Newspaper Page Text
CITY REAL. BSTAT& Wa ?\LB. - OntHl. A SSOBTVENT CHOICE DKKLUMUZS. 44. 46. 00 J\'>Till. near Madisnu ; IS. 31, 2"> f?et. Apply on Dreraises. Owners. Ul'IKilN Jt CBOSmMAN. AkMmM. tH K<tt 41?i "i BARGAIN, IMMKUIXiK SoHSBbKtON?4 LaiuTk XYthree story hi?'h at?op House on Lexington av.. near Will at.; a reasonable odor wanted. .1 AM En II. i l)WAlU?S. 107 Win 2Hd ?t. a ?tiTk mJp5kmlv uhtu>katku an d fum~ .tiislinl tall >1*0 Dwellinir No 2 W?at >*>lil st for anie at a rtir low pries : u l'uim! opportunity to bay nn exceed ingly woll located Rest teoce. aiMonirn full ay.. frescoed and famished in eiqaislte st vie by A arcott*; permits at 4 Pine. 33 East 17th si. audOOl 5th a v. Y. K. SIM YF.NSON. Jr. "I BARGAIN?CHEAP A 8T F i~V h 8TOHY "Tr.Nf. M ENT y\in New YarkitiMllt lull lot; only OUU T. OLIVER CilCrKK. 30 Nassau, room 11. F~ob kalk-ykky uAv TO close an K STAT if, Not. 40 nod .*il West ">7tli at. the Une?t block Id the eitv, two matuitt"ent Homes ; 25 leet Iroiit, K1 feci doep. finest cabinet ttn.ah, mirrors, rual bronse hiirdwars, 6c. t p utubini: and aralnaie perfect; built in uio-t sulisla.itial manner tinker superintendence at 1>. AJ. Jardiue, archi tect*. Apply on premises. Opto on Stinoat?. b~ M)K A15 AT A ISARttA IN-?WASHINMTON 1 place, near Hrondwsy. Apply to (iEXIO C. SCOlT, til5 Broadway, or HOMhlt JIOKti\.\. 2 1'in ?t. Ii*OK SALE PANIC PElUe7kLhl/ANTI^f FKEsCuED full sited brown tius? lions.?, furnished or uniurmahed; 45ih si.. near 5th ht. AlAKTIN DUNN. 1TH Broauway. POK sA1, E-.VifTTST7. Bf.lWBfN MADISON AND <? - h avs.. lour splendid rnbinat Inlibrd lour story brown atone Houses, NOS. .'p. S3, 37. 39; price, $2fi.0l*?. TH CONSTANTLY INCREASING CIKGWLaTION OK THE EVENING ThLliORAM OFFKRS FACIL ITIES TO BU.Hl.SKS.> MEN TO BKl.W THElii 0?>uiiN TO Pl'HUC NOTICE BY ADVK IiTlhl.* O IN ITS COLUMNS. AT 20G. A LN f. UNK O0AL.L.KD BY ALL THE OT11KR EVK.NINO PA PER* COMBINE!". THE CIRCULATION OK THE EVENING TELE GRAM LAST WEEK WAS: Monday 4ti 4<? Thursday 45,000 - ADVERTISING. 300 A i.lSK. Tuesday .... 45,4110 Friday 54.400 ADVfc RTI8INit, 30C. A LINE. Wednesday... 44.'i.Vi Suturday 47,61X) ADVh ItTI SI NO 300. A LINK, Total * 283. If.0 ADVKrtTlSING 2w;. A LINK. Pally average 47 IIH BKFOKE ALL NEW VoKK". 1 111 W K8T 57TII ST.-HANDSOMH NBw FULL X vb*/'Iccd lour >tory brown tioue; this i? an opportunli v to procur.1, nt an exirnordlnury low prico. one oi the mo*t eli-cant mill woll Ituilt houxea in the city, lot in rear for ?table if desired. Apply on pre(iili>es AO, WW! THKEK STOKY IUKiHN sTONh. NKAIt iPC.'/Ul/..)!!! av. nuil Moutit Morris I'ark , Cl.OPUO'tah, buliiDce >ix per cent mortcnxe. S. D. M Al'K, 3d av. <511 IIITTrTfTk fTbst" class iifiTka story t|)l.X?vJUv/oriclc House on 3Hth si., near Kroadway. MINr. A UKAY. I.Broitaw.iy. dftl I onn ?ONLY #L'.(KJU TO ^.lOi) c:ASil KE tpX i . UU .qnlren fnr 22 loot Iront t hree a story brown ktouo llouNijon Lexintfton av., below 7StUat.* pu>Sf?Moii ImmrdUlely; rapid triin?lt Nov ). Call at ouce. J. GfcK i UU. i-Mrnir 7Nth -t. ami LnlMtW ?v. <2?on ntlO AN klkoakt cabinet rficl ?p^V/.'/\H/ish>-d four story brown ?t.>na corner House ou Madison av. Particulars !' 17 Madison av. East Mile. A -8XX FULL LOT* ON 71 ST ST., NEAR 3D AV.? jfV?re?:iy for Improveiueut; price (9,900 each. L. J. CAKPENThK,33Bd nv. (Hlhle House). A -TO LET?HIE CIIKAPhsT. HaNDSOMEsT .ND it .hent located unw three story brown stone tlouse lu liarlem, l-.a?t 12t>tn Ht.; three blorka In m thn e sinti na rapiu transit and sti'ainb -ats, ftKKI; nUo brick llonsei SQtlK unu corner FUis, s rooms, sfjo to fMo per month, ail luiprovemenis. OV\NhU. 201 Kiist 126ib at. saw 3D av. sTi7i!7. ro lkt. with plate L'la-s wimlowe. near 12Hth St.: best ou the kvenue, clmiip; also l lau and curnor Basement. Apply 201 l-.usi 11.1'.ill >t. Fu|T" >^Lr.-A RAKE CHANiCE.?SbVE.N KlirsT clu-s slorr brown stono frocta. situate on 1^ xiiik tou av., 47th Nt.. each 20X&&Z100; new uud woll built; bnlalied lu hard wood : priro low ; terms easy. IlAVilt DE VENNY. 130 I'.ast 47th st. ij-Q :(|[| O.UY FOB A 20 FOOT FRONT THREE ?P?7?* M'Ustory hi({h sloop brown atone Dwoilini; ou 2d ??? , near AOUt at.; a bargain. O. li. BENNLT, 311 husi With at,, or 111 Broadway . room B. <j?l' 1 (inn FTm" uooo paying sroith and <PXL*v/UlyDwolliiiK, on 2d uv. lll.M-. ,v liRAY, 1,295 Broadway. V\ est Side ABARKAIN-CORNFR LOIS ON ft8TH AND 5?TH sts. and Oth av.,oppo>lle )? Icyated Railroad station; also Lots on ftftth st , near Sili nv. it. 1KUKR. 184 3d ay. fjlOR SALi-.?TWO l~(CIMI'HOVKD LOTS IN CHRtH. X lopher at. Inquire ot J. DEL RISCO, M. D., 113 East MHIi at. SALr. JnEAP, AND ON EASY TEKMs?SIX, Lois. 2 ixluOeacli, oil Ilia north aids ol LtTlli st . 1(X) 'eel west el litti av. Apply to N. yU ACK KM 1IOS, Conusellor at-law 7 Warren sr. L'OK SALh ? L UANTLY KKKnCOED BROWN r stone House, porlect order; all Improveinents, Iriciudlri^ tbree aplendiu mirrors anu two cas grates; at a bargain; possession. Apply ItiH Wes: 47th at. *1 ftn<*#*ii ii ueouft. INVESTMENT ?BRICK IIOC.sK; RtiKTS $700; PRICK ,0.0(11); Id 65th si.; term* easy. in ft: 111. IT. 2 New Chambers st. \i; atkkkkdnt Tokkclosujuk .salk-vv7 dn i%>? M liny. April 17, at 12 o'clock, will bo told at public KU' tion, th? vftluablo V* nterfront. 2<M)x202 loet. also half the Canal belonirtn/ to it, in ncltwiUnabtri'a Hotel S><lr?. ro<?niN. Hunter 's Point, i 0ii? Inland, two blocks front ?34lli M. lor fy or J Allien1 slip. HKOOKLVN PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO LET. . u v txku&v aU loRfr xfYCTki JO Firat Nttlooil ttftttk, Brooklyn, X. Y. 4IK lALB-UM BKDrOKD AY., IUV? KULL LOT.-; Nino two House*. bri wn stone front*, with mojrru in> ivrovement* Inquire of owno*\ G. P. MITCHELL, No'. 10 Wrtrerley pIac?. mo li t-'all ok p \kt~k a thkek ""sTokTy i. brick House, all improvement*, near ferric* in Brook lyn : will be let furnished II denired. Apply at 212 Broad way, ro?nn II, New York. UESTCHKSTKH tOUVTl PHOPfcHTK FOR SALE AND TO RENT. A" f YONKERS. ON KW'ADWaY. ' HOL'M AND TWO acre*; pl-niv of fruit, garden, stable. Ac. ; rent renson nh a. Addles VoL'M \N8, Ajr^nt, Yon ken*. IVftRDALK, Ufc Tfl,. ll t L?bON UN h HOlli KiiOM Wall St.. Country S?-at to rent; hou?o large. furnished or not; on Ui^b ground. near depot; large ground*: line river riew. TllOMAS N. ?'L'THBERT, 46 Cortlanui st. To LET?AT YONKr.RS. A 0?It;K Mot*ShTlO ROOMS, hot and cold water, bathroom, stable, three acre*: 0* o location, on ink i ground; garden, iruit ami niiade trees. Apoly to IHOU.nE, 4<'AKKOl?L x CO., 5s While si., N. V, TH) rent?in wbSt</Iii* stb r county. 25 jmilrb from city, Half of ? doubl ? House. lurnodi?*<l; fioma. cow. wegon*; 1J acres Una; plenty fruit; rent,$27u. Inquire 7*4 Na sati st. "XT O\ KKKs7?Tl) t'.t iT A Kl RNIVhKD HOOK. WjTi! X all of the imprnv emcnts; a *o a limine with 7 acres of land, with ail kiuds ol fruit; on mile fiom deoot. 0 A. BILLS. PlN *t. JKHSKY cm. IIOIIOK K V HtDSOBf A.\U BKRGBR KKAL. BMTATK. Kor Salt1. * ?BAKOAIN IN lioBOKi-N, -V J.. KOK S\I.K? ^litna three atory mid tuMeiTQRt trick M"Ua? HIH Hi -om* fli'id: modern iiitprnremi-nta ; In uood order; term* to suit. Anpu al ^n7 ?.lilii?|on el . New Vurk PEOPBBT1 OUT OK T1IB CITY FOR MALB OR TO RBWT. TOUAMirt, N . T. KOlt Ski.h, IOITADK KhrfT. dotice. on lilcb "V , n'm t"*ik ?v. . Iim nil mi?l"rn Im {iruveni iitu; hit nail lull) *ltei, (M. i?-?n:rn< kltelna. rn<iK?, .tuliuDnry tuba, inrJcr, mill rvllnrii, tour pantrlex. Ktr,t l!o?ir?> pur or. bnjr wind.iw. illuinit rontu. btt* lrr'? p?ntr>, ilumti wmirr, rloacia. Hvcond floor?Thr?i . bedroom*, tin., m ??t?. b* lb room, wt-- r iliwet. Iblr<l floor?Three liedrtK.mii, tank room. t*'ree rlonettt, IMol 7*1 lect Ami. -i'i- Ihi i!*ep. Inrlwlhf ? > loot ?ii',y. an which W> roarhhon^e. amlrlt; the InentTon la ore ol the nest in Urtnir. Iltvlt: the :notmtnln in Inll view; l."? mlnnt^N' w .in tn |ji""iljr r?r?, lunr n>ln<ite< to home e*r*. . lulit n>lnnte?' walk to ilepot lor New \ork; tH tralna ititlljr no tvreen New Vork ami urniire (4 ? minuteai. price heirra^h: alnnee morlK.iire (II Oolred). Vpt>l\ to !'.!> WAItU P II A "ill.TO.V :i<? I'lu-?t , .New t'ork. T A JIAKUAlN, BI T UIII.K i'A.?ll, MaI^ANOK mort{*<*. for * (rilmMt Omntry K. ?lilen< e on listen laianu. ronoenleut touepot; well irmterl. uml ai iind.nce of nri?pe? F?r puriirglmi nikirtii IIKAKV XOKltllt, link 12" Herald offtre. .No ftrokera. \ T~ UXtBKrH. '?>. .1 -i .v<> tluUir.M. H nOO** r aeh all mo.iern lm;iroT"Uientc lonr in Inn tea freu depot i i?nt <!**? per reiic. N t IIAAK k fH.AKBV, npp..,lte ilepot. At MARATo'tA?t;t U'?u>l CIJIlAa^, MKAIt I't.X ltre? fan., to rut lor PJH) the Mknui or >*>r. Ail irm ->aKaTi (?A. 341 "ith AT A"~ N K MANSION, iiANbHOMlTLY fUHl* IHIIKO. on uroimit ten nil.ea from New TnI fmllllttl <0 ?< rea. nek lawn, aonn<i?nce of Iruit. boraea. niwi, ehtrkoni., pheetou, wagon Ac fhwrtMl he ?een at IX c.aat WMh* lu-tnn i-lac". W|,I let to or Hoard the rlkhl p irilr.a. J; h"niTrt<i\ii. ruifa*Tk aFT,aiicTt"mT?7?tTpab? Liiallr larnl.bedi rent m elTrtke. Al?n nao at Kurt aaiilncioa.eomnla'ol* turm-hed. ?. H. PHCK.H Weak U.-illi at. A IIAMI?I?HK I' vKM |(?i ACl.K-, Bl.MiKN ^VfiontT. J. ; I" mil"* from eilr; near itefot; Inr *ala Juw. f. Ul.lVhK tlAKi Kit. :W .Naaaan, riHim II. CiottaoTS hank- mk rttK iii unon 10 kkvi ? /At Kfli^iwatar, it > minalck liom t'anal at . tw. Cell partly luiuitbeil. ain.i i a Ie lioux-, aallatila Inr ait rn nt r ?oarafr>; rerr inodaiete to raltania kaaanta. J . >1 K.H rKlt'K. -"Oil 11nd>oa *t. CTI CBTitt" Vfh AT * - n UN I f ll hl? AND U!iri>KBIt>!! /eiJ, ii!i?r till" ntj <>n lh? HBilaon m l ruinlty T. >. CI..\ltK>t)N A Cu.v 1411 llri.Mdwaf. Y\K.tIltAHI.h i;??l TaIiIC. I IIKVKMKM K-. l?Alil)K~, J J kn ; train* hall Hourly; near depwt, ^ittatilaic; b??t iiicatliiii : rant low. OWftKR ll.. 'lejalil ofllre. OTrfTiir" piuTFkbtv "FThT rai.k hik \p-at J; Itellerllla. N. J., aimltl II l.i k* ol I md, wlib a ilortbln w lrain<- llouae in.I a bnrk rt#op. Imir.eillataly on the MorrU (;ntial. Inr fi.'iOK 1' quire .1. dOrKiKa, No. II Weat .tiikii Mi, Ne? York. IjVtKM* ruit MALK?WITH HL'ILl?lNH? JD Ai KRs, e juice $1"; HIK": I'*' *ere?. >.',(?|ii. a Ian Hi Lota In rilinire. rtew al the *onn<l: tina awlldlnx*, lt?i? ?nd tltade , two h?nra' rule: tai ma *t>ry e lay. A. I.AMIIKHT, Hoiibotikotnn, l.onr M'and. 1MI iAIafc?At *UHmSfUwJ?. .V T. Vr.nT l/?W, J term* ' aay. One lt"?lr!enee; wriktlon nn'itrpaaaed; 0tfi,iaNt. Afl'iri***, i?WNKK. no* 4rt.'i Morrlatown, N, J, fioK kalk?a wkbii *Ttm;kkT? kahm I7k ?m ' ,.ere?, ta "tlemllil coiidlHoii, with |iiatlli>iitl*i re,tdcnci.. Aildreaa'.l MOKr.llK. :i? ?Hh a*. f fHtHt ar At;HkN. i^K mii.k uk x depot, hn'iiei Vila. N. J.. *"'id l|ita?e*.all Vln.l* ol Tfrnlt i.ront il?. and Incatten ?|?I. niiiil; prun t,.,i?*l, la I requlr-d. A-lilre*? M., k?* 1.41(1 rnat MNi of II H|..|>? Mti>, lioinervlllO. llkift halb-"hXtbn.-Trl"?i,>t "qUAKii* or ii J aer'-a. et Plurli Hottom l.aut uter ??Maty. P?.; al o r?Ctorj, l?ri. titent llmiae-. Af ; all In koihI woralng oilier; water ami rallr.ail d inninni'iili"ii ka all imhiiI?, m? term*, at an ai ?a?ri#re. KarlicalaM apply J. f. JACk B?iN. V:*t Wnlnat at., PbllxtalphlA _ iibi nai.k ??? to BkM-noMh.-ri-.Ao ??? Tini r lake .lainra ?? Mall a l?r?a IxMlle iM tfolkiee, parti\ lor utahed wltn barn*. rarfla?0 hoii*?"; in ..cri ? of land alt teltdioK I" the rl?er, with BfrdeBi all It.n t* jjMrnlt ead noeer latllec .prlniia at wator. Ia<|nlre I lll-.Br. h. (O'IKH. kft id (t, Me* Vor?. or bo* ^U, Cornwall in tho llniHon. wliora pr >|??rky It ?lt??t)d. N. PKOPKRTY OIT OP THI CITY FOR S.VLG OU TO HENT. SALE O.. fTTI. E\f?AT HUH l Go*er??r UndrewooJ's Kesidunce: Imiiitoiini Grounds, four Hcrei ol laud; Dtif view*. 0. II. BLOUGETI, Guar dian ' 7SiAND OPFORI'l'slTY.-SCIRii rn.N. I osx.. nkak VTSiaiutord' deep water shore Iron!: lar,sc. Mtrii-li. sub stantial dw lllng and ontbu|ldlnt:s; : 11 acre* rhoic< y land; acres > I |i?*r>.|irapc>. A>-. ; maunihcent location; hull inlla Iroui depot: for taie: will be will tt ?lcll?a *i|lu<UI ?? ?civ*. April 1*. ?t Si o'cli-ck; a first claaa r**ldeuee lur Any <>lie; known ii' W llll .tu A. CuinmlnK's Property, ilivcall uate. IIUHII..UI) Park rovr. laiuford. Conn. /1 cod land k<>r sai.k. $?? pek acre. on i41 x \ lime. In farnitrs. gamenera Hnd 'arm laborers troin (lit* old country; iiuprov-d Karma also tur sale nt from #l <?*? 10 #2,mn. ,>pp.y to J. B. PAGE. 102 Park place, >?? Vork. VTTmsoN. N. J.-TO UKNT, KOR THE HUMMhK', iYJ fur il?heil House, II rooms lutlbroom. laundry, plana*, enclosed witli viliM. situation high, healthy; il<? pretty; pleasant itroauds, fruit; luru ii desired; live uiii utu?' walk front'lepot. Audre>a, care 0. C. BkA.MAN. Jr., Muat? Zemins Building Kw BRIGHTON.?V VKMdtlfcD A SO ~~FnFlTIi ulshed, beautiful Collate* elegant Mansions; rent, mU exchauge. W. A. COLLINS, 2tf Pine at, I< KUSKA LAND FOB UAlsK? lO.OOO AUKkfc 111 one ftaet. suitable lor a colony. near two railroad*; til " perfect: Butler comity, 5,0U> Inhabitants. K. S. 11 llf LE.V :#J?? Wnluut. Philadelphia. N\ tC K ?CO IT All E.SI-. VEN KOOMS, NEAR DEPOT and Post office ; river view ; fruit and Kiinde rent f?>0 y,?-. CONDICT, 149 Broadway. Of:It SUBURBAN II0.VIE8, NKAK CIlY. AK KuLD uy inatjliuetita same price as all cash; investigation so licited. GILBERT SMITH A CO., 2BI Broadway. OKiXlif, MOUNTAIN HANDSOME RKS~iDENOIl. Iiacres, ?4..r>Ol>: rent. $3<J0. Small old-fashioned Cot tuce. livo ncrea, $<jO year, advauto. COUNTRY, Herald office. QTa VI KuKU.-l W HTl SKLL, 10 l.OoM (iENThRL OCutlaie and Cur(la^e llonae, with finely fruited and ati.Liln Iait, lOininiuea from detiot. located on .Main at., beloiiuini; to Kben Lawrrme, Ktq., at auction, April IH, at 2 o'clock, nn the nremlara. without reaerre. A bargain tor aorae one. Better in veall^aie before axle. IICHKAKD, 1'iirkrow, Stamford, Conn. I'MMEK AND WINTKIt KtSOKT~tXi-'HANiiE, 7:i.'? Hroailway. Mtmmer 1'otela. Boardlui; Mouaea and I'ieicant Keaiilencea to rent, lurnlahed and nnlurnialied, at mountain, apririca, aea ahore and rural retruata. ilAsUKOL'CK A LAKE. rpo LET. KIJ11 NISIIED?AT LITTLE SILVER, N. J. JL (uenr l<on< Branch and Seabrljrht), Uonae of )(> ronma, with atable; ltl uilnutua from depot: lumiture and tvery tIii 11 a; new and in perlect order; price, $450. Addreaa S., box 1,77:1 l'oat oOico. rpo LET?AT FiVAIS FlELDpil FofSES, 14 KUOMs irn -h; 1 llouae. lo rooina, furuiahed. Addreaa EVaN Ji XES. PlalnUeld, N. J. frO LET. FLTIt.MSHELl-AT ISLIK. LONG iMLAKD^ J Cottnuea. with ice una stabiea. JOnHSON ,t I'OK I'r.K, 1,298 Broadway. TO LET?To" rill VAT,; Kami LV. COUNTRY REsf dence. with urounda. stables, 4c., on Manhaaaet hay, 1.. P ; ahort illatunce trom Great .Neck depot aud ?teaml>'>at landinv. I'liotograph at ollico. 15. A O. MYERS, 10 Beck ?can at. rivi AT 1 L1ZABETH. K. J. -AX ELEGANT lace on North Kroic) at ; three ucrsa, plenty Irult, ata ble; also rmnller Places nt low prices. CrCAXE ii GL >hBV. opposite the depot. rFT 1,kt. ko,. sai.e or hx c TTan <; K - C< 1U NT It V I Uealdence. lilrniahed, aultanle fur l.oardera; 4'licluutes lioiu New York, plenty ol ahade. boating and n?hinK; tree and Clear. MILLS. 1.212 Bioadway. r llii LET-KUK N'lS. 1 ED iloUSE.-TlTTtOOMS; CON. J venieuces; acres; Irult, riinde. iDrlnir water, exten aive views, h> Ice house, stable, henn-ry, hnrae. c?iw; 17 tnilra. New J<-raey. CEhaRS lleralil office. TO LET, KL,K.nTsHKD-DE^IKABLK~SUMHBR KES loence, ont hour from eltr: nine rooms: Ionr acres; alntde and Iruit 111 abundance: carrlsice liouae, Ac. Au dresa 1> x H4"> l'oat office, Rahwsy. N. J. rpo ;LET?ON I'H.rITayTbAVt7.NNE~~ilOU>E, NINE 1 itiwm?, rent Inquire Mrs. ELLSM OilTH, or I'enple't Insursnee Company, lt>8 KrnaUway, TO LET?AT MO.V#CLAlK, N. J.. A BE \LT1FCL Cottage, 10 rooms: abundant fruit aud shade tr. e?, vinevard, Ac. ; 4U acres; rent moderate; luimenlate pos sesalou Gi-.U. W . DOI4U, Greenwich ?t. New Vork. rpo L A I'lacu rpo LET KURN1SIIKI) DA'ELLIN (I HOUSE. KRL'IT 1 and veiretable car He u. Ice house, lawns trout lake and hoi ta, south side Lonu Island. 25 miles from New > or? ; tL.e flahlmc and ^unninK: hot at.d cold water and all con veiiiencea ol'cltv house; $4<X> (or seaaon. Address It. .M. STKA I'TOX, 107 ("lillton at., Brooklyn. rpo RENT? BV YE tR Olt MONTH. HANDsOME COUN? J. trv Seat, adjacent to Jerome Park, HO minutes Irom city ; larue double tlouae, ltl rooms; barns, atables. Ac.; three atrea, woll wooiea; kitchen garden; atuiiidniic* of fruit trees. Apply to JOHNES A lllLLHOUhE, 100 l*ultoii at, 12. riM) RENT FURNISH. D.-LONG BRANCH?KESI J. dence of the lute Edwin Adama lor auminer; 11 roor.ia; slab In.' lor Uco horses; ice house, billiard room, Ac. Addrn.sMra 1.1MV1N ADA iIS, Post office box 73. Lon^ Branch. Tr It NT?Kok SIX MONTHS OR A YEAR. AT Sl/M. mil, N. J., near uenot, luruished House, ten rooms: one acre 1. garden ; fruit, amide au I lawn : within one hour of citv lioiu liart'iay or Christopher st. terries. AddreseaUM MIT. box 7H5 l' office. Now Ycrk. W/oodside, n. .iT (EiGiiril"ward ok newahK), If aa 1- or rent, or lurnisbed, t'ottaRe, nine rooms,7*>x210; rent M il D. D. nKKi.LL. 2I<1 Bioadway. d.7: IO $1..VS) PEit Aft RE KOR sT.VKKAL GOOD <]p*jKurma. Iltt'e casu and leu years' credit, near depot, r.v<Sr and cltv. Address OWNER. Petersburg, Va. LEXINGTON AV. TO LET oil LEASE, FIIOM 4uO'.*May I. complatnlv and elegantly furnished. Apply by letfr to D. W. LEE, South Orarire. h. J. |-|| -I'.A-ilAh: PKKM'.C iI.TTTlE OEM; COT - '?J\'.ia?e, Hvi' rooms bandaome warden; near depot, h Haanethport. N. .1.; t>-rms, $4.r>0 caah. Kr.L1.0GG, Kiondwav. New York ; 151 2d at., Ellsaiiethport $8 UEALi ESTATE TO EXCHANUB. A SMALL SI BUltHA.N 1IOMK IN NKH' JhKiiKy"TO J\ e\rli uifu i?r i liy Home; will par cimii dllTr-nce. J. I). CONDIUT, 14H Hroadway. AT HAHOAlNA?JHK? SUHtftB OWE,,LINUS Foil ??1". leaae or exchange; New York. Brooklyn nad coun try ; prlcea moderate: r#(lM0C<l prliiifil list. J At?OB V. I). \V ?'i Kiii'I .'ii' ("!?? *t.. -'>'2 mill I.'ju7 Broadway. [pUK SAl?K Ult WILL EXCHANGE?KOK kTkST I' morticit.:** or iiood aaenrltlr*. tlir>-? lion sea. paylnir largely: price lornll. S14.IOO. owner irolnif ?" leave the cltv; ilila la a chance not often found. Principal? only a,i ply to owner. 1**8 Wast ~?!*l >t. F~ lOR NALB. ithMT Oit KXOHAVOk? hPLKXVID modern 11 OHM, 14 room", Willi burn and on* sere. Ap ply to W. K. OuKKhLUIR) (iridium at.. rtro. klrti. Stamkoki?.-kx?;iTano <>h *ale. bkat riTIJIjTf eitunted by the Sound. II aersa, 21-room llonae. 1<> room <'o|tai('-: outbulldlnga, atore. *li "IP, trait; equity aiiout $7.(JUO, raor .'itce same. Photographs 1QH Itowery. TO BXI? HAN1IE?sE V K KAL. PIECES t?K IMI'KoVKD Property, iroi#?nd clour anil well rented. for a K?rm ol is i to '.>'><> aer-s, In Duicbfut, Columbia nr Wcitcbeater eountlea; no fancy place. tOMB A li It A Y. MM Hroadway. AC han TO $100,000.WORTH QKAtlEO A.ND UN ).lM feiiruiiiher"d lots lor ?ai? or excliffngii for city or country Property. Address. stating property, ?UTe, llerald MM HEAli ESTATE WAXTE1I, tfUtf^TKV PKOlV i.TV WANTED ? WANTED, A KaKM Ail lOu acres or moru In Cutinectlctil; wait be h irreat bargain and good liind ?ni buildings; prlra not ta escaetf t Jl 1,1 HM > cash. II INI. A GRAY. 1.29A Broadway. 1'wii.i. Muv a o?k)T) "hou-k on~5Tdk"5trket, Iroin 1 H.i??' to if I'J.iKai; ninat I t it bargain. no broker*. m>iiiI tull |iarllcuUr? to KliNOS, box IKi I'ptown Herald, office. E Olt MOKE HOUsEA IN HAKI.KM, ASU .suVIU cash for uood city l?w>-illtiir. II INK ,t OKAY. l.'Jft'i Broadway. 0 WANTED Til I'li Cll Alt! KOlt CA-ll?A UtM'SK if lor about ?I>,CKI0, between -Ith and Oth ???., below .Villi at Address ? . A.. --9 Herald eflice. \\r A \T ~D id i'iEUIIA>E -A f>MAI,l. OUITAi.R. ff eliberln the clt* or country; New Jersey prelerred, bui mnxl M near New Tor* elty; would lite in naya trom oho to "ix acre* ground; wltli satno will trive a $-!,mili bond end inoitit ig" "n propartj nearb>. now dim. In pert pay input. J'losiie adores* PCuCII AS Kit. bus 1KU Herald ogee. ?lt? l,KT KOIl H I) S1JVK1? rt RPOSE 9. BrFi.sfc.fT" hUi.i?1"??. ' "w " corner ol I- ultor an<V Naaaan eta Several oRl? ea in thla balldlnx |? lei III ereatly re I need renta fbe oBtcaa will oe ettered to ault trn <nti. Tlia linl dlnii la heated by ateain, and each offlre haa waaliatnud anil water In It. i wo i'1' Vator* runiiiiii;. No extras Afiplf to JOHN I,. KMKillT. at tlie halidins. T"fiRjal-TirAs.s boabT.I.?<? iioi se it vT Hi ttrii ;\?i.. J4 motna, pmtly larnlshad. .fJ.ia*'. OM'Nhli, 04 Wcat Ultb. Vn.N'E STORK. l"?4? BRoaUW A V, BETWEEN ll'itli and .".'Itb rt*. I alau a Itne. larfe Mere und Kaav hiaat n.">ii liili a*.; roni? re???iniil?; aiao other*. J ABKi* K W aTKKI.OW, rWI (Hh a*. AhTlk-koom ani> i.tors. aDmihaiu.y i i. ,u. o for country trade, iirnr nro iuwm. la' liiK tlml leeorlto report of niprchaiita, Knrlp'a Hotel; rronta on OlMal, Klin nan Walker; northern light; pooerit rti)llrwl; terma low. .1. II, HKCK, Jr., J4Mt.'anal at A T MS Sl> A?..~NR VK 27TII 5t"I-STOI:e" WITH i\ p'atp rlaaa Iront, ault able lor fl rat rlaaa retnll trad#. Appis I" "Ittce "i FINE r OUR 8TO?Y~ HVII,OI Ni7ojTTtKOADWaT, Jxmraei of 47th at., with Sna vaaIta, to lef low IliM. A On AY, l.^'A" Broadway. 1 BKi>t7UBD REN i it?KLfcfi v.vr. THOROUOII tit IllChied and vrntliated offl, ea and ^tudloa. I,'J 17 lltnad way. near Jf*Jd ?t . nl?o 73 D4 75 iHnt II.; Morea, * flioea and entire H'tlldinca .lAt'OII V l> WYt:K if'K, ?'til Pine at ,2-VJ urn] I.UH7 liroaatwuy, (1IIKAK nrOKi H? RENT? fOUH S <?ltY ANTi Unt#' ^l?r; three nr ioiir lilopka from Wall at ; pnaieaai' n now; mher Muraa In tfreat variety. JAMhS PlilDK, 20 i Hud ?en at. DKHIBAmF.'k BKlUOINiiS To" uBBT liOW, OB iiloca ladn j Kaat M., I'plm eny (lip an i Tninpklnt at.. Mree Iront Kaat Klier. alan >taiila and vm'ant l.ol a, II. KHVK, Jr.,21 p ait ai.. before 10 a. I?l , lifter a I' M. | 11KTS* ANI. BA>1M.vNT wiTII I'tiWKl.-flJ QOLO IJa;. near M< einian and Ktilion. n,.pnalt? Ann. o NK ENTliiE KbOOH IN I.A OR HUtl.liINO I] lear of 17, !!? and 'Jl John at., with ateam poaer, I: I! Atfr. III ON A |H n?I?. lit.lohn at. 1>HYI?|t'lAN'rt OR DBNTIia'TB OKI* *Jh Toi.KT 210 #Ht 4.'d at., mar Broiolwar; private Teatlbiil* en*. tratip' . rltiK 'achotd" bell Irom 11 till 4. 1 a v? ok in.NifH7'.r-orri?U To LKT X H'iy I; I'arlora, In Weal >1(1 at., n'-ar I' levated Hall reml . elexant i.reon atone hluh atoop honae. Addreaa P. It MK\KK. Ill and :t:t it alaer at llelereneea e*i hanued, > 111 > n >AIM i.AiIkkv" HT RnN'f?At<L KUH nisbe'i; 4."ai negative! only tlrat cleaa oallery in the piaie Box VJ.I Mlddiftulln. N V. I > 11 > > I ? II; 14 I'll il A I.I.Kk i Ml I.M |,UV, U < dill i at., HnrrlaaHia: lipai stan I in fie plaen II. I*. llRiiBAAF, Hewerv National Bant. Ti-.A>i COW KKi- I. ti.OE AMI r-WAU. elevrttnf; low rents P. W. Wl HON, 2;il Weat s UYI'.AlM BTBaM I'iiW IN ABUNOAIHOK ?WRl.l. I ' i hied Baa Ma. on Ural and upper ll..,r? in i eutre . nd Mm ata ; renta low. O. t. IIAI.i,. la; ini at A\ I'.NfK HiORK, N*AK l-'l> .-T , 2;. KEhf alile, larxn |?' *t'* Kiaaa Ifktil; rent reitnred. TiBl'SOM A I'KKT, I .flllt Hroadwey, near 4th av. Sci,i NfMit M?CATH?N-SIM riiW'Kni itiiiM K irTi av. and Hthat.. second Hoor and Baatmcnt htorua; light, nlijr t rant low. TO LET FOR BVNINKKK H'RPOHEH. O l'LK> DID FLOOiii. 4?'X8; MKAM H ATiXO; U_powr; eievat.-r 154. 158 Waat I9(ll at. I'. J. HAKDV Tiiai Tii i ho a Kb koUkth klookh JTf nils HERALD iit'ILDINi! To l.KT. SUlTvBLK KOH L\W, MASKING. INSURANCE OR ANV LIUiiT BU.-IKK8H HUUP >SKS. A I'PLY IN THIS OOUNTISO ROOM OF TIIK Hr.KALII. TO l.KT?LAKtjlH FACTORY: STKaM PIlWKft. IHiUO llvtt win yard rooiu relit low; will Mil. KEY'NOLIJN. i:?:i Mill st.. Williamsburg. O LttT?THi BAlitkU kOok Of BULL'S HEAD ll?nk. witli fixtures complete ; deaka. flr* and liatK^tr proof ?>ult?, Ac. ; uUo li..?euirul Oflicek. Apply at Ilia bank. I' opertv fur aale rpb LET?F5 VIUM'i loaotlit CVjlUK 1 v'nrurr lioM, for inaiiuiaotiirlo: purpo-e?. printiui;. Ac., litres nun amali Koouia to suit; ?l??m pu*n and hunt. J. T. WILSON, 70 Km tun ik O LET?THE fP LKND1D La HUE CORN it K STORB and Basement: plate tflasa Irout; tiurkure Iroiu loth afreets; north wuat eoruor of 3 I hv. and _0th >1.; first c a*? business stand. AlMMS A SON. 157 !? nut -litn at. , To' I.Ki-SIOKK AND HASKMKNT CORNER OK Bleecaer and M'-rcer sta., with or without (team power. Inquire of LIN DM AN A SONS. up stairi. T~~fT ?A i7a K(iK AND Fl'AiIOUS UKfTcKttY Store nod Ktxiurr*.|\n. HS Divialmi at., comer KldrMcn ; rh- oo?t for bualnea* IP thai psrt't the city ; at pres ent occupied by .Meriitt. Inquire of BENJ A.M1N Al.BKO, 000 Hill av. mi> LKT?WITH POWER. "ToFts, IN I'.vItT OK A whole; well lixhtod ;.reiit cheap. Applr 177 Piinc* at. rpo LKT?FACTOR Y, 56x4O.'~k60R sTORIKK;, BOlfH 1 er and engine (20-horae power): rata, water sanka, cal ender, preaa. drying roJtua, Ac. Inquire oti premiaes, 4>3 Wuat ."lint at. TO lkt HTOKK, FOUR It'.A It ROoMK. 266 WKsT 41 at at., near 8th av. i rent >25. Inquire hoiiackerp.-r. TO let?l-Altlih BAS2MKNT OK~FAOTOoY 241 and 245 West 47th at.; Immediate possession. HL'BSKY A Fr.lZh.K, 3tf2 West 4:id at. TO lkt?TWO FLOORS. 38X45, HUNT *300, for llirbt nianuf icturlng liusiucsa. 27 West 13tn at. T<7 1,KAhK-OK KaVoliABLK~TE*M8. THK EN'l'lKK Kalldtnif, .Not 507, 5(H), 511 Broadway, through to Mercer at., containing three store*, each j">x_'01, uud about I.Vjroouia abovo; mi finally built and nrrauued lor a hotel; at firearm a part of St. Ntcholaa Hotel. Apply to MoR ACii S. ely. No. 22 1*1 no stj To i.KASf i-tii7\i may i-a imep. on thk north Klver. wllh covered ailed and depth ol wutar ? ftlcivnt fur the largest veaaela. Addreas l.ox 4,723 Pnat ofllte TO l.KT?T.i RKK PLOOK8 OVKIt Htil BkOaOWAY, near Union aiiuare; have been occupied lor th? pa?t ten yeara aa a millinery ealubiiahinent. App y to WILLIAM II. .lAOKbON A < 0.,?l Kant 17tnat. l'.Li. LKJ11TKD LO t TjTto RENT. WITH POWER. In the apacloua hulldlni.-* Noa. 20 and 22 l'etl at., near Bowery Apply to S. T. MfcYHlt. l.'i Pine at. DUKLI.IKC' IIOISKS TO LE'l. Piynlaliert. A. COSKY Til RKK STOKY AND RASEMKNT BROWN* ?tone. 17x50. Iinndfoinolv luriiished and In perfect or der: rent moderate. No. 147 Kuat .55tli at. PULLY KURNiKHKD1 lU^T CLAS.i H.OII SIO'iP brown itiiio llouas to let, on 5th nr , near and helow Central 1'ark. west aide; posacMion any time. Audresa box ;i,:??0 I'oaloniee. N i L OANTLY rl It NI ft 11 r. i) IIOL'HK TO LKT?A Lgera : on y to a mnail iirlvato family; 55th at., near 5th W. J. OOLKS. l.un;i Hroadwuy. k A PIIKNIhBEO HOI.fl I UK MOST COMPLKTK Of ?Al-ied. lour atory Ir'.w i atone; Ireacoed; plate kIu>*; awnln^a: llnrarv <1,000 rolutnca), tu private lainily, $liu 440 Weet 47th. ? ______ TTKNTIoN - OI>KL:~KS vTa\TbT? ON HKVKRAL very ileairable llouaea. KASI^ES A POWER. 171 5th a?.,7 Pln?. AH OWN sTONK iHRKR STORT AN'U BASKMKNT hieh aloop Houae to let, furiilahed, near Central l'nrk, lor auinme'r or alx inoniha. Appl.v 1 L'l Kaat 7Hiit at. (3 jftEY sL'PKKBLY pI'ITnIsIIfa) tII RKR"sfOi;Y llonae, :t8th at., near l<exlDctou ay., low tu ainall latn ny. Owner, 4'i2 3d uv. .-UIM-.KKLY FURNISHKD KOOIt ST4)RY BRolVN atone. 22.ftxl*2xlOO; dinlni; room extenalon three ronnia deep; Weat 5?th at., near .'?th av. ; reut ?"i,7<HI. furnUhed. J AC B V. 0. WlOKOKr, !J0 1'lde at., 252 and 1,267 Broa.lway. -4IREAI' BAKGaTnh AT 4 PINK, n:t KA8I' 17TII ??t. ami 061 5?h av. V. K. STKVKNSON, Jr. A ?HRi'.K 8'l O |Ty HOUisK, 102 WK.iT 4TII S?", a fronting (Jfh av ; ten rootna; reut f0.">0; all neccaaury repairs will be dona. KoUlt HTORY HTO.s-S HOUrti . 18 ROOMS, NKAK Filth Hotel; completely furulshed; rem taken partly in board. t'. >. PIM.'lv, 8 Weat 25th at, If lkoantlr kuknihheu hooo,^ i'llku"\vTT7l !i loardera, <l'5i>; unliirnished. (100 and 975 iiioutlt. POOLKY HYATT. 171 5th ar. lkdantly KUKNI8Ht.D POlJIt .-.TOilY UKOWN stone Houae, 45th ?t.?2..VjO. JOih at.. t2,000; othern. J. KDOAH LK TOKAFT, 7' 11 thh nv. f~ U KM 811K D P AI ? T l A I. LY?11ROIV X S I'oN i^ IIOUftK 2U4 Weat 2Ud at.; rent low. oWNBK 251 Weat 23.1 at. CI KaT RKDICIION 1n~kKN h- KUKNISHKIJ A.M). Tnniurnlahed liou-ea WILLIAM C. IIKNDI.1CK. b'lh A CO., 11 East 141 h at. JtT.VT OKK 5T11 A V. - LA K(IE hXnDJ-OME. i XTRA wide and deen Kng lali bnaement House, furnished, lieiii'ht three atorl^a, with dlnmit room e teiikion, three atoriva; apacious parlora. AppL on premiaea 20 i est 50th at.; Elevated station on blocK ; immediate TO LKT KURNI.tIIEO-TO A m.MaLL FaMILY. 120 e?t 42d it. Apply betweeu 11 and 1. Term* reaaoli able. rpo LKT?FUR Ms 11 ED OR UNPURNIsHKD.A THRK8 JL story high atoop brown atrue Houae. ao. 113 Kaat 5IHU at. luqtilre on the prjiniaea E I niurnunru. * FOUR STORY K Mi Lis 11 HARF.JtENT PBtVATK rtllw l "iff, lu flue order, N>i 228 Went 3Stti it . betwoeii 7lh Miid nth iiva., to lei at $I,2ik> per year; very l?w rti t. Apply lo .loll N F. OoYLk. 02 Wall ?*.. or J. itOMAl.NK 11..OWN, 1,2R0 Broadway, ?outheu?i corner 3 Id el. it IKr"iT~VJVRV HKHVVis~ ftToNK, IDXMJ. IIKill atooDcall improvement*; in prleci ordtr. 105th ?t., near tub av. miMRuTLK four kTohv iiocre sr. between fttli and Olb ??? . at ver Idw rent t? ft rnarioii elote private lamily. Addrere I'oat office box 4,.'l3fi ( AT 128 EA-T 1 -fll ST . NE 11 Ii'.VINfj PLaCK.? HanU-omrly luruUhed hwimi, for gentlemen unljr; hot ?nd cold w? rr. TT i77TT<i N~!~7;7iEAP AND l>BiIilABLn HOURBS Wi?t4 id au, u?ur Broadway. 0723, *050. ?l'7Y OtVNBit, ?J>*1 Wot ?to. A-9TH ST., XK.Ut 2l> AV.. KOUR ttTOHY BKICK ? private Hoaat; rent *K'?0. L. J. CaHI'KMKU, 20 .Id nv. (llibla lloua ?)? ?YrIVaTK~HOUrth ON~liniMr., BbTft'fchN srn ?attdtkli aw, for iwellinic or Im-lnr**. L J. C aHPENIKK 2ti3. av. (Bible llonte). FkTTTlist.-okke'rs w antkii o> rev rai, dr. ?Irani* Hone.. RasINEs A POWER, 171 5th a v.. 7 Pine A -ONLY TUE OORNKK HOUSE LEFT OK TUE ?three three atory and ha-?ni"tit amall privute llstce*, Hirthwe>t comer 7Rlh it. and 2d a v ; |<> room a; all im provnneBt* ana In-piendiil order; rent reduced to f.V.0 Apply to J. C. WILsON. 1,417 HI av , or in ttie corner iiouae. Amur thukk story hour* t.? li-.t-425 last 1 _i it 11 at.; ?orn from l<>lo3; rent lo anil good tenant. Jtill.N FOLKY.2 Aator Home. LAHOF. roCB -TOBY ENuLlfOl 11 AS KM I NT, ntilurniahed; Writ Stlth at. : $M'it. J. It KPW.t It OR. 1(17 Wont S.)d at. (* \ TTENTION."?KKNT.s K Dl.tlED.-HOURhS, ALL x\.locuti'>ii? ; printed li?l on npnliciilion. J* OK It In It B A CO.. 72 \V?at .Htb TIIKEK STORY iTTtTlI STOOP HHOWN sTuNK. 211* "ill. >11 til b-iy window, all Improvement*, 441 \V??t 71*1 H.. PWL luM I Fr.i.lil S ?>. .)l M. r. er at. t n.aiu-i koi/r tiTokr hkuv.w IIOI'SB ?n Lexington av., near _">tii at . a to tliree utory for fimil. J. II. rtllKA >llA>,4UI itu av., corner at. AITK ^flO.N, HOU ili H U.NT.'.R^ to LhT. 1MME dlate poaaeMiou. tliat D"r(e< t llomg 33} W'i >t 22d il.i lii?t Irracoeu and palmed; lew x'ta flxtnr>-ii: r ntfl.4<?i. J. K. KDWA..IW, 107 Weil 2i<i at. RTORV lilUtf SHI ii* hKICK iIOLS~ :i:tj #t., near 5?U av.; low rent hi i.HEitT I'Ki'K. 2?W tVe-t .14th at. I T hBOUORD RF..NTS?I#r II sr., N K >7; 2D >.. jYlonr atnrjr bi|li atoop brown mnue, Iminedinte po?ae? ainn, #1,;!U": Irviiii pi f?. near IMtn at., three at rjr a d b-remt-ut Illicit atoop. $I..V*i. Re?* our Hat of laoihiiril an't ililliirnlnlied llonaee reduced renta Ul.VOF.E A CO., 1'iS av., corner 14th at , haok huililhts. A - || UbRlllAlL fill I <T.i V A.\p AltFo ? bi|{li atoop brown ?tone Iront Home No. 'Xt.'t ?'f?t 2i?tli at.: furnace, chandelier* and nil ino'lern Improvement*; pooii Iront and r/ar: In periect or icr ami In ttie vicinity o( tbe r.pi?conal llollei/e. Apnlvtv eatate of It, A t'l/sll M V.N. I 2 .'III ??., 2 'Ul at MNIII Wakd Hi>ChK in i:o<iM<,~oasT~ll^ATEit, balti. Ac., fsiai; nne fl >or retained II dn?tied. IH2 Wav?rley place, foar dimr> north u( llith ?t. SMALI. ll<7irOr47>r ?| ,NKAK 20 avT-modkhn Impmvemenla; ^ood lilnck. W . It. KALI O ?EK A RON, l(*l 4tb a?.. near 12th it. Ai'ii'vriciaK b fliukr ro i.kt ihr Fiihkk sToMT hlRli atoop brown itono ll?>M, located between 4<itli and .'Kith aia.nearOth av.. un urnialie i irxiept nit own Iipnrtuiaiitai. to a desirable party, l?( tiie Hoard o i laieif and wile. Addrea? PtfTRlOlA.". Herald I ptown efTiee. A THuIIRtiHl lUUM BfOOK HUVMk a f$lT a\wide, KlH Weet 4Alli ?t.; rent redureil. TIMl'Ku.N A PK..T, ItA|6 Broadway, near 44tli a?. L^LKo'tN I KtiUR RI'OKV MOl'NIt- ON "iTH AV., 28 J!i.e t wide ; kooii order i reat $;t.r>iai. TIM PRO N A PKKT, 1 ftlO Broadway, near t4tli at. C^KKAI Ba. (iTlNi AT 4 PINh, 3:1 EARf I7TII ST. OBI fttb ar V. K. sTKVI.N-oN. Jr. HAKI.R*-l ETjrKMN MADIRtTS t\n 4111 AVR."? tliree -torv In'li (loop, 2tl?.'itt, brown atone lloa<a|t perfect order; i l*t>K1 KB A CO., I 7 i . aet I J.'i h ?t. HAIILhM.-CONVIlNlfc.NT Ti# TRAINS A.NH HOATr, .I'oaaeant very |owe?t rente. I'OllTKIt .? TO., 17.1 Ka.t I25*h at. ol'RRi TO kTST-IN mil -T., NhtR l?BOAO way -. In lt?th at., near 2d av.. Apply to tl. \\. KoL~-OM, 22 av. A. ?fToTfcli (HaiIVEY riOUKRi. a A n It 4a IlOsLYN J Lplaeo. between .'Id and 4tli ?ta. Furniture at auction to duy. 1\ROK Ftil II RTOKV BltoW.N ?T(I,\kTlTTusR, 32 Jfeet wide, trond order, 4Rih <t., .r?tlt and fliii av?.. $2.tMl ? Tl SI I' ?' S A PKf.T, I,MB llroiidwiiv, near 4 11It at. MOI NT Molt it I ?> HOUaRk - hi Mt.Mli niRKR <toty frame llon?e :i> i aet 124th -t., near Mil av., with plot 7>N* 11*1; ltou?e contain* 12 rooina, with Impiovemenla. icnl tfitd, .1 t MKS PHIt h. Jhi Httdotnat. NO M A L AIII A?f'oTT At. B * TO likr, *3011 ANO UP ward; totae fnrnlahed tJilAKLEfl K. MILutt, 1,212 Hroadwny. ]> I-.. 11 I'KII? #H'?|. 34 TH SI.. I IIKI.l. Tuny UiOH V'to mi brick MO tKI -t B BAKU A ?:??.. 72 W?a? 34th at. IJKST ?tin l> IIMtLKM M > h.-T THKI'.h sTflftY II an I baeomeut t.rown atone frontn no tnwn tl IMlli meet Hantevaid), >i?a 2"x l I Apply Jttll.N V> tioll, J'J4 Knat IINth a*. ? . R. ?..> t *.v?i. Torn of iiiosp, i leu ant tiI BRE atorT and b aement brown -totie Ifonae* jnxt flnla'i. d on tit ti av.. between I.llat and, IBJd ata. Apply to I.UI'.W BBOR . Wal and i*ihS i av., or on tl.e preml>*>, SC. lltlR MOttNINO'S NKA I'KIN.HO LHT OK whole att'i p*rt< ol nrlvata llwellln .a mid l'ratte?i Klati; low rental* to eo.ol teiinnta. KILI'aTkI' K.3pl3.|av. rntt i.i.t in wrVt iTITi -i. j-> f ...i i ..I it 1 atery and baaament hrlcH Home; all improv m?nm; coir:pl?ta order, i'artlcuiari appir lo E. A, LAL ItU.NUb, 17 Itmad at. H DWELLING HOUSKS TO WET. I'nfuruUhMC" m()a, kt-itn k v r nisii e t>. A >?T - Wen: U3d St., corner 8th av.. Flat f 4*0 No. ? Kan ?.'.'itli (I.. thru* story brick liwrllinx *?*>1 Ne. ? 2d av . Lower hurl ul In.use. biick '.*00 Xu. ? U?t 24m ?i., three story brick Dwrl'lou. .MXJS .No ? West ::lst st. tliiee story brick Dwelling #00 >0. ? We?t 2"> b it., three story bnrk Dwelllnir W' No. ? Writ 2'J.i ?t.. tour storv l>row? st?no Dwelling 1 Wkl' No. ? Wen 27tn st.. three story brick Kwelliu^ ? 800 N?. ? We?t iHtli it . three Mory brick hwltiaie And oilier* st tenured price*. Hor permits apply to 8. K JAYN'K. 2fl? Woat 23d St.. ercond doer Hth-?*. TO 1451?THE LAKUK \N0 COWTnI.NT K <31.1811 basement llotiae .No. 231 Wot 23d at., with liuntedi possession. Aoplv to K IIAKMO.W'S NEPHBW* A CO., tl.t Broad* uy. or to A. I.EA VI AN. 917 H'nt 23d el. To lkt-aT.L fx PERFECT OKD.R, TH RI R story hli;h st"op llii'ite. wltn extelslon, No. 308 West ?.'"Jd ?!. Inquire HI East 18th ?t. T~o i.Ki' i.iYXIIlti.fADiIkui. brown"stone noCaB 336 \Ve>t Kith ?t. Inquire OWNER, 7TOBth av. W"k.-t kak.mnTtwkm'v-koi:ktii w huh- > mod ern House, with city Imprnvenianti and mnpla grounds lal'l out In beat atyle; Irult, klteben garden. subles, A near iiepots: uei tiborhood k'ood; rent exceedingly low to h uO"d and permanent tenant. Addttaa box 3.806 Poet ofllee. New York alD FLOORS PKIVA IK HOUSE-, -'71'H SI'., #.*3; 20TI1 ??at., $28, with cai; 22d at.. other Apartments. MO.N I'A'iU . Kent Kateto Agent, 8th av.. near 21st at. >Wl srii ifcTS l'A?K AV.-BltOWA tin INK Hiotise: rent $1,40(1: 33d at., near 4th hv. . brown alone Iloitae: rent *1.200. II1NE A OKaY. 1 Broadway. c[u 77 1M*.R MO.NTTlT^lK^T CVassllOUSE OH 47lu ?PUUit., near llroadwav. HlNK A GRAY, 1.295 Broadway. <J;Q PER MONTH?138 ANU 142 KAST 17111 ST., ipOiJncr I rvlttg place ; 12 rpomseach; immediate pos session. Apply on premises, or to l)ANIEIi CONNOLLY, 381 222 102 4th av 1 A *-iU ST - " EST OF 3D AV -TO Kf NT. TWO TWO .1 xOatory, baaeinsnt and Mansard rno: new llouiea, con taiulnu 10 room*, with ail the modem Improvements; terma Jl'ttjij per annum ', piaseaalon 1st ot May. WEST 4TH HT.TnM'.AK lOTH.?ThitTTE STORY hl;:h stoop brick, f .M OK i'. Its K. It A ER A CO., 72 West 34th. ?)1 ?? EA.M .VITH~ST.-FirK.\ThiTEtT flTlwi iT. Ol Olnruiahed, '<>; put In perfect order. Call uext door at 311 lor particulars. IJIJ7 \\ EhT .VlTTi KT.-TilRRK HTORY BIIOW^ OO I atone, -f80tI; 303 West OOtlt St., l>owur 1'art and three Kootna third door, $50(\ EDWIN CLARK. H64 8th av. I> R ANNUM?OHOIUE i ll HE 11 8TOKY stoop llonae in llarlent. II INK A OKA V. J.295 Broadway. <H(UU) nsLY '??"a ii?.uS-?ah thk PakK: )vj'/12 ruotna; every Improvement tl Weil UOth at. i: 7 nTr^O *TSkrriUN080MB BROWN 8TONR V I vM/Dwi'lllni{a, elecant location; Klata Iront f- ' to Sflo. JOHN D. CKIMMINS. PETEK A. LALi'JK, 1,037 3d $750 -152 K AST 3JI>. 10 HOOMHi A EI. IMPROVE* ments. DAN1EE CONNOLLY, 102 4th av. Cf ( \l\11 ONl.Y Kolt KOUK STOKY~BK.iWN HTOKB tg)'l\M/Ilooie, 47th at ; 3Jd at.. #fXKl nthera. to ?i|.80U J. KDOAU LEA^ OK APT, 7(12 8th av. <J>Y77n(\ :M.~TllTsf" "class THU.lK iJl.WUU?t(iri' Iloitae on 2Wtlt ai? marlUli nv. IIINE A OKAY. Uroadwny. _A HANIJSOME EOUlt STOKY AND V 1 ? ?> * ' v' .bnaemeut brown atone hiirh atoop llntiae to lot. No. 2WI Weal Mth st. Apply II. BEl.l,, iXlri 8th nv. Si ofiTk -WITHOUT KXOErTIoV THK CHEAP ?PL. ? V/"/.e-t I'Hir story brown stone Dwelling H0jotuini( 5tli av.; Intelv put In order, 'n lit* less than hall Us value. JOHN D. Clit M >1 INS, I,TO7 3d av. A FIIRMMilEI) IIOOA1K A.VD APAUTDIENTS lO LET. A-fcARoT r UKNlSH hD 11ALl/ilKDROOM TO LET. without board, to t;eutletnen only. Apply at 117 East LSth st. lXkoH .-SECOND STOKY ROI M?LARUE CI O-KT _nttached. all modern Improvetne'.its, wall calculated lor tu o nentl* men, 211 Bank st. H ANTj80MK ITAKLOK KLOiiK, I H KE ROOMS deep together or astiarato ; p-i vate house 140 East 27th. between l.etlnictnn and 3d ava. : to party of rellnement only; furniture, catp'ta, Mirror. Ac., entttely new. nicbly" puTi'ntMiTiib room, iTi7oiir..\ pkiv. llef-f. lor lijctit houaeko pine: terms moderato. 214 East 13tlt at. Fkivate famiey""will let hie uTwTTt I'art of their houae, Inrniahed or unfurnished, for tionaekeeplnir. 2<M Welt 40th st. KiNK|suir ok VuknTsTied koovi, wrnioirr board, for one or two gentlemen, at 34 Weal 25th St., near Madison square. SMALL PURNISHED PLOOK, THK EE ROOMS, one flljcht no, to let, to ? respectable lamlly, for hous? kei'p-.uK 111 Maodouiial. VP.i.Y DI'-IKAULi'. LAK K KR NT KOOM ON second tl 'iir, jfoon and conrenienf location, terms mod ernt . to k-entee' party. 243 r aat 10th st. ? FIRST FLOOR, 8 hOoMS. SECOND KLOOlCi rooms; Apartments, 3 to 12 rooms. 04 U est loth st. 0W.\K(. t LA HOE. PLEASANT ROOM. AMPLE t'LOSr.l'S, J. Vaiodern Imurovomenls; small Boom. $2. 232 181a St., *v" ATTTmVhisT420 >T.-THREE NEATLY PUHNISHKD Rooms, for K>tntleraon lodcers; ev.-ry convenience; neltrliborhood reUneu. t'TuT) E\sr 12TII ST NICELY KUItNISIIKD ICoonta; all improvements; no movlns; terms moder ate : relereneea. AlUNKSoMELY FURNISllBl) OP ROOMS, ?ltli private i.ath, without hoard, hi a3 Weat JO til at. * !? LAT-CO.M PLBTKLY Fl ^VlioaMkffplHKi 1,137 Hroa.n E FUHN1AHBO I.OOM, USK c I? PIANO, LIOllT kh?iMkN|ilni[; root low. tfw 28.h it JLEOaNT ST IT HASU-OMK1-V FURNISHED I* K lora; private linth, Ac. 25 W out I'lltlx *1.. nrar Hroadway. 1^LH(JAMfl.V FUkMBHBD BO 'MS. FOR i'KKMA 'Jnciit or tranaient partiea. n?ar >ixdiaou aquare. Addrcai Ur.NTHAL, box ltKJ Herald I'ptown I>~KO A ,\Tl<Y FtJK S IS (If: I) A I'A KTV KNT8, WITH !jt> rivate bath. lo let to gentlemen ; bretkfaatif daairad. 12 . Hit -'ltd at. ELhUAVTL? KU Its I'll KO CARLO I FLOOR aiparate or together; ba>lneia or private; bath, .to. 15 Kaat Kith, opooait* Horary. JfllKJIlSH !? D ItEDKOOM-O.NE OK TWO OKNTLE incn. Inqniro eecond Moor, Ml *'wl 21?t at. Iill'l NISl'KK BOOMS, $2 5" To #?? H KhK : HI.OWN ' atone lion^e *>?* Proatmct pla^e, corner Km! 4.1(1 at. TiMI R NIHIIKD ROOM? A B1MJ dos ("QUARK. PR I r vato hottae, bath. lor two ucntlemen; $10 month. In qulm 17 Abihirdon aquare. JjMJkMSliI'.D boomm, OR 0AKPKT8 OSI.f, jN PHI. 1' vat? lio'fso;bath: Hrnufurt: to gentlemen or gentle tnun and wife. 102 Kaat 20th ?t. I|ll irNTsTl Kl) K< VIM ?> TO l.RT, SI.NOl.Y OK hUIT, t<? gent lam -n only. 4 Weat 28th at. " III if~M8HFD BOO MB TO let,, WITllO IT BOAl.'P. 140 VS'rai 1) til at. 1.1 tiitmsiiki? i.ooms, without boaru, fob ok.v. r tleoien SO little ton ??. f^UKsTisiimi two plkasvnt rooms, without J? board; re*taur.inla convenient. 40. Weal tftli at .. be turret! ?'li iiud Otli eve. F- M UNlSnKl) FLAT to kei?r-riK8T FLOORrcoR. nrr liouaf. 7 room a; all light. Apply 73 Beat 5lth at., 12 toft o'clock. H" vX^,tTMK..Y KURNtSllKl) FLAW Of 8 IK HI *8 In lot nl 524 W??t I8tu at.; elan nnlnrniahed. at low rent* Apnly on the pronilaaa HitNDsOHfcLY ki'kmhm'r.i i;oo??8, t:o>i?i;.\ii:a tin : and aliigla, to lit to iteiitli-m.-n. 188 I'.aat Kith at HTriNti lllllir. koom'l 11A> KKQC I rid7~will let a Inrnlabed Room tn a eentlenian. M Rank at. I Titoi'. room's FDBNisiif.ii, fob o.xe ok i*wo Jjrutlemen; alao ainrfil Kontna. :iu Irving place, near V\ aatmlnaler Hotel. Wi*T2l?T nr~l>H~lit.vlil.K KU0\M, FUR ii I a Iio it, ta .ot, Iroin lat ?' May. t i trentlom-n only, vtbati.VTC'iihfsTi kd"FL> mil ki>Uit" nooMs; uas XI and watef in liouae. with ownoP, #!<:! per montli. 422 N mo I.KT 415 fcAST 88111 sr., TltltKK BO"MS, KUK X nlalio I or uufiirmaliud; without children; all tmpro!* aictiti; r?leroiico< rpo 1,1-T A I'AKLOR KL'HIR. F"t> RNISHKO OR L'N A lii'tilalied. thro roiima; alao a S?cona Floor, ol lour ruoma, lor Htrbt hontefceepiMK or gentlemen. lVo. 10 Weat I.Itli at. Ti A llf.mtMAN AXU WIFK OR TWO >IVOI.K gi'ntleiuea, n iaii;e Boom, with Hoard; pleasantly ?Ma-ted in i-wnrk, N. J. Addrnaa or inquire at 21 Clinton ar., Nfwara*. > .1 rp<7 Pll Y.?*loi AM8.?A BLCKFTIo.s" rT>OM IN JUTil A at , near 8th ar. { rent 925; private tainily.bat Hoard ean bo hail II ilea rati. Addr. a- A. *)., Herald t|<tow n oltii e. 2NItThlTv IIIitNlnMBO (TJnNhoiTi.NO KooVii. oN aecottd lloor; every conTanlenre KI Baat2Uth at at*-"a?] a pkr wkkk?siohlY fi'iinishf.i> hall 7$)? a JI ' Room, lor icntleinnn only, at'>O.Weat I4lh at, botween "?th ami lith ava. <???> Sll -fRONT^lIAIA ItOOM, I'LKAHANT AND ? /W.will lurtil-hed ; rlnant. Xc 2.t I rrng place. db a ,- /\ -KICKL* FUR.N IHH i-7u La ROB HOOM. ?p t t)lF.aeeoti<i lli.or: ItonaokeepinK convenience*; lar?,-e hall i.ootr, 886 Knat 14th at. /-ril AV.7*M>. I?A?ISTIRK /LOOR AJU> 8BPABATR ?)llnonia, lurnlahoo; hatha on nacli lloor i reference re quired. TO^iTaFAYKTTE PLVCK. COkRBR 4TH HT.-Ri.E. A^iranily lurtilahed lloutni, iarne and amell. with or without liuiii'd. 1.__ ?-j. t titlBSKR T??oXowaY.-FOUR . Irlejtit inly rurnlahad ronnretinK Itooma; alao ifii^le l(o m-, wlilioiit board; relereitena. til WKfti 2hK oppohTtk fiKfiT avkmT?T~otkl ta Tollman tl.i lurniahed Hooma. en aillto or einKle ; alao a dratraMe U.ianinent for a pliyairlan. >iay 1 of aooner; rel er.'llrra. n*|e UtTlffti PLACE, oPFOHITlt WKNTMINsTRIt ?)0 llo.oi.?A fitrnlilied Room to let to a gentleman of re apret ibillty onlv. ? >(\ hast ?rti st , Nifwsii bowrby and eJf/Hrimdwa.v. Knrniihed Hounta to let, without Board; reler.iueea required.' ti Q KAaT MS 8f.-Ki0ST~T\RI.0lt, WI r II A L J J.Oeove and plan -: hack Parlor and eloeeta, bedroonn, tiriiate bitthrvoiti, dltilnu room, kltcbeit, with elevated rail 1te a-^l alntionaty tuba; ni eiy lurnl-hed; BA per anoath; healthy locntlor, near Oentral Park. Call ier threatiaia. ' Qitii I. \ . ! J 1ST sr.. NBAB JD AV.-A FURNISHED Ol'Dfr nt or buck I'arlofl alao a Itnll lloom II wanted er i (t LEXtNOiON AV sitiioMi FLOUR TO LbT, Ol ?/Inrni.brd lor li'iuaikacpin; alao aiuiile Itooma lor iftilleia n; oMttpant. i^wner trNfr'URSIHllKI) HUKlHlt Al*l) APART MKlWf) TO LET. "a I'aRi Mr.i>Ta -Jill iVh^r.J nll Nh*; BlKoX.n'T Ajenitor, id'trnroiiiiii' Insuriant garden , n.u u rate ; oriel wiminw.: Ana ioeatton. ________ Apauimkmswk >ix ami tk5 it??o*8, in K<^<l order; all ?mivenianaea pipaaam li e ii lo.i. Apply to Jiuiltor. :ll? haat "litll at. A-" LoWBB PARI OF A lloU.-tK, FROM I AM) (Alift pnrlii'a, rMtenalon barlfnetl, lia'l bid onm on arronil iiiMir; Iront ?no back haaement 1 tintli?, atation?ry tttha. hot and fold water t * nriicibi-p, Ac, .? 8;i.t per month. 1J0 batt i>lat at . near l.oxlnuton av. PIFVRRIflHBD ROOIUH A*D AX'ART 1IBVT8 TO LET. At?Ec oJTi> 'Y Lit u ttrrvvrs i\'^Ta it3^2^rnrft closets, bath. Iront Itifemtnt, larjje pantry. srsshfMO?, separata Kit meter; possession ini'ue.iialeiy. 114 E-.?t Ul.i St.. ut<t 4tli av. * NUMB hit OK vJTrV HKsIK aHI.E F L AT S IV AohiiI location*. I'rinu 5 tu 0 rooms, at rcltl to suit ICS tim*?. JAMliS H. WATKl%L'?W. >*81 rttli HIT ii \ LIXANDRa ?? .VOKT'I WKfi r CORNER 3l?T ST. j\nu'it>tn uv.?Elegant Snit* of Apartments to let iu above I ulldia*; every improvement. Apply to the Jsultor, i on nremlses. l'Amii.M's IN l- A-T 14111 SI'. <;!.[ .X I'uN AN'L) j place* and 172 lllcecKer si. Inquire ofT. J. UlrtBONS, 8th St., coruer Mercer ?t., iroiu 8 A. >1. to H r. M. I ___ AKLO'IK OK SIX KOO.VIS. WITH AU MODBRlt improvements. In ? #r?t cias* brown (tone house; rent 1 >w. 407 Woat 55th. UiCSJ IIA it LK AI' A KT M r. N T S TO LKT?FI (IsT ? Fluor and Bas ?inent, 0 rooms; alto Second Floora.ihroo auo lour rooms: water and separate uas meter*. 35 Kuif lb, between Vorick and Macdouitat sts. "/"1ASTLKTO.N," Wit ST 52D 81*., CHOlCR FLATS, 7 \Jrooms, every improvement, f 17. *18. $10. $-'?). J. KUHAH LEAYCItAKT. 7?C Sth av. ClAFirOL-HOO WKsT 1HTII SI.-KLEUAN 1' FLAT, 7 Broome <11 Iftrl.t; private hall: ?35. BKSIKABlJi Fi.OORS-IO >.IAl.7. FAMILIES. WHO apprertHte cleanllnesa and good order. Inquire 2!K) Kati vttth st. E LEO ANT THI Rl> FLOOR TO LKT AT 8 GREAT Jones st.; rent. #25. T,1 LEUANT Fl.AT-> AT KKOCCEU KbNIK; LIO'lT JEjrooms, in perlect ordor, with all modern improvements. Janitor, 358 West ..'Jib st. PrP.-T PLOOK AND BA>EMENT; 30TI1 .-T.; SIX rooms: all improvement*: $40, with gas ; others. MON TAGUE. Krai Estate Auem. 8th av.. neiir'Jist ?t. Flats op mx wont, all T>.~pkovotum, !* perfect order, #35 to 95(1. Apvly to janitor, on promises, 131 West 5Hth st. IilLATd-NO. 384 WEST 32D KT. (BOOKMAN TER 1 rave); six rooms: separate laundry; nent. quirt and i-omlorubie; private residence* Iront ami rear: owner lu bouse: $35. $45. $.">0. FRANK O. TUCKER FLOOR-SECOND; FOUR ROOMS. ALL IMPuOVE inents, iu high stoop Hon-.e 210 Kant 17th tit. No bill up. , II' N OX, CORN, U 5TII AV. IDT II >T.?A I'A It I'M K.N TS Jfor families at itreatiy reduced rent*; i'arlor. Hedro >m ami Dresrlnc Itooii. for gentleman. at $4<>0 per year. N JKaR L N ION SQUARE.?HECOXl> FLOOR; EVERY cnnv iiijiica; private house. 107 East l.'ith, near 4th ar. $32 fiU ?\TINTII WARD-TO LET. CONVENIENT upper XV Floor*, in thiee story houses. 680 and ti9J \Vashli((;t'<n st lio'id neitfl borliocM; yards and rear; moderate rent. Mr. KING, owner, H7 7th av, ONfc HANTiSOVK TfPPK'! OAtRNER FLAT IN THE liitfli sio<>p lirown stone house 100 Eaat 54th st. to a small r?*pon?ible family^ ?i"WRLEAX8." f?7i) HTil AV.. 7 ROOMS. ALL IM V-/provetnents, $3'i. $34 $38: 42d st.. near Hroailway* $6UJ $7(.<?i othera. J. KtXi \ K LbAVORAKT 70J Mth av SilELlib KNi'. .?J Usi K .hJJTKD, 258. W. st 55th ?t , near Broadway; cont ins cvvrythin^, mirrors, Ac.; $15 to ?5(?. MOItRI8 it. HAhR * CO.. 72 West 34th st. Thk rockinoiia>i. Broadway, corner 5flth st. Absolutely iiri' urnut bulldtntr. Two choi e Apartments in this elegant new bulldin* fr-m Mnv I : cahliK-t 11 uisli. heated by steam, ventilation and plttmblnit perfect; bnlldlnii open and elevat 'r running all nlulit; healthiest leciiion lu the city. Apply to J. U. RAW li, S'lperint^ndent, on premises. rPHIRD FLOOR, 320 Wfc.tiT.S3U ST.; SIX IIOO.MS; 1 ell improvements; prir its house : terms moderate. Ap ply on premise*. rTTo LKT-219 WKSr 33i> ST., S. CO NO floor, TO 1 Miiall family ol adults. OWN I'.R Houso r^nt $30. TTTTkr?i*art o~~n??iTSK 74 oHuisrot'iiiiu sr. Itniuire ol M. AfrClI. 321 Bleeoker at riV) LKT TO A SMALL KAMILV, THIRD FLOOR OF J. private house 324 Knot i!7th st. rno lkt 8ko6nd fli>Olt IN A private hocsk jL 04 June st ; r. nt #22. rno LET?l(Hi WKST 131'11 ST., 8 ROOMS; 753 \VA II J IngiOHi St., 3 Ro .ins: 348 eat 1 ltb *t.. 3 Rooms; 508 West f?5th St.. 12 Rooms: 737 Washington st , 7 Rooms, lnqniro .*>1)9 Hudson st. mu LET-FIRST ' KLaT 260 lll.KKCK i R ST.. NIIA It X Morton: it rooms in excellent orner; halls and stairs nicely inruished; rout $.'13 Apply in tlie slme (tore. TO LKT-iLOWKR FaRT OP.IIOUnE,~FlVK.ROOMS; gas and water: rent $27 monthly. Also 'Ihlrd Kloor, loin rooms: rent $10 monthly; all iu good o der. Appiy 330 West 10th *t. To 1. T- UN FUR IsilhD. TO A SM * LL KA n 1LY OF a'lults, the .-econd Floor of private h.iitse in 3l*t st., between 8tli and Utll avs. Inquire of U. Y. MKAD, 422 8th av. TO LET-A LA HAS ITLOOR IM Hot'SK 254"WB T 4(Kh st.; rent $27 per^ponth. Inqalre on premises T?rLKT-fHIRI>~FLOOR HoUsK <Ki KA.-T 3U ST.. consistlu^ ot lour rooms, to small f,unity adults. mo LKT TO A FAMILY OF ADt LIS, THE DPl'ER X Part of private houso 3o7 Kast 05th st. j 0 or 7 q.nn\ T<^ iTeT?S K C ON 11 s IORY OF ~I17 WEST 1HT F^ST.", mod rn improvemeuts, to a family of adults; ?20 a month. ' T<7~LKf-l'Hli.D IFLOOR. FIVE ROOMS; OAS. Urtf. ol bath: $25 per mouth. 4 West 13th at. TO LET?THIRD KLO'Ht. FOUR ROOMS, IN BROWN stone lions*. No. .113 West 30th st. Uall on premires. fPO LKT?THIRD FLOOH OF NO. 107 WKsT 830 1 st. corner Gth av. roualstlni; ol six rooms; well lighted; one ol the most convenieut l ication* In th ? cltvj rent. $40. 8. F. JAYNB, 201! .Vest 23d st. TO LE T ?F!KST FLOOR AND BA8KMKNT (IF IIOU8K 41V1 Want 18th tk ( rrnt sf"J6 per month. Can be so-n daily fr 'in 11 A. M to 4 I'. Jl. TrniRXT-LoWKB PA RT OP HOI,'?E 412 WEST 18TH St.. eonalstfni; <>l linfinrnta. parlor And two ronr.son tturil tl'i ir, witli nil modern Improvements; rent $40 per nw,nili. UNION FLAVs 'i<ir H sr.. NKAR ?Tll AV. A KKW ir.ure flat*at seven lOorasAo rent. with every improve* meat, to small families. wlih ref-rences. jA.MkS tt. WATKl'.LOW, 881 0th ar. V" RRT fcLKOANT APAllTMKNTS (El I1T RimMS, every convenience) In the Kensselaer, 82d ?t. nnd Uroadway, Inquire iu tin bun*. ~4 | WEST 11T;fTf ?A'jtiKASANT FLOOR TO LET, 4 Lion'lotinK ul four room*; suitable for light house k oping. _ ___ wk>t 4TM sr.-Ti inn floor.'it. lali J, In private home, betweon Mncaoiixal and 138. O 77 WKHT 2JU ^r.-VKKY DKSIUABLK -KCO.VD Jmi I I Floor, with irr?|.ror''incnt?t desirable locution,to ? mhiII fnmllv : will runt i??r vv kj*t ~kTkhr Fi^oo* and hash Ora^nt, Hfvpn ?pl*Mi'lfd room *: ri*nt moderate. 418 BOAtllM'.KIt H A VTKIJ. I" FLO ok' OKTMRKh*L \ BWilfl&uOMtt W ifffBtYAftU'; table, aervlco. unexcepl i.inutile ; terms very moderate; reference*. 51 H ut 1 Itn at. ILAROk IiOOM, SECOND FLOOR, W ITH BOARD; all conveniences; no moving; moderate prices. 247 Writ ilTilh ?t. . _ 1~kntTrk THIRD FLOOR. SBl'AR ATKLY ok to. J. (get >er. with or Withont lined. Of) Madison n?, 1 -NRvR ORAllKKl'Y P tHK, NK \ ILY FUI'XISIIKD j ?Rooms, with iiM Hoard, ki reilacod pri el; no moving In May. i.'ts Kast mil tt , second brotru stune house ea,t ot I rvuiir place. 1~HLOOK KAST UNIOM HOUaRK.?ROOM* TO LJtT, will) Hoard*, table Honnl. I.'IJ u*t Kith ?t. f~ NMVLY T C KNTMHRF VuONT ..(ioMrCoMKoltTn J of li inn: labia ; oeutrul location. 30 bant 12tll nt., Ju?t went ol Broadway. *i" WKi?T SSril' KT-DRSIRABLK KOOMH. eINOLY ?ior en 'ulte, to lei, with Hoard, with or withont priv ito table; single i.ooiiik for uoiitlemeu; references. ?? LAUOb ROOMS lO LKI. WITH BOARD; KVKKT ? /ri.ovi uipnrr.. l,40"i Broadway, between 4.'ld nnd 44tli sis. Alan one splcndltt Suit. Ct'lV A v.. 741. N'kAK CENTRAL PARK. ?ROOMS, ?'with Hoari!, fur gentleman and wlfo ; teriua modrrntn H7if~AV..""hkLow~14tH ht_ mpacioiIm ai*aUt ijgimt, on parlor floor; alao third floor Koniti: private table 11 drmreit tTH AT.. 2IW, CORN f.K R1ST ST.-II A~XDm OMrTt^V <)lurniiihed Apirtmonta, with or withont Hr>t uiuna Board. ,rrill A v.. R3, CORN KB lOTII.?HAXtmOMhUr FOlU ?)nUhed tlilra floor front halt; inoerlor liosrd; <mmmer prleex. ? e pKosFftTT'Tras! 4isr hi.-handsome l/Ronm, ftimi'liert or iinrnrulahed, with excollrnt Hoard; lermK f 14 to #1(1 per week. (' KA>T lYfiT ST., NEAR ?TII AV.-SI.VOLR AM) OilcnhU Ki.mne, with Hoard, In ? Proneb fainllj: no mnv I li H; rer reneev 8KAST WD sT-LAlt(JB ROOM.^. THIRD AND loiirt'i floors, with Hoard lor (entleinnn and wife or ifn tlemen. ^ 1 i \ wlmuf PL A OR, IfKAK BROAD WAT. ? Jl/Kront Rmim-, $12 for two, with B?ard; sliitfln, f(l: (ranalent, $1 SO; tiMile board, #4. "1 I TII*T , s-.'l WKHT.?LAKOR CON SRflTIHO ROOMb, 1' twitli flrat elaa* Board; also liail Ro iraa; ininmer prices; references. 1-J-rXSt iiTnTT. iiANDsuMhiliV fukkTsTikd . IrHotiius, with tinexrirtlonable table; family or gen tlemen ; nn mevlag III May. II Til ST.. KM WRsT.-NIORLT FUlt.HISIIRD I Rooms, suitable for families or alnirle Kentleinm; table ami ettentanct aooil: bis > table Henri. lr.TH >T.,2ir. KAST. HTl'TVKSAMT PARR-PBW I ? l-olert bonrder* aceiimmi'dnte l; ererythlnK first clean; aulemltd nelKbborhund. 1" CTH sr., 42 vt RMr.-R(K)Ms. WITH HOARBTToI Wfemill'"" nnd gaatlemea at snmmei prle??; mi nuivln/. > il Th- r 18I'M ? SI.-"TolTLt PURNlb"hkD itO(, J..1 with Hoard; refennces. 4?-| T ST., 2W WRsT.-PaRTIBh CAN BR ACCOM ^ii.LniniUtfil Imm' dUtely witli ijood Board; home com* furts; t-rma mud-rate. I IIOU mT., m RAUT.?TO lilt, irtTH ROARD, A ^Otlilrd st>vry front Room nnd one bs?k, on teeond floor; onoslriule l oom. Tth ii\~aai wrst.-Larok Fruvt hoSm, Hoard lor two, 911; .mule II iota. $f> per #eek. 'Ik 2(j Room*, f Id to $1(1, with Board lor two; single M to traasieata taken, no WERi 22D ST.?IIANpsOMRLT fVRRlM D jbOi:oiiiiia. en suite or aliiKly, with Oral cl .as Hoard; terms mod rale ; re'ereneea. oifwTTsT iiJD sr nT(T~i7v fhrn^iikd rooms, *>1/Iii suit or ilnjle, with Hoard; sninmer prleus. ?? | >*rsi WasiiTruton squahk. nici. room-, ?)|wi'h llii.iril, in elexHiit resilience; Rooms on lourih h tor verv riasoMrfh e. ?J*111 ST.. 2(1 "Tk^ST ?IM^KAHA?IT# HO<iMn "fo i.K.NT Oa^i ermanewtlf to (entlMieii; first clas* tnble. tjcf Whif 'inrfiT si.7 nrak hkoai>waT-uan'd O I #om?'.v furnished flonms at mooerate prices; with or without fioird, A~'} I:l.1 > lt?y. COKNHR UNI VKK^Ti Y PLACE.? riuVer) <INlfsM Ronnie, with aupertor ilo.ird. talilo honiitlfniij ?nppimd ; purtlra doalrou* of economitiktf will meet with Uvu^ablo leriue. i n WAItTKP. 4-1 *' -HM?u".Cir> hoax'sf>~?ZVt'P'(rti B,ir"! ?,r,ctlra"1 ??? 4 I . "J 8 Kl'X.w Knows" second Avrv pnciv *? tauie; summer 4 KA>r 21 ?T Ir.-FIMK KOOJta TO LOT. WITH T ~?n inril. br the year If iteslrat. l n 44-mhuT ?? t^ukn75h.-.d ROOMS to Lis* '* 1 yent^y>w''ii: reference exchanged. A ft KAST iOTH ST.. >'R A ii H RO A ii A A V ? BOOM'S* Mar 1?' "nd wlt'i flr" cl"'? Board , no moving 48~W ?T JftTll HI.-A NfATM' FtfONIBUKfl Xl-> oinn fir uentleman. with flrst et.i?s Board. 4.(1, wk>t ioTh n Floor kuovJ jy* hn,,: *'*? *'nitl* Booirs; term* m?derata; do mot. , KAsf J18T~S l~ DKSTk VIILh sul IS oc roomX, with nr without private tithie; nlw slnulo Ramus IllL 49 r.n west smii vr. kl*><>r to lkt wYrii~imIlg -.J ?n;rr^,,cr ?r ;<,*p'l,r t'ly? holme occupied by owner. # R9 1N.iT'> V a v ?mi,i.i.v rPRXMHUj) ikoofiti ?^?^to lei. with or wit.'mut Hoard, at modurato rale. J\R vyhST 3:ju.-ONri;:"KauqiT boom~nd~tWo ctJtisii ifoum-, southern exposure with flrst clh?b Board* refereii'-e*. />4. ^?V'T S4TH.-ROOMS. Wir I B'Mlin, Pon Xlwnulie* or gentlemen; house kepv l?? a Aonthtrn iwuv; i?e-< ri*ff*r?'tn't*i; nermm-nt <?r transient. Wh.>T 39i h sr ~rqdh& ii? wfrii t^ViHowrl; tm'ti??Ji to po?sc??ton: rofeieiipet? exchanged, 57 *V1'?r J??,. ST.?OK* I U ABLK 1100X57" ON V i second and fourth flaors. with Board. /)7 WKST ,:,T" H.T?* 1 ? A lJ V " M VINI" A L O XK H AS *J I a couple ?.? handsome)* furnished Konms t? |e, tletnItn and wile, with or without H>?r<l lor thn Inr: ner. Rftfl MAD.lso*' ? KHOVI rooms on thikd floor; also n goni.lp buck R"'in i>n f.'iirth. with Itonr'l, t) 1 K1KTII AVESUr~ ? H Ot Sf. THOliOt'TjTi iTFri-,N ii 'I"9 H!,d "Ba?r new tit: lim.n,. wtlh inmlV-ruto ,u ??nlf'r: pcrmauent or trxtiMent; tirra? I14wi1ii,ahL^Ti!,st- ne:" ?,"oau^vTIroTTSh; ^?t^wfrron"" newly p?inte,t; overjrthlnjr com' 1 04.KA-T 46Tir~HT.?KMRNlMlltiO koomm, WITH an*e * itiodertito rulet uti or helpro .May 1 . reler* iTwricXsr ^TTii sr. -fEoT?Ti? Txo ITTikd t'l let. Wltu HiiHf I; tnrinit low. ISO VVI';ST :,*T" NKAK HROAO\VA?.-HAM> with Hnnr'l ,r,",ll8'1 <"> P?rlor and itccond li.on 1 kast '"Mi st.. shah ruviNu 1'i,a ;e.- ua i tJ /?lrnl)|n Knonis to rent. <vlth Konrd: rr'preiioei. 1 AV,f,'T :i"?" htTIkxcellknt hoard. ?vitiI n^iuli od' 8Cl m>: l'rm" to*S'< refer. nce? 1 ?^)mWB.ST 141,1 ,-T.?'IANOSO.MK KOdJIs, WlfiT MtiiVtl. n"nriv"V "?c"n' - thlr'' nn'1 1"or?: Im.uho and tittiailnn lir>t ela.t ami Vt.ry r?|>l_<. tor ?umni-r. 1 4Sk WAVK,"I'KV PIjAOK. ?OKNTiTk *K - can X X have u ?-1.11 y Itn nUhcn lioomi wltb exec lent Iloardt '? r'lis tpodcriite ; Aioi-rli nii family. ?o?ra| 1 1 sr <1 iHAMmTcyTI.ACK).-WSLL B.'orTr "UiiHble f..r one or i?o; Brn clan, ^ ^KKLKK l'LA(7K.?liXCliLIjHNT Tvrtl !?'? *)UiioHtnom iitid rpapeclHulllty; KootBi with ?..?r< Benilfimu ?nd th?lr wltro.; ?in8l/H^.n".^ upw"rd ' 158l^?.s? 5,111 fiT-~TVV;' ''LKASANT. OI'.SIUaKLH ^er^^^:u:;Vo.,eKcept,o,'Hi,,e t,,bi0: b,,me <"<?'??* '")()() 4 I'll ST.?FUKNISIIKU A NO UNFUR* ^ per week io ,ol% wllh or witr <??t Hoard, 63, $U, OTTjr\vhsr"3ITiTsr-sui-KfMOK boakd. iivn d tt^it^l70?Cuh,Mm'"?O,,,,Una DrSt cUs" V:")(). WrS1r -,4?? ?r. ? Klii'Hanii.v KUir\i.-,iihD ?j'J ? /. ooiin fi,r gi'ntlemiin ?nd wite;Hoatd lor lady onlr. '49'^ wksj ?.it n sr.?larTTe and >m\li, iioomT t)._'Owith Bonril lor crntlrtnati and wlfo or low Kcntlai men ; term< inodorat* ; tiu morln 4 ..wKK' HrrTsTr-uE^uTuK s ; TWO SMaTE ?.Z\ itRonm.',: *"???>?? K*". h"'1': de-lrabl., quiot hot?o: menUit required; reforcnee. " ' 4.71 w ST aal). LONDON TKRRACE.?hUPKKIOR ii Ji-R^oniH-on Mccond nnd third floors, with or without Hoard. No niovmu. * a lady can havk kink hoakd and nuksixq '",unr by Rddr<^-? A laruk back room on hkcond klook- al^o Iroiit hall tioom. wltn B >ard. 141 Wont 2.'d ?t. A choice OK NI..U I.V ANI) II aN Dso.M ]?;LV I'lfST nltho'i Hiiomi. with Unnrd: boost, and Uile Hr?t elnaa? .-e<ofney>. Appiv 21at ?t. AT N" U '' 1<JN HO I'Eli, 41XT >T. AND TAKE ?y. are ranting low^; restaurant pr|(-?.? r-ducod i)>r ROOMS OX FIRST FLOOR. MCKf.V - fnr'll,'h?d. *'H> or without board. 130 WVnt 34th ??;. T.'.'ei "baumki'l 1'iti v a 'I k kkmdknTTE wrrii .7 J3ep,.V,"fe *,l.,."?h,d 'Mnrr,,r eorner ol 3lt" st and Park a?., will l.e noeiiea 1st May tor a lew solve! ^?be C^tn'ge "<,m* ,0a' U""r": r0"renc" Apply < ^ BOA(lt) A WD 1A1DOMO WA?TlT.p, ""' A 7 W^>,TKU- wirADurf^Ts^oNiTisTokI i "r. B1"u' *nd "fd'oom : 1 "ration ftOth u tli it.. LexiutrtM) t ? >th *?.; term* .fMO a month* r ler* ?t!7nd 3d ar.'" req,,lred- Addres, M. V.. .tatlun II. (*nh ?S' saaaawg BKKt.RK 1ST may, by two married tViirKTRT two Rooms, with Hoardi must be ?ood iieiKhiiorh. ixl* Pieaaaot. w.n furnished rooms; ^o/,arl.VprX wert side: no other hoarders;l fKm ? month for-ummer naJ "^ "fi nVir'st Addres.. for ouo week, HOME, r .om BOAKD WANIED-FOR A LITTLK ?il L fclUH* ears old 1 n :i I rotrninnt American temliv * h?twt>?n OUih and 80th an., and 3d and 4th nv ; lerms, $7 i??r month ? office. ereuc?* *>*?>" HOMU, liarnla Upiiw^ Board Wanted in privatk kamily, fob okn". tlrman, wile, two rhlhlren and nurse, between 14th and ?1"'| St.. and 4tn anuCthsTs. . board not t"a*ce2d M'? SC.rbox2!?;?ee"ltyr"'?,,nC" K'Ven *l,d r,'inlred. Addres* awisifis-4"? OOAItH WAN1-KD-I1Y a ?iE ?TLEMaN AMi>IsTRR AHd?.\,r *"1 K rTler^W offl^01'1 "COea *-?P" ??k BOAKD WaNTED.-THB ADVEKTIrRK?m-BiBPa lioiini tor family n| ,lx or parh.p. ,|Bht ?er?ni !,1 amlts out one ; ,?d. .ui.sta.itlal f .ro rrnrenP"?u !lI., ence? uitiHt be uood. Address. Matinir terms (which muu rfhcT * A. F., box Lt)| Herald HUTKLh. -TT?W KTCLaNLI TiOifiU "So MuW^V'^iwu kti om?: l-odRlu a 3(>c.. 40c . -"W>c. : we?kly. $2 to (\ UOWiRD HOl >K, I4U ?iilAril\? ST. CLKANKK. ?etter rririilatert. I<ett*r veutllat"d, belter cln?? <>f gunt* than any cheap feoM* In city Xh. >M jt ><?. nightly. KVBKh HOU4K. WM it OADWAY! M'ROPkAil t>ian:alngle R' omi, 7.V. and Ifl, double Itoooi*. (or two, $1 .V) Mini #.! per day. ? ST. AND KWS (PI[UK KSOAI'K) noTKl. 11 WK?* 11th ?t.. Broadway.?$_? week upwar.l; 5'*c. to >1 dar. rpiiT isiustui., r.i, r?.t w si TTTi hi., nkar 1 Hroadwav and .'?tli **.? An exclualrelv reapretablc f m Ity hotel; lioonta, wlili Itoard; t rm> rir.v mnm r ?!?; t*b.e llnard. #5 pe'r we?k : ninvie meal*? Dinner M)'--, lunch #>?., l!5c. ; tranxlcnt f I 7"> per day. TO i.ET-rlRM ill hi) ilOTr 17. CoNIAIMMi :!4 rooin? and K ?t uir? ct. de-lrehlv lncatrd uuvii limn; tM? laa chanee >1-1(1001 off-red; terma moderate. Apply t? J. W. llAlXKNRRCK. 1?>1 r ml 3?lh ??. ri\ ? kbts pi4R iMV."'#r.vr io $n WKBKLT: ? iwnlntrla Itonms. Central Motel. '2.">3 Canal it., sear Broadway. A COCRTRY HO A HI). TaByTi S i A K b > a'i AUK.. uXitOuOH on th* aea ahore ; Hue bathing; open* 1Mb April: will ake hoardera at reduced r ite* Call or addrea* No. 5 Car roll place. Hath, U I. a~">k7ti,KMAN A.M? W1KK IJK.MUK M.iAKU IX J\ the country, within an bonr'a ride ol .New Y?rk; good bo-id. plenty of milk and Ireal, n;m and altnailon near depot Indlapenaable; aiato lowcil tenui. Aldreaa U. C. W,, box 11.1 Herald olflee. ? ? ftt)\KI> IN BKIDOKPORT. COXN.-A UKXTLBMAN iJaii'l III'wife or a a nail family ciin hn ae< nin modeled with H >nrd nnd exceptionally line Knoraaln a private lam |iy lor the anmmi-r nt rea.onaUlo pilcea; partli-a not d-atr. In: flr?i eiaa> accomim. lailona n-ed not apply. Address box .">1H i'oat oilw-u, llrlnceport. Conn. BOAKftON TIIK IHJI>SO.n, AMOJiU TIIR and*.? ell ahaded ground* to the rlrer: location per fectly henltliT. Ailorea* i 7'> i olnmhla ilelchta. Brooklyn. (ViUNTRY HOXRO WaNTRO?KOH (TrNTLBMAM. J wile, mother, il<itti!b(era (III and J); price abotii *7o per mull' It lor party : Rlre full pnrtlcnlara ??r not noticed, lfoa V,7"J r.'H office. e fjUMIMKK Af'CDMM'lDATRO WITH HUAUlf; NKW I J-iraey ; two inliiniea from Mxtlon; one hour flora cltyt lariM In* II. THOMAS, 1<J 1'loe at. tiiSfuKMAN ?NI? WICK OKHtKk UOttD ROAHD Tin Yonkera, N. Y. Adiirea*, atatinx reaaonalile price, AMERICAN, ller?ld office. TWO ORNTLr.ttRNi DUINO B0S1NRhn in liTS eltr, dn.lre Hoard a private lamlly re-ldlnR n Weeicbeater county; teriua io"derat?. Addreaa bos 117 liernld offiee^ W A NT liD?COUNTRY BOAKU KROM MAY I, PDR Kentl- tnan, Ife ind fonr cbildren la^ea H, 7, 4 and 1 yeari) , inuat bnee gomi lioetlnir ami batblnK: larm prefer* able vddrean, with full particular* and price, J. II., i.os ?2iHerald otllce. SI KI-.nOilTS. U'mki. ft -Nuiih, uTbhuu f.?, *ir;v:r.; witX open Jnne l."> under tbe management of Mr.lT. 0. W inchealer, now ?uperlntendent of the Cnleinnn llonae, Mroailwuy and L.'7tU at., where arrangi'inentn lor Hoard can be mndo by applying to liiin. JAMKs HUNYaN, I're prletor. I Mil. House., I8UP, L i.. is o>?S roS k iii iff I Jii.enti with la in i I lea lor the araaon ?nd transient eialt or*. AMUS R. SI KM,. \WUK. Vf Vfl.KWM II) IIALU IMTTSKiKI.U, X \SS.-fTlT< iildiilluht ul aummi-r roanrt. ainong the llerkaiuru lull* wi.i op ii Mitt I; lainlltr* may make ue?lr.?l>ln arrange ment a lor the oa"in ou application Ol-.CRiiK \\ KIT Thl.Lk, IS haat U8d al UKXTllTKt, At i "i i r . i a t 11 f i. iiiU'ks, a r i i nf..R :'77 fltli a* . one door nbore 2:id at.,"or Wmt Hih at ; teima to *<tlt. N KWHHOIlit II * N BW HNOUHM. |? tl.NI.I-.R.-. I'.XnivCll'IN; AI.S I \ KTI KICIAb I Teeth; t-rin* to anil. HKIHTfl AVF.NUK HKMTAU /tbbUClATlUM, U7USib av,,one door bvlow 2'Jth *A.