Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 15,213. NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17. 1878.?TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE TIIREE CENTS DlBtlTUKlf FOK ADVKUTIuEKS. * HEUALI) BKANCH OFFICE, 1.2?5 "RO*DWAY OPEN DAY AND NIOHT FOK HEOjJfT'p'' _* ADVERTISEMENTS AND SALES OF PAl EOS. AMUSEMENTS?1st 1'agk?Sth and 6tU coll. ASTROLOGY?Jl> PAOK??th eoL BILLIARDS?12tii Paok?6th coL BOAKDERS WANTED?Otb Pauk?5th and Oth cols. BOARD a.ND LOCOING WANTED?WM Pagk?0th col. BROOKLYN HEAL ESTATE FOK SALE?lit tAOM-Ut Col. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES?Silt Pack. BUkINESS NOTICES-7rH Pack??*h MM. , CITY REAL ESTATE KUll SALK-2D PACK? 1st ool. CLERKS AND S aLESMEM?1-tu PAGB-lst col. CLOTHING?2d Pauk?Oth col. COACHMEN AND GAHDENERB-12TB 1'Aai?1st pol. _ COX.VTWISE *TEAMSHIF8?12t? Pack?5thand 8th cols. COPARTNERSHIPS?Sru PACK. CuUNl KY BOAKD?Uth Paok?6th eol. DANCING AO A DEM 1ES?1st Paub?Oth coL DENTISTKY?12tu Pack?Oth cuL DlCY GOODS? 1st Paub?4th eol. . _ . DWELLING HOUSES TO LET. PURNI8HED AND UN FURNISHED? 2d Pao??3d and 4th col*. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?12TB PaUB?5th coL EUUi>PE?7th PaCb?6tl?coL EXCHANGE? Wtii l'AGK-Oth ool. E*ES AND EARS? Utu I'aok?6th col. EXCURSIONS?12tu Pagk?Oth col. FINANCIAL?8iu Pack. FOR SALE ?2d Pauk?Oth col. PUKNIMIED ItOOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2i> Pauk?4th cut. FURNITURE?2d Pack?Oth eol. , , HELP WANTKD-FEMALES?llTB Paub?6th eol. liELP WANTED?MALES?12tii Pauk?1st and 2d coll. HORSES, CARRIAOES, AC.?1st l'AGB-2d. 3d and 4th cola. HOTELS?9th Pack?6th col. ? houses, rooms, ac.. wanted?2d PAGB-ath andoth cut*. lNSTUUC?ION-12?ii$PAaie-6th col. ??f, JERSEY CITY. HOUOKEN. HUDSON CITY AND BBR OEN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE?2d PAGB-Ut coL LOST aND FOUND?1?* PAGB-lst coL MACHINERY?2d Pagb?Oth col. MARBLE MANTELS?lira 1'auk?6thcol. MEDICAL?2d Pauk?6th col. ... MILi.lNERY AND DRESSMAKING?1 ST Pack?1th col. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS? 1U*B Pagb? 6tti col. MISCELLANEOUS?Oth Pack?6th ool. MUS1i;aL? 1st Paob?Stli coL NEW PUBLICATIONS--^! PAGK-6th eol. PERSONAL?1st Pack?Ut col. PIANOFORTES. iiliUANS, AO.?Urn Paub?Oth ool. POST OFFICE NOTICE ?12TII Pauk-tith col. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? 11th Pack?6th col. PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO KENT?2u 1'agk - Ut and 2<l cola. KEAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE 2d Pack-2d eoL REWARDS? 1st Pauk lit col. BALES at AUCTION?12tii I'agm?2d. 3d and 4th cols. SITUATIONS WANTBD-FEMALES? 11th PAGK-lkt. 2d. 3d, 4th. 5th nod 6th cols. SITUATIONS WANTED-maLES?11tb PAGB-?th col, and 12tii 1'agk?1st col. SPECIAL NOTICES?1st Pack? l?t und 2d col?. SPORTING?HOGS. BIRDS, AC.?1st Pack?2d coL STALLIONS-1st PAGK-2d col. STORAGE?12th Pauk 6th coL the Lecture season?ut pauk?4th coi. THE TKaDES-12tii Pauk?2d eol. THE i UKF-Ist Paok?2d col. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PUIU'OSES-2d Pack -2d and 3d col*. TRA\ ELLEUs' GUIDE-12TH PA<a-6th col. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO l.E'l? 12th 1'agk -4th anu 3th cola. WANTED 10 PURCHASE-12td Pauk?4th col. WATCHES. JEWELRY. AC. -12th l*AGB-4th col. westohesi'ek county property Fo.t sale or TO LET-2D PAUK-l?t col. YACHTS. STEAMBOATS. AU.-1UTB l'AUifr-Oth col. PERSONAL. A" YOUNG UI NTI.E.V ,VN DESIRES TO" CORltES" ^ pond with a young ludy. Address J. BLAKE, Harrison, ~~ whInea am anxTjus for reply ,Please do. H. X.. Herald olDcc. A fjlNOCIJ-STlUCrLY CONFIDENTIAL; COME OR XUwrite Immediately; can do nothing without you. C11 Alt LIE IF AGREEABLE AKKANUK MEETING, SAME AS our luat, fur Friday; tuku Chris with you; sue tlai(. 1LEF1' 122 AND GONE TO 11S SAME tfrltKET BLANCHE. INFORMATION"WANTED.?OF JUSTIN DAUKIALS, who left Havana lant January, by CATILANA MUit I'll Y. 431 Kabt 14th St., New York. ADY DKhSSiSD IN BLACK, WHu IIOWfcD TO KOtitloman In \ohty street, yobterday afternoon, pleat* MMreaa CONSOLATION (who would Uko to make ber ac |uaintanco), llorald ollice. M N". N ONDAY. UA. M.?WILL THE LADY WHO PaKTED trom Kuntloman, 2Hth st. and 6th av.. ho ^olutt to Bruoklyu to Iccud ?ii(;Hirement at 10 o'clock, pluaxe acud iliu hor address Immediately? PHILADELPHIA. ?Saturday ; same time and PLAOE. U. N. B. ELLIE?WILL 1 SEE YOU ANY M'lKB AT NO. 55 P stf Address I1AURY CLIFFORD, llersld olHce. SUNDAY EVENING, HARLEM OAK.?WILL LADY In black oblige ouu of two Kentlemcn rRci>i;usied, by eonunuulcatliit; with TWILIGHT, Horald ofllceT TWO ENGLISH GENTLEMEN (STRaNGKKS) ARE desirous ot lormiu^ thu Kcquaiktauve of two y?uiiK Aruuricau ladles. Address CHAKLIE GltEVILLE, Herald Uptown oOlce. HE HEIRS OF LUDWIG 11 BINRICIt PLOUOQUET or Honry Ludwlc. wliu eiulKratud lu lbft!> from StuttKart to Hie United Stales, will learu something to their udvait tar? by u111?ut 14u Broadway, room is. U- NION CLUB MaY FIND HIS LADY FRlEND. whom ht> met last siimmor ut Nvwport. by addrosslutf BLANCH C., box 141 Herald Uptown. w ILLIAMS IF PLEASANT.TALL LADY IN liLACK. parasol with white baud, recognise. WILL EDWARD LAYTON, KOKMEltLY <?F BKOdK lyu, cointiiuiilcat? with B. A B... box 34 Ei|Uitabld Bulldiut;. New York city 1 WILL SOME LADY GIVE HElt CasI-uFF CLOTH-, lux to it lil^hlf resD"Ctahle lady in reduced clrcuni Stances? l'leiu^ adilress. for ouo wcok. statlnic whereto call. Mra. M. A. C., Ileral'l titlico. JLOHT a.\i> ruunu. ISoCNf>?OKS I LKM AX'S hCARK IMS, IN~ MAKl'll. . Tito owner can Hot it by calllui; ut 7*7 7th av J. OKADKY. O.1I. ONMO.ND A Y E V1. NINU, GO IN <i KKt 1M HwTTl ?t. Kuil Madl.on ?v, to 4*lh at. ? il l 7ili av . a lace liaad kercmel. I-'1 udor will return to 18 hu>t -JHtU ut. aud re. colvo reward. IOM ~A LlilTHK, DATKD LO.XIM>N. ATH1L 4, J no Importance except to owa.-r 1 ibciai rowan to tinder by *ddru?*iuic C. L , l?ox 6 MfiO, Tout olflco, itatitiK uameot put ty to whom intter l? written. I "Tim a 1. II.iMA Poi'Kfci nook. CoV Jtaluln.; two twenty dollar notea. aeveral poatacu stamp* ?ud am 11II notea. A liberal reward will be paid to the Under, ut Waetcru L'uliii Icluurapli UuildiDK, roou> 47. IOST?WIckfcT. I'AUT OK SKAl. WITH IaDITn'S Ju. iiil rut in intaglio mi 0110 aide; Under will be rewarded by ri-turuiu^' to 34" M eat 'JUtli at. 111ST? ltk.iWr.KS ;i7Tll AND OHaMBKKHtTf?i7 Jllrea^tplu. hair in ceutie : Mtiupoarlat uaiuea on bitcK. J* 1 iiiii.'r will Ut? rewarded iiy returning t ? ttu Weet ;i7ib >(. 00V-on x o> U A y,a i? ki l ia, k in 1 m "in au a v., JS.otch Terrier Slut, niunud "Kiuo$5 reward for hor return. I OUT ULKSIAN LKATllhK I'OCKhTBOoK. CON Jlainitijr between f2l hum tfUO and uiove buttuiier, Ac.; liberal reward. iMI WaatHM ItNU tlillS. HKVVAKIi. - A I.ITTI.K BLAG It AND TAS DOiJ, iJ)?Jlo?t from coiner I'd nr. and 4.11b at.; llcenaxd No. 7,n" l. Ileturn to 747 3d ar. $10 $10 A KfcVVAIUi t'UU i.Ai.4iK Vf.hlidW Dull, MlbxlSO Iroiu privnto viable J.'ki W??i I7tl? at. iltKWA I! 11 KOK KKTt'HN OK A SKY K B mJH Terrier, l<iteb, wltb red collar, ut 34<) Kaat IHtli at. iPBiiAii V LX l'hkmjns "iiavimV'?:i.aIms* aoa'I^ht" tTTS A. "I ravullcra' I lub," city and county of New York, are l?reby notified tiiel tlie ?*me nntt be pre *e n ted before thu [at day <>l May. 1H7H. tolifcOKliK 0. kOUMK, K*.4., Attor ney and Ciintmellnr ut Law, at No. 3 liroad at. iDruxel Building), New York city. ATI KMld.v?TWKN 1 YYK A KH'^l'ULi SMI AN HOXlM tal experience: apertaltlca il!>e*ai-aul men and narvuus tyateni; consultation Iraa. Or. JaCOHY, Kll HleerRnr at, Ll< HCKOIaL 1 UMPLAINTA, mKDICaL nit SI uul eal, eafely, auereaktully trcaii d: advi< e tree. BIT. Bit A I) KO HQ, 13J h?liHili ALL MHM'iaL tiOwl-LAINrii HAKItLT I i.i \ I Ml", faea iiiodcratx ; roiiaultatlnn Iree. br. WtllTKIIKAO, 2l."i Kaat 4Mh at., near !M ar. TTi'.NriV>N~, 1'AT IK ST it.?A LL I?I-h A ?KM,~ l(KU L.NT or old. .skin IJiaerden and Sorvout Hebillty radically tared. I)r. IMtoTlN |lr?ig Parlal, Jt Hnnd at. A ? LtillfilANA STATK LOlTKKY UilMfASY ? ajLadrand dlatrinution. May 14, at New Orluaui I ,H.'i7 tirlifa. ain< iintlui; to ^11". Imi. capital pria?>, flln.iaai, BHI.'iai, f.~?,UiJi>, Ac.; 1UU,UI?I tickcla, twti dollar* .fj|; balree, ntie dnilar t$l) A<ldre? M. A. OaL'PIIiN. K?<i <>nico box (HU. New Orleana, La., or II. L I'LUM, 317 Broadway, New York A 1.1. Uli?JiABKH UK MtN, WIIAIhVhIt TIIK CAUHHT ?peoally and |ieriuauentiy mrcd. Dr. DYbK, 47 Weit 13th iv A HlUIII UUHI rilH LUHG DlSKAMK.'", KOOK atVaCandy and litre Wblakey : #4 per ptlloii; #1 per lar/? i bottle; Hock Candy, & poundi, $1 . unixja ilelirered; feud | portal card. N. VaN, KKL1CTKD ?aLL iilHKAMKH o? M hN, T?I K blood and nerroua tyatem, lierudllary or con^titutiouai, from wlmti'ver came, ?ucccaalully treated. Dr. WMT*I medical . nice, 4A lllf*eckar at. A lAMli KOCM7uKBAT"N(iVELTltH, JU?*f~uTTI J\ ?ci ired ut J. OIB.sON'M, Maat 4Jd at. liiaud ('antral Depot app ialte All rtyrkitKLitouH 11 aim. Xme. Julian a M|ieclflc It tho only unfalllnK remedy for removing radically mid permniently all imuoriuK Diitla* nrementa Irom the lip-, clieek, chin, arni?, Ar. , without lu JurlHK tliu akin. I.adl?? may adilre.a or apply to .Mine. JU> lilAN. U'HI VNe?t:i?tli at.. New York. Olficc hoari Iroin 10 to .1 aailr. RoloiriON'.- 1 ,N VIUOHATINU HYIIUI' tirKKK Itakiaeit, Hfttr. kidney diaeaaei. letaala Weaknma, Ac. ; alao realorea manhood. 3a centa Advice tree. 4lC> llroouia ?t. BKaZILIaN cuff UK DlPliT, 7W tltb n v. Itokated nnd Lr.iuini 1 olfae a specialty. Ordem promptly micndeu to. I'aI'La OUKLIIO A MOIIKPRLU TV?hAKhN OK MKN A Sl'hOI ALfY. J ' ll I'. N It ^ A. Ii A N 11*. I. , M. II, 141 Iji1 x in ({ton ar, near Until at Otlici' I10111? Irom H t.i 3 nnd II to 7 D11. l(lt;OKD'ji h.--K.M:.', OK LIKrt KP^TOKK^man" IioimI to the ilabiluaieil Iii loin wpeka: bie . J.'lpei caae. Hiu /i ihk ?npplit'd Sole ??ont. Ut. J. JAVIJI i-.s, 7 Ukmraiiy place, Aaw York. I |IVoR?!c.* M'hl lll '.Y ilHUlUMI TKllMlt Hi I'hn*. JL-rinilrely Maannaida ; fcONHULTATHIIlit ir.-e. KKMi. fctlli K I KIND, Lawyet, 0 Mt. Mark's plane. iidJolninK ( miner Iu?titHt*. DlVOHI'K ATThNMhD 10 IMt<IKPTLT WITH out |Mblleity ; consult lnm, IsAAU U. 1IOYCK, ex perienced lawyor, 207 Broadway. SPECIAL* .1UT1CES. CommonWbiLYi prize" distribution coflf pany. (?rand Drawing in the city of Louisville. Ky. on Tuesday, April HO, 1K78, or tumiey relundcd. $320,000 caah In prlseaI Farmers end Drovers' Bank. rreaaurer. Tlie?e drawiuea are authorised oy tl.e Legislature ul tbo Stale of Kentucky tor the auppnrt of tlie citv school* of FrAuklort. LIST Of PRIZES. 1 Capital l'rile of 990,000 1 Capital l'riae of 20,U0l> 2 Capital I'riion ot IIO.WKI oach 2tl 001 5 Capital i'riies of 5,OOOeach 2.ri OOU 5 Capital i'rixea ot 3,(X<0 ouch 15,000 10 Prises of 92.000 each 20,000 2.". Prises of 1,000 each 25.O00 5o Prises or .vaiuuch 25,000 2(>o Prizoa or 200eacb 40.000 HOO Prises ot lUOoacti 80,(A)0 1.000 Prise*. all cull A ,..$320,000 lick.'Ia. 91(1; tlulvea. , Quarter!. $2 SO; 11 Ticaeta, 9100; I ickuta, #300; 57 Ticketa, *.100. -Midruaa orders lor tickot* or inform itlon to COMMON WEALTH DISTRIBUIION COMPANY, Courier-Jourual Building. Louiavllle, Ky., or 11. H. i'ultTKR A Co., Kaateru Agents, 1.227 Broadway. New York. IsKAKKO ;AND F ALLINO HAIR SUCCESSFULLY treated at No. 22 Ka>t lltli at .city. Mute RAYMoNO. 1) E pps' cocoa, eppv cocoa. UKATEFUL AND COMFOKTINU. ?'By a thorough knowledge oi the natural laws which govern the operations ?f di, estlon uud nuiritiou. and by a caielul application i f llie line proportions of well aolectod cocoa. Mr. Epps baa piovided cur breaklaat tallica with a delicately flavored Leverage which may #ave ua "nany heavy doctors' bill*. It ia by the judicious u?? .if auch ar ticle* of diet that a couatituiiou may bo gradually built up uutll strong enouuh to ro?i?l every tendency to disease. Hundreds ot aubtlo maladies are lloatiug mound ua read/ to attack wherever there la a weak point. We mtur escape Inanv a fatal shalt by keeping ourselves well iortinud with pure blood and a properly nourished frame."?Civil Service tieMlte Sold only In tina (K lb. and 1 lb.), labelled JAMES EPPS A CO., llOMOCOPATHlO CHEMISTS, London, England. UG."~ Important rates, medical or surgical: Impairment of any organic lunction, hereditary or constltiuiouai talut, and diseases of the nervous system a specialty. henry a. Daniels, m. d., 144 Lexington av., near 20th it, Iloura, 8 to 3 and 0 to 7. 01 -OFFICIAL KENTUCKY srA'I'H DKAWINUS. JT? UKOUOtA STATg? CLASS 3UO-AfUIL 10. 1H7K. 3. 10, 4J?, 4. 55, 32. HI, 37. (.0, 27. 77, 02, 2a KKNTUCKV?CLASS JlM>?AhlllL 10. 1878. 3. 43, 1. 27, 21. 5. 74. 20, 07, 13, 41, 24, 7. For information lu tlie above drawing* apply to E. W(miI), in Park row, formerly of 2 Park row. -OFFICIAL KE.NTUCKv"STATKDltAWINGi?. ? KKNTt'CKY KXTUA CLAiS ? Nil. 270? APKIL 10, 1878. 13, oa, 0, 38. L 41. 01, 20, 05. 40, 10. 78, 77. KKNTUCXY CLASS-NO. 2HO-AHUIL 10, 1878. 3, 43, 1, 27, 21, 5. 71. 20. 07, 13, 41. 24. 7. SIMMONS A DICKINSON, Managers. OKOIIGIA 8TATK l&XTKA CLASS?NO. '-OW-APIHL 10, 1878. 10, 50. 71. 77, 10. 73. 01. 25, 34 . 57 , 30. 40, 5a UKOUUIA STATU?CLASS NO 300? APUII. 10. 1878. 3. 10. 40. 4, 55, 32, 10, 37. (10, 27, 77 , 02, 20. K. U. EDDY .V Co.. Managers. Information Riven regarding; the above drewlnga. Apply to J. CLl'Tte A CO.. Kaukuri, 200 Hroadwav, roar olhcu ?KOYAL HAVANA OKAWS APKIL SO. ? Capital PrUe. S20d.0l.l0 ill Spanlah money. lickota, S40. $20. *10. if'i $2, $1. sinule uunioer Ken tucky drawa April 3d; Whole Tickota. $1. Loiiialana Sin gle Number dra.i May 14; Wholo licketa,$2; Halves, |1. " J. CLUTK A CO.. Bankers. 200 Broadway, rear uttlcu. OUSEIIOLUKUS AVOID DISKAHK BV PLACING "Ltoodorisiuir Oarba.'O and Ash ilox" in kitchen. Cir culars on application. Ottico 48 \N eat 4th st Kentuuky sT.vrK- rolih dkTwn apiul so. Capital Priiu, $14,000. WII()LE TICKET oNLY $1. Louisiana State, May 14. Wliolo 1 ickuta. ?2; Halves. 91. Koysl Havana. April 30. Ticaeta, $40 to$1. JACKSoN A CO.. Baukera. 82 Naaaau at., near Fulton. MliETINO OK THE SUUAK TRADe..? IN ACCURD anco with a call sinned by the leading nouaes In the sugar trado, the underaUiiud request all importera and re buera of augar to attend u meeting on Thursday, 18th lust., at 2 P. M.. at the roouia ot the Importera and Orocera' Board ol Trade, to c naider the proposed ctaugea in iho kugar duties: and to moot repreaontotives Iroiu Uostou, Philadelphia and Baltlmoru. MAHLaND, PHftLPH A CO.. i Committeo on KENACLII, FKANCOIS A CO., \ behalf ol the J. M. CK It A I.I.OS A CO., ) Sugar Irade. ) M AkBLE MANTELS ANli MoNI'M ENTS CHEAPER thaiiever. A. KLAitKit, 131 l ast 18th ?t., m ar 3d av. NoTlCE!?TO RAILUOAD MEN > ND CAPITALISTS? "A roC' nt invention " Tbe only autl-irictiou. sell-oil ing Car Axl Box IB existence; can be examined through a perfect model at the Astor llouso : tills Device overcomes friction, hot boxes and Jourimla, and effectually economises the uae of oil: adapted to railroad and str. et cara. Call on or addross Dr. J. F. McWILLI (MS, Astor House, New York city, April 17, 18 and 1!', 1878. I)ROKKSSOtt PA INK. OWN"R OF ]PEAItOH* HoTEL, . Philadolpbia, cures Nervous Debility with bis Osor.e, or Catarrh Vaenr. RilEI MAT1SM IN ALL ITS 8IAOKS.-A CUKK guaranteed by tlu ECi.Ol'EAN ItliKCMATIC SOCi E i 7. (JBice reuvovod from 207 \Vost34tn st. to 50 West 2dtll at. RiITTumAI18M, ALL sTA(1KS?CURE OUARANT. ED. Kl'ROPEAN KHEI MATIC HOCIr.TY. Only auUior Ued ortlco In America. 207 West 84th at. Koyal havan a 1 .o r ritT~y. Next drawing April 30. 1878 UIO.OCO pe-ois,821 prises; Capital Priae, 2<.0.000pesos. Iiiloriuatioii Inrnisliod mid priten cashed. Spanish Oold and Havana Bank Mils bouglit and Mild. Oralis on II ivaua Issued. M. A. MARTINEZ A CO., Banker*. 10 Wall *t.. liasomcnt. TH"k"~C ON 8 r A Nl- LV IXCKEaSINU C1KCULATION OF Til K EVEN1NU TKLhUKAX OFKF.RS FaCI L 1TIKS Id BU.>INK.s.-. MKS TO BitiNii Tllhl.t OOOU8 TO PUBLIC NOTICE BY ADVKRTlbI.NO IN ITS COLUMNS, AT 2>K1. A LlNH. L N K OUXLLKD KV ALL THE OTHER KVENINO PA 1'ERS CO . BINKD. TIIE CIRCULATION OF THE EVENING TELE GRAM LasT WEEK WAS: Mouday 40.4CI0 Thursday 45.UOO ADVh Ul'lsl N O. 2UC A LINE. Tuesday 4.1.400 Friday &4.400 ADVi'.RTISI NO, 20C. A LINE. Wednoaday 44.:<5o Saturday 47.000 ADVERTISl.SU HOC. A LINE, Total, .JKi.l M $10 Daily ?Tora,'<- 47.1B1 BhKollK AI.I, NKIV YOUK. r'juMAii 1X1)1 KS, A LAXATfYK Knl'tr MMKMMk. X agreeable m Uko ; spei-itlc remedy for o <aillpittiou nud Ita COII?CI|UI)n..C? li. tilt! L.L.' ).N . -7 lltl" Ulllll llUleaU, 1'arls. Doput. CABWKkX, II.I/. V j; !? i CO.. New York WAJI1 KD "|O HU\? 1 TAL.1AN BhKK ADI>UEsS 8. COOK, 1'iilon ?v.. between lOMtli anil HXHb ate. C-i' ~ ( ? KKNIUCKY SIATK^ APKIL ill). ?J>< ) I ? ?' 'pllal prise #J4,i?Ali I icket 91. lucky olllces, 1,2-7 liroadwiiv. N ? w Vurk. I S-i Moiitaxue ?t., Jlronk B. II. rOBTKK 4 CO, Northern i.uuis. Ai|7~(l?)n iMbTKiiUFku kkntucky (Ttatk JpU I tO tt ry Tnuraday. April ? apllal p no. M4.ia?x WI...IO ticketa only $l. open evenings nil m o'clock lit LUAKll A CO.. Brokers, 7 Broadway. C'jin miii -mtal ii t vas\. ai'kiL ii. ?]pO Lv/.V/lr' ".Knutucky State, April Vl Tickets 91. l?iuisiaua Slum. May 14 Tiekcts t haltes VI. Urauu drawing kvyal naxim Herman Littery, .May il. Full Information aunt tree. j. DUKK k CO., Bankers, 4'J Nassau tV,Mr. Liberty, N. Y. 8PUBT1N b-lJUUM. ill ROB. 4C, X'Ci.i.^*1?Th aV. and mm sr.. ii as doi.s kok .mI?- Nt icHiuitintilH llffurea; Italian an<t l.tiidiuli tirey hounds. Iliac* an hi *n Terriers. extra lariie 1'anlah lllool. bounds, l'upa smile kludi I . rv. and haudaome black New foundland, mala auii (auiala; I'ups of tlia .ame / IOMBInatToi. OK TUM ir>-B aLI. I*oOL TOUknX V/mont Moons opoa on alt eventa at TIIOM \S' Kx cheuife, 3 Barclay at. W. LOVKI.I.. TTVo nA L h?BUi10U Hot}.*,,, t;Ui?->n . D BY itTSSiu J? tiaril. It) mouth- old; stands 7 hands hl/ii, in gracery ?tore, <11 Ii ay , near lll'tti ?t. TTv,it -.aLk k7vk \>.hv kink iTmam, vuhks .ikk F Terrier. and a pu* Dux. II. KiSlKM vN.V.H bird atore, Wtk Kaal Mil It PUOHI J?0us!?LAKOK AND SMALL; TlIK BKST or a lock in the city ; Terriers Sink nil fan* alao a Hue lut ui larrnt? and Blrdt at K. He NN'H, IHW .*?t Broadway* WiNI>.i? l?? l*UHCtlnS? ?I iTK I.Aiti.hBT DO?? that ran be lonml, of am ?in?l breed; lia inimt be not lu?? than :BI Incha* Ii.kIi at alioul. eri, miMt ba baadttume, erect III lil? carrtaxe, ifuutln ami wall tralnau If a Sib* rlati til o.IIhhiiiiI, lis iii'.il li*Ka inaat tint be crooked. A Inlr yrlaa will lie nald. but iiutlntiK exorbitant. A'l irea., wiib lull partlt ulara, O. PALiMKK. ilolieinlau Club, aan Kraiiclaen. I 'at. SWKKI' At Dr.XTKH'S, AI'KIl/ 17 (WKDNKS day) i 15 birds aaeli i II ami T trap.; plenty nt btrda. ?TAbUONM. _______ 71 ( |l "K Kl,t.O\V CIU l-'f." ffi,)*: ? 1 ?'j. I'aatoat Inttr mill' record In the w>irl<l. In n raca a.aiiiai horaea, will make tliu aeaaon at Ormaby'a llutel. Jeroma uv, New > ork, at f.'iti Application, ??utfairinn ?ervlee. kin,Hid be ail.ireraod lilCllAUD I'KSlnTAN, till ??y liouae. Mew York. THK Tl UK. " VTKW OKLK.A.N.1 BAChM -turn MikNclNO"jil'l II lSfiV7l 11 intrlei Krlilar evi'tilltifi entrlea ami full rciurna uacli day. I'a'tiea ileatrouk ol beciHUlBg itit'tiibera of Tatter.all'i Club will pleaai) apply at l,U2."> llioaduey, near Ikltli at. IIOItSKM. tAKHIAUU. AC. A~" IJI'.N I I.I.M AN'S " II l:\llfT; TKAM ' OK BAY lloraea; very atyllsli, Ifi'a liaml. hi Ii. yeara old ; a ar ranted annuo ami kind; alao Itrcw.ter laa Wuirun, Dunacum llarneas; an elegant turnmit. ft Wekt Cllli at. A'"" T CowT-au hT sinKsh ami iiki.i vKh Y Waoo.nm, all aiiua. |:m to #l^.i. klliptlv and I'latforin fpriiiK A\ aicnti??, lor expr?>?, icroeer, butcher, haker. milk, depot. 2^?l f?prlii({ at. _yitU HA|,K, "nitOWN IIOBMK, 7 YhAMM OLD. Iianda IiikIi . a arrnntau to trut In 'J tHI| aouml hihI kltin . on account of ownor'a lllaeaa. Mable, 11*7 Mer cer at., near llleerkur. 4 MAO.MHCKXr l.hAl'llklt rtii|KT|>o KXThNslOif u'V tI'llautun. aeata four prranna, I'ole and Sh.ilta. woiuht HM> tnxinda: MtiKie ami Dnulile llarneta to maun: II. lit leather tup M aK<.n, li<> tiounila; Koa'l Ma|(im, Mel^'h and hone ; lit above i??4 aolleil; beat oily Maker*; ?eli (apa ratal/: ?ort cheap 117 Weat kfHIi ?|?, nn.r twb ar. ArV'olt S - I.K, ? Ol)It lioitSKSt itL IT VAKMIMu', atroOol, expr aa, iiillktaieii or any other baela <a; nnikt 'i? anid, i Heap; trial Kl?en. Iiiiiuir* ;I7H and 37S Boaery. renr. oppiialte f?fh at. A"~ KKW KgiiAb TO N KW Tt\ O ANlVroCK 8?At top ami noMp Wa|(OOa, fark ami Tony l'liaeti>n<| beta oi ll'iiihle ami -little liarnvaa at panle prices C.ub stable, I 'm I-.aat Jllth ?i. _____ K1V^ CiliNKY llllliT Hints KH, ?nt r? r lariniiu or ntiy bn?tll??e: to be ? Idlal h .ai-rillc.-i Olal ii'?eii. in? Utli St . between :id and 4lli avs. t -roll SAl.K, I'll II hf. 1111 lt> K -> ; -nil' Kl ItMKK^ ? riMer, exi.rea. or any onaiiieai j inuat lie >eld; ebeap| nn work, Inqmre 'I*.? Bleeeker at,, rear, near ll,wi-ry. "\ iiHNTI.KMaN's i. OA I' KnTA It Mm NNh >i Ktik ! j Von ? tlilr.l Ha valne If aid# at MM. hay llorte, l.'i'i liand>, n years, warranted aoiinf Mail kind; llniomn aire, t liiuwater top Whj'jII aud Harness ue.trly now. 1.17 West U7tb st. HOKSKS. CAlutlAGK*. dit. A?nrxakKK a"sonm CITY AUCTION MART AND .V. V. T V ITKRSALL'S, COK.NKR UK Broadway ami ?l. CHAKLhS W. RAKKrR, AUCTIONEER. REGULAR SALES ovary Wednesday and Saturday. TWENTY POUR hour* allowed tor trial. CATALOGUE OK SA1, THIS DAY AT 11 O'CLOCK. LIGHT ONE home Feed Truck, Hue order. TUIUrY-Kt'Ull Too, Side Bar ami hud Spring Road Wagons, Dopot, Kxpreni mid business Wagons. Top and DO top Pony rtiai'tonn. Carriage., Jkc. LARGE LOT 01 Double iiiirl Single Harness, Horse Clothiug. Saddlo*. Bridle, Whips, Halters, Ac. Tllh PREMiUM combined brown Saddle and Harries* Hume Napoleon. 1>5? high. ?! yearn old ; coat #70O in Ken tucky, and was believed to be ono ol the finest ceiuniuatiou animals lliere; warranted sound aud kind; alio Landau in Hue order, by Wood Bros.; silver mounted nut of Double Harness, by Korno ACurrie; all the proporty of a lauiily going abroad. I IIOROUGHBKKD OKAY Man, li>4 hl|fU, 0 years old; flue iu harness or under suddlu. PAST BRoWS naddloor Harness Gelding. 15Kliitftl, 8 yearn old; a Kama nud oaay driver: can beat - :1U sluule or doable ur under saddle; warrauleo kind MAGNlKIC'Vf rich dapple bay Coupu, Match orSsd? ale Hor?e, 15J? high, 0 yearn old; lias high miee action mid great appearauue : cu trot in 3:!!>; warmutud sound and kind. Dfc.SIRARLE BAY Trotting Colt. 15# high, 5 years old; an extraordinary stylish driver: untraiiiud and cau trot In 2:45; warranted xiuii-i and kind HANDSOME AND speedy blood bay Trotting Geldiug, 151; high, U yearn oiu; without exception is one of t!io tlnont drivers ever hitclieu uitUnr single ur to the polo; baa trotted In 2:4<l; warranted souud iiuAl kiud. Tllh CELEBRATI.D bay Trotting lieldlng Hairy Allen, bigu, 7 years old ; got by American Kthau ; u tree, easy drlvoi; has a record of warranted aound uud klud. fc.XTRAOHDI.NARY PKOMISINO Iron gray Trotting Colt. ia}i high, 5 years old; got by the Parish Horse: a sale, agreeable driver; has trotted In warranted sound ami klad. BLACK IIaUK, 1}^ high, 9 yearn old; free, pleasant driver; warranted souud aud klud. Alto glass trout Coupe Kuckaway. Harness, Ac. SUPlvKB BaY ironing Kllly, l.iy high, "> years o!d; gaitsd to go luit; has shown a trial of 2 *>0)4; warranted sound and kind. LARGE NUMBER or othor Horses. PULL DESCRIPTION at sale. SALES NEVER postpouod 011 account of weather. "IMPORTANT, PUSlTlVfc. AMJ UNRtSEKVfaD s SAL BY PUBLIC AUCTION OP ELEGANT AND Rlcu IIORSES. CARRIAGES AND Wagons, SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS, BLANKETS, KOBhs, AC., AC.. TO-MORROW (THURSDAY), APRIL 18. AT STABLE 121 EAST 17TII ST., NEAR 4TH AV., AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK PKOMl'T, Including a team ol superior, rich and haudsoiue coal black Coach Horses, ir>*i hands. 0 aud 7 years old: were raisud in Keutuuky by Jmno* B. Clay, Esij , and sro thorough bred; have line long iiscks, clean blooded heads, which they carry very high ; have tluu high knee action ; they are mated to perlectiuu In look, color, drive aud dlspoaltiou ; are line, game, easy and pleasaut drivers and will travel 16 inlles to tbe hour; tbuy are considered, by competent Judges, us line a team as goes our parks; they cost til.SOU last May, and are belter now tliau ever, being well seasoned and rugged, and are warranted sound, kiud aud ported. Past and well kuowu Trottlug lieidlnu, Harry Mitchell, 15 iiJi hands high, 8 years old. got by Well's Yellow Jacket (sire ol Tbos. L Youugl. Hrst dam by Kliicaid's St. Law rence, secoud dam by Alexander's Abdallau: be lias a record 011 Fleetwood track 01 J ;27; he can beat 2:25, aud Is war ranted sound aud kluil. Kast gray Gelding I'ilut. 15}?. 8 years old, got by Cham pion (the >lro ol St James nuu Castle Boy), darn by Royal lieorge; lie cau beat 2:411. sin<le or double, ou auy track under in .tcli. uud is warranted souud aiu kiud. Handsomest and fluent bred bay Colt iu this city; he ii 15*4 bauds high, 5 years old. got by 1'liii Sneiidau. ho by Young Columbus, uaiu by Toronto Chiel. tue sire of Thus. Jelfeison. winner of ihe great $10,tHSi race ut llulfato, sec oud Uani by StraierS Casslus M.Clay, Jr.; this colt was broko to liaruesn last tali uud shows great burst ol spoud, aud will, properly bandied. Hot In 2.3d this seasuu; ue is warranto*! sound aud kind. Carriage*, include Park and Pony Phaetons, top and open Wagous, Harness, Blankets, Robes, Ac. Stock cau be seen aud ro Iu after up tu time ot sale. "yyT PRIVATE hALE^ AT VAN TASSEbL & KEARNEYS AUCTION MART, 110-112 East lam ?T., near 4rn av. A SPLENDID "assortment 01' SPRING AND SUMMER CARRIAGES. VICTORIAS OP THE LATEST STYLES T OaRTS, with nullt seats aud Colllngo axles; elegant Dog Cert, by Brewster A Co., of Broome st ; Berlin c seat Rockaway. Coupe ltockaways, l.audaus, Clarences, Broughams, Coupes, L*anuaiilet?. Ilretts. OVER TWO HUNDRED WAGONS. ONE HUNDRED aN'II P1PTY PlIAiiTONS. Harness of almost every dencripiiou. Robes, Ac. ALL AT PRICKS To JUIT THE TIMES. AL'SO SEVERAL PINK CARRIAGE TEAMS AND ROaD IIORSr.S AltCU. JuIINHiON, Alit!l OUluo ami Auction Mart 111 to 2o 1 Jill it., I near L'uivoriiiy pImuh. I III?. 1>AY. THE KNTIKK I'dN I'KVI'S OK TUB LIVKRY ,5 I AND sal.KS STA1S1.K Si ISI WKhT 40TH ST., I corner liroadwuy. tu bu ? ?111 Ml auction bvAKCII. Otc I JtlH ASTOA, tin* iluv (Weuneiday), April 17. Ml 11 I o'clock; 15 llnr-e*. 2 Ootipoa. 2 I'urk I'IimoIou*. :i tup I aide bar Wauoua. extension to;> I'urk rbautun, tf Hu.l X | net* Wtimiii. it Koad Wugou*, I'ony l'h*umu. alx a< u | lioubie and Slusrle llarim**, liULkuta, Kobe*, Ac, | Stanlo Uaenalla Ac. CAKItl AtiES AT A HLAUtiUTKlt; tiUI'lvKlt ??tuck, atrictiy reliable work, ut liiiiuciiae liiiluvom -lit* Inr cull; I'ony I'lmutnn*, llu/gii'?, ItockHway*. .'uinpaeat Wagon*. Cottpo l.nckawuy-, I'urk Phaeton*. toeiind hand ami new, Irotu $75 Ij (!IUU C-'llAlll.l.S i.Kl'liK, :Hkl Omlli OMEAT INDUCEMENT?TUKNOUT COMPLKTM.? Ilaiidaoiue bur 11 or**, 7 vear*. I5,'a baud*; beaitlllul. flowing untie Mini tall. trot* iu 2 :30 . driven by ludloa and cbllilrvu, wuriahlod iwt'l leiir* uolhiug; liruWMier 'lop Wagon, Duiiacomb llarue.*. Kobe*. Illiitikel*. Whip. Ac-; lllue iikoil and \ vrv uheap ; mI.o y niuiir. aouinJ, kluil, g mlu ilorau, IS. 1; irote In 2:&> huio. &U hut 41*1. twit aeparate. LOfc.K.NKY AND tlKAOK ~COWH a WO iToCNii Murk; yoiinic Hull*. rogUterod; m live -yaar-old Mini lloiae. by acliuyler Colfax,for auto at HitAMllLKTV K Fur in. DM ? iiKwt. U I. Alui rurt ? '70.?fc' AM ILV Tl KNOUT VUMfUII; h-?ii?ij>i'iiio u?ik bruwu lluran. hatnl*; exlenaiou top llgbl Phaeton. ae?t* lour: ll? no-K. Ac, alhio*tu*w; mi*o top HomiI Wuioii, top Pouy 1'lmotou, cheap. lilvery htalile*.247 Wot 41*1 *t KAM1L.V, l-KAVliu K?75 "KUKi7l'E7wiLI. hKI.I. very low, baudtom.* Top I'ony Pbau on, ifjlil uiouuiluga. Mini ilaruee* W mulch; Ml no I'lmelon with e? ien*lou top; Top HuvK). Iu* D?utiie llMrnc*- ? Mil uany lhw. by Hr*t cImm* iiiMkur*. Apply to I'IIOMaS, (labia 144 Weal I?lh *1. BHUWM HUKMLJB VMArthT ? KlOil I' l,ls.>; I Wo olliar HMMi, $3&, $75, * 4:1 Heater *1. * MIDk is a it top waoon, it v pki;k, a niDtt Hak .A Top Wagon, by YtoJuitr, Mt 1U> Wm 4Utb, Wlad*or .t?bll Mt M bMr.'MIII. AUtHh ol'POllTl N1TV KOK t.'A>U?Kl.W Alufe. liMr roml \S *?"?. llo *i>. ?Mi|il<ll*d In xylH, fcrCKli cm*ii ; in a* t .nil iruluK to Knropo lortiio *umiuor. luiiuim liMt .tors, Nm**mu miia Liburty .t*, kink pack auk waoon ko7i 8ale-aT a l>itrumIii ho\ U20 llarsiil ottjco. A -a OOOli PAMIi.V nit UUnlNhMH HOKHKM, K1NU ? Mini icuiitlc ; Ml?o lltfUt top Unlivery Wkl'wu; iuu*t Mill. *4114 aprluc ^t. HKi WaTKK hi UK It A It NO 11 il* I ito I fl.Ml Waeun. iroo<l order, clump. 14 > Htil I7tli i.t. AfclK.iT OLAMS IOI' Bill .W.vr*H IMl'ltiVKO llugitr. Hd4aiini Tup Po:.y I'liMt-ton, MuitM Mini lion III.' II Mriio**, Me.. low lor i'**h. Apply to CoMC'lliiimii, I Writ loth *l.. on? iloor from Oth *v. A_NY tlfc.>Tl7K^rA~N Tr> ViMI AN KXTKA KISK I'A I U of corria.e llorti**. auiiini. kl i d. *t> u* i. itnoit travellur* IblMck prvlerruil), well iii.tichml Mini iu ovvry r?-p?i*t di .IrMbio, not midur Itl Iimiiii*. bm' lind ? pur. Ii**?r by Mil ur***lil.' with pMrtli ul*r*, P"*t oflicn liox 1.714. Koii sai.k, a roWhitiiL, kamt wai.k[*o ?drMiuht; WMrrMutvd Iu ?v?ry m*pect; |ij 11 Jmiiiw* .lip. OEM I t.KMA.N H NOWkf, DAIIIAOu'aXII MAN mm, l?|llli?r ?? Mp*TMt?ly ; *ix yv?i* ?ld;*ound: IU h mm: kIBal, *tyllM ; llrnwatur UmlaU. I'nrx PliMVtoD: will IM *old trtHiap. PrlVBta atMlilil I4'i Writ .'hiiIi at. ri>K Wfc.LI, HHKlf HUuW.S M A It K. !:?>? TiAAoiT 7 your* oldt *0111111 Mini kind; VMM trot In i!;.H?; mI-o (hiltlmr top alilo l?.ir A m ion. noml m* H??r ; rtinKi* iMrna*., lUMdti by II it cIm? builder. I'.ll I'.liXMbeth at. 1-loit a A I.E, Pa I it ok i'ANaIia Xti klvWoitK ??in^ie or tluulilo. ?? MBdH y.nn old; tlirvn uthi'r*. lit for miiv bu*<n**a. will b? aold Mt Imlf valuo; good triMl lit*?u. IU7 Merver at., tiDMr llmuaaor. ClIKAP UkTutTm L HAV IIOKsK, Ta 1,1 FaNHS. 7 yemrt. WMrrMUt.-il aoumt mho kind, with m I..111.1 toiiin 1. xti-naiuu Top I'liji'liill, top lluaii ? mmoii, ton I'ony I'tiai'ion. Hlngla aud iluuhlo IImiiio**. 20S Km*i 2<i|h?k, no Mr Ud mv A" ~fiilk iiutif MrVMHII AMIl 11A N UHII .\l ?V~UI >VaL ?li*i ru? Mare 111 thacltyi !?'> 1 IiIkIi, w rrnntnd p< r lavtly *ouud, and to trot today la ii:4i| al.o Nil w tip Wagon Mini llaraca*. Imp Kobe. VV liip Mint ltl.4uk?ta ma. Ing one of tin. bi'.t nun ut. tliMt go< a tlio road. Any gen 11u 111 mii tliMt wmiit* *ometliliig perloct MUll lor littlj 111011. y caah. call 1SR We.t :il*t *t 1 MA.MIHOMK l.KATilKIt IOC I'ONV PIlAKIO.S. i\$li??, wo'tn #J ?ii; built to ordar by llatu*. of >?< limn I J Ka.t Mm at. Althl' i.'il* MAtlK f CAKT IIAKMKriit. HILT nioiiiitiny*, little umiI at a *a?nllaa. at lluilxia at. _| WO t:?.SAIilAN KAMJM >1A li Kg, *l> HAtll; ..wo p .werlul lloraua. and fi.'i, worth $:s.i. I t CM mi or brick yard wora. hu .Now t liMmlwr* at. A? Wllll'rt ?1.1OKOK P. OVhitl.N A CO.. 4 K*.-<r ,llou.l .u ?t. . liMva on haad a fliiH MaaortDieiit vl hiu h' IU. wliitirbnue, ^ml their pntant gul, centra Wlup*. BAKOAlA ? IIOKnK, I'll A fc; ION ami II AKNK.iS, >I70 KNIKKIN, 1411 Kaat .'iM at., private atalde; owner, 114 Ka.t 244b ?t. Mli.K WAOON, IN U4IOU Oi:l?'.lt, $M; UUOD Track More*, cln-ap. No. HJil We?t l->th at. ? pui*MjTu VTtTh ok com-51;il.t noitdhN, llou ilii I t'art llarnea* by Wood Uib.1.11. n?Mrly new, and llttnt Hloglu ll*rnp?a ??> Iliiliw'Oinli. Wanti-d. m plaeo lor cum hin in with three yoara'relerunco. 1'flvatn .labia 2H K**t :t"th *t., roar. ttoVilll AM, ItSoUOM A*; HKoTull ?M, built by HrewiMr, of Hroorue at., rerjr liitlit, with pole and ahalt., Iu iruod order, ^ M. U. UK AT, tO and 22 Wm.ater ?l. / \ laklAOKn.-l<Ai.tilt ah.iUkTmkvt OlUI'fc.S, Vyiuur and alx *?at Kockaway.; evety kind or Pbaotonai aesoiid IimuiI Carriage* , alio work to ?ln|>. ?I tlOLVfc.H A < 0,.!>U4 llrnailWMr. C4 Art III AllKr., HAItNr.HH, AI?T.AKI IK TmTI'VK*. 1 in in* lor i m.Ii ; Puny ami Purk Paaetona, #7li upward ; IMMtirle*, iMrge ..apartment, #s. itinaawMy*, ill.'n Ilepot, Itnid mid .1 uiupae it Wagona, f&> upward; ifoaran* teed ?trlcllv rellahln w.,r? ; llarueaa lluuit variety In New V01 k. tvery atria, from <11 In up * anl JOHN uooltK, 97 Warren it. C40MP1.K1 k locmrnn-jui' iiuoov, $.">1; 1.11111 r /1 rntliiiir W agwft, fi.'i;t'p I'unv I'liMlun, liuiir low la ?vnl, f >5. PiirlB/ liONo, tan bnat 2 :Pi. $IXji aorral I'ony, PhMet ni Mod llMrne**, flui. ."ill 7tli a.. till K A I' fllK t'Aill?A Nll'h nlUK llA 11 IOI" /WMgon. luteal ityle. In good muor ; m Mke mii 210 H e*t 4*ih at. Ditto? KoUli IN II AN 11 (I'MA IIRA KM). W'ANIKH; alto 1'hMtou, with brenk ana rum bin. UllAO, llcmld vlilue. A HUUSJCS. C\IIIUA?a?. - fgf trotu 15.'~ 11? 1*1.2. _ t't? t^ok^aLk-bindeb ^anu'kaUt*pou:A^a^ 1/u>od live time*. A. S. I'LAM/ttAt ? 374 iiroonii' ?t. ? ?il BALK?A YOUMJ. lUO ?0Ulll-V ^juWa.i r klud, i-:.a r rotting Hor?o. Private .table ou??? 43d ?t- -?? tthmi "sTlk-a VALUAIiLK .CU^S.*)'h "^'ra r veer old dapple gray lljrae. 1*J hard. oiuilud in every ro?peci. C*ll lor two tiny* At utove *t t % ?on vS. ? ?v?k HALK?A PAIR O? VAIX'AULK HK^IK BAY 1; carriage llur<e>; will tail to rwFU.llile l??j Herald t?ike pay lu curritt^l hire. Audrew uttloe. * ?'US ALh-l I AN D.-OM E tKAM H^AC* * r IIor?e?, 15', baud*, .i year.. f?V?frow ?? ?|?o two otli.M ll.irae., Mill any worg. 1 ' '* " . " - F~~OK SALE - A TI i O ItoUli IIB RE l? OUEBNShY KKB?H Milch Cow ; wake. 13 pound. ot bailor a week. No. ?'3 JfMt ISib ?!- ??? rpi>H~H vLK-11AMII LF.TONlAN ?AHB. r high. 0 year. aid; aound and kind and ' ?iJi< bur Koad Wagon. made by Kent; Baakel lop I baetou, 1 Canopy tup. HO Sullivan ?l. WUli SILK HAY IIIIKSK. I&K HANDS. SYKAKH r old ? can '.ret - '4"; aim lop nldebar Whllechapel W agou ;u?, IUruo.. ,.Va,ty 1,..: or win cxebu..fe tor ,?ood m,lcl, Cow. E. T1II..MAS, We.t Side Hotel. l->lb ?i..Htl> ?v f ci i i.' i rAlK OK SPOTTED DEKK, '/ Fid from I'^U. Apply tn kUMoNUs BBOTHEBS * CO., 130 Vrott it. ___? ?^nji < J| u it \ BaKOAIN ?KOUtt OOOD HOUSES, FwliabloSor AfInu.rBAbutob?r; ,mce r or other bu.l u0nh; mu?t bo ?ol?l. ADUiy.Hi ->4 LnfuyoU P - ?rj*7\|7 <4l,K CIIKAi'?UKAt' llOiiati, 0 Yl'?AltS oLi>, i;? ii'umU: ??u!iil, Klud ?nJ true in Vll l^rum , AUo Huir?sy. Truck >kttloton una Slutfl# lUrnos*. Apply -2 Market, cornor Henry, Now . Vim 8 ALU <HhAl-A IV.aM o# rSJifcT WILLIAM i P Home.. alio doubl* ??t ol llarne.". Inquire W ILL.1A* i?i:LUl. Iii71li ?t., near Mil av.. >Tiirrl.anla TOKES I LARUK YOUM> lJl'ltllAM l!(lW A.NII l.'Aii7 T .Vldi rimv lluifur Call; 20 quaru ituarautood. Apply 417 Went 4 Itli ?t. sW>-UXK OK TUB KINEHT COi 1'K Oil T b cart IIor-a* lu tho city: tlno anion; 17 hand"??" ? T i'?rl iii trrai cla>< ordvr. and olio ??t single narnena, ttie above properly belouu-? to a ??>l>,l|amk"a'K^t'VltbM I can I.K aoeu iu llolnl llrili.ewlok Mut.l.--, H? hael SI lu ?t._ S5F5 rt A UK?A KI .NK SET <>K OoUBLK II.AKN KsIS, J Mllvor mounted, aliuo.t uew. Ill lo u.- i? ear*, coup - or pliaetou ; will '?? ??ld v?ry cheap. ? K??* -ft" "?,I. si-kino' toi' w aoon. n',^ r W.IUOU. <t?J: llockuway. *'??>?? Ooaeli. *,a0-1 ZV? ??? (li tux]- \i\ir Uonule lUmet?.JIl?: ?umy, ^on (top), ^ * (SkaY. a? AUil 5TJ poofter ?t. T^?)UR CULT.1, KOUlT Y K A Its 'OLU l? Y M U>1)LK; r town, the -Iro ol Mu.kk. and other.; 5?\"0 ,6ul" * and bettor without bandlluK: all uood (lie. To bo ?een at CIIAS. IIElNKKi-'S Hotel. Juroine uv^ TT>Oil* SAIjK?ONK ^UKOi-KXfUASTYU^BLAl^ r llnrfeu- lii1; hand* lilifli. o >ear? old, very line travel 1?1?-one iialr 'f >.?y IIomen. 10 hand, high 7 year* old, !>n? ili" |J ?lur*o 7 yeure old. HI liandu hlirb ; vory reliable . tho ahlivo liornoA wore brou.-ht dltuc* ada. ami will b,- warrantu.l In every p?rllcuiar. To be ?oen at hlliirr rs Stable, 7ill av. and TJil ?l HANUst'Mi-. T Alt I'. Kt'Li.Y WAllltaNTKU, VEBY low; uho llH.Wcl I'hue tun, *l?); 4c B.IOWN A B A I * M A N. >???< fc.a<l ?? ? ?* ?*? VT 11. uuil'1'8 A SUN, AUCTIONEER* hXECUTOIl'S SALE HOUSE, CABHIAOES, kC., ON WEUNESUAY. Al'BIL 17. AT U O'CLOCK A. M., AT lUOABOCK'S sTaBLES, 47tll ST., BETWEEN 7TII AND HTII AVS.. comprialuir buy llor.o. lU^ThlTod. 1.1*1.; ojm < tc B> order or mSn! \ ^"cutor* 1*JAKNI'.?S AT COST 11 AJtN ,S8 A' V!,\S?P 'JaJt,148 11. 5111 Broadway. -?l?J Broadway alt Broadway. ?ll?. i,i,i chiinee to u?t the>e biimaiBt. . House- taken on i-asturaoe i*Oit niE hiiji mi-r; excellent isra.. and pure 7!'sRY ahktielree*; ? month per head. Addraaa llr.PiKI h?iilM11?I". Proprietor, Broadway road. Hu^uenol .taUon. State.i UlaiuU rrsT ahbiv*i?h? ,iUV" J??%. I llornoa: ..Hill Weal a4lh. Mw.k? 11 in >1. ?~j 7-7T 17 || v NDS; huUKU AND OKNTLE; BIN OLE Mor dFo?,hll ; a nio?l e*??lleul team. WEsTON, boiler ?llice. til. l.Uierty ?u. alter 1 o'clock I. ?? ^V^AMTTrPhllllLY KIMsllE D UKblUNK. Jusr AKRIVEII?a."? OOOU vuunu mvuno. ?*' ll'iiriei: unliable for any bu?lne??; half value; lent irom company In P?un?ylvauta. luqulro lor TO*. ->M Weal a4th. _ Milk uoFtr?OOOD IIOatlM AND OOVjtRltD vVia^oii lor Male cUeup; cauva, llln???. Apply 4J0 K-?t N victorias, uabuiolkts and t cartb (or park and avenue ('.nvlug. LIOUT VEHICLES KOIt TOWN AMD COUNTRY, la varied atyiea. A. S. KLANDRAU k CO. .17'i and ;I74 Broome at. /\n ACCOUNT or iiBAVmd TNR CITY WILL SELL (3my compiolo Turnout: blurk llor?e, 15^ h?n?i?. a.Tund ami Icind, trot. In .three lu.uuiev wlih o*ten>loii t^P S!. .!.i,>n mira llirlil. aeala 4. ?lth 0n? harne'a caali In. inediale.V.'*??<*?? co.t laal tall Dr. bAVlLLu, lJli>? \Ve?t I5tb, ??r *t Htiiblo 1 ?*? ?t. liuIVA I K."stable TO LET C'll i-.Al'?44TII sT . N rAR JT 5th av.; live alalia, carriage rooin,^ .part uieuta. _ lj UlsLKY, lltVlN.I k TtCKRR, Cari.ii e llulldera. Oiler a floe a?orln.i.|i- of Ladle.- Phaeton, for town or ? iMiiitrv Lilt -ol patiernf KEPAlKS OK I'tUlliAOES A SPECIALTY. Careful e.tlmatee in a. to lor do.?K the neat qtt Oily ol work ut.rro:;.,:,:i"m.t:'r,i:u .?d .n,h..t <-?$:? Vehicle! lor rvpaira ? ior am. aeiivor?d lu New *..r*. Briik.Vn and Jeraey free ol cl.erae and covered by ..ur puliclea ol inaurance wmlo In ..ur pow?lon. tbui .paring lou "bKOAOWUy'; CORVKR 37TII ^T.__ TjTiTTiVfKKS K<.R SALK?AT WOOULAM "Wit I V k'lrni which will be apeuded ui><?. the tree* every .?at ^;?;,n?'?N.t II A. M or any Mh-r day lor par tla, ilrairln* to pun-haae. bv glvlntf notice ny mail. I alao offer lor 'ala Son? tha get uMVI kin. ;uc..ber AUdrea. Mujor Till, d AS MORTON, hox H N.abmg N. l?ovN KAMi WITH I'll Ar.'l nN AND MAMIMl Jtal.n Iartfe llorae, aultabl* lor aiow work. I rivale al.bie a 1.1 We.I Ui -uui m.r. ?unrKitniu.i tiviuiiiAK ? Uu? by Hr?waur 4i Co. it ml urn by Lominn makwr; u??il vert llilm mill In vumt ?r<l?r. A. S. Ki.a MiUAl' ? On.. J'i2 ami ;I74 llrootua >1. SACKIKICK KOIl CASH -llAMiSOMK it KKWTKU IM lirnvail 'urluic tup lluiftrv. tup 1'naotim, llura* ami liar !??)? complete; it'll m>i>?i t ly West lutb at. STALI* TO I.KT OK I'AKT OK I'lilVATK SI,VIII.E. 17 ?? Hi Oth at _____ rpurrKH and caiits?Uouhlk and 81 milk 1 I ruck*. nacimil haml, alieap; twu lie* Ural elaaa C.iaJ t;*rt< V.'f r Uw. 7."| I si a*. r|M? I.KT I'KIVAfK MI AMI.K > Ml , >T. TiT.\ It 7 I II I1KOKUK VK VKil". 7H ?:ii*mii*r? ?i., rim ii tl. rnil tlf-A TWO MHllV MKICK M AMl.h.~ 4MX:7 1 'eel. W and H7 Jane at.: putsuaaluu May 1. K. U A H. T. Ill I1MUM tUI II utiooii ?l w AMKD-AN t'NOi.KTAKKUM TOP WaOO.V ?lre??, l?ir lettor. .1 J. P., 'I'll flower*. ! W ANTKO-NO TUI' moal> WaCICJ.V, KIKUT CI.AM* ; I? 11 ? n!. ? r: nUn Double Unman*. slate price, or do uotica I UKt)ii. !???* tNWI New Yum office. UfAKflM l " ilTi \ MOUHU KUHiUKMH UUMMft. ) VT liu hi-tilliii*?nl; pit 0 muai l?? rcinMnmlil? : *?o?J full ' imrli :ulia*rs a <Hrt??? I .*% > I A l.M >. S T, Il?*r4i<l 1 tlfANTKII A IIOKSK ASH PNARTOX IMaBUMI ' T to?'Ut, for i* imly to drive, in exclmiiira f?*r * fir?t <-!??? I'Uno, 111 i??rf<tct otdor. Au?irum MCMihl, bos 4,VI4 l*o?| | ullUtf. <MJ"\ -NKW TOP OMOrhKV Mh.LIVKHY WAOOM; V*J* *?K*|#re%4 Wii.'ou, $14); noo?J bu?iucn M?r?, 11 *r j tie** ?7 vl tit l .'tli. |)IIS -4HN UAH TOP HL'UUV. tLI, IMI'HOVK I vl ?*? /?nieiit*; beautiful roo?. :t 4* \V?mi 2711* ?t., near silljr IICKIII M>UNO LAIMM 1)AI K PONY. V 1 " )? /?Imiult. il yiiih i leather tot? Huggjr adU llarLo ?. th*fi S\ *ftliiii|Ct??u ?l., ltor*e?li??er * N in* \ uwiim. f KW BO.*Nr. 1? K/i?">.Ai?fi' II DLNlJAlf. J. A C. JOIINMTU*. Br ail way, full a*, and 22d it, havo Juot ricaOoil a lieautllul lutaorlmtal of Pari* llooniU and Hound IliU Also ? magnificent variety of Panthers, Plovers. and I'.lbboM, aitha uiuat reasonable prloaa. Sautploa of Dry Uomla aent gratuitously lo all part* of tha c .uiHrv 1.11 a|i|il<vailuti. tliua t-iiitblinir uul ol town parttaa tn inaka llielr |<urvliaa<ia in .Saw Ynra ?< advautaxeuualy ?? radiloula of tlia alt). J k 0. JOIINMTOM. MlltUNKIlV AN l> l)lll>.N<t,nAKI1U. \ ? MIHH J. nOotT. 115 W?o4r itu lit ?dCt OND J \ ?Mpmiiiik on \V ?iiliii<atlay 11I olfuraiit Honiiau anu II- and Ma.a; alaa tpneNMtlaa la Umirniti i ami I'lill irnn'i lltptri niimt; laillas own roatorlala maile up; TIIK I.KCTI UK IKMUI? CA KA It III ASK. A. M..M l> i'llYslOMHJIi: ?I. A N fl Os?*ii|i.kIc il 1.4'ctnf.'* :n\ W'lfit H'l. na?r Hroadway, etrnry WranMday altaritwmt, *i :t*? tn la<ll?a. (aatlantan at II tdtnlaalott l*i<a fl'lIK I.KcrUNK NYilttOM *TkH?. "III* 1 II illway In Ila ltnl*tlnii in I'abila ai.<l rrtvatv Intvraaia ' win li ? MllVMWl, ?l tliH r*<|0?at ill niaay lamllaa m?r cliantu ami lianai ra ?f N?w Y ,rt. at Ittflnway Hall, an Frl nat ?vi>nln<. April Id. a: K t'llotlt Ilia lltMtnf .Vaynr Kly will nraaiila Nn ?n.>*tlmr la In bii bald, aa arrnnauualy ra Durtad. Corra?uund?nau to b? wttbllabad to-iaotraw.*. i ffirxv smrr f u kvv.i et I KTIl avenuk theatre. Last kour NIuiits. TO-DAY. IIIKNKKAI. A IIVIKKIOtf. 50 CENT8. M AllNh 15 IKKSKKVKD SEA IfJ Mi CENTS EXTRA. TG-D.vY. I UHILDKEN I i A1. K PRICE, or THE WORLD-FAMOUS RELIGIOUS DRAMA. U V XX N CO U EEKE U U N N N C O L K U U N N N O 11 E U U N N N O L EEB U U N N N O L K UUNNNOOL K UD M NH CO LLLL EEF.B "BUT singing WK KVKIl IIKAKD," HA Ys TUB HERALD. rrTT OO Mi MM "? 888 I "IT T O O MS' NM "8 ft | HAS T 0 O MNNM ' U | AGAIN T O O MNNM 888 ! BECOME T 0 0 M MM M SI Till-. T O O M NN M 8 H KA8IIION. * OO HUM 880 I TIMES. CO A HUB l7~ NN N I "CABIN CO AA II B II NN N | and C A A. B B II N N N | CaMP C A A BUB II N N X I MEETING AAA B B II S X N I SUNOS CCA A B B II X XX WHIM). CO A A BBB II N NM ? ICHAItMINO," With ilia irreat original TOI'SY. Mr*. G. C. Howard: llie Virginia Jubilee ."?iinuni; the ueuulue Southern .^penal tie*; tbo *eu*atiooeieirect* ul tUI? moal lue^uiUceut ru vlval. KRIDAY?FAKEW KLL BKNKKIT Of MR. AND MKS. G. O. HOWARD. UNION SQUARE THEATRE. Proprietor Mr. SIIEltlDAN 8IIOOK Manager * .....Mr. A. M. I'ALUUU 84TH TO HIST performance ol tbo ureal Emotional 1*1 liv lUo author* of tun " I wo Ot|ili?u?." entitled v A CELEBRATED CASE. produced with a tupero ca*t, iucludiuir ^ | Mg.irt Chnrlea K. Coyhlan, John Par*ellu, J. II. Stod-I I d*rt, K. IIardenberir. Nclton Decker. II. W >l<ititi(uiii- I lory. II F Only. W. II WIMor. W. S. Oulirley. W. | uuldthwalte, tun'ihor wllli Ague* Booth, Miaae* Sara I I Jeaetl, Linda Deii*. Lulu Jordan. Roberta Norwood, I Margaret cone, lUilio I borne. l.iille Eva ireach, Mr*. | U. II. Gilbert una Mr*. C. VV. Poole. 1 SATURDAY. at 1:30. FOURTEENTH MATINEE OK A ChLKBlt AI Kl? CASE. SKATS Sl.CURKD Th* DAYS IN ADVANCE. HELLER'S WONDERS, ?J4tu ?t.. next I'ilth Aveuue Hotel. BVKIlY EVKNINU AT S. SIX MAltVKI S OK MAt 11 IT. THK STOKY OK BLUE BEARD U the luuuien thinis ever luii-noa to. THK DANCING SKELETON. Sailor* awermliii; up tne rigging. To conclude wltli PUNCH AND JUDY. MA TINE l-.S WEDN KSDAY AND SATURDAY, AT 2. rpilE GBEAT NEW YOKK AQUARIUM, X Bm?dwuy end 36th ?t. Fluoit collection In tbo world uT LIVING MAK1NK WONDERS. Ju*t from South Alrice, GltoUl' OK KIN E. WONDKKFUL CHIMPANZEES end eu euoruiou* OureuK Outeui;. Nvervat euproecb to meu ol' ell hiiiiumU known, lluiiiun In uctU u end eopuer Lttriccat mid llneet (pucliuoui ever captured alive. More ou exhibition ibau ore captive in all hurope. liertitluiu'a mauiiiUceut baud i t l'i piece*. ti KAN Li INSTKU tIKNTAL CONCKUT-l KVEKY AKTKK.NOON a.ND EVEN! ?G, at 2)g and s.', P. M. Adinieaion, 5ue. To CbiiupaDieei, 23c. extra, t'nlldreu bail priee. r pi i ? a r u e Ci I m i gun! si* bboaDWay. 1 UAKltlGAN it IIaRT...... Pruprirtore M. W. IIAN 1.1'.Y Manager UAKltlGAN A HART, Iiakkigan .k IIART. will pruaeut Edward HarrlKun'a aiuualutf Drama. DOYLr. BttoTU Elt8, MATlN'Kf.S I In which Hurrlican A Hurt will Introduce WEDNESDAY I their world renowned apecUltiei, to and I ({ether with u poweriul ea?t. SATURDAY. I New Muale hv Dave Bruham. Bowery theatre. every evening. Matter N. S. WOOD. ? THE CKLKitKATED BOY ACTOR, la hi* tbrilliiiK Seuaation Drama of the IU?Y DETECTIVE, preceded each ?veninu by the euiuanikr Karce ol TCltN IIIM out; BOY DKTECTIVK datineu Sa I URDA Y. el 2. GREATEST blloW ON EARTU. 3d av. and *>3d *t. BVERV D/.V AMI I-.VKNIN0. THE ROYAL SIALLION-. 1IIK ROYAL STALLIONS. THK ROYAL STaLLIONS. THE llOi'AL STALLIONdb THK BOYAL STaLLIONS. TllE BOYAL si al .ions. THE RO Y AL> .VIA 1.LIUNS. CHARLES VIHII, KITTY HTOKI'.S, HoLl.oWAY, the Groat Eneliah Clown, BATOUBLOR'8 TltiPLK SUM EitSAl' L V OVER SIX ELKI'II\Mi?. ALL Tllfc NoVf.LTlKS. ADMISSION 2.'i and So cent*; ICuaerved teat* 2ft cent* ?xtra. Dour* open al I and 7 P. M. PHILAUKLPHIA ONE WEEK. APRIL 22. QRAMulffUl AH Y~N D clvicitKOEI'llO*. under the au>pice* of the TWENTY-SECOND KkGIMENT, N.O.8.N.Y. la eld of the Europoau Tunil oT Giliuore'a Twenty (econd Roiilment Hand. J ACADEMY UK MUlilC. Tas7k?1 HU.NUAV KVKNINii. APISlL 2t! I Tlcketa admitting Kentlrman and lady mi Llto Itdy'i ticket 2 JO Can lit obtaiuoo uf Ilia officer* and member* of lb* Twenty-aacoad Kagluiant; llwuliuitUr I*. tL Ollmora, No. till Wail 12th ll. i Cuvill, llaaarJ A Co., FUtti Avenue lintel; IIiidnut'a Pharmacy, Herald Building, and at the Windsor Hotel lluxee for a ale at Caaweil. llaaard A Ca.'a, Klltli Ateiinn llolei; tt illlani Henry Mintn A -una, .'ill Leonard at.; Drill I, Hoirert. jKtna ?ire Company, 17'J Broadway (I. DAY AT i ItOMKItl 1IKLI.KR T CtA.Ml t Kll Til K V IKK. HitOAllWAY AN.# XJI? H T. OWM. IlkMlr Kt'iN ...CMtrlelW and Manaaer POslTIVhLY LAST WKXk UK MAOOIK MITllll KLL. apuoarlag la the beauillul ami romantic play, the PhAKL UK H.VnY, HTOXU CAST. UK AU I 11'CI. MCKNKKV, NKW Ml nlC. HOMiK AC. KRIOAY. A I'HII. 111. BKNKKIT of MAUOl MITCII KLL. SATI.KDAY NBXl r A KKVV hi.I, MATl.NKK. MONDAY, A I'till. M. J. K. KMMKT aa Irlti, ??ur < oualn Oerman. Intro ducing new aouire. aketcltea. In Produced with new vwa er? an'I a nowertul rail. Puril.tll PkICKA mux okkii-k opkn daily. T lOUAY AT 2 llr. 1,1,1. II MATINKK. TIiK M A ItVKLLoUtf HAT THICK. rtlUK OuNarANTLY INUKKAtfl >li ClKCt'LATIUN 1 nK TIIK I VKSINU IKI.hOKtM IiKK It- PtClL irlKK III MlMINhsM MKN in KhINO Tlll'.llt liUUllH TO PL' MHUK RY A DVKKTl* I.NO IN IT* COLUMN*. A r # iC. A i INK INK olALLKD ItV > I.I, TIIK urIIKII KVl-.NIWO PA I* Ks COM HIXKD TIIK OlHUULATION OK TIIK KVKNI.NO TKLK. lillAM Last WKhk WaM: ? W*JU Tliuraday 4.V?? ADVKi.TlSI Nu ?>C. A LINK. Tuesday 4'i,4<a? Krtday 54.4i*J a link. Wednaiday 44.MO Saturday 47.WJO ADVhlt1ltl.NO *<C. A LINK. Total. *3,1M ADV KK I NO 300. A I.I.NK. Dally avaraue ... 47.IU1 IthPOKR AM, NKW Y'lKK TIVOLI rill' ATHK. sTII Nr.. HK.TWhKN Jit aud Ud avi .Nu perloruianee ran equal our*. Lena Aberie, the lieautliul raaalM. Mlie. Kranaiul. queen ol the liicycie ; Murphy ai.d shannon the kr?at HUdi team ; Sam and Carrie owem. acrobatic anng anil i!anr? artlata; Mnua. Kurard. monarch ol tbe al> . Jm- Huekiny, lone Laa*, Mtie. Ilrairee Walemi Hroa . Mullen and Aeat, Kceeatrlr 4, the unal ami only Vienna Ballet 'roup* a ureal new fan toinime, together with 1ml Sperialtr Artleta irom all o?er the world ', 4 houra ul lun. Matinee* Tliuraday and Satur day altertiooii, aiao san iay midnight. UOTtl'S. AIMkK'd UkTUKM. ONK NIOIIT ONLT. K AST Kit HUNDAY. APRIL 31. B AIMER AIM I'. K AIMRH IN ONK GKAND CONCRUT. AIMKK AIMhh AI u KK AIMKK AIMKK A I Mf h AIMKi. aimkr AiMRK AIMKK AIMhh AIMKK AIMKK AIM K h AIMKK AIMKK WILL HIMI IN KNiil.Hll, WILL tl.Ni. IN O. KM AN. Will sino in krkni ii, Mll.l, sINO I.N si' A Niail, Hint a Pretty a< a I'tetare, slnxa La I'ainnla, 81a -a wain Iron ' ?ll Vlergas, Blair* llatmera from < amies. Will be aaauted liy all tha kambi-ra i>f the Chorus and inrreaaed Orelieatia of th? AIMRK TII-RRA COMPANY. Haat* anw ready at Hooth a NUSIJAT, Al'ltll. .'I. St; N DAY. A I' KM, J I. ? C.N DAT, APxII. 11. sl'Mlt*. Al'ltll, Ul. ?t'NUAT, Al'ltll. Ul. HI' N ll tl, Al'ltll, Jl. sr.N -ay. Al'ltll. 21. st/MnY, APRIL 21. rpu VV DAY AT 3. IlkLLKH'H WONDKKiL AlilaACK'tf. * bummKit skaron. Klrat alaaa ttara or aomblaatloat, wlthlac to rant thla theatre for the inontba ul J ui? and Au > uat. and Brat two weeka uf Heptember, may apply to 1IIKODUKK Mods, Ireaaurar. /NKKMANIA TllhATHK. UAD. NrURNDoKKK Director lONloMT. HKNKrir or wili.Iam rir? kii<>kk. 0KH OULDK A UK It, play In four acta, hy Blrcb-PlalfTer. Ilox ?iltl. e opeu dally trom H till 4 o'clock. ?|?U PKKKINS" TU-NlOIIT Pj At CIIIRh III Nn II t LL. will talk about ??TIIK PKRKINH KAMILY " l!eaer<ed Seat*. .Vi aeuta. il w-cured in a<lvanca, at rond'a, dM t'alon Miuare, J. k. VaLK. tt.naner L^IKrKKN KALI. POOL Tor K.N A M H NT.?AT Oltol)* L MiH'.i, (Ml and 11*2 haat 14th at. We.ineadaf. After ??inn S. KiiIkIjI ??. U. VSH...I, r. Ulan *<. Oeo Rloaaoti hvenliiji-U. Wanlatriim ? O. Krey; J. Dton ra. A P. Kuilblplia. A iinl>-Ion- Alturnooi., 2 h?. ; eeanlnc. 9<%| ?e aerveil aeata. 2V eaira 'PH.. Sl'h A K I .N H IMIONUOKAIII. NO. II K Alt I iFlTi 1 at. (K'irir llulnliuK). I'?t,i 12. 2 t > b, and H to IU daily. Ka.?lenak?rr leatara at m P. M. w A. Ml SKJIKST*. aLLa?:iC's. " ' jij* Proprietor hi..I Manager Mr. LESTER WALLACE EVERY KVKMNii. AT 8 O'CLOCK and SATURDAY M All NEE AT 1 30 DIPLOMACY. BOX BOOK Ol*EN FOUR WEEKS IS ADVANCE* OOTli 'S f1IE AT ltK. EVERY EVENING AND SATURDAY MATINEE. Morara. TOMI'Ul.HS A HILL'S luaKiiiUccut production of the BBSS K E EES E XX E XX JkEKB XX B X XX IT xx jr x x II W p 11 t L L E EEB Z K LLhh K EEB K 8S8 E 8 S EEEB 8 8S8 8 B 3 IBS EVENING PUICKS-J .C . .10e.. $1 unit SI 5U MaTI.skc. prices?aoc. and#i. .lA^U OPr liA HOI - K. XPOOLE A DONNhl.LY Loaseoa and Manager* Ucaervtd KOati (Orclio.lriv Circle and Hakonv), iOc. mkU<K Oil. MATInE* TO-hAY. STRUCK OIL MAilNEE TO-UaY. struck on. matinib iouay. Dooi ? ..u.'ii ul 1U commence 2 o'clock. M:?a MAGGIE MOORi-. and Mr. J. 0. \VI I,LI AM HON. Mlsa M A ti< i I K Moo Mi mid Mr. J. C. WILLI A M SON. Mix MAG'ilh MOO KK ami Mr. J. I). WILLIAMSON. Miu MAI it 11E MOORE hii .J Mr. J. 0. WILLIAMSON. Hn. M Alitil K MUOHK .ui 'I Mr. J. 0. WILLIAMSON. THIS EVKMNii, STRUCK OIL Mud THE CIIINhSK QUESTION. MUi Mo. ? re's nrlK'nitl Son if- itiid Duncea and the t.KOTbSgUE CHINBSK OPERA. Union square Tlii-atro cant. Scenery, .'.c. FRIDAY EVENING, HuucSt of )IIm MAi.iIIK MOOBB. MONDAY. April 2a, Mr. JOHN SoCULLOUGU WILL AI'PEaR IN TIIK IJLADlAfOR. NIKLO'S OAK UI'.N. Meaara. GARDNER .1 li At'H E... Lfl?a<-ea and Mauagaft A UK-ERVKD SEAi FOR An CENTS. Kreolve.l nightly with thunouroua applause. The intunacly teuaalional hii.i pathetic Uve act Drama. LEA II; LEAH. LEAH: Oil. THE JEWISH MAIDEN'S WRONG. Act 1?Arrival ol Leah nt tlie Aumriin vlletra: at the murcy ol tin- ninb. Act 1?1 he meeting ul hean and Lu u.dpli. *ct 3?Tlio anaro?Leah an omcaat. Act 4?Wod tllu/ cliimna Act ?"> - The waudriui: ul Laali. THE Jc.WIMI CUKSE ON HER UETRaYEK. Mr. SAMUEL W. PI EEC V ... as iiudoloh Ml? GUsSIE DK FOuRKST.. ?* La all Wednesday ai' z Doora open at 7 I'. .VI. Curiiatr h at It P. M. Hox ulli e up.-ii Irom s A. M to tl I*. M. Heat* aecurcd out) week in advance. MONDAY. rJd iii<t . Ol'ENINli NIGHT ot tlio titran Bant aZI'i.C UI Ul CUU 'SI I Y. eiitlllo.l Nl a-KOK-LI-CA. IN 111 K HALLS OK MONTEZUMA, aeata lor which may now uu procured at lim officii |ltjisY EasTOR'A TuN V PaSTOK'IL <i> <$> BAM DhVBKB, I'AT KOONEY, | Oil AND I tjhoiiUlN'A SMITH SON, 11 a it it v Montague. I FAMILY I'. DEAN sl'iULDlNU, | I W. I'. sPAULDING, I MATINEE I COLLINS ANH WlthN. I I DUNCAN SISTERS, I FUIDAY J. W. McANUKEWS. I BILLY GRAY. NOON AN AND AT 'J O'CLOCK. I BaTi MAN, KINE IIROTHERh, rilK KAYhS, WILLIAM llAYLE. LOUIS UOHIE anil nil ol TONY PAHTOU'S FAMOUS TKOUI'li OF STARS rno-DAt xt a. puVuii ano jcdy. 1 IIELLI.Il M ATI \ KE. PAKE TUbATRK. BROADWAY. IlLNHY h. A1IIIKY Uiiu.i aud Maua^or OUR AlDEKMEN. OLE ALDEKMEN, with lt? HANDSOME SCENERY HANDSOME SCr.NKltY aud BRILLIANT CAST, HRILLIANT CAaT, will ba protentod ovory ovuinni; and Saturday aatloaa, THIS WEEK ONLY. E;?at?r Mouday, April ?1, will ba preaanteil. I>ir tl.o FIRST TIME IN AMERICA, ? farcical comouy. In threu acta, by F.D. Ilurnaut, antltlad ARTFUL t:Alius, racoiilly oraaantad, witn v.n y ur. at aurn aa, at tba Strand ami liiolio I naatrea. Ijou.Ioii. mile, uki'.at London tmtcus, 1 at GILMORE'S GARDEN. RPBC'IAL MATINEE TODAf, lor tl.u Imiinflt ul tl.o I miu i ly .if tha lata EDWIN MIDDLKTON ALMONTE, tandorcil ueuarunaly by tlio Graat Eundoa nhatr. Doora iiiibii at I, <'.imini>noa at 3. llowtN ?il Voltitilocra A inki'ii1111 unt proirraiama. In addition t? ttio'?iitlrff truiii.o ol tli.i lamam Ijoadoa Show thu imat . lr. ua la ant In tli<> country haa volautaarad. Extraordinary I''.iuaiita AdmUaion to all part* ot t 10 booaa 5 K unta G llLMUKM'tf iMKIlK*. i imtiuuo I triumph nt Til K tilth.*T Lu.nUUM Co j i m: it CO u r hsh O U II K ll C O it IT rt 8 O 11 It it O L- IJ H C 11 KICK O V V B8g 0 II II K C t' U 8 O O II II H O O C U 8 8 CO || U It 00 L'U SS3 * M vti.viKI- liNl KF.AII .KS I MaTINKKS Tlll? WKKK, TilUKHI)tY AND MATCH. i?.\Y. Ar J f. M KVKItY RVKN1NU AT ft. M'KiTlAL. NUT U.'ft. Vur next weak ami tlinrrallar. Mi'Ki;lAL M ? HMifth hVhItV DAY AT 3 P. M. A himur SKASON UM.YI Admlaalon,conn mid !?> cult; It.aarvad Kaata, 74 c.nla, i-blliurn lialf n.'lia. JS AllU.NAL. Til KA fitK. TJH and IJ>> Hroailway. KVKItY KVKNINO at H .. .lack. IMdRN-K MUl.'CKSrt OK 1.11' VaN WINkl.K. IMI'IKAK I'KIOfcM, 01I0I0K SKATS .'.'i ami SO OK NTH. M A'l I N KK> W ??. i'N KMll \ V nd ?A I'liKllA Y. lit o BKI#AI#V% ay TMhATUK. COti.Nfclt *lTII i*T. i'reprivtor J, o. our* &KVK..VI11 AM? I.A.ST WLLL KXILKK KM I.i M. I XI I.KM. 1'opular I Oralioatra abaft.. i I. I'n? ??, J lUl.nny. faaarvwd, 60ol AdmUaluu, 'tic ami Jjt MlllNKK MATUMDAT. ~~ It A1 u itlo hul IhlV OK K ?v YOI11C nTKIM W A V 11 A I.I* PL'HI.IO KKIIKaK* iL WKDKI8DAV AKlKii.WS, A1'Kill 34, 187a Uit AN I) UOKOkKT THIUSDAY KVaMKU. AI'KIIa 25, 187H KI.IJAII. wllll tlta following Snlnlata!? Mri l.iigeula I'.pp-niialni. MopraMt M i-b M.iryh i urnrr. nuprano Mlaa Ad.Ulilu Plilillp. (trwn Ho.|aiij,l)oalNlift Mr llcaattaar lllx-hoff. Tanur. Mr. M/ron W. Wliitnuy (Iron ito.iou). Haaaa. Mr. A. k Mod.laru, Dr. U DaMUiiim.'II Condacto* Tlckaia lur.ala lo-4ajr. Kaaar.ed ?nat? to public lulnaml ?l <? ?at. to ruocrl 1 M At ?1 I ulun ujuar., 7ui and III ilruadaar aad uttlatar II ail. S?N KKANO-Ol m1.SMTKiTi.hT" OI'kka IIOUMi * AN KKANCI>i ?i MIXnl KKLrt ( ItmaHaay aad 2Mb (fc Til K KAMI LY HKltOKT. I.AHT WKKK HI'T (INK OK 111K SKA HON. K.NITKK CIIANUK Hilt III K. < I.USlNti ? r.b KXL HUM WKKK <>K WOMAM'M KlUHs. RKIIf* A ItMMi Knit I Hi: (TltOUIT, t'NC'Lf. IoM'm I.AMKNT. AMI A 1.1. rtliKTs OK KI'NNT llllNllH. W?dnr?l<r, April 17, liam lit of A. Ilustar. HEATH HKI'rBKH MATINKK MATVItUAY, Ata 1~VtiYl*llAN llAt.L. 34TII AMI 9U at. * A lot h..antiinlh lurmad Young i.adlaa. Tlia Kamala rtailiera. Haautllai l.iriny Matuat. Tba k' Mumrt I'arn lijr u<all|M. an l SDulhar aav, (Militant I'ariataa Nntr.ltlaa. TbU 1. tba piaca. Mai>a ua itii.takn. Tba Oal/ hao?.tinnai - lo w |n toa elt/. K>.uln(. at A Tur.dayi, fbariday and Halardaxt at X, BuckiHuiiam i'abACk, /7rii r.. nk'a'hifii av* amkkii:a'h jAitni.N mahii. 1.1-. Karl* lif Mglit; alll. Moriubla*; <>{M>ra Hoalfa Mmla: Uiraa ?rau.1 parlor.. coola.t and l>a.t tvntilatad bail r.wat la tba Vorld. SUOtlrt MICtAlUt IVkRriAtk'KDAT MTKNtlia at raaimauy Hall; all tlia lat??t maaie; LaiUr'i Or cbratra. Tu-uay at~1l BMflhl iiSK II Kl. I. Kit MATINKK /Killl'KIt |s?Tiri IK. IHMK ?XlN?;KKTH kVKRY V_> f III: K S11 A V ami ?I>|IAV i-.aniii^* II K ? I TIKL'L Ml Hit: ami ItKCI I A TltlNH. Admi-.lun IINK IIIMK ? ? 11I ADMAl. ItKCKCII IN Of THK KIVK folNli ?t' Mlaataa l>a? Oi'bawl. at Htalnvax llall. Tburada/ .vaulnv, April l". I"7'', at HoVloe*. ("TaKII PltlVATK I.K8MINH. IMtNO, ultilAN, VIO yiin tinltar. mbvIbk CnKHiratt*. :W Wavariar placa. I Irt-uiar. Biaila-I Adiir.aa I a I \ Klt'ITV. Tu UA* AI J TIIK Kt'NNY CLOWN. J IIKI.f.KK MATINKK. MIMIC Ala. A' " "~0r?TI.KWAV. OltHAT K X HhltiK Vt'ftToTVWiTre. ?trartian puiiolurti',, harninnr. pupd'a raaldanc. <tn per .iiiartar . bf at r.MMnaa. INj* 1'ituClION, boa rju Tl.rald Vptown olWea. \' " t A VirKITK YuUNO MOHTllN SOKKANU. W lTo ilAii a farjr rata JranM, ol ram.rkalna coiupaa. au l awa>-tn?<a, wxli.a a aituatlon In a .N-? VwrKcbuir. AdtiraaaU. I'amts. H I'ark M|uare, lluaton, Dui UAKfCl.HM AAAIHClllKk, " = CI A Kf INK'S HA Ml Ml ACaUKM Y-N UMiON htjt'A KK, /tin av aid ??: uri.ata la>aana an* hour; (lldn and aoclaty ?'i*t?a .fiaalaltlaa; "pw ?jr?ti>'n , lailf aaaUtanta. L'l KN t AlMl'H I.ANCOU ACADIIY. UfH hT., 8| r av. iliaub IihIIiiIiii'; I'nrvt^ It^m any huar. (iKANU ANM'AL Uilil.tJKlii.Vii UAL.L, batuida/ alkarawa^ 1 April 87.