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SITUATIONS W1STKD?rE WALKS. livm-ml kiounrwurk. dit. 20 av.-younu Woman to i?o general wj | id av.-young woman tc Ut/'xliaiiwwurk; kikuI city rttereoo*. 7^).0-e 701 >i\KTLfc \V.. BBOOKLYN.?A KK^KITTABLK I t M woiiiau to <io nfluortl housework In s sm?U family. Cell for two (leys *2D~avTT IN HTOllE,?ENGLISH WOMAN FOR general timnwwort ia private family*, first rate tsiier and iroaer, pfslo eook; undsratsnds liar where they can Uo with uo? servant; mil go short distauoe in 1 he country. cjl'i -.'It AV., CORNER 430 ST.?A YOUNO WOMAN ' l/Otu do trenaral hoosewnrk in a small private family; first class reffreuco. ITTcT 3D AV.. riMT FLOOR.?A SMART, INTEL ? a m / l lijfent ifirl t<* do general housework; undsmtsuds hor business; t>e*t city reference. Oftif) 3D *V.-A YOUNG GIRL TO DO UQUT ? \'Uv house work; good city re fereuoe. _ It \ ( jTo 21) A V. r B tit W B KN57T H AND WT H HTS.. ? Ut/O?ecood Hour. ?A young girl to do housowors; is s plaiu cook and excellent Ism dress; seven years* best reference Iroiu her last piece. Cell for two days. i-ftj7 3D AV.-A~.TlRL. 17. TO D'> HOUSEWORK 1. i _> I tu 11 small faintly; good rot.runc*. A_l\7 3" AV. 7tHIKD BELL) ?TWO SISTERS ? X*/ I together to do the work ot a private family; no objection to the country for the aummar; the laat employer can be eceu. TQ7 31) AV.-A OIRL 17 YEARS OLD TO ~DO .TO I housewurk ur mind children ; good city reference. AftU 30 AV.. NEAR 83D ST.?A RESPECTABLE ? *xU?7yirl for hnuuvnri or upstairs work; good city rclcreuce. Call for two day.. SfrQ 3D AV.?A RESPECTAULE OIKL TO DO .?)' JOceneral housework in a email family. KQH SO AV., CORNER 94TH 8T.?A BE8PBCT ? UO*'able girl for general homework In small Ameri can family, ur ax chambermaid end Main stress; willing end obllctng; city reference. /tOQ 1ST AV.?A RBSKKCTAHLR PROTESTANT ? \fc sjO.-lrl to do general housework A" OIKL FOR OENEKAL UOUSEWOKK IN A SMALL family. Apply et 247 3d ev. Houseiteeprrs. Ac. 6RHNWICK ST -A MIDDLE AGED AMERICAN lady as housekeeper in hotel or prieate family; under It and s the business thoroughly; references first class. Call ?r address. oY BLKKCKER ST.?A YOUNO LADY, A STRANG K R sLilii the city, as housekeeper In a widower's family 1 French preferred. Cell ell the week. i??J EAST 41 ST ST.TnEAR MADISON AV. (PRESENT si, ?'employer's).? Young woman as narte end do plain lew log; would assist with cbumberwork. I-.AST 4TH ST.?AS HOUSEKEEPER. USE FUL swOcumpauiou, take charge of children; any poeRton not menial. ,1 (t vTEsYYarii st.?as good laundress, by 'vthe month or day : best reference. C?1 CLINTON PLACE?A LADT DK81RB8 TUB PO D Lsitlou of bousekuupcr for a first class hoase. with a rcn leel family or a select hoarding house ; no objection to tak ing cure of a house during the summer mouths; best refer mces. Apply to M. L. WEST 4oriI ST.. BASEMENT ?A YOUNO LADY -?ras housnkoeper lu widower's family. <71 iky ST IB ST.. FRONT PA it LOR?A LADY ns housekeeper. Cell all week. 1/? r BLEECKKIt ST.. SECOND FLOOR, FRONT lvJUroom.?A young French lady, recently arrived from Paris, as housekeeper; tor e widower's family preferred. Call all week 991 WEST 40TH ST.?A YOUNG LADY AS HOU8B aj ? JLkueper for a refinod gentleman. ? ?9'i 5T1I ST.. ROOM 3, FIRST FLOOR TWO YOUNG si'American ladies as housekeepers; city or country. Cell one week. M. K. ?)]T ~KA8T ilST ST.? A YOUNO SWEDISH WO Oli man as housukeeper; uuderetands cooking thor oughly; two years' reference. A MKKiTTaN LAD Y~Ilik'SEKEEPER; HOTEL OB Xl private latnlly : city or country ; weald assist with chil li en. Aduress L. 11., nox 105 Herald Uptown oflice. i<anndresse>. CMC. 5 EAST HPTII ST.?as FIRST CLASS LAUNDRESS; city III- country ; best reference. VMT H/ril ST.?AS pi RUT CLASS LAUNDRESS; ins best city rufereuca from last emplnyer. Go westTiTiFsr.-yoin<; girlTs first class 0 ? laundress. understands all kinds of fluttug and puffing; country preferred: four years' city reference. f.j| EAST 4TH ST.. NEAR BOWERY.-WOMAN POR ?J" 'washing and ironing or to do general housework ; oity or country. ilkC EAST flHTil ST.?A OIRL AS LAUNDRESS OR A'-'?Xeliauiboruixld: willing to assist with washing; city reference. IOC WEST 25TH SI.. IN REAR.?A RESPECTABLE ??'womau aa washer or ironcr, or to do general bouse ork. IoiT WEST 19TH ST.-AS FIRST 0LASS LaUN O^fdri'ta : wilt assist with chsmberwork; city or coun try ; bust city rofarence. I WEST ~28TU ST.?A P.KSPECTA BLE WOMAN ? J'I as first class laundress; good city reference. 1.JC WLSI'TbTI 1 ST.?A RR8P ROTABLE YOU Mi ?I'Ju iiiimi u laiinarusa; understands care of milk and butter ; city ur cuuntry; bust city reference. "iia east" :i2D sr.-wet nurses. with ref J.7XT"eruncu, at reduced wages; large selection alweya et Hansen's Agency. 1r I WEStYhth ST.?a respectable woman ? / ' 1 to gc out by the day washing or Uoutecleaplng; beat reference. l7iTWEST 27TI1 ST.. SECOND FLOOR.?AS FIRST J II'JiIhx laundress, line washer und'iruuer aed chamber maid. l ull or address LAUNDltKsH. 142, 157 27, 1 I r rr WEST 24TII ST.?AS FIRST CLASS LAUN A" ' -'dress ill private faintly; thoroughly understands In r business; beat rlty referenc ? from last employer. n'j VlkT RftTH ST.-A RESPECT ABLE WOMAN AS ? 'first elans lauudross; city or country; three years' referenda. om WKST 24TII ST.. NEAR 7TH AV.?AS FIRST ?jl'lelass laundress In private family : city or country; three years' best eliv refereuce from last place. imi WE.ST~2?TM ST.?A KF.Sl'KCTAHLK YOUNG ? Ulgiri as laundress; no nhjeotion to assist with the Chsmberwork; thoroughly understands her business; best citv relureuces. 201') WEST 1ST 11 ST.?AS FIRST CLASH LAUN dress In s private family; willing to assist with ennmberwork; best city reference. i|(|l| WEST 11)ril ST.-AS FIRST CLAHN LAUN ? U' 'dress and chambermaid In private family; best elty til it EAST 37TII ST.?AS yi 1 ? oughly understands her I ensmh rwork; best refarencs ?AS LAUNDRESS; TUOB busiuess; will assist wltn *1 V BAN T 4Ur?l NT.-A UIKli AS LAUNDKB8S : ^lf>r.n?l?rtt?ndi hor butiueM iu all ita bruiche*; b??l city reference. OO 1 K AST .VTT11 ST. - K KS PKCTaBLK WOMAH TO ? ? 1 i-"' out by the day W4?hin? and Ironing, or would do boiiNocleanin.;. O |,; (ST ir.TH liT.. 1U1<~)M 10.-A WOMAN TO DO ? _ ./rurally vru.blu.' or go out by the day. Call lor two day* ?? I n KAMI i'2t) sr.?A KF.SPKCTABLK WOMAN AH ?' I ' rlanndreea or coambermald la a hotel In Iba country ; bet fitv reference. OeU for two day.. *) | 1 KAHT 5UTH HT.?A KfcSPHCTAHLE UIKL AS ?w'T 1 fir.t cla.a lauiidrou; would aulit with chamber. work: beat r.-ferenca *)!\7 wi >r :i:i!> ST.. first floor, hack.?a kk ? ? > I .pectable Herman lady wlabea to take family aud gcnllcmen'a wa.blii,- at home. Mr.. M A UoK It.: i ltd. ?>7{(| WhsT "i'.fH" HT.?TiT>IRST~CLAltH LAUN* ?' I r/drcal; underatand. French Outing; beat city refer *m*7 KAST 12TII ST.?A WOMAN TO liO OUT BT ? the day to cleau or waah , good city relereaoa. Can be aeon lor two daya. ?j/w madison a~v7-a la or wisiirh a situa Ovotlot lor a flr.t claaa laundreaa: beat reference*. QAQiAIIT 31 HT A*., THIKO YCoObTBACK.-A ?k. ? rt'f apectable wnrnan to work by the day or week at waabing, Ironing ami Imuaaclaanlng. Call or addraag ?ill LAS I 43U ST.?A Kb>PKCTAHLK OIKL FOR ?)i Liaundreaa; would aaaiat in eharaborwork; city or ?J I J WhST ami BT.-A kespkutablf. or KM an ?'l 1 woman riealroa luml lea', ladiaa' and gentlemeu'a wa ll nt at bar own residanc *} 1 C KAdT STTU HT.-A Re.SP BUT AUJVO M A N TO OIa/ko oat by tha day; Qr.t elasa laundreaa; beat refer an co. OOO KAkT SSI) HT.-A YOUNO WOMAN AH LAl'V OaoawdrcM. will aaaiat witk chamberwork i etly or cotiu try; ally relerencea 7 ?) 7TII AV.?A KKsI'KCTA B LK (URL AS FIRST I awclaaa laundreaa: beat city and country reference. [man l'KOT. cbaniberwurk ST_ OO'l ?TH AV.-A KhSPKCTARLB UKKMAN PKOT ? -atant woman to on flne imtablng and cbaniberwurk and waitlnit; beat city reference. A 1 7 WK*r *'?111 ST.?A HKRPBCTALUK YOUNO 1 1 ? an aa lauuureaa; would prefer the country; ueat city ref-renco. A | ij WTH Tv.-A KEHPECTABLE TOUnO WOMAN I I ? )to do waaliinc and Iruntair; no objoctlon to aaaiat la knaaework; itood city ref-rntiew from her laal place. A HUDSON ST . BBAR.-A FIRST OUN LAl'N would co a abort diatance la tba aountry; tlty referaacea. !\C1 2D AV -Fl KSTCLA8H LAUNDRESS? UBMF. ? 'vjetunde her bu-meae thoroughly ; Brat claae clly raf ?raaoaa 4 ni\ wisflifirht7-T Yiompetent woman as ? 11 lluundn-a., would aaaiat with chamberwork; would fn to the country; axcellant refrrrnrea I'll) ?D AV.-A tol'NO ill l<L ~AS W"?irr~UXAHH "JLawlaundreaa or ehantbormald, In tba country; flret el at* raleranca. f*APL ST u av.-a Protestant you mi woman Ut< > <a Brat ulnae laundreaa; under.tto.l. all klndabue waalilnit, 1 ranch Uuliug, Ac.; beat rafaranco: city or coantry. f'U'f Jt) AV.. I'OKNKR I7TII ST.?AH KIUST CLASS "JO ? lanndraaa la a prlraia lainlly; (food ally referenoa Irom leal place. WW I ",H AV" THIRD tll.1. A VOUNO WOMAN CO in lirat claaa iaamlraaa; witling and obliging; bait ?lly raiaraeca. (i/lll SD AV. A RESPBOTABLB WOMAN wihiirh ? My miii aa out by tba day waablng or ironlnit; boat elty relarauca. p (9 ID AV -A KEsPKOIABLK WOMAN TO OO )?font by the day to no waahlug and ironing. IS AS I S7T H ST.?A WOMAN AS LA U NUKPSS. or aaaiat In chamharwork; caa do any kind of Una Iroiiliiy. 9( 9U8o 11 1 t) llll AV.?A YOIINO OIKL AS KIKsT CLASH ? I A ? lamidraea; willing to aaelat with chamharwork ; good city reference 1007 3D AV.?A HKSi'KC'rAHLi WuMAN"TO DO .???) | laoiaa' and ireotleman't or fatally waahlng; raa 0" nable ternia , goon clly ralerenaea. "I RKsPKlJTAIlLIt KNOLIstl ilIRL AH La I NOKkTs J\ in a (invata lamily : uuod refaranea. la, bog 1S4 Herald Uptown ofltee. A RKSPr.CTAdLK nduTOTTwoM an wants a sit iVaiiimi na lauinirnaa; country daalred. Ailoreaa UATII* AKi sh FOilD, I.37H Hroauway. nawa depot KRSI' RUT A BLR COLOHBD ol ItL AS FIHHT elaaa laondicaa ; elty or couutry. AddrOH la, bag IB7 Ida raid Lplowa ulUaO, SITPATIOWg WUTBtfc-KEMm.M, Laa u nil rt* *?***. ~6mT. "" VOU5G GIRL AS FiHST CLASS LAL'NDftt< S3 ? Lbe.t city references _U H?.u UptuwS^ ! ?* Hi rat**. ?v f . SSS&'? lju?" woT Dur?.~A imargorABIJI young wo lGhU ?u..nT^ ?T'AH FRANKLIN AV.-A UESFHOTA HAliy ZShIXb m ehlldreu; country preferred. y() WEST aiST ST. <P&B>J3NT EMPLOY ErfSi A ibfcpoU'1 Blrt M ^ I *fTH W.-A VOCNO OIKL AM KXPKKI bot'Tu" ?i. a .1.! nur",; uudarxiuiUa brlualng up on the y."r.''cltr if.TiuU* *Ud ublUriu?; citr or country; lour i4?*" ?T.-A kkspkoiablk you so ?.-?.*r.aMt "lrl. .*? *?ke c?r? of grown up children; good seamstress, no objection to travel; uood city relerence. 46Jf?Vl1^N W-AOK.?a KKnPKCTABLB YOUNG *v/vwaM ?? nurao; can do plain utiim; best raierwio#. SOJ^ofV?/" Hrir? VOUNO OIKL TO TAKE werkT^ay reuiLne." *Ua d? "wia" woula do BOsJfJJnTi 4im' ?T. (PRESENT EMPLOYEE'S),?A e'" ?? n"'" eod to make hor.?lf gen ?rally neefnl In a flret elaae private family ; bent reference. 02gfrfa?nurwX *T'~A North GERMAN HO fiT. MAKK'S PLACE (KINO FOURTH BELL).-A ?^.?m2.UB,Ci Amerlu?1> Jf"l *? nurse to grown children. or to tii^nnw? ? : wiulB* aad obliging; no objection 99.tfVN?!?N AV.? OOaSEB 2IBT 81.-A YOUNO all vifl?ini" 2 ?J cbildren and make beraei/ goner _j I city re to ret ii con. lOlw^manaa^MMi t"-~-A'"RESPECTABLE VOUNO biit7e*?reiSe. ,l^i 00 ubJ?ctioQ t"?be country; 10.5. VVK'i^ I7Tu f .-A COMPETENT YOU.NO GIRL JL.Wt.fas nuree; beat olty reference. 1 ()H.W|K-Vr a3>) ST. -A VOUNO WOMAN AS NURSE -Lv/Oand soamstrese; good city reference. Uy WEST 4UTU 8T. A COMPETENT WOMAN AS ?enurae to take car. of an Infant or grewiukchildren no ob|octlon to travelling; beat city reference. ' lia-Mp? wl to takk l!&&KaE?SSVBSW T^."Ar?4 ,ar."o,2:-.i 130.,1TSht..i"!L"t" top iBsfEoti. 133t^keear^Ji'i7h~A COMPETENT WOMAN TO reUrVuee? 7?r "rowlD* ??>ildren; beet city 134^n?.LhTk ^r" SJ" TAJi ENGLISH WOMAN AS re f? re ace ' cro*"ed tb? eeean seven times; good city i MOTT ST.?a HEALTHY YOUNO WOMAN AS wet nurse; baby aged throe weeas. 145 150 "D<1 ? k^'d soam 1 fj'-{ WEST 44TH ST. (I'RESENT EMPLOYEE'S) ?A dwoaWmTJlu a tpn Uri1? V*m"lro": U ? xood opera country? Wileoo'. machine; willing to go to the 155fl7^' "'tr,U "T.--A YOUNO AMERICAN OIKL M^n Vo ?ki or do "*lu Chamborwork; no objec Hon to tbe country: good reference. 156a?dSld 1^VJir81',-A Y?OUJ?.? AMtKIOAK OlHL. . 5 w c*r* of cbWdr?u and mawo hart?lf ; aloop hotstt If rtqulred. I )^.K8T ?WTU ST.?A YOUNO WOMAN AS NUKSE d seantstreee; would travel: best city reference. " ?Jd|?Hr<j,.'< ?T?AN KDUOaTKO J K vVl.SU Jtnri, ttgad in, ai nuraw up town. L. HAEK. 202 KAS'1' srrii sr.- -thokouohlV uoxfitTBNT ? VltJArOBn1B wom4n ?" lo growing eblldren or wait on a lady golnL' tn travel; well experienced in both eapao iV?li n?*er soaeiek; highly recommended by lust empioy er. several years best city relerence. Call two days. 156s 158c 2()3i.^.00f4!Kli ?T?A VOUNO ENGLISH WOMAN. ?^H arrived Iroin Kniflaod, aj uursa or irouora/ Mrvaut. Apply or addroaa M. J. gouerai ?orvatit. Apply or addrevs '>()() WEST Sao ST.-A~7ilKNCU OIKL TO TAKE " t^MW ot children and do plain sewing; good reference. 210 KAS.T :wT" n?-ta '"-alFiiy *olTiiowo5XS wot nurse. Oitil for two days. 21 (i E^8? aSTH ST.-A YOUNO KNOLLSU WOMAN nur": uxc"Unt r"or'nc'" 21.5f.W(!'JS.r.,i" 8T-~A YOUNO PKOTESrANT relerence? to growing children; good city 2211 WEST S5TII ST. (FOUItTH BELLI A kf ^lk PCaUb1ortw;dC.d,"?m" " DU,"e : frMh b"M' a!,u 222JK>JL?wi SSSSSHS^ ?Lwtpi'Liet,*r~un,ry; ihr- s-wisMaft!: 2285R: ??1LU b,T?A "KSEEOTAHLK YOUNO iT.Ti2. . nurse and seamstresa; Is a first class em lud obll^n^"' """? r*"reuo* from last place; willing 234(uovir lttfd' 8.r : T,1,1 -YOUNO OIIIL j . iirod oat before), Id years old to mind rhn ?M make herself useful: rilsrenca ' ud cb"' 24-6 **ST ^r" T. iPKKSBVT EMPLOYER'S.)?A ?hum^rr;rk<"*bl,, "" - DttrM: In light 24 I ,35,CH 8t.. MKNT FLOOR, FRONT.?"I 7 I g*r*. lo. to mind cbildren and do waiting. 242 Sast iiisr sir.-a muroi,aTThii woviTv |ijs mUmd.s! Up ?? h01*** : cllT or cuatry j best city ()i SJ WK8T 3STH BT.-SM1.HT YOUNO OIBL 18 A^rOnorw ?nd chambermaid; i;ootl place more aa ob ject than high *a?"i, two years' reference. No card*. Q a t* Bast HU'li HT.-A nuol OF MIDDIsB ^"IUbck aa nick or ohildrsn's nana. Call fbr two days. MM. NKVILU t> * i* irrn SET 5 FtlM BTOHB.-18 TtiOB iiTUoui;h nuri0; would like to ito lu tlfb country or to Buropo ; i;oo<i r?lereao?. No cards 309 n-n K.VHT 74I'll HT.-A YuUNU OIllL TO TAKK aro of children auddo cbamborwork ;fcountry pre ferred ; bast reference. t i/J7 10IH "aV. - kKsPi-OTAHLK MABKIBO WOMAN, all) 4 with fresh Ureast of milk, aa wet Bursa; bast city reference Tyj C WKST 1WTH ST. - A OoMPfcTHNT YOUNO Jj I ()wema? as eblUlrea's or Infant's Burse; eleven years' eitr reference. BaBT 34TH, ST.?A YOUNO tTllu~TO TAU ? /cere of a cnlld and assist with light lionsewora. ijli) KA8T llTffiFsT.?A YOUNO OIKL (14 YEARS OL^rl'l1 to take cars of children ar to do other light work. Call (or three days. QIO KAHT JdTir HT.-A CO M 1'HTKN'F7lfliL, A8 IN 01 ? Vent's uurse ; rapable of taking entire charge from Its birth ; six year*' reference from last place iji fj ? bast srru b*.?you5o wo*av as kirst Ol 4 class uurse In a private family; best city reference. ? JO/THKOilMK~hT.-A YoUliO OIKL AR KI.'BO* "or to do plain sewing or assist with ehamberwdrk. I 'ell for two days. tVKKT 15TII >T. ?AN A M K iTiuan" I"BOTB8 tant girl as < bildren's nurse | city reference. 321 3 s t I BAST I4TM ST.. FOURTH fLOoK- A ?Tnestlily nurse wishes a patient la snmmert best references. Address Mrs. HAkrKK. stslQ ao Af. (VIBAT MBLL>. -RhBrBCTABLB Wti OOOman as nurse; capable of taking oare of children trout Inlaucy; no objection bo tbe country. Call or address lor two days. ?T'~i(t BAST 1ITH ST.. BOOM A-A RKHPRCTABLB syOsJyoung woman as nutse and to do plain or any kind of ft wing. cite reference. ? > J I USHIOTOM AV.-A M1DDLK AttlO WOMAN ? Vilas cimipetent nurse; fully ezperienet-d In taking euro t>f Inlants; perfectly nndaretaadg raising by band; four yeare' rulereuco. O lO KA8T BOTH ST-A YOUNO A MM It 10 AN (illtti nurse: no objection to tbe country; good eity ret eve nee. Call or address. Ql A WfcsT ?/Tll nT.lsA YOUNO OIBLTaS Nt'BSB ?Vx*Xantl to make herself nsefal | willing aad obliging; city rslorence. _ ?- 5UT^- ht-~a YOUNO OIKL A(i FuKhI sVx 'i tuid chambermaid, or to do plain sawing; bast city relnrence ' O | ? WItM lifTII ST.?AH IhPAHt'B NUKSK; ?Vxt 1th troughly competent; good elty reference Irora .aat cmplover. 345 WE->T :wf II ST ?A KKHI'HCTa IllsK YOUNO woman as wet nurse. No cards wanted. iTfo bast ihtiT ht., ri bst~ j* looa.-a lonia UTt/frsntll girl as nurse; b?si rolcrenee. ?J f ft WhMT MTU HT.-A IIBHI'KCTaHLK GIRL AS O'r t/chlld's nurse, and Is willing to do etismberwork or plain sewing; 2<i years' bast elty reference. ? >7?1 7Til AV.-A RKKl'Rin ABLK OIKL AS ?r 4 *>aurs - and assist with noueeworw ; alcep at borne If rs<|iilr.ei|; would gu In tlin conntry. qqij wh" ay.?Tmmipkutahls aahnioan phot. OOslestaiit gtii as ohlld't nurse; will be geaeamU y uae lol; good city relarenra. QTy urii av.-a riiKNcH ojju? 15 suuifi't ? ?? I'.ugllsh, Oermnn and Hpanlali. would like t<> go to hur<<p?; bast r<'farenoe. I lift wt st tin r.-A KKKNoiTTnitL,, compk" 'll/Wlont to take charge of au<l teach aUtldrsu, In a tarn ly going to hrirepa; good rslaronce. ylftr BAST 8WTU BT.?A TOUNO OIKL. 1H YKARS lV/i)oM. to mind ehlldrsn and assist alllt housework, i f 1(1 WEST ITM II ST., BKTWKKN OTll AND lOTH Xt/t/avs. ? A re.i.octal.le young widow as wat nurae ; cob taka earn of a baby Item its birth; has n boby Bra waaka old. A I 1 iA' JATII BT.?YOUNO OlHL Ad NUKsK 01 ^xli.chambermald ; woald saoist with wathlagi olty rat ers nee. KA~ilf~firrfflC-A BKBpRirrABLK Worn A N as wet nursei eabv four weeks olu 411 412 noinitii es nnrse and chambermaid; willing nnd eellgtagi best city releranee. T I u KAST 4TTH ST., > h A It MALT UOUsK. ? YOUNO 'jlOglrl to take care of children; lie oljestion to Ike eeMutry i good tefernsaes Osil two days. SITU ATIO MS W A5TK tV-FEMALKS. ? gluMM. it. iin 9TH AV.-A RESPECTABLE PERSON AH 4 1 i/nurw in a privat. family to'taka. oar.of cl.lliir?u; weui'l aaMat with cbamberwork er plain tearing; u full* MHItlMl; blglievt ?U? reference.: no ohjecliou to travel. A1(t 3I> AV. 1T11IRD BELL). -RELIABLE PKKHON 4 JLv/a* infant'* nurae and ?e*iu*tre**; fully competent to fultll either; good city reference. XO*TI AH F H^HT. - A HE.VLT&Y YOUNG W.'MAN 4:Z*>u? wet nurce; no objection lo tue country. Onll lor two days. ? ToiFhTH AV.. (RING FIRST BELL).-A RH8PKCT 42l)able y?uu< girl coraiietent to taae care of an Infant ifom b'r.h'-.uin/.nd obliging: no obj.ction to tb. e.?B tr* ; beet raferenca Irom taal employer, t.all tor two nay*. 1 .1/1 WEST 27TII HI. UN sTORK).?A RESPECTA 4oUblo young girl to mind children end make hor?eir geuerally ueelul; ie willing and ebllglug; good reference. A A ll WKfl 38TH ST.?A YOUNG OIRL. 15 YE A US 4:4rwold, to toko cure of children in a private family. quire of parent!. _ ^ A M ff WEST 49TH ST., ROOM 7.-A YOUNG GIRL. 4 4 Olately landed, to take care of children ; no objection to the country. 44Stent'nureo to take entire charge of a baby ?r Foon* chlldrou aud eew; cau uee a machine; 1J year* beat rofor 7TH AV. (KING 11KLL TWICE).?A COMPK eucte. lla birth ; throe year*' relerenc*. 500t \ WESI' atlTii ST. -A YOUNG AMERICAN UI!-L Jto uilud children In a private family: city reference. C/tkY 6T11 AV., IN GROCERY STOKE.?EXPEKl" 0U2eu.wd Prote.taut nurse ; can take care oi au J"'*"1 from It* birth ; live year* in laat place; be?l olty reforeuee. Call lor two day*. r- a- 5tT1 aV ?A RESPECTABLE PKOl'E-TANT 540 worn an a* Intaut'a uur?e; can take entire charge; gooa raforenco; would ilka to trawl For sdav. ccTuNEit asTii St.. second yloob frS) I (cere Mr*! Dunuy). Well educated young Irouch girl, Protectant, to tuL> care of children; good eoam?tre?? i eity reference. ? I.rr it 311 AV NEaK 431) ST. ?AN AMERICAN (i'llL 67 iaiuurm':' willing to make heraeif u*eful; city couuiry; city reference. ; nri) 3D aV? BETWEEN 4ttI'll AND 4.Tr"n.Jm'J"i|A 7 OUreapectahio young girl n? nur*e and' ?^/gjfgj^wo growing children preferred) good roferenco. Call for or day*. ??? n,.n o.... Ty FnTKAXCE IN 49TH SI'.?A _ KB 806.peot.ri>!. to takn care of an Invalid lady; highly recouimaiided by the boat physician*. rTf"* TTH aV ?A YOUNG OIRL AS NURSE. TO 814take care of growing children and do chauiberwor , be.t referenco from la*t place. 0 A it 8TH AV NEAR 50 l"H ST.?AN AMERICAN 842proteaUnt woman a. infant'* nur?e or growing ehil dren. ? Qrr-7 ufll AV.. RING HELL 3 -AN EXPERIENCED Oil young woman a* unr?o aud *eam?tre?*, I* _l trior com patent t? take charge of a bab v or grown children , wU line to go to the country; good refereuce. ?TTtTTVT'aD av -a respect able young girl 1.060a* nurae aud *eam*tre?e; no objection to the country. . ? ^TTT/vV 3D aV-A.~UKSPECTABLK young mar 1.065rlod wurnai. *. T.t uumoibM Iro.h breaet of milk; baby two month* eld* V 1*111 3D AV.. BETWEEN 59TU AND BOTH STS. 1.129ayoung girl. IB year* old. to mind a baby and make heraeif literal. 1 1 f?U 1ST AV.-A RESPECTABLE YOUNG GIRL I I OOto take care of children and aaelat in light chain birwnrk; willing and ohliging; be.t city relereuce. f*ii'* 3D AV.-A KKSPEC+ABLEYOUNO GIRL. J_.^44 lat*ly landed, to take care of children. __ 1~ A IQ 2D AV.. BETWEEN 75X11 AND 70T1I STS 1.44oflr*t floor,back.?A tidy yonng girl to mind chil dren ; city or country. "T laL)Y WISHES TO PROCURE A SITUATION KOR An young i retich nuree and u.eful inald for ahildren over fivo yauri; three yeerg* refereuce. Addreee A- J. llerAld Uptown Hrnuch ofllce. "a COMPf TENT NURSE TO TAKE FULL ClIARGE Aot an Infant or irrown children and do bowIiik. cit> ref mianae? Addrrea NUR&X, box 187 Herald Uptown offlce. "7 LADY WISHES TO PROCURE A SITUATION FOR A.a reliable French girl wilh a family golng to Eurooe. a* uurae and maid : tbree yeare' referenoe. Addreee E. B.. box 119 Jlerald Uptown Braneli olhoe. 7 utxiTC 11 PROTESTANT OIRL AS NUK8K, WITH Aa family going to Europe or to California Addrom BELLA WATTS, Ilerald olhoe. ~l YOUNG ENGLISH MARRIED WOMAN TO TAKE Acharco of an infant in heaithy home on Long beat of care; term* reaaonable. Addrce* K. P., ro?t omce box 101. Huntington. L. I. "I YOUNG GIRL. LATELY LANDED, WISHES A Actuation a* nuraei would *???'? flro* box'nd i.eceasarv I* very willing a#d obliging- A- B., box Herald Uptown offlce. CHIUATION WANTED?AH NURSE Oil LADY'S MaID Sto go to Europe bv a German girl, reflned and genteel. Who *Mik* FMMh ani Kngli.h well; flr.t clae. city reler eneea Addrene U.. box ll'J Ilerald Uptown Brnch offlce. 2 WEST 44TU ST.?A YOUNG OIRL AS ami to aaai*t with chnwberwork or aewlng; beat elty relerenco. Call for two day*; no card*. *1 WEST 45TG ST.?AS FIRST CLASS WAITRESS; 3no objoction to chamber work or any re lined dutlca; city or country; beet city reference. . C EAST 39TH sr.?AS FIRST CLASS WAITRESS OR Ochambermald; city or country ; be?t reference. n WKSi 'gSI'll ST. (PREPENT I" Ml'LOYEIl'S).?A 7 yuung girl a* waltre** In a private family; no objection to aaalat with cbamberwork. CO WKHi' 15T1I SI'., TOr FLOOR.-AS FIRST CLASS c)8wallrea?; would amlat with cbamberwork; city ouly; beat city refemueo. - -jTf7~WKST~"3fsT ST -A YOUNG GIRL AS FtRsT lU4ol.?* w iltro** and ehainbermald ; per?on who under stand* nur bualues*; elty reference. . 11 A WESTWrH BT.-A RKSPKOTABLK GIRL as 11 "t*weltreBH. or would **vi*t with chemborwork ? tlx year*' tefereneo from her last place. Can be Men lor two day*. - ?i wKST 24TlV rtT. (IllNO URhL I0)e?Hfc8PKOT? 123aMe girl a* flr*t ci..* waltre*. : good city referenee. KSTaJTo1jt."a> OOMPBTKNT WAITRESS 1 4? land chambermaid; willing lo go to the eoou?ry;flve year*' ally inference from la.t einoloyer. KAS^ asTH ST. (PRESENT KMPLOYER'SJ.-A 146M^UbT.7miPg girl a. tlr.t elau wait,... in a pri yate UmilT good elty xelerence. t'WKST 26TII HT. ? A I'lti'TKSXaNT GIRL AS Jwaitree* aud chambermaid: no objection to iue country; *oo4 rafcroaoe. 160, fp.i K'K# 330 bT.-A RESPECTABLK J_Q Jeglrl a* wnitree* or chambermaid In a private fam ily; beet rele ranee. 4I/V1 WEST jeTH ST.-A RESPECTABLE <3till, AS ZU1 Brit rliti viitrtM orekualiaimilil; but reference ; ?o objection to bnerdlug boms. Ill I) BAST 28TII ST.?AS PTKST CLASS WAITRESS: ^X*jwoyli! assist with chamborwork: un objection to the Country : boot eltv rsfsrsncs Cqll for two days. tjOl WEST 27TII St.?A (itHI, AS WAITRESS AND 1 chambermaid ; no oUJectfuti to tho cooutry; eity rrf ?rsnss. f) l 7 7TI1 AV.?A RESPECTABLE AMERICAN tilRI, T I HI Brit elm, waitress and to asiilt with chamber work; coantr> preterrod; best city rolereiico. tlC/J WKSf :t:tl? ST. (lit.NU SE.r.NI) BELL)?A ? til Jyming girl us waitress una oheiuberiuald. In A private family; good city reference OrtQ MADISON AV. (PRESENT KM PLOVER'S).-A OUOyoouK American t'irl ue waitress; thoroughly under stands lior business; good reference : would go in the coun Apply Tuesday and Wednesday. \ 1(1 WIST SoTII ST?A NOIlWKtil AN PROTKH "xXrAtaiit girl as waitress or chambermaid; but eit/ ref erenee. Call lor two days ,rrft I 2D AV.?A HERMAN UIKL AS WAITRESS ? M/'iand chambermaid in private family. Inquire ol P. KaUU. In store. Mlsrellnncons. 1 C EAST41 ST ST.?EXPERIENCED PRBNOI! LADY'S ilJuiald; pleasant temper and perlect speaker; lady or crowing children. O7 JAY hT. ? ARK8PB0 f A OLE pit UNO 0IKL IN A O I small private tamily ; no objection to go a short die lance In the country. 1||i| WaVKKLHY PLACE?R ESP KOV AH LB COL X' "Uored woman as ladt's maid; car. dross bair and sesr, or wait on an invalid lady, tiuli on or address b. WHITE, for three days EAST ftisr ST.?A RKPFS kD you no woIam to travel with a family going to Eilrnpe as govern ess. seamstress and cotcpmtuu tor growing chit Iran, or respectable; compensation, travelling expense! nothing 1 'Hi WkHT 1'JTH ST.. UP NTAIR-i. PIRST FLOOR.? 1 ?)" IA respectable I'rotestant girl to do light houno work, or as kltcbqu maid ; no objection to the country. 1 CI EAST Tiau HT?A OEttM AN, WITH TEE HlOtI r?romiu?ndaUoiu and fond of children. wlaba* 10 go with ? Umlljr lo Europe. Call or ?d<lre?N. oTVi \ KAttr ~4i> ft! ht.-a" "res pecTa b1,k you no Auicrican girl to do light housework or chamber work and to take rare of children If required. QAOWktff 1EIH IT. (I N STORE).?As"c??M P KT KNT ^TOniild eud s<>am,tresa; nndsrstends halrdreseiag. trim and make own ladles' dresses; city reference. iiiii west wo sr.j rup PLooTt,?a you no" wo". fPBMjn do kensseleanlag by the day. 117/1 WliST 3HTII ST. ?A YOUNll SWISS LAUY. ?, I 1 "sneaking 'l?rtnan and En lish. to give her services to a fatally going te Knrepe; willing und obliging. Call on or addreu I,. J. SOB WKST 3,JT" HT_A ^'-KNOH WOMAN, OP sr s 7e ace lieu t education, a perfect seamstress end em broiderer, te t?ke eerv of children and loaoh French tram morning to evening; but city retereneo. ej-l/j EAST 20TII ST. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S).? ? iX'lA loung girl, ID ye ere. to watt on lady: would t?ke care of e chil i and make herself generally ueelol; country preferred. 001 WKST IIITII HT.-A WOMAN TO HO OUT BY Os?Xthe uay housecleanlug ur other work: is a Bood cook. QUO KAST fUST HT.-A KBSPkGTABLH WOMAN OOwte work by the day or weea; understands all kiuda of worn. m slight housework; wages no object. Cell or nddres* lurtwudajs. Q I t? EAST 30TII ST.. FOURTH FLOOR. IIACK.-A O't -ereepootoblo woman cit go out by llto Uay; good rof orence. ?IQ1 OTII AV , ROOM H.?A COMPETENT PERSON OO.Lae maid with a lany leaving the city tor the summer; Is u stylish dressmaker; trims and tunko* ladles' hits and nape. Address a. U. i ill BANT IflTH AT.?WoMaN To WORK BY TUB X" 1 sAday er week ; best city reloreneo. t I 7 VI KSV briTll ST.?lllTtiT'fO Dj'LltJlIT housM "ill work or take care el children. 4si/i west aeru -t.?a photkmtant oikl to oOdn r * ?? light li??t<ework In a small fatally. A <1(1 WM imTu of.. second FLOOR.?a REj TCtA' "spe. table girl as laily's maid aod seam-tress; good city relerancos. 454 WEST 1BTM ST.?A YoUNO 01 RL TO DO llgkt housework eud mind cliildreu; good eity ref rill WKSTMTH ST.?A RBaPHCTaHLK p.NOLIstl WV LgirL age IU, te do light housework or mind a child; .Str ralerenaaa. SITUATIONS W AOTED-PM ~ erm 2D A v.?A. RESPECTABLE WOMAN TO DO OlUwork by the day. Addreea. ? k?iZ BTtl AV.-A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN 0 2?)as nurse and seurastrasa; ? beautiful ?e"#r.",| brold.rer, will lug end obliging: would 1U?'? '? Europe wiMi a family; four yearn' dry reterouce from last employer. Cull for two day*. 526 BAST0TII ST.. BOOM 7.?A YOUNG GIRL TO g^Odo light bonsework. 619 WEST 47TH ST. ?KEtfl'BOTABLE WOMAN TO houii clean by the day; t>#Ht refortnc?. /f(\Q ao av., top floor.?a protksTant otjcl O?rOtodolight housework In ? small family ;?? objection to the countsy ; rafurence f7/VQ ?ni AV.. IN~8 I OKI- AS LADY'S MAIUAND 7UUsoamvtre?s; Jreeemaklnir ?nd e?? op erate on Wheeler A Wlleou inacuine ; would take care of clilldreu : uo objection to the country. >Ttil 2D AV.-AsTADrS MAID OR ^O WAIT ON I blau Invalid and aew: heat reference. Hell t v? days, hi . LEXINGTON AV., CORNER OUTII S''?TWO 94r4llrei class girls lor a small lamlly: German pre lerrttd. Call after 11. . . n~i BO aD av.Tnear aai? ht.. top kloor?a re 1.1 I Oeoectahle iflrl to do light hone-work. 1.484a.?.^^r. growing children with family going to Europe or the coun try. Call two day.. __ YOUN'TWOMAN AS USEPUL COMPANION TO an elderly couplo. sewing, household duties or to'? good city rolereuce. Address R K.. Herald Uptown office. A S LADY'-T maIO AND SEAMSTRESS; A PKGj _A_,-staiit family going to Europe preferred: understands dressmaking, all kinds of sewing, by hand and machine, and halr4ree?iug: 4>g yeare' reftreiiceffom pluyer. Call or addrcee at apartment No. 1. Tho Albany, Broadway and 51st at. A 8 LADY'S MAID?EXCELLENT IIaIBDUEJMBR Aand dressmaker; good city reference. Address M. it-. Iieruld Uptown office. A S LADY'S MAID; IS KlRST CLASS II AIKDKKS.-KE; A will take care of a child or travel : beet city reference, address II. E. S.. bok 127 llcrnld Uptown office. Experienced uerman woman to instruct antl take charge ot chiidren or to travel *ith f1ltulHy ? good city releieuce*. Young Women's Christian Assocla tiou. 7 East 15th at. _ hTantbd-a place with sumk first class VV milliner by an Amerlcau girl of good education. she wild havg a good home; Christian family preferred. Address K., box 140 Herald Uptown office. ttVXNTeT)?A SITUATION. BY A COMPETENT W lady's meld: good hairdresser and ieaiuHtresa: good packer and traveller; best references. Address B. 8., lady's maid. Herald Uptown office. TIP vNTKD?BY A YOUNG FRENCH PERSON AS W lady's maid t. ,?o to Kn?op.i withi.-family: "MB. IT iaay ? mniu ?o ?? ?? '"P" , - - . French and English perfectly: alio Spaul GOOD REFERENCE, Herald Uptown office. lntellicenee Office*. ??? 1 nr/T BROADWAY.-LAWMB SUPPLIED WITH 1.^0 I first olass servautsi Urst class hole wauted, situ* atioiu lound lor some Immediatoly. TlfltS. LOWE'S LARGE EMPLOYMENT HOUSE, 131 JVLiath St.. near 3d av.?Trustworthy Germau servants. Iruti, Scot ah. Ac# T PROFESSIONAl. SITUATIONS V.'ANTED? FEMALES. . %73uks~i^ Ain a respectable capacity ; can tanch English. French (Parisian), music ; uo objection to travel or to go to tho country. Ad-lrese M. B.. Gerald Uptowu office 4 CAREFUL AND RELIABLE LADY WOULD COPY. A trail?Uto French or direct euv?lop?? at ber bom?. Ad d?s.AN1> DJ^FAtCH. box 1W3 Herald Uptown office. ? A LADY OF REFINED EDUCATION. HABITUATED to travel, speaks Kuglish. French. German and Italian, and Is a Urst class dreeamagor. desires a position at <">?"? panlon with a family golng to Europe; uoexeeptlonab e reference from last lamlly. Address B.. box 197 Herald Uptown Branch, yi7ante.d-a vospi'Ion ro go to eukupk with VV a family: le a oompetent teacher and good seamstress; hasHvodlu ParltT Address TEACHER, box 1U0 Herald Uptown office ' HELP WANTED?FEMALES. rnireKi^WTH'XVTJw'N 6^ it^'fir^BiTASTs TYwsnts a strictly Urst class fashionable dressmaker who oan eut, Ut and silt the most fastidious tastes: to ono who successfully meets tho ubove requirements this presents a rare opportunity to estubUeb ? permanon tand P'? n ( 'M? business; none but tboso wish unmistakably first class rof ereuces. and who purLose rojflalutng It 1 peed apply. Addreee, with trelerauoos, OHIO. 451 Broad way. New York. 4 VERY GOOD GERMAN, FRENCH OR SWISS Acook in prlvuto family; well recommended. Apply 2-0 East lttth ?t 4 TIDY GERMAN GIRL WANTED AS CHaXBER Amaii' and Seamstress In a lamlly of two persons. Apply 8 Park av. (4th av.), near 34th at. T~UOOD COOK (WHO ALSO DOES OlfODWaSHINO Aand lauudrylug) In a family of two; reioroocca required. 21(1 East 4lRh et? first boll. nkat tidy girl to do Light housework Afor two; wages $5. 231 Knot 39th W.. baeemout bell. "a WOMAN WANTED As PLAIN COOK AT ltti A-Graud St. ?fARKSSMARF-R WANTED; ?4X8w . m'aTTH KWS2* JJApply 252 East 78th st. Mrs. MATTHEWS. /tIKL WANTED FOR GKNERAl. HOUSEWORK; (xGerman that can apeak English proftrred. Call at Mrs. HOPKINS', summltt av., between Peterson ev. and llo bokeu at.. Wen lloboken. N. J. HI.HRvit TRIMMER WANTED.?158 WEST IT 13 th at. LTdTbs" AS SUBSCRIPTION CANVASSERS FOR A standard weekly ne-vspaper; liberal commission. A A. J . box 208 Hamltl office. nw OSROKNE'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE HAS UB ...^moved to 11)8 Hast 27th St., whore she will be happy tb meet her old patroua. M Only for ladies. Nlsza .Milk Extract. Emaciation cured and form developed. Pleas# send for circular, ft RUDOLPH. 17 Hose st.. New York. ix; ANTED-A COM Pr/TKNT NURSE aND SEAM VV strese; must take charge of two chtldron aged 0 and 7 yeare: German or French preferred: cUy reference tndle peusable 11 West lSlh st., O^lo 12 M. WtNTED?A FIRST CLASS MIDDgB-AGED ROMAN Catholic tlerman nurse: ope who tnoroughly undor etands the oare of a child in every particular arid can ?ow; good waves given and references required. Add, ess L. J., Herald Uptown Branch office. _____ WANTr.O ?COOK AND LAUNDRESS; MUST BE good laundress and good baker (English or German preferred) to go luio the cuutry; wsge., f 12. Gail at *? West 17th it. between 10 A. M. and I o'clock. TlrANTBD-COMPETENT GIRL TO DO GENERAL W hoaeeworg In family of two; muat be a goou cook, washer and Irouer; city references wauted ; high wages to steady, competent girl. 219 Esut 79ih as., second floor. ti; A# TKD?a~ WET NURSE. WITH FRESH MILK: YV mint have ga<?d raler -ucee: baby no? younger than four mouth*, inquire at No. HJO East 05oh et. in the fore UOOflU _______________ - Wanted-kxprriknged WaITRKSH AND I'AR lor maid; noue lined apply unloaa last employer eau be seen. Gall 110 East lUth ?G aNTED-A YOUNG OIRti TO MAKE HERSELF generally uaeful; good waahar and irouor. 2U East With at. 44/Tntbd-a waitress for two months, ap VV ply 925 Madison av. WANTED?A UWL. 14 TO 15. TO TAKE CaRK OF VY baby. Gall 433 West I'Sih et. (i; aNTED?FOR ORANGE. N. J.. AN AMERICAN, W Kuglish or German Protestant numo and eeamstreear city rolereuce. Call Irotu 1) to 12, .188 Gth *V. \ I/A NTH O-i: 11A M H K KM A ID AND WAITRESS; WILL VV lug to assist with tho piumlng and Ironing. Apply, with references, between 2 and 3, Tuesday, at 141) visit 23d St. TifANThD-IMPBOVKKS AND APPRENTICES AT W dressuiablug. Gail before I) o'olocg, ready tor work, at 171 West 23d st. ANTED?AN EXCEL LENT COOK TO GO IN THE country lor the summer; hriug relerencee. -4 west 48th st. WANTISU?I.N A SMALL KA.MILY IN TIIK COUN trv, a good e?oK and l.iuudreaa. (Hal at IRS Washing ton ?l. beiwoci^ 10 and IX A NT rU - A VOUNO MIRL Ad COO R.W AtTtlKB ni'l iruiinr 13* Waat 13ih at ANIkd-UIUL KKUM 14~TO 18 YKARS OLD KHi homework. Call 33 bnii 33d at. ANlKD- TnilKi. r.Xl'Klilb.V' KD UKKS.SKAKTkI ?nil on# apprentice. A. aLI MAX. 603 fltb ay. w w w vy ANTED?A SMaKI OIKL TO T A K t1. CaKK op IT children and make lieraalf generally uselul; good ra'* eronces required. Apply No 10 Abingdon e<;uaro, 8th ov. ANTKD-A NKAT UlttL TO TAKB CAKK OK OUIlr (Iran and ninka baraalf gunaially uaoful; rcfarunca re quired. 817 Kaat 43d els AMTkD-A uTliir KOK UKNKKAL HOU?llWOHK. Apply at 331 Wo.t 33d at. "aStkd-a uoou m i'LLiVt it. ikTav. vv Mra L. I'llTh USKN. \ITANTKU-A Munich AUKD UnMAKRIKD WOMAN TT tu lake charge of a linen room; must b? a iruod seuui atraaa. Adores*. elating qu.illBcatiotia and wage# required, Vrs. C AI.I .N IIAIl. bus 148 llarald Uptown olliuo. anted oi.uman cook kuu a pkivatTTkam lly on Waabington Heights Call, at 0 A, M., at lull Kaat I7tb at. w ANTED?Kl it ST I LA. S OKI-SAMaKKI.S. before II o'cloak A. SI. 331 4tli a v. WANTED I'KOTKn I ANT OIU. As CIIAMHKKMAlD H and waltraaa and aaalat wltli warning; retereuce ra> qulrad. 13*1 Haul Una at. f ANTKO?A ioONU" OIKL TO isHls r 7N WAlT la,- and niaka herself uaalul Apoly 5 Kaat 4tllh at. ANTKD-A OOOO llllK.iSMAK liK, HhKOKIs, 0. Mia. KI v h US. I III!) 7t n a v. w vv WANTKll -KNUl.iSH, K IlK NO II UK NO It'I'll UKR's maid, with city reference, as hairdresser, druaaiuakrr, lace washer,mil packer; n sir uly, good tem pered person to HII a quiet place, wliaro flrat class itrilt i Is demanded; English prolerred; uo Souib (iaiinan and none inexperienced naad apply. Ladlea' Directory, U3 Wart 33d at. _______ WANTED -IN A PHIVATK FAMILY, A FIRST CLASH rook; ens win thoroughly undnratanda liar liuaineaa; llsimnu or English prelorVad. Inqulra at 41 Kaat 31st at. troiu III to 13; ring basement Mil. ~Ta N I KII-A uii A M It K K VIA UJ THAT cT.'TbT) UOUD washing and Ironing. Apply 127 Kaat llilli at. ANTfcH-A NCMllkK OK COoKS, IIIiL'sKKKHP ara, elinmherinalds. waltrosaaa. Ac., nt Ids nth ay. vv vv WANThD-A COMPETENT COOK. WAhUl'-M AND Irnnar lor tw o months, with Hrat tlaas city relaranaea Apply, fuesday luomlug, between U and 12 o'clock, 35 W est M?h at. VV ANThD-A OIKL FOR OK.NI.KAL HOUSEWORK at 7U.I 3d ay. UT \ NThII?A OKk.MaN (Hill. KOtt OKNKItAL houaework; must ba good washer and Irnuar. 13 Kaat 34th it ANrhDIN A PRIVATE BOAHDTniF IIoUkK, A flrat claaa waltraaa ; wagaa $1(1. Call atlor nlna o'clock. IK Weal Slat at. r AN I KO "puTii KsFaNT tilTlL FOR Of. N Kit A L linuseworli to go mm (ha country; ranat ia a good cook, waalter, Ironnr and butter inaknr; Oerinau preferred. Call at 1 EauUotb at., between I" and 13. W~* ANTV.D-A N| if: tlilV OiHLs TO DO ClUMtfhlt. work auu waitlug la a boanllsg bousa. Ulo larking lam ?*. help WANTED?front AL.K8. YITAVi'iiT/?a Cik'uux "SfZl *?<) "yu*?w??rk; small urivatu family; reference rc<iuireu i *? est 'J4t.ii st., second ueU. Wr A N TED - a~G H il. ' w7l (7 UND ERSTA n ds c u tti no _| ,''1?'l' *dfei'euits: tliu making alturations. Ap flLLfcE-N A Uii.'d, 2UU Grand 01 WA CO^PKTKNT WAITRESS AND TO ItO . .t11? w*fblog and iroulug. Apply, with city relcroncu, at 47 Watl 31st ?t., from W to 2 o'clock. WANTKD-BTHONG WOMAN WASH DISHES. GEN* ?? crully u-utui In kitchen; also good cook, dmu or WOUISU. 3RU Mill ItV. 117ANTED-NUBSK AND SEAMSTRESS FOR A OIIILD T* eighteen months old, to no to Pminfield. N.J. Ad dross, with references. D., Harold olltco. WAN'rKU?T>VO it IL)uT.E aoed women, with TT good rucom uieudetinu s, of thi- clly; on ? for goueral housework in a vary -mall family, and the other to tuluil a n'l'.^ib ?? th" ??0J ot 8. L. OTTO. No. US Bleacher at. VAT an ted?a xbat. capable woman for eioiit ? * lf*nor?l houkowork In a amull family; must be a good * 1"',on#r- Apply lor two dove ot Mo. 23 Ka-t 7nth it., near MudUoii av. WA NTr. D-a BKAM STREaS TO MAKE BOYS' cloiUoa. 1-U! Weal 47lh at. YOUNG NURSE AND SEAMst7TkHs7~0NE WIl, LINO io Haiot in litfUt cbamberwork; Preach. English or American preferred : mu.i wear cape: with beet city iefer HOP. Apply, between IO and 4, at U East M4ih et. 'My WKaT 25TH sT.?WANTti). UIBL FORGES U^udmi? ho,"owor,c: ?m*11 Private family; moat bo good '/>7n , ST.?A YOUNG OK KM AN OIKL TO mj I tSdo llulit buuevwork and to tuke cure of cliildreu. *1T1 A TIO.VS WAS TK D?M ALES. A N AMEKluAVXENfL'KMXfr~WTTU IiTyKakS' f* ?*o*rionco on the weet coaat ol South Amorlca uud with a perfect kiiowicduo of the Snuni?h laucuuuo, dtfilre* to act us u^eut for uuo or moru |?ood house*; boat of references Mlveu aud required- Address A B. U, boi 1,102, iioatou Alass. Keilaido information cheerfully furnished. A LADY, GOTNlJ TO EUROPE. WANTS A KITUA 0 WeJtlt 1 at'.t"' Cl*" waltor* C*" bBl?0l'n 2 and 5 at A 'f'lOKOUUHLY EXPERIENCED STEWARD WaNTS j~i situation steward. carver or bead waiter ; highest refer ences. Addreea FuANCIs, Herald Uptown office. A ,vY,0UN^ MAN WISHES KmFloYMENT AT ANY. l^ h feimis^is vv?n\,7;h^*'ct> ,ud Uorm"u flu,nl" MAN OK 18 WISHES A SITUATION IN any klna or bueluem where lie will have a chance of ad vancement: him a knowledge Of .tatiouary; yo .d refer euce. Addreaa AMBITIOUS, box 241 Herald office. AN EDUOaTBD YONXO-Ma"n7 2L"earnestly DE. ulree employment. DESPEraNDUM, box 122 Herald onice. AMERICAN MAN ANDWIPE. WITH ONE CHILD, AwfuVfla?? Sbrr*f0 . for tUo nunimcr; roferouco. AMblui?A Nt box 1J9 Ilcruld Uptown office. A HESPEOTABLK Man. willing to make bim JV.ell u.o u In a boarding houao or hotol; reforoucoa. Addreaa 11ARUY. 11 Perry at. A KKSPEOTaBLB MAN AMD wTPv! WISH TO take caro of a p.'ivato houao for tho aumuior; beat ciay retarenoa. 840 East 24th st. A B'tJtT 10 YEARS"oifToB. WISHES A SITUATION in an office or a wholesale house : Is well recommended. AOdroil H. BOLLVVINKKL, 481 West 89th at. A CfOMPKTE NT 1 IK A D W A IT c.K WIBHKS A 8ITUA tion; boat referencoa. Addreaa 11. i>.# box 187 Herald Lptowu Branch office. YoUNO MAN WISHES A SITUATION ON A GEN tic ma ii a place: underhtand* the dure of poultry and cowa; III teen yeara' reference. 339 East 11th at., room a Engineer op Fwenty-pive years' experi ooce; understand, all about indleriil.bur ma< binery: auo allk and cotton Addreaa J. A AXDadsO-V. 8th uy ! between 125lh and 120th ata.. Now York. T WILL PAY $jr, TO ANY ONE WIIO WILXTuBT OR Atfivo mo a Btiuiuion aa porter or driver or any kind ot bo"x i:6^Herr:i'"rpt^n'BrU.n^ AJUr?" SITUATION WANTED?BY YOUNO MARRIED MAN, BUMMERsVlUi:?ild officrtaUr"nt: WlUlnK t0 d0 "ytWn? situation wanted?by a young man 17 in i^*"ier?ld officeh?le,al8 hou,?' b,,t referenco. 'Addreaa V\r ANTED?SITUATION, BY A SWEDISH MAN (SIN u,miuif ?ouur*lly uaaful. addreaa P. M. AJiDftfeSON, 445 Hicks it,, room 15, Brooklyn. VAT ANTED?A SITUATION AS LIOHT 1'ORI E .; THE Y T beat ot reference aa to houeaty, Ac.; low wogea. Ad dreaa T. MEkHAN. 13 Stnto at.. Brooklyn. W.ANJE?-A SITUATION, IIY A WHITE WAITER. TT In hotel or reataurant. E. M. L.. Herald office. "Y"OUNO MAN AS MAUTENDER or IS a>Y OTHRit Wort 15th at! ? ?f con,ltrj,i two refereuee. 328 OUNO FKKNi.IlM.tN AS W UTKlt--PEAKS OElt man ana Engll.b; wiehea to trnvul with family to Ku rooe : beat reference, l.otiu lat ?v.. Hrat Uoor, froutf al' WIOIILY RECOMMENDED AND not alraid ot wor?, to make himaelf uaefnl in atore or ^"?el. Addreaa ADVERTISER. 127 Eaal 5uth at. CLERKS AND SALESAIEhi ~ TyoffiCCj MtNnfKLTT^jffpnnWcED ^TTTmTE ^triKlo. apenklug and qorreapoudlug Gorman and froncu correctly, wauta a aituation in a wboleaala houaa. Addreaa P. s.. box 140 Herald ollioo. A young man Wants a position as hotel clerk or to make bimeelt generally u.eful; hua had three yenra bualneai experience; can apeak Oeriuau una Prencb. Addreaa P. It. H.. W 230 Herald office. trench. A uLKlf!',S^ 18 RETURNING TO BELFAST, IRK 1 i "ide and wiabea to arrange wm, uue or two ?ood boiiaea In.New York tu Oil their nrdera lor Uuou haud kercblefa BKaDPOBD, llurald offic,.. A rY9V^'', being in business prom u to ,''v c,00,k ""d knowlux bookkeeping. Enirllah Herman and trench corroapondeuce, want, an occupation for aomu boon, in the eve.iug. Addreaa B. K., bix Ml iS YoUNO MAN OP rXPerIKNCE DESIRES A P<R allion aa Herit or aale.mau la dry ifoode botiae. E M i... Herald office. " A OENTt-EMAN OP"PLEASINU ADDRESS AS OU~ wu "aiiu'Jfflco K??d "** *Ud i"*1110,1 Permanent, s. A A -waited: AN EXPERIENCED JEWELRY tea'' AddrU'*' kt*Un* rctereucea. E. U M.. A 2..hX1'?llI^A0E? SOAP SALESMAN WANTED; boVHd'Hrr"!^;^10 r#C#U* ?ttouUuu- ^UA.P. CTLBRK W ANTED-roR RETAIL OKOCKUY ? YEARLY Jaalarj, $4aX> and board; he wast bare l?lOn to SViOO caab son HOE.DER k CO.. 2 Cllutou place * 1) RU?.S?YoUNO MAN OP 2U WANTa SIIUaTION; tour yeara oapueienci: apeaka (term tu. 1,204 3d itv, 1's RELIi.P WISuEe A PEW MORh SITU AuPatioua; heat relerenoc. Adiliraa RHEUM, Herald office. jjnruATiON Wanted?byXman~vv"uothorouoil Oly uuderaMBda the luruuuro buaiuea.. aa salesman or solicitor. Addreaa PUKNIfURE. Herald Uptown r|1<Jn MA8ri^K tailors.?a saleisman tip good W a^JEd-an an aly id gal chemist, address A.., T.T,'l8*l'd'up^"n<tiBg."Vta''' W<"k' WANTED-A PlRST CliAaS SUIT MAM; MUST BE own patent. J^_0 REIi.LV, 22', Pulton at., Brooklyu. WaNI'ED-LAW COPYInT ?ND CLERK. GOOD penman, ovur IS; accountant preferred; weekly salary 9Q. Addreaa. stating relerencea. (J V.. Herald offico. Wanted-a situation, by a young man op .1 f.14 "rucery atore, whol?a?lo or retail; uuderataads office* k000 reference. Address L Y.. Herald WANTED-IN GROCERY. A CLERK; ONE WHO understands the buklneae thoroughly, and take char e IVIIVv*C*''' n,B*' oou,u w#11 rtoomnieudod; liberal wageA A V AN rr.D-BY A YOUNO ENGLISHMAN. AGED 21. TT a altuatlou. ? aa any re.pectabla bualuesa as salesman or bookkeeper ; willing to taae e band at auy tiling; good tes timonials. Address A. M., box 240 Herald ..tlloo. vv w ANI'lilJ-IWO UOOl) UROCLltV OLKRKH AT Kit ev. B aNTKD-DRKSH UOODS BALK8\UiN : M UH TBS experienced men and bring good reforaura LDitu A TaVUjK, Uraud a<d CbryeUo sti. TnTi. I)-A YoTTnG MAN: MU8T bT7 a~ uoTTd penmen and have aoiue knowledge el bookkeeping. A.> ply. elating retereucea aud a-ilary, to il. it. J., Herald ollica. AN ft-.D-IN A PUOOUCK CO^t 41S8ION llOUdK a young man ae aaalatant bookkeeper: nun be a neat and rapid penman, a good accountant, wltn a thorough knowlodge of bookkeeping and aurxoeutlniiobe reloreucea. Addroaa atatlng eatery exoected, AlIUKlTr.. box 130 Herald ofllce. Way ANTKU-A IJOOIJ, ACTIViu UIH > 077kYCLHKkI Iroiu 13 to 30 yeare ol ago, at 1'It U HUN'S, 00 Moat 13lli at. OOAOIIillKX AN I# GAltUK.HBllH. XfHiXI? uHLKSokb VoUffunCSuCriTkAN Want* gV.a altuatlou ae eoacbinan and groom ; oltv or country; can lurulah good rofereucea Addroaa J. M., 3Jtl I.ait 34th at. AS CUACHMAN-BY A II1UI1LY IlKHPhCTABLK colored man ; boat city relerenca; uo objection to the Country, and la atrictly aobor, houoal aud iiitcUioent; aiu gin Addroaa <1., 100 Woat dial. AYUlNO .KAN WISIIKS A HITUATiTTn AS OOA7jii" itimi In cite ur country; boat ciUr relrroui e Iroiu la.t em ployer. Call mi or addraaa D. <1., 140 Wast Aid at. AMARKIKO MAW. WITHOUT KAM1LV, AN I X pcrlonued cuarbraau aud ganioner; can ornament a geutleraan'a place; kuowaclty and country; beet ol rater anee. Call or nddruaa ;inu ICaat 44th at. Ah coachman (alxuLB) tiioiiouuhly unduu atauda hia bualneaa; generally uaolul; geruoiilog, milk lug, Ao. ; heat relereuee. Addroea X.. box 334 lleraid olhce. Ah coachman Tnu u aIt urn m i?by .4 INCUR man; can milk; beat rnleraiica. A.l.roaa CUAwII MAN, ho* 3.It Herald nlttca. ffTunl CI.ANA VOU'MU MAN WAATh A .SlIlU tlon aa coachman.?Thoroughly underatauda lila bnal neaa; uond gardeoar; cau milk, mow, Ao.. or auy liualue-a ; not ulraid ol Work ; very beet rlty and country releruucoa lor liouoaty, tobrioly, falthrulueaa, AC.; city or country. Addreai I . box 11/ llorald ollioo. AOMMMAM UAMUANBu (MAitUlKDi; UNUKR alamla graonhuuao. grapariei, trulta, vugutab es. milk ing cowa, Ac ; beat r- ootiiuieuuationa. Addroaa >1, OA CORK, Kort Washington, N. ?. \?itJation wantSo~ab oariTunkk, To TAKK Ciirw of a kmm t'loitiiti)'* pli?ce, bjr ?i married iuhii nmii) : a now tu? cAre of ^roetidoiiaua, vetfV* ladlofi hiiU Iruit perloetljr; dart r?for?iiee. A<idren? A. II., 13U Knut H.minUmi wt A" COACII mTCn'H nirUATIoi W AXTKO-HV A flrat elaai luao; heat reloienuo Call on or addreea U. M.. at M r. ralMlt't atublo.i, Ill > fftllNth <1 , lira Mat. RITCaTI'JN aH coachman oakhrnkr.? fliorouglily undiK-tanda hia bualuuaa ; good groiini and careful driver; will ue lound willing and atrictly -ober; heat relerenca. Addroaa J AM Kt. nnX 338 Herald >tBoo. 8 COACHMaN; KlItrtT "OLtHiT; MARKImF; HKnT it) relerenee. Call aa or ado fee* r, 11 . Kept IPth at. ToitoTTMl-ltY a riioRocTiTi thuhtwok niY and r-ilanla young man; wililnrto maa* liliuaelf nee lal: underatauda vegetable gardening, lion-era. Ao.: I'rot eaiant; lour yeare' r-fereuce (Vuin laet employer. Addreea O. A. box 1>W HeraldMfllee. AS KltlST CLASH OROOM AM) OAHKKUI. DillYKIt, by a lellahle, aingl* young uau; beat relereuee. It., . boa 13o Uereld Uptown odteea COACHMEN AND RAHDKNKRu. A colured it an . Sauk Ib, W Pr 11 OTTTT3uT5^ tu> coachman : wiling to make hiwaclf ;reuarall> useluL Call or address ipreaeut euipluver'.i 10 l.ivitig.tou place. HENTLKM aN WANTn a" siTUATIOM KiiR His coachman; .vounir. single. temporal*. trustworthy man; ante. experienced city driver; ih?ron tily und-ratauds core 11 uu boisea. bemoan, carriages; understands gardening; can milk; willing and ueuarally useful; uioderato wagea. Address, two duya. O.VltN'l'.XT, box 158 Herald ofllce. R~K8P HOT ABLE YOUNG M AM WISH B8 A SITU, aiiuu aa coachman or groom; city or c?uutry; lour years' reference Iroiu Inst pi ecu. Ill Ka-t 33a ,t. K COACH >IAN, BY A* EXPERIENCED Man ; FIV? jrar? In pre?ont situation AU<ire?? W. SL. 1ft Kat( 58th St., or 23 Went 58th at., pre*ont oinplover'a. CMOACHMaN'S SI I'UATItj.M WaNTKD?B~V A SINOLE ^mau: city or cunutrv-.cnn produce the beat ot refer, once. Can bo aeeu at 6 Baat 27th at., or addraaa COACil. MAN. Cioaciiman and groom, pibst clasiT 'Scotchman; ' " ?-> stauus UU il AN AND GROOM, EIRST CLASS MAN! nan; married, no family; thoroughly under, huaiueaain evury way aa a coacuman; Oral claaa ........v.. In ihia country mid lue old country. Addreaa A.. box 107 Herald Uplowu office. CloAOHMAN AND UAKDENBR BY A SINGLE MAN? /understands the car. ol tiuraei and carriage.; can lullk] lirat claaa city driver; can give beat city and country re I oreuce. Address T.O., Herald Uptown ottice. (MOACHMAN.?A GEN'TDKMAN DEsTbKS TO PRO A'ure u place lor hla cuucbtouu; can iudoren him highly aa lirat claaa coachntnn uml groom ; very obliging: atrictly sober and reliable Addreaa it. 8., employer, box 200 Herald Uptown otlloe. CVoaghmam and" groom. -situation wantbdT /thoroughly uud-ratauds hla business; citv or eonntry; willing and ohtiglug: good city reference. Cell or address JaMKS, 55 East 41st et. (private etabloa). CPiTfToM~VOUNU MAN. IB; UNuKlts I A.SDS CAKfl rof horaea, liarooss and carriage; aurcfnl drleert eity of country. Addreaa THOMPSON, 20 West 23d at, CNaKDKNEK AND IIANDV MAN. BY A YOUNG I"man, aged 26; can millt and tako caro ot horaea and do general work about a gentleman's place; good reference. Cell on or addreaa WILLIAM JOHNSON. 100Greene it., second floor. U>BAND AND wipe want SITUATIONS, -hub. baud ua coachman aud to bo generally uaetul; wife to da general housework : cyuutry prelerred:reference if wauled, js., box 201 llereld oilier. AN^ND WTKii.-MAN' A.S COACHMAN. WIPE Al cook ; city or country ; beat city rolerenoe. Call at at addreaa No. 616 3d uv. oTn uLb YOU.Mi MAN A8 COACHMAN AND Ogroom.?Thoroughly uudoratandt nia buiiueaa; city ot country; boat city reteroucoa. COACHMAN, 161 Herald Uptown otlloe. oTnTJlK Ma.s, 26. AS CO AC II M A.M. UKOOM; MILKf Otinderstands horaea and carriagoa; driving in every re. speci or furuilng; city or country; good references. Adurtsg !>., box 105 Herald Uptown oBlce. ? SITUATION WANTED?AS - COACHMAN, PLAIN gardener end generally useful man; single; reference. Cult on or address. for three duya, JOHN PoWJEKS, 142(1 at., Mauhattanvillo. SIMILE Man, DISEM1AOED SINCE 1ST OK MONTH, wlabea altuution aa coachinun ; understands the baalnean thoroughly; alao good plain gardener; highest recommends* tioua. last 0111 ploy or oau be acuu. Addreaa No. 113 But 22d at., private atabie. WANTED?SITUATION BY A OK It MAN AS COACH man. gardener aud geuorally useful mau ; Oral claaa reference. Addreaa 0 T., box 170 Iiernld ofllce. ANTED-HY a single colored man a SITUA^ tlon ea coachman ; city or country; can gly# Ave yearn* 6ood relereuoe from la.t employer. Call on or addreaa J, No. 153 Wait 24th at. A.NTKD-A SITUATION BY A LIGHT WEIUHTA8 groom; best rofereneu. '1'. P., Herald Uptown Branch, HELP WANTED?MALES. "TTToVfICK boy W It 1TIN 6 A OOOD~HAN I) AN A .XX well recommended; hoiuc knowledge ot SpunUh desiii able. Box 3.032 Poat ofllce. GK.NT3 WANTKli?KOlt THE BEST ARTICLE 111 market; largo proilta; exclusive territory. 21 ParH row, roum 5. YOUNG MAN WANTED-A3 WAITER IN RESTAU. rant; must underatand the boalneet. 74S 6th ay. A SMART BOY WANTED. APPLY AT HAT STORft ,259 Greenwich at. OilVK MEN-WONDERKUL SUCCESS.?"LIKE IN the Tomba;" uuaoldcopiea returnable; splendid chance, 92 White at. OW WANTED?IN A LAW OPWOK; MUST BE QUICK, Intelligent and a goo 1 writer. Addreaa, with refe*. euces, A. L. S., care Herald office. AKBBllS WANT K D?75~HEL1* E US AND 4 APPRKNk tlcea In P. LECKLKR'S Barber's Agency, 132 Canal it. I no charges. UKE TEAS.?AGENTS WANTED KVKRYWHBRH to sell to families, hotels and large consumers; largest stock In the country: quality aud tortus the boat. Conntrf storekeepers should call or W rito, THE WELLS TEA CO., 201 Pulton at. (SITUATION WANTKD-BY A YOUNG MAN OP Eli. Ocollent ha .Its, as bookkeeper in a store; wages no oh)not| boat releruuco. Address A. B. C., 219 11 erald office. gyr&AOY VVOUK DEI VINO TRUCK WILL BE GIVES Jgood lumi who can furnish a good market Truck. AlV druaa TRUCKMAN, liorald olhce. SM A RT. HE L fAH LK M IiN \V A NT K D?TO TRAVEL through the country with our self-acting cow milkers: from $10 to $2'? per day made easily. SELP-ACTING COW 111LKEIt MaNL'PaCTUKING COMPANY, office No. 67f Hronawny. KAVELLKU WANTED?WHO IS WELL A0QUAIN1V ed with master mechanics, superintendents and pn? chasiug agents of railroad companies, to introduco aomo* thing new ; only those who eau loltueaco buiine-s and eun five drat class references need answer. Addreaa P. M. C., lerald office. Teas-guaranteed puke, kivk pounds ?tj -}* pounds. 50c. THE CANTON TEA COMPANY, 14S Chambers at. "anted AN OPPIOE BOY. ABOUr 14 years or ago. well dressed end a fair penman: salary, $2 50# week ; give rimldeueo and recommendation in own hand, writing. Aadrrss S. S. K.. station D, New York city. ANTKD-A YoITng MAN Tt) A~SSlsr IN A ORO eery store; city reference- 330 Spring St. ANTED? UKLTTbLa MEN TO sEI.L A NEW Aft? tlele ; requires Utile talking; sella without money fed expenses ; 4c*J per cent proliL Cell on >1. CO., from 9 M 4, et 69 Murray at., seooud liner. W'TntED-AnTuTIVK, WILLING BOY, TO MAKSl himself eenorally uaelul In a wholesale drug store. Addreaa WHOLESALE DltUHB, Herald office. WANTED-iM MEDIATELY, A BRIGHT, 1NTELLI* gent gentleman, with good addroas. C. WALTERS, 15 Dey at., second lloor. ANTED?THRBK K11L1ABLE. KXPKKIENOKD canvassers to secure advertising tor a morning papers to such a liberal commission and atoady employment will be gtveu. Address, with references, MANAoKR, Hernia office. WANTED-TWO KNKKilETIO YOUNG MEN, Aflk qu.noted with ths city nod near by trade, to sell hosiery on commission. Address P., box 182 Herald office. TXl AnTkD^LIVK-MAN AnT) W 1KK~TO KENT RES) TT taurant Part old established place, 13 Wall St. t Ax* turea compieta; rent $30 month. ANTEii?A M A M AS OOOK ON BOARD A BOAT: must be neat aad temnerate. Apply at effice on dock fo?t ei Eaat 2Hih st. ANiED?A GOOD SALARY WILL BE PAID TO a flrit class hoi tier: one need to putting up line llqnere, cordials aad wluee (Including tchanipagne). Addreaa. gir* In - reiercnces. exporlenco nnd place where last employed, N. P. B.. box 112 lleruld office. ANTi'.D~KVi.RYA 11 EKE, CANVASSERS. KOlt A popular weekly o newspaper; good pay gnarantaad. Address PALLADIUM, 1 College Plaeo. ANTKD-A BOY ru ANSWER BELL; MUST BH neat aud tidy an l give ond relerence as to hoansty, Ac Inquire ol DkNTlHT, 37 3d av. AN rED?BUSINEES MEN TO SOLICIT KOR MBE* cantlla agency. Address Post office box 4,156. Young m"an~"to Gir"w?sr.-i will pay ex. peases of e competent men to tnno chargo of a pair ol horses and carriage to MinaeS'.ta. Apply CANNON'S stables, 120 hsat 63d it. Y~ TiUNG MAM OR BOY WANTED?IN A OOA& office on the west aide uptown ; $2 per week. Addreaa, in handwriting of applicant. COaL, box 104 Uarald Up* town office. inn MEN WAN TED?TO DELIVER, COLLECT PC) ft XUl/and sell "Kaud'e New York City Hoaineaa Directo ry. fur 187B " In thia and the principal cities in tbo United States: sells like hot cakes, at fifty -onta, In paper, aad ona dollar per copy In cloth binding; inlarlea paid: a depoel| Ol ton dollars requited. Apply to the HAND PUBLISH. 1NG COMPANY, 14 Barclay st. I'llK 'i'UAi)K!S, a ffSSTOCXHTlFAhfKY"cooK fiBsfiiiK"a"O'if0Aj JjLllon; city or country; beat raferaucu. AddreaaPASTtt* COOK. liaiald uOicis. HAKRR WANTS SITUATION AS 8KCOND <)4 third bund. Address LUCAS,25 Jonas at., near Uleaekal llOY, 10 YKAKH, WISHBM TO LBABN "tH* plumbing. Apply at IMA Watt 44th at. JAMKB WOODK. AARPKT LaYKRS WANTi-.D?KXPERIhNOKD A C nanda; must understand. nlao, shade banging, Ac. | city reference. Apply JON S, Sth tf. Bid Ittth A M' attuKms~"avu hFitlMi >ia*ttmiss makrus wanted. Apply to 1VM. II. DKKW, Jr., A CO., 46 Myf* tie ay , Brooklyn. \\rANTKI>-A~ TlSST ~C Lams CAKPb.T UPHOLil It luror; muat understand toe business and na strictly temperate Apply OKOU'lK A. CLAi.KK. 747 Broadway* WANT D-A NAN WHO KULI.Y UNOKKHTAKDi the tnauitlactnre of auufT; references required. Adf draaa Post oSloa box 101. Durham, N. O. W~~ AKTKO-A JAPANKKKi onk WUO~OAN8 Hlim '2511 Water at., noar l'aek allp. TVANTKD-A SMAKT YOUNH UNM AlllUMD JOUR-t Tr tieyinun carnutilor, painter and plambnr; xood mo ebaiiie and bandy and exnirlouced at ,'ouoral lobolntr and reiialra: sltualiou permanent; referenco at to honesty and capaiillity required. HOUsK oW.NKK, llarald office. lVAHl'Kli TO PtiaCllAHB. WAJf iko a cioof)skiiOM)" Hand* coQWRlTd Leak, about 1J tent Inriit; muat be cheap for caah. Ada draaa. elating where may he aoen. to J. 8. T., Herald oRloa. VflTKD?II vBRLK TOP OOUNTKlt; ALHOH|bli Stools and I'.anKM lor raataarant. AUdruea 8PKC1IL box till llorald clHce WAM Ki) lb PUKUII AflU?ABOUT 40 PXBT Oik Ilea Partition and about foot Ratling. Addreie A. IIoral i ofllco. WsNTKH?A WILSON BKNDKRIMl TANK ill from I J,taxi ponuda and npward. Apply to UIIARLKd Ml'KA It. *> Waal si. A, AITROLOei, wonhkkpuL child ; (HKTicD Wltil sktiftlfft eight; tella everything without questioning. 100 Rest 40tb, naer Lexington av. A? NI > IN I' OS IT IO N?O UKATKST CLjURVoYANT.? ? >lra. PONThK talla everything; namea, nutnbara; aata lalaetion or no pay. 106 hast 18th at., near 4th ay. SfVe* boe. $1. A T f K N TI ON. -CONHU LtTtToNsT 1 UsMKSS. E53 i'li't, enemies, lawsuits. absent Irienda, lore, marriage an I doatli. SINOI11.4J7 WoslJItli MSR. KOHa RKVKAI.S I,IKK KltOM I'KADLK li Ifrayo,euraa nervous liability, locatea diseases; $1. U 1Mb ay. d l llll \ l? __ ih w'HiTkUKAi).-AfjVli'ili KKKK ' " * J15 Kaat lull ck, near 3d ay. Rs. RRIIfRT, >39 HAST" InflI-ST.i OPViUk Jilt basemsak Consultation lrae. 0 LM