaa grace to looa oa while tbla annual cbaoa aiowly reaolrea Itacll Into ordor aad aay ao bard worda aad thin* ao aard thoughts. Tha Idea waa a oorreot oaa, though tba expraaaloa af it waa a little aatray, whaa tbe good old lady algbed and aald that aba did hope to lire ia each a way that at iaat aha eboald reet la Beelaebub's boaom. II tbara ia aay way of dodgmg tha moral Uw human depiarity will bad it oat. "Edward, don't you go out of that gate." Be waa loand thirty mtaataa alter tony roca oft playlag marblea, and wluntag another boy's laat agata. "Didn't I tell you not to go oat ot that gate?" aaid tba irate parent. "Well," waa tba reply, "I didn't go oat of the gate; 1 climbed arar tba feaee!" That k""? ol log to ia circulauaa pretty freely OOVl4lT& We are not ooatbat with our lot, aad algh far a Tfr.-y- Fata aerar treated aay ona aa badly aa ha treata ar, aad arerybody seta oa better ibaa wa do. TDat la aboat tba way matteraataad with ue airr?at deal of tba time. Aad yet if we bad to bear the bor deaa of aoma of the rary people whom wa enty we aboaid ba glad enough to get baak to our owa little etna aad thlak them nothlag. Wo ar* like tbe on happy gratahopper in tba atory, who thoagbt be could Ii4 a better crop to lead aa aomewbere alee ibaa bora, ao Up ba weat Ilka a atraax of lightning; Lit on the mooa like a thunderbolt; Naught oouiu bo llud but a man wuh a lantern, Bldtug abo ? t on a pea green colt. Oh I Belnbhof Wb? did 1 come bore T Oh! A fling, and a awing, aod a flop of my wlag, Aad baok to the e^th I'Ugo. That la a rery laaay gboet atory which la gelag tba mub4 of tba papera. That It la merely a fact ol tha imagination rather thaa of blatory dooa not mar It in Uta leaat A lata trareller, tha word ?'lata" referring sat to bta aiiif?. hat to tba bour of tbe aigbt, while | ?roping hla way home, aaw la tba middle of tha high, i way what he took to ba a rentable gboak It etood I auil aad waa dreaaea la white, aa any conventionally reapeotable apparition would be. Brare at heart he aetarmlnad to aalre tba mystery. AJrancIng with aantloaa tread ba got ekiee to the "aheeted dead" and atraek it a right smart blow with bte stick. What happened immediately alter ba alone oaa da ?arlbo with lie proper pathoa. Ba waa lilted lato tba air and came dowa with a dla agreeablo thud ia tba mod of a ditch. Upon proper lareetigalloa tbe gboet turaed out to ba a Wbita muie, wha waa ataadmg tba aight out la modi utlva mood, wbea bla reverie waa broken In npon by tba Intruder. Tberlctim deelarea that whaterer bla prirate optalooa may be be sball hereafter act aa theogb gboaie ware a reality aad ataar clear ol any oommaolcailoa with them. ud aaiure look forward to Baater with aqaal aatieipeiloaa. Tba latur buda, but the farmer fel?aoem at that aaason. Congregations begin to thin dowa la that momeaioua interim betweea the wlater aad tba aprlag bonnet, but with tbe dawn of E*ator tba ttde of religioua feel log la again on the flood. ??Dear ma, dear ma," tbo mil dan thought, Aa in bar paw aba aal, M1 oa'ar can be ? aaiui booaath Ttaia horrid winiar hat. \ ??Whan robad Ilk* apring. la gay attlra, 1 oau at courcb appear, Than 1 aiiaii Dollar able b? To raad tax titla oloaf.M riirtlag tai raacbad tba altlta4a of .a flat art. It CM bo atrrM oa la tbo atraot, where, la Uia momaal ol paaalng aaeb oihar, tba ayeo oaa fla.h what It voala tako Iba pboaograph aa bour to rapoat s or la tbo ebnrcb, wbora tba banakercblol aorraa aa tba aigaai flag wblia tbo aoatlmaaul guab ol two rpoona la tbo voluble interpreter. it la aaid ol a lady who waa addleied to ibia umveraal corraepoadenoe la aipbar that u aba waro lying la bar oofUu abo would coquette with tba aadortakar while tba mlaiator waa raad lag tba aorvlen Mr. II. V. Butiar abawa bia New England tralaiog by bia ability to quota Scripture, and ba afford* "ua lilaatratlOB of tba good old doctrine ol toiai depravity, wblob eaaaot poaaibly bo dlapenaed witb wbilo tba proooot Coagreaa la la aaaaion, bjr alwaya quoting it la tbo wrong oonnectioa. Wbao ba wan tad ta elect a doorkoapor bo eriod oat, "Now la iba acoopiod iiino; aaw la tba day ol aalvation," and iba mambara muat bare (bought that ba waa quoting from eomc comic papar. lor tboy broka into about* of laugbtor. .Spurred aa by tba aoplauao ba agate cudgallad bia braiaa and aald, "Bailor ba doorkeopor la iba bouae al iba Lord tbaa da el! la too tenia ol tba wtokod," aud tbia lima tbo gautlaaiaa ol tbo iiouaa concluded that bo waa re olnag a Iraa traoalatioa ol Virgil, and agaia laugbad load oaouab to llfi tba aationai debt. It la a boautnal apoctaoia wbaa tba ilepreeeniaurei ol tba paoplo make lun of tbo Hiblo, but ibey muat ba oxouaed an tbo groaad tbat probably none ol thorn kaow where tba quotatloBe come irorn. Tba OongrtgatUmali$t la boglaatng ta advocata tbo oae-eorinon-e-dar project. It ta eartaialy vary diffl aalt lor any mlaiator to preach two good aermona a day, aad quite tapooaiblo ior aomo ol tbam to preach ana obcl Whether tba acw movement, however, baa bee a atartod la tba latareaia al our clergymen, aad aa a bint tbat It waaM ba baiter to concentrate the effort a Baoeaaary to produoa two dilutloaa, and ta preaab one vtgoroua diaoourao, or la tbo loioroata al l*eeoagragationa, wbo Had it aomotlmea pretty bard work to lutoa to thou logical bomaeupalby, baa not yat j-?? Tba toadaauy el a eeitaia aiaaa af people IS to cosset the minister until bo loeee his msnlmess and vigor. Ho must 0* kepi la a gluaa ease sad pet la tbe suosbias, aud ukti oat ouly to be dandled oa the knee el the congregation, or quea> Honed as to woetnsf ale tarost le well eooegta to ti> dure ike fatlguee of a voyage to Kurope. We think we uave all duo sympathy tor "the cloth." bat at tbe sams time we believe tbat tbe clerical preteeoton to all tbe bolter, as lbs rest ol us ere, lor bard work sad competition. Give ministers mere amplo encourage 'tnent, pay their church debts, seep tbem from get* ling into tbe same financial snarl again, 'pay tbem promptly, and pay tbem well enough to lilt tk?m above tbe possibility ol want, ana tbea demand of tbem right honest work ana good bealtby sermons, and yoe will do mora for tbem than yon can by ibis muadlin policy wbtch would reduce tkeir labors and tkelr eeiariee 10 tke minimum. Lees eossettiag and more bouest eoeouragemeat la what tbe elorgy stood In need of. The Metbodtets are oar rellgloae radicals. They ore not at alt aristocratic in their methods, but roll ap tbeir sleeves and prepare lor a long day's work. Years ago they took their position oa tns temperance question, and ever since have been loremost In thui rclorm. No man can enter tbetr pulpits wbo does not know tbe coneiiiaont elemeau ol lagor beer and abbor tbem. Mow they bave attacked another hood of the hydro. Tbujr have pronounced their ultimatum conceraing tobacco. The geaial weed is not to be chewed, but eschowed. There Is to be no smoke In tbe Meibodlu camp. Tbe pipe oi peace will hereaf ter be a canto ol war. Tbe first question asked ol a candidate?a queetion which takes precedence of all theological tenets?is, "Do you use tobacco la any form 1" Hs can be a Baptist, oud smoke under water; an JCpiseopalian or ritualist, and evolve bis sermon from the clouds ol bis Havana, but 11 be la to be a Metbodiot tke grateful porfume ot the weed must be loregoaa The dear old pipe, wblcb bas ehangsd Its color from wbite lo a delicate oresmy shade, then deepened into brown, nad lastly elotbcd itself in the satin gloas of a rlok black, is to bo laid, with a sign, oa tba snolf, and tbe convivial elgar, wblcb bsa bid dull care begone eo many times, is no longer to be cremated la tbe oouoo ot human bappiaess. There la a Dr. Wild in Brooklyn whose vagaries make his name suggestive. He Is the peer of Jasper, ot Kicbmond, who insists, on biblical grounds, that tbe son moves round tbe eartb, and not tbe earth round the aan. He has discovered eertalo loots which will amuse, even wben they bave oeaeed to instraoi. la the first place, be says tbat St. Patriot and tbo prophet Jeremian are ona and tbo soma person; that the old prophet lived lor a time In Ireland j under a nom de plume, and under clr cumstancee which were, to say the least, a bit suspicious. He tied with a Hobrew maiden, ol whom he tired, and whom he aiterward gave in marriage to one of tbe kings lu the northern part of the island. In tbe second place, be says that Jeremiah carried with blm tbe Identical atone which served Jacob tor a pillow when be had his remarkable dream. Whether he carried It under his arm or sent it by expreas we are not told. In tbe third place, ho oays that that very stone le to be seen in Weetminelor Abbey now, under tbe coronation chair. In tbe loot place, bo eays tbat Jorcmlab established the ninth or arch degree of Hooouty. Wbo says there is nothing asw undsr the suu t Discoveries era praaslng us so bard la nil direc tions thst lite Is becoming a burden. Wbat with Huxley end Tyndoll on the one baud aad Jasper aad Wild on taeotber we really oannot toll whether we are orthodox or not. Having accepted the story ol | Jeremiah, however, tbat Uttle aoooant ol the whale pasaee into inslgniQcanoe. What nextf MINIS IEUIAL MOVEMENTS. BOMAV CATHOUO. In U>? psi lab of the Holy Croee ta thie city ? great many colored people reside who until lately bave uol been looked after by tbe Konu Catholic Church. Puthor McC ready Una now given Ma eouateaaoce to a school lor Catbollo colored children, which baa beon opened by a lady ol iba parish with nlna pupils to start witb. He appeals tor belp in the enterprise of building a boose and perhapa an orphanage lor anob children in bia parish. There are now forty Roman Catbollo pansbea within the* municipal limits of Brooklyn. A new on* baa recently been organised. It lies between Prospect Park and Greenwood, and oo in man da a view or the ocean and the upper bay. Bar. Tboaaa O'Bcllly, asaistant ol Sb Joseph's Church, baa beon assigned to tbia cbarga Next October Biabop Loughlm will celebrate bis opiaoopal jubilee. oomaitnOATioXAh. Dr. b. A. Nelson, of Geneva, N. Y., baa written an open loiter to Mr. Boecbor on bia '?Background ol Mystery," In wbich ba critidsaa that aermon aa n picture ibai baa no torogronnd to it Be thinks no one can tell Irom the aermon what Br. Beeeber think* about tba lulu re slate or the wicked; that bia prtaeo tatiou or ibe orthodox belie! ee that point M n car lea. lure unworthy ol any CbriaUan Uacbor, and ibat none of nia propoaluooa are an explicit aa iba Scrtp turoa put thorn. The letter la calm and temperate In spirit and stylo, bnt is thoroughly dear and oau aponen. Dr. William M.Taylor, of thin oily, charges the abort paatoratoa ol inmiatera in America to the habit ol topicnl preauhiug. Be tbinka auch preaching is generally lu one iter and that alter n very little time a uian will proacb biuiaell out. Than, or coarse, be wants to llua a green paeture wbere be can do the same thing Tor a lew years more. The Union Uoagregatiousl Society, l'rovidcnce, B. 1., bava a<Jdod $1,IM> to too annual talarr ol the pastor, BuV. Or. Beureuds, with a tunuer ol $1,Mo lor a vacatlou Visit to tturope ut any time he may seieul* The increase mskes bia stlary itt.uuu. pasauTTkaux. The Uuited Presbyterian Board or foreign Missions Is taking steps to transfer lie mission iroin Caulou, China, to the Cbinoee on the Paeitte coaaL Tne mis sionary, lbs B*v. J. C. Novlu, has (imposed el the uioporty and already arrived in Caliioruia with bia family It ia expected that the inia.iou will l?/opn**d at Loa Angeles, wuiob baa a large cuiuese population. Tne Presbyturisn Boara, which uas occupied ibis place as a atation, will lurrender it to Mr. Nevin and send us missionary tjCbina. there are aevea Preaby turlan and seven Congrega tioual churches In Cleveland, Ohio. Home ol tiwia are of goodly numbers and alteugtu, while others are of recent orlgiu aud limited luiiueuce. IWeuty-lour receui oouverta bave been added to Uadlaon Avenue Presbyterian Church, Cleveland, Uhla I he Clio rob is ouly two years old, and la located in aeperseiy settled part oi the city. By tue ?iu ol Bra Cordelia Stum peon the sum ol $46,UU0 is leu lor the roi.el ol the widow* and orphans oi tuiuister* in tbe fre^yteriau Cuarou. WINOrAlUX The publisbera or tne VAmrdkmau, wbiob rceeatly swallowed up tbe Ckmrek Journal, have, alter a brief tuieriuisalou, agaiu brought out a paper oi the same ii..wo out el a totally dlQeruut cbar?ct?r. Tuo Orat Lumber combines the characteriatios of ins i unUmftorarf Hrvi-w aOd lbs Lxvxnj Ap*, and Ota CUaae* the exaction* Ol American aocieiy, tne eleva liou of lue drama, heaven and bell, capital aud IsOor, aud other important topics. Alter a paetorate of alxiy-two years with tbe ?L Oewrge'a Kpiscopel Unureb, oi Newuurg, N. Y, Rev. Ur. J dun ttrown naa reeigued his charge on ac count ol tbe luttrmlllee of age. It l* quite remarkable that a rector thoula continue so long with one people, be having gone to hewourg iu 1816, wbere there was no Kpl*e.>pal church or cougregatiou. Be I* a native si tuie ony, a graduate of Uoiuinbis College aud in hi* sigbiy eeronih year, rue Nov. Mr. Applegate win ke called to ibe vacant Charge. The Preeidiug Bishop has summoned tbe llouse of Bwhope to meet iu New York ouy on Monday, Juue jj iu take action oo tne resignation ol the Biabop of me Dleuoae ol Blcbigah. asruonisT. Tbe Uoetbern Meibouiat* have organlxsd a Marvin Memorial Association, wnoae object is to ereot a uionumeut to the isle Bubop Xlurviu aud s borne lor bis lauiily, not bocau*o tus luitor nood a home, but ixieauae ibe Cuureu waul to have aa enduring memo rial ol oue wi>um they lovod. t he total indebtedue** ol tbe missionary treasury ol ibe Meihodlsl fcpitcopal Cliuich, uow i> 1181,silt OA The receipts ol miasionary luousy uomes slowly, lue Kaiieru contersuces ol tuo Cuurcu are now holding their uhliuai aesaious. A unw Meinotliat Kpiscopal Church was opened recently at the eoruer ol the Uoulevsru (avenue AJ aud Klguiy-aecood street n a r r i *t. Br. James A. Brsuley, oi A*bury Park. n. J., baa Ollvreu the Bapust* or that place a building lot Valued at $4,000, iu ono ol the beet locailona, provided they beiiiu 10 oUiid uol or* July I. 1'bs inetulMtrebio ol tbe society ha* receuiiy had an aCeeasion ol tweuqr. Til. Hsv. l)r. Hamosut, ol ibe laboruacle Baptist Chuich, Brooklyn, i* oaiieu to succeed ibe late l>r. >'iab iu tbe riret BspiUt Cburcb, Newark. Tbere was great unanimity lu tbe vote aud e couiiuilice was ap pointed to urge hiui. la ca*e oi hie acceptance, to com mence hie labors tuere next dsooain. Au extensive revival is in progress ia tbe Unio* Avenue Baptist Churob of Brooklyn, lbs Rev. D. C. Hughe, pastor. Without nny extra help tbe work baa goue loraurd. Since tne 1*1 ol January lorty-ilve liavo been baptised aad many more bave proteased conversion. Brother Hughes ass baptise* 164 doting hie present pastorate ol mils ever three yeara A revival ia enjoyou in the first llaptist Cborah, Railway, N. 4. borne iwoniy-ilvo person* have pro leesed Christ. asruaMsn ( dutch.) Tnirty-tbree convene nave reoeatly been reeetved I Din the llelorined l>uich Church at Nsuninarg, N. Y., on couiesflisn or lailb in Ciirink ibe Reiormsd Cbareb el htewartriUe, Ulster county, N. V., wu organised last Ssptsmber with uinoieeu members. Since iueu it bu more mau douuled lis membership aud gr> stly enlarged its oou grsgutions aud its field ol usefulness. lbs isdtes of Or. furur'a Raloruied Church, Bed lord avenue, Brooklyn, K. D., maintain a sewiug school for ibe poor children ol lb* neighborhood. Tbey bave about 360 pupils, with an average *noe a week ol 300 glrU About iorty Isdtes sre eiigsged m lbs work, sod they intersperse religious instruction and otiier useful Information wltb their needle lea sons. They bars given relief in clothing, shoes, lood ana money as needed all ibe winter. CKIVKKSAL1ST. Tbe Rev. J. M. Pullman, ol tbts city, is taking a brief vacation In Klortds to recruit bis beslth. He is accompanied by bis Suudsy school superiutendeut, Mr. William Muss. According to tbeir Yesr Book for 1878 the Unlver salists are now 36.806 strong, sgvnsi 3^,141 id 1878. Tbey bars WI cburou organisations. 706 cburcb *dl> flees snd 722 ministers. Tboir parub property is es timsted to be wortb $6,070,118. ibe (Jmversailst minister* of Boston and vicinity, by a vote of 33 to -J, bave resolved tbst God )? good and gracious; tbat repentsnce uud salvation are uot limiiod io litis llfs; tbat it Is Inconsistent wltb God's cbaractor, Ac, to limn tbe saviug power of Christ to Ihisllle; tbat death has bo'sjivsug power, aud thai "lbs borizou of oicruiur" will not oe "relatively sillier lariisly or lor a loug time overcast by ibe clouds at sin or puuisbtnoul;" aud su ou to No, 9 of them. THIRTY-FOUUTH S TliEET SYNAGOGUE. GUAM) TUX TONOVU? MBUOX BX BJtV. HKNUT H. JACOBS. The tblrty.fonrib psslm was composed by David on lbs memorable occasion wben be escapod from lbs Court ol Acbtsb, tier* oalled Abtmeiscu, wbicb seems to bave beeu. lbs tills assumed by lbs Philistlnlan lungs. Jn lbs cxuberaucs ol. bis Joy be gives utter snce to ibis bymn ol thsnksgiving, but witb u be oouplsrtb* moral lasson to be found In tbs fourteenib verse?"Guard thy tongua from evil and thy lips from ?psaking deoalt," There la n manliest connection, uud the prsscber, between iho injunction of the text and ibo portion ol Scripture read tuts morning, which treats of "tbe law ol the leper" and the physio?i means of guarding againat tbe infection and spread ol tbo lernoie disosse. In the text tbe moral leprosy ol society U Indicated and tbe moral menus ?l counteracting its contagion and danger are described. Aud so our an ciout teacbors auow the affinity ol iho two wben the? aaserl tbat it was the evil tougus of Miriam, wben sbs ?poke agslnat Moses, wblcb as used htr to be smitten with leprosy. Yea, "the evil tougue" is tbe leprosy wbiSh blight* repuiatiou and destroys character. It is the crime of crimes, against which lollgion protosts and wbicb the Mtdrasb has stigmatised as evca worse tbau the sin ol idolatry?lor slander oears lbs assas sin's dagger, it is tbo murderer ol reputation, aud tbsrelore doos Scripture fitly declare, "Ueatb aud lile are lu tbo power ol tbo tougue." 1'ucrelore, "Guard thy tougue irom ovil." tuk six or OKCSIT. And further does tue texi enjoin to koep "thy lips Iroin uttering deceit"?tust is loan*, aucordiug to tbe exegusis.ol tue Rsdak, "apeuk not one thing witu tbe rnouih aud bave unotoer tbiug in tue heart, lor It is dscsit to toy uetgbbor to speak to him pleasantly and yei design evil against him-iu tby bewrt." Uere Is also tbe plague spot wblcb calls lor sscerdotal inter position. Like u>e prtssi ol old, tbe pulpit most cry aloud, "Uucisau, uncleAuI" lor daosit is a phase of tbo leprosy wuicu luieots *ooi?ty. It sbows itself in tbe busluess world, in tbo over-reaobiufr wbicu as sumes ibo Ucilnou. nurni ol "smartness." It ur tbe loe ol morals, wutcb it attucxs with a virulence tbat restate nil beating suort ol tbe barolo irsatmeut wbiou stampseul tbe disease. Uoligtou recognises Has tu most dangerous autagoolai, because of lue mask which It tints ou, steaiiug the very livery ol beuveu. It ts ins panoply of cowards, wnoso bearts aro as false as slairs of sand, who cloth* ifcoir nakod viliany with oanl and holy seeming? Who wear lous lacee, Just as if our Maker, Tbe God of gouduass, was an undertaker. But it is in our daily contact with men w? meet tb* most irequeut tustauco* ol gloxing deceit. It would be amusing, wer* li uot so ghostly aud painful, to mark tb* pretsutlous prolesslou* of warm intoreai, tb* seeming Iriendiy Inquiries, the simulated sym pathy, tbe tace* all wr?aib*d with smiles, wbicb aro fsiso aud hollow. Tliey bsvo no m*auiufb Rather too ofl*n tbey are but ? thin covering ol ibe euvy, Jealouay and uatrad wnicb luster in tbe heart. It la deceit anauming lor its prollt some mass of virtue. It is deceit, wbMb is the iwia sister ol slander, both ins offspring ol lb* evil tongue. It 1* deceit, which I* the moral leprosy which infsats our path on all ?ides snu Alls ins very air with daug*r. '?1 warn you against lis enorosenmenta and It* perils," said tuo preacher, euiphaitoaiiy, "1 warn you Mainsi the unholy passious which crop ont nt tb* pestiMuiial rivalry boru ol Jealousy at otLer tusn's successes. I warn you against tb* sin wbicu is tbo cowardly disguise of tbe beart cankered with avurico and wtckodl* seeking another's destruction while tb* lip* speaK to him pleasantly. 1 warn you to avoid, as you wuuld 'tbo peetlleiioe that staik*ui iu darkuess,' lb* moral leprosy ol * "lljrpoerlsjr, the only evil tbat walks luvislble, eseept to Uud alune. By Ills permission will, through heaven aad earth." REAL ESTATE. The following aalM wero made on tba Baal EiUti Kxabange yeaierday ?r ?(UiU IHTTU. tenrtat Court furNluura e?ie? Arthur Barry, ref eree?ot the bulldlug. with Ivam of M H5.4x70x.i5. 1x70, ou Chatham at.. a. ( , 25 ft. ? ol Oliver at.; leaeed May 1. 1B5B. itriu 21 grouuu reut $800 per auuun; to plaintiff $0,600 ir c. J. ltok. Snpremo Coyrt forecloaura eale?Bcolt Lord, ref area-ofepiol of load 75.0xl50xl00.8x50x24.2x lull, ob Boulevard. a. w. corner of 05th ?(.; alao, mi m, 2ftxiuoa, iia *<uiwiu ik, i. a, it. v. ot Boulevard: Io pialnllC 10,000 Alao ouo lot ?llW.^ ?? Win Mill a., 1 I. lilt li v. of Bualevard; w K. MtdJu 1,325 ar MOWABO w. IIUiTM. JTerecloMira nil, by order or the Court ol Onaot ritM-JOHpb Katretch. referee or the thro* ?tor* brick dwelllnna. with Iota. together la alio 4^x100 11, Noa oa. 04 and ?*t Bast 1 lota at., a. a.. YM It. w. ol 4th a*. | to plaintiff 4,000 Total....... , 93U.M8 OrriCIAL SEAL ESTATE TBAirai MIS. The following aUtamaal, allowing lb a raal eatate traanaotiouH recorded in Um Regiaiar'a Ofllco April 13, 1878, la obtain ad Irom Augiuma J. Uoobartjr, Depaijr Regular:? Lexington a*., a. a.. 94 ft. a. of 63d at., &3xl4.S; Owen Oearty to Auguata* K. llully .... $14,500 Utb at., a. a.. 17ft ft. w. or lat a*., 2ftx04.10; Uted rlcb ruik and wife to Mary Martin. Nan. ft7vb at , a. a, lOu It. w. of Utli a*., 101x104 4: lirld (at Stafford to Maria llolwe.l Mont. ftutu at., a. a. US It. a. or 7ih nr., 25x81.0; Clark Ball ?ud wile to W. J. Ueiuoreat .. 10,000 Warran at., u. a. .No. 42 0* part of); E. II. Btevena to Bilaa B W. Steveae Non. Flora 2J and 24 haal Hlver (), part of); aaiua to Kradarux W.iateveue Morn. 60 th at., a a. B7ft It. w. or llHIi a?? 7oxlOU; Uicit ard L. MuiUaiid wllo to I'bomaa B. Omve. U.OuO 13MB at, a. a, batwaaa <Hb aud 7th ava. dot No. 211 s K. A. Buil-r to huilly O. Uutlar 1UU 130th ik, a a, SOU ft. a. ol 7th a*.. 2ftxutl.ll; earn* la aaaaa .??????.??????????????? Man, ftotli ?!., a a. 400 It. w. or 10th a*.. 25xlOU6; tleurr Welimr aad wile to Dnrid Ciiilatia 12,627 Qlutoa a*, u. a- tlota No. IJtl aud 404 ?! oodlawa Maighia) t k. Backeudorl and nuaoaud io J o.iu Uuar 375 X'ltu at, n. a.lUfia. of 7tb a*.. 18.0x70 II; f.dward FUaer ta Jalan M. Ketaer .. 2.500 Till a*., w. a, 17 it. a of 75tli at.. 115aOO; Michael McOeveru aad wite to David Krauk 6,000 WalaU at., eoruor depot, JuxlOO !J4th ward) ; Jauiaa J. Pbelaa and wile to Jamoa ritiierald Norn. (Mb at.. B. a . 21 ?> ft. a. ol lat a* . 3; Chrlato pber Oouiinar and Vila to C Uadaltlu.- 11,460 Cadar at,, n. a. 7ft ft. a. or t'lniou a*.. 25x100 I24tb ward; ; narab C. Carry aud bnabaud to John J, Katfau .. 150 Cbryatia at. iNoa. 101 aad 103), SOxl2ft. Jonn P. t.iaiaudvrl aad wifa to U. H. I'etluu. 54,ftU0 BOth at ,a a. 14ft It. w. of Maulauu at.. 1*5x102.2; Michael L Ooylo aud wlfa w B. V. K. Crngor.... T^UO Baarar at., n. a , MO. 11 It. a. of Hmw at. iaa 21) | b. LK ualo (ralaraa) to L U. t'aa Bnrau 14.000 ftfttb at., B. a, 2uO It. a. tftb a* , Juxluu.ft; a aula to U*l Kuirli 7.2U0 OOtb at., a a., 224 ft. a. aflltb a*., 25x100.5; U. T. Curtlaa (ralarar) to I. La H Wood 12,ftOU Wlllatt at. ?. a,?l3 ft. a at tCtvlamoii at., I8.6x&0i alao Wlllatt at.. W., ft. a. ul Klvtlictou at., IB.Bafto; JoBu U. Wabor aad wlia to W. k rtaa art Man. Wlilatt at. (aaaia propary); Wia. U. Btawarl la brtiaatluo Wovor. Non. Uoarca at . a. a, 126 It. a or Brooiua at.. 25x100; JauoD Uayar to J. Borniann Main. Ilfttb at., a a. IBO It w. ..I 4tb a?.. l.'txlOO.IO| Jaa. Ma<lu?n to Kdward Ougau SOU Milcbail plaaa. d. a, 1JJ It. a. of lat av? 18x00 10; K Ktra aud wlta to Uarntaula Ufa Inaurauca Com pany Non. Stautun at., a a, 37.6 ft. w. of Attoruay, 1U.5x0:1; li. Kataraaud arlla loJ. klockalan 6.000 Mtlt at., a a. 1<U It. a. ol lat at., 100x102.2;Tliouiaa Oiovar to Ooarltt 11. 1'arxar 1?IJ?J0 64th at.. B. a. lOu It. bt. or lat a*., 20x102.3; >, K. Lano irataraa) to l*. u. Maoart 5.750 40tk at.. Waal (Xo. HI), 2o yaara; Xraatua K Marty toJaua Loaycralt VlJOOO aoaraaaaa, Oaaanagh, Mary A. Bad huabaud, to 6. B. Townaaad, w. a. ol 2d a?.. B. ol 31at at.; 1 jraar 92,000 Chriatla, Uatid, to llaury wiaanr, a a ol oOtb at., ar. or iota a* ; Inatalmanta 11,000 CoocBlt, Julia aud who, to Uaaka aud Walta Or pliau noma, w. a A aaiilagton. a ul Uaabroaaaa at.; 1 10,000 fataor, Joua M. aad otliara. to Barbara BalioanlalJl, u. a 2Atb at., a. ol 7||| a*.; 3 >a?ra 3^100 Uarvay. Jonu and arlia.lo Jauiva Mulry, a a. cornar 4tli atr aud 4^d at.; 5 yaara. 04,000 Baiua to llenry f. t'??oaeud.a. a. cornar 4th ar. Bud 43d at ; Inatalmanta 1,000 llarana, Jauiaa II. aud wllo. io Julia Haior, n. a 50th at., w. ol Otn bt. i B moutha 3,000 llabort, I'blllp U., to Joliu r. Scbaafj, n. a 04tn at., w. ol lit ar.: Inalaliiionia ft.OOO Loayoralt, Jaoa, to ivraatua K. Marcy, a a. 40tn at., I w. IU?I) i IO yaara 10,016 T?I?K. Houora, to U??y a. n?ott, w. a of JUouiKom aty at . a. ol uoory i 3 yaara 1,000 Virla, Krad L. and ?lfa. to John J. Kronm. n. a. oI 36th at., a. ol loth ar.; I year 800 Wrlgot, Martha Jobaa, to Aoram B. WycKoff, a a of IJHIi at.. #. ot lat ar. ; liiataluienta 7,500 Sana to aauia, a a of 120th at., w. ul lat ar.t Inatal mauta 7,5a) Wood, J oaeph la H. aad ?ila, Io KnilgraBl Indua trla , a. a. o|60th at., e. ot llth ar.; (year 1.1,000 AaamaaaMta or aoarujuu Naaka. J ana A., to hmi.y Hanxa 96,000 Hloutqrlai. ABxaatua, to Oaumal f. Tatar ouo Hatha, Loalaa. to U. aohamuargar g,i.?? oiwail, Maria II., to 0*ortfe W kgylaao B4<? I'rlao. Couaiauaa M . la Oontailaa l. Uooka n?? Pualan, Jauiaato Harla it. Hlweil BIO Bmyth, John t. i!tuparint?iideni In.urnnea Dapart aiaat, A aw VorhJ. to Oeujantu U. liardonbrook.. Baa Mb. Robert O. (tiMrtw). I* OkirtN *. Wat> Ml (trwiu) T.con Uaderliill. A. ii. (?fcui.Tj. in Mary T. I*?r?gai... 8?ui? (trustee) la AbbIo K. 1 J.DUO Saute In ... '.140 L'mou Dime SaviUK* laitHatlou to A. A. Hlllyer (axoculrlx) 7.000 Walcott, Charles M. (trust##), 10 E. D. MUllgaa.... 7.000 SALE OF A 11 ACE COURSE. Th* old Ceotrevllle Km* Course, at Woodhavaa, town o( Jamaica, L. I., baa boon (old under tor* closure to Mr. J. Momerindyke for $16,000. Tb* track la in good condition .anil bus lor aoine nine past beea i used lor training purpose*. BUSINESS TROUBLES. Lawrence Brothers, whoioaaie dealer* la hatter*' goods at No. M Greene at reel, have suspended. The liabilitiea are about $60,000 and the nominal a*eel* ar* about tho same amount, the value belni unknown ai present. Tb* caaie ot ttie *u*peneion wh tho deprecla. tlon in *tock and loaaa* la trade, the Arm not having ?ado any money (or a year paau Th* firm bad good credit and were the successor* of Lawrence Droibera and Tweedy, wbltib dissolved iu May, 1ST3. There arc lew creditor* oi the Arm, the liabilities being conQnml to a small number ot importing bouse*. The creditor* Efwvo expressed a wllliuguea* to grant a settlement, and a? >oou aa the statement oI a*?*ta and nabllltle* In completed * meeting ol the creditor* will be held to take action oa the ootnprowi**. The Orm I* com posed of Samuel U. and William B Lswrenae. Tbe failure ol Peter Miller'* rtons, lumber dealer* at Nr. Attorney atreet, I* reported. The Orm I* com* po*<'d ol Johu and William Miller and claimed to hate a capital of $60,000. Tiiev bare rcceoily suffered heavy losses and thair note* consequently weut to protest. Th* liabilities are eatluatad at $30,000 aad tao uaaet* nominal. POSTAL AFFAI11S. Th* receipts for poataga stamp*, itampod envelope* and postal cards at th* Post OlBco last waek great!/ exceeded those ol any other weak la several years. Tbeamoaat deposited during too weak by tb* Post master aggregated $08,000 80. EXPORTS OP BEEF, MUTTON AND LIVE fTOCK. The (ollowtag statement shows the quaatltloa and values ol tresb beef, mutton and live atook exported Iron tbe Uaitod States to porta In the United King dom and other ports, I row Jauuary 1, 18TS. to April 13, aa oompared witn laat yoar-.? \hh ;!!<$; \\n\ U? wwv I? hi : : : f f .- Jj? * I I lilt 8 sli'i i il i g 81 Hi -4 I tUU U. #S-' a'wfiC' I ??b>- ?i 36-SjES '?iii iLMiilJ: SB 111 ? ? I 8 I 11 6 i u s pj 111 'oiiiill 8 1118 I I I V , SI...S s S.S5? c I I Sil MM . * - . SL.*ss si&? ' 3S.5? JI f?* ? I Ml II53S3 ?ranxcu K*roax??B*raa a*d ranta. _ . 49T.WIO ?**?*?> Beef 20.31)1 l.?70 14.600 "OS llnatd hoti* _____ . 541.SOI *7.853 ?Klr.t shipments to Kranc* eoiumeeeod November 4, 1877' HieoetxAxaoea list addicp m ro> k a I ?2?S. . ??3?3 l.onaoo??<? una chin, in uwam. Hall?01 will*. I ouniug (Nortb Utrmv), 937 bead catlla, 10 bortoa, 89 bog*. ??iu?, $l.wa. i?a t Otbar turu oiljr comprlaa iba Watt Indlaa. EXPOUTS OF UUTTKU AND CHEESE. Tba lollowim ara tbo aspori* of buuor and cuaaaa from Naw York to tbo tmdarmeuiiouad port* alocj tua 1st of May 1877 ibegiuniog ol tua irudo fo?n, anj Ibr tb? wook andlng April li, 1878, aa coinparad wittt tamaumalaM r??*:? HutUf. VI h ? i IOD. J Llwrpuol. Loudon.. UUagow... iinaiot Uaiitb'g nod Hramen. Dinar p'la. Total, Iba. Vkeeu. Liverpool. Loi> duo... Uluagow .. BrlaUil. .. llauib'g ) and I Bremen.) Olber p'ta. Total, Iba.. This t | Wtdc /Venonjiy! 86.8'24 96 709 M,80j I Same Tim* Total L<ul I'tar. 8,674,80'i' 609,001| 6,oai,6.s'l 1,040,118 77,8311 2,448,481 81.060|' 2.681,240 "?74,4091 18,792,1641 47if.wl C9,880.T40| 271.801! 3l,769..,?S| 12,900 1l.808,87i| 1*0,000 8,260,01-^1 168,177 1,217.011 O.OOO.IUW MM. 800 6,o?J,a;(4 1,040,118 1826,792 2,042,870 22.0.16 929.979 132,989,910 19,187,748 70,163.323 32,031.1M 11,881,672 8,430,012 148,17 0,894,006 677.9U7 3,962 008 808,003 930,104 2.241,203 16,410,830 62,830.046 19.707,477 7.607,430 0,278.307 37,300 L239.0081 1,227,461 13<t, 809,8881 87.046.910 .?XMpptrt' J'ria*. ?. 1877. 1S78. Ct nit. Vcttit. Dollar, lb., poor t* Una. , 12 a 28 9 * 24 Cuaaaa, lb., Una 12 a 14X I a 12Ja' EXPOJUIS OF OYSTBlteL 246 44 036 Cat**. 426 2,600 Tba following abowa tua 411 tutiif o t o/alora abippad to iba uoderraouilooed porta from Xaar York I rota October 22, 1877, to April li. 1878 Hon Lirurpuol 3o,8-8 London ?> 1,002 Ulaagow 662 Hriatol 88 Havra 104 Hamburg. 603 KouerUam, 279 Br?u>?* . ISO Otbar 6l4 Totala 34.101 Anraf a prlcaa $6 60 a $8 por bbi. 907 30 60 80 1,326 >,001 THE COURTS. Post-Dated Checks and Orders Legally Identical. DISPOSSESS PHOCEEDINO& Marine Court Judges Relieved from Iiiiiag Ejectment Warrants. Aa important dromon, and one of liUrnt I* IM legal pr*(wilM, ku bMD banded down In ibe Caait ot Appeals, in Hie case ol Carl Leaner, an alMpdwa Odeuce nan, who made appiicatiaa to tbe Court tbrougb Mr. William V. Kiniztug, but oouoael, to b? discharged from tbo State f rison upon Ibe groaad of tbo illegality ol bla conviction la bavin* boon ooo ?icted 01 rhlae pretence*, boloro Judge Gllderaieera, la tbe Court or tiaaeral S?Mlon?, and aeaieBced to two yeare' Imprtaoameat. It appeared upon the trail tbat tbe prtaoaer and a oonfedorata purchased gome good*, giving ta pnyinent a post-dated check, wbieb subaequoutiy turned oat U bo worthiest, Mr. Kintsiug raiaed tbe point tbat tbe giving af i post-dated cbeok la nothing mora than a promiao M pay, and that aa tbe falee representation complained of was promissory In Us nature It oould aot bo lb* foundation ol a orimlnal charge. It waa not, be claimed, a lalae repreaeutattoo aa to an existing fact, "wbicu la one of tbe esaentiai elements of tbo crime. District Attorney Pbelps and Assistant Olatriet At* torney'Kiuaell, lor tbe people, took the ground that tbe preaentatlon ol a check upon tbe parobaaer si good* forcaab amount* to arepresentation tbat It la a good and wild order lor tbe aum namod la It and tbat such aum la on depoalt at tne bank to meat Ik Tbo Court ol Appeal* now affirms tbe conviction of lbs Court below. Tbe opinion ol Judge Rapailo, owin* to the important legal point involved, la gives below In Cull:? Tbo chock whieb waa pissed off upon the complais ant wat dated on the '29th ef August, tbe trauaaonoa taking place on the :Miu, and the delonce i* pi acsd upuu tbe ground that the delivery ot a pout-dated oueck doea not coasiiluio a repreaontatloa tbat tbe money to tnuet It t* lu tbe bank at the time of delivery of the check, but (imply an undertaking tbat It abaft bu there at tbo maturity of tbe check, ll there baft been uo ropreaeulalloo made except by tbe delivery of tbe check, and the prosecution rested wholly ou tbe allegation tbat tbla waa a ' representation tbat tne money waa ta tbe baok, tbe point wbtob tbe prtaoaer'a oounael seeks to raise would be good in tbe oaae, and tba elf euinxtuuce tbat tbe ebeck waa not drawa by tba priaoaer ont by a third party, and waa poet-dateo, would be very material. But we do aot mink tba case turna upon tbe poiut argued. Tbe ladlotmeai charge* that the prisunor repreaented, among other tbinga. tbat tne check waa good aua a vsluabM security, and ol tbo value of $264, wboreaa It waa not good or of any value what ever. Tbe avidenes of tba prosecutrix waa tbat tbe prtaoner and hi* companion MalvtfJs came together to ber realdenoe, and alter bargaiuiag lor the good* and agreeing upon tbe price Melville went out, aa ha aald, to gel tbe mouey to pay loi tbem, leaving tbe prisoner there; tbat tbe prteobM represented Melville aa a mau in buaiuona, having tw? stores, Ao.; that Melville returned with tbe cbeak, and at tbe time of paaalng It off to prosecutrix and ob taining tbe gooua, in an*wer to a remark ol tbe pros ecutrix'* ulster tbat tbo check waa dated the 29th. said, *'lt u loo late to to to tbe bask to-day'1 (it being then ball-poai three in ibe after aooa); that at tbe aame ume the priaoaer aaid that the check was good, and alao that Stembacb, tba maker ol tbe cheek, had a business. Tbo aiater testi fied tbat in answer to ber remark about ibe date Mel ville said that li waa too late to uo to the bank and aa dated the cbock lor to-morrow. Nosuob person a* tba drawer ol tbe check kepi any aoeouut la tba bank on which U waa drawn, and it waa admitted on tba trial thai tbe cbeok waa worthies*. Ibe circumstances tended to show that tba transaction waa a deviee la deftaud ibe proaeouirlx ol ber good*, aad tbat Melville and tba prtaoner were aclinic in coucert. They together look ibe good* away. No explanation or del*nee waa oOered by tbe prtaoner on tba mat, nor did ha abow that liiera wa* *ay auob person as Steiubaaa or wuat werehia own relations with Jelvillr, bulb* reliad wboilr oa tbe loci thai the cbeok waa post dated. Under tbe cireumaiaueea wa tbiuk tbat lb* evidence waa auUlcient to juatily a finding thai ta* priaoner represented tbat tbe check waa good and tfea maker a mau of eubslonca, while be kuew tbat It waa worthloaa aud waa a taiae token got up lor lb* pur. po*e ot delrauutug ibe prosecutrix, und that be and Melville were confederate* and Jointly obtained ina good*. The question ol tbe prisooer'* gum waa fairly suotniued to tba jury, and there la no legit error ia ibe couvioliou. Tuo judgineut should bo affirmed. ? PROCEEDINGS IN EJECTMENT. Mr. William H Crosby, a large real aetata owner^ brougbt tutt for a peremptory mandamo* ibrougb bid counaet, Mr. Elliott and Eiortdge T. llarry, to osaspel Judge MeAdam, of the Marina Court, to iaaua a war rani In dtaposaoaaory proooodiaga. Judga MeAdam deettoed to ait IB aucb proceedings unless tba appli cant abowad tbere war* bo Judgaa of tba diatrial ooitrts willing to do so. Tba motion for a mandamus aame on before Judga DoaobueMiB Supreme Court, Chambers. Mr. Elllstt V. Shaparil, appaariag far Um Mariue Court Juu?aa?ibi* being a teat aaae aud In cluding all the Marina Coart Judgas?coaieaded thai tbe sulutes govsrulug *ucu cue* waa not mandatory | tbat tbe Marine Court Judge* bad a diacriiion 10 re lu*e to bear tbaae oaae*, wnton ibey uad reaioaably exerciaed, becau*e ibe Conrt ia already sverarswded wiib other buainaaa, and that ta encamber their oal ?udar* with these duposaeaaory ease* would praelu cally deairoy tue oaalulaea* ol the Court lor litigated beaineaa aud deprive tba district court* ai a viae* of buainoa* wuicb they are apucially argaaitad U troas act. Mr. Gerry, lor the relator, maintained that tba auiute wa* inaudatory and thai ibe Judges of tba Marina Court bad uo dlacretion ia the mailer; tbat tboHu judge* were more computeni to boar aud deter mine tljo difficult queelloua ot law arisiag in tui* class of cases tuau tbo district Judge*, and tbat liilgaat* bad the right to avail ibemaeiveaor tbeeuperior Wacu lug ol ibat tteuch. Judge Uonouue baa deeided that it I* di*cretiou?ry with the Marina Court Judgaa ta bear tbeao oaae a, aad reiuaed to graut tba writ af meadomaa LAWYER THEKASSON'S tbial. Mr. Johu Sparse, Obivl Clerk of tbe Court at OfM Ud iermiaor uil Otainl UmiKiii Courta, ?M JTN unity nerved with an order from Jadge Donobae, traneferring lit* Indictment* found agtiuat Loom t. TbtruND, the lawyer, Iroin the tteaerai VcMni Court to the Oyar and Terminer. Tberaaaoa, wbe la a inraibir oi tbe firm of Tnenueao k Bryan, law y era, Mo. 8 riiie aireat, ta charged wtta having tnieappro priatud aomimiug like $100,000 of tbe Cauda oi tua e*tat? oi Mr* Ztlirlsky, oi which be waa agent, and I* tnuloieu on tbe ?t>euillc cuurge ol obtaining tbat l;idy'? eignaiuru by lalae pretence*. 1lie traaeler waa ordered ou alUduvlta *011111111011 by Tberaeeon'* law. j? r, uud tbe ao u?iU wax re<|airou to give uew bail. W mum II. U. Moore, of No. SB ?aat Tweutjr-Uilrd a tree t, becouiiog bia auraty. SUMMARY OF LAW CA8E8. John Kuick, a podler of eigtra, waa braaght before United atatee Commlaaioner Shield* yaetarday lkw|*4 wljli aelliog cigara without a lloenea. He waa ab eld oOendar, and waa bald to await tbe aaitan of the Qrasd Jury, Diana Baaniitar complain* tbat aba la bald It daraaa by Samuel Uoodwin claiming 10 ba a committee at bar peraon una eatata In l?n*cy proceeedinga agaiaat bar. Upon bar petition Judge Donohue yeitarday graatad a wm ol babeae corpua, making the earn* returnabla to-morrow, wben tbo lacia ol iba aaaa will ba tally lb* v actuated. sin Lung, a Chinaman, birad premleae la Ulrlalaa atr. ei and oumg tnr?e inoniha la arreara lor reat ap plication wae uiaua ta Judge MoAdaai lor a dupoaaeaa warraai agaiuat bint. Tbia Juago tic Adam doalmad ta ia*ue, oIjikiiik, aa 1a tbe ease ol Mr. Croaby givea above, that ibi* more properly waa a luaetloa ol a din triat court Juuge. Judge Uouobuo yeateruay relaaed a writ 01 luduilamae compelling bun to do ao. Appeal* in admiralty which have not been already aoticod lor henrmg aod placed on tba calendar lor the A11 r 11 ierui ol ibe United State* Circuit Court nay be nottoud l?r bearing lor the itrai Monday la May, and be placed bo *uob calendar, wltb a view ta tbeir bom|t be?ru by Mr. Juatice H?at, wbo will bear ap> peaia lu admiralty ou or about tba 2otn ol May. Un application oi Mr. William t. Howe Judga Douolmo yeaturday granted a writ ol oartierari ia tbe caae ol Uumav Fuubi, charged wltb aendlag a enalleuge to tight a dual ta l)*vid Levy. Tbe >otmii4 gave bail In $2,6oo beloro Police Juitioa Oturboarg to aaawer ibe uuarge, aud be uow aeoka a renawai of tbo proceadiuge ia tbe Police uonrt. i be writ waa made'returnable on Tueaday next Judge Doliohuo yeatnrJay, ou apvlteatloa Ot Shine* H. stuari aud William If. Kiutsiag, granted a writ af error in tbe ua?e 01 Uuetavu* Abuott, tba Boeton taor. eiiaiii, convicted 01 laiaa preteaoea at Mm February 'lorui 01 tbu Court ol Uenaral Se?eiona In dafraadtaf Frederick D. Utobr in the varabaea ol a bill al gooda and naniouoed to Htata Priaoa lor three year*. Tba granting 01 tin* writ eaabiea a review of tbe proa dad lug* at tue trial at tba bast term 01 tba Baprome Ooart, General Term. Meaera. Urant and Lyda>ok*r, oonaaal for Martlk lUgKerty, recently diaenargod I root tbo police, obe laiueii yvaierday Irvm Judge Davie aa order te efeow cauau why a reoent ordor o( Jadge Donobae denying ? motion to pualab the Police Commiaeioaera lor eea teiupt, in nut making a "return ta a lupplamoatal writ iu tue caae, aud graatlag a motion ju tailing eaeb writ," ebouid not be vacated. A* the case eMnda, If look* a* tnoagb it might reauu in n aharp eoatrovaref oetweeu Jaige* I)*vi* and Doaobne, owing to tba enoflieitiig nitiitre 01 tbair order*, luu order ta abaw oiimi* u.ada rataruable to-morrow ia duprome Ookis caaabaMb