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WTUATIOm V/A.1TEU-?rKMAIiKfl. 7<'ook?. dtf OORNBlIa ST.-A TIDY. COMPETENT GIRL TO eoek. tuli and Iron or uo housework In the country; goodrsfsreuce. JONES HI.. NBA It 41H HT.-A RELIABLE WO man m cook and to assist a* laundress; city or country ; ?otoroneo. 8 WASHINGTON SQUARE ? AS FIRST CLASS COOK In a private family; understands ber buaioeie thor oughly ; u an sxcclleut baker; throe years' city retereuee Mom laet place. Call lor two days "III' OIt(JVE ST.-A8 KUtvr OLA>H COOK; UNDER Avrjatandt alt klnda ofeooktnir; good baker; no objection so tae eoautry; boat city reference E UNION COURT iUnIveKsItY PLACE).-SCOTCH Protestant woman ae cook; gan tako entire cbarire of men, good oook and baker; uo objection to boardtsg SKerenc or,uu,,tr'; aaalet witb wusbiug; good city UNION COURT (UNIVKKsIty"PLACE).?Ab'PIKST ass cook; uo objection to boarding bouae; good city IE reference. "I 9 WEST 44TH ST.?A UK8PK0TAHLB OIRL AS A ? fir.t claaa cook ; baa apent a pood oianr yeare in Knir >*nd; willing to go lu the country; beat olty retereuee. fO BOND ST. 8BCONU FLOOR-AsTfkbT CLASS t/Freuch cook In a restaurant or boarding honae. Call *r addrcaa alter I o'clock. 17 leAItiliT ST.?AS COOK; THOROUGHLY UNDKR I Stands all kind* of cooking and earrlug; five years' fe rence. lU WEST lUTII ST.? COLORED WOMAN AS COOK XCJor to do cnamherwors iu u private tainliy ; willing and obliging; first claea rerereuce. 9(1 MAST 13TH ST.?A RK8PROTABLE WOMaN AS mU* 'cook, washer and .truner lu tba eountry; good refer ence. Of PRINCE ST,?'I O COOK, wash AND IRON IN A O I private family; olty or oountry; reference If required. 00 WEST 43D ST.?YOUNG WOMAN AS GOOD UOe??*, waebor and ironor; excellent baker; boat city Mlaroueo. A 1 LEXINGTON AV.-AN ENGLISH WOMAN AS -t Ahead cook: uieat, paalrv cooking, French. Englieb, all Now atyloa; cannot bo excolleO for being a perfect oook; can Make handaoma diebea out of what a bad coon would waete: eity retereuee. A9 WK8T 3dO ST.. IN STORK.-AS FIBST CLASS OaJEnglish eoolc; no objection to boarding bonao; beat Mty roloronce. r.j WEST 46TH ST.?A YOUNO WOMaN AS OOOD tsOplaiu cook in a small private family; good refsreuco. Can be seen at preaent empluyer'e. (?I) WT-.ST WA>IiFn7)TON PLACE, TOP PLOOR.-A 1/^respectable woman to cook, wush aud lrou; city or ?ountry: good reference. 77 Carmine st.-as good cook in a private 1 I boardiug honae: can take full charge if required; good slty reference. CM EAST 4111 ST.?GIRL AS GOOD COOK. WASHES ?/Tund Iron or or tor geueral housework; city or cuontry; good referenoe. GlTbTH AV TOP FLOOR, FRONT.?YOUNO IVO f Uin>in at cook; flue baker and laundress; city reference , Call two daya. No curdi Qiawerud. 1(1'-? EAST 31ST ST., CALVaKY RECTORY (PRES A"Oent eiuployer'a).?A young woman as good cook 107 wE8T IHTH ST.?TWO GIRLS. ONE As COOK XV/ f and lanudreaa, the other na eharaberinald and Waitreaa; would do tbe work of a private family together; City or country, .five yeara' reference. 9 WhST 33D ST.?TWO GIRLS; ONE AS GOOD Z/faniily cook and to do the coarae washing: the oilier Us waitreaa and to aselat with chainberwerk ; flrat claaa city ref-rencea irotii laat employer; willing to go to the country^ no WKSTTuTH ST.. NEAR ?III AV.. KKAR.-AS ?<g?od cook; will do eome washing; good baker; beat city reference. a > WEST L'OTH 8T.-TWO RKsPKCTAULE GIRLS IN Sj*. private lamlly; one ae thorough family cook, the other na first claaa waitress; la willing to aaaiat with chain benvork; three years' best eity reference from last em pi >yer. no WEST :i:iD ST. ?TWO GIRLS (TOOETHER) ; ^(one as good oook, washer end lroner; tbe other as 1'hainhoriuaid and waitress; beet city reference from their lust place. Vl"X WEST 41 ST HT.-A RESPECTABLB WOMAN AS XlUcook and to assist with waslilng; willing and oblig ing: city reference. Call for two days. 1 l WBST 19TH VT., NEAR 6TH AV.-AS COOK: XXUguod baker: willing to assist with the washing; city tolerance as to eapabiiity t willing to go tu the country, WEST 46TH ST.?AN EXPEKI ENOKD PERSON as cook; understands her business thoroughly; best ?Ity re fore nee. 117. 118 WEST aoTH ST. ? A PROTBSTaNT AS OOOK. 'Can be sesn lor two days. i 90 east Houston st.-a respectable XxiUwoman as oook, washer and lroner; city or couutry; good reference. 1 9(1 7TII AV.. FIRST KLI'.IIT?A KESPBCTAHLE X ? Uwoman as first class cook: excellent baker; best City relsif nee. 1 S) I WEST 33D Ht.-A PROTESTANT WOMAN AS X.dil first class cook; understands meats, desserts, ioe trenm aud made up dishes; excellent baker; goou dty Inference. m" WBNT 38D ST.-A KBaPECTABLK YOUNG woman as excellent cook; Is a good laundress; thor oughly understands her business; two years' best city relet ence trow last emplpyor. . ml'AST 3'.?ril ST.-A LadY OOING OUT OK town is desirous ot procuring a situation for a first class coos. WEST 1WT11 NT.?A YOUNG WOMAN AS GOOD cook; would assist with washing; olty reference. 124 329s 129; East ipth st. -a respectable girl to J ^ll/coak, wash aud iron; best oity referanue. ~~ . , WEST 1WH ST.. REAR.-A 8 GOOD COoK: KX ? L/ccllent washer and lroner: city or country: reference. f'J/i WEST~IWTU StT-^A PKOrKiTrANT woman as XOV/good plain cook, washer and lioner; willing to go in the uountrv ; good references. Isisi wEar lorn ST.?as competent cook and Oitu assist with washing and Ironing; city or country; good city roforenesa. 1 ?l?J_(TEST 431) ST.-A WOMAN A8 PIR8T CLA8S XOOcook; 110 objection to do coarsa washing; reference from last employer. WEST 17TI1 ST - AS OOOD OOOK; CITY OR J.</Ucountry; uo objection; five years' city reference. Call or address. TOO EA.-T HUTU ST. (PRESENT KMPLOYEK'Si.-A AOOyounir woman as cook aud laundress; woold preler to go iu the oouiiirr ; first rate recommendations. ICQ WEST 481II sr.?AS FIRST CLAMS COOK; XOOtbor uglily understands all braaeltet; good baker ?nd pastry; country preferred; good reference. 1^a7{~KAST 3?iU~81.. FIRST KI.OOK.?A RESPECT 1T'/able young woman as plain oook, washer and lron er; good references. ST.-A RESPECTABLE GIRL PTut OMiklng, wasblug and ironing In a small family; best city retereuee. WEST 20TH ST. iPUBsBNT EMPLOYER'S)^! First class woman as good sook, washer and lroner. 149 1,-:i east sisT sr.?an am. rican PROrtMTANT * /1 as cook and laundress; 1s reliable and fully compe tent; host 'Tty rsicrtuco. Call or addresr. 1 CO WK?T 12HTlI sr.. FIRST KLOOi:. ItEAIl.-A X'/agyoung woman as roinpstsnt cook ; nxncllent laun dress: oountry for tbs summer; excellent relersnee. 1 S J WB.vr awTII ST., Till Id) KI.OlK.-A X?'Table young ?ora?n as (noil plain cook, wether and Irom-r; country prulernA, t-'uod reference. Call lor two day "I r WV.HT :?!> M\?A YOUMI WOMAN AC COOI) iuutoiili and tu a-tlei witb tliu waalilnr: K*od rofereuce; no objection to the country. 1 rthsl r,'JU si.?TWO SlsTKtvS; i)\K TOCOoK. Af /1 / w*eb aud lion; the other aa chambermaid and wait roes; elty or eonntry: Ken city reternncei. feu .AKT JOT II HT.?A K l-.nPKGT A BLK UIRI. A* XtJOeook and to aaiUl with the welling, or ai rook, oaebur and Ironer; pood city rofereneo Irom bar I ait era ployar. 1 5Q W K*T 61 ST ST.?A KK81'RCTA H LK YOL'NM I' J'/irirl ai good cook, walitor and Ironer la a private tamhr i two yeara' reTrraace Tfitf WKHT 5I8T ST. ?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN lci'ai excellent rook; uodaratanne all klndi of baking; will aaaial wltb tbo waabluK and ironing; boat olty ralor aneoa. "Ten west :tao ht.-two Younu oiui.S; <>nk as aud to anlat wltb waililng; tba ntber aa chain barmaid and waitren: olty or country: boat citv reference. l/./t KA.TMI1 ST. A YOCN?l OIKL AM PLAIN XOUrnok. waener and Ironer In a private family ; no ob |ection to ilia country ; irood clti reference. i II,- "WBHr ildTrt" Sr.?A V6UNrr wo* aiTas k X J Of/reliant ro.ik In a private family: good bread and Me ruit maker: will aaalat wltli tna ooarae waahlnif; well rucomiuouded hy laat employer. ? r.Asr ?ju si a kkkm m cook Tn" "a pki )vate family; eity or country i g .od rclrrrner. m 190 7rH AT.?WOMAN TO COOK, wash Iron In email lamlly; good rite rrfrronro. 21*: -)/?/? Sill aV. SldsT SI.UOK.?AS cot,I, UduK. jlu")aiid to aiolil wltb waahlnir and Irunln/ In a atua.l lamlly; reran yean' elty reference. (lftit WKril lu 111 ST.?An look: WILL A SIsT AiVM'With waihinif: ill yeara' cily r. fo renin tram la?t piace. njfktl WKHT MTII nT.?A RKrtPKCTAKLE wTilfTN JjiJ first eUki cook la ? prlvti* futility ; ifoiid eiljr rsf ereue^. __ 0|?<) BAST 81 ITII ST.?rslscli WOMANAS 000i? A\) A In a private lamlly. iTTto ^WKsF 3dl) ST.?CON PITHNT PRkm7n ai ^UOeoak ; good bread an I paatry rnaaer; city or eoon |ry; city reference. OIIQ KAST 3HTH KT.-A HKsPKOTAHLR ?IRL AH A'' ?/cook J willing to audit with waahlng and Ironing: beat ally reloronee. Call for two doya tll/1 BAST?STII ST??VOUNO KMU.iRII PHoTES A 1' rtant woman at flrat clan r?nk ; excellent baner: an dentandi all klndi of ouokIiik: excellent ralereiioe. Iiio MART MTH~sr-AiT r 1 KsT cCawH OikiKt Al awwlii anlit with warning ; ally or oountry; beat eity reference. m n bast -jsTH St.?as kihst cla-s cookiN A I Anil liraiicliai; excel out baker and pood weanar aud Ironer; Rood city re fa ran co. Bast :i7t,7 s F.~a siape* tahlk BWMOM At rit clan pnOI . good ntr r. farewdo. <jt < kast .-stii sr.-as coon oooKi a coon aii'tbaker, willing tna-ilal witb waihlngi olty or ennii Irv ; good relrrence. tit 7 Iias IT It ST -AS KlnsT Cl.Tss" i OOK Afill jii j baxer: country pralarrad; best elty mferencea Na carde. _ ^ CIQ WIST 17TH sT.-A RRSPRCTARtiB WOMAN AS ^JOifood cook and to aoelat with waaiilntr; boil city ref erence Ol w kast aan nt.-a bkdPRctahi.e mjl?>ui-:o ^Li girl aa e<>ok or ehauibermaid ami woltreia j city or reentry . city reference. ?'*!! lor t? n d iy? gtfifi kaht iiXT srT?itMni'Ki'r.thi. nun. as ^<w'/v?od cook, wather and Ironer lu a private lamlly: beet any roferonctp. ________________ t}t l, > It am WITH St-AS PtKtT CI.ASS OOOE; ^^\/goed waihor and ironar; belt reference from la?t place. htil kast a I ST ST.. ROOM 3. AS PLAIN cook, ^Zlwaiher and Irmier; beit elty relrrence: will go tbort dirlani-o In country. Ne carat. <?<)! KAsi mn bt.?as riNST class cook i* AA I nil braprher: rwopt, ildo dltiier, deiirrtr and Brit ?Imp peetileti ue boarding boote: Srrt elan reforanco. SITUATIONS WANTKO-riCMAl.ES. t'uukt, ' .Vt. EAST iOTH ST.?A YOUNG OIRL A3 GOOD plain coo*. washer aud lronar; eity reference. 221 on.) east smtii sr.-a oikl as iook, washer 2c^Oand Irouer or to do general huttsewoi k; can eomo well recommended. Qti.J WEST 27TII Kt.-A PROTESTANT OIRL AS /'Acook. washer and iroiier; under tauds care of milk Cud butter ; country preferred: good reference 2.1 I WEST I8TH ST.-A YOU NO WOMAN TO IJOOR. and iron or lor housework, in private family; city or co intry : reference?. 224 I'.AST 051 II ST.-A YO NO U RL, AS COOK, washer aud troner; beet cltr reference. 2 WEST 39TH ST.?A YOU Nil OIRL as GOOD w ? crooiilt, aud Ironer In a private family; coun try preferred; beat reference. Q<10 Wr.ST 38TH ST.. PiItsT PLOoK, PRONT. A a-f-LOreapeetable girl to cook, waiti and Iron In a amall private family ; reference. OOA WEST ifclD ST?A OIRL AS PLAIN COOK. aLtJv/washer, Iruuer and houeework In a email private family; can be aeen at her laat employer'*; beat elty refer ence. OOA WEST 41 ST ST.-A RESPECTABLE WOMAN AS SwlO'Jgood plui private family. f irood uluiu cook and Brat rate laundreaa la a amall O'JI EAST 45TH >T.. BKTWKKN 3D AND .ID A VS.? AlOlA reapectable young woinau aa good plain eook, waalier and Irouer; city ot country; three yeara' city ref erence from la?t place. IIO'J WEST 46TU ST.. STOUE.-UOOD PLAIN COOK. mO Jwaslior and ironor; good relurence from laat em ployer; city or country. <)?> A WEST aau ST.?A RESPECTABLE OIRL AS ? O~rconk; thoroughly underetuuda her buatneaa; beat city reference. Call tor two daya O'JI EAST 75TH ST.-A RESPECTABLE WOMAN awO a aa eook; would aaslat with the washing aud ironing; aeven year*' references. 2?1- EAST 45TII ST.-A RELIABLE. COMPETENT O'/wotuau to oook, wash aud iron; city er couutry; good raferunce. - EAST 46TH ST.-A YOUNG OIRL AS PIR8T I'Jcla.a cook aud to do coarse wash tng in a private family; good baker; best city reference from laat place. HOC EASf ?mi ST.?A YO UNO AMERICAN OIRL ajOrlaa cook ; la willing to assist with the washing; boat cily retorencc. 'will aaaial with washing; beat city rvf ronce. O'TnTPilAiiL ST.-AS GOOD ENGLISH COOK*; jLi'tOactive and obliging; good reference. Call on or ad druaa, for two day*. M. II. WEsT 33D HT.-A8 OOOD COOK IN A PKI 241? .veto laiully; would aaalat with washing*, BO objec tion to the country; beat eity reference. Of O WEST BOTH ST.-A HKHPKOTABLE WOMAN WT Aai cook; no objoution to tbe couutry; excellent city referenee. 24 r? WEST 27T11 ST.-A PIKST CLASS KNOLISH >Jcook; two yeara' city reference. Call f?r two dnya. 9^7 WEsT 31ST ST., BASEMKNr.-A YOUNG _*? J woman aa good cook, waaher and Ironer In a email private family; uo objection to a abort distance in tbe country; beat city reference. OJQ WEST 28TH ST.-A RESPECTABLE WOMAN ZitOaa kood cook; understands the care of niilk and butter and baking; also her friend as chambermaid aud Hcamatreaa; no objection to Bno waahing; city or country; beat city anil country reference. Call two days ()A Q WEST 30TH ST.-A RESPECTABLE OIRL AS aLTtOgood plain cook: understands baking; excellent waauer and iri-uor; city releranua. 9,1 Q WEST 31 ST ST.?RESPECTABLE WOMAN AS ^*1 ?yflrat olaaa cook; will do coarse washing; beat city reference from List place. 9Cft WEST 35TII ST. (EOUUTI1 BELL).?A RE MiUV/tDeetable woman aa good plain eook, washer aud ironer; city or country; reference. nra west sstii sr.. rear.?a woman as oood LOVoook, wuher tod ironer; no objection to tbe oouu try; good reference. 9C'J EAST 31 ST Br.?AS OOOD PLAIN COOK: aurjOwlll naaiat with coarse walking. In privata family; beat reteranco. 2r .1 east Houston st,. top ploor. pront.-a ? J J (laiman neraon aa cook In an Amsricau family; would like to go with a family to the country. 261 OTII AV.. REAIL-AS good COOK; EXCEL lent washer and ironer; good city reference. 9Q1 ELIZABETH ST., IN GROCERY STORE.?A ?'O 1 Proteatant .vomtn an good cook; willing to go to the country: hotel or restaurant: good referenee. 9QQ 3D AV.. BE I WEEK 33D AND 33D STB.?TWO gjOOreapectuble gir|?s one aa pood plain eook and baker; willing to assist with waahing; the other as ohanit.ermaid and first claaa laundreaa; very obliging; eity or country; excellent elty relereneee. 7TII AV.. IN UROCKRV.-A REMABLk WO OUOman aa good eook aud baker; will aaaiat with wash ing city retoreuces. 306c EAST 34TII ST.?AS PIK8T CLASH COOK; EX rcellent woman; couutry preferred; best reforeuco from last employer. one basF 5?tu st.. in store.-a wTllTno OUUand obliging girl aa cook, washar and ironer; ret onf? west ioth st.-a oirl to do cooking. OUUwashing and Ironing In n private family; beat city rale re nee. 9||7 HTIi AV.. BETWEEN 27TH AND 2*TH ST?A O" " I respectable girl as good plain rook, washer and Ira li ar ; '3% years' raleranoe from last employer. ?Jflfl EAST 82D ST.?GIRL AS Oil A VlRKRM AID, OR ? /'/would go aa plain 000k, washer aud lronar: two yeara' city refereuoe. 310 EAST SOT 11 ST?A YOUNG WOMAN TO COOK, wash and iron; beat city reference from laat place. Oil Tr" AV.?FIRST CLASS COOK (PRuTEgrANT): OI JLnndoratands her business In nil branehos; eity er enuntry. 01 ?? east sbih ht.-two respectable oirlb OlO(alatere) to live together In n private totally; one a* first clnsa eook end 10 aaalat with the wa-hing: the other chambermaid and waitress and to do Ike washing be tween ; no objection to a abort distance In the country ; beat rlty reference. Call or address. 314 EAST 81 hT ST.?sWhlHMH PROTESTANT girl as flrat elaaa eook ; two years' reference. 316, (plain eook 1 willing to aaetet with the washing: beat eity refarence 325 yoo EAST 2VTII ST.-A UIRL TO OOOK. WASH 0^w?mi iron or do general housework la a small private family; cltv or country; beet city reference Cell two dayi 'JOO WEST UTH St.?A YOI'NO GIRL AH OOOD ? Jcok, weelier and Ironer; no objection to the country; beet rlty reference. EthT 2.'>TII ST. COOK AND ASSIST WITrl MftJplain washing; good city referenee. <Ti7n iifiSrTefTTist7 <f.ncy ifoitHi.-A wklhii O-Oeomn IProtestant) aa cook and to aaaiat with washing. Oall lor two day*. OOQ WBST~26TH SE?TWolfESPROTABLB YOUNO ? )a?fi7gtrl?, alstara; one aa rood enek, other a* chamber meld and lauudrn*. in a privets family: or would do the work of a email family betweon them ; elty er country; beet city reference. ?J'jrr~EA?T 39TH 8T.-A RK8PRCTAMLK WOMaW OOVI?i cook and to aeeiat with eoarae washing; beat city reference. ?>?>1 EAST IltlT RT.-RB8PKCTABLK~ MIDDLE elOlaued women at Bret rate cook ;excolleiit baker; good re'ereiicets country preferred. oon wEuTTrfii dr. - a Ikjotoh presbytia riak OOa^wumnn aa oocl cook; niideratande tier builneaa p? r fccily: flr?t claea city references. Addreaa. tj'io WRrtT mil m.-A YU0NU WOMAN AM FIRST OOwclao rook; mideratanda paatrya and all a In da of dea aorta: beat elty relerence. Can ><# teen nntll engaged. '>?>7 KAKT BSD RT. (PRESENT EMPLOYER^ OO I Two young girls in one family ; one aa eook and one aa chambermaid ; ntv reference 0?>7 WEST S7TH rt7-TWO OlKi.H TOGKI'IIKK? 'It) I line te cook, waab and Iron and the other to do eham'terwork and waltian. UUA EAST ~2bTH EX.?OOOE, THO?OI!Oil?y eJa ? I atanda her hnalneaa. In Brat claaa boarding bout"; beat city relerence from her iaat employer. ?)')(! RAIT 1?TII MT.. BAHKMKsT. AR GOOD COOK OaJ'/in b.ardlug houae and a.slst alth washing: city ret reuce. ? I I ~l W2 ifFll" RT. ? A COMPETENT WOMAN AS ? I T a good cook, waahor and irouor la private family; city or country: novd city reference. 34 ? WEST Sdfll ST.. STORK A OELMA.N ? ?aa cook ; willing to do the washing. 405a ?J 1 Q K tit 22D sT.-\ REHPfiOT tBI.R WOMAN AS 0*T t/Brat claat cook; no objection to private boarding benao. city erttntrrt bent nenntry and ciir references. UCQ KAsF lffTII ST.?A lluPKOfAlbK WOMAN To a;?Jr7ci>ok. waah and Iron, and daughter te do chamber work and take care of children; elty or country ; good ref erences. ?)('U "WRHT Ho HT^lrRESKRT'KMPI.nfER'Rl.-A ? M JOreSpsctable woman aa cook and to aaaiat with waali IIIIf and Ironing, In a prlvata lamlly; no objection to the country. ; "wrmt-ItrriT btTTaIikrFrctahlk "woman 'aa plain en..a : feed waaber and iioner | country prj ftrred: good city reference. Tfw; WEvFMlM ?T Alt KXPKKIRMUH0 WOMAN Jr"'Uavcook. and tn aaaiat with w .aliliir and Ironing; wlllliig and obliging; no nblactinn to tba eonatry; beat city reference. Call for two dayi. A AU WRriT Sr?T~*T~-~Ar< TIRST CLARA CO'?ic7~OR r" rO? III do ccnklno and aaalal with washing; no objeo tiuu to ibu country ; bu-t eliy reference. ?l) AV. -A RTBADY WOMAK As OOOU PLAIN 'cook^waeher and Irouar in n permanent place, city reference. KAST tbTil T.?A vTlUMJ WOM AS TO OOOK. wath and Iron ; good brea I bnknr: relerence 410. 412 413 E\nT 17TII RT. POUMTII FLOOR.?A KK ipectable young woman, lately landed, aa gimd and Brat ela?? lanndreea; haa lleed In Kcnilemeii's famlllea. city or conutry Oall on or nddreae M. C A 1 7 FARr MTH ST.-A COMP1TKNT OlIlia AS 1 J | eook: no objection to do houaewerk In a private fam ily: Rood bakor; excellent lenndreea; good elty relerence t no cnroi. A i U EAST 17m ST.. THIRD FLOOR, PROMT.-A 'x. lOreapecteble woman a> go..d cook, wnaher and kroner; heat city relerence. Call two daye 4 f)/t W'KHT 40TII RT.?A KHHPKl TaHLK til HI. TO ' r?eUcook. waali and Iron In a private ta-nlly. tbrpe year-' relerence troin Iaat altaatlnn fall for two da' a. a .t.t WEST tfiill ST.T-a .MMp?oTaRLS WOMaM ' I _j ._aajfir*t claaa cook ; no objection t? a private hoard ing honae ; will aaaiat with tl a waahlng: beat elty reference. t>'J WERT, 47TH ST.-HOUSEWORK. OOOD FLAIR L'fcoik.vaih 'r and trailer lit a aiaall family ; willing and o Uglag; >el?rene? trora Iaat place A a Iff SO AT.-AR OOOU COOK; IH'OO CITY RfcF 'x wiJerenee no oi joctlon to the conmry. JT;7~RAST"ISf li-iif~IN R1OKK. ~A~?HRL Ab jtAA I good cook; will eaalat with wnahing ; beat elty ref erence. i 'li l AST MTH RT., BOOM 1R-A RRaFEcTAnLR tOl Rirl a? good plain cook, waaber and Ironer; excellent banOf: no objection to boardinc house ; beat reference. I 'J > r I? K \KI, RT. ? A Writ S AR FIKVf t'LARS *TOagemrl; linoeraland' all alnda nf cooking. Kngiiah. French and Ueiman ; best ellf fol renra TA lit ?tvr~IT??dURU Ol l(L7n tiOOR Ani) TTt# I lenndrrss: city or country i relb r - nee. A At Idf AV.?A "oT L TO t O'Vk | WABlT AMD 't l JLiron; best elty relerenees n eood home orolerred to SlTl ATlOMb W * rnen-rg?AlJi? ^ country ; isoud city rolgrence ? ?-' g?I~icl? isnEBsjf^fS^jeEa: ?.lb -"hi": "'O ?----K. . EST 453cbur bu,lue" 450-?h?r aud \r?uar : good city r.far...M. -, rr/T-wetFmu st.-twu AMkH!oak ?1 456o?. ? cook. lb. olb.r a. ?bau.b.n?ald and ??" lug "?d dairvtu* . boat i.tor, mo ^,.,Ti/~TnIi ESSSiRS. 469^^^^^KlltsT 473cl?. to.o?ouy: Ipi^^ 492p^^uV wo?? ^^^Oklodio Uut with 4^^VlVn-priv^Umt?rK?^^J 5l5dr.ii ^-t ?S?-?J^2???? ihw"' trooii rolflrOQCfl. ?: ; ~ I, r. tt*PI4 WirW^TTUBT., ?KT\yKKN lOTH AND UtH t)2Ua?a - A young girl a? *??' ??'?*? Call )>B jam.* thr?. yaara* r.farooce trom b.r Lit piacc. 645w?hD.r ?-u~. ,T5r--."?S? 811rI.pd.cttwi .BSS^A?'^ttb8r ^ 893^^^'^v" y^Ziscther: ????. <-?? ?., r,rar.t>a*. olb.r a? chamtxrniald and waitroM^iour 7 ?--- _ J". .I. ? uu r.i. i ll Uhh llMRo)- A 966.?" l.l)69ao"* ^tcu^o^a^of U..M. k '-?t^abe5Fbct a ble l42B^m.V?^"co0oV wanb.r and iroo.r; bet dwjfaw*. tH Atll) eoTH tinr. 1432t?.fad VooV^rf? 7;rro I 1 l.l34cotk *-? anVUlK -, west ^th*^t^^^bbhp?^^ab^b^Voobo^o|Mj 4l:.'o.^ui;i"a---"4-^ ???eom,irr r Ya*T ??8^.-H^B.:TABLE JOOJOOI ft*? KrS^ 9.poAc?Jbfa^a,Tkiri ? 'e^b^u'?d '? ? nT^^THTTlA OIRL A- ThaMUBK-AID 12and waitr???; good dt^.far.i?ce. ? . ? loJES?**oraTaTpJe ?.KidTlu" prWat. ..??/: lo travailing; w?U aud obliging. Call lor t** daya ?? ..." 27 JI& oVVJ mind "ewfdroo! cltr or*'country; Uu voir.' roi.r.n.. Irom l*at_a?p'?r?r. -? 573--'?tar^ ?mu?? ?"*U. family ; Qv^ vaara' ?Ur rafaraaM. ?- -iaJS 2Uutry 7rcf.rr^l; b..t ?Uy r.Ur.uc. 35em r?2I wJte??0. aara - 'h* ">?"""? _ ?xir 37baT?"i3J -J w^r;-AmT.0prti?.7.m.Iy; ^ty' r.far ene? WKHT IHTH eT.-A YOITNU UIKL AH CHAM 'hertnalri and >4llrn<; uo objection to tho country or to n hoarding Iioum ; city reference. 38b 5.) I.KXl llTON AV.? A A M KKICAN UIKL _ai chambermaid or nur?? ; no olfaction tu a iluii dle tanee In tbo country . boat city reference. Oell for two day*. CAT DOWN I NO ST.-A YOUNU UIItL "ah CIIAMHKK ? ) I mnid and wHf?I no <.(.>? . 11. t, to waahlug and Lull ing | good reference. Call ler two deyi, P WKHT 43D~HT~,~ON K PAIR HTAfK^HKONTT^A 68 10,' I voung girl to do utmtalr* work nnd make bareell Ban areliy uicfnl. country for lumntr month*; reference from I ait place. ZjQ ~WEST 4311 HT . HKCOsD KLtTllK. ROOM 5.-A OOreepectable young woman at flrit clan chambermaid and w.iiuetii, or would do chimherwork and One waahing in a email i.rlrate family; good city reference. Illft OBWMtWL a ST-A bWRplltM "filRL. WHO XUtSepeuk*, aa ebamberntaid and waltrcae. Call or ad'lreaa , r wbut mil ht., ~r7mTm ta -a Vounci uTrl charalierlnald and waltieea. or wonln aoalet with walking and ironing; beat city refrreaeo. No card a Call for two dayi. lf)U KAHT 41 HT HT.-A YoUNU AMKKICAN~oTkL iU1 Irotu the cuontry aa chambermaid or to take eare of growing olnldreii ; <? a good plain cower l|l(j WKHT CIO ST.-A LAIIY DKSIRBS TO FIND I 1 'x/a alluattnn for young Herman girl. Jul* arrived, aa chemliermald and nnrae ; eiteaki Bo Kngllin. "lift KAMT4.VTI1 HT. (PIIKHK.VT KM PI.HY * K'S). A J 1 '/thoroughly comnotont tlri aa chambermaid or wait riu; beet reference. II M MnSBiwIori A T. - K KSr ROT A BLK QIRL AS J X"'chambermaid and waltrail | willing to go to the couutrr. 1 Hi WEST SSTII HT.. HKTWRRN 8TII A~n77 TTII X 1 Uav*.?A young girl al anambcrmald : will lb waihlng; L willing to iuek? beraeif generally uteful. 11(1 w HT 44111 HT., Ili TIIB HT<7kV?a uomFk 1 I >7lent young girl aa cbanibarmald and waltraaa; ex cell. ut city relerencea ii(t kahV 4iiTM st. <rrTskntTmplotfcK'S,.-A X I x/roapectable girl aa chambermaid and eeamitreii, or would take euro of children; i:au lio well recommended. 1 ilfl LKXINOTON AV I KKSSKCTABLH TOl/NO 1 .-"girl a* chambermaid end waltreii In a private Htu IIV ; no objection to a?i?t with waiblag: willing and oblig ing; good city ralarvnre from tnit place. 1 ./||e71 11 ,V- v"' n" AS fit AM HKH ?l AIM a. I/or taking e*re of growing elnldren ; operate! on Wheeler A Wllaon'a ami Hlugar't machine*; good ??em it r. ; good city relerenc*. 1 t?r wkht 51hr ht.?A kbmkkctablk Tounu i ertfrlrl m Cbanibarmald aad waltraaa; uo objection ta help with the waihlng. 1??ft WKST (Will HT., MT(mR.-A YOI'NO AMKKI O'/can girl a? bra*, claai ebambarmatd and good walt reai In a boarding hum* . city reference. 1?J .1 WAaT SOT I sT. -ASuTEl AS UHAxhrhmaTu OXaud wall rem ; beat city reference* Irom leal plate fou WKHT 49TII Sl.?A YOCNfTtlInL AHCil AM i OObirmalil, none, or to do light homework 1 11 *gsT '*"rH ht.?a tUuii<>uu7ii7r~c6irK l^xl lent pertnii al chamherntald end laundreie la n pri vate lamlly; beet city r leranee. 1/11 RAsT ^WI, HT.?AS rlnHT CLASS CHAMBKH 1*1 Imald And waltreei hv a young girl who Int. lived In the beat of private familial In the illy; belt city reference given Irom laat place. No poital tarda .mwerod te ceil In the eveuiug. ??WBHT I9T|TnT.-A KKHPTccTAHI.B U1HI, a". hatnhermald and wallrma; beat eity reference. 1 I - WKsr I li II I il'KKsKMr K M I'LOYKl 'h7. \ I'll rfrllaetaat y "ting women ? > Brit run chambermaid or parlor meld or Intant'i auraa: I* exuarlenced la either; beat ettv refarancea; no objection to the country. Call for tw# day*. 11(1 KLDRIIM1B HT? A KRhMICTAHLK OKRMTx X X t/ai cbaniberinaid end waltreii; no poilel eardi. M. UAl.l.Vi ir.i Basi i. Dsr. rw? uikl>; o.\k a-> < ham J ?J I beriuald end Waltreii, other te take ear* wf children end do plain lewlng ; hen elly ret*rent'*. lit,- K AST 4?hT ST.-R BHTBCTA BLK UIKL AH 1 ? fr/cbamhermatd and waltraaa; beat elty refarancea Ring bell. f ,\U WBST Ml) HT . TlllHO PLOUkT-A KKhI'RCt' XrlfJable girl at flrnt claa* chambermaid and lauodren; willing end obliging; willing to go In tbe country ; bait city referent*. BwisFTflTW KT. (PBKHRNT KM Cl.uY RK'Hl A leavltiK the ally wlebai a nlac* for an excellent girl ai chambermaid and waltreii: will aiilxt in aaihlng; 112c 50,.^ irl aa chain or to do general homework In aimail private family . tw* ji'.r. r. I ire U-t employer t all fur two day* K \?T .1' H f" ? A TOliSH (aIKLas t il a " hermald and waltraea; beat elly rataranra. 157 l ' u W'K f lHTII HT.. PKUNT house..-A rul'NU It 'Ogtrl *? ehambdrniald la a privet* family) good rot arena*. Call for two day*. SITUATIONS ANTKU?FKMAKESS. ^ OuiiiiIii i iiiukU. At*.. EAST 33D ST. t UaMBi KMAID AND WA1T .Lraaa; city or couutry; ueat reference 162, if<; west mtit si.?rtiiar class chamb, b lU'/ra?l'l tod *?Ureu In a private family; good city NlirNM. 17 <1 W EST 43TII ST-A YOUNO (ilBL AS CIIAM aaberiuyid nuil wkltrmi or to do chauiborwork tod lug; boat rofr re new. U'J fKkl as I'll ST?AS El EST CLASH CHAMBER ? 'tiiold and waitress. city or country ; IS i ?r>' city relureuce. 17'J east tsa? sr., third Tloo'k?YOUNG GIRL 1 I Oto d'> I upstairs work; williu g to assist with children; good city relareucea. 1U/I DIVISION ST.?AN ENGLISH BROTH-TaNY 1 ^fcwon Hindi winhrt ii situation lor her daughter. ujod 1H. to aaaiat in upstairs ?mk. or villi t lady boarding, to mind it cbild. Address J. W. OflO EAST 1STH ST. (PRESENT EM I'LOVER'S)-A ?,vrOrrapoetabie Protestant girl at chambermaid. ,m WEST 330 >T -A RESPiCTABLE YOUNO 'Xirtrl aa cljuuiiorraaid and waitress in a private fain arilllQ|r and obliging; city reference. One west aiiTii st.-a young woman as ^UrJchauibermuid or nurae; city or country: beat refer ences tmr k tsr aorii st.-a young girl as kikst ? UrJclaat cliauiliurmuid and waitreta; city or country; tbrce year*' b at city relerence. ()/)?? EAST *1111 ST., STORK ? YOUNO GIRL AS ?.V/lIcbambermaid and to assist in cure of children; good operator; city or country; city reference. Olio Eiil/I A BETH sr. (IN OANOY STORE).?BE* ?it /Ospcctablu ifirl aa chHinboruiaid and laundress: no objection to abort dd-tiince In the country; city relerence from Inst employer. Call lor one day. iff tQ BAST 4TI1I ST., IN THE DKKHHM A KErt'S. ? A ?i' '?7ruuiig English itlrl aa chauiheriuaid anil waitress. VI n KA>T ?,,4T" sT- K,R T FLOOR?A RESPECT ai LV/ahlu trlrl aa chamharmaid and to aaalat with washing and ironing or to take care of a child; two yeara' city refer ence. (11 [1 HAST 2HTU ST.-A RESPECTABLE YOUNO Zd 1Uwoman aa chambermaid end parlor maid In a pri vate family; uuderstuudt her buslnos* thoroughly; excel lent city reference Lady to ho eren. Ol I W.ST 421' ST. A KKsl'l CTABLK YOUNG ^l.'Tglrl ua cliKmlierniuid and waltreaa and to do tine washing; no objection to the couutry; beat city refereuce. Cell or addrcaa. VI 1 **EST SOPH ST. ?A YOUNO WOMAN AS i.J I "Xcbambi-rninli and waitri-aa: no objection to a board iliac bouae: good city reference from laat employer. <114 EAST SSYH ST.?YOUNO WOMAN TO DO aIt and waiting or take oare of cbiidrou; good city refrrence. ?> I r East 21ITH ST.-A YOUNO OlKL AS CHAM aj I r.rbermuld and waltreaa; wiling to aaaiet with wash ing: wages nut to muoh an object; oTty reloroiioea. VI 7 1' AHI' "?7liI ST., SECONO FLOOR, KKONT.? ? L i Two reapoctablu girls in private French family; one aa cbambvrinald and waltreaa, the other as cook and laundreea ; beat city refureuce. tllO WES I' 3'iTH ST.-A YOUNO WOMAN AS 2jlOobamhcrmaid and wuitreat; no objection to a board ing liouac ; good city reference. 9! ft WEST SUTH 8P.-A YOUNO UIKL TO DO & 1 Ochaiuherwnrk and assist wild growing cbiidrou; six ycara' city reloieuce. 2 if 11 WEST aoTII ST. -A RESPECTABLE PKOI'KS wl'tant girl to do chainberwork and waltlug; will lug to aaalat in any other part of houaewcrk. 221 EAST 21 sT ST.. YOU KTH FLOOR. KOOM 13.? A young aciri aa cbamtiermaid and waitroaa. 991 EAKT alsT ST- rOOM 7.-A YOUNO WOMAN ? chambermaid; willing ta assist wltb washing or waNhlnjr aud irunln/. 991 Kasi' 318? sr., HOO.tffl.-A YOUNO OTKf TO ^AaAdo chainborworlt and waiting iu a private laniiiy; city rvforetiee. 0 )*J WKHT OTfH 81.?\ COMPKTRNT YOUNG djOvomtn a* cbwmbormnif1 and to do fine wavhiuic in a private tainily; bikthiy recommend*.I by l*?t emoloyer. oiw East mtii sr.?a uihi. as ubambeumaiD xilxuOand waltreaa; tlrat elaaa relerenoe. ififfi WEST 2STII nT.-YOUNti tJIUL, AS OUaMBEK XJ-wt-'iuaid aud waltreaa Call or addreaa 2'ff.' WEST 84TI1 8I.-A YOUNO WuMAN AS awUcharobarmaid and waltreaa; city or country; waltreaa; city or country; two yctra' city relerence. 99ft EAST 781 II ST.-A RESPECTABLE GIRL AS ^l^lQoliuiiibeniiiilil aud waltreaa. city or country ; willing to aaaiat win. waablm.-; rrferenuc Iron: preaent umployi-r. OOil STU ST.?A YOUNO OBKNAN UlKie, WRO ^lOvyapoaka aeod Kngliah. aa cbambatmald and walt reaa; Willi air and obiiytng; good reteience. Addreaa OOC EAST r.UTll SS ?A YOUNO GIRL AftTlBiT ^Oxlclaaa cbamburmaid and waltreaa iu a private fam ily t neat city referauoe. 9?J7 WBST 4i'TII ST.-A PROTESTANT GIUL AS > I chumhormaid ?nd,wafTr('?a or aa nurae and waltroic; city or couutry; beat city relcronce. 9Oft WEST turn st.-a kerpbctaSLe uirl as XwiOOebambcriuald or nurie; no objection to country; good raferouce. 9 111 wsst -ntrii sr., third hell.?Protestant \Jnlrl aa rhamborm.ild or waltreaa in privata family: no objection to the country. 241 WKaST 17TII ST.?A KK8PfcilJTABLK YOUNG girl it* ch*mborm>tia and iiurMi; city ur country. 24L EAST 2HTII ST.?A YOUNO OlKL TO Do UP taira work and waiting; eltv or country. OA A WKsT IsTii ST.?AS OilAMHEUMAID AND ?t~X ^Ewaitraaa; willing to help In thu kitchen; city ref erence. if Apt WEST 33D ST.?A YOUNO OlKL As tHAM aw*X*Jboruiaid and to aaeUt In waltiug in a privata la? liy ; beat city referuueea. Call or addreaa if A ft WKST asm sr.?A YOl'NU AMERICAN OIRL ^TUiii ctiauibermald and waltreaa or ae nurae and to do tewiiig: beat city rolcrencea In.m laat place. COLORED _ nqraa; city or country; relarcuce. 2 CM WK8T ITT la ST.-A NEAT. TIDY COL ?)Vglrl to do chauiberwork and waiting, or aa nro west irru sr.. euont house, second ^tyOttoor.?Proteatact girl aa chambermaid and to aa alat with waalilng and ironing; willing and obllglug; good city reference froiu laat empl< yer. 261. (ITII AV? HEAR. ?As UuOD CliAMBl.KMAlD nd nurae ; eity or country; retorenca. VU7 7TU AV" FLOOR.?A KEsPECTAIILK ? ?7 1 woman to do ohamberwork and watgiag or to take care of children: good reference. vnl hA>vr 3U ST.-A GIRL TO DOCIIAM ? yUXberwork and waltlltu ; would aaalat with ear* of chil dren and aewod Weaalar A Wtlauu'e machine; beat city relerence. '?ill 1 WK>r asm st.-a prutestant OIBL as OU'Tchatubermald and waltreaa; willing aad; city or country; city relarouca. 'JO i KA8T 37TII RT.-A8 CliAMHKKMAlD AND OuTwiltrm ur to t?kn ears of growing children and do plain aowlttg; good dtv reference. ?JilQ mTmISON AV, iI'KK.SI'.NT KMl'LOY Kit'Hi.?A UU i/young woman aa rbatul?-rmeid and to ilo Qua wuli ing; willing to go in tha eoantrjri good rotaraoca. Call for two daya. ofTT HA NT 80TH 8T.-A HKH t'SCTAJi 1.K YOl'NO Olvgirl to do upatalra work and mlml children In a hinull private family; Bo objeetiun to help with the wash ing: good reference 011) !a ktfr ?oth nr.?a yodno oihl a* OHAM. ? ?J -gbarmald and waltroaa In a amall family , good rofar anco. 0 i tj-East"55rH ht.-kk8Jt.ctahlk uikl to" do 01 ^Iiranorai lionaeworK, In a iraall prlvatu lamlly; boat City reference. ?j11? kadT "55ril hF^a kkapkotasi.iT"youno OiUgirl aa chaiuherniatu and waltroaa Id a private lam lly ; no nijeetlaua to a boarding houaa; city or conntryt city relorcnro ? > | 7 ~wisf~i?HfrrirT.-A yoUKU Oikl ajTc(Ftif ? II I barmaid and waltreaa; woalo taka aara of growiag children and do sowing, boat references. quTTFaht~4si> ?t.?a~hkhi'fcvfFaLH fouio all ?/girl aa chambermaid and waltroaa or ehambormald and to do aawlng; can embroider handsomely. good retar anee. ran be aaen for two dajra. ?|.|(t KANT 32D ST. A ToUS<T UlKL TO DO OwwkltclioD or chain bar work | Do ol.Joatlon to Uio con ti ll y Adilnaa. ?j?i| I k art ihrii nr. (Piutax-NT kmFlov kk'hj.-a also" 'Swedish girl aa atiamnai maid and waltraaa la a prl vu.ii lamily: city ?r country. QTFTt Kant urtii hi two kkrkkc iamlb oimlh l)a<\/to go together; one aa cuauinerniald and wallrest; ihaolnor aa cn.?k, waahar and imaai s beat city ralarancs; city or country. 321. 328 331 Ity . ?? 341 lain girl aa chambermaid and waitress; an objection tn a aliort distune* In lhi> oounlry . ally relerane*. ?It II K AST lilTli ?F (UKOCHkY Si Ok it.) -A a >w*i ynung Aninrtcau girl aa obanibermald and narao #r tn dn ehamberwnrk and waiting In aaiali laroliy; boat ref erents. Hall fur two dat a. Otill BAST a-vi ll AT.?A ItkRl'Ri TaHLK YiiU.NO tj.g'x American girl in a private family, aa aham orr girl and In aaal-t with wuahlng ami Ironing, ur In On light rliaai barwork ; baa Ian yaara' boat ally ral -rain a frotu bar lata amployar. Addreas. Oil .1 \VKi*r 41ST ST?A YOUNO ABBKlCAN OIRL O.o'Xaa cb imbermaid and waltraaa la aauiall famll > ; boat city rolarauaa. G ill for two days. ?lot; KAsfl-vrii ST-A RKkrioTABLS OIRL AS ? )_Uiiiambarmaid and waltieaa In ap.lvaia laiully . boat city rolaroaaa. HART anTIl" ST.?YOUNO WOMAN AS CHAM' barmaid and aailat wllb tbo watting . ally or enuu brtaty ralaranaa. KART SIHr HT.-A IlKSI'hCTABLK OIRL AH drat rdaaa rltanibarniaid and lauudraaa; city or conn arr boat city releraiiee. KAsf SSTH sT. YOUNO UIIU. AS illAMHKIt maid and Waltraaa; aallalactnry r.-lareaeu 0 I W?wT Wtfli ntT?A~RkAl'KGTABLK OIRL To a)'r? 'do cnatnliarwork and waiting and assist wild wash ing ; lour years' ally refrranaa ? Wjl1 MP. ST.-A KKsrKGTABLB OIHL AH art.M'chambermaid and waitraaa and tu assist iu washing ; n? in J- rutin to lbs conntry; city rsforariea. Of'IV WKST dtiTII ST.?AH GIIAMBKRMAIO AND TO ? )l JUaew or taaa aara of a altlld ; boat city relerane*. Call lor two da) a ?)/*? ?! LK X ili OI OA AV. -A TOI'NO GIRL AS CIIaM ? '.'?'liariuuld and waitreaa anu to a.slat la waahiug and Ironing, or aa parlormaid; g >od ally tafaraacoa. ? r WKsT UftlH Sl7?A YOUNO fllML AR GilAM a?l )?ybermald and waltraaa: no ubjactinn to tha ennntry lor thi awmmari ally rolarruca. ?HK KAHT IHTh RT. A KKsl'RCTARl.K YOITNO I * '' ??lri a> cbamuarmaiii and waltraaa; la willing tn taka cara of eblldraii ; < It/ nrrnnnlry . good city reference -,-jV RNT~Sii SI'.?AH CilAMsFitSTTli AND 1 1 iu rallraaa, or eliauiliermaid aud lauudraaa; beat eity rdfemura __________ I I ft WRsr lUTII Rr.-A YOUNO UlKL AS ciiam 1 I ? ' ermald and waiireaa or aa mirae; wuuld atalat wllb the waalting; no objection tu go In lite auuntry ; yaara' ally rrfartuce frmn laat place. 411 'cliaini eriiiald and waltraaa in a .mall private fam 11/. twat y??art' city NRafataa tarn her laat place. Tata 1 kVsT I4TII HT.,' TllIRD rLoOrt, BaCIK 'I ? lagrmim. ? A mlddl--ag"d wnman in du chamberwtirk In a hotel ?r boarding Hair ; ipaaka Rngiiah and Rpaniah periertiy ; la wll log aa d obliging, or la travel. a ???j "r.Adf ~5rii ht. -a sSsfiMJf a SCr "y^iFno 'rtyrygirl aa cbamnermald In a prlvata family; noonjec tiuii to conntry. 44ITC ATIO\N WiflTKH-PRMALiail. __ Cha*iub?>rw?4de. ?Et-. A*X7 K*ST i8l?' st.-a yocno woman to do T?| eUaiutmrwork aud welling lu a email ternilr; good cliy reference. 4 A ? Wr.sT +' T11 sT.-A YOU NO OIRL AS C1IVM T' 'barmaid aud laumlreae. beat city reterenee. 451 vs fc&T 27 I'D hl.-A (iiUL AS C?? AMiii UVIAIU and Iftun lriMi. or m> cook, voili nitU iron ; ^ou?l rof 4 no WKST 42 D ST.?A Uh.M'hi lAhLh GIKL vS ? /?/cliMtnberinaiil m 1 and woiiruss \u yrivaio fatuity ; Unrt cIhee city rotart*moo. y| i f 1 MOKHIS a V.# P.LIZ AH KTII, N. J.-AS CHAM TTl>ll??rinaid a ?i uur?o girl : willing to yo to any part of Oau bo scon or uolicod tnrougb tnail. Mm K. 11. A f[0 4TH AV-a KKSfKCi AttLtt YOl/NG GIRL A $ i llOcliamborniatd or cli iub*-riuaid aud waitroM; uo ob Joctiou to tho country : iroud city rolcrciioo. JGO *l> AV liK I'VV H f.S 27111 AftlJ 2*TU Kirt.-A T ? ' wrn.peclablo lo woman aa ehaiubarmaid and lauudrooa; good rotoraucao. A iil\ A v.. BETWKKN 2HT14 AND JWTU 8 I'd. A 1 fJyJcompotaut young alri ua cba?uOurioaid and wail r?sj* and toa??i?t iu wHahing aud ironiug In a private fam liy: wall rueouiruouded Irom laat place. C11AM '.yi^-roPito <msl AS cBamBSE buu"- r.faS!SS! BO ob,ucU9? l? ? *?!*? 507 2H AV.-A TOONU (illlL AS CHAMBMKMaID in it private family or hotel. KftQ 211 AV ?A RESPECTABLE YOUN-. UIUL AS t/v.) ?7cliuiiiheriuaid uud plain .newer, ur uould take cere of k'rown children ; 1'lfA vftftre' reference 'ruui 1 tkl nlaro. Gmi BD A V. ?US SI'KCT A IILI-. UIUL AS CHaMHEK a'Zimatd ftud wultrvae; city or oouutry; Ijui oily ruler sue*.. f*'J L 30 AV" MRTWKIC?4UTH AND 41 ST STS.. IN "JO Tatoro.-A reapceleble yuuug girl ft. chambermaid uud walireua; bum cltv reference. 070 7(|t!TII aV.-A YOl NU as CHAMBER luftld anil wuitre..: bunt city reference. 7?J/\ mil AV.. BETA' K K.N f.lSI AND 52i> STS.. ?I'rlirat Hour.?A reapoctable young lieruieu girl ft* >apoct*ble young <l?rui?u girl chambermaid ; willing lu m ike heracli uaeful. 7IO ail AV.-A PROTBSI'A NT OIRL ASCII < M H K K - I T win.nd and lu uo line wuahing mid pluiu aewlug. bait uity reference. 747 ail AV.?A OIRL. AO Ell IH. AS CHAMBKK mfttd uud waltieaa in a ?mnll luiully ; ben city raf 70(, 7TII AV.-A YOL'NU Olttl, AS CIIaMHKR 4 O./iuftid and wftitraM: will milit with waablnir: will lni; uud ubligfutc: i;ood city rurvrunce. 79 - an av.-a vuuxii unti. as cuamukkmaId ' Iftiid wuitruei; ba.t city ruluraoco. OJIj 2D AV.-A KK8PRCTABDB OIHD AS CHAM O ti Ibermnlu and wftttresi or vbainbariufttd and to laca cure ul cm* Inir cluldreu and do plain aowlnir; uity or coun try ; city relareucu. Or I 211 AV.. HIIST ULOOR.-A KRSPECTABI.K OlS lyuuiig airl ua obuinbariuuid and wuitreaa lu a re upuctable family: b.?l city refaranoo. 077 UTH AV.. ItlMl BELL a.?AN EXI'EHIKNCED t 4 villi; wmnan au cliaiuboriuaid aud uuraa; lu a guud uuwur; wllliutr and obliging; willing to go to tbo country : good uity ralurencua. QQQ 1ST AV . OOKNKit 50TU ST.-AS CHAMBER. Ot/Omuid uud wuitroHM aud to a?i?t witb waabing, or an waltraaa; can ueu uioolr - buat lelaruucuu. 955,aui^ ianaadi'to do uliZtXl&Z'1 ""U,MWO,k lu * P'^a^amiiV' iV",IL 1 HQ1 3t> AV <IN thr 8TOEE) -A YOL'NO i.IRL I .U 1*' I aa obamuariuald and waltraaa or to taka care of children ; beat city reference. 1 l'-lJ. 20 AV- IN BAKKRY.-YOUNiI 01RL AS 1 # I ?) x rbainbnrmaid and nurao: good plain aewar; good ralarencu. Cull or aodreia. 1 J ()8b 1ST ^V-~Rfcl','EC''A^LK OIIlL AS ?UA? dieriould and wuitraaa and lo aaalat in One waah iug; beat uity rofar'uiicu. 1 ()AA aV.-A ItP.SPEOTABLK YOONU OIRL r r? cliamliarmiild aud wattra?a, or would do bou.ework; boat uity reference. 1 '-Ml'A 3U AY?4 TOO NO 01 ItL AS CI1AMBEK X.OUO'nuid and waltraaa; city or couutry ; willing and obliging; good oity rafarenca. AS CHAMBERMAID AND WAITUKSS; WILL ASSIST with waahiog aud ironing; romitry preferred; good country relerenoa. Addraaa T., box li>4 Herald Uptown oltice. A S CHAMBERMAID AND TO TAKE CaKK OP CHIL Jv.ireu or aow: would prrfcr a family going In iba coun try for the aummer; beat city reference. Addraaa U. C.. Mx 14. Herald Uptown wlBca. Oreiamakera anrl Saamatraaaaa. 1 O HOWARD ST.?A I:ESPP.CTaBLK HERMAN J ?girl In aa American lamily aa aearnairoaa; undar rutllug and lilting: would taka caro ol growing children. rtl WEST S3U ST.-A PKBNCII PERSON AS PIKsT rJeUClaM cutler and aeunia(r?iia: willing to take caro of a youue tulai and wardrobe; no objactiou to the Country; b??t city raferancu. J. K. mWEST :?2D ST. ? RESPECT A H l.K WOMAN AS druaaiuukar and aaamatreaa In private lamily by the day or week. 105 ^ ELIZABETH ST.. ROOM H ? A VOUNO WOMAN au ?eumatreua and to at laud children : no eerdx ni) WEST RuTII ST?AS SEAMSTRESS IN A PRI ? vato lamily s good reference*. CalV on or Mdreua MAUDE MILLER 1'JQ WEST 52D ST. ? /* RESPECT 1 RLE WOMAN AS Aai (7aeaiu*tra*a; can cut and Bt aud do all kind* of family ?"Wing: (rood operntor; would do light chaiuberwork; no nb|vclinn to go to the country; good city reference. lftQ West 4?TH st. (present employer's,.?a J.{J*?Protectant girl aa aeametraie and in lake care of growing children or do ebamberwork city or eouotry; beat relereocea. OM7 WEST ASTH ST.?A VOUNO OIRL AS SEAM. AD 4 ?treee; nnderatanda draaeuiaking; willing to aulet In taking care of oblldrou. O/IQ EAST 2sril ST (RINO POURTH BELL).-AH <j"i iNmlly ?earnatreu and dre**maker; good cutter and Utter; will well on a lady or aaeUt otherwUe. HI J WEST Wiril ST. (kKCUND BELL).?A CaPA ?il'Tble pera in a* dreatmaker; trlin* In the lale?t?tyle; ha* Wlieeler A Wllenn machine: would do other dutiee lo plicate lamily If required; relereuce. WEST 24TH ST. - DKRSSMAKKK AND SEAM a*?ei)*lr*n to go out by tbo day: good trimmer and operator; city or country ; city reference. ?> 1 C Wast SSTIt ST. ? A YOI'NU OIRL AS hEAM ?I LUatre**; can ent and 01 children'* dreaee* and do ebauiberwork. Call or addraaa. OAlt WKHT ?*'. 1" TIIK STORK -AS SEAM w'r"'*tro*?; can eul an/1 lit ladlee' and rhlldren'* dreaaea; wauid do light bouaawork ar aaalat la bouaekeep lug: good reference. No earda *>?(? WK-.T 41s r ST.-A TIIOKOUUII I.V CoMPK w>/Oiou> portun uHnnulrruHiiil dreaouiakor'a flnlalier; iimUraUDili making children'* clothe* and all lauin.' uu derclotblng; will tad* charge of una or two young children, or wall un growing children; eounlry lor tho aumtuer: beet ell; reterniiae. ?J5T eaSt "a tit bt.-?b fuuTr Flash okajT OO'tiiroi ami maid: woold travoi; I* not alraid to Help witii ohamoerwork . boat reference. Q I *S WEST Si!) ST.-i'KOTKHTA NT (JIKL AB KkTm". O't unl to tako care of grown children, or do chaiuborwnrg; good o|>eratur: beat reference. 57 | west Md *r?ah gjcriUMoio riBtoi*. aFT"a of thorough i'nullah odticollon, apeaklng French dummy, a* lamlly aoamatreaa; accuatomed to oultro charge training and gawwldl coildren ?> i?k i CBS mth n -mruitaiii WAjrrau*, ?l'l 'J1 ay week or month, bra good droaainaker ; city or country; or a* nurao for auotmor; to ? faithiui middio-agou woman. 366. HTIl AV., FIKaT FLOCK. -t o* FBTKNT SF.AH lalrcaa and nurao or to do cbambn/work; ally or country; boat rufarunoo. T\ 7 Vril AV-A*OU?G UIKL 4a |BE AM SI RKBS; Ti I would wall uu a lady or tako oaro ol growing cbil Umn . no objection to the country . reference*. A a 1 WIMT dftfM ST.?AS SK aHsTIIKjiN; ~UOOD X'l Xuooralnr ; undaratanda dreaaiuaklng ; would take charge of grewlug child; good roloreueo. /lit tuTll ^TTtOUM 7.-A VllUM, ta 1 It IT, J 'X Cflalely lauded, a* aeaiuatreaa In a privet* family I no objection to the country. Xfifj wist ST., BETWEEN tfTH AND I'iTU net. Br*l Boor.?Aa compoteat aearnatroaa In a fam ily or at bar own home; baa a A uoelar A ft rleun'a machine. i (iii BO XvrduVu bell t w i ck>. - IF"* i uQ3i i X tj > 'I'rnlaaiant girl aa lamlly aeaniatraaa uud are co maker', willing to lm otherwise aaelui; tnodaraio wage*, city or country; elty roleroooo. Call on or addreaa Hktk S I KKSM. fitm 8TU~IV.,"ebtwkISLniwitm a55"i7fu~Hti^A U-e'/l'ro.taetant girl aa aiauiatreaa and to aaalat Willi cbamborwoTk or children. Call lor two Ueys. 7(?J "Til AV. ("INC snOO.NIy BELLI.?A CuMFE I OOtenl aearnatiuaa and dreaamnkar; can autatidlit, will wait on growing children . eit> retvraara. (Il l BKOA1>*"ay7 lit WUKtrlU dTOKR.? A~RR t/~rXaiieutable young woman aa *aam*lre?? and oham bermaid or to take oarw of growa ablldrea ; hoot elty roler encv * OwtiPfcTUET rTh a its Tithe if a?U UOOtl OHEnit mater; will aaalat wltli chaaiberwork mid waiuac; moderate wage#; city or onuulry ; cltr n lerooco. Addiuoa HA tMBTKBna, lleroid Uptown Hranob uOtoe. Ml. I.Et?N A Itu, Hnh.ihMAKr.H, iTa)T"EK*IJVED to 74" "to a* , near till at. ; atyliah aalta made from pT> to Bin. Call or addreaa. Uonernl ilnuarwork. due. (? COKNBI.IA n'l A WOUA.1 Aa tooh UK TO DO Fbouaowork In a email family; elty or country Fa ST MU ST. - A~KMFhi,T A MLB oTkLTi) CO gchoral honeaworh In n email private lamlly; gwvd refer ante. tl??~WK?T *?i II ST.?A K*SfFofAML*FlKL TQ bit awtlgeueral houeewoia | rood cooa, aaabor and lrun*?; ciiy reference train iael plate oil FHINCB ST., UHUt l KV ?A VoC"So Wl'M tVfl )rlo h naewurk la a good waeher and Irouer and a gowd piale rout; good oily roferenoe LI'.XtNOrON a*.-A MftTltfTtBU Vttlfft 'Ji!et broke up hnoeekeepfng to do general h<naework email lamlly: no objection to the Country. I.AiU.iT sT.7 ?A?hME>r ?Tu~Dt7 "SEiTiEO* houaewnrh; good waoher and irunar; city ori vuBtry,, Wi sT 44TII sT.-A VoUNU III Hi. TO DO lijjf oral hoiiaework; wilting dud obliging ; good oily rdor A 36 io * I 60 63 64 WHO 4111 BT.-A VOUNO t Ml LI HI I i.litl, TOE 1"g.reral hoiaa work in private family) tllv referonea 1>Q WKKT 4dll ST., BOOK fl.-A HKBfKO f AlU.P. UOyonng girl to do bna?ewwrh In a email piivale lamlly , la a aood plain cook, waehar.ond Ironor; goml rtbrinao. Call for tan day* 81 C II * ALTON' at.BECOND IlOOE, VkOaT a "t raapociable woman lor gouoral houae vork In amoll prlvato family ; country lor tba aumiuar . relorence. 1(11 *Mf nifii SI. TWci itthi.s to l?ty TIIE EE 1 \r J Ure work id a amall family or prlrnte boarding houa* ; llirea year** city relortncr Irom laat plaeo. I | II f kit 17TH "ifr. EThBT ris"KIK~a EKSt'RC^ A I " ralilo yonng tin to do vanaroi houaework In a a uall prlv.ito family ; willing and obliging gim.t rafkrai re. WKsr I MII sf., B tiihl KHT ?V KKSlrM TARI.B young woman In do roneral houaewnrk i I* a wo.?l plain Qook, o good wuthrr and Ironor. elty nr country r wi-oT i.vth bt, rear a kksfei't*iiEs ? 'girl lo do houaework; good loondroka; willing and obliging. 11 BIT!'AVION* WAHTK l*? r F. 1IAI..KX. UrBKrai Htiuiework. ?M mwKsr ttrrti st. ygcng uihl to im? gem. ?r?l ht?u??wurk lu u ?tu?li private fatally; 1,0 <>*>]?* lion lo |fo ft short iliiinncft lu tbn eouniry; iro<?4 rcfnrnttcBB. I *).) WK-T SUVH ST -A uTbL to DO ROOilfOU Ldrnim*io * priv?i? fitmiiy . cilv rntornuc*. f9~i ^EiF-TiTii sr.-a kk^pkctahlk pTkjtka i M I i ion I nir? to uu iiou??iwork or ?ImihTWIfil and wait IPif iu ift Binnll prlvnt* liftitil y; i*itv rnfprvnca 111 It OUMoi I'LeCr.. TTouS U.-ioUaG WuMaM X ?.Utu iio general Uouaework. 1~rjo WE*T JUTH ST.?A YOUNG Ul KL 7<77iO Till ^U*urk hi a nmall private lunllf; good waeher and ir?ue( ; a tuna, reliable girl; good city ralorcuco. 1 in WKftT aoru ST.?A UOUi'KTKVT voftui TO lloju too Uouaawork of a entail family , good city refer* MM. ^ 1 in east iisf sr ~A~iroUNa oikl to no ubsS il 'Jural lioueo-vork In a ?mall private family ; uo ubjee? tiou to the country. Call two day? 1,-. 7 WEST USD IT . MOOND I LOOK.?A EMFBo? ?J I uu o Eugiiab girt to do uouaawork ; city or country! retereucea. 1 ,'Q WKuTaorH HT.i EIRST RLOOM.?BBBFKOf A> X'itJbiu hootcU girl to do Uouaawork or apatatr* work! beat city rolurcuca 1 f'9 WEST 38 TH nr.. K<?oi 4.X KESPECTABLiM lu^iuuu,' Air-uricau girl to tlo Uouaawork or tako cay* uf children ; no objection to tUa country. TitU WK8T~aju at ?A KRSPKCTA5Lit VOL'HQ XUt/glrl to do gonaral Uonaowork la a amall private lamily ; beat ralorauca. "1 QJ~1 KBANKLIN ST.-A YOUNG WUHAN To' DO X?'T-lgcuerui Uouaework or work lu raatauraati willing aun obliging. "j QQKAST 7TU ST.. BET WhKNaVs liX.VD C.-A X 'JOyoung Uoiman girl to do gunaral Uouaawork In ? ainuil (iaruiau-Amarlcau family. Inquire lor SOI1NISS OfJI E tSTdill'll ST-A T1DV. WILLING fOUNO ? VJ lglri to aaalat lu Uouaawork ; la loud ut cblldraa; no objection to tUa couuiry ; rafarauca. ?Jill wl' d<J111 8T., COttNEit 7T1I A.V.?A YOUNO _ VJ Lglrl to ilo general Uouaawork iu amall private fam ily ; beat city reference. " East JstTi s iT. sk oTiso" Vi.ook, kkait. ?a ajyuuuj; girl, lately landed tor ganeral houaowork. 212 91 .y EAST sr.-TWO UIKLS WISH TO DO goiX'ltlio work nl a atnall family: beat city referencaa 91 '?( w E8T 10111 ST.?UEl.I ABLE JE&S&Zm gjXOcirl to do bnuaeworkt uuderatanda Usr bualueM tuorouglily; city or couuiry. til f K A ST 38 ill ST.-YOUNO OIUL Volt HO USB wl.Awer> ; guodawaaber and irouer; good city reference. t) I w i.ST I7TU sr.?an mSSSSu WOK AN TO IX) ? 1 1 houaowork; axcallout baker; couuiry prufarrad; city WEsT 37TU ST.-A HKHl'ECTABLE OIUL TO do gunaral Uauaewurk ; city rafareiice. Addreaa. 236 218 9 ?/general houaawurk; willing and obliglug; lioma pre lorrod to U1 b wagea; city or country; good retarancaa. 99A Vwn ITTH BT., BEAR.?AMERICAN uiftt sL to do general housework ; oily or couuiry ; refereaoe. ho card*. 99c EAST 2&TI1 ST.?A VuCNlTunnrAS OENBKA& Xe*..rJliouaoworkor; good waoUer aud irunar; elty rafaf* once. No carda anawerod. 90S WKsT g7TH_ST.-A UaSI'EOTABLE CULOREfl ?/?I' lglrl to do general Uouaawork In a amall private faop lly; city reference. nti/i hast auru st. 7a aTucvritv uikl to do ga> ?i (Jgcueral Uouaework and aaalat wktu care of children 290 wkwt urra *r., tot tumult lidnet ?aOaUlo girl to do general Uuuaawork; good plain cook; Urat rate waatier and ironer; city oroouutry; good city reference. 9'il WEST 37TII ST.-A KBsFeCTABlK OIRL FOB a^OXgeuural Uouaework; city or country ;Uome preferrek to UlgU wagea. 900 KAST AVTIi ST., El EST i LOOU. KBOJfT. ? X ?lOOnilildle aged German woman to do general hons? worn, good reference. flW 40TH #T.-A OOkmUt WOMAM TO do Uouaework ; wi'ling end obliging ; good relerence tjaj/' EAST 47TU ST.-A YOUNG OIUL (LATELY ^OUlaadedJ to do genernl Uonaowork; wllllug end. obliging. 1)00 East 40T1I sr.?A uesekctahlk youno ?.OOgirl, lately landed, to do goueral Uouaawork and aaalat with children; city or eonntry. 900 EAST 3dTli sr . atfOCMtTsTOBB ?A TODEB ?iOtJwoman to do genaral Uouaework ; eouutry prelerredl beat reference. o t 7) iTuLHiTituv stT-a smaicF."active womait a-/ r ? to do Uouaework; either city or country; good reler> once. OTF EAST UU IU HI., it BAH A HKSf EOT ABLE ?1' r rjwoinau for houaowork; good plain cook; oily ad country ; good lelerauee. 1)4 C EAST 2IIIII ST. (SKLUKO HELL).?X VOUNO ? i'lglrl to do general Uouaawork: good plain waanet and Ironer; city refereuco. -, _ tTc/\ WEST 41STX?:. SKUUNG"kLOUH, BAOC-dft woman ta do genaral Uouaework lu a email tamllyt reference. Call for two datra. nril WEST SAIH ST. RKaU ? A KEHPEOI aBuS ?I'll "girl to de general bouaewora ; city or country; keel refer -ncc. ORG BART TdTH ft.-4 UIKL TU DO gENEHaL AdtJtUiiuuwvorli: bndt r?lermc?. tTcai WEST iil H ST., BETWEEN 7TII AND ?i U ?jhvh.- a reaoectabln girl to <lo general houaowork; no objection to children i will be found willing; good ralip once Iroiu lier laat employer. 9 - V WEST litTH ST.-A KKsPBCTABLE YOUNO g^U'Xwomen to do gonerat Uouaework iu ciiyorcuua> try. _____ orn WEST :otii ST.-A respect ABLE WOMAB SwOcitodo Uouaework la e auiall lamily; beat city refor enroa. W E8T~41WjTtT-A V O L- N u"G1Ul. TO GO UEjf ^UaWeral Uonauwork. no /1 "Tot ii a v.?a ygung g i it l tg uo ukn kit Ala <?uw 9J1/hou*?work In n Bfnnll privtftte Umllr ; irou<1 rnlnrenrk. WEST 4UTU ST.?? TOUNM UtRL TUB OBST 'or?l lioaiwvurk 1b bibbII Uuiily; oliy ur oouutrj; city r?lrrfiic?. OA? 1 hAST 2UTH~sT.?A VoU.N< 1 lUKL fcflm UKBI* uU?jft.-ftl huUB?work In n Binnll pnv.tiu fninily ; rvlirftOM. i)|| I KAST SINT ST.?A RStKROTABLE 01 EL T6 O'/Xdu ganoral Uouaework In e am all lamily; good eltp rafer.-i.oe WEST-41ST ST.?A TOUNG OIRL TO DO liooaework In a amall family ; eity or couo try. WEST 34TII ST.-A ttsnOTABUi GIKLTO Lto genaral houaowork In a private lamily ; eouutry prafarrad ?il 1 KASTT4HTII ST.. BETWEKirtsT ANliili AVA^ Oil A mlddlu aged woman to do genaral Uouaawork; good rofaranca. 300. 306 306 ? ?1 r. KAMT 7STII HT.-A.v AMKRlCAll WOMAJl TO Oltldo geooral boneework In t email family; oil/ M country; rltjr relereuee. ?J I - "Wr. sT flsT HT.? t YOrNtTliTiiL von asZ Olr/erel bomrcorl; boat rtty ntfrranN. ill 7 WKtrr-JOTH ST A KKSI'K- T A It I.K CI kTTtiToO Oil general bmiuwurt ; aedereiande bar liutiMa thoc ou hly ; heat city reference. ?.??>?/ BANT MTli ST . IN TilKiluor M STOitK-A 'rcepeclable young icirl t" d<> general housework. la a reepaelnbia family ; city or country; recommended from I eat place. ?Tofff wkht 4*jd *t.-a "yoi'Mo oiitia you on*. houeework In email private laiatly; plain eooai good bread aim blnull baker; good laundrcea. best city ralarence. ? ? a) ~ K\ST S?TH ST.-YOU.Sd WORAXPOR HOUMrL ifMt'airk, good plain cuok, Waaler and ironar; city rot ?<atic?. ?lih' WUT MTll ST.. Rihi* 5 _A KKMP ROTABLE Oeawiilrl for li oiaewore In privata family; good taakM and Inner; good city reterenvn ?/?>(! K A a I ;?ITII ST A Vol Jiil UlKU LA mi t/e/V/landed. to do homework; la a g ntd plain cook, oaalier and Ironers amort, willing and obliging; KAMT ai?T ST - A RKMPkt'T \ H I.K Yt)l*l3 elelwei'eien to u general boaaework la pneate tanillyi be-l city reference from lart cmpl.cer. ...? I HAM M.IH HT?VOUNC A UMAX TO DO t/e/'Xhoneewnrk In a email family; good waalier and .ironer an l a plain cook. aja? J KAST MUThTT.?A yTiUXO Irltti. FOR Otf^ ejel'toral boneework In a small private faunlr; throo yeare' city raterenca from laet place. 4?? I - K ? KT amf HT.?A TOChO UIEL TO IKJ e/a>r/general housework In a email family; city rata* euoe. e?.JQ KAMI I.IH HI A RkMPKOI iBU UIKL TO ere lay do gnuaral boneework . oilj refereoce from bar laak place. ?/ I J~WKir Mil MT. It) DO OKKKRAL IIOUHK. t) I Ownrk ; two yeare' reference. ?) jo wr.m *7Tii at.-A votrxo achan to My e >' I < 'general boneework in a privata family, ally or coaa trr . beet lefereneea ?J - | KAltT 7?IT 11 ST.-TO !?'? II KM KHAL llOUttf t/a Maori; or ml lid ablldrnn or do npetolra work; gow4 reference III AK-r ..M"| -r, A ilKM'KCTABLR VYfUKO 1 L 1 gin ta do general houeewort; la a good waaber aat Ironer; city reference. I lay l ART 0? sT A T a el;"ji*(T oIRlT. LATfcLT II 4*U(t<l?d, fur ufitcril hciiMwork ; good w?sh?r mi4 li i. r |i) i A KST :rji> si IKK ill..Ill t * f. H a IK. ? a w*t An Aiaerleaa per.on la no tbe work af a email lean* lly ; will ba ueeful to do anything. Call tor two daya 4t? ". 11l? AV IlKM'Kl'T Alt I.K YOlfftO UlRle Nl m* 'general hvuaawork or abaiubarwork and walUagt good city reference from laal place |')| "1.1 I'll ST A H KM I'Rl r t HI.R CI HI. TO *1; a vtberai boaaawork In a -or -It I imily; good plala enaik, a aebrr and troner ; no aigwciiwa to the country, good cltr reference 4 1 ft A RatT -.30 ST -A rm MI OIRL ToTiO CRM. t ? feral hnaaework la a email privata lamily l willing an t obliging, good city reference 4~l 11.1 II Jtf. ? A tail N'? A..M\N TO'oS ? ' 1 general l.auaawork ; city or errantry . good refereaca. < " | Wi-r Sill ST. A KKSI'Ri l Altl.R PRRROf 'geft |o do houaework la private lami y ; ga.od plain enoR aaaher andlrnner; country preferred relerenra. Ahsr gill* sT A III K I. LaTHLY I.AKIIKl 5io jo honaawore la a am .11 private family. A I'll WKMT fill ST A ViM'MI WOtlAE fO.Od X ' M "general boneework ; willing aad obliging ; lived Ibaf yeare In laet piece. ? r j I - VMM MB MTw ROOM 13 a MWriOTAllJ f )'Ft lyniing girl to do gener il h aaewark ; good refer ence. Call or .d.lreaa lor iwo dare. -/?-> BfH AV, OORRRR MIT ST. A lOOM ? It )Mr.,man to do honeework ; plala cook, waahar aw4 Ironvr , beat city reference 81) AV t UiRL Tfl I'll 11R If R R A L IIO0H? ? )*)eyeork; plain rook, weaker and Iroaar; goad rafam a Ma. i. 1 ?TkI?1 >11111 ST A CiHI'HTKHf I'S.KMcR To Dlagdo ir?n?r*i hfittNfork; hml clly rti^rivct. ge | ai ramI fH mi kk a it. iii srKi TAMUK diRfa U 1 Oio d? geaerai hoaaawerk la a email private faaillvf will aeaiet with coaree weehing; good ref. r. nce l Mrat eieaa trork I ? 55 "a'v.. ?KtWIaRN ?>TH a"rI? MTli HTa. ?A ')? 'e^youag kagilaa girl te do caaarbl koueewerk; lelag 4 ")8t