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THE DEAD "BOSS." What His Counsel Said in His Last Appeal tor Mercy. "WILLING 10 SUBMIT TO ANY TERMS." Tweed's Funeral To Take Place on Wednes day aad To Be Strietlv Private. The following U the letter which wm neat to noy General Schooumekor in the eurly part o ? luury lut, by Mr. John D. lownaend, Tweed ? couo ?el, selling lorth the ground. upon which ho applied lor Tweed's release;? To Hon. Augustus .Schoosmakck. Jr., Attorney Uon orul ?I liiti* ol New \oik. Pro-Odin*- cuUn.nauam uc; Lora.ncTwI* U* 'I '* eminently proper that you SKKrSS S&"iss^.ta^,KS a^nlaol wilb hnn, una winch probably induced the llZ ot conduct which be tneu adopted, and to v!i>^h lit. to the uret.cni time, be bus bouo?tly ad l.ered' The detail* 01 my connection with Mr. 1 weoua 5KS- Including IMS letter to Mr. O'Couor, on Do V ? ik7(1 will be lour.d m two loiter* w.nch 1 to lb* Attorney General, and which ware tiubifcliod iu I lie edition* ol tbu N'kw \ out HhRALU of iluue ai nnrt July 7. The Attorney Genera versiou ol bis couuoction with Mr. I wee ? Tn irj will be lound iu his toiler lo ?*oV J?nir lt'ibinsuu, dated June 27. 1STT, J? copy ?i wnicu ir probably on til<- in yourolll -e. Mr. Tweed ? ^rnVd to me" on*the 13th o.'june, 1877 ? u, pub.iehed tn lull in tlie Nkw Yukk H*?iU) ?of October 10, lh'^ Tnese imparl, 1 believe, will ooutaiu all mailers which arc mtiieriul since my connection with Mr. ? *fluir- un<l If not iu your pocsccslau I will 'apply tneui and at tbo ainne tune ask you lo conslJer tuem In connection with una letter. COXXKU'lKb WITI1 TllK KINO FKAUDB. Mr Tweed ???* reiurued to tue isuertil ol tins county by United State* authority on tue 23d o! November. 1^70 At tu^ nine I wg* counsel lor h. A. Woodward, wuo nf a special clerk or attache ol Mr. lwced.wa* iuxod ftp in mo King fraud*, and m consequence had Vuun su^d ana also indicted. I baa "av"^Mr. Woodward to conlesa hi* complicity and to oiler res lltUilon, and be bad concluded to do so. and be offer coudlilonal upou hi* releasu Iron# J ul was at uio time ol Mr. Tweed's return under con. gnil-ration by Mr. O'Couor. At that linn Mr. O Conor wu* virtually tne Atleruey, so lur as procced ?na* against ibe Biiiji were concerned, aud that auch was the is conceded by Mr. Kairobl d In , , letter to Ibe Governor. above relerrod ?o 1 bad several interviews with Mr. O'Couor as such iu reference to Woodward * affairs prior to Mr. Tweed'* return, and thought 1 understood, to a ccrtaiu extent at least, tne high ino tiv.s wbicU aciuned in bis elfori* to mike hi* services to tue Slate as valuable a* poMlble. In tbu m. re collection ol dollars aud cents Mr. O Couor took no active interest; whatever was lu bo doue in lllal turned over to Mr. l-eckbam, his "ssisunu Wueu i made application lor tue ^barKe ol Mr Woodward irom imprisonment, upon Ue baa s of con lea* ion aud resolution, bo releried me to Mr. leckbam. Mr. O'Couor said thai he looked upou Woodward a inoro Clerk and loo' ol oiners, wbo, iu obeying order*, had doue what a large proportion ol P^ousiu bis pulU ol lile, placed iu Ins portion, would naV none, aud ibat re?iiluiiou a* lar us ho coul.. m ike t, lucetlier wub tbe eviduuee bo could supply, w.<* sulll c^eul punJsoBienl. 1 am Mli^Ooa ib.n .1 Mr. O'Conor li a reaily iieeu uuir..inmcllea iu his purpose*, the history ot ib. King suit*, wben read by pos.eruy, would have auswered a* tbe greatest warning to evil-doers mat a puoilc prosecutor bai over pra-euied 10 ite wirld. ratuer ihuu as they now appear, a lust Bufjcci oi uerWion aud conteitpl. l'1" "J* lusioii* 1 have made lo my couuecilou with W ood ward * o?ie, and U> my uuderslanding ol Mr. O'Conor'a views m relerenco to tuese ?a?e*. may seem unuecoa iury at Ural, bui tb y bear upou Uio view proper to be civen in my opinion to mis application. A low days pr"or to Mr. Tweed's return to una cy, which, a* slated, w,.* on November Ai. Ib7?, Wood ward who?nidevoted in b s Inondauip to M<.Tweed. ?xpre??i d a dcaire lhat 1 wou d ucl lor him upon ul* arrival liere, il he gliould d?*ir? to luuko a protler o coule*?tou aud resiiiullon iu con*lderation lt?r hi* di? cuarge iron, impriaonmeut. Upon tins subject I had Ttnorviows witu b..ib Mr. O'Couor and Mr. 1 eekham. C actual a*?urauie was given mo Uia 11 Mr 1 weed made uucli tend" r it would i,a accented but iroiu the conversations 1 hid wub Ml' O'Couor 1 think 1 Wa* author,zed to conclude mat ni* intentions at that time tmiioau the great em peniUi ie? up Jh those person* wno bad thriven under Riu? mlluoucea whose uncllociual ftttaiuuienis aud social posinou aliou.d nuvo ?ie,o e" ,mple* o. v.rme rather than vice. W.ihout Jirrwudiug to Hive his language I tinve livunl lr. O'Couar ejpresa niui?ell iu return to Mr. i weed very mucn us il be coimdered that be did not etaotly lall ?aioiiK inose mi'iM puuiibmeot *uoutd i?e uo_.viost. I kill sure I Ciilinol oe loialakeU II 1 say tltat when I *ug ee*ied to Mr. ??'0onor the idea mat Mr. Tweed might ?.? induced 10 m a lull coules*i..n, be intimated that aucn ni exhibition, in opinion, would do more eood ?? a jsreal <u .ral elleci, ibftu the restora Po? ol ?ll the money l.o ban liken. Iw.UjU not U..OO auy cona.der.itiou unssiaiu anvihiug Mr. t>Xouor nn* ?aid to mo, nor ao 1 ?ay anything 1 ueiieve ne would preler I shou d uoi allode lo, Mr ?1 weed's present positlou oouipela lue IO express fuby *I?.| conciurioua 1 derived iron, my interview* until 111 O Conor at mat, in order lust n may bo viewed by yon raiber in ihe briiliaiit light cresied h> hilh and exi-nded v.ew. ol M . O't onor ihan by ii,e leoble ?limu??-r wuich has .ee.ued to serve tbe purpose since be retired Inm chargo ol the caej. 1 Lrsi snoke to Mr. li'Conur upon luo matter of Mr. Tweed ae vera I days prior to Hi., arr.Val here, and III laci, Iuimediately ulier Mr. WoiHlward bad hrsl broached tbe suojeot. and 1 ??w Mr. t weed upon the day alter bis airivai?lo wit, ou the'i4iu ol Noveai b r lo the Hum ol ?ub/-??lueiil events is't not lair to l. ler uuieas il Im> denied o> Mr. O Conor, that had be r< ms'-ned in cha??? of the King suit* Mr weed would nav.1 been used as a wlines* asalnni Mr. Ke.eiiyv Mr. O'Couor doe* noi beanaie tu sr*K? ? 'wi oniy 10 try' Li ho expected lo ooiam judgment against Hweeny Uy toe iMhi ?l ?no letter wr.iteu Sv "ir* Veckuan N?h lo the Attorney Usneralou l?e lib ul June, 1877. expii.naiory o. the ^ ...,v .uonted iu *. tiling w .tu sweeuy, aud wine" a set form m Mr. > nrchii.. < le't.r ioibe Uovert, r. il woulu appear thai mere waa no eTirteneo ju?itUea i? prwwdiug to irml. 1 uud aid under the imi ie*?iou tbal Mr. O Conor cou r.uered Mr Sweeny ? man uiucd more eangerou. lo t^ely tliaoMr . ween. ?< -hal , nl agalMt mm w.uia b? oi much greater importance than Iweea. ? ?.n U .. considered that Ju.t wwr to tue return ol Mr. I weed w. re maue 10 Kr na sweeny to trial, ihal l ?eeu wa* reiurued on me W l ?l November, 1?7?,. tbal tl nad (Ken sug .Xid evee prior to Lis return that be u.l?ni, .ud a a.n alu-rward lhal be would coulee* hi* mis ieed* . . ! j. .mil snv -m all ol hm lormer ?* suciates - mat on ihe ?kn ol December ibereaiier Mr. Twee?wrote hrt lett.r to Mr '"^.'lutl o* by tbe pr^ultouunder "e's^ t"eu w ? uef ".tie r relerrid tnJl He." inm * Nsab to me sweeny, leave a fair presumpnon that Mr. ?? C^nor inteuded at ui.t time, II posaioie. to m*ao use ol I weed upou ihe irisl ?' ?-?weeny. M l. ll'lWlPK HKTIKKS Juat about ttis time tlr. O'Conor lor soma reason retirou Irum all participation iu ilio Klhtf o.iaos. Iiu |>ru??ad, aa t ?us, iron, the conversation referred to, w lib the beuol that Mr. o'Conor JooKtd with lavor upon the intimation that l weed would couless and In., ko i ucli reditu .inn a* ha could, i bare uu doubt that 1 imprsaaid Mr. Ivitil wltu the aaiita view*, aud Ibat ui( lettor to Mr. O'conor ol Deainilierd waa uii queatlouably influenced by 1 and oihaiawu.i 11 id baid interviews wstu Mr. u'Counr no tOe Jtbiijucl bad loid tiiin I aliilluenced by politic* or prejudice* and un biasaeu b>' liones ol pecuniary aaVantaga of oibrr pre II I 'limit, Mr. O'louor waa ol all uieu tlio nut at that I tune to wboiu Mr. I Weed's proposition could aalaiy be presented, and Ilia riitltluiiiu liom the cmo Wsa ti.e acveied blew Mr I weed baa reca.Ved since Ilia Imprisonment. should you deem it your duty 1 t? ailflMQ with Mr. O'conor upon toe *ab;tct ' of Ibia appioaiioii, I unit you will ba able to tu- 1 duca him to Uiaaio^e wbat it was, .>1 tbat so mpo riant em to Mr 1 wet'd, compelled Imn to n ire. It waa months, ii.jwtieff, alter Mr. U't'ouor a actual re tirement belora I learned (but ho had cenaed to take fiart witb tbe prostitution. Uu February ?ll, 1471, I Curolin O'Uryan bryaut, who to i u certain extent to ba the moutliplwa ? ol Mr. U'^Oliiir iu ttil* affair, and Wlio kept iir. i weiii, by preioiiUng to bring inta??*ee Irom Mr. O'lAiuur to nnu lor aereral weak*, uuner tlio belief tbat Hi* le. imitation ol bia imprisonment v?a* a numtiuti ol altw najtn ouy, wrote to ma in aiructioiis winch he a.<id be bad received irom Mr. tl'Conor, and wbico bore dirrcliy upon the iliecbarna ol -Mr. i weed, and as lulu at M'irob 15 to-re.iliar no wrote to inc Inat tnc u.uru uujiuiict ol ihe caae Would be atrieily conbued to Mr. I) Conor and ibu Attorney Ueueritl." It is not ilrniiKt mat i ebooid )tTi Oi-ou ihibIm I'/ una ujhd, lor I urif beard Ml bltu until tin turned up ID Mr. I'fWi'l aOalra, and 1 Iben mat bim al tbe house ol Mr. O'Conor, itiitw ol bim as boiug a visitor at ma houM *1 Mr. tilden, and bad reason to suspeet thai bo was au saaonaio ol Mr. Faircbilt. Fur montba >ir. lwi'0'1 waa anXluns y awaiting a ilellmto response hi* i*ti?r to Mr. O'couor, ami even alter be bail beard ol 111* retirement iio still belit-Teil that hi* Jnog iiu-iit tvou<'I !?* Coll-Ijcri d by Ilie Anoruey lleiK rai. t rior to Mr. I woen'a escape irom jail, Meaers. I'mlu and Ueyo nad been In* attorney a, and Mr. Oavid Hud, a* t luld Ui? couuiet. It will be ouuuudau, 1 pro- , sumo, that bis counsel Is ? lawy*t of eminent ability. Ou I lie 27tb ol Januiry, 1K77. these gentlemen wrote tu him that iu their opinion the judgment (lor the non-payment of winch be is no* contlued) could ba reversed <u tba Court ol AplMtaU, aud all that would be required oi luiu Would b? tu luruiab an uudertakmg In f&UO lor coma; al ibe same time informing lum that a sulflcieut nuinier ol cases Uad be-'D printed, wneu tba appeal waa tateu to ib? Geueral Turin. Aguiu ihey ?rroi? to hliu uuon tbo same sub ject on tho lJth ol February. Ibeie coiniounicuti >ut were itbouru butn to Mr. Fatrchild aud Mr. 1'eck hum, aud tbey w?re informed by me o( Mr. Tweed's determination to aiuare to his proposi. tiou contalued in Dig letter to Mr. O'Cooor, and on tbe iullowing day Mr. Tweed roplieu to Mes.?rs. Field h Deyo, virtually relieving tbeiu irom lurtbur service. Copies of tuese letter* will ;>e louud at latigtb la my first communication to Mr. Faircbild 1 mention tb? subject of those letters from liu<ouu??< lor tbe purpose ot showing that Mr. Tweed ai that time waa In great uncertainty as to wbat was to be tlie result of Ula proposition, and through till* uncertainty tie :ost trie ser vcei ol tbe able couusel who bad theretofore conducted his delence. in bis letter to Mr, O'Conor Mr. Tweed says:?'-I regiet that my uieuns hare now become so utterly inadequate. 1 would not I uiake the (utile oiler il I bau uut t>ome assurance | through your published statements thai tne vindica tion ol principle ana the prospect ol permaiieuny purltying tbo public service are the objects you Iiuvo io view us being more desir able tbuu the recovory ol mosey." In this letter he simply oilers to confess, to make sucb restitulou i> is iu his power, submitting bmisell to the most searching scrutiny. Nothing is luuuiaied in tbis letter about bis corroborating everything he Confessed to, and bad tbut been demuudud oi hint thou be would u.<ve seen how lutlle Ills proposition really was. On the 23d of February I called on Mr. Tweed at the Jail, in company with the Attorney Gen eral anil Mr. i'ookham. NKCKSslTY OV A YL'LL CONFESSION. Tbe Attoruey Geueral then Impressed upon Mr. Tweed tbo absolute necessity ol making it lull cou lessiou ol bis crimes and uccompltces. and nothing loss would be acceptable. As the Attorney General roluecd to suggest any stiujeciG upon wbicu be speclully required lulormatiou, aud it waa impossible lor Mr. Tweed to bring to mind, on cull, all ol bis misdeeds or tbo names ol all his associates, a oriel summary was prepared of what he timnediatoly brought to retnctnbrauoe nud forwarded to the Attorney General ou tbe 2dth of February. From about Men until April 4 1 heard nothing uirecliy irom the Attorney General, although i ? learned tuut he whs tu communication With Carolln O'Bryan Bryant, and bad visited Mr. Tweed in prison with him aud alto alone, and had conversed with him about bis ullalrs, aud hud carried away Irotu tbo jail pupera belonging to h:m. For weeks X bau uo tuilueuce whatever over Mr. Tweed. He relieu upon the lulormatiou which be received or thought be received Irout Mr. Fatr cbild through Bryant, iu the early part ol April, bowever, Mr. Tweed having begun to loao conQdeuco iu Bryunt I hud an interview with Mr. Falrcbtld at the Buckingham Hotel, lu this city, aud obtaluod from htm a statement of what 4Ir. I weod must do to obtain uis discharge, lie then said that tl he mado a lul'confusion au<i restored what property he still had ho would be reieused, aud not otherwise. This uesuiauce, 1 understood, he also gave to Comptroller Keily, ol this city, as well as to Mr. Tweed peisoually. Upon tbe strength ol this the statement was urawu which bus been called "the confession," and was placed lb Mr. Faircbild's bauds on tbe 17th ot April. Not a word was said to mo prior to the preparation ot tins statement, nor to Mr. 'iwoed, us i understand from him, tbat it would be necessary lor him to lurnisb corroborative evidence oi ull tbut he confedsed tu. 1 rospectiuily ask you to look at tbis statement and see whether there is anything in it wluoti Justified its detention by the Attorney General lor nearly two mouths? I ask whether, in tho very cummcaoeuient or the statement, Mr. Tweed does not sot lortb all tbut bo is willing and ab:o to do, and whether he was not entitled to an immediate answer bused upon bis proposition T Does ho not say tbat be sets lorth ull the chocks and papnrs which are in his possession, confirmatory of what he states. Tbe proposition to the Attorney General was this, "Will you uis< n.irge uio if 1 do what is set form ib my siuterneutf" During the time this statement was held by Mr. Fair child Mr. Tweed, at the xuggostiou of Mr. Fulrobild, was visited by Mr. reekbum, bt? assistant; by Mr. Wiitvuey, thu Corporation Counsel ot tbis el y, aud by his assistant*, and by privute counsel ualleu iu by tho Corporation Counsel to try some ol tbe cases insti tuted by or ugaiust ttie city growing uut ol tho King Irsuds. fly all tbese gentlemen ho lias been ex amined. lie bus*een quesilonod about almost every thing, auu has beeu taken once or twice buiore a ref eree to testily in the action known as tue "NaVurto Water Meter Suit," which is an action urought against tue city and which involves more tbau $l,oixi,bOO. A question as to wbulber the referee should uut be displaced iu oouaequeuce ol business iclations witb one ol the litigants. as 1 am inlornied, alone prevented uis lesliftiooy from being taken. In oouuectiou Willi this 1 herewith submit to you u letier Irom Mr. Bangs, tue utile couusel retained to rnpre sent the city in delence ol the Navarro claim. Alter tue reiuru ol his xiaiemeut by Mr. Faircnilu bis lrieuds. as well as the press, advised biui to make public his confession. '1 his be could not do, bui bo obeyed tbe summons IssuoU out ol the supreme Court to upiiu?r before it committee ol tlie Board ol Aldormau and testily us to the nature uu<l origin ol tlie Htu? lraud?, sad be there gave sins lestiiuouy in a manner Ihut rendered u up pareut to >11 that he was truthlui and siucera in tlie oiler that bo bud made, and inducad the Hoard of Aldermen, alter tlie report ol the com nut ice, to puis* resolutions suggesting Ihut ha be dhtobai fed. lu couuectiou Willi tula loiter i also cull your at. touuou to tlio report of commute*', with u copy ol wh.oli 1 lurui.ii you, us well us to tbe resolution* relsrred iu Since the return ol ma statement by Mr. Kairctnld, Mr. weed ha? caused notice to lie given to the piaioun's altnrtieys lu all cai-es agiinst him that Judgment may lie takeu aguinsl him lor the amouulN ciaimei', lie bus lelt that it would bo un called lor to put tbe people to lurlbor expense, and tbut siiioo a thorough exposure o( tils affairs been inaiie utiiier direction of Mr. >'uir child, It would be inure Mali useless to deiend. 1 rcspccnully ur^e that outside ol tbe lact that Mr. I'a rchtiil made a distinct promise to discharge Mr. l'weed Iroui arrest il be iruiulully con fessed his misdeeds ana gavo the uamoa ol his sm>o cialeo, which prumtae can be abundantly proven, the treatment of Mr. Tweed as connected with tbe cave ol Mr. Sweeny should be enough to authorise bis dis charge. With the evidence ot lhgorsoll, * uo was discharged Irom Stale Prison mainly that be might testily in this case against .Sweeny, with th* benefit which certainly would havo accrued In the plaint ill from tbe crosa-examtnaiiou ol Mwveuy, who would have been compelled to tune the stand In bis own be half, with the testimony ol Woodward, with wuich I am entirely latuiilar, bavin* besn his couuaol, tbe overwhelming testimony ol Mr. Tweed would bsvo rendered a verdiot lor tbe people beyond quu.t tiou. To accomplish this seemed at Drat Ibe (rand ami aud oojeet ol the interviews by Mr. >'.nrchild aud Mr. I'eckbam with Mr. Tweed, aud uu> lea [ am wrongiy iniortited Mr. i'eckhuiu bits told Mr. JTairobtld that be would require Mr. Tweed's evl deuce ou the trial ol tbo action agaiutt sweetiy. from wnui bau transpired, inc udiog tbe interviews aud conversslions b id witu Mr. Tweed aud myseil on tbe sunjoel, we fell almost oontidcul mat he would be used as * witness upon that trial and tltoa oe dis charged. tveu Mr. rockham, who then bail control ol the proceedings against Mr. 1 weed, Was III doubt w lit'iher i weed aouid be used or not a* late as May H!l; lor on mat day, in reply to an inquiry on toe subject iroiu me. be replied in writing, "I cau only say that a on will be rcsotied beiore the Swejny trial." I bo Utial consummation of tuo ur. raugeuieut with swecuy, wnicti bud beeu going ou tor arverai Jays, was edecivd ou the 0?U of Juue iu op' u court in u iu timer no discreditable to tne pioaecuuon that uevor since it occurred bus any one but Mr. J-'alrcblld been Known to approve II. But let we go ? step lunber and ask whether in the liglu of all tne circumstances wnicu surrounded this *ettl< ment witu Swe< uy it is not lair to presume tliat it was brought about through tbe beltul that Tweed was to be caiied as a witness f wk iikxt ?vaitvrniNu. In tbe Sunday A*iei oi Uetemoer Jl, 1876, Mr. Xc Khou, one ot Mr. aveeny's louuici, is repoi ted us us.i.g tne lol.owing language In reference to Mr. sweeny's caaer?>"We have nothing to do with coin promise: we deny everythiug, end dely tbem to con. VICt us.'' lu ibe 11 SK.ti.ii ol Marches, 1!?77, Mr. lleach, anotner ol Mr. - wveuj 'e couu-ei, In reported aa making use ol lb* following isugusge ill reareuue to Mr. sweeny's c se ? 'HIs (IUJT) client woulu not listen lu any talk ol a compromise, much le-s propoce one bimsell, and nothing o| thai k ud may be o"kei: lor." lu the Mkhai.ii ot M r> u 30 Mr Heacu Is again re poi leu is eaymg:?"Mr. Saeiuy w. uld not listen to any lalkol a sutllemeul. flu came t?ver here iu try bis c??? and will tnsn-i upon its being tried. Wnen he goes on tbo stand and gives Ins leslinoiiy bli snarar ter will appear in *u entirely new phase." Ou April IS, 1877, a card Irom Mr. sweeny appeared In the >lew Vork p.tpeii, in wnleb occtiis the ioIIow lug lauguage:?*'li is equally uulouudeil thai 1 am negotiating or attempting to tiegoilato any eompru ol my litigation, or that 1 am in any way con cerned with any supposed compromise with others. 1 siii hern to try in> c i*e aud sui ready lo try it." Il Was uot until tbe 17tb of April tit it it Wits pub licly Known thst Mr. iweed bau realty forvtsncd lo tlie Attorney (?? in rat a detailed statement of Ills know.edge ol tno ? assoi tst-*u wiib nnn in tn? King IrnU'is, but haver alterward was heard Irom Mr Mei'iuy or bis counsel any such ringing tones ol ucb uice. It certainly is not known tnat aoytinug bu I weed's appe <rancn iu<luced ibe auaiige Irani the atyle ol virtuous Indignation wbith Sweeny until April assumed, to the svidtty with wlncu he would seme si any price, |etinng eteu with lue pro?ecmioo to save ntm-eif lu vilely stigmaitains his dead knottier, agaiusi whom no suit existed, and no prools were ollered, a- a thiol. a f'HonKci'Tixo drncmra dltT. It surely snoula not n- aui.iitted a- a procodent In Ibisntale mat ? prose, uiill,, olllter iSJUSlllled in sens tag prireuers in jail, ooiatutug irom th ut inlorma nun wiituti, if isiriy u-iM, would bo ol great liu portauce lu an aettun wh en he has on baud, aud men, because lie choones lo it jjii?t the esse In a way diacreuitabio to himselt, that tie should Ignore the heneQi be derived lioui tne prisoner and keep tit ut still in pr Sou. It IS due alike 10 Mr. 1 wee: and to Ibl Sute ihut lie should no longer be restrained ol his iioeriy in this case. I'eulsltuieiit is intended lor the relorioatiou ol the vllouuer and tbe security ol soctet,. li it uas douo its work It slioulu ceasu. It has not heretolore been coustilered Impolitic to relea?e a prisoner, tl be has become penitent and there is reasouanle assur.uce tbat tbe haiety ol tbe puuiic will noi be endangered. No (He will pretead tbat Mr. I weed is detaineu in tne detnor's prt-ou in this city, when the most esi.msbie clngen may be detained lor tbe hoii.paym> ut oi n mini la U.t, either aa a mesne lor ins reiormailon or aa an ex mple to ??u doer.1. lie ate Attorney hau no Just itpprectiiltoii ol benellta lo tbe riiate won h could uot be estimated by dollars aid cents, aud ue kept Williatu Iweed lu tuls piace ? imply beoauae ho could not pay tbe money. labia letter to Mr. U'l'ouor Mr. Tweed regretted hia bilitv lo make such rmiii utlou, nod 10 bis aiateuiont to Mr. Fairchild he detailed bis present resource* ? d ode rod to auburn to lb* fuliosi luveatigat u>u a* to ma property. My poaitio* toward Mr. Tweod it fir Irons oeiox understood U u cau 0# impwU'l that 1 ??k (or bin disobargo uutil lit* baa repaid to ih* uituoat in bla nownr tba uioueys ho lias fraudulently obtained iroiu ibis city. 1 believe ibat va baa but lull* properly le.i; but, if ooly tor my own sage, I should rubral lili discbarge uutil b? baa sub. ui11ted to tba moat thorough aud searebma exunuoa uou. No luvesiigatiou upon tbis point baa over boon made. Why should it not be dona at oncer If it Is conclusively proven ibat lie bas uo properly wnal la ibo use ol holding bun i iu I lie debtor's priaou f If it abould oe nliuwu upou audi uu exuniiunlioti llial be has property concerned, aud tbul Ins uppeul to Mr. O'Conor bait been waUo iu bud I in ib, you mikbt Ibeo be ante io raaovur tbe propariy, and certaiuly no on* tuarealtar would waata u particle of sympathy on bliu. I have impressed these views upon Mr. l'wead, and bla re sponse la, "I have uolbiug but wnat 1 have disclosed and um willing lo aurreuder, aud 1 do not four ibe clo.?eat scrutiny and investigation" 1 have tried to impross you thus lur with l .e idea tbnt Mr. Tweed is equilubly entitled to bedischarged, but there i* Knottier mutter wbicn abould not b.j overlooked. 1 know ibat \lr. 1 weed cau give nuportaut evidence tb several suits iu wbich this oil# la interested, growing out ol' tbe King fraud*, id wlncb uboul are involved, uud should such actions bo tried uud loat by tue oily, without Mr. Tweed being called aa a witness, iba people of tula city will bave a right to ask wnalher, upou the principle ou which aettiauiauta wnu other members ol tue King buve beeu uiade, bis uuatody iu a debtor's prison is consid ered of greater value ihan the suving to this city ol ?ucb vast sums of inoticy. In my interview wnb you recently, ta your olDca at Aibmy, you asked me II I had considered whether, uuder ihe act ol 1875, you had the power to consent (o tbe dis cbarge of Mr. Tweed. Since tbeu 1 buve cureiuily ex amined chapter 49 of the Laws of 1876, which 1 believe was the only law passed that year liariu;; reierence to your control of actions growing out of' the King irauda, and Uud tbo ouiy reierence made lo the Governor la in section 4 of Wio act, and tbeu only to prescribe that ai the request of the Governor the Altoruey General shall mattlute and prosecute any action or special proceeding in the cases men tioned in that act. Uy that teotion aoiiona cau he commenced either by the Attorney General ou bla own motion or by thu direction of tbe Governor. .NOT AT MU TILOKK'a HKyl'KHT. I While I Hunk it ?outd be a great atrefeb of the rules for the interpretation ol statutes to aay li at in an action commenced ju ot these ways thu gen eral powers ot the Attorney General aa to the mode of conducting iriula were limited by this auction, yet il sutsti interpretation wus given to It It certainly would uot he con sidered aa bearing upon actious other than Instituted at the request of the Govoruor. To thta there ta a dellDite reply. Tbe acttou ugainalMr. Tweed waa commenced ou the niotlou ol the Attorney General und uot at the request of Mr. Tildeu, who waa then Governor. In the fO,OUO,OOU sun uguiusi Mr. Tweed, in which he is now tmprisoued, Mr. Tildeu wus a witness, and tbe following qiiesiiou* wore put to him by .Mr. yield uud uDswered by nun-? q. in 1875 a law wua passed to ebuble Ihe people ot ibis Stat* io bring and maintain cerium actions for the recovery ol money and property. You remember that, ol course t A. 1 do. Q. Tbe fourth section of wbieh is aa follows:?" bo Attorney General on hia own motion, whenever be shall deem it necei-sury or expedient to euloree the rights of tbe people, uiay, uud at tho request ol the Governor aball, institute uny or iu this act." Mow, have you requested or directed the prose cuttoii ol uny person within tbe scope of this act except tbe defoudaut Tweed f A. I never requested blm lo prosecute Tweed. 1 gave no direction to prosc cuie .my ol tnetn. This, 1 irust, with tbe precedent ostabli-sbed by Mr. O'Conor in tbe cai>e ol Woodward and by your Imme diate predecease/ in other cases, will be considered by you us suOlcunt upon tbo question of your power to act Iu the premises. But Mr. Tweed asks nothing but his liberty. He (a old aud seriously ill and is couauutly attouded by hia physician*, Curuosnuu uud ->chirinor. lie is willing to submit to any terms you may choosu lo prescribe. Ho asks that you will accept? aa wua done in Woodward's ease?tue lit tle properly he cau restoro und apply it us part pay client upou Ihe Judgment. 1'rtor to thai be will subuin, iu ihejull or elsewuere, to the closest investigation as lo bla property. 1 snail be loth lo commence any proceedlugs tor ihu discharge of Mr. Tweed without leeling thai you aro at least kindly disposed toward our application. Although you aro the Attorney General of the Slate, Iu these oivil suits you are ill reality the representative of ihe interests ol tbe city. Whatever ol beuetlt is derived Irom Ihe prosecutions ol the aoilona oTenlually comes to this city. Is It, then, too much to usk you to consult iu regard io this application with peraous in thla city whose intelligence uud position ouuble them to Judgo with discretion and wisdom? I mean *to such per aous as the gi'Uileincu who have heretofore repre sented the Altoruey Goueral ib in* prosecution ol Mr. Tweod, to the judges wbo have sat in Judgment in bis case, to the couusol wbo is defend ing tbe interest'* ot ibe city against tbe fraudulent actions arising out ol the King Irauda, wbicn hare been commenced against II, iu the Mayor aud liuauuiul head of tue city, uud to the Ald*rin*h who are tbo immediate representatives of tbe people. You bave had uo political or social rolalioua with Mr. Tweed or bis Irietids in mo pusi, und 1 have reason lo beiiovo that inn altitude you will ussuin.- toward Mr. i'weed upon this application will be inllueuced by no politi cal or personal prejudices, task nothing uioro. 1 am, respecuuliy, your obedient >-ervaui, JOUN D. TOWMSKND. I'ltliPAJlA'l'IONS FOB IWKKD'g FUNKliAL. Tbo remains ol William M. Tweed urn a till lying lo the bouse of bu son-in-law, Mr. Frederick Dougl is, lu hevaniy>scvenib street, and tbe funoral will occur from tbat placo on Weduesday. Tbo delay is to give the members of the (lead Boss' lamily now 10 tbu country an opportunity to t>oe (be body ol tbe uuiortunate mm connlgned to eurtb. lbn daugblor wUuhv nurri.igo lo Mr. Magiuum, ol Now Orleans, made audi a xeur-aiion just I.e.ore tuo' King exposures, is now ou ber way to tbiu cliy and la expeeiud to arrive on lu*saay. Mr. Tweed'* older sous are la Kuropo, and bis two younger son.-?boys ? l about fourteen?are at school down East, aud uad not seen tueir lattaer alter nls arrest and coulltietneut. The relatives and Irionds ol tlie deceased are all anxious lo avoid display at too funeral. .Services ol a very umpe ctiarjcler will bu uonuunted at luo bouse by Her. Ur. 1'rice, ol Hempstead, Look Inland, who married Mr. 1 weed. Tbe remains will oe interred in Greenwood Cemetery, wnere Mr. Tweed some years ago purchased a lainily plot in a bouuillul sltuatlou. Last nig tit, as on tne previous one, tlio body was In trusted to in* care ol a solitary waluber, in whose custody II will ruiuaiu until (be day ol tne luncral. Owiug lo tbe great size <>l tbo deceased mo uuder luKer was unable to obtain a colli n large enough, and was obliged lo have ou? mad* lo order. Nu ? merous Irieuds ol tbo doad man cal ed ul tbe bouse yesterday, but s.ll wub tne ex option of Mr. Cbarles Devlin were denied admission. gentleman exprest-ed a bope tbal tuo oouy would be embalmed, so tbal Mrs. tweed aud the cbll? drou o. deceased, now in Europe, inula take a last look al tbe lace of tbe dead ere tne grave closes over It. A dsrp acb by cauls was received froin I be absent eues yesterday, out it is understood tba tuuural is lo take place as stuied above. COLONEL HUGH COCK'S OBSEQUIES. 10 conuectiso w1m tbe obsequio* ot ilio ut? Coiouel Jaini's R, Hitchcock, coiuuiauiler ol the Ninth regiment, infantry, N.ll.S N.Y., which will take place to-morrow, tne following; general order baa been issued:? IlKAI>VLAl;TKH.t HlCOSO BrKIADN, 1 *1H?T Diviaio*, N.U.S. Jt. v., 1 Xkw Ymuk, April U, 1873, ) liKxtthAl. oKOKlUt. .NO. X I ?It Is with proiouud regret that itie Briga iitr Uen erai coin iniiDi'in^ announces to tho urina te mat Uilumi James K. Hilcb Ouk, u> tue NlltU reglui<BI, luiautry, uieii ai be residence ibis noon. Thedm easou oillcsr en ter. il Hie NationalOuard aetvice iu 1 hoi, aud b.leu ibe ? r io us poeiltoua ol captain, major aud lieutunaut colonel wuli credit to mmseli aud to the orsanicitiou with which lie ??< ho louit ideutitled, and Dually at taiutd tue command ol ilio regiment lie ilid no luucb io nub; to lis present blgn eiaudard ol etilcieucy au<l :arg ? nuuilien. Ibe sorrow so dee|il> Kit by (be ?number* ol tue Ninth renimeut at die uunineiy death of its commander will be thured ujr all wbo knew hiid ?nd bu worib. 11 ? Ibe tteVoity-Orsi regimobl, 1 uf..nI ry, under tbu comiui4Md oi Coiouel Kicbanl Vo?e, la hereby detailed to net aa luuoril escort to bla remains, aud will appear in lull dress unilorm (Uelu nod s>aA uiouuieit), wnb the ueual badge vl mourulug, at eleven o'clock A. M on lue lot li tust., at tbe Duten Keiorioou Cuurch, at 4''In street an J 6i b avenue. luleriueut at .S.apleton, S. I. i III.?The Eleventh reiilmeut, Infantry, Coiouel K Uubekunt, com in indiug, haviui; Kin i ly volun teered touct an a portion ol tbe luiierm escort, it- ?er vice is hereby aciepied, and tlicy will app.-ar in lull dree* ii n i lor tn I Uelu and mud mounted), at tue hour, place and date mentioned iu l(in preceding | aragrapli. IV.?Tne lollnwing named officers h ive nei epie<i in V. tat ions to not aa pnubearcM:?Brigadier Uuairal J M. Vuriaii, I turn Brigadier Uoueral L). I). Wylto, Commissary Q.-u<r<l Ordnance; Coiouel K. C irk si V im li regimeui, inl.niry; colonel J. Porter, Twilit. -second r>?iiiiieiil, inlautrv ; Coionel Maoi n\) l>. Scott, Kightb regiment, tbiautry; colonel a. V. K. Cromer, lt?e;!th regiro-nt, nlmiry. V -All officers ol ibe National Uunrd wlio are de sirous ol lulling part in tbe laueral ceremonies are iu Vit< d to attend tbe aauie iu lull dresa unliumi, at tue Hour, plaoe and uaie menuouvd iu paragraph li. VI. ? IfceNillli fttftrueul, Uleuisuaut Colonei M. P. L. Mouiitoincry comui inning. iu lull arena uolloroi, dismounted, will pursue as mourners, at tbe hour, place aud uale mouiioiiud aoore. VJl?Tbe llrigade stall will parade In lull dress noilorni (dismounted), as-enaoliug at ball pist ten o'uiouk A. M., at Hi lga<le liendquartors, Ity order oi Brigadiur i.eueiai h reienck Wlt,MA>i fc. Van W YcK, Colonel, ANSmtaul Adjuiaut liunerai auuClilel ol 3lnll. UOIclalfLAViotm H. Aum, Captaiu and A. 0. C. John delays funebal. The fanerai of the late ex-Cbariiy Commlsslooer, John Delmiy, took plaee Iroin tbe Cbureb ol <H. Mary, Mai of tbe (tea, South Brooklyn, yonter im> loretioon. A solemn requium in .an w.ta ceieuralnd by ilie pastor, Kev. K.t.n. i U' )ue reinuns were interred iu tbe Cemetery ol lue H^ly Cross, >'i?touau. THE SIXPKNNY" SAVINGS BANK. AVOTHKE MEETING OF THE DEFOSJTOBS?BE FOBT OP THE COMMITTEE APPOINTED TO _ JNVJCH11GATH THE AFFAlitB OF THE J ANE. Tbe Sixpenny Having* Bank depositors met at tbe first Diktnct Ceurt yesterday afternoon to bear tbe report of ttie committee appointed at a lormer meet ing to investigate the uff.ilrs of that institution. The Attendance wus so targe tnat lutiy one-half ol those present coutouted themselves with stub ding room, some oi lbs crowd not boing able to get further lliuQ tbe door iesdiug iuto tbe court room. About twenty Oiirewurn, anxious looklug females were present, and tnese watcbed tbe procectliugs wttb Interest, in the bope of receiving some assurances lu regard to tbe aalety oi tbeir bard earned deposit*. 1 be men were principally of that mass which above ai y otber can ill afford iff be victimised. TUK RKfORT. Tbe Chairman, Morris F. Dowiry, having called tbe mectiug to order, suaouboed that tbe report of the committee previously appointed by the depositors wag ready, aud requested Cbuuning Stebbln* to read tbe sume, wniob be did. as follows:? I he uudersiuned, a committee chosen by the depositors of 'tU? Sixpenny Savinii? Hunk st a meetinit belu on the audi III aicb, 1878, ai tbe l-'irst District Court House, lo iuvesti/ate .he affair* ol said hank, do respectfully report as tollows Firnt? Your committee callaa upon the President and several ol ihs tiustous of said bank und Inquired ot tbain a> to whether they ne.loved the bank insolvent at the tltna stated by tbe uperiuiOH'it'Ut of the Kuok Department, to wlilou tiiey gave ambiguous and evasive replies, and laft the iiupresaiou mat the Suporiuteudent wus ri^ni in eloi lug tne doors ot the lustituiiou. ,sr oiut * niir committee nave also learned from reliable authority there existed among the ofHner* and trus tees ol luis institution a ring or cliqii.-, lo wbose misman agement and disiioaesty Ibe disasters that hare fallen upon the MxpeuVv .Savlugs Bauk are directly attributed. T/iiruf-Yoiir committee have no ialth in tlie sincerit* of pu b ol the trustee* as have bo.istiugly oiTere'i to contii bute certain sums ot money towaiS luauing up the deli Cleiie> In tlia assets. fourth-We find that many of the bonds and mortgages be.d y the bans are eitber absolutely nad or insufficiently secured ; and we deem it the duty ol tlie Attorney General to investigate what are kuouru as the Spoltord mortgages, lor we are ot opiuiou that there in ground lor au indictment in that whole transaction and that some ot the ofHcem of tlie federal government were parties to this seemingly flagrant fraud. CHAKACTKIt or T1IK ASSETS fifth?Tne nominal assets oi the bank are $1,728,14*1, and tbe liabilities, $1,810,571. The assets consist ot houds aud mortgages, real estate, mercantile, Trust Company's stock. Culled .Slates bonds, .State ol Texas bonds. North Carolina bonds, .New Yora city bonds, tax relief '7U, so diers' bounty 'Hi, improvement slock '811, soldiers' bounty '83, Croton V\ ater '83, accrued debt '84, improvement stock '82. sol diers' sunstitute and relief "80, assessment fund '87, ac cumulated debt '87, Central 1'ara '80, 1'eekskill bonds 'W4, Miootlyu Bridge bonds 'ID, lenth avenue bonds '82. sev en! so.uicrs'aid bonds, Syracuse . 1H0U, Pougbkoopaie 't*>, witn a inarset value oi about <4)72,H6S. Jhe call loans rep resent about &Je,l40, lor wbicu there is full collateral security. .Sixth ?The bank examiners reported that on March U they found the bauk possessed of tho following cash items:? I ?ih on baud. $i8,til4: cash lu Niissau Bauk, <-22.l;08; Bitieuers anu Urovers1 Hans, S1.202; Park National Bank, fl,412, aud with J. J. Cisco A Son, $1,1)111, making a total ol <lV>.4Mi. Wo also learn froui tho President that he ne gotiated a loan ol $41,1)00 by pledging government bonds to tbe aiuouut ol' $<t0.iKJ0 to the Nassau Hank ou March 13, four dar* after tbe examiners had completed the first draft ol their wo.-k. This $t)(),uuO. together wltb $'>0,487, amouutinK to SllH,48i, bud been drawn on so lurguly by depositurs that when the receive! took possession oi tli? assets the casii had dwindiod. as above stated, to $15,00'). Tue iniereuce whioh it most naturally suggested by tbls exhibit is that certain parties lu thu conbdeuce of the Presiileut received early information ot the probable eollatise oi the institution aud withdrew their aeuoslts be- , lore the doors were closed by the State. .Srrentli?The number ol depositors Is about thirty-two tboussml, tbe majority of whom have bad to deprive them selves ol loauv ol the comlorta ol' life to save the amount of their 'deposits. ABOUT THR RKCBIVKIt Zi./hth -Our In vesication has conv'.need us that the ac tion ol tho Attorney Caueral and Judxe Westbrook In the appointment of a receiver wus lor tile best interests ot tbo depositors Tliat Mr William K. Itussell, the present receiver, is well iiuaiitied for the position which he hol ts and is entitled to tliu rcspect aud to ill leu^e of the deposit ors: that til*' security which he bai> givon is ample, aud tnat he Is detormiued to avoid. In thesettiiuv up of the affairs ol this bauk, enormous counsel fees und otber exueuses which have characterised tbo closing up of many other savlr.KS iiankn lu tnlr city. A'iatA? Vour committee earnestly reoommoud ail de positors not to listen lor a moment to otliciou- parties who may advisu the placing of tlie atlairs ol the Sixpeuuy H.iv In.s bauk in thu hand* of an asaUnee lu naukruptcy, like unto the Market Havings Hank, which failed more Itian six years .<go aud is still unsettled. /.,.M-l bc receiver informs us that he will declare a first uiviJend of about iorty per cent within uiuely days fr> m da.e, aud that siioulo rue I estate Increase in value depositors a ill receive not loss than seventy-five to eighty ernis lu tho dollai on all their deposits. All of which is respectfully suomittod. Kev. WASHINGTON KODMaN. CIIANN1NG STKBiilNs. .1 C J 1-iM.BM.V J. .J. MBAiillEK. MOKR18 K. DOW LEY. Chairman. K. O. Bbill, Secretary. A WORD FOR TI1K OFFICBRS. Al ibo conclusion of the roadu g of tbe report a motion was mudo thai It be adopted. Heforo the do tlou wits put, however, Mr. Olcotl asked toe mooting to pause bclore,aOoj>tiiig llie report, a* it conutood munjr assertions which lie, ae a depositor, could not cobcur m. It wj? too aovero on tbo ofllceis ol (lie buuk. He believed iu giviog ibe bank olllciala tluie to dispose ol tho real estate on band tuvaaiuguouDly and expressed ibe utmost conHionoe la the Integrity ol said officials. Kuv. Mr. Hodman, a member of Ibo reporting com. mitteo, at tbe request ol ttio Chairman, muted tbat pain* bad been taken to ascertain tbe condition of tue bunk and ibe propped for its depositor*, but thul tlio more lie looked into me sunjnot tbo darker it became, aud be veulured to Hay thai trie condition ol tbe bank was uuiireoedeutud iu tue uui.nit ol bank robbery iu thta Slate. Any information tbexpoukor b..d obtained irom Mr; Miles, tlio rreeitl- nt oi tbe Uauk, was got only by a ?ystym ol corkscrewiug itiui. A Voice? Wby didn't yon screw the iile out of bitu Mbllu you had In in 1 Mr. Ulootl liere agaiu spoke ID delcuce of Mr. Mllcw, and attempted to explain tue real estate transactions of tiiu bank. VJrilT TI1M DldTltlCT ATTORN KY. A depositor interrupted him, saymg tbat It was nnviti.1 uow to talk about tue value oi real estate; what the depositors wanted w<s tbeir money, lie moved tbut a committee ue appointed to wait on tbe District Attorney and aacertuiu wuetber or not the bunk official.- cannot be indicted; tbat If line can be done, iiud onminal proceedtugs be commenced or threatened be bad no doubt that tbe bank officers woula quickly oome lorward aud make good tue de< Uuiouey to the depositors. Uo thought tbey were liabie at least lor the ottenoo of perjury in swearing to a laise conditlou of the uUatrs ol ibe bank. At tbis stage the irrepressible tall man again essayed a brief deleave of tbe bunk utile.sis, but bie worde falling on unaympatbet c ears ne quickly subsided. A Voice from the Crowd?.VIistber Chairman, 1 see tbe gintlemsb wuo lust spoke in a coulub with I'rest* dvut Mi ea this tuoruin'. (Laughter.) Another depositor moved that a committee be ap pointed to wait op the ittorney General and learn wneiher Iho buuk olUcera cannot be proceeded against criminally* Mr. riteooins stated that the receiver was tbe only proper party to oummence *ucb prooeUiuga, a* he waa iu possession ol tue books auu papers ol tne bang, aud It would be impossible to inaugurate anv such uieusure ol redress without first investigating toe books of the bauk. i'be question beiog on tbe adoption of the report Ol tbe cominllice it ? as put to the meeting nud carried uuuiiimouair, the tall man having mysteriously dia appeaivd. Alter aoine iartber dlscussiou a motion was adopted by which the committee, whose report bail b"eu read, was ioairuoitd to aaceria u II tbe oank officials can, not bo proi>ecuted criminally, said eoiuiniiiee to re port in the premises at a meeting o. the uepositors to be beld at tbe same p'ase, ou Saturday, the 27tu Inst. PliOVKD ANU ADMiMSTEIiEi). During tbe past we< k tue wills o( tbe loliowicg named poisons, deceased, were proved lo the Kings County surrogate's Couit, before A. H. Datiey, Sur rogal' :?Julia Van Ulucotn, ol tbo tow* ol tlaibnau; Per Maurltx Magee, Lugone U'Kvele, Caroline Lloyd, William Bawl, Harsu A. Wood, George W. Lee, M irttia L. D. UurtU, Klita Chamberlain, John Ik N orris, Henry I'reston nud Jobn Mobay, all ol brook lya. Lr Iters ol adminlstrat ou wire granted In tbe es tates ol the loiiowmg named deceased perrons:?Klu abeth Coilina, Mary Kiti Hai.g-, cbarles f. i'eltrt, Kinelin. a. Upham, Mary Irene fcvaus, I'atrlck .shan non, Mary Kullian, Kaooel Hrinckerliofl*, Michael Wll. kinxon, I'bonias Mack, all of Brook lyu; Gourge An. geli, oi tbo town ol N>'W l.ots, aud Micnaol O'Muhoney, ol tbe town ?i New Utrecht. Letters oi guardiaushtii of the t>er*on and estate of Marr L fiugden acre granted lo William .--ugiieu, ol Martin Krlta to W'liiam U I.ohm inn, oi Mary Lewis to Mary Kuima Lewis, ol >iary A. lyrrell l<> Jobn Tyr rell, oi James Hobiuson io Kichnhi J. Doiige, all il Kihgs couuty. MiLLEIt'3 CANINE FiilEND. ileury Jtskmcbo, a I mungliter, of Brooklyn, waa bitten by a dog belonging to Mr. Miller, residing at tin. 13 Ulermout aveuue, on Stiurday night last A man passing at the June, in endeavoring lo Irlgblea llie annual away, hud lit* oiotbmg loru by the lerooiou* brute. Au order lor the Killing ol tbe dog was obtained on Monday by Mr. Kkuielio, but when the oflloer called at Miller's residence to cairy out tbe provisions ol tbe or ier uettb-r dog nor in <ster couid ue louno. Judge Kiley ibeu issuod au ordor lor Mra. Miller to api>?ur uelore him yo-t.-rdav tnornlug. -?he was 111 llie uvurt room at the lime spccdied, od ataleo tbat the dog wa* llie property oi her nnsbuud, who tied I e 11 lita borne a lew da) s pi ?vioui<, cur rj Uig tlie canino in his arms. .Sue din uoi gn?w or caie wbere lie w.ia, an be did nollituii lor her aapporl He was a Scotch man, sne said, without relativea, and biaonly lriend was ibe dog. DKOWNEO IN A WASH BOILER Theodore Noetrand, seed oighteen months, son ol Mrs. Kititoein Nostrand, of M'a 2>pi Vanderbllt ave nue, Brooklyn, leil Into a wanh boiler nlied with water, on Friday evi mug, and was urowued. Coro ner d.mins beld sn ltique<>i ou tbe body aud a verdict iu accordance witu tuu taota Waa reuuercd. The Stock Market Active and Very Strong. GOLD 100 1-2 A 100 1-4. Government Bonds Lower, States Steady and Builroads Irregular. THE BANK STATEMENT. Money on Call Easy at 7 a B Per Cent. WaM. STBK1CT, ) aiTURDAT, Api-ii la?u r. u. } It was not possible thai so favorite a stock as Lake Shore could remain la ibe doldrums lor any lenutn of time without attraction oolp irom some quarter, so wben an active speculation was started to-duy aud tbe price curried up lroin 06% 10 67 % at the close no great surprise was created. According to street rr. ports, which as a u->uai thing are as nearly wrong as they are rignt, the new departure has been taken under ibe Incentive ot wtiat in me slaug ol tbo trade la known as a "straddle," er privilege 10 receive or deliver a certain number of shares wlthm a lixed time at a fixed price. In ilia present lostanco tho story goes that Mr. Keene has sold such a privilege upon 10,000 abates, the time being sixty days and the equivalent $30,000. Tho necossafy sequence would ba an operation In tuo stock, which In this case has been a buying one, wltb t'ie result noted. The advance, howover, waa only partially due to this transaction. Lak e Shore has been about tne only bear pit in the market where full grown bruins and trading oubs liave ocorned tbcmselvea reasonably safe Iroiu the attacks of tbelr loes, tbe bulls, aud consequently It was startling this morning to find themselves ttio victims ol a misplaced eoulldenoe. There was but one thing to <1 o. aud that was to Scamper, and soamper tbey did, from bow wiudow to Bread street, covering their sbqrts and adding a fictitious value to quotations. It la not to be supposed, because the old favorite has been re entlirouea, that tbe Northwest speculation was allowed to suffer. Ou tbe contrary it was pushed with uuauated perseveranoo. The control ol the election la still tbe bono of contention,-and to-day's wrangle was savage enough to further advance both common and preferred stock severally 1% and 2 por cent, lu lact, tbe entire market advauood to a greater or less decree and the bull Impulse waa more strongly dtvolopeJ than has been tho o^ae tor many a month. To tbe various arguments in lavor or a rtso which the bulls adduce an additional one presents itself In the expansion wb c!i would arise (rem a return to specie payments. Iu /act, tbe financial situation boa greutly changed aince Mr. Sherman made bis contract with the syndicate, and tne premium on gold has dropped to a paltry quarter per cent. Wltb tbia out of tba wny, and kepi oui of tho way, the itold ouitida or tba Treasury is converted from merchandise into money aud many mtiJlona are added to ibe currency of the country. Under ibis inflation?au iutlanoo /ounded npou solid values and not upon mere promises to pay? au important advance In all desoripilous of property would seem to be Inevitable. A recognition ol tbla lact by ibe pablio and a disposition to act iu accor dance would seetn to bo tba one thing needlul to help tba market on to artll higher prices. pricks The opening prices ol stocks at tba Board tO'day were as !ollowi<:?Krie, 11% ; Lake Shore, 60j{ ; Wa bash, 19)?; North western, 61%; do. preferred, 72%; Kock Island, 102%; fori Wayne, 90%; Milwaukee aud St. Paul, 47%; do. prelerrod, 72%; Delawure, Lackawauaa and Wusmra, 50%; New Jersey Central, 16%; Delaware and Hudson Canal, 64*^; Morris aud Kssex, 77%; illcnigau Central, 70: Illinois Central, 7ft%; Chicago, Burtiuglou and Ijuiucy, 102; C.t C. and I. C., 4; Hannibal and SI Joseph, 12; da pre ferred, 27; Ohio and Mississippi, 10% ; Western Union, 82%; Paoillo Mall, 19. CLONING QFOTATIOX8. The doling quotations at three 1*. II. wore:? lli I. AfknL Ju l. A*k"L At A I'm: Tel.... -I Kiiiimis I'acilto.. 7'. H CM A S W.. .... ?">-'?? ' l.Kkc rtlioru. ... (IT1, M7\' CM Jk NW mef. 74'4 74"i Mleu Central.... 7cJ, 7i \ ('lil, R I A 1' IW4 MWJa Morris * r.?MX. 7h 7h'? Chi. H A y IU-JJ4 ItKlfc >||| A ?t fitul. . 4K C, i AIC ... 4 Mil A m 1'aul kL 7i!>? 7^', C. C. C A t 2H ^!'3* Mariposa. I;. .'I fXi'i Ara'-rlean Jix... II s fcxpr???.... "?<>! , WellnKargo Kx. ??!, C.eve A 1'itls... 7.'>)> 7t. lUnt>u*i> prat... Clii A Alton ...7:1', 741,' .M V I ?ini?^ Chi A Alton pf.. 11", I'll N J Central hi .. C.lll 'JOBi -?Ji 27 N .1 NOUtl.lTIl ... ?J I' t'anlin H't I'1 Ohio 4 HI".... I' .'* 1"'k Jiel. Leo* A W.. .ViU M\ i'acilie Mail 1U'? lu', I>el .. lluiUsu. ."4.'. Ki 1'auaiE.a ? 12ii A'Jiiuib L\\>r*s*. IOI102 I'itts X Kl W ... HO ' - ' 4U Oalcastlver 17 17 , 01 Quick diver prof, HI!. "4 l*? M I* A I M 7 VI Kr'i 7 HSi 1? ^ Mli.KllA\.. 4'{ llarlem 14.-. 1411 ft LJji C A N pf 21 , 31 llmiA M.lo ... ll'f IJ^' T"l, W A VV .... Ill* lt?Sr Una ? htJupl.. JtlU Union i'acibo... 07:? 07'j lllinoia Ceutrai. 7V1, 76 W??t U11 Tel.... b.'", H2,'J III()IIKMT ASO LOWKHT. Tho followiug were Iho highest auU lowest price* or ?locks to-day :? JhyhfMt. Lowmt, Chicago and North wester a 63 6lX Chicago nuil Northwestern prof 74 Jf T'J', Cincago, iiouk 1?Ul.i anu Pauiftc.... 103,^ Jn. ?? Delaware, L.iCkawunn* aud Wiik-ru. j., i^ ;',4 ?( Dei.iwnre aud Hudeou Cana' 65 64', Kne 11},' 11 <4 Uniiuioal and St. Joseph prelerruu.. 2. >A 27 Illinois Central 7t? ~:>*i Lapu ohora LJ)i oo;, Michigan Central ill70 Morns aud Easex 7'J1, 77 '4 Milwaukee uud mi. I'aui 48^' 47^ Milwaukee aud Su l'aul preleried... 72^ 7U,'j New Jer-ey Central lo;, lt> ^ 1'ucitlc Mull l\):t 1? 4 Ml. Loot*, Kaosaa City Nortiieru. .... 17V 17 Toleiio. \V4Ua?li and Western Ill'4 1U Western Goion lelegr.tpli 82,'4 a2 TUX MUSKY MAHKkr. Money on c?ll was easier to-day, and call loans were made at 8 a 7 per cent, aim at tlie cIomo tUe ruling rate 6 a 0 per ceou Tbe lol'owing were ibe rates of cxcUaugo on New York at tbe unJoruiontiouod cities to-'.ay :?Savauuab, ouyiug atl Id premium, selling at premium; Cbirloatou aoarue, p*r, 3-10 a \ pre mium; Sew Orliaus, commercial % premium, bunk preinium; at. Louis, <6 premium; Cbicugo, 26 premium, aud IIoskmi, good demand, pur. Xurelgu ?xebaug* rentaiua quiet aud uuobangeu. TUH 001.0 MARKKT. Uold oprnod at 100>4 aud closed at 100'4, the ex. ireiuL's 01 tbe day. Tuo carrying r<t?s were 4 j, to 2 per caul. CLBAKIKO HOUBK HTATKMRMT. Currency excuanges $00,647,027 Currt-nCy balancea 3,^4W.076 U<iM exebuuges *<1,166,774 Uold balancci 801,173 WXKKLI CLXAXIWO UOL'SK STAT***.* r. Currency exr.uangeK $331,415,325 Currency lialauous.... 10,83u.U84 Uold oxebauges..., 4&,7Ud too Gold liaiances 7,073 V2J OOLD Ct-KAHIMOS AT TIIK NATIONAL BASK or THK STAT* or ,\KW YORK. Uold balauces.. $1,U70,U50 cnrreucy Uaiuncns l,tiH2,722 Uoid clearings 21,866,000 OOVKUMIRMT BOS UK. Uorcruuient bond* were lower to-dijf, tbe decllna being In sympathy witb tb? low price 01 gold. They cloned steady at tho folio* lug quotations:? JJiU. A'k'd United flutes currency sixes 118 II",'* United biates sixes, 1S81, rtgxlereu, loijfc in'. L'uiteu Suiob aiXOa. 1881, coupon .... lot'4 lu7 ?, Cuiiid . uton sixes, I8tij, uiiw, rag.. 104 lm'4 United States sixob, I8M.1, voupou.... 104 !{ 104 A Utlleu Mites six.s, IBbJ, rvgisterad. 107', l0< >? Uulled hiatus ?ixes, lc<07, coupon.... 107), ltl" '4 UmUd 8 ai?a sixee, 1808, registerau. luw>, 110 Unnoii atHtes sixe*, 180S, uoupon.,,. lull'{ lid Uniiad Wi.iten tpu-lorueA, registered. loA^' 10"?< Unuea Hiaies teu lorties, coupon.... lo.i l'?i '. Culled Slates Oros, 1881, r?)t., loj;j 10J,'? Uulied Misteo lives, 1M81, coupon,... 1114% I 4.', Uniwd Suies 4l?vl, rsKi'tere-i. 102 ^ 102 , Uuitad Stales 4>,'s,, coupou.... 102 i 1<>2 C ii I led Slate* iuur?, luo7, registered. IO1M4 100S? Culled Btalea luurit, 1W07, ooupon.... lou>^ 100;, THB BARK KTATKM KM T. Tba bank ?tatemeiit was Isvorthla and abowa tbat currency has begun to return from tbo Interior, lha specie average Is $1,133,800 lower, and lha deposila arc deureaHcd fj.730,iioo. i'ha loans have buen con. irauad $4,Mo. Joo. 1'he bauks inako a gain in sur* pins reserve of fl,570,450, aud now bold $43,(36,460 in axocaa of legal requirements. Tbe following chow* the condition of the Kit York olty banks lb Ik week as compared with last:? April b April 13. Difference*. Loin* $240,849,10') $2*0.018.400 Dec. $*6-10,700 Spec It1. 36.620.700 86.4H3.WO D.o. 1.13*800 Legal tenders 20.037.00') 28.666,100 Ino.. 2,020,100 n.'ponlt*.... 204.603.2O0 201,026 ?i)0 Doc. 2,73?.<loO Circulation.. 19 944,600 19.959,200 luc.. 14,000 WKRKLT I*?1?B?T BKPOMT. The Treasurer now holds $340,866,800 In Colled Siatrs bonds to secure tne national bank circulation, and (18.468,000 m bond* to secure publlo deposits. Amount oi United State* bonds deposited lor elrcn. la11oit during the week ending to day, $1,217,000; amount of bond* held for circulation withdrawn dur ing tbe week ending to-<J.iy, $366,000. National bank circulation outstanding:? Currency notes $321,237,991 bold notes. 1,-132,120 Receipts of national lianic notes lor tbe woek end iok lo-day as compared with tbo corresponding period Wet year:? 1877. ? 1878. New York $2,083,000 $1,701,000 Boston 1,020.000 656.000 Philadelphia 3*3,000 140 000 Miscellaneous 1,342 000 703,0u0 Total $4,768,000 $3,106,000 Receipts to-day *. $570,00J 1NTKKNAL KKVKNUK, Receipts Irom Internal revenue to-day, $278,024 43, and from customs, $369 906 05. rOUlt l'KU 0 .NT8. To-day's subscriptions to tlio lour per cent loan ?mounted at two o'oloe.K to $103,700. DKPOSIT or OOI.V AT SIX FIIANCISOO. Tbe United States Assistant Treasurer at San Fran, clhco renoris a deposit ot coin received by lilm from Humboldt oo account ol sales ol public lands. This Is tbe first deposit received by tho Treasury In pay* * ment ot a curroucv obligation. THK rOKKION MARK ST. Tbe London advices report consols firm at 06 1.16 a 96),' lor both inouey and tbe account. United Slaloa bonds are >? u % per cent lower, tbe latter 4Jf's and ten-lorues. Erie rose to tlX, and Pennsylvania Cen tral to 20X. Illinois Central declined to 76. Bar sil ver declined to 53Jf d. per ounoe. At Paris rentes rtse to lOBf. 86c., and reacted to I00f. 25c., and exchange on London quoted at 25f. 15a Tbe oloalng prices in London were:?Consols Tor money and acoonut, 96% j new 4>j per. cent bonds, 104>; a 104 five* twenty bond* of 186T, 108% ; ten-lorty bond*- 106X a 100 Aj;; Qvesol 1881, lo4>? a 104 ; Erie common shares, 11&; oo. preferred shares, 25; Illinois Central, It. STATU HONKS. State bonds were steady for I/oulslsna sevens consols and Missouri sizes ol 1882 or 1883, to which dealings were oonfined. ?AU.HOAO noSntt. Railroad boods were irregular, and tbo following were tbe changes:?An advance of X In Hannibal and kt. Joseph elgbits convertibles, X '?? Norih Missouri firsis and C., C. and 1. C. firsts, and % In Burlington, Co.iar Rapids and Northern firsts and Wabash firsts (3t. Louis division cx matured coupou). Tbero was a decline ot X iu Central Pacific gold bonds, X '? Canada Southern debenture certificates, and X la Union PaciBo firsts. , I'UILADEI.PHIA STOCKS. 1 bo closing prices ot PntiadolphU stocks were:? Bid. Atkfd, Cltv sixes, new 113 113>4 United Railroads of Now Jersey 119J? 119?^ Pennsylvania Railroad 'M'i 29 Roaoiug Railroad, 14 14 '4' Lcbljf'u Valley Rallraau 3>v? 39 Catawlssa Railroad preferred 33 35 Philadelphia and Erio Railroad 8 8>? Schuylkill Navigation preferred 6 7 Northern Central Rullruad 13,14 Leblgh Navigation 17.'4' 17;? Pittsburg, I'uusville and Ituflalo 61, 6'4 llcstouville Railway oft ti'i Central Transportation 36 36>? MINING KHAKkS. The following were the opening prices 61 mining stocks at Sun Francisco to-day:?Gould & Gnrry, 6; Savage, 10; Chollar Potosi, 26; Opbir, 30; Bale & Norcross. 9; Crown Point, 4; Yellow Jacket, 6; Helchor, 2)i; ?Virginia Consolidated. 7; Cillloruia, 29>,; Overman, 10,*; Raymond & Ely, 4; Best h Belcher, 16>i; Union Consolidated, 4ft; Alpha, 6; Sierra Nevada, 3; Mexican, Oft; Eureka Consoli dated, 49.; Justice, 6ft; Utah, 7; TipTop, 1\; Nv V?Jo, lft. ? fc* dividend. The closing prices In San Francisco were:? Alpha 7;, Hale & Noroross..... 9ft Alia U?-, Julia Consolidated... C Belcher 2ft J ml tee lift Best A: Uelcher 15 Keoluck 2ft Bullion 3ft Leopara 5-ld Calndouia 2',' Mexiom 1 ?ft CHiilornia^ 29ft Ophir 81 Cbollur. 20ft Overmun 10ft Confidence 4 Raymond & Kiy... . 3J$ Consolidated Va.ex d 17 Savage ll? Crown Point. 41^ Sierra Nevada 3'4 Kureka Consolidated 29 'A Silver Hill 'i'% Kxcbionur .2\ Union Cou-olidaie l.. 4'i Could k Curry O'i Yeliow Jacket 6U Grand Prize 6jJ MiCIK'RA.XDA. Tut total soles of slocks at Itie Board to-day aggre gated 175,003 shares. Mr. 8. it. Mills Has (lotibed hla arrangements lore settlement with uia creditor*. Mr. Mills ?usp< ndctf about three weeks since, but tbe high consideration ? u which his Urm was held by members ol ihe Board enabled tilm to come to a speedy aeltleraeiiL 'Ihe loreign commerce ol the port lor the week wai as followsUi-naral merchandise Imports, including dry gooda. 16.014,668; produce exports, #0,496,993, and specie exports, $302,000. MOVKMSMS or OR AIM. Ship . HecHph at Chicago,? , meat*. April !4, Apnt 14. April 14, April J3, April 13, l?ltt 1877. Jju.ih Hum. 22.376 9,700 62.819 24,366 770 7,910 1?7A. liujh. Wheat.... 37,670 Oirn 8,736 Data 14,4.0 Bye 1,7-11 Barley.... 3,843 27.4UI 2,300 0,620 187(1 Hwh 114,300 193,2*7 . 6,476 4,6-hJ 1878. /link. 73,734 110,821 3*UmJ 392. 85,14 J Totals... t!8,327 108 2/9 142,001 288 913 F our,bbls. 11,086 9,043 12,381 9.340 Hugs 12,962 12,062 12,703 10,000 Wheat.... Curn Outs Bye Hurley 319,384 10,03a ^ , April 14, Aprn 14. April 14, April 13. April 13, lufK isf.1 i ti t *t m^a 1878. a iuii 3.800 -Kee'ipte at Milwaukee. 1876. Uunti. M M 4.300 1.M.0 360 410 187<i JiufU 18 237 2,830 1,230 3)0 1,210 1877. Jluth 11,690 3.600 000 760 410 1878. /huh. 81.'.?X? 1.800 8,800 400 3.'.100 1,3x0 1,60C louts... 3U.iJ.VS Flour, bbls 3,808 Ho^i. 00 1878. Wheat. 875 917 Curu.. 132 lul O its 147,915 Itye 6,*81 Barley fl'.4.\4 21,867 10.910 91,000 0.6n< 4,307 3, -20 10.000 10 HOC ? 979 370 ifciO Mercury Id Chicago, 48 deg.; clear. Wheat It Chic go?Opi um* price, $1 08, May. Bccei|its of produce, &c., ut Chicago from April 1 to 13, 1876, 1878. lei7 aud 1878 (twelva buaioess days):? 1878 1877. 1878. 61)6.247 118 878 818.181 493 Mi 1,271.180 2,737,379 203 0'J7 233.618 397.03.' 10,334 21,343 74,082 82.740 67,048 102.740 Totals l,i)3J,329 Flour, bbls... 130 437 HtKS 100,1198 riecetpla el produce, 1 to 13, 1874, 1770. 18 days):? 1876. Wheat. 237,947 Coru 39,830 U its 17.7515 By* 0 291 Barley 13,260 1,295.W3 1,609,811 4,130,017 120 304 101,048 148,642 113.008 132,280 181,273 Ht , at Milwaukee trom April 17 and 1878 (twelre business 1878. 271,0112 24,00 20,676 8,313 41,1)76 187T. 06.072 23.010 34,690 0 911 24,707 1879 071,908 16.690 40,0110 42.800 43,191 Totals 316,003 861,407 184,992 1,113,651 Flour, Itbla... 39.801 49 080 09,031 101,689 Hugs 120 1,012 6,100 6,213 NKW i'OUK. bXUCR KXCHaNQK SALKis $0000 Aid let.. iMHIU N V hlnvatrd l>t tux Hi ll?nA8t Ju h'?, e ](?) ?lu I'i'l A lludton. 1 HI do 2i?> Wetiera I'nion..,. xI I'm!lie Mail Ill Krln Itxllway lim .Mich Central....*. li ?i *. CUM co 2 II do ? It'll I ilu Jt* I do Ill) * do 40 I do 4") do lim tfmi Lake shore....' 121*4 do .vm do 22 41 do Mill do fATl'RUAT, April 13, 1879. RKKoltK CALL?10 A. 1L lii)4 Snosha Northwestern.. 51*4 1**4 do 51 ?! IJ'U do 52 2(1 do .tji'f It "I do 52 li*> do i>*i Northwestern of.. 90 do 31*1 do N J Central e 112 do 23<lu St t'.mi a>*i sg 84 H h2'? ??* 7<I 7 7<>% 7i", 7"),' t 7-iJa do do do, do . 5 I) 121*4 I40U 40 Union I'aciQc.. 61 % w TUi 7u? l">, 7")t *???* fl<>? ""?H Ml', in; v (Mm ?*W (KIV 03 iliilO 2'*4 11414 31*4 7m> ?*4 5>*4 8<*4 do . do., do , do 21*1 Waba-h .b? 4lJ* 47% 47? ? lim Rocs Ulan I 11421? !>*? no ... b? 10.4 lm4 Han A 81 Jo pi ... 27 2i*lD*i. 1, A We.tetn. .%?'? 45 ft 4* Il4*i ue *3 64V 20U do 0i2