Newspaper Page Text
CITY ICK.1L KRT %Tli rOH HILR. t ent rail. TPOB SA LK AT A BARG AIN - AN ELEGANT MEDIUM JT ?ite llouie, with Extension. 706 Mauisou uv.. near lower end ot the Baric. F. C| SALB vikv LOMT-TO OLOiiH AN KHTaTK. Not. 46 and 51 West 57th at-, the finest block in the city, two magnificent Houses. 25 teet trout 63 feet deep: finest cabinet tiuMi; mirrors, real bronze hardware. Ac. ; plumb ing and drainage perfect; built in uio-t substantial ut*uu?r uuder superintendence of 1). Jk J. Jardine, architects. Ap ply oit premise*. Opeu >?n Sunday a. K K AT BARGAIN HUO.N 8T0NK HOUhE FOR lor ana $45,000; make offer. BALL P. ToDD, 145 Broadway. L" EXINGToN aVT47TH 8T?FOUR STORY BLOWN atone Dwelling at a _:reat sacrifice: teriua to suit. Ap ply to DAVID DkVKNNV. 136 i aat 47th at. Kaal slide. A.Description of valuable Tenement House Property in Cherry at. nud vuluabie private Ftuble Property in East B6th at., near 5th a v. :? UOU8KN IN OUKURV ST.. Noa. 3J4 and 320. I Tito double House la about 27 feet wide. 18 feet do*?p. '1 ho ain.'lo House is about 20 lout wide. 43 loot deep. Yards 20 tout deep by 47 tool# Alao a Building ou the rear, 20 by 47 feet. 1 he Dwelling House* are live atories high and basement* Tlio double Tenement Uous- baa 46 rooms, single Teuu pieut House haa 33, making Hi room* in ail. THK STABLE. No. 4 East 36th st.. near 5th av., fta 25 feet front; Urat floor. 60 feet d<*0|?. with eight large Stalla, carriage room. glass c?*es tor fiarues*, with laciiltiee tor waatiiug. Lower floor eontaiua six largo stalls and one box atall and Water tor horse*. The upper floor, three looms for coachman and family, Witt! large bin* for different kinds of leed, with elide ways to lower floor. th? at able L perfectly dry and healthy. Lot 25 by i>8 feet 6 luchea. The above property is offered for rent or for sale by ap plying to or uddreasiug W. H. HENRY. New York Herald. A" fTn E \ i\ V\* K OU It S f oKY BHICK C'UtNKu TKN ement. 27x75 (three store*I, built in the moil substan tial manuor; in the Kleveuth ward; old business stand; terms easy. A'idri-s.- ()U N ? \ 2 11 li era hi office. l^OK SALh-1'wo l liaiVh TTToBY^Bttick HOUSES; J/ all improvements; possession ? tortus easy. MLKKaY, 315 i eat 1115th st. IjD A\ i US IND LOT, PLENDID IX tJvi stmrni. below 56th St.; also one on 8th av. Apply 234 We st 38th st. Fob sale or lease?twenty-onk lots of Ground fronting on 11th av , loth and 21*t sts. Apply to HERRING A CO., 251 Broadway. corner Murray st WK9TCUEITER COUNTY PROPBETK FOR. SALE AM) TO JLtJhLYT. \f OL.N V VKUNDV?COMPLETELY FU UNI Sri KD 111 House. ten rooms, ou 6th uv.. near 2d st.; location first class auu nour depot; reut extremely low. Apply ou premises, or ol J. U. UaRNES, 127 3d uv., >ew York. PropeiTTv rfo TTiTnt-lakge~ house, stable. Carriage liouse, ueur beach; Ave acres. ADUIaNCE BUttH, 54 Well *k /TURKYTOWN. FUKNI HED HOI B, EAR*. EST A 1 hie. lour acres, abundance ot fruit; $80 > your. O 'iNKH, 133 West 44th. mo LET. SKEL TTullXC HAN UK FINEST VILLA IN X Conkers, 30 rooms; two acres, stable*, high water, gas; immediate possession. JOHN A. DAVIS, 7<)4 Broadway. VON'kEK . OB KAVIMK AV., PI KM 811 ED HoCSB. X 11 rooms; season or yeur; 860 per month; also several nutttrnished; cheap rent. YOl .MANS. Ageut, Youkers. JKHSKY ( I'l Y, HOBOKBN. HU1MOB AND BEUGEN REAL ESTATE. For Sale. ]M)R SALE?XT A SACRIFICES FOR CASH, A ; French roof Uotise. COLE, 1U2 Academy it.. Jersey City. PUOBERTY OCT OF T1UC CITY FOR sals: ok to kext. A" t man ij asset, long island, codktrYTSaS". shut (furnished), with grounds; large grdeu, stable, Ac.; 2>g miles from depot; ueur churches; plenty large mil small fruit; high ground; healthy location; no chills; possession now; rent low. summer or year. Full descrip tion given at REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, 356 Fulton st.. Corner Red Hook lane. Brooklyn, A"" T lTjNO H KANE H. ~S K A It ?: IGHT. OCEAN' GROVE! Ac.? HiiudHomn Cottages, Boarding Homes, , to lot, for sale or exchange ; price* reduced. Apply to WM. LANE A CO., 1.ust Long Branch, box 48. * "T BAuG AlN7?F 'K ^Lin H Lab, AT KAMShY'S J:Vstation. N. J., Cottage and 25 acres Ground; only ifi 80U T, OLIVER CARTER, 36 Nasiau st . ro??m 11. Til RLE >TORY IIOLSK, 18 K ?T)M~s7 RENT JNtio, water view fin.- at G ion wood; 10 trains and steamboat daily. Apply 2 4 West 31st. 1A xTi: A<) R D Fn A r7 IJ a RGAINS- FRUIT, STUCK litiud Poultry Farms, all sues, nearby; sale, rent, ex ghange OLIVER, 162 Broadway. fc*ARM OF 400 ACUKH, LARGE BRICB BOUSB, .1 splendid cstat.', 812.5MM), Also 176 Acres, good h u*o, fuporlor 1 nd, excellent investment. Maryland. BENNK1', 76 v run In in st. jcnJit FaFb pake en aores, htamfobd. oobb.s 1? dwelling, barn, fruit. Ac.; desirable place ;$4.tXX) 11U L B It. RT 1*1'. t" K. 268 W est 34th St. IJKHt '? OR TO LET?A LABOR NUMBER OP . luruisbed or iin'urnisbed sumuior resorts ami Hotels, Al iVRfJN A BEAR, hummer and Winter Resort Directory, 42 Hast 14th, Union squsrn. LHlK SALE OR LEI ?EE I Hi I E l'l.AGE.R A<:iFKS, X 15 inliiutus' walk Irom post otlice, chuicbes; lrult un surpassod. Address Mrs M. O. it., Norw.ila. Conn. 1kvTn7iton rwo oottaoes. in good order, at alow rental; one will bo !urui?hed if desired. JOHN G. CONNOR, Jr., Drexel Building, New York. IONU B i \; KO K MI EES. WEST AT K\ IOS Jtown. near t?*o rnilroads, large Mansion, IS rooms, tur lilshiHl* piano, billiard table, gas throe acres, shade; lake on pteiuiscH, and boat; must be sten to be anpiuciato I. Particular* 32 Bark place, room 63. OW NER. M<?NTO LA I It REAL K S . AT E. 5 VVEST 23D ST. i Fifth A venue Hotel), FKRD. UNGEK, Agent.?Fur ni -hed Hou<?e?tg rent, by year or season. Nba Bui-.irioN.? furnished and ITnIIJr. lushed Cottace*. elegant Mansion-.; situation* un?ur* liasseds rent, sell, excliunge. \V. A. GOLi.lNS, 26 Pine st. A u: i IRAN'18 AND BATHING 1L'USES TO Iti Ni' uiey Island. Inquire U Cliur. h st. ^TANEI.S. M.AR UMMIT\ v J. NBW OOTTaOH. Oseveii rooms; ample grounds; fit:o views; healthy; near store, i'ost office; wo<nl neigfiborhood; church, school, bout lug. fishing, near Morrl.* and Essex depot; eleven trains 1*11 v; seventy iinnut- s; rent 82>); sell $3,006. P., box 1.443 P..*! cftflce, New York. FpoP INI) END OF ORANGE MOUNTAIN, COM* A maudiiig extensive views Elegant Conutrv Seat, 76 acn s: residence 1" rooms, partly furnished; snlendid water; large slab-*; rent *>?*?<-n. EDWD. B. li sMlLTON, :?<) Bins. New York. fpFTLK'I D OlTAGK, with Oarki uJ3 I r oin. v.-ry low. ram opportunity. Address J. Li., lock box 12. Bayshore. l^ong Kland. rii<> L v N I ED CO UN rkv s| k i\ X ut Flshkill, on Hudson 1.5 minute* from lludsou River Rail roan Depot; house contains 13 room*, kitchen, closets. Ac.; grounds cover 6 acre*, well frtiiiid; line river oud ta.unialn view*. Apply to or addres* J A>1 ES T. BltKTT, Mat tea wan. N. Y. ffio LET AT R1VERDALE, FURNISHED PL4CB, JL with ail couveuiences, garuen. Ac. Address Mr. FOUS FBK, 58 Wall st. rpO LET FUKNISI1K!) VILLI, ON LAKE MAIIO* 1 |'MC; rent low; perfectly healthy; boats, Ac. 100 Etui m *t. . r777kr f 7m ^iiel?ai~u\r. ojhTiiouk ruoi Forty-second *tn?*t depot, to a privntu family only, a large and pleasantly located House. couch house end ?table; plenty of Iru-t and shade ; few minutes' v. at k from hound; depot, church.??> ami i'ost olliee ; If egret-able two a'luitN in L-lit board with peril. ? r> tiling; poise eel on imnio* dlati'iy if desired Address H ,M. It , Her .Id Uptowu office. rnTTLET A I WKSr H KW*" Hit Hi II TON. ?. l.,10MIN I utta' walk fiotn ferry. ituatml mi Kill Von Kull, Urge House, with trufe. hot and cold water, hariiN. stables. bowl In^ alley, Ac., ill in lomplf'c order. Fur permits. terms. Ac., apply at New York Dispatch office. No. 11 Frankfort ?it. T _> nUhod. one of the niout dt-siruble places on tho Lower lftidaon; grounds, conservatories gr ? partes, garden, Ac,; will i t; W- pt in order for tenant at ?wnor'i expeu-e. JOHN C, CuNNoll, Jr.. i ?oiiiMcil-ir-ut-Law. Droves Huihting. fp< TTkNT \ I'kw MOKE OF llfO-h I'UKTTY X IJottsea, with garden*. on Vbhantl lOih Amura, m le?s than hall usual rates. In.) lira t.f .s. (J jAbKHuK, IdO Broadway, er J A8 U. KODMAK.uq promises. Cnn WILL UK NT A ? MI'LKIhi.Y Ft iiNLMJMI ?JVJv/' " House; the house is old faaftloned and overlook* 111c ocean . fine bustiitg haUnug ami li-uing; wlil not he let tor boar.hug house. U. I. OotiNLLL, ( lllton, &taten I EKAh K4TATK TO KX< I! WOK. 'a K.VHM UP 57 ACIU.S F U SALE Olfi EXCHANGE? J\'U) tulles in New Jeisey. for New York or Brooklyn Property. I*. ZKUolO, 18 * entre st. kM all pt hnishlu ih>iTl fuel uf knci;m bianco, at m w -il known apuimer r son, lor sale on cam I rtn*. or weu'd exchange for improved City Property. 8T. kidlH, Heraiu (Jpiowti office. TJfXCH ANtlE FOR H tRLI M L<*Ts?r<?UN i LY HEAT, JQelll Mtit, good belldtag*. fruit mil hade, one hour by Harlem Leiiroad. Address KXUjI ANuh. box 231 lieruid office. ITfXCH ANGK. ? WOoDnl Dfc. N. J.. CoTtAQB. 10 liroi.ruami lot, 7 ?x 1 ??. furtiishod. for vacant Lois at Hoiieville or eisewnere free. Ii. I? (litI K*jL. 81*1 Broadway. fpk n lu i s, v1(7:7.7 un i p rr 11 ,vr. cii lap - Ft >7t Xsale, lease, or exchange, Farm in Westchest r county. Addr i>UT"?. Herald office, REAL ESTATE \\ ANTED. p A.N I t ' I I K ' ^ Mi M <>;. V 11 < ?l NK.' ItK tweeu lit 1*1 . ? {.?? ash i ? ia?*or. VS AL I'Kli W. >1 UN I AnUtfc. 228 8th a v. TO lilCT fOS bl >.ivi;ss riiUHHRII. BKMktff HI Il.UI.N'l. corner o? I niton uid NtvMeu ?t*. MMnl odli *. In tl.i linn lilt: i*1 let it xrretly rrdur.rf rente. Ill*' ? fli<* '? will hi. altered to .nit UliMtC Hid I > ii i I' 11 ti ' i. Ii. ?li I by iMmi. mill .'.ill ollice he* ,.ib.tend W.t.f in ii 'i w.i .invKtur. refilling. No .? *tr*?. Apply to JOHN U KNKJIIT. Ml ttm kuiiiilnK. A" iika? riri'T. *T<ji< i;. with hiiuw win*. daw, wait .Id. Ilr *'tw ir. i' r'i Ifiilon mtoitra, at re ducud rent; anotnar Ninali onu, f i"?i C. >s fKCK. W W?.t NMn at. I'lLWIN.S ANI> VACANT , I A ST lUVl.B f atur rront . R. KKTr.. w tir?mfw>. Jt i ??; ?i VTTSS AN1> Hun Tlt.\i>i. Willi >U. MHlKif.?TO lei. K.irt of doable trout tore: ii'iii InoliMinn uee of ?oiiiiier. lei'lioa. Ac , dill, tpiiif Id*1 J'l ?*? tliUAlt AT A.V if IN pi It fit t-i'.AS- Iff if I. <)N IHi oedwajr; ? *tr nurd In (try obporlur.l! y f ..r youiia man. KMlfli, 17 tJebir.i ?t Tpri i.V Kl iiVi liKil OKKII I. "It UKSK ItOUS. Apply 1. ren I ax I'o.t bull "lux. ro<>? H i'ihviTkis Chunoaaok-.wai.i. uoiiflB w N Kiiottm. T.rioue illti. In Can<re and Kim ite. u. f II 11 1., i :i7 i 1 in 8IOHB, lloU 'K, KB tK MOUiih A > I) STASI.BR TO le.?e, 17H Rlvtnxi" ' ii. for ID mar.: *.?>? ? yeer. MI i II. IX 7U l eder et. tiki LKT?ONh U?T,"8I4 t;KNTItl::: UOOO U(lBf| ia xir. ? o '?QUIdoN. 2S Mm. fjhu Crr I Hp.AI'hi.r KHttMH. wil l IN 1 city: eieveinre and H3" tlberry M. K, J. I ill llrnadwey. Mo l.b.r fill'. BAKBKit SHOP UNI.l-ilt T.iK uiiami X I'biou Hoteli * One cUance for a Ar,t Olui mui, TO LET FOR BrSHEH ftRPOSKS. U LKl blTFOR S tLE ?Ia5 AND 157 WKaT P'TlI ?I., tour story Factory Handing. 4<>xH5 loot, wall lighted .?/? Til K RUOND LOri OF t? WAKKKM ST., _ Ue$3x3&- Apply to J AMES WlsEMAN, ?o premise* T A UWELLlVli HOUSES TO LE'l. Furulslird. THREE STORY HIGH MI'OOP BOU*B To LET Puruisfced, on 22d. Kid near Hth sv: ram moderate. DREW A Ca. 3 Weet 23d si . Fifth Aveuua Hotel. A CHANCE M A U1 St)N AV , 41ST s r.: DUO;. IK A CrosBiuAi.. builder*: 33 teoi wide: l**t your, , #3.flUO| rent now. $2.<H>U; ulexftutiy turuUUeii. iiASlNt-o * 1*4jWE U, 171 5ih __ t FIRST CLaSS Mansion. 5TII AV.. BKLOW 430 iV?t , with three ?lory ?xteusioti. ta?nii?<>ui#iy end fully luniUhed, for uuts or three year*; pot?estdou. C. 3. PECK. 8 VVe?t 2r>th *t. IilUUNlStlEP HOUSE TO LET, .NEW, COMPLETE? ' Elevaut four ?tory brown stone, $125. or oecupauts. tft itlleiuau and wife, would divide expense* of urst cl ?** living with very sin all family, alternating euperlntendegdj it tieaired; relet ence* exchanueu ; ubove 40tn at., weet otn uv. Ad<lrose 1IOU8E, Herald office. _________ T.1LKNIMIEI) U OU8IS TO IsfcT Ih BAST GIST S l\, i1 to small family for five or elx month*, with or without nartial Board for turoo adult*. Addre** J. ii. 8., box 3,32 J r??*t office. mo IkE'K a GENTLEMAN AND WiKK OKsIKK to X runt (reserving the heomHlo^r) unuiall neatly furnishod House oil 5Jd st., near Madison av.; terms ?50 per month; bust releteucea. Address A. H C., box 133 Herald Uptown office. Unfurttinhed. A HOUSE OK 22 ROOMS, EVERY CONVENIENCE, near Madison squire. Tor 43,000 eueb end $8.1*10 per yeur; no interest; $70.00" i win reiusod; will ?ell lor Ifau.lXiO. sTKaNUEK, Uptown lloruld office. SS KBAT BARGAINS?LEXINGTON AV., vXwtdlh, splendid order, $1,200; l'-lh ?t., Oth av., $900. KASINrH A POWER, 171 5tit ?v. rpi) LET?A BARGAIN, $1,800, 148 WEST 14Til ST.. 1 25 feet fur story baseiuont ltigb Moon bH?* Honees rtl improvements, complete order. Apply to V. E. BIKV EN SON, Jr.. 4 Kim- or .13 hast 17ll?*t. rpo RENT?ONLY $350 EE It YEAR?A FINEcBROWB X .tone three story House aud frame Stahltt. iu nest l'?6th at. a block aud a null Irotu ichtb uveuue cars. Apply to K. il. HUMPHREY, 373 Pearl ?t. 9Til WARD.-A THREE STORY BlilEE DWELLING. 15 room.; modern improvements: rent Ireasonable to A reeponelble party Apply to A. OaTiiElM. 106 East 10th si. .until 10 A. M. rt>i nan for high stoop house. 12 rooms tDl.UUUnoar Union square; also Fiat. 0 rooms. $450. JUDSON O. WELLS, 17 Union square. (M ?)n<l ?8 WEST 43D ST.?TO LET, POUR STORY ,^l.g_UU.browu stone. 20x50; all improvements. Ap ply <>n premise* FUKIWISHKI> ROO.U3 AND APARTMENTS TO LET. T' WIDOW LADY HAS A FURNISHED ROOM TO x\l*'t. to permanent or transient parties. Address PRI VATE-, .Herald Uptown office. A PARLOR KLOOR ,T rf R r. r. rooms), flnnni ano XYelcgantly furnished, to rellued party: terms low for the summer. Prlvuto house 140 East 27th, botwsen Lexington i large room, handsomely kurnibheu. for _4vono or two gentlemen. In private house 140 East 27th. Reloronee required i terms low. LARUE FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT TO GKN Ltlcmeu ; family private 32 West 10th St. WIDOW LADY HAS A NEATLY KUR.N ISIIED .Room, for gentleman only. No. 3 Christopher A HANDSOMELY FURNISHED PARLOR AND HKD ro'.m, tocetlter or senara'e; also square Room; terms low to desirable party. 131 Bast 12th at. A LADY HAS HANDSOMELY KUKNtSIlED ROOMS to let, from $2 to $H per week. 101 East 12th st. Cull all wees. (THEAP?PARLOR AND BASEMENT. WITH CAR -Tpota. to physician or milliner: also socoinl or tliird Hour, turnIsiteU or not. Apply ou preinlsus 213 AV est 53d St., near Broadway. Furnished rooms, with gas and bath, in stapk-toti. S. 1., near lerry. Address S. L., Herald office. hi PUNISHED LARGE FRONT ROOM TO LET; ALSO U hail Room: all improvements. 137 East 30th su IilUltMSHED ROOMS. WITHOUT BOARD, FOR ' gentlemen only; cliolcu accommodations and very cen tral 34 M ost 25th St. FURNISHBD LARUE AND SMALL FRONT ROOMS. Iiouselteepinir or gentlemen, $3 to $tl weekly. 77 East liuli st. F URNISHBD BOOMS TO RENT SINGLY OR KN suite, with ult board, to gentloineu only. 4Wett2Slh Faurmsiied rooms -kikst, second and third floor Rooms. $1 50: 15 East Itltlt st. Parlor Floor or Hull Hall. $2 50: lurtro Koonts, $3, $4; 10(1 East 15th st JMURN1SHKD LARGE tND SMALL ROOMS IN FIRST Class holts ', without Uosrd. 33 West 25th st. I'ltiJiT FODK MONTHS?LA KOE N KW FLAT TO LBT, ' furnished, near Windsor lintel: Janitor, bellboy, prl vatn null: $15(1 uoutlily. H., box 100 Herald Uptown office. HANDSOMELY FURNISHED BEDROOMS. HATH, Ac . for gentlemen : reception Farlor, very desirable for pby-lcian. 4H W est 30th et. Handsomely furnished flat-low rent f r Mimruer; furnished and un'urtilslio I llousn; re duced retita. A. DaILKY, 60b Bth av. HaLL ROOM, NEATLY FURNISHED, BATH, OAS, to nentUman only; refereuce required. .140 East 27th. IaT(GE, II an"DSOMELY FURMsiTkd "rooms. MS J,'le ami connucilni;, to let to gentlemen; terms mode rate 138 Rust llitlt st. XT K AT Y FUKNISIIKD FRONT ALCOVE BOOM, i\ all coiiveiileitces, also other Rooms, with closets. 215 Wear I fit It st . Newly fuhnisiibd rooms for rent?also ovumIful Parlor Floor and a front Hasement tor office terms moderate 29 West 23d st llo LET-570 3D AV. (FIRST BELL). A HANDSOME 1 lv fhrnUhed Iror.t Parlor, with a largo airy Be iroom. vitli the use ol the kltohen; tortus moderate. rp<) LET 815 WEST 3nTH_ HT.. FURNISHED FRONT Bascmont, for a doctor's office or llaht house Keeping TWO ROOMS TO LET TO GENTLEMEN AT 410 VVE.-T 34th st. rpwo VERY DP.SIRABLE NICELY FURNISHED L front and hack Rootue, third floor, very reasonable. 256 West 34th st. two KI-KGANT FU U.N ISIIR D ROOMS To LET. ?ulta4>le for one or two gentlemen. Inquire 4 6th av. VERY D SIR ABLE ROOMS. FIRST FLOOR P, I vate house, for ladies or gentlemen. 211 Eaet 39th st.; terms moderate. ?fTBKF LA BOB, NICELY FURNISHED FRONT Room. V stnail Room adjoining; light housekeeping. 417 4lh nr.. near '-'Uth. WHOLE OR PART OF A HANDSOMELY FUK til.hed Flat; eight rooms; all conveniences: $6 1. 4D5 Weet 22d st. Cl') '"?n |,KK WKI'.K.?A MCRLY FIJRNIHIihi) ?p_j ?)Unall Room, to genGemon only, et 50 West 14tn St., between ah and tlth avs. ? > V ORoo WKHT Son! ST.-hl.EGANILY F0RMSI1KD ms; also Reception Room for a physician; tuima ffT . AV., NO. 104 ?' NTI tlt FLOOR AMD SKI'AilAlK ? ) i:oonm, furnished; bittln od encb floor; reference re quired. Q "~S*S~T STTII, BKTWEKN 5TM AND MADISON r_/ars ?Furnished Room* to rent, to irentkmen, without liourtl; breakiaat If required ; teriim moderate. 1 UllBAT JONKS ST. ?OOMFOKTA HLY FUKMSIihD ' Rooms. for (etllmei 1/k KAST 2STII, HKTWEi-N r.Tll AND MADISON I "/*vs.?KuruUlioil Rooms; Breakfast If desired; reler enees. 1.1 KAST 2SD. -ELKO\NTI.Y FURNISHED ROOMS i _t<> let to Kentiemen. witii privet* baths; breakfast if deal red. 1 a JTH -<T. (BETWEEN 2D AND :il> A VS.). 221 I 11 nusnmoly turnialied largo Room a to gentlemen ; also bull i:nom. 1 ?> W sT jorn sr.. N K A It DKLMONIOO'R?IIAND 1 ?)h(iui ly tarnished I'artor mi.I Kedr>>ius 011 Brat anil aecond floora, delightfully cool mid pleasant auiuinor roolua, without u.uird. kin EASTERN HOULKVAKD. CORN R OilTII ST iui KurilUliml Kuom to let, uvtrloefctng I urge circuit Long IrIhikI rt?*i<lei?e*f*. *)?> WKsT 'MiTil ST.?IIAN DBOMELY KCRNISIIKU )Suit* of Uouin?. also aingio Kootn. to gentlemen, with refero !><'#>. r;(i BANK ST. (FKlVATB FAMILY).?BLBU ANT smj '/double end ninglo Room*; large cloeutM attache !: ?r? u tletriett < nlv. ?>/? I It VIM J 1'LACK, OPI'O'ITK Til K W KtfTMCNHTKIt Ol)Hotel.-A bitDdMBrlj Inmlihed Room to let, to gen tlftiM-n only. ?J(t KAMI IT 11 ST.. HltTWttKN BOWKKY AM) t.) *' Broadway, -K?imkiied Room* to let. without board; re fur"fire* required. 43nU Til vV.. NEAR 14 I II HT.-EI,* HANTi.V KIR nlsh<-i| Rouis, Iar_o an I win nil ; bou.e newly Helmut. ,-?) WKSTa4Tll >r. ia.tR .F. FRONT ALOOVk ROOM a It )..n v-cond floor, also square iiooiu mid hail Room, handsomely tarnished, t ? respectable parties; rent cheap. ?/? MTU ST.. NKAR HilOADW A Y.?NK'BLY FUR. t M ) uialied Koiiina, Aral alass conveniences, (2 5(1 upward ; not. qui.) house. t> t WKbT flurii FURNISHED kOOus to KENT. ') i to ilnili HltilMai iiiao e mansion I'arlor. anitable for del tor's office. Ill KAST 27TII HT?NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, I I ' i' b.tbroeui attaolud; lerma moderate 1 gentle men only. 122 W KHT I7TII ST., N K I It UTII AV. ? KI.KO\>T I'.riur land Bedroom; terms moderate; Board lor .jki.^ W'H-'T ISTll ST.?RKUUND FLOOR TO RENT; ,L?*<h*nll impruroui.iita; rent moderate. ?)1(| K A ST 13TII. IKlUSi KKKI'INtl OR Ui-.NTI.I5 ? )1 ?'iru-n . Iiaudaomely luriilabed A pertinent*, together or separate, K> to $! private hoaael Hoard It doalred. vnriiRiviHiiED iunuir ttu apakt MKVTM TO laKT. WEGuNli TLo mi, 55 iV vt\, ithrw ij::n oil! a Nil j\ 7th eve.. to ?m*U inmlly; no children. Apply ?t cool ofti' C, 2HI. it., lif*?tr Hth nc. A N M,hU A N'T THIRD K..IJOK 10 LET?NO. B Ore at Jones at.; rout t'J". a Ms f KHDAM KI.ATs, (irH A V., CORN Kit 40TII ST.? is First eiaaa comer Flat; low rent. Inquire ol janitor on premise.. Fiikst "ililuis n,A?S;* w3 to ia& riTLBiiant liouae. J every Imirmment; Did at, i,?*iii|iton a?., is lib at | J 'in I tor I OWN I I., 1'JlT Knat .'illll al. LplNR FRKRUM FLAT! To I.ET-I* a IU.oK AND r liaaemn lit tone ber Alan alnele Flats; room a lar-e, iiirht mid In uood oril. r; rant low. Applv oa preiumea. 4.'?.l Want 4:id at. IAIDiF. F .|>N I'. II vCK iND II II.I, ithDKOi'M. S A). J.Old floor, uulurntab. 1. :t:? Meat 2:b! ai.. (In per month. xru. 27.r> WEST laill ST.?rOUK 111', i II I I FIU, Xl Kooiua Brat story, la nue nrd r. to let. at naly(2i*pur loonlli; Juat vac int. Inquire wltblo qapA'DND FLOOR, FIV K IDIOMS. IIIKKK 81'ORT Obaaemenl, with owner. 42<> Weft 4l4h ?t.. Rut; half Floor, Iroilt, 2MB West ailth, near Sib nr., abnep rent fjptvo VKRV I.AKOh, F.tF.UANT FAKI,OI?S, I NI'I'H. _ niaiied. with mlrrora. r.'Haouai'le; line home: beit loca tion, relertnaea WKnai22d, a eond door from Broadway. 50w IWFUUSlSHEn HWm? AMD APAKT. . .MKYTM TO LKT. A I mfSo _ A UH l^fi^irfuLSr. x luufuri>ifch<ti, lor light h<>u?ok?epiutf; rem moderate. LKXIWOTUN AV ? UMKUKIliitiED ROOMS, ithout board. for tfeuileineu. HOtSEs. lU)?Mi7^ VVA NTEO. lu thU Clty anil liruoklyn/ ** A RESPECTABLE PERRON WISHES A IIOU3B TO Auk# caro ot lor the >uuugr;c*ii be wall recommended. No. 118 \\ est l!Ot l> at. A VOt Kil (MKUIUAN OiiC'PLK, SiiBKH. mTKADY VVuii.I reliable. would lLke to take charge of a private house : bit-baud it mechanic capable ol taking charge aud repairing an estate. ('all or addrnaa 735 3d av WANTEU-U Y I WO YUUNw LADIKat, THREE OR lour furnished Kootua, belwaan 3d aud 5th ava pre ferred: terms uot lo exceed $3l)per mouth. Addroaa ? W. V., statin i>, New York. W 'ANTED oNK OK TWO ROOMS. WEST 81DK* 14tli to 34lh at., for club room ; rout low. Vl Vll) 437 W oat 35ih at. VV ANTED?UY A <i KNTLKM A N AND WIFE. A IT rloor, with liiipruvoiueuta. in private houaa: woat side pisferrsd: rout moderate. Audraaa H. S.. Herald office. Wanted?a fuknished uijCsk. wITerkownek will bourd iu part payment; central location and good neighborhood. Addroaa HKHPoN.-lBLK, bos 113 Herald office. \ Ol-'NU MaKKIKD COUPLE REQUIRE UNFUR _l ulabcd apartments, butwouu Hth aud 241b eta., with bath ; reterencee exchanged ; stale prioe. J7 Kau (Wtb at. 1 AT.ICS AT Ail iiut, V ?' AtfcttiftKgETrrTrXffD A #wn?0 unci duhirubiu liuUbtbaltl Kuruiiuru ut unction ? K. 11. LUDLOW A CO. will sell ut auction, commencing lueadav. May 7, at 11 o'clock, and continuing dally until all la sold, the entire Furniture of the aix houses N'oa. 254, 250. 2,*H. 200. :82 aud 204 4th ay., comprising a varied aud general assortment ol I'arlor, Dining Room aud Chamber f urniture, China. Ulaaaware. Silver Plated W are, Cutlery, lab.e auu Bed_ Linen. curled hair Mmtressos aud B ddlng, lino Carpeta, Kltclieu Furniture, Cooking Utensils, Ac. Catalogues at office ol auctioneer. No 3 Fine at. and 1,13d Broadway. A MORRIS WIdKINS, a ?11 (NOSOMK AND ATTRACTIVE HOUSEHOLD Fi RNiriTI.I'. AT AI OTION. E. H. LCD LOW A CO. WILL SELL AT AUCTION. On FRIDlY. MAY 1 j, AT 11 O'CLOCK, Af THE .-TR1CTLY PRIVATE RESIDENCE NO. ?0 I'aKK, .nOUTHEaST CORNER 40 Nf ST. THE J-.NfiKK FURNITURE. CHINA. ULASS WARE, OAS FIXTURES. PlEtt. MANTEL MlKKOKS, AC. HOUSE WILL BE OPEN FOR INSPECTION BY PERMIT THE DAY' FlthVIOUS TO SALE. ^ ? MOdJtIS~WlLKi NS, AUOTIONKBtL ELEGANT HOTEL FURNITCKE, FIXTURES AN'H AFl'URTKNANCES OF TUB WELL KNOWN WINCHESTER IIOTeL, NORTHEAST CORNER BROADWAY AND 3IST ST.. AT AUCTION. E. H. LUDLOW 1 CO. will aell nt auction, commune ng Monday, May 13. at 11 o'clock, an J continuing until all la aoid. tne I'.NTlHR FURNITURE, Ae..ol the abovu Hotel. KALE POSITIVE. Catalogues at office of .vuotioiieera. No. 3d Fine at., and 1,130 Broadway. Attention ol hotel propriutora aud private families la solicited. A?A.?BaKKeTT A CO., AUC HONKERS, ? 47 aud 41) Liberty at BARKEU A CO. will aeil on Tburaday. May 0, at 12 o'ulock, Tailoring Goods, Store Fixtures, Iron Sale Ac. sauic day, nt 12 o'clock, at 111 Broadway. Exchange Sab-broom. Real Estate, On FRIDAY and SATURDAY, Mav 10 and II, choico burupouu and Aiuerlcau high class Oil Paintings. Now on oxbibltion. To be sold without any reserve whatsoever. A -BARKER A CO.. AUCTIONEERS. " > Oraud, special, peremptory sale ot English double-barrelled Ouua. by order ol Francis Tomes' Son. BARKER A CO. will anil uii a credit of throe months. ToESDAY and WEDNESDAY. May 7 audS, commencing ut 11 o'clock each day, at thoir auction rooms, 47 aud 4'J Liberty St., the moat varied and complete uasortinent of fine Single and Double Cuus ever offered ut public uuctiou. Makers?W. A O. Scott. Wuslley Richards, Manton. Mol lis and Webloy. imported uy the late llrm ol Francis Tomes A Cix, No. 0 Maiden lane, and made expressly to their order. UCTIONI AUCTION I AUCHO.< LaUUK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE SALE THIS (TUESDAY) M MINING. MAY 7 COMMENCING AT 10 O'CLOCK. AT THE ELEGANT BROWN STONE MANSION. 127 east 27th st.. BETWEEN LEXlNO ION AND 4TH A VS.. 17 bna Carp-its, 3.5 Oil Paintings. tuagullieeut crimson satin (Jueuu Anne and Urando Ducliusse style Parlor .suits; silk cnieliue aud rep Mario Antoinette and 1'oiupaduur Druwiuir Room Suits; rosewood Piauolorte, largo aud small Mirrors, Lace Curtains, Etagerea, Tables. Bookcases, Desks, Turkish I- uruilure. elegant Bedroom Suits, st.vie ol' Louis XIV.; Bedsteads, Bureaus. Waahatauus. Dressing Cases, Wardrobes, hair and spring Mattresses, Bedding Holsters. Pillows, Ac.; magnificent French walnut >lue bourd. Extension Tables. Chairs; over 27<J lots Class, China. Silverware, Cutlery, basemeut and servants'Fur niture. i . KUTil, Auctioneer. Goods Hacked If desired. Take Third or Fourth aveuue curs lo East 27tb st. A ?TUNIS JOHNSON, AUCTION EBB. ? Old stand 37 Nassau at. THIS DAY. AT 1 UK O'CLOCK, at our salesroom, 37 Nassau st.. ELEGANT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, imported from Paris. SUPERB TURKISH PARLOR SUITS IN GREEN plush, elegant 1-ranch walnut and roaowootl Bedroom Suits, Hue curled I.Air Mattress, s, very elegant Card fa bles, Ladles' Chilfuulurss, Secretaries, real LACK CURTAINS. FINK OuEKN KnP CURTAINS and Lambrequins, embroidered wltli bullion; Blankets, Sheets Vienna bunt wood Chairs, vulval and English body Brussels Carpets, tluo Bookcases, De'sks, Lounges, nettees. Armchairs In inorueeo leather, l'arlitiuus. Salamander Sales; also two rosewood Pianos -iUNlT JOHNSON, AUCTIONKEK, ' ? Old stand 37 at. THIS DAY, AT 10k O'CLOCK, AT THE UoTIIAM, 2!>H BOWERY, all the Billiard Tables, Paitiilous. Gas Fixtures, Beer Pump, Bar Fixtures, Mirrors, Ac. t auction; by van iasskll a kkarney. auctioneers, at tbuir salesroom, 22 Union Square, 4th uv , Hour 1'iib st,. TO-MORROW (WEDNEsDAl), at ink o'clock, elagaiit Household Furniture. Parlor suits lu satin and teps; black walnut Bedroom Suits, pier and mantel Mir rorn. Brouxo Sets, oil Painting.. Card aud <'eiitro Tables. Curtains, velvet and Brussels Curpots. marble Vases aud Manils, gilt iripod Tables, rosewood Aruioire a Glace black walnut Mirror list Stand, black wamut Sideboard Roman Stove. Au? Ac. Full particulars tu-iuorrow. A~ T AUCTION^ ~~ Bi V >N I'.(SHELL A KKARNEY, AUCTIONEERS ON THURSDAY, MAY U. aT IU;, O'CLOCK A I ..I), 21*1 WEST 23D ST., coruor 71'11 AV. E LEG AN f IIOUSEIIOLlt FURMl l RE.-Parlor Suits In reps. Brussels and Ingrain Carpels, blaca walnut Bed siead-, black walnut uiarb.e top Bureaus, black wa'uul Washstands, Lounges, l.luck walnut > lialrt, black walnut Wardroues. spring and hair Mattresses, Bolsters and Pil lows, in trine lop Cunlro aud Side Tables, black ? aiuul Ex tension Tables, 20 slid 18 leut; noukers. Dining Room Chairs. Crockery, Cooking Utensils, .staves, ol,cloths. AO.. A . Full particulars to morrow, whon catalogues may be bad ?1 the auctioneers, st their sales, o -m. 22 Uulou square Auction .-.auk ELEGANT ANI> DKSI 11AULK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AT AUCTION. TIII8 iTUKsliAYi AFTERNOON. VT 1 O'CLOCK. AT I'll 1 V A TK RhdlDKNcK. 12K WKHT 231) -T? NEAR flTIC AV. PARLORS OON'f * IN Htelnway A Son's upright Piano. Windsor square nritnil Pianoforte, Parlor Suit*, covered In antine; Ktacerca, Cabinets, lablca, Mnquct and velvnt Car pets. pier ami mantel Mlrrora, oil 1'ulutings, Brunei's, hevoroe anil urmi'ti Miintol S.'ts, Ac CllA.Mlihll Nl'.TH. Diusaiug Caaea. Ddsloads. (Million lr.->, Wasuat > ml a. hair ami a ji r I n k Matt re.see, Bolsters Pillows, Suit" ill ropa. Lounge., Chairs, Ac. Dining l(noui?Itulfet, Kxloiislon Table. China, olaea and Silver Ware. Furniture ut kilclieu ami Serv lit.' Apartments. I.I Kh h'l I/.< i I.H 11.Ii. Auctioneer. Auction walk at private residence THUS iTUhMD.tY) MO.NINO, commencing nt in o'clock, ut live sterv br**wn atoue i tebileuco NO. 41 WEST HU H nr.. II. TWBKN r.TII ANDGTI1 AVK Furniture mnle to urilor lor preseul owner tijr l.a lluiiru A Co.; itl.o magnificent aelactlon ol line Oil I'.ilnlinira ami llroiia?. purchased by owner wlrile in Europe. 8TKINW AV KOL'i: ROUND 7* OCTAVE PIANOFORTE, (MICKKKINU UI' I PIANOFORTE. PARLOR AN 11 UKAWINU KOIIM SUITS. richly carved rua. wood anil walnut fraiuea. covered In crlm.oii, tan and pod limeade, aaatin and eotclalne; Turklali and Spanish i.ounos. Kaay Chain*, In.aid marquetry ami gilt Centre and Conaoio I allies, roeewood ktagnro., Cabined, French 'plate Mirrors, luce Curtains. French Mantel Cola, On-day Clocks, Musical lfuxe?, Linrarv and Secretaire Bookcases, llook,, l ibrary tubus. Suit, Wruing Desk. BEDROOM KU K> ITU It K, CONHdTINU i elaborate and plain liedrin in Seta. Inlaid and irllt Bed Ulead.. Urisiug Caaea, Ifureaua, tt'uahetands. Single and J.ounl Bedsteads, Hit line hair ami spring Maitre.aca, fea ther I'llluwa, lllniiketa. l ollet Set., rep ami nlti.h Sulla, mar ble top I'ablra. Coaira. Kocuura. Reclining Chairs, IminiP'k 1)1 NINO FURNITURE?f-xtduslon rubles, sideboard. Cliaira In leatli *f, Silverware, Crockery. Library and Secre taire i ooscases, Library Tables, Turkish Suit, two 11 nil blende ; velvet, Hrua.claand iiiicmln Carpet.; Kitchen. NOTICE Portion ut the Furniture, Hmuioe and Paiut Inge purcliaaed at the Centennial. ,v II. ? Sale poaitive. ram or ahlne; don't tail to attend. Meaara. BaNOii. PH A CO., Auctioneers. Arrange in a nil nia.lo lor packing and alilppfnir II deaired AUCTI.i.N lAtil THIS (TOM DAT) MOltNlNU. commencing at 10 o'clock, rain or eliino, at private r. aldoucn 21 East 17th at., between Itro dway ami full ay. 2 brilliant toned Plan..*, Sialnway and Nugent. S ell pant Parlor suite, eatlu and rvu. Brunei Mantel Set. Centro mid Console Taidea Bronte Flitufee, aaaorted. Tnrklsb Chairs. 12 A Imlow Lace Cortaina. )s Bruaaela and Ingrain Carpeta. Ifi elr-iront Oil Paintings, litigant L'pittrlit Piano il ole. nit Iteuroom Seta tn black walnat, Kleuaiit calum*la and liooacaara. Hair and Sprlug Mattreaava, Wardrobes. I'llluwa, Bolsters and Bed Linen. 2 elegant Bull-is, Extension I abioa end Cbafrt. Lot solid sliver and Plated Ware. I.di pieces Glassware. l.< t ol Kitchen ami sermnta' Fnrnlture N. It. ?Broadway stages or grseu caie from Grand etrret ferry. II. K. MAKI'IN A CO., Aiiutloneere, officii 1,101 Broadway. A T AUCrloN. MlillT'tlAUK 8ALBL Aby VAN TASSKLL A KKAHNBY. AUCTIONKLKS. Tills DAY MUl sOAY) at ink O'CLOCK, at no. id east tin ii sr.. betwkBn oth and >i A Ml.-ON A VS. ELEGANT HOUSEHOLD and PA It 1,0 It KUKNIIUKE. comprising Parlor Suite, in repa; Hvdruoiu Suite, In black walnut and unamli iieiteteiids, llurcaue, Waaliataudi, Luiiiig#<, Tete-a telvs, I olding and Kaay Chairs. Bonkers Centre Pal* la *, Flower biamla. Pier ami Mantel Mirrors, I act and ren Curtains. Cornices. Extension Tallies, Dining ro *iii Chairs. llulTel, Engravings and Paintings, hair Mat treaaca, leather Plliowa and Holetera. ltiankats llat Ra* ka. Glass and Oil lira it are. Bruaaela Carpala. Ilall and .-talr Carpets, Kilelian kurnlture. Cooking Ltensile, Clothes Wringers, Refrigerators, Ac. By order of E. Traey, Attorney lor Mortgagee. ?JAMKSS. ufi, I'iY, AUCTION BKH U.S. RAYMOND ? A Co.), stoic 1103 W asliington st ? Unr* eerved sale at Or.erics. Provlalone Produce, Wood Ware and ireoerdt Merrhaudlea this d *r fluendayl, May 7, 11 o'cloclK ill) IIKN tUCIUiNEMt. WILL SELL ON WKIM ?naadar, May s, at lo o'clock A. M., ?ltf Myrtle aw., Ilrooh11 n. a large and woll selected etook of Chin a, olate. Crockery. Hardware, and a general (took ol lluaMrwrdUb lae woods. In loss to suit dealora. A SAL. KM AT ItfTlOi. ? Taction walk." "private residence J\ Larite auction tale, poiltiWly , _ , . THIS (TuesdayI MOKMNU. coiuiuencius at lOocloek, at the large lour story residence 131 West Mil) St.. n? ir?th ??-.RTM HOUSE CONTAINS 2 MAGNIFICENT 1*1 ANOFOKTRh, ELKO ANT DRAWING "UOM sUe,. CHAMBER SETS LI2HAUV A3D DINING ri'itNIITKK COMKLKTE. KINK COLLECTION OF BRONZES. CHOlCh PAlMlNGS. L*K, ET . ParlorsSingle uad doublo Drawing Bo01^ car Ted and lulaid Irenes. e -vered In crnn.ou, blue aiid.ll ver saline, cotelsiur, raw silk and wool r*i>?. !Jrolllo Lie Tunica td mutch: V,!h" deal all e mounting*; Klagsrv*. ebony aud tfilt*tab . . Teoles, Easel., Turkish > balra, Lounge*; Broua- ''J?,"J1 Fluuroa Statuult.a; Oil Painting* by am.udiit urtlala. in Uuudaoma Bold Irumea; Lace Curlsins. Pier magnificent stkinwav ufr i u1' T/soEQiTB ALSO GRAND SQUARE 7? OCrAVK FIaNUIOBTB. embroidered Cover. Stool. Muaic Cabiuet. Maute . Work Tables, Carpets, Mule. Bug*. Ac. ? . Cbuuibara :-E..aa wood oud walnut Cham bar Bets or Beo. itiiidi DroHninif Citi0ti Uur?HU?, Yiaahstends, Loww * (^taire! Kockera, curled buir and oliierMAtlreaaea. ?P' Veda, leather Pillow*. Wardrobes, Easy Clielr*. Bed Louuires. 22 rooina Carpeta. Bulla in rep. Ao. Tablea IRuing Boom aud Library i?Bookcaaaa. Pe??N T"' ?? wltb blue, eriuiaon clotb suit* in tapestry. *"?. Iwo ,y r aion Tablea. Bullel. Dlnieg Chair*. bllver?ami1 lalad ?. i' . Kuivss aud F'orka, Spoons. Lester*. Ice I iwhera, ? ? Eiteuen Ware and Auctlone.r. N. U. -Uooda parked, boxed and abipned; city or couulry, Uooda etored until May 13 Iroe. _ . ? . iti'TtoN KKSTaCKANT. A by VAN T A SHELL A KKABNEY. Auctioneers, at No. 14 Oortlaiiot at., on WEDNESDAY, .MeyH. at if o'clock the content* of Koasanraut. Storm Door*. -loam Boiler. Strum Pump. Bar and Hoc* Bar. lourpull lump, marble Watur Cooler, marble Counter*, VI atn*eotin* w1th Bord er, PlUcd Ware. Glassware, btuuda nod Petitions, witu *ir ror. Copper Holler, lonn<a, Gujt fixture*, ? AlOKTGAUJK H AL IS. 0 PKTKK HOWE, Auctioneer. will sell WKD.SKSDa Y, ut II o'clocH. at the aoctiou rooms, corner 8th at. aud L'nlvereltv a large asaortiueut of Furniture, eouMstlug of Farior Sylta. Pier and Mantel Mirrora. rosewood Piano, black *? ?"* Brassing Cases and Bureaus. Wurdrobos. Bookcases. Hall BtMiidif, black walnut Bedsteads, liulr and spring Mat tresses, marble top Washslands. Lotto yea. Extension '*? Ides, dockers, ( hairs, large quantity of Toilet Crockery, Brussels and ingrain Carpets. IvUcuen Utensils. AO. X^UEOROK W. KBhLEK, AUCTIONEER. A. salosrooui 03 and 55 Liberty at. WEDNESDAY <TO-MUKR0W). at 12 " clock, ELEUaNT FU It NT TUB K. LA K1 KT3, bUPEBIOIt Made PA EDO it RL'II. {/J ROSEWOOD SQUARE OltAND PIANO. KINKIIAND CaUVKD BUFKKt. Large wlug Library Case, elegant IJedstouds. Grassing Cases, Mattrossos. Crockery, Cutlery, Paintings. Brouxee. ALSO. VALLEY CAMEL'S HAIR SUAWL. Salu of flue Kuigravii.igiThursday. "T W. llOOEBT, JR.. A UOTION EKR. * Peremptory Bale of Furuiture THIS DAY at 16 East at.. 10% o'clock. A T AUCTION-634 CHOICEST LOTS IN BROOKLYN, Aon May 15. 12 o'clock, by J. COLE. 380 Fulton St. Croat opportunity for builders and Investors. I art Ionian apply to HEsBY C. MUUP1IV, Jr., Referee, 40 l.ourl sc. Brooklyn: WALTON P. HELL, PlainlllTs Attorney, 80 Broadway. Now York. A"'-J AMES II. LENT. AUCTION i.K B. 4iM? BROAD ? wav Bankrupt sale ui UdUsehold Furuiture to-day, at 11 o'clock t Parlor aud Bedroom Suits, umrble top Tables. Stands. Lounges, spring Mattresses, Pillows, Bolster?, Ac. BY ROBERT" SOMKRVILLK, AUOTIONeBB. MOHTOAOE SALE. ON" WEDNESDAY, MAY 15. AT 11 A. M.. ALL TlIK FUltVITUKE CONTAINED IN 11IE DWELLING NO. 225 WEST 23D ST. BY ORDER OK Q. B ASHLEY, ATTORNEY FOB MOKTOAOEE. Y CAMPBELL A <T>.. ALCi lONELKS. Mortgsge sale. Sella to-morrow (Wednesday), to loreclosa ehattol mort gage entiro elegant Household Furniture four story high stoop private resideneo. Full particulars in Wednesday's lieruld TM8SKLI. A WELLES, AUCTIONh KBB.- GOODS Jjallghtly damaged ir in Steamer City of .sew Bedford. THIS DAY (TUESDAY), at 11 o'clock A. M., at pior 3U East River (uoar Market at.), by order n| the cinslgiiee, about UdU doreu 2 and 3 boop Pails, 200 uests O. (i. Tuba. 8 in nest. MISSKLL A Vt ELLKs. Auctione- rs. 15 Murray at. ?Y JOHN A. DUNnI aUCTI ON BKK. - S A LK Til IS day. 10>; o'clock. No. 1113 3d av .the Furniture or? Km ilv luavins the city. Bedsteads. Bureaus. Tablea. Cu ilra, Brussels Caru*ta, Mattrcse.. .Mantel Mirrors. Kitchen Utensils. Ac . all to be sold and removed immeuiatoly. Dealers invited, ________ TyTjAMKS M. FORD. i.ENl KAL AUCTIONEER. AT JJKastslda Auction Rooms. 102 8dav., 2 o'clock, very large aud desirable assortment excellent Kurultare, em bracing two rosewood Piauna. 7 1-3 octave, beautllul tone and action, cltv makers; Parlor Suits. Chamber and Had room mrultura lu great variety. Carpets, Heddiug. Mir rors, Oil Paintings. Diuiler and lea Uhina, Engravings, flue hair Mattresses Beds, Bolsters and Pljlf"?; Kitchen 1 tonsils; also about I.UOO yards Bngllsh Ollclotba. rem mints, 3 to 2D yards. Sale absolute ruiWAKV 8CHENCE. AUCT10?TeER. PEREMPTORY SALE OF FURNITURE THIS DAY. MAY 7, at No. 10 Maldau lane, at 11 o'clock. , Al?o a ro?<iwiii?d I'ltno, octavo, bjr Wateri A Son* T7i COLTON, AUCTIONEER, P. Buletroom Broadway, below Houston ?t.a will soil Tills DAY (Tuesday), May 7. at II o'clock, at 10H4tb av., near 12;h St., the entirs Furniture. Carpets. Mirrors Psrlor. Heoruoin and Dining Boom Furniture, hair Mattresses, leather Pillows. Parlor Organ, rosewood Piano, China aud Glass Ware. Ac. On WEDNESDAY. May 8. at II o'clock, at Ibo salesroom. 5;*l Broadway, below ilou-lou St., a very large and atlrnctivo assortment of rich Parlor, Bed room and Dining Boom Furniture, about 150> arpsts. con tlsllnx of Axminstor. Velvet, Brussels aud Moquette Car pets. The carpets will be sold at 3 o'clock prompt. /T KO. A LEaVITT A CO . AL'CTIONKKRS. Now on exhibition at the Leavltt Art Rooms. 817 Broad whv until liuiu ot salu. ^ . WEDNKHD AY and Til U USD A Y afternoons, at 2 o'clock, BIBELOTS I CURIOS! 1'orcalaln, Pottery, rare Antique Fnrnltnre. Rugs. Ac.. Act /1~KoKGK J SMITH, AUCTIONEER. U CUAlMJU ? 1,1 _Mortgage sale By virtue of the foreclosure o? a chattel mortgage 1 will .oil, on Tuesday, the 7lb day or Mav. at IU o'clock lu tbe toreuoon. at So 465 W?at JOtb at., two Carriages, lour Horses, two sots of Harueas. By oruer UKUKUr. J, ?" ji 1111 Attorney lor Mortgagee. d. WhIXHKKGKK, AUOTIOMEKlt. a ? THIS DAY (I'uosdaj), May 7. at 10^ o'clock, at now sala?ro?<m, aNo. 53 iiowcry. Furniture. Carpeta. Piauo. Sewlnjc Macbioea. 50 new (Mocka Mirrora, Corulcoa, Dry GootU. Cutlety. 26 tuba But ter, Umbreliaa, Paraaola, Cigara, Liquors, Ac. JHAVRN AUCTIONEER. ?office and salesroom U4 Weil f!4th it., noiir Broadway, 11 A. M? at 04 West 34th. large lot Household Furniture, Carpets, Mirrors, satin auU rep F?r lor Miiti. Bedsteads, Bureaus, Lounges, Tables, very Imnd ?oine black walnut Buffet. Brousos, Figures. Fede.tals, Pictures. Easy Ohairl. Carpets. Ollclothi. Fancy floods, Ae. Alio In the evening at 8 u'olock, at H4 Weil film. iaia of 5UO volume! ol vuluanle Theological and Classical Books: among them are many eului'.iei ol hormone and Common tariea by Kitglitb autbore, duplleatei of which are not now easily obtained. M~ OKTUAOK BALK?BY VAN TAHHKLIi A KB A It SKY, n uetloiieer*.?To morrow (Wedn-sday), May 8, at II o'clock, the Block, Flxtitr s and Hualns-ss of a Brit claet Liqnnr More, nu the iiorthweet corner ol fid nv. and 14th it., together with two years' lease of preutUei; sta tion of Elevutod Itallroad will be at the door. J AM KB M. HWr.BWIV. Attorney lor Mortgagee. OK HIM W IE KIN 8. AU OTIOJf K KB. ?41 AUoFF Kill" i rty n Stirling place. I'earl and Floyd eta.. Brooklyn ? K. ii. Lt'DLUW A CO. will tell at auction, on Wednosdav, Mav M, 1878, at 1.' o'clock, at the exchange Haleeroom, Ill HroadwayStirling place, Butler at.?3 lour itorv and collar brown atono Apartment llouaei, eacb 3<-xU) loot, known aa Noa. 17 and 111. lots liri leet. I'earl at. the thiuo atory (basement and French roof) frame Dwelling, known at No. 3llft. eont Ilia 1 - rooms; lot 3A* I HSU. Floyd at.. No. 196?Three atory and cellar double Tenement House, containing apartment* fur lour famlllee on each floor, lot 3">x 1011. M~' NUS8UAU.M. AUCTION I.Kit. 301 BOWK It Y, ?sella thla day, 10 o e ock. 31 Leonard at.. Mock and Ftxiurea lteataurant and Oyatera Saloon. In lota. NUMSUA V M, AUCTIUMIKBa UliM'Till -S~DA~yT 1 ?o'rl -ek, -Ul Bowery, una llorae. top Wagon and lier ueaa, without reaarve. MNU.-BIIaUM. AUCTIONEER. 2fll BOWKRT. ?sella Wednesday entire flist class Furniture ul lour atory private residence, t'articaiar* to-morrow PA W N BKOKEIt'B BALK.-THOMAS KK YWOKTli, Auctioneer, will sell this dstr. *t I o'clock, at 73 ? er mine at., real lots Men's and Women's Clothing, Remnants. Ac.. Ac.; dealers attend. By order of Lewis Morris. IJAW.NRKoKkTT'S BALK,?H. KIKU-SM. GENERAL An tinnacr. 433 Fulton at . Brooklyn, sella this day, at 11 o'clock. MS) lota floods, pledired previous to March 7. 1877. constating l?re>acs, -Shawls, Remnants Undsrwear, lied .ink. Boots, Mines. Ac. At II o'cfocs, 330 l is Coats, Fauta. Vests, Ac. By order II All McAlesiian, it Sands at. FA\S .BROKER'S SALK.?THOMAS J. M'UKATII. Auctioneer, lf>8 Chatham sU. corner Mulbery, w II sell this day, 11 o'e ock, thai lots Men's and Wis men's Clothing, Dresses, Shawls, Remnants, Uutlta, Hlauketa, Bedding, tloota. Shoes. Ae. ; also t 'oata, I'ena and Vesta. Br order J. L. l'ragar, West 3fid at. F. 8L? Also Urge lot ol I a pet*. Pawnbrokers half?watches and jew. clry. ? JAMFH AfiAK. Auctioneer, will Sell to-morrow (Wcdnokday), at salesrooms l>4 II-wery, at II o'clock, 7<>0 lots gold and silver Watches, gold and diamond Jewelry, opera (Basses. Uiiiis, llevilvers. Silverware, Musical aud Mathematical liistriiinsuts sua Fancy Hoods. By urd-r of M Davis. fl Sullivan st , and J. Ilarlem. atfit Hudson at. "PAWNBROKER'S SALE-WATCHES JKWKLKY, AC. J It. FIKLH. iitneral Auctioneer. salesroom No 153 C inal at., uesr Bowery, will n II this day. at 11 o'clock, floods pledged previous to April, 1877, consisting of SIX) lots nolo and silver Watches, diamond aud gold Jewelry, I'lns, nines, herrings, gold (luard. Foh and Vest Chains, Opera Mlasaes, Silverware, Guns, Fistula, Ae. ; also black thread lac* Nnawla and Heeque*. remuaiita of bisok thread Lara. Ac. By order K. Simpson A t.'o , IBB Bowery. QIIERIFF'H HA LI-,- BY VAX TAS8KLL A KEARNEY, 0 Auctioneers. will sell this day, at he. 311 Madison at., tha contents of Bakery Hlore, F-irnitnre, Fixtures, Ac., Ac. 111. RNAHD KhlLLY. HUrrlff. J AUU F. Wibnon, Depot r. T'""o WHOM IT MA~C0N4JKRN.-0. KoNlO-BI.IUJ. Aitetioiieer. sells to-day, at 3 o'clock. 33'> 3d sr., as aoritueut of lluitaehold Furniture to pay storage. MM! ii BOLD tfT'CBLlO AI OflUN, UN 1 TIIUKSDAY. May It), 1H<8. at 13 o'clock M . at the hxehange Salesroom, 111 Broadway, by LKsl'tN AHSK A Fill RDM AN. Auctioneers, a Farm of about 3tK> acres, meadow, upland and woods, situated on the i.rle Itallroad, 38 tulles from New York. In Hie Hamepo Valley; the Hainapo River runs through the properly; scenery unsurpassed i location healthy: large brick Mansion, In thorough order, ftirulahtU; gas. hot and cold water throughout; tine stable aud carriage house; dwellings for farmer and cnaehmau anil iitunorone out buildings; farm furnished with horses, cows, Ao. ; earn ages and agricultural implement*; a good atock of hay, straw, bats, Aa For maps and terms ol sale apply to tha auc tioneers, No. 3 Fin* st. It.1.1 AM ABrtuTT, AUCTIONEER, 9J ST.BECKER ?t.. will sell on Wndnesdny, at 10 u'olock the Mock and Fixtures ol the first class Liquor Btore at 14ft Spring; splendid B-pull Ale Fump, lints Counters, barrels of Bourbon, tilii. IV Iocs. Ae , Ao. _______ William amhott,a(7ctiuKES& m blrkokpr St., win sell on this day, al 4 o'oloek 1', II., three Coal Carte, at 8417 Uraaawlah sk ?AlaKS AT AUCTIOB. \|/1ElTAM" ABBoTT, AlfilToNhKB, iflffl# ?f ob this day, at JOJi o'clock, at auction reoins, Uo Bleeckor at., a large uuujbO' oi wcodiI baud Brussels Lar patc; also tbree-Ply aim Ingrains; large quantity el Rem nants ot Oilcloth, walnut marble top Chamber Suits, ele Saut Slus!.o..rds Id walnut aud oak. due Imported >lu-ic ux. Oil Paintings, marble top Tablaa, Tetea, Chalra, hair Mattresses. large lot beat curled llalr. Be. William abbott, auctionkf.k, salesrooms U3 H seeker at. By virtue of a bill cl aalc I will sell. on this day at 2 o'clock. tLe Fixture* and Furniture ot the Liquor St< re at 2*10 Weal it., vlukaut four-pull tie l'ump, waluut Couutora. Icebox, Cbaira and Tables, Clock. Olaaawuro. Ac. a vno I'je ast hi .n si i if *. GViOS LINh'"UNITKU%TAf ES~MAiL .vfr.AMfc.Kb for Qneenm wu aud Liverpool, leaving pier 48 North tliver. loot oi Charles sk. every Tuesday. ' . NEVADA May 7, U a. M. I IDAHO... May 21, B A. M. WVOMINO .May 14. 2 F. M. | MONTANA.May lib. 2 P. M. Cabin passage. $65, $75 wad $so according to location. Bnioklng. batli tooiua and piano on eacb ateaiuer. Intermediate. $4U; steerage, $28. WILLIAM.*. A OI1I0N. 2U Broadway. FECIAL NOTICE, -THE sPLEnDIU MAIL alilp NEVADA, Captain Uadd, loaves pier 4<i, foot of Charles, lor Quaenatowu aud Liverpool, on Tuesday, May 7. at B A. M. precisely. Superior aocomin. tor cabin, intermediate aud tieerare passengers at lowest rates. Apply to WILLIAMS A QUIDS. 211 Broadway. American LiNfc. fob livkkfool. Tiio only trunsatlantlo line sailing under the Araeri* canting. Sailing every Thursday frotn Philadelphia. INDIAN a sails Thursday, M. iv It. I 1*. M. RED .-TAB LINK FOK ANTWERP, carrying the Belgieu and United States mails, sailing soml Ironi Philadelphia and New York. SWITZERLAND sails Wedueiday. May S. at 8 A. M, For rates ol oasaaire and otlier liilormatiou apply to l'KTER WHICH'? A SONS, General Aounts, Sfi7 Walnut St., Philadelpliia; 52 Broadway, New \ori(. JOHN MCDONALD. Ageut 8 Hutlery place. Now York. (~S UN AMD LINK.?B. AND N. A. K M. 8. S. CO. J NOTICK With a view to dliniuisb the uhancei of collision tho stoauiere ol this line take a speciHc course lor all seasous of the veur. Ou the outward passage trum Queenstown to New York or Boston crossing Hie meridian ol 50 at 43 latitude, or noth ing to the uortn of 43. On the homeward pass aire, crossing tho meridian of SO at 42 latitude, or uotuuig to tho north ol 42. NEW YORK To LIVERPOOL AND (jUKKNSTOWK. AKV8SINIA Wed . May 8 | ALOErlA....Wed.. Mar 22 BOTHNIA .. ..Wed. May 15 I ?RUSSIA.... Wed . M uy 2U Cabin passairo aud return tickets on lavtirable terms. Steerage tickets to and from ull parts of Europe at vory low rates. Freight aud passage otlice. No. 4 Bowling Green. CHaRLESO, FR tNCKlYN, A.out PASSENGERS PER STEAMSHIP ABYSS!..IA EM bara from the Cuuard wharf, loot of Oraud St., Jersey City, at 8 A. M. on Wednesday. May 8. 1878. Cll AS. O. PltANCKLYN, 4 Rowling OteuE, New York. NOHOR LINE UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS, NEW YOKE AND OLASUOW. DKVONIA. .May II, noon. | CAI.I FOitN 1A. M uy 25, noon. ANCHorIA. Mae 18. 6 A.M. | ETHIOPIA. .June 1, 5 A. M. Nr. W YORK IO LONDON DIRECT COLUMBIA. .May 11, Noou. | UTOPIA....n ay 15 3 P.M. Cabin, $85 to $80. ? xeurslon tickets at reduced rates. Seenud Cabin. $4U Moorage. $28. Company's piers. Not. 20 aud 21 North River. New York. I1ENDKR-ON BROS, Agents, 7 Bowling fireen. GRKAT~W r.STKitN -team'sHIT LINE. NEW YOKE TO BKI-TOu (KNOLAND) DIRECT. Taking lioods aud Puseuugers for l.onduu, Cardiff, Now port, Oloucester, and ports In Bristol Chaouel. From pier 18 East River, as follows: - AKKACON May 11 I CORNWALL May 21 Cabin passage. $80. $80, $70. Propald steera 0 curtitt catus, $28. Returu Tickets at tavorable rules. For freight or passage apply to w. D. MdKGaN. Agent. No. 70 South st. AMBUKG-KMMtICAN~PACKET COMPANY'S LINE fur Plymouth, Cherbourg uud llumbur.. PuMMERANIa. Thr.. May 8 HHSIA. Tliursdav. Map 28 UELLEUr.Thursd'y. May 18 | UhKDEK. Thursday, May 30 Rules ol passage to Plymouth. Loudon, Cherbourg, Hum burg und ull poiiitssln England:-First cabin, $100, gold: boeond cabin. $80. go.d; steeruee. $0". cunency. KUNUaRDT A CO., C. B. RICHARD A BOAS. General A-cuis. General Passenger Agents, 01 Broad st.. New York. 81 Broadway. New York. hiTk" star" LINE. United States aud Royal Mall Steamers for (jueenstowu and Liverpool. NOTICE.?Tho steamers ot this ilno take the lane routes recommended by Lieutenant Maury, U. 8. N., ou both the outward and homeward pusaages. GERMANIC Saturday, May II, 12:30 P. M. BALTIC Thursday. May 10 4 P. M. ADRIaTIC Saturday, May 25, noon. From White Star dork, pier 52 North River. Rates?Saloon. $80 and $loo. In gold. Return llokott on reasonable terms. Steer.ige, $28 currency Saloons, staterooms, smoking and batli rooms are placed ainiusblps. where the uoise and motion are least, affording a decree of comfort hitherto uo attain ible at s a. For iuapectiou of plans aud other Information apply at tho company's oBioa, 37 Broadway. New Yorx. 8. J. COK'flS. A cent. IKMaN LINK ROYAL MAll, Si eAMuKS. FUR UUEKNBTOWN \ND LIVERPOOL. CITY OF BRUSSELS Thursday, May it at 10 A. M. CITY OF RICHMOND Saturday, May 18. at 3 F. M. CITY OF CHESTER Thursday, May 23, at 10 A. M. From pier 45 North River. Cabin, $80 and $1110, goiu Return Tlrkets on favorable terms. Steerage. $28, currency. Dralts at lo rest rates. Balonus, staterooms, smoking and bath ruoios amidships. JOHN G. DALE, Ageut. 31 and 33 Broadway, New Yotk. Philadelphia office. 105 South 4th st. N ational line.?from n w pier 3h n. k. FOR LONDON (Victoria Dock). Greece. Thur., May 18. 3 P.M. | Italy. Tliur., Mny28, 9A.M ?? FOR LIVERPOOL AND QUEENSTOW '1 he Queen. Sat .Mayll.12 M | Erie..Sat., May 18. 8:30 A.M Cabin. $55tu $7U. currency; ateeruge, $28. Drafts from ?1 upward Is,ued at very low rates. Company's office. OU and 73 Broadway. F. W. J. IIU RSf, Manager. G~ENKKaL~TKANS iTLaNI'IC COMPANY BETWEEN NEW YORK AND HAVRE. Company's pier "new 42" North River, fool of Morton st ?ST. La UKKN'T, Lacbesnai.. vr eduesday, May 8, lu A. M. LABRADOR, Fa-jgllur Wodno>day. May 15,4 P. M. CANADA, Fraugcul Wednesday, May 22, 10 A. M. PRICK OF PASSAGE IN GOLD (Including wine) : ? To Havre?1st cabin, $100: 2dcai.ln. $85; 3d cabin. $35. Steerage, $28. Inc uding wine, bedding ami umnsils. RETURN TICKE18 AT REDUCED RATES. Steamers markod thus I*) do not carry stesrage passert Ker*" LOUIS DK BEBIAN, Agent, 55 Broadway. For freight and passage at Phllanelphla applv to ALONZO . HO T W I,LL, 2 Chestnut st. ORTH GERMAN Lis)Y 1> Sleainsulp Line, between New York, Southampton, Loudon, llavro and Bremen. Company's pier foot ol 2d st.. Hoboken. WEBER Sat.. May 11 i liGII fc.NZOLLEK.Sat.. May 2ft NrCK AR ...Sal. May 18 I MOHKL Sat.. June 1 Kateaof passage Ironi New York to Sonthampton, Lou don. Havre and Breiuee First ( ahln,$100, gold; second Cabin, $<!0, gold; Steer age. $30, enrrency. Return I ickets at reduced rates. Pre paid steerage Certificates. $30. currency. For freight or passage unply to OELKICils A CO., 2 Bowling Oreen. IlsgN LINK ~TO SOU I ilAMPTON 'aND HULL, sailiug Irum Eagle pier, Ilobnkvn, as follows:? OTUANTO May II I HINDOO June 8 OTHELLO .May 25 I LKPANTO June 22 First eablu, $50. curreuey. Excursion tlrkets on very tavorablo leruis. Apply, lor lull particulars, to CHARLES L. WRIGHT A CO.. 58 South st. MO*r DIRECT AND ECONOMICAL KOUTK TO HOI. land. Belgium. tbe Rhino. Hwitserlaud. Ac., Ac.. via Kotieruam. Cnuepest route to l'arl*. Steamer sClloLTLN M*y in Steamer MA AS May 2.7 Tlieso beautiful stcaraors. carrying tlia United Stnlei mail tu the Netherlands. ara ureal favorite* wltli the public. Trio* regular, rata* low, comfort and living perfect. Por freight. Por passage, runt!II, BDYK A CO.. L. W. MOltuiS, 27 Soutli William it. Ml Broadway. (Mnrrl*' European and American Express.) STATE LINE?TO ULA-OOW, LIVERPOOL, DUBLIN. BELFAST, LONDONDERRY AND THE PARIS I XPOSITION, (ailing from Pier 42 North Kivsr, loot nl Canal st. BTaiE or LOUIsiaW l rtiurodaj, May 9 STATE ok NEVADA Thursday. May 23 STATE OK VIHOIMa Thursday, May BO Klrat cabin. Ik) to $7.7. according to no- oininodation*. Ketnrn ticket! at reduced rate*. Hucond cabin, $4.7. Steur age at lowest ratea. Apply to IN A CO., ACS I IN BALDWIN A CO., Agents, 72 Broadwiiy. HThKHACK TI'JKEIH AT tft BROADWAY AND AT THE COMPANY'S PIER. POUT OP CANAL HT? N. it muM KKi-Ncu EXPEDITION 1 I.OUMD THE WOULD, 1S7S-79. The steamer PICARDIK will leave M A RsP.lLLRH Juno 30 for lior great ' Voyage 0' i tudos." under tbe command ut LieutMaiit O. Blard, oi tbe frtitb Navy. Tbe Plcardle la a first clan steamer of 1,800 ton* burden and l,U<lO-bor*e power, sbe la oivlded In five water-light Oomuarttuciits. Her staterooms are spacious mid wall veu* dated, with port holas lilgb enough above tbe wntor line to be Kept open In ordinary bad weather. The steamer ie In every particular provided with all tbo modern Improvements found on board Oie best lines. A sclentllic stair of eminent pielostor* will aeeorn ii pan y the espodlilnn; also a ciiaulalu, a physician of the Kreuch Navy and a diploma apothecary. Kor lunher niiorinatioii apply (ny mall) to Professor T. D'OlthM I Et'LX. 7 Wliitnron place, New York, who will ?end tree to applicants the circular of the society. PARIS EXPOSITION AND CONTINENTAL TOURS.? Personally conducted nsrtiosand special Excursion* to Pari* Exposition. June 27. .Inly 4 and inly 11 t ill or send lor programme American and European Oencrnl Tourist Ticket nflloe. 271 Hroadwuy corner ot Chumbors it I.EVE A ALLIEN, Managers. Excur-loiis to all sum*, iter resort*. Passknok: s AT QUEENSTOWN can procure Tourist's Ticket* r mil I to London and Pari*, by every possible route, at reductl >ns frmu ordinary fares. They are good to every point of Interest In Ireland. S otlaod and Kuwand, and not limited In time. The?c Tickets are only sold in America, ami not In Ireland. COOK. SON A JENKINS, 2H1 Broodw r. New York COAST WINK STES A.HSHIl'S, ? AC1KIC MAIL STEAMSHIP ((iMPANV'S one Kor CALIKORNIA, JAPAN, CHINA, CENTRAL and SOUTH AMERICA SANDWICH ISLAND* NEW ZEA LAND. AUN fit ALIA. HKIlT.sil COLUMBIA, WAS 11. INOTON TERUIIOKY and OREUON, Ac., sailing from pier foot of Canal St., North River. Kor the IS MM US oP I'aNaMI:? Btesmshlp CRESCENT CITY Thorsday, May 9 (counecting lor all Central and South American porta ) Kor HAN PKANUIBCO via ISTHMUS OK PANAMA: ? Htaamship COLON Monday, May 20 (connecting tor Central and South America). Krotn SAN PKANUIBCO to JAPAN and CHINA : Steamship ?? Saturday. J una 1 Prom SAN PRANOlHQo to SANDWICH ISLANDS, AUSTRALIA and NEW ZEALANDt bteaineliip CITY OP SYDNEY Monday, May 13 Pur freight or passage apply at the company's allien, (I Howling Or*en. N*w York. Nassau, n. p., st. jaoo and ciknpuehoa i 11 ,a? Steam ship CA RON DELKT. Satnrdav, May It. at UP. M. MURRAY, ll'.KItIS A CO.. 1)2 Sonth St. HALIPAX, N. B., AND ST. JOHN'S, N. P. CROMWELL LINE, Steamship ALIIAMIIRA will lo*v? plor 10 North Rlvor, 8 P. M.. Ineiday, May 7. Por freight or passage apply to CLARK A sc.AMAN.Hil Wnstst Bermuda, pokTo rico, st tiiomah, w. i.i la UUaTHA, PIKRIO 0 a HELLO. VENEZUELA, mm connections to all parts of Wi.eT INDIT.S and SOUTH AM ERICA.?The Ouobee and Oulf I orts SS. Co '? Line sail as under in.ted : P?K - Kit MUD A. SS. CANIMA, May 0. r or ST. JOHNS <aud PON OH on homeward voyage only), ST. TIIOM 11, LAOUAYR V and PUERTO CaBELLO. 8 s, IIaDjI, Mar Is. Por descriptive pamphlets, trsight and naasag* apply to A. K. uUTeRBRIDOi. A Co., Agents, 29 Broadway. 0. U. OAKMKNDAY.35 Broadway. O. LET K 271 BrukdWay NEW ORLEANS DIRECT.?THE CROMWELL LINK steamship HUDSON, Saturday. May 11, 8 P. M., plor 9 North lilvcr. through bill* of lading given to Mfthllo and principal point* Oil the Mississippi River. Por frslght ar passago ap ply la CLARE A SEAMAN, SB Won *t. COASTWISB STBARSmPS. W"T' HAVA NA AND MEXICAN HaK S.'s.' CQfZS IN . hteaiuert loavo irom pier No 3 North River, FO HAVANA DIRECT. CITY OF WASHINGTON ..Thursday. May 9. 10:30 A. If. Bteuiusnip Tuesday. May 14. 3 P. M. Oil V OF VERA CRUZ Wednesday. May 15. JKM, FOR \ El'. A CRUZ AN!) NEW ORLEANS, via H .v.wia. Progreso, Camueachy. K routers. . Tueftd) " ' Steamship Tuesday. May 14,3 P. M. Steamers will leave New Orleans M ay 15 ftir Vera Orus. vie Matamoroe. Tuxpau ana Tarn pie*. making clues con nection with ateamera for Havaua. Nee York and all tUr ubuvt" Duru. F. ALEXANDRE A SONS. 31 and 33 Broadway. N EW YOllK AND CUBA Mill. A N. Line, >oit HAVANA DIRECT. Magnificent accumiuudatiuu tor passengers. Bailing THUKSOAYS, frum pier 17 Bast R'Vef, at 3 P. M. KIAuAKa mow). 3,3i 15 tons. Curtis .Thursday. May 9 SARA 1'OG A (uewi. 3,285 lous, Suudberg.Thursday. May 19 BEDUOi'D RATEU ..1 passage lor VERA CRUZ and WEST I "> 01A ISLANDS, bv through tickets via English and French steamship lines iriuii Havana. JAMES E. VVAltO A CO., 113 Wallet. For vera cruz-zto for first class passagb per atoainship SARATOGA. MAY 16, connecting at Ha vaua with royal mall steamer. JAMES E. WARD k CO., 113 Wallet. 0 LD DOMINION STEtMSHIP COMPANY; - auiliug from pier 37 North ltiver, for NORFOLK. CITY POINT and RICHMOND, TUBE. DAYS, THURSDAYS AND SATURDAYS at 3 P. M.. con. uectlng with ail RAILROADS for the SOUTH, SOUTH. WEsf and WEST; also with steamers for NEWHEUNtf anu WASHINGTON. N. C. Steamers lor LEW BR, DEL., I* MONDAYS and THURSDAY^ and uounectiug railroads at 3 P. M. Through passenger tickets and bills or lading to all point* at lowest ratua. lusurauuu lur Norfolk. hi. at per oenk Freights received dully at pier 37 North River. General otllce No. 107 ur.ieiiwle'.i si. N. L. MuCKKaDY Preaideut. 'AVANNAH, FLORIDA. GEN. BARNES, from pier 10. E. R., Wednesday, May 8. CITY OF SAVANNAH, lrotn pier 43, N. K., Saturday. May 11. GEORGE loNGB, Agent Saturday stuainer, 4<K) Broadway. MURRAY, FERRIS A CO.. Agents WuUneaday aleamer. <12 South IL C. D. O .t ENS, GKOKuB YG.NgB, Agent A. A G.R.R., 315 B'wuy. Agent 0. It. IL, 4'>9 B'way. MORGAN'S LINE TO NEW ORLEANS A.N'D TEXAS.-I I'liu steitiuer .MORGAN Ctl'Y will sail from pier 3<J North River, on Saturday. May 11, lor Now Orleans dlreot, transferring Texas freight there to .Morgan's Louisiana and Texas Railroad and sieurushlps. Through bills of lading siyiied to all Texas se tports and railroad stations. Brown*, villo. Mobile and all Mississippi River points. Insurance can be effected uuilor open policy ut the Hue. to New Or leans. ncr cent; to Texus ports, % pur cent. For Height and other Information apuiy to BOGERT A MuKGaN, Agents, ollice, pier 36 Nortu River. New yobk and Havana direct mail line. Tliase Orel class steamships will sail nt 3 P. M., from pier 13 North River, foot of Cedar et., lor Havana direct, us billows SANTIAGO DB CUBA Saturday, May 11 COLUMBUS Wednesday, Mar 22 For lreiglit and passage, having unsurpassed accommo dations, apply to WILLIAM P. CLYDE A CO., No. 6 Bowling Green. MclCKLLAR. LULING A CO., Agentslu Havana. ' V'.ir ii aVti , Vvu s-i.i?.ei?5- s.T is ji&ssfirsssiisss'i liTLORlDA DIRECT.-STEAMhits LEAVE PIER 20 1 Bust River every Friday at 3 P. M., for Fernandlna. Fla.. toucniny at Brunswick and Port Royal. Steamer CITY OF AUSTIN. Captain Chester, will sell May 10. I hrougli freights and passage rates given to all points In the South and Bouthwust by C. H. MALLOKY A CO., Agents, otlieu pier 20 East River, or COOK, SON A JEN KINS,301 Broadway. riVXAS LINE Toil GALVESTON, IOUCHINO At X Key West.?Steamer CITY OF HOUSTON, Captain Eltlrldge. will sail Saturday. May 11, ut 3 P. M., from pier 30 East River. Through rates of freight and bills of lading given ever all railroads in the State. For Height and pae su.'r (having superior accommodations) apply to C. H. MALLGltY A CO., uflice pier 2U East River, or COOK. St<N A JENKINS, 201 Broadway. rjSITED STATES A>D BRAZIL MAIL STEAMSHIP _ LINE.?For Rio de Janeiro, touching at St. Thomas, l'ura, Periiemhucn and Habia. to land mails and pasaen. gere.?The new Urat class iron steamship CITY OF PARA <3.500 tons) will sail for the ahovo ports on Thursday, June 6, at nuou. Freight at low ratos taken for tho above ports. Freight received at all times at Roberta' dock, Brooklyn. For freight engagements or passage (bavins elogaiit accommodations) uppl. to C. H. MALLOKY A CO., Agents, offlce pier 20 East River. TllAVEhliEUS' GUIDE. Albany boat. Faro ruilucod vie PEOPLE'S LINE. $1, first class. Deck,25 cents. Excursion. $1 .50. Mogant steamers DEAN RICHMOND or ST. JOHN leave pier 41 Nurth River daily, except Sundays, at 6 P. M., connecting at Albany with express trains for SARATOGA, LaKK OEOKGE. LAKE CHAM PDA IN, the ADIRON DACK.S, MONTKF. \L ai d all points NOKiH AND WEST. Tickets for sale at principal hotels and all of Westcott Ex. press offices lu New York and Brooklyn. Brooklyn passen gers transferred free by '?Annex" boats. Albany boats direct.?merchants' express Line. ? Elegant steamers WALTER BRETT or NEW CHAMPION will leave daily (Saturday* exeepted) far Albany, trout Canal St., North River. first dock uhov* People's Line, at 0 P. >1 . couueetiug with trains North end Wi st. Faro (deck), 25c.; ca .lu fare. 50c.; meals, ftUo, Freight taken lower than oy other line*. A. P. BLACK. Superintendent. 0 Nh HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILES FcU 10 CSNTS, i.ttlxon'a line Troy boats.?New palace steamers CIl'l OK Th'UY and SARATOGA leave plor 49 North River,tout Loroy si., dailv. except Saturday, at 6 P. M. Sure connec tions with morning trains for all polnta North, Kaet and West. State rooms only SI; berths, 25c.; first class tare, ?Vic. State rooms and through tickets at Dodd'a Express, 014 Broadway, New York ; 4 Court at., Brooklyn. Boston, fare reduced via fall riybb Lino: $3 to Boston; excursion ticket*. $5; magnificent steamers BRISTOL ami PROVIDENCE leave plor 23 North River daily (Sundays June 23 to September tt>, at 5 P. M.; full night's rest; live mornlug trains from I all Kivur to Bostou. Tickets tor sale et ell prinoipal ticket unices. Brooklyn passengers transferred fire* bp "Annex" boats, leaving toot of Fulton et. at 4:3<) 1'. M. J^OAT FOR CAI'SKILL, 8TUTVESANT AND INTER. liuediato landings will leave pier 34. Harrison *1, North River, daily, Sundays excepted, at 6 P. M. IilOR NoKWaLK AND DANliUBY DAILY. 1 Steamer AMER1CU- leaves Brooklyn (Jewell's Dook) 2 :3U P. M.; Pier No. 37 East River, 2:4ft P. M. end 33d si., 3 p. M., connecting with llanhury and New Haven Rail roads. Reduced fare, 3-5 couti. EXCURSION TICKETS, 50 CENTS. The great providence line to boston, via Providence direct. A FULL NIGHT'S IG.sT. ONLY 42 MILKS OF RAIL The lavnrit* palace steamers MASS\CHUHKTTS see RHODE. 1SL iND, Irom pier 29, N'erth ltiver. et ft P. M. THE OLD, RELIABLE STONINOTON LINK, for ell points East, from pier 33 North River, toot of J uy sl, at ft P. M. uxcvhsiohs. I EXCURSION BOATS AND () 11 (J V ks. ?ST K A M ??3 liiiam ral Sedgwick and Kort Leo, bargee Caledonia, Bo puoitc and Anna; Excelsior Park Oriental, Haitian Beach, Culil Sprluir. 1 oltu Uland and Columbia Drove*. N. t? llltlOUS, HHt Wnt el., oppueile Christopher atruet forty. l^OK EXCURSIONS-SALOON STEAMER J. B. SOU UY LBR, capacity 'J.iatn penplo : barge* fit. Nlchm Ina, Hubert* and other*; Occidental drove, on tlta Hudson, nnd other*. .MARTIN A KasKELL, 1 Hi south *t.; opea Sumlay. (Hut KXOUr.SIOKS.-TUK LAKdH, FIRST CLASS Htooiuer Lonr Branch, which It** been furnlaheil with no?? boiler*, and otherwise ntuoli improved, Also, strictly ttrat cla*? drove* and llttiita, wit It* ol all klad*. V? Itlt many year*' experience and improved I well itias I eau assure complete satinluciiuii at reduced rate*. J. M V Kits, corner Morton and Weit Ota. W'ANTED?HAY IIAKdK YOB EXCURSIONS. FRO* June 1 until September 1. II,iY HaKUE, Herald odlce. rUllNI UltK. X^c~hauTa>'n s nr/irTjr<>iTinnrTrntFEi JV. iii't HetiOiii* V\ ?ire ouhm. 512 mikI 514 Mih ?v.,ti?itr ? i ili? Ur^'mi i?T? merit in Ihu city; loweat ?**b pricesi weekly and tuoiithly pnyim-ru* taken. AI'AIITV, divi O ur H O U N K K K h1* I Nil. W ILL lull Mirror*, Kurniture, Carpet*. Ac. Call at Jill 2d av. A HANDSOME SUIT OF FURNITURE, IN CRIMSON rep, for aale cheap, at 405 llleecker *t.. oaaantaat. ALL KINDS KUR.M1UHK. HE.-KS, LOOKINU l)la*e**, \l attro-se*. spring Bod*, at half price. U4t Canal, opposite Earle's Hotel. A T 1'IOKII AKDT'rt SHIRR, I.SB3 ItRO AI>W a Y? Three *euond hand I'arlor He * for aale, from *2 ? ap. t T i ? ho ltd K A. CLARK. 'S. 747 BROADWAY. FUR dvnitnru and < arp, t llonse?The best good* at lowaet price* lor eaali. or on lit. system ol apecial rredlt. VHkOCATKL COVERED SUIT. AN IMPORTED hraa* rlcJsiend, Sprinir*, Ac.; Extension and Contra T.i'le*, Corii.ce*. Lambrequins, Ac. lid We?t ftoth *t. A-rich household furniture t stein w a* ? I'ianoloro ; laiported Bronica, I'nlhtlnu*. ,lo . at auc tion to-day (Monnay;, 10 o'clock, live ?tory brown stone muntlon No. 41 Wm lUth it., between bib and 6th eve* N. B. ? Salu positive. 4 PRIVATE FAMILY WILL SELL KI.EdANT PAR j Vlnr Suit*, 14 piece*, covered In **tln, coat #tl ?>. tor SlbOt do , #11*1. suit* In rep*, r.'ei and $'43t Chamber Set*. Li brary and Dtnlngrouni Furniture, lea* th hi half coat. Call at private r**ld*nce, 130 Weat 38d ?L. near 8th av. BAUMANN BKOTII Its ARK OPrkHdNO ornaI bargain* In Purnltnre, Carpets and Bedding at thvit store*. "J2H and HIM) Hudson at,, corner Broome; weekly and monthly payment! taken. Ftoll BALK?A SUPERIOR BLACK WALNUT 2t> loot Kxlrn*lou Table, In perlect order; to be sold chenps Apuiv at 34S West d.Id at., Immediately. Immense reduction in pricks of furniture. Carpets, Ae.. for caan or easy payments. COWi'KK Tll W aIT's, 155 and 157 Chatham at. Scud for II.unrated price ll*t. Weekly or monthly payment. Misfit Cihpets and oilcloths, very cheap. at the old place, 113 Fulton at. Call or send lor prion ii?t. j. hendalu Parties iuvinu ant Oarpbts left can itS ceire tho hi heat price* for Ilium by calling on or ad dresalnc Inimeiilatelr Mr. iBKAIIaMS, -jTI 7u, *Ti IJKHI'ONBIBLE PARTY, WITH FINK HOUSE. WAN? J Vf multure lor at er*ke ; will pay nominal lent; bast CMP tai.en. I , box 133 Herald Uptown ulfleo. AIAU1JL.K MrYNTKlaft. T PBICF.a NEVER APPROACHED REVOKE" dull Ablate and marble Manuli; largest aaaortraent In Utp city. Pl.NRIlYN sLa'TK COMPANY, 50 Union a<|iiare. 4th av. and I7tb at.. New Yerfc. manufacturers ol all kinds of slate work. /N RATES AND FENDERS.?WE WOULD CALL V l special attention to our large variety of open Fireplace*, with bras* f rainea, Andiron* and Feed r* of aatlnue designs. with Basket (irate*, lor wood and coal; alae tup largest assortment of Urates end Fander* In tbp market, with onr patent shaking and dumping Orate. Whole**la and retail J. H. CONoVhK A On.. Ibis Canal at. N. Y M arblk mantels a d monuments oukapmr than ever. A. KLABhK. 134 E*at lHtb at., near 3d aVi CTRWabts blate, iiakd wood and marrlI c Mantels?l-.leirant design*: largest aaanrlment; loweel pftces. 7-"i and 77 West Xtd at. (Maaonlo Temple;. DKNTIkTHI. av. t IIKnTISTKI, nn r^rmeiAX vutu," w; UfS; warranted. M. Y. Dental Keooa, Mini nth tabUehed 1S6L Dr. MMi