Newspaper Page Text
anniversaries. S-m:-f entennial of ihe American Sea mans Friend Society. ITS FOUNDATION ANO GROWTH. T'.ie U ???n Theological Seminary in Its ? Forty-third Year. lb* fiftieth mi tarur; or tbe American Seamen's Friend Society *11 celebrated yesterday at the U road war Taberiaei* ipimprix* caramonlea. lu iho moro at tuo Convention utel auJ listened to * historical sk<MCh of lb* association and papers on ?if>*r topic-. The afternoon session waa occupied by ? ba*iaaaa meeting, at which iba annual report wa* read and trustees tor tbrae years and officers lor tbe e miog year ware elected. In lha evening a public leartua wa* nrtd in the body ot lha church, >1 wnlcb ipecebaa were made by Mr. Siewart L. Woodford,-Ur. Howard Croaby. Ui*bop renews and others. tub sokmju; skss:u>. Tna Convention r.iai at ten A. M. la tha lecture room oi tbe Hroaoway Tabernacle, l'roaident Rlebard p. buck in tbe chair. Dr. giesimin opened U?e pao cceding, wnh prayer. KeT. Dr. eamuol IL Hall, corresponding secretary and treaaurer, read a buiortcal sketch ol tbe ioci?y from lta formation to thu proaent day. Ita organnv. tiou, be said, waa mainly due to tbe efforta of Rev. lobo Truair, wbo bad been paator ol ibo Marloera' Cliurcb. It waa started May 6, 182S, Its flrat president boing 11 r. Smith Thompson, at that lime Secretary ol the Navy. During Hie Olljr years ibe total receipts ol tha society naU been $1,518,088 78, and Unco the toundiug <>t the Sailors' Hone in Cberry sired, In 1842. list,Hod sailoia hud bi-eu cared lor. Alter the his torical akstcu thn folluwlug paper* were road:?On "Revival* Among Seamen," by ibo Kov. Dr. Spurgcou: ?h "Traits of Character Among cliriatitn senmen,' hy the Kt-v. Dr. Hupper; on "Co-operative Work," by Die Rev. Dr. Kockwuil, and on "Coiporuur Work," by lie. I'earson. iho meeting then adjourned until three P. M. thk Arraaxjoa aicrsiox. At tbe attemouxi vcskiou the loiiowing trustees were reflected lor throe yours:?Rev. Jobn Spaulding, J>. D. ; John Dwlgnt. Henry A. Hurl out, Cspum David Kllieepie, William Mathews, Captain C. C. Duncan, Frederick Sturgess anu tbe Kev. Krskiuo N. White, D. D. The Board ol Trustees than met and tba iol lowing officer* of the society were eloet?d:?Presi dent?Richard 1*. Rack. Vice Presided*? aptatn N a bin. 1*1 liriggs, J. D. VoroDlya, Alpheus Hardy, of Boston; Rav. Stephen II. Tyng, Jr., D. D.: K?V. Joan Hall, 1). D.; Rear Admiral Melunctbon Smun, Rev. Marvin K Vincent, Kev. W. M. Taylor, D. D., J. W. Stanton, oi Sioningion, Commodore K. R. Breeae, Coiled Slates Navy, T. Kf ehughuysen, ol Newark; Win. I. King, ot Morrislowu; Cuarlos U. Dubney, ol Philadel phia; CvDiinuduro Stepbeu D. Trenchant, United States Navy ; Duvid Olyphant, Kdward M. Archibald, J. W. A. Nicboiaou, Kioburd W. Thompson and Rev. Matthew Simpson. Corresponding secretary nud Treaurer, Rev. Samuel H. Hull, D. D.; Fiuauclal Agent, L. P. Hubbard. Stuoding Committees?Chap laincy Committee. Messrs. Spauldlng. J.oom is and Wbllo. J'ublicition Committee, Messrs. Rockwell, Bturgess and Prime. Homo Committee, Messr*. Ropes, Mathews, iiriggs, Dvmoresi, Knovais, Dun gan, Nilcs and Dolluer. hxcutiv* and Finance Committee, Messrs. Cray, Klweil. Hurlbut, Dwlgbt, lull and BrinkorholT Auditing Committee, Messrs. billespie, Cray and Hardy. AX.MUAL KKI'ORT. The Secretory then road the flftletb annual report. It stales ihut ibo chnpia'ns, missionaries, Bible uuU tract distributors connooied with tbe society have lab ored io almost every cuuutry on the lace ol the earth Tbo number ol libraries sent out duriug tbe year was $83 on vessel* carrying 11,621 men. Tbe sailors1 Home, No. 100 Cnerry street, baa during I he peat year ao comraodated 1,787 boarders. Those men temporarily deposited with ibo Superinteodont $17,107, o| vrlncu amount $7,725 wore sent to relative* nod friends, $1,035 were placed to their credit in savings banks ? uu tbe baianc) roturneu to the depositors. Relief has ircqtMOlly been furnished io ship wrecked and destitute seamen. The society baa published during the past year 80,1X10 copies of tbe bailors' Alagazinc. and lor gratuitous distribution among seamen, iu all, 4U,(Xkl copies Oi lbs Seamen'* frwni nuil over 300,uuo copies ol ibe Lije Jioat, lor the use o! Sabbstli scDoeia throughout the laud. I he "Sauor's Text Hook" hua been largely circulated, uuU ibo ?'.Seuiuoo'* Hymns" have beau supplied upon ap planation. In thw year ending April 1,1878, the roeeipis of tbe society lu io lis treasury irout all sources (In cluding a small previous baluucej havoboeo $85,520 07; expenditures, $84,097 01. The Iceal socioties, aux iliary to Ibla, have io tho same time raised lor tbe saaraan'a cause $0,541 23. Siuco the last annual moot ing Dr. James Brown, ol New York, and Hov. David lhgilaa, D. D., vice presidents ol the tool 'ty, hsvo died. Seventy-lour persons during tho p ,*t year, by special donation to that cod ol $30 each, have been Constituted lllo members ol Ibo society. TilK KYKXIXU KKB.HIOM. At the evening session a despatch wag raad from R. W. Thompson, secretary of the Navy, expressing his regrets that urgent puulio business prevented his attendance. An uddresa was delivered by Rev, Mr. Jones, s converted sailor, who waa followed by Chan Ccllur Cro-hy. Thcremarksoi UnitedSiates Diatrict At torney Woodford, who catne next, wcro listened to with rept atienuou. Alter roiorring to the various dsns, on tbo river fronts, tbat by mean* of a red light win iba sailor to his destruction, General Woodiurd, turning around and looking ut ibo veourable officers of the society, told them that the only way to win sailors to Christ waa to extend to them at all Dines the band of welcome. "Glvo the sailor a hearty welc<ra?, and let our frol ?Maulitm lake bold o! the masses, as Catholicism has hi this city. 1 tell you, Mr. President, ladies and gentlcmtn, that we are surrendering the common classes to infidelity on the ono hand and Catholicism on tha other, and 1 think tbe latter la doing Us work UNION THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. Tb w forty-sccoud anniversary of iho Union Thoo logico < Seminary was held in the evening in tbo Madi ion Prvsbyterlan Church. Kev. Br. Adams, presld?L? of the seminary, preildod. Tho exercises wore 0| ?nod with singing and prayer, alter which aiWrc8;ei wero delivered by members of the gr. wlmtUag class, as follow*:?Mr. Jainoi A. Averlll ou "The Ultlinato Authority m Matters of Religion;" fir. Churles A. Northrop, on "Radian preachers In the Seventeenth Couiury;" Mr. Jam** F. Kuga, on " Mohammedanism aa a .Sjdritual Power," mid Mr. Sami *?'' Emerson, on "Tho i'rogrosaitro Element in t br t*n?n Theology." Ur. Adams, ai vor u short address, prcaooiod diplo mas to the leilov "ng graduate* '.ist or on/ ou aits. James O. Averill, l>?vtd s. McCaaltn, John W. Bnliaiilinc, William Meyer, Beu?anilh F. Jllery, Ellas & Miller, tsit.iii \V. Black, Cliarlea L. .Moench, Charles W. Cainouo, Henry K. Molt, Frank S. Child, Charles a. Nortnrop, Norman I" Cook, forge II. 1'iyson, Edward W. Clark, llarid C. Phillips, Thomas W. Hay, Charles H Purmort, William B. Ely, Thomas Kruvos, HnmOL'i F. Emerson, Jainca F. ltiggs, Edgar A. Foes, Jlenry V. Kominger, William E. Faulkner, Wnlard seoit, Richard E. Field, Frank C. feovllle, Josspn K. Flint, Eugene P. bempla, Harvey (iuiick, Peter M. Snyder, Ho hurt W. Hill, H.imtlOl L. Sliver, Kdwnrd M Knox, Andrew J. Snllivan, F. iwurd W. I.nke, Joseph C. rhomaoo, William It. Lord, Herbert B. Turner, Reward I.0111, Fiederica M. Van Siyltat Jticbard B. Matt lea, CRUEL CHARGES. A MOTHER; 5 THAT tlEIl DAUGHTER HAK BEEN RUINED, RUT TI1F. COURT THINKS DIl. FERKNTLY. A difllcull quoiUon lor adjudication was brought np ba'orcJndge Morgan at tno Tombs yesterday, as a component pari ol a simple oAaanll and battery caic. The littlo party of persoui interested in the case at tracted general attention aa tbey entered, their ay pearanca indicating that thev were not ol the clans whose quarrels were usually settled in a police court, aadwhotiihe hearing wsi bogUU sad the story of Strong passions and proltnble ml?underatandlngs was made plain the Interest became intense. The prisoner was Mrs. Frances Jones, a good look ing womau of about lorty, whose evideut agitation was shown by Ircquont glances of tonderneas at one of lbs party and of bntrod at another one. BI10 was charged by Miss Mary F.. Slrotioli, ol Euglcwood, with assault. The cotnplaluant was aworn and told a short, plain story. "I csme to New York this morning with this young lady," she said, po.uting at a modest look ing girl besido her, "and I Hopped with her at tho plaea where sho works. It's a mustard mill In Dunns street. While W? were there thie Woman entered and bad some words w,th my friend and struck me In the face two or three times. "Judge. It's false," said Mr* Jones. "I never struck her," Hhe was at oneo bushed by the officers, and tbo complainant continued her atory, telling bow she re buked the prisoner and was assaulted by nor. tttit ?oTRia'a conri.AiNT Mra. Jones was asked wonl slin had to say, and Stepped to llie desk, trembling writ an emotion I list coald hardly hsvo been lolgned, "Judgo, I'll to i you it/d's truth," alia silil earnestly; "1 went to ibis place to get my daughter I,sura away, aud?" ??la that your daughter?" asked the Judge, point ing te the young girl. "Yea; slag work! M the place for that man render, Ur. Charles Norman.'' and sho poiulol to (ho las ( member of the party, a respect.>bio looking gvoilouiaii about tuirty-flvo year- old "Judge, bo is a boa utan, aim li? has led my daughter astray. " "Ob!" said I bo daughter, rub ? sort of shuddering half sol). "It's true, Judge." continued the prisoner. "She owned it all to me last .Saturday. She xun.rd it to me, bor mother, and I wanted her to leave biui, but elio wouldn't; and 1 went ilicro again to-day to try to gel her away. This woman camo between us, and I did threaten her with a potato masher 1 had with mo, but 1 didn't strike her, Judge, and I wan so agitated I j hardly knew what I was doing. " "And do you really mean to say that thai man has ruined your daughter??" nsl ed the Junto. "it's a tarrlhWituug, Judge, but it's true " "It is not!" Bikl tbe gurl, bursting In tears. She bad looked at her mother in a sort ol stupor o( araazemont till sue could krepijalet no longer. "U is. Vou told mo so last Saturday," said tbe mother, also weepdng. "I never <lld," soblied tbo girl, "llow can you say ?uch a thing r" ''Step here," said the Judge, "and tell mo about tins " "Judge," naid tho girl, "I hare worked nut lor a long tuno and 1 ba<l to gtvo my mother every ucnt ot ray wages. s.? ihut 1 couldn't get mysoii a stitch ol clothing,Tot sbuspends it all lorherseiL Only ibeother <luy sho got $!Io Irom Mr. Nortuan?tlitoo inontus ot my wages. .Sho was to gel rae some clothes with It, but.she dido1and sbo wanted more money, and that blade tbe trouble." "It is not t lie money, Laura," Interrupted her i notner; "you lc. iow it isn't. The money is nothing." "Is ibis true it at your mother says about you?" salts tho Judge. -'No," said the girl, Indignantly. KWSCTIVgJ.Y DkXIlCD. Mr. Normau corroooratud the girPs story luHly, say Kug mat sue worked lor bitu at his null unit lived to bislamlly at Euglowood, N. J. So lar us he kuaw Mho wns a good girl and his wtie was ; roatly Interested tn her and had made hor a numb* r of presents of necessary clothing, ol which she was destitute. Ho also denied the mother's story indlg. iiinlly and said (bat be had prouared an alQdavii in in e case which be proposed presenting to the Society Jot" the I'rwveiitiou of Cruelly to Children, as tho girt was only ill teen years old. He also explained Miss 1 iroTica's pres ence by saying that sbo was bis wile't sister. "Mrs. Joues," said tbe Judge, "if you wanted to get your daughter away you went to e ork tbe wrong way to do it." "I know I did. Judge," said sbo; "bt it It Is ternblo t?n thinl: ol, Sbo was a good, pure girl, and tbut man has ruined her. It is Uono now, out I want to take hot'away, and I want to got a warrant; lor bis arrest. Wot. 't you give me otic?'' "No," saiu the Judge. "I bolisvv you are wrong about the girl. 1 do uot believe this i, ??u lias harmed ber, and you acted very wrongly in tb.? matter." Mrs. Jones was commuted lor live days, but is to be libcralou ibis morning. CO UN THilFEIT NOTES. A $100 countortott note on tho Morcbants' National Bank, Now Bedford, Mass., has been pun in circula tion. Tbe following discrepancies betwo<m it and the genuine uro noticeable:?In the counterfeit tbe lower part of tbe loiter "S" in tho signatuno of "S. B. Colby, Register ot tbe Treasury," comes over tho let ter "M" tu tho word "Massachusetts." while lu tbe gcnuluo Jt comes over the liret letter "s" m tbe word "Massachusetts." la tbe genuine now tbe lower part ot the letter "p" in the signature ol "K. K. Splnaier, Treasurer ot tbe Unitod .States," locks witb the upper pnrt oJ the letter "K" lu tbe word "February," wiillo In ihe?counterfeit ibo letters do not touch. SWOllN IN AS MAYOR Henry J- Hooper was sworn in, yesterday, as Mhyor of Jersey c"y SHIPPING NEWS OCEAN STEAMERS. DATES OF n EFAMTURE PROll NEW TORE FOR TUB MONTHS or MAY AND JUNE. St'umrr. Nt-rud*.... ..?? ? ?? Ahyaalnia -??? St. Laurent....., City of Hruaael*.. State of Louisiana Pummeranla t Columbia Wo?er Hia (Jueen Germanic Pcvnula...... ..... Wyoming Hot liuia Laiirador Utopia. W A Schnllen Hnlttc Greece Grllert City ot KlcbmomL. Erin Anrhorta N'-ekar ..... .... Idaho...., Algeria AuMralia......... Canada. City uf Cheater.. state of Nevada. Italy Krone California Adriatic llouensollern...., Montana Ruaata. Mate of Virginia. Herder Ethiopia Motel..... Sail'. May 7 tl ay S May I" May t May I' day 9 A lay II M..y ii Me* " May J Hay I" Mey '? May . ' May K Mar 15 May lft May !?> May 16 May in May If Mey is May is May " May Mar :? May 22 May vt ay 23 May -'3 May 23 May 38 May 2ft May 2ft May 2 ft May 2" May 20 I'tr May SO June D'tliiWlion l.ivcrpool l.iverpool lavio .... l.iverpool Ginngo*'.. Hamburg. London... Bremen .. l.iverpool l.ivernool Ulaagotr.. Liverpool Liverpool ilavre London. U otterdam IA *erpool . Loe ion.... Ilaut burg.. Li vert ?""{ ? i.lVtTJK Sll . Giaagok '??? Bremen . ? ? Liverpool, ? Liverpool , London... Havre... . l.iverpool . Glaegow... f.midon.... Hamburg.. Glaagow... Liverpool. Bremen. . l.iverpool . Liverpool . Glasgow... II anihnrg.. ilaago* June llUrciuen.. Ofhrr. 21* Broadway 4 Bowline Green oft Broadway 31-33 Broadway 72 Broadway 31 Broadway 7 Bowling Green 2 Howling Green H3 Broadway 37 Broadway 7 Bowling Green 20 Broadway 4 Bowling Green ftft Broadway 7 Bowling Green ">0 Broniwny 37 Broadway 00 Broadway til Broadway 31-33 Broadway it* Broadway 7 Bowling Green 2 Bowling Green 2D Broadwev 4 Bowling Green ? * Howling Green V, Broadway .11. S3 Broadway 72 ft.'road w ay 39 Bk oadwity 61 Hro. vdway 7 BowIlnlC Green 37 Broadway 2 Howling Green 29 Broadwe * 4 Bowling (ftfoen 72 Broadway1 |vil Broadway 7 Bowling Green 2 Bowline Green ALMANAC FOR NEW YORK?THIS DAY. PCM AKD MODS 1 man water. San rites 4 .01 | Sandy Huok....ovo 11 16 frun seta 7 02 Gov IaUnd....uioru 12 00 Uoou acta.,..morn | Hell tioie morn 1 46 WESTERN UNION TIME BALL. Nrw York, May rt-Noon. The Won tern Union time ball wai to-day dropped cor rectly. _ TOUT OF KEff Y01IK, MAY 6, 1878. A1UUVALS. REPORTED DT Til R IT ERA I.D MTKASt YACHTS AN D HERALD WHITES TONE TELEGRAPH LINE. Stentner Arragon (Br). Hytuona. llrittol April 22, with rad*e and paatengert to W I* Morgan (arrived ftth). Steamer Memnon (Br). Cowan, Klo Janeiro April 13 and Hahia ITtb. wltn tndae mid paaaeurert to Hnak A Jcvona. Steamer Andes (llr), Sanmm, tlonalrea April tl, St Marc Stb, Port an Prince 13th, Savanilla 24tn and Aaptnwall 2sih, with indie and passenger* to I'lm, t'orwood A Co, Steamer Canlraa (Br), i-eddlcoat, Hcrmmla May 3, with tndae and pewengera to A E Giiterhrtdgi' steamer City of Anetln, Cheater. Kernandlna and Hrnni wick, Ga, May 2 vie Port Loyal, sO, 3d. with md.e and pat aei gcra to C il Mnllury A Co. Hleaiuvr Lancaster, Mlila, Pliiladelplda, with coal to the Reading ItM Co. Bark Gflr (Nor), Olaen. Limerick April (I. In Lallaat. in A ll nea.'ti Anchored In Gravrtenil Bay for ordera I Bark VViw J?ue* (of Newport. E). Kowley, I aniens* ID j duy? wilh -tiger In E U .Morgan ( vea*?l to Jnmea k Ward Bark Helen Angler Staple*. Malenaaa II days. with | gugar to Mo.ea ly.or A ' , vea-ei to Noah Emery B.ig i orgei-ueGter Mruve (Ger), Meramann, Santo* 75 j da I a wit Ii e.(l B G <m lit. (trig Catherine iGerl, stemmer, Lagnayra IS dava. with [ Coffee lo pallet!, Hnniton A Co. Anrhored In lower hay. I llrig Alice Lea. Potior, Mataiiaaa ID day*, with augar to order; veaanl la > van.. Ball A Co. rrhr.1 M Vtoral?a lof H.ekaport). Eldrldge, St Mare 17 daya, with logwood lo Miller A Houghton, la hound to H maa : put into thla port for repair*, having April 2>, let VM I I. low 7ft ft#, been atrurk by a whirlaind, carrying I away loremaatliead and main top meat. Hrtir K J I'al.nor, eleven*, Lag'ina X) dor*, with md*o to Thehand Mro*. Hthr Lavlui* Heil lef IVt Jeffkraonl, Aldrlrh. Tampiro 17 Uar*. e l|h mda* lo J A Van Hrunt A Co. May .1, lal 33, Inn 7)1 I". spoke athr Anno k Kraaia. trom Mow orieeua for Havre. -chr llarheaoti IIletmao, Rehiaaon, Cardona* 12 day*, with augar to .I H llantel. of srhr John McGmnl*, t'oolhnrn. Hor*r?o II day*. Willi fftitll I > matter. srhr Cortl* Aoaorlv Morton Porooodino 9 day*, wilh lumber to J VV Par** r. veoaol to Rv*n*. Hail A Co. sehr Kronoonla. Loavltt, I'anaaonl* April 16, with ItAn her to J II * lnehe*l#r A C.i, Anrho'rd in lower hay. Srhr *' l< Kirhaidaon <ei Ibaaiaah ai, Uei <no Pvmaeela 'JO day*, with lumber to VV A Parka; vveael to Snow A Buraeaa. Sciir Ggoeehoe. ehaatlan. Meolioro, MC, 4 day*, with naval More* to Uhilinor Potter A ? S-lir Halt1* J. Ilaverahaw. Virginia, sehr H G Parr. tt'*nna,l. Vlrgli la. Senr VV ni MrGoe. furtte, Virginia. Bcbr Cbtngarora, Hilatreo, Virginia I-ASSLU TllltOL'GII llf.LL CATC. BOIIM l> DoCTIi Steamer City of Kttchhnrg. kllia, Mew Bedford for Mow York, wltli nine* aid paaaengera to Burl,eg A li??ti. S*hr Opora tllr). fowler elicit* N M. l?r Now lev*. Schr Little 1' Small, Warwiea, Pig.- n Cove for Mow Yor*. rehr J C*lhonn, H*ek, Panveraport for New York. > c ir K ile A Ma.y. c ia*well. Proi hlonea for New York a Silir Artlal. Clement*. Poeliaaeott lor .V-w I or A. M A Anderson, ondor > '0,* tor Dilladgt pnla Helir Barbel A Collin*, V>>iG* Nor walk for M#w lurk I elir I-. J Bonthard. Mnla. Now llaven lor Mow Vnrk s< hr P iteraon A iinih, Naali. M'ew Itoron h r Mew York. Benr tifoen County lannvr, ll)de. Mow tlareu tor Mew Voi k Schr Bamnel P Go I win, William a, Stanford for Mow York Srbr J G rtoraon, Welly. flroenwleh for Mew York, sehr ArJ", Gurney. Greenwleli tor New Vnrk sehr ? ft serauiok. Wright, Soutkport for Mew York. IIOI'MI) KAMT. Steamer Praeoui* llrarg. Mew York for Portland Steamer Tll'te, Kwfng, MOW York I or Mow Inrndoa and Norwich. ?" ?*'ir g S Hatch, Kela*y, lloboken lor Profldroro. schr c*, Hiodgett, l'?rt .lohnaon lor salem B hr P (I smith, smith, p,.n .lent,too, i?i Provldet co sehr Vdele K-iIca, Miehe'a, Amhov foe providence Mehr lloleii Auguaia Molt. Amto.y to, p .rtlood. ft scltr Little llay il, Jor Ami,or tor Mrwwtcli. Helir Mornint ster, lllgglny, Vlrglnle for Mow !lov*o. steamer Oreit (lit leienne). Kengaf, from Mow port bound to M?o lurk, it at aMior in i|*n Itfaod iloada UKLUW. Bark Moltla Il*k*r, from Care.-n to. CLEARED. Ir), Gadd Liveri Bttouor t raoevui*. Btagg, PotUand -i F Autt, Steamer Nevada (Br), Gadd. Liverpool tliOttmntwi . Wllllamt A Gtiloo. Ship Alert (Nor). J on* won. Antwerp?Punch. Kdyrv A Co. biilp Lucy * Nickel*. Nickels, - K 1' Buck A Co. Murk Canada (Br). Wright. Plymouth, B?J W i'ujrker A Co. Mark Loo I vor>. Amlrrwn, Tvnn Dock. E?0 Tobi aa A Co. Hark Miii? II rd (Br). Mictiunor. Newrv. f?C W J -art mix. Hark Ilraailera (Nor), Tlioiuaetcn, Mount ?Fuuc h, Kuye A Co. Hurk Victoria (Sor), Taurvig, Dunkirk?Uockmujiu, Oar lain A Co. Mark Cliignecto (Br). Shaw, Havre ?Sonminell l/roa. Bark Guerrero dial), llusso, Bordeaux?Lauro. Storey A Scarpa! I. llark t'liarlea F Ward. Gray. Havana?Jaa E Ward A Co. Brig Alpha (Sort, Olaen, Hull. K?Kanliam A Boye?en. Brig Annie Gardner. Hutchtuaou. bt Pierre, Mart?II A. Vatable A sou. Brie Martha A Maimer (Br), Mattbewa. Sockville. KB? F 1 Xovlua A S in. Sclir Maggie Abbott, Abbott, Maranhana?O Amsluck A Co. Schr Pliabe, Mcdoro, Fort Antonla, Ja?B J Wenberg A Co Schr Win S Farwall. Lord, Baraooa?It.) Wenborg A Co. behf (1 IV Rentier, Griffin, Kloutlsrra?Isaac K Staples. Schr Adalira, Lore! and. Baltimore?rilatrbt. Bailey A Co. Schr Lookout, lliskins, Post port, Mc?Jed Frya A Co, SAILED. Stenmera Croft (Bo. for Hull: Albemarle.,Leirce; ?liir? John llryre, Liverpool: Minnie Swift (Br). A atrre; Well ington (Br), do; Ialaud Homo (Br), Hamburg; bark Cer vantes (Br), Liver) I: Agar (Alia), Cork; F I, liciaovur. Mstan* is; Koheeea Cartiaua. do. Alto -a.led. ship Lucy A Nickel*. Havre; barka Henry (Oer>. Ilolt-rilam ; Canada (Br). Plymouth: Escort. He uniou and finanir; brig Kremlin, Clenluugos; acbr Win Conoers, Bermuda. MARITIME MISCELLANY. Smr Briucrwati n. or Boaton. 1,330 ton*, built at P'tlla delphla In 1H33, wua sold at auctlou in Hull, K, for ?3*01)0 on the 3'Hh ult. Smr John Ci.ahk (of Boston), Capt Roaa. front llavro ?la Sandy Hook. In ballaat. bound to Calais. Ma, (n ut ashore on Great lload at Cntler. Me, ou the tiirhlol' the 3tb inst and broke up before daylight. Tho steward and one sailor were drowned and another aallor had his. leg broken. The ercw were ten hours on (lie wreek, from which nothing was saved. The vessel waa about one.lislt insured. The ship was l.OTMtoiis rairlster. built at lalti mure In 1830 and was owued by J P Elllcutl and otlit ra, of Bostou. Bark Hazard, before reported enid. waa ourrhas ed by Munsllelil A Boborts, of Boston, for tbo A(n< an tr ideal about $3,000. Bark Sutiurlma (Nor), which sailed from Hio .1 anelro April 1 for ilamptou Itoads, nut back loth, Capt So senses buvlug died ou tne 8th of yellow fevr. Bark MnxARCltr (Hrl, 1'onrce from New York lor( /uernt towu. at Bermuda, was ready for sea lil lust. She bad ou board anoot 17,000 bushels ut Iter ln?ard cargo, t ir nam aged portion having been sold and two cargo* ir shipped per brigs Eloign and Kxcelrlor. Brig Flohkxck (Br), from Havana for Baltlf aorw. at Nassau iu distress, requires such large repairs thai sac will probably ubamlon tb" voyugs and proceed in tie fleet to a port lu the Cnlteu States for permanent lenalra. In which case hoi cargo will he sent forward by another t s eitl. A considerable quantity o| her auger la seadauiag id. Brig .Iran Eliza iFr). salt laden, was abando a?d In Int 44 30, Ion 31 Iti. and the crew brought to Boston .ith lust iu ship i.ydia (Br), from Belfast. Brig Oranuk (Br), Austin, from Boston for Qnr eustown, ran ashore on Seal Island. NS, night of May I ana will probably be a total lots. Brig Lixapkl, Hooper, from Cieutunwne for New York, put into Key West Milt Inst, leaking badly. Brig Siikkt Anchor, from Hitrrard Inlet for Honolulu, before reported overdue, arrived at Htlo AprtLrii all rigiit. She was 73 daya on the palamgo. Brio Pfdro. Moulton. tvnm Ponce, PR. lor Falmouth, K, with sngar for (?roots put Into .Maseau, N?.*, April 3D, with lots ol null* and masts sprang. Brig Tiiomah Ai brrt ml llalilsx. NH). from Clanluegos with molsssoslnr Boston, waa wrcckrd at Binalnl Anrll 3D. Cargo all saved and a portlou of It arrived at Nassau April 30. Menu Portland (Br), from Annapolis, NI4 before re Sorted esbore at Hampton Beach, got off and arrived at oston 5tb Inst. Sho la not damaged. S'CHR Ligiit or thr East parted one ehatn and lost anchor In the gale at Vineyard Haven Oth Inst. Srnn Uairbow (of Bangor) waa eompletely wrecked on Bailey's Island, llarpawell. Me, on Saturday leak Crew saved. Round A L Brtak. from Baltimore 4th f?r Boston, re turned tlth AM leaky, and will doek without discharging. Rguk Acokk (HI tons, ol Windsor, NS> sailed frnm Ciioverie, No. with a cargo of plaster April 33. lor Bangor, nod on tho 2flth drlftei. on a rock off Caps Split, Kings countr. NS, In a thick fog. and siiok In 13 minutes after. Crew saved. Tho vessel was owned by John McNeil and others, ot Kempt, and waa partially Insured. NxwroRT. .May 0? During the gala yesterday-the allege.! Cuban privateer Kstolle, which is detained at Bristol by the government, psrtod her fawlenliigs and came very near going ashore. Wharf spiles were anAppad off like pipa. atoms, and prompt sctiou alone saved the notorious craft from Instant destruction. The ngant ot the steamer City of New Bedford, ashore on Fisher's Island, received intelligence to-day that the ateemer was const.lerably shaken up hy yesterday's oi.iw. Nearly alt ot the windows were broken and all of tne state room doors knocked out ot place. A determined effort will be made to-morrow morning to Boat ber. Panama. April 27?Steamer Pelican, now named Irasn. arrived at Punto Arenas on the 21st. Her machinery is out of order, snd will have to be sent to New York or ban Francisco for repairs. 1 QtncBEC. Mav 5?A large schooner is ashore on Green Islnnd. A steamer will go to Iter assistance. Richmond. May fl?The sclir Onward, loaded with 230 barrels and kegs of herrings, sunk ontslde of the luck gates In tho river 1 ridHjr morning. lYia vessel was raised on Saturday and the horrlii'ts removed, and will be Sold by* auction this morning. NOTICE TO MARINERS. NewPOMT, May ??Capt Hlramown, or tba steamer Pro el deuce, resorts that the lighthouse ou Point Judith la not, in working order. At 2 o'clo. k on Sunday morning It showed a poor, steady light. Instead of a bright, revolving lights and a week ago bunday morning, notwithstanding ('sal A dense fog prevailed at the time, nodog horn waa hearM, WHALEMEN. Sailed frnra New Bedford May fl, sehr Eleanor B Con well, Avery, Atlantic Ocean. Arrived at Matthewtown (TnaguaJ April 13. aclir Helen M Himmons, Atalns,of Provlncutowm, from tba south alna of llaytl, with 1DO bbla ap uud ID do wit oil; bound to Charleston Ground. Spoken?April 23. off Nsraaaa, scIir1Vlllla<Martin, Mar \>la, all well; no oil aluce last report. nr|ir Vimm* L Hall, Perry, April 2H. lat *7 33. lnQ 73 21. ltrlg pm nllco (of Chicago) April 28, lt*t 43 IU, lou t)3 02. SPOKEN. Perry, from Ne m Tort for Matanaaa. irom Mew -York lor Qnebee, OUR CABLE SHIPPING NEWS. AnntpovkY, Msy 3-Arrlved, lint Jlo? (Nor). Michel eon. Dailen. AnsTKRnen, Ma 7 0?Arrleed, barks/Tagal (Nor). Jacob ten, Penaacoln; lads (llr). Sheldrake, Mobile; Xorraand (Nor). Horonaen, W.llnilngton, NO; .Emma Muller (Oer) Hurting. PaseaKOitla. AftTwrHr. May U-Axrieed, stnamers Hector (Br), Rote. Philadelphia; Vaderland (Relg), Nicfiols, New York; bark Wm Ratcman (Br). Weasel. do. Sailed Ctb. ahip Harry Moree. Drummoiid. Rio Janeiro: bark Corinna CNo" . Holland. New Yo -k. Bristol, Miy ft?Arrleed, ship Misgnoll* (Br), Sotton, Philadelphia; 6th, bark liauymedei. (Nor), Olaen, Wil mington. NO. Batman, MajrtS-Off, t>?ark Ocean-(Her), Yogi, New York for llambnrir. BRLraar, May 0?Arrlred, ihlp Loo l?o (Nor), Mlcbeleen, Pensacnla: brig W Jl It (llri, Jones, .Beaufort, HO. Sailed 4th, liark* ?v? Maria (Ital). Mhnuune. New York: Wm Cordon (Br), Fiaher. United State*. Runny*. May 0 a (I?Arrleed. ship* Rlphlntlone (flw). Wnthue, Baltimore; John Kuthmford (Br), O'Neal. Ne* Orleans; Lady Clarendon (Br), Marshall, do; barns Mereur (tier), l>e llnaii. Saransiah; Tliot Kellnr (Br), Llnsley. Naw Orleans; Daeld Taylor (lie). Wallace. New York; Ague* (Oer). Merles, do; Amaranth (Oer). Uraoer. Ualtl more; brig Cerlota (Hp), Oultla, Charleston. Hailed fttb, berk Arraenn (Oer). Buuje, Baltimore. BoKDrsi'T, May 3?Sailed, bark Jlaaennd (Nor), Ul lensso, Balilniore. Crrrr. May 1?Arrived,brig Hrcole (Ital), Parancandolo. New York. Drsl. Msy 0-Arrleed, berk Reglne Tolck, Colikey. New York for Bremen. Drouhkpa. Hey 0? Arrleed, bark Wifsteworf (Sw), Mailman. Baltimore. Drills, May 4? Arrived beiks Kilr.a Onltoo (Br), Me Carry. Now York; 6th. M I.nlsa dial), Seiiildel..Baltlmoro. lit'SPAt a. May 0? Arrived, brig Laura 1) (Urufiherwobd, M John, NB |ir?KiRg. May ft?Arrlrod, bark Persa (Nor), Loeertea, Msltlmoro. Hssrsie, May 4-Arrlred. bark Charlotte (Oer). Wallls, Charleston. Pstnot Ttt. May ft?(tailed, berk Yean (Nor), IUndulff, Now York. t;iot?< r*Tta. May ft?Soiled, berk Kate IIardlog. Watts, New York. t.a-ra'M-g, May ft?Arrleed. berk Jerbnen (Nor). Heeod eon, Wilmington. XC. May ft?ArrtTod, steamer State oflndlaoa (Br), Nmlth. New York. I.inni, May 3?Arrleed, berk Merrator (Nor), Setlikao, Ten* wda. III'I L. Ms? ft ?Arrleed. ship West Biding (Br), Moore, Astoria. O; brtg Cert Cnstae (Rnt). Ltindzreen, Charles too. lUeta Msy ft?Arrleed, steamer Deronde (Br), Knott, MelUasees. Aai e l ".tit, steamer Pottaellle. Celbtirn, New York. Ilsirosr. May ft?Balled, barks 'less* (Cor), Hellcrim* New York: Farewell (Car), Neumann, do; echr Kilo M Watts, Well*. Philadelphia. I.ieeamni. May ft?Arrteod. ship Csrsesn, Wsefslssr Boeaunek. barks Easlorn (jtiean (Br), I.uwson, New Or. leaaa (too below); John Johnson (Br), Wads, Ponsacoln; brig IJisIo M Morrill, Call, Oaleeslon ;0tb, ship Ubarlotto W Wbila. Dyer, Mobllo. Also arrleed Oth. steamers ftt Lotlls (Br). Reld, New Orleans eta llaeana ; Rita (Hp), Yartles, Baltimore, hailedftth. snip Victoria Nyansa (Br). Large. Hen Fran rlsco In* no*. May ?-Arrteod. ahtpa British gueen (Br), Irelng. New York; Breaierlehe (Car), Ronken, dot fttb, eteamar Holland (Hr). Hoftty, do. Clearedrtth, bark Erlana (Br), Smith, United States. Leitn. May ft?ftelled. berk Hete (Nor), Hureneoa, New York L<*?nn, May ft-Off, steamer Alsatln (Br), Mackay, New York lor lot (on. Lintaicft, May ft?Arrleed,eklpCarlo (Nor), llegminder. Mebile Leaaa. Msy ft-Railed, steamer State of Neetds (Br), JitMt Jrem uiesgew), Now Tori, Ltseng. to May 0 -Arrived, bark Aker (Nor). Onto, Phil adelphia. Mkleol'rnb, April 28?Arrived, bark Jonathan Bourne, Xwiui*, Huston. Malta, April 28-Satle<l, bark I'nloo, lUndall, United States. Nr-.r Bos*. May S-Arrirod. bark Federiro lo Sroro (lull, Bartora), Daltlmoro. Ntcwttr, May B - Arrived, bark Maxima (Br). Sulaw. New York. l'LTxotrrn, May 4-Arrived, bam Roekwool (Br), Buck bard. New York Tor Scheldam. Arrived Oth, bnrk Towy (Br). Althowe, Bull River. Sailed 6th. bark ConslgUoro (Ital). ConsigHere. Delaware Breakwater. Pkrnasibl-co. May 3?Arrived previously, brig Frances Jane, Bruwn. Baltimore. QUBKitsTow*. May 5-Arrived, ship Steolfleld (Br), Pun. op, Astoria. O; 6lli, steamer Asalen (Br), Stcpheut, Bos ton; bark Xieollno (Ital), Chlapeill. I'lilladelphla. sailed 5th. 10 A.M. steamer Idnbo (Br>, Holmes (from Liverpool), Now York. Scti.i.v. May 5-off, .nip Chill (Fr), Chevalier. Paten gonln tor Antwerp. n*riei|PKVM' C~ArrlT#d' bark Zurich (Br), Smltn, 1 itiK.sTB, April 30-Sallod, bark Mariannlaa (Ital), Rusao inpw i orlt. uJimd^r5-3^ b"k V"k'rU lBf)i McQuarrlo, Sailed from May 3, bark Dronnlng Sophie (Nor) Lund. Baltimore; 4th. snip Knino (Br). Smith, United buto*. bitrk Maria Pace (Ital), Senrsolo. do. Lo.sno.x. May O-Bark Eastern Queen (Br), Lawasoo. Hanehu ?0'' Iilvorp"01 >?terday, lost rail, and stanchions and Jettlsoued part of cargo. Bark Clntra (Port). Nora, from Pernnmoueo March 15 SLuTS PUt iD,4t *?"????? <b? -l?t of April, WEATHER REPORT. JIOLvnxAP, May O-W.ud SE. moderate; barometer ,e^"' Way 6?Ind S. moderate, cloudy; barem.. FOREIGN PORTS. fronrs7,"'''v!',": df,r'' 18-1,1 port' ,cbr Mollle, Atherton, n-^rrum0N.r,^.Paiclv7u;iM,rt' br"r0<,0^?' (Br). Champ lA&iiiifiB&sgrt* ?sw? from'"hi "aH,U#r ,,ttrald (B". Tuul. N Yort4;-ZZ'nr Su? ? M M'rile, Mmite ObriatT- Carrie slsn?k,?"' re?' l"J <;"ad, i Ajr? Tropic Bird,' reflU ngV"* Philadelphia. do. ' "ra'"cLoon. Kodgors, fo^ Wliriil'^'KM1- ^^'ved. bark Emm. (Br), PranepJoV'irrlulu.Hr^ dof'-ArrlTe<1, b"rlr Pena?>K. Son ntt* Ap'" (trig Sheet Anchor, from Burr.rd Carney, .1 aekeon*j?Sw^orn via?M 0l**n- Boneacola; P L ??ith.';May"' bar k * M ilo'(Hri*R Phf J SKI* US# n'N"?- Gardenia. Robb"" York ' ' 11 AM< ?t?nmer Saratoga, Sunoarg, New tt X' L&kate^V^ Baltlmoro. ru,)- ?'t??nUrio7do vlaManunsalT <Br>' Tr0<kl- BBIIadolphta else. Id* cargo of ship i.olden Fleece; bi k ha.,1!" ^3K-iwra?&??r?rf^ ^.jr^elVr'; 'tt^er'T AU^'J^'n'o ""P Baton fl*?vauV"1' 2fl-Arr,**^br'g Kllea M Mitchell. . ll;Adda J Bonner. Ilonner, K Tf Haitem brigs tthoie < ran iBr), Connolly, du li.-i * * laud, do. Antutila Maria <Hpi Maiero Now Orfe.lf.'. Kinma Crosby. Crosby. X of llatteraa. ' ?r|eaut, scbr "a*"*- Apr" 24 ?Hailed brigs Komsnce Crate Rein more : Jrtth. li I T. .o,., do, :tn,, *.chr M.nnU Q Loud. rorku, O" NiHAr. April 2i??Arrlvod, ateamara Oen Padilla (Col), Howard, Wilmington, Ikwl (ami proceeded tor Havaullla); Hoth, brig I'odro, .Mooitoo, Ponce lor CihawiM, K. (Sea Mlmllui.) Hulled April 311. uclirt Jaenb I Mottuemna. hredsr, New York vie Han Salvador; 2tlth, Uattle K Smith, Lee, New York. In port April HO, brig Florence (Hr), Marrdan, Irom Havana tor Hultlmore. dlag for repelre. Paha, April I?Arrived previously, nebr E J Hamilton. Mill*, New York. In port April I, irhr T Morrti Pevot. Randolph, lor New York. Posdk, PR, April IS?Arrived, aetira Charlotte Jameaon, Jwmraon. New York; 14th, H? Crolk, I.elenu, 8t Thooiaa; 17tl>, hrlr .Matilda Haek ( Hr). Bmk. do for a port N ol Hat. teraa; 2(>tb, eclir E II Karlrer, Nail, St Thorn** Hulled April |H. aclir J t: Tupper (Hri. for Button. yrrnrc, Mujr ?l-Fa?eed Father Point at 12 M aieanter ClreuaaUn (Br), Wylle. from Liverpool for Montreal Rio Jankiiki, April :i?Arrived, alilp David *tswtr| (Arg). Wlleoa. Biitlnoro'. H?b. Iiarka W'inllred riir). North, do; loth. Cora (Nor). I'aitl*en. Brnnewick, t)a; 12tU, uhlp K K Thomaa. Nlrkola, Cardiff; bark Ntlrpnre, Averill. Philadelphia. Pnt back April I'), hark S>itlt.|elina (Nori, ? Rate Hurenucn. lie baring died on the Nib). for Hampton Road*. Hailed April 2. tlilp Algooijulu (Hri.Urelr. Hi J din. Nil; Sit, harkt .1 1. Pendergaut (Hr). Itatoa, New York. 4th. Lincoln, Thorn (Irom lluenoa Ayrea), Havre, having ra palrad; Traveller (Hr), PeuU-ld, and Akel (Hwi Hvouaen, Hampton floada: hrlir John C Noyau, fienrge, Barbadoa; Mb, brig Woodland. Valentine, Hampton Hovt*. Oil. hark Anna .'Nor), Wlngnard. a?v moah : ?ehr Jallei, l(o'iin*on, Ht Thomue; 7th, hark* Anita Derwliid. MeHride, New York ; Hth, llunlldade 1P0HI.'I?\elru. do; 1Kb. uebr t.' H Barlla, Meyar, do; llth, brig John shay. Klrkeraon, Ht Tliomaj; IJ1I1. bark Amanon. Myrtek. Htitlraoro In port April I ft. whip J It Hrou n, Kr iter, nne: >arka Brntl'rtre i(5cr>, Jachena. for Santoa nod New Y ork (Cleared 12lh>; It M Width fNnr), for New Urleana. log; Ma il*, tlregory, una: Henry I*. (Irckg. Moore, do; brig* fimwan, Clement*, lor Balilniore: Moticrt Dillon. llUtrhlord. nnet Hi or. Day, from New York for Wellington, NA, In dlatreua; acnr* Mima A Keen, strout. lor Ht Catharine*, te lo u| lur Oearu; tleorgo Y Jordan, Dnacau, una ; and the above ar. rival a. Km OttAiann. March 21*? In port, brig* Ida (tier). Pucker, from Richmond, arrived J4ih; Jennie A t benny, trey, and Clio (Dan), Jaueen. from do; Avant (Dnteh), for Handy Ilook, big: Flora (tier). Ode. lor New York, Ida; date (Oer), for da, raady; eenra Chaa E Moody, Kaatea.far Boa tan, rnady. Htaiuroag. March 27?In pen, hack* Htar of lb# Kaet (Br), Pomerojr. for New York, Idg; K Snltop (Br). Mel.ann, nne; brig Lenre Uertrudc, Drown. Irom I rramaatle. ar rived 24th. SAtroe. April 1?In port, brig J II Epttlng ftlor), for Kaw Yotk. Hr JOHNS, pit. April IS?Arrived, echra Kva, Hhalby. Dal dm ore; 17th, Chrwrao, Wooatar, Wilmington, M'j iHth, ateainer lladjl (l)r>, W il*on. New York (and laR 2Sd for st Tltomaa). Hnllcd April 22, arhr Suaan Htatann, Merry, Mayaguea. Ht Tiiovah, April JO?Arrived, uclir* Mm Itu-k Miller, Ht Kill* (and tailed 2Hth for I'orto Rico) 1 21*1, Bra J Mnlvh, Handera. Para (and aallcd 2Mb tor Itrnnewiek) ; Xid.baik John C Smith, Jonea, Havre (and ?alled 23d for llonalre); 24th, brig Virginia, Pevcreuk, Llubon; Sfflb, achr T B Witiier*|mon, shepherd, lloaton. Arrived Mar ?*?, bark Mcndota. Whlltetnore, Montevldao, Booking. Hailed April IS, bark Mary M Bird. Packard (from Bnln vla), Falmouth; rclira Onlara, Allen, Aqnin: lOtn, J t) Nnab. Crowlev. llaracoa; 2l*t, Lnnla. Mureblaon, Itever Idse, Havana; 24tb, Kva May, MeDtilfle, Nagoabo: Jrttlt, lirlg Alvln Kellev (Hr), Kelley. Ilulllmore. Ht Jaoo, April'2:1?Sailed, bark Thumaa Brook*, Waugh, flii intnnatiio and New York. saoiia. April JB?ailed, aehr* Onmbarland, Webber, N of llaltcra*. Wm A Folanm. Podge, do. Hr Joits, NB, May II? Arrived, hark Arethnaa (Br) Bar ret, siigo clearod .'Id, bnrk Sailor Prince (Dr), Jelfere, Tralne. Arrived nth, bark Torrrbnrn (Br), Ml.tck, llarbadoa; Mhra Uule 1) (Hri, tlllchrlat; Compi tl (Hr), Anderson, and Anna Carrier I Br), Van II ort. New York. AMERICAN PORTS. BOSTON, May 4?Cleared, brlga Onrlbaldl (Nor), Ilan*en, Queenetown lor order*; trrace Lothrop, Atwood, llnyil; aclir li N Sqntre. CroWrli, for Baltimore. Sailed?Drlg* Evangeline. Champion, Orkoe ircthr p, (larlhaldi, K II OilloBne nnd Flylbg Cioud. 5th?Arrived, achr Annlo R Sievona, Stevena, Philadel phia (and proceeded to Weymouth). Iiclow?schr* Jed F Daren end Dodglati llaynea, bound Id. (Ith?Arrived, atcamer* I'arthla (Dr), McKay, Liverpool; Roman, Orpwell, Philadelphia ; Neptune JHerry, New York ; eelire L A Piniicnhawer, t'edrlek. i)eor*etown, DC: Halllo H, Bkteman,Philadelphia;fteptuue'a Bride, Llndany .South AmboytH W Perry, Lake, Pnrth Amhoy; Heorge B Per maun, Fergiiaon, Kondont: Hunnah E Hnnbert, Adante, Richmond, Va; Cyma Tlall, llowtk, Hobokeni Margie, Small. New York; Wm II Hoardtnan, Hlcnardeon. Perth Amhoy; Jamoa Holme*. Ryder, Acehawken; Kalmar, Lambert, New York; Alcorn, Knt>ln?on, do. Cleared?Mekmcra Siberia (Hri. IlnMSMMt, WMipoall Oliiuei" Ben ran, New York; barka Emma h llerrlmkn, Leadheltdf, Kim Inn (Wt'Ai 1 Clotllde, M lller. Clenhtngo*; Unbloaon Crueoe. Itonlnaon, Havana: achr Abide Pitman, ObtteC. Turk'u laland. .-.ailed?Steamer* Siberia. Bavaria and llnrrlahnrg. DA I. II MORE May ?-Arrlved. ateanter Falcon, Klrby. CUMl4rt??i but* Salerno (Ner), 8? Thomaii eehrs John A Lord, Th m?t, Cardoohs; HntUc O Tow, Mefc?r*m, St Thomas. Below?S.hi Mary Jane A Elisabeth, Mel'hersoii, from Nation. Cleared ?Steamer Wm Crane, Howos, BoitW! harks Geo It Uoane, Dot*. Cork. Z-nobla (Nor). Amuudara, Queeiistowa; Kcliri Wm Laytoii. I-nytun, Spanish Walla; James I helps, Rockwell. Ilanrgoi'i Harbor '?""I' Astoria; bark Mutthow Beird; brigs Grant and Nalllo Crosby. H.^WJCK. On. May 1?Arrived, brlir Dr?;a (Ana), Montevideo; 2d, ship Telapbono tforetgu), Oleeii, Rib Janeiro, Railed April 30, brio John WesW, Ulnoa. Bio Janeiro; aelir Ida X Kldrltiga. Fletiiur, PbllaJtlphin; Mar-', lark !? N'ady, Montevideo. BUCRBPORT. Ale. May 3-Sailed, eebr Cora Etta. Pen dleton, Philadelphia. BRISTOL, May 3?Arrived, scbr Jessie Hurt 3d. Wall, Alexandria. CHARLESTON, May 3?Arrived, bark Carl (leorg (G?r\ Storver, Bremen; scltrt Mary Jano (Br). Albnry, Cat Island; Georgle Clatk, Hartlett. Port Koyul, HO. Cleared?Brig William A Anthony (Br), Wobb, United Kingdom (not as he tore reported). Sailed?ship Kdltll Hir), llomrr, Baltimore, (Hh?Arrlveu, stitainer .>o?gttll. Marshman. Baltimore; schrs Crlaeia Wright. Clark, do; llatlie, Irora Koekport; Little Carr, Irotn Hath. Sailed-Brig William A Anthony (Br), Newcastle, B. CALAIS. May 3?Sailed, schrs Alligator. .-twain, Newark; Union, small (dostlnatlnti not given). Dc.LaWAUR CITY, Mav H?Arrived, schr Tbomaa Booi, Somer*. New Harm. DANVKhRI'ORr. May 3?Arrived, ecltri Laura V lb ee. Rneo, Philadelphia; George 1' Trim;, Giniiann, New Vora; 4th, K II Shannon, Wilson, Philadelphia I'lGHTUN, May 3-Arrived, sclir Alurcena Mumon, Ty. lor, Philadelphia. BAST AIACIIIAS. Mny l? Arrived, schr Alaika, Clerk, ta ludsor. Ns, for Baltimore sallod?Scl.ra Lucy llammoud, Koblneon, and Magnet, Fletcher, New Vork. l-.DOAHTOWN, May 3?Arrived, sehre Olive Averjr, Tup per. New York lor Lvnit. FORTRESS MO.MtOB. May 0-Passed In lor Baltimore, eliip Forest Englo, llowatl, Iroui Key tVo?t;barka vokoolia (Br). Caeeidy. from Londonderry; Mary I Baker (Br), Spr -ul. do ; Adelaide, Bailey. Irom Bin Janeiro. Passed out from Baltimore?ships den I ITer (Br), for Liverpool; Livingstone iHr), lor Dublin; larks Nuova Man ila, (Itali, Yalkyrtcn (Nor). 1'rlnia Dnniia (Nori, l.lisa (Ital). Ko-alnrea (Nor), and l'erlen (Nor), for (jneenstown; Colonist (Br), for Amsterdam; Souvenir (Br), fir Limerick; itnni (i(n-), do; Ci isf tain (Br), for Londoiidorry; Columbia (Her), for Newry; Duon (Nor), for Pernnmhcco; brigs Pedro Titrrull <Sp),u>r Barcelona; Svea (\or). lor Drogh -da; J use Orts (Sp), for Llttleh impton ; Chesapeake (Br), for i> merara. Ship Feunoll (Bt), Smith, Irotn Liverpool, is or dered to Baltimore. GALVESTON, May 2?Arrived, sclir Comet, Viola, Tam pieo. GEORGETOWN, SO. May 1?Arrived, echr El.-auor, Squire-, New York. KEY" WEST, May ??Arrived, brig Llxabel, Hooper, Clon fueit'is lor Now York, with tugur, leakiur. KEKNKHUNKPORT, Me. May 4-Arrived, schr Carrie H apofford, Clray. South Amboy. 1,11'l l.h EGG llAltBOit, May 4?In port, steamer Rich ard Stocktou. Blooiurhury, ior Phlladclpula; schrs South ern City, Sterling, from New York; Ida Purer. Laford. from do: Alex Wiley, Henchman. Iron. New Haven; Har riet F Ely. Thornton, from do. LYNN, May 3-Arrived, schr William (?ilium, MelialToy, Perth Amboy. 4tn--Arrived, schrs J B Anderson. Riggs; R Sinnirkson, Ponnlwell, And Ira sLefTrintor, Coleman, Philadelphia; Ceres, llutrhlns, Perth Ainboy; J M Laue, Poole, Ipswich, Mb-Arrived, sclir Harriet Lewis, Cashman, t ort John eon. MILBH1D0E, May 3?Arrived, sclir Union, Mitchell, New Y'ork. NEW ORLEANS, May 2?Arrived, schr Washington, Johnson, Galveston. Cleared-Scbr Geo S Marts. Marts, Pascagouta. Otb -Cleared, steamer Warrior (Bri, Jones, Rotterdam: bark Gler (Nor), Amnndsen. Liverpool Port tvADs, Mav 2?Sailed, bark Nerion (Sp), Pensacola. Arrived at llio Passes lith, ship Constantia (tier), Kuohl keu, Irom Bremen; schr Jounlo it Morse, tiarkness, Batn, Mo. NORFOLK. May B-8allod, steamer Juana (Sp), Gas taaaica (from GaivostoO). Liverpool, having coaled. NEWPORT, May 4?Sailed, schr Mopuoti K Laue, Fuller, Falmouth for New Y'ork NEW HaVEN, May (I?(rrlwed, scltrs Susan, Gardner, Ponee; Mattie B Kulow, Knlow, Philadelphia; B ii Jones, Smith. Georgetown; F Lockwood. St John, do; Plioeue Ann,Dieter, Woodhridge: Signal, Dowlck, New York; A S Cannon. Norbnry, Georgetown. PORT GAMBLE, April 2S-Arrlved, ships War Hawk. Delany, Ban Francisco; Eldorado, llayden, do; barks Ma lay. Fostor, do; Harvest Home, ilattson, do; brig Levi Stevens. Giimore. do. PENBAOOLa. Jlay i?Cleared, schr Bennington, Thomp son, New Haven. 2d?Arrived, bark Sophie (Nor),Christiansen, St Thomas; scbr Clara G Loud. Thompson, Morgan City, La. Cleared ? Barss Hercules (Bri, Hunion. Brake; Perse ?erauce (Br), llavcy. Portrush; scars L A Burn ham, Briggs, New York^Annie P Chase, Poole, do ; l.uwrte Cobb, Golib, do; Henry Wlthlngton, Chase. Philadelphia. 3d?Arrived, schrs Julia A (Yard, Stevens, New Orleans; Tannhauser, Kennedy, Morgan Gitv. Cleared?Barks Fanny M t'arvlll (Br), Martin, B irrow; Llugia Madre (ital), Cosmelli, Hull; urlg Mohawk (Br), Barbery, (Jurenstuwn. PIllL > UKLPHIA, May 5?Arrived, sehrs Daniel Brit tain, Carli. Batn; Eddie Pierce, Howes, Kingston. Oth - Arrived, steamers Norman, Nickereon, Boston: Catharine Whiting. Harding. Providence; Fanita. Smith, Fail River; Ann Klixa, Warren, New York; Panther, Mil ler, Boston; oark Lotus (Br) Gould, Messina; schrs C 11 Foster, Coombs. Matansas; H F Bigg-, Vent, Wilmington. NO: Cornelia, Fall. Elisabeth City, NO, Cleared? Steamers Centipede, Smi'h, Boston: Rattle snake, Swain, do; harks Avu (Hue), Romberg, Stockholm; Lucie Kadmuu (Ger), Meyer, Dautsic; brig Zerllnn (tir), t-rellch, Bagna; scltrs Eugene Davit, Koekport; Annie E Babcock, Lee, Boston. Also cleared, hark Gladovta (Br), Knowlton, Havre; brig Mariposa, Milton. Kt Jago; sehrs Peter C Kehultx, Toomp' eon. Key (Yost; Ann K Marts, Beeves, Atlantic City : Clio, Braniiln. Mltlville; 11 H Dlverty, Mcketami, Sa)brook; Mnrtht Innoa. Newcorab. Lynn. Sailed?Steamers Centipede, Rattlesnake, Achilles; ?lenntugs Brusil and Juno, LiiVH, May 4? Arrived, bark Angeollnl Bonardl (Ital), lias-tto, Fleetwood. Hailed?Brig Albion (Br), Wilton (from Cienluogot), Portland. tkh?Arrived, berks Lultrl Aceurae dial), Vlgtloni, Rot terdam (and sailed fei Philadelphia); Cethrine Accame (Ital). MsHno, Sllgo. PORTLAND, Me. Mar 4?Arrive-), steamer Chesapeake, Mangum, New York; brig British (Jneen, Swincll, Nova scotla lor Now Yora (not as before). Cleared?Bohr T Benedict. Crockett, Binehtll. to load for New York. bth?Below, eehrs Wm Rice, Fred C Uolden, and over 100 others, for sholie-s (lib?Cleared, hrlg I<eonard Meyere, Hlcke, Caibarlen; eehrs Wm F, Lee. Lee, and Maggie Galling. Dolling, Car denas; A P Emerson. Einerson. Matanxas. PORTSMOUT H, May 4-Arrived, sehrs Garland. Llbby, Ellsabetbport: Mary A Hurt, stanwooa. Philadelphia; Northern Light. Harper. Perth Amboy;Charley Cobb, Met ealt, and Cora, Flak, Baltimore la laiwer haroor. brig Harriet U McUileery, Wnittier, from Portland for New York ; acltrs Rosalna Kelley, Jones, lor do; Alice Oakct, Wnseon, Gardiner for do; Charlie Steadman. Illnaklev, Bath for do; Kinpraaa, Bradbury, Rockland for do; \ iclory. Moon, Snllivnn lor do; Golden Ragle, Kelley, New York for Portland ,'?tli-Arrived, -ateainer WilHamsport, Wlllette, Philadel phia. PROVINCHTOWN, May 3-Arrived. sebr Mary D Doach, Snow, New York. nn iinwu, ""in j it \ un^uwu, .miiikiu, niiiinuire , Providence. Candy; .Sullie K l.uUlum, Ludlum ; HAS Corson, Corson ; Favorite. Smith; Young Tester. Fncemire. and K TCottlngliam, .smith, Philadelphia, Miiakee, Culm, Mlllvlll, NJ; A F Howe, Rill*. Kllxubelhport; lloorr May. Hatch. south A in boy; \v P Phillips. luthlll, PortUohnson; Aim on Baron, Alliums. do; Bertha, Conover llohoken. Sailed?steamers Wm Kannedy, Foster, Baltimore wla Norfolk i Catharine Whiting, Harding, Philaslelnula; tcltis Kdward Klob, Snow, Virginia; Amoa Briggt, Ilnno, Haver air aw. 15th?Arrived, aebra Alfred Brabrook, Pbllllpa; Annla k Millard. Iletidorron : Helen A Amea. Kndlcort, and Jamea S Hewitt, Adams, i'btiailelpbla; Sarah L Thomp-on. Hull. Now York. p \W I UOKKT, May 3-Arrived, aehra Mary E Woodhull, Wilson , and J O Fell, Shropshire, Port Johnaon. Sailed-Schre L O Wells, Wells, and E Flower, Hubbard. New York. HAN FRANCISCO, April 211?Arrived, barka Oleneoe lUil, Lament. Honolulu; Andre (Fr), uninca, OuayequlL Hailed?Marks Vldeita, lloyil. Port Mad I-on; Hen Couh, Oliver, .-eabeek: Wm 11 Uawley. iieilulre, Port Madison! brig Paioiua (BK), Ms-en, Tahiti. saVANNAii, Hay il-Arrived, ateamers United states, Mai hews. Boston; lion Appold, J-oveixnd. Mali Imore; M II Millon, Young, New York; Joseph Kuud, Tyler, Philadelphia. Sailed? llrlg Antonio I.Insist (Sp), Barcelona; HblilAVAN. Me, May l-ltllej, wart Anvota. Wooeter; Mary J l-ee, llasralliy. and Mrawe, Wooater. New York. SAl-KM. May 4?Arrived, arlirs H A Morrill. Kicliardson, lloboaan; I. I- Hamlin, Velaar. Now York; litorjo A Pierre. Maker, du; Julia Elisabeth, Mover, Itlusslilil for do; t: W liexter, Marr. Mleeasset lor do 5th ?Arrived, erhr Pains, w Waaler, Port Johnson. HiiMKKShT, May 3?Arrived, selirs Bulla Hslladay, Bnrt, Phlladolpnla; Jmla Ann. Mutt, Klltabetliport. Ueorgo 1' McDowell. 11 aggnrtjr. do. hTONI.NOTuN. May II?Arrived, arbrs Dreadnought, Sanndera. Port Johnson; Lamartlne, Smith, dot Oliver Cri mwnll. l-yncb. New York; tiaae, Htahop. port Johnson lor Westerly ; H s Hmlth Hnow, from New fork Inr New Bedford. gib - Sailed, acbrt K A Chesebro, Robinson, Troy; Mary Nan. Markov, New Yorkt Nellie Carr, Merriaey, do: Uaxe. H H South ? TACtiM A, April 2H?Arrived,ship Shirley, Mafbowe, Han Fraaelero. VlNKYABD HAVEN, May 4-Arvivod. itvnmer Way bosset. Blanrhord. Mo-ton lor Baltimore; sebra Raima s>reen. Jordan, Georgetown. DC, for Boston: J K Man nine, Candy, end Jehu Johnson, Magoe. I'hlladeipbla for go: J F Carver. Walt, end Maithew Kinney. Sherman. Ho bokea lor do: Caro.lno, Wallace, Perth Ambny lor do; MansSeld, Aeliorn Sonth Antboy for do: Charter Oak, OonWI; V art hall Pcrrln, Packard, and 1> M French. Child*, llendent de; Amir, lilnn. New York do; A T Colin. Framboa. Philadelphia, Haverhill; Ned Rttmp fr. Fountain. I'oughkeepeie Inr Salem; Terrapin. Wooa ter. Port Johnson, do; Ida l< May. Ilasxoll. and hlla llolvton Sietcslf. do Port smooth ; Oeorgtantia, llrown, llonoxcn. do; Idght of the Kaat, Itlcglns. I"iuln.lrlphin fur I'oekport. Mass; A J Williams, Murcn. Port Johnson lor I H'ham. Kill Mahaska. Harrington, Perth Amsoy for Porttaod. W P Wit nan, no for Bangor; Sea Poem. Sent. South A III boy lor do; Jaiuea 0 I Kino, hue. Wnrrrii. Happahsnoeb Hirer for Math: It M l op pe tbonne. Itiinlair. Phdadelpnta for do; Five Broth ere. Y'eleoin. de for Here; Samuel Hart, llolbrook. i liop. tank River lev ?men. Teaser, err. Ilaveratrsw for Bt John ; Helen h Itus-ell, Mehaffey. tjniney Point for Now \ ork; Viola. Col-. I'art>aud lot do; Charles M nog-re, Perkirg. Rorkpert, Maes, lor do; Maggie Coinming*. Smith. Cnh-ts set lor do; Viola May, Owen. Windsor, >s. for do; M M Merrlnivn, Crane. Unhassot l?r Piulanelphto; W II White ker. I'arll Hetiewrl for de; Nellie H Jerrcll, Jerrell.llsrdl nor for do;.lane L Newton, Stover, Ho-ton Inr Alexandria; htrls M Jenkins, Jenkins do for Balle rina; I, A Mori It, game, llarlmgaino, end A M Aeken, llaggeil, Philadelphia todlacharg*. ? aiivd?nchrt Harriett Dawle, John John ton, and A T Cob a. Bill - Arrived, arbra Johnnie Missrrve. Smith, and Chae K Morrison, French. Ilaitlniore lor BoMotil i-arali E Jones, t'hhino), Ellab.'lhp iri tor do ; J W 11?II, Jr. tineen. I'lilla ilelpnia f r Daiiverapm-l; Maty Hrvw-r, I',man. Clark's Island for New Yc Campbell. Marshall, HesrspoTI lor Philadelphia; Itavoi ranat. smith, Ellsworth for de; Kale K t.lffotd, Clfford, Farmtngdale lor do; N II Hkinm-r, Thrasher. Boston lor do; T T Taaker, Leeds, Ueoraetown, Me. Inr Washington, DC: Hamnel Ca-t tier. Jr. Merrr, Fartnipgdale lor dot Twenty One Frtenda, Jyffera, Dear Island lor llamjBnn. Vat T w Adan, Carter. Donyarlllo for nrdert < Pawtneket) | D Saw yer, Onaamlngs, St John for orilora iHrtdgport) ; X li Adams, NlOkvraon, Delaware City (or Baraton : T A smart, Llbbey, llnhok?n inr do; Ida I- llowar i, Tonln. Port John ami for Portland; Nellie Clark, Clark, lliiverstraw lor Hi .lobn; Tlllie Vaooerkerrlien. Hale-nan. Hath lor Phlladol pbla hailed?Hcura Sarah K Jonea ar.d Marshall Porrla. WILMINGTON, NO. May ??Cleared, barka ispoed (Nor), Olsen, lemdon; Oonmrdla (Nor). Jlaen. Liverpool. YACHTS, KTKANBUATA. sSHj. I~NOR RAl,P.~OR TO MIT?SIX FINE HAtLBOATH, 17 1 lo 36 feat long. JOHN B. Ml'.MM, loot of OiMirr at.. Brooklm SLOOY YA1HIT, ?> FRI T, RUMMER CABIN. COM plnle order, vory fast and able, well Imind. for aala at a saeiHire Aptdr to W C. pita NCR. Jr.. with Jamea Mc tlreory A t o . Hroadwai, corner lllh ?t VkHliildKh tiiiVPuhIflu's, MAi?B rHI)M~ PUitK \ Ingot repper, makes a hottom amnotb as alata and D the most dhrabla anil fenllng nalnt in the World. HKRLEY k 8TSTENB, Mantilacturory, J3 BtirUng (lip, New York. MIlCBLLiHEOtlE. _ "jTITa CoSy*"Kk"5u*"iT/ kiTki ./tic r jY-idirtlirl*. *nd euro lur *crolulii ?u 1 *11 ilx-Ham tiiaiu; frum impurity ?l blond, the old end reliable family m dl emu. II V k I T'S 1.1 FK ii A1.S AM, ? t?B-l? iliit-quullsil, ?? proven by it* liinnirier*bl# lire*! enre* durlii.- iho p ?<; :to \onfa. .-o:d by llttilout, Crltteiiluu, Heat man. .ill dm-, illl I attd donot. Hi AIT A IIVATT. *4(1 -lr?iii ?t., S. Y. tliooolB'ft eCLPHUM-TAR SOAP. AN iVTaLU. .*bla remedial ?sm:; heale, aolten* and benutiUoa tub ??in; dlianlvet dandruff. BROWN'S VEKMIFiJOK COMFITS OR WORM L04 KMJJCs?riomanl to lake; children like themt on worm* don't. 25e. Hvv .WAN A LOTTERY. OFFICIAL LIST OF DP.tWINQ 1,014. WHICH too* FLACK APRIL 30, (97A A"?. I'rlv A'? Vrisr A" Prix An. I'riU 7. ...$500 66 U..$10O0 11817., ,. $500 19S31.. .7-504 nr. 6672.. ...5)0 12830., ...500 19813.. ..504 14). 6716.. ..500 12S77., 19924.. ,..50C 147. 6:77.. .1000 12880., ...500 2..068.. .loot 171 9818.. ..500 12924., .10000 20112,. ,.50f '22). 6S57.. 100O 12967., 20126.. .1004 221. 6911.. ...600 13021., ...6'X) 2)129.. ? 100C 200. ...500 0925.. ..500 13052., 20145., 2 . ...1000 6927.. , 11600 130S4., ,..500 20167., ...504 .121 6929.. 1.3092. 262o:J . , .1-xX 344. ....500 6962.. ...500 13122. ?Joiklj., ...50(1 302. 6980.. .1000 13280., ...500 29314., ..<o0Q 422 7071.. ,..500 13301., ...500 20449.. 74)5. ....500 7093.. 13435., ...500 20466., ...5K 640. ....500 7106.. ..600 13545., ...500 20508.. ...50C 507. ....500 7129.. ..500 13600., 20568., ,.1004 591. ....500 7130.. .1000 13164., ..10 8) 2 8114., ,..506 011. 7108.. 13707., 20701., ...50C 055. 7174.. ,..500 1.3778., ...500 20721., 0H4. 7196.. ..600 13808., ...500 20743.. 710. 7198.. ..500 13836., 20819., 701. ...10)0 7199.. 13870.. ...500 20830.. ...6(11 807. ....500 7217.. ...500 13892., 20.875., ,..50C 837. 7225.. 13961., ...500 20880., 855. 7311.. ...500 13902., 20893 ?IOC 847. 744!.. .1000 14015.. 20895., ...500 900. 7414.. ..500 14021., ...500 20903., ...50C 1010. ...6000 7147.. 14029. 21027., ...500 1<120. 7448.. ,..5<W 14045., 21031. ...59(1 1012. 7409., ...500 14056., 210.10. 1054. 7547.. 14058. ...500 21060.. ...504 1077. 500 750J.. ...500 14103. ...500 210(J1., ...504 1138. 7080., 14156., ...500 21102., ...oOC 1154. 7086., ...500 14208. ...500 21123. ...50C 119!. ...1000 7718.. .1000 14259 ...500 21163., ,..500 1217. ...inoo 7755.. ...500 14295., ..1000 21170. ...500 1229. 7704., ...500 14415., ...500 21178., ...ooa 1331. 7772 . ...500 14516., ...500 21184., ...504 1330. 7774.. ...500 14556. ...500 21219. 1342. 7828., 14006., 21303., 1347. 7SS4., ...500 11632. ...500 21319., ..1004 1393. 7928.. ,..500 14692. 21369., ..1004 1413. 7948.. 147:13. 21383., 112). 7971., ...500 14739. ...500 21414. 1459. 8057,, ...500 14798. ...500 21617. ...500 1584. 8979.. .1000 14863 ...500 21575., ...500 1595. 8183.. ...500 14928.. ..1000 21595., ...500 1590. 8185.. .1000 15)98., 21000. ...590 1091. 8100.. . .103)0 1.1107. ...600 21001. ...500 1030. 8234.. ...500 15135. ...500 21700. ...500 1051. 8297.. .1000 15142. ...600 21723. ...500 1062. 8345.. ...500 15143. 218:10.. . .5000 1001. 8382.. ...500 15193. ...500 21855 ...500 1684. 8404.. ,..500 15197. 21861. 1694. 8418.. ,..500 15273. ..1(190 21875. ...OOO 1708. ...1000 8490.. .1000 16297 ...5(81 21893. ..1004 1728. 8552.. ..500 16403. 21922. ..1000 1742. 8558.. .1000 .16415. ...500 21900. ...600 1759. 856.J.. .5000 16179. ...500 21972. ...500 1775., 8569.. .1000 15481. ...500 22073., ..1000 1788. ....500 8610.. ..500 15646. ...500 22123., ...500 1843. 8615.. 15647. ..1000 22135. ...500 1878. ...1000 8025.. .1000 15650. ...500 2.-210. 2035. 8628.. ..500 15658., ...500 22213. ...500 2000. ....500 8638.. ..500 15059. ...500 22223. ...500 2154. 8802.. ,..500 15727. ...500 22249., ..1000 2243. ...1000 8803.. ,.1000 16751. ...600 22255. ...600 2253. 8817.. ,..500 15754. ..1000 22303., ...503 2379. 8851., ...500 15777. ...500 22322. ...500 2410, 8864., ...500 15782. ...500 224A3. ...500 2486. 89?l.. ...500 15845. ...500 22452. ...600 2510. ...1003 9011., ..500 15S91. 22403. 2323. ... 500 90 A3.. .1000 15920. ..1090 22501. ...500 2657. 9024.. ...500 15944. ...600 22507. ...504 2003. ...1000 9060., ...500 16009. ...500 22604. ...600 2607. 9081.. .1000 16074. ...500 22613. ...590 2706. 9091.. ...500 16082. ...500 22683. ...510 2749. 9103.. ,..5i)0 16112. ...500 22730. ...500 2789. 9328.. ,..500 16126. ..1000 22736. ...604 280). 9329.. ...500 16132. ...500 22708. ...500 2828. 9,334.. 10147. ...600 22845. ...504 2835. 9341.. .1000 10102., ...600 22879. ...504 2923. 9371.. ...500 18180. ...500 22934. ...504 2928. 9373.. 16205., ...500 22936. ...500 2958. 9383.. ...500 16236. ...500 22972. ...590 2972. 9410.. ..500 18244., ...500 23092. ...500 2974. 9424.. 16264., ...500 A3137. ...500 3016. ....609 9137.. ,..500 16277., ...500 23159. ...500 3019. 9462.. ..500 163!)0. ...500 23173. 3071. 9544.. ,..500 16331. ..1000 23177. ...500 3998. 9629.. .1000 16348. ..looo 23185. 3112. ...looo 9641.. .1000 16408. . .10(10 23252. ...500 3123. 9651.. .1000 16418. ...500 23277., ..1000 3140. 9716.. ,..500 ?16147. ...600 A1283. ...500 3140. 9751., ,..500 16464. ...500 23330. ...500 3103. 9;79.. ,..500 10504., ..6000 23351. ...600 3189. 9791., ..500 16519. ...500 23362 ...500 3299. 9801.. .1000 16526. ...600 23435. ...600 3222. ...1000 98)2., ,..600 10541. ...500 23509. ...500 3226. 9129.. ..500 16630. ...600 23578. ...500 3248. ...looo 9852.. ...500 16036. ...500 23608. ...500 3291. 9877.. ...600 16750. ...Mitt 23627., ..1009 3310. ...looo C8>3.. ..500 10787. ...500 23637., ...600 3.320. 9902.. ,..500 16816. ...500 23606.. ..1000 3351. 9916.. .1000 16841. ...500 23006. ...600 3378. 9929.. ...560 16843. ..looo 23077. ...600 3388. 9976.. ,..500 16860. ...500 237:10. .. .500 8399. ...1000 9983.. ..500 16866., ...500 23736., ..1000 3431. 9888.. ..500 16895., ...500 23788., ...500 3435., 10003.. ..500 16939.. ...600 23823. ...500 3648. ...1000 10024.. ..500 16948., ...500 A1881., ...600 3549. , 100 26.. ..500 16968., ...500 23927., ,.1000 3720. 10074.. ..500 16971., ...500 23946. ...600 3741. ...1003 10101.. ..500 17034., ...500 2.1947., ...5O0 3781., 10166.. .1000 17081., ...500 23953., ...600 379.1., ...1000 10170.. .. 500 17145.. .5000 240)1.. 3809., 10191.. ..500 17167.. ...600 24038., ...600 3810., 10204.. ..600 17185.. ...500 24"65.. ,..500 3832., 10244.. .1(100 17187., 24109 . ,..5O0 3844., 10245.. .1000 17203.. ...500 24140.. . .600 3848., ...loot) 10275.. ..500 17244.. ...500 21186.. ,..500 3875., 1U2H0.. ..500 17282.. ...500 24201.. ...500 3943., ...looo 10288.. .1000 17317.. ...500 24214.. ...51)0 4000. 10300.. ..500 17.332., ...500 24246., ...500 4119. 10318.. ..500 17346., ...600 24299., ...500 4138. ...5000 10350.. ..500 17424., ...500 24303.. ,..500 4100. 10373.. ...100 17437., ...500 24330.. ...50b 4185. 10377.. ,..500 17539. ...'100 24346.. ,.1000 42'K). 10386.. ..500 17557., ,.1000 24356.. ...500 4240. 10389.. ..500 17596.. .1000 24380.. ...500 4311. ...1000 10391.. ..500 17620., ,.1000 24433.. ...500 432 >. 11)406.. .1000 17692. ...500 24478 . ...600 4335. ..25O0) 10449.. ..500 17703., ...500 24524.. ...?100 4388. 10556.. . .500 17757., .1000 24503.. ,..500 4459. 10579.. ..500 17761., ...500 24567., ...500 4482. 10607.. ..600 17765., ...500 24689.. ...500 4481. 10648.. ..500 17786., ...500 24608., ...500 4488. 107O4.. 17787., ...500 24036., ...509 4519. 10733.. ,..500 17821., ...500 24040.. ,10000 4541. 10763.. ..500 17836., ...500 24012., ...500 4579., 10795.. ..500 17950., ...500 240-15., ...500 4014. 10*02.. 17995., ...500 2408').. ...604 4018. ...1000 10906.. ..600 18044., ...500 24687., ...504 4702. 109.13.. ..500 18047., ...500 24702., ...78)4 4727 10916.. ..500 18057., ...500 24778., ...504 4749. 10976.. ..500 18077., 24781 , ...600 4709. 10999.. ..500 18-179., ,.1000 21783., 4827. 111X19.. 18091., ...500 21816. ..500 4800. 11071.. 18119., ...100 24820.. .1000 4874., 11102.. .1000 18126.. ...500 24842.. .1000 4921., 11187.. ..500 1H128., .1000 24*47.. ...500 4929. ...5000 11*23.. .1000 18173.. ...100 24800.. .1)88] 4942., 11243.. ...100 18182.. ...500 24898.. .1000 61)30., 11267.. 18191.. ...600 2503ft.. 5042., 113.33.. ..500 18239., ,. .1(8)0 25093., ...300 6059.. 11347.. . .500 18276.. ..500 25116.. .100) 5135., 11302.. ..500 18310.. ,.. 5()0 25124.. .looo 5150-., ....500 1137 b.. ..500 18306.. ,..600 25143.. ...100 5154., 11330.. .11)0') 183*7.. ..MO 2ol70.. ...600 5169., 11396.. ..500 18458.. .118)0 25193.. 6172., 11439.. ...100 18469.. ...500 25214.. ,...100 6189., 11512.. ..500 18485.. 25280.. ...600 5193., 11540.. 184*9.. ..500 25287.. ...500 OAR., 11.547.260000 18.165.. ,..500 27)320.. ...500 5217. , ...1000 11.56$.. ..500 18582.. ..500 2.1412.. ...600 6220. 1:636.. ..50O 18632.. ...500 21402.. ...600 5248., 11782.. ..500 18690.. ,..601 25406.. ...600 6253., 11802.. ...SoO 18729.. .1000 21468.. ,.1000 6271., 11865.. ..500 18764.. .1000 25.1(8).. ...60.) 6310., 11922.. ..500 187*6.. ..618) 21513.. ...500 6.187., 119:10.. ..500 18873.. ,..500 25594.. ...500 6:191., UlMl.. ..500 18877.. ,..500 25622.. ,..500 5629.. ... 10)8) 11946., ...loo 1*8X2.. ..500 25632.. ...600 0528.. 119.55.. ..500 18899., ,..500 85673.. ,..6(X) 5537., 11956.. ..500 16901.. , ?, 6(X) 26675.. ...503 5591. 11981.. ..500 18908.. ,..500 21676., ,. 500 500S., 11993.. ..600 189)9.. .5000 21841.. ,.1000 5010.. 12013.. 18927.. ...500 A1845.. ...600 6037., 1200.3.. ..500 18977.. ...500 *25894.. ...500 60.70., 12079.. ..500 190)9.. ,...100 2592.).. ...500 6081. 12'W!.. ..500 19016.. ...500 25930.. ...500 6709., ...1090 12121.. 19 817.. ...500 25905., ...500 6778., 121.51.. .1000 19078.. ,...100 25981., ...500 5812., 12174.. ...100 19130., .1000 25909.. ...500 6931. .W) 12183.. ..500 19185,. 26187.. ...600 6955,, 12198.. 19198., ...6(H) 20:144., ...500 5985., 12220.. ..500 19218., 20520.. .5000 0028. ...looo 12223.. .1)8)0 19240., ...500 26549.. ...600 0053. 12241.. .. 600 19241 , , ...1(8) 26656.. ...500 0007. 12389.. ...MX) 1926*., ,.1000 26*114 , ...300 0103. . .1*88)0 12402.. ..500 19276.. ...500 20630., ...500 OlIM. 12413.. 19,152., ... MX) 2870*., ...5(8) 0110. 1241t.. ,..500 19400., ,.1000 2071.1. ...600 1.202. 12.540.. ,..50,) 19517., ...600 36738. ...600 0231. 19640.. ,..500 1962.1., ...500 26748., ...600 0364. 126.52.. ,..#00 19631. ...500 20705. ...500 0365. 12657.. ,,. 5'8) 19034. ...600 26788. ...50C 0418. 12680.. ,..600 19662. . ..600 26803. 0128. 12717.. , ,1<*K) 1(8,69. ., . *8) 20827. ...500 0429. 12746.. ,...100 19804. ..looo 20905. 0434. 12769.. ...600 19821. ...500 20920 ...6(10 0435. 12733., ,.1000 19826. . .101)0 27000. ...600 0462. ...1000 12810., ...600 approxim atiox pribp.s. Ifn. I'rh?. Kn frit' A'o. Priii. 1*1 Prltt. li:?ll..tlWHI llM4..|ltl00 1)AIS..?1IKK) 01(12 ...|600 11.'>42...1000 11544...1000 11540...1000 0104 500 11443. ..1000 11544...1000 11440.. .1000 NRXT DRAWING MAY 10. 1874 Prlars cashad. Inlnrmatlon (Iran. Bpanlsh (lold and Havana liana Bills bought ana sold. Drafts on Havana I Canada V. A. MART INF. 7, A CO , Bankers, I" Wall at., hnasmaat. MOTIIRKHI HOTIIBRft MOTIIKIIAI Don't fall l? procure Mra. WINMfiOW'4 M)<> THING nVlttll" lor all dlaeaanaof terthlni In children; H rail arm tin* child Irom pain, etiraa wind colic, roqnUtaa ttia Imwela, m I lir glvln* .'dial and health to the child itlroa raat to th ? mother. __ __ &U1 IWWWI ?ItOTAL II WAX A LOTTKitV.? &01.U.UUU.Drawing Thuradnf, May IB. Whole tTrkata. Sl>, quarters, 410; eighths, (3; Prise* eaahed. Poll Information aont free. J, AWrr A Ctt, BanAsri. 43 If mmu ai,aarair Ubtrty.