Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. - * . WHOLE NO. 15,211. NEW YORK, MONDAY, APRIL 15, 1878.-WITH SUPPLEMENT. PRICE THREE CENTS DIRECTORY FOK ADVEUTISERS. HERALD BRANCH OFFICF. l^ BROADWAY ? OPEN DAY AND NIOUT FOK RECKF^ON oF ADVERTISEMENTS AND SALES OK r AFItttO" AMUSKMENTS-2D Pagk 5th and 6th cola. Ai?THOLOG*-2D PAGn-Oth cot m BILLIAKDS-3D PA<;s-4tli col. BO aKDI.KS WANTED?2i> yxat^-2Acol. ..MM BOARD AND LODOINO WANTED?2b PAO??3d MO" BROOKLYN KBAL ESTATE FOB BAtiE?1ST PAOB-6th BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES-*? Faob. BUSINESS NOTICES?f>TH PAGK-flth coL Oil Y HEAL ESTATE FOK SALR-1?T i%c?c-6th col. CLERKS AND BALESMKN-TtU Fagu?8th col. CLOTHING? 8o Pag*?4th col. ? ?. . COACH Mfc.N aND GARDENERS-3D PASB-Sd col. COAST W1SI* STEAMSJIIFS?2d Fagk?3d and 4th CtflS. COPARTNERSHIPS- 9th Fag*. COUNTRY BOARD?2d FA<;*-3acoL LaNCINO aCADEMIB??3D Fagk?6th coL DENTISTRY?1st J'ai.k?4iti col. DRY GOODS?1st Fagk?4th and 5th cols. DWELLING HOUSES To LET, FITI4NISHBD AND UNFURNISHED?2n Fagk?l?t col. EUROI'EAN STEAMSHIPS?2l> PAGK-3d coL El'ROPE-ftTH Pag*-6th col. KXCHANGK-Ist Pagij?5th col. BYES AND EARS?3d Fagk?4thcot EXCURSIONS?2d l'AGK??4th coL FlNANCiAl^-ftTii Fag*. ?FOR SALE?lBT Park- 6th col. FUHNlSliEU ROOMS AND APARTMENT8 TO LET? 3l) 1'aijk?1st and 2d cols. FURNlTURE-lST FAGK-4th coU _ t , ... HELP WANTED?FEMALES?7rn Paob? 5th and 6th HELP WANTED?MALES-8d PAGK-3d and 4th cols. BoRsES, CARRIAGES. AC.?1st Fagk?2d and 3d colt HOTELS?2d Fagk?3d col. ilOUSi'.B, KOOMS. AC., WANTED??D PAO*-4thcoU INSTRUCTION- 1ST FAOS?4th col. Lost and focnd?1st i'AG%-istcci. MACHINERY?1st Pack?Cth coL KaRBLE MANTELS?7th PAQK-Gth col. UED1CAL-2H I'agk-OiIi col. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS? 10lH PACK? 5ih andUth cola. IISCELLANEoUs-Ist Paok?5th col. MU&ICAL? 1st Faok-OHi col. NEW PUBLICATIONS?5tu PA0?-6th coti PERhONAi*?1st Fai;k? 1st coL PIANOFORTES, ORGANS. AC.?2D Paok?4th coL PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALES 7th Fagk? 5th#oL PROPERTY OUI OF THE CITY FOB SALE OR TO RENT?1st Page?6tti col. REal ESTATe, To i'.XCHANGE?1st Page?6th eol. REWARDS?1st Pack?1st col. bALE.- AT AUOTiO.\-3n I'agK?1st, 3d Mid 3d cols. (SITUATIONS WANTED? FEMALES -7tii PAGK-l.t, 3d, 3d, 4th and 5lli cols. SITUATIONS W ANTED-MALK8?7th l'AGC-6th coU bFEiUAi. NOTICES?1st Pack?1st aud 2d coik. Bt'ORTING?DOGS, BIRDS, AC.?1st Fagk?2d col. STALLIONS?1ST Fagk -2d col. STORAGE?1st i'aok?4th col. T1IE TkaDEs?3d Fagk?4th col. TO LET FOR BUSINESS ftKPOSES-2d PAG?-Ist col. TRAVELLhttb* GUIDE?3d FAGK-4th coL UNFURNISllED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO let? 3D I'agk?2d col. -WATCUC.S. JEWELRY. AC.?2u PAGK-6thcol. VrBSTCHEsTBR COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE OB TO LET? lxT I'aok-6th col. YAOUT8. STEAMBOATS, AO.-10th Pack?Olh col. t PEKNOSAL. 'i'iffOF'flfii 0FKf0KlftT06'ME'N K0KMERLY BE .fXlonirlng to tue i-ifth-nintli New York Volunteers who (new William F. Mathew, Hospital Steward, would confer a great favor by handing their apdrosn to Ills widow, Mrs. B. MATHEW, 171 Columbia St.. south Brooklyn, N. Y. GK?DON'T BE FOOLISH. CO.Vlt 1IOME. IF YOU ? want mouey write lor it. Call at Fost office for letter. MA. MR. COUTURE OR ANCELIUS, FORMERLY OF South 5th at., pleaeo call on GEORGE E. P11ELAN, day. Nellie?did not get your letter in time. Please write agaia. Address J. BUSH, Ilarald office. 0 LD PROBABILITY?SAME PLACE. MARY. WILL EDWARD LAYTON, FORMERLY OF BROOK lyn, commanleaie with B. A B... box 34 Equitable Bulldlug, New York city I WILL GRAY HAIR AND VIOLETS, FULTON lerry aod Bleecker streot otar, Sunday evening, ad dress ONE OF TWO, Herald office T 6TH AV. THEATRE. SATURDAY EVENING.-THE gentleman will bv pleased to become acquainted with the lady whom he noticed during the first act; please state circumstance. Addross II. B. B., Herald Uptown olHce. e?TH AVENUE CAR. DOWN TO ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, PSnnday A. M. Will lady please communicate t BRU NfcTiE, Herald Uptown Branch. LOST AMI) FOUND. tpdrNb~rBcA armrm-sit'civ' haTbttb^ J; proving property ? * ' """ PIN, Jierald otbca X proving property and paying expenses. Address SCARF IN. ner?l< Lost.?a liberal reward will be paid to any one returning a green Parrot, wdieh dew away yes terday (Sunday; afternoon Irom No. 120 West Hint st. Mrs. 1. .MITCHELL. T OUT?ON SATURDAY * EVENING AT OARTIER'S Jjsoelable. Tammany Hall, gentleman's Gold Star Scarf Pin.. Liberal reward will be paid lor same. C., box 113 Herald ofllce. m IIEWAIIUS. _ KIWarS -lost,a"blOe scotch terkIer April 14, at noon. Return to 157 East 2.">tb St. REWARD.-LoSr. SATURDAY EVr.NINO, ON ?J)?J?yBpoa<lway cars, between 11th and 23d sts., gold bunting ruse Watch (Howard make), moaogrum J. L. M. Ill lar);e letters. The above reward will be paid and no questions askod by leaving it at office of St. Denis Hotel. 8PKCIA1* NOTlC&h, ^offIcial IenTuuky STATE DKAWINOS. . kkktvckt kxtka ouass?vo. 375?Amu. IS, l?7%. 37, 411, :A), 7'i, ;?4. 8, 4S, 17. 'JO, 1 IM 30. KKNTtJCKT CLASS - HO. 270- ArHIL 13. 1H7S. 31, 10, 83, 3, 17. H6, 02, 45. Mi. 40. 35, 28, 19 SIMMONS A DICKINSON, Managers. er.oaciA STATU KXTKA CbAXS?NO. 2U">? ArKIL 13, ls7tiL TJ, 8, 41, 10. 4, 1, 55, :?>. 14. 12, 44. 1ft. GKOKG1A STATK-CI.ASS NO 3UO?ACKII. 13, 1H7S. re. 13. aa. 53. h. 71. 4, 37. at?, 55. 1. so, as. K. D. EDDY A CO.. Managers. Information given regarding the above drawings. Apply to J. CLl'TE A CO., Bankers, 200 Broadway, rear office. A -LOOK t KENTUCKY STATE SINGLE NUMBER, ? to be drawn Monday, April 15,1S7H Capital prise, #i.?,m?i. 1 prise of...... l 2 prisee of (each) (3,500 1 prise of 5.KO| 2 prises of teach. 1,000 l.Mil prises, amounting to $tl7.H25. Whole tickets onlv $1. Prises paid In lall. Hale ol tickets will stop on Monday, at I1J{ A. M. J. CLUTh A CO., (lantern, am Broadway. A SToUNDINGI-DEPOSITORS IN THE SIXPENNY jVSavlng? Bank, of New v'orn, should read the NEW YORK KKA of to-day. Sold at all news stands. Price B cents. . ATrENTION.?TWENTY YBABS' PRUSSIAN HOt<PI tal experience; specialties dWeasesof men and nervous System; consultation Iree. Dr. JACOBY, ltfl fcleeclft st. ALL SPECIAL COMPLAINTS. MEDICAL OB SURGI cal, safely, soccesslully treated: advice free. Dr. BR ADFORD, 133 East I3th st. ALL SPECIAL complaints SAFELY TREArED; feet moderato ; consultation Iree. Dr. Whitehead, 21~> East 45th St.. near 3d av. ATTENTION. PATIENTS aLI, DISEASES,^ RECENT or old: hklu Disorders and Nervous I'etiillly radically cured. Dr. I'ROTIN <tr->m Paris), 34 Bond st. A ?Hi;EE CURB FOR LUNO DISEaSEM, KOCk .Camly and Kve Whiskey; <4 per gallon : $1 per larce bottte: Hock Candy. 5 ponnds, <1 ; goods delivered; send postal card. UK YAM Hr.lL.Bf Chsmbersst. All dTsEasks ok men, wiiatev~fH Tiik cathe speedily and permauently cured. Dr. DYEK, 47 West 13th st. C1AHLR DESPATCH FROM TIIK ROYAL HAVANA /bnHerjr lotlMlt wenlt, SORNENRr.BO A Ou., New <'???. Is. 4414 <1r<v l.tXH.OHO No. 4rew 2?0,UUO >o. 7,7t?!?dro? I not**) No. M,'V>3 draw jll,(JU.I >u 2,01*1 draw 3&.0 0 N". II.-SIW drew 1II.IKW) No * t ilrawiok IH7K All prlaaa raahod and order* tllli-d. fTTvoniiKH i.r'maLly OhTAf*RD IX KKW YOKIC XJccntl* witln>at wubllclty; ontiaultatl - >n free. NK\? YORK LAW AOKM3T. -15. HiniilvAjr. Dih k a kkho k ,m" k n A ?PRC t A LT Y. IJKNKY A. HAMKW.M. 0, 144 Lexington ??., near Vl?tn ?t Ofllca bintre Irom H to 8 and H in 7 K. KICOKOFF?lf?KNoS OK LlfK KaitTOKR* MAN liood lo the dobilltmeil In four weeka: talli.rc fmpnaal* ble . par ear.\ Prnggtata anppH.-d Sole a^ent. Ilr. J. j'ACtJUKM. 7 Uilnmlt.v New York. ? \IVn|{( Kft Ht'KKDIl.Y OKTAI N K U. -f KK MHftl! PER'. XJlalively renaonaiile ; CONSULTATIONS free. KIIKD KitlCK t. KINO, Lawyer, 6 HI. Mark's place. adjoining t ooner Institute. DIYOKCk OaSm* A/iTKN DhDTO PROMI7LT flTN. mil pnMlciiy; ron*uU lilm, HAM,' a. HOYCK, ex perienced l??T?r. Utl7 Mmedwuy. Ijipfv cocoa7~ lipps* cocoa." !i UKaTKHJL AND t'OMKOhTI NO. 'By a lhuri>iivh kuowledue ol the natural law* which govern the oMrntloaa "f dl*"?lloii ami nntrltinn. and by a carehil application i t tho tine proportion* of well aelected <o?o?, Mr. Kni* bee arnrlded nor t>reakr>m table* with it delicately llnvore'l Coierairc whlrh mar rave us intny heavy doctor*' bill*, il I* b.r tha Judicious n?n ol' uncli ar ticle* ol dial Unit a constitution may hi- t:radn*lly limit ap unt'l atrmiK eniiawh la r**l?l every tendency in dt?an*e. Hundreds ot subtle malaitlea ai-e floating nioiind u? ready to nttai U * liere?er lhare la a weak point We mar escape nt'iay a latal sliatt by keeplna ourselves wi<ll fort I Bed with pare blood ami a properly nonrl?hei| frame."?Civil Service Oasette ,-olti only In tint (X lb. and I lb.). labelled jAMhri ken a Co.. uoaacorATttiu ciikmIht*, Tiondi'ti, Knirland. LBcFkIC BRI/NI. HURK CUKK KOK i'KKM ATL'KR bllltj ; tlionoly reliable. Sand for rlrenlar. 0K. KAItil. h:ij Bruailway. OLkcTkIcrktm roi* thruui?H"or prrm afu kr Jjjdeblllty: the only ifoiinlnr am sold by the I'l LVKIl MaCHRKiMLYaNuTI'OMPANI. l?ep,.t2lL> Rroadway. CI RANU KX ritAOHI'lNAKY DKAWlhd UK THR f RUYaL HAVANA I.OTThR*, A I'm I. 13. IH7H. CAPITAL PRI/.K. 1 .tNiu.iint) prniim, AMOUNT OC PRIKEH, tMOtOnO PR?OS. ONLY I*t.ian) TIOKRTJL PittCRn IN CVRRKNOYi? Whole, Ml; Hnlrea, $lt|tt; Uu?rti r?. $50; Tenth*, $30; Twentieth*. fH>; Koftletli*. W>. M. A. M \KTINK7, A ? ^ Ranllcra, 10 Wall ?t.. New York. KWijck* If ATM M i fTRK Y~D IIA^V H~aFr IL l.\ Capital prlw. H.l.irjlk 1 prise ol ....... $Ni?a> I priliiaf,. ...95,010 2 pi l?ea of (each ^..ii?i a priro* of (e?eht t.OUO IJNi other prmea irom f-'> lo fV*i. W110LI'. flCKKTH OM.Y fl. Hale rlo*i-* thl* 4ny at 11 :IA A M JACKSON A Cv/.. itaukcra, hj .Niuaaa ?V, now i'niton. Hide DPBC1AL nUTIV&S. Tt." Important rases, medio*! or surreal; impairment of any organic function, hereditary or constitutional taint, and dlnuti of the aervoas iJiUm a specialty. henry, a. Daniels, m. d.. 144 Lexington a*., sear 29th it, , Hours, 8 to S and 6 to 7. INCURABLE HA 1IK.NTS SOLICITED BY DK. & M. LaNDIS; baa bad 27 year*' reformatory practice. 27 Clinton place ?LOOKt?KENTUCKY STAI'M SINGLE NUMBKH. To be drawn to-day (.Monday) .April 1.5. 1878. 1.S04 prues, uaionntinir to 967,928. Capital prise, *15,000; prise- paid In fall; tickets, $1. PARK?, EMKKMON A CO., Bankera. 1H0 itroadwav. K Ty?KIROPOLITAN JOB PkINTINO OFFICE, OK 28 AJTN ST., IB THH CHEAPEST AND BEST FINE BOOK. PAtiPHLKT, JOB AND MERCANTILE PRINTING OFFICE IN THE CITY. SMALL ORDERS KXECCTED WITH THE SAME PROMPTNESS AS LAllOK ONES. FINE WOOD BNORAYINO AND COLORED PRINTING A SPECIALTY. METROPOLITAN JOB PRINTING OFFICE, 28 ANN ST. OBDEK8 BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AND WORK SENT TO ANT PART OF TUE UNITED STATES 0. O. D. AKBLE MANTELS AND MONUMENTS CHEAPER than ever. A. KLABEit, 134 East 18tb ?t., near ad av. OFFICE 0F~THE N fc W YORK "LIFE INSURANCE OO.MPANV. An election for Bro trustees ol tbo first elaaa and to fill two vacancies; also for threo inspector* of the next election will bo bold at tbe office oi tbo company, on Wednosday, April 17, between tbe houra of 2 and a o'clock P. M. WM. 11. BEEHS, Vice President and Actuary. M PROFESSOR PAINE, OWNKR OF PiSABODY MOTEL, Philadelphia, cores 8kin Disease* witti his Oxone or Catarrh Vitpor. HEUMATlBM. ALL S1AGBS-0URE GUARANTEED. BUROPEaN RHEUMATIC SOCIETY. Only author ?d office In America. 207 West H4th st. TaMM KRING.?UNITED STATES 8TAMMEKING institate. Or. WHITE, 417 4th sr.; best references; no pay until cured. S"icURE YOUR TICKETS FOR THE KENTUCKY btHie this A. M.; last ehsnen; drawing to-day; 1.804 prise*, distributing $07,SI2.\ Tickets. 81. r>?? Broadway, corner Prince: Williamsburg Branch office, B1 Broadway. WILLIAMSON a CO. z ?KiSNTCCKT STATE LOTThRY. i Drawiair Mondar. April IS. Tickets 81. Alio Kentucky and Georgia daily drawings. THEODORE BSOHOOH, 23 Park row. ro room A 569, ll BROADWAY, CORNER PRItiCh 8T.-AU _ <7tborlMd agency.?Kentucky State Lottery, drawing to-day ; capital priee, (1\0UU; tickets, CI. WILLIAMSON A CO. Gtai ?KENTOCKY SFate. APRIL ir?. ?S)U 4 .Ot). Capital I'rlse, $!.'>,000. WHOLE TICKETS ONLY CI. JACKSON A CO.. Bankers. S2 Mas?au St.. near Fnltan. dj?/.;>7 (IOC ?KENTUCKY ST ATE "dISTKIBCTION. ?|>0 4 ,i7 ?0.Monday, April 1.1: whole Tickets only CI. hlTLLARD A CO., 9in Broadway, abovo 20th St. Sato closes 11 :30 A. M. $320 .000 CASH IN PRIZES. Third Grand Drawinji . _ . n* Commonwealth Distribution Company, in the city of LoultTiMe, Ky., April 30, 1R78, or money re funded. under tbe supervision oi R. C. Wintersmlth, treas urer, Kentucky; llenerai Harris, President Mexican Trans portation Company, and other prominent citisons. &i20.<K)0 will be distributed Ironi the capital prices of C'lO.ono S20.000. 610.000, $.1,000 down to ClOl. Tickets. $10; halves. $5; quarters. 82 .70. Address orders for ticket* or information to COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION* CO.. Courier Journal liilldlni. Louisville, Ky., or B. U. PoRTEIl A CO., Kan tarn Airents. 1.221 Broadway, N. Y. (fc.) sTF/\ linn ?MX HI AOK ofN A BY HAV A N A, 'TPwiiOUiUvV/, Kentucky State, April 15. Whola tickets. $1. J. DUFF A CO.. Bankers, 42 Nassau st.,_e<irner Liberty^ SPORTING-UOUS, U1HDS. AO. POR SALS?TWO" BEAUTIFUL POINTER PUPsT.-ftY the celebrated champion arise dog Sensation. CRITE RION, No. 2 Union square. ANTED-A GOOD NEWFOUNDLAND AND SMALL Scotch Terrier to take In tbe country; lair price if suit* able. Call 241 (Xh av. TALMOM8. Pi?LowoRA?%." 7.i?x. 2.Fastest four mile reeord in the world, in a rnco acHlast horses, wlU make the season at Ormsby's Hotel. Jerome *?.. New York, at Application, eucatring service, should be addressed RICHARD FKNIbTAN. Gil sey House, New Yortu ? HU11HKH, CAHIUAOKH. <&C. YTXFiffioiC, AbY VAN TAKSELL * KEARNEY. AUCTIONEERS, AT THBIR HOUSE AND CARR1AOE auction MA11T, 110.113 East 18th It., nc?r 4th ar., ON TUESDAY. APHlL 10. ?t 10 o'clock. BLEOANT ROAD TURNOUT. LADY SAYERS and DICK TURPI!*, BAYS. IS bands l>lgli, ?land 7 years old: u* Qua drivers a* cm be found In America; can trot cloae to 2 ;jO; not afraid of anything; unequalled for stylo ?nd beaoty and aro warranted sound and kind;, Double 11 irnoas, by Dutiacomb, and TOP HI UK BAR ROAD WAOON, br BREWSTER A CO., of BKOOMK ST. PAIR BAY CARRIAOK HORSES. 10 HANDS HIOII, H and 9 yearn old; both Rood saddle horses; kind In all liarnesa; Donlde Ilarne** and landaulet HOCKAWaY. In perfect order. ENTRIES FOR Tills SALE should be mad* on MOB DAY by 4 P. m. A-C\RRlAOBB AT A SLaUO 1ITER; SUPERB ?stork. strictly reliable work, at Immense Inducements for ranb ; Pony Phaeton*, HuKglea, Rockawaya, -'amp-Mat Wagon*, Coupe Kockaway*, Park Phaeton*. aecond band and new, from ?75 to ?300. CI1ARL.ES URl'BE, 300 Canal *t A" SUPERIOR SECOND HAMBI,ETONIAN PaRK Mare for aales dark bay. lone tall, I4K hand*. ?*> rem; airald of notbtng: la first elate mare for ladle* or children ; broken to all harness and saddle. and pound ; at lOOJane at. A?carriages. harness, lap ruus. blan ?kets. Sbeots, Ac.; Park and Pony Pbaetona, aide and (nil xprlng Buggies, Rookawaya, Depot. Kotd and Jump seat Wagons; substantial w?rk guaranteed; see. nd hand and new. Irora B0O tofc<25: Harneta. choice assortment, (d 40 upward. JOHN MOORK, S7 Warren at. A" VKKY (I .Oil 1 IIIU.K-S M kVm'Ka WAV ; ALSO tall spring Stlver'a top Watfiib, l'ole and Shafts; Orate Waxon. 5 West 18th at. -A.SOI AT ANY SACRIKICK-BRKW.-Te R CROSS SI'HINO Ati'P Wagon, extension top lli/ht Phaeton (seatafour), top I'ony Phaeton, llarneas, all nearly new. Stable* 217 VN e<t 41st at. ARAROAlN FOK OASII.-ToP HKKWsTER. Tm" provod H?((y. handsome top Pony f baetoa. Single an<l Doable Harness, eheap. Apply to coacbnian, 1 West l.*>th at., near ftlh aw. A -FOR .?ALfc, SEVERAL LOW PRICEDHORSEH; f| alfii worker*: one Clarence, one cl<i*e Coaeh, two Ex prea* Wagnta. S Kaat llonston. near llroiu . as. MASSACIIISKT18 ~THOKOUUIIIIRED IIOKSE, aje.rrel, S t earstdd, 1.">X hands welt-lis l.O.A) pounds; la rfectly sound and will trot In barneaa la nillea in ?na Tiour; cannot be s?rpa?aed aa a gentleman'* driving liorae; ftrice fXXk. Can l>? ansa at Cogswell's atablea, 215 U? nrton a*., career CM at. LDKRNE? AND" (JRaDE cT)WS aND YOU NO Stock ; young Hulls, registered; a fire year old Stud liorae. by Schuyler Colfax,fur sal* at BAAMBLfcTYB Farm, Setanket, la L . A" -LAU1BH' PHABTf?N?! LI OniT TTx SK aTUKr. , m ae tow a Coup*, aecoad bead. Rood a* new. at bar gains. Ii A M, M Hroadway. maumu/cInt LhATii Mb itiurYtM <rs top Phaeton, aeata foar persona, Pole and Shafts. weight 350 itoanda; slngio and Double llarneaa to match; ll.:bt leather top Wagon, 1J0 pounds; Road Wagon, Sleivh ai d Hone; the above nut soiled; beat city maker*. >ell sepa rately; very cheap. 127 Weat 2*tli -t.. near Otli aw. A" FfksT class road Tl'BBOCF F?ut saLb cheap; will pay half keep for ball use. 0. L. D.. Herald oflVe. ? ?FOB S tLE, FOUR IIORABS; BL'IT FaRMINO, ?crocwtlea, expr-sa, nillkmen or anv other huaiuea*; tuuat '>? mid i cheap; trial Riven. Inquire .'17(1 and :i7S lto rery. rear, opposite Mil au AwIll bcTlt road waoob. in good diflSC from lOOto I30 pouau*. II3IH1I av. t ?TllltEh VKItV FAST, sOlf> D VOUMO ROAD Jlalloraea; warranted In every particular; can trot from 2;?*<<> to 2;3n, alao two very fine Tnp K<.ad Waco,a, one T Cart, two fine Double Roal Ilarne?s, tbiee Sinirle, Itlanket*. Robra, Ao.; will ba aold lor lea* than half v.ilne. No l.'iH Weat illat. for sai.V. six IIORSRS; HKRN USED IN ?bualneaa wa?nna; two ?larea. little aora; iultabie lor farmer*; cheap, b<??I| trial tlven. Stable No. 1117 Mercer at., near llieeckcr. A?for SALE. two IIORSBH, fit for BUTt'liBK, .erorerorexureaa: also aet of llarneas, Hualneaa Wagon. Inquire I" ? av. It. corner l-'th at., In the atore. A -for SALB. FIVE CIIUXKY BUILT HORSRs" ?fit for farmlnir or any hnalne^a, to be * dd it a larrlfiosi ttlal iflven. H/7 fth St.. between :ld and 4th ava A"~"~I-TBRBB HOR?1;r, BUI* |FARM EBB. OR aby ihualnea*. Ib)f to i I haads; $Ao to f7-t; warranted, lot I hempaon St. - A" H* f Til SIN ESS W A WO N S. A LI; Hi KM. CM fij .$1 ; elllpilc and platform atirlair Waron* for a.tpre**, grocer, butcher, baker, milk, denot, nail vary 22*1 sprtuir at. A FOR SALE UIIiTaP. FOR WANT OK WOHK*. ?tbr*e lleraea. At 4.">t Weat MHh st . near loth sv. A?TIIRBM CHUBBY BUlLr HOBSRBi SUIT dRO. .ecr, batchar, farming, Ac ; $lAtntliai. 4:1 Heater at. OKM-flivd, NOT SOI Li D,~TOP PONY PHARTdB*, elegant II <rne?? ; alao No I Stirrer Wajron. aeata l .iur . 1'oie and sha.t*; $I7'>. stable, 12 Eaat Mm at. handsome PONT PiiABriM. tlfl PLATFORM ?prints, hnllt to order, kntrllah . aimpy; will he aold ebanp at factory. BO. MURPHY, MOtnm li. A?FOR SALE, TIIKRK ll()RSEh;' s_UIT FARMER, ? /rrtcer, exproa* or any hualnes*; inuat lw> -old ; eheap; Bo Work. Inquire :?? Hleeeker at., reitr, near B iw?ry. Fair otToD Bty hobshs, idioTXaiiuk black Moras. #?.'i; bay liorae. 7 year* aid. tr.u JSU, (ejfWM flue driver. L. A. BINNKY, IW 4th st. 0BNTLRMAN'S ROAD l>TAHI,IkIIMENr" F(7r one-tlilrd Ita value If aold at nnea; hay liofN) IM Itautla, S years, warranted aound and kind; Rroome alra t llrewater !<>p Wagon and llarao* nearly new l i7 Heat :i7th at. TAL0ABLE OMUBK OF A KAST TitAVELUNO Uorac, 10 linnda taijgb, #05, 0 Jamaa sll#. UOK.M1C*. CAKKiVSKD, ?t. STTb'fl Kap~anD iTEauti iMriXfTI8*3*r~i8iii Imuds. 7 yetrfc: warranted sound and kind, with a hano ?mn# Kxtcnsiuu Top l'hneton, top Roau Wacon. ton Pony l'hueton, Single and Double Harness. 206 Kant 20th st., near:id av. -FUR rale CHEAP, EXTENSION TOP PARK ? Phaeton, tide bar Top Road Wagon, Open Wason, ?et Double and net of Single Harness; alio two Trotting Horses, tale lor the most timid to drive, at private stable 128 ham lftth at. * A - TWO POWKlfFl7!, DRAUGHT UOR4BS I" >R ?canal or brick yard. $45 each : little i>ore; two valuable Farm Mares, $.V> each. HO New Chambers at. ^ fthWHTElt A (MX (OP BROOME SI.) TOP WAwON. lull sprluirs; Pole and Shaft* ; u?ed only three month*: Double aud Sin*!* Harness. At Briggs' stable. 42d at. and 7th a*. BRKWsTRR A CO., OF BltOOMK ST., SINGLE SEAT open Rond Wagoo, nearly new, $150; a bargain. WM. II. UKaY,2U aud ?! Wooster St. ako-ain "fob gash?brewster improved spring top Bug>;y; top Phaeton. Pony and Harness, complete; all nearly new. SO W?at li>th su LA ? SPECIALTY IN PONY PHAklONS, J? ? Howell and V?een styles, with canopy and leather tops, for city <>r country use. A. B. PLANDRAlf A ro., 372 and 374 Broome St. FOR SALh?A STYLISH BAY HORSI!: KIT FOIt family one; very mild aud gentle; any lady can drive hiiu ; also a Top Waeon and Uaruoss, at il7ii and :<78 Bowery. For salF-a~ 17Dis bar top"bl'd<jt. witii Brewster combination springs, made by Dusenbury A Neia 'ii. wuicbt 176 pounds: price $17'. Call on K. C. PURCELL, 2.">5 to 2H1 Graud st. IilOK SALK AT A SAORIFICB-A TWO YEAK-OLD 1 stallion by Virito Hambletonlan, dam of Hambletonlan and itnnorten Mnreer blood, two years old and unbroken; be must he sold Jf altered; the dam of the colt, .-tinted to Virgo Hambletonian, Is also for sale; besides the above there is a year old Gelding, by Edward Everett, broken, hot never been workod. that from his Una open gait 1s lia ble, in the bende-ol a horsoman. to be as last as tne best of the art of Uls llliistriona sire. For particulars apply to JO ELLIOTT, Herald office. OB BALK?SINGLE AND DOUBLE DUNSC0MB Harness, Wood Bros. T Cart: would exchange for Road Horse. WARNER, 215 bast 13th at T^OR~ ~SALE-A BARGAIN; handsome brown r Horse, 10 bauds; tine driver and appearance; good work Mare; $55. Two days, feed store 370 Hudson. OR HALE?THIRTY YOUHQ HORSES, JUST FROM Indiana; all soui<d and ktod. IiiQuIro 120 Norfolk at. OR 8MiB?A VALUABLE CHU.n'kT" BUILT 0 year old dapple gray Horse, 10 hai.ds high, warranted m overy retpect. Call tor two days at stevo store, 310 Hud son St. OB SALS?JUST ARRIVED AT NO. IB BAST 30TH St., from Wayne county. N. Y., 20 line Carriage Horses, from 15.2 to 10.2. FOR SALh-NlNE I'aSSENGKR concord HOTEL Stage ; also line set city made Carriage Harness; In per fect order. 274 Mercer at FOR BALH?FIVE HOItSEei, SUITABLE FOR tracks, ice wagons, farmers; also handsome pair blacks, 15hanus;sult,farm?r, auy nee; warranted. 113 Barrow st. IjV)R SALK-THREE HORSES. SUIT ALL ~BUrtINt8S"; 1 young, sound aud kind; $55 to $130i 2JH Spring St. IflOR SALE VBRY CJIEAP?GOOD SOUND HORSE, 1 top Wagon and nearly new Uarness. 198 av. A. CIOOD IIORSKS?AT FROM ?7? AND UPWARD, AT rBARKER'S, 3utb st. and Broadway. | j B. HERTS A SON, AUCTIONEERS. Jb.XECUTOR'8 8ALB flORSB, CARRIAGES, AC., ON WEDNESDAY. APRIL 17, AT 0 O'CLOCK A. AT EIDABOCK'S ST A BLEB, 47TII ST., ? BETWEEN 7TI1 AND 8TH AV8., comprising bay Horse. hands high; one Coupe, with Pole and Shafts; one Victoria, set jfold plated Uarness, one SlelgU, Saddle. Bridle, Whip. Blankets, Sheets, Ac., Ac. By order or ?>aV1D FORCHBIMER, BARNET L. SOLOMON. I ????*??? F HILBORN, 115 CHAMBERS ST.-UAND MADK llAR ness, $0 50: Knbber Tracks,$25; every variety Her new and Horse Clothing. i.W PRICED TEAM STRONG WORK HORSES, new top Exprese Wagon, $90; Wagons, Harness. No. 4 7tu av. N. ? ENuLISll VILLAGE CARTS. DONKEY AND* SMALL HORSE SIZES, two teat and four. A. a FLANDRAU A CO.. 372 and 374 Broome st. I 40th St. ONE ELKOtNT LANDAU, ONB LANDAULET AND one Ouupe, at M. CUItLEY'S, 1,553 Broadway and 0 NK LANDAU, ONE LANDAULET, ONE COUPE, one Brett, one Park Phaeton and one Top Wagon, all in good order, at 109 East 13th st.. near 4th av. R ISLEY, IRVING A TUCKER. Pony Phaetons. Park Phaeton^ Road Wagons. Depot Wagons, ttepaif* ot carriages a specialty. Factory, Broadway, corner 87th st. 'PECIALTY IN ROCKAWAYS, ? for four and six passengers. SPECIALTY IN KXTKNMfON TOP PHAETONS, a. s. plan ftwmraffSd 374 Brooms St. ShCOED HAND CARRIAGES.?A LIGHT LANDAU, nearly new; 5 Clarences, 4 six-seat Phaetons. 3 Costpes aud Broughams, 1 extension Top Phaoton, 2 dost or*' Phae> tons, 2 Top Baggies, at great bargain to close thom out; also new, 5 glass Landans, Berlin*. l-.andaul.ts, Coupes, Brouchams, Coupe Rockawaya and light Wagons: newest desiims ; unsurpassed In every respect, at reduced prices. D. B DUNII \M. Rabway, N. J. STABLE TO LET?NO. 52 EAST 32D"ST., BETWEEN Madison and 4th av*.; flrst class stable; Ave stalls; rooms lor coachman, with all accommodations. Apply to A. SOL Bl ROUS. 31*4 Oth av. ~ PkTnu CART FOR SALE?NEARLY NEW; PRICE 75. Apply 537 West 27th st. T CARTS, CABRIOLETS, VICTORIAS?NEW DE*. signs. One Onlsh and lowest prices. WM. H. GRAY, 20 and 22 Woosler st. LTgHT COACiiEM. 2 CLABKNGlSri COUPES? huitahls lor livery or hacking, at bargaloa 2<J and 23 Wooster st. 6"" CHXAP BOBS SB, SUXTABls* FOB ANT-BOSI aesa.? Must soil at any price. 410 West .'?>th st. s$p C'(in -NEW EXPRESS WAGON; TOP SIHE BAR ?PuU.Wscoii, llsrness, all kinds; Horse aod Mare. 207 West 19th._ _ 7H-handsome top buggy, fine single i|pl I "/.Harness, with black bear Itohe, pnrchaaed new last December, for $."<05; also Top Pony Phaeton and Dou ble Harness, very low. Private stable 144 West IHth st. rUHNITIIRK. * XXTBAOjfA.N.N's "bEW ku k.vfrL'kk. "c aki:k> .XI. .ami Bedding Warebonte, .112 and *>14 Hi h >t? near Mill ?V; tbo larce*t establishment In the city! lowed c?i*i prim; wr?kly and montbly pnyincnli taken. T D. O'KARB KCU'7 OLD. RttLlAkLK fioijHK. 410 filli jt., near -'il?t ?(.! aa<y krim lor Furniture, Uar. pet*. Ac. GKKTLkMaN BRKAKINO vr houskkkkpino will ??crl(l<-e llouaehotd furniture In lnt< In null raali parch* or*?namely, mairnlllcaiii satin I'arlor Halt, but lit tle uaed. coat t?">''). lur i'2<' i ; two handaome Suit*. K.a*t lake *tyle, covered In raw ailfc. coat IM-*1.lor f 1 -?'> and SliiOj Tniilea to match ; alto handaome walnut ihainber Mult; Mattreaara. fcMenaion Table. Buffet, Carpet*. Ac.; call end examine, no rnatouable offer refused Private residence 131 Weal 14th at., between lltii anil 7th ava. -MICH MoCbEHOlD riiTlNI ITRK.-lil.rKKR ? Br<>*. Pianoforte. Imported Bronae-, Painting*. Ac., at auction, thia iMomtay) morning. U? o'clock. at live atory brnwn atone manaion >o. 47 Wast I fit It at., betwarn 5th and Oth ava , Uteat atrle I'arlor and Drawing U.inm Mult*. In aatin. tapeatrlea and raw ail It: Kaatlake and yueen Anne Hrd'oom Beta, Ubrari w4 Ulnlnc Furniture, ran Bali % nn<< Hiidiluic. Aa Parti, alar* anctiou column, N. it. -Bo. 47 Weal IfltTi at. aI Ma.V* Bi-UTIIBIM AKK orVKRINU OttBAf rargsln* In Furniture, Carpets and Bedding at tiirlr alorva. 22M and 2m> liudavu at, corner Broome; weekly and montlily payment* taken. iUDUCTRn jb i*hioiw or fu R*iti/brT I'arpeta. Ac., lor caah of eaay paymedt* COWPrilU THWAIV6. IViand l.*>7 Chatham -t. Send for Illiterate 1 price bat. Weekly or raonthlr p tyraent*. tiFan t it o?i.?j?Wr~v a Rf?H~c a it Pht i* till all. aKi"> TI larga aiaea. Peritaa hating them ta diapoae nit mil or addreaa Intmewluleiy I. ARKiHA.UA, J!4 7Wi av., O. U U. Aia /inn wokTM Or' OtKriN, kiTkniturk JP.LU.UIJU wan ted immediately: the highest prlcea will be p %id. AB ft ALT'S, 17H 7th av. HTURAOR. Af PfyiTlJfufON'M, .%42 llt'OBiiJI WCf rtfVlKA<.k~0f SKPAMATK ROOMS: hoW KAl>..4; KLKVATOBj SI VBAiiM Ih h UMlt ki Ml'BIKKN) A?MoitUAN A BBQtllBBM' MTORAUM WaRK ?honaea. -j:ia and H:t4 We?t 47th at., near Broadways ?nniiraio rooma for furniture, planoi, Ae. ; inapeotlun ao MciM -MOMHKMiM KliOT OLAftrt .^TOHAUK WAHU" ahonae. built expreaaiy for the purpnan, with eeparate rMoipurtmenta. affotolnn every facility t ? pcraona l?arin( tba ally i<r elharwiaa inr mm MiMM "f their inmiMire, trunka, caaea, pianoa, worka i>f art Ae. I alao .?afe Uepnait Vaalla lor articlea oi extra vain <. with private fal?? ol .tM e?t?a, liy namh or f-ar. Movinr, partinc and ahlpplSff prumpllr ami reliably MMW <<>. 4>h av. and :U<I at. AoUffOBAUM FOB Fl'HMTUKit, PIANOfl. HAit ?cai;e. Ai- ; aeparate rnoma, Inweai rate*: elevator; wati-iiin hi. WILLIAM If. MIOHAlaKH, :t*-42 Commerca A I ?W BttT SIDE HTHKaoK WAItBHOUHr 2X*lluil>on at. and III Ahlnirnun a-iaare, extandinv la WfiTiiwieh kt ; ratahliahed IBw?; muai oxtnnaiva and re ap?ni>ihle eaiahiiaiincnt* in the haalnva* far the tlnrasf and a*le keeping ol furniture, piano*. baRi.-'Mta and valna hi' a: aeparate room* ?fT any alae : movlna and parking i ?? tlahly attended to. R. TAOtiAKT. owner mil manager, prinripal odire, MKi Ifudaon at., Ahincdim aqoare H- hB'?" WAHKHo'cSiisi, -Tlf "a'\C'KHUM .'KIU to .14th at. ? Mtoraje for furnitiirn, hairgaxe, guoda and warea of every deaerlption. In ai-parate eloeed compart menti i alwaya ao<ea*ihln. tifllae .'?(*) w eet :t4th S" roHAKB ?'OK FUBRlfUBK, CAHItlAOKH AMD iceneral inerrhandiae; low rate*, aatety and ahaolnte reaponalhllity. s.Mini A HILL*. TM) and 7.*i2 Hth av. and 'J47 Weai inth at. HIMTHlCTIUft. ~T Silli) litloir, ?ffj OB fiio *' diQtL^U B, !!(? ~<ffl1 <'oop?r iiMtltTiid. Hor>hk?e)tinff, U rlthi*r. Art thinTfil^pr ?pb?; rfrtured m %riy on? Imlf; ettmmniu") ? HI* w*?k. I?n?fl0%' dnpnrimrttl. ornmnd for telo l^rApti npfmioft; lf?*rn ?n<t mke pOBltlotia. Ai BBOUNOBMBBT.?kABf OPI'OBTUNirf; TK.H _.WrltlnK be**on*, $J v?; Boakkaeping. Be. Apply to day, f'arlora, 21 Kaatllth at. UOLDHMITii. B~OOKK*RFIB(>. PBNMTliflNIP, ~f7|(iNIMIKXi'mT, *e.~l?edlea and gentlemen lanvht practically, day or evening. l>Ol?MKA R'i Commercial Oollage, l,i;?:l Broad Wtf* ' ______ imxTiiTitir. A-ihi OK I ?rn IN TmhBK tltKMtK, AT KltllV.R 177 lift av.. one door above -Md at., or I.n Wfai :ilth ?t. i teima lotitll. NKWBMOl till A > K W Hltol'tlH. FAl.Ni.KrtM BXTRaCTIOX; AbBo AKTIFIiJIaL raetbt term* to unit. KltiilTIl AtRBUB DbBi AL. AcbOt l.v no.N, :I7W r>tii av.,ouedoor below 2tHb ?t. 1)UV CilJOUS. * K K OO CO H H K K 0 0 CO H U K K O O C II H KK O O 0 II il KK O O O . IIIIII i 1 K K O 0 O H H K K O 0 0 H II OO 00 HH K K oo 00 H H 6TH AV., CORNER 20TH ST.. will continue during the coming week the SPEC 1A Ii SALE of BLACK <iUOS ii K A IN SILK. at.Vie.. -??>0.. ?0c.. CI 15, *1 45. Cl 07, $1 lift per yard, being 'J5 per cent below Ilroudway price*. COLORED SILKS, at SO*.. ti.">c.. 85o, Si, $1 i'> per yard, la nil llie luteal tliadea, and marked down to about one-half the original price. The following Ilnet of * DRESS GOODS. AT 0}{C.. i:?) PIECES KNICKERBOCKER SUITING elitwhiTc AT 12?C.. 130 PIECBS BOURETTES. ALL STYLES; ?old lor JVc. ii fuw week* ago. AI J1C., 115 PIECES \RaBIAN SUITING, ALL WOOL; told all over town lor 'Jt>o. AT 3SU.. BO PIECES ALL-WOOL DEBIEGB. OOOD value for 4<>c . AT 750.. .10 PIECES 4R-INCH BEST TWILLED. ALL wool Del>irite;coat >*5c. to land. A? 300.. 80 PIECES 5-4 BLACK ENGLISH Coanmere. ALSO US PI EC 158 40 INCH BEST BLACK FRENCH Caxliiuere at 45c.. 00c.. #oo. and 91; warranted to be lower in pi loo tliun eUe where. 60 PIECES FINE FRENCH B00RETTE8. tlia balance of an Importer'* atock. at only abont on* half the price Hiked lor them two weeka ago. AT KOCli?i YOU WILL FIND THE REST ASSORTMENT OP all the latent novelties In <?> ? | FRENCH AND E.MJLISII HOSIERY I mill I SI,'MM I K UNDERWEAR, for ladlea, gentlemen and children, at extremely moderate prices. Jul received, another Invoice of + <3> i FRINGES, PASSAMBNTERI4S, I 4> ? 6 I *!!? | FINE FRENCH DRESS UCTToNS. i LACES, TIE-.. OLOVES, I 4 ? for spring wear. . Now open, the eoileat room, with complete (took of LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, COSSETS AND INFANTS' OUTFITS, at lower prices than any othe^ house on the avenae. * We will offer tbia week in our NEW SUIT ROOM8, AT ABOUT ONE-HALF TUB ORIGINAL PRICE. AN ELEUANT STOCK ? A i or ladies* costumes. Y | SILK WRaPS, FtCilUa, MANTELETS, AC., I Imported and of oor own mannfacture. We especially invite attention to our new etylea of Walking Costumes. No more niolnt garment haa ever been offered to tho public at ench extremely low prices. ? H. C. F. KOCH. Otli av., corner ifith at. TMPORTANT TO HOUSE HOLDERS. ?. k C. JOHNSTON. BROADWAY, 5TH A/. AND 23D ST.. NEW TO UK. DESIRE TO CALL PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO TUE REDUCTIONS IN THEIR CARPET DEPARTMENT. BEST ENGLISH BRUSSELS CARPET. reduced from fa 39 to $1 35. BEST SAXONY VELVETS, rcdnced from 92 79 to 91 AS. BEST FRENCH MOQUETTES, reduced from 94 90 to 9a 75. BEST ROXBURY BRUSSELS, i ednoed from 91 SO to 91. OTHER WELL-KNOWN MAKES. from 91 29 to SSo. 6THAW MATTINGS. ~ FROM ISO. UPWARD OILCLOTHS. 40 CENTS AND UPWARD. TURKISH AND PERSIAN RUOS AND CARPETS AT EQUALLY LOW PRICES. ~>E UPHOLSTERY DEPARTMENT 13 WELL DESF.RVIXgT" CAREFUL 'N8PECTION, HAVISO BEEN THOROUGHLY REPLEN. ISHkD WITH A NEW AND LARGE STOCK OF RAW SILK TAPESTRIES, 50 INCHES WIDE. FROM $i 50 TO 93 90 TOE BROCATEul.ES. SATINS. COTKLINES. PLUSHES, BILK AND WOOL SATINES AND FIGURED REPS. THIRTY PKR*CENT LK8H THAN LAST SEASON'S PRICES. MANILA AND JUTE TAPF.STRIRS. 50 INCUR* WIDE. NEW STYLUS AND COLOR INGS. FROM 91 TO 91 35 A YARD. LACE CURTAINS IN NEW* select patterns. REAL LACE. TAMBOUR oum'ute AND NOTTINOIIa*, 40 PER CENT LES8 THAN LAHT TKAR'8 pricbh. WINDOW draperies and purnitcke cover inos IN bnoush COTTON SB ROM, l*>< A TARD and "fpWARD. ALWAYS UN habd. AN extensive VARIKTY or MIRRORS. cornices and coknicb role8, housekeeping department. havino purchased the whole stock or an IRISH linkn IMPORTER, thbt arb prepared To OFFER the FOLLOWING db8ika bl,l. haiuiains. ]0(mm oo-locb LINEN 8iTkevino,911 rent t? Import, 91 !mx l.Y) place* of PILLOW CASE LINEN, 4.'>eeot?; eoat to Import, u eaata. 1,290 MARSEILLES qu1i.ts. 91 3a; eoat m Impart, 91 75. 500plroe* bleached dam auk. 40r?n?a; f<?t to Import, 60 eaata. 349 placa* Baa double SATIN DAMASK,; nil lo Imoort, 91 iv 1.000do*?o extra rINB lll'ok TOW ELK, 91 90: rnti to Import. 93 *3. SPECIAL-novbltirh tv~ IRISH, SCOTCH. prenril^AND nEitM AN TABLE 01.uiui*, napkins, dovmkh and ll.\< ii CLOTHS at VMIV l,o? i-RICES 850 ftraliroldarwl PIANO covi-.u*. *< 9d| ???! to Import, 97 hf\ sntupaa of i?rr honda ?'??! (ttntnlln'kl* ?o all t>*r?a of tho country on apyffmtfcnt, lima anebliaic ?<il ?>( town partlr* in in i hoi, pur< hoar* iii Now f ofa *a advantageously a? riaidrall ol the city. * j a C. JOHNSTON. a*uiihtltotv ooodfwtabi.k linKit'.*, NAPKINS, |i.iyll#?. ''loth*. ileurikerehli-k. i arpaia, lr ??!? the lain iii*?; ,o?i w.?i. Mathews. Jr., 7u 001 e?? bmwiuii 44th and 4-hb ata. uul uuu1m. A. JOIINSO* BROTHERS A CO.. JOHNSON B ROT 11 US A CO.. JOHNSON BROTHERS * co., vmon sorark. union SQUAItB. wk ARB NOW SHOWING THE most! ELEGANT NOVELTIES in 1 FRENCH TRIMMED BONNETS AND ROUND hatb EVJtK displayed IN this makjcbt, THE most DELIGHTFUL AND CHARMING EFFECTS resulting from harmonious COM Ml N atjdons OK SHADES AND COLORS, IN THE very RAREST AND RICHEST GRADES OF MILLINERY goodb, such AS CAN only BE FOUND with THE very FIRST AND best OF THE PARIS MODISTES, AND ARE TRULY DE SERVING OF BEING CLASSED <AS bare. 'ARTISTI cal PRODUCTIONS. STRAW goods. WE ABE also shotvina?.AN IMMBNSB AND VARIED assortment OF untbimmkd uats AND BONNETS, CONTAINING bveby NOVEJLTY SHOWN FOB THE PRESENT SEASON IN CHIP. MILAN, lbohobn, PEDAL, BUSTIC AND OTHER FANCY BRAIDS, AT POPULAR PRICES. FRENCH FLOWEBa OUR STOCK OF FRENCH FLOWERS is BE yond ALL COMPARISON THE LARGEST AND most COMPLETE IN this city. AND CON TAINS everything WORTHY OF NOTICE THAT 18 PRODUCED BY TUB best PARISIAN MANUFACTURERS. TUB ba best AND MOST beautiful PRO DUCTIONS IN sprays! WREATHS. CLU3TBR8 AND montures, BOSES AND BUDS, CARNA TIONS, PINKS, PANWIES, POPPIES, HELIOTROPES. WHEATS, FRUITS, obassit?, ac? AC. RIBBONS, RIBBONS. ALL THE SHADES and combinations OUT IN TWO-TONED SATIN RIBBONS. SATIN AND GROS GRAIN REVERSIBLE RIBBONS. SATIN AND QROS GRAIN WATERED b1bbons. SHADED AND WATERED BIBBONS. at popular* PRICES. SILKS. BLACK AND COLORED GROS obain SILKS BLACK AND COLORED SATINS, BLACK AND COLORED MILLINERY SILKS, BLACK AND OOLORRD SICILIAN GAUZES, BLACK AND COLORED andalusian GAUZES, COUBTAULD'S BEST ENGLISH CRAPES, ALL AT POPULAR JUICES, LADIES WILL SAVE i i kb AND MONEY AND GET TU? CORRECT THING BY PATRONIZING OUR estabblshment. POLITE ATTENTION AND NO vbging TO BUY. JOnNSON BROTHERS a CO., 34 AND 9b TaHT MTH ST.. union sqltarb. ar U 8S? ii I! a w v w L b 8 ii ii AA www L B H H A A W vt W L B8B Iflfflll A A WWW L 8 H ii A A A w vv ... L 8 8 11 ii A A W W ,? LLLLQ SS8 u u A A v v NO..'?4 WEST hlii si., NEa.{ tlTH aV., NEtV YORK HUMAN HAIR AND BEAUTIFYING BAZAAR. Tbe fluent stock of HUMAN iialk A.nii fahuk'S ever exhibited, for wlii"b gold ami silver medal* were awarded tu u*. THE L\ROKSr AND ONLT LEADING HOUSE in THE COUNTRY. ? <3? i 11ie MERCEDES COIFFURE, 4-? ? formed by mean of our newly invented MARIE ANTOI NETTE 1ICH. verr lashtouablo aud stylmti, at {<!, fh, h". f 12, $i'? .tod upward. The "EUGENIE St; ALPETTKH," or COIFFURE PR COyl etfejlik. very styli*b. self-adju?table and will not rip or tear. I'rice f:i, $4. fa an<l upward. la mir exquisite assortment ol COIFFURES THE NINON (land* unrivalled for simplicity, elegance ami ?race of form; telf.a<lja?table, ma<le "f tbe finost quality, nnturally curly, all lung hair, at $>1, $h, (lit, Ac. INVISIBLE phonts for young and old. improving the look* of all ladle* instantly. THE MoD.IE.ik iho laint and very bwcotnlng style. always ready, at t'J. fci, $4. #"?, fit, Ac. A moet'fleent variety of Switches, Carl*. Fmgerpulls, all at wholesale prlera. (' GRAY HAIR A SPECIALTY. t The flnest quality, genuine color*, lower than any other house. INVISIBLE HUMAN iia1 It .NETS for the front hair, the lamest and beat imported. 2f>e. eaA, f.! per doiten. COMBINGS made no In the bint approved manner; root* ill one way. l nlr taken In exchange. Adviee ulven bv a French artist how tu arrange lialr most becomingly, Iree of charge. 11 air artistically arranged at tbe establishment, soe.; or ?t ladies' reiidencet. $1 A complete assortment of tftie choicest beautifying Cos mctlcs. EUOF.ME S SECRET of BEAUTY. ths great mailt beautilier for the complexion. a specialty, warranted to bo harmless. <1 per ?ox. A magnificent assortment of Tortoise Shell, Ivory *0(1 Jet Uo'his, at lowest manufacturers' prices. Hakpe is and t:fiioLsi e.. y. ??? FRESH IMPORTATIONS AND Domesiio selections latest sphino styles and pattebns, REPRESENTING eveily vmtlf.A AND quality OF carpetingk. "rugs. mattinos. OILCLOTH**, AC. ALfO A SUPERB STOCK OF furniture coverings. DRAPERIES. LACE curtains. WINDOW shades, mirkobr, cornices] BEDS. BEDDING, 4a, AT lower PRICES THAN herrtofoke orferf-.D AT RETAIL. A. T. stkwaht k CO., broadway. 4TII av., htll and lotl! STS. jndla syt A iii'. SllAWI.S AT ORE ATI.y rt-dufkd phick8. ALSO, just receivkut yl-RT dbblr afll.e boyelyicb in pi. m.n <en r uk mi awls. A T. sti wart a co.. BROADWAY. 4th at.. tltii A>D illtii hth. j^ICII drbhh OOODft. 1m menhe ashobtmerT OK porekib AND domestic manvpacturb. al-ko unequallhtt hblbottob op Pakliia n .n'oTBLTIEH and a mout cob purr ii stock op buntindr A~nd hummer C A sit MERER at exceedinottv" low PRICK*. A. T. HTKWaRT * co., h roadway, ?ti1 iv.. utii and |oth HTR. i REDUCTION. i annual ??!<? nf (oltoil hoot< ?n l hht*? i AT IIAI.k I'kii.'k, i mi rbooks', i,iwi hituwlway, corner i rkhanur. ' Merchandise To fxcll ,V.mi ..if l| \vk POR ??!? worth of ktnplr m?rrh*l|i|im *11 whole ml? nine* urn! In mlm< or<li>r; win ?ell in lm? mt trtmi to fuft.i""!. m4 f*eeli?? In |.?tni<<nt nrif third c??h. imlatie* knnd Ileal kmnle. the tiiijeel in view II lo r*<luea nor.*. a?d a retirral n?*?rlment of gimii* will h? eivi'ti in mfh trad*. i'?rtl?n who bl?r? tlii> moan* to art promctly and d*>tr* l<> m??a mieh an ndnnt? will n?<*lT? *11 n#< Information In rofnrd to th? irioda hy a<1dt r??ltiir, with Kill ?!???<? rli.tion of prop, r?? and price, MERCHANT, hot iiu Herald office, Row vur?. ^ mlft< kl.l.w kol/'ft. A""8t!1iwiii)r ><iJr t tjifp#ftl3fic'?ty mosffisv h >? st an<l en?ap<-?t All 4ra?tf1?ta. ?'ir?mar* (torn mal'orm a i'i i hie, iiu lletue ?%,, ? Y. Avoid rut; ?ixi | pilots. ^tJT* UK,?I, hviw, rU'X *VL.K. Aft7thK,!..^r mLi."ihK .I'!? *;??? H M t'?n>r?. LH'GUIK A I'kcisVil ?k ? i ]A''p,)r "n uremleoe. ? IMIMaBI AS Arrhityru. ?H hiM Hat rem si! Unlldta* In front aui'l th.ue'.torl ?uUd,Z\u''n^''im'mt inoderale. Apply tll A Mif?lllt)l\, 2ll4M?h ?*. "" Ml ST UK sol.u KIkVt I?? *1 is'rilolF? ?. -v " !??"??*. el'K.i.l home; ,,, I, '.1 ? Vkl l. P only n.Idrow i#r call \\ . || K ?TK I L I "Itler A .Mvinua. Lexliicton ?*. 4l?-i ,|., S7fci?*5 ? A BKAi/rirui< rovK nSH V lie? ,,tfMrd'u,n ,i,? ""??? 'n perrect order E. II. LtULOW A CO.. H Pino ... ?nj 1.180 Br?^w?T. F'i^TiNo Oh ktivvesakt'Vahk. overlook 1 lair the fountain. ?Tlmi bentiiifullv i..?-A??d ilH. . ,Nu 21R-?'''"'S^u:";:d2{)^,r,^ 111 kr/21?i ml 5 A|?(>Jjr to o. O. UKNNKT* 111 Hro*dw*f, room H. or 311 ftssivSVh ti. ' ^ ?*LK;~A , hakk enaxT'e. ?whvtiN Tiklr Kill ?V iiiK i'' brown K011.1 Iror.u. tliimte on LjxIiis DAVllI I IB VKN.XV. 130 Emit 47th ?u A_._ _ M rK| Mill*. ne? II r,'AS1 '"VK..HTMKNT IX OREEKS HT 5r)c1t ? Stl7 Smi ""t. t"*1"'; ?"<>?? tbree .torl?i* ?Ui BieSiker !t pcrl'?|,, EUGENE CHEVALIER) Brarps.*wsf s'?-"" OW.NKr! 4U0 llr'.iTw, * C"" rm""ln " 6 P?" *?<>?. Aw ;2587J!k'??? * cottage, ?? H. TVLhH.,E..t <S,'g-.^,:^ Aad"" TinlEt ' i KK^TK ^?T HAKUAIN OKKKRKD?A NKV BROOKLV.t PBOPBRT V FOR SALE _ o? LKT. Cui.i i? ? Hhiin/is, iiKou.v ^yN.-To UtrTFCnK V/iililied .a four utorv Jiouej, for nlx month* orx rear to uIJK!te?.p,,,,r "? 0iUrf- Adure" " X? iaa Fnr,; n it?i y.^v r::;;? w ^rjFFUrii WKSTCIIKSTKK county PUOPKR^ i-OK HAI.K AND TO k1St7 * A8PLKNDI6 THIIKI'I srokt' KKK \intf '*it'6K? lloute, ton room* ; gmnn<U Morrl*?ol?- wlihl? A?..t iV.7,h m..1 !,n?LV'w *?or H? '?BhoWN U a"k K KV a ?I> OUN K hot (OK KKY Tf? let?Ar thr AP'p.yU ?? mn^nt ru; naS iigy T'J L]?T- ,Mt HXC1IA.NUK_KI.NKNT vil'.A iTf ?'E?r:?VKT'rua At titficKHRi'odf., m aSS. jsjtu (Vi'&TviitiU' m kw ii-rk; two tliroiuli tralna daily; n Una old K?(ia?ue* wn.h ext. n?i*? croumU; one ol tlie llorit locittloni nn ih> -;i:nuer';rrlr.*,na::,r ?/*, "r ?SMS A nrt^*'^1 N' ~I Wt' BOBMH, 9 KOOMS ^or??u,',Tan,#,,l,: ,our n,no,#'rre" <'ltAW F. A CJLASBV. oppoalto depot. A KAKM OK .'13 ACHKS. situated ON NEW J PR, j "" c""p- Aa* LUKHAM RIVi RKKONI' COl'NTKV SKaT <1 ACKKA W.SISiW* s&isss OiSOROE VAX DEWaTERV. I X?? kX. FBetutVil. h j"' 1?KtVi?K,wK >A?-h t;HKtf_Af x if?u*vli!e. >. J.. au..ut la ol land, with li ?lonb?? Irame llon?c und a brick Simp, Immediately on tha Slam* Sr.""*w<yorl?V*X ,nq",r'' J" "OPKlNs, No. 11 Weal sot* J^or sM.H-i.Ainii-. manuka! raoi'iuiiy on linlaware Itlvnr, at Kerrrly. X. J.; tlire* utorr ta<> ?">ry, with pow.r. ?h?n. two .Iwalllnir.. two *rr?? arnuaT. ?"tar and rail communication with New York an<f fnlla Sr.,ii.ssiij:""w '? ?? uA,fpjsN3!s r?0R kknt-arctic iioteu. capk May k J"", modluii^^n 'orn*"ha<*; %l1 m?Hlnrn cotiv?nlMiro?#; Mcconi' T^OX ttHrVZTtl h*!?" AAMbKL phla. *???? "refcer, ?th am Callowhlll. I'lilladel. Okan?ie:li.17Z.uKST, rvu.r kurmoued amoZ Kleainut. noil lornled t'otlarn, coiitalnlnir niwlarn con lain atatlon K[iHAItl>|- IIA M11.1 < >N. 3i> Tine UKA A IK.?Tf) LKT. CUUMSIIItl). whole iik iiii# foinfortalile U..|,|??r, K,r Horkl.^ oU hnur from .New ? or*. Apply at xt I>? 20l? M '' ?"* nnur i Broidi front'in^"he Pau'^a/and'lnrnw^'la?*. lo" Tli.LaT~r'Uk Tm' ?l *>"??< "oRUTmiKR, OKB Of u ' ??'<?try l<e<ldeore> nn the llu'jaoa Riyer near Barrytown. .|th un.?rp??aed rlew. ' *"!rd .n|a!!l? 'lee'Vlo.a T"*" '* 'V*" ftar partlrnlara nppi> :H \ |[ OKI (,|.,k. IxJi.rand tt To, Lfcl aAT ' l.l*.A MHTII. K j -an ki piiikT ckanh A ?il. i.sHY, oppoilta the depot. Tm.i. VKA"/.K T"1'' ?Hl.'kLAM. WkW Meie i Appl/ ,uA- M "THICKI.AKD. 4M <51 ,ST" *Rw m:vkn hoom aro ? i. i ? wllh ernnnitf ; beat nni?hborhoo.l ItotherfoH i ?> minute* from rity Mall t,y hrij lC\ilwa? rominiitntioa, "?? K,,Hr M W \ I,KKI<. V?i Br .a<lw*V 9'/a0**" i.a.nii, iiKAcrirtJL hum III ; bulldlriic* new: Jit mlien Waatero Ix.n? I aland ; e.,y ,e,n,^ OWNKK, k) Wei "JoT REAL KMTATK TO EXnURUB. A NICK NMALIj CLaok oi> III ACKhH W*I?0 ?lore uwellinc, Barn anil ?hop, nmr Parmin^ale U, ?., an-l n three ?lory il'illdlne, wltn ?lore, nn Oraham ar ?n7i?He? V.;h ?il|,*<i*- '"""'"f ?e pa rale. lore llot,?e Ini?1"?eVJfdMflce ?f *",r,,*nu- ajdr?? owner. pMR HaU. iiH hXCiUNOK KOK IMl'RtiVEII. UHKsT. KoreTu'.Tlre'"j nr"?",lT-1 he eotnitry*eol ol tfce late IH rore.t Maiilee, >/n.rminiy. Lonjc I aland, ill M acre* 14 in.lea Irnm .New t ork and one mile trolu Uaoen* aail Creed ' m ?..r atatlena; <r..eiprltlne ? |?ri{, dwelll," h.?u "o( .olSre Uri(e ?o?l fully ilxknd irrrfliilioaii*, fr?i>?rifti lee house Willi refr1?e,?tl,u , K^ntn^r'Y'roUm.* cjioi.e evergreen* nn-: thrnha of ftill rrnwfh hlrh an.i ehelre hedfet, frnll tre-, of in#. |>r.( yarleiiej^an.l fDil S'iiIii ""li "id kitchen irarden*. All the ? i .k f" *n ?""?"da are Inily ? upplie<i with water Moat ol the honae Inrnitnrw and *r-?nlioaae plant* will olM m vi^" ,n * u "? "Asia, Kx,l,Zr. SVlHTeT For hai.e. i.ka.nk i?k kxoiumik-4 wuitK? Keaolenae. furnl-hed. aallable foi board#*.: ..luomll.. tfroMhray" "* f'T" 1 ,,r* fl'M i.nj KOK SALK. *Y PTavr CEa** Bulfiftutfll kknf aD'kanV pi.k tAnl? ehaap.on (er iint "I owner hurlng two haiigxvi; low rmi; l?rm< twt. laqalra 241 Broadway. -fOK MiA'.~rrMNT cCabB tloKNKH l.lqtOH ?Htoro up town: fl?. aatlj iltta<1 up. MM da pot t;. ? 4 tnHiim: urrlSM ; low rant; oa aefonnt Mhtr bualnrm itflr III wk W., tMMT f""ilA5C* ANII l?t?V <?<?<? !.s CTURB D 1 !?.'? yarn; "ton* and 0atari* At a l? w prlaa. Aulr ?a l? MANnKI.RAI.'M. 2J?S Broom* rt. DUR-Al.B-A NRBTCt.ABB OUSPP.C rIONKKV A!?U F Is?ioon. Inqnlra l.nM M ?t, MM IIM M. UK)It BALK?A HRsr i:i. VSB BAKKKY AND MOOD r I'ake Trada. All partlmlara at BftOOtb If, vikNAUi 'A~wink and LMtM arid ialoov. f larladlnit two IHliUrd Tablaa. In<<aira at Mo. I.kX 34 a* . r?rn< r of katt ">3d ii |3n It HA1.R - Pi I L A t)HLl'III A <PA.) ACI AM? I'OR. r tar BraWer?; taparlty Vl.lMl barrel*: In ,rompl???> ma nlnx vrdi-r. nolng a laritn anil profltabla Luilnw" ; an#"-lent raaaoaa *t?i*n for rririiiir. Ati<lro?t U. K . Harald ofRra. IPOR - M.I i , k LRABK A.NII RAH PIXTVkBA OP r an MlaMlahad 11 old. <10 room*: aplondtd location ; ana of llif l>aat bara In tl a Wtj ; rant rerjr mw . radurad otie half on ilil* Iran* t IWn r?*ra to ran . il'lnm eaaaa of ??lll nr. Addrea* WK-> I'M AB, Herald nfllca. l^H.t BALR?MfOWCARE* AM) PIXTI'RKB op A I tin# Cltfnr Ktnrr at a aarndee ; mint bo aold No. B74 nth a?, I^IIK BAl.K A KIBM t)IBK)Mr|ftO PAIirMKR*H1P ,T will a<-11 III* iiandaoin <at l'a*llloti on Morkawaa M^a<">, i'M Maiiilnu llowaak Kar and liaatanraiit, with alihi /a?r?' 1.xaan ol land and 10 vaara ranowal; priro fM.nUO, hall eaab. Addrraa or call on Ml' itUWl*? 51 ('hafflharv at. fJOB BALK oiikap?<W 4TII AV.. Kl XTl'KRi UP OiinlWllMNt; !?|ora, romplota. IrK HOI BfcA-POR I.AiIRK IlKRR, BITrilPRS A*ll rrttaaranta; Mllit an I l?iitt?ir Hoana; Hatrbar Pntiir**s t art, I tall stan'la MA I llftMt*. Bill |0tli a*.. near 44th. uDa ~v> a rt-.K aTFakaTPb pup baLa t'lihAP. Apply 4.MI i>l ?*.. i-nrnar 'JHOi at M/kCIIINRMta M' AdllMKft V ftp A\V KlNP MAfJf-, OK Kfcl'AI kRii j aatlmam fnrni*h?i1 1) KOItl-. llTB, Maohlnld, 414 Hiawiar at., eornor Itanb. NtlMTAk. AN Vl A 1,1 A N TK*il?i MSUfrt tKtmfllf FtANO ..'Vand ainrlnit. ?."? iar month l"f tha anmtoat llj Wed 4<nli at., brnr >fih a? A? \ Vi.filTh Vul Nii HO-^T'IN itOPMAKU. VTVoTUb a rara ram aikibl* rotnpaaa and l*a>lilM wlai" i a ?ltuatli>n la .i X YorkHkolr. Addrata 0. PAi.K.% 0 I'arh aqnaia, lioatoa, Maaa.