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Petitions in Bankruptcy and Appoint ments of Assignees. CREDITORS' MEETINGS. Motions for a Receiver for Keiler, Worm* ser &. Kingsbury. Hiram W. Brooke, ol the lata Arm of Nourae 4 Brooks, cotton commission merchants, ot No. 20 Beaver street, has gone into voluntary bankruptcy boioro Hogister Keichuin. His liabtlUlos amount to S142.000, of whtcn tharo are secured $32,600 and on accommodation paper $32,837. The debt, were mainly contracted as copartner with A. P. Nourse, deceased. Tboaacurod claims are those ol W. 8. Nichols ft Ca, $32,000, and James Finlay & Co., $600. Among tlio un secured creditors are:?O. W. 4 J. E. Smith,$2,422 35, George E. Woods, ol Manchester, England, $20,004 7"; Thomas W. Earls & Co., Liverpool, $11,5S3 61; Merchants' Bank, ol Worcestor, Mass., $20,000; W. T. Minor It Co., $3,330 07. Tho creditors on accomoda tion paper ere the National Bank of tbo Republic, $11,848; Hanover National Bank, $3,660 17; Bogerl 4 Ca, $2,349 06; Cochran 4 Barbour, $15,489. Tbo assets are nominally valued at over $535,000 and consist mainly ol book accounts end notes; inclodod in the former Is a claim against A. 1'. Nourse, ol Jorsoy City, for $220,537. There aro also two plantations io fexaa and Arkansas veined at $9,000; cash, $1,309. Jonn P. Elmondor', formerly ol the firm of Elmen dorl 4 Sohotteld, planing mill, at Thirty-etghih slreot and First avenue, has gone Into voluntary bank ruptcy boioro Register Allen, ills liabilities amount to about $230,000. ol which there are secured $96,90a Among the scoured creditors are tho Union Dime Savings Bank, $80,000; George Eliret, $18,600; Henry Weil 216 000. The principul unsecured creditors aro Barrel L.' Sehuyler, $71,000; Northwostern Lite In surauce Company, $12,000; aimou Simonsou, $12,000; Wright estate, $6,500; Honry Kauuoll, $6,00o. His assets cousist ol real estoto in this cuy valuod ut $106,000; lutereet in planing mill $1,087 60; cash lit hand, $820; live sharos Hurray Hill Uauk slock, $400; thirteen snares ot tho Hudson Iron Company, $1,800, ploaged lor a loan. Register Fitch baa rccolved a voluntary petition in bankruptcy Iroin Frederick 8. Holier and Christopher Heiscr, comprising ino late tlrra ol F. ?. lleisur 4 Co., brokers at No. 26 Wall siroei. Tho liabilities amount touboul $28,000, a largo part of which ure for diller ences on gold loans. They huve no ussols. lue largest creditors ure William Whitowrlght, $3,025; Rosalie Hclser, $17,035 77, aud 1). 4 W. btoans, $l,6u0. The liabilities ol tho American Sieve Company, or Fecksklll and at Na 60 Uarelay street, amount to up wards ol $90,000. noarlyedl of which ie duo In tms city, principally for iron. The property la now la the bands ol Stephen Lent, to whom the company bes made on ouiuQtncut, and ke is snaking an inTentory ol thd assets. Their worke are at Peekskill, and116* ofllutuls of the company are wealthy men ol 1 eeksktll. Denial J. Height being the President. Tney bave^good assets ana will no doubt pay a Isrga porcentuge to tho "john?. Smith and Asber D. Ensign, composing ths firm ol Smith 4 Eusign, produce commission mer ?hants, ol Na 304 Ureeuwicb elreot, and agents Tor tho Patrons ol Husbandry, havobieu aUjuulcatodvo uniarv bankrupts by ltegistor lvotchum. Tnc llnbil Itiee amount to about $3,00a They havo only nomi toai assti Register Kotebum has adjudicated Raphael Hlutsor, dealor in gloves, late at 409 Broadway, a bankrupt on bis owru potltlou. He owes saboul ??, ol wmou tho largost claims aro by Kobbe 4 Ball, $1,034; Leon Borinan, $1,160. Ho bus no assets. James A. byrnea. ol Twenty-lourih near Sixth avenue, is a voluntary bankrupt betore Register Kotchuui. HIS liabilities aggregate about $18,00a Tue largest creditors are Titus B. Eldridgo, $o.W0, Maria ilulock, $4,860 81. His assets consist ot 1,300 Bbaros ot High Bridge 8i!vcr Mining stock of Novsda. Register Alien has received a warrant in bankruptcy igaikiai n?o arm oi W. A. Haniom & Co., \\ UoIcmiiIo dealers m shoes at No. 637 Broadway, end hoe called tbo ilrst mooting ol, tbo creditors to be held on May 22. The liabilities amount io $750,000. In tho Couuty Clerk's office tbsro were filed yostor dav tbo ossiguiuonis ot Jacob Frieauf to James J. Ooogsa ahd ol Vincont Dill to John M. McLoughlia. CREDITORS* MEETINGS. A meeting or tho creditors ol Alsxsnder McDonald, formerly United states Senator irora Arkansas, wat hold yesterday at tho office ol Register Kotchuui. Schedules were prcsentsu showing liabltllloa amount ing te about $286,000, and eight olaims were provod hggrogatiog $28,000, ihe following being the largest: DowittC. Wheeler, $10 383 81; Jonn M. MoroUead, $7,278 94; James G. Blunt, $4,970. Bonjamln W. Boouey was oleoted aasiguee in bankruptcy. At a meeting cl tne creditors ol Israel A. Barker held at the olllco ol Register Allen yesterday oigbt claims wore provod, aggregating $14,000, ol which ihe Inrgesi wuro by >8aruU A. Peersall. $6,456 66; i'tiarles Kellogg, $2,206 98; Jauies L. Brumloy, 12 206 93. John H. Plsvt was appointod usaignca ibo creditors ol WilUsm T. Williams, lorwerly of So. 089 Broadway, mot yostorday at tho office of Register Little. The schedules presented snowed liabilities smountlug to 6,970 82. John B. 1 latt was tupoiulcd assignee. .... At u mooting o! tho creditors of Samuel A Magnus, doeler in glue el No. 307 Pearl street, held at ibo office ol UegtHter Allen, a composition was accepted at tbiriy-ccnts on tne dollar, twenty-seven end a half cents iu cash aud the bulance in lour month*. A lucettug ol tho creditors of the UcNsb 4 Ilsr.aa Msnutacturing Compuny, ol Na 66 Jobu street, was hold yesterday at tne rooms ol tUe Hardware Board ot Trade, Nos.4 and 6 Warreu street Mr. Edward U Cole was cbosoo chairman and Mr. J. H. uoluy secretary. A statement ol tho allairs ol the com nauy was presenUJ showing liubilitioa amounting to $16s 000 and usseis $266,000. Au explanation ol tbo Various Hems was made aud au oiler to compromise at Ulty cents on the dollar was submitted. Alter con siderable luterchuugo of vlows tbo matter was ru ler rod to e coin in itleo ol three, composed ol Mcssis. A H Dalue, J. 1L Baldwin uud L. Lissourger, who are to make an examination aud report at a luture mooting. Tho company have already oomuiuuccd composition proceedings belore Register uwigbk K1IL.21I, AND KINOSUUKY A Urge part ol yesterday wu? occupied la the Su premo Court, CbomberH, la llio urauinont ol tare* niotious lor tbo appoint mcut or a receiver ol tba Kenor, Wormaor & Kingsbury Uitu. Mr. Keller mad* tbo brat application upon tbo ground?Aral?tb*l Wormeer and Kingsbury had withdrawn u part ol tbo Jrm'a lunaa Iroui ouo ol tbo Arm's bauK* and do. pool ted it In another bank without his untbority or lonsoni; aeoond, that Kingabnry bad manufactured totea and need tbom aa buaiucas notes; and ibird, that the partners could not agree in tbo tuunagctneul ?1 tho bualneae. Messrs. Wormier and Klugsbury. rep resettled by Messrs. Joseph H. Clio ate, I.u.iier it. derail, W. Hbopbard, u. A. tieixas nod u. LcVun irilt, answered by accusing Mr. Koiler ol huvmg with truwu tbo Unit's l>auk account iroiu tbu I'ucibc liank inu ol haViug borrowed money iroui employes aud others, thereby impairing the credit aim standing ol tlie lirui. They also reed a number ol alUuavita at tacking tbo character el Mr. Keiler. dir. Keller rend an answer to mono charges, admitting having drawn tne uiotioy from tbo PaeiOc 1> tok and alleging tbat ha did so under the novice ol Ills oouusoi, Mr. New eombe, in couaeiiueuce of bis partners' hav ing withdrawn the other accouut ol his linn end prcvcutipg Mm Irora drawing tbereou, and that be beld tbe luuuoy drawn, and intended to hold it. ?abject'to an accounting to be bad lie also admitted bavmg borrowed money privately and nj"?n bis own trad it, but Introduced written acknowledgments ol Woroiscr lor inonoys loaned to him by a scn-ln-law ol Mr. Keiler, and that (be arm's condition was sucu thai tuey odea burrowed mouey, except Mr. Kings bury, wno, Mr. Keller alleges, had ue occasion tor doiug so, having no Ismily and hia wile and hiiusell living wuh his wile's mother. lbs rent contest appears to be who shall he receiver, Wormasr and Kingsbury both asking tor the appoini taaut to be uaua to ihoui lointly, and Mr. Keller I Warmly opposing this, urging that H tney iim iield ol his property ibara will bs nut small hope for hlln. Mr. Keiisr was leprenootcd by ex-Judgo (lardy and Mr. K. ?. Neweombe. Judge Donohae took the paper* and reserved bis decision. EAST lUVEtt MliUtiE MOMTULY MBKTINU or 't 1.UsTEKft?TH8 I1BIDUM AND 11'. Pit) T1IAKS1T. Tberogular monthly meotlog or tho trustees of tba Cist Kivcr Bridge wns bold ycslerduy alternoou at tbe company 'e oihco in Water dtreot, Brooklyn, Mr. Henry C. Murphy in the chair. The minute* of tbo meeting Ol the Kxeeuitv* Corn mill#* held April 12 wore read hi that meeting it wa* reported tbat tbe commute* appointed to complete tho porchaee ol tbo property on Cliff atroot, ffraoklort and Jacob street* in tbi* ftty, belonging to H*ury A. Burr, bad done so at * ?oat ol ill*,MM lb* minutes wars adopted. President Murphy stated bcloie tbe cnm> mines tbat proposals bad booo invited lor 10 000 barrels ol cement, with tba rigbl to incroas* the a mown i to 60,000. U was ordered mat the offlocrs ha nutuevUed to award tba ouoiruot at eighty-lour and a hsli oeote, Tba ffuanciai laport lor tbo monta ol April showed the receipts to have been $402,880 8U Of tula sum $180,000 was received Item tins city and $300,800 irom Brooklyn. 1be eipoudilurcs lor tbo same period amounted io $164,640 40. Mr. Kibeolla than offered tho lollowlng resolution Whereas ibers ere e eambet of pm|ect? nn.ier eansldci Atioul*>-n IcoViug te the obteknlbK of rapid trsunt. betwaea the oatljiii? district! of that city and Now Yortr; and wildcat rapid, convenient and at all times certain communication between the two citio, will i.a Ivs.l* le only by bringing ?mt scheme ol rapid transit in Br. osljit tu haruiony with that adopted tor steam transit ?u tho bast itirer Bridge: therefore. Unsolved, Trim a c< m.uittso o! tiro from this Hoard be appointed to eoufei wan any oilier body or corporation having for its purpose the construction or ruciiiiuu ot a rapid transit or atoam road to either terminus of the bridge, to the end that the bridge snail lully realise tire main object ul its couatructiuu -tbu facilitation ut inter course between tire two eitiea?and to report the result of such coulereucet to this Board. Tbe resolution was adopted, nnd President Murphy appointed tbe following trustees us inetnoor* of tiro committee:?Tbotuaa Klosella, Dr. Samuel hull, J. S. T. Strauultuu, Thomas Hitchcock and Wiitum 0. Kiugsloy. A oommu mention In retcronco lo the suspandod ironwork ol tbe auperstructura front tbo Cbrel Engl necr was lueu read by Trosldent Murpby. it stated that 68,000 tons ol iron were needed for tbe work and tbat tbo contract waa tbo most important one ol any to be given out. CITY SUISANCE& RECORDER HACKETT'b CHARGE TO THE GRAND JOB*. Recorder Hackett opened the May Term ol Part 1 ol tire Court of General Sessions yesterday, Mr. Francis H. Amlilon, of No. 220 Filth uvenuc, having Occn chosen foreman ol the Grand Jury. After hav ing alluded to tho usual statutory proviMoua the Re corder said:? Gtsmsts or tub Grand Jury- I destro to call your crpccial attuutlun m tbe cuntrovorsy Uolwecn citizens and tho health Uourd about loul uud pestilen tial odors that are cialmod lo pervade the central purl ol our city and lahiud, and which, while annoying tho wealthy, do positively destroy tho health ol their fellow citizens less lortuoato In matters of prosperity who livo noarest lo tho lactones. 11 you aball bad wtllul noghgeuco of duty lu tho Health Commissioners you may indict tbein, and tbo question can l>o tested whether any perrons what soever ought to be given to a business that Is liable lo become, und confessedly docs sometimes become, a public nuisance, science is very usofol always, but sometimes it hunpens that Us microscope becomes more technical than Ugal or beneflcluL Tbe Court ol Appeals iu tbo prosocutlou against an old Polico Board tor neglect ol duty held it maintainable even whero tbo doleuoe of the official was uu bonost misconstruc tion ol iuw under legal advice. (New York Koports, Vol. 02, p. 2U3.) Tbo tuw, nevertheless, must not bo technically violated to public prejudice, it was my Intention u year ago to have ouilou tbo attontiouo! a Grand Jury to then alleged nulsuncoa of vile odors because ni.v own himtly and myself bad bean vic tims to and sufleicrs lrotn tbe same, as also 1 believe that ol my immediate neighbor, tbe orosoui oloquont Corporation Counsel; but tuoilvoa of delicacy rostral neo me, lost my notion should be misconsiruod. Dal uow, by tne actiou ol tue committee ol citizens, by tbo public views of two b'ouorabic Juugos of tbe Court ol Uycr aud Terminer, by the touo of tho uuitoJ press, uud by tno strange proiossional rigor ol tne hoard ol Health, 1 am relieved Irom any miscoustruc* lion of my present uctiou. 1 tnoreloro most earnestly request your Immediate and critical cxauiinatiou of tbe whole matter, although I, ol courae, cannot be a Judge to try aucb au indictment, because, perhaps in icrcstod In abating the nuisance. tUDIWALK OBSTRUCTIONS. Gontloman, there is still auolhvr great and increas ing public nuisance sanctioned by city olUcluls. Tho Hoard of Aidormon at every session authorize tno ereatlou ol booths, stands, racks and other various encumbrances tn the public atroeta ol ibia city. This a section (section 17 No. 4) ol tboprescul courier forbids and expresaly prohibits, which 1 now read to you:? It shall bo tbo duty ol tbo Common Council "lo pre vent cncioucbments upon, and obstructions to, tbe streets, highways, roads and pnblio places, not in cluding parks, and to authorize und require tbu Com mlssiouer of i'ubllc Works to remove tne sumc, but they aball have no power to auibortzo tbo placing or continuing of any euoroaebment or obstruction upon any street or sidewalk except tbe touiporury oc cupation tbcrcot dqrtug tbo erection or tepatrof a building on a lot opposite tbe sumo." Prior to ibis cuarter provision the Board ol Aldermen could legally havo given licenses to sidewalk obstructions. Last weok a communication ol tne Commissioner of Public Works and a Mayor's veto brought the subject to my notice. I ournestly tuvite your co-operation witn tbem even although you should have to utiply to tbe Aldormeu, tbo Court ol Appeals law tbat 1 bavo re ferred to. Tbo Grand Jurors tben rolirod lo their deliberations. PETITIONING TBE BOARD OF HEALTH. The following lettor and petition bavo been eent to tbe President of tbe Board ol Hesllb, tbe signers ol tbo potitlon bolng 13<i business men and bousonolders living along tbo avenues in tbo vicinity ol Tbirty ntoth street and tbe North Klver. New York. May 4.1878 Sta-Persons inform this association that it "avails not" to c impluiu to tho Board of Health of tbo nauseating odors that come troiu the Algonquin aud other nuisaaees. Yet, on their behalf, 1 submit to yon tbo enclosed petition. Your obedient servant. TlioM AS B. Ml.bUUAVK, Chairman. Tbe petitioners say:? We have suffered greatly from tbe bad smell- arising frem tbo bone, tat and effal rendering establishments ou and near Nurtb Itiver and hlevuutu uvetmu, from Thirty sixth to Fortieth sire it. The stench olten (ills tlie air au as lo be almost unendurable, und wo respectfully request tbe Hoard of Health to pat n stoo to it. W. M. TWEED TO THE CITY. The following letter was yesterday eent to Comp troller Koily by one of WUiiem M. Twoed'e counsel:? Nrw York, May (I, 1H7M. Mr Dear Air?I tako tbo liberty of delivering the enalosed documents to you as Comptroller of the city and county ot New York. l?r tbe bnncHt ot tho city nod county, in accord ance wltb tbe wistio- of my late client, Mr. milium M. Twued. lie wished tho delivery made In fulfilment oh his offer of surrender last year, and to yon became ho said you wero tho only official who had publicly asked that guild faith be kept with him. The documents accompany ing this nra : - First, the dved In blank ot the Putnam water properly, of ino-tiinahle value to your cftv, ami second, tlie assignment lu blank ol tbe half of (ho .sheriff U'Briun claim of Sskn'W"! agmii.1 the city und tho original assignment from Sheriff O'Brien. Very sincerely your obedient servant, lion. John Kki.LV. WILLIAM KnhLSTKN. Tbe Putnam water property is convoyed by 8. Foster Dcwoy, to whom it was originally banded over by Tweed. Hits property consist* ot about one hun drod and tblrty acres of land la the town of Carmol, near Crozblo's Pond, Putnam county, logcthor with tullls and other buildings. Tbo O'Brien claim was placed lb evidence during tbo Tweed investigation before tb* Aldermen, a copy being published at tbe tima. MUNICIPAL NOTES. Mayor F.ljr bad not tnadu up bis mind yostcrdny at to sending In tbo nuroo of a Police Commissioner m placo ol Mr. Wtieolcr, wlioao term of ofllca expired ou May 1. A regular mealing of the Board ot Alder men will bo bald to-day. Ex-Secretary ot Slate Bigclow called attbe Mayor * ofllce jcatorday ana complained that hla name bad been unod In tbo circular* ol several bogua uiiulng corporation*. Ho wanted information ua to what course sboald be poraaed under tbo circumstances. Mr. Itigclow wan directed to lay bla grievances bcloia tbo District Attorney. Alderman Morria yonterday rceeivod a communica tion troai Messrs. l'eabudy and Baker oo bebalt of a number orluwytrs wbo dvairo to preiciit to tbo city a medallion ot David Grabum, formerly District Alior ticy of tbis county. A request Is mads tlie mo. dial lion be placed In one ol tho court rooms. Ilia communication will b? ruinrrad to tka Aloormaaio Committee ou County AJluirs. City Ciiambcrlain Tnppau'a statement (cr the past week I* aa lollowsBaUnoo April 30, 4611,813 70; receipts, |ii,347,?42 01; paymeats, $7, ibti,f>d5 A3; balance tiny 4, #d,0ofl,4dQ r<9. PARDONED J5Y THE GOVERNOR. Charles F. Blandin, who was seme time ago con vlc'sd m tbr. Court ol General 8rmv>oaof soiling r.n obscene picture and tcntenced to three months' Im pr'sonmoct, b?i been pardoned by (5 ore rum JloUIn son. The accused was n young luwyor Irom Boston, and while canvassing lor stationery and printing Called ??-iha nlUoo ol Aulhoa) Cotnstock, in Nohshu sircei. Here Joseph 111ittou, one ol ibe agents ol the society, negotiated lor tbo purchase ol soiuo pictures, ? and iliatidiu returned w ith one wineh be said bo lind received Irom a Iriaud iu Boston. Brltton puid him thirty cent* lor it, and Mr. Cotntiock iliercupou Caused bl* arrest. At the trial tho accused was gratuitously drfrndod by Mr. Hoiijamln F. Itussell, who Insisted Ihut ins client hsd been entrapped by the agent* ol the Socioiy lor the l'reventlou ot Crime. Under tne law. however, iho jury roiurned a verdict ot guilty, with a strong recommendation to inerey, and Judge Sutherland imposed the lowest possible seutonco. A grout deal ol gympuiny was txprotiud tor lliandtn, and tne Judge, the loromnn ol the ilrand Jury and the Jury wbo convicted In in algueii a peti tion lor IiIh uuruon. This petitlou was taken in Al bany by Mr. Husssll, and, departing Irum the usual custom ol not granting purnotis during tbo session ol the Legislature, t-'ovsmor Kobinnon, having fully ID vesligaled the ca?o, granted a lull pardon, DIRECTOR HALSTEdITTRIAL. The trial of ex-Diroctor-at-Largo Halsted, ol the Hudson County Honrd of Chosen Freeholders, In dieted lor inailcasaneo lu olQco In signing bonds Ille gally lor the purchase of a now Court House site, was resumed In the Court ol Oyer and Terminer at Jersey City yesterduy, before Judge Kuapp. The Court dcultd the motion to quash tlie indictment, and the outiro day was consumed by Mr. Pilusy and cx-Govvruor Hidlo, counsel lor the deleuce, who arguud that evon though Mr. Halsted did sign the resolution lor the payment ol |>J'J6,000 when there wan no appropriation he was not anicuab.o to tho law. Mr. Pitney, in hU argument, insisted thai no guilt could be proved, but Juuge Kuapp re minded hiiu that tbs Freeholders wbo votsd lor the purchase end were Indtetod pieadod guilty. The pies that Mr. Halsted wu* not a member of the Hoard ol Freeholders, hot held a distinctive office, with peculliir duties and reaponslbllillOH, was not tenable, lor It required me consent to ooiisniniiiut* any net ol tbe Hoard. Il was a narrow cohiiruction ol the law to assume that he was not a uiemowr ol the Hoard. Counsel lor lbs deleuce took cxcoptlon, and Iho cuas proceeded. Ex-Uovornor Uodle luiil hot eon eluded hie argument wbon the Court najnurned, and bo will resume his address this murulug, alter wbiub Attorney General Hlockloo will rupiy. THE LAW OF LIBEL. JUDOliKNT BEVEUSED 1)Y THE SUTBKME COt'KT IN THE SUIT Of lTKKUli ROBbBTSON AOAINST THB HERALD. % TOo UcDeral Term of the Supreiuo Court yesterday rendered an Important decision touching the law of libel In the suit tome time ago brought by I'btBbo Robertaon against the Herald. The nctiou was brought to rocovor $10,0u0 dutuagea lor an alleged libelloua publication in tbo Herald ol the 10th of November, 1870. Tbc muter complained of grow out ol au advertisement publiabcd which, It waa charged, reflected upon tne character ol tbe plaintiff and dam aged bor beaiuoaa as a boarding house keeper. Tbe answer to tbe complaint denied any inteutional or malicious injury, and also alleged mat lbs plaintiff was not iho real party in Interest. It wua furtbor assarted that iho publicaliou wus true In substanco and that iho asino primarily grew out ol a quarrel betweeu tbe plaintiff and her dnugb ter and certain other parties, some of whom caused the publication to be mudo. It wus lurther stated that, although a rotraction waa cohsentcd to by tbo delcndaut, yet the pluiuliff, who expressed her will ingness to withdraw iho suit if such wus made, was not permitted to do so. On the trial below, tho Jury, notwithstanding tbo voluminous proofs ou the part ol the defendant, gavo a verdict lor ibe plaintjll lor $10,(KXI damages. Krom this au uppoul wus taken yesterday In Uenoral Term. Chief J uslico Curtis, writ ing tho opinion, reverses ibis verdict and orders a new trial. Tbe Chlut Justice, In the course ol un elaborate opimoo, discusses the evideuoo at great lcugth and than goes on to suy:? TUB CU1KI' susrica's REMARKS. A grave question arises as to wnotner there was not tostimouy recoivcd at the trial which should bavo been excluded. A w itness, Meredith L. Junes, Esq., counsellor at law, tostilled to tho effect that shortly alter tbo 1st of January, 1877, ho was recommended to the plaintlfl'8 bourdiug hou-o ami made un oxaininu tlon ol tba rooms aud prices, und expected if ho had gone Iheru to pay $-8 per week lor second lloor hucK Ol No. 61, end wheu naked why ho did not go to tho house he answered: "Well, uiy wile called my allou liou to a publicaliou, buiuuliiiug about u blackmullihg crowd ut Nor 61 sua 68 West Twrenly-Ullb street." Ho also teslihed that H led bmi to hesitate about going there, and thai be did hot go there. Upou his cross oxumiualtou be lestlUed that be did not remember what uewspupar It was, that he thought it wus in the legal columns, the reports of tho courts. Tho publication voinpluiued ot was in the "Personal" col umn ol the 11 skald ol November, l'J, 187(1 The du lenduul moved to strike out the testimony ol this witness, on the ground that it did not uppcur to relate to ibe libel complulued of. This motion wus ueuied, the Court sidling "It has uo effect iu binding you, but simply giving what ho oeard," uud the doicuduni excepted, fbere was uo evidence connecting the <le teuduni with this publicaliou made alter January 1, 1877, whicb, iu luct, was tbe report ol u legal pro ceeding hutwoua theso parlies aud published ill un other newspaper, 'l'uo testimony oi the witness when it appeared that uc did not remember iu what newspa per he saw iho words tuut led him to hesitate about going to boaid at the piutnull's house, or not tu go tnera should havo been fctrickea out pursuant to tho delcuduut's motion. The aelouaant eun only bo called ou to respoud lor his own publication and tbe dum ages caused by it. II another newspaper published tho report ot a legal proceeding iu tbis cause that preju diced the plaintiff this deiendsut is not liable lor tbut. ll sucb puulic.iiiun was nelawlul tbe plaintiff is enti tled to redress from that publication; 11 lawful she is wilbout remedy. SUOl'LU HAVE BEER STRICKKR OLT. As soon as it was apparent that tbo lujurios which the witness tesliUcd tbe plaintiff horseli sustulned in her busiueas irom his aiteutiou bemg colled to a pub lication respncliug his boarding house waa not occa sioned by tuo publication complulued ol In this suit, but by another, tho motion to striko out this tcsiuuuuy should have bneu grained, li u appeared that tbe tes timony did hot prcjadico the deleudaul nod that the Jury wero unslulormed by Us remaining before them subject, to what waa stated by tbe Court at tbe time of tbe denial ot tbe motion to strike itout, tbc deloudaul's objection to It would bo nuswered. Uut Ills difficult to lake this view ol it. Ibe testi mony ol tbis witness reinaiued boiore them There Is nothing to ludicaie that they wero to exclude it wholly lrom their considernllou. Is it probable they drow tbo distinction in determining tbo plaintiff's damages between such us were caused by tbe publica tion In tbe delcuduut's paper uud sucb us were caused by publications in otber Journals, and wuicti, as reports ol iogal proceedings, were law lulf Can it bo determined ihut tbo legal rignta oi tho dclonaaiu wero not prejudiced and :ha Jury influenced to some extent adversely to him by this evidence? These questions caauoi easily be satisfactorily answered iu tbo negative, it Is better to ueclare by tbe rules ol evidence by which all par tics are protected than to Busiatn a ocparioro Horn tnom on grounds that aru not clearly triable. Iho Judgmeut and order appealed from should uo revorscd and a new trial giuulw^ with costa to abide tbe oveut. Juugo Runiord concurs iu the uptuiuu ol tho Court. Mr. Willlstii W. Badger uppcared lor tbe plslutiff, and Mr. John Towushend represented tuo TIkkalu. T1IE FLOWER AND FRUIT MISSION. AM EXAMPLE OF THE WOBK DOME BY ONE 07 MEW YOP.K'h NOBLKUT CUAldriliU 'J bo ttrat distribution this season at tbo Flower and Fruit Mission occurred yesterday. TliU buuulllul charity bus boon In operation unco l-*70, nod boa givon tbo greatest pleasure to many tboosands ol people. There are many cuaritioa which eater to the necessities ot mau, but lew that, into this, appeal to bis love ol tbo beautilul The members loll many touching anecdotes of the delight and gratilodo of tho recipients of a bunch ol tlowers. Mot only Mowers but trulls and vegetables, aro distributed by this society. Tbo latter ure given to tbo poor In tenement bouses, who seldom taste a fresh vegetable, 'lbo mis sion wus open yesterday Irom teu till ono o'clock, end, though thoro were u great mnuy busy ladies present, a great many more wcto needed. The prln. cipal Mowers were lilacs, lilies of tbo valley, uud blossoms ol applo aud pear an J peach. Notwilbsland' lug that tbero ivoro barely enough fair bunds to ur. raugo tbo flowers, 4,000 bouquets were tnado up and distributed among the luiljsing plsoos:? llosi'iTai..n?Uuiicvue, Cbuiubcrs blrcol, Charily, Cripp.os', Colored. Cnilurou'd (Itau.luil's); Conva lescent (Hurl's); Liuigiuni* llai.uomaun, liouiuij putblt), Incurubiss, German. Keluiilo Insane, Jialo iusaue. Nursery aud Cnild's, New York, Oplilliuimi.;, urtbopuiJio, Kouscvuit, Smallpox, St. Llxabelha, St. Mnry'?, St. Luke's, St. Francis', St. Vincent's, Presbyterian, Woman's, Mount niuul. Humes?Baptist, Cbiipin, Jewish, Methodist, HL Luks's, HI. Joseph's, at Uuruabaa', holy Comtnuniou, iriuily, Isaac Hopper, I'reshyloriau, Ciirutian, Sa maritan, l'eabo-Jy, l.iltlo Sisters ol the 1'oor, For Aged Women, For Frk-udluss Oirls, for the Friendless, Fur Aged Couples, For Did Ladles. Missions?Bethany Institute, Calvary Cliapel, i. rot by airrot, Coerry Htreel, Five Point., Orace, Uermau, ilousn of Industry, Kuox Memorial, Midnight, Oliver, Hisuiotihircel, at. Augustine, Union, Water aiteftU M i sot u. a Mint's? Almshouse, Blind Asvluui, Ileal Mules, Destitute Hllad, Foundling Asylum, Christum Association, K>e and Bur Intlnuary, Girls' Ling ua House, Hail Orphsa Asylum, dispensaries, Ludlow street Jail, Magdalen Asylum, Newahuye Lougilig House, Mug Hiug Prison, I'mmy lubriuury, Training bt'hool lor Nurse-, Tombs, Woman's luurmary, or piinu asylum.'*, Wurkhuuaa; also to several ui schools. Cloven thousand distribution* ol Iruit mid (lowers ware lundo lo the sick iu tenvmeui bouses during the past year. Tnonctuiil txpeii*'-s of carrying on the mtsKlon lor the prist eight yusrshaVC only been a little over gl'Jfi. Do nations ot Iruit or money should he addressed lo Mi.-e Kossell, hocreltiry T lower and Fruit Mission, No. 1)1:9 Fourth avotiue. Assistance tn making up and ma trihutlug the tlowers la very much needed, null chari tably tucllnod ladies could lil?ol no better way to spend n lew hours a week tbsn tu Una work. The ladies el ibu mission, in their report ^just published, say So in my Inquiries Imvu been mado hi to the best mrtin d ot packing ami foi warding belli ll.rwors and trull that we ru|>eat livre ilia Uilovlbdis .Iresdjr ylvsii In out ul tnwu blendsCoiar tliu tailluin ol box or beskul Willi a newspaper or a lew lernt or leaves. lie tn? tluwsra toother In Insrln, ropli kind by tlsell, sad pa?k Ihe u In lay. IS s.'pat ale i l.y p ipoi t; the upper layer should l?s spmialed ami covered ubreeiy with nuwspnper to exein la ttie sir as uiuili as p<?*lhiu. A simple weudea box. last eH.'il With a strep. Is easily procured. It Is almost air tight and lorins ono ol the but luvaiis of euueeyanee. A p?-ieh?ar.l box will ans.ver the pnrpn.e almost as Will aim saves ii* tlo- tr mole ul muriiiug It trail shoalil l.e pneked, II |?ssliila. In a basket ur tin box; never inlX.-l ?itn tho bower*. All Inixes and h.k?t* which aro to be returned to the * '.i.i. rs should lis* ? ela rl* p doled un tils lit, In aiidition te the direction*. the woidi "Ketnrn to Mr* ," with the lull adilresF. AMna. aagessn.mi l he siren to Hie express ngujl on l.oard the train, who lis* o. dcr* to rorwarJ tliein lo New Vera tree ol charge. All kind* ol Hnnrrt ere so epptaole. l ut ilbies, nonu lilies, reivs. honeysucklp* and pe. allium leave* ?a?in to be tliu preale-t tavoilies. It is ouggeeted to tb??e ?lio oceasiouuby semi flowers made up Into bouquet* ready lor distribution that ins boo.pots tli urn he small, ilia ileitis should not be cut ulf toe sliori, and that If possible a isn't lloa.r should he put into sarli . lie. The eiy alway* Is, "Uive ue luinetning with a smell, plo .se I" 1 be uext distribution day will be Thursday, tue bib. 'lllfi "BROKEN BANKER." A few weeks ago the extreme destitution of the family of a gentioiuan who was up to quite a recent dute In tbo cujoyinonl ot ao ample lertuno was csllod to the public attention through the Hxrald His caee Is one that daserves tho consideration ol the well to do who aro charitably Inclined, Investigation bar ing shown thul the story ol his past wealth aim ot liie prexont d'strnsa is but too true. At one unto lie Was a rogulur auil llm ral contributor to the luuda ol HI. John's Guild, which itsoll le uow unaob* to return his psxi liberality by genorous assistance. Ono small contribution was received st tho Hshalu ofllco for the distressed faintly some weeks ago and yosterday $2 was received lb a nolo signed "K. \V." C'oiilribut.ous lor Iho reinf ol tho family reenivo.l at this ofllce will be prompity forwarded to the "Urokun Hunker." DEATH OF LEAMINGTON. The Sire of Emjuirer, Lynchburg, Litthlou, Longfellow, Reform and Parole. AT CHESTNUT HILL, PHILADELPHIA. The grand thoroughbred racehorse and sire, Leam ington, died at the home of his owner, Mr. A. Welch, Chestnut Utll, Philadelphia, yesterday morning. Un til a fow moment* beioro his deuth the horse appear* J to be in the most robust health. Ills destu. It is thought, must huvo boou occasioned clthor by apo plexy or rupturo ol the heart. Leuminglon was foaled tn lS&asnd st the time ol his death was twenty-live years old. . Leamiugiun was bred by Mr. llallord, ol England, and imported to America la ISO! by R. W. Cameron, ol Cliitou Stud Karat, tSlaleu Island, N. Y. llo was sired by Pnugb a-BuItagb; first dam by l'mitsloou ; second Jam Daphne, by Laurel; third dutn Maid of Honor, by Champion; lourtli dam Etiquette, by Urviilu; tilth dutu Bond icon, by Alexander; sixth dam Urunotte, by Ancestor Burling; ninth dntn by Grassboppor; tenth darn oy Sir M. Newton's Arabian; oleventti dam by Pert; twolitu dam by St. Marllua; th-.rloeulb dam by Sir E. Halo's Arabian; lourlocnth dam tbo Did Plcld mare. Paugn-n itallugli, tho sire ol I.oaimngton, broJ by Mr. G. Knox, in 1841, was a lull brotbsr to tbo celebrated Irish llirdcaichcr, by Sir llerculos, out ot Gucctoll, by Bob Booty; Plight, by Irish Kscipe; Young Hero ine, bv Bsgot; Heroine (Tom l'url's Usui), by liero; Suup, stsi.-r to Hogulus. The Psutaloon mare, llio dam ol Leamington, had no turl career; but as a brood raaro she produced scvoo others bosldos Leam ington. Lcamluglon was a dark brown horse, lull sixteen bunds and an men In tiotghl. Ho had abeautilul head and ueck, lino eyts and good shoulders, lino back, grout leugth, and was as perfect iroin tbo point of tbe bin to the whlrlbouo, und from tbcnce back to the bock, as sny borso In tbo country. With a very round barrol, it gave him tbo appoarsuce of having a light middle ploce. His uind log was a pattern, aud be was best there, where many ol tho Engli-'h borsos are dcUclont. Ho had most excellent none, und this bo transmuted to m isl of his offspring. Ills right bind fool, Irom tbo boot to the pastern, was white, and a large whtto star set oO his cxprosalvo and blood-llko head. Soon after his arrival In this couutry Mr. Cameron sont him over to the Passaic race courso nt l'atersou, and although bo showed tbo sovcrity ol the sea voyage which he bad undcrgono ho was universally proclaimed the best specimen ot a high class race horse that ever appeared lu this section of tbo country. There were a groat rnauy horsemen Irom the South aud Wostnl the tinio, and comparisons were made between him and Gien coo. Leviuinan, Sovereign, Yorkshire, Albion, Mar grave aud outer importations; but the best judges wbe bod seen tbe others all gave tbe palm to Leam ington. Leamington began bis racing career as a two-year old at Warwick, MarcU 10. 185o, and this was a wiu. Pour other races were run by him, scoriug tbreo misses aud a wto. Ho ran ten times as a three-year old, live times as a lour-yeur old, ouco us a Qvc-year old und three times as a six-year-old. Ho started tweuty-four limes, won eight, lost sixteen and paid lut'lclt <ni' o. His total wiuuiuga ou tbo turl wuro ?0,800. Leamiuglou went to (no stud In 1*00, nnd made tbo teasous ol 180O, '01, 'OH, '00, '01 and 'Oil at Kswclin Paddocks. Tbo Oral ol ills get npp'-urcd in' 1MJ3, three of llieiu running four races, la 1004 he had tmrtoon winners, who wou thlrty-ibroo races; 1*05, eleven winners, who wou lllteeu races; 1807, til teen winuers, who won twenty.eight ruces; 1808, tou win. ncrs, who won nlnoluon races, und lu 1800 live win ners who wou nine races, 'the following euinpriso ?onto ol Ills principal winners lu EuglaudCoup d'Etat, Catalogue, Procelln, Tarlatan, Bella, Olun Quoen, Hark Purwurd, Lady ot Coverdnio. Lady Bolton, Lady Warwick, Ltnce-ier Lemonude, Queen of Crystal, Warwick, lloleoo, Puzroy, Portanatus, Lady uou stance, Bird of Eve, chelteniium, Coru, Pureign Siutnp, Lady Eaton, Rebecca, Kuporru, Variation, Catiline, Esmeralda, Hetlub, aciplo, Thankful, Avon, Hullo ol Warwick, Citron, Haymaker, Miss Thco and Percussion. Mr. R. W. Cameron purchased Leamington after the season ot 1800, irom the KawclHlo Company, tor ?1,876, and had htm brought ovor tne earn* semen In the steamship Ccllu, Irom London, Ho made his tlrst seaaoii in Kentucky, ai too Itarqce lionttu Stud Parm of General A. Uulord, at I'dOO. Alter thai Beaton In Kontucky bo was brought North und stood the seasons ol 1807, 1808 and lMIU at Clllton Stud Purm, on Blateu 1-luiid. lu the lull ol 18bU Mr. Cumorou solil Learning, ton to Mr. A. Welch. He uiade the season ol 1870 at Patcraou. Prom that time to tho present Lentuiugton has hud his home at Chestnut fliII. near Philadelphia, where, with u limited nniuberor good mares, bo has made bm name lumous in the laud. The death or this horse, although n serious loan to Mr, Welch, will not mil so heavily, as he has three gallant sous to take tho place ol the old lieio on the faiin. Theso are Koionn, James A. und Lyttleion. They aro u great luinlly of wionora. During seven years there has beeu scarcely a stako run in ibis seo lion ol country that bus uot had a Leamington iu It, nnd thoy huvo always boon dangerous at tho finish. 'JliOlTING AT TAIiKVILLE, L. I. Tbo opening day alHrookiyn Driving Park, Park viilo, L. yesterday, was a brilliant success undor tho management ol the well known trainer and driver, 11 train W. Howe. Tticro was a good attendance to witness llio iroi ting, whloh was lor a parse of $60, Hollo of Abcrdoen, Clara Uorris and General being tbo starters. Tbo weaibor during tbo afternoon was (lno and tho trotting, as a whole, was very respect able, nearly every beat being closely contested; so closo, Indeed, was tbo race tbst it took no le?a than live louts to decide It In favor ol (.rnernl, be inking thu first, third and ftltti beats and tbo r.ica Clara Morris won iha other two heats. Tbo lollowiug is tbo ICtUST. I!rooki.vm 1'akk, pARkVlI.l.t:, L. Trot TIM)?MoMIAV, May 0, lv.i7?l'ur.r $60; id 11 -? ho it.; ino livst three in five; in harness; (40 to first atid fiO to tbo second. Starters. 0. Mace's blk. s General 12 12 1 W. M Mahou'a br. us. Clara Morris.... 2 12 12 1*. rawlln.sbr. m Boiloel Aberdesa.. 3 3 3 dr. TIMS. Qaarttr. fftK Mile. First bent 46 1:2$ 2:44 Second 41)4 l:?l 3:46*$ Third best 42)4 1:21 2:44)4 Fourth heat 41'4 1:22 2:46 Filth beat 41 )s 1 .'21)4 3:10)4 TitOTTlNa IN NEW JEIiSEi'. A lew ol Iba old time lovrrr of Iroltlog assembled at lb" opening of tlio West Side Driving Park, New Jersey, yesterday afternoon, in tvitoesii tne two events announced to come off. Those woro a purse ol f 100 lor lb roe minute class and a sweepstakes ol (76 for running liorsc*. T. Kugan ft Co. sre now tho managers of the pi.rk, as thoy have tnkon a lease of tbo grounds for live yeais. The park but been much improved under the n< w management, and all is now In roiidmess lur the spring hi cling, winch takes place on Thursday, i the tub tusk, und cnoiintiea three days. 1 uree cobt< stunts cumo lor tne word is lbs trotting, aud these were: ?Hay gelding du i, brown Reining ! ttmtnss and brown mure l.auy Curry. I'hn race fell ! to 'I nomas, Who ouitroltod tlie others, but only alter a dCuperam struggle, us Ou t was at bis wbeei every neut und i.ndy Curry s guod tmrd. In tbc running race, ball mile beats, best three in Ave, sorrel gelding Ansa, bay gelding Dan O'i onneil and gray gelding Pat Jli.iney started. ! tie brat und second hells were captured hv Alias, Iu wbloh Dun U'Counell pressed huu bard. In the third beat only two started, as Dso O'GsSSOfl Was Withdraw St The hi it ubd rsoe woro lakoii by aiiin by six lengths from I'et llovney. Ibe lellowlng are thn hum ami us WRMt Diuk Diiivimi Park N. J ?i'rottiso amu III s*i?u?Momiav, M iV ?>, 1B7H ?Tunc ? loo, uivllo.i; (60 to the iirsi horse, $30 to tho stcoud, und (2d to tne third; lor 3:W clues; mile hems; iho best Hires in live; in haruess. Starlert. R Colo's b. g. Thomas Ill P. Manna's Ik g. Oua 2 2 2 A. Curry's b. tu. L.idy in fry 3 3 3 1 runt Qmn tr.r, llilj Mile. First bent 46 1:26 2 3 ."Second Ileal 4d 1:27 U:.<2 Third heat 46)4 1:27)4 2:64V Hk KM so ??a Ms Da v?sweups'.nk's oi $76, ball nine heats; best lb ret in live, dutch wolghis. Starter/, W. lliirmann'a a. g. Atlas Ill ? Maniey's g. g. I'nl I'.oonov 3 3 2 J. henry's b. g. Dan OConnoll 2 2 dr 71 me, 1:01?1:0?? 1:04. DAHEJ3ALL NOTE* Quito s large number ol spoetalora assembled at Pro-poet Park yesterday alternooo to witnoas tbo re turn match st baseball between the handball players ol Casey's court and those ol Cortoey's court. As both courts have some very Hue baseball players connected with them tho gareo proved to be oloee end interesting, Cortuoy's side winning by a score ol H lo 4, The Yale University nine doinaied the Monitors, Ol Wateroury. iaatordsy, by a rrore ol 6 to $ At Indianapolis on Hutarday ibe Cnioaaos d? I rated the Indian -pulis Club, by a score ol 4 tel. lo-duv tbc CbicMroes and CiMihnstls ohiv st Cincis iSSSKTSy Crickets anil l.ive Oaks, i ) ? jjyracuac; l...wolle. a. Low. II; I? ??w* *?<??'* "vc|and end Springfield iuu 11"||? It. Ja I - ^Ui| y, riUon. at Kothreier. at U ivetaoil, NewM uroeupoinl. New Baton, aud Skipper and star, at o"-? t yachting notes. Yacbt Agues, A.Y.a. Mr. Thsycr. tw? No- Yortj. pa?iod tb? IIkhalu nuiion at Wblt?Uon 7 forenoon, en route to Gleowood. U I. A crowd ol people wer? collected in the jrv bo?i boa?o ofr. J. U F-.tb, at Ka.t Providence. U I ou Saturday morning, May 4, ?l?o has lor somo yacht Carina, for Dr. S.mou Borden, of t TU. dtlueusious ol the boat arc as ?M leet ? ,nchr;^ 8 hot; dcjtb ?#l?? ? inches, and la about . * touiniriu . p ^ s^rqp^:w&rss?sii SKwrMss "Ukzazjz: ^^S^^jsc^rjsjrst ?.? entirely succusnlUl, a party ?? ?^ Mr smith P iwtucket,0'*' tho l?2fKwb,cU ui-'ia adamg a^ai dtw.n .c.el mak Lro^l"lu.'.-a.n. ro. ^l^^tr^^r^o.^/.o^ora. lor red to. THE HANLAN-l'LAISTED RACE. Ths last deposit ol $1,000 In ibo Uaulan-Nimted .culling race was posted yctlerday at the tUpper Sc. The money L now all op, and will ?l once be forwarded to ll,o Mayor ^ ^".'a dUfa?cobolng two miles EtJI 'litaway. ATHLETICS AT (JILilOHES GARDEN. Iho very last athletic meeting ?? the season at OH moro'a Gardsn will t.k. plaoo under dlrcctlou of Billy Kdwards next Thursday evening. tve.y oOort Will bo used to make thin a fitting wml up lor IU sea .11 ,t>. priockp.l "I ''""''J'1"' being in lull pugilistic uullorna. BARN EYFERRON'S murderer. JOHN n. WBIOll* CONFKS?88 HI8 CRlM* AND 18 It BCD FOB TIIK CIUAND JUKI?H1B BTATB MENT TO A nEKAED BEPOBTEB. John H. Wright, tho soll-confussed tnurdcrcr ol Bernard Ferron, tuo hoalman, was taken to 1 Headquarters, in the Urooklyu Municipal Building, yesterday forenoon, in charge ol his captors, C .plain Ro.lly of the Eleventh prcolnct, and Detectives ? '? ? ??r- , Ca.pb.ii >? p??"' "" taken 10 tho photogrsphcr's, whore an excellent picture ol h.m was obtained lor the Ungues' Gallery. Wright was then e?nWi l? a carriage to tho First District Court, corusr of Court and Butler streets, where he was lollowed by a crowd of curious people. The prisoner was somewhat nor vous at first, but speedily regained h.a ""P*"" wnou ho was brought botoro ibo bar to plosd ro-xA tliu chargu and eomplainl, which Judgo Ferry read the cuargo ??? p (|J(oriuu. wasmadobyOspiaiu bdwmd Uot y^hnP & Wll(jUl tluu and boltur and ^ ^ ln;l|iciousiy, with wilb having Ialootously, - |jurUard Ferroo ou K ^diau M?., an/U .ol.oweu the suit lo^a livelihood ror the pas ^ou- straoi Jail. Tho lormally co">?'lJ?l, ?vod utr hairod "down tasl" ?i:,s ?" N0.6, w.u, ( w(lh a Th rtSTrc^cr^y^v^ibe d^'h. ^levh'c ' tory cou ^cOTrW^ot? and boweruioOnB board lire I 0^^ToMt'o"lpurcnaso pr'ovHion?,lleav"ng gel to go to New York o | ihrce drinks h.m (Wright) "aVke,,t ,n ?^ m ne-. room and ol tho gin which wua kG'* . Ul0 p.ntry when was engaged in clsuuiug uniirouthiiig him ?unl, Fsrron cum ou hoard, uu P,{ imdadrtuicof gin .?Hello, how are you PHdayt |B, whor0 together, alter w^c i n wnPlrtJ lo buy bo took u seal. *?"?? bm Wright would some eolfeo vlurl1^? , j lh0 decuastd, ac not soil it. ??>">? bit at inn latter cording to tho prisoner ? suiuyM., ? ,n toon b#4 ? but am not strike nun. breaking ioosu airucit him ,SS\lX^St tart ihku"Jk*J -Sf&a-uw SvSV? SSjps'As-fjsariia crash, ainl as no c . . . b?q dons 1 was tor "'?'fr'r rrr,?~ sir:!;. ?*? ?? bag Willi lrou, lABi n h-j did ool piae? any drupiwd u ovotijoard. 4 Uwl lel| ro,.o in the mcuih ^ ^o^r' throwing tho body bo!Lil0?'?o t^ok?? from "?s imcket. Uo then overiioard no toon ?ao ? rogurucd to the a^tK^-Sr.-aiSTKi ,u?tt 1 ?ir.w pan,., ye, r.r.n"i,rsSuw??..?; ?x'".'",::". his power to furnish in tho ca?c. CAPTAIN 8UI1 ii'S ASSAILANT. l'utrolcman Worn* m-fleruab, ol lb* t'irK precinct, Brooklyn, **t10, ou Sunday U?l, uttempled to murder Captain Joel Smith, al llto Wuabiugtou atraet at moo bouse, by shooting at bint twice, waa yeaietday ar ralgnod bolora Police Juatlco W'ulah, In tho baaomooi ol tbo City Mall, 'lhe court room waa crowded by police ofllcora and idle poiltluluaa, who wara aitbor M tomato J iu lha disposition ol the cuae or war* prompted to put iu au uppu.rituco through curiosity, the prtaocer, who waa Iu an tXceodlugly uervouacuu ditiou, evidently tbo n?uH ol racoat dissipation, ap peared wild aud excited. He Wad u Hired in auizeae' clot hot, as uu superior* would not longer permit niut to wear lbs uulloria ol tlie ioree. When Jud?o VVal u bad dispoacu ol tbo uaual lengthy roil ol Mosdiiy morn ink urunkardaauu assault m u i>att?ry ??>*** He ih-r. uau waa brought imia tbo "prison pen" aud arraigned balorn the bar. foiled Coinhilraioner Colonel Koduuy C. \> ard, Sergeant W al-li and I'airnliuoa It way, UI at oc ? lou unit Quiiiu warn prosout IIM Judge, add fees tag tno prtroncr, mini, after reading the ch irgu ol "assault Willi in tout 10 km," "Y?u oe? i not atiawcr ine qui ?? tlon II you don't a .ah. '* ftrfleruMi ?aiJ, "Oti, I have noihiug to fin) ." Uu tlio voluntary I'Xanilu.iiiou ho r< plt'id:?" I am tliiriy-sevuu yuan ot uk I ??> bom iu lb# city <>i Brooklyn, and liva at S?. 11 L.iwreuca sin?t, but," ho addao, "I auppoae tuy I aw try are turucd out now, i liatrc Ion tbe polio* eignt year ." ?'Are you guilty ol ilie cnurgu, or do you want conned T ' It <|Uir< n Judge W'ulsli. "I don't w mi ouunevi," answered tho pris- ncr, "I'll plead guilty ol tho charge ol aaaaultwuu intunl to kite " I Uu Court thou commttlod the prieoucr to a wait ibe Bctmn ol me (.rand Jury. Oaptuiu Smith waa inui li r-aslur yeaterday, and h a pity icmno aro bopeiul ol lint ultimate complete re cotcry. A P11IZ:. TACK AOS FlENI). ( niter Cole, ol the Steamboat Squid, led a youth to tbe bar ol the loin a I'oliot Court >eeicrday m d ?pre id a naodlul ol inouey ami a nuiubi>r ol anvolopra oo the iieak belore tno Judge. Two aunburnt, boncat-looking country lad* lollowed on and t-cpiatued to tbe Judiro I bat tbey had come Iro n Oneula county on a canal bout, aud that uaorga Peterson, tbe pna ouor, bad npproac'icd tin in on pior 7, Hut Kivtr, and ollorod Hiem luudry priao packsgta lor nolo at lliu r>-uaouuble mla ol llltr oi-nta each. Iu ode of these pr so packagi a, be iiaaurad tbaui, 17 iawlul uioauy waa encioa< d, and may bad thereupon put in lor a pool ?'J each and bad purabaaed eight ol tba park uiiea, one ol whicb, l'eiaraou told ttium, waa tu?*i eea dollar one. "lint ibcra wasn't any monoy In'em," said John Campbell, tin; elder lad, ? aruaetly. "And you thought you were going logat $7 lor $41" aaked iha Justice. ??Why, yon, he said *o," aald tba lad, simply. "Judge, I didn't tall 'utu there wis j.7 in tba puck* ego. 1 enured to bet $.'?0 to f 10 that there waa " "You ilia, ah. Wall, you're a man boy. You'll got to Siog ding some day without any doubt. Ju-i keep right on. Them's nothing to pr?r<iit yet," said iho Judge, sod he plukod out $4 Irotn tbe pile ol money, giving It to lha two lade alio directing uu aflldnvlt of the lacta to !)? made. Hoaidaa the mouay ho gave litem aome good advice, uhd altar PtMrson uad paid a flaa at $U mc trio weut chair aeyeral warm DEADLY DEBAUCH. Three Insane Women Mix Chloroform with Their Ale. "PRIVILEGED PATIENT!!" ?N TUB IKL1S1. Two of Them Dead and the Third S'owly Recovering. Tho bodtef of Mary Jans Brackenand Julia nogaii lay it. the dead house attached to tho Luetic A,y.B?n on Biactiwell's Island yestcrduy. They bad died Irom drinking chlorolorm procurod iroin ibo drug aloru ol thai ium111uiion. la room 'Jri, hill No. 3, Anoo llan u ibitti, alio bad obtained tho pomoo, beliovm* It lobe a hottlo of "something good," as alio expressed It, aod who bad iiivue l ibo ottn-rs to join nor in iba lar wasauil, wai seriously ill, but progressing toward re covery. All three womeu wero tumatcs ol the aay luut?patients whole insanity w?? of a eery mild type and who woro so lur oouvaioscont b? to bo em ployed lor tLo dltchnrgo ol var.ons light duties. lhoy had provloualy boon Workhooso pstionis, wero cot un acquainted with prisou discipline, and In (ormcr days, w 1,011 tucir opportunities woro moro amplo and tbair resources larger, had been ol Intemperate habit*. I'KIVtLEUBD PATIXXTA. Anno hannanao, tho survivor, is some sixty yoara oi age; M irv Jane Bracken was bctwoen fltty-Ove and sixty, and Julia Hogan was uo tnoro than thiriy-foar yours or ugc. Tna portion ol tho Lunatic Asylum of which they wero Inmates la occupied by tho milder class ol Icmalo patients, and among those the three women named were so little alTcciod by dementia ol to bo employed lu various household duties. Anna HaiiuaUan and Mary Jano Bracken wore engaged aa general helper*, and Julia llogau waited at tho table ol the steward, Mr Joralomon. It Is tho custom In tho uhylum to (uruisb some ot tho convalescing pa tients with stimulant* suited to Ibclr noods, and Anue Huunahau wus ono of those who came within Its operation. She received every day a ration ol ale, put up In a pint botllo. Tno rations were put up in the drug store or ofllco and woro rangod along outaldo a high counter. They were usually carrlod round to tho rooms ol the patients entitled to thorn; but It ie cortain that Anno Bouuuhan aud an other woman named Anno Kavanagb were permuted to coiue to tlto store ana carry tliora away with them. Tho drug moro stands to tno rlgbt ol tho hall, Just In st do tno enirauco to tho building. It I* an ordinary room, almost square, and contains a number ol ahclvci ou the sido opposite the entrance. On tbesn shelves stand bottles ol medicines dnly labelled and arranged, and, In lact, the usual lurutsblug of an apotboeary'a laboratory. Tno druggist In charge la Mr. Hugh H. Hagnu. aud between Utrn and the people whose busiucss or whoso privilege brings them Into ibo rooiu b a higb counter. HOW THE CHLOROFORM WAS STOLEN. Anne Hanuahan must Uavo boon among the prlvL Iceod. There was certainly no written or spoken Isw on the subject, bat custom had given her rights, and sho iiau never been conlronled by prehio.tioa. Oa tho umruing ol l?si Saturday tho rstlous ol ?>' ***** r iiipcd alone the counter on the ooiEide, and Adee Ua.tulu.1csm. tot.ko away her Mr H.g.n wis making up u prescription and Bad hla bsck turned and his *a*isiuui, Mr. Cassid.v, was gettiug ready ' lor the distribution ol tns ratlons aud hud nls attouliou directed from the woman who colored tho room. Although tho Ini rood iato ooject ol her attention wae tho pint bottle ol ale at tho botloin ol tho countor, her evo was attracted and X'bly MrimHtMlKin Uxod by one of ???*".1 bottles whlcb etood on lie top It was s blue sixteen ounce botllo which had uevoi been breeched, ?nd >h? Sol which was now tied down and secnr.d w lU tmrcbincnl Hor dlses.oil lancy associated tl with s lortner mvorite stint ulnnt. Bud probably thoold passion c uno oack to hor. At all eveuts sho called It gin and slipped it uudor hor npron. W UKlt 1BVITBU BCMTB she earned ber ale out with her also, and going up stairs to ball No. 3 mot Mary Jans Bracken, her *?*?"?? initio whom sho iuviUU to purtsku ol soroothlag tMiod.'" Mary Jane was doliglited to accept the invita tion and jouruoylng up stairs still further they entered a bathroom, where tlwy fo""* J?"? ?u?an suo too was cusrmod by tne ooruisl iBvimuoo, sod ?ho wassitll in wblcb 6oalb poured out ho lins none wa? begun Tney mixed tno ?*ndly dr*J with tho ale to givo the latter potency, end tho ale lulfllled tho condition ol Increasing the voleroo ot tnslr beverage. lhoy drsuk deeply, and their ghostly carouse being ovor, tuoy wont tnoir .ilUoreot ways.. 1lb* drug did not tako clteci immediately, andMr. I, g' the druggist, says that Anna Hannsbau brought naOE tho crapiy cnolorolorta nottio nearly two hours lator. Buying that ho hoa given hor poison and that sho had u'o'fo it into tho sink. llotnon.m.l^h.rbWWstfc, hut did not, ho suy-i, doled the odor ol chloroform. tbk fatal tvrtcrs Saturday afternoon Is generally ? dnll time IB the Institution, and it is tho cu.teui ol Ur W illism W. strew, tno utodioal supsftutendont, to take'?***?**?? ol tho lull lu bustneas, go ovor by one ol the boat'. to tho city ana do hie markeuug in Fulton M?rkot. llo loliowed bis usual practlos on 11-is occafion. Mr. Jorakuion, the ?'???J"'J* and his wile Were ales, away, but Mrs. MacDonatd, bid uiotnor-iu-law, remained at homo to look after "ouem. hold affair,. Jena llog.n, who waited oa>'?or "**''* Ber. Sal observed to bo unusually dslland drowsy, aud about oua o'clock afco ehppod away and wool so her room. Moanwhlto tho nursae la hall No. Juo ticed tm.t Auno UanuaUaii and Mary Jaue Ur"**** were acting very strangely, tho general appeersncB being suon as would bo produced br intnXieailoO. llr Strew s utstalauts woio called 10 sou Ihatu. and Ur! Newman, wrn, came tlrst, delected.ho chlorolorm. llo and Ur*. Uowou and lllneklcy ihM la- -an uu investigaiiou. 1'hoy wont to the erug store am. learned iron, tno druggist tUst tno botUo ol cnlorolurm n?d neon It was now plain that tho tbree women had drunk of its contents. Thu nailouts grow rapidly worso, ami when Of. a rc w rciurnod Iroin nl-, markoung hslound hii throe a>IiJtaui* in tneir sn.rt ..-vo. iMor.Bg ali vhesr luiclit to BlBinWiB srliUeial respiration aud keen'tip tno heart's action lu the unior unaio women. Jul ? ip,g,iu si- petiecUy stupid aud seoinoUas II she wmvilkt n?f Uvo fllteen minute.. Kvcry means ... trmd iB re-tore them or at least to prolong their Uvea ATI* UciaI reapiralton, Irlciion, ciestrlcilj, were all brougra into rin unit mo, hut i wn ol the women-Julia Hogan and .M.ry Jaue lliacken?were beyond the resoh ol anibioies. I be eOortn to uave lUem were sept up aM turou-'h tho night, and at cubl o clock on Suuday mornmg, while Ur. strew wus .Hllug beside Jelia lit,* ,n tho heart's set Ion ceased altogether. M?ry' Jaue lif.ickcn still llugered. Sue had lormeiif 0 "n SI.-peptic patisul and in her cose resorted to heroic romodics. She w?* ireslod irocly ? lib stimulai,!*, the beet French brandy nelng sd iniuiilcrciii bui wt uboui onu o'clocfc ioute 111 ' mIiO ton. KUCCUIDOOils Auni: UabuaiiOO, mo cause ol thie dual uuus?er, still lives, and, although sho bus had some uu tcks ci uervou* rigor, Ur. dtrew believes mat bIjb wbl survive. As sbo lay in ner bed yotterOay she ,r,.go quite rationally and toll how l.tal r'.Oght lu the lutihrooin. dhs appeared to ItavB Implicit laitB in the power ol the Uactor to save nor X. The most prominent does o. ihspcisonrng Waio violent pursing and vomitieg tu ..II ihroo ease^ WUKHK I'OLS HIS BLAMk Lit . till* n tho simple story ol in. case. mi-siooersoi tonfilios aud Correeimo will be upon io s.y w lieilier permitting ? pstisnt at all tenoned wuh insanity to rater me erst#******* r,,ain ?t I irgo tnruugu tho building i# consistent wi*h proper care, -uu or ? hotile ol . dsngcrnn. dlug staniiins ?o the top ol me euunter iron, watch \ e it b? ic .dilv purloined cau ho said to bo lUlUcu-utiy "lilpui'y torem r t eal,man made a post-mortem ex abnnailuu el bulb bodies and loend to have been . nosed by cliierolorin polsoaing. No blQcial ?Xj aniiB.itp-a ??io ?bt cireemstannee w.ll be muds na.U lliursday moruing atxl, wu?o an mquost w.ll be helB. P1CUIC ACID I'UiaONiNG. An loiuest w.?* hald yratcrday Into ibo cause of lha death ol Mary Ann Dough* rty, twelve yaare ol age, who died on Marah 2) under ciroamstsncot which lad to Ui? belnl Iku al?a bad bean poisoned by ibo ik* aor|>uoo of picric acid need in iba coloring of aruflcial laavri and gneae* m Uia f ir.lory whora aba bad baan ouipin) o<k The uaramr'a jury daiormioad that mo c.iuoa ol uontb viaa oiacaan ul Iba llr?r, Bulimy* and lung*, whicu may have bean aoeelermed by ina *0 *?r|>tiou ol pkttiu acid |xii>oaiug u*ed lu the coloring ol aritAtlel, leave* anil grae?ee. <od recoin uioodeu lliat Iba Hoard ol Health inaka t lamination 01 ail lacioriaa whore poi*otiou* iiigridicnta ara used, and report llic pliyalologiaal aud pathological eileoM ?I aucb mgrauieuta THE MAKIlLh CLMEiEUV. Tha annual meotlog of tba vault ownara In tba Nam York City Marbia ( ewotery. In Second atraal, lor IM purpoeo ol alacting live truaiara lor ibo antuisg year, ara* bald yaatarday at No. Sua tront otrect. Tba let. lowing gentleman wero chosen :?Cbnrlrn J. Hawaii* Tiioiiiaa Kiomiug. Henry Day, Howard Wiley and Anaoti linker. Daring ma peat year ibora ware forty-two la tar. nirnt* ami tight removal*, ibo cummer) la otrtetlf privala, under the < outrol ol no i>articuiiir rant or uanomloati in, ana upon it* mouumaola nad tablata ar>< luaerioad the aatnaa ol many of tba moat lionorod i ml reepci.tad laouim* of Una any. It la the on if corpcrat ion wbiab afford* lac i lit lea to tba pablia lor temporary interment. I'raaldant Monroe raatad iu tin vault* inr iwaniy-stwn years, and they now-bolu thb hud* nl weuerai i'noa, ai l'raatdaat M l'aro.