Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 15,212. " . NEW.FORK, TUESDAY. APRIL 16. 1878.?TRIPLE SHEET.. PRICE THREE CENTS DIHECTOKf FOK aDVISUTISEUS. AMUSEMENTS- Orn Page 5th and flth eola. ASTROLOGY-12th Pace?flth coL BILLIaRDS-Oth Page-4th col. . , BOARDERS Wasted-31. I'ACE-Sth And flth eol* BOAH > and LODU1NO WAMEO-3D Fao?-6U ert. BROOKLYN HEAL ESTATE FOK 8Ai,R?3? PaGB?lit col. BUSINESS OPPOBTUM1TIES?9th Page. BUSINESS NoTICi-S?7th Page?flth ool. CITY REAL ESTATE KuK 8ALE-2? Page-1 eoL CLERKS AND SALE8ME.N-2D PAG?-4tt> ?ol. cLOrnlNO?i.'th Paoe?flthyol. _ _ ... ... COACHMEN AND GARDENERS?2d Paoi?4th ??? ?th so'* . . . , COAL <ND WOOD- 13th PAOE-flth eol. .... COASTWISE STE AM8III PS? In P AM?flth and Oth col*. COPARTNERSHIPS?9th Page COUNTRY BOVKD-2D PAC*-?tb eol. Dancing academies?9th PACE-flth 00U DWELLING HOUtii-jf T?'lUfcT, FURNISHED AND ON FUKNISHKD?3l> PA0?-ad and 4th?:ol?. EUROPEAN 8 PRAMS H IPs?In PAGB-Sth coL KUkOPE 7th I'AGE-fith col. EVEs AND EARS?9th Page?4th eol. EXCURSIONS? 1st PAUK-Uth ool. PINANC1 Ati?hth Pack. FOR SALE?13th Pagk?flth eol. furnished ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2d I'agb?4tn eol. FURM I'UkE?9th Page?let col. ? ? FKENOH AL>VEkTIsEMENTB-13th PAGB-flth 00L HELP WANTED?FEMALES?12tu PAO?-3d and 4th HELP?WANTED?MALES?13th PAO*-5th eol. HOR8E8. CARRIAGES, AO.?In PAGB-3d. 4th and Sth coll. HOTELS?2o Page?flth eol. bouses, rooms, ac.. wanted?oth Pao??i?t cot JNSIRUCTION-Oth Pack?4tli coL JERSEY CITY. HOBOKEN. HUDSON HITY AND BERGEN REaL L8TATE FOR SALE?3d Fam 1st eol. LOST AND FOUND?In PAr.K-let eol. MACHINERY- 12tii PAG?-Olh col. NAKBLE MANTELS?9th Pack?4theol. MEDIO tL?12th pAGjc-Oth eol. MISCELLANEOUS , (ADVERTISEMENTS?10l? Paob Hth col. MUSICAL-Oth Page?flth eol. NEW PL'HL1CA 1 IONS?7tii Pagb?flth coL PERSONAL? 1st Pah*?1st col. PIANOFORTKS. ORGANS, aO.-Oth Pagk?4th eol. POST OFFICE NOTICE-1st Page-Oth col. PROPOsALS-Ist I'a?.x?2d col. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE8 12th Pao*-3d col. _ PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO rem'?2d Pack? l?t and -<i cols. REAL ESTATE TO EXCtlA.MGE-Jn PAOE-2dcoL REAL ESTATE WANTEU?2n Page 2d eol. REWARDS?In Pagb 1st eol. 81LES AT auction?9tii Page?3d. 3d and 4th eola. SITUATIONS WaNTED?FEMALES?11th Page, and _ 12th Page?l?t. 2d and 3d cols. SITl'AI IONS. WANTED?.MALES?12TB Page?4th eol. bPECIAL notices?.1st Pack?1st and 2d colt. 8PORT1 NU?DOGS. BIRDS. AC.?In 1'AOE?3d col. STALLIONS?1st Pag*?3d col. KTORAG1)TH I*AOK-4t!i eol. SUMMER RESORTS? ? Pagk-flth col. TIIE TRADES?12th PAUK-5tlt and Bih col*. TO LET KOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?3d Pag??3d and 3d cols. * TRAVELLERS' GUIDK-Ist PAGK-flth col. UNFU RNIS II EDjlK>0MS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2q Page -4th and 5th cols. WANTED To PURCHASE?9th Page?4th eol. Watches, jewelry, ac.-ijth PACE-utbooi. WESTCHESTER COUNTY PKOFERIY FOR SaLE OR TO LET?2D PAGE?1st eoL YACHTS, STEAMBOATS, AC.?10th PACE-flth col. PEltKOKAL. _ Any information about pillard, oeoroes Frederic, Iron Cherbourg 1 Franco', will bo thankfully received bv addressing K. B., box 033 Post otrico. New York. Ditlmque county (Iowa) and Detroit (MlehiKan) paper* plea>H copy. LUE VEIL. SMALL PARCEL; SI AGE FOURTH street to Fulton terry yesterday morning. 10 o'clock; acquaintance de^irod. Address CLARENCE, llernldoffice. IilKANCE?JE DESlKr. B1EN VOUo REV oIr ET 1 vous purler. Voudrles-Toua dire quaud et out FKaKCE, box 11" Herald olhee. IP RED.- COMMUNICATE WnH S MUST SEE 1 you. Sometlnui: Important. ETarythlB}; all riirlit apaiu. ? W. 11. S. G R.?UON'T BE FOOLISH. COME HOME. IK YOU ?want money write lor It. Call at Poit office for letter. MA. IF THE PARTY WHO. Bf MISTAKE. TOOK A CASK of Chromoi- from No. 90 I'uane ?t. will mturn the same ?t once a liberal reward will oe paid and no quettlont asked. J' 'F MR. CHALMERS, STATIONER, LATE OF WHITE'S. .Edinburgh. Mill cull at KuueU's, 133 Reade St., he will ear of his Irlend DOKAM. J=LEAVE town "to-night (Tuesday) unex ?pnctedly. Ilaro written ALPINE HAT. Josephine CAiiiLL-ADDitEss lost, call at 109 Fort Greene place. Mrs. S. UR. 11-HAVE RECEIVED. s YMs? l O-UAV (TUESDAY). 0 TO 7 O'CLOCK. H. ^WINGING CAN.?PLEASE CALL AT ONCE. HE llEIKn OF Ll.'DWIG HEINRICH PLANCQUET or Henry LudwlK. wnn emtKrated In IH5.S trnm StuitRart 10 the United States, will learn something to tbeir aovan lace by eallinit at 149 RrmidwHy, room iH. IPiiE KAIR YOUNG LADY WHO RODi'. IN OM^IBUit JL to Soutn Street terry Inst Friday alternoou?Gentleman opposite would like tu have your address. CHARLES, Up town Herald office. ttfTilE WAY YE CAME."?G.. 24TH 8T? 18 EX A tremely anxlons to *e? yon. \KTaLTZKM.?YOUR LBIT..R NOT ]RK> EIV -D UN. TT til Monday; make another appointment; also state where I can write you. BONA FIDE, box 119 Herald ?IHc?. WILL EDWARD LAYTON, FORMERLY OP BK(K>k. lyr, communieate with R. A B... box 34 Eqaitablo Building. New Vork city r ILL THE FOREWOMAN AT STKvVAKr*8 WHO sewed fpr Mr*. Bechwith In March call on her at 739 7tb sT.f Til' ILL THE BEAUTIFUL BLONDE WHO CROsr?BD *1 ( ortlandt street ferry and took West street ear*. 11 m lu ll ton terry to 175. permit the acquaintance of (lie trentlemau who went sane route? I* very tieuruas of acquaintance. Addres* CAHROLTON, ileratu office. Tl/ ILL HEaUTIFUL VOUNG-LaDY WHO NOTlCe.D 11 centleman yesterdar inorninir. !'l4 o'clock, corner 44th ?t. and Oth av., lavor bim with an acqmtintanee ? H. T. L, Herald otlice "ZjtTuI m B?It?O?A?D?^ ? V?Y. 8 L.OKT AMI KOHIKU. Ei >rt - oS*"b a t r k da Y. a> SI t. io.V sFaVTJ mi % it Bill at.. or on either the (ormr ot 4i?th ??. and 5th ?r or ? >tn it. and M?dfnoli av , t M ?ck I'.ickct Knot, rnntniiiiiig ?om* hill?, h thro* dollar pold piece and wm' memoranda. Tne finder will i>e rewarded tiv ica?liiK it at 2*4 Madlaou ?t. 1MT-A l#KTTBB~ItAltt LOS DO*. AMttb i SlBi Jim Importance nMM to omer I Ibnal r?*aM M finder bjr addreaalng L . box JWO, Pout office, Matins aame nf party to whom latter la written. 08T - A I'LAlX 0OI.D ?.AHKlM). TTTlf FI.NUhH ?III be rewarded hjr returning It to ;||7 (lib a* f Orfi.-A KKft'ARU tVll.l, IIK I'AlU KUIt Tile. UK Xjturn of a MrmoratiduA Honk lelt in the lerr) houae, iloboeen, on Saturday laat. No. <t Harder at.. up.lain 3' OAT-FKO* A~ WaOOS. M A HCli .TO, A BCKDLR Jot t.'oola* ol Old Wllla and I'apera relating U? Hrookiya properly, of Talae to the owner only. the Under wl'l b? re warded by aendiug ilia tame to IKa V. MlLl.hlt, 7<l Baa aaa at. t OBT-KUMMA.N LKATIIKIt I'ImJkKTHOOK? Jjialnlnit bet aeon W" and $r<0 and glove butuua, Ae.; lloer.ti reward SUM Weal M ?t. _____ ' _ KKUAUIM. *iYr"*IEWARD FOR TIIK klftflOr' LAKOX flPI_" 'MaatifT l>o(f. light fawn color, with black fee* aid lan, which atrayaa Iruia II Baat 17th at. apon Monday morning ?ll(| RKWAK0-UMT.'ON Tilh fcVKMtNO Or tHK Ol" I Ith. a Part ol a Diamond Karrin,-. thnahnvare wanl a III be paid to any one returning tl to 4U0 Filth a*. A jlPKCIAL .\UTlt'M?. TKit'ThLhuKAfit. ' ? Office ol the Kf.XTI CKV STATU LOTTERY. > i'otiiiuio.i. Ky., April I%7\ ( Mr&ara. WILl.tAMSOX A ? <>. ? ?eneial Kaatern Agent*. 3<KI Broadway. New York:? The lollowltK number* drew thfl three capital prlnea la |)A* <1. drawn tbla day : ? bo. I" die w *|.".X?ir? Ho. U rMSnrew *.??> No. ^>T drew ft.iklU, I-KI/.I.H GAtllKM WITHOUT IlEIHCTION. siviMhNS A l?H K IN'so.N , Manager* rail Hat of the drawlnga will tie piihiWhed in neat Than 4ay'? llarald and Staaia Z linne. llUlt MAT *1 DKAWJNO APRIL SU WlL>LI A.dHON A (!<>., .'iWI ltroad<vay.corner I'rbice at, general Kaatei ii Aienta Kratnrti Mat* l.ottery. AVlBMlov?TWK.NiY YK.tKit' 1'Btr.TllTN tal ?*p?rlence : apactaltlea dl-eaaca 5t men and narvoaa ?jalcni; coiianltatlon tree. Ilr.'llHY, IWI Itleecaer at, PC nVhtUAtj I I Ml l'l< A I >T-, .. M#lt ?l. UK SliKtil. cal, aalely, ?ncraaalnllr treated : advli e free. Iir. HK aOFoh l>, I IJ 13th at. Al>^ nrrChT'V^LUNTN SArKI.Y TKhA.F.U; fee? moiler itn; coii?iiltali"n Irea. Hr. W < ITKIIt'.AU, ^l.? Kaat 4>">th at., naar M a*. A" ITnNfioK. I'ATIKN ff. -A 1,1. HI-l;AShH, KKCKNT or old. Nkln l<i?or<iera and Nervon? I'enllitr radically cared. I'r. I'ROTI.N (Ir in I'arlM, :tt Hond at. Afh.i'Tkd ?aLi.- imkbasm ?Tr mhn, fmk blmol and nervnia ayaiem, h?reilltart or eon?titntlonai, from whiiievef caii?e, ? ucceinlnlly trratad. Ur. WJkMf'S loedli al . ITlce. 4"> Hie. rker >t. *. ? ?_Fui:i4 * hAli ol,l> KYI-. WHlKKisY. *4 Phfl J\? gallon: fl per Inrire liittie; line hnirll<h Hreak la?t lea, HO crnta par pound; really line Dame, f*l per band red. N. vi.n HK11., mm chnob^ra at. A?UlUlltlAN V KTATK~ l.nrTKKt X^TimTaM Y ? adrand dlatrlliatlne, M ay 14, at Near Orlaaaa iJA'tt nrlaea, atn> nntlnir to fl l",4?m. capital prtiea, f.'In.KIO. BlO,mm. fa.irn, kr. ?. Itkl,l??l tlckeia, two dolUra rf'JIj lialrea, one dollar,.$1) Addreaa M. A. Ifalfl'MlV Pott offlea box HW. new Orleaqa, La., or II. K I'l.UM, .117 Broadway, Near York. A -ROYAL TTava"sa 1.1 iTTKRY, a I^Hilalana State I,ottery, henincky State Lottary, ala. Kentucky and lieorrla daily drawlntpi. TllhODoKK IkdHUi'H ^1 I'ark row, room i AM. IMxhAsKM OF MKM. WMATBVK* TIIK CAlfSK. apeeuily and permaiicntlr cured. Dr. DYKK, 47 Went IHili at. ' BrtOUOHTOM'S IMVIOOKATINU SVKI'I' OVUM Mtomach, l.irer. Kidney liltcataa, Weaam ta. Ac. . Joe. Auelce free. 410 Mroome at. B ItAZI 1,1 AN CUFFl l. lll l'OT, 7.VI titii a v He??ted and i rnaml t'olfae n tpeelalty. Urilern prompilv atiendad to. I'AI' I.A ClIILHU A MOHRfRLD. u Imkabkb of mk.n a HI-FI lAi.rr. IIRB KY A. llAMKI.S, M. I), 144 Ijexingtoa ??., Baar ? tt. Ufflc* houra Iron 8 to 8 aad ? to 7. SPKClAi, BOTlthS. A r DI8BA8E8 OF TI1K NERVOUS BYSTElt. The importance of the nervous system, Its power over III* end the direct bearing whicb It bu* on human happi ness ere thoroughly recognised; It* uses and the danger of overtaxing II, whether through Intense mental applica tion or by tbo exceasive indulgence ol the appetitua and pmpenkltiei. are proper subjects for eonalderntion. When tlie nervoui syatem la deranireil it I* absolutely necessary to promptly seek advice from an expert who, lor? lonif ?erfea of year*, him devoted hi* whole time and attention lo this study. and who, from nia experience and practice. Has learned to discover at once the cause, and us promptly spplv the remedy, thoa avoiding the puiii'ttlly alow -cekiiis lor the truth mi common to the inexperieuoeil and ao annoy ing to tli? patient, who very naturally want? to know with out delay what la the matter, the extent of the derange ment. the probabilitlea ot recuperation and tha time re quired. II the brain haa become exhausted by Intense mental application, depriving It ol the power of connected thought, it can only recover it> strength hy being rroperly ted and nonriahed by the uao of certain ayaiemalic methods. It ia Rreclarly the aamo with the ttqrvea that preside over organio le. The value of thl* hrasch ol medical practice can scarcely be overrated for it reaches marriage, the perpetu ation of family namea the (ecuring of hereditary titloa, ind thi- retantioa of estates In the aame family. From a long and large experience in thin direction I have been able to command by my smcesa the ihanktut appre ciation of tome of the lint families In the city and nation, ami 1 can communicate much that pertain* to the over exercise ol every department of the nervoua ayatem and the means ol recovering it* powera, whether of brain, appe tite .propensity or passion. HENRY A. DANIELS, M. D., 144 Lexington av., near 29th it. H0UB8?8 to 3 and 6 lo 7. Dlt. ItlCOKD'M KSsBNChsOK LIKE RESTORES MAN hood to the debilitated In lour week*: lailLrc imnoasl liio. #:? per caae. Drugiilata supplied Hole agent. Dr. J. jAOQOfcf. 7 University place. .New York. I \lVoRCEShPEKDlLY OBTAINKDT-TEKMS 8UPKH JL/lutlvely reaaonaiilo : CONSULTATIONS tree. KRhD EK1CK I. KINO, Lawyer, tf tit. Mark'a place, adjoining Cooper Institute. DESPOND INU YOli.NC ,\l hTn are invited to call on Or, LANDIS, A to 7, evenings. 27 Clinton place. D'lSKAHK OK MIK liLADDlilt.?HAV 1NW SUKKERhD tor a ions time from the above mentioned disease, also nervousness and headacue, 1 have been aucccsslully treated at the Initltute of A. Schiiidhelra. 21 Kaat 20tl? at., .New York. W. SIKPHKN. 14H Korsytn st. Epps' coco"" kimv i,oi;oaJ GRATEFUL AND COMFOKTiMi. ?'By a thorough knowledge ot the natural law* which Itovern the operations of digestion and nutrition, aud by a careful atiplicallon of tbo lino proportioim of well selected rocoa. Air. Ki ps hits provided our breaklaat table* with a delicately flavored beverage which mav rave ua many heavy doctors' bills. It ia by the Judicious nse of such ar ticles of diet that a constitution may bo gradually hunt up until strong enough to reaUt every tendency to disease. Hundred*ot subtle malauiee are floating aiound u? ready to attack wherovor there 1a a weak point. We may escape many a fatal ahatt hy keepiar ourselves well lortined with pure blood and a properly nourished frame. "?Civil Servlco Casette r-old only In tin* i>. lb. and 1 lb.), labelled JAMES EPI'S A CO., HOMtKUPATiiIU CHEMISTS, London, England. TOSTABU8UED SEVkNTEEN YE>K& Medieal Notice. Drt JORDAN A DAVIKSON, Proprietor* of tha OREAT EUROPEAN MUSEUM, the largeit collection in tha world, 729 Chestnut at., Phila delphia, wish to Inform thalr patient* and the pabllc that they may be confidentially consulted aa usual on all dla eases or men, which they have made a specialty lor 17 year*. Their medlea! work, "Practical Observations" ou differ ent diseases, with an "E*?ey on Marriage," can be bad on receipt ol 2ft centa, postage stamps. Address Or*. JOKDA.N A DAVIKSON, 1.825 Filbert at. Philadelphia. No connection w'th any other firm in America. H. LKCTRIC HKLIs FOK KMDUjVI. PURPOSES; AJ.L About tbem aud h?w to dlatlni'.nlsh the genuine fr?m the irioits. I'amphlet free- PULYKKMACUER UALVAMC Ml'a NY. 212 Broauway, New York. -oV'IClAL KENTUCKY STATE DRAWINGS KKNTUCKV rxTKA CLASS?NO. 277-APRIL 13, 1*78. 7B. J8, 7U, I,a. 45, 21, 90. 5S. |5, 1. 57. 14. 71. 31. KKMTUCEY class wo. 278?AritlL 15. 1878. 43, 11, 13, 111. 11. 35, 52, 4H, 1H, 48. 8, 73. 8IMMO;?SA DICKINSON, Managers. QgOROM statu VSTH A CLASS? MO. 21?7- A FRIt. 1"?. 1*7*. 73. 8, 75. 52. 38. M. 1?. fl). 21. 14. '5. 23, 57. liVOHUIA STATE?CLASS KO ^U8? AMtlL 16. 1"<7H. 53, 69, *17. 27, 18, ?7, t>?. 14. ?... 49. 40. 23. M. D. EDDY A CO.. Manager*. Information given regarding tlie above drawing*. Apply to <f. CLl'TK A CO., Hankers, 2<K) llroadway. rearufllco. ?ROYAL HAVANA IMtAWs APKIL 30. ? Capital lMze, S'JOo.noo in Spanish money. tickets, #IO, $20. flu, f"i $2. 81. milliner Ken tucky draws April 3<i; Wlsole Ticket*, fl. Louisiana Hln tie Nnmbor draw* May 14; Wholo l'lcket*,S2; Halves, $1. J. CLUTK A CO.. Ranker*, 200 Hroadwuy. rear ofHce. tllI8EHOLI>hRS AVOID |l|SKAS~BV p!7aoT5o "Deodorising liarbace and Ash Hox" in kitchen. Cir culars on application. Office 4* W est 4th at. JK. CRA.NKSHAW, JOBI)IN<i T'ltlNTRit, 80 NAS ?san St.. New York, established 18117 ?Printing of all kinda very law for cash ? KentuckyTtatk, class u. apiul is. ' No. 18 2.?8 drew $ 15 000. No. 3.823 drew 8,<Gn. I No. ;<2..Vl7 drew $6,00a Next drawing April 30. Whole tlcketa, <1. Horn I Havana April 30. Tickets. $10 to 01. Louisiana State day 14. Whole tickets. $2. JACKSoN A CO., Hanker*. 8'J Nassau >t.. near Kullen. M hiKuPOUTaN JOB Pi.l.NTlNO OKPiCE. 38 ANN ST., 18 THB CHEAl'hST AND BERT FINK BOOK. PAM I'11 LET, JOB AND MERCANTILE PRINTING OEKICE IN TI1B CITT. SHALL ORDEK8 fxecuted WITIi THE SAME PROMPTNESS AM LARUE ONES. F1NB WOOD EXORAVINO AND COLORED PRIN11 NO A specialty. METROPOLITAN JoltPKIKTIN'O OFFICE, JS ANN ST. ORDKKH BT M *11, PROMPTliT ATTENDED TO A Nl> WoKK HUNT TO ANT PART OK THE UNlThO STATES O. O. D. M Al.HLE MANTELS AND MONUMENTS Clli-APEK than etrer. A. KLUlKu. 114 I aat l*th at.. ii' ir M av. MMK. DB lit YTMEll CUuKR RIIEt'M vTISM, nerrona drblllir, Irom ?hil'?r cauae. ?paedl y by eiec trie and treatineul. l-'U Km l Jih it OKFlCh of THB NKW YORK L1FB Ias'uRaNCB OOMPANV. An alartl>a for lire tra-teea nl the Drat Hw< mid I" (111 two varanrlea; alao for throe liiap. ct"r? of the next election will lie hnld nl the otltc nl tha Cnm|t*ny. mi M rdneaday, April 17, batween the hoar* of 2 mm .1 ii'clnrk P. M. WM. II. HEEltS. Vice Prealdmt and Actuary. RHBI MATIkM * IN ALL. ITS Ml AO EM A CD UK guarantoeu by the RUlOl'ean MilEUMATIO BOCI. h? I. <rflicn ri-moTod from "207 Weat34tb at. to ftl) Wont 2M|li lit. ROTAL HAVANA "l OTTE ? Y. >#lt drawing Anrll mi. 1878 MIO.OOO pe?n?. rtlil prli?i: Capital l"ri?e, jtO.OflO peaaa. Information liirmatieil unit pri?M c ?-bed. Spanlali lioid and lliirana Hank l>iil? bonjrnl anil ?old. Dralteoii IIavona Inland. M. A. MAhTINf Z A CO.. Hunker*. I" H nil at, baaemaat. THB roN?TANTLT inokrasino cirim;i,atT6k OK TIIK KVhNlNrt l r LHtilt A3I OKKhMM t- At:l !.? ITIKS To BU*INF.S* To llRINO THKIK uoohs to public notice hv advkrtimino IN I rx COLUMNS. AT *?C A i INK. U >E OI'ALLED HV all. THE OIIIRR EVENINO Pa. PBRH COM Hi \Kii. THE CIRCULATION OK THE EVENING Tf'.LE ORAM LA.iT WEEK WAS - Momlny 4? MM Tbnraday 45,000 .ADVKRTISINO 2<KV A LINE. Taeaday. 4.V4i?? Friday,... 54,400 ADVMUIM.NO 3HC. A LINE. Wednaaday 44:t.Vl Saturday 47,600 ADVKIiTlHIMi 200. A LINE. Total 388,1 Ml ADVEKTIS1N0 *M'. A LINE. , Dally aaoraue ... *.. 47.191 BEFORE ALL NEW YORK. wanted to but-Italian iire* address IT H. I "?OK, t'nlon atr.. between llfth and lONth ata. Z'1 lUbUMBAPII To "Til*" LICKV okVice. ? ? . CoriMiirow. Kjr., April 1fl. To II. If. Porter A Co., Northern Aireata, l.2'.'7 Mrnanwav, New York: The lollnwlna number* draw tlm CHpital ptliet in to day's drnwln^'. No #1% nrwv. Nn asri drew No. :i*J. '"7 drrtw (wlrnrd) SIMMONS A DD'EINSnV Kti I Hat pnblUbed on Tlinr?<1ar. >e*t Hrxolntr i|>rtl)R\ Ci|.ltil Pri?% $ll.<??>. Ileki-u only tl. Uurkj o^eea.'7 Hroertway and 1*1 .Mont*K?e at., ISriHikljrn. H Id I'OMTBH A CO . Northorn Aiienia. I* ?' Rl Xl'.f. Mr Third <>rand llrMWinr CominMllwrnltH Dl irlbnlinn t'ntnpanf, In tba eliy <>f l<?itl?*llle, Ky . April J*?. is*s, or money f* Inndeo, under tlie anperrlalon nl It. C. Wlnt- ramltb. tren*. nrer. Kent urky; tianeral llarrla, I'retldam Anl.-an Trana |.?rtnn).t Cnmpany. and other |iri>mln*i t rltlrotia |?SI/Oi will ba dlalrlbnted fr?m Ihe raoltal prlaea of $ MI,|??|. *2>I.|?HI. f ID I?II). ? I.'MI .|,.wn In fin i. Tleneia, <l|l(i hnlyea. quarter*. 8J .VI A ldre?a nrdern for tlrket* or lofwrmation to CuMMONWRALTII DISTRIBUTION <?<1.. t'nerl* r .Innrnal I nlullnv, l.nnl'vl'la. Ky . or B II. PON TEH ,1 CO.. Kaatern AranH, 1.391 llmad arnr, N. T. 521 Ik 111111 ? roVaiV-h TvanaTapKii7ii?: JpO lUi'ilM '.Kantnek.v Suite, tprll .HI. TlrKen ft. 1,.1111'iana Sta'e, May 14 Tlelkett fit hMt?a $1, lirand drawioit Hnyal Sa*on wrmM L ittery, MaV '>? Knll ltil?rmaM?n aent Ira#. t. DUFF A CO., Hanker?. 4.' Nn*aau at., cor. LlWrty. K. V. I'IDH'OMAIi?. rpilE TRL'PTEV.S OF TIIK NEW VOilK AND J. Brooklyn Hrl4?r*. f)rrir?t. No. W iti k Stri i t. liRoAKi.rA. .\pri: fl. 1*78. Sealed propoa.ila will ba reaniriM ir tha trii-teea ol th.- New Vir* and llroukivn ''rid a, nl tH?? ir nlRte, il Water at.. Brook'y8, nnttl IJ M ol Mntiday, .lute 8. 1*7* 'or the manufarline and dellrory ol akMt |,il fi.mai Net. board m?a?itra. of Hwwtkern yellow Jtln*. ami ai o?t laurel leot. Ixiaril Ofanire, nl white oak. speelflf atlnna may ba had upon applle itlnn at tha ofllca ?I tba truataaa. R. A. KOEHI.INO. Uklaf kailattb SPOIlTIiM Cr?OOUM. B1RU8. &C. rV)MBt>ATION ON THE 15-BaLL POOL TOURNA Wuieni Hook* open od all tmu si THOMAS' Ex change, 3 Barclay >t. W. lovell. svVKEP AT Dr.xter'S. APRIL 17 (WKMli daj^)jJ5 birds each; H and T tmp?; plant v of bird*. $10 8TAliL10K8. 71Q1 "KELliOWORAFT."7.19^. ?ll/liPaflnl feir milt record lu the* world, In > rut a-.-niust horses, *111 make the wusoo at Ornuby's Hotel, Jerome a*., New York, at f.Mi Application, encaging service. should be addressed RICHARD 1'ENlsTAN, Oli sey House, New York. UUHHK8. tAKHlAUKS. AC. A~T5cfl'ON HOUSE ofTan t'ass'eLLITILeaWMy7 110 AMD 112 East l.-lTii ST.. NIUR 4I'll AV. REGULAR sales OF HORSES AKO GARRIAOE8 every tuesday AND FKIDaY. On every horse that U warranted aound or kind and true in harness lr?m one to tnrre days are (Iron to test warrantees. catalogue OF THIS DAY'S (TUESDAY) sale AT 10 o'clock. bleoant road TURNOUT. LADY SAVERS nnd Dl^K TURPIN, BATS, 18 hand* bljjh.Hand 7 years old: ns fine drivers as can bo found in America; can tr?t clone lu 2:30; not afraid ot anything: unequalled for style and beanty unit are warranted sounn and kind i't harness; Double liar ????. by Dunscomb. and TOP SIDE BaR ROAD WAGON, br BREWSTER * CO.. ol KltOUME ST. pair very handsome mahoonay bay makes, IB hand* high, 8 years old; elegant roadsters; drive well together; aro equally good iiotl": sharp trav ellers; a perfect team fur carriage horses and are warranted sound and kind In all harness; set Double Hnruess and FOUR WilKEL DOG CART, WITH PUSH SEAT, lu good onler. PAIR BAY CARRIAGE HORSES. 10 HANDS HIGH. S and tt years old : have been usod to a furolly carriage; ?re good drivers; both well broken to saddle; faat travellers; wairanted kind in ail harness. Set Doubio Harness and SIX SKAT I'llAETON, IN GOOD ORDER. CRvihS MATC.IKD lEAM. MJRRKL AND BROWN. 10)4 hand# high, I)years old; a llrst class family team ; prompt driver*; sharp tiavellera; broken to saddle ; warranted kind and true in all harness. Double Har ness and LANDAU ON EIGHT SPRINGS, In perfect order. VERY HANDHOM& DAPPLE GRAY COUPE OR T ('ART HOkSK, 16 hand* high. 8 year* old ; a prompt driver: vary showy in harness; one ot the Qnest car riage horses In tho State; la not afraid ot anytnlng: hna anleuilld action and npoearmire, aud ia warranted sound ami kind In all harness. Set liarnesa i.ud victoria IN GOOD ORDER; HAS POLE AND SHAFTS. PAIR PAY MAKES. 16 HANDS MIGII. 9 and 12 yean old: remarkably penile and kiid; have been driven by children; not nlrnid of anything: sharp travellers; warranted kind and true lu all barniiss; duubls Har ness, und COUPE. IN PERFECT ORDER, SATIN LINED, ha* pule and shaft*. VERY HANDSOME GRAY MARK, cot by GRAY RICH MOND, out of a .Messenger inare (pedifrree guaran teed), It! hands high, 7 years old; enn trot in 2;5?. Milling two men to wagon, and can speed a J 40 gait; an easy, pleifliiini driver, afraid ot nothing, war ranted souni and kind; single Harness und NO TOP SiDfa HAK ltd AD WAGON, BY BREWSTER A CO., ot Broome at. HANDSOME KAY oeldikg, ISJ? HANDS HIGH, V years old: a prompt, handy driver; extra stylish, sharp traveller; warranted kind and true lu all har ness, Single Humes* and COUPU, IN PERFECT ORDER. BROWN TROTTING HORSE, V>% HANDS HIGH. 9 years old; sale and reliable every way can be drivon bv a lady at lull speed: HAN TROT TO ROaU WAGON this dny a Mll'K IN 2:40. has great endur anr* : iloe* not sny or pull, and Is warranted kind aud true In all harness. BAY M A RE. 13V HANDS HIGH. 7 years old; remarkably pontic mid kind; a stylish, pleasant driver; fast trav eller; afraid of nothing; sale for a lady's use; war ranted kind and true in all harness, single liarnesa snd COUPE ROCKAWAY, IN GOOD ORDER; also open Rockaway BRIGHT BAY HORSK. 10 HANDS HI OK. 8 years old; a very stylish driver; dues not pull; a ttiiu coudo or carriage horae; safe and reliable uvery way, and is warranted kind and true 111 all hnrness. MAHOGANY MAY. kentucky BRED, saddle and har ness Gelding, IB hand* litgh, H years old; a handy driver; warranted sound and kind In nil harness. BAT GELDING, V>\ HANDS IIIOH. H years old; a good, prompt'driver; fast traveller; a first class coupe or carriage horse ; warranted sound and kind iu harness. GRAY HuKSfc. ir>* HANDS HIGH. 7 YEARS OLD: has been used to ?n express wagon; warranted sound and kind lu harness. Single liarnesa and SHIFTING TOP EXPREm* WAGON (iiirhtl.. BAY IIOKS.'., ir>K HANDS HIGH, V years old; good, free driver: stands without tying; warraated sound ? ami kind In hnrness; set Harness and NO TOP EXPRESh WAUOa. BAY t:OLT, GOT BY jupiter AHDALLAII, 1ft hands, 5 years old; i u* been driven by a lady ; warranted klud and true In all harness; Single Harness and top sine, it a t- moad wagon. BAY PONY, 15 HANDS HIGH, 7 years old; styliah driver; wsrrnnted klud ano true In all barn***; Single Harness and TOP PONY PHAETON. GRAY HORSE. lb>i HANDS HIGH. 8 year* old: war ranted kind cnu trne In all harne**; Single Ukrnese aoil MILK WAGON. Al.<"> SKVe.NTEEN OTnER HORSES. TWO KXrfKsKiN TOP PHAETONS, twenty-seven top and no top, side bar snd (nil spring Wagons; five top and no lop Pony Phaeton*; D?unle and Single Har ness. Ac. BALE COMMENCES AT ten O'CLOCK. j^ ? popular i l bo Intrinsic tnont* o( , THE RUBBER CUSHIONED AXbl I* evidenced by the fact that to-day It U IN HOUSED AM) aDdPTRD by the HKST ami I.AKOhSf carriage builder* In THK UNITED HTATKS aNH IN E I) ROPE. Visitors to the PARIS EXPOSITION will fln.l that the elecant and expensive exhibit* of line carriage* there di? ulayou by the leading carriage house* of (IkEa r ItEITAI N AND KKANCE hare been comtrnated with thli valuable American Inven 'IO"' THR RUBBER CUSHIONED AXLE, t hn? pho* In.; It* W UKI.U-M IDE KAMI'., and attesting It* merit* as lite OltEAT INVENTION ok the DAY I THE It I! H1IEII CUSHIONED AXI.E COMPANY. HrewHrey nml 43d at. tLOfftl ACRE), New York. ~C A K R fA t ? K8 AT A hLaUUIITKR: SUPER it ?Mock. strictly reliable work, at Immense Inducement* lor cash; I'mt ftMliMU, Hinlo*, Roekewaye, -'.imp.em War Coupe l.ockaway., I'nrk Phaeton., second hand and new, Irum f7.> u *20o. ClIAKLKS (iKI'HE, :t.MI Canal st a ?KOK HAI.E. MIX HOUSES; MEhN USED IN ..'V.huslnes* wat*m; two Hare*, little soro; suitable lor larmer*: cheap, good; trial given. Stable No. IU7 Mercer st.. near Mleecker. ~CTW. HAKKKit. AUCTIONEER. - WlLlj HE OP' ? fered tit puiilic sale, to-morrow (Wednesday!. April 17* ?t II o'clock, at MARKER A SON'S New Wirk Tatter.sll'* corner ol llrnsdway and Ililth st., the premium combined brown saddle ami harness ilnrse Napoleon, !.'??.< high li trnri old; cost *7t*) In Kentucky, and warranted ? nml and kind; also a Landau. br Wood llrothersi double Coach llarnn-*. by home .k Currle; all the property of a family going ?'liroiid. Now ..II view. AT itul) I'oV. OKKICE?CARMlAllk II \/. A Alt; Eight VVaci.m, I'ltaetoa*. lloek^wsy aud l)ep"t; very b?*t maker*: very lowest price*. AdOOll IIOItsK, il OOY AND IIAitNESS POR sale cheap. or will exchange for Diam.uida or Jewelry. Address I XPoMl fiOW. haalo offce, Brooklyn. A" Wl Fifr.C 11 APE L CARr. BY^PETErtS, LONDON, In perieet erdrr, lor *>le, or will exeuang* lor lighter I a. tortile. H .box l-. Herald ollW. ?CAI<li AN D EXAMIMrt IIAKM PAlr.NT CIRci?' ?lar . las* front C.'Qpe Rock away; light. roomy, carry Inif three person* iti'lue ; n*?d by private Utr.ilies only. M Hr.i4.iway Lb rtlN M7??PaHILY TURNOUT COMPLETE; gentle i.r.iwn H*ne, IMf IMMlai ntnilN mp II l.t I'ha.'t'.n i*eat* louri, .larne-s. Ac ; almost now; also fop ltoa.1 W^, lop I'ony i'liaet'.n: very eheap. stable* 247 W eat 41m M. "t -KOK k'Ti/k. POUR IIORSESI NVlT PA KM! Nil, A.groci-ti"", eipr ea, mllkni-n or anv other basin-?s; must hi sold, cheap; trial given. Inquire II7H and 3*1 Hoeery. rai opp..?ita .>111 at, ?pod HAI.K. Tll RE it lioRJUMi WIT PAR?>R, ?. r.i< ?r, ex I-re*' or nny ouamess; must be ?old : cheap; no ?..rk. Inquire Hlaecker ?t.. rear, near II >wery. irtlsKKLTtElTljTnTT?CAN MfcAT It MlMJTc.S; rn in Mare.H years o.d : beat W, and MIvers tot. side bar toad Wtsun and >lngie, . u-l #4-VI l.?t Kebrn* nry. I*r $l?l Private stable 156 West Irslb aft, OHR A r IMlUcK M ENT- I UI.SOUT"ciIMPLKTR ? Handsome liav, 7 vcars, WJ., hands; beautlinl. flowing msnk and tall; trots In 2 uVI. urlven b.v ladles and clill.irrn, warranted and tear* n. tbnik; Mrcwater linprov?d Tup VV atroti, Dnns. omo llaruesa. Holies, Hlankats. W hi|.. Ai ; little used end \ rrv cheap ; also younir. soan.l, kind, IS nila Horse, 13.1; trot* ill 3:35 sum. M East 41st. Hell separate. . rSoOK'A f~S R E AT C H A ACE POit BAROAINS ?tills week. The boar.ler* ol the PHletts l luli stable, |M East mills st.. near 3J av? on account of breaking up, will oflVr at prlV'ta sale one ol the Handsomest and b^?t Pair ol bay liorno* In the htate |Mf hands, n and 7 years wid ; wltliout a olemialr. Also llire>' hoe atnifls llorses, null nhl.* lor anv'* n ? Also two extra last Trotter* IV. hsnrt*{ v?nnt. s..nn.| and kind. Alse extra Hue lop R"?.| W at; top I'uny PI.neion, estei.sluu top family >Va,"i.,to seat lour parson*; I1" pound M.eedina W.i?i.u, one llepol \\ tgnn one Kockawa.r ?ml Set p| hue Hatne.a ITE sTI"N II KKIMI BATlfs K.ill MoitnRA KAC * of tho** l.r human nelnir*. Call and sen .tt M Wast 44th st A* HITS ?Irtl.tllK P. OHRItl.N A Co . 4 EAST .ll. nst n >t,, have on hand a Hue a**..rtment ol Kiu li?h h lly. ahs.ebooe, and their palqnt tint, centra Whips. "7 itPLKN l7lD LADY's RHTA RI, I m I ti E n r?PONY, J\ lil \ bend., 7 year, old ; hay; hlack point*; nn fault" m am kind; i "P I'h.ieton and narneoa. n?ed one tea.on: al*.> tto.Ml Mroloer* t Cert, che.ip ;I4H W?st 4Jd st j ?HU tU?l?RtiH AND I>EUVKR* WAOuNs7aM, VV.sIn *. ?:? to ?IJ.i, fnroxpre*>, frneer, bnlouer, <>aker, ?ii,?, depot, delivery. Waanu Manuiactorr, U'JH S,>rln( M. rpDM 'MU, A ICOWRHpi'I< DRAuoTitTTornr, <ltl', hand* high, fatt traveller, C7.t;m> work. I'D Uhtrff ? SACkiTiciT-TIIRER UOOU RUSINhss lloRsR<. one 11 1.- driver, Dt hand*. H yesis; light top delivery Waguo. a:is f?i>riiik st. ITkoIT SAI.e.J UMkAP. POM WANT OP WORK, ?three Horse*. 4 >4 v> est .THih st.. near IDth nr., at blacksmlllt'a. "a -TWO SOl/NO YOU Mii WORK IIOKSEH; War *\?ranteil *onnd. kind; (7.). #l.'iO, must sell. 4.1 Hes ter st. \ POR SALE. pfVE~OHUNKY RUIlT llOltsiP.S. ? lit fer l*rn..DL' or any hnslness. to be s..|il nt a sacriOo.) I tllal Ktren. H>7 nth st.. between d and 4!li avs. \' CI f Ea P B K A U T fH i.~ It ay" "l IO RsR, l&jjl aSTh. j\ 7 year., warranted mmnd and Mud, wltn a band r M ntioli I up I'bseton. top Bond u :h;>>ii, 4i?p l*ony I'iiaeinn. Single and Double Darne*". -'<>? hast ilDlh st., near!H av A- ioUNU UIIRRTNUT Ms MR, ISI^ HaKDBi PkR lei'1 hesuty: ?ale. sonnd and reliable; time, ;l mlnnteaj lienasonie Top Hui'gy. line D imes.. n|*o lop I'oey l'b?e; tun, ib*.p. Club stable, 12 Ktot 18th *k A UOItSKM, C&llUIAtiKh. ov A C CTlUN HOU Bk~OV~AIU'I!. JOHNSTON, 1U, 21.23 and 25 13tl? ?t., near University place. OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND MOST RELIABLE HOUSE IS THE city. REGULAR SAI.ES OK lldKsrs AND CARRIAflF.8 EVl-.RY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. AT JO O'clock. 24 hours' to tbree asys' trial un horses warranted sound. this DAY (TUESDAY), AT 10 O'clock. ROAD SSTAHLIsnXKNT. ' . ELEGANT MAY TROTTING MARK lady EMMA, sired b> Krwln'a 11 arabletouian, itam Star mare l^adv Fanny, 15^g liandu, 5 years old: lias full Inntf inane and tall: I* a natural trnttar: lias never beets trained lor speed; can iroi a mile in "J :40; ha-. nm a vice or trick of any kiml. and warmnteil soui.d. kiml and true. KI'.T KINK HARNESS, by Wood Gibson. NO Tor RO AI > WAGON, bv It. >1. stlv.-rs. FAMILY I NIAHLISIIMENT. ELEGANT TEAM BLACKS. Hone anil Mara, I5>? hands, ttyean old; haa been med in city and country; raiseu by preaeni owner; are In every way reliable lor ?ny u?e und warranted s >und, kino and true SET DOl'BLK II V UN KSS. bv Dunscotnb. ELEGANT LIGHT bakouchto, by Brewster. of 25th at. ELEGANT LIGHT BllETT, by Brewster, of Brooms at. PARK ESTABLISHMENT. HANDsOMK TKAM BAY HOKSEH, 1SX hand*. R aud 0 ysart old ; kind in all harness; (reo from vice ; have bi-en a lamilv team; aold on Account owner going abroad. SET ENGLISH MADE HARNESS. elkgant "TEA" iAUT. by Wood Brother*. ROAD ESTABLISH MKNT-Flue bay H..rae, 15^ liiiiMa high, 7 yean o'd; sired by General Knox, daiu by llambletonlan ; can lrot a mile in 2:411; has been a road and lainily borne; aold on Account o! owner going ?broad. SET KINK HARNESS. TOP KOAD WAGON, llttlo used, by W. H. Gray. FINE TKAM l?A V MAKES. 15!< handa, 7 and Syeara old ; kind and true In all harness; in every way detlrable anu wnrran'ud -<> ind. ELEGAN I LIGHT COUPE, by John llam. . KINK It MOWN TltU?:K ll .RSE. lt), 6 yean old; a good. froe, fast walker: ? willing worker; la very liaiidsom* and warranteo muind, kind and true. ELEGANT TOP DELIVKUY, built to order. TOP and NO TOP r.XPRKSS WauONS. "TWRNTY-TH KF.E other HORSES. See catalogue. LARGE assortment CARRIAGES, WAGuNS, PON V PHAKTt> N s, H ARNESS, AC. WEATHER never Interteroa with our SALES AT 10 O'CLOCK. ? rch. johnsToh, auctioneer. Oflioe and Auction Marl 19 to 25 13th at,, I near University plao*. . THE ENTIRE CON IE MS OK TUB LIVERY y. I AND SALI'.S STABLE. N ? 13H WKST 40TH ST.. _0 i corner Broadway, to bo si?ld at auction by ARCH. SS JOHNSTON, on Wednesday. \prll 17, at llo'clock, Sy. I 15 Hones. 2 Coupes. 2 Park l'liaetou?. 3 top aide bar <S I Wagoita, extension top Park I'haelou. 3 Hu.iiie.a O I Wanoua, 3 Road Wagons, Pony l'liaetou. ?lx sets I Double and Sini'le Harness, Buckets, Robes, Am I Stable Usenslla. Ac. SECOND HAND CARRIAGES. 5 glass Landau, Mull I'tiaeton. Demi Landau, nearly new, Iio* Cart, LI tin Landau, 1 Cart, low whecla, Mrouuliain, 1 and 2 bora*!, Derby T Catt. Victoria. English, Windsor 4 sent*. Cabriolet. Park Phaeton, Light lirett. Surrey Wagon, at low prices by J. B. BREWSTER A CO.. of 25th at. A MAGNIFICENT LEATHER SHIFTING EXTENSION top l'liaefcin, seats four persons, Pole and Kliwlta. weulit SJiO pound*: single and Double Haruess to match; llulit loather lop Watfoii, 12l? (><?>? n<1 h ; Koad Wagon, Sleich and hone; the above not rolled; beat city makiri; > e 11 acpa raii-l.r; verv cheap 1U7 VVc?t ^"Ih at.. ne..rtltli hv, A* BOKRBL HORSE, $60; BROWN MARK, C7S: SUIT any bualneaa uae; warranted aound and kind, lol Tliompnon *t. \ BAB( i A IN .?TOP BKHrtSTh RIM P UOYbD BUi.GYT Jt\ habdaome top Pouv Phaeton, Slnirle and Double liar Be?a cheap. Private ataole 1 Went 15th at , near 5th nv, ?EXTENSION PAMILY PAKK phaeton AND A ? loubie aeat Depot Wagon, city make. 253 West Slat St. . -Tolt sale, a powerful chunk ?jf a hay ? Him en. fast traveller. $15. 3 Jaine> ellp. ClAKRIAGKn AND HARNESS.?PaBK AMU PONY J 1'liaelons, areood l|and and new, $*)."> upward; Sldebar nnd I* Mimic Sprint1 Top Rif^lex, i*?"> upward: Kockawaya, Oepnt. Juinpaeat Wagon?, Ac , (115 upward; choluo anaori* mailt and etrictly reliaiilo work. IIAIINESS?Lari-e variety, everr style. $11 41) per set upward. L>0 Kugs, Blankets. Sheets, Whip*, Ac., at bottom figures. JOHN MOOKE. 57 Warren it. CI AllRI AGES.?LARGE ASSORl MKNT CoL'I'i.S, Jlont and nix ?eat Hock away.: every kind of Pbaeiona; second hand Carriages ; al.o work to ?hip. J COLYF.R A CO.. 504 Broedwav. C~ 1 ARIIIA'.IKS?? VERY ST YLel. AT U.i LVIN M ITTV'S yCoinmis-lon ? nrringe vVarrrooms, til Woofter St., through to IB".? Soutli 511 nv. ' O YOU WANT TO llUY A UOAD HORSE. A FAM A 1) oj I ILY IIORSK. A BUSlNEhS HORSE. A CARRIAGE - I'BAM OR ANYTHING IN THE MORSE LINK T O I BK SUKE AND ATTEND THE SALE AT AKCM. H I JOHNSTON'S MART, tarn sr., NEAB university 2 I PLACE, THIS MORNING. AT lO O'CLOCK. VulJ ? "always KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU AKE BUY. S | ink AT TIIK SALES OF THIS OLD. DorilLK IIAKNhSS, LIITi.E USED. IN PKhFECT order; will sell low tor want of use. Addreaa GEN I1.E MAN. Herald Uptown office IRLlWART UOIIT BRKTT, BY BRKWsTER OF Ullroome St., this day, at ARCH. JOHNSTON'S Mart, 10 to 25 13lh St. F Jjl ?KOli COUNTRY UrtK. iiui'OT WAOO.VS. WITH AND WITHOUT TOPS, aquare, bos and cut under it) let. A. X. PLAMMRAP A CO.. 37J AND IN IIROOMK ST. Tj^ilt HALK-SIMiLK AN I) DOURLK MINsCOM H 1" harneia, Wood Rioa. TCart; would exchange for Road llorae. W A UN Kit. 'J15 > ??i l'.ili at POK 8ALK?Til IRTV YOUNOT|OhSk7.7 .1Usi'i ROM Indiana; all lout.d and mini. Inmiire fill Norfolk n. Fob KEE3?*r akmtkd at ?tt i? baJt toTTi ?I., from Wayne county, N. 1'., 20 Una OwrUgt, Irom IS,] in 1 fl.2. ElOR HAlih?NI NK~PA-SBNUi".It TlUNiTiTllTj" IloTF.L Mate; ?l?o line i?t t-liy made Carriage llarneea; In per Net urior IftKirwal POI MIA-A fBOROOOHBRBD OUBKNHKY CO A'; r W1fcTT W pound. .if klMW a ?eea. No All Kaat l.'itli at. IjvTlt HALK?TIIRKI-. UIHJD WORK HOKM-.s. CHKXi\ .ultalila (or irurx. lurim-r. irroci. any builneaa; can ?ill; warranted. tail Waahlnxton it. Jiui KAi.h?a"oooD MAT a 11. MILK WAOOIt; ?'iu, 1 e?rli*o(ro for Ilorte or Oold Wateb. 1.-"J7 Uiuidtiy (INMHMII. FlOJt oALl-.?ON ACCOUNT IlK DKPAi.TIJRK Koit Korope, a Huitiry, nearly new. In perlrrt ord.r; a pood >lr?K'*' lieinea., llorae Ulan**!*. Woloi M hi|.i, Ac ; a hay M?re, S yeara old. I??t n.| aoitnd; could lie dnvm by a lM|. Adtfreaa box :i,llAll New Ynrk Poal ollica. yim 8ALrt?HAY_TlOItS K .1 1II vSliS. H VKAHrt r old ; can :rnt 'J :4'i; aiao ton aldcbar <pel Wjaoo aim llMrnnaa; nearly new : or will exchange lor good milch Cow. ft. TllOM a.>. Went Mde lintel, IMn It., *Hn av. hAl/fc-M) Kf i.Til Kit USKs TWO BL ACK OA r nadlnn lloraea. 7 and H yearn, | M, liandl; <'>od travel, lera: heavy truvk llorae. 0 >eara. Ml liaadi; all warranted. No. .'ill Oil hi lei at i^ok hsLk?iITy ro> y ; IUmTwAOOK. HARKBSS, I aeparate. i? ? tli r; mum ba Mild. 7S Hurray at.. ilire. 1/OR HAIiK. CHKAP-PoUK OOOM IIOKHhX. SUIT r alila lor elijr nr ronnirjr a*e: prlae from ?WJ to $LI3. trial glvm. Apply at VJ Lalaieite place. "lOI? *a1. TlllllVp' Hi: II IIORKK* Al'Pl.V. Hill three dar?. I1M Wall liKh at., N--w York iTviK kai.ii c?Tkap?a~V1TaM ok hkaTy ikuck r lloraea . alio doable aet ol llnrne<*. Inquire WIl.J.lAM Ulil'lll. IH7th at., near 3d ar , MorrlannM FH>R MALA UIJSAP?a Ha* MOHMK. Ift IIaNUMi warranted aonnd and u'*nlM; a good road and aaddl* berae. Appiv M i" I. ??? > - ? i II ULL HPHINU TOP W AIiflW, |*i; top DP.POT r Wannn. Rockawar. ?'."i; ?'.>acli $ISOi Pony I'liae ten (lop), *ltJO; ?iiff. fltii; Ilonl.le Harnea*. Jl"i: ?'nlky, t<Vi WM. H. llRAT. SO and JJ Wootttt it. V L^ou ?ALK-P<7(TR mmilk ami o>K OOt'RLR I frutk. two lirllYxry, <n? Milk and aae Carpenter'! WniT'.u. Weat IHih at. nuo# HMik waittad rui"uiiTkbip. ok wiii. VTpay Mime or tiny; no denleri KRni'OAHh, ilera.d oflloit. | | R. 11BHTM A SO.H. AUCTIONKKRH. i XBCUTOR'H S?LH IIOitHR, CAKIll AOl R. AC., OR WBDRRRDAT. APRIL 17. AT ? O'CLOCK A. AT KIDABOCK'?~.->T tBLR*. 471II HT., BKTWKKN 7TII AND STI1 AVil, rnmprlalnir h^T llnrae. |fl)^ hand* hlrh i one Conpe, with Polo aid Xh?fl? ; one Victoria, aet |aH plaie.l llan.ean, one .'lelRh. Saddle, Rrldle. Whip. Hlanh.-ta. Sheeta, Ae . Ac. Hv order of l?,\ VI H KoRi: II Kl M hit. ? . HtltNKT U SUI.OVI IN, ( r.xecetiwi. Hll.llnltV," 115 rilAMHKltt ST. -Ma"kI?'"raiHT'IIAR. neaa, |U| ;,u .:nhlier Tracks Wi every variety liar, neaa and llor-e C.othlnK nORHKS KOR RNUlaA N t>. ?S PKCIA L KATKm HV Nr?t rla?? ateamere ran lie obtained ou application to r. II. KI-.LPII, W lirnadway. New \*nrk. HARR MM T tM>ST HA : >i i- RRaT COi?T. HARRMM Mn llro.idway. .M(l B*1>adway All! Ilroadway .Tli" teat chatira to i:et tlieae harualna. MULRs-I* II ANIlKi Sill Nil AMI III N ILK; MiViuTk or dnnlile ; a tnnat exefllent team. WltkTON, l.oller ofllee. Hit Llberiy at., alter I o'eloi k I'. M. F OH KALB ?Y??i> Mi HOIMK: UUOD fOR OROCMf Kutfli-r or f xpri*h?m-?n. *7.' nth ?v N KW AND MllPKHRlaY KINI*IIR1> DhdloRa VICTORIAS, UARRIoLKTR ANI? T CARTS for park and arenno i*rlvlnR. litalt TKIItCtiBH KOR TuWN ARD COORTRT, In varied itylei. A. ft. PI.A*l>RAtt A I'O., ,i7J and M74 llroome it. OS ACCOUNT OK LRAVfSo THK CITY Wli.L SRM. my eompiete Turnout ; blaek llor.e, I.I-, han ia S yara, a.iand and Rind, Irota In three MIlMti, wlih eiten.lna I |i I'liaeion, e*lra liirlit, a-ala 4. ?* lt:> Sue liarn*.* . rwali Im niadlalOiy. #4'kl* ro*| laat lail f:i.''l. Dfi hATIIilA, ml)| Weat t'llh, or at at>?ble IMI Kaet .liith it. RIRiir, IHTIRO ATl't KRR. t!ARRPaOK HUll.KhKS. i.aatlier Top, t annpv Top. Patent CaiMWy. kxtoneton <?p, Kitinhie anil Platlorm rtllUM ?n>i Depot agoni. RKPaIHS OK < AKRIAUr.S A M'Ki IALTT. Kactory, Hrmd*l| aea S7tb at. AC'.lI K|i K FOR i: AAM?II A NIISI l M K RRKWSTKR proved aprlntf top lliii cf, ton I'hai ton. I'ony and liar ne?a eo-uplata ; almost new; aell a?| arately Wl VX i at I'ltli at. STARI.K.4-WITH SUKKI^IRNT CARKIAt?is liouM ? eonvenienl; rnaelimen'a rooma ; low rent. . I'll and I n Weat 17th ?t., .ind 114 Weat euh It., between fl'n and 7th VI. Apply to or adOreu jAlibd 811 KL M AN, 70 Wall at. s HOllSKS. CAUUUCBH. SmTrikice?tkavi soirsii pusv Hi'li/r noRsfcS ?fai > each; top BuiiniH, Ripnu Wag?ui( No. 2 7th nr. rjp~UARTg, CAdltiOLfcTrt, VlCTOltlAS-NhW Dii X aiuna, One finlah and loweat pilen WM II. OKAY, and 22 Wooaterat. rnilK KINhHT EHIAbDsHMEN I I V l'"K HI I Y KO* 1 ante, conaiatinit nl a pair of brown lioraea, 17 lianda Inch, ml black point*. 7 yeara old and line action: * larm double ati-p"iiainn French l.?ndau. painted ilmk blu? with Ivory atripe lined mill lilac morocco: lint little uaed; on* ?et of French very rlou eilverplated Double llarneu: alao oue ?et <il Wood lilbum Double llarnetia Can lie aeeu liy chIIIiii; nl the nr.-t MMilq Iroiu 3th av., in KattlMal , uit Tueatlay mid Wedneaday. T~WO ^CTKiIONT LANUAt'S, TWu dUETTS. pmln Landau, punr Phaeton. li.'Cka*ay, Dandanlet. new t oniKt, BuckIcm; barg?ina. 480 ltd nv. fruit iiyjwrlifu inuke abim} oThoulatIon X ? >K TIIK I VKMMi "1EI.I-.GUaM OKKU-, KiCII,. 1TII-.8 TO BUSINESS MEN I'U BKING T 111:1 K GOODS TO PUBLIC JEOTICK HV A 1> VERTD- I Ml IN ITM COLUMNS, Al J?H\ A ? INK t'N'E OL'ALl.KD BV ? LL TIUS OTHER EVENING PA P ? COM BINKD. THE CIRCULATION OK TIIK EVENING TELK. GUAM L.i-T WfctK Wa8: Mouday 4H400 Thnraday 43.000 A0VEhTi8l.NO joe a LINE. Tueaday 43.400 Friday 54.400 ADVERTISING 2?*J a LINE. Wednetday 44.360 Saturday .... 47.600 ADVERTISING 200. A LINE. Total 283,150 ADVERTISING 200. A LINE. Dally nverato 47.101 IIKFOUE A'.l. NEW YOKK. w YVANTK1I-A PAIlt Of CARIlt AGh HOUSES, IS 3 M to It) handa. Addreaa CLINTON, llcr.iid Branch o(lic?. ANTKD-BUOGY. SLEIGH, BILLIaWd TABLK, Watch Don miiiI llorau Keetl In exihauuo lor Gol<l Watch, set of Jewelry llady'a) or Aldcrncy Duller. K1UW, Herald office. WANTED-A tlORSE AND PHAETON EST aBLIS!I ? menl, for a lady to drive, In exchanga for it llrat elnaa Piano, In parfoct ordor. Addreaa NICELY, box 4,1112 Po?t office. "MTTnTED?A PONY I'll A ETON. WITH CANOPY TOP i i nn I'. In itaod order. Addreaa or apply at tiO Wall at., baacuitnt. fANTED?LARGE TRUCK UOIUK KOK HRAVY worn. Call atSOt let av. L. V. STKEHrElt A Co. WI LI- SELL. CHEAP?NEARLY M|tW CITY MaDK ?? 1'onv Pliteton. two II M. stivem' niodfrn Side Bir farriaK"-*, very ll|ilit; Duoettbtiry A V*n llit?er hrary lull ttprinu *'ri ; Hno alli^le lltirueaa; Uhv llorao, 1<V? nunda. U 4tli uv . between 11 ami 2. *? LIGHT OOAO rks~a OLAKKNGKrt. 2 CO II1* Us - <faihuH?ble tor livery or hAckliu:, nt bareahia. 2U aud 22 Wooatcr at. 611 > >H8E8. KUITABLK FOK ANY BL'SINErtS, SOLD at aacriHce. 410 Went 30tli ?t. A C GOOD WOiTK ll??iisKS. 25 ML'l.liS hDITaBLB 'X'Jlor any buainena; half value: aent fmin eompmiy In l'runaylvaiiia; mu-t be sold. Stablea 520 Weft 24|U at 4&A ?A NUMBhliOK l'lioMISlNG YuUNG, SOUND )'/.Itiiiul lloraea lor *nle at tliia urloe, at llAKKhu'.l, :?nli at. Hint Itrondway. ?17h -HaNDSOMK TOP ItUGGY. KINK sTnOLR ?P L I '/?llnrnesti, wltu blarlt beitr Kobe, pnrrbaaetl n-ew Intit I'ecember, fur aim Top I'oav Knnefin im! Doa ble Homota, very low. I'rlvate utalile 141 We*l IMtU at. El'ROPBAN MTKAnsiUPn. C'Wnahd link.-b. aNiiIj. a. k. m. a s. co. J NOTICE. With A view to dlirtlnlaU the cuiinr^a of cellinlon the ateninera of tlna line t.ike a apeclUo course lor all xeaaona of tlic yeat. On the outward p tsaauo Irom Queeimtown to New York or Boiium, OTuaaini: the lueildlau ol 30 nt 411 latltudo, or notb inK to the uorili of t'l. On the hoinewnid itanta^e, croaalnir tlie meridian of .'iO at 42 l iiltuue, or uotliini: to tlie north ol 12. NEW tOitK io LIVEUl'ooL aM? QUEBN8TOWN. Al.tiEHIA....Wed..April I7IS0VTIIIA Wed., May 1 ?HI.'shIA . . Wed.. April 24 | A llYSSIN 1A .. Wed.. .May 8 Cabin piuxiaire and return tl keta on favorabm term*. Steerage tickcla to and from all parti of Kurope nt very l.>w rutfa Kreixut and pa??ni:? office, .No. 4 Howling Green Oil AULEs O. KKANOKLYN. \irent. PtSSENOKRs i'Elt STE vMsHll' ALOBKIa KiIIIaKK Irom the Couaril wharf, foot tflirand at., Jeraey City, at ;i I'. M? oil Wetliicstlay. April 17. IH78 CHAM. G. KKANCKLYN. 4 llowlini: tireen, New York. STATK LINK-TO OLASUtIW." U \rKKI-TToli, UUULInT BELKA.xT. LilNOONOEKUY AND THE i'.akis I'.xi'osrrioN. aalllnir Irom |iler 42 North Kiver. loot of Canal at. RTATK t?K YIKulNlA fhoraday, April 18 b'l ATE (IK INDIANA Thnradny. April 23 STATl*. OK UhOROiA Iliur.dar. May 2 Kirat cabin, f<l" to S>7">. Hccordlnir to ai roinmodationa. Bettirn ticketa at reduced ratea. aerond cabin, $43. Steer aice nt loweat rate*. Apply tu AIJ>TIN BAl.DWfN A I'O.. AK?nta. 72 Broadway. STEMtxGK TICKETS AT 43 BUOADWAV AND AT Til K t'll.Vl I'aNY'S PIaK, I^IOl OK CANAL ST.. N. It. C'TiTeat *kmtkkn "Steamsiiir link. f TO BltlfTOb (KNGLaNH) DIRECT, anlllni; Irom pier IH Kaat Klvor, aa loliowa: - BOMRBShT Aptiiaoi AKKAOON May 0 Cnliln paaaaice. S3 t. #?>'intid $7tt Keturu ticketa nt fa Torablu rataa; prepaid etieeraxe 1 ertifloateH, Apply to W. 1). MOKOaN. Ar'ni 71 iNwlth au Hamscri! amrrican packet i.omkany's link lor I'lvmouth. Cberbourir ami UambnrR LESS I NU..T tiara . April IK I nllRVU. ...Tburaday, May 3 WIKLAN D, Tbara .April 26 | HOMMKKANI A, Mir.. May W Itatea of paaaas* to i'lymouth, lenmon. Citerhon j;. Ham btirK and all noinia In KuKlaml: -Kirat Cabin. SUlO, told; l>>erotid Cabin. $tf>, iiold; Stneraze. $:ni. currency. KU.NII AKDT A 0o? C. B. RICH A. D A BOAS. Ge>ieral A Kent-, Kaxaen .er Aeenta, 01 Broad at.. New York. I'i Broadway. New York. KITED mtut MAIL I.INK-sTKAM TO~QUEi-.NsI TOWN AND LIVKKKOOL. aailint; on I ue< lay from pier 4" North Itiver, fool ofCharleait. MONTANA.April 29k 1" M. I NEVADA May 7, 9 A M. WISCONSIN, tp'l SO,3P. M | WYOMING Miy 14,3 i'. M. Cabin, SB5, ??<>. enrreucy. Intermediate, *4". Steerage, SJfl. 1'aMenirera booked to and from l'arla, llemhnrir. Nor way, Sweden, Ac. Dratta on Ireland, England and Scot land at loweat ratea. WILLIAMS A GUION. 2? Broadway. XV111TK >TAlt LINK. ?T Uallod SihUxiiiI Roftl Mml Rtmmm tor Quernatown nn I Liverpool NOTIOK.?The of ttii? lin? tnko tlie lane route* recommended by Lieutenant Maury, U. S. N., on both (ho outwnril ?nd homeward % Ai'KlATIC II. iirtdny, April 1 x. 0 A. M. BR1TANNIO Hat unlay, April 17. - I' M. HHPUBLtC Thure my. May 2, 4 I*. M. Krnm Whit- Star dock. plar .*2 North Hirer. Kate*?Miloon. >nd $|i?i In gold. Kilum ticket* on roaaonablo term* Steerage. $2H. currency Kalinin*. natrronm*. ?moklnir and ><ath room* are nlared amimhlp*. where the noiae and motion are leant, adorning a degree nf comfort hitherto unattainable at -en. Kit ln?i"' ri ri ..I plan* and oilier intormatiou apply at thecompany'* nfllce. 37 Broadway. New fork. B. J. t OltrlH. Arent. <;MT lilKKt'f anu KCONOMIcai. Hou rk rliTiTUT land. ItrU-iam, the Blilne, Nwiiaerland, Ac., Jkr. , via Kulterdam Clieapnt routo to Pari*. Hteainer .sOHlhllAM April 21 htumer KOTTJ-.KIMM Way 4 The** beautiful ?ie*ninr?. currying tlm Cnitei >1 ales mail to tl.e Netherlands are tfreat favorite* with the puu Ik. Trip* regular, rata* low, eomlort and Hying perfect. I'or Ireii; lit, Pnr d**??i:c. PUNCH, KUVK k CO., L. W. MOBRIII, 27 south William at. r>ti Broadway* (Morn*' ho tope an and American K*nre?*) n ? 11 ? > i: LINK Oirfclf M'A Ti-.n .M TTl .ilhAM r.K.i Sc.# VOKK AND OLANOOW. CAMKOltNIV.AiilJti.K A. M I KlillOI'IA M?y 4. fl A. M. BOLIVIA.. April 27. 3 P M. I VICTTO.tlA. Mm I I, Noon. Nfctt VOKK Ti > LONDON UliiKJT Ai.^A U ? .Ai.rll ^4. N..?n I Ki.YHIA Way I. :i I" M. I'ahin, to ?hm. hxrar?ion ilekata at reduced rate*. HeC' iid Cabin, #4?l. >teera.e. Company'* pier*. >??* 2" and 31 North Klrer, Now Vork. It KMIKII^oN BKOS., Ag-nt*. 7 Bowling Or'en. I N M \ N LI NiC KOTAL MAIL HTKAMfcRrt 1 KOR Ot.'KKNSPOWN AV|? I.IVKKI'tKIU I MTV to vK-i YORK Saturday April ??, 7 A M. 1)1 TV OK MONTIO'.AL Ilmrnlay, April 3/V, nonn CHI OK lihI.LIN Smirda,, May 4. ? P. M. From pi?r 4."> North Itirer. Cabin. f*o anil f|i*i. gold. lirinrn ticket* on farorahia term* Hteerage, f/it, currency. I'* at lowe?t rate*. d bath room* amldani IN O. D tl.K. Agent. l.'i and 'CI Broadway. New Vork. Philadelphia olflca. Iu"> Month 4th *1. N? >1CT II OKI; MAN 1.1.0 VII Mo?iu*lilp I.nil', bctaeen Now Vork, Hoolharaptoo, London. Havre and Bremen. Compam'* |der, loot ot .'d *t . Ilinoken. MO-EL Hal , April 2" I HON M' vat. May 4 Hat . April 27 | WKWSK -au. May II Baii'a of pit*<<ge If.mi Naw Vork to Southampton. Lou* dm.. Hurra in I Itremaii Kim raliln, #1'gold ?econd cahln, #80. gold; alearaga. ?:*! rwreNt; M? turn ilaaat* at raduced rale*. Prepaid ?teeraue certificate*. Hi>, currency. Kor freight or paa?:?.'? apply in OM.IUCftH A CO, 3 Bowling Oraan. Amkmh;an lFjTk puh livkhpool. I he tranaatlantir line nK ling under th? Amerl i an flaii. >aHla - erory I harwlar from I'lilladalphla. tlillK iatl? April IX. It A M. BKH vr\l; LINK KoK ANTWKRP. rarrring tho Bel I an and inlt"d Matea mailt, a*lllac aeini-m- uthlr from I'lilladriphla and New fork. Villi-. It LA > I' **ll? ?nrli 2.1 it A M. Por rate" ?l pa**age nn>l other iiiinmiatmn applr to PHTK It W lutlll I A MISS Claneral Au *nta. ?(7 Walnut at . I'hH-id?*tphl.i: Broauway, New t nrk. ? JOH N MrtMiN Al.ll, Amiii.t Battery plac-. >i w Vork. ~i.Tnk iii ?<i?? thamkVi.n aIiii hulu YT *ailtn. Irvm Kagle pier. Iloboken, a< follow* I? l.hl'AN ro ?pjil 27 | iii n i i.i.ii May jr. OTIIA.NIII ..May I I | III M H it I. Jat* H ? ir-t c*bln. ffVO, Btirrr-ucy kaffltmi* tlckera on rrrr lavoiahie tnrm? tpptr for lull particular*, to t II AllLKM K W It It) I IT a (N>., M eoiitli ?t. i 1 fcNfeKAI. TRaNM ?TLA NT|(T COMPANY 1.T RKfWKfcN N c.Vt VOKK ANU IIAVKR. Ooipam '? pier, 42 North liivar. fo it ol Morton at rail hiKr. Ilnnre We.ine?.lay, April 17. P. M. PILI.K IIK PAltIM Hiirand.M'dBO'dar. May I. 4tS0P. M. hT. LAUKKST. Luehaane* . Wrnneaday. M it M, Hi A. M. PHIUe. ??K PAHiAOK IN tloLO Inn,i-lit. ; win*) I-. To Hi*N l*t cabin, f Km; 3d cabin. ???; ltd eahln. fS.1 Blerraga. Inrlaillng wlna, t.e.Miln.- and iitenallt, BKIKHN T11 h KI ft 1 KRul CKIl KtTKH, LOPfia HK It I 111 AN. All'lit M Broadway. Korlralirbt and paaaage at Phlladolahla n tlitlwlli NffUTWKl.L 2 t'ne.innt it. /IfiOK' t TOVRtHT TlOKItTN ptiit lltl l,\NI>, rtooT ^ /land, Knillleh l.ake., pari*, tho Khina. Hwlta#rta?4 and Italy, at reitm-tloi.e from ID to 4 ? per cant he|,,w ordinary , rate* Paaa?NK*r* book *4 IW all line* ol *t?amer*. .Ne<t p..rtonally I IttMed learn* Maj *1, per i Ity of \|oa treal. for Kram e, Italy, hwu*-rl mil. i term an >, t ha Khiae, Holland. Ac., il.*? day*, tncludiiig all neceaaary a*pon*<<a, f? t?i, gold "UMa'a Kieiiraioniat" lor April, containing lull p-irtii'dlar*. >>y mall for It)cant*. Ad lre.a I'llllK. nt)N A .1 r.N Kl ni*. *11 Br nidway. New Vork GOAITW1PR ITIAMflUPia XT|-W VOIIK AM" OUBA M A11, (i H. LINK P??ll ii havan ? niKkof, Ma?nlfir?nt aic nimmtalioii :or |iaa?on(f?r*. * Hailing llli li-IltVK, lr.,m nl-r IT Ka?t rtivr. at M P. M n I Aii \It v inewi, 3 2" i t?n?. Oartl*... Ihnr*dit?. April H ?ARAtOOA ino*i ,2..'h i ton*. hnndli.irg.Thar?diiy Anril2N I! K lll't! I*. II Kit 11.1 ol pa** * ge lor Vl.iit t It I ft end WKhtINIIIA I-LANDa. by thnm^-h tlrketn ?ia l.ngll*h ?ad t'raooh *t?am*hlp lln> a trom iiarana JA.Mn.-4 K. WARLI A CO.. 119 Wall M. % . COASTWIKK NTKAJIUUIPs. jjacikic Mail ?i?.AJ*?TriV com pan*?slISK Per CALIFORNIA, J APAN. CHINA, CENTRAL and sourii am khic a, sandwich islands. new ZBt> LAND, AlslRALlA, BRITISH COLUMBIA. WA*tf I.NiiTljN iKKi.ll'tnU mid OREGON, Ac, lAlltan Iron pier tout ?l Canal St.. North Klver. Kor A.N KKANt IsCO. Ti? IM1IMC8 OK PANAMA: Steamship UoLo.M Satnrdsy, April M (counectlii -? f'T Central nntl South Amerloa). Prom ?VN PilANCl-CO m JAPAN aim CHINA Steamship CITY OK TOKIO Wenpesdav. May 1 Pram N VN PRANCIsCO lo SANDWICH laLAND*. A'- SIIIALIA and NEW ZEALAND: bteaituhlp CITY (lie KYUNKY Monday. May 19 Pur freight or passage apply ai the comuany'a office tf Bowline tire.-n New York. MI>.D~STArK8T.sD BRAZIL M Alt. uriuMMii LINE.?For Klo lie Janeiro, touching at St. 'I lltiiaa. P*r.t, IVrnaiitbueo ami Haltia, tu lanu malia aitd p?a?en gets The new Ural claae ir..n sieainnbip t ITY OK Kill I)h .1ANKIKO, (S.3UI tMt). Captain Weir, arill nil lor tba above porta tin Saturdav, May 4, at 3 I' M t rei'.'i.t at law ratea taKen lor the above ptrta. Krelglit received at alt it hi pa at Huberts'dock. Brookljn Por Irpigbt encasements, ur passage. bavins elegant accmntu illations. apply to C. II. MAIJ/Iltv A CO., Arcnti. 1M Maiden lane. I be new Iron atenmabm CITY UK 1'titA will follow oo the Oth or June. The CITY OK KIO DB JANEIRO will tuncli on her fliat vny*gi* ?i Barbados. g>>in- wn i WflMHi BKhMUDA. POttTO KICO, ST. fh?lM W. I.| LaoUaYHA, PUKitIO'CaBELLO, VK.NS2UELA, with i on tiro t ion a lo till pfcrt- of W KMT INDIEs and SOL TH AMKiUC ?. Tho Ouebee and Oall Porta US. Cat l.iue aall aa under noted : - I or It h K M UD A, Ss. t?K N EKaL M i*. AlJK, April IS I- or ST. .IOII \ and PONCE sr. THOMAS, LaOUAYRa and l*U hllTO CA BELLi >. SS. IIKKM CD A. April 37. Kor descriptive pamphlets. freight and nassaga duply to A. fc. OU I'EollRIiMJR <t CO, Agents. 39 hroad way. C O. Df. UARMi-.NDIA. 3."> rtruadway. tl. Ll'.Vi;. 371 Broadway Y., 1IAVANA AND NMIUA* MAIL M. * LI A27 ? St itm.-ra leave I rum pier .No. SI North l.lrar kor Havana i?ii:kct. CITY OK NKW YOKK, Do'tken.1 ncaday, April 10, 3 P. M, CITY OK W AsllI.NO l ON. riiiiineriiiau.. April IS. IK A. M. CITY t)K VERA cues. Van Slco ..Wed.. April 31,3 P. M. KOU VERA CRUZ AND NKW via Havana, progreso. t'aiiipeacby, Krottt r?. CITY OK NKW VOttK. Ileakcu Tueaday. April II CITY OK MERIDA. Keynolda. INioaday, April:* ht?*in*ra will leave NeW Orleatta April 34 end May 1! lor Vera t'rnr. via Matainoraa, Tttvna ? and Tampipu, cloae connection with ateauiors lor New York and all lb* above porta K. ALEXANDER k SONS, 31 and 33 Broadway. ?yniW 1U K A N D HAVANA IMKI-.CI >1 A11. LINK.? J^i I'hrae tlrat class rtoamabipa will aail at il P. M., Iroia pier I It North Klver, of Cedar at., f> r Havana direct, aa lollotva : ? SAN 11AGO DE Cl'BA Saturday. April 20 COLUMBCS Wedneaday, Nay 1 ? or IrelKht and paaaaga, Lavini; utunroaaaed actommo> datl?n?. "pplv to UILLIA.M P. CLYDK a CO., No. 0 Howlin.-t.roen. McKKLI.a::. LCL1MU A CO.. A Rente in Havana. TLAS MAIL LINK, KOR WhST 1NOIEM AND SOUTH AMKRICA. Ueitiilar tl-tnonllily aailint;^ iromplorftt North Kirer m follow* ? or KINGSTON. Ja., and IIAYI I: ATLaS Anrll i"> | ETNA May M Kor IIAYTI.COLCMHlA. ISTHmUSOK PANAMA at)4 SOUTH 1'ACIKIC PORTS (via Aaplnwall) AII.SA April mi | I'La Klltl'.L May IS Kirat c!aaa Krluah bnllt iron atoamere. Superior lire! claaa paaaeu '*r iicciinmoilaiiona. 1'I M, KOitWOOD A CO., Oenerai Aprenta. , No. .'Ml ? all at. NKW "ORLEANS" DIRECT?TIIE CROMWELL LI N 8 ate.tmahlo II CDSON, Saturday. April 3U, at 3 P M., ptel U >< Klvnr 'Ihrnuuh bll'a ol iadliie tilvon to Mobile and principal polnta on th? Miaaieiipnl Klver. Kor Iret^ht or paaaare ap ply to CI.aRK a SEAMAN.88 WartM. H'ALIKAX, N. sTa.ND -T JoTI ~'S N. F. CRottWhLL LINE. nteamtblp CORThr*. will lenvo pl-?r lt> North RI?or. 3 P. M . Kriday, ipri; 38 e'or fri-l?lit or paaaaca apply to CLARK A SkAMAN. SO W.?t at. MOItOA.VS~LI.NB II) NEW OKLI'-ANS AND TK.XaS.? The ?toatner will aail Irotu plttr 30 North Klver aa loU NiiUOAN CITY Sntnnla.v. April 30. 187* Kor New Orleatta direct, tranaferrini: Ti'**? Ireli'lit there to Mon.'nn'a Luulaiana mid IVxaa K^llroad and Morgan'! atoainahlpa to I'exna port*. Throutch blllt ?l lading atoned to a'.t polnta on tbu M^alaaippl lilver. Mobile, lialveaton, Indianoln, Corpua I'lirlatl. Itockport, llrason Santiago, liron iiavilln. and to all puinta on the lloualon and Taxaa Central. Ie\a? Paclflt, Trnuacnntliietital aud Oalveat m. IIitrriaburi; mid San Antonio rallroada, lvan?aa City. Pact hcutt and other pomta on .tlUauurl, Kama*and Texaa Rail* roan and conaertloni. K[el?'iita lor M. Mary's and Kulton lattdi'd at Roekport. Inaiirancn can i.e elTecled nnder open policy ol the lino. I o New t trie ana. Ji per cent; to Te \aa |>olnta, J,, per cent. Kor freight and other Information apoly to hOOt'.llI A MOKOAa, Aitenta, iiHta pier :*tt .North ltivnr. TEXA? LINK KOR UALYKSION, T0CCIU>0 aT key Weat. ?Steamer HIO OKa.NDK. Captain Holder, will aail Salnrdny, April '.'O. at 3 P M., Iront pier 20 h.a<t hlv r Tlirou:h raieaof Ireiabt and blila of ladlo* given, aver all railroada In tho State, r'or Ireiuhl ana paa^aga (having aup'rior acroinmo<latinne) app.y lo C. II. MAI. LORY A CO, 153 Maid till lano. or COOK, M)N A J B.N KINS, 301 Broadway. QAVANNAH, FLORIDA. ~ 11. LIVINGSTON, IroD pier l? B. B., Wadnctday, a tttil 17. . CITY OK MACON, from pier ?> N. R., Saturday, April 30l OI-OitOK VO.*Oh. Aseut Saturday etaamer, VtO Broodwar. MCKllAY. KKKUIS x ?;o.. Aeont Wednetday ateam. r. t!3 Snath at. C. D. OWENS. OKOKOE YONitf.. A cent A. A t?. 411 B'way. Ageuv C. K. R . 4HI* B'wey ?CIOK VtRA CRUZ.-470 FOR PI RSI CLAIM PassaoB Thy iteaat>hlp NIaOAIU, aallini THURSDAY. ISTII l.N.t?.. lor HAVANA, connecting wiih aieantahlp hbro, fu* Vera Crua. J t.MKs E. H'aHU A CO.. Il:i Wall >u o LD DOMINION STE tMSIllP COMPANY, calling from pier 117 North IMvitr. lor NORFOLK. < II V POINT and IlICltMOND, TUB*. DAYS, TIIUKSDAYS AND SATCi.DAYS at 3 P. M . con nectltiK with thn Virginia and Tennoaaee Air Line, Atlantla Coa?t Line. Piedmont Air Line, Cheaapeakn and Ohio ICall road. s aboaid Air Line and with the company'* (team liu? to Inlerlor porta In North Carolina aii'l Virginia. NKWHBKN and WASIIINOTO.N. N. C. (via Norfolk), every TUKBDAY, TIIUltsuAV and SATURDAY. LKWES, Del., MONDAY and Til U RsDAY, at 3 P.M.. connectlni; with Ilia Maryland an'l Oelaware railroads, aad lor Ith lloHO I'll HEACII and OCP.AN J ITT. I'anaeneer acrommndailona anvtirpaaaod. Through paaaenger tickets and blila ol lading to all polnta at lowest ratea. Itiauranco lor .Nttrfola. A?., at t-^ per cont. Kre.gbtii received dally at pier 37 North Klver. Oeneral oflQerNu. W7 umawlea H. N. L MoCRBaDY, Presldiat L^LOrtlOA DlRiiCT.?aThAMBHS i.E.VV K PIKti r East River, every Krldav, at 3 P. M., lor Kernandlna, Kla., touching at Brun?wlek and Port Koyal. Meuiwi CITY OK DALLAS, lllnee. will aail April lit, 'I hrotl^li frelgltta and uaaaage rali a given to all points la the South and South?re*t by I!, II. MALLt>RV A CO., Ag"tita. l.i.'l Msl'ian lane, and tickets told by COOK, SON A JENKINH, 301 Broadway. _________ \T ISIAU. " N.? P.. -ST. JA<76 AND CIK.NPUKOOa, il I u >a. ?Steam alt I p C A 'ION I > I*. LB I. Saturdar. tlavll. at 3 P. M. MURRAY, i hKRIS A t:o.. Snath at. THAVKLIiKItS' UlIIDK. AISkbAf KKUCCTIU.S uV PaKa ? by til* PEOPLE** KV.Mm, LINK 8TEa*KRS for Albany rnunertlnlr wltn KXI'KKtiS TltllSS for HAR* ATOt.A. LAKH i.HORU*. MoNTttl AL AMI (J I? E H r. O, Mini all point* N < > It I 11 liy Delawarn and llatuon, and H l.hT by N?? Yurk Central rallma.i*. riltrtT CI. And KAKK, *1: IlKCK. SOO. EXCIfR-MN IICKKTrf T'i ALHa>Y AM? RKllTKN. <1 sa LEAVE I'lKR 41. foot <>l Caual at., at 0 1*. Jl. DAIf.T, Sunltitr* eIt'eplCd. Ill lilHUII IICKKTS wM and bairjcax* cheekad at WV?t rim hxpre** alBcaa, :i Park pine*, Kt ami '.?4J Hroadway. New \or*;:tll v\ a*inn^-toii tl. Hrooklyn ; 107 Immmmi/ IL, JirMV iMfi 7) Knullk at*. Williaiii?huri; nt uflu - of tin' llrn.iklyn tnnam. Jewell'* Wliarl. a.lj Inlnc Pulton Irrr;, Hrookljn ; at l'?"k *To?rl?i nlflw. ?1?l Rr-'A<lwaf, firm York; nt ??11 me principal and ticket olHrm; jki tli? ofllre <>n pier <1 No-tb lUrer. and on board iteanier*. PAHMfcNofclM KROM AMI ro HIUl' 'KLYN THAN* O.UKKil KHKK HY THE HO a Tit ur TliK HKOOKI.lN ANNEX. A L?ANY~RO?YS I'lMUrt-RSROMAMTi* KXi-ki-sm A Li ii? ? CUtrant ?te<mer. WALThK MRRTT ..r NEW <;IIA H I'tON will leave daily. Ha ardaya excepted, lor Al nan/, for ua<Mni(?r> aod Ir Ulit. whlcn will ba lower th?n by anr othar line. Irotn l.'ana. *w, .Norm Hirer, at ?( I*. M.. making cln.a connection with a I iriiM north mid writ. Meal* .rticaala. A.I*. Rl.AtIK Minerlm-mlnu. Boston pare iuTnnfiKri via Pall riyhr i.lne : $'l to H -1.>ri : axcnralnn ticket". f."i; magnificent ?learner* HKIsrnl. and PKOYlUENCH le??? pier M Nori i lllror dally (Sunday* Jma'.M in naptenihar Hi, al l IV M.; full nirhi'a real. Iifa morning train* from I all Klrer in Hnaton. ticket* tnr *al* at all principal ticket ??cm Brooklyn ptuoiKnrt transferred (r>a by "Annex" boat*. Iea? ti/ loot of Pnlton at. at 4:Kl P. M. B~ oat pVh uAtsKibu tTuyteaajht and inter meHale landing* will learn pier ;M. IIarrlHD at. Norm Hirer, daily, hundar* excepted, at 9 I' X. tMTIZBH!*' LIN KfKO YtiTK aMHifllT?i . llR a I KKOUC Aion In far* Kirat naa*. fl. hkfliiralon. fl V). Derk, rm cant*. Sure connection* with morning tram* lor all point* North, Ka-l *nd Wfaat M acnlhcent *t*ame.* MA fit* Mi l A and <;ITY OK r HO Y l"*r ? itaiir. nxcepi Saturday, at ti I". M. frntri pier 4tl V.rth Btftf. look l<erojr at. Bior n inwalk lti?b?da^bFrtT'daiXy! "? Hta*mer AMKItlct ? laare* llrooklyn (Jewell'* Po*k) Hi P. M. ; Pier No 87 F.aat Hirer, a lift P. M. and :?d *W, Ml* M.. wwimlM wlili li.iabary and Naw llavca Hall road*. Itednced fare, Ii"V renfll KZOVkKIUN rii KhU. ."HI OHNT* K. lilJCKO K A UK! f l TU RIHTOI ! EXt.TEMKlN THIKKTs, M I II K <11.11 i: l.i.1 Alll.i, HrilNlMITON LIME KfIR RO? T<l?. Not atrip ffllaMd In ?erari rouaaeatim yittr? Meamer* la am p|*r tt 1. H., M nt Jar at., *t ?"> P. M Hieaml.oatexpra** train leave* Htniilnct" i at 4:^i A I'rortdi-in e linn ifrelsh*. only I ?teamera Irian tiler at North Klver, loot of Warren at., at S I'. H. ... - . i . ^ KUVKMOim. IpXCtRrtlON " HOArrt ANIl IIROYEH."?f.TK \ M C K t Jin-neral r-edtwiek anil K'.rl l*o. liar?e* < aie.lonla, Ita-w put III and Anna. K*r?lalor I'ara, orient*1. Kariian Haa-t?. I'..Id Hprinv, l?na laland and iloinmlila lirova* N. >. IIRIHiiK. 1IM \Ve*t *t . oppoalta i lirl*topher alrwat f?rrr. ? L'nit r Xt l llnlONS -H\I.O(iN sTKAMI'.R J II. r r?< lll'YI.KH; rapacity S.nM people; narge* St. Nlrlio laa, Koi>?rta ?nd other*; <icrt<lenlal lirova. on the l!ud*on, and nthara. MAItTlN A KA.skKLU llu Hoiitn at. i ape* Knndav 1 fU#T"orrli!M mitio.. 1>|IST ???ru K HotlCIt X Tlie Koremn Mail* lor the weak ?ndlne Satarday. April at I, will rlo?* at till* alflre an tVedneadar. at I P. M., for K?ro|M9 ur Rtrafmhip Alic^ri?%. *!? ; eof* ffR|M?i??l-riC'* f??r Krinff* l? !?? l?r#i%r l#?! r?jr thi? miui !??? ip dull? HdM III* M. for ?<!? r* ?i? t?r iivitfltfelf PiNirt vin llnvr#.?n t ni A 4. M,. fiir KiirofM- l*\ AdrlmU% vin (lorrr^p ?mlitiit? for 0?rtn?nv *r*U t-rmtr* to l-f fir??r|i4 b> tln? iMAinir mu?i Im ?f?"cUlly iwlif??%?ki?, Ami m I'J ,tl? l??r Knr?>|i?. iiv ?tt*A vii fit I'tjiifiui, Ami ll?fliniir?r$ (ill A HI u fit A jr, AI 4:3"A M. tor K??ro|i?.i#f ?tCKr .hipCitr nf Ynm, ?!? Qni#n?irtwii (tnffvtp w #n<# i?r (Hrmifijr und rkdllimi i?? l?rw*r?lni| l?f iliU tltMcr niM?l h? ?p? rml jr ?iltlr??f<ll. W<l ?t 5 A M . f?#f hprt'luinl rtlrurt by M?*fttfthlp f?% (H%l(rot, *i?4 m U :#?' *1.. Im f* tiro|?*-. by ?IP?ln*nl|? Mt??*l. fl% .HiHitltNiiiptmt ttnd Mrpm^ii Ihi? ?? iillr UMl I'Hy ?l K?rk d?? n?4 l*H? innlU f?.r U- i-in ?r-*, *??*! Norway Tti# tnii'i f*?r N???r York a|i'ii I'i Iht? m?tl? Irr Miiin*nll hiui .^omit I'nr-tti |?rii l#*fi> Mt Ivfl Aitrftl 2<* Hi? jtmU tor < * i?t J mpit'? U?rv Ms ???? ???? Mny S. Tm milu l?r A?nir?* lin. Jkr.t l?-aro Han fmn i"f?* Mm 13. rNflHAH U J VMR*. roftm \ni?r. Tost Orrtct, Nbw York, April 13, ihjh.