Newspaper Page Text ICS AT lUOTIOfl. AnK!7Sni7?WZa3f57~ XP <3?Ton ke? (?XKt'LT'iH'H b\LK HANDSOMh HOUSEHOLD KM 11'UK lu be sold hi auction TUKSDAV, APRIL w' "" "'cluck A. M.. ttt th<- private realdence No. 216 w?it 34th at., near 7th av.. consisting in part of rosewood *ml mahogany Parlor suits, black walnut and oak Exten ?i?n Talilee, Una dlulny room silver Safe. blaok walnut and mahogany Bookcases, Bedsteads aud Bureau*, rosewood mirror back Etaireres, Velvet and Brussels Carpets, rep* and brooade Curtains, hair Mattresses Feather aud Down Beds. Ac : also au assortment of Kitchen Furaitara. Cate 'WM at office of ADRIAN ?. MULLER A SON, Auction eers. Wo. 7 fine at. A?TDNta JOHNSON, AUCTIONEER, e old ataud 37 N aim St. ON MONDAY. APRIL tfi. AT 10* O'CLOCK, at our salesroom, 87 Nassau si. GENTEEL HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, at the private residence 49 ROUTH WASHINGTON SQUARK. WEST 4TH BT., COMPRISING PARLOR AMU BEDROOM CARPETS, Parlor and Bedroom Furniture, Oil Paintings and Kngrav tutfs. DinlDK Boom and Basement Furniture. together with Ike Kitciien Utensils, with wlilch tha sale will commenea. A" -TUNIS JOHNSON, AUCTIONEER, ? old stand 37 Nasaau st. ON TUESDAY, APRIL 16 AT 10* O'CLOCK, at our salesroom, 37 Nassau St., La*GE SALE OF FINE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, removed from a Madlsoo a*, mansion. ROSEWOOD PIANO, BACON, KAVKN A CO. Upriirbt Piauo, nearly new: elegant Kilt, French plate, Pier Mirrors, with supero Mantel Mirrors to match; black wa nut Mirror. Wardrobes; Una ancient Oil Paintings. Particulars to-morrow. On April 22, elegmt Household Furniture, AT 63 W. ST MTU ST. ON APRIL 23 AND FOLLOWING DAYS, the entire Fixtures of the National Hotel. Cortlandt St. Auction sale. auction notice. TO BE sold THIS DAY CMOaDAY). at PUBLIC auction, THE CONTENTS ok BROWN STO.VB mansion 120 WEST 23D sr., NEAR UTH AY., AT 10 O'OLOCK HTKINCTAY A SONS' UPRIGHT PIaNO. WINDSOR PIANOFORTE. PARLOR SUITS. COVliKED IN SATINS. MADE* TO OKDKR Hi A3ITY MARKKA, PAINTINGS. FAIENCES D'ART. AC., AO. DRAWINQ ROOM SUIT.-*. covered in crimson satin, with silver puttings, 14 pieces, cost #1.200; ma quetry Caniuets and Tables, Etagercs, Eucol-nures, Centre and Console I abias. I'ler an.t Mantel Mirrors, real I.ate Cur tains. S.vros and ormolu Mantel Sets. BO-day ( lock mod ern and antique bronze Gioupa, Statue* .Pitchers, Vase-, a larue coleetlon of valuable Oil Paiutiiiu-. by master artists; Llb'ury Secretary Bookcase, Dwai lease. Mineral Cabinets. Library Tables, Books, Lady's r acrituire. Writ ing Uosks. Ac. Oil AM B I-R FURNITURE Carved, inlaid nnd pi in Dressing Cases, Bedsteads, Buiuaua, ChlOulinieros. W'ualiatauds, liulr aud spring Mat tr ases, Bolstns. Pillows, Hen Linen, Suits. ioT?;>s; Tor* Ish Loun^ea. Cliairs, Rockers, I ab as. Towel Racks, Mir rors, Clocks, Brussels and Ingrain Carpets; also Kuruiture ol unraery ana servants' apartments DINING ROOM. Bullet. Extension Table. Clialra, covered In leather; 91de|l able*, Butler's Trar. Ster lug .nd P uted Ware. China and Gins* Ware. Cutlery, II ill Stands, Ch ilrs, moquet and velvet Carpets, Kitchen Utensils, over 400 -lots by cata logue. ' LUKE FITZGERALD, Auctioneer N. R. -Goods packed and shipped, or stored lu bouse till M y 1.1. Take Sixth, Seventh avenue cars, or lwenty tbird street stage to door. Auction sale. this day this (MONDAY) MORMNG. commencing at 10 o'clock, tue entire routi-nt- of private residence 131 West 1 lilt at.. between tttli and 7th avs., SATIN PARLOR SUITS, ROSKWOOD PIANOFORTE. FINK COLLECTION OK BRONZRB AND PAINTINGS, CHAMBER. LIBRARY AND DINlNG FURNITURE. Handsome l-.ustlake Suit, In raw silk. Parlors? Elegant 7.4 octave Pianoforte. tw? magnificent Parlor Suits inlaid frames, covered in expensive satin, handsome marquetry Cabluet Kta^erc, with French plate glass, Inlaid ; Pedestals, Bronio Groups, Figures aud Stat uettes, expensively framed Oil Paintings, Lace Curtains, . Pier Mirrors, Centre and Console Tables, velvet Carpets. Chambers?Heavv mounted and Inlaid sets of Bedsteads. Dronsing Cases, Buroaus, Washatands, Wardrobes. Chairs, koc'cers, spring Beds, curled hair Mattresses, Pillows, com plete Suits, In reps and haircloth; Lounges, Pictures, En gravings, Carpets, Clocks, Library and Dining Room?Turkish Seta, in tapestry and raw ailk ; Secretaire and Library Bookcases, Desks, Library Tables, Bookstands, 2 Extension Tables, one a pillar, with patent slides 21 LMuIng Chairs, oarved and Inlaid Buffet, Silver ana Plated Ware, Cutlery, Glaaawaro. Two handsome Hatatands, Stair Carpets ami other good aud well preserved Household Kuruiture. Sale will com mence at 10 prompt and coiiti'.u.- until 3 o'clook. aLBKRT KKaEMER. Auctioneer. N. B.? Goods packed, boxed and shipped if required; aafe delivery guaranteed. Sale rain or shine. Auction bale. P>.TBR BOWB. Auctioneer. will sell TUESDAY, April IB. at 11 o'clock, at the private realdeiica No. BOS 5tli av.. betweeu 84tli aud 85th sts., the t Furniture of a four story orown atoue house, compri'iiig elegant Parlor aud Chamber Suits, .stelnway A horn Piano, Brontes, Pier aud Mautel Mirrors, Kronen Olo k with nroiise ornaments, black walnut Arm aire, silk and llgiired damask Cnrtalus, black walnut Bookcases, black walnut Library Tables. Reeding Chalra, Wardrobes, lace Curtain* and Shades, bronse Chandeliers atd Side Brackets. Kney ( hairs, black walnut Bedstead*, black Walnut Extension Table, Dining Kooin Chalra, Cut data '?'are, China Set*. sllv, rpl:ited Ware. Wilton, MoqU' tte and .ruaaels Carpeta, Copper Ware, Kitchen t'tenails, A.o. A T AUCTION ti-Iiy VAN TASsKLL ii KEARNEY. Auctioneers, On WEDNK.iDAY. April 17. at Dili o'clock. nt No. 05 Lexington av,, between 2.>th aud 2Uth sts. Genteel Household Kuruiture, cnmprislui; brown satin and raw allk 1'arior bait*, Turkish P.asy Chairs, Bulfut, black walnut Dirlng Chairs. Extension Tables, black wal nut Henat adk and Dre*alnx Cases, hair and spring Mat5 tress, a black walnut Chairs ill rep. Looking Glaase*, Pil lows. Bed Clothing, Cottage Suits, marule top Centre Tables* black witinuuRocker*. lot Pictures, Oilcloth. Bru* ?ei Carpeta, Sialr Carpet Roiii. ball llatatand, rosewood 7X octave riano. Crockery. Cooking Ctenails, Ac., Ac. Cata logues can be had at eflice 01 auctioneer, J2 Union square, 4tb av,, near lftth st. AKT.-NOW ~ON KX.IIBlriOS KREK, AT NO. 1,127 BROAO'.VAr, betw -en 25tn and 2Hili *t* , IMPORTANT COLLhCI'ION OF MARBLE MI'ATUAKY, bv celebrated Eurmieau and American sculptors. Also classic Va*es. Urns, Taxsaa, Ac., copies 01 the antique fiutn Pompeii. Florence and Rome. Also exquisite alabaster l>roups and Statuettes To be sold without reserve. AT AUCTION TUESDAY, WhDNhSDAY AND THURS DAY, April 10. 17 and 18, at H o'clock P. M DAN1KL A. MA 1*14hWS, Auctioneer. A T AUCTION Till* DAY (MONDAYK A. NO. 121 WEST 2:iD ST.. NEAR ?TII AY.. A l IK O'CLOCK. AFTERNOON, THE FOLLOWING ORIGINAL PaINTINGS:? -OFF THE FRKNOH COAST.' BY KELACKOlX. ?i>ash for liberty," by levy. "TOMB OF ADRIAN," hY PRfe.R FUNKO. -CASTLE OF ST. ANOKLO? BY CAS- A. ~orand canal. Venice:? ky gonui.. "WATKIN'S GLKN." TY ANDREWS. "OREENWICH PARK. moonligut." RY MEUIOnE. "SUNSET FALLS," BY IIaRIWICK. Aad Fifty others. Also the entire Household Furniture. IIENRV C. Rl-.ED, Jr.. Auctioneer Auction salr-at bkown mansion No. 38 Kut lutb. between llroadwar and 4th a v., Tills (JfONDAi) MOIlMNO. at 10 o'clock. Office No. 1.1.M Broadway. To b? *oiil In Inti Via., Rtelnway t Son* elegant ros?wood Pfaoo; ?lw a t>eau tilal Upright; Parlor Suits. in raw allk. satin. haircloih and reps; clamant Imported Bruntus and m?iu irj , i*cr Curtains, Clocks. Jardiniere stand*, irlll Tables, Imported Centre Table*, Mirrors, Bookcases, Cabinets, Pedtetals, Turkish Lounge*. eiagant t arpet*. Au Paintings hy >u|>erb artla.s. Court of til. J ?rnaii, by Uu Wallar. fclisabeth and .Mary (Jouen ol Scon, by Caahiona. Karm Yard Scene. by W ilili, and a few other* by good artista. Bedrouma contain lied Itaadi. Bure <ua. Wasl.ttant!*, Comrnodua, Clillfoiiliieie*. ?l>rlh,c and curled hulr Matire?aea, Pillows, Bolster., Had Liu n aud suits In rep*. Toilet Seta. Ac. Hitting Kooin contains Kkteusiou Inula, Buffet. (.halra| in anna aud leather, titbce Dealt a, China. Silver* are >11.11 (?laaaware. Cutlery, Turkiih Null. Mantel JMirrora, 1 euf e Table, choice i.ngravlnu*, Parlor Stove, upright ro*-wood Piano U. K MAKT1.N, Auctioneer. N. H.- Take any of the Broad**/ line ot it?i:<ii or rreen ears Irom llrand ai., or Broadway can from Altor llii><i. Oood* packed and abided. A IICII. J'tllNSTON. AUCTION RKR. OKI* ICiv 25 K VST 13111 ST., SKLLH TIII3 MOKMNO, AT IOS O'CLOCK. AT ai? AV., BKI WKi N l lTn AND I'.TH ?T*.. II\MOsOAIK IIill .iI III)I.I) KCItN ITL K . K1.K i.AVI CAKI'flS ANI> r .. K X t'! I 1*1. Alh * III ~ \? Hol s. AI..-11 I'I.KOaNT 7'j 01TAVK ?TBI> wav i-i.\nofo rk. iivr-itoc pari. k 0K1.AN; Ai.S?? KITOilBN UThN-II.S. At'.. At.'. C TALIIOUKS, WITII FtTLL Ilr.SC'tll'l |ii\, AT SALK. 1 A-UaNIRL A, MAfHBWB, AUOTfONBKB. sAL .3 a ROOM r.l 1,1 H KTV SI'., on* <l?<>r Irom Naninat. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17. at 11 o'cock. IIANDHOM h IIOUHRIIOkll PU rtft I T1' i;K, OA RPR I A, Ac., comprltlng the entire ciateutt of a private dwelling, t uli part cnl us lie.aufter. 1'erional attention aaiea of Inriilture at private renlenee. ^ m k 1.i.i.kit, tucrioNRkiC UNR RUSSIAN I<h AI* 111. K UoODg. FANS. AC., ail line -"oila, will he ?old without reaerv" at ART I1A Ll.Ki.V, M LIllRKTY ST.. TUESDAY, April 1M. at 12 a'atwak. ' ?KINK Ol KltK FURNITURE. CARPRT8. AC.? eOKO W. K'-.r UK It, Aactioueer. will sell on Tuesday, April III. at II o'clock, all the Una Furniture, ASrutniater Caruete. Cylinder secretariat, Bookcase*. Ac., In t e three ,ew olhcea, No*. V?. I" aad ll.aecond lloor ol the Bennett Rulldln*, No- Naasan it. A -OKU. W. KRKLRH. AUCTION***, WILL HK?7T. .011 Monday. April 1.1, at la o'clock, to pay advance*, a lot nl Bod-tead*, lire*.In* Cases, I'lympion Itedatead. Mat treaiei, Brontes. Tea Sets, Palatlugs, OITioe Ueska. Ac , at salesroom .r?H Liberty ss. IMfORTANT SAL.K OK PAINT1NOH, tmnprislnt In part a private coll art Ion and many Impor tant wnrka by wall known foreign and American artista. To be sold peremptorily at the Mchaaak Art Oallery, No. 10 Maidan lana. at II tl5 o'clock. On Wednesday and Thuradar. 17th and lHth Inst. Attention, houhk kkri'c.rh Large Hnasebnld Purn'tnre Sale Tit III iMott'lay) MOHNINII, at I'J o'clock, at the lour atory residence No i:tii West 4M at., naar Broadway ntd 7tn av , Brer ,W) lota handsome aud plant llotuahold Farnitura. 17 fine Brussels Ingrain Carpata. 0 rich aatln brocade, cotalalne and rap Parlor Kalta. 1 maanlflcent rosewood Pianoforta, stool and Cover. 1 '2 pairs t.'nrtalus, Cornice*. Rtausraa, Cabinet!, Tabiaa. Jt! Hue Oil Kalntings. large and atnnll Mirrors. :t library aud secretaire Hook' aaas, Tabiaa. Bronaes, t,locks, Vatca, Karlor Oraainent*. in Bedroom nnlt* complete, single and doohla I'adstaada. tiresalng (Jaaea. Ilure iua, Wardrobes, W aatiatands. 72 Sue hat ami spring Mattr aaea. HeddiOK. 3 Turkuh t halts, Lonnges, Kockars. Tables 2 eleifan' Sldaooaids. 8 kxteaalon Tallies. Chairs. 2.*>0 lot* t.laas China and ."II*'r vt are, Cutlery. Ac h. R0T1.. Aurt.oneer. ll. ?|ion?ilile men in attendance |a 1 art, pack ? r ahip kowIs lor purchasers, city or country. > B. ? sala will commrnca at lOoVloek sharp and coa Mnua entll i o . ioek. "VUCTIOJI.?J. B. K1L1.RRN, AI'CflON!? KR, SKI.LS iVilila da? (M oilay;. April 19, 1H7S at In), o'elm-k. at 4..I 2 a*., urar .'.ith *t., the antlra Cnntrnt* of brnwn stone live story hoaae. (Minaiatlng ?! W Cafpate, Iteoat ao?, ]M ?itre*ae*. '.T a*hat and*. Itnre ma. tables, Chalra, .tar - robes, fcitrhen anil IMnlug Karnttara. Oooils removed sune da/. Uaatats attend. ?Alil? AT ttlOTIOH. MDOLPM WILL SELL THIS (MONDAY) MOBBING, 10 O'clock PROMPT, at (he live st.rv brown stone inaitilon. BO. 47 WKKT SIXTEENTH RUKT. BETWEEN KtKTH AND MXTM AV..MES. rich cabinet hou si-hold kuSsW*rb. PROPtUTY OK A CENTLEMAN GOING ABROAD. stein Way i*i anokokTE, CH1CKKR1SO UPKIUHT 1*1 >NO. PARLOR AND DRAWING i OOM SI ITS. yoeeu Ann* ?ml La Prluegis styles, richly carved frame*. lu crimson ?alio, brocade aud tapeitry; Turkish Easy Chairs. I'tlald anti marquetry aud trill Centra and Console Tables. Cabi nets, Kreucli plate Mirror*, lace Curtains, b rouse Kigurea, elegant imported Kreucti bronae Mantel Set*. Statuary, brume and bisque Klgur.?*, rosewoiyl htag*re, Spanish Lonuges Painting* by eialucnt ariiata. "CLIKTON C ASTLK" MY MILROML "WaTKINS glen." BV ANDREWS. "THE HOLY LAND," BV CAPrHLfcf. '?YO-EMITE valk.'* BY hartwick. And 27 others, all choice lelaetioni, rich (lit frame*. Library and Secretaire Bookeaae*. Hooks, raw *llk Li brary >uli, seven pieoei; Library Tablet, Writing Desk. B DUOOM KURNITl Rh.?Eaatiake and Queen Ann* ?tylet, cou?iatuig lulaid gilt Bedstead!, Dreesiuat Ca<ei, Arinoire-aUlaee, Bureaus, Wardrobe*, Waahstandi, Lounges, Rockers, marble top Tables, 91 nalr and i*rinc Mattresses. Pillow*, Blanket*, sets; rep, plain and haircloth Suit*. Mirror*. Dining Furniture?Extension Table. Buffet, Cbalr* In leatliar. Dinner and Taa Set*. Silverware. Cutlery, alio Hall Stands. Coalr*. Kitchen ' urnlture, 31 Carpel*. N. H.?Sale positive Don't tail to attend. Take Sixth avenue. University place car or Kilth avenue etage to No. 47 tt'es. lOtli si. R. H. RANDOLPH. Auctioneer. N. B. Good* boxed and shipped; city or coamry. Arrangement* made for storlug goods iree ?l cuarge. BY J. W. CAMPBELL. AUCTIONEER, CAMPBELL A Co. sell tbl* day, commencing low o'clock. Block aud fixture* ttr*t daee Confectionery. ?'>5 Oth av.. One assorted Caudles, Jar*, bcaio*. Uue ulass Slum case, waluut Counter, Shelving; other Uood*, Cigar*, Ac ; also soil entire, doslrahle HOUSEHOLD KUrNITUKE, Including fine Brussel* aud other Carpets, walnut Bed steads. Bureau*, 'labia* Wash*t.<nd(, Chairs, Mattresses, Beddluir. Lugravin^*, line Mirrors, Stov. *. Kitchen Uten ?II*. Crockery. Ac. Buyers.dealers specially Invited. No reserve. Y ROBERT SOMBRVILLE. ;AUCTli-NEEit.-THIS day, ai 2 P. M . 74 I nlviTslty place. Carpets. i urtaius, China, pier and mantel Mlrrora, Paintings. Engravings, Piano, Organ. Pap r Hanging*. Collude ?uits. Sola Bei?, C >ruices. Mutir sscs. Redoing rosewood Armolru. Hook case. Parlor ami Dining Suit*. Mangle, mabog. nv Kurai ture. Kelrleerators, Ac BIS ELL A WELLES. AUCTIONEERS. TUi.SD.AV. April ill. It I "J* A. M., at our salesroom. No l.'i Murray st., large and attractive sale ot China. Oecor.ued ana Crystal (il-ishwiiie, V i*e*. Set*. Ac , Ac. BY VIRTUE OK A 0 i ATT EL MO TGAoE To MR made. I will sell through TUNIS JOliNhON. Auction eer. on the 10th d >y ol March, 1M7S, at bUU o'clock, at tho salesroom, No. 89 Na**au St., oue upright Piano. Uko. 11 L'ssky, WM. sCliAPKEIt, Attorn y lor Mortgagee Mortgagee. V JOSEPH b. W Eli 1EKT. Al'C I lONEfcR. c.Oiii.i iisi Br<'?d? ay, sells tills dav, iuij o'clock, * llanil i m Household Kuruitura. 121) West 61?t ?t., between nth and lOtu av?. elegant Pier and Mantel Mirrors, Chandeliers, Piano, Carpets, Parlor, Cliamoer and Diniuir Koom Suits, Cabiujts, Buffot, Book cases, Refrigerator. Ac BY CAMPBELL A CO , AUCTIONEERS?SELL TO morro<v Household furniture ot residence lu Roilyn place ; also U e sample Kooiu Fixtures, Ac. /11IARLEM HELM. A UOTION EEK, SH.I.LSI 10 " 'o'clock, 7 Eldriilgo St., content* ot a (iruoory and Candy Store, In lots. A. La W liENCK, A UC flON E E It. ? By order of the Department ol Dock*. Important sale of Piei* aud Bulkhead* at auction. By J ami'S M. OAKLEY A CO., On Monday, April IS. at the Exchange Salesroom. No. Ill hrondwa.v, at 12 o'clock noon. lUE KA lLw7iT-?uHECLO.SL' RE HALE. ?SU preme Court ol tne state ol' New York.?TiiE PAR MKRS' LOAN AND TRUST COMP ANY, plaintiff, against THE ERIE RAILWAY COMPANY AND O I'HE its. del Mi dauti. ?By virtue ol and pursuant to ajndgment and dcoreo ot forecloaure and lata r*n lered and ent -red at a Special Term ol the said Supreme Court in the above entitled action on the seventh day of November, A. D.. 1H77, I, Ueorue Tick nor Curtla. re'eree, appoiutvd therein to sell all and lingular the mortgaged premises, franchise* and prop erty. both real, personal and mixed, uinntlone? In tho complaiut In this action and mentioned in the laid judgment and decree, brio.; tho same mortgaged or in tenueil so to lie to the plaintiff, the Kamio' Loan and Trust Company, bv a mortgaire hearing date on tho fourth duy ol' February. A. D.. 1*74, no hereby irlve notice thut on the twenty-fifth day or M <roli. In the year 187H. at 12 o'clook n. on. at the Msrchants' i'.xuliani^e SaK'srootu, No. Ill Broadway, in the city of New York, Lv Bernard Sinfth. Auctioneer. 1 (hall proceed to sell and (hall sell at public auction to the llignest bidder, for cash, the following ilescrib> d propertyAll and lingular the Railway* ot the aaid company, from and including Pier mom ou the Hudaou River, to and lucludlug the fiual ter nilnui of the said railway on Lake Erie, and the railway, known aa the Newburg Branch, from Newborn to the main Hue: aud also ail thut part of the railway deal* uated as the Bifflalo Branch ot the Erie r.ailway, ex temllDg troin Uoruullsviilo to Attloa, In the State of Now York; anu also all other Railway* l.olon/lng to the company In tho Statea of New York, Peunaylvanla and New Jersey, or any of them, together with ail the lands, tracks, lines, rail*, undue*, ways, buiidiugs. piers, wharves, structures erections, feures. wail*, fixtures, iraucbises. privilege* aud rights ol the said company, aud itlso all the loromotives. ongliies, tender*, cars, car riage*, tools, maibluorr, manufactured or unmanufac tured materials, coal, wood and supplies of every kind belouuing or appertaining to the s iid ooinpanv and all tolls. Income, issues and prolits arising out ol said property, and all rights to reeel\e or recover tne same; also all the estate, right, title aud interest, t rum aud lemaluder of termi, franchise*, privlleg ?* aud rights of action or what soever name or nature, in law or In equity, conveyed or as*lgued unto the New York and Erie Railroad Company, or uiito the Railway Company bv t'i* Union Railroad Coinuany : by the Buffalo. New York aud Erie Railroad Com pany; by tne Buffalo. Bra^fo.d and Pittsburg Railroad Company, by the Rochester and 'ieuesee Valley Railroad CiMiipauy. aud by the Long Dock Company; also all and siugalar the chose* lu action, stocks, bonds, book account*, bills receivable and mher evidoneea of indebtedness, lease hold estate*, contract* and other property lu the *aid judg ment mentioned. Olven under my hand st the city of New York, thi* ill*t day ol January. A It. isis. i.EOltOE TICKNOB CURTIS, Keieree. ILUNKK, I.KI-. A MOCLURE, PlaiutilT* Attorneys, UO Nassau It., New York. The sale ol the above described Property heretofore ad vertised to take plate ou the 21st day of January, 187H, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Mercnauts' Exchange Salesroom, No. Hi Brnad>va>. In tie city ol New York, wa* tlieu aud there adjourned to the Z'nh day ot Mateh, IS78, at Uie ram* h >ur ami place. GEORGE TICKNOK CURTiS, x Hefetee. The sale of the above described Property Is hereby ad journ*.I to the 24th day ot April, 1878, at the aaiue hour and n'aee. fl'UN hit. LEE A UcCLURE, I'laiiitid s Attorney*. liEOROE TICKXOn CURTI-', itctere#. L'OK ISAl.h.-HV OK1MK itUI'KEUE COURI' IX |?*K r mUi. WII...IAX KKXNBaIXY, Auctioneer, will Fell lu.?Jay. April Hi, at hxclianice t? ile-room-, Ill limad war. I'V olrnrtiwn Wlliem . R?V'I. relerec. ilin tin* letting Property I.W Weet a'ttli ill ennelalitig ol lull Lut, with (runt and r *r Huu?e? ibrrami y C R N if I RK. II.V N i>S< LOT OP Kt'KNITL'itK r nml Hon'r i?e? to be told at a vtcriflre, al?o Bed .lute? ?l 21 Kwiltttiiit >? ? ' 1 ? (IfctHMtftX .- .M i i ll, AOUtlUXkkK, It CIAMKM I?l. - lir virtu ul a t'ir cIuk'i e i t h et) itlnl hid t ?i?. I v ni * || ?t i i ? I'j v?n<lu?, mi iliiutla.v, the I? >tii il ol April. ?t 1 p'olack In til a trrnoon. at s<> 15 I'haii.bera m oll Urc lu. M'.unv lln.kcia . Mi;ttli-r ?l n Kn-orimaiit ol Hook,. .IAMKS Mc.IAl'Ui.l, Attorney I >r M ort. imre. JJ B. iiF.UTn A -OX. AI *?? TI iXRKiti. I'ol'SKHOMi Flf ;M I'l'BK SAi.BS. ON MOMMY. APitll, Ift, tT MM O'. IXKlK, At NO. 0.' fi.'iT I ST., llANDHOMK IIOl' Hllt>!.!> FlUNHTt.U. MIR* R ?R.?, H'N cutnpri?i:i. th. entire cgutviite odour -Xjty h >na?, ON 1 L'K.SiiAV, AlM'.IL HI, 10,'J O'CLOCK, AI HO. 107 WK-T 47rn ST. kXKCCTOM* hALR HOUsRllOLIi Fl RNirORK. OAHPBW. MtRRORS, AC., ?-mUr t |n_'?;! tli?* KumliQt* .ml KfT*?ct? ihit very fail jr f?ir??I? ti?9ct to/ titer *ifih *11 tl?* H<??l nml Tub!* I?m< ri. n*#r W ?ft*. Miirnliir i*r?H?| Ui?*. ??., ,%c. Ml order of U\\ Hi KOHCil IMKu aim j n*IINi'.l I. ?'*UOMOX. \ '?**?"??r?. AUK) OX TUI. DaY. A~PI(7l. !0. AT I OCL CK. Ar xi>. a.%7 wkist :>r., runteel ll<ni(*h?;i| I-nriiitur'-. Carpeta. Chlaa, (ilaeaware, Kill In ii Uh*ii?iK *p.. Ac I'aUPo.uca M ????. OX WEMMPaT. Al l.II. 17, At IKS OCLOCK, AT NO. BO RA~ T HIHT MT., f.l.MIAN'T FUltXITlHK S-IKIMTAV PIANO, MIR RORS. .tO. AL'O OX WtDXtHUV, APi?II. 17, At #1"*% b*OUlK. AT XO. 8W Kami ISTII ST, RXROVTOMH *AI.K ELBOAXT B)VSBMlHiD~PuR*irURB. tMRPBT.4. IRONS KM, 40. FULL DBTAIL.4 HKKB vFTKK. On TVMOAY, April 33. >1 30ti Ram I All. M., handeome Furniture, Carpete. M Irrora, RtoUway Plana. Ao. Altu an MONDAT, April 2.1, al 109 haal 70?h (k atitira Furniture an I l.ffveta of the houne. H" I K>?CH A ~ W vTTUG j'V, AuTTi I(ix BK KHA."a5f bi)l lib it.. I* I lJuVI'ik 134 I'-??! W??t V7ili ?|7, en tire Ke<tanranl: flxluretC1* let* FRaNK BAM.KTf. at torney lor lawrtgMKea. Hl'liQM B aWjtatfKOPy. AUtTloRKSMli WIi.L ?ell, I'le'eloak, 3A7 Raal Ith ?t.. lari'a ^tuek Mntti, liHriiware, Tlniieiiware. Plnmliert' Materials, Ar.. la Iota. Oeaiera Imlhi _____ ____________ TAMKM I AO ?KT. Ai.'UTIOXBKB -Or'KKJK A XD el iHlairouni Wa-I I4tb <t. llll- mv 3 o'clnek P. M . ?I private reaMenae No. H3 it e?t I2tli ?t. HauHoome Furniture n iw In n'>on- boiiie, ?|i: Rlecant crime n I'a'lnr Milt-. aiin?r<i I'lnr Mirror, with base, taiile nml cornie??; walnnt K'lmmi.i-r >ultc. Heiia anil K?il?lnK, marnle top HaiM. I.ibrary NouKoaae *>4 nth. r article., t? be removed lurtliwith iter tale -ale anamuta. J?B- OA ?.SKr. aUOTIOXK R AXU RKAL KhTATR airent. ortic* aii'l ?alit*rnt?ifi IUKI VV? t 14th ,t. iHtM l?AV (MII.MIAV), April Ii*i, at |n^ e'llock, at privetr rre-'lein-e. rtu 4S I Weet I '4 et. Kntlre hainl?i>iiio Furui'ure ol ab .nlr, nlory ri-eiden**, cencitilnu of e lee ant I'laito, Mirrore, flae Oaipcte. Parlor Mi t? fine Heil* ai d He<nllii?. IJlianiiier, Hell, l>lnl*? an-l Biti licn Karnltpre. Ac. Oaiamnuea at ??l . X II I wieti II under-t ml tlmt ill my e-ile* aie per.imitory. Per??ii?l attention to tin- ?nl ? "i liiriiltiira -.t private ra?l4enies aa <? tint?Mnhrv ilnfiiiir p?it yrn>t. Coii.nrnni -nta now re Ceivail el ?elcaroam. i A-.M-.V .? C"'It *tnra?n ware bou>ea, .m:i, :VI I . e>i lltliet. llu? feet deep) ; ln?pe?ln.p iBtlleu. Ca>h adranCeJ, IALBR AT JlVCTlOB. T^SWSSB uv inustojCauotionEE"r. -HTtfD U .souie Household Furniture to bo sold at auction Wednesday April 24, at II o'clock A. St.. at the eiegant private re-ldeuco No. M Writ 2lst (t. Catalogue'. Ac., at office of LIVINGSTON A Cft, Auctioneer*, 1,298 Broad way. y TRAVEK, AlCTIOMKBK-WILL SELL Tali y .diiv, by virtu* of a chattel mortgage, at 10H o'clock, >?t No 2U9 Broome ?t.. cornar Norlolk, Que Liquor, Bar. Back Fixture!, splendid four poll Ale fume, Bottles, Glaaaware. Kegulator, copper Urn. Measure*. Demijohns. Bagate.le Table, Stov-*,Tables, Chairs, Picture*, leather Bed, Mat tresses, Bedstead. Liquors, Cigars, Ac. By order ot attor ney lor mortgage*. rOBBta WILKINB, AUCTIONEER " w Hotel Furniture au.i Fixtures at auction. Billiard Tablet, Balls. Cuea, Racks, Ac., Ac. B. H. LUDLOW A CO. will Mil at auctlou, commenciBf od Mondav. April 15, at 11 o'clock, at the well known Mer chant*' Hotel. 37. 3i> and 41 Cortlandt at., the entire Furnl* ture and Fixture", together with all Hedrilug, Linen, China, Ulossware. >ilverplated A'are, Ac,, aaualiy contained in a hotel of nearlv 'Jim rooms. Oat 'loguss can be had at hotel or office of auctioneer!, 3 Pine at. MO It HIS WILKINit. AUCTIONEER?EXBCUTOtt'B aale ot Not. H9 and 71 Mott at.-it. 11. LUDLOW A CO. will aell at auction, on Tueaday, April 111. 1H78, at IS o'clock, at the hxcoange salesroom, 111 Broadway (Trinity Building). New York. bale l>y order ot John B. Morgan, fcaq., hxerutor of William Morgan, defeated. .? utt st ? The valuable plot ol Urouud. together with the three and lour atory orjck Buildini;* known as .Noa. tW and 71 Molt St.. between Hayaru and Canal sis.; alia 38.7 feet front, 35.1) teet rear, by liO feut deep. Term* at sale. akmTalvs BALK PETBK~ BOWB. AUCTIONEKit. sells this day ut 11 o'clock. at No. -13 Orand at., lot Hair a in bales one Platform .Scale. D. I'LLMAN, Marshal. NUMiBaUm' AUOTIONKKK. Ml BuWi.RY, ?sells this dnv. II o'clock. 223 Kast 7Sth at, elegant Kuriluuro ot intelligent-* office and family; m ignitl ent Desks, Carpets, Parlor Suits, marble top Tables, .-hades, Ac., in lots. aUHMHAUU. AUCTION BE K, 2tU B( )WBlty, ?sells this dav, 11 o'clock. I,14i> M>rile av.. near Broad way. Krookbn, Mock and Fixture* of hardware and Tin ?inltb shop; stovos. Heaters. Tinware. Machinery, Tools, Ao., In lots. MOKTUAOK~SALh? rTTlr* DAY. AT 10:30 aT TaO art's flora.-" Warehouse, 5U3 Hudson st , splendid six pull Pump, Bars, Olaasw ire, Ac., witli all the Fittings ol a drat claas Barroom, in lots, no reserve. A. LLOYD. Auctlonoer.^ PAWNHKOKl It'S SALK.-Tills DAV, BY J AM KB AUAii, 50 Ne w Bow r). a large assortment ot I nro deemed Pledges, consisting nl Dresses, >hnw ?. Iteiunmm, iiedding, Coats, Pants, Vvata and varioua olner articles too numerous to mention. By order ut M. Cook, 21 West 3d_st PAWNBROKER'S BALK.?8. FIIIUSKI, OKNKKAL auctioneer, 42J Fulton st . Brooklyn, will aell mis day at 11 o'clock. 700 lots, consisting ol SI IK, Alpaca and Mertr.o Dreaaos. broche and oilier Shuwl*. Iieinnanti, ladies' Underwear, guilts. Blankets, BedUiug, Bool*. Shoes, Ac.; at ?! o'clock. Coats, Pauls, Veata, Ac. By order of A. H. Samuels, Grand St. PAWNBKOKEIT S SALK -It ~FI h LD. OtiNfc,RAL AU0 tionoer. salesroom o. 152 Canal ?t . uoar Bow ry. wlil bdII tbia day at 11 o'clock 70') Iota men\ and women's Cloth, iutr, Dremes, shawls. Remnant*. I'nd rclothiug, (Juiits, Blanket*. Bedding, iloota. Shoes, Ac., Ac.; alao Co it a. Pant* aud Vest*. By order Hugh MeAleenan, ,>H7 _'il *v. Aiao, at 10 o'clock. assortment of llous hold Fu nilurn, 4on*istilig of black walnut Bedroom Wilts, hemio id. luroau. Washstund, Taolea, Chairs, lieudinu, i<arpets, l'ic turea. A* P'XW S HI?OKKit~ sALK ? WAlCllfcS. D i A x O S DS, Jewelry .Ac. -K. Field, tencrnl auctioneer, salesroom No. 132Canal, near Bowery, will anil on Tuesd ..v, April ltl. at 11 o'clock, TOO lots gold and ailvor Watches, l)laiu uil? and (?old Jewelry, l'fns, Binvs, I'.arrinns, Oold Cbaiu*, Ac., ilc. Also Opera Olassus. Silverware, Musical Instrument*, launa. Pistols, Ac., Ac. By order Thomas tireen, lrfl Bow eiy FAWNBitOKKK'S HiLb.-THO.MAst M'iJRaTII, AUC tloueer, SU Chatlism St.. corner .Mulberry, will a?ll this day, 11 o'clock, BOO lots men'* and worn n's Clothing, Dresses. Shawls, lleiununts. Quilt*, Blaukots, Bedding, Bouta shois. Ac ; also Coat*. Punts and Vtfsis By order Solomon Stern, Wesi 27th *t. R- ICHARD v7 IIAKNr.TT. AUCTIO.NMMU' ' will sell at auction, Tl'KSDAY, April IB, at 12 o'clock, at Kxchange Salesroom, No. Ill Broadway, (executor's sale). EAST RIVER WATS It FUONT Property on 4th, 5th and Lewis sts.. with 40 upland lota. Tlie Pennsylvania Coal Company has occupied thla propert} for inany year*. This la a rare cliance to obtain on ot the finest water Ironts on the East lliver; ureal ucpth of water. Title perfect; sale absolute. Mapa. Ac., at auctioneer's office, 111 Broadway, basement, Rt CIUK D V. 11A ItN KT T. AUUriONbfcK, ?? will sell at auctlou, TII UKISDaV , April 18, at No. 102 East 2Sd st, elegant Furniture, consisting of Parlor, Bedroom. Dining Koom Suits, Wardrobes, Centre Tables, Lace lurtains, French Bedsteads, Kitchen Utensils, Brussels Carpets, Mirrors, shades, Ac U~~ 7c"hXrl> WaLTKbb' konsl aUiTtTonkukb.? Manual's sale?Will sell Monday, at ll)>( o'clock, at salesroom 27 Ka<t Broad A-ay. 13 boxos Cueese, 2 bags bean Coffee, 4 ke^s Mustar'L 25box?s starch. Stove Polish, Ac ; also an assortment of Household Furniture. Cerpets, Icehouse, Ac. lilCIIAKD C. WAL8H, Mar.hal, [ HlsBVIAN, AUCTIONUEkT "" ;? Auction sale ol Carpets. Oilcloths, Ac., MONDAY, aPUIL l.\ A l 11 O'CLOCK, lr.^i and 17 BOWERY. About BOO pie, e? Brussels. Wilton, tape, try, tliree-ply. Ingrain, stulr and hall Carpel*; 5o piece*, hall, floor and stair oilcloth; aiso 120 plrce* i arpet, aligbtly damaged by tyater. >ale positive. Dealer* and others iuvlled. Smirri bale.-van tabh^ll a kkarni.v. Sherltl's'Auotloiieers, will sell Ibis day. at 11 o'clock, at 25 Itose st.. contents of a Litlioaraph.c Printing Katalnis t ment. coosistlug ut Woodcuia, Plates, Office Furuiturj, Fixtures. Ac BtiUNABD rtKILLY, Sheriff John McKko*. Depoty. S" AI.E OF I viPKOVtl) HKAL11BfATlE, TO CLOSE AN estate.?W ill ne wld at pnbllc auction, on Friday. April IB, 1^78. at 12 o'clock noon, by K. V. ii A K.N KIT, Auction eer, at Exchange Salesroom, 111 Broadway, the ttireo story In h stoop brown *touu llouas and Lot No. 22 Kaat 12Uth at., near 3ih av, ot this city: lot l7.B)kX0D. 11; house 17.U>*x4o: title perfect; sale absolute lor eaali. ArKiL io, t?78. Thomas b. taPPEN. Tit WHOM IT MAY CONCKKN.?MOTIOK Is HKKKBY given that 1, the underaiuned, will expose at pubiio auc tiou, to pay < xpeii?ei, Ac, on goods left at my place tor storage by Mri. M ilbews, by Mr. Poat, bv lit** it. Iloff and others. J. IlAVKN, Auctioneer. D. CUNNINOHAM. Marshall, 1.28S Broadway; Monday, April 15, 1878, at 11 o'cR>ck. W~ "lLLlAM_*vlTrKKS, AUC I'l ON KK It?8KLLS III IS day, at 2 o'clock, at 450 and 452 st., HoUrehold Furiiltnre. removed lor sale Iroin private residence*; coin Jri lug i'ai|:?r and Oh nitisr "uits. Wardrobes, liureau , ?OTnges, marble top Ccnire Tables, Beuste ids. hair and other MaitreaMS. 50 Brusiels and Ingrain Carpels. Kltcbt-n I te'iall*. Ac. COA< KMIl> ASU BAHUfcimat. "XTWMWIiriAS tRSIiTX hitcatios Jr.- ruaclimau : thoroughly uinluratauda the bualn.-aa; ran mill, ??* Ar. j or any bnalueaa where lie rm nutkt RIM ?nit Kent-rally utvful; la not afrudol wui-k; raiy br>t city andconattr ntor?MJ> hi t<> hnn-ny. aobriet.v i?lihfui- ? noa? Ac ; city or country. Addreaa T.. bux 117 llerald olB-a m flit SO M ?X W 1411IS* A HIT L' AT 1 ?> N . UNOi K ataiida c rr <>t ho aea nnl u'?r,|?iiln?'; uood ralarcma. MM b?x IH Upt. wu tiBIre V H A IrW^MAN A sU WlKi. WaNT H17C ATlOJMk? *\ Man .? cuac mm *u4 (irlantr: wile a> cook ml to do coaiau waafclau: U"il? thor.-uichly tin i?r?taud their bual i.i'aa; *?ry aatlalac. 'rr relfreut ci. country prclerreil. Ail ttiat ll. r. |J., box 112 i >?ml-i uHm. 4 nMr CtaAtf* MAN i>lNOL.hj, VXMUUTANttllll K*rue'iln|{. lariuli'g ihd citra of liorara; Ave yuara' cltv rel-rence. aiMnM U . oox '!? 4 llerald ulln-e. ' * S ?J ,AtMIV is'A <i? iiA KDIi S l-.Tl?M i M A UK! Kl"> .iYm.iti; n ? familyi tlmriin-jliK ?? iier-mnna lil? htilnNi c tu mil*; Oral ili<i ri-ii'f mtai T , t>ox IHD ilerald oltivi'. TUVmTMAN WITH A SNAi.TT FamILt W ThTTTh aalmatloi aa rott' liiuini aiiil|tfilrMr; hit- tfootl reler ?N-a from laat MM.IajN>r. A>ldr<! a ML. bn l-KI Herein Up town uBrt. (Thiol A* Man WlH.II'.ri A it ITU ATI O nTunDKK ?taiMii the care i.i li nana, tannin* an ? Kardetilag ; 12 jeare' relertace Addru-a h. 0IIAUL...1, itorald Cptoan uftice i h iKlVlillHAM. VKUKTAHlaK OAKOK ? ISK A.M? I'O k? xenerally uaeliil: alnniemeu: can milks beat city refarai.cea Aodreaa .IIM. Herald oflja h7mJaTI<>\ W ? NTK D-AS IMAcTTm A , OAHDRN er ami K*ii?rnllr uarTuI man, alntflv ; beat reKrence. Ail Ui eaa MooitK. J'l Rartof at. H COAi;ilM A* ANtT"TiKOoM -<??MK? 0ffFTJi country driver, Uuar?t. aon -r an ? -l-? ? I., vouu^ man. i'ti ui ro i*ren<-i4. IKA iU OVi'.KlH I?HK,M11 III av., or 14 Km 44tU at. "TTnlSU MAW WIS IK* A MIT UATIoN~OAX T ,\ hK /??. ar?" I'l inaiiuiHia) >nU v> -Itble u-trdtin . alao ibn ] citre ol cow? atid horae ; |Woil tef<rM;e from laatpuce. K. \? ?XW A Y No 3'V lla i--ii ar . Broitltljrn v, >?!? <;?? ??*? o VAkKr. Av a i;h 'lie III a yoiMM ui m williliir and ohll* . ll -at city r>*ler ? ner. I' . li"X I ? II r lid t |il'iwn nPiee. C^oacT.iTam a7?u q ?au?mkk?hi-.>pkc> Hi.r. /man; liaa loHir rx|i?r.enc < i ruiuin-ieiit In ?>erv re at>ect, Ural ? Ue? r-fer.-iica Addraaa ll II., BifaU a Baa. (' lOAUMM -> A.Vu Uaili)i!l?.il<alliML . OkKMAXl J jnO'i r> r-rence. AJiliaii I'llAOIIM tX. II lt?e? al /HMOti HAJr"* HlTU CrlOt WARTltU??? M kh r \Vol'ia> iii ui baa beat teatliunnlala ; city or country, will >i* liinnd xlllin/ an 1 ? biliiinir ?' al 1 on or addreaa K . al J. H llraaitai's ilTlh >t. and 5tb aT. Cv> .<;ii?a* and UiuhTm-T? AiTHfJt. KKLi aiiiVr) /alnirla m.n. acuaui'ii d to city aud aoantry ??i*|tiK; call iiiliK ; ,eiii-r?ll? n(ill man: liral rlljr rulon.nci-. Ad i.r li M , l?i x 124 Hi rai l L'ptown nfllcc. ll I Rsf V'LAIHH tUAUl.MAA rtKKKit A PUAlTS ix I ilti nr eoiintry; a rrap-'table I'rotaatant lierman; in ii'iad. no abil'lren ; tliomn t la I v nnaaratand? hi# utialn*aa In all 11a larauabM. Addreaa J. M11,1.1, it, Xu. SW I.a>t ioth at. i ?M)r. / VAK~tW.Nt.K H klT^AIlUM MA?tkb-lir A MAH VJ'I d man. mi faml y. nn iaratanoa that bnaloeaa tlior etiKiily Adarcea K. K. A U, Mill llroadwar, lor M. HA.M.I V. AKOMM r. H-?A UKNTklK AN WOULD "LTk iT \ rpoaltlon for bit man I mariied, no chlidreh; andvrataoili ?il brancliaa. J II., oftb e 112 Waililnaton at. tr.KI.RMMlM "rtirUATION Wa">tTo A XI Ml I. K fmaii: Hioroaghly nmlaratanda grarnhonaa, irraperiea, Irnll. rafetaolf, ormimaiitatlon or pleaanre irroanrta; lil^rLi eattaaMaaoBlAla. Addri-aa llAHUtt.MKK, 2?l llwomr at. G1 AUIn.SKK. - OfcKMA.N ("hiXOLM) WInliK.1 SITI a riion Utiiliratanda cara ol horaea, mllKlnK. Addreaa isi'.ilji.K, 'JO Manton at., baaemant. SIUAflON H A.NTHi?-A(a ~f IRHT OLaRH coacii. in., n an-l plain ranlem-r ; can milk; married, no latnlly: th.iriuiKbli f nipatenl: wile la a good plain ronk and laun dira?, ll m-eilad ; eountrr preferred; Rood relareccea. Ad dreaa . 11 - al l I ptown nffit-a ri~|" A TllORwdoii KAKMKIt ok l.ONO 1 experience In ilie manaaanii-nt of milk, dairr a?o high aturk. ilealraa a attnatTon j e.mdotha (arileiiliiK ol a place, beat recreate and teatlmonlala. Ad iraaa I. WIN UbK. Woodbrldge, Mlddleaex c iunt)f, N. J. H?LP WA?T K I>~I?f A LM A""" KhjAjuiiu/iI^TEk TittT?kLho8ai*iiV aiW+akk poaltlotia; ta-mi rrdui-ed naarif una ball thie weak io Oil va<-aiicl*?a; o.mmence Immediately. TIIOMI'aON'M Collar*. 2U 4tk av. AOhtlT- HaKK iliT OAllaY NHtaUllU AMKKf'S H|irlnn Hbww i.arda. HH Rowery. ooriier H?lt>r at. A? aotivb, intkixiobnt irishman, poshrhh. I ait baalnaaa ability and food addreaa: wite food hand. MiKKIlV, :<7 Harrlay at. 1LU>TlAfU OATAtaOOUl PAIlIH RXIIIilTION Iinw rtailr. Ilnod man wantfd 10 ?li IW thu work ; llnaral p iy . aeila at aiitbl. Apply two daya, U. W. OAVlH, 7 Jdur ray Ih. room 2& nBLP WASTED?MALE*. Man ii> "assisT" in kitciiln wokk; ri<i n:.t ence ylvon tn una li flu* aoma know.edtfe of cooking. CalLjf A. M . 4'l Wr.t Dili rU"E TKAH.-AQKM M W VNTXrlt BYEKYWHKBh l\j Mil to famlliea, llote la uud large consumers; largest tuck la ilia country; quality and term* Itxo beet; country storekeepers ehnuld call or writs. Tllti Wr.l.I.S IhA COMPANY. 2U1 Pulton at fllKAS, oFaHaNTKLD PC UK. POUNDS. 50t\; X KuH>(ed Cuffim, 10 pouuda. {1. SAMPLE IhA CO., 2U3 i'earl at. TJJf ANTED?AUENTS KOK~JUB UUBtJLAK ALAIi.M. M Ju.t out ami Ilia most iioouUr mi l cli? apo?t ever I?? troduced; lor $> a nullum* can be aecurely protected; pruliiK immense ; injur. taken and goods tor lata. H UTCils INSON Blj UOLAB aLAuM COMPANY. 200 Broadway, room X W"* ANThD-A GOOD PA.NTtiY MAN: ONE WHO thoroughly utiderstaiida Itia kualueaa and willluir to work faithfully for low wagoa. Addroas, giving relereucea and ?xpeilence, PANTHY, llersli Uptown ortiea. : POUNUB ?UKh TEA, *l:'4k POINDS, 300. TUB JCAN'lUN IE A COMPANY. 14? Chamber* it. t'HJK TliAUiCV A OK.NKf.AI, E.N'tiKAV I'.B M->N<i; A Ms SPECI altjr; oau alao do colored atauipln*; would Ilka to get a situation at a moderate salary or would take an Internal iu tlie Mine. Addre.a KMiRaVEK, box 121 Herald office JEW KLElfToN 1)IA \lo N U \VoKE~W I-HES . eTf. uation; knlla edge and lanoy acro'l work a specialty; can a't single stones Addrese Jh.Whl.KK, liarald office. FIKHT CLASS CUTTI-.B AMI i'KAOTIC\L. TAILOR da*lrea au engagement lu a tlr?t claaa tailoring estab lishment wliera ability and will ba appreciated. Address HO Myrtle av.. Brooklyn. ANTbD-A CUSTOM SiUKT CUTTf-.K; ON h THAT i* abla to sell prelerred. J. HKaNuT, 124 Chatham at. AS ifcD-A GOODUYKlt ON OOl'TON "yakns; mint understand hli business. Apply or addreia DYI* it, 237 Itroome al. HOUIBI, aoo.tis, iVi,., WASTED. lit iliia City uud iti'uolclvh. AGENTLhMAN AND WIl E WOULD take charge of house during tbe auaeuco ol family: hi/b.-at rat -riinca. Adjr.-ss UEi.1 AiiLh, box 100 llcrald Uptown office. KE-tl'hCl AiiuT liEIt\1 AN u IS ifeT ITT TTKh: cbargaol'a huuau In tboeitv; ruloraneot. 330 Watt 17tb ?t . Qr?t ANTED TO Kh.VI'-A SHOP. BETVVLEN -.'3D \ND ?V 34tb ale . Utb auu 8tb Hva.. mi table for blacKiinlth or braaa touudur; would take apartiuanta alao. Audruaa II. W., 11 eral't Uptoau office. V\7ANirh"ii?hTi'H .Lo..'S 'ApXKiMh.MS i'W ? OB II tbree tiirulilied or uiiturni^.ieil . i iua, with pritbita bath, beloa- Until at. beiweou 4th and (>th av. ; no bnardini; houau Statu lull uarticnlara uid vary l'.wait price per au uum or no notic taken, Poal oilier box VV ANfMO?UAbf VKOVrM MT UiK HoUstf Tli P..It M lait oroar, Willi owner preferred. M iiiiaon to 7th, 22d to oUtb ; rent in be low; llrat olati party. VAN OKi.HEIt, ">o:i Kroomo at. T\7". nthu-T11k u?k," kok""tTTuTT "!7iuT;sTiTiTJv, IT ol two ?dJ"'niUK lt?oui?. not above aocoinl Boor: loca tlou above 1 -Itii it. A Idreaa X. X., liorald Uptown uffiee. In lite ('on >try. CIOTTAIM-: WANTED?KUitNIfiH 0, SRASIDE. Al' >uly to L.. It. li itlliOS. 744 lirnadway. Now Yora. UlliLIAilDli. A" 1 new U Uli liOOUo OK II. A . >C* KSIikV," V-S liroa iwey, hultveeii tiruca Church au.i Stewart'*-Hill l?rd Table*, Ujw .ind avcoud band. In latent ua>i|(Ua; best gooda and liwe-t pilcea. A".MKKI<" vn - I' v N '? A i i I > BZUatA II I'A ML s. NKW au i second hand, at redutod pricu?; iialla. Cloth, Hp*. CliaU. Cuna. ,'.c W. II. 1. itlKKITIl A IMJ. 40 Vuaa.v .1. EVES A\U EA1M. A" BTiVfciAu humaS'"ni'ts "ok "a ?C'?STToii quality innde to order ut reasonable rates. Dr. K. Malum A p. UOUUhLMANN, aii iliaeeker at. Wo sup ply Boat oi t:m boapltala auu other lusiitutloua. JAMhS T. DAVIS. IN VK.SIOK and ON Ly" "M aYk]{ ol the liuprovad Artillcial liuinau Eye, acKuowlad^ed by the latu ty io be the only correct Imitation of nature lu tlK< world. No. 127 r.aat 10th at., botween .id and 4th av* A CLOTUINGa r aaii tiiii' av. nea.; 4rii st.,~pays> iiiuHEsr value lor ca.t-ofT Clothing, Ac. Call or addreaa Mr. or Mia. NAThAti. Oth av. AT MIVIZ's,"iIjFtil II AV.. ABOVE 3HT11 ST., LADI ? H anil Kentloiiicn will be a.tonl.hed at itraat prieea paid in cash for t;?at < 11 Clotlnnii, Carpntl, Je??lrv, Books. Or dera promptly attended by Mr. or Mr>. M1N i'Z AT UAKRIV~ 1.^71 0HOAUWAT. HKTWJblN HU anil :i:td ?ta., Broadway pricea paid for cast-off Clothing, Buoka, Ac , by oat,itiu or addreoini: B 11 A KKIS, 1.274. A' TM7~MAKKn PAYd UiMOaT VALUE IN CAttU ?for Cast off ClothliiK. Carpets, Jewelry, Booki, Ac. Call or addreaa. 101 Oth av. L. idlea attended to by Mra. MAKES. ? _ adoress Mr. or Mrs il.XWitlS, Hl Bkb av. t si ?rii av.-tiie utmost value obtained lor cast off t'lothiutf, Jewelrv, Carpeta, Mooka. Call or At KLAT'fiJ'S, silt Hill AV.. NEAK 40TU ST Ladies and mmtleiuen will positively receive 50 per cent more than elseuliero lor caat-off Clothing, I'arpott, Jawalrv. Adlrna. Mr or M>?. KLAT'IO. . EOllii'S ADVENTURhS. Frliz Robb, a pedtlior livlug id Wont Slxly.scvonih ilreet, on Sitorduy, ueur tinduiitbl, startad out with a company of friond* Id acarub ol fun. At K.|;blh uvo Dur and Sixty.ninth ttraet tbey (pied an unprotected lotnulu uud at onco guvo obusc. T he woiluu implored her uurauvra to daaiat; but 110 alteotloD was puld, uo* III OlfK'cr 11 u.lie* nrnvid und uilrouuced bl( club The ruiUaus Ibeu made a ootuoiuad aaaault upou tbo olUuor, knock oil uitu dotfu, beat bun uud rol:?d Uiui lino too gutter. Iluiliaa rau^bt Kobb by tlie leg aa n? wiut ruutilug nil' w.tb tin cuiDpuuiooa aud refuaed to let gu. 'i lie put ty tban mado an ol bar c (tort to aaaiat their leuilcr, but the uflher iriutupbad nod lodged Kobb lo tba Tbirty-liral preoiaet station house, wmIii the othera run awajr. In tlie Harlem 1'olico Court yesterday Kobb bewail u leti^lby oxpiauatlou, but Jud^o W indoll lDterri)|ited bim, auyiug, "I liavo ?eon your lace before." Tbo pruouer *?, Duad $10 and aent to tba Island lor mx tuoutlie in default ol a bond lor i;ood behavior OlQocr Hugbeii will bave to purulMM* ? new uniform. AMOUK8 UF A '1IUEF. I'elcr Weston some time nine* became unniuorod of I.xzlo Murphy and ?ru wout to visit her fre quern.y at a houte oa Virxt avenue, where sno had taken service. U annoyed Luz.e a trill* to bear Id* quiriea about m;*?lig progeny being made it the bouse on aliuoat fviry occasiou I'oter came there Shu did not couiplulu, howevir. until ? h.' learned lb* I bar swam was paying altenuou* 10 vailous other woiucu engaged us she was, much to the aiuiinuilun ol their employers' gO'?is uud rbmtoi.. | Tlie recreant Weston waa in uonitcqusucw arranged at the K i-ex Markel 1'xiice Court ycsirrd <y and coin inltteo on a cliargti of mealing a walcb, wtk>ch she bad prenrruJ agaiust biin. ?MAKE OFF THAT HAT." John C. Twcns paid the Itnu of ab intoxicated frioud at tbe J< Hereon Market Court yosterday, but tbe inoineiii be bad Hepped down from tbe clerk's de.-lt be plainly looked bia ill >?nprot>aliou of tbe wliolo pro* ceeding ai Judge and clerks snil nil. lie put on hi* but aa he p.isntU outside tbe railing* OiUcur Joiiy, who al thai tuition *Xuita due ellqiietls Irom court comers, at once demanded tbo rcmov. I ol the sggrvs* xiv-o lllr. "I'll be uumued II I take it oO." xald John C i wens, aud lie swaggered pant, <>u which Ulhcr J?ll> Huunuanly look oil iiiu hat lufeivli. A lew tiling sln? and ou wuut tne head gear again. Ufllrer titsejr wit- n?w in order, "lake oil Unit ball" aald be. lw<u, conaigooi blm to a Warmer e.lllUe and savagely pressed I' duwn utiiiu bia lorehead. Casey ban It oil in ? twinkling, nuutho oilier pawied ou Willi aScowt aa black an a tnunier Morin, only to plant tlie lint S|"I1I bis brad again, "lake oil tliat hat!" it Wa# the Voire ol OiU or >Iur? ray now it ?l spoke. "Vou'rc a looil" quoiti Join. C. r?ens. -uddeniv au order tame train tbe bench, "linn.' blm back.*' Wlieb Mr. Twein bad pmu V? i lor coutrinpt ol Court he went bia w iy bare livaueil and as In.uK a mau aa ever decried p tltce court Justice. A WIFE DEMEU. Joseph, (loldberg. of No. im Hayird street, yesterday pleaded Ibut his wile Annie was slaudmg on the Iront mooji aud linking with adouriug males tu extenuation ol his baring brutalir b< aten her on Satur lay nielli. Judge Dulty, beoie whom he was arraigned, how ever. deoliued to anlorialu tlio pieu, and Uoidberg waa corn nil tied. hHUl'LlFTlNO. Officer Wiogand, ol' the I wenty-ninth precinct, on Saturday evening arrested Kate Sweeny, in U'Nsill'a ?lore, on tfixtb avenue, lor shoplifting. Sb? had taken a quantity ol trlnge from tbo counter and secreted li uuuor her shawl. .?Itout (14 worm ol stoleu goods were loubd upon ber person. Judge Dully yesterday held her iu $600 bail, wnicu w.ta lur Dished by Andrew Kelly, ol No. ?44 Mocoud avenue. A DANUEiiuL'N 1HUEAT. Shortly holore daybreak y*?tsrda)r morning Kmma Rowan, wlia of Jantea Rowan, who la thirty-eight years ol ago, snd s podior by ocoupatlon, callad at the Klghlh preclncl station house, Brooklyn, and com , plained llhi her husband had threatened to cut hrr throat with a kaile and bad turned her into ib* street. Howau waa arrsaied. COLORED UAMKLEits! Fifteen men whs war* caught by the police of ths Thirteenth preclnot playing laro, at three o'clock yeaterday morning at No. 20 Ihroop avenue, Rrooklyn, were arrested and locked up at the station house 10 await examination. The prisoners were all colored men. Tbo MMution of tli* polio* was called to the piaco by a negro woman who nad a grudge against tno proprietor tor having caused her arrest about a month ago ior gambling. M1H8ED 1118 WAiCIL Edward Wsekoit, a plumber by trad*, resldiaa at No. 130 Douglas* atr*ot, Brooaiyn, was arrested ye*, terday foronoon on Somplaint oI Patrick Moran, ol No. 47f> Hk ks street. wfa<> i II irgea.biin with Homing a watch and uhain valued at |)Hi. I? SIMM'S MIL Text of the Acting British Foreign Minister's Circular to the Great Powers. THE TREATY AND THE CONGRESS. England States Her Objections, but Offers Few Suggestions. The following circular (U-vpatch, addressed by lUo Marquis ol salisbuiy to Her Majesty'* embassies, wu* issued Irorn lue Foreign Olllct:? Fokkium OrncM, April 1, 1874. My Loud (dm)?I bute received Itie Queen's cotu Bianda lo icquest Your Excellency to expialu iv lite goverutu?ul lu which you ire accredited tue course which Hor Majesty's goverLiu.m h iVe thought u tueirduiy to pursue in ralervui* io the preliminaries ol peace concluded betwscu lliu Ottoman uuu liusrliO government* and to Hie Kuropeau Co.igiovs wnicn il Hub bocu proposed lo bold lor tue exaunuallou ol that treaty. Uu the 14tb ol January, in v,e# ol Ilia report* wim li buu reucbed Her Majesty's government us to the begoliutions lor peace wbicu Were about to bo opeued 0^l*-011 ibu Uur&iuu goVurutueul and tue Porte, ana in order to avoid any possible mlscoucop 11on llcr Majesty's government iiis i ucled Lord A. I. mus io state 10 I'rnue U.iriscbakott thai iu tne opluiou ol Her Majesty's government uuy trouly con cluded between li>e government oi Kd-slit una the 1'orlo aU'ecling tilt* irculien ol liiiti au<l 1.171 must be a European treaty and wuu>d not uu valid ivilbout the absent ol tbe 1'owers wno were parties to tbo.-s tro ities. Uj ine ii.'nli ot Jauuury tlie Huasiau government re plied oy tue uaaurauco lUal ttoey U|<; not ttiieud to set llu by lUeiitseiVM ("isole.ueu.") buiopoun quest.ons baviug reloi-uc. t > tUu peace wmcii is lo oe made (???e rutiacimn. a la pa.x"). lldr M-jesty's government, having learned that the buses ol peace uad ui-eu ai ranged be. ween tbo luikish uu i Uussiau delegates ut K Zrutik, lu siiuctud l.oru A. Lolius, on llii 29tu oi Jjtn uaiy, io state to tlm Kdeaiati govu tiluuui Hut H.r M josty'., goverum.;ul, wuilo rcOoguiZiu,! uuy urraureuu'iiis muue by the itn si .n Tuikl?u duivguteb at K zattliu lor tile conclusion ol uu uriui t'CO and lor itie .settlement o. Oases oi peace us bllldii g buiWeuu ibo iwo USlll^.renl-, declared ibal iu so lu as tlie-ie uiruiigein-ut-> w< ru ca.cul tied lo mfidily European treaties .uu lo ud ct gen.ral und Kite cst? Her M?j.-.siy's goveruiaeut were uu ati u lu ncoguizo iu tnt.u au) Validity u?.e? lui'l wcro in.ide tue buojocl oi u I .rtntl u.recmeul among the parties to inu ticatv oi 1' ri?. LOKli LOVTL'S bl'ATKS UIS CASH. Oil the dum ol January Uotd a. communi cated tins declaration to t'rince Gi rsvnukull, und His Hi liue.->s leplieu that to cUeel au certain bases ol peace were uece-suiy, buitncy wore ouly, lo be cousld. red .s prelliuiniiries und uotuehuitive u.< re garded Kurone, uud slated categoric illy tuut qu.-H tioag bearing on Kuropcitu luivresls would tie con certed Willi huropt-aii l'owern, und th >1 lie liad given IKr Mujjsl> 's government ciear and posiuvu uSiUr auues to this etteel Ou the 4Ui ol' Februury tbo Austrlun Anbaiaador couuiiuuican.-d a tolegraiu mvillUg Her s gov ernment lo a Oonlerunce at Vie unit, a .u Her M.jeaty'a goverument at once ucce|>teil the propo?*L Ou llio Oiu ol February His h.tcolleucy uddrcsnod a loriual invituliou to Lord Derby, stating that:? L'Autriclte Ilonurls. eu oiiaiite >le fuiasaucs kl^na tulre den aotCH iateruatloO .ux qui out ru pour m.jet <tu r.i gli-r le systems |><iliii<iui< uu tlrltut, h louj u.? roervu, i n piesauee d? 1 ^umrr aiiusile, sa purl u ii.llumeu sur i? reicluiuvnl aettuitil' des eoudltliuis .lr la nam lutur... l.e tiuuvurui'iiieiit Iniperiui da lu liussie, auijudl uuuk avails tuii ii.ill df cs pulul du vii.i, I'm pleiiieineui a.iprocie Aujuurd but qua de? iTellwliiHlrm d? pain vieuueut d'etre rlrnci<eiitie lu llnssto el la Hirsute uiuui.-ul iiaui sent..le venu d'eta. Iir l'aei'i^(d d-i I'i.ui. pe a*r le> niuditleit 111.ii^ qu'il d- vieudrslt ueotssuir* <l'uppuii?r aim iraltes ?usm- .tl uues. t.e moil* Is pi us apte a autener ceile entente nous parait Mre In leuulon d'uuu con i-reuee ue> puissunie* niKuatuir s ?lu Tralte da Paris da iKxl et du frotocoie ue Lundrss da 1871. ANOlHIvK rt.ACK I'Hl'l'OSKi) Oo the 0tli Insi. tbo Ausiriun governuieni proposed thai uialeud ol lue Conlerccco at budeii liuden, u? pre* Viousiy contemplated, a Congress should be asseninled ai It.-riln. Hur .Majesty's goveruuii-Ut replied that llioy had no ohjvcuou to tum cbauge, but thai Ihi-y cousucrod "that it would bn Ue.-irauio to hav.- 11 un derstood iu the Qrnl pluce that ull questions Uuuli with in llio treaty ol peace botwoeu Kussia and 1'uiKey atiouid be considered us subject to be discdssud in inu Congress and that no uiturutiou iu the condition ol things previously ealuDllabad by irealy should be ackuuwiedgod us valid uuiil it has roco ved the asaeul ol the rowers." Ou thu l^tli ol March Count Ueusl was told thai Her M.ijesiy's govcri.uicnt must n? pertectiy ckur ou tile point- muntlouud lu the letter lo him ol Itoo 9th msl. beloro tiiey could dehultoly agree to go into Conicreaa. Ou the 13 h Her Majesty's government explained luither the tlrsi condition: ? That titer intiat didinctly understand l.e fore ttejr can Mlwlua t.'u niireas tl.ul ever) ailieiv iu llie treaty ie tvetu llursia miillurksy will t.e plufrd i.e.ore the Con giess, not becesssrlli lor acueplsuee, nut In order ihitl it iu a> lie cjnaiili red v l>-t IrMBII leqnire uerei.tabee or got cui renve by tlie aevuiai 1'uarra mid ?liat uo not. Ou the 14th the Husriau Amuassador communlcmed the loiiowit.g telegram Iroiu I'rinue Uortschakoll : ? limits les granites pulassnees saveiu dtja iiu? Ie i- xte camplet uu unite pri iluiiuiiirs uu paix avee lu I oils ii-er sern tonilnunlQiie d<? <|U? lea rati Ilea: una uurout ete eclianuies, ec qui tit1 asurait tarder. II sera aluiu.ianeiacnt public let. NoUa It'avuna risu a caebur. . I'Ottkk OF TilK C03MJMKHd. On tbo 17th Loiu A. Lo|iu? rijoiiod that he bad recctfcu ibe 1uiiowu;k iiteiitorauauiu trout Priuce Goriscltakult Ift l*pi| I MlftiltllMI aMl *')* LtN A. l.olt,n. of the Ue?i>MU')i by which t?ord l?? r o hai replied to itir pro pi ml ol ? cunt relating to the in ?r tin if ol the ? ott UT**** mi Hetnn. 1 Iihvo tin honor to repeat the n.??ur?kuce which i'"uut -fliuuvnIoIT h.tft t??en aheady cbHik'* d to ;.lv? j to iter .M?Je*ty'a k'O^rnuiviU vi* , that thr preltu.lnarv treaty oi i toi*eiutiei iietHo. n Uustia attd TuiKy ilmii be Uvmaliv com in uttic'Mttid to t'.it* j;r?a| Powers On to v tli? tiitfttttn* of tiltj ? on^ri??, aud that in lite i'on^io-.a Itmsi t e?.ch Power will have the lull llbeity of itn appMCtt tt"U? and i t It* MttODE In ? ilutpatcb lacaiveil on iba lMli l.ord A. I.oftua ? luu il i but I'rium Uoriacb ikofl bktl a?id to in in ol cjui'm) lit) cclii't not imp ??? mIcouu ou imy uiumbor 01 iuk Cou^irciiK, lint lie could only acwpl m>kiua uu tboau pwiilt>u> o. ilie irtulv wbltb elltcioii t.uro llllrllBlo Luu Duruy liuving anUed Count Sclio'j ValolT lor a rv yly Hum I'rittOv U iriwIitkoO Uu fcxt?lloi.uj lu.urmuU b in uu ibe lUlli lbut t>? Wa* "cuurgcil >u ript i-tuni to llur to ujeol) t guv rbiuuni i i.? irvuiy ut puucecob elutli'U Oetwi en Uunaiii lUrkvM, iiiu uiny uii? Wl.itli < Xi?ttrd, lur lliuie ?y* no innl rugiigcniant, wuuid uu c?muiuuicki?0 lo kui* guveri.tuuui ul ibo I Qut'i u^u III oniiiety, ml lo.ig Im|.ih< ('/icm av<iiili Hio i*nvitibllng ul lliu Cuugri'**. 1 uu govern luoi.l ul lliu gn?n, iu liku unnuir ?? lb* utbergrmi Power*, re ?Bivi'l to tbcuuM-i v<-* ul ibo luagiue* iiiuir ? u 11 lib. eily ul nppi at uiliou uii'l action. ibli aiitiie liberty, ?bit.ii ?bu i-I J iiui ui ji'im tooibarx, Ku**ia claiini il lur t.oraaii. Now, u Would i?? to rcelrliu nor, 11, aluue nuiobg all llm Kuiilj lulk.icIcU a pr* 11 mi liary iili/itgrincill. " KMiW^II'k INK*. On Iho '21 ?-l i< ru IKrbv replied ibal llor Wajeily'* count nui rt-coda I rum lb< pu-uion al ready clruriy ii?Un?il by kli?*ill ; llmt Ui' y IIIuat Ui? 11 ii ut ly uiiu*r?t?yu, b*inr? timv couia ruui inl*Cou grvsa, Uint ?Varjr nrllclu iu tbu irunty b?t?oau Uu a>j iiuj I urkey wuuid d n av^il b?iui? iii? Cougmaa, nul I nccvKMirilr lur ?0P? pmini*, bul ill orurr tliat it luigLt bu ruu-itlarml ?uut urili i?a rni'ilrod aoc?|itauc>i ur cubcurreuci: by lliu uibcr I'uwui - aiitl dm n?l. Hir Mnji-aiy'i govirriiiiicul w?ra u iaul? to acccpl lb vii-w no# put lo. wartl uy Prima Uoriicliaknil Mim tin' lr> ailuti: <>i i>|itiiiOu and acliuii in CuiigrvKa ul It'iv am. n.oro tbuii ul uuy uibvr Puwir, wuulJ bu ra atriciol by Una t>ruliniiu iry uu iarimuiiiii^. Utf Xijriiya KoVcrbmvni ib< r. uiro uim.mi to ?ik ? Wboilicr lnc goverom* Ui ol Hua-ia w in j lb" touiniBBH'aliun ul ilia truaiy en tntirr lo Ilia v?- i nua f iwvra abouiii m tiuii?<l a* ii piiuin,: ol iba irraty bi.iora ihe Cuugl?*a, in orilur ti. it lliu nboio Irvaiy, ill Ha r?i iiio* i? axmiing irtatlti, iiitgnt bu I ?xauiimd ami ?onaiitvr*4 o> tbu Ouagrai*. uu tba '20t:i Couul >cliouviiiuIT wiola lo Lord D< rliy lliai Ilia Iiiipaflal Cablllul aHDlrnl ll It* uui) lonil ara lu Iba Uacla illou wmcb lia ??? orJiTud iu maka tu lb? g*?arnineul ol tlia *4u<>-b,bnJ wbiub ?>? <ilaicd iu ilia latior wiilib lit ilia liuuur lo budiaaa lu In lo, il iteil Hie llllli ol Marcb. An iiiUaianl iiiturpraiaiioua 1ml b?nn given lo iba "liberty ul ap|iloci:iliun nnu a?lloi" ?biab Uuanl.i llioaglil II rinbt lo r*?*rvn lo li<*rirli at ilia Ciu^rfaa, ilia iin|>> rial Cabin I di>ll:ir<i iba inuaumg Ol Ibe mini iu Ih* luliomiik Il la??a? tu t.i? nil" r l'ii*in tha llliartv of rulalnit aitrh qarilloin al i ti' < ii|.i*-? ?? I'. ) iiii?i.t ilni.a Ii Ui l.i Uu. ci.aa, and ra??r*f? I i it?e.i til-llni-rii .1 aic. |.llB. nr n l k rvi.tliitf Ilia .lacu??i..|i ul iiivi.^ i|ii?all?ua. llor Majiitj'a goVoramtfll dai'ply ragioi lb* tie clrion wnicb Ina Ku?al>b guvarniuani bar* an buunoud. COMtliAHT TO THR TRKATT Of r^Rlli How far ilia iii|iui?i on? ol in? Tr? ity ul Mnn Sic lanu wuuid ooiuiu4iiil inain'i Ivaa an r)|i?dl?ni lo llm juUKiiiAiii oi ilia Btiropaan CoWan it i* not at priraaul poanlMa lu dacnlv, Uui avail ii n cuuaidcrttbm portion ol lb> ui W.'ra aueh aa ?<-ra liaaly to b? aip.uVPd tba fta.rviilnn n| h riglit, at diacralloii, lo ralu?a to acoapi a uiavuaatou ol Ibam in a eongre't of iba Cnwara arooni nul on lliai acuuuul l>a Ilia laa?opon to lliaiuoat aarioui objacliub. An iii|i.cin'U ul ina iranty will ?uIII n-nily aiiuw ibal H?r Majeaiy'a guvariiiiienl could nut, In a Kurupauu aongreaa, aoc?|ii niiv partial or iraatiifuiary a&auiuia Hull ol Ha provialotm. Kv< ry iii itarini atipulatlou w Inch ii eollalua Invoiva* a dapariura Iron tb? treaty ol llWid. Ity ilia daolaraiion nnnrxad to Iba Oral protocol or tba Uomarauca liaid lu iioudou la 1H7I in* I'lanipo tautiarlra ol ibe Urnal I'owara, Including Kuaila, re cagnicod "tbat It la au aaaabtlal prmcipla ol tit- law ol nan ft* ibal uu I'uwcr nun ilbvrai* iiaaii Irom iba an K 'iK *' ti la ol a ifoaiy, tior motltly tba alipuiationa Hiaraof, ualvaa Willi iba couoaul ol iba aouiraoung Powarx oy rnoaua ol an ainlrabln arrangem?nt." Ii la laipoaaibla lor Uar Maj. aty a *ovarum?ut,wlib oui Violating tba apiril ol Ibia declaration, to acquiaaoe ib the wltbOrawnl ir<>m tba cjgiiilnbua ol Iba Powara ol arti^laa ib lb* new troaljr wbicn nra iiiodiltuatiuaa ol axiautig traaty angagatuania and iDeonalatant with in* m. Urn naiara ol tba traaty aud tha comhluad clfecl ol Ita ?av<-rai alip il itiona tipclt the mlcreata <>( tba tlgaalory Puwi-ra lurbiau anoiuar and a auuciu alve reason imut ib?wp*r?U dlieoiil*# ?W ?? porllou ol ibose stipulations apai t iroia Iba rciL TUB UCUiAUU* ULAl'aB Tbe most important consequences 10 w",fn 10 ? treaty prueticativ loads aro those eblch result iruui ? In ucnou as a whole upou tbe uatlonsol Soutiie'iKleru Mrope. By tlx articles irectiuK the now Bulgaria * strong ?lav Staio will ba created under ibe auspice* huti ouDlrai ol Bu-sia, possessing important harbor* upon me shores ol tuo MUck Suaaud the Archipelago, and coolurring upon thai l'u?ir > paepon.teraliug Influ ence over both political mm wmucreiil relations m Ibose ?oas. It will l>o so cou si il u led as to merge in Hi* Uuinioaut Slav majority a considerable mas* ol population which u Greek iu race auU sympathy, ana which view* Willi al?riu the prospect ol ubtorplioo la a community aion to it not only in nalion-ility bul to political leudeucy nod lu religious slle^lauce. Th* provisions by winch ibtc new Slate it to bo subjected to a ruier whom Russia will pi ucilcall* cboose, IK administration framed by a Russian comtutsa.ry, aud the Oral wormng ol lis lostituliou'coimu*uo*d under the control ol a Kuaaiau army, siiiti.i.-nily inaicaw Ibo political system ol wbicb lu .mure it la to lorm ? pari. UANCKK* oy TUK PKOTkfiTOHAT*. Stipulation* are uddou wuicu win extend this tn> lluence svvu beyoud llie bouudune* ol lb* new But yaria Tut< provision, lu liselt highly Commendable ol unprovedlustiiuilon* lor me population* ol Tbss ?aly and Kpirus, la accompauied by a condition tha. the law by which tnrv are to be secure! shall o< (rumen uuuer the eupervulou of the Uaitiian gov ernment. li I* lollowed by engagements I >i the protection ol member* of the Kussian Church. wnicu are certuiuly cot more limited in tuoir scope tbau ili'iM article* lu the Ireaty ol Kaluuriiji upon which th" claim* wer* ioundetl wbich were st?rog*ied in ISM. ?ucu stipule* ininn cannot us vicwud witd aalisluction cituer by llll uoverumeul of (ireeoe or by me Powers to all ii.iru ol ibo Ottoman Suipire tire a in uler ol common inter eat. Ibe geuerul elljcl ol this portion ol mo tieaty will be to increase tbe power ol lliu llussiua Umpire In itio countries and ou tha shores wuere a UreeK popul iilou do.uluatea, not only lo tbe preiuuica . Ol tUul na.lou, but also ol every country baviug iu Ureal* in Hie . u t ol tlio M- 1-rruueau -oa. DIVISION OK THk atl.Ti.V'8 TKllKlT'iKV. bcvoruuce iroiu Cou#ntuiloop?* of in? Greek, AibauMu and Slavonic province* wuicb ara anil led under tbe tovernineut ol tb? 1'orlu will cnuae tne r aduiiuiiirutiou t?> be ut ended witb conmaot di!.l? cully uud eveu euiuarraa^roeui, aud will not only de prive ibe I'oiio ol tbe politic I ain ngib wbicn ungui liaV?,arl*on Iroin tbeir poaacbbion, but Wlil **xpo?e ibo iiibubiiaiits lo u M-rlou* ri?k ol aiiurcby. Uy tbe oilier portion* ol'ibe treaty aualogou* re?u.ia ara arrived ut upor oilier fronlierb til tbe ouom ?n Kmpire. 1 cotu pulsoiy alienauon ol Bessarabia Iroin Mouinimia, ibo i xiuu.iun ol Hultmria io liie niiorea ol tue UiacK ?ea, wu cii are principally inii.biieil by >lu?huunaua uud Orei us, aud ibe in Q'liaitron ol llie important nar lior <?l Baiou-li will lil.iWe lUe will ol liuaaian gov eruiueul doitiiuanl over all tbe viclniiy ol tbe B.utic Sei rue acqui.ltlou of the atrougllol^a of Artlkeul.t Will pi ICO Ibe population ol that uroviuce uuuer tua iiiiinedi tie inlliK' ol llie I'dwor wlncli bo.da ibeni, Mlilio tue esteuaivu Kuropea trade winch llow p?*?* Iroin Tretnsoi.d to 1'erai i will, Id . onaequeuce ol tbo cc*?loof iu Kurdistan, >e lia lo lo be une-l dutilio^ pie nun ol UK' government by ibeproUibiiory barrier* ol lueir coin hi reiai avaiein an KXOKHHIVK INK *vlTT. Provision li* iii .ue l.?r ..u iiiueiumiy, ol which Ibe amount lb oov'ouiilv beyond tne in. am ol Turkey to uUcbarge, even 11 llie iact be lell out ol ircoiiul that unv aurplUb of lt? reveiiaoh is already hypothecated id olbar creditor^ I no mode ol pay uieui ol iu.h iu ueiunny lb leii, in vauU" lungua^e. lo Ulterior uegollatlona Uelweeu HuJ?ia aijU ih<> I'oile. Pay modi u,ity no Ocinauded imuudiately, or It may be lell a? nn u u redeemed aud uuredai-mab.a obliiiutlon to weigh dowu ibo indepondonce ol tlio 1'orlo lor m my year*. 1W dmcbar^o may bo com tuuted into a yet lurb'or c. asiou ol lurri.ory-, or It may lake tuo lorm ol special eiigagemouta ?uoorduiatiug iu ail tilings llie policy ol iurkey to that ol ltunsia. ll l* impossible not to recogu'Ste in ibi* provision an instrument ol lormidablo utile*cy lor ibe cerclou ol tue Oitomau uoveruuiout, ll iba nccosaity lor ein? ploving it >nould arise. TJO NL'y..i:Ol B TO IHNTM.1. Objections u?ay i>e urgeii ludlvidual.y agalust tbeao vaiious ?ii|iUlatious; uud urgumeuis, ou ibe other baud may possibly oe advanced lo allow tbat they are u'ot iiidivluually lucouslsteul with ibe attain men! ol llie la-.tiug peace aud stability wlncli ll la ib? highest object o( all preseut uegotlaliouH lo estab lish iu ibe proviuct* of Kuropiau and Asiatic '1'urhey. Bui their separate and individual op. ration, m hcibur uereus\o or not, ta noi thai uuiuu sliounl iu^u;o tbo lojst earneat attenlton ol Uio signatory Powers. Tbvir c .lnnlued ertoct, in ad dition io the results upou the Oreek population and upou the balance ol uiurilim ? power wUtolt nave beeq already poluteu out, is io depress, alu>oal io the poiul ol oni'ire *ui jecuou, the political independent ol tha guverumeni ol Coualanuuople. rut formal Juriadlc tlou ol that goveruiuout cxtaud* over geo graphical positions which must uudcr ull cir ciiltistanccu bo ol the deepest Interest lo Urcai Britain. Il is lis ibe power of tbo Ottoman goveruineui lo clo-.e or lo oueu ibe struils which form tbo natural highway ol nations beiweeu iba -hgaau Sea and ine Kuxine. lis dominion 1a racogniaed at the head ol the Puritan Uull, ou Ilia shoroa of Ilia Lrvanl aud tu llie imiuediaia nelghoornood ol tha Sue* i-auaL ll cannoi be otbarwi-a than a matter ol extremo solicnude to this couulrv that tbe govern ment lo which this jurisdiction bcionas should be <o cloecly pressed by lb* political outpasia ol a sreally aupcr.or power that Its ludupgiideul action, aud avva exisiouce, Is ulinosi imjosMble. These results ariso not *o much Iroin tbe language ol any atugle arlicla in iba treaty a* ironi the operailon ol the inatrumenl us a whole. A discnsaion limited lo articles selected by ono Power in tha Congress would oe au illusory remedy lor mo oaogarc io Kug!Uh luteresia and la the permaneul peace of Europe, which wou.d result Irom ibe stale ol ioIuks whicu the treaty propoaea to establish. tit* COSHTAXTIHOFlt COMrKKKNCr. The objtcl ol Iter Majeaty's kov?i iitnsui at the Con alaullnopie Couierouce was lo give elluut lo the policy ol reiorinints lurk, y uuder ibe Utloman governmeui, removing well grounuod grievauces, and liiua pro srrvion ibe Kmplre until the lime wben il uiiglu b? able to dlspeuae with protective ?inarauleea. It *al obvious thai ibis c.oid only be brought abont by rendering the dill, rent populations *o ur coutenuJ with their p'isllloii as to luspire mom with a aptril ol pbtiloll ? lu and make ibem rva.iy 10 dclend Ibe Olio nutii fcuipne as loyal aub)octa ol tnoSultau. Ibia policy w*s Irustraloo by the uufortonaie re? alauncu ot tbe onoinan government liseil, and, under the altered circumstances ol tbe present lime, iba came result canuol be attained to Ibe same extent by tbe same meaus. I.arge changes may. and no doubt will no requisite u lb* treaties by which Soulneaai ern Kurot? has hitherto bseu ruled. Bul good gov rrnmeut, a-eur?d peace and freeuom lor population* to whom tboau blessinga have neeu strauge, are alill the oi jecia which this country earnestly dcsirea to secure. WUAT IS WAXTKU. In requiring a tun oon side rat lou of tha general In terests which ibe new arraujemcni* threaten toafleci, Bor Mujesiy's govuruiuont believe thatinay areiaxiog 111,9 unrest me?u* ol securing tnoso objeCla. lh?y wiiuId wililngiy have entered a Congress in which Iba tlipuaiiioii* lU question oooll have b<-en examined as a whole in their relation to existing trealios, to tbe acknowledged righia ol Ureal Itrilatu anl ol oilier rower, and to Ibe Denebceul anna which me united action ol Kurope has always been d reiied lo actme. But neiinor li.e luluresls which Her M Ji biy't g'iv..i>un.eni are specially hound la buard nor lb.- well be.UK ol me regions with which the treaty deaie w..nlu be consulted by tno aaaetnbllug ol a Cougresa wnoso delioeralious wore lo Oa re s ricted l y such re??rvatiotis as iho*e which have ln-eu isid uown uy Priuce t?ortachakolI in bia moat ra eeul oommunlcailou. . * Yaur ? XC' llency will read thl< despatch to tha Min ister lor Foreign Allaira, and give linn i copy ol Ik 1 am, Ac.. SAL.ISBLKV, REDUCED FAliE TO ALU ANY. Tho fropiu'* Line ol Uudrou Hiver alaamar.?lo ruw c.l iii? mil) iudIi ol iu? people lo lb* country reeorta?liavo luiluool the lure Irvin this ? ty u Albany to $1, uii<1 i?.?u? cxcuraluu ticket*, covuriuf tbu round trip, lor $ t 40. Al'iEMPiED bL'IClDll Constable Hsmptnn, of Coney Island, taw an elderly loottiag 111.40 ou Aaiarday ? V'-did^ rutetnpt to drown lutn oil by Jumping lino Coney Island Cr< etc, and pro vouted bitu Irom carr) lug out hie design by taking bini into custody. Tit a would-be suicide ?u takeo to ibu highlh preoinct mliuii boa-ie, Mouth lliooklyn, wh? ru tin itafH itia name aa Joint Lavu Ha laid li? was a native ol Wales, la Uliysaven rearo ol age and keeps a aiora at Hyu* I'ark, l'eniiay Ivania. Mr. L vi, Mlio la evidently insane, saya tb tl liu liaa been stop ping at ilia Cosmopolitan Hotel, Chambers street. New York. Ai una place tail evening Itia cicrk in charge staled tint ibay knew but liiilo r -gardiiig Mr. Levi's ante, cedents. Ha aaa in lb* U.itni ol stopping at Ilia hotel about (Ira year* a no, aiitn be was a wail known rmr chant ai Hyde Hark, who regularly visitu.I llie cllv to purchase gnu la. lie ianu<t about laT.t, an I b*s r*? cently resumed hu?m<is?. I lia clurk report* that he appesreu and regtaiered ou iba 1Mb ol tbia month, Ui>-appear?Hl without pay ing Ilia t>nl and oaaia a^a.u on tbe 1'iih, but did not rtgisier. W iiilo a kuoci of house the clerk aaid be bad never exhibited any signs ol insanity. BUDDKN DEATiih. Coroner Siroina wni nodded yesterday to fiold an lb<|Uoat on tbe body of Henry Kliuow, wbo died ?o<l deuly tint evening previous. It appear* Hint tbe ue couaed, who wm lorty-niue .vara ol age, was sun ling on Platbuab avenue, near Atlantic, Month Hrookiyn, Wbeu be waa taken suddeulv Ilk He waa earrlad Into the barber sliuji ol It. A. Knlchner, No. ltU Kiatbuah ? venue, wbeie be expired in a lew motneu'a, Disoato ol tbu bnart is believed to liavo It.-en tbe oime of death, 'the bo iy was removed to the reeldeoca of tb ? deenaaed, No. j;il I'-cibe street. Kr-iitk Hsisn-r, lorty our years ol age, ol N* 1IM division aiteit, * -a found dead yesterday at ttiO corner ol orchard and liivieloo streets. ?DISOKbfcMA (ililLS. Captain Kaiser and Officer Cbicbeetor, of tb* Twelfth precinct. Hrookiyn, acting upon lolormation bvigcd at the station by numerous reeidoata of Iter timer street, to tbe eff ect that there was a disorderly gathering vi yeung girls lueat?a in an old teneiu> ut lioase on that Street, made a daaneni upon the piece yesterday morning. I ney took into eumody Mary Hennessey, l,ix/ e ferguneon, Nellie Ferguaeon and Mary Nelson, iroin aixeen to eighteen yoare obi. Tho prisoners are bold to await eMinlDOIlOu belore Judgo tfuinler.