Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 15,232. NEW YORK, MONDAY. MAY 6. 1878.-TRIPLE SHEET. . PRICE THREE CENTS D1KKCT0UY FOK ADVRHTlSEttS. herald branch office. 1205 broadway? OPEN Day AND NlllHT FOll RECEPTION OF ADVERTISEMENTS AND SALES OF PAPERS. AMUSKMENTB?2d Pack?5tli and 6th cola. ASTROLOGY? 2d PACB-4lb col. BILLIards-ut P AGB??th cot BOARDERS WANTED-2i> Paoa-Sdeol. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES?M*u Pack. BUSINESS NOTICES?'7th PACK?6tli coL OltiASS AND TOBACCO?2d Pack?2d coL CITY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE-Jd Pack?lit eoL CLERKS AND 8ALESMEN?12tu l\tuB-?th col. CLOTHINU-2d Pack?6th col. ? COACH URN AND GARDEN KrtB?13th Pack-6th coL coastwise: stp.amkiiips-im Pack-wiicoL ? UOUNTRY BOARD?2o Pack?20 col. ACADEMIES?2u I*AGB-2dCol. DENTISTRY ? l?t l*AUK-Oih col. DRY GOODS ?liT Pack?4th and 5th cnli. DWELLING MOUSES TO LET. FURNISHED AND l'NFURNlSIIKD-2n Pack?lit cot EUROPEAN" STEAMSHIPS?Ut I'ACB-5th And 6th eel* EUROPE?7tu Pack?tlth col. EYES and KAKs-20 Pack?4th coL EXCURSIONS?1st Pack?Ulh col. FINANCIAL?But Pack. F''R SALE?2n Pack?2d ool. FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 21) Pack?lit and 2d cola. yURNl'rURS?IlTH Pack?Sth col. ^ ^ HELP WANTED?FEMALES-12TH Pack?5th and 6th cola. HELP WANTED?MALES?11th Hack?5th ool. Hi>l<sks, CARRIAGES. Ac.?1st Faok?2d and 3d ooL HoTELs?2d Pack?2d col. HOUSES. ROOMS. Ac.. WANTED?2d Faok?2d ool. INSTRUCTION?18T Paok-31 col. JERSEY CITY, HOHOKKN. HUDSON CITY AND BER GEN real estate for sale?2d PASK-m ool. LEGAL NOTICES?2d Pack 2d col. Lost AND FOUND?lit PACK?I at col. MACHINERY-2d Pack-2d col. U Wilt UK MANTELS?llTU Pack?Sth coL MATRIMONI AL?IlTH Pack?5th col. MEDICAL? 2d PACK-Oth col. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISE VIENTS?10*a PAOK lith col. MISC.- I.LANKOUS?IlTH PACK-5th col. NEW PUBLICATIONS-7th Pack - Ulh col. PERSONAL?1st Pack?lat col. , PIANOFORTE*, ORGANS. AC.?20 PACK-Uth col. PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR KALE OR TO RENT?2d Pack?1st coL REAL KSTATK TO EXCH ANGE -2d Pack-lat col. RELIGIOUS NOTICES? 1st t'ACK-lat col. REMOVALS?1st Pack?Rili col. REWARDS?1st Pack? lalcol. SALES AT AUCTION?2d Pauk-R.I and 4th col*. SITUATIONS WANTiD?FEMALES? IItii Pack?Oth col., and 12th Pack?1*1. 2d ltd. 4th and Otli cola. BITUATIONK WANTED-M ALES?12111 Pack-UGi col. SPECIAL NOTICES?lav I'ACK-lat and 2d coli. STORAGE?I*t Pack?3d col. SUMMER II I' SORTS?2d Pa UK-2d ool. THE LECTURE SEASoN-2i> PiiiK-flth col. THE TRADES?12tii Pack?6th col. THE TURF?1st Pack?2d cm. To I.KT FOR BUSINESS IMJRPOSKS?2d Pack?lit ool. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE?In PACK-Oth col. UNPI RNISHED ROOMS AND APAKTMi NTS TO LET? 2d Pack?2d col. WAN l ED To PURCHASE?2D Pacv-61Ii col. WATCHES. JEWELRY. *0 -2D Pack-4th col. WE8ICHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALR OR TO LET?2d Pack?1st coL YACHTS. STEAMBOATS. AC.-10th Pack-6th col. H PElDiONAL. TYAMASCUS' IS DfcSOl.A T El" NINEVE 11 11 AS FAL A yluii: Loudon la lu a fun. Meet ma Monday. 3:30 P. M.. a here Hrat we met. ~ ENKY-I AM STOPPING at FRENCH'S HO I EL. PERU. IF MATTIK L. HUKD IS IN NEW YORK PLEASE coiumui.icMe with an old Irieud from Calllouiia. Addreaa S. M. 8.. Herald ollice. __ IF MRS. A. K. I. WILL CALL*At SAME HOTEL Monday, 12 o'clock, ?ht will obllicc. JACOB L0Z1KR. POSTMASTER OF IIACKKNSACK, N. J., lcll lioiue on Friday mornini; laat to m t? Newark, N. J., on bu*lne?a: wua auen In Newark on that day: haa not been >o?u alnce; la about 5 feet In holi(ht, atont built; bad on no alilrt collar; supposition, deruiiiienieut. Any Inloruiatlon will bo thunklully received at llackeoMcK Puat oillco. est" street (Tail vriday afternoon; troublesome clove: off Liberty terry. Where can I ieo or wrlto yunf Adihreaa UNCLE EDWARD, Herald office. llKLKilOUN NUTICBh. "a 'l?NiV?'RSAK Y'OV'N ATRlN AL' TKMPKl? aXCK' SO J\clely to-morrow evening in the Broadway Taberntcio, 84th *1. untl Broadway ; ttddreanei by ttev. J. V. Newman, I) I).; ISov. L. Cuyler. ll. D.: lion. Neal -Dow. lion. William E. ltouge. prealilenl of tlio aociuly, will proaldo. The public aro iuvltod to attend. LONT A\ 1? KOUSD. T~TiST?TWO MOUSE COLulthl) U UKY HOUND JLiirom ljotli it. A liberal reward will be paid f?r the re turn of tbe wnc or any information that will leau to their recovery. Addrean J. I*. U.. tlamiltou liou?o( corner 123th tl. and 8th av. T O.ST?itATOtl J)A Y AKTiRNOON'. IN HIST >T. HH XJtwcou 3d and 4th ava , botwp-n hour* ol 3 and 4 u'cloca, llua.iu luathur l'ockelliook. with quite a ?utu ol' uiouey. r'iuder will bo liboraliy rewarded by rutu/niug game to 141 Ea.t 44tb at. OST-5 :t5 SATURDAY KTKNINO. OOkTnKh 27TM -l. and full av., a .mull Scutch Terrier, -lark apot on back, hair abort oil apoi front mark hurt: unawt-r* to the name ol rtipa. flu reward given on roturu of dog to atable 12 i-.aat 27li. at. L'oSTTIl UitSD \ Y. 2D INST.?11 KKW akIEi WILE IIK paid to iiiidor of Mernuraudutn Hook, marked t). McM , with >. la W., at 301 4Mltt av. _ "out?on sundayI on madi?on av , between 23d and 37tli ata., a eilvrr link Puree, centaiuisc money and a allver trinket. 'I lie finder will bo auitahiy rewarded on leaving it at 2" Eaat 37th at. KKWAllOh. i?T* REWARD.?LOST. A SM ALLLIUHT TERKIXb ?)iuiui'd I'inkiu; lit'ddy oil cuilnr. 109 r%?*t UHb ?i _____ufa-LOoT. MAY 4. li6T.NO KKOM OAK ^^?/?trt?t>t tlirouirh Peuil to Huckumo. $17%*. Thu Under will roctfivo tli? hUovo rewnrU uud tbo thuuk* of tbo owner ly ewliluir ?it 8d o?k ml A SPKCIAL. k -^KkIcTaL KKNTlfOlxV STATE DKAWtNOC A. KKXTUCKY ? aXTUA L'twUM SO. 311 WAV 4, 1H7H 11. 88. 70. 43. 77. 14. HO, 40. 33, O. 0. 31 Kl.gTII'KY CL.tfa SO. 312 ?MAT 4. 1070. 90, 41. 13. 17. 88, 30, 45, i2 II. U?, 27, ft. 81.tlMtt.SS A. DICKINSON. Managers CKOCCI.t STATK?KltrKA CLAB. SO. 331?MAT 4. IS7S 70, 32 211. 4f. 23. 80, 51. 55. HO 40. 71, 04. ckonuiA atATit-ri.AKS so. 332-way 4, IH7H. 94. 80, 21. 15, 90, 12 4". 3s. 34. H3. 20, 50. 45. K. It. EUHY A CO , Manager*. Information given regarding too above drawing*. Apply to J. CLl'TE A lift.. Itaii Kara. 21*1 Broadway. rear uflleo A' ?ROYAL MAYAN \ ltKAVVs may III a Capital PtUe. 82OI.0U0 In Spanl.b money. 'ticket., 840, r.H, *1". #'?? 92, $1. Single nuuinvr Kentucky druwa May 15. Tlcketa. ft. lAiulalaua Single Number Lllatrlbutloii dia>a May 14, Capital priao. #.'??.0t*); I H57 priiea. distributing SE1 lU,4t>J. Whole Tlcketa. 82; Halvea, 81. J. CLUTK A CO.. Banker*, "J*l Uruadway, rear oOiee. ATTENTION.?TWENTY YKAKM' PRUSSIAN Hospi tal experience: apecialtlea JLeaaeaol man and narvone eyatem: enuanllation Itoe. ltr. JACilllY, 101 ktloeeker at. ?*A ??SWK.KT AMI DRY CATAWH V WINKS BY A. the com, gallon or unttla. N. Va.1 HK1L. 00 Chamber*, at. A I.L SPKCIAL COMPLAIN I'M, MEU1UAL OK MUKol JYca. aafoly. ?uccoaalully truatipl; advice Irac. ltr. Bit* HKUUIl. 132 E ??t I2iii at. DVICE KlthK.-DR. W E A It, I'HOmUbO* ol midwifery; aatiaractory treatment. 215 Kaa4 4Mk at . noar 3d av. AmnrriM, patients.-all hi-eases, recent or old. skill Itlaerdera and Ncrvoua Uebllity radleally inrrd. ltr. I'll'"TIN tlrom 1'nrial. 34 I'.ond at. A" -UfOKI-KhNtUcKY STATE Si NULL NUMUkZ a To be drawo Weilneoday. May 15, IS7H. 1,0114 prltra. amounting to Jti7 1125 Capital prlte. 8l5,i?iO; pricoa paid in lull; tlcketa, 8L i'tiiKS. hMKKSON IOU., Hanker*. IKit Broadway. U a ;>?K( if It YEAH OLD It Y K WHISKEY, S4 PER JXm gallon; 81 per large bottle ; tine Engiiah Break laat lea, St ceuta par pound; roully DiioClgara, fal pvr hnn (red. N. Van HEIL. Hs t'o ,i. "A"iX17TsirAi;Ks~IJfrmN.^TiATEv ?ji ?51 53 aV s k. /Vapeedtly and poratauently cured. Dr. DYER, 47 Weat lath tt. X ?private DETKCTIV k.?a n eXpuuikeced edetactlvn wonld like tu ironi parti, a requiring hla ?ervleoa; rllvorou eaee? a apeciaity : clerk, and other, put under ?urvelllancu: terina low. Addreiw V. JACKSttN. 2U21, Wee I 4th at., New York A' LL till ..UN ATISM PtISITIVELY ClTiKIi-AN Y atage of the dlaca.o. KUKUl'EA.N ItllP.L'M A I It; HO Clr.TY, 2>t7 ? eat 34lli at. BEOUtitl TUN'S INVlttONATINU SYKL'P CUKKm ?tontacb, river and kldner tilaea^.. weaknaa., Ae.. al,o re.toi it manhood. 23?. Advice tree. HH Weat 4th at. Diseases ok men a Hi'ECttLTY. Mr No Y A. HANI U.S. M I'.. 144 Lexington av.. soar sttth .t. Oflfoa Mtra Na s tu 8 ami 8ta 7. HIVMOIM SpRRDftiY OHTAINKD?TERMS HllPKH Jyiatlvely ren.unaula: CONsI'LTaTIoNS tree. KKEH KkI> K I KINO, Lawyer, 8 St. Mark * place, adjoining Cooper In.lltutJ. Divorce ctsu* attended to p*?jmpti,y with mui publicity; coiiault lilm. IsA.tC O. IIOYCK, ux|ie rteiieed lawyer. 3IH Itrunuway. Dll. KlCOItlt'S ESSENCE OK LIKE RES'IOKKS MAN Iiihi.I to trio debilitated IV lour woeka; failure Impoa.l l ie : f l per ea-e. Itrngglat* .ttpplli-d. Solo agoat, ltr. J jAOI|tKit, 7 I nlvur.iiy niace. New Ymll. D h. aw. HEllN ACKI IMS HEM" VK1> II H OKKlCK to 2111 tV'u.l 22d al.. Burner /to av.. New Ynrk. IjtPPlt' COCOA, KITS' COCOA. U UKAIEKCL AND CCMPORflllO. "My a thuroii.h knowledge of the natural laws whlcli govern the nperailona of dlge.ilon and nutrition, and by a careful applitfallou ol the Hue proportion ol wtill vol. ctvd cocoa. Mr. i pp. hn. provided our nreaklaat tablva with a delicately flavored beverage wlilch may eave u, many beavy thtctora' lillla It I. bv the Jiidicluua uae of .urlt ar ticle. ol diet that a cui.atllniioii ma; he erndu <lly luilit up airtll etrong enough tu re.ltl every tendency to diaeano. Ilnuoreda ?'! .uhlie tualadle. are lluatlug aruniid n? ready to at.ack wherever there la a weak point. Wuiuava.cape ? any a latal abaft by keeping ourtelvca well Imiilied wttn pure blood and a properly iiuorlelied frame."-Civil Ser vice Unlet to sold only In tlna <*< lb. and 1 lb.), labelled JAMES KITS' A CO., litlMtKOP.tTliIC CHEMISTS, London. Ehglauil. VALKCTKIC EEI.TS?8CHI ClIIIK KOH I'HKMATL'RE ijidebillty ; Hie only reliable. Semi fur circular. Dr. K A lilt, 032 Broadway. . Lnl IHlANA STATE LoilKltY COMPANY. okaNII llftrlbntlnh Mav 14 at New Orlean.; I,H'>7 pna a. aim.tinting to 811" K>>; capital price* 8:l"i??l. fllt.t**). a), mi, Ae ; 11? t,aM? > tleket. teru dollar. (#2) ; halvua, nna doilnr .?ly. AOdrea, M. A. IiaITiiIN, Imt Hirj I'uat olllce New Orlnana, La., or II. L. I'LL M, 317 Broadway, N. Y. DPEC'IAL SUT1CKS. "G. Important cava*, medical or aurrical; tnipalriaaat of any organic luuctiou, kereultarv or conatituileual talut uud diseases of tlie uervoua system a specially. HENRY A. dTnIEUJ. M. D., 144 Lexington av.. near 2'Jth M. Hours, 8 to 8 anil 6 to 7. H-fllO.40O; UPTOWN OTNOK LOUISIANA STATE ? Lottery, M ay 14. Tickets and iuforin .lieu address 1,'J*?7 Broadway. 1SAACKS A OO, Opau eventual. I OUISlANiThfvrE LUTTKUV D AW? MAY 14. AJ Capital prlxa. #30,000. 1.H57 prlios to nil. amounting to $110,400, tickets. ti halves, si. Iloyal Havana May 1U Kentucky State Mar 15. JACKSON A CO.. Hunkers.82 Nassau'at.. near Kulton, M M ATKOPOUTAN JOB PRINTING OFFICB, OK 28 AN .\ 8T., IS THE CHEAPEST AND BEST FINE BOOK. PAMPHLET. JOB AND MERCANTILE PRINTING OKK1CE IN THE CITY. SMALL OKDKR8 EXECUTED W1TII THE SAME PROMPTNESS As LAUUK ONES. THEATB1CAL AND H Ali.HOAD TICKETS, AND fINK WOOD ENGRAVING AND OOLOKED PJUN'i INo A SPECIALTY. METROPOLITAN JOB PRINTING OPPICB. 28 ANN ST., ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AND WollK SENT TO ANY PART OK THE UNITED STATES C. O. D. MKXlCA W OS V X TABL i T? IP. IN KMT A N 1M?,'AC.?#. A CO., Steam Mitrblc Works, Weat 51et at., between llruudway uml Sik av. MauteL, Mouuiuouta, lluaobtotiea. at loweat pricua. AKBLE MANT K UA N D \T() N U M K NTS "CHE A~ PKIt limn ever. A. Lit Baat IHtlt at , near Ad av. vroTiii^-Losr; check "of D. PA:iNE5toCK~ a it Co.. Haiutiiorv, in tavor ol W A. IIIIten tin him in duracii), on National Shoo uud Louther lLiUlt, Now Yi.rk. for #50 Ike T'lie public la euiitioucd airaiuat net ail sling k ild cback, n pa.vtuuut baa boon slopped. A. A. HILTON, No. 21 Coiuiuurce at. I 8EK K Nil il AN HAS OPENED A BRANCH ?ofllre at 838 Hroadway. l.oiiLlana State Lottery will diaw Mar 14; Capital, #80.UUi; tlekota, $2. Kentucky stnte will draw May 15; Capital. *13.000; tlcknta. #1 Sufi Information given at It. NATHAN'S. 181 Broadway. Our Branch OIHce. 888 Broadway. B11EUMATISM.-CUUK~< 1UARANTKBD; KUROPBAN RHEUMATIC SOCIETY. Ouly autltortxed odlce iu America at 50 Wi-at 28tb at. KOYAL~HAVANA H>TTKi Y. ? Next drawing May IB. 1878. 810.UC0 penis. H2I prlxoa; Capital Prixe, 200,000 posos. lutorinatiou turuiahod and prlxoa caahoiL Spanish Oold and tlavaua Bank Ullla luiuplit and bold. Dralta on Havana laauod. M. A. MAKTIMLZ A CO.. Buokcra, 10 W all at., basement. ?<V,UI T0M0" CURBS NERVOUS DEBILITY. PAIN Y In tbo back, lassitude; restores maunooJ. Send for circular. MOItM A MACK, 81 Park ruw. HOU BBOAUWAYTnEAR HOUSTON StT(REMOVED cJl/i/iroiu 509).?Ruitern Amenta Kentucav state Druw lup. May 15; 1,804 Prises, distributing *07.025. Capitals, #14 UOU . #H.OOU. $4,000. Tickets, *1. Williamsburg eUlce. 01 Broadway. WILLIAMSON A CO. Q/17' BKOaDWaY. ABOVE 20T1I ?T.?UPTOwS tic I Agency Kentucky State l ottery; Drawlup Wennee day. May 15; 1,804 1'rlcea, uUtrlbullne *t)7.9:'5. Wuole Tickets only #1. BL'lLARD A COMPANY, Brokers.. &Ct7 QOK -KENTUCKY STATE. MAY 15. CAPI ?U I .t7.wci?i4t l'riae $15,000; Whole Tickets only $1. JAt.'KsON A CO., lianitora. 82 Nassau at., near Pultnu. (J.07 Qain~?Only auth"ohiztd uptown ?U I .C/.L<7.Agents,?Neutiicky State Lottery, Mey 15.?Capital prise. #15,000; tickets, $1. Lucky nlHcoa, 1.227 Broadway. New Yurk, and 18.1 \luutapuo at., Broox ly 11. H. II. PORTER A CO., Northern A pent a. <3W?7 (ta>r ?KENTUCKY STATE SINGLE NUM ?U I ? icl.ber distribution; capital #15,000. Tickets #1. C. P. LINDAUKK, 184 Mercer sL, two doors above Houston. PRIZES?LOUISIANA STATE LOT. ?liUiTUl/tsry, May 14: wltnle tickets. #2; baly.x, #1. BULLARD A CO.. Brokers. 0o7 BroaJway. dHUlH rtiirir-UAWNA LOTfBRY kOK~MAY 10 ?UiWiUUUt No. 20.52(1 drew $.*>.000. sold by us. i'risea caabod by SONNKNHKRU A CO . Now Ilaveu. Conn. <Sic) 70i: QH A ? ROYAL~8AXoN-ukT:MaN Lot V?'? I lUiO I TC.TKRY,? 03-1 Seuii-Annual Drawing, May tl. 1878. 80.000 Prlxea, amounting tn #2.720.874, gold. One I'rlxe to nearly everv ether ticket. Only dli.UUi tickets. Drawing pesitiva? never poatpouod. Capital Prise *115.000. gold I Prise 00,000, geld 1 1'riXH 40,000, pold 1 Pr.xe 84 50t>, gold lPiiae 28.1 mu, gold 1 Pniu 11.500, geld 85,004 Prises, amounting to #2.427,874, geld. Prise* Clinked. Kml information sent Ireo. Kettncky Stats Lottery. May 15. WU..I0 ilckct., *1. Royal llavniia l.uifrv. May 10. Ticket*, $40; quarters, $10; eighths. #5; fortieth*, $L Leuinlaua Mate Leitcrv. May 14. Whele Tickets, $2 Halves, $1. J. DUFF A CO.. Bankers. 41 Nassau at . cor. Liberty. N. V, THB Tt Hi'. ? BKookiiviTiSSJvinu pakiCpaukville, u L Grand Ohcuing. MONDaY, May)), ls7s. Putee fie). lur - -fj cluaa lilt homo, 440; 2g botae, $IOk Dan Mace uuterebl. i(. General. J. Paulding outer, b in. B?llu Aberdeen. A. Mc.tlei.on uiuura br. in Clei? Morna. IlerMi >lwl 3 f. M. Adtufadun, in rente. tl I it a M W. HoWK. Proprietor. WBsT HIDE PARK. JKltahY CITY. Trotting end Running Uacee. Thure.lay, May 0, 1H7H. Trutttiiic. l' elaee; purao rli*i; $5u tu Drat, (to to eououd, 9- 'to tnlrd ; tlireo or worn lo atari; ouiry treo. It u n it I u k Dacca, puree $125;$1'JU to tlrat, $25 to eocond; all egva ; weight fur ago; daab fj? aalloe; three or moru lo Blurt. entry irer. Purae?JUJ; gliitl to (tret. $."0 lo Mcond; weiifbt for age; tuile heuta. 2 in .'I; uiitrv tree. American Jockey Club ttulea and Welghta in butli raoca. Eunice to clime Tuinttjey, day 7. at ti o'clock P.M. Ad drere, with eiilrica, ht.A.N A CO.. l'uat ullicu, Joraey','lty. EST HI OK PARK. JERSEY CtTY, lUkOAY. MAY il. 1H7H. - Purao ilit); three In live. In liaruca-. A. Curry'a br. tu. l.edr Curry, lturuey t oie'a b. g. Thotnaa. IVtar Meueo'a br. ir. Ou*. Running race, hair tnlto lieata. Trotting commoner, at throe u'clnck. Ailiniaalnu. ftlJe. T. P.. A OU. IIOItSKS naHinaaia^, "TTliVC uc.SC ~ l\nl Van I twiKLI. A KKAKNKY, AUCTIONEERS, AT THEIR UOBHh aNIi CAUUIAOK AUCTION MAUI, till. Uli Ka,i tilth at. near 4th ay.. ON TUESDAY, 7111 MAY, at 10 o'clock. CHKKTNUT SORREL KII.1.Y SIKKD by a aon of OUT n 11,1,hit. dam by Ueo. M. Patclion, aeeond dam by American Htar. It) lianda lilab. loalod June. IS74; weil bruken and a vory handy driver: pminl.a, to be vnryapaudy; not alrald of lucoiuutlvuc or aiirthln j J aalo fur a lady lo drive; excellent under aaddlo and warranto' auund mid kind In lmrueaa CHESTNUT UKLlrlNO.StRhD BY ItoYAL GEORGE. lft>4 bmidk blah, 7 yeara old; very acntle auil kind. Drum III and nloaanut driver; can trot bolter than ii ttiliiu ea aud much laator lu rondltlou; uaafoand re liable horaw for gunticuan'a road uae; warranted klml and true In all barueia. Dingle tiaruo?a by Htllllnae, and TOP HIDE BAII ROAD WAGON, by J. B. Brewater A i 'a. of JfttU at. CAN BK NKHM ON MONDAY AT THE MART. Al.NO MfcVfcKAl. KINK UAUKIAOK TEAMS, coupe Horace, Ac. ENTRIES NHOUI.D BK M ADE on MONDAY by 4 P. M., to lu?nre a place on tbo CATALOGUE. -TRY OUR PATENT OUT ORMTRM WMlpJt (Warranted not to brook j hare alau at; aaaortinoni of Kiiglleli holly, malacca aud whalohona Wlilpa. GEO. P. OVhltlN A I'll, 4 Rati Hon (ton at. A VERY HANDSOME IMPORTED ENGLISH PONY Phaeton, with runiole, ;mle. altalta and canopy for aalo. Inquire at private atable No. 28 West 44lli at. ? A?HAM'S PATENT CIRCULAR OLaRS KIIONT (Kockaway, uuo or two bur no-, aud Ladlea' Pbaoluus a ?pocialty i prtcea aatlafaetury. tlftl) llroanway AKAlOMXI LIGHT KXI'KNMoN TOP PIIAKTON (acat* lour), firewater etoa, aprlng top Wayun, Top Pouy Pliaolou, Mt tlua tiouno and Road llaruea?; aim oat now; torr elieap. $1 ftO. Stable,, 247 Wt at 41at at. A?HI5-TOP IIIIRW8THH IMPitoVKD BUGGY, awllh Una ilarnuaa. Blanket. Lap Itoho and WIHp; coat f4tk> al* utoiillir ago; beautiful lop I'uny Plieaion cheap. Apply toUOAOMS AN. 1 Woat ITtli at., near ,">tb ay, Atop pony pimbtox, kink single iiauness auil Kxtvnaiou Top I'haotnu, polo mnl abaft*, In perlect order; alan natnWine bay Itorae, juuua, aonnd ami klml, baugod tail, Iftjf lianda; anrrel Pony. IS hand,; can trot fart and are good Saddle Hofnoa. Apply to COACHMAN, innate -table, III Weat 18th at. A coupe RocmwAr. in good order, you a tie. prlee roaarinei.le. Inquire or HUH AltD, Narre gaiiaclt stable (US at and I.evingion av. - 'I'KN IIU Hi N hns AN DDK LI V hKY WAGONS. .tl.L alt Ma. $3:) to 412ft. lor uxprvac, gr. our, buiclior, baker, Btlta depot 220 nprlng it. A ?1225 WILL BUY LATEST HlYI.K. LEATHER i:x i\ (tendon Top Phaeton, eoal 4*i2.'>. built to order; weight, aoata lour pcraona; |>oic aud ahalta: also fl?> lor a llglit Itoa I tt agon, coat 4-7 >i Single and Double Ilarnuaa, eiiuap. All tlio above not aoiloo. 114 Weat 27lli at., near tltli ay. _ _ A?THE OUR ATM f BARGAINS KVKii OKKKBKD? (A family breaking un will acll tor nnu-lnurth value the loliuwlng properly I ?A lino T Cert, Top Road Wagon and Pony Pliaeton ; tlao single aud Double llarneaa. team of Trottara and Hie white Pony snowdrop; can trut very la,|; all III ,upoib order; aoparate ur togather. Stable Ills Woat lllat at. , ABOUND nottsK-? \ft\Us, pli; CONCORD KX preaa Wagou and llarneaa, hall value, tint Iludaon at,, ollice. ABKKWSTaR TOP WAGON. HARNESS, TOP PONY Phaeton ami fad Itnau Huraa, eb,ap lor oaab; acll (operate. ISti Weatil7that ?PGR BALo, TllRKK UoRShS; SUIT KAKMlNG. (grocery, eapieaa or trucking; cbeani no w .rk; trial given. Inquiiu III Ulcevkvr. rear, near Bowory. -Voljill. at halp rALUBTKouit 11 u SSks (three Marea; warranted tuu'id; bm-n uaed, etpreaa; al?,i one family llor.o, 7 ycara old, If>J^ hauda high, aouud, amdi tmid he aoltl a,,ou aa poadblo ; hereet given to purehaaora lur trial, ntnble, 1UT Morrer at., uonr Rieceaera ? A~ BMhf.rorVh Moj P65 the ctiwit+ry,ttHi Canadi <n Mare, In foal, g3.">. Wagon Pouy, ?4f>. r.\ I'lthH.a, HD New Gliantoera AfAlVaRLI, io if TnTm high llorae. warrantud In over/ reaped; fHti. 41 I'HRNg, No. 2 J araoa dip. A HOUSKS. ( AUUt AUKS. AC. KCa. j'tfllNaTON. Al'i'Tti>NKb? 10 t? 33 lain >l A | TIIK ESTABLISHMENT of ? private gentleman I declining (bit be solo at m* Msrl, positively pi I without reserve, m-morrow (I'ucsduy). comprising as ; | follow*: - Elegant Team ol young olack Mares. lull sis t- Iter*. sired by nil|>ero, nut ul Black Hawk mare; tliey !l l?r? 15)4 baud* bnrU. 7 and 8 your*; kind end true ill _ I ull harness and under saddle. tree from vies; * tirst S ? cla?* road leant ami well worthy of allcmiuu ot geulle e, | mail looking tifr rellablo road or laiully Itoraea; lltey | are elegant and last travellers and have trotted a ?' | utile lu 3:15; warranted souud. (j I Elegant uo top Park l'n net on and Top Wa'rou. by ii | Brew.tor, o' Vlitlt ?t>, aud nearly near trouble Harness, < | by Wood Oibtoo; al?o Coacbuian's Clothes, Blsukuts. IUobes, At, Tito whole on exhibition up to time ot ?ale at tits mart ak abovo. Come and see. AsTaBLk OK KTVK BLOoDKD AND HIUI1 BKEO TltOt-ri.SU AND KAMILY HOUSES. COSILY CAKK1 \OKS, IIA Its ESS, BLANKETS, ROD KB AND THIS ENTIRE CONTENTS OK THE KltlVATK STABLE 3*? WKST buTII ST.. WILL BE BOLU AT PUBLIC At CTION TO-UUltUOW (TUESDAY), MAY 7. AT 11 O'CLOCK, BY Cll AS. 0. DUKK \ CO.. AUCTIONEERS, consisting ol tbe celobratod Trotter Belle Ooldust. can trot in 3 tUS; Tlonesl Prince. cau trot lu - :3U; Chance can trot In 3::*): black CeLttug, cau trot lu 3 tuluutes; bay Oeldiuir, cau trot in 3:30; also elegant Park Phael"U? cauotiy lop Pony PUaetou, Urea star tup Itoad Wacu. Mnjls ami Double Harness. SToCK NOW n? i.XIMIHTIO NO NTKlAL A* STABLE AS AMOVE. KoK KCLL PARTICULARS SEE CATaLOUUK l.V TO-MORROW MORMNo'S I1KRALD. A-4376: Ua.sDsOUEHT AND SAPbSI' TURNOUT ?in the city fur ladies aud cblldreu; bay Pouy, top Pouy Phaeton aud Harness, worth three timet tlte money; owuur going to leave the cltj^ -'HA East troth, near 3.1 av. \ sECONt> HAND LANWU ABU A PINE OLA8S xVLami-u; tweitood liretts, Pbnetous, Landaulet, Pouy Phaetons at bargains. J. W. PITNEY. 4?o 3d av. A lUKNoUT?tToTl'LEti; " HANDSOME BLACK Horse. 13>4 liiioue. 7 years, trot fast, driven by latllos, tears uollilni' and wurrunled; Brewster sprlug top Wagon; Dun ?comb Haruesa, Robes. Uleukuts. At),; ail little Used uud very olioap. 3U East list st. Seti separate. ?KO lf~S ALE - KIVK C1IUNKY ~B U ifcT HOKHKa slit fur lurmlng aud all business', to bo soltl at a sucri Ike ; trial uireu. 107 tttli ?t., bulwu. u 3d and f.U a*s. A-*" H ANDSOUe. BfYLISH, DAPPLE 6KAY HOUSE*. It! bands, ll years old. suitable for couue or family Use; u art .intod. Cull tlnoe days JIH Hudson st. KINK BLACK COUPB HORsK, HAND#; also three oilier tino IIoihus; ail trot bettor tbau lliroo mioses: all warranted. 3 West I3lh st. A-ELEUa.M1 KAM1LY TU itNOU I'. *13 r> ; TWO. ?seated surrey Wagou; reliable, geullo. kiud welding, lii>?; line Haruesa, Blaiikot, Mat, Kobe, Whip; ulso second liaud Brewster Ton Wagon, due oner; also line Saddle and Bridle. Mr. TIIoMas. 13 Rest ISln st.. near Broadway, CHOICE LOT OP HORSES iiAVE JUSf ARRIVED Irou Kentueky, at Uaffuoy's alable, 37 Montgomery st. Jersey City; among tuelu aiu last steppurs. oaudio Horses and turue small Horses, uerteet beauties, suited lur ladies' {barton or saddle use; prices lew. Owner of burses, room UU, Taylor's Hotel, Jrrsey City. A-TWO UORMKH, warranted SOUND and ?kind; suitable for wagou, grocer, farming. Ac. 147 l'.llxabolh st. A ? kiVE horses" Tix to 10 hands. suTr ?farmer or uuy business; warrauted sound aud kind. led South eib av. Berlin leather top Lindau. by h. killam a Ou., liirlit, in uuod order, A'iOU; Brougham, by do., fJUU; light Coupe. S13A. 30 and 33 IVouster si, USINESS WAOuNa KOK BALK.-ALL SIZES To suit all purposes; tu oarry froui l.'JOu io 3.U0H pouuds; elliptic and piatforin spring*. A larpe aseortuieut ciui Ituiiily on hand at BARRETf'8, coruer of hary aud JoUu sou sis.. Brooklyn. EAUTrpTL'TOP PONY PHAETON, BRKWsiER IM proved spring top iluirvy. flue Harness; hotb almost new ; uo offer refused Ui West lotltst. CT A11KUUr. TToitSK8- BLAo"KS. iO I1AND8: 81' YLISH Xanltless aud luariuss: portrctly sale and well broken; good travellers: owner iioleg to hurupo. Inquire at livery sluble No. 3U West 44tli si., lor Jobu, from H to 13 u'eloclc. E, ?SECOND HAND LeuUau, T Cert, tlx seat Uockaway, Tandem Cart and liar nets. Dconst Cart. Cabriolet. Victoria, Barouelio, six aeat PliaetiMi, Pony I'baetou, Depot Wagons, tup aud open Wagons. All lor sale at lowpilces. BROWN A PRAY, nth av. end 14lh sb 1AA81- TUOTTINU HOUSES. ?? The subscriber baa received instructions to sell at tbe Rysdrk stock furin. Prescotl, Out., Cauadn (imuiudiatoiy alter I lie catalogue), on THURSDAY, May 0. tbe auove well kuowu Trotters Drummer Hoy U a brown griding, 9 years this spring, ?ir. it by Black il.twk ; !? tlio handsomest trolttuK horse in America; a porloct geutlemau's bora.:; Irub squarely, either single or to the pole. Karmor Buy le n hoy gelding. 8 yours this spring; has eliowu himself to bo it onto enu reliable. Those buries ure in line urtlor auu lit to |o Into training; nru both perfectly Kuaud. Drummer liny lias uulr a record of 3 :33. Parmer Hoy bus no record. Kutk horses can trot low duwn in tho twenties. 0. K KLWES, Auctlonoer. l/tOR S ALE?KOUtl SBTh OK II A.N DSOM E ll ARNErsS, I two single and two uouble, iiiado by Many k Ou.,ot Lon don ; iiisu ouo double light sut, mode by Wood Gibson. Ap ply at stable -XI Last 3nth at. 1/OR HALr.-0.SK OK 'I IIh FINEST YOUNuTVKRY i last 'i rotting llorsrs In New Yora, uorlectly sound, kind and itentle. l'rlvato stable ilk) West 17th it. L "It HAL it?30 YOUNG UOrtoEH, JUST KKUM II Indiana; also 5 Stalls to let. 130 Norfolk at. l7? > U HALE?BAIL i A IS GfvKN Wool) HHOsTt J? Cart: line bay Horse, 111.3 high. sound, truts In 3:3)1; light iluiueomb Harness: beautiful cross-watched Team (fasti. bl?c- and While; sound I Will separate. 313 Kast loth si. fTtUU HAL It?A MAY HO EMM, I7 YEARS OLD. 10 r liauda biah. with extra lluo style and knee action, lor carriage, coupe or dog eart; thoroughly broken, til West 14lb st. litoll HALK-At A ItAKUAIN, A H AN DhgM E. SOUND J? and well bred Horse; a good stepper; perfectly unlet and gentle fur a lady to drive: also lor sale a light i'hautou ami a set of linrueaa. Uau be soon at J. K. KkitGUHU.S'S. lull West bid si. t~oK halkjcut-arrived. va Tiouhkh. suit a 1 ble for trucks, lee wagons, any busiuesst warrantee. 113 Barrow st. 1JHM HALE-POUR lluRSKa, kUiTAHLK KG It K X 1 proas. grocery, any busliiess; must sell, want uiousy. Uail at grocery store tit Vaudaiu St. 13oit HALK-KlNE SI DK ll aII TOP W AGON, KoLK r and Hnalts ; light one-man huad Wagon ; Moll Clarence, newly linml. In goo i order. MO IT. I,tin Broadway. TitOII X.lLK CIIKaK-A CLARKNCK. IN KINK CON I itlllon. Apply at ltYAN'B stables, tttf 1st st, Brooklyn, E. U.. N. Y. * n ARiKH-i and saddles LESS 111A N COST OK PRODUCTION, KOIt 30 DAYS ONLY, TO REDUCE STOCK. MILLER. MORRISON A CO.. tlUO BROADWAY. HILBiiKN. lib CHAMBERS ST.-UaND MaDR Harness, Hi 00; avery varloly of llar.iosa. Shoots, Lsp Holies and Sunimsr Sweats. ()UK 7?4173; OUST (OUO: HANOSOMli7 LIGHT, jood as new cxteaslon top Pitas-ten, weight 33<> pounds ; top lull spring W i^gou. $1'ib, cost $3*3; top I'ony I lis. inn, estru light, with Harness, #13)1. aost $373; is not soiled l.'Si hail gtlth, near Lexington a*. Liuii r tweiTve passenger WAaONBTrK, wrrii Harness, lu llue order. suitable for cuuairr hotel WM. H. GRAY. 3D and 33 *.?i" ? k^CPER liLYK IN I Sll K11 FASHION A HLK GABUiuKS O of the leteel KAB18 AND LONDON DKSIUNS, In all the leading styles, VICTORIAS. CAHKIOLKTS AND T CARTS. ? for Park and avcuue driving. BREWSTER. BUCKINGHAM AND LADIES' PHAETONS lor light driving. LIGHT CURTAINED VEHICLES. IN VARIRD STYLES, lor cuuntry use. KIFt'Y SECOND HAND VEHICLES, all at reduced prices. A- H. PLANDRAU A Co.. 373 and 371 Broome sk CKcoND HARD carriages. OHrougbam, Cabriolet. Two Wheeler, f llall-top I'll acton. Pony I'baetoii. Itumlile and Canepg. Several Una Tup Wagons. Most of the abeva ear own build olid nil in exce tent oonilltlou. BREWSTER k CO.. or Broomo li, Broadway, 17th ami tSm sis. STAHLKS. WITH HUKKICI p.NT CAS HI A G K ~K < >(Vm", convenient coachmen's rooms; low rants. 131 and 1311 West 17 til and 141 West both sta , between Sit It and 7th ass. Applv to or aildreas JAMES n IT K r. M A N . 7>l Wall st. SK tSti.N ABLE I Altltl AGI-.S. Victorias, t'ahriolets, T Carts, extension top I'havtoria, lour passenger ..pan Phaetons, loar passenger Surrey Wag ons, top and opaii pony I'll .etons. canopy top Phuelossa, several stylea, at prices to suit the times W M H. GRAY, and 33 Woosler st. riiTip grocery wagon, in good order, nni 1 sale ; Horse and IIarasse; will separate 34w spring at. Wanted hi a thoroughly kkmponsirlk party, lor light family use. a leant of Ponies, snlieble lor a pnsiiteii. Iroin June to Oetoher. lor tkelr keep. Ad dress. a lib particulars. I.. station H. It' A N I KH KOIt > KlttsT CLASS GROCERY. A YY siiltahia llnise. Wagon and Harhese, together or separate. Addiess. giving lull particulars, il., bus Isb Herald Uptvwu ultiea. C|TkaF1?URnKH, HIT fABLR POR~AN Y HUML ?less, any trial given, 4Id West 3i>tb st. ^ - TAKEN KIR DEBT, NEtV TOP PLVfNOUM ? sprlug Grocery Wagon; another, (USI; lliirse >ll7 West IHlll $1 :if> INNTHlCTIUk. "i f TiioMPiOiOs OGLLkoE. 3i> trii aVTTopPosI i k iVi-'oupur institute; llookkeepliig. Writing unu Arith metic tannin dug or eveuing. Ladles' Heparlnieul. Tel egraphy laugh! practically with lustruiiieais. rapTd and r LKGANT IIanuWHII 1nu taught in ten |>rle -to lessons.?Bookkeeping. Ac rarinra. il Kast 14th st. Certuler* OLIVE i it. GUI.DSII1 I'll. 1 >OU K K KKPI NO. PEN M A.NSlI IP, A HIT n M KflC. JjPliun icrapliv. Ae.? Private lessons day nr evening at IIOI.Hl'.AU'n Cominarclal College, t.lUH Broadway, terms reduced. S'l'4111A Is K.. Haegi R's ^'arkhuCsks. MrH 'AV.TlrUoii SsTD so 34lh St. ?Storage for lurnltare. Iiaggnge, grods and wares ol every description, lu separate closed eumpart meuts alway. a oflloe 3iai Weat 34th at. N* EtV ll K'lll.llk sToKAGE WAMKIIOUEe. 131 and IPS Wast 33il it., Iielweaa still aad 7th avs ; low rate.. K. U Aili l N A noN. owuert aad managers, formerly of Hrnadwa.r, near il'iil tl. S-rONAGlTKOK 7JknITURK. CAMHIAGES and general mercliandlse; low rates, safely himI absolute teepouslhlllly. SMIfil A SiLLs, 730 and 7 >3 Stb av. ami 347 Waat 4Mb sk A. UKY GOODS. -111"!!# A u76" 11A KG aIn t> PBENOll CuVTUMKS. J * C. JOHNSTON. BROADWAY, 5TH AY. AND 23D bT., Commence the SALE THIS DAY ot all their PAKIS MODEL DKEsSKS AND MANTLES. 4 Black Silk SUITS, made by Worth. $500; cost t? Import, #839. 7 SUITS, made by Plugat. Irom <U5 to $3oO: coat to liut-ort, fr.-ut OKI >4 #5UO. 17 Silk SUITS, Black aud Colored, made hy lleuteuaur, from Ui to $<i; c.-st to liuuort. #15 to #135 37 Klue Silk aud Woratod SL ITo, made by Laferrirra, $30 to $75; coat to Import. $47 to #1UH. 300 Novelties lu liourutto Walking SUI IS, now bill Sltlrt, Silk Voat aud Cut away Jacket. #30; com to imoort. $33 45. Bare Bargains lu Travelliua Woratud SUITS at $5, $7, $10. #13; cost $10, $13, SIS, $30. Paris made saOQULS. MANTLES. KlOtlUs and UaPKS at from *5 to $50; cost to Import, $10 to $lou lu the above assortiuuot tbure are tuore lliau 3UU diller eut styles, the productions ol tbo host dressmakers ill tbo world, aud now that we are through with eopyiuc them they are -lived at |.ric s tUut eanuot fail to llad lor them u ready sale. Parties acquainted with the hemtilui pro ductions ot the aoove eolearatod artists will Hud it to tlieir advantage to give these garments a visit of Uispe, vion. LADIES' DKPAUTMKNT. ISO duaeu' Plalu'CHEMISES, 30 cents; reduce-, from 50 rente. 135 do/.ou Ladles' Tueked aud Trimmed Ull KMISliS, 3S cunts : reduced (rout 45 cents. 35udoxou Ladles' Tucked DRAWERS. 30cents; reddced Irom 35 routs. 130dosun Ladies' Bullied and lucked DUAWKIls.35 cents; reduced from do cents. 30U dosun Tucked Ski UTS, 33 cents: reduced from 50 coats, 157 doaen Ladies' NlGIITDItE3Sc.s. i? cents; reduced frcitl SO cents. THE MILLINKUY DEPARTMENT has Just receive.' a large Importation ol ELEGANT HUMMED bonnets and BOUND HATS. Also a magnificent assortment of Imautlful FEATHERS, PLOW EitS. AND BIB HONS. UOUND HATS, trinimo.i and uuirimiuoJ, a sPECl I LTV. SHOE Dl.PAUTMKNT. Ladius'Pino I'ebhio Goat liUOTK, button holes work-d, Ifox Toes, $J AO; reduced froui $3. Ladles' kid K--X, lluilou holes woikoj. Pleach Heels, $ 1 50} roducod from ?3 50. Iulauts' Piuust Qua.ltv i'tuk aud Blue UuUnu Mines. $1; reduced from #1 We make a specialty of Liidlce' lland Made spauish in Boots, tin Arclied-instep Jinots, tlio finest produced, the pticos of which we warrant to ho $1 luis than askod elsowlluro. Bi>YS" SUIT DEPARTMENT. HOYS' PIQUE SUITS, $1 75; reduced from $3 35 BOYti' LINEN SUITS. $1 50; reduced from $3. BOYS' OttAY AND BLUE SAILOB SUI I s. $3 5li; reduced from $3 50. BOYS' CLOT1I BLOUSE SUITS. $3 75; rutluood from S3 5(1. A largo vailety or Boys' Extra Pauls. Shirt Waists, Straw Uata aud txtra knt Skirts. SILK DE 1"A 11 I'M ENT. 3,000 piaooa black DBESS &1LKS. $1; marko i down from $1 03. 1.035 pieces colored DBESS SILKS, $1; reduced from $1 00. DBESS GOODS DEI'AB 1 MEN I'. 485 pieces Silk and Wool HoUlthTTE. I>? yards wide, $i a yard; cost to Import. $3 3th 013 places CAMEL'S HAIU, If, yards wide, SO rents the vsrd; cuss to Import, 83 centa. 305 pieces BliUllhi'lE OI.DTHS, 45 laches wide, 35 cents; cost 57>, cent*. 700 pieces PltlN TED lUWi LINEN LAWNS. 15 cents: worth 30 cents. 3,000 places PKIN TED O KG AN DIES, JACONBTS. LAWNS. SEPUYltS aud PKkUaLES, at reduced prices. Samplos of dry goods sunt gratuitously to all parte of tha country ou application, thus eiialiliug out of towu parties lu make their purchases lu New York as advaulngeouslr as residents of the city. J. A C. JOHNSTON. JJIttiW GOODS. UNEQUALLED ASSORT .M KMT, IMPORTED AND DOMRSTIO. INCLUD1NQ ALL THE NEW FABRICS AND COLOR I.N OH, AMONG WHICH MAY BH MENIIONED BAUKOK I>K LUS5. .1 WOOLLEN TISSUE OK PECULIAR SOFTNESS, IN AN ENTIRELY N~KW~SERIES OF BUADK8. PARISIAN NOVELTIES IN BOUBETTBS. MAKaBoUT CLOTHS, ORENAD1NKS, AO. A. T. STEWART A CO., BROADWAY, 4TH aV.. OTII AND IOtn STS. /NKEAT BARGAINS IN OARPKT& A LABOR ASSORTMENT OF RECENTLY IMPORTED HTioT ENOLISII BODY BRUSSELS, MADE BY BU1NT0N, CROcSLKY, ThMPLKTON. IIUVPURBYS AND OTHER CELEBRATED MAKERS, AT ?1 25 AND fl Ml PER YA1U? CHOICE AND ?L>EOA.nT PATTERNS. LATEST STYLES. ALSO. TAPES! BY BRUSSELS, COMMENCING AT HOC. I'KB YARD. NEW STYLES AND PATTERNS. INGRAIN CAUPKTINtJ.-i, equally low prices. ALSO PERSIAN. TURKISH AND ORIENTAL CAICPKTS AND KL'OS. AT PRICES FAR BELOW COST OF IMPORTATION. S1' A. T. STEWART A CO.. BROADWAY. 4 HI aV.. UlU AND 10TU STS. PKlN'U OLOAKS, ALL THE LATEST STYLES AND MATERIALS. SPECIAL .NOVELTIES IN PAJUSiA* AND BERLIN MADE WUAPH, HACQUES, KlC It US, MANTLES, AC. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S CLOAKS. ULSTERS AND HACQUr.S. VERY DESIRABLE SHAPES, REMARKABLY- LOW PRICES. A. T. STEWART A CO., BROADWAY, 4TII aV , PTii AND 11)111 HTS. A . SSS II || A W V W L 8 S II II VA W AY W L S II || A A W VV W L ESS II1111II A A WWW L g II II A A A VV V* M L 8 M II II A A W W .. LLLL? SEE 11 u A 1 V 9 NO. ..t WEST Mill ST., NKaR Ufll A V., NEW YORK HUMAN HAIR AND II HA IM IKYI St J HAWAII 'I liu lineal atoufc of HUMAN IIAlll AND KAIOiU'S ever ?llillillwi, lor wblcb iiold Mil ailver matiala worn >wutl?tl to >1. III h LA KG EH r AND only lkadinu house IN THE COUNTRY. 11IE MKRCKDrS OOlFKUltK, turmoil by moot:! of our newly Invautml M AHIK ANTof NKTTK SWIICII. vary la.hiouablo ami atylUii, at ?U. #8, Sit). 912, ?C> ?nil up nor.I Too "KUGENlK St.ALPHTTKS." or OUIFFURM DR CoqUKTT KRIK. INVENTED AN I) FIRST IN 11(1)1)1 OKI) BY US, bag been adopted bjr the II \l'Tr. VOLE)'. In tlila eolintry ami Europe a. tlia uiual nautili ?ml ilnrabla ??.'),?ia| lion of a ladlea' ho aiinrvge?r?r? gtyll.h. eelt-ailjuetanlv, al way? ready, >n4 will not rip or lour, liny friuii Iba lovautnr lliu only genuine Iroin 52 NO upward In ..or eti|uialte a.aiiriiuDiit ol i.'ulKKUKKH TIIK NlNON aluilOa nurlvalloil li.r aim pllclty. t'legatitf* ami grace nl lurni. eelLaajualable, nnuiu ..I tlto Hiu.i i|ualliy, ?ii. I it r ally curly, all luuir hair, at Rat. fM, fill, Ac. INVISIBLE FMOSTn lor young ami old, hnproelng Ilia liu.ka ul *11 Imliaa Inaiaatly. THE MoDJ K- K ?. ilm lai.-at Mini vary becoming atria, alwaya ready, at ffit, II ft, ?it. A?. A moat ui gmtlueai varlotr ol Swilcliae, Curia. FingerpulT*, all at wbulaaalu price* ?? | OKAY HAlIt A SPECIALTY. 4 Tbu Hun.t iiaallty, genuine colora, lower any otlicr bou.e INVISIBLE HUMAN IIaIK .SKIS for Una front batr. the largeet ami boat linpurtoii. yoc. oach. #2 par diiai-ti. to.VlHINGS ma.le tin In tha mint approve I manner; raiita all one way, llali takeu in exchange. Advice .iron bv a Kronen arllat how to arrange hair tmiat beemulagiy, Iroe "I charge. Ilalr artialleally arranged nt the oatablbhinant, 5<le. | or at laulea' ri'atdi)iic?a, 41 A nunpltiia aaanrtmont of Ilia choleoat beautifying Ooe ?m-tie*. KTIIENIB'S SECRET OK BEAUTY, tlia great mairlo IxiauiiUcr lor tlte ? omplexlun, a apeclaltr, warrant id to bu liarmlMa, f I per ona. A iiiairnincaiit aaaertraont ol Tort Sao shell, Ivory and Jet Gwooa, at lowuat nianuracturera' prlcaa. AITEEN. Ht)N A CO.. 872 bad 875 Hi ..*<1 way, . ornor IHth at. Immenae nala ol Hlli bun a Tunaday an I Wc.lnegday ol ttit- aaek Wa will affer oar tnormoua Wb.Regale Stock ?! all datcrlp tloaa ot Hiiil/uiia, at rotail. at prlcoa c?ci-pti..n>illr low l.adlat Intamlliia to loava tha city lur tlte atimmor aea> tnn a HI find It tn their advantage to buy now, aban bar game ara to be nlferod. ~i LARGE AND WELL AHMlKlrw) STOCK OK DRY iVtiiioila. t'iiui|irialag Dr.,-a Ouoda. Mailing*. tall Wool Ca.limerea. bloc* sllka, skirt., Nottingham Larea, llotlery ?ml Undarwear lor ladlea, wiiar. an i man! Table I men-. Napklna. fowera, Ac ; Carpet* Iroui a lata Ore; damaged gr >y Flannel. ??liable for making limbing ami- for *?!?> cheap. W M. S A 11.EWs, ,i| Caibarine at. UltH AT REDUCTION. 1 Annual gala ofgnlipil IL...I. and Rlioaa ai iiai.p prick, at BIIOOKS', I.Hai Eroailway. rornor Ulth. I 1 lMlY (HMIIJS. ?A.? * k k oo oo n n r k oo o o n a K R 0 0 C h i K K 0 0 0 l rr ooo muni k K OOO II II K K O O C H II K R 0 O 0 O II >1 R R OO CO U U ?# htm a v.. corner *ith st . X will olTtr this week, at . ONE-HALF Till-: ORIGINAL FlULE. hl> entire sloes of imported and own manufactured Maulelelt*. Flehues. Wrups, Ac., suitable lor spring wear, comprising all the latu.l styles of costumee In Hllk. Bon ruttoi, Urenadluu. Cashmere, ?"'?Ded*. ? WHICH WILL COMI'AltlC KaVOMABJ-Y i n * i'c AND KIN I" 11 W ITU I'll K FTNKST OoODs g""*? 'J Tills CITY. AND RU??i;i.U MK EVERY LaDY TO WHOM ECONOMY Is AX OBJECT. BALA^nIjk'uF AN IMPORTER'S 8'OCR Of FRENCH AND ENGLISH MOVELTlr.K IN ^ DRESS GOODS I 4> ? ilouf'lit lor cuuti* on tlie co?t of ii?i|?ortaiiou. 04 Bourottuk. . , . CASH MERE DKBKGKB. HKOK8. w<>oL. lack huntings. CASH MERE AKMUUK. j ~ gkkn AD1N lis. 1*1 hII Wool, liernanl, Dauiasko, klexicuiio Organdies oud Jill YV lli. . a ? <s> BLACK AND OOLOKKD DKkPS SILKS, I Hiliy 1'5 per coul. less than Broadway Priees. 11 C. I'. ROC II will offer ot greatly reduced iiriuei tliu beet assortment on tile avenue ol F're lull end English ^ IIOSIKKY AiNU .SUMMkU UNDKItWKAU. A t??r (iciith miiti Cltiliiioit. Tlio most isxirikoraioarjr iiiUucuiuuiiik iu 4. LADlRS' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR. INFANT'S OUTFIT AND CO..SKI'S. comprising it Dsukriipt uiauufacturoi's stuck of Ch -uusee. Drawers. Niirlit Robot. Toilet Sucques, Infgul's Sups end, cheapo, illhii any liousu on tlie avenua. Special bargains in IIOUSKKKKI'ING LINEN~ Damasks, Napkins, Towels, Cjulits. Hbeeliu.s, Ac., at greatly reduced prices. FltlNOES AND PASSEMENTERIES.) in ^ ?! ?? !? I III ? ?I ???! I TlagKS AND LACE SOODS.J ??<^ iiurross, notions, ? | LUPIN'S "HONDRK." I tbc best low prlcod kid Glovo imported. LACK AND S1LR Ml ITS AND GLOVES. ORDERS BY RAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. H C. F. KOOH, Oth ii v., corner 11H Ii si. l?Ull<>l*KAN HTEAMUUPb. MOsY'DIRECT AND economical route to tfoL. Und. Httitrium. tbt Khiuu. Swii&orlaud. Ac., Ac., via ItoUcrUuui. route to i'arla. Hioamer Stt'iiiuor HOIiOlsTEM.. ? TbeSo beautiful steamers, eerrylng the Uulted states mall to the Netherlands, are groat favorites with the P 'I rlo? regular, ratos low, comfort and living perfect. For freight* For PUNCH. EDYR A CO.. L. W. MORRIS, ?n South William et. 3D Broadway. (Morris' European aud Amorlctu ExproasO _____ CT U'lON LINK"UNITED n'TATES MAIL M'rAMMMB X for Qii. oiist wu and Llver|H>ol, loaving pier 4H North River, toot ol Charles tt. every luosday. . ? NEVADA May 7. VI a. M. i IDAHO ... May dl. U A. M. WYOMING .May 11,J I*. M. I Mo v'TAN A.May US. d I . M. t'abin passage, $)i>i, 073 and In according t.< location. Smoking, balli looms and piano on each steaiuor. lutcrinedlato. !M<>; Steerage, d-JU. WILLIAM*. A UUION. ail Broadway S" FECIAL NOTIUKTIIli sPLKnDIU M 11L -TKA a .0In NEVADA. Captain Gadd. leaves pier TH, fool or Chailue. lor Oneenstown aud Liverpool, on lu. aday. May 7 st 0 A. M. preclsvly. eu|ierior nccouiniodatioi.s lor uahia Interuiediale and kte?rai? pssMinaors at towuet rates. Apply IO WILLIAMS .1 HUlO.N.aH llioaomiy. AMKRIOAN LfNK FOR I,IVIt rt POOL 'I bo only trausatlaiille Una aalllng under the Amerl" inn Heir, sailing every Thursdav hoiu I'liiladolpuia. INDIAN A sails Tiiursday, Mar It. I P. M. red STAR LINE pott ANTWERP. rarrylnythe llclgiau and United States uialla, sailing eoml nontlily irom Philadelphia and Now Yore. SWIT'/.KRLA.ND sails Wedii'S.I?y. Msy 8. at H A. M. Fur lal'-s ol pass ace anil oilier luluriuatiou apoD to PETER WKIGlIT A SONS. Genoral Aaouts, .TliT Walnut st., Pliilailelpbla; 3d Broadway, New Yurie JOHN Mcdonald. Agent a Hatter, place. New Vork. C"TUNARM LINK.-H. AND N. A. R. M. A. S. CO. J NOTICE. With a view to dl.nlnlsh tlm eliancee of collision tho steamon ol this lino take a spec I lie oourso lor all soueuui of the veer. . . .. . On tliu outward passage Imu yuoonatown to New York or Huston crossing the ineridtau ol 50 at 43 latitude, or noth ing to tho nortn of *W. r Oil the homeward passage, crossing the meridian of M at Cd 'atltude or notuiiig to the uortli ol 4J. NEW YORK TO LIVEi.PooL AND (JL'KKKSTOWN. AHYHSINIA.... Wed . Mays I ALGB..I*....We.t. Ma*3d BOTHNIA Weil . May 13 | *K1 S.vl A.... A ed . M ay dU Cabin passage uud reluru tickets on lavorabl- terms. Hi enrage tickets t? and iron, all parts of Europe "t ?ery low rates. Freight and passagr oBi o, No. -t liowilug Green. eg CIURI.K8 O. FR.iCKl.VN, A ei.l TREAT WkHTKRN -TEA MSG IP LINK. r.SKW YORK TO BKI-lOu ft NOLAN Di U1I1MT Taking iiomli and Paweugort tor lamdva. Cardiff. New. port Gloucester, and ah porta In Bristol Chaunel. From !U^.",Miv'n; CORNWALL May dt t.ahin passage, ?6o, #8H. e7U. Prepaid sleera, e cortltt Catoa ?lli Itetuiu Ticket, at Insurable ratea For freight A No. 7(( Smiih UaMHUkg-asi uicAN packet company's line lor Plymouth. Coerhonrg and Itaniourg. G I'iljn >1 I'rlkA .T I A, llir., MB? *' I I thtnirt, .MHic iwr, -/ ?" Gl l.LERr.Thured'y. May IB | IIp.KDKIt. Thursday. May Su liaree ol passage te Plymouth. London. I hurbourg. nam burg and all points In Kuglaiid First cabin, THAI, gold I second cabin. BIHI uo.d; stearauc f Mi, curieney. KLNII * RUT A CO.. c. B. RICHARD A ROA8. osneral Ascuis. Genoral Passenger Agent*. Ill llroad St.. New York. Ill Broadway. New V ork Winrn hTaii i.i.nk. Untied S|at?i ami Hovel Mall Kuanari fur (Jdeeualuwti and Liverpool. JHiTIOK -Tin- altantri ul iliia ilmi takn tlia lane toulea racnnuiiauilad by l.ieuicuaul Maury, li. rt, X., un liuili ihu nut ward mut Homeward paaaegi-a bhlldAMO Saturday. May II, 12-J*! P. M. II.VI.TI4T TLure.lay. May III 4 1', M. A I>KI \TIC . ..Saturday, May 1/ nuuu. Pmm White Niar dock. pier 5a >ortli Klvcr. Ilalee?haluun. (Mil and $I<M, In guld. It.-iuru llckaia un riaannabla Irriii, Hiuertgu.fJN cnrmin y hal?un% aieivrooiua, aiunkiuK ami naili ruoma ara placed ainldahlpe. where the noiae ami tnullun ara leaet, allurdlng adaviaa uf tmmiurl hllliuii.. uiieilaln .bin at a-'a. K?r impeetion uf plana and other information apply at Ilia uui;i|?aiiy'? olice, 37 Mroadway. New Yore. N. J IIIKTIS. A rant. IN M A N I.I.NK. KOYAL. MAII. M IK A 1IKIIH. roil UI'KKNdlOWN ?M> LI Y hKt'Oi'U i:ITV OK KBUnsKLN TUnreitay. May w at Hi A. M. CITY OK ItllTIIMO.NO Saturday. May IN. at 3 I'. M CITY UK ITII tNTl-.ll.... Tiiuraiiay. May XI, al 1U A. M Kimn pier 45 Aurlh lllyer. Cabin, $>*1 end #lnil, giiln. Kalurn Tickets <>u favorable turina. Mail rage. currency I'ralte at tu .eel ratua. Palu. ua, ?leluromna, eino.lng ami bath mania ainid-lnpe. JOll.N it. 0.4 Lb.. Again 91 ami 3.1 llmadaay. New Yuik. Philadelphia nfflrp, llll Houtli It la at. (N KM hit A L. THANH tTI.AIt I'll: OOMPa'.NY J HhlWK.KN NhVY YO.iK AMI IIAVKK l uiilpiny'a pier "new 43" Mnrlli Itlver. faant ?f Mnrton at ?NT. L a I'RKA F. Lac-bc-anea.. e vdiiua.ley, May N. In A. M. I.A I'll AlHil!, Ka-idller Weiliieaday. May 15 4 I'. M. CAN tl>A. Pranged! Wedneedat, M?v 2i, |n A M. I'lllliK OK PAmMaOK IN ilm-linling wlnel j? Tu Havre?lit cabin. t ll?): 3d ta1 In. $n ?; :?d cabin f.Lt. Steerage, M-iil. Inc lullnit wine, bedding ami ntenailb. It K I I It w III KKIN At HIUUlKII KAtC.1 Hlaai?ra marked tbna i*> d? hut carry steerage panin (era. LllUIs OK IIKIItAN, Aeent, 55 Itrohdwav. Par freight and paaeaee at I'bila.liilplila applr ie AI.ONSlI llorvVr LI < JCheatnnt at. \TOKTII IIKKMV.N 1.1,'iY It IN ntceiuelilp l.i lie, lie I ecu New Ynrk. Kami lieliiplnn, l.uu'l'ii. Havre and Hruiuva. Company 'a pu r lui-t ul 3d al . Il.-b.iami. WKMKIt bat.. May II i IHIII b. May 25 A I rh All .. Hat . May I -? I MoHKI. Pal . J MM 1 Kan-ant paaa a en Irinn New York tu Southampton, Lnu (Iiiii. Havre and llrmnur Kiral ? ililk,|IIM, pi-Id . -heuml Cabin. Ji ll, gold ; nicer aac 4 hi. curramy. Koluru I leki-la at reduced ralea. Pre paid Ntecrago llertlflcalce. ? HI. citrraney, Kur Irelglil ur pa-aiwe apply in OKIjltftlils A OHt, 2 llnwllng Ornen AM!.loll t.lNK UMTKD STATUS M vl C sT liA MKIM. NL. IV Ynllh AMI I. I. A HI i< IW. OI-.VOM I May II. A eun. I C A I.I Kl lit N I V. M ay 25 Noon. A.NCliOKlA.May Ih.ii a M. I KT - IOPIa. .3nte 1,5 A. M. ,N?W YiHlK IO LoNImin III HKCT. UTOPIA.....May 15. 3 P M. I A UsI KALI A M ai 3'J III AM Cabin, fli-'i |n ?an KuuMiua llckota ai ic,limed rama. Second Cabin ?4'i hiveraua, f3N. Cuiupauy'a Plata. .Nea 3.1 and 31 .Norm illver, .New York. II h A He.KNON llitoH., Agente, 7 Bnwllng Oreeh. VLI'IUNON I.I AM TO AOlitll AMITON ANIi HULL VY tailing iruiu K ay I - pier, ItuuiMmi. aa fulluwa;? liTIt l.NtO. May II I III A OOO June N OTllc LlNJ . May 35 | LKP thTO June 23 Klial cabin, M'dl, currency. Kxriiralon tlcknu nil very fevnraliie lerina. vpiny, fer lull parlleulara. to Oil AItl.K.N L. IV K11411 r A CO . I I... Ill al OTATh LIBK-TO III.A -OOW, l.iYK.HPIHH,. 01 HI.IN O HI-.I.K AM I', III A IMiNllrbltii V A.NO fllK. I' AKIN I XI'O'I I ION , telling frum 1'iei 43 A'orili Ulver, lu-.t ul Cenal el. Mr A I K l.P UOltlal an t I bnra-lay, Nay II MATr. OK N KV AllA Tliurwlai May 113 Nl 4TP, OK VI|ti 11NtA Ibiira.lay. May.kl Klral cabin, rlbi |u 175. aernr-tlng tn ae.nmin -dalluna. Keiii-n in kcla nt reduced ratal. Necnnd cabin, ft!. Nicer ?gent low-at ratea. Apply tu AI' NI IN It A I.fill ! N A CO, Agenta. 73 llma.lway. HTKk.KAOK TI'JKKIN At C. liltOAOVt At AMI AT tiik comPany'm pikk. roor or canai. ?r.. ?. n EIROPKAII 4TKAMNHIPS. Passexi.k.j ti'flMH vr QOiiflifl?W***w" cau procure Tour!*!1* i'leket* round lu lamPon kb4 Pari*, l>v eeery poMlblu ruut?, >1 reduction* Irmn ordinary farm. Tliey are good to vuit every of iolerrei la Irei .lid. S> otlnnd hu d I-ugiaud. and uot liiuiUd la lina Three Ticket* are onIV sold hi 4ill' rice, and not lu Ireland. CUOE. HON A JKNKIXS. ??fl KroaUWty. New York COASTWIMK KTKAMHHII'k. jjacikic mail steamship oomp am?'? W!Z Kor CALIFORNIA. JAPAN. CHINA, CBNTKAL and SOUTH AMBlllCA SANDWICH ISLANDS new zka. LAND. AUSTRALIA. HKUTaiI COLUMBIA, WASH INOION TERRITORY and OKKUON, Ac., railing I rum pier loot ol Cauul el., North Hirer. Kor the IS I'll Mil's OK PaNaM \ Sleamahip CKKSCI'.Nl' CITY....,,,. Thuredajr, May f tcouuvctInit lor all Central and South Am.ncuu porta) Koi HAN KIIaNCISCO via IsTUMl'r. OK PANAMA I ? Steauieiilp COLoN.... .Mouduy. May 30 (uoiiuveiiu)i lor Central auu south America). From SAN KrtA.NClSCO to JAPAN and CIIINa Sieniuahip ? Saturday. Jane 1 Krom SAN KHAN CISC'1 to SANDWICH ISLANDS, AUsTR 4 LI A and NKW ZEALAND:? Steam,nip C1TV OK SYDNEY Monday, May IS K. r freight or paeeuge apply at the company'* utile.', 0 Howling Croon. New Yore. VfaSSAD. N. K? XT. JAUO AND ClhNKUtOOlL 1> i u a ?SteauiKhlp OAKONDKLK I'. Saturday. May II. at JS P. M. MURRAY, i. h III s A CO., ?Kj Smith rt. A L IK A X,'.V th. A N D ST. JOHN'S. N. V. CROMWELL LINK, sicnmehlp ALIlAMliHA will leave pier 10 North Hirer, J I*. M.. 'I uueduy, Mor 7 Kor Irelghl or pwaago eppty M CLAHK A sr.A >1 AN. St) Wvl it N Y. UAYAN A AND M BXIUAN MAIL & ML UsSS ? steainvre luavu truiu pier No 3 North Hirer, KO HAVANA DIRECT. CITY OK WAHUiaOTON ...Thureday, May 0, I0i30 A M. Steaiaauiu Tue?day, May 14. 3 K, M. Ol I Y OK VKUA CRUZ Woduu?l*y. May 15. a P. tL KOR V ERA CRUZ AND NKW ORLEANS, via ll?vaua, Prngreao, Cauipoachy, Imulera. Bleumrliip .* Tuoeilay. May 14.3 P. M. stuaniure will laavo New Orlenn* May 15 for VeraCruA via Matamoru*. Tuxpan aud Tamplco. making c'nio con ut'ctlou uiill eleaiuer* lor Havana. New York and all tha above porta. K. ALEXANDRE A HONS. 31 and XI Broadway. KW YOHK AND Cl'UA M tlTT~H. S. Llsc. KOI* HAVANA D1HKCT. Magnificent eeeornniodatIon fin paaaenger*. sailing I'll II HMD A V s', Irom plur 17 Baal Hirer, at 3 P. M. NIAUAKA (new), 3,'_'ii>tone, Curll* Thursday. May ? H.MIATOUA (new;,'J.3S5 tone, Siiudberg.Thuradav. May IS 111 DUCi* D HA I f S III paeeatre lor VERA ClU Z and WE'T INDIA ISLANDS,by through ticket* via Kngltah ami Kreucli eleainelnp line* irom II ivaun. J AMI'S K. W.VHD A CO.. 113 Walt it. JTOH VKIIA CKt Z-tTO Koit KIIIHT XlUSS I'ASKAol pereteaiuehlp saKAToiIA. MAY HI, connecting at lle> vuna with royal mall eteitiuur. _ JAM KM K. WARD A CO.. 113 Wallet. N O'rU DOMINION 8TBAMBUIP COMPANY, tailing front 1>iur ;i7 North River " for NOUKOLK. CITY POINT and RICHMOND. TUB*. DAYS, I'llUHSDAtS AND SATURDAYS at 3 P. Jt.. con Heeling Willi all UaILHOAUS for the sOUTII, sOUrH. WKsT and WKST; also wllh atedmor* lor NKWUEKNR uud WASH I Nil TON. N. C. Mtonnier* lor LEWES, DKU, and connecting railroad* MONDAYS and THURSDAY* at 3 P. M. Through pmuenger ticket* and bill* oflndlng to all poiuta at lowevt rate*. luvuruiiee lor Norfolk. A~. at pur eeat, Kieight* roeeivod dally at plor 37 North Ulver. Gaueral oltlca No. 137 uroenwleh ?t. N. L. McCUUaDY President. gAVANNAH, KLOUIDA. OrtN. K.VUN'KS, from pier IB. K. It, Wednesday, Marti. CITY OK SAVANNAH, Irom pior 43. N. R.. Saturday. Map 1L OKiiROK toMuB, Agent Saturday "learner, 4UU Broadway, MURRAY, KKHUIS A CO., Agent* WedAceday iteamor. VJ South at. C. D. OtVBNS. OKORiiK YONuK. Agent A. A O.K.K? 315 U'way. AuontOR. K.. 4 C) II'way. NKW OKLKANs~ DiithTc r.?THK CliOM W4B.L LlMH aleainahlp HUDSON, Satuiduy, May 11, 3 P. M., pier H North lilver. Ihrough hille of lading given to Mobile and principal point* on the Mlaaintlppl Illvcr. Kor freight or o***aga op* |.iy tu CLARK A s I-.a II A N HH Wait *t Ml) KUAN'S LINK TO NKW ORLEANS AND TfcX A A? I ho atcamur MOIIUAN CII'Y will ?all from pier 3d North Hirer, on Saturday May II, tor New Orleau* direct, trauaforrlug Texa* Height there to Morgan'* leiuiaiatia aud Texan Railroad and atrnaiahlp*. Tlirougb hill* of lading aieiied to aL TeXa* aeauorta and railroad *tatlon*. Hrowua. villi'. Monllu aud all Miui**l|>|o lilver point*. luxuranca can he effected under open policy ol the line, to Now Or* ImdaX per cent; to Texa* port*. % per cent. Kor Kieight aud other information aptny tu HirUKItT A MoltuAN. Agent*. uillce, pier 3D North hirer. Nkw Yt'KK a\o Havana dihkct mail link.? Th*?e lire* cla** ?tearii?lii|ir will aail at3 P. M., Irom pier 13 Nortu River, foot ol Cedar at., lor Havana dlroat, a> |ollow?l HA.SI IAUO DK CUBA Saturday, May II COLUMHCM Wadnaeday, Mar 3d Kor Ireight nnd panngn. having unturpaaeed aecomraw dulluUa, apply to WILLIAM P. CI.YDK A CO , No. U Howling Oraan. Mclll.LLAIt. LULINU A CO., Aguutalu Havana. Bkhmuda. poui'o hum. st. Thomas, w. i.s lv i.UAYKA, PUKIirO CaIIKLLO. \ KNKZCKLA. with gunuectlon* to all iiart* ol Vt LsT INDIES aud silUlTl AMKHICA. - I'lui Oueuee and Uulf Port* sS. Co. Lino *alt aa uiidornoiedt? Kor llhHMl'li i sCANIMa. May 1 Kor ST. JOHN and PONCE. T. THOMAS. I.AUUAVKA and Pl'hllT'i CADKLLII, SS ll ADIl. Mar IH. Kor dm vcriptlve painnhlo'*. Irelubt and I'M-ngi apply to A K OUTK1IBK1DOK A CO , Agent" 21) llrooiway. * C. ll. I'*. t?A I: MKNDI A, 3'? Itroadwoy. O. IbEVk. 371 Brwadway. F" VloHIDA DfitKCT?STKAMKKS|3,kVv"k "f'IKtl a3 fc .?l Uiv?r ffwrv Frl?Uy m :i 1*. H , for Kern fcl*.. luuotiiiitr mi JiriiiiiwiftW ah? l i'ori Kojral. M uiuor 01TY OK AtlHTlN. 4'i%pl?ili ? Will wall to ?y 114 J lu oiiiXii fruit/lit* hii?I fiAmm;!* r<itOH i;iv.*ii la ill ptdnl* ll tli? Soulli hihJ Suulii womI l?y I*, ll. ,\l Ahl.OKY k l*0.# A mo ii It. ottlcf pi?r K*it itlver. or CooE. SON i JEN. KINS, gill Itruailwur. flO XAS UNB KIIK OALVbSTON. TUUCHINH 1? 1 Kay Weet.?Htaainer CITY OK HOUSTON, Captain I'.IUrldgc will tail Salurdav, May II, at 3 P. M , Irom plod If) Ka?t Klvar. 'I liroagh rate* ol freight and lull* of lading glvan over all railroad* in the Statu. Kor Ireight aud pom ?a.e (having anperlor accommodation*) apply to C. H. MALLoilY A CO., "Iticu pier 30 Kaal Ulver, oc COOK. SON A JKNKINS. ail llroulway. LYNITKD sTaTc.B A>D BKazTl MAIL STKAMSHIi 'LINK.?Kor It to de J aueiro, touching at St. Them aa. Para, Periianilinco and Hehlo. to lau.: mail* aud pa?*un> gc,*.? The new tlrat clo?? Iron *t*am*Ulp CITY OK PAItA 13 5011 to i*l will aall for Ibe anuve port* ' n 111 or id ay, Juo* H. at noon. Freight at low rale* lakeu for the ahuvp (mrta. Kieiglil recelvd at all tune* at Robert*1 duck, Iruoklya. Kor freight engagement* or pa***gc (havlni elegant accoluimdallon*) aup|. to C. II, MALLOllY CO.. Agent* office pier go Ka?t Hiver 1 A! THAVKLLKIM' UUlDK. Albany boat. Ftr? (aintoil *U HKUI'LK'H LINK. 11. Ural el.??? Deck.2.'i cunta. Kxenraioii. $1 VA Movant aloamora lif.AN l(ll!|lttOMU or IT. JOB! lauve purr II North Klrnr dally, rxrspt Kandajri, .III i*. M , lohui.tlu* at Aloanr with <? K;.rca train* lor Halt a TOO A. l.ikh OKOKOK. LAKH I'll ABI'l.AlX, tlia AIM HON. DACKn. BUN ntKAl, BI.U all point, NOIli II AM) WKnT. Tickets for ?al? at principal holds ami all of At'esteoit Kt prua* ofbcaa in New York aU<l Hruuklyu. Brooklyn paaaaa* inri tranalrrrrd Ires by "AUtk" Iwala. ~ I.HANY HO ATM~l>litKl'T.?llhROiTa NTH* KXIMIESb j Li on - Movant ilcaiuars WAl.TKK lll'.KTr or St.W CIIAMBION a III leave daily (.Saturdays osooptodj I or Aluany. Ironi Canal at.. North Klaar. tlrat doak ai?n I'mpla't*, at 0 I*. M . connocilmr with tralua North au4 Wrat Kara ideek), Vai eaoln l?r?, Mm. . mania. Vta. Broliht taken luwor than by othar liuoa. A. B. BLACK. Huperlntondsat. I)' I if ON. BARK UMmJCKD VIA Ball " III VkI IJi.lne; 93 to Ho.ton j axcnralon tick,la. $3; inaffnlfleaut atanmara HKISIOI, am I'ltdVIOKNOri laara piar M Norm Hirer daily (Hamiaya J .na il to Mplambar 8?, al l I". M.; lull iiiahl'a raat; ,||ro morning tralna front I all Kirar to lloatnn. Tlckata lor anla at all principal ticket udlona Hi .oklyri paaaaiucert tranafarrad rr'a bf "Aaaax" boats. Inariuir loot of Button at. at 4:.K) B. M. Boat koh cAiHKii.L. rti; yvksant and intkiC mediate landlue, will laara plar 34, llarrlaou at.. North Hirer. dally, huudaya aacaptad, at t) I' M. CtlTUKNH' LINK I HOY HTKABMtH -OKK AF KKDCuT Alan In faro Kxaaraion. II M. Dnakl Vi cunta. Sum aounoatlona wltti itiurulnx tralna lor al. poiuta Nor til. Kaat and AA'cat. Bacn threat aloamai* KARA, Tlhl.t ami CITY OB fBOY laara daily, axeapt Haturday at ? r'. B. frmn plar 41) North lllrar. loot l^roy at. OtVftftl DAY and BUND AY. ~ Fj 130 mil, a lor 10c. i lltzon'a Una Troy boat. ? Na? palaea aieaniorc CI rX OB TKltY nnd HAKATtHrA laara plar 4i< North Jtlrcr,looh Laraf at., dallr. except Haturday, at I I' N. dura cunaac* liana with moraim: Iraina for all puinta North, kaat and At oat. Mala room, onir II : bertha. U.K. | drat clips tarap ,Vl>r. Slain reoiua ami thruujrli ticket, at Dodd'a hapfaa^ ??44 Broadway, Naw York ; 4 I'ourt at.. Brooklyn. F'VlH N.iHWaLK AMD DaNBCBT OAtkT. _ Ntnuurr AUKiHCl' ? laaraa liroo.lm (Jewall'a DaaM 3 :.Pi I' M Bint No :n Kaat Kirar. 3:44 I'. At. and Ud ah, 3 1* B., connortlnu- with Dnibury and Naw llaraa Italia road. Itadnood lara, 3"> taalk KXCUKHlON Tii KfcTH. .VI CKNTS 1AIIK OKKAT BltoVlDKNtrK l.INK TO BOSTON, rla I'm,nionra dlract A BULL NlilllT'H llr.nT ONLY 43 MILKS oB RAlU Ilia larorita pilar -trainer, M ?HH m'MIJSKTTS aN KID ? I *K, llh i Nil, Irotn pier lit. North lllrar. at 5 I*. AC. TIIK. OLD, HRLIaBLK STiiNINuTON LINK, for all pointa Kaat, Irmn plar !I3 North Kirar, loot ol J ay at., at 3 I*. B. KU'UIINIUItll. IAM'TRHON MllAm AND IllldV hn ? NT iVa m2k3 jilennral Sedgwick and Burt Lan. barge* Caledonia. Ko> puiillt'and Anna: KxreMor Bark Oriental, Hunan Uriah, Col l Spring, I m? laland ami I'ninmbia llruvoa. X. Mk mill.I.H, 3S| #nal al.. npposlta Ulinaiophrr airaal fariy. FAiiii B.\i:i KslllNs-H II.OON sTKABKH J. B. al'lll'A I.UK, rap .inly 3,im<l prnpln ; haraaa HI. Nleho. laa Km,nil, and ntlirra; Orrldflntal llrnra, on Ilia llmlaoa, i.ndoiliara. MAItl'lN A K ahKKI.I., I ID .-o?li at; opaa Kuuilay. L1'? i< B^TiuKiitma-ThhTaiuii, Biksr clasb r aloamrr lama Hranch, which haa baa a lurnlahad with raw hi ilara, and iKl.arwiar much linprnrnd, AUo. tlrletlf tiral claaa lirnrra anil llarxaa. with Hoata ol all klnda. V. iili main taara' rXprrirarn and Improra.l larllitloa I caa naauta complata aatlalavtlon al mditaad rataa. J. BYKrtP rornar Borton aad Waal kta. HI I.L.1 AltUS. ~^_=3 A f NB.AV At'AUl!ROO dH OB II. ft. COLi.kBDMI, 1M Broadway, hi lwaaa ilraca Church and Mtawart'c?Bill* lard I alilva, naw au,l a, volid hand, In laical daaluna; hart nouda and loarat prlcaa. ABKKICAN NT A ND A KD III LI, I A KllTA BI.KS, N K.AB and aa mad hand at ra Inml pria. a; Balls. Cloth, Tlsa, Chalk. Cara, Ac. W. M OKI BBlTil A till., 4U V. aay at tpiVh. HiLLIaITd TAUcXM, Alivoa | i Ktv. KtiS r anle v?rf ilio?|?. IIaLL.1 MXoN, liroadwajr ?ud 5la| ?I. \"r?or i IB ti OT, A N I))! A K K 11 ? IIK H VSF7 A JK1S Tho Old Diamond and Walau Owaawtn, No. H43 HruaA way. aarnaf of llicararr at., raaioriua to N?. TAB llruadwar, Corner of ^lli at,, owlnif to iho nulldlni ciamlad down. W, N nAMilBr.n i ctanliahad IH4 ? rilllK oiH.IKI Y OB DKCOKATlYK Ant. BHk'?, ?na X AHIi at., will ramorr May 4 to No. 34 Kaat I nth at. ?MBXTtBTHl. B"" liAfTfi^lr K'Bfd AkVlBtofAT. ittra! WKWL 9K: warrantad. My dsntal room a '3<ij ?i< h or.: aatab* Haloid jjr< MBADKK.